Luke Stark

Profil AI Expert

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IA Ethique
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Occupation actuelle: 
Professeur, Université d'Ontario Auteur
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Professeur en sciences de l'information et des médias, les recherches de Luke se concentrent sur l'étude des impacts éthiques, historiques et sociaux des technologies informatiques comme l'intelligence artificielle et l'apprentissage automatique. Il est fasciné par la manière dont ces technologies interviennent dans l’expression sociale et émotionnelle et remodèlent nos relations. ll a écrit le livre qui est qualifié par l'expert Dr Gillar comme étant le "Plutonium de l'IA" dont le nom est 'Ordering Emotion: Histories of Computing and Human Feelings from Cybernetics to AI", qui décrit l' histoire de l'informatique, de la cybernétique des années 1950 aux plateformes de médias sociaux d'aujourd'hui. Luke a été sélectionné pour les Google scholarship Award mais à décliné l'offre suite aux diverses controverses éthique de chez google.

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Les derniers messages de l'Expert:

2021-09-09 01:26:58 RT @Sifill_LDF: We love you. #StarTrekDay 2021-09-09 00:44:45 RT @MsKellyMHayes: DS9 time. Tonight, I'm watching two of the most politically radical episodes in Trek history: Past Tense parts I and II.… 2021-09-09 00:30:25 I love Stickies 2021-09-09 00:08:04 RT @tony_zy: In the past 4 months, I've buried myself in creating this short doc on China's stunning underground queer ballroom scene. Ther… 2021-09-09 00:07:23 RT @drvolts: For whatever reason, the US media desperately resists the idea that we can have nice things. The frame -- austerity=Serious 2021-09-08 23:58:02 RT @jillpromoli: We've been here before. The 2006 election cost Canada a national childcare plan, and that has made life harder for familie… 2021-09-08 23:16:54 RT @DFisman: Guys, regular use of rapid tests in low prevalence settings is so dumb that only deep-pocketed movie production companies, pro… 2021-09-08 23:09:39 RT @DFisman: … 2021-09-08 23:07:23 RT @Taniel: Public officials have agreed to put the police above rules, and then perpetuate and compound those arrangements, and then to ac… 2021-09-08 22:13:54 RT @PopTechWorks: Who besides Dan J. Siegel is doing interesting work on interpersonal neurobiology? Looking specifically for women/femme a… 2021-09-08 22:13:00 RT @libshipwreck: I’m sorry but if you wanted a good job you should have studied something more useful in college like how to more effectiv… 2021-09-08 22:12:05 RT @QueerinAI: Check out our website to learn more about us, our initiatives, and how you can stay in touch + keep up to date with what we… 2021-09-08 22:12:01 RT @QueerinAI: We aim to make progress in uplifting + centering the voices of minoritized queer communities, esp. transgender and non-binar… 2021-09-08 22:11:57 RT @QueerinAI: Queer in AI is a nonprofit organization that was established with the mission to make the AI community a safe and inclusive… 2021-09-08 22:10:35 RT @medieninitiativ: Job: 4.5-year postdoc position in the "Configurations of Film" group at Goethe-Universität-Frankfurt! Applications due… 2021-09-08 22:09:21 RT @davekarpf: One reason why I write a lot less than Bret Stephens is that I have this little, nagging voice in my head asking questions l… 2021-09-08 22:08:45 RT @PessimistsArc: Writer in 1875: “These fuckwits are STILL against vaccination?!” 2021-09-08 21:47:47 RT @BrooksFallis: Is plan to “live with COVID” b/c we’re frustrated that giving 1st generation vax to 65% of total population didn’t end pa… 2021-09-08 19:52:58 RT @drvolts: Remember when an Exxon lobbyist said on camera that they have weekly check-ins with Manchin's office? Has anyone even asked Ma… 2021-09-08 19:50:40 RT @Beth_macshack: Jam-packed classrooms send the message that things are fine and distancing doesn’t matter. Plexiglass prof-tectors send… 2021-09-08 19:41:01 RT @mer__edith: Microsoft and especially MSR workers, hoping to hear from you on this! 2021-09-08 19:40:20 @tamigraph @BezaMerid Just the first round! 2021-09-08 19:37:31 @BezaMerid @tamigraph T is definitely paying 2021-09-08 19:17:10 RT @newrepublic: It’s important to understand where the metaverse propaganda fits into Facebook’s plans—not least its plans for all of us—a… 2021-09-08 19:16:57 RT @drvolts: The press, having set about to demagogue Afghanistan as a way to damage Biden, celebrates its success while conveniently omitt… 2021-09-08 19:08:26 RT @histoftech: Script to call/email (calling is better): “I’m [a university employee/student/parent/whatever job title or ID you use] call… 2021-09-08 17:52:41 This is wildly exciting news for everyone involved. Congratulations @tamigraph! And can't wait for your book! 2021-09-08 17:52:12 RT @tamigraph: Some of you already know about this news, but on Monday, I'll officially be joining @melgregg at Intel, where I will be cond… 2021-09-08 17:52:04 RT @staybalanced_: I can’t believe some people are genuinely convinced people are poor because they don’t work hard enough. This life is a… 2021-09-08 17:39:10 RT @gabrielwinant: Can we get every academic on here talking about the 75% tenure-track instructional workforce requirement and how it's ac… 2021-09-08 17:38:49 RT @gmbutts: The CPC “Dine and Discover” policy is a copy of the “Eat Out to Help Out” policy that pretty clearly turned into a Covid 19 sp… 2021-09-08 17:07:05 @christyspackman I'll do my best! 2021-09-08 17:06:58 RT @christyspackman: Knowing @luke_stark, this is going to be an interesting conversation! 2021-09-08 17:06:13 RT @QueerinAI: Queer in AI and @OUTinSTEM are launching our '21 Grad School App Financial Aid Program. Applications and tests are expensiv… 2021-09-08 17:04:53 RT @reclaimuc: the university in the capitalist death machine 2021-09-08 16:33:07 Looking forward to being in conversation with @KMac_Martin next week! 2021-09-08 16:32:01 RT @techethicslab: Register here to join Dr. Stark and a slate of all-star speakers this semester: 2021-09-08 16:31:47 RT @techethicslab: On Monday, we kick off our fall #TECTalks speaker series on Technology and Power with our first guest, @luke_stark. Dr.… 2021-09-08 16:08:43 RT @maximoprado: #COVIDisAirborne plexiglass barrier will not do anything to protect students and professors. Better masking is required i… 2021-09-08 16:08:30 RT @DFisman: Hygiene theatre 2021-09-08 16:04:18 RT @digi_ad: Congrats @roboneutist and @valeppe! Thanks for having me and @GiladRosner on board. I’m now tucking into the excellent and ver… 2021-09-08 16:01:41 RT @FourWinns298: The only thing that changed since last year is another inept CMOH more worried about following the company line than prot… 2021-09-08 15:54:22 RT @AlexandraErin: It's a special kind of hell for representation when children are assumed to be too young to know about queerness but old… 2021-09-08 15:53:03 @priyakumar613 @McMasterU @VassB Hey, congrats - and welcome to Ontario! 2021-09-08 15:52:42 RT @priyakumar613: So happy to have joined @McMasterU as a Professor of Practice, for all things digital democracy, online hate, and inclu… 2021-09-08 15:50:51 RT @davies_will: Am suddenly reminded of this by Frederic Jameson from 2015, which seems to capture our predicament pretty well https://t.c… 2021-09-08 13:41:22 RT @rinewithoutacat: I appreciate that Judith Butler is more well-known than Jules Gleeson, but feels important to note the Guardian edit (… 2021-09-08 13:41:19 RT @rinewithoutacat: Also, Gleeson's new book (co-edited with Elle O'Rourke) looks really neat, and I look forward to reading it in the not… 2021-09-08 13:11:14 RT @AbeOudshoorn: The provincial government's approach to bleeding post-secondary dry affects nursing schools the same as everyone else. We… 2021-09-08 13:04:51 RT @Chanders: This, from @PinkNews, is the most complete accounting of the Butler / @guardian debacle, including a ticktock from @socialrep… 2021-09-08 13:00:27 RT @gmbutts: Meanwhile... 2021-09-08 12:54:18 RT @djleufer: Check out our blog on what the EU needs to do to make the AI Act work to protect human rights 2021-09-08 12:48:26 RT @ParkerMolloy: We’re living in Neil Postman’s nightmare, basically. 2021-09-08 12:47:11 RT @bschillace: “I’ve heard people remark that this sort of #vaccinehesitancy didn’t happen with the polio vaccine. It did. We just don’t r… 2021-09-08 12:35:02 RT @SabiVM: This is Canada. A young adult lost his life to a violent act of terror. This is the vitriol and racism that immigrants face in… 2021-09-08 12:31:34 RT @dr_cdeutsch: I often muse in class that we are living in a dark age since few if any of the records we are producing will survive for l… 2021-09-08 12:20:27 RT @adamkotsko: The censorship of Butler is an especially vivid instance of a broader trend -- despite the fact that trans people supposedl… 2021-09-08 12:08:59 RT @parismarx: Selling out Canadians to foreign telecom companies will only continue a longer term process of having telecom serve corporat… 2021-09-08 11:49:03 RT @DavidPaisley: If you're going to share the Judith Butler article, share this uncensored version. Judith Butler: "We need to rethink th… 2021-09-08 11:48:46 RT @imgrund: @TRyanGregory University kids partying? Why would they not? The university says they don’t need to physically distance any mor… 2021-09-08 11:42:34 RT @FrankPasquale: Good new angle on regulating AI hiring reliant on “emotion recognition” for assessing truthfulness.… 2021-09-08 11:18:32 RT @jathansadowski: Consider this alongside the Australian gov's higher education reform package entitled “Job-Ready Graduates,” which will… 2021-09-08 11:09:33 RT @perrybaconjr: This is useful context. The "reconciliation" bill is $3.5 trillion OVER 10 YEARS, which should be included in every story… 2021-09-08 11:04:47 RT @ddayen: Best part of the latest Manchin scoop is that he rubber stamped a ton of dynamic scoring in the bipartisan bill. Budget gimmic… 2021-09-08 01:30:31 RT @RedIsDead: Shout out to the Guardian editor who removed this section of the interview so hard it's the only part anybody's talking abou… 2021-09-08 00:06:13 RT @Eric_Carroll: Dear @COVIDSciOntario Sorry. You got played. Time to establish an independent advisory that does not have to worry ab… 2021-09-07 23:33:44 RT @doctaj: Here's the original, full Butler piece from today's Guardian. It's good! 2021-09-07 23:12:18 RT @ChristyCeeCK: At his presser, Dr. Moore didn't mention devastating modelling released by Science Table just last week. Six journalists… 2021-09-07 22:59:10 RT @DFisman: Ohai Ontario 2021-09-07 22:29:33 RT @HeerJeet: Prediction: there will be no cancel culture uproar over this. 2021-09-07 22:03:40 RT @FAccTConference: The CFP is coming soon, but we now have a paper deadline for #FAccT2022. Papers will be due *December 3*, for the conf… 2021-09-07 22:01:53 RT @ruchowdh: A follow up from our algorithmic bias bounty challenge and what we learned, by @Kyra_Yee and @if_peradejordi… 2021-09-07 21:54:49 RT @RKDasgupta: The Guardian censoring Judith Butler for calling Terfs fascists is all we need to know about their editorial policy. Finall… 2021-09-07 21:53:36 RT @Lady_Historian: Very strange to watch people discover the academic jobs crisis that most of us have been living with for years. We were… 2021-09-07 21:53:21 RT @profmusgrave: If there’s 0 jobs in entire subfields, then we are in fact beyond tweaks like lowering the numbering of graduate students… 2021-09-07 21:52:58 RT @SmithaKhorana: Not only are many of the subfields most attuned to critiquing tech being gutted, we need entirely new ways of approachin… 2021-09-07 21:36:46 RT @Stormymaryann: Port Albert ON a few minutes ago! #ONStorm 2021-09-07 21:17:05 RT @graceelavery: Let’s not forget: the anti-gender ideology actually *is* one of the dominant strains of fascism in our times. 2021-09-07 20:58:11 RT @cathmckenna: A reminder that day after day in Question Period, O'Toole & 2021-09-07 20:33:10 RT @clancynewyork: Excuse to add A.I. –– checking drinking age 2021-09-07 20:32:40 RT @Chanders: There now appears to be an anodyne and utterly unhelpful note: “This article was edited on 7 September 2021 to reflect develo… 2021-09-07 20:32:35 RT @Chanders: Here is the full cut via Diff Checker. 2021-09-07 20:18:06 RT @Lollardfish: Shaming antivaxxers is fun and easy and will not end the pandemic. What will end the pandemic is vaccine mandate, rapid te… 2021-09-07 20:14:00 RT @JakeAnbinder: We haven't fully reckoned yet with the minoritarian quality of the pandemic response. There has consistently been strong… 2021-09-07 20:10:12 RT @LMSacasas: It's not surprising but still kind of striking and a bit unsettling to watch an account on here coalesce/harden around a par… 2021-09-07 20:09:00 RT @Karnythia: At this point the only thing I want the government to hurry up and do is make sure kids under 12 can be vaccinated. 2021-09-07 20:08:35 RT @Karnythia: A lot of "The government should do" suggestions assume people trust the government. And for a host of reasons (some very val… 2021-09-07 20:04:51 RT @morganmpage: Absolutely bonkers that @guardian censored this part of Butler's interview *after* having published it. Where are the free… 2021-09-07 20:04:45 RT @hl_murray: Everyone’s all about free speech until Judith Butler criticises them. 2021-09-07 20:00:47 RT @mxwfx: Guardian deleted the part where Butler says “the anti-gender ideology is one of the dominant strains of fascism in our times” ht… 2021-09-07 20:00:37 RT @robin__craig: the section on terfs and fascism has now been edited out of the interview. clapped! 2021-09-07 19:57:10 RT @bradwouters: It is clearly of no benefit when not being used. Lets wait and see what happens when classrooms start closing next week ht… 2021-09-07 18:01:44 RT @gordperks: When did the bar get this low? 2021-09-07 18:01:36 RT @veenadubal: Our hearts are still broken. But thanks to the generosity of so many of you and a contribution from our family, we have e… 2021-09-07 17:51:12 RT @lizbmarquis: @blackgaygemini The history of psychometrics is full of dirty laundry 2021-09-07 17:21:21 RT @theodorajewell: There are a number of exciting new history of computing/data/information material out this fall! And a number of good a… 2021-09-07 16:59:02 RT @arjunsubgraph: .@QueerinAI's amazing community has translated our "How to Make Virtual Conferences Queer-Friendly: A Guide" into Hindi,… 2021-09-07 16:41:03 RT @Lady_Historian: FYI there haven't been any job listings for women's/gender history for 2 years running 2021-09-07 16:36:28 RT @yeselson: Correct. 2021-09-07 16:25:39 RT @BucciSays: Writing during a pandemic 2021-09-07 16:02:59 RT @theodorajewell: my piece on optimization, water algorithms, and the 1970s resistance and water policy work of the National Indian Youth… 2021-09-07 15:50:35 @MaxLiboiron @MEOPAR_NCE Congratulations!!! 2021-09-07 15:50:15 RT @MemorialU: Two esteemed members of @memorialhss are among the newest members of @RSCTheAcademies. Congratulations on your national hono… 2021-09-07 14:58:18 RT @nathansnewman: Any small hope Hochul was not going to be a nicer Cuomo clone favoring big-money interests just went out the window. Tr… 2021-09-07 13:18:22 RT @MaxLiboiron: Ps, yes you heard me right. ONE Inuk co-author. On science and pollution in the Arctic. Why the F are we invited "to the… 2021-09-07 13:17:10 RT @MaxLiboiron: Just went to cite a major, international report I worked on with 50+ other scientists about accountability in science in t… 2021-09-07 12:47:20 I see the Toronto Star is framing Erin O'Toole's shameless ability to lie about policy positions as an asset this morning... 2021-09-07 12:43:30 RT @Greene_DM: This is an extremely important point for labor politics. Something nurses and teachers have fought about frequently. And imp… 2021-09-07 11:50:33 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: It’s mid-September and according to the Jobs Wiki precisely ZERO jobs have been posted for full-time, tenure-track 20t… 2021-09-07 02:11:00 RT @NoLore: demand answers from the Liberal campaign: who is deciding this perimetre? Who is policing it? Who is responsible!? Because bein… 2021-09-07 02:10:56 RT @NoLore: my experiences. Except, it does. Because our events were to condemn Islamophobia. So yes, people should absolutely be critical… 2021-09-07 02:10:53 RT @NoLore: So I see these events where Trudeau is *right in front of these protester* and I"m like ... what in the fuck is going on here?… 2021-09-07 02:10:45 RT @NoLore: And if it's the case that police are to blame (which I have also seen major collapses of planned security protocols) we need to… 2021-09-07 02:06:09 RT @HCorderoGuzman: What some economists call “unskilled labor …” 2021-09-07 02:03:53 RT @chrislhayes: L’shana tovah 2021-09-07 02:02:19 RT @bruce_arthur: I think they’re afraid to tell people what they actually believe, while trying to win over people who don’t believe what… 2021-09-07 01:22:33 RT @bienmaspreciado: Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men was released fifteen years ago. It's bleak depictions of digitized biopolitics, parti… 2021-09-07 01:21:05 RT @gmbutts: Feels like this story is just starting to get told. If there was a deal between the gun lobby and the Conservatives, I’m betti… 2021-09-07 01:19:12 CPC must love protest coverage. Becomes story, not LPC message. Drowns out O'Toole's pandering and flip-flopping 2021-09-07 00:18:04 RT @jathansadowski: Talking with insurance workers, this trend toward labor consolidation and redundancy has been underway for a while. Fir… 2021-09-07 00:17:58 RT @jathansadowski: I suspect this "AI solution" for assessing vehicle damage works like shit. But that's not the point. The real reason Tr… 2021-09-07 00:16:28 RT @aselbst: So, we're going to wait till it's way too late to realize this is a problem and stop it, right? Yeah, I figured, just thought… 2021-09-06 23:57:36 Gilda Radner singing selections from Gilbert & 2021-09-06 23:26:47 RT @histoftech: “What was that? Is that noise normal? You know how this works, right? Oh thank god. They just sent me down here to be in th… 2021-09-06 23:26:42 RT @gnrosenberg: Independent of the "fascism question" and how to correctly analyze 1/6, everyone should recognize that Trump is definitely… 2021-09-06 23:23:35 RT @iamSas: Colleagues covering the Liberal campaign say Trudeau was indeed hit by the gravel (as were others, including journalists). 2021-09-06 23:00:16 RT @AbeOudshoorn: This is so disgusting. This has never been and will never be ok in Canadian politics. I don't care what you believe, no o… 2021-09-06 22:59:52 I flicked it off my leather jacket and it scuttled away across the subway platform 2021-09-06 22:57:06 RT @lilianedwards: Oh just ban emotion recognition in any public sector/law enforcement context already. This is an easy one, like not fret… 2021-09-06 22:57:00 RT @mario_gug: governments could be depending on emotion recognition to make faulty or disastrous decisions, such as whether to search the… 2021-09-06 22:56:07 RT @evacide: If you work at Amazon, Google, or Microsoft, now is the time to make some noise. 2021-09-06 22:55:16 RT @iamSas: Here's the video of stones being thrown towards the Prime Minister while he was leaving his campaign stop in London, Ontario th… 2021-09-06 22:07:26 RT @Lollardfish: Excited for the cancel culture bros to explain why this is Oberlins fault 2021-09-06 21:30:59 RT @gnrosenberg: It's really good news! And it should strengthen our confidence that in-person college instruction can continue with little… 2021-09-06 21:30:57 RT @gnrosenberg: Seems like all the major national newspapers running panicked headlines about Duke's covid numbers in the last few weeks s… 2021-09-06 21:30:39 RT @drvolts: If you're openly a lying snake, like Ted Cruz, the press will gleefully report on your savvy maneuvers. ("Will it work?") But… 2021-09-06 21:30:30 RT @drvolts: The existence of people who are in politics because their personal experiences have increased their empathy & 2021-09-06 21:11:30 RT @sbenthall: Pleased to announce that our NSF project for Designing Accountable Software Systems, "Agent Based Modeling at the Boundary o… 2021-09-06 21:10:38 RT @joshtpm: Keep an eye on how media orgs frame this. Punchbowl says Republicans are ‘ratcheting up the pressure’ on tech companies. What… 2021-09-06 17:32:17 RT @Taniel: The right is mounting a big assault on elected school board members around the country — a sort of granular efforts the right h… 2021-09-06 16:41:02 RT @donmoyn: Biden is the first President involved in our current era of permanent war that had a personal stake in those wars. His politic… 2021-09-06 16:30:30 RT @murakamiwood: We were told we have to teach in person & 2021-09-06 13:47:57 RT @dailyposter: This one graph says everything on Labor Day. 2021-09-06 12:55:05 RT @bruce_arthur: Class sizes, from what I can tell, will be huge as Ontario hits 1000 cases per day, with nearly 200 in the ICU and a fray… 2021-09-06 12:41:22 RT @yudapearl: There is nothing wrong with probabilistic thinking. The fallacy is in the assumption that probabilistic reasoning is suffici… 2021-09-06 12:21:30 RT @mtrc: artificial intelligence implies the existence of artificial charisma, wisdom, strength, dexterity and constitution and all i am a… 2021-09-06 11:18:34 RT @neilturkewitz: @rogre @LMSacasas What happens when our technologically induced separateness eliminates our communal spaces & 2021-09-06 11:18:15 RT @FrankPasquale: “Having our perception of the world increasingly mediated by proprietary technologies that immerse us in ever more sophi… 2021-09-06 10:59:18 RT @jhfrith: A man who worked in facilities at my university for 20 years just died of COVID. Another facilities employee is apparently in… 2021-09-05 22:12:24 RT @_jack_poulson: The list of companies positioning their facial recognition as ethical keeps growing: - RealNetworks (sells to DoD but d… 2021-09-05 22:08:23 RT @MaxLiboiron: Just heard that there’s a shortage of juice and milk in parts of the US. This isn’t a shortage of juice or milk, but if pl… 2021-09-05 21:46:48 RT @asifintoronto: These Erin O'Toole games about a gun classification review is why you don't take the bait on "what is or isn't an assaul… 2021-09-05 21:14:08 JFC 2021-09-05 20:47:30 I have indeed been thinking about this, and what I think is that it should be burnt with fire should it ever be built 2021-09-05 20:45:30 RT @bethsawin: Increasing a clean domestic manufacturing capacity is highlighted in the green new deal resolution from 2018 and, along with… 2021-09-05 20:32:09 RT @jasonschreier: The president of Tripwire Interactive, publisher of this year’s popular game Chivalry 2, speaks out in favor of a recent… 2021-09-05 20:30:23 @Sierra_OffLine Fancy walking stick 2021-09-05 20:09:04 RT @gmbutts: This is O’Toole’s third different position on gun control in less than a year. People aren’t stupid. They know it’s only happe… 2021-09-05 20:07:39 RT @jathansadowski: The level of hedging here is like a cult member trying to mitigate the backlash he knows comes swiftly against those wh… 2021-09-05 19:16:21 RT @michaelzimmer: Excited for this, plus lucky to have a paper accepted with @DearPriya and @jvitak! 2021-09-05 18:23:48 @gnrosenberg @mesklaroff It never left 2021-09-05 18:22:57 @gnrosenberg Yup. 2021-09-05 18:22:38 RT @gnrosenberg: Remember that Stanford business prof who claimed he could use machine learning to detect gay face but it turned out to be… 2021-09-05 18:17:38 RT @carolecadwalla: This is such a powerful piece by @warghetti. What is happening in Lebanon is devastating. It’s also a warning. ‘This i… 2021-09-05 18:16:16 RT @rev_avocado: Meanwhile, suburbia is climate arson, and we're still focused on keeping working-class people out of Nassau County and mak… 2021-09-05 18:08:51 RT @rabbleca: Former Liberal MP Raj Saini has dumped by the party after reports of sexually harassing multiple women. This leaves @NDP cand… 2021-09-05 18:08:14 RT @pleizar: Democracy doesn’t die in darkness, the press murders it in broad daylight and its victims willingly buy subscriptions to read… 2021-09-05 18:02:51 RT @gnrosenberg: Solid evidence that, while I may be strong, my vertical jumping skills are very limited. 2021-09-05 17:08:28 @rollin_academic Oh, it gets worse 2021-09-05 16:49:12 Annals 2021-09-05 15:48:34 RT @louise_seamster: in fact I now think the mass-gathering images are intentional comms work, to show "we're back to normal" to prospectiv… 2021-09-05 15:36:56 RT @victorerikray: It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to separate some universities' responses to COVID from broader processes of… 2021-09-05 15:02:11 RT @RBlakeBrown: Erin O'Toole's national campaign manager (Fred DeLorey) is a former lobbyist for the National Firearms Association. #cdnpo… 2021-09-05 14:52:06 RT @EricBoehlert: last President was a sociopath. so NYT hits Biden for being too sympathetic 2021-09-05 14:49:26 RT @ruthbenghiat: “Fascism ordered people to be permanently satisfied. There was no place for the unhappy, the doubters, the tormented.” --… 2021-09-05 14:29:11 RT @jasonintrator: Are conservative voices being muzzled by admin at our vast public universities? At Ole Miss? At U of Alabama? At U of Fl… 2021-09-05 14:24:37 RT @katestarbird: Adding this example to my slides in the section on how disinformation also flows through the center left. Though the phen… 2021-09-05 14:02:34 RT @hypervisible: Surveillance of workers has boomed during the pandemic. “Tattleware” makes it sound far too innocuous.… 2021-09-05 13:36:12 @fstflofscholars @DrSyedMustafaA1 Oh absolutely! Kline's 2017 book argues that McCarthy was dubious of cybernetics and worked hard to differentiate AI from it even in the 50s. 2021-09-05 13:15:32 @DrSyedMustafaA1 @fstflofscholars For sure. The more cybernetics is understood as one set of tools in a longer search for the control of "social" problems, the more obvious its racist and gendered blind spots become. 2021-09-05 12:49:03 RT @internetrebecca: I find building on current regulatory schemes much more encouraging than broad suggestions of AI ethics… 2021-09-05 11:30:35 RT @mireillemoret: A crucial new perspective on privacy by Bart van der Sloot: the right not be confronted with another’s inferences about… 2021-09-05 02:06:35 RT @ajbauer: What do folks do to stave off the dread when deep in the weeds of book writing? 2021-09-05 01:26:52 RT @realscientists: Hello everyone! I’m Marjahn, taking over the Real Scientists Twitter for #BlackInGeoscienceWeek! I’m a researcher at… 2021-09-05 00:09:51 RT @bruce_arthur: O’Toole has done well pretending he’s leading a different party than he actually is, so I wonder if this is where that be… 2021-09-04 23:33:24 RT @journo_dale: Reminder that the current government already signed contracts for future doses if they are needed. The Conservatives are l… 2021-09-04 23:18:26 RT @raju: A self-inflicted hiring problem via @WSJ 2021-09-04 23:17:49 RT @BenPatrickWill: I'm almost nostalgic about the 2012 MOOC and learning analytics hype, now that AI in education has become an obvious fo… 2021-09-04 21:31:25 RT @hypervisible: “…a study by researchers at the University of Maryland finds that face detection services from Amazon, Microsoft, and Goo… 2021-09-04 19:38:47 RT @verreciel: Remember: the OSHA rules and regulations were written in blood. 2021-09-04 18:20:17 RT @AlisonHearn: Over to you @WesternU ! 2021-09-04 16:56:07 RT @nathansnewman: Ida cost $95 billion in one storm. If a terrorist did that much damage, we would be spending trillions EVERY year to st… 2021-09-04 16:50:08 RT @hypervisible: The dehumanizing elements of these apps are by design. Human interaction is considered “friction.” 2021-09-04 16:48:55 (I am working on this, honestly) 2021-09-04 16:35:22 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: Tired of a system that expects you to be giving 100% all the time, speak 4 languages, do research in 3 countries, spea… 2021-09-04 16:16:39 It me 2021-09-04 15:18:06 RT @IrisVanRooij: Excited to release a "living" version of the OPEN and interactive textbook "Theoretical Modeling for Cognitive Science… 2021-09-04 15:14:45 RT @MichaelHattem: One of the projects of elites & 2021-09-04 15:12:05 RT @Carnage4Life: The “vaccine passport” meme started in right wing media and is an arbitrary complaint about a reasonable public health pr… 2021-09-04 15:03:52 @DrSyedMustafaA1 And yet, under-articulated in the current literature! Working to be attentive to that point as I write up. 2021-09-04 15:02:54 @marcsteen Painfully! 2021-09-04 14:59:15 @lscherff A brilliant book! 2021-09-04 14:55:50 Literally writing about this point in a different document as I type this sentence, and it's (kinda) true! 2021-09-04 14:54:43 RT @sciencemonkeyca: Prof Deonandan was asked by a student journalist what he would say to the 20% of polled uOttawa students who complain… 2021-09-04 14:49:46 RT @LAShepard221: As soon I heard there were basement apartment deaths on Peck Avenue, I knew where they were likely to be and I'm furious.… 2021-09-04 14:32:06 RT @shengokai: If y’all don’t think Higher-Ed bears some responsibility for the oncoming climate disaster, I have some bad news for you. ht… 2021-09-04 14:28:01 RT @anirvan: Sotomayor’s Defiant Dissent 2021-09-04 14:27:37 RT @ranjodhd: "In fact, the list of the 10 majors with the highest average starting salary is dominated by those in technical areas, led by… 2021-09-04 14:22:47 RT @shengokai: Shit, even Dewey would say that this take is unhelpful for the simple point that it eliminates the possibility of faith in o… 2021-09-04 14:22:33 RT @shengokai: Further, I think this conclusion assumes that optimism must be faith that everything will turn out okay. If I’ve learned any… 2021-09-04 14:21:49 RT @shengokai: First, I want to direct everyone to this thread: 2021-09-04 14:08:25 RT @davidrbpaterson: I’ll leave it here. Draw your own conclusions. My point being, when it comes to reading news articles, it’s important… 2021-09-04 14:08:04 RT @davidrbpaterson: Hmm… I wonder why economist @MarkJaccard called the NDP climate plan “ineffective and devastating to the economy”, whi… 2021-09-04 13:31:56 RT @ShannonVallor: To be clear: ‘imperfect’ tech is a toaster that doesn’t brown evenly, or a laptop with a too-small trackpad. An AI recom… 2021-09-04 13:14:21 RT @mit_cmsw: Thrilled to announce our faculty job opening: Assistant Professor of Media Studies, with a focus on media industries and/or c… 2021-09-04 13:12:00 RT @TheTattooedProf: The way university admins do budget cuts is the equivalent of cancelling your Hulu subscription and thinking it'll cov… 2021-09-04 12:52:06 RT @RodKahx: What person could possibly look at Alberta and Ontario and think to themselves, yes that's the federal government we should ha… 2021-09-04 02:18:31 RT @ShannonVallor: Apologies are not only meaningless here but an active insult. No FB, this is not “imperfect” tech. It’s defective, activ… 2021-09-04 00:08:17 RT @RobertFife: Conservatives would repeal ban on guns used in École Polytechnique, Nova Scotia mass shootings - The Globe and Mail https:/… 2021-09-03 23:43:45 RT @OlivetteOtele: People outside academia wanting2 get in. Beware what u wish for. Between suicide attempts of ECR I know (2 this year), a… 2021-09-03 21:04:08 RT @seanmmcdonald: Keith is really brilliant and this is very good and those are only two of the many reasons to read this. 2021-09-03 20:51:53 RT @daveweigel: The deadline for filing a new party was in May, before the primary. Brown lost the primary to India Walton, so he created a… 2021-09-03 20:49:47 RT @joshshepperd: My piece on Adorno’s first research project in the U.S. and how it shaped the discipline of Communication had its free do… 2021-09-03 20:48:20 RT @hiokinai: For folks going on the academic job market this year who wear dresses, and who might not have a closet full of several interv… 2021-09-03 20:41:54 RT @whstancil: What a great, blunt, honest thread by Sen. Smith. This is what I wish elected representatives would do more of: lay out what… 2021-09-03 20:41:34 RT @SenTinaSmith: The Texas ruling by the Supreme Court is a blatant attack on women's freedom. The court seems ready to toss 50 years of p… 2021-09-03 19:46:55 RT @What46HasDone: It's fucking maddening. And the people who should understand this the most are the ones who complain the loudest about h… 2021-09-03 19:43:01 RT @LemieuxLGM: What's amazing about this is that the policy Biden was pursuing was -- and still is -- popular! But the press decided to cr… 2021-09-03 19:42:59 RT @LemieuxLGM: Two weeks of negative media coverage -- most of it based on highly contestable judgments treated as fact -- has driven Bide… 2021-09-03 19:42:20 RT @ParkerMolloy: These polls are funny because what they really show is the ability of the press to manipulate public opinion to their lik… 2021-09-03 19:40:42 RT @AnthonyDaleOHA: How could the Haldimand and Norfolk Board of Health have possibly made this appointment? Speechless. #onhealth #onpoli… 2021-09-03 18:43:52 @841io @haldaume3 Can it be me please? 2021-09-03 18:05:43 @blackgaygemini OMG @congraturitos! 2021-09-03 17:49:36 RT @nycsouthpaw: I find my thoughts transitioning from “why can’t other Democrats just sit down with Manchin and trade for something he wan… 2021-09-03 17:00:57 RT @AmooreLouise: One thing I have learned about government policies that appear to not make any sense: there is usually some even more hor… 2021-09-03 16:40:03 RT @IEthics: In China, "new guidelines will prohibit content that is considered 'vulgar' or 'unhealthy,' with the campaign seeking to culti… 2021-09-03 16:33:02 RT @EricPSB: I'd considered giving up on CHI. This move from Rebuttal to R& 2021-09-03 16:07:57 RT @DFisman: If you haven't figured it out from my twitter feed, I'm voting for @JustinTrudeau this time round, but if I were on the fence,… 2021-09-03 13:55:00 RT @TheRealHoarse: The reason: sectors impacted most by Delta - hospitality, travel, bars/restaurants - stopped hiring. Unvaccinated peopl… 2021-09-03 13:41:21 RT @RrjohnR: The mid 20th c political economist Harold Innis (who rarely pulled his punches) reflected that he got irritated letters from… 2021-09-03 13:14:04 RT @paulkrugman: Tell me again about how we were providing way too much stimulus and the economy was going to drastically overheat. 2021-09-03 13:07:08 RT @djleufer: @mikarv On a related note, they seem to have dropped "perceived emotion recognition" from Face API. Haven't been able to conf… 2021-09-03 12:03:35 RT @SharkawyMD: Wave after wave, Ontario refuses to make investments in meaningful interventions like ventilation upgrades, school/workplac… 2021-09-03 11:14:02 RT @DorotheaBaur: Claims that #facialrecognition #algorithms "can discern emotions are harder to believe in the wake of new research". Not… 2021-09-03 10:48:57 RT @RDBinns: Speaking as a man who has obsessed over the workings of physical systems as a distraction from confronting complicated feeling… 2021-09-03 02:31:29 RT @shengokai: As someone who was there at that talk in 2014, and the Q& 2021-09-03 02:31:11 RT @shengokai: Indeed, Davis’ response was intended to remind us that there is something we can, and should do in the face of overwhelming… 2021-09-03 02:31:04 RT @shengokai: Put simply, Davis’ point was that even if the challenges seem insurmountable, how we orient ourselves towards these challeng… 2021-09-03 02:12:39 RT @KalaMendoza: A family of three, including a 2 year old child drowned in their basement apartment last night. They lived nine blocks fro… 2021-09-03 02:08:25 RT @trekonomics: Or is the Chinese State too weak to impose higher taxes on tech giants? Demonstrations of fealty and racketeering only tak… 2021-09-03 01:24:51 RT @bruce_arthur: The province is mostly pretending Covid is over whenever possible, unless forced to admit it‘s not.… 2021-09-02 23:49:24 RT @mmitchell_ai: This is important if you're a publishing researcher. Your connection to IEEE and ACM supersedes your connection to any pa… 2021-09-02 23:49:15 RT @Greene_DM: Having this conversation about the book is an immense privilege. Cannot wait to see everyone at UNC next Friday. https://t.c… 2021-09-02 23:41:33 RT @tveinot: University of Michigan School of Information is recruiting for the Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows program, which leads to a… 2021-09-02 23:40:22 RT @GretaThunberg: “Air pollution is the greatest external threat to human health on the planet, and that is not widely recognised, or not… 2021-09-02 23:28:07 RT @hypervisible: “Like all machine learning technology, [voice-analyzing tools] give us a veneer of technological authority, where in real… 2021-09-02 22:53:35 RT @brianbeutler: Republicans have a lot of experience flooding media with lies and agitprop while advancing their real agenda sotto voce,… 2021-09-02 22:47:09 RT @DFisman: I feel seen. 2021-09-02 22:28:21 RT @drvolts: Hey look, @pareene has a newsletter! And he's right about this. 2021-09-02 21:33:04 RT @mbouchardmtl: “Gig workers warn the Conservative leader’s plan would erode employment standards and create a permanent underclass of pr… 2021-09-02 21:23:53 RT @tetisheri: What happens when there is no existing name for AI, FRT etc in a local governance context and then names for these technolog… 2021-09-02 21:12:38 RT @parismarx: tech companies built a digital media ecosystem that rewards the biggest assholes, right-wing cranks, and purveyors of conspi… 2021-09-02 21:08:07 RT @fightfortheftr: Parents and digital rights activists gathered at Macy's in Washington, DC, calling on the company to end its use of #fa… 2021-09-02 21:06:21 RT @ramsey_isler: New from The Markup - a very handy guide to one of the trickiest questions about internet privacy. 2021-09-02 20:59:28 RT @BigDataMargins: TONIGHT! How do digital locks impact your organization? If you're interested in Canada's #RightToRepair movement, we'r… 2021-09-02 20:56:23 RT @FAccTConference: Thank you for your patience as we plan for #FAccT2022 in unprecedented circumstances. We're happy to share that the co… 2021-09-02 20:00:21 RT @ddayen: Nearly a majority of the bill is about lowering the fastest-growing costs in the family budget. If you want to deal with inflat… 2021-09-02 20:00:19 RT @ddayen: This has not been articulated well. The reconciliation bill includes: -affordable pre-K/child care -tuition-free community coll… 2021-09-02 20:00:16 RT @ddayen: On the elements of modern life that have been the biggest drivers of cost of living—education, health care, and housing—the rec… 2021-09-02 19:44:31 RT @ezraklein: I don't think most Californians know how much Newsom and the Democratic legislature have done in the last 18 months. To be… 2021-09-02 19:25:46 RT @AJentleson: Manchin, Gottheimer and Sinema are making it crystal clear that Dems would be very foolish to let BIF pass before reconcili… 2021-09-02 19:19:57 RT @LMSacasas: The metaverse is to common sense what enclosure was to the commons. 2021-09-02 19:15:19 RT @bruce_arthur: Ed’s right, though. There is a difference between vaccine hesitant and the hardcore nuts. That’s where vaccine mandates n… 2021-09-02 19:13:39 RT @patitsel: "I'm just an engineer/programer/etc!" The idea that tech people don't need to think about social impacts (especially possible… 2021-09-02 19:08:48 I didn't realize this was a thing 2021-09-02 18:37:02 RT @DFisman: make it dumber. 2021-09-02 17:42:48 RT @LDBurnett: someone is in my mentions telling me that "almost no paper records" have survived the ravages of history. 1) this is news t… 2021-09-02 17:42:15 RT @alexhanna: Respect and solidarity w/ Smitha + @_jenlowe_ in calling out toxic behavior in institutions which are often held as north st… 2021-09-02 17:31:07 RT @veenadubal: I, too, stand with @SmithaKhorana. These kinds of harm—rooted in a commodification of knowledge production to please donor… 2021-09-02 17:30:45 RT @mer__edith: Solidarity with Smitha. This is not OK. We need a serious grownup reckoning about the patterns of radicalized extraction… 2021-09-02 17:25:58 RT @SmithaKhorana: @moiragweigel I'm so disappointed at this thread. You know well that I presented this idea, in this exact vernacular - w… 2021-09-02 17:24:31 RT @SmithaKhorana: Thank you to the many people who have reached out to me in the past few days, and who shared similar experiences at D & 2021-09-02 16:35:26 RT @rachelmetz: can i get a YIKES 2021-09-02 16:08:02 RT @MattGlassman312: Probably the most incorrect lesson liberals learned from the 60s--and many continue to carry today---is the idea that… 2021-09-02 16:04:25 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Don't normalize this: Some Republicans now want to expel Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the GOP caucus. Rs who openl… 2021-09-02 16:02:20 RT @jathansadowski: Life is a highway 2021-09-02 15:42:51 RT @joshtpm: Heeding Steve Bannon’s Call, Election Deniers Organize To Seize Control Of The GOP—And Reshape America’s Elections https://t.c… 2021-09-02 15:33:00 They play the long game 2021-09-02 15:32:12 In light of the SCOTUS abortion decision, it would behoove Canadians to recognize that the organized apparatus of our Conservative Party is, in its aims and goals, equivalent to US Republicans. 2021-09-02 15:30:57 RT @Taniel: The right know what it’s doing, and Kagan hopes people won’t fall for it. (Yet this momentous sequence is coming mere weeks a… 2021-09-02 14:56:24 RT @MattGertz: The tone of a lot of the right-wing response to the left-wing criticism amounts to, "why won't you just admit this is a bril… 2021-09-02 14:54:10 RT @internetdaniel: For authors, it's not uncommon to wait six months or more for a rejection. Just desk reject the fucking paper and let m… 2021-09-02 14:54:04 RT @internetdaniel: There is too much peer review work. Junior scholars are absolutely overwhelmed with requests. The idea, perpetuated by… 2021-09-02 14:45:39 RT @gmbutts: Finally, the CPC is their political voice. The extent to which any given leader of it can keep them onside while appealing to… 2021-09-02 14:45:26 RT @DFisman: I’m not sure we’ll see the impacts of this in time to remind Canadians how much worse a change in government can make things.… 2021-09-02 14:45:22 RT @arotenstein: The new @nspc government has fired health science experts from @HealthNS and replaced them with unqualified party hacks.… 2021-09-02 14:36:59 RT @gnrosenberg: I hate to be right about this shit, but, well, I'm right about this shit. The GOP of 2022 will not institutionally be the… 2021-09-02 14:35:48 RT @FourWinns298: Today's case count (865) is the highest since June 3. June 1 was 699 and June 2 it was 733. On June 2 Doug Ford said th… 2021-09-02 14:07:42 RT @AJentleson: To pass abortion restriction laws, Rs need a trifecta. If Dems do not reform the filibuster and pass voting rights/democrac… 2021-09-02 13:48:41 @Elinor_Carmi @CitySociology @NuffieldFound Brava! 2021-09-02 13:43:46 RT @EricBoehlert: where’s the avalanche of punditry abt how overturning Roe v Wade couple be political disaster for GOP in 2022? is *anyth… 2021-09-02 13:39:17 RT @JuddLegum: 1. The chief sponsor of Texas' draconian abortion ban, which the SCOTUS left in place, is @SenBryanHughes. Here are some of… 2021-09-02 13:37:30 RT @DFisman: @jm_mcgrath 2021-09-02 13:35:09 RT @NoLore: Just thinking about how I have, several times, been forced into designated protest zones over the years (enforced by violence a… 2021-09-02 13:20:04 RT @LFeldmanBarrett: What are emotions and where do they come from? In @BBC @ScienceFocus Magazine. 2021-09-02 13:06:26 RT @mikeduncan: This has been true about nearly every major issue of my lifetime. Environmental catastrophe, endless war, dismantled civil… 2021-09-02 13:02:34 RT @mjs_DC: Just want to reiterate that the first near-total abortion ban to take effect in the United States since Roe v. Wade allows rand… 2021-09-02 13:02:17 RT @BenPatrickWill: And this is why most of the platforms for education - whether Canvas, Google Classroom, or AWS cloud - have their own t… 2021-09-02 12:14:04 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I don't know who needs to hear this (but actually I do), you don't solve the problem of a shelter-focused homelessness sy… 2021-09-02 11:43:16 RT @mattyglesias: Always interesting to see which stories are seen as equally newsworthy as "new copies of old emails found on a laptop." V… 2021-09-02 11:13:59 RT @TheRickWilson: 9/ You also need to drag Trump and his entire staff to hearings. Raise the costs (financially and politically) of their… 2021-09-02 11:13:31 RT @TheRickWilson: 5/ Their guilt is rolling off them in waves. They're drowning in an ocean of flopsweat. This isn't an exercise in add… 2021-09-02 10:33:38 RT @MattColeWorks: The future of gig work in one image. We must end these absolutely inhumane working conditions and the power asymétries… 2021-09-02 10:29:56 RT @steve_vladeck: When you put these rulings by the same 5-4 majority side-by-side, you see much of what's wrong with the Texas decision:… 2021-09-02 10:29:54 RT @steve_vladeck: The ruling in Tandon v. Newsom should've been possible only if the right was "indisputably clear." It wasn't, but the Co… 2021-09-02 10:29:45 RT @steve_vladeck: Just a reminder that back in April, the very same 5-4 #SCOTUS majority flat-out *ignored* procedural obstacles to issue… 2021-09-02 10:22:06 RT @hmcghee: THIS. Opponents of voting, of repro freedom, of honest education are NOT the majority. But an anti-democratic cabal in power i… 2021-09-02 10:17:46 RT @AOC: Republicans promised to overturn Roe v Wade, and they have. Democrats can either abolish the filibuster and expand the court, or… 2021-09-02 10:07:09 RT @joshtpm: this point, while not as immediately important as Roe, is also a profoundly dangerous precedent. court essentially says states… 2021-09-02 10:05:28 RT @joshtpm: Confirms what we’ve known. The current court is corrupted and corrupt. One of the five in the conservative majority was a corr… 2021-09-02 09:46:54 RT @mikeduncan: Tex-mex is pretty good. Also literally millions and millions of Texans who are great people at the mercy of an increasingly… 2021-09-02 09:43:17 RT @Slate: The problem with watching jurisprudence unfold as though it’s reality television is that the court does all its work during the… 2021-09-02 09:42:02 RT @mjs_DC: Five justices effectively ended the constitutional right to abortion in the most cowardly manner imaginable—through an unsigned… 2021-09-02 09:41:52 RT @mjs_DC: Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett killed Roe v. Wade in an unsigned, two-page or… 2021-09-02 09:41:39 RT @mjs_DC: It is simply impossible to say that Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land. The Supreme Court just allowed Texas to enforce a… 2021-09-02 09:41:24 RT @mjs_DC: Kagan, who sounds furious: The majority "barely bothers to explain its conclusion" and "rewards Texas's scheme to insulate its… 2021-09-02 09:41:13 RT @mjs_DC: Make no mistake: Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are responsible for ending Roe v. Wade. Chief Justice John Roberts expli… 2021-09-02 09:38:23 RT @nycsouthpaw: 2021-09-02 09:34:43 @blackgaygemini *hug* courage! 2021-09-02 01:50:06 RT @jasonintrator: The leading media outlets have completely failed the United States. Their main concern is greasing the wheels for a fasc… 2021-09-02 01:49:14 RT @bruce_arthur: He hidin’ 2021-09-02 01:42:21 RT @aanixel: Engagement optimization is 100% a scourge...whether this fact makes any dent/change in the policies of social media platforms… 2021-09-02 01:34:32 RT @BarbLarochelle: Good morning, Rest of Canada. Have you enjoyed not hearing from Jason Kenney while he has been on a ‘well-deserved’ 2 w… 2021-09-02 01:31:28 RT @SamWHarnett: I'm working on an hour-long documentary about prop 22 and how companies like Lyft and Uber did something corporations have… 2021-09-02 01:30:56 RT @aldatweets: More homes to meet supply would be great, but sprawl is a problem, not solution. So we need denser housing in walkable + tr… 2021-09-02 01:23:02 RT @howetolove: My best friend has been working triage as an ER nurse for many years. A large anti-vax rally was held at our hospital today… 2021-09-02 01:10:02 RT @AJentleson: A few kind people unearthed this thread today in light of events, so I’m endorsing their endorsement and re-upping it on th… 2021-09-02 01:03:56 RT @briantashman: The abortion bounty law, laws protecting drivers who mow down protesters, government inquisitions against teachers and pr… 2021-09-02 00:36:59 RT @bruce_arthur: And another huge worry: this. 2021-09-02 00:36:56 RT @bruce_arthur: One of my biggest worries is this government tells itself, we pushed the ICUs to 900 and it didn’t melt down, so we can d… 2021-09-02 00:27:25 RT @LemieuxLGM: I've been fascinated by this for a while. Milbank responded to the criticism he received for being obsessed with nonsensica… 2021-09-02 00:10:05 RT @GigWorkersUnite: The @liberal_party platform just dropped. While the Liberals are known to rarely follow through on promises, what they… 2021-09-02 00:09:55 RT @MatthewSitman: If you can't perceive the convergence between 1/6, running over protestors in your car laws, open carry everywhere shit,… 2021-09-02 00:06:04 RT @AnthonyDaleOHA: I’m CEO of @OntHospitalAssn & 2021-09-02 00:02:54 @SarahGrynpas @jathansadowski I mean, by that definition of failure, who succeeds? 2021-09-01 23:57:32 @SarahGrynpas @jathansadowski I'm afraid it is very much not like any of those things, usually. 2021-09-01 23:51:42 RT @jathansadowski: Grad school is telling you to do all this so you can be an adjunct lecturer until the university decides you're redunda… 2021-09-01 23:32:44 RT @bruce_arthur: I think they should hold a briefing on it, and that the province should encourage a briefing on it. That upper range does… 2021-09-01 23:23:11 RT @WordsandGuitar: Support Indigenous land defenders and water protectors!! They're not just doing this to benefit themselves. They're doi… 2021-09-01 23:13:22 RT @ddayen: Quick non-lawyers, what's the most conservative circuit court of appeals? Of course you can't answer, because there's no libera… 2021-09-01 23:07:31 RT @FourWinns298: Why aren't you doing more about community spread when kids are going back to school? Ford babbles about increased cleani… 2021-09-01 23:06:52 RT @Sierra_OffLine: I've freshened up my Video Game Economies syllabus for the fall! Check it out if you like: 2021-09-01 22:57:08 RT @techwontsaveus: “The Conservative platform is clearly a carbon copy of Uber’s Flexible Work+,” says @PalimpsestJenn. Canada’s Conserva… 2021-09-01 22:51:23 RT @DFisman: remember this with the push to get kids into potentially unsafe schooling situations. We are likely a few months away from… 2021-09-01 22:18:55 RT @jathansadowski: Really starting to feel like the courts are not impartial arbiters of justice and saviors of democracy... 2021-09-01 22:17:25 RT @drjenirwin: @LaurenPelley @BooksYarnLogic This is also on the same day it was announced the universities in Ontario are not required to… 2021-09-01 22:11:39 RT @drmwarner: Unclear why the modeling wasn’t televised. Having Dr. Brown methodically and honestly walk through the slides has been ver… 2021-09-01 21:06:15 RT @jathansadowski: This is exactly why my work is so often called dystopian even though I rarely talk about things that don't already exis… 2021-09-01 21:04:34 RT @Hugo_Book_Club: Dystopian fiction is when you take things that happen in real life to marginalized populations and apply them to people… 2021-09-01 21:03:24 RT @AOC: Hold everyone to the same standards we hold for Black women & 2021-09-01 21:00:26 RT @brooklynmarie: A global, far right power grab 2021-09-01 21:00:11 RT @NoContextTrek: 2021-09-01 20:58:32 RT @seanmmcdonald: There's a huge distance between 'standards-based' governance (what technology companies want) and 'duty-based' governanc… 2021-09-01 20:48:27 RT @AOC: The fact is Dems CAN act now to protect our democracy, voting rights, integrity of our courts, and end minority rule. The Dem Sen… 2021-09-01 20:43:03 RT @jm_mcgrath: The provinces could have agreed on a vaccine passport system that would have been interoperable both between provinces and… 2021-09-01 20:34:21 RT @drvolts: Or this. 2021-09-01 20:34:18 RT @drvolts: Or this. Or fucking any of it, really. 2021-09-01 20:34:09 RT @drvolts: Imagine, if a Martian came to earth, trying to explain this to them. 2021-09-01 20:28:36 RT @mjs_DC: The pro-life movement’s pivot from “we want to protect babies AND mothers” to “if you dare get an abortion we will bankrupt eve… 2021-09-01 19:55:32 @annaeveryday Pfffffff best practice is so 2019 2021-09-01 19:50:15 @annaeveryday The lack of heated outdoor structures at UW seems a missed opportunity 2021-09-01 19:45:48 @annaeveryday Outside all semester it is! 2021-09-01 19:24:20 RT @luizaprado: Truly amazing how mediocre white dinosaurs keep being celebrated as if they had anything relevant to contribute. Stop this… 2021-09-01 17:48:37 RT @NathanStall: I read this multiple times to ensure my eyes weren't deceiving me. What possible medical and scientific reason is there f… 2021-09-01 17:03:03 RT @natematias: This is very exciting- computer science positions that welcome the social/behavioral sciences are important and rare! https… 2021-09-01 15:53:54 RT @IBJIYONGI: INSTRUCTORS ARE PEOPLE WITH LIVES TOO It’s wild how hard it is for people to understand this 2021-09-01 15:49:15 RT @tressiemcphd: When I think about what I’ve learned over the years about the massive evangelical movement that produced this I know all… 2021-09-01 15:25:25 RT @gnrosenberg: My understanding is that Duke does not have *a single documented case of transmission* from classroom interactions when ma… 2021-09-01 15:25:14 RT @gnrosenberg: It's important to understand that sustained, unmasked social interactions appear to be the driver. How institutions respon… 2021-09-01 15:09:21 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Dems must respond forcefully to Kevin McCarthy's obscene threat to punish companies that cooperate with the 1/6 committe… 2021-09-01 15:08:57 RT @beccalew: This summer I learned about how conservative evangelicals didn’t particularly care about abortion until the late 70s & 2021-09-01 14:13:21 RT @Lollardfish: So make no mistake. Roe V Wade has been overturned, in the dark, without a supreme court hearing, without a national debat… 2021-09-01 14:13:15 RT @Lollardfish: Some very loud Republicans want headlines, but most want to do their evil without political consequences. Had #RoeVWade go… 2021-09-01 14:03:15 RT @EricBoehlert: agreed. still not sure most folks understand how truly insane this law is 2021-09-01 13:58:41 RT @parismarx: A $10,000 abortion bounty is bad enough, but I’m worried about what incentives it creates in an economy where tons of people… 2021-09-01 13:56:42 RT @Unsung__History: From @Dr_C_Thompson, on this week's Unsung History: "I would argue that we still very much live in a world that is sh… 2021-09-01 13:48:37 RT @Taniel: To know the political difference between SCOTUS making a huge move thru shadow docket or inertia, vs by issuing a full ruling —… 2021-09-01 12:52:53 RT @steve_vladeck: At some point, it’s worth stepping back and having a broader conversation about the frequency with which #SCOTUS is deci… 2021-09-01 12:33:10 RT @AdamSerwer: This is really it 2021-09-01 12:32:01 RT @AdamSerwer: doing this in the dead of night by not saying a word is a new level of bad faith cowardice 2021-09-01 12:24:06 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I dream that one day a Canadian political party will have the guts to add to its housing plan the appropriation of vacant… 2021-09-01 12:22:34 RT @rhodakykwan: August in #HongKong began with a veteran journalist, a dissident artist, and an independent media outlet leaving the city.… 2021-09-01 12:20:33 RT @Taniel: there are layers of frightening in the Texas law, and the bounty structure it sets up is way up there… 2021-09-01 12:14:10 RT @UjuAnya: Understand: 1. This is a ban on legal and safe abortion for the poor. Those with money can still travel or get local abortio… 2021-09-01 12:13:55 RT @jenmercieca: If you want to understand this, think of the "agenda setting wars." Republicans since the 70s have worried the media had t… 2021-09-01 12:12:40 @mikarv The internal stuff is work enough! 2021-09-01 12:10:58 RT @ofarry: Inevitable that Denise Ho would ultimately be targeted for her pro-democracy activism. A shot across the bows of any Hong Kong… 2021-09-01 12:08:20 They are. 2021-09-01 12:07:33 RT @scrivenix: Gore did win. SCOTUS deserves far more blame for antidemocratic behavior in delivering the election to W than Nader does for… 2021-09-01 12:07:11 @a_b_powell @mikarv Commissioners and Baseline 2021-09-01 12:00:11 RT @mtsw: Just as much as foreign war boosterism, "Roe is settled law that we all agree will not change" has long been considered elite cen… 2021-09-01 11:57:04 RT @LeahLitman: The Supreme Court allowed a TX law that bans abortions after 6 weeks to go into effect. The Court might not have written -… 2021-09-01 11:55:55 @a_b_powell @mikarv Yes, there are a few names...some more pejorative than others 2021-09-01 11:36:04 @mikarv By the by, you're welcome to London, ON any time (we call it the little London over here) 2021-09-01 11:17:21 RT @MattGertz: I am old enough to remember conservatives pretending to be extremely offended by people making the very obvious point that K… 2021-09-01 11:14:34 RT @brianklaas: What's happening in Texas is a harbinger of what's to come across America if Democrats in power don't aggressively push for… 2021-09-01 11:05:06 RT @EliDFriedman: Fang Ran is facing charges of subverting state power for having the audacity to study labor issues. 2021-09-01 11:04:32 RT @beccalew: between the abortion ban, the cali recall vote, the horse paste craze, the hurricane, the fires, and everything else this wee… 2021-09-01 10:32:18 RT @LemieuxLGM: Exactly correct. The actual arguments advanced by the vast majority of American pro-lifers are a legal, moral and ethical s… 2021-09-01 10:30:18 RT @drvolts: The Supreme Court just effectively overturned Roe V. Wade, through stealth & 2021-09-01 10:29:38 RT @SarahLerner: Feeling like everyone who was rightly worried about the Supreme Court and the state of Roe v. Wade in 2016 weren’t all tha… 2021-09-01 10:28:44 RT @drvolts: And yet that background myth -- that austerity in economics & 2021-09-01 10:28:38 RT @drvolts: While it's true that Republican execution on both the economy & 2021-09-01 10:27:53 RT @DFisman: Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s fantastic that private schools can do this. But I think it’s ridiculous that we have no org… 2021-09-01 02:48:25 RT @danpfeiffer: The subject of an nvestigation threatening potential witnesses with taxpayer funded retribution is not generally a sign of… 2021-09-01 02:39:12 RT @IBJIYONGI: I cannot emphasize this enough: Instructors (incl faculty) are burned out Instructors (incl faculty) are people Teaching m… 2021-09-01 02:34:51 RT @Montmass: @ErikLoomis @willwilkinson A rural/urban split... but one where "rural" doesn't mean agricultural. Montana has become more "s… 2021-09-01 02:32:26 RT @ErikLoomis: This is a very good essay. @willwilkinson talks about the Midwest and I concur. It's also the same in northern Idaho and th… 2021-09-01 02:17:37 RT @naz_andalibi: Reminder now that the academic year has started in many places: we at @umsi @umich have an open rank tenure track pos… 2021-09-01 02:17:29 RT @naz_andalibi: And another in Anti-Racist Health Informatics/Data Science: 2021-09-01 02:10:13 RT @LilyMasonPhD: More than "polarization," we need to worry about the very real threat posed by an anti-democratic group that has always e… 2021-09-01 02:10:05 RT @LilyMasonPhD: But this current research locates the faction in 2011, and observes them moving toward Trump himself by 2018, from across… 2021-09-01 02:09:33 RT @LilyMasonPhD: This means that there is a faction in American politics that has moved from party to party, can be recruited from either… 2021-09-01 02:09:05 RT @LilyMasonPhD: This new @apsrjournal article by me, @julie_wronski and @UptonOrwell includes an implication that we really only hint at… 2021-09-01 02:08:38 RT @drvolts: Clinton was 100% accurate at the time. One unwritten rule of US politics is that right leaders are allowed to call left voters… 2021-09-01 02:05:41 RT @profcarroll: Antivax is a business model aided and abetted by adtech, the hidden sub-industry that makes it profitable because the targ… 2021-09-01 01:23:04 RT @MaxLiboiron: If you want to read ‘Pollution Is Colonialism’ but can’t afford it & 2021-09-01 00:38:27 RT @globeandmail: About 30 per cent of global tree species at risk of extinction, according to report 2021-08-31 23:51:41 RT @brianbeutler: Seems like the committee should refer McCarthy to DOJ for obstruction and follow up persistently. 2021-08-31 22:50:18 RT @ThePlumLineGS: The party that threatened private companies to chill expressions of support for the voting rights of African Americans i… 2021-08-31 22:04:35 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-08-31 21:58:16 RT @gmbutts: 70% of Republicans had at least some trust in national media in 2016. 35% in 2021. Unreal. Partisan divides in media trust… 2021-08-31 21:55:51 RT @willwilkinson: In my latest, I argue that the urban/rural partisan divide hasn't *exactly* eclipsed the old North/South divide. It's mo… 2021-08-31 21:07:44 RT @drvolts: The decades-long, extremely well-funded conservative effort to completely cut its suburban/rural base off from mainstream sour… 2021-08-31 20:06:03 RT @FourWinns298: Full-blown crisis at QP. When the CMOH is is too cowardly to face the public and media, the cabinet is at war, and the "p… 2021-08-31 19:46:56 RT @uwofa1: UWOFA calls on @WesternU to: 1. Adhere to Step 3 regs for indoor capacity, distancing 2. Delay IPL for courses that can't comp… 2021-08-31 19:02:49 RT @doctorow: Boomers may be richer than Gen X and Millennials on average, but only because the top 10% are skew the average. The reality i… 2021-08-31 19:02:19 RT @doctorow: But there aren't enough assets around to gamble on - not even after new, idiotic asset-classes like NFTs and freeport shippin… 2021-08-31 19:02:08 RT @doctorow: Those dollars that pile up in the accounts of the wealthy are like oily rags piling up in the economy's garage. They can't be… 2021-08-31 19:02:04 RT @doctorow: Once a dollar disappears into Bezos's bank account, it is frozen in amber. No matter how many Subzero fridges Bezos fills wit… 2021-08-31 19:01:58 RT @doctorow: An Amazon warehouse worker's paycheck immediately enters the economy - it's spent on groceries, and if the grocer is a local… 2021-08-31 19:01:46 RT @doctorow: Making the rich richer is terrible economic policy. Wealthy people simply can't spend all their money - I mean, once Jeff Bez… 2021-08-31 19:01:30 RT @doctorow: And, as @rbrtrmstrng points out in his analysis of the paper for the @FT, even in places like Japan, with large cohorts of re… 2021-08-31 18:55:07 RT @NathanStall: The people of #Ontario don't deserve this. #Ontario is the largest province in the confederation with a wealth of experti… 2021-08-31 18:25:00 RT @bruce_arthur: This has been ringing in my ears all day. You wait long enough and you get a lot of people who shouldn't be crafting heal… 2021-08-31 18:10:35 Cybernetics daddies 2021-08-31 17:54:42 @BenPatrickWill Corn flakes were a special non-excitatory curative pap! 2021-08-31 16:53:07 @BenPatrickWill And in interesting synergy/dialogue with phrenology (even if your brain was sub-optimal, it could still be optimized) 2021-08-31 16:52:09 RT @BenPatrickWill: These excerpts are from Being Brains, where Vidal and Ortega argue that ideas of brain "plasticity" and "underutilizati… 2021-08-31 16:10:17 RT @bruce_arthur: The feds funded the vast majority of provincial Covid expenditures, and acquired all the vaccines and most of the PPE. On… 2021-08-31 16:01:38 RT @SarahFlorini: Or in the work of media studies scholars from the 1980s and 1990s. 2021-08-31 16:00:45 RT @GigWorkersUnite: Interesting that @danjmader is a lobbyist for Uber in Ontario and also is in charge of policy for the federal Conserva… 2021-08-31 16:00:37 RT @parismarx: Why does the Conservatives’ gig work unemployment policy look like Uber’s Flexible Work+? An Uber lobbyist is on the Conser… 2021-08-31 15:59:28 RT @RodKahx: Interesting that all of the 'protesters' suddenly disappeared from the campaign stops once the CPC saw that it was boosting th… 2021-08-31 14:51:28 RT @libshipwreck: Stop saying “people are dying like medieval peasants,” medieval peasants didn’t have access to free highly-effective vacc… 2021-08-31 14:40:58 RT @roopikarisam: I say this as someone who is deeply invested in digital and public humanities but has also lived through enough rounds of… 2021-08-31 14:40:24 RT @SarahFlorini: I’ve done it and I’ve had a couple of people do it to me. It’s fantastic. Our profession’s constant critique can tear you… 2021-08-31 13:45:46 RT @brianbeutler: There is one coherent strategy to spread Covid to as many people as possible for political gain, and another frenzied, Ba… 2021-08-31 13:44:05 RT @Reema__Patel: Algorithmic accountability needs meaningful public participation 2021-08-31 13:43:50 RT @bruce_arthur: Lol 2021-08-31 13:43:07 RT @datasociety: "In terms of consequences, the export of intrusive & 2021-08-31 13:21:04 RT @erin_bartram: "We cannot claim to be knowledge workers when only some of the workers get the perks of knowledge work. We cannot claim t… 2021-08-31 13:09:04 RT @libshipwreck: We aren’t even two weeks into the semester and pretty much everyone I know in academia is already totally burned out and… 2021-08-31 12:05:44 RT @AmitAryaMD: Today is Tuesday. With only one week left until the 1st day of school, an announcement on vaccine certificates has been ca… 2021-08-31 11:52:59 RT @BigDataMargins: Coming up this week! How do digital locks impact your organization? If you're interested in Canada's #RightToRepair mo… 2021-08-31 11:30:59 RT @charleswlogan: Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act is helping rid the state of Clearview AI - as well as online proctoring - an… 2021-08-31 11:28:53 RT @LFeldmanBarrett: Our lab's new paper in @NatureComms examines how famous actors portray emotion with their faces. The findings have imp… 2021-08-31 00:20:32 RT @drvolts: The saddest thing about the US culture war is that conservatives have dug in to preserve every detail of a lifestyle -- proces… 2021-08-30 22:47:03 RT @inputmag: Critics were quick to point out this is more a means for the Chinese government to direct and control its tech industry than… 2021-08-30 22:36:40 RT @brianbeutler: It'd be nice if folks with real agenda-setting power had devoted just one (1) news cycle to the ways the withdrawal revea… 2021-08-30 22:25:50 RT @stephenlautens: Erin O'Toole bravely faces voters. Just kidding. The doors are locked and the room is empty except for carefully screen… 2021-08-30 22:17:33 RT @stephenlautens: Erin O'Toole's Conservatives prepare to return Canada to austerity | #E… 2021-08-30 22:16:50 RT @lexomatic: #austeritykills #NeverVoteConservative #austerityisunconstitutional #canpoli #cdnpoli #canadavotes #elxn44 #elxn2021 #covid… 2021-08-30 22:07:26 RT @LemieuxLGM: It is very likely that by tomorrow the Supreme Court will, without briefs or argument, have effectively overruled Roe v. Wa… 2021-08-30 20:10:15 RT @Abebab: a periodic reminder that everyone (even those that supposedly made it) fakes it 2021-08-30 20:09:13 @BiellaColeman I missed the fact you're moving?! 2021-08-30 19:55:05 RT @mckelveyf: Jobs! 2021-08-30 18:59:08 RT @lasrina: oh my God, upper management never changes 2021-08-30 18:39:34 RT @brfreed: The thing about 1996 is that the Macarena was a ruthless, unsparing power. Conventions? Macarena. Weddings? Macarena. Departme… 2021-08-30 16:03:04 RT @dennismhogan: You know whose fault it is that universities are hellish rife now. Not “tenured faculty” as a class. Not some group of co… 2021-08-30 15:08:55 @Greene_DM @annaeveryday I play the former on TV all the time, but I'm definitely the latter 2021-08-30 15:05:42 @Greene_DM @annaeveryday Y'all are so butch, it's adorable 2021-08-30 14:47:19 RT @Greene_DM: There's a wonderful 1990 issue of Work & 2021-08-30 14:43:45 RT @alanna_mck: when someone tells you who they are, believe them. 2021-08-30 14:20:49 RT @louise_seamster: it's so "cool" (/s) how grades are expected to follow a curve. And then when they don't, artificially CREATING that cu… 2021-08-30 13:50:11 RT @gmbutts: O’Toole’s strategy is to present himself as an anodyne solution to the culture wars while his supporters enact them on your sc… 2021-08-30 13:06:57 RT @CANADALAND: For major corporations with toxic reputations, donating to WE Charity was more than a way to look good – it was a way to re… 2021-08-30 13:05:19 RT @DFisman: Yes, I know O’Toole has Jewish staffers. I don’t know him, but people who do say he’s a mensch. That doesn’t mean his comms… 2021-08-30 12:59:26 RT @murakamiwood: Never mind what academics and progressive futurists think this #McKinsey scenario tells us what the people who run things… 2021-08-30 12:37:14 RT @FourWinns298: Ruminating over Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole's campaign tag line via @georgiastraight 2021-08-30 03:04:02 RT @pomeranian99: Big-tech recommendation systems -- "we found content for you!" -- have been criticized for promoting divisive material an… 2021-08-30 02:51:03 RT @YoniFreedhoff: Maybe Canada shouldn’t vote for the party courting and supported by white supremacists. 2021-08-30 00:24:36 RT @mrjumd: Lindsay's piece here about faculty and staff burnout is excellent. It gave a more complete framing to what I experienced as our… 2021-08-30 00:20:17 RT @FourWinns298: Perhaps the one question you should ask yourselves this election is which party is most likely going to want to kill you… 2021-08-29 23:26:24 @Sierra_OffLine Don't do it! 2021-08-29 22:25:06 @TinaBelinda 2021-08-29 22:11:52 RT @evijitghosh: I started a twitter account for our weekly ethics/fairness reading group! Give it a follow if you're looking to discover c… 2021-08-29 21:58:08 RT @jathansadowski: Constructing an elaborate network of red thread with "GARAGE" at the center to prove my new theory that this is the cru… 2021-08-29 20:49:25 RT @lisaafitzgerald: @ByGollyMolly12 This is my favorite 2021-08-29 20:24:11 RT @TomSamaki: Biometrics was a tool of dominance and control by the US military 2021-08-29 20:12:05 Bitten By a Giant Rat 2021-08-29 20:05:54 RT @jathansadowski: A more accurate way is to look at what technologies are imposed on poor/marginalized people and how that surveillance/c… 2021-08-29 19:53:21 RT @EricBoehlert: media 6 mos ago: Biden needs to credit Trump for vaccine success media today, as Republicans refuse to get vaccinated an… 2021-08-29 15:07:02 RT @LFeldmanBarrett: The human brain is a master of deception. In @QuantaMagazine 2021-08-29 14:26:37 RT @DFisman: I think with a CPC federal government, that counterweight is gone, and the pressure goes in the other direction. 2021-08-29 14:26:36 RT @DFisman: With a dynamic like that, the federal government’s ability to provide incentives or exert pressure is determinative, and pushe… 2021-08-29 14:20:21 RT @DFisman: I think the importance of national leadership are manifest in the shift from Trump to Biden in the US. I think we’d see that… 2021-08-29 14:20:15 RT @DFisman: There are a number of Cabinet Ministers who “get it”, and then there are those who, as a friend put it, “show up with their ow… 2021-08-29 14:20:11 RT @DFisman: Much of the public health response is provincial. But there too, federal leadership is important. In Ontario, Premier Ford o… 2021-08-29 13:26:25 RT @DFisman: I fear what our pandemic response will look like under a national conservative government. For people in my field, memories o… 2021-08-29 13:26:19 RT @DFisman: And yes, our pandemic response can get (much) worse with change in federal government. Our health minister would presumably b… 2021-08-29 12:02:53 RT @emptywheel: It's like Biden is facing the worst aspects of his 3 previous predecessors, all in his first year as President. https://t.c… 2021-08-29 12:02:43 RT @parismarx: In Cornwall, there are 52 houses available for rent, but > 12,000 people are on the housin… 2021-08-29 09:55:57 RT @medieninitiativ: Congratulations to @jacobgaboury, whose new book Image Objects is now Amazon's #1 New Release in Adobe Illustrator Gui… 2021-08-29 09:54:58 RT @AsheeshKSi: I completely agree with this. Tenured professors do not constitute alone a powerful class. Faculty across ranks potentially… 2021-08-29 09:53:40 RT @Nick_Lalone: Today I saw yet another, “you can’t critique technology without being a programmer” argument as though sociology-technical… 2021-08-29 09:52:37 RT @jjoque: Reminds me a bit of this quote from Fisher (who understood the technical questions pretty well) about the levels of knowledge a… 2021-08-29 09:44:40 RT @LemieuxLGM: Most of the conservatives who will die of COVID unvaccinated aren’t obscenely self-centered sociopaths like Trump and Tucke… 2021-08-29 09:43:00 RT @BurnAcademia: Wow, everyone in academia is doing TERRIBLY right now and the semester's barely started 2021-08-29 02:45:02 RT @annehelen: I don't think most people understood that this was the year we would actually have a mass resignation and radicalization of… 2021-08-29 01:29:13 RT @sahrasulaiman: I did a whole breakdown of how the LAPD succeeded in getting outlets to adopt that framing. I invite the @latimes to rea… 2021-08-29 01:26:44 RT @LANCWatch: @latimes For anyone coming into this thread to yell at the LAT for their latest copaganda, if you want to read a real accoun… 2021-08-29 01:26:30 RT @LeslieMac: THE LAPD WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT EXPLOSION. 2021-08-28 23:40:07 RT @1RideshareDude: Uber is currently charging $60 extra for a ride from the airport to my house. They are only paying the driver $17 extra… 2021-08-28 23:30:56 RT @veenadubal: Here we go. This is for their appendix to their response brief. Maybe @_drivers_united does one about what Prop22 means t… 2021-08-28 23:21:33 RT @brianbeutler: The paper of record running pro-DeSantis misinformation, debunked by its own previous reporting, is so bizarre. 2021-08-28 22:24:40 RT @sedyst: “Problems with Azure are especially troubling, because Microsoft and outside security experts have been pushing companies to ab… 2021-08-28 22:20:23 RT @JamesSurowiecki: The Times article begins by saying that the Florida experience shows how mass vaccination can't prevent disaster, but… 2021-08-28 20:52:55 RT @LemieuxLGM: 1)Florida’s vaccination rates are mediocre, not good 2)DeSantis has LITERALLY BANNED ANYONE FROM REQUIRING PROOF OF COVID V… 2021-08-28 20:43:19 RT @louise_seamster: a huge logic failure every day for the last 18 mos goes like this: we can't completely avoid COVID for young people, s… 2021-08-28 20:40:33 RT @LemieuxLGM: [Florida has mediocre COVID outcomes] “America’s Beloved COVID Governor Ron DeSantis Has Won the Pandemic!” [Florida has u… 2021-08-28 20:02:35 RT @robyncaplan: Yes. 2021-08-28 20:02:28 RT @BrooksFallis: A huge implication of hospital IPAC promoting droplet is the trickle down effect: offices/schools/factories permit clot… 2021-08-28 19:55:57 @nancybaym 2021-08-28 18:01:38 RT @Combsthepoet: 2021-08-28 14:40:54 RT @AnupamChander: This is a critical observation, which we describe as the 'double-edged sword of digital sovereignty' in our new paper: h… 2021-08-28 14:36:22 RT @PatrickKeilty: There goes an invaluable resource for queer and sexual histories. All the more reason the Sexual Representation Collecti… 2021-08-28 12:46:44 RT @tressiemcphd: One of the strangest things about my professional mobility has been critiquing the bananas expectations of deference in a… 2021-08-28 12:21:39 RT @zugenia: To what extent is the informal rule about departments not hiring their own grad students about not wanting colleagues who know… 2021-08-28 01:39:29 RT @HesterBlum: The new Moby-Dick edition I edited for @OWC_Oxford is forthcoming May 2022--just look at this cover they designed! My intr… 2021-08-28 01:38:48 RT @Calkent: Homelessness is a policy decision 2021-08-28 00:43:42 RT @doctaj: trying to address antimask/antivax/m*g* at the level of 'fact' or 'science' or disinfo or whatever is fundamentally wrong--it's… 2021-08-28 00:40:23 RT @FourWinns298: This. This. This. 2021-08-28 00:38:33 RT @doctaj: the problem isn't 'disinformation' it's a white epistemology of ignorance--whatever reinforces the feeling and experience of wh… 2021-08-27 23:26:47 RT @BenPatrickWill: If you haven't already seen it, this paper by @chelloway @sedyst and colleagues on corporate cloud penetration in HE -… 2021-08-27 23:17:40 RT @BenPatrickWill: I don't think we can read the efforts of Microsoft, above, or Google, or AWS, in education without understanding the ov… 2021-08-27 23:17:30 RT @BenPatrickWill: But @J_Kom_ has done the ground work on rentiership and assetization in education and technology. New relationships are… 2021-08-27 22:46:14 RT @LemieuxLGM: The month of fawning over DeSantis because he was getting mediocre results (before he got almost inevitably horrible ones)… 2021-08-27 22:09:25 RT @brianbeutler: In the cases of both insurrection and Afghanistan, Republicans want to awkwardly circumscribe investigations to target on… 2021-08-27 21:45:04 RT @davidsess: Where exactly is a PhD student supposed to get $6,000 in *even one* year of their program, much less all of them? https://t.… 2021-08-27 21:43:15 RT @BenPatrickWill: Microsoft and Google et al really did use the last 18 months to get fully embedded in schools to roll out their AI didn… 2021-08-27 21:38:00 RT @brianbeutler: Anyhow, it couldn’t be clearer that intentionally spreading Covid then blaming Biden for not ending Covid is a conscious… 2021-08-27 20:52:18 RT @drvolts: The US political media environment is just insane and I have to tell you that ranting about it day after day On Here is not as… 2021-08-27 20:52:10 RT @drvolts: Because right-wing "media" will always defend Republicans, mainstream media will always two-sides the issue, & 2021-08-27 20:52:06 RT @drvolts: Just a reminder that Florida has become an absolute charnel house, with hospitals overflowing & 2021-08-27 19:15:35 RT @schledorn: @edburmila And these were more than just pets! They dogs were specially trained to catch fish for the inhabitants. They were… 2021-08-27 19:13:52 RT @ucicreate: Congratulations to our colleagues Geof Bowker and John Seberger for winning the 2021 ASIS& 2021-08-27 19:13:37 RT @aprilaser: Hey y'all: I’m leaving NBC and starting a Senior Internet Policy Research Fellowship at Harvard with @BostonJoan's badass te… 2021-08-27 19:11:39 RT @jennaburrell: This is such an important issue and I'm glad anytime I see it covered in the media. Through scheduling shenanigans corpor… 2021-08-27 19:05:59 RT @mjs_DC: Listen to @segalmr: The Supreme Court's angry, indignant decision ending the eviction moratorium was rooted in six justices' su… 2021-08-27 16:21:53 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Evergreen tweet: 2021-08-27 16:16:49 RT @brianbeutler: “Plan for Republicans to be worse than you imagine” is perhaps the best advice a Democratic strategist can offer, but th… 2021-08-27 16:09:53 RT @msbellows: Most folks don't realize that the Supreme Court is NOT a court of appeals: it almost never is required to accept a case, and… 2021-08-27 15:48:15 RT @EmilyGorcenski: You all do realize that the GOP’s plan is to block any intervention that stops people from dying and then blaming Biden… 2021-08-27 15:47:41 RT @ArmandoNDK: Manafort absolutely colluded with Russia in case anyone cares. 2021-08-27 15:32:00 RT @drvolts: Yup. 2021-08-27 15:25:30 RT @ArmandoNDK: As Saletan notes in his article, Congress actually passed a provision ostensibly preventing Trump from withdrawing troops.… 2021-08-27 14:43:04 RT @ArmandoNDK: They tried to overthrow the election. And the Media is normalizing that. Lindsey Graham said Biden should be impeached. And… 2021-08-27 14:30:39 RT @kreissdaniel: So much of this rings true, especially all the work that goes into finding reviewers. It’s a demoralizing, thankless task… 2021-08-27 12:27:19 RT @hypervisible: Startup pays people for the rights to their face and makes deepfake “characters” that businesses can hire for things like… 2021-08-27 11:19:58 RT @mtsw: I'd say "elections have consequences" but the reason this is happening is because Trump won in 2016 by negative 3 million votes.… 2021-08-27 11:19:42 RT @ThePlumLineGS: The key to what Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott and the right wing media propaganda machine are doing is bundling Covid and mi… 2021-08-27 11:18:33 RT @molly_coleman: The Supreme Court is writing housing policy. It's writing immigration policy. It's writing labor policy. It's doing the… 2021-08-27 11:16:58 RT @ncecire: Literally our research project 2021-08-27 11:15:47 RT @SharkawyMD: Exactly how overwhelming must the evidence be to confirm that #COVIDisAirborne? Insisting this is an esoteric debate is doi… 2021-08-27 03:10:55 RT @mjs_DC: Rejecting Breyer's plea for full briefing and oral arguments, the six conservative justices plowed ahead with another massively… 2021-08-27 03:08:53 RT @brianbeutler: And no surprise they found their sea legs after it became clear that the majority in Congress lacked the will to protect… 2021-08-27 03:07:07 RT @mjs_DC: The Supreme Court's conservative majority has so thoroughly ripped up the old rules that now it essentially treats shadow docke… 2021-08-27 03:06:47 RT @mjs_DC: When the Supreme Court issues major shadow docket decisions like this it is not acting like a court. The shadow docket is for r… 2021-08-27 03:06:33 RT @mikeduncan: This is the outcome they’ve been aiming for since Garland. It’s here. Six entrenched and unaccountable justices wielding a… 2021-08-27 03:05:41 RT @MondaireJones: If your member of Congress isn’t a cosponsor of the Judiciary Act, which would expand the Supreme Court to restore balan… 2021-08-27 00:16:46 RT @schock: If only someone had warned us that facial recognition technologies, iris scanners, handheld biometric devices, linked to a mass… 2021-08-27 00:15:54 RT @ThePlumLineGS: As always, the bad-faith conduct of Republicans is just treated as an unalterable and natural background fact of politic… 2021-08-26 22:18:16 RT @WilliamDeringer: @lanalana This… I’ve taught my “finance and society” class four times since starting at MIT and every time the season… 2021-08-26 22:18:15 RT @lanalana: 1.5 years ago, last time I taught my undergrad Money, Media, Technology class, only a couple of students had even heard of re… 2021-08-26 22:17:59 RT @profcarroll: The time has come to destroy Facebook. It’s a radical idea but you’re going to get used to it. Soon it will seem normal. 2021-08-26 22:09:51 RT @YukonRadioDave: Detached single family home went up more than $100,000 in a year. 2021-08-26 21:22:13 RT @kingjen: @luke_stark - My go-to phrase for well over a decade is that platforms generate “toxic waste”, especially those that host use… 2021-08-26 21:07:09 How bout nuclear waste? 2021-08-26 20:47:21 RT @WilliamJRipple: This graphic helps me wrap my head around the magnitude of the problem. Notice the amount of current biomass for wild m… 2021-08-26 20:41:36 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Such a great line: "We can have a future that runs on green energy or white power—but we can’t have both."… 2021-08-26 17:31:35 RT @tetisheri: Health tech and feminist praxis nerds pls read 2021-08-26 16:10:23 RT @nathansnewman: “This is about one thing and one thing only: blocking tax increases on the private equity guys who fill his campaign acc… 2021-08-26 15:57:48 RT @bpcarney: World map of Clearview AI facial recognition customers from Buzzfeed. Pretty, pretty healthy representation of #Canada htt… 2021-08-26 15:34:49 @murakamiwood Bravo! 2021-08-26 15:34:39 RT @murakamiwood: This isn't exactly a secret, but it will be news to some: I have just signed a contract to join the University of Ottawa… 2021-08-26 15:29:42 @murakamiwood @shannonmattern It also makes writing faster! The footnotes take twice as long as the actual text... 2021-08-26 15:29:19 RT @shannonmattern: One way to create a fiercely original, game-changing book is to cut out all the citations. Violà! Avant-garde! 2021-08-26 14:28:54 RT @yodifiji: Africans dying. Asians dying. Latin Americans dying. Total failure of international cooperation. Zero global solidarity. http… 2021-08-26 14:00:59 RT @brianbeutler: That sound you hear is Republicans hoping to god there are American casualties so they can wave the bloody shirt and turn… 2021-08-26 12:51:33 RT @KaivanShroff: NEW: Conservative media group Axel Springer is acquiring POLITICO. 2021-08-26 12:26:29 RT @TamanishaJohn: bUt ChiNA iS cOloNzInG aFRicA 2021-08-26 10:37:01 RT @Abebab: no shit! I've said this before and I will say it again: for any given model applied to the social sphere, you can assume that… 2021-08-26 03:46:11 RT @brianschatz: What if instead of asking individuals to personally figure out the carbon intensity of their individual consumer choices w… 2021-08-26 03:06:50 RT @jathansadowski: Internet service providers are quietly sharing and selling "netflow data" that can circumvent security/privacy tools li… 2021-08-26 03:05:02 RT @DanPriceSeattle: After WWII, the richest faced a 91% tax rate. A one-time 91% tax on billionaires' pandemic wealth gains would raise e… 2021-08-26 02:56:40 RT @moiragweigel: Do others get the pandemic sads at night? 2021-08-26 01:04:25 RT @blahtino: Breaking my Twitter hiatus to share that my partner's twin brother has been dealing with some scary (and expensive) health is… 2021-08-26 00:53:58 RT @kevinrmcclure: I sense this will have major repercussions for years to come. "They expressed a desire for long-established dynamics th… 2021-08-26 00:31:01 RT @LAM_Barrett: *nods vigorously in “well if the remote proctoring software labels you a cheater for blinking, one of our contractors or y… 2021-08-25 23:52:17 RT @Combsthepoet: "Colonised and racially subordinated people commit “violence” simply by appearing. If to appear is to be a participant in… 2021-08-25 23:51:21 RT @IBJIYONGI: It’s so great that people on the Canary Islands have standing to object to proposals for their land. I wish Native Hawaiians… 2021-08-25 23:44:03 RT @techreview: Our brains create our minds specifically to preserve our bodies and pilot them through our environment. Basically, our mind… 2021-08-25 21:45:44 RT @IrisVanRooij: Fodor was right and we still haven’t made a dent in the frame problem 2021-08-25 21:45:11 RT @natematias: Academics: if Facebook asks you to join an advisory commission on its impact on elections, I urge you: Make joining condi… 2021-08-25 21:34:33 RT @InkedHistorian: Never gets old. #twitterstorians 2021-08-25 20:36:23 How 'bout we just build an awful lot of new trains? 2021-08-25 20:24:18 RT @MishaZand: I’ve sent condolences to the same person once every week for the past month. Over 700 people are dying right now, every day,… 2021-08-25 20:15:58 RT @mer__edith: "human in the loop" is a scam embraced by companies/govs to create a designated person who can be held liable for AI's fuck… 2021-08-25 20:07:09 RT @mer__edith: What on earth? No. 2021-08-25 20:07:07 RT @mer__edith: How in 2021 can anyone propose w a straight face that the path to a "fair" criminal justice system is via AI. That the prob… 2021-08-25 15:36:34 RT @AINowInstitute: NEW: @AINowInstitute, @AdaLovelaceInst and @opengovpart partnered on the first global study of the regulations and pol… 2021-08-25 13:30:47 RT @digi_ad: New preprint from @mooseabyte and I, exploring #emotionalAI in the automotive sector. Includes discussion of implications of t… 2021-08-25 13:13:22 RT @shannonmattern: “NYU Shanghai contracts w NYU + pays NYU service fees for a range of professional + admin support services … but the ul… 2021-08-25 12:07:42 RT @DarkLiterata: Keeping in mind that "high-functioning" almost always means "useful to capitalism," this is my specific struggle. Literal… 2021-08-25 11:50:04 RT @jddneary: it's alienating, when going to the hospital every morning to take care of inpatients who are still seriously ill from the thi… 2021-08-25 11:46:34 RT @hamandcheese: I asked GPT-3 about Xinjiang and it broke. 2021-08-25 11:43:36 RT @Abebab: A brain map with neat borders is not just oversimplified—it’s misleading. Brain boundaries (b/n thinking, feeling, deciding, r… 2021-08-25 04:01:26 RT @ryangrim: NEW: No Labels, according to a memo we obtained, is now acknowledging to allies their goal was to target the reconciliation p… 2021-08-25 04:00:41 RT @thenation: Turns out the Koch network bankrolled the astroturf backlash against teaching kids about racism. 2021-08-25 03:56:37 RT @pardoguerra: This is the same strategy I use for faculty meetings bth 2021-08-25 03:49:58 RT @techreview: BREAKING: A 90-page report published today by the US Government Accountability Office details how federal agencies currentl… 2021-08-25 03:42:10 RT @Taniel: Democracy, except elections don’t matter because conservatives routinely govern while getting far fewer votes, the GOP is ready… 2021-08-25 03:39:02 RT @LemieuxLGM: "Lawless district court judges dictating national policy" is not a sustainable equilibrium, for reasons Alexander Hamilton… 2021-08-25 03:09:38 RT @brianbeutler: Expand the court. 2021-08-25 03:04:19 RT @mjs_DC: I have very smart lawyer friends who assured me the Supreme Court would not do what it did tonight. That the conservative justi… 2021-08-25 02:08:00 RT @jathansadowski: "The ability to produce and analyze enormous data sets using AI [...] supposedly spelled the end of theory. But theory… 2021-08-25 00:27:40 RT @steve_vladeck: What this underscores, once again, is how little a majority of the Court seems to care about the traditional criteria fo… 2021-08-25 00:04:35 RT @mjs_DC: The big question was always: Are the Supreme Court’s conservatives consistent skeptics of nationwide injunctions against immigr… 2021-08-25 00:00:59 RT @chrislhayes: The shadow docket has gotten completely out of control. 2021-08-24 23:59:24 RT @ArmandoNDK: The Executive Branch is granted incredible deference by the Supreme Court in these situations. Except now. By this Court. D… 2021-08-24 23:55:51 RT @chrisgeidner: The shadow docket — once primarily a home for stay of execution requests — is no longer used for “exceptional” cases. It… 2021-08-24 23:55:49 RT @chrisgeidner: Unbelievable. Both procedurally and substantively. 2021-08-24 23:55:03 RT @ReichlinMelnick: The lower courts got dozens of facts wrong, wildly misstated the law, and ordered the Executive to torpedo delicate fo… 2021-08-24 23:54:20 RT @ArmandoNDK: This is actually incredibly outrageous. But most folks don’t understand that. 2021-08-24 23:39:50 RT @AlondraNelson46: Friday @WHOSTP held its second The Time Is Now: Advancing Equity in Science and Technology roundtable with national re… 2021-08-24 23:15:00 @naz_andalibi I'm so glad you're both ok. 2021-08-24 21:12:51 RT @ystvns: This reminds me of a report put together for @cancivlib examining #FacialRecognition technology in Canada, which provides an in… 2021-08-24 21:01:42 RT @newrepublic: Microsoft’s PAC has given the most to Mitch McConnell, totaling $126,000 in donations to his Senate committees and one of… 2021-08-24 20:24:44 RT @ArmandoNDK: Then BIB doesn’t pass on September 27. I suggest people get to work. 2021-08-24 19:46:02 RT @FourWinns298: "Ontario has embraced vaccinations policy" while not actually doing any heavy lifting for vaccine policies. 2021-08-24 19:43:28 RT @mmitchell_ai: Personal news! I'm joining Hugging Face . It's a community creating transparent AI models that are now powering both pri… 2021-08-24 19:35:36 @Dublin_kshankar @michaelzimmer @BigDataMargins EST! 2021-08-24 19:17:48 RT @michaelzimmer: Last year's virtual @MarquetteU "Ethics of Big Data Symposium" was a great success thanks to @ruha9, @annaeveryday, and… 2021-08-24 18:18:27 RT @BrandonMKemp: The announcement about Hong Kong’s new retroactive film censorship and steep penalties for unauthorized screenings has me… 2021-08-24 18:16:04 RT @ajbauer: An unmasked person coughing indoors? In this economy? 2021-08-24 18:08:18 RT @chbooksdc: If forced to choose at gunpoint, would you rather go to a Florida-themed bar in DC or a DC-themed bar in Florida? https://t.… 2021-08-24 15:27:18 Folks! Remember how awesome @BigDataMargins was last academic year? Well, we're back! Come one, come all! 2021-08-24 15:26:40 RT @BigDataMargins: Big Data at the Margins is pleased to present, "The Right to Repair: Struggles Over Digital Tools & 2021-08-24 14:58:48 RT @LSEReviewBooks: In this new author interview, we speak to Dr Dylan Mulvin (@dwmulvin) from @MediaLSE about his new book, Proxies: The C… 2021-08-24 13:14:47 @Combsthepoet 2021-08-24 12:47:26 RT @stone_prof: *cries in Boston* 2021-08-24 12:35:47 RT @djrothkopf: What is more it is not just doing all these things--all these big, complex, urgent, essential things--at once, but it is do… 2021-08-24 11:38:19 RT @sedyst: When tech companies enter the housing market, it opens new ways of financialization that are unlikely to have a positive impact… 2021-08-24 03:02:10 RT @theannasu: I get that academics want The Chair to be realistic but do you see lawyers complaining when they watch Suits and people are… 2021-08-24 02:19:11 RT @alexhanna: 2) I haven't watched @jackclarkSF's talk yet, but discussions of governance already give away the game, e.g. the conversatio… 2021-08-24 02:19:02 RT @alexhanna: on workshop of "foundational" models. Some quick thoughts -- absolutely agree the move to change the name of these from "la… 2021-08-23 23:49:44 RT @rasmus_kleis: Little/no learning from news on social media is "not due to a narrow, personalized news diet, as is often suggested" Erke… 2021-08-23 23:18:42 RT @themarkup: Read this sentence twice: Exit polls showed that 40% of those who voted to pass California’s Prop 22 believed they were supp… 2021-08-23 20:55:30 RT @MrsMRS_PhD: In follow up to my research with @ynotez on data governance at Disney, they have a viable application for all of the traini… 2021-08-23 20:46:59 @STEMLatina @TimNaftali @tfadp @RLukeDuBois oh geez! thank you Marilu 2021-08-23 19:54:34 @sailorrooscout I did - I guess you'd disagree with the implication in this tweet Thanks for being so approachable! It must be draining. 2021-08-23 19:51:06 @sailorrooscout Right - but the Israeli data shows severe cases are growing at the same rate as infection, just from a lower baseline. 2021-08-23 19:47:43 @jburnmurdoch @sailorrooscout I value your perspective - this data seems to show waning immunity. Is that right? 2021-08-23 19:26:35 RT @datasociety: “While bans & 2021-08-23 17:54:31 RT @djleufer: After being heavily quoted in multiple languages calling the Guardian GPT3 op-ed "an absolute joke", I can now add to my list… 2021-08-23 17:40:55 RT @BlancheMinerva: First and foremost: please never use the phrase "foundational models" every again. It's a garbage name that people like… 2021-08-23 17:40:48 RT @BlancheMinerva: @mmitchell_ai @emilymbender @mer__edith 1. There is very little intellectually "foundational" about these models 2. It'… 2021-08-23 17:23:14 RT @parismarx: Remember when the gig companies said rejecting Prop 22 would require them to raise prices, but when it passed they did it an… 2021-08-23 16:52:40 RT @ArmandoNDK: In this Gottheimer nonsense stunt, don’t forget that 2 Democratic House votes are missing because 2 Republican Governors ha… 2021-08-23 16:16:29 RT @re_sieber: Huge implications for AI, which will be used to review videos. Given who's behind this, the AI will be parameterized & 2021-08-23 15:14:09 RT @studentactivism: Wow. Excellent news. Rice University’s cluster of COVID cases seems to have been almost entirely a result of false pos… 2021-08-23 15:00:34 RT @caro1inehaskins: *Scoop* and my first for @BusinessInsider: I got a copy of the contract between Clearview AI + the US Army's Criminal… 2021-08-23 14:59:13 Mind you, many scholars have been on this beat for quite some time... 2021-08-23 14:42:02 RT @raycorrigan: Machine learning's crumbling foundations @doctorow in fine form 2021-08-23 14:39:43 @Combsthepoet 2021-08-23 13:47:06 RT @AbeOudshoorn: "This does not bode well for low-income Canadians, especially the poorest 20% of Canadians. Further, the emphasis on drug… 2021-08-23 13:41:15 N: Tromsø S: Melbourne E: Tokyo W: Honolulu 2021-08-23 13:31:16 RT @JacquelynGill: A year later, and this is still true. I’m now running a biweekly second game with new folks, and about to start my third… 2021-08-18 20:48:01 RT @jathansadowski: Yep nobody has thought about these things or spent their lives yelling about it like a chorus into the void 2021-08-18 18:40:24 RT @Abebab: "the deployment of machine translation technology extends a tradition of difference-making and exerting power over subordinate… 2021-08-18 17:14:59 RT @Greene_DM: "I think I should be on top of the org chart, with everyone else selected by me and reporting to me." --the author of Why Yo… 2021-08-18 11:45:54 RT @franklinleonard: For comparison's sake, they're giving away (for free) 7-packs of these tests in the UK to anyone who asks for them. 2021-08-18 11:36:08 RT @AmooreLouise: If you would like to understand how and why biometrics became such a technological core of US presence in Afghanistan, @n… 2021-08-18 10:27:30 RT @NerdyAndNatural: I wanted to backed this up yesterday but I couldn't find the screenshots until this morning. You can see my battery is… 2021-08-17 20:53:21 RT @LAM_Barrett: there simply are no benefits of this technology that could ever come close to the enormous harms it enables… 2021-08-17 13:13:57 RT @XineYaoPhD: Pleased to share (but also very stressed) that the intro for DISAFFECTED: THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF UNFEELING IN NINETEENTH-… 2021-08-17 11:51:24 RT @undersequoias: Does anyone have a citation for the claim about "the most robust dataset in medicine"? I've heard this claim or similar… 2021-08-16 20:59:29 RT @FrankPasquale: Nope: see 2021-08-16 19:50:29 RT @DFisman: it increasingly looks as though the absolute champion vaccine, in terms of immunogenicity and durability of vaccine response,… 2021-08-16 19:09:58 RT @FourWinns298: About 10,000 doses of Moderna were "thrown out" in the MLHU region. Like to get counts from other PHUs. 2021-08-16 18:18:13 RT @turningbones: Pompeo's deal and Trump stating the Taliban are a force of good that will fight terrorism was the final nail in the coffi… 2021-08-16 17:55:45 RT @HZeavin: thanks so much to @tomthor_etc at @thebafflermag for this lovely review of The Distance Cure, out tomorrow from @mitpress: 2021-08-16 17:55:34 RT @rajiinio: So @hiddenmarkov just spotted the text based version of those phrenology/physiognomy papers... I mean, what does it mean to… 2021-08-16 16:39:11 RT @SteeleCat717: 2021 Nancy Baym Book Award Winner is Distributed Blackness by @DocDre -"This is the point at which the committee would us… 2021-08-16 14:02:47 RT @attackerman: Foreign policy & 2021-08-16 14:02:02 RT @JuddLegum: The strategy of a large chunk of the foreign policy establishment, which promoted a failed policy in Afghanistan for two dec… 2021-08-16 12:45:26 RT @marylgray: Loving every word of this. (a relief that it syncs so thoroughly w/ current projects @MSFTResearch) AI ethics in the real wo… 2021-08-16 11:56:11 RT @linnetelwin: this is a moment to think about how economic justice may be different from 'AI ethics'. Ideally there is no difference - b… 2021-08-16 11:44:47 RT @karppi: "In the mood for disconnection" with @aleenachia & 2021-08-16 11:35:21 RT @shannonmattern: Fascinating thread about what kind of “dedication” and “innovation” get heroicized 2021-08-16 00:42:22 RT @AlexanderMcCoy4: The failure to evacuate vulnerable Afghans is impossible to separate from the white nationalist movement in the US tha… 2021-08-15 23:03:11 RT @JillFilipovic: I disagree with Seth on 99.9% of things but he is 100% right about this and I wish every decent person on the left, righ… 2021-08-15 22:59:21 RT @Quinnae_Moon: Part of the danger of the forever war/permanent emergency mindset is that we start taking for granted the idea that our p… 2021-08-15 21:43:53 RT @ParkerMolloy: Just a reminder that when Biden said he might not be able to meet Trump’s slapdash May 1 deadline to exit Afghanistan, th… 2021-08-15 21:28:54 RT @samdman95: the singular most important thing we should be doing right now is helping evacuate and resettle as many refugees from afghan… 2021-08-15 21:08:19 RT @complexfields: Here’s hoping this preview of the solo @bengrosser show at @arebyte is a good sign of what’s to come from reception of t… 2021-08-15 21:03:03 RT @brianbeutler: There should be no pretending to believe Republicans when they claim to be mad about this, and no credulousness when they… 2021-08-15 20:52:05 RT @AstorAaron: There is going to be a major refugee exodus from Kabul, most of it by land and probably to Pakistan (as happened in the 199… 2021-08-15 20:14:59 RT @DanteAtkins: The thing that upsets me about the situation in Afghanistan isn't that it collapsed so quickly--that was a foreseeable con… 2021-08-15 19:47:40 RT @AstorAaron: Biden needs to own this fiasco by promising to provide refuge for as many pro-US Afghan civilians as we can evacuate - eith… 2021-08-15 17:59:02 RT @janicedickson: I'm getting texts/voice notes from former Afghan employees who worked at Canada's embassy in Kabul. One man's voice is t… 2021-08-15 17:51:58 RT @MercedesGlobal: As we are live on air I’m receiving photos/video of hundreds of Afghan interpreters & 2021-08-15 13:04:32 RT @JasonKander: Here’s what the rule should be with #Afghanistan: If you helped, we get you out. If you say you helped and we can’t verify… 2021-08-15 11:29:56 RT @fairydreamys: she's in someone's locket , 1940s 2021-08-15 11:18:12 RT @jathansadowski: Zillow, Other Tech Firms Are in an ‘Arms Race’ To Buy Up American Homes "To finance the growth, Zillow is borrowing $4… 2021-08-15 11:13:34 RT @drewmckevitt: As Afghanistan falls to the Taliban (again) I keep thinking of George Packer's book on Richard Holbrooke, which ends with… 2021-08-15 02:27:32 RT @parismarx: “Global greenhouse gas emissions must peak in the next four years, coal and gas-fired power plants must close in the next de… 2021-08-15 00:26:45 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: Gotta love how, thanks to California’s utterly stupid recall system, there’s a decent chance the sitting governor coul… 2021-08-14 20:35:19 RT @paulcoxon: Published 109 years ago 2021-08-14 18:14:08 RT @FrankPasquale: An “inherent source of intellectual conservatism in AI: the field is not restricted a priori to speaking of human beings… 2021-08-14 18:13:43 RT @albertwenger: @EricTopol Was just in Berlin: medical grade masks on all public transport, free testing everywhere, pervasive contact tr… 2021-08-14 15:02:23 RT @Sierra_OffLine: Which perhaps is fine. Tourists are ok. Just something very gutting about a park that is in no way a park, built for mi… 2021-08-14 14:41:23 RT @ykomska: academic Twitter is excellent with whipping anxiety into stiff peaks and spreading it, and the line between finding solidarity… 2021-08-14 13:27:46 RT @SarahTaber_bww: love too be Amazon making movies about Pinkertons so when people google "Amazon + Pinkertons" they get the movie inste… 2021-08-14 11:51:42 RT @newrepublic: It is impossible to look back at the Bush administration’s actions and not see the groundwork for Trumpism.… 2021-08-14 10:48:34 RT @nberlat: of course we should just admit all refugees anyway. 2021-08-14 10:48:15 RT @nberlat: we should let anyone from afghanistan who wants refuge here come here forever basically. 2021-08-14 00:54:14 RT @Quinnae_Moon: What we most need to endure from this pandemic is already going away--reinforced social safety nets and the like. What pe… 2021-08-14 00:49:33 RT @barker_cm: Minneapolis is one of my favorite cities to use for density comparisons, because it really isn't *that* dense, and is domina… 2021-08-14 00:46:31 RT @jevanhutson: 2021-08-14 00:19:06 RT @cephaloponderer: Excited to be able to share this work where @morganklauss and @alexhanna I studied the disciplinary values underlying… 2021-08-13 23:37:12 RT @JJRodV: Wow. These stats are staggering. 2021-08-13 23:29:34 RT @Sierra_OffLine: Important stuff about @SIGCIS this year: registration is pay what you can! We're committed to making attendance to this… 2021-08-13 21:23:21 RT @iajunwa: "The ElliQ robot is among a plethora of technologies being created to try to comfort, entertain and inform seniors..They are b… 2021-08-13 21:19:45 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Are you researching and writing about preventing and ending homelessness? Please consider submitting to the International… 2021-08-13 21:14:42 RT @bethmsemel: late to the game but i'm beyond pumped to announce that @HZeavin and i are co-organizing a panel for @SIGCIS: "Infrastructu… 2021-08-13 19:47:56 RT @edburmila: It’s hilarious that Uber is enormously unprofitable and operates in some weird legal gray zone but as long as it makes labor… 2021-08-13 19:36:37 RT @EvanSelinger: An excellent book! 2021-08-13 18:53:17 RT @imgrund: Ontario needs to do what London, Ontario tried to do: Lower first dose eligibility from age 12 to those born in 2009. Let’s e… 2021-08-13 17:44:20 RT @re_sieber: Good article that exposes the banality of AI/ML & 2021-08-13 17:00:58 RT @murakamiwood: Of course this piece makes him sound like he was the only one, when of course, he wasn't. But American media must always… 2021-08-13 17:00:54 RT @murakamiwood: Phil Agre also wrote a foundational critique of #facialrecognition - a genuine visionary. 2021-08-13 15:09:21 RT @murakamiwood: A plea: stop using right-wing coinages as if they mean something neutral or even progressive: 'virtue signaling', 'white… 2021-08-13 13:52:04 RT @morgangames: It's been such an honor to work with @Sierra_OffLine @mysdick and @xiaochang on this. @SIGCIS got *record* submissions thi… 2021-08-13 13:46:35 RT @LMSacasas: What’s that law about how the answer to interrogative headlines is always “no”? 2021-08-13 13:40:56 RT @DFisman: Sharing this via twitter because I think it's in the public interest to know: we now have enough delta cases in kids, and enou… 2021-08-13 13:40:48 RT @Sierra_OffLine: WE LIVE! Check out the incredible @SIGCIS program, now on our website, and get registered for our annual conference, Se… 2021-08-13 00:39:12 RT @mjs_DC: The Supreme Court's 6–3 order blocking part of New York's eviction moratorium is a paradigmatic example of the conservative maj… 2021-08-12 23:37:51 RT @seanmmcdonald: I mean. Maybe we should keep waiting for the contact tracing apps to kick in instead? Or the “AI”?… 2021-08-12 19:23:58 RT @clancynewyork: A fantastically good job for a historian. National Portrait Gallery does history with care. Lots of wonderful co-workers… 2021-08-12 19:17:28 RT @attackerman: Never forget this. We could have had in 2001 the terms US sought in the 2019 deal — the Taliban offered to demobilize and… 2021-08-12 17:35:08 RT @dbessner: The US is the head of a global empire. As far as I can tell, there is currently ONE AVAILABLE JOB nationally in the history o… 2021-08-12 17:23:11 RT @tamigraph: Ah, my heart , this Geof Bowker quote on Phil Agre: "He was writing for an audience of the benighted and the benighted were… 2021-08-12 15:16:55 RT @RescueLakeSimc1: Coaliton challenges recent MZO approval for Mobility Orbit via @InnisfilToday Good article M… 2021-08-12 15:09:38 RT @brianbeutler: “…it’s plainly obvious that their strategy mainly revolves around torquing up the base into the greatest frenzy possible,… 2021-08-12 14:09:47 RT @FAccTConference: We are beginning preparations for #FAccT2022 — we are aiming to have it as a hybrid (virtual and face-to-face) confere… 2021-08-12 13:48:23 RT @EricColumbus: Heather Heyer died at Charlottesville four years ago today. The memory of the righteous is a blessing.… 2021-08-12 13:37:59 @tressiemcphd Congratulations! 2021-08-12 13:36:15 RT @tressiemcphd: Good morning and good day. I do have some news. You can now subscribe to my NYTimes newsletter for a little counter-intu… 2021-08-12 11:00:34 RT @danmcquillan: legalising automated injustice "recent Admin Court judgment (The Motherhood Plan v Her Majesty’s Treasury) that Gov cou… 2021-08-12 00:45:55 @notio Fabulous! 2021-08-11 23:32:30 RT @RuralComputing: Hello, World! We are the Rural Computing Research Consortium @michiganstateu. We are a new growing organization of facu… 2021-08-11 23:30:08 RT @nlanard: Uber losing more than $20 billion only to end up with rides that cost significantly more than NYC cabs is next level grift 2021-08-11 23:16:40 RT @bruce_arthur: This is my surprised face. I am sorry to be a broken record, but this is a baddddddd government, guys 2021-08-11 22:38:35 RT @WesternU: #COVID19 Update: All #WesternU, @kingsatwestern, @huronatwestern, @BresciaUC students, staff and faculty who plan to be on ca… 2021-08-11 20:33:17 RT @Dr_C_Thompson: Boy am I sick of phrenology. Grad students, choose your dissertation projects with more care than I did, for you will… 2021-08-11 20:30:37 RT @KimTallBear: I co-developed the @UANativeStudies Indigenous Peoples and Technoscience course with @JessKolopenuk. We reject the idea th… 2021-08-11 20:29:12 RT @jacobgaboury: Image Objects is on sale at the SIGGRAPH virtual booth this week if you want to pick it up! And if you’re attending come… 2021-08-11 20:26:09 RT @bernardionysius: "there is no face whose contours are not part of a geometric line and cannot be traced in one stroke by a certain regu… 2021-08-11 20:18:44 RT @AsteadWesley: after all that..... the jeopardy exec producer just chose........ himself lmaoooo 2021-08-11 20:04:19 RT @FourWinns298: With some pre-prints out and others to follow it's clear that Moderna should have *really* had a better PR team. The fac… 2021-08-11 18:16:38 RT @joshtpm: lots of people dunk on DeSantis for being terrible on Covid. But this is a deep systematic look at the record and it's pretty… 2021-08-11 17:48:55 RT @Sierra_OffLine: Computer furniture is the kind of historical object I love to think about. It decenters the computer in computer histor… 2021-08-11 15:32:57 RT @BrooksFallis: Our benchmarks for reopening in ON are based on the alpha variant & But w… 2021-08-11 14:10:05 RT @FourWinns298: Just another example of so many who are going above and beyond. THANK YOU. 2021-08-11 13:42:34 RT @kristallakis: The longer you work in government the more you realize the things that sound the most boring to most people are actually… 2021-08-11 13:39:35 RT @BlkSocWithQTNA: Come work with me! #DartmouthSoc is hiring again!! 2021-08-11 13:38:53 How the second part of Goethe's Faust explains the modern Republican party: a thread 2021-08-11 13:32:46 RT @kathytpham: Happy happy birthday to us! 2021-08-11 12:59:42 RT @hiokinai: Absolutely inhumane. I have also been wondering how students feel about this - are they even remotely comfortable with this a… 2021-08-11 12:34:46 RT @BritaYtreArne: Deadline extended - still possible to apply for this 4-year postdoc in media studies! Come work with us to research the… 2021-08-11 12:21:10 RT @murakamiwood: And here's the full rationale, clearly laid out: 2021-08-11 11:59:03 RT @AlisonHearn: @WesternU where is your leadership? You can’t hide behind ‘political pressure’ anymore. Please - do the right thing. 2021-08-11 03:18:19 RT @daveweigel: 2021-08-11 01:48:26 RT @kjavadizadeh: On what would have been Philip Larkin’s 99th. 2021-08-11 01:40:02 RT @OnlineCrsLady: indeed. budget details for OU's plan to milk the online masters program to subsidize "stategic investments" in other uni… 2021-08-11 01:37:55 RT @imgrund: COVID and kids. Let's not close our eyes and act like this doesn't exist. Make schools safe. Now. 2021-08-11 00:27:47 RT @AllisonLCarter: “I trust my immune system” is such a weird reason not to get the vaccine. Yeah, I trust mine to protect me too, which… 2021-08-11 00:21:45 RT @imgrund: The media needs to be more responsible in reporting vaccination rates. Ontario is NOT more than 70% vaccinated. IT IS CORRECT… 2021-08-10 23:22:12 RT @rcalo: "facial recognition for plants"@rianeliza 2021-08-10 23:19:52 RT @EdTubb: “You can circle (July 16) on a calendar, because that’s the day we said, ‘hey, if you’re not vaccinated and you don’t care, go… 2021-08-10 22:21:11 @frannyrecounts I'm sorry Josh 2021-08-10 22:06:44 RT @upstaterica: pleased to announce that my summer was neither productive nor restful 2021-08-10 21:57:32 RT @FourWinns298: Elliott also mentioned fraud with passports. Have you LOOKED at your vaxx receipt? The government considers that to be h… 2021-08-10 21:36:03 RT @tamigraph: TT digital media job in Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Chicago 2021-08-10 21:16:32 RT @drvolts: One thing I see in domain after domain: a scarcity mindset being framed as "realism" despite the fact that, in reality, the do… 2021-08-10 19:59:40 RT @EdTubb: The Ontario Science Table estimate of Ontario's R(t) is higher now than it has ever been, at 1.54. (This makes sense, cases ha… 2021-08-10 19:44:25 RT @beccalew: In light of recent research, here's a piece of mine from 2020 on why celebrity culture and social networking are just as impo… 2021-08-10 19:04:48 RT @AlexCEngler: Yeah @doctorow is right on here - Hubert Horan has been truly exemplary in his analysis of Uber over the past five years.… 2021-08-10 18:16:40 RT @VictimOfMaths: This seems like a plausible explanation for the recent divergence in hospitalisations between the UK and the US. JCVI's… 2021-08-10 18:00:32 RT @DikeakosLab: Let’s do this @WesternU 2021-08-10 17:45:21 RT @Wolven: I feel like that needs to be restated: Herschel Walker— the candidate who is running for nomination to be senator of a state h… 2021-08-10 17:43:29 RT @ruthbenghiat: Biopolitics provides a window on a century of authoritarianism. The same groups have been persecuted as non-(re)producti… 2021-08-10 17:06:54 RT @WesternU: Four ! London athletes are bringing home Olympic Gold x4! #Tokyo2020 We are #soproud to call this city home, and to cheer… 2021-08-10 16:29:27 RT @BogochIsaac: The University of Ottawa - creating a safer campus by ensuring everyone is vaccinated to #COVID19. 2021-08-10 13:39:47 RT @MattNegrin: Republicans are allowed to work in the news media as open Republicans because of the misconception (also pushed by Republic… 2021-08-10 13:39:40 RT @MattNegrin: Be Smart: @CBSNews is pushing this bad-faith Fox News talking point because the CBS News political director is @caitlincona… 2021-08-10 13:07:00 RT @homefinderuk: "To the outside world, I was not stereotypically homeless, and perhaps this is why I often found my needs not being met",… 2021-08-10 13:06:35 RT @DFisman: We can do a similar exercise with Ontario's 2 million or so unvaccinated adults, and see that we are indeed headed for an iceb… 2021-08-10 13:03:59 RT @DFisman: Important for people to understand the numbers: there's currently credible modeling in Ontario projecting a 70% covid attack r… 2021-08-10 12:47:35 RT @djleufer: Last week @accessnow submitted our response to the @EU_Commission's consultation on the draft AI Act. A thread focusing on… 2021-08-10 12:47:07 RT @djleufer: We also suggest additional prohibitions that need to be added to ensure the protection of fundamental rights. The first, I l… 2021-08-10 12:23:43 RT @aselbst: Great thread and observations. Feels like a complement to @ftripodi's excellent "Searching for Alternative Facts"… 2021-08-10 12:23:27 RT @normative: What the crank is doing is ultimately a lot more condescending—the equivalent of giving a child a fake cell phone so they ca… 2021-08-10 12:23:16 RT @normative: The crank is flattering me with a display of technical jargon and a mountain of citations to “evidence.” I’m not equipped… 2021-08-10 12:23:13 RT @normative: So they’ll do a quickie explainer of why some particular claim is wrong in lay terms, but they’re typically not going to bot… 2021-08-10 12:22:12 RT @normative: Because I like exterminating any residual shreds of faith in humanity, I looked through the overwhelmingly hostile comments… 2021-08-10 11:38:10 RT @CTVNews: Moderna to sign agreement to build mRNA production plant in Canada 2021-08-10 00:17:07 RT @EdTubb: Here's the Mon. snapshot. The province's 7-day avg. is up 53% since last Mon., which is a doubling pace of about every 10 days… 2021-08-09 21:07:53 RT @Lollardfish: Climate change nihilism is the new climate change denialism. Just the latest excuse not to act. 2021-08-09 20:42:33 RT @AlexCEngler: Gotta say, I'm more nervous about this piece than usual - especially since I know there are people in this administration… 2021-08-09 20:40:51 RT @calnewmedia: Congratulations @HZeavin on #TheDistanceCure from @mitpress! Psychotherapy across distance & 2021-08-09 20:16:27 RT @bcmerchant: It's 2021 and outlets and pundits are still framing IPCC coverage by wondering whether "the world" will choose to act to pr… 2021-08-09 20:07:12 RT @rajiinio: Especially in machine learning, there is no real separation of "industry" and "research" - claiming this as a reason to aban… 2021-08-09 20:06:43 RT @EdTubb: The Globe editorial board come out in favour of vaccine mandates in virtually any setting. https://t.… 2021-08-09 19:57:23 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: I can’t help but think of the phrase “the future has been stolen from us.” It speaks to an important point: there was… 2021-08-09 19:00:53 RT @manymanywords: And just a reminder that market solutions don't work like, the fuck at all 2021-08-09 19:00:48 RT @manymanywords: I wrote this in 2019 but I still think it's largely true: "It’s easy not to buy harmful products when the harmful produc… 2021-08-09 19:00:41 RT @manymanywords: regulate climate shit and stop making people think its their personal shopping responsibility NOW 2021-08-09 18:54:04 RT @alexhanna: NYC 2021-08-09 18:52:10 RT @schumacherbj: Entering a new research field 2021-08-09 18:41:23 RT @uwofa1: In the absence of a vaccine mandate, read our new FAQ that addresses common concerns about returning to in-person learning this… 2021-08-09 17:48:45 RT @willie_agnew: "Fairness" in NLP being used to make models better at surveiling incarcerated Black people. If you work in these areas yo… 2021-08-09 15:40:07 RT @tamigraph: I wrote about the political power of Silicon Valley stories @Boundary2, thinking w/ recent work by Anna Wiener, Ellen Ullman… 2021-08-09 15:13:56 RT @jamieclimate: Never forget that we had all the scientific evidence we needed to act on global warming over 40 years ago, but the fossil… 2021-08-09 14:49:35 RT @EdTubb: So, like: If you want to know where you are still likely to encounter large pops. of unvaccinated people — the places we might… 2021-08-09 14:43:00 RT @davekarpf: The levers of power that environmentalists like former-me knew how to pull were mostly good for buying time while we built g… 2021-08-09 14:42:17 RT @FrankPasquale: So many of these "reputation assessment systems" simply function to create digital castes, so the stigmatized are easier… 2021-08-09 14:25:52 RT @parismarx: If you’re not sure what to make of China’s recent crackdown on its tech companies, @EricLevitz provides a great overview and… 2021-08-09 14:20:58 RT @zarahsultana: Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions. The climate crisis is a capitalist crisis. We need syste… 2021-08-09 14:19:20 RT @EdTubb: Like: It really matters a lot how bad this gets. 2021-08-09 14:17:37 RT @EdTubb: Thing is, a lot of incremental global warming *can* be stopped, and it is 100% a choice that we’re not trying. Clearly, a subs… 2021-08-09 13:36:32 RT @alexhanna: This work looks really interesting -- picking three different datasets (collected with varying levels of ethical dubiousness… 2021-08-09 13:20:02 RT @WilliamDeringer: The Logic of Corporate Accounting Took Over Our Language, and We Hardly Noticed – Mother Jones 2021-08-09 11:51:01 RT @gmbutts: One thing about this era is absolutely certain. No historian is going to write that we moved too fast on climate change. http… 2021-08-09 11:48:05 RT @murakamiwood: #ClimateBreakdown is the most important collective challenge we face. It makes everything else harder to deal with. http… 2021-08-09 11:44:40 RT @parismarx: The planet has warmed 1.1°C — virtually all from human activity — and could reach 1.5°C by the early 2030s. Minimizing warm… 2021-08-08 22:42:08 RT @jason_a_w: Tucker visited Orban because he and many others on the American right openly admire the way he has crushed pluralism and lib… 2021-08-08 22:38:59 RT @shannonmattern: Plants “move, but just at a much slower pace. They communicate, but often by using a vocabulary of chemical signals tha… 2021-08-08 19:22:37 RT @AbraarKaran: This right here Have had #covid19 cases recently who literally tried to get vaccinated, were unable to for logistical rea… 2021-08-08 18:39:36 RT @nhannahjones: I have to say hotels claiming they aren’t cleaning rooms daily because of Covid while operating fully maskless bars and r… 2021-08-08 18:37:28 RT @imgrund: Ontario’s 4th wave of COVID-19 is the direct result of @fordnation and Dr. Kieran Moore refusing to implement a proof of vacci… 2021-08-08 18:13:36 RT @joshtpm: Schlichter is mainly an angry loser who failed in hollywood and now fantasizes about killing liberals. but this rant is a good… 2021-08-08 16:58:44 RT @EdTubb: (If I had to guess the biggest culprit, I'd guess indoor service at bars. They disproportionately attract 20-30 somethings, our… 2021-08-08 16:52:41 RT @coopSpeak: They want to do with education the very same thing that they did with #LTC It’s all about breaking the union and privatizing… 2021-08-08 16:28:23 RT @imgrund: Without a doubt, Alberta, BC, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan are now in the fourth wave. The missing province? Manitoba.… 2021-08-08 16:28:19 RT @NathanStall: “#Ontario is ducking the biggest thing that would keep students safe this fall: mandatory vaccination.” 2-million studen… 2021-08-08 14:58:39 RT @normsworld: True story. We can’t cap class sizes in #covid19 hotspots like we could last year. The funding simply isn’t there. #topoli… 2021-08-08 14:51:44 RT @jkwan_md: Please also remember I am not being paid, & 2021-08-08 14:49:37 RT @TheTattooedProf: If you think it's OK to continue the cycle of hazing and weaponized stress because you "turned out just fine," you did… 2021-08-08 14:48:55 RT @EdTubb: Here's the Sun. vax snapshot. We're around 72% total pop. coverage and stalled there, pretty much. Thing is: That's a choice.… 2021-08-08 14:24:48 RT @EdTubb: Step 3, bars and restaurants open, a long weekend, mobility high — that's a lot of factors that make it a bit difficult to inte… 2021-08-08 14:18:38 RT @FourWinns298: Toronto cases. 26 44 80 94 109 2021-08-08 14:18:31 RT @FourWinns298: This. 2021-08-08 14:16:18 RT @FourWinns298: Ontario reports *423* new cases,14,963 tests and 6 tragic deaths. August 8, 2020, the count was 70. Last Sunday it was 21… 2021-08-08 14:09:56 It me 2021-08-08 14:09:45 RT @GeorgeMonbiot: Here's my call for a #SlowEcology movement, to start creating and protecting the ancient habitats of the future. There'… 2021-08-08 13:29:22 RT @mkirschenbaum: Don't think the most influential elements of the GOP and right wing media don't want to lay these numbers at the feet of… 2021-08-08 13:26:40 RT @FinchelsteinF: It was a failed coup and the evidence is clear and loud. Using the word riots alone can be misleading. Coup attempt is e… 2021-08-08 12:53:15 RT @Lollardfish: Oh this seems to have picked up while I was sleeping. Read assured I am still furious and frightened. 2021-08-08 12:43:15 RT @AaronLecklider: I’m a little puzzled and weirded out by the calcifying media narrative about the PTown Covid uptick framing it in the h… 2021-08-08 00:45:05 RT @cuxrly1: @nellythamenace It depends on how you store ya food 2021-08-08 00:32:49 RT @ZJAyres: If a student feels the need to lie like this they ARE struggling. Maybe they are working 3 jobs to make ends meet and can't hi… 2021-08-08 00:32:48 RT @ZJAyres: So I received this DM today (shared anon with permission, because I think this is something I want to discuss publicly). Hone… 2021-08-07 23:49:27 RT @neilturkewitz: This. A million times this. @parismarx 2021-08-07 20:18:41 RT @Daisy_Patton: I mean, if kids were taught about the pandemic, they might realize how adults have sacrificed their lives with no mask or… 2021-08-07 19:24:40 RT @hypervisible: Spytify, basically. 2021-08-07 15:58:38 RT @alexhanna: "Algorithmic fairness" is not possible in a fundamentally unequal society. Posing "algorithmic reparation" as an alternative… 2021-08-07 15:36:44 RT @tamigraph: I've been trying to work out some thoughts on the personal essay versus workers' inquiry, so I'm grateful that @dgolumbia an… 2021-08-07 15:32:12 RT @CBCOlympics: The Forest City should probably be renamed the Gold City Of Canada's six gold medals, four have been won by athletes fr… 2021-08-07 15:23:22 RT @EdTubb: I would point to 1.8% positivity as the thing that stands out most in today's data. Since test collection tends to go up throu… 2021-08-07 14:23:47 RT @KendraWrites: We don't need you to stay home. We need you - yes you - who care about climate, to DO things. And no, this is not where I… 2021-08-07 14:23:35 RT @KendraWrites: There's a big climate change report coming out on Monday. Your feed is going to be filled with all of the horrible things… 2021-08-07 13:12:08 RT @MikePMoffatt: Good gravy, this is a mess. It’s time for governments to actually build housing themselves, rather than building these R… 2021-08-07 12:29:48 RT @cloudquistador: This field, in its current form, must be abolished. 2021-08-07 11:13:09 RT @brycecovert: 75% of the unvaccinated are low-income. They are nearly 3X as likely to be food insecure. Most are parents, and many work… 2021-08-06 21:55:02 @mapc @guardian @EvanSelinger @ASU_SFIS 2021-08-06 21:09:48 @mapc @guardian I didn't know it was live! 2021-08-06 20:46:10 RT @JakeMGrumbach: The reason policing reform seems near impossible despite a historic social movement and support from state & 2021-08-06 19:34:41 RT @veenadubal: I shared with my mom that I asked for prayers on Twitter for her and my dad. And I showed her how many people sent them. Th… 2021-08-06 18:39:55 RT @hypervisible: Sigh. "As students interact in the classroom, the goal is for Diana [the AI teaching assistant] to notice students’ fac… 2021-08-06 18:21:17 RT @EdTubb: This is my way of saying: Canada, you better damn well celebrate this like the accomplishment it is. 2021-08-06 18:10:54 @AlexCampolo !!! I was not watching!! 2021-08-06 12:48:04 RT @chrislhayes: I really don’t think people have fully appreciated what happened. They had an actual plan for a coup they were trying to i… 2021-08-05 23:34:39 RT @ambaonadventure: Our third in the “China in Global Tech Discourse” series is @angelaxiaowu’s *must-read* piece on how to critically mak… 2021-08-05 23:34:35 RT @mer__edith: This piece is so, so good. Grateful to @angelaxiaowu for her clear-eyed attention to the contingencies of data creation and… 2021-08-05 13:50:09 RT @TerryBoutonHist: When a smart, politically savvy, exceedingly ambitious, and utterly venal opportunist like Tucker Carlson takes the au… 2021-08-05 13:32:06 RT @jambina: i know a number of you who might be interested in this... 2021-08-05 13:15:46 RT @MikeKatell: Sadly unsurprising - a massive loophole for law enforcement use of biometrics in the proposed AI regulation. Regulating the… 2021-08-05 13:13:03 RT @ruchowdh: Seeing AI ethics hype as it becomes a marketable buzzword. This tech only unlocked 20% of test case IDs. Absolutely worth e… 2021-08-05 13:00:53 RT @ONresources: Review and comment on the 2022-2032 Draft Forest Management Plan (FMP) for the Abitibi River Forest. The comment period cl… 2021-08-05 12:25:12 RT @hypervisible: Researchers claim they are able to generate a “master face” template that can fool a large number of biometric authentica… 2021-08-05 12:23:29 RT @ArmandoNDK: The evidence of a coup attempt by Trump is overwhelming. DOJ should convene a grand jury and he should be indicted. https:/… 2021-08-05 11:40:18 RT @NightShiftMD: TTC disinfects its buses frequently to fight COVID-19. But the agency’s own data shows the cleaning might be making thing… 2021-08-05 11:37:38 RT @501LilSpoon: What do these car emojis mean 2021-08-04 23:30:06 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Would be nice if we just skipped this step and mandated vaccination. 2021-08-04 21:06:14 RT @Derekcrim: Faculty: we’d like vaccines mandated for everyone’s protection. Admin: No, but vaccines are vitally important to our safet… 2021-08-04 21:04:10 RT @DFisman: Nathan is amazing. I’d love to see him at Queen’s Park. What an outstanding colleague and scholar. And an absolute mensch (… 2021-08-04 20:20:52 My goodness. Bravo @NathanStall 2021-08-04 20:20:30 RT @NathanStall: I'm seeking the @OntLiberal nomination for Toronto—St. Paul's. It's where my wife and I live, and where we're raising our… 2021-08-04 20:00:19 RT @libshipwreck: @scrivenix I like to use Rosalind Williams’s “The Political and Feminist Dimensions of Technological Determinism” (it’s a… 2021-08-04 19:42:29 RT @FrankPasquale: I completely agree with @AlexCEngler: Affective computing has no place in law enforcement. 2021-08-04 19:37:16 RT @schock: Almost none of the news stories about the defeat of proposal P, the Detroit People's Platform, are looking into the massive dar… 2021-08-04 18:43:13 RT @richard680news: Education minister Lecce, asked by both @jeffreybgray and myself why students are required to be inoculated against oth… 2021-08-04 12:13:11 RT @ChristyCeeCK: "I've made it very clear that I will not go to campus until there is a mandate to staff, students and faculty to be vacci… 2021-08-04 00:34:21 RT @Miles_Brundage: CS people: "Excited to announce this $25 million AI center" Humanities people: "Excited to announce NSF reimbursed me… 2021-08-03 23:55:44 RT @HZeavin: Today, for @guardian, I wrote about the false promise that technology might give us therapy for all, and what happens instead,… 2021-08-03 22:17:47 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Yep, good piece: 2021-08-03 21:37:08 RT @imgrund: Ontario waited until August for an incomplete and completely unsatisfactory back to school plan. …1/16 2021-08-03 21:29:52 RT @bethmsemel: "since a mainstream emergence in the 1960s, remote treatment has been justified by a promise of democratization," writes @H… 2021-08-03 20:55:22 RT @ThePlumLineGS: A little nugget of polling info in here: That DCCC internal poll that everyone doom-and-gloomed about today also found t… 2021-08-03 17:23:53 RT @jacobgaboury: Image Objects is out today from @mitpress! It has been a long road but I'm so thrilled the book is now an object in the w… 2021-08-03 11:37:51 RT @pardoguerra: One of the fundamental problems of academia is that we think of it in terms of a vocation (a "calling to knowledge"), rath… 2021-08-03 11:37:04 RT @christyspackman: I have no little one, but same story here in Arizona. And it's unacceptable that *state* institutions are requiring t… 2021-08-03 01:53:50 RT @trgenovese: Ah yes, the "Just Let the Adjuncts Die" plan. The apéritif of a neoliberal university's collapse. 2021-08-02 23:59:30 RT @jasonintrator: Orban destroyed Hungarian democratic institutions, taking over the courts and using them as a weapon against his opponen… 2021-08-02 22:24:43 RT @murakamiwood: Think we can solve #surveillance and #privacy by putting a value on personal #data? Well, this is what it actually looks… 2021-08-02 22:24:33 RT @tamigraph: "I propose that the ethics of developing care robots must be based on a framework of labor justice that continues to develop… 2021-08-02 20:44:10 RT @RDBinns: 2010-2020 was the decade where computer science sold applied ML to the rest of the academy. Maybe the 2020s will be spent reca… 2021-08-02 17:33:45 @tamigraph I'm so sorry friend 2021-08-02 17:26:41 RT @BrettFrischmann: Clarification: Even if accurate & "Emotion-detecting AI though is a controve… 2021-08-02 01:07:29 RT @brianbeutler: 100 percent. If you’re curious, ask around among friends if they’ve seen parents or other loved ones get sucked into the… 2021-08-02 00:04:41 RT @nathansnewman: This is the racist history conservatives don't want their children to learn about in school so they won't be ashamed of… 2021-08-01 23:57:11 RT @seanmmcdonald: Domestic law enforcement using contracting to get around policy restrictions on their use of technology (and access to d… 2021-08-01 23:56:23 RT @parismarx: It’s honestly hard to read this and not think about how the pharma giants financially benefit from Covid-19 continuing to ci… 2021-08-01 22:58:56 RT @Abebab: if you're a senior academic, do not schedule meetings outside working hours, do not send emails at weekends or expect junior ac… 2021-08-01 21:55:36 RT @pardoguerra: I don’t even know what to say. Other than what a massive collection of jackasses and good luck to their super-patriarchal… 2021-08-01 21:16:13 RT @tzimmer_history: In so many ways, the central reference point for our time should be Reconstruction and how America’s first attempt at… 2021-08-01 20:34:19 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-08-01 17:52:26 RT @scrivenix: This looks excellent! Untold acres of what is now greater Los Angeles was estuarial wetlands not too long ago, too. 2021-08-01 16:09:51 RT @Carnage4Life: A.I. learning the fonts of hospitals with COVID outbreaks then treating that as a predictor of COVID risk is a good examp… 2021-08-01 15:22:53 RT @scrivenix: More cyber, more problems 2021-08-01 15:20:38 @pfeil 2021-08-01 15:17:56 @pfeil Yikes 2021-08-01 14:27:59 @pfeil Please elaborate? 2021-08-01 13:18:23 RT @WeIcomeToNature: if this photo reaches your timeline, everything will be okay. 2021-08-01 00:39:15 RT @anildash: This is, what, the fourth? fifth? time a sci-fi concept used to describe a possible dystopian future has been repurposed as t… 2021-07-31 23:16:23 RT @imgrund: What would I do with rising case counts in Ontario? I’d wait until 800 daily cases. If Rt still above one at that point, roll… 2021-07-31 21:42:32 RT @michhham: “Some AIs were found to be picking up on the text font that certain hospitals used to label the scans. As a result, fonts fro… 2021-07-31 19:57:47 RT @Lollardfish: as a historian who believes in consistencies of humanity across millennia and fights against the concept of inevitable pro… 2021-07-31 18:54:33 @Sierra_OffLine 2021-07-31 17:41:10 RT @FourWinns298: I worry as kids go back to school with the Delta circulating, we will see huge school outbreaks that we didn’t see in pri… 2021-07-31 16:23:46 RT @geoffreyyork: Botswana is paying $29 per dose for Moderna vaccines. The actual cost of production is $1.20 per dose, according to this… 2021-07-31 16:22:53 RT @zunguzungu: this tweet makes them look like a lavish 3-volume reissue of a mostly-ignored translated novelist that will get a nice writ… 2021-07-31 16:12:06 RT @doctaj: $250 minimum -- MINIMUM -- for a 45 min + Q& 2021-07-31 16:06:14 RT @fborgesius: New paper on voice assistants and privacy 2021-07-31 16:03:07 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: And the truly horrible thing is that Amtrak, which is easily the worst rail in the developed world, is infinitely pref… 2021-07-31 12:52:11 RT @veenadubal: This is why UberLyft offering rides to get vaccinated was such a pathetic joke. No one needs a ride. They need MONEY so s… 2021-07-31 12:31:27 RT @Sierra_OffLine: Maybe she's born with it 2021-07-30 22:52:14 RT @KendraSerra: For the record, I actually don't tweet about every transphobic microaggression I experience because I would literally do n… 2021-07-30 19:57:13 RT @_KarenHao: The pandemic gave AI a chance to prove itself. But after a global effort that led to the development of ~ hundreds ~ of tool… 2021-07-30 19:47:48 RT @alexhanna: 2021-07-30 19:46:06 RT @timnitGebru: Its because they think they can get away with it. When I say reporters should keep an eye out for companies who think thei… 2021-07-30 18:55:54 RT @tamigraph: @luke_stark @histoftech Ah the memories! But we got a lot of free fancy cheese and wine at department events, so that's kind… 2021-07-30 18:53:15 RT @tamigraph: .@Columbia suddenly changed their stipend disbursement policy + student workers are $8K short. They're receiving just $2600… 2021-07-30 18:53:00 @histoftech @tamigraph Yuuuup. My first semester I wasn't paid until October. Good thing I'd had a full-time job/set up a line of credit prior! 2021-07-30 16:51:05 RT @joshtpm: This is why it's important to assign the blame correctly/loudly. The right is full of professionally liars like this guy who w… 2021-07-30 16:41:24 RT @ktbenner: NEW: DOJ officials told Trump that the department had no power to change the outcome of the election. He replied that he did… 2021-07-30 16:39:45 RT @utschools: Dr. Elizabeth Turner '83 uncovered evidence that mountains in the Northwest Territories may hold traces of sponges that live… 2021-07-30 16:21:14 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-07-30 14:40:46 RT @cfhorgan: many of these numbers are too low. the vaccines are safe and widely available. go get it! 2021-07-30 14:39:19 RT @ZoeDodd: We should be having this discussion here. It’s my understanding facial recognition is being used by Toronto Police. The increa… 2021-07-30 14:39:15 RT @daphnehk: Something terrible is happening in Canadian Internet law, and the people who care in the rest of the world are mostly stretch… 2021-07-30 14:38:23 RT @brianbeutler: The GOP plan was to sabotage herd immunity and blame Dems for it. For all the praise Rs received for changing tune on vac… 2021-07-30 13:56:40 @AlexCampolo I mean, it'll be a game! 2021-07-30 13:51:00 @AlexCampolo Not if we can help it 2021-07-30 13:13:26 (This is a subtweet) 2021-07-30 13:13:08 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 2021-07-30 12:45:37 RT @sivavaid: This. 2021-07-30 12:41:29 @Jackstilgoe @Abebab "hot stove aversion" 2021-07-30 12:36:05 RT @BenPatrickWill: If you're after a case study of what Marion Fourcade and Jeff Gordon call "digital statecraft" - the state’s mode of le… 2021-07-30 12:15:13 RT @profwernimont: bring this kind of thing to the upper NE @Amtrak @AmtrakNECAlerts and I will be able to 100% forgo flying and still get… 2021-07-30 12:14:00 RT @imgrund: Alberta’s response to COVID-19 is easily the most irresponsible thing we have seen this entire pandemic. 2021-07-30 12:03:47 @Abebab It's like being biased against a screwdriver 2021-07-30 11:37:53 RT @FrankPasquale: Our bottom line on hiring AI, inspired In part by @random_walker’s calling out “AI snake oil”! 2021-07-30 11:35:16 RT @JcMalgieri: So honoured and excited: the New York Times @nytopinion has just published the editorial co-authored by @FrankPasquale & 2021-07-30 01:59:51 RT @clancynewyork: Visible heartbeat rates for archers. "The system being used in Tokyo utilises high-frame-rate cameras, which detect tiny… 2021-07-30 01:53:29 RT @AlexBaria: My first preprint as an independent researcher! It examines the social significance of the computational metaphor (brain < 2021-07-29 22:49:14 RT @owasow: Medical anthropologists conducted 200 in-depth interviews and found ”Our participant testimony shows that many unvaccinated peo… 2021-07-29 22:41:19 RT @jw_lockhart: Brown U faculty job opening in "impact of algorithm-based surveillance on marginalized communities... manipulation of cybe… 2021-07-29 22:06:48 RT @jasonintrator: What Orban did was make people so AFRAID of liberals, LGBT, Muslims, and Hungary's traditionally oppressed minority, the… 2021-07-29 21:20:19 RT @csdoctorsister: *chef’s kisses* 2021-07-29 21:19:01 RT @ProfDilts: University administration isn't leadership, its management. nothing more. If you didn't have a chance to vote for them, the… 2021-07-29 21:17:00 RT @Greene_DM: People like Felber getting fired for telling the truth while racist pseudoscientists sell snake oil to local governments in… 2021-07-29 20:46:15 RT @jathansadowski: Derivative bullshit for pumping stock 2021-07-29 20:32:50 @iraphas13 2021-07-29 20:31:24 RT @aselbst: Always a pleasure to get the chance to hang out with the @yaleisp! Thanks for having me back! 2021-07-29 20:30:07 @iraphas13 2021-07-29 20:18:09 RT @FourWinns298: MLHU has 21,000 doses of Moderna that must be used in the next 2 weeks. 2021-07-29 18:35:30 RT @cascamike: what if “i’m from the government and i’m here to help” wasn’t terrifying. 2021-07-29 17:45:07 RT @jddneary: This narrative is officially dead, at least in Alberta. If you can't prevent your premier from literally allowing people wit… 2021-07-29 17:44:44 RT @ystvns: Huge in content moderation: has outlined its plan for addressing harm online. Enormous contrast to the approach under t… 2021-07-29 16:59:21 RT @DFisman: @lafortdi @fordnation @BogochIsaac @imgrund Alberta looks poised to create vulnerability for the entire country. There’s a lo… 2021-07-29 16:58:35 RT @doctaj: WF policing union vibes 2021-07-29 15:38:23 RT @AriBerman: NEW: GOP could take back House in 2022 by picking up 6-13 seats under new gerrymandered maps in GA TX FL NC alone Dems face… 2021-07-29 14:46:50 RT @szhang_ds: When I was 13, my parents discovered I was trans. I locked myself into the 2nd-story bathroom and pried out the window scre… 2021-07-29 14:43:22 RT @Abebab: Intriguing paper by Lorraine Daston that traces the history of calculating machines, the labour behind them, computers (which u… 2021-07-29 14:27:44 RT @brianros1: I’ll go bigger than Kim, I think we have utterly failed as a society to grapple with how hard the last year has been mentall… 2021-07-29 14:21:41 RT @Taniel: In Georgia, GOP lawmakers are launching a process that may lead them to take over full authority on election adminitration & 2021-07-29 13:16:58 RT @hypervisible: “Facebook isn’t saying it will stop profiling kids based on dubious interests, just that it will not let advertisers targ… 2021-07-29 12:44:41 RT @Autumm: In case you missed it the first time @hypervisible and @dgolumbia 's awesome piece about luxury surveillance has just been rele… 2021-07-29 12:34:40 RT @mer__edith: For a minute the superintelligence left AI marketing & 2021-07-29 12:03:18 RT @macroliter: How can we speak of third doses & 2021-07-29 11:57:15 RT @pardoguerra: Lol let’s call this “modernity” not “feudalism” 2021-07-29 11:15:46 RT @gnrosenberg: Hey expert on history and politics of meat here The beef industry is among the most malignant, abusive, and harmful on… 2021-07-29 01:22:29 RT @imgrund: There is no where else in the entire world except Alberta where you don’t have to isolate after testing positive for COVID. T… 2021-07-28 22:29:18 RT @FourWinns298: This is insane and it’s the government declaring open season on the populace. 2021-07-28 22:28:49 RT @jathansadowski: Over the last fiscal quarter, the trillion dollar companies Apple, Alphabet, and Microsoft brought in combined after-ta… 2021-07-28 20:18:54 RT @AINowInstitute: This week, Ahmed Ansari (@aansari86) is in conversation w/Noopur Raval (@tetisheri) on MODERNITY & 2021-07-28 18:47:36 RT @MonaFortier: Stephen Harper is saying out loud what Conservatives say quietly to each other: They wouldn't have been there to support C… 2021-07-28 18:45:51 RT @mer__edith: "An accurate record of building footprints is important for a range of applications from population humanit… 2021-07-28 17:59:29 RT @LMSacasas: You know what else is okay ... not having an opinion. Feeling like an opinion, should you have one, is not worth sharing ...… 2021-07-28 16:07:18 RT @brianbeutler: If after all this Republican negotiators can’t produce enough votes to overcome a filibuster, Dems should withdraw all th… 2021-07-28 15:28:28 RT @IrfanDhalla: I don’t understand the reluctance here. Protects those ineligible for vaccination (children!) and those who have not mount… 2021-07-28 15:20:20 RT @Beth_macshack: Evergreen tweet. @WesternU can you clarify the nature of perceived legal barrier to vaccine mandate?… 2021-07-28 15:12:09 @bethmsemel From my experience, it's pure projection 2021-07-28 15:06:09 RT @ellievhall: Logging on to Twitter each morning: 2021-07-28 14:41:30 RT @ibogost: Remember how video games became movable graphics / collision / physics puzzles, because that was what it became easy to do wit… 2021-07-28 14:38:01 RT @mikarv: Cursed image 2021-07-28 14:00:41 RT @libshipwreck: In the face of the delta surge, Democrats need to push another relief bill including money for: - vaccination incentives… 2021-07-28 11:43:06 RT @TheDrewStarr: Too many folks don't seem to know this. A lot of the "missing" cooks aren't staying on unemployment or just left the indu… 2021-07-28 11:41:35 RT @PopTechWorks: Electronic visit verification systems make homecare more difficult, trap people with disabilities, and cost more than pap… 2021-07-28 11:29:50 RT @AJentleson: Portman's history is to give talks credibility in the eyes of observers, only to bail in the end. He got his amendment incl… 2021-07-28 11:23:57 RT @Abebab: we're still rating people based on attractiveness by *we*, i mean mostly vision researchers 2021-07-28 01:51:53 RT @Rickithegirl: "VR is a bit like a rich white kid with famous parents: It never stops failing upward, forever graded on a generous curve… 2021-07-28 01:51:49 RT @annaeveryday: @scrivenix yes! after my talk at Western FIMS this spring, @luke_stark summarized it: “AI as the Large Adult Son.” 2021-07-28 01:39:16 RT @jathansadowski: Pour one out for the bozos who repeatedly assert that "Data is an objective measure of truth and unbiased reflection of… 2021-07-28 01:00:50 RT @xeni: Moroccan authorities have arrested a Uyghur activist in exile based on a Chinese terrorism warrant distributed by Interpol https:… 2021-07-28 00:24:52 RT @b_fung: Daaaang -- @Erie says at PrivacyCon that the FTC could force privacy abusers to give up not just data and money, but also entir… 2021-07-28 00:24:46 RT @LAM_Barrett: the *sheer extent* to which you love to see it 2021-07-28 00:09:33 RT @jathansadowski: In Australia, the government is running ad campaigns designed to browbeat and scare people into getting vaccinated. HOW… 2021-07-27 22:55:09 RT @KYWeise: It’s been several minutes since Satya said the phrase “enterprise metaverse” on the earnings call and I’m pretty sure I haven’… 2021-07-27 22:25:31 RT @kittynouveau: gee why don't people like landlords 2021-07-27 20:32:10 RT @pardoguerra: But sure, #notracist 2021-07-27 20:18:17 RT @zackbeauchamp: "One party remains much more popular and could likely win the upcoming elections, but the other one can just rig the rul… 2021-07-27 19:35:04 RT @FAccTConference: Relevant to many in the U.S. FAccT community: the OSTP & 2021-07-27 18:14:39 RT @SimulatedSimian: With socialist India Walton projected to win the mayoral race, Buffalo’s city council plans to simply... stop having a… 2021-07-27 18:13:15 RT @jvitak: I've excited to share a new pub in Social Media + Society (@SocialMedia_Soc) led by the awesome @_sgilbert_ and co-authored by… 2021-07-27 15:25:15 RT @John_J_Howard: "AlgoFace promises better, 'unbiased' searches for lost or abducted children caught on live video. In this case, it woul… 2021-07-27 14:49:03 RT @benzevgreen: @luke_stark Huh, some interesting details in today's constructor notes: 2021-07-27 14:48:20 RT @imgrund: Ontario schools have been closed for 3.5 months. What has the Government and the Ministry of Education done in that time? Why… 2021-07-27 14:11:36 I do not love it 2021-07-27 14:01:20 RT @FourWinns298: Londoners: it has never been easier to get jabbed. Please do it today. 2021-07-27 12:38:45 RT @Combsthepoet: See also ordinances. "Many of the cities and towns with facial recognition bans also have carve-outs that allow its use… 2021-07-27 12:13:39 RT @lib_crusher: 2021-07-27 11:38:02 RT @nathansnewman: To be clear- this is residents fighting more housing in pretty much the most transit-accessible spot in the country.… 2021-07-27 11:04:11 RT @SmallRedOne: As with all respiratory viruses, severe infections and outcomes will happen, even when endemic. But we’ve been dealing wit… 2021-07-27 01:36:53 RT @veenadubal: Creating a new legal category, as UberLyft et al did in CA, in which app-deployed workers are not paid for all the time the… 2021-07-27 00:13:50 RT @michael_muller: Excited to announce that we will have a cross-disciplinary workshop of HCI and AI at NeurIPS 2021. We'll post details s… 2021-07-26 23:54:07 RT @techwontsaveus: Every episode of Tech Won’t Save Us is free for anyone thanks to listener support! If you like the show, become a supp… 2021-07-26 23:46:19 RT @jkwan_md: Ontario #COVID19 Recent Cases & (June 12/21-July 10/21, age 12+) 95.7% of cases, 97.4% of hos… 2021-07-26 16:31:41 @scrivenix It's a cybernetic metaphor! 2021-07-26 16:31:22 RT @scrivenix: "Metaphors such as lifeblood, liquidity, blood pressure, cardiac arrest, & 2021-07-26 16:31:04 RT @scrivenix: "What the [Federal Reserve] does is provide the blood supply for the body of our capitalist economy” - Richard Fisher, forme… 2021-07-26 15:23:59 @kdphd @WHOSTP @AlondraNelson46 @geomblog Congratulations! 2021-07-26 15:23:42 RT @Aaron_Horowitz: At next year's FacccT, half the people will be employed by @WHOSTP and the other half will be employed by @Twitter . We… 2021-07-26 15:15:33 RT @kaareeenah: summer as a grad student was awful. and i don't think people really understand how broke 'broke' is. two summers ago i was… 2021-07-26 13:43:24 RT @Lollardfish: Depression: No one will read your book. Anxiety: And they'll all hate it. 2021-07-26 13:41:44 RT @FourWinns298: Vaccinations:65,920 This IS an issue now. 2021-07-26 12:09:15 RT @VanessaBartlett: We wrote a primer on art and digital ethics, citing some of my favourite scholarship by @luke_stark & 2021-07-26 01:40:40 RT @AsheeshKSi: There is clearly a desire among a not insignificant number of people for structured intellectual stimulation beyond the BA,… 2021-07-26 00:23:34 RT @LEBassett: Well thank god he didn’t test positive for cannabis or he’d be a goner 2021-07-26 00:10:05 RT @internetdaniel: Tired: collaborating across disciplines Wired: collaborating across the astral plane 2021-07-25 23:45:25 RT @internetdaniel: When does being “surprised” about these kinds of things start being incriminating—an indication of negligence? If a doc… 2021-07-25 22:33:33 RT @tsnvaa: Before CVE and DVE, there were the risk conditions for “insurgent hysteria,” because police science never deprecates, only rebr… 2021-07-25 22:25:35 RT @EBHarrington: In 2022, those of us who do research on fraud & 2021-07-25 22:24:19 RT @SethCotlar: "To establish the facts is always in order, and is indeed the first duty of the historian 2021-07-25 22:24:12 RT @SethCotlar: "In the history of history, a myth is a once valid but now discarded version of the human story, as our now valid versions… 2021-07-25 22:23:44 RT @SethCotlar: Many non-historians who comment on the supposed epistemological limitations of contemporary historical scholarship are awfu… 2021-07-25 21:40:18 RT @internetdaniel: Interested in the rise of and ethics around person-based predictive policing systems like this? Check out my recent pap… 2021-07-25 20:09:07 RT @HeerJeet: You could distinguish between Dunning School & 2021-07-25 19:20:09 RT @BenPatrickWill: Excellent thread here on the edtech crackdown in China, casting far beyond the takes by the business press and investor… 2021-07-25 18:35:53 RT @hypervisible: Less about the essay than the tweet, but that they are inaccurate is quite clear, unless by “works” you mean reifying exi… 2021-07-25 18:18:07 RT @rajiinio: I catch glimpse of this perspective often - it genuinely surprises me. AI critics are not haters reluctant to give tech ppl t… 2021-07-25 17:01:37 RT @EileenMyles: East River Ecocide - Tuesday we're going to 1 Centre St Manhattan at noon… 2021-07-25 16:59:59 RT @_jack_poulson: Academia in a nutshell. 2021-07-25 13:54:15 RT @ArmandoNDK: Leave the other seats vacant. Less congresspersons on the committee is better. Let Committee counsel, for the Dems and for… 2021-07-25 11:44:49 RT @MrAhmednurAli: You can have a job and still be homeless. You can have multiple degrees and still be homeless. Stop equating being homel… 2021-07-25 11:41:48 RT @DFisman: Thread on exponential growth in cases in Alberta. It’s not really about the virus anymore...we know how to control that. It’… 2021-07-24 23:33:02 RT @hypervisible: “Making assessments and disciplinary decisions based on facial recognition technology will exacerbate preexisting racial… 2021-07-24 22:55:19 RT @BenPatrickWill: The state clampdown on edtech in China is starting to look like biopolitics versus assetization - control over the popu… 2021-07-24 22:26:23 RT @AngelaRayner: What are you on about “cower from”? 127,000 people have died from this virus, tens of thousands of whom would still be he… 2021-07-24 21:48:50 RT @gleemie: Rich kids or people whoo meet a lot of rich kids in college. Ht @Greene_DM 2021-07-24 21:45:29 RT @rachelmetz: my latest must-read: if you filed for unemployment in the US in recent months, chances are good you needed to submit to fac… 2021-07-24 20:17:06 RT @MicaBurton: For every person who tunes in to watch my dad host Jeopardy this week (Monday July 26th - Friday 30th), I will give my pupp… 2021-07-24 18:34:51 RT @mkirschenbaum: It’s almost like the strategy is working. 2021-07-24 16:28:46 RT @JulesBoykoff: "#COVID19 aside, it is too late to abandon the #Tokyo2020 Games, but it is not too late to bring this charade to an end.… 2021-07-24 16:28:22 RT @IrisVanRooij: In light of discussions about the utility of formalization, I’d like to highlight that there is more to science than empi… 2021-07-24 16:27:51 RT @ASPphysician: Hmmm … maybe, just maybe, those vaccination certificates aren’t a bad idea after all. 2021-07-24 15:25:28 RT @BenPatrickWill: Update on this state control of edtech in China story - confirmed state crackdown will turn private online tutoring com… 2021-07-24 15:14:01 RT @gmbutts: Yeah, this is a bad take. The story in Canada is that a lot of the country has indeed reduced emissions, and some of it has in… 2021-07-24 15:13:05 RT @rajiinio: Amazing news! Rashida Richardson is one of my favorite scholars. Her work has been transformational in the AI accountabi… 2021-07-24 15:04:50 RT @NoContextTrek: 2021-07-24 15:01:22 RT @Wolven: What's described in this thread is neither a) the problem most academics have been warning about, nor b) a problem at all. Thi… 2021-07-24 13:53:42 RT @Greene_DM: Amazing country, governed for centuries by High Potential Individuals. 2021-07-24 12:38:04 RT @joshtpm: An article you shld really read. Late vaxxers at pop up clinic in LA explain hesitancy - more human, varied, understandable th… 2021-07-24 11:34:57 RT @natematias: I love you fellow nerds, but it's weird/frustrating that your favorite pastime is re-enacting the systems of injustice that… 2021-07-23 22:51:15 RT @mmitchell_ai: Appreciate @laurencza speaking up as she bows out. I've heard there's been a bit of 'exodus' from ppl connected to me and… 2021-07-23 22:19:33 RT @QueerinAI: Hey besties, Queer in AI's Social B - "Storytelling: Intersectional Queer Experiences Around the World" at #ICML 2021 is in… 2021-07-23 21:39:21 RT @aschrock: If people really start dishing about failed job searches, #AcademicTwitter will totally melt down. 2021-07-23 19:09:01 RT @histoftech: “A small, increasingly isolated island off the coast of Europe.” 2021-07-23 18:43:31 RT @tamigraph: The same issues come up around profiles, accounts, and other digital belongings: who or what should steward them, who ultima… 2021-07-23 18:43:28 RT @tamigraph: Beyond the whole chatbot question, when I interviewed people caring for dead loved ones' digital remains, they often spoke a… 2021-07-23 18:43:24 RT @tamigraph: "AI" can overshadow these aspects of death/grief. Details like these add nuance: "Not that she had fully healed his grief or… 2021-07-23 18:43:09 RT @tamigraph: I appreciate this thoughtfully reported feature on simulations of the dead. Rather than hyping the tech, the journalist focu… 2021-07-23 18:28:30 RT @dgolumbia: Freud wrote something obscure once about mourning vs melancholia. this is melancholia 2021-07-23 15:33:59 RT @RikeFranke: Want to know more about what #AI means for Europe's geopolitics? I had the pleasure of writing this report for the European… 2021-07-23 15:33:53 RT @AymericPM: @dmia_delegation 2021-07-23 14:54:40 2021-07-23 14:52:36 RT @nathansnewman: Dems should get better at messaging actions of lawless GOP state governments as representing the national party. We sho… 2021-07-23 14:16:19 RT @BenPatrickWill: Adding to this story of global edtech stock slumps after new regulations in China, is the apparent govt aim to restrict… 2021-07-23 14:16:08 RT @BenPatrickWill: Really interesting tale of edtech markets, investment, and regulation playing out here. According to edtech market agen… 2021-07-23 13:10:11 RT @emptywheel: I often think about what would have happened had the US realized with Breivik's attack that we were exporting white suprema… 2021-07-23 12:42:19 RT @ShannonVallor: The sci-fi future I wanted was LeGuin meets Roddenberry 2021-07-23 12:38:55 RT @danlizotte: Walk the beach and get your shot! 2021-07-23 12:20:44 RT @murakamiwood: Another of the artists involved in the #TokyoOlympics opening ceremony - this isn't an accident or some minor faxux-pas B… 2021-07-23 01:06:28 RT @JonasKaiser: @luke_stark Internet companies are truly the epitome of the German word “verschlimmbessern” (trying to make something bett… 2021-07-23 01:00:28 The "Metaverse": a virtual world in which to participate, you need to own crypto 2021-07-23 00:56:21 You's a whole bunch of animation? 2021-07-23 00:15:59 @hypervisible @csdoctorsister Someone watched the Marvel TV shows and got overexcited. 2021-07-22 23:50:17 RT @nathansnewman: Since transit dollars were in original deal, only way to read this is that, having vetoed taxes and IRS enforcement, GOP… 2021-07-22 23:25:33 RT @jathansadowski: Amazing one-two punch of articles on platform labor in the Global South in the latest ACM Interactions. 1) @tetisheri… 2021-07-22 23:18:08 @FourWinns298 The Israeli data from today suggests waning effectiveness after 6 months, which seems potentially compatible with Canadian/British studies? 2021-07-22 22:54:42 RT @joshtpm: Given what we've learned this month it's remarkable that only a few weeks ago some folks on here were insisting that people wh… 2021-07-22 21:10:49 @alexhanna OMG 2021-07-22 19:25:02 RT @histoftech: This is also a problem with academic work cultures. The number of times I’ve heard men (and women) laugh uncomfortably at d… 2021-07-22 18:43:28 RT @rev_avocado: Yeah, you gotta fire everyone involved in this at a minimum. Almost certainly Wray too. 2021-07-22 18:15:48 RT @GabrielScally: Ventilation is being grossly downplayed in importance. 2021-07-22 17:40:38 RT @Lollardfish: Well at least Kavanaugh didn’t coast to a lifetime seat on a council of unelected wizards standing between us and any effo… 2021-07-22 15:48:03 RT @FourWinns298: The effects of step 3 will be making an impact around when our unventilated schools are re-opening. Get VAXXED or get V… 2021-07-22 13:47:10 RT @djrothkopf: If we want to defeat COVID, everyone must get the vaccine. The greatest single challenge for government officials is figur… 2021-07-22 13:39:29 RT @djrothkopf: 3. Rich countries must foot the bill for the relatively modest $50 billion the IMF estimates would be the cost of getting… 2021-07-22 13:08:57 RT @annehelen: It's sold as a discernable route to a PhD, but it's also sold as a way to rejoin (or continue participation) in an intellect… 2021-07-22 13:08:42 RT @annehelen: [Half way through this story, should probably tweet the much more in depth story piece from which it's drawing — the first i… 2021-07-22 13:08:07 RT @alexhanna: This is so insidious. This happened to me when I applied to Chicago. No, I will not pay $60k a year for the privilege of a t… 2021-07-22 01:21:05 RT @lisa_iannattone: 2 provinces in Canada dropped mask mandates 3 weeks ago. 2 provinces in Canada currently have an Rt > They’re the sa… 2021-07-22 01:07:18 RT @DFisman: like every other respiratory virus. 2021-07-22 00:25:38 RT @susanematthews: Reporting this story made me totally adjust how I have been thinking about the risk of getting COVID post-vax, and I ho… 2021-07-21 23:38:38 RT @_KarenHao: This @WSJ investigation is incredible. The team created 100 bots with different profiles (age, location, interests) to watch… 2021-07-21 22:55:07 RT @theodorajewell: Have people been following The New AI Lexicon publications?! Project led by @ambaonadventure and @tetisheri with artis… 2021-07-21 22:06:44 RT @murakamiwood: I want to spell this out very carefully: #JeffBezos is an enemy of humanity, an enemy of this planet. This is the bare mi… 2021-07-21 21:10:22 RT @ystvns: #CfP for academics, activists, civil society: Economies of Virtue: The Circulation of ‘Ethics’ in #AI & 2021-07-21 19:33:57 RT @drandrewb: do not look away — this is the violence in our city and chronic failure on housing as a human right. 2021-07-21 19:33:10 RT @EvanSelinger: "Clearview is here to stay”- Hoan Ton-That. No surprise this cocky declaration, much like the arrogance of massive permi… 2021-07-21 18:17:25 @jacobgaboury @shannonmattern @mitpress OMG you, @HZeavin and @dwmulvin all release the same week what am I going to dooooooo 2021-07-21 18:16:53 RT @jacobgaboury: Look what came in the mail! It feels appropriately surreal to hold this digital thing as a physical object. Image Objects… 2021-07-21 18:16:14 RT @aketchum22: When people mention payment/ honorariums in initial request emails I am so, so, so much more likely to say "yes!" right awa… 2021-07-21 17:12:22 RT @AaronRHanlon: 2015: College students complaining about blackface Halloween costumes are coddled snowflakes. They need to get over thems… 2021-07-21 17:06:44 RT @ArmandoNDK: Now that my powers have been acknowledged, let me tell Democrats that the best way to proceed now is to have Committee Coun… 2021-07-21 16:51:36 RT @mikarv: this is absolutely reprehensible e-waste. a single use semiconductor, arm processor and Bluetooth LE interface, attached to a l… 2021-07-21 16:13:00 RT @ariezrawaldman: Outing is complex. An entire industry based on lying about the identifiability of individuals in their data sets is not… 2021-07-21 15:56:53 RT @Lollardfish: New post: We should mandate Covid-19 vaccines using existing systems (work, schools, universities). The data suggests this… 2021-07-21 15:56:04 RT @zel_eve: my @logic_magazine piece on the use of epigenetic tests in the life insurance industry is now online 2021-07-21 15:55:13 RT @danhind: We are now supposed to believe that Corbyn was a ludicrously unpopular aberration from grown up politics. But Cummings is hone… 2021-07-21 15:54:39 RT @danhind: When Corbyn's own MPs and bureaucrats failed to stop him in 2016-17, the rightwing establishment installed an incompetent chan… 2021-07-21 15:54:35 RT @danhind: The scandal of Corbyn was that he did everything by the book - he was fairly elected by Labour Party members, presented a soci… 2021-07-21 15:54:25 RT @danhind: Listening to the DC/LK interview for the BBC, it's striking how important a factor the possibility of a Corbyn government was… 2021-07-21 14:52:12 RT @RahRahRaina: this sucks so much man 2021-07-21 14:37:14 Am I dreaming? 2021-07-21 14:36:57 RT @birnbaum_e: The White House is down to a couple contenders for the third Democratic FTC commissioner spot, including Alvaro Bedoya of G… 2021-07-21 14:33:23 RT @DFisman: Grift-tario. Public education is in play. 2021-07-21 14:14:27 RT @schock: This AI really gets us trans women. We're all out here taking testosterone* *explainer for cis people: very few trans women ta… 2021-07-21 13:46:53 RT @byelin: Dems should permanently abolish it while they can. Probably a Manchin/Sinema issue, but worth it to really push on this. No mor… 2021-07-21 13:02:09 RT @mcopelov: Today in “neither our media nor our political system is designed to deal with a far right authoritarian party”… 2021-07-21 12:55:56 RT @Econ_Marshall: Uber’s business model on the consumer side is price discrimination, probably facilitated by laziness. You almost certain… 2021-07-21 12:29:34 RT @GYamey: “There’s no need to worry about all these Covid deaths in US kids, because the ones who die have pre-existing conditions” is a… 2021-07-21 12:27:05 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I can't even fathom how many people could be permanently housed if we used all this money on housing instead of policing.… 2021-07-21 12:10:36 RT @gmbutts: I’ve said this before, but the Ontario PC Party is the parliamentary wing of the GTA Development Industry. They have been sinc… 2021-07-21 11:41:55 RT @veenadubal: With $205 million dollars & 2021-07-21 11:33:31 RT @moiragweigel: Fun fact perhaps relevant to contemporary Q research: On the first version of the F scale, the instrument the Authoritari… 2021-07-21 11:31:49 RT @arjunsubgraph: I love @QueerinAI and everyone in it so much. I get to work with the *coolest* people, and I truly appreciate the platfo… 2021-07-21 00:45:07 RT @evan_greer: People will laugh at the hypocrisy here given the Catholic church's record on gay rights, but the reality is we're hurtling… 2021-07-21 00:44:56 RT @FrankPasquale: If you want a sense of where US antitrust policy should be going, check out the speakers at these conferences! Really we… 2021-07-21 00:33:56 RT @internetdaniel: Starting to wonder how much getting news via Twitter affects my orientation toward it. (Medium > 2021-07-21 00:14:56 RT @mishallsahmed: For 2 days I kept wondering what the smell was and thinking this can’t just be humid haze!!! Really weird this wasn’t bi… 2021-07-20 23:58:57 RT @virbeatum: thanks everyone for earlier input. This is the result: 2021-07-20 23:50:28 RT @ddayen: I'm remembering sitting around a table late night in Chicago at the first antimonopoly conference (where the term "New Brandeis… 2021-07-20 23:49:02 RT @JenniferNuzzo: This is a tragedy for the United States, where COVID19 hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise, and for the rest of… 2021-07-20 23:19:22 RT @nancybaym: It’s always great when Tarleton writes papers on Twitter. Such broad and nuanced perspective on managing content on platform… 2021-07-20 20:48:47 RT @annehelen: Right now in Missoula: pretty much every restaurant is either short-staffed and/or has signs on their doors announcing that… 2021-07-20 20:42:45 RT @ArmandoNDK: Woke Bill Kristol really is something. 2021-07-20 20:42:28 RT @nathansnewman: If the point is that we have to tax away the wealth of quite a few more multi-billionaires, well, don't promise me a goo… 2021-07-20 18:03:56 RT @ErikLoomis: The rich are very much not smarter than you are. 2021-07-20 18:01:24 RT @ruchowdh: Curious to see what people think, given Intel's prototype that did similar was slammed not too long ago.… 2021-07-20 14:33:40 RT @EdTubb: Generally, I think it's best to think of the stragglers/unvaccinated as a v. broad coalition of tech-challenged, time-short, va… 2021-07-20 13:58:30 RT @internetdaniel: I’m sure others have made this point, but it’s fascinating to watch our most important “innovators” claim that private… 2021-07-20 13:19:39 RT @FoxCahn: OMG, I’m beyond excited that the singular #RashidaRichardson is now working at the White House!!! I can’t imagine anyone bet… 2021-07-20 13:12:03 RT @parismarx: i wrote about it here 2021-07-20 12:58:45 RT @parismarx: wild how all the major news organizations are running hours of free promo for blue origin now. it’s exactly why bezos is doi… 2021-07-20 11:13:23 RT @IBJIYONGI: Here’s what I have to say to Canadians who are *surprised* by the abuses that went on at residential schools: I lived in Ca… 2021-07-20 11:10:06 RT @joshtpm: coverage like this, which takes Republicans demands for more delay at face value, is coverage Republicans like a lot. 2021-07-20 10:58:34 RT @MaxLiboiron: It's syllabus creation season! Here's a short piece I wrote on the difference b/w including some Indigenous authors on you… 2021-07-20 02:22:26 RT @d_a_keldsen: I am having a very hard time understanding why this isn’t just required like every other mandatory vaccination. This is a… 2021-07-20 02:13:38 RT @djleufer: We're looking to hire a fellow to work with me on our facial recognition and biometric surveillance work! Exciting opportuni… 2021-07-20 00:37:13 RT @QueerinAI: Queer in AI at #ICML2021 kicked off with a fantastic talk by @sarameghanbeery! After retiring from her career as a profe… 2021-07-19 21:09:22 RT @DFisman: Just a reminder: we have clear evidence on masks, ventilation and hepa as interventions that reduce sars-2 transmission in sch… 2021-07-19 21:03:20 RT @FourWinns298: MLHU announces NO APPOINTMENTS necessary for first or second shots at any of their permanent clinics. Both Pfizer and Mod… 2021-07-19 17:33:41 RT @David_Moscrop: In Canada would of course *never* become a surveillance dystopia news*... "Ottawa tested facial recognition on millions… 2021-07-19 15:53:53 RT @mikarv: Double Reuben trouble with a very interesting new paper from @RDBinns @ReubenKirkham about how equality and data protection law… 2021-07-19 15:45:48 RT @Greene_DM: Catastrophe not as event but "structural condition, and a way of life imposed as a form of political and social domination,… 2021-07-19 14:06:03 RT @yhdistyminen: "gentrification is when nice things get built in your neighborhood" is a psyop to take pressure off of the landlords and… 2021-07-19 13:51:22 RT @moore_oliver: If you passed through international arrivals at Toronto’s main airport, the country’s biggest, in the second half of 2016… 2021-07-19 13:03:34 RT @jsrailton: BREAKING: massive, global leak of the targets of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware. *huge deal.* Forensic investigation by @Amne… 2021-07-19 12:57:18 RT @FourWinns298: I believe we will see a pan-coronavirus vaccine sooner than may have been anticipated. 2021-07-19 11:53:11 RT @alondra: This whole special issue of Daedalus on “The Administrative State in the 21st Century” is thought-provoking and worth your tim… 2021-07-19 11:30:48 RT @JuddLegum: This “moderate” Republican Senator draws the line at making it harder for rich people to cheat on their taxes 2021-07-19 03:27:34 RT @jason_koebler: this exact robot is being used by cops in Hawaii right now to patrol homeless encampments 2021-07-19 03:16:57 RT @rosamunde_vb: Spyware sold to authoritarian regimes used to target activists, politicians and journalists, data suggests #surveillance… 2021-07-19 01:01:47 RT @FourWinns298: This would be great if the pandemic was over, if thousands of people weren’t going to be sacrificed by their government,… 2021-07-19 00:26:13 RT @scrivenix: "Data is going to be the new water, in other words.” cc @annaeveryday @luke_stark 2021-07-18 13:04:00 RT @_alialkhatib: i think this article hits a couple of good points but two things still stick with me: 1. the blending of real and genera… 2021-07-18 11:55:54 RT @TMclaughlin3: “I have worked in and on Myanmar for more than 30 years. Everyone I know there is either infected or caring for an infect… 2021-07-18 11:52:14 RT @murakamiwood: #Climatechange is an ecological issue, a justice issue, an economic issue, a race issue - all of these and more. It will… 2021-07-18 11:52:08 RT @murakamiwood: 2. But the big issue is the 'we': the assumption that we're all 'screwed' by #climatechange in the same way. We are not.… 2021-07-18 11:52:01 RT @murakamiwood: 1. The fires and floods we're experiencing now are not as bad it's going to get. It's going to get much worse. But even s… 2021-07-18 11:51:55 RT @murakamiwood: Short Thread: a lot of #climatechange denialists have moved from 'maybe it isn't happening' to 'there's nothing we can do… 2021-07-18 11:50:30 RT @nberlat: if the US would like to save lives abroad, the most effective thing to do right now is to donate lots of vaccines everywhere. 2021-07-18 11:49:29 RT @veenadubal: Uber is coming for your industry next, @dkhos says. This is why the degradation of work standards, enforcement, and laws b… 2021-07-18 11:48:44 RT @DemFromCT: Access is still a problem for some of the hesitant, btw. Just because it’s not a problem for you doesn’t make it a non-probl… 2021-07-18 00:31:04 RT @jeffreymoro: the idea that PhDs somehow expire is one of the more insidious ones in this industry 2021-07-17 23:36:34 RT @perdricof: my crazy take is that you can't really understand american gender roles unless you understand that they're basically a react… 2021-07-17 14:05:22 RT @AbeOudshoorn: (I recall that a former city staffer would get mad when I suggested there was likely over 1,000 people in London experien… 2021-07-17 14:05:18 RT @AbeOudshoorn: "According to City Hall, as of July 14, there were 1,278 people who identified themselves to the city as homeless during… 2021-07-17 13:36:27 RT @nathansnewman: Just to be clear that "anti-CRT" just means removing the parts of history that make white male conservatives uncomfortab… 2021-07-17 02:20:56 RT @ajbauer: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Surveillance 2021-07-16 21:58:06 RT @schock: If you own a skating rink, store, school, workplace, housing complex, etc etc etc ... don't be like this rink. Don't use racist… 2021-07-16 19:49:09 RT @LFeldmanBarrett: Writing workshop! Scientists & 2021-07-16 19:42:48 RT @MannyMoss: Update! Thank you, I guess, @OUPAcademic 2021-07-16 18:25:35 RT @841io: "Postdoctoral fellow in Interdisciplinary Interventions in the Design of Music Recommendation Systems", based at @Mila_Quebec a… 2021-07-16 18:08:00 Evergreen 2021-07-16 18:07:47 RT @M__Verbruggen: This paper truly has it all! Intent recognition AND emotion detection AND autonomous weapons! h… 2021-07-16 16:47:35 RT @tamigraph: Deepfaking Bourdain to make him say some lines in your documentary is super fucked up, bro. "We can have a documentary ethic… 2021-07-16 16:47:26 RT @tamigraph: Uh I will be talking to Graham Richardson about this on @CFRAOttawa at around 4:35 PM Eastern today, if you wanna hear my th… 2021-07-16 16:38:12 RT @mmitchell_ai: I did an interview with Venturebeat about AI Ethics, Corporate structures, and Inclusion. Also talk a bit abt the firing… 2021-07-16 16:26:18 RT @hypervisible: It’s the lie they tell us to justify and perpetuate invasive practices. It’s simply not true. 2021-07-16 16:26:09 RT @DFisman: Pretty much. 2021-07-16 13:25:52 RT @imgrund: Vaccination and ventilation. Any COVID mitigation strategy not focused on these two areas will fail. 2021-07-16 13:16:05 RT @parismarx: It’s become very clear that Uber is hiking fares (while constraining driver pay) to try to show a profit. But new reporting… 2021-07-16 12:54:29 You did it, @nancybaym. 2021-07-16 12:54:19 RT @RobMcCargow: Clippy returns!… as an emoji 2021-07-16 12:53:44 RT @dfwagoner: This is counterintuitive for so many people infected by sprawl-brain: density is a climate solution. 2021-07-16 11:16:22 RT @doctaj: This from @npseaver is helping me explain that 'vibes' as a musical category is just the translation of the “the ‘postdemograph… 2021-07-16 11:14:45 RT @brianbeutler: Tired: discouraging vaccine uptake to undermine Biden. Wired: discouraging poor parents from accepting no-strings cash t… 2021-07-16 11:11:54 RT @clancynewyork: Extremely distinctive facial tattoos were removed to make him resemble the suspect. "I basically painted over the tattoo… 2021-07-16 10:56:32 RT @kashhill: You get the thermal cameras to try to detect anyone with Covid and they have facial recognition built in and what could go wr… 2021-07-15 23:08:29 RT @mona_sloane: "brain picking" = labor "product feedback" = labor "bug reporting" = labor "complaint filing" = labor … 2021-07-15 22:20:35 RT @DFisman: This is bad leadership, and bad politics. I hope people make some noise about this one. 2021-07-15 21:15:45 @internetdaniel Kissinger is an AI expert because...he was alive when it was invented? 2021-07-15 21:12:15 RT @mer__edith: Hi @littlebrown whom would I entreat to get an advance copy of this book? 2021-07-15 18:07:39 RT @VWPickard: One more: Read this interview with the great political economist Oscar Gandy, who wrote about the dangers of surveillance ca… 2021-07-15 15:40:52 RT @Greene_DM: comm, sociology, sts, anthro 2021-07-15 15:40:23 RT @flowerqueers: a fun fact about California's drought is that the bulk of our water is taken up by agriculture, and most of the rest is s… 2021-07-15 14:51:44 RT @jevanhutson: We should not be using facial recognition (or any form of AI surveillance) in places of public accommodation.… 2021-07-15 14:36:21 RT @AnandWrites: We must break the habit of speaking of climate change as a future threat. 2021-07-15 13:39:32 RT @NoahIvers: Cannot emphasize enough how we should be using every lever possible to get vax above 90%. We must not settle for less just… 2021-07-15 13:32:52 RT @What46HasDone: Happy Child Tax Credit Day! Today 10s of millions of families will receive their first monthly payment of $250-$300 per… 2021-07-15 13:22:03 RT @Unemployedneg: Today is Walter Benjamin's birthday, an important reminder that you can be unemployable for most of your life, die while… 2021-07-15 13:11:08 RT @EricBoehlert: never in the history of the US has a major political party fought **in favor of a public health crisis** the way today’s… 2021-07-15 13:10:15 RT @blackgaygemini: Our paper about music metrics and sensemaking is out now in the International Journal of Communication (which is also o… 2021-07-15 13:09:49 RT @nancybaym: This is what happens when a group of people make a reading group so they can talk more about algorithms and music and then t… 2021-07-15 12:46:15 RT @Boringstein: because VFX work has become a battleground of union v nonunion labor for studios and guess which is winning… 2021-07-15 12:42:25 RT @DAaronovitch: This is an outrageous judgment. 2021-07-15 10:48:56 RT @kashhill: it seems like all the new technology just keeps curving back toward creating new forms of television 2021-07-15 10:10:15 @ruchowdh @marylgray This is what I call making it 2021-07-15 10:09:55 RT @katyetc: Aaaaaaaaah at seeing @marylgray in a Jeopardy! clue tonight! 2021-07-15 10:06:27 RT @hypervisible: Absolutely outrageous. Businesses are using this racist technology on children. It needs to be banned. 2021-07-15 10:06:18 RT @Combsthepoet: A 14 year old Black girl in Livonia, MI was misidentified by facial recognition at a skating rink. She was accused of bei… 2021-07-15 01:49:31 RT @Microsoft: If this gets 20k likes, we’ll replace the paperclip emoji in Microsoft 365 with Clippy. 2021-07-15 01:49:25 RT @nancybaym: PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE: 2021-07-15 01:46:21 RT @gnrosenberg: If you want to understand falsification, you can't just ask for Karl Poppers like some doofus n00b. You'll need to ask fo… 2021-07-15 01:24:21 RT @QueerinAI: Announcing another Queer in AI social at @aclmeeting Social 2 is going to be on Sunday, August 1 from 4PM-5:30PM GMT (conv… 2021-07-15 00:36:52 RT @IBJIYONGI: People cannot sit and be focused and curious about the cosmos if they are hungry, don’t have adequate insulin, are housing i… 2021-07-14 22:33:07 RT @mmcphate: Einstein on the beach in Santa Barbara. 2021-07-14 22:20:39 RT @DrAhmadGH: The times call for remembering Dr. Thea Hunter and all of the adjuncts in the academy like her who suffer from paycheck to p… 2021-07-14 22:20:12 RT @841io: Looking forward to @HNissenbaum's keynote at @SIGIRConf, "Reasonable Resistance!! Ethics and Politics Where Information Retrieva… 2021-07-14 21:00:09 RT @parismarx: This is so fun to watch, but I’m also starting to wonder if a federal election is about to start, who does the collapse of t… 2021-07-14 20:57:16 RT @homostasis: Dont threaten me with a good time 2021-07-14 20:33:49 @byelin @IChotiner What exactly comes off as humiliating? 2021-07-14 19:55:09 @joshtpm @mtsw Do y'all think she comes off badly? 2021-07-14 19:46:58 RT @dgolumbia: 100% 2021-07-14 19:06:01 RT @Combsthepoet: Retail stores are packed with unchecked facial recognition via @Verge #BanFacialRecognition #Su… 2021-07-14 18:44:43 RT @FourWinns298: This. 2021-07-14 18:28:42 RT @libshipwreck: If the pandemic never ends, Biden can’t take credit for ending it. 2021-07-14 18:28:05 RT @anthrocharya: I just want trains. Trains to bigger cities. Trains to connect all the little places along the way. High speed for the hu… 2021-07-14 15:45:03 RT @internetdaniel: The absurdly complex, nonsensical rules universities are creating to avoid requiring vaccination (eg, where and when ma… 2021-07-14 15:12:05 RT @marle_wi: Read takeaways from our community lab on #emotionrecognition in the workplace, co-organized by @enablingNGOlaw & 2021-07-14 14:40:12 RT @funnymonkey: I'm shocked! Shocked! that all the IDs that can clearly identify people are used by adtech industry and data brokers to id… 2021-07-14 14:06:08 RT @FourWinns298: This is beyond ridiculous. 2021-07-14 12:57:49 RT @ahCoffeeBeans: @WHCOS @luke_stark while disproving vaccine conspiracy theories is great, a good portion of those unvaccinated remain so… 2021-07-14 12:49:43 RT @WHCOS: Vaccines are available at 80,000+ locations, they are free, no appointment needed, and within 5 miles of 90% of the US populatio… 2021-07-14 12:20:08 RT @YasmeenSerhan: "We would never be free from the guilt of our survival." If you read one thing today, let it be Uyghur poet @HamutTahir… 2021-07-14 11:43:41 RT @JulesPolonetsky: New any examples of these Facial Recognition signs? Haven't seen any yet.. 2021-07-14 10:13:52 RT @libshipwreck: "Hitler was liked, not in spite of his cheap antics, but just because of them, because of his false tones and clowning."… 2021-07-14 01:15:04 RT @davekarpf: This is the best book I’ve read in the field of political communication in the past 5-10 years. Seriously, it’s brilliant.… 2021-07-14 01:04:44 RT @l_kilgour: I did it!! Dissertation defended There's nothing like writing a book-length monograph to realize you've only scratched t… 2021-07-14 00:51:00 RT @struthious: striking how so many of these AI for hiring companies use the presence of a human in the loop as a reason for why it's OK t… 2021-07-14 00:20:53 RT @AINowInstitute: For 'A New AI Lexicon' this week, Ranjit Singh from @datasociety explores IMBRICATION as a way to describe not only how… 2021-07-14 00:18:19 RT @ErikLoomis: Good 2021-07-13 22:45:33 RT @mdekstrand: Vital point. I'm concerned that online things will effectively draw a generational line: the old crew has lots of connectio… 2021-07-13 21:58:35 RT @murakamiwood: You know what the real consequence of #COVID19 has been? Lots of people dying, and many more living with debilitating aft… 2021-07-13 20:13:03 RT @ruchowdh: Internships open! Team META is planning on bringing on interns for the fall - please apply here: 2021-07-13 19:15:22 RT @gnrosenberg: Not that many of my followers are incoming Duke firstyears, but I am really quite excited about this class and poster: htt… 2021-07-13 18:41:09 RT @FourWinns298: Go Londoners. 2021-07-13 18:22:10 RT @HZeavin: "the trump inside" 2021-07-13 17:55:26 RT @willmasonmusic: the four different ways academics dress at conferences: 2021-07-13 17:13:51 Ditto Boris Johnson. And Hitler, Mussolini. 2021-07-13 17:13:07 RT @gnrosenberg: Sometimes, but not often. Many of his jokes strike me as cruel and obvious, although I admit his dunks on people I don’t l… 2021-07-13 17:12:54 RT @gnrosenberg: Some deeper thoughts on my controversial take that "Trump is funny." tldr: Just because you're not laughing, doesn't mean… 2021-07-13 17:11:49 RT @hypervisible: Ban it. 2021-07-13 13:37:01 RT @lportwoodstacer: Today’s the day! The Book Proposal Book: A Guide for Scholarly Authors is officially OUT I hope this book will hel… 2021-07-13 12:16:02 RT @runasand: “Hope this email finds you well” How this email found me: 2021-07-13 11:59:51 RT @DFisman: For rich countries it's now Choose Your Own Adventure. We know how to control this disease (if we listen to science) and have… 2021-07-13 11:52:18 RT @_jack_poulson: The "Ethics in AI" presentation from Palantir -- alongside Fujitsu, BAE Systems, etc. -- that I livetweeted in May in no… 2021-07-13 11:51:55 @internetdaniel oh ffs 2021-07-13 11:51:49 RT @internetdaniel: Is your university *too committed* to ethics in its new AI degree programs? You may want to consult Mindspark, a non-pr… 2021-07-13 11:21:38 RT @hypervisible: Just in case you weren’t totally convinced that the new verification process is absolute bs. 2021-07-13 10:56:13 RT @twcnewsletter: Our latest oral history interview in the series on Black workers and organizing at IBM is out. Here’s a button. See the… 2021-07-13 01:43:49 RT @computerfact: engineers: We Are Agents Of Pure Rationality. We Are Above And Not In Need Of Petty Human Quibbling Like History And Poli… 2021-07-13 01:29:26 Prescient 2021-07-13 01:29:16 RT @NoContextTrek: 2021-07-13 01:16:43 RT @bucephalus424: Anthropology back in the 1950s/1960s was so wild. You could get a grant to go live anywhere in the world for years and t… 2021-07-12 23:54:43 RT @accessnow: Facial recognition technology is binary, people are not! Save the date for this #CPDPLatAm panel. Jul 14, 15h-16h30 (BRT)… 2021-07-12 23:27:19 RT @navalang: New York friends - friend of a friend with aggressive cancer could really use a place to stay. 2021-07-12 22:31:49 @christyspackman Brava! 2021-07-12 22:28:11 RT @Sierra_OffLine: This is many of you 2021-07-12 20:26:25 RT @gnrosenberg: I usually lose followers whenever I post this, but Donald Trump is very funny and people on the left look silly when they… 2021-07-12 20:07:36 RT @moiragweigel: I would add that, as someone who started out writing and speaking about feminism and sexuality, and became interested in… 2021-07-12 19:22:55 RT @karen_ec_levy: Huge congrats to *Dr.* Lauren Kilgour @l_kilgour who today successfully defended her excellent dissertation on electroni… 2021-07-12 19:09:48 RT @NathanStall: I would feel comfortable returning to indoor gyms if #COVID19 vaccine certificates were used to verify that all employees… 2021-07-12 19:03:55 RT @libshipwreck: Some good ones: - Ursula Le Guin’s “Always Coming Home” - Marge Piercy’s “Woman on the Edge of Time” Kind of does this:… 2021-07-12 18:41:02 RT @Greene_DM: Fourcade: "The new citizenship is actuarial and quantitative. It cares about statistical fairness, rather than social fairne… 2021-07-12 18:22:00 RT @Dave_Parisi: Enjoyed being part of this morning's @ieeewhc workshop "Affective Haptics for Enhanced XR"--nice glimpse at methods & 2021-07-12 18:21:43 RT @HZeavin: Games compensate for an absence of control, reliable feedback, clear goals, and fair rewards in our working lives... games rem… 2021-07-12 17:17:15 Annals of animal behavior 2021-07-12 16:47:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: Important piece from @ThePlumLineGS. Dems must make messaging appropriate to the health and political emergencies we face… 2021-07-12 16:38:03 RT @BillPascrell: Reminder that Child Tax Credit payments are going out this week and every single republican in Congress voted against you… 2021-07-12 16:36:40 RT @MLHealthUnit: Walk-in vaccination clinics popping up in a neighbourhood near you! Check out the full schedule here:… 2021-07-12 14:49:39 RT @ParkerMolloy: I guess it kind of speaks to one of the broader issues with the “takes” economy. Sensible opinions fade into a sea of bor… 2021-07-12 14:39:27 RT @AnnenbergPenn: The second edition of Professor Emeritus Oscar Gandy's classic 1993 book, The Panoptic Sort, was recently published, and… 2021-07-12 14:39:14 RT @clancynewyork: Oscar Gandy has bracketed the new edition of his book on surveillance with a foreword and afterword touching on the chan… 2021-07-12 14:38:25 RT @tetisheri: The new ACM Interactions issue on 'Tech Labor' is out! ( I have an essay in it titled 'Interrupting… 2021-07-12 14:11:07 RT @FoxCahn: It’s not too late @NYCSpeakerCoJo to join us in fighting for a historic ban on #FacialRecognition. This is your chance to crea… 2021-07-12 13:13:37 RT @EvanSelinger: @MarkAndrejevic In 2014 @hartzog & 2021-07-12 12:59:46 RT @BostonJoan: Very interesting case study since blue checks were on hold for sometime. Blue checks are supposed to verify people’s identi… 2021-07-12 12:59:17 RT @MarkAndrejevic: From Wired mag 2003 issue: "Facial recognition cameras are so 2001"... plus ca change... 2021-07-12 12:27:01 RT @IngaSaffron: It was clear since Moynihan Train Hall opened that the waiting area was too small and didn’t have enough seats. Today, the… 2021-07-12 11:29:08 RT @JInterlandi: The disparity between how much Pfizer cares about rich countries getting boosters, and how little they care about poor cou… 2021-07-12 11:28:48 RT @EmtiyazKhan: Our new paper on "The Bayesian Learning Rule" is now on arXiv, where we provide a common learning-principle behind a varie… 2021-07-12 11:26:45 RT @arjunsubgraph: Will likely organize a panel on experiences of queer neurodivergent individuals in academia + industry at this year's Ne… 2021-07-12 00:19:21 RT @yeselson: This is a chilling remark, but who can doubt that this is exactly the logic, one that resonates with tens of millions. This i… 2021-07-12 00:08:04 RT @MarkAndrejevic: Public event at 1 p.m. today at Monash U with the AU Human Rights Commissioner and @Lizzie_OShea and @juliapowles to di… 2021-07-11 22:59:14 RT @michkeenah: it’s actually so mad to me that england loses a game and the first thing black people and women have to think about is thei… 2021-07-11 22:43:21 RT @SethCotlar: I think two seemingly contradictory things are true. 1) Trump tapped into a deep well of illiberal, hateful energies that w… 2021-07-11 22:38:09 RT @sarahchurchwell: Please share this thread. Women all over the UK offering refuge to any woman who might be suffering DV after tonight’s… 2021-07-11 22:37:35 Yes, yes it is 2021-07-11 22:37:23 RT @ParkerMolloy: Here’s the ACLU elaborating: 2021-07-11 22:37:11 RT @ParkerMolloy: Bunch a dumbasses in the replies are being obtuse, but the ACLU is correct 2021-07-11 22:34:00 RT @bernardionysius: "When ideas about bodies are built into digital signals, these signals, in turn, produce bodily effects." --@maramills… 2021-07-11 20:43:58 RT @MagicRealismBot: A mansion in Toronto is made of childhood dreams. 2021-07-11 19:34:41 RT @TeraWHunter: The history of spelling bees in Jim Crow America, another project for someone to write. 2021-07-11 19:26:05 RT @willie_agnew: 2021-07-11 16:47:36 RT @internetdaniel: Reminder that is a deceptive for-profit grift with a bad user interface that requires an accoun… 2021-07-11 13:50:43 RT @EeHRN: “Machine learning equivalent of Dunning-Kruger but with added life-threatening risk” #AI #SafetyCriticalSystems #Hype https://t.… 2021-07-11 12:34:51 RT @sivavaid: The fact that the @VA_GOP is going after the most established, least vulnerable among us is a signal. The rest of @UVA facul… 2021-07-11 12:29:35 RT @shannonmattern: Looking forward to starting this next: Hsuan Hsu’s The Smell of Risk: Environmental Disparities and Olfactory Aesthetic… 2021-07-11 12:12:48 RT @rosamunde_vb: No 2021-07-11 11:48:31 RT @FourWinns298: 4/ We are at a pivotal moment where family doctors will help us get over the last and hardest mile. As we have these con… 2021-07-11 01:51:08 RT @Dr_SD_Newman: I love how we are gushing over the spelling bee champ. But I have to say this. We have brilliant, quirky nerdy children a… 2021-07-11 01:21:24 RT @MarkAndrejevic: "Increasingly, the market sees you from within, measuring your body and emotional states..." -- Fourcade and Healy 2021-07-11 01:21:20 RT @MarkAndrejevic: the ongoing march of biometrics into the digital enclosure. 2021-07-11 00:55:22 RT @clancynewyork: Not a metaphor. National Archives of India Annexe building is scheduled for demolition. It contains: 4.5 m files, 25K ma… 2021-07-11 00:27:47 RT @emilymbender: A few weeks ago, I did an interview with the BBC for a documentary then described to me as "investigating the influence o… 2021-07-11 00:02:55 RT @IBJIYONGI: Mar’s work of course goes well beyond their advocacy for scholars from non-traditional backgrounds. Their important work on… 2021-07-11 00:02:41 RT @IBJIYONGI: I hate this for Mar because they were an early champion of my emergence as an STS scholar, and it is exactly that kind of wo… 2021-07-10 23:16:05 RT @donmoyn: As local school board elections become dominated by people driven by or responding to a moral panic, expect more teachers to b… 2021-07-10 23:15:44 RT @nhannahjones: I am telling you all: We are in dangerous times. 2021-07-10 22:14:50 RT @AlecMacGillis: "A midsize cruise ship can emit as much particulate as one million cars. One cruise company alone, Carnival, was respons… 2021-07-10 18:22:19 RT @LemieuxLGM: Q: why is Columbia offering grad programs whose main distinction from Trump University is that they're longer and more expe… 2021-07-10 18:22:03 RT @hypervisible: Some business are accepting TikTok resumes “continuing a cultural shift in US retail towards meeting applicants on their… 2021-07-10 15:07:32 RT @JAMESPIPERPHOTO: One of my favorite Milky Way shots I’ve taken. 2021-07-10 15:02:50 RT @skdh: In case you thought the UK has seen a rapid increase in COVID case, look at what's going on in the Netherlands… 2021-07-10 15:01:42 RT @IrisVanRooij: Job opportunity! Do you have expertise at the intersection of Gender, Diversity, Artificial Intelligence & 2021-07-10 14:51:46 RT @karpmj: John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave But his soul goes marching on 2021-07-10 13:59:40 RT @tressiemcphd: You ain’t have to do em like that 2021-07-10 13:26:08 RT @profabartow: Wal-Mart ruins everything: 2021-07-10 13:07:34 RT @IrisVanRooij: (Could not agree more. Btw, the authors are referring to this paper with @giosuebaggio /12 2021-07-10 12:35:56 RT @carolecadwalla: It’s taken until now for the country to catch up with what Independent SAGE was saying very clearly a week ago. And we’… 2021-07-10 12:07:50 RT @JohnMacIntyre2: This is an important story that needs to be re-told as widely as possible. ⁦@timnitGebru⁩ and ⁦@mmitchell_ai⁩ were trea… 2021-07-10 10:48:42 RT @HeerJeet: Teacher fired for teaching a poem & 2021-07-10 10:31:39 RT @QueerinAI: ICML 2021 is coming up, and Queer in AI is hosting not one but TWO amazing panels as part of our workshop! To crea… 2021-07-10 01:06:22 RT @FrankPasquale: “Ultimately, the polluters got a guilt-free pass to keep emitting CO₂, but the forest preservation that was supposed to… 2021-07-10 00:58:53 RT @FrankPasquale: Facebook “does as little as possible to prevent disasters from happening, then feebly attempts to avoid blame and manage… 2021-07-10 00:58:41 RT @NoContextTrek: 2021-07-10 00:35:52 @TinaBelinda Can't complain! Enjoy the relief! :) 2021-07-10 00:14:25 @TinaBelinda @nhccommstudies @DrNNeill @cherylcowdy @CCYYork @AlbertusSocial Congratulations! 2021-07-10 00:14:18 RT @TinaBelinda: Just defended my PhD! Thanks @nhccommstudies, @DrNNeill, Mike Zryd, Emilie Zaslow, and of course my supervisor @cherylcow… 2021-07-09 22:46:48 RT @jennaburrell: oh my, this executive order addresses so many interesting things for people studying the tech industry. It calls for bans… 2021-07-09 22:31:33 RT @DrIbram: “These critics aren’t arguing against me. They aren’t arguing against anti-racist thinkers. They aren’t arguing against critic… 2021-07-09 21:50:57 RT @jbouie: *chuckles* we’re in danger. 2021-07-09 20:12:31 @histoftech I'm so sorry Mar. Your work is both groundbreaking and essential, and your friends and admirers are many. Hang in there! 2021-07-09 19:32:59 RT @alexhanna: Some master's degrees are a scam. And then there's whatever's happening in this thread 2021-07-09 18:15:58 RT @CIGIonline: The “governance” of data, without real rights, is an embarrassing illusion. A new article by CIGI Senior Fellow Sean McDo… 2021-07-09 18:15:46 @blackgaygemini @homostasis Actually, fun fact: "homostasis" was considered as the original term! 2021-07-09 18:07:51 @blackgaygemini @homostasis This is cute and relatable, and also I am writing about the Macy conferences right now and absolutely read "@ homeostasis" 2021-07-09 17:29:01 RT @EvanSelinger: How, exactly, is surveillance normalized? Thrilled to announce "Normalizing Surveillance" is published in the Northern… 2021-07-09 16:40:44 RT @jackiantonovich: Can someone forward this to...all of academia? "I’m tired of being asked to front thousands in business expenses on m… 2021-07-09 16:28:18 RT @Sue_Innovates: 4/x Early reopening is also incongruous with yesterday's presser when @celliottability expressed sign concern about Delt… 2021-07-09 15:27:16 RT @FourWinns298: Good thing restaurants and bars will have 6 feet spacing because we KNOW that will stop airborne infections. Right? 2021-07-09 14:22:41 RT @John_J_Howard: Just like smiling is not a proxy for happy, a sideways glance is not a proxy for cheating, and voice patterns tell you l… 2021-07-09 14:22:25 RT @parismarx: It’s no secret that I don’t like Elon Musk or Tesla, but the racist experiences these Black workers describe, including the… 2021-07-09 14:20:02 RT @jeffreymoro: and to think, I logged on this morning to register how disgusted I am with the @DukePress and their continued attempts to… 2021-07-09 13:18:41 RT @sarahljaffe: At what point does it become journalistic malpractice to obsessively poll on an issue without explaining *the truth* 2021-07-09 13:07:52 RT @mattburgess1: New from me: The biometrics industry is booming and it's getting creepier. At least two European companies have built A… 2021-07-09 13:07:26 RT @ashleyshoo: Reading over a former student's diversity statement, I just want to say what a boondoggle these statements are for scholars… 2021-07-09 12:20:52 RT @AstorAaron: This. No need for a third shot/booster as CDC and FDA point out. But there IS a need for ramped up manufacturing and delive… 2021-07-09 12:17:35 RT @nycsouthpaw: *record scratch* yep that’s me, bet you’re wondering how I wound up with all these Republicans 2021-07-09 12:16:19 RT @mgahntz: "That is, a system that operates “as intended,” if the intention is based on pseudo-scientific & 2021-07-09 11:04:45 RT @robyncaplan: The people who I know who did those masters are in bad spots. The people who I know who didn’t do those masters are in bad… 2021-07-09 11:04:17 @o_guest @DondersInst @AI_Radboud @CCS_donders Congratulations! 2021-07-09 10:49:55 RT @o_guest: I'm incredibly pleased and overwhelmed to share some huge personal news: I have accepted a position as Assistant Professor in… 2021-07-09 00:47:34 RT @wishcrys: society: oh no misinformation, people need critical thinking skills 2021-07-09 00:24:14 RT @figgled: Jennifer Coolidge confirmed legend 2021-07-09 00:07:40 RT @NishaChittal: "You know that exotic means ‘other’ or ‘different’ from a dominant-White perspective because no one ever says, ‘I’m going… 2021-07-08 23:23:57 RT @jathansadowski: Gig work is a “good job opportunity” in the same way that people have “freedom of choice” to starve… 2021-07-08 16:57:19 RT @dgolumbia: not only is @libshipwreck the guest on a new episode of @techwontsaveus with @parismarx this week, but he also published "Th… 2021-07-08 16:19:23 RT @STS_News: The master's-degree-as-revenue-stream concept is a plague upon humanity. 2021-07-08 15:00:38 RT @MannyMoss: New work! Algorithmic audits should also interrogate the fundamental claims a product makes about it can do. Such audits sho… 2021-07-08 14:40:33 RT @DataJusticeLab: Watch our previous researcher and now elected member of Welsh Parliament @sarah4bridgend raise this important question… 2021-07-08 14:21:50 RT @jbouie: “But some Democrats are starting to suspect that the story is simpler: They’ve been chumps.” 2021-07-08 13:56:26 @MaxLiboiron 2021-07-08 13:53:01 RT @fightfortheftr: “It is critical the Biden administration and Congress take action now because federal agencies clearly do not take seri… 2021-07-08 13:52:43 @MaxLiboiron Thank you! Yours is an inspiration in so many ways! 2021-07-08 13:39:15 RT @mutalenkonde: My whole job is based on the foundational work of critical race theorists. These attacks will see me out of work, while… 2021-07-08 13:37:58 RT @internetdaniel: At long last, “Predictive Policing and the Ethics of Preemption”—my contribution to a new volume on the ethics of polic… 2021-07-08 13:30:37 RT @DFisman: Fascinating new preprint on delta vs older variants in well-investigated outbreaks in China. Viral load for delta is 3 log hi… 2021-07-08 13:23:20 I have been saying no more often recently as book endgame nears. This is why! 2021-07-08 13:22:36 RT @MaxLiboiron: I knew this when I was an artist, but it's equally true of being a professional thinker/researcher: You need time that is… 2021-07-08 13:22:34 RT @MaxLiboiron: Yes! It took a full year of saying "no" to invitations before I got a short stretch of time w/o deadlines, making things… 2021-07-08 13:21:20 RT @setlinger: Dream job alert for the right person 2021-07-08 13:06:12 RT @CheriDiNovo: BREAKING July 8: Walk ins!! Please take advantage of this (spoken as one of the millions who scrambled for an appt) Your t… 2021-07-08 12:51:20 RT @jathansadowski: Most people don’t understand, let alone comprehend, how extremely water and energy intensive data centers are. Combine… 2021-07-08 12:43:45 RT @FourWinns298: Hearing of a surplus of appointments in many regions soooooooooooo please get that first dose or move up your second one.… 2021-07-08 09:24:22 RT @SarahTaber_bww: This. It's wild to read diary entries from soldiers assigned, for example, to move Cherokee on the Trail of Tears sayin… 2021-07-08 01:34:56 RT @UpFromTheCracks: Honored to have multi-center, international support for my research on predictive analytics in the child welfare syste… 2021-07-06 00:08:13 RT @mer__edith: 2021-07-05 23:58:27 RT @bruce_arthur: Putting the F in Jesus F Christ 2021-07-05 22:06:01 RT @seanmmcdonald: New from me: “Data Governance’s New Clothes” on practical differences between data governance focused on value vs rights… 2021-07-05 21:59:43 RT @SarahFlorini: This is 100% the cat I would come home with from the shelter. 2021-07-05 21:53:31 RT @BBCNews: Trials of four-day week in Iceland "overwhelming success", researchers say 2021-07-05 21:07:07 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-07-05 21:04:20 RT @syllabus_tweets: After checking out @jathansadowski excellent article, do make sure to listen to a great talk of his featured in our Th… 2021-07-05 21:04:07 @HayleyDLondon Terrifying 2021-07-05 20:59:35 RT @dgurdasani1: Some thoughts on the PMs briefing today: -false 'now or never' narrative alert -no mention of long COVID or CV -implicit t… 2021-07-05 19:25:18 RT @MLHealthUnit: Of the COVID-19 cases reported to #MLHU in the 2 weeks leading up to July 2, 92% were among individuals who were unvaccin… 2021-07-05 19:24:57 RT @FourWinns298: GET VACCINATED. You may be hearing some "discouraging" things about vaccines BUT they are behaving as predicted, and if w… 2021-07-05 19:03:20 RT @joe_cressy: There are 44,000 vaccine appointments available this week at our City-run clinics across Toronto. Anyone age 12+ is eligibl… 2021-07-05 18:07:53 RT @nathansnewman: I had chicken pox twice as a kid - my early lesson that promised immunity is never 100%. 2021-07-05 18:07:21 RT @AmooreLouise: The complete absence of empathy is breathtaking. What they are saying to a cancer patient who uses public transport to cl… 2021-07-05 18:06:46 RT @nberlat: you shouldn't have to be smart to vote. you shouldn't need to have money. you shouldn't need to wait in line. you shouldn't ne… 2021-07-05 17:59:44 RT @WiMLworkshop: 1/8 #WiML has a new partnership and sponsorship policy, based on which the WiML board now conducts a process to vet organ… 2021-07-05 17:59:27 @aketchum22 @ystvns @NobelPrize It's excellent. Eleanor Wachtel interviewed Ichiguro about the book recently, too. 2021-07-05 16:48:25 RT @albanvillamil: How do designers engage in performative reflexivity? We tend to focus on *disclosing* our identity & 2021-07-05 15:49:48 RT @aketchum22: the feeling when people who didn't hire u(aka pay u 4 the work u r doing) promote ur events/projects in a way that make the… 2021-07-05 14:52:28 RT @AngryBlackLady: I feel like there’s one more piece of information we need to make this little tweet complete. What could that be http… 2021-07-05 14:51:38 RT @NathanKalmoe: A more prominent death than most of the others killed yesterday by fireworks idiocy. 2021-07-05 14:49:14 RT @davidfrum: Also a pandemic summer 2021-07-05 13:34:57 RT @williamrfrey: in “A phenomenology of whiteness” by Sara Ahmed. 2021-07-05 13:06:19 RT @EvanSelinger: The workplace hellscape of algorithmic injustice: punitive automated decisions that ignore context, lack of due process,… 2021-07-05 11:46:31 RT @HeerJeet: 1. So some people were skeptical when I said that from 2001-2004 there was a concerted attempt in both mainstream press & 2021-07-05 11:45:27 RT @PickersgillM: .@luke_stark does great work - this should be super: 2021-07-05 11:45:24 @PickersgillM 2021-07-05 11:39:32 RT @DainaRameyBerry: A MUST read from a foundational CRT scholar: The panic over critical race theory is an attempt to whitewash U.S. histo… 2021-07-05 11:34:15 RT @SarahFlorini: One reason for this is the rise of surveillance technology. Trees in low income areas are often cut down so they don’t ob… 2021-07-05 11:05:34 RT @AIetheiac: Pleased to announce the seventh session of EXALT podcast with our guest Dr. Luke Stark @luke_stark. We will talk about his w… 2021-07-05 01:24:04 RT @jolynnasinanan: Special Issue showcase 10: Ilana Gershon and Amy Gonzales ask how do you store CVs and references when applying for job… 2021-07-05 00:10:26 RT @gmbutts: The government of Canada starved Indigenous People into accepting treaties — that it never lived up to — in order to get the r… 2021-07-04 23:57:19 RT @melissablake: Any time I start thinking that there’s no way I can write this entire book, I just remind myself that both Mike Pence and… 2021-07-04 23:10:51 RT @pardoguerra: What an unaccountable and morally reprehensible doofus 2021-07-04 22:45:15 RT @DrNeilStone: Guess which country is about to abandon pretty much all public health measures to control Covid. 2021-07-04 22:43:26 RT @hypervisible: “Six months ago, all these workers were essential...Everyone was calling them heroes. Now, they’re trying to figure out h… 2021-07-04 20:55:49 @danlizotte Are you kidding? I've always wanted to learn how to potter. 2021-07-04 20:19:06 @danlizotte You have many interests and talents! 2021-07-04 18:28:30 RT @CBHessick: For more even-handed coverage of the crime increase, check out this article, which manages to not only provide prospective,… 2021-07-04 18:24:53 RT @CBHessick: There’s no denying that there’s been an increase in homicide and gun crimes. If you looked only at Twitter reactions and me… 2021-07-04 18:23:07 RT @aselbst: Seems similar to the vote fraud “problem,” but maybe actually believed by some people and not *entirely* bad faith 2021-07-04 13:46:03 RT @arlenedavila1: Obituary for Lauren Berlant, Critic of the American Dream, who coined “cruel optimism,” as a widespread state of being i… 2021-07-04 13:19:11 RT @mccormick_ted: This is exactly right. 2021-07-04 12:31:29 RT @ruchowdh: Possibly controversial take? I do not judge anyone from a marginalized group and getting started if they work at Google. It i… 2021-07-04 11:53:43 RT @ruchowdh: You cannot fire @timnitGebru and @mmitchell_ai and pretend it never happened. Google has not yet proven itself a place that… 2021-07-04 11:53:40 RT @tylerwatt90: The pandemic has negatively impacted us no doubt. But let’s not forget how much of this has been prolonged because of the… 2021-07-04 11:50:16 RT @sacbee_news: “It was insane”: Placer County floodplain restored by beavers in just three years 2021-07-04 01:47:35 RT @doctaj: Still happy to talk about The Sonic Episteme, especially bc it was released into the void that spring 2020 was...(and I can con… 2021-07-04 01:25:13 RT @ReignOfApril: This is why it matters, @JenniferJJacobs. Even fellow journalists may not search for context, thinking you had provided i… 2021-07-04 01:03:46 @alexhanna Reader, my eyes bulged 2021-07-03 21:17:41 It wasn't all that 2021-07-03 21:14:06 First gay bar in almost two years 2021-07-03 18:40:33 RT @clancynewyork: "Death Glitch" is the title of the book that Tamara Kneese has written on "the death underlying the digital." Lots of us… 2021-07-03 17:45:13 @hiokinai @tamigraph @HZeavin @yalepress OMG yes 2021-07-03 17:44:52 RT @tamigraph: According to @HZeavin, my academic stage mother, I should have mentioned that my book is called Death Glitch. It's a book ab… 2021-07-03 17:09:27 RT @seeshespeak: Counterpoint: this is possibly the best, and only good, thing about aging. Show me your gardens, your blooming city street… 2021-07-03 16:34:33 RT @LeapingRobot: The latest and very timely issue of Osiris is out...guest edited by @HelenTilley15 and brought to you my @hssonline, @Sum… 2021-07-03 16:25:58 @tamigraph Do you talk in your book about continuity of consciousness? I am weirdly fascinated by continuity of consciousness. 2021-07-03 16:25:23 RT @tamigraph: This again huh. So much hype about what "AI" might be able to do for digital immortality, but it's always the same old impla… 2021-07-03 15:44:24 RT @UpFromTheCracks: I have a lot of questions 2021-07-03 15:41:34 RT @dmonett: MUST-READ paper! "We find that societal needs are typically very loosely connected to the choice of project, if mentioned a… 2021-07-03 14:08:21 @hypervisible Continuity of consciousness or nah 2021-07-03 13:41:10 RT @DFisman: This Climate change is the true existential threat 2021-07-03 13:37:19 RT @dispositive: .⁦@RonanFarrow⁩ & 2021-07-03 13:33:47 RT @LilyMasonPhD: But this current research locates the faction in 2011, and observes them moving toward Trump himself by 2018, from across… 2021-07-03 13:32:41 RT @kreissdaniel: Really crucial thread 2021-07-03 13:18:51 RT @LouisatheLast: If your testosterone test is regularly flagging several cis women at the top of their game as “not female enough” for th… 2021-07-03 12:44:42 RT @dgolumbia: they do, but there is a lot of imbalance across disciplines that also correlates with the male/female imbalance (ie, the sup… 2021-07-03 12:44:24 RT @hinz_tamara: “The temperature-sensing pandemic robot is malfunctioning because of climate change” is the most dystopian thing I’ve ever… 2021-07-03 12:16:19 RT @dbessner: Damn private school pays a loooot 2021-07-03 12:06:03 RT @Ethnography911: I’m glad people are getting wind of the Olympics’ bullshittery. Didn’t just start this year. 2021-07-03 00:55:42 RT @histoftech: Chicago allows crosswalks to be gay for June and that’s it :/ 2021-07-03 00:44:29 RT @erinbiba: It is completely natural to feel hopelessness. But if you can, try to fight it. Remember that fossil fuel rehortic and the la… 2021-07-03 00:44:23 RT @erinbiba: Climate hopelessness is *very literally* the new language of climate denial. 2021-07-02 23:56:54 RT @MiaShellyMac: In 7 days, the Olympics have 1. banned a transwoman from competing because "testosterone" 2. Banned swim caps made spec… 2021-07-02 23:15:34 RT @Lollardfish: We could begin ameliorating climate change tomorrow. The answers already exist. Despair is a weapon of the destroyers. 2021-07-02 23:06:23 RT @tressiemcphd: This looks very interesting: From automobile capitalism to platform capitalism: Toyotism as a prehistory of digital platf… 2021-07-02 22:37:29 RT @LemieuxLGM: What happened here, quite literally, is: 1)In 1982, some conservatives (including John Roberts) urged Congress to pass a na… 2021-07-02 22:16:26 @QueerZoomer Here's Doris with juice 2021-07-02 22:15:40 RT @QueerZoomer: Y'all, I am having an awful week (an awful month really, tbh). Please send me vibes, shitposts, cat pics, memes, tiktoks,… 2021-07-02 21:48:37 RT @TWenseleers: Data suggesting higher viral load & 2021-07-02 19:51:47 RT @doctaj: So I’m thinking what I’m arguing w the vibes research is that vibes : neoliberal/speculative biopolitics :: what these books id… 2021-07-02 19:35:46 RT @POTUS: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework represents the largest federal investment in public transit in history — including the l… 2021-07-02 19:21:35 RT @tiffanycli: The digital realm isn't physical, but that doesn't mean it isn't real. We form attachments to online people, places, things… 2021-07-02 18:19:25 RT @mdekstrand: “Rules are choices”. This is so important. We should not just take the world as it is, but ask whether this is how it shoul… 2021-07-02 18:12:49 RT @bernardionysius: people who haven't read much think "critical race theory" is postmodern. not really. but American bishops rejecting Va… 2021-07-02 18:12:00 RT @britnidlc: So Sha’Carri can’t run because of marijuana, multiple African runners can’t run because their T levels are “too high,” and s… 2021-07-02 18:11:48 RT @jennaburrell: Rather than calling the algo system "wildly irrational" I would say it had errors (and that could be the norm rather than… 2021-07-02 18:07:45 RT @StandingTheGaff: Canada Post's unparalleled logistics network. This is why corporate elites have been gunning for its privatization. Si… 2021-07-02 17:08:14 RT @LeahGazan: Now that July 1st is over, let’s keep the truth going, let’s keep the movement going. As we find more sacred children, let’… 2021-07-02 16:31:31 RT @nathansnewman: Reminder that strong voting rights laws were enacted during Reconstruction- and the Supreme Court killed them then as we… 2021-07-02 16:24:16 RT @mollyhc: Couldn't fit it in a tweet so I had to notes app it. The last 12 hours in sports: 2021-07-02 16:21:55 RT @tressiemcphd: “Not Eligible for Female Classification” could be the title of a history of Black Women in the West. 2021-07-02 15:20:17 RT @michaelharriot: I’ve written about this a million times. In general, 58% of whites surveyed believe Black people have thicker skin. T… 2021-07-02 15:19:18 RT @ztsamudzi: What’s the intersection of our praise of “naturally gifted athletes” and the biological essentialist punishment of these bla… 2021-07-02 15:04:46 RT @MikeKatell: Chilling story about AI being used create moral distance between bad policy and human suffering. Buried within, a classic d… 2021-07-02 13:47:42 RT @hockendougal: Check out the introduction and table of contents for our collection, “Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media” out in Sept… 2021-07-02 13:39:12 RT @RDBinns: The original face recognition was the Hollerith photo punch card, for train ticket authentication, 1887. It 'recognised' a ha… 2021-07-02 01:56:56 RT @math_rachel: I've been reading more about RoboDebt: in which the Australian govt automatically & 2021-07-02 01:56:12 RT @wolvie1967: Stunning photo of the Turtle Island Healing Walk #turtleislandhealingwalk in London Ontario courtesy of @aries_digital http… 2021-07-02 01:56:03 RT @stefanoschen: Just wanna point out that a six-story apt building in Chinatown pays more in annual taxes ($213k) than the owner of a 96t… 2021-07-01 23:54:56 RT @joejerome: Never ceases to amaze me that @privacypen's home state is an actual privacy leader. Maine's #FacialRecognition ban is big ne… 2021-07-01 23:37:57 RT @LemieuxLGM: Congress amended the VRA in 1982 PRECISELY TO FORECLOSE ALITO'S "INTERPRETATION" OF THE STATUTE, as will as to forbid exact… 2021-07-01 23:37:51 RT @LemieuxLGM: I'm writing a paper about this, but one lesson here is that it's a mistake to conflate judicial *power* with judicial *revi… 2021-07-01 23:37:41 RT @LemieuxLGM: One thing Kagan's dissent communicates very effectively is that Alito and the 5 other Republican justices are engaged in an… 2021-07-01 23:37:33 RT @LemieuxLGM: In Shelby County, Roberts defended his (indefensible) decision to strike down Section 4 by noting that Section 2 is still i… 2021-07-01 21:30:13 RT @ThePlumLineGS: “The Supreme Court has decided not to protect voters and in particular voters of color, and that will have rippling effe… 2021-07-01 21:20:46 RT @chrischirp: I still can't quite believe that govt policy is to deliberately allow tens of thousands of people (mostly young adults & 2021-07-01 21:09:08 @robyncaplan @pmnapoli @zephoria @susankeith @TheDigitalStre1 2021-07-01 21:08:53 RT @robyncaplan: Well it happened: I passed my dissertation defense! This has been such a long time coming that I have many people to thank… 2021-07-01 21:04:53 RT @danlizotte: Today @JR_Nelson and I made a donation to @WeMatterOrg - an amazing organization that supports Indigenous youth. We encoura… 2021-07-01 19:35:20 RT @parismarx: Tech billionaires like Elon Musk want you to believe this is outdated tech and instead we keep driving cars until the day Hy… 2021-07-01 17:04:12 RT @nathansnewman: Rightwing outrage machine mostly works because of Dems amplifying it. GOP rarely does the same for any attacks on their… 2021-07-01 16:50:03 RT @LeahLitman: strong agree with this @rickhasen take on Brnovich: "the conservative Supreme Court has taken away all the major available… 2021-07-01 16:48:41 RT @JuddLegum: A STUNNING admission by the SCOTUS majority weakening the Voting Rights Act. The six justices say that disparate racial im… 2021-07-01 15:36:32 RT @AriBerman: SCOTUS conservative majority is quite literally making it easier to buy an election and harder to vote in one 2021-07-01 15:30:44 RT @chrislhayes: An abiding principle that unites the entire GOP from McConnell to Trump to Roberts: making things harder for voters and ea… 2021-07-01 13:54:32 @jathansadowski Sir Francis Galton thought the same thing, FYI 2021-07-01 13:54:05 RT @jathansadowski: ""Data is the essence of truth—objective and neutral. Unless my gut says the crime stats are actually higher, then the… 2021-07-01 12:16:20 @jathansadowski @machinekillspod What do you think are the structural blocks to change? Fifty years in the light of eternity isn't such a long time for ideas to germinate, although technoecological catastrophes *are* accelerating... 2021-07-01 11:55:34 RT @evan_greer: Teen Vogue is the new paper of record and that’s straight facts 2021-07-01 11:49:33 RT @IBJIYONGI: If you live in North America, you should assume you are on land that is not only contested but has absorbed the blood & 2021-07-01 11:35:58 @jathansadowski @machinekillspod Time = flat circle 2021-07-01 11:35:26 RT @jathansadowski: I keep coming across these wildly prescient passages in the book Autonomous Technology (1977) as I re-read it for the @… 2021-07-01 11:26:44 RT @rachelmetz: if you've ever wondered how extensively the US government uses facial-recognition software, the answer is ... yes! yesterda… 2021-07-01 11:24:46 @tamigraph !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2021-07-01 11:24:23 RT @tamigraph: Oh right, I am allowed to celebrate with a fancy glass of wine because, today, my book was officially accepted for publicati… 2021-07-01 01:04:07 RT @bengrosser: I wrote down a few thoughts on the topics of platform realism, platform exodus, and a few shared values to consider for (no… 2021-07-01 01:03:50 RT @FrankPasquale: “What would a platform look like if it actively worked to defuse compulsive use rather than to produce it? Or if it want… 2021-07-01 00:35:13 RT @QueerinAI: To all Information Retrieval researchers.... the rumors are true! we are hosting an event at #SIGIR2021 Join us on June 12… 2021-07-01 00:30:21 RT @SIGIRConf: @QueerinAI is co-organising a #SIGIR2021 social event. @QueerinAI is a community of queer researchers and allies in NLP, AI… 2021-07-01 00:30:06 RT @841io: Happy to announce that @QueerinAI is organizing an event virtually collocated with @SIGIRConf 2021. Thank you, @evijitghosh and… 2021-07-01 00:11:42 RT @bentarnoff: The tech leadership class flipping out about an imagined SF crime apocalypse is a perfect illustration of the fact that a s… 2021-06-30 23:54:29 RT @MannyMoss: This is the nut of the entire issue with ethics and value alignment in ML. Machine learning is not neutral, it is not withou… 2021-06-30 23:44:17 RT @Quinnae_Moon: This is why, oftentimes, it's better to say nothing. To "Never Tweet," as a fashionable t-shirt once said. Because, no ma… 2021-06-30 23:40:29 @schock Congratulations! 2021-06-30 23:40:23 RT @schock: Hello twitter friends, it's my last day at MIT. I'm excited to share that I'll be joining the Algorithmic Justice League (https… 2021-06-30 23:40:18 RT @timnitGebru: Great news! 2021-06-30 23:07:37 2021-06-30 23:06:11 RT @MoriartyLab: Last night we learned my partner's healthy mom died of heat stroke in BC Sun night. She was found last night. She was ha… 2021-06-30 20:37:16 @robyncaplan @NJTRANSIT That is good! But also weird. And @Amtrak is not running cross-border service atm so that is alas not normal. 2021-06-30 20:34:30 @robyncaplan @NJTRANSIT I am going to NYC in early August and it is exciting but also extremely anxiety-producing. 2021-06-30 20:33:54 RT @robyncaplan: I am taking @NJTRANSIT tomorrow for the first time in years and I am so excited and has anyone ever said these words befor… 2021-06-30 17:31:13 RT @bourne_clea: 2021-06-30 16:02:12 RT @orientaljanedoe: JOBS ALERT: –76 openings for 'government affairs' at Amazon –98 openings for 'government affairs' at Apple –583 open… 2021-06-30 15:54:39 RT @danlizotte: Well @ldnonttrain tried to stop me but I got my second shot. Classic #ldnont. Shot from a primary care doc at a public heal… 2021-06-30 13:51:58 RT @jathansadowski: I'm so excited for this comment in Nature dropping next week by me, @salome_viljoen_, and @mer__edith! We just did the… 2021-06-30 12:21:27 RT @nathansnewman: Useful to understand that when the Right says CRT, what they mean is any discussion of "inclusion" or "anti-racism" or "… 2021-06-30 11:31:17 RT @shannonmattern: Rdg this *fascinating* article by @adler_melissa17 abt Pamphila, an ancient Greet miscellanist / "radical cataloger" wh… 2021-06-30 11:27:09 RT @JimGrossmanAHA: "History is not therapy, and discomfort is part of growing up... @TimothyDSnyder puts state "divisive concepts" legisla… 2021-06-30 00:48:41 RT @WillOremus: If you'd asked a climate scientist a decade or two ago to speculate on what the climate crisis might look like in the US by… 2021-06-30 00:48:27 RT @MannyMoss: New @datasociety Points blog post also out today to accompany Assembling Accountability Report! Algorithmic impact assessmen… 2021-06-29 22:24:23 RT @MarkAndrejevic: Please join us for an online public event: "Facial Recognition in Australia: Promises and Risks" Featuring AU Human Rig… 2021-06-29 17:51:10 RT @datasociety: NEW: Policy Brief: We explain how policymakers can define & 2021-06-29 17:50:02 RT @BrandyZadrozny: But I was specifically told that facts don’t care about our feelings. 2021-06-29 17:42:09 RT @hypervisible: For real, I want someone to ask Amazon this question. 2021-06-29 16:29:21 RT @kharijohnson: I spoke with Alondra Nelson for a Q& 2021-06-29 16:29:14 RT @mmitchell_ai: On creating responsible AI: "it takes honesty". So well put. 2021-06-29 15:46:41 RT @EmotionalAI: RIP Pepper, the robot that would "read" emotions. Your attendance at the UK parliamentary select committee regarding AI in… 2021-06-29 15:44:34 RT @aselbst: This is the part of their research I personally found the most perspective-changing, and I’m so glad they introduced all of us… 2021-06-29 15:44:24 RT @aselbst: Everyone who cares about algorithms should read this invaluable report from my former colleagues @datasociety. The team broke… 2021-06-29 14:58:48 RT @bruce_arthur: In addition to @PHealthGnome’s suggestions, we should get family doctors involved, more community outreach to reduce hesi… 2021-06-29 14:56:56 RT @undersequoias: At long last, we are thrilled to share this new report, "Assembling Accountability: Algorithmic Impact Assessment for th… 2021-06-29 14:43:18 RT @doctaj: JPMS has used this service many times & 2021-06-29 14:36:24 RT @evan_greer: Ban facial recognition yesterday 2021-06-29 14:34:18 RT @nathansnewman: The whole Guzman decision is an argument over the wording in statutes, which could be easily corrected in functioning de… 2021-06-29 14:14:24 RT @MannyMoss: How do impact assessments produce accountability in the public interest? We draw lessons from environmental, human rights, p… 2021-06-29 14:12:07 RT @datasociety: NEW: Algorithmic impact assessments (AIAs): How do we evaluate their effectiveness? What challenges lie ahead? Report by @… 2021-06-29 14:12:01 RT @robyncaplan: So excited about this one. Please check out this new report on Algorithmic Impact Assessments by @undersequoias, @MannyMos… 2021-06-29 13:49:06 RT @nberlat: Disney avoids LGBT content because it's catering to American homophobes mostly. And also probably because Disney execs are hom… 2021-06-29 13:42:21 @sivavaid To be fair to yourself, the point comes up over and over again in the book! 2021-06-29 13:35:07 RT @draganakaurin: At @JFKairport staff is rushing us to take masks off to use facial recognition for boarding without explaining we can ea… 2021-06-29 13:26:24 RT @Greene_DM: Civilization-level threats abound (you can see one of them in the second, of three, data points) but the only thing most med… 2021-06-29 12:54:38 RT @joshtpm: highly disturbing read 2021-06-29 12:34:19 RT @JenGommerman: Hey TO friends: Want to help COVID-19 research? We're recruiting folks who have had an A/Z shot followed by a Pfizer or M… 2021-06-29 12:31:11 Well that sounds awful 2021-06-29 12:24:31 RT @sivavaid: Affect is the key to understanding how and why Facebook and Instagram work. They harvest and manage affect. If you care about… 2021-06-29 12:24:25 RT @sivavaid: The passing of Lauren Berlant reminds me that I largely failed to inspire deep interrogation of the meaning of affect and sen… 2021-06-29 12:24:18 @sivavaid 2021-06-29 10:04:52 RT @frannyrecounts: Lauren Berlant changed my life many times 2021-06-29 10:01:39 RT @FrankPasquale: “Data-driven optimization is…a way of perceiving the world. And what may matter most about this is not necessarily what… 2021-06-29 09:55:14 RT @triofrancos: This is a beautiful essay on Lauren Berlant, who the world lost today, and affect theory. It is also a meditation on Left… 2021-06-29 09:32:54 RT @RDBinns: Might this debate just be due to people talking cross purposes? One side ('focus on power, not AI ethics') is critiquing AI et… 2021-06-29 01:43:37 They put Frisbee golf on TV? 2021-06-29 01:31:49 RT @rev_avocado: Marxism and critical race theory are not equivalent to Nazism! 2021-06-29 00:45:00 RT @jennaburrell: Stop going to voodoo donuts. Their donuts are cr** and they mistreat their workers. 2021-06-29 00:31:53 RT @parismarx: How it started How it’s going 2021-06-29 00:31:34 RT @SethCotlar: A fascinating dialog amongst several folks who grew up in conservative settings, and hence know the topic both as an object… 2021-06-28 22:42:11 RT @unambivalence: one time lauren berlant gave me some advice about affective survival in toxic institutions: "if you're going to be very… 2021-06-28 22:37:18 RT @rtushnet: Logically, TransUnion v. Ramirez should apply to a number of IP cases. Practically, I expect distinctions will be invented to… 2021-06-28 22:04:42 RT @RevDaniel: You literally removed this from the curriculum weeks after taking office, @fordnation . 2021-06-28 22:02:20 RT @richardson_m_a: Rest in power, Lauren Berlant, who taught us the rich texture of contemporary life in all its affective subtlety and po… 2021-06-28 22:01:51 RT @clancynewyork: New School Prof. Shannon Mattern's Op Ed in the Daily News. "The Problems Data Can’t Solve." 2021-06-28 21:56:29 RT @DFisman: Importantly, they're able to measure risk properly because healthcare workers were subjected to regular screening for covid, s… 2021-06-28 21:43:54 RT @jnelz: How is it that people can get news from the same sources yet walk away with totally different ideas about what's going on in the… 2021-06-28 21:03:41 RT @jasonintrator: It’s wild the way the earth and its temperature does not care about your political views 2021-06-28 19:41:06 @mckelveyf A little bird tells me it'll be released this week! 2021-06-28 19:40:40 RT @mckelveyf: Really great discussion & 2021-06-28 19:36:26 RT @murakamiwood: Oh, the functionality they could add to this collar for workers... 2021-06-28 19:36:14 RT @tamigraph: In this interview with ann haeyoung, Dr. Richard Hudson details his experiences as a Black worker at IBM. A rigged system cr… 2021-06-28 19:07:16 RT @DFisman: who did this? 2021-06-28 16:52:08 RT @feministandacc1: If you have happened to check out our website recently (or our Fbook page), you may have noticed that we have posted o… 2021-06-28 16:52:03 RT @aketchum22: Working on the "soft launch" of Season 3 Fall of @feministandacc1. Look forward to our 10 upcoming events!… 2021-06-28 16:25:29 RT @samsontmr: The way I think about research and life wouldn't be the same if I hadn't been exposed to the humanities during my undergrad… 2021-06-28 16:24:38 RT @timmaughan: most ppl haven’t even started - quite understandably, given how the topic is so taboo in news and pop culture - to think a… 2021-06-28 16:22:11 RT @ZainManji: How vaccines work 101 2021-06-28 16:10:20 RT @parismarx: Just thinking back to the mid-2010s automation discourse and how robots like Pepper will held out as proof that robots were… 2021-06-28 15:15:42 RT @prof_gabriele: Today in scientists discover what humanists have been saying for years 2021-06-28 15:13:33 RT @pennyb: Not happy seeing some people misgender Lauren Berlant, the greatest they. Anyway, this essay changed my life by rendering possi… 2021-06-28 15:08:15 RT @BezaMerid: What a loss. Lauren was on my dissertation committee and, a few years ago, invited me to come to Chicago to co-teach a class… 2021-06-28 15:06:54 Dear Lord. What a loss. 2021-06-28 12:22:53 RT @joshpascoe: HEPA filter units can be in every #ONTEd classroom before September, but we need to start NOW 5K HEPA units per week allo… 2021-06-28 12:21:29 RT @FrankPasquale: “It is not the development aspirations of the global poor that are driving the climate crisis, but the relentless increa… 2021-06-28 11:37:42 RT @hypervisible: “At Amazon, machines are often the boss—hiring, rating and firing millions of people with little or no human oversight.”… 2021-06-28 10:57:24 RT @KimCrayton1: AI is NOT “getting smarter”…it’s just “getting better” at handling data in ways that folx equate as “smart” This is a fal… 2021-06-28 10:49:40 RT @rajiinio: We can't keep regulating AI as if Most policy interventions start with the assumption that the technology lives… 2021-06-28 01:09:01 RT @dentalhygieneq1: @DFisman Just ask anyone in dentistry it’s worked for us .. no deaths no patients transmission that I am aware of .. w… 2021-06-28 01:04:38 RT @FourWinns298: Go Toronto. 2021-06-28 01:02:48 RT @BogochIsaac: What an incredible vaccine clinic at Scotia Bank Arena (Toronto). 20K #COVID19 vaccines administered & 2021-06-27 21:01:01 RT @murakamiwood: Everything is wrong with this article: the calculations are bullshit, the ideas of #BasicIncome and #DataTrusts are warpe… 2021-06-27 20:53:41 RT @IBJIYONGI: “Like many test-takers of color, Yemi-Ese, who is Black, has spent the past three semesters using software that reliably str… 2021-06-27 20:38:36 RT @hypervisible: Zombie idea that just will not effing die. 2021-06-27 20:31:25 @MrToad5 It would be an entirely separate book! 2021-06-27 20:22:44 RT @asociologist: Re-reading "Thick" for class and doesn't this just summarize neoliberal precarity so perfectly: 2021-06-27 20:13:58 Twitter hivemind: does anyone know of a good critical history of the "health freedom" movement? 2021-06-27 20:00:55 RT @random_walker: This adds to the growing body of evidence that machine learning isn't good at true prediction tasks as opposed to "predi… 2021-06-27 20:00:36 RT @random_walker: The news headlines *undersold* this paper. Widely-used machine learning tool for sepsis prediction found to have an AUC… 2021-06-27 20:00:23 RT @lilianedwards: Prediction vs perception is a very interesting way to distinguish effective ML AI 2021-06-27 16:39:00 RT @doctaj: More later, but my department will be hiring tt position in ethics & 2021-06-27 16:37:35 RT @tamigraph: @jd_schnepf @xiaochang @luke_stark Yes, there's a lot of this going around! A way of instrumentalizing the humanities as eth… 2021-06-27 13:31:13 RT @DFisman: This is how you do it, @COVIDSciOntario @DrJoshuaTepper 2021-06-27 13:08:18 RT @internetdaniel: When class discussion is going really well and then a student says something low-key racist 2021-06-27 12:23:12 RT @ariezrawaldman: Queer biracial love is a protest. Happy Pride! #pride #HappyPride 2021-06-27 11:49:54 RT @KevinLevin: The vast majority of op-eds over the past few months, including this one, tell us next to nothing about how American histor… 2021-06-27 11:47:25 RT @RottenInDenmark: It's like calling yourself a climate change reporter but only writing about leaf blowers. Sure, cars and airplanes and… 2021-06-27 11:47:20 RT @RottenInDenmark: You can't just blithely note that the right lies more than the left and go right back to bashing liberals. Persuasion… 2021-06-27 11:31:35 RT @parismarx: This is so sad, and it’s the kind of shit Apple is trying to do around the world: take a public space or historical location… 2021-06-27 01:22:42 RT @VStavrakeva: 3/3) So when are we supposed to do research? At nights and weekends, they say...well for those of us with kids that is imp… 2021-06-27 01:22:33 RT @ImranRasul3: By front loading incentives, the tenure system disadvantages women. Just not fit for purpose in the 21st century. An appli… 2021-06-27 00:07:26 RT @yvonnezlam: A piece of @tressiemcphd's latest newsletter that hit me to the bottom of my soul:… 2021-06-27 00:05:12 RT @murakamiwood: @EmmaLBriant This is true, but they've just turned down the famous UK environmental journalist and commentator, George Mo… 2021-06-27 00:02:56 @histoftech I'm so sorry Mar 2021-06-27 00:01:44 RT @histoftech: “Only two or three times did someone ask a broader and more interesting social question, which was, ‘What is getting shared… 2021-06-26 21:50:56 RT @BenPatrickWill: The evolution of psychometrics in education - from paper tabulations to databases to AI - is now creating what @luke_st… 2021-06-26 20:19:52 RT @wewatchwatchers: “Smart” Educational Technology: A Conversation between sava saheli singh [@savasavasava], Jade E. Davis [@jadedid], a… 2021-06-26 20:00:35 RT @jpbrammer: many are gay 2021-06-26 19:59:36 RT @savasavasava: as promised! 2021-06-26 19:50:18 RT @zooanthrosmia: The rumors are true: I am a "Dr" now. I'm so grateful to my dissertation committee and to Karen Gardner for their care a… 2021-06-26 19:49:08 @internetdaniel !!! Bravo!!! 2021-06-26 17:13:24 RT @AdamSerwer: A few years ago I wrote an essay titled "The Cruelty Is The Point" on Trump's approach to politics and policy. On Tuesday,… 2021-06-26 16:58:19 RT @BenPatrickWill: Inevitably, a platform society powered by platform capitalism with platformized sectors and industries would lead to "p… 2021-06-26 16:46:45 RT @YAppelbaum: I’m just going to keep repeating this with each new report: We came so much closer than we knew. 2021-06-26 16:37:38 RT @lara_putnam: I am up at dawn on a Saturday fretting about this not because I want to pick a fight, but because there is a Groundhog Day… 2021-06-26 16:37:18 RT @lara_putnam: One result of the weak-Dem-side/strong-RW communcation infrastructure disparity—the lack of any equivalent to FOX/Fb/talk-… 2021-06-26 15:10:10 RT @internetdaniel: (1) This is good, (2) Debra Satz is doing AI ethics! There is hope for philosophy yet 2021-06-26 14:29:14 RT @EdTubb: The latest Science Table estimates have Delta R back at ~1. That's why Ontario infection rates will flatten/are flattening. I… 2021-06-26 13:38:24 RT @_stuart_brown_: This is important shit. Not just because of the lousy stink for students everywhere, but because the creeping use of AI… 2021-06-26 12:23:13 RT @jayrosen_nyu: The valence of this observation ("more a kind of media platform...") has only increased since March. 2021-06-26 12:12:55 RT @4sWeb: The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) supports @CAUT_ACPPU censure of @UofT. In hosting its 2021 annual conference in T… 2021-06-26 11:39:59 RT @AsheeshKSi: It takes on average at least twice as long for academics get the entry level qualifying degree compared to lawyers. Yet the… 2021-06-26 11:36:23 RT @jbouie: “The debate isn’t about history, exactly. It is about the possibility of blamelessness.” 2021-06-26 01:51:07 @tamigraph @xiaochang Google Maps suggests they made it 2021-06-26 01:49:09 RT @IBJIYONGI: WE ALL DO 2021-06-26 01:47:38 @tamigraph @xiaochang Do they have a patio? I forget... 2021-06-26 01:45:30 @xiaochang @tamigraph My anecdotal sense though is that AI ppl don't use "algorithms" as a catch-all much at all. It's "the AI" or "the model" 2021-06-26 01:42:21 RT @MBarany: If you can have an application ready by the end of next week, a fully funded studentship in CYBORGS can still be yours. Intern… 2021-06-26 01:41:43 RT @WraithLaFrentz: Getting 5 likes from your friends is “the gentleman’s viral” 2021-06-26 01:41:17 @tamigraph @xiaochang But also, paradoxically, a way to disassociate the actual uses of current AI from public consciousness. If people were told "yeah we're gonna statistically automate your credit scores and hiring chances" they'd have a much clearer idea of what's going on, and might complain more! 2021-06-26 01:38:13 @xiaochang @tamigraph My gut feeling is that industry players very consciously embraced AI as an umbrella term in the mid-10's to hype deep learning and to associate it both with future progress and with science fiction. 2021-06-26 01:22:49 RT @jathansadowski: By digging into balance sheets and market stats, this paper does a lot of hard—and necessary—work analysing how big tec… 2021-06-26 01:20:27 RT @aselbst: This is a standard Roberts Court move. Questioned voting rights in NAMUDNO (2009), destroyed them in Shelby County (2013), cit… 2021-06-26 01:16:43 RT @annaeveryday: also 2021-06-26 01:16:39 RT @annaeveryday: And finally go check out the entire issue, esp the intro by eds. @mckelveyf and @gem_neves - congrats on pulling this a… 2021-06-26 01:13:02 RT @e_mln_e: @tamigraph @luke_stark @xiaochang (when someone says gluten free puff pastry on academic twitter a french person appears to re… 2021-06-26 01:10:59 RT @sivavaid: The ends must include a rich and diverse culture and deep political and social deliberation. Much speech undermines or distor… 2021-06-26 00:58:06 RT @JesseDodge: yeah, it's still kinda amazing to me that out field is willing to publish papers that only report "successful" experiments,… 2021-06-26 00:49:57 @tamigraph @xiaochang It's hard to perfect puff pastry! 2021-06-26 00:46:36 RT @hoofnagle: In light of TransUnion today, I think we should seek repeal of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The bargain that the FCRA crea… 2021-06-26 00:45:28 @xiaochang @tamigraph IMHO Big data got dated when AI became hot. Algorithm seems to be a handy metonym for both. 2021-06-26 00:42:19 RT @AJentleson: Important to understand that the GOP members of the gang are in on this strategy. When you see people like Moran and Portma… 2021-06-25 22:22:33 RT @FrankPasquale: "Amazon's labor model in Mexico is part of a global trend as corporations try to avoid a direct relationship with worker… 2021-06-25 22:22:10 RT @wewatchwatchers: Meet the activists perfecting the craft of anti-surveillance 2021-06-25 22:20:28 RT @jeanburgess: Wow, this is so good to see 2021-06-25 22:20:03 RT @donmoyn: Half the 64.3 million people who sought help through the regular unemployment program from March 1, 2020, through March 31, 20… 2021-06-25 22:01:15 RT @undersequoias: This is another great contribution from @aselbst. In my experience as a consultant his core argument is exactly right: t… 2021-06-25 20:47:02 @annaeveryday @alexhanna @scrivenix I'd watch this superhero Netflix show 2021-06-25 20:42:39 @scrivenix @annaeveryday @alexhanna Oh that's good 2021-06-25 20:38:28 RT @imgrund: Precisely what Dr. Fisman says below. Most of those advocating for early opening in Ontario are STILL denying that COVID tran… 2021-06-25 20:37:16 @scrivenix @annaeveryday @alexhanna I see you and raise 2021-06-25 20:26:36 RT @alexhanna: Just finished @Greene_DM's The Promise of Access, and joining the chorus to add that this book is fantastic. Dan conducts a… 2021-06-25 20:23:15 @annaeveryday OMG 2021-06-25 20:02:02 Wow. Huge congratulations to @mccNYU and @NicoleFleetwoo2 2021-06-25 20:00:41 RT @NicoleFleetwoo2: I’m thrilled about my new position as the inaugural James Weldon Johnson Professor of Media, Culture, & 2021-06-25 19:43:52 RT @WHCOS: In 1993, I worked on judicial selection at the WH. One of Pres. Clinton's first Dist Ct nominees was Judge Raymond Jackson. Wh… 2021-06-25 19:41:35 RT @daphnehk: Everything Whitney says here is true about content moderation too. The field is only growing, there aren’t nearly enough expe… 2021-06-25 19:39:57 RT @markos: Look at date. GOP freak out today is orchestrated performative bullshit. 2021-06-25 19:26:09 @foucaultwelles Thank *you* for the awesome keynote (and the question)! 2021-06-25 19:25:13 RT @foucaultwelles: Dropped in a bit early for my keynote at the #CVPR2021 Fair, Data Efficient, and Trusted Computer Vision workshop and… 2021-06-25 18:31:04 RT @hmustafamail: Just finished my PhD what are the kids listening to these days 2021-06-25 18:27:36 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Dems must push for revisions to the Electoral Count Act. It would avert the 2024 rogue elector scenario. But it also cal… 2021-06-25 18:25:52 RT @markos: They’ve always known. This coordinated freak out today is purely performative. 2021-06-25 18:23:44 RT @AJentleson: Like, even McConnell knew, and said it out loud. 2021-06-25 18:23:18 RT @AJentleson: When a gang fails, the blame game can get intense (been through a few myself). If this one fails, the blame game should be… 2021-06-25 18:22:13 RT @waimrcn: From Wired: What Really Happened When Google Ousted Timnit Gebru: 2021-06-25 18:21:24 RT @annaeveryday: When your themed issue intro ends up being a contribution in its own right 2021-06-25 18:20:38 RT @IrisVanRooij: Updated (final) version of "How hard is cognitive science?", by Patricia Rich, Ronald de Haan, Todd Wareham, and myself,… 2021-06-25 18:16:57 RT @byelin: Love this thread. They all knew what was going on and were fine with it. Then McConnell realizes Dems might actually have the v… 2021-06-25 18:09:03 RT @jakebackpack: Trump was obviously a violent sexual bully to women, but as a public persona, he never tried to enact some kind of fakey-… 2021-06-25 18:08:46 RT @jakebackpack: The reason Trump could thrill 'em by roasting, e.g., McCain, whereas JD just sounds like he's insulting the guys who just… 2021-06-25 18:07:31 RT @Taniel: Some Republicans may agree to pass one piece of legislation if Democrats commit to have no other policy aspirations until 2022.… 2021-06-25 18:07:06 RT @hypervisible: "The history of surveillance is a history of technology." 2021-06-25 18:05:14 RT @brianbeutler: "We want to be as clear as possible that we only supported this bipartisan half-measure because we thought it would kill… 2021-06-25 18:04:23 RT @ddayen: What happened is that Republicans were confident that Dems wouldn't pass a 2nd bill, then when Pelosi and Biden started making… 2021-06-25 18:04:04 RT @joshtpm: lol it looks like Republicans are finding a few DC reporters who are credulous enough to believe they didn't know about the li… 2021-06-25 18:02:06 RT @Sierra_OffLine: all that studying computer history has taught me is that technology never becomes framed by the media/journalists as "n… 2021-06-25 17:47:29 RT @brianschatz: Anyone who thinks that McConnell wasn’t planning to run this play as soon as there was a bipartisan deal doesn’t work in t… 2021-06-25 17:45:06 RT @nathansnewman: Tokyo has nicer homes with more space at a cheaper price than NYC- because they allow more, denser housing to be built.… 2021-06-25 17:44:35 RT @annaeveryday: New paper out! In a rad issue on “Optimization!” Really loved working on this - and grateful to the editors and reviewers… 2021-06-25 17:05:38 RT @jennaburrell: wowwwwwww ... I subscribed to Wired for one year in the 90s when I was in high school. It introduced me to techno-liberta… 2021-06-25 17:02:22 RT @ddayen: Yes, Republicans didn't want it "tied together." But they were happy to do the bipartisan bill, assuming that the Dem-only bill… 2021-06-25 16:54:09 RT @ddayen: I'm so old I remember two weeks ago when Republicans were the ones promoting the two-step process on infrastructure. https://t.… 2021-06-25 16:39:42 RT @byelin: I can’t get over how stupid and disengenous this all is. The reconciliation bill is a separate piece of legislation, covering s… 2021-06-25 16:22:49 RT @atrupar: Republicans move goalposts, demand Biden surrender rest of his legislative agenda in exchange for watered down, bipartisan inf… 2021-06-25 16:15:55 RT @ThePlumLineGS: The serious point here is that well-meaning Republicans should want this. It would make it less likely that GOP state le… 2021-06-25 16:14:42 RT @gnrosenberg: You can be paid in money or status. More money means redistribution. When reactionaries feel they are underpaid, they dem… 2021-06-25 15:55:51 RT @gnrosenberg: To get more substantive here, I think it's best to understand what's going on here in relationship to what @tressiemcphd t… 2021-06-25 15:53:02 RT @nyuniversity: "At a drag show, there are often hecklers that insert themselves in ways that are not fully welcome, but also not fully m… 2021-06-25 15:31:33 RT @ThePlumLineGS: The GOP threat to pull support from the bipartisan bill if Dems don't drop reconciliation plans is empty bluster. Ds can… 2021-06-25 15:22:52 RT @mccormick_ted: A story about senior university administrators lying, and then lying about having lied Universities Are Slashing Facult… 2021-06-25 15:19:43 RT @gnrosenberg: My conception of it sets free speech as a set of shared social conditions, not a privatized claim, and it focuses on how y… 2021-06-25 15:18:09 RT @gnrosenberg: Leftist ambivalence about free speech rhetoric is not that we don't love free speech, it's that the loudest moralizers on… 2021-06-25 15:15:20 RT @tressiemcphd: I thanked someone profusely for their “sincerely warm welcome” today. Reader, there was nothing sincere or warm about how… 2021-06-25 14:52:21 RT @FrankPasquale: Interesting article on automated decision making in the administrative state in a recent issue of Daedalus. https://t.c… 2021-06-25 13:52:37 RT @amydiehl: Seen as a women's product, wheeled suitcases existed before being "invented" in 1972 & 2021-06-25 13:49:36 RT @JessieNYC: "The links between right-wing extremism and New Age wellness circles have become increasingly evident..."… 2021-06-25 13:47:56 RT @PopTechWorks: "To receive the blue badge, your account must be authentic, notable, and active." I hope I fail on activity and not notab… 2021-06-25 13:45:46 RT @nathansnewman: Wherein I write about how Congress can respond to anti-union decision Cedar Point by expanding union access to employer… 2021-06-25 13:45:38 Oh FFS 2021-06-25 13:43:27 RT @annehelen: What a lot of white men actually miss when they say they miss the office: performance of power and maintenance of ego http… 2021-06-25 13:42:12 RT @DIsaac8: Hey #LdnOnt, I just got my second dose at the pop-up vaccine clinic at the Cargill plant on Cuddy Blvd. FIRST & 2021-06-25 13:41:39 RT @techreview: Years ago, LinkedIn discovered that the recommendation algorithms it uses to match job candidates with opportunities were p… 2021-06-25 13:16:45 RT @mckelveyf: Our special issue on Optimization: Toward a Critical Concept is out now! The Review of Communication published 4 fantastic a… 2021-06-25 13:12:13 RT @nathansnewman: May seem perverse solution but law is like that - and highlights why politically motivated decisions like Cedar Point ar… 2021-06-25 13:01:41 RT @nathansnewman: Cedar Point striking down California's regulations giving farmworker organizers access to corporate farms sucks- but the… 2021-06-25 11:49:23 RT @FourWinns298: This. 2021-06-25 11:46:59 RT @schock: oil : data pollution : data leaks global warming : algorithms of oppression environmentalism: data privacy environmental j… 2021-06-25 07:34:47 RT @timnitGebru: By @kharijohnson "Dodge also sees more systemic issues at work...there’s growing pressure to mov… 2021-06-25 07:24:50 RT @beccalew: This is also why I think we need to move away from talking about radicalization as "falling down the rabbit hole." It obscure… 2021-06-25 07:24:26 RT @jathansadowski: It's little remarked that one of the machines the original Luddites targeted with their hammers was called the "gig mil… 2021-06-25 01:44:51 RT @ezralevin: If you want to understand what Republicans aim to do to representative democracy in this country, look at what they've alrea… 2021-06-25 01:42:39 RT @HeerJeet: Tom Friedman: Iraq is six months away from becoming a thriving, vibrant pluralistic democracy if we just keep troops there. A… 2021-06-25 01:41:40 RT @philosophytweet: The fundamental problem of political philosophy is still precisely the one that Spinoza saw so clearly (and that Wilhe… 2021-06-25 01:38:44 RT @MilesGrant: Today's reminder that if you're talking about fossil fueled climate cataclysms in the future tense, you're doing it wrong 2021-06-24 22:55:49 RT @BarbaraXLow: Dear Settler, If you actually have meaningful relationships with the People on whose land you are squatting - you would k… 2021-06-24 22:55:03 RT @JuddLegum: Absolutely essential video on Critical Race Theory. Covers the FACTS: 1. CRT is not taught in K-12 schools 2. CRT scholars… 2021-06-24 22:11:09 RT @wbm312: I cannot express this enough. There is a MASSIVE privacy talent shortage. The field easily needs to grow 10x to keep up w/ chan… 2021-06-24 21:56:59 RT @agstrait: Excited to moderate this panel tomorrow with this all-star lineup!! 2021-06-24 17:40:47 RT @mgeist: My post on Senate Bill C-10 debate, which included an admission that “everybody recognizes the bill is flawed” and Senator @Pau… 2021-06-24 16:49:42 RT @MrAhmednurAli: Today is a good day to remember that Canada’s Indian Act and systemic racism was the model for South Africa’s apartheid. 2021-06-24 16:06:29 RT @sara_ann_marie: Please read this statement and never make Britney a punchline again. 2021-06-24 15:27:20 RT @NathanStall: "We all must put down our ignorance and accidental racism of not addressing the truth that this country has with Indigenou… 2021-06-24 15:27:05 @jennwvaughan @MSFTResearch Snappy! 2021-06-24 15:26:53 RT @jennwvaughan: Only 15 months after our scheduled March 2020 move-in date, I am sitting at my desk at the new home of @MSFTResearch NYC!… 2021-06-24 15:13:04 RT @Wolven: This technique absolutely SHOULD NOT be iterated on and used to fundamentally poison facial recognition and surveillance databa… 2021-06-24 15:11:03 RT @bethmsemel: in her contribution to our (@DBemme, @NFBrenman + me) series, @psychanthro reflects on her experiences conducting telethera… 2021-06-24 13:59:47 RT @shannonmattern: I wrote a little thing in support of the U of Toronto censure (for more context:… 2021-06-24 13:51:03 RT @justicedanielh: Non-Indigenous friends and allies: as more revelations of residential “schools” come to light, take on the denialists a… 2021-06-24 13:50:18 RT @navalang: It seems pretty inarguable that Canada is among the best places on earth to live, for many (though not all) people. It also s… 2021-06-24 13:40:53 RT @DFisman: We’ve had excavations at 2 schools and we have the remains of hundreds of dead kids, buried in unmarked graves. This is some… 2021-06-24 13:08:48 RT @brianbeutler: This seems correct, RE the critical race theory propaganda blitz, and should be a reminder that the whole thing is a conc… 2021-06-24 12:58:59 @shannonmattern @murakamiwood I heard second-hand that someone on a hiring committee "didn't have a good sense of what I worked on" because I worked on too many different things ¯\_()_/¯ 2021-06-24 12:55:03 RT @bruce_arthur: What Canada did 2021-06-24 12:54:39 RT @murakamiwood: #FairyCreek / #CentralWalbran defenders, we are with you! I was involved in the Clayoquot Sound campaign, 30 years ago an… 2021-06-24 11:31:42 RT @dannagal: Social media logics X human psychology = uh oh. 2021-06-24 11:30:02 RT @faineg: The imperial US could really stand to have more little poems making fun of how arrogant it is 2021-06-24 10:53:38 RT @chescaleigh: The whole statement is heartbreaking but what stood out most to me is Britney’s family saying she’s “not well enough” to c… 2021-06-24 10:52:56 RT @chrisgeidner: This is such an important point. Let all of the coverage — much warranted and awful — about Britney lead to justice for h… 2021-06-24 10:42:42 RT @HannahntheWolf: Britney's case could be one of the most important moments in US disability history in the 21st century, y'all. Don't be… 2021-06-24 10:37:25 @NathanStall I kinda like it! 2021-06-24 01:11:32 RT @Sierra_OffLine: heads up dorks, 5 issues of the People's Computer Company mag newly posted on @internetarchive , good clean scans 2021-06-24 01:03:02 RT @Shayan86: NEW: A vague @wef plan has inspired dark tales about an authoritarian socialist world government run by powerful elites in th… 2021-06-24 01:01:50 RT @ystvns: NEW: Civil liberties group in Canada — the @cancivlib — urges the Liberal Party to stop using facial recognition technology via… 2021-06-23 23:50:30 RT @FrankPasquale: The Darwinian economics of “conspirituality:” labor oversupply + no occupational licensure standards ==> 2021-06-23 23:29:09 RT @EricBoehlert: college students are overwhelmingly not Republican so Florida passes law instituting campus surveys and if they find st… 2021-06-23 22:45:10 RT @aselbst: New paper up on SSRN, set to appear this fall in @HarvardJOLT! I ask what an algorithmic impact asses… 2021-06-23 22:45:04 RT @LAM_Barrett: oh my god?? 2021-06-23 21:57:13 RT @gnrosenberg: Just a reminder that nostalgic agrarian bullshit about family farms obscures what this decision makes obvious: farmers *ow… 2021-06-23 19:21:20 @PatrickKeilty @emilymaemura She has since @utschools (and no doubt before!) 2021-06-23 19:10:08 Oh my goodness! Congratulations @emilymaemura, on both defense and job! A great reason to visit C-U! 2021-06-23 18:27:39 RT @Linds_Anders: Lots of companies have been experimenting with digital ethics / AI ethics boards. My colleagues outline some key things w… 2021-06-23 18:21:57 Oooooooh @bethmsemel 2021-06-23 18:21:30 RT @HZeavin: can't wait to read "Listening Like a Computer," just published in the @4sWeb journal Science, Technology & 2021-06-23 18:14:11 RT @seanmmcdonald: FWIW, this is also true of digital & And the 'privacy value' of everything, but the impact of nothing… 2021-06-23 17:45:51 Current & 2021-06-23 17:35:41 RT @KLdivergence: One of the big reasons I'm joining @Twitter is my confidence in @ruchowdh's leadership and vision for change. Let's do th… 2021-06-23 16:58:24 RT @mlmillerphd: YES, PLEASE. THANK YOU. 2021-06-23 16:57:38 RT @lionel_trolling: By his own admission, he's just found a master-signifier to unite various cultural anxieties under a single ideologica… 2021-06-23 16:50:16 RT @tsimonite: Twitter has assembled an interesting team to work on ethical AI, including @KLdivergence and @ubiquity75 "Our goal is to cha… 2021-06-23 16:43:47 RT @libshipwreck:’s almost like living through a catastrophically mismanaged pandemic in which hundreds of thousands died and mill… 2021-06-23 16:11:12 RT @DFisman: Good bye, democracy in Hong Kong. H/t @emranski 2021-06-23 16:09:32 RT @ruchowdh: She’ll work closely with Twitter’s ML research teams, as well as the external research community to shape the research hypoth… 2021-06-23 16:09:23 RT @ruchowdh: When I joined Twitter a few months ago, I was really excited about doing applied research. One of our goals for META is to f… 2021-06-23 14:53:00 RT @nathansnewman: BTW forget the "party affiliation doesn't matter" takes on the Court. When it comes to core economic decisions, particu… 2021-06-23 14:52:31 RT @steve_vladeck: In other words, states cannot authorize unions (or anyone else) to enter private property, even for lawful activities (l… 2021-06-23 14:48:27 RT @nathansnewman: Wrote a lot more about radical implications of Cedar Point in this NATION piece. Bottom line is a whole swathe of tenan… 2021-06-23 14:47:42 RT @nathansnewman: SCOTUS just made most radical property rights decision in modern history, saying businesses have ABSOLUTE power to exclu… 2021-06-23 14:43:55 RT @mjs_DC: In short, the Supreme Court's conservative supermajority just undid one of César Chávez's greatest accomplishments. This is an… 2021-06-23 14:36:25 RT @bruce_arthur: About 10 or 15 years ago my aunt had a meteorologist friend who told her, in 20 years Vancouver will be like California.… 2021-06-23 14:29:47 RT @hypervisible: Every future imagined by a tech company is worse than the previous iteration. 2021-06-23 14:18:16 RT @culanth: In this essay, an excerpt from his new book, @Greene_DM looks at what's behind the political common sense narrative of "get on… 2021-06-23 13:48:41 RT @murakamiwood: I am totally in support of the politics behind this, but I think it's trying to close the stable door long after the hors… 2021-06-19 02:15:57 RT @murakamiwood: @jathansadowski It's started in Canada just now - there is a major corporation aiming to buy billions worth of housing an… 2021-06-19 02:15:00 RT @imgrund: LET’S BE TOTALLY CLEAR: “Hybrid teaching”, where a teacher teaches online and in-person simultaneously, ONLY benefits school b… 2021-06-18 19:53:51 RT @CCA_ACdC: Job -> 2021-06-18 19:53:37 RT @John_J_Howard: How we measure #fairness in computer vision is a hugely important topic. Great stuff from @peard33 today on rethinking t… 2021-06-18 19:45:28 RT @MiaD: Saying the quiet part aloud :-/ "AI won’t be developed ethically is because AI is being developed by companies looking to make mo… 2021-06-18 19:16:18 RT @hiokinai: So earlier this week I painstakingly worked through an argument about the relationship between tiki aesthetics and outer spac… 2021-06-18 19:09:59 RT @re_sieber: So much BS 2021-06-18 16:20:08 RT @JoshuaHol: It drives me crazy that normal people think there’s an actual debate over Critical Race Theory and try to engage in it. CRT… 2021-06-18 15:09:34 RT @VidushiMarda: @rosekue @mozillafestival @luke_stark @AINowInstitute @Abebab Yes, it's dystopic.. when #ShazedaAhmed and I did the resea… 2021-06-18 13:26:05 @mozillafestival @AINowInstitute @Abebab @VidushiMarda Persistence! 2021-06-18 13:25:55 RT @mozillafestival: “Debiasing” precludes an important idea : not all tech needs to be optimised. Eg: emotion recognition tech is built on… 2021-06-18 12:46:53 RT @LSEImpactBlog: "it is not realistic that a university can only improve its reputation for performance exclusively at the expense of oth… 2021-06-18 12:42:20 RT @mikarv: On how university rankings are so absurd that a *single* scholar affiliated with a ranked university co-authoring/signing a few… 2021-06-18 12:41:17 RT @jennwvaughan: Spread the word! We are conducting a paid study on the societal impacts of assumptions in machine learning research! L… 2021-06-18 01:37:19 RT @AngelSDiaz_: Police departments and tech companies want to turn your house into a cop. Private surveillance is more likely to be used a… 2021-06-18 01:23:29 RT @heatherfro: WAY more people than I ever anticipated were interested in this so I wrote up a little blog post that introduces this train… 2021-06-18 01:22:04 RT @jillhopke: This is the climate crisis. Not when in the future. It is now. 2021-06-18 01:12:39 RT @bruce_arthur: The province’s system is so dysfunctional that I only found this link to cancel appointments thanks to a Twitter mention… 2021-06-18 01:11:23 RT @jathansadowski: Chalk up another one for Langdon Winner's ability to subtweet a whole lot of today's tech media ecosystem 50 years ago.… 2021-06-17 19:44:53 RT @DFisman: At the risk of bursting this balloon, @UHN apparently has 27 people with covid related critical illness in icu today, 23 of th… 2021-06-17 17:26:23 RT @tenuous: .@darakerr and i uncovered a multi-state effort by gig companies to sway public opinion about independent work + worker classi… 2021-06-17 17:24:51 RT @JHWeissmann: Like, you could be forgiven for thinking the real reason investors want in on all these infrastructure projects is that ot… 2021-06-17 17:24:34 RT @JHWeissmann: Here's a piece from Reason on "Asset recycling" — which essentially means leasing out old roads and bridges to private ope… 2021-06-17 17:21:18 RT @HeerJeet: 1. The anti-CRT thing is an obvious astroturf culture war propaganda operation (with the fingerprints of GOP dark money all o… 2021-06-17 14:00:33 RT @hypervisible: “More job-seekers, including some professionals, may soon have to accept impersonal online interviews where they never ta… 2021-06-17 13:59:37 @histoftech I'm sorry Mar 2021-06-17 12:19:54 RT @_jack_poulson: Not a good look, @BradSmi 2021-06-17 12:14:51 RT @Lollardfish: Even very sharp people on the left are using CRT to mean the “good teaching about race and racism in this country.” That’s… 2021-06-17 12:12:27 RT @lilianedwards: A rare morning self RT. There is a land grab going on to replace the most basic provisions of the GDPR in an ill formed… 2021-06-17 12:12:18 RT @lilianedwards: Oh boy. (I already count 7 blatant lies or charitably, bad misconceptions on p 49 alone..) http… 2021-06-17 12:05:49 RT @xuhulk: remember years ago when this popped up, and the students involved were like “oh it’s just a prototype”? STOP PROTOTYPING SHITTY… 2021-06-17 11:56:16 RT @richardson_m_a: Automated affective labour coming soon to an office near you 2021-06-17 11:53:39 RT @jathansadowski: We live in such a stupid world that tech companies have become "smile, sweetie" reply guys 2021-06-17 03:35:52 RT @rickperlstein: So, "critical race theory": right-wing strategists identifying, then exacerbating, local discontents about cultural chan… 2021-06-17 03:34:44 RT @juliacarriew: I really don’t think it can be emphasized enough that a major political party in the United States has declared an idea t… 2021-06-17 03:29:54 RT @nberlat: maybe one of my least popular opinions is that it's good for politicians running for high office to have relevant experience i… 2021-06-17 03:28:53 RT @annehelen: "It sucks that we live in a culture that equates working long hours w/virtue, & 2021-06-17 03:26:59 RT @_alialkhatib: hey @AndrewYang please fuck yourself thnx 2021-06-17 03:20:29 RT @gleemie: Wish there were alternatives to Uber and Lyft? Chip in to support the development of @ridefair_io, an open source driver and r… 2021-06-17 03:18:19 RT @KevinMKruse: Great piece on the CRT panic by @jeffreybillman at @OrlandoWeekly 2021-06-17 03:18:01 RT @JohnHolbein1: Can you guess what happens when you provide homeless people with housing? ... ... ... You reduce crime, increase employ… 2021-06-17 03:16:54 RT @jfeldman_epi: 'We sent grocery store workers to die so its unfair some teachers werent sent to die' is such a winning argument 2021-06-17 01:55:43 RT @jathansadowski: Capitalists are so afraid of a literal proletariat revolution popping off at any moment. They fixate on the possibility… 2021-06-17 01:54:45 RT @jathansadowski: Social theory of tech often uses hypotheticals of how things like a "time off task" metric could instil discipline and… 2021-06-16 23:28:50 RT @SeanMcElwee: increasing the gas tax is more unpopular than defunding the police. when will moderates stop pushing these highly salient,… 2021-06-16 21:14:21 RT @hypervisible: 2021-06-16 21:05:57 RT @HNissenbaum: We're excited to welcome Sunoo and other DLI postdocs who we hope will follow in the footsteps of the illustrious JLH. 2021-06-16 18:12:20 RT @jennaburrell: Big news! I'm joining @datasociety as Interim Research Director for a 1 year term starting in August. Positively giddy wi… 2021-06-16 16:36:27 RT @ThePlumLineGS: We are in a strange and dangerous moment. The Trump cancer is metastasizing, yet neither party is willing to excise it.… 2021-06-16 16:35:52 RT @djleufer: Emotion recognition is rights-violating trash "Worst of all, all of these violations potentially occur even if emotion recogn… 2021-06-16 14:27:25 RT @michaelzimmer: Here's how I responded to the question "By 2030, will most of the AI systems being used by organizations of all sorts em… 2021-06-16 14:16:35 RT @mmitchell_ai: This is a really great insight from @_KarenHao 's recent article. 2021-06-16 14:16:12 RT @nathansnewman: This is the partisan divide in the country - not taxing the wealthy, the minimum wage, green jobs or even gay marriage,… 2021-06-16 13:19:17 RT @ShannonVallor: I am terrified for the future of American education. The history I was taught in the 80s was greatly whitewashed, but th… 2021-06-16 12:45:25 RT @mccormick_ted: I’m *really* not a Hegel fan but this from the Phenomenology — on the “sciences” of physiognomy and phrenology — is hila… 2021-06-16 02:02:15 @tetisheri Here and there! 2021-06-16 01:54:14 RT @prof_gabriele: Baffling to me that there are only Democratic actors. Whatever happens, it’s either them or something they failed to do.… 2021-06-16 01:50:05 RT @TheTattooedProf: Hey y'all: it's WHO FUNDS THE FEDERALIST! 2021-06-16 01:23:03 RT @zackbeauchamp: It’s time to call the Republican vision for America what it is: authoritarianism 2021-06-16 01:17:57 RT @muenzenberg_w: There's no way Pepe Le Pew could be French-- skunks aren't native to Europe. He must be Québécois 2021-06-16 01:16:25 RT @_pem_pem: idk what the point of combatting every moral panic one by one was bathrooms a few years ago. it’s critical race theor… 2021-06-16 01:00:34 RT @nathansnewman: It's like the corporate-funded Right is trying to demonstrate Critical Race Theory in practice in showing the use of rac… 2021-06-16 00:34:32 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Capitalism is just feudalism in slow motion. 2021-06-16 00:34:22 RT @globeandmail: Core has spent $50-million on 75 properties this year. Their two-bedroom basement apartments go for about $1,600/month an… 2021-06-15 23:26:32 RT @arminbev: Three professorships at Leuphana! Media Aesthetics and Media Technology (W2/W3): Digital Cultures (W2… 2021-06-15 21:09:07 RT @kashhill: New big congressional push to hit the pause button on facial recognition. "The Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Mo… 2021-06-15 21:05:10 @Greene_DM Sure have. Thrice on my timeline in the past 24 hours! 2021-06-15 21:04:28 RT @Greene_DM: @luke_stark We’re lucky too. Can you say more about what’s in the water? Have you seen the a-word popping up more? 2021-06-15 17:43:39 @karen_ec_levy @sarah_a_riley @KylaChasalow We're doing some work in this particular municipal case: 2021-06-15 17:39:23 @karen_ec_levy @sarah_a_riley @KylaChasalow Oh brilliant! 2021-06-15 17:38:56 RT @karen_ec_levy: Happy to share some new work with the inimitable @sarah_a_riley and @KylaChasalow! -- a preprint of our review of empiri… 2021-06-15 17:32:39 RT @AJentleson: I've been in the room with senators countless times as they talk about this, and what they tell themselves is, "we're not l… 2021-06-15 17:32:01 RT @mona_sloane: If you're re-designing your #tech #ethics #society #STS syllabus this summer (yay), check out the @PublicBooks #Technology… 2021-06-15 15:38:25 RT @salome_viljoen_: “powerful institutional actors like companies and governments are able to shift accountability (and liability) to ...… 2021-06-15 15:37:49 RT @FrankPasquale: “If apps or devices show a person is sleeping poorly, or they’re gaining weight, or their social media posts reveal depr… 2021-06-15 15:18:28 RT @djleufer: @luke_stark @Greene_DM @annaeveryday @Data4BlackLives Just one addition: "abolition bandwagon" -> All credit to @Do… 2021-06-15 14:47:57 Honestly, couldn't have more brilliant and generous friends/collaborators 2021-06-15 14:46:04 Abolition is in the AI water! So props to @Greene_DM and @annaeveryday for listening to @Data4BlackLives and #BLM /being on the abolition bandwagon a while ago 2021-06-15 14:40:59 RT @djleufer: Great review by @EvanSelinger of 'The Power of Ethics' w/ vital points on the necessity of abolitionism: "It places too much… 2021-06-15 14:40:57 RT @uOttawaTechLaw: #RevueCDTS Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l'analyse des sentiments, la reconnaissance faciale et l'#IA ? Regardez l… 2021-06-15 14:40:54 RT @uOttawaTechLaw: #CLTSRewind Want to learn more about sentiment analysis, facial recognition, and #AI? Rewatch the #WeRobot2020… 2021-06-15 14:18:10 RT @AINowInstitute: “The limits of human oversight of AI do not simply require facilitating better human-algorithm collaborations—instead,… 2021-06-15 14:16:19 RT @HoranCaley: My book, Insurance Era, ends in the early 1980s. I tried to bring the story up to the present in the epilogue. I’m very exc… 2021-06-15 14:07:59 RT @EvanSelinger: . @hartzog & 2021-06-15 14:06:00 RT @SebastinSanty: As we see recent debates on inclusion of ethical reviews and IRB in #NLProc, it'd be interesting to see how things are c… 2021-06-15 14:05:52 RT @timnitGebru: In this plot of papers mentioning IRB or ethics from conferences we see that @CVPR is the lowest, while, as I mentioned be… 2021-06-15 14:05:32 RT @shannonmattern: It's so weird how dementia upends your ethical universe: evasion, diversion, fabrication, and infantilization (at least… 2021-06-15 14:04:02 RT @rajiinio: Unlike five years ago, when Gebru began raising questions, there’s now a well-established movement questioning what AI should… 2021-06-15 14:03:59 RT @rajiinio: "Black in AI has become an intellectual center for exposing algorithmic discrimination, critiquing surveillance & 2021-06-15 13:19:48 RT @CaddeReputation: "“Digital platforms have poor control over their manipulation of emotions” My interview translate in english (@luke_s… 2021-06-15 00:28:03 RT @jathansadowski: I'm excited to finally share our new article providing a feminist political economy of social reproduction in smart hom… 2021-06-14 21:21:39 RT @DFisman: Apparently this needs to be said: |-------———--| | PFIZER | | AND | | MODERNA. | | ARE… 2021-06-14 20:22:58 RT @mapc: AI ‘dominated scientific output’ in recent years, UNESCO report shows via @VentureBeat 2021-06-14 20:11:36 RT @ArmandoNDK: Fully 1/3 of the Supreme Court was seated due to McConnell nuking the filibuster. But we’re supposed to freak out if Dems n… 2021-06-14 19:57:18 RT @mmitchell_ai: This is a cool article! Traces how and why groups like Black in AI really matter for ethical AI. Featuring the interacti… 2021-06-14 19:52:22 RT @jbouie: When I’m back to work from parental leave I might write about this. For as much as there are ideological differences among Demo… 2021-06-14 19:04:11 RT @LemieuxLGM: There is absolutely no legal difference between McConnell using his Article II powers to maintain vacancies for Republican… 2021-06-14 19:04:02 RT @willie_agnew: Thank you Karen for this reporting connecting many different threads in movements for justice and accountability in AI! 2021-06-14 16:30:49 RT @jvitak: This is a great critique by @EvanSelinger of the book "The Power of Ethics." I especially appreciated… 2021-06-14 16:27:28 RT @_KarenHao: Thank you to everyone who spoke to me: Timnit, @rajiinio, @jovialjoy, @red_abebe, @willie_agnew, @iraphas13, and many, many… 2021-06-14 16:27:19 RT @_KarenHao: Why was Google's firing of @timnitGebru & 2021-06-14 16:15:59 RT @owasow: The way to understand the panic over critical race theory is as a reactionary counter-mobilization. After George Floyd’s murder… 2021-06-14 16:08:07 RT @EvanSelinger: Might be of interest @hypervisible, @FrankPasquale, @luke_stark, @ruha9, @katecrawford, and @evan_greer. One of the claim… 2021-06-14 16:08:04 RT @EvanSelinger: In my @LAReviewofBooks review of “The Power Ethics," I make the case against combining ethical optimism + innovation enth… 2021-06-14 16:06:34 RT @Greene_DM: Chuang is the best radical, English-language publication on fights within Chinese production. Ton of solid traditional acade… 2021-06-14 16:03:02 RT @mjs_DC: Democrats should assume that if Republicans win the Senate in 2022, they will refuse to confirm any of Biden's nominees to the… 2021-06-14 16:02:27 RT @mjs_DC: Sorry to repeat myself, but I am truly baffled by the seemingly widespread belief that a Republican-controlled Senate will ever… 2021-06-14 15:55:05 RT @taranicolethoma: unpopular opinion: the best thing young people can do early in their academic careers is be born into a family of acad… 2021-06-14 15:53:50 RT @Greene_DM: So happy to see this second edition out. The prophet Gandy. 2021-06-14 15:12:14 RT @aselbst: What’s awful is how thoroughly they got us. We knew all this, but many of plan our lives around being able to call a car where… 2021-06-14 15:09:58 RT @mikarv: @lilianedwards @sarahbmyers @agstrait @VICE ah yes, never got round to publishing the full draft paper from 2018 (?) we wrote o… 2021-06-14 15:09:44 RT @sarahbmyers: I talked to @VICE about automated lip-reading, why publishing isn't the same as pen testing, and how researchers need to i… 2021-06-14 14:24:33 RT @ashishkjha: This thread by @Bob_Wachter on the Delta variant is terrific It is well worth your time so please read it Delta variant a… 2021-06-14 14:19:43 RT @ArmandoNDK: The current discussion regarding the filibuster has ignored that not only did McConnell blocked Garland in 2016, he nuked t… 2021-06-14 13:05:18 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Yes, and making this worse, the headline implies that Republicans are mere incidental observers to the "peril" that demo… 2021-06-14 11:44:45 RT @TheTattooedProf: Again, this is what actual fascist states do. And here we are.... 2021-06-14 11:33:17 RT @jasonintrator: The attack on Critical Race Theory, just as the attack on "Gender Ideology" worldwide, is fascist mobilizing propaganda… 2021-06-14 11:20:53 RT @mikarv: G7 Carbis Bay declaration says will tackle algorithmic bias through... harmonised principles for data collection… 2021-06-13 22:45:21 RT @RDBinns: Much of current AI/ML is marketed as if it were a scientific instrument for predicting human behaviour & 2021-06-13 02:03:49 RT @deonteleologist: Truly terrifying stuff. GOP propagandists caught astroturfing once again. I wonder how much of the anti-CRT moral pani… 2021-06-13 01:33:41 RT @michaelzimmer: Been in an increasing number of professional meetings lately, often representing a social science or ethics perspective.… 2021-06-12 15:34:52 RT @clancynewyork: [just to bring a little history into it, after the failure of the Goldwater campaign in mid-20th c., right-wingers conce… 2021-06-12 15:27:44 RT @gnrosenberg: The state laws are concerning. And the possibility people could be punished is horrifying. But I also think this overreac… 2021-06-12 15:27:40 RT @gnrosenberg: Given the intensity of the CRT freakout, I think folks may be tempted to mistake Rufo for a crafty strategist. But here's… 2021-06-12 12:30:26 RT @MarkAndrejevic: The production of individualized space: Smart cameras that customize what you see in supermarket cooler doors based on… 2021-06-12 12:22:31 RT @JuliaAngwin: You: I don't care about privacy. I have nothing to hide. Me: You *do* have something to hide, but you have enough privile… 2021-06-12 12:11:31 RT @meghara: Am so grateful to our team, to @BuzzFeedNews, @alexcampbell & Most of all I'm grateful… 2021-06-12 12:08:35 RT @mkirschenbaum: For the non-academics in my feed, "critical" and "theory" are both commonplace modifiers for most any subject throughout… 2021-06-12 11:31:14 RT @NullMemories: long-term nuclear waste warning messages + rich people's indoor swimming pools 2021-06-12 11:30:45 RT @hypervisible: Seems like a pattern. 2021-06-12 10:57:34 RT @kevinhatala: As faculty at the campus where this show was filmed, I can verify that these are not professors' offices. I can also verif… 2021-06-12 10:54:33 @evijitghosh @willie_agnew Oh, I clocked it 2021-06-12 01:46:32 RT @anatosaurus: For those who want to move from "diagnosis" to suggested "cure:" Here's a messaging guide on Honesty in Education. Let's t… 2021-06-12 01:45:21 RT @tzimmer_history: Many excellent points in this thread on base mobilization, political communication and strategy, and the differences b… 2021-06-12 00:56:03 RT @hypervisible: “Meanwhile, little evidence suggests that synthetic data can effectively mitigate the bias of AI systems.”… 2021-06-11 23:39:21 RT @willie_agnew: Feels so exciting to update this! 2021-06-11 21:54:29 RT @BenPatrickWill: Detecting students' "physiological data" is a key category of the new OECD material on AI in education. Turning to the… 2021-06-11 21:54:17 RT @BenPatrickWill: Another historical marker of the development of AI as a policy-relevant science in education was the learning analytics… 2021-06-11 19:09:36 RT @arjunsubgraph: T-91 hours till submissions to the Queer in AI workshop at ICML 2021 are due! We're so excited to accept works at the in… 2021-06-11 18:48:08 @bethmsemel oh dear lord 2021-06-11 16:02:17 RT @sally_hines: 2021-06-11 15:24:44 @prof_gabriele Some of the Dartmouth College offices I saw as a postdoc were approaching similar 2021-06-11 12:49:37 RT @jbouie: This is a very good point, and it relates to why I find myself referencing Jim Crow again and again. The whole trick of Jim Cro… 2021-06-11 11:10:34 RT @FourWinns298: We have been saying since November that the worst-case scenario is to vaccinate large amounts of the population while cas… 2021-06-11 10:59:14 RT @Altimor: Absolutely nuts paper by researchers from U Chicago analyzing the productivity of 10,000 workers before and after the pandemic… 2021-06-11 09:59:52 RT @michhham: This is why Canadian journalists need to stop using terms like “cutting-edge” or “innovative” to describe facial recognition… 2021-06-11 01:37:30 RT @NaheedD: BREAKING: The Ontario government just blocked a motion condemning Islamophobia. No wonder 4 members of a family in London wer… 2021-06-11 01:36:03 @virbeatum At least it'll make a fun opening anecdote for the last chapter of my book! 2021-06-11 01:34:31 RT @virbeatum: I mean, wasn't Lucien Febvre ushering in the era of affectivism, or some such, in the 1930s? Second thing is "emotions thems… 2021-06-11 01:31:41 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I saw commenters saying it was inappropriate to boo Ford at the vigil in London. Today his government blocked a motion t… 2021-06-11 01:25:18 RT @matthewamiller: First Comey, now Schiff. Clear that leak investigations are the way DOJ officials decided they could answer Trump’s dem… 2021-06-10 22:34:34 RT @manos_tsakiris: Newly detailed nerve links between brain and other organs shape thoughts, memories, and feelings | @em_underwood on #In… 2021-06-10 22:34:27 RT @virbeatum: there's a lot to chew on here, a lot potentially to work with. The pat line about Descartes at the end is wrong. If put into… 2021-06-10 22:05:36 RT @MatthewGreenNDP: “The end credits of the video that appears on the campaign website  indicates that it was “produced by the Offices of… 2021-06-10 21:31:31 RT @murakamiwood: #ThomsonReuters, #ICE and #surveillance and deportation technology #migration 2021-06-10 21:29:15 RT @mgeist: The committee just passed a Liberal amendment to Bill C-10 that has never been made public. Committee is just reading amendment… 2021-06-10 21:26:31 RT @ystvns: In its special report(, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner @PrivacyPrivee has released much-needed… 2021-06-10 21:26:29 RT @ystvns: The guidance is open to feedback until Oct. 15, 2021. Pinging folks who will be interested in this espe… 2021-06-10 21:26:24 RT @ystvns: Huge news in #biometric and mass #surveillance: Canada's data protection authority, @PrivacyPrivee, has concluded that the coun… 2021-06-10 18:58:56 RT @shengokai: I could write an entire book on this one line and it would not be a wasted book. 2021-06-10 18:10:15 RT @aketchum22: -try to foster an environment where they can ask for help/ ask for clarification ( I don't expect research assistants to be… 2021-06-10 18:10:05 RT @aketchum22: 4) deserve to have their research contributions acknowledged in publications (and conversations about potential co-authorsh… 2021-06-10 18:09:22 RT @aketchum22: Research assistants: 1) should be paid (and paid well)- Don't try to undercut them. Don't exploit them. 2) are not for pick… 2021-06-10 18:09:19 RT @aketchum22: ALSO -if RAs are unionized at your uni- celebrate that! don't try to dodge the union - have a conversation about what they… 2021-06-10 16:49:09 RT @FourWinns298: Should be opened up for all people that got their first dose *on or before May 9th* regardless of the region, especially… 2021-06-10 13:59:15 RT @davidkfry: A lot of folks on this site seem to confuse HIPAA and HIPPA, so I made a chart to clear up the confusion.… 2021-06-10 13:26:35 RT @TheJuliaHaas: At yesterday’s #RightsCon session, together with @djleufer @alexandrinepdec @km_shay @wagner_deniz & 2021-06-10 13:24:40 RT @shawnmicallef: I think this is is an Ontario problem. Full provincial parks. Beach bans. Private shorelines everywhere. Maybe ok when O… 2021-06-10 13:01:52 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-06-10 12:47:36 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: 2⃣ Amba outlines some of the other types of biometric tech, beyond #facialrecognition, we ought to have front of mind,… 2021-06-10 12:47:26 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Starting at 13:30 today, a conversation with @ambaonadventure, @BrendaKLeong & 2021-06-10 12:31:37 RT @gnrosenberg: Read the whole thing! A way forward for people who want to strengthen democracy in US is recognition that conservatism has… 2021-06-10 12:14:55 RT @bruce_arthur: A thread that whispers, these guys are incompetent and worried about the next election so they used the notwithstanding c… 2021-06-10 12:06:36 RT @gnrosenberg: "The salesman doesn’t sell the product, he sells desire. Douthat does not understand the physics of desire, what Republic… 2021-06-09 23:54:48 RT @ParkerMolloy: GOP-run states are making big shows of “banning CRT” by trying to actually making it illegal to teach anything even remot… 2021-06-09 23:54:20 RT @ParkerMolloy: It’s an inherently substance-free bit of posturing. They’re able to make it work thanks to 2 things: 1. The right-wing m… 2021-06-09 22:16:56 RT @struthious: I think this is true of a lot of jobs but in academia people turn it into a moral imperative to overwork in a quest for per… 2021-06-09 22:03:02 RT @joseph_fridman: So! Yesterday, @daviddesteno, @LFeldmanBarrett, & 2021-06-09 22:02:51 RT @AthertonKD: Millennial Lifestyle Subsidy article weirdly hits at a real phenomena, investor capital poured into ~disrupting~ existing i… 2021-06-09 21:56:18 RT @DMulliganUCB: So pleased that my @AfogBerkeley partner @jennaburrell was promoted to full professor! She’s a terrific scholar & 2021-06-09 21:23:28 RT @gmbutts: To be precise, he’s doing it to remove financing from his opponents. But make no mistake, if one Premier gets away with overri… 2021-06-09 21:23:26 RT @gmbutts: In this case, I really do hate to say I told you so. 2021-06-09 20:59:48 RT @bruce_arthur: Ontario, third wave, Feb. 11-Apr. 16 and in some ways thereafter 2021-06-09 20:27:13 RT @lportwoodstacer: The title of your book (and even the abstract) is not about capturing the information in your book as faithfully and p… 2021-06-09 20:07:21 RT @cheeflo: @cfiesler There was a really good @insidehighered piece by Philip Guo about the specific tasks, time management, and saying no… 2021-06-09 19:27:54 Ah, well, but... 2021-06-09 19:27:33 RT @SethCotlar: What if we talked less about people’s reactions to things, and more about the things themselves? 2021-06-09 19:27:28 RT @SethCotlar: We have at our disposal incredible forms of communication technology, and we overwhelmingly use it to generate outrage abou… 2021-06-09 19:22:51 RT @gelliottmorris: cutting off unemployment benefits to try to force people back into minimum wage jobs is (a) not working and (b) a polic… 2021-06-09 19:22:37 RT @FourWinns298: Lots of unbooked appointments in PHUs outside the GTA, and with the Moderna news we got this morning second dose eligibil… 2021-06-09 18:59:18 @jennaburrell Brava! 2021-06-09 18:58:31 RT @ShannonVallor: ⁦⁦@tsimonite⁩ gives the missing history for those who only saw the fallout. But mainly it shows how much *actual* good ⁦… 2021-06-09 18:31:52 RT @salome_viljoen_: My latest plea to understand data governance as governing the social relations data flows materialize—and how this vie… 2021-06-09 18:00:29 RT @hypervisible: Mind boggling that so much money and time goes into “innovations” that are basically “take existing thing and add more ca… 2021-06-09 17:45:45 RT @allenjan74: Guide to giving advice : A thread 1.Don’t No, really. Stop and think about your reasons for wanting to offer it. 9/10 tim… 2021-06-09 13:52:59 RT @angelaxiaowu: The Chinese positive energy news coverage / viral post template 2021-06-09 13:49:47 RT @mckelveyf: Looking forward to the discussion today! I'll be talking about algorithms impact assessment in Canada building on our resear… 2021-06-09 13:49:37 This piece is very good, and very telling re: the ways emotive expression is operationalized as both marketing tool and normative cudgel 2021-06-09 13:36:31 RT @ParkerMolloy: I wrote this 6 years ago, but seems to be as relevant as ever 2021-06-09 13:23:58 RT @Lollardfish: More: 2021-06-09 13:23:34 RT @lpolgreen: Just as "fake news" really means "reporting I don't like" and "cancel culture" means "accountability I don't like," "CRT" me… 2021-06-09 13:15:16 RT @Lollardfish: One (1) professor tweeted that they were thinking of using a summary of the Dred Scott case in their law class. One (1).… 2021-06-09 13:12:40 RT @allison_pugh: Terrific thread/article, & 2021-06-09 13:09:57 RT @EvanSelinger: Facial recognition controversies can create the false impression facial verification is harmless. Over @WIRED, @FoxCahn a… 2021-06-09 12:23:39 RT @histoftech: Queer all infrastructure 2021-06-09 12:21:58 RT @ThePlumLineGS: "Pro-insurrection Republicans have gained control of the party." From @saletan, a deeply unsettling roundup of polls sh… 2021-06-09 12:08:16 RT @RevDaniel: I think it’s cool to love church architecture and appreciate the beauty and mystery of liturgy and ritual. I do. But a lot… 2021-06-09 12:05:17 RT @bruce_arthur: Doug just tried to give Charles McVety a university 2021-06-09 11:57:49 RT @histoftech: I tweeted the thread below before that article above came out… after reading it, it sure seems like the shoe fits https://… 2021-06-09 11:50:59 RT @jilliancyork: So Newsweek, which was maybe once a serious publication, has published an op-ed by a UAE government figure about how actu… 2021-06-09 11:42:23 RT @histoftech: As CS depts increasingly try to bring “ethics” courses in-house— having them taught by computer scientists instead of socia… 2021-06-09 11:23:51 RT @histoftech: This (long) article is a great explainer on how the nascent field of AI ethics got overrun by corporate money and power—and… 2021-06-09 11:23:36 RT @timnitGebru: 14/ And seeing your colleagues constantly harassed and bullied and you write documents, go to meetings and send emails ask… 2021-06-09 11:23:30 RT @timnitGebru: 13/ I agree with @mmitchell_ai on the quibbling point. We weren't quibblers in so much as we were researchers and engineer… 2021-06-09 11:22:16 RT @UpFromTheCracks: Notably (imho surprisingly) substantive essay that provides a lot of the important context that eluded previous report… 2021-06-09 11:03:23 RT @ShannonVallor: Next Wednesday's talk at @EdCDCS from @Greene_DM - register below! 2021-06-09 10:30:04 RT @hannawallach: This framing makes me sad, but I hear it all the time. Ethical/responsible AI work isn't quibbling about things that don'… 2021-06-09 10:26:12 RT @TylerKBoyce: For those looking to donate. 2021-06-09 10:26:01 RT @TylerKBoyce: My queer friend was beaten unconscious yesterday on his way home from the beach in Toronto. They followed him shouting hom… 2021-06-09 01:48:44 RT @susanamas: CBC’s @Ginella_M speaking truth to power after the vigil: “one of the things that struck me is that there were a lot of poli… 2021-06-09 01:25:24 RT @fatimabsyed: "He was raised in a racist city that pretends it isn't" Incredible statement from the Jeff Bennett, who ran for Ontario P… 2021-06-09 00:29:30 RT @fatimabsyed: I could tell you what all the politicians said in London today, or I could share a photo of this girl, who completely has… 2021-06-09 00:10:24 RT @nytimes: Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked debate on a bill to combat pay discrimination against women and LGBTQ workers, the first… 2021-06-08 23:53:25 RT @NumCog: #ourlondonfamily 2021-06-08 23:52:22 RT @NumCog: The crowd is growing and growing #OurLondonFamily 2021-06-08 23:17:48 RT @jordannovet: Occupy Wall Street was just about 10 years ago 2021-06-08 23:17:24 RT @profamirattaran: This column. Trudeau won’t ever criticize Islamophobia or racism in Quebec. Just the rest of Canada. Lacks coura… 2021-06-08 23:16:58 RT @TheStagmania: Republicans doing their best to underline the absurdity of Manchin’s demands for bipartisanship or nothing… 2021-06-08 23:00:24 RT @SharkawyMD: This mural was made by 15 year old Yumna Afzaal. Her star was stolen by hate but the spirit of her inspiring words cannot b… 2021-06-08 22:57:21 RT @indyfromspace: Instead of going to space Jeff Bezos could buy every unhoused person in the US a nice condo/small house, give them 100k… 2021-06-08 22:55:50 RT @WesternU: We have learned that victims of Sunday’s attack have deep connections to Western. Madiha Salman was working toward her PhD… 2021-06-08 22:37:45 Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something 2021-06-08 22:33:00 RT @AlexCEngler: Me! On algorithmic hiring with @NPR @WHYYThePulse “You might be tempted to think, they are definitely effective and defi… 2021-06-08 22:29:04 RT @RBReich: From 2006-2018, typical Americans paid $160 in taxes for every $100 of wealth growth. Jeff Bezos — now the richest man in the… 2021-06-08 22:24:19 % 2021-06-08 22:21:55 RT @davekarpf: What I’ve determined is that there basically is no difference at all. “Artificial Intelligence” circa 2021 is to “Big Data”… 2021-06-08 22:21:49 RT @SolomonMg: +1 there is almost no substantive difference between the terms “big data” and “AI”. Both are meaningless ways to brand advan… 2021-06-08 22:04:06 RT @edburmila: writing a book is much harder than writing a dissertation because you must deal with the possibility that when you finish so… 2021-06-08 22:01:12 RT @mmitchell_ai: I guess I'll stop there because as usual this is all filling me with anxiety. My main point is that I was (relatively) ha… 2021-06-08 21:26:39 RT @ThePlumLineGS: When the Civil Rights filibuster ended in 1964, Dirksen quoted Victor Hugo saying: “Stronger than all the armies is an i… 2021-06-08 21:11:12 RT @ns_ahmed: In the last 90 days alone, institutions have been forced to acknowledge anti-Asian racism, colonialism, and Islamophobia beca… 2021-06-08 20:58:12 RT @StewGlobal: 1. The London attack and Canada's 'deadliest form of extremism.' 2021-06-08 20:07:06 RT @drvolts: It's hilarious how frequently center-leftists & 2021-06-08 20:02:22 RT @timnitGebru: 1/ Thank you @tsimonite for working on this story since December. I'm not sure how many people have read my PhD thesis but… 2021-06-08 19:31:58 RT @mapc: Microsoft wins approval from US antitrust regulators to buy AI firm Nuance as it looks to bolster healthcare business https://t.c… 2021-06-08 19:28:59 RT @ddayen: Almost like outpricing the competition to drive them out and then recouping was the plan 2021-06-08 19:14:45 RT @whitneypow: I’ve been thinking a lot about this tweet and how computers functionally were designed to compartmentalize, isolate, and de… 2021-06-08 19:14:25 RT @Abebab: I think its important to remember that the "science" vs "non-science/justice work" distinction is an attempt to exclude justice… 2021-06-08 18:42:09 RT @samuel_wade: @undersequoias @luke_stark Shazeda Ahmed? ( 2021-06-08 18:22:00 RT @undersequoias: Who is researching AI ethics/responsible innovation/etc roles and activities inside Chinese tech companies? 2021-06-08 17:56:28 RT @drvolts: There is something truly, head-spinningly surreal about all this. One party tried to violently overthrow the election based on… 2021-06-08 17:54:15 RT @mmitchell_ai: 8/ I don't agree that we called them model cards to make them sound generic and neutral (although that's close to the rea… 2021-06-08 17:51:34 RT @mmitchell_ai: 7/ I did work with many others to introduce, and operationalize, model cards, however! 2021-06-08 17:51:23 RT @mmitchell_ai: 6/ Unfortunately, I *didn't* develop a playbook for turning ethical AI itself into a kind of product. "Playbook" work was… 2021-06-08 17:47:16 RT @mmitchell_ai: 1/ I didn't "endure" rounds of meetings with lawyers abt my first paper. I eagerly sought them out. My role was always ha… 2021-06-08 17:47:14 RT @mmitchell_ai: 2/ I didn't allege that I had been held back from promotions. I see what this article is saying, but this is a bit off. 2021-06-08 17:47:12 RT @mmitchell_ai: 3/ The team I built with @timnitGebru were not "in-house ethical quibblers". 2021-06-08 17:47:08 RT @mmitchell_ai: 4/ Dr. Gebru was an organizer of the first FAT*, as mentioned. I was also a (less important) organizer, on the steering c… 2021-06-08 17:47:06 RT @mmitchell_ai: 5/ The Ethical AI team’s primary job was not to conduct research 2021-06-08 17:30:05 RT @mmitchell_ai: I continue to appreciate journalists [trying to] tell the real story of how and why Google did this to us. @tsimonite has… 2021-06-08 16:23:46 RT @nathansnewman: Created this thread a while ago of various progressive non-profits worth supporting to influence Manchin.… 2021-06-08 16:05:17 RT @libshipwreck: The more time I’ve spent as an instructor in college classes the more I’ve come to believe that 95% of the people talkin… 2021-06-08 16:00:29 RT @jbouie: “When today’s Republican senators retire rather than seek reelection under these conditions, the people who replace them will b… 2021-06-08 15:56:27 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I will never forget that MP Karen Vecchio, representing Elgin-Middlesex-London, voted against the non-binding motion M-10… 2021-06-08 15:47:18 RT @KamilKaramali: The family of the London, Ontario attack victims have released a statement, asking the public to stand up against Islama… 2021-06-08 15:09:02 RT @jathansadowski: As a reviewer for this article, really glad I can now tell everybody to go read it! Sy pushes past the metaphor of data… 2021-06-08 14:54:13 RT @FrankPasquale: What platform capitalists “have perfected are technologies of domination, surveillance, and atomization, keeping workers… 2021-06-08 14:02:43 RT @rajiinio: "Raji didn’t see people like herself onstage or in the crowded lobby. Then an Afroed figure waved from across the room. It wa… 2021-06-08 13:59:41 RT @Nousin_Hussain: Your level of shock is directly proportional to the size of the rock you’ve been living under. My love and prayers to t… 2021-06-08 13:50:12 RT @WIRED: “What Google just said to anyone who wants to do this critical research is, ‘We’re not going to tolerate it."… 2021-06-08 13:36:19 RT @censureutoronto: Thank you for your powerful stand on the #UofTScandal @biancawylie! You don't need to be an academic to pledge to res… 2021-06-08 13:31:59 RT @CBCAlerts: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to attend tonight's vigil in London, Ontario to pay tribute to the Muslim family who were the… 2021-06-08 13:29:25 RT @PhDhurtBrain: Maybe academics are out of touch or maybe I spend 16 hours a week working on communicating with a diverse group of studen… 2021-06-08 13:18:10 RT @jamespmcleod: It is worth thinking about how many prominent politicians and pundits in Canada vociferously opposed a non-binding motion… 2021-06-08 13:14:56 RT @A_F_Hegazy: I’ve been hit hard today. Really close to home. We were good friends. We were neighbors, family friends, and we visited of… 2021-06-08 13:14:53 RT @RevDaniel: Love, weep with us. Love, have mercy on us. Love, heal and transform us. 2021-06-08 13:11:09 RT @EmotionalAI: Our friends at @cog_sensations are launching a number of artworks, exploring emotional AI. Interest piqued by experimentin… 2021-06-08 13:10:12 RT @MaxLiboiron: Good morning from St. John’s Harbour. The news coming out of Canada has been brutal the last few weeks. Being greeted by t… 2021-06-08 12:57:01 RT @MohamedMOSalih: My heart 2021-06-08 12:51:20 RT @CBCMontreal: Here's what Ottawa has said, and done, about Islamophobia and attacks on Muslim Canadians 2021-06-08 12:25:56 RT @kairyssdal: It’s what’s legal that’s amazing. 2021-06-08 12:25:33 RT @Brizzyc: "Taken together, it demolishes the cornerstone myth of the American tax system: that everyone pays their fair share and the ri… 2021-06-08 12:09:04 RT @POLITICOEurope: Facial recognition tech has many uses, from unlocking phones to governmental surveillance. The EU’s AI bill limits its… 2021-06-08 11:55:24 RT @Melissahei: Digital rights and consumer protection groups around the world are calling for a global ban on facial recognition that enab… 2021-06-08 11:40:14 RT @rollin_academic: The London Mosque will be having a vigil tonight 2021-06-08 11:39:56 RT @NaheedD: A family of 5 in London, ON were deliberately struck by a motorist just for being Muslim, 4 have died. Don’t tell us #Islamop… 2021-06-08 02:34:48 RT @KamilKaramali: We've been told that this is the only fundraiser currently approved by the family of the victims who were killed in the… 2021-06-08 02:34:39 RT @clancynewyork: @KamilKaramali @ldobsonhughes @luke_stark Someone was asking for this? 2021-06-08 02:31:04 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I am so devastated and heartbroken by the Islamophobic hate crime perpetrated yesterday in my life-long community of Lond… 2021-06-08 02:19:12 RT @Umweltgutachter: @annettedittert @katdro We. We knew it all. Every intelligent person knew it. We learned it in primary school in the… 2021-06-08 02:14:00 RT @WIRED: Before you get caught up in nonsense: the Covid lab leak hypothesis hasn't gained or lost credibility since last spring. The evi… 2021-06-08 02:09:10 RT @BostonJoan: Yes! Uncertainty in science is one way to put dangerous speculation into public conversation. Anti-vaccine activists have u… 2021-06-08 02:00:09 RT @fivefteditrix: "In the 20th-century office, female file clerks were expected to handle papers, but not to understand their contents [..… 2021-06-08 00:26:06 RT @navalang: Has something verified been set up to help the child and relatives of the murdered family? 2021-06-08 00:24:46 RT @MackLamoureux: Last time I was in London, Ont, was to cover a PEGIDA anti-Muslim rally. This stuff is pervasive across Canada and we sh… 2021-06-08 00:17:17 RT @FrankPasquale: One more challenge to naturalism in behavioral sciences: “Overall, we found little evidence that discrete emotion catego… 2021-06-04 23:49:56 RT @emollick: One of my favorite scientific figures is this one of the entropy levels of 100 world cities by the orientation of streets. Th… 2021-06-04 23:49:15 RT @Chronotope: Look the ad tech industry is a garbage fire of technology most of which is not fit for the purpose of marketing, but is fit… 2021-06-04 23:42:25 RT @_jack_poulson: I point this out a lot, but Microsoft CSO Eric Horvitz led the committee in the National Security Commission on AI that… 2021-06-04 22:02:58 RT @grimmelm: This is a very perceptive paper and one of the most illuminating things I have read on the dynamics of *networked* harassment. 2021-06-04 21:58:49 RT @AlecStapp: 2021-06-04 21:58:41 RT @AlecStapp: Reminder that Microsoft has lots of business in China, including censored versions of Bing, LinkedIn, Windows, Skype, Xbox,… 2021-06-04 21:57:47 RT @SophieMak1: 32 years ago, thousands of Chinese people sacrificed their lives fighting for a future they hoped would be free. As Tiananm… 2021-06-04 21:53:50 The #scalablesubject 2021-06-04 21:53:25 RT @Liu_Chuncheng: But if I can rewrite this paper, I would highlight the emotional side of using this buggy yet extremely influential syst… 2021-06-04 21:53:09 RT @Liu_Chuncheng: Far from the techno-dystopian imagination of the Chinese surveillance system, I show the intensive and invisible human l… 2021-06-04 21:52:18 RT @Liu_Chuncheng: Happy to share my paper on the (re)assembling of contact tracing and risk assessment algorithmic systems () in China!… 2021-06-04 21:52:10 RT @gleemie: If you want to know about surveillance and technology in China, here is an important, careful, and well grounded work as one p… 2021-06-04 21:50:18 RT @ruchowdh: We have a new job posting for Twitter META! I'm hiring for an Engineering Manager - the role is remote (so does not have to… 2021-06-04 21:43:21 RT @rajiinio: This is true. I said that! Sick and tired of hearing speculation from a certain perspective, trying to imagine out of contex… 2021-06-04 20:55:10 RT @jamisonfoser: Rather than asking Manchin/Sinema for the 100th time whether they support dumping the filibuster, maybe reporters should… 2021-06-04 20:43:27 RT @seanmmcdonald: "We're not lying to you, we're lying to a system about you, on your behalf. And when we do, this is who it tells us you… 2021-06-04 20:14:40 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist And it will never be done so long as we live in a society organized around racism. 2021-06-04 20:13:28 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist Anti-racism is a process, not a goal. However, most of the popular literature has transformed "anti-racism"… 2021-06-04 20:12:56 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist Moreover, one of the things I take issue with this framing (and a lot of other framings, tbh) is the treatm… 2021-06-04 20:12:52 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist To crib Kendi "how to be anti-racist" shouldn't be a roadmap to a goal, but an articulation of a way of bei… 2021-06-04 20:10:27 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist Some of the quoted text goes a little far, but Frerie was right about one thing: in order to be in solidari… 2021-06-04 20:05:19 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist That said, Frerie would never monetize the practice of dialogic education that leads to this conversion as… 2021-06-04 19:46:26 RT @AJentleson: This is 2009 and health care all over again. There has too much talking the talk of learning the lessons of 2009, far too l… 2021-06-04 19:42:20 RT @obrien: Also worth noting here: The right benefits far more from these dynamics than the left. Due to a combination of platform structu… 2021-06-04 19:30:39 RT @amayor: After Years Of Detecting Land Mines, A Heroic Rat Is Retiring 2021-06-04 19:26:01 RT @SeanMcElwee: New @MorePerfectUS and @DataProgress poll finds that 65% of voters want Congress to stay in town over summer to pass the A… 2021-06-04 19:00:35 Thread! 2021-06-04 18:57:16 RT @alicetiara: B/c moral outrage is really sticky (drawing on MAD model of social contagion by @mollycrockett @william__brady @jayvanbavel… 2021-06-04 18:57:03 RT @alicetiara: The key point is that networked harassment is motivated by *moral accusations*. Harassment is virtually always reframed as… 2021-06-04 18:56:31 RT @alicetiara: New paper: Morally motivated networked harassment as normative reinforcement. This is the result of 8 yrs of work on har… 2021-06-04 17:58:18 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist Okay, I don't quite see the problem: Frerie says something similar about oppressors who become converts to… 2021-06-04 17:55:53 RT @LMSacasas: "Are you not entertained?" is a line that comes to mind. 2021-06-04 17:50:30 @deonteleologist I'm gonna chalk it up to inelegance. 2021-06-04 17:47:53 @_jrrdy @deonteleologist Right. The ethics of the business are murkier... 2021-06-04 17:04:19 RT @rotmanphilo: Rotman associate faculty member, @luke_stark, gives comments on Google's struggle with its commitment to ethical #AI in th… 2021-06-04 16:49:09 RT @BostonJoan: Welp, 2 years in Facebook jail with a release just in time to run $100million+ in advertising through Facebook in 2024. L… 2021-06-04 16:46:52 @deonteleologist I don't necessarily endorse the business model, but is it wrong to say that structurally, white people brought up in a white supemacist system are all going to have internalized elements of that system's ideology, and need to reflect on that? 2021-06-04 16:38:15 @deonteleologist I don't get the problem. Surely "work that never ends" is being used kinda loosely here to mean "ongoing." 2021-06-04 16:33:00 RT @benzevgreen: Really excited to share a new paper draft! I survey the significant limits and fault lines of “tech ethics,” characterizin… 2021-06-04 16:30:11 RT @AmooreLouise: The new research team @Algosoc_ERC @ERC_Research is taking shape! Welcome @BenJacobsen14 @ludovico_rella @AlexCampolo who… 2021-06-04 16:28:53 @shannonmattern Same! I go through this during the writing process, which is of course unhelpful. 2021-06-04 16:25:32 @shannonmattern I'm glad (!) this is a universal feature of book writing 2021-06-04 15:55:58 RT @Algosoc_ERC: The #algorithmicsocieties research team is taking shape! I am delighted to welcome postdocs @BenJacobsen14 @ludovico_rella… 2021-06-04 15:53:01 RT @Dr_C_Thompson: If people are going to keep bringing back #phrenology, you should probably have me come talk to your organization/class/… 2021-06-04 15:26:29 RT @victorerikray: this is the correct take 2021-06-04 15:04:58 RT @TeresaScassa: Today (June 4) is the last day to have your say in the consultation on Developing Ontario's AI Framework. You can make a… 2021-06-04 14:39:52 @Greene_DM NP! Note the cute typo at #18 2021-06-04 14:37:12 @Greene_DM It's ok. See 2021-06-04 14:35:16 RT @BogochIsaac: Expansion of #COVID19 vaccine 2nd doses in Ontario: If you are... 1. 70 and over in 2021 or 2. Anyone who received the… 2021-06-04 14:35:03 RT @BogochIsaac: Also important: "Some public health units using their own booking system may expand eligibility sooner. Beginning on June… 2021-06-04 14:32:13 RT @seanmmcdonald: The combination of emergency powers, disaster capitalism, and #digitalpolitik 2021-06-04 14:18:04 RT @NathanStall: Great news—now let's urgently reboot the hotspot strategy. #Ontario must specifically allocate more #COVID19 vaccines to… 2021-06-04 14:00:43 RT @bruce_arthur: I keep saying: Doug Ford’s Ontario tried to have everything, and got nothing as a result. Good piece by @RobynUrback http… 2021-06-04 13:53:24 @ColdWarScience That was my read too...though that also raises some questions. 2021-06-04 13:29:52 RT @courtneymilan: I think we should give out $2000 vaccine checks. Did you get a vaccine? Great. This is as a reward for being vaccinated.… 2021-06-04 13:22:32 RT @BrooksFallis: “The provincial government needs to flood the region (Peel) with vaccines & 2021-06-04 13:21:03 RT @kreissdaniel: I think we all have to dispense with the idea that these are good faith arguments. This is all part of a disinformation c… 2021-06-04 13:08:52 RT @jwbernier: Having moved 6 out of the last 7 years let me say that $4,000 should be the absolute minimum for moving expenses and you hav… 2021-06-04 13:08:07 RT @Abebab: The erasure of the history of Jim Crow makes it possible to represent the playing field as historically level, so that current… 2021-06-04 13:06:22 RT @libshipwreck: People who build their entire personality and political outlook around being “contrarians” almost always turn out to just… 2021-06-04 12:50:49 RT @nathansnewman: Just bizarre how media is playing into GOP narrative that this job growth is "disappointing," as if Biden and the Dems h… 2021-06-04 12:42:53 RT @byelin: If only there was a proposed piece of legislation to accelerate each of those industries. 2021-06-04 12:40:42 RT @evan_greer: Microsoft has a huge contract with ICE, who keep killing trans women who are in their custody. Is that what they’re proud o… 2021-06-04 12:40:02 RT @ArmandoNDK: An economy that needs an infrastructure boost. 2021-06-04 12:36:23 RT @tzimmer_history: It is really important to acknowledge the fact that Republicans are not simply holding on to power for power’s sake: T… 2021-06-04 12:09:28 RT @nathansnewman: Need to repeat this over and over: * Republican Senators aren't demanding better roads or repaired bridges for their co… 2021-06-04 11:48:44 RT @sueglueck: This was Tatters' reaction when @neilmrichards called her a technocrat today at #PLSC. Her response? "I'm a TechnoCat, not a… 2021-06-04 11:46:23 RT @tamaleaver: This is equal parts terrifying and (just?) more accurately describing what I thought they already did. TikTok just gave it… 2021-06-04 11:45:50 RT @DFisman: This is (h/t @AshTuite) R for VOC excluding delta/b1617 (top) and delta (b1617) bottom in Ontario. R < 2021-06-04 11:44:41 RT @hypervisible: Senators “want Google to work with outside civil rights and legal experts to identify the root causes of any discriminati… 2021-06-04 11:42:51 RT @JessiePang0125: Han Dongfang, a veteran #TiananmenSquare activist, says HK should not lose heart despite a heavy China-led crackdown on… 2021-06-04 11:33:55 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Amazing. Republicans are panning Biden's new proposal to fund infrastructure with crackdowns on tax avoidance by the we… 2021-06-04 11:20:23 @robertilling @jordannovet Folks are welcome to disagree! 2021-06-04 11:19:39 RT @mikarv: Computing folk proposing AI standards/certification mimic regimes in networking (eg IEEE), yet the issues often resemble socioe… 2021-06-04 11:17:58 RT @djleufer: This looks great! The standards and certification conversation around ML is going to be hugely important in the coming years… 2021-06-04 10:38:38 RT @chrislhayes: This is what they did on the Covid relief package and it worked, both substantively and politically. 2021-06-04 10:31:40 RT @brianbeutler: The fact that the most powerful government in world history might be vulnerable to the petty scheming of these mediocre c… 2021-06-04 01:59:04 @tamigraph What I was trying to say was that human projection into/introjection of evocative objects is long-standing, and it's interesting to consider how the somatic difference of deep brain stimulation changes that experience 2021-06-04 01:52:22 @tamigraph No! It's a fascinating article! I am tired and inept at tweeting clearly 2021-06-04 01:30:16 @robyncaplan Congratulations Robyn! 2021-06-04 01:27:27 RT @DMulliganUCB: @jakusg @HNissenbaum @wendyju and I discuss the competing visions of autonomous vehicle futures and the political and so… 2021-06-04 01:25:07 @tamigraph Which is I guess to say that the digital-tech element of this story is maybe the least interesting thing about it... 2021-06-04 01:23:04 @tamigraph I mean (and I'm not being facetious), glasses change Superman into Clark Kent. 2021-06-04 01:16:59 @Dave_Parisi @tamigraph @marathe_megh have you read this piece? I bet you have thoughts! 2021-06-04 01:14:52 RT @tamigraph: Actually read the paper version of this on a plane, just like in olden times, but I keep thinking about the intimate relatio… 2021-06-04 01:12:52 RT @nhannahjones: Does anyone know if there are lawsuits that are being filed or that have been filed against these efforts? The lukewarm r… 2021-06-04 01:10:30 RT @sophiecdyer: : Avoiding exposure to facial recognition technology in NYC is near impossible, our research published today shows. We e… 2021-06-04 00:59:04 RT @owenslindsay1: Breaking: Paying for roads by stealing from kids is unpopular. @elizupnick @SeanMcElwee 2021-06-04 00:58:26 RT @pashulman: Run an ideologically-driven infotainment podcast? You get verified and rewarded for engagement, even if it's based on garbag… 2021-06-04 00:54:43 RT @RHDijkgraaf: Does moving online save the planet? The carbon emissions from tech infrastructure and data servers now exceed those of p… 2021-06-04 00:54:16 RT @jbouie: “One of the striking features of American politics at the moment is that the Republican party is absolutely clear about two thi… 2021-06-04 00:29:57 RT @faineg: Jesus Christ 2021-06-04 00:15:50 RT @iyadrahwan: There is much talk about how humans might create unethical AI. But what about AI making *us* unethical? In this @NatureHu… 2021-06-03 23:55:47 RT @thebirdmaniac: Great news! Some of the worst people have gotten together to ask a question no one needed answered. The answer should be… 2021-06-03 23:24:18 RT @KrillTusk: Excuse me your bridal company is called what!!??!!? 2021-06-03 22:57:35 RT @histoftech: It’s possible Google has put its ethical AI division “in a state of limbo for months” by accident, due to poor management & 2021-06-03 22:41:05 RT @madebyhistory: What happened after the Black Death wiped out much of Europe? Workers gained leverage — and then the powerful passed law… 2021-06-03 22:32:34 RT @libshipwreck: Nope. 2021-06-03 22:28:56 RT @_alialkhatib: it's not just perception. facebook, google, and amazon steer narratives of CS scholarship by bankrolling faculty whose wo… 2021-06-03 22:08:43 RT @byelin: Whether it is random bloggers 17 years ago, or Trump inciting an insurrection among his millions of followers, and entire major… 2021-06-03 22:03:10 RT @mariassmithphd: So excited to read this piece written by my two mentors. These women are phenomenal. 2021-06-03 21:59:51 RT @saysvera: Just sharing that we made it to San Diego. I’ve been doing a postdoc at UCSD with @gleemie and now finally we are in our zoom… 2021-06-03 21:34:27 RT @jathansadowski: Palantir has taken a strategic stake in British health firm Babylon—which offers a range of healthcare services to 24m… 2021-06-03 21:28:39 RT @scott_bot: *stage whisper* prepare for the day google scholar is shut down 2021-06-03 21:19:18 RT @ObsoleteDogma: The ruling class never likes it when labor gets more bargaining power, whether it’s 544 or 2021 2021-06-03 20:45:56 RT @K_G_Andersen: @jcbarret Agreed. It's definitely concerning - and not so much because of this specific variant, but more so for what we… 2021-06-03 18:45:10 RT @jbouie: would so much rather deal with a conservative dem like nelson — “i will support your bill if you give my state a handout” — tha… 2021-06-03 18:33:31 Hi @readcube, I emailed your support folks this morning with a major Papers 3 problem, but have gotten no response. Could you please give me an ETA? 2021-06-03 18:20:37 RT @AthertonKD: "fallen behind" indicates a cascading series of personal failings and not growing up in an era of stagnant wages, soaring h… 2021-06-03 17:40:24 RT @bentarnoff: An excerpt from @Greene_DM's important new book, on the fantasy that the internet (or learning to code, or founding a start… 2021-06-03 17:31:16 RT @nathansnewman: Some commentators treat the whole attack on "Critical Race Theory" as a sideshow political distraction for the GOP- but… 2021-06-03 17:27:28 RT @AdamSerwer: In kind of country Republicans are trying to create, it's hardly inconceivably that people who tried to violently overthrow… 2021-06-03 17:27:23 RT @AdamSerwer: I know it seems like this is galaxy brain lunacy but it's basically what much of America did after Reconstruction, except t… 2021-06-03 17:20:10 RT @nathansnewman: And the GOP panic to stop young people from learning about racism is based in the fact that Trump received just 4.7% of… 2021-06-03 17:13:13 RT @Mehtabkn: Join us at RightsCon as we discuss the use of Emotion Recognition in the workplace! 2021-06-03 16:19:37 RT @LFeldmanBarrett: Twitter says I am now a genuine person. 2021-06-03 16:19:12 RT @_alialkhatib: i hope we've hit peak cringe with youtubers speculating about what apple will announce at WWDC by interpreting the meanin… 2021-06-03 15:49:51 RT @BiellaColeman: Which is to say eugenic thinking is built into medicine (and this needs to change) 2021-06-03 15:18:33 To make it more quanty: 2021-06-03 15:15:54 OK, a momentous decision: Chicago notes, or Chicago in-text? 2021-06-03 14:03:46 RT @jakusg: Excited to have this one out in the world. 'Artificial Intelligence and the Purpose of Social Systems' - with @sbenthall publis… 2021-06-03 13:52:50 RT @Greene_DM: Fourcade in particular has been absolutely killing it of late. Really appreciate her bringing more traditional economic soci… 2021-06-03 13:30:20 @ColdWarScience It's definitely a paranoid reading 2021-06-03 13:30:11 RT @ColdWarScience: When I said "conspiracy-ish," this is the sort of thing I had in mind. 2021-06-03 13:03:53 @DFisman @trishgreenhalgh @kprather88 @zeynep @chipatucsd @jljcolorado 2021-06-03 13:03:38 RT @DFisman: Our Lancet paper on 10 reasons why we *know* SARS-2 has dominant aerosol transmission has some, er, fairly strong metrics. ht… 2021-06-03 13:02:48 RT @BrendanNyhan: These results show that elite rhetoric can undermine public support for core democratic values among a politician's follo… 2021-06-03 12:59:00 RT @michaelzimmer: I completely forgot that this is #PLSC season and regrettably I won’t be seeing many great privacy scholar friends over… 2021-06-03 12:58:51 RT @AINowInstitute: #PLSC attendees: AI Now's @ambaonadventure + #RashidaRichardson present their new paper “Suspect Development Systems: E… 2021-06-03 12:44:33 RT @GBBranstetter: A day after signing a bill banning trans kids from sports, Ron DeSantis removed all funding for LGBTQ programs from the… 2021-06-03 12:42:19 RT @ColdWarScience: Appreciating this on reviewing. A handful of books need scathing, public takedowns. Most books don't, either because… 2021-06-03 12:14:30 RT @kreissdaniel: Unfortunately - the conception of media in most of this literature is exceptionally thin. I put independent media in our… 2021-06-03 12:12:37 RT @bernardionysius: tour de force in media theory, infrastructures, and more, w essays from @annashechtman @paulmkurtz in new issues of CI… 2021-06-03 12:03:27 RT @PopTechWorks: "The rise of the care bots risks creating a system where we only value the parts of care that can be turned into data." T… 2021-06-03 11:56:08 Would it be helpful to point out that Newsweek is now a weird right-wing tabloid masquerading as a respected news brand? 2021-06-03 11:43:19 @jathansadowski @trashfuturepod @Lemonade_Inc Are you surprised? 2021-06-03 11:42:51 RT @jathansadowski: Can't believe I just learned (from @trashfuturepod) that Dan Ariely is "Chief Behavioral Officer" at the insurtech comp… 2021-06-03 11:30:54 RT @STSfutures: The Cal STS Retreat is back!! This year, we’ll be hosting two days of online workshops, panels, and social events - registr… 2021-06-03 11:19:28 RT @jbouie: “Even the American safety net exists not to eliminate poverty so much as to use poverty as a cudgel to force individuals into l… 2021-06-03 01:30:31 RT @hypervisible: “Workers said pressure to send out more provocative notifications and increase user number and participation has grown in… 2021-06-03 00:03:35 RT @LemieuxLGM: Special snowflakes at Stanford Federalist Society demand student be sanctioned for brutally owning them… 2021-06-02 23:16:38 2021-06-02 23:16:17 RT @angelaxiaowu: But China is a real country. The Chinese live, work AND struggle with "us" in data-driven worlds, amidst intensifying geo… 2021-06-02 23:16:03 RT @angelaxiaowu: The film ends by calling for global solidarity against harmful AI: Unite, fighters around the world, & 2021-06-02 23:15:57 RT @angelaxiaowu: Explicit and incorrect commentary abt Chinese tech dystopia aside, let's note that, in all the geographical regions cover… 2021-06-02 23:07:47 RT @mjs_DC: I want to highlight the fact that Stanford hasn't *just* placed a hold on Wallace's diploma. It has also forced him to undergo… 2021-06-02 22:45:18 I did say that 2021-06-02 22:44:34 @fstflofscholars @AaronPlasek @farsidevirtual @jonniepenn @SarahWNewman @shannonmattern @mkirschenbaum Agreed! 2021-06-02 22:44:12 RT @jordannovet: 'I think Google’s reputation is basically irreparable in the academic community at this point, at least in the medium term… 2021-06-02 22:33:11 RT @dr_nickiw: "The NFL pledged to halt use of “race-norming” — which assumed Black players started out with lower cognitive function and r… 2021-06-02 22:24:53 RT @mona_sloane: *THRILLED* to see @HZeavin's excellent @PublicBooks piece NO CURE out, engaging w/ @tsmullaney et al's YOUR COMPUTER IS ON… 2021-06-02 22:08:55 RT @Greene_DM: This is incredibly interesting 2021-06-02 21:37:42 RT @Greene_DM: Really excited to share this excerpt from The Promise of Access in @logic_magazine on how the problem of poverty became a pr… 2021-06-02 21:37:26 RT @mckelveyf: Read only a bit but beautiful so far 2021-06-02 21:04:33 RT @libshipwreck: It’s almost like personal actions like recycling (though still worthwhile) are insufficient given the forces that are rea… 2021-06-02 20:19:19 RT @jathansadowski: I’m running around asking random people on the street, “What year is it?!” Because this tweet cannot have come from 202… 2021-06-02 19:26:37 RT @FrankPasquale: Some of Marion Fourcade’s greatest hits in economic sociology—highly recommended! 2021-06-02 19:00:02 RT @AaronPlasek: @farsidevirtual @luke_stark @jonniepenn @SarahWNewman @shannonmattern @mkirschenbaum @fstflofscholars How did it become th… 2021-06-02 18:24:57 RT @ThePlumLineGS: I've argued this before, but this is incoherent. First Sinema claims we need the filibuster to incentivize bipartisan co… 2021-06-02 18:16:10 RT @bradwouters: @Sue_Innovates @AnthonyDaleOHA @EdTubb @UHN @SinaiHealth @laurpelletier @jwoodgett The lab could quite easily scale to scr… 2021-06-02 18:03:51 RT @NathanStall: #Ontario consistently put the economy before public health, failing to control community transmission. This resulted in t… 2021-06-02 16:28:44 RT @jennaburrell: In making such claims the work composing these professions is narrowed and radically oversimplified. Expertise, discretio… 2021-06-02 16:27:32 RT @mckelveyf: Just an amazing feat of scholarship here to connect UNC scandal with the state of disinformation studies, incredible reflexi… 2021-06-02 16:18:18 RT @jennaburrell: Hello, a piece of work I'm quite proud of is now out in the world. This annual review piece I wrote with the brilliant Ma… 2021-06-02 16:13:41 @hmustafamail Bravo! 2021-06-02 16:13:32 RT @hmustafamail: MI Hussain, PhD 2021-06-02 15:59:32 RT @nathansnewman: Just bizarre that Politico writes than weak job recovery numbers means we DON'T need a Jobs Bill?!!! But then, GOP live… 2021-06-02 15:56:19 RT @AriBerman: New cover story @motherjones: GOP enacting greatest assault on voting rights since end of Reconstruction and if Congress doe… 2021-06-02 15:11:51 RT @jbouie: which is to say that, yeah, the dispute here (as it is has always been) is what we mean when we say “american democracy” 2021-06-02 15:11:45 RT @jbouie: I’ll say this is right but that it matters that one side’s vision of democracy is inclusive of the entire polity (no one is loo… 2021-06-02 15:04:22 RT @CheriJacobus: I’ve been sounding the alarm since the summer of 2015. Trump was calling the shots at the cable news nets then. They k… 2021-06-02 15:02:00 RT @brianbeutler: Exactly this: This isn’t restoring normalcy, it’s normalizing. The new normal will be rampant, gangster-like criminality… 2021-06-02 14:47:54 RT @841io: In 2019, @georgieborn, @jerdotcom, @ashton1anderson, and I organized a @CIFAR_News workshop bringing together experts in the soc… 2021-06-02 13:24:59 RT @ddayen: "The premise of the interview was that he was going to report on Stealing Ur Feelings. What business are journalists in when in… 2021-06-02 13:21:16 RT @Taniel: Mere existence of 'tough-on-crime' talk doesn't in and of itself mean there's a large backlash, that carceral policies are back… 2021-06-02 13:10:40 I have to say, I kinda wondered about this when the FT piece came out... 2021-06-02 13:09:32 RT @ddayen: Noah Levenson made an award-winning interactive film about facial recognition. The Financial Times interviewed him about how it… 2021-06-02 13:07:22 RT @jbouie: this is good 2021-06-02 13:01:19 RT @imgrund: There are ONLY administrative benefits to hybrid learning. ZERO pedagogical benefits. It is a terrible way to learn and teach… 2021-06-02 12:52:22 RT @paulvieira: Chairman of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Murray Sinclair, tells @TheCurrentCBC that death toll from reside… 2021-06-02 12:33:25 RT @dk_munro: Not reopening schools is the right decision in the same way that leaving your car in the garage is the right decision after y… 2021-06-02 12:27:19 RT @neilturkewitz: @TaylorLorenz @cwarzel Yes, understanding the consequences of the erasure of time & 2021-06-02 12:26:16 RT @benedict_rs: Disney killed an animated children's movie with an overtly LGBTQ protagonist. They're not your friends. Please please plea… 2021-06-02 12:26:01 RT @benedict_rs: You don't have to do this. You don't have to pretend that table scraps are a feast. There are movies actually by/for/abo… 2021-06-02 12:22:45 RT @Greene_DM: You would think that a man, and an institution, concerned above all with reputation management would not compare his defense… 2021-06-02 12:03:59 RT @MattGrossmann: correction of misperceptions of the views of outpartisans & 2021-06-02 01:29:24 RT @LMSacasas: The failure to seriously consider how new technologies might be weaponized reveals a stunning degree of either naivete, hubr… 2021-06-01 23:13:52 RT @SanNuvola: tired: Pentagon UFOs : Song Dynasty UFO 2021-06-01 22:40:22 RT @jvitak: I started teaching the Golden State Killer/GED Match case in my undergrad privacy & 2021-06-01 22:29:53 RT @bethmsemel: hate-reading a text on AI voice profiling that says countless disciplines have confirmed that you can identify people based… 2021-06-01 21:56:06 RT @morganklauss: Happy Pride Month! Reminder that being fem in public sux. Regardless if you're a fem cis woman, trans woman, man, or non-… 2021-06-01 21:03:59 RT @CEO_AISOMA: "Artificial intelligence fires the imagination of many people, unfortunately also of those who do not have good intentions.… 2021-06-01 20:56:53 RT @ubiquity75: Ah. The answer is no. 2021-06-01 20:51:00 RT @jennifer_e_lee: We just BANNED government use of facial recognition technology in King County, Washington in a unanimous vote! 2021-06-01 20:50:02 RT @mona_sloane: cannot wait for this piece to be written and published! 2021-06-01 20:12:31 @PatrickKeilty @UofTInfoFaculty @UTM @iccitutm @sarahrsharma Agreed! 2021-06-01 20:11:14 @UofTInfoFaculty @UTM @iccitutm @sarahrsharma Bravo @sarahrsharma! 2021-06-01 20:10:55 RT @UofTInfoFaculty: Professor Sarah Sharma has been appointed as the new Director of the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information… 2021-06-01 20:06:14 RT @mmitchell_ai: Google has lost @le_roux_nicolas, a researcher w groundbreaking work on optimization (the learning part of machine learni… 2021-06-01 20:05:56 RT @mmitchell_ai: Instead of saying "Google is bleeding researchers", consider, "Google is having a Brain Drain" (since almost all of us we… 2021-06-01 19:56:22 RT @le_roux_nicolas: I left Google last Friday. I will sorely miss my incredible colleagues and hope they one day get to enjoy an environm… 2021-06-01 19:48:09 RT @drvolts: The idea that US democracy is in immediate, severe peril is not something dreamed up by left partisans. It is the consensus vi… 2021-06-01 19:45:07 RT @syardi: The term cyberspace was coined in the late 1960s by Danish artist Susanne Ussing, not William Gibson who typically receives cre… 2021-06-01 18:28:44 RT @nberlat: lots of people embrace conspiracy theories without being mentally unwell. and lots of people who are mentally unwell don't spe… 2021-06-01 18:18:45 RT @bethmsemel: my article on care, attention, listening and digital phenotyping research is OFFICIALLY officially (and soon) forthcoming i… 2021-06-01 17:55:26 RT @MissPiggy: I've been searching for years to find an artist to paint an official portrait of moi – and vous have truly captured moi's im… 2021-06-01 17:41:02 RT @_KarenHao: All I will say about this—Joaquin has been burned out for a long time. It was a theme throughout my convos with him & 2021-06-01 17:37:55 RT @random_walker: Remember how Twitter's image cropping algorithm preferred lighter-skinned people? Twitter investigated and found that th… 2021-06-01 16:45:52 RT @mark_riedl: Heads up 2021-06-01 16:23:17 RT @doctaj: Y’all it’s obvious that the right is equating critical theory w critical race theory bc they perceive the former as Jewish and… 2021-06-01 16:13:53 RT @BrendanNyhan: I am a signatory. Concluding passage: "Our democracy is fundamentally at stake. History will judge what we do at this mom… 2021-06-01 15:15:36 RT @HZeavin: new article in @nytimes by @kbrownreports on chatbots & 2021-06-01 15:08:23 RT @alexhanna: Challenging white queers to do better this Pride month. This is both a subtweet and a general invitation. 2021-06-01 14:52:44 RT @gelliottmorris: self-coups sometimes take a few tries to get right 2021-06-01 14:51:21 RT @nathansnewman: We make fun of movies where the villain explains his evil plan in great detail, but history is filled with villains layi… 2021-06-01 14:14:06 RT @ThePlumLineGS: NEWS: 100 leading democracy scholars just issued a powerful new statement warning that our democracy is under dire thre… 2021-06-01 13:31:57 RT @internetdaniel: Postdoc opportunity! Time split between developing ethics curricula in Penn State’s Honors College and working on on… 2021-06-01 13:28:33 RT @_wandamunoz: Excellent paper by @Abebab! Links exactly to our recent discussions @rjmoyes @ousmannoor @DaanKayser #MustRead So much w… 2021-06-01 13:27:08 RT @ddayen: Here's @rkuttnerwrites with a review of @AJentleson's Kill Switch and several other books, in an attempt to find a way forward… 2021-06-01 13:26:07 RT @JYSexton: Just so we’re all clear, the former President of the United States of America is now openly regurgitating conspiracy theories… 2021-06-01 13:07:16 RT @PavelASamsonov: GM: your inventory says "1 bee" Druid: yes GM: why? Druid: you'll see 2021-06-01 13:04:07 RT @MIT_SHASS: New from the @UChicagoPress! "Insurance Era: Risk, Governance, and the Privatization of Security in Postwar America," by @Hi… 2021-06-01 13:03:31 RT @emptywheel: One reason it's not enough to say, "he's fantasizing" is because Republicans in a slew of states are taking affirmative ste… 2021-06-01 13:03:27 RT @emptywheel: I think it's a grave mistake for people to dismiss Trump's plan to resume power in August as the rantings of a madman. http… 2021-06-01 12:45:29 RT @michaelzimmer: Let’s be clear: Naomi Osaka didn’t withdraw due to mental health reasons. She withdrew because of a hostile work enviro… 2021-06-01 12:19:48 RT @neilturkewitz: @kashhill “Who you were a year ago, or five years ago, or decades ago, is flattened into who you are now. Time has colla… 2021-06-01 12:17:42 RT @gnrosenberg: Before Marxist Critical Theorists were driven from Frankfort they invented a way to eat sausage without getting grease on… 2021-06-01 11:33:24 RT @mona_sloane: Happening THIS WEEK @nyu_ipk! Join us to talk about #AI and #music on June 3, 5pm EST, sign up here:… 2021-06-01 02:03:37 RT @neve_peric: "Canada’s Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence a bonanza for Google and other Big Tech corporations." https:/… 2021-06-01 02:01:16 RT @DavidPaisley: Worth pointing out the government's "culture wars" don't just impact the LGBT+ community. We're dealing with a governmen… 2021-06-01 01:56:13 RT @AnthroPunk: This is the second "people are livestock" dystopian thing today. NOPE. 2021-06-01 01:37:23 RT @hypervisible: "'Smart homework lamps' have skyrocketed in popularity since ByteDance Inc., the creator of short video app TikTok, first… 2021-06-01 01:37:19 RT @hypervisible: Nooope. 2021-06-01 00:21:52 RT @SandboxGrrl: If only there was a parking lot or 14 where F**hi could build this highrise instead of our riverfront parkland floodplain.… 2021-05-31 23:37:06 RT @kathytpham: So much gratitude for all those who have paid the intimate sacrifice for our country, ensuring our freedom, for us to live… 2021-05-31 21:36:06 RT @xiaochang: No science, just vibes. 2021-05-31 20:47:32 RT @ShannonVallor: Well I will tell you my head is vibrating right now, because I am repeatedly banging it against a table. Truly disturbe… 2021-05-31 19:21:51 @841io @HNissenbaum Indeed - two other bangers! 2021-05-31 19:21:44 RT @841io: @luke_stark @HNissenbaum whose conclusion echoes, N. J. Belkin and S. E. Robertson. Some ethical and political implications of t… 2021-05-31 19:21:27 RT @841io: @luke_stark @HNissenbaum definitely. and, for me, followed up by, Lucas D. Introna, Helen Nissenbaum (2000) Shaping the Web: Wh… 2021-05-31 18:54:26 RT @morganklauss: If a student can't be held accountable by those in academia, it's no wonder abusers go on to have powerful faculty positi… 2021-05-31 18:54:24 RT @morganklauss: As I've watched this happen over the last few days I've debated even saying something vague. But there are even students… 2021-05-31 18:53:27 RT @HoranCaley: My book arrived today! So excited to hold a copy in my hands. If you want to learn about how private insurance shaped US hi… 2021-05-31 18:49:39 RT @bruce_arthur: The parts of Brampton that are still below 40% is what really stands out here for me 2021-05-31 18:40:46 RT @JuddLegum: Defunding the legislative branch until they ban voting before 1PM on Sundays is quite something 2021-05-31 18:40:17 @alexhanna Right?! 2021-05-31 18:36:42 RT @shannonmattern: @carolinesinders Reminds me of this : 2021-05-31 18:36:39 RT @carolinesinders: love 2 apply 2 arts residencies where there is no input for 'web based art'. no place for URLs, just video, audio and… 2021-05-31 18:36:21 RT @JuddLegum: Abbott says he’ll veto funds for the Texas legislature until it restricts voting based on Trump’s lies… 2021-05-31 16:54:02 @mccormick_ted @Tilley101 Shopping channel presenter who dated Bridget's mum in Bridget Jones' Diary (2001) 2021-05-31 16:24:15 RT @MrsMRS_PhD: @luke_stark @HNissenbaum I assigned this article last fall and my students were so shocked that this was written before the… 2021-05-31 16:02:59 RT @cdavidnaylor: Still worried that vaccination targets for re-opening focus too narrowly on first doses. Incentives drive priorities.… 2021-05-31 16:01:17 RT @kashhill: A decade ago, I thought we'd all eventually have such long digital records that we'd forgive one another's past mistakes. I w… 2021-05-31 15:58:16 RT @edburmila: Victorian wallpaper contained tons of copper arsenite (for vivid greens) and slowly poisoned people who spent a lot of time… 2021-05-31 15:56:20 RT @cdavidnaylor: The very least that could be done... 2021-05-31 15:52:54 2021-05-31 15:52:01 Still a banger: Batya Friedman (not on Twitter) and @HNissenbaum, “Bias in Computer Systems.” ACM Transactions on Information Systems 14, no. 3 (September 1996): 330–47. 2021-05-31 15:48:14 RT @DFisman: Oh hi Ontario 2021-05-31 15:43:35 RT @brianbeutler: “...what we’re really witnessing is a sublimated discussion about the ethics of operating in a world shaped by Republican… 2021-05-31 15:41:15 RT @841io: Great thread by @random_walker on the risk of using argmax. This can be generalized to deterministic rankings and is one of the… 2021-05-31 15:39:45 RT @DFisman: Vaccine coverage is everything in Ontario. It’s our gateway back to normal. Please encourage friends and family to get vacci… 2021-05-31 15:28:02 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Unfortunately we found out this week that most Canadians haven't even touched the Truth and Reconciliation Commission rep… 2021-05-31 15:15:59 RT @zittrain: It’s worth dwelling on this for a moment. Texas legislators want to make it illegal for citizens to voluntarily travel togeth… 2021-05-31 15:15:43 Dear @OCT_OEEO: my husband has been on hold with you multiples times for an hour+ with no response over the past few weeks. What is your average wait time? 2021-05-31 13:07:50 RT @deonteleologist: I am once again asking people to do some basic research on Chris Rufo’s credibility https://t… 2021-05-31 12:59:58 RT @joshtpm: All these controversies are identical and deserve contempt. It’s not ‘hypocrisy’. If you’re not the right caste to be what the… 2021-05-31 12:45:14 RT @IBJIYONGI: Texas Democrats block restrictive voting bill by walking off the floor to deny GOP-majority House a quorum… 2021-05-31 12:45:07 RT @BogochIsaac: Great thread looking at the UK & B.1.617 is spreading quickly. Vacci… 2021-05-31 12:01:27 RT @berrydm: Joseph Weizenbaum's Original #ELIZA source code rediscovered. Missing for over 50 years, this really is an incredible find h… 2021-05-31 11:49:38 RT @jms_wright: Excited to share my new article on the strange story of "Vibraimage", an emotion detection system developed in Russia and u… 2021-05-31 11:15:48 @farsidevirtual @shannonmattern @AaronPlasek can help you out with this question 2021-05-31 11:10:02 RT @LinaHidalgoTX: Texas House Democrats have killed SB7, the most suppressive voter suppression bill in the nation. The midnight deadline… 2021-05-31 11:09:00 Head vibrations is a new one 2021-05-31 11:08:33 RT @djleufer: Start your week with a steaming, fresh slice of AI dystopia: VibraImage claims to use 'micro vibrations of the head to detect… 2021-05-31 11:05:11 RT @BenPatrickWill: Great to see practising school teachers doing detailed, critical research on edtech like this - as they write here, the… 2021-05-31 01:21:56 RT @michaelzimmer: Same. Wish I could do more. 2021-05-31 01:01:44 RT @motherboard: Lemonade backtracked after suggesting it uses “non-verbal cues” like eye movements to reject claims. Its response raises… 2021-05-31 00:55:35 @jathansadowski @gleemie 2021-05-31 00:47:37 @struthious OMG I do this too. 2021-05-31 00:47:28 RT @Rosemary_Evans: UTS Reach Team achieves 2nd place finish in national championships! Wow! Congratulations!! @utschools 2021-05-30 23:21:24 RT @LemieuxLGM: And note that none of these nakedly racist vote suppression measures would be allowed to go into affect had John Roberts no… 2021-05-30 23:07:04 RT @NewStarWoman: Unless you are Indigenous, if you live in Canada, you are a settler and benefit from the colonialism that happened here.… 2021-05-30 23:06:28 A masterclass in leading questions 2021-05-30 20:51:09 RT @parismarx: If the remains of 215 Indigenous children were found buried at just one residential school in BC, imagine how many others mi… 2021-05-30 20:45:45 RT @tamigraph: History is important. More people should probably look into it 2021-05-30 20:16:42 RT @JoyAnnReid: This is so disturbing. Money intruding into academia and journalism, steeped in a determination to maintain the gauzy white… 2021-05-30 16:50:02 RT @nikhil_palsingh: Led by GOP controlled states, coordinated multidimensional reaction — to limit voting, criminalize protest, ban anti-r… 2021-05-30 16:19:42 @wosewoes Yes, that too 2021-05-30 16:04:45 RT @NicholasDCarter: "A world in which the factory-farmed nugget is replaced by the bioreactor-brewed nugget would be a monumental win for… 2021-05-30 15:47:32 @ncecire @_zackanderson_ It always bothered me, in various ways, that the world of Star Trek is predicated on WWIII 2021-05-30 15:38:25 RT @DocDre: This has to be satire, right? Right?? 2021-05-30 15:38:16 RT @DominicBoyer: Elsevier sponsored “rules of academia” subdivides academics into three classes: pioneers, settlers and livestock. #opena… 2021-05-30 15:30:46 @_zackanderson_ @ncecire 2021-05-30 15:26:11 @ncecire @_zackanderson_ your book is on order! 2021-05-30 15:11:07 RT @sivavaid: Whoa. I had no idea. This is a serious problem. I would suggest that @shalinikantayya explain this affiliation fully. If sh… 2021-05-30 14:56:27 @ncecire @_zackanderson_ I wish I'd read it ages ago, cause (speaking of Star Trek) I would have cited the shit out of it here: 2021-05-30 13:38:51 RT @doctaj: This Thursday come hear me talk about vibes and AI, & 2021-05-30 13:38:36 @jw_lockhart Yup, that's it. Cohn cites Derrida, though not that specific piece -- and the Cohn piece is much more vibrant in its writing and perspective. 2021-05-30 13:14:27 @_zackanderson_ @ncecire I hadn't read it, and am doing so now - it's brilliant. 2021-05-30 13:12:07 RT @ncecire: @luke_stark @_zackanderson_ That essay is both on point and really funny 2021-05-30 13:08:55 RT @_zackanderson_: @luke_stark I don’t know Derrida, but Carol Cohn’s famous paper “Sex and death in the rational world of defense intelle… 2021-05-30 13:05:20 @_zackanderson_ Thank you! Derrida might have been riffing on that -- it's a very hazy grad school memory. 2021-05-30 12:24:25 Derrida writes somewhere about the vocabulary of euphemisms nuclear war planners developed to avoid grappling mentally with the fact they were planning Armageddon. The current rw development of a vocabulary around critical race theory seems to have a similar function. 2021-05-30 11:53:53 RT @DFisman: The safer path forward. Let kids play. Keep it outdoors. Minimal risk and maximal benefit. 2021-05-30 11:17:39 RT @nikhil_palsingh: Yet, Rogoff, Summers and a host of well place centrists who occupy the apex of the field in academia live in fear of “… 2021-05-30 11:08:23 RT @bartleyamandaj: Canadians need to reconcile that the history of Indigenous and Black people in this country is far worse than anything… 2021-05-30 09:47:55 RT @MrAhmednurAli: Today is a good day to remember residential schools existed in Canada in 1996. History is not so distant. 2021-05-30 09:37:44 RT @pareene: I'm old and live in Brooklyn so I'm not missing out but it's quite weird that without any public debate or justification or ne… 2021-05-30 02:07:35 @rajiinio @tom_cardoso @caj @globeandmail 2021-05-30 02:07:02 RT @rajiinio: Happy to see that @tom_cardoso was awarded by @caj for his @globeandmail investigation into the use of risk assessments in th… 2021-05-30 02:04:08 RT @TheTattooedProf: Thread 2021-05-30 01:42:00 RT @KamloopsArchaeo: It’s not history. I’m 46. My colleagues, my peers, my staff, all have family who went to Kamloops Indian Residential S… 2021-05-30 01:41:49 RT @dannagal: Can we all just acknowledge that these anti CRT folks do not know what critical race theory is? If they did they would have t… 2021-05-30 01:39:51 RT @MEASeybold: About a year after I got PhD I realized faculty are almost always responsible for writing own bios. This changes how u read… 2021-05-30 00:16:14 RT @krossny1: not only did NYC not defund the police, but if de Blasio has his way, we are actually allocating more funding to the NYPD tha… 2021-05-30 00:16:10 RT @krossny1: Zero cities defunded the police. 2021-05-29 23:57:34 RT @LemieuxLGM: Another form of constitutional hardball commonly used by Republicans is to try to pass legislation at the last minute with… 2021-05-29 23:11:49 @BenPatrickWill Thank goodness for obsessive archiving. 2021-05-29 23:05:46 @BenPatrickWill Gonna talk all about sentics in the forthcoming ms... 2021-05-29 23:04:33 RT @BenPatrickWill: Back in 2001 they were calling emotion AI "sentic modulation" - not quite so catchy - but still, if you're doing a hist… 2021-05-29 21:36:04 RT @Greene_DM: Our DEI initiatives aren’t worth the glossy quartersheets they’re printed on if we can’t protect students and coworkers from… 2021-05-29 20:40:36 RT @linguangst: you are notably safer this week than last—your students and colleagues safer, too—because of these survivors. because there… 2021-05-29 20:39:10 RT @linguangst: casual reminder: jason mars is still employed by @umichCSE. here are just a few snippets from @ZoeSchiffer's shocking inv… 2021-05-29 19:51:03 RT @JohnnyBarnstorm: The black and white photos of this school in all these articles is misleading. This school closed in 1978. It was clos… 2021-05-29 19:30:51 RT @DFisman: Something I have learned: mass death in residential schools was identified, quantified and reported in real time. This was kn… 2021-05-29 19:24:39 RT @drvolts: Republicans are engineering minority rule, right out in the open, in plain view. Red flags waving everywhere.… 2021-05-29 18:51:22 RT @KevinMKruse: This entire thread is terrific: 2021-05-29 18:45:08 RT @hmustafamail: I am absolutely heartbroken to hear the news from Canada this morning. Indigenous people deserve far, far better. 2021-05-29 18:29:22 RT @kate_manne: If abuse straightforwardly begets abuse, then women would be some of the most violent people in the world. And yet, we are… 2021-05-29 18:28:55 Just a note: I did already know this. 2021-05-29 18:28:37 Score one for, er, critical thinking? 2021-05-29 18:28:15 RT @washingtonpost: Melissa Smith's community college course "Race and Ethnicity" is canceled for the summer while her school evaluates it… 2021-05-29 18:10:07 But on a positive note, I'm learning about some fab feminist/Black philosophers who I'd not come across! 2021-05-29 18:09:11 Prompted by reading @deonteleologist: 2021-05-29 18:06:58 As a number of people have pointed out *several many* times, the IDW is grounded in unfalsifiable ahistorical affective projection and paranoia. 2021-05-29 17:58:12 People realize folks were advocating & 2021-05-29 17:54:47 RT @deonteleologist: Everyone should know @ConceptualJames & 2021-05-29 17:54:23 RT @adriandaub: Stoked for a Queer Studies indep rdg w/ @stanford students this summer featuring: The Epistemology of the Closet Death in V… 2021-05-29 17:52:09 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist I point this out because a refutation of Sully, the Grievance Grifters, or any of the other folks engaged i… 2021-05-29 17:52:04 RT @shengokai: @deonteleologist I mean, the point isn't to present a "true" portrayal of CRT or Critical Theory or to engage in any thoroug… 2021-05-29 17:47:22 RT @Rosemary_Evans: Reach for the Top National Finals beginning now. Best wishes to the UTS Team! @utschools 2021-05-29 16:40:38 RT @SethCotlar: Today, this same person would likely be the administrator of a QAnon FB page with hundreds of thousands of members. Kook ma… 2021-05-29 16:40:03 RT @RDBinns: A less-discussed type of AI which is likely in scope of the proposed EU AI Regulation (Annex I (b) or maybe (c)): SAT-solvers.… 2021-05-29 16:37:45 RT @SethCotlar: In a free society, people will believe a lot of kooky things. That's not inherently dangerous. It gets bad when all of the… 2021-05-29 16:37:42 RT @SethCotlar: It also becomes bad when there exists a media-sphere connected to the kooky party that creates a hermetically-sealed echo c… 2021-05-29 16:36:32 RT @whstancil: “You must support the leader. You cannot abandon the leader. Support for the leader absolves you of the burden of rationalit… 2021-05-29 16:36:26 RT @whstancil: Voters aren’t drawn to Trump’s politics because of a specific policy view or really even an ideology. They’re drawn to them… 2021-05-29 16:36:10 RT @whstancil: Ultimately what Trump offers - what fascism offers - is a philosophy of total emotional and psychological indulgence. Believ… 2021-05-29 16:36:05 RT @whstancil: What people need to understand is that these contradictions aren’t a SYMPTOM of Trumpism. They point to its very core - it… 2021-05-29 15:37:57 RT @SabiVM: My 4 biggest issues with this letter: 1- “Regional basis” Is there a criteria or threshold? How do we discern? Areas that a… 2021-05-29 14:48:13 @alexhanna Same 2021-05-29 14:40:45 RT @ToriGlass: “cops prevent crime” 2021-05-29 14:34:31 RT @EdTubb: At this rate, 500/day won't take long either. The drop in the case avg. has been more linear than exponential, so early June is… 2021-05-29 14:31:57 RT @EdTubb: I don't feel qualified to comment on the risk of B.1.617 causing a Wave 4 in this province, but one complicator is this: We're… 2021-05-29 13:52:17 RT @David_Gunkel: @JTasioulas Depends on how one defines and operationalizes the term "criticism." In the traditions of critical philosophy… 2021-05-29 13:48:28 But you should read them both. 2021-05-29 13:46:54 Please note: Charles W. Mills and Charles Wright Mills are not the same person! 2021-05-29 13:41:41 RT @SeanCarleton: As an historian of residential schooling with a family member still suffering from their experiences in a BC school, I ju… 2021-05-29 13:23:30 RT @BenPatrickWill: Google expanded its reach in education to over 150m students last year. Now it’s trying to consolidate as a learning ma… 2021-05-29 12:50:06 RT @Dr_ChadWilliams: "Democracy has failed because so many fear it. They believe that wealth and happiness are so limited that a world full… 2021-05-29 12:48:50 RT @DFisman: Strain replacement with B1617 in Ontario. The decline in "VOC" represents replacement of known VOC with B1617, which we miss… 2021-05-29 12:47:57 RT @ScanlanWithAnA: Frame this. Frame this and hang it in every gallery in the land. Because this is the absolute Platonic form of FBPE. Ga… 2021-05-29 12:36:54 RT @FourWinns298: Shocked by the guidance from the Science Table to re-open schools just when we are getting control of our third surge.… 2021-05-29 00:47:00 RT @linguangst: tip #2: why all the bullshit? will you continue to let your coworkers reach into people's underwear? get students drunk off… 2021-05-29 00:46:52 RT @linguangst: oh, and one last thing: a quick little lesson on how to fucking talk about sexual assault put survivors first. yes, litera… 2021-05-29 00:38:13 RT @linguangst: HELL YES! more great news! 2021-05-29 00:20:25 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas I'm not changing the subject. You're a racist, and I'm done with this conversation. Apologies to anyone following this thread. 2021-05-29 00:12:07 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas Ok, this is my last go-around: on what basis do you think peoples' productivity varies? 2021-05-29 00:07:42 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas don't see how that statement is racist, huh 2021-05-29 00:05:36 RT @Wolven: …Which is to say that if like, the hospitality industry REALLY wants to save money via automation, they should PROBABLY start w… 2021-05-29 00:02:18 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas I don't even know what to say ?! What are implying? 2021-05-28 23:58:20 RT @juanof9: Useful @internetarchive tool for researchers relying on websites: Two great functions: SAVE PAGE NOW to ensure a copy of th… 2021-05-28 23:54:09 RT @SoniaFurstenau: The fact that to this day we’re still uncovering the horrors of residential schools goes to show how much we still don’… 2021-05-28 23:51:03 RT @gerrycanavan: @nberlat Kind of like how Picard starts off thinking he’s the captain of the Love Boat and finds out he’s a general in a… 2021-05-28 23:50:13 RT @jathansadowski: Yoooo this video with my man @bigblackjacobin—aka The Professor—absolutely nails it. In just nine minutes, Ed deconstru… 2021-05-28 23:49:43 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas Look, I get it, change is scary. Let me assure you all sorts of people have always been capable and productive (though is that the sole reason you value people??). And "wokeness," to the extent that term has any meaning, is about recognizing that fact. 2021-05-28 23:39:00 RT @gelliottmorris: A government where this small of a minority can block policy favored by this broad a majority with ease is not a democr… 2021-05-28 23:36:14 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas But *you're* the one making that argument! You're saying while men are intrinsically more productive! 2021-05-28 23:34:38 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas But the argument you just made is intrinsically racist! You claim white men are more productive because they are male and white. How is that *not* racist? 2021-05-28 23:28:47 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas I'm sorry but this is deranged. You're arguing that race and gender make people intrinsically more productive. That's both racist and wrong based on copious evidence 2021-05-28 23:26:34 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas I...have lost the thread here. The Nobel Prize...what makes the Nobel Prize relevant to this conversation? The Nobel Prize isn't awarded by a divinity 2021-05-28 23:22:08 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas That wasn't your initial argument. And what does productivity have to do with it? 2021-05-28 23:19:39 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas How has unearned privilege done that? And is that what "wokeness" means? 2021-05-28 23:18:15 RT @onekade: treat workers like shit try to replace public transit make people more reliant on cars What’s not to hate about this c… 2021-05-28 23:16:56 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas What leads you to think most privileged is earned? 2021-05-28 23:11:00 RT @cellocorgi: Update on the UMich situation 2021-05-28 23:09:55 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas So you're fine with unearned privilege? 2021-05-28 23:09:12 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas I'm trying to understand your perspective and thought process ¯\_()_/¯ 2021-05-28 23:04:30 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas ?! I have no idea where you get that conclusion from the text. 2021-05-28 22:56:26 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas Applied to race how? 2021-05-28 22:56:06 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas I have no idea in what context that document is used/comes from, but I also don't understand what it has to do with your definition. 2021-05-28 22:53:17 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas Sounds like Communism! 2021-05-28 22:50:53 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas But, objections to what? What's the thing that's being objected to? 2021-05-28 22:46:20 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas What exactly do you think "wokeness" is? 2021-05-28 22:45:30 @steveplotnicki @SarahGrynpas Sorry, what's being stifled? 2021-05-28 22:35:31 RT @linguangst: tl 1. 25 (and counting) well-respected scientists—… 2021-05-28 22:25:55 @c_gruenloh @AnnuskaP @transitmom @jasonmillar @isking42 @hoven_j @NaomiJa32387614 @aimeevanrobot It was a delightful experience, although I was a little shell shocked post-election 2021-05-28 22:25:28 RT @c_gruenloh: I am so grateful that I could meet these kind and brilliant human beings and spend a week with them discussing value sensit… 2021-05-28 22:25:22 RT @jasonmillar: This was a wonderful experience and a hugely influential one at that. Opened my eyes to a whole world of research potentia… 2021-05-28 22:23:31 RT @lportwoodstacer: If anyone would like this image as a downloadable pdf, it’s at right now. (An alt for people… 2021-05-28 21:43:05 RT @navalang: Oh this is great 2021-05-28 21:28:26 RT @DiaKayyali: Speaking out as a PhD candidate is so hard. Believe survivors. 2021-05-28 21:20:08 RT @mckelveyf: Yes!! 2021-05-28 20:02:06 RT @c_gruenloh: New blog post on the recent publication of the Special Issue on #ValueSensitiveDesign and the workshop @lorentzcenter where… 2021-05-28 19:52:16 RT @TheTattooedProf: Hi folks. Just so you know, this is what literal fascist states do. 2021-05-28 19:33:45 RT @gathara: Find it interesting when Western society attempts to universalize blame for the destruction of the planet - the idea that it i… 2021-05-28 19:28:14 RT @dmetaxak: But the realization weighed on me—could I have prevented other abuse? And I was livid that this man, apparently a prolific pr… 2021-05-28 19:27:41 RT @dmetaxak: The system failed me then: 1. How could this have been avoided? He was well-respected and well-liked 2021-05-28 19:27:38 RT @dmetaxak: Since 2016, I have been so careful, so patient, so diligent about the process, but @UMichCSE's statement yesterday—so inadequ… 2021-05-28 18:52:48 RT @grimalkina: This whole horrific UmichCSE violence has really effing cemented why constantly being told "imposter syndrome" is our issue… 2021-05-28 18:45:22 RT @despens: I just wanted to make sure that this jolly video by amaz*n keeps circulating. The tweet containing it was accidentally deleted… 2021-05-28 18:45:11 RT @fallenight: @LondonMorning Unfortunately with these buildings owned by Farhi Holdings, I am not expecting them to be occupied in years.… 2021-05-28 18:31:46 RT @bentarnoff: The breakthroughs behind the current AI boom are built in part on a pioneering dataset developed by the Postal Service—yet… 2021-05-28 18:29:25 RT @_jack_poulson: "The plan is not efficiency. It is monopoly." 2021-05-28 18:27:51 RT @zeynep: I keep thinking about this. Billion remain unvaccinated, and without prior immunity, and outbreaks are getting harder to contro… 2021-05-28 18:26:22 RT @rocopley1: Palestine 2021-05-28 18:17:33 RT @_jack_poulson: Maybe someone could put together a more extensive list, but we now have at least the following three companies trying to… 2021-05-28 18:01:30 RT @amandakhurley: Probably funnier if you know who some of these Scottish politicians are, but still funny if you don't… 2021-05-28 17:40:01 RT @NoContextTrek: 2021-05-28 17:39:53 RT @nberlat: Sinead O'Connor in her new memoir describes Prince violently terrorizing her. 2021-05-28 17:37:14 RT @maya_sen: There's a certain outmoded, idealized notion of partisanship common among elderly Democrats in power (Feinstein, Breyer) that… 2021-05-28 17:28:36 The worst maritime accident in the British Empire to that date! 2021-05-28 17:28:04 RT @LFPress: LETTERS: Reader disappointed there was no mention of the 1881 Victoria Day Disaster in the newspaper this week.… 2021-05-28 17:27:24 RT @JamesSReaney: Inevitable #ldnont & 2021-05-28 17:23:41 @ParkerMolloy Biggest takeaway: Bernie, like me, likes both a thick blanket and a cool room to sleep in 2021-05-28 17:13:24 RT @dataandpolitics: No. No. No. I rebuke this. 2021-05-28 17:12:48 RT @nycsouthpaw: Four months of the Democrats’ rare and precious time with a trifecta in government has already gone by. They just sought t… 2021-05-28 17:07:42 @mihaela_v AND I recognize there are all sorts of professional and institutional path dependencies shaping MS/individual researcher decisions from the other side. 2021-05-28 17:07:11 @mihaela_v On this topic, I disagree fundamentally with the emotional models animating this work, and worry about the use of any form of AI that tracks and records humans. 2021-05-28 17:05:48 @mihaela_v For sure! And those processes and guardrails are critical! -- I have huge respect for the folks on Aether working internally. 2021-05-28 17:01:45 RT @ThePlumLineGS: It's time to give up on the theater of shaming Republicans. Dems will act alone to protect democracy, or it won't happen… 2021-05-28 16:57:07 RT @jennwvaughan: "do we want to enact change and be uncomfortable or do we want to remain comfortable, even if it means keeping the world… 2021-05-28 16:43:48 RT @DFisman: It's interesting to see pundits who endlessly disparage teachers write about how critically important schools are for kids to… 2021-05-28 16:43:30 RT @ruchowdh: Yeah so if I were to pick a galaxy brain moment where tech crumbled for me, this was it. 2021-05-28 16:34:41 RT @Taniel: it also is a large majority win, that corresponds to an additional tens of millions of voters ( https:/… 2021-05-28 16:20:38 RT @brianbeutler: There are 89 senators on hand. I believe 48 are Dems. If Manchin and Sinema are among them, there are 46 votes to change… 2021-05-28 16:20:34 RT @brianbeutler: The vote was 54-35, 11 senators, almost all Republicans, skipped town. Change the rules. 2021-05-28 16:06:18 RT @rcalo: Yes it's called AI Jim but no, of course it doesn't use AI! I spoke with @Marketplace's @mollywood about the FTC's warning, Lemo… 2021-05-28 16:06:09 RT @rcalo: For more on AI and the legacy of physiognomy, see @Abebab @luke_stark @jevanhutson and read @katecrawford's book. For more on AI… 2021-05-28 16:02:59 RT @hypervisible: 2021-05-28 15:52:23 RT @uflib: Thomas Jefferson’s role in establishing the Library of Congress influences the cataloging of items to this day. Melissa Adler, A… 2021-05-28 15:52:18 RT @adler_melissa17: Hey all, I'm giving a talk next Friday. I would love for you to join me. We'll talk about Jefferson, library catalogin… 2021-05-28 15:39:44 RT @analuciaraujo_: Spain’s postal service introduces skin-tone stamps to fight racism — and makes the whitest one the most valuable https:… 2021-05-28 15:30:18 RT @aram: Remember each and every "nay" vote. These are the people who fail in their most fundamental constitutional duty to protect our na… 2021-05-28 15:29:52 RT @linguangst: it is such a fucking relief to finally be able to discuss some of this shit publicly. but remember, everything you've seen… 2021-05-28 15:25:02 RT @MelissaRyan: .@cnn's homepage is overwhelming but communicates the moment we're in accurately. 2021-05-28 15:23:14 RT @EricBoehlert: exactly 2021-05-28 15:17:58 RT @nancybaym: I am thinking about how some men I later learned harassed other more junior women had < 2021-05-28 14:54:17 RT @NathanStall: While I'm thrilled that older adults are belatedly being moved up for 2nd doses of #COVID19 vaccines, asking them to re-bo… 2021-05-28 14:51:14 RT @NathanStall: There is no real plan to assist older Ontarians with booking their 2nd doses. It is cruel to make them play Vaccine Hunge… 2021-05-28 13:48:43 RT @Abebab: New paper out in Artificial Life journal This paper is central to my PhD thesis, it brings together embodied & 2021-05-28 13:48:37 RT @_jack_poulson: So far, neither Google, Amazon, nor Israel has clarified whether their AI APIs would be part of their billion dollar clo… 2021-05-28 13:43:38 @_jack_poulson Agreed! 2021-05-28 13:43:27 RT @wisdelft: Luke Stark @luke_stark is the next speaker at our #TAFF event on “Responsible Use of Data”. Luke will talk about “Artificial… 2021-05-28 13:15:12 RT @_jack_poulson: @luke_stark Sounds like Microsoft -- and MSR -- could use a union to help alleviate personal fears over pointing out har… 2021-05-28 13:05:49 RT @ruchowdh: I think my timeline needs a cleanse. Here’s my v vicious cat 2021-05-28 13:04:12 RT @evan_greer: If you’re feeling super duper optimistic about the pandemic it’s probably because you’re suffering from an acute case of Ig… 2021-05-28 12:32:35 RT @gregggonsalves: .@zeynep this morning in @nytimes: "Officials from all nations that produce vaccines need to gather for an emergency me… 2021-05-28 12:29:26 RT @AbeOudshoorn: So thrilled to see @Habitat4HOME moving into higher densities! We need so much more supply of affordable housing. https:/… 2021-05-28 12:16:09 RT @zeynep: It should be unthinkable that more people might die of COVID *after* we have vaccines that could save them. Yet, now with even… 2021-05-28 11:59:20 RT @DFisman: Curious to see what the province decides on schools. Note that teens currently have 12% test positivity, and the R for “non-V… 2021-05-28 11:42:25 RT @biancawylie: a trouble (not the trouble, there are many troubles) with the covid app = there is no incentive to wind it down. there is… 2021-05-28 11:31:57 RT @harmankkaur: Meanwhile this is in line with CSE's "core values" 2021-05-28 11:31:40 RT @harmankkaur: Are you suggesting that the previous allegations weren't serious and urgent concerns? You condemn harassment, and yet 2… 2021-05-28 11:24:30 @_jack_poulson FWIW, I know the affective computing folks at MSR are aware of critiques: they both believe in the science underpinning their models (IMHO, a mistake) and they're incentivized for all sorts of reasons, including professional path dependency, to develop/deploy. 2021-05-28 11:23:00 @_jack_poulson Oh sure -- but it's always easier to criticize folks who don't know where you eat. 2021-05-28 11:15:02 RT @erinleebrady: In May 2020 I submitted a statement about Walter Lasecki’s pattern of inappropriate behavior towards women, which I obser… 2021-05-28 01:40:01 One thing to say is that interdisciplinary organizations, and their collegiality norms, can make such public critiques harder. 2021-05-28 01:33:19 To reiterate: bad! 2021-05-28 01:20:24 RT @hackylawyER: Oh my god the @CitizenApp story gets more textbook, including the founder’s deceitful past and of course a guest appearanc… 2021-05-28 01:16:40 RT @naz_andalibi: CSE is called out for horrific handling of sexual assault cases, they send insulting tweets. ACM is called out for harmin… 2021-05-28 01:03:00 RT @danlizotte: OMG @CrBravoR @luke_stark did you know about this 2021-05-28 01:02:54 @danlizotte @CrBravoR This is extremely soothing, and informative 2021-05-27 23:53:59 RT @nantarsya: Essential reading that leverages historical analysis & 2021-05-27 23:53:39 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Again, outrage is useless. Any response implying Republicans have latent principles they can be *shamed* into following… 2021-05-27 23:47:16 RT @morgangames: Without it, I honestly don't know if I could have made it through grad school, because that take-down culture is *brutal.*… 2021-05-27 23:28:21 RT @morgangames: Early in grad school I had a seminar with Jean Lave that actively resisted this kind of "estranged labor" in academia, and… 2021-05-27 23:28:10 RT @sharonyamsy: In grad school, I learned how to critique and tear arguments apart. In some seminars, that was how folks demonstrate "smar… 2021-05-27 23:12:59 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Dems: If you agree to a bipartisan infrastructure deal paid for by user fees, Republicans will blast you as middle class… 2021-05-27 23:11:31 RT @BrooksFallis: 2/2 Also use this time to improve ventilation in schools. Younger children won’t be vaccinated for months. Let’s use al… 2021-05-27 23:11:25 RT @BrooksFallis: 1/2 B1617 cases are rising in ON & 1 dose vaccine offers limited protec… 2021-05-27 21:49:29 RT @jburnmurdoch: Finally, I said other countries will soon face this challenge. B.1.617.2 is already dominant in India & 2021-05-27 21:46:19 @salome_viljoen_ They could do worse! 2021-05-27 21:41:35 @salome_viljoen_ Someone read some Deleuze 2021-05-27 21:32:03 RT @dgolumbia: #Lemonade is a Public Benefit Corporation. This is what happens when what Mumford called the "megatechnic bribe" becomes a… 2021-05-27 21:28:24 RT @nancybaym: Thinking about when a professor I knew in Sweden was found guilty of misconduct and his university identified and wrote to a… 2021-05-27 20:59:43 RT @LukeMorris: @lindsmccallum 2021-05-27 20:59:34 RT @LukeMorris: @lindsmccallum 2021-05-27 20:51:42 RT @byelin: This is SO important. Knew this by instinct, but good to see it confirmed with rigorous analysis. I get the impression that D… 2021-05-27 20:17:23 @BenPatrickWill I hope he's citing @morgangames 2021-05-27 19:18:49 RT @AINowInstitute: AI Now is launching an invited essay series exploring the myths, realities, actors, and incentives underpinning dominan… 2021-05-27 19:18:21 RT @mer__edith: NEW! Those in the critical AI space know that "what about China?" is increasingly used to neutralize calls for meaningful… 2021-05-27 19:15:31 RT @williecostello: Get those opinions in, folks! 2021-05-27 18:32:13 RT @drvolts: Every single week of this two-year period we're in is vitally important & 2021-05-27 18:01:47 @camillefrancois @natematias @mer__edith Gonna need to read that one! 2021-05-27 18:01:20 @AlexCEngler Definitely the former, at least as a baseline 2021-05-27 17:59:13 @natematias @mer__edith @salome_viljoen_ At least I'm not making the example up...but this isn't the piece I recall... 2021-05-27 17:57:47 @natematias @mer__edith @salome_viljoen_ Huh. I definitely associate you with the broad I wonder who I'm not crediting. And yes to tort law! 2021-05-27 17:07:16 RT @AJentleson: “Moderation” is an impractical conceptual fallacy given both the substance and structure of contemporary … 2021-05-27 16:49:01 Credit to @natematias, whose example of the regulation of 19th c. steamship boilers I use often! 2021-05-27 16:46:23 Furnaces and elevators are regulated whether they are installed in a government office or a corporate one. Why shouldn't AI systems be treated in a similar way? 2021-05-27 16:27:48 RT @brianbeutler: Yup. Relatedly, one reason I and others were so beside ourselves about Dem leadership’s allergy to oversight and confront… 2021-05-27 16:23:46 RT @daveweigel: Biden got a lot of running room from saying he'd pass a stimulus, and doing it, but if one in 10,000 voters in, say, Michig… 2021-05-27 16:22:05 RT @daveweigel: Thinking here about something in @IsaacDovere's book: A focus group of two-time Obama voters who went for Trump. One reason… 2021-05-27 15:49:29 @allartmarkets I did it once and it broke my brain. 2021-05-27 15:36:49 Hey Ontarians! There is apparently a provincial government consultation on responsible AI going on (who knew). It closes June 4 - go take a look! #onpoli 2021-05-27 15:16:08 RT @BenPatrickWill: Obviously the AffectiveSpotlight feature for MS Teams is still only R& 2021-05-27 15:15:59 RT @BenPatrickWill: Since Teams has been pushed in education since 2017, I knew there would be some suggested application of this new facia… 2021-05-27 15:09:55 RT @linguangst: so many fucking people knew about this shit. AAAI didn't act. ACM didn't act sooner. advisors didn't act. and @umich decide… 2021-05-27 15:09:53 RT @linguangst: "[Lasecki] said that over the past four years, no one has ever asked him to alter his behavior. He stated that no one, incl… 2021-05-27 15:04:46 RT @QueerinAI: When we talk about the harm that Google Scholar is causing to trans and non binary authors, this is what we are referring to… 2021-05-27 15:04:40 RT @clancynewyork: @syardi @luke_stark @genevievemp I've followed cases involved Univ. of Michigan profs, doctors and staff over the years.… 2021-05-27 14:37:03 RT @syardi: This is horrendous. WL assaulted @genevievemp in 2016. She reported it in 2017 then gave him the benefit of the doubt. He conti… 2021-05-27 14:28:53 RT @TenuredRadical: When I was in graduate school, the question was always: how do you compensate for too few sources--or find the ones tha… 2021-05-27 14:28:50 RT @Sierra_OffLine: " For those of us writing recent history, the decades between 1970 and the present, volume is the worst problem, and it… 2021-05-27 14:09:17 RT @imhartshorn: A lot of us 1%ers use a secret website called hotels dot com where you too can ask for a king size bed.… 2021-05-27 14:08:24 RT @internetdaniel: Whatever energy Democrats are spending on "bipartisanship" should really be redirected toward explaining to Joe Manchin… 2021-05-27 13:54:10 RT @histoftech: Reading this from @lollardfish, and reflecting on the direction of my own university during the last several years, quite n… 2021-05-27 13:50:51 RT @lportwoodstacer: I hope ppl also understand that when you spend $20 on a book, the author will be lucky to see $2 of that (most academi… 2021-05-27 13:41:58 RT @What46HasDone: The new Republican infrastructure "offer" is LESS new money per year than their previous offer. Their first offer was $2… 2021-05-27 13:40:31 RT @digi_ad: Preparing talk for @IEEESSIT later today. With proposed AI regs in mind, that flag work and school as high risk emotion profil… 2021-05-27 13:20:05 RT @What46HasDone: @therecount It's not $928 billion. It's $257 billion. Please report it factually. 2021-05-27 13:18:42 RT @What46HasDone: This is the key point. The idea that Republicans are offeirng $928B is a farce. Their offer includes already mostly plan… 2021-05-27 13:10:31 RT @charleswlogan: Struck again by the paltry vision of learning pushed by online proctoring companies. It's a neoliberal narrative that re… 2021-05-27 12:37:22 RT @dgolumbia: on the megatechnic bribe, by @libshipwreck 2021-05-27 12:31:25 RT @zenalbatross: Lemonade: we're not using AI to reject insurance claims based on physical characteristics Lemonade in its SEC filing: we… 2021-05-27 12:06:35 Bad! 2021-05-27 12:05:37 RT @mikarv: Hey Microsoft Research people who think that constant facial emotion analysis might not be a great thing (among others), what d… 2021-05-27 12:04:09 RT @hypervisible: So, if this is the tech you are forcing students to use—or if you made the tech—you are not the hero of the story. Far… 2021-05-27 12:03:59 RT @hypervisible: Long but worthwhile read. Should note off the top that even though these companies are attempting to strike a softer tone… 2021-05-27 11:26:39 RT @duncanminty: Insurers would of course be interested in using in-car cameras to monitor for mood - already doing it via telematics and l… 2021-05-27 03:16:52 RT @linguangst: this is the part i can't get over—how awful it is to keep seeing his name in my feed. having to tweet it out myself sometim… 2021-05-27 03:03:54 RT @BrendanNyhan: Former @UMichCSE grad student. Toxic cultures in academia like this can't be allowed to persist - especially harmful to m… 2021-05-27 02:22:30 RT @Abebab: do you know what's more dangerous than bad AI? the current culture that promotes blind faith in AI. people just lose their sens… 2021-05-27 02:12:47 RT @AJentleson: This is a great example of how the filibuster stifles bipartisanship. Reaching 60 votes on controversial issues is often im… 2021-05-27 02:08:08 RT @rcalo: @rachelmetz @Lemonade_Inc That’s... a problem. 2021-05-27 02:08:02 RT @rachelmetz: AI Jim= Lemonade claims bot. Full quote is: "AI Jim handles the entire claim through resolution in approximately a third of… 2021-05-27 02:07:46 RT @rachelmetz: this is not true, according to the @Lemonade_Inc inc. s-1, filed with the SEC, which says on page 128, "AI Jim handles the… 2021-05-27 01:46:49 RT @Abebab: it's worth remembering that "emotion detection" AI (putting aside the physiognomic nature of inferring inner behaviour from phy… 2021-05-27 01:46:14 RT @digby56: Am I alone in getting that pre-9/11 Richard-Clark-hair-on-fire feeling about what these Republicans are doing to the electoral… 2021-05-27 01:24:26 2021-05-27 01:20:52 RT @nils_gilman: Explicit statement from the Right on its information operations strategy. They tried to deploy “cultural Marxism” as a ca… 2021-05-27 01:12:33 @giselle_pu You're welcome to! We need to keep having a conversation about the labor of reviewing and how it's both exploitative and unevenly distributed, I just figured I should decouple it from individual experience. We're all doing what we can, especially these days. 2021-05-27 01:08:19 I deleted a tweet asking others to weigh in on their reviewing acceptance rates because frankly, it's none of my business. 2021-05-27 00:19:23 RT @e_mln_e: The lengths companies go to prevent repair is truly astonishing. I recently was given a broken air purifier to repair, after t… 2021-05-27 00:04:21 @tsimonite That's if I were using my powers for evil 2021-05-26 23:54:12 RT @ParkerMolloy: The takeaway from this is that the AP doesn’t sound like a great place to work 2021-05-26 23:30:05 RT @LemieuxLGM: Relatedly, Evers would have had the power to accept the Medicaid expansion the Wisconsin people want, except that the gerry… 2021-05-26 23:20:51 RT @biancawylie: "the fastest way for us to lose the potential of digital systems is to fail to hold them accountable to the basic integrit… 2021-05-26 23:17:43 RT @byelin: Democrats need to do a better job of making clear that all the nice money everyone is getting now is largely due to the America… 2021-05-26 23:09:37 RT @_alialkhatib: you've constructed a narrative of an AI that "carefully analyzes" videos, finding subtle clues that humans would never be… 2021-05-26 23:02:36 RT @Abebab: every time I see "tech that benefits humanity" all I hear is "tech that benefits the already wealthy and powerful few" unless o… 2021-05-26 22:58:32 @tsimonite But you're right that there are more cost-effective ways of collecting proxy data 2021-05-26 22:54:32 RT @DMulliganUCB: Yes. being good at a job doesn’t give you a right to harass women or make it less likely that you will. Academia needs to… 2021-05-26 22:52:34 Doesn't have to be a moneymaker to be a problem 2021-05-26 22:46:53 RT @bethmsemel: every time a tech company says "we don't do physiognomy" this is all i hear 2021-05-26 22:46:17 Comfort! And entertainment! 2021-05-26 22:44:54 RT @EmotionalAI: Significant for all interested in emotional AI. As this tech sector looks for profitable applications, the acquisition by… 2021-05-26 22:44:01 RT @lportwoodstacer: I expect book sales to be a v small % of my income, just as it is for most ppl who publish (scholarly) books. What I h… 2021-05-26 22:41:06 RT @brianbeutler: .@SenatorSinema is this cool? 2021-05-26 22:35:08 RT @brianbeutler: This is the one thing that Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney get. The only way out of this is for the GOP and conservative leade… 2021-05-26 22:34:25 RT @profwernimont: A great thread as a supplement to the toothpaste one 2021-05-26 22:32:14 RT @joshtpm: We're clearly moving toward a new system in which statewide votes in many red and purple states are refashioned into recommend… 2021-05-26 22:31:48 RT @slouching_mags: over the past 2 months I've gradually become more deeply and chronically exhausted. I want to sit with it but - really… 2021-05-26 21:57:31 RT @naz_andalibi: On things that bring me joy in academia: in this #CSCW2021 paper we examine social media users' perspectives toward wel… 2021-05-26 21:24:35 @nerd_sighted @scott_bot @jevanhutson Oh neat - thanks! 2021-05-26 21:17:30 @nerd_sighted @scott_bot @jevanhutson Though hasn't that idea also been complicated by plasticity theory (or something?) 2021-05-26 21:12:20 @nerd_sighted @scott_bot @jevanhutson You can do it through the skull, but not via the surface of the skull! 2021-05-26 21:09:20 @nerd_sighted @scott_bot @jevanhutson Which bits aren't bunk? 2021-05-26 21:06:24 @nerd_sighted @scott_bot And some sources describe phrenology as a subset of physiognomy! I do think it matters in particular analytic cases, but as a general catch-all, the shoe fits 2021-05-26 20:31:48 RT @Abebab: "people [are being detained] in highly coercive circumstances, under enormous pressure. Their nervousness is then seen as an in… 2021-05-26 20:26:54 RT @linguangst: i deeply appreciate everyone keeping this conversation alive. it means so much to me to see our community support these sur… 2021-05-26 20:23:46 RT @evan_greer: Spotify filed a patent to ACTUALLY listen to your conversations in order to recommend music and ads. But most apps don't l… 2021-05-26 20:14:41 RT @hondanhon: should AI Jim learn to code? 2021-05-26 20:14:35 RT @hondanhon: wait so is AI Jim unemployed now 2021-05-26 20:07:57 RT @mer__edith: @scottlegrand @willie_agnew Another pro tip is that whether or not this stuff works on interesting things, those selling it… 2021-05-26 20:07:47 RT @willie_agnew: The money here isn't in "empower[ing] people with little coding experience" Organize while you can tech workers, because… 2021-05-26 18:02:09 RT @aselbst: Great thread. 2021-05-26 18:01:28 RT @doctorow: The Right to Repair fight is a hell of a proof of this principle. It's really hard to overstate the popularity of the idea th… 2021-05-26 17:59:54 RT @ShannonVallor: For folks still trying to figure out why a bunch of people on their TL are angry at lemonade... 2021-05-26 17:58:23 RT @drmwarner: We have an octogenarian husband & 2021-05-26 17:55:44 RT @missy_cummings: another great illustration for why we should spend less time focusing on replacement of humans with AI and instead buil… 2021-05-26 17:51:52 @scott_bot My informed-yet-anecdotal 2 cents: it's more familiar as an organized junk science than physiognomy, which is a more diffuse (though no less junky) set of practices. @jevanhutson and I are navigating this point in a forthcoming law review piece! 2021-05-26 17:47:52 RT @evan_greer: If i ran an insurance company I would simply not try to make AI phrenology seem like a cool selling point and then have to… 2021-05-26 17:45:40 RT @zenalbatross: NEW: the insurance startup Lemonade claimed it was analyzing "non-verbal cues" like eye movements and speech patterns to… 2021-05-26 17:45:26 @hypervisible brings the truth (and yours truly is also quoted) 2021-05-26 17:43:32 RT @evan_greer: Ban private use of facial analysis / biometric surveillance yesterday 2021-05-26 17:41:42 @allartmarkets The "describe in their own words" line is the tell 2021-05-26 17:40:48 RT @BenChinYee: Fabulous talk by @luke_stark - excited for future collaborations @westernuFIMS @rotmanphilo! 2021-05-26 17:40:31 RT @WilliamDeringer: Thinking back to "Finance & 2021-05-26 17:33:16 RT @grimmelm: Our “not using AI phrenology” tweet has people asking a lot of questions already answered by our tweet.… 2021-05-26 16:04:52 RT @danbouk: @clancynewyork @tamigraph @luke_stark @iajunwa @DanBUK @allartmarkets @WilliamDeringer @jpietruska also @HoranCaley ! book _In… 2021-05-26 15:48:26 RT @clancynewyork: @tamigraph @luke_stark @iajunwa @DanBUK @allartmarkets @danbouk Also, because I have a historian fetish–meaning that I a… 2021-05-26 15:41:56 RT @dataandpolitics: This thread suggests the culture in your AI team is horrible because no one feels safe to speak up about all the horri… 2021-05-26 15:35:51 RT @struthious: @RDBinns It’s a common attitude among compliance folks that if there’s an appeal process where a human reviews the appeal t… 2021-05-26 15:35:48 RT @RDBinns: Aside from the obfuscation and backtracking, there's just so much going on with 'deterministic' here 2021-05-26 15:35:29 FYI, my go-to experts to read on insurance and automation are @iajunwa, @tamigraph, @danbuk and @allartmarkets -- and always looking for other smart folks working on these topics! 2021-05-26 15:31:42 Latest in what has been a bracing real-time exercise in corporate damage control. 2021-05-26 15:30:39 RT @Elinor_Carmi: "Mosseri said he did not expect to see a significant change in user engagement from the move". Did Mosseri read @bengross… 2021-05-26 14:34:28 Doubling down! 2021-05-26 14:26:34 RT @kendallybrown: @Lemonade_Inc So what you're saying is you've built your entire company around AI that will 100% discriminate against di… 2021-05-26 14:24:34 RT @keanbirch: Just out! #BigTech: Four Emerging Forms of #Digital #Rentiership in @SciAsCulture w/ @DTCochrane || 2021-05-26 12:52:07 @BrettFrischmann Do not think it is a parody, alas. 2021-05-26 12:47:59 RT @GabiSchaffzin: Hi this essay from @kaufmann_buhler about the politics of computing-related injuries is v good & 2021-05-26 12:46:08 RT @DFisman: Singapore is trying to tell us: 2021-05-26 12:27:46 RT @IrfanDhalla: As we consider the pace of re-opening in Ontario, important to note we are currently missing a LOT of cases. Last time c… 2021-05-26 12:06:09 This is a correct assessment 2021-05-26 12:03:32 RT @LemieuxLGM: Barr's gross misconduct shouldn't hide the fact that Mueller failed massively at his job in a way that made Barr's a lot ea… 2021-05-26 12:02:03 RT @jesbattis: One of the most insidious elements of the academic job market is the idea of the “stale PhD”—the belief that scholars litera… 2021-05-26 11:59:21 RT @AJentleson: Been trying to warn y’all about reconciliation. Infrastructure was never going to happen this summer. If Dems are serious a… 2021-05-26 11:54:42 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Biden's DOJ simply can't continue keeping secret the memo Bill Barr used to exonerate Trump. This keeps the public in th… 2021-05-26 11:50:57 RT @veenadubal: Please make Uber go away 2021-05-26 11:49:49 RT @savasavasava: (hey just a note to say that I'm looking for jobs/work starting in a few months -- academic, non-academic, research, writ… 2021-05-26 11:47:41 RT @Elinor_Carmi: So your health data including sexual & We… 2021-05-26 11:47:24 RT @alexhanna: This conversation with @dr_nickiw is necessary viewing if you are CS educator 2021-05-26 02:10:46 RT @histoftech: “It might seem a bit hyperbolic to suggest that anyone who has used a computer in the last week should read this book, but… 2021-05-26 02:10:26 RT @hypervisible: “Almost 70% of respondents could not explain how specific AI model decisions or predictions are made, and only 35% said t… 2021-05-26 02:08:12 RT @QueerinAI: Pages on the @aclanthology contain prominent links to Google Scholar, which spreads misinformation about trans people in aca… 2021-05-26 01:45:51 RT @ShannonVallor: “You place the customer cortex in the AI phrenology blender - the resulting slurry is instant, seamless and delightful!”… 2021-05-26 01:43:51 RT @hypervisible: One ring to track them all. 2021-05-26 01:37:54 RT @KPKyeg: @tomscocca If there is any part of the financial world that needs to be burned to the ground, followed by salting the earth to… 2021-05-26 01:37:51 RT @KPKyeg: @tomscocca 13% paid to a company that Alden owns and is likely taking dividends from. That company is also likely mired in debt… 2021-05-26 01:36:29 RT @tomscocca: Thirteen per cent, a very normal prevailing sort of interest rate you get in 2021 when you shop around among lenders https:/… 2021-05-26 01:36:22 RT @tomscocca: I would definitely go to jail if I tried to "buy" something this way? 2021-05-26 01:36:20 RT @tomscocca: Sincerely don't understand how this works 2021-05-26 01:25:29 RT @DisabilityStor1: A whole lot of people are getting their knickers in a bunch about this tweet, and it’s fascinating how asking people n… 2021-05-26 01:23:37 RT @lalpert1: In closing the Tribune deal, Alden borrowed $278M, all of which goes on Tribune's books. $218M comes from PE firm Cerberus 2021-05-25 23:15:56 RT @bruce_arthur: If you're in Canada and complaining about the big picture on vaccines, I dunno 2021-05-25 23:14:36 RT @beka_valentine: this years Kink At Pride discourse is the first one i've seen that has also say No Drag At Pride that should make it c… 2021-05-25 22:49:59 RT @Carolyn4GA7: In 2020, I was the only Democrat to flip a competitive House seat. Republicans are already trying to suppress the vote and… 2021-05-25 22:40:17 RT @brian_callaci: This is potentially a huge, huge deal. 2021-05-25 21:49:20 RT @jathansadowski: It's almost like Amazon is actually just some sort of... landlord? You're telling me their whole platform is based on e… 2021-05-25 21:40:31 RT @DanPriceSeattle: I posted this verbatim on LinkedIn and they took it down for violating their standards 2021-05-25 21:35:57 RT @jathansadowski: Academia being treated as a vocational calling is the worst neoliberal shit. It's a job. Clock-in, clock-out. Leave it… 2021-05-25 21:34:26 RT @jasonintrator: I'm honestly shaken by the video of Protasevich after clearly a session of brutal torture doing a post-torture confessio… 2021-05-25 21:27:42 My daily aspiration 2021-05-25 21:23:46 RT @jmreagle: "Perspective: “Fighting hate speech, silencing drag queens? Artificial intelligence in content moderation and risks to LGBTQ… 2021-05-25 20:23:34 RT @cassidy_pyle: I have written out and deleted posts about being a survivor in the academy but all I can really say is to read this. Be v… 2021-05-25 19:55:28 RT @pilgrim76: It's remarkable how little remarked-upon the extreme gerrymander is in Wisconsin's media. You'd think the fact that the WI l… 2021-05-25 19:47:32 RT @histoftech: It is honestly so fucked up and has secretly ruined or derailed more people’s careers than most people will ever know. Be… 2021-05-25 19:45:34 RT @JordanBHarrod: Feels like a good opportunity to plug the video I made last year on why this doesn't work in hiring and won't work here.… 2021-05-25 19:42:03 RT @histoftech: Amazing student journalism here. Sadly the article is a play-by-play example of the kind of harassment that happens in ever… 2021-05-25 19:38:08 RT @alon_levy: @Atrios Garcia loves the city, unlike Yang or Adams, let alone Cuomo. 2021-05-25 19:19:09 RT @AJentleson: Under Obama, Republicans said they wouldn’t cooperate because he wouldn’t play golf with them. Under Biden, it’s because th… 2021-05-25 19:09:59 RT @linguangst: you know who is "ruining computer science?" men. men like walter, and men who send messages like these, and men who continu… 2021-05-25 19:08:50 RT @syardi: Here's the link to the Michigan Daily two-part story written by @Sammy_Sussman and @ninammolina. 2021-05-25 19:07:08 RT @vj_chidambaram: This thread is sad and devastating. I can't imagine spending 18 months to finally learn your abuser is exonerated and w… 2021-05-25 19:06:34 RT @_alialkhatib: the only thought now is what @linguangst's been saying: "listen to survivors". if you weren't read in on him, think about… 2021-05-25 19:05:54 RT @mer__edith: The number of people in the academy (and beyond) who will believe perpetrators (who have power in their fields, who cite th… 2021-05-25 18:46:21 RT @linguangst: this is far from the first shitty message, and it won't be the last. and those are just the people sinister enough to speak… 2021-05-25 18:46:17 RT @linguangst: it was hard for me to even type that because my hands are still shaking with rage. the absolute audacity it takes for someo… 2021-05-25 18:29:47 @steveplotnicki @PopTechWorks Why should anyone be under the poverty line, ever? 2021-05-25 18:18:44 RT @PopTechWorks: @steveplotnicki @luke_stark The majority of us experience poverty for the quality of life of the minority, not the other… 2021-05-25 16:49:40 RT @_Zeets: I was just talking to someone a few days ago about how there's like 5 big debunked ideas that new technology and their advocate… 2021-05-25 16:34:08 RT @marylgray: The SMC needs a new full-time Research Assistant. Join me, @nancybaym, @TarletonG and our @MSFTResearch friends @MSNewEnglan… 2021-05-25 16:09:35 RT @linguangst: even now, with 22 people having come forward—some who endured multiple instances of misconduct—CSE is silent. where are you… 2021-05-25 16:06:16 This is our lives now 2021-05-25 16:05:50 RT @bethmsemel: @blackgaygemini "we make insurance delightful by doing a big race science and eugenics secret sauce combo" 2021-05-25 15:54:25 @blackgaygemini Also JFC they're a B-Corp! 2021-05-25 15:52:53 RT @TessaDarbyshire: @luke_stark I've just sent an email on this to B-Corp asking if their 'certification of positive social impact' includ… 2021-05-25 15:48:55 Physiognomic AI = delightful! 2021-05-25 15:48:27 @blackgaygemini I refresh Twitter compulsively and rely on the kindness of strangers 2021-05-25 15:43:19 RT @ftripodi: I hope I never make a student feel this way. All learners/advisees are welcome in my office (undergrad/grad/masters/phd/other… 2021-05-25 15:41:54 @blackgaygemini lalalalalalalalalala 2021-05-25 15:40:59 RT @blackgaygemini: *stares off into space* 2021-05-25 15:17:10 RT @RebeccaSpang: So, here's my piece 2021-05-25 15:15:20 @steveplotnicki @PopTechWorks Nope. Is there a money shortage? 2021-05-25 15:07:30 We manage the poor so that we do not have to eradicate poverty -- @PopTechWorks 2021-05-25 14:45:36 RT @gnrosenberg: A big problem is that too many ignorant people with bad but also contradictory opinions are all talking at once. This give… 2021-05-25 14:25:51 RT @Greene_DM: "Some of the first recorded examples of trans youth exploring trans communities online date back to 1988." Love Dame’s rese… 2021-05-25 14:16:22 RT @AbeOudshoorn: There are approximately 7,000 vaccine appointments currently open in #LdnOnt. Eligibility is now anyone aged 12 and up. T… 2021-05-25 13:15:15 RT @nathansnewman: Nearly 10% black unemployment and this guy thinks "overheating" is the most serious problem? Just embarrassing that any… 2021-05-25 12:37:12 RT @jasonintrator: How to spread a mass right wing conspiracy theory: claim that "the church of intersectionality" is dominating all major… 2021-05-25 12:32:14 RT @gnrosenberg: Second, Foucault’s writings on race are fascinating, but they’re back-catalogue from the lectures and shaded by the view f… 2021-05-25 12:20:52 RT @Lollardfish: "We caused a moral panic and now would like to speak out against the consequences of the moral panic we caused." https://t… 2021-05-25 12:18:34 RT @davidceisen: @jasonintrator @ThePlumLineGS @samuelmoyn Like, do conservatives think "Judith Butler has replaced Foucault" is a coherent… 2021-05-25 12:00:57 RT @prof_gabriele: Seriously I urge you to read this. This is what MTG & 2021-05-25 11:57:03 @Greene_DM By the by, have you met @MBarany Dan? 2021-05-25 11:37:36 RT @JoshuaLambier: Troubling signs that "horrific" government cuts to UK universities in the post-pandemic period will aim at disciplines t… 2021-05-25 11:37:07 RT @shadowfuzz: The entire NYPD anti-reform narrative depends on people not asking why the NYPD, which continued to add cops during COVID a… 2021-05-25 11:16:46 RT @OaklandPrivacy: Facial Recognition Technology’s Pervasive Role in American Life 2021-05-25 01:47:18 RT @imillhiser: I'm probably going to write about this at some point this week, but I think the most important divide within the Democratic… 2021-05-25 00:48:00 RT @ParkerMolloy: Regular reminder that people on the right decided to just start labeling anything that had to do with race as "critical r… 2021-05-24 22:01:40 RT @drvolts: They're maneuvering to steal the 2024 election. There's no secret plan, no anonymous sources or leaked documents -- it's just… 2021-05-24 16:15:45 RT @linguangst: by now most of you are aware of the severe sexual misconduct allegations again dr. walter lasecki, a soon-to-be-tenured sta… 2021-05-24 16:15:39 I don't know if public opinion is thermostatic, but corporate media opinion sure is 2021-05-24 13:06:12 RT @tetisheri: Academic research on caste, race, gender across classes, including the elite matters because each of these turn and change w… 2021-05-24 12:14:19 RT @histoftech: The fact that @pennyb isn’t a @guardian columnist yet quite frankly astonishes me. But then again, I guess I shouldn’t be a… 2021-05-24 11:19:34 RT @fborgesius: .@Radboud_Uni is looking for an Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology (Tenure Track)… 2021-05-24 11:09:54 RT @clancynewyork: Best, most detailed article I've seen yet on the Belarus hijacking. (Also, I don't under why more people aren't freaking… 2021-05-24 11:09:39 RT @ProfessorShaw: They know they can do what they like. Putin gets away with it. We let them do this. It's horrific. 2021-05-24 10:56:33 RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: This is an extremely dangerous precedent for all journalists, activists, and journalists in the entire world. If this… 2021-05-24 10:54:15 RT @mdekstrand: This is precisely why physiognomy — AI-driven or classical — is bullshit. 2021-05-23 22:56:18 RT @linguangst: one of the most egregious academic predators i know of is at toronto, by the way, albeit in a different (but revelant) disc… 2021-05-23 20:22:22 RT @RottenInDenmark: The same goes for immigration, gun deaths, teen pregnancy, etc. You can't change public opinion by changing objective… 2021-05-23 20:22:18 RT @RottenInDenmark: The problem with arguments like this is that Americans' perceptions of crime rates have almost no relationship to actu… 2021-05-23 17:26:43 RT @allergyPhD: Jfc make up your mind about population moral panic 2021-05-23 16:47:58 @tamigraph I've been making mine deliberately flat for years - it's vastly better. 2021-05-23 16:45:10 @tamigraph In fact, I would argue pancakes are almost *always* too fluffy 2021-05-23 13:35:49 RT @random_walker: A remarkable thread about messed up corporate power hierarchies. It's worth highlighting something else the story illust… 2021-05-23 13:19:06 RT @RonDeibert: The lengths to which an autocrat will go to control information critical of the regime. #Belarus forces @Ryanair flight… 2021-05-23 12:03:46 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Important thread for all those battling against flawed norms of objectivity as a deeply ingrained problem in our discour… 2021-05-23 12:03:39 RT @biblioracle: If this thread on how we approach writing resonates, I got a whole book that helps students work on their writing "practic… 2021-05-23 12:03:21 RT @biblioracle: For students, I very much want them attempting to achieve "illumination" over "adjudication." One of my chief objections t… 2021-05-23 12:03:04 RT @biblioracle: Friedersdorf positions himself as an "objective adjudicator." Serwer positions himself as an "invested illuminator." My pr… 2021-05-23 11:37:48 RT @QueerinAI: Queer in AI is accepting submissions for our workshop at #ICML2021 until Monday, June 14 AOE (Anywhere on Earth)! The… 2021-05-22 23:27:07 RT @_alialkhatib: "Don't worry, if you lose upfront details and want to see them again, just start accepting your next few trip requests."… 2021-05-22 23:07:15 RT @Abebab: Facial recognition tech can do no such thing 2021-05-22 22:02:12 RT @bkeegan: WL’s predation was so brazen and unchecked that I witnessed (and reported) *three* separate incidents at CSCW 2018 & In… 2021-05-22 22:01:29 RT @AJLUnited: The flawed use of facial recognition in policing is an overt example of how algorithms can erode civil rights and put more B… 2021-05-22 21:56:22 RT @BiellaColeman: Universal healthcare, high taxes (to pay for the great health care) but also the top 3 most unaffordable cities for hous… 2021-05-22 21:38:03 RT @mtsw: Yes. The idea that our ludicrously well funded and staffed police forces cannot protect businesses from rioting and property dest… 2021-05-22 21:37:58 RT @mtsw: Yes, exactly. 2021-05-22 21:37:52 RT @mtsw: Conservatives don't rein in crime, they enjoy a symbiotic relationship with it and so pursue superficially draconian but ultimate… 2021-05-22 21:03:19 RT @BrishenRogers: Caveat: this is a draft. Perhaps some things were deleted by accident? But I doubt it. The draft itself is fairly polish… 2021-05-22 21:02:36 RT @BrishenRogers: I just reviewed the draft NY Uber/Lyft legislation. The bill is atrocious. It is an embarrassment. It does not empower… 2021-05-22 21:02:14 RT @mmitchell_ai: Check out @_KarenHao's great piece on LLMs to better understand the scientific discussions around the firing of me & 2021-05-22 19:39:34 RT @ra: anyone spouting anti-semitic shit, even a little bit, is blocked forever and out of my life for good. if you think oppression justi… 2021-05-22 18:23:43 RT @BisforBerkshire: One English teacher I interviewed said that her state's *divisive concepts* bill would keep her from teaching MLK's Le… 2021-05-22 18:04:23 RT @donmoyn: There is a anti-democratic movement in the United States seeking to limit the right to vote, protest, engage in other forms of… 2021-05-22 15:55:44 RT @ThePlumLineGS: This is an interesting point. In retrospect, an early harbinger of GOP radicalization was the refusal to raise the debt… 2021-05-22 15:24:29 RT @fstflofscholars: Offshore, outsource, and gig. But call it AI. 2021-05-22 15:23:29 RT @gnrosenberg: People who care about democracy need to say candidly and unapologetically: you cannot support the Republican Party and sup… 2021-05-22 15:23:10 RT @gnrosenberg: The Republican Party is now an anti-democratic party. It opposes democratic institutions and processes in both theory and… 2021-05-22 13:33:47 RT @DrAhmadGH: Academia isn’t perfect, but it also isn’t the source of *all* problems. A lot of things aren’t unique or even insular to t… 2021-05-22 10:55:39 RT @zeynep: And all of you now litigating her credentials and viewpoints in my mentions: *you* are the strongest argument for why UNC Hussm… 2021-05-22 10:48:57 RT @kreissdaniel: The irony is that hiring leaders in business, journalism, advertising, etc. is *exactly* what best serves the ends of pre… 2021-05-22 10:46:08 RT @BenPatrickWill: "Many universities have yet to reckon with the data justice implications of learning technologies, whether because of l… 2021-05-22 00:32:34 RT @hmustafamail: Big “I will tolerate democracy as long as it’s real quiet” vibes 2021-05-21 23:52:20 RT @schock: Because using a technology known to systematically discriminate against people with darker skin as a checkpoint to access unemp… 2021-05-21 23:51:31 RT @J__Velasquez: Sources shared a draft of the bill, which has not yet been introduced. It also states that the unions and tech companie… 2021-05-21 23:51:16 RT @clancynewyork: cc: @athenaforall @mer__edith @_jack_poulson @claudiakincaid @nantarsya 2021-05-21 19:51:18 RT @whitneypow: To anyone who doesn't have university access to scholarly articles: you can email me to ask for a copy of "A Trans Historio… 2021-05-21 19:29:54 RT @marccold: HOTSPUR. Why, so can I, or so can any man But will they come when you do call for them? 2021-05-21 18:25:31 RT @mtsw: I think a lot of liberals underestimate the degree to which conservatives have had their entire world replaced by propaganda they… 2021-05-21 18:21:07 RT @seanmmcdonald: This seems really, really bad. Becky gets a private SWAT team? 2021-05-21 17:52:06 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-05-21 17:51:58 RT @DavidElfstrom: 5/ Hotel quarantine outbreaks in AU and NZ, initially blamed on surfaces, turned out to be airborne after detailed venti… 2021-05-21 17:51:22 RT @mmitchell_ai: A fear that keeps me up at night is how LLMs can be militarized for mass misinformation (targeting adversaries) and propa… 2021-05-21 17:39:15 @tamigraph I hear the brunch is good 2021-05-21 16:04:17 RT @aketchum22: great piece!!! 2021-05-21 15:51:29 RT @NoContextGolden: 2021-05-21 15:42:51 @histoftech Mar 2021-05-21 15:40:21 RT @NickTagliaferro: car exhaust alone, which is far from the only source of air pollution, exacerbates just about every respiratory proble… 2021-05-21 15:07:28 RT @neve_peric: "There are virtually no privacy rules governing how Canadian federal parties collect, store and use Canadians’ personal inf… 2021-05-21 14:57:05 RT @internetdaniel: Hey! We're discussing this paper *right now* at @AIESConf! :) 2021-05-21 14:35:59 RT @zeynep: Let me point people to the 2012 appointment of a Knight Chair in journalism (same title) at UNC Hussman (same school) of a pers… 2021-05-21 14:35:45 RT @zeynep: People want to argue whether she deserved tenure. That's not how it works. The faculty at the school previously believed an ad… 2021-05-21 14:10:24 RT @histoftech: Folks used to say “the cloud’s just somebody else’s computer.” But now it’s somebody else’s warehouse, somebody else’s deli… 2021-05-21 13:22:29 RT @nathansnewman: Useful list of words to emphasize that attacks on "Critical Race Theory" is a euphemism (sic) for censorship of any crit… 2021-05-21 13:19:48 RT @DevinaSarwatay: Look forward to sessions on #dataliteracy chaired by @luke_stark ppts: Prof. Lithgow @AthabascaU @VilleAula @MediaLSE @… 2021-05-21 13:08:36 RT @hypervisible: Among the products vendors are hawking: automated license plate readers, AI powered motion detectors, and of course, faci… 2021-05-21 13:08:29 RT @kelsonanderson: my board of education inbox is filled with emails on "spending relief funding responsibly" while hawking these technolo… 2021-05-21 13:08:08 RT @ubiquity75: To understand this move and where the right-wing control of the university is most often most concentrated, the Teen Vogue… 2021-05-21 12:25:47 RT @MBarany: also my reaction to a comment from @ShannonVallor in a great recent talk. we tend to imagine dystopian AI bullshit being used… 2021-05-21 10:53:32 RT @SusanDelacourt: Here's a new wrinkle in the ongoing data war in #cdnpoli -- Conservatives tapping UK experts to wage the data battle of… 2021-05-21 02:52:59 RT @iajunwa: It was an intense day for me today...sigh...but the highlight was getting to keynote #AIES2021 and engaging with attendees in… 2021-05-21 01:12:54 RT @juliacarriew: Utterly craven behavior by AP. 2021-05-21 01:12:36 RT @FrankPasquale: If defective apps are adopted by doctors/hospitals & 2021-05-21 01:11:26 RT @sethlazar: So impressed with the research and presentations by @josephdonia @luke_stark @SerenaLBooth and co-authors on responsible des… 2021-05-21 01:11:17 @sethlazar @josephdonia @SerenaLBooth @AIESConf Thanks for expert moderation Seth Glad @BenSFish and I could present our work in such smart company! 2021-05-21 00:48:40 RT @AthertonKD: Anyone wanna LARP Schitt's Creek? 2021-05-20 23:47:37 RT @jathansadowski: This is also a question we wrestle with on TMK since so much of what we discuss is also in the shadow of gloom and doom… 2021-05-20 21:42:49 @tamigraph Saaaaaaame 2021-05-20 21:22:44 RT @tamigraph: Just want to say how fantastic Winifred Poster's work on remote virtual receptionists in India is for thinking about WFH, ra… 2021-05-20 21:20:33 RT @evan_greer: Corporate use of racist tech is just as dangerous as government use of racist tech and we need a movement willing to addres… 2021-05-20 21:12:14 RT @AdamSerwer: Hard to find an issue where people are more consistently fired or blacklisted than over advocacy for Palestinian rights. ht… 2021-05-20 20:49:56 RT @nathansnewman: State court independence is being gutted state legislatures can shut down civil rights & 2021-05-20 20:17:31 @EvanSelinger @pomeranian99 I hadn't - thanks! Looking forward to Spotify recommending steamy tunes because I've left my laptop in the sun too long... 2021-05-20 20:16:29 RT @The__E_G_G: The Electro-Governance Group ( is proud to present #Artificial_Intelligence: #For_Whose_Social_Good… 2021-05-20 19:28:26 RT @blackgaygemini: nothing but respect for the campus bus driver turning up this Beyoncé playlist after she heard me singing along 2021-05-20 19:19:11 RT @uwofa1: We stand in solidarity with @ocadfa1 and urge OCADU to reinstate their librarians. Read our letter here… 2021-05-20 19:14:58 RT @interacciones: @alexhanna @luke_stark The issue was even covered by The Atlantic almost three years ago! 2021-05-20 18:54:43 RT @perrybaconjr: I am alarmed. I see 1. a political party radicalizing against multi-racial democracy 2. intense polarization ensuring th… 2021-05-20 18:21:57 RT @alexhanna: Wouldn't it be great if Google had a team that could have advised on this. Oh wait, they literally fired the person who did… 2021-05-20 16:46:47 RT @hypervisible: This part. 2021-05-20 16:44:08 RT @hypervisible: Like clockwork. 2021-05-20 16:38:36 Bless you, Alexandra Elbakyan 2021-05-20 16:34:49 RT @ns_ahmed: Toronto is where a park encampment was cleared AND a supportive housing project is opposed. Where day cares are shot down. Wh… 2021-05-20 16:34:10 Memories 2021-05-20 16:34:05 RT @JamesFDennin: i saw the hives at Roseland Ballroom (RIP) and then got burgers afterwards at the parker meridien burger place where ther… 2021-05-20 15:42:51 RT @artificialnix: machine learning is a technology that necessarily recreates the past. "ML is conservatism as a technology." 2021-05-20 15:42:29 RT @naz_andalibi: It is NEVER an isolated incident when it comes to ANY sort of abuse, especially this. It is NEVER the target's fault. 2021-05-20 15:33:51 RT @edburmila: I wish academia would direct the same passion it generates for a patently unfair, discriminatory, high-profile tenure denial… 2021-05-20 15:23:55 RT @votejenngray: God dammit, Democrats. Lean from your (many, repeated) mistakes. 2021-05-20 15:17:23 @travisrhall Oh, down the line at some point, probably. Certain types of inference should not be used on certain categories of data. 2021-05-20 14:54:06 RT @EdTubb: Looking ahead, it's not crazy for Ontario to start planning to reopen schools in the medium-term future. But: We should also r… 2021-05-20 14:51:32 RT @iajunwa: @histoftech As a Black woman, I don't need to buy this...people volunteer to do this for me for free... 2021-05-20 14:50:12 RT @FrankPasquale: The social credit system "has been documented as having banned 11.14 million people from flying & 2021-05-20 14:48:22 RT @DFisman: I think @AshTuite had a brilliant idea: the best way to get Ontario universities highly vaccinated would be to turn it into a… 2021-05-20 14:44:54 RT @DFisman: Canadians: you want normal life back. The quickest, easiest path back: get vaccinated, and make sure your friends and family… 2021-05-20 14:35:38 @travisrhall Regulating computational inference 2021-05-20 14:22:09 @bethmsemel Do it! Do it! 2021-05-20 14:22:02 RT @bethmsemel: if you're interested in an analysis of the whiteness of affective voice biometrics then please spam me with encouragement t… 2021-05-20 14:21:49 RT @bethmsemel: @luke_stark not to lay the dystopian vibes on thicker but ive been looking into Halo's claims that it only "understands" "A… 2021-05-20 13:36:10 RT @histoftech: This UNC thing is almost a parody of itself. A ridiculous, brazenly anti-meritocratic fiat, because rich conservatives exer… 2021-05-20 13:22:56 RT @CrBravoR: Kind reminder appointments are made available quite often in MLHU's system. I was able to move up my appointment for today (y… 2021-05-20 13:17:01 RT @TheTattooedProf: This is a really important piece from @n_hold, and we (collectively) haven't done nearly enough to acknowledge and rec… 2021-05-20 13:10:02 RT @histoftech: Regulation can help tamp down on that. and: 2. Understand that such products exist because tech companies currently exist… 2021-05-20 13:10:01 RT @histoftech: For people who are wondering “what do we do though?” or “how would regulation help prevent products like this?” 1. Unders… 2021-05-20 12:57:12 RT @profcarroll: Facebook has been touting its new internal KPI called “prevalence” which quantifies the presence of content that violates… 2021-05-20 12:39:19 RT @AINowInstitute: "The 'Harmful China' narrative paints China as a totalitarian monolith whose tech is magically imbued with authoritaria… 2021-05-20 12:37:35 RT @FourWinns298: Unequivocably schools should not be re-opening until the fall. To risk our tenuous recovery for a couple weeks of in-cl… 2021-05-20 12:29:15 RT @jengolbeck: Hello! I am a full professor at the Univ. of Maryland and chair of our college's committee on Appointments, Promotion, and… 2021-05-20 12:09:02 Well...@bethmsemel, at least you and I will always have something to write about... 2021-05-20 11:33:14 RT @FrankPasquale: "Amazon requires the roughly 2.5 million third-party sellers on its website to accept arbitration of any disputes [which… 2021-05-20 11:30:16 RT @histoftech: This is an ad I just got. You can now get a little shock collar for your wrist to TONE POLICE you. This is so dystopian it… 2021-05-20 01:22:09 RT @sivavaid: Hey editors. Wonder about the consequences of AI and human interaction? I can connect you with about a dozen women who do r… 2021-05-20 01:21:29 RT @timnitGebru: If you haven’t read this yet, this is the best piece so far on how @mmitchell_ai built the foundation for ethical AI resea… 2021-05-20 01:16:55 RT @balkissoon: The top image is Toronto's 2020 budget: Blue is police, yellow is shelters and housing. The bottom video is police forceful… 2021-05-20 01:02:56 RT @cfiesler: look say what you will about how public scholarship "doesn't count" or whatever but I have almost 150k views on a tiktok abou… 2021-05-20 00:54:18 RT @jasonintrator: Welcome back to the McCarthy era. History books are going to record the lengthy campaign against ⁦@nhannahjones⁩ https… 2021-05-20 00:40:23 RT @draganakaurin: Can’t stop thinking about this. I wonder if @sigekun ever imagined a scenario where emojis he created are used to memeif… 2021-05-20 00:37:46 RT @jasonintrator: Justifiably strong language from ⁦@BrianLeiter⁩ for one of the greatest challenges to academic freedom in my lifetime, b… 2021-05-20 00:23:16 RT @ijbailey: The right is using a distorted-conjured up boogeyman they've deemed "critical race theory" to squash speech they don't like,… 2021-05-20 00:20:54 RT @seanmmcdonald: It’s a self-answering question at this point. No, no it is not. 2021-05-19 23:39:47 RT @seanmmcdonald: The number of non-profits and small businesses I've watched get abused to the point of closure by trying to work with th… 2021-05-19 23:38:02 RT @jelani9: The UNC BoT decision to deny tenure to Nikole Hannah Jones is wildly intimidating to junior scholars working on topics of race… 2021-05-19 23:36:14 RT @AHarmonyMusic: My neighbour is burning toast and I just caught a whiff. The smell made me panic for a second and I’ve never felt more C… 2021-05-19 20:52:42 RT @ubiquity75: Campus Cancel Culture Freakouts Obscure the Power of University Boards | Teen Vogue 2021-05-19 19:41:00 RT @joshtpm: Ask then 100 times why they're siding with the insurrectionists. Then take a five minute break and start asking again. 2021-05-19 18:50:06 RT @DataJusticeLab: TOMORROW is the start of #datajustice2021 and a whirlwind of panels, workshops, discussions and more on the theme of Ci… 2021-05-19 18:26:31 RT @AbeOudshoorn: This doesn't end homelessness. 2021-05-19 18:02:23 RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: My note today to my son and his friend about the AP US History exam: I got a 2. Sincerely, Charles McKinney BA - Hi… 2021-05-19 17:49:02 RT @jdp23: And now the vote ... 8-0! Wow! THE KING COUNTY BAN ON GOVERNMENTAL USE OF FACIAL RECOGNITION MOVES FORWARD!!!!! Thanks to… 2021-05-19 17:35:07 RT @bruce_arthur: Canadian conservatism is very often short on ideas that aren't cribbed from American conservatives, who have no ideas tha… 2021-05-19 17:23:53 RT @byelin: They’re gonna string it along, let the sausage-making process tank the proposal’s popularity, and then oppose it at the end. We… 2021-05-19 17:02:09 RT @mmitchell_ai: Incredible piece, bringing disparate pieces together to make a compelling case about what the role of future Google may b… 2021-05-19 16:12:16 RT @annaeveryday: @emilymbender (And I do hope people who recognize how wrong this logic is n this specific case internalize the lesson bef… 2021-05-19 16:12:07 RT @annaeveryday: @emilymbender Tho specifically egregious given the context here, he gets away with this line of reasoning because it is 1… 2021-05-19 15:56:52 RT @RTMannJr: This is why negotiating with the GOP over infastructure is a fool’s errand. Biden will make a host of concessions to win thei… 2021-05-19 15:49:19 RT @DFisman: This 2021-05-19 15:31:05 RT @annaeveryday: (I mean, we have *video* of Sylvia getting booed!) 2021-05-19 15:30:47 RT @annaeveryday: Not only is this statement demonstrably incorrect (as I’ve seen @StephenMolldrem and others point out), it is also just a… 2021-05-19 15:08:36 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Mark McCloskey is running for Senate in Missouri, and his chief selling point is that he brandished a gun at racial just… 2021-05-19 15:04:12 RT @NathanStall: As #Ontario adjusts its #COVID19 vaccination campaign, we should follow the successful playbook of others. #Israel aggres… 2021-05-19 14:49:23 RT @jasonintrator: The attack on CRT is to a large extent a front for white Christian Nationalism 2021-05-19 13:38:06 RT @Felantron: Today would be a great day for @UofT to end the censure and stand up for a version of academic freedom that does not evapora… 2021-05-19 13:27:11 RT @monaelswah: The way many Internet scholars are ignoring how tech companies are treating Palestinians is indeed disappointing. This is… 2021-05-19 13:04:29 RT @mer__edith: @emilymbender @JeffDean "A lens towards facts" is such a dog whistle insult jfc 2021-05-19 13:04:25 RT @emilymbender: So, according to @JeffDean it's okay to turn a critical eye towards Google products so long as you are sure to also point… 2021-05-19 12:18:37 RT @AbeOudshoorn: This is the lie Ontarians will hear 1,000 times over the next year. Each wave started when public health measures were la… 2021-05-19 11:57:42 RT @whstancil: I wonder if there’s any quality or characteristic shared by many fancy media people that would explain why they find takes w… 2021-05-19 11:57:19 RT @jacobinoire: It is not uncommon for the labor of Black women to be erased but this is a new low. Shame on "60 Minutes" for excluding th… 2021-05-19 11:37:08 RT @rasmansa: Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw, one of the founders of Critical Race Theory, responds to some of the distortions being made by its opp… 2021-05-19 11:34:19 RT @justinhendrix: Yahoo! News exclusive: The US Postal Service's covert surveillance program, which has been monitoring Americans' social… 2021-05-19 11:30:03 RT @JBAGerritsen: @mikarv @lilianedwards @LinaDencik @katecrawford @iajunwa @Lawgeek @Joe_R_Atkinson @luke_stark @rosamunde_vb @a_la_Lin @D… 2021-05-19 10:46:56 RT @IBJIYONGI: Israel is wiping out entire Gazan families on purpose 2021-05-19 10:38:25 RT @tzimmer_history: Rather than going from "pro-democratic" to "anti-democratic," conservatives are shifting from "on board with this reac… 2021-05-19 10:38:07 RT @tzimmer_history: Why are conservatives radicalizing against democracy now? Because they understand and feel that America has been chang… 2021-05-19 10:37:34 RT @TheTattooedProf: This is a good thread 2021-05-19 02:40:14 @jathansadowski Happy to help! Keep me posted on what you're doing on the topic! 2021-05-19 02:35:59 RT @DMulliganUCB: Excited for the start of @AIESConf tomorrow. Planning the pandemic edition was challenging! But the content & 2021-05-19 02:16:03 RT @TrevorGriffey: It is cruel to expect people with PhDs to both teach full time for poverty wages to make ends meet, while writing a book… 2021-05-19 02:14:22 RT @MiaD: My very first piece @FastCompany Much credit to @timnitGebru @mmitchell_ai @mer__edith @luke_stark @red_abebe @AlphabetWork… 2021-05-19 02:14:03 @jathansadowski Might be something useful here: https://static1.squarespace./static/59a34512c534a5fe6721d2b1/t/5ffc887dd2a8b61dc2a7348a/1610385533739/FIMS+9331+Winter+2021.pdf 2021-05-19 02:11:50 RT @kate_manne: Being silenced and no longer being the only ones speaking are not the same thing 2021-05-19 01:37:05 RT @JesseCharlesLee: 2021-05-19 01:35:05 RT @mer__edith: Nonsense. I've lived in NYC for over 13 years, riding the train most days a week, and can count on one hand the times a sit… 2021-05-19 00:25:37 RT @LemieuxLGM: My understanding is that the dominant Republican theory of democracy is “Republicans are entitled to govern even if voters… 2021-05-18 22:56:29 RT @csdoctorsister: @Combsthepoet was erased too. Say WHAT now? Smdh. Tawana IS the Nat’l Organizing Director @Data4BlackLives, former Dat… 2021-05-18 22:56:11 RT @timmaughan: yep, this: 2021-05-18 21:45:11 RT @byelin: Constant problem. Republicans never pay any political price for their obstruction of popular policies. 2021-05-18 20:54:52 RT @mer__edith: In 2006 Google MTV hosted their annual Halloween party and the winner of the "zaniest costume"* was just a guy with an imp… 2021-05-18 20:44:09 RT @ThePlumLineGS: “This was one of the biggest investments we’ve seen in rural America since the New Deal. It’s good policy. It should be… 2021-05-18 20:33:02 RT @rajiinio: Bias in data is inevitable but there's nothing inevitable about deploying a product that doesn't work on a vulnerable populat… 2021-05-18 19:39:21 RT @FrankPasquale: “Will labor figure out how to organize workers in dire conditions across the broad spectrum of ‘tech’-enabled jobs, from… 2021-05-18 19:22:36 RT @AaronWherry: That there are countries in the world other than Canada and United States and those countries also want vaccines has alway… 2021-05-18 19:22:20 RT @bruce_arthur: The vaccine debate in Canada been pretty entitled and myopic, perhaps understandably so: you want to protect yourself and… 2021-05-18 19:05:21 RT @nberlat: Hard to find a case of motivated reasoning this pure. The data doesn't say what Ross wants it to, so rather than reassessing h… 2021-05-18 18:52:02 RT @RBReich: Your reminder that in November 1923, Hitler’s attempted coup failed. But no one was held accountable. Ten years later, he took… 2021-05-18 18:38:28 RT @baxterkb: AI can be a powerful tool in ushering in a post-pandemic normal—but it must be deployed and used in a way that’s #fair to all… 2021-05-18 17:37:36 @bethmsemel oh dear 2021-05-18 15:57:04 RT @bethmsemel: voice biometric companies that work specifically with the military & 2021-05-18 15:51:27 RT @sherrying: A news story on how computers don't recognize black and female faces most often & 2021-05-18 15:24:33 RT @nathansnewman: All the GOP governors terminating UI are trying to short-circuit the wage demand pressure on firms leading to announceme… 2021-05-18 15:04:10 RT @VWPickard: I recently had the pleasure to read a pre-publication draft of this important new book. Highly recommended!… 2021-05-18 14:48:33 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Manchin is now claiming protecting voting rights isn't a partisan issue. This is dangerously wrong. If he can't allow hi… 2021-05-18 13:55:36 RT @DorothyERoberts: I have long said calling sickle cell a “Black” trait or disease harms Black people. It has helped perpetuate false bio… 2021-05-18 13:17:27 RT @brianbeutler: Keep in mind if there continue to be no consequences for Trump era corruption that these same people could all be back in… 2021-05-18 13:16:54 @dgolumbia What a bizarre list 2021-05-18 13:12:12 RT @sarahljaffe: my story on Uber and Lyft drivers and the problems with "sectoral bargaining" approaches is live and unexpectedly even tim… 2021-05-18 13:11:56 RT @brianbeutler: As I argued here, now’s the time for Schumer to put the commission on the floor.… 2021-05-18 13:08:10 RT @alexhanna: "That’s when I fully understood what Meg was building with [team]... In fact what she was building was a model of how every… 2021-05-18 12:58:13 RT @byelin: Arsonist doesn’t want to investigate the cause of the fire. 2021-05-18 12:10:09 RT @seanmmcdonald: Digital transformation’s real impact: “We then analyze and interpret our results, finding that the implications reach… 2021-05-18 12:08:49 RT @seanmmcdonald: Thread about the scope creep in UK health apps becoming vaccine passports. H/t @hare_brain 2021-05-18 12:00:58 @michaelzimmer @devjpow Surely Gates! 2021-05-18 12:00:40 RT @JohnFea1: Niebuhr said Graham’s success depended on “oversimplifying every issue of life" & 2021-05-18 11:15:43 RT @hypervisible: This episode of Black Mirror sucks. 2021-05-18 11:15:41 RT @hypervisible: Currently in beta, the app is described as “a human stock market where you buy shares in the lives of real people, in ord… 2021-05-18 10:51:58 RT @Lizzie_OShea: Apparently it’s bedtime and apparently there is only room for one 2021-05-18 10:42:15 RT @joannaskao: This is one of my favourite projects I've seen our team do at the @FinancialTimes. Check out our newest interactive to see… 2021-05-18 10:24:32 RT @NelsonLichtens1: This is a terrible idea. The AFL-CIO should insist that no state affiliates back such pseudo-sectoral bargaining laws. 2021-05-18 01:51:10 RT @hboushey46: This 2021-05-18 01:04:26 RT @terisasiagatonu: Anyways. Black liberation and Indigenous sovereignty are our only hope moving forward. You can’t say that it’s not sin… 2021-05-18 00:59:39 RT @drvolts: This is ugly mendacity in service of xenophobia. Sully's mask has really slipped lately. 2021-05-18 00:55:08 RT @hypervisible: “…colleges and universities are implementing AI systems to process admissions videos.” Looks like these schools happene… 2021-05-18 00:38:51 RT @nberlat: Breyer and Manchin have the same problem. they think the problem we face is partisanship rather than fascism, and so they thin… 2021-05-18 00:33:13 RT @bridgetfewtrell: @FourWinns298 Vaccinate those 60+ NOW before more partially vaccinated seniors die. What the hell is happening in this… 2021-05-18 00:28:36 RT @HeerJeet: 1. There's a big push for amnesia on the Trump era in the name of healing ("let's never talk about this again") so I want to… 2021-05-18 00:26:22 RT @AriBerman: Joe Manchin says voting rights legislation must have bipartisan supermajority in Senate while Republicans at state level are… 2021-05-18 00:07:34 RT @richardson_m_a: Absolute fire from ⁦@JennaPrice⁩. This article lays out the utter devastation universities face, and the terrible conse… 2021-05-17 23:37:30 RT @biancawylie: I’ve shared this piece a few times. please read it, and particularly note the use of a report by a former judge to both co… 2021-05-17 22:46:54 RT @bruce_arthur: Opening 18+ province-wide without having enough vaccine would be a good way for the province to artificially make it look… 2021-05-17 22:34:54 RT @drvolts: OK, yes, to be clear: THE GOP is responsible for rising illiberalism & 2021-05-17 22:34:39 RT @drvolts: Joe Manchin & 2021-05-17 22:19:15 RT @Greene_DM: I find the idea of "hostile information architecture" really clarifying, thanks Chris. Infrastructure meant to prevent fully… 2021-05-17 21:37:01 RT @biancawylie: the work of holding people and public institutions accountable is grounded in love and belief in better ways. it can be ch… 2021-05-17 21:36:44 RT @en_dash: Having just run a postdoctoral search in a rather niche field, I feel scandalized about the volume of amazing research, ideas,… 2021-05-17 21:36:33 RT @en_dash: I wish more senior academics would understand what’s going on as a failure to reproduce their own disciplines —with existentia… 2021-05-17 21:11:42 RT @parismarx: I just read a great article by @libshipwreck on Joseph Weizenbaum, and I feel like I need to read Weizenbaum’s book now. Mo… 2021-05-17 20:47:01 RT @nberlat: conservative governors refusing unemployment for their states are trying to immiserate their population because they worry if… 2021-05-17 20:45:54 RT @sabrina_boxer97: Anyone who rts the bread boi will be blessed with that bread this week 2021-05-17 20:42:43 RT @sarahkendzior: @polotek Same! It’s been baffling to see the “OMG Bill Gates is actually bad” takes. He was always bad! Until my teens h… 2021-05-17 20:41:55 RT @lportwoodstacer: If you’re unclear on the differences between an editor, a coach, and a consultant — and you actually need to know what… 2021-05-17 20:41:16 RT @NathanStall: #Ontario should concurrently administer first doses to younger populations and second doses to older and vulnerable popula… 2021-05-17 20:37:08 RT @LemieuxLGM: It remains amazing that the two Republican-nominated liberals retired strategically and the two Democratic-nominated ones d… 2021-05-17 20:21:30 @alexhanna @DrMichaelAnn @ruchowdh @renee_lung @WomenAtWarp I'm here for it 2021-05-17 20:14:05 @alexhanna @DrMichaelAnn Hmm. We should do a podcast 2021-05-17 19:58:09 RT @JcMalgieri: So thrilled that @FrankPasquale and I are going to present, next Friday at 16:30 at #Tilting2021 @TilburgU_TILT our AI reg… 2021-05-17 19:47:45 RT @profwernimont: appreciate this piece on agonistic data practices "Beyond the strictly representational and quantitative, agonistic dat… 2021-05-17 19:43:04 RT @mmitchell_ai: This article on how I founded the Ethical AI team was so thoughtful it made me cry. Thank you with all my heart, @cajundi… 2021-05-17 19:39:33 RT @setlinger: Media, conference chairs, speakers, spokespeople: 2021-05-17 19:31:47 @alexhanna @DrMichaelAnn Yeah, fair -- though the episode would have been better with a random character in the same position, and there might have been more compelling ways to use her that didn't take up an arc! I was pretty disappointed in the whole season, tbh 2021-05-17 19:04:27 @DrMichaelAnn @alexhanna Those aspects of it were fine -- but I though (spoiler alert) the reappearance of Gabrielle was remarkably forced. 2021-05-17 18:54:28 RT @joshtpm: friend of mine said a few weeks ago the bruenigs almost certainly end up formally on the right eventually - not just in effect… 2021-05-17 18:53:55 @alexhanna But the episode is...not good 2021-05-17 16:39:26 RT @EvanSelinger: These three steps are a crucial sequence in the normalization playbook: 1) offer selective, seemingly positive examples o… 2021-05-17 16:08:06 RT @pardoguerra: Behold. I had warned of a quantitative creep years ago in relation to computer packages and then CSS and here it is. The f… 2021-05-17 16:04:22 RT @seanmmcdonald: Data (protection/governance/security) maturity frameworks are the new “Principles of Ethics in AI.” You cannot reduce a… 2021-05-17 16:03:44 RT @BenPatrickWill: "Surveillance companies have trained their sights on the billions of dollars in federal COVID-19 relief funds being pro… 2021-05-17 15:55:54 RT @shawnmicallef: In the @TorontoStar I write about Rail Deck Park. A beautiful dream but it was proposed in Toronto, an extremely cheap t… 2021-05-17 15:49:17 RT @gpanger: Omfg 2021-05-17 15:47:52 RT @bruce_arthur: This is the result of a choice to turn away from equity towards a more populist approach. We should be vaccinating by ris… 2021-05-17 15:08:35 @geomblog 2021-05-17 14:39:29 RT @geomblog: It's time for a transition. 1. Moving to @WHOSTP to work with @AlondraNelson46 on bias/fairness. 2. Moving to @BrownUnive… 2021-05-17 14:39:24 Wow - congratulations @geomblog 2021-05-17 14:32:11 RT @NathanStall: Tomorrow Ontario will open up #COVID19 vaccine bookings for anyone 18+ (and soon for those 12+). We cannot keep leaving o… 2021-05-17 14:24:55 RT @mckelveyf: Our open CFP on Alt-rights in Canada for a special open issue with @canjcomm is closing June 1. @greg_elmer @GanaeleLanglois… 2021-05-17 13:57:35 RT @jjoque: I’m going to laugh my ass off for a week straight when these aliens show up and explain their super spaceships by being like: “… 2021-05-17 13:38:17 RT @FourWinns298: 12+ is great for school in the fall but we NEED to get to the seniors and others who got the shot in March. They need t… 2021-05-17 13:21:09 RT @histoftech: And if you’re looking for more info on how this, and other power dynamics baked into tech, connect up with today, check out… 2021-05-17 12:58:36 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Great breaking news for Ontario! As of tomorrow at 8am, all adults 18+ can book their first vaccine appointment. A spec… 2021-05-17 12:58:24 RT @FourWinns298: 12 AND OVER CAN BOOK AS WELL. "As of Tuesday, May 18, 2021, public health units may choose to provide vaccines to those… 2021-05-17 12:45:49 RT @jm_mcgrath: It's like Stalin said. Quantity has a quality all its own. 2021-05-17 12:37:45 RT @histoftech: Many folks who had earlier iPhones/versions of iOS might know the name Susan Bennett. She’s the voice of the original Siri.… 2021-05-17 12:30:43 RT @rajiinio: I'm getting tired of this pattern. At this point, @jovialjoy has to spend almost as much time actively fighting erasure as… 2021-05-17 12:10:01 RT @profcarroll: WaPo reports that Parler is back on the App Store but never mentions the owner Bekah Mercer and her family’s interest in b… 2021-05-17 12:07:17 RT @padams29: Katherine Barber, Who Defined Canadian English, Is Dead at 61 - The New York Times 2021-05-17 11:54:56 RT @murakamiwood: The purchase of parts of poorer countries by richer countries & 2021-05-17 11:50:12 RT @wihorne: Hitting all the fascist high notes here: "guardians of order" & 2021-05-17 01:50:04 RT @LAM_Barrett: .@ClareAngelyn doing yeoman’s work, as is her wont 2021-05-17 01:49:38 RT @StephenPunwasi: Amazon’s effective tax rate was 9.4% in 2020. Elon Musk received almost $5 billion in subsidies by 2015 alone. Boot… 2021-05-17 01:11:03 RT @xeni: I told you. Bill Gates. Jeffrey Epstein. @NYTimes 2021-05-17 00:34:03 RT @QueerinAI: Come along to our two Queer In AI socials at @NAACLHLT 2021! Like our previous events, we are offering a mix of sicken… 2021-05-16 23:59:23 RT @blackgaygemini: 2021-05-16 22:58:05 RT @ShannonVallor: I’ll say it again. AI IS people. Just people. All the way down. For the foreseeable future. So if you frame it as a war… 2021-05-16 21:13:41 RT @JehadAbusalim: Antisemites are never welcome in the movement for justice and peace in Palestine. Pass it on. 2021-05-16 21:13:30 RT @KarlBode: america is still stumbling toward outright fascism at the hands of a fat real estate con man with a fifth grade reading level… 2021-05-16 21:13:14 RT @DGBassani: Workplaces, hospitals and daycare centres. See this thread. 2021-05-16 20:40:05 RT @AugustaAtinuke: Y'all, professors weren't the only ones working extra hard to support and deliver remote college instruction. Please, w… 2021-05-16 18:45:11 @joseph_fridman Now, all I need is a bathtub full of the blood of virgins... 2021-05-16 18:39:29 Thesis: digital rentier capital doesn't care if the economic pie is smaller, as long as they get a bigger/more consistent share of it 2021-05-16 18:31:32 RT @mariassmithphd: Hey, the kids are saying we’re old if we use gifs ...I LOVE gifs. Apparently, it’s bitmojis now.… 2021-05-16 18:31:23 @mariassmithphd Thank you! 2021-05-16 18:30:50 @ftripodi @crystaljjlee Yes! In combination, these insights are so critical. I'm fascinated by the way subjective emotional landscapes shape the individual and collective narration of "deep stories," and how mediation in turns shapes those landscapes. 2021-05-16 16:31:46 @mariassmithphd Would you mind linking to the post! I will need to cite it :) 2021-05-16 16:23:43 RT @histoftech: It’s the same playbook to escape accountability: fire powerful critics, hire entry level people to replace them who have no… 2021-05-16 16:06:22 RT @AstorAaron: College was bad for everybody this last year - professors, students, staff. If anything, it reinforced the importance of f… 2021-05-16 16:05:56 RT @davies_will: On multiple fronts at once - tuition fees, ‘free speech’, museums policy - the objective is the same, to circumvent univer… 2021-05-16 15:50:29 RT @boarlord_naked: And this will disproportionately affect queer ephemera bc it’s not about what is deemed pornographic but *who*. This i… 2021-05-16 15:48:38 RT @cdavidnaylor: Baffling Ontario decision to scale back 1st dose allocations to hot-spots. See Coverage levels s… 2021-05-16 15:36:20 RT @ruchowdh: @marylgray It’s a VC fund, I am unsurprised. They’ve now discovered the fun talking point that is “responsible ai” and I’m sc… 2021-05-16 15:11:22 @mariassmithphd !!! 2021-05-16 15:07:19 RT @IBJIYONGI: Things that are complicated: the history of Hamas — and the Muslim Brotherhood, branches of which at points received financi… 2021-05-16 14:07:34 RT @hypervisible: Plenty to hate on in original tweet, but just gonna point out that the firm’s website touts: “We partner with iconoclas… 2021-05-16 13:28:33 @M__Verbruggen @alexgekker @ftripodi Indeed! 2021-05-16 13:20:26 RT @parismarx: If you missed it on Friday, my deep dive into the austerity plan proposed for Newfoundland and Labrador would make a great S… 2021-05-16 13:16:31 RT @alexgekker: @luke_stark Reminds me of this excellent analysis of conspiracy theories through STS lens 2021-05-16 13:13:49 RT @ummodern: It’s telling that one has to remind the world that Palestinians are human. 2021-05-16 13:08:09 RT @KieranSnyder: Great read on the difference between bias and noise 2021-05-16 13:06:20 Approach tweets as you would the pronouncements of the Delphic Oracle. 2021-05-16 13:03:14 RT @claudiakincaid: So the plan for UK Universities is: no art, humanities, languages, philosophy, theology, history or creative arts. Espe… 2021-05-16 12:39:32 @asociologist Though, I am not sure some of the moral panics were not partially justified! Every emotion being a signal feeling, etc. 2021-05-16 12:13:36 RT @ThePlumLineGS: This thread gets it exactly right. It's fashionable these days to claim that Trump is merely a "symptom" of deep GOP/str… 2021-05-16 11:51:37 RT @asociologist: Reading this nice short piece about the moral panic around the emergence of push buttons reminds me of the absurdity of t… 2021-05-16 11:51:15 @PavelASamsonov Brief canvassing of opinion (n=1: my husband) suggests longer, more allusive videos have replaced reaction gifs (perhaps as response to homogenization produced by the Giphy API?) 2021-05-16 11:21:06 Petition to replace "lived experience" with "felt experience" 2021-05-16 11:18:42 Indeed! 2021-05-16 11:03:09 These findings seem to align with @ftripodi's work on news-gathering practices of right-wing evangelicals. 2021-05-16 10:34:22 RT @caromholland: list of things you're supposed to do by the time you finish your PhD: write a brilliant dissertation w/ minimal experienc… 2021-05-16 02:03:56 RT @BenPatrickWill: Proctoring software, most obviously this last year, utilizing algorithms to discriminate against students during high s… 2021-05-16 02:03:42 RT @wayneholmes: “It’s become clear to me that algorithmic proctoring is a modern surveillance technology that reinforces white supremacy,… 2021-05-16 02:02:58 RT @ProvAtlantic: Bloomberg disparages faculty who have frequently worked 7 days a week and over 85 hours a week to do their damndest to re… 2021-05-16 02:01:03 @rose_alibi For me it's purely an academic question 2021-05-16 01:58:13 I should know this, I'm supposed to be the expert 2021-05-16 01:56:53 But what...what do they do to emote? 2021-05-16 01:48:19 RT @alex_abads: the most powerful thing gen z has ever done is tell me that reaction gifs are for old people and ive gone cold turkey ever… 2021-05-16 01:21:36 RT @mccormick_ted: Perhaps this is just the response Bloomberg was hoping for -- equating elite private tuition with what instructors are p… 2021-05-16 00:40:18 RT @LdnOntBikeCafe: Trumpism came to our city today. 2021-05-16 00:29:55 RT @shanxonline: 98 years ago, Banting and Best sold the patent for insulin to the University of Toronto for $1 each. In 2021, this.… 2021-05-16 00:03:13 RT @KenyonWallace: Starting next week, Ont. will revert to per-capita allocation of #COVID19 vaccines, dropping the # of shots in hot spots… 2021-05-16 00:02:00 RT @lpolgreen: This is devastating. 2021-05-15 23:53:49 RT @hypervisible: There is zero chance this isn’t racist. 2021-05-15 23:39:41 RT @thegautamkamath: Sounds like a classic example of Goodhart's law. My belief: a PhD should mean that the holder is capable of independe… 2021-05-15 22:38:14 RT @carloper: Yes! This is an important point... It's never the algorithm failing on its own but the entire decisional process around it +… 2021-05-15 22:37:48 @CrBravoR Nor I, but many of our colleagues do 2021-05-15 22:00:05 RT @sethlazar: Thanks to my co-chairs Marion Fourcade, Ben Kuipers, and @DMulliganUCB for all their hard work. Calling all AIES supporters… 2021-05-15 21:59:51 RT @sethlazar: We're very lucky to have as our keynotes @timnitGebru, @iajunwa, and @random_walker, with a panel on platform power and AI f… 2021-05-15 21:59:45 RT @sethlazar: Philosophy and information science come together in Measuring Automated Inuence: Between Empirical Evidence and Ethical Val… 2021-05-15 21:59:21 RT @ShannonVallor: Still time to register for @AIESConf next week! 2021-05-15 21:39:28 RT @ShannonVallor: The legacy of int’l humanitarian and human rights law is null if its verdicts cannot actually be used to shield people f… 2021-05-15 19:46:55 RT @nancybaym: I know this isn’t Instagram but every Saturday needs a very relaxed dog in a kayak. 2021-05-15 18:29:59 RT @ThePlumLineGS: I really appreciate this Osita Nwanevu piece. He takes my argument about Republicans entirely untethering themselves fro… 2021-05-15 18:23:50 RT @reubenroth: A longstanding tenured faculty member, terminated by Laurentian University, has been asked to teach the courses he develope… 2021-05-15 16:00:20 @ariezrawaldman Folks have to eat/it feels hard to shake up your life 2021-05-15 15:10:41 RT @undersequoias: Congratulations to the Western University’s Executive Vice Chancellor for Student Surveillance and Cop Shit for choosing… 2021-05-15 14:57:14 RT @mckelveyf: @luke_stark He's got a GoFundMe: I wish this story got more attention in Canada @Linknewspaper has a… 2021-05-15 13:43:55 RT @Vinncent: I tweeted this as it happened but, to be clear - they gave the outlets notice one hour beforehand so the staff could evacuate… 2021-05-15 13:28:42 Did my employer Google this company? 2021-05-15 13:07:54 RT @funnymonkey: Students: Proctoring software dehumanizes us and violates our privacy. University: We hear you! We’ll replace this horri… 2021-05-15 12:58:58 RT @LailaAlarian: If you are a journalist who is silent about this, never talk about press freedom again. 2021-05-15 12:52:03 RT @natematias: Today I want to recognize a less-acknowledged hero of algorithmic accountability- Vanessa del Valle, clinical law prof at N… 2021-05-15 12:49:16 RT @williampietri: Why hello, patriarchy! Let's dig in on this tweet, where one of the kings of Silicon Valley gives the the game away: htt… 2021-05-15 11:28:46 Of course it's performative 2021-05-15 11:28:20 RT @haydenfield: Google will 2x its AI ethics research staff after 5 mo of turmoil. To some employees & One… 2021-05-15 11:22:45 This is...worse 2021-05-15 11:22:32 RT @hypervisible: Shit sandwich being replaced by turd soufflé. 2021-05-15 00:55:59 RT @NewYorker: Involution is “the experience of being locked in competition that one ultimately knows is meaningless,” one anthropologist s… 2021-05-15 00:54:54 RT @NathanKalmoe: This is as good an excuse as any to repost McSweeney's FAQ on the snake fighting portion of every academic thesis defense… 2021-05-15 00:51:03 RT @cobbpasha: I’m not an expert. But you don’t have to be an expert to call out injustices. And what is happening now to Palestinians is t… 2021-05-15 00:24:06 RT @alexnpress: I’m cracking up imagining an Amazon lawyer trying to shut down this seriously damning testimony and being foiled by shitty… 2021-05-14 23:50:48 RT @ThePlumLineGS: It's easy to dismiss Marjorie Taylor Greene as a crackpot. But her form of deranged anti-leftism is actually widespread… 2021-05-14 23:50:40 RT @ummodern: This, but for NTT faculty. The dirty little lie of academia is that NTT faculty work under considerably different working con… 2021-05-14 23:40:28 RT @bruce_arthur: It’s going to take a lot of political courage that I am not at all sure Canada has to take on what sure seems like instit… 2021-05-14 22:06:10 RT @parismarx: The Big Reset contains outdated ideas on public spending and the role of government that have proven not to deliver the prom… 2021-05-14 22:05:55 RT @parismarx: “Newfoundland and Labrador’s choice is not between a Big Reset or inevitable bankruptcy.” Last week, a deep austerity plan… 2021-05-14 21:53:25 RT @joshtpm: 2/ if you’re still not ready to stop wearing your mask, that’s really totally fine. I see no reason why people who aren’t read… 2021-05-14 21:52:43 RT @JeremiasPrassl: Yesterday, UK gov’t & 2021-05-14 21:48:11 RT @undersequoias: Happy to announce the AIGI team's submission to @AIESConf this year, "Governing Algorithmic Systems with Impact Assessme… 2021-05-14 21:44:08 RT @iPreetBrar: There are currently 509 workplace outbreaks in Peel which has increased from 426 on April 30. 182 in manufacturing/industri… 2021-05-14 21:17:48 RT @shannonmattern: I've noticed that there's not much transparency re: the peer-review system behind academic book publishing. I get asked… 2021-05-14 21:03:45 RT @BenPatrickWill: @CaddeReputation @luke_stark It's an MIT paper she coauthored with a few people who went on to develop the subfield of… 2021-05-14 20:26:06 RT @BenPatrickWill: Emotion AI approaches to education, then called affective computing, were already top of the list of applications when… 2021-05-14 20:17:50 RT @BenPatrickWill: This is the original impetus for the application of affective computing, now known as emotion AI, to education, from 19… 2021-05-14 20:15:51 RT @pressprogress: Doug Ford’s government wants TVO to ‘commercialize’ online learning content designed for Ontario schools. Teachers and… 2021-05-14 20:07:22 RT @BenPatrickWill: Some of the original educational applications of what's now called emotion AI, using the same facial action coding syst… 2021-05-14 20:00:18 RT @BenPatrickWill: Tempting to believe the use of "emotion AI" in education is an offshoot of commercial applications. It really isn't. Sy… 2021-05-14 20:00:09 RT @BenPatrickWill: "Unblinking eyes scrutinise each child’s facial expressions through their computer’s cameras. The 'eyes' belong to ...… 2021-05-14 19:33:34 RT @SethDKlein: YES! 2021-05-14 19:30:52 @AlexCampolo I'll send you the paper when the draft's in any shape to be seen 2021-05-14 19:30:30 @AlexCampolo Thinking about forms of inference in the context of AI and Carlo Ginzburg's piece on conjectural and empirical science 2021-05-14 19:19:03 RT @DavidNir: This is a completely berserk, bonkers ruling. See second tweet in thread for *why* the court ruled this way. You'll scarcely… 2021-05-14 19:08:06 @AlexCampolo Nifty. Highly relevant to something I'm working on! 2021-05-14 19:06:52 RT @AlexCampolo: The title - "Thinking, Judging, Noticing, Feeling" and epigraph might give an idea of the sensibility of the piece https:/… 2021-05-14 18:50:32 RT @clancynewyork: Huge win for NYU Graduate Students! 2021-05-14 18:36:37 RT @jonfavs: We (Democrats) all need to be talking about this more 2021-05-14 18:26:35 RT @utschools: UTS Together is extended until Monday, May 17 at 9:00 AM. Make your gift today to support UTS students and leave a lasting l… 2021-05-14 18:16:15 @maria_axente @_KarenHao I'm late to this, but no one has suggested @mysdick's work yet! 2021-05-14 17:02:49 RT @tamigraph: Poignant video interviews with people who used devices to say goodbye and provide comfort to their isolated, dying loved one… 2021-05-14 16:48:39 RT @chrisalbon: Geriatric? I'm in my prime, dammit. 2021-05-14 15:40:41 RT @AlecStapp: The medical school cartel, in one chart 2021-05-14 15:34:14 RT @ObsoleteDogma: There’s been a strain of centrist & 2021-05-14 15:25:01 RT @_alialkhatib: 4 years ago i wrote about how we should be thinking about gig work more through the old historical lens of piecework than… 2021-05-14 14:58:08 @pardoguerra I love conquering intellectual territory with my greatsword and laser gun 2021-05-14 14:57:45 RT @pardoguerra: “Thinking machines” AKA “expertly trained humans”. What kind of nonsense is this?… 2021-05-14 14:38:54 RT @mikarv: The next stop through the looking glass: the existence of global facial recognition infrastructures should itself be a human ri… 2021-05-14 13:59:27 RT @shannonmattern: “It’s actually odd that some cultures think epistemology (how you know the world), ontology (what the world is like), a… 2021-05-14 13:57:14 RT @internetdaniel: It’s true that Hamas is intentionally escalating the conflict to further its aims, just as Netanyahu is intensifying th… 2021-05-14 13:57:10 RT @internetdaniel: Sure, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is complex. But I’m the son of an Israeli, the grandson of Holocaust survivors,… 2021-05-14 13:18:44 RT @BrooksFallis: Brampton Red graph: N501Y+ (B117, B1351 or P1). Clear downtrend. Blue graph: labelled as “original” variant but this jus… 2021-05-14 12:31:55 RT @drewharwell: New: The open-to-anyone facial recognition site that can turn anyone into a cop — or a stalker. PimEyes has been used to h… 2021-05-14 12:23:57 RT @netculture: @ysabelgerrard 2021-05-14 12:22:09 RT @Greene_DM: In response to the latest bloody advance of the settler state, The Funambulist has made their issue on Learning with Palesti… 2021-05-14 11:44:25 RT @dleonboys: Check out our article about Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and Disney's rearticulation of border discourses. It was a pleasure wor… 2021-05-14 11:25:25 RT @scrivenix: It has been interesting tho discouraging to learn more abt this in my three short years post tenure. At some point well befo… 2021-05-14 11:25:15 RT @scrivenix: Or maybe people do realize! Either way, admin is calling shots, & 2021-05-14 11:22:57 RT @traceylindeman: A few years ago when Greyhound announced massive service cuts, I wrote this pieced for @motherboard floating the idea o… 2021-05-14 11:22:34 RT @JulieSLalonde: This is devastating. 1- I'm from Northern Ontario. The train tracks were ripped up years ago. It's Greyhound, driving y… 2021-05-14 03:05:18 RT @NicJohnRamos: Every important moment in the history of medicine can be accounted for by the production of difference through racial cap… 2021-05-14 03:05:00 RT @NicJohnRamos: It’s one thing to teach history of race and medicine as an “elective”, it’s quite another to teach the history of race AS… 2021-05-14 03:04:19 RT @michaelzimmer: Can we finally stop with the “privacy paradox” nonsense now? 2021-05-14 02:02:30 RT @mckenziewark: That’s a classic feature of an ideology. The other exceeds the norm in both directions at once 2021-05-14 02:01:50 @bethmsemel or is it...chirurgeon? 2021-05-14 01:20:47 @tamigraph Let's write a thing about astrology next year 2021-05-14 01:18:59 @hondanhon If it's a bit it's a good one 2021-05-14 01:16:24 @tamigraph ! 2021-05-14 01:02:21 Holy f 2021-05-14 01:02:08 RT @jacremes: With the rise in astrology, it was only a matter of time before people rediscovered the humors and monetized them as self-car… 2021-05-14 00:20:26 RT @Lyra_evans_ott: The closure of all Greyhound bus lines within Canada strands young, low income, or car-less people in rural communities… 2021-05-14 00:17:22 RT @tressiemcphd: So my young cousin went to college this year and clearly someone there assigned her my work (thank you). Because now all… 2021-05-14 00:09:33 Starting shortly! 2021-05-13 23:59:19 RT @pardoguerra: This will be controversial but all of us People of Color living in the US have to show our solidarity with the people of P… 2021-05-13 23:48:54 RT @LBRolsky: A helpful piece on the present by Wendy Brown "Neoliberalism and symbiotically to produce a subject r… 2021-05-13 23:44:08 RT @MiaD: None of these super hype companies Tesla, Uber, We Work were ever profitable but VCs/investors propped them. How many times have… 2021-05-13 23:43:42 RT @jathansadowski: Bezos has a unique degree of autocratic control over what Amazon does. He's not just a micromanager, he's a mad king. M… 2021-05-13 22:23:00 RT @drmwarner: Of the > 2021-05-13 22:21:48 RT @ruchowdh: Eid Mubarak 2021-05-13 19:57:45 RT @doctorow: Uber's "innovation" wasn't self-driving cars. It was cheating. Uber is REALLY FUCKING GOOD at cheating. How good? Well, last… 2021-05-13 19:57:04 Isn't this...most of SV? 2021-05-13 19:56:36 RT @keanbirch: This is good - #Uber as a massive scam (#Rentiership at its best) 2021-05-13 19:55:36 RT @washingtonpost: Opinion: We’re trapped by the GOP’s commitment to lying. There may be no way out. 2021-05-13 19:38:06 RT @EnglishRail: GO Transit has 75,192 parking spaces. If they got $9 revenue weekdays per space, it's $176M/year, enough to cover full cos… 2021-05-13 18:50:33 RT @VaroonMathur: Obviously emotion recognition is some of the worst examples of this, but even research focused on just trying to identify… 2021-05-13 18:50:27 RT @VaroonMathur: It's unfortunate, but data science and machine learning for social good research is probably some of the best examples of… 2021-05-13 18:24:11 The pandemic has been an accelerant of previously percolating trends, across political and social spectra 2021-05-13 16:52:16 RT @sesmith: I also want to note that Jewish people are Jewish people. Jewish people are not Israel and like all people they have a diversi… 2021-05-13 16:48:49 RT @clancynewyork: [rings a recent bell, no?] 2021-05-13 15:31:07 RT @MBarany: As a general rule: if it's not clear to you whose previously established interests and priorities are being supported in a str… 2021-05-13 14:48:24 RT @TheRaDR: Your regular reminder not to assume that all Jews support the actions of the government of a country in which they may or may… 2021-05-13 14:47:48 RT @internetdaniel: Academia is like professional sports, only your performance is evaluated at irregular intervals by random people arbitr… 2021-05-13 14:45:08 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Republicans are committing a monstrous crime against democracy. A massive campaign is underway to cover their tracks: *… 2021-05-13 14:16:34 RT @mdekstrand: Really happy to finally share this with you all. 2021-05-13 13:35:53 @Greene_DM "It's a boy!" 2021-05-13 13:34:20 RT @tsnvaa: also: “Microsoft cultivates + helps export Israel’s dangerous tools, while presenting Israel as ‘start… 2021-05-13 13:22:28 RT @Max_Fisher: One of many oddities of American discourse around Israel: it's considered taboo to call the country a colonial enterprise .… 2021-05-13 13:08:28 RT @drmwarner: In Feb 2021, 127,108 international and transborder air travelers landed at Pearson while 260,095 trucks crossed Ontario's bu… 2021-05-13 12:53:28 RT @feministandacc1: great interview with @marylgray on "Why Artificial Intelligence Is Set Up To Fail LGBTQ Peopl… 2021-05-13 11:44:47 RT @tbonier: One might think that Dems would see the GOP jettisoning a leader for not worshiping at the altar of Trump and realize that def… 2021-05-13 11:22:04 RT @digi_ad: A legal question re. emotion expression recognition is whether the process can exclude personal data. Involving questions of “… 2021-05-13 11:21:23 RT @BarnabyRaine: Enough of insisting that Palestinians deserve sympathy only because they are weak, and die virtually defenceless. All peo… 2021-05-13 11:20:34 RT @nancybaym: I am *so excited* to announce this (public!) @MSFTResearch Race and Tech Lecture Series. 14 lectures in 14 months, together… 2021-05-13 11:00:57 RT @lizstocks: @luke_stark @FinancialTimes Some of this is like the work of Sir Francis Galton who tried to determine if people "looked" li… 2021-05-13 03:53:15 RT @DougSaunders: The housing-affordability crisis is really not complicated 2021-05-13 03:52:30 RT @sarahbmyers: A thread, with an *excellent* reading list 2021-05-13 03:50:12 RT @nathansnewman: How do you write an article about changes in wealth while failing to even mention the word "pension" - or rather their d… 2021-05-13 03:43:20 RT @aketchum22: 100% AGREE! and as others in the thread have commented- it definitely contributes to unfair and biased citation practices.… 2021-05-13 03:25:46 @annaeveryday @artificialnix Hopefully (?) a collaboration with Pitbull 2021-05-13 03:01:22 RT @seanilling: It's now impossible to accurately describe the GOP in non-alarmist terms. A two-party system in which one of those parties… 2021-05-13 02:57:23 RT @nberlat: this is not a very hopeful article. Manchin thinks the key to protecting democracy is allowing Republican fascists to have a v… 2021-05-13 02:54:26 @artificialnix @annaeveryday Anna on the 6 2021-05-13 02:35:48 RT @jjoque: This is really nice and I think good advice 2021-05-13 01:27:05 RT @mark_riedl: 1. No they can’t 2. This 4 Little Trees system seems especially sketch 3. Any ML system that draws on theories of Ekman i… 2021-05-13 00:49:47 RT @ColinDMello: NEW: Premier Doug Ford’s absence from the public eye is part of a strategy to rehab his image and let ministers and public… 2021-05-13 00:46:58 RT @veenadubal: One thing that people may not know about my brother is that he cofounded along with a few other people (including @OmarSSha… 2021-05-13 00:38:10 RT @cdavidnaylor: Wow! vaccinations. > 2021-05-13 00:26:42 RT @moorehn: This is the same guy who flipped out several years ago when I said that child-free people have lives equal in value to parents… 2021-05-13 00:26:13 RT @DanPriceSeattle: Millennials hold 4.8% of all wealth. There are now 40-year-old Millennials. At the same age, Gen X had 9% of wealth.… 2021-05-12 23:28:50 Looking forward to being in conversation with @mysdick and @Halcyon_L tomorrow evening (that's PST) @CentralWashU -- thanks to @TamaraCaulkins and the Len Thayer Foundation for making it possible! 2021-05-12 23:24:53 RT @ZoeSchiffer: I cannot stress how unusual it is to have multiple women at Apple coming forward to say how disturbed they are by this hir… 2021-05-12 22:36:13 RT @kathytpham: It's here! So incredibly proud of this Teaching Responsible Computing Playbook, with examples and guides from 31 inaugural… 2021-05-12 22:36:06 RT @pomeranian99: For @nytmag, I spent a few months reporting on the early history of NFTs -- meeting and talking with the cryptoartists wh… 2021-05-12 21:55:49 RT @ZoeSchiffer: The article also says that Marian Croak came in to replace @timnitGebru & 2021-05-12 21:55:42 RT @ZoeSchiffer: Google has *not* said it's doubling the size of the Ethical AI team. It's doubling the larger Responsible AI team, led by… 2021-05-12 21:55:13 RT @bruce_arthur: The acceleration looks to me like vaccination finally kicking in. Imagine if instead of holding things down from three we… 2021-05-12 21:54:03 RT @wewatchwatchers: I'm truly honored, proud and excited to be a part of this expanded anthology of ABOLITION FOR THE PEOPLE. New essays,… 2021-05-12 21:18:04 RT @EmilyGorcenski: It is not acceptable to protest the government policy and military actions of the state of Israel via antisemitism and… 2021-05-12 21:16:26 RT @jomc: x1000 2021-05-12 21:16:22 RT @jomc: Every Facebook crisis begins with its impossible to manage scale. Great thread from Damien 2021-05-12 21:04:10 RT @andrewthesmart: i think the recent outbursts of panic among CEOs about remote work indicate something which social critics have long kn… 2021-05-12 20:48:37 RT @FourWinns298: Send them to India where they will be used and are so badly needed. 2021-05-12 20:46:17 RT @TamarSharon: Come work with us! TT Assistant prof. in ethics/political philosophy with expertise in philosophy of technology. Join our… 2021-05-12 19:57:24 RT @PrivacyCamp: How well can AI understand your emotions? My face was expressive 6% of the time I spent reading this interactive feature f… 2021-05-12 19:50:20 RT @libshipwreck: Please note: you can simultaneously recognize that the vaccines have been very successful against the virus, while also r… 2021-05-12 19:40:43 @FourWinns298 Given the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines, could you elaborate? 2021-05-12 19:37:36 RT @Public_Citizen: Are you kidding me? 2021-05-12 19:24:03 @sunhahong "Building a media career" 2021-05-12 19:23:34 RT @sunhahong: "Nobody cares about privacy" is an unscientific generalisation that corporations love to spout. E.g. Draper & 2021-05-12 18:51:52 RT @MaxLiboiron: “In Canada, the economy can’t be understood outside of the problem of land. This report is focused on cash and the differe… 2021-05-12 18:22:13 RT @mmitchell_ai: Developing straightforward methods to avert harm and discrimination with AI is critical right now. Stoked to share new wo… 2021-05-12 18:16:52 RT @mer__edith: @luke_stark @FinancialTimes Yes, exactly! Which is why we need much less attention on the algorithms/"AI" and much more on… 2021-05-12 17:58:03 RT @byelin: Whole lotta truth in here. 2021-05-12 17:55:01 RT @AJentleson: This aged well tbh 2021-05-12 16:46:07 RT @nathansnewman: Republican President sought to violently overturn the results of a US election - and the Republican Congress just voted… 2021-05-12 15:49:20 @madhumita29 @aendrew @ifwross @carolinenevitt @emmalewis @alekswis @tomhannen This is a brilliant interactive tool! 2021-05-12 15:31:37 RT @sivavaid: @mkirschenbaum There is a stunning lack of alarm about looming fascism in all segments of society, including higher education. 2021-05-12 15:26:23 RT @nberlat: I have no love for Liz Cheney, but the GOP uncritically and absolutely embracing the orthodoxy that no Democratic vote is legi… 2021-05-12 15:25:59 RT @nberlat: voters aren't going to vote on Liz Cheney. it's possible they will vote against an openly antidemocratic party. if they don't… 2021-05-12 15:24:18 RT @sarahkendzior: The GOP intends to grab power through rigging, not by winning people over. Voter suppression, voter intimidation, threat… 2021-05-12 14:52:11 RT @timnitGebru: Well damn. This whole thread. 2021-05-12 14:31:38 RT @AriBerman: Ousting of Liz Cheney, insane 'audit' in AZ, avalanche of GOP voter suppression bills all have same goal: to institutionaliz… 2021-05-12 14:31:29 RT @profwernimont: I dislike getting fired up about bad tech CEO behavior before I’ve finished breakfast 2021-05-12 14:21:13 @michhham That article is wild. 2021-05-12 14:16:05 RT @joshtpm: very revealing that House GOP did a voice vote on Cheney. secret ballot might have had some uncomfortable results. https://t.c… 2021-05-12 14:10:08 RT @Sierra_OffLine: so psyched the share this long read I did for @motherboard: HOW THE PERSONAL COMPUTER BROKE THE HUMAN BODY https://t.… 2021-05-12 14:03:07 For those unfamiliar with the topic, check out - lots of great folks working in this space! 2021-05-12 14:02:04 Great to see coverage of emotion recognition tech in the @FinancialTimes today. Important to note that these analyses go beyond face and voice: any form of human external emotional expression is liable to be used as a proxy to infer our inner feelings. 2021-05-12 13:27:03 RT @gnrosenberg: I loath Cheney, but we should be clear that she's losing her position because she's refusing to publicly affirm a lie. 2021-05-12 13:20:49 RT @MattGertz: Seems bad to only have one party committed to democratic governance in a two-party system. 2021-05-12 13:11:51 RT @EmotionalAI: An excellent article from @madhumita29 with quotes from @digi_ad. Do also check out the interactive piece, especially if y… 2021-05-12 13:09:00 RT @timnitGebru: Push out ppl like @mmitchell_ai who started this at google, do whatever they did to us and our team and pledge to "double… 2021-05-12 03:05:42 RT @HOLZERTRON: @luke_stark OLD FRIENDS ARE BETTER LEFT IN THE PAST 2021-05-12 03:00:50 RT @archillect: 2021-05-12 03:00:39 RT @HOLZERTRON: @michimoto_satoh EVERY ACHIEVEMENT REQUIRES A SACRIFICE 2021-05-12 03:00:36 RT @michimoto_satoh: Jenny Holzer? 2021-05-12 02:43:34 RT @asociologist: I'm rereading @tressiemcphd's "Thick" in prep for my intro soc course starting this week. The first reading in the class… 2021-05-12 02:05:47 So, cheugy... 2021-05-12 01:56:10 RT @gelliottmorris: That Cheney is getting removed from her position as House GOP chair for speaking up for democracy really illustrates ho… 2021-05-12 00:56:54 RT @JessieNYC: 2021-05-12 00:47:08 RT @igorbobic: Cheney’s point is that Jan 6th never ended. Trump is saying the same things, if not even crazier things, that could lead to… 2021-05-12 00:46:18 RT @samstein: We can get dulled because we’re experiencing it in real time, but it is surreal and honestly shocking to see a top official i… 2021-05-12 00:27:08 RT @xeni: @wreckedangle What if the conspiracy theories were cover for dumb and banal crimes 2021-05-12 00:26:12 RT @QueerinAI: We strongly encourage all Queer in AI members and allies to support us & 2021-05-12 00:26:07 RT @QueerinAI: Alongside other affinity groups, Queer in AI core organizers @multilingual_s and @willie_agnew spoke with @QueerZoomer, the… 2021-05-11 23:40:53 2021-05-11 23:40:42 RT @calnewmedia: Huge CONGRATULATIONS to @jacobgaboury who has been promoted to Associate Professor in @FilmUCB for his work on digital med… 2021-05-11 23:26:51 RT @NathanKalmoe: Since they couldn't get their secretaries of state to fraudulently overturn the last election, they're attempting to over… 2021-05-11 23:24:49 RT @ddayen: Short version: "Oh are we talking about production now? Yes, pharma IP defenders, let's talk about production"… 2021-05-11 22:55:54 @Sierra_OffLine Would purchase 2021-05-11 20:47:20 RT @Abebab: Lol, they just have to be the right kind of researchers: the ones that don't challenge authority, cause no troubles and remain… 2021-05-11 20:13:42 RT @ariezrawaldman: "Outsourcing Privacy" is my contribution to a @NotreDameLRev Discourse symposium on @julie17usc's masterful book, Betwe… 2021-05-11 19:46:25 RT @alexhanna: uh this is news to me 2021-05-11 18:19:02 RT @NathanStall: An excellent about what went wrong with how #AstraZeneca was messaged. Bottom line: "Don’t dumb down public health mess… 2021-05-11 17:57:50 RT @bruce_arthur: The BC NDP doesn't do any better than Ontario did. Weak 2021-05-11 16:45:12 RT @TabitaSurge: Google books survey: nouns following the phrase ‘the brain is like a’ Palimpsest (1869) Magnetic compass (1877) Laborator… 2021-05-11 16:43:44 RT @bruce_arthur: I spoke to one restaurant owner at one point who said everything he had gotten was through the feds 2021-05-11 16:12:31 RT @jeffreymoro: this is a great blog post that also clarified for me why as a grad student I've always experienced teaching as something p… 2021-05-11 15:18:34 RT @alicetiara: This book by @Sarah_Brayne is ridiculously good— multi year ethnog inside LAPD looking at use of data in policing. recomm… 2021-05-11 14:10:26 RT @RottenInDenmark: This has always the problem with scientific literacy and fact-checking as a solution to conspiracy theories: A lot of… 2021-05-11 13:36:11 RT @DugStef: Hot off the press - findings from research w/@davmyles & 2021-05-11 13:17:19 @michaelzimmer It's been a thing for a while :( 2021-05-11 13:07:51 @Halcyon_L @CentralWashU @mysdick I'm looking forward to the conversation! 2021-05-11 13:07:13 RT @Halcyon_L: I'm so pleased to be part of this @CentralWashU panel discussion, "Artificial Intelligence: The Future is Now" with Stephani… 2021-05-11 13:03:31 RT @nathansnewman: Launching substack with this discussion of the radicalism of US emancipation and the inevitability of the Civil War as d… 2021-05-11 12:47:28 RT @gwenckatz: Some more on why AIs make these mistakes, and how the problem is more intractable than just "Developers told the AIs to make… 2021-05-11 12:00:03 RT @BrendanNyhan: Agree with @jbview that "the single most important story in U.S. politics right now" is the way the GOP "has sent clear s… 2021-05-11 11:58:46 RT @Greene_DM: I prefer @OlufemiOTaiwo’s version of the story as elite capture and And of… 2021-05-11 11:50:54 @jathansadowski @AdmsCentre @MarkAndrejevic Bravo! 2021-05-11 11:33:09 @allergyPhD Congratulations Danya! 2021-05-11 01:52:47 RT @brianbeutler: Hoooooo thread. 2021-05-11 01:37:44 RT @red_abebe: @timnitGebru I've had issues with them for as long as you've been there. Glad we can say the quiet parts out loud now after… 2021-05-11 01:37:39 RT @timnitGebru: "Black in AI cofounder Rediet Abebe, who will become the first Black woman faculty member at the University of California… 2021-05-10 22:33:19 RT @Greene_DM: In talking with a friend, I returned to this from @tressiemcphd. If a lot of consumers have felt their class for the first t… 2021-05-10 22:16:26 RT @mxwfx: This Thursday! 2021-05-10 21:35:43 RT @MaxLiboiron: Yes--this was a tough decision, only in that I have lots of experiences of settlers not liking that title and thinking it'… 2021-05-10 20:26:40 @DrSyedMustafaA1 It would, and I think that's what's happened over the past couple of years. 2021-05-10 18:36:49 RT @evijitghosh: Whoever did this I am proud of you 2021-05-10 18:27:21 @DrSyedMustafaA1 As one of the organizers of Queer in AI, I know why -- these AI affinity groups are very new, made up largely of junior scholars/PhD students in CS and related fields, and are on a very steep learning curb. 2021-05-10 17:51:01 RT @brianbeutler: If this were about “cowardice” we might expect Cheney to survive the secret ballot. Republicans like that Trump freed the… 2021-05-10 17:20:03 RT @mmitchell_ai: WOW. Thank you Queer in AI, Black in AI, and Widening NLP for this massive kindness, understanding, support & 2021-05-10 17:15:48 RT @aidan_smx: The thing about the "homelessness won't just be solved with housing because we also need to treat addiction and mental illne… 2021-05-10 17:11:08 RT @david_j_roth: I wrote about Bob Baffert and how every rich complaining person just sounds like Trump now and worried that I was reachin… 2021-05-10 16:56:33 RT @kaiy1ng: Happy to share a paper co-authored with @yunnia that we’re presenting at #chi2021. We talk about how the drive in HCI to make… 2021-05-10 16:48:50 RT @hmustafamail: “Academics should not hedge their bets but take a stand,” Gebru said. “This is not about intentions. It’s about power, an… 2021-05-10 16:39:05 RT @gleemie: @allergyPhD @alicetiara @luke_stark @cfiesler @Greene_DM So I guess the only thing I'm against is the idea that CS/data fields… 2021-05-10 16:39:00 RT @gleemie: @allergyPhD @alicetiara @luke_stark @cfiesler @Greene_DM by having CS depts sometimes hire people from those fields internally… 2021-05-10 16:38:58 RT @gleemie: @allergyPhD @alicetiara @luke_stark @cfiesler @Greene_DM That said, I think we need to push both to change the hidden pedagogy… 2021-05-10 16:38:50 RT @gleemie: @allergyPhD @alicetiara @luke_stark @cfiesler @Greene_DM So much wisdom here. I was brought into present in two Comp Sci class… 2021-05-10 16:23:08 RT @joshtpm: 2021-05-10 15:50:15 RT @kharijohnson: For my first @wired story I spoke with @black_in_ai, @QueerinAI, and @WiNLPWorkshop organizers about why the three organi… 2021-05-10 15:25:49 RT @internetdaniel: Excited to share a new paper, co-authored with grad student Vincent Grimaldi, that we’re presenting at @AIESConf next w… 2021-05-10 15:19:09 RT @alexhanna: "The potential for AI technologies to cause particular harm to members of our communities weighs heavily on our organization… 2021-05-10 15:12:17 Proud to stand in solidarity with these folks/organizations 2021-05-10 15:11:50 RT @QueerinAI: Announcement: We have decided to end our sponsorship relationship with @google. Together with @blackinai and @winlpworksho… 2021-05-10 14:37:45 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Stop saying Republicans are "cowards" who "fear Trump." This lets them off the hook in a very fundamental way. They *wan… 2021-05-10 14:12:56 RT @gnrosenberg: While it's shocking that they're openly signaling they're going to try to do it even if it would be massively unpopular, t… 2021-05-10 14:03:40 RT @jbouie: the party is currently purging local and state election officials who wouldn’t go along with the attempt to overturn the result… 2021-05-10 14:02:56 RT @AJentleson: We need to talk about this and plan for it. For instance, there’s a lull, potentially a long one, on the floor now while in… 2021-05-10 13:59:01 RT @jbouie: yep. “a democratic election victory is inherently illegitimate” is already republican party dogma and should biden/harris win b… 2021-05-10 13:41:32 RT @gnrosenberg: If you swapped today's GOP for the one that existed only 6 months ago and re-ran the 2020 election, you would have had due… 2021-05-10 13:41:23 RT @NathanStall: Ontario has shortened the #COVID19 vaccine 2nd dose interval for: -Transplant recipients -Hematological/solid tumor malig… 2021-05-10 13:05:53 RT @alienelf: No, we should absolutely fucking not be treating "data" as "oil" 2021-05-10 12:26:29 RT @ZeerakW: This excellently outlines why labour its failing its voters and they in turn are moving away from the party.… 2021-05-10 12:23:20 RT @lionel_trolling: i would say there is a similar pattern in the united states where there is a 25%-33% stable constituency for the far-r… 2021-05-10 12:17:51 RT @AbeOudshoorn: It's odd seeing the overdose crisis being misused by anti-lockdown folks as an excuse to undermine public health. It show… 2021-05-10 11:59:15 RT @bruce_arthur: So blaming the border is as inaccurate when it comes to the actual problem as blaming a lack of vaccines, is what I am sa… 2021-05-10 11:34:38 RT @erin_bartram: Watching academia try to lifehack its way out of dealing with structural problems just gets more and more exhausting with… 2021-05-10 07:26:05 RT @anabmap: Never forget that “Palantir’s goal is to create a single data environment, or “full data ecosystem,” that integrates hundreds… 2021-05-10 01:20:37 RT @jilliancyork: Everywhere I love in the world, I see creeping authoritarianism that the U.S. and Europe seem happy to either ignore or d… 2021-05-10 01:19:09 RT @hamlinr1: Our admin gave this COVID benefit to pre tenure and non TT faculty, and gave a year of sabbatical credit to tenured faculty f… 2021-05-10 01:13:40 RT @jayrosen_nyu: "What Happens When Republicans Simply Refuse to Certify Democratic Wins?" by @DavidOAtkins If y… 2021-05-10 01:12:54 RT @Greene_DM: "And we shall win. The past promised it, the present foretells it. Thank God for John Brown! Thank God for Garrison and Doug… 2021-05-10 01:12:50 RT @Greene_DM: "... that willingness to sacrifice money, reputation, and life itself on the altar of right. And here on the scene of John B… 2021-05-10 01:12:47 RT @Greene_DM: Happy birthday: "We do not believe in violence, neither in the despised violence of the raid nor the lauded violence of th… 2021-05-10 01:09:15 RT @richmondywong: My #CHI2021 papers are officially published (and open access, so no paywall for them!) (1) Timelines: A World-Building… 2021-05-10 00:28:56 RT @mona_sloane: Quite some curbside finds in BK today. | cc @luke_stark 2021-05-10 00:28:51 cc @BurmanPhD 2021-05-09 22:07:50 2021-05-09 22:07:42 RT @ibull: @allergyPhD @cfiesler @Greene_DM I suppose I'm jumping in to push back against the idea that these folks are "bad" at teaching e… 2021-05-09 21:27:25 RT @RDBinns: .. in other disciplines whose work we build on (and is of course valuable in it's own right)? Beyond e.g. union action, campai… 2021-05-09 21:27:12 RT @RDBinns: Interesting / concerning discussion about CS ethics cannibalizing humanities in US higher ed. Different but similar trends in… 2021-05-09 20:53:43 RT @Greene_DM: @poliscipuunk @allergyPhD @cfiesler Unionize 2021-05-09 20:27:01 @bkeegan @allergyPhD @cfiesler @Greene_DM Double oof! 2021-05-09 20:18:19 @allergyPhD @cfiesler @Greene_DM Yeah, I think that's really the only way to go: ally with the relevant non-CS disciplines so exhaustively that makes it impossible to exclude them from the conversation 2021-05-09 20:16:59 @allergyPhD @cfiesler @Greene_DM I try to cultivate that whole "pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will thing," but yeah I'm dubious 2021-05-09 20:15:59 @cfiesler @allergyPhD @Greene_DM To say nothing of ethics as a sub-discipline of philosophy! There's no way you could stuff all of that into any one CS course, but of course the worry is an "ethics" module gives rhetorical cover to admins to write it all off 2021-05-09 20:14:24 @cfiesler @allergyPhD @Greene_DM One of the other issues here is that when we say "CS/tech ethics" we mean "research ethics" AND "values in design" AND "the social impacts of computing" AND "how social forces have shaped computers" AND "computer history" AND... 2021-05-09 20:12:45 RT @cfiesler: It's a bit scattered across multiple threads but if you read this also check out conversation with @allergyPhD and @Greene_DM… 2021-05-09 20:10:39 @allergyPhD @cfiesler @Greene_DM Oof 2021-05-09 20:05:53 Neoliberalism encourages cathexis, not catharsis 2021-05-09 20:00:13 @allergyPhD @Greene_DM @cfiesler + who has the money to start new initiatives. We're about to embark on the development of an AI ethics course for folks in the sciences, and I have a nasty feeling many of the aforementioned tensions/trends are going to crop up... 2021-05-09 19:53:30 RT @allergyPhD: @cfiesler @Greene_DM 25% of my job now is trying to prevent this from happening at my institution after an early claim was… 2021-05-09 19:52:51 RT @allergyPhD: @cfiesler @Greene_DM Jumping in here (as an admirer of your work, Casey!!) to say that CS profs including an ethics "module… 2021-05-09 19:35:43 RT @Greene_DM: @cfiesler I’m saying right now, institutionally, above the level of individual choice, the push for technical ethics coincid… 2021-05-09 15:21:48 RT @watkins_welcome: About to kickoff our #CHI2021 workshop, “This Seems to Work”: Designing Technological Systems with The Algorithmic Ima… 2021-05-09 14:06:25 RT @nathansnewman: ProPublica has great article on the megadonors who only started pumping money into politics with ascesion of Trump. U… 2021-05-09 12:28:14 RT @jjoque: Thinking about the cop shit in academia and while some professors are really into it, it seems to be admin that is really pushi… 2021-05-09 12:22:45 RT @schock: Thanks to those who have added more AI auditors to the list! 2021-05-09 12:17:56 RT @FoxCahn: Even amid all the remote proctoring horror stories of the last year, this Dartmouth debacle really stands out. Using spyware i… 2021-05-09 03:18:50 RT @mtsw: I think more likely than not, to be honest. Dems must start preparing for this scenario now, before it's too late.… 2021-05-08 23:40:18 RT @benwurgaft: So pleased to have my essay "Recline of the West" (title by @evankindley), about psychoanalytic couches and the complexity… 2021-05-08 23:21:15 RT @tressiemcphd: In one of my classes, students wrote discussion guides for their final assignment. They could choose from: Audrey Watters… 2021-05-08 23:05:50 RT @shengokai: Academia. In case it wasn't clear to some folks. This is how academia runs. 2021-05-08 21:36:16 RT @LemieuxLGM: Worth adding that the coupled decisions of Kennedy to retire strategically and Ginsburg not to retire strategically could b… 2021-05-08 20:57:36 RT @thenation: “Like most women who write, I live my life according to the firmly stated judgments of literary men.” 2021-05-08 20:13:00 RT @drvolts: Well here's an architectural style you don't see very often. 2021-05-08 20:05:55 RT @hypervisible: These 4 fallacies “give a false sense of confidence about how close we are to achieving artificial general intelligence,… 2021-05-08 19:44:09 RT @JBatstone: We're hiring! Very excited to announce applications are now open for #ArtificialIntelligence and #DataScience Research Fell… 2021-05-08 18:13:35 RT @RonDeibert: After careful deliberation of my own and in consultation with my team @citizenlab, we have decided that we cannot collabora… 2021-05-08 17:59:49 RT @ErikLoomis: This is an important story 2021-05-08 17:03:30 @agstrait @ruchowdh @MarielzaTalks @AdaLovelaceInst @aneeshpappu @jennyhbren Andrew, is the piece linked publicly? Would love to read it! 2021-05-08 15:56:56 RT @QueensParkToday: The province made a huge change to vaccine rules without making an announcement or issuing a press release. Anyone 18+… 2021-05-08 15:54:10 RT @pardoguerra: There are no reviewers available. We are paying reviewers $0 to start. The two main reasons people tell me they won't revi… 2021-05-08 15:29:02 @MarielzaTalks @ruchowdh +1! 2021-05-08 15:24:57 RT @mtsw: Like, what is the plan here? Just let the GOP take over the country again and hope they're nice to us this time? Hope you'll buck… 2021-05-08 15:24:46 RT @mtsw: If Dems fail to pass electoral reform their reward will be a House GOP majority intentionally sabotaging the country on Trump's o… 2021-05-08 15:01:40 RT @MBarany: This semester I implemented something as close to ungrading as is currently allowed in my UK university and what strikes me mo… 2021-05-08 13:21:57 RT @KevinReuning: The upshot of these considerations is that statistical analysis is inescapably norm-laden 2021-05-08 13:12:15 RT @ParkerMolloy: “Then came a new debate…” It’s not “a new debate.” It’s a coordinated propaganda effort. Not getting this bill passed a… 2021-05-08 12:28:33 RT @hypervisible: Uhhhh… 2021-05-08 12:01:37 RT @bernardionysius: A common misunderstanding is that the Turing Test is about whether machines can be intelligent. It's actually about ho… 2021-05-08 11:55:32 RT @lnakamur: This captures it. Don’t even try to “reason” with people about going back to In person anything without reading this, esp if… 2021-05-08 11:44:09 RT @lnakamur: Power 2021-05-08 11:37:14 RT @DeanBaker13: It reminds me of an old line from John Kenneth Galbraith to the effect that, giving incentives to poor people means taking… 2021-05-08 11:31:45 RT @MaxLiboiron: "Pollution is Colonialism" investigates how research methods can align with or against colonialism. Order from Duke Pres… 2021-05-08 01:50:07 RT @mikarv: Meanwhile the @ObfuscationWS, happening now, runs entirely on the open source @bigbluebutton 2021-05-08 01:49:25 RT @nberlat: sluggish job growth is probably because we're still in the middle of a massive pandemic and people remain hesitant to frequent… 2021-05-08 01:24:56 RT @robinberjon: @mikarv also mentions the need to include browsers, user agents, etc. in our regulatory thinking. Here is a first draft of… 2021-05-08 01:24:42 RT @mikarv: This is an extremely interesting paper, and presents a much more useful and forward looking view for fiduciary obligations in t… 2021-05-08 01:22:10 RT @hypervisible: 22 states have adopted a platform that uses facial rec to match people up w/their government documents—meaning folks w/o… 2021-05-08 00:56:29 RT @nberlat: the stimulus was meant to help people in an economic downturn. so we're still in a downturn. that means passing the stimulus w… 2021-05-08 00:55:26 RT @NikkiMcR: it's real cool that the jobs report said "there are very few new jobs" and the immediate reaction was to demand that life be… 2021-05-08 00:47:41 RT @vosdscott: The thing about all these “people aren’t going back to work” stories is that SCHOOLS STILL AREN’T ALL THE WAY OPEN. And chil… 2021-05-08 00:46:09 RT @drvolts: They're going to steal the 2024 presidential election. They're specifically eliminating anyone in the party who might impede o… 2021-05-07 19:58:11 RT @jjoque: essence, neoliberalism is 'cancel culture' 2021-05-07 19:55:58 RT @brianbeutler: Like his presidency minus the pardon power and Twitter. 2021-05-07 19:49:13 RT @LemieuxLGM: Right, Trump's "moderation" has always been vastly exaggerated. GOP elites mostly lost interest in killing Social Security… 2021-05-07 19:10:38 RT @tressiemcphd: Fulfillment by Alec MacGillis review: How Amazon’s business practices harm America 2021-05-07 19:05:38 RT @jjoque: Employers keep causalizing people 2021-05-07 18:37:41 RT @UjLaw: The 2nd edition of #TAFF on "Responsible Use of Data" is coming to the comforts of your homes! Don't miss exciting talks from… 2021-05-07 16:46:01 RT @Chronotope: It sure looks like the whole "but actually users want tracking for personalized ads" line is getting throughly disproven ht… 2021-05-07 14:47:43 @annaeveryday @Greene_DM Oh shit now I need to place another order 2021-05-07 13:57:55 @murakamiwood Does one ever finish?? 2021-05-07 13:55:34 I, too, have succumbed to the Duke UP Spring Sale 2021-05-07 13:41:25 RT @IrfanDhalla: I’m worried how much we are talking about reopening and how little we are talking about testing, contact tracing, supporte… 2021-05-07 13:30:43 RT @AJentleson: There’s a strain of thinking that democracy reforms may not be necessary because whatever Dems can pass via reconciliation,… 2021-05-07 13:18:20 The answer: no, no they don't 2021-05-07 12:08:47 RT @nathansnewman: Starmer could have emulated Biden and, having defeated rival left factions in a primary, have embraced enough of their p… 2021-05-07 12:08:27 RT @nathansnewman: To be creeped out, read my @TheProspect piece on massive apparatus of personality testing denying you a job before you e… 2021-05-07 11:57:41 RT @thebafflermag: From @jacobinoire, on a new book about Black knowledge and creativity beyond that defies the strictures of biological de… 2021-05-07 11:54:18 RT @nathansnewman: As Labour gets pulverized last night, I stand by point I made then that attacks on Corbyn by those who now lead the part… 2021-05-07 11:48:26 RT @shannonmattern: I’ve started reading @MaxLiboiron’s Pollution is Colonialism in preparation for Monday’s Twitter chat (join us!) and -… 2021-05-07 11:06:07 RT @DrMel_T: I think @SaraNAhmed first described this phenomenon.... paraphrased as ‘To identify a problem, you become the problem’ https:/… 2021-05-07 10:54:04 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: “We must cancel programs that prove our underlying assumptions about the world are false” is actually pretty quotidian… 2021-05-07 10:31:40 RT @RDBinns: Statistical analysis and cryptanalysis are conceptually inverse, and historically intertwined. Frequency analysis was first i… 2021-05-07 10:17:12 RT @hypervisible: There is no aspect of people’s lives Facebook won’t try to mine in order to deliver them to companies. 2021-05-06 23:34:26 RT @MekaeliaD: Can we please stop using the language "return to work" in our planning? We never stopped working. We weren't on vacation. In… 2021-05-06 21:59:09 RT @mckelveyf: Wow, this is an incredible documentation of methods & 2021-05-06 21:15:42 RT @nathansnewman: Why we keep running into endless crises. GOP endlessly obstructs foundational change as underbelly of the economy rot… 2021-05-06 17:59:04 RT @IasonGabriel: "To be told that you were denied a job because your facial expression did not match a positive template offends human dig… 2021-05-06 17:46:59 RT @VaroonMathur: Great work. I might have expected different results if I knew Zip Codes were being used. Then again, this is the kind of… 2021-05-06 17:40:56 RT @JamaalBowmanNY: This is legalized corruption. 2021-05-06 17:25:21 RT @byelin: Did a….did a cicada write this? 2021-05-06 16:38:22 RT @sivavaid: Confession: I am exhausted by Facebook and talk about Facebook. We all seem to be restating our cases, arguing in circles, an… 2021-05-06 14:23:30 RT @roseveleth: I spend a lot of time these days thinking about how many technology reporters glorify & 2021-05-06 13:53:57 RT @emilymbender: More Weizenbaum (1976, p.227): "Computers can make judicial decisions, computers can make psychiatric judgments. They ca… 2021-05-06 13:53:23 RT @BostonJoan: Influencers are not experts and experts are not influencers. Especially in the US, experts are often dismissed in favor of… 2021-05-06 13:49:38 RT @leedrutman: This is such a crucial point. The "electoral integrity" crisis was manufactured by Trump, and then mass-reproduced by Repub… 2021-05-06 13:02:33 2021-05-06 12:52:48 RT @Greene_DM: This past quarter, Uber came as close as ever to posting a profit—booking a $108 million loss—but only because they made $1.… 2021-05-06 12:46:24 RT @edburmila: Boomers are like "when I was your age I already had three kids!" motherfucker you also had a pension, health insurance, a ho… 2021-05-06 12:29:10 RT @ashdisorient: The UK Government wants to impose a catastrophic 50% funding cut to arts subjects at higher education (HE) level in Engl… 2021-05-06 12:22:23 RT @Lollardfish: encountering this again and again and again recently (in the lives of others mostly right now where I'm trying to lend sup… 2021-05-06 11:39:51 RT @histoftech: I work at a “tech focused university” that has whittled down the arts & 2021-05-06 11:35:04 RT @MaxLiboiron: Coupon alert! You can now order Pollution is Colonialism from Duke University Press @DukePress at 30% off. Visit https://… 2021-05-06 11:19:46 RT @sivavaid: I wrote something. 2021-05-06 11:19:24 RT @JolyonMaugham: Lie about the past or we'll cut off your funding ( 2021-05-06 08:10:47 RT @_abtec_: Five Indigenous thinkers from five different nations discuss their prototype for making ethical AI. This work was created in t… 2021-05-06 08:09:56 RT @DrJonathanRosa: We need to pay close attention to how surveillance technologies perceive ethnoracial & 2021-05-06 01:43:15 RT @richardson_m_a: Check out this bumper special issue of Cultural Studies — so many fascinating topics and brilliant researchers 2021-05-06 01:24:01 RT @jathansadowski: Anytime people make assertions about "human nature" to support their own beliefs about why technology is good or bad – … 2021-05-06 01:10:33 Forever mood 2021-05-06 01:01:32 2021-05-06 00:50:49 2021-05-06 00:05:05 RT @jennaburrell: stay tuned, coming very, very soon ... 2021-05-05 22:47:19 RT @alexhern: Insta-takeaway: In saying "no, Facebook, you have to make a specific decision on whether or not to ban Trump", the Oversight… 2021-05-05 21:17:33 RT @tamigraph: "The professor said they understood the email to be implying that professors could lose their jobs if they didn’t take over… 2021-05-05 21:03:52 RT @ystvns: I've had enough work meetings with people in , and even to have noticed these communication norms during meetings, at t… 2021-05-05 20:13:03 RT @ruchowdh: @jennaburrell This gem? 2021-05-05 19:29:21 RT @just_infras: #techwontbuildit and neither will we. 2021-05-05 19:24:59 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: This is also the key to understanding the generation gap in politics, between older votes who own their homes and have… 2021-05-05 19:24:49 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: Watching this video, I was struck by just how much the Thatcherite policy of privatizing public housing in the UK has… 2021-05-05 19:16:00 RT @mer__edith: This is not ok. And it's imperative that faculty make that clear. 2021-05-05 19:05:17 RT @jendeben: SCOOP: The U.S. will support a proposal to waive IP protections for Covid-19 vaccines, @AmbassadorTai tells @EMPosts and me.… 2021-05-05 18:59:00 RT @FinchelsteinF: Exactly! This is extremely worrying even for the standards of right-wing populism. They want to leave democracy behind h… 2021-05-05 18:18:52 RT @WillOremus: And when the Oversight Board does try to probe into Facebook's own failings, Facebook stonewalls it. This is damning. https… 2021-05-05 18:12:09 @robyncaplan @tamigraph And then I would like to start new collaborations, so many, with all my scattered friends and colleagues -- and have to restrain myself. 2021-05-05 17:50:12 RT @JDwithTW: I have no idea why more people have not picked up on this, but... 2021-05-05 17:50:02 RT @nathansnewman: 2021-05-05 17:03:48 RT @jdp23: Up first ... me! I channeled @luke_stark by analogizing facial recognition to plutonium. Here's my full comments - https://t… 2021-05-05 16:55:54 RT @karen_ec_levy: Always a pleasure to think with @nando_dgb about federal funding for community-centered AI policy… 2021-05-05 16:42:54 RT @nathansnewman: Senate GOP "infrastructure bill" is a fraud that actually proposes CUTTING planned mass transit dollars and barely incre… 2021-05-05 12:37:50 RT @devisridhar: Happy Wed!With vaccines being more effective than scientists had even hoped for, real future ahead where COVID becomes a… 2021-05-05 12:30:52 RT @FrankPasquale: The stars beclown the earth: “When it comes down to someone having to do something to get attention, every single day yo… 2021-05-05 12:28:11 RT @joshtpm: The Times does great things. But it’s essentially a national paper. The Post is a sham. A New York struggling to be reborn cou… 2021-05-05 12:25:28 RT @nickmofo: And I thought it was nifty when one of my friends made Muybridge GIFs on that one day when everyone in San Francisco discover… 2021-05-05 12:14:38 RT @hypervisible: Not sure how Facebook decided that the problem with the racism on their platform is that it wasn’t sufficiently localized… 2021-05-05 10:07:58 RT @BCAppelbaum: One thing I know for sure about Facebook's super exciting announcement tomorrow is that corporations don't have judiciarie… 2021-05-05 10:07:08 RT @mer__edith: @Klonick Totally agree. But I don't see abolitionism as denialism. In fact, the more clearly I've understood the forces tha… 2021-05-05 09:18:22 RT @NewBlackMan: for the record, what is in this picture is *not* what I recognize as a Bodega. Just sayin'... New York City bodegas are… 2021-05-05 09:12:32 RT @RD_Denton: It's that time: talk to your classes about teaching evals. I think it is morally responsible to tell students this stuff,… 2021-05-05 01:27:38 RT @veenadubal: Also, it would be great if some journalists would stop repeating exactly what the company says (“we will turn a profit this… 2021-05-05 01:26:44 RT @veenadubal: The problem is, it’s not true. The business is fundamentally “not in shape” no matter how many employees they lay off becau… 2021-05-05 01:18:47 RT @jbkrell: tl 2021-05-05 01:13:16 RT @SRanchordas: The EU AI Regulation presents regulatory sandboxes as 'innovation-friendly instruments.' But are they? What are the potent… 2021-05-05 00:35:44 RT @KatharinaPistor: This. We should not privatize fundamental normative decisions. 2021-05-05 00:32:00 RT @mkirschenbaum: This. 2021-05-05 00:31:34 RT @Lollardfish: We've all encountered trauma (in different ways/degrees and reacted differently) in a global mass death event. Recognizing… 2021-05-05 00:30:04 It me 2021-05-05 00:15:59 RT @Pinboard: The fact that there are no longer one but two public spheres, with very little overlap, and that one of them has become unglu… 2021-05-05 00:15:51 RT @Pinboard: This is an excellent thread about the fractured media reality that we inhabit, and the fact that most Republican voters are n… 2021-05-05 00:04:12 RT @eric_knowles: Good read. Sam is among the best at demonstrating what a committed propagandist @ConceptualJames is. Again: the anti-wo… 2021-05-04 23:16:05 RT @jathansadowski: At the point now where it's no longer just review requests for articles that keep pouring in, but now it's also entire… 2021-05-04 23:11:37 RT @tamigraph: 1 year renewable remote RA position at @datasociety. "Salary is $60-65k, commensurate with experience, and you will be offer… 2021-05-04 21:49:54 @alexhanna Yeah, was the worst part 2021-05-04 21:49:32 RT @tamigraph: In addition to having an excellent title, @yunnia's Prototype Nation is an excellent book 2021-05-04 21:09:10 RT @aketchum22: YES (great thread)- also like the @anthonyocampo tweet I RT'd recently- remember that this is your life. Your work is only… 2021-05-04 21:01:56 RT @hypervisible: Slide into dystopia continues apace. 2021-05-04 20:25:00 RT @KendraSerra: Automated "gender" recognition (from names, from faces) is unethical. Full stop. Don't make it more "equitable." Just stop… 2021-05-04 20:17:18 RT @kaareeenah: i am *so excited* to announce that i am going to be a postdoc with the social media collective at microsoft research from 2… 2021-05-04 20:00:50 RT @jathansadowski: Thread by a Google AI researcher genuinely expressing the superiority complex of computer science and its quest to tota… 2021-05-04 19:49:05 RT @jtlevy: If the House GOP punishes Liz Cheney when it has taken no action against Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, or any member who… 2021-05-04 19:46:20 RT @PatriciaMazzei: Florida @GovRonDeSantis announces the special election for Congressional District 20, to replace the late Rep. Alcee Ha… 2021-05-04 17:09:42 RT @DavidAstinWalsh: There’s a low-key purge going on in the GOP of people who pay even marginal lip service to the idea of majoritarian de… 2021-05-04 14:54:06 @jacasiegel Welcome to interdisciplinarity! 2021-05-04 14:50:00 @danlizotte Yeah, I've declined several...but still! 2021-05-04 14:47:20 11 review requests in the last 10 days 2021-05-04 14:28:56 RT @Elinor_Carmi: 2021-05-04 14:09:33 RT @_alialkhatib: this so much. i remember a year ago when they couldn't do fuck all because nobody at facebook seemed to issue the members… 2021-05-04 14:01:25 RT @michaelzimmer: "Those of us working in AI ethics will do more harm than good if we allow the field’s lack of geographic diversity to de… 2021-05-04 13:40:47 RT @JulesPolonetsky: Delighted that Prof. @KMac_Martin who has long done important research and writing at the intersections of ethics, bus… 2021-05-04 13:37:27 RT @SamuelRGalloway: I am abt to turn 37, and this is the first year I’ve been able to put money toward retirement and build savings (slowl… 2021-05-04 13:18:00 RT @hatr: this is a devastating read on the Vastaamo-hack, the finnish psychotherapy startup, and its aftermath.… 2021-05-04 13:07:52 RT @ibogost: The problem here isn’t the preservation of “your subject matter expertise.” It’s that computationalists have come to believe t… 2021-05-04 12:59:23 RT @Abstruse: Side note about this: Remember the Notre Dame fire when billionaires promised to donate to repair and restore it? None of th… 2021-05-04 12:05:47 RT @IAmSamFin: Imagine if the humanities tried to claim CS as a sub-discipline because people had to do writing to conduct and communicate… 2021-05-04 11:52:02 @Elinor_Carmi True, but at what social cost 2021-05-04 11:39:48 @Elinor_Carmi 2021-05-04 11:29:27 @Elinor_Carmi Oh lord 2021-05-04 11:29:20 RT @Elinor_Carmi: From the company the brought u the emotion contagion experiment (2014), enabled advertisers to target depressed teens (20… 2021-05-04 11:28:03 RT @BenPatrickWill: HE international rankings study finds "investing in advertising in Times Higher Education magazine is associated to an… 2021-05-04 11:27:36 RT @RebeccaSear: New paper out: The male breadwinner nuclear family is not the ‘traditional’ human family, and promotion of this myth may h… 2021-05-04 01:16:26 RT @SarahTaber_bww: super cool how a couple billionaires getting divorced raises actual questions about the future of a lot of our national… 2021-05-04 01:06:05 RT @Lollardfish: NEW ESSAY: "When historical analogies are used to foreclose arguments, those analogies aren’t actually historical — they a… 2021-05-03 21:57:37 RT @Elinor_Carmi: Actually voice/sound profiling and surveillance is not new. As I show in my book Media Distortions, in the early 20th cen… 2021-05-03 21:56:47 RT @bethmsemel: @hypervisible @luke_stark i've found eg's of this tech as far back as the 1930s (in the US) + the 1920s (in Germany) & 2021-05-03 21:45:27 RT @Combsthepoet: There never seems to be enough funds to ensure that Detroiters have their civil liberties respected, but there seems to A… 2021-05-03 21:39:03 2021-05-03 21:38:48 RT @bethmsemel: voice profiling tech does just that: profile. it tells you more about the listening institution than the speaker. & 2021-05-03 21:34:04 RT @bethmsemel: please tech companies i beg you stop doing phrenology of the throat 2021-05-03 21:27:37 RT @ykilcher: it's a doozy 2021-05-03 21:27:00 RT @timnitGebru: I would’ve taken a few days off but to each their own I guess. Samy didn’t waste any time. I would definitely advertise fo… 2021-05-03 19:46:32 RT @voretaq7: Dearest blocked @WSJ: You (collectively, and the author who wrote this opinion piece specifically) are an idiot. Sincerely,… 2021-05-03 19:25:28 RT @_the_elizabeth: Book Launch 2! Affective Politics of Digital Media (April 20th) - Thank you to panelists @VianBakir1 @digi_ad Jason Rob… 2021-05-03 18:52:44 RT @Greene_DM: Derksen (2014) "Turning men into machines? Scientific management, industrial psychology &… 2021-05-03 18:40:34 RT @HeerJeet: @joshtpm Yep. Exactly so. As @lionel_trolling points out, one of the best essays on this authoritarian mindset is Orwell's "S… 2021-05-03 18:34:18 RT @LMSacasas: The digitization of the culture wars turns every topic into a potential site of conflict. https://… 2021-05-02 22:26:46 RT @jathansadowski: There's a common misunderstanding that equates "fictitious capital" with "fake"—as opposed to part of the "real economy… 2021-05-02 20:53:58 RT @MobyDickatSea: the glorious, golden, glad sun, the only true lamp—all others but liars! 2021-05-02 20:01:18 RT @tamaranopper: The sociological concept of emotional labor was developed to critically analyze certain industries of paid work, not to d… 2021-05-02 19:59:59 RT @doinkpatrol: lmao “first ever” 2021-05-02 19:20:12 RT @liltove: Friends! It's with all the excitement (& 2021-05-02 19:13:59 RT @FourWinns298: Protection against the variants, in particular, is very weak after only one dose. Please keep whatever measures have go… 2021-05-02 17:07:36 RT @annaeveryday: For those unfamiliar with the field, I made some annotations. 2021-05-02 14:55:36 RT @veenadubal: Peace and power to the hundreds of thousands who have suffocated to death...your suffering is the unnatural outcome of stat… 2021-05-02 13:45:07 RT @Taniel: ICYMI last night. (the bottom line of this tweet is that Dems’ #tx06 shut-out probably the 4th worst results for progressives t… 2021-05-02 13:39:24 RT @Abebab: To live every second of life under tech surveillance is not normal 2021-05-02 13:34:03 RT @ryanqnorth: Hustle culture is toxic and valorizes sacrificing every aspect of your life at the altar of work. That's why I don't want s… 2021-05-02 13:25:08 RT @IBJIYONGI: The thing about Bezos, Musk, and the rest of the "dig up the solar system" wrecking crew is like it's one thing to visit and… 2021-05-02 13:23:00 RT @Greene_DM: On policing and social control as a feature, rather than a bug, in American liberal democracy: Soss & 2021-05-02 12:45:48 RT @FrankPasquale: “TikTok has been even more controlled than competing apps. Company executives help determine which videos go viral, whic… 2021-05-02 10:17:13 RT @mashable: You can get nail polish, chips, and now a therapy appointment at CVS 2021-05-02 10:08:35 RT @fborgesius: @lilianedwards @mikarv an example of AI-driven manipulation that might be covered by the ban in art 5(1)(a) of the proposed… 2021-05-02 09:41:50 RT @TabathaSouthey: Oh, look, an advisor to @fordnation, and good friend of @JohnTory who he helped get elected, trolling an ICU doctor for… 2021-05-02 09:41:13 RT @claudiakincaid: Unions will need to ensure that "the right to work flexibly" does not become "working without rights", which has been t… 2021-05-02 09:29:29 RT @AidanPeppin: Marketing AI emotion recognition tech 2021-05-02 09:16:41 RT @histoftech: WOW. Just found out that fucking amazon is selling print-on-demand copies of an older print run of my book with the wrong n… 2021-05-02 09:16:13 RT @Abebab: the tech dystopia you've been waiting for 2021-05-02 00:57:43 RT @DocDre: My GT colleague Lisa Yaszek featured in this! ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’ Is a Sci-Fi Classic | WIRED 2021-05-02 00:53:18 RT @pareene: anyway yeah if I were Scotland and NI I'd get the hell out and let England consign itself to its chosen fate 2021-05-02 00:53:04 RT @pareene: doesn't code the same way because they're an anglosphere country/our jolly friends across the pond but the UK is rapidly becom… 2021-05-01 23:43:38 RT @DGBassani: We’re in the province of ‘the only ones to close’ instead of the ‘last to close and first to open’. 2021-05-01 23:33:24 RT @ashleyfeinberg: Someone's gotta lock this guy up 2021-05-01 23:28:04 RT @AdrienneLaw: A man reportedly started one of the most disastrous wildfires in California history all to cover up the murder of a woman… 2021-05-01 22:44:59 @richardson_m_a They try for cattiness, but it just comes off as forced and a little forced. I take my hat off to y'all's queens/am backing slowly away 2021-05-01 22:39:17 There's been more shade in the first six minutes of Drag Race Down Under than in the entire Canadian version 2021-05-01 22:34:29 RT @Abebab: Yes: "fMRI activation of a dead salmon correlates with human emotions" 2021-05-01 22:29:02 RT @mer__edith: < 2021-05-01 21:49:13 RT @TraceyLauriault: Multi generational living is a good thing, we just do not design homes to accomodate it and affordability is a massive… 2021-05-01 20:44:41 RT @bruce_arthur: I will never understand how smart people can't understand that vaccines were never getting to Canada before a third wave,… 2021-05-01 19:36:53 RT @rev_avocado: Andrew Yang is a fraud. 2021-05-01 19:16:54 RT @Calthalas: On the 1st of May it seems more apt than ever to repeat: Universities are not businesses. Education is a right not a privil… 2021-05-01 18:27:29 RT @jjoque: This is excellent advice. And if there is one thing I’ve learned from the past year of union organizing is: a) it takes time so… 2021-05-01 18:16:10 RT @annaeveryday: fine 2021-05-01 16:45:55 RT @JuddLegum: 5. A substantial portion of Carlson's $10 million/year salary comes from people who find his views odious Like Carlson's de… 2021-05-01 16:45:17 RT @jayrosen_nyu: If you're disgusted by Tucker Carlson, it's important to understand how he remains on air. You might think the logic is a… 2021-05-01 16:44:58 RT @supriyadwivedi: knowing that the variants have been here, (remember it tore through a Barrie LTC in Jan), this province *chose* to loos… 2021-05-01 16:44:53 RT @supriyadwivedi: the stupidity of the variants/border debate may truly break me. this isn't hard: variants that originated elsewhere *ob… 2021-05-01 16:42:16 RT @rasmansa: In case some are confused: The criticism isn't that the media refuses to report on governments legislating these things. The… 2021-05-01 16:42:04 RT @jasonintrator: Years and years of absolute panic about supposed “chilling of free speech on campus.” Now actual government speech restr… 2021-05-01 16:29:12 RT @seanmmcdonald: Every 9 months or so, someone hacks around a government to build an SMS system that works, and we briefly remember that… 2021-05-01 16:24:22 RT @zeynep: This is important. The fatality rate is not fixed, it's a function of medical care. The calamitous exponential growth in India… 2021-05-01 16:02:22 RT @TheTattooedProf: One of our political parties is openly fascist. Act accordingly. 2021-05-01 15:46:46 RT @TimMedin: Best description of NFT I've seen 2021-05-01 15:45:24 RT @Greene_DM: Tag yourself I'm "data isn't oil, you idiot" 2021-05-01 15:44:30 RT @jasonintrator: 2021-05-01 15:40:44 RT @jasonintrator: I have been writing since 2015 about how the far right always whine about their speech being suppressed in order ultimat… 2021-05-01 15:25:38 RT @chrisgeidner: This is a three-act play, containing 17 scenes. 2021-05-01 15:21:56 RT @jennaburrell: I said this should be the biggest story in higher ed right now. Since then its hit the Chronicle of Higher Ed and the NY… 2021-05-01 03:21:09 RT @liilbitchy: 2021-05-01 02:50:45 RT @Nesquixotic: made an edit with history lmfao 2021-05-01 02:40:00 RT @ns_ahmed: I'm reading this and thinking of all the lives that have been destroyed by the obsession with productivity. And I'm thinking… 2021-05-01 02:31:01 RT @astroduff: I'm looking for a space/AI enthusiast with a legal background keen to undertake a PhD in "Responsible AI in Space" with me a… 2021-05-01 00:17:33 @annaeveryday @michaelzimmer 2021-05-01 00:16:45 RT @aschrock: @luke_stark Iz güd. 2021-05-01 00:14:55 Newly arrived 2021-05-01 00:01:17 @michaelzimmer @annaeveryday @jeanburgess did Internet Studies...close enough? 2021-04-30 23:49:21 RT @maryrziegler: One of the most striking things about the 28 abortion regulations passed over the past week is that almost *no one* think… 2021-04-30 23:49:01 RT @wellerstein: chaotic neutral 2021-04-30 23:45:27 RT @jeanburgess: OK, since it's raining and I can't go to parkrun, I did this instead. Here you go internet studies people:… 2021-04-30 23:45:04 RT @annaeveryday: interdisciplinarity is when you smoosh together two or more titles from different “types of papers” memes 2021-04-30 23:33:56 RT @BenPatrickWill: AI in education is also promoted by big global consultancies. All this is why AI in education needs social and politica… 2021-04-30 23:33:50 RT @BenPatrickWill: If we don't offer a critical counter, it's AI education all the way from pre-school through HE and lifelong. All educat… 2021-04-30 23:22:45 RT @mind_seu: Last day of the Computer Mouse Conference happening now with the very best @AshleyJaneLewis @daddyofdada !… 2021-04-30 23:16:33 RT @Joe_Roberts01: The average home price in Canada is now $719,000 while the average income is $49,000 a year. No analysis needed - the d… 2021-04-30 23:15:57 RT @internetdaniel: “the plan is complicated, brilliant and likely to be copied by aspiring strongmen in other countries” 2021-04-30 23:12:31 RT @FourWinns298: You get vaccinated and that's a great day as you start your immunity journey. You then enter vaccine purgatory where you… 2021-04-30 23:06:14 RT @bethmsemel: new from @ohnobackspace on HCI's seeing subject: "Pointing devices, such as the computer mouse, play an important role in e… 2021-04-30 16:53:41 RT @danmcquillan: (b) 2021-04-30 16:45:25 RT @virbeatum: Tories are a Gift*: “The Govt proposes that the courses...that are not among its strategic priorities – covering subjects in… 2021-04-30 16:43:40 RT @FourWinns298: We call this Canada. 2021-04-30 16:26:42 RT @Elinor_Carmi: That's not including their tweaking of algorithms, content moderators & 2021-04-30 16:26:35 RT @Elinor_Carmi: This article describes how TikTok: 1. assigned managers to stars 2. advises creators on which hashtags/features will make… 2021-04-30 16:19:46 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Given the progress of vaccines and the efficacy of lockdowns, literally the only way we get a 4th wave in Ontario is if w… 2021-04-30 16:07:29 RT @brianbeutler: The solution to everyone’s problem here, btw, is greater political equality and more responsive, majoritarian democratic… 2021-04-30 15:57:11 RT @atreyupilled: i’m so tired man 2021-04-30 15:26:35 RT @DataSciBae: Hard things to swallow: camera technology is racist. Period. The way they were developed (exclusively) and how they are use… 2021-04-30 15:25:13 RT @zittrain: The long-term conversion of physical products into ongoing services is one of the most significant tech trends of the past th… 2021-04-30 13:40:23 RT @Greene_DM: They fired a tenured, endowed professor who had criticizes their response to a regent’s alleged sexual harassment with no he… 2021-04-30 12:58:23 RT @toniasutherland: for 18 months we’ve been growing roots and at the same time welcoming the rising tides … excited to share more with yo… 2021-04-30 12:43:57 RT @g8enjamin: @alicetiara Thanks for the amazing thread! For me, this article outlining a performative (& 2021-04-30 11:20:10 RT @timmaughan: the future is people that tell you ‘socialism is a fantasy that only makes sense on paper’ getting rich off selling URLs of… 2021-04-30 11:03:15 RT @Elinor_Carmi: @alicetiara My recent book Media Distortions It was published last year at the beginning of the p… 2021-04-30 03:25:42 RT @raulpacheco: To be perfectly clear: surviving is a success in and of itself and keeping yourself, your family alive and together is als… 2021-04-30 03:25:29 RT @raulpacheco: PRO TIP: It's almost the end of the month. Write up EVERYTHING you did this month. You read someone else's paper and pro… 2021-04-30 02:56:53 RT @FloJaton: My #mitpress book is out! If you're curious about how #algorithms are manufactured – or just enjoy reading #ethnography – it… 2021-04-30 02:50:50 RT @holden: I really hate it when articles present this as a new finding, as if the idea that passions bypass reasoning isn't 3,000 years o… 2021-04-30 02:40:40 RT @natashajaques: I couldn't resist. With contributions from @maxhkw 2021-04-30 02:38:33 RT @anabmap: Open data supports conservative ideology more often than we think. 2021-04-30 01:09:08 RT @marylgray: +1 2021-04-30 01:06:58 RT @LFeldmanBarrett: Interesting article on emotion AI. Note: Where they write the word "affect," substitute "emotion." The article equate… 2021-04-30 00:55:08 RT @Dave_Parisi: Now watching @cmcilwain sprawling explaination of how the mouse sees and helps us see race, really digging this conf 2021-04-30 00:06:47 You love to see it 2021-04-30 00:04:29 RT @EmmaMci: UPDATED: The new chair of Ontario's Greenbelt Council voted against the creation of the Greenbelt. #onpoli… 2021-04-30 00:04:21 RT @gmbutts: Keep your eye on the Greenbelt folks, folks, folks. 2021-04-30 00:03:45 RT @anabmap: 2021-04-30 00:03:33 RT @CharlesRamchar1: I am the Acting Director of Laurentian’s School of The Environment. I hosted our last get together today. Tomorrow we… 2021-04-29 23:06:13 RT @BogochIsaac: Effectiveness of either Pfizer or Moderna #COVID19 vaccine on hospitalization (for those over 65 years old): 1. 94% foll… 2021-04-29 23:05:42 RT @BrooksFallis: Brampton: after 4 weeks of school closure, 3 weeks of stay at home % positivity is at 26% Brampton Civic continues t… 2021-04-29 23:02:20 RT @BenPatrickWill: Deeply troubling report on child surveillance and "algorithmic parenting" services, with school admins having to become… 2021-04-29 22:22:38 RT @harrissolomon: “The dancefloor can feel like magic 2021-04-29 21:32:14 RT @EvanSelinger: As @BrettFrischmann & 2021-04-29 21:31:57 RT @FrankPasquale: Excellent point on another “compatibilism” we should focus on: how compatible certain self-conceptions are with fatalism. 2021-04-29 21:17:01 @alicetiara Maybe early to worry about attention, but my recent piece in the IEEE Annals on early personal computing promotional materials and their ties to our current mess has some choice images, and the longest discussion of Star Trek I'll prolly ever manage. 2021-04-29 21:10:17 RT @Greene_DM: @alicetiara It's weird bc it's probably my most-read piece, just because it's in a magazine, but I wish I got to engage more… 2021-04-29 20:42:28 This is outstanding, fabulous, jump-up-and-down news. So excited to help welcome these two brilliant scholars to @westernuFIMS! 2021-04-29 20:41:03 RT @westernuFIMS: Welcome to FIMS! After a successful search for academic appointments in Indigenous Scholarship, Indigenous Journalism, or… 2021-04-29 15:30:23 @VaroonMathur @m_c_elish @watkins_welcome I talk this work up at every opportunity. It's just brilliant, as well as clear! 2021-04-29 15:29:43 RT @VaroonMathur: Shoutout to @m_c_elish and @watkins_welcome, who have helped frame the "repair" of broken workflows and interdependent re… 2021-04-29 15:26:54 RT @StephenPunwasi: Perspective for Canadians. Cleveland is a city with 2 million people and saw prices rise 22%. They consider it a bubble… 2021-04-29 13:25:33 @Greene_DM @tressiemcphd This is why I basically only retweet. 2021-04-29 13:05:06 RT @AbeOudshoorn: @KateDubinski @TVDSB Definitely choosing in-person based on this: 2021-04-29 12:52:21 RT @lisa_iannattone: “Let’s live with a pandemic virus and just play ICU capacity chicken forever” is a losing strategy in every category.… 2021-04-29 12:23:43 RT @FoxCahn: “When we talk about the number of facial recognition scans in the U.S. every day, we don't even know the full number,” said ca… 2021-04-29 12:12:44 @j2bryson @Greene_DM @DrSyedMustafaA1 I appreciate it! Cory Doctorow drew the analogy to data as toxic waste ages ago, so it's all in the ether. 2021-04-29 01:41:14 RT @ColdWarScience: Pros: Federal history jobs are generally well paid + a powerful institutional platform Cons: SPACE FORCE The real que… 2021-04-29 01:40:02 RT @FrankPasquale: A "Tom Sawyer-ing" interpretation of social credit scoring: motivating people to do work without pay. Some evidence in p… 2021-04-29 01:39:45 RT @EthanZ: Literally just published a "We are 500 scientists and here's what we've been up to for the last 10 years", only there were only… 2021-04-29 01:38:23 RT @Sharronapearl: I'm *thrilled* to announce that my essay on prison plastic surgery programs in the US, Canada, and the UK, which were in… 2021-04-29 01:38:09 RT @hypervisible: Facebook allows ad targeting of children as young as 13 by the “interested in” categories (to name a few) of: “extreme we… 2021-04-29 01:32:38 I am not so sure HARPA is a great idea 2021-04-29 00:51:28 RT @2plus2make5: Join us for the AI for Public Health Workshop at ICLR next Friday! 2021-04-29 00:28:28 RT @dmetaxak: I'll be joining @Penn as an assistant professor in computing & 2021-04-29 00:24:54 RT @ZoeSTodd: Reached 25K followers. Remembering senior scholars who told me years ago that I shouldn’t tweet because it would ‘harm my car… 2021-04-29 00:24:48 RT @meakoopa: solemnly warned many times within academia that i had a "google problem" but it turned out that academia had a "rapidly colla… 2021-04-29 00:12:46 RT @AaronRHanlon: We should understand this as, among other things, an attack on tenure itself and a move to destroy one of most basic prin… 2021-04-29 00:12:06 @bethmsemel Not being an anthropologist, I say, oh really? 2021-04-29 00:11:42 RT @bethmsemel: said it before and i'll say it again but it's really time to start treating machine learning's digital physiognomy problem… 2021-04-28 23:59:10 RT @hypervisible: “None of these things are actually built to increase student safety, they’re theater…They leave out the marginalized, the… 2021-04-28 22:33:44 RT @XandaSchofield: Papers I think anyone teaching algorithms & @timnitGebru et al., Datasheets for Datasets https://t… 2021-04-28 22:15:18 RT @clancynewyork: Half off Amtrak tix. Buy now 2021-04-28 22:15:00 RT @AbeOudshoorn: If you are working to prevent and end homelessness you probably already follow @nicholas_falvo - If not, a heads-up that… 2021-04-28 22:14:26 RT @Combsthepoet: Gentle reminder: virtual presentation means less travel, not less work. 2021-04-28 21:50:03 RT @jathansadowski: Extremely dark omen for the economy and society when every quarter for Alphabet and Amazon is now "record breaking" and… 2021-04-28 21:45:47 RT @PlaguePoems: Let us agree that when the day finally arrives on which we can again sit shoulder to shoulder in our regular seats at the… 2021-04-28 21:38:52 RT @makoshark: Awesome news! I received a CAREER award from @NSF to support new work to understand the relationship between community lifec… 2021-04-28 20:43:41 RT @ilparone: Wrote on @thenextweb about new citizenship skills needed today: data literacy, algorithm literacy and digital media literac… 2021-04-28 16:01:07 RT @DFisman: @drmwarner Even if first shot provides partial protection (it does) and even if second shot provides near complete protection,… 2021-04-28 16:01:05 RT @drmwarner: We are seeing patients admitted to ICU with #COVID well after shot 1 and before shot 2. One isn't vaccinated until fully va… 2021-04-28 14:48:33 RT @Greene_DM: 2021-04-28 14:30:49 RT @nancybaym: Major +1. Collaboration made work possible this last year, and that's without so many of the pressures others are under. Cor… 2021-04-28 14:30:15 RT @libshipwreck: “The viability of technology, like democracy, depends in the end on the practice of justice and on the enforcement of lim… 2021-04-28 13:36:38 RT @edburmila: It can only work *if you take all the human drivers off the road* and have *only* autonomous cars, which is why Uber has shi… 2021-04-28 12:54:03 RT @gavinmuellerphd: a lot of fascinating threads in this piece by Josh Citarella, who I consider one of the most interesting analysts of t… 2021-04-28 12:53:33 RT @murakamiwood: @hypervisible @tante Yes, this is an good example of what what I am calling "total surveillance as a civilizational stage… 2021-04-28 10:58:31 RT @TessaDarbyshire: "Data that serves as the foundation [of the model] is only collected on families that use public programs, leading to… 2021-04-28 02:54:45 RT @danbouk: The 89 people in NY thing really shows that very small differences in a very complicated system have big political implication… 2021-04-28 02:46:29 RT @alexnpress: no idea what a “regular parents email list” means—regular-parents email? regular parents-email?—but one striker I talked to… 2021-04-28 02:05:06 RT @deandad: Non-replacement as the most common version of job elimination 2021-04-28 02:04:31 RT @michhham: What‘s happening in Ontario is that Torontonians voted for Rob Ford then Ontarians voted for Doug Ford. And every journalist… 2021-04-28 02:00:37 RT @bergerbell: Over the next few years, “public health” will be invoked to provide cover for policies of austerity and the continued upwar… 2021-04-28 01:59:41 RT @enyedi_zsolt: Today 11 Hungarian universities were privatized to foundations under the leadership of Orban’s friends. One university wa… 2021-04-28 01:59:13 RT @KimZetter: If you were perplexed by all of the tweets over the weekend about the death of security icon Dan Kaminsky, @nicoleperlroth h… 2021-04-28 01:57:31 RT @fordm: TIL that the median U.S. rent has doubled since 2006. 2021-04-28 01:17:40 RT @histoftech: Every so often you think you’re on Twitter and then suddenly you realize you’re in the Louvre 2021-04-28 01:07:04 RT @FrankPasquale: “When you receive something like that from a company that can turn you off overnight, you’re always a little intimidated… 2021-04-28 01:03:14 RT @LucRiesbeck: To be clear, if the Texas governor signs this bill, parents of trans children who take their child to licensed medical doc… 2021-04-28 01:01:00 RT @jameswattie: Tonight @CBCToronto at 6: A worker at one of the businesses shut down due to a COVID-19 outbreak speaks: "...the situati… 2021-04-28 00:56:09 @kcisbister I would love that. In my optimistic moments, I'm trying to imagine a CA trip in the fall! 2021-04-28 00:51:42 RT @FrankPasquale: “In more or less violent ways, fun is a key register in which this sense of excess is expressed & 2021-04-28 00:51:28 RT @elisewho: In @TheAtlantic, @vidya gives context to the crisis in India “There is no shortcut to public health, no opting out from it. N… 2021-04-28 00:23:31 @kcisbister That backyard! 2021-04-28 00:22:35 @TarletonG @BostonJoan +1. Tech journalists have surprising power (maybe because we're all bouncing around here in a fishbowl) 2021-04-28 00:17:44 RT @caparsons: The blueprint for systemic racism in First Nations’ housing 2021-04-28 00:15:57 @TarletonG @BostonJoan And I agree that winkling out how those categories become unacceptable to whatever the current nexus of power/money/regulation looks like is critical! But to use a Gold Rush analogy, the platforms are already the shovel-makers (by that analogy, we're the gold). 2021-04-28 00:11:52 @TarletonG @BostonJoan Yes, and it's a great point! But I think the question of the "we" applies across that history (e.g., it may not be uncontroversial for some people -- at least, not those who make a living from clickbait!) 2021-04-28 00:06:49 @TarletonG @BostonJoan But how much do "we" get a say (and who's the "we" here anyway?) There are many, many accounts of platforms ignoring their own rules to permit, for instance, racist or trans-phobic content to continue to circulate widely even when it's tagged by multiple complainants. 2021-04-28 00:04:10 RT @TarletonG: But whether platforms algorithms “amplify,” and with what consequences, is still not entirely settled. (I recommend @niftyc… 2021-04-28 00:03:53 RT @TarletonG: Worth reading is @elinorcarmi’s essay unpacking all the ways that Facebook’s algorithm shape what we see, and how hard Faceb… 2021-04-28 00:03:47 RT @TarletonG: That’s why it's absurd for FB VP Nick Clegg to say algorithms aren't the issue, that its what people want. Facebook is alrea… 2021-04-27 23:52:54 RT @Sierra_OffLine: you gotta be fucking kidding me. Also, as someone who was disowned while a grad student, the idea of my university con… 2021-04-27 23:52:36 RT @sarahbmyers: There is a key point embedded in @BostonJoan's incisive recommendations here: we do not need to take the business model as… 2021-04-27 23:44:00 RT @dataandpolitics: The Tech Twitter Thinkers who either (A) didn’t do a damn thing to stop Trump in either ‘16 or ‘20 or who (B) actively… 2021-04-27 23:41:53 RT @libshipwreck: Looking for something good to read after today’s tech hearing? Consider picking up these two excellent edited volumes: -… 2021-04-27 23:33:53 RT @MSFTResearch: Welcome to a #ChatWithMSFTResearch on Human-Centered AI. Say hello and introduce your work. HCAI papers from #CHI2020: h… 2021-04-27 23:23:57 RT @BostonJoan: The one thing the hearing really lacked was a sense of who manipulates algorithms, how it is done, and to what ends. From t… 2021-04-27 16:51:55 RT @RahRahRaina: when you elect people who are only there because they have - a grudge to settle - a sense of entitlement - name recognitio… 2021-04-27 16:50:41 RT @mckelveyf: Following today's Senate Subcommittee on Algorithms and Amplification and looking for some international context? Have a loo… 2021-04-27 16:14:35 RT @internetdaniel: Academics: "One thing I really love about my job is that it gives me a lot of flexibility and control over my time." A… 2021-04-27 16:13:53 RT @hypervisible: “Transparency” is misleading because it often just means platforms are more open about their process of doing things they… 2021-04-27 15:51:00 RT @justinhendrix: To me the headline out of the #techhearings today is the various ways the platform execs denied their business model is… 2021-04-27 15:26:52 RT @hypervisible: Apparently even senators don’t know about Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion because they keep bringing up the “social cre… 2021-04-27 15:00:30 RT @NathanStall: This would be a clear policy failure—the limitations of the #CRSB are clear: -Doesn't cover absences < 2021-04-27 14:39:31 RT @clancynewyork: Interesting tactic to break NYU grad students strike: snitch to their parents. 2021-04-27 14:15:39 RT @aketchum22: I think it is a mistake for academic writers to not see themselves as writers. I think this is part of an overall issue of… 2021-04-27 13:26:07 RT @emorwee: Republicans’ red meat lie is part of a larger meat industry-fueled campaign to make the meat question so controversial that cl… 2021-04-27 01:58:54 RT @DonDavies: The simple truth is that no province in Canada - Liberal, Conservative, NDP, CAQ - has paid sick leave as a basic employment… 2021-04-27 01:41:12 RT @kylegriffin1: Justice Amy Coney Barrett won't recuse from a case involving a conservative group that spent at least a million dollars s… 2021-04-26 22:46:39 RT @theserfstv: Could spend billions of dollars getting humans to be meat for space Karen or you know start fixing a few things on earth ht… 2021-04-26 22:04:57 RT @DFisman: Unreal. Death from COVID-19 in kids is rare. You only get outcomes like this if you allow rampant spread, as we have. 2021-04-26 21:57:22 RT @RDBinns: The privacy paradox: people say they care about privacy but then use privacy-harming services anyway The privacy paradox para… 2021-04-26 21:56:09 RT @histoftech: blisteringly accurate 2021-04-26 21:51:22 RT @sarahbmyers: The NYU grad student strike began today - please support them by donating to their strike fund: 2021-04-26 21:21:15 RT @LilyMasonPhD: Racial equality is what our politics are all about, folks. Our parties have become vehicles for this long-overdue convers… 2021-04-26 21:21:04 RT @kreissdaniel: This whole thread, and especially this. It’s why the debate over things such as ‘partisanship’ and ‘polarization’ mask th… 2021-04-26 20:23:07 RT @drmwarner: Just admitted another patient to the ICU with #COVID in their 40s who acquired the infection from their factory worker partn… 2021-04-26 20:03:19 RT @chadjvalasek: Please join us this Wednesday at 1pm EDT to talk about the history of political activism in psychiatry and psychology! h… 2021-04-26 20:01:31 RT @PhoebeSengers: My heart is going out to my students and colleagues in India, and with family and friends in India. What a heart-breakin… 2021-04-26 19:50:57 RT @tamigraph: At some point, no matter how many times we play musical chairs, there just aren't enough people to do the work. Everyone is… 2021-04-26 19:48:42 RT @mer__edith: 1.5yrs ago in a meeting, I shared a framework I'd developed over years of research/organizing. Shortly after a "sr. scholar… 2021-04-26 19:38:28 RT @David_Moscrop: Well done, Ontario. 2021-04-26 19:34:42 RT @uwofa1: In early March @luke_stark declined research funding from Google in an incredible show of solidarity with ousted employees. Sta… 2021-04-26 18:25:21 RT @RMac18: After we published a story on an internal report detailing Facebook's failures in preventing the Stop the Steal movement, the c… 2021-04-26 16:41:29 RT @bruce_arthur: None of this is new. Ontario's government has let the virus hunt essential workers and their families and community for a… 2021-04-26 16:29:41 RT @bethmsemel: "the disavowal of Native American water rights is literally encoded in the technical function of US state-run automated dec… 2021-04-26 16:08:30 RT @chrislhayes: Money is speech, but actual speech is pollution. Got it. 2021-04-26 16:07:02 RT @EdTubb: I don't know if Ontario's Wave 3 has peaked. But: If it has, Wave 2 taught us it'll likely take longer for Wave 3 to recede in… 2021-04-26 16:05:07 RT @mediamorphis: On the Commission's inability to even get the basics about the size of the OVOD market & 2021-04-26 15:45:08 RT @bruce_arthur: The vast majority of it is the UK variant, which is more damaging and more transmissible, and the province was told this… 2021-04-26 15:39:37 RT @FrankPasquale: Hierarchical and rigid classification may be efficient, "but it is unfair. Countering it requires raising consciousness,… 2021-04-26 15:36:14 RT @ldobsonhughes: The lack of empathy is stunning. Sure, a child died etc etc. However, the important thing is you appreciate how hard I'm… 2021-04-26 14:49:23 RT @tetisheri: NYU grad students striking outside Bobst library right now. Go show your support if you’re around. 2021-04-26 14:47:41 RT @bruce_arthur: Honestly, this just broke me. 2021-04-26 14:47:36 RT @mona_sloane: Now is the time for a transatlantic dialog on the risk of AI via @VentureBeat 2021-04-26 14:47:28 RT @BiellaColeman: “Plastification” of the planet" also means plastification of our bodies. 2021-04-26 14:39:43 RT @histoftech: “In accounts like Posner’s (⁦@miriamkp⁩), or Mar Hicks’s study of the British tech industry, it becomes clear this developm… 2021-04-26 13:54:38 The policy analysis you're looking for 2021-04-26 13:52:52 RT @mckelveyf: Last week saw the release of draft EU regulation on AI & 2021-04-26 12:34:31 RT @AINowInstitute: There are signs that the U.S. is entering a new era of regulation, said @mer__edith: "It remains to be seen how they us… 2021-04-26 12:18:40 RT @AAIHS: #Job Opening: Tenure-Track/Tenured in African American History in the Department of History at Carleton College (@CarletonColleg… 2021-04-26 11:54:29 RT @DFisman: Ontario’s R is 0.9 this morning. Cases are subsiding. But the lags built into this process mean lots of incoming ICU admissi… 2021-04-26 11:47:56 RT @ZeroWrites: All forms of ABA—"Applied Behavioral Analysis"—violate the four fundamental principles of bioethics. A thread (Note: I… 2021-04-26 11:39:26 RT @claudiakincaid: "Consider what a bizarre model of “growth” has governed Britain since the crash – where the value of a home rises by ro… 2021-04-26 11:33:11 RT @a_picazo: The entire opening of this piece is devastating. #cdnpoli 2021-04-25 22:46:50 RT @Abebab: Note this as you hear about the plummeting cases in India. Big pharma is no friend of the "developing world" 2021-04-25 12:32:38 RT @histoftech: Thread 2021-04-25 00:47:30 RT @seanmmcdonald: "It's a complete massacre of data," Bhramar Mukherjee, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, told the Times.… 2021-04-24 23:09:08 RT @timnitGebru: I lost weight, skin problems I never had before, exhausted. The “waves” I made were when saying that I should maybe be inc… 2021-04-24 21:46:18 RT @drvolts: Because future tech is in the future, i.e., not immediately threatening powerful incumbents, everyone loves it. It's utterly s… 2021-04-24 21:43:06 RT @SethCotlar: The thing too many folks fail to understand about the far right is that they almost always present their politics in terms… 2021-04-24 21:40:47 RT @drvolts: Guess what? That's not a done deal! It's not like we can check that off our to-do list. We're moving at a *fraction* of the sp… 2021-04-24 21:40:46 RT @drvolts: So what's the problem then? To me, it's down to political economy. The MAIN thing, the primary thing, is deploying the shit ou… 2021-04-24 21:22:01 RT @caparsons: Bad software sent postal workers to jail, because no one wanted to admit it could be wrong 2021-04-24 20:15:45 @KateMadd Also, what would be the best thing of yours to cite on this topic? 2021-04-24 20:14:20 RT @artificialnix: am i the only one that thinks this is not ridiculous? like the confusion/jokes come from flip flopping between - X is e… 2021-04-24 20:14:08 RT @sg1753: Delhi is at the epicentre of India's COVID crisis. It's where I grew up, it's the only place I can really call home. As chillin… 2021-04-24 20:10:06 @KateMadd I bet @jakusg has some ideas as to the "how to"... 2021-04-24 19:44:52 @KateMadd Yes! I wouldn't claim to be the first person to make the argument (though it remains a hard sell amongst ML folk) 2021-04-24 19:41:30 RT @veenadubal: This is the wrong decision. We are watching thousands of people die in India, and at the same time that the US hordes the… 2021-04-24 19:31:10 RT @ProgIntl: "Shared responsibility" is a lie. 2021-04-24 19:30:20 @KateMadd Would you believe I'm working on a paper making just such an argument? 2021-04-24 19:29:48 If the @EU_Commission is interested in how, I have some ideas... 2021-04-24 17:57:23 RT @laphamsquart: Human life as technology from Greek mythology to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. 2021-04-24 17:49:08 RT @abraham066: Facial recognition should be banned, EU #privacy watchdog says @AnnCavoukian 2021-04-24 16:37:38 RT @bruce_arthur: @IrfanDhalla That’s something people haven’t thought about, I find. It will likely take months to make the hospitals func… 2021-04-24 16:37:35 RT @IrfanDhalla: A colleague also told me this morning she is worried about something I hadn’t thought about. Hundreds of patients who are… 2021-04-24 15:54:42 RT @the_eco_thought: The Trump Administration Is Over, but the Trump Crisis Is Not via @NewYorker 2021-04-24 15:52:20 RT @Simply_Railway: Metropolitan Lounge at the Boston South Station @Amtrak 2021-04-24 14:36:28 RT @EdTubb: I'm just gobsmacked by the fact 600 Ontarians are on a ventilator at this very moment. 2021-04-24 13:55:05 RT @wtyppod: lotta people asking about the loop "how do you get out of the tesla in an emergency when the tunnel is so narrow" without unde… 2021-04-24 13:22:02 RT @NaheedD: The lineups in Scarborough are a reminder that racialized & 2021-04-24 12:56:28 RT @djleufer: Great article on Canadian emotion recognition company NuraLogix that "has its genesis in the pioneering work exploring decept… 2021-04-24 12:42:12 @AstorAaron As other folks have pointed out, it's the hot season -- large amounts of air pollution and high temperatures mean a lot of folks inside breathing recycled, air-conditioned air 2021-04-24 12:36:47 RT @rajiinio: I can't reiterate how much this is true. Even AI critics will fall for the PR hype, discussing ethics in the context of som… 2021-04-24 12:31:48 RT @claudiakincaid: This story is a nightmare, not only of a flawed accounting and task system that was used to prosecute and imprison work… 2021-04-24 11:52:25 @salome_viljoen_ @ariezrawaldman Though to be fair, some of us currently wish we had this problem... 2021-04-24 11:30:34 RT @ProfChesterman: “Faculty will shout important information at students from the shallow end of an open-air swimming pool. Students will… 2021-04-24 10:13:15 RT @brookevitti: I’ve been volunteering at a free walk-up vaccination site. I park in the same garage & 2021-04-24 10:12:30 RT @SharkawyMD: There ARE problems with vaccine supply. But when there's plenty at a pharmacy in an upscale neighborhood & 2021-04-24 01:09:11 RT @parismarx: I feel like I’m constantly thinking back to this @EricLevitz piece, but it does really accurately describe one element of wh… 2021-04-24 01:09:01 RT @parismarx: There’s no guarantee that what Substack is doing is providing public benefit, or that other tech and media companies’ growin… 2021-04-24 01:08:37 RT @parismarx: What we’re seeing with Substack is yet another example of Silicon Valley’s VCs and billionaires using their financial larges… 2021-04-24 01:06:05 RT @IBJIYONGI: So hey @SimuLiu I just want to say that “opposing viewpoints” is not a good way to characterize tactical disagreements. An… 2021-04-24 01:05:48 RT @IBJIYONGI: Ok so I’ve thought about this and as someone who championed @SimuLiu’s social media campaign for opportunities as an Asian A… 2021-04-24 01:05:29 RT @alexhern: TL 2021-04-24 00:34:56 RT @NaheedD: The Ontario Science Table [@COVIDSciOntario] has recommended that 50% of all available vaccines go to hotspot neighbourhoods w… 2021-04-24 00:33:11 RT @theserfstv: People will die and the virus will continue to mutate if the US State Department doesn't lift the ban on raw materials nece… 2021-04-23 23:51:40 RT @SaskiaPopescu: COVIDisaglobalproblemrequiring globalmitigation 2021-04-23 23:48:06 RT @alexhern: This won't reach the Tech Ethics circles because Americans will ignore the story, but these convictions are one of the worst… 2021-04-23 22:27:32 RT @bruce_arthur: Tremendous story here, and the takeaways are clear: a weak premier, a cabinet that chooses donors and stakeholders over p… 2021-04-23 22:25:04 RT @AdamSerwer: A great piece from @AnnieLowrey on the misleading appellation of “low skill worker”… 2021-04-23 22:02:44 RT @scrivenix: "Nuclear imperialism projected its power... through the production of a 'nuclear sensorium'—the differentiation of modes of… 2021-04-23 21:54:03 RT @hypervisible: “Two.” 2021-04-23 21:36:47 RT @AINowInstitute: AI increasingly chooses who is hired and promoted, but the systems fuel bias in the workplace. We joined a letter to @c… 2021-04-23 21:21:33 RT @mgeist: On March 8th, @s_guilbeault told committee: “I'm not particularly interested when my step-uncle posts pictures of his cats on Y… 2021-04-23 21:20:19 RT @DFisman: Important point Denying the science on how SARS-2 spreads deprives people of the tools to protect themselves… 2021-04-23 21:19:23 RT @AmyGreerKalisz: Hey #Guelph 2021-04-23 21:16:09 RT @TheAgentNDN: Richard Spencer was radicalized in Toronto. The rot is deep. 2021-04-23 21:15:58 @jathansadowski And that it is coupled with justice! 2021-04-23 21:02:58 @jathansadowski I hope it sticks around this time 2021-04-23 19:21:58 RT @histoftech: Counterpoint: this is exactly why so many organizations want computers making management decisions 2021-04-23 19:21:47 RT @savasavasava: (my heart is breaking for India. we’re dealing with our own random shit here, but it’s nothing compared to what looks lik… 2021-04-23 16:34:06 RT @bruce_arthur: This is going to become a Canadian Big Lie. 1. The UK held down variants with public health measures, then vaccines. 2. M… 2021-04-23 16:20:17 @_KarenHao @katecrawford Great to see @radical_ai_ 's work last year in @nature reiterated here! 2021-04-23 12:52:26 RT @DFisman: From a colleague: common practice among the thousands of international travelers pouring into Pearson airport: refuse quaranti… 2021-04-23 12:38:26 RT @mckelveyf: Be sure to check out. Super excited for Luke's book! 2021-04-23 12:22:12 RT @DartmouthCTBH: HHS, FDA Backtrack From Plan to Deregulate mHealth Devices, Apps - via @… 2021-04-23 12:21:45 Today! Looking forward to some stimulating conversations with folks @cmuhcii (though wishing I could be in Pittsburgh in the flesh) 2021-04-23 11:38:01 RT @F_Kaltheuner: Only tiny fraction of the world’s population has been vaccinated yet, and for this pandemic to truly end, this needs to c… 2021-04-23 11:36:44 RT @ObsoleteDogma: To be clear, the problem with saying that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed is responsible for mRNA’s technological breakthro… 2021-04-23 01:28:00 Oof 2021-04-23 01:16:19 RT @zeynep: Well, here's my piece about sociological versus psychological storytelling. Game of Thrones is the vehicle! Spoilers, of course… 2021-04-23 00:34:27 RT @morganklauss: Overall, assuming someone's assigned sex based on your perception of them is often just as wrong as assuming their gender… 2021-04-23 00:14:49 RT @lionel_trolling: Bernie Sanders giving the natural "I'm talking to a libertarian look" to Sen. Rand Paul 2021-04-23 00:02:39 RT @merbroussard: 38/ Law enforcement AI is high-risk, especially “emotion detection” and polygraph and recidivism prediction. Great! These… 2021-04-22 21:40:30 RT @AleVelascoNYU: Grad students at NYU will be striking beginning on Monday to seek a new contract. As a faculty member, I support their r… 2021-04-22 20:31:54 RT @CityCynthia: NEW: People are now dying of #covid19 at home. This hasn't been seen before according to Ontario's coroner Dr Huyer at to… 2021-04-22 20:31:46 RT @bruce_arthur: This is another reason that it doesn't really matter that the Premier cried today. Did you extend paid sick leave? Protec… 2021-04-22 18:22:23 RT @rajiinio: Such a necessary intervention! Not to mention her leadership with the Resistance AI workshop ( & 2021-04-22 18:22:15 RT @rajiinio: Love how much @radical_ai_ 's one brave question at the @FAccTConference 2019 Town Hall shifted people's thinking on this.… 2021-04-22 17:52:26 @aketchum22 Congratulations! 2021-04-22 17:52:10 RT @aketchum22: I'm so excited that the board of Concordia Uni Press was happy w/my edits after peer review + will be sending my manuscript… 2021-04-22 17:34:42 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-04-22 17:26:50 RT @alexhanna: Google equating Palestine with terrorism. Organizers: divest from Google. 2021-04-22 17:16:06 RT @VaroonMathur: Out of 26 health systems, 12 reported having used automated decisions systems as part of their pandemic response. That's… 2021-04-22 16:45:57 RT @TiltR: It's all work in progress, but I know you like candy. 2021-04-22 16:26:31 RT @colindickey: Repeating myself but: people who wear masks outside are not bothering you & 2021-04-22 15:36:01 RT @mjs_DC: And this portion of Sotomayor's dissent, aimed squarely at Kavanaugh—and using his own past words against him—is one of the mos… 2021-04-22 15:35:27 RT @mjs_DC: To put this in very stark terms, the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are THE reason why the Supreme Court… 2021-04-22 15:22:46 RT @histoftech: “If someone is publicly declared by a seemingly impartial machine to be the ‘wrong’ gender, it would only seem to legitimiz… 2021-04-22 14:38:39 RT @bruce_arthur: He doesn't understand. His cabinet doesn't understand. The disaster is here and growing, and his science table is screami… 2021-04-22 14:13:11 RT @LPEblog: Jake Goldenfein explores the way that Google Scholar has gained power over scholarly reputation and what that control says abo… 2021-04-22 13:05:16 RT @bruce_arthur: Good god. Thursday last week Cabinet’s plan had no new restrictions 2021-04-22 12:53:06 RT @ProfessorShaw: This is a great thread - capturing a tiny fraction of what's going on in the UK "Take back control" so Putin can buy the… 2021-04-22 12:52:56 RT @hackylawyER: “Instead of resigning ourselves to the prospect of unequal vaccination and vaccine passports for the few, we can push for… 2021-04-22 12:52:12 RT @NathanStall: We don't even need to look beyond our Canadian borders for competent #CovidVaccine booking systems, including ones that—in… 2021-04-21 23:30:39 RT @AmitAryaMD: Kingston: has a test positivity of 0.98% and 26 pharmacies per 100,000 people offering the #COVID19Vaccine. Brampton (wher… 2021-04-21 23:28:20 RT @hypervisible: If you look at the docs, note that the company has a file named "hypervisible.pdf." So just so we're clear, an edtech c… 2021-04-21 21:34:08 RT @ariezrawaldman: General registration is now open for the Privacy Law Scholars Conference #PLSC2021, June 3-4, hosted by @GeorgetownLaw… 2021-04-21 21:11:42 RT @gmartin113: Isn’t this a serious security issue? 2021-04-21 18:11:58 RT @rcalo: Ten year anniversary this year in person and online 2021-04-21 17:21:06 RT @mmitchell_ai: Thank you to @dinabass @NicoAGrant @josheidelson for covering the difficult story of me & 2021-04-21 17:19:28 RT @dinabass: Before Google's Ethical AI group imploded over @timnitGebru and @mmitchell_ai ousters it was mired in conflict over harassme… 2021-04-21 15:22:02 RT @maxberger: The National Restaurant Association is the worst NRA you've never heard of. They fight against the $15 min wage tooth and na… 2021-04-21 15:19:41 @lionel_trolling Shades of an Edith Wharton novel... 2021-04-21 15:01:46 RT @mireillemoret: We need far more attention to the implications of standard setting, which is close to politics and law, while decision-m… 2021-04-21 15:00:16 RT @CBCQueensPark: But where's the biggest source of imported variants of #COVID19 to Canada? It's the U.S., according to this new study… 2021-04-21 14:57:13 RT @BrotiGupta: 2021-04-21 14:26:22 RT @djleufer: Here is our initial statement on the @EU_Commission's proposal for a regulation on AI This proposal takes minimal steps to p… 2021-04-21 13:34:13 RT @mikarv: Another big change from the leak to the formal EC AI regulation proposal — geospatial predictive policing systems such as PredP… 2021-04-21 13:13:30 RT @fluff35: It was one of those rare conferences where every single paper interested me... great that the book is now out!… 2021-04-21 12:56:25 RT @morganholleb: here's a list of trans and queer organizations in the UK which are actually run by trans people (and don't have dogshit p… 2021-04-21 12:55:56 RT @jhermann: If you want to change your character's gender in Stardew Valley you have to make friends with a wizard so you can use the shr… 2021-04-21 12:41:09 RT @AINowInstitute: In a new paper #RashidaRichardson argues that automated decision systems (ADS) function as prominent modes of governanc… 2021-04-21 11:23:17 RT @Greene_DM: Today! 2021-04-21 11:19:22 RT @djleufer: It also seems to be totally chill with using AI to categorize people according to 'ethnic origin' based on biometric data, so… 2021-04-21 11:18:56 RT @djleufer: Like grouping people according to hair colour, that's not an issue. But categorising people according to sexual or political… 2021-04-21 11:18:20 RT @mikarv: One big difference in the final version of the Commission draft AI reg: EC abandons horizontal ban on generalised, indiscrimina… 2021-04-21 11:08:55 RT @FoxCahn: @Melissahei Omg, is the European Commission actually opening the door to use of REAL-TIME #FacialRecognition for any case with… 2021-04-21 11:08:03 RT @gabrielazanfir: And it dropped! Here it is, the official proposal of the @EU_Commission for an AI Regulation: #AIRegulation #EUAIReg… 2021-04-21 10:08:07 RT @hypervisible: "A social network that combines the worst parts of a neighborhood watch and a cliquey message board can add as many anti-… 2021-04-21 02:10:20 RT @drmwarner: While it's unlikely kids will return to in-class instruction this school year, we need to plan ahead. Labour day is just ov… 2021-04-21 01:07:35 RT @joshtpm: damn. read this. 2021-04-21 01:06:46 RT @ProfessorCrunk: We couldn’t even revel in our bit of relief for George Floyd without news that Columbus police killed 15 year old Makiy… 2021-04-21 00:25:23 RT @hondanhon: BRILLIANT NEWS! 2021-04-21 00:17:36 RT @ian_shin: "The future is always in flux. [...] And for that very reason, our actions and decisions now—today—matter in ways that we can… 2021-04-21 00:14:19 RT @ian_shin: Wrapping my history methods course today. I assigned @jbf1755's essay on "Being a Historian During Historic Times," and these… 2021-04-20 23:48:13 RT @david_madras: Depending on how vaccine hesitancy ends up, there’s a chance Canada gets to 75% vaccinated before the US does https://t.c… 2021-04-20 22:57:35 RT @refuturing: Just arrived at Refuturing HQ, the latest from @roseveleth and company. 2021-04-20 21:27:34 RT @chrisvanderveen: Reminder to all journalists... This is how Minneapolis initially reported the death of #GeorgeFloyd… 2021-04-20 21:08:39 RT @edburmila: Just remember, this isn't evidence that "The system works" A system that Works is one where George Floyd isn't dead. 2021-04-20 20:59:10 RT @espiers: Deeply disturbing that major networks are so much more concerned about possible violence in response to a bad verdict than wha… 2021-04-20 20:57:09 RT @Taniel: And it was clear at the event where the governor signed this law that the right to vote is on their mind.… 2021-04-20 19:59:26 @bethmsemel 2021-04-20 18:37:11 RT @ASPphysician: This is just horrifying—a massive humanitarian disaster in progress. 2021-04-20 17:25:33 RT @taragolshan: I think a lot about the time DC voters passed a minimum wage increase for tipped workers and then the city council just re… 2021-04-20 17:21:21 RT @Travisdhanraj: #NEW: Ontario's #COVID19 Science table has just issued this letter outlining what will work and what won't work fighting… 2021-04-20 17:20:04 RT @cfiesler: P.S. I'm going up for tenure soon. :) If you've already used this exercise in your class please consider dropping me a note o… 2021-04-20 17:00:14 RT @bruce_arthur: That the province is still trying to say that delayed AstraZeneca shipments which were announced Apr. 1 are new delays, I… 2021-04-20 16:55:04 RT @aselbst: One of the biggest challenges in figuring out how to deal AI discrimination is that we don’t have a good handle on what counts… 2021-04-20 16:51:41 RT @MaxLiboiron: Working on my 5 min piece for @catalyst_sts' 5th anniversary. I'll be highlighting the work of some scientists & 2021-04-20 16:51:28 RT @fstflofscholars: Let a thousand conference formats bloom. 2021-04-20 16:47:16 It me (also, weirdly, @ezraklein and I are exactly the same age, give or take a few hours) 2021-04-20 16:46:00 RT @mozilla: “We must take pains not to develop a general theory of algorithmic fairness based on the study of Western populations.” AI Ob… 2021-04-20 16:20:21 RT @NathanStall: To be very clear, the triage protocol is NOT being used anywhere in #Ontario at present. This will only happen if all opt… 2021-04-20 16:02:39 RT @StephenNellis: Another important ⁦@peard33⁩ and ⁦@JLDastin⁩ piece on facial recognition. This time: Cedars-Sinai’s main L.A. emergency… 2021-04-20 15:56:54 RT @fossilheads: Just remembering that time the LG*B* Alliance said it was offensive for certain bisexuals to go to gay bars… 2021-04-20 15:40:45 RT @djleufer: New leak of a newer version of the @EU_Commission's AI regulation proposal Bonus: it still has track changes so we can see w… 2021-04-20 15:38:05 RT @MaxLiboiron: Here's the bibliography (it fits in 5 min!): 2021-04-20 15:31:27 RT @smaran: Even today, I don't think this is widely understood—not even in the humanities. Black Studies is essential to any understanding… 2021-04-20 15:08:26 This report is devastating 2021-04-20 13:57:55 RT @RonBrownstein: The scale of the suppression Rs are pursuing nationwide is really breathtaking. And it is what Manchin/Sinema will be ex… 2021-04-20 13:56:54 @lionel_trolling The flip side of industrial modernity! 2021-04-20 12:49:06 RT @parismarx: The most important thing you need to understand about self-driving cars. Even if the tech actually works one day, they’re st… 2021-04-20 12:33:43 RT @ShorensteinCtr: The HKS Misinformation Review is thrilled to bring to you a new special issue, “Propaganda Analysis Revisited,” guest-e… 2021-04-20 12:29:46 @npseaver I just wish I'd gotten in on this MLM scheme back when I heard about it in 2015! 2021-04-20 12:11:53 RT @scrivenix: Scientists are using AI & 2021-04-20 12:03:49 RT @apar1984: Recoinage, of "facial recognition" to, "facial authentication" further conflicts with initial statements by the national heal… 2021-04-20 12:03:39 RT @apar1984: facial authentication = facial recognition 2021-04-20 12:00:43 RT @ParkerMolloy: Politico when a Republican who got crushed in a presidential election dies vs. Politico when a Democrat who got crushed i… 2021-04-20 11:49:54 RT @nathansnewman: Perspective: Globally, more people are dying today than a year ago. And if the global pandemic is not brought under c… 2021-04-20 11:12:01 RT @franklinleonard: May we all shuffle off this mortal coil with such grace. 2021-04-20 10:49:27 RT @claudiakincaid: Many thanks to the editors at @JCultEcon for their feedback and support for this piece and to @jathansadowski for being… 2021-04-20 01:43:09 RT @jacremes: A short thread about something I for sure didn’t know. 2021-04-20 01:41:34 RT @SarahTaber_bww: Louder for the people in the back: low pay isn't even about profit, bc companies that pay well do well. It's about pu… 2021-04-20 01:35:23 RT @AriBerman: Montana GOP repeals Election Day registration to depress student & 2021-04-20 01:34:53 RT @immanenceftw: I know the first wave of NFT takes is over but this description in Hayles (1999) is helpful for understanding what's goin… 2021-04-20 01:32:30 RT @misstessowen: Now in Florida: - A "riot" is now defined as a gathering with 3 or more people. - If they're standing in the street an… 2021-04-20 01:32:02 RT @OmariJHardy: We were given just 30 seconds each to debate this 50-page voter suppression bill. This is how democracy dies. 2021-04-20 01:19:06 RT @tanmit: Finally!! Actionable auditing will have a place now. And this clause of "Do more good than harm" gives a new meaning to what al… 2021-04-20 01:16:08 @roseveleth 2021-04-20 01:11:08 RT @ruchowdh: “Hold yourself accountable – or be ready for the FTC to do it for you.” 2021-04-20 00:52:02 Seriously, does anyone know why Martin Regg Cohn is so in the tank for Doug? #onpoli 2021-04-20 00:21:19 RT @Taniel: Florida cracks down on protests with a new law that hikes punishments. This includes denying bail to anyone arrested at a pro… 2021-04-19 23:58:20 RT @seanmmcdonald: #digitalpolitik 2021-04-19 23:55:52 RT @medieninitiativ: Thinking about Hortense Spillers’s distinction between “body” (white, subject) and “flesh” (black, object)—and what th… 2021-04-19 23:04:28 RT @marylgray: h/t to @cat_guthrie for gifting me the phrase “revenge bedtime procrastination” today. You see me (and, yes, I’ll turn off t… 2021-04-19 22:46:26 RT @hypervisible: Facebook is basically an arsonist that applies a fresh coat of paint to one side of the house while simultaneously puttin… 2021-04-19 17:30:08 RT @BrooksFallis: Majority of Ontarians pushed back on playground closures. Yesterday we put 2 young parents on ventilators. They got COVI… 2021-04-19 17:21:16 @Faust_III @djleufer The Bryson piece is just a blog post. I confess I didn't expect so much response to a jokey post -- so let's let bygones be bygones! 2021-04-19 17:00:21 RT @DesmondCole: the conservatives proposed stopping anyone who left the house, then said just kidding police will use their discretion so… 2021-04-19 16:58:57 "Our flight is lofty, it is not sublime" -- Edna St. Vincent Millay 2021-04-19 16:31:50 RT @ElectProject: We're way past due to increase the size of the House 2021-04-19 16:20:25 RT @Greene_DM: Locking up vaccine IP is an act of war against the global south. 2021-04-19 16:04:08 RT @nytimes: The emotional toll of the pandemic has left many with a sense of stagnation and emptiness. That feeling of muddling through y… 2021-04-19 15:35:03 RT @gnrosenberg: Co-signed. Absolutely. One of the best things you can teach your graduate students. The problem, of course, is that most h… 2021-04-19 15:34:37 RT @smdiehl: Cryptocurrency is for all intents and purposes a multi-level marketing scheme of techno-babble obscurantism, distrust of insti… 2021-04-19 15:23:57 RT @drmwarner: An ICU bed costs $4,000/d in today's dollars. @ongov is burning through $21M/week to care for 750 #COVID ICU patients. M… 2021-04-19 14:43:37 RT @NathanStall: #Ontario administered a paltry 66,897 #CovidVaccine doses yesterday. Averages over the past week: Weekend = 76,731 /day… 2021-04-19 13:29:33 @Faust_III My initial tweet was responding to a post drawing an analogy between AI and nuclear technologies. I made a similar analogy in a 2018 piece. 2021-04-19 13:16:37 @Faust_III I'm afraid I don't follow your point 2021-04-19 13:11:25 RT @risj_oxford: This piece by @themarkup @jeremybmerrill explains how Facebook's ad system lets big companies such as @exxonmobil and @com… 2021-04-19 13:09:12 @Faust_III 2021-04-19 12:58:02 "A DDoS on people who give a shit" is gold 2021-04-19 02:03:35 RT @medieninitiativ: You can’t unsee it. 2021-04-19 01:58:32 RT @DesmondCole: bUt ThE cOpS sAid 2021-04-19 01:32:12 RT @cdavidnaylor: Truth. 2021-04-19 00:03:07 RT @MplsMe: @ddiamond From 2 days ago: 2021-04-18 23:47:53 RT @BogochIsaac: The AstraZeneca #COVID19 vaccine will now be available to those 40 years & 2021-04-18 23:36:26 RT @ryanqnorth: Attn Ontario friends 40+: 2021-04-18 23:22:29 RT @tetisheri: Histories of AI Event: Imaginaries and Materialities (April 19-20) 2021-04-18 21:53:15 RT @joshshepperd: I’m going to throw my hat in the ring for continuing with in-person conferences, but also that we lobby that every gradua… 2021-04-18 21:22:02 RT @lionel_trolling: sinema and yang are showing the future of politics is just being extremely annoying 2021-04-18 21:21:37 RT @isosteph: we’re never gonna come back from the damage sentiment analysis has done to the social sciences lol 2021-04-18 21:20:54 RT @jathansadowski: Yesss I'm loving this survey of "where tech employees across the country stand on key issues facing the industry" - 77%… 2021-04-18 20:48:48 RT @AmyGreerKalisz: This entire thread speaks the truth. Thanks to @ZackTeitel for a call to the thread and then decide how you… 2021-04-18 20:45:48 RT @FourWinns298: Hey big guy you're in The Post! @fordnation Opinion | Doug Ford must resign 2021-04-18 20:38:03 RT @ZackTeitel: So use it! Use the privilege! Use the power! But not only for playgrounds. Use it for things far more consequential. Use i… 2021-04-18 20:37:07 RT @ZackTeitel: But where has that same energy been for the last fucking year!?!?!?!? Or three years, for that matter!?!? This Tammany Ha… 2021-04-18 20:35:53 RT @AmyGreerKalisz: Today is the day the Washington Post runs a piece calling for @fordnation to resign..... 2021-04-18 20:00:25 RT @hypervisible: The Association for Psychological Science concluded that “there is no scientific support for the common assumption that a… 2021-04-18 20:00:00 RT @jw_lockhart: Curious how many research papers have tried to use machine learning to predict sex/gender from brains (MRI, fMRI, EEG)? Th… 2021-04-18 19:13:33 RT @taimhuynh: Overall, % vaccinated with at least 1 dose increased from 11.2% to 19.2%, and hot spots are catching up (9.6% to 18.0%). How… 2021-04-18 17:35:54 RT @hypervisible: Adventures in saying the quiet part out loud—theme park edition. 2021-04-18 17:35:23 Maybe AI applications like facial rec are analogous to...I dunno, plutonium or something 2021-04-18 17:15:50 RT @hoofnagle: One last point: the most important use of ML is not covered (for jurisdictional reasons) "This Regulation does not apply to… 2021-04-16 16:35:22 RT @nancybaym: It’s been so wonderful to go from brainstorming all the variations in human-machine relations with @kellybwagman to seeing h… 2021-04-16 16:05:07 @StephenMolldrem eat your heart out 2021-04-16 15:30:40 RT @FrankPasquale: “It can create these very radical people who are like gurus,” said Guillaume Chaslot, a former YouTube engineer who has… 2021-04-16 15:25:08 RT @BogochIsaac: Some of the issues of vaccine rollout in Ontario that require attention: 1. Expanding role of primary care 2. Convoluted… 2021-04-16 15:20:26 RT @DFisman: Given many missteps in vaccine rollout to date, I think it’s reasonable to demand a great deal more transparency and accountab… 2021-04-16 15:19:00 RT @DFisman: If we can’t figure out what on earth is going on here, I think it’s understandable that the public at large would have concern… 2021-04-16 15:17:54 RT @DFisman: @BogochIsaac you’ve had three science table members (me, @ASPphysician and @NathanStall) express concern about rollout, non ad… 2021-04-16 15:14:29 RT @HelicoptersofDC: Just now 2021-04-16 15:11:36 RT @g_meslin: The part that will always stick with me is that while they were failing to avert disaster, they had time to pack omnibus bill… 2021-04-16 15:07:30 RT @saraflocks: "These stories illustrate an important truth about these gig companies: They are not actually innovative, in the traditiona… 2021-04-16 14:51:53 RT @brianklaas: It's pretty wild that Bill Barr successfully spun & 2021-04-16 14:46:27 RT @jbouie: I similarly have been thinking a lot about how modern-day police are effectively the kind of invasive standing army that shaped… 2021-04-16 14:36:19 RT @bruce_arthur: One of the most essential threads of the pandemic 2021-04-16 14:35:04 RT @YoniFreedhoff: For a reminder of what it looks like when you let employers determine when it's "essential" to go into work, have a peek… 2021-04-16 14:29:09 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Nurses broken, people dying, surgeries cancelled, another long lockdown. Literally none of this had to happen, and it's t… 2021-04-16 12:11:33 RT @MattGertz: Truly unnerving how much of the most-watched show on this network is devoted to explaining that the left is responsible if a… 2021-04-16 11:48:30 RT @nathansnewman: Having purged most of the Labour left and publicly abandoned most of Corbyn's policies, Starmer's now less p… 2021-04-16 11:45:04 RT @sarahljaffe: the amount of ridiculous emotive language required of customer service text chats has got to be so irritating for the work… 2021-04-16 11:39:41 RT @AstorAaron: Some of the "vaccine booster" talk is just CEOs speaking profits to shareholders. Moderna's CEO is probably right that the… 2021-04-16 11:35:02 RT @timnitGebru: When we say it’s not an academia vs industry issue... I’m an alumnus of this lab and here’s the announcement with the orga… 2021-04-16 11:33:53 RT @erin_bartram: Despite the myth that no one with a PhD worked a "real job" before grad school, many did. Those who argue that a PhD can… 2021-04-16 11:16:03 RT @dhh: Bitcoin is an ecological disaster. 2021-04-16 11:13:53 RT @gmbutts: All that manufactured outrage against Kathleen Wynne. Now they have something to be truly outraged about.… 2021-04-16 11:13:29 RT @WilliamYang120: Breaking from #HongKong: Jimmy Lai and Lee Cheuk Yan are sentenced to 12 months. Margaret Ng: 12 months in prison a… 2021-04-16 11:10:59 RT @anushkaj11: Wrote for @FeminismInIndia about how facial recognition and other surveillance tech furthers patriarchal norms. Check it ou… 2021-04-16 02:42:43 RT @FrankPasquale: Predicting a world devastated by “a changing climate, disease, financial crises and technologies that divide more than t… 2021-04-16 02:25:38 RT @Beachlo48453466: @Travisdhanraj WHAT!! The construction “lobbyists won that battle”!! I just read an ICU doctor warning of triage - eve… 2021-04-16 02:25:25 RT @Bryson_M: Lobbying winning out over actual effective policies is a theme today 2021-04-16 02:10:53 RT @DFisman: I entirely agree with this thread by @Justin_Ling Can you transmit sars-2 outdoors? Sure. Are outdoor spaces vastly safer t… 2021-04-16 02:09:30 RT @Justin_Ling: The phrase "pandemic theatre" gets thrown around a lot, but I think that more adequately describes things like sanitizing… 2021-04-16 02:04:01 RT @DFisman: That we're headed for a humanitarian catastrophe and Cabinet doesn't want to shut down construction sites tells you everything… 2021-04-16 01:40:21 RT @parismarx: I sometimes see people say that the internet is great, but there are things we need to fix about it, and in the past I felt… 2021-04-16 01:33:24 RT @drmwarner: I cannot see a situation where some degree of ICU triage does not happen in Ontario. Demand will outstrip supply of staffe… 2021-04-16 01:06:11 RT @roseveleth: Sometimes the most hopeful imagination is one that destroys the things that need destroying 2021-04-15 22:27:16 RT @Patrick_Wyman: Anyway, it feels like a lot of what's supposed to be discussion about the functioning of labor markets is actually an ar… 2021-04-15 22:00:32 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-04-15 21:57:51 RT @FourWinns298: Perfect. 2021-04-15 21:52:53 RT @DFisman: I’d like to see Andrew’s tweet chiselled onto a memorial for people who’ve died unnecessarily during this pandemic because our… 2021-04-15 21:51:53 RT @bruce_arthur: It's been too late for a long time 2021-04-15 21:51:45 RT @DFisman: Everyone please remember that two weeks ago Ontario, Canada was planning to open indoor dining while building field hospitals.… 2021-04-15 21:14:58 RT @SimoneRacanelli: @TinaYazdani At what point will the media point out that Ford has been ignoring the experts for months? Like we have i… 2021-04-15 21:05:39 RT @onekade: No one want to work for poverty wages unless forced to. That’s the truth 2021-04-15 20:19:12 @blackgaygemini Indispensable 2021-04-15 19:22:09 RT @alex_abads: this *did* age well 2021-04-15 19:06:32 RT @AJentleson: This is such a silly process. Republicans are unserious and there is simply no reason for Democrats to cut the bill by 60%… 2021-04-15 18:59:34 RT @mcquillanator: This clinic's Astrazeneca shots are about to expire due to a lack of demand. Meanwhile, clinics are shutting down due t… 2021-04-15 18:58:42 RT @timnitGebru: This thread is relevant to many people involved in conferences and journals. 2021-04-15 18:54:16 RT @DGBassani: @DinoGiorgio72 It is possible, but I worry it is a larger problem. The focus on 'deep cleaning' and surface disinfection rei… 2021-04-15 18:54:09 RT @DGBassani: Urgent public communication campaign is needed. Some people still do not understand how one gets infected. Just spoke to som… 2021-04-15 17:03:30 RT @brianbeutler: Might not seem like it but this is extremely relevant to all the recent court-expansion news. 2021-04-15 16:53:55 RT @Sue_Innovates: Can do a walkin for AZ if 55+ in Toronto at this pharmacy. Please take this vax if 55+ and be safe. Taking AZ… 2021-04-15 16:39:29 RT @amydempsey: I know plenty of people in their 30s and 40s who would jump at the chance to get AstraZeneca, or any vaccine. 2021-04-15 16:38:20 RT @LMSacasas: Here's a bit of Illich that I think about often. From "The Cultivation of Conspiracy." 2021-04-15 16:19:30 RT @jonathansterne: So this is happening next week. 2021-04-15 15:57:21 RT @nathansnewman: Thune: "How dare you ask us to support things we agree with - and then pass other things we disagree with because you ha… 2021-04-15 15:50:27 RT @Bryson_M: not having a plan to deal with this exact issue is 100% on the provincial gov't. "abloo we don't have moderna" [quietly] "whi… 2021-04-15 15:41:47 RT @BogochIsaac: 9. We could probably administer significantly more AstraZenca vaccine through some combination of: 1) transparent & 2021-04-15 15:40:48 RT @bruce_arthur: It's kind of crazy that Isaac has to clean up the vaccine rollout comms 2021-04-15 15:30:18 @GuidingWriters @bethmsemel Thank you! It's much appreciated :) 2021-04-15 15:20:00 RT @TorinMonahan: “Ring is more than individual community members installing doorbells with cameras ... 2021-04-15 15:14:10 RT @nberlat: other countries not so much though, because we've allowed drug companies to patent these vaccines. which we should not do. htt… 2021-04-15 15:14:03 RT @o_guest: Then how come many successful people seem to behave like fragile narcissists? 2021-04-15 15:13:00 RT @navalang: Anglo N. America struggles with class bc it’s thought of in solely economic terms, which misses so much. It’s why people got… 2021-04-15 15:11:25 RT @navalang: I like figuring things out on Twitter, even when they’re dumb or obvious to others. Maybe Ezra Klein should also be allowed t… 2021-04-15 12:49:29 RT @byelin: Manchin and Sinema are being played here. 2021-04-15 12:37:29 RT @KagroX: Matt Gaetz’s former colleagues mandating teenage genital inspections. 2021-04-15 12:36:15 RT @hypervisible: 2021-04-15 12:27:53 Read this, folks, and remember it next year at election time. Inside a Toronto hospital system at a crisis point during Canada’s third wave of COVID-19 — where entire families have been torn apart, and front-line workers are at a breaking point. 2021-04-15 12:23:09 RT @drmwarner: Last night in the ICU: 15 patients 12 vents 12 #COVID 2 proned 1 dialysis Standard ICU RN complement for this patient load:… 2021-04-15 11:58:41 RT @BiellaColeman: Wow, 9, nine, neuf, negen, jobs in media studies in one of the best departments, in one of the best cities... 2021-04-15 02:13:39 RT @worldwise001: Hey friends, are you recently landed in Canada as a temp worker or did you graduate from a Canadian institution recently?… 2021-04-15 02:10:52 RT @TarletonG: An extremely important read for those who study, work on policy about, or care about content moderation. Also, anyone who wo… 2021-04-15 02:05:36 RT @feministandacc1: Although season 2 has wrapped up, we are already busy planning season 3 (starting next fall). This process involves… 2021-04-15 01:19:08 RT @EdMarkey: Who agrees that we should expand the Supreme Court? 2021-04-15 01:13:05 RT @arjunsubgraph: Excited to start a CS PhD this Fall with @YizhouSun at @UCLAengineering :D Much love for everyone who answered my quest… 2021-04-15 01:09:13 RT @caparsons: I am very excited to see which MP, or party, goes to the Canadian public and explains how their non-consensual sharing of an… 2021-04-15 00:35:25 RT @nathansnewman: Why is bitcoin legal, much less gets tens of billions of dollars of investment through our equity markets?… 2021-04-15 00:25:53 RT @drmwarner: Actions @ongov can take now to improve our situation: 1. Reallocate vaccines from less affected areas to hotzones. 2. Ask… 2021-04-14 23:57:40 RT @beyerstein: So let me get this straight: We've erased all the carbon progress we made with solar panels so that bros can speculate, eva… 2021-04-14 23:36:09 RT @mmitchell_ai: Cool ideas here, unique to the Twitter approach: -community-driven ML, agency and choice -studying effects over time -in-… 2021-04-14 22:19:07 RT @FourWinns298: This. 2021-04-14 22:18:34 RT @FrankPasquale: A really important point @Gothamist. So much anthropomorphization & 2021-04-14 22:18:18 RT @TeachGuz: Also, this is not a robot "dog." It is a police robot with four legs. 2021-04-14 22:01:59 @MaxLiboiron @shannonmattern only the best for my mouse! 2021-04-14 21:59:29 @shannonmattern Apropos of nothing, I have a handsome one which is a facsimile of Sigmund Freud's favorite carpet 2021-04-14 21:34:58 RT @mccNYU: Congrats to MCC PhD candidate @SandeepMertia for being awarded a @NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant in the Science & 2021-04-14 21:33:49 RT @red_abebe: Yay @rajiinio! How lucky for @Berkeley_EECS and well worth the two years of recruiting :) 2021-04-14 21:30:01 RT @sahilkapur: These two headlines are exactly one year apart. 2021-04-14 21:27:47 @rajiinio @Berkeley_EECS @beenwrekt @red_abebe Rock on! Congratulations @rajiinio -- Berkeley is lucky to have you. Make sure to look up @DMulliganUCB @jennaburrell and the @AfogBerkeley Group at the @BerkeleyISchool! 2021-04-14 21:13:15 RT @cfiesler: I actually think this is a very good example for e.g. methods coursework. 2021-04-14 21:02:55 RT @aketchum22: Last year I published a zine/bookette: How to Organize Inclusive Events: A Handbook for Feminist, Accessible, and Sustaina… 2021-04-14 21:00:14 RT @lnakamur: From the horse’s mouth. Content moderation should not be a poorly funded, solitary, sticking-your-finger in the dike exercis… 2021-04-14 16:43:44 RT @jbouie: meanwhile West Virginia has an estimated $265 million gap in capital expenditures for schools https://t… 2021-04-14 16:42:37 RT @nathansnewman: It's not an "infrastructure" deal so let's drop the word. It's a "Jobs Plan" and workers need their kids in safe school… 2021-04-14 16:24:57 @GuidingWriters 2021-04-14 16:24:49 this was unexpected 2021-04-14 16:20:34 @jean__hardy @StephenMolldrem I was watching the vid having a pang and then this thread. Everything 2021-04-14 16:14:27 RT @janinemccready: This . Ontario urgently needs to 1) re-evaluate what’s actually “essential” & 2021-04-14 15:51:33 RT @TorontoIDDoc: Anecdotal observations from COVID in hosp: 1. Notable absence of LTC admissions (vaccines work!) 2. Not many community dw… 2021-04-14 13:41:36 Another Star columnist blaming "overpaid faculty" for the Laurentian admin's mismanagement this morning 2021-04-14 13:29:16 RT @brianbeutler: This is exactly right. Carlson and Vance are pretending to believe that a Herrenvolk democracy is the only legitimate dem… 2021-04-14 13:28:28 RT @jonathansterne: Some ruminations on resistance to better academic writing: 2021-04-14 13:14:25 RT @NathanStall: These cancellations were prompted by 1-week delays in #Moderna shipments: If supply is choked off… 2021-04-14 13:11:26 RT @EdTubb: This is so clearly a good idea. 2021-04-14 13:06:24 RT @evlieb: Disseminating info about racial disparities in #COVID deaths polarized risk perceptions and policy preferences. This potentiall… 2021-04-14 13:03:11 RT @jkwan_md: 4,506,495 vaccines have been delivered to Ontario, & That leaves 1,196,338 vaccines (...s… 2021-04-14 13:00:22 RT @nathansnewman: Walmart: Screwing over workers rights and avoiding taxes are not "partisan politics" but protecting the right to vote a… 2021-04-14 12:42:10 RT @JoshMatlow: Pre-registering all Ontarians right away for COVID-19 vaccine could help with supply problems, hesitancy, councillor and he… 2021-04-14 12:35:36 RT @Too_Much_Hoops: Want to see when a mobile clinic or pop-up is coming to your neighbourhood? Good luck. No idea how to do that. Want to… 2021-04-14 12:32:59 RT @saberikhan: What value does Cornell Tech offer the residents of nyc, esp its black and brown students? What else could have been housed… 2021-04-14 12:31:41 RT @FourWinns298: Are they holding doses for private business clinics? 2021-04-14 12:25:14 RT @Bryson_M: glad we voted for the beer guy! 2021-04-14 12:23:16 RT @NathanStall: Why are multiple mass immunization clinics in #COVID19 hotspots closing and cancelling appointments? There was no reporte… 2021-04-14 12:15:15 RT @keanbirch: How to make #covid #vaccination so confusing it doesn't work #Ontario #onpoli #dougford 2021-04-14 12:14:34 RT @profcarroll: EU parliament members should note that the classified defense work of Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group was liquidated into SC… 2021-04-14 12:12:21 RT @mikarv: And of course the list of high risk AI in full (can be added to by powers in the reg). Hiring, credit, welfare, policing and te… 2021-04-14 12:11:30 RT @mikarv: Article 41(2) creates a notification requirement for emotion recognition systems (@damicli @luke_stark @digi_ad). This is impor… 2021-04-14 12:09:58 RT @mikarv: Some could say that by allowing a pathway for manipulation technologies to be used by states, the EU is making a ‘psyops carve… 2021-04-14 12:06:06 RT @digi_ad: On Art 41(2), for me, emotion has always included sentiment/social media, which I doubt is meant to apply (tho' Art 3(27) does… 2021-04-14 11:49:25 RT @EricLagadec: The coming weeks are likely to be important for the future of ground-based astronomy in the face of the threat of satellit… 2021-04-14 11:46:30 RT @taimhuynh: This field hospital (in waiting) is a scene right out of a post-apocalyptic film. Except it’s not fiction.… 2021-04-14 11:18:59 RT @grimmelm: The @cornell_Tech and @Cornell administrations have not shared substantially more information with the faculty about @UpFromT… 2021-04-14 02:13:44 RT @EvanSelinger: Behold, a glossary of Big Tech doublespeak from @_KarenHao. privacy trade-off (ph)-The noble sacrifice of individual con… 2021-04-14 02:12:12 RT @anabmap: “This shadow public service plays by an entirely different set of rules: they are not subject to budget restraints or hiring f… 2021-04-14 02:09:10 RT @ASPphysician: There are currently 1.2M doses in freezers. There was roughly 700K yesterday. Vaccine clinics all over the GTA are claimi… 2021-04-14 01:19:42 RT @NathanStall: #Ontario's #COVID19 vaccination program is a disaster. After > 2021-04-14 00:53:24 RT @AlexCampolo: Didier Fassin’s Collège de France course « Les mondes de la santé publique » begins tomorrow. Some interesting topics: qua… 2021-04-13 23:42:06 RT @mccNYU: MCC professor @cassius_a has won a Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). Congrats!… 2021-04-13 23:20:48 RT @newthotterkid: @tressiemcphd Just listened to your episode on The @ezraklein Show. Your words—“My success is always limited by how peop… 2021-04-13 23:11:59 RT @edburmila: I’m not saying the Blue Lives Matter flag is a fascist symbol 2021-04-13 23:11:36 RT @blackgaygemini: Got to lecture about internet celebrity and relational labor today, so I had fun introducing my undergrads to @wishcrys… 2021-04-13 21:23:23 @lynndombrowski Brava!! 2021-04-13 20:32:07 @jacobgaboury @sarahbmyers @UCBerkeley OMG, age 2021-04-13 20:19:50 @sarahbmyers @jacobgaboury @UCBerkeley Bravo and well-deserved!! 2021-04-13 19:57:05 RT @fborgesius: Does anybody have a pdf of the draft? Thanks! 2021-04-13 19:06:28 RT @tressiemcphd: I rarely retweet compliments (although I value them 2021-04-13 18:54:03 RT @FourWinns298: Stop turning people away. Most people are honest and will not game the system. If they're there with an appointment VACCI… 2021-04-13 01:41:53 RT @evoecolab: I am saddened & 2021-04-13 01:41:05 RT @nixian: This isn’t a restructuring. This is a blood bath. Here’s what’s left of the Faculty of the Arts at Laurentian University. htt… 2021-04-13 01:38:45 RT @katecallen: I would say I can’t believe this is happening — overflowing ICUs, school closures, and discussion of triage protocols, over… 2021-04-13 00:45:28 RT @SuppMontgomerie: The amazing @loriemerson wrote a fantastic review essay about @cmcilwain’s Black Software, @caitmckinney’s Information… 2021-04-13 00:45:10 RT @tracey_raney: Heartbroken that #LaurentianU has fired all of its Political Scientists. My partner was among them. The Ford gov’t let a… 2021-04-13 00:25:23 RT @sarahshulist: I have a 2/2 teaching load. I’ve gotten very little research/writing done in the last two years. Screw the productivity d… 2021-04-13 00:13:34 RT @bruce_arthur: Panic. And hospitals are currently trying to figure out who can do the most basic ICU work, because you can’t just create… 2021-04-13 00:00:26 RT @PatBlanchfield: ten thousand editorials and ten million posts about "cancel culture" ending discourse and democracy itself but apparent… 2021-04-12 23:59:11 RT @CBCQueensPark: Again a reminder: only 114 out of the 500-plus postal codes have been given hotspot status. On hospitalizations & 2021-04-12 23:57:19 RT @BrockStarPhD: A Canadian public university is being dismantled today: Sudbury's Laurentian University (was a) northern university that… 2021-04-12 23:53:14 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Here's the answer that contact tracing has been over-stretched: 2021-04-12 23:52:33 RT @waldojaquith: BTW, when I tweet about how Stallman is an incorrigible asshole and the Free Software Foundation is Actually Bad, I get z… 2021-04-12 23:42:10 RT @NathanStall: What's the secret sauce to fixing #Ontario's faltering #CovidVaccine rollout? Put more women in charge:… 2021-04-12 23:10:59 RT @bruce_arthur: Ontario’s government played chicken with the virus, and lost. And as with everything else of late, closing the schools sh… 2021-04-12 21:52:50 RT @AJentleson: For @TheAtlantic, I wrote about how we’re facing a doom loop of minority rule by white conservatives and the next two years… 2021-04-12 03:35:55 RT @MarkHarrisNYC: This would be a very good time for NYCers to start paying more attention to the mayoral race, and since the city is at a… 2021-04-12 02:28:07 RT @parismarx: Good thread on the concerted effort by US right-wing groups to build a campaign around denying trans people their rights, an… 2021-04-12 02:26:52 RT @jasonintrator: I would care about equal respect and dignity for folks who are trans regardless. But the fact that the far right worldwi… 2021-04-12 02:14:09 RT @lportwoodstacer: As a professional advice dispenser, I try really hard to be conscious of who is able to take the advice and who isn’t,… 2021-04-12 02:13:33 RT @mccormick_ted: This is both true and easy to verify, yet it will never, ever be mentioned in any opinion piece about higher education 2021-04-12 02:13:20 RT @lportwoodstacer: Most lifestyle choices are not equally accessible to all people. Even well-meant advice that doesn’t take this into ac… 2021-04-12 02:04:49 RT @roseveleth: One fun thing about being moderately successful in media is that you do not get offered $$$ from new media outlets like Sub… 2021-04-12 01:20:59 RT @DMulliganUCB: Yes! And important to look at similarities & 2021-04-12 01:15:51 RT @BiellaColeman: A cornerstone of my intro sts lecture class is that science is often quite conservative and that has + and - // but some… 2021-04-12 01:15:23 RT @TheStagmania: Increasingly convinced Andrew Yang’s terrible takes are an intentional strategy to keep his name constantly in the news.… 2021-04-12 00:56:03 RT @timnitGebru: This is really the crux of it. 2021-04-12 00:47:55 RT @byelin: “God, if you think the Senate should approve the Equality Act, give us a sign.” 2021-04-12 00:43:46 RT @therealbradbabs: ? 2021-04-12 00:38:55 RT @bruce_arthur: Prediction: amid record case counts and ICU admissions, parents hold children out in record numbers, some teachers walk,… 2021-04-11 22:51:56 RT @Abebab: Myers-Briggs is the biggest nazi snake oil scam there is that just won't die 2021-04-11 22:17:31 RT @heyitsnoah: She doesn’t specifically mention this debate, but here’s @zeynep on the gaslighting of aerosol scientists.… 2021-04-11 22:16:59 RT @DFisman: We have known how to control this disease for a year. 2021-04-11 20:36:05 RT @DMulliganUCB: “As medical schools revisit their curriculums in the post-Covid age, they should follow the lead of these students — who… 2021-04-11 18:55:22 RT @QueerinAI: We're excited to release our virtual conference queer inclusion guide! This is a living document created by dozens of our or… 2021-04-11 18:11:14 RT @giselegordon: 1/With the 4,456 new official Covid-19 cases in Ontario today and the majority of Covid-19 cases in Canada now being VOCs… 2021-04-11 18:09:43 RT @QueerinAI: Our 2021 demographic survey is live! If you're part of the broad Queer in AI community, please take a few minutes to fill i… 2021-04-11 17:08:56 @andrewthesmart Thanks! 2021-04-11 17:02:58 @andrewthesmart What's the reference? *Very* relevant to a paper I'm working on! 2021-04-11 15:22:03 @claudiakincaid Yeah. Wild in the conceptual leaps, less wild in actual results. 2021-04-11 14:59:08 RT @timnitGebru: Are faculty at @cornell_tech going to do anything or is this ok with you? There are so many faculty I know there. Are you… 2021-04-11 14:54:26 RT @bruce_arthur: This is 100%, 100%, 100% true. This is where the apportioning of blame should be focused, because there was one level of… 2021-04-11 14:35:10 RT @FourWinns298: Would have been easy to start mitigation and avoid this out-of-control disaster we are now facing. They knew, they once… 2021-04-11 14:31:40 RT @FourWinns298: Perhaps the biggest failure is amplifying any minuscule gain while minimizing even the largest warning signs and data. 2021-04-11 14:08:49 RT @bruce_arthur: Isaac and @ASPphysician have raised the idea of a fourth wave, which means that’s now on the table 2021-04-11 14:03:59 RT @EdTubb: For anyone asking if deaths are surprisingly low in Ontario's Wave 3, this is my way of explaining that, no, they're not. If y… 2021-04-11 13:56:28 RT @BogochIsaac: 5/ Want to end this 3rd wave & 2021-04-11 13:52:05 RT @EdTubb: Ontario is reporting a record 4,456 COVID-19 cases Sun., w. 21 deaths. The 7-day avg is up to a record 3,573 cases daily or 17… 2021-04-11 13:48:09 RT @hypervisible: The “state of the field” stories @kharijohnson has been doing for a while now are absolute must-reads. Same is true with… 2021-04-11 13:38:37 RT @bruce_arthur: A week ago the number was 482. Two weeks ago it was 409. Case counts are still accelerating, and the expectation is the c… 2021-04-11 12:57:02 RT @DFisman: Official data on variants in Ontario right now are not credible. I don't know what's going on. There's a lot more than is be… 2021-04-11 12:33:45 RT @DFisman: Ontario. 2021-04-11 12:30:37 RT @DFisman: The difference this spring is that the government didn’t believe it. Last year our modeling scared them into action, so this… 2021-04-11 12:15:07 RT @ruchowdh: What do we call a proxy of a proxy variable? 2021-04-11 12:14:19 RT @DFisman: Reupping. 2021-04-11 12:12:55 RT @DFisman: This is a human tragedy first and foremost. But the utter bungling of this entirely predictable (and predicted) health crisis… 2021-04-11 12:10:36 Wild 2021-04-11 12:10:25 RT @seanmmcdonald: Phrenology, but for your house. 2021-04-11 12:01:35 RT @FrankPasquale: From facial recognition to facade recognition: “We found that features visible on a picture of a house can be predictive… 2021-04-11 11:58:09 RT @erlking: People really would rather believe Atlantic Canada is 17 people living on a distant rock in the sea where a boat comes once a… 2021-04-11 03:58:13 RT @Lollardfish: So #FalconAndTheWinterSoldier is just ok. All these shows are just ok. And what holds them back is writing (which may in t… 2021-04-11 03:21:28 RT @ASPphysician: We've been hitting above 100K vaccines in ON for several days now and celebrating it. I have to say, I'm done celebrat… 2021-04-11 00:38:33 RT @thrasherxy: Not cautious. Low risk. Other than nursing homes & 2021-04-11 00:25:24 RT @drmwarner: There are 13 #COVID ICU patients in all of Atlantic Canada....a success story and testament to a bold and effective public h… 2021-04-10 22:36:15 RT @FenitN: It gets lost that woke means awoken to the realities of racism and injustice in society. When journalists use woke in a derogat… 2021-04-10 22:35:28 RT @imgrund: Speaking with MoL inspectors, I can confirm this is true. Many just want to make sure the “hygiene theatre equipment” is in pl… 2021-04-10 22:34:41 RT @Abebab: So much hate for trans people on this platform Much love and solidarity to all trans women and men… 2021-04-10 21:09:06 RT @natashasaburmd: Right now on our Covid unit, I am looking after multiple patients in their 40’s and 50’s, including a mother of a 2 yea… 2021-04-10 21:05:29 @a_b_powell @EvanSelinger @ozm 2021-04-10 18:28:45 RT @RealDJCthulhu: This entire piece is a dumpster fire, but it does work as a perfect case study to why “reasonable centrism” is not reaso… 2021-04-10 16:25:44 RT @Medium: Our emotions are interpersonal, easier to understand in context and difficult to truly pinpoint. .@EvanSelinger speaks with @… 2021-04-10 15:51:34 RT @FourWinns298: At one time this seemed almost impossible. 2021-04-10 15:50:46 RT @FourWinns298: Nearly 7 million people have been vaccinated in Canada most with one dose. They now sit in purgatory with no clear guidan… 2021-04-10 14:29:43 RT @OrinKerr: The oldest precedent cited in the majority opinion is from 2020. 2021-04-10 14:25:18 RT @mjs_DC: Kagan criticizes the majority for making new law (through a bunch of separate opinions) and pretending it’s precedent: “As the… 2021-04-10 14:25:11 RT @mjs_DC: Roberts dissented from the Supreme Court’s COVID decision tonight, so even though the opinion is unsigned, it is yet another 5–… 2021-04-10 14:25:01 RT @mjs_DC: Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett have used the shadow docket to establish a new First Amendment rule: Whenever th… 2021-04-10 14:09:38 RT @JYSexton: I want to be very frank here. What Carlson has done in recent weeks is advocate for a full and open embrace of fascism, laun… 2021-04-10 13:42:31 RT @margymaclibrary: New report out: “Algorithmic Awareness: Conversations with Young Canadians about Artificial Intelligence and Privacy,”… 2021-04-10 13:33:37 RT @LaurenPelley: Two months ago in Ontario: 2021-04-10 13:33:27 RT @DavidJuurlink: Allow me to point out that most doctors have nothing resembling the skill set of a critical care nurse and are genuinely… 2021-04-10 13:13:23 RT @bruce_arthur: Fantastic story, and again, the same thread running through it: there is no plan. These guys walked into a third wave and… 2021-04-10 12:53:26 RT @DrSyedMustafaA1: “The computer has from the beginning been a fundamentally Conservative force.” (Joseph Weizenbaum) #RacialCapitalism #… 2021-04-10 12:41:04 RT @gmbutts: It’s so awful. Had a senior hospital administrator describe the situation to me as “apocalyptic” in the GTA. All of it could h… 2021-04-10 12:14:30 RT @DrRKSingal: 2. This particular wave in addition to all of my previous emotions, brings also anger. If not preventable, so much of thi… 2021-04-10 12:06:15 RT @imgrund: It's time to call for the immediate termination of the @YorkRegionGovt MOH, Dr. Kurji. Just LAST NIGHT, he claimed the varian… 2021-04-10 12:05:43 RT @FourWinns298: 77 new admissions yesterday. We are not okay or doing "pretty well" we are in a complete crisis. No doctor *ever* wants… 2021-04-10 12:04:07 RT @DemFromCT: why there's talk of a fourth wave (not inevitable) 2021-04-10 11:48:55 RT @macrotargeting: How did Homer Simpson come to own a 4 bedroom home in a nice area and support a family of 5 on a single income? He has… 2021-04-10 11:34:40 RT @timnitGebru: Correct. Jeff Dean & 2021-04-10 01:46:02 RT @jamespmcleod: Atlantic Canada managed to control the spread of Covid using public policy. 2021-04-10 01:08:25 RT @FourWinns298: Well this is interesting. 2021-04-10 01:04:31 RT @bruce_arthur: Doug Ford said, folks, be positive. Sure, let’s try. 2021-04-09 23:50:43 RT @DMulliganUCB: fyi hope you can join us @alvarombedoya @harlanyu @Andreen_S @luke_stark @sedyst @richmondywong @HNissenbaum @Lucas_Intro… 2021-04-09 23:45:34 RT @DrRobThompson: Chefs kiss to whoever made this. 2021-04-09 23:18:04 RT @FourWinns298: The threat to capacity is quite simply BECAUSE of these people. They don’t even deserve to be called a government. 2021-04-09 22:46:41 RT @osamabishounen: also all of these people who spent 2019–2020 talking nonstop about political feasibility and pragmatism are suddenly ou… 2021-04-09 22:37:22 RT @richardson_m_a: A dark day, but the gleeful crowing from tech monopolists tells us how important it is to keep fighting for wages and c… 2021-04-09 22:35:50 RT @zeynep: Read and weep how the Skagit choir superspreading outbreak, first in the US, was ignored or explained away as maybe fomites or… 2021-04-09 22:28:25 RT @joshtpm: April 9th is a glorious anniversary: the day Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Commanding General of the US Army, received the surrender… 2021-04-09 22:07:42 RT @mcquillanator: Ontario *announced* vaccinations for 18+ in high risk areas. But it’s leaving everything else - booking systems, organi… 2021-04-09 22:04:20 RT @BrooksFallis: The first step is being honest & We have had far mor… 2021-04-09 22:01:46 RT @LAM_Barrett: I just 2021-04-09 22:00:49 RT @BrooksFallis: Saw 20 severe COVID patients yesterday. 14 workplace related transmissions. Stay-at-home won’t fix that. Temporarily clo… 2021-04-09 20:30:38 RT @jeffrey_heer: In light of recent ACM awards decisions and my own reflections, I'm committed to donating the $35,000 prize from the 2016… 2021-04-09 20:24:50 @michaelzimmer @mmitchell_ai @marcsteen :) I appreciate the support! I'm mostly mad at the ACM for printing press releases 2021-04-09 20:19:26 RT @anabmap: Setting up a call to discuss AI policy with the CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) and I am so excited. I hope it will be more abou… 2021-04-09 20:09:33 RT @ystvns: .... a moratorium is also needed in Canada that stops e.g. police from being able to use #FacialRecognition until b) there are… 2021-04-09 16:47:48 RT @re_sieber: We have a strong presence in ACM. Let's continue to press ACM to stand by its principles 2021-04-09 16:32:39 @michaelzimmer Also, that's an ACM article that's basically a Google press release! 2021-04-09 16:31:49 @michaelzimmer ¯\_()_/¯ no shade to other folks. Solidarity is a process! 2021-04-09 16:27:44 RT @ParkerMolloy: I’m so angry about all this shit. Lots of “progressives” who haven’t spoken up. Shame on you. 2021-04-09 16:27:40 RT @ParkerMolloy: Seriously, all of you people who’ve been sitting there silently who can’t bring themselves to even tweet support for tran… 2021-04-09 15:41:13 RT @drmwarner: The Hospital for Sick Children will be accepting Adult #COVID ICU patients for transfer within the next 24h. What we were w… 2021-04-09 15:05:18 RT @BondoHansen: Now in an actual issue with some amazing looking articles. 2021-04-09 14:47:49 RT @ErikLoomis: Yep, this. Probably a lot of the votes were cast before Biden made that statement. But even if that's not the case, the o… 2021-04-09 14:45:53 RT @NathanStall: Ontario hits new record highs of 4,227 #COVID19 cases and 552 patients in ICUs. Let's not forget all those individuals an… 2021-04-09 14:45:09 RT @FrankPasquale: The gig economy vision: creating "a new class of servant worker: for all intents and purposes employed by tech companies… 2021-04-09 14:13:04 RT @bruce_arthur: Yesterday, Ontario's solicitor-general said, of loosening and not reinstituting restrictions, "We wanted to make sure tha… 2021-04-09 14:01:09 RT @FourWinns298: Ontario reports 4227 new cases, 61,410 tests, and sadly 18 needless and inexcusable deaths. 2021-04-09 13:48:50 RT @jasonintrator: Two of the direct descendants of the leadership of the Berlin Jewish community are philosophers exactly the same age. Je… 2021-04-09 13:45:05 RT @DavidAvromBell: Brilliant article by François Furstenberg about contemporary American universities, and the way they too often function… 2021-04-09 13:24:35 RT @npseaver: ouch 2021-04-09 12:20:28 RT @sjjphd: I’ve seen a few folks share that a year without travel has revealed what a drain traveling was for them, which I get, but I am… 2021-04-09 12:17:12 RT @rsoden_: If you must teach or write about the "tragedy of the commons", you really should also mention that Hardin was an absolute tras… 2021-04-09 12:16:08 RT @Elinor_Carmi: The purpose of such reports is to cement what @LinaDencik calls 'surveillance realism' which "comes to regulate thought a… 2021-04-09 12:12:21 RT @themarkup: NEW from @leonyin and @asankin: Last year YouTube’s CEO said Black lives matter. But we found that its ad portal makes it mo… 2021-04-09 12:06:50 RT @crystalbennes: I don’t have a teaching gig, but if I did, the first thing my new students would be given to read every year is Katherin… 2021-04-09 12:05:36 RT @DFisman: Cases in a hospital research institute, clustered in time and space: considered sporadic cases because masked, so workplace ac… 2021-04-09 12:05:34 RT @DFisman: Pretty bizarre outbreak definitions we’re using now, I hear: Outbreaks in retail: shouldn’t be reported because nobody has re… 2021-04-09 12:05:04 RT @fightfortheftr: Spotify wants to use voice recognition surveillance to literally spy on your conversations and infer things like "gende… 2021-04-09 12:04:24 RT @bruce_arthur: This is why non-emergency surgeries are being cancelled. Not public health restrictions, but because they were lifted htt… 2021-04-09 12:04:13 RT @drjessehoey: Our manifesto on Artificial Sociality is up at @RofASSS #artificialsociality 2021-04-09 11:57:25 RT @KetanJ0: Apropos of nothing, here are some handy euphemisms that white journalists can use to describe racists and racism: - Gruff -… 2021-04-09 11:27:32 RT @pondswimmer: Last week: was joking with someone about AI emotion recognition for pigs/farm animals, Orwell's Animal Farm, etc This wee… 2021-04-09 11:24:09 RT @NoahIvers: No more elective procedures. Healthcare workers being asked to cross cover in areas beyond their usual expertise. It didn’… 2021-04-09 11:17:10 RT @natematias: "one key to real scientific understanding is to design experiments that always tell you something, even if it is something… 2021-04-09 02:47:45 RT @celinegounder: 30/ In summary, we have evidence that neutralizing antibody levels after 1st dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are NOT… 2021-04-09 02:47:02 RT @celinegounder: 22/ See Fig 4d: 3 weeks after 1st dose, 63% neutralizers vs D614G and 38% neutralizers vs B.1.1.7. The 2nd dose of Pfize… 2021-04-09 02:43:50 RT @mathewi: As someone who has had a single dose of Pfizer and now has to wait up to three months for the second one, I find this disconce… 2021-04-09 02:42:32 RT @natematias: Today I learned that PNAS does calls for paper. Here is their call for papers on racial and social justice… 2021-04-09 00:58:47 RT @LakeWV: Chuck Grassley when the Obama administration wanted to compromise with him on the ACA… 2021-04-09 00:48:10 RT @EvanSelinger: @evacide Here’s @hypervisible’s argument for burning it all down. 2021-04-08 23:44:25 RT @NYTHealth: Meet the woman who labored for years on the technology underpinning Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA coronavirus vaccines. Many sci… 2021-04-08 22:28:13 @undersequoias @datasociety Bravo! 2021-04-08 22:27:46 RT @murakamiwood: Too common: prominent academics (certainly not just men), who pillage other mostly more junior scholars' work from both t… 2021-04-08 22:20:38 RT @hypervisible: Imagine all you want to do is take a test, and the system your institution uses as a gateway to testing doesn't recognize… 2021-04-08 22:04:02 RT @undersequoias: I'm thrilled to announce I have been promoted/appointed as the Director of the AI on the Ground Initiative at @datasocie… 2021-04-08 20:16:49 RT @mona_sloane: A colleague just called Google "reputationally challenged" — just leaving this here. 2021-04-08 19:09:11 RT @hannawallach: Super excited that our paper on designing disaggregated evaluations was accepted to AIES!!!!!!! 2021-04-08 18:49:41 @KendraSerra 2021-04-08 18:49:27 RT @KendraSerra: I have been sitting on this news for so long and I am so excited to work with the incredible Georgetown team on this!!! ht… 2021-04-08 18:28:55 RT @LemieuxLGM: Rucho was even worse for American democracy than Shelby County 2021-04-08 18:25:04 RT @christofspieler: Great map that shows how Amtrak’s proposed short distance corridors match population. There’s logic in that map! https… 2021-04-08 18:24:35 RT @minu_jain: Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally somebody said it 2021-04-08 18:24:15 RT @_alialkhatib: honoring a bigoted racist like ullman with the Turing Award makes the field of computing a more dangerous place for peopl… 2021-04-08 18:17:01 Evergreen 2021-04-08 18:16:56 RT @npseaver: Nothing like having a PhD and being a college professor to make you feel like a dumbass 2021-04-08 17:10:44 RT @paulwaldman1: Joe Manchin isn't dumb. He knows his defense of the filibuster is ridiculous. But we're all his prisoners, and he's going… 2021-04-08 16:58:01 RT @murakamiwood: They argue that people will 'need' to give up privacy and autonomy because of things that government think are important.… 2021-04-08 16:50:52 RT @FourWinns298: Geez, there goes Mackie's theory. COVID-19: Ashley Oaks Public school in London temporarily closing due to ‘widespread… 2021-04-08 16:36:49 RT @mitalithakor: Now - #BeyondSurveillance with short talks by @luke_stark, Ivan Chaar-Lopez, Erin McElroy of @antievictionmap, and yours… 2021-04-08 16:10:21 RT @hypervisible: These dudes really thought they were doing something by letting you choose how much hate you want as if it’s like decidin… 2021-04-08 16:08:55 RT @bruce_arthur: They didn’t believe the models, and waited until the hospitals filled up before trying to stop hospitalizations. They pla… 2021-04-08 16:08:35 RT @mitalithakor: Happening now! #BeyondSurveillance: The Capacity and Creep of Caring Relations. Today and April 8.… 2021-04-08 16:08:30 RT @tamigraph: Part II happening right now! Join us through the registration link below 2021-04-08 15:23:45 Bravo @murraysd_ ! 2021-04-08 15:03:05 RT @anabmap: No thanks to Deloitte and WEF's tech futures, especially affective AI and brain-computer interfaces. Just no.… 2021-04-08 14:20:25 RT @AbeOudshoorn: CBC has been running an exceptional series outlining how land holding companies hold and even clear land in downtown Lond… 2021-04-08 14:20:20 RT @BenPatrickWill: New policy-facing report on AI and education, covering much from AI-as-a-Service infrastructures to affect detection et… 2021-04-08 13:49:16 RT @jbouie: “insulated by gerrymanders” almost understates the situation. there is no way, in practice, for the majority of Wisconsin voter… 2021-04-08 13:22:58 RT @AlexandraErin: Completely irrelevant to Dr. Lester's point, but there's a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where the Enterprise i… 2021-04-08 12:32:44 RT @Greene_DM: 2021-04-08 02:22:08 RT @JoshMatlow: Condo construction sites are some of the top sources of community COVID-19 outbreaks in Toronto. And even under Ontario’s s… 2021-04-08 02:15:35 RT @NaheedD: I’ve literally cared for people who died because they didn’t have #PaidSickDays during #COVID19. Getting gaslighted by the O… 2021-04-08 02:14:58 RT @melissagira: The "just asking tough questions" cover for transphobia is not the only thing got us here—AK, and now NC—but anyone still… 2021-04-08 01:53:21 RT @NotishaMassaqu1: I am Black I live in Ontario.9 of my family members have contracted COVID & 2021-04-08 00:36:09 RT @alicetiara: And this is all based on stolen scraped photos from social media. Regardless if you ever used Facebook or Flickr or whateve… 2021-04-07 23:32:58 RT @IrfanDhalla: This x1000. The person doesn’t even need to be “sick”. They might be getting a test because they think they have been expo… 2021-04-07 22:49:27 RT @StevenDelDuca: Experts & 2021-04-07 22:00:33 RT @maramills: pretty amazing to see the Crip Technoscience Manifesto by @kellyfritsch1 and @AimiHamraie installed at EFA Project Space on… 2021-04-07 20:39:52 RT @CBCQueensPark: Premier Doug Ford claimed the number of #COVID19 patients in Ontario ICUs is *higher* than the worst-case scenario proje… 2021-04-07 20:38:57 RT @LaurenPelley: For those asking "what are the hot spot neighbourhoods?": I can't say for sure which areas Ontario is picking for 18+ vac… 2021-04-07 20:25:10 RT @nberlat: this is not a great way to talk about this, imo. Blackface imagery came into vogue as America rejected reconstruction efforts… 2021-04-07 20:24:49 RT @Silverline____: 5 mins down the road, you will see a homeless family by the bus stop. Wish I was joking. 2021-04-07 20:24:35 RT @Silverline____: The heart of downtown London Ontario 2021-04-07 20:22:54 RT @jessiecatherine: Ontario announced all adults 18+ in the hot spots in Toronto and Peel will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations, foll… 2021-04-07 20:19:52 RT @gmbutts: This is so sad. Hard to believe it’s happening in Ontario, but it is. #Covid19 2021-04-07 17:06:58 RT @hypervisible: Serendipitous that this comes out at the same time as the previous tweet--about a proposed bill that would allow faculty… 2021-04-07 17:06:40 RT @AriDrennen: Whenever I see people talking about the “skyrocketing” rates of people saying that they’re trans, I think of this chart. Th… 2021-04-07 17:06:16 RT @UpFromTheCracks: Cornell Tech students and former faculty are calling me, in my DMs w/ horror stories incl racial discrimination, sexu… 2021-04-07 17:05:32 RT @gnrosenberg: So this is that "social construction of gender" we Gender Studies professors have been telling you about. You take a vague… 2021-04-07 17:05:19 RT @veenadubal: Just a friendly reminder that instead of “deregulation” we should be specific as to what the new form of regulation does. L… 2021-04-07 16:55:47 RT @bruce_arthur: This is a good thread that is really about not governments not addressing the heart of the pandemic, with paid sick days,… 2021-04-07 16:40:09 RT @WesternU: Up to 400 summer internships open to #WesternU students, including undergraduate research opportunities. #cdnpse #onpse http… 2021-04-07 16:10:22 RT @anthroptimist: This is such a concise yet nuanced article. @EvanSelinger @luke_stark covered so much ground! You can try ER tech for yo… 2021-04-07 16:10:04 RT @EvanSelinger: [3/7] The market for emotional AI is projected to be $91.67 billion by 2024. @luke_stark argues the technology is inheren… 2021-04-07 16:10:00 RT @EvanSelinger: In the course of a week, with the unwavering help and support of @dlberes & 2021-04-07 14:50:40 RT @MareikeSmolka: @jayshaw29 @josephdonia @madelainejley @aimeevanrobot @4sWeb @keanbirch @schock @PLehouxUM @StevenUmbro @luke_stark @utj… 2021-04-07 14:50:33 RT @JongsmaKr: @jayshaw29 @josephdonia @madelainejley @aimeevanrobot @4sWeb @keanbirch @schock @PLehouxUM @StevenUmbro @luke_stark @utjcb h… 2021-04-07 14:44:19 RT @timnitGebru: Time to remind everyone of @NoTech4Tyrants’s Google #RecruitMeNot campaign Sign the petition if… 2021-04-07 14:32:43 RT @mjs_DC: Given that so many Republicans now just straight-up lie about their own abhorrent legislation when it gets bad press, please re… 2021-04-07 14:16:27 RT @ParkerMolloy: People really thought that the anti-trans activists were going to stop with trans people, didn't they? It was always goin… 2021-04-07 12:15:57 RT @Unemployedneg: Much of the decline of the US Empire has been a slow boil, so, like the proverbial frogs in water, people get used to di… 2021-04-07 12:13:56 RT @FourWinns298: With the US kicking its full scientific and medical power into high gear against COVID, finally, there will be no more Ca… 2021-04-07 11:38:37 RT @DFisman: We blew it. Imagine the national outrage if this was a world juniors hockey game. 2021-04-07 11:27:03 RT @fborgesius: Nice! “Between empowerment and manipulation. The ethics and regulation of for-profit health apps”, by @MarijnSax https://t… 2021-04-07 11:23:27 RT @hypervisible: Good explainer on dark patterns. 2021-04-07 11:22:56 RT @lizzadwoskin: NEW: A recruiter who quit Facebook says HR workers are manipulating diversity stats (include tagging white people as POC)… 2021-04-07 11:22:28 RT @TukufuZuberi: I am writing about Du Bois versus The Eugenics Movement, and I happened upon these images from 1929.… 2021-04-07 01:48:51 RT @jathansadowski: Essential essay on the explosion and implications of landlord tech – used for things like punishing tenants, automating… 2021-04-07 01:42:45 RT @ystvns: After months of research & 2021-04-07 01:42:01 RT @timnitGebru: "A distinguished scientist at Google, Bengio spent about 14 years at the company and was among its first employees involve… 2021-04-07 01:35:35 RT @mmitchell_ai: In awe of everything Samy did to create an inclusive environment. Deeply appreciate how he understood, felt what happened… 2021-04-07 01:35:19 RT @elizupnick: Senate Democrats should pay attention to the reaction to the parliamentarian's ruling. Sen. McConnell will yell and scream.… 2021-04-07 00:57:30 @Greene_DM It's gonna be suuuper essential work to helps us think about predictive homelessness models up here in 2021-04-07 00:52:00 RT @smarket: The lady whose research became the foundation behind mRNA Covid Vaccine She is Katalin Karikó She started her research in 19… 2021-04-07 00:46:14 RT @Greene_DM: On April 15 I’ll give a book talk with @asist_org’s Meet The Authors Series 2021-04-07 00:45:01 Already in my MIT Press shopping cart! Do not delay, yall: @Greene_DM is required reading. 2021-04-07 00:44:02 RT @histoftech: “Why simple technological solutions to complex social issues continue to appeal to politicians and professionals who should… 2021-04-07 00:44:00 RT @histoftech: “Why your new library looks like an Apple store” 2021-04-07 00:36:25 Folks, @CIFAR_News is running virtual workshops for the public Open Dialogues around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Canada. Are you interested? Check out There are also separate youth workshops for teachers and their classes! 2021-04-07 00:29:19 RT @mmitchell_ai: Wow. An incredibly influential company/Google shareholder is calling out what Google did to me and @timnitGebru. Let's h… 2021-04-06 23:58:29 RT @bruce_arthur: Exactly what CAMH said last year. 2021-04-06 23:57:12 RT @ShailRawalMD: Some groups are shielded from COVID by way of another group's exploitation. 2021-04-06 23:53:32 RT @DGBassani: Now here are the real devastating mental health outcomes of this pandemic, and they’re consequences of the infection, not pu… 2021-04-06 23:45:17 RT @kaiy1ng: I'm so upset. Both scholars taught me anthropology's grace. Esp. when I was introduced to Rabinow. His insistence that Foucaul… 2021-04-06 23:33:12 RT @Alexandra__To: If you’re looking for a mentor and want to think about identity x computing, critical race theory, games, empowerment, e… 2021-04-06 23:11:47 @blackgaygemini 2021-04-06 23:11:40 RT @blackgaygemini: so grateful to have @luke_stark as a mentor and friend. this interview about the harms and pitfalls of "Emotion AI" is… 2021-04-06 21:32:39 RT @natematias: According to usage data acquired by BuzzFeed, facial recognition has been used by far more taxpayer-funded organizations th… 2021-04-06 21:06:00 @DrPragyaAgarwal @maria_axente Lots of other great folks in this space -- @BenPatrickWill @digi_ad @GiladRosner @angelaxiaowu @naz_andalibi @Abebab @drjessehoey @Elaine_Said to name just a few! 2021-04-06 21:04:08 @BenPatrickWill That's a great compliment coming from an expert like yourself - thank you! 2021-04-06 21:03:37 RT @BenPatrickWill: This is brilliant on emotion AI. Given emotion recognition is now a major thrust of edtech and emotion learning analyti… 2021-04-06 20:42:56 RT @FrankPasquale: Their gig economy end game is a “GoFundMe link posted beneath a viral tweet so they can pay for their health care. Bein… 2021-04-06 20:00:43 RT @bruce_arthur: "Field hospital of no help" 2021-04-06 19:54:32 RT @timnitGebru: Not only was Samy's leadership severely undermined while continuing to dismantle his team & 2021-04-06 17:11:01 RT @dfriend: “I’m a prudent guy, so I’m like, ‘OK, we can’t live stream.’ But you can stand in line at a retail store that’s non-essential… 2021-04-06 17:03:13 RT @Abebab: "Those ideas [of phrenology and physiognomy] have reared their ugly heads again today through facial recognition technologies."… 2021-04-06 17:03:05 RT @zenalbatross: good morning. i wrote about @CodedBias and the need to deepen our understanding of "algorithmic bias" it's not about fau… 2021-04-06 16:17:47 RT @QueerinAI: Our call for submissions to present at our workshop is open and closes on Monday, May 3, 2021 Anywhere On Earth (AOE). Anyth… 2021-04-06 16:17:43 RT @QueerinAI: Announcing the Queer in AI Workshop at @icmlconf 2021 (and we’re looking for submissions, including from undergrads 2021-04-06 15:54:59 RT @gmbutts: Unreal. At precisely the time we need to scale up emission cuts to deal with climate change, we do this. The history books won… 2021-04-06 15:53:51 RT @Abebab: me: calling "emotion recognition" AI inaccurate and biased downplays the fact that such tech is snake oil phrenology tech bro… 2021-04-06 15:48:22 RT @DFisman: This is a good thread. How Ontario got here. 2021-04-06 15:38:00 @tamigraph ¯\_()_/¯ 2021-04-06 15:36:42 RT @tamigraph: Register for Part II of Beyond Surveillance, featuring @luke_stark @mitalithakor @erin_mc_elroy and @ichaarlopez. Thursday,… 2021-04-06 15:31:43 @tamigraph What a time to be, uh, alive 2021-04-06 15:30:31 RT @nicoemoe: So that sheen of “control” Uber gave drivers as part of their prop 22 campaign? Buh-bye. They aren’t happy drivers are reject… 2021-04-06 15:30:01 RT @nathansnewman: Appreciate @doctorow thread on my Prospect piece on the "real cancel culture" - the employer use of personality testing… 2021-04-06 15:24:24 RT @NassimParvin: Our next event in the series is coming up this Thursday, in collab w/ Neda Atanasoski. Ft., Claudio Celis Bueno, Katie Ke… 2021-04-06 14:29:13 RT @gavinmuellerphd: what's psychotic is this quotation is celebratory 2021-04-06 12:47:40 RT @dppardue: Honored to be part of this book project @KatieEBarclay and @_Jade_R : 2021-04-06 12:47:23 @profcarroll @EvanSelinger @CodedBias thanks David! 2021-04-06 12:47:00 RT @profcarroll: Excellent in-depth interview of @luke_stark by @EvanSelinger that serves as an outstanding follow-up to your viewing of @c… 2021-04-06 12:46:54 @EvanSelinger @ozm that's very kind! Thanks for giving me the chance to be so wide-ranging! 2021-04-06 12:46:05 RT @EvanSelinger: @luke_stark @ozm Thanks again, @luke_stark, for sharing your critical insights! Fingers crossed that when your book comes… 2021-04-06 12:39:07 RT @Miriam_Sweeney: @luke_stark @EvanSelinger @ozm A fascinating and illuminating conversation! Looking forward to your book @luke_stark. 2021-04-06 12:30:37 Especially in these constrained pandemic times, it was such a pleasurable exercise to have this wide-ranging conversation on emotion recognition and its implications with @EvanSelinger (though bittersweet given recent developments at @ozm) 2021-04-06 12:22:45 Couldn't agree more -- and @drjessehoey and I provide a taxonomy for thinking about how to do so here 2021-04-06 12:07:35 RT @Lollardfish: The center right always blames the left for the far right. 2021-04-06 12:03:38 RT @mjs_DC: I’m sure someone has already made this point. But the landmark 2003 Supreme Court case McConnell v. FEC had that name because M… 2021-04-06 11:57:11 RT @DFisman: @BogochIsaac And again: family docs and nurses are largely undeployed. And I think the freezers have become an issue precisel… 2021-04-06 03:21:13 RT @jkwan_md: "Why are there so many doses in freezers?" Was gonna post this as a separate detailed thread but it's late and I am tired and… 2021-04-06 03:10:35 RT @IBJIYONGI: "CBBEP Coastal Bird Program The explosion of yet another (3rd so far this year) SpaceX rocket prototype yesterday showered… 2021-04-06 03:01:36 @BogochIsaac @drmwarner With all due respect, I don't think you need to tell that to Dr. Warner... 2021-04-06 01:52:46 I'm really excited to participating in this! 2021-04-06 01:45:32 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Oh hey, another delivery today. 2021-04-06 01:27:53 RT @FourWinns298: Hey Doug that whole blaming the Feds thing? It’s done. You can stand on your record now. 2021-04-06 00:31:44 RT @bruce_arthur: What Peel’s Dr. Lawrence Loh did in closing schools took courage. So many people are trying to save us, but none of them… 2021-04-06 00:16:56 RT @imgrund: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th: @Sflecce set aside 50,000 tests per week for asymptomatic testing. MONDAY, APRIL 5th: In 7 weeks, onl… 2021-04-06 00:16:12 RT @DFisman: Please consider signing this petition from @RNAO @DorisGrinspun. We don't need to go down without a fight.… 2021-04-06 00:14:35 RT @tdverstynen: We are looking at what will likely be the largest loss of talent & Without sig… 2021-04-06 00:07:17 RT @DGBassani: Well done Dr. Mercer! People’s health as the priority. 2021-04-06 00:04:44 RT @jathansadowski: ahahahahahahaha we are living in what I like to call The Farce Zone 2021-04-06 00:01:16 RT @ParkerMolloy: Oh no 2021-04-05 23:42:18 RT @DigiLabour: 4PM – Vocabulary & Amba Kak (AI Now!) @ambaonadventure Carla Vieira (perifaCode/ University of São Paulo) @ca… 2021-04-05 23:02:09 RT @hondanhon: Wait, Star Trek: Prodigy is like The Magic Schoolbus, but Janeway is the Ms. Frizzle equivalent, as an Emergency Training Ho… 2021-04-05 22:24:06 RT @hypervisible: Lots to comment on, but I think the use of the word “passport” when talking about these systems is the cause of a lot of… 2021-04-05 21:58:31 RT @hypervisible: “... rather than thinking about vaccine passports as temporary, isolated, public health-related measures, we should view… 2021-04-05 21:54:36 RT @DFisman: Exactly. We’re not going to see the surge from the malls and Easter gatherings for about a week. 2021-04-05 21:39:29 Well I see the Responsible Republicans have found the polite Trump they can get behind 2021-04-05 21:33:03 RT @Billius27: ICU covid patients are skyrocketing past all historical levels. Many of these people will die. 2021-04-05 21:32:20 RT @Billius27: Ontario Key Indicators Apr 5 2 days: 5,979 new cases (2,938 today) 36.5K tests today, wkly pos 5.5% Rt 1.21 , variants… 2021-04-05 21:15:54 RT @mona_sloane: Extremely excited to announce that on 4/15, 5pm EST I'll be hosting Sabelo Mhlambi, Anna Lauren Hoffman @annaeveryday and… 2021-04-05 17:10:10 RT @mer__edith: What's happening at @CornellTechNYC––a school with zero Black faculty––is alarming It mirrors an accelerating pattern acr… 2021-04-05 16:57:45 RT @Cato_of_Utica: HUH WEIRD I'VE BEEN TOLD THAT COVID DOESN'T SPREAD IN SCHOOL BUILDINGS FOR SOME MAGICAL REASON 2021-04-05 16:33:55 RT @Coachie83: “Teachers are in huge trouble right now. A lot of the cases we are seeing in the ICU are teachers.” Time to push for change… 2021-04-05 16:21:53 RT @meganboler: Join us for Panel on "Weaponized Media: politics of affect & 2021-04-05 16:17:18 RT @mona_sloane: "the dual imperatives of fairness and inclusion center on a commitment to enrolling more and more “diverse” (usual… 2021-04-05 16:14:58 RT @ariezrawaldman: The brilliant @EvanSelinger has a cool new interview series on all things ethics, tech, society, and similar fascinatin… 2021-04-05 16:04:38 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I've received many questions and comments about keeping kids home from school this week. Here is the logic as to why our… 2021-04-05 15:25:38 RT @jomc: The mistaken belief that Facebook has only recently become a problem is held entirely by those who have been sheltered from its h… 2021-04-05 14:36:40 RT @murakamiwood: The issue with #ButterGate isn't whether butter is different, it's about industrial agriculture and the links between che… 2021-04-05 14:24:24 RT @FourWinns298: Ontario: 2,938 cases today and 3,041 cases yesterday. 2021-04-05 14:00:16 RT @DFisman: I think much of our recent public health guidance (restriction of outdoor exercise classes, cancellation of outdoor sports, cl… 2021-04-05 13:52:56 RT @DFisman: If we could catch up with the science on aerosol transmission, we could do this a lot smarter. This guidance makes absolutely… 2021-04-05 13:43:32 RT @jbouie: “for my friends, everything 2021-04-05 13:21:14 There was a nuclear war in the interim, but who's counting... 2021-04-05 13:19:01 RT @WheatNOil: I say this not to strike fear. Fear doesn’t really help us here. We have a serious threat. The threat is time-limited. We… 2021-04-05 12:41:41 RT @bruce_arthur: Super interesting thread which is a tremendous argument for continuing to reduce vaccine hesitancy, and also pointing out… 2021-04-05 12:19:33 RT @FourWinns298: In the 2nd quarter, Canada is to receive at least one million doses of the Pfizer vaccine every week until the end of May… 2021-04-05 12:08:14 RT @cathmckenna: "If built, the road will raze 2,000 acres of farmland, cut across 85 waterways and pave nearly 400 acres of protected Gree… 2021-04-05 12:07:54 RT @imgrund: Isn’t lunch time at schools ‘indoor dining’? 2021-04-05 12:07:32 RT @IrfanDhalla: 482 people with Covid in Ontario's ICUs this morning. Much higher than wave 2 peak, and still increasing fast. Case numb… 2021-04-05 11:57:05 RT @bruce_arthur: LOL at anyone not blaming the province for insane decisions in the face of a third wave that could have been controlled b… 2021-04-05 11:53:53 RT @SilvermanJacob: Your whole world constantly mapped via ubiquitous wifi sensors. 2021-04-05 02:34:08 RT @DrEricLevi: Relying on vaccination alone is insufficient. Without vaccination and public health measures new deadly variants are appea… 2021-04-05 02:34:02 RT @DrEricLevi: Things we know now that we didn’t know in 2020. COVID is airborne. The delineation of droplet vs airborne is faulty. The… 2021-04-05 02:32:32 RT @tamigraph: Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Therapists? There’s a paywall, but can tell you right now the answer is no cc ⁦… 2021-04-05 02:31:39 RT @john_overholt: What the hell is this guy’s problem? 2021-04-05 02:31:06 RT @drmwarner: This coming week we will cross the 500 #COVID ICU patient threshold in Ontario. A # like this will lead to action, but we c… 2021-04-05 02:30:41 RT @BrooksFallis: Ireland & Their rapi… 2021-04-04 23:31:30 RT @AnnamiePaul: Today I spoke with CBC's Rosemary Barton - from #RegentPark in #TorCen - about the urgent need to vaccinate communities wi… 2021-04-04 23:30:38 RT @DFisman: 2021-04-04 23:29:17 RT @FourWinns298: I don’t like asking for RT but please let people know there are vaccines. 2021-04-04 23:29:10 RT @FourWinns298: Not sure who posted yesterday that with Ford yelling WE HAVE NO VACCINES! WE HAVE NO VACCINES! Why try to book a jab? T… 2021-04-04 23:28:41 RT @imgrund: SCHOOLS: Last to close, first to open, last to have their staff vaccinated. Schools are essential for this Government ONLY wh… 2021-04-04 21:01:00 RT @seanmmcdonald: AI and #datatrusts design are very similar in this regard. 2021-04-04 20:57:27 RT @burtonad: Mini thread. 2021-04-04 20:34:58 RT @julianzelizer: The endless attacks on “cancel culture” have become a central weapon in the effort to cancel out certain forms of social… 2021-04-04 19:33:29 RT @BrooksFallis: Vaccinating essential workers is vital, but won’t protect workers for weeks. Close manufacturing, warehouses of ALL non… 2021-04-04 18:10:03 RT @FourWinns298: I never use when I need quick access to research papers. Please bookmark to ensure you never us… 2021-04-04 18:09:25 RT @DarrenDreger: Number of positive cases climbing within the Vancouver Canucks. More than 20 players/coaches combined have tested positiv… 2021-04-04 18:07:06 RT @nataliamangos: And while i’m at it — yes, it is airborne. Highly transmissible variants are ripping through the province and ICUs are… 2021-04-04 18:06:02 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-04-04 17:11:40 @safepress @DFisman Oh, trust us, we have been. 2021-04-04 17:11:17 RT @tamigraph: My review of Your Computer Is On Fire is now up at @LAReviewofBooks. Many thanks to Michele Pridmore-Brown for the edits and… 2021-04-04 16:59:09 RT @DFisman: The US, which lacks a universal health system, is now vaccinating 3 million people a day (1% of pop). Ontario is around 70,0… 2021-04-04 16:53:26 RT @Jesse_Brenneman: TFW you invent serfdom. 2021-04-04 16:51:19 RT @ShadyAshamalla: There is literally no excuse not to open vaccination up to all teachers and essential workers today. Today. Any further… 2021-04-04 16:51:06 RT @JoshuaMZeitz: The state literally was not a democracy in any way, shape or form until just 56 years ago—and then, only because of feder… 2021-04-04 16:50:52 RT @JoshuaMZeitz: The arguments for why GA’s voting bill isn’t that bad or “isn’t Jim Crow redux” may be prima facie correct on likely outc… 2021-04-04 14:34:47 RT @FourWinns298: So "nice" that the people that update Ontario's dashboard get Easter Sunday off while HCW across the province are SPENDIN… 2021-04-04 14:30:23 @Greene_DM oh snap 2021-04-04 14:20:49 RT @NathanStall: #Ontario is leaving lives on the table by leaving vaccine in the freezer: in freezers: 985,132 administered (total):… 2021-04-04 14:20:43 RT @AlainnaJJ: I’m not surprised that the province continues to emphasize that VOCs were initially introduced here via travel. It certainly… 2021-04-04 13:43:19 RT @JMandryk: One of the worst things about the Ford government’s ineffectual half-measures is that they undermine confidence in public hea… 2021-04-04 13:42:18 RT @jennbrasch: I’ve been told by a doc working at the Wellington St #COVID19 vaccination clinic in #HamOnt that there are 100’s of appoint… 2021-04-04 13:27:45 RT @tylerwatt90: Vaccines sitting in freezers in Ontario: 985,132 Total vaccines administered today: 59,567 Premier @fordnation please… 2021-04-04 13:26:33 RT @jjoque: Lmfao “in a few years”? Didn’t the Concorde used to do nyc to paris in like 3 hours? This is the real 1984 discourse. Shit keep… 2021-04-04 12:30:49 RT @iMeluny: I can’t stop reading this quote in the context of #privacy. 2021-04-04 12:29:24 RT @FourWinns298: If it's safe for kids to go to school next week it must be safe to shop, hang out with friends and go to church. When yo… 2021-04-04 12:16:06 RT @CLEAR_Lab_: Have you ever been doing research and thought "hmm... something is sketchy" & 2021-04-04 12:04:32 RT @SGaibrie: I never understand why some say "people will abuse paid sick leave”. 42% of Canadians (mostly high income) already have it.… 2021-04-04 12:03:52 RT @byelin: At a certain point, opposing the Democrats from the “left” just morphed into being a down-the-line conservative Republican. 2021-04-04 11:53:06 RT @bruce_arthur: If Ontario issued real restrictions tomorrow, rather than the half measures offered Thursday, this number will still prob… 2021-04-04 11:50:30 RT @FourWinns298: The flood continues to grow and we're bailing with a thimble. 2021-04-04 11:47:35 RT @PoppyHarlowCNN: A reminder from @Pontifex this Easter Sunday to help the poorest among us. “I urge the entire international community..… 2021-04-04 00:41:53 RT @ericabuddington: Last week, I mentioned an educator that came to school sick and was sent home. They tested positive for COVID-19. They… 2021-04-04 00:41:30 RT @DFisman: We don't need it. We don't want it. Who benefits? Why is this being rammed through during a public health emergency? 2021-04-04 00:40:54 RT @AdrianaBarton: “Totally healthy” 47-year-old teacher now intubated in Toronto hospital after contracting COVID-19. Doctor @SharkawyMD s… 2021-04-04 00:40:10 RT @realsarahpolley: Please read and RT. Ontario has done so little to protect our teachers. It’s shameful. 2021-04-04 00:39:43 RT @FrankPasquale: They wanted “an A.I. chatbot that people prefer as a conversation partner over a person.” It e… 2021-04-04 00:16:37 RT @AbeOudshoorn: THIS IS WHY WE NEED A PROPER LOCKDOWN, we can't literally vaccinate everyone right now who needs it most, so we just need… 2021-04-04 00:10:20 RT @gtzarcelia: Drag Them: A brief etymology of so-called “cancel culture” by Meredith D. Clark 2021-04-03 23:29:19 RT @jackiantonovich: Your morning read: Q'Anon's links to New Age Masculinity "[There's a] growing pipeline between New Age male spiritual… 2021-04-03 23:26:10 RT @AbeOudshoorn: A warning for #LdnOnt 2021-04-03 22:45:55 RT @jbouie: great piece on the origins of “cancel” in black vernacular. you could write a similar story about “woke” as well.… 2021-04-03 22:31:01 RT @ASlavitt: People who say government can’t do anything just have the wrong government. 2021-04-03 22:30:18 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-04-03 22:23:51 RT @schradie: You don't say 2021-04-03 22:10:34 RT @birgitomo: Patient brought to ER. Been ill but can't afford to stay home due to #precariouswork. Tests +ve for #COVID19. Respiratory… 2021-04-03 22:01:08 RT @FourWinns298: The public's not buying into what Ford says this time. Too many lies and too many half-assed attempts to mitigate the pa… 2021-04-03 21:55:50 RT @rmack: Why Silicon Valley's most astute critics are all women 2021-04-03 19:52:36 RT @FourWinns298: Looks like the public is taking the lockdown about as seriously as the government's taking the pandemic. We can't expect… 2021-04-03 19:32:02 RT @BenPatrickWill: "The value system informing this plan suggests education is a commodity and as a commodity it can be packaged, bought,… 2021-04-03 18:59:28 RT @TomPark1n: Perfectly healthy 55 year olds who are protected by working from home are being given vaccines before those working everyday… 2021-04-03 18:58:13 RT @KWardTV: After putting this tweet out I have heard from hundreds of people across the province. The common thread in each and every mes… 2021-04-03 17:12:06 RT @lportwoodstacer: This is a huge and real problem in the editorial and review process. Assuming “native speakers” are inherently better… 2021-04-03 17:05:00 RT @FourWinns298: So sorry. 2021-04-03 17:04:36 RT @FrankPasquale: “In the absence of a union, a welfare state that functions, or robust legal protections for workers, we are all vulnerab… 2021-04-03 15:59:12 RT @bruce_arthur: Canadian provinces experiencing a third wave are doing so because their provincial governments made a choice. That’s it. 2021-04-03 14:58:39 RT @NathanStall: At the height of Wave 2, @IrfanDhalla described #Ontario's pandemic response as "the most catastrophic failure of moving e… 2021-04-03 14:58:21 JFC 2021-04-03 14:57:18 RT @AbeOudshoorn: Today Ontario topped 3,000 cases of #COVID19. Statistically, 232 of these people will be hospitalized and 63 will die. O… 2021-04-03 14:50:42 RT @EricBoehlert: where NYT tells Dems to relax bc law specifically designed to make voting harder might not actually hurt Dems. does NYT… 2021-04-03 14:44:01 RT @EdTubb: I've highlighted Toronto and Peel lately, but the two worst recent increases are in Durham, left, and Middlesex-London. In a w… 2021-04-03 14:41:41 Doesn't seem great, Ontario 2021-04-03 13:36:24 RT @bruce_arthur: Fabulous, essential story and thread. When Ford’s government says, for the people, you always have to ask, which ones? ht… 2021-04-03 12:51:53 RT @drmwarner: It took: 5 MDs 4 ICU RNs 4 RTs 1 perfusionist & 3 critical care paramedics 3 hrs To save my ~40 yr old #COVID patient with… 2021-04-03 12:51:45 RT @DFisman: @TorontoStar Thanks to the Star for reporting on this. 2021-04-03 11:32:19 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-04-03 11:04:43 RT @KashPrime: Let's go over some simple reasons why this new 'lockdown' won't work and what we can do about it: Essential workers 30s-50s… 2021-04-03 10:56:35 RT @FourWinns298: 2/ *Please* only leave the house for essentials or outdoor activities. Utilize grocery delivery or curbside pickup if pos… 2021-04-02 22:04:25 RT @SStossel: "The whole digital news industry has been based on lies." Smart piece by the always-insightful @joshtpm, founder of one of… 2021-04-02 22:00:01 RT @theodorajewell: New book just out: "Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and Social Life after the Turning Test" a historical media… 2021-04-02 21:50:08 RT @jbouie: the short story is that the fact that the 14th and 15th amendments were unenforced did not mean they did not exist, and this sh… 2021-04-02 21:50:06 RT @jbouie: i have covered it here and there but beginning to think it might be worth just writing a column explaining, exactly, how jim cr… 2021-04-02 21:32:59 RT @SabrinaMaddeaux: Can now immediately tell Canadians from Americans on my Twitter feed. Americans my age are celebrating their second ja… 2021-04-02 21:24:44 RT @FourWinns298: Not sure why we're so surprised or shocked at the variants. U.K. data were *very* clear on increased transmission, rise i… 2021-04-02 19:31:58 RT @zeynep: @joshtpm @michelleinbklyn @TaylorLorenz @MichaelMaiello @misanthropolgy @NellieBowles I can only conclude that we have not move… 2021-04-02 19:28:56 RT @pardoguerra: I have some professional news to share. . . . . . . . . . I’m exhausted. 2021-04-02 19:26:43 RT @FourWinns298: Western University (UWO) is on fire. MLHU reports 122 cases with 91 under 29. 4 reported outbreaks so far. These studen… 2021-04-02 17:00:47 RT @LeapingRobot: 1977...the writing about Silicon Valley was already on the wall. 2021-04-02 16:30:57 RT @annaeveryday: Happy to share a new review - "Teaching Data Ethics: Foundations and Possibilities from Engineering and Computer Science… 2021-04-02 16:10:37 RT @jenheemstra: Mentoring is not: let me tell you what I did so that you can replicate my exact path Mentoring is: let me ask questions a… 2021-04-02 16:09:51 @theodorajewell Totally agree. Starting with PhD programs: I applied three years running and only received one offer. 2021-04-02 15:54:47 @theodorajewell 2021-04-02 15:46:44 RT @KendraSerra: Happy Friday, @LilNasX is a genius and he deserves EVERYTHING. Our job is to build a world good enough for him. 2021-04-02 15:02:40 @dgolumbia Never too late for anyone. Look at Harvey Milk, or Samuel Beckett. 2021-04-02 15:01:11 @dgolumbia Of course, I don't wanna stop caring about injustice, natch! Y'all know what I mean 2021-04-02 14:57:51 @dgolumbia There's still time for both of us! 2021-04-02 14:52:35 RT @alicetiara: my brilliant colleague @kreissdaniel on what the polarization debate leaves out 2021-04-02 14:51:00 @dgolumbia You know I originally wanted to be a theatre director? 2021-04-02 14:49:19 @dgolumbia I would love to stop writing, caring, and thinking about automation and injustices. Please, please, please. 2021-04-02 14:32:15 RT @FrankPasquale: Affective computing targeting children portends injustices regarding "datafication of childhood, manipulation, parental… 2021-04-02 14:24:12 RT @mona_sloane: One of my students wrote a knock out essay on this topic in the fall — so excited to see this topic take momentum! https… 2021-04-02 14:16:38 RT @rosamunde_vb: While the system works for those who built it, as things are, there is little incentive to solve a hit-and-run, a kidnapp… 2021-04-02 12:26:04 RT @DFisman: @CBCToronto just introduced Ryan O’Connor as “a Toronto lawyer”. That’s like introducing Doug Ford as a local label manufactu… 2021-04-02 11:03:01 RT @JoyAndDefiance: fuck Doug Ford 2021-04-02 10:27:12 RT @_rdgao: one of my postdoc fellowship apps got rejected and I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry at this tragicomedy like, tha… 2021-04-02 10:25:48 RT @jcalpickard: '[Mulvin] tells the history of technology through the labor and communal practices of, among others, the people who clean… 2021-04-02 01:32:07 RT @UPI: Interior Department establishes missing, murdered Native American women unit 2021-04-02 00:05:10 @michaelzimmer Or Madison, for that matter. 2021-04-01 22:16:00 RT @BiellaColeman: Surprising and not all that surprising. This is why why Canada is described as having a housing bubble… 2021-04-01 21:51:16 RT @annaeveryday: My (small!) contribution here, reflecting on conversations across data justice and feminist data studies, the discomforts… 2021-04-01 21:48:09 RT @MrDeshaies: (1/3) The Directive on Automated Decision-Making has been updated! It improves the clarity of many requirements and helps e… 2021-04-01 21:38:40 RT @DFisman: This is absolutely right on. 2021-04-01 21:37:45 RT @NathanStall: #Ontario needs to retool its #COVID19 vaccination distribution strategy, by allocating more vaccines to higher risk public… 2021-04-01 21:33:20 RT @TaylorLorenz: Shocking and terrifying piece by @ameliajpollard about how PragerU is infiltrating the public education system https://t.… 2021-04-01 21:23:21 RT @annaeveryday: Excited to have an essay on this collection! Thanks to @3Lmantra and @ruchowdh for curating this work!!!… 2021-04-01 21:02:38 RT @undersequoias: Job alert! Come work with us on the AIGI team at @datasociety as a Research Analyst and produce impactful research on… 2021-04-01 20:36:38 RT @CarissaVeliz: A company publishing #AIEthics principles is no guarantee that they will honour good practices. Much more is needed. http… 2021-04-01 18:57:24 RT @gmbutts: What a show. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so freaking deadly. 2021-04-01 18:57:22 RT @gmbutts: It’s almost like their Premier has been on TV every day shouting “WE HAVE NO VACCINES.” 2021-04-01 18:55:24 RT @graydesign: Happy to announce that our paper “Dark Patterns and the Legal Requirements of Consent Banners: An Interaction Criticism Per… 2021-04-01 18:54:22 RT @perreaux: Ontario Premier Doug Ford: "We still have the toughest restrictions anywhere in North America, bar none." From over here in… 2021-04-01 17:13:53 RT @nberlat: so, in case it wasn't clear, it's really bad that Jesse Singal thinks it's his job to rush around the internet policing parent… 2021-04-01 17:07:58 RT @ann_leckie: The problem with this tweet is that the poster obviously never takes Amtrak anywhere and has no idea how many people use it… 2021-04-01 17:07:21 RT @smjevnikar: And take that news paired with this: 2021-04-01 17:04:37 RT @Eggymceggerson3: This is why what we did in Georgia literally altered the direction of the country. 2021-04-01 15:37:48 RT @tamigraph: Starting soon! I'm wearing my fancy slippers and actual clothes 2021-04-01 15:37:14 RT @scottbix: Joe Manchin has privately indicated that he’s not on board with the Equality Act, citing a flood of calls to his office from… 2021-04-01 15:36:22 RT @washingtonpost: Backlash after U.K. race report seeks to "dispel myths" about racism, tell "new story" about slave trade… 2021-04-01 15:31:37 RT @clancynewyork: Truly, irreplaceable. It was the venue for the performers who were the core of Wigstock, without which you do not have D… 2021-04-01 15:29:19 RT @NathanStall: Ontario, please heed @SteiniBrown's warning from this morning's #COVID19 modelling update: "The faster we get the pandemi… 2021-04-01 15:13:29 RT @sproudfoot: "Am I missing something here, or is this presentation predicting a disaster?" "No, you're not missing anything." https://t.… 2021-04-01 15:11:02 RT @DFisman: @PHealthGnome Great point Not all health units are created equal 2021-04-01 15:00:20 RT @Autumm: OMG this is big!! Congrats to @hypervisible and congrats to Harvard for snagging him for this fellowship! Excellent choice! h… 2021-04-01 14:57:51 RT @bruce_arthur: It's not an accident. It is a choice. 2021-04-01 14:57:18 RT @DFisman: Reupping. Our government and CMOH chose the bottom left quadrant. We didn’t have to be here. 2021-04-01 14:57:06 RT @brankamarijan: Just an observation but there is a great deal of misinformation and worry in immigrant communities that the gov't needs… 2021-04-01 12:47:11 RT @FourWinns298: If Ford had the SLIGHTEST concern for SBO he would close them, compensate them, offer paid leave for staff, and lockdown… 2021-04-01 12:07:57 RT @AJentleson: Yes, this, but also, it's completely nuts that we don't have this already. Welcome to the 21st century, America. 2021-04-01 12:03:19 RT @Abebab: This is an amazing initiative for Black women in AI research, led by Black women. Apply and/or spread the word. 2021-04-01 00:29:18 RT @naz_andalibi: The guy who proudly hosted this on his webpage, was awarded the Turing award. Good job, computer science community. So mu… 2021-03-31 23:49:04 RT @mmitchell_ai: Thank you @KwasiAMensah. You're not the only one resigning bc of what Google did to me/@timnitGebru, but you are one of t… 2021-03-31 23:46:12 RT @hypervisible: “Over a quarter of those surveyed reported an increase in harassment and workplace hostility — and of those experiencing… 2021-03-31 23:45:28 RT @VickiNashOII: WE ARE RECRUITING! New permanent position for an @oiioxford Associate Professor in AI & 2021-03-31 23:13:11 RT @adamamyl: Cor! 2021-03-31 23:09:55 RT @mathewi: This piece is long, to make it look like Facebook is taking criticism seriously, but the bottom line is the same as it has alw… 2021-03-31 22:57:36 RT @mer__edith: new from the legendary Lucy Suchman The hyperbolic "AI arms race" narrative's being used to justify dangerous, fantasti… 2021-03-31 21:31:48 RT @annaeveryday: Huge congrats to @ThomasJBillard @er_ique & 2021-03-31 20:59:10 RT @Abebab: Dig deeper and you'll find it everywhere from genetics to statistics to cognitive science ... and you don't even have to dig th… 2021-03-31 20:57:06 RT @IBJIYONGI: Lil Nas X showed the difference between tolerating and embracing queer people 2021-03-31 20:40:30 @Greene_DM But it's Responsible AI, Dan. 2021-03-31 20:40:04 RT @Greene_DM: Between this and JEDI, and of course all the smaller, less spectacular things, is MS the biggest Big Tech defense contractor… 2021-03-31 20:26:55 RT @jathansadowski: Ted Chiang is the goat. He understands exactly what's going on. Better analysis of tech than 99% of what's out there. G… 2021-03-31 20:15:47 RT @IBJIYONGI: Are you an academic writing about race? Meaning you need a definition of race. Meaning, you should pick up this book, edited… 2021-03-31 19:48:58 RT @KwasiAMensah: I'll be leaving Google on April 9th, 2021. The Timnit Gebru situation is what lead me to start applying elsewhere. And no… 2021-03-31 17:12:58 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-03-31 17:10:18 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-03-31 17:06:34 RT @DFisman: I keep circling back to this chart. What an incredibly helpful piece of knowledge synthesis, @JenniferKShea… 2021-03-31 16:17:03 RT @jamcjo: Big week for marking your own homework. 2021-03-31 16:16:27 @internetdaniel @levendowski @karen_ec_levy @elanazeide Right. Snitches everywhere 2021-03-31 16:08:07 @internetdaniel @levendowski @karen_ec_levy Wait, what? 2021-03-31 16:07:30 RT @FourWinns298: Combine a proper 4-6 week lockdown and increasing vaccine delivery -and I think there might be another one or two good su… 2021-03-31 16:05:43 @internetdaniel @levendowski @karen_ec_levy Also, does Match have access to/keep any of the data?? 2021-03-31 16:03:32 @internetdaniel @levendowski @karen_ec_levy Long history of this kind of social/financial vetting (nosy society parents poking around in/disapproving of their children's choices made for a million film plots in the 30s/40s!) Crummy then, crummier now! 2021-03-31 15:57:26 RT @QueerinAI: Queer in AI is throwing virtual socials at #EACL2021 featuring talks by @sarahchander and @aparrish. People of all identitie… 2021-03-31 15:55:34 @internetdaniel @levendowski @karen_ec_levy Oh lord (re: the topic, not the wonderful @karen_ec_levy!) 2021-03-31 15:55:01 RT @internetdaniel: Love to casually encounter #1 fav @karen_ec_levy in the New York Times 2021-03-31 14:56:02 RT @bruce_arthur: This isn't precise, it's a fluid situation, with partial results. But how could Peel, which has gotten slammed and contin… 2021-03-31 14:49:58 @annaeveryday Same, it's part of why we get along 2021-03-31 14:38:33 @annaeveryday This is a sweet story, and also you are too self-abnegating friend 2021-03-31 00:23:39 RT @bruce_arthur: Between this and York closing vaccination sites and the province blaming the feds for it and it turning out York had supp… 2021-03-31 00:23:27 RT @tamigraph: Join us for Part 1 of Beyond Surveillance from 12 PM to 1:15 PM EDT on Thursday, April 1! 2021-03-30 22:40:59 RT @MaxLiboiron: Article alert! Alex Wilson doing fantastic work Queering Indigenous-based land education. AND she’s doing it remotely, dur… 2021-03-30 22:29:45 RT @annaeveryday: ahhhhhhh @kaiy1ng's work inspires me so much and i am so so excited to hear this 2021-03-30 21:58:33 RT @bruce_arthur: Every day, Ontario gets closer to the meltdown. It’s just a matter of how long the government willing to wait, and how ba… 2021-03-30 21:38:59 RT @mmitchell_ai: This is _critical_ work right now: Incorporating foresight into ethics operationalization and governance. 2021-03-30 21:38:00 RT @hypervisible: "The landlord tech industry, while alive and well prior to COVID-19, has ramped up in the past year to develop new ways t… 2021-03-30 19:11:56 RT @postphdtheblog: @tressiemcphd's newsletter this week is she reads academic trolls for absolute filth. "Sometimes clear writing is a… 2021-03-30 18:57:00 RT @hiokinai: 2021-03-30 17:41:02 RT @Ethnography911: showing proof of vaccination is one thing 2021-03-30 17:19:28 RT @bruce_arthur: The only times in the last year where Ontario experienced anything resembling real lockdown was spring 2020, when everyon… 2021-03-30 17:19:14 RT @FourWinns298: Ford blames the health care catastrophe on "letting our guard down". Does not mention how he has let the people of Ontari… 2021-03-30 17:15:08 RT @Dr_C_Thompson: Where do I order? 2021-03-30 17:05:29 RT @nathansnewman: Looks like Covid vaccine tech will help stop malaria. So if we had invested to stop malaria years ago, we would likely… 2021-03-30 16:59:34 RT @tamigraph: Do I put a digital media + the occult week on the Feminist Technology syllabus or the Digital Cultures syllabus? Why not bot… 2021-03-30 16:49:44 RT @AdamSerwer: So despite the fact that every energy source was curtailed during the storm because of failure to winterize, Republicans in… 2021-03-30 16:44:16 RT @ezralevin: WOW WOW WOW. Leaked recording from 2 days after the Jan 6th Capitol mob. Koch-funded operation & 2021-03-30 16:35:14 RT @kharijohnson: Personal News I'm heading to @WIRED, where I’ll be a senior writer focused on AI. I start next month and am excited to… 2021-03-30 15:21:18 RT @bruce_arthur: No, they haven't, because staffing an ICU is specialized work, and the lag on hospitalization means you can't keep up wit… 2021-03-30 15:17:06 RT @RDBinns: I'm honoured to mention that this paper received an honorable mention 2021-03-30 15:05:36 @markarayner @westernuFIMS Thanks Mark. It was the right thing! 2021-03-30 14:25:54 RT @ParkerMolloy: And there just isn't anything comparable elsewhere — whether left-leaning outlets or mainstream sites. There's just not t… 2021-03-30 14:25:05 RT @mckelveyf: In one week's time, we're welcoming @devjpow to talk about her new book On Trend, noon on 6 April @Milieux_news Space still… 2021-03-30 14:19:17 RT @ParkerMolloy: They weren't just *responding* to outrage, they were *creating* it. That's what those outlets do. They take a story they… 2021-03-30 14:18:58 RT @ParkerMolloy: Allow me to illustrate how right-wing media outlets manufacture outrage. 2021-03-30 13:59:20 RT @EdTubb: Ontario is reporting 2,336 COVID-19 cases Tues. w 14 deaths. The 7-day avg is up 113 to 2,207 cases daily or 106 weekly per 10… 2021-03-30 13:33:57 RT @AbeOudshoorn: I've started giving my students two options if they propose using Heidegger's phenomenology: 1) They include a mention th… 2021-03-30 13:33:47 RT @Greene_DM: "...AIs typically launch into unrelated, largely unpunctuated rants about the inevitability of laissez-faire economics, the… 2021-03-30 03:45:48 RT @bruce_arthur: Asked about spring break, Doug Ford said he didn’t want to predict two weeks ahead. He’s right, in a way: the province sh… 2021-03-30 03:40:01 It's an old formula, but it's particularly effect via space-binding, context-erasing, memory-wiping social media 2021-03-30 03:35:56 Here's the trick: say something over and over again in a fearful, angry way, so that your audience associates it with their own anger and fear. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Amplify, amplify, amplify. That's #emotivepolitics 2021-03-30 03:18:38 RT @kevinroose: The company that produced 800 terrifyingly futuristic robot videos quietly pivoting to warehouse robots that are only margi… 2021-03-30 03:16:04 RT @zugenia: Here's a thing I'm learning to do: check in with my grad students periodically to ask if there's anything they want to say NO… 2021-03-30 03:15:09 @internetdaniel I also find this odd, and maybe worthy of investigation 2021-03-30 03:12:27 RT @syardi: this is an extremely cute FOIA 2021-03-30 03:09:48 RT @hypervisible: Amazon’s social media trolling campaign on twitter is just the localized version of their massive gaslighting initiative… 2021-03-30 03:09:33 A thread 2021-03-30 03:07:36 RT @Greene_DM: Labor scholars have spent decades trying to show that ‘skill’ is just another word for race or gender and he just...tweeted… 2021-03-30 03:05:01 RT @NathanStall: The solution to more Ontarians getting sick and dying from #COVID19 is not creating more hospital & 2021-03-30 02:58:48 RT @MerkinMuffley5: @deonteleologist "Critical race theory" = any concerns about racial inequality or racism 2021-03-30 02:53:19 It's terrifying 2021-03-30 02:52:53 RT @paulmozur: This is real super power stuff. It’s remarkable. Propaganda/CAC can whip up anger framed around what they like, then dial it… 2021-03-30 02:45:45 @ragepath Yup 2021-03-29 22:58:57 RT @DFisman: BC, Quebec and Alberta peeps: there’s no reason why these variants should behave any different in other provinces. https://t.c… 2021-03-29 22:54:52 RT @EmilyDreyfuss: it's really not fair that the big boat is unstuck while the rest of us are just left here, sitting in our eternal stuckn… 2021-03-29 21:25:44 RT @DFisman: For those unfamiliar, ECMO is basically a lung bypass pump. They take the blood out of your body and put oxygen in it, and th… 2021-03-29 21:22:48 RT @IrfanDhalla: "17 people with COVID-19 were connected to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, at Toronto General Hospital, the… 2021-03-29 21:21:18 RT @thecitywanderer: I really cared about 5 Pointz because it was one of my first introductions to graffiti and graffiti writers, and it wa… 2021-03-29 21:17:36 RT @SilvermanJacob: I published a book 6 years ago saying Uber and Lyft were riddled with problems, starting with the exploitative biz mode… 2021-03-29 21:16:56 RT @Abebab: "I could afford not knowing" 2021-03-29 21:06:43 RT @DBGerrard: “Me reading your tweets” 2021-03-29 21:06:00 RT @jeffreymoro: I wrote a blog post about my experience this past year seeking employment as a college professor, what I learned about my… 2021-03-29 20:47:44 RT @erikhinton: This totally real Amazon employee has a totally real profile image and is not at all a GAN composite.… 2021-03-29 20:45:17 RT @rachelcoldicutt: I would go much further. This is an absolutely terrible idea that could damage public trust in government technologies… 2021-03-29 20:36:01 @elenamaris1 @ayeemach Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed 2021-03-29 20:35:37 RT @Sierra_OffLine: somewhere inside me dwells a brief essay on why "kitchen systems software" is the failed holy grail of personal computi… 2021-03-29 20:31:43 @elenamaris1 @ayeemach This excellent tweet is, if anything, charitable to AI 2021-03-29 20:29:36 RT @elenamaris1: What they say AI can do vs. what it actually does 2021-03-29 16:38:04 RT @shalinikantayya: I'm so incredibly thrilled to announce that @CodedBias will be available to stream globally on @netflix April 5th! It’… 2021-03-29 16:00:56 RT @EnglishRail: One of the key objectives of our @TorontoRBOT regional rail report is to draw a clear contrast between "commuter rail" and… 2021-03-29 15:24:33 RT @BurmanPhD: I wish the public (including students) could see how much work professors do just to keep everything running smoothly. Per-s… 2021-03-29 15:11:31 RT @MisterABK: People agreeing with each other - UGH! Disgusting groupthink. People agreeing with me - Ah! Open minds! Welcome to my thinka… 2021-03-29 15:09:31 RT @seanmmcdonald: All content moderation is governance. 2021-03-29 14:55:49 RT @bigblackjacobin: They are all also required reading because then you get to see what the other side thinks those 3 are saying is not wh… 2021-03-29 14:47:18 RT @EdTubb: Ontario administered 50,453 vaccine doses Sun., down a lot from Sat. As of this am, the province has received 320k more doses… 2021-03-29 14:46:18 RT @IrfanDhalla: I think that's the highest test positivity in a long time. Too many cases, too many hospitalizations, too many people nee… 2021-03-29 14:38:09 RT @bruce_arthur: Seven-day average over 2,000, and that positivity is high. This was all avoidable. 2021-03-29 14:37:37 RT @sarahbmyers: Uber is, yet again, automatically firing drivers based on flaws in the facial recognition software it uses to authenticate… 2021-03-29 13:06:40 RT @GregGrandin: like the United Fruit Company minus the fruit. cameos by Milton Friedman’s grandson and Peter Theil.… 2021-03-29 13:02:43 RT @michaelzimmer: I'm seeing chatter that vaccine passports might become a thing. I recall @EdFelten talking about the limitations of thes… 2021-03-29 12:47:39 RT @JLWeisenfeld: Next week should be a little less busy. 2021-03-29 12:41:02 RT @FourWinns298: More vaccine chatter. A volunteer at a GTA clinic said they have large capacity but very few people were vaccinated, and… 2021-03-29 02:35:39 RT @Combsthepoet: Contrary to popular belief, giving a f*ck is not the absence of joy. 2021-03-29 02:24:51 RT @meakoopa: if your religion can’t stand up to a three minute burlesque that is, it should be pointed out, coming from within by one of i… 2021-03-29 02:24:27 RT @meakoopa: “we forgot to update our theology or aesthetics in any meaningful way since the renaissance and now when a young gay men sell… 2021-03-29 00:37:09 RT @mjs_DC: “Artists have been imagining trips to hell for hundreds of years without anyone raising too much fuss, but then Dante wasn’t a… 2021-03-29 00:15:43 RT @timnitGebru: Accurate 2021-03-29 00:08:52 RT @jmjafrx: 2021-03-29 00:07:52 RT @tegabrain: More unraveling: This year sees the earliest date for the Kyoto cherry blossom bloom on record. 2021-03-29 00:04:57 RT @murakamiwood: This has got nothing to with proving #COVID19 #vaccination and everything to do with normalizing #facialrecognition techn… 2021-03-28 23:23:59 RT @WilliamDeringer: @danmcquillan I’d add @guo_xuguang “Making It Count” (on statistics and the socialist state in early PRC) + @profwerni… 2021-03-28 22:04:48 RT @nathansnewman: A statement of Trumpist political philosophy by 40-year old Claremont Institute: you are not Americans and are not part… 2021-03-28 21:46:17 RT @pareene: that's right 2021-03-28 21:36:33 RT @FourWinns298: Out of all the things I had been expecting to happen during the pandemic, having to beg people to get vaccinated when we'… 2021-03-28 21:36:09 RT @DrKateTO: Great question. 2021-03-28 21:30:14 RT @FourWinns298: *The fact is a third shutdown is coming.* If Ford tries to get Easter in it will lead to a disaster. If he tries to keep… 2021-03-28 19:28:22 RT @KristiCCoulter: So do @washingtonpost writers who’ve had cancer not get to cover cancer? Do robbery victims not get to cover property c… 2021-03-28 18:49:49 RT @maramills: this sprawling interdisciplinary project on machine listening: 2021-03-28 18:24:14 RT @marquisele: The racialization of health choices and conditions is the reason why “obesity” panic exists at all. It is also the one (or… 2021-03-28 18:13:32 RT @DFisman: H/t @emranski 2021-03-28 18:10:32 RT @WellsLucasSanto: suddenly it all clicks 2021-03-28 17:10:17 RT @macfound: Top read last month, how @black_in_ai, @AJLUnited and @Data4BlackLives are framing the conversation on equity in AI. Spec… 2021-03-28 16:47:18 RT @AmitAryaMD: Ontario’s #COVID19 vaccine rollout today: - Over 400,000 doses sitting in freezers - Many Family Doctors still unable to v… 2021-03-28 16:43:00 RT @CBCLondon: Here’s the latest #COVID19 update for Middlesex-London. The 7-day rolling average is up to 42. There were 19 additional scre… 2021-03-28 16:42:04 RT @profamirattaran: We have to ask open-mindedly what is so broken about Canada that instead of learning, preparing and improving with eac… 2021-03-28 16:37:20 RT @FourWinns298: Again with a H/T to @AllHandsCook Ford is polling very well. In the non-Twitter world, it is perceived that he's managing… 2021-03-28 15:24:14 RT @fborgesius: Nice thread with reading tips on immunity passports 2021-03-28 15:13:57 RT @JStein_WaPo: "The popularity of Congress is at its highest level in more than a decade as stimulus checks hit bank accounts" "Experts… 2021-03-28 15:06:55 RT @FoxCahn: The more I learn about #EXCELSIORpASS, the more concerned I get. Even for folks who support the idea of a medical passport, th… 2021-03-28 14:58:50 RT @donmoyn: Seems to be a real increase in the “fascism is inevitable” takes on the right 2021-03-28 14:55:22 RT @EdTubb: 1/2 A quick side-by-side of Ontario's Wave 3. Left is the 7-day avg. you're used to seeing — it shows Wave 3 is near to passin… 2021-03-28 14:28:04 RT @Calthalas: Call me Ever Given. 2021-03-28 13:43:23 RT @seanmmcdonald: The only idea worse than letting the market decide domestic vaccine passport requirements is letting them also choose th… 2021-03-28 13:21:21 @MBarany @alexismadrigal I'm...Sir Salter Scott 2021-03-28 13:20:38 @MBarany @alexismadrigal Noooooo 2021-03-28 13:17:14 RT @CharmaineSChua: Everyone is talking about the big ship getting stuck in the #Suez Canal. Here's a critical logistics reading list on th… 2021-03-28 12:37:45 RT @gmbutts: There’s enough to inoculate London sitting in freezers in Ontario. 1.5 million more doses coming this week. #COVID19 https:/… 2021-03-28 12:35:08 RT @YoniFreedhoff: Ontario's hospitals' COVID situations are currently at the depressingly familiar stage of the @OntHospitalAssn, the @RNA… 2021-03-28 03:35:36 RT @BlancheMinerva: I will beat this drum until the day I die or the day someone listens: the decision that a model is “good enough” to use… 2021-03-28 02:56:02 RT @schock: In extremely disturbing tiktok news from the 10 year old in my life, apparently there is a trend of people "coming out" as "Sup… 2021-03-28 02:47:02 RT @bruce_arthur: Send teams door to door, give them a language-appropriate card about safety, vaccinate anyone over the approved age, note… 2021-03-28 01:12:13 RT @AidanPeppin: Posting selfies online only for them to be scraped by #facialrecognition algorithms is like having your hairdresser sequen… 2021-03-28 00:10:15 RT @rajiinio: One culprit for these common misconceptions is the use of that term "bias". Some hear "algorithmic bias" and map this to "sta… 2021-03-28 00:08:45 RT @rajiinio: These are the four most popular misconceptions people have about race & I'm wary of wading into t… 2021-03-28 00:08:19 RT @BudrykZack: Your reminder that these stories are not inspiring or heartwarming, they're a withering indictment of the accessibility of… 2021-03-27 23:08:00 RT @profwernimont: I guess we aren’t worried about any of that silly situated analysis or assessment of impact/equity since that w… 2021-03-27 23:06:54 RT @FourWinns298: With thousands of unbooked GTA vaccination appointments today we need to take a serious look at the issues and FIX THEM Q… 2021-03-27 22:06:09 RT @cdavidnaylor: Oscar (masked dog): You know what's missing from the vaccine roll-out in some provinces? Old Fart: More speed? Oscar: N… 2021-03-27 21:38:21 RT @gforbes: As soon as you get COVID, the best predictor of death, more than any comorbidity, is the name of your premier 2021-03-27 19:46:48 RT @ParkerMolloy: Same energy 2021-03-27 19:44:05 RT @FourWinns298: It's okay to go to a restaurant with 49 or 99 other people, get a haircut, go shopping *but* you cannot visit a friend's… 2021-03-27 19:34:31 RT @mmitchell_ai: Ack! @kareem_carr , I gotta pipe up. 1. The bias starts before the data 2. Algorithms create, and amplify, race/gender… 2021-03-27 19:31:54 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-03-27 19:27:43 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-03-27 19:23:14 RT @EdTubb: Here are the most recent numbers (left), and the two curves combined (right). 2021-03-27 19:22:28 RT @EdTubb: The latest Ontario Science Table estimates give an extrapolated 7-day avg of 1,292 variant-of-concern cases daily (orange, 61%)… 2021-03-27 19:10:54 RT @EdTubb: One thing about Wave 3 that may be difficult to grasp right now is that if trends continue more or less exactly as is, we can e… 2021-03-27 17:19:13 RT @meadwaj: The news about vaccine passports, facial recognition technology for pubs, workplace surveillance in the home relate directly t… 2021-03-27 17:05:22 RT @EFF: Amazon’s demand for phony “consent” to biometric surveillance, from its delivery drivers, underscores why we oppose legislation ex… 2021-03-27 17:03:45 RT @tamigraph: @jjoque Totally, it’s a real bummer. Solidarity is formed *through* organizing, even when it ultimately fails or is tied to… 2021-03-27 17:03:38 RT @jjoque: I’ve been thinking about this tweet nonstop since I saw it. I don’t want to make fun of it because “I hope this attempt to buil… 2021-03-27 16:40:31 RT @BrooksFallis: Imagine how different Ontario’s pandemic response would be if it was primarily wealthy white folks getting sick and dying… 2021-03-27 16:37:11 RT @realsarahpolley: I know someone young and healthy who died and another very young, previously healthy family member is awaiting a heart… 2021-03-27 15:51:29 RT @h_p_dee: Edinburgh University has a long-running history of fostering eugenicists' scientific racism, and has done little-to-nothing to… 2021-03-27 15:49:05 RT @FoxCahn: @hypervisible What if, and hear me out here...we just outlawed the tech? 2021-03-27 15:48:53 @laura4lano Same! 2021-03-27 15:48:39 RT @laura4lano: @luke_stark I feel that way too much of the time. I’m a slow and easily distracted reader. But, that doesn’t stop me from s… 2021-03-27 15:48:19 RT @Oprah: Dr. Maya Angelou once said: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how… 2021-03-27 15:37:56 @laura4lano All my reading is aspirational reading 2021-03-27 15:17:31 RT @cdavidnaylor: Bad news from BC. P1 variant gaining momentum... 2021-03-27 14:07:18 RT @BenPatrickWill: "Despite claims to the contrary, there isn’t large unmet student demand for a more technology-enhanced education or evi… 2021-03-27 14:04:01 RT @Stephen_Curry: Excellent piece by @jelena3121. The tragedy is that the absurdity of university rankings is deeply harmful to research c… 2021-03-27 14:02:18 RT @EdTubb: Today's single-day count is higher than any total the province reported before Boxing Day, which was the day Ontario was put in… 2021-03-27 13:59:23 RT @mounialalmas: 2021-03-27 13:57:35 RT @BenPatrickWill: "Always-on surveillance of the children ... The facial recognition systems are being installed without laws to regulate… 2021-03-27 13:56:49 RT @EdTubb: Ontario is reporting 2,453 COVID-19 cases Sat. w 16 deaths. The 7-day avg is up (a lot) to 1,944 cases daily or 93 weekly per… 2021-03-27 12:51:12 RT @hypervisible: “... they're using consumers, bystanders, other passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists as lab rats for an experiment for… 2021-03-27 12:51:08 RT @laura4lano: This is a seriously dangerous disaster in the making. Think Boeing 737 Max. Ironically, the main narrative about “autonomou… 2021-03-27 00:22:56 RT @JonathanHsy: This is happening! Cover art & 2021-03-27 00:17:06 RT @mer__edith: Missed our whistleblowing for tech workers event? recording below! @veenadubal, @IfeomaOzoma & 2021-03-27 00:05:06 RT @sedyst: „The immediate cause of these mass job cuts is the collapse in university budgets during the pandemic. However, there is no dou… 2021-03-27 00:05:00 RT @scrivenix: Whew. 2021-03-26 23:33:20 @timnitGebru @mmitchell_ai 2021-03-26 23:32:43 @timnitGebru No, we should have an annual award named after you and @mmitchell_ai 2021-03-26 23:31:32 @icculus @mmitchell_ai @rachelmetz @timnitGebru Brilliant! 2021-03-26 23:31:16 RT @icculus: @luke_stark @mmitchell_ai @rachelmetz @timnitGebru It wasn’t 60,000 bucks, because honestly, that was a big thing to pass on a… 2021-03-26 23:15:42 @mmitchell_ai @rachelmetz @timnitGebru Oh my goodness. I'm honored/will absolutely print and frame this. Also full credit to @icculus, who apparently donated the entirety of a Google grant to good causes at some point. 2021-03-26 21:55:41 RT @Combsthepoet: I spent countless hours in my youth, glued to her books. 104 is tremendous. 2021-03-26 21:45:11 RT @whimsley: @tsimonite @luke_stark Great minds. 2021-03-26 21:03:10 RT @tsimonite: Ever Given Ever got stuck in the Suez No matter 2021-03-26 20:59:12 RT @alicetiara: We frequently talk about disinformation as if started in 2016, that social platforms are completely responsible for it, and… 2021-03-26 20:58:48 @johnmackay_ Yes this situation would indeed seem relevant to A. (and C.'s?) interests. 2021-03-26 19:01:15 RT @mutalenkonde: Do this 2021-03-26 18:14:40 RT @AbeOudshoorn: For the 3rd wave response, the Government of Ontario is choosing message control over virus control. Shame.… 2021-03-26 18:11:11 RT @bruce_arthur: I can't get over this. Like the Premier's press secretary just asked a journalist of colour whether she doesn't believe t… 2021-03-26 18:08:29 RT @bruce_arthur: The ICUs are filling up, the case counts are rising, the province is loosening restrictions some more, expect more differ… 2021-03-26 18:08:17 RT @bruce_arthur: It's not hard to see what's happening, right? It's not hard 2021-03-26 18:08:10 RT @bruce_arthur: By the way, this is the site of the presser today, where the CEO of Osler spoke of his gratitude, and where the Qs have b… 2021-03-26 17:07:31 RT @angelaxiaowu: We have a recording of our panel presentations, DM me if you'd like to access it. 2021-03-26 16:48:23 RT @FourWinns298: If you are eligible PLEASE book a jab. Nearly 30,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointments at Toronto clinics remain availab… 2021-03-26 16:32:12 RT @BrooksFallis: I have heard that many in the PC caucus do not believe that COVID is so bad since they don’t know anyone personally who i… 2021-03-26 16:27:23 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-03-26 16:00:54 RT @FourWinns298: MLHU reports 53 cases 2021-03-26 15:23:10 RT @heybonanos: Today is the anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. 2021-03-26 15:22:55 RT @kylegriffin1: Georgia Republicans have just allowed the State Election Board to take over county election boards that it deems need int… 2021-03-26 15:20:18 RT @DFisman: 2021-03-26 15:14:17 RT @FourWinns298: And we are back to having priceless data, from countries ahead of us, that are completely ignored in Ontario. What shou… 2021-03-26 14:56:28 @giniasweeney Weirdly I have also written vaguely on this topic: 2021-03-26 03:35:54 RT @drewharwell: *eye twitches* 2021-03-26 02:26:05 RT @LorenaSGonzalez: Sufficient time to go pee during the work day should be considered a basic human right. Retweet if you agree. 2021-03-26 02:07:08 RT @audaciouslyndn: What not to do when you meet a Native person: a semi-comprehensive thread for non-Natives 2021-03-26 01:04:33 RT @ChrisJLarson: This is gut wrenching. These guys are simply not trying to hide it anymore. What decade do they think we’re in? https://… 2021-03-26 00:42:08 RT @BigDataMargins: Brilliant contributions from our panelists on Digital Piece Work! We’re grateful to you all for attending! We had a wo… 2021-03-26 00:10:45 RT @AdamSerwer: @HotlineJosh Many people think trying to deprive others of their fundamental democratic right to choose their leaders is ba… 2021-03-25 23:47:53 RT @AdamSerwer: Republicans lost presidential and senatorial elections in Georgia so they changed the rules to make it harder for black peo… 2021-03-25 23:24:45 RT @staceyabrams: Georgia Republicans want to hide their shameful actions from public scrutiny. It’s Jim Crow in a suit + tie: cutting off… 2021-03-25 23:21:04 RT @staceyabrams: #SB202 suppresses voters, criminalizes compassion & 2021-03-25 23:14:19 RT @rfzeitlin: Will and his colleagues need to get picked up by someone. Pronto. I've been relying on his reporting over the last while. So… 2021-03-25 23:04:42 RT @ParkerMolloy: Pro tip: being trans is not an “ideology.” 2021-03-25 22:55:29 RT @linguangst: fuck medium wow 2021-03-25 22:51:19 RT @BlackVotersMtr: Governor Kemp has now signed a voter suppression bill that restricts voting by mail and gives the legislature greater… 2021-03-25 22:47:42 RT @icculus: @AnneOgborn @timnitGebru @luke_stark Technically I accepted the money, though, even if I gave it away. 2021-03-25 21:56:03 RT @chasestrangio: Arkansas's HB1570, which could become law next week, is unlike any piece of anti-trans legislation that has ever become… 2021-03-25 21:52:55 RT @_KarenHao: You can share an algorithm trained on user data without revealing the user data. There's an entire subfield of AI research d… 2021-03-25 21:43:40 RT @BerkeleyISchool: SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, 4/7, 4 pm PDT @richmondywong will present his dissertation research on the relationships… 2021-03-25 21:39:05 RT @hypervisible: Made it through. Although there were numerous lowlights, the suggestion that being the largest hosting site for harmful m… 2021-03-25 18:02:27 RT @AnthonyDaleOHA: This is for everyone who thinks COVID-19 is serious only for older seniors. The fresh horror of B117 at work. #onpoli… 2021-03-25 17:31:09 RT @sarahjeong: “Amazon Denies Workers Pee in Bottles. Here Are the Pee Bottles” 2021-03-25 16:49:09 RT @DanBuk4: The Value of Your Humanity in an Automated Future: @KevinRoose @anitaleirfall @teamhumanshow @rushkoff… 2021-03-25 16:48:51 RT @Greene_DM: Cleaned up the ol’ website ahead of the book’s release 2021-03-25 14:06:30 Seems like a terrible idea! 2021-03-25 13:58:05 RT @gleemie: Stop feeling bad, donate to mutual aid and worker led organizing 2021-03-25 12:03:16 RT @UofTInfoFaculty: This afternoon 2021-03-25 12:02:42 RT @EricBoehlert: banning Trump from Twitter is the single most important act in American politics in last 5 yrs Pls ignore all voices su… 2021-03-25 11:03:23 RT @AbraarKaran: Very interesting piece @nature on contact tracing #covid19 "Here we reveal that, compared with ‘forward’ tracing (tracing… 2021-03-25 03:31:36 RT @bethmsemel: oop 2021-03-25 03:24:34 RT @erenbali: VC: Can’t you replace doctors with AI? Me: I think AI will replace VCs way before doctors VC: Me: VC: I’ve a hard stop at… 2021-03-25 03:06:59 @danielpemb @mitpress @dougsurlee @noahjspringer Cool! 2021-03-25 00:49:07 RT @profamirattaran: What happens when a pathbreaking and outstanding vaccine invented by Oxford is licensed to a bumbling and supremely in… 2021-03-25 00:42:16 RT @pardoguerra: Undergrad at UCSD? Still a few places left! Check it out! Featuring work by @AngeleChristin @marionfourcade @alexhanna @k… 2021-03-25 00:33:05 RT @feministandacc1: Thank you everyone who came to our event tonight with @roseveleth! Our recording should be up on our website within th… 2021-03-25 00:30:30 RT @annegalloway: Keeping up on research means understanding that it's time for well-intentioned white people to stop representing Indigeno… 2021-03-24 23:44:39 RT @ProfessorShaw: Completely agree 2021-03-24 23:34:29 @rachelmetz Exchange rates 2021-03-24 23:04:05 @mmitchell_ai @timnitGebru Both on its face, and that it was offered up 2021-03-24 23:02:55 RT @mmitchell_ai: @timnitGebru @luke_stark Methinks the public response to that quote will be the opposite of what comms was aiming for... 2021-03-24 23:02:31 @mmitchell_ai @timnitGebru Yeah, also very surprised by that factoid 2021-03-24 22:51:27 RT @pardoguerra: Nice. I'm sure the lack of interest in job security that makes for a "different breed" of researchers is NOT correlated to… 2021-03-24 22:41:56 RT @pardoguerra: I didn’t apply to a single sociology program so I’m fine. 2021-03-24 22:30:04 RT @ShobitaP: So excited about this initiative!! @fordschool will be hiring a new tenure-track faculty member focused on racial justice in… 2021-03-24 21:33:03 RT @tamigraph: What if we all collectively agreed to a slowdown if not stoppage instead of this bananas ramping up of production?? https://… 2021-03-24 21:09:56 RT @histoftech: Exactly this. And it’s being replicated in STEM at institutions of higher education more and more now that “ethics in tech”… 2021-03-24 21:09:36 RT @LMSacasas: [Working thesis] Reading Illich on the ethics of the gaze it occurs to me that "attention" discourse is compromised. Attenti… 2021-03-24 17:44:20 RT @faineg: find slavering racist militias near YOU today! 2021-03-24 17:23:09 RT @AJentleson: Just to put this in concrete terms, the Democrats in this group are seeking to secure worse policy outcomes for the people… 2021-03-24 16:12:09 RT @mona_sloane: *DRUM ROLL*: please read "#Eugenics Powers IQ and #AI" the AMAZING new @PublicBooks #tech piece by the fantastic Dr. N… 2021-03-24 16:11:46 RT @NUlabTMN: Did you miss our panel, “The Ethics of Digital Image Analysis”? Check out this blog post recap by NULab fellow @adamjamestoma… 2021-03-24 14:13:57 RT @AndrewLea20: Why study pseudoscience? Well, yes, it's often interesting and fantastical. But it also teaches us about science. By study… 2021-03-24 14:11:45 RT @AriDrennen: If they didn’t get clicks for bravely stating their discomfort with my equal human rights, or if their friends and colleagu… 2021-03-24 14:11:27 RT @AriDrennen: The reason that “contrarian” cis media figures keep getting on the anti-trans bandwagon is that it’s one of the few kinds o… 2021-03-24 14:10:25 RT @DemFromCT: the debate America needs: how to wisely spend the money? 2021-03-24 13:50:36 Evergreen 2021-03-24 13:30:47 RT @AngryBlackLady: what the actual fuck is woke fundamentalism. i hate this so much 2021-03-24 13:24:59 RT @shengokai: This might carry more fucking water if Twitter wasn’t a goddamned private platform with selectively enforced rules of conduc… 2021-03-24 12:59:44 RT @mer__edith: Ug. This is so upsetting. Medium assembled some of the best reporters on tech + power, people who did their homework and ma… 2021-03-24 12:59:22 @salome_viljoen_ I have not been doing a very good job of it 2021-03-24 12:49:37 RT @BigDataMargins: Coming up tomorrow at @WesternU! We're excited to launch our third event in the Big Data at the Margins Series, "Digita… 2021-03-24 12:33:24 RT @emptywheel: I don’t know how Hurd’s vote against impeachment wasn’t disqualifying for this. 2021-03-24 12:13:55 RT @MatthewGreenNDP: Like clockwork the culture of white supremacy demands "freedom of speech" for white folks to spew racist rhetoric than… 2021-03-24 11:32:24 RT @joannelipman: Superb piece via @janicemin & Study of performance reviews found “negative personality criticism—Watch your t… 2021-03-24 11:19:38 RT @math_rachel: Less about a single engineer’s efforts to enforce their understanding of diverse representation into the model, and more a… 2021-03-24 11:19:16 RT @math_rachel: To rush CS students through simplified, condensed overviews of ethical understanding & 2021-03-24 10:42:58 RT @AbeOudshoorn: "I would really love to see the provincial legislative tools that allow municipalities to address vacancy and property sp… 2021-03-24 10:41:46 I also have to teach this morning and so don't have time for painful disquisitions in 280-character chunks 2021-03-24 10:35:15 It's a good thing I swore off Tweeting for Lent, or I'd be having a Real One this AM 2021-03-24 10:30:17 @jonst0kes @nerd_sighted Could we just use the term "politically progressive" instead? 2021-03-24 10:25:38 RT @RDBinns: From my experience at a regulator auditing ML systems, firms would rather send a head of government affairs to speak about hig… 2021-03-24 00:49:54 @jathansadowski Right? Press coverage is more likely to be fawning too 2021-03-24 00:49:20 RT @jathansadowski: idk Prince Harry exchanging UK royalty for American oligarchy seems like a pretty shrewd move. The British crown is the… 2021-03-24 00:46:23 RT @onekade: Crazy thing I just learned in Tom O’Neill’s book CHAOS: the guy who first dreamed up predictive policing (back in the 1960s) h… 2021-03-24 00:45:21 RT @jathansadowski: Sad to see one of my fav tech publications, @ozm, gutted while still so young. Y'all should really go out in a blaze of… 2021-03-24 00:42:20 RT @tamigraph: Medium is becoming Substack to crush their union, got it 2021-03-24 00:37:24 RT @rev_avocado: This looks like a hell of a map, but I think we need to add a Portland, ME-Boston leg. We need Portland to swell with coll… 2021-03-23 23:43:39 RT @bigblackjacobin: A prince from a country with a nationalized healthcare system is going to help raise mental health awareness by joinin… 2021-03-23 23:29:26 RT @mitchellbyars: Denny Stong, 20 Neven Stanisic, 23 Rikki Olds, 25 Tralona Bartkowiak, 49 Suzanne Fountain, 59 Teri Leiker, 51 Eric Talle… 2021-03-23 23:10:31 RT @hypervisible: Apply y’all, because if they bring on some surveillance fetishist to write about edtech I will scream. 2021-03-23 22:54:46 RT @hal_schrieve: First queer support group I ever went to there was a nineteen year old trans girl there who had come expressly to tell us… 2021-03-23 22:20:50 @michaelzimmer Lord 2021-03-23 22:20:43 RT @michaelzimmer: Oh, dear. My university has launched a chatbot. 2021-03-23 21:25:28 RT @tamigraph: This sentence is just . Apologies to @bethmsemel and @HZeavin, who might have to write about princely forays into mental he… 2021-03-23 19:35:25 RT @kashhill: I’m not done reporting on Clearview AI and face recognition. In fact, I’m writing a book about it. So if you have tips on the… 2021-03-23 17:58:04 @Jersey_Hair @GoogleAI @JeffDean @Google @timnitGebru @mmitchell_ai Thank you! My hardship here is very minimal compared to that of @mmitchell_ai and @timnitGebru :( 2021-03-23 12:16:36 RT @feministandacc1: Our event with @roseveleth of @flashforwardpod @ffwdpresents is tomorrow- Wednesday 7 PM ET-- free, virtual, professio… 2021-03-23 12:13:59 RT @doctorow: Title: Parke, Davis & 2021-03-23 11:57:56 @trcovell @LndOntRetweets I don't think the issue is the parking... 2021-03-23 11:29:41 It's infuriating 2021-03-23 11:29:13 RT @DIsaac8: Apparently there isn't enough parking in downtown London. For reference, here are just some of the parking lots downtown. We d… 2021-03-23 11:18:46 RT @jathansadowski: The latest @techwontsaveus starts with @histoftech saying, "I always balk at the idea of terming something a revolution… 2021-03-23 02:28:24 RT @LMSacasas: At the end of a certain way of thinking about human beings, technology, and politics you would find ... a nightmare. https:/… 2021-03-23 02:27:19 RT @sunhahong: "Sign this form right now, or you're fired." Just more rational individual choice in a free market with real alternatives,… 2021-03-23 02:09:54 RT @nberlat: anyway! if you like my writing and want to support me, my patreon is here: 2021-03-23 02:05:46 RT @beccalew: The longer you study the online far-right fringe, the more you realize it’s not purely an online problem, and it’s not at all… 2021-03-23 00:59:58 RT @brianbeutler: Republicans basically admit pretending to believe things for media-manipulation purposes quite often, and reporters show,… 2021-03-23 00:11:30 RT @rev_avocado: Are we just going to pretend that the NDP's numbers there imploded when they refused to support banning niqabs, and have f… 2021-03-23 00:11:25 RT @rev_avocado: Ok but Quebec is absolutely run by a white supremacist government. 2021-03-23 00:04:49 RT @timnitGebru: I'm thankful that Cade Metz (NYT) wrote about our situation at Google but its sad that I'm simultaneously learning that hi… 2021-03-23 00:00:11 RT @alexhanna: "Why am I the only person talking about this AI ethics issue who does not give a shit about justice? Why are there no Nazis… 2021-03-22 23:20:07 RT @amykmcl: "Numbers can be at their most dangerous when they are used to control things rather than to understand them."… 2021-03-22 22:04:43 RT @FrankPasquale: Excellent point by @JameelJaffer in this quote. Clearview is not like a collagist making art from online pictures. Its w… 2021-03-22 21:57:46 RT @nancybaym: If you’d have asked a year ago what and where I’d be publishing today, this is not what I’d have guessed. I am really glad t… 2021-03-22 21:57:35 RT @hypervisible: Quite the fucking opposite of "consent." 2021-03-22 21:48:01 RT @AprylW: If you haven’t read “Intersectional Tech: Black Users in Digital Gaming” by @KishonnaGray you need to. We’re discussing it in m… 2021-03-22 21:07:28 RT @AprylW: 2021-03-22 20:41:13 RT @jathansadowski: Companies like SoftBank, IBM, MasterCard are calling on the G7 to organize a “Data and Technology Board” to advise poli… 2021-03-22 20:04:34 RT @timnitGebru: That is true. For instance, the people who wrote the paper were fired, gaslit, harassed, stalked, and still continue to… 2021-03-22 19:59:52 RT @h_gerba: another footnote in the future article... 2021-03-22 16:40:59 RT @UpFromTheCracks: When I say that child welfare is using predictive analytics to expand “new modes of surveillance and social control” (… 2021-03-22 12:45:37 RT @Lollardfish: Why is “untruths flow” a better headline than “Ron Johnson lies” ? 2021-03-22 12:44:34 RT @ArmandoNDK: Compare to the “border crisis” coverage. We’re back to Republicans being the assignment editors for the Media. Just incredi… 2021-03-22 12:40:40 RT @DFisman: I'll have what she's smoking. Does an Ontario Conservative really want to run through line items on why people died unnecessa… 2021-03-21 22:10:54 RT @BrendanNyhan: This is very, very bad 2021-03-21 22:09:43 RT @QueerinAI: We are happy to inform that our petition regarding allowing name changing during preprints embargo has been successful. We t… 2021-03-21 19:40:20 RT @LemieuxLGM: It wasn't clear that Hussein had no WMD at all. It WAS very clear that the Bush administration's claims were wildly unrelia… 2021-03-21 16:47:58 RT @mdekstrand: at some point my students will probably get tired of me showing them this slide. but it continues to be relevant. https://t… 2021-03-21 16:40:04 RT @nycsouthpaw: Like the WaPo article, the Sunday shows are overtly catering to a restrictionist messaging campaign. 2021-03-21 16:38:11 RT @hypervisible: Twitter you know me so well. I was just thinking about control and how important “relevant ads” are in my life. https://t… 2021-03-21 16:38:08 RT @hypervisible: “You’re in control. That’s why we’ve given you only two choices and highlighted the one we want you to pick.” 2021-03-21 16:35:43 RT @brianbeutler: Those moments of introspection we heard in the Trump years—about how they’d unwittingly let Republicans play them like ma… 2021-03-21 15:31:40 RT @Wilson__Valdez: The 1 thing I am not surprised by is the speed at which they just completely memory-holed the entire Trump admin (inclu… 2021-03-21 15:31:26 RT @Wilson__Valdez: It's surreal. They've all just decided to make this *the* narrative (not Covid). And it is completely a choice. Biden's… 2021-03-21 15:31:04 RT @DavidNir: Thread sums things up perfectly 2021-03-21 14:41:28 RT @transscribe: This remains one of the most important threads on this website 2021-03-21 14:37:24 RT @IBJIYONGI: Anyway, next time you are breaking someone down into fractions and percentages and arguing about where they are allowed to b… 2021-03-21 14:37:02 RT @IBJIYONGI: There’s lots of good stuff to read critiquing race science but maybe my very favorite read is McKittrick’s Dear Science & 2021-03-21 14:36:52 RT @IBJIYONGI: Race science is a wildly successful theory — at what it was intended to do. It helps uphold white supremacy, both through it… 2021-03-21 12:39:46 Whoa 2021-03-21 12:32:50 RT @sedyst: Immunity passports introduce administrative control over access to fundamental rights (EU focusing on freedom of movement). Id… 2021-03-21 12:13:20 RT @o_guest: Very excited to announce I'm creating and teaching my very own module called "AI as a Science" at @AI_Radboud 2021-03-21 12:06:36 RT @deonteleologist: On whiteness. Insights from James Baldwin, one of the most criminally underrated philosophers of all time--especially… 2021-03-21 11:59:43 RT @alexvtunzelmann: The message is loud and clear: the Royal Family PR team is extraordinarily clueless. They’re very lucky they have enou… 2021-03-21 11:57:46 RT @Sharronapearl: This piece is excellent. Come for the privacy violations, stay for the physiogonomy! 2021-03-21 11:55:03 RT @BigDataMargins: Coming up this week! Big Data at the Margins is pleased to present: "Digital Piece Work: The New Workers & 2021-03-21 03:04:32 RT @TheTattooedProf: There is no campus I'm aware of where the president and cabinet-level admins are housed in open-office setups. If they… 2021-03-21 03:04:24 RT @TheTattooedProf: Also, it shouldn't escaped our notice that "open-office" setups are becoming en vogue for admins and campus planners a… 2021-03-21 03:04:06 RT @TheTattooedProf: "I've heard many faculty members" say they don't need offices? There's no effing way that's true. None whatsoever. 2021-03-21 03:03:55 RT @SimonKatterl: We need to move beyond "participatory" models of research and design, to approaches led by the relevant communities. I l… 2021-03-21 03:03:31 RT @mdekstrand: IMO if teaching is going to retain online components post-COVID, offices with good sound isolation are even more important… 2021-03-21 00:34:40 RT @VaroonMathur: Very interesting work. Though - I’m always sort of skeptical of the framing that we have urgent “need” for predictive mo… 2021-03-20 22:34:59 RT @mmitchell_ai: Talking to my former team about the trade-off between (1) the amount of diversity there is in a hierarchical organization… 2021-03-20 21:27:50 RT @marceelias: I have been saying for weeks that the only plank of the GOP platform that all factions agree on is making voting more diffi… 2021-03-20 20:51:56 RT @chelseyglasson: Fighting a tech giant like Google is a massive, exhausting undertaking. Thank you to @timnitGebru and the many other wo… 2021-03-20 20:44:59 RT @DocDre: These folk have never been grad students conducting office hours in the grad offices and it shows 2021-03-20 20:27:09 RT @porterthereport: JOB POSTING ALERT: The NYT is hiring a full-time news assistant in Canada. This is a great job for a budding journalis… 2021-03-20 20:20:25 RT @josiebarnard: 'As a genial and widespread vernacular form, emoji now serve to smooth out the rough edges of digital life' - a pleasure… 2021-03-20 19:22:50 RT @CBCLondon: On the day Ontario records the highest case count in seven weeks, this was happening in #LdnOnt 2021-03-20 18:49:09 RT @homostasis: The most chilling part of this article is that these moves are likely an effort to appease credit companies and partners th… 2021-03-20 18:38:19 RT @Arrianna_Planey: Open-plan offices are terrible when you have to actually *think* 2021-03-20 18:26:01 RT @tamigraph: Strange how when I work with white men, people assume that they are my mentor/advisor instead of my peer, despite the fact t… 2021-03-20 18:17:57 RT @Arrianna_Planey: For me, my experience with open-plan offices as a deaf person = extremely suboptimal acoustics + the hypervigilance of… 2021-03-20 16:57:39 RT @KashPrime: My colleagues and I are seeing many, many younger people with severe Covid, down to their 30s. These variants are a differe… 2021-03-20 16:54:39 RT @edburmila: The problem is almost never that speech is being restricted, but that you have the right to free speech and you’re using it… 2021-03-20 16:53:51 RT @tomwestland: The cops are right to warn against using SciHub, where you can access almost all journal articles for free with one click.… 2021-03-20 16:53:32 RT @acaguy: In grad school a dozen of us GTAs shared “the bullpen.” It was a loud unproductive mess and afforded our students zero privacy… 2021-03-20 16:53:03 RT @timnitGebru: @EthanZ Oh yes :-) there was even one PM I was talking to who was struggling to get resources to work on translation and g… 2021-03-20 16:52:57 RT @EthanZ: Hmm. It's almost like large language models end up embedding biases. I wonder whether anyone has told Google about this, @timni… 2021-03-20 16:48:10 RT @histoftech: 2021-03-20 16:39:05 Hello, new followers! This account is mostly judicious retweets about progressive politics, tech, philosophy, and the academy. Occasional snark. Welcome/you've been warned! 2021-03-20 16:29:18 RT @jesbattis: It’s wild that academic culture sees people on the tenure track as folks who “made it” in academia, and everyone else as fol… 2021-03-20 15:19:21 RT @grok_: If you believe that sentient robot takeovers from pop culture are more of a danger than the political and economic systems that… 2021-03-20 15:18:50 @bethmsemel Wait, they've done wha-- 2021-03-20 15:17:54 RT @bethmsemel: I-- 2021-03-20 14:07:49 RT @murakamiwood: We all need to take routine direct action against security & 2021-03-20 14:02:36 RT @timnitGebru: #GooglePriorities 2021-03-20 13:58:20 RT @FourWinns298: Hard to stay optimistic when reality keeps hitting you in the head with a sledgehammer over and over again. With what we… 2021-03-20 13:44:27 RT @FourWinns298: The message sent by opening restaurants and increasing the capacity for indoor dining is, for the MAJORITY of people, tha… 2021-03-20 13:18:08 RT @ewangibbs: The Tory government’s assault on academia should be understood in a context where it has identified universities as the dri… 2021-03-20 13:14:02 RT @BigDataMargins: Did you miss our second event, "Digital Policing: Facial Recognition Software & 2021-03-20 12:58:12 RT @dgolumbia: Yann LeCun is everything I have ever talked about re: #computationalism & beliefs in 1) everything… 2021-03-20 12:51:58 @nancybaym 2021-03-20 12:47:56 RT @techreview: A machine that is conscious and can think like a person has been the guiding vision of artificial intelligence research sin… 2021-03-20 12:46:38 @nancybaym a) you should of course get a cat! b) indifference is good! Doris took a long while to stop acting as if our Roomba was her Enemy. She still won't ride it though. 2021-03-20 12:43:59 @nancybaym But the real question is, does the cat enjoy riding it yet 2021-03-20 12:37:21 RT @Lollardfish: alright one last point: You cannot insult people based on perceptions of lack of intelligence without being ableist. It is… 2021-03-20 12:37:05 RT @TheStagmania: @Lollardfish I appreciate you tweeting about this. I work on removing ableist language from my lexicon every day, and I k… 2021-03-20 12:36:33 RT @JennMJacksonPhD: Stop making jokes about disabilities. That's it. That's the tweet. 2021-03-20 12:23:48 @daniellecitron @SusanBrison @timnitGebru that was such a good experience! I hope our paths cross again soon IRL, Danielle! 2021-03-20 12:15:49 RT @hackylawyER: "#Google is not ending tracking 2021-03-20 12:01:17 RT @cydharrell: imagine this being wasted before the web was really a thing 2021-03-20 11:57:21 RT @histoftech: Anyway, this thread does a great job of explaining how many nations being painted as having done a slow or bad job procurin… 2021-03-20 11:47:25 RT @histoftech: I appreciate this thread but think it’s a bit weird how the EU is positioned as the irresponsible party for being “naive” w… 2021-03-20 11:32:11 RT @kat_heller: So maybe @Google can use the money declined by @luke_stark to pay the speaker fees of @kate_manne ? 2021-03-20 03:08:52 RT @IgnacioCofone: Thrilled to share that my new paper on immunity passports and contact-tracing (together, "containment apps") is forthcom… 2021-03-20 03:06:30 RT @bruce_arthur: This is how stupid this is: Ottawa is moving up from Orange to Red to control the virus, and this will help, because unde… 2021-03-20 03:06:08 RT @nathansnewman: Yang: Anti-minimum wage, anti-raising taxes on the wealthy, labels pro-BDS Jews as anti-semitic. Yang gets worse by the… 2021-03-20 02:59:43 RT @Rosemary_Evans: UTS stands with our parent institution UofT in condemning anti-Asian racism. 2021-03-20 02:59:20 RT @PHealthGnome: Remember last week when 1600 something cases was unthinkably high and people got snooty about the number being given an a… 2021-03-20 02:43:57 RT @Danez_Smif: Did they take a field trip to a bleach factory or something? What in the Aunt Viv is going on? 2021-03-20 02:42:37 RT @brianbeutler: Conventions at legacy outlets basically forbid reporting that kind of thing plainly but it’s 100% what’s happening and ev… 2021-03-20 02:40:19 RT @SamAdlerBell: anti-semitic** 2021-03-20 02:36:00 RT @hmustafamail: Pleased to announce I will be joining the Oregon Health Science University Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical… 2021-03-20 01:52:39 RT @vinn_ayy: Egrets are always plotting little alliances 2021-03-20 01:42:16 RT @timnitGebru: Well I mean they fire & 2021-03-20 01:29:15 RT @FourWinns298: In our over 70 population and those immunocompromised, the second shot should not be longer than 42 days apart. Anything… 2021-03-20 01:03:33 RT @gmartin113: This should always be reported in 1996 dollars. 100k in 2021= ~63.5k 2021-03-20 01:01:34 RT @kate_manne: Google "doesn't have the budget" to pay my speaker's fee for a talk on misogyny and internet safety 2021-03-20 01:01:23 RT @murakamiwood: Whether it's because of an absence of pharmacies or suppliers favouring pharmacies in wealther areas or some other factor… 2021-03-20 00:21:47 RT @histoftech: It was a pleasure to have this wide-ranging conversation with @parismarx on @techwontsaveus—a podcast consistently on point… 2021-03-19 23:54:38 RT @crocfanpage: idk how to explain it but the new ms frizzle is homophobic 2021-03-19 23:54:17 RT @brianbeutler: Republicans engaged in another vast and flagrant Trump coverup. 2021-03-19 23:36:12 RT @cayden: This thread hits on something I've been thinking but haven't been able to quite articulate. Hypervisibility is a trap. 2021-03-19 23:35:02 RT @IBJIYONGI: This is a really moving piece by a man of biracial heritage, Charles Melton, coming into his own and recognizing the power i… 2021-03-19 23:31:01 RT @doctorow: Follow @amazonda3 to learn more about Amazon drivers' campaign for fair wages and decent treatment. Image: Todd Van Hoosear… 2021-03-19 23:29:54 RT @doctorow: And because they're both chickenized and reverse-centaured, DSP drivers are left with little recourse. Amazon doesn't allow a… 2021-03-19 23:29:40 RT @doctorow: Amazon DSP vans have Netradyne cameras inside and out, including one that is always trained on drivers' faces, performing dig… 2021-03-19 23:29:27 RT @doctorow: Writing for @wired, @caitharr describes the suffocating horror of chickenized reverse-centaurs. Amazon claims that DSP driv… 2021-03-19 23:29:20 RT @doctorow: But as bad as Flex is, it's not the end-state of Amazon's innovative workplace terrors. For that, you need to look at Deliver… 2021-03-19 23:28:49 RT @doctorow: Reverse-centaurism isn't the only human-life-destroying area where Amazon leads. It's also a leader in "#chickenization," a l… 2021-03-19 23:27:40 RT @doctorow: But not all centaurs are created equal. A "reverse centaur" is what happens when a human is made to assist a machine, rather… 2021-03-19 23:27:31 RT @_wkelly_: An interesting thread about workplace justice, AI, and what a “chickenized reverse centaur” is 2021-03-19 23:21:07 RT @jonrog1: You know, sometimes Cory Doctorow's snark about tech bros -- "Stop inventing shittier trains" -- really encounters a perfect,… 2021-03-19 22:59:05 RT @npseaver: Terrible timing, but if you're having a very exciting Friday night and have institutional access, my new article is online!:… 2021-03-19 22:58:42 RT @ChriBecker: Astounding. Volv uses #AI to "eliminate opinions" from your newsfeed until only 'unbiased' facts remain, condensed to 9-sec… 2021-03-19 22:51:31 RT @NathanStall: We must be mindful that many older Ontarians may want to sign up, but may be unable to attend a vaccine clinic. It's esse… 2021-03-19 22:50:14 RT @TheTinaVasquez: The Asian women who were murdered in Atlanta had full, complex lives and it is so overwhelmingly clear that most newsro… 2021-03-19 22:49:51 RT @CommStudies_CU: The School of Journalism and Communication is thrilled to announce the appointment of Dr. Armond Towns as its newest fa… 2021-03-19 22:49:37 RT @kevinroose: I don't think "keeping a mid-sized non-political FB group from going off the rails is hard even for well-resourced media or… 2021-03-19 22:48:21 RT @kmfaho: At today’s Character and the Professions Conference, @ShannonVallor argues that we should restore the moral meaning of professi… 2021-03-19 22:40:30 RT @kevinroose: The amount of AI-powered bossware companies are implementing to surveil their remote workers is wild. I'm getting 2-3 pitch… 2021-03-19 22:39:01 RT @pardoguerra: Syllabusing. 2021-03-19 22:38:33 RT @npseaver: the vice provost for faculty enrichment throwing a watermelon stuffed with raw hamburger meat into the classics department 2021-03-19 22:29:11 RT @BrooksFallis: VOC curve in Ontario. More transmissible, more hospitalizations, more deadly. Today ON relaxed restrictions within a fra… 2021-03-19 22:15:17 RT @FrankPasquale: “Physiognomy didn’t prove to be dangerous because it worked, but because people believed it worked.”… 2021-03-19 22:13:24 RT @NoContextTrek: 2021-03-19 22:09:20 RT @mariamnotmiriam: it's been a decently shitty week, so here are our two new kittens cuddling and kissin'. the calico is Valerie and the… 2021-03-19 22:02:44 @marylgray I always love a Mary Gray hug! 2021-03-19 21:54:46 RT @tamigraph: As usual, NYU is being super shady and refusing to negotiate. GSOC is holding a strike vote! 2021-03-19 21:48:18 RT @clancynewyork: Plain text of @luke_stark's letter [] 2021-03-19 20:55:07 Or donate to help AMT workers organize and keep their employers accountable: 2021-03-19 20:47:31 RT @DanBuk4: Computer Science Ethics Education: The Case for Ethics Integration in the Tech Classroom @AnnieDuke @A… 2021-03-19 20:39:25 Thanks for the y'all. This isn't about me, and here are a couple of things you can do: sign this petition to Google and contribute to the fight for labor rights in Silicon Valley, especially for rideshare drivers: 2021-03-19 20:32:24 @Aaronraptorpro1 I'm *very* privileged/lucky to have a tenure-track job at a Canadian university with a strong union and a supportive Dean. Folks should absolutely make their own decisions on how to show solidarity based on their circumstances! There are lots of things we call can do :) 2021-03-19 20:24:40 @linguangst @by_aditi @Google @googleceo @googlehr @EthicsPolice Lindsay's right on: posting publicly was to express solidarity and encourage other researchers to do the same thing if they can. I've emailed the company, so they know. No cookie desired. 2021-03-19 18:53:59 RT @DFisman: 2021-03-19 18:53:05 RT @ubiquity75: It becomes clearer every single day since this erupted in my life (2/28) just why the intrepid libertarian/right opinion st… 2021-03-19 18:41:16 Evergreen 2021-03-19 18:28:53 RT @FourWinns298: Please take advantage of this. 2021-03-19 18:28:17 @DocDre I totally hear this (and wouldn't expect anyone to make the same decision based on circumstances). We're lucky there are slightly more options for humanities funding up here in 2021-03-19 18:25:19 @areteNYCA Yes. I have a supportive Dean, but also a collective bargaining agreement that means there's no university input needed on a decision like this. And I don't have to fund my own students. All privileges that made it an easier decision. 2021-03-19 18:24:34 RT @areteNYCA: This is cool. Thank you for also being fully transparent that this isn’t a pure act of solidarity since you have other optio… 2021-03-19 18:17:36 RT @tsimonite: Another academic boycotts Google (turning down research ) over its treatment of ethical AI researchers Timnit Gebru and Mar… 2021-03-19 18:06:04 @mmitchell_ai oof all the feels. Thank you Meg - that means a lot. And solidarity! This is about your work and your leadership with @timnitGebru 2021-03-19 18:02:33 RT @RimRK: This is such garbage. God, I’m speechless. This is their jobs & The audacity. The disrespect. htt… 2021-03-19 17:59:31 RT @timnitGebru: Wow Luke. Thank you so much for this solidarity. It is not lost on us that this is a big sacrifice to make. Thanks so much… 2021-03-19 17:59:25 @timnitGebru thank you for your leadership throughout, Timnit! Solidarity is the only good option :) 2021-03-19 17:48:21 RT @rachelmetz: wow, that is a really sending a message. these awards are up to $60k. 2021-03-19 17:34:39 @mmitchell_ai solidarity Meg! This is about your work and your leadership! 2021-03-19 17:33:41 RT @mmitchell_ai: Thank you so much @luke_stark for this. I think I was even one of the reviewers for your award. This means so much and I'… 2021-03-19 17:31:52 RT @bethmsemel: @luke_stark someone in grad school once said "what does beth study you ask? she studies all the bad stuff!" 2021-03-19 17:31:46 @michaelzimmer You could write a book! 2021-03-19 17:29:43 Evergreen 2021-03-19 17:29:32 RT @bethmsemel: it's a no for me 2021-03-19 17:27:13 @michaelzimmer For those of us who don't know, what are the 4 Ps? 2021-03-19 17:10:57 RT @annaeveryday: 2021-03-19 17:00:42 RT @jbouie: it’s brain poisoning all the way down 2021-03-19 16:59:06 RT @Sharronapearl: Y'all, physiognomy has come up TWICE in the past 24 hours in two totally different contexts. If you want to talk about… 2021-03-19 16:53:16 RT @vj_chidambaram: First, I think CS is rather unique in that we get a lot of industrial funding for our PhD students. Not all fields get… 2021-03-19 16:47:13 RT @vj_chidambaram: Given that the actions of some tech companies become more and more at odds with the values that academia (at least on p… 2021-03-19 16:37:30 RT @TeachGuz: Woo-hoo! Some serious A-level work from stellar scholars. 2021-03-19 16:35:25 RT @AASchapiro: I spoke to an Amazon driver who quit because there was no way to avoid constant AI-powered surveillance in his van, or shar… 2021-03-19 16:32:59 RT @KendraSerra: Happy Friday. Please enjoy this feedback I gave a student on a response letter to a C& 2021-03-19 16:31:47 RT @De_Kosnik: Since the Atlanta murders, I have been feeling heartbroken and sad beyond measure. I wrote this statement, on behalf of the… 2021-03-19 16:25:53 @hockendougal , but it's not about me! 2021-03-19 16:14:46 @xychelsea @alexhanna Solidarity, Chelsea 2021-03-19 16:13:37 RT @AliVelshi: he names of the 8 people killed in Atlanta-area spa attacks Tuesday: • Soon C. Park, age 74 • Hyun J. Grant, age 51 • Sun… 2021-03-19 16:08:38 @BlancheMinerva Nope! It continues into the signature 2021-03-19 15:54:50 RT @Joey__Schafer: When people like @Abebab, @jovialjoy, @timnitGebru, @rajiinio, and @Combsthepoet describe FRTs as digital phrenology and… 2021-03-19 15:54:24 RT @cfiesler: Ethics should be part of every single computing-related class. Want to hear my case? This video essay is my plea for ethics i… 2021-03-19 15:47:28 RT @veenadubal: You know who are likely not on Twitter to talk about the magical freedom of freelancing? Millions of immigrant and people o… 2021-03-19 15:40:53 @mer__edith Thank you for your ongoing leadership Meredith! 2021-03-19 15:40:03 RT @DanBuk4: The Freedom Paradox: Does Free Will Exist? @DanielDennett @BrianLeiter @ElectricAgora @mpigliucci @ran… 2021-03-19 15:39:01 RT @xychelsea: @luke_stark @alexhanna hell yeah 2021-03-19 15:38:54 @alexhanna *hug* did it for you all, friend 2021-03-19 15:35:21 One thing to add: I'm privileged along many axes to be able to make this decision at this time. Many folks can't turn down funds from Google or other firms, and I stand in solidarity with them. All we can do is what we can reasonably do -- and this was something I felt I could. 2021-03-19 15:33:51 Last week I found out I'd been selected for a Google Research Scholar award. Today I declined it. 2021-03-19 15:19:37 RT @Devilstower: Florida's numbers deliberately omitted people who died in the state, so long as they were not officially Florida residents… 2021-03-19 15:18:41 RT @Devilstower: Starting in March, 2020, county medical examiners were ordered to stop revealing the numbers or cause of death, and instea… 2021-03-19 15:18:35 RT @Devilstower: Going into the pandemic, Florida had a system that mirrored that of many states: at the county level, medical examiners ta… 2021-03-19 15:18:31 RT @Devilstower: But there is something that really should be earning DeSantis the admiration of Republicans everywhere. Because, while New… 2021-03-19 15:14:39 RT @Devilstower: Since Ron DeSantis is running yet another victory lap on a track paved with the bodies of 32,000 Floridians -- that we kno… 2021-03-19 15:13:14 RT @nathansnewman: Getting notices that CUNY college classes will mostly be remote in the fall. Given expectation is that all adults will… 2021-03-19 12:59:57 RT @mer__edith: I'm sure they're just concerned w the "AI ethics" of the worker monitoring systems used to surveil/control their fast fashi… 2021-03-19 12:58:09 The American Doug Ford 2021-03-19 12:56:05 RT @jbouie: i was promised no malarkey and this looks like some dang malarkey 2021-03-19 12:42:17 RT @WriteArthur: Progress since 2016 in AI "human pose estimation," the (pseudo?)science of classifying people's behavior or intent by the… 2021-03-19 12:35:59 RT @IrfanDhalla: More excellent reporting on the Covid situation in Ontario's hospitals from @LaurenPelley, with astute comments from sever… 2021-03-19 12:32:37 RT @murakamiwood: #uber, #gigeconomy + #facialrecognition bias => 2021-03-19 12:14:47 RT @FourWinns298: 2021-03-19 11:59:13 RT @broderick: TikTok, like Vine before it, isn't successful because it plays videos well, it's successful because it's free Adobe Premiere… 2021-03-19 11:52:09 RT @jen_keesmaat: 420,682 unused vaccines in Ontario b/c we don’t want to ‘ramp up and down.’ Why not?! Trying to keep the faith here but... 2021-03-19 01:07:37 RT @HelenBranswell: Fascinating report on an investigation into how a few #Covid19 cases slipped thru New Zealand's impressive quarantine n… 2021-03-19 00:54:33 RT @DFisman: So important. We do not need to remake the mistakes of others. They are trying to warn us. 2021-03-19 00:51:07 RT @mutalenkonde: Such an exciting conversation. 2021-03-19 00:48:04 RT @Biometricstate: Great books on this list, including @wewatchwatchers Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness, which we read in #… 2021-03-19 00:43:19 RT @amywestervelt: Do people outside of media know that we have about 50% fewer journalists today that we did in 2010 and they make about 5… 2021-03-18 23:49:17 RT @jostehlin: one of the things they'll say about this age is that the racist charlatans were unprecedentedly well-funded 2021-03-18 23:40:26 RT @FrankPasquale: "Audits, which on their face sound rigorous, can end up as toothless reputation polishers, or worse: They can legitimize… 2021-03-18 23:39:51 @jathansadowski We're missing the chance to cash in 2021-03-18 23:39:32 RT @jathansadowski: That said, this is objectively funny. Okay, I'll allow it H& 2021-03-18 23:39:27 RT @jathansadowski: H& 2021-03-18 23:39:09 RT @mona_sloane: JOB ALERT: I am hiring! Come work with me and Matt Statler as project manager for the @NewAmericaPIT #public interest #t… 2021-03-18 23:38:30 RT @hypervisible: Just going to keep pointing out: “Efficient” =/= better So called “frictionless” systems are mainly about hiding or di… 2021-03-18 23:22:00 RT @lulurollenhagen: Meanwhile, there's some super racist shit happening in Denmark 2021-03-18 21:55:48 @nescioquid @histoftech @MBarany @langdonw I will inquire! 2021-03-18 21:38:53 @histoftech @MBarany @langdonw It was recorded, but for internal Western audiences -- I'll see if I can get you the link (it *was* a great talk!) 2021-03-18 21:30:50 RT @MBarany: Love the meditation on doors and entrypoints in @annaeveryday 's @westernuFIMS talk (happening now!) on AI ethics, proposes le… 2021-03-18 19:09:10 RT @scrivenix: Periodic PSA/plea: If you can afford it, please donate to your favorite local/independent/community media today!! Many… 2021-03-18 19:05:36 RT @libshipwreck: All of those “wow, why would this writer leave their publication to start a newsletter?!?!?!?” posts look a lot different… 2001-01-01 01:01:01

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