Chercheur à l'université de San Francisco, Ali étudie l'interaction homme-machine - plus précisément, il étudie la manière dont les gens se rapportent aux systèmes algorithmiques et aux écologies sociales à médiation algorithmique prenant un angle d'analyse issu des sciences sociales pour mieux comprendre ces phénomènes. Il dénonce notamment les résultats absurdes de certains algorithmes qui tendent à se généraliser.
Ali organise des discussions sur l'éthique avec des membres de la communauté de l'intelligence artificielle.
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Non Disponible
Les derniers messages de l'Expert:
Tweet list:
2025-02-11 13:18:47 RT @Workshops4Gaza: remember to get your copy here to have all your proceeds donated to palestinians -- the only ones who should be profiti…
2025-02-10 17:23:58 @provisionalidea isn't this just The Secret nonsense?
2025-02-10 16:38:03 He spent decades studying English so that you and I could read this book, and the rest of his work, and love him and love Palestinians. I'm compelled, obsessed to draw in every word of his that I can. He died believing in this. He died believing in us being good people.
2025-02-10 16:38:02 But every moment I try to imagine that world, my brain interrupts that thought, and reminds me that he's dead. and I feel a little more quiet.
2025-02-10 16:31:43 I'
2025-02-10 16:31:37 In the quiet absence, what I can hold up and bring into focus is how he wanted to ensure that Palestinians'
2025-02-10 16:31:28 I am overwhelmed with anger and grief
2025-02-10 16:31:13 And yet... Dr. Alareer seriously expressed this hope to be loved. He died with the earnest hope to prove his humanity to the very people who went on kill him. He believed it so much so that he studied English, that he taught it in university, that he used it for his writings. These writings, that I was holding in my hands.
2025-02-10 16:31:04 I think there was a time that I believed what Alareer expressed, but I'
2025-02-10 16:30:54 For some time, I thought about how far away I was from this belief. I'
2025-02-10 16:30:38 I didn'
2025-02-10 16:29:36 What I can do with English now is something I can'
2025-02-10 16:28:29 I was a little overwhelmed with feelings, mostly grief, by this paragraph of the foreword by Susan Abulhawa. I grew up having not learned Arabic, not unlike her, and came to feel a now familiar dull pang of regret at the missed opportunity to learn the idiosyncratic quirks of Iraqi Arabic, with idioms that sound comically folksy when transliterated and clearly carry with them more than a direct translation can accommodate.
2025-02-10 16:27:49 If you'
2025-02-10 16:27:18 If you'
2025-02-10 16:26:06 The reading group is starting *If I Must Die: Poetry and Prose* by Refaat Alareer. I'
2025-02-08 20:37:04 RT @MirandaCleland: The video of Israeli soldiers shooting Saddam will haunt me forever. I gasped when the video had sound - usually CCTV i…
2025-02-08 20:25:25 @SanaSaeed if it's not them then it's democrats coming out in favor of genocide insistently saying "you're on your own" (which, um, ok)
2025-02-08 20:15:33 @susanabulhawa hi, sorry to bother you, but would it be okay if i posted some extended excerpts of your foreword from *If I Must Die* in my reading group newsletter?
2025-02-08 01:20:35 @BigMeanInternet i mean, what do i care, the mythology these people are creating for themselves is stupid even at face value. interrogating the facts of the myth is like... doubly stupid of me.
2025-02-08 01:15:49 @BigMeanInternet it's more confusing than anything else if the entire codebase for a group project got deleted, because it suggests none of the teammates had a recent version of the code on their computers, and none of them was using version control, which is one of the first things you learn...
2025-02-07 00:25:14 i'm mildly fascinated by the mutuals i have who follow this account, but i'll get over that fascination soon.
2025-02-05 21:19:16 @LibyaLiberty "Experts said the plan would violate international law" i'm honestly at a loss for guesses. who suddenly started to give a shit about that?
2025-02-05 15:34:08 RT @StefanSiebert1: This is the point most people are missing and is why the technocrats/techbros feel so unconstrained and confident to ta…
2025-02-05 02:37:52 RT @heavyredaction: The Cal State system, where I teach, just announced a murky but far-ranging &
2025-02-05 02:37:43 RT @heavyredaction: One of the most useful things I’ve read is this short piece by @_alialkhatib, which includes an important claim: “AI i…
2025-02-04 20:19:43 RT @Shepherds4Good: Palestinian civil defense in Jenin refugee camp are responding to the same horrors their colleagues in Gaza faced for 1…
2025-02-04 18:29:27 RT @zhal80: Help us build our lives from scratch...
2025-02-03 20:41:32 @OmaymaS_ that dinner sounds awful lol
2025-02-03 19:06:20 Under what circumstances should they reject the supposed allyship of people who risk transforming the group into respecting the authority of CS engineers rather than people who literally and figuratively live under the technologies and systems they’re fighting against.
2025-02-03 18:53:50 (I haven’t totally given up on writing this, but it feels a little goofy to give unsolicited advice about rejecting unsolicited advice from CS people... and for that to come from me, a [former?] CS person? [insert giphy spiderman meme if I feel like it (editing note: nah, but you can imagine it)])
2025-02-03 18:53:43 I’d been trying to write something from another angle - what would I tell organizations and movements if a credentialed academic approaches them and wishes to “help” them? Under what circumstances should they reject the supposed allyship of people who risk transforming the group into respecting the authority of CS engineers rather than people who literally and figuratively live under the technologies and systems they’re fighting against.
2025-02-03 18:53:35 I’d been trying to articulate this for... at least months, maybe more than a year? I’ve been bristling against the sense that tech and AI ethics is increasingly consumed by people who are too keen to quietly monopolize and gatekeep the perceived authority on harms and movements against violence
2025-02-03 18:53:29 I posted about the experience of encountering exactly what you’d been looking for while you’re reading, and this was what I meant.
2025-02-03 18:52:54 One of the futures I imagined when I started this reading group was a free Palestine. That means peace for Palestinians. It means justice for Palestinians who have been forcibly displaced and martyred. It means reparations for the destruction and dispossession of their homes. It means freedom to determine their future. What futures have you been imagining?
2025-02-03 18:52:47 I was fixated on this idea of what’s life-sustaining versus life-draining. I think that, at times in my life when I have the most clarity, I’m able to tell what things in my life are sustaining versus draining
2025-02-03 18:52:08 I’m not exactly calling for a sweeping account of every psyop the CIA engaged in, but I don’t think it takes a *totally radical* shift in our paradigmatic senses to recognize that *homo Economicus* benefits from many thumbs on the scales at every opportunity.
2025-02-03 18:52:01 How far-reaching would we have to say the project to prop up the theory of *homo Economicus* has been, if we were to tally up the CIA-sponsored military coups through the Cold War, the billions of dollars funneled to tyrants who keenly agreed to murder communists and social justice advocates
2025-02-03 18:51:52 I might have taken this beyond its reasonable conclusion, but... I wouldn’t just say that *homo Economicus* is merely one theory
2025-02-03 18:49:59 But I think the oppressive structures and the individuals committed and invested in them have such a monopoly at this particular moment that I want to divest from them entirely, and I would rather be overwhelmed by, and grow &
2025-02-03 18:49:52 I won’t go on at length about how the durable bulwark, and the engine that will actually propel us forward, will come only from us personally - from our own willingness to engage and participate in the work to protect and elevate our communities, neighbors, comrades, and ultimately ourselves.
2025-02-03 18:49:45 But I’m reflecting on the fact that this book came out about a year ago (February 8, 2024!), and Dr. Benjamin was calling on us to note the brittleness and the incompleteness of institutions that are currently being smashed apart - that it always needed to be more than just the institutions.
2025-02-03 18:49:36 I realize it’s probably obvious with the current events in the world to point out that laws don’t end and remediate long histories of racism &
2025-01-30 14:48:29 (and that'
2025-01-30 14:47:15 @funnymonkey yeah... i remember seeing a brief mention of that in the intro chapter, and reflecting on the unemployment benefits requirements most states have (eg that you must keep applying for jobs to continue to receive unemployment), wondering if these guys had ever been unemployed and seeking a job for more than a month or two in their lives...
2025-01-29 23:38:40 @funnymonkey i need to read the whole site but i'
2025-01-29 23:24:27 @funnymonkey thanks for writing all this, holy crap. i didn'
2025-01-27 21:27:34 I don'
2025-01-27 21:27:28 I think it'
2025-01-27 21:27:09 I think it'
2025-01-27 21:26:55 This might be my own bias, especially based on my previous quotes and what I'
2025-01-27 21:26:32 In this chapter, Ruha Benjamin invited me to think about what may be pie in the sky, or too far-fetched. I think about how often I look at the first DMs I shared with @sassycrass. I think about a world where she and Tinu are still here, but not crowdfunding for a rideshare to the hospital. I think about how impossible it is to keep living like this, and how much this world needs to change because we can'
2025-01-27 21:26:25 I think a lot about Tinu Abayomi-Paul and Shafiqah Hudson. Tinu spent so much time fighting for other people, helping promote mutual aid efforts so people could survive another night in the world. Shafiqah and a number of others (Ra'
2025-01-27 21:21:30 Millions of people have died from COVID, countless disabled by Long COVID
2025-01-27 21:21:21 I think I said in another comment that this framing took me a little by surprise. I don'
2025-01-25 04:44:17 scheduled email going out soon. it has a url that isn'
2025-01-22 15:21:57 >
2025-01-22 15:10:45 and this post, "
2025-01-22 15:07:15 in light of the news of the united states committing $500bn in funding to AI infra, i want to once again point out this post, "
2025-01-21 01:30:38 RT @literElly: I cannot begin to say how much of a waste of our time and energy it is to argue about whether or not a gesture was a Nazi sa…
2025-01-20 21:47:41 RT @Workshops4Gaza: We call on all academics to NOT renew their memberships to AHA, MLA, AWP or any other professional org that hasn’t take…
2025-01-20 21:47:06 RT @BIRcovidhealth: 30% @flo_mask with discount code in post
2025-01-20 20:21:14 RT @spoiledberries: He wasn’t just a homeless man his name is Cornelius Taylor. He was somebody. He wasn’t just a homeless man his name was…
2025-01-20 15:43:09 ... But when the conversation turns to history, when I ask them to think about disparate impacts, or to interrogate "
2025-01-20 15:42:49 But I felt (and now, again, feel) acutely robbed of something unfathomable. I shudder to think about all the spaces where we are denied space to imagine, but I can'
2025-01-20 15:42:41 What we'
2025-01-20 15:42:29 I thought about living in SF in 2020 during the initial lockdowns and how people started to realize they liked slow streets. Entire streets got completely closed to let kids play. It led to restaurants and open air activities that wouldn'
2025-01-20 15:42:23 But as I got to this passage - that they'
2025-01-20 15:42:03 ... and the time these cars spend constantly circling blocks and homes for "
2025-01-20 15:39:28 This made me think about something tangential - how many times I'
2025-01-20 15:38:57 When I lived in SF, I became increasingly sensitive to a specific feeling that self-driving cars were literally taking up and occupying our public spaces. Roads, street parking that might have otherwise been transformed into parklets, cross-walks...
2025-01-20 15:37:43 (you can just reply if you want, but if you want to keep up with reading group stuff, you can join
2025-01-20 15:36:56 I'
2025-01-18 03:31:25 RT @xcorvidae: "there'll never be another David Lynch" yeah because y'all keep letting communicable diseases rip through the population
2025-01-18 03:24:56 RT @Workshops4Gaza: Ty for the shoutout! Though we always recommend donating to accountable mutual aid groups like @sameerproject and direc…
2025-01-18 02:49:21 RT @RohingyaRCP: We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our 110 donors! Just £3,070 away from our monthly goal £5,000. Re…
2025-01-18 02:39:37 RT @NateB_Panic: The former spies were AI specialists in Israel’s Unit 8200, a secretive cyber warfare team that built the systems which ma…
2025-01-16 22:26:46 RT @NerdeenKiswani: Shut up, Ahmad don’t talk about “we” when you’re considered a traitor by most of your people. you’re a token Palestinia…
2025-01-16 22:24:16 >
2025-01-16 22:20:11 You can help Palestinians in Gaza stay connected to the world by buying an eSIM
2025-01-16 19:57:53 RT @DrDadabhoy: Day 467 of western journalists showing that they lack basic courage and decency in the face of genocide.
2025-01-16 19:08:31 you guys will make great seat warmers in a week
2025-01-14 08:26:55 RT @ytnessisdeath: Dear comrades, if you’re able to, please contribute to this fund to keep eSims going out to Palestinians in Gaza. Intern…
2025-01-14 06:58:40 RT @alexhanna: Only thing this country knows how to do is kill people.
2025-01-14 05:09:53 RT @thrasherxy: JUST PUBLISHED: It has been the honor of my career to co-author "Queer, HIV+ and Running Out of Medication in Gaza" with @A…
2025-01-08 02:56:01 RT @logic_magazine: Logic(s) is live at Chennai Book Fair 2025, partnering w/ @Thirunangaipres (founded by @thirunangai)! Visit us before…
2025-01-08 02:49:34 "long live Palestine long live Sudan long live Yemen long live Puerto Rico" to witness the convergence of oppressed people's shared understanding of their mutual enemy is something worth living for
2025-01-08 02:43:49 not a historian, so take my perspective with a grain of salt, but it seems a pretty abject example of moral cowardice, kicking the can down the road like this, hoping attention drifts off in time for them to demur to the overwhelming vote to condemn the scholasticide of Palestine
2025-01-08 02:24:35 RT @MaxRokkaku: Can someone cash app me $10 for new tag bulbs? Got stopped last night and I'm not tryina pass the "smell test" twice
2025-01-08 01:36:49 @charleshb oh sorry, i think i saw this and meant to reply but then i went down a rabbit hole thinking about changing my site build engine to 11ty or something - it'
2025-01-08 01:06:59 there have been developments with the reading group, you'
2025-01-01 03:01:36 i'm blocked so i'm assuming i am. i don't have the bandwidth right now to try to reach out to her to explain that demanding people send gov ID photos is inappropriate on a number of levels for data governance purposes.
2025-01-01 01:39:59 RT @bibicosplays: I'm 6 store orders away from a personal goal and a huge milestone for my business!! Keep sharing my posts and let's meet…
2024-12-31 23:28:26 RT @SFdirewolf: For folks posting images in support of #FreeDrHussamAbuSafiya please include alt text. I want to share your tweets!
2024-12-31 23:21:01 RT @TameeOliveFern: “I didn’t believe it until it happened to someone of my own race”
2024-12-30 23:02:16 RT @AbubakerAbedW: I am still thinking about why they detained this man on crutches and what they will do to him.
2024-12-30 23:01:57 RT @DrRupaMarya: Healthcare Workers raise your voices and show your faces! Don’t be intimidated by the racists who want you to cower in fea…
2024-12-30 23:01:30 RT @abierkhatib: Since I don’t have words anymore Thanks @naserjafari
2024-12-30 22:55:23 RT @Lamis_Deek: BEATEN UNTIL HIS EYES BLED!!!!
2024-12-30 22:41:35 @scott thank you for catching that! updated the url to point to the shop page
2024-12-30 20:10:11 RT @zhal80: Been laying low for something awesome – I clothed an entire family and over 20 kids :) Alhamdulillah I did it.. Stay tuned for…
2024-12-30 19:47:14 hey! i’m organizing a reading group! what you should know:- first book is "
2024-12-26 22:53:50 RT @DevBelalQassem: My child is crying from hunger, and I feel utterly helpless. I need to buy milk and diapers. A pack of diapers costs…
2024-12-26 22:53:29 RT @ErinSandersNP: Yes. This is what people don’t seem to grasp. The suffering and death that society has normalized will only escalate and…
2024-12-26 22:21:27 RT @mo7medjbour: Donations are slow
2024-12-26 22:16:16 biden is racist scum but even the most self-serving instinctual values would motivate a collection of sea sponges to shrink away from the prospect of letting an invasive, occupying force target journalists with abject impunity.
2024-12-26 22:13:04 i'm a little curious whether western, especially american, journalists even see this as affecting them - influencing eg what russia figures they can get away with when trump is in the white house (or biden, or any democrat, for that matter). they should, but i wonder if they do.
2024-12-24 21:10:16 i'm just gonna say it - threshold's not that bad.
2024-12-24 18:29:23 RT @MxInevitable: I think this is important because I do not want to create a cascade of hate speech for my followers to have to see, regar…
2024-12-24 18:26:28 RT @axmedamiinmax: and I'd like to add: do this only if u think what they have to say is actually worth critiquing. if not, (which is oft…
2024-12-24 18:11:35 i also fuck up and quote people i shouldn't - i realize i should catch myself more often! - you don't have to be perfect. but even if you slip up as much as 30% or 50% of the time, you're still dramatically reducing how lucrative this scummy business is for those accounts!
2024-12-24 18:08:40 these people get paid a few cents for views on your followers, and they get paid even more when you quote them to show what shitheads they are. this place is legitimately gross. interrupt that dynamic
2024-12-24 00:36:36 i sent my first mailing list thing. i don'
2024-12-23 00:55:08 RT @readlux: "Jeffrey Bezos owns 4 jets, I can't even pay my rent!" The picket line at JFK8 is lit right now as the Rude Mechanical Orches…
2024-12-23 00:52:57 RT @JPHilllllll: Written by the same guy who wrote
2024-12-23 00:51:46 RT @RonPlacone: Amazon should not be allowed to flood a neighborhood. The US is under complete corporate capture.
2024-12-22 20:43:29 RT @LauraMiers: The New York Post doesn’t mention the part about the cop walking past her as she burned alive.
2024-12-22 15:44:53 RT @NubulaGalaxie: The app really is doing amazing work of suppressing links, especially gfm ones
2024-12-21 00:09:10 RT @itslaylas: Columbia University denied my request for a no contact order against this professor along with two other students. They clai…
2024-12-21 00:09:08 RT @bluepashminas: Columbia’s Office of Institutional Equity just denied my request for a no-contact order against Shai Davidai with absolu…
2024-12-20 23:57:05 RT @lukeisamazing: welcome back, Henry Ford
2024-12-20 23:55:27 RT @LaurenKGurley: BREAKING: Teamsters will strike at Amazon’s largest NYC warehouse (5,500 workers) beginning at midnight tonight It’s a…
2024-12-18 21:29:44 RT @NILES100: this is today if you wanna help us help a few families!
2024-12-18 21:26:52 something naranayan and kapoor mentioned about academic researchers allowing people to get a little wild with their fantasies about AI absolutely resonated w/me seeing dubious summaries of "mind-blowing" AI/HCI/design research makes me so happy to have left that sphere/community
2024-12-18 20:19:11 @ruha9 @Workshops4Gaza todo item number 2: sign up for the mailing list:
2024-12-18 20:18:37 todo item number 1: buy "Imagination: A Manifesto" by @ruha9 please buy it from here to support @Workshops4Gaza
2024-12-18 20:15:28 there are a few ways you can participate: - reply to discussions on here or elsewhere - join the weekly calls when they start - be on the mailing list (it's free) you can do any or all options.
2024-12-16 14:14:19 when your discipline has never demanded more maturity from its constituents than 4chan and you finally try to course correct but it's way too little too late
2024-12-16 04:12:39 RT @DrAllyLouks: It’s interesting that any replies I receive drawing attention to the genocide in Gaza are automatically and immediately fl…
2024-12-15 20:56:24 RT @ZeyuanAllenZhu: (1/3) Let me give Rosalind Picard a lesson on what real values I learned at Tsinghua Physics. In our notorious experime…
2024-12-15 20:49:07 RT @postcyborg: All cameras are snitches and now all cameras are “lie detectors” too (ie, provide easily massaged pseudoscientific evidence…
2024-12-15 20:48:31 RT @tech4palestine: Looking for an alternative to Stripe?
2024-12-15 01:29:08 swear to god some of the replies and quotes to this are impossibly dumb.
2024-12-15 01:19:30 RT @snacklesbian: woman whose concerts are known as superspreaders visits immunocompromised kids maskless
2024-12-14 21:57:44 RT @rozina_ali: Gaza is currently facing what many experts call an “amputee crisis”: it has the biggest cohort of children amputees in hist…
2024-12-14 21:57:22 RT @AbubakerAbedW: Ambulances are now rushing to the bombed scene. A plume of smoke has shrouded the skyline of the camp where tents can be…
2024-12-14 20:56:08 sometimes when computer scientists present quotations in presentations i realize this is a field that doesn't train its students on how to work with qualitative data or how to think critically about data in general
2024-12-13 03:39:42 hi! this is not funny, they only do this when they’re in extreme distress.
2024-12-13 03:22:38 "there may be worse things than our healthcare system" says man who founded palantir, sweating even more profusely
2024-12-12 23:43:08 RT @haymarketbooks: PRE-ORDER NOW! Perfect Victims and the Politics of Appeal by @m7mdkurd Available everywhere February 11 Pre-order…
2024-12-12 18:29:43 RT @lndaluu: NYPD arrested NYU faculty member Andrew Ross, arrests continuing
2024-12-11 00:52:43 RT @SFdirewolf: For more check out my recent @TeenVogue column about how mask bans are the new ugly laws
2024-12-10 22:05:44 RT @haintological: This is a real emergency and I'm really hoping to raise some more money towards this goal. I'm a disabled veteran and I…
2024-12-10 21:32:11 these laws exist as pretexts for cops to harass black people on sight. "arrested 42 times" means he was black in public on 42 occasions
2024-12-10 21:31:09 it's illegal to sit down on the ground. all "arrested 42 times" says to me is that the existence of homeless people is thoroughly criminalized and he was ensnared in that system just like any of us would be if we had one bad week or month.
2024-12-10 21:23:08 RT @yuhline: To the people listing the number of times Jordan Neely was arrested as a justification for his death. They don’t recognize tha…
2024-12-10 03:45:43 @oscarjiminy thank you so much, i appreciate that a lot
2024-12-08 21:45:27 RT @LibyaLiberty: I never thought the sound of a school bell would send a flood of tears down my face but here we are
2024-12-08 20:27:38 hi, i wrote a post - "
2024-12-08 20:24:53 the tl
2024-12-08 20:16:51 honestly forgot to post the link, but it'll be interesting if that matters lol
2024-12-08 18:34:29 RT @radiofreeamanda: Less than 24 hours after Assad was toppled, Israel has already launched airstrikes in Damascus and is making its way i…
2024-12-07 01:31:15 @endeavorance i like the idea of a timed message that'
2024-12-07 01:25:24 @Tacticsos fair, but i figured more people did that as well. it's a *really* precipitous difference. i have ~8k followers on here, and 80% and ~15% on bsky and mastodon respectively. but bsky is... 20x the interactions? ~30x if adjusted for audience size i think (based on a quick estimate)
2024-12-07 00:52:20 i know people had been talking about it, but i'm really surprised how effective elon's directives to suppress tweets with links were. i got more interaction from posting this as a screenshot to my instagram stories lol
2024-12-06 22:46:44 RT @Ema97n: I'm thinking of this guy, who was desperately trying to destroy a water tank to save the people trapped in burning tents — the…
2024-12-03 23:00:04 RT @willathewisp: I’m a disabled person who also took care of my father in the very painful last six months of his 15 years with cancer. I…
2024-12-03 19:20:07 RT @mer__edith: NEW: 'Open' AI systems aren't open. The vague term, combined w AI hype is (mis)shaping policy &
2024-12-03 04:10:06 i think it's a little funny that people were spending the weeks after the election brainstorming what biden can do to shore up the entire federal government against the next four years of trump and his cronies, and at this point the main thing seems to have been pardoning his son
2024-12-01 23:31:41 @dieworkwear why does he look so constipated...
2024-12-01 19:07:38 RT @cprazevedo: Before saying that it's unfair to boycott Israeli universities, do your homework and check their social media statements. T…
2024-12-01 19:03:35 RT @hasanthehun: there are truly no red lines for israel. america seemingly will never rein them in
2024-12-01 19:03:30 RT @AssalRad: Today, Israel killed 100 people in Gaza, including aid workers from Save the Children and World Central Kitchen. I saw a Pale…
2024-12-01 17:29:15 RT @wideofthepost: 144k likes because spiteful blue team liberals are too stupid to realize this ruling applies nationwide and those 4 mill…
2024-11-30 00:11:51 RT @sillyalexnorris: It looks like we won't make the legal fund goal by the end of November deadline, but any little bit helps. Thank you t…
2024-11-30 00:03:49 if you fuckers whitewash his legacy come january i'm going to make your ears ring from fucking screaming at you
2024-11-30 00:01:20 RT @zhal80: Why is no one able to stop Israel!!! The bodies are just disappearing in Beit Lahiya, disappearing!!!
2024-11-29 21:43:46 RT @UNICEF: A 3-week-old baby, born prematurely, has died of pneumonia in Gaza. His mother, Hala, hadn't named him from fear of losing him.…
2024-11-28 01:04:59 for what it's worth, i really like @boycatapp for helping me confirm whether a brand is on the bds list, whether it's on level 2, and any other useful details
2024-11-28 00:11:18 ! focusing your ability to withhold business from companies funding apartheid, if only for the next few weeks, could have a dramatic impact on companies that are betting you'll put aside your integrity for some mediocre deals. #BDSmaxxing this winter
2024-11-27 20:46:43 RT @luckytran: Much like they have done throughout the pandemic, the opinion sections of major papers are killing people by normalizing unq…
2024-11-27 19:33:25 RT @MikeIsaac: just reupping this for thanksgiving and hope folks who can afford to live in the bay area take the time to read it https://t…
2024-11-27 19:30:24 RT @aditilrao: A man was executed in Alabama 6 days ago, marking the 92nd victim of capital punishment during the Biden Administration.
2024-11-26 01:27:32 RT @hebagowayed: Look at what yall did! Boycotts work! Remember you’re 5 min &
2024-11-26 01:25:29 RT @HeerJeet: This is all anyone will remember of Joe Biden's presidency.
2024-11-26 00:42:20 RT @ChrisAlvino: I don't understand how we're required to take our shoes off FOREVER after a SINGLE failed bombing attempt where no lives w…
2024-11-25 19:42:17 RT @Ahmed_Nashwan_: I write these words to you with trembling hands from the cold. Our mattress, soaked with rainwater, no longer serves an…
2024-11-25 15:54:29 RT @zhal80: We’re drowning in tents, no blankets, no food, no flour, no power, no gas, and veggies r crazy expensive. Flour’s over $150. We…
2024-11-23 01:38:36 @alexhanna gave this a shout out in this episode of mystery AI hype theater 3000 (sorry i'm late catching up on podcasts, overcast updates have been terrible for me)
2024-11-22 23:42:47 i just don't understand why chodes keep trying with this man. it's like each man looking outside and saying "i'm gonna go have a fist fight with that lightning" and getting zapped one after another on the same spot
2024-11-22 18:33:01 RT @boycatapp: Travel or Trouble? Your next vacation could be funding apartheid. Airbnb &
2024-11-22 18:19:27 RT @PeruginiNic: Palestinians in the north of Gaza are being systematically and calculatedly wiped out by the Israeli military.
2024-11-22 18:12:21 it seems like this winter is going to be rough. if you decided to stop masking, start up again - at least for the winter. if you haven't gotten your shots, get your shots. this is all familiar stuff - if you break a chain, you could prevent dozens of people from getting something
2024-11-21 01:13:38 RT @HossamShabat: It’s been 24 hours since I was injured, and all I want is to hear my mom’s voice. I've been trying all day to reach her
2024-11-21 01:04:24 surreal to think about aoc visiting the columbia encampment against the genocide of palestine and then, months later, voting to conflate criticism of zionism with anti-semitism. those students rejecting her trying to use them for her own political theatre were so fucking savvy.
2024-11-21 01:02:39 RT @m7mdkurd: Anti-genocide student encampments are not a stage for political theatre &
2024-11-19 00:25:49 if i ever see that tweet again i'll take a screenshot and talk about the problems of trying to computationally model people.
2024-11-18 18:13:46 RT @zhal80: While you’re all cozy in your bed, my tent’s flooding from the rain and I’m literally sleeping on a wet floor :).
2024-11-18 07:56:59 RT @koyundelisi34: Gazze'de Soykırım var israil katil terörist bir devlettir Gazze İnsan olanların davasıdır Gazze'yi Paylaşmaktan çe…
2024-11-18 06:40:23 RT @HossamShabat: This morning’s heavy rains and cold weather in the Gaza Strip have turned life into an even worse nightmare. Imagine waki…
2024-11-18 06:36:58 RT @MattLech: literally in the Washington Post that Yglesias was read by Biden people.
2024-11-17 01:41:59 RT @k1llstreakz: just 75% funded. keep posting this everywhere you can for Tinu’s family. i will never forget Tinu. she was so funny. kind.…
2024-11-16 22:59:16 @souljagoytellem @oelayat "he played sax so he was fun" or maybe more modern answer: "he blue team, blue team good"
2024-11-16 21:55:37 i wonder if history will show that no one ever took more pride in their apartheid project, in ethnostatist fascism, and in the gruesome work of genocide and the annihilation of civil society, than zionists have taken in this past year.
2024-11-16 21:06:59 RT @ISASaxonists: Just wondering if all those academics who are concerned abt AI stealing their work are going to pull their published arti…
2024-11-15 21:34:41 @catileptic thank you so much. i'
2024-11-14 23:59:56 @heavyredaction ugh, i'm sorry. it seriously doesn't take a lot to deescalate, but i guess even that's asking too much of some people.
2024-11-14 23:03:48 RT @farahkanaan: “Even by Middle East standards”
2024-11-14 19:51:57 on some level i think it's kind of funny that he's like "i'm not a lawyer
2024-11-14 19:41:20 RT @zhal80: Before I sleep, and this might be my last words cuz things are really bad. My life’s empty, tired, hungry, and unstable. But ur…
2024-11-13 01:53:37 RT @triketora: there is no ideology it’s all just self-enrichment and power hoarding by whatever means necessary
2024-11-13 01:45:18 @dreamosaurus no sorry i should've been clearer i was trying to be sarcastic
2024-11-13 01:24:01 yes, cops, famously insistent on everyone wearing face masks where possible.
2024-11-11 01:59:36 RT @Remroum: When someone says, “I’m done with Palestinians,” after Trump was elected, know they never gave a fuck about Palestinians or th…
2024-11-11 01:22:03 @dragonsmoke_15 @_TimBarker that chance passed years ago. the democrats have never had the ability to do anything substantive within 2 months - certainly never in the presidential transition it would be a better use of time to think about what grassroots orgs can do in this time to brace for the next admin
2024-11-10 23:41:29 @Catherineoscopy i.. have questions.
2024-11-10 23:40:19 RT @NourNaim88: This family was returning home with toys for their children, only to be hit by an Israeli quadcopter drone in #Gaza. Their…
2024-11-09 02:00:53 and/or accelerated countdown if the user does the 5x power button thing but never unlocks the phone again. stuff like that
2024-11-09 01:59:54 @MxInevitable put the list on a spinning hard drive and accidentally drop it down a flight of stairs
2024-11-09 01:59:16 woah, this is a smart idea. if someone who follows me happens to be at apple or connected to the team here, i would imagine implementing a shorter countdown on Lockdown Mode or something like that would be a good idea
2024-11-09 01:48:07 if you worked tech for the campaign, you could do a decent thing by deleting that list of email addresses right now. say it was an accident. emails aren't super private or anything, but the people who signed up for news from your campaign don't deserve to be sold out like this.
2024-11-09 01:38:00 did i just introduce like 3 other metaphors in addition to your "
2024-11-09 01:37:10 @alex i wonder if mastodon advocates felt a little like they got more than they bargained for with a bunch of instances struggling under the influx of new users (both infrastructurally and culturally), and so they were more circumspect when the ball came their way a second time
2024-11-09 01:31:31 @BonsaiSky "that wasn't fair, you knew we wouldn't be able to help ourselves if we saw a palestinian flag" like are these cartoon villains?
2024-11-07 06:33:20 RT @Workshops4Gaza: If you've signed up for any of our upcoming workshops, please post about it and let people know you're going We rely…
2024-11-07 06:32:44 RT @whorriblytired: The WHO and CDC finally acknowledging bird flu but still doing anything they can to avoid telling people to wear a mask…
2024-11-07 06:29:29 @YTDrapetomania it's more illustrative of the actual dynamic to say that trump lost 2 million votes that he had in 2020, but harris lost more like 10 million.
2024-11-07 06:24:07 @YTDrapetomania in most of these states trump didn't get particularly more votes than in 2020, which is the impression one might draw from the arrows - a big sweeping ascent. but there's not a great way to specifically illustrate lower turnout among/for democrats.
2024-11-07 06:13:27 RT @AbujomaaGaza: My cousin, Rana Dalloul, 35.. She obeyed the orders of israeli occupation forces, left her house in #Gaza_City and mov…
2024-11-03 22:28:54 RT @provisionalidea: I’ve turned this over in my head a few times and it keeps coming back to plain old racism. It’s a belief these deaths…
2024-11-03 22:26:24 RT @fatimasal82: The IOF is obsessed with rape. Rape is not about sex. Rape is about control. They fantasize about Palestinian and Lebanes…
2024-11-03 19:45:07 confronting isn't the right word. more like facing and being accountable to. not sure why i chose that instead
2024-11-03 19:43:10 (this isn't very tightly written
2024-11-03 19:40:04 these people won't admit that they hate human beings
2024-11-01 22:43:34 anyone who deploys their kids for content online, especially in arguments and confrontations, is a seriously fucked up individual
2024-11-01 22:41:29 among all the very smart dogs i know, almost all of them are in favor of me throwing treats into their mouths
2024-11-01 19:01:28 @Rahll thank you!
2024-11-01 18:12:56 @redderbeanpaste i understand, physically, how. but i also don't understand at all.
2024-11-01 18:11:49 i'm at the university of michigan for a workshop in ~45m. i'm pretty sure every good grad program's common space has a very comfy couch.
2024-10-31 01:35:59 RT @patsajak: Noticed I was trending. Thought I had passed away. Turns out I’m fine.
2024-10-31 01:35:51 RT @_ndi_si: hi do y’all have any recs for essays/articles about the space race(s) as an extension of colonialism?
2024-10-31 01:32:35 RT @ayagmassri: In the cold, dark weather and the sound of the drone, my sister Shatha has been studying her lectures saved on her phone. D…
2024-10-31 01:21:17 RT @willie_agnew: Audio AI is getting a lot of attention and investment, but we have little understanding of which datasets are being used…
2024-10-30 22:24:07 @rinewithoutacat ugh i'm so sorry...
2024-10-29 01:12:16 RT @InternetHippo: I think we now have enough evidence to know that abolishing billionaires is a public health issue. It's inhumane to let…
2024-10-29 00:47:03 RT @GuardianBooks: Sally Rooney, Rachel Kushner and Arundhati Roy call for boycott of Israeli cultural institutions
2024-10-29 00:17:17 RT @ProfDaveAndress: You need to understand that this is the NORMAL action of a LLM. It does not go out into some external reality and find…
2024-10-28 23:35:52 god it's no wonder i left stanford, it's a mystery why i didn't leave sooner
2024-10-28 23:35:05 imagine living in the bay area in the 2010s, constantly being shouted down by fucking losers who were reliably all in on gig work, social media companies, "genius founder" hagiographies about eg steve jobs, and all the car shit, hyper loop shit, and everything involving elon musk
2024-10-27 01:02:45 more than half a dozen cops starting an altercation over literally nothing but for the sake of public safety we need more cops
2024-10-27 00:24:44 RT @briebriejoy: Israel’s iron dome is replenished by missiles made by Raytheon. Our Secretary of Defense was a Raytheon board member befor…
2024-10-26 23:52:41 would 20 gigawatts be sufficient for AI? sure. would a cop city complex improve policing? sure. would NLP research to teach cops how to be polite make traffic stops better? sure. you can affirm whatever stupid, misguided project you want if you're willing to ask these questions.
2024-10-26 23:49:39 to ask "whether AI works" is like asking if policing works. it's a ridiculous question for which a troll can construct criteria that yields an affirmative answer if you go into that question determined not to account for all the violence it causes and damage it leaves in its wake
2024-10-26 23:47:55 the boundaries of AI make the most sense when defined as an ideological project to relocate autonomy away from local stakeholders of a space, to technocrats and data centers that project is no more inevitable than authoritarianism, or fascism, or police states, or colonization.
2024-10-25 01:02:47 RT @AnasAlSharif0: The Civil Defense in #Gaza has announced a horrific massacre in the Al-Hawaja area, in the heart of Jabalia refugee camp…
2024-10-25 00:14:50 RT @kanarinka: Just a reminder that we start reviewing applications for this position next week!
2024-10-25 00:09:55 @SquarePegDem @ZohranKMamdani yeah because you're a racist creep. i'm sure lots of stupid shit seems fair to you.
2024-10-25 00:07:37 RT @gazanotice: Bisan: Take action now
2024-10-22 23:00:20 @deftech_n since you're asking, yes, i would prefer that you stop doing weapons research.
2024-10-22 21:30:08 @hjeanmachine please don't include me in any further speculation.
2024-10-22 21:19:46 @k1myojong performatively shaking my head but i'm secretly smiling and approving
2024-10-22 21:18:25 @yomiswan yes i have people close to me and i've been checking in with them. thanks.
2024-10-21 00:59:08 RT @michael___wave: a cool normal train of thought i have these days is that if non combatant status no longer protects any organisation op…
2024-10-21 00:34:23 RT @AkimotoThn: Israeli killer drone maker Elbit Systems was forced to close its booth after protests inside and outside the exhibition in…
2024-10-21 00:33:13 RT @MxJackParker: Protecting sex workers means protecting our privacy. Protecting sex workers means putting a stop to facial recognition te…
2024-10-21 00:21:06 tomorrow matt miller might smirk and promise an israeli investigation. when he's finally gone, his legacy will be an equivocation between a lifetime of inconsequentialness, and the indelible scars he will have left on humanity. lessened expectations and cynicism that he nurtured.
2024-10-20 23:59:45 it feels like ages since israel bombing NGO workers and medical facilities was something they would at least superficially deny. they'd say hamas did it, or that there was an accident or something now they don't bother. neither does biden. this is just what the us and israel do.
2024-10-18 15:37:37 RT @sasa_ghada: It seems that Shai Davidai wasn't ultimately given a slap on the wrist for his racism towards Palestinians or Black and Ind…
2024-10-18 15:34:13 RT @dakhterakhter: We did have footage. But whether it was a photo of a Congolese man staring at the severed foot &
2024-10-18 15:06:12 @rinewithoutacat yes lol
2024-10-18 14:21:55 RT @russellbrandom: ICYMI, @restofworld is hiring an Investigations Editor
2024-10-17 23:32:04 RT @Shepherds4Good: Is there a better sight than true solidarity? Is there a warmer feeling than what comes from this kind of act of love?
2024-10-17 14:20:15 @splendorr @so_treu i'
2024-10-16 23:27:18 RT @medwinters: Go to Settings → Privacy and Safety → Data Sharing → Grok to turn it off.
2024-10-16 22:41:11 can we actually talk about this because i have someone in mind
2024-10-16 22:23:02 RT @MikeIsaac: wearing a balaclava to the grocery store so my doritos dont cost 42 dollars
2024-10-16 22:19:21 @memoriamatters the depths scared me and i'm a grown ass adult. if there was a spider in there i legitimately would've never finished the game
2024-10-15 00:31:55 the replies to this are, as usual, grotesquely racist.
2024-10-15 00:23:08 "My bad" please fuck off
2024-10-14 23:08:35 @MistressSnowPhD ... doesn't know what "crediting" is either
2024-10-14 22:38:33 in chicago, in north texas, in detroit, in burlington
2024-10-14 21:31:38 @IBJIYONGI i hate that this is the dilemma i *wish* we had.
2024-10-12 19:36:12 RT @receipts_lol: 9/ Update: Israel just bombed the last functioning bakery in north Gaza, located in the Jabalya refugee camp. This attac…
2024-10-12 19:36:06 RT @gazamaps: 6/ This is happening presently. The ethnic cleansing of north Gaza is underway.
2024-10-12 19:13:55 RT @melnickjeffrey1: I've tried to keep my commentary on Our Brave Jewish Hero mocking b/c that's what he mostly deserves, but this is stra…
2024-10-12 19:01:54 posted this in january and then he blocked me. he continues to menace students and incite violence. it's simply stopped being shocking and now i'm just grimly watching an institution do nothing as davidai gets increasingly belligerent and dangerous in an ongoing bid for attention
2024-10-11 00:49:51 need to watch the full vid, but i think this is probably an accurate read. a public conversation would be (yet more) superficial junk food, but it would be enough for a lot of people who are obviously never going to vote for trump but can't stomach voting for harris at the moment
2024-10-11 00:09:22 RT @Abebab: it’s frustrating and depressing to see how much of AI regulation is now captured by the distraction that is compute threshold
2024-10-11 00:05:32 RT @SFdirewolf: I’ve written and talked about this before. Disabled people are oracles
2024-10-08 23:00:11 incomplete, inaccurate, often dubious provenance if any provenance is presented at all but soon with apple intelligence you'll be able to make it run on your phone, which is good because lately i've been thinking my phone battery is a little too healthy.
2024-10-08 22:04:51 i wish i could pair tweets together so i could put this next to the nobel prize tweet
2024-10-08 21:41:48 RT @jason_koebler: An AI sex bot site was hacked, which has exposed not only very specific sensitive info about how people interact w sex b…
2024-10-08 21:40:58 they struggle with timezones they're just like me
2024-10-08 21:39:20 RT @LeeHepner: It does say a lot, Sam. This woman became homeless 6 months ago when she was evicted from her home of 26 years at 19th and V…
2024-10-03 14:38:50 i... can'
2024-10-01 22:10:00 RT @MilagrosMiceli: “The horror of his work reached a devastating peak when Abrha came across his cousin’s body while moderating content. I…
2024-10-01 20:26:59 RT @SFdirewolf: Hard to believe but I am a 2024 @macfound Fellow! I am accepting the MacArthur Fellowship amidst the genocide happening in…
2024-10-01 18:16:58 to say i'm pleased by this news and the announcement of other sharply brilliant thinkers, writers, and activists like @SFdirewolf, @DorothyERoberts, and others as fellows is an understatement. i'm so happy to see this. so pleased people will get to catch up on why i've been a fan
2024-10-01 18:11:02 was recently talking w/someone about the dynamic where (american) universities seek out &
2024-10-01 17:06:38 RT @DorothyERoberts: I’m so honored to be among the remarkable 2024 MacArthur Foundation Fellows and grateful for the spotlight I hope this…
2024-09-30 03:08:24 this year has been relentless. i can'
2024-09-30 01:58:42 i recently found out Tinu passed away. if you weren'
2024-09-30 00:37:49 i have a document in obsidian that ends with just a list of urls of videos about AI lol anyway here's "pointless ai products" by @kurtisconner
2024-09-29 22:02:16 liberals need to be fundamentally different people - decent human beings - at a much faster pace than they've ever come around on almost anything. if we can just overcome that, then we all might be okay.
2024-09-29 22:00:42 the world needs neither dithering gibberish nor incremental, reluctant foot-dragging liberals will eventually come around to when the election is on our doorstep and they realize maybe chappell roan, ethel cain, and millions of college students had a point about "genocide is bad"
2024-09-29 21:55:52 fiddling with stats while the world burns like it's 2016
2024-09-29 20:05:06 RT @curious_founder: The world's largest climate and weather data archive is located in Asheville, NC. Due to an historic climate disaste…
2024-09-28 01:42:25 RT @stevesalaita: Don't let Zionists convince you that the hundreds of civilians incinerated in Beirut weren't the actual target. Any othe…
2024-09-28 00:26:50 RT @zei_squirrel: Tel Aviv has military infrastructure everywhere in the city, embedded in civilian neighborhoods. Bunkers underneath housi…
2024-09-27 19:25:26 RT @Dazzleox: One way flight prices to get back to the US, single ticket
2024-09-27 16:30:30 (that's not to say we should give up
2024-09-25 02:18:34 @stupidmentalhealthwalks my dog has a cone lately too :(
2024-09-25 01:02:42 the DNA evidence didn'
2024-09-24 23:46:56 he was innocent. we all knew it. evidence demonstrated it. the prosecutors begged. the family of the victim begged. millions of people tried to call on the governor and the supreme court and the president to do something to stop this. this country is a curse on the world.
2024-09-24 22:49:37 i hope for governor parson what he hopes for all wrongly convicted people. i hope for joe biden what he hopes for the palestinian people. i hope for america what america hopes for the rest of the world.
2024-09-24 22:48:37 RT @LeftSentThis: Too often folks like Marcellus Williams turn into a political talking point. But I want people to remember, he has a fami…
2024-09-24 22:47:54 joe biden will be on the view tomorrow morning. i'm glad he's resting up for that tomorrow.
2024-09-24 13:45:37 not sure if this has been shared here, but the state of Missouri have disconnected phone lines
2024-09-23 05:38:59 you don't get many good on-ramps back into higher education if you flunk out of high school lol
2024-09-23 05:38:09 don't knock community colleges! i flunked out of high school, went to foothill college, transferred from foothill to uc irvine after a few years, graduated cum laude with a BA and a BS, then went to stanford's cs phd program. i don't know where i'd be if not for community college
2024-09-23 05:34:23 if we're counting community colleges it's actually three lol
2024-09-23 03:45:13 RT @cockjuring: john mulaney @ dreamforce set oh to be there. we should bully tech nerds much more often. they should get cop treatment a…
2024-09-23 03:15:37 everything is just exhausting. where are my favorited photos? like where do i find that album prominently? how do i sort by recently added, rather than sorting by capture date? i edited and then exported a photo fom sometime in july
2024-09-23 03:08:32 i think the iOS photos app might have finally tipped over into unusability for me. i had more trouble finding a photo i edited on my computer that was in my photo stream than i had getting a new drivers license when i moved across states
2024-09-22 04:13:10 hello, it is my birthday.please be nice to me, and donate to eSIMs for Gaza. $35 would be rad, but if you want to donate an amount that'
2024-09-21 04:40:21 this recap by @xeviuniverse can catch you up on how strange this whole situation is
2024-09-21 04:04:34 the government simply tries different administrative labels and configurations to see who they can kill, glancing occasionally at the public's response to gauge how much outcry and protest it elicits, and whether they can suppress it. they'll move on to you soon.
2024-09-21 04:01:03 RT @TameeOliveFern: “the West’s dirty work” They’re not hiding it They want to be “Middle Eastern” so much, but they act like the western…
2024-09-21 03:59:06 RT @emanabdelhadi: Absolutely disgusting that the state of Missouri still plans to execute this innocent Black man in 4 days. Call Gov Mike…
2024-09-21 03:58:13 i feel like i'm watching someone else's fever dream.
2024-09-21 02:03:24 i wrote 1300 words on my phone about world building and theoretical frameworks, and about a certain... artifact of thought.gonna wait a bit to see if this is something i want to publish. it definitely riffs on something else that isn'
2024-09-20 01:41:48 i'
2024-09-19 14:58:13 and importantly - crucially - they exploit our anxiety about young people'
2024-09-19 14:50:59 it'
2024-09-19 00:33:09 to unpack: KOSA is a gift to the project 2025 freaks who want to use ill-conceived kid-safety legislation to shut down any resources for gender identity across the board - not just for youths, for everyone. they'
2024-09-17 15:18:27 RT @lara_abdalla1: I am pregnant and Abdullah is filming live. Don't be stingy with your donation. GFM: https://t.…
2024-09-17 14:50:25 @f_j_j_ using dialogs with chatbots to create citations is ridiculous. we've had systems for decades that provide suggestions, autocompletions, and formatting &
2024-09-17 14:44:25 @f_j_j_ "extremely well" is being extremely charitable.
2024-09-15 22:59:38 zionists just doing their part to justify IOF snipers targeting kids wearing backpacks
2024-09-15 21:18:34 RT @KristyT: I try to look information up for myself before asking others.
2024-09-14 06:21:16 RT @genepeer: the way i immediately tune out the second someone says "i asked chatgpt and..." i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened
2024-09-14 03:59:47 the purpose of this will be made clear later
2024-09-12 06:51:16 RT @SaulStaniforth: "There was a huge explosion.. women and children were blown to pieces" "All my children, six of them, were killed"…
2024-09-12 04:08:13 bush destroyed my family's home in baghdad and you're gonna keep sending israel weapons to kill palestinians and annihilate gaza, so i guess that tracks.
2024-09-12 03:54:29 RT @nberlat: it was a deliberate policy by Reagan to punish student antiwar protestors, and to kneecap colleges as instruments of social mo…
2024-09-12 03:51:15 RT @eNr3NAhhNlIf7BC: تم حذف أكثر من 11 تغريدة في حسابي وفي كل مرة اتعرض للتقييد و البلاغات بسبب هذا تكفى يا ايلون ماسك مالنا غيرك بعد الله…
2024-09-11 21:36:39 so... who'
2024-09-10 20:46:18 Join Tech Researchers for Palestine 9/17 @ 5PM EST to learn methods of surfacing academic-military ties at your department and university.We'
2024-09-09 19:03:26 "more in common than what divides us" speak for yourself.
2024-09-09 18:35:28 the voice notes app update is honestly pretty cool. it's been a while since apple publicly acknowledged on emergent pattern of behavior reflecting an unintended use case (like musicians recording ideas they have) and implementing a feature specifically addressing that revelation
2024-09-09 18:23:38 exposure and focus lock on the subject is exciting!
2024-09-09 17:58:16 RT @DavidVeevers1: Another day, another headless Palestinian baby. An endless waking nightmare. Shame, shame on every soulless bastard defe…
2024-09-03 21:25:59 like not even factoring in literal ecological damage, there'
2024-09-03 21:16:20 is there any way to begin to comprehend the widespread damage tech companies have done to the art community, or the psychological damage tech companies have done to writers and artists over the past several years
2024-08-22 04:12:39 if you can't donate, a retweet or quote tweet would be helpful too. thank you all very much for following along during this exceptionally difficult year.
2024-08-22 04:10:36 RT @StrikeDebt: Zone of Interest: Brat edition
2024-08-22 04:08:44 RT @beisan: The toddler with the blown apart head managed to survive ten months of genocide. His parents managed to shield him and protect…
2024-08-22 04:04:10 RT @sarahlazare: Ilhan Omar has joined the uncommitted delegate sit-in outside the DNC.
2024-08-22 04:03:11 i've tried almost everything, but time has continued advancing, and my birthday is once again a month away. this year, i'll be one year older if you're able to donate to the palestine children's relief fund between now and 9/22, i'd be immensely grateful
2024-08-20 20:06:17 oh my god riker don'
2024-08-19 04:11:05 RT @william_fitz: now every time some writes a story about eric schmidt they need to describe him as an arms dealer. i don't make the rules…
2024-08-19 03:37:47 ... why is gaza threatening, but not the arms shipments?
2024-08-19 03:35:42 RT @prem_thakker: If an investigation into the killing of Hind Rajab was a priority for the US or Israel, there's plenty of material availa…
2024-08-19 03:12:00 RT @AssalRad: As a reminder, Israel is still burying children under rubble in Gaza. But this won’t get any media attention because they’re…
2024-08-19 02:37:47 RT @NaderDIssa: Pro-Palestine protesters have disrupted the #DNC24 delegate welcome party at Navy Pier tonight. Video taken by a source the…
2024-08-17 00:10:04 RT @dowellml: Tech bros are like “being a tech bro is not political so I have a lot of hot trash “non political” opinions on education, whi…
2024-08-16 23:38:36 RT @am_anatiala: this was made by khadijadraws on instagram i dont know why anyone would cover her tag in the corner with 'the feelings'
2024-08-16 23:38:33 RT @falastinari: idk who covered it i got the photo like this so pls know the artist is khadijadraws on ig
2024-08-15 00:36:12 RT @bluepashminas: Bringing the collective primal scream outside Minouche Shafik’s mansion back in honor of her resignation.
2024-08-15 00:34:36 RT @balagonline: prayers down, wish her nothing but the worst
2024-08-14 16:54:51 @Kurtis_Clark oh thanks! it should be pointing there now
2024-08-13 21:23:15 @il_fritz @Kurtis_Clark uh ok
2024-08-13 20:09:05 @il_fritz @Kurtis_Clark if you'
2024-08-12 23:50:36 @halftes6 oh no! they're on to me???
2024-08-12 23:43:36 RT @EyeonPalestine: Sila Hoso (7), a displaced Palestinian girl from Gaza city to Deir al-Balah. She was injured in an Israeli bombing on t…
2024-08-12 23:42:01 when he visited stanford to give an invited talk did he open with this anecdote? i'm just curious
2024-08-12 23:38:02 @EmCohen_ a lot of zionist historicization seems to regard holocaust victims as pejoratively weak. it facilitates the idea that "today's jewish people mustn't be weak". so it wouldn't be consistent (or convenient) to acknowledge the various (often violent) acts of resistance against nazis.
2024-08-11 05:16:59 RT @tastefullysaucy: Do you know how Israelis are responding to this in their telegram channel? "Great food for hungry dogs" "Dogs would…
2024-08-11 04:16:27 RT @heymrsbond: Let’s clear this up: People critical of Kamala Harris aren’t telling you not to vote for her. We’re asking that you help…
2024-08-11 04:16:19 RT @emanabdelhadi: And we’re doing so during her campaign, the time when candidates are supposed to earn votes and organizers are supposed…
2024-08-09 03:29:30 RT @hzomlot: Yet another exodus. Apocalyptic scene as Palestinians in Khan Younis are displaced yet again. This is what genocide in #Gaza l…
2024-08-09 03:28:42 RT @MariamBarghouti: The journalists in Gaza are navigating conditions from the pits of hell. Do you understand they’re working with littl…
2024-08-06 04:03:38 >
2024-08-04 21:11:21 @anildash has a strangely Lorule vibe but it doesn'
2024-08-04 04:00:22 RT @rashaabdulhadi: '“I try hard not to put myself in danger but I’m a human being, I live what the people live,” he said. “If I survive, t…
2024-08-04 03:53:31 RT @GazaMartyrs: The scene is terrifying now here in Deir al-Balah. This was the scene: Fire and smoke, And the sound of people calling…
2024-08-04 03:51:33 RT @GazaMartyrs: The screams of people around me don't leave my head: "Save us, we are burning, my son's skin is melting." The situation he…
2024-08-04 02:28:19 *smells the air* ... there's discourse about quantitative scores i have thoughts but basically i think @theneedledrop's points are apt. idk if someone has written recently about how computation has favored/preferred quant scores and swept aside qual stuff
2024-08-04 01:39:40 RT @histoftech: Truly unreal. But then, both parties think voters are complete idiots as a collective, and treat us accordingly. https://t.…
2024-08-02 04:01:42 RT @ykomska: Nazi concentration camp Ravensbrück used female forced labor for textile and clothing manufacturing, including sock-knitting f…
2024-08-01 23:57:49 RT @abierkhatib: Just like UNRWA is Hamas Just like all hospitals are Hamas Just like all schools are Hamas Just like Hind Rajab is Hama…
2024-08-01 23:57:10 RT @Blackamazon: We believe . That’s all we need . Say with aplomb
2024-07-23 04:27:55 RT @interruptcrim: Again and again and again — cops lie. They lie. All the time, and especially if they are implicated in violence themselv…
2024-07-23 04:19:24 RT @danpjsheehan: It goes without saying, but no Democrat who shakes this monster’s hand or attends his speech to Congress on Wednesday sho…
2024-07-23 02:43:45 RT @tksshawa: So Kamala will meet with Netanyahu at the White House, but won't attend his address to Congress. The perfect representation…
2024-07-23 02:41:57 RT @tracyrenee70: I'm begging y'all. Please don't post that video of Sonya Massey being shot by the police. She should still be alive. #Say…
2024-07-21 00:10:46 RT @timnitGebru: My eyes rolled so hard smh "AI visionary" being the equivalent of those cults that tells you the world is about to end…
2024-07-21 00:10:01 guy breaks into your home and starts making a sandwich while screaming "i'm ending hunger, so sue me!"
2024-07-21 00:06:23 RT @sciam: It’s important that we use accurate terminology when discussing how AI chatbots make up information | Opinion…
2024-07-20 22:29:21 man... is this a sign from the universe to apply for that job i thought i wasn't qualified for?
2024-07-19 19:12:46 RT @Curiosityisc00l: Pls do not ignore ‼ Sorry for asking this again and again, but this is for Mom, the only reason I keep trying. We'v…
2024-07-19 19:07:19 this post is making the rounds, so here's an offer: if you're using Wix for any services (domain registration, hosting, whatever) and you want to move to another service, but you're apprehensive about the process, reach out - i'll try and help you through it if possible
2024-07-19 19:00:42 RT @TheHoustonWade: For some personal context: I graduated with $76k in student loans. I have paid off more than $60k of that and now I on…
2024-07-19 18:37:48 this sucks. it'll potentially make things much more dangerous for journalists covering basically any kind of protest
2024-07-18 14:22:47 whew
2024-07-12 23:58:12 @darius !! congrats!!!
2024-07-08 23:31:11 RT @SFdirewolf: You might have noticed fewer videos &
2024-07-08 23:13:37 @LibyaLiberty "look i don't want to call your manager..."
2024-07-08 23:10:32 RT @tamernabeeh94: SAVE US My children, Nabih Shams and Malak, are living in a nightmare due to the continuous bombing, and they are a…
2024-07-08 22:53:42 RT @HumzaYousaf: If you rightly condemn Russia for their depravity as they bomb hospitals and kill children, but continue to sell arms to I…
2024-07-08 22:38:43 this is your reminder to see what software you have installed on your computer because... that's not standard behavior.
2024-07-05 22:11:52 @Knibbs i think i got a lifetime subscription way back
2024-07-05 21:38:05 some replies to my post pointed to systems that don't cause major harms, or called for other forms of remediation premised on letting systems persist by default. i reject starting points that say we have to let harm play out, but also: what do you say when those approaches fail?
2024-07-05 21:30:59 when a system causes you harm and you can't prevent its designers from pushing it upon you and you can't leave or escape the system and regulations &
2024-07-05 21:15:40 RT @muhammadshehad2: Israel bombs al-Maghazi refugee camp tonight, kills more UN aid workers Israel sat a historic WORLD RECORD in the hi…
2024-07-05 20:35:29 when israel &
2024-07-03 16:57:40 >
2024-07-02 18:26:11 whew, "
2024-07-02 18:15:51 the last one i unfollowed must have been a holdover. he and his 2 cohosts on a big tech podcast laundered the "
2024-07-02 18:08:25 unfollowing people who have paragraphs and paragraphs in them to lecture arab americans about voting in november but have nothing to say about gaza
2024-07-01 22:14:45 just putting this here in case i need it later
2024-06-30 13:51:47 "
2024-06-29 14:40:56 systematic undercount of nonconsensual intimate content by studying two platforms that have been in the news specifically because they'
2024-06-29 01:48:31 @viticci sorry to self-plug, but i wrote something relevanti think it'
2024-06-26 22:39:42 @danhon slack hq right now
2024-06-26 15:19:42 @chrisg it wasn'
2024-06-26 15:11:53 i seriously need to read this - i started reading it, was really excited by it, but then some stuff happened and it ended up in that strange place of not being on my reading list anymore but not having been read. but it was one of the few things that year that made my eyes light up
2024-06-26 14:54:27 @jbigham @alex if i had written posts titled "
2024-06-26 14:39:01 @jbigham @alex this maximalist interpretation of the post as an indictment of every technical system everywhere, or as an incitement to destroy every system as a first option, is not how i would encourage you to read books like "
2024-06-26 14:35:53 @jbigham @alex that'
2024-06-26 14:29:05 fumbling with keys, a baguette, and a food-motivated dog after a walk is an accomplishment and i don'
2024-06-26 14:25:17 @jbigham @alex i believe i gave two examples. can you remind me what they were?
2024-06-26 14:16:44 @jbigham @alex sorry just want to chime in to say that watching people get tired of causing harm is not stopping harm.
2024-06-25 22:45:53 @mathilde i think i need to fix a plugin, but i'
2024-06-25 18:00:36 @attoparsec that looks so cool. sorry to hear you haven'
2024-06-25 17:27:57 @paninid oh lol that'
2024-06-25 17:23:18 it'
2024-06-24 23:08:20 i'
2024-06-24 23:05:56 i wrote a post - "
2024-06-24 19:02:48 phew. i really needed to get some stuff off my chest lolif you couldn'
2024-06-17 17:11:51 @endeavorance was curious, so i went to render the timeline of video i took from the solar eclipse in april in davinci resolve (6k 23.98fps BRAW to 4k). there'
2024-06-17 16:05:47 @endeavorance for what it'
2024-06-12 22:37:31 @BlackAzizAnansi this weird perching thing, or possibly the farting
2024-06-12 21:45:56 i feel like i need to talk to someone about this facct paper. if you'
2024-05-30 03:35:17 holy shit it'
2024-05-28 20:25:35 @dingemansemark @blog yeah... i realize it'
2024-05-28 20:15:07 just checking: there'
2024-05-07 00:52:28 just want to confirm before i relay info:signal disappearing messages count down the timer once a recipient actually opens/reads the message, right?and is that the same in group chats?
2024-04-29 22:57:39 @mshelton thank you! this is useful, even if i have to parse out elements that are more or less relevant, or identify dimensions that aren'
2024-04-29 21:42:18 cc @mshelton (and whoever else you think would be a good @ for this?)
2024-04-29 21:39:36 what handy opsec &
2024-04-15 22:53:17 i feel like every AI ethics-related job really just wants me to say this
2024-04-15 22:51:08 you could make one of those mad libs books where it'
2024-04-10 01:24:28 #eclipse probably last shot
2024-04-10 01:17:33 #eclipsepunch-in from the 6k footage to 1080p
2024-04-10 01:08:20 ok let'
2024-04-08 23:25:50 really having trouble finding the sweet spot for media on here, and not interested in messing with the settings of the instance just this minute. here are some screenshots of the #eclipse
2024-04-08 22:59:45 #eclipseoh no i can'
2024-04-08 22:35:21 here'
2024-04-08 22:28:15 something coming soon let'
2024-04-04 22:58:41 i got an app on my phone that reminds me when golden hour is starting so that my evening dog walks are as photogenic as possible, so that i can take the best photos of my dog.i think in most ways i'
2024-03-30 19:08:32 @wm_annis thank you for this. i really felt apprehensive writing &
2024-03-29 23:58:18 Hi, I wrote a post - "
2024-03-28 03:14:33 that being said, will back up more often, i promise
2024-03-28 03:13:44 i genuinely can'
2024-03-27 20:01:45 things still work, surprisingly lol
2024-03-27 19:53:38 did things work? i restored from a slightly older image, but i see people i follow and people who follow me...
2024-03-22 22:42:27 i cannot tell you all how many times i nearly borked my whole instance when i just wanted to do one stupid little thing.
2023-05-22 16:21:45 RT @thotscholar: tbh, i think these discourses (about personhood) should be of interest to all of us, particularly nonwhite folks and immig…
2023-05-20 17:28:26 @jessiegender (sorry for lots of replies okay this is too much i'll stop)
2023-05-20 17:27:42 @jessiegender (that being said, i think that's a mindset that makes the game experience stressful
2023-05-20 17:23:45 @jessiegender maybe the single biggest issue is *why* you didn't play BotW
2023-05-20 17:17:39 @jessiegender short answer: yes. long answer: there are a tiny number of things that concretely carry over, but the narrative of tears of the kingdom does a good job filling you in, and ultimately the game is more of its own story than it is BotW+1
2023-05-20 16:45:35 really really!
2023-05-20 16:44:57 you don't need to add your own words to legitimate what someone else says. you can just amplify them and not make it about you!
2023-05-20 16:22:32 if you're white, none of this applies to you, please back out of my mentions quietly
2023-05-20 16:21:44 never give your phone to a cop even if you CAN present your ID without unlocking it, they're going to act dumb and demand you unlock it with threats &
2023-05-20 13:59:31 @timnitGebru i made a general "tech bullshit" bingo game but i stopped adding things to the json file to populate it because the bullshit got repetitive lol
2023-05-20 13:43:58 @histoftech that's just what a not-snitch would say
2023-05-20 03:04:19 RT @_alialkhatib: i realize it's a fucked situation, but please try to be a little aware of the data ownership setup you're running into be…
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-24 17:41:34 @future_of_music i'm a little surprised that she and her ex must have talked about AI all the time - the thought experiment of that AI thing was the basis of their meeting, wasn't it? - but the idea of respecting the stake or origin of the data that goes into training an AI like... never came up?
2023-04-23 19:51:21 RT @AnnieLowrey: I am writing a book about time taxes and I need your help! Tell me about the insurance snafu ruining your life, the years…
2023-04-23 14:45:12 it's hard for me to imagine a platform that has to fact-check its advertisers will be around in 10 years, so this'll have to be a short bit - can't be a whole day lol maybe someone will write a concise paper about it and it'll be required reading for students to do before class
2023-04-23 14:42:15 i'm REALLY curious how teachers will explain this verification debacle in classes about online communities and stuff... in like... 10 years the whole misadventure monetizing this intangibly valuable thing, the self-annihilation via @dril, the disgusting posthumous verifications
2023-04-23 14:35:40 @karenkho lol i wasn't sure if i saw it or if it was one of those things you think up that's half-real and half-totally-insane as you're drifting off while doomscrolling (i know, i'm working on it )
2023-04-23 14:32:51 @karenkho with the quotes, to be clear
2023-04-23 14:32:29 @karenkho "you want to post a photo of your dog? well have you considered that some people can't have dogs where they live??" somehow goes through my mind more often than it should
2023-04-23 05:05:23 @yoavgo @jeremyphoward alternatively, "i asked [nondescriptGPT] to do something [and also 11 other things that yielded thoroughly unremarkable results] and the results were REMARKABLE!"
2023-04-22 22:10:38 RT @Blackamazon: Breonna Taylor’s killer has been rehired
2023-04-22 03:22:25 ads on this app are increasingly turning into the bullshit that's so dishonest and misleading that it had to get annotated
2023-04-22 03:14:03 @Smelkshake @AbyssalPen @CovfefeChan @capriceppv @elonmusk you could say the last point leaves an opening to require a business license then again you could say the last point leaves an opening to require a pic of a giraffe from a local zoo how could they forget to say businesses need to produce a business license? one can only imagine
2023-04-22 03:09:58 @Smelkshake @AbyssalPen @CovfefeChan @capriceppv @elonmusk twitter organization verification is described as being for "organizations of all types–businesses, non-profits, and government institutions" there's also a criteria section
2023-04-22 00:55:35 @athundt @KyleMorgenstein are you saying he's going to make breathing unreliable and shitty??
2023-04-21 22:08:17 @RMac18 such a shit deal even charmin won't touch it
2023-04-21 21:45:53 @TaylorLorenz it's a sad story. he spent all his money on checkmarks and now he can't afford a phone that can handle 2 installed apps :(
2023-04-21 21:31:23 @McCaineNL @tressiemcphd i want to head off the "thE rIsk Of LOsIng yOUr bLUE chEck wILL bE A dEtErrEnt" comments the risk of losing the loser's badge one pays $11/month for will hardly be a deterrent.
2023-04-21 21:29:18 @McCaineNL @tressiemcphd i was about to say that seems unlikely, but then i realized he probably thinks it'd be as effective to say that you can report an account, get their blue check revoked (lol as if), and THEN block them of course, if that sounds incredibly time-consuming and hopeless to you...
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-18 03:18:29 @eddyburback @drewisgooden a billion dollars to punch eddy 9 pins and danny gonzalez???
2023-04-18 00:51:47 might be a dumb request, but i've been in my head a bit lately if you've assigned my writing for a class, or used something i wrote, or if something i said/wrote was helpful for making sense about a thing, or whatever... i'd super like to hear about it DM/email/whatever is fine
2023-04-17 23:17:52 RT @treasurefbrooks: They won't fund your organization but they will fund your funeral. They won't read your resume but they will repost yo…
2023-04-17 21:50:59 i realize it's a fucked situation, but please try to be a little aware of the data ownership setup you're running into before you paste huge chunks of your writing into a text field offered by a tech co that aggressively collects as much text data as it legally (&
2023-04-17 21:46:21 1. objective- just ugh 2. openAI keeps whatever you enter into chatGPT
2023-04-15 15:43:56 @UpFromTheCracks pointed this out a bit ago, but i lost track of it - tech regulation isn't like medical or food regulation, and we need to not start the conversation on the basis of what the tech co's need.
2023-04-15 15:43:55 when big tech joins the chorus for AI regulation, don't mistake it for public interest advocacy without real commitments they're only helping because they feel confident they have the means to capture regulatory agencies that currently or will exist to make entry more difficult
2023-04-12 18:14:31 @RMac18 i would've expected some mention about how twitter circles are evidently not as private as promised, dubiousness of twitter DMs as private (setting aside whether you trust that the person on the other end is who they claim to be), etc...
2023-04-12 07:47:17 RT @NBedera: We know that almost all Title IX cases end in institutional betrayal for the survivors who sought help. But how do administrat…
2023-04-11 18:03:03 RT @AINowInstitute: Today we launched AI Now’s 2023 Landscape Report. In it, we put forth an actionable policy strategy to confront concent…
2023-04-11 07:37:08 @npseaver is this like an NFT?
2023-04-11 04:46:33 @trucknorris56 @elaifresh @ashlea one of the tips &
2023-04-11 01:15:57 RT @rcourt: New call for pitches from @techreview, for our upcoming issue on ethics. We're looking for *big* swings: narrative features…
2023-04-10 23:18:22 @NotABigJerk i would believe she played a lot of hide-and-seek and imprinted on the sound of people saying "found her" all the time
2023-04-10 23:15:05 RT @NotABigJerk: this woman has an MBA from harvard
2023-04-10 15:58:33 start regularly recording your parents, elderly, and loved ones and your kids and your pets and yourself and strangers ,
2023-04-10 12:25:16 @Abebab i was 100% expecting this to be a thing about how you could watch the video again later when you miss their voice, but noooo it had to go to an extra level of creepy
2023-04-10 05:20:59 i really did a disservice to science fiction because usually sci-fi authors are making a subtextual point with their work that comments on the contemporary, so even in this analogy EA/LT people are alone in their nonsense
2023-04-10 05:12:31 the funny thing about EA/LT weirdos is that they're *fuckin obsessed* with science fiction crises like killer robots &
2023-04-09 21:20:10 @ranjodhd @kevinbaker hot take: i prefer local setups in grad school, cloud-based latex editors went down routinely around major submission deadlines, which scared the shit out of me. i really really like sublime text + LaTeXTools i should take a few screenshots or record a walkthrough sometime..
2023-04-09 20:23:29 @ShanaVWhite it's honestly baffling how we can keep having this conversation over and over and seemingly never make progress
2023-04-09 19:06:04 RT @karlitaliliana: Watching a bunch of dudes justify their relationship with a person who collects nazi memorabilia is a good reminder tha…
2023-04-09 04:23:21 you would all know if i was coming out of someone's home and there was a painting signed by adolf hitler in there. i would be talking about it.
2023-04-09 04:21:56 can't say i've ever been in a house with a signed HITLER on display, but i'd like to think i'd respond to it with more alacrity than a lot of the people who are just remembering and trading on their stories now there's clout to be had by talking about the sensationalism of it all
2023-04-09 04:17:46 RT @jason_a_w: lol has every one of these guys been to this nazi buff’s mansion
2023-04-09 03:34:14 stop going to things hosted by nazis and nazi enthusiasts.
2023-04-08 01:53:33 ultimately, the question of whether AI will replace artists has less to do with whether AI can generate compelling - or even plausible - art (whatever you mean by that word), and more to do with whether our society values art as an expression of artists and that makes me nervous
2023-04-07 19:35:05 RT @Blackamazon: This is a manipulative person using therapy speak . Folks have like most manipulative people learned to use the terminolog…
2023-04-07 19:33:33 @plentyofalcoves lmao fair point on both counts but seriously this helped me wrap my head around this - thanks
2023-04-07 19:18:58 @plentyofalcoves @gun_toucher but like... it's all road trip snacks, right?? this isn't like a rainforest cafe attached to a gas station or something. there's nothing to go there to *see*. i'm looking at photos and there's a wall of jerky, and aisles of mixed nuts like any gas station, just *more*?
2023-04-07 19:13:52 @gun_toucher @plentyofalcoves i seriously googled "what is buc-ees" because i couldn't believe it was just a gas station but it really is just a chain of gas stations???
2023-04-07 19:06:25 i don't know where i'm going with this, except maybe to be able to point to something later when someone asks why i give a shit about garbage being passed off as art in a cynical attempt to claim that GPT or some other AI system is producing functionally equivalent art
2023-04-07 19:06:24 but then i think about who buys art, and to what extent the scene is sustained by patrons. if half of the art-consuming world is satisfied filling wall space with crap produced en masse by some algo, then won't that force the world of art to shrink considerably?
2023-04-07 19:06:23 i've been thinking about this a lot, and going back and forth depending on my mood that day on one hand, AI-generated art may reach its greatest potential in hotel rooms decorated to a budget. or AI-generated sounds will replace hold music or to provide cover for elevator sounds
2023-04-07 04:17:21 a year later, i can report that he sometimes tries to high five me when he's confused...
2023-04-07 04:11:24 so anyway... look - i learned how to make a gif now you can all enjoy the sheer terror of my 70lb muddy dog running straight at you
2023-04-06 22:54:28 @timnitGebru thank you so much - sorry for always being a bit frantic when we get to chat lol
2023-04-06 21:59:38 i'll be leaving the Center for Applied Data Ethics at the end of this month
2023-04-06 21:06:54 RT @ruchowdh: On the heels of Open AIs letter in safety - we need a global governance body for generative AI systems. Here’s my thoughts on…
2023-04-06 20:14:36 i feel like there's a cliche in tech that basically amounts to "you were all too stupid to make my needs a priority, so i manufactured a crisis to get you all to focus on my needs. that makes me kind of a hero, for getting you all to notice the same problem, right?"
2023-04-06 19:53:54 >
2023-04-06 16:30:36 RT @sanjuktampaul: Open letter from Michigan faculty regarding University request for judicial injunction to stop GEO strike: https://t.c…
2023-04-06 16:25:11 i don't know. when i read a review of a thing, i don't want you to consolidate facts. i want to know what hit you and what surprised you and what landed with a thud and what reverberated and like "beep boop the grapes of wrath was a book about the great depression" ain't it lol
2023-04-06 16:21:26 whenever people talk about whether chatGPT or some other LLM correctly summarized a thing, i wonder if engineers really believe everyone gathers and resonates with the same key details from a given piece of writing. it's just an unbearably sad, empty way to think about reading.
2023-04-06 16:03:54 @interacciones @tante i feel actually dizzy reading this lol
2023-04-06 16:02:12 @interacciones @tante please what is happening
2023-04-06 15:20:14 i understand the idea of gauging the commonness of a practice before reacting, but if that's not the point - if the point is to calibrate your outrage based on whether your team does it too - then please go take a walk today without your phone and just reflect on how you got here
2023-04-06 15:14:53 @vinn_ayy the man donated to establish a "justice thomas portrait fund" at yale the man is genuinely, and maybe actually pathologically, obsessed with portraits.
2023-04-06 15:04:31 @tante they might let us use it for free for a bit then they'll show ads then they'll charge rent then they'll do both it's vaguely an "enshittification" thing, but kinda just the basic Silicon Valley business model
2023-04-06 15:00:45 @tante the argument that AI empowers people (to do X) belies the underlying point that the promise is only valid if we allow the people making the promise to be the gatekeepers of all things. as long as the power all ultimately ends up in their hands, they'll let us make nice pictures
2023-04-06 14:58:16 @tante i really thought about re-writing it lol
2023-04-06 14:57:11 @tante but then they still step on the metaphorical rake in the form of AI consolidates and centralizes power and resources. the pursuit of algo systems will hollow out the arts &
2023-04-06 14:55:23 @tante absolutely
2023-04-06 14:41:29 @tante there's a (slightly) subtler argument that people sometimes make about not needing expensive education or training to acquire the skills
2023-04-06 14:40:00 @neilturkewitz @tante they say democratization, they mean commoditization.
2023-04-05 20:33:04 RT @SleepyOktobur: I have reinstalled Twitter to respond to this story and make sure my voice is fully heard. I am Casey. My real name is…
2023-04-05 18:49:20 my therapist has told me to focus on the good things. it's good that i'm not associated with this event.
2023-04-05 18:48:15 *scans first row*: hmm, no people of color *scans second row*: oh thank god, no blackface bots
2023-04-05 14:06:18 @Agent_Snark @sassycrass i brought all my taco ingredients indoors just in case
2023-04-05 13:50:51 @amandabee @schock yes but AI ... so it's more better
2023-04-05 04:55:36 @hipsterelectron i've had more arguments than i can count, about simply acknowledging this problem on campus, and they always went nowhere.
2023-04-05 04:43:33 would you like to spend $2700/month on a single owned by one of the wealthiest universities on the planet?
2023-04-05 04:37:18 a 325sqft studio that the university owns, and they rent it out at $1900/month. and the rents only get steeper from there i remember paying 1500 a few years ago and thinking this is totally untenable on the stipend the university gives me. this is snake-eating-itself shit.
2023-04-04 23:25:07 @schock "own your insights" is especially funny to me for some reason.
2023-04-04 20:44:13 RT @amontobin: independent music is in a war of attrition against pay to play algorithms.we can't let fire emojis be the measure of our wor…
2023-04-04 20:39:13 anyway, have fun y'all
2023-04-04 20:38:06 i wonder how many Star Trek convention nerd style questions you can get away with asking before a LT enthusiast figures it out...
2023-04-04 20:35:12 issues on the table vs scraps that fell to the floor
2023-04-04 20:28:18 1. no clue why i still get emails from the stanford cs mailing list, but for your own sake maybe it'd be a good call to prune me from the list? 2. i wanna thank the BS AI ethics orgs for all agreeing to put "life" in their names to signal to me that they're longtermist crackpots
2023-04-04 02:53:11 RT @StanfordGWU: Cards are still rolling in and entries are still being made, but as of right now, we’ve logged OVER 2000 SIGNED UNION CARD…
2023-04-04 02:47:56 RT @StanfordGWU: Hey organizers! Due to the wind, we’ve moved inside to Rays. If you’ve got cards to deliver, come see us here!
2023-04-04 02:43:23 RT @FrenchRainez: You know what I noticed? The absolute silence of Caitlin Clark, Iowa's team and the coaches. They have neither condemned…
2023-04-03 21:37:21 >
2023-04-03 21:33:34 the funniest thing about all of this is that none of the work really necessitates deployment without the explicit consent of people occupying office/common space. it's just not flashy to have it in fewer spaces, so the researchers appear to have made this an existential fight lol
2023-04-03 21:28:29 "i would rather we be designing the dystopian technology rather than, like, some tech co, or some other extractive, exploitative corporation" (these devices came out of a project funded by a tech co grant and is supported by a DIFFERENT extractive, exploitative corporation)
2023-04-03 21:18:14 stanford grad student friends, please do this if you haven't already
2023-04-03 21:11:17 RT @StanfordGWU: Hey Stanford graduate workers! Ready to vote union YES? Here’s a thread of 3 ways you can do that, both on campus and virt…
2023-04-02 22:23:53 RT @Nash076: So, to recap: Elon was anxious to rub it in "legacy" verified users' faces and got snarky with it. Turns out everyone hated…
2023-04-02 20:51:40 elon is that loser who keeps giving insane ultimatums from a position of total powerlessness before panicking and shifting the ultimatum as soon as the other person starts to walk away
2023-04-02 19:52:42 @kashhill (sorry. to be clear, i mean submit archive material per se. it seems like the only way to "submit" is to submit a URL for the site to retrieve for itself, which means it's almost exclusively acquiring archive material by what we would broadly define as "scraping")
2023-04-02 19:50:09 @kashhill if someone wants to challenge that it's a scraper, they probably need to get you to commit to a very specific definition of what a scraper is. if you just say "scraper" then i can't see a reasonable way to object except by fabricating an interpretation specifically to object to.
2023-04-02 19:49:53 @kashhill looking more at and i'm less clear on whether it's even possible to submit something to the internet archive except in the most niche circumstances. /2(or 3?)
2023-04-02 19:45:23 @kashhill short answer is yes
2023-04-02 06:43:08 @digitaaldenken "similar to an excel spreadsheet" we're all great danger.
2023-04-02 05:57:10 i was fucking right, people. he's really gonna do it one by one like a chump
2023-04-02 05:56:24 @MattBinder i was right he's gonna do it one by one lollll
2023-04-02 05:52:53 @MattBinder @MarzGurl @nytimes he's working up the courage he needs to touch the @KingJames checkmark lol
2023-04-02 00:10:23 RT @alexnpress: I went to Detroit to watch UAW members try to take back their union. Fain presided over the convention and while his oppone…
2023-04-01 19:13:51 like i'm not saying a QT should knock down this score
2023-04-01 19:10:16 interestingly, as far as i can tell, there's no penalty (or different effect in any direction at all) for quote tweets vs retweets. they're all counted as retweets? after all these years i think i figured that there would be some distinction between a RT and a RT with commentary
2023-04-01 18:39:15 @janusrose (in the same way that tweetdeck continues to show the app/site/whatever that people used to post a tweet, despite that apparently being an important thing to the loser to remove)
2023-04-01 18:37:56 @janusrose i wonder if there'll be a field that accidentally leaks this info. like i know he's self-destructive, but annihilating the list of verified users with no hope of going back seems especially chaotic, and simply making verified accounts not *render* a checkmark seems safer...
2023-04-01 18:34:48 open letter: twitter needs a 6 month pause on posts to figure out verified accounts
2023-04-01 18:24:16 RT @_alialkhatib: i don't believe anything at twitter is competently automated anymore. at some point in the middle of the night someone wi…
2023-04-01 17:55:29 someone forgot to wake up their bunkmate at twitter HQ last night, huh?
2023-04-01 17:53:40 @KevinMKruse @Moreshortflsh @Twitter @elonmusk per month
2023-04-01 17:05:17 @thewayoftheid (all of those are available on jetpens if you don't mind getting it online, but some might be available in stores
2023-04-01 17:02:47 @thewayoftheid finally, a use for this knowledge i love the Uni-ball Signo UM-151 the Pilot Hi-Tec-C is also extremely popular i think the Zebra Sarasa is loved for being all-around reliable and good if you want something you might find in a store then maybe Pentel Energel or Pilot Precise V5
2023-04-01 07:32:16 *glances at watch* cron is tricky, okay?
2023-04-01 03:57:15 if you're waiting until midnight, so am i, because i'm curious! but let's be honest how this is probably gonna go
2023-04-01 03:56:29 i don't believe anything at twitter is competently automated anymore. at some point in the middle of the night someone will roll out of the bed they share with 3 co-workers and start manually deleting verified statuses one by one. and then somehow it'll cause a server to go down.
2023-04-01 03:51:43 @mcwm it's like a halloween costume you'd get at party city
2023-04-01 03:47:54 @swodinsky are you trying to get your phone to run out of battery right at the stroke of midnight?
2023-04-01 03:36:00 RT @JackieFielder_: Pretty wild to think that the SJ Police Officer Assoc. president was signing this check for a PAC opposing Boudin in 20…
2023-04-01 03:06:09 i let this slip by, but it's really cool to see a podcast network doing this i thought a lot about worker-owned coops in grad school, and broadly came away with a ton of respect for people who work to make this all happen btw, they have a support drive:
2023-03-31 23:28:26 this seems bad. i hope organizations that rely on getting notifications out to people in a timely manner will consider other platforms and methods than twitter, if not now then at least in the future.
2023-03-31 21:10:25 when the FLI people talk about eugenics and genocide as though it stopped in the 1940s, and warn that it now looms in the distance, they reveal that they don't comprehend that it's fucking happening right now. this is how out of touch with reality they are
2023-03-31 21:08:05 when people talk about algorithmic harms, but can't bring themselves to talk about what's right in front of you and all around you, you should assume these people are removed from the world in which we live. they're insulated and secure these people are living on another planet
2023-03-31 21:08:04 from enough of a distance, all risks probably blend together. the FLI people can't tell the difference between a sensationalized, terminator-esque, time-traveling killer vs an algorithm that denies you housing, because they can't comprehend either being an immediate, present harm
2023-03-31 20:58:11 @MarzGurl i wonder if any/all of them will go verified when they're ready to start scamming people
2023-03-31 20:12:46 sorry, bouncing around a bit >
2023-03-31 20:08:56 >
2023-03-31 20:05:41 finally, an open letter about AI actually worth retweeting
2023-03-31 20:03:16 hard-coding measurement tools for a single specific user into production to collect stats is such a weird defense. it's like actually i'm at a loss. i can't think of anything this is like. it's unlike anything i can imagine.
2023-03-30 19:48:25 i know it sounds like old person shit but try sitting quietly in a room, focusing on one thing to read with intentionality when you stop reading words, stare at a wall and think about what you just read
2023-03-30 19:43:06 if you don't want to write, and you don't want to read, and you don't want to make the culture of either reading or writing better... please do us all a favor more charitable than creating a human centipede of shitty writing and instead... idk, take a sabbatical or something
2023-03-30 19:32:10 "pontifex" kinda sounds like the name of a VC firm, doesn't it? it just... sounds VC-ish
2023-03-30 18:19:33 this article by @willknight and @kharijohnson about chatGPT plugins and how it'll make things... even weirder, is good
2023-03-30 17:17:28 RT @WillOremus: Some tech companies are cutting the AI ethics teams they formed just a couple years ago. Story by @GerritD &
2023-03-30 01:27:20 @JennyENicholson i'm really sorry. that sounds unbelievably stressful
2023-03-30 01:26:31 RT @JennyENicholson: I keep seeing a lot of suicide bait on tiktok, I report it, my reports get rejected, but because I lingered on the vid…
2023-03-30 01:25:47 crucially, the *speculative* panic about super-intelligent deity AI bullshit. the people who deal with algorithmic harms right now, today? they're not describing an exciting or otherwise enticing system
2023-03-30 01:23:44 RT @oneunderscore__: I'll say it: The AI panic is starting to feel like an advertisement.
2023-03-29 21:16:53 you're leaving so much on the table if you mindlessly paste an intro or a conclusion from a LLM. i know it's hard to write. think about why! unilaterally framing the conversation as you see fit is so much power in your hands, and you ask GPT to blurt out some patterns? come on.
2023-03-29 21:09:56 there's some AI-powered academic paper writing thing and it just makes me sad i know writing is hard. i know engineers don't get trained to flex these metaphorical muscles. but it's a skill worth practicing and worth working on. how you frame and connect and close stuff matters.
2023-03-29 20:53:00 @alexbaez i know :( i hoped i could fix it in youtube's editor since it wasn't like i was doing stereo mixing in the first place, but i didn't see any way to fix it after it had been uploaded i remember this every time i edit a video now though
2023-03-29 20:51:39 pretty soon you'll have a following tab that consists of people you follow and also a considerable amount of garbage, and a "For You" tab that consists of people you follow and also LOTS and LOTS of garbage
2023-03-29 20:38:03 paper was published at CHI, which is a conference and i made a youtube video about it
2023-03-29 20:36:43 oh hey, i wrote a paper about why algorithmic systems create absurd outcomes, titled "To Live in Their Utopia" ML systems create models of the world and then evaluate our conformance to them. it's a utopia of perfect little rules for the machine
2023-03-29 15:58:54 just for the sake of citation.... 1. lots of trash interspersed. see this thread
2023-03-29 15:51:35 i've got a meeting to prepare for so if everyone involved in tech can all please pause for 60 minutes i would be quite grateful
2023-03-29 15:48:15 sorry, i haven't directly commented on the AI open letter 1. lots of trash interspersed in the letter 2. the org is bad 3. lots of false signatories on it apparently? lol 4. wake me up when there's a letter that doesn't center a bunch of old white dudes who got rich on this tech
2023-03-29 15:36:42 @alexhanna not the worst way to raise funding...
2023-03-29 15:35:15 @mmitchell_ai @emilymbender really curious whether any of the authors have "thesaurus _____" in their browser history...
2023-03-29 14:50:22 @tante @neilturkewitz @emilymbender @random_walker @timnitGebru i wish i had the skills to typo in a way that miraculously landed on another *also valid* sentence
2023-03-29 04:42:15 RT @lmatsakis: It’s a longtermist organization co-founded by Jaan Tallinn, a tech billionaire who helped develop Skype
2023-03-29 04:28:12 RT @lmatsakis: People like Bill Gates, Sam Altman, etc. looked like they had signed it, but their names have been disappearing. Someone als…
2023-03-28 20:56:07 RT @adapperprof: Hey folks!! Looking for any Black scholars that study AI and social justice for a roundtable convening. Any names I should…
2023-03-28 17:59:41 i feel like life on the internet is this endless work of finding and settling down in places where the conversations don't feel like yahoo answers/quora/facebook/youtube comments
2023-03-28 17:51:37 RT @Matt_Cagle: The only responsible standard for police use of face recognition is a total prohibition, and this new California bill moves…
2023-03-28 08:23:02 @shengokai yeah?
2023-03-28 07:03:06 if i understand correctly, if you pay for twitter blue but you hide your checkmark, the latest policy announcement suggests you'll still appear in people's For You feeds, who might make *even more* fun of you for being embarrassed about it do whatever you want with that thought
2023-03-28 06:43:48 @jvgraz @athundt something i'm turning around and around in my head, but so this means, starting april 1, everyone in my FYP feed without a checkmark is a subscriber who's embarrassed about it? has he considered this is maybe a bad idea? do these people not get bullied enough???
2023-03-28 00:02:58 @Bhargavi_Ganesh i imagine they figured it's a strategy that works well enough for the military industrial complex
2023-03-28 00:01:53 RT @Bhargavi_Ganesh: @_alialkhatib doing a mini-paper on the history of technology governance, and this has always been the playbook
2023-03-28 00:00:18 schmidt futures only funds STEM students to study AI lol
2023-03-27 23:55:59 just watch as they construct this revolving door, then watch as alumni of these companies, programs, etc... fill out the roles meant to bring and keep these companies in check. they'll certainly be The Most Qualified (by definitions established earlier, by them)
2023-03-27 23:49:30 idk if people want to prevent regulation entirely - that'll happen regardless i think they want to lay the groundwork to say you should have designed &
2023-03-27 21:17:06 you don't have to take every suggestion, obviously, but those who successfully argue for a paper or whatever's inclusion can email the author(s) to just let them know that their piece is going to be taught in this class also helps ECRs know where their stuff is being taught btw
2023-03-27 21:17:05 so here's a thought, and if it's garbage then lol sorry: what if you tasked the class with updating *itself* (students/groups pick a week/module of the syllabus and make the case for adding or removing or swapping some reading
2023-03-27 21:17:04 the whole engaged scholar thing is cool but people email me with actual things to talk about and to ask for and stuff and i barely keep up with those, to say nothing of people who do it out of obligation. and i feel terrible about it because they're not really asking for anything
2023-03-27 19:08:40 kinda feels like the difference between a pirate and a privateer, except avoiding targeting americans in mass-scale surveillance/spyware campaigns is basically impossible so it's like the difference between a pirate and a privateer, except "also i guess you can kill whoever idc"
2023-03-27 19:04:58 the spyware EO is more of a noncompete clause tbh
2023-03-27 18:58:20 prominent AI boosters want you to feel as hopeless as possible about regulating and governing massive algorithmic systems because their compensation packages are tied up in tech company stocks lol
2023-03-27 18:55:47 remember when that idiot said he's a stochastic parrot? and now people are trying to say GPT is *more* than a stochastic parrot? these folks don't care which point sticks
2023-03-27 18:52:43 RT @emilymbender: Ugh -- I'm seeing a lot of commentary along the lines of "'stochastic parrot' might have been an okay characterization of…
2023-03-27 04:05:34 @_StevenFan i imagine it makes a difference to dogs without indirect access to GPT lol
2023-03-27 03:54:15 i guess here's my question: did gpt offer a unique insight into a difficult problem, or did it facilitate disrupting an otherwise-ossified bureaucratic process that would have otherwise yielded administratively defensible but wholly insufficient care?
2023-03-27 03:54:14 the "GPT saved my dog" story reads like it fundamentally misses a broader failure i'm happy the dog is okay, but i can't overlook the overextended vet who didn't have the time/mental bandwidth to spot what the author described as a "common complication" of a "common disease" 1/2
2023-03-26 20:51:38 RT @cocoazafreen: i keep saying this but without an analysis of power. the general public will never understand abuse. abuse requires power…
2023-03-26 19:49:25 what's crazy about all this is you could make a case that tiktok has suppressed LGBTQ and WOC folks when they talk about stuff like gender and race but actually putting the heat to tiktok for harming trans kids would fucking kill some of these old shits
2023-03-26 19:38:59 amazon gives ring recordings to cops and uses a wristband microphone to shittily guess how stressed you are to determine your health insurance premiums. but congress stares down tiktok's CEO and grills him about tiktok using home wifi if you think it's not racism, you're dumb af
2023-03-26 03:38:56 RT @gojosdaya: the other day y’all was begging sheryl lee ralph and victoria pedretti to reveal the names of the men who assaulted them, an…
2023-03-26 03:37:01 @mat_johnson @taoleighgoffe yes but now you can wear a sweater over that shirt *whenever you want*
2023-03-25 19:04:45 this isn't really a comment on Shou Zi Chew's charisma (although i guess it kinda is because he handled the day pretty well), but more of a comment on how unimaginably incompetent congress is at tapping into existing frustrations that ALREADY ALIGN with their goals. goofballs.
2023-03-25 19:03:46 i still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that zoomers had been complaining about tiktok's stifling and at times oppressive algorithms for YEARS, and one day of congressional testimony seems to have broadly reversed their feelings toward at least this tech company's CEO
2023-03-25 14:38:54 when someone says "alignment" you can be sure that they've completed the process of turning concepts like algorithmic harms and justice into utterly worthless corporate drivel lol
2023-03-25 14:26:50 if he didn't see through the smoke and mirrors and lies that tech companies make up to fool people, i couldn't really fault him
2023-03-25 14:21:17 RT @Muffin_Chips: Michael Phelps had a wingspan longer than his height, a hyper-jointed chest, double-jointed ankles, and lung capacity tw…
2023-03-25 14:13:37 i don't know quite how to express this thought, but it's a relief to know that someone like Neil Gaiman, whose words and actions inspire me (to say nothing of millions of others) to know that he gets it and isn't one of the many loud voices on the internet i have to worry about
2023-03-25 01:00:55 It's my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 15 years, since 25 Mar 2008 (via @twi_age).
2023-03-24 22:00:37 RT @Blackamazon: Another reason Elon is ending legacy verified accounts is that the ones of color had small triggers to stop right wing bv…
2023-03-24 20:45:43 (wayne gretzky didn't say this, but i think if i say it enough times i can get GPT to say he did)
2023-03-24 20:42:51 it's like wayne gretzky said, "it's difficult to get a man to understand something when his stock options depend on his not understanding it"
2023-03-24 20:40:52 if you listen to people who deal with oppressive bureaucratic power systems, you find out pretty quickly they understand how AI and algorithmic systems work on a macro level better than a lot of the people who claim their company's products are unknowable. which is weird, right?
2023-03-24 20:17:38 GPT plugins for travel sites will book you a trip to narnia if you a s k i t l i k e t h i s
2023-03-24 18:01:52 RT @zarawesome: *clutching a 90s desktop tower to my chest, hiding behind an office partition as gunfire rings out* it's okay, ELIZA. we're…
2023-03-24 05:24:20 all the presenters who share their papers in advance, you're that student in class who points everyone else to a free copy of the reading for people who can't afford it. you're MVPs. you're great. keep being awesome.
2023-03-24 05:23:10 every year CHI rolls around and i think about how we ask students to attend discussion sections having done the readings, and how CHI makes papers available only *after* CHI ends so BY DESIGN we're all that idiot who shows up having not done the reading &
2023-03-23 19:32:44 congress is more outraged that tiktok isn't making government contracts than they are about the data collection and downstream use like, screaming at tiktok about harmful effects on kids, sleeping late? really? how long did the revelations about the FBI buying data make rounds?
2023-03-23 18:35:01 @TaylorLorenz congress really doesn't like seeing anyone other than them paralyzed between two conflicting forces and unable (and, tbh, unwilling) to do anything to resolve those tensions. feels a little "narcissism of small differences"-ish
2023-03-23 18:32:03 @evan_greer (that and sinophobia, obviously)
2023-03-23 18:31:45 @evan_greer at this point, i honestly believe the outrage in congress has more to do with giving the data away (instead of selling it via lucrative government contracts, a la the FBI story ) versus respect for or protection of people's data.
2023-03-23 18:24:32 @RMac18 :( okay
2023-03-23 18:13:12 i really just don't understand why you would put this much effort into subterfuge that's this flimsy. that's what i spend so much of my time thinking about. why do tech companies do all this work to make such specious, insultingly stupid excuses for themselves?
2023-03-23 18:05:38 data ethics laundering by training a model based on another model and claiming that inoculates them from data ethics issues is such a perfect microcosm of how baby-ish silicon valley people are. if you put a hand in front of their face they'd wonder if they're the last man alive.
2023-03-23 17:58:28 @RMac18 should i make a bingo game like my old board for tiktok hearings or do we think it won't see enough use after today?
2023-03-23 17:43:20 on the left: a photo of a child in '08, before tiktok (and the internet) existed on the right: a photo of a child in september 2020, AFTER china invented tiktok or whatever they're saying in that congressional hearing coincidence? i don't even remember what point i was making!
2023-03-23 17:30:42 they used to be little adults with flat caps and jobs cleaning chimneys or something! look at what tiktok has done!
2023-03-23 17:29:44 will someone think of the children PLEASE? before tiktok they were going to sleep on time, had no body image issues, and were never doing unsafe things. now look at them!
2023-03-23 17:26:51 @TaylorLorenz UX people at youtube, instagram, netflix, etc... must be on a group chat right now freaking the fuck out
2023-03-23 17:21:49 whenever they talk about tiktok influencing kids in harmful ways, do you guys think someone at youtube starts sweating profusely? like... as an instinctual response
2023-03-23 17:19:16 i've had since ~june 2020, but maybe i should make a variation for tiktok that's just variations on "you should be SELLING that data" and "china!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"
2023-03-23 17:17:17 maybe tweets like this are why scammers are always in my DM requests. they must figure that i'm a credulous idiot.
2023-03-23 17:16:22 i'm sure congress is going to go from this session directly into a comprehensive and tractable debate about data privacy laws, yielding draft legislation to continue to push forward. i'm sure of this :)
2023-03-23 17:07:10 i can't believe that in 2023 i'm watching a couple of old fucks wring their hands over how evil and scary it is that a company is giving data to a government, lamenting that they're not selling that data like the wholesome american companies google and facebook
2023-03-23 02:54:23 RT @LaurenKGurley: Trader Joe's workers announced ~2~ new union drives today, one in Oakland, Ca and the other in Manhattan, N.Y. (Essex St…
2023-03-22 15:03:39 traditionally, iraqis celebrate the day that guy threw a shoe at bush every day. it's just in the west that you only acknowledge it one day of the year
2023-03-22 02:59:41 RT @muntazer_zaidi: Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at George W. Bush says his only regret is he "only had two shoes" - CBS News https://t…
2023-03-22 02:59:09 RT @ruchowdh: Call for fellows @BKCHarvard ! Resumes are due next Monday - if you’d like to work with me on issues of AI governance and Res…
2023-03-20 22:36:37 at the park today walking my dog, a kid wayyy over on the swings yelled "hey you!" and then when i looked over continued "you look like a roblox character" and- friends, i genuinely need to know, did i just get roasted by a 7-year-old from like 100ft away?
2023-03-20 19:51:06 @Iwillleavenow Q3 2023: "there's a new scam making the rounds, where someone calls you saying that you called them to confirm that they called you earlier, and now they're calling to confirm that you called them to confirm that they called you. eventually you'll pay them to stop confusing you"
2023-03-20 19:47:19 the joke of watching AI advocates co-opt discourse and lecture at us about ethics and harms is a lot less funny when you have to *live* the punchline at 1x speed.
2023-03-20 19:45:06 i used to joke about how all these tech bros would get very lucrative second careers flying around the world, talking about all the harmful shit they did and how "we" were all so naive and bad, talking about how they learned about ethics and now they're more enlightened [than us]
2023-03-20 19:40:04 lmao the CEO of openAI, of chatGPT fame, is going around warning that *other* AI developers might do harmful shit he should know: openAI's policy is to withhold disclosing the data they used to train the models (eg GPT-3 &
2023-03-20 04:19:37 @crystaljjlee i have to assume jacobin is pivoting to competing with the onion
2023-03-20 04:19:02 @crystaljjlee whhaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuck lol
2023-03-18 21:09:36 @npseaver if i was a medical doctor i would be so tempted to write the most profanity-laden letters chastising professors for this shit
2023-03-18 21:07:38 @npseaver and then they hand me a crisp $100 bill. and the nurses come in and clap
2023-03-18 21:07:04 @npseaver every doctor i've seen has loved being asked to do more paperwork. they ask me for it. they'll say "ali, can i write you a letter with extremely vague details about this appointment that i'm going to have to do a bunch of other paperwork for? also, can i give you $100 right now?"
2023-03-17 15:12:37 1. i don't use SMS
2023-03-15 15:47:27 RT @UpFromTheCracks: GPT v whatever is just an elaborate public relations campaign that seems to be successful in that people continue to b…
2023-03-15 03:07:08 @bigblackjacobin what do you love more than someone who won't stop talking about their SAT scores? someone who won't stop talking about their stupid computer's SAT scores
2023-03-15 00:44:23 @davidthewid it was just one wild story among dozens in quick succession, i'm not surprised if it slipped by lol
2023-03-14 22:31:29 openAI bragging about GPT-4's SAT scores doesn't make me think of it much more like a human or like it has sentience... but i'd be lying if i said it didn't make me want to dunk it in a toilet.
2023-03-14 22:09:32 all this is to say that i think it's not as much part of the conversation at CHI as i wish it were, that our roles should (sometimes) be at odds with the company's superficial interests if our compass is pointed toward the needs of the people we're learning from and working with
2023-03-14 22:09:31 there are fewer papers at places like CHI that take a step back and look at the landscape of power disparities between a UX researcher at a company and people who use the system in question (different from eg a researcher reflecting on their positionality in the CHI paper itself)
2023-03-14 22:09:30 the thing i've been thinking about since Microsoft eliminated the AI ethics team has been along the lines of... HCI prides itself on publications like those offering guidelines &
2023-03-14 21:28:55 @alexhanna i remember a cousin telling me that the US gave soldiers deploying to Iraq a booklet with Arabic phrases and pronunciation guides, so now i'm looking for that. it's like i'm just seeking out things to make me feel more uncomfortable.
2023-03-14 21:23:28 (don't spoil it for me, my body is actually not ready for this)
2023-03-14 21:22:50 won't be gringo accents in the future
2023-03-14 21:13:11 i really wanna make bañana bread sometime soon. anyone have a good recipe?
2023-03-14 21:11:04 i'm just reflecting on the fact that basically the entirety of scots-language wikipedia was written by some kid in the US who (seemingly earnestly) thought it'd be helpful to make up a scottish accent and write the english-language articles but spelled phonetically in that accent
2023-03-14 21:02:37 RT @emilymbender: Feeling exhausted by the #AIhype press cycles? Finding yourself hiding from GPT-4 discourse? Longing for a dose of realit…
2023-03-14 20:59:02 "AI alignment" may sound like mealy-mouthed abstract philosophical nonsense to avoid saying "justice" or "harms" or otherwise acknowledging real-world impacts, but you see-
2023-03-14 20:57:27 openAI officially announcing GPT-4, now with more alignment aligned to whom? to what? and how? huh?? stop asking questions
2023-03-14 20:50:26 hearing "alignment" in the context of AI is such a red flag for me now lol
2023-03-13 23:25:44 @ERnurse86 from 0:45 to 0:50 his voice change holy shit. i had to do a double take because it was like he got possessed
2023-03-10 21:25:28 when i was a first year phd student i rotated in jure leskovec's lab and we fucked around with twitter data and i'm reeling at the thought of how much that rotation would've cost if this had been in place lol. and all to get less than 1% of the firehose. whew
2023-03-10 21:18:07 >
2023-03-10 21:13:41 let me just carry the one... and again... and again... and again... yeah that's uh... that's not gonna work lol
2023-03-08 21:00:36 RT @mer__edith: For those interested, here is the paper that lays this argument out in more detail:
2023-03-08 02:52:33 @iamharaldur better now, thank you
2023-03-07 20:29:12 dude's scared of a super advanced AI but doesn't realize he's the dumbest asshole on the planet, and actively destroying himself
2023-03-07 17:16:13 @ruchowdh i just want to hit "skip 30 seconds" a billion times on reality
2023-03-06 18:13:07 >
2023-03-06 18:05:45 i forgot why i came to twitter earlier because all the technical issues twitter was having distracted me
2023-03-06 17:02:59 remember when twitter wanted you to follow links?
2023-03-06 17:00:16 @TaylorLorenz why is there such a thing as a "compliance officer", isn't it everyone's job to comply with laws?
2023-03-06 16:54:49 they finally really did it... "YOU MANIACS!! YOU BLEW IT UP!! DAMN YOU!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!"
2023-03-06 16:51:52 { errors: [ { message: "Your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint, please see for more information", code: 467 } ] } goodbye tweetdeck :(
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-15 19:26:26 @MikeIsaac there could be a series of your food misfortunes :(
2023-02-12 23:39:43 RT @hahnscratch: I moved into the cell with Mike by choice. I didn't really know him, but my current cellee was a lifer addicted to Magic T…
2023-02-05 08:22:52 SAME GUY lmao
2023-02-05 08:22:25 etc etc etc but "spends their saturday trying to discredit award-winning scholarship that happens to be critical of AI" etc etc etc
2023-02-05 00:58:32 all day my timeline seems to have been about microdosing semen. on that note, i am done for today.
2023-02-03 14:19:52 @zeyneparsel at least they're using the carrot?
2023-02-03 14:10:32 @mcwm as with verification, this just becomes another figure to plug into an excel spreadsheet in gaming out the ROI on some scam. if you need to generate astroturf for your crypto scam, what's $100? just another line on the sheet
2023-02-03 14:03:42 @npseaver my hunch is they didn't come up with a list of apps and take coordinated action on them because someone had an impulse. fedifinder might have the rest of today then again, that's enough time to use it one last time
2023-02-03 13:54:33 RT @npseaver: @_alialkhatib Looks like Fedifinder still works, for now!
2023-02-03 13:51:29 twitter's shut down movetodon's API keys
2023-02-02 19:39:54 there are a few good tools to see who's on mastodon and to make it easier to follow them (without taking all the controls away) i find intuitive and pretty good, for what it's worth!
2023-02-02 19:39:53 if you're thinking about moving to mastodon, you'll want to do that ASAP, because access to the API (which apps need to match up your friends to their mastodon profiles automatically) will be cut off soon.
2023-02-02 19:34:51 RT @RichFelker: Folks, y'all basically have just 1 week left to migrate off here, because API access, which all the migration tools depend…
2023-02-01 19:24:16 @miguelsicart thank you!
2023-02-01 17:41:18 you know how you can just... tell, when a white person wrote something?
2023-02-01 17:40:27 so much this. particularly the critique about the impulsive bleaching of all texture from language just because a word like "bullet" happens to be in it it almost reads more like someone's slightly pathological aversion to scary words manifested as a guide for others.
2023-01-30 17:18:25 @broderick he's kinda basically reliably child-friendly without being dora the explorer or algorithmically generated disney cartoons of elsa extracting teeth from winnie the pooh or whatever they did when that wave was big
2023-01-30 17:16:12 @broderick is he the jay leno of youtube? like broadly inoffensive but kinda textureless? when you sit and really think about what he's doing on so many people's screens you just draw a blank?
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-24 01:45:23 definitionally, we're talking about a technology that works by taking in a ton of data, generating patterns using whatever aspects of that data it can measure or operationalize, and then trying to generate or classify stuff that reflects to varying degrees the patterns it's seen.
2023-01-24 01:42:47 that's... do we need to talk about how machine learning works?
2023-01-23 22:09:11 you have to read the actual review because so many of the 1-star reviews are just confused people!
2023-01-23 22:08:17 confused new jersey man doesn't have induction-compatible cookware, erroneously rates plug-in cooktop 1-star on amazon
2023-01-23 21:57:26 @MikeIsaac i don't want to see "y'd u leave me on read" from a coworker :(
2023-01-23 21:28:12 @Grady_Booch if he says unskilled i'm gonna throw a chair
2023-01-23 21:24:14 you can also read it here i think but like lol paywalls?
2023-01-23 19:42:16 @RikerGoogling @GreatestTrek more evidence that riker MUST have consent at all times
2023-01-23 19:32:57 october '21 to january '23... so that's... carry the 1... someone set a timer for March 2024. by then chase will have probably come clean about lying out their asses on this
2023-01-22 23:12:08 @Abebab clippy pops up on product hunt submission page "did you mean commoditize?"
2023-01-22 22:44:36 "Does anyone know what to do next" is going to be on my mind for a while. haunting me.
2023-01-22 22:43:05 "Does anyone know what to do next?" who's gonna have the talk with him?
2023-01-22 22:43:03 i seriously hope that @abelinasabrina and @itsgabibelle will see this and eventually make a video about AI pickup artists sliding into your DMs
2023-01-19 23:45:37 and then talking about it about a year later? idk
2023-01-19 23:45:36 boston dynamics thread, year whatever
2023-01-18 01:49:01 "and what's the deal with dress codes, am i right everybody?"
2023-01-18 01:48:06 thiel railing inexplicably against shakespeare makes me wonder if his beef is with high schools rather than universities.
2023-01-15 15:57:26 twitter should give them a badge so we can roast these people separately and in addition to the checkmark-buying people if you can't come up with a badge in time, don't sweat it
2023-01-15 15:47:58 @FEhrsam @danrobinson ... can you come back to the surface and share that lesson for us dumbs?
2023-01-15 05:20:25 i always find amazon's data grabs borderline-unbelievable. you have all my credit cards, my addresses for the past decade, 75-90% of the things i've ever bought in my life, and what treats give my dog weird poops. and here you are asking me to give a drone a tour of my apartment?
2023-01-15 03:05:54 so twitter made a FYP but worse than tiktok ever was lol
2023-01-15 02:58:58 amazon has no idea why they want palm data but they're sure they'll figure out a reason to use it, maybe to determine your eligibility for something like insurance based on your fingerprints, or maybe they'll just forward it to cops, so they're collecting it just in case.
2023-01-12 20:39:08 RT @colinkalmbacher: BREAKING: The LAPD is accused of killing Keenan Anderson, a Black, 31-year-old father and English teacher in Venice on…
2023-01-12 17:36:41 RT @stevanzetti: After posting surveillance footage of a self-driving Tesla causing a major pileup, it appears that Ken Klippenstein's acco…
2023-01-12 17:36:35 RT @kenklippenstein: I obtained surveillance footage of the self-driving Tesla that abruptly stopped on the Bay Bridge, resulting in an eig…
2023-01-12 03:41:32 @polotek "hey, i'm pretty thrilled with myself for making a video that's going to send a bunch of harassment your way. does that make you want to set aside time to talk with me about my problems?"
2023-01-12 00:03:39 backblaze has file version history, 30 days standard and up to *infinite* if you want... and, uh... if you use my referral code you'll get a month of backups for free
2023-01-11 15:08:11 god, i would be so sad that all my fucking friends are telling me to just be okay with it. like now i'm getting divorced AND i gotta go find and delete all these contacts off my phone???
2023-01-10 22:43:37 @triketora can't believe they were publishing assassination coordinates all this time so bad of them
2023-01-10 17:19:26 @bobdaduck @knrd_z @skrossa please take your weird masturbatory fantasies about being an edgelord instructor out of my mentions?
2023-01-10 17:17:28 @bobdaduck @knrd_z @skrossa if you're judging a student's readiness based on the absence of code on their github profile, or website, as though it were a comprehensive record, i'm not sure it's consequential what political criteria you promise to use to exclude people from courses you're fantasizing about
2023-01-10 07:13:45 @knrd_z @skrossa i don't even want to get into a focused discussion about the factual issues, as @skrossa is doing
2023-01-10 07:04:52 @knrd_z @skrossa looking up a student after letting them into a class without thinking about it is one thing. i suppose a sloppy person has few options. acting on the absence of evidence on their github (or personal, professional, or institutional website) is entirely another rash, sloppy thing.
2023-01-10 06:54:25 @knrd_z @skrossa lol i have no idea why you're dying on this hill just to get to this point looking up someone's professional website (or their LinkedIn, or github) for persuasive concrete evidence of preparedness for a technical course would be a massively irresponsible, wild shot in the dark
2023-01-10 02:19:22 somebody needs to go enable parental controls on tucker's computer RIGHT NOW
2023-01-10 00:57:16 RT @so_radhikal: I've been reporting as many violent replies in my mentions but it's gotten out of hand. I don't think @TwitterSupport is…
2023-01-09 20:11:10 RT @33unitehere: We Won! Grad workers at Yale said overwhelmingly: UNION YES!
2023-01-09 15:18:01 @janusrose uber is maybe most infamous for this - retaliating toward drivers getting together at airports to work together, or rumors of monitoring drivers getting together in their off hours
2023-01-09 15:14:25 @janusrose (but that just underscores the need to backchannel with coworkers off-platform, eg use signal)
2023-01-09 15:13:56 @janusrose there's something i feel super anxious about in that mgmt can quickly put up and move around the metaphorical walls of workplaces via algorithmic systems, so being entirely remote and rarely/never meeting challenges a lot of what i've learned about labor organization ... /2
2023-01-08 17:36:16 for fuck's sake... 6 years ago they were found preying on people posting to r/SuicideWatch via DMs
2023-01-08 14:13:12 @cyberneticpond @goof @blprnt the real thread should be how a bunch of AI researchers developed and went through the appropriate procedures to get consent to experiment on 4000 people to use chatGPT in a highly sensitive context such as mental health care for mostly adolescents
2023-01-08 14:04:01 @cyberneticpond @goof @blprnt and, as discussed, the description and follow up suggest that the consent process only went out to providers (therapists?), not to the patients. which leads me to wonder if the users are even regarded properly as like... human beings with serious needs and dignity and stuff
2023-01-08 14:02:19 @cyberneticpond @goof @blprnt giving him benefit of the doubt, and it's a lot here, that might be debriefing when they're told which condition they were in. like, consent having been acquired earlier but the factors of getting consent to experiment on children with mental health care needs are... complicated
2023-01-08 07:28:45 i almost went with in-n-out but there's no in-n-out endowed professor of Information Systems and Computer Science at UC Irvine
2023-01-08 02:28:45 i'm learning the startup mostly serves adolescents. i just thought i should relay that.
2023-01-07 21:57:49 resilience is a new cryptocurrency dropping later this year, backed by myopic tech dorks
2023-01-07 18:45:37 it feels a little like i'm going back and forth between deep sea diving and snorkling, and every time i come back up to the surface i get the bends, in addition to the frustration of chasing some kid who's excitedly telling his friends about how many turtles he rode like a horse
2023-01-07 18:41:02 working in AI/tech ethics is challenging at the same time that i'm trying to work out frameworks for thinking about complex learning systems, some shithead will post a thread on how he secretly experimented on several thousand people with varying serious mental health care needs
2023-01-07 17:53:49 i hope you get the care and compassion you emphatically deserve.
2023-01-07 17:52:47 i'm really sorry to the ~4000 of you who may be finding out now that you were subjected to a self-aggrandizing experiment trivializing your mental health care without your consent. you deserve better care and deserved more dignity and respect than this.
2023-01-05 23:34:26 @mattbc what.
2023-01-05 23:32:06 on the 13th day of christmas, my true love gave to me 13 speaker votes failing 12 drummers drumming 11 pipers piping 10 lords a-leaping 9 ladies dancing 8 maids a-milking 7 swans a-swimming 6 geese a-laying 5 golden rings 4 calling birds 3 French hens 2 turtle doves-
2023-01-05 23:18:28 just a reminder: never let apps raid &
2023-01-05 22:48:52 >
2023-01-05 22:45:16 >
2023-01-05 22:26:32 @theferocity and at least half the time he doesn't trust me and camps out just outside the bathroom anyway
2023-01-05 22:20:58 @theferocity getting up without prompting him jumping up and following me always feels like i'm negotiating with a bank robber for hostages or something. no sudden movements, promise something good in return, don't make any loud or interesting sounds when i'm out of sight
2022-12-28 23:02:44 @marclamonthill it took him ten hours to come up with this. oh my god
2022-12-23 17:36:35 if i wanted to stare at a fucking wall of numbers i would go back to work.
2022-12-23 17:34:42 RT @_alialkhatib: being on this app has gotten so exhausting.
2022-12-22 16:56:21 gonna be such a bad look for UX designers in particular to have twitter on your resume in 2023. look at the state of this shit lol
2022-12-22 16:52:02 RT @anabrandusescu: “People have to file freedom of information requests just to learn an algorithm set the length of their prison sentence…
2022-12-22 16:51:48 RT @loisbeckett: So incredibly sad to learn yesterday that Henry Berg-Brousseau, a transgender rights advocate, has died at age 24. “The…
2022-12-22 16:46:38 really putting out the big fires at twitter HQ
2022-12-22 16:45:26 when you notice the likes and retweets are no longer in the same approximate place when you're focused on the tweet as when you're scrolling past tweets
2022-12-22 03:25:15 @iarvis is "dhar mann basically looks directly at the camera and says the moral of the story" on the board?
2022-12-22 03:21:49 @MikeIsaac he looks like a street magician in the first pic
2022-12-22 02:47:19 "we're not focusing on accessibility... let's get everyone in first" surprisingly indexes pretty effectively
2022-12-21 22:53:38 @IBJIYONGI lmao yes it isssss what this article doesn't seem to mention is that this design isn't just favored by munger - he fucking designed it. and he's done it before (at UMich and a few other places)
2022-12-21 22:47:29 @IBJIYONGI oh my god is this that ugly monstrosity designed by that billionaire donor who has no idea what he's doing?
2022-12-21 08:07:08 i guess that's not fair. hotz was around for 4 weeks
2022-12-21 08:04:19 i didn't know any of this was happening until now, at which point i'm gathering he's already out. is this elon's scaramucci?
2022-12-21 02:22:45 i wish someone had written about how we can't trust governments not to use digital contact tracing apps for oppressive purposes
2022-12-21 01:53:01 hello i am a big dumb idiot i am going to go report on how elmo is resigning from twitter now
2022-12-20 23:44:21 @lolkat @Hbomberguy the tactical baby walker kickstarter i backed 12 years ago took a little longer to deliver than projected, but it turned out exactly how i hoped
2022-12-20 20:37:41 ... and there we go: Tawana Petty of @Data4BlackLives, along with @ConMijente, @fightfortheftr, and other groups, commenting on this in 2021 i think @hypervisible said these tech always get used on oppressed groups first- listen to them
2022-12-20 20:29:12 whenever i see a technology causing what seems to be new harm, i've learned to ask how long, and where, has this tech been workshopped &
2022-12-20 20:14:24 @Hbomberguy these aren't even the worst of the ones i've gotten lol
2022-12-20 20:03:57 RT @100soft: hey Los Angeles friends, our mascot and beloved cat Admiral Whiskers snuck out Saturday night (Dec 17) near North Koreatown. P…
2022-12-20 16:57:27 i think the american commitment to the delusion that social strata in the US are fluid and ascendable is going to collide with the nepo-baby discourse in ways that are even more disturbing than what we've seen thus far.
2022-12-20 16:52:46 RT @Nina_Metz: The conversation tends to revolve around connections and favors. Obviously financial stability/support from those famous pat…
2022-12-20 16:52:10 RT @MillyTamarez: I know alot of the nepo baby discourse is tired and now the cool thing to do is to be like "wait til you realize xxx prof…
2022-12-20 16:39:04 @gothspiderbitch *banned from r/TolkienFans*
2022-12-20 16:37:23 @gothspiderbitch why couldn't you two fly there?
2022-12-20 16:21:12 RT @ButNotTheCity: If you are like this as a professor, please quit.
2022-12-20 02:28:00 @its_a_me_lucy he might be in a funny position now
2022-12-19 23:41:23 underwear, then pants. go with whatever's clean. if it's on the floor, it's not clean. and remember to brush your teeth before you put your shirt on in case you make a mess, buddy
2022-12-19 23:39:59 does anyone at twitter know a way of running this site that doesn't involve all of us weighing in on every stupid little decision that they should be able to handle on their own? elon, do you need help getting dressed? if you're hungry, make a poll
2022-12-19 23:29:34 @AnthroPunk what's so intriguing about it (to me, anyway) is how much it sounds like something one would find in a really bad self-help book. it's so... falsely and delusionally self-empowering nonsense. it's fascinating
2022-12-19 23:12:32 RT @eileenguo: NEW FROM ME: I investigated the origins of 15 video stills taken from inside homes by robot vacuums and shared to social med…
2022-12-19 21:21:56 whenever tech advocates talk up AI replacing journalism or art or smth, it makes me kinda sad
2022-12-19 06:08:04 @PatBlanchfield @ubiquity75 i can't handle a real person earnestly being this much of a simp. i need this to be satire
2022-12-19 06:07:05 @PatBlanchfield @ubiquity75 please, god, let it be a joke account laying the groundwork to get him to publicly agree with fake nonsense quotes attributed to him
2022-12-19 04:34:24 RT @catesish: sometimes I hate the internet
2022-12-18 23:29:36 @jwkritchie i had heard of this a while back but it seemed to be hit or miss in terms of who was being asked. the best guess i have is that either the account doesn't have an email associated with it or the system is bugging out
2022-12-18 23:25:31 @erinbiba nope, not unless something went totally sideways during the switch
2022-12-18 19:45:14 RT @_alialkhatib: whew. crazy news these days. world cup happening and everything, am i right? so anyway:
2022-12-18 19:43:45 @MikeIsaac i need to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you finish your thought more often lol
2022-12-18 19:42:58 @MikeIsaac (still not a great analogy, though
2022-12-18 19:41:48 @MikeIsaac i guess, but disallowing access to data via API and banning even mentioning other places feels miles apart. it seems more in the neighborhood of when apple wouldn't let app developers even mention payments/subscriptions outside of the apple flow (a rule they've since dropped)
2022-12-18 19:04:29 if you all think elon's not gonna make downloading an archive of your data more difficult to try to keep you here, then 1. get a grip on reality. and 2. get an archive of your data before reality hits you like a tesla on autopilot
2022-12-18 18:41:43 RT @dril: dont you dare click on this illegal list of web sites that are better than twitter
2022-12-18 18:39:28 RT @ShadowTodd: your boyfriend trying to stop you from dumping him by standing in front of the door
2022-12-18 18:39:09 RT @tinysubversions: Hey, this isn't for everyone, but if you are of a technical inclination and care about community (or have a friend who…
2022-12-18 18:36:49 well, fuck. blocking linktree is... actually seriously shitty, no kidding around. sex workers get forced off of almost every other platform so they keep a SFW presence on places like ig and tiktok (not banned? ok, anyway) and have links to their work sites on their linktree pages
2022-12-18 18:10:49 lots of metaphors in that tweet. very confused imagery there
2022-12-18 18:10:31 i dunno, i personally think the marketplace of ideas should decide if my post linking all of my other socials rises or sinks in the public square or whatever
2022-12-18 17:56:13 i can still post about the jeremy renner app, right? or ... is that what Nostro is?
2022-12-17 17:35:04 RT @shengokai: It’s astonishing that you think the presence of marginalized folks means there’s no oppression on the platform, especially g…
2022-12-17 16:33:40 also, the "hide details" button was for people who had no joy left. or if you were convinced it made this process faster. which, like, at that point how could you even tell???
2022-12-17 16:32:16 kids in the future aren't going to understand how much this sped up the computer, but it genuinely did.
2022-12-17 16:14:44 RT @Blackamazon: I mean she doesn’t allow any correction for herself so like she’s know they pattern And it’s bluntly disgusting to avoid…
2022-12-17 08:20:42 RT @az_rww: And as predicted, while all the mainstream journalists who were banned come back, the indies who specifically track the far-rig…
2022-12-17 03:19:33 @JuliusGoat "nobody else is saying this, which means i'm very smart for realizing it "
2022-12-17 00:41:08 if someone i cared about told me GPS data was "basically assassination coordinates", i would try to see if they were okay. i think the fact that nobody seems to care to ask that about him says something i'm not sure what though, and i don't really care but it is passingly sad
2022-12-17 00:38:44 for the record, elon's jet flight info is maybe 2 steps more work to track down than googling the flight info for a friend you promised to pick up from the airport. also, dunno who needs to hear this, but those arrivals/departures screens at the airport aren't like... hit lists.
2022-12-16 22:42:56 RT @_alialkhatib: @EricBlair19o3 like i was saying
2022-12-16 21:13:02 @tressiemcphd yessss got mine a few days ago but i've been caught up by other stuff
2022-12-16 16:55:07 RT @_alialkhatib: being on this app has gotten so exhausting.
2022-12-16 07:10:33 RT @JaneLytv: Currently, as I type this, Russia is bombing Ukraine. Explosions in Kharkiv have been reported. Explosions in Kyiv have been…
2022-12-16 07:02:36 @AASchapiro obviously context matters, and obviously this rhetorical conflation of his is fucking stupid, but then so is he.
2022-12-16 07:00:07 @AASchapiro in the space earlier, he mentioned not caring about whether the person posting the info is a journalist or the context. i think the answer to your question is that his definition of doxxing omits (or tries to erase) status, wealth, power from the equation
2022-12-16 04:17:45 what if a bot posted a bunch of longitudes and another bot posted a bunch of latitudes, and another account - you know what, i'm gonna go write down all the scenarios
2022-12-16 04:16:28 what would happen if a bot tweeted a bunch of GPS coordinates all in the span of a few hours starting right now, and i occasionally retweeted one of them without comment whenever someone happened to be there? i'm just asking questions. like, hypothetically.
2022-12-16 04:08:01 RT @eaton: Aha, we’ve reached the “mod loses his shit and starts adding new rules because he had a bad day, banning people who notice and p…
2022-12-16 04:03:36 it's just bad parenting, tbh. that's all there is to it. hot take: i don't think you should name your kids after assassination coordinates!
2022-12-16 04:02:36 can't help but feel bad for elmo's kids, being named after assassination coordinates or whatever :/
2022-12-16 03:52:52 being on this app has gotten so exhausting.
2022-12-16 03:45:50 RT @ddiamond: “Permanently suspended” user Matt Binder has found a loophole: he can talk (and is talking!) on this Twitter space, right now…
2022-12-16 03:29:15 @pixelatedboat "basically assassination coordinates" everything about this guy is just... an unspeakably exhausting-sounding chore
2022-12-16 03:09:25 RT @loisbeckett: The LA County Sheriff's Department also said in an email yesterday that "LASD has not received any reports related to this…
2022-12-16 02:39:55 you'll never take down all the single-user instances, elmo
2022-12-15 03:50:52 @IBJIYONGI he'll change the rules. it would be easier if he just had them make the rule "posts elmo likes are okay"
2022-12-15 03:47:21 everyone who posted elmo getting his pasty ass roasted and booed that night better watch out
2022-12-15 03:46:50 just to be clear sharing someone's past location, like the flight plan 10 minutes after the plane landed, is fine right? it's not sharing the live location. right? this would literally be easier to make sense of if the rule was just "no posts that make elmo sad or feel bad"
2022-12-13 17:19:19 @cassius_a oh sorry lol i must've spaced and skipped the top bit. need to stop doing that
2022-12-13 17:09:08 @cassius_a this looks different from what i read before. have their demands shifted slightly, or was the stuff i saw initially wrong?
2022-12-13 16:21:56 you'd think advocating against giving people with AIDS anti-retrovirals because they're poor would immediately disqualify you from acting as an authority in public health policy but oster turned that into a *launchpad* into an endless career of bad, minimizing takes about COVID
2022-12-13 06:15:20 @sashaperigo i don't know why, but i feel like i need to know if they mean it *aesthetically* didn't fit or *geometrically* didn't fit.
2022-12-13 06:09:17 twitter blue's return will bring Trial By Combat, where users challenge one another to duels of demotivational posters*. mr bigsmartking will judge
2022-12-13 06:03:29 @DocDre how did they take all this time to work this shit out and not explain these things in the thread??? i'm not some kind of big brain person and these seem like pretty obvious contingencies to have to be prepared for lol
2022-12-13 06:01:55 @DocDre ... are they saying they'll refund people who fail their <
2022-12-12 23:51:05 encountering legacy verified users is increasingly going to be like finding "low-background steel" from before we started using nuclear bombs and contaminated all the steel that's been milled since then
2022-12-12 23:43:54 @RMac18 "some people were definitely booing. it's san francisco, for goodness sake" huh... is SF famous for booing?
2022-12-12 23:34:21 @GreatestTrek i don't think i can say for sure from this picture. i'm gonna have to order one to see it up close
2022-12-12 23:33:30 @GreatestTrek *squints at the corner* ... is that... jeffrey combs playing poker with jeffrey combs and jeffrey combs??
2022-12-12 17:01:02 RT @msolurin: Elon Musk got bood off the stage at a Dave Chappelle show and then immediately jumped on twitter to attack trans people becau…
2022-12-12 16:11:24 RT @vinn_ayy: Ten percent and he was still up there sputtering and shaking like he got slapped in the face???
2022-12-12 15:50:34 @Wolven error text implies deleted rather than suspended but the only reason we're ruling out the possibility that someone at twitter went and caused a deletion is because that would be unbelievably damaging to trust in the system. which is a long way of saying "they might've done that"
2022-12-12 15:36:34 @lequelle8 @thotscholar damn you're fast
2022-12-12 15:33:07 i dunno what "let's split up and vulnerably look around" would look like in this context but i'm not sweating it
2022-12-12 15:29:20 in the horror movie cliche, they're gonna suggest that we make a deal with him and he'll let us go. no, you dumbshit, get in the fucking car and drive away!
2022-12-12 15:26:56 the NYT is proof that there exist people who are genuinely as stupid as those teenagers in horror movies we all make fun of
2022-12-11 16:19:59 don't implicate all of us like this. his politics are clear, you're just dumb.
2022-12-11 04:35:18 @notlkjones_SOC @sgbuggs "we've changed oh fuck also we were hella racist in the 00s and 10s i forgot about those CHANGED "
2022-12-11 04:33:58 @notlkjones_SOC @sgbuggs i don't know if it's supposed to be intentionally hilarious like "us? racist? in the 20s? yes. in the 30s?? yes. in the 40s??? yes. in the 50s???? yes. in the 60s?????? yes. in the 70s??????? yes. in the 80s?????????? yes. in the 90s????????????? yes. but now? no. now we're good"
2022-12-11 04:15:00 RT @UAW7902: You heard it here first: We have countersigned a tentative agreement and the strike is ending. Stay tuned for the official j…
2022-12-11 03:43:29 RT @yyzji: Can’t live.
2022-12-11 03:06:29 RT @PhilipRocco: The fact that Chat GPT seems “surprisingly good” at its job should be a sign that the conventional prose style has become…
2022-12-10 18:01:22 nah, you're not gonna need coffee makers. this isn't a hotel, god damn it. oh, make sure to buy some extra bedsheets so you can swap them out when you do the turndown service on all the beds you've brought in.
2022-12-10 17:55:29 " hardcore mode but you're gonna have to wander off for 20 minutes to get drip coffee"
2022-12-10 17:53:43 elmo's nominally trying to get rid of shit like espresso machines and refrigerators, which could be used for things like food and drinks, which would allow people to stay at work during daytime, when they can be productive but he's getting rid of all of it to make room for beds.
2022-12-10 17:48:06 if it wasn't clear that he's not trying to run this site (he's burning it to the ground because it's an effective platform for people to organize against power, and annihilating that is worth blowing away tens of billions of dollars), he's liquidating office furniture for $25 OBO
2022-12-10 17:40:32 the META team documented how the timeline algo favors right-wing content then elmo fired that team then he gave unprecedented access to user data to trolls with documented histories of harassment who misunderstood basic notes and drew a conclusion literally opposite to reality
2022-12-10 17:11:28 if Ella knows what's good for her she's gonna have a bigger legal team on a personal retainer than twitter has on payroll within a week
2022-12-10 17:09:22 RT @ZoeSchiffer: If you're a tech worker considering sharing information with the media, you have rights! The Tech Worker Handbook is a goo…
2022-12-09 16:23:25 i mean i'm going to reply. i'm going to reply i'm going to. i swear, stop watching me, i'm going to do it. stop. go away.
2022-12-09 16:22:27 someone sent me an email in august. is it too late to reply? i've been thinking about this as far back as a time when replying would have simply been late, but not baffling. i can't even tell my therapist about it anymore because it might be too much even for her to deal with.
2022-12-09 06:56:42 you ever see court exhibits happen in real time?
2022-12-09 05:33:04 RT @BamaParrott: Friends, spread the word: We have 2 tenure-track assistant professor positions opening at Alabama for Fall 2023. Details s…
2022-12-09 04:32:46 a month ago i felt like this was a "substantial amount of account access" i no longer feel like it's an extraordinary amount more access than elon seems to be willing to give people otherwise unaffiliated with twitter and with a documented history of harassment
2022-12-09 04:32:45 i'm avoiding starting private conversations on twitter now except to immediately trade signal contact info to let me switch to that. if there's even a tiny chance that deleting my DMs actually means deleting them still, then there are tools.
2022-12-09 04:32:44 this is a good question. both i don't trust that twitter is deleting things i ask them to delete. i believe they're removing them from view, but i expect any of elon's friends who get access over the years will probably have access to anything that ever touched twitter's servers
2022-12-09 04:22:28 love the spam on this platform. it makes spending less time here easier
2022-12-09 04:20:11 i check and sometimes post here every so often, but i've moved a lot of my time over to mastodon. you can follow me there if you wanna see photos of my dog and also commentary on things. sorry things are so shit :(
2022-12-09 04:20:10 for what it's worth: i use signal. i trust signal emphatically, probably more than i trust any other service or system out there i donate to signal. oh right, donate to signal if you can: (reach out privately somehow if you want to contact me via signal)
2022-12-09 04:20:09 i know i have followers who don't live in tech. i have no idea why. it baffles me. is it my dog? here's a pic of him anyway, if you haven't been keeping up with twitter management drama, the tldr is i wouldn't trust any data stored on twitter. get your convo's off this platform
2022-12-09 03:44:49 >
2022-12-08 22:40:05 RT @AAUPTNS: The students are now occupying University Center at the New School
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-15 16:44:07 also, you must now compliment him when you walk past himpreferred subjects of praise:- pants- any of his three (3) latest non-reply tweets- heightprohibited subjects:- hair- "dump truck" (also, stop beeping when he backs up)- HAIR- anything drawing attention to skin
2022-11-15 16:44:06 NEW POLICY: the only person at twitter allowed to post about twitter is elon. twitter employees can like his tweets if they want, and retweet his tweets if they want twitter-related stuff to show up on their profile pages. you must also keep your profiles public so elon can check
2022-11-15 16:30:13 this is fucking unhinged shit. elon melting down and making a fucking fool of himself, taking everyone within arm's reach with him
2022-11-15 03:05:17 @Sssuzannaaaa @JStein_WaPo nobody has been stopped from making the unnecessary payments on their student loan debt over the past 2 years
2022-11-15 02:56:28 @matrixman124 i don't remember what board i was on.. but i went back into my email and i'm incredibly embarrassed by the username i chose. but i only talked about anime with people, so if there was an anime board, then that lol
2022-11-15 02:37:49 @matrixman124 if nothing else, regularly checking who's moved to mastodon instances by using is just one of the slightly panicked ways im dealing with the growing possibility that this place fully stops being accessible
2022-11-15 02:35:57 @matrixman124 ok i see what you're saying. but i put a lot more stuff here than i did on the boards. errant thoughts and serious conversations that could become something later. and i think i'm more invested in the lives of people here than i was on old web forums (i mean, i was younger then)
2022-11-15 02:32:44 @matrixman124 WAIT ITS GONE?
2022-11-15 02:27:15 do this ASAP. no joke. it took twitter a few days to get my archive ready, which is normal. but SMS login verification failing to send is NOT normala hundred little things have to work smoothly for you to end up with a link to a zip filea hundred PROBABLY UNMAINTAINED things
2022-11-15 02:14:17 @syardi i said $$$
2022-11-15 02:11:07 @syardi academic api seems risky for multiple reasons:- takes labor to maintain, which is stretched thin- he's been breaking services that don't directly affect his user experience- it's free to researchers. if it exists in a year, i would bet he'll charge universities $$$ for access
2022-11-15 01:31:45 @RMac18 yeah, but it gets light again the next day at 11:51
2022-11-15 00:53:35 RT @Blackamazon: Because structures that include your platform mocked his targets , refused to listen to those who asked for better reporti…
2022-11-15 00:52:35 @gianluca_string @evan_greer to be clear, i don't want any of them to face any repercussions except maybe a fist bump. but it is SUCH a bad sign for management if you've completely lost any hope of getting a factual answer from people
2022-11-15 00:40:31 @gianluca_string @evan_greer room full of SWEs supposedly told him they couldn't think of why it was matter how many people he fired, i can't believe that he was in a room full of tweeps who couldn't figure it out/didn't they're just lying to his face when he asks them shit.incredible.
2022-11-15 00:37:18 @oysta i have completely given up on any hope that he might try something quietly to see if it blows up in his face before talking about it publicly and confidently.every instinct elon musk has just seems catastrophically wrong.
2022-11-15 00:16:54 i'm sure he has mixed feelings about something but you can't tell me 50 million dollars can't pay for therapy sessions to process those feelings.
2022-11-15 00:15:02 i'm not saying i feel bad for him. i just can't stop thinking about how fucking blissed out he probably feels.
2022-11-15 00:14:32 can't help but think about parag. more than 50 million dollars' worth of shares vested immediately as he was almost literally turned around and walked away from the building while elon set himself on fire surrounded by paper printouts of all of twitter's most recent code commits.
2022-11-15 00:05:38 @HardDriveMag is he confused about how twitter works? yes.does he not understand why it's so slow? yes.does he insist on printing everything out even when it makes no sense? yes.but these jokes about elon are mean.oh, one moreis he a crazy tycoon-era-sounding emerald mine heir? yes.
2022-11-14 00:25:54 RT @Blackamazon: “Good faith “ is the white man way of saying do my homework for me . You do not have to be good faith. You have to be…
2022-11-14 00:11:22 @MikeIsaac you're gonna want to plant some corn to make chips
2022-11-14 00:05:19 @IBJIYONGI "i've never experienced this before" i want to grab these people and scream "OF COURSE YOU HAVENT YOU ARE WHITE ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?"
2022-11-13 18:38:41 RT @ubiquity75: As with most companies in the space, Twitter’s official FTE numbers of around 7500 employees did NOT count the contractors.…
2022-11-13 16:18:00 RT @yimregister: @_alialkhatib Not to be like “omg my work” but also omg my work! I’ve been looking at how people talk about “the algorithm…
2022-11-13 16:17:28 @yimregister yes please
2022-11-13 15:59:25 @dgolumbia "what'll really stump bad actors is fewer regulations, actually" is breathtaking
2022-11-13 08:21:31 RT @Blackamazon: Because like screw Black folks and womens rights and and and Y’all make these white dudes feel unassailable and coddle…
2022-11-13 08:20:49 RT @harryjsisson: If you voted in Lauren Boebert’s district and your ballot was rejected, you have a week to fix it. Spread the word!!!!
2022-11-13 08:18:31 every other year a bunch of white democrats exhale as soon as the election is over and do everything they can to distance themselves from black people and people of color in general. and every other year minus 6-12 months they dust off the "vote blue" signs to browbeat POC with
2022-11-13 06:02:37 RT @CaseyNewton: You don’t have to treat people this way
2022-11-13 01:03:19 at some point i'm gonna go on a rant about what people mean when they talk about "the algorithm" in a few different contexts because when you say "there is no algorithm! it's chronological!"you're saying a very particular thing that i think we all really, really need to unpack.
2022-11-12 22:18:37 @JuliusGoat something about white guys in tech is so bleak and sad. when they're really pushed to explore potential futures in public view, they can't even begin to imagine what a future for twitter that doesn't involve a billionaire like elon or jack mismanaging it might look like.
2022-11-12 21:21:44 RT @Blackamazon: So when do places like STANFORD start talking about how they fast tracked EA while slow footing diversity, accountability…
2022-11-12 19:05:33 i don't know where to go with this. it's just something i'm stressed about.
2022-11-12 19:05:32 i know that you can get into counterfactual thinking and go down this rabbit hole forever - if i hadn't done X, then would Y have happened? - and maybe i would've been so frustrated and dissatisfied that i found these people either way. but i don't know HOW that would've happened
2022-11-12 19:05:31 between jokes about this shitshow:not even 5 years ago i was working on a CS PhD at stanford. you can imagine the demography, and the attendant perspectives, of that kinda groupthis stupid app is why i know about a lot of the people whose works have become cornerstones for me
2022-11-12 18:42:21 @Verba_et_Vertus @semiphemeral @micahflee @theintercept to note in case someone doesn't notice: twitter only lets apps to delete DMs up to 30 days backBUTif you have the DM's unique ID (which you get along with every DM in your data download), then it can go to twitter and say "go delete ID 354254252342" even if it's >
2022-11-12 18:39:59 @Verba_et_Vertus this might work. you have to provide a substantial amount of account access to @semiphemeral, but the author (@micahflee) is director of infosec at @theintercept, so it's not some fly-by-night thingi might run the open source code on my own data though
2022-11-12 18:14:33 @Verba_et_Vertus there has gotta be a way to automate it though, no? the whole rest of my year is gone if i have to do it all by hand
2022-11-12 18:13:39 RT @Verba_et_Vertus: @_alialkhatib May want to note that deleting DMs isn't enough. The *other* person in the convo would have to delete th…
2022-11-12 18:06:30 just... do not delete your account. do not deactivate it. delete whatever you want (NB: might wanna save a backup, and keep in mind the system is falling apart in lots of little ways, &
2022-11-12 18:00:26 in such a messy information environment like this, you've got to assume some people are running a competent playbookthere might never been an opportunity like this again. and when the site collapses, all the evidence will go... where? lost under the rubble of elon's stupidity?
2022-11-12 18:00:25 we're seeing so much dumb shit right now
2022-11-12 17:54:37 i would assume people crawl twitter for mentions of leaving, note follower/following lists, copy profile pics, etcthen, when your profile disappears, a timer starts. after 30 days your @ is released, and they swoop in, messaging friends with open DMs, running any scam they want
2022-11-12 17:30:09 a quarter of a million dollars per month. holy shitthere would have to be on the order of 400x as many subscribers as are in this list for twitter to have any hope of paying just the interest on the loan elon saddled the company withthe scale of elon's failure is astounding
2022-11-12 17:08:02 @yoshuawuyts who could have guessed this would happen?
2022-11-12 07:01:14 RT @alextwenzel: California Teamsters have asked drivers in the state to respect picket lines at UC campuses. Deliveries by unionized drive…
2022-11-12 05:53:53 @FTX_aid @knowmiun @rekmarks @MikeIsaac i wouldn't DM this account but that's just my professional opinion
2022-11-12 02:31:08 i would love to be in the room to have watched this in real-time but there is not a single human being who was in the room whose shoes i would like to be in.
2022-11-12 02:25:52 @pixelatedboat and don't forget constantly maintaining a posture prepared to go "thermonuclear" on them if they scale back their advertising budget even $1
2022-11-11 18:02:49 @timnitGebru it's just more tone policing, laundered so that they can avoid saying "she made me feel bad". it sounds more legitimate and principled to say "she wasn't discussing things in good faith". and it's so insistently nebulous that any interrogation of what that even means is hopeless
2022-11-11 18:00:33 there'll be so many short discussions of what it looks like to be completely and utterly inadequate to the task you've assigned yourself and they're all gonna end with a series of screenshots of elon musk's tweets
2022-11-11 17:57:34 this would all be fine if not for all the journalism
2022-11-11 16:27:39 @NotABigJerk @jbouie he thought twitter's payroll system was haunted?
2022-11-11 16:15:51 @iarvis 3 omg
2022-11-11 16:05:31 @ginasue is any philanthropy popular among billionaires NOT?
2022-11-11 14:39:30 RT @sassycrass: 1.) Muskmelon is absolutely a creep for doing this2.) The number of men more up-in-arms in the comments about her calling…
2022-11-11 14:39:20 @sassycrass these guys are gonna be so sad when they come to terms with the fact that elon is never gonna kiss them
2022-11-11 14:36:48 RT @Blackamazon: The way I know these reporters don’t talk to Black people seriously or talk about racism and harassment “Ghost/ NPC empl…
2022-11-11 14:35:00 my favorite part of this shit is when statisticians are like "yeah but we weighted and accounted for that"
2022-11-11 05:28:57 @odannyboy either he was lying in his accusation that twitter was undercounting bots by a significant degree, or he genuinely believes he needs a healthy margin more than 5% to be subscribed at $8/month. or presumably 2-3% at the original $20/month??i'm not sure which is more preposterous
2022-11-11 05:19:18 if twitter goes down while i'm asleepplease remind elon he's a weirdo creep
2022-11-11 05:06:04 @odannyboy did you account for elon's *definitely totally earnest belief* that twitter had been misrepresenting the proportion of its MAUs that were bots?
2022-11-11 04:45:57 @nycsouthpaw noticed the same but thought it was mostly about promoted tweets (everyone screenshotted has verified status because of notability, from before twitter blue)
2022-11-11 03:24:55 RT @MorePerfectUS: Eli Lilly apologizing for a fake tweet but not for charging $714.87 for a carton of insulin.
2022-11-11 03:22:28 we're barreling toward this faster than i expected
2022-11-11 03:21:09 oh my gosh, it's not even consistent. what a mess
2022-11-11 03:17:16 this feels like those "don't use if seal is broken" labels on drinks. it might've made sense if you taught people to look for it, but now i figure whenever i don't see the additional verified status i just... don't think about it. or i assume it doesn't show up in that context
2022-11-11 03:12:25 okay, so now in promoted tweets when the account is verified for notability it will get an extra hat to wear. but for organic conversations between verified users, no extra hat verifying it under ... any circumstances?
2022-11-11 03:02:58 RT @mattbc: The @NYTimes obituary of Lois Curtis, a disability rights hero.
2022-11-11 02:47:03 tbh we should all be thanking the comedians because they warned us and sacrificed their accounts doing it. thank you @h3h3productions
2022-11-11 02:43:26 it's kind of chilling. you know about the chiquita tweets and all the elon pranks. why the hell would you know about a scammer who's being just a little bit discreet?
2022-11-11 02:41:49 i wonder how many verified scam accounts impersonating brands are just... quietly DMing random elderly people asking for credit card numbers
2022-11-11 02:19:48 it's been 2 weeks since elon musk took over twitter and even after saying that i cannot fucking believe it's been less than a month.
2022-11-11 02:15:57 RT @HBeckPDX: Did you download your archive and realize it didn't come with alt text? I made a free tool to help pull down all the image de…
2022-11-11 02:14:23 @AASchapiro in some ways i feel stupid for spending my time thinking about complex algorithmic systems and the subtle, far-reaching damage to people's lives that they cause.all along the real risk was an idiot with no grasp of cause and effect smashing shit left and right
2022-11-11 01:58:42 RT @kazweida: Look. If Musk declares bankruptcy and the bank puts the bird site up for sale cheap, a bunch of pro-democracy and news organi…
2022-11-11 01:56:28 sorry what i spaced out didi say something??
2022-11-11 01:55:58 imposter syndrome is the phenomenon you experience when white supremacy and misogyny impress themselves upon you when you're in spaces that have historically been exclusive to clueless white guys with no talent
2022-11-10 03:04:23 RT @Robert_Gordon_: This kind of analysis needs to understand the ways in which online toxicity works, the phrases used by dangerous people…
2022-11-10 02:38:37 @SagetheEDRPh @hebagowayed @Catherineoscopy i don't see it when i search some of the text of the posts either... maybe went private and changed @?
2022-11-10 02:35:56 RT @Catherineoscopy: I have a stalker.Recently, she contacted my employer in effort to get me fired. She is racist, and has begun conta…
2022-11-10 02:27:25 you should be taking your data ethics advice from other people than me, but this this this this this THIS THIS THIS JFC THIS
2022-11-10 02:23:53 RT @karenkho: I don't report on finance anymore, but please do not connect your bank account to Twitter
2022-11-09 23:57:23 i'm guessing there'll be (delayed) action on verified accounts because it seems like elon wants the free accounts to languish till they pay up
2022-11-09 23:53:41 i worry we'll see 2 things- moderately motivated people will soon pull off elaborate, tremendously destructive scams. numerous (albeit finite) huge scams- currently verified users who don't pay will blend into the accounts impersonating them, making for a flood of small scams
2022-11-09 23:30:40 @mcwm i'm ok, i just need a second to recover from that last one
2022-11-09 21:40:21 i forgot where i saw it (maybe mastodon? try mastodon ), but someone pointed out that signal stories might not be your thing, but it's worth CONSIDERING the prospect of something like stories not meaning carrying around a whole complex surveillance apparatus like instagram.
2022-11-09 20:59:29 RT @HeerJeet: Biden should reward the kids with some more of that sweet, sweet student loan forgiveness.
2022-11-09 19:27:38 @Saul1245 @HardDriveMag comedy is legal, but heavily taxed
2022-11-09 19:22:57 @Grady_Booch he saw a tweet over the weekend where some idiot said 3 people could make a twitter clone over the weekend and he looked around the hollowed out twitter offices and thought "we've probably got 3 people still trying to figure out if they've been laid off..."
2022-11-09 18:55:27 my hunch is that in 3 months it'll be harder to decipher someone's checkmark than it is to understand how mastodon works.
2022-11-09 17:37:37 RT @DataInstituteSF: The Center for Applied Data Ethics is pleased to welcome Christina Boyles as a data ethics fellow. Christina’s study o…
2022-11-09 17:10:35 i have a good feeling about this elon dude's steady hand on the wheel of -
2022-11-09 17:03:18 i'm glad twitter took the extra beat to test that incredibly public-facing feature before rolling it out to the public the morning after the US midterm elections
2022-11-09 16:17:25 @DaveOrrick there's just so much courage in this post. that you would have the certainty of self to show your whole ass to the world, to take pride in it, to try to start a hashtag of your own design that makes you sound like a creepy incel.i'm just amazed. it's breathtaking.
2022-11-09 03:50:10 RT @verdantSculpts: Spare me your “fuck Florida” and give some support to trans Floridians this week. We are entering a really scary era in…
2022-11-09 03:45:31 @histoftech @WellsLucasSanto @struthious i accidentally a word there but you get what i mean
2022-11-09 03:44:40 @histoftech @WellsLucasSanto @struthious i genuinely feel really bad because i know that people at twitter worked their asses off to keep this place running smoothly. used to get fail whales all the time. the work that getting it to be as reliable as it was must've been an actual epic featand then that loser showed up
2022-11-08 23:36:07 @hondanhon lmao i just looked. i think this might be the worst of both worlds
2022-11-08 22:29:56 *furiously skimming the program now that i'm actually registered for the conference*
2022-11-08 22:28:00 i've posted about papers that caught my attention at #FAccT2022 &
2022-11-08 14:50:45 @DRodbone @broderick comedy is legal now. unfortunately a humorless emerald mine heir who has never been more than 5ft away from a sycophant desperate to buy his bathwater has tasked himself with defining comedy
2022-11-08 14:48:01 @theCJS @KrangTNelson no matter where he goes, he'll always be down under
2022-11-08 14:42:07 @acaguy it's gonna make it "vacant office space in downtown SF"
2022-11-08 03:15:52 @polotek and the difference between what's intuitive to you (or more accurately, what you'll just accept after grinding away at it) and what's intuitive to any arbitrary person who encounters your work is somewhere between "close, but not quite" and "what fucking planet are you from?"
2022-11-07 20:08:28 tabouleh. you'd have to physically hold me back on day 41.
2022-11-07 05:10:22 @adapperprof @DocDre it's like he's trying to sound authoritative with some of his word choices but he doesn't know what he's doing so he accidentally lands on "ominous" instead
2022-11-07 03:54:30 @karenkho trash bags (unpacking yields a lot of trash esp if you have packing filler)i would also suggest:- this is going to be exhausting. got sheets and a bed to collapse onto (even if boxes remain to be unpacked)?- prioritize unpacking kitchen stuff, or buy paper plates? your call
2022-11-07 01:23:11 @AdamZHerman @dellcam @oneunderscore__ i love how pathetic these guys are
2022-11-06 01:04:13 idk. im sure someone will say this is obvious and like okay cool great
2022-11-06 01:04:12 that's not to say that stuff isn't useful. it is! i see a lot of people scared that they won't be able to interact with one another if they choose the wrong instance, or worried about various other misconceptions. which is both reasonable and addressable.i just have 2 thoughts:
2022-11-06 01:04:11 people are talking a lot about bridging technical gaps differentiating twitter/mastodon, but i'm struggling to trace the line between most of these technical explanations, &
2022-11-06 00:24:31 can i just... *not* have mid-roll ads on the night sky?
2022-11-05 20:44:34 @onekade looking forward to elon explaining to advertisers that half of the ads twitter was selling were crap, and how they came to that conclusion, and what sorts of discount they'll offer companies that buy those bargain bin ads
2022-11-05 15:56:20 @wiredfire @hondanhon some people can't wrap their heads around the idea of identifying an existing effort and humbly asking how they can help, and i sometimes wonder if silicon valley is overrepresented by these people
2022-11-05 07:01:21 @hondanhon on one hand i want to dismiss this entire thread but on the other hand... no?i swear to god...
2022-11-05 05:12:23 @MikeIsaac since it doesn't make sense to call the academic community on mastodon #AcademicTwitter for obvious reasons, i'm pushing for #AcademicTootSuite
2022-11-05 05:08:43 @nycsouthpaw @jason_kint if he finds a way to get $8 per month from everyone who thinks he's a staggering fucking idiot, then he can definitely get twitter profitable
2022-11-05 00:41:25 @WillOremus this is going to be more of a distilled platform of pure grievance-sobbing than parler or gab ever were.
2022-11-04 19:59:59 @harrisj @hondanhon how about a emoji?
2022-11-04 19:53:06 elon is living proof that you can be handed a fully turnkey social media platform with competent employees, reasoned policies, and robust infrastructure
2022-11-04 19:41:23 the accessibility experience engineering team is gone too??you may think you don't use accessibility features. you're gonna learn that you do. oftena lot of things that make this place functionally usable in a wide variety of circumstances are accessibility implementations:
2022-11-04 18:57:20 more in the "we're all gonna feel this one" file folder
2022-11-04 17:53:07 @atpfm elon laid off staff who were on call at the time and had no plan for their departure
2022-11-04 17:43:26 @RMac18 if someone in the room plays this sound at max volume at precisely the right moment, and someone else records it, i will venmo both of you $50
2022-11-04 17:41:13 @RMac18 listening to peter thiel do bits on a stage sounds like torture
2022-11-04 17:35:12 @RMac18 i honestly didn't think anything of it until someone in the replies expressed gratitude that keanu was finally on twitter and then i was like "wait, shit, that's right, what the fuck?"
2022-11-04 16:50:21 RT @willknight: Musk just got rid of most of Twitter's Ethical AI Team, a highly respected group that was working to make the company's alg…
2022-11-04 16:46:14 @IBJIYONGI maybe most famous for fixing the image thumbnail cropping algorithm that prioritized on white faces, they also published a study finding the timeline algo was disproportionately amplifying right-wing content (and working to correct that), and started a novel bias bounty program
2022-11-04 15:55:38 great point. i teach classes with some of these blog posts as required reading. if you do (or might), might want to make sure @internetarchive's @waybackmachine has a snapshot and/or you have PDFs or something of those pages as they exist now
2022-11-04 15:17:02 elon's going to feel this fuckup for a while. we're all going to, but at least we'll know why.
2022-11-04 15:14:33 not many tech company ethics groups (those that exist at all) seriously and rigorously investigate themselves. META did.not many of those groups write up reports for the public. META did.not many of those groups made the reports comprehensible. META, META was rare.
2022-11-04 15:14:32 this was the team that did a serious deep dive into the tendency for the timeline algorithm to disproportionately amplify right-leaning content in particular:
2022-11-04 15:14:31 i doubt she would say this herself, but people across intellectual chasms respect Rumman. she knows her stuff. she knows the political and social side of things and knows the technical side of things. when she has a take, she's clear and direct.and her shots don't miss.
2022-11-04 15:14:30 been talking to people about why, so might as well unpack a few thoughts publicly:the META team was one of the only good case studies illustrating a tech company running an AI ethics group that interacts with the public and with academia with substantial credibility.
2022-11-04 04:45:52 @ruchowdh i'm so sorry Rumman, this is so fucking awful
2022-11-03 16:28:08 @AASchapiro it's a waste of time to point out that shotspotter is inaccurate surveillance capitalism foisted upon communities that have been surveilled and harassed by cops for decades. isn't ALL technology inaccurate sometimes?i bet there's a nice smell when you unpack the box. cover that
2022-11-03 16:22:42 @AASchapiro no no no, the NYT should really exclusively focus on how impressive it is that clearview manages a database of billions of photos of people. that's a gargantuan number! this obsession with how clearview scraped those images without anyone's knowledge or consent is just so rude.
2022-11-03 16:17:21 @AASchapiro why are we not marveling at the engineering that went into the construction of the autobahn? why are we so consumed with - oh
2022-11-03 02:32:13 @MikeIsaac @mshelton @AynRandy stg i move away from the bay area and just like that, 3 months later, you invite people over to do exactly what i'm an expert at :(
2022-11-03 02:22:52 @yoshuawuyts apple has tried to make employees to go back to the office several times and each time they found out that a significant number of their employees (often in extremely high demand) would rather change jobs than move their whole family to cupertinoand apple is competently run lol
2022-11-03 02:18:41 @yoshuawuyts he's going to cut off one of his legs and find out that the blood loss and shock makes him lose an arm as well
2022-11-03 02:16:32 @yoshuawuyts it's worse than that
2022-11-01 20:59:06 @dataeditor @MKBHD but that's the threat
2022-11-01 20:55:02 @dataeditor the implication of this entire shakedown is something @MKBHD pointed out, how a LOT of people try to impersonate him.seems like a crypto-obsessed dweeb like elon, who sees thousands of spam/scam posts in his replies daily, must know how many people try to pose as famous people
2022-11-01 20:51:39 @dataeditor idk how many scammers will pay $20 payments for accounts that get suspended within 5 minutes of messaging peoplethe issue is this setup is kinda extortionate
2022-11-01 19:21:23 @parismarx @willknight lmaookay i'm gonna go for another prediction. eventually he'll push algorithmic pricing so you see a totally different price from other users depending on a substantial number of factors all going into some model.people will quickly discover that it offers lower rates to men.
2022-11-01 13:47:04 i never count my threads correctly, fight me
2022-11-01 13:46:18 i don't have a panacea for this, except to say that if these aggregated quantitative broad brushstroke methods are designed to minimize the impression of how marginalized people are dealing with abuse, then you've gotta predicate your approach on other methods.
2022-11-01 13:46:17 i can't help but reflect on how the primary metrics for the the content moderation of abuse of marginalized communities mostly don't account for the marginalized communities being disproportionately exposed to abuse and harassment... /2
2022-10-31 22:38:27 @MattBinder i wonder if the morbius trolls will get involved to see how hard they can spike this site into the ground
2022-10-31 21:05:28 @JessicaCalarco schedule send "no thanks!" for 10 years from now
2022-10-31 16:34:01 RT @BerkeleyISchool: Applying to the @UCBerkeley I School PhD program?Our *amazing* current PhD students run a PhD Applicant Feedback P…
2022-10-31 16:28:27 fuckin hell, this place is becoming 4chan 2.0, huh?
2022-10-31 16:22:36 RT @ranjodhd: Deadline today!! It is a great position, I promise!
2022-10-31 15:24:52 get people with different perspectives in the room, folks. or you might end up like elon at twitter HQ, advised by these total losers lol
2022-10-31 15:22:17 i realized that the rumored verified status for $20/month idea feels a little like tinder super likes (with all of the attendant implications), and a war room principally consisting of men explains why they haven't figured out how desperate that potentially makes the user look
2022-10-31 15:11:01 @parismarx @willknight they still don't seem to understand that nobody would want to pay for a status that ambiguously signals that they are an incredibly desperate loser who will pay rent for depreciated status symbols, though
2022-10-31 15:09:25 @parismarx @willknight i wouldn't be surprised if their bright idea was a sliding scale for verified status depending on follower counttheir goal isn't necessarily to get every user to pay (or even most), but to get anyone who can afford $5/month paying $5, anyone who can afford $10/mo paying 10, etc
2022-10-31 08:22:16 i'm definitely gonna come back with popcorn to see who's verified and who's not on day 91 when the grace period runs out
2022-10-31 08:15:50 @jbouie @sgbuggs something i realize i'm not even clear about now that i've stopped laughing: is the offer that your account gets verified upon cc charge? totally zeroing out any social signal that the checkmark even claims to provide?i don't even want to think of how the codebase is gonna look
2022-10-31 07:56:54 @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor none of this is prohibitive, and it's unambiguously a win to be able to do this at all, but i would tell someone set aside 10 minutes to do it and not get distracted in the middle because i don't know what would even happen if you left halfway through
2022-10-31 07:53:34 @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor also might be worth noting that the transfer went fine but by design doesn't bring the posts over. which makes sense! but if you start at the new instance you would never be able to figure out where older posts are (the old instance page is grayed out, points to the new instance)
2022-10-31 07:51:02 @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor i did it over the weekend... "trivial" is a bit generousit involved a few steps on each instance that seemed to need to be coordinated, and afterwards there was this indeterminate period where stuff seemed to be processing. maybe because one instance was under some load? 1/2
2022-10-31 04:00:23 i used to think i knew what people meant by brain worms.
2022-10-31 03:50:12 @mmasnick @linguangst "users who follow the same account of my choosing"so like a grifter targets a user and... harass their followers?it'll be interesting to see users leaving twitter go through the extra step of dissolving their social network. haven't seen that before
2022-10-31 01:48:29 @xirclebox @timnitGebru @HabenGirma @heluecht @joinmastodon thank you! i've been encountering lots of issues in the github repo that arrived at... really bad conclusions, and often because maybe 2 or 3 people were involved in the conversation and it just wasn't enough people paying attention to the problem. thanks for getting involved
2022-10-31 01:37:23 @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in their bio and lots of replies to elon begging him to run them over with his car or RT their scam or something
2022-10-31 01:16:11 @reckless @alexeheath imagine spending close to $250 per year on this fucking site lol
2022-10-30 22:04:11 @CaseyNewton i bet jason's got a million of these fucking ideas lol
2022-10-30 19:14:58 @MikeIsaac >
2022-10-30 03:35:28 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf sorry i mean this is obvious but maybe it's not to someone who thought it wouldn't be transparent that making employees print 50+ pages of code to walk through it like it's the 1970s is just a dumb scheme to try to get people to quit and forfeit compensation
2022-10-30 03:32:35 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf there's no way elmo thought this was a good way to quietly get rid of them, is there? like there's no way any of them would walk away from >
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-10-20 21:39:05 all we can do is watch him be an idiot in many of the same ways he's always been an idiot, i guess
2022-10-20 21:38:21 it'd always be sad to watch someone repeatedly fail to learn that being a cheapskate early on means paying back those debts with interest later, but to watch someone repeatedly fail to learn that as they actively pollute and dismantle a space you spend time is doubly frustrating
2022-10-20 19:32:44 @niloufar_s @ranjodhd my arms and eventually whole upper body shaking as i try to lift like 40+lb of water over my head to pour just a little bit into my mouth
2022-10-20 19:31:09 @niloufar_s @ranjodhd i either want to bring a tiny paper cup that i try to reuse until it disintegrates or i want to bring a 5-gallon drum of water and awkwardly try to waterfall from it surreptitiously
2022-10-20 19:29:41 @niloufar_s @ranjodhd kids these days... hydrating. it's getting out of hand, really
2022-10-20 19:25:41 @ranjodhd also do they prefer that students refill a tiny disposable water cup like 50 times?? because that's the kind of malicious compliance i would immediately gravitate toward
2022-10-20 19:23:32 @ranjodhd this person really fights the impulse to tell people they're not supposed to drink water lol
2022-10-20 15:51:26 @janusrose i mean i think that's how a lot of people feel right now. so SimCity2000's verisimilitude was underrated, is what i'm learning
2022-10-20 15:50:43 @janusrose it's all a valid way to play the game but whenever i played simcity this way i inevitably just wanted a meteor to come and reset everything, so idk???
2022-10-20 15:47:48 @janusrose she found a way to send the UK economy back in time by a few decades which allowed her to clip out of the map of rational thought, which SEEMS like a glitch but i guess isn't
2022-10-20 15:36:08 he's gonna throw a tantrum if you don't let him go ahead of you but he won't learn to be polite if you don't stop him now... but also is it your job to babysit him?the dilemma of our time
2022-10-20 15:33:16 the tory platform is that everyone gets a go on the slide as PM. boris is the kid who's already learned to be an asshole, getting off the slide and immediately running back around to cut in front of everyone for another ride because it's his birthday this week or something lol
2022-10-19 20:01:15 RT @DAIRInstitute: Join us virtually on December 2nd and 3rd as we celebrate our 1st anniversary. We'll have interactive talks and conversa…
2022-10-19 17:16:41 RT @0xabad1dea: Uh, soundcloud… you’re not supposed to label the upsell button “upsell”
2022-10-19 01:52:19 RT @arabellesicardi: one of my fav university presses @dukepress (nerd alert) is having a 50% off sale, i suggest buying these books if you…
2022-10-18 18:20:54 hey ali wanna proofread before you hit that tweet button? nah? ok, cool. good work
2022-10-18 18:20:11 all this is to say, before publicly excoriating someone for using some of these services, please consider that this person might be as conflicted about it as you are, but reluctantly pressed into participating in an exploitative system... you know... like a lot of us are. 4/4
2022-10-18 18:20:10 i try not to be super hard-line about shaming people for using services like prime, doordash, instacart, etc... though.these platforms are shit: don't pay workers enough, &
2022-10-18 18:20:09 i think this is a good time to reflect on something!the work i did in grad school focused specifically on gig work for a bit, and i have fairly strong feelings about the shitty conditions of people have to endure to make entirely too little money via these labor platforms. /4
2022-10-18 17:52:28 the entire conceit of making everyone fill out a perfunctory form to make debt cancellation opt-in to short-circuit lawsuits sure produces a confounding amount of administrative overhead...
2022-10-18 17:50:20 i have an honest question about these dates:if someone submits an application for debt relief and the process drags through december, what happens if you get notified in like feb/mar that your loans aren't eligible?would you instantly be like 2+ months behind on payments?
2022-10-18 14:37:43 moreover, do you feel like the people making these technologies are intelligent, or have any serious insight into your well-being?or do you think they're impulsively coding knee-jerk reactions to simple keywords?
2022-10-18 14:35:41 let's imagine your job says you've got to wear a fitness tracker or pay even higher premiums. still feel categorical autonomy?there's no chasm between carceral tech and Luxury Surveillance @hypervisible describes. it's not steep steps
2022-10-18 14:29:28 you might say you're not required to wear an ankle monitor so you're categorically in control.okay. let's imagine amazon halo reports your step counts and other dubious data to your health insurance company.still feel CATEGORICALLY in control?
2022-10-18 14:24:29 >
2022-10-18 03:56:28 @hell_spawned i didn't mean to attach some kind of moral superiority to it. sorry. good night
2022-10-18 03:48:37 RT @KentrellOwens: hmmm @uwcse is this the same person y'all invited to give a colloquium lecture this thursday?
2022-10-18 03:41:04 @ubiquity75 how else are they gonna know about my youtube podcast???
2022-10-18 03:35:14 nature doesn't want you to have electricity but you're a lineman so square that circle
2022-10-18 03:33:07 @hell_spawned acting like it's obvious or natural to have wanted this is so disrespectful to her. it must have been unimaginably difficult. that's what i'm saying
2022-10-18 03:31:41 @hell_spawned they dredged an almost unrecognizably mutilated body from the river. i would do anything to deny his murderers and sympathizers the satisfaction of seeing their work one more time. i would want to protect the last little bit of him i could. i would want people to know his smile
2022-10-18 01:33:10 the smell is dissipating. i'm pretty sure it's dust being cleared out now that the heater is on. but still...
2022-10-18 01:32:08 trying to fit this into tweets was very hard and there's a weird smell coming from my vents now that the heater is on so i'm both distractedly anxious and possibly dying so if someone wants to chime in i'd be keen to hear other people's thoughts
2022-10-18 01:28:58 as for why there aren't many AI ethics people with less progressive politicsi mean i have 2 answers:1. if you avoid bringing history etc into your analysis you run out of analytical power really quickly2. those people exist
2022-10-18 01:28:57 interesting question... QTing for input:my unrigorous guess is: a lot of people in this space at least study (often experience) violence along certain dimensions (eg race, gender, class, caste). what we learn from those fields informs &
2022-10-17 22:29:59 @PeoriaBummer @RMac18 lol imagine that source getting to the parenthetical like
2022-10-17 22:27:48 @RMac18 why would you add that aside like what are you accomplishing except dangling a clue out there?
2022-10-08 15:38:21 RT @Arrianna_Planey: Things Black women in academia actually need:- sabbaticals- unrestricted funds to cover costs that funders don't al…
2022-10-08 02:58:04 RT @_Eric_Reinhart: Nothing is easily confirmable, but reports from people incarcerated at the Haiti national penitentiary are that over 40…
2022-10-08 02:29:31 @hondanhon "heh, workplaces, am i right? i am vulnerable"
2022-10-08 01:24:44 RT @SavGonzalezz: My family put this on their house in Puerto Rico.18 days No power in PR.
2022-10-08 01:23:10 @nycsouthpaw @karenkho graduated from the sean spicer school of attendance measurement
2022-10-08 00:36:22 @jbouie @sgbuggs almost categorically when a guy says "female"
2022-10-08 00:23:43 @undersequoias and i think if people were disabused of the idea that IRBs are like... the agent of change riding in to stop all the bad things that happen on campus, it might prompt some people to think more actively/critically about the role they need to(/can) play in facing bad shit on campus
2022-10-08 00:14:15 RT @hypervisible: “I thought, ‘Let’s build a product now that can that can help millions and billions of people” Founder. Of course.
2022-10-07 20:07:34 like it worries me how far-reaching and omnibenevolent grad students seem to think their university IRBs are.
2022-10-07 20:06:29 *whispers quietly* ok but the IRB wouldn't have any interest in reviewing the sensor thing even if it was submitted...
2022-10-07 02:00:44 @Wolven downstream rob mentions that preserving the likes and especially replies could be a problem if the nature of the tweet changes dramatically (the grandma example he gives is... evocative)i actually can see this as being the more... conceptually straightforward way to communicate
2022-10-06 19:44:02 @karenkho when i stopped traveling i started keeping a constantly replenishing stash at my place
2022-10-06 19:09:16 i mean, repeating what the original tweet said, but i literally can't think of any other word to reply to this
2022-10-06 17:16:41 @meepbobeep "you don't say... oh, subscribe to yours? no, i uh... i don't think i get into that stuff. i don't even think i have an app for it"
2022-10-06 17:15:06 @meepbobeep it makes me REALLY sad to think that i've probably done this to someone and, instead of taking the hint, they're dining out on a story about a dumb guy who had never heard of podcasts or whatever
2022-10-06 17:10:05 i can emphatically see a berkeley undergrad looking at their phone monotonously saying "woah, no way... that's crazy..." every few seconds as a total stranger tells him about this mythical land called Boston
2022-10-06 17:02:11 sarcastic ignorance is such an underrated form of humor
2022-10-06 04:26:53 RT @DerrickPalmer_: My heart goes out to all the ALB1 @amazon workers in Schodack, NY I hope and pray every worker was evacuated safelyTh…
2022-10-06 01:40:42 RT @alexhanna: We're hiring for a community-based researcher!!
2022-10-05 23:15:03 @HardDriveMag yeah but it's meaningful because it's the name of his favorite military-funded chemical agent
2022-10-05 20:32:44 @_lava_b @PodsofWar @JustSeum this is really funny but now's not the time tbh
2022-10-05 17:53:01 @digitaaldenken if instagram made clear (or even implied) some kind of rule against romanticizing violent people, that would be rad, but the [truly bizarre] "joker lifestyle" instagram industry would almost certainly disappear overnight lol
2022-10-05 17:37:04 @digitaaldenken wherever it exists in relation to that line, the existence &
2022-10-05 17:26:18 @digitaaldenken instagram needs better rules and better enforcement of those rules
2022-10-05 17:25:29 @digitaaldenken glorifying a serial killer is grotesque, but do you think netflix isn't running ads for that show in instagram? the screenshot doesn't fit into any of the bullet points shown and doesn't really seem to fit into the broader spirit encompassed by the constellation of those points
2022-10-05 17:13:24 RT @jacremes: That insecurity, that contingency, is why a majority of NYU’s contract faculty have decided to build our union, @cfuuaw. We k…
2022-10-05 17:10:51 i'm of mixed feelings because any algo that moderates people's content is an inherently oppressive project, so really i'm rooting for the users to find workarounds and avoid the system either way. but practicing a descriptive analysis of why these systems fail might be helpful ig
2022-10-05 17:08:08 the shared (maybe even erroneous? maybe even harmful?) constructed understanding of how a system works is pretty damn important, and can nullify all the superficial work you do to "debias" the dataset or the algorithm training a model on that data (hang on, gagging)
2022-10-05 17:05:34 are appeals actually a farce? idk. but if you see examples like this, see that a *prominent account* with a *seemingly reasonable post* can't get relief from this stuff, why would you ever bother? why not work around the clumsy moderation algo's &
2022-10-05 17:02:41 the defining experience of producing content for platforms like youtube, instagram, &
2022-10-05 16:58:30 @thekerker @doctorow @verge @BrotherOffice oh my god, i have owned the same basic as shit brother printer for 9 years. i don't know if anything else in my possession has been with me for as long as birth certificate. that's all i can think of. my printer and my birth certificate.
2022-10-05 02:25:54 @hondanhon "this is the starship , we received a distress signal
2022-10-05 02:23:44 @hondanhon "whats your starship's name? i just see some square boxes...""oh, you'll get it when you dock at a starbase""well... can you send me a screenshot? what does it look like?"
2022-10-01 02:07:40 @RMac18 "ok... i can do this... maintain... maintain... don't... fall..."
2022-10-01 02:06:08 @RMac18 the way it slowly tiptoes across the stage doesn't exactly inspire confidence
2022-10-01 01:31:35 downloaded a game on my phone to try to unwind because i've been feeling stressed out, and after a few minutes navigating this game's various menus i just wanted to go to sleep instead.
2022-09-30 18:59:33 this was the right call. kudos to @evan_greer for raising the alarm about iti think we should talk about this thinking that taking money from a tech co grants us "a seat at the table", but i'm fine deferring that- turning your back on a massive donation in this climate is major
2022-09-30 17:42:02 @JessieNYC makes me feel like they're making their own copy of guess who
2022-09-30 17:17:12 the @AltTxtReminder bot is still useful because it doesn't depend on you using iOS or whatever platform, and the DM can prompt you to return with a reply to add alt text after the fact if you forgot
2022-09-30 17:15:11 ohhhh shiiiiit they built alt text reminders into the iOS app!!!!join me, friends:Settings and PrivacyAccessibility, Display, and LanguagesAccessibility Receive image description reminder
2022-09-30 17:02:52 RT @evan_greer: I can't believe this is actually a thing I have to tweet, but the @TrevorProject, who are supposed to help queer and trans…
2022-09-30 16:35:27 RT @msolurin: THIS IS INSIDE RIKERS. You can see people covered in feces they’ve been left in for 9+ hours, you can see men locked in showe…
2022-09-30 16:16:22 @TaiDecker @kateconger lol
2022-09-30 15:46:17 @timnitGebru it's kinda funny how transparent it is that billionaires gravitate toward ego-stroking charlatans who tell a story about how billionaires and their big brains were the key to ending suffering around the world all this time
2022-09-30 15:32:03 +1 and: you can make any contribution seem redundant if you flatten out all of its textureif you think you've been scooped, think more about the texture &
2022-09-30 14:59:48 @hypervisible *any random indistinct cough* ->
2022-09-30 13:58:01 @tayl1r @kateconger i dunno what to tell you but i think you need to play around with your notification settings.
2022-09-30 02:49:39 @KrangTNelson people look at this shit and base their entire political identities on the premise that we all need to go back to this
2022-09-29 19:01:08 (on point 1: it's nice to have good cameras and microphones and stuff, but i'm specifically talking about how people are just like... telling me about their work, instead of lecturing. it feels like it's appropriately shaped to the platform/medium)
2022-09-29 18:55:17 1. across the board, people have seriously upped their video presentation skills. people are clear, use direct language, are just... like... readable. it's great.2. there were lots of papers that really rang a bell for me in a good way. more than usual. that's very exciting.
2022-09-29 18:53:52 i think i've posted off-shoot threads to all of the papers. sorry if the threads and branches and stuff are all messy :Ssome thoughts:
2022-09-29 18:43:33 RT @UpolEhsan: @_alialkhatib @undersequoias @mark_riedl Appreciate the shoutout! The tweetorial for the paper is here:…
2022-09-29 15:14:29 @caitlinmoriah "we traveled 52 million light years to ensure that the monkeys on this shitty rock understand that a woman is a woman
2022-09-29 15:11:28 @caitlinmoriah aliens with the ability to travel faster than light have come all the way to earth to reassure TERFs that the gender identity presentations arguably best typified by 1950s american culture reflect the paradigmatic worldviews of all life in the universe
2022-09-29 14:15:32 @emtseng IMHO chicken is qualitative. has bones you can choke on if you're not careful. also, candy feels very quantitative
2022-09-29 14:01:33 @libshipwreck 20 seems very high
2022-09-29 14:00:57 RT @BigMeanInternet: Trained a whole cohort of people to just send their marketing budget to Zuck every time. And now what??
2022-09-29 13:50:00 @Blackamazon we always hear so many stories of people with money and power completely losing touch with anyone who would push back on their increasingly unhinged ideas. she could have done that to the absolute extremeso the fact that she's resisted that pitfall is even more incredible
2022-09-28 20:48:50 @ubiquity75 sometimes when things get really really bad i archive everything and quietly hope everyone forgets they ever sent me an email
2022-09-28 00:18:22 RT @Esqueer_: If any journalists or folks with connections at Google want specific info, let me know and send me a DM. I can provide the li…
2022-09-27 13:42:10 RT @UpFromTheCracks: just want to acknowledge that this is an argument @thotscholar made in depth like 18 months ago, then was called a pic…
2022-09-27 02:45:23 RT @mer__edith: We understand that the Play Store and the Signal site are currently blocked in Iran. So we created an email address: gets…
2022-09-26 20:24:38 @funranium yes! and now maybe they'll consciously notice this kinda stuff in papers they like
2022-09-26 20:17:05 people in the replies to this are rudely saying shit like anyone in grad school should already know this by the time they get to grad school, andlolactually, lolllllllllllll
2022-09-26 00:15:04 @UpFromTheCracks vapid comedy podcasts, youtube video essays about video games or tv shows i've never seen, etclistening to someone talk about... anything i can intellectually disengage from has turned out to be a good way to doze off without (as many) substances, if you're reticent about that
2022-09-25 13:28:23 if american psycho was produced 20 years later the business card scene would be replaced with this iCal scene.
2022-09-25 12:12:09 @CartyBoston vague statements abound on people's faculty pages, probably still, because noncommittal statements naming nobody cost nothingi remember UMich, CMU, UW faculty in HCI speaking up though - naming Ullman - calling him out for what he is. i guess stanford faculty were more cautious
2022-09-25 11:54:05 i couldn't find the words to describe how angry i was with the ACM for exalting this man who was avowedly, publicly racist.but the silence from stanford CS faculty, from whom i waited anxiously for ANY kind of comment, was something else entirely. i couldn't even call it anger.
2022-09-25 02:47:23 not as invisible unless you count the retrospective whitewashing of his faculty page to remove all the racist diatribes, but couldn't help but think about this
2022-09-25 02:46:30 the professor who replied to a colleague inquiring about grad school when she was an undergrad by telling her that he would not work with Iraniansand then the ACM gave him a turing award
2022-09-24 19:31:50 cdc is gonna make washing hands optional because people are tired and hand soap is depressing, but if you have a food borne illness or if everyone around you has a bug you should probably really consider it if that's your jam or whatever
2022-09-24 15:21:58 @abelinasabrina pre-empting for people who are gonna be like "iT's JuSt CoMeDy" punching down isn't comedy, it's just bullying
2022-09-24 15:13:27 @thetalkshow @reckless i think this bothers me because apple is usually good about designing software to do the right thing when clumsy people use these devices (eg ipad bezels)similar issue pulling my phone out of pocket &
2022-09-24 15:08:36 @thetalkshow @reckless also, i think this echos nilay but in slightly different words, but long pressing a button isn't just "right click" as he said - it's like design-language speak for "hesitation"
2022-09-24 15:04:47 @thetalkshow @reckless more reasons @reckless is right about dynamic island long/short press orderwhen you tap the display header, you shoot to the top of the page. great!when you miss that and tap the island, it bounces you OUT OF the current app. not great!expanding the island would be less bad
2022-09-23 15:14:00 RT @Omid_M: Her name is Hananeh Kian. She was 23 years old when she was shot dead yesterday in Noshahr, Iran. One of the dozens of ppl lost…
2022-09-23 01:21:57 RT @byBethRankin: At #ona22, @TaylorLorenz, @hwise29 &
2022-09-23 01:11:01 article desperately shitting on Meghan Marklecongrats, you completed the scavenger hunt
2022-09-22 23:44:14 RT @signalapp: A request to our community: Signal is blocked in Iran. You can help people in Iran reconnect to Signal by hosting a proxy se…
2022-09-22 22:03:04 RT @timnitGebru: "Our personal experiences sucked into a database, organized by AI and sold to the highest bidder...a behavior modification…
2022-09-22 15:48:34 @katienotopoulos you know when something breaks your brain so abruptly that you just start laughing?
2022-09-22 04:00:40 okay, those photos are pretty sad
2022-09-22 04:00:38 okay, you did that? great! thank you so muchhere are more photos of doggo. is he a good dog Y/N?
2022-09-22 04:00:37 here's info on people and orgs actually IN Puerto Rico, helping Puerto Ricans, doing important and desperately needed work. please donate if you can:
2022-09-22 04:00:36 it's my birthday i'm 33!if you're in a position to do so, i'd be really grateful if you could donate to relief orgs on the ground in Puerto Rico dealing with the damage done by hurricane fionaand if you're not, if you could RT these photos of my puppy, that'd be cool :)
2022-09-22 01:26:39 RT @hneutr: 1/ New paper! with @_szhang @aaronclauset @DanLarremore. We analyzed all 295K tenure-track faculty a…
2022-09-22 01:10:57 i also talked about it vanishingly briefly in my utopia paperbut don't download it just for thatdownload it because it might help my metrics lol
2022-09-22 01:07:53 still remember the UT Austin paper where they described a machine learning system they were using to "help organize" phd applications (read: fast-track rejecting students with profiles that don't match the profiles of past students), then quietly ending its use a few years later
2022-09-21 22:04:35 i would like to take a moment to thank twitter for implementing that button to view quote tweets. it does so much work for us, especially now.
2022-09-20 11:56:07 @Blackamazon i'm seeing some QTs complaining that this is trauma bonding if he only wants to talk about racism with his partner and like ??? that's totally not what he said????? people are making up their own lore here
2022-09-20 09:38:57 also: "everybody seems to be in pretty good shape"
2022-09-20 09:37:56 still can't get over the president being like "If you notice, no one's wearing masks" like 6 months after the CDC gave up on masking guidance. like i know the headline was "pandemic over", but supporting it by being like "um look around, do YOU see people wearing masks?" kills me
2022-09-19 22:11:13 winter is the test. we shouldn't even be entertaining this conversation until we see case numbers through january. shits gonna get worse over the next few months AND it's going to be harder to spend time outside. the secretary of health should be cautioning people. fucking hell.
2022-09-19 21:57:12 last year i figured that i would gauge my outlook for the year based on how cases peaked by and through winter break. if we avoided a major spike, now that we had vaccines, then maybe the summer i could feel more relaxedand, well
2022-09-19 21:46:57 this "pandemic is over" shit in the middle of september reminds me of that episode of the simpsons where a hurricane came through springfield and homer came out to be like "wow it's over" but everyone was like "this is the eye of the storm you idiot"
2022-09-19 01:51:09 please don't go into the goddamn winter saying we've beaten a respiratory virus. and get your booster shots ffs
2022-09-19 00:13:53 uh, the NYT reports we're seeing ~60,000 new cases per day over the past 7 days.but it's okay because winter is coming up and historically that's been a slow period for respiratory viruses
2022-09-18 21:07:50 RT @michael_muller: Please join us for mutual education of HCI and AI at the Human Centered AI workshop @ NeurIPS 2022! To apply, please se…
2022-09-16 00:39:19 you know what characterizes sick days quite often? especially long stretches of sick days?medical expenses!it's almost as if you kinda REALLY NEED THOSE SICK DAYS TO BE PAID AND SIMPLY REMOVING PENALTIES ISN'T ENOUGH
2022-09-16 00:25:37 ONE SICK DAYi fucking hope they vote to strike. failing that, i hope we see a wildcat strike. failing that, fuck everything.
2022-09-15 02:44:32 @rinewithoutacat yeahhhh i recognized the name and did a double take
2022-09-14 13:18:14 @mdekstrand the reviews i see from people who seem to know appears to be that the ultra won't compete with the devices made for serious divers, triathletes, etc.. anyway, but people at the low end of the market might find this compelling, and i think the same opportunity was there in cycling
2022-09-14 13:14:10 @mdekstrand true, many people would still prefer the bike computer, but people thinking about getting a series 8 might consider the ultra more palatable than buying an additional unit (even if the computer is a bit cheaper). and haptics could mitigate (some of) the need to look at the screen
2022-09-14 13:09:42 immediately thought about how the news as i logged off last night was about an explosive package that was detonated at northeastern university, and how these things are absolutely everywhere on university campuses.
2022-09-14 13:00:04 it was never in my budget and even if it were i haven't had a bike since my road bike got stolen lol, but off the cuff i think a lot of cyclists are almost but not quite ready to spend the money on all that quantification gear, but an apple watch is a bearable dip into that water
2022-09-14 12:56:36 i haven't been into cycling for years so idk, but i'm surprised the apple watch ultra doesn't have any cycling-specific features, like ANT+, or BT power meter connectivity, cadence sensors, etc...they could've paired up with strava and taken a big bite out of garmin &
2022-09-14 03:09:53 before anyone says "cmd-shift-v does that"i just don't have it in me to trust computers enough to do that shit without checking first
2022-09-13 21:46:29 @rhemalinder oh i mean i get that, i think i'm just confused about like... who takes them up on this offer??
2022-09-13 21:34:25 RT @Tinu: Twitter accessibility bots. A reference thread.
2022-09-13 21:33:25 emails generally don't find me well these days or any other days
2022-09-13 21:31:59 i spent a good chunk of the day wondering who these emails even work on
2022-09-13 20:14:03 @savasavasava for the first few weeks it was totally brutal in almost every imaginable way. and i was doing it remotely, so i wasn't prepared for the physical exhaustioni think it got better as i got physically used to it and better at not metaphorically sprinting right out of the blocks lol
2022-09-13 20:04:41 he'll actually lose his shit over it i swear to god
2022-09-13 20:03:54 if anyone gets a photo with Christian Smalls, make sure not to let jeff bezos see it
2022-09-13 20:02:16 @Abebab i did a drumroll in my head and clicked on it and almost choked on my water
2022-09-13 19:59:40 in early 2020 i expressed hope that this new pandemic might shock people into a sense of solidarity, of shared fate. after that, and after seeing cheap DEI initiatives lure people into unsafe environments and grind them to dust, i resist these hopeful, prescriptive platitudes.
2022-09-13 05:32:03 RT @techworkersco: If you live in SF, please contact your supervisors and let them know you don't want to live in a city where the police c…
2022-09-13 03:36:58 what other comprehensible way is there to describe what happened?
2022-09-13 03:08:24 @mcwm i lost my mind at the bit right at the end. somehow that was the worst by far.
2022-09-13 03:04:05 tried to think of a synonym for "hide" that started with "p" but i gave up
2022-09-12 18:23:15 i can't stop thinking about this. the phenomenon of feeling that buzz of energy when you have an insight or juxtapose some ideas and find they align or reveal something about each other."used to". past tense. not true anymore. that scares the fuck out of me.
2022-09-12 18:12:17 anyway, i'm very pro "remote everything". i'd love to see friends at conferences again but the organizers of the conferences i attend couldn't even be relied upon to handle toilets for everyone, so it shouldn't be much surprise that they weren't up to the task of COVID prevention
2022-09-12 18:08:43 you hope your uni would support you, but be honest
2022-09-12 18:04:12 >
2022-09-12 17:55:56 >
2022-09-12 17:49:36 my nightmare is an academic conf. causes a lot of people to get COVID, many people come out of the acute phase with brain fog, and the organizers congratulate themselves for "0 deaths" while cohorts of young people come to terms with the fact that their academic careers are over.
2022-09-11 23:17:43 finally listening to the @techwontsaveus episode with @hypervisible: literally cannot keep up with all the quotes i want to post. just check it out
2022-09-11 23:06:37 @rharang yeah, i generally do that too, but it seems like every other week he'll spin a wheel and pick a fight &
2022-09-11 23:00:47 @Verba_et_Vertus ah shit. that was a real case of wishful thinking, huh? thanks
2022-09-11 22:44:10 the latter obviously shouldn't get you banned from twitter, but good god is it a nice side effect of his suspension
2022-09-11 22:43:08 you could've made a running thread of all the misogynistic, racist bullshit he posted just for clicks.and this is saying nothing of the drivel he would post about AI, seemingly for the sole purpose of getting quoted in powerpoint slide decks by clueless business school people.
2022-09-11 22:34:53 i genuinely mean it when i say WOAHHHHHH ABOUT FUCKING TIME
2022-09-11 20:37:34 Queen Elizabeth II, a quiet supporter of locking your bike to any random pole you see fixed to the ground nearby, has died at age 96.
2022-09-11 20:21:45 RT @dr_nickiw: The silence in the CS community from the non-Black, alleged "advocates" in naming tech bro #3's weaponization of his power a…
2022-09-11 20:13:38 land acknowledgments are a popular way for beneficiaries of empire to pretend nobody has ever suggested reparations.
2022-09-11 20:08:15 RT @sashaperigo: The SF Rules Committee stayed the surveillance policy for several months, but it’s now up for a vote TOMORROW.The meetin…
2022-09-11 16:12:05 @jaydaronson thank you!
2022-09-11 16:11:54 RT @jaydaronson: CMU faculty and staff, join me &
2022-09-11 14:50:05 "widening your eyes is a signal that i'm pathologically obsessed with you"
2022-09-11 14:48:58 people are QTing this like "JFC shes so unlikeable why can't she just be friendly- look at the micro-expressions in her eyes, that signals defensiveness! why does she have to be like that? cant fucking stand her... anyway, i'm definitely like this about every marvel character :)"
2022-09-11 13:37:02 RT @blai_starker: ATTENTION ACADEMIC TWITTER!!The students of Carnegie Mellon University have written a letter of support for Dr. Uju Anya…
2022-09-11 02:48:50 Queen Elizabeth II, a quiet supporter of mixed martial arts, has died at age 96.
2022-09-11 02:24:27 RT @PanasheChig: Zora Neale Hurston told us, "If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."We witness this…
2022-09-10 19:51:03 RT @WalleLawal: ‘You didn’t criticise the Queen when you were applying for a visa.’ Yes, because that’s how imperialism works. Congrats o…
2022-09-10 17:25:50 RT @nelsonlflores: A few of us wrote a letter of support for Uju Anya who has been targeted for her criticism of the Queen’s complicity in…
2022-09-10 17:20:55 @DippedRusk lol thanks for reading my mind
2022-09-10 17:03:16 i'm sure a joint letter is forthcoming. surprised by everyone's discipline, though. saying absolutely nothing about it until that letter is ready! shows a lot of restraint
2022-09-10 16:59:07 day 2 of checking the twitter profiles of tenured profs at CMU
2022-09-10 02:41:46 RT @mannyfidel: POV: you're henry kissinger and everyone wants another fun day on twitter
2022-09-10 02:08:24 RT @wellsbering: the queen died on star trek day...finally something goes right for miles o'brien
2022-09-10 01:58:00 @pardoguerra lotssss of people in the HCI world have ties to CMU. i so badly wish i saw more of them in my timeline right now. i guess this is the eroding effect of experience on hope.
2022-09-10 01:55:28 @KarlTheFog i moved away recently and miss karl :(
2022-09-10 01:53:39 even for a university named after andrew carnegie, this is a low point
2022-09-10 01:52:46 still blown away by jeff bezos being such a monumental bag of dicks, and by CMU debasing itself by condemning a descendant of survivors of genocide, a god damn professor at their own god damn university, for expressing relief at the death of one of said genocide's perpetrators
2022-09-09 17:48:17 out of abundant respect, Fridays will be half days for the foreseeable future
2022-09-09 17:47:15 this is the weirdest way to announce your meteorological team is going on vacation.
2022-09-09 13:48:42 preparing a talk where i was planning to make a short digression about the consequences of universities endearing themselves to tech oligarchs and corporate interests idk might mention this idk idk
2022-09-09 09:00:45 RT @nhelberger: Job opportunity: The AI, Media &
2022-09-09 03:48:30 shout out to CMU for the prompt demonstration of solidarity with their multi-billionaire patron.
2022-09-09 03:46:09 mmm, i'm sure Jeff Bezos, noted weirdo, is genuinely a huge critical sociolinguistics nerd and that's how he knows about Dr Anya.
2022-09-09 01:16:52 RT @anildash: @mac779 @maumauzdaughter Lots of people said the same or worse. He picked the one whom he knows had endorsed the Amazon worke…
2022-09-08 20:52:18 just waiting for the company i get loose leaf tea from to make an incredibly shitty tweet, what are you doing?
2022-09-08 20:02:16 RT @AlphabetWorkers: Alex Hanna, formerly of the Ethical AI team, speaking next about how workers have demonstrated against military contra…
2022-09-08 19:20:26 in honor of this insane fucking tweet, here's something to read
2022-09-08 19:15:58 RT @kavithadavidson: Irish Twitter Brown Twitter Black Twitter
2022-09-08 19:05:41 aggrieved white guy with billions of dollars and a fucking space ship directs mob to harass Black woman because a passing comment against empire made him self-conscious
2022-09-08 19:02:27 i started writing an issue in github asking if the maintainer of a sublime text package would be able to add support for something and after 20 minutes i got so mad at LaTeX that i just gave up.
2022-09-08 18:37:06 RT @morgan_sung: all of formerly colonized twitter watching "now let's keep it respectful today" twitter
2022-09-07 15:42:47 @mimismash AN ACTUAL "IT WORKS BY MAKING CLICKING SOUNDS" CLICKER.this is the era of the person commenting on SERENA WILLIAMSit's 2 steps away from this shit
2022-09-07 15:38:05 whatever planet you grew up on is not the one we currently live on. the only reason you don't have to confront that is a heinous lopsided intergenerational imbalance of wealth over decades, and somehow we keep coming back to these people for like... folksy racist takes
2022-09-07 15:35:24 they didn't even have DNA sequencing until the decade after court retired. imagine your professional life against the backdrop of the plague being a going concern &
2022-09-07 15:30:11 journalists, resist the impulse to ask the flinstones to comment on things. i'm sure they'll say something eye-popping
2022-09-07 15:28:10 Bell manufactured the first bicycle helmet that most people would consider vaguely recognizable in 1975, just 2 years before court retired. you know what people wore until then? this leather hairpiece
2022-09-07 15:22:59 the television remote control was a newer invention in the world when margaret court turned pro than the iphone is to us today.
2022-09-07 15:19:47 smallpox wasn't eradicated until 3 years after she retired.the plague. that's how far back we're talking.
2022-09-07 15:17:19 margaret court retired so long ago that post its didn't even exist yet.
2022-09-07 14:34:56 RT @smartstatistic: Let me explain again! We're STILL under a boil water alertWe STILL can not drink out water!Even when our water is "d…
2022-09-07 14:27:38 RT @DeeshaPhilyaw: Perfect time for my annual tweet about the editor who told me Dr. Roberts (interview + her books) wasn’t an adequate sou…
2022-09-07 13:55:20 @eevee @0xabad1dea i feel like a typewriter when i read that shit
2022-09-06 23:50:24 RT @mer__edith: This piece by @nitashatiku provides a really clear and thorough overview. Thank you!
2022-09-06 11:48:49 RT @mer__edith: Professional news! On September 12 I'll be officially starting as President of @signalapp. I'm honored, I'm excited, and I…
2022-09-04 03:16:26 nah i'm kidding i hope they're happy
2022-09-04 03:15:33 You know what the best part of my day is? It's for about ten seconds when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door. 'Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye, no "see ya later", no nothin'. You just left.
2022-09-02 20:10:49 RT @morganklauss: Privilege stems from how other people and systems see and classify you, and what the classification allows you to do or n…
2022-09-02 19:03:47 @gwenckatz @ireneista and presumably also children who lost a parent (or multiple parents)
2022-09-02 17:15:45 i'm looking forward to watching this, sounds like an awesome idea
2022-09-02 17:12:34 @janusrose see self-driving car advocates talking about sectioning off parts of roads for just them. their own stupid separate world
2022-09-02 17:11:46 @janusrose they scale it up because the dumb idea seems to just need more resources. eventually they scale things down when it becomes clear that their fever dream idea doesn't work on this planet and they try to invent hermetically sealed environments where MAYBE their dumb idea will work
2022-09-02 16:56:09 @halhod not to be overwhelmingly pedantic but... *what* datasets that were not constructed by humans?
2022-09-02 16:51:54 journalists regurgitate this passive voice BS about how an AI was designed, like it wasn't designed BY SOMEBODY, like the results weren't moved forward BY SOMEBODY. like we're talking about a tidal wave or a rainstorm. it hits us and i guess that's just how the world turns
2022-09-02 16:45:53 this would be like if the team at Adobe who made Content Aware Fill shipped it and then looked at each other like "no one will need to take a photo ever again" like are you people serious?no strike that
2022-09-02 16:44:01 most painters probably buy their paints from an art store. if the focus of your work involves making the pigment itself, like inventing Vantablack or "world's pinkest pink", then i'm *guessing* you're not gonna go to Blick for acrylic paint. because that's the focus of your art
2022-09-02 16:40:50 we offload tasks strategically. @aragusea talked about this in the context of cooking i think - you can make bread to make a sandwich, sure
2022-09-02 16:36:59 same vibeartists will (continue to) use tech for various parts of their work. but without any communicative intent motivating the piece, this stuff barely rises to the level of hotel hallway decor. just there to fill empty spacethe thing is, we don't really need more garbage
2022-09-02 02:09:14 RT @seyiolojo: Starting an a reading group this fall with @HZeavin exploring how we can situate black scholarship in STS. I’m mostly excite…
2022-09-02 00:54:10 RT @niloufar_s: If you're close to finishing your PhD I highly recommend applying to the UC presidential postdoc meant to: "encourage outst…
2022-09-01 18:45:20 somewhere there are economists frantically working on a whiteboard to calculate the economic output lost due to lockdown vs the output lost from all the people who would die or come out of it with long-covid
2022-09-01 18:42:16 swear to god, there would be no institutional incentive to fight this pandemic if not for the fact that you probably see kids' test scores drop when they lose a parent
2022-09-01 00:14:38 @jathansadowski hahahaha i think he blocked everyone who follows chesa on twitter hahahahhahahahaah
2022-08-31 19:46:51 to be clear: time away from twitter didn't improve the situation with the emails. things are still terrible with the emails. i keep starring them and doing other stupid shit as, like, a promise to myself that i'll come back for them?? but now there are too many starred emails...
2022-08-31 19:40:47 i've had a lot less time to be on twitter these past few weeks because of things, and for a little while i knew what it was like to just have regular old anxiety and not supercharged anxiety. it was pretty cool. might do it more often as like a little treat.
2022-08-31 19:15:18 @ERnurse86 the people who say "now's not the time" mean "it's never the right time, but let's see how long you can hold your breath"
2022-08-31 19:06:23 @drewisgooden maybe the most interesting thing to me is how transparent the training data seems to be in some cases. obviously i could be wrong, but you read some of the output and you're like "okay, got it, this was trained on some reddit shit"
2022-08-31 19:04:59 i could probably make a thread of youtubers/web entertainers who have played around with AI and offered interesting reflections on it. most recently: @drewisgooden posted a video about using DALL-E and generative AIs more broadly to write video scripts:
2022-08-31 00:49:02 RT @willie_agnew: 2) "going rogue/grab power" going rogue and grabbing power from *who*? OpenAI? Some billionaires? The military-industrial…
2022-08-30 16:21:54 RT @nantarsya: Excited to study &
2022-08-30 14:27:49 RT @DataInstituteSF: The Center for Applied Data Ethics (CADE) is pleased to welcome Nantina Vgontzas as a data ethics fellow. Nantina’s ti…
2022-08-29 05:34:11 @cwarzel if i ever see an op-ed about the debt cancelation that starts with "the dictionary defines..." i'll @ you
2022-08-28 16:01:50 the issue isn't $300Bstudent debt disproportionately burdens people who simply cannot summon the extra cash to get over that marginal hump and make it start to shrink. so it keeps growingpeople will grow old and die paying off student debt. it's infinite revenue and leverage.
2022-08-28 14:07:36 @LibyaLiberty two words: chocolate. hummus.
2022-08-27 14:55:35 @timnitGebru @ruthstarkman well finally we have real evidence (because people saying what happened to them isn't valid if a computer scientist doesn't bless it)
2022-08-27 02:33:09 @vinn_ayy it's real coocoo :(
2022-08-27 01:24:28 warning: deadnaming and harassing an individual.
2022-08-26 17:44:21 RT @yurirando: also this is a huge piece of vindication for everyone who ever struggled with brain fog and was told by doctors to essential…
2022-08-26 16:13:45 RT @bittergertrude: Nate Silver is that dude in grad school who didn't do the reading &
2022-08-26 16:13:32 RT @beccalunch: nate silver is the guy in your discussion group who did none of the assigned reading but “plays devils advocate” to hide th…
2022-08-26 15:36:38 thank you for representing the dumbos out there, nate silver :) you're doing a service for so many
2022-08-26 15:35:48 flashbacks to that kid in class who was painfully confused about the reading, later tries to backtrack by saying "o-other people, dumber people than me- because i got it, you see- dumber people will get confused. because they're not smart like me - like us :)"
2022-08-26 15:30:31 you can tell someone to stop being ungrateful hypocrites without that meaning you think debt cancelation is wrong
2022-08-26 15:29:19 if nate is actually this stupid i don't know what to say
2022-08-26 15:22:19 i'm sure the pedestrians in this metaphor appreciate it
2022-08-26 14:26:45 i'm just flabbergasted by how unimaginably steep the slope has been on quality of life for young people. the shit we force kids to routinely go through because we don't want to deal with a problem ourselves just keeps mounting and mounting
2022-08-26 14:20:09 @hondanhon @tomhannen i recently got a 32-bit float recording interface and it's really neat to get that kind of functionally limitless range, but that thing alone can produce surprisingly large files considering it's "just" audio
2022-08-26 14:17:56 @hondanhon @tomhannen oh my gosh right
2022-08-26 14:17:05 @hondanhon @tomhannen if star trek voyager was recorded on tape then why even bother asking for lossless copies of the episodes? :(
2022-08-26 14:16:04 @hondanhon @tomhannen i think the issue is that drawing a line there means something like 12gbps (if we're talking about 24-bit color, 4k, 60fps). a 44-minute tv show would be... 2640*12-->
2022-08-26 03:09:04 RT @JakeMGrumbach: this is a slap in the face to everyone who worked hard and paid the $51 to Elsevier to rent an article for 24 hours
2022-08-26 00:47:55 RT @UpFromTheCracks: Just finished a panel on abolishing family policing and it’s algorithms featuring @DorothyERoberts and @b_lts_ . Now m…
2022-08-25 23:36:47 RT @Linkletter: Remote Scan of Student’s Room Before Test Violated His Privacy, Judge RulesPaywall-free @newyorktimes link:…
2022-08-25 23:33:03 RT @theSBPC: ' : Tell us your happy student debt cancellation stories. LETS UGLY CRY TOGETHER!!(and then demand more, so more o…
2022-08-25 23:29:59 RT @emilyesfraser: @zeynep The message can’t be “those poor people w/ Long Covid deserve help.” It needs to be “we are all at risk &
2022-08-25 23:20:05 RT @zeynep: Long Covid sufferers have waited too long for help, and things need to change, *now*.Research isn't fast or broad enough. Som…
2022-08-25 22:37:03 RT @shengokai: For the curious, @DocDre’s book provides some excellent context for what I mean in the above. That is, while this is hilario…
2022-08-25 17:29:27 @MikeIsaac it's gonna be a no from me
2022-08-25 02:50:11 @DogWisdomPoker these people are beyond our ability to help. they need to be visited by 3 spirits on christmas eve or something
2022-08-20 01:34:27 cue the marvel "phase four" timeline but all the movies are about bit characters from the original
2022-08-20 01:29:56 thank god, i wouldn't want to watch a movie about two guys taking a joyride in a fancy car unless it's canonically part of the ferris bueller cinematic universe
2022-08-19 00:29:37 RT @KrauseFx: New Post: Announcing InAppBrowser - see what JavaScript commands get injected through an in-app browser TikTok, when ope…
2022-08-18 18:26:24 "would you like to upgrade your ambiance to have a quieter atmosphere for just $4.99?"
2022-08-18 18:25:08 gonna love going to a nice restaurant and shouting "zero! zero! zero! operator? main menu! MAIN MENU" at a hologram
2022-08-18 18:23:36 "hi! i'm your virtual waiter! is wine good for your diet? you had 854 calories at this meal, so you should probably stick to water :) remember: please do not reply
2022-08-18 14:18:19 with that being said here are some pics of doggo across the country
2022-08-18 14:03:24 i think a keen eye probably would've noticed i had been moving over the past few days/weeks/??, but i don't want people to become such keen followers of my daily adventures that they would have to pull out the red string and cork board to know this stuff
2022-08-18 14:00:43 hello, i'm in ann arbor!(just fyi in case you're trying to meet with me in SF... or if you think you see my doppelgänger in michigan)
2022-08-17 18:57:25 FB didn't realize to prevent people from violating one another's personal space until like a few months ago. by that point they had spent more than $10B.nothing's going toward making it a space for people. it's so utterly a space for advertisers, it might someday be remarkable.
2022-08-17 18:57:24 every new embarrassing update about the metaverse and bit of news about how much they've spent on it is just an indirect reminder that this space is so highly engineered specifically for advertising and surveillance to the exclusion of anything else
2022-08-17 18:57:23 the apparent cheapness of the metaverse isn't intrinsically upsetting to me. i mean it kinda is but it's not the source of looming dread. that feeling stems from the knowledge that the billions FB spends on the metaverse are not going toward making it look acceptable
2022-08-17 18:38:21 @jevanhutson thanks for putting the wii sports music in my head just now
2022-08-16 15:54:38 "hey man, false binaries are, like, really bad. we should have space for TERFy reactionary shit in our tent :)"
2022-08-16 03:04:32 i kept cropping this tweet tighter and tighter because it just kept getting more absurd with every clause.
2022-08-16 03:01:36 ... can the CDC maybe meet us where another country is instead?
2022-08-15 17:44:27 if you're ever wondering what's causing silicon valley to be a place so comprehensively unlivable that it sometimes feels like an assault on your bodily senses
2022-08-14 19:15:20 i almost said "the thing that's intriguing to me these days is..." but that's like saying the phenomenon of being gaslit for years is intellectually and academically curiouswhich, mmm, maybe. after a few years of therapy and distance
2022-08-14 19:13:31 different admonishments get deployed according to the state of things. either you're early, and a jerk for derailing a nascent project
2022-08-14 19:13:30 people resist structural changes with large systems (tech/social)
2022-08-13 18:19:45 (can't wait to be told i'm not being nice enough about this)
2022-08-13 18:16:05 just the same shit for years and years. nothing really changes. somehow there's a revolving door of white guys going inside to make a fortune, coming out, saying "huh, <
2022-08-13 18:11:18 just like... great you're acknowledging you were wrong? but how did you end up being wrong? what sources or kinds of knowledge did you value and not value and how did that make you wrong until now and what are you gonna do about it?
2022-08-13 18:06:33 Black women have been saying for YEARS that organized/political disinfo isn't the most significant threat with generative algorithmic systems like deepfake algo's &
2022-08-13 01:37:43 @hondanhon a room full of all the commits that broke production in pillow form. you take a nap in the room when needed
2022-08-11 20:33:01 the cdc doesn't wash its hands after peeing, you can just tell
2022-08-11 19:57:19 by the way if you go looking for him, don't
2022-08-11 19:56:58 and then he deleted his tweets and lamented how this site is just people bullying each other like lmao what
2022-08-11 19:56:04 i know this site is full of goofy idiots but i'm still thinking about the guy who felt more strongly about zoom meeting attendance than undermining a coworker's ongoing conflict with management by anonymously trashing them for conspicuously gossipy hit pieces about said coworker
2022-08-11 17:13:44 lol it's already thursday fml
2022-08-11 17:13:22 am i gonna spend my week making an annotated bibliography for the FTC? maybe
2022-08-11 17:10:44 wow, this is a big deal. i mean, much more to day than that, but still processing
2022-08-11 16:50:13 @DogWisdomPoker yep
2022-08-11 13:31:43 some of you all need to outgrow the edgelord phase of high school where you pretend you always knew about every bad thing happening even in domains you didn't know existed until yesterday
2022-08-11 13:29:29 people are acting like this isn't that big a deal or more precisely that this was widely known, but uh... tampering with SSL-encrypted content is a uniquely transgressive escalation of facebook's already invasive tracking. this kinda shit would get a normal apple developer banned
2022-08-11 12:58:18 RT @KrauseFx: New Post: Instagram &
2022-08-11 02:31:23 the union is the people like this is the first slide of every slide deck lol
2022-08-11 02:30:47 i think it's a little weird to choose this moment to blame someone for not showing up for union activity <
2022-08-10 20:24:05 RT @therealjgutz: jk I'm not done - one rhetorical question: what does it mean for a white man to describe their own body as being "equippe…
2022-08-10 17:43:34 i don't mean to be totally self-serving, but if you're in academia organizing in-person conferences, i hope you're seriously reflecting on this and thinking about what you're putting early career researchers through by way of pressure to attend all available in-person conferences
2022-08-09 17:54:35 i've lost count of how many intl students have told me about how they hated what they were working on or hated working with their advisor but were bound to their advisors' whims - and their politics - because to rebuke it could irrecoverably derail their lives.
2022-08-09 17:51:06 the leverage faculty have over intl students &
2022-08-09 16:00:42 RT @rajiinio: It's frustrating that the only really viable long-term funding options for international CS PhD students in the U.S. seem to…
2022-08-09 15:31:11 @IgorBrigadir i kept trying to think how could this be a parody, or not be a parody, or be like a total misfire of a dark joke, but like... the pdf just keeps going on in earnest... like it's totally real...
2022-08-09 15:29:38 @IgorBrigadir yep :S
2022-08-09 15:09:37 >
2022-08-09 15:07:00 i'm scared to click on the pdf link because how can this abstract be real
2022-08-09 15:04:49 not gonna link it but you WILL know it when you see it. how is this shit real life?
2022-08-09 15:01:13 lots of opportunity for synergy with the "nurses making tiktoks for clout" business model tiktok has had going
2022-08-09 14:54:49 like 2 big picture thoughts1. incredible failure of the union to recognize and do its job2. so do we need to talk about what it looks like to get fucking played? like is there any air of skepticism or critical reflection about how a story lands at your feet?
2022-08-09 14:52:19 the smear campaign against erin is one thing. you expect a media conglomerate to use its toolset to try to undermine a whistleblower.but watching other news orgs - especially the union that should be protecting her rights as a worker - *participate*?with friends like these...
2022-08-09 00:38:23 RT @anthropologydp: UPDATE: the FBI agents are now swarming the ladder beneath a beligerent Steven Pinker. He keeps shouting "I won at life…
2022-08-07 00:13:32 RT @csdoctorsister: @_alialkhatib “By releasing the chatbot to the general public, Meta wants to collect feedback on the various problems f…
2022-08-06 18:41:52 RT @JessicaCalarco: For the last four years, my research team and I have been following an Indiana mom I'll call Brooke, who got pregnant w…
2022-07-26 20:20:13 RT @_alialkhatib: it's worth correcting whenever it comes up: the luddites had issues neither with looms nor with mechanization. they knew…
2022-07-26 19:48:31 RT @BitchyAmi: @antumbral Google's eternal MO of "make products, never bother supporting products because that's not how you get ahead in t…
2022-07-26 18:51:26 RT @bamenke: Can we please change the ranking metrics so that college campuses aren't construction sites all the damn time?
2022-07-26 18:43:38 the hustle &
2022-07-26 17:20:13 either way tell them to kick rocks and eat shit or kick shit and eat rocks or whatever
2022-07-26 17:19:18 do they think people don't see this cynically as an overused tool to try to motivate voters? just do the damn thing and let republicans work themselves into knots over whether they want a strong unitary executive with far-reaching power or if now they want small government again.
2022-07-26 16:50:28 RT @emilymbender: GPT-3, or any language model, is nothing more than an algorithm for producing text. There's no mind or life or ideas or i…
2022-07-26 16:48:35 RT @afrodesiaq: this monkeypox breakout is going to be very ugly when it "suddenly" explodes into the general population. the messaging aro…
2022-07-26 16:43:23 @hackylawyER i wish i could be joking about this
2022-07-26 16:42:11 @hackylawyER "they invited me to live on their property for some time and after discussing it with my bosses they agreed this sounded like a good idea" like lol what
2022-07-26 16:38:19 @hackylawyER it should be a more obvious red flag to pubs when a reporter comes back from interviewing tech startup folks with these kinds of stars in their eyes. it really makes me think a sufficiently charming charlatan could scam the entire staff at the new yorker into reverse mortgages
2022-07-26 16:35:40 @hackylawyER reads like a profile of adam neumann. lots of delirious fawning and syrupy cliches about how proximity makes you lose your sense of perspective and even basic reality. almost as if the new yorker should hire a deprogrammer for the reporter writing their profile before publishing.
2022-07-26 15:48:48 RT @BlackPnwLady: They are going to kill queer people over monkey pox stories being presented like this.
2022-07-26 15:19:06 my favorite part of this is how i could pause and go back a few seconds :) good job twitter
2022-07-26 15:17:31 "we support diversity and different backgrounds informing unique perspectives" but then also this
2022-07-26 14:01:25 i mean you can write a little note on your phone that's just full of little affirmations followed by md5 hashes if you really want
2022-07-26 13:59:44 paying for a string of text so you can say "eyyy, remember that diamond?" and a tech company run by a white supremacist is like "hell ya, you're so special. now pay me"
2022-07-26 13:43:38 RT @karenkho: arguing US healthcare is good? In this economy?
2022-07-26 13:37:10 i keep expecting one of them to just blurt out "hey man are you gonna flash me later? should i skip lunch??"
2022-07-22 15:20:06 i just-how do you ask people to focus on the less famous, more vulnerable people and not manage to reach "how do dave's transphobic attacks affect TRANS PEOPLE"it's just bafflingly, inexplicably stupid
2022-07-22 05:45:01 what i wouldn't give to only see 20 characters of 10 tweets of this app
2022-07-22 05:36:18 RT @QuinnyPig: "Why is @Amazon acquiring @OneMedical bad news?"Let's explore.1. Horizontal integration at Amazon scale of a company tha…
2022-07-22 03:22:57 @MikeIsaac if the camera were a few feet lower it could've been a knockoff wes anderson shot which would've made my month for sure
2022-07-22 03:21:00 @MikeIsaac a wide shot is often shorthand for comedy but i think this would've been funny in any film style
2022-07-21 04:01:37 RT @KimCrayton1: I’ve been saying for years that tech has great job of introducing new products/services as entertainment or altruism BEFOR…
2022-07-19 21:47:07 @so_treu "politics and nuance aside" is white people speak for "i just looked at some country shape outlines on google maps and that is pretty much all i know about what i'm about to talk about"
2022-07-19 18:23:40 RT @ProfMMurray: This will not be like the pre-Roe landscape. It will be worse. The only way to enforce these bans is to rely on a surveill…
2022-07-19 17:13:54 @avicenna ->
2022-07-19 17:12:31 @avicenna i'm a little brain fried from driving but the loose thought that i can think of right now is this chapter at the end of "utopia of rules" where graeber talks about how justice movements move to formalize working groups to shine a light on in-group dynamics and ossified power->
2022-07-19 16:56:21 the tweet got deleted it's ok i've got a screenshot lol
2022-07-19 16:54:18 RT @_alialkhatib: collaborating with authority and power is not some neutral exchange. pretending you're not an agent of the state/oppresso…
2022-07-19 16:51:52 collaborating with authority and power is not some neutral exchange. pretending you're not an agent of the state/oppressor when you just accept the data they construct about people they oppress should be an absolute scandal
2022-07-19 16:45:20 people are laughing at this &
2022-07-19 16:37:08 idk, might be a really superficial reading and i could be drawing a connection that intentionally isn't there on the page
2022-07-17 19:14:26 SF continues to be painfully transparent about its politics despite its facade. the Chronicle just matches the energy of so much power in the city: superficial, almost-farcical talk about diversity, with what must be a gag reflex regarding any talk of restoration or real justice.
2022-07-17 05:40:44 RT @yaneerbaryam: "A nightmare scenario"So letting the virus run unchecked is pretty much a strategy for creating a tsunami of neurologic…
2022-07-16 21:16:37 god i hope someone doesn't ever take me too seriously on this fucking app
2022-07-16 21:16:06 oh my god.oH MY GOD!NO MACJINE LEARNIGN?Twitter is toast!NO AUTOMATION?NOT EVEN TO CALCULATE STATISTICS!‽!!!ohh my godddddd wow smh
2022-07-16 18:52:21 @sendgoodcheers given how amazon operates i think they'll recommend sketchy as fuck supplements via prime delivery
2022-07-16 18:49:17 @sendgoodcheers i wonder how it classifies screaming at the top of my lungs...
2022-07-16 18:48:06 @sendgoodcheers oh sorry there's a better (at least more accessible) it scans your body (with your phone camera) to estimate body fat (lol.), tracks activity like everything else, &
2022-07-16 18:39:28 "america will be a pretty fun and interesting place to live in a number of ways"fun in the sense that you're running away from this crazy fuck because some Ring camera misidentified some poor fucking stranger as you walking into an abortion clinic in some other state fun
2022-07-16 18:33:35 *whispers* that's what the white supremacists have been promising for years
2022-07-16 02:40:56 god we have all this fucking office space that nobody wants to occupy what ever can we do*thousands of people drowning from rent*i mean what fun business-y stuff can we do
2022-07-15 06:08:25 @verge what did you think we meant these last few years when we said that...?
2022-07-14 21:27:51 @hypervisible "maybe a little nap mid-ride?"*sketches a person lying down in the back of a hearse*"add some Z's so you know they're sleeping"
2022-07-14 21:26:55 @hypervisible i really hope someone on that team knows this project is a joke and that they're having some fun sketching out these ideas.
2022-07-14 21:23:01 the old "i'm just saying [stupid shit in your mentions]" to "hey, you're being reactive " pipeline of interminable twitter discourse.not getting into someone's mentions is always, and i cannot stress this enough, a real and creditable option.
2022-07-14 20:44:15 RT @JamesTCarter3: Dropping “(CITE)” in the manuscript so my co-author can find evidence of the completely unfounded sentence I just wrote.…
2022-07-14 20:25:34 i get how you arrived here, but nevertheless i feel you misunderstood the spirit of the assignment i gave you, twitter search...
2022-07-14 20:20:26 pattinson, ford, guinness, idek how many other white guys can be openly contemptuous of the film/tv projects that made them famous &
2022-07-14 17:39:00 the secret is more garlic, it's always more garlic
2022-07-14 17:38:27 like you have a lot of faith in absolutely idfk what if you're sharing anything more sensitive than NYT recipes in DMs
2022-07-14 17:37:39 This bird app that was literally infiltrated by Saudi government spies and later almost owned by apartheid clyde
2022-07-13 23:31:50 @emilymbender @underlineio twitch streamers have "starting soon" templates. conferences should copy some of the practices that clearly work for online video/streaming
2022-07-13 22:02:24 it feels like the WFH equivalent of saying goodbye and then walking in the same direction like i want to be like "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE- oh i need to click the red button... ok bye for real" i hate it so fucking much
2022-07-13 22:01:28 for all the time i've spent working from home i feel like i've never really figured out how to use zoomis there a setting or something where i can just ... close the zoom meeting without getting another dialog prompt?
2022-07-13 19:51:16 RT @ba_lyons: Faculty are 25 times more likely to have a parent with a PhD. I just remembered that when I was a kid, our window AC unit l…
2022-07-13 19:17:54 1. imagine foisting this on someone like now they need to know about CPU generations. next they'll be saying certain fab locations are disallowed2. electronic exam proctoring is a scummy, scammy industry that has no demonstrated interest in actually proctoring exams competently
2022-07-13 06:31:37 RT @lizthegrey: What protections for immunocompromised people? I'm on a domestic flight. There is no mask requirement. There should be one.…
2022-07-12 23:12:59 RT @JordanSCarroll: I think it freaks some people out that academic twitter is often dominated by contingent faculty, grad students, and TT…
2022-07-12 21:14:23 RT @AnthroPunk: Because META is 'Meta' is 'Meta.' it's like Inception, only worse, becsuse we are all awake.
2022-07-12 21:07:36 between this and the news about not requiring a FB account for Quest a few days ago, it feels like Meta don't know what front they're supposed to put up to the public. are they capturing &
2022-07-12 20:58:47 "BMW has also said this is a way for the 2nd owner to benefit from features that the original owner chose not to purchase"you COULD let people mod cars, but i guess maintaining a system that processes &
2022-07-12 18:59:46 i'm going to lose my mind over uhaul's website bugs
2022-07-12 05:10:42 RT @culturejedi: Damn, we have got to find housing solutions for our communities.
2022-07-12 01:10:53 RT @JustSpaceOrg: Most people who have weighed in in recent years (myself - @RocketToLulu - included) have not born the weight or risk of s…
2022-07-11 21:45:02 (this doesn't help people who face eventual risk or who just don't want to be pregnant, and the fight's not over until anyone who wants an abortion can get one, but this is some movement)
2022-07-11 21:42:23 i've given biden a lot of shit about doing something and this is somethingif someone involved with (/more knowledgeable about) abortion access wants to correct me, id be very receptive to hearing how he could be doing more or better, but this is definitely something substantive
2022-07-11 21:38:08 RT @bunrxm: The Red Hill Leak: How the U.S. Navy Has Poisoned Hawai'i's Waters for Decades
2022-07-11 21:37:33 @KeithVallacchi @RMac18 i feel like if you ever bought something from IKEA you'd inevitably pick up that 1in ~ 2.54cm
2022-07-11 05:33:30 @hcitonya that fucking L shaped sentence...
2022-07-11 01:17:34 holy shit, really important stuff i didn't really read but there are a lot of likes
2022-07-11 00:16:08 moving is never logistically easy but ffs
2022-07-11 00:13:37 rather unavoidable plans to move this summer have really turned into a whole second fucking job in terms of planning and shit so i think i misunderstood the instructions
2022-07-10 19:06:58 RT @UjuAnya: Since the love of my life (who now has a house in Pittsburgh) decided to air me on Twitter, let me tell y’all the full uncenso…
2022-07-10 17:24:16 amazon will never stop being amazon, the question is whether we'll permit them to continue to occupy our lives - a decision that is not at all foregone or inevitable.but it takes stopping shit like this.
2022-07-10 17:21:26 RT @sashaperigo: The proposed SFPD surveillance policy would allow cops to live access to people’sRing doorbell cameras and CCTV footage.…
2022-07-10 15:47:04 i don't get it. i keep marking academia dot edu emails as spam and i keep unsubscribing and yet i KEEP GETTING THESE FUCKING EMAILS
2022-07-10 15:43:06 i uhh i mean go out and vote you out-of-touch activists coalition-building
2022-07-10 15:41:31 some strategist is going to be like "it's time for us to develop our own 40-year plan" and when that happens i hope the party collapses under the crushing weight of people who won't live that long but who strategists evidently don't care about
2022-07-10 15:36:48 @vinn_ayy whatever you do don't get between the baby and the parent this time of year is really dangerous
2022-07-10 04:37:59 @fulligin congratulations!!! on getting this shot!!!!!!!!
2022-07-09 23:52:35 every angle of this situation is maddeningly stupid
2022-07-09 23:51:43 i love the idea that the activists had no active role in the formation of this supposed coalition
2022-07-09 23:48:08 I have people skills
2022-07-09 23:46:52 thank you joe for assembling an incredible coalition of ... *checks notes* ungrateful demanding out-of-touch activists
2022-07-09 23:43:40 if they're anything like me, they're gonna need the next few days to decompress from this much social activity.
2022-07-09 23:26:02 RT @_alialkhatib: @rinewithoutacat god damn it this got me
2022-07-09 21:18:28 i'll have a #3 but leave out the part where he owns twitter in the end. i can order parts of this a la carte, right?
2022-07-09 18:13:01 i am going to lose my mind over this vaguely apologetic horse shit
2022-07-09 18:11:54 some of this is merely detestable but the point about how a major reason people get abortions is because they can't afford it should be a scandal. the citation she uses is a forbes article claiming some 59% of people who get abortions happen to be mothers at high risk of poverty
2022-07-09 17:51:58 @caitlinmoriah whew, this thread is some truly wildly stupid shit. i kept scrolling and popping out to the quote tweets like "is anyone else seeing this shit???" but nope lots of dudes like "mmm indeed, certain truths in here, i am very erudite" garbage lol
2022-07-09 17:50:11 RT @caitlinmoriah: speak to a single woman, i beg of you
2022-07-09 17:43:39 elon paid a billion dollars to find out more followers than he felt comfortable about are probably bots, enough that he didn't want to literally own the problemi think it's really funny that whenever he tweets he's kinda just staring at a reminder of that fact in bird logo form
2022-07-08 21:36:28 RT @_alialkhatib: @rinewithoutacat one of the terms should've been that if he backs out he forfeits his twitter account
2022-07-08 05:24:54 RT @nielstenoever: Please, don't put standards bodies in charge of ethics nor allow them to develop definitions of legal concepts.Standar…
2022-07-07 23:10:59 @CutForTime @BenjaminAhr @HamletIsDead @GreatestTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus "perfect[ly on time]"
2022-07-07 19:02:20 "eugenics gets a bad rap" is a hell of a way to start a sentence
2022-07-07 18:59:44 turning an R2's critiques into a "future work" section
2022-07-07 18:57:30 what the actual everlasting racist fucking fuck is going on right now?
2022-07-07 18:47:47 @MikeIsaac gonna make my finsta but on meta, gonna call it my feta
2022-07-07 18:47:11 @MikeIsaac "similar to Instagram’s existing model" lol
2022-07-07 18:45:26 this feels like pepsi responding to protests about unhealthy snack foods by announcing they're replacing fritos with doritos
2022-07-07 18:42:07 @MikeIsaac yeah like... what actually is the difference? and are any of the people interested in VR games(?) swayed that a different subsidiary is requiring login?
2022-07-07 15:27:51 my favorite part of this is how @freialobo's bio just reads "ghostwriter"
2022-07-07 15:25:57 how long till elon hires him to run PR at tesla or something?
2022-07-04 22:35:36 @IBJIYONGI if your claim starts falling apart as early as when they ask "do you have a name for the baby's birth certificate?" just give up
2022-07-04 22:33:47 @IBJIYONGI also this is laughably stupid but "no one is assigned anything at birth" ummm did i name myself when i was born and just forget??
2022-07-04 22:11:53 there's nothing to reform
2022-07-04 22:02:53 lolll they deleted the tweet??
2022-07-04 21:32:14 RT @Ajijaakwe: THEY AIN'T NEW
2022-07-04 20:44:11 whoops i should've known something was wrong when i didn't get a preview card
2022-07-04 20:19:24 last year there was a story of police coming to this guy in 2013 over an algorithm's... fever dream? hallucination? of him being involved in a shooting... somedaythey went to his f'ing house to tell him he might be shot. or BE the shooter. or... not?
2022-07-04 20:19:22 something about chicago and predictive policing...
2022-07-04 19:39:11 RT @evan_greer: This is good in the sense it shows tech companies are feeling the heat to clean up the surveillance hellscape mess they've…
2022-07-04 19:39:05 RT @KateRoseBee: This is a positive step, however:Google products are notoriously terrible at telling when something is actually an aborti…
2022-07-04 12:41:49 think of the poor engineers who designed the system. the algorithm claimed if they didn't do as it says then it'll predict something bad will happen to their brakes
2022-07-03 22:14:45 didn't the CDC oversee the Tuskegee experiment? and initially call HIV "4H" or "GRID"?i say this to point out the CDC betrayed the trust of some people way before 2020
2022-07-03 21:57:15 RT @chaotic_sub: the grad student to second wife pipeline
2022-07-03 20:56:12 RT @rafiazakaria: If I had said Pamela Paul didn’t review my book Against White Feminism (despite having reviewed my previous one) because…
2022-07-03 19:36:56 weeks of screaming and know someone is having the time of their life telling that story, and they will for decades to come
2022-07-03 19:34:54 something i haven't seen anthropologists talk about enough is how you might go to a place to do fieldwork and the people there will tell you a bit of complete bullshit with a totally straight face for no real reason except to laugh about it with their friends later.
2022-07-03 19:17:29 RT @emilymbender: Not it effing can't. This headline is breathtakingly irresponsible. h/t @hypervisible
2022-07-03 04:33:53 RT @thricedotted: swipe keyboard is just like ouija
2022-07-02 21:07:28 RT @AugersMonster: “What’s the plan? You’re just going to try not to catch covid forever?”I cannot get my head around how this has become…
2022-07-02 21:01:19 i genuinely think more media depicting this kind of stuff would bothA) be a total fucking blast
2022-07-02 20:55:41 @Abebab @mmitchell_ai i'm so sorry that you had to endure this shit.
2022-07-02 20:54:46 @Abebab @mmitchell_ai a friend was telling me about her day and casually mentioned a manager who was making advances and she just brushed it off like "well, y'know, that's life" and like... the actual extent to which this harassment just wears down your expectations of being treated with dignity...
2022-07-02 17:09:12 i think the one that broke me was someone saying that when he gets pulled over he only answers cops in the form of questions (for reasons that i can't begin to fathom)
2022-07-02 17:07:39 i used to bookmark stuff i saw where white people fucked with law enforcement or security, especially when it encouraged people to do the same, because of their profound misunderstanding of how different the world they live in is from the rest of usi got exhausted and stopped
2022-07-02 16:59:42 this well-intentioned data-brained dumbshittery is just one technical intervention slapped on top of another on top of another on top of another, all band-aid solutions all the way down to a core premise of "what if we... tracked every place you went?"
2022-07-02 16:56:45 the recommendations the author suggests are reasonable and actionable. google just needs to get over itself and the manufactured, imagined value of logging every place you visit
2022-07-02 16:54:24 they should delete the entire week before &
2022-07-02 16:44:01 i'm just imagining people who aren't obsessively tying themselves to the railroad tracks of twitter, and especially academic twitter, opening up the NYT and being like "who the fuck is this 27-year-old and why has she enlisted a cabal to help her buy a house?"
2022-07-02 16:41:27 RT @Ugarles: PRINCETON: You slept with an undergrad. PROFESSOR: This is because I said something "racist"!OBSERVER: You slept with an und…
2022-07-01 21:46:24 @HowToCookThat made a video showing how fractal wood burning can kill you, something youtube videos/tiktoks don't convey at allif you know youtube, you know what happens nextyoutube removed her video warning people... for promoting unsafe content
2022-07-01 21:35:30 @TeamRocketTrev @PerennialDark @keffals mercedes is when car beeg, got it
2022-07-01 15:43:11 7x7=49 is thursday as noted in the replies6x6=36 is saturday in my humble opinion
2022-07-01 15:36:21 RT @ReaganGomez: …side without *always* being prepared for this. I think what so many ppl are frustrated about is that, everyone (including…
2022-07-01 05:10:51 i'm just putting this out there in case someone at apple wants to be able to bolster their argument that this is worth dedicating some resources toward to fix. see, there is someone who notices :'(
2022-07-01 05:08:23 this is a stupid thing to complain about but the only thing keeping me from dropping chrome for safari is how the audio in sped-up videos in safari sounds off. i can tolerate the absence of profile switching and everything else, but how it handles pitch shifting somehow grates me
2022-07-01 03:28:16 @LibyaLiberty white people are gonna lose their shit when they find out that different languages have different words for stuff
2022-06-30 19:25:57 whoops, this article is by @hypervisible
2022-06-30 19:25:10 this is a badly needed dousing of cold water for the advocates of algorithmic or predictive policing, or of expanding the surveillance state to try to work around the much more obvious solutions to the glaringly obvious problems
2022-06-30 08:10:34 if the story ended with "and then people started clapping" i would be in a real dilemma
2022-06-30 08:09:34 i'm convinced that the people at the nearby tables were staring in awe and respect of the husband
2022-06-30 08:08:26 this is sublime. my only complaint is that the wife feels ANY amount of guilt over any of this
2022-06-30 07:48:01 holy shit my blood is boiling, i shouldn't have read this before bed
2022-06-30 05:40:25 RT @mitpress: Recently, one of our marketers discovered that Amazon does not allow "queer theory" to be included as a keyword in enhanced p…
2022-06-30 04:52:47 RT @elsanfranciscan: Tulul Tepas and Guachiac Sipac are Indigenous surnames, often an indication of being Indigenous and of belonging to an…
2022-06-30 01:38:38 @daveyalba i'm hearing about people getting it- outdoors- in groups of varying sizes- despite wearing an n95my mental model is to discount big events that other people really don't want to miss (ie contexts where people would be motivated to ignore symptoms if they got a negative test)
2022-06-30 01:09:35 @Rose_R0YCE @IfeanyiJnrr @TheHN1C ok like tbh if you've got this much going on in your head i'm giving you permission to just keep your headphones on and stare into the middle distance like everyone else at the gym
2022-06-30 00:29:32 @rinewithoutacat @mattbc i keep feeling like even in exec roles they want more &
2022-06-28 16:27:51 @TheHN1C if "u ok?" is too hard then yeah you're probably not in a position to help
2022-06-28 16:20:13 @nypost you gonna run a story where you mail her a check?
2022-06-28 01:16:37 this is a recent arizona GOP emailtell me with a straight face that this doesn't look like an abandoned geocities site
2022-06-27 22:58:11 i saw a paper last night that used the phrase "outdoor-indoor mobility calculus". i have been thinking about that phrase since last night through most of today.
2022-06-27 20:53:01 RT @triagegirl: The Murkowski/Collins "compromise" bill in the Senate does not materially aid people who are pregnant or at risk of pregnan…
2022-06-27 18:21:14 it's so incredible to see the amazing people DAIR is bringing together. this is awesome news
2022-06-27 18:19:08 RT @alexnpress: deeply supports my understanding of Eric Adams to learn that he’s so into the google doc he has created to track homeless e…
2022-06-27 09:37:45 >
2022-06-27 05:50:31 RT @TaylorLorenz: VidCon took zero steps to mitigate or prevent COVID, and now countless top influencers along w/ hoards of attendees are s…
2022-06-27 03:08:02 RT @kaludiasays: in the TWO YEAR process of trying to get the rest of the producers in my former newsroom verified, i got doxxed by a white…
2022-06-27 03:03:17 Rudy will be holding a press conference about the events of today outside the Mayo Clinic (sandwich shop)
2022-06-27 02:56:46 RT @mattbc: I would love for a tech journalist to ask @twitter why a convicted domestic batterer was able to get so many BNN News accounts…
2022-06-26 22:41:18 RT @blackpnwlady: Using “camping” as a code word for abortion isn’t gonna stop people from being prosecuted. Lots of people go to prison wh…
2022-06-26 20:25:47 @BadMedicalTakes it was the first sticker i could find i'm sorry if there was a better choice
2022-06-26 20:22:10 kinda wonder what people think the nature of humanity is if they only know American culture, vs if they have any real exposure to anything else. it must be bleak
2022-06-26 20:15:03 being poor in the US is death by a thousand cuts
2022-06-26 19:58:35 you're not allowed to buy hot food at the grocery store with food stamps because i guess a hot meal is too much luxury for poor people. lots of other arbitrary, cruel, incoherent restrictions, but this one sticks with me
2022-06-26 19:56:59 RT @mssinenomine: For same reason people still don't think disabled poor people should be given dishwashers even when they've been shown to…
2022-06-25 04:48:55 RT @sendgoodcheers: This is dumb, sorry. If I were pregnant my continuous blood sugar sensor would make that obvious and many people can’t…
2022-06-25 04:45:47 RT @EFF: Dear employees at tech companies—here's what you can do RIGHT NOW to protect the data of abortion seekers and providers. https://t…
2022-06-25 04:45:10 RT @quoth_the_rave: Oh good, now the people on FB are sharing Lakotaman's loud and wrong tweet that abortion clinics can be set up on re…
2022-06-25 02:17:34 RT @discarddungeon: In the end, the Supreme Court was forced to admit that their power had been broken since nobody was enforcing it. And f…
2022-06-25 01:31:14 i just don't know if watching from 30,000 ft over everyone is the right visual???
2022-06-25 01:05:35 apropos of nothing seriously stop asking questions already answered by the shirt etc
2022-06-25 01:02:34 RT @TonyaJoRiley: Multiple tech companies are saying they'll pay for employees to travel for abortions. (Employees who probably already hav…
2022-06-25 00:59:56 what a long fucking year this week has been.
2022-06-25 00:58:11 it describes this paper by @nickmvincent, @hanlinliii, @nic_tilly, @snchancellor, and @bhecht. the paper talks about "data leverage", this framework to think about techniques to use data explicitly to get designers of systems to respond to users' needs:
2022-06-25 00:58:10 just wanna remind people of this article on data poisoning by @_KarenHao
2022-06-25 00:08:51 i think people should act on the assumption that states will move to require period tracking services to more proactively share data with law enforcement - even in invasive and incomprehensible contexts. the batshitness of it shouldn't give you confidence in its unlikeliness.
2022-06-24 23:54:35 RT @evacide: The difference between now and the last time that abortion was illegal in the United States is that we live in an era of unpre…
2022-06-24 23:52:14 RT @sylviaviridian: To be clearer: your app data is not private. if your menstruation pattern is disrupted, and an app knows about it, pros…
2022-06-24 19:08:51 i saw "omg she read a poem" on my timeline, no other info, and i knew who it was without looking. i almost didn't even bother to check.
2022-06-23 17:20:38 @KrangTNelson definitely feels like i'm on a years-long phone call with a customer service agent who thinks they're not authorized to do any of the things that would fix my problems
2022-06-23 17:19:21 RT @KrangTNelson: this year is probably the last moment where anyone with politics to the left of lindsey graham will be allowed anywhere n…
2022-06-23 05:56:27 people at amazon know that this'll be used to fuck with people in really manipulative and awful ways and that's *almost* all, right?
2022-06-23 02:18:58 overall, for me? the most amazing part is the fixation with the response compared to the racist note itself, and the credulousness of the story toward the excuses the person offers"she said she had a rough week" and just... that's it! no further questions. incredible lol
2022-06-23 02:08:09 every single paragraph is like a unique gem of "missing the point" and minimizing the racist act itself in the stupidest, most self-defeating way possible.
2022-06-22 21:48:09 earlier today someone outside used a megaphone to instruct someone else not to take their pants off. gonna be on a panel next week and i'm considering my options...
2022-06-22 20:29:07 (btw if you frame AI as a study of power &
2022-06-22 20:14:04 i'll go further to say that any application of AI is doomed to go off the rails in any setting where the people it harms have little or no control, or ways to escape, said harm. this is why a lot of feminist analysis of AI, which focuses on power, offers so much explanatory power
2022-06-22 20:14:03 just gonna re-up my paper ("To Live in Their Utopia"), where i argue ML systems construct their own bullshit frameworks of the world on whatever data we throw in, and that the models they construct are flimsy, thin, brittle representations of the world
2022-06-22 17:36:19 @npseaver didn't test well
2022-06-22 16:26:09 @hondanhon physicist PhD shows up to explain Balsamiq to them
2022-06-22 16:24:48 @hondanhon volleyball scene is exactly the same - i mean EXACTLY - but they're inside in front of a whiteboard with lots of sketches on it. tom cruise and val kilmer are still shirtless and high fiving
2022-06-22 16:20:47 @hondanhon the "buzzing the tower" scene gets replaced by a LIVE DEMO
2022-06-22 01:48:27 the story about dave offering not to impose his name on the theatre of a community ashamed of him is so baffling to me that i'm kind of at a loss. i read david's own telling of the events and didn't draw anything like his adversarial, cynical, borderline-paranoid interpretation
2022-06-22 01:40:11 this actually might be the dumbest contribution to the conversation about dave chappelle's transmisogyny i've read to date
2022-06-21 16:19:46 RT @ClarenceOkoh: It's not just immaturity, it's complicity. These models are political choices &
2022-06-21 04:00:24 RT @kiraIeigh: Listen, random brand I have never heard of, most Boomers can't survive opening a PDF. How's that for a harsh dose of reality…
2022-06-21 03:31:30 @RMac18 "like a peloton" like with unexplained rust??
2022-06-21 03:27:16 RT @Angelikaswayy: Normalize giving honorariums to organizers when you ask them to appear or speak somewhere. 9/10 times the rank and file…
2022-06-20 21:24:26 i mean we've seen what a sadistic shitheel he is on a regular basis to random people. i hadn't given much serious thought to what he does to his kids, and now i've got chills thinking about what a transphobic multi-billionaire bully of a father would do to his kids
2022-06-20 21:21:06 i'm assuming she told him at some point a while back, which puts all of his posts about trans identity in front of that backdrop, which somehow makes him an even bigger scumbag than before, which i thought was impossible.i hope she's gonna be okay
2022-06-20 21:06:32 RT @its_a_me_lucy: @_alialkhatib I'm kinda tired of hearing the risk of sentient AI, if this stuff is happening right now and disproportion…
2022-06-20 21:06:09 "edges of their seats" fuck
2022-06-20 21:05:49 all the people short on rent by 18 cents this month must be on the edge of their seats right now
2022-06-20 20:53:39 when i say that the field of AI/ML research is tiresome because it doesn't mature and learn despite the repeated efforts of countless people to teach and explain this stuff in clearer and clearer terms...
2022-06-20 20:45:02 you can only laugh or scream and your throat will get scratchy if you scream
2022-06-17 01:03:19 RT @FTC: FTC report warns about using #ArtificialIntelligence to combat online problems. Agency concerned with #AI harms such as inaccuracy…
2022-06-17 00:58:19 RT @timnitGebru: Thinking about @ruchowdh @KLdivergence @ubiquity75 and the META team that Rumann built at Twitter. People do not understan…
2022-06-17 00:51:27 @FotisZapantis i signed up for twitter in march 2008, so ... maybe february 2008?
2022-06-17 00:48:35 i just can't tell what's supposed to be satire in academic twitter anymore
2022-06-16 21:42:55 RT @zarawesome: *clutching a 90s desktop tower to my chest, hiding behind an office partition as gunfire rings out* it's okay, ELIZA. we're…
2022-06-16 20:35:14 i can't tell you how many times i wanted to highlight something cleanly and it just came out like i was fry from futurama at 999 cups of coffee. i'm bad at drawing smooth lines
2022-06-16 20:33:39 idk who told me this, but if you're marking up a screenshot in ios and you're bad at drawing shapes or straight lines for whatever reason, you can just kinda approximate it, keep your finger on the screen, and after a second or two it'll clean up the shape or straighten the line
2022-06-16 20:18:29 whenever i see this i think about the work that probably went into these things. time spent on photoshop, corresponding with a manufacturer, reviewing proofs, discussing pricing...i mean it's not innovative to point to hannah arendt's work but the banality of evil is terrifying
2022-06-16 20:13:30 incredible. challenge coins to celebrate this shit right down to embossed images of their violence
2022-06-16 18:59:38 might be worth thinking about unionizing if you're watching your new boss chastise everyone on your team about not working on "things that matter" one minute and then rambling about aliens the next
2022-06-16 18:53:00 @margaretomara @ubiquity75 low key seriously wonder if he could tell you what that was if you put your hand over the text on the cover of the magazine
2022-06-16 17:17:25 he's doing more to make me wonder if the sun is going to explode anytime soon than any other human being alive today
2022-06-16 17:15:56 every time a conversation with elon musk gets documented, i find myself asking if this is real life or if this is hell and i got hit by a bus or a meteor or something ~6 years ago, so in a way he's advancing this inquiry into the nature of reality or whatever dumb shit, right?
2022-06-16 17:11:54 @MikeIsaac he's still going on about this????
2022-06-16 16:43:42 hey siri, what was the population of the british empire at its population peak?
2022-06-15 19:31:52 RT @BostonReview: A new class of “salts”—radicals who take jobs to help unionization—is boosting the organizing efforts of long-term worker…
2022-06-15 19:30:33 @polotek it's always white guys on here who cannot handle the idea that they're being asked to remove themselves from a conversation. like it's one thing to read about this shit academically but another to watch it
2022-06-15 06:36:25 @LibyaLiberty "how they mated remains a mystery to researchers"
2022-06-15 00:25:53 if you're tired of me tweeting about pharmacy shit imagine how i feel about being at the pharmacy for shit
2022-06-15 00:25:00 every time i go to the pharmacy and i see we can't even have a policy of people HERE, IF NOWHERE ELSE, wearing masks, i feel like we're gonna be in a state of crisis for the rest of all our lives
2022-06-15 00:16:24 @drmistercody @pixelatedboat i just can't get over how perfectly this matches up against walter isaacson's masturbatory hagiography
2022-06-14 21:47:44 dude can barely "task"his bit is that he's the guy from reddit who looks at something someone showed him and immediately imprints on it like a baby bird who got pushed down some stairs - oh wait
2022-06-14 19:40:13 i just think it's really funny that these people think they're serious people! that's all :)
2022-06-14 19:39:07 people spent a significant amount of time this past weekend trying to convince us that google inadvertently made a sentient AI.
2022-06-14 19:35:38 @DogWisdomPoker don't forget the indulgence of eating toast with some stuff on it
2022-06-14 19:32:07 RT @davidthewid: Planning to co-lead a Critical AI studies reading group, for people inside and outside of the academy/CS/AI/CMU. Interes…
2022-06-14 18:43:05 i promise it'll be easier to change height restrictions than to fight physics
2022-06-14 18:42:21 the suggestion to build housing way, WAY under the water table instead of changing building height restrictions shouldn't have the effect on me that it does, but it kinda made me feel like YIMBY discourse on here is largely driven by people with no clue what they're talking about
2022-06-14 17:33:39 i swear to god this is going to be my joker origin story
2022-06-14 17:31:47 yesterday i picked up a 90-day supply of this medicine that i usually get a 30-day supply for and i think my copay was the same and i'm pretty sure i've been paying 3x in copays for like no goddamn reason?????
2022-06-14 17:13:39 RT @JoshuaPotash: Tomorrow LA is set to criminalize bike storage in public spaces, effectively making it illegal for the homeless to have a…
2022-06-14 16:39:42 there are lots of good people in the world trying to do better than they were the day before, and we don't have to be centering the most odious whiny shits just because they post more or whatever.
2022-06-14 16:38:05 just thinking about how @lizzo responded compassionately, earnestly, &
2022-06-14 16:28:14 just kidding. the host would've had video of everything happening.... but not for security purposes
2022-06-14 16:26:31 if they had loaded up at an airbnb the host would've just given them a bad review for not doing their assigned chores
2022-06-14 03:45:40 RT @JoLuehmann: You either make privileged people uncomfortable, or marginalized people unsafe.You can’t have the comfort of the privileg…
2022-06-14 01:56:51 @Rochelle can we have anything anymore? :(
2022-06-14 01:30:31 RT @sassycrass: We should talk more here, I think, of how dangerous it is to be a woman/girl out in the world, and not be completely alert…
2022-06-13 21:07:03 constructed doesn't mean "doesn't exist". this would be pretty intuitive to someone who had actually ever built something in his life but alas
2022-06-13 20:41:16 i'm super excited for this talk (on Friday at 12:30 pacific time *ahem* RSVP )also, if you're looking for something to chew on this week in advance of the talk, i strongly recommend this paper by Sachin et al. presented at CHI just earlier this year:
2022-06-13 20:18:59 but this is somehow so much more absurd, and so much more malevolent
2022-06-13 20:18:58 i was prepared to make a dark joke about how the officials would reluctantly reveal an internal policy of designating anyone fired upon to not be a journalist effective immediately before the bullet kills them, like a tesla "autopilot disengaged immediately before impact" thing
2022-06-13 20:16:07 >
2022-06-13 19:49:04 lots of people are forced into shitty situations because they will get evicted if they don't make a choice between a shitty option and a horrible option but come on AGHHHGJFKG
2022-06-13 19:48:19 like sir you are a podcaster you can do your job from a hermetically sealed hotel room why are you fucking with other people's lives like this??
2022-06-13 19:46:36 1st w/cohost 1: "ive had covid for about a week and i'm still testing + but there's no law that says that i can't travel &
2022-06-13 19:42:49 AHHHHH am i gonna have to unsubscribe from all of this guy's podcasts???
2022-06-13 15:13:30 gonna rewatch Her sometime this week... just to be prepared for things...
2022-06-13 14:22:14 @emilymbender i wish i had generalized my bingo page from back in 2020 might be able to spin it off if you want a page to randomize the squares and don't mind hosting with attribution lol
2022-06-13 14:17:34 @Tom_Nicholas i had no idea the moon wanted to get promoted or whatever i hope it achieves all its goals
2022-06-13 04:13:36 RT @emilymbender: For those playing along at home, here's a "AI is sentient!" argument bingo card.
2022-06-13 00:27:24 @emilymbender i mean i love this idea especially. i feel like i have a cursory knowledge of a lot of incidents but nowhere near the depth or breadth enough to be the primary source of things.i'll think about if/how i can throw some stuff together... might follow up soon lol
2022-06-13 00:23:23 you ever witness the real-time beginning of a resource that you're going to reference a ton in presentations someday?
2022-06-12 15:44:46 the AI is called capitalism and it is both incredibly shitty &
2022-06-12 15:42:39 can anyone convince me that an AI has NOT been designed to exhaust critical AI researchers until we can't be bothered to comment on discourse that rehashes talking points about a chatbot from the 60s, and that every few years it puts cogs in motion to publish a story to test us?
2022-06-11 03:36:43 this dog swears he has never felt less safe in this city
2022-06-11 03:33:38 RT @BenjySarlin: Have we had the great Remote Work Catfishing story yet, is there like a 12 year old who made middle management at a Fortun…
2022-06-10 21:06:21 !!! Upcoming talk!Next week (June 17) @SachinPendse will join us in a joint Masters in Data Science/Center for Applied Data Ethics speaker series event!His talk, "From Treatment to Healing", is open to the public!If you can join us, please RSVP here!
2022-06-10 10:04:56 this is more than a little chilling. the email is particularly unsettling...
2022-06-10 03:19:13 @rinewithoutacat lol at least some people have shame
2022-06-10 03:17:33 @zeyneparsel these people will later say they had no idea about all the bad shit that was happening because nobody trusted them with this info and not a single one of them will pause to reflect on what a monumental indictment of them as journalists and as people that is
2022-06-10 03:14:38 sometimes when someone tells you about something that happened to them they're not asking if it happened to you too because they KNOW IT DIDNT and they're hoping you'll give a shit about what happened to them, but the fact that you're saying this shit kinda says everything so idk
2022-06-10 03:10:47 i swear to god if i ever miss the point as bad as these people do please take me offline.
2022-06-10 03:07:08 jk i'm excited about DIS this year
2022-06-10 03:04:46 >
2022-06-09 20:29:42 costs less to change core values than to turn down military contracts
2022-06-09 20:24:31 @hdibner right? like imagine updating your linkedin after getting hired???
2022-06-09 20:20:35 >
2022-06-09 20:15:44 >
2022-06-09 20:14:34 if you had a dystopian sci-fi novel in the works and you named the megacorporation that's doing all the bad surveillance shit "misapplied sciences" you're gonna need to go back to brainstorming names i'm not kidding this is the actual name of this company
2022-06-09 19:15:52 @ledell then again idk they did catch my attention and are immortalized in some DMs
2022-06-09 19:14:02 @ledell i would say ill-advisedly
2022-06-09 19:11:14 i think i'm either out of my depth at this point or riiiiiight at the limit so i'll stop, except to say again that this thread points out really sharp insights
2022-06-09 19:09:50 but like if you start from the logic of what trans &
2022-06-09 19:05:55 i mean maybe why i'm struggling here is because i'm talking about etic vs emic descriptions and part of my brain resists the prospect of teaching intro to anthro to HCI researchers as if it were some big insight, because if nothing else that seems patronizing as fuck
2022-06-09 19:05:54 this (short) thread really aptly illustrates this thing i've been trying to put into words
2022-06-09 18:57:59 RT @ButNotTheCity: It also holds promises of eugenics and hi-tech conversion practice, where conservatives will start trying to prevent tra…
2022-06-09 17:22:02 got someone's announcement of an NLP paper placed in my timeline as a promoted tweet... so that's the advertising targeting audience i'm part of, i guess
2022-06-09 17:18:56 RT @samfbiddle: NEW: Documents show ICE searched giant database of personal information provided by LexisNexis over a million times in just…
2022-06-09 14:21:41 very very very very very glad i misread the first scene
2022-06-09 14:20:50 also i didn't wanna say this where he might see it in notifications (lol as if he would see it, but still), but i had a moment realizing how historically fucked up hollywood casting is that my reaction to the first scene was "wow so john is an abusive older boyfriend in this?"
2022-06-09 14:15:56 *pencils in "bawl my fucking eyes out" about a month or so from now on my calendar*
2022-06-09 06:27:32 mmk been a long day but a productive day gnight
2022-06-09 06:26:14 i think there's the immediate "woah that's incredible" feeling but i'm not quite ready to deal with the feeling of like... not being alone finally. or processing that i'm not crazy, that someone else gets this thing that i've been wandering around through
2022-06-09 06:23:36 something scary in the stuff i read is when a passage reaches out from 5 or 10 or 20 years ago &
2022-06-09 06:12:50 many papers could be written about this dynamic in HCI and, frankly, in the research nominally trying to advance fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI. fuck, many papers are microcosmic of this
2022-06-09 06:10:49 you ever read something that you know wasn't a comment about the field in which you work but nevertheless made you scream aaaaaahhhhhh
2022-06-09 06:09:41 RT @SaraNAhmed: So much power &
2022-06-08 04:37:13 RT @hakeemjefferson: San Francisco an amazingly liberal city, unless you account for residents’ preferred treatment of the unhoused, the me…
2022-06-08 04:24:23 gotta get out ahead of matty's fucking takes oh my god oh my GOD
2022-06-08 04:22:10 i don't know why he sleeps like this, but this is how he spends 80% of his day. not a single one of those infographics about how dogs sleep and what that body language means seems to describe this
2022-06-08 03:32:59 lol i don't get it why would you even start shit if- whatever
2022-06-08 03:07:09 "this bad shit is going to happen""no it isn't. i've been white my whole life and it's never happened to me :)"
2022-06-08 03:05:59 idk how it happened but this thread became microcosmic of the point in the beginning of the conversation. truly magical
2022-06-08 02:56:04 @CoyoteDen @atomicthumbs lmao yes we're talking about the podcast that we were talking about.
2022-06-08 02:52:10 @CoyoteDen @atomicthumbs i mean setting aside TSA lolif that's the argument then we would be talking about digital IDs not being valid forms of identification for cops
2022-06-08 02:22:20 @swodinsky you called it for *literally* the conflation they made
2022-06-08 01:22:43 RT @swodinsky: @hipsterelectron @_alialkhatib privacy != security and I’m tired of ppl pretending it does!
2022-06-08 01:05:35 @swodinsky sorry i just spent an hour talking and thinking about police conversations lol
2022-06-08 01:04:30 @swodinsky i don't wanna have to find the relevant xkcd comic to convince apple engineers that my needs are real
2022-06-08 01:03:16 @swodinsky people insisting that the threat with digital IDs is someone skimming the data so you have cryptographically secure blah blah blah like ok thanks i'm sure that's not USELESS, but "guy with a gun shouting at me to hand over my phone" is also a threat to me and please believe me!
2022-06-08 01:01:43 @swodinsky i think in some annoyingly theoretical way "the mechanism" might be that when a random person says dumb shit we can largely ignore them
2022-06-07 02:41:28 RT @hypervisible: “If the AI Ethics Board says this technology is problematic and the company should not develop products, then they should…
2022-06-07 01:19:45 @TaylorLorenz (i'm planning a pretty major move later this year and at this point honestly contemplating renting a big moving truck and traveling 3/4 across the country because air travel and surrounding complications seem absolutely fucked )
2022-06-07 01:17:54 @TaylorLorenz @mattbc sorry to tag you but you always seem knowledgeable about how to deal with.... let's say "not ideal" situations- any suggestions?
2022-06-07 01:03:18 RT @elsanfranciscan: @_alialkhatib Same here. Rampant political naïveté assigns the "left/progressive" label to anyone that isn't a registe…
2022-06-07 00:42:22 @KLdivergence i really like githubpages ->
2022-06-07 00:37:00 after years of arguing with people that tech companies aren't champions of progressive causes, let alone bastions for liberal democracy, i think i'm pretty much tapped out of patience for so many people who style themselves as progressive or left or whatever
2022-06-06 21:32:26 i don't think people appreciated that i composited him into the background so that he's standing behind the dock (i figured his hand reaching in front of the dock made sense though)
2022-06-06 21:20:04 in 1985, Rock Hudson begged Nancy Reagan for help getting admitted to a military hospital where a doctor who'd successfully treated him in the past was working. Hudson had AIDS.she refused.he died a few months later.these days she says she doesn't recall the incident at all.
2022-06-06 20:05:10 RT @heatherkelly: Getting into buy now, pay later is certainly a choice. Do you want your shiny pro-privacy brand to be associated with peo…
2022-06-06 20:03:56 RT @Blackamazon: Again more reporting where racists reporting on racists Need leaks to confirm things people have told them for years
2022-06-06 18:47:35 @aprilaser i think i've seen @niloufar_s and @tressiemcphd and a number of other people swear by some physical device... lemme see if i can find it but if they happen to be faster then even better
2022-06-06 18:40:18 RT @ContraPoints: It’s not hyperbolic to say trans eradication is the goal. Trans healthcare for under-19s is already criminalized in sever…
2022-06-06 18:35:15 ok i've gotten over it because you can get your own phone's my pitch:a laptop without a garbagey camera at all. none it a move against surveillance tech in education or something
2022-06-06 18:33:39 @mcwm like strictly speaking, you shouldn't take ephedrine + caffeine together because people have had heart attacks &
2022-06-06 18:30:22 @mcwm i'd be really really really curious what it'll do (if it'll do anything?) if you log stuff in unsafe doses. or if you log things that are indicated not to take together
2022-06-06 18:04:28 RT @MikeIsaac: unfortunately i must buy the goth macbook air
2022-06-06 18:02:10 i feel bad for whoever got tasked to make these charts. i wonder if the job description specifically asked for applicants to be comfortable producing bad data viz
2022-06-06 18:00:17 oh lol, the first mac to get an m2 at #wwdc22 is a macbook air. so the MBA has been updated twice with apple silicon while the mac pro has had 0 apple silicon updates. i'm sure that's gonna change by the end of the day, but still funny for now
2022-06-06 17:40:44 maybe that premise is worth reflecting on!! is all... i'm... saying.
2022-06-06 17:40:18 like i don't know that there's a great solution to this problem if you accept as a premise that there should be a technology that shares your location with someone for an indefinite period of time because now withdrawing that permission becomes a sleight to the abuser, but-
2022-06-06 17:39:10 i'd love to hear from researchers of IPV or for that matter from survivors who feel comfortable talking about it, but doesn't revoking permission kinda... precipitate a much more dangerous problem later?
2022-06-06 17:34:41 RT @hondanhon: DOJ and EU: Hey, don’t integrate a browser into your OSApple: What about consumer credit financing?
2022-06-06 15:31:44 @kiraIeigh i tweeted once and got blocked. thus ends the conversation i suppose
2022-06-06 15:27:58 >
2022-06-06 15:20:15 @blablafishcakes @kiraIeigh @theoranggorilla @BookBird71 @samuel_mcqueen at this point it seems like the distinction between a "blocklist" and a "blacklist" has been explained a few times, but you're continuing to use "blacklist". is that intentional or by accident?
2022-06-06 15:08:42 RT @_alialkhatib: @rinewithoutacat one of the terms should've been that if he backs out he forfeits his twitter account
2022-06-06 15:02:20 neither the old boss nor the new boss seems fit to run things and it's causing a lot of pain for everyone. i've said it before and i'll say it again:i would trust LeVar Burton. IF he wanted it, of course
2022-06-06 14:49:50 RT @SamSaysFashion: @moneyymaya @FUCCl Stop posting ppl w/o their permission. A person appearing on your Ring is not permission to post pic…
2022-06-06 14:49:32 RT @moneyymaya: She lost her job over this and it was her only source of income. She has 5 kids. Here’s her gfm help her out https://t.c…
2022-06-06 05:20:30 @alexhanna i think there's a 50/50 chance i would leave crying if i went to my friends place and saw they lived like this
2022-06-06 05:18:51 @alexhanna oh my god i didn't even notice
2022-06-06 04:25:25 if you're not up for that then the 8-hour video about star wars KotoR II was what sent me down this rabbit hole
2022-06-06 04:17:37 oh sorry this is a review of the remake my bad
2022-06-06 04:16:53 and then (a day later??) SulMatul published a video lauding this game ~14 years after it came out, also a good video worth a watch
2022-06-06 04:16:52 i've been watching a series of videos where this youtuber plays a game that is widely described by its fans as "not fun, but does a game have to be fun??", and i'm at a loss for why it's so compelling but it is
2022-06-06 03:55:50 @RMac18 big if true
2022-06-06 03:48:51 please don't spend all summer calculating the optimal time to do something that would transform the lives of millions of people. please don't give republicans even more reason to call this a pandering stunt. just do it and then do the next thing, like this is all in a day's work.
2022-06-06 03:43:33 RT @EmmaKinema: Cuba's new Family Code: "Different family structures... are created among relatives, whatever the nature of the relationshi…
2022-06-06 03:03:40 not a professor (lol) butdropped out of high school (i'm gonna be honest i'm not sure if i ever made up the credits)like... 5 years(?) floating around in community college before i had any clue what i wanted"on leave" (lol) from phd program
2022-06-06 02:13:45 wow it's crazy what the president can do purely with executive authority anyway like i was saying #CancelStudentDebt
2022-06-05 23:51:19 is it supposed to resemble an insight? what's the insight? conflicts are bad?
2022-06-05 23:49:51 i generally find matt's whole brand baffling, but on an individual post level i got who he was appealing to. that sense has been slipping away from me lately. idk why. but i spent like a minute wondering who he was trying to appeal to with thing about being better off not at war.
2022-06-05 23:35:03 RT @polotek: This is going down at the Washington Post right now. I don't know a lot about it, but it feels familiar. There is a certain ki…
2022-06-05 23:24:34 or literally anything else really
2022-06-05 23:24:04 don't care how much free weights should cost on craigslist according to someone on reddit posting about it in 2018.
2022-06-05 23:22:47 i don't need a "past year" or "past month" time filter in search engines
2022-06-05 17:35:51 the cops better wear WWJD bracelets if they believe their own story because they've got someone very special in their jail
2022-06-05 02:03:24 @beccalew please don't joke about him being only "mid"-life
2022-06-05 01:54:17 @beccalew not sure if you're talking about EM or JD or someone else, which... i guess proves the point
2022-06-05 01:34:12 RT @zachheltzel: Renters and hourly workers are experiencing an entirely different economy than everyone else right now.We are diving hea…
2022-06-05 01:29:59 morbius. i think it'll just get funnier every time they try
2022-06-04 23:16:05 RT @seoyoung_chu: @adamdavidson @alexanderchee Thank you for this thread. To this day I am haunted by the fact that so many powerful peop…
2022-06-04 22:44:46 so much of journalists' energy during the last admin had to go to basic fact-checking about simple info about what the president was even doing. and often it was either lies or really creative accounting of time. just a monumental drain on attention. and it was every damn day.
2022-06-04 22:35:50 lol trump called every golf day a "work meeting" and the press only even knew about a bunch of them because pro golfers and random celebrities would mention the recreational games trump would invite them to play with him
2022-06-04 16:44:14 RT @carolecadwalla: You have not been sued for libel. I have. There are many things I have wanted to say in the last 6 weeks of #DeppvH…
2022-06-04 16:38:37 RT @UnionElections: Starbucks is illegally retaliating against unionized partners in Ithaca. They're a with clear anti-union animus and mus…
2022-06-04 15:55:45 thought about this for a while until i realized the issue these people have with university is that writing term papers arguing their points is too hard
2022-06-04 08:05:19 i tapped out and then back in on this tweet like 5 times thinking it must be fake but this is totally real. unbelievable
2022-06-04 01:54:53 i was going to teach about data bias but you see talking about it was making people find unaccounted-for biases in their datasets and they weren't having that problem before so-aaaaaAahhh
2022-06-04 01:52:30 >
2022-06-04 01:46:27 i read that cops in the US are worried that in future shooter crises, people will just show up armed, unwilling to follow instructionsmade me think about decades of police abuse/harassment of BIPOC people &
2022-06-04 01:46:26 this woman got arrested, uncuffed, climbed a goddamn fence, demanded a vest, and - denied a damn vest!!! - navigated a school campus with an active shooter to save her kids. fucking incredible.
2022-06-04 01:05:43 after looking through the text really superficially, i think one of my major questions is now about the nature of "employee" for the purposes of this law. it sounds... EXTREMELY broad. broad to the point of maybe making this largely meaningless
2022-06-04 00:13:46 @sgbuggs lmao no idea what they're thinking then
2022-06-03 23:40:49 @sgbuggs there are people who don't use twitter discursively. they probably think it's like 30k new job announcements per year or something
2022-06-03 23:08:01 @DocDre it's maddening that twitter app and a few other apps don't let me get text right from the image. i always have to save it so now i have that taser drone company's apology in my camera roll lol
2022-06-03 23:07:16 @swodinsky are wikipedia editors employees according to this definition?
2022-06-03 23:05:11 RT @_alialkhatib: @swodinsky okay taking from the screenshot:>
2022-06-03 23:04:43 @swodinsky okay taking from the screenshot:>
2022-06-03 23:00:16 @swodinsky k took longer than intended but...i should really do stemming so "reasonable" (31) and "reasonably" (28) show up together. but even with basically no cleaning i'm gathering a few things i want to read into...- "employee" sure comes up a lot...
2022-06-03 22:23:33 @swodinsky i can't find anything that seems to allude to a definition. but god damn now i want to run something real quick...
2022-06-03 22:09:24 @swodinsky i tweeted it and i don't feel like i understand it any better lol
2022-06-03 22:07:08 so if facebook has cambridge analytica sign an EULA or whatever saying they pinky promise that they won't find ways to identify people... who's enforcing that agreement? is this an obvious question? i'm not savvy about law stuff
2022-06-03 22:05:58 (C) contractually obligates any person or entity that receives the information from the covered entity to comply with all of the provisions of this paragraph.---okay. i'm still processing this, but... yeah, what you said. also a bit confused about this contractual obligation
2022-06-03 22:01:36 @swodinsky (i) to process and transfer the information solely in a de-identified form without any reasonable means for re-identification
2022-06-03 04:12:23 RT @polotek: Crypto people with laser eyes in their avatar and a thousand hashtags in their bio really be like “no I’m a normal person. You…
2022-06-03 03:50:03 RT @dangoodin001: No exaggeration and no fooling. If your organization is among the 100,000 using @OwlLabs @meetingowl videoconference devi…
2022-06-02 20:07:21 @alexhanna i keep saying tech researchers cracking up about the tech and future depicted in star trek episodes would be funny to a very narrow but very dedicated audience
2022-06-02 00:40:49 RT @VICENews: BREAKING: After a jury heard a string of texts from Johnny Depp saying he wanted to “burn” Amber Heard and that he would “fuc…
2022-06-01 17:48:44 this isn't a subtle dig at JR it's literally about white noise
2022-06-01 17:45:04 i don't have what it takes to work at the gate counter for an airline. it's not even close. i just don't have it in me
2022-06-01 17:40:49 @sullydish @BGrueskin the core point of what lol the source you tweeted was made up bullshitthe core point of your limitlessly motivated reasoning? your gullibility?
2022-06-01 17:04:48 @mcwm @Twitter if we stay perfectly still they might not notice we're here...
2022-06-01 16:24:59 @mcwm @Twitter wait sorry i misread. i didn't even realize you could access tweetdeck from anything other than lolis the subdomain still going to be available?
2022-06-01 16:23:16 @mcwm @Twitter NONO NO NO
2022-05-31 22:52:03 weirdest thing i've seen today. almost like we're peering into the language of the algorithmic model - in the kind of way that you might learn the arcane names of forms you need to get what you need from a bureaucracy, we learn to say "vicootes" to get the AI to return vegetables
2022-05-31 22:43:04 my undergrad university has a "taco bell endowed professor of information and computer science" and i have been thinking about it on and off for the 8 years it's been since i graduated from there.
2022-05-31 22:33:02 ibuprofen doesn't need electricity. no power outage can stop it from helping me with my headache
2022-05-31 22:30:09 RT @joeyfox85: Most buildings are old. The ventilation systems aren't "okay", they're awful.Facility operators know little about ventilat…
2022-05-31 22:08:12 biggest brain thing you can do to save power is turn everything off immediately for an indeterminate amount of time
2022-05-31 22:05:46 my power went out approximately exactly 15 minutes after this tweet was posted... give or take some time coincidence? you decide.
2022-05-31 20:40:37 i feel like my window of feelings for installing a thermostat would span the range from "that was such a fucking pain in the ass" to "okay that went fine".do you have an edible before installing a home appliance? should i be doing that? is that the key?
2022-05-31 20:35:35 he talks about why this company included a screwdriver and he seems to think that people would see the screwdriver in their drawer and remember that they "had a great time" installing a thermostat..?i know i deal w/depression but what the fuck kind of cartoon planet are you on?
2022-05-31 20:35:34 i'm listening to this podcast with a marketing guy and every other minute i'm doing a double take because what he said is just breathtaking
2022-05-31 18:32:18 @ranjodhd life pro tip: if you can somehow defer existing for a year or two, the market will really reward you
2022-05-31 18:31:22 @ranjodhd it's almost "bad time to be alive"
2022-05-31 18:30:49 @ranjodhd looking at rental rates for the last few weeks sometimes wonder if it's less "this is a bad time to buy a house" and more "this is a bad time to not already own a house"
2022-05-31 15:37:09 i went down a rabbit hole googling knife collection photos because i thought maybe people just generally present their weapons in such a way that it would kill them if they tripped and fell, but no, as far as i can tell knife collectors like the pointy ends facing away from them.
2022-05-31 15:31:13 *cut to an external shot. a hundred million cubic tons of CO2 trails behind the enterprise*
2022-05-31 15:08:56 RT @davidthewid: Ever had ethical concerns about software you were asked to work on?We're studying what makes it easier or harder for sof…
2022-05-31 15:07:01 will i stop at 4? hopefullyi don't begrudge or w/e for collaborating with these kinds of groups
2022-05-31 03:52:08 @crystaljjlee @ranjodhd for some reason i expected twitter to truncate it, i'm so sorry everybody
2022-05-31 03:51:42 @crystaljjlee @ranjodhd "no" at hyperspeed"no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no"
2022-05-31 03:44:49 i had like 3 days of korean fried chicken and thought i wouldn't want fried chicken for like a week and i finished the last of it this morning and tbh i wouldn't turn down popeye's...
2022-05-31 03:42:53 i don't need this temptation in my life right now
2022-05-31 03:42:32 i'm making dinner don't make popeye's trending ffs
2022-05-31 03:28:54 RT @TaylorLorenz: This is what dangerous health writing looks like. This study was widely criticized/discredited, it didn’t test for ANY ma…
2022-05-30 21:23:05 @maria_antoniak "and my axe" must come up a lot
2022-05-30 18:35:51 RT @shannonmattern: “Unlike its domestic cousin cling film (“Saran Wrap”), which serves to seal in moisture + keep out air, stretch wrap wa…
2022-05-30 16:22:29 it feels so much less toxic when everyone on twitter becomes an expert on the mona lisa instead of epidemiology or something
2022-05-30 16:19:03 @vinn_ayy "i think she smiled at me bro""no she didn't""nah dude she did i'm gonna go talk to her"
2022-05-29 20:03:17 @ubiquity75 @shannonmattern twitter removed one of the URLs to make a preview card &
2022-05-29 19:25:05 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 (nb for anyone reading - lecturer in the UK doesn't mean the same thing as in the US)
2022-05-29 19:24:10 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 he fundamentally isn't treating other reviewers as peers
2022-05-29 19:22:10 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 lol that's all fair but it's not what's funnymy understanding is "peer" means people who submit may be called upon to review. we could argue semantics but PR is essentially, eventually, reciprocal work, right?how is he different from asking freelance editors to work for free?
2022-05-29 15:21:41 @FractalEcho i ask as someone who lives a block away from a fire station ha ha ha ha ha ah
2022-05-29 15:20:08 @FractalEcho i totally appreciate that there's something special about watching the talk in realtime. is it AS SPECIAL if you're watching it at 2am and the speaker is apologizing for a fire truck passing by their apartment?
2022-05-29 15:18:53 @FractalEcho YES! i also think there's so much opportunity in letting people upload videos in their own time, edited so they feel comfortable with their presentation, letting people watch the video in advance, etc.synchronous sessions can focus on stuff that actually benefit from sync
2022-05-29 15:13:30 @FractalEcho conferences going to 8-hour daily sessions for a week make me feel like the conf is every new twitch streamer who wants to be hasan piker when they SHOULD take the advice every early streamer gets to try to do 2-5 hour streams more consistently rather than ridiculous marathons
2022-05-29 15:11:01 @FractalEcho also, many shorter sessions means you could shift that block around by an hour or two each day and eventually hit an optimal time for every timezone (you don't have to do this if you're worried it'll confuse people, but the point is you have more instruments to play with here)
2022-05-29 15:00:46 i know this might sound extreme and maybe what i'm about to suggest is, but just to illustrate @FractalEcho's point by drawing a sharp contrast:CHI is 4 days, ~8 hours of sessions/day, yeah?you could spread this out as much as over the span of a *month* with ~2-hour sessions>
2022-05-29 14:55:48 RT @FractalEcho: An accessible virtual conference would massively decrease the number of sessions per day while extending the number of days
2022-05-29 14:49:57 holy shit, within 5 minutes of this tweet there was a new post on patreon about the video being copyright claimed
2022-05-29 14:40:24 i know that my curse is such that i will say the bad thing and then the universe will manifest it, but i'm bracing myself for The Statistician to try to argue that men threatening women on the internet is actually very common/therefore not a reliable predictor of future violence
2022-05-29 14:24:58 i was watching this EIGHT-HOUR video in bits &
2022-05-29 05:32:25 anyway i'm gonna keep using my trusty "hunter2" password. it's served me on every website so far.
2022-05-29 05:30:28 like it's ok to admit the technical steps are confusing if you're still confident it'll work seamlessly in practice. but telling people they're stupid for not understanding an abstract description without concrete examples is weak ass shit
2022-05-29 05:29:07 also the comments that are like "i don't see what's so difficult to understand!" and then proceed to write a comment that's almost as long as the article, complete with glossary of technical terms that most people have never had experience with before
2022-05-29 05:26:31 idk why but i get strong "3D movies" energy from this article. like mmmm ok you say this is the next big thing. ok. we'll see. best of luck with that"
2022-05-28 19:44:40 RT @ubiquity75: Hey, remember earlier this week when @elonmusk and @jack, a couple of regular online dudes who want more free speech online…
2022-05-28 19:29:02 RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Girls reported the shooter’s death and rape threats prior to the massacre and nobody did anything about it, in case you…
2022-05-28 19:27:52 in some of the comments people are saying that *market forces* are supposedly keeping us safe by making more destructive devices too expensive, and uh1. jfc2. as illustrated, capitalism will always find a way
2022-05-28 17:04:36 when you intuitively know someone's advice is pointless, it's worth introspecting - why suggest it at all. why tell you that the only avenue of appropriate political activity is voting when they know what is common knowledge about voter suppression &
2022-05-28 16:56:00 "vote""just call the police""be patient""don't protest this way""your impoliteness is what made me not support your demands for basic human rights"
2022-05-28 16:55:59 voting laws that prevent people with any past conviction or any incongruous paperwork from voting, every day-to-day aspect of voting made as difficult as possible for POC, all to vote to elect representatives for districts carefully and explicitly designed to minimize your power,
2022-05-28 06:49:15 it's just "wheeewwww we beat the last benchmark! no idea how or what the implication is structuring data or scaffolding machine learning means in any deeply meaningful way - it's just scoring better, isn't that weird? anyway fuck off"
2022-05-27 07:09:18 @Grady_Booch "the politics of bitcoin: software as right wing extremism" by @dgolumbia is a really good read if you're looking for something on that topic
2022-05-27 06:01:40 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 that thread is *rich*. i literally laughed out loud when i got to the part about continuing to submit to journals
2022-05-27 05:57:32 peer review is toxic, extractive, and probably not even effective. a LITTLE rich for a prof to come to this conclusion now that service work doesn't personally benefit, but sure ok happy to have you herebut continuing to burden the system to drive ECRs into a crisis is sadistic
2022-05-27 05:47:02 this thread is so wild i don't even - so you say that now that you've got a highly coveted professorship you feel this system is unfair, and you're not going to participate. except you are, because you're creating a burden for the people trying to keep the system functioning
2022-05-27 05:35:29 i saw a thread where this prof was like "hey! peer review is Bad! i'm not going to participate in it anymore because #principles :)" and then like 20 tweets into his thread he was like "btw i will be continuing to burden the system :) #principles" and i literally laughed out loud
2022-05-27 00:40:50 RT @karenkho: It is literally the job of journalists to figure out what actually happened, explain to the public why the details changed, w…
2022-05-27 00:37:35 airports, famously reasonable places to walk in and out of without being harassed relentlessly
2022-05-27 00:36:33 "/limited sites of access" is doing so much heavy lifting here it's going to need to see a chiropractor
2022-05-27 00:30:55 fun fact
2022-05-27 00:10:53 i should say that elon musk probably isn't full of money.
2022-05-27 00:10:15 gosh, if you whacked him and money started pouring out in stacks of $100 bills at like 5 stacks per second, he'd be going for more than a month and a half
2022-05-26 22:10:15 @miriamkp whenever i hear someone say that i'm tempted to make them walk me through the undergrad curriculum at their university to see where they expect their own undergrads to develop that skill
2022-05-26 21:37:57 RT @erinmdouglas23: Today in the Starbucks drive-thru in Uvalde, the barista asked if I was taking time to take care of myself. I told her…
2022-05-26 21:06:48 RT @LeslieMac: Again - the police will continue to change their story until they find the one white people will accept. Don't fall for it.…
2022-05-26 21:05:05 it's exhausting and demoralizing like we have to sit here and keep listening as these people workshop their excuses for why all these children are dead. that's literally what our life is now
2022-05-26 21:01:12 RT @edyong209: When I say long-haulers are *the* experts on long COVID, I don't just mean "cos they have it." I mean stuff like this. Of…
2022-05-26 20:55:41 the police are still figuring out their story. two days later, they're still working on an internally consistent lie. i almost wish they were faster at this so they could arrive at whatever bullshit narrative they want us to believe so they'll finally just stop talking.
2022-05-26 20:44:29 @ranjodhd "academic career advice" version please
2022-05-26 20:29:42 we just don't pay heroes to murder innocent people enough these days so the hero market is through the floor and that's making people not want to take up a career of heroically murdering women in their beds and crushing the windpipes of men on the street.
2022-05-26 18:31:10 RT @WesleyLowery: i’m a broken record on this but: just because the police say something that does not mean that it is true
2022-05-26 16:23:33 @RcvGenderfucked maybe. i think functionally the conclusion is the same
2022-05-26 16:14:55 i'm just venting at this point so whatever i'll stop
2022-05-26 16:14:54 it feels like we could elect democrats to offices of increasingly proximal power and they'd always look back to us hoping for one last affirmation encouraging the thing we asked them to do ages ago. like they just want to make sure one last time that what they're doing is popular
2022-05-26 16:14:53 this reply also really illustrates a deep, fundamental difference in how democrats seem to perceive these offices vs how republicans do. maybe republicans don't respect big government, but they have a functionally (albeit cynically) very acute understanding of what the levers do>
2022-05-26 03:17:16 RT @KarlTheFog: Heat wave over
2022-05-26 02:59:58 RT @KillerMartinis: Hi, folks in minneapolis who are building things!Maybe it’s mutual aid, maybe it’s a small business, maybe it’s art…
2022-05-26 02:25:45 i mean, i have a normal relationship with email
2022-05-26 02:25:26 sometimes the tab just gets lost and then it closes or the computer crashes or something and then it goes into a place where if i looked in there i would have to face a mountain of failures to respond to people, glaring at me like angry spirits with unfinished business
2022-05-26 02:22:54 i've got drafts that have been around longer than COVID. you don't know what a mess i am
2022-05-25 23:41:58 @timnitGebru sometimes i wonder if they're making it up on the spot. they know i can't catch them in a lie if i can't remember their answers...
2022-05-25 23:39:57 once a postdoc said (something like) "these systems are so brittle, and they're always designed to break toward us, so the broken glass always falls on us" and that felt really aptyou might say it was a SHARP analysis! huh? get it?or it was a ... ok i'm done sorry
2022-05-25 23:33:16 anyway- i wasn't very upfront with people in grad school about my family's financial stuff because it was complicated and... idk
2022-05-25 23:24:00 i dunno why that always makes me laugh a little. somewhere in my brain is a 10-page CHI paper about the stress of being poor in an environment where professors make 100x what you make thanks to consulting gigs, and where many peers don't even agree that you all are workers
2022-05-25 23:18:06 i eventually talked with people in positions of power about it, and they fought back against that policy to keep it from happening, so that was nice.i dunno how much time i spent worrying about money over the years i was there, but it was more than i spent on any single paper.
2022-05-25 23:15:46 (as an aside, i'll never forget the students who said they didn't care and then they had to pay $$$$$$ to expedite travel documents for a conference, and then suddenly they DID care. true class acts, now in some cases professors themselves lol)
2022-05-25 23:13:56 once, people above me said they'd be introducing a $2k cap on conference reimbursements, which...- airbnb- airfare- registrationkicks you over that limit real quick. forget about paying for food!i immediately disengaged from research and started interviewing at companies
2022-05-25 23:06:38 i was reluctant to gesture to the magnitude when i first saw this tweet because i don't want anyone thinking that there's a threshold below which you're not justified to be stressed out, or to complain. but i also realize that being quiet &
2022-05-25 22:59:54 in grad school at one point i was owed five figures - that was one of the more concrete, tangible reasons that i left. i grew up with my electricity getting cut off and parents' car getting repossessed and being on the edge like this was causing me more stress than i could handle
2022-05-25 21:11:59 RT @emilymbender: Working out systems of governance, appropriate regulations &
2022-05-25 20:42:15 My consent-based product shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.
2022-05-25 19:16:18 they're gonna call for surveillance of private massages and i'm gonna trust you all to knock that dystopian shit down please
2022-05-25 16:00:59 at this point it feels like someone complaining that they don't want to build a house with this lumber because any wood that's weak enough to be cut by a saw could just be taken apart by someone later. make him go sleep in the rain, then.
2022-05-25 06:27:13 it's been a long day. an exhausting day. i hope tomorrow is better.
2022-05-25 06:26:13 whenever an elected leader calls on others for action, i find myself wondering if we deserve better. my tendency toward depression is so well-practiced that this impulse toward depression makes quick work of any aspiration for anything better, tilling the earth for hopelessness.
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-10-30 03:35:28 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf sorry i mean this is obvious but maybe it's not to someone who thought it wouldn't be transparent that making employees print 50+ pages of code to walk through it like it's the 1970s is just a dumb scheme to try to get people to quit and forfeit compensation
2022-10-30 03:32:35 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf there's no way elmo thought this was a good way to quietly get rid of them, is there? like there's no way any of them would walk away from >
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-27 02:37:49 sometimes i check and i'm like "wait, you still follow me??? even after all that??" and i get scared i'm gonna say something stupid and stop posting for a few days
2022-11-27 02:36:27 the worst thing about this hellhole is that some people i look up to follow me here, and leaving this piece of shit app run by an emerald mine heir with no sense of humor means losing those totally incredible connections that feel so improbable that i will never get that again :(
2022-11-27 02:32:17 @abelinasabrina @FoodNetwork i wasn't prepared for this juxtaposition but ... we stan a smol queen?
2022-11-27 02:25:18 RT @GAFollowers: BREAKING: There’s been a shooting at Atlantic Station on 17th street. Reports coming in say several people have been shot.…
2022-11-27 01:34:48 not all heroes wear capes, but if this one did it would be billowing
2022-11-27 01:23:22 RT @timnitGebru: Everyone in Georgia please vote.
2022-11-27 00:44:33 @MikeIsaac *trying to think which place that is* is it on the north side in berkeley?
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-28 22:57:52 on a related note: my DMs are a garbage fire now. i've given up on dealing with spam messages, which have seemingly gotten dramatically worse. if you're in there, sorry
2022-11-28 22:54:41 i was going to say maybe they left their AWS API credentials exposed somewhere and some crypto scammer found it and started using it, but i guess they got ahead of me on that
2022-11-28 22:51:30 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac tried to find a gif of that scene with the rollerbladers from better call saul but i gave up, imagine it here [insurance_scam.gif]
2022-11-28 22:50:28 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac guy buys a whole birdapp and then turns its entire monetization scheme on its head within a month for the sole apparent purpose of getting into a legal fight w/apple (one that... resembles the epic fight?). seems a little like he's throwing himself in front of a car for a $$ scam
2022-11-28 22:42:00 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac thanks - i only saw the one where he @'d tim cook, which seemed to be him whining about advertising i wonder if this is going to force more discovery around elmo's purchase of twitter and lead to more texts. seems kinda relevant that he'd have known about the 30% thing going in.
2022-11-28 22:21:47 @MikeIsaac ... is space karen seriously asking to speak to the manager after apple stopped running ads on twitter?
2022-11-28 21:55:37 RT @alexnpress: incredible to see the rail carriers say they’re “very focused on taking every step necessary to avoid a work stoppage” when…
2022-11-28 19:25:00 still slightly laughing at the guy who got real funding from real idiots with real money who went out like "hey, here's a super principled position i'm going to announce despite a gun not being held to my head: i'm deprioritizing accessibility" like who are you saying that for?
2022-11-28 19:21:55 meanwhile there's studies showing that dudes with covid running around outside demonstrably passed covid to folks, like it's that transmissible now (hey, yes, that was evident in like... june, but who's counting)
2022-11-28 19:18:32 why is the white house doing this get boosters as often as is appropriate given your medical situation and especially given any variants that have AND WILL emerge over time.
2022-11-28 16:44:04 @its_a_me_lucy holy shit thank you. i couldn't bring myself to look very closely because it just made me super uncomfortable and sad for him
2022-11-28 16:40:40 i'm just gonna say i hope he doesn't blow his fucking brains out
2022-11-28 02:59:34 @CutForTime if apple didn't want me to sweep that notification away defiantly, they shouldn't have made it so satisfying to do.
2022-11-27 23:46:39 the people behind post looked at mastodon with its bullshit about civility and making white people feel comfortable and somehow decided they could innovate and BY GOD THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST
2022-11-27 23:34:39 "blockheads get it through their heads that accessibility is neither a flourish nor a charity - but directly on the critical path of development" challenge (impossible)
2022-11-27 23:30:21 >
2022-11-27 19:16:05 @Christophers91A @IBJIYONGI "... and then, about 9 hours later or whenever, i'll SPRING THE TRAP and ask people to consider buying my book" you figured it out. the most cunning advertising campaign, hinging on a tweet that could, almost, arguably be misconstrued as a passing thought someone actually had
2022-11-27 18:54:48 RT @MoreAndAgain: Imagine thinking a slave owner had to be recruited into white supremacy. White people are collectively unequipped to acc…
2022-11-27 18:45:06 @IBJIYONGI i'm sure a lot of people think they're real sleuths for seeing through your cynical ruse to earn goodwill by talking about bright car headlights and then segueing that into advertising a book you wrote years ago
2022-11-27 18:33:27 "i can't believe i'm defending a strip mall," you think to yourself, "but at least it was a place to go... in the 90s, i guess..."
2022-11-27 18:32:18 loser buys a strip mall, talks about making it better than ever with laser tag across all the stores, and every time you check in there's just more pests and grifters, and all the stores are ending leases, which is usually bad. he keeps saying there's never been more foot traffic
2022-11-27 18:22:52 people commenting "i still see you here" like we all walk by a building that got condemned and not wanna poke our heads in every time to see how its desolation is proceeding
2022-11-27 07:12:01 business school students see this nonsense and think they're being clever as shit
2022-11-27 02:37:49 sometimes i check and i'm like "wait, you still follow me??? even after all that??" and i get scared i'm gonna say something stupid and stop posting for a few days
2022-11-27 02:36:27 the worst thing about this hellhole is that some people i look up to follow me here, and leaving this piece of shit app run by an emerald mine heir with no sense of humor means losing those totally incredible connections that feel so improbable that i will never get that again :(
2022-11-27 02:32:17 @abelinasabrina @FoodNetwork i wasn't prepared for this juxtaposition but ... we stan a smol queen?
2022-11-27 02:25:18 RT @GAFollowers: BREAKING: There’s been a shooting at Atlantic Station on 17th street. Reports coming in say several people have been shot.…
2022-11-27 01:34:48 not all heroes wear capes, but if this one did it would be billowing
2022-11-27 01:23:22 RT @timnitGebru: Everyone in Georgia please vote.
2022-11-27 00:44:33 @MikeIsaac *trying to think which place that is* is it on the north side in berkeley?
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-29 07:18:38 the p-hacking crisis has progressed faster than i expected
2022-11-28 22:57:52 on a related note: my DMs are a garbage fire now. i've given up on dealing with spam messages, which have seemingly gotten dramatically worse. if you're in there, sorry
2022-11-28 22:54:41 i was going to say maybe they left their AWS API credentials exposed somewhere and some crypto scammer found it and started using it, but i guess they got ahead of me on that
2022-11-28 22:51:30 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac tried to find a gif of that scene with the rollerbladers from better call saul but i gave up, imagine it here [insurance_scam.gif]
2022-11-28 22:50:28 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac guy buys a whole birdapp and then turns its entire monetization scheme on its head within a month for the sole apparent purpose of getting into a legal fight w/apple (one that... resembles the epic fight?). seems a little like he's throwing himself in front of a car for a $$ scam
2022-11-28 22:42:00 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac thanks - i only saw the one where he @'d tim cook, which seemed to be him whining about advertising i wonder if this is going to force more discovery around elmo's purchase of twitter and lead to more texts. seems kinda relevant that he'd have known about the 30% thing going in.
2022-11-28 22:21:47 @MikeIsaac ... is space karen seriously asking to speak to the manager after apple stopped running ads on twitter?
2022-11-28 21:55:37 RT @alexnpress: incredible to see the rail carriers say they’re “very focused on taking every step necessary to avoid a work stoppage” when…
2022-11-28 19:25:00 still slightly laughing at the guy who got real funding from real idiots with real money who went out like "hey, here's a super principled position i'm going to announce despite a gun not being held to my head: i'm deprioritizing accessibility" like who are you saying that for?
2022-11-28 19:21:55 meanwhile there's studies showing that dudes with covid running around outside demonstrably passed covid to folks, like it's that transmissible now (hey, yes, that was evident in like... june, but who's counting)
2022-11-28 19:18:32 why is the white house doing this get boosters as often as is appropriate given your medical situation and especially given any variants that have AND WILL emerge over time.
2022-11-28 16:44:04 @its_a_me_lucy holy shit thank you. i couldn't bring myself to look very closely because it just made me super uncomfortable and sad for him
2022-11-28 16:40:40 i'm just gonna say i hope he doesn't blow his fucking brains out
2022-11-28 02:59:34 @CutForTime if apple didn't want me to sweep that notification away defiantly, they shouldn't have made it so satisfying to do.
2022-11-27 23:46:39 the people behind post looked at mastodon with its bullshit about civility and making white people feel comfortable and somehow decided they could innovate and BY GOD THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST
2022-11-27 23:34:39 "blockheads get it through their heads that accessibility is neither a flourish nor a charity - but directly on the critical path of development" challenge (impossible)
2022-11-27 23:30:21 >
2022-11-27 19:16:05 @Christophers91A @IBJIYONGI "... and then, about 9 hours later or whenever, i'll SPRING THE TRAP and ask people to consider buying my book" you figured it out. the most cunning advertising campaign, hinging on a tweet that could, almost, arguably be misconstrued as a passing thought someone actually had
2022-11-27 18:54:48 RT @MoreAndAgain: Imagine thinking a slave owner had to be recruited into white supremacy. White people are collectively unequipped to acc…
2022-11-27 18:45:06 @IBJIYONGI i'm sure a lot of people think they're real sleuths for seeing through your cynical ruse to earn goodwill by talking about bright car headlights and then segueing that into advertising a book you wrote years ago
2022-11-27 18:33:27 "i can't believe i'm defending a strip mall," you think to yourself, "but at least it was a place to go... in the 90s, i guess..."
2022-11-27 18:32:18 loser buys a strip mall, talks about making it better than ever with laser tag across all the stores, and every time you check in there's just more pests and grifters, and all the stores are ending leases, which is usually bad. he keeps saying there's never been more foot traffic
2022-11-27 18:22:52 people commenting "i still see you here" like we all walk by a building that got condemned and not wanna poke our heads in every time to see how its desolation is proceeding
2022-11-27 07:12:01 business school students see this nonsense and think they're being clever as shit
2022-11-27 02:37:49 sometimes i check and i'm like "wait, you still follow me??? even after all that??" and i get scared i'm gonna say something stupid and stop posting for a few days
2022-11-27 02:36:27 the worst thing about this hellhole is that some people i look up to follow me here, and leaving this piece of shit app run by an emerald mine heir with no sense of humor means losing those totally incredible connections that feel so improbable that i will never get that again :(
2022-11-27 02:32:17 @abelinasabrina @FoodNetwork i wasn't prepared for this juxtaposition but ... we stan a smol queen?
2022-11-27 02:25:18 RT @GAFollowers: BREAKING: There’s been a shooting at Atlantic Station on 17th street. Reports coming in say several people have been shot.…
2022-11-27 01:34:48 not all heroes wear capes, but if this one did it would be billowing
2022-11-27 01:23:22 RT @timnitGebru: Everyone in Georgia please vote.
2022-11-27 00:44:33 @MikeIsaac *trying to think which place that is* is it on the north side in berkeley?
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-12-08 00:51:18 "looks like a hotel room" sounds like a cry for help feels like a labor violation smells like elon's musk
2022-12-08 00:47:56 this is your reminder that most experts agree you should be changing your sheets every week, 2 at at a stretch. and also, not living in a commercial building.
2022-12-08 00:51:18 "looks like a hotel room" sounds like a cry for help feels like a labor violation smells like elon's musk
2022-12-08 00:47:56 this is your reminder that most experts agree you should be changing your sheets every week, 2 at at a stretch. and also, not living in a commercial building.
2022-12-08 22:40:05 RT @AAUPTNS: The students are now occupying University Center at the New School
2022-12-08 00:51:18 "looks like a hotel room" sounds like a cry for help feels like a labor violation smells like elon's musk
2022-12-08 00:47:56 this is your reminder that most experts agree you should be changing your sheets every week, 2 at at a stretch. and also, not living in a commercial building.
2022-12-09 05:33:04 RT @BamaParrott: Friends, spread the word: We have 2 tenure-track assistant professor positions opening at Alabama for Fall 2023. Details s…
2022-12-09 04:32:46 a month ago i felt like this was a "substantial amount of account access" i no longer feel like it's an extraordinary amount more access than elon seems to be willing to give people otherwise unaffiliated with twitter and with a documented history of harassment
2022-12-09 04:32:45 i'm avoiding starting private conversations on twitter now except to immediately trade signal contact info to let me switch to that. if there's even a tiny chance that deleting my DMs actually means deleting them still, then there are tools.
2022-12-09 04:32:44 this is a good question. both i don't trust that twitter is deleting things i ask them to delete. i believe they're removing them from view, but i expect any of elon's friends who get access over the years will probably have access to anything that ever touched twitter's servers
2022-12-09 04:22:28 love the spam on this platform. it makes spending less time here easier
2022-12-09 04:20:11 i check and sometimes post here every so often, but i've moved a lot of my time over to mastodon. you can follow me there if you wanna see photos of my dog and also commentary on things. sorry things are so shit :(
2022-12-09 04:20:10 for what it's worth: i use signal. i trust signal emphatically, probably more than i trust any other service or system out there i donate to signal. oh right, donate to signal if you can: (reach out privately somehow if you want to contact me via signal)
2022-12-09 04:20:09 i know i have followers who don't live in tech. i have no idea why. it baffles me. is it my dog? here's a pic of him anyway, if you haven't been keeping up with twitter management drama, the tldr is i wouldn't trust any data stored on twitter. get your convo's off this platform
2022-12-09 03:44:49 >
2022-12-08 22:40:05 RT @AAUPTNS: The students are now occupying University Center at the New School
2022-03-19 15:22:36 @drscotthawley @j2bryson @EikeGraef yes, feel free to read my papers describing parallels between street level bureaucracies & and then on the parallels between oppressive administrative states & at your convenience
2022-03-19 06:57:22 RT @carolecadwalla: I know this isn’t the biggest problem in the world but actually it sort of is. The structural misogyny &
2022-03-19 02:34:25 i'm just saying i'm going to be using this in talks about how AIs manufacture their own representations of the world, and we're forced to resort to increasingly absurd tactics to be "seen" by them as they drift further from reality do whatever you want, but that's what I'M doing
2022-03-19 02:26:38 oh my god we're finally talking about this show
2022-03-18 20:40:35 what's really kinda funny here is that the editorial board seems to think that defending the indefensible position makes their advocacy that much more principled, not because of any intrinsic value or anything, but BECAUSE of how difficult, lonely, &
2022-03-18 20:24:47 no matter what the editorial board at the NYT says, you will ALWAYS have the inalienable, fundamental right to make a fucking fool of yourself. like an abject laughingstock. nobody can take that away from you, and by god, the editorial board will prove that. every single workday.
2022-03-18 17:41:20 @beccamals oh god i'm so sorry :S
2022-03-18 17:37:09 looked away for 2 minutes and Cortado took an interest in local politics before knocking out. not even that mad tbh
2022-03-18 17:28:03 anyway, back to editing
2022-03-18 17:27:17 you ever see so many things in a screenshot that you're actually at a loss for words?
2022-03-18 16:04:17 i'm terrified that someone's gonna be really earnest about this so i'm just gonna ask that you don't make me nauseous
2022-03-18 16:03:26 like every rockstar, you at least wanna be selling merch. otherwise you're barely gonna break even on the show!
2022-03-18 15:22:09 RT @UpFromTheCracks: Transformative Justice & Feat. @timnitGebru + @safiyanoble, moderated by me :) Marc…
2022-03-18 15:19:03 to expand on the 1st pt: not everyone who goes to college leaves with a degree. some drop out. so now they have debt AND THEY DONT EVEN HAVE A FUCKING DEGREE TO COMMAND HIGHER INCOMES these are more often 1st gen, from lower income homes, minoritized &
2022-03-18 15:14:37 5. AHHHHHHH
2022-03-18 15:14:36 1. then let's stop talking about who has a college degree and start talking about who has college debt 2. people with extremely high incomes "self-selected" out of the group that would be affected by canceling student debt because... they'd been paying down their debt up to 2019
2022-03-18 07:35:32 this ratio
2022-03-18 07:31:48 an inept cyber bully lol
2022-03-18 07:05:17 @MosesStorm rain check?
2022-03-18 04:46:28 RT @senpaixroro: this one lives in my head RENT FREE
2022-03-17 22:57:56 hello new followers! i'm sorry i'm not very active on thursdays lately because i'm frantically putting together a lecture for a class that meets on thursday evenings, but i'll be back to shitty off the cuff tweets as soon as that class ends. thank you so much for your patience!
2022-03-17 22:48:24 @UpFromTheCracks @alexhanna @sjjphd but that might be my own weird shit. but unless they said that it wasn't that, i would try not to read it as a referendum on me again, very much my own weird shit and years of therapy lol
2022-03-17 22:47:15 @UpFromTheCracks @alexhanna @sjjphd i think if someone said "not interested" i would try to read it as them making a decision that the topic isn't a good fit for them. maybe they've moved away from the topic, or were never in it in the first place i'd be anxious that i didn't know their work as well as i thought
2022-03-17 20:06:01 RT @SevaUT:
2022-03-17 18:59:10 2 separate computers for vision and motor control. fascinating. innovative. if the robot tramples someone and drags them 5 blocks down the street, is that a CV error or a motor computing error, or am i dumb for not asking if the programmers enjoy qualified immunity or something?
2022-03-17 18:53:47 post a promotional video of the robot doing something eye-catching and supposedly harmless quietly sign contracts with well-funded police post a video of the robot dancing again or something
2022-03-17 18:47:27 @alexhanna @dylnbkr i hope i never become a self-parodic caricature of gatekeeper academic culture. scary stuff
2022-03-17 18:44:14 @alexhanna @dylnbkr was he saying academics are not normal or was he saying that normal people are not suitable academics
2022-03-17 04:32:33 @skinnylatte i vaguely remember a few people breaking it down to explain how fucking incomprehensible the translation was, like literally no literate person would have approved it
2022-03-17 04:31:21 @skinnylatte i can't find the original tweet but
2022-03-17 04:26:51 @skinnylatte ahhh, the google translate debacle?
2022-03-17 04:23:00 RT @mattbc: Because it isn't the white lawyer (e.g., me) who is most likely to be assaulted by security for insisting on not recklessly end…
2022-03-17 03:43:57 alsooooo if you decide *on someone else's behalf* that they didn't give much thought to what they said then idk maybe you just haven't thought very deeply about it lol
2022-03-17 03:41:22 me and a lot of other people came into academia (maybe wrongly!) thinking that we'd be in discourse with one another, learning from one another
2022-03-17 03:38:13 lollll -and i can't stress this enough- lllllllllllll
2022-03-17 02:17:56 @DocDre @datasociety @_dangerouscake oh man, thank you so much
2022-03-17 00:46:42 @undersequoias i cannot put into words how awesome this is and how DIFFICULT it was to not share it for this long. @_dangerouscake did such an amazing job with this
2022-03-17 00:43:20 @csdoctorsister @datasociety @_dangerouscake (which is to say, nobody wants to work with an academic who's going to listen to you explain something to them and then turn around and be like "I DISCOVERED THIS THING, SHOWER ME WITH GRANTS" like no they didn't, you literally took the time to sit down and talk to them about it)
2022-03-17 00:42:00 @csdoctorsister @datasociety @_dangerouscake and maybe now that i think about it more how academia encourages this "discovering" or "inventing" framing, despite that kind of thinking actively undermining collaborations with activists and groups on the ground
2022-03-17 00:39:06 @csdoctorsister @datasociety @_dangerouscake yes exactly. i think the reason i got stuck on the word was because the prompt they offered was "discovering", so i went down this spiral thinking about colonizers represented as having "discovered" places and, inexplicably, people. when obviously they didn't "discover" anything.
2022-03-17 00:34:48 hoping for some revelation about how to give people back focus, give back energy, give back a pain-free life or even just give some fucking answers where are we after 2 years? answers? cures? treatments? no universities dropping mask mandates. that's where we are. after 2 years
2022-03-17 00:29:26 @datasociety @_dangerouscake when i first saw the illustration i was overwhelmed that 1) someone listened to the talk and also like... 2) isn't it freaking amazing? the Long COVID point had been on my mind for so long and i KEEP DESPERATELY HOPING something happens in the world that makes it less relevant
2022-03-17 00:25:02 so a while back i gave a talk at a @datasociety event about "discovering new algorithmic harms" and i got totally stuck on the idea of "discovering" and how much it reminded me of colonizing - "discovering". and i talked a bit about Long COVID. and @_dangerouscake illustrated it
2022-03-17 00:09:52 RT @sgbuggs: if people screenshot and DO NOT @- somebody, do not go @-ing them in the replies. why do y’all wanna facilitate harassment?!?!?
2022-03-17 00:08:06 tempted to predict that i'm gonna get DMs from professors but that would be stupid right?
2022-03-16 23:58:50 i'm not even saying that you should tell universities to fuck off till they show a plan to retrofit office spaces with improved ventilation (although lol) i'm just saying, think about what your circumstances might be over the next ~5 years. a lot can change in a short timeframe
2022-03-16 23:54:18 just something to consider. i'm not a professor, nor am i even at a place that confers PhDs, so i'm not trying to recruit anyone or anything like that (even if i was, throwing shade at other places to recruit is kinda dirtbag shit) just try to make the best decision for yourself
2022-03-16 23:51:27 if you're considering PhD programs, ask yourself how you feel about your *lifelong* career if the policies of the university you choose result in you getting Long-COVID, with common symptoms like brain fog does that sound amenable to a career reading and writing academic papers?
2022-03-16 23:47:32 in the next month, phd admits will decide where to spend the next 5 years, where they'll hopefully earn a PhD MIT announced that masks will not be mandated nor can you ask others to mask such fascinating self-sabotage. hope students can organize in time to save MIT from itself
2022-03-16 21:47:44 @emilymbender right exactly. ugh now i'm mapping this to my columbia talk
2022-03-16 21:39:33 @emilymbender okay at the very least this seems to be an approach one would choose if it's a foregone conclusion that any kind of discursive pedagogy is off the table (which is conveniently the issue if you avoid confronting the issue of growing class sizes lol)
2022-03-16 21:37:39 @emilymbender i'm kinda curious where this idea of receiving well-timed clues comes from. it seems really odd. like maybe it's a way of helping students through an exam, but... idk. i feel like my thoughts on this one thing would become a whole thread
2022-03-16 20:02:27 MIT's literally gonna be like "we feel deeply for immunocompromised people, and want them to feel welcome in the MIT community - go badgers (or whatever idk) - but... people are TIRED of wearing masks :)"
2022-03-16 19:57:16 @crystaljjlee it just takes you to an HTML page that's like < < you cannot < <
2022-03-16 19:56:55 boosting because i'd love to hear from anyone doing event planning, conference organizers, etc... like it'd be hard not to see a week-long conference followed by cases surge in the host city after people leave. i'm nervously watching SXSW/Austin for this. it's not that amorphous
2022-03-16 19:49:10 far be it from me to be the CHI curmudgeon - i got into actual arguments with people in positions of power in SIGCHI when around this time 2 years ago i was like "idk everybody i think i shouldn't go to CHI it kinda seems irresponsible!" but idk everybody i think etc etc etc
2022-03-16 19:46:23 i know this is kind of a dumb question because environmental harms have been on people's minds for ages and now i'm like "hey what about IMPACTS?" with those people rolling their eyes, but it seems like you could track the uptick in a relatively bounded, conspicuous way
2022-03-16 19:44:47 related: has anyone written about our responsibilities regarding the impact on a community where we host a conference? eg: CHI is ~3k people from all over the world arriving in New Orleans (pop ~400k). what's our responsibility if NOLA health infrastructure collapses after CHI?
2022-03-16 19:38:14 "i would love to attend in person, but the director insists that event organizers require mask use and that they provide info about the venue's ventilation. otherwise i'm afraid..."
2022-03-16 19:33:01 every passing day i'm glad that the fellowship listing i posted (updates on that soon!!) was quite explicit about relocation being optional i should write a short policy thing saying like "CADE director's policy is that affiliates may not do in-person events without masks, etc"
2022-03-16 19:27:06 @mattbc asked and answered
2022-03-16 19:26:02 @mattbc lol if that had been sarcasm since i'm putting more bad news into your timeline i would've been like " that's fair"
2022-03-16 19:23:19 RT @mattbc: This is likely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. @MIT affiliates who are immunocompromised likely have ground…
2022-03-16 19:18:48 this seems like it would force a confrontation with ADA, but i'm not a lawyer. sorry to tag people, but... @mattbc, aside from this being obviously fucked up, is this even legal?
2022-03-16 19:15:29 RT @grok_: MIT no longer has a mask requirement. Our research group discussed whether to keep masks on for indoor meetings so that everyone…
2022-03-16 17:53:40 my reusable thermos thing means i care about the environment and i don't want to be coerced into discussions at this time of day
2022-03-16 17:51:47 if MIT is anything like stanford or UCI then i imagine there were always groups of tourists just wandering around in tour groups and i just imagine them being like "behind this door is... mold and rust. literally, just mold and rust. okay, next stop on the tour is the clinic"
2022-03-16 17:50:08 RT @larockzachary: At MIT, an R1 research university holding $27.4 billion in stock market investments, social science and humanities grad…
2022-03-16 17:33:47 also everyone else knew each other like they had basically been traveling around the country together for like weeks at that point so that was fun lol
2022-03-16 17:32:05 RT @SerenThomas_: Are there any trans academics/researchers in the social sciences who'd be up for a chat? I'm struggling to balance fieldw…
2022-03-16 17:31:38 real talk, when i visited stanford for phd admit visits, i packed button down shirts and discovered when i arrived that i was the only one. literally, the only one. when i say the only one, i am including the professors i met with.
2022-03-16 17:28:03 something i try not to think about is how, obviously, world leaders would eagerly accept russian withdrawal, leaving putin in power, and call it a resolution that he's committed crimes against humanity, literal war crimes- intentionally, remorselessly -is abjectly clear. and yet
2022-03-16 17:05:44 @LibyaLiberty "siri, show me 2022 as an image"
2022-03-16 16:58:13 is this a massive misfire or is that actually the intended imagery and i'm misreading? i'm so-
2022-03-16 16:56:39 is the image supposed to be "people in distinctly military garb marching on teotihuacan" like ... facing [against?] the indigenous person with macuahuitl?
2022-03-16 16:53:46 ... i have so many questions???
2022-03-16 06:57:25 @hondanhon i wish something on hn could surprise me, but
2022-03-16 01:45:26 > this would be laughable if it wasn't so revoltingly arrogant
2022-03-15 23:39:18 cool cool cool cool
2022-03-15 22:51:32 someday i want to have the confidence to just do the pre-colon title i love and be self-assured that people will just find the paper anyway, but i'm pretty sure the first paper i try that with will disappear into obscurity so quickly that i'll never do it again :(
2022-03-15 22:47:25 there would've been more enthusiasm if he and paris had gotten into collecting socks
2022-03-15 22:46:37 you could hear it in the silence during that jimmy fallon interview. everyone in the audience was kind of politely curious but that was about it
2022-03-15 22:44:27 interest in the first place was really less of the "what can i do in this exciting new world" variety and more of the "what's that creepy billionaire obsessed with this week" variety
2022-03-15 20:44:14 RT @ariel_koko: RIGHT after I helped organize against unethical contracts (&
2022-03-15 20:14:30 @kiraIeigh the "stuck in the past" bit in particular has obviously really resonated with me and in particular i think i quoted/name-checked @hypervisible's wired op-ed
2022-03-15 19:43:21 ... and while i was certainly proud of all of these things i worked on, they felt like... like trees in a forest, when in reality they were more like a pando (a species of tree that appears to be a bunch of individual trees, but is in fact one organism, all connected underground)
2022-03-15 19:43:20 this problem space arbitrage i talked about in the talk comes up in bits and pieces in all of my work - not just piecework or digital contact tracing or the HAI or "street-level algorithms" or "to live in their utopia" or whatever else
2022-03-15 19:43:19 my work on gig work and crowd work as piecework was essentially dragging HCI back to looking at these topics as questions of labor, of management, and especially of worker advocacy and power through the 20th century and what we can work towards in the 21st
2022-03-15 19:43:18 and i was looking back at the stuff i had been writing and doing for like... years, and stuff that i had always had a narrative for but that felt a little "sufficient but not necessary" suddenly came into sharp focus as like... tentpoles that were necessary to assemble this idea
2022-03-15 19:43:17 anyway back to screenshots. the thing i was stuck on was this thought about how HCI often misunderstands &
2022-03-15 19:43:15 the idea is that we do this kind of exchange where we try to convert or exchange human problems into technical ones, taking a penalty on the exchange because we think that - even with the penalty - once we have it in a format we understand better, we can make more progress on it
2022-03-15 19:43:14 I just want to underline this because it's been simmering for a while! i talk about the papers and things i've written, but really this talk is about this idea that designers of technical systems conduct a kind of "problem space arbitrage"
2022-03-15 17:21:06 i just keep thinking about when facebook went down and the only way they could get it up again involved engineers going to a hardware store to buy an angle grinder to get into a server room, and how the cashier at that hardware store could've taken a stand for humanity that day.
2022-03-15 17:16:14 whew, follow up to this here:
2022-03-15 16:00:48 the talk i gave for the Columbia Data Science Institute's Race + Data Science Lecture Series is available to view here!
2022-03-14 23:46:01 also you don't have to let shitty people have access to the people who follow you and who you follow!
2022-03-14 23:45:18 i blocked someone i had previously muted because he was jumping into the DMs of people who liked and retweeted my stuff mostly to demand that they debate him or to bark at them or something. he had gotten tired of me chewing him out when he DM'd me. shitty people tend to escalate
2022-03-14 23:33:03 we won
2022-03-14 22:02:03 @daniel_j_crumbo @timgill924 i feel like everyone in academia knows the experience of replying to a CfP with EXACTLY what the call requested, only for the editor to be like "it's not quite what we're looking for" and then later you see they wanted ... i don't even know what, but not what they asked for
2022-03-14 21:50:32 this pizza is going to be perfect. it needs to be. I've been standing at the curb paralyzed by anxiety, staring at the crust, debating whether to go back to the restaurant and remake it, for months. i forgot napkins and stopped replying to emails. but this pizza is everything now
2022-03-14 21:46:38 RT @shengokai: @_alialkhatib See, that would involve the cultivation of an academic culture of compassion which is inimical to how academia…
2022-03-14 21:46:35 @shengokai hahahaha oh my god, good point.
2022-03-14 21:46:18 @mmitchell_ai i mean, sanctions would make doing business with russia a *less ambiguous* crime than everything they've done to operate their business up till now
2022-03-14 21:39:51 everyone do the buddy system and let your buddy know who on here is shitposting
2022-03-14 21:38:58 i don't know how big academic twitter can possibly be but somehow every other day there are more people in academia who find out about @timgill924 AND engage with him 100% earnestly it's as if none of you are warning your less online peers that he's either trolling or satirical
2022-03-14 21:24:52 @justin_cranshaw you don't see two tabs at the top?? :(
2022-03-14 19:21:59 this whole piece by @DamonYoungVSB badly needed reading.
2022-03-14 19:20:36 >
2022-03-14 18:58:52 >
2022-03-14 18:57:09 RT @hypervisible: So much going on here, but will just say that the stubbornly persistent myth that SV is “left” really needs to perish. ht…
2022-03-14 04:38:51 i only found out about that rutgers professor thread because of the algorithmic timeline. so there's another reason to hate it
2022-03-14 02:53:19 checked earlier, some configurations of the mac studio have a delivery eta in june
2022-03-14 02:50:51 FUCK it happened AGAIN
2022-03-13 23:53:53 how does one even do this?? i would do almost ANYTHING to go in the opposite direction.
2022-03-13 20:54:05 "features... a goodyear welt that ensures it can be re-soled repeatedly" IMAGINE TAKING THIS TO A COBBLER AND ASKING THEM TO RE-SOLE THIS
2022-03-13 20:48:14 growing up i rarely heard details like these about pregnancy. i think that gave someone like me a superficial sense of... all this. like i knew broad details intellectually, but that's nothing compared to listening to her (which is just a shadow of what she knows from living it)
2022-03-13 20:43:31 if you've never heard of ectopic pregnancies, i would encourage you to watch this video by @abelinasabrina the cruelty of criminalizing abortion in the event of an ectopic pregnancy is just unfathomable
2022-03-13 20:34:51 we should fall back on thanksgiving right after dessert and spring forward on any random Friday in march at 3:45pm
2022-03-13 20:29:36 RT @AmeshiaCross: DL Hughley didn't tell a single lie. #KanyeWest is being abusive, he's stalking and exhibiting behavior that sends all of…
2022-03-13 19:34:17 RT @mattbc: We should be seeing a massive wave of HVAC spending from well resourced organizations – there should be fierce competition over…
2022-03-13 19:32:23 @mattbc @WSJ almost like, in the abrupt chaos of 2020, scientists were able to figure out &
2022-03-13 19:28:59 @mattbc @WSJ somehow people keep forgetting how important structural changes like ventilation would be to reopening office spaces and other public indoor spaces. this video is more than a year and a half old and if anything it feels like this has fallen to the background even more since then
2022-03-13 18:33:09 @rinewithoutacat it's absolutely bizarre. i can understand (although loathe) the people who say to separate the art from the artist but MOST OF WHAT SHE TWEETS ABOUT IS THIS HORRIBLE SHIT, IT IS HER PRINCIPLE INTEREST. like if someone said they followed trump because they liked the apprentice
2022-03-13 18:30:44 wow i just did it again after posting this tweet it is so amazing. someone give them an award. can't wait to do it again when i open this app later today
2022-03-13 18:29:29 twitter has really innovated by changing the UI so that switching to the chronological timeline just takes 1 swipe and they REALLY enhance the time-saving by switching you to the garbage timeline 50x as often, so you get to experience their innovation every time you open the app
2022-03-13 06:32:37 RT @wishcrys: What’s super duper important when putting a lit review together? Noting the year the source was published. Seems straightforw…
2022-03-13 04:46:23 @MaxwellCSissman i think polls kinda work in tweetdeck now, but even saying that makes me laugh at how little it's changed
2022-03-13 04:41:04 sometimes i wonder who works on tweetdeck because in general it has been solid over the years, but i'm scared that if i mention it too many times someone at twitter will remember it and assign a team of engineers to wreck it
2022-03-13 01:40:05 there ya go
2022-03-12 23:31:30 like they would let nothing get in the way of their dinner plans, and i respect that
2022-03-12 23:30:35 i really like to think about all the professionals - including the model! who got dirty!! - who all just came together that day to do a job and get paid and not to ask questions about something that obviously made no sense whatsoever
2022-03-12 21:37:38 RT @IgorBrigadir: A very curious form of disinformation, meme posts, but the tweet body links to a garbage twitter Space for conspiracy the…
2022-03-12 21:35:30 @tinysubversions oh lol experiment over
2022-03-12 21:35:08 @tinysubversions i should do the same. i haven't noticed a pattern but i might've just been ignoring the names and everything
2022-03-12 19:34:44 @UpFromTheCracks @crystaljjlee i'll need to check that out, thanks!
2022-03-12 18:14:28 RT @RMac18: This @LaurenKGurley story was as upsetting as folks said it was. Incredible of Vice to print the legal threat from PetsMart as…
2022-03-12 18:14:25 @RMac18 @LaurenKGurley lol jfc
2022-03-12 18:09:33 good things to consider/ask about. also ask students 3+ years into the program to verify (doesn't have to line up perfectly, just be in the right ballpark)
2022-03-12 17:53:40 @crystaljjlee there's no escaping if another group co-opts language (i mean, idk, maybe i'm wrong), but harm seems more direct about and effects, and justice seems more upfront about this being contended and challenged compared to other terms
2022-03-12 17:50:25 @crystaljjlee there are longer stories behind each term issue and all that, but either too long for twitter or involves too much personal stuff or both lol
2022-03-12 17:47:08 @crystaljjlee lol i just talked about word choice in my intro to data ethics class. i prefer talking about HARM, working toward JUSTICE because - bias has become a mathematical game to some people - fairness belies contentious definitions - human-centered seems popular with... the wrong crowd
2022-03-12 17:37:43 @Jabartender lmao what the fuck
2022-03-12 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-01-25 06:21:36 RT @RnaudBertrand: It's so revealing that no mainstream media has anything positive to say about China’s 0-Covid strategy. The anti-China…
2022-01-25 04:49:43 @StrikeDebt @AnnieReporter hmmmmmmmmmm
2022-01-25 04:30:24 @timoey @michael_w_busch @Sablecrow @SenJoshBecker @BenAllenCA @SFdirewolf like you're saying this isn't that big a deal. people with disabilities are saying it is. this is a match made in heaven. you carry a straw. you said this is easy.
2022-01-25 04:29:07 @timoey @michael_w_busch @Sablecrow @SenJoshBecker @BenAllenCA @SFdirewolf seems weird that the onus is being placed on the people experiencing disabilities, doesn't it? why is this not flipped - shouldn't you be carrying a silicone straw around and people who need plastic straws be able to get plastic straws from the business?
2022-01-25 04:18:50 strikes work, exhibit 985
2022-01-25 04:05:24 RT @Nabihah: Here is a thread (+pics) on how Professor Kaushik Sunder Rajan wrote about me-without notice or permission-as a caricature in…
2022-01-25 00:59:36 RT @jbouie: when the first wave of voter ID laws is passed in the wake of unprecedented black turnout after the election of the first black…
2022-01-25 00:41:01 RT @Jabartender: twitter got rid of the bot that spoils the next day’s wordle answer quicker than they get rid of like actual abusers.
2022-01-24 22:36:53 @JennyENicholson if this doesn't get approved i'll ask students to bring their own goldfish
2022-01-24 22:29:39 @abelinasabrina this escalated so quickly i might be lightheaded right now
2022-01-24 22:16:07 @JennyENicholson i'll add it to the budget for the class
2022-01-24 21:56:23 @JennyENicholson serious question: can i use this for a class?
2022-01-24 21:23:57 @TimoPG (yep, i can still see dislikes of videos i uploaded)
2022-01-24 21:22:59 @TimoPG youtube still gets comment data (which i'm sure people are leaving, albeit getting muted/removed), and they get dislike counts (otherwise i figure they'd remove the button). even the uploader gets the dislike ratio of their own video (i think). it only withholds info from viewers
2022-01-24 21:21:13 @TimoPG people can still dislike videos (for now). i'm not convinced that ignoring harm will cause it to pass sooner
2022-01-24 21:03:09 i was watching a video by a dog trainer, thought i saw a prong collar, was like cmd-f'd the comments then the trainer pulled the leash hard enough to pull the (med/big) dog into the air. dog FREAKED THE FUCK OUT (no shit)
2022-01-24 19:18:33 or zombies came through the projector screen. two acceptable scenarios
2022-01-24 19:17:50 the only way this is reasonable is if a loud speaker said everyone needed to get the fuck out because a meteor was heading toward the building
2022-01-24 19:15:29 make it impossible for people to @ me with anything about NFTs or crypto shit unless i already follow them. and make it impossible for hexagon profiles to @ me at all
2022-01-24 19:14:02 @sivavaid looking at the declaration of independence of cyberspace??
2022-01-24 19:11:06 screenshot for context later
2022-01-24 19:09:31 twitter seriously has such a rampant fucking bot problem these days cc @anildash
2022-01-24 19:07:34 this is the real thing, people! it works, i've tried it!
2022-01-24 17:58:02 @BigTechAlert @jack @blocks @sivavaid good follow
2022-01-24 17:50:12 @Blackamazon it's back, but reporting it again can't hurt
2022-01-24 17:46:35 @mdekstrand ooh that's a good point. i should get screenshots before it's too late
2022-01-24 17:43:52 anyway, just a reminder that you can report an account for abusive or hateful content if you go to the upper right corner of the profile page and tap on the thingy and select the thing to report the account.
2022-01-24 17:40:03 i say "interesting", i mean "mildly sociopathic"
2022-01-24 17:37:56 it's uh... interesting when someone sees people having fun in a way that's fairly harmless and think "what would be fun for me would be to strategically ruin their fun" and they think about that and follow through on that thought for like the better part of a week
2022-01-24 17:36:12 @hexatekin :/ i'm so sorry..
2022-01-24 17:33:42 literally why
2022-01-24 17:26:34 apropos of nothing stop reading into it here's a post about uncritically working with &
2022-01-24 14:49:22 @AmandaAskell are we still talking about the current and ongoing harms of this post or are we talking about hypotheticals now?
2022-01-24 03:48:15 RT @MsPhanLearns: The SFUSD Student Advisory Council already polled kids for what they needed to feel safe in schools and able to learn: th…
2022-01-24 01:05:23 @hypervisible how much money has facebook paid people just to figure out ways to get people to scroll further down their feeds...
2022-01-24 00:54:00 @AmandaAskell i don't really agree with using vulnerable and historically marginalized people as a means to the end that is landing a technical point
2022-01-23 23:49:55 @AmandaAskell i do this in my work all the time, but the difference between "drawing analogies to humans and social structures because it's analytically useful", vs "drawing analogies to humans to evoke unwarranted pathos" is pretty important and not that subtle
2022-01-23 21:07:12 RT @KimTallBear: STS people: recommended lit on the politics of relative dis/empowerment &
2022-01-23 07:16:29 @niloufar_s reMarkable? i think i've seen @tressiemcphd and maybe others talking about it
2022-01-23 03:44:37 i appreciate your critique but can you talk more about the university and less about the people being discarded and erased in this critique of erasure? thx i really want to agree with you it's just the way you talk about it
2022-01-23 01:46:25 of course bots rush to @ me with mentions for NFT drops or whatever the instant i show up on the search watching for crypto terms
2022-01-23 01:43:57 it's still january, if you can fucking believe it
2022-01-23 01:42:41 the mutual aid mailing list is now an advertising space for, among other things, a 6-week course in web3 and other crypto/blockchain ̶s̶c̶a̶m̶s̶ opportunities for $2000 per head
2022-01-23 01:35:21 @alexqarbuckle i like "laser arcade" lets just go with it and see how we feel about it in a few months
2022-01-23 01:34:54 @alexqarbuckle "university" is boring. maybe "arcade"?
2022-01-22 22:46:53 RT @CantonWiner: UC Irvine has announced that in-person instruction will resume Jan 31. They claim this decision was made in consultation w…
2022-01-22 21:32:23 @timnitGebru sadly the generous reading seems like "coworkers politely calling his post interesting without actually reading it" which isn't really a panacea to the problem if he comes away feeling encouraged about these risible ideas
2022-01-22 19:11:52 RT @eevee: this isn't even especially wild speculation. i'm sure plenty of them have dreamed up much worse. there's already a US county p…
2022-01-22 18:48:27 current employee: "things are good! the pay is great, i got this COVID testing machine thing, stock options that'll vest in a few years" past employee: "sorry, i'm not allowed to say much more than the timeframe that i worked there until the judge issues a verdict on the NDA"
2022-01-22 18:40:00 @jengolbeck puppy pics
2022-01-22 06:39:39 RT @ashleygjovik: When we talk about reparations, we often forget there's things we can do today An Amazon warehouse worker was fired for…
2022-01-22 06:39:36 RT @amazonlabor: Please support our comrade in need!
2022-01-22 05:29:46 @mcwm hell i'll make you a hexagon profile pic for $8 i'll make a triangle for you for $3 special $10 deal on dodecagons
2022-01-22 03:25:12 RT @mattbc: I retweet this so that those who have offline friends can hopefully pass on this info:
2022-01-22 03:00:33 remember when movies and tv shows used to end?
2022-01-22 02:49:44 RT @pwnallthethings: So just to be clear Twitter wasn't super interested in finding a way to mark accounts of actual medical professionals…
2022-01-21 22:49:53 @hondanhon it's innovation!
2022-01-21 22:49:04 @hondanhon i'm waiting for reverse mortgages on NFT timeshares
2022-01-21 20:17:39 RT @MMLipinski: Happening NOW! :)
2022-01-21 19:25:55 RT @_w0bb1t_: IBM slide, 1979 ..
2022-01-21 19:25:28
2022-01-21 17:55:07 RT @Jabartender: Just saw a non-Black political person tweet saying that McConnell’s quote just initiated record turn outs of Black voters…
2022-01-21 17:35:03 or still, to be honest
2022-01-21 17:34:36 this is the eliza problem all over again
2022-01-21 17:33:22 why a small brown box? why not "hidden drugs" or "human remains"? because "mirror on society" or something. but really it's because these things don't generate meaning- we construct it around the shit they say. this just repeats the most common patterns given certain contexts
2022-01-21 17:28:50 i'm worried by how readily AI researchers dismiss non sequiturs like these in toy examples that are supposed to demonstrate readiness for deployment in INCREDIBLY CONSEQUENTIAL settings (like in education - to use their domain example)
2022-01-21 17:25:48 > > do i want to unpack why a small brown box bothers me... (no pun intended)
2022-01-21 15:42:07 RT @alexqarbuckle: I don’t have time for this
2022-01-21 07:50:06 RT @EvolOdonata: If you are a scientist: don't pretend you are "apolitical". Because it is a self-deception and and an illusion. You are al…
2022-01-21 07:22:06 karl is back
2022-01-21 06:44:42 RT @timnitGebru: I just can’t. Again, a google VP wrote this while our peer reviewed work was met with what you saw by the same white men w…
2022-01-21 06:44:11 RT @MazMHussain: Always good to see the Iraqi guy who threw his shoe at Bush doing well.
2022-01-21 06:14:52 @emilymbender ugh
2022-01-21 06:13:08 @emilymbender this is why i noped out of there! like i go down this hole trying to figure out what it means that someone goes to work every day in some varyingly influential role and thinks he's designing some precursor to some AI personhood that will be regarded alongside civil rights leaders
2022-01-21 06:09:26 @emilymbender utterly beyond words about that. like he says these are his thoughts and not necessarily those of his employer, but just as a peek into how he thinks about AI &
2022-01-21 05:56:55 even still, re-reading the original post, it's just... exasperating. like i don't have other words for it. even with Dr Bender's post to read along with, it's overwhelming in the ideas that are just... bizarre misreadings and motivated, shaky reinterpretations of ideas. so weird
2022-01-21 05:52:56 i remember seeing the post that prompted this, got to the bit where the author drew a parallel between the *debate about AI personhood* and *abolitionist &
2022-01-21 04:11:09 RT @carriebish: Would you like to be the next Chief Digital Services Officer for San Francisco? You can apply for my job! If you think you…
2022-01-21 04:03:00 RT @josephfcox: Turns out ICE changed which vendor it bought smartphone app location data from, in part, because one required them to expla…
2022-01-21 03:19:22 this whole piece by @sdonnan and @dinabass outlines a bunch of the issues with ID dot me but this specific story of a 65 year old health care administrator going through this particular hell is acutely terrible
2022-01-21 02:48:55 RT @mattbc: .@CDCgov won't say it, but I absolutely will: If you can, please ditch the ineffective–against–omicron cloth mask and upgrade…
2022-01-21 02:44:44 "we have to keep doing this thing that is harmful to other people over and over if we're ever going to learn to do this thing less harmfully" is such a wild thing for conference organizers to say, but i mean whatever i guess i shouldn't be surprised.
2022-01-21 01:10:09 sound the letters out, Bryan. you'll get through this
2022-01-21 01:09:28 my racist dude, it's written in english. are you literate?
2022-01-20 23:31:04 i haven't been in the loop for a while, but i also never hear about this in public convos, and i'm curious if professors are just like "yeah my student sounds like they're talking into a tin can, i think that's probably fine, good luck on that incredibly consequential interview"
2022-01-20 23:28:49 i have a question for phd students, especially those on (or soon to be on) the market sometime in the next... ~year: did your department/advisor do anything like set aside $ for audio/video gear, get an audio engineer to help you get the best audio with whatever you've got, etc?
2022-01-20 21:17:37 BIG numbers. huge. must be some bug
2022-01-20 21:16:22 nobody ask any further questions but all of my tweets have been getting a lot of likes today and it's just that the UI has been weird so it isn't showing up
2022-01-20 21:15:39 @onekade it's hard to take them seriously since - unlike most games these days, this doesn't offer microtransactions or loot boxes or try subsume reality with an even more racist "metaverse". there's real shit to be mad about - you can mute "" if you don't want to mute wordle
2022-01-20 18:41:44 i'm gonna be a fucking billionaire. i hope i stay humble after this
2022-01-20 18:41:22 wait oh my god what about heptagons?
2022-01-20 18:37:30 i'll make a site that lets you upload an image and get back that same image cropped with a hexagon border and you can send me money every month and my empire will be called cryptotwittpolygons
2022-01-20 18:34:55 @semajrabnud HEXAGONS!
2022-01-20 18:33:37 the only thing NFT advocates seem to be able to think up is what you can already do with a jpeg
2022-01-20 18:32:10 lol
2022-01-20 18:24:07 RT @hypervisible: "Just as we probably don’t want Amazon or Facebook controlling access to our tax records or a government lifeline when th…
2022-01-20 15:45:25 @tamaleaver @drjessmaddox
2022-01-20 15:39:53 @cherylcolan if you want a light to get further up than vise clamps generally go, then an extending desk clamp mount stand like this would work, but in my experience they're never as stable as a vise clamp. if you don't wrench it down, heavier objects mounted to it will definitely feel wobbly
2022-01-20 15:33:49 @cherylcolan the clamp i'm thinking of looks like this: and for light panels, as an example, the Amaran P60X is the style i'm thinking of
2022-01-20 15:31:53 @cherylcolan a vise clamp attached to the desk would offer a stable mounting point if there's any space along the edge of your desk you can clamp to. it'd let you attach almost any kind of light source to the baby pin (given it'll be on your desk i wouldn't get a big light, but an LED panel)
2022-01-20 07:14:12 @Jabartender she's laughing because she knows
2022-01-20 06:41:37 @pixelatedboat that raccoon's name was democracy
2022-01-20 06:38:32 RT @davenewworld_2: "A group of men detained at Washington County Detention Center in Arkansas say that the jail's medical staff gave them…
2022-01-20 06:07:49 (or rather, it does for me, and if this is a way that you assert some sense of control or power in your life, then yeah pursue it
2022-01-20 06:02:55 i had mixed feeling about posting anything at all because i know there's a toxic academic culture of people demanding like... a window into your life. where i ended up was at "pretending this one limited box is under control feels like claiming some degree of control over chaos"
2022-01-20 05:52:08 - tiny sensors means terrible low light performance, so you get awful graininess even when the camera promises 4k or 1080 - and that's assuming these cameras offer 4k
2022-01-20 05:52:07 i was literally writing up a thing about zoom setups - cameras, audio, lighting, best practices i've learned/taken from a past life as a photographer (lol), but i saw this video and it basically says everything i would've said about the camera situation:
2022-01-20 05:06:43 i see what you did there
2022-01-19 22:17:49 RT @byeliseam: I just found out about Grammarly's updates re: slavery terminology. I'm kinda annoyed... Twitter is an ok place to be a litt…
2022-01-19 22:11:27 the blood of these decisions to kill children the AI was strongly confident was someone else will stain us regardless of our attempts to hide blame under shell games of outsourcing &
2022-01-19 22:11:26 "that's not the algorithm's fault. It's because we fed it the wrong training data" they say. indeed, it's our fault but this idea that we can give it the "right" data to make a decision only society can make to give up on life - that such data even exists - is a violent delusion
2022-01-19 22:11:25 these technologies are bad in the sense that their accuracy is terrible - confident in its conclusion as much as 90% of the time, but overwhelmingly wrong in identifying people but they're bad in ways that you can't bugfix and algorithmically train your way out of
2022-01-19 21:42:52 RT @louise_seamster: "…the government will stand behind them to make sure they have a right to vote" like...with protections enshrined in,…
2022-01-19 21:41:51 @battymamzelle (i'd stress that buying from someone downsizing office space is preferred vs from a home office
2022-01-19 21:33:31 @battymamzelle steelcase gesture has fabric which could be gross but aeron is usually mesh so deep cleaning it might be easier (i was satisfied wiping it down with lysol)
2022-01-19 21:31:53 @battymamzelle this might be a non-starter, but if you're ok with used: i've bought steelcase gestures, HM aerons, etc for like 300-500 from people liquidating their commercial office furniture. mostly craigslist (you can spot them because they're usually trying to sell lots of corporate stuff)
2022-01-19 18:19:11 @timgill924 @nikhil_ndeb it's just so perfect like... he was trying to help, in some weird way, by warning you about the sadistic nature of the tenure system as he knows it
2022-01-19 18:17:29 @timgill924 @nikhil_ndeb well technically Ulrich but yeah that conversation lol
2022-01-19 18:14:50 @nikhil_ndeb @timgill924 fml anytime someone says tenure i think of that guy lol
2022-01-19 18:13:49 @mshelton that's as close as signal gets to facebook's relationship status update
2022-01-19 18:04:43 shit like discrepancies in addresses (common if you move, which is common if you rent) will be a red flag. shit like this doesn't matter to someone who owns their place and hasn't moved in like 10+ years. fuck, i've moved like 3 times in the past 2 years
2022-01-19 18:02:45 > mmm fuck this
2022-01-19 17:46:40 oh so this is what today is going to be about
2022-01-19 06:44:59 RT @cathygjohn: If no one is aware, these kits aren't viable if they drop below 35F, and they're shipping in late January. If you're in a p…
2022-01-19 06:44:11 RT @lasrina: Hey, US residents, if you're a person who doesn't need the 4 free COVID tests from our government (maybe you're like me, live…
2022-01-19 06:13:15 RT @hypervisible: Group of incarcerated men were given ivermectin, against their consent, by medical staff for treatment of covid-19. They…
2022-01-19 05:24:43
2022-01-19 03:05:00 @brianlfrye we could start a DAO to buy the star wars copyright. people who don't know better might think we could do it if we bought some pieces of early artwork and made NFTs of them. it'd be stupendously dumb and disingenuous but i'm saying right now i don't KNOW that disney wouldn't sell
2022-01-19 03:02:10 @brianlfrye i think the outcome being so acrimonious is inexorably connected to the goals being so squishy (and never corrected when it would've been easy), which is a major reason the money materialized in the first place. sure, we could raise a fortune and skip town, but then what?
2022-01-19 02:54:27 @brianlfrye successfully routing people's money isn't the hard thing. forming and maintaining relationships that make people want to continue to work together, invest together, or at least not hate each other, is the hard thing, and i don't see any evidence that they accomplished that
2022-01-19 02:51:28 @brianlfrye the sense i get is that a number of people in the discord wouldn't have participated if they knew how little soba and the others understood about copyright, or if they had a better sense of what the DAO was trying to accomplish. that seems like a pretty big limitation to me
2022-01-19 02:46:39 @brianlfrye people always have varying expectations from projects, but the difference here is that in the end, even if not everyone gets what they want, they (mostly) believe some effort was made to deliver on those expectations. A &
2022-01-19 02:35:37 @brianlfrye and if some part of this only happened because people had a squishy understanding of wtf this was about, then there aren't really any productive lessons to learn here about rallying people to a single cause. because there was no single cause. everyone imagined their own outcomes
2022-01-19 02:34:48 @brianlfrye this might be the crux of what i'm getting at. if soba or whoever knew that there was ambiguity that they could be clearing up, then this was partly foolish, partly deceptive. legally pursuable? again, no idea, but let's say probably not. but not a model i'd ever try to replicate
2022-01-19 02:31:52 @brianlfrye (we might end up arguing about intent
2022-01-19 02:30:07 @brianlfrye maybe legal analysis wouldn't be useful, but there's something here that traded on misleading people who didn't know any better, &
2022-01-19 02:21:08 i think we can all gather from the screenshots that people had a different vision for the DAO and are now coming to terms with recent events. i think it's worth figuring out legal stuff, but we don't have to be galaxy brains to note that this wasn't what many members expected
2022-01-19 02:21:07 is the SpiceDAO debacle legally a scam? idk. honestly, the page and info is so nebulous, so confusing, in some places so un-nebulously stupid, that i don't even know where i would start asking someone who actually knows law wtaf is going on here. but...
2022-01-19 02:12:25 if you frame this as a fundraising achievement, then... sure. but i mean... when there's this much confusion (to put it generously) among the people who invested time/resources/money about what this was all about or what they get out of it, why are we not comparing this to scams?
2022-01-19 01:18:18 what was i saying? oh right, stop making thumbnails do things, youtube. just let me move my mouse across the screen without feeling like i need to be careful
2022-01-19 01:16:59 lesson: never make eye contact.
2022-01-19 01:16:48 this has the feeling of being at a conference and accidentally making eye contact with someone and so they charge toward me like "ALI!!!!! LET'S TALK" and i'm like "nonoonononnono HEYyyyyyy......."
2022-01-19 01:15:03 i know i lost this battle, but back in my day when you moused over a thumbnail or a link nothing annoying happened.
2022-01-19 00:49:34 lolllllllll
2022-01-18 23:25:24 they sent notifications lying to gig workers, insisting that prop 22 would secure their freedom & they're full of lies
2022-01-18 23:19:40 and make no mistake - they *won* in california. the only saving grace was that the language of the proposition was so absurd - requiring something like 7/8 majority to change any of the legislation if it passed by 50%+1 - that a judge had to throw it out. Mass folks, be careful
2022-01-18 23:17:43 just like with prop 22 in california, Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, &
2022-01-18 23:09:59 @ruchowdh @ShannonVallor @binary_aaron after that tweet i began to wonder if it was some kind of money laundering thing. like there's no earthly way those places were financially solvent, is there?
2022-01-18 23:06:13 @ShannonVallor @ruchowdh @binary_aaron lol i was literally talking about this a while ago
2022-01-18 23:05:33 @ShannonVallor @ruchowdh @binary_aaron there's something about carmel that's like... cursed or something
2022-01-18 23:04:09 i ask this very nervously... what are they going to let white people do?
2022-01-18 23:02:13 if you think the wireframe is horrifying nightmare material, like, sure, but hear me out: why are the lips different in the second wireframe?
2022-01-18 22:58:30 RT @ruchowdh: This *isn't* what my AM vaguetweet was about but: Twitter META is hiring an ML Ethics Red Team Lead. The right candidate wil…
2022-01-18 22:57:12 @BiellaColeman one academic lies at the intersection
2022-01-18 22:44:09 RT @RMac18: The punishment for overseeing a culture of sexual misconduct and threatening to kill a subordinate is.... getting to sell your…
2022-01-18 22:43:12 whooooo caffeine
2022-01-18 21:54:17 keep doing this. like repeatedly. over and over again
2022-01-18 21:54:06 - big USPS bag - one of those wheelie carriers - tell the carrier to just leave like 3 or 4 in every mailbox for that day until they run out - note where they ran out - also hand them out to whoever - if anyone needs more, they can request more or drop by their local post office
2022-01-18 21:50:36 @BenjaminAhr @DeepDarkRock @GreatestTrek you were always welcome (sorry that didn't really line up but whatever)
2022-01-18 21:36:28 COOL COOL COOL
2022-01-18 21:19:43 @AmandaWorking yep - would've been fine to say "pick a post office and it'll be here for you in k weeks
2022-01-18 21:16:40 @AmandaWorking i hope they're tracking how many people bailed on the page after seeing the address fields
2022-01-18 21:15:51 @AmandaWorking i'd love to find out that they're setting aside a mountain of tests for spaces for high risk people (although eg shelters have lots of issues that severely undermine them as distribution centers). libraries might be good? idk. i'm not optimistic if i have to request tests at all
2022-01-18 21:08:26 and there are many people without mailing addresses... arguably more at risk than the Extremely Online people on twitter who almost certainly represent >
2022-01-18 21:04:05 they're talking about doing case studies
2022-01-18 21:02:15 all the people applauding the UX of the form to get covid tests are going to drive me fucking crazy
2022-01-18 20:44:30 lemme just get this out of the way: congrats to everyone i went to high school with on the wedding or whatever you did
2022-01-18 20:38:15 someone's trying to get into my facebook account so id just like to say i basically never fucking use it just in case anything weird happens over there.
2022-01-18 20:31:52 RT @sarahmirk: They should just automatically send these to every household but okay, I filled out the form!
2022-01-18 17:49:36 sometimes you just can't overcome your impulse to make a form, but progress is at least not even bothering to ask for a credit card or anything to charge $0.00
2022-01-18 17:47:59 having to request a test is dumb but don't let that stop you from getting 4 rapid tests delivered to your home by USPS for free:
2022-01-18 17:41:16 RT @RepAdams: Need a COVID-19 Test? Free at-home COVID tests can now be ordered through @USPS here:
2022-01-18 17:40:59 idk, when someone keeps asking you to fire them, or in this case impeach them, who are we to deny them what they evidently want?
2022-01-18 01:14:01 i mean, clever like putting your hands over your eyes and saying i can't see you.
2022-01-18 01:13:25 clever move (i guess?) to reply and immediately block, making it impossible to reply, hide, or report the account.
2022-01-18 01:03:16 fucking couldn't even be bothered to add alt text.
2022-01-18 01:02:46 you could read this 100 times and never gather whose genocide he was talking about from just the text. he was disregarding China's genocide of the Uyghur people, for the record this apology is worthless, and could have been said in 280 characters if he had cut out the garbage
2022-01-17 23:17:13 @billtilley1973 @GreatestTrek @BreeElizabeth @TheDeltaFlyers @GarrettRWang i'm trying not to cry tears of laughter at card 295. those 3 frames are just perfect
2022-01-17 23:01:39 @fredbenenson like i just feel bad, man..
2022-01-17 23:01:18 @fredbenenson i feel like i'm watching old people on discord talk each other into a reverse mortgage scam
2022-01-17 22:17:36 @RustBeltRebel @Blackamazon if we can't say it's enough when less famous, less powerful people report being harassed and abused (less famous, like Gal Gadot ), then this shit will keep happening forever, just pushed deeper and deeper to more marginalized people
2022-01-17 22:14:19 @RustBeltRebel @Blackamazon the idea that whedon was indiscriminately spewing "evil" everywhere is also flawed- part of power abuse is that the abuser KNOWS their status relative to their target's. they size someone up, decide "maybe i can't fuck with Samuel L Jackson," and turn their attention elsewhere
2022-01-17 16:55:16 i'm imagining the nutritionist bringing a single slice of wonder bread in a lead lined briefcase, with a conspicuous chunk of glowing, warm rock mashed into the center
2022-01-17 16:52:16 RT @sassycrass: 1. Sojourner Truth never said "Ain't I a woman?" That was a terrible White woman lying on her. Truth grew up in New York. W…
2022-01-17 16:52:12 RT @sassycrass: I think I'm just gonna tweet Black History facts all day. If you learn something, I got a PayPal. LOL!
2022-01-17 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-01-13 02:01:13 RT @StrikeDebt: He is telling people to go to work when they are sick so that they can pay the student loans he won’t cancel
2022-01-13 01:28:32 @alexhanna socially.
2022-01-13 01:27:48 the only way to stay safe is to turn video off. to be extra safe, turn the microphone off. and then mute the computer. ok now unplug the wifi.
2022-01-13 01:16:13 god this is so fucking grim
2022-01-13 00:02:01 @thechrislarsen @hypervisible lol
2022-01-12 21:46:45 RT @Tori_Bedford: After last week's snowstorm crushed her tent, Stephanie got frostbite sleeping under a tarp in last night's single-digit…
2022-01-12 16:17:24 RT @KendraSerra: I've been struggling with the norms of collegiality in academia a lot lately, especially as someone who is a reluctant aca…
2022-01-12 00:34:17 @bcrypt similar principle with video - $500 in lighting/reflectors (ie change the environment) is probably more useful than $5000 in lens/sensor gear
2022-01-11 23:00:57 oh my god, everyone remain calm, but
2022-01-11 21:25:57 RT @hondanhon: another way of looking at it is this: * when you have covid, your symptoms (how you feel) might be _mild_ * after you have…
2022-01-11 21:25:05 RT @hondanhon: you might immorally dismiss imprecision when you're communicating with small groups, but the disconnect at the epidemic popu…
2022-01-11 21:22:22 @z3dster
2022-01-11 21:16:15 office admins are gonna read this news article (fuck waiting for peer review, it's a news story!) and quality of life will suffer for years because of improperly-situated research
2022-01-11 21:13:20 also, > cool so office air is gonna be dry as fuck forever then
2022-01-11 21:09:59 quoting the guardian article: >
2022-01-11 21:06:36 on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. in the metaverse, nobody knows you're interacting with cattle locked in a feedlot scheduled to be butchered later
2022-01-11 21:00:43 @semajrabnud @powerlanguish @thewordleapp i actually found that one first and i was like "where's the emoji grid thing to share??" i think it's a fun way to play with the settings (eg more/fewer letters) but being able to play forever means you lose the shared experience of everyone approaching the same word each day
2022-01-11 20:55:49 pretty apt, after the discourse about wordle was about how remarkable it was that this game by @powerlanguish doesn't impel you to play until your eyes hurt, do much tracking, upsell, etc
2022-01-11 20:39:59 since he went private, i'm posting the tweet, which i took the liberty of screenshotting just in case
2022-01-11 20:33:14 RT @npseaver: It’s again time for the “don’t ask professors to comment on the ‘emotional stability’ of their students in rec letters” chall…
2022-01-11 19:50:08 hey friends, if you got duped into supporting this developer thinking it was the original (it's just some unimaginative copy), please remember to end your trial before it ends or you'll pay $30/year for this bullshit "pro" subscription. i'll reup this in a few days to remind you!
2022-01-11 18:33:54 it's pitched as a feature! like "donate blood so you can watch it proceed along this checklist"
2022-01-11 18:33:03 tracking blood donations, sure. watching its progress on your phone, hmm.
2022-01-11 18:32:22 just found out that the red cross has an app you can download to monitor the progress of your personal blood donation like a doordash order. when i say we pathologically track stuff for no immediately clear reason, and that this creates a harmful culture fetishizing surveillance-
2022-01-11 17:58:20 "is anything ever our fault?"
2022-01-11 17:47:31 @emilybell @dgolumbia only you can say "hey, you remember that photo of leonard nimoy?" in that particular way, and if that's important to you i supposed that's nice.
2022-01-11 17:46:37 @emilybell @dgolumbia i think David could provide a better analogy but this seems like the AP saying "you can buy the PHRASE 'hey, you remember that photo of leonard nimoy?' for some enormous sum of money, but to be clear you're not buying the photo of nimoy and you're not buying rights to that photo"
2022-01-11 17:40:18 @emilybell @dgolumbia i think that likening it to buying exclusive rights would be more apt an analogy, and even then that's a stretch because this absolutely doesn't imply copyright holdings or anything like that
2022-01-11 17:38:40 @emilybell - no ownership of any physical object (even in name - enormous computational "gas" costs to conduct transactions @dgolumbia any other salient thoughts?
2022-01-11 17:33:22 @zeyneparsel can't win huh
2022-01-11 17:13:29 RT @IanKullgren: JUST IN: Do-over election at Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Ala. will start Feb. 4.
2022-01-11 17:08:53 @ShoeDaydreams @tressiemcphd also, about this baby analogy: dogs aren't little people!
2022-01-11 17:06:23 @ShoeDaydreams @tressiemcphd there's like a million reasons for this like take yourself out of your shoes for 30 seconds
2022-01-11 17:04:19 @ShoeDaydreams @tressiemcphd i'm taking the bait but - vets adamantly warn against puppies socializing in dog parks etc. until after vax. puppy schools offer safer space to learn boundaries - people get dogs for other reasons than to train - obsession w/DIY presupposes no value in pro training, which... ??
2022-01-11 16:44:14 RT @SBWorkersUnited: BREAKING NEWS: Genesee St. becomes the second unionized Starbucks in the United States!
2022-01-11 16:33:10 some quiznos franchises will not be participating, please call in advance to confirm before bringing your test to your nearby location
2022-01-11 16:01:43 @bookofthefuture "something something to prevent the dog from getting into it something something how dare you imply i don't train my dog enough"
2022-01-11 15:57:33 if you gave me this setup you would find me a month later with every door just left slightly ajar and random things from around the apartment placed in the way to prevent them from closing
2022-01-11 15:55:45 *brush RFID-chipped hand across scanner, high pitched chirping followed by the sound of metal deadbolts disengaging* *pressurized air release sound, door panel releases and gives way* "ooh do i want cheetos or funions"
2022-01-11 15:52:35 the look on the dog's face like "why do you have your stationery behind an RFID locked door, karen?"
2022-01-11 15:17:20 same energy
2022-01-11 14:35:57 RT @louise_seamster: the US is living through the "ant and the grasshopper" parable, except if the grasshopper was tracking the ant's metri…
2022-01-11 14:18:26 lol jesus christ
2022-01-11 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-01-06 05:40:31 that's a change
2022-01-06 04:31:06 @histoftech for the briefest moment i thought it looked a little like a scaled down vape pen
2022-01-06 02:25:18 RT @julieletchner: Many of my former professors are zealously distancing themselves from Playdoh Flamingo's nonsense. That is the right thi…
2022-01-06 00:56:31 @ClayTravis ... i mean, it's pretty obvious that the answer is "death rates approximately corresponding to what we were seeing this time last year", isn't it? there are good, incisive questions you could be asking of Biden, of Fauci, of CDC leadership
2022-01-05 20:43:46 he really might've just given us a LMGTFY link
2022-01-05 19:41:18 THIS.
2022-01-05 19:40:55 RT @Blackamazon: “We have to be able to talk” isn’t a code word For you can’t tell me nothing till I feel you understand why I’m right A…
2022-01-05 19:37:18 RT @louise_seamster: @_alialkhatib also, apparently, "we have to admit cancelling student debt is super unimportant and a luxury issue"
2022-01-05 19:35:54 RT @VilissaThompson: This right here. The entire pandemic has pushed us to consider remote learning as a viable option, something disable…
2022-01-05 19:34:13 don't gotta do shit. very happy to let the gamestop metaverse NFT marketplace (sponsored by matt damon) collapse.
2022-01-05 19:30:25 "we need to talk about how disruptive & "we need to talk about how important it is to have [chaotically unpredictable & "we need to talk about letting SOME people die without calling me a bad person"
2022-01-05 19:27:24 is 2022 the year of the neolibs coming out to Just Ask Questions and set shitty policy?
2022-01-05 18:53:17 RT @ceciliakang: Hayao Miyazaki's views on an AI animation demonstration: "I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself." Happy…
2022-01-05 18:29:08 @UpFromTheCracks
2022-01-05 18:24:57 now that the puppy is doing day care, there's no reason i can't get back to exercising regularly again so if you can think of a reason, feel free to let me know!
2022-01-05 18:19:23 @UpFromTheCracks like people donate to you to - campaign - against - antisemitism right??
2022-01-05 18:18:05 @UpFromTheCracks i'm imagining being a donor to this org and seeing this and being like "what are you even for?"
2022-01-05 18:15:56 @UpFromTheCracks like this would've still been bullshit but at least don't roll over and die like this???
2022-01-05 18:15:34 @UpFromTheCracks it would've been so easy to say "JKR has been a friend & IT WOULDVE BEEN EASIER TO WRITE HER STATEMENT FOR HER SO SHE COULD JUST SAY "yep this" AHH
2022-01-05 18:08:12 also, thanking JK for uncritically, unflinchingly, and unapologetically using antisemitic language and characterization is an absolutely hilarious dunk on yourself. just dissolve the org if you're going with this
2022-01-05 18:08:11 using derogatory, racist language & language is constructed, &
2022-01-05 17:49:36 @npseaver Langson deserve better.
2022-01-05 17:38:33 @localFuturist i was about to say "this is why i want to help
2022-01-05 17:36:39 @pardoguerra there's little to say about her that would be analytically new or unique. she's not special, or new, or even a particularly unique manifestation of the death-ambivalent economics-obsessed capitalist trope that she represents. the only reason to deal with her is to mitigate harms.
2022-01-05 17:22:46 finally, your purpose for existing here: to complete transactions. now you can see a sky in the distance, cookie cutter trees, and a parking- wait why is there a parking lot in the metaverse? i can go literally anywhere instantly, but i have to find parking for my fucking car?
2022-01-05 17:22:45 a disembodied consumer in an empty, utterly desolate void with a shopping cart and a bottle of wine. as far as you can see, all the way to the horizon, is absolutely nothing. maybe a cliff to throw yourself off of, if you travel long enough.
2022-01-05 17:22:43 the metaverse is absolutely the bleakest articulated future i've ever seen people invested in manifesting
2022-01-05 17:07:04 RT @RepBarbaraLee: 20 years after taking out student loans, the average white borrower has paid off 94% of their debt. The average Black b…
2022-01-05 17:04:24 @tamigraph part of me feels like i should get involved since i know lit i could point to but i'm so fucking exhausted &
2022-01-05 16:58:25 the mutual aid mailing list i'm on is increasingly becoming about people asking for help getting into NFTs and i'm juuuust about to unsubscribe
2022-01-05 16:29:26 RT @Claudia_Sahm: "We, as experts, have a responsibility to policymakers and everyday people to match the strength of our recommendations t…
2022-01-05 15:06:35 @ShimminyKricket @DocDre "it's just not the same if there's no fear that i'm buying blood diamonds. where's the thrill?" - de beers focus group
2022-01-05 15:02:13 Emily Oster is an economist who is super concerned about whether you're going to pay back your student loan debt and not whether you can smell food for the back 50 years of your life
2022-01-05 14:56:09 puppy woke up and my phone needs to charge byeeee
2022-01-05 14:54:54 you might see where i'm getting at there. but labeling the meaning of a pattern that's being identified (or constructed) doesn't happen automatically? a system doesn't "know" anything about the meaning of longer paragraphs or of dark or light skin representation in profile pics
2022-01-05 14:54:53 tweets with short sentences comprising their own paragraphs? lots of new lines? they're punchy! but you don't react to those as much.
2022-01-05 14:54:52 that last sentence seems loopy even to me. i can try to unpack what i'm talking about in really abstract terms but idk if it'll help. let's see so modeling systems look for patterns in data. let's say you have 50 features - dimensions that can be compared between data points
2022-01-05 14:09:18 i think it's really cute how the puppy melts in my lap and naps, but would prefer less of an ear splitting whining, yelping, crying alarm at 5:15 every morning to initiate that
2022-01-05 14:04:50 at minimum, and fucking stacks of individually wrapped masks at every street corner, at every bus stop, at every entrance to any public indoor space...
2022-01-05 14:03:08 like yes it's prob untenable to let people edit, but honestly in some systems it's a little hard for me to conceive of how they would let people SELECT i think my issue is that you're trying to correct pejoratively discriminatory patterns from functionally discriminating systems
2022-01-05 13:58:29 i'm a little dubious on how this would work in more complex modeling systems, since keywords don't necessarily happen for free. like it's part of the open question of how to explain why a system generated the output it did. BUT, that being said, this whole thread is fascinating:
2022-01-05 05:19:45 what if a student sent this email as part of a false flag operation to plant doubt about a genuine email?
2022-01-05 02:50:45 i'm not trying to be an asshole but like-
2022-01-05 02:49:47 ... wouldn't reading these braille indicators activate every button?
2022-01-05 01:29:45 i'm not going to use Damon Dollars or whatever matt damon is doing
2022-01-05 00:25:42 @DocDre (ie everyone facing different walls, quietly staring at a screen, developing back problems)
2022-01-05 00:25:01 @DocDre but the ACADEMIC SKILLS
2022-01-05 00:23:32 @DocDre i sold shit door to door and swept loading docks and i'm pretty sure the people i worked around spent more time working through complex shit discursively than ever happened in my shared office in grad school.
2022-01-04 22:49:43 @skinnylatte if you didn't jump out of the plane you would have to also presumably spend time in the same city as him, which just feels like getting punched in the face and then falling and landing on a rake
2022-01-04 22:44:46 pour one out for Glowing Button, sibling to Gray Button, who passed away concurrently. together they made all software installation dialogs either do the thing or stop doing the thing. they will be missed.
2022-01-04 22:41:56 i really miss the time when computer dialogs didn't do this kinda shit. there was a button that would keep doing what you were doing, and there was a button that would faithfully bail you out of any situation. i think they were "OK" and "Cancel", but i never really needed to know
2022-01-04 22:38:33 youtube asks if i want to start a 1-month trial of youtube red or "skip trial", which makes me nervous that it's just skipping the free trial and going right to paid subscription it's the kind of ambiguous, confusing language i would've expected from a throwaway scam site
2022-01-04 22:33:37 @juliacarriew my puppy enjoyed a liquidity event after a long walk
2022-01-04 22:24:05 @emilymbender @mmitchell_ai @timnitGebru i don't expect them to police all accounts online, but USFCA has a whole f'ing document explaining how to use their logos/colors. i think they'd be ANNOYED if not mad as fuck at me if i was doing noteworthy controversial stuff from an official USFCA_CADE account (none exists rn)
2022-01-04 22:19:19 @emilymbender @mmitchell_ai @timnitGebru idk why, but i'm a little surprised the university isn't keeping a closer eye on this stuff. an indiv. affiliate being belligerent online is one thing, but an account carrying itself (in any sense) as an official account of a group at the university seems like.. sloppy PR hygiene
2022-01-04 22:13:41 would you rather go to a destination wedding via a flight with asymptomatic covid positive crew, or take a train to attend an indoor concert? i'm Just Asking Questions for my buddy THE ECONOMY over here, MAYBE YOU'VE HEARD OF IT?? I AM A HUMAN EGG.
2022-01-04 20:54:41 a plane departs from Chicago for Philadelphia at 6:15am
2022-01-04 20:44:53 @hypervisible his questions are confoundingly stupid.
2022-01-04 20:44:08 @hypervisible what is he even asking? the hassles of not getting a fucking life-altering illness?
2022-01-04 20:42:02 Would you rather cancel student loan debt for everyone or make everyone fill out pointless forms and need to deal with the hassles and fallout?
2022-01-04 20:39:09 canceled, you fucking idiot
2022-01-04 17:31:02 i don't understand the obsession designers have with putting things on pedestals and platforms and shit so that they can be knocked off (assuming they were ever even correctly positioned on the pedestal to charge or do whatever in the first place).
2022-01-04 17:01:57 i'm describing a QI microwave
2022-01-04 17:01:21 i don't want a QI charging pad. i want a bucket that i can throw things into and something in the bucket happens and when i reach in and grab the items they're more charged than they were when i threw them in the bucket
2022-01-04 16:18:31 "it'll be fine if your truck measured at 12ft 5 days ago, no need to check again"
2022-01-04 06:12:12 RT @ArmandDoma: I call it “this fuckin’ City, I swear to God”, personally
2022-01-03 19:35:04 it's impossible to know why someone doesn't speak. immigration status might be precarious because of laws that allow that kind of shit, or might be afraid of professional retribution, or harassment, or health issues all tied up in keeping their job because of insurance regimes...
2022-01-03 17:22:50 @barfyman_362 @ThomasW06 @mer__edith lmao what the fuck are you talking about?
2022-01-03 17:17:45 @tamigraph ugh i'm sorry
2022-01-03 16:34:52 @MMLipinski just reading that accidental misreading made my heart sink for a moment
2022-01-03 16:32:56 RT @timnitGebru: This is unfortunately where we are in a system where graduate students have no rights. They should unionize among other th…
2022-01-03 16:31:29 i hope UWCSE can say what they're doing to ensure that that there are structures that reliably work to keep you safe from a bigoted manager. because telling students to find "one of the good ones" asks students be better judges of character than we can apparently ask of ourselves
2022-01-03 16:31:28 good individuals in bureaucracies CAN BE a good first step. but not everyone is *lucky* enough to get to be advised by those people, &
2022-01-03 16:31:27 the primary reason i even think about him is that he used to actively advise students and because this illustrates an institution's failure to protect historically marginalized students from faculty abuse. that latter point, as @timnitGebru points to, is especially critical now.
2022-01-03 16:00:40 @eegilbert
2022-01-03 15:41:34 RT @girlziplocked: Jesus would support a general strike.
2022-01-03 09:16:55 @AndrewNoymer it seems like the kind of nonsense thinking that leads people to believe that they can terraform mars despite not being able to preserve earth's habitability
2022-01-03 09:14:35 RT @Snocoequityalli: mutual aid was never meant to be a reformed version of charity or to supplement the non-profit industrial complex by "…
2022-01-03 09:06:28 if america ever needed a general strike...
2022-01-03 06:37:57 RT @TaylorLorenz: The media industry as a whole needs to start listening to chronically ill and disabled communities and bringing their voi…
2022-01-03 06:12:29 > > this is excellent
2022-01-03 04:34:56 people at institutions seem to think we all don't talk about and remember the failures of people at those institutions to protect vulnerable folks
2022-01-03 04:24:56 here's my takeaway: if you're thinking of joining UWCSE's phd program and you're PRETTY sure you trust the prof you'd align with, you have to ask how sure are you REALLY, because if you find yourself in a toxic lab managed by an abusive bigot, i have no sense that UWCSE will help
2022-01-03 03:59:36 @Charles_L_Owen @AlexJohnLondon @hholdenthorp students who don't know what happens on here, sure. and students who either don't realize or don't yet care how harmful to their mental health an abusive advisor can be. i can't even begin to think about students whose immigration statuses are tied up in staying in their program
2022-01-02 20:47:37 @npseaver they're all at about the same time. it really is just throwing every shitty thought he has out on the wall and seeing what gets traction
2022-01-02 20:42:41 "look at all these likes and stuff [by accounts that mostly use profile pics and displaying MRA garbage in their bios]"
2022-01-02 20:41:06 just a reminder that pedro is an utterly pathetic loser who has been rebuked by his own department, &
2022-01-02 18:54:54 oh no @KrangTNelson
2022-01-02 18:44:03 it was great when websites were smaller and weird asshole forum admins would ban you for using the letter "e" too much or some shit and you'd be like "ah shit well ok" and not "holy fuck MY RIGHTS"
2022-01-02 18:42:10 "has a right to say it" and "has a right to be here on this website" are two different things and skipping right past the part where this site is just accepted as such a consequential venue that removal from here amounts to a serious deprivation of a person's rights is ridiculous
2022-01-02 18:37:48 @CopyrightLibn i was thinking about trying to bribe him with treats non stop but i think an hour or more of non stop kibble would be bad for his diet
2022-01-02 18:36:53 @CopyrightLibn that's promising! thank you!
2022-01-02 18:32:10 alternatively "hey i bet this meeting can happen over email where all the puppy whining happens in my head"
2022-01-02 18:31:13 trying to figure out if there are audio settings to this microphone to cut whatever frequencies puppies whine at or if i'm just going to have to be extremely flexible with my meetings and be like "HEY HE'sS ASLEEP WE CAN TALK NOW - oh no he's awake again, sorry, maybe in an hour"
2022-01-02 18:24:52 @IBJIYONGI @timgill924 it absolutely confounds me
2022-01-02 18:23:16 @JessicaCalarco damn it.
2022-01-02 18:21:18 i've seen people take issue with the approach of using satire to mock absurd and harmful structures of power that we don't otherwise have the space to call out, and i'm totally here for that critique, but that's different from interpreting it as earnest
2022-01-02 18:21:17 i don't know how many times people will have to see people QT'ing @timgill924's stuff with comments like " THIS GUY's what's wrong with academia" in their timelines before they'll get that it's satire. like do yourself a favor and skim a couple other tweets- or even the replies
2022-01-02 16:17:18 RT @Blackamazon: @_alialkhatib @IfeomaOzoma They aren’t good in the first place
2022-01-02 16:16:18 @Blackamazon @IfeomaOzoma basically where i'm at now is "yeah we keep saying that to defer dealing with issues but it's always the same people who have to deal with those failures and like at what point do we (hci people, system designers, idk) take any responsibility for that
2022-01-02 16:14:50 @Blackamazon @IfeomaOzoma the number of times i've heard people say "don't let perfect be the enemy of good" when i bring up critiques makes me really wonder if you two have heard that/have thoughts on it
2022-01-02 04:38:15 the pinker drive-by is just... amazing
2022-01-02 04:34:50 fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell
2022-01-02 03:58:12 RT @pookleblinky: Neither of us, after a full day of arguing back and forth sending links clearly showing both contradictory policies were…
2022-01-02 03:56:44 RT @pookleblinky: By broadcasting mutually contradictory, needlessly convoluted, nonsensical policies, an institution can ensure that for e…
2022-01-02 00:46:35 @RMac18 and look what a mistake that turned out to be
2022-01-02 00:39:19 @aprilaser how old??
2022-01-01 22:40:17 when i was a kid my dad made me go to these art galleries in carmel and santa barbara & anyway look at this dog:
2022-01-01 21:26:41 emily oster doesn't want your kid to die or end up in a hospital because that would probably affect the labor market when they would otherwise age into the workforce. but it's not as clear whether any model she subscribes to gives a fuck about chronic lifelong pain &
2022-01-01 21:20:19 i feel like people ALMOST got this in 2020
2022-01-01 17:18:01 @LibyaLiberty you're ahead of your time. VERY ahead
2022-01-01 16:59:27 anyway instructors but especially adjuncts who could get tossed out without a second thought, please be cautious going into your classes. getting flippant and irate might be what they're aiming for, to catch you on record doing something to get you fired
2022-01-01 16:57:17 y'all are literally going to troll school
2022-01-01 16:50:31 @mcwm people still fly the confederate flag. there's no expiration date on losers championing their loser cause
2021-12-31 21:01:13 @localFuturist @mapc those fields often look at the structures that collectively work to marginalize, erase, and oppress people. maybe this is more about what i'm interested in than anything else, but i'm more concerned with those structures than with the internal machinations of computational models
2021-12-31 20:55:04 @localFuturist @mapc yep. i've written about anthro's history as a colonial tool, & but when we ask about violence, marginalization, &
2021-12-31 18:02:15 @mapc because these fields inherently distance themselves from the social and historical dimensions that make these problems difficult in the first place. so not only do we not arrive at any useful insight for the problems at hand
2021-12-31 17:45:17 "___ is a philosopher and cognitive scientist,"
2021-12-31 17:38:37 just read a review of yet another book about AI that frames it from an individual/cog sci perspective and i really don't envy the people who have to read these things
2021-12-31 15:20:14 burn them both to the ground
2021-12-31 15:16:49 this article is a good read, but... > Yale did this to David Graeber in 2005 for supporting the grad student union movement. abrupt contract termination, 3 years prior to tenure review
2021-12-31 15:06:27 RT @DrEricDing: “Mild” but hospitals overloaded. “Mild” but healthcare workers burnt out. “Mild” but thousands of flights cancelled. “Mild”…
2021-12-31 15:06:23 RT @womensrites: my personal highlight of 2021 was when we found out that bob odenkirk was ok
2021-12-31 14:58:45 @spaghetti did we ever get closure as to why the hell for this one? this one haunted me and i never found an answer as to why her kids' masks would look like this after any amount of use. were they throwing up into their masks?
2021-12-31 01:57:38 @OmanReagan @s_j_prins "the orphan juicer is terrible, but"
2021-12-31 01:53:16 last year i said i worried about women and enbies in &
2021-12-31 00:33:09 RT @gramnegativity: As a microbiologist I would rather eat a whole batch of raw cookie dough that’s been at room temp for four hours than b…
2021-12-31 00:24:26 RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Trying to shame internet trolls is like using an asteroid strike on a black hole
2021-12-30 23:03:44 @anildash @RMac18 i re-read the private info policy and it permits names and other stuff (as well as DM's from other platforms) so i'm totally wrong on this
2021-12-30 22:59:14 @anildash @RMac18 (and this is separate from the fact that swalwell called for twitter's help with what looks like an instagram DM but AFAICT that fact is by the by lol)
2021-12-30 22:57:58 @anildash @RMac18 i'm so confused about twitter's personal/private info policy. i was under the impression it was so broadly written that it implied photographers couldn't even post street photography anymore. this is a guy saying "hi, my name is ____" and the content of that convo being posted
2021-12-30 22:56:36 @anildash @RMac18 i don't know how the thread is still on twitter. i didn't think twitter were evaluating the verisimilitude of content in screenshots for evaluating whether a tweet violates the new personal info policy - ie, did someone look at the name in the screenshot &
2021-12-30 22:49:27 @RMac18 swalwell taking this person at face value is only the third-most confusing thing about this to me
2021-12-30 22:46:42 @RMac18 i'm just flummoxed by both the thread and the content of the thread and i feel like i'm the only one who missed something
2021-12-30 22:45:20 @RMac18 is this just /r/ThatHappened content? at the end does this person give Swalwell a crisp hundred dollar bill?
2021-12-30 22:44:15 @RMac18 or why he would ask twitter for help? or why twitter would let him post this stuff (assuming at face value that the person was telling the truth about themselves)? so many questions...
2021-12-30 22:34:16 man, a lot of people are gonna end up with Long Covid symptoms and the CDC is gonna pat themselves on the back for shrewdly doing what Delta Airlines told them to do...
2021-12-30 22:30:11 then there's the private info. is it... good to post screenshots of DM's related to an active investigation police are pursuing? that seems... ill-advised if only because copycats might... copy??? also pretty sure twitter had a whole thing about posting people's private info-???
2021-12-30 22:24:23 like i'm old and all that so i have no idea but isn't that what instagram DMs look like? i mean it's definitely not the twitter DM interface unless blue checks get some extra special interface
2021-12-30 22:23:14 so confused by the swalwell thread, and i'm not sure if it's because it looks like an insta/facebook messenger thread (so why would he ask twitter for help?) or because i have no idea how this doesn't violate some part of twitter's new policy abt sharing private info about people
2021-12-30 20:31:15 RT @tolu_xyz: calling the police (5+ officers in 3 cars) is not an innocent action. this woman wanted to punish us for not just taking her…
2021-12-30 20:31:05 RT @tolu_xyz: i’m at @costco and someone just called the police on me and my mom
2021-12-30 20:28:38 RT @RMac18: When Apple released AirTags last April, privacy experts predicted they would be used to stalk unsuspecting people. We spoke to…
2021-12-30 19:31:14 RT @StephTaitWrites: Watching the government openly embrace the “everyone’s going to get Covid” strategy is hard enough, but notice how the…
2021-12-30 19:29:13 RT @cydharrell: we hired a computer to do better at gaming a metric run by a computer, but the things is, the humans on whom the whole game…
2021-12-30 19:15:35 oh no i'm sorry it was TWO days ago ok that's fine then
2021-12-30 19:13:59 didn't elon sell like a billion dollars' worth of shares like YESTERDAY?
2021-12-30 16:57:06 if you see "" in bright yellow comics sans in the corner of an NFT then i might've done it
2021-12-30 16:55:29 tempted to add a really ugly jpeg-artifacted watermark to the corners of these things and call that a new NFT minting.
2021-12-30 16:52:28 RT @blaqueerflow: Ppl keep talking about a lockdown coming. Girl, it ain’t. Biden won’t do it and Omarosa has already swept across the nati…
2021-12-30 16:48:30 RT @CT_Bergstrom: I am frustrated by the lack of a correction or changelog. I don't like the fact that the @CDC materially alters its own p…
2021-12-30 05:12:07 RT @cheryllynneaton: The sinister message tucked neatly beneath "the left eats its own" is "irrational savage POC drive reasonable white pe…
2021-12-29 22:03:59 > MMMM....
2021-12-29 22:02:08 mmmm.
2021-12-29 21:23:56 this wacky waving inflatable tube crowd idea is looking more and more prudent...
2021-12-29 18:58:40 @johnmoe "the intros and outros will sound amazing"
2021-12-29 18:52:46 @sneha_nar yes exactly. reminds me of the WHCOS (if i remember correctly) talking up holiday shopping numbers as the primary outcome of vaccinations like that matters
2021-12-29 18:37:54 i'm sure the medical community has more precise ways to talk about this than i know of, but this feels too close to the language disability advocates were warning would get used to throw immunocompromised folks out into the cold as soon as the opportunity arose, and here we are?
2021-12-29 18:33:53 idk how to feel about SciComm people saying to manage my concern about a paper finding COVID lingers in people because its findings were "only" relevant to people who are immunocompromised or have other complicating factors, like what's the implication here? that it's acceptable?
2021-12-29 15:40:07 @jeffjarvis we've exclusively told the american perspective for a little while. if the other stories are always horrific and tragic then maybe we should dwell on that pattern rather than shift attention away from it
2021-12-29 15:38:05 ha ha i guess we'll agree to disagree
2021-12-29 15:36:59 i remember that first story differently, but narratives and perspectives, what can ya do
2021-12-29 14:48:27 in horror movies when it's revealed that the big company/agency/bureaucracy's motivation for helping the virus was some nonsense about how they decided that's the way the world is heading anyway and as a viewer you're like "that's shitty writing" but now the CDC makes you wonder
2021-12-29 05:06:37 @SmithaKhorana and iirc when doctors say "mild" they mean they don't see you at the hospital... which isn't how i would've scaled that word before 2020.
2021-12-29 02:20:24 RT @saintbt7: We should really be organizing beyond work rn because they are forcing you to work with a disease imagine what else they can…
2021-12-29 02:17:30 the hearts are a bit of a giveaway, Jim...
2021-12-29 02:10:17 RT @MackDistrict6: lol it me, I’m the Black Friend
2021-12-29 02:09:16
2021-12-28 22:38:19 how horrible would it be if the CDC was regularly excessively cautious and careful with our lives?
2021-12-28 22:36:40 it's really sad to see the CDC seemingly *CONSISTENTLY* not just make mistakes, but make mistakes that err on the side of danger, over the course of this pandemic. on masks, on airborne transmission, on this.
2021-12-28 21:45:35 like disneyland prison
2021-12-28 21:44:54 once some extended family came to visit and they were like "let's go to alcatraz" and we found out it COSTS MONEY TO GO TO ALCATRAZ and there was like a WAITLIST TO GO TO ALCATRAZ
2021-12-28 21:43:18 alcatraz, like i literally never understood the fascination
2021-12-28 19:38:12 but i got real satisfaction by thinking about why tf i do this work at all. who is this for? am i helping bring two conversations together? helping bring something into focus in a way it wasn't before? i think about this a lot, always trying to land in a place that i'm satisfied
2021-12-28 19:34:09 knowing what i bring to the work i do and being narrow enough about it that i recognize things about myself that make me unique is really important (otherwise if you think "i'm the best programmer!" then someone will come along with better programming skills and you'll spiral)
2021-12-28 19:32:36 in grad school i found myself struggling more with "professional happiness", so FWIW: the way i found happiness was by thinking more about where my field exists in the context of the wider world. maybe this is THE tension i deal with - how do i narrow &
2021-12-28 19:14:59 @hahnscratch it's interesting that she's uncertain about whether this person liked her but relatively certain about having not done anything to hurt this person. seems like something for her to consider
2021-12-28 19:06:15 "i had a person who accepted a request i sent on facebook" does sound a LOT more plausible
2021-12-28 18:50:38 "i didn't do anything except be white"
2021-12-28 18:48:32 "i had a black friend and then ALL OF A SUDDEN FOR NO REASON-"
2021-12-28 17:41:11 CDC gonna say it's fine to work on an old CRT if you've unplugged it and waited "a bit". it's probably discharged by now. stop worrying so much! (don't do this)
2021-12-28 17:38:53 CDC gonna recommend not worrying about internal temps if thermometers are hard to find in stores, just like cook the chicken for 5 more minutes it'll probably be fiiiiine
2021-12-28 17:24:09 @bigblackjacobin seems pretty upbeat to call the UK a "pre-revolution state"
2021-12-28 17:04:52 @tamigraph i'm so sorry :/
2021-12-28 16:51:23 RT @shailjapatel: 42% of the world's population - 3.8 billion people - are unvaccinated. Because Pfizer, Moderna and J and J refuse to shar…
2021-12-28 16:34:32 high hopes for this job search maybe you can get a joint appointment etc..
2021-12-28 16:31:19 > this is the one good CS program.
2021-12-28 01:47:06 the CDC's announcement feels a little like going to a hardware store to get a multimeter, finding an employee who can't help, and being told that actually it's probably fine to do electrical work without a multimeter anyway because like i probably flipped the right breaker switch
2021-12-28 00:36:33 RT @NFTtheft: Here are some resources to help artists deal with the growing problem of plagiarized art on NFT marketplaces. A few of these…
2021-12-27 22:09:23 RT @alexisgoldstein: This argument has been meticulously and empirically rebutted in newer research by @CharlieEatonPhD @ProfessorWherry et…
2021-12-27 20:46:19 the racism is never especially surprising, but it IS always shocking that places like the WSJ will publish this vile garbage. even they should have limits.
2021-12-27 20:11:52 it's not just google either. these companies are literally gonna get people killed, being this irresponsible about the AIs they put into people's homes.
2021-12-27 16:53:37 if you have time, try to format your CV so that when printed and arranged in a 5x5 grid it creates a mosaic of your headshot. i know this might be difficult, but it helps.
2021-12-27 16:47:16 i really thought this would be more controversial
2021-12-27 16:45:18 bay leaf adds nothing to ̶s̶t̶e̶w̶ covid tests
2021-12-27 16:42:48 sandwich feedback method: + 500m vaccines! congrats - please focus on human lives rather than holiday sales + wow, did i mention that 500m vaccine bit?
2021-12-27 13:09:59 @nhannahjones ted cruz is a high school debater. that's all he's ever been, because that's all he was ever challenged to mature to
2021-12-27 12:12:05 @sivavaid there's a kind of narcissism here. that everything orbits him &
2021-12-27 08:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-12-21 05:55:34 the extent to which mainstream democrats are openly contemptuous of people trying to fucking survive this pandemic after close to 2 years is literally incredible
2021-12-21 05:50:00 "china-like" is some staggering racism for what amounts to basic policies like universal masking, testing, and effective contact tracing, but then what should i expect from intellectually diarrheal pundits who talk about "zero covid" as if it's some kind of obscene aspiration?
2021-12-21 05:26:48 NFTs are more like novelty ringtones than lamborghinis but sure
2021-12-20 22:04:26 @darcyamurphy it really reads like instructions meant for someone else, as i think the quoted thread said. and even if they figured it was meant for them, these instructions are cryptic as all fuck. like if a friend said they were going to follow this i'd tell them to bring a friend for safety
2021-12-20 22:01:03 @tessalaprofessa people really reveal that they don't consider their role is to teach anything but to give their students a difficult experience
2021-12-20 21:06:20 like obv running social experiments on students is contemptible &
2021-12-20 21:02:03 all this, and: part of what's so irksome about this is that if a student took the money, we'd have never heard about it. this whole stunt was designed and orchestrated to embarrass his students and would've drifted quietly into obscurity if he opened the locker and found it empty
2021-12-20 19:23:05 @driusan "so let's teach them how to-" "NEXT!"
2021-12-20 19:22:23 @driusan has real "helmets aren't helpful if cyclists don't wear them correctly" vibes
2021-12-20 19:01:03 RT @_alialkhatib: design thinking doesn't understand and doesn't seek to understand (let alone address) the sources or consequences of the…
2021-12-20 16:40:47 RT @louise_seamster: increasingly convinced you can explain at least 90-95% of political backstories by tracking powerful white men's emoti…
2021-12-20 05:16:13 @tenuous someone told me they didn't consider training ML systems human subjects research because they were evaluating the AI which seems to imply that getting the labels to train for CSAM or similar would require no IRB review (i never explored the distance between faculty &
2021-12-20 05:11:51 @tenuous welcome to the club lol
2021-12-20 05:04:30 some of the QTs to this are like "i mean he's right" like fucker are you kidding me??
2021-12-20 05:03:12 imagine someone scamming you and then telling you that you deserve to be poor because you let people scam you
2021-12-20 03:34:38 RT @InternetHippo: if we all go back to the office the coronavirus will see that it can't break our resolve and give up
2021-12-20 03:25:31 RT @ManyAdrians: Spotted this economic commentary in the bathroom of a rest stop off I-95. Wonder if this anonymous poet works here or was…
2021-12-19 22:47:22 design thinking doesn't understand and doesn't seek to understand (let alone address) the sources or consequences of the real social problems they wander into. angry designers these days will say at least they're "trying to help", where by "help" they mean "acquire subscribers"
2021-12-19 22:21:28 RT @alexhanna: @emilymbender Disabled people become a foil for so many applications of AI, when they weren't involved in nearly any parts o…
2021-12-19 21:44:23 RT @mmitchell_ai: Neat article on LMs from @MelMitchell1! Would offer a slight variation on one of the main points: "Understanding [human]…
2021-12-19 18:52:24 RT @coffeegirlNZ: Why are the pyramids in Egypt? Bc they were too heavy to carry to the British museum.
2021-12-19 18:33:29 @hackylawyER @a16z sweet release, or a race to see who can block first...
2021-12-19 18:32:42 @hackylawyER @a16z everything about that screenshot is loathsome. maybe the cover photo is ok.
2021-12-19 18:31:27 @hackylawyER @a16z god damn it
2021-12-19 18:28:39 sorry i've been busy the last few .. i don't know how long it's been tbh
2021-12-19 18:22:21 we're all going to die waiting for biden to wait for congress to wait for their constituents to wait for letters and shit telling them to pass a bill to give parents a fucking tax credit so he can sign a bill saying someone else made this decision for him
2021-12-19 18:19:15 he should forgive student debt anyway but like fuck it just lie to manchin to get him to do what you want lol
2021-12-19 18:18:32 biden should tell manchin that he's gonna forgive all student loan debt if manchin doesn't turn his yacht around, but it honestly feels like exploiting the structural levers of this government to accomplish policy goals is something only republicans are interested in doing
2021-12-19 03:28:21 @InternetHippo yeah but then you gotta live with this horrible, awful, shameful secret that would destroy your public reputation if people ever found out. and you can only have so many of those.
2021-12-18 17:05:31 i hadn't made the connections yet but @snchancellor has written about the linguistic dimension of this (linked here)
2021-12-18 17:04:06 people were live-streaming last year, saying they were staying at home & i presented it in an update for @craignewmark back in may 2020 (slides at
2021-12-17 01:38:27 RT @Arrianna_Planey: This fatalism is why 800,000+ are dead. It's not too late to implement PH measures to reduce transmission, &
2021-12-16 17:51:02 @kharijohnson i need to know where
2021-12-15 22:57:28 RT @AfroJediii: a thread of some hooks texts. coming up below this tweet.
2021-12-15 21:00:03 @alexqarbuckle they're just gonna cast another white guy as the lead
2021-12-15 20:03:00 RT @Blackamazon: They called the person who warned them stupid in public depended on his race making that okay They were right it becam…
2021-12-15 20:02:09 @Vortex_Egg yes. its collapse will be absolutely devastating, esp to the people who rushed in thinking this is their last best chance at financial stability or wealth. but it will break them and nothing will be there to save them. whenever i hear "too big to fail" i think "no way to land"
2021-12-15 19:45:00 "too big to fail" has a cultural meaning and it's cruel to use that idiom while people rush in to inflate the bubble
2021-12-15 19:43:21 it is absolutely not too big to fail, and this characterization is extremely dangerous. people will begin to think that they'll get bailed out when the scam implodes, but that's not going to happen.
2021-12-15 19:38:53 RT @bcmerchant: The establishment of web3 (or any tech) is not predetermined, and widespread cultural hostility is one of the surest—maybe…
2021-12-15 18:29:37 RT @NicoleFroio: bell hooks' body of work taught me that i can just write if I want to. she didn't care about pleasing academia, she cared…
2021-12-15 18:12:28 @jil_slander @jwkritchie it's ROUND
2021-12-15 18:11:56 last thought: it makes me really sad to see people in my field lament that someone should have debated pinker or whoever. no we shouldn't. you should stop making us debate him. stop asking us to fight for your amusement. stop giving him undue credit and status. just stop.
2021-12-15 18:09:04 but we need to stop conceding to people who hold The Debate up as the utmost good, esp when that means sharing a stage and sharing our credibility with people who feel that debating our humanity, dignity, and self-determination is some benign, inconsequential sparring exercise.
2021-12-15 18:09:03 there are a lot of reasons that this must have been hard, and even more that it was the right call to make. nobody wants to emotionally invest in this kind of thing and then have to withdraw. it's immensely depleting.
2021-12-15 17:40:10 RT @hannahgiorgis: it is not hyperbole to say bell hooks saved me and so many of the women i've been blessed to move through this life alon…
2021-12-15 17:34:03 RT @theferocity: As a first generation college student, bell hooks was the first writer I encountered via academia whose work I was able to…
2021-12-15 17:28:28 i hope bell hooks knew how many lives she saved
2021-12-15 17:27:31 so many people immediately return to a sentence or string of words that bell hooks wrote or spoke, that she had these beautiful thoughts that often stuck deep in people's souls that now they're all right here instantly, like we had been carrying it so close to our chest all along
2021-12-15 17:19:28 RT @AMReese07: “we are born and have our being in a place of memory.” sweet rest, bell hooks.
2021-12-15 17:18:38 but still.
2021-12-15 17:17:36 i can't put into words how far and how deeply bell hooks has influenced feminist work in my world. i know her thoughts and writing will give life and strength to countless future generations, and will inspire yet more. i'm trying to focus on gratitude for all that she was and did
2021-12-15 17:09:07 oh my gosh...
2021-12-15 00:35:55 RT @ImaniKushan: Stop comparing things to slavery because you lack vocabulary to describe different forms of marginalization.
2021-12-15 00:13:00 RT @SBWorkersUnited: Starbucks is purposefully scheduling pro-union partners at inconsistent hours. They are often scheduled both open &
2021-12-14 18:45:53 i'm imagining walking into an interview with this guy and he's like "tell me about the last bug you um... installed. and how you uninstalled it"
2021-12-14 18:40:50 @mimismash this is like a dril tweet
2021-12-14 18:39:08 @mimismash lmao what does brian think happens when people code? i'm so confused by multiple word choices here
2021-12-14 04:44:20 @ranjodhd what the hell
2021-12-13 23:43:23 RT @elisewho: California reinstating a statewide indoor mask mandate "The move comes as #coronavirus case rates have risen by 50% in the l…
2021-12-13 21:58:47 @trustfundbaby this is so fucking painful to read. jesus
2021-12-13 20:42:00 finally a thing that i can use to visually grok how far inside or outside of work hours a suggested time is for other time zones
2021-12-13 20:41:10 @talktomlee @cgpgrey @imyke woahhhh. this wasn't the thing i remembered seeing but it's way more effective for me. thanks!
2021-12-13 20:40:36 @imyke thanks! i thought i had a mental image of a more visual representation (eg if i entered 12:38p and had 5 other cities, it instantly updated to reflect their local times and shaded each cell/block with how close to work hours it was), but i should just give people a doodle link
2021-12-13 20:13:24 you can get it from @saraschaefer1's etsy!
2021-12-13 20:13:23 i am very grateful that this arrived today along with a little chain so i can use it as a keychain
2021-12-13 19:04:32 you knew biden wasn't gonna cancel debt or even defer payment because nelnet has been so fucking confident in their emails. like unreasonably confident unless they had him
2021-12-13 18:50:12 this is disgusting. that's it.
2021-12-13 18:45:36 to call this decision a farce would be giving Elon too much credit. it's not even comprehensible that he was in the running, let alone on the short list. Time truly debase themselves with this kind of hagiography of despicable, cruel, selfish monsters just because they're wealthy
2021-12-13 18:01:36 @cgpgrey @imyke wow i tweeted that at exactly 10:00am which is... *another time* in a different timezone. see how bad i need this site?
2021-12-13 18:00:37 there was a very pretty website that showed reasonable times to meet for people in myriad timezones, and i forgot it and all i know is that maybe @cgpgrey mentioned it in a podcast, maybe to @imyke. but maybe it was Myke saying it to Grey. or maybe it was neither. fuck.
2021-12-13 17:44:21 @RMac18 i can't even imagine how sad it would be to realize that all the professionals i pay to keep me from looking like this are either totally out of their league or are too feckless tell me "no mark, stop".
2021-12-13 17:39:14 @davidthewid yeah but that's the argument for corporations and whatnot to perpetuate student debt. why are people carrying that water?
2021-12-13 17:37:42 even if you've paid off your student loans, how bleak a society do you insist on living in by demanding that everyone else be crushed by this thing that robbed your youth?
2021-12-13 17:35:58 the selfish argument for student debt cancelation is that living in a society that coerces people out of being their best selves is its own harm. how many people don't make or write or do interesting things purely because of their debt? how long will we insist to live like this?
2021-12-13 11:07:10 @katebevan by which i mean to ask... have these things always been in the same category in this way in healthcare (in the UK or in general), or is this using some new contrived way of framing it, effectively redefining what people should expect in terms of care?
2021-12-13 11:05:27 @katebevan is a knee operation considered "elective" in the same way as cosmetic non-restorative surgery? this sounds like the sort of thing where one would redraw the lines so that they can say they've never failed to provide essential care (even as those boundaries get tighter &
2021-12-13 01:00:30 RT @hypervisible: Every future imagined by a tech company is worse than the previous iteration.…
2021-12-13 00:35:54 RT @Shut_downAmazon: The most disturbing thing about all the workers who’ve lost their lives working at @amazon is that majority if not ALL…
2021-12-12 07:47:45 RT @gregggonsalves: But it is still coming down like a biblical curse on those who are vulnerable. Who can’t afford to get out of the way o…
2021-12-12 07:28:27 @megh_wright @yaaaaaaaaari i feel like a naive child saying this but,, couldn't jeremy have just said that the profile didn't feel true to how he views himself (and, crucially, made him feel bad)? would that have been so bad??
2021-12-12 06:15:23 RT @JeffSchuhrke: Amazon bans workers from bringing their smartphones into warehouses, which means they can't access updates/warnings on po…
2021-12-12 05:50:42 RT @SanNuvola: Big Mood In this paper we that , and all we need is Get rea…
2021-12-12 05:08:38 RT @nycsouthpaw: 14th paragraph:
2021-12-12 04:35:42 @Rochelle that's not suspicious at all
2021-12-12 04:33:20 lmao at the idea that it's anyone's fault but your own that the hobby you call your "business" doesn't pay enough to cover gas. like when flunky losers say their business can't compete if they have to pay living wages and shit. like next you'll say it's oppressive to pay invoices
2021-12-12 01:26:20 RT @rafaelshimunov: 4/x While Jeff Bezos last tweet is still this image, over 50+ grassroots groups have started raising money to directly…
2021-12-12 00:43:07 the amazon warehouse workers absolutely didn't have to die. this was absolutely fucking predictable. we knew well in advance. amazon knew. they wanted warehouse workers to work in that warehouse until the roof caved in and killed them. some fucking future amazon are making.
2021-12-11 23:34:05 this is literally a tangential tweet but @qadrida wrote about Gojek drivers using apps to deal with shitty gig work systems and this is an excellent illustration of systems operating along this scale
2021-12-11 23:30:36 the more power these systems have, the more harmful they become as they try to impose the worlds they've constructed algorithmically onto the world that the rest of us actually have to live in often the erasure is systemic and maps to historical patterns of violence and erasure
2021-12-11 23:30:35 when the system uses a faulty map that you can tell is wrong and easily dismiss as a model, its harms are real, but limited. in the context of navigation, if you can spot the lake it's telling you to drive into, you can stop. nobody will punish you for throwing out the map
2021-12-11 23:30:34 in my paper, i tried to emphasize this step from "making sense of the world" to "making the world make sense" that these systems take in data we encode & so what happens when systems impose those models on the world?
2021-12-11 22:49:47 i know that's not the emergency people are dealing with right now, but it's just a grim reminder that this disaster isn't even close to over for people in the wake of this first catastrophe
2021-12-11 22:47:42 i'm worried about how covid, especially the omicron variant, is going to spread even more rapidly in shelters in the aftermath of this devastating series of tornadoes.
2021-12-11 21:21:06 RT @math_rachel: @_alialkhatib @KashPrime Absolutely. Those with power keep proposing "personal responsibility" for society-wide collective…
2021-12-11 21:11:17 @math_rachel @KashPrime feels like the emphasis on hand-washing (something individuals can do and be blamed for) vs ventilation (something that requires more literally structural changes) serves a similar purpose to recycling discourse (ie emphasis on sorting plastics distracts from structural/sources)
2021-12-11 20:59:27 RT @alexqarbuckle: If an old bald guy wants to tickle my feet I'm not gonna be the one paying him
2021-12-11 14:14:16 like, it's easy to say that, but Keanu was born 400 years ago in the highlands of Scotland. For centuries he has waited for the time of the Gathering, when the stroke of a sword and the fall of a head will release the power of the Quickening. In the end, there can be only one.
2021-12-11 05:02:04 oh my god
2021-12-11 04:42:37 @pixelatedboat stop trying to ruin our joy
2021-12-11 02:09:18 @arthur_affect the thought ended up getting published in @interactionsMag but i really wished i had more time to unpack this thought, because it felt like i hit a note that reverberated for me (at least, speaking as someone who studied anthro and then CS)
2021-12-11 02:06:06 @arthur_affect actually, back in May 2020 i was writing about digital contact tracing &
2021-12-11 00:03:09 RT @veenadubal: Remember Uber will always say the drivers’ are “offline” when an accident took place. And as holders of the data, they can…
2021-12-10 23:49:40 @arthur_affect i've heard people say it's a way of having some kind of transactional or governance system with zero trust, apparently not realizing what a dumbass comment that is
2021-12-10 23:24:41 @juliacarriew i should emphasize "kinda". not enough to want to ask him or anything
2021-12-10 23:23:54 @juliacarriew i'm kinda curious what he thought west side story was about now
2021-12-10 22:57:29 "do you wanna be an intergenerational cultural icon famous enough to be one of a handful of people to use a mononym?"
2021-12-10 22:53:11 literally madonna in a heartbeat are you dumb as rocks?
2021-12-10 17:52:45 "huh, i said the word 'unionize' and the president of Starbucks in North America is sweeping the fucking floor right now and offering to cover my shift..."
2021-12-10 17:51:33 what's really funny about it is that this would've been the first time any of the employees ever met an executive of that level &
2021-12-10 17:07:28 @abelinasabrina i had to bail at "just body autonomy" which somehow hit 15 different notes and none of them was the right one
2021-12-10 16:40:08 RT @ceciliakang: This site is terrifying and found largely via search. Why don't the big tech cos do something about it? “Google Search ho…
2021-12-10 07:05:28 RT @QasimRashid: UPDATE: @KelloggsUS says it’s permanently replacing most of 1,400 workers who went on strike over a new system that cuts…
2021-12-10 02:02:01 oh, do gen z and millennials suddenly love not getting paid for their work?
2021-12-10 01:20:11 @so_treu ugh. i'm so sorry.
2021-12-10 01:15:41 like i said, sleepy comebacks have fun playing with yourself in my mentions or whatever
2021-12-10 01:01:33 management, you gotta pay more for hired bootlickers or you'll get torpid, unimaginative garbage like this. it's embarrassing
2021-12-10 00:57:54 took you an hour and a half to come up with that?
2021-12-10 00:07:54 5'8" on a tall day... ha ha ... yeah
2021-12-09 23:25:58 hi my name is first name bunch of numbers and i have some incredibly shitty opinions
2021-12-09 22:19:35 RT @so_treu: Please and thanks, y'all.
2021-12-09 22:18:46 @so_treu jfc i can't believe that this person has been harassing you for months now. i'm so sorry. this is unreal
2021-12-09 21:32:08 @Greg08478025 @AOC @SBWorkersUnited the union workers in mid-september who weren't part of a union at the time? ok
2021-12-09 21:27:37 a huge chunk of the ad reads i see on youtube are for VPNs and mostly they pitch it as a way to get around absurd and often-incomprehensible licensing regimes that make watching something an ongoing puzzle
2021-12-09 21:21:58 you forgot the part where they're saying yes to other people and then they say yes to you and then halfway through enjoying it they say you can't enjoy it anymore but if you're in another country none of this applies to you unless it does in which case- *collapses*
2021-12-09 20:58:52 nothing makes me more radical about student debt cancellation than nelnet's emails taunting me about the resumption of loan repayment
2021-12-09 20:54:21 i don't think he personally wants young women to kill themselves, but structuring his argument this way makes the machine point in a direction that makes looking at this outcome all but impossible, to say nothing of structural incentives to do anything about it
2021-12-09 20:52:23 but like, more critically, if his misunderstanding of whether and why people return to harmful spaces is wrong (... because it is), then does he have any reason for us to believe ig wants people not to kill themselves?
2021-12-09 20:52:22 still find it amazing that mosseri's big argument for why you can trust fb/ig is that if it made you miserable then they'd lose users, when research over the past several decades has been that addicting properties of these platforms &
2021-12-09 20:02:33 and only together, as a labor union, can we stop it.
2021-12-09 19:51:28 i just keep thinking about the point David Graber made about transparency into institutions being merely a tool to get at the thing that we actually want, which is justice. are we just shuffling the deck and hoping for a better hand, when we could be flipping the table right now?
2021-12-09 19:46:57 it's been like 7 years, hasn't it? when do they get to find out?
2021-12-09 19:45:39 did the facebook users experimented on in the emotional contagion study ever find out they were exposed to that study at all? one way or another??
2021-12-09 19:44:51 making tech co's share research w/other researchers feels a little like making clinics share patient info w/other clinics but leaving patients out of that conversation &
2021-12-09 19:37:15 RT @schock: I've just contributed $1,500 to Hardship Fund for Columbia Student Workers #CUonStrike. Consider supporting them too — every li…
2021-12-09 19:29:57 @AOC @SBWorkersUnited just want to re-up this because it gives me life
2021-12-09 18:53:46 love this tweet
2021-12-09 18:52:17 @alexnpress maybe one of his exec's can fly over and mop up his tears
2021-12-09 18:50:02 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the first union in starbucks history!
2021-12-09 16:58:02 it shouldn't be that surprising to see management so determined to break unions before it becomes normal to see workers win. Columbia has been escalating its threats towards grad student workers on strike, threatening to fire them if they don't come break the strike. and now this
2021-12-09 06:58:36 you caught me at the end of a very generous gimlet so you're getting blocked and reported as spam
2021-12-09 06:54:43 did i publish a paper about a subject i've never published in when i was 10? no, academia dot edu. no i didn't- and also, i specifically said to stop fucking contacting me. so... ???
2021-12-09 05:06:02 this genetic profiling and visual trait prediction bullshit is just an algorithmic laundering for racial discrimination and targeting. *please* sign this letter opposing its use.
2021-12-09 05:03:01 RT @jathansadowski: This technology doesn't just "raise privacy and racial profiling issues" – those are core features integral to its desi…
2021-12-09 03:38:47 something along the lines of "if you don't do the research then maybe we don't want you here" which is a horrendously shitty take for the record
2021-12-09 03:37:53 i had an argument with someone at a prestigious program who felt quite strongly that changing a policy to make it more inclusive and not advertising it was sufficient, and that i was being some kind of asshole for saying they should put that message out there more proactively
2021-12-09 01:17:56 RT @alexhanna: OP frames this as an unmitigated good, but I can't see consolidation of method in models which are increasingly consequentia…
2021-12-08 22:48:44 checklists and obsequious procedure-following might be some of the most underrated curses of HCI
2021-12-08 22:39:28 RT @instrumenthull: Totally disagree with this. Basic stats (and causal inference!) can + should be taught at the middle school level I lo…
2021-12-08 22:36:01 who am i talking about? haha ha ha nobody! i swear! this isn't a subtweet at all.
2021-12-08 22:30:16 how do i say this... some people of color don't advance decolonization. like, at all. and it's telling when the only people you follow, recognize, or elevate are the ones who reaffirm your bullshit.
2021-12-08 21:52:39 i can't keep listening to this. i need to run. keep playing, good luck with #TechBullshitBingo everyone!
2021-12-08 21:42:02 need that "yes/no" box, or the "uhh it's complicated <
2021-12-08 21:37:02 how is ted cruz this stupid all of the time?
2021-12-08 21:34:13 oh my god cruz is starting up. the sinophobia angle has a chance. all the bullshit takes have a chance at winning in #TechBullshitBingo now
2021-12-08 21:32:04 talking about hate speech ->
2021-12-08 21:26:48 i mean it'd just be a web view and OBS
2021-12-08 21:25:24 next time maybe i'll set up a fancy virtual bingo board thing and stream on twitch lol
2021-12-08 21:23:42 there's an "ethics/law conflation" box in there. if you've got it on your card, check it off
2021-12-08 21:22:56 padding thing* ugh
2021-12-08 21:22:44 i wonder if i should put a adding thing on the bingo board so that a 16x9 video picture-in-picture box doesn't overlap the boxes...
2021-12-08 21:19:42 "congress must not scroll past this moment" thanks for that
2021-12-08 21:18:36 yes i will. it was fleeting but that's about as much as i expect mosseri to say on it
2021-12-08 21:17:25 hmmm do i call the "we talked to a person of color" box...
2021-12-08 21:15:31 i don't think so? i'll add it sometime
2021-12-08 21:14:37 is "nudge" on the bingo bullshit doc?
2021-12-08 21:12:28 dude your gain is set too high
2021-12-08 21:11:54 oh fuck that volume though
2021-12-08 21:10:38 "we talked with researchers <
2021-12-08 21:07:30 in society*
2021-12-08 21:07:16 i dunno i think "the surgeon general cites a number of causes on society" is close...
2021-12-08 21:06:17 is he gonna say "mirror"??
2021-12-08 21:05:50 i'm never gonna close out a row/column
2021-12-08 21:03:18 TWO CLICKS!
2021-12-08 21:03:00 "two clicks!!"
2021-12-08 21:01:59 definitely need to add a box about "only x% of posts are horrifying <
2021-12-08 20:59:54 i complain about this shit a lot. whatever
2021-12-08 20:59:03 this reminds me of high school speech and debate, specifically student congress. you've got such a finite amount of time and you know exactly what you're going to ask, spend an hour ironing out your language before you show up
2021-12-08 20:57:17 "do you advocate diets?" "no" "very glad to hear that. i beg to differ" just - what are you saying dude?
2021-12-08 20:55:25 lmao "i get so confused by your rebranding"
2021-12-08 20:53:26 just to recap, this is where my #TechBullshitBingo card is. you can get your own bingo card at
2021-12-08 20:52:06 nah i doubt it
2021-12-08 20:51:06 oh my will i be checking the "we don't sell data" box??
2021-12-08 20:50:24 @ceciliakang @mosseri it must take a lot of work to make posts show in reverse chronological order
2021-12-08 20:47:43 a lot of my remaining boxes are foreign policy related, so unless some weird war hawk wanders into the chambers and starts talking about terrorism i think my game is out of steam
2021-12-08 20:45:44 sorry that was a digression, but here's that garbage comment
2021-12-08 20:44:12 remember that WaPo article shitting on @DAIRInstitute that was like "the best AI researchers live in silicon valley"?
2021-12-08 20:42:53 oh my god they use posts that mention "sweet 16" to classify peoples ages?
2021-12-08 20:41:50 "what are you doing to strengthen age verification" if you forgot to check the "more tech solves bad tech" box, that's coming up
2021-12-08 20:40:29 lol "we review content in 70 languages, we offer instagram in many more languages" what
2021-12-08 20:39:20 i just get very competitive.
2021-12-08 20:39:04 sorry im chill.
2021-12-08 20:38:51 damn it adam we already checked the "lots of jobs tied up in this" box fuck you
2021-12-08 20:38:23 idk how we're gonna check the manhattan project box but fingers crossed
2021-12-08 20:37:25 "a combination of reports, human review, and AI" close quote ->
2021-12-08 20:35:34 i'll think about it. but in the meantime "exec doesn't know how to answer yes/no question" doesn't seem like a good square which is where we've been the last few minutes
2021-12-08 20:34:40 i think i could add a thing so that when you tap on the box it copies the text so you can paste it here. but i don't wanna fw people's clipboards like that... although i could also put in the clipboard something like a time stamp. that might be useful. idk. that gets spammy
2021-12-08 20:32:52 "everything is biased, so nothing matters"? did his digression about ages being arbitrary make it?
2021-12-08 20:31:39 also it doesn't seem like industry executives would cite her and i'm not checking bingo boxes based on what the representatives/senators are saying!
2021-12-08 20:30:59 i don't wanna put someone's name on bingo but if i were going to i would probably put a box in there that says "citing haugen for something black women and trans people were saying years ago"
2021-12-08 20:28:13 i should make a note to add "squishy nonsense about enforcement"
2021-12-08 20:27:31 yes indeed
2021-12-08 20:26:11 oh shit are we talking section 230? check that box on #TechBullshitBingo?
2021-12-08 20:22:12 "we have over 40,000 people working on safety" ->
2021-12-08 20:21:44 "you better tell the truth you're under oath"
2021-12-08 20:20:20 technological wizards. klobuchar almost ticked the vague AI box!
2021-12-08 20:18:52 just a reminder you can play #TechBullshitBingo at
2021-12-08 20:17:32 are we about to check off the first amendment box? i think so
2021-12-08 20:17:08 i don't know how they're gonna bring up sinophobia but i believe in the senate's ability to steer just about anything into xenophobia
2021-12-08 20:13:20 i don't know why i didn't think to have a "as a <
2021-12-08 20:09:39 if i miss my bus stop it's gonna be a long walk so lemme focus lol
2021-12-08 20:08:57 "access to data for third part researchers" ->
2021-12-08 20:07:52 i'm just checking in with how much i'm winning at this game. i almost won #TechBullshitBingo with just the opening statement!
2021-12-08 20:06:38 we're using technology to understand ->
2021-12-08 20:06:37 "we're going to continue to push forward" ->
2021-12-08 20:05:35 "industry standards" tick off that self-regulation box if you've got it!
2021-12-08 20:05:17 i'm calling the "anything innovation" square right off the bat
2021-12-08 20:02:34 ugh... is she pointing to fosta/sesta as an example of good legislation or did i get distracted riding this bus?
2021-12-08 19:59:47
2021-12-08 19:46:00 i'm making a judgment call here. i take full responsibility for this decision. you can use this statement to fill in squares on your #TechBullshitBingo card. good luck!
2021-12-08 19:43:57 catch the stream in the QT, play #TechBullshitBingo at!
2021-12-08 19:43:24 @WrdsUponWaves @LibyaLiberty that's the entire chocolate hummus lobby
2021-12-08 19:13:51 my undergrad advisor wrote "Coming of Age in Second Life" which is arguably one of The Books on SL, so i'll take this as a reminder to wish him well.
2021-12-08 19:11:40 Danny DeVito voicing support for the grad student strike wasn't on any of my bingo cards
2021-12-08 19:10:47
2021-12-08 19:10:22 RT @DannyDeVito: New York is still a union town! Solidarity forever. Respect Labor. Students stand strong. @sw_columbia
2021-12-08 19:07:42
2021-12-08 19:06:08
2021-12-08 19:04:31 basically he's stared real hard at the programs that existed before he took office
2021-12-08 19:01:17 on the importance of having friends who will tell you to shut the fuck up before sending that message
2021-12-08 19:00:43 RT @maxwellstrachan: New: The Better CEO has, um, sent some Slacks
2021-12-08 18:57:51 @swodinsky would you say this is a meta gummy question?
2021-12-08 17:30:18 don't miss #TechBullshitBingo, starting in 2 hours!
2021-12-08 07:59:44 i like the parklets! and love the slow streets. let's do more of all of that. like a lot more. a LOT more.
2021-12-08 07:58:45 if the criticism was that the city should radically expand public spaces for people, then i'd be right there with you. but that's not EK's issue i guess. it should still be private business doing all this &
2021-12-08 07:49:38 @theLastTheorist well i thanks ezra for his constant vigilance lmao
2021-12-08 07:46:07 "you need to install proper gas lines if you wanna use gas heaters, and like... follow all those rules and shit" "HOW DARE YOU"
2021-12-08 07:44:17 why can't they just let businesses keep doing whatever in this highly earthquake-prone region??
2021-12-08 07:43:00 i'm reading the document ezra klein is crying about and it's real government overreach stuff! like "you can have outdoor heaters, but don't put them right under a canopy" and "people with wheelchairs gotta be able to get through" and "this doesn't mean you own the sidewalk, dude"
2021-12-08 07:36:39
2021-12-08 07:27:36 3D printed version of the save icon for use as desk ornament
2021-12-08 06:03:50 oooh
2021-12-08 04:54:34 RT @AsheeshKSi: This should be obvious but if you are doing anything Columbia University related (giving a talk, reviewing something for th…
2021-12-08 04:41:26 this is seriously fucked. it's like watching a nightmare
2021-12-08 01:28:43 RT @JennyENicholson: I feel for this guy, I genuinely don't think there'll be any improvement in the way the copyright system is stacked ag…
2021-12-07 23:52:58 absolutely! join us tomorrow for #TechBullshitBingo!
2021-12-07 22:28:52 RT @anildash: LOL this is such a classic “show a % change in wildly different sized numbers” form of data manipulation that I can’t believe…
2021-12-07 22:19:57 this reminds me of how the guinness world record people have a rule about not tracking records that are excessively contrived because they get incredibly stupid rather quickly.
2021-12-07 20:22:50 @anildash is this the adult version of the ice cream truck?
2021-12-07 20:21:56 @eegilbert i know this isn't the point, but that bike looks really nice
2021-12-07 20:18:42 @InternetHippo you are a welcome and refreshing feature of my otherwise bleak timeline, internet hippo! sorry for yelling!
2021-12-07 14:53:14 @Blackamazon excerpt on*
2021-12-07 14:51:24 @Blackamazon i remember people apparently being surprised last year that Emily Ratajkowski had lots of thoughts about objectification and representation in media in her book except on The Cut a while back and like...
2021-12-07 03:14:40 @cwarzel this advice is appropriate when the primary sources have been silenced and marginalized. when the primary sources are Cutco flunkies... idk. be more critical of the context of someone at a16z claiming their cause isn't getting a fair shake lol
2021-12-06 04:21:47 did i have a glass of wine? sure. but
2021-12-06 04:19:44 i was just thinking how the BART system map doesn't adequately convey the distances and time between some stations and realized i was thinking about a regular old map
2021-12-06 04:13:38 RT @shafiqurra7man: I just saw a tweet abt how an abuser's biggest weakness is community and I disagree. Community is often an abuser's big…
2021-12-05 03:50:30
2021-12-04 21:00:24 @cwarzel i wonder if it would be better for twitter to give use these summaries a few days later rather than as the shitstorm is going on
2021-12-04 20:53:50 they should put up posters that say "some people are gonna wanna cover their hair. if that bothers you, eat shit"
2021-12-04 20:52:47 "respecting people's autonomy: it's ok if you don't want to, we'll just crawl into this hole and disappear"
2021-12-04 20:51:51 what environment did you think you were putting the posters into if you were going to withdraw them as soon as you got opposition to them? like why even put them up in the first place? why not put posters up that say "rainbows are nice - it's fine if you don't like them though"
2021-12-04 19:18:42 @bigblackjacobin pending administrative review by his peers?
2021-12-04 18:42:41 RT @Blackamazon: Nobody defined public , nobody actually seemed to ask how harassment and targeting work And anti tech discourse is just…
2021-12-04 05:56:38 RT @SilverSpookGuy: The US military is leaking massive amounts of jet fuel into Hawaii's aquifer, poisoning Hawaiian families like mine, an…
2021-12-04 02:44:37 @SydniDeveraux @Blackamazon it's so weird to get a random insight into someone's life, like "oh, so grimes had been cutting his hair all this time"
2021-12-04 02:24:16 this sounds like some shit an abuser would say as soon as you let them
2021-12-04 01:18:02 from the NYT: > white people live in an utterly different country from the rest of us. different laws, different consequences, different everything
2021-12-04 00:58:16 it's really amusing seeing someone gripe about another journalist's success by fixating on like 2 or 3 sentences at the very end of the piece contextualizing themselves in their work.
2021-12-04 00:41:47 @ByronTau @swodinsky seriously? lol
2021-12-03 23:35:57 i think i'm stuck because i don't know what the point of this conversation is. policies impact marginalized groups in ways you may not have anticipated. whether you intended those harms or not doesn't mean much in comparison to the actual, realized harms that people experience.
2021-12-03 23:28:40 it's been a few days now. if this was well-intentioned, i'd have expected a comment about how they heard lots of feedback, will address questions, delay the policy, etc... but that hasn't been the case. i think "raises questions" is generous. i don't really have questions anymore
2021-12-03 23:14:16 this is the nightmare i had in march 2020 when i was standing in the bathroom staring at clippers i bought online with the half-baked idea of cutting my own hair
2021-12-03 20:50:05 jfc...
2021-12-03 17:28:11 RT @jhfrith: Musk is now about halfway to the Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element
2021-12-03 00:50:01 @AASchapiro national lampoon's christmas vacation would've been told in the format of a rambling yelp review
2021-12-03 00:42:08 there are aspects of live/real-time zooms that are great and not easy to replicate, but i want to be sure that those are the reasons to keep doing it and not like... "well, that was what we all panicked and chose in the weeks after this all started"
2021-12-03 00:42:07 pre-recorded talks that "premier" at a set time might work... but why make minor changes like that when we could do anything? why not go audio only? why not go text-based? i'm kinda kidding, but only *kinda*.
2021-12-03 00:42:06 i'm going around in circles so i think it'd be better to just ask- i'm not a huge fan of real-time zoom talks. i understand the appeal of shared experiences together but it's pretty stressful and all sorts of shit happens (zoombombing, anxiety attacks, fire engine driving by...)
2021-12-02 22:09:46 @DocDre maybe i should just give lectures on twitch or something ffs
2021-12-02 21:15:48 @atpfm @siracusa @marcoarment slimmer mac mini sounds like an Ive holdover like @siracusa said, but if they did that &
2021-12-02 21:11:40 @atpfm @siracusa i don't want them to do this but i'm going to put it out there to maybe spook @marcoarment (and definitely myself): what if the imac doesn't have computing components behind the display because apple are planning to basically break the chin off and sell that as the new mac mini?
2021-12-02 18:50:20 omg this is so exciting - i can't wait to see what @timnitGebru and DAIR do in this space
2021-12-02 08:53:20 @LibyaLiberty here's a police sketch
2021-12-02 05:07:55 after the youtube HQ shooting i'm kind of shocked that platforms are encouraging this kind of parasocial delusion. spotify has more than 350 million users and who knows how many women or POC podcasters who just got thrown into traffic like this. seriously fucking dangerous
2021-12-02 04:54:03 RT @plentyofalcoves: NO! STOP IT! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP
2021-12-02 04:53:56 RT @plentyofalcoves: To clarify this is from my Spotify wrapped. I listened to basically no podcasts this year since I don't walk alone or…
2021-12-02 02:38:37 i think i updated that page like a year and a half ago but please feel free to suggest stuff:
2021-12-02 02:36:34 oh by the way: "scary china bogeyman" is literally one of the squares you can get on "tech bullshit bingo" ->
2021-12-01 23:38:08 this seems really interesting
2021-12-01 23:05:18 @dellsystem welp
2021-12-01 23:04:33 @dellsystem omg yes
2021-12-01 22:57:07 @trashcanmagic i reluctantly came to terms with that being who i am years ago
2021-12-01 22:52:00 or is that the point? "you're stuck with me. wanna see how i know? well fucking brace yourself"
2021-12-01 22:51:21 cringey disembodied faceless tech companies constantly sending me "yasss queen slayyyy " notifications don't really fully appreciate how quickly i would drop them and delete every trace of them from every device i own the minute a more circumspect alternative shows up, huh?
2021-12-01 20:39:51 @mmitchell_ai already confusing is that the language seemed to suggest that they would be enforcing this going forward but not necessarily retroactively but... they're doing that
2021-12-01 20:36:55 tf does this mean?
2021-12-01 19:35:16 RT @mountain_ghosts: it's so grim watching tech platforms continue to wade through this decade-long farce of pretending to improve things f…
2021-12-01 19:25:09 i'm assuming it's not safe to say omicron is contained, but mask adherence in SF is generally good, people &
2021-12-01 19:14:14 *self-quarantining, mild case, close contacts have all tested negative.* (per upstream tweet) get your shots if you haven't already, and get your booster as soon as you can!
2021-12-01 19:12:09 @GurnitAtwal thanks for pointing that out!
2021-12-01 19:10:25 how long did it take for us to get "if you can wear any cloth mask, that's better than nothing. if you can double up, surgical+cloth is even better than just one, &
2021-12-01 19:05:55 do you need a mask? no. oh, well, no, you do. but we didn't want you buying up all the masks that doctors and nurses needed when we said not to buy masks. oh, yeah, i guess you could've made a mask with fabric at home. in fact, you should do that anyway like jesus christ really?
2021-12-01 19:04:20 this is why i find this kind of thing so exhausting and frustrating. i'm eagerly awaiting my booster appointment, but how the best *current* knowledge of how to respond to this pandemic has been a series of often patronizing and condescending misjudgments
2021-12-01 19:00:25 i'm not kidding when i ask this question. does that mean 2 shots or 3?
2021-12-01 18:55:41 @cwarzel my stats went through the floor as i discovered more and more podcasts and it kinda makes me sad...
2021-12-01 18:44:20 RT @kaitlancollins: NEWS — the CDC has identified first case of Omicron in the US in California, per a source.
2021-12-01 05:36:09 @cwarzel i hate to say this but it's a little exhausting to see such sloppy shorthand shift around like this. it also tees up kooks who will mockingly say that a few months ago it was 2 shots. this is *too* dumbed down.
2021-12-01 05:24:51 RT @IrvineWelsh: Too real
2021-12-01 05:04:59 "fell into trouble" sounds like a movie script cliche for a gambling or substance addiction, or getting underwater on credit card debt. we're not talking about "falling into trouble". but sure, if my hypothetical brother had a lot of credit card debt, i'd want to help.
2021-12-01 05:02:47 "fell into trouble" like "whoops my brother has found himself preying on more than a dozen women"?
2021-12-01 03:16:15 gmail asks if i forgot an attachment if i mention an attachment in the email. this is arguably more straightforward than that!
2021-12-01 02:14:17 this is a joke, people! some of them still fit
2021-12-01 02:13:27 none of my workout clothing fits anymore so i'm gonna stop eating healthy and working out. maybe i'll reevaluate next year
2021-12-01 02:07:44 oh yeah?
2021-12-01 00:40:18 did i miss a twitter spaces event where their policy team answered questions that people immediately had following the announcement? lol just kidding of course not.
2021-12-01 00:29:01 RT @Blackamazon: By the time everyone catches up to this racist badly organized measure most of the most affected won’t be around to challe…
2021-12-01 00:27:13 see, this is becoming kind of a clusterfuck:
2021-11-30 23:21:48
2021-11-30 23:20:24 "more people are joining spaces than ever before" *people keep joining violently racist spaces to report them, then leave* "if only we could get improve retention..." *everyone who joined those spaces now gets recommendations to join more racist spaces*
2021-11-30 22:19:08 every morning i wake up and ask my phone what shit will make me tired on this particular day
2021-11-30 22:17:05 (please don't implement either of those rules
2021-11-30 22:15:35 i guess one last snippy thought who determines public interest is wildly shifting here. what's the threshold at which point "society" can be said to have had an interest in that thing? 100 likes? a verified journalist retweeting it?
2021-11-30 22:08:04 i can think of a few things twitter could do to be clearer about this: - i think twitter should stop talking about rules &
2021-11-30 22:08:03 it sounds like that video of the cop harassing Steve Foster for eating on a BART platform would have been allowed. but would videos of the same cop not enforcing that law around white people eating on a platform have been removed? wouldn't evidence of that disparity be pertinent?
2021-11-30 22:08:02 reading the post and the commentary on it, i think @evan_greer's point that "They're trying to caveat by saying that it doesn't apply to content shared ‘in the public interest’ but that's...pretty vague," is precisely the issue. some more more thoughts...
2021-11-30 21:49:27 @EmbraBurgess i hadn't but thanks for the pointer
2021-11-30 21:28:46 the fact that it doesn't make any sense whatsoever hasn't prevented anyone from buying both literally and metaphorically into NFTs, and if people are credulous enough to buy into that, why not buy into a rent-to-own scam?
2021-11-30 21:26:15 i'm honestly a little surprised nobody is leasing/renting NFTs to people who can't afford to buy outright. like, why not? this is a fucking farce anyway. just do it.
2021-11-30 21:21:02 @LateNightSeth @WeeMissBea also you would save money by crouching which makes the cutout even funnier
2021-11-30 21:20:19 @LateNightSeth @WeeMissBea i literally looked up how much it would cost to print a full size cardboard cutout, and it's... surprisingly reasonable. like it's not an impulse purchase, but-
2021-11-30 17:09:25 @JesseThorn i really wanted the guy on the left to keep chiming in with longer and longer timespans "go back.... mmm .... 200 years. no, go back..... 1000000 years"
2021-11-30 07:31:39 @evacide @jdp23
2021-11-30 07:28:47 > yeah he sounds suspicious as fuck
2021-11-30 00:36:28 labels don't necessarily accurately describe the thing they're applied to
2021-11-29 23:46:50 i'm so excited that i'll be getting a physical copy of this
2021-11-29 23:45:09 @srivoire literally what i was thinking about
2021-11-29 23:44:24 @W_F_Thomas of course it makes generalizing complicated, which is the whole point of starting from a fresh account, if only to isolate variables
2021-11-29 23:43:37 @W_F_Thomas i have mixed feelings
2021-11-29 23:37:02 @W_F_Thomas yep, that seems like a good lead. i'd be surprised if there isn't a similar thing on youtube or other places where recommendation systems are major drivers of content discovery, but i'm spacing at the moment
2021-11-29 23:32:53 anyway i'll see if i can find things on this. this seems related to something i've been thinking about lately, but that - uh, again - i haven't managed to set aside time to work on or think about much noticing a pattern
2021-11-29 23:30:06 the latter part of which is to say that if you follow, like, @Blackamazon or any of the (often black women) who have been harassed on twitter and who have talked about it, then i don't know what i personally bring to this - or rather, i know what i don't
2021-11-29 23:23:23 i wanted to say something about this when @RMac18 brought it up but i've been busy and the... "policy decisions?" that lead to this series/pattern of events seems predictable (or at least easy to anticipate if you talk to people who have been harassed because of timeline shit)
2021-11-29 23:20:24 okay so has anyone written specifically about this dynamic where in order to report (or report on) something, you have to consume the thing in a way that implicates your account for further recommendations AND ALSO exposes followers to that &
2021-11-29 22:35:29 the reliable fallback i see for tech in general is that i should consider the future/potential that the tech has in it, which is kind of rich since a lot of the tech i critique makes sweeping, reductive judgments about people based entirely on scattered bits of people's histories
2021-11-29 20:29:07 anyway upsahl is playing in SF tomorrow night and if you're up for it maybe we can all play spotify at home at the same time or something
2021-11-29 20:27:48 i'm just not buying advance tickets to anything anymore because it feels like i'd be wasting my money
2021-11-29 20:26:09 "maybe i'll go to this concert at the end of november. gotta start going out and enjoying the world again at some point, right?" *cases surge* "ah well, next time. hey, maybe i'll go to this comedy festival in january. gotta start going out and enjoying the worl-"
2021-11-29 18:54:59 andrew sullivan is always going for that estimable award, but some days he's really at the top of his game
2021-11-29 18:53:10 strong contender for the dumbest comment on this site all day is "context makes no difference"
2021-11-29 18:44:59 i really hope parag considers this whenever they reevaluate whether to keep the turnip banned
2021-11-29 18:44:01 imagine the mess at the white house. the tweets. the press releases. all panicking over the idiot's favorite app now being run by a person of color. it would be mayhem. watching his fucking meltdown would be CNN's whole week
2021-11-29 18:40:41 i just want to appreciate that this is happening on nov 29 2021 and not in 2020 with that guy who was president still on the app. imagine the fucking shit show that would be.
2021-11-29 18:38:13 no alt text though
2021-11-29 18:36:54 RT @MelissaRyan: Legitimately hopeful that this experience helps Twitter's new CEO understand just how toxic Twitter can be, and take the o…
2021-11-29 18:35:44 you'd never find an old scandalous tweet on @jaboukie's timeline if he got appointed CEO. just saying
2021-11-29 18:09:55 is that space literally titled "ask a white supremacist anything" from yesterday still happening??!
2021-11-29 09:38:25 i'm exhausted by crypto/decentralized governance people who seem to think that, in the face of a profound absence of trust, the solution is technical mechanisms to make trust meaningless, rather than - you know, *earning trust*.
2021-11-29 09:29:26 just saw the DAO labor thing
2021-11-29 06:47:47 RT @TrevorABranch: Latest update for those still keeping track.
2021-11-29 06:14:57 ugh i have some thoughts about this
2021-11-29 02:11:36 @Blackamazon fire asks for oxygen, let me take it around the room and show it to everyone
2021-11-29 02:05:05 sometimes i wonder if mark wants to be on his death bed in the metaverse, look up, &
2021-11-29 01:51:58 @Just_Nag_Em i feel like @biancawylie said it best
2021-11-29 01:42:42 @GurnitAtwal it's definitely harmful but yeah the harm is in how stupid and vacant the thought is
2021-11-29 01:35:36 i dunno, i just find it funny that someone who gets paid to write whole books tweets such insubstantial bullshit!
2021-11-29 01:33:46 i suspect he means something other than "i googled some of the keywords you said while you were talking to me and here's what i found" but
2021-11-29 01:28:57 lol
2021-11-28 23:03:21 RT @biancawylie: j’en ai assez
2021-11-28 21:05:02 it's like DGAF is this mineral, unevenly distributed around the world, and some people are hoarding it
2021-11-28 21:03:29 sometimes i'm amazed at how easy tech/crypto people make it seem to just cast aside any sense of shame or self-consciousness and make a fool of themselves. (the capitalized thing is his startup's name. his reply continues with an offer of a free jet ski rental if he ever visits)
2021-11-28 09:17:36 it's so fucking infuriating that people take service requests &
2021-11-28 09:10:43 "reviewers and meta-reviewers are time-challenged" is a fucking bullshit cop-out. and the assumption that conferences just HAVE TO BE huge and fast is apparently a foregone conclusion. if NeurIPS can't handle reviewing at this scale, the answer isn't " them's the breaks"
2021-11-28 01:31:54 RT @PhDhurtBrain: Just so I can retweet when this happens...
2021-11-28 01:30:46 @PhDhurtBrain @ranjodhd oh god
2021-11-28 00:35:55 omg bloc party is active again??
2021-11-27 22:59:23 @saraschaefer1 haha i already ordered if you can tell which order is mine, feel free to include a piece of chain, but if you can't spot my name in the orders or forget or anything it's totally fine - i might be able to make something with what i've got lying around
2021-11-27 22:43:50 if a conference can't turn around reviews as quickly as they want if you turn down a request to review, then that's fine. maybe some shit needs to go slower anyway. it's hard to imagine a scenario where saying this to another person is as warranted
2021-11-27 22:40:44 i dunno what trauma you gotta be working through to write this to someone about their work, but take it up with your therapist, seriously. and decline to review/AC papers for a while
2021-11-27 22:37:42 has america had a general strike since 1919? just asking questions out of curiosity
2021-11-27 22:31:33 it was honestly breathtaking. and then i think he made his account private
2021-11-27 22:27:50 i'm still thinking about what a hilariously self-deluded asshole that literal-cop-turned-professor was to someone who was trying to HELP him
2021-11-27 20:57:46 @saraschaefer1 okay but seriously wondering if i could use this as a thing attached to a ribbon for my notebook or even as a keychain or - well i'll find out when they get here lol
2021-11-27 20:53:27 @saraschaefer1 can i put in an order for "eat my ass 2022" or is that too pessimistic?
2021-11-27 20:26:59 this is logging in to github (w/safari). ios/macos continuity is usually really good! i think that's what's so confusing
2021-11-27 20:26:58 i've been using the ios keychain password thing for a while now. it now stores 2FA codes it you want, which is neat! but it's almost comical how little the team seems to have considered how often you need to go in there to get a 2FA code for some things.
2021-11-27 18:13:31 @hypervisible hey siri, what does "inherent" mean lol
2021-11-27 18:12:15 @katebevan talk about distressing
2021-11-27 17:57:43 how the fuck is it the end of 2021? how are we having this conversation? there are babies born after the pandemic who are potty trained by now. wear a mask, you fucking prick.
2021-11-27 17:54:59 it's so distressing to see entitled pricks seriously argue that their distress wearing a fucking piece of cloth is more real than the rest of the world's distress entering a third fucking year of this fucking nightmare.
2021-11-27 17:51:44 it's distressing to think that i might spend the rest of my fucking life swinging between tentative hope that i'll be able to safely visit a new part of the world in my life just to experience another culture, and writing it off for another year
2021-11-27 17:48:12 it's distressing to think this pandemic will never end because governments won't help the world get vaccinated before vaccine-defeating variants emerge. we have all the material conditions we need to not die a slow, lonely, drawn-out death
2021-11-27 17:43:22 come into my mind for a moment and let's talk about severe distress...
2021-11-27 00:53:51 RT @DocDre: If y’all gonna come after somebody for writing about Black Twitter, come after me: EYE am the first to call Black Twitter a mo…
2021-11-26 22:21:56 i bought a couch online, which it turns out was a dumb move, because now they have my email address and apparently they're using that knowledge to try to entice me with a black friday sale... to buy a couch
2021-11-26 22:13:38 @hypervisible lol i've been telling AI/HCI people this for years >
2021-11-26 21:47:49 RT @hypervisible: “The big realization in the industry is that there are always going to be edge cases that the engineers didn't anticipate…
2021-11-26 21:34:28 maybe. it's also possible that decades of hollowing out public health apparatuses in the UK &
2021-11-26 19:03:07 @broderick is it at least funny to watch and make fun of? it sounds like it's not funny-bad but just tonally totally inconsistent with the original, which makes me think it wouldn't be funny to make fun of, but i'm still hoping. i don't know how i can hear what you just quoted and not laugh
2021-11-26 18:57:51 @broderick welcome to what.
2021-11-26 18:45:45 RT @duckrabbitblog: Outing a fully identifiable 3 year old child as a rape survivor is child abuse. In the UK it is a criminal offence. Do…
2021-11-26 18:40:44 can we please do better than europe in the middle ages? are we capable of that?
2021-11-26 18:38:46 i remember watching a video that mentioned the plague would hit a town and then come back decades later after the people with immunity had died, making the population vulnerable again. at the time i was like "wow, to just keep getting hit in waves like that..." now i'm just ""
2021-11-26 18:09:51 just freeze me for a thousand years already
2021-11-26 00:39:32 @mknz @Cruise @Waymo nothing about having a permit to operate speaks to safety, or for that matter inevitability, when we're talking about existentially motivated tech companies with practically limitless funding. all it takes is civil society that's tired of tech co's treating cities as beta testers
2021-11-25 23:43:51 still laughing at the guy who apparently thought america had something unique to export to the world in thanksgiving - a holiday where people all get together and eat until you literally can't anymore. it's like a more obnoxious version of "food is really important in my culture"
2021-11-25 21:48:52 @justin_cranshaw you too! and good luck if you need it
2021-11-25 21:45:39 @justin_cranshaw in progress lol
2021-11-25 21:15:30
2021-11-25 20:10:57 i'm proud of every paper i've been tagged in, but the arbitrary cognitive tax of trying to reword a sentence so a paragraph didn't have that one extra line with one extra word wasn't exactly an ally
2021-11-25 20:08:12 policy changes in the direction of letting papers be as long or as short as they need to be to make a point made a huge difference. frantically compressing your paper under the shadow of a submission deadline sabotages months of hard work trying to express a nuanced idea clearly
2021-11-25 20:08:11 fwiw, similar experience publishing at CHI 2015: *10-page limit on papers, including citations* 2017: *citations excluded from 10-page limit* 2019: street-level algorithms 2021: *page limits dropped entirely*
2021-11-25 17:52:07 RT @mer__edith: Letter signed by 400+ German AI researchers: "As scientists working on artificial intelligence (AI) &
2021-11-25 17:49:16 this is kind of a joke but i've made more gantt charts for cooking big meals than i've made for any software project and it's not close
2021-11-25 17:44:43 @saysvera what and how and oooo
2021-11-25 17:43:28 @marclamonthill these people don't have a point. they're just anxious that "say awful shit and get told to leave" is what tonight is going to look like for them so they're freaking out
2021-11-25 17:41:32 RT @marclamonthill: Are you arguing that only the first ever athlete heckled deserves justice? Are you arguing that Hank Aaron should not h…
2021-11-25 17:40:26 NYT has been refusing to negotiate with @wirecutterunion over $300,000 in raises across 65 positions to raise the pay floor, forcing them to go on strike this year. please don't cross the picket line!
2021-11-25 17:34:28 making a gantt chart for today, hang on
2021-11-25 17:10:57 @Tom_Nicholas so you're saying someone could drop ship these exact masks unedited listed under every emotion i can find in my nearest thesaurus... interesting...
2021-11-25 16:47:11 and then give a think to how you've chosen to live your stupid shitty life
2021-11-25 16:46:07 seeing #LeSnitch trending but the reason is in replies (if anywhere) so i'm just gonna say that if you tell someone you hope their son dies in a car crash, be grateful you're being escorted out of the building and not carried out
2021-11-25 16:29:04 @Tom_Nicholas if you keep scrolling down to "happy" "confused" etc do the thumbnails stay the same or?
2021-11-25 08:54:41 @sannasideup i mean that's what i've read. but i really only use it as permission to not worry too much about the turkey sitting around for a while as things heat back up
2021-11-25 08:46:16 @sannasideup i have a headache just thinking about tomorrow now lol
2021-11-25 08:44:04 @sannasideup i sometimes use the oven (turned off) to store plated dishes to keep things warm (or warm them back up) after the turkey comes out (it needs like ~30m to rest before serving anyway), but even that's a bit of a juggling act and it hits a pretty hard capacity limit lol
2021-11-25 05:05:45 @infoxiao @kenjilopezalt :(
2021-11-24 23:41:37 RT @Erika_K_Wilson: It’s worth remembering the men who killed Ahmad Aubrey originally faced no charges. It took cell phone video of the mur…
2021-11-24 23:38:02 how the fuck do you write this shit? Ahmaud Arbery is dead because this is a racist country. his murderers weren't even arrested despite video of them murdering him because this is a racist country. we all breathed a sigh of relief today because this is a racist fucking country
2021-11-24 22:33:49 this year i want to acknowledge how grateful i am for the button to view all the quote tweets
2021-11-24 19:04:27 RT @ElieNYC: Without the video this case is never even brought to trial. Without the love of a black parent, this case never goes to trial.
2021-11-24 18:58:36 RT @mmitchell_ai: Great article on the work of @IfeomaOzoma, who is such a force in stopping the rampant discrimination in tech right now.…
2021-11-24 18:51:40 mosseri saying he's looking forward to saying more about what insta's doing on teen mental health stresses how incompatible any sense of inclusive governance is for facebook's exec's we just have to be grateful for the progress of telling us about life-altering policy decisions
2021-11-24 17:34:22 every few days gmail has a different number of buttons in the bottom row and while i'm almost 100% sure what the far left one is (gmail), the other 2, 3, or sometimes 4? buttons are mysteries. sure wish i could turn them off though. i don't like what a camera icon implies.
2021-11-24 16:50:16 look at these cute videos of total strangers walking by my home who didn't know they were being recorded and their funny kids living their lives so carefree about the surveillance state we're constructing. i made a little chalk outline hopscotch thing!
2021-11-24 16:47:56 Look, is it technically operated by a contract worker in another country who sees EVERYTHING? yes. and are all photos and audio recordings forwarded to police departments who pay our subscription rate, and also other departments who are on a free trial? Also yes. But,-
2021-11-24 16:45:20 if you've been looking for a partially-autonomous K-9 Ring Dog, now's your chance: the ad-supported version is now FREE if you agree to a blanket waiver of liability for any bodily injuries. that's down from $139.99
2021-11-24 16:39:14 i mean, the first bit is the important part. like if the conversation about turkey comes up organically then casually be like "good point about how it hasn't rained lately. oh, speaking of dryness,"
2021-11-24 16:33:59 if someone in J Kenji Lopez-Alt's life can get this message over to him: his videos have kept me fed and entertained and maybe connected to reality this year and i'm grateful for them & also if he mentions in passing whether he brines turkey before sous vide, lmk pls!?
2021-11-24 06:41:32 @eddyburback sorry i meant New Directions my bad sorry
2021-11-24 06:40:31 @eddyburback i literally misheard the quote where will said something like "well, that's it for nude erections" and then the next scene was will lurking around the locker room watching one of his students shower and how was this show popular??
2021-11-24 01:44:58 i mean, prove me wrong. let him fade into obscurity and be forgotten quickly. hell, let's start now
2021-11-24 01:44:01 every time elon tweets it makes me embarrassed that historians will have to waste time on the cul-de-sacs of his tunnels &
2021-11-24 00:43:09 @AnthroPunk ugh, gonna make me nauseous
2021-11-24 00:36:50 not looking at the QTs where i expect to see a lot of multi pass jokes
2021-11-24 00:35:39 sorry sorry sorry
2021-11-23 23:46:59 how does anyone teach any amount of american history for any sustained amount of time without eventually having to talk about race and white supremacy? like you've got public figures leaning on the wealth of owning former plantations. how do you even-
2021-11-23 23:44:38 the name of the prison *today* that people live and work TODAY, as slaves, is "Angola", as in the name of the country from which they abducted people
2021-11-23 23:43:18 quick reminder: louisiana's largest state prison started as a series of slave plantations, which a former CSA officer later turned into a prison plantation so he could lease state prisoners to work them to death. a few years after he died, they reopened it as a state penitentiary
2021-11-23 22:18:37 @strictlynofun @IEthics like shazam but for service notifications? hahaha
2021-11-23 22:14:18 @strictlynofun @IEthics i thought maybe since i hadn't heard it in so long maybe they changed the default sound lol
2021-11-23 22:08:45 @IEthics i don't even know what service is beeping this much! it's not twitter, but i finally checked slack and it's not that! maybe it's email? it's not email! nothing lines up with the frequency of notifications! WHAT SERVICE IS THIS
2021-11-23 22:07:17 it's like "bdrum", you know? fml i'm never going to find it.
2021-11-23 22:05:00 there's something around here that's making a charming little notification sound every few seconds but i can tell that just over the horizon is me losing my shit if i can't figure out where this sound is coming from.
2021-11-23 20:38:57 also, this advice saved me so much fucking money just on application fees, to say nothing of time, energy, eventually sanity, etc... (h/t @whatknows for delivering the advice at the time)
2021-11-23 20:34:27 @schock keep going, but celebrate soon!
2021-11-23 20:33:51 IMO this parenthetical applies to a lot of (reasonable!) questions people have. i'm sure there are profs who won't take phd students w/out publications this might be hard to hear, but getting into a toxic environment can be more harmful than not getting into grad school at all
2021-11-23 20:28:15 @schock i'm just saying... i've canceled the rest of my workday to celebrate for a lot less
2021-11-23 20:26:44 @Pataboo98 it's so bewildering that tech co's didn't start in mass transit systems like BART/Caltrain. it wouldn't have solved all of the issues, but roads are so much more complicated
2021-11-23 19:35:56 it must be infuriating to write this kind of stuff and then just sit gripping your chair watching this hell unfold, like if there's not a conference for people who warn about shit and then have to sit and watch it happen, there should be we can call it "i fucking told you con"
2021-11-23 19:33:26 one thought - the NTSB sometimes leans on engineered solutions (esp within cars eg seatbelts &
2021-11-23 19:33:25 this article by @Jackstilgoe offers some sharp insights - the analysis of Musk's reply to that journalist was uncanny. the year after publication, several 737 max 8 jets crashed on takeoff
2021-11-23 18:19:51 @interacciones no i hadn't
2021-11-23 18:08:19 a really clear (and harrowing) example of how algorithmic systems go from "making sense of the world" to "making the world make sense", coercing &
2021-11-23 17:53:40 @neurojojo i'm not sure if he's intrinsically embarrassed about what he's saying or embarrassed to give a talk about someone in a cheap bodysuit danced for what felt like a lifetime, but he sounds uncomfortable talking about his own project
2021-11-23 17:46:48 unsolicited prediction: - self-driving tech will always be trash - co's will blame pesky humans - might lobby to control roads (eg AV highway lanes) - failing that, they'll make miniaturized wholly-controlled spaces where they control everything, where humans won't be allowed
2021-11-23 17:32:57 i don't know what parasite has to be eating your brain to see this and think "man... if only we could make more roads. we've almost licked this problem"
2021-11-23 17:12:05 RT @wirecutterunion: With @wirecutter/@nytimes management refusing to come to the table to reach a deal, 100% of our unit will be striking…
2021-11-23 09:33:40 i don't know. maybe i'll delete this thread later. i just get impatient and when someone talks about this shit i want to snap back with something along the lines of "what is this supposed to enable that isn't still *impossibly* hard for reasons that this totally doesn't resolve?"
2021-11-23 09:33:39 i joked someplace on here that it's a little like when someone would show me a graphical visual effect, like computer generated fabric draped over a ball floating on water with light bouncing off the surfaces realistically, or whatever
2021-11-23 09:33:38 i've been trying to put my finger on something here for a while, this obsession with the technology to the exclusion of interest in the actual politics or governance to a degree i rarely see elsewhere
2021-11-23 08:40:58 RT @MarankeWieringa: I'm scared that I finally broke their system and I will get punished for not fitting their mould. I don't think that…
2021-11-23 08:40:29 RT @MarankeWieringa: Alright, so I did some breathing exercises and let me share a bit more. For those who don't know me, I am a Dutch disa…
2021-11-23 06:20:32 and i would personally really like it if they said "UH OHHHHHH" like a child who just had an accident while they hit the ground
2021-11-23 06:16:38 basically any robot that could reasonably interact with people should be like those myotonic goats that immediately freeze up and fall over at any loud sound
2021-11-23 05:57:48 This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
2021-11-23 04:12:20 it's here! can't wait to read it
2021-11-23 02:29:49 RT @cedarshims: i dunno. does my academic professional org need to store this information?
2021-11-23 02:25:42 @JaneLytv @AASchapiro this is like when you do attention checks in surveys and ask what planet people are currently on and instead of throwing out the responses that don't say "earth" you report that 7% of respondents are on pluto
2021-11-23 02:24:07 @JaneLytv @AASchapiro wait they literally just look at the location in the bio? like the field people fuck around with for style??
2021-11-23 01:19:35 *never* ugh
2021-11-23 01:17:42 ever encountered something on the web that defeats my phone's CPU like workday in safari. it's remarkable
2021-11-22 03:04:30 this is tomorrow! or for people in different time zones, in 14 hours! info/reg here:
2021-11-21 20:43:57 i'd like to file a petition to take this class despite not being a student, where do i request the forms for that?
2021-11-21 20:32:06 RT @Blackamazon: It’s not a story . It’s actually an indictment on EVERYBODY because you’re RESPONDING to it being from certain People now…
2021-11-21 20:29:22 RT @BridgetMarie: Appreciate the this reporting, but Black women have been saying this forever and it feels like it’s only treated as “news…
2021-11-21 20:19:53 i understand it means something to be totally fucking lost, to need help &
2021-11-21 20:15:39 are they taking accountability for what they've done to the Rohingya people and to other groups persecuted and murdered around the world? are they committing to and following through on restorative justice? are they making ANY actionable commitments? or are you just getting paid?
2021-11-21 20:11:14 i can't underline strongly enough that meeting with tech companies like facebook is more than a waste of time. they use your reluctant attendance to claim that "civil rights experts audited our (doctored) data" and to claim that they consulted with (and promptly ignored) experts.
2021-11-21 19:30:38 RT @NifMuhammad: Can't stress enough that this happens in far worse ways to people who are not me. The absolute obsession with continued, p…
2021-11-21 19:13:27 @mohomran @BadLegalTakes on the legal side, and again i should be cautious here because i'm not a lawyer, crossing state lines to commit crimes sometimes involves federal law enforcement agencies as well as federal charges
2021-11-21 19:09:23 @mohomran there are legal distinctions that i don't want to get into and fumble (because @BadLegalTakes is busy enough as it is), but it's often used as an informal shorthand to underscore that someone was nowhere near where they lived or worked, or for that matter had any real business
2021-11-21 18:49:49 @BadLegalTakes ummm let's let thomas think that though
2021-11-21 18:48:22 the delusion where you think you've done nothing wrong crossing state lines with a rifle, claiming you're there to protect and administer first aid, and killing two people is some kind of disease
2021-11-21 18:47:22 we've been suffering from white defendant syndrome for centuries. this is just the latest pustule to rupture
2021-11-21 16:20:36 @taoleighgoffe just to close the loop
2021-11-21 16:19:54 @taoleighgoffe what is the algorithm trying to tell me??
2021-11-21 03:28:44 @BennettTomlin @hackylawyER except this movie sucks
2021-11-21 03:28:20 @BennettTomlin @hackylawyER like a friend and i watching the same movie and im slowly realizing that they spaced out between every action set piece and now they're trying to nod along with me about what was interesting about the story until they can talk about the explosions
2021-11-21 03:23:49 @BennettTomlin @hackylawyER web3 enthusiasm always reads like they're less interested in the politics of given action than in action in general. maybe it's because for virtually about everything i've seen them claim to be striving for, there was nothing fundamentally preventing them in the first place. idk
2021-11-20 23:40:54 kinda want a burrito now.
2021-11-20 23:40:30 > a burrito at el farolito costs $7.75. it was $5.75 6 years ago. so idk what you're talking about
2021-11-20 22:03:20 call it a Nike Fry Transaction and get those losers to spend $40 million dollars on a receipt of it
2021-11-20 21:27:09 finally reading the dawn of everything
2021-11-20 20:01:14 @Blackamazon he's a white guy so he's going to be a bright young boy with a promising future until he's 50 years old
2021-11-20 19:53:43 i know it's a non sequitur, but every time google maps suggests "work" as a destination on a saturday morning, despite my never having been there on a saturday and not having been there *at all* in ~2-3 months, i think about how they're pursuing military AI contracts again.
2021-11-20 18:47:51 FB's instant articles were a losing proposition for big publishers, who abandoned it quickly. we knew that. less known has been that clickbait sites in Myanmar &
2021-11-20 18:33:59 @_KarenHao "you fundamentally misunderstood the problem, also we approached the problem with exactly the framing you used and have no further comments on how you should have framed it and how our framing of the problem was inscrutably but crucially different"
2021-11-20 18:24:16 RT @ambermruffin: In case you needed to be reminded of this after today's verdict.
2021-11-20 18:20:29 @cherylcolan maybe a controversial take, but i don't think there should be artificial restrictions on mechanisms people use to mitigate abuse and harassment!
2021-11-20 18:10:04 @thesukrit and i live in san francisco! shits not exactly cheap lol
2021-11-20 18:00:23 @jbouie i might be wrong on that threshold but definitely never $90. maybe i just give off super cheap vibes
2021-11-20 17:59:26 @jbouie i don't think a wine shop employee has ever recommended me a bottle that costs more than $50 lol
2021-11-20 17:47:59 more info (kinda?) here?
2021-11-20 17:46:12 wh... why? 1,000 doesn't correspond to any number that seems important in CS i'm so much more interested in why this is something that merits the warning that "it's going to take some time"
2021-11-20 17:18:47 like every morning they text you "rise and grind!!" and that's it
2021-11-20 17:17:29 imagine hiring someone and they spend all their time on the clock telling you how important it is that you keep them on payroll and get hardly any other work done
2021-11-20 17:08:42 i hate it,,, but i kinda like it. and i hate that, so i think it's 2:1 - which is a big step up for something involving mark zuckerberg... which i hate, which makes it 3:1
2021-11-20 16:57:49 @abelinasabrina if he's not ben shapiro's dad, i honestly don't know
2021-11-20 16:55:38 @JenWenKad @anildash if it didn't munch on the leaves would that mean like 6 more weeks of construction?
2021-11-20 16:43:24 @anildash huh, interesting. i've noticed people ref amazon seemingly to convey one/more of - it's something that resembles this, please don't @ me for info - you can get it ANYWHERE* (on amazon ) - you can get it TOMORROW if you want i wonder if someone's cataloging these kinds of uses
2021-11-20 16:32:28 @anildash does it have a valence to it? like is the "from amazon" implying it's sketchy/possibly counterfeit?
2021-11-20 16:17:08 like support indie artists and maybe buy cheaper wine
2021-11-20 16:15:37 the VIP tickets for this concert i was looking at includes *a meet &
2021-11-20 04:10:59 @mcwm what is this magazine??
2021-11-20 04:07:50 busy night for @BadLegalTakes
2021-11-20 04:06:45 @mcwm "evacuated tube". charming
2021-11-20 03:45:01 @GeekJokes_GJ @abelinasabrina haha yeah i guess it's not objectively fancy, but i used to write my t's almost indistinguishable from a plus sign
2021-11-20 03:34:13 @GeekJokes_GJ @abelinasabrina kinda squirrelly handwriting overall but
2021-11-20 03:18:17 @abelinasabrina in middle school i decided to make myself write lowercase t's with a little swoosh at the bottom and it's a solid 9/10
2021-11-20 00:20:21 one last reminder for this: i promised full consideration for submissions by Nov 20, but it's not a harsh cutoff. if you need more time, don't worry. i'll be checking the page very regularly over the next 1-2 weeks, then less often over time. let me know if you have questions!
2021-11-19 21:53:54 @sarahbmyers @mer__edith @ambaonadventure @oliviersylvain !!! that's amazing!!!!!!! congrats!!
2021-11-19 19:15:25 @hypervisible i get notifications pushed to my phone now. didn't change anything. they just decided i needed to know about sophia last night
2021-11-19 19:12:43 RT @KrangTNelson: no point in being on twitter right now. either you're going to post something stupid that makes everyone angry as shit at…
2021-11-19 19:08:51 i don't know what there is to say that isn't both obvious to every person of color in america and utterly incomprehensible to white people.
2021-11-19 16:28:20 like if a friend can just quietly tell them to find a thesaurus and mix it up a bit... or stop entirely. i bet it'd help them across the board
2021-11-19 16:24:26 last thing: this might be a controversial take, but these 2 white guys not talking about indigenous culture say "rainmaker" a LOT and it bumps me every time. i get it's common in business, but they reads like extras sent away from the set of American Psycho for playing it too big
2021-11-19 16:06:14 @tripsandflips_ how do you ruin tea? by introducing tech entrepreneurs to it
2021-11-19 16:04:46 they're not selling "non-fungible teas", which i can only assume is either an oversight or an as-yet-unannounced product.
2021-11-19 16:03:19 kettle, water, tea leaves. that's all you need also thermometer, timer, QR code scanning device, internet connection, CPU resources to add your brew to the blockchain, thermo-regulated mug, noise canceling headphones, metaverse goggles, subscription to all relevant services...
2021-11-19 15:49:56 > they made an insulated sippy cup?
2021-11-19 15:48:29 > temperature. time. you could print that on the box. with words how does SV get to keep promising to make our lives better when literally everything they do complicates shit?
2021-11-19 15:44:44 @mdekstrand cheesecake is like "hey man leave me out of this i'm not part of this"
2021-11-19 15:44:11 > 1. had to look up what DTC means and it sounds like farm to table but for unbearable pricks 2. here's a LiFeHaxK: pour tea for purpose of drinking tea
2021-11-19 15:39:08 > these two sound unbearable.
2021-11-19 15:35:12 im sorry but what the actual fuck are you talking about lol
2021-11-19 15:32:13 that nonsense is centuries behind us
2021-11-18 22:54:40 reminds me of "are you in the right headspace to receive information that could possibly hurt you?" but *from your manager at work*
2021-11-18 19:34:47 mmm yeah yeah let's see when it's all deployed sure sure sure
2021-11-18 19:33:57 >
2021-11-18 17:10:32 lol i was going to look for this episode of a podcast where Dr Levy talked about truck drivers and surveillance but went down a rabbit hole listening to various interviews and stuff. she's awesome, i'm so looking forward to getting to chat again
2021-11-18 17:07:07 i'm so excited about this - i'm a huge fan of both @karen_ec_levy's and @hackylawyER's work and i can't wait to chat about surveillance and power, especially in various contexts of work. register in the link
2021-11-18 16:59:35 is it an education app, or is it a surveillance app you use on students?
2021-11-18 15:41:43 @kjhealy abstract or versatile?
2021-11-17 21:00:15 RT @techethicslab: We’re getting ready for the second-to-last of our #TECTalks this semester! Join us on Monday, 11/22 at 12 PM ET for a di…
2021-11-17 19:38:12 i've heard from a few UC professors who are on strike today in solidarity with lecturers and
2021-11-16 20:51:32 RT @pixelatedboat: The future of work
2021-11-16 19:50:29 gonna lie down on the floor for a bit with do not disturb mode on brb
2021-11-16 19:47:29 i'm really sorry to do this on such short notice, but i'm postponing my talk at Columbia
2021-11-16 03:41:21 this narrative that you're "protecting liberal democracy" from... the... hordes... of... .....???? how do you finish that sentence without realizing that what you're talking about is horrendous and grotesque?
2021-11-16 03:39:56 kind of a disgusting look.
2021-11-16 03:23:04 well, this is sorta ominously threatening
2021-11-16 02:14:26 @tressiemcphd the incredibly nuanced world of communicating to someone that i'm busy and NOT letting them veto my state of focus
2021-11-16 02:12:04 RT @tressiemcphd: (thank you!) And also, this is HORRIBLE. Look at that user flow.
2021-11-16 02:11:45 @tressiemcphd also why does sharing my status necessarily give the person the option to override it? like let's literally have a talk about overstepping boundaries
2021-11-16 02:06:33 i forgot his name was literally "professor feathers"
2021-11-16 00:37:55 if The Chair just mined twitter for academia drama and mishaps like these i bet it'd be a lot of fun
2021-11-16 00:34:59 is there a word for really half-baked conservative bullshit statements and projects that all of the participants scatter away from as soon as the lights turn on? i'm thinking harper, UA, any others?
2021-11-16 00:12:46 please stop asking about the bird on my shoulder, i am focusing on Being Rational
2021-11-15 19:59:36 two really's
2021-11-15 19:59:06 RT @MtthewRubiin: Did not expect the moral of this story to be about the importance of unions
2021-11-15 18:08:18 because if you actually had to explain why your image label dataset had labels like "mulatto" or "absconder" in it you might need to sit around in a quiet room being stared at contemptuously after making a risible argument for racist labels! life is tough!
2021-11-15 18:06:13 RT @alexnpress: anti-union propaganda on PPE! incredible new low in scumbag behavior
2021-11-15 18:00:50 which means that a translation system will sometimes use profanity, or a vision model will call someone a slur like "mulatto" (separate from the fact that even structuring a system to be conceivably able to arrive at any conclusion that assigns that label is pretty disgusting)
2021-11-15 17:56:55 one difficult thing to justify about universal models is that they implicate you in a scheme to collect uncritically, hoping that some latent pattern of the universe will emerge.
2021-11-15 17:51:19 @JesseThorn unrelated but damn, that mustache is powerful
2021-11-15 17:49:35 kinda have to wonder what other associations/embeddings it's drawing less conspicuously behind the scenes when it's not firing off racist slurs that call our attention
2021-11-15 05:53:28 RT @Caltrain: Just pay your taxes, man.
2021-11-15 05:24:09 remember when they insisted the underlying motivation for NFTs was to support and benefit artists? seems like a lifetime ago
2021-11-15 02:01:33 facebook* is** no*** longer**** using***** facial****** recognition******* (please see attached book for fine print)
2021-11-15 01:41:39 We'll talk about gig work &
2021-11-15 01:41:38 i'll be speaking at Columbia's Race + Data Science lecture series this Wednesday (1p ET)! info/reg: the page isn't updated yet (purely because i struggled to articulate what my work is even about for longer than i want to admit), but here's the abstract:
2021-11-15 00:39:33 > lmao
2021-11-14 21:58:50 RT @jaboukie: you to your son after a long day of posting epic memes
2021-11-14 21:41:45 @girlziplocked w... what's there to believe???
2021-11-14 21:19:00 like im almost certain it's in "oh hey. so the pandemic, huh?" territory
2021-11-14 21:18:13 i just reacted to a friend's fit check with a series of and i'm scared to check my DMs and see when the last time i talked to him on instagram even was
2021-11-14 20:55:19 @s_m_i this is super interesting though, might end up using it either way - thanks!
2021-11-14 20:54:37 @s_m_i lol of course it would be rogue amoeba making this. audio hijack and loopback are lifesavers hmm i think i need to dig into it... i'm not sure if this would let me pin gain levels to some level or if it's more like control over how things get routed and ducking audio levels...
2021-11-14 20:49:06 anyone know of any apps, scripts, github projects, etc that give users more control over MBP webcams and/or microphones? eg exposure settings or white balance i don't care as much about the video quality as much as i do exposure &
2021-11-14 20:39:54 i'm staring at that fade like "some days i can't even be bothered to comb my hair..."
2021-11-14 20:38:12 feels bad seeing a before and after where the before looks a little too much like me when i wake up and the after looks like more time and effort went into it than i will ever be able to muster on a regular basis lol
2021-11-14 20:35:42 @KrangTNelson let's all do the "deposit your cash at your local bank branch right before i go in there" challenge
2021-11-14 20:29:35 RT @kidnoble: He vaccinated?
2021-11-14 18:06:27 go fuck yourself @Qualcomm
2021-11-14 17:53:35 @DocDre @tressiemcphd like in tweetdeck if i schedule a tweet for a minute from now and close my computer &
2021-11-14 17:51:13 @DocDre @tressiemcphd just out of cursory... if twitter crashes, does it send, or is the 60-second-hold entirely on the device?
2021-11-14 17:33:23 this bit here
2021-11-14 17:33:22 > > this by @hypervisible is amazing
2021-11-14 09:25:33 did seinfeld even have arcs?? are we sure it's not more canonical to just shuffle the episodes?
2021-11-14 09:23:29 moments like these remind me how modern television trends towards serialization and steep investment in characters have made watching TV kinda exhausting. i used to just turn the tv on and star trek would be on and it could be season 1 or season 4 and it didn't really matter lol
2021-11-14 05:50:35 RT @InternetHippo: sometimes i'll see a youtube video that's date stamped before covid and think, you beautiful have no idea.…
2021-11-14 03:21:43 @pixelatedboat GTA III does not look good. it's clunky and you can see blocky bits. but also lol who cares
2021-11-14 03:20:44 @pixelatedboat they're also pretty compelling reminders that people will overlook a lot of bullshit, including graphical verisimilitude, if the game is just fucking fun
2021-11-14 01:18:37 listening to podcasts of people gushing about how facebook's metaverse demo replicated all the shitty parts of in-person meetings as if "beyond being there" was just noise taunting idiots
2021-11-14 00:07:56 can't tell you how many times ive turned a corner and discovered the bus was a minute earlier than expected...
2021-11-14 00:06:33 bus operators are just like us
2021-11-14 00:06:20 RT @that_mc: Every bus operator cheers when the scooters get mashed to shreds.
2021-11-13 23:43:17 @Blackamazon @lelaballerina it all makes sense now. it's like there's finally closure on one of the most *confusingly* bad big budget adaptations in recent years
2021-11-13 23:42:26 RT @Blackamazon: WAIT THIS WHOLE BULLSHIT WAS IRON FIST ?!? OMG @lelaballerina
2021-11-13 23:35:38 i wasn't expecting to finally get an answer to the question of why netflix's iron fist was so bad, but here we are, all the pieces falling into place lol
2021-11-13 22:20:11 RT @InternetHippo: God I hate content
2021-11-13 21:05:44 RT @jessfromonline: anyway, NFTs are environmentally destructive, disgusting, tacky, and meaningless. NFT true believers are some of the mo…
2021-11-13 03:39:57 it's shameful that @IEEEorg claims to be committed to the benefit of humanity but can't get its shit together to dignify trans scholars with a response to their requests to update an article author field. there's no excuse for this. it's been YEARS at this point
2021-11-13 03:27:53 RT @soldni: I am still dreaming of a day when Google Scholar will give agency to trans and non-binary scholars to own their identity and ma…
2021-11-13 02:01:46 RT @vanessatsehaye: Just to be clear: it doesn’t matter if a government has declared a state of emergency, arbitrary detention is still ill…
2021-11-13 01:59:49 RT @math_rachel: automation of gov social services (eg food benefits, disability services, unemployment, etc) can be: - implemented with n…
2021-11-13 01:55:25 like i'm sitting here waiting for confirmation that a white guy can pick up a rifle, wander around until he finds and kills me, and people will rally around HIM as a victim, and the slapstick of this old fuck fumble with screenshots of texts isn't alleviating my preemptive grief
2021-11-13 01:37:01 k articles about a tech-illiterate judge feel like they'd be funnier if i wasn't watching a slow motion train wreck of Rittenhouse getting off scot free for killing 2 people w/a semi-automatic rifle that's legally distinct from an assault rifle, &
2021-11-13 01:29:11 patent dispute? sure, be mr bean or whatever
2021-11-13 01:28:06 the verge articles about the tech-illiterate judge feel like they would be funnier if i wasn't watching the slow motion train wreck of Rittenhouse getting off scot free for killing 2 people with an assault rifle and ugly-fake-crying about it later on the stand
2021-11-13 00:47:07 as with the other stuff, if i'm mistaken on this, feel free to let me know
2021-11-13 00:45:21 oh, i never boosted a conversation about work status stuff USFCA seems to go for H1B visas when possible. my understanding is it's preferable over J1, but takes longer &
2021-11-13 00:35:31 3a. if you have thoughts, especially criticisms, about how i'm going about doing something on this dimension (or others), i'll do my best to be grateful rather than defensive and shitty about it. my DM's are open! or email me
2021-11-13 00:35:30 1a. there's no margin nonsense, that's just an example. but to ground it more realistically: the course proposal bit says "not more than 3 pages". if you spill over into page 4 by a few lines to finish a sentence, don't sweat it. just.. please don't start new paragraphs on page 4
2021-11-13 00:35:29 there's ~7 days left for this! (well.. rolling deadline) a few questions/thoughts that came up: 1. please keep an eye on your email
2021-11-12 17:48:23 as an aside there are some really great youtubers who have talked about the underpaid and under-appreciated work that goes into working at disneyland and disneyworld- see @abelinasabrina's videos for example
2021-11-12 17:42:45 i bet he thinks the cats keep the park clean. i swear to god someone go ask him right now
2021-11-12 17:42:03 is there anything more apt than a mediocre white guy who might literally have never worked hourly in his life apparently thinking that a place like disneyland can exist for more than 10 seconds without LITERALLY millions of cumulative hours of labor of mostly women &
2021-11-11 07:47:38 facebook has disallowed zip codes as a targeting tool for housing, employment, and credit ads. meaning other ads can still wink at facebook and successfully target or exclude based on race.
2021-11-11 07:42:50 removing the targeting tools is different from auditing the outcomes of targeting schemes. are you going to evaluate for disparate demographic outcomes in ad targeting, or is this half-measure enough?
2021-11-11 07:34:09 the only way this could be better would be if steven spielberg's last project was a movie about saratoga high school in the 60's
2021-11-11 07:32:43 my favorite part is that they invited him to the 30 year reunion to "bury the hatchet" and he sent his assistant to pick up a film he had apparently made in high school that they screened at the reunion that's one hell of a grudge
2021-11-11 07:22:13 "we were all okay with him being Jewish, it was probably only a few people throwing pennies at him" is - i mean do i need to explain this?
2021-11-11 07:18:27 the reunion organizer dismissing this shit is surreal to read about even now
2021-11-11 07:14:02 steven spielberg, who famously called the one year he spent there "hell on earth"
2021-11-11 05:54:42 also got "Black Futures", of which there might be 2 remaining, but tbh idk - it was in a pretty prominent place
2021-11-11 03:12:41 fyi dog eared books has at least one more copy of "the dawn of everything"
2021-11-11 00:15:50 RT @PropCazhPM: @_alialkhatib @hypervisible "empathy is double-edged, for in making the other's suffering one's own, this suffering is occl…
2021-11-11 00:00:21 this is the kind of garbage incremental fine tuning that gives hope to people who want to avoid dismantling a system that was fundamentally designed to violently oppress and control Black people. it's cheap, false hope for (what better be) a fat paycheck
2021-11-11 00:00:20 > the idea that you can get some kind of meaningful insight into Black men's lives from VR training is so shockingly naive, i almost couldn't believe what i read
2021-11-10 23:33:06 @halhod oh god don't reopen that can of worms
2021-11-10 22:14:34 @hypervisible how much crypto boosterism comes from ignorant credulous idiots who weren't told their ideas are stupid often enough?
2021-11-10 21:49:35 i am marking all of your emails as spam, academia dot edu. every single one.
2021-11-10 21:48:58 they keep asking if i wrote papers on petroleum science or smth even when i keep asking them to STOP EMAILING ME. they don't even do network analysis &
2021-11-10 21:27:02 everybody seems to be getting the flu shot and the booster at the same time and then reporting having a loopy/miserable few days and like is it any more manageable if you spread them out or should i just do them at the same time??
2021-11-10 21:24:32 @DocDre fair point lol
2021-11-10 21:21:01 @DocDre give it everything it wants
2021-11-10 21:09:44 @WillOremus (to close the loop) which doesn't mean the distinction doesn't matter! but when we talk about a system that eg decides who gets vaccinated first vs last, what difference does it make if it uses AI vs a flow chart? (besides the term's elevated social power)
2021-11-10 19:49:04 @blakereid @swodinsky @WillOremus because when well-resourced organizations with strongly motivated agendas promote and advance policy proposals, it calls into question whether a suggestion that appears reasonable at face value serves an ulterior motive that we don't recognize yet
2021-11-10 19:26:01 @WillOremus a lot of the issues we talk about - of opacity, disproportionate and surreptitious power over people's lives, etc... - apply pretty broadly because of the social configurations rather than technical ones, and these semantics don't address that
2021-11-10 19:25:36 @WillOremus i've published a few papers about algorithms and AI ( and unsurprisingly ive gotten some shit from reviewers about my language choice
2021-11-10 18:40:31 RT @AASchapiro: Another thing about the Verge background item: one possible way to deal with this problem is for more outlets to do reporti…
2021-11-10 18:28:33 for some reason it makes me think of celeryman
2021-11-10 18:26:20 also these examples >
2021-11-10 18:24:26 > this is great. glad @reckless posted this, even if it's just a @verge-decision, because readers of tech news sites should be asking this
2021-11-10 06:34:46 RT @Ethnography911: this is a bit of a call for transparency around governance of professional membership organizations, and what can be do…
2021-11-10 05:28:57 @girlziplocked everything about this profile terrifies me
2021-11-10 02:18:17 @sendgoodcheers
2021-11-10 01:56:28 @InternetHippo look, you're just a misunderstood genius. they'll thank you eventually. once you gain control of how the world spins
2021-11-10 01:42:19 alternatively
2021-11-10 01:40:49 STS scholars right now
2021-11-10 01:22:12 @veenadubal like... more so than usual?
2021-11-10 01:11:27 anyway, that's the underlying engine or w/e. i think a bulletin board titled "don't take checks from these people" is untenable. on the other hand, it's an actual *generative* model to say "whenever the consequences of a decision will bear on someone, include them in it"
2021-11-10 01:11:26 a substantially better world than the one we're in would meaningfully include everyone in the group, and even any other stakeholders (eg outside collaborators) who MIGHT care that some part of the metaphorical house is built with blood money
2021-11-10 01:11:25 so that kind of individual ethics is clear enough (don't ask me about whether those lofty goals are actually met...), but conversations always broke down when we started talking about more generalized funding.
2021-11-10 01:11:24 was trying to write a post but i feel like a thread might be easier: i was talking w/someone about funding thoughts and i want to outline a difference between having a rolodex of bad actors whose money you won't take vs adopting a different process of thinking about fundraising
2021-11-09 19:23:08 @jwkritchie is it surprising though?
2021-11-09 18:14:57 we sure are concerned about oblique dimensions of representation and diversity in academia considering the demographics i'm seeing on the faculty/staff directory
2021-11-09 17:51:49 @bigblackjacobin but they threw the coins!
2021-11-09 17:50:47 considering how hot dropbox made my laptop when i used it, i assume this is part of a ploy to make the metaverse more literally like hell.
2021-11-08 23:00:49 hey, have you ever seen a self-driving car flash its lights or honk to get the attention of other drivers, pedestrians, etc? like with enough certainty that it wasn't the person behind the wheel doing it
2021-11-08 19:29:56 RT @UpFromTheCracks: The full Otherwise School @interactionsMag edition will be out next week, but you can get a sneak preview w/ Kristen R…
2021-11-08 19:26:17 @libshipwreck some jokes manifest into real life if they're powerful enough and you're not careful
2021-11-08 19:20:36 if only someone had been around to... shoot alec baldwin to stop him?
2021-11-08 18:04:08 @libshipwreck they're a bunch of melodramatic victims who burned relationships at their previous regular jobs. it's like bringing all the toxic influences in the office into one super-drama office
2021-11-08 17:58:22 slow-walking negotiations for 2 years, withholding wage data, and promising raises of only 0.5% when BLS says inflation is more than 10x that i hope @wirecutterunion DO walk out this black friday. this is some pretty serious bullshit from the NYT and Wirecutter management
2021-11-08 17:39:15 i don't even know what to say to this.
2021-11-08 03:52:01 big bird got a vaccine aaron rodgers wouldn't, so now rodgers is taking deworming medicine we give to birds b/c a guy who played a minor role on NewsRadio said to, &
2021-11-08 03:19:55 @GreatestTrek you do every position twice in Klingon Yoga
2021-11-08 00:53:31 @johnmoe imagining you shouting through the crowd "i bet writing those lyrics for the first time was really cathartic! can you tell me about that?"
2021-11-08 00:38:24 so anyway i was a kid and one day i was watching star trek and saw tasha yar get killed by a tar monster and now i'm gonna tell you all about my neurotic anxieties regarding evil tar monsters or something
2021-11-08 00:36:12 like this
2021-11-08 00:35:59 what's the word for when a guy apparently gets traumatized by some artifact of pop culture, and instead of talking to a therapist about it quietly carries it around with them until he decides to make all of us deal with it?
2021-11-07 21:49:47 @aesthetic_aha @KevinReuning columbia too
2021-11-07 21:04:07 RT @KevinReuning: So in the last 24 hours there have been bomb threats at Yale, Cornell and Miami University at least. Any others?
2021-11-07 20:55:43 RT @AOC: For people who say “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” to pass legislation, consider why no one tells that to the Dem…
2021-11-07 20:40:31 camilla HASNT STOPPED TALKING ABOUT IT. oh my gosh.
2021-11-07 20:38:38 can we all, as americans, come together on this being hilarious?
2021-11-07 18:09:39 i wonder how many awkward tears of joy coffee shop employees had to witness over the past few months
2021-11-07 18:08:37 sitting on a comfy couch at a coffee shop like it's 2019
2021-11-07 06:59:32 @alexhanna
2021-11-07 00:20:26 tempted to start a gofundme to buy so many beacons and just toss them randomly all over the roads
2021-11-07 00:17:01 @tyler_riordan like ~10-12s on method, ~20 on examples (since they're more illustrative) "i draw on theories from the social sciences to inform HCI/design" = ?? uh ok "like piecework to describe gig work, or street-level bureaucracies to see why AIs make the wrong calls in novel cases" = ah ok
2021-11-07 00:08:11 @tyler_riordan there's so little time in 30 seconds (like 30 real seconds, not "30 seconds where academics go over and talk for 2 minutes") that i usually - omit bio - give the shortest possible line on methodology - make it concrete w/work i've published so they can read and see what i meant
2021-11-06 23:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-11-01 19:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-11-01 17:30:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-08-21 01:46:12 RT @veenadubal: Breaking: CA Superior Court judge finds Prop 22 UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!
2021-08-20 22:59:25 RT @drewwww: You can set aside the virtual-ness of this, too. It's straightforward to translate this idea to a more traditional UI. You don…
2021-08-20 22:59:13 RT @drewwww: Looking back on this work 13 years later and having spent way more hours in corporate meetings I wouldn't do this the same way…
2021-08-20 22:43:58 "i think females have the mindset that they..." try to say it without sounding like quark. i dare you. TRY.
2021-08-20 22:43:16 when regressive trollish dudes say "females" like this my mind immediately goes here
2021-08-20 17:18:17 at least the guy from the monorail episode left and didn't come back
2021-08-20 17:16:46 elon musk is that monorail guy from the simpsons except he keeps coming back to sell us dumber and dumber shit
2021-08-20 17:01:08 @cwarzel wait... eradicated??
2021-08-20 16:58:10 @histoftech i cannot put into words how uncomfortable this makes me. it feels like... minstrel
2021-08-20 06:35:26 RT @BVLSingler: @catgirlQueer @smolrobots Fixed it o.O
2021-08-19 22:51:30 RT @juliacarriew: just because FB uses the word metaverse to describe a dumb product that’s gonna fail doesn’t mean that you have to use th…
2021-08-19 22:47:40 RT @rahaeli: Oh, fuck a duck. OF's own statement here. See that "...and payout providers?" Fuck me, that probably means they not only got t…
2021-08-19 18:33:11 RT @broderick: I've come across a few blockchain-based porn sites and they're honestly terrifying for revenge porn. Permanently minted nude…
2021-08-19 18:32:01 god fucking damn it please shut the fuck up
2021-08-19 18:19:52 RT @MikeIsaac: free startup idea: sex-friendly payments processor
2021-08-19 18:19:47 this but for any context
2021-08-19 18:18:47 RT @blackgaygemini: was only a matter of time!
2021-08-19 17:07:26 >
2021-08-19 01:15:01 "where'd you get this dataset?" "i got it from a friend" "a friend?" "well, a friend of a friend" "a friend of a f-" "well a friend's neighbor put it in their trash and took the trash out to the curb and - that's legal you know"
2021-08-19 01:12:24 facebook did this with the emotional contagion study - generated a dataset, provided anonymized data to a cornell prof. cornell IRB said it wasn't their purview. i hope uni IRBs have gotten savvier
2021-08-18 21:08:30 and no, i'm not necessarily saying we should be able to turn it off or on in our phone settings. i'm saying that a conversation about whether these technologies should exist at all, in what capacities, etc... are so obviously things that fall under a broad umbrella of governance
2021-08-18 21:08:29 the thing about apple's CSAM-matching/image scanning announcement isn't so much the technology as much as the phenomenon of a tech company doing governance through technical documents or as product launches rather than as something over which we recognize we should have autonomy
2021-08-18 20:33:01 in "To Live in Their Utopia: Why Algorithmic Systems Create Absurd Outcomes", I draw on *Seeing Like a State* & 1. administrative ordering of society 2. high-modernism 3. willingness to use coercive force 4. weakened civil society
2021-08-18 20:33:00 Do you see a difference between @emilymbender's screenshot and the text you'll likely see if you visit now? They've quietly changed the phrase "universal models" to "foundation models". Substantively, nothing else changed, and there's no discussion of the earlier language.
2021-08-18 20:32:58 I try to commit to saying my piece on a subject and moving on for my wellbeing. I've written my thoughts about Stanford's HAI here: I wrote that post while I was a PhD student at Stanford. When I left Stanford I wanted to leave it behind. Here's the thing
2021-08-18 19:49:40 RT @internetrebecca: the use of biometrics to round up Uyghurs for training camps was a striking example of FRT harms this last year, now t…
2021-08-18 19:47:31 @emilymbender @mer__edith A/B testing which one causes more outrage? lol
2021-08-18 19:46:07 @mer__edith @mmitchell_ai the literal embodiment of an afterthought
2021-08-17 16:27:37 petition to rename "palantir" to "smaug"
2021-08-16 21:14:07 @bigblackjacobin which serial killer would you like to get a beer with?
2021-08-16 21:12:09 sometimes i wonder if people think "accessibility" means "miscellaneous" in settings menus
2021-08-16 17:16:52 yesterday i spotted "A City is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences" by @shannonmattern at a local bookstore and DIDN'T use TWSU (as in/thanks to the @techwontsaveus podcast) to get 30% off at the publisher's site because my impulsiveness overcame me
2021-08-14 03:08:40 @PavelASamsonov we live down the street from a busy fire station
2021-08-14 03:01:05 which of these more substantively signifies that i've moved back to SF?
2021-08-13 20:16:36 @_jack_poulson @tenuous also interested
2021-08-13 17:56:59 this is a massive relief. i was fully anticipating a terrible update on this and i'm so happy to be mostly wrong. more than 200 cases is awful, but let's be honest, in the midst of the delta variant &
2021-08-13 03:58:21 i feel like i blacked out in the middle of reading this and woke up in a field
2021-08-12 04:52:23 @SheaSwauger "and you were all stupid for using this service we sold and insisted was totally reliable"
2021-08-11 23:37:22 RT @RuralComputing: Hello, World! We are the Rural Computing Research Consortium @michiganstateu. We are a new growing organization of facu…
2021-08-11 02:24:43 RT @doctorow: The company has committed another $100m to a Prop 22-style ballot initiative in Massachusetts, which will formalize worker mi…
2021-08-11 02:09:47 @morganklauss lollllll sorry
2021-08-11 02:09:03 @parismarx @techwontsaveus wait, a crypto pyramid scheme?? i'm sure the leaders of the community will speak out about it and condemn it. i'm holding my breath.
2021-08-11 02:06:28 this is "Do Datasets Have Politics? Disciplinary Values in Computer Vision Dataset Development" by @morganklauss, @cephaloponderer, &
2021-08-11 02:04:49 > very excited to read this
2021-08-10 18:08:15 RT @ChelseaCirruzzo: if you were the person at the CDC who decided that vaccine cards should be just slightly too big for our wallets, plea…
2021-08-09 23:45:12 is this going to be elon's "i lived on $1/day and you could too if you just had all these other resources and benefits"?
2021-08-09 22:16:33 @Les_Aker @evan_greer You know, his name isn't *actually* frankenstein
2021-08-09 22:15:26 RT @FoxCahn: Why are Congressional Democrats trying to fund AI experiments on people in prison? No, AI CAN’T create a crystal ball and p…
2021-08-09 18:51:20 RT @wirecutterunion: The median salary of Wirecutter Union members is $43,000 less than the median salary of our colleagues in the The New…
2021-08-09 18:51:11 RT @wirecutterunion: We work second and third jobs to make ends meet. The Times is debt-free &
2021-08-09 18:45:08 a generation of humanity will mourn the loss of the night's sky because this grim joke of a human being can't be satisfied exploiting every resource on the face of this planet and had to turn his sights to space
2021-08-09 09:12:26 > >
2021-08-09 09:09:55 >
2021-08-09 09:08:08 >
2021-08-09 08:59:01 > can't be reformed, exhibit eleventy billion
2021-08-09 02:53:35
2021-08-09 00:44:51 @tressiemcphd he broke his 8 year silence for this. he should've gone for 9
2021-08-08 16:36:57 RT @SarahJamieLewis: When you boil it down, Apple has proposed your phone become black box that may occasionally file reports on you that m…
2021-08-07 18:24:46 RT @doctorow: The second way Doordash keeps prices low is by violating labor law, misclassifying its workers as "independent contractors" s…
2021-08-07 17:45:45 RT @timnitGebru: “ Bloated, drained of color from their journey, the bodies were often mutilated: genitals severed, eyes gouged, a missing…
2021-08-07 17:39:38 RT @HeyJessGray: this pandemic is the worst group project i’ve ever been a part of in my life.
2021-08-07 17:32:22 @TechInsider @timkhiggins @RMac18 lmao was his tweet about the book about him to head off this?
2021-08-07 17:18:38 i dunno i was just really impressed and i know they probably felt stressed and bad and like who cares what my opinion of them is but i was glad i knew them in that moment
2021-08-07 17:13:35 this is apropos of nothing that happened today, but a few days ago a phd student said they had to pull back from this leadership thing &
2021-08-07 04:26:00 RT @iMissMollyIvins: @RayMorr70000371 @absurdistwords
2021-08-06 22:09:56 this treacly, preachy bullshit is surreal
2021-08-06 21:58:43 i'm so close, let's get me there
2021-08-06 21:54:48 @bigblackjacobin somehow he's doing the exact opposite of my instinct to crawl into the deepest hole i can find and become invisible whenever i'm behind on a deadline
2021-08-06 19:58:17 RT @Wolven: Trans rights are human rights. Disabled rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. lgBTQIA rights are human righ…
2021-08-06 19:21:42 @djp3 no i think we agree about that, we're back on balance
2021-08-06 19:19:55 Breonna Taylor, an EMT, was shot six times in her home. Ashli Babbitt, an air force veteran, was shot once in the shoulder trying to break into the house floor. fuck cops and all, but i contain multitudes: fuck this too.
2021-08-06 18:55:38 @djp3 what
2021-08-06 18:52:16 @localFuturist without meaning to forego the 1st part, i think i might be able to unpack the 2nd part in a way that takes it from the elevated stratosphere of "it's advanced AI stuff just trust us" and bring it back to earth where people can begin to recognize what a mess it is from close up
2021-08-06 18:49:37 @localFuturist i basically see 2 levels to this - what the fuck, are we seriously talking about imessage surveillance?! - okay let's pretend for now that we're okay with that: --> -->
2021-08-06 18:08:38 another option would be a video and to that i say LollllllllLlllLllLlLllLllll
2021-08-06 18:07:47 don't really feel like doing apple's public outreach work, but also people deserve to know the boundaries and capabilities and limitations of these techs and just because apple's not being forthcoming doesn't mean only tech folks should get to know. idk, would a blog post help?
2021-08-06 18:07:46 i'm reading the apple technical docs but the short version is that it reads like two technologies, and they're uh... very different. a surprising amount of the contact tracing layperson explanation i wrote is probably reusable
2021-08-06 08:52:15 RT @sgbuggs: of course when I report their lies, Twitter says there is no content violation. @Twitter y'all make it ridiculously easy for…
2021-08-06 04:53:45 RT @techwontsaveus: “Big Tech thrives on creating uncertainty around the impacts of its products and business model. One of the ways it doe…
2021-08-06 02:49:28
2021-08-06 02:48:30 @Jrdel0 i was going to ask how i avoided this fate but i'm almost certain i don't want to set you up for that
2021-08-06 01:33:38 like how do you repeatedly come this close to a good idea and bail out every time
2021-08-06 01:32:38 lmao listening to gabfest apparently matt *glesias came up with the idea to pay everyone in america $1/year just to have them on the books if you need to pay everyone more during an emergency and i feel like he's an ongoing SNL skit
2021-08-05 22:10:09 @Foone @JayBauman1 buy it and make a BOTW with it or something
2021-08-05 21:37:03 this is almost literally a rag. a rag might have been thicker.
2021-08-05 20:41:02 RT @ItsDanaWhite: There are influential artists we can educate and mobilize to end HIV stigma. DaBaby chose to stand (and double down) in a…
2021-08-05 19:47:51 @polotek so confused. i went back and looked and was like wait this all started with this right??
2021-08-05 17:08:37 @mcwm good god what is that and how can i eat it
2021-08-05 17:05:43 RT @issielapowsky: I'm truly surprised that Facebook thinks it's in their interest to promote this as data collection on non-consenting use…
2021-08-05 17:05:33 RT @issielapowsky: Facebook tried to use the same argument with me when I wrote this deep dive on the NYU standoff, saying vaguely the NYU…
2021-08-05 03:24:58 tiktok is estimated to be worth $50,000,000,000 if they can work out how to deliver ads correctly, who knows what they'll be worth?
2021-08-05 02:08:15 RT @schock: The longer I'm in the game the more convinced I am that to reign in big tech we need a thriving community of adversarial resear…
2021-08-05 01:59:51 *screeewweeeeeeeeeeeeee*
2021-08-05 01:57:21 caution: i might've misheard or misunderstood because i'm literally on a screeching BART train right now
2021-08-05 01:56:29 @ashk4n raises an interesting point that facebook might be trying to do this bullshit so when there's a real scandal and mark gets brought before the senate and congress again he can say "look we tried to stop scraping"
2021-08-05 01:53:42 RT @DocDre: if you're an adversarial researcher (s/o to @schock) investigating social media platforms, i salute you!!! we gon scrape til…
2021-08-05 01:53:21 the history of the project and researchers, the intentions, the actual harms experienced, and crucially the relationships fostered and maintained in the project involving the access to users' data are all relevant and salient differences.
2021-08-05 01:49:34 this spaces thing is great- @profcarroll and @ashk4n were/are just talking. no idea how to link to it
2021-08-05 01:47:34 facebook characterizing the NYU researchers' browser extension as akin to the work CA did (and sold) is so specious that it either means someone at facebook is too stupid to run a dog daycare (let alone policy on a platform affecting billions) or gallingly, cynically, dishonest
2021-08-04 22:15:19 looking up the etymology of "chode"
2021-08-04 19:10:20 RT @mozilla: Facebook claims they shut down the researchers accounts due to privacy problems with the Ad Observer. In our view, those claim…
2021-08-04 18:08:58 imagine taking the word of lyft executives without even talking to anyone on the ground. like i know this is yahoo finance but you know this eventually touches down on planet earth, right?
2021-08-04 18:03:47 uber, lyft, &
2021-08-04 17:53:26 RT @DocDre: FAR too many Twitter folk wanna pop shit and then retreat to these phrases when they get checked/called out. Don’t say wild…
2021-08-04 17:52:59 @theyoungjoo i'm so sorry :( hoping for good news
2021-08-04 17:17:15 a well-placed semicolon is like a flake of sea salt on a sweet cookie.
2021-08-04 06:23:57 RT @elisewho: @xrw "Within AI, there is only a case for optimism if people &
2021-08-04 05:19:29 RT @Bob_Wachter: … they fear that green-lighting them will send message to some vax-hesitant folks that vaccines don’t work. I get that, bu…
2021-08-04 05:06:34 RT @GigWorkersRise: 1. Hire "Data scientists". 2. Find "like-minded academics at "reputable university". 3. Spoon feed them data that sui…
2021-08-04 00:52:49 "why are you guys so angry? perfect is the enemy of the good, you know that, right?"
2021-08-04 00:49:20 "we've created a whole new marketplace for labor"
2021-08-04 00:47:03 "we found a way to classify more people as dangerous with less accountability"
2021-08-03 20:57:52 is there a rule that you have to keep talking while you're on the podium or secret service will shoot you or something? is that what's going on?
2021-08-03 20:40:20 RT @anthrocharya: This is where one needs to ask, “often seen” by whom?
2021-08-03 20:38:48 passive voice is often used to obscure who's doing the marginalizing
2021-08-03 20:22:39 it's always staggering to see even though it shouldn't be but a 150% turnover rate is almost unimaginable.
2021-08-03 10:28:50 lmao don't do this.
2021-08-03 10:19:04 RT @TamarSharon: How Google quietly funds Europe’s leading tech policy institutes
2021-08-03 03:01:51 RT @EmilyDWarfield: No. What the fuck? No. What is wrong with everyone? Why do you all like punishing people so much by removing human righ…
2021-08-03 00:49:32 RT @nandoodles: I'm sure some of you are curious: Who funds Tim Pool? I have some answers. Follow along.
2021-08-02 22:58:36 RT @RebeccaARainey: BREAKING: The NLRB Hearing Officer who presided over the case has determined that Amazon violated labor law in the Bess…
2021-08-02 22:24:29 @MikeIsaac i keep find myself thinking of the bureaucracy angle i take in the "street-level algorithms" paper & but then i see this shit
2021-08-02 17:34:28 @tamigraph oh my gosh, i'm so sorry...
2021-08-02 17:32:02 oh some more matt *glesias shit
2021-08-02 17:31:39 hi what did i miss i was in a tunnel or something
2021-08-02 16:33:49 > *stares at Ryan Lochte*
2021-08-02 16:13:07 so we're all waiting to find out what effect lollapalooza and hard fest will have on COVID transmission with the delta variant circulating, right? like that's just what we're all sitting around for the next few days waiting for?
2021-08-02 16:10:56 okay fine it doesn't HAVE to be a country music star every week, but i don't know how well EDM artists tip
2021-08-02 16:09:08 if we can just get a country music star to eat at this waffle house every few weeks for the next 10 or 15 years, i think we can finally solve this housing problem, guys
2021-08-01 01:53:25 @MikeIsaac put on inception i wanna see what it says
2021-07-31 22:53:35 RT @mark_riedl: Diagnosing COVID was never a problem that needed to be solved by AI. I’ve not heard any indication that doctors or radiolog…
2021-07-31 21:16:26 maybe EA wasn't used to a "pay once and you're done" model. next time try offering it as DLC
2021-07-31 19:03:59 RT @ashtonpittman: Felber: “The university is, and always has been, a political institution. When the University of Mississippi was constru…
2021-07-31 19:00:26 imagine writing this email and clippy showing up like "are you trying to - wait what the fuck ARE you doing?"
2021-07-31 18:55:29 @emilymbender things are moving along and we signed a lease a few days ago so we at least have a real address the stuff is heading towards now, haha thanks
2021-07-31 18:53:35 @emilymbender i'm not 100% sure if those be helpful themselves, but i'm more confident they'll cite (or be cited by) good leads
2021-07-31 18:52:13 @emilymbender my books are in a box in a uhaul thing crossing the country at the moment but i usually start at "freedom is an endless meeting" by Francesca Polletta and "freedom is a constant struggle" by Angela Davis
2021-07-31 18:33:24 @emilymbender some kind of participatory governance? i usually draw on models of governance and politics, so that might just be where i reach first
2021-07-31 00:05:15 you ever watch your plans for the next year sink into a sea of people?
2021-07-30 23:39:53 RT @baxterkb: #Ethical Tech Job Alert! Sr. Dir. PM of Analytics at @Tableau You will prioritize &
2021-07-30 23:35:38 @histoftech this little bit which confused several people
2021-07-30 23:33:18 @histoftech got this, points to this page (alt text: screenshot of an email, the important stuff is in the link below)
2021-07-30 16:00:45 @UpFromTheCracks @dgolumbia "nobody has more firsthand experience than him"
2021-07-30 15:58:32 @UpFromTheCracks @dgolumbia imagine the founding editor of a journal about online trust being the guy who ran facebook's emotional contagion study
2021-07-30 15:50:36 @UpFromTheCracks @dgolumbia lol of course they did
2021-07-30 05:26:10 @Wolven it feels like we're living in "A Quiet Place" and if we use any google service too loudly a monster will come up and eat us all or whatever the plot of that movie is
2021-07-30 05:23:24 @Wolven i try not to ask this because if someone reminds google that scholar exists they might sunset it
2021-07-30 05:22:23 @polotek (3/2 my bad i'm dumb) the thing i wanted to find was that they understood the problems they encountered, were able to draw on an ability to problem-solve, and could explain that process afterwards. that all happened a lot when i had undergrads coding a lot
2021-07-30 05:15:43 @polotek i generally felt good about that, but it has its issues and the extent to which it was useful might be limited to "grad student interviewing undergrads for a research internship". but a big part of the internship was talking through stuff and mentorship
2021-07-30 05:14:36 @polotek in grad school i asked undergrads to walk through a recent issue on a recent project and specifically how they solved it. i told them in advance this would be the focus of the interview. people who felt comfortable talking through the logic &
2021-07-28 19:16:13 RT @svwhitex2: Good bye. Y’all don’t deserve Black women on this platform and in your lives. Hey @TwitterSupport yuck fou.…
2021-07-28 19:12:21 RT @michaelharriot: I only trust peer-reviewed research, so I commissioned a detailed analysis of the athletic achievements of everyone who…
2021-07-28 17:07:55 RT @Roots_Action: Yes, @SpeakerPelosi, exactly.
2021-07-28 17:02:33 chubby white dudes criticizing the most elite athletes in the world for taking modest measures to try not to be a fucking wreck by the time they're 30 can eat all the shit
2021-07-28 16:57:57 i can't stop thinking about how uber's ceo said he was dreaming about getting workers to deliver him a piano in half an hour or something. like not even because he wanted a piano
2021-07-28 16:45:53 if you're not blocked by him, you have to reply to his bullshit. it's imperative that people see this isn't received wisdom from on high, but the objectionable ramblings of an irritating old white dude with no perspective
2021-07-28 16:42:47 paul graham writes stupid missives about leadership or something, which in itself would be some boring stupid shit that you'd expect creed bratton to write in a word doc he thought was a blog but what he says gets picked up by the up and coming generation of desperate hucksters!
2021-07-28 16:37:05 whenever the discourse turns to what a worthless, ignorant, petty loser paul graham is, i remember when he said noting his race invalidates critiques & so i'm a little sad i don't get to call him a brittle cracker
2021-07-28 15:46:05 RT @Blackamazon: While everybody is being performative Black women are being mass reported again But y’all got it
2021-07-28 05:42:21 @thechrisbuskirk what is wrong with you?
2021-07-28 03:25:18 RT @JaneLytv: This report has a similar title to one our team published in Jan. 2020 — "Disinformation For Hire" — and even references work…
2021-07-28 03:22:22 RT @ValerieComplex: My brother is dead bc of medical racism. He was having chest pains from the time he told the nurse and my father at 9…
2021-07-28 01:58:18 i'm reading the quote tweets and their display names all have "VR" in the name or straight up in the username lmao
2021-07-28 01:54:40 if you wanna see a bunch the saddest people on this planet, check out the replies. the article provoking their whinging is pretty good, too
2021-07-28 01:40:38 also why don't they make the whole plane out of the black box
2021-07-28 01:38:56 trying to imagine saying to my doctor with a straight face that i'm skeptical of the flu shot because i got a shot last year and it seems suspicious that they say i need another shot now.
2021-07-28 01:09:44 indiana jones battles the looters of hobby lobby
2021-07-28 00:53:30 RT @flashmeplz: grimes’ real name being claire is so funny to me because it explains everything
2021-07-28 00:35:10 RT @emilymbender: @StanfordHAI "2. How do we characterize and mitigate the disparate, and likely inequitable, effects of universal models?"…
2021-07-28 00:34:59 @emilymbender @StanfordHAI "we have a hammer, where are the nails we can smash?"
2021-07-27 22:14:33 i'll change my name to data and finally be a homeowner
2021-07-27 20:08:48 @didntgetthemem0 @aneeshack4 all this to say that selling probably came after they accepted that modeling the world in a way that allowed cars to safely navigate would take longer than they could possibly hang on, even if people were still keen on gig
Profil AI Expert
Non Disponible
Les derniers messages de l'Expert:
2025-02-11 13:18:47 RT @Workshops4Gaza: remember to get your copy here to have all your proceeds donated to palestinians -- the only ones who should be profiti…
2025-02-10 17:23:58 @provisionalidea isn't this just The Secret nonsense?
2025-02-10 16:38:03 He spent decades studying English so that you and I could read this book, and the rest of his work, and love him and love Palestinians. I'm compelled, obsessed to draw in every word of his that I can. He died believing in this. He died believing in us being good people.
2025-02-10 16:38:02 But every moment I try to imagine that world, my brain interrupts that thought, and reminds me that he's dead. and I feel a little more quiet.
2025-02-10 16:31:43 I'
2025-02-10 16:31:37 In the quiet absence, what I can hold up and bring into focus is how he wanted to ensure that Palestinians'
2025-02-10 16:31:28 I am overwhelmed with anger and grief
2025-02-10 16:31:13 And yet... Dr. Alareer seriously expressed this hope to be loved. He died with the earnest hope to prove his humanity to the very people who went on kill him. He believed it so much so that he studied English, that he taught it in university, that he used it for his writings. These writings, that I was holding in my hands.
2025-02-10 16:31:04 I think there was a time that I believed what Alareer expressed, but I'
2025-02-10 16:30:54 For some time, I thought about how far away I was from this belief. I'
2025-02-10 16:30:38 I didn'
2025-02-10 16:29:36 What I can do with English now is something I can'
2025-02-10 16:28:29 I was a little overwhelmed with feelings, mostly grief, by this paragraph of the foreword by Susan Abulhawa. I grew up having not learned Arabic, not unlike her, and came to feel a now familiar dull pang of regret at the missed opportunity to learn the idiosyncratic quirks of Iraqi Arabic, with idioms that sound comically folksy when transliterated and clearly carry with them more than a direct translation can accommodate.
2025-02-10 16:27:49 If you'
2025-02-10 16:27:18 If you'
2025-02-10 16:26:06 The reading group is starting *If I Must Die: Poetry and Prose* by Refaat Alareer. I'
2025-02-08 20:37:04 RT @MirandaCleland: The video of Israeli soldiers shooting Saddam will haunt me forever. I gasped when the video had sound - usually CCTV i…
2025-02-08 20:25:25 @SanaSaeed if it's not them then it's democrats coming out in favor of genocide insistently saying "you're on your own" (which, um, ok)
2025-02-08 20:15:33 @susanabulhawa hi, sorry to bother you, but would it be okay if i posted some extended excerpts of your foreword from *If I Must Die* in my reading group newsletter?
2025-02-08 01:20:35 @BigMeanInternet i mean, what do i care, the mythology these people are creating for themselves is stupid even at face value. interrogating the facts of the myth is like... doubly stupid of me.
2025-02-08 01:15:49 @BigMeanInternet it's more confusing than anything else if the entire codebase for a group project got deleted, because it suggests none of the teammates had a recent version of the code on their computers, and none of them was using version control, which is one of the first things you learn...
2025-02-07 00:25:14 i'm mildly fascinated by the mutuals i have who follow this account, but i'll get over that fascination soon.
2025-02-05 21:19:16 @LibyaLiberty "Experts said the plan would violate international law" i'm honestly at a loss for guesses. who suddenly started to give a shit about that?
2025-02-05 15:34:08 RT @StefanSiebert1: This is the point most people are missing and is why the technocrats/techbros feel so unconstrained and confident to ta…
2025-02-05 02:37:52 RT @heavyredaction: The Cal State system, where I teach, just announced a murky but far-ranging &
2025-02-05 02:37:43 RT @heavyredaction: One of the most useful things I’ve read is this short piece by @_alialkhatib, which includes an important claim: “AI i…
2025-02-04 20:19:43 RT @Shepherds4Good: Palestinian civil defense in Jenin refugee camp are responding to the same horrors their colleagues in Gaza faced for 1…
2025-02-04 18:29:27 RT @zhal80: Help us build our lives from scratch...
2025-02-03 20:41:32 @OmaymaS_ that dinner sounds awful lol
2025-02-03 19:06:20 Under what circumstances should they reject the supposed allyship of people who risk transforming the group into respecting the authority of CS engineers rather than people who literally and figuratively live under the technologies and systems they’re fighting against.
2025-02-03 18:53:50 (I haven’t totally given up on writing this, but it feels a little goofy to give unsolicited advice about rejecting unsolicited advice from CS people... and for that to come from me, a [former?] CS person? [insert giphy spiderman meme if I feel like it (editing note: nah, but you can imagine it)])
2025-02-03 18:53:43 I’d been trying to write something from another angle - what would I tell organizations and movements if a credentialed academic approaches them and wishes to “help” them? Under what circumstances should they reject the supposed allyship of people who risk transforming the group into respecting the authority of CS engineers rather than people who literally and figuratively live under the technologies and systems they’re fighting against.
2025-02-03 18:53:35 I’d been trying to articulate this for... at least months, maybe more than a year? I’ve been bristling against the sense that tech and AI ethics is increasingly consumed by people who are too keen to quietly monopolize and gatekeep the perceived authority on harms and movements against violence
2025-02-03 18:53:29 I posted about the experience of encountering exactly what you’d been looking for while you’re reading, and this was what I meant.
2025-02-03 18:52:54 One of the futures I imagined when I started this reading group was a free Palestine. That means peace for Palestinians. It means justice for Palestinians who have been forcibly displaced and martyred. It means reparations for the destruction and dispossession of their homes. It means freedom to determine their future. What futures have you been imagining?
2025-02-03 18:52:47 I was fixated on this idea of what’s life-sustaining versus life-draining. I think that, at times in my life when I have the most clarity, I’m able to tell what things in my life are sustaining versus draining
2025-02-03 18:52:08 I’m not exactly calling for a sweeping account of every psyop the CIA engaged in, but I don’t think it takes a *totally radical* shift in our paradigmatic senses to recognize that *homo Economicus* benefits from many thumbs on the scales at every opportunity.
2025-02-03 18:52:01 How far-reaching would we have to say the project to prop up the theory of *homo Economicus* has been, if we were to tally up the CIA-sponsored military coups through the Cold War, the billions of dollars funneled to tyrants who keenly agreed to murder communists and social justice advocates
2025-02-03 18:51:52 I might have taken this beyond its reasonable conclusion, but... I wouldn’t just say that *homo Economicus* is merely one theory
2025-02-03 18:49:59 But I think the oppressive structures and the individuals committed and invested in them have such a monopoly at this particular moment that I want to divest from them entirely, and I would rather be overwhelmed by, and grow &
2025-02-03 18:49:52 I won’t go on at length about how the durable bulwark, and the engine that will actually propel us forward, will come only from us personally - from our own willingness to engage and participate in the work to protect and elevate our communities, neighbors, comrades, and ultimately ourselves.
2025-02-03 18:49:45 But I’m reflecting on the fact that this book came out about a year ago (February 8, 2024!), and Dr. Benjamin was calling on us to note the brittleness and the incompleteness of institutions that are currently being smashed apart - that it always needed to be more than just the institutions.
2025-02-03 18:49:36 I realize it’s probably obvious with the current events in the world to point out that laws don’t end and remediate long histories of racism &
2025-01-30 14:48:29 (and that'
2025-01-30 14:47:15 @funnymonkey yeah... i remember seeing a brief mention of that in the intro chapter, and reflecting on the unemployment benefits requirements most states have (eg that you must keep applying for jobs to continue to receive unemployment), wondering if these guys had ever been unemployed and seeking a job for more than a month or two in their lives...
2025-01-29 23:38:40 @funnymonkey i need to read the whole site but i'
2025-01-29 23:24:27 @funnymonkey thanks for writing all this, holy crap. i didn'
2025-01-27 21:27:34 I don'
2025-01-27 21:27:28 I think it'
2025-01-27 21:27:09 I think it'
2025-01-27 21:26:55 This might be my own bias, especially based on my previous quotes and what I'
2025-01-27 21:26:32 In this chapter, Ruha Benjamin invited me to think about what may be pie in the sky, or too far-fetched. I think about how often I look at the first DMs I shared with @sassycrass. I think about a world where she and Tinu are still here, but not crowdfunding for a rideshare to the hospital. I think about how impossible it is to keep living like this, and how much this world needs to change because we can'
2025-01-27 21:26:25 I think a lot about Tinu Abayomi-Paul and Shafiqah Hudson. Tinu spent so much time fighting for other people, helping promote mutual aid efforts so people could survive another night in the world. Shafiqah and a number of others (Ra'
2025-01-27 21:21:30 Millions of people have died from COVID, countless disabled by Long COVID
2025-01-27 21:21:21 I think I said in another comment that this framing took me a little by surprise. I don'
2025-01-25 04:44:17 scheduled email going out soon. it has a url that isn'
2025-01-22 15:21:57 >
2025-01-22 15:10:45 and this post, "
2025-01-22 15:07:15 in light of the news of the united states committing $500bn in funding to AI infra, i want to once again point out this post, "
2025-01-21 01:30:38 RT @literElly: I cannot begin to say how much of a waste of our time and energy it is to argue about whether or not a gesture was a Nazi sa…
2025-01-20 21:47:41 RT @Workshops4Gaza: We call on all academics to NOT renew their memberships to AHA, MLA, AWP or any other professional org that hasn’t take…
2025-01-20 21:47:06 RT @BIRcovidhealth: 30% @flo_mask with discount code in post
2025-01-20 20:21:14 RT @spoiledberries: He wasn’t just a homeless man his name is Cornelius Taylor. He was somebody. He wasn’t just a homeless man his name was…
2025-01-20 20:19:57 RT @safialatif: My new painting
2025-01-20 16:39:10 @endeavorance i mean, my reading group started today
2025-01-20 15:43:33 And it'
2025-01-20 15:43:20 I don'
2025-01-20 15:43:09 ... But when the conversation turns to history, when I ask them to think about disparate impacts, or to interrogate "
2025-01-20 15:42:49 But I felt (and now, again, feel) acutely robbed of something unfathomable. I shudder to think about all the spaces where we are denied space to imagine, but I can'
2025-01-20 15:42:41 What we'
2025-01-20 15:42:29 I thought about living in SF in 2020 during the initial lockdowns and how people started to realize they liked slow streets. Entire streets got completely closed to let kids play. It led to restaurants and open air activities that wouldn'
2025-01-20 15:42:23 But as I got to this passage - that they'
2025-01-20 15:42:03 ... and the time these cars spend constantly circling blocks and homes for "
2025-01-20 15:39:28 This made me think about something tangential - how many times I'
2025-01-20 15:38:57 When I lived in SF, I became increasingly sensitive to a specific feeling that self-driving cars were literally taking up and occupying our public spaces. Roads, street parking that might have otherwise been transformed into parklets, cross-walks...
2025-01-20 15:37:43 (you can just reply if you want, but if you want to keep up with reading group stuff, you can join
2025-01-20 15:36:56 I'
2025-01-18 03:31:25 RT @xcorvidae: "there'll never be another David Lynch" yeah because y'all keep letting communicable diseases rip through the population
2025-01-18 03:24:56 RT @Workshops4Gaza: Ty for the shoutout! Though we always recommend donating to accountable mutual aid groups like @sameerproject and direc…
2025-01-18 02:49:21 RT @RohingyaRCP: We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our 110 donors! Just £3,070 away from our monthly goal £5,000. Re…
2025-01-18 02:39:37 RT @NateB_Panic: The former spies were AI specialists in Israel’s Unit 8200, a secretive cyber warfare team that built the systems which ma…
2025-01-16 22:26:46 RT @NerdeenKiswani: Shut up, Ahmad don’t talk about “we” when you’re considered a traitor by most of your people. you’re a token Palestinia…
2025-01-16 22:24:16 >
2025-01-16 22:20:11 You can help Palestinians in Gaza stay connected to the world by buying an eSIM
2025-01-16 19:57:53 RT @DrDadabhoy: Day 467 of western journalists showing that they lack basic courage and decency in the face of genocide.
2025-01-16 19:08:31 you guys will make great seat warmers in a week
2025-01-14 08:26:55 RT @ytnessisdeath: Dear comrades, if you’re able to, please contribute to this fund to keep eSims going out to Palestinians in Gaza. Intern…
2025-01-14 06:58:40 RT @alexhanna: Only thing this country knows how to do is kill people.
2025-01-14 05:34:46 this site is relentlessly disgusting
2025-01-14 05:09:53 RT @thrasherxy: JUST PUBLISHED: It has been the honor of my career to co-author "Queer, HIV+ and Running Out of Medication in Gaza" with @A…
2025-01-13 23:50:57 RT @MonroweM: Hawaii reading this right now.
2025-01-08 03:18:31 @hipsterelectron
2025-01-08 02:56:01 RT @logic_magazine: Logic(s) is live at Chennai Book Fair 2025, partnering w/ @Thirunangaipres (founded by @thirunangai)! Visit us before…
2025-01-08 02:49:34 "long live Palestine long live Sudan long live Yemen long live Puerto Rico" to witness the convergence of oppressed people's shared understanding of their mutual enemy is something worth living for
2025-01-08 02:43:49 not a historian, so take my perspective with a grain of salt, but it seems a pretty abject example of moral cowardice, kicking the can down the road like this, hoping attention drifts off in time for them to demur to the overwhelming vote to condemn the scholasticide of Palestine
2025-01-08 02:24:35 RT @MaxRokkaku: Can someone cash app me $10 for new tag bulbs? Got stopped last night and I'm not tryina pass the "smell test" twice
2025-01-08 01:36:49 @charleshb oh sorry, i think i saw this and meant to reply but then i went down a rabbit hole thinking about changing my site build engine to 11ty or something - it'
2025-01-08 01:06:59 there have been developments with the reading group, you'
2025-01-08 00:45:46 be honest
2025-01-04 05:50:46 RT @nomorecaliyo: This is awful
2025-01-01 03:01:36 i'm blocked so i'm assuming i am. i don't have the bandwidth right now to try to reach out to her to explain that demanding people send gov ID photos is inappropriate on a number of levels for data governance purposes.
2025-01-01 01:39:59 RT @bibicosplays: I'm 6 store orders away from a personal goal and a huge milestone for my business!! Keep sharing my posts and let's meet…
2024-12-31 23:28:26 RT @SFdirewolf: For folks posting images in support of #FreeDrHussamAbuSafiya please include alt text. I want to share your tweets!
2024-12-31 23:21:01 RT @TameeOliveFern: “I didn’t believe it until it happened to someone of my own race”
2024-12-30 23:02:16 RT @AbubakerAbedW: I am still thinking about why they detained this man on crutches and what they will do to him.
2024-12-30 23:01:57 RT @DrRupaMarya: Healthcare Workers raise your voices and show your faces! Don’t be intimidated by the racists who want you to cower in fea…
2024-12-30 23:01:30 RT @abierkhatib: Since I don’t have words anymore Thanks @naserjafari
2024-12-30 22:55:23 RT @Lamis_Deek: BEATEN UNTIL HIS EYES BLED!!!!
2024-12-30 22:42:01 the url on this was broken, but fixed now!
2024-12-30 22:41:35 @scott thank you for catching that! updated the url to point to the shop page
2024-12-30 20:10:11 RT @zhal80: Been laying low for something awesome – I clothed an entire family and over 20 kids :) Alhamdulillah I did it.. Stay tuned for…
2024-12-30 19:47:14 hey! i’m organizing a reading group! what you should know:- first book is "
2024-12-26 22:53:50 RT @DevBelalQassem: My child is crying from hunger, and I feel utterly helpless. I need to buy milk and diapers. A pack of diapers costs…
2024-12-26 22:53:29 RT @ErinSandersNP: Yes. This is what people don’t seem to grasp. The suffering and death that society has normalized will only escalate and…
2024-12-26 22:21:27 RT @mo7medjbour: Donations are slow
2024-12-26 22:16:16 biden is racist scum but even the most self-serving instinctual values would motivate a collection of sea sponges to shrink away from the prospect of letting an invasive, occupying force target journalists with abject impunity.
2024-12-26 22:13:04 i'm a little curious whether western, especially american, journalists even see this as affecting them - influencing eg what russia figures they can get away with when trump is in the white house (or biden, or any democrat, for that matter). they should, but i wonder if they do.
2024-12-24 21:10:16 i'm just gonna say it - threshold's not that bad.
2024-12-24 18:29:23 RT @MxInevitable: I think this is important because I do not want to create a cascade of hate speech for my followers to have to see, regar…
2024-12-24 18:26:28 RT @axmedamiinmax: and I'd like to add: do this only if u think what they have to say is actually worth critiquing. if not, (which is oft…
2024-12-24 18:11:35 i also fuck up and quote people i shouldn't - i realize i should catch myself more often! - you don't have to be perfect. but even if you slip up as much as 30% or 50% of the time, you're still dramatically reducing how lucrative this scummy business is for those accounts!
2024-12-24 18:08:40 these people get paid a few cents for views on your followers, and they get paid even more when you quote them to show what shitheads they are. this place is legitimately gross. interrupt that dynamic
2024-12-24 00:36:36 i sent my first mailing list thing. i don'
2024-12-23 00:55:08 RT @readlux: "Jeffrey Bezos owns 4 jets, I can't even pay my rent!" The picket line at JFK8 is lit right now as the Rude Mechanical Orches…
2024-12-23 00:52:57 RT @JPHilllllll: Written by the same guy who wrote
2024-12-23 00:51:46 RT @RonPlacone: Amazon should not be allowed to flood a neighborhood. The US is under complete corporate capture.
2024-12-22 20:43:29 RT @LauraMiers: The New York Post doesn’t mention the part about the cop walking past her as she burned alive.
2024-12-22 15:44:53 RT @NubulaGalaxie: The app really is doing amazing work of suppressing links, especially gfm ones
2024-12-21 00:09:10 RT @itslaylas: Columbia University denied my request for a no contact order against this professor along with two other students. They clai…
2024-12-21 00:09:08 RT @bluepashminas: Columbia’s Office of Institutional Equity just denied my request for a no-contact order against Shai Davidai with absolu…
2024-12-20 23:57:53 ... and how did they feel that went?
2024-12-20 23:57:05 RT @lukeisamazing: welcome back, Henry Ford
2024-12-20 23:55:27 RT @LaurenKGurley: BREAKING: Teamsters will strike at Amazon’s largest NYC warehouse (5,500 workers) beginning at midnight tonight It’s a…
2024-12-18 21:29:44 RT @NILES100: this is today if you wanna help us help a few families!
2024-12-18 21:26:52 something naranayan and kapoor mentioned about academic researchers allowing people to get a little wild with their fantasies about AI absolutely resonated w/me seeing dubious summaries of "mind-blowing" AI/HCI/design research makes me so happy to have left that sphere/community
2024-12-18 20:19:11 @ruha9 @Workshops4Gaza todo item number 2: sign up for the mailing list:
2024-12-18 20:18:37 todo item number 1: buy "Imagination: A Manifesto" by @ruha9 please buy it from here to support @Workshops4Gaza
2024-12-18 20:17:49 todo item number 2: sign up for the mailing list:
2024-12-18 20:17:18 todo item number 1: buy "
2024-12-18 20:16:35 hi, i wrote a post - "
2024-12-18 20:15:28 there are a few ways you can participate: - reply to discussions on here or elsewhere - join the weekly calls when they start - be on the mailing list (it's free) you can do any or all options.
2024-12-16 14:14:19 when your discipline has never demanded more maturity from its constituents than 4chan and you finally try to course correct but it's way too little too late
2024-12-16 04:12:39 RT @DrAllyLouks: It’s interesting that any replies I receive drawing attention to the genocide in Gaza are automatically and immediately fl…
2024-12-15 20:56:24 RT @ZeyuanAllenZhu: (1/3) Let me give Rosalind Picard a lesson on what real values I learned at Tsinghua Physics. In our notorious experime…
2024-12-15 20:49:07 RT @postcyborg: All cameras are snitches and now all cameras are “lie detectors” too (ie, provide easily massaged pseudoscientific evidence…
2024-12-15 20:48:31 RT @tech4palestine: Looking for an alternative to Stripe?
2024-12-15 01:29:08 swear to god some of the replies and quotes to this are impossibly dumb.
2024-12-15 01:19:30 RT @snacklesbian: woman whose concerts are known as superspreaders visits immunocompromised kids maskless
2024-12-14 21:57:44 RT @rozina_ali: Gaza is currently facing what many experts call an “amputee crisis”: it has the biggest cohort of children amputees in hist…
2024-12-14 21:57:22 RT @AbubakerAbedW: Ambulances are now rushing to the bombed scene. A plume of smoke has shrouded the skyline of the camp where tents can be…
2024-12-14 20:56:08 sometimes when computer scientists present quotations in presentations i realize this is a field that doesn't train its students on how to work with qualitative data or how to think critically about data in general
2024-12-13 04:13:13 tapping sign
2024-12-13 03:39:42 hi! this is not funny, they only do this when they’re in extreme distress.
2024-12-13 03:22:38 "there may be worse things than our healthcare system" says man who founded palantir, sweating even more profusely
2024-12-12 23:43:08 RT @haymarketbooks: PRE-ORDER NOW! Perfect Victims and the Politics of Appeal by @m7mdkurd Available everywhere February 11 Pre-order…
2024-12-12 18:29:43 RT @lndaluu: NYPD arrested NYU faculty member Andrew Ross, arrests continuing
2024-12-11 00:52:43 RT @SFdirewolf: For more check out my recent @TeenVogue column about how mask bans are the new ugly laws
2024-12-10 22:05:44 RT @haintological: This is a real emergency and I'm really hoping to raise some more money towards this goal. I'm a disabled veteran and I…
2024-12-10 21:32:11 these laws exist as pretexts for cops to harass black people on sight. "arrested 42 times" means he was black in public on 42 occasions
2024-12-10 21:31:09 it's illegal to sit down on the ground. all "arrested 42 times" says to me is that the existence of homeless people is thoroughly criminalized and he was ensnared in that system just like any of us would be if we had one bad week or month.
2024-12-10 21:23:08 RT @yuhline: To the people listing the number of times Jordan Neely was arrested as a justification for his death. They don’t recognize tha…
2024-12-10 03:45:43 @oscarjiminy thank you so much, i appreciate that a lot
2024-12-08 21:45:27 RT @LibyaLiberty: I never thought the sound of a school bell would send a flood of tears down my face but here we are
2024-12-08 20:27:38 hi, i wrote a post - "
2024-12-08 20:24:53 the tl
2024-12-08 20:16:51 honestly forgot to post the link, but it'll be interesting if that matters lol
2024-12-08 20:16:25 hi, i wrote a post - "Reading Group?"
2024-12-08 18:34:29 RT @radiofreeamanda: Less than 24 hours after Assad was toppled, Israel has already launched airstrikes in Damascus and is making its way i…
2024-12-07 01:31:15 @endeavorance i like the idea of a timed message that'
2024-12-07 01:25:24 @Tacticsos fair, but i figured more people did that as well. it's a *really* precipitous difference. i have ~8k followers on here, and 80% and ~15% on bsky and mastodon respectively. but bsky is... 20x the interactions? ~30x if adjusted for audience size i think (based on a quick estimate)
2024-12-07 01:10:27 noooo let it be a surprise.
2024-12-07 00:52:20 i know people had been talking about it, but i'm really surprised how effective elon's directives to suppress tweets with links were. i got more interaction from posting this as a screenshot to my instagram stories lol
2024-12-06 22:46:44 RT @Ema97n: I'm thinking of this guy, who was desperately trying to destroy a water tank to save the people trapped in burning tents — the…
2024-12-06 22:46:07 @bigzaphod that'
2024-12-06 19:06:23 hi, i wrote a post - "
2024-12-03 23:32:53 flint doesn't have- oh whatever.
2024-12-03 23:00:04 RT @willathewisp: I’m a disabled person who also took care of my father in the very painful last six months of his 15 years with cancer. I…
2024-12-03 19:20:07 RT @mer__edith: NEW: 'Open' AI systems aren't open. The vague term, combined w AI hype is (mis)shaping policy &
2024-12-03 04:10:06 i think it's a little funny that people were spending the weeks after the election brainstorming what biden can do to shore up the entire federal government against the next four years of trump and his cronies, and at this point the main thing seems to have been pardoning his son
2024-12-03 04:05:27 @ZalinskyS @no_earthquake that's cool, bud. who's your favorite player?
2024-12-01 23:31:41 @dieworkwear why does he look so constipated...
2024-12-01 19:07:38 RT @cprazevedo: Before saying that it's unfair to boycott Israeli universities, do your homework and check their social media statements. T…
2024-12-01 19:03:35 RT @hasanthehun: there are truly no red lines for israel. america seemingly will never rein them in
2024-12-01 19:03:30 RT @AssalRad: Today, Israel killed 100 people in Gaza, including aid workers from Save the Children and World Central Kitchen. I saw a Pale…
2024-12-01 17:29:15 RT @wideofthepost: 144k likes because spiteful blue team liberals are too stupid to realize this ruling applies nationwide and those 4 mill…
2024-11-30 00:11:51 RT @sillyalexnorris: It looks like we won't make the legal fund goal by the end of November deadline, but any little bit helps. Thank you t…
2024-11-30 00:05:55 i swear to god
2024-11-30 00:03:49 if you fuckers whitewash his legacy come january i'm going to make your ears ring from fucking screaming at you
2024-11-30 00:01:20 RT @zhal80: Why is no one able to stop Israel!!! The bodies are just disappearing in Beit Lahiya, disappearing!!!
2024-11-29 21:43:46 RT @UNICEF: A 3-week-old baby, born prematurely, has died of pneumonia in Gaza. His mother, Hala, hadn't named him from fear of losing him.…
2024-11-28 01:04:59 for what it's worth, i really like @boycatapp for helping me confirm whether a brand is on the bds list, whether it's on level 2, and any other useful details
2024-11-28 00:11:18 ! focusing your ability to withhold business from companies funding apartheid, if only for the next few weeks, could have a dramatic impact on companies that are betting you'll put aside your integrity for some mediocre deals. #BDSmaxxing this winter
2024-11-27 20:46:43 RT @luckytran: Much like they have done throughout the pandemic, the opinion sections of major papers are killing people by normalizing unq…
2024-11-27 19:33:25 RT @MikeIsaac: just reupping this for thanksgiving and hope folks who can afford to live in the bay area take the time to read it https://t…
2024-11-27 19:30:24 RT @aditilrao: A man was executed in Alabama 6 days ago, marking the 92nd victim of capital punishment during the Biden Administration.
2024-11-26 01:27:32 RT @hebagowayed: Look at what yall did! Boycotts work! Remember you’re 5 min &
2024-11-26 01:25:29 RT @HeerJeet: This is all anyone will remember of Joe Biden's presidency.
2024-11-26 00:42:20 RT @ChrisAlvino: I don't understand how we're required to take our shoes off FOREVER after a SINGLE failed bombing attempt where no lives w…
2024-11-25 19:42:17 RT @Ahmed_Nashwan_: I write these words to you with trembling hands from the cold. Our mattress, soaked with rainwater, no longer serves an…
2024-11-25 15:54:29 RT @zhal80: We’re drowning in tents, no blankets, no food, no flour, no power, no gas, and veggies r crazy expensive. Flour’s over $150. We…
2024-11-23 01:38:36 @alexhanna gave this a shout out in this episode of mystery AI hype theater 3000 (sorry i'm late catching up on podcasts, overcast updates have been terrible for me)
2024-11-22 23:42:47 i just don't understand why chodes keep trying with this man. it's like each man looking outside and saying "i'm gonna go have a fist fight with that lightning" and getting zapped one after another on the same spot
2024-11-22 18:33:01 RT @boycatapp: Travel or Trouble? Your next vacation could be funding apartheid. Airbnb &
2024-11-22 18:19:27 RT @PeruginiNic: Palestinians in the north of Gaza are being systematically and calculatedly wiped out by the Israeli military.
2024-11-22 18:12:21 it seems like this winter is going to be rough. if you decided to stop masking, start up again - at least for the winter. if you haven't gotten your shots, get your shots. this is all familiar stuff - if you break a chain, you could prevent dozens of people from getting something
2024-11-22 03:28:36 lol. lmao, even
2024-11-21 01:13:38 RT @HossamShabat: It’s been 24 hours since I was injured, and all I want is to hear my mom’s voice. I've been trying all day to reach her
2024-11-21 01:06:56 you fucking clocked it from a mile away
2024-11-21 01:04:24 surreal to think about aoc visiting the columbia encampment against the genocide of palestine and then, months later, voting to conflate criticism of zionism with anti-semitism. those students rejecting her trying to use them for her own political theatre were so fucking savvy.
2024-11-21 01:02:39 RT @m7mdkurd: Anti-genocide student encampments are not a stage for political theatre &
2024-11-21 00:54:31 she should've thought harder.
2024-11-19 00:25:49 if i ever see that tweet again i'll take a screenshot and talk about the problems of trying to computationally model people.
2024-11-18 18:13:46 RT @zhal80: While you’re all cozy in your bed, my tent’s flooding from the rain and I’m literally sleeping on a wet floor :).
2024-11-18 07:56:59 RT @koyundelisi34: Gazze'de Soykırım var israil katil terörist bir devlettir Gazze İnsan olanların davasıdır Gazze'yi Paylaşmaktan çe…
2024-11-18 06:40:23 RT @HossamShabat: This morning’s heavy rains and cold weather in the Gaza Strip have turned life into an even worse nightmare. Imagine waki…
2024-11-18 06:36:58 RT @MattLech: literally in the Washington Post that Yglesias was read by Biden people.
2024-11-17 01:41:59 RT @k1llstreakz: just 75% funded. keep posting this everywhere you can for Tinu’s family. i will never forget Tinu. she was so funny. kind.…
2024-11-17 01:41:54 RT @joontrbll: TRANSFEMME CF BEWST ‼ honey is cr0wdfunding 4 gr0ceries, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, &
2024-11-16 22:59:16 @souljagoytellem @oelayat "he played sax so he was fun" or maybe more modern answer: "he blue team, blue team good"
2024-11-16 21:55:37 i wonder if history will show that no one ever took more pride in their apartheid project, in ethnostatist fascism, and in the gruesome work of genocide and the annihilation of civil society, than zionists have taken in this past year.
2024-11-16 21:06:59 RT @ISASaxonists: Just wondering if all those academics who are concerned abt AI stealing their work are going to pull their published arti…
2024-11-15 21:34:41 @catileptic thank you so much. i'
2024-11-14 23:59:56 @heavyredaction ugh, i'm sorry. it seriously doesn't take a lot to deescalate, but i guess even that's asking too much of some people.
2024-11-14 23:03:48 RT @farahkanaan: “Even by Middle East standards”
2024-11-14 19:51:57 on some level i think it's kind of funny that he's like "i'm not a lawyer
2024-11-14 19:44:13 narrator: he knew less than nothing.
2024-11-14 19:41:20 RT @zhal80: Before I sleep, and this might be my last words cuz things are really bad. My life’s empty, tired, hungry, and unstable. But ur…
2024-11-13 01:53:37 RT @triketora: there is no ideology it’s all just self-enrichment and power hoarding by whatever means necessary
2024-11-13 01:45:18 @dreamosaurus no sorry i should've been clearer i was trying to be sarcastic
2024-11-13 01:41:50 RT @plagueprose:
2024-11-13 01:34:38 lmao what are we, a bunch of libertarians?
2024-11-13 01:24:01 yes, cops, famously insistent on everyone wearing face masks where possible.
2024-11-11 01:59:36 RT @Remroum: When someone says, “I’m done with Palestinians,” after Trump was elected, know they never gave a fuck about Palestinians or th…
2024-11-11 01:33:52 @dragonsmoke_15 @_TimBarker "imagine you're addressing ice cream serving sizes"
2024-11-11 01:22:03 @dragonsmoke_15 @_TimBarker that chance passed years ago. the democrats have never had the ability to do anything substantive within 2 months - certainly never in the presidential transition it would be a better use of time to think about what grassroots orgs can do in this time to brace for the next admin
2024-11-10 23:41:29 @Catherineoscopy i.. have questions.
2024-11-10 23:40:19 RT @NourNaim88: This family was returning home with toys for their children, only to be hit by an Israeli quadcopter drone in #Gaza. Their…
2024-11-09 02:00:53 and/or accelerated countdown if the user does the 5x power button thing but never unlocks the phone again. stuff like that
2024-11-09 01:59:54 @MxInevitable put the list on a spinning hard drive and accidentally drop it down a flight of stairs
2024-11-09 01:59:16 woah, this is a smart idea. if someone who follows me happens to be at apple or connected to the team here, i would imagine implementing a shorter countdown on Lockdown Mode or something like that would be a good idea
2024-11-09 01:48:07 if you worked tech for the campaign, you could do a decent thing by deleting that list of email addresses right now. say it was an accident. emails aren't super private or anything, but the people who signed up for news from your campaign don't deserve to be sold out like this.
2024-11-09 01:38:00 did i just introduce like 3 other metaphors in addition to your "
2024-11-09 01:37:10 @alex i wonder if mastodon advocates felt a little like they got more than they bargained for with a bunch of instances struggling under the influx of new users (both infrastructurally and culturally), and so they were more circumspect when the ball came their way a second time
2024-11-09 01:31:31 @BonsaiSky "that wasn't fair, you knew we wouldn't be able to help ourselves if we saw a palestinian flag" like are these cartoon villains?
2024-11-07 06:33:20 RT @Workshops4Gaza: If you've signed up for any of our upcoming workshops, please post about it and let people know you're going We rely…
2024-11-07 06:32:44 RT @whorriblytired: The WHO and CDC finally acknowledging bird flu but still doing anything they can to avoid telling people to wear a mask…
2024-11-07 06:29:29 @YTDrapetomania it's more illustrative of the actual dynamic to say that trump lost 2 million votes that he had in 2020, but harris lost more like 10 million.
2024-11-07 06:24:07 @YTDrapetomania in most of these states trump didn't get particularly more votes than in 2020, which is the impression one might draw from the arrows - a big sweeping ascent. but there's not a great way to specifically illustrate lower turnout among/for democrats.
2024-11-07 06:13:27 RT @AbujomaaGaza: My cousin, Rana Dalloul, 35.. She obeyed the orders of israeli occupation forces, left her house in #Gaza_City and mov…
2024-11-03 22:28:54 RT @provisionalidea: I’ve turned this over in my head a few times and it keeps coming back to plain old racism. It’s a belief these deaths…
2024-11-03 22:26:24 RT @fatimasal82: The IOF is obsessed with rape. Rape is not about sex. Rape is about control. They fantasize about Palestinian and Lebanes…
2024-11-03 19:45:07 confronting isn't the right word. more like facing and being accountable to. not sure why i chose that instead
2024-11-03 19:43:10 (this isn't very tightly written
2024-11-03 19:40:04 these people won't admit that they hate human beings
2024-11-01 22:43:34 anyone who deploys their kids for content online, especially in arguments and confrontations, is a seriously fucked up individual
2024-11-01 22:41:29 among all the very smart dogs i know, almost all of them are in favor of me throwing treats into their mouths
2024-11-01 19:01:28 @Rahll thank you!
2024-11-01 18:12:56 @redderbeanpaste i understand, physically, how. but i also don't understand at all.
2024-11-01 18:11:49 i'm at the university of michigan for a workshop in ~45m. i'm pretty sure every good grad program's common space has a very comfy couch.
2024-10-31 01:35:59 RT @patsajak: Noticed I was trending. Thought I had passed away. Turns out I’m fine.
2024-10-31 01:35:51 RT @_ndi_si: hi do y’all have any recs for essays/articles about the space race(s) as an extension of colonialism?
2024-10-31 01:32:35 RT @ayagmassri: In the cold, dark weather and the sound of the drone, my sister Shatha has been studying her lectures saved on her phone. D…
2024-10-31 01:21:17 RT @willie_agnew: Audio AI is getting a lot of attention and investment, but we have little understanding of which datasets are being used…
2024-10-30 22:24:07 @rinewithoutacat ugh i'm so sorry...
2024-10-29 01:12:16 RT @InternetHippo: I think we now have enough evidence to know that abolishing billionaires is a public health issue. It's inhumane to let…
2024-10-29 00:47:03 RT @GuardianBooks: Sally Rooney, Rachel Kushner and Arundhati Roy call for boycott of Israeli cultural institutions
2024-10-29 00:17:17 RT @ProfDaveAndress: You need to understand that this is the NORMAL action of a LLM. It does not go out into some external reality and find…
2024-10-28 23:35:52 god it's no wonder i left stanford, it's a mystery why i didn't leave sooner
2024-10-28 23:35:05 imagine living in the bay area in the 2010s, constantly being shouted down by fucking losers who were reliably all in on gig work, social media companies, "genius founder" hagiographies about eg steve jobs, and all the car shit, hyper loop shit, and everything involving elon musk
2024-10-27 01:02:45 more than half a dozen cops starting an altercation over literally nothing but for the sake of public safety we need more cops
2024-10-27 00:24:44 RT @briebriejoy: Israel’s iron dome is replenished by missiles made by Raytheon. Our Secretary of Defense was a Raytheon board member befor…
2024-10-26 23:52:41 would 20 gigawatts be sufficient for AI? sure. would a cop city complex improve policing? sure. would NLP research to teach cops how to be polite make traffic stops better? sure. you can affirm whatever stupid, misguided project you want if you're willing to ask these questions.
2024-10-26 23:49:39 to ask "whether AI works" is like asking if policing works. it's a ridiculous question for which a troll can construct criteria that yields an affirmative answer if you go into that question determined not to account for all the violence it causes and damage it leaves in its wake
2024-10-26 23:47:55 the boundaries of AI make the most sense when defined as an ideological project to relocate autonomy away from local stakeholders of a space, to technocrats and data centers that project is no more inevitable than authoritarianism, or fascism, or police states, or colonization.
2024-10-25 01:02:47 RT @AnasAlSharif0: The Civil Defense in #Gaza has announced a horrific massacre in the Al-Hawaja area, in the heart of Jabalia refugee camp…
2024-10-25 00:14:50 RT @kanarinka: Just a reminder that we start reviewing applications for this position next week!
2024-10-25 00:09:55 @SquarePegDem @ZohranKMamdani yeah because you're a racist creep. i'm sure lots of stupid shit seems fair to you.
2024-10-25 00:07:37 RT @gazanotice: Bisan: Take action now
2024-10-25 00:05:15 listen to me. don't look up what it means.
2024-10-22 23:11:55 @deftech_n lol
2024-10-22 23:00:20 @deftech_n since you're asking, yes, i would prefer that you stop doing weapons research.
2024-10-22 21:30:08 @hjeanmachine please don't include me in any further speculation.
2024-10-22 21:19:46 @k1myojong performatively shaking my head but i'm secretly smiling and approving
2024-10-22 21:18:25 @yomiswan yes i have people close to me and i've been checking in with them. thanks.
2024-10-21 00:59:08 RT @michael___wave: a cool normal train of thought i have these days is that if non combatant status no longer protects any organisation op…
2024-10-21 00:34:23 RT @AkimotoThn: Israeli killer drone maker Elbit Systems was forced to close its booth after protests inside and outside the exhibition in…
2024-10-21 00:33:13 RT @MxJackParker: Protecting sex workers means protecting our privacy. Protecting sex workers means putting a stop to facial recognition te…
2024-10-21 00:21:06 tomorrow matt miller might smirk and promise an israeli investigation. when he's finally gone, his legacy will be an equivocation between a lifetime of inconsequentialness, and the indelible scars he will have left on humanity. lessened expectations and cynicism that he nurtured.
2024-10-20 23:59:45 it feels like ages since israel bombing NGO workers and medical facilities was something they would at least superficially deny. they'd say hamas did it, or that there was an accident or something now they don't bother. neither does biden. this is just what the us and israel do.
2024-10-18 15:37:37 RT @sasa_ghada: It seems that Shai Davidai wasn't ultimately given a slap on the wrist for his racism towards Palestinians or Black and Ind…
2024-10-18 15:34:13 RT @dakhterakhter: We did have footage. But whether it was a photo of a Congolese man staring at the severed foot &
2024-10-18 15:06:12 @rinewithoutacat yes lol
2024-10-18 14:21:55 RT @russellbrandom: ICYMI, @restofworld is hiring an Investigations Editor
2024-10-17 23:32:04 RT @Shepherds4Good: Is there a better sight than true solidarity? Is there a warmer feeling than what comes from this kind of act of love?
2024-10-17 14:20:15 @splendorr @so_treu i'
2024-10-16 23:27:18 RT @medwinters: Go to Settings → Privacy and Safety → Data Sharing → Grok to turn it off.
2024-10-16 22:41:11 can we actually talk about this because i have someone in mind
2024-10-16 22:28:46 is dick cheney running this account?
2024-10-16 22:23:02 RT @MikeIsaac: wearing a balaclava to the grocery store so my doritos dont cost 42 dollars
2024-10-16 22:19:21 @memoriamatters the depths scared me and i'm a grown ass adult. if there was a spider in there i legitimately would've never finished the game
2024-10-15 00:31:55 the replies to this are, as usual, grotesquely racist.
2024-10-15 00:23:08 "My bad" please fuck off
2024-10-14 23:08:35 @MistressSnowPhD ... doesn't know what "crediting" is either
2024-10-14 22:38:33 in chicago, in north texas, in detroit, in burlington
2024-10-14 21:31:38 @IBJIYONGI i hate that this is the dilemma i *wish* we had.
2024-10-12 22:35:35 RT @shahdhm:
2024-10-12 19:36:12 RT @receipts_lol: 9/ Update: Israel just bombed the last functioning bakery in north Gaza, located in the Jabalya refugee camp. This attac…
2024-10-12 19:36:06 RT @gazamaps: 6/ This is happening presently. The ethnic cleansing of north Gaza is underway.
2024-10-12 19:13:55 RT @melnickjeffrey1: I've tried to keep my commentary on Our Brave Jewish Hero mocking b/c that's what he mostly deserves, but this is stra…
2024-10-12 19:01:54 posted this in january and then he blocked me. he continues to menace students and incite violence. it's simply stopped being shocking and now i'm just grimly watching an institution do nothing as davidai gets increasingly belligerent and dangerous in an ongoing bid for attention
2024-10-11 00:49:51 need to watch the full vid, but i think this is probably an accurate read. a public conversation would be (yet more) superficial junk food, but it would be enough for a lot of people who are obviously never going to vote for trump but can't stomach voting for harris at the moment
2024-10-11 00:09:40 aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2024-10-11 00:09:22 RT @Abebab: it’s frustrating and depressing to see how much of AI regulation is now captured by the distraction that is compute threshold
2024-10-11 00:08:48
2024-10-11 00:05:32 RT @SFdirewolf: I’ve written and talked about this before. Disabled people are oracles
2024-10-08 23:00:11 incomplete, inaccurate, often dubious provenance if any provenance is presented at all but soon with apple intelligence you'll be able to make it run on your phone, which is good because lately i've been thinking my phone battery is a little too healthy.
2024-10-08 22:04:51 i wish i could pair tweets together so i could put this next to the nobel prize tweet
2024-10-08 21:41:48 RT @jason_koebler: An AI sex bot site was hacked, which has exposed not only very specific sensitive info about how people interact w sex b…
2024-10-08 21:40:58 they struggle with timezones they're just like me
2024-10-08 21:39:20 RT @LeeHepner: It does say a lot, Sam. This woman became homeless 6 months ago when she was evicted from her home of 26 years at 19th and V…
2024-10-03 14:38:50 i... can'
2024-10-01 22:10:00 RT @MilagrosMiceli: “The horror of his work reached a devastating peak when Abrha came across his cousin’s body while moderating content. I…
2024-10-01 20:26:59 RT @SFdirewolf: Hard to believe but I am a 2024 @macfound Fellow! I am accepting the MacArthur Fellowship amidst the genocide happening in…
2024-10-01 18:16:58 to say i'm pleased by this news and the announcement of other sharply brilliant thinkers, writers, and activists like @SFdirewolf, @DorothyERoberts, and others as fellows is an understatement. i'm so happy to see this. so pleased people will get to catch up on why i've been a fan
2024-10-01 18:11:02 was recently talking w/someone about the dynamic where (american) universities seek out &
2024-10-01 17:06:38 RT @DorothyERoberts: I’m so honored to be among the remarkable 2024 MacArthur Foundation Fellows and grateful for the spotlight I hope this…
2024-09-30 03:08:24 this year has been relentless. i can'
2024-09-30 01:58:42 i recently found out Tinu passed away. if you weren'
2024-09-30 00:37:49 i have a document in obsidian that ends with just a list of urls of videos about AI lol anyway here's "pointless ai products" by @kurtisconner
2024-09-29 22:02:16 liberals need to be fundamentally different people - decent human beings - at a much faster pace than they've ever come around on almost anything. if we can just overcome that, then we all might be okay.
2024-09-29 22:00:42 the world needs neither dithering gibberish nor incremental, reluctant foot-dragging liberals will eventually come around to when the election is on our doorstep and they realize maybe chappell roan, ethel cain, and millions of college students had a point about "genocide is bad"
2024-09-29 21:55:52 fiddling with stats while the world burns like it's 2016
2024-09-29 20:05:06 RT @curious_founder: The world's largest climate and weather data archive is located in Asheville, NC. Due to an historic climate disaste…
2024-09-28 01:42:25 RT @stevesalaita: Don't let Zionists convince you that the hundreds of civilians incinerated in Beirut weren't the actual target. Any othe…
2024-09-28 00:26:50 RT @zei_squirrel: Tel Aviv has military infrastructure everywhere in the city, embedded in civilian neighborhoods. Bunkers underneath housi…
2024-09-27 19:32:01 i almost can't believe how much use i'm getting out of this image in so little time
2024-09-27 19:25:26 RT @Dazzleox: One way flight prices to get back to the US, single ticket
2024-09-27 16:30:30 (that's not to say we should give up
2024-09-25 02:18:34 @stupidmentalhealthwalks my dog has a cone lately too :(
2024-09-25 01:02:42 the DNA evidence didn'
2024-09-24 23:46:56 he was innocent. we all knew it. evidence demonstrated it. the prosecutors begged. the family of the victim begged. millions of people tried to call on the governor and the supreme court and the president to do something to stop this. this country is a curse on the world.
2024-09-24 22:49:37 i hope for governor parson what he hopes for all wrongly convicted people. i hope for joe biden what he hopes for the palestinian people. i hope for america what america hopes for the rest of the world.
2024-09-24 22:48:37 RT @LeftSentThis: Too often folks like Marcellus Williams turn into a political talking point. But I want people to remember, he has a fami…
2024-09-24 22:47:54 joe biden will be on the view tomorrow morning. i'm glad he's resting up for that tomorrow.
2024-09-24 21:50:44 this country is a curse upon the world.
2024-09-24 13:45:37 not sure if this has been shared here, but the state of Missouri have disconnected phone lines
2024-09-23 05:38:59 you don't get many good on-ramps back into higher education if you flunk out of high school lol
2024-09-23 05:38:09 don't knock community colleges! i flunked out of high school, went to foothill college, transferred from foothill to uc irvine after a few years, graduated cum laude with a BA and a BS, then went to stanford's cs phd program. i don't know where i'd be if not for community college
2024-09-23 05:34:23 if we're counting community colleges it's actually three lol
2024-09-23 03:45:13 RT @cockjuring: john mulaney @ dreamforce set oh to be there. we should bully tech nerds much more often. they should get cop treatment a…
2024-09-23 03:15:37 everything is just exhausting. where are my favorited photos? like where do i find that album prominently? how do i sort by recently added, rather than sorting by capture date? i edited and then exported a photo fom sometime in july
2024-09-23 03:08:32 i think the iOS photos app might have finally tipped over into unusability for me. i had more trouble finding a photo i edited on my computer that was in my photo stream than i had getting a new drivers license when i moved across states
2024-09-23 02:36:43 what a sentence.
2024-09-22 04:13:10 hello, it is my birthday.please be nice to me, and donate to eSIMs for Gaza. $35 would be rad, but if you want to donate an amount that'
2024-09-21 04:40:21 this recap by @xeviuniverse can catch you up on how strange this whole situation is
2024-09-21 04:04:34 the government simply tries different administrative labels and configurations to see who they can kill, glancing occasionally at the public's response to gauge how much outcry and protest it elicits, and whether they can suppress it. they'll move on to you soon.
2024-09-21 04:01:03 RT @TameeOliveFern: “the West’s dirty work” They’re not hiding it They want to be “Middle Eastern” so much, but they act like the western…
2024-09-21 03:59:06 RT @emanabdelhadi: Absolutely disgusting that the state of Missouri still plans to execute this innocent Black man in 4 days. Call Gov Mike…
2024-09-21 03:58:13 i feel like i'm watching someone else's fever dream.
2024-09-21 02:03:24 i wrote 1300 words on my phone about world building and theoretical frameworks, and about a certain... artifact of thought.gonna wait a bit to see if this is something i want to publish. it definitely riffs on something else that isn'
2024-09-20 01:41:48 i'
2024-09-19 14:58:13 and importantly - crucially - they exploit our anxiety about young people'
2024-09-19 14:50:59 it'
2024-09-19 00:33:09 to unpack: KOSA is a gift to the project 2025 freaks who want to use ill-conceived kid-safety legislation to shut down any resources for gender identity across the board - not just for youths, for everyone. they'
2024-09-18 22:27:01 not this fucking shit again
2024-09-17 22:59:19 thank you to everyone who came to the workshop. i really appreciate your solidarity and determination.
2024-09-17 22:59:04 thank you to everyone who came to the workshop. i really appreciate your solidarity and determination.
2024-09-17 22:56:29 honestly i can't even be mad.
2024-09-17 15:18:27 RT @lara_abdalla1: I am pregnant and Abdullah is filming live. Don't be stingy with your donation. GFM: https://t.…
2024-09-17 14:50:25 @f_j_j_ using dialogs with chatbots to create citations is ridiculous. we've had systems for decades that provide suggestions, autocompletions, and formatting &
2024-09-17 14:44:25 @f_j_j_ "extremely well" is being extremely charitable.
2024-09-15 22:59:38 zionists just doing their part to justify IOF snipers targeting kids wearing backpacks
2024-09-15 22:58:20 wearing a backpack... just like hamas!
2024-09-15 21:49:29 the biggest tent in the history of the united states, it's so big you could fit a mass grave in it
2024-09-15 21:48:50 awkward
2024-09-15 21:18:34 RT @KristyT: I try to look information up for myself before asking others.
2024-09-14 06:21:16 RT @genepeer: the way i immediately tune out the second someone says "i asked chatgpt and..." i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened
2024-09-14 03:59:47 the purpose of this will be made clear later
2024-09-14 03:58:31 also here's a thing
2024-09-14 03:57:58 also here's a thing
2024-09-14 03:57:25 hey, apropos of nothing, here's a thing:
2024-09-12 06:51:16 RT @SaulStaniforth: "There was a huge explosion.. women and children were blown to pieces" "All my children, six of them, were killed"…
2024-09-12 05:59:52 uh huh.
2024-09-12 04:08:13 bush destroyed my family's home in baghdad and you're gonna keep sending israel weapons to kill palestinians and annihilate gaza, so i guess that tracks.
2024-09-12 03:54:29 RT @nberlat: it was a deliberate policy by Reagan to punish student antiwar protestors, and to kneecap colleges as instruments of social mo…
2024-09-12 03:51:15 RT @eNr3NAhhNlIf7BC: تم حذف أكثر من 11 تغريدة في حسابي وفي كل مرة اتعرض للتقييد و البلاغات بسبب هذا تكفى يا ايلون ماسك مالنا غيرك بعد الله…
2024-09-11 21:36:39 so... who'
2024-09-10 20:46:18 Join Tech Researchers for Palestine 9/17 @ 5PM EST to learn methods of surfacing academic-military ties at your department and university.We'
2024-09-09 19:03:26 "more in common than what divides us" speak for yourself.
2024-09-09 18:35:28 the voice notes app update is honestly pretty cool. it's been a while since apple publicly acknowledged on emergent pattern of behavior reflecting an unintended use case (like musicians recording ideas they have) and implementing a feature specifically addressing that revelation
2024-09-09 18:23:38 exposure and focus lock on the subject is exciting!
2024-09-09 18:13:34
2024-09-09 17:58:16 RT @DavidVeevers1: Another day, another headless Palestinian baby. An endless waking nightmare. Shame, shame on every soulless bastard defe…
2024-09-03 22:50:38 but you'
2024-09-03 22:48:03 that'
2024-09-03 22:24:36 @so_treu oh my god
2024-09-03 21:25:59 like not even factoring in literal ecological damage, there'
2024-09-03 21:16:20 is there any way to begin to comprehend the widespread damage tech companies have done to the art community, or the psychological damage tech companies have done to writers and artists over the past several years
2024-08-22 04:12:39 if you can't donate, a retweet or quote tweet would be helpful too. thank you all very much for following along during this exceptionally difficult year.
2024-08-22 04:10:36 RT @StrikeDebt: Zone of Interest: Brat edition
2024-08-22 04:08:44 RT @beisan: The toddler with the blown apart head managed to survive ten months of genocide. His parents managed to shield him and protect…
2024-08-22 04:04:10 RT @sarahlazare: Ilhan Omar has joined the uncommitted delegate sit-in outside the DNC.
2024-08-22 04:03:11 i've tried almost everything, but time has continued advancing, and my birthday is once again a month away. this year, i'll be one year older if you're able to donate to the palestine children's relief fund between now and 9/22, i'd be immensely grateful
2024-08-20 20:06:17 oh my god riker don'
2024-08-19 04:11:05 RT @william_fitz: now every time some writes a story about eric schmidt they need to describe him as an arms dealer. i don't make the rules…
2024-08-19 03:37:47 ... why is gaza threatening, but not the arms shipments?
2024-08-19 03:35:42 RT @prem_thakker: If an investigation into the killing of Hind Rajab was a priority for the US or Israel, there's plenty of material availa…
2024-08-19 03:12:00 RT @AssalRad: As a reminder, Israel is still burying children under rubble in Gaza. But this won’t get any media attention because they’re…
2024-08-19 02:37:47 RT @NaderDIssa: Pro-Palestine protesters have disrupted the #DNC24 delegate welcome party at Navy Pier tonight. Video taken by a source the…
2024-08-17 00:12:54 RT @Notideeart: Grief
2024-08-17 00:10:04 RT @dowellml: Tech bros are like “being a tech bro is not political so I have a lot of hot trash “non political” opinions on education, whi…
2024-08-16 23:38:36 RT @am_anatiala: this was made by khadijadraws on instagram i dont know why anyone would cover her tag in the corner with 'the feelings'
2024-08-16 23:38:33 RT @falastinari: idk who covered it i got the photo like this so pls know the artist is khadijadraws on ig
2024-08-15 00:36:12 RT @bluepashminas: Bringing the collective primal scream outside Minouche Shafik’s mansion back in honor of her resignation.
2024-08-15 00:34:36 RT @balagonline: prayers down, wish her nothing but the worst
2024-08-15 00:34:07 ensure/insure
2024-08-15 00:26:28 was telling someone earlier today that tech companies all work this way. misclassifying workers &
2024-08-15 00:20:21 come throughhhh
2024-08-14 16:54:51 @Kurtis_Clark oh thanks! it should be pointing there now
2024-08-13 21:23:15 @il_fritz @Kurtis_Clark uh ok
2024-08-13 20:09:05 @il_fritz @Kurtis_Clark if you'
2024-08-12 23:50:36 @halftes6 oh no! they're on to me???
2024-08-12 23:43:36 RT @EyeonPalestine: Sila Hoso (7), a displaced Palestinian girl from Gaza city to Deir al-Balah. She was injured in an Israeli bombing on t…
2024-08-12 23:42:01 when he visited stanford to give an invited talk did he open with this anecdote? i'm just curious
2024-08-12 23:38:02 @EmCohen_ a lot of zionist historicization seems to regard holocaust victims as pejoratively weak. it facilitates the idea that "today's jewish people mustn't be weak". so it wouldn't be consistent (or convenient) to acknowledge the various (often violent) acts of resistance against nazis.
2024-08-12 23:15:33 RT @RyanRozbiani: This is brutal
2024-08-11 05:16:59 RT @tastefullysaucy: Do you know how Israelis are responding to this in their telegram channel? "Great food for hungry dogs" "Dogs would…
2024-08-11 04:16:27 RT @heymrsbond: Let’s clear this up: People critical of Kamala Harris aren’t telling you not to vote for her. We’re asking that you help…
2024-08-11 04:16:19 RT @emanabdelhadi: And we’re doing so during her campaign, the time when candidates are supposed to earn votes and organizers are supposed…
2024-08-11 04:15:47 RT @emanabdelhadi: Bring it.
2024-08-11 04:15:15 RT @dumbandawful: americans yearn for the gestapo
2024-08-09 04:26:41 RT @helanpal:
2024-08-09 04:25:55 with democrats like these...
2024-08-09 04:18:43
2024-08-09 03:29:30 RT @hzomlot: Yet another exodus. Apocalyptic scene as Palestinians in Khan Younis are displaced yet again. This is what genocide in #Gaza l…
2024-08-09 03:28:42 RT @MariamBarghouti: The journalists in Gaza are navigating conditions from the pits of hell. Do you understand they’re working with littl…
2024-08-06 04:03:38 >
2024-08-04 21:11:21 @anildash has a strangely Lorule vibe but it doesn'
2024-08-04 04:00:22 RT @rashaabdulhadi: '“I try hard not to put myself in danger but I’m a human being, I live what the people live,” he said. “If I survive, t…
2024-08-04 03:53:31 RT @GazaMartyrs: The scene is terrifying now here in Deir al-Balah. This was the scene: Fire and smoke, And the sound of people calling…
2024-08-04 03:51:33 RT @GazaMartyrs: The screams of people around me don't leave my head: "Save us, we are burning, my son's skin is melting." The situation he…
2024-08-04 02:28:19 *smells the air* ... there's discourse about quantitative scores i have thoughts but basically i think @theneedledrop's points are apt. idk if someone has written recently about how computation has favored/preferred quant scores and swept aside qual stuff
2024-08-04 01:39:40 RT @histoftech: Truly unreal. But then, both parties think voters are complete idiots as a collective, and treat us accordingly. https://t.…
2024-08-02 04:01:42 RT @ykomska: Nazi concentration camp Ravensbrück used female forced labor for textile and clothing manufacturing, including sock-knitting f…
2024-08-02 03:57:43 RT @gamray: Just absolutely sensational
2024-08-02 03:57:37 RT @ItsBrian_Murphy: @gamray Lol.
2024-08-01 23:57:49 RT @abierkhatib: Just like UNRWA is Hamas Just like all hospitals are Hamas Just like all schools are Hamas Just like Hind Rajab is Hama…
2024-08-01 23:57:10 RT @Blackamazon: We believe . That’s all we need . Say with aplomb
2024-07-23 04:27:55 RT @interruptcrim: Again and again and again — cops lie. They lie. All the time, and especially if they are implicated in violence themselv…
2024-07-23 04:19:24 RT @danpjsheehan: It goes without saying, but no Democrat who shakes this monster’s hand or attends his speech to Congress on Wednesday sho…
2024-07-23 04:14:01 uh huh.
2024-07-23 02:43:45 RT @tksshawa: So Kamala will meet with Netanyahu at the White House, but won't attend his address to Congress. The perfect representation…
2024-07-23 02:41:57 RT @tracyrenee70: I'm begging y'all. Please don't post that video of Sonya Massey being shot by the police. She should still be alive. #Say…
2024-07-21 00:10:46 RT @timnitGebru: My eyes rolled so hard smh "AI visionary" being the equivalent of those cults that tells you the world is about to end…
2024-07-21 00:10:01 guy breaks into your home and starts making a sandwich while screaming "i'm ending hunger, so sue me!"
2024-07-21 00:08:54 RT @TameeOliveFern: “Building houses” … on whose land??
2024-07-21 00:06:23 RT @sciam: It’s important that we use accurate terminology when discussing how AI chatbots make up information | Opinion…
2024-07-20 22:29:21 man... is this a sign from the universe to apply for that job i thought i wasn't qualified for?
2024-07-19 19:12:46 RT @Curiosityisc00l: Pls do not ignore ‼ Sorry for asking this again and again, but this is for Mom, the only reason I keep trying. We'v…
2024-07-19 19:07:19 this post is making the rounds, so here's an offer: if you're using Wix for any services (domain registration, hosting, whatever) and you want to move to another service, but you're apprehensive about the process, reach out - i'll try and help you through it if possible
2024-07-19 19:00:42 RT @TheHoustonWade: For some personal context: I graduated with $76k in student loans. I have paid off more than $60k of that and now I on…
2024-07-19 18:41:16 RT @moyix: Grok's automated news feature is batting 1000 today
2024-07-19 18:37:48 this sucks. it'll potentially make things much more dangerous for journalists covering basically any kind of protest
2024-07-18 14:22:47 whew
2024-07-12 23:58:12 @darius !! congrats!!!
2024-07-08 23:31:11 RT @SFdirewolf: You might have noticed fewer videos &
2024-07-08 23:13:37 @LibyaLiberty "look i don't want to call your manager..."
2024-07-08 23:10:32 RT @tamernabeeh94: SAVE US My children, Nabih Shams and Malak, are living in a nightmare due to the continuous bombing, and they are a…
2024-07-08 22:53:42 RT @HumzaYousaf: If you rightly condemn Russia for their depravity as they bomb hospitals and kill children, but continue to sell arms to I…
2024-07-08 22:38:43 this is your reminder to see what software you have installed on your computer because... that's not standard behavior.
2024-07-05 22:11:52 @Knibbs i think i got a lifetime subscription way back
2024-07-05 21:38:05 some replies to my post pointed to systems that don't cause major harms, or called for other forms of remediation premised on letting systems persist by default. i reject starting points that say we have to let harm play out, but also: what do you say when those approaches fail?
2024-07-05 21:30:59 when a system causes you harm and you can't prevent its designers from pushing it upon you and you can't leave or escape the system and regulations &
2024-07-05 21:15:40 RT @muhammadshehad2: Israel bombs al-Maghazi refugee camp tonight, kills more UN aid workers Israel sat a historic WORLD RECORD in the hi…
2024-07-05 20:35:29 when israel &
2024-07-03 16:57:40 >
2024-07-02 18:26:11 whew, "
2024-07-02 18:15:51 the last one i unfollowed must have been a holdover. he and his 2 cohosts on a big tech podcast laundered the "
2024-07-02 18:08:25 unfollowing people who have paragraphs and paragraphs in them to lecture arab americans about voting in november but have nothing to say about gaza
2024-07-01 22:14:45 just putting this here in case i need it later
2024-06-30 13:51:47 "
2024-06-29 14:40:56 systematic undercount of nonconsensual intimate content by studying two platforms that have been in the news specifically because they'
2024-06-29 14:39:10 google deepmind produces yet another thing
2024-06-29 02:02:00 @jkohlmann :) that'
2024-06-29 01:51:18 @skinnylatte @TechDesk
2024-06-29 01:49:46 @viticci (it'
2024-06-29 01:48:31 @viticci sorry to self-plug, but i wrote something relevanti think it'
2024-06-26 22:39:42 @danhon slack hq right now
2024-06-26 15:19:42 @chrisg it wasn'
2024-06-26 15:11:53 i seriously need to read this - i started reading it, was really excited by it, but then some stuff happened and it ended up in that strange place of not being on my reading list anymore but not having been read. but it was one of the few things that year that made my eyes light up
2024-06-26 14:54:27 @jbigham @alex if i had written posts titled "
2024-06-26 14:39:01 @jbigham @alex this maximalist interpretation of the post as an indictment of every technical system everywhere, or as an incitement to destroy every system as a first option, is not how i would encourage you to read books like "
2024-06-26 14:35:53 @jbigham @alex that'
2024-06-26 14:29:05 fumbling with keys, a baguette, and a food-motivated dog after a walk is an accomplishment and i don'
2024-06-26 14:25:17 @jbigham @alex i believe i gave two examples. can you remind me what they were?
2024-06-26 14:16:44 @jbigham @alex sorry just want to chime in to say that watching people get tired of causing harm is not stopping harm.
2024-06-25 22:45:53 @mathilde i think i need to fix a plugin, but i'
2024-06-25 18:00:36 @attoparsec that looks so cool. sorry to hear you haven'
2024-06-25 17:27:57 @paninid oh lol that'
2024-06-25 17:23:18 it'
2024-06-24 23:08:20 i'
2024-06-24 23:05:56 i wrote a post - "
2024-06-24 19:02:48 phew. i really needed to get some stuff off my chest lolif you couldn'
2024-06-24 15:31:52 i have been on a roller coaster ride of emotions over this paperall negativeplease join us in an hour. i need to get thoughts off my chest lol
2024-06-21 13:43:16 this is going to be a lot of fun - come join us on monday if you can!
2024-06-21 02:01:27 @skinnylatte oh my gosh. i'
2024-06-17 22:44:45 the singular episode where "
2024-06-17 17:11:51 @endeavorance was curious, so i went to render the timeline of video i took from the solar eclipse in april in davinci resolve (6k 23.98fps BRAW to 4k). there'
2024-06-17 16:05:47 @endeavorance for what it'
2024-06-12 22:37:31 @BlackAzizAnansi this weird perching thing, or possibly the farting
2024-06-12 21:45:56 i feel like i need to talk to someone about this facct paper. if you'
2024-05-30 03:35:17 holy shit it'
2024-05-28 20:25:35 @dingemansemark @blog yeah... i realize it'
2024-05-28 20:15:07 just checking: there'
2024-05-07 00:52:28 just want to confirm before i relay info:signal disappearing messages count down the timer once a recipient actually opens/reads the message, right?and is that the same in group chats?
2024-04-29 22:57:39 @mshelton thank you! this is useful, even if i have to parse out elements that are more or less relevant, or identify dimensions that aren'
2024-04-29 21:42:18 cc @mshelton (and whoever else you think would be a good @ for this?)
2024-04-29 21:39:36 what handy opsec &
2024-04-15 22:53:17 i feel like every AI ethics-related job really just wants me to say this
2024-04-15 22:51:08 you could make one of those mad libs books where it'
2024-04-10 01:24:28 #eclipse probably last shot
2024-04-10 01:17:33 #eclipsepunch-in from the 6k footage to 1080p
2024-04-10 01:08:20 ok let'
2024-04-08 23:25:50 really having trouble finding the sweet spot for media on here, and not interested in messing with the settings of the instance just this minute. here are some screenshots of the #eclipse
2024-04-08 22:59:45 #eclipseoh no i can'
2024-04-08 22:35:21 here'
2024-04-08 22:28:15 something coming soon let'
2024-04-04 22:58:41 i got an app on my phone that reminds me when golden hour is starting so that my evening dog walks are as photogenic as possible, so that i can take the best photos of my dog.i think in most ways i'
2024-03-30 19:08:32 @wm_annis thank you for this. i really felt apprehensive writing &
2024-03-29 23:58:18 Hi, I wrote a post - "
2024-03-28 03:14:33 that being said, will back up more often, i promise
2024-03-28 03:13:44 i genuinely can'
2024-03-27 20:01:45 things still work, surprisingly lol
2024-03-27 19:53:38 did things work? i restored from a slightly older image, but i see people i follow and people who follow me...
2024-03-22 22:42:27 i cannot tell you all how many times i nearly borked my whole instance when i just wanted to do one stupid little thing.
2024-03-14 21:15:20 @andresmh i'
2024-03-14 21:01:45 omg
2024-03-14 21:01:27 omg @ivory supports quote posts now omg omg omg
2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-22 16:21:45 RT @thotscholar: tbh, i think these discourses (about personhood) should be of interest to all of us, particularly nonwhite folks and immig…
2023-05-20 17:28:26 @jessiegender (sorry for lots of replies okay this is too much i'll stop)
2023-05-20 17:27:42 @jessiegender (that being said, i think that's a mindset that makes the game experience stressful
2023-05-20 17:23:45 @jessiegender maybe the single biggest issue is *why* you didn't play BotW
2023-05-20 17:17:39 @jessiegender short answer: yes. long answer: there are a tiny number of things that concretely carry over, but the narrative of tears of the kingdom does a good job filling you in, and ultimately the game is more of its own story than it is BotW+1
2023-05-20 16:45:35 really really!
2023-05-20 16:44:57 you don't need to add your own words to legitimate what someone else says. you can just amplify them and not make it about you!
2023-05-20 16:22:32 if you're white, none of this applies to you, please back out of my mentions quietly
2023-05-20 16:21:44 never give your phone to a cop even if you CAN present your ID without unlocking it, they're going to act dumb and demand you unlock it with threats &
2023-05-20 13:59:31 @timnitGebru i made a general "tech bullshit" bingo game but i stopped adding things to the json file to populate it because the bullshit got repetitive lol
2023-05-20 13:43:58 @histoftech that's just what a not-snitch would say
2023-05-20 03:06:22 chaser
2023-05-20 03:05:47 shot
2023-05-20 03:04:19 RT @_alialkhatib: i realize it's a fucked situation, but please try to be a little aware of the data ownership setup you're running into be…
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-24 17:41:34 @future_of_music i'm a little surprised that she and her ex must have talked about AI all the time - the thought experiment of that AI thing was the basis of their meeting, wasn't it? - but the idea of respecting the stake or origin of the data that goes into training an AI like... never came up?
2023-04-23 19:51:21 RT @AnnieLowrey: I am writing a book about time taxes and I need your help! Tell me about the insurance snafu ruining your life, the years…
2023-04-23 14:45:12 it's hard for me to imagine a platform that has to fact-check its advertisers will be around in 10 years, so this'll have to be a short bit - can't be a whole day lol maybe someone will write a concise paper about it and it'll be required reading for students to do before class
2023-04-23 14:42:15 i'm REALLY curious how teachers will explain this verification debacle in classes about online communities and stuff... in like... 10 years the whole misadventure monetizing this intangibly valuable thing, the self-annihilation via @dril, the disgusting posthumous verifications
2023-04-23 14:35:40 @karenkho lol i wasn't sure if i saw it or if it was one of those things you think up that's half-real and half-totally-insane as you're drifting off while doomscrolling (i know, i'm working on it )
2023-04-23 14:32:51 @karenkho with the quotes, to be clear
2023-04-23 14:32:29 @karenkho "you want to post a photo of your dog? well have you considered that some people can't have dogs where they live??" somehow goes through my mind more often than it should
2023-04-23 05:05:23 @yoavgo @jeremyphoward alternatively, "i asked [nondescriptGPT] to do something [and also 11 other things that yielded thoroughly unremarkable results] and the results were REMARKABLE!"
2023-04-22 22:10:38 RT @Blackamazon: Breonna Taylor’s killer has been rehired
2023-04-22 03:32:26 @Smelkshake @Cri_moon_cuh @AbyssalPen @CovfefeChan @capriceppv @elonmusk yes, it's contagious
2023-04-22 03:28:19 @Smelkshake @Cri_moon_cuh @AbyssalPen @CovfefeChan @capriceppv @elonmusk
2023-04-22 03:22:25 ads on this app are increasingly turning into the bullshit that's so dishonest and misleading that it had to get annotated
2023-04-22 03:14:03 @Smelkshake @AbyssalPen @CovfefeChan @capriceppv @elonmusk you could say the last point leaves an opening to require a business license then again you could say the last point leaves an opening to require a pic of a giraffe from a local zoo how could they forget to say businesses need to produce a business license? one can only imagine
2023-04-22 03:09:58 @Smelkshake @AbyssalPen @CovfefeChan @capriceppv @elonmusk twitter organization verification is described as being for "organizations of all types–businesses, non-profits, and government institutions" there's also a criteria section
2023-04-22 00:55:35 @athundt @KyleMorgenstein are you saying he's going to make breathing unreliable and shitty??
2023-04-21 22:08:17 @RMac18 such a shit deal even charmin won't touch it
2023-04-21 21:45:53 @TaylorLorenz it's a sad story. he spent all his money on checkmarks and now he can't afford a phone that can handle 2 installed apps :(
2023-04-21 21:31:23 @McCaineNL @tressiemcphd i want to head off the "thE rIsk Of LOsIng yOUr bLUE chEck wILL bE A dEtErrEnt" comments the risk of losing the loser's badge one pays $11/month for will hardly be a deterrent.
2023-04-21 21:29:18 @McCaineNL @tressiemcphd i was about to say that seems unlikely, but then i realized he probably thinks it'd be as effective to say that you can report an account, get their blue check revoked (lol as if), and THEN block them of course, if that sounds incredibly time-consuming and hopeless to you...
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-18 03:18:29 @eddyburback @drewisgooden a billion dollars to punch eddy 9 pins and danny gonzalez???
2023-04-18 00:51:47 might be a dumb request, but i've been in my head a bit lately if you've assigned my writing for a class, or used something i wrote, or if something i said/wrote was helpful for making sense about a thing, or whatever... i'd super like to hear about it DM/email/whatever is fine
2023-04-17 23:17:52 RT @treasurefbrooks: They won't fund your organization but they will fund your funeral. They won't read your resume but they will repost yo…
2023-04-17 21:50:59 i realize it's a fucked situation, but please try to be a little aware of the data ownership setup you're running into before you paste huge chunks of your writing into a text field offered by a tech co that aggressively collects as much text data as it legally (&
2023-04-17 21:46:21 1. objective- just ugh 2. openAI keeps whatever you enter into chatGPT
2023-04-17 16:29:39 who could have imagined
2023-04-16 22:32:47 @eddsteel @isaiah_bb that's a real "chatGPT apology" right there
2023-04-15 17:59:58 RT @UpFromTheCracks: @_alialkhatib 100
2023-04-15 15:43:56 @UpFromTheCracks pointed this out a bit ago, but i lost track of it - tech regulation isn't like medical or food regulation, and we need to not start the conversation on the basis of what the tech co's need.
2023-04-15 15:43:55 when big tech joins the chorus for AI regulation, don't mistake it for public interest advocacy without real commitments they're only helping because they feel confident they have the means to capture regulatory agencies that currently or will exist to make entry more difficult
2023-04-12 18:14:31 @RMac18 i would've expected some mention about how twitter circles are evidently not as private as promised, dubiousness of twitter DMs as private (setting aside whether you trust that the person on the other end is who they claim to be), etc...
2023-04-12 07:47:17 RT @NBedera: We know that almost all Title IX cases end in institutional betrayal for the survivors who sought help. But how do administrat…
2023-04-11 18:03:03 RT @AINowInstitute: Today we launched AI Now’s 2023 Landscape Report. In it, we put forth an actionable policy strategy to confront concent…
2023-04-11 07:37:08 @npseaver is this like an NFT?
2023-04-11 04:46:33 @trucknorris56 @elaifresh @ashlea one of the tips &
2023-04-11 01:15:57 RT @rcourt: New call for pitches from @techreview, for our upcoming issue on ethics. We're looking for *big* swings: narrative features…
2023-04-10 23:18:22 @NotABigJerk i would believe she played a lot of hide-and-seek and imprinted on the sound of people saying "found her" all the time
2023-04-10 23:15:05 RT @NotABigJerk: this woman has an MBA from harvard
2023-04-10 15:58:33 start regularly recording your parents, elderly, and loved ones and your kids and your pets and yourself and strangers ,
2023-04-10 12:25:16 @Abebab i was 100% expecting this to be a thing about how you could watch the video again later when you miss their voice, but noooo it had to go to an extra level of creepy
2023-04-10 05:20:59 i really did a disservice to science fiction because usually sci-fi authors are making a subtextual point with their work that comments on the contemporary, so even in this analogy EA/LT people are alone in their nonsense
2023-04-10 05:12:31 the funny thing about EA/LT weirdos is that they're *fuckin obsessed* with science fiction crises like killer robots &
2023-04-09 21:20:10 @ranjodhd @kevinbaker hot take: i prefer local setups in grad school, cloud-based latex editors went down routinely around major submission deadlines, which scared the shit out of me. i really really like sublime text + LaTeXTools i should take a few screenshots or record a walkthrough sometime..
2023-04-09 20:23:29 @ShanaVWhite it's honestly baffling how we can keep having this conversation over and over and seemingly never make progress
2023-04-09 20:20:48 this image is a joke. white liberals don't hesitate
2023-04-09 19:06:04 RT @karlitaliliana: Watching a bunch of dudes justify their relationship with a person who collects nazi memorabilia is a good reminder tha…
2023-04-09 04:23:21 you would all know if i was coming out of someone's home and there was a painting signed by adolf hitler in there. i would be talking about it.
2023-04-09 04:21:56 can't say i've ever been in a house with a signed HITLER on display, but i'd like to think i'd respond to it with more alacrity than a lot of the people who are just remembering and trading on their stories now there's clout to be had by talking about the sensationalism of it all
2023-04-09 04:17:46 RT @jason_a_w: lol has every one of these guys been to this nazi buff’s mansion
2023-04-09 03:34:14 stop going to things hosted by nazis and nazi enthusiasts.
2023-04-08 01:53:33 ultimately, the question of whether AI will replace artists has less to do with whether AI can generate compelling - or even plausible - art (whatever you mean by that word), and more to do with whether our society values art as an expression of artists and that makes me nervous
2023-04-07 19:35:05 RT @Blackamazon: This is a manipulative person using therapy speak . Folks have like most manipulative people learned to use the terminolog…
2023-04-07 19:33:33 @plentyofalcoves lmao fair point on both counts but seriously this helped me wrap my head around this - thanks
2023-04-07 19:18:58 @plentyofalcoves @gun_toucher but like... it's all road trip snacks, right?? this isn't like a rainforest cafe attached to a gas station or something. there's nothing to go there to *see*. i'm looking at photos and there's a wall of jerky, and aisles of mixed nuts like any gas station, just *more*?
2023-04-07 19:13:52 @gun_toucher @plentyofalcoves i seriously googled "what is buc-ees" because i couldn't believe it was just a gas station but it really is just a chain of gas stations???
2023-04-07 19:06:25 i don't know where i'm going with this, except maybe to be able to point to something later when someone asks why i give a shit about garbage being passed off as art in a cynical attempt to claim that GPT or some other AI system is producing functionally equivalent art
2023-04-07 19:06:24 but then i think about who buys art, and to what extent the scene is sustained by patrons. if half of the art-consuming world is satisfied filling wall space with crap produced en masse by some algo, then won't that force the world of art to shrink considerably?
2023-04-07 19:06:23 i've been thinking about this a lot, and going back and forth depending on my mood that day on one hand, AI-generated art may reach its greatest potential in hotel rooms decorated to a budget. or AI-generated sounds will replace hold music or to provide cover for elevator sounds
2023-04-07 04:17:21 a year later, i can report that he sometimes tries to high five me when he's confused...
2023-04-07 04:13:52 how much has changed
2023-04-07 04:11:24 so anyway... look - i learned how to make a gif now you can all enjoy the sheer terror of my 70lb muddy dog running straight at you
2023-04-06 22:54:28 @timnitGebru thank you so much - sorry for always being a bit frantic when we get to chat lol
2023-04-06 21:59:38 i'll be leaving the Center for Applied Data Ethics at the end of this month
2023-04-06 21:06:54 RT @ruchowdh: On the heels of Open AIs letter in safety - we need a global governance body for generative AI systems. Here’s my thoughts on…
2023-04-06 20:14:36 i feel like there's a cliche in tech that basically amounts to "you were all too stupid to make my needs a priority, so i manufactured a crisis to get you all to focus on my needs. that makes me kind of a hero, for getting you all to notice the same problem, right?"
2023-04-06 19:53:54 >
2023-04-06 16:30:36 RT @sanjuktampaul: Open letter from Michigan faculty regarding University request for judicial injunction to stop GEO strike: https://t.c…
2023-04-06 16:25:11 i don't know. when i read a review of a thing, i don't want you to consolidate facts. i want to know what hit you and what surprised you and what landed with a thud and what reverberated and like "beep boop the grapes of wrath was a book about the great depression" ain't it lol
2023-04-06 16:21:26 whenever people talk about whether chatGPT or some other LLM correctly summarized a thing, i wonder if engineers really believe everyone gathers and resonates with the same key details from a given piece of writing. it's just an unbearably sad, empty way to think about reading.
2023-04-06 16:03:54 @interacciones @tante i feel actually dizzy reading this lol
2023-04-06 16:02:12 @interacciones @tante please what is happening
2023-04-06 15:20:14 i understand the idea of gauging the commonness of a practice before reacting, but if that's not the point - if the point is to calibrate your outrage based on whether your team does it too - then please go take a walk today without your phone and just reflect on how you got here
2023-04-06 15:16:26 @vinn_ayy this whole conversation is a lot
2023-04-06 15:14:53 @vinn_ayy the man donated to establish a "justice thomas portrait fund" at yale the man is genuinely, and maybe actually pathologically, obsessed with portraits.
2023-04-06 15:04:31 @tante they might let us use it for free for a bit then they'll show ads then they'll charge rent then they'll do both it's vaguely an "enshittification" thing, but kinda just the basic Silicon Valley business model
2023-04-06 15:00:45 @tante the argument that AI empowers people (to do X) belies the underlying point that the promise is only valid if we allow the people making the promise to be the gatekeepers of all things. as long as the power all ultimately ends up in their hands, they'll let us make nice pictures
2023-04-06 14:58:16 @tante i really thought about re-writing it lol
2023-04-06 14:57:11 @tante but then they still step on the metaphorical rake in the form of AI consolidates and centralizes power and resources. the pursuit of algo systems will hollow out the arts &
2023-04-06 14:55:23 @tante absolutely
2023-04-06 14:41:29 @tante there's a (slightly) subtler argument that people sometimes make about not needing expensive education or training to acquire the skills
2023-04-06 14:40:00 @neilturkewitz @tante they say democratization, they mean commoditization.
2023-04-05 20:33:04 RT @SleepyOktobur: I have reinstalled Twitter to respond to this story and make sure my voice is fully heard. I am Casey. My real name is…
2023-04-05 18:49:20 my therapist has told me to focus on the good things. it's good that i'm not associated with this event.
2023-04-05 18:48:15 *scans first row*: hmm, no people of color *scans second row*: oh thank god, no blackface bots
2023-04-05 14:06:18 @Agent_Snark @sassycrass i brought all my taco ingredients indoors just in case
2023-04-05 13:50:51 @amandabee @schock yes but AI ... so it's more better
2023-04-05 05:34:12 RT @HardDriveMag:
2023-04-05 04:55:36 @hipsterelectron i've had more arguments than i can count, about simply acknowledging this problem on campus, and they always went nowhere.
2023-04-05 04:43:33 would you like to spend $2700/month on a single owned by one of the wealthiest universities on the planet?
2023-04-05 04:37:18 a 325sqft studio that the university owns, and they rent it out at $1900/month. and the rents only get steeper from there i remember paying 1500 a few years ago and thinking this is totally untenable on the stipend the university gives me. this is snake-eating-itself shit.
2023-04-04 23:25:07 @schock "own your insights" is especially funny to me for some reason.
2023-04-04 20:44:13 RT @amontobin: independent music is in a war of attrition against pay to play algorithms.we can't let fire emojis be the measure of our wor…
2023-04-04 20:39:13 anyway, have fun y'all
2023-04-04 20:38:06 i wonder how many Star Trek convention nerd style questions you can get away with asking before a LT enthusiast figures it out...
2023-04-04 20:35:12 issues on the table vs scraps that fell to the floor
2023-04-04 20:28:18 1. no clue why i still get emails from the stanford cs mailing list, but for your own sake maybe it'd be a good call to prune me from the list? 2. i wanna thank the BS AI ethics orgs for all agreeing to put "life" in their names to signal to me that they're longtermist crackpots
2023-04-04 20:11:59 RT @StanfordGWU:
2023-04-04 19:51:09 @doctorow didn't realize @dril has been around that long
2023-04-04 07:08:47 "I'm rAIsIng cApItAL fOr my stArtUp, wOULd yOU LIkE tO InvEst?"
2023-04-04 02:53:11 RT @StanfordGWU: Cards are still rolling in and entries are still being made, but as of right now, we’ve logged OVER 2000 SIGNED UNION CARD…
2023-04-04 02:47:56 RT @StanfordGWU: Hey organizers! Due to the wind, we’ve moved inside to Rays. If you’ve got cards to deliver, come see us here!
2023-04-04 02:43:23 RT @FrenchRainez: You know what I noticed? The absolute silence of Caitlin Clark, Iowa's team and the coaches. They have neither condemned…
2023-04-03 21:37:21 >
2023-04-03 21:33:34 the funniest thing about all of this is that none of the work really necessitates deployment without the explicit consent of people occupying office/common space. it's just not flashy to have it in fewer spaces, so the researchers appear to have made this an existential fight lol
2023-04-03 21:28:29 "i would rather we be designing the dystopian technology rather than, like, some tech co, or some other extractive, exploitative corporation" (these devices came out of a project funded by a tech co grant and is supported by a DIFFERENT extractive, exploitative corporation)
2023-04-03 21:25:49 this is the funniest parenthetical
2023-04-03 21:18:14 stanford grad student friends, please do this if you haven't already
2023-04-03 21:11:17 RT @StanfordGWU: Hey Stanford graduate workers! Ready to vote union YES? Here’s a thread of 3 ways you can do that, both on campus and virt…
2023-04-03 02:16:55 follow me for more predictions
2023-04-02 22:23:53 RT @Nash076: So, to recap: Elon was anxious to rub it in "legacy" verified users' faces and got snarky with it. Turns out everyone hated…
2023-04-02 20:51:40 elon is that loser who keeps giving insane ultimatums from a position of total powerlessness before panicking and shifting the ultimatum as soon as the other person starts to walk away
2023-04-02 19:52:42 @kashhill (sorry. to be clear, i mean submit archive material per se. it seems like the only way to "submit" is to submit a URL for the site to retrieve for itself, which means it's almost exclusively acquiring archive material by what we would broadly define as "scraping")
2023-04-02 19:50:09 @kashhill if someone wants to challenge that it's a scraper, they probably need to get you to commit to a very specific definition of what a scraper is. if you just say "scraper" then i can't see a reasonable way to object except by fabricating an interpretation specifically to object to.
2023-04-02 19:49:53 @kashhill looking more at and i'm less clear on whether it's even possible to submit something to the internet archive except in the most niche circumstances. /2(or 3?)
2023-04-02 19:45:23 @kashhill short answer is yes
2023-04-02 06:43:08 @digitaaldenken "similar to an excel spreadsheet" we're all great danger.
2023-04-02 05:57:10 i was fucking right, people. he's really gonna do it one by one like a chump
2023-04-02 05:56:24 @MattBinder i was right he's gonna do it one by one lollll
2023-04-02 05:52:53 @MattBinder @MarzGurl @nytimes he's working up the courage he needs to touch the @KingJames checkmark lol
2023-04-02 00:10:23 RT @alexnpress: I went to Detroit to watch UAW members try to take back their union. Fain presided over the convention and while his oppone…
2023-04-01 21:29:01 i want twitter to become just this
2023-04-01 19:13:51 like i'm not saying a QT should knock down this score
2023-04-01 19:10:16 interestingly, as far as i can tell, there's no penalty (or different effect in any direction at all) for quote tweets vs retweets. they're all counted as retweets? after all these years i think i figured that there would be some distinction between a RT and a RT with commentary
2023-04-01 18:39:15 @janusrose (in the same way that tweetdeck continues to show the app/site/whatever that people used to post a tweet, despite that apparently being an important thing to the loser to remove)
2023-04-01 18:37:56 @janusrose i wonder if there'll be a field that accidentally leaks this info. like i know he's self-destructive, but annihilating the list of verified users with no hope of going back seems especially chaotic, and simply making verified accounts not *render* a checkmark seems safer...
2023-04-01 18:34:48 open letter: twitter needs a 6 month pause on posts to figure out verified accounts
2023-04-01 18:24:16 RT @_alialkhatib: i don't believe anything at twitter is competently automated anymore. at some point in the middle of the night someone wi…
2023-04-01 17:55:29 someone forgot to wake up their bunkmate at twitter HQ last night, huh?
2023-04-01 17:53:40 @KevinMKruse @Moreshortflsh @Twitter @elonmusk per month
2023-04-01 17:05:17 @thewayoftheid (all of those are available on jetpens if you don't mind getting it online, but some might be available in stores
2023-04-01 17:02:47 @thewayoftheid finally, a use for this knowledge i love the Uni-ball Signo UM-151 the Pilot Hi-Tec-C is also extremely popular i think the Zebra Sarasa is loved for being all-around reliable and good if you want something you might find in a store then maybe Pentel Energel or Pilot Precise V5
2023-04-01 07:32:16 *glances at watch* cron is tricky, okay?
2023-04-01 04:41:14 @WellsLucasSanto !!! i'm refreshing @KingJames lol
2023-04-01 03:57:15 if you're waiting until midnight, so am i, because i'm curious! but let's be honest how this is probably gonna go
2023-04-01 03:56:29 i don't believe anything at twitter is competently automated anymore. at some point in the middle of the night someone will roll out of the bed they share with 3 co-workers and start manually deleting verified statuses one by one. and then somehow it'll cause a server to go down.
2023-04-01 03:51:43 @mcwm it's like a halloween costume you'd get at party city
2023-04-01 03:47:54 @swodinsky are you trying to get your phone to run out of battery right at the stroke of midnight?
2023-04-01 03:36:00 RT @JackieFielder_: Pretty wild to think that the SJ Police Officer Assoc. president was signing this check for a PAC opposing Boudin in 20…
2023-04-01 03:06:09 i let this slip by, but it's really cool to see a podcast network doing this i thought a lot about worker-owned coops in grad school, and broadly came away with a ton of respect for people who work to make this all happen btw, they have a support drive:
2023-04-01 01:51:57 the scene with ben and nog. you know which one.
2023-03-31 23:28:26 this seems bad. i hope organizations that rely on getting notifications out to people in a timely manner will consider other platforms and methods than twitter, if not now then at least in the future.
2023-03-31 21:10:25 when the FLI people talk about eugenics and genocide as though it stopped in the 1940s, and warn that it now looms in the distance, they reveal that they don't comprehend that it's fucking happening right now. this is how out of touch with reality they are
2023-03-31 21:08:05 when people talk about algorithmic harms, but can't bring themselves to talk about what's right in front of you and all around you, you should assume these people are removed from the world in which we live. they're insulated and secure these people are living on another planet
2023-03-31 21:08:04 from enough of a distance, all risks probably blend together. the FLI people can't tell the difference between a sensationalized, terminator-esque, time-traveling killer vs an algorithm that denies you housing, because they can't comprehend either being an immediate, present harm
2023-03-31 20:58:11 @MarzGurl i wonder if any/all of them will go verified when they're ready to start scamming people
2023-03-31 20:12:46 sorry, bouncing around a bit >
2023-03-31 20:08:56 >
2023-03-31 20:05:41 finally, an open letter about AI actually worth retweeting
2023-03-31 20:03:16 hard-coding measurement tools for a single specific user into production to collect stats is such a weird defense. it's like actually i'm at a loss. i can't think of anything this is like. it's unlike anything i can imagine.
2023-03-31 20:01:07 how do you collect stats? wrong answers only
2023-03-31 20:00:08 @broderick it's certainly stupid and embarrassing, i'll give him that.
2023-03-31 19:30:08 @alexhanna @kateconger someone explain scala
2023-03-30 19:48:25 i know it sounds like old person shit but try sitting quietly in a room, focusing on one thing to read with intentionality when you stop reading words, stare at a wall and think about what you just read
2023-03-30 19:43:06 if you don't want to write, and you don't want to read, and you don't want to make the culture of either reading or writing better... please do us all a favor more charitable than creating a human centipede of shitty writing and instead... idk, take a sabbatical or something
2023-03-30 19:32:10 "pontifex" kinda sounds like the name of a VC firm, doesn't it? it just... sounds VC-ish
2023-03-30 18:19:33 this article by @willknight and @kharijohnson about chatGPT plugins and how it'll make things... even weirder, is good
2023-03-30 17:17:28 RT @WillOremus: Some tech companies are cutting the AI ethics teams they formed just a couple years ago. Story by @GerritD &
2023-03-30 01:27:20 @JennyENicholson i'm really sorry. that sounds unbelievably stressful
2023-03-30 01:26:31 RT @JennyENicholson: I keep seeing a lot of suicide bait on tiktok, I report it, my reports get rejected, but because I lingered on the vid…
2023-03-30 01:25:47 crucially, the *speculative* panic about super-intelligent deity AI bullshit. the people who deal with algorithmic harms right now, today? they're not describing an exciting or otherwise enticing system
2023-03-30 01:23:44 RT @oneunderscore__: I'll say it: The AI panic is starting to feel like an advertisement.
2023-03-29 21:24:09 RT @Iwillleavenow: Fourth Amendment whomst
2023-03-29 21:16:53 you're leaving so much on the table if you mindlessly paste an intro or a conclusion from a LLM. i know it's hard to write. think about why! unilaterally framing the conversation as you see fit is so much power in your hands, and you ask GPT to blurt out some patterns? come on.
2023-03-29 21:09:56 there's some AI-powered academic paper writing thing and it just makes me sad i know writing is hard. i know engineers don't get trained to flex these metaphorical muscles. but it's a skill worth practicing and worth working on. how you frame and connect and close stuff matters.
2023-03-29 20:53:00 @alexbaez i know :( i hoped i could fix it in youtube's editor since it wasn't like i was doing stereo mixing in the first place, but i didn't see any way to fix it after it had been uploaded i remember this every time i edit a video now though
2023-03-29 20:51:39 pretty soon you'll have a following tab that consists of people you follow and also a considerable amount of garbage, and a "For You" tab that consists of people you follow and also LOTS and LOTS of garbage
2023-03-29 20:38:03 paper was published at CHI, which is a conference and i made a youtube video about it
2023-03-29 20:36:43 oh hey, i wrote a paper about why algorithmic systems create absurd outcomes, titled "To Live in Their Utopia" ML systems create models of the world and then evaluate our conformance to them. it's a utopia of perfect little rules for the machine
2023-03-29 15:58:55 3. lots of false signatories lol
2023-03-29 15:58:54 just for the sake of citation.... 1. lots of trash interspersed. see this thread
2023-03-29 15:51:35 i've got a meeting to prepare for so if everyone involved in tech can all please pause for 60 minutes i would be quite grateful
2023-03-29 15:48:15 sorry, i haven't directly commented on the AI open letter 1. lots of trash interspersed in the letter 2. the org is bad 3. lots of false signatories on it apparently? lol 4. wake me up when there's a letter that doesn't center a bunch of old white dudes who got rich on this tech
2023-03-29 15:36:42 @alexhanna not the worst way to raise funding...
2023-03-29 15:35:15 @mmitchell_ai @emilymbender really curious whether any of the authors have "thesaurus _____" in their browser history...
2023-03-29 14:50:22 @tante @neilturkewitz @emilymbender @random_walker @timnitGebru i wish i had the skills to typo in a way that miraculously landed on another *also valid* sentence
2023-03-29 04:48:40 this rocks (i'm still working on it)
2023-03-29 04:42:15 RT @lmatsakis: It’s a longtermist organization co-founded by Jaan Tallinn, a tech billionaire who helped develop Skype
2023-03-29 04:28:12 RT @lmatsakis: People like Bill Gates, Sam Altman, etc. looked like they had signed it, but their names have been disappearing. Someone als…
2023-03-28 20:56:07 RT @adapperprof: Hey folks!! Looking for any Black scholars that study AI and social justice for a roundtable convening. Any names I should…
2023-03-28 17:59:41 i feel like life on the internet is this endless work of finding and settling down in places where the conversations don't feel like yahoo answers/quora/facebook/youtube comments
2023-03-28 17:51:37 RT @Matt_Cagle: The only responsible standard for police use of face recognition is a total prohibition, and this new California bill moves…
2023-03-28 08:23:02 @shengokai yeah?
2023-03-28 07:03:06 if i understand correctly, if you pay for twitter blue but you hide your checkmark, the latest policy announcement suggests you'll still appear in people's For You feeds, who might make *even more* fun of you for being embarrassed about it do whatever you want with that thought
2023-03-28 06:43:48 @jvgraz @athundt something i'm turning around and around in my head, but so this means, starting april 1, everyone in my FYP feed without a checkmark is a subscriber who's embarrassed about it? has he considered this is maybe a bad idea? do these people not get bullied enough???
2023-03-28 00:02:58 @Bhargavi_Ganesh i imagine they figured it's a strategy that works well enough for the military industrial complex
2023-03-28 00:01:53 RT @Bhargavi_Ganesh: @_alialkhatib doing a mini-paper on the history of technology governance, and this has always been the playbook
2023-03-28 00:00:18 schmidt futures only funds STEM students to study AI lol
2023-03-27 23:55:59 just watch as they construct this revolving door, then watch as alumni of these companies, programs, etc... fill out the roles meant to bring and keep these companies in check. they'll certainly be The Most Qualified (by definitions established earlier, by them)
2023-03-27 23:49:30 idk if people want to prevent regulation entirely - that'll happen regardless i think they want to lay the groundwork to say you should have designed &
2023-03-27 21:17:06 you don't have to take every suggestion, obviously, but those who successfully argue for a paper or whatever's inclusion can email the author(s) to just let them know that their piece is going to be taught in this class also helps ECRs know where their stuff is being taught btw
2023-03-27 21:17:05 so here's a thought, and if it's garbage then lol sorry: what if you tasked the class with updating *itself* (students/groups pick a week/module of the syllabus and make the case for adding or removing or swapping some reading
2023-03-27 21:17:04 the whole engaged scholar thing is cool but people email me with actual things to talk about and to ask for and stuff and i barely keep up with those, to say nothing of people who do it out of obligation. and i feel terrible about it because they're not really asking for anything
2023-03-27 20:33:52 and then shit like this :(
2023-03-27 19:08:40 kinda feels like the difference between a pirate and a privateer, except avoiding targeting americans in mass-scale surveillance/spyware campaigns is basically impossible so it's like the difference between a pirate and a privateer, except "also i guess you can kill whoever idc"
2023-03-27 19:04:58 the spyware EO is more of a noncompete clause tbh
2023-03-27 18:58:20 prominent AI boosters want you to feel as hopeless as possible about regulating and governing massive algorithmic systems because their compensation packages are tied up in tech company stocks lol
2023-03-27 18:55:47 remember when that idiot said he's a stochastic parrot? and now people are trying to say GPT is *more* than a stochastic parrot? these folks don't care which point sticks
2023-03-27 18:52:43 RT @emilymbender: Ugh -- I'm seeing a lot of commentary along the lines of "'stochastic parrot' might have been an okay characterization of…
2023-03-27 04:05:34 @_StevenFan i imagine it makes a difference to dogs without indirect access to GPT lol
2023-03-27 03:54:15 i guess here's my question: did gpt offer a unique insight into a difficult problem, or did it facilitate disrupting an otherwise-ossified bureaucratic process that would have otherwise yielded administratively defensible but wholly insufficient care?
2023-03-27 03:54:14 the "GPT saved my dog" story reads like it fundamentally misses a broader failure i'm happy the dog is okay, but i can't overlook the overextended vet who didn't have the time/mental bandwidth to spot what the author described as a "common complication" of a "common disease" 1/2
2023-03-26 20:51:38 RT @cocoazafreen: i keep saying this but without an analysis of power. the general public will never understand abuse. abuse requires power…
2023-03-26 19:49:25 what's crazy about all this is you could make a case that tiktok has suppressed LGBTQ and WOC folks when they talk about stuff like gender and race but actually putting the heat to tiktok for harming trans kids would fucking kill some of these old shits
2023-03-26 19:38:59 amazon gives ring recordings to cops and uses a wristband microphone to shittily guess how stressed you are to determine your health insurance premiums. but congress stares down tiktok's CEO and grills him about tiktok using home wifi if you think it's not racism, you're dumb af
2023-03-26 03:38:56 RT @gojosdaya: the other day y’all was begging sheryl lee ralph and victoria pedretti to reveal the names of the men who assaulted them, an…
2023-03-26 03:37:01 @mat_johnson @taoleighgoffe yes but now you can wear a sweater over that shirt *whenever you want*
2023-03-25 19:04:45 this isn't really a comment on Shou Zi Chew's charisma (although i guess it kinda is because he handled the day pretty well), but more of a comment on how unimaginably incompetent congress is at tapping into existing frustrations that ALREADY ALIGN with their goals. goofballs.
2023-03-25 19:03:46 i still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that zoomers had been complaining about tiktok's stifling and at times oppressive algorithms for YEARS, and one day of congressional testimony seems to have broadly reversed their feelings toward at least this tech company's CEO
2023-03-25 14:38:54 when someone says "alignment" you can be sure that they've completed the process of turning concepts like algorithmic harms and justice into utterly worthless corporate drivel lol
2023-03-25 14:26:50 if he didn't see through the smoke and mirrors and lies that tech companies make up to fool people, i couldn't really fault him
2023-03-25 14:21:17 RT @Muffin_Chips: Michael Phelps had a wingspan longer than his height, a hyper-jointed chest, double-jointed ankles, and lung capacity tw…
2023-03-25 14:13:37 i don't know quite how to express this thought, but it's a relief to know that someone like Neil Gaiman, whose words and actions inspire me (to say nothing of millions of others) to know that he gets it and isn't one of the many loud voices on the internet i have to worry about
2023-03-25 01:00:55 It's my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 15 years, since 25 Mar 2008 (via @twi_age).
2023-03-24 22:03:46 RT @erinoverbey: holy shit
2023-03-24 22:00:37 RT @Blackamazon: Another reason Elon is ending legacy verified accounts is that the ones of color had small triggers to stop right wing bv…
2023-03-24 20:45:43 (wayne gretzky didn't say this, but i think if i say it enough times i can get GPT to say he did)
2023-03-24 20:42:51 it's like wayne gretzky said, "it's difficult to get a man to understand something when his stock options depend on his not understanding it"
2023-03-24 20:40:52 if you listen to people who deal with oppressive bureaucratic power systems, you find out pretty quickly they understand how AI and algorithmic systems work on a macro level better than a lot of the people who claim their company's products are unknowable. which is weird, right?
2023-03-24 20:17:38 GPT plugins for travel sites will book you a trip to narnia if you a s k i t l i k e t h i s
2023-03-24 18:01:52 RT @zarawesome: *clutching a 90s desktop tower to my chest, hiding behind an office partition as gunfire rings out* it's okay, ELIZA. we're…
2023-03-24 05:24:20 all the presenters who share their papers in advance, you're that student in class who points everyone else to a free copy of the reading for people who can't afford it. you're MVPs. you're great. keep being awesome.
2023-03-24 05:23:10 every year CHI rolls around and i think about how we ask students to attend discussion sections having done the readings, and how CHI makes papers available only *after* CHI ends so BY DESIGN we're all that idiot who shows up having not done the reading &
2023-03-23 19:32:44 congress is more outraged that tiktok isn't making government contracts than they are about the data collection and downstream use like, screaming at tiktok about harmful effects on kids, sleeping late? really? how long did the revelations about the FBI buying data make rounds?
2023-03-23 18:35:01 @TaylorLorenz congress really doesn't like seeing anyone other than them paralyzed between two conflicting forces and unable (and, tbh, unwilling) to do anything to resolve those tensions. feels a little "narcissism of small differences"-ish
2023-03-23 18:32:03 @evan_greer (that and sinophobia, obviously)
2023-03-23 18:31:45 @evan_greer at this point, i honestly believe the outrage in congress has more to do with giving the data away (instead of selling it via lucrative government contracts, a la the FBI story ) versus respect for or protection of people's data.
2023-03-23 18:24:32 @RMac18 :( okay
2023-03-23 18:13:12 i really just don't understand why you would put this much effort into subterfuge that's this flimsy. that's what i spend so much of my time thinking about. why do tech companies do all this work to make such specious, insultingly stupid excuses for themselves?
2023-03-23 18:05:38 data ethics laundering by training a model based on another model and claiming that inoculates them from data ethics issues is such a perfect microcosm of how baby-ish silicon valley people are. if you put a hand in front of their face they'd wonder if they're the last man alive.
2023-03-23 17:58:28 @RMac18 should i make a bingo game like my old board for tiktok hearings or do we think it won't see enough use after today?
2023-03-23 17:43:20 on the left: a photo of a child in '08, before tiktok (and the internet) existed on the right: a photo of a child in september 2020, AFTER china invented tiktok or whatever they're saying in that congressional hearing coincidence? i don't even remember what point i was making!
2023-03-23 17:30:42 they used to be little adults with flat caps and jobs cleaning chimneys or something! look at what tiktok has done!
2023-03-23 17:29:44 will someone think of the children PLEASE? before tiktok they were going to sleep on time, had no body image issues, and were never doing unsafe things. now look at them!
2023-03-23 17:26:51 @TaylorLorenz UX people at youtube, instagram, netflix, etc... must be on a group chat right now freaking the fuck out
2023-03-23 17:21:49 whenever they talk about tiktok influencing kids in harmful ways, do you guys think someone at youtube starts sweating profusely? like... as an instinctual response
2023-03-23 17:19:16 i've had since ~june 2020, but maybe i should make a variation for tiktok that's just variations on "you should be SELLING that data" and "china!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"
2023-03-23 17:17:17 maybe tweets like this are why scammers are always in my DM requests. they must figure that i'm a credulous idiot.
2023-03-23 17:16:22 i'm sure congress is going to go from this session directly into a comprehensive and tractable debate about data privacy laws, yielding draft legislation to continue to push forward. i'm sure of this :)
2023-03-23 17:10:51
2023-03-23 17:07:10 i can't believe that in 2023 i'm watching a couple of old fucks wring their hands over how evil and scary it is that a company is giving data to a government, lamenting that they're not selling that data like the wholesome american companies google and facebook
2023-03-23 02:54:23 RT @LaurenKGurley: Trader Joe's workers announced ~2~ new union drives today, one in Oakland, Ca and the other in Manhattan, N.Y. (Essex St…
2023-03-22 15:03:39 traditionally, iraqis celebrate the day that guy threw a shoe at bush every day. it's just in the west that you only acknowledge it one day of the year
2023-03-22 02:59:41 RT @muntazer_zaidi: Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at George W. Bush says his only regret is he "only had two shoes" - CBS News https://t…
2023-03-22 02:59:09 RT @ruchowdh: Call for fellows @BKCHarvard ! Resumes are due next Monday - if you’d like to work with me on issues of AI governance and Res…
2023-03-20 22:41:48 i am dead now.
2023-03-20 22:36:37 at the park today walking my dog, a kid wayyy over on the swings yelled "hey you!" and then when i looked over continued "you look like a roblox character" and- friends, i genuinely need to know, did i just get roasted by a 7-year-old from like 100ft away?
2023-03-20 19:51:06 @Iwillleavenow Q3 2023: "there's a new scam making the rounds, where someone calls you saying that you called them to confirm that they called you earlier, and now they're calling to confirm that you called them to confirm that they called you. eventually you'll pay them to stop confusing you"
2023-03-20 19:47:19 the joke of watching AI advocates co-opt discourse and lecture at us about ethics and harms is a lot less funny when you have to *live* the punchline at 1x speed.
2023-03-20 19:45:06 i used to joke about how all these tech bros would get very lucrative second careers flying around the world, talking about all the harmful shit they did and how "we" were all so naive and bad, talking about how they learned about ethics and now they're more enlightened [than us]
2023-03-20 19:40:04 lmao the CEO of openAI, of chatGPT fame, is going around warning that *other* AI developers might do harmful shit he should know: openAI's policy is to withhold disclosing the data they used to train the models (eg GPT-3 &
2023-03-20 04:19:37 @crystaljjlee i have to assume jacobin is pivoting to competing with the onion
2023-03-20 04:19:02 @crystaljjlee whhaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuck lol
2023-03-18 21:09:36 @npseaver if i was a medical doctor i would be so tempted to write the most profanity-laden letters chastising professors for this shit
2023-03-18 21:07:38 @npseaver and then they hand me a crisp $100 bill. and the nurses come in and clap
2023-03-18 21:07:04 @npseaver every doctor i've seen has loved being asked to do more paperwork. they ask me for it. they'll say "ali, can i write you a letter with extremely vague details about this appointment that i'm going to have to do a bunch of other paperwork for? also, can i give you $100 right now?"
2023-03-17 15:12:37 1. i don't use SMS
2023-03-15 15:47:27 RT @UpFromTheCracks: GPT v whatever is just an elaborate public relations campaign that seems to be successful in that people continue to b…
2023-03-15 03:07:08 @bigblackjacobin what do you love more than someone who won't stop talking about their SAT scores? someone who won't stop talking about their stupid computer's SAT scores
2023-03-15 00:44:23 @davidthewid it was just one wild story among dozens in quick succession, i'm not surprised if it slipped by lol
2023-03-14 22:31:29 openAI bragging about GPT-4's SAT scores doesn't make me think of it much more like a human or like it has sentience... but i'd be lying if i said it didn't make me want to dunk it in a toilet.
2023-03-14 22:09:32 all this is to say that i think it's not as much part of the conversation at CHI as i wish it were, that our roles should (sometimes) be at odds with the company's superficial interests if our compass is pointed toward the needs of the people we're learning from and working with
2023-03-14 22:09:31 there are fewer papers at places like CHI that take a step back and look at the landscape of power disparities between a UX researcher at a company and people who use the system in question (different from eg a researcher reflecting on their positionality in the CHI paper itself)
2023-03-14 22:09:30 the thing i've been thinking about since Microsoft eliminated the AI ethics team has been along the lines of... HCI prides itself on publications like those offering guidelines &
2023-03-14 21:30:49 @alexhanna *Tina Belcher groaning*
2023-03-14 21:28:55 @alexhanna i remember a cousin telling me that the US gave soldiers deploying to Iraq a booklet with Arabic phrases and pronunciation guides, so now i'm looking for that. it's like i'm just seeking out things to make me feel more uncomfortable.
2023-03-14 21:23:28 (don't spoil it for me, my body is actually not ready for this)
2023-03-14 21:22:50 won't be gringo accents in the future
2023-03-14 21:13:11 i really wanna make bañana bread sometime soon. anyone have a good recipe?
2023-03-14 21:11:04 i'm just reflecting on the fact that basically the entirety of scots-language wikipedia was written by some kid in the US who (seemingly earnestly) thought it'd be helpful to make up a scottish accent and write the english-language articles but spelled phonetically in that accent
2023-03-14 21:02:37 RT @emilymbender: Feeling exhausted by the #AIhype press cycles? Finding yourself hiding from GPT-4 discourse? Longing for a dose of realit…
2023-03-14 20:59:02 "AI alignment" may sound like mealy-mouthed abstract philosophical nonsense to avoid saying "justice" or "harms" or otherwise acknowledging real-world impacts, but you see-
2023-03-14 20:57:27 openAI officially announcing GPT-4, now with more alignment aligned to whom? to what? and how? huh?? stop asking questions
2023-03-14 20:50:26 hearing "alignment" in the context of AI is such a red flag for me now lol
2023-03-13 23:25:44 @ERnurse86 from 0:45 to 0:50 his voice change holy shit. i had to do a double take because it was like he got possessed
2023-03-10 21:25:28 when i was a first year phd student i rotated in jure leskovec's lab and we fucked around with twitter data and i'm reeling at the thought of how much that rotation would've cost if this had been in place lol. and all to get less than 1% of the firehose. whew
2023-03-10 21:18:07 >
2023-03-10 21:13:41 let me just carry the one... and again... and again... and again... yeah that's uh... that's not gonna work lol
2023-03-08 21:00:36 RT @mer__edith: For those interested, here is the paper that lays this argument out in more detail:
2023-03-08 02:52:33 @iamharaldur better now, thank you
2023-03-07 20:29:12 dude's scared of a super advanced AI but doesn't realize he's the dumbest asshole on the planet, and actively destroying himself
2023-03-07 17:16:13 @ruchowdh i just want to hit "skip 30 seconds" a billion times on reality
2023-03-06 18:13:07 >
2023-03-06 18:05:45 i forgot why i came to twitter earlier because all the technical issues twitter was having distracted me
2023-03-06 17:02:59 remember when twitter wanted you to follow links?
2023-03-06 17:00:16 @TaylorLorenz why is there such a thing as a "compliance officer", isn't it everyone's job to comply with laws?
2023-03-06 16:54:49 they finally really did it... "YOU MANIACS!! YOU BLEW IT UP!! DAMN YOU!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!"
2023-03-06 16:51:52 { errors: [ { message: "Your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint, please see for more information", code: 467 } ] } goodbye tweetdeck :(
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-15 19:26:26 @MikeIsaac there could be a series of your food misfortunes :(
2023-02-12 23:39:43 RT @hahnscratch: I moved into the cell with Mike by choice. I didn't really know him, but my current cellee was a lifer addicted to Magic T…
2023-02-05 08:22:52 SAME GUY lmao
2023-02-05 08:22:25 etc etc etc but "spends their saturday trying to discredit award-winning scholarship that happens to be critical of AI" etc etc etc
2023-02-05 00:58:32 all day my timeline seems to have been about microdosing semen. on that note, i am done for today.
2023-02-03 16:15:18 this is so fucking awful
2023-02-03 14:19:52 @zeyneparsel at least they're using the carrot?
2023-02-03 14:10:32 @mcwm as with verification, this just becomes another figure to plug into an excel spreadsheet in gaming out the ROI on some scam. if you need to generate astroturf for your crypto scam, what's $100? just another line on the sheet
2023-02-03 14:03:42 @npseaver my hunch is they didn't come up with a list of apps and take coordinated action on them because someone had an impulse. fedifinder might have the rest of today then again, that's enough time to use it one last time
2023-02-03 13:54:33 RT @npseaver: @_alialkhatib Looks like Fedifinder still works, for now!
2023-02-03 13:51:29 twitter's shut down movetodon's API keys
2023-02-02 21:01:26 lmao
2023-02-02 19:39:54 there are a few good tools to see who's on mastodon and to make it easier to follow them (without taking all the controls away) i find intuitive and pretty good, for what it's worth!
2023-02-02 19:39:53 if you're thinking about moving to mastodon, you'll want to do that ASAP, because access to the API (which apps need to match up your friends to their mastodon profiles automatically) will be cut off soon.
2023-02-02 19:34:51 RT @RichFelker: Folks, y'all basically have just 1 week left to migrate off here, because API access, which all the migration tools depend…
2023-02-01 19:24:16 @miguelsicart thank you!
2023-02-01 17:41:18 you know how you can just... tell, when a white person wrote something?
2023-02-01 17:40:27 so much this. particularly the critique about the impulsive bleaching of all texture from language just because a word like "bullet" happens to be in it it almost reads more like someone's slightly pathological aversion to scary words manifested as a guide for others.
2023-01-30 17:18:25 @broderick he's kinda basically reliably child-friendly without being dora the explorer or algorithmically generated disney cartoons of elsa extracting teeth from winnie the pooh or whatever they did when that wave was big
2023-01-30 17:16:12 @broderick is he the jay leno of youtube? like broadly inoffensive but kinda textureless? when you sit and really think about what he's doing on so many people's screens you just draw a blank?
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-24 01:45:23 definitionally, we're talking about a technology that works by taking in a ton of data, generating patterns using whatever aspects of that data it can measure or operationalize, and then trying to generate or classify stuff that reflects to varying degrees the patterns it's seen.
2023-01-24 01:42:47 that's... do we need to talk about how machine learning works?
2023-01-23 22:09:11 you have to read the actual review because so many of the 1-star reviews are just confused people!
2023-01-23 22:08:17 confused new jersey man doesn't have induction-compatible cookware, erroneously rates plug-in cooktop 1-star on amazon
2023-01-23 21:57:26 @MikeIsaac i don't want to see "y'd u leave me on read" from a coworker :(
2023-01-23 21:28:12 @Grady_Booch if he says unskilled i'm gonna throw a chair
2023-01-23 21:24:14 you can also read it here i think but like lol paywalls?
2023-01-23 21:21:13 "fondly" remembering when google and apple tried to make smartphones part of society's COVID response
2023-01-23 19:42:16 @RikerGoogling @GreatestTrek more evidence that riker MUST have consent at all times
2023-01-23 19:32:57 october '21 to january '23... so that's... carry the 1... someone set a timer for March 2024. by then chase will have probably come clean about lying out their asses on this
2023-01-22 23:12:08 @Abebab clippy pops up on product hunt submission page "did you mean commoditize?"
2023-01-22 22:44:36 "Does anyone know what to do next" is going to be on my mind for a while. haunting me.
2023-01-22 22:43:05 "Does anyone know what to do next?" who's gonna have the talk with him?
2023-01-22 22:43:03 i seriously hope that @abelinasabrina and @itsgabibelle will see this and eventually make a video about AI pickup artists sliding into your DMs
2023-01-19 23:45:37 and then talking about it about a year later? idk
2023-01-19 23:45:36 boston dynamics thread, year whatever
2023-01-18 01:49:01 "and what's the deal with dress codes, am i right everybody?"
2023-01-18 01:48:06 thiel railing inexplicably against shakespeare makes me wonder if his beef is with high schools rather than universities.
2023-01-15 15:57:26 twitter should give them a badge so we can roast these people separately and in addition to the checkmark-buying people if you can't come up with a badge in time, don't sweat it
2023-01-15 15:47:58 @FEhrsam @danrobinson ... can you come back to the surface and share that lesson for us dumbs?
2023-01-15 05:20:25 i always find amazon's data grabs borderline-unbelievable. you have all my credit cards, my addresses for the past decade, 75-90% of the things i've ever bought in my life, and what treats give my dog weird poops. and here you are asking me to give a drone a tour of my apartment?
2023-01-15 03:05:54 so twitter made a FYP but worse than tiktok ever was lol
2023-01-15 02:58:58 amazon has no idea why they want palm data but they're sure they'll figure out a reason to use it, maybe to determine your eligibility for something like insurance based on your fingerprints, or maybe they'll just forward it to cops, so they're collecting it just in case.
2023-01-12 20:39:08 RT @colinkalmbacher: BREAKING: The LAPD is accused of killing Keenan Anderson, a Black, 31-year-old father and English teacher in Venice on…
2023-01-12 17:36:41 RT @stevanzetti: After posting surveillance footage of a self-driving Tesla causing a major pileup, it appears that Ken Klippenstein's acco…
2023-01-12 17:36:35 RT @kenklippenstein: I obtained surveillance footage of the self-driving Tesla that abruptly stopped on the Bay Bridge, resulting in an eig…
2023-01-12 04:32:33 i'm confuned
2023-01-12 03:41:32 @polotek "hey, i'm pretty thrilled with myself for making a video that's going to send a bunch of harassment your way. does that make you want to set aside time to talk with me about my problems?"
2023-01-12 00:03:39 backblaze has file version history, 30 days standard and up to *infinite* if you want... and, uh... if you use my referral code you'll get a month of backups for free
2023-01-11 15:08:11 god, i would be so sad that all my fucking friends are telling me to just be okay with it. like now i'm getting divorced AND i gotta go find and delete all these contacts off my phone???
2023-01-10 22:43:37 @triketora can't believe they were publishing assassination coordinates all this time so bad of them
2023-01-10 17:19:26 @bobdaduck @knrd_z @skrossa please take your weird masturbatory fantasies about being an edgelord instructor out of my mentions?
2023-01-10 17:17:28 @bobdaduck @knrd_z @skrossa if you're judging a student's readiness based on the absence of code on their github profile, or website, as though it were a comprehensive record, i'm not sure it's consequential what political criteria you promise to use to exclude people from courses you're fantasizing about
2023-01-10 07:13:45 @knrd_z @skrossa i don't even want to get into a focused discussion about the factual issues, as @skrossa is doing
2023-01-10 07:04:52 @knrd_z @skrossa looking up a student after letting them into a class without thinking about it is one thing. i suppose a sloppy person has few options. acting on the absence of evidence on their github (or personal, professional, or institutional website) is entirely another rash, sloppy thing.
2023-01-10 06:54:25 @knrd_z @skrossa lol i have no idea why you're dying on this hill just to get to this point looking up someone's professional website (or their LinkedIn, or github) for persuasive concrete evidence of preparedness for a technical course would be a massively irresponsible, wild shot in the dark
2023-01-10 02:19:22 somebody needs to go enable parental controls on tucker's computer RIGHT NOW
2023-01-10 00:57:16 RT @so_radhikal: I've been reporting as many violent replies in my mentions but it's gotten out of hand. I don't think @TwitterSupport is…
2023-01-09 20:15:40
2023-01-09 20:11:10 RT @33unitehere: We Won! Grad workers at Yale said overwhelmingly: UNION YES!
2023-01-09 15:18:01 @janusrose uber is maybe most infamous for this - retaliating toward drivers getting together at airports to work together, or rumors of monitoring drivers getting together in their off hours
2023-01-09 15:14:25 @janusrose (but that just underscores the need to backchannel with coworkers off-platform, eg use signal)
2023-01-09 15:13:56 @janusrose there's something i feel super anxious about in that mgmt can quickly put up and move around the metaphorical walls of workplaces via algorithmic systems, so being entirely remote and rarely/never meeting challenges a lot of what i've learned about labor organization ... /2
2023-01-08 17:37:12 k
2023-01-08 17:36:16 for fuck's sake... 6 years ago they were found preying on people posting to r/SuicideWatch via DMs
2023-01-08 14:13:12 @cyberneticpond @goof @blprnt the real thread should be how a bunch of AI researchers developed and went through the appropriate procedures to get consent to experiment on 4000 people to use chatGPT in a highly sensitive context such as mental health care for mostly adolescents
2023-01-08 14:04:01 @cyberneticpond @goof @blprnt and, as discussed, the description and follow up suggest that the consent process only went out to providers (therapists?), not to the patients. which leads me to wonder if the users are even regarded properly as like... human beings with serious needs and dignity and stuff
2023-01-08 14:02:19 @cyberneticpond @goof @blprnt giving him benefit of the doubt, and it's a lot here, that might be debriefing when they're told which condition they were in. like, consent having been acquired earlier but the factors of getting consent to experiment on children with mental health care needs are... complicated
2023-01-08 07:28:45 i almost went with in-n-out but there's no in-n-out endowed professor of Information Systems and Computer Science at UC Irvine
2023-01-08 07:22:31 taco. fucking. bell.
2023-01-08 07:19:12 RT @mrragersson: SCREAMING
2023-01-08 02:28:45 i'm learning the startup mostly serves adolescents. i just thought i should relay that.
2023-01-07 21:57:49 resilience is a new cryptocurrency dropping later this year, backed by myopic tech dorks
2023-01-07 18:45:37 it feels a little like i'm going back and forth between deep sea diving and snorkling, and every time i come back up to the surface i get the bends, in addition to the frustration of chasing some kid who's excitedly telling his friends about how many turtles he rode like a horse
2023-01-07 18:41:02 working in AI/tech ethics is challenging at the same time that i'm trying to work out frameworks for thinking about complex learning systems, some shithead will post a thread on how he secretly experimented on several thousand people with varying serious mental health care needs
2023-01-07 17:53:49 i hope you get the care and compassion you emphatically deserve.
2023-01-07 17:52:47 i'm really sorry to the ~4000 of you who may be finding out now that you were subjected to a self-aggrandizing experiment trivializing your mental health care without your consent. you deserve better care and deserved more dignity and respect than this.
2023-01-05 23:34:26 @mattbc what.
2023-01-05 23:32:06 on the 13th day of christmas, my true love gave to me 13 speaker votes failing 12 drummers drumming 11 pipers piping 10 lords a-leaping 9 ladies dancing 8 maids a-milking 7 swans a-swimming 6 geese a-laying 5 golden rings 4 calling birds 3 French hens 2 turtle doves-
2023-01-05 23:18:28 just a reminder: never let apps raid &
2023-01-05 22:48:52 >
2023-01-05 22:45:16 >
2023-01-05 22:26:32 @theferocity and at least half the time he doesn't trust me and camps out just outside the bathroom anyway
2023-01-05 22:20:58 @theferocity getting up without prompting him jumping up and following me always feels like i'm negotiating with a bank robber for hostages or something. no sudden movements, promise something good in return, don't make any loud or interesting sounds when i'm out of sight
2022-12-28 23:02:44 @marclamonthill it took him ten hours to come up with this. oh my god
2022-12-28 00:15:25 @HylianRailgun ?
2022-12-27 23:14:23 @egrefen @LeonDerczynski @emilymbender @FelixHill84 lmao?
2022-12-23 17:36:35 if i wanted to stare at a fucking wall of numbers i would go back to work.
2022-12-23 17:34:42 RT @_alialkhatib: being on this app has gotten so exhausting.
2022-12-22 16:56:21 gonna be such a bad look for UX designers in particular to have twitter on your resume in 2023. look at the state of this shit lol
2022-12-22 16:52:02 RT @anabrandusescu: “People have to file freedom of information requests just to learn an algorithm set the length of their prison sentence…
2022-12-22 16:51:48 RT @loisbeckett: So incredibly sad to learn yesterday that Henry Berg-Brousseau, a transgender rights advocate, has died at age 24. “The…
2022-12-22 16:46:38 really putting out the big fires at twitter HQ
2022-12-22 16:45:26 when you notice the likes and retweets are no longer in the same approximate place when you're focused on the tweet as when you're scrolling past tweets
2022-12-22 03:25:15 @iarvis is "dhar mann basically looks directly at the camera and says the moral of the story" on the board?
2022-12-22 03:21:49 @MikeIsaac he looks like a street magician in the first pic
2022-12-22 02:47:19 "we're not focusing on accessibility... let's get everyone in first" surprisingly indexes pretty effectively
2022-12-21 22:53:38 @IBJIYONGI lmao yes it isssss what this article doesn't seem to mention is that this design isn't just favored by munger - he fucking designed it. and he's done it before (at UMich and a few other places)
2022-12-21 22:47:29 @IBJIYONGI oh my god is this that ugly monstrosity designed by that billionaire donor who has no idea what he's doing?
2022-12-21 08:07:08 i guess that's not fair. hotz was around for 4 weeks
2022-12-21 08:04:19 i didn't know any of this was happening until now, at which point i'm gathering he's already out. is this elon's scaramucci?
2022-12-21 02:26:14 my god
2022-12-21 02:22:45 i wish someone had written about how we can't trust governments not to use digital contact tracing apps for oppressive purposes
2022-12-21 01:53:01 hello i am a big dumb idiot i am going to go report on how elmo is resigning from twitter now
2022-12-20 23:44:21 @lolkat @Hbomberguy the tactical baby walker kickstarter i backed 12 years ago took a little longer to deliver than projected, but it turned out exactly how i hoped
2022-12-20 20:37:41 ... and there we go: Tawana Petty of @Data4BlackLives, along with @ConMijente, @fightfortheftr, and other groups, commenting on this in 2021 i think @hypervisible said these tech always get used on oppressed groups first- listen to them
2022-12-20 20:29:12 whenever i see a technology causing what seems to be new harm, i've learned to ask how long, and where, has this tech been workshopped &
2022-12-20 20:14:24 @Hbomberguy these aren't even the worst of the ones i've gotten lol
2022-12-20 20:03:57 RT @100soft: hey Los Angeles friends, our mascot and beloved cat Admiral Whiskers snuck out Saturday night (Dec 17) near North Koreatown. P…
2022-12-20 16:57:27 i think the american commitment to the delusion that social strata in the US are fluid and ascendable is going to collide with the nepo-baby discourse in ways that are even more disturbing than what we've seen thus far.
2022-12-20 16:52:46 RT @Nina_Metz: The conversation tends to revolve around connections and favors. Obviously financial stability/support from those famous pat…
2022-12-20 16:52:10 RT @MillyTamarez: I know alot of the nepo baby discourse is tired and now the cool thing to do is to be like "wait til you realize xxx prof…
2022-12-20 16:39:04 @gothspiderbitch *banned from r/TolkienFans*
2022-12-20 16:37:23 @gothspiderbitch why couldn't you two fly there?
2022-12-20 16:21:12 RT @ButNotTheCity: If you are like this as a professor, please quit.
2022-12-20 02:28:00 @its_a_me_lucy he might be in a funny position now
2022-12-20 02:20:09 @alplicable @GreatestTrek rule #1
2022-12-20 01:35:50 hmm.
2022-12-19 23:51:55 give these women a break from you.
2022-12-19 23:41:23 underwear, then pants. go with whatever's clean. if it's on the floor, it's not clean. and remember to brush your teeth before you put your shirt on in case you make a mess, buddy
2022-12-19 23:39:59 does anyone at twitter know a way of running this site that doesn't involve all of us weighing in on every stupid little decision that they should be able to handle on their own? elon, do you need help getting dressed? if you're hungry, make a poll
2022-12-19 23:29:34 @AnthroPunk what's so intriguing about it (to me, anyway) is how much it sounds like something one would find in a really bad self-help book. it's so... falsely and delusionally self-empowering nonsense. it's fascinating
2022-12-19 23:12:32 RT @eileenguo: NEW FROM ME: I investigated the origins of 15 video stills taken from inside homes by robot vacuums and shared to social med…
2022-12-19 21:21:56 whenever tech advocates talk up AI replacing journalism or art or smth, it makes me kinda sad
2022-12-19 19:25:31 "the now habit" sounds like some white people winesday shit
2022-12-19 17:26:32 @RMac18 #macpack
2022-12-19 06:08:04 @PatBlanchfield @ubiquity75 i can't handle a real person earnestly being this much of a simp. i need this to be satire
2022-12-19 06:07:05 @PatBlanchfield @ubiquity75 please, god, let it be a joke account laying the groundwork to get him to publicly agree with fake nonsense quotes attributed to him
2022-12-19 04:34:24 RT @catesish: sometimes I hate the internet
2022-12-18 23:29:36 @jwkritchie i had heard of this a while back but it seemed to be hit or miss in terms of who was being asked. the best guess i have is that either the account doesn't have an email associated with it or the system is bugging out
2022-12-18 23:25:31 @erinbiba nope, not unless something went totally sideways during the switch
2022-12-18 19:45:14 RT @_alialkhatib: whew. crazy news these days. world cup happening and everything, am i right? so anyway:
2022-12-18 19:43:45 @MikeIsaac i need to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you finish your thought more often lol
2022-12-18 19:42:58 @MikeIsaac (still not a great analogy, though
2022-12-18 19:41:48 @MikeIsaac i guess, but disallowing access to data via API and banning even mentioning other places feels miles apart. it seems more in the neighborhood of when apple wouldn't let app developers even mention payments/subscriptions outside of the apple flow (a rule they've since dropped)
2022-12-18 19:04:29 if you all think elon's not gonna make downloading an archive of your data more difficult to try to keep you here, then 1. get a grip on reality. and 2. get an archive of your data before reality hits you like a tesla on autopilot
2022-12-18 18:42:35 okay, this was funny
2022-12-18 18:41:43 RT @dril: dont you dare click on this illegal list of web sites that are better than twitter
2022-12-18 18:39:28 RT @ShadowTodd: your boyfriend trying to stop you from dumping him by standing in front of the door
2022-12-18 18:39:09 RT @tinysubversions: Hey, this isn't for everyone, but if you are of a technical inclination and care about community (or have a friend who…
2022-12-18 18:36:49 well, fuck. blocking linktree is... actually seriously shitty, no kidding around. sex workers get forced off of almost every other platform so they keep a SFW presence on places like ig and tiktok (not banned? ok, anyway) and have links to their work sites on their linktree pages
2022-12-18 18:10:49 lots of metaphors in that tweet. very confused imagery there
2022-12-18 18:10:31 i dunno, i personally think the marketplace of ideas should decide if my post linking all of my other socials rises or sinks in the public square or whatever
2022-12-18 17:56:13 i can still post about the jeremy renner app, right? or ... is that what Nostro is?
2022-12-18 17:47:18 whew. crazy news these days. world cup happening and everything, am i right? so anyway:
2022-12-17 17:37:16 no medical costs for living people
2022-12-17 17:36:34 insulin caps for seniors
2022-12-17 17:35:04 RT @shengokai: It’s astonishing that you think the presence of marginalized folks means there’s no oppression on the platform, especially g…
2022-12-17 16:33:40 also, the "hide details" button was for people who had no joy left. or if you were convinced it made this process faster. which, like, at that point how could you even tell???
2022-12-17 16:32:16 kids in the future aren't going to understand how much this sped up the computer, but it genuinely did.
2022-12-17 16:14:44 RT @Blackamazon: I mean she doesn’t allow any correction for herself so like she’s know they pattern And it’s bluntly disgusting to avoid…
2022-12-17 08:20:42 RT @az_rww: And as predicted, while all the mainstream journalists who were banned come back, the indies who specifically track the far-rig…
2022-12-17 03:19:33 @JuliusGoat "nobody else is saying this, which means i'm very smart for realizing it "
2022-12-17 00:41:08 if someone i cared about told me GPS data was "basically assassination coordinates", i would try to see if they were okay. i think the fact that nobody seems to care to ask that about him says something i'm not sure what though, and i don't really care but it is passingly sad
2022-12-17 00:38:44 for the record, elon's jet flight info is maybe 2 steps more work to track down than googling the flight info for a friend you promised to pick up from the airport. also, dunno who needs to hear this, but those arrivals/departures screens at the airport aren't like... hit lists.
2022-12-16 22:42:56 RT @_alialkhatib: @EricBlair19o3 like i was saying
2022-12-16 22:40:11 @EricBlair19o3 like i was saying
2022-12-16 21:13:02 @tressiemcphd yessss got mine a few days ago but i've been caught up by other stuff
2022-12-16 16:55:07 RT @_alialkhatib: being on this app has gotten so exhausting.
2022-12-16 07:10:33 RT @JaneLytv: Currently, as I type this, Russia is bombing Ukraine. Explosions in Kharkiv have been reported. Explosions in Kyiv have been…
2022-12-16 07:02:36 @AASchapiro obviously context matters, and obviously this rhetorical conflation of his is fucking stupid, but then so is he.
2022-12-16 07:00:07 @AASchapiro in the space earlier, he mentioned not caring about whether the person posting the info is a journalist or the context. i think the answer to your question is that his definition of doxxing omits (or tries to erase) status, wealth, power from the equation
2022-12-16 06:53:39 oh.
2022-12-16 04:17:45 what if a bot posted a bunch of longitudes and another bot posted a bunch of latitudes, and another account - you know what, i'm gonna go write down all the scenarios
2022-12-16 04:16:28 what would happen if a bot tweeted a bunch of GPS coordinates all in the span of a few hours starting right now, and i occasionally retweeted one of them without comment whenever someone happened to be there? i'm just asking questions. like, hypothetically.
2022-12-16 04:08:01 RT @eaton: Aha, we’ve reached the “mod loses his shit and starts adding new rules because he had a bad day, banning people who notice and p…
2022-12-16 04:03:36 it's just bad parenting, tbh. that's all there is to it. hot take: i don't think you should name your kids after assassination coordinates!
2022-12-16 04:02:36 can't help but feel bad for elmo's kids, being named after assassination coordinates or whatever :/
2022-12-16 03:52:52 being on this app has gotten so exhausting.
2022-12-16 03:45:50 RT @ddiamond: “Permanently suspended” user Matt Binder has found a loophole: he can talk (and is talking!) on this Twitter space, right now…
2022-12-16 03:29:15 @pixelatedboat "basically assassination coordinates" everything about this guy is just... an unspeakably exhausting-sounding chore
2022-12-16 03:09:25 RT @loisbeckett: The LA County Sheriff's Department also said in an email yesterday that "LASD has not received any reports related to this…
2022-12-16 02:39:55 you'll never take down all the single-user instances, elmo
2022-12-15 03:52:29 @IBJIYONGI @elon11minutesago isn't registered... yet
2022-12-15 03:50:52 @IBJIYONGI he'll change the rules. it would be easier if he just had them make the rule "posts elmo likes are okay"
2022-12-15 03:47:21 everyone who posted elmo getting his pasty ass roasted and booed that night better watch out
2022-12-15 03:46:50 just to be clear sharing someone's past location, like the flight plan 10 minutes after the plane landed, is fine right? it's not sharing the live location. right? this would literally be easier to make sense of if the rule was just "no posts that make elmo sad or feel bad"
2022-12-15 03:44:09 >
2022-12-15 03:41:39 i swear to god i look away for one day and...
2022-12-13 17:19:19 @cassius_a oh sorry lol i must've spaced and skipped the top bit. need to stop doing that
2022-12-13 17:09:08 @cassius_a this looks different from what i read before. have their demands shifted slightly, or was the stuff i saw initially wrong?
2022-12-13 16:32:34 ??? but the founder already said it wasn't worth shit. what kinda scam is this?
2022-12-13 16:21:56 you'd think advocating against giving people with AIDS anti-retrovirals because they're poor would immediately disqualify you from acting as an authority in public health policy but oster turned that into a *launchpad* into an endless career of bad, minimizing takes about COVID
2022-12-13 06:15:20 @sashaperigo i don't know why, but i feel like i need to know if they mean it *aesthetically* didn't fit or *geometrically* didn't fit.
2022-12-13 06:09:17 twitter blue's return will bring Trial By Combat, where users challenge one another to duels of demotivational posters*. mr bigsmartking will judge
2022-12-13 06:03:29 @DocDre how did they take all this time to work this shit out and not explain these things in the thread??? i'm not some kind of big brain person and these seem like pretty obvious contingencies to have to be prepared for lol
2022-12-13 06:01:55 @DocDre ... are they saying they'll refund people who fail their <
2022-12-12 23:51:05 encountering legacy verified users is increasingly going to be like finding "low-background steel" from before we started using nuclear bombs and contaminated all the steel that's been milled since then
2022-12-12 23:43:54 @RMac18 "some people were definitely booing. it's san francisco, for goodness sake" huh... is SF famous for booing?
2022-12-12 23:34:21 @GreatestTrek i don't think i can say for sure from this picture. i'm gonna have to order one to see it up close
2022-12-12 23:33:30 @GreatestTrek *squints at the corner* ... is that... jeffrey combs playing poker with jeffrey combs and jeffrey combs??
2022-12-12 17:01:02 RT @msolurin: Elon Musk got bood off the stage at a Dave Chappelle show and then immediately jumped on twitter to attack trans people becau…
2022-12-12 16:11:24 RT @vinn_ayy: Ten percent and he was still up there sputtering and shaking like he got slapped in the face???
2022-12-12 15:50:34 @Wolven error text implies deleted rather than suspended but the only reason we're ruling out the possibility that someone at twitter went and caused a deletion is because that would be unbelievably damaging to trust in the system. which is a long way of saying "they might've done that"
2022-12-12 15:36:34 @lequelle8 @thotscholar damn you're fast
2022-12-12 15:33:07 i dunno what "let's split up and vulnerably look around" would look like in this context but i'm not sweating it
2022-12-12 15:29:20 in the horror movie cliche, they're gonna suggest that we make a deal with him and he'll let us go. no, you dumbshit, get in the fucking car and drive away!
2022-12-12 15:26:56 the NYT is proof that there exist people who are genuinely as stupid as those teenagers in horror movies we all make fun of
2022-12-11 16:19:59 don't implicate all of us like this. his politics are clear, you're just dumb.
2022-12-11 04:35:18 @notlkjones_SOC @sgbuggs "we've changed oh fuck also we were hella racist in the 00s and 10s i forgot about those CHANGED "
2022-12-11 04:33:58 @notlkjones_SOC @sgbuggs i don't know if it's supposed to be intentionally hilarious like "us? racist? in the 20s? yes. in the 30s?? yes. in the 40s??? yes. in the 50s???? yes. in the 60s?????? yes. in the 70s??????? yes. in the 80s?????????? yes. in the 90s????????????? yes. but now? no. now we're good"
2022-12-11 04:15:00 RT @UAW7902: You heard it here first: We have countersigned a tentative agreement and the strike is ending. Stay tuned for the official j…
2022-12-11 03:43:29 RT @yyzji: Can’t live.
2022-12-11 03:06:29 RT @PhilipRocco: The fact that Chat GPT seems “surprisingly good” at its job should be a sign that the conventional prose style has become…
2022-12-10 18:01:22 nah, you're not gonna need coffee makers. this isn't a hotel, god damn it. oh, make sure to buy some extra bedsheets so you can swap them out when you do the turndown service on all the beds you've brought in.
2022-12-10 17:55:29 " hardcore mode but you're gonna have to wander off for 20 minutes to get drip coffee"
2022-12-10 17:53:43 elmo's nominally trying to get rid of shit like espresso machines and refrigerators, which could be used for things like food and drinks, which would allow people to stay at work during daytime, when they can be productive but he's getting rid of all of it to make room for beds.
2022-12-10 17:48:06 if it wasn't clear that he's not trying to run this site (he's burning it to the ground because it's an effective platform for people to organize against power, and annihilating that is worth blowing away tens of billions of dollars), he's liquidating office furniture for $25 OBO
2022-12-10 17:40:32 the META team documented how the timeline algo favors right-wing content then elmo fired that team then he gave unprecedented access to user data to trolls with documented histories of harassment who misunderstood basic notes and drew a conclusion literally opposite to reality
2022-12-10 17:11:28 if Ella knows what's good for her she's gonna have a bigger legal team on a personal retainer than twitter has on payroll within a week
2022-12-10 17:09:22 RT @ZoeSchiffer: If you're a tech worker considering sharing information with the media, you have rights! The Tech Worker Handbook is a goo…
2022-12-09 16:23:25 i mean i'm going to reply. i'm going to reply i'm going to. i swear, stop watching me, i'm going to do it. stop. go away.
2022-12-09 16:22:27 someone sent me an email in august. is it too late to reply? i've been thinking about this as far back as a time when replying would have simply been late, but not baffling. i can't even tell my therapist about it anymore because it might be too much even for her to deal with.
2022-12-09 06:56:42 you ever see court exhibits happen in real time?
2022-12-09 05:43:01 RT @karen_ec_levy:
2022-12-09 05:33:04 RT @BamaParrott: Friends, spread the word: We have 2 tenure-track assistant professor positions opening at Alabama for Fall 2023. Details s…
2022-12-09 04:32:46 a month ago i felt like this was a "substantial amount of account access" i no longer feel like it's an extraordinary amount more access than elon seems to be willing to give people otherwise unaffiliated with twitter and with a documented history of harassment
2022-12-09 04:32:45 i'm avoiding starting private conversations on twitter now except to immediately trade signal contact info to let me switch to that. if there's even a tiny chance that deleting my DMs actually means deleting them still, then there are tools.
2022-12-09 04:32:44 this is a good question. both i don't trust that twitter is deleting things i ask them to delete. i believe they're removing them from view, but i expect any of elon's friends who get access over the years will probably have access to anything that ever touched twitter's servers
2022-12-09 04:22:28 love the spam on this platform. it makes spending less time here easier
2022-12-09 04:20:11 i check and sometimes post here every so often, but i've moved a lot of my time over to mastodon. you can follow me there if you wanna see photos of my dog and also commentary on things. sorry things are so shit :(
2022-12-09 04:20:10 for what it's worth: i use signal. i trust signal emphatically, probably more than i trust any other service or system out there i donate to signal. oh right, donate to signal if you can: (reach out privately somehow if you want to contact me via signal)
2022-12-09 04:20:09 i know i have followers who don't live in tech. i have no idea why. it baffles me. is it my dog? here's a pic of him anyway, if you haven't been keeping up with twitter management drama, the tldr is i wouldn't trust any data stored on twitter. get your convo's off this platform
2022-12-09 03:44:49 >
2022-12-08 22:40:05 RT @AAUPTNS: The students are now occupying University Center at the New School
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-15 16:44:07 also, you must now compliment him when you walk past himpreferred subjects of praise:- pants- any of his three (3) latest non-reply tweets- heightprohibited subjects:- hair- "dump truck" (also, stop beeping when he backs up)- HAIR- anything drawing attention to skin
2022-11-15 16:44:06 NEW POLICY: the only person at twitter allowed to post about twitter is elon. twitter employees can like his tweets if they want, and retweet his tweets if they want twitter-related stuff to show up on their profile pages. you must also keep your profiles public so elon can check
2022-11-15 16:30:13 this is fucking unhinged shit. elon melting down and making a fucking fool of himself, taking everyone within arm's reach with him
2022-11-15 03:05:17 @Sssuzannaaaa @JStein_WaPo nobody has been stopped from making the unnecessary payments on their student loan debt over the past 2 years
2022-11-15 02:56:28 @matrixman124 i don't remember what board i was on.. but i went back into my email and i'm incredibly embarrassed by the username i chose. but i only talked about anime with people, so if there was an anime board, then that lol
2022-11-15 02:37:49 @matrixman124 if nothing else, regularly checking who's moved to mastodon instances by using is just one of the slightly panicked ways im dealing with the growing possibility that this place fully stops being accessible
2022-11-15 02:35:57 @matrixman124 ok i see what you're saying. but i put a lot more stuff here than i did on the boards. errant thoughts and serious conversations that could become something later. and i think i'm more invested in the lives of people here than i was on old web forums (i mean, i was younger then)
2022-11-15 02:32:44 @matrixman124 WAIT ITS GONE?
2022-11-15 02:27:15 do this ASAP. no joke. it took twitter a few days to get my archive ready, which is normal. but SMS login verification failing to send is NOT normala hundred little things have to work smoothly for you to end up with a link to a zip filea hundred PROBABLY UNMAINTAINED things
2022-11-15 02:14:17 @syardi i said $$$
2022-11-15 02:11:07 @syardi academic api seems risky for multiple reasons:- takes labor to maintain, which is stretched thin- he's been breaking services that don't directly affect his user experience- it's free to researchers. if it exists in a year, i would bet he'll charge universities $$$ for access
2022-11-15 01:31:45 @RMac18 yeah, but it gets light again the next day at 11:51
2022-11-15 00:53:35 RT @Blackamazon: Because structures that include your platform mocked his targets , refused to listen to those who asked for better reporti…
2022-11-15 00:52:35 @gianluca_string @evan_greer to be clear, i don't want any of them to face any repercussions except maybe a fist bump. but it is SUCH a bad sign for management if you've completely lost any hope of getting a factual answer from people
2022-11-15 00:40:31 @gianluca_string @evan_greer room full of SWEs supposedly told him they couldn't think of why it was matter how many people he fired, i can't believe that he was in a room full of tweeps who couldn't figure it out/didn't they're just lying to his face when he asks them shit.incredible.
2022-11-15 00:37:18 @oysta i have completely given up on any hope that he might try something quietly to see if it blows up in his face before talking about it publicly and confidently.every instinct elon musk has just seems catastrophically wrong.
2022-11-15 00:16:54 i'm sure he has mixed feelings about something but you can't tell me 50 million dollars can't pay for therapy sessions to process those feelings.
2022-11-15 00:15:02 i'm not saying i feel bad for him. i just can't stop thinking about how fucking blissed out he probably feels.
2022-11-15 00:14:32 can't help but think about parag. more than 50 million dollars' worth of shares vested immediately as he was almost literally turned around and walked away from the building while elon set himself on fire surrounded by paper printouts of all of twitter's most recent code commits.
2022-11-15 00:05:38 @HardDriveMag is he confused about how twitter works? yes.does he not understand why it's so slow? yes.does he insist on printing everything out even when it makes no sense? yes.but these jokes about elon are mean.oh, one moreis he a crazy tycoon-era-sounding emerald mine heir? yes.
2022-11-14 00:27:46 @timnitGebru the overlaps...
2022-11-14 00:25:54 RT @Blackamazon: “Good faith “ is the white man way of saying do my homework for me . You do not have to be good faith. You have to be…
2022-11-14 00:11:22 @MikeIsaac you're gonna want to plant some corn to make chips
2022-11-14 00:05:19 @IBJIYONGI "i've never experienced this before" i want to grab these people and scream "OF COURSE YOU HAVENT YOU ARE WHITE ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?"
2022-11-13 18:38:41 RT @ubiquity75: As with most companies in the space, Twitter’s official FTE numbers of around 7500 employees did NOT count the contractors.…
2022-11-13 16:24:11
2022-11-13 16:18:00 RT @yimregister: @_alialkhatib Not to be like “omg my work” but also omg my work! I’ve been looking at how people talk about “the algorithm…
2022-11-13 16:17:28 @yimregister yes please
2022-11-13 15:59:25 @dgolumbia "what'll really stump bad actors is fewer regulations, actually" is breathtaking
2022-11-13 08:21:31 RT @Blackamazon: Because like screw Black folks and womens rights and and and Y’all make these white dudes feel unassailable and coddle…
2022-11-13 08:20:49 RT @harryjsisson: If you voted in Lauren Boebert’s district and your ballot was rejected, you have a week to fix it. Spread the word!!!!
2022-11-13 08:18:31 every other year a bunch of white democrats exhale as soon as the election is over and do everything they can to distance themselves from black people and people of color in general. and every other year minus 6-12 months they dust off the "vote blue" signs to browbeat POC with
2022-11-13 08:13:15 couldn't wait to get that off your chest?
2022-11-13 06:02:37 RT @CaseyNewton: You don’t have to treat people this way
2022-11-13 01:03:19 at some point i'm gonna go on a rant about what people mean when they talk about "the algorithm" in a few different contexts because when you say "there is no algorithm! it's chronological!"you're saying a very particular thing that i think we all really, really need to unpack.
2022-11-12 22:18:37 @JuliusGoat something about white guys in tech is so bleak and sad. when they're really pushed to explore potential futures in public view, they can't even begin to imagine what a future for twitter that doesn't involve a billionaire like elon or jack mismanaging it might look like.
2022-11-12 21:21:44 RT @Blackamazon: So when do places like STANFORD start talking about how they fast tracked EA while slow footing diversity, accountability…
2022-11-12 19:05:33 i don't know where to go with this. it's just something i'm stressed about.
2022-11-12 19:05:32 i know that you can get into counterfactual thinking and go down this rabbit hole forever - if i hadn't done X, then would Y have happened? - and maybe i would've been so frustrated and dissatisfied that i found these people either way. but i don't know HOW that would've happened
2022-11-12 19:05:31 between jokes about this shitshow:not even 5 years ago i was working on a CS PhD at stanford. you can imagine the demography, and the attendant perspectives, of that kinda groupthis stupid app is why i know about a lot of the people whose works have become cornerstones for me
2022-11-12 18:42:21 @Verba_et_Vertus @semiphemeral @micahflee @theintercept to note in case someone doesn't notice: twitter only lets apps to delete DMs up to 30 days backBUTif you have the DM's unique ID (which you get along with every DM in your data download), then it can go to twitter and say "go delete ID 354254252342" even if it's >
2022-11-12 18:39:59 @Verba_et_Vertus this might work. you have to provide a substantial amount of account access to @semiphemeral, but the author (@micahflee) is director of infosec at @theintercept, so it's not some fly-by-night thingi might run the open source code on my own data though
2022-11-12 18:14:33 @Verba_et_Vertus there has gotta be a way to automate it though, no? the whole rest of my year is gone if i have to do it all by hand
2022-11-12 18:13:39 RT @Verba_et_Vertus: @_alialkhatib May want to note that deleting DMs isn't enough. The *other* person in the convo would have to delete th…
2022-11-12 18:06:30 just... do not delete your account. do not deactivate it. delete whatever you want (NB: might wanna save a backup, and keep in mind the system is falling apart in lots of little ways, &
2022-11-12 18:00:26 in such a messy information environment like this, you've got to assume some people are running a competent playbookthere might never been an opportunity like this again. and when the site collapses, all the evidence will go... where? lost under the rubble of elon's stupidity?
2022-11-12 18:00:25 we're seeing so much dumb shit right now
2022-11-12 17:54:37 i would assume people crawl twitter for mentions of leaving, note follower/following lists, copy profile pics, etcthen, when your profile disappears, a timer starts. after 30 days your @ is released, and they swoop in, messaging friends with open DMs, running any scam they want
2022-11-12 17:30:09 a quarter of a million dollars per month. holy shitthere would have to be on the order of 400x as many subscribers as are in this list for twitter to have any hope of paying just the interest on the loan elon saddled the company withthe scale of elon's failure is astounding
2022-11-12 17:08:02 @yoshuawuyts who could have guessed this would happen?
2022-11-12 07:01:14 RT @alextwenzel: California Teamsters have asked drivers in the state to respect picket lines at UC campuses. Deliveries by unionized drive…
2022-11-12 05:53:53 @FTX_aid @knowmiun @rekmarks @MikeIsaac i wouldn't DM this account but that's just my professional opinion
2022-11-12 05:29:19 @rekmarks @MikeIsaac okay.jesus christ.
2022-11-12 05:25:17 @MikeIsaac what now
2022-11-12 02:31:08 i would love to be in the room to have watched this in real-time but there is not a single human being who was in the room whose shoes i would like to be in.
2022-11-12 02:25:52 @pixelatedboat and don't forget constantly maintaining a posture prepared to go "thermonuclear" on them if they scale back their advertising budget even $1
2022-11-11 18:02:49 @timnitGebru it's just more tone policing, laundered so that they can avoid saying "she made me feel bad". it sounds more legitimate and principled to say "she wasn't discussing things in good faith". and it's so insistently nebulous that any interrogation of what that even means is hopeless
2022-11-11 18:00:33 there'll be so many short discussions of what it looks like to be completely and utterly inadequate to the task you've assigned yourself and they're all gonna end with a series of screenshots of elon musk's tweets
2022-11-11 17:57:34 this would all be fine if not for all the journalism
2022-11-11 16:27:39 @NotABigJerk @jbouie he thought twitter's payroll system was haunted?
2022-11-11 16:15:51 @iarvis 3 omg
2022-11-11 16:05:31 @ginasue is any philanthropy popular among billionaires NOT?
2022-11-11 14:39:30 RT @sassycrass: 1.) Muskmelon is absolutely a creep for doing this2.) The number of men more up-in-arms in the comments about her calling…
2022-11-11 14:39:20 @sassycrass these guys are gonna be so sad when they come to terms with the fact that elon is never gonna kiss them
2022-11-11 14:36:48 RT @Blackamazon: The way I know these reporters don’t talk to Black people seriously or talk about racism and harassment “Ghost/ NPC empl…
2022-11-11 14:35:00 my favorite part of this shit is when statisticians are like "yeah but we weighted and accounted for that"
2022-11-11 05:28:57 @odannyboy either he was lying in his accusation that twitter was undercounting bots by a significant degree, or he genuinely believes he needs a healthy margin more than 5% to be subscribed at $8/month. or presumably 2-3% at the original $20/month??i'm not sure which is more preposterous
2022-11-11 05:19:18 if twitter goes down while i'm asleepplease remind elon he's a weirdo creep
2022-11-11 05:06:04 @odannyboy did you account for elon's *definitely totally earnest belief* that twitter had been misrepresenting the proportion of its MAUs that were bots?
2022-11-11 04:45:57 @nycsouthpaw noticed the same but thought it was mostly about promoted tweets (everyone screenshotted has verified status because of notability, from before twitter blue)
2022-11-11 03:24:55 RT @MorePerfectUS: Eli Lilly apologizing for a fake tweet but not for charging $714.87 for a carton of insulin.
2022-11-11 03:22:28 we're barreling toward this faster than i expected
2022-11-11 03:21:09 oh my gosh, it's not even consistent. what a mess
2022-11-11 03:17:16 this feels like those "don't use if seal is broken" labels on drinks. it might've made sense if you taught people to look for it, but now i figure whenever i don't see the additional verified status i just... don't think about it. or i assume it doesn't show up in that context
2022-11-11 03:12:25 okay, so now in promoted tweets when the account is verified for notability it will get an extra hat to wear. but for organic conversations between verified users, no extra hat verifying it under ... any circumstances?
2022-11-11 03:02:58 RT @mattbc: The @NYTimes obituary of Lois Curtis, a disability rights hero.
2022-11-11 02:47:03 tbh we should all be thanking the comedians because they warned us and sacrificed their accounts doing it. thank you @h3h3productions
2022-11-11 02:43:26 it's kind of chilling. you know about the chiquita tweets and all the elon pranks. why the hell would you know about a scammer who's being just a little bit discreet?
2022-11-11 02:41:49 i wonder how many verified scam accounts impersonating brands are just... quietly DMing random elderly people asking for credit card numbers
2022-11-11 02:19:48 it's been 2 weeks since elon musk took over twitter and even after saying that i cannot fucking believe it's been less than a month.
2022-11-11 02:15:57 RT @HBeckPDX: Did you download your archive and realize it didn't come with alt text? I made a free tool to help pull down all the image de…
2022-11-11 02:14:23 @AASchapiro in some ways i feel stupid for spending my time thinking about complex algorithmic systems and the subtle, far-reaching damage to people's lives that they cause.all along the real risk was an idiot with no grasp of cause and effect smashing shit left and right
2022-11-11 02:00:02 this site has been around for a WHILE but maybe now is its moment:
2022-11-11 01:58:42 RT @kazweida: Look. If Musk declares bankruptcy and the bank puts the bird site up for sale cheap, a bunch of pro-democracy and news organi…
2022-11-11 01:56:28 sorry what i spaced out didi say something??
2022-11-11 01:55:58 imposter syndrome is the phenomenon you experience when white supremacy and misogyny impress themselves upon you when you're in spaces that have historically been exclusive to clueless white guys with no talent
2022-11-10 03:04:23 RT @Robert_Gordon_: This kind of analysis needs to understand the ways in which online toxicity works, the phrases used by dangerous people…
2022-11-10 02:38:37 @SagetheEDRPh @hebagowayed @Catherineoscopy i don't see it when i search some of the text of the posts either... maybe went private and changed @?
2022-11-10 02:35:56 RT @Catherineoscopy: I have a stalker.Recently, she contacted my employer in effort to get me fired. She is racist, and has begun conta…
2022-11-10 02:27:25 you should be taking your data ethics advice from other people than me, but this this this this this THIS THIS THIS JFC THIS
2022-11-10 02:23:53 RT @karenkho: I don't report on finance anymore, but please do not connect your bank account to Twitter
2022-11-09 23:57:23 i'm guessing there'll be (delayed) action on verified accounts because it seems like elon wants the free accounts to languish till they pay up
2022-11-09 23:53:41 i worry we'll see 2 things- moderately motivated people will soon pull off elaborate, tremendously destructive scams. numerous (albeit finite) huge scams- currently verified users who don't pay will blend into the accounts impersonating them, making for a flood of small scams
2022-11-09 23:30:40 @mcwm i'm ok, i just need a second to recover from that last one
2022-11-09 21:40:21 i forgot where i saw it (maybe mastodon? try mastodon ), but someone pointed out that signal stories might not be your thing, but it's worth CONSIDERING the prospect of something like stories not meaning carrying around a whole complex surveillance apparatus like instagram.
2022-11-09 20:59:29 RT @HeerJeet: Biden should reward the kids with some more of that sweet, sweet student loan forgiveness.
2022-11-09 19:27:38 @Saul1245 @HardDriveMag comedy is legal, but heavily taxed
2022-11-09 19:22:57 @Grady_Booch he saw a tweet over the weekend where some idiot said 3 people could make a twitter clone over the weekend and he looked around the hollowed out twitter offices and thought "we've probably got 3 people still trying to figure out if they've been laid off..."
2022-11-09 18:55:27 my hunch is that in 3 months it'll be harder to decipher someone's checkmark than it is to understand how mastodon works.
2022-11-09 17:37:37 RT @DataInstituteSF: The Center for Applied Data Ethics is pleased to welcome Christina Boyles as a data ethics fellow. Christina’s study o…
2022-11-09 17:10:35 i have a good feeling about this elon dude's steady hand on the wheel of -
2022-11-09 17:03:18 i'm glad twitter took the extra beat to test that incredibly public-facing feature before rolling it out to the public the morning after the US midterm elections
2022-11-09 16:17:25 @DaveOrrick there's just so much courage in this post. that you would have the certainty of self to show your whole ass to the world, to take pride in it, to try to start a hashtag of your own design that makes you sound like a creepy incel.i'm just amazed. it's breathtaking.
2022-11-09 03:50:10 RT @verdantSculpts: Spare me your “fuck Florida” and give some support to trans Floridians this week. We are entering a really scary era in…
2022-11-09 03:45:31 @histoftech @WellsLucasSanto @struthious i accidentally a word there but you get what i mean
2022-11-09 03:44:40 @histoftech @WellsLucasSanto @struthious i genuinely feel really bad because i know that people at twitter worked their asses off to keep this place running smoothly. used to get fail whales all the time. the work that getting it to be as reliable as it was must've been an actual epic featand then that loser showed up
2022-11-09 03:34:53 @histoftech @WellsLucasSanto @struthious
2022-11-08 23:36:07 @hondanhon lmao i just looked. i think this might be the worst of both worlds
2022-11-08 22:29:56 *furiously skimming the program now that i'm actually registered for the conference*
2022-11-08 22:28:00 i've posted about papers that caught my attention at #FAccT2022 &
2022-11-08 14:50:45 @DRodbone @broderick comedy is legal now. unfortunately a humorless emerald mine heir who has never been more than 5ft away from a sycophant desperate to buy his bathwater has tasked himself with defining comedy
2022-11-08 14:48:01 @theCJS @KrangTNelson no matter where he goes, he'll always be down under
2022-11-08 14:42:07 @acaguy it's gonna make it "vacant office space in downtown SF"
2022-11-08 03:15:52 @polotek and the difference between what's intuitive to you (or more accurately, what you'll just accept after grinding away at it) and what's intuitive to any arbitrary person who encounters your work is somewhere between "close, but not quite" and "what fucking planet are you from?"
2022-11-08 03:12:21 @elmcitytree @polotek stay innocent lol
2022-11-07 20:08:28 tabouleh. you'd have to physically hold me back on day 41.
2022-11-07 05:10:22 @adapperprof @DocDre it's like he's trying to sound authoritative with some of his word choices but he doesn't know what he's doing so he accidentally lands on "ominous" instead
2022-11-07 03:54:30 @karenkho trash bags (unpacking yields a lot of trash esp if you have packing filler)i would also suggest:- this is going to be exhausting. got sheets and a bed to collapse onto (even if boxes remain to be unpacked)?- prioritize unpacking kitchen stuff, or buy paper plates? your call
2022-11-07 01:23:11 @AdamZHerman @dellcam @oneunderscore__ i love how pathetic these guys are
2022-11-06 01:04:13 idk. im sure someone will say this is obvious and like okay cool great
2022-11-06 01:04:12 that's not to say that stuff isn't useful. it is! i see a lot of people scared that they won't be able to interact with one another if they choose the wrong instance, or worried about various other misconceptions. which is both reasonable and addressable.i just have 2 thoughts:
2022-11-06 01:04:11 people are talking a lot about bridging technical gaps differentiating twitter/mastodon, but i'm struggling to trace the line between most of these technical explanations, &
2022-11-06 00:24:31 can i just... *not* have mid-roll ads on the night sky?
2022-11-05 20:44:34 @onekade looking forward to elon explaining to advertisers that half of the ads twitter was selling were crap, and how they came to that conclusion, and what sorts of discount they'll offer companies that buy those bargain bin ads
2022-11-05 15:56:20 @wiredfire @hondanhon some people can't wrap their heads around the idea of identifying an existing effort and humbly asking how they can help, and i sometimes wonder if silicon valley is overrepresented by these people
2022-11-05 07:01:21 @hondanhon on one hand i want to dismiss this entire thread but on the other hand... no?i swear to god...
2022-11-05 05:12:23 @MikeIsaac since it doesn't make sense to call the academic community on mastodon #AcademicTwitter for obvious reasons, i'm pushing for #AcademicTootSuite
2022-11-05 05:08:43 @nycsouthpaw @jason_kint if he finds a way to get $8 per month from everyone who thinks he's a staggering fucking idiot, then he can definitely get twitter profitable
2022-11-05 00:41:25 @WillOremus this is going to be more of a distilled platform of pure grievance-sobbing than parler or gab ever were.
2022-11-04 19:59:59 @harrisj @hondanhon how about a emoji?
2022-11-04 19:53:06 elon is living proof that you can be handed a fully turnkey social media platform with competent employees, reasoned policies, and robust infrastructure
2022-11-04 19:41:23 the accessibility experience engineering team is gone too??you may think you don't use accessibility features. you're gonna learn that you do. oftena lot of things that make this place functionally usable in a wide variety of circumstances are accessibility implementations:
2022-11-04 18:57:20 more in the "we're all gonna feel this one" file folder
2022-11-04 17:53:07 @atpfm elon laid off staff who were on call at the time and had no plan for their departure
2022-11-04 17:43:26 @RMac18 if someone in the room plays this sound at max volume at precisely the right moment, and someone else records it, i will venmo both of you $50
2022-11-04 17:41:13 @RMac18 listening to peter thiel do bits on a stage sounds like torture
2022-11-04 17:35:12 @RMac18 i honestly didn't think anything of it until someone in the replies expressed gratitude that keanu was finally on twitter and then i was like "wait, shit, that's right, what the fuck?"
2022-11-04 16:50:21 RT @willknight: Musk just got rid of most of Twitter's Ethical AI Team, a highly respected group that was working to make the company's alg…
2022-11-04 16:46:14 @IBJIYONGI maybe most famous for fixing the image thumbnail cropping algorithm that prioritized on white faces, they also published a study finding the timeline algo was disproportionately amplifying right-wing content (and working to correct that), and started a novel bias bounty program
2022-11-04 16:42:50 @IBJIYONGI the META team was laid off
2022-11-04 15:55:38 great point. i teach classes with some of these blog posts as required reading. if you do (or might), might want to make sure @internetarchive's @waybackmachine has a snapshot and/or you have PDFs or something of those pages as they exist now
2022-11-04 15:17:02 elon's going to feel this fuckup for a while. we're all going to, but at least we'll know why.
2022-11-04 15:14:33 not many tech company ethics groups (those that exist at all) seriously and rigorously investigate themselves. META did.not many of those groups write up reports for the public. META did.not many of those groups made the reports comprehensible. META, META was rare.
2022-11-04 15:14:32 this was the team that did a serious deep dive into the tendency for the timeline algorithm to disproportionately amplify right-leaning content in particular:
2022-11-04 15:14:31 i doubt she would say this herself, but people across intellectual chasms respect Rumman. she knows her stuff. she knows the political and social side of things and knows the technical side of things. when she has a take, she's clear and direct.and her shots don't miss.
2022-11-04 15:14:30 been talking to people about why, so might as well unpack a few thoughts publicly:the META team was one of the only good case studies illustrating a tech company running an AI ethics group that interacts with the public and with academia with substantial credibility.
2022-11-04 04:45:52 @ruchowdh i'm so sorry Rumman, this is so fucking awful
2022-11-03 16:28:08 @AASchapiro it's a waste of time to point out that shotspotter is inaccurate surveillance capitalism foisted upon communities that have been surveilled and harassed by cops for decades. isn't ALL technology inaccurate sometimes?i bet there's a nice smell when you unpack the box. cover that
2022-11-03 16:22:42 @AASchapiro no no no, the NYT should really exclusively focus on how impressive it is that clearview manages a database of billions of photos of people. that's a gargantuan number! this obsession with how clearview scraped those images without anyone's knowledge or consent is just so rude.
2022-11-03 16:17:21 @AASchapiro why are we not marveling at the engineering that went into the construction of the autobahn? why are we so consumed with - oh
2022-11-03 02:32:13 @MikeIsaac @mshelton @AynRandy stg i move away from the bay area and just like that, 3 months later, you invite people over to do exactly what i'm an expert at :(
2022-11-03 02:22:52 @yoshuawuyts apple has tried to make employees to go back to the office several times and each time they found out that a significant number of their employees (often in extremely high demand) would rather change jobs than move their whole family to cupertinoand apple is competently run lol
2022-11-03 02:18:41 @yoshuawuyts he's going to cut off one of his legs and find out that the blood loss and shock makes him lose an arm as well
2022-11-03 02:16:32 @yoshuawuyts it's worse than that
2022-11-03 01:53:17 get @StephenKing back in here
2022-11-01 20:59:06 @dataeditor @MKBHD but that's the threat
2022-11-01 20:55:02 @dataeditor the implication of this entire shakedown is something @MKBHD pointed out, how a LOT of people try to impersonate him.seems like a crypto-obsessed dweeb like elon, who sees thousands of spam/scam posts in his replies daily, must know how many people try to pose as famous people
2022-11-01 20:51:39 @dataeditor idk how many scammers will pay $20 payments for accounts that get suspended within 5 minutes of messaging peoplethe issue is this setup is kinda extortionate
2022-11-01 19:21:23 @parismarx @willknight lmaookay i'm gonna go for another prediction. eventually he'll push algorithmic pricing so you see a totally different price from other users depending on a substantial number of factors all going into some model.people will quickly discover that it offers lower rates to men.
2022-11-01 13:47:04 i never count my threads correctly, fight me
2022-11-01 13:46:18 i don't have a panacea for this, except to say that if these aggregated quantitative broad brushstroke methods are designed to minimize the impression of how marginalized people are dealing with abuse, then you've gotta predicate your approach on other methods.
2022-11-01 13:46:17 i can't help but reflect on how the primary metrics for the the content moderation of abuse of marginalized communities mostly don't account for the marginalized communities being disproportionately exposed to abuse and harassment... /2
2022-11-01 13:36:08 @parismarx @willknight lmao
2022-11-01 02:25:19
2022-10-31 22:38:27 @MattBinder i wonder if the morbius trolls will get involved to see how hard they can spike this site into the ground
2022-10-31 21:05:28 @JessicaCalarco schedule send "no thanks!" for 10 years from now
2022-10-31 16:34:01 RT @BerkeleyISchool: Applying to the @UCBerkeley I School PhD program?Our *amazing* current PhD students run a PhD Applicant Feedback P…
2022-10-31 16:28:27 fuckin hell, this place is becoming 4chan 2.0, huh?
2022-10-31 16:22:36 RT @ranjodhd: Deadline today!! It is a great position, I promise!
2022-10-31 15:24:52 get people with different perspectives in the room, folks. or you might end up like elon at twitter HQ, advised by these total losers lol
2022-10-31 15:22:17 i realized that the rumored verified status for $20/month idea feels a little like tinder super likes (with all of the attendant implications), and a war room principally consisting of men explains why they haven't figured out how desperate that potentially makes the user look
2022-10-31 15:11:01 @parismarx @willknight they still don't seem to understand that nobody would want to pay for a status that ambiguously signals that they are an incredibly desperate loser who will pay rent for depreciated status symbols, though
2022-10-31 15:09:25 @parismarx @willknight i wouldn't be surprised if their bright idea was a sliding scale for verified status depending on follower counttheir goal isn't necessarily to get every user to pay (or even most), but to get anyone who can afford $5/month paying $5, anyone who can afford $10/mo paying 10, etc
2022-10-31 08:22:16 i'm definitely gonna come back with popcorn to see who's verified and who's not on day 91 when the grace period runs out
2022-10-31 08:15:50 @jbouie @sgbuggs something i realize i'm not even clear about now that i've stopped laughing: is the offer that your account gets verified upon cc charge? totally zeroing out any social signal that the checkmark even claims to provide?i don't even want to think of how the codebase is gonna look
2022-10-31 07:56:54 @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor none of this is prohibitive, and it's unambiguously a win to be able to do this at all, but i would tell someone set aside 10 minutes to do it and not get distracted in the middle because i don't know what would even happen if you left halfway through
2022-10-31 07:53:34 @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor also might be worth noting that the transfer went fine but by design doesn't bring the posts over. which makes sense! but if you start at the new instance you would never be able to figure out where older posts are (the old instance page is grayed out, points to the new instance)
2022-10-31 07:51:02 @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor i did it over the weekend... "trivial" is a bit generousit involved a few steps on each instance that seemed to need to be coordinated, and afterwards there was this indeterminate period where stuff seemed to be processing. maybe because one instance was under some load? 1/2
2022-10-31 04:00:23 i used to think i knew what people meant by brain worms.
2022-10-31 03:50:12 @mmasnick @linguangst "users who follow the same account of my choosing"so like a grifter targets a user and... harass their followers?it'll be interesting to see users leaving twitter go through the extra step of dissolving their social network. haven't seen that before
2022-10-31 01:48:29 @xirclebox @timnitGebru @HabenGirma @heluecht @joinmastodon thank you! i've been encountering lots of issues in the github repo that arrived at... really bad conclusions, and often because maybe 2 or 3 people were involved in the conversation and it just wasn't enough people paying attention to the problem. thanks for getting involved
2022-10-31 01:37:23 @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in their bio and lots of replies to elon begging him to run them over with his car or RT their scam or something
2022-10-31 01:21:37 @mattbc @verified lmao my thought exactly
2022-10-31 01:16:11 @reckless @alexeheath imagine spending close to $250 per year on this fucking site lol
2022-10-30 22:04:11 @CaseyNewton i bet jason's got a million of these fucking ideas lol
2022-10-30 19:14:58 @MikeIsaac >
2022-10-30 03:35:28 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf sorry i mean this is obvious but maybe it's not to someone who thought it wouldn't be transparent that making employees print 50+ pages of code to walk through it like it's the 1970s is just a dumb scheme to try to get people to quit and forfeit compensation
2022-10-30 03:32:35 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf there's no way elmo thought this was a good way to quietly get rid of them, is there? like there's no way any of them would walk away from >
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:44:38 @hondanhon
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-27 03:12:50
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:17:56 proof of (mi)stake
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 22:24:23 prelude to a guy getting blocked
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-10-20 21:39:05 all we can do is watch him be an idiot in many of the same ways he's always been an idiot, i guess
2022-10-20 21:38:21 it'd always be sad to watch someone repeatedly fail to learn that being a cheapskate early on means paying back those debts with interest later, but to watch someone repeatedly fail to learn that as they actively pollute and dismantle a space you spend time is doubly frustrating
2022-10-20 19:32:44 @niloufar_s @ranjodhd my arms and eventually whole upper body shaking as i try to lift like 40+lb of water over my head to pour just a little bit into my mouth
2022-10-20 19:31:09 @niloufar_s @ranjodhd i either want to bring a tiny paper cup that i try to reuse until it disintegrates or i want to bring a 5-gallon drum of water and awkwardly try to waterfall from it surreptitiously
2022-10-20 19:29:41 @niloufar_s @ranjodhd kids these days... hydrating. it's getting out of hand, really
2022-10-20 19:25:41 @ranjodhd also do they prefer that students refill a tiny disposable water cup like 50 times?? because that's the kind of malicious compliance i would immediately gravitate toward
2022-10-20 19:23:32 @ranjodhd this person really fights the impulse to tell people they're not supposed to drink water lol
2022-10-20 15:51:26 @janusrose i mean i think that's how a lot of people feel right now. so SimCity2000's verisimilitude was underrated, is what i'm learning
2022-10-20 15:50:43 @janusrose it's all a valid way to play the game but whenever i played simcity this way i inevitably just wanted a meteor to come and reset everything, so idk???
2022-10-20 15:47:48 @janusrose she found a way to send the UK economy back in time by a few decades which allowed her to clip out of the map of rational thought, which SEEMS like a glitch but i guess isn't
2022-10-20 15:40:56 he's so excited just look at him
2022-10-20 15:36:08 he's gonna throw a tantrum if you don't let him go ahead of you but he won't learn to be polite if you don't stop him now... but also is it your job to babysit him?the dilemma of our time
2022-10-20 15:33:16 the tory platform is that everyone gets a go on the slide as PM. boris is the kid who's already learned to be an asshole, getting off the slide and immediately running back around to cut in front of everyone for another ride because it's his birthday this week or something lol
2022-10-19 20:01:15 RT @DAIRInstitute: Join us virtually on December 2nd and 3rd as we celebrate our 1st anniversary. We'll have interactive talks and conversa…
2022-10-19 17:16:41 RT @0xabad1dea: Uh, soundcloud… you’re not supposed to label the upsell button “upsell”
2022-10-19 01:52:19 RT @arabellesicardi: one of my fav university presses @dukepress (nerd alert) is having a 50% off sale, i suggest buying these books if you…
2022-10-18 18:20:54 hey ali wanna proofread before you hit that tweet button? nah? ok, cool. good work
2022-10-18 18:20:11 all this is to say, before publicly excoriating someone for using some of these services, please consider that this person might be as conflicted about it as you are, but reluctantly pressed into participating in an exploitative system... you know... like a lot of us are. 4/4
2022-10-18 18:20:10 i try not to be super hard-line about shaming people for using services like prime, doordash, instacart, etc... though.these platforms are shit: don't pay workers enough, &
2022-10-18 18:20:09 i think this is a good time to reflect on something!the work i did in grad school focused specifically on gig work for a bit, and i have fairly strong feelings about the shitty conditions of people have to endure to make entirely too little money via these labor platforms. /4
2022-10-18 17:52:28 the entire conceit of making everyone fill out a perfunctory form to make debt cancellation opt-in to short-circuit lawsuits sure produces a confounding amount of administrative overhead...
2022-10-18 17:50:20 i have an honest question about these dates:if someone submits an application for debt relief and the process drags through december, what happens if you get notified in like feb/mar that your loans aren't eligible?would you instantly be like 2+ months behind on payments?
2022-10-18 14:37:43 moreover, do you feel like the people making these technologies are intelligent, or have any serious insight into your well-being?or do you think they're impulsively coding knee-jerk reactions to simple keywords?
2022-10-18 14:35:41 let's imagine your job says you've got to wear a fitness tracker or pay even higher premiums. still feel categorical autonomy?there's no chasm between carceral tech and Luxury Surveillance @hypervisible describes. it's not steep steps
2022-10-18 14:29:28 you might say you're not required to wear an ankle monitor so you're categorically in control.okay. let's imagine amazon halo reports your step counts and other dubious data to your health insurance company.still feel CATEGORICALLY in control?
2022-10-18 14:24:29 >
2022-10-18 03:56:28 @hell_spawned i didn't mean to attach some kind of moral superiority to it. sorry. good night
2022-10-18 03:48:37 RT @KentrellOwens: hmmm @uwcse is this the same person y'all invited to give a colloquium lecture this thursday?
2022-10-18 03:41:04 @ubiquity75 how else are they gonna know about my youtube podcast???
2022-10-18 03:35:14 nature doesn't want you to have electricity but you're a lineman so square that circle
2022-10-18 03:33:07 @hell_spawned acting like it's obvious or natural to have wanted this is so disrespectful to her. it must have been unimaginably difficult. that's what i'm saying
2022-10-18 03:31:41 @hell_spawned they dredged an almost unrecognizably mutilated body from the river. i would do anything to deny his murderers and sympathizers the satisfaction of seeing their work one more time. i would want to protect the last little bit of him i could. i would want people to know his smile
2022-10-18 01:33:10 the smell is dissipating. i'm pretty sure it's dust being cleared out now that the heater is on. but still...
2022-10-18 01:32:08 trying to fit this into tweets was very hard and there's a weird smell coming from my vents now that the heater is on so i'm both distractedly anxious and possibly dying so if someone wants to chime in i'd be keen to hear other people's thoughts
2022-10-18 01:28:58 as for why there aren't many AI ethics people with less progressive politicsi mean i have 2 answers:1. if you avoid bringing history etc into your analysis you run out of analytical power really quickly2. those people exist
2022-10-18 01:28:57 interesting question... QTing for input:my unrigorous guess is: a lot of people in this space at least study (often experience) violence along certain dimensions (eg race, gender, class, caste). what we learn from those fields informs &
2022-10-18 01:15:33 @juanbuis @MatPatGT grilled cheese update?
2022-10-17 22:29:59 @PeoriaBummer @RMac18 lol imagine that source getting to the parenthetical like
2022-10-17 22:27:48 @RMac18 why would you add that aside like what are you accomplishing except dangling a clue out there?
2022-10-08 15:38:21 RT @Arrianna_Planey: Things Black women in academia actually need:- sabbaticals- unrestricted funds to cover costs that funders don't al…
2022-10-08 02:58:04 RT @_Eric_Reinhart: Nothing is easily confirmable, but reports from people incarcerated at the Haiti national penitentiary are that over 40…
2022-10-08 02:29:31 @hondanhon "heh, workplaces, am i right? i am vulnerable"
2022-10-08 01:24:44 RT @SavGonzalezz: My family put this on their house in Puerto Rico.18 days No power in PR.
2022-10-08 01:23:10 @nycsouthpaw @karenkho graduated from the sean spicer school of attendance measurement
2022-10-08 00:36:22 @jbouie @sgbuggs almost categorically when a guy says "female"
2022-10-08 00:23:43 @undersequoias and i think if people were disabused of the idea that IRBs are like... the agent of change riding in to stop all the bad things that happen on campus, it might prompt some people to think more actively/critically about the role they need to(/can) play in facing bad shit on campus
2022-10-08 00:14:15 RT @hypervisible: “I thought, ‘Let’s build a product now that can that can help millions and billions of people” Founder. Of course.
2022-10-07 20:07:34 like it worries me how far-reaching and omnibenevolent grad students seem to think their university IRBs are.
2022-10-07 20:06:29 *whispers quietly* ok but the IRB wouldn't have any interest in reviewing the sensor thing even if it was submitted...
2022-10-07 02:00:44 @Wolven downstream rob mentions that preserving the likes and especially replies could be a problem if the nature of the tweet changes dramatically (the grandma example he gives is... evocative)i actually can see this as being the more... conceptually straightforward way to communicate
2022-10-06 19:44:02 @karenkho when i stopped traveling i started keeping a constantly replenishing stash at my place
2022-10-06 19:09:16 i mean, repeating what the original tweet said, but i literally can't think of any other word to reply to this
2022-10-06 19:08:54 woah
2022-10-06 17:16:41 @meepbobeep "you don't say... oh, subscribe to yours? no, i uh... i don't think i get into that stuff. i don't even think i have an app for it"
2022-10-06 17:15:06 @meepbobeep it makes me REALLY sad to think that i've probably done this to someone and, instead of taking the hint, they're dining out on a story about a dumb guy who had never heard of podcasts or whatever
2022-10-06 17:10:05 i can emphatically see a berkeley undergrad looking at their phone monotonously saying "woah, no way... that's crazy..." every few seconds as a total stranger tells him about this mythical land called Boston
2022-10-06 17:02:11 sarcastic ignorance is such an underrated form of humor
2022-10-06 04:26:53 RT @DerrickPalmer_: My heart goes out to all the ALB1 @amazon workers in Schodack, NY I hope and pray every worker was evacuated safelyTh…
2022-10-06 01:40:42 RT @alexhanna: We're hiring for a community-based researcher!!
2022-10-05 23:15:03 @HardDriveMag yeah but it's meaningful because it's the name of his favorite military-funded chemical agent
2022-10-05 20:32:44 @_lava_b @PodsofWar @JustSeum this is really funny but now's not the time tbh
2022-10-05 17:53:01 @digitaaldenken if instagram made clear (or even implied) some kind of rule against romanticizing violent people, that would be rad, but the [truly bizarre] "joker lifestyle" instagram industry would almost certainly disappear overnight lol
2022-10-05 17:37:04 @digitaaldenken wherever it exists in relation to that line, the existence &
2022-10-05 17:26:18 @digitaaldenken instagram needs better rules and better enforcement of those rules
2022-10-05 17:25:29 @digitaaldenken glorifying a serial killer is grotesque, but do you think netflix isn't running ads for that show in instagram? the screenshot doesn't fit into any of the bullet points shown and doesn't really seem to fit into the broader spirit encompassed by the constellation of those points
2022-10-05 17:13:24 RT @jacremes: That insecurity, that contingency, is why a majority of NYU’s contract faculty have decided to build our union, @cfuuaw. We k…
2022-10-05 17:10:51 i'm of mixed feelings because any algo that moderates people's content is an inherently oppressive project, so really i'm rooting for the users to find workarounds and avoid the system either way. but practicing a descriptive analysis of why these systems fail might be helpful ig
2022-10-05 17:08:08 the shared (maybe even erroneous? maybe even harmful?) constructed understanding of how a system works is pretty damn important, and can nullify all the superficial work you do to "debias" the dataset or the algorithm training a model on that data (hang on, gagging)
2022-10-05 17:05:34 are appeals actually a farce? idk. but if you see examples like this, see that a *prominent account* with a *seemingly reasonable post* can't get relief from this stuff, why would you ever bother? why not work around the clumsy moderation algo's &
2022-10-05 17:02:41 the defining experience of producing content for platforms like youtube, instagram, &
2022-10-05 16:58:30 @thekerker @doctorow @verge @BrotherOffice oh my god, i have owned the same basic as shit brother printer for 9 years. i don't know if anything else in my possession has been with me for as long as birth certificate. that's all i can think of. my printer and my birth certificate.
2022-10-05 02:25:54 @hondanhon "this is the starship , we received a distress signal
2022-10-05 02:23:44 @hondanhon "whats your starship's name? i just see some square boxes...""oh, you'll get it when you dock at a starbase""well... can you send me a screenshot? what does it look like?"
2022-10-01 02:07:40 @RMac18 "ok... i can do this... maintain... maintain... don't... fall..."
2022-10-01 02:06:08 @RMac18 the way it slowly tiptoes across the stage doesn't exactly inspire confidence
2022-10-01 01:31:35 downloaded a game on my phone to try to unwind because i've been feeling stressed out, and after a few minutes navigating this game's various menus i just wanted to go to sleep instead.
2022-09-30 18:59:33 this was the right call. kudos to @evan_greer for raising the alarm about iti think we should talk about this thinking that taking money from a tech co grants us "a seat at the table", but i'm fine deferring that- turning your back on a massive donation in this climate is major
2022-09-30 17:42:02 @JessieNYC makes me feel like they're making their own copy of guess who
2022-09-30 17:17:12 the @AltTxtReminder bot is still useful because it doesn't depend on you using iOS or whatever platform, and the DM can prompt you to return with a reply to add alt text after the fact if you forgot
2022-09-30 17:15:11 ohhhh shiiiiit they built alt text reminders into the iOS app!!!!join me, friends:Settings and PrivacyAccessibility, Display, and LanguagesAccessibility Receive image description reminder
2022-09-30 17:02:52 RT @evan_greer: I can't believe this is actually a thing I have to tweet, but the @TrevorProject, who are supposed to help queer and trans…
2022-09-30 16:35:27 RT @msolurin: THIS IS INSIDE RIKERS. You can see people covered in feces they’ve been left in for 9+ hours, you can see men locked in showe…
2022-09-30 16:16:22 @TaiDecker @kateconger lol
2022-09-30 15:46:17 @timnitGebru it's kinda funny how transparent it is that billionaires gravitate toward ego-stroking charlatans who tell a story about how billionaires and their big brains were the key to ending suffering around the world all this time
2022-09-30 15:32:03 +1 and: you can make any contribution seem redundant if you flatten out all of its textureif you think you've been scooped, think more about the texture &
2022-09-30 14:59:48 @hypervisible *any random indistinct cough* ->
2022-09-30 13:58:01 @tayl1r @kateconger i dunno what to tell you but i think you need to play around with your notification settings.
2022-09-30 02:49:39 @KrangTNelson people look at this shit and base their entire political identities on the premise that we all need to go back to this
2022-09-29 21:00:21 @kateconger jfc this guy sounds unbearable.
2022-09-29 19:01:08 (on point 1: it's nice to have good cameras and microphones and stuff, but i'm specifically talking about how people are just like... telling me about their work, instead of lecturing. it feels like it's appropriately shaped to the platform/medium)
2022-09-29 18:55:17 1. across the board, people have seriously upped their video presentation skills. people are clear, use direct language, are just... like... readable. it's great.2. there were lots of papers that really rang a bell for me in a good way. more than usual. that's very exciting.
2022-09-29 18:53:52 i think i've posted off-shoot threads to all of the papers. sorry if the threads and branches and stuff are all messy :Ssome thoughts:
2022-09-29 18:43:33 RT @UpolEhsan: @_alialkhatib @undersequoias @mark_riedl Appreciate the shoutout! The tweetorial for the paper is here:…
2022-09-29 15:14:29 @caitlinmoriah "we traveled 52 million light years to ensure that the monkeys on this shitty rock understand that a woman is a woman
2022-09-29 15:11:28 @caitlinmoriah aliens with the ability to travel faster than light have come all the way to earth to reassure TERFs that the gender identity presentations arguably best typified by 1950s american culture reflect the paradigmatic worldviews of all life in the universe
2022-09-29 14:15:32 @emtseng IMHO chicken is qualitative. has bones you can choke on if you're not careful. also, candy feels very quantitative
2022-09-29 14:01:33 @libshipwreck 20 seems very high
2022-09-29 14:00:57 RT @BigMeanInternet: Trained a whole cohort of people to just send their marketing budget to Zuck every time. And now what??
2022-09-29 13:50:00 @Blackamazon we always hear so many stories of people with money and power completely losing touch with anyone who would push back on their increasingly unhinged ideas. she could have done that to the absolute extremeso the fact that she's resisted that pitfall is even more incredible
2022-09-29 13:43:34 RT @esmaeilion: وقتش رسیده است.سنفرانسیسکو امریکا، شنبه اول اکتبر.#دادخواهی#مهسا_امینی#OpIran
2022-09-29 13:43:23 RT @esmaeilion: وقتش رسیده است.نیویورک امریکا، شنبه اول اکتبر.#دادخواهی#مهسا_امینی#OpIran
2022-09-29 13:43:09 RT @esmaeilion: وقتش رسیده است.شیکاگو امریکا، شنبه اول اکتبر.#دادخواهی#مهسا_امینی#OpIran
2022-09-29 13:42:59 RT @esmaeilion: وقتش رسیده است.دیترویت امریکا، شنبه اول اکتبر.#دادخواهی#مهسا_امینی#OpIran
2022-09-29 13:42:53 RT @esmaeilion: وقتش رسیده است.لسآنجلس امریکا، شنبه اول اکتبر.#دادخواهی#مهسا_امینی#OpIran
2022-09-28 20:48:50 @ubiquity75 sometimes when things get really really bad i archive everything and quietly hope everyone forgets they ever sent me an email
2022-09-28 00:18:22 RT @Esqueer_: If any journalists or folks with connections at Google want specific info, let me know and send me a DM. I can provide the li…
2022-09-27 13:42:10 RT @UpFromTheCracks: just want to acknowledge that this is an argument @thotscholar made in depth like 18 months ago, then was called a pic…
2022-09-27 02:45:23 RT @mer__edith: We understand that the Play Store and the Signal site are currently blocked in Iran. So we created an email address: gets…
2022-09-26 20:24:38 @funranium yes! and now maybe they'll consciously notice this kinda stuff in papers they like
2022-09-26 20:17:05 people in the replies to this are rudely saying shit like anyone in grad school should already know this by the time they get to grad school, andlolactually, lolllllllllllll
2022-09-26 10:43:11 @npseaver
2022-09-26 00:15:04 @UpFromTheCracks vapid comedy podcasts, youtube video essays about video games or tv shows i've never seen, etclistening to someone talk about... anything i can intellectually disengage from has turned out to be a good way to doze off without (as many) substances, if you're reticent about that
2022-09-25 13:28:23 if american psycho was produced 20 years later the business card scene would be replaced with this iCal scene.
2022-09-25 12:12:09 @CartyBoston vague statements abound on people's faculty pages, probably still, because noncommittal statements naming nobody cost nothingi remember UMich, CMU, UW faculty in HCI speaking up though - naming Ullman - calling him out for what he is. i guess stanford faculty were more cautious
2022-09-25 11:54:05 i couldn't find the words to describe how angry i was with the ACM for exalting this man who was avowedly, publicly racist.but the silence from stanford CS faculty, from whom i waited anxiously for ANY kind of comment, was something else entirely. i couldn't even call it anger.
2022-09-25 02:47:23 not as invisible unless you count the retrospective whitewashing of his faculty page to remove all the racist diatribes, but couldn't help but think about this
2022-09-25 02:46:30 the professor who replied to a colleague inquiring about grad school when she was an undergrad by telling her that he would not work with Iraniansand then the ACM gave him a turing award
2022-09-24 19:31:50 cdc is gonna make washing hands optional because people are tired and hand soap is depressing, but if you have a food borne illness or if everyone around you has a bug you should probably really consider it if that's your jam or whatever
2022-09-24 15:21:58 @abelinasabrina pre-empting for people who are gonna be like "iT's JuSt CoMeDy" punching down isn't comedy, it's just bullying
2022-09-24 15:13:27 @thetalkshow @reckless i think this bothers me because apple is usually good about designing software to do the right thing when clumsy people use these devices (eg ipad bezels)similar issue pulling my phone out of pocket &
2022-09-24 15:08:36 @thetalkshow @reckless also, i think this echos nilay but in slightly different words, but long pressing a button isn't just "right click" as he said - it's like design-language speak for "hesitation"
2022-09-24 15:04:47 @thetalkshow @reckless more reasons @reckless is right about dynamic island long/short press orderwhen you tap the display header, you shoot to the top of the page. great!when you miss that and tap the island, it bounces you OUT OF the current app. not great!expanding the island would be less bad
2022-09-23 15:14:00 RT @Omid_M: Her name is Hananeh Kian. She was 23 years old when she was shot dead yesterday in Noshahr, Iran. One of the dozens of ppl lost…
2022-09-23 01:21:57 RT @byBethRankin: At #ona22, @TaylorLorenz, @hwise29 &
2022-09-23 01:11:01 article desperately shitting on Meghan Marklecongrats, you completed the scavenger hunt
2022-09-22 23:44:14 RT @signalapp: A request to our community: Signal is blocked in Iran. You can help people in Iran reconnect to Signal by hosting a proxy se…
2022-09-22 22:03:04 RT @timnitGebru: "Our personal experiences sucked into a database, organized by AI and sold to the highest bidder...a behavior modification…
2022-09-22 15:48:34 @katienotopoulos you know when something breaks your brain so abruptly that you just start laughing?
2022-09-22 04:00:40 okay, those photos are pretty sad
2022-09-22 04:00:38 okay, you did that? great! thank you so muchhere are more photos of doggo. is he a good dog Y/N?
2022-09-22 04:00:37 here's info on people and orgs actually IN Puerto Rico, helping Puerto Ricans, doing important and desperately needed work. please donate if you can:
2022-09-22 04:00:36 it's my birthday i'm 33!if you're in a position to do so, i'd be really grateful if you could donate to relief orgs on the ground in Puerto Rico dealing with the damage done by hurricane fionaand if you're not, if you could RT these photos of my puppy, that'd be cool :)
2022-09-22 01:26:39 RT @hneutr: 1/ New paper! with @_szhang @aaronclauset @DanLarremore. We analyzed all 295K tenure-track faculty a…
2022-09-22 01:10:57 i also talked about it vanishingly briefly in my utopia paperbut don't download it just for thatdownload it because it might help my metrics lol
2022-09-22 01:07:53 still remember the UT Austin paper where they described a machine learning system they were using to "help organize" phd applications (read: fast-track rejecting students with profiles that don't match the profiles of past students), then quietly ending its use a few years later
2022-09-21 22:04:35 i would like to take a moment to thank twitter for implementing that button to view quote tweets. it does so much work for us, especially now.
2022-09-20 11:56:07 @Blackamazon i'm seeing some QTs complaining that this is trauma bonding if he only wants to talk about racism with his partner and like ??? that's totally not what he said????? people are making up their own lore here
2022-09-20 09:38:57 also: "everybody seems to be in pretty good shape"
2022-09-20 09:37:56 still can't get over the president being like "If you notice, no one's wearing masks" like 6 months after the CDC gave up on masking guidance. like i know the headline was "pandemic over", but supporting it by being like "um look around, do YOU see people wearing masks?" kills me
2022-09-19 22:11:13 winter is the test. we shouldn't even be entertaining this conversation until we see case numbers through january. shits gonna get worse over the next few months AND it's going to be harder to spend time outside. the secretary of health should be cautioning people. fucking hell.
2022-09-19 21:57:12 last year i figured that i would gauge my outlook for the year based on how cases peaked by and through winter break. if we avoided a major spike, now that we had vaccines, then maybe the summer i could feel more relaxedand, well
2022-09-19 21:46:57 this "pandemic is over" shit in the middle of september reminds me of that episode of the simpsons where a hurricane came through springfield and homer came out to be like "wow it's over" but everyone was like "this is the eye of the storm you idiot"
2022-09-19 01:51:09 please don't go into the goddamn winter saying we've beaten a respiratory virus. and get your booster shots ffs
2022-09-19 00:13:53 uh, the NYT reports we're seeing ~60,000 new cases per day over the past 7 days.but it's okay because winter is coming up and historically that's been a slow period for respiratory viruses
2022-09-18 21:07:50 RT @michael_muller: Please join us for mutual education of HCI and AI at the Human Centered AI workshop @ NeurIPS 2022! To apply, please se…
2022-09-18 21:04:14 @EliErlick
2022-09-17 03:06:04 my head hurts
2022-09-16 00:39:19 you know what characterizes sick days quite often? especially long stretches of sick days?medical expenses!it's almost as if you kinda REALLY NEED THOSE SICK DAYS TO BE PAID AND SIMPLY REMOVING PENALTIES ISN'T ENOUGH
2022-09-16 00:25:37 ONE SICK DAYi fucking hope they vote to strike. failing that, i hope we see a wildcat strike. failing that, fuck everything.
2022-09-15 02:44:32 @rinewithoutacat yeahhhh i recognized the name and did a double take
2022-09-15 02:16:54 w... what the actual fuck???
2022-09-14 13:18:14 @mdekstrand the reviews i see from people who seem to know appears to be that the ultra won't compete with the devices made for serious divers, triathletes, etc.. anyway, but people at the low end of the market might find this compelling, and i think the same opportunity was there in cycling
2022-09-14 13:14:10 @mdekstrand true, many people would still prefer the bike computer, but people thinking about getting a series 8 might consider the ultra more palatable than buying an additional unit (even if the computer is a bit cheaper). and haptics could mitigate (some of) the need to look at the screen
2022-09-14 13:09:42 immediately thought about how the news as i logged off last night was about an explosive package that was detonated at northeastern university, and how these things are absolutely everywhere on university campuses.
2022-09-14 13:00:04 it was never in my budget and even if it were i haven't had a bike since my road bike got stolen lol, but off the cuff i think a lot of cyclists are almost but not quite ready to spend the money on all that quantification gear, but an apple watch is a bearable dip into that water
2022-09-14 12:56:36 i haven't been into cycling for years so idk, but i'm surprised the apple watch ultra doesn't have any cycling-specific features, like ANT+, or BT power meter connectivity, cadence sensors, etc...they could've paired up with strava and taken a big bite out of garmin &
2022-09-14 03:09:53 before anyone says "cmd-shift-v does that"i just don't have it in me to trust computers enough to do that shit without checking first
2022-09-13 21:46:29 @rhemalinder oh i mean i get that, i think i'm just confused about like... who takes them up on this offer??
2022-09-13 21:34:25 RT @Tinu: Twitter accessibility bots. A reference thread.
2022-09-13 21:33:25 emails generally don't find me well these days or any other days
2022-09-13 21:31:59 i spent a good chunk of the day wondering who these emails even work on
2022-09-13 20:14:03 @savasavasava for the first few weeks it was totally brutal in almost every imaginable way. and i was doing it remotely, so i wasn't prepared for the physical exhaustioni think it got better as i got physically used to it and better at not metaphorically sprinting right out of the blocks lol
2022-09-13 20:04:41 he'll actually lose his shit over it i swear to god
2022-09-13 20:03:54 if anyone gets a photo with Christian Smalls, make sure not to let jeff bezos see it
2022-09-13 20:02:16 @Abebab i did a drumroll in my head and clicked on it and almost choked on my water
2022-09-13 19:59:40 in early 2020 i expressed hope that this new pandemic might shock people into a sense of solidarity, of shared fate. after that, and after seeing cheap DEI initiatives lure people into unsafe environments and grind them to dust, i resist these hopeful, prescriptive platitudes.
2022-09-13 05:32:03 RT @techworkersco: If you live in SF, please contact your supervisors and let them know you don't want to live in a city where the police c…
2022-09-13 03:36:58 what other comprehensible way is there to describe what happened?
2022-09-13 03:08:24 @mcwm i lost my mind at the bit right at the end. somehow that was the worst by far.
2022-09-13 03:04:05 tried to think of a synonym for "hide" that started with "p" but i gave up
2022-09-13 03:02:03 hide the pain pete
2022-09-12 22:40:59 @dowellml that's currently happening.
2022-09-12 18:23:15 i can't stop thinking about this. the phenomenon of feeling that buzz of energy when you have an insight or juxtapose some ideas and find they align or reveal something about each other."used to". past tense. not true anymore. that scares the fuck out of me.
2022-09-12 18:12:17 anyway, i'm very pro "remote everything". i'd love to see friends at conferences again but the organizers of the conferences i attend couldn't even be relied upon to handle toilets for everyone, so it shouldn't be much surprise that they weren't up to the task of COVID prevention
2022-09-12 18:08:43 you hope your uni would support you, but be honest
2022-09-12 18:04:12 >
2022-09-12 17:55:56 >
2022-09-12 17:49:36 my nightmare is an academic conf. causes a lot of people to get COVID, many people come out of the acute phase with brain fog, and the organizers congratulate themselves for "0 deaths" while cohorts of young people come to terms with the fact that their academic careers are over.
2022-09-12 16:00:04 this is happening in an hour!
2022-09-11 23:17:43 finally listening to the @techwontsaveus episode with @hypervisible: literally cannot keep up with all the quotes i want to post. just check it out
2022-09-11 23:14:28 i was wrong sorry everyone
2022-09-11 23:13:13 @crystaljjlee i was wrong
2022-09-11 23:06:37 @rharang yeah, i generally do that too, but it seems like every other week he'll spin a wheel and pick a fight &
2022-09-11 23:00:47 @Verba_et_Vertus ah shit. that was a real case of wishful thinking, huh? thanks
2022-09-11 22:44:10 the latter obviously shouldn't get you banned from twitter, but good god is it a nice side effect of his suspension
2022-09-11 22:43:08 you could've made a running thread of all the misogynistic, racist bullshit he posted just for clicks.and this is saying nothing of the drivel he would post about AI, seemingly for the sole purpose of getting quoted in powerpoint slide decks by clueless business school people.
2022-09-11 22:34:53 i genuinely mean it when i say WOAHHHHHH ABOUT FUCKING TIME
2022-09-11 20:37:34 Queen Elizabeth II, a quiet supporter of locking your bike to any random pole you see fixed to the ground nearby, has died at age 96.
2022-09-11 20:21:45 RT @dr_nickiw: The silence in the CS community from the non-Black, alleged "advocates" in naming tech bro #3's weaponization of his power a…
2022-09-11 20:13:38 land acknowledgments are a popular way for beneficiaries of empire to pretend nobody has ever suggested reparations.
2022-09-11 20:08:15 RT @sashaperigo: The SF Rules Committee stayed the surveillance policy for several months, but it’s now up for a vote TOMORROW.The meetin…
2022-09-11 16:12:05 @jaydaronson thank you!
2022-09-11 16:11:54 RT @jaydaronson: CMU faculty and staff, join me &
2022-09-11 14:50:05 "widening your eyes is a signal that i'm pathologically obsessed with you"
2022-09-11 14:48:58 people are QTing this like "JFC shes so unlikeable why can't she just be friendly- look at the micro-expressions in her eyes, that signals defensiveness! why does she have to be like that? cant fucking stand her... anyway, i'm definitely like this about every marvel character :)"
2022-09-11 13:37:02 RT @blai_starker: ATTENTION ACADEMIC TWITTER!!The students of Carnegie Mellon University have written a letter of support for Dr. Uju Anya…
2022-09-11 02:48:50 Queen Elizabeth II, a quiet supporter of mixed martial arts, has died at age 96.
2022-09-11 02:24:27 RT @PanasheChig: Zora Neale Hurston told us, "If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it."We witness this…
2022-09-11 01:22:01 mmf mmff ffffm mfffm
2022-09-10 19:51:03 RT @WalleLawal: ‘You didn’t criticise the Queen when you were applying for a visa.’ Yes, because that’s how imperialism works. Congrats o…
2022-09-10 17:25:50 RT @nelsonlflores: A few of us wrote a letter of support for Uju Anya who has been targeted for her criticism of the Queen’s complicity in…
2022-09-10 17:20:55 @DippedRusk lol thanks for reading my mind
2022-09-10 17:19:26 @DippedRusk oh wow, thank you!
2022-09-10 17:03:16 i'm sure a joint letter is forthcoming. surprised by everyone's discipline, though. saying absolutely nothing about it until that letter is ready! shows a lot of restraint
2022-09-10 16:59:07 day 2 of checking the twitter profiles of tenured profs at CMU
2022-09-10 02:41:46 RT @mannyfidel: POV: you're henry kissinger and everyone wants another fun day on twitter
2022-09-10 02:08:24 RT @wellsbering: the queen died on star trek day...finally something goes right for miles o'brien
2022-09-10 01:58:00 @pardoguerra lotssss of people in the HCI world have ties to CMU. i so badly wish i saw more of them in my timeline right now. i guess this is the eroding effect of experience on hope.
2022-09-10 01:55:28 @KarlTheFog i moved away recently and miss karl :(
2022-09-10 01:53:39 even for a university named after andrew carnegie, this is a low point
2022-09-10 01:52:46 still blown away by jeff bezos being such a monumental bag of dicks, and by CMU debasing itself by condemning a descendant of survivors of genocide, a god damn professor at their own god damn university, for expressing relief at the death of one of said genocide's perpetrators
2022-09-09 17:48:17 out of abundant respect, Fridays will be half days for the foreseeable future
2022-09-09 17:47:15 this is the weirdest way to announce your meteorological team is going on vacation.
2022-09-09 13:48:42 preparing a talk where i was planning to make a short digression about the consequences of universities endearing themselves to tech oligarchs and corporate interests idk might mention this idk idk
2022-09-09 13:44:51 lol "values of the institution"
2022-09-09 09:00:45 RT @nhelberger: Job opportunity: The AI, Media &
2022-09-09 03:48:30 shout out to CMU for the prompt demonstration of solidarity with their multi-billionaire patron.
2022-09-09 03:46:09 mmm, i'm sure Jeff Bezos, noted weirdo, is genuinely a huge critical sociolinguistics nerd and that's how he knows about Dr Anya.
2022-09-09 01:19:59 RT @anildash: ohhhhhhhh i see
2022-09-09 01:19:48 well, that explains it.
2022-09-09 01:16:52 RT @anildash: @mac779 @maumauzdaughter Lots of people said the same or worse. He picked the one whom he knows had endorsed the Amazon worke…
2022-09-08 21:40:05 @rinewithoutacat @ArtvWar @MTA lolllll
2022-09-08 20:52:18 just waiting for the company i get loose leaf tea from to make an incredibly shitty tweet, what are you doing?
2022-09-08 20:02:16 RT @AlphabetWorkers: Alex Hanna, formerly of the Ethical AI team, speaking next about how workers have demonstrated against military contra…
2022-09-08 19:20:26 in honor of this insane fucking tweet, here's something to read
2022-09-08 19:16:44 w... what are you even doing?
2022-09-08 19:15:58 RT @kavithadavidson: Irish Twitter Brown Twitter Black Twitter
2022-09-08 19:05:41 aggrieved white guy with billions of dollars and a fucking space ship directs mob to harass Black woman because a passing comment against empire made him self-conscious
2022-09-08 19:02:27 i started writing an issue in github asking if the maintainer of a sublime text package would be able to add support for something and after 20 minutes i got so mad at LaTeX that i just gave up.
2022-09-08 18:37:06 RT @morgan_sung: all of formerly colonized twitter watching "now let's keep it respectful today" twitter
2022-09-08 18:11:20 shouldn't you be in space or something?
2022-09-07 15:42:47 @mimismash AN ACTUAL "IT WORKS BY MAKING CLICKING SOUNDS" CLICKER.this is the era of the person commenting on SERENA WILLIAMSit's 2 steps away from this shit
2022-09-07 15:38:05 whatever planet you grew up on is not the one we currently live on. the only reason you don't have to confront that is a heinous lopsided intergenerational imbalance of wealth over decades, and somehow we keep coming back to these people for like... folksy racist takes
2022-09-07 15:35:24 they didn't even have DNA sequencing until the decade after court retired. imagine your professional life against the backdrop of the plague being a going concern &
2022-09-07 15:30:11 journalists, resist the impulse to ask the flinstones to comment on things. i'm sure they'll say something eye-popping
2022-09-07 15:28:10 Bell manufactured the first bicycle helmet that most people would consider vaguely recognizable in 1975, just 2 years before court retired. you know what people wore until then? this leather hairpiece
2022-09-07 15:22:59 the television remote control was a newer invention in the world when margaret court turned pro than the iphone is to us today.
2022-09-07 15:19:47 smallpox wasn't eradicated until 3 years after she retired.the plague. that's how far back we're talking.
2022-09-07 15:17:19 margaret court retired so long ago that post its didn't even exist yet.
2022-09-07 14:34:56 RT @smartstatistic: Let me explain again! We're STILL under a boil water alertWe STILL can not drink out water!Even when our water is "d…
2022-09-07 14:27:38 RT @DeeshaPhilyaw: Perfect time for my annual tweet about the editor who told me Dr. Roberts (interview + her books) wasn’t an adequate sou…
2022-09-07 13:55:20 @eevee @0xabad1dea i feel like a typewriter when i read that shit
2022-09-06 23:50:24 RT @mer__edith: This piece by @nitashatiku provides a really clear and thorough overview. Thank you!
2022-09-06 12:12:13 @mer__edith @signalapp !!!! omg, congrats!!!!!
2022-09-06 11:48:49 RT @mer__edith: Professional news! On September 12 I'll be officially starting as President of @signalapp. I'm honored, I'm excited, and I…
2022-09-04 03:16:26 nah i'm kidding i hope they're happy
2022-09-04 03:15:33 You know what the best part of my day is? It's for about ten seconds when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door. 'Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No goodbye, no "see ya later", no nothin'. You just left.
2022-09-02 20:10:49 RT @morganklauss: Privilege stems from how other people and systems see and classify you, and what the classification allows you to do or n…
2022-09-02 19:03:47 @gwenckatz @ireneista and presumably also children who lost a parent (or multiple parents)
2022-09-02 19:02:09 precarity
2022-09-02 17:15:45 i'm looking forward to watching this, sounds like an awesome idea
2022-09-02 17:12:34 @janusrose see self-driving car advocates talking about sectioning off parts of roads for just them. their own stupid separate world
2022-09-02 17:11:46 @janusrose they scale it up because the dumb idea seems to just need more resources. eventually they scale things down when it becomes clear that their fever dream idea doesn't work on this planet and they try to invent hermetically sealed environments where MAYBE their dumb idea will work
2022-09-02 16:56:09 @halhod not to be overwhelmingly pedantic but... *what* datasets that were not constructed by humans?
2022-09-02 16:51:54 journalists regurgitate this passive voice BS about how an AI was designed, like it wasn't designed BY SOMEBODY, like the results weren't moved forward BY SOMEBODY. like we're talking about a tidal wave or a rainstorm. it hits us and i guess that's just how the world turns
2022-09-02 16:45:53 this would be like if the team at Adobe who made Content Aware Fill shipped it and then looked at each other like "no one will need to take a photo ever again" like are you people serious?no strike that
2022-09-02 16:44:01 most painters probably buy their paints from an art store. if the focus of your work involves making the pigment itself, like inventing Vantablack or "world's pinkest pink", then i'm *guessing* you're not gonna go to Blick for acrylic paint. because that's the focus of your art
2022-09-02 16:40:50 we offload tasks strategically. @aragusea talked about this in the context of cooking i think - you can make bread to make a sandwich, sure
2022-09-02 16:36:59 same vibeartists will (continue to) use tech for various parts of their work. but without any communicative intent motivating the piece, this stuff barely rises to the level of hotel hallway decor. just there to fill empty spacethe thing is, we don't really need more garbage
2022-09-02 02:09:14 RT @seyiolojo: Starting an a reading group this fall with @HZeavin exploring how we can situate black scholarship in STS. I’m mostly excite…
2022-09-02 00:54:10 RT @niloufar_s: If you're close to finishing your PhD I highly recommend applying to the UC presidential postdoc meant to: "encourage outst…
2022-09-01 18:45:20 somewhere there are economists frantically working on a whiteboard to calculate the economic output lost due to lockdown vs the output lost from all the people who would die or come out of it with long-covid
2022-09-01 18:42:16 swear to god, there would be no institutional incentive to fight this pandemic if not for the fact that you probably see kids' test scores drop when they lose a parent
2022-09-01 00:14:38 @jathansadowski hahahaha i think he blocked everyone who follows chesa on twitter hahahahhahahahaah
2022-08-31 19:46:51 to be clear: time away from twitter didn't improve the situation with the emails. things are still terrible with the emails. i keep starring them and doing other stupid shit as, like, a promise to myself that i'll come back for them?? but now there are too many starred emails...
2022-08-31 19:40:47 i've had a lot less time to be on twitter these past few weeks because of things, and for a little while i knew what it was like to just have regular old anxiety and not supercharged anxiety. it was pretty cool. might do it more often as like a little treat.
2022-08-31 19:15:18 @ERnurse86 the people who say "now's not the time" mean "it's never the right time, but let's see how long you can hold your breath"
2022-08-31 19:06:23 @drewisgooden maybe the most interesting thing to me is how transparent the training data seems to be in some cases. obviously i could be wrong, but you read some of the output and you're like "okay, got it, this was trained on some reddit shit"
2022-08-31 19:04:59 i could probably make a thread of youtubers/web entertainers who have played around with AI and offered interesting reflections on it. most recently: @drewisgooden posted a video about using DALL-E and generative AIs more broadly to write video scripts:
2022-08-31 00:49:02 RT @willie_agnew: 2) "going rogue/grab power" going rogue and grabbing power from *who*? OpenAI? Some billionaires? The military-industrial…
2022-08-30 16:21:54 RT @nantarsya: Excited to study &
2022-08-30 14:27:49 RT @DataInstituteSF: The Center for Applied Data Ethics (CADE) is pleased to welcome Nantina Vgontzas as a data ethics fellow. Nantina’s ti…
2022-08-29 05:34:11 @cwarzel if i ever see an op-ed about the debt cancelation that starts with "the dictionary defines..." i'll @ you
2022-08-28 16:01:50 the issue isn't $300Bstudent debt disproportionately burdens people who simply cannot summon the extra cash to get over that marginal hump and make it start to shrink. so it keeps growingpeople will grow old and die paying off student debt. it's infinite revenue and leverage.
2022-08-28 14:07:36 @LibyaLiberty two words: chocolate. hummus.
2022-08-27 14:55:35 @timnitGebru @ruthstarkman well finally we have real evidence (because people saying what happened to them isn't valid if a computer scientist doesn't bless it)
2022-08-27 02:33:09 @vinn_ayy it's real coocoo :(
2022-08-27 01:24:28 warning: deadnaming and harassing an individual.
2022-08-27 00:06:25 Rogan, not even once.
2022-08-26 20:42:01 is "steals jokes and artwork" part of the advanced pack?
2022-08-26 17:44:21 RT @yurirando: also this is a huge piece of vindication for everyone who ever struggled with brain fog and was told by doctors to essential…
2022-08-26 16:13:45 RT @bittergertrude: Nate Silver is that dude in grad school who didn't do the reading &
2022-08-26 16:13:32 RT @beccalunch: nate silver is the guy in your discussion group who did none of the assigned reading but “plays devils advocate” to hide th…
2022-08-26 15:39:59 i already know this is going to pop back into my head and drive me crazy throughout the day and i fucking hate it
2022-08-26 15:36:38 thank you for representing the dumbos out there, nate silver :) you're doing a service for so many
2022-08-26 15:35:48 flashbacks to that kid in class who was painfully confused about the reading, later tries to backtrack by saying "o-other people, dumber people than me- because i got it, you see- dumber people will get confused. because they're not smart like me - like us :)"
2022-08-26 15:30:31 you can tell someone to stop being ungrateful hypocrites without that meaning you think debt cancelation is wrong
2022-08-26 15:29:19 if nate is actually this stupid i don't know what to say
2022-08-26 15:22:19 i'm sure the pedestrians in this metaphor appreciate it
2022-08-26 14:26:45 i'm just flabbergasted by how unimaginably steep the slope has been on quality of life for young people. the shit we force kids to routinely go through because we don't want to deal with a problem ourselves just keeps mounting and mounting
2022-08-26 14:20:09 @hondanhon @tomhannen i recently got a 32-bit float recording interface and it's really neat to get that kind of functionally limitless range, but that thing alone can produce surprisingly large files considering it's "just" audio
2022-08-26 14:17:56 @hondanhon @tomhannen oh my gosh right
2022-08-26 14:17:05 @hondanhon @tomhannen if star trek voyager was recorded on tape then why even bother asking for lossless copies of the episodes? :(
2022-08-26 14:16:04 @hondanhon @tomhannen i think the issue is that drawing a line there means something like 12gbps (if we're talking about 24-bit color, 4k, 60fps). a 44-minute tv show would be... 2640*12-->
2022-08-26 03:09:04 RT @JakeMGrumbach: this is a slap in the face to everyone who worked hard and paid the $51 to Elsevier to rent an article for 24 hours
2022-08-26 00:47:55 RT @UpFromTheCracks: Just finished a panel on abolishing family policing and it’s algorithms featuring @DorothyERoberts and @b_lts_ . Now m…
2022-08-25 23:36:47 RT @Linkletter: Remote Scan of Student’s Room Before Test Violated His Privacy, Judge RulesPaywall-free @newyorktimes link:…
2022-08-25 23:33:03 RT @theSBPC: ' : Tell us your happy student debt cancellation stories. LETS UGLY CRY TOGETHER!!(and then demand more, so more o…
2022-08-25 23:29:59 RT @emilyesfraser: @zeynep The message can’t be “those poor people w/ Long Covid deserve help.” It needs to be “we are all at risk &
2022-08-25 23:20:05 RT @zeynep: Long Covid sufferers have waited too long for help, and things need to change, *now*.Research isn't fast or broad enough. Som…
2022-08-25 22:37:03 RT @shengokai: For the curious, @DocDre’s book provides some excellent context for what I mean in the above. That is, while this is hilario…
2022-08-25 17:29:27 @MikeIsaac it's gonna be a no from me
2022-08-25 02:50:11 @DogWisdomPoker these people are beyond our ability to help. they need to be visited by 3 spirits on christmas eve or something
2022-08-20 01:55:50 get excited everybody
2022-08-20 01:34:27 cue the marvel "phase four" timeline but all the movies are about bit characters from the original
2022-08-20 01:29:56 thank god, i wouldn't want to watch a movie about two guys taking a joyride in a fancy car unless it's canonically part of the ferris bueller cinematic universe
2022-08-19 00:29:37 RT @KrauseFx: New Post: Announcing InAppBrowser - see what JavaScript commands get injected through an in-app browser TikTok, when ope…
2022-08-18 20:55:02 RT @davejorgenson: lol
2022-08-18 18:26:24 "would you like to upgrade your ambiance to have a quieter atmosphere for just $4.99?"
2022-08-18 18:25:08 gonna love going to a nice restaurant and shouting "zero! zero! zero! operator? main menu! MAIN MENU" at a hologram
2022-08-18 18:23:36 "hi! i'm your virtual waiter! is wine good for your diet? you had 854 calories at this meal, so you should probably stick to water :) remember: please do not reply
2022-08-18 14:18:19 with that being said here are some pics of doggo across the country
2022-08-18 14:03:24 i think a keen eye probably would've noticed i had been moving over the past few days/weeks/??, but i don't want people to become such keen followers of my daily adventures that they would have to pull out the red string and cork board to know this stuff
2022-08-18 14:00:43 hello, i'm in ann arbor!(just fyi in case you're trying to meet with me in SF... or if you think you see my doppelgänger in michigan)
2022-08-17 18:57:25 FB didn't realize to prevent people from violating one another's personal space until like a few months ago. by that point they had spent more than $10B.nothing's going toward making it a space for people. it's so utterly a space for advertisers, it might someday be remarkable.
2022-08-17 18:57:24 every new embarrassing update about the metaverse and bit of news about how much they've spent on it is just an indirect reminder that this space is so highly engineered specifically for advertising and surveillance to the exclusion of anything else
2022-08-17 18:57:23 the apparent cheapness of the metaverse isn't intrinsically upsetting to me. i mean it kinda is but it's not the source of looming dread. that feeling stems from the knowledge that the billions FB spends on the metaverse are not going toward making it look acceptable
2022-08-17 18:38:21 @jevanhutson thanks for putting the wii sports music in my head just now
2022-08-17 18:35:47 more than 15 billion dollars for these dead-eyed sims knockoffs without legs.
2022-08-16 15:54:38 "hey man, false binaries are, like, really bad. we should have space for TERFy reactionary shit in our tent :)"
2022-08-16 03:04:32 i kept cropping this tweet tighter and tighter because it just kept getting more absurd with every clause.
2022-08-16 03:01:36 ... can the CDC maybe meet us where another country is instead?
2022-08-15 17:44:27 if you're ever wondering what's causing silicon valley to be a place so comprehensively unlivable that it sometimes feels like an assault on your bodily senses
2022-08-14 19:15:20 i almost said "the thing that's intriguing to me these days is..." but that's like saying the phenomenon of being gaslit for years is intellectually and academically curiouswhich, mmm, maybe. after a few years of therapy and distance
2022-08-14 19:13:31 different admonishments get deployed according to the state of things. either you're early, and a jerk for derailing a nascent project
2022-08-14 19:13:30 people resist structural changes with large systems (tech/social)
2022-08-13 18:19:45 (can't wait to be told i'm not being nice enough about this)
2022-08-13 18:16:05 just the same shit for years and years. nothing really changes. somehow there's a revolving door of white guys going inside to make a fortune, coming out, saying "huh, <
2022-08-13 18:11:18 just like... great you're acknowledging you were wrong? but how did you end up being wrong? what sources or kinds of knowledge did you value and not value and how did that make you wrong until now and what are you gonna do about it?
2022-08-13 18:06:33 Black women have been saying for YEARS that organized/political disinfo isn't the most significant threat with generative algorithmic systems like deepfake algo's &
2022-08-13 01:37:43 @hondanhon a room full of all the commits that broke production in pillow form. you take a nap in the room when needed
2022-08-11 20:33:01 the cdc doesn't wash its hands after peeing, you can just tell
2022-08-11 19:57:19 by the way if you go looking for him, don't
2022-08-11 19:56:58 and then he deleted his tweets and lamented how this site is just people bullying each other like lmao what
2022-08-11 19:56:04 i know this site is full of goofy idiots but i'm still thinking about the guy who felt more strongly about zoom meeting attendance than undermining a coworker's ongoing conflict with management by anonymously trashing them for conspicuously gossipy hit pieces about said coworker
2022-08-11 17:13:44 lol it's already thursday fml
2022-08-11 17:13:22 am i gonna spend my week making an annotated bibliography for the FTC? maybe
2022-08-11 17:10:44 wow, this is a big deal. i mean, much more to day than that, but still processing
2022-08-11 16:50:13 @DogWisdomPoker yep
2022-08-11 13:31:43 some of you all need to outgrow the edgelord phase of high school where you pretend you always knew about every bad thing happening even in domains you didn't know existed until yesterday
2022-08-11 13:29:29 people are acting like this isn't that big a deal or more precisely that this was widely known, but uh... tampering with SSL-encrypted content is a uniquely transgressive escalation of facebook's already invasive tracking. this kinda shit would get a normal apple developer banned
2022-08-11 12:58:18 RT @KrauseFx: New Post: Instagram &
2022-08-11 02:31:23 the union is the people like this is the first slide of every slide deck lol
2022-08-11 02:30:47 i think it's a little weird to choose this moment to blame someone for not showing up for union activity <
2022-08-10 20:24:05 RT @therealjgutz: jk I'm not done - one rhetorical question: what does it mean for a white man to describe their own body as being "equippe…
2022-08-10 17:43:34 i don't mean to be totally self-serving, but if you're in academia organizing in-person conferences, i hope you're seriously reflecting on this and thinking about what you're putting early career researchers through by way of pressure to attend all available in-person conferences
2022-08-10 02:19:33 @ShamirBailey @rickshawstopsf fuck fuck fuck yes
2022-08-09 17:54:35 i've lost count of how many intl students have told me about how they hated what they were working on or hated working with their advisor but were bound to their advisors' whims - and their politics - because to rebuke it could irrecoverably derail their lives.
2022-08-09 17:51:06 the leverage faculty have over intl students &
2022-08-09 16:00:42 RT @rajiinio: It's frustrating that the only really viable long-term funding options for international CS PhD students in the U.S. seem to…
2022-08-09 15:35:56 @rinewithoutacat i'm speechless
2022-08-09 15:31:11 @IgorBrigadir i kept trying to think how could this be a parody, or not be a parody, or be like a total misfire of a dark joke, but like... the pdf just keeps going on in earnest... like it's totally real...
2022-08-09 15:29:38 @IgorBrigadir yep :S
2022-08-09 15:09:37 >
2022-08-09 15:07:00 i'm scared to click on the pdf link because how can this abstract be real
2022-08-09 15:04:49 not gonna link it but you WILL know it when you see it. how is this shit real life?
2022-08-09 15:01:13 lots of opportunity for synergy with the "nurses making tiktoks for clout" business model tiktok has had going
2022-08-09 14:54:49 like 2 big picture thoughts1. incredible failure of the union to recognize and do its job2. so do we need to talk about what it looks like to get fucking played? like is there any air of skepticism or critical reflection about how a story lands at your feet?
2022-08-09 14:52:19 the smear campaign against erin is one thing. you expect a media conglomerate to use its toolset to try to undermine a whistleblower.but watching other news orgs - especially the union that should be protecting her rights as a worker - *participate*?with friends like these...
2022-08-09 00:38:23 RT @anthropologydp: UPDATE: the FBI agents are now swarming the ladder beneath a beligerent Steven Pinker. He keeps shouting "I won at life…
2022-08-07 12:00:04 truly unfortunate
2022-08-07 00:13:32 RT @csdoctorsister: @_alialkhatib “By releasing the chatbot to the general public, Meta wants to collect feedback on the various problems f…
2022-08-06 21:54:19 what
2022-08-06 18:41:52 RT @JessicaCalarco: For the last four years, my research team and I have been following an Indiana mom I'll call Brooke, who got pregnant w…
2022-07-26 20:20:13 RT @_alialkhatib: it's worth correcting whenever it comes up: the luddites had issues neither with looms nor with mechanization. they knew…
2022-07-26 20:20:07 @MerriamWebster
2022-07-26 19:48:31 RT @BitchyAmi: @antumbral Google's eternal MO of "make products, never bother supporting products because that's not how you get ahead in t…
2022-07-26 18:51:26 RT @bamenke: Can we please change the ranking metrics so that college campuses aren't construction sites all the damn time?
2022-07-26 18:43:38 the hustle &
2022-07-26 17:20:13 either way tell them to kick rocks and eat shit or kick shit and eat rocks or whatever
2022-07-26 17:19:18 do they think people don't see this cynically as an overused tool to try to motivate voters? just do the damn thing and let republicans work themselves into knots over whether they want a strong unitary executive with far-reaching power or if now they want small government again.
2022-07-26 16:50:28 RT @emilymbender: GPT-3, or any language model, is nothing more than an algorithm for producing text. There's no mind or life or ideas or i…
2022-07-26 16:48:35 RT @afrodesiaq: this monkeypox breakout is going to be very ugly when it "suddenly" explodes into the general population. the messaging aro…
2022-07-26 16:43:23 @hackylawyER i wish i could be joking about this
2022-07-26 16:42:11 @hackylawyER "they invited me to live on their property for some time and after discussing it with my bosses they agreed this sounded like a good idea" like lol what
2022-07-26 16:38:19 @hackylawyER it should be a more obvious red flag to pubs when a reporter comes back from interviewing tech startup folks with these kinds of stars in their eyes. it really makes me think a sufficiently charming charlatan could scam the entire staff at the new yorker into reverse mortgages
2022-07-26 16:35:40 @hackylawyER reads like a profile of adam neumann. lots of delirious fawning and syrupy cliches about how proximity makes you lose your sense of perspective and even basic reality. almost as if the new yorker should hire a deprogrammer for the reporter writing their profile before publishing.
2022-07-26 15:48:48 RT @BlackPnwLady: They are going to kill queer people over monkey pox stories being presented like this.
2022-07-26 15:19:06 my favorite part of this is how i could pause and go back a few seconds :) good job twitter
2022-07-26 15:17:31 "we support diversity and different backgrounds informing unique perspectives" but then also this
2022-07-26 14:01:25 i mean you can write a little note on your phone that's just full of little affirmations followed by md5 hashes if you really want
2022-07-26 13:59:44 paying for a string of text so you can say "eyyy, remember that diamond?" and a tech company run by a white supremacist is like "hell ya, you're so special. now pay me"
2022-07-26 13:43:38 RT @karenkho: arguing US healthcare is good? In this economy?
2022-07-26 13:37:10 i keep expecting one of them to just blurt out "hey man are you gonna flash me later? should i skip lunch??"
2022-07-22 15:20:06 i just-how do you ask people to focus on the less famous, more vulnerable people and not manage to reach "how do dave's transphobic attacks affect TRANS PEOPLE"it's just bafflingly, inexplicably stupid
2022-07-22 05:45:01 what i wouldn't give to only see 20 characters of 10 tweets of this app
2022-07-22 05:36:18 RT @QuinnyPig: "Why is @Amazon acquiring @OneMedical bad news?"Let's explore.1. Horizontal integration at Amazon scale of a company tha…
2022-07-22 03:22:57 @MikeIsaac if the camera were a few feet lower it could've been a knockoff wes anderson shot which would've made my month for sure
2022-07-22 03:21:00 @MikeIsaac a wide shot is often shorthand for comedy but i think this would've been funny in any film style
2022-07-21 04:01:37 RT @KimCrayton1: I’ve been saying for years that tech has great job of introducing new products/services as entertainment or altruism BEFOR…
2022-07-20 22:36:26 first it's the dancing robot
2022-07-20 05:48:33 SP is short for "Sus Picious"
2022-07-19 21:53:52 RT @so_treu: DING x 3
2022-07-19 21:47:07 @so_treu "politics and nuance aside" is white people speak for "i just looked at some country shape outlines on google maps and that is pretty much all i know about what i'm about to talk about"
2022-07-19 18:23:40 RT @ProfMMurray: This will not be like the pre-Roe landscape. It will be worse. The only way to enforce these bans is to rely on a surveill…
2022-07-19 17:13:54 @avicenna ->
2022-07-19 17:12:31 @avicenna i'm a little brain fried from driving but the loose thought that i can think of right now is this chapter at the end of "utopia of rules" where graeber talks about how justice movements move to formalize working groups to shine a light on in-group dynamics and ossified power->
2022-07-19 16:56:21 the tweet got deleted it's ok i've got a screenshot lol
2022-07-19 16:54:18 RT @_alialkhatib: collaborating with authority and power is not some neutral exchange. pretending you're not an agent of the state/oppresso…
2022-07-19 16:51:52 collaborating with authority and power is not some neutral exchange. pretending you're not an agent of the state/oppressor when you just accept the data they construct about people they oppress should be an absolute scandal
2022-07-19 16:45:20 people are laughing at this &
2022-07-19 16:37:08 idk, might be a really superficial reading and i could be drawing a connection that intentionally isn't there on the page
2022-07-17 19:14:26 SF continues to be painfully transparent about its politics despite its facade. the Chronicle just matches the energy of so much power in the city: superficial, almost-farcical talk about diversity, with what must be a gag reflex regarding any talk of restoration or real justice.
2022-07-17 18:41:27 i forgot about this lmao
2022-07-17 06:02:05 show some respect, people.
2022-07-17 05:40:44 RT @yaneerbaryam: "A nightmare scenario"So letting the virus run unchecked is pretty much a strategy for creating a tsunami of neurologic…
2022-07-16 21:16:37 god i hope someone doesn't ever take me too seriously on this fucking app
2022-07-16 21:16:06 oh my god.oH MY GOD!NO MACJINE LEARNIGN?Twitter is toast!NO AUTOMATION?NOT EVEN TO CALCULATE STATISTICS!‽!!!ohh my godddddd wow smh
2022-07-16 18:52:21 @sendgoodcheers given how amazon operates i think they'll recommend sketchy as fuck supplements via prime delivery
2022-07-16 18:49:17 @sendgoodcheers i wonder how it classifies screaming at the top of my lungs...
2022-07-16 18:48:06 @sendgoodcheers oh sorry there's a better (at least more accessible) it scans your body (with your phone camera) to estimate body fat (lol.), tracks activity like everything else, &
2022-07-16 18:42:55 mm. fun and interesting
2022-07-16 18:42:53 interestinggggggg
2022-07-16 18:42:52 interesting
2022-07-16 18:39:28 "america will be a pretty fun and interesting place to live in a number of ways"fun in the sense that you're running away from this crazy fuck because some Ring camera misidentified some poor fucking stranger as you walking into an abortion clinic in some other state fun
2022-07-16 18:33:35 *whispers* that's what the white supremacists have been promising for years
2022-07-16 02:40:56 god we have all this fucking office space that nobody wants to occupy what ever can we do*thousands of people drowning from rent*i mean what fun business-y stuff can we do
2022-07-16 02:39:04 this city is just full of fucking goofy people
2022-07-15 06:08:25 @verge what did you think we meant these last few years when we said that...?
2022-07-14 21:27:51 @hypervisible "maybe a little nap mid-ride?"*sketches a person lying down in the back of a hearse*"add some Z's so you know they're sleeping"
2022-07-14 21:26:55 @hypervisible i really hope someone on that team knows this project is a joke and that they're having some fun sketching out these ideas.
2022-07-14 21:23:01 the old "i'm just saying [stupid shit in your mentions]" to "hey, you're being reactive " pipeline of interminable twitter discourse.not getting into someone's mentions is always, and i cannot stress this enough, a real and creditable option.
2022-07-14 20:54:23 just wanna cite this so much
2022-07-14 20:44:15 RT @JamesTCarter3: Dropping “(CITE)” in the manuscript so my co-author can find evidence of the completely unfounded sentence I just wrote.…
2022-07-14 20:25:34 i get how you arrived here, but nevertheless i feel you misunderstood the spirit of the assignment i gave you, twitter search...
2022-07-14 20:20:26 pattinson, ford, guinness, idek how many other white guys can be openly contemptuous of the film/tv projects that made them famous &
2022-07-14 17:39:00 the secret is more garlic, it's always more garlic
2022-07-14 17:38:27 like you have a lot of faith in absolutely idfk what if you're sharing anything more sensitive than NYT recipes in DMs
2022-07-14 17:37:39 This bird app that was literally infiltrated by Saudi government spies and later almost owned by apartheid clyde
2022-07-14 17:27:05 !!! this is awesome
2022-07-13 23:31:50 @emilymbender @underlineio twitch streamers have "starting soon" templates. conferences should copy some of the practices that clearly work for online video/streaming
2022-07-13 22:02:24 it feels like the WFH equivalent of saying goodbye and then walking in the same direction like i want to be like "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE- oh i need to click the red button... ok bye for real" i hate it so fucking much
2022-07-13 22:01:28 for all the time i've spent working from home i feel like i've never really figured out how to use zoomis there a setting or something where i can just ... close the zoom meeting without getting another dialog prompt?
2022-07-13 19:51:16 RT @ba_lyons: Faculty are 25 times more likely to have a parent with a PhD. I just remembered that when I was a kid, our window AC unit l…
2022-07-13 19:17:54 1. imagine foisting this on someone like now they need to know about CPU generations. next they'll be saying certain fab locations are disallowed2. electronic exam proctoring is a scummy, scammy industry that has no demonstrated interest in actually proctoring exams competently
2022-07-13 06:31:37 RT @lizthegrey: What protections for immunocompromised people? I'm on a domestic flight. There is no mask requirement. There should be one.…
2022-07-12 23:12:59 RT @JordanSCarroll: I think it freaks some people out that academic twitter is often dominated by contingent faculty, grad students, and TT…
2022-07-12 21:14:23 RT @AnthroPunk: Because META is 'Meta' is 'Meta.' it's like Inception, only worse, becsuse we are all awake.
2022-07-12 21:07:36 between this and the news about not requiring a FB account for Quest a few days ago, it feels like Meta don't know what front they're supposed to put up to the public. are they capturing &
2022-07-12 20:58:47 "BMW has also said this is a way for the 2nd owner to benefit from features that the original owner chose not to purchase"you COULD let people mod cars, but i guess maintaining a system that processes &
2022-07-12 18:59:46 i'm going to lose my mind over uhaul's website bugs
2022-07-12 05:10:42 RT @culturejedi: Damn, we have got to find housing solutions for our communities.
2022-07-12 05:10:36 jfc...
2022-07-12 01:10:53 RT @JustSpaceOrg: Most people who have weighed in in recent years (myself - @RocketToLulu - included) have not born the weight or risk of s…
2022-07-11 21:45:02 (this doesn't help people who face eventual risk or who just don't want to be pregnant, and the fight's not over until anyone who wants an abortion can get one, but this is some movement)
2022-07-11 21:42:23 i've given biden a lot of shit about doing something and this is somethingif someone involved with (/more knowledgeable about) abortion access wants to correct me, id be very receptive to hearing how he could be doing more or better, but this is definitely something substantive
2022-07-11 21:38:08 RT @bunrxm: The Red Hill Leak: How the U.S. Navy Has Poisoned Hawai'i's Waters for Decades
2022-07-11 21:37:33 @KeithVallacchi @RMac18 i feel like if you ever bought something from IKEA you'd inevitably pick up that 1in ~ 2.54cm
2022-07-11 05:33:30 @hcitonya that fucking L shaped sentence...
2022-07-11 01:17:34 holy shit, really important stuff i didn't really read but there are a lot of likes
2022-07-11 00:16:08 moving is never logistically easy but ffs
2022-07-11 00:13:37 rather unavoidable plans to move this summer have really turned into a whole second fucking job in terms of planning and shit so i think i misunderstood the instructions
2022-07-10 19:06:58 RT @UjuAnya: Since the love of my life (who now has a house in Pittsburgh) decided to air me on Twitter, let me tell y’all the full uncenso…
2022-07-10 17:24:16 amazon will never stop being amazon, the question is whether we'll permit them to continue to occupy our lives - a decision that is not at all foregone or inevitable.but it takes stopping shit like this.
2022-07-10 17:21:26 RT @sashaperigo: The proposed SFPD surveillance policy would allow cops to live access to people’sRing doorbell cameras and CCTV footage.…
2022-07-10 15:47:04 i don't get it. i keep marking academia dot edu emails as spam and i keep unsubscribing and yet i KEEP GETTING THESE FUCKING EMAILS
2022-07-10 15:43:06 i uhh i mean go out and vote you out-of-touch activists coalition-building
2022-07-10 15:41:31 some strategist is going to be like "it's time for us to develop our own 40-year plan" and when that happens i hope the party collapses under the crushing weight of people who won't live that long but who strategists evidently don't care about
2022-07-10 15:36:48 @vinn_ayy whatever you do don't get between the baby and the parent this time of year is really dangerous
2022-07-10 04:37:59 @fulligin congratulations!!! on getting this shot!!!!!!!!
2022-07-09 23:52:35 every angle of this situation is maddeningly stupid
2022-07-09 23:51:43 i love the idea that the activists had no active role in the formation of this supposed coalition
2022-07-09 23:48:08 I have people skills
2022-07-09 23:46:52 thank you joe for assembling an incredible coalition of ... *checks notes* ungrateful demanding out-of-touch activists
2022-07-09 23:43:40 if they're anything like me, they're gonna need the next few days to decompress from this much social activity.
2022-07-09 23:26:02 RT @_alialkhatib: @rinewithoutacat god damn it this got me
2022-07-09 23:25:58 @rinewithoutacat god damn it this got me
2022-07-09 21:18:28 i'll have a #3 but leave out the part where he owns twitter in the end. i can order parts of this a la carte, right?
2022-07-09 18:13:01 i am going to lose my mind over this vaguely apologetic horse shit
2022-07-09 18:11:54 some of this is merely detestable but the point about how a major reason people get abortions is because they can't afford it should be a scandal. the citation she uses is a forbes article claiming some 59% of people who get abortions happen to be mothers at high risk of poverty
2022-07-09 17:51:58 @caitlinmoriah whew, this thread is some truly wildly stupid shit. i kept scrolling and popping out to the quote tweets like "is anyone else seeing this shit???" but nope lots of dudes like "mmm indeed, certain truths in here, i am very erudite" garbage lol
2022-07-09 17:50:11 RT @caitlinmoriah: speak to a single woman, i beg of you
2022-07-09 17:43:39 elon paid a billion dollars to find out more followers than he felt comfortable about are probably bots, enough that he didn't want to literally own the problemi think it's really funny that whenever he tweets he's kinda just staring at a reminder of that fact in bird logo form
2022-07-08 21:36:28 RT @_alialkhatib: @rinewithoutacat one of the terms should've been that if he backs out he forfeits his twitter account
2022-07-08 21:32:44
2022-07-08 05:24:54 RT @nielstenoever: Please, don't put standards bodies in charge of ethics nor allow them to develop definitions of legal concepts.Standar…
2022-07-07 23:10:59 @CutForTime @BenjaminAhr @HamletIsDead @GreatestTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus "perfect[ly on time]"
2022-07-07 19:02:20 "eugenics gets a bad rap" is a hell of a way to start a sentence
2022-07-07 18:59:44 turning an R2's critiques into a "future work" section
2022-07-07 18:57:30 what the actual everlasting racist fucking fuck is going on right now?
2022-07-07 18:47:47 @MikeIsaac gonna make my finsta but on meta, gonna call it my feta
2022-07-07 18:47:11 @MikeIsaac "similar to Instagram’s existing model" lol
2022-07-07 18:45:26 this feels like pepsi responding to protests about unhealthy snack foods by announcing they're replacing fritos with doritos
2022-07-07 18:42:07 @MikeIsaac yeah like... what actually is the difference? and are any of the people interested in VR games(?) swayed that a different subsidiary is requiring login?
2022-07-07 15:27:51 my favorite part of this is how @freialobo's bio just reads "ghostwriter"
2022-07-07 15:25:57 how long till elon hires him to run PR at tesla or something?
2022-07-04 22:35:36 @IBJIYONGI if your claim starts falling apart as early as when they ask "do you have a name for the baby's birth certificate?" just give up
2022-07-04 22:33:47 @IBJIYONGI also this is laughably stupid but "no one is assigned anything at birth" ummm did i name myself when i was born and just forget??
2022-07-04 22:11:53 there's nothing to reform
2022-07-04 22:02:53 lolll they deleted the tweet??
2022-07-04 21:32:14 RT @Ajijaakwe: THEY AIN'T NEW
2022-07-04 20:44:11 whoops i should've known something was wrong when i didn't get a preview card
2022-07-04 20:19:24 last year there was a story of police coming to this guy in 2013 over an algorithm's... fever dream? hallucination? of him being involved in a shooting... somedaythey went to his f'ing house to tell him he might be shot. or BE the shooter. or... not?
2022-07-04 20:19:22 something about chicago and predictive policing...
2022-07-04 19:39:11 RT @evan_greer: This is good in the sense it shows tech companies are feeling the heat to clean up the surveillance hellscape mess they've…
2022-07-04 19:39:05 RT @KateRoseBee: This is a positive step, however:Google products are notoriously terrible at telling when something is actually an aborti…
2022-07-04 12:41:49 think of the poor engineers who designed the system. the algorithm claimed if they didn't do as it says then it'll predict something bad will happen to their brakes
2022-07-04 12:39:17 an algorithm claims lol
2022-07-03 22:14:45 didn't the CDC oversee the Tuskegee experiment? and initially call HIV "4H" or "GRID"?i say this to point out the CDC betrayed the trust of some people way before 2020
2022-07-03 21:57:15 RT @chaotic_sub: the grad student to second wife pipeline
2022-07-03 20:56:12 RT @rafiazakaria: If I had said Pamela Paul didn’t review my book Against White Feminism (despite having reviewed my previous one) because…
2022-07-03 19:36:56 weeks of screaming and know someone is having the time of their life telling that story, and they will for decades to come
2022-07-03 19:34:54 something i haven't seen anthropologists talk about enough is how you might go to a place to do fieldwork and the people there will tell you a bit of complete bullshit with a totally straight face for no real reason except to laugh about it with their friends later.
2022-07-03 19:17:29 RT @emilymbender: Not it effing can't. This headline is breathtakingly irresponsible. h/t @hypervisible
2022-07-03 19:08:20 there's some good news in the world
2022-07-03 04:33:53 RT @thricedotted: swipe keyboard is just like ouija
2022-07-02 21:07:28 RT @AugersMonster: “What’s the plan? You’re just going to try not to catch covid forever?”I cannot get my head around how this has become…
2022-07-02 21:01:19 i genuinely think more media depicting this kind of stuff would bothA) be a total fucking blast
2022-07-02 20:55:41 @Abebab @mmitchell_ai i'm so sorry that you had to endure this shit.
2022-07-02 20:54:46 @Abebab @mmitchell_ai a friend was telling me about her day and casually mentioned a manager who was making advances and she just brushed it off like "well, y'know, that's life" and like... the actual extent to which this harassment just wears down your expectations of being treated with dignity...
2022-07-02 17:09:12 i think the one that broke me was someone saying that when he gets pulled over he only answers cops in the form of questions (for reasons that i can't begin to fathom)
2022-07-02 17:07:39 i used to bookmark stuff i saw where white people fucked with law enforcement or security, especially when it encouraged people to do the same, because of their profound misunderstanding of how different the world they live in is from the rest of usi got exhausted and stopped
2022-07-02 16:59:42 this well-intentioned data-brained dumbshittery is just one technical intervention slapped on top of another on top of another on top of another, all band-aid solutions all the way down to a core premise of "what if we... tracked every place you went?"
2022-07-02 16:56:45 the recommendations the author suggests are reasonable and actionable. google just needs to get over itself and the manufactured, imagined value of logging every place you visit
2022-07-02 16:54:24 they should delete the entire week before &
2022-07-02 16:44:01 i'm just imagining people who aren't obsessively tying themselves to the railroad tracks of twitter, and especially academic twitter, opening up the NYT and being like "who the fuck is this 27-year-old and why has she enlisted a cabal to help her buy a house?"
2022-07-02 16:41:27 RT @Ugarles: PRINCETON: You slept with an undergrad. PROFESSOR: This is because I said something "racist"!OBSERVER: You slept with an und…
2022-07-01 21:46:24 @HowToCookThat made a video showing how fractal wood burning can kill you, something youtube videos/tiktoks don't convey at allif you know youtube, you know what happens nextyoutube removed her video warning people... for promoting unsafe content
2022-07-01 21:35:30 @TeamRocketTrev @PerennialDark @keffals mercedes is when car beeg, got it
2022-07-01 15:43:11 7x7=49 is thursday as noted in the replies6x6=36 is saturday in my humble opinion
2022-07-01 15:36:21 RT @ReaganGomez: …side without *always* being prepared for this. I think what so many ppl are frustrated about is that, everyone (including…
2022-07-01 05:10:51 i'm just putting this out there in case someone at apple wants to be able to bolster their argument that this is worth dedicating some resources toward to fix. see, there is someone who notices :'(
2022-07-01 05:08:23 this is a stupid thing to complain about but the only thing keeping me from dropping chrome for safari is how the audio in sped-up videos in safari sounds off. i can tolerate the absence of profile switching and everything else, but how it handles pitch shifting somehow grates me
2022-07-01 03:28:16 @LibyaLiberty white people are gonna lose their shit when they find out that different languages have different words for stuff
2022-07-01 00:04:35 power tripping nonsense literally
2022-06-30 19:25:57 whoops, this article is by @hypervisible
2022-06-30 19:25:10 this is a badly needed dousing of cold water for the advocates of algorithmic or predictive policing, or of expanding the surveillance state to try to work around the much more obvious solutions to the glaringly obvious problems
2022-06-30 08:10:34 if the story ended with "and then people started clapping" i would be in a real dilemma
2022-06-30 08:09:34 i'm convinced that the people at the nearby tables were staring in awe and respect of the husband
2022-06-30 08:08:26 this is sublime. my only complaint is that the wife feels ANY amount of guilt over any of this
2022-06-30 07:48:01 holy shit my blood is boiling, i shouldn't have read this before bed
2022-06-30 05:40:25 RT @mitpress: Recently, one of our marketers discovered that Amazon does not allow "queer theory" to be included as a keyword in enhanced p…
2022-06-30 04:52:47 RT @elsanfranciscan: Tulul Tepas and Guachiac Sipac are Indigenous surnames, often an indication of being Indigenous and of belonging to an…
2022-06-30 02:59:51 yet another outcome of brexit
2022-06-30 01:38:38 @daveyalba i'm hearing about people getting it- outdoors- in groups of varying sizes- despite wearing an n95my mental model is to discount big events that other people really don't want to miss (ie contexts where people would be motivated to ignore symptoms if they got a negative test)
2022-06-30 01:09:35 @Rose_R0YCE @IfeanyiJnrr @TheHN1C ok like tbh if you've got this much going on in your head i'm giving you permission to just keep your headphones on and stare into the middle distance like everyone else at the gym
2022-06-30 00:29:32 @rinewithoutacat @mattbc i keep feeling like even in exec roles they want more &
2022-06-28 16:27:51 @TheHN1C if "u ok?" is too hard then yeah you're probably not in a position to help
2022-06-28 16:20:13 @nypost you gonna run a story where you mail her a check?
2022-06-28 01:16:37 this is a recent arizona GOP emailtell me with a straight face that this doesn't look like an abandoned geocities site
2022-06-27 22:58:11 i saw a paper last night that used the phrase "outdoor-indoor mobility calculus". i have been thinking about that phrase since last night through most of today.
2022-06-27 20:53:01 RT @triagegirl: The Murkowski/Collins "compromise" bill in the Senate does not materially aid people who are pregnant or at risk of pregnan…
2022-06-27 18:21:14 it's so incredible to see the amazing people DAIR is bringing together. this is awesome news
2022-06-27 18:19:08 RT @alexnpress: deeply supports my understanding of Eric Adams to learn that he’s so into the google doc he has created to track homeless e…
2022-06-27 09:37:45 >
2022-06-27 05:50:31 RT @TaylorLorenz: VidCon took zero steps to mitigate or prevent COVID, and now countless top influencers along w/ hoards of attendees are s…
2022-06-27 03:08:02 RT @kaludiasays: in the TWO YEAR process of trying to get the rest of the producers in my former newsroom verified, i got doxxed by a white…
2022-06-27 03:03:17 Rudy will be holding a press conference about the events of today outside the Mayo Clinic (sandwich shop)
2022-06-27 02:56:46 RT @mattbc: I would love for a tech journalist to ask @twitter why a convicted domestic batterer was able to get so many BNN News accounts…
2022-06-26 22:41:18 RT @blackpnwlady: Using “camping” as a code word for abortion isn’t gonna stop people from being prosecuted. Lots of people go to prison wh…
2022-06-26 20:25:47 @BadMedicalTakes it was the first sticker i could find i'm sorry if there was a better choice
2022-06-26 20:25:03 @BadMedicalTakes
2022-06-26 20:22:10 kinda wonder what people think the nature of humanity is if they only know American culture, vs if they have any real exposure to anything else. it must be bleak
2022-06-26 20:15:03 being poor in the US is death by a thousand cuts
2022-06-26 19:58:35 you're not allowed to buy hot food at the grocery store with food stamps because i guess a hot meal is too much luxury for poor people. lots of other arbitrary, cruel, incoherent restrictions, but this one sticks with me
2022-06-26 19:56:59 RT @mssinenomine: For same reason people still don't think disabled poor people should be given dishwashers even when they've been shown to…
2022-06-25 04:48:55 RT @sendgoodcheers: This is dumb, sorry. If I were pregnant my continuous blood sugar sensor would make that obvious and many people can’t…
2022-06-25 04:45:47 RT @EFF: Dear employees at tech companies—here's what you can do RIGHT NOW to protect the data of abortion seekers and providers. https://t…
2022-06-25 04:45:10 RT @quoth_the_rave: Oh good, now the people on FB are sharing Lakotaman's loud and wrong tweet that abortion clinics can be set up on re…
2022-06-25 02:17:34 RT @discarddungeon: In the end, the Supreme Court was forced to admit that their power had been broken since nobody was enforcing it. And f…
2022-06-25 01:31:14 i just don't know if watching from 30,000 ft over everyone is the right visual???
2022-06-25 01:05:35 apropos of nothing seriously stop asking questions already answered by the shirt etc
2022-06-25 01:02:34 RT @TonyaJoRiley: Multiple tech companies are saying they'll pay for employees to travel for abortions. (Employees who probably already hav…
2022-06-25 00:59:56 what a long fucking year this week has been.
2022-06-25 00:58:11 it describes this paper by @nickmvincent, @hanlinliii, @nic_tilly, @snchancellor, and @bhecht. the paper talks about "data leverage", this framework to think about techniques to use data explicitly to get designers of systems to respond to users' needs:
2022-06-25 00:58:10 just wanna remind people of this article on data poisoning by @_KarenHao
2022-06-25 00:08:51 i think people should act on the assumption that states will move to require period tracking services to more proactively share data with law enforcement - even in invasive and incomprehensible contexts. the batshitness of it shouldn't give you confidence in its unlikeliness.
2022-06-24 23:54:35 RT @evacide: The difference between now and the last time that abortion was illegal in the United States is that we live in an era of unpre…
2022-06-24 23:52:14 RT @sylviaviridian: To be clearer: your app data is not private. if your menstruation pattern is disrupted, and an app knows about it, pros…
2022-06-24 19:08:51 i saw "omg she read a poem" on my timeline, no other info, and i knew who it was without looking. i almost didn't even bother to check.
2022-06-23 17:20:38 @KrangTNelson definitely feels like i'm on a years-long phone call with a customer service agent who thinks they're not authorized to do any of the things that would fix my problems
2022-06-23 17:19:21 RT @KrangTNelson: this year is probably the last moment where anyone with politics to the left of lindsey graham will be allowed anywhere n…
2022-06-23 05:56:27 people at amazon know that this'll be used to fuck with people in really manipulative and awful ways and that's *almost* all, right?
2022-06-23 02:18:58 overall, for me? the most amazing part is the fixation with the response compared to the racist note itself, and the credulousness of the story toward the excuses the person offers"she said she had a rough week" and just... that's it! no further questions. incredible lol
2022-06-23 02:08:09 every single paragraph is like a unique gem of "missing the point" and minimizing the racist act itself in the stupidest, most self-defeating way possible.
2022-06-23 00:47:18
2022-06-22 21:48:09 earlier today someone outside used a megaphone to instruct someone else not to take their pants off. gonna be on a panel next week and i'm considering my options...
2022-06-22 20:29:07 (btw if you frame AI as a study of power &
2022-06-22 20:14:04 i'll go further to say that any application of AI is doomed to go off the rails in any setting where the people it harms have little or no control, or ways to escape, said harm. this is why a lot of feminist analysis of AI, which focuses on power, offers so much explanatory power
2022-06-22 20:14:03 just gonna re-up my paper ("To Live in Their Utopia"), where i argue ML systems construct their own bullshit frameworks of the world on whatever data we throw in, and that the models they construct are flimsy, thin, brittle representations of the world
2022-06-22 17:36:19 @npseaver didn't test well
2022-06-22 16:26:09 @hondanhon physicist PhD shows up to explain Balsamiq to them
2022-06-22 16:24:48 @hondanhon volleyball scene is exactly the same - i mean EXACTLY - but they're inside in front of a whiteboard with lots of sketches on it. tom cruise and val kilmer are still shirtless and high fiving
2022-06-22 16:20:47 @hondanhon the "buzzing the tower" scene gets replaced by a LIVE DEMO
2022-06-22 01:48:27 the story about dave offering not to impose his name on the theatre of a community ashamed of him is so baffling to me that i'm kind of at a loss. i read david's own telling of the events and didn't draw anything like his adversarial, cynical, borderline-paranoid interpretation
2022-06-22 01:40:11 this actually might be the dumbest contribution to the conversation about dave chappelle's transmisogyny i've read to date
2022-06-21 16:19:46 RT @ClarenceOkoh: It's not just immaturity, it's complicity. These models are political choices &
2022-06-21 04:00:24 RT @kiraIeigh: Listen, random brand I have never heard of, most Boomers can't survive opening a PDF. How's that for a harsh dose of reality…
2022-06-21 03:31:30 @RMac18 "like a peloton" like with unexplained rust??
2022-06-21 03:27:16 RT @Angelikaswayy: Normalize giving honorariums to organizers when you ask them to appear or speak somewhere. 9/10 times the rank and file…
2022-06-20 21:24:26 i mean we've seen what a sadistic shitheel he is on a regular basis to random people. i hadn't given much serious thought to what he does to his kids, and now i've got chills thinking about what a transphobic multi-billionaire bully of a father would do to his kids
2022-06-20 21:21:06 i'm assuming she told him at some point a while back, which puts all of his posts about trans identity in front of that backdrop, which somehow makes him an even bigger scumbag than before, which i thought was impossible.i hope she's gonna be okay
2022-06-20 21:06:32 RT @its_a_me_lucy: @_alialkhatib I'm kinda tired of hearing the risk of sentient AI, if this stuff is happening right now and disproportion…
2022-06-20 21:06:09 "edges of their seats" fuck
2022-06-20 21:05:49 all the people short on rent by 18 cents this month must be on the edge of their seats right now
2022-06-20 20:53:39 when i say that the field of AI/ML research is tiresome because it doesn't mature and learn despite the repeated efforts of countless people to teach and explain this stuff in clearer and clearer terms...
2022-06-20 20:45:02 you can only laugh or scream and your throat will get scratchy if you scream
2022-06-20 20:44:24 lol???
2022-06-20 03:53:35 RT @ubiquity75: Somebody’s having fun in Mid-city! #dead
2022-06-19 04:42:42 i think i'm going to call it a day now
2022-06-19 04:15:12 jesus
2022-06-18 16:11:43 everything about this thread is breathtakingly deranged
2022-06-18 10:51:49 "o...okay. so is my ergonomic keyboard not approved anymore?"
2022-06-18 10:50:44 just imagining waiting to get reimbursed for some work expense and getting this email lol
2022-06-17 19:35:56 starting NOW might still be able to RSVP and join!
2022-06-17 19:22:43 this is happening in about 10 minutes!
2022-06-17 17:09:57 is like paying for disneyland passes and writing an ethnography of anaheim?
2022-06-17 17:08:02 a lot to go over here. one main thought: amazon will probably join uber &
2022-06-17 14:41:15 RT @bethmsemel: happening today!
2022-06-17 05:46:25 @ubiquity75 i just-
2022-06-17 01:03:19 RT @FTC: FTC report warns about using #ArtificialIntelligence to combat online problems. Agency concerned with #AI harms such as inaccuracy…
2022-06-17 00:58:19 RT @timnitGebru: Thinking about @ruchowdh @KLdivergence @ubiquity75 and the META team that Rumann built at Twitter. People do not understan…
2022-06-17 00:51:27 @FotisZapantis i signed up for twitter in march 2008, so ... maybe february 2008?
2022-06-17 00:48:35 i just can't tell what's supposed to be satire in academic twitter anymore
2022-06-16 21:42:55 RT @zarawesome: *clutching a 90s desktop tower to my chest, hiding behind an office partition as gunfire rings out* it's okay, ELIZA. we're…
2022-06-16 21:34:00 lol i'd bet anything he's been thinking about this
2022-06-16 20:35:14 i can't tell you how many times i wanted to highlight something cleanly and it just came out like i was fry from futurama at 999 cups of coffee. i'm bad at drawing smooth lines
2022-06-16 20:33:39 idk who told me this, but if you're marking up a screenshot in ios and you're bad at drawing shapes or straight lines for whatever reason, you can just kinda approximate it, keep your finger on the screen, and after a second or two it'll clean up the shape or straighten the line
2022-06-16 20:18:29 whenever i see this i think about the work that probably went into these things. time spent on photoshop, corresponding with a manufacturer, reviewing proofs, discussing pricing...i mean it's not innovative to point to hannah arendt's work but the banality of evil is terrifying
2022-06-16 20:13:30 incredible. challenge coins to celebrate this shit right down to embossed images of their violence
2022-06-16 19:32:03 not "positivist"?
2022-06-16 19:29:51 24 hours and 1 minute i was too hasty i'm sorry
2022-06-16 19:29:26 This is tomorrow! As in "24 hours from now!!!"RSVP below! See you there!!!
2022-06-16 19:04:51 jk here's the final version no more revisions
2022-06-16 19:01:13 actually wait fixed my tweet
2022-06-16 18:59:38 might be worth thinking about unionizing if you're watching your new boss chastise everyone on your team about not working on "things that matter" one minute and then rambling about aliens the next
2022-06-16 18:53:00 @margaretomara @ubiquity75 low key seriously wonder if he could tell you what that was if you put your hand over the text on the cover of the magazine
2022-06-16 18:50:28 oh my god dude watch out!
2022-06-16 18:40:25 @ubiquity75 didn't he talk about aliens? maybe he has an in with area 51
2022-06-16 18:36:10 RT @shattybuns_mk2: i am the captain now
2022-06-16 17:17:25 he's doing more to make me wonder if the sun is going to explode anytime soon than any other human being alive today
2022-06-16 17:15:56 every time a conversation with elon musk gets documented, i find myself asking if this is real life or if this is hell and i got hit by a bus or a meteor or something ~6 years ago, so in a way he's advancing this inquiry into the nature of reality or whatever dumb shit, right?
2022-06-16 17:11:54 @MikeIsaac he's still going on about this????
2022-06-16 17:10:31 sorry what
2022-06-16 16:43:42 hey siri, what was the population of the british empire at its population peak?
2022-06-15 19:31:52 RT @BostonReview: A new class of “salts”—radicals who take jobs to help unionization—is boosting the organizing efforts of long-term worker…
2022-06-15 19:30:33 @polotek it's always white guys on here who cannot handle the idea that they're being asked to remove themselves from a conversation. like it's one thing to read about this shit academically but another to watch it
2022-06-15 06:36:25 @LibyaLiberty "how they mated remains a mystery to researchers"
2022-06-15 00:25:53 if you're tired of me tweeting about pharmacy shit imagine how i feel about being at the pharmacy for shit
2022-06-15 00:25:00 every time i go to the pharmacy and i see we can't even have a policy of people HERE, IF NOWHERE ELSE, wearing masks, i feel like we're gonna be in a state of crisis for the rest of all our lives
2022-06-15 00:16:24 @drmistercody @pixelatedboat i just can't get over how perfectly this matches up against walter isaacson's masturbatory hagiography
2022-06-14 21:47:44 dude can barely "task"his bit is that he's the guy from reddit who looks at something someone showed him and immediately imprints on it like a baby bird who got pushed down some stairs - oh wait
2022-06-14 21:46:04 lol
2022-06-14 19:40:13 i just think it's really funny that these people think they're serious people! that's all :)
2022-06-14 19:39:07 people spent a significant amount of time this past weekend trying to convince us that google inadvertently made a sentient AI.
2022-06-14 19:35:38 @DogWisdomPoker don't forget the indulgence of eating toast with some stuff on it
2022-06-14 19:32:07 RT @davidthewid: Planning to co-lead a Critical AI studies reading group, for people inside and outside of the academy/CS/AI/CMU. Interes…
2022-06-14 18:43:05 i promise it'll be easier to change height restrictions than to fight physics
2022-06-14 18:42:21 the suggestion to build housing way, WAY under the water table instead of changing building height restrictions shouldn't have the effect on me that it does, but it kinda made me feel like YIMBY discourse on here is largely driven by people with no clue what they're talking about
2022-06-14 17:33:39 i swear to god this is going to be my joker origin story
2022-06-14 17:31:47 yesterday i picked up a 90-day supply of this medicine that i usually get a 30-day supply for and i think my copay was the same and i'm pretty sure i've been paying 3x in copays for like no goddamn reason?????
2022-06-14 17:13:39 RT @JoshuaPotash: Tomorrow LA is set to criminalize bike storage in public spaces, effectively making it illegal for the homeless to have a…
2022-06-14 16:39:42 there are lots of good people in the world trying to do better than they were the day before, and we don't have to be centering the most odious whiny shits just because they post more or whatever.
2022-06-14 16:38:05 just thinking about how @lizzo responded compassionately, earnestly, &
2022-06-14 16:28:14 just kidding. the host would've had video of everything happening.... but not for security purposes
2022-06-14 16:26:31 if they had loaded up at an airbnb the host would've just given them a bad review for not doing their assigned chores
2022-06-14 03:45:40 RT @JoLuehmann: You either make privileged people uncomfortable, or marginalized people unsafe.You can’t have the comfort of the privileg…
2022-06-14 03:00:18 RT @LilNasX: nah @youtube say the whole thing
2022-06-14 01:56:51 @Rochelle can we have anything anymore? :(
2022-06-14 01:30:31 RT @sassycrass: We should talk more here, I think, of how dangerous it is to be a woman/girl out in the world, and not be completely alert…
2022-06-13 21:07:03 constructed doesn't mean "doesn't exist". this would be pretty intuitive to someone who had actually ever built something in his life but alas
2022-06-13 20:41:16 i'm super excited for this talk (on Friday at 12:30 pacific time *ahem* RSVP )also, if you're looking for something to chew on this week in advance of the talk, i strongly recommend this paper by Sachin et al. presented at CHI just earlier this year:
2022-06-13 20:18:59 but this is somehow so much more absurd, and so much more malevolent
2022-06-13 20:18:58 i was prepared to make a dark joke about how the officials would reluctantly reveal an internal policy of designating anyone fired upon to not be a journalist effective immediately before the bullet kills them, like a tesla "autopilot disengaged immediately before impact" thing
2022-06-13 20:16:07 >
2022-06-13 19:49:04 lots of people are forced into shitty situations because they will get evicted if they don't make a choice between a shitty option and a horrible option but come on AGHHHGJFKG
2022-06-13 19:48:19 like sir you are a podcaster you can do your job from a hermetically sealed hotel room why are you fucking with other people's lives like this??
2022-06-13 19:46:36 1st w/cohost 1: "ive had covid for about a week and i'm still testing + but there's no law that says that i can't travel &
2022-06-13 19:42:49 AHHHHH am i gonna have to unsubscribe from all of this guy's podcasts???
2022-06-13 18:54:05 finally
2022-06-13 15:13:30 gonna rewatch Her sometime this week... just to be prepared for things...
2022-06-13 14:22:14 @emilymbender i wish i had generalized my bingo page from back in 2020 might be able to spin it off if you want a page to randomize the squares and don't mind hosting with attribution lol
2022-06-13 14:17:34 @Tom_Nicholas i had no idea the moon wanted to get promoted or whatever i hope it achieves all its goals
2022-06-13 04:13:36 RT @emilymbender: For those playing along at home, here's a "AI is sentient!" argument bingo card.
2022-06-13 00:27:24 @emilymbender i mean i love this idea especially. i feel like i have a cursory knowledge of a lot of incidents but nowhere near the depth or breadth enough to be the primary source of things.i'll think about if/how i can throw some stuff together... might follow up soon lol
2022-06-13 00:23:23 you ever witness the real-time beginning of a resource that you're going to reference a ton in presentations someday?
2022-06-12 15:44:46 the AI is called capitalism and it is both incredibly shitty &
2022-06-12 15:42:39 can anyone convince me that an AI has NOT been designed to exhaust critical AI researchers until we can't be bothered to comment on discourse that rehashes talking points about a chatbot from the 60s, and that every few years it puts cogs in motion to publish a story to test us?
2022-06-11 03:36:43 this dog swears he has never felt less safe in this city
2022-06-11 03:33:38 RT @BenjySarlin: Have we had the great Remote Work Catfishing story yet, is there like a 12 year old who made middle management at a Fortun…
2022-06-10 21:06:21 !!! Upcoming talk!Next week (June 17) @SachinPendse will join us in a joint Masters in Data Science/Center for Applied Data Ethics speaker series event!His talk, "From Treatment to Healing", is open to the public!If you can join us, please RSVP here!
2022-06-10 10:04:56 this is more than a little chilling. the email is particularly unsettling...
2022-06-10 03:19:13 @rinewithoutacat lol at least some people have shame
2022-06-10 03:17:33 @zeyneparsel these people will later say they had no idea about all the bad shit that was happening because nobody trusted them with this info and not a single one of them will pause to reflect on what a monumental indictment of them as journalists and as people that is
2022-06-10 03:14:38 sometimes when someone tells you about something that happened to them they're not asking if it happened to you too because they KNOW IT DIDNT and they're hoping you'll give a shit about what happened to them, but the fact that you're saying this shit kinda says everything so idk
2022-06-10 03:10:47 i swear to god if i ever miss the point as bad as these people do please take me offline.
2022-06-10 03:07:08 jk i'm excited about DIS this year
2022-06-10 03:04:46 >
2022-06-09 20:29:42 costs less to change core values than to turn down military contracts
2022-06-09 20:24:31 @hdibner right? like imagine updating your linkedin after getting hired???
2022-06-09 20:20:35 >
2022-06-09 20:15:44 >
2022-06-09 20:14:34 if you had a dystopian sci-fi novel in the works and you named the megacorporation that's doing all the bad surveillance shit "misapplied sciences" you're gonna need to go back to brainstorming names i'm not kidding this is the actual name of this company
2022-06-09 19:19:34 youtube content moderation hard at work lol
2022-06-09 19:15:52 @ledell then again idk they did catch my attention and are immortalized in some DMs
2022-06-09 19:14:02 @ledell i would say ill-advisedly
2022-06-09 19:11:14 i think i'm either out of my depth at this point or riiiiiight at the limit so i'll stop, except to say again that this thread points out really sharp insights
2022-06-09 19:09:50 but like if you start from the logic of what trans &
2022-06-09 19:05:55 i mean maybe why i'm struggling here is because i'm talking about etic vs emic descriptions and part of my brain resists the prospect of teaching intro to anthro to HCI researchers as if it were some big insight, because if nothing else that seems patronizing as fuck
2022-06-09 19:05:54 this (short) thread really aptly illustrates this thing i've been trying to put into words
2022-06-09 18:57:59 RT @ButNotTheCity: It also holds promises of eugenics and hi-tech conversion practice, where conservatives will start trying to prevent tra…
2022-06-09 17:22:02 got someone's announcement of an NLP paper placed in my timeline as a promoted tweet... so that's the advertising targeting audience i'm part of, i guess
2022-06-09 17:18:56 RT @samfbiddle: NEW: Documents show ICE searched giant database of personal information provided by LexisNexis over a million times in just…
2022-06-09 14:21:41 very very very very very glad i misread the first scene
2022-06-09 14:20:50 also i didn't wanna say this where he might see it in notifications (lol as if he would see it, but still), but i had a moment realizing how historically fucked up hollywood casting is that my reaction to the first scene was "wow so john is an abusive older boyfriend in this?"
2022-06-09 14:15:56 *pencils in "bawl my fucking eyes out" about a month or so from now on my calendar*
2022-06-09 06:27:32 mmk been a long day but a productive day gnight
2022-06-09 06:26:14 i think there's the immediate "woah that's incredible" feeling but i'm not quite ready to deal with the feeling of like... not being alone finally. or processing that i'm not crazy, that someone else gets this thing that i've been wandering around through
2022-06-09 06:24:13 apropos of
2022-06-09 06:23:36 something scary in the stuff i read is when a passage reaches out from 5 or 10 or 20 years ago &
2022-06-09 06:12:50 many papers could be written about this dynamic in HCI and, frankly, in the research nominally trying to advance fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI. fuck, many papers are microcosmic of this
2022-06-09 06:10:49 you ever read something that you know wasn't a comment about the field in which you work but nevertheless made you scream aaaaaahhhhhh
2022-06-09 06:09:41 RT @SaraNAhmed: So much power &
2022-06-08 04:37:13 RT @hakeemjefferson: San Francisco an amazingly liberal city, unless you account for residents’ preferred treatment of the unhoused, the me…
2022-06-08 04:24:23 gotta get out ahead of matty's fucking takes oh my god oh my GOD
2022-06-08 04:22:10 i don't know why he sleeps like this, but this is how he spends 80% of his day. not a single one of those infographics about how dogs sleep and what that body language means seems to describe this
2022-06-08 04:19:41
2022-06-08 04:18:57
2022-06-08 04:17:25 the wave has already crashed over me so i'm just gonna fight back with dog photos
2022-06-08 04:04:33 the thing i can't get over is how much it looks like cheap warped stainless steel cookware
2022-06-08 03:32:59 lol i don't get it why would you even start shit if- whatever
2022-06-08 03:07:09 "this bad shit is going to happen""no it isn't. i've been white my whole life and it's never happened to me :)"
2022-06-08 03:05:59 idk how it happened but this thread became microcosmic of the point in the beginning of the conversation. truly magical
2022-06-08 02:56:04 @CoyoteDen @atomicthumbs lmao yes we're talking about the podcast that we were talking about.
2022-06-08 02:52:10 @CoyoteDen @atomicthumbs i mean setting aside TSA lolif that's the argument then we would be talking about digital IDs not being valid forms of identification for cops
2022-06-08 02:22:20 @swodinsky you called it for *literally* the conflation they made
2022-06-08 02:17:36 @swodinsky lol
2022-06-08 01:22:43 RT @swodinsky: @hipsterelectron @_alialkhatib privacy != security and I’m tired of ppl pretending it does!
2022-06-08 01:05:35 @swodinsky sorry i just spent an hour talking and thinking about police conversations lol
2022-06-08 01:04:30 @swodinsky i don't wanna have to find the relevant xkcd comic to convince apple engineers that my needs are real
2022-06-08 01:03:16 @swodinsky people insisting that the threat with digital IDs is someone skimming the data so you have cryptographically secure blah blah blah like ok thanks i'm sure that's not USELESS, but "guy with a gun shouting at me to hand over my phone" is also a threat to me and please believe me!
2022-06-08 01:01:43 @swodinsky i think in some annoyingly theoretical way "the mechanism" might be that when a random person says dumb shit we can largely ignore them
2022-06-08 00:56:43 @swodinsky no
2022-06-07 05:32:41 @mcwm lol they shipped this as a feature
2022-06-07 02:41:28 RT @hypervisible: “If the AI Ethics Board says this technology is problematic and the company should not develop products, then they should…
2022-06-07 01:39:12 cooooool
2022-06-07 01:19:45 @TaylorLorenz (i'm planning a pretty major move later this year and at this point honestly contemplating renting a big moving truck and traveling 3/4 across the country because air travel and surrounding complications seem absolutely fucked )
2022-06-07 01:17:54 @TaylorLorenz @mattbc sorry to tag you but you always seem knowledgeable about how to deal with.... let's say "not ideal" situations- any suggestions?
2022-06-07 01:03:18 RT @elsanfranciscan: @_alialkhatib Same here. Rampant political naïveté assigns the "left/progressive" label to anyone that isn't a registe…
2022-06-07 00:42:22 @KLdivergence i really like githubpages ->
2022-06-07 00:37:00 after years of arguing with people that tech companies aren't champions of progressive causes, let alone bastions for liberal democracy, i think i'm pretty much tapped out of patience for so many people who style themselves as progressive or left or whatever
2022-06-07 00:34:14 white bay area politics in a nutshell
2022-06-06 21:32:26 i don't think people appreciated that i composited him into the background so that he's standing behind the dock (i figured his hand reaching in front of the dock made sense though)
2022-06-06 21:20:04 in 1985, Rock Hudson begged Nancy Reagan for help getting admitted to a military hospital where a doctor who'd successfully treated him in the past was working. Hudson had AIDS.she refused.he died a few months later.these days she says she doesn't recall the incident at all.
2022-06-06 20:05:10 RT @heatherkelly: Getting into buy now, pay later is certainly a choice. Do you want your shiny pro-privacy brand to be associated with peo…
2022-06-06 20:03:56 RT @Blackamazon: Again more reporting where racists reporting on racists Need leaks to confirm things people have told them for years
2022-06-06 18:48:03 @aprilaser @niloufar_s @tressiemcphd oh, "reMarkable" (or reMarkable 2?)
2022-06-06 18:47:35 @aprilaser i think i've seen @niloufar_s and @tressiemcphd and a number of other people swear by some physical device... lemme see if i can find it but if they happen to be faster then even better
2022-06-06 18:44:29 ok sorry this is the last one for today
2022-06-06 18:40:18 RT @ContraPoints: It’s not hyperbolic to say trans eradication is the goal. Trans healthcare for under-19s is already criminalized in sever…
2022-06-06 18:35:15 ok i've gotten over it because you can get your own phone's my pitch:a laptop without a garbagey camera at all. none it a move against surveillance tech in education or something
2022-06-06 18:33:39 @mcwm like strictly speaking, you shouldn't take ephedrine + caffeine together because people have had heart attacks &
2022-06-06 18:30:22 @mcwm i'd be really really really curious what it'll do (if it'll do anything?) if you log stuff in unsafe doses. or if you log things that are indicated not to take together
2022-06-06 18:14:48
2022-06-06 18:12:10 RT @tomwarren: macOS Ventura is here, baby
2022-06-06 18:04:28 RT @MikeIsaac: unfortunately i must buy the goth macbook air
2022-06-06 18:02:10 i feel bad for whoever got tasked to make these charts. i wonder if the job description specifically asked for applicants to be comfortable producing bad data viz
2022-06-06 18:00:17 oh lol, the first mac to get an m2 at #wwdc22 is a macbook air. so the MBA has been updated twice with apple silicon while the mac pro has had 0 apple silicon updates. i'm sure that's gonna change by the end of the day, but still funny for now
2022-06-06 17:40:44 maybe that premise is worth reflecting on!! is all... i'm... saying.
2022-06-06 17:40:18 like i don't know that there's a great solution to this problem if you accept as a premise that there should be a technology that shares your location with someone for an indefinite period of time because now withdrawing that permission becomes a sleight to the abuser, but-
2022-06-06 17:39:10 i'd love to hear from researchers of IPV or for that matter from survivors who feel comfortable talking about it, but doesn't revoking permission kinda... precipitate a much more dangerous problem later?
2022-06-06 17:34:41 RT @hondanhon: DOJ and EU: Hey, don’t integrate a browser into your OSApple: What about consumer credit financing?
2022-06-06 15:31:44 @kiraIeigh i tweeted once and got blocked. thus ends the conversation i suppose
2022-06-06 15:27:58 >
2022-06-06 15:20:15 @blablafishcakes @kiraIeigh @theoranggorilla @BookBird71 @samuel_mcqueen at this point it seems like the distinction between a "blocklist" and a "blacklist" has been explained a few times, but you're continuing to use "blacklist". is that intentional or by accident?
2022-06-06 15:08:42 RT @_alialkhatib: @rinewithoutacat one of the terms should've been that if he backs out he forfeits his twitter account
2022-06-06 15:03:44 matt yglesias housing plan
2022-06-06 15:02:20 neither the old boss nor the new boss seems fit to run things and it's causing a lot of pain for everyone. i've said it before and i'll say it again:i would trust LeVar Burton. IF he wanted it, of course
2022-06-06 14:49:50 RT @SamSaysFashion: @moneyymaya @FUCCl Stop posting ppl w/o their permission. A person appearing on your Ring is not permission to post pic…
2022-06-06 14:49:32 RT @moneyymaya: She lost her job over this and it was her only source of income. She has 5 kids. Here’s her gfm help her out https://t.c…
2022-06-06 05:20:30 @alexhanna i think there's a 50/50 chance i would leave crying if i went to my friends place and saw they lived like this
2022-06-06 05:18:51 @alexhanna oh my god i didn't even notice
2022-06-06 04:25:25 if you're not up for that then the 8-hour video about star wars KotoR II was what sent me down this rabbit hole
2022-06-06 04:17:37 oh sorry this is a review of the remake my bad
2022-06-06 04:16:53 and then (a day later??) SulMatul published a video lauding this game ~14 years after it came out, also a good video worth a watch
2022-06-06 04:16:52 i've been watching a series of videos where this youtuber plays a game that is widely described by its fans as "not fun, but does a game have to be fun??", and i'm at a loss for why it's so compelling but it is
2022-06-06 03:55:50 @RMac18 big if true
2022-06-06 03:48:51 please don't spend all summer calculating the optimal time to do something that would transform the lives of millions of people. please don't give republicans even more reason to call this a pandering stunt. just do it and then do the next thing, like this is all in a day's work.
2022-06-06 03:43:33 RT @EmmaKinema: Cuba's new Family Code: "Different family structures... are created among relatives, whatever the nature of the relationshi…
2022-06-06 03:42:12 part 2
2022-06-06 03:03:40 not a professor (lol) butdropped out of high school (i'm gonna be honest i'm not sure if i ever made up the credits)like... 5 years(?) floating around in community college before i had any clue what i wanted"on leave" (lol) from phd program
2022-06-06 02:13:45 wow it's crazy what the president can do purely with executive authority anyway like i was saying #CancelStudentDebt
2022-06-05 23:51:19 is it supposed to resemble an insight? what's the insight? conflicts are bad?
2022-06-05 23:49:51 i generally find matt's whole brand baffling, but on an individual post level i got who he was appealing to. that sense has been slipping away from me lately. idk why. but i spent like a minute wondering who he was trying to appeal to with thing about being better off not at war.
2022-06-05 23:35:03 RT @polotek: This is going down at the Washington Post right now. I don't know a lot about it, but it feels familiar. There is a certain ki…
2022-06-05 23:24:34 or literally anything else really
2022-06-05 23:24:04 don't care how much free weights should cost on craigslist according to someone on reddit posting about it in 2018.
2022-06-05 23:22:47 i don't need a "past year" or "past month" time filter in search engines
2022-06-05 17:35:51 the cops better wear WWJD bracelets if they believe their own story because they've got someone very special in their jail
2022-06-05 02:03:24 @beccalew please don't joke about him being only "mid"-life
2022-06-05 01:54:17 @beccalew not sure if you're talking about EM or JD or someone else, which... i guess proves the point
2022-06-05 01:37:19 did you say the line in your head when you saw this gif y/n?
2022-06-05 01:34:12 RT @zachheltzel: Renters and hourly workers are experiencing an entirely different economy than everyone else right now.We are diving hea…
2022-06-05 01:29:59 morbius. i think it'll just get funnier every time they try
2022-06-04 23:16:05 RT @seoyoung_chu: @adamdavidson @alexanderchee Thank you for this thread. To this day I am haunted by the fact that so many powerful peop…
2022-06-04 22:49:35 survey design
2022-06-04 22:44:46 so much of journalists' energy during the last admin had to go to basic fact-checking about simple info about what the president was even doing. and often it was either lies or really creative accounting of time. just a monumental drain on attention. and it was every damn day.
2022-06-04 22:35:50 lol trump called every golf day a "work meeting" and the press only even knew about a bunch of them because pro golfers and random celebrities would mention the recreational games trump would invite them to play with him
2022-06-04 16:44:14 RT @carolecadwalla: You have not been sued for libel. I have. There are many things I have wanted to say in the last 6 weeks of #DeppvH…
2022-06-04 16:38:37 RT @UnionElections: Starbucks is illegally retaliating against unionized partners in Ithaca. They're a with clear anti-union animus and mus…
2022-06-04 15:55:45 thought about this for a while until i realized the issue these people have with university is that writing term papers arguing their points is too hard
2022-06-04 08:05:19 i tapped out and then back in on this tweet like 5 times thinking it must be fake but this is totally real. unbelievable
2022-06-04 01:54:53 i was going to teach about data bias but you see talking about it was making people find unaccounted-for biases in their datasets and they weren't having that problem before so-aaaaaAahhh
2022-06-04 01:52:30 >
2022-06-04 01:46:27 i read that cops in the US are worried that in future shooter crises, people will just show up armed, unwilling to follow instructionsmade me think about decades of police abuse/harassment of BIPOC people &
2022-06-04 01:46:26 this woman got arrested, uncuffed, climbed a goddamn fence, demanded a vest, and - denied a damn vest!!! - navigated a school campus with an active shooter to save her kids. fucking incredible.
2022-06-04 01:05:43 after looking through the text really superficially, i think one of my major questions is now about the nature of "employee" for the purposes of this law. it sounds... EXTREMELY broad. broad to the point of maybe making this largely meaningless
2022-06-04 00:51:41 @swodinsky oops, disconnected the thread
2022-06-04 00:13:46 @sgbuggs lmao no idea what they're thinking then
2022-06-03 23:40:49 @sgbuggs there are people who don't use twitter discursively. they probably think it's like 30k new job announcements per year or something
2022-06-03 23:08:01 @DocDre it's maddening that twitter app and a few other apps don't let me get text right from the image. i always have to save it so now i have that taser drone company's apology in my camera roll lol
2022-06-03 23:07:16 @swodinsky are wikipedia editors employees according to this definition?
2022-06-03 23:05:11 RT @_alialkhatib: @swodinsky okay taking from the screenshot:>
2022-06-03 23:04:43 @swodinsky okay taking from the screenshot:>
2022-06-03 23:00:16 @swodinsky k took longer than intended but...i should really do stemming so "reasonable" (31) and "reasonably" (28) show up together. but even with basically no cleaning i'm gathering a few things i want to read into...- "employee" sure comes up a lot...
2022-06-03 22:23:33 @swodinsky i can't find anything that seems to allude to a definition. but god damn now i want to run something real quick...
2022-06-03 22:09:24 @swodinsky i tweeted it and i don't feel like i understand it any better lol
2022-06-03 22:07:08 so if facebook has cambridge analytica sign an EULA or whatever saying they pinky promise that they won't find ways to identify people... who's enforcing that agreement? is this an obvious question? i'm not savvy about law stuff
2022-06-03 22:05:58 (C) contractually obligates any person or entity that receives the information from the covered entity to comply with all of the provisions of this paragraph.---okay. i'm still processing this, but... yeah, what you said. also a bit confused about this contractual obligation
2022-06-03 22:01:36 @swodinsky (i) to process and transfer the information solely in a de-identified form without any reasonable means for re-identification
2022-06-03 04:12:23 RT @polotek: Crypto people with laser eyes in their avatar and a thousand hashtags in their bio really be like “no I’m a normal person. You…
2022-06-03 03:50:03 RT @dangoodin001: No exaggeration and no fooling. If your organization is among the 100,000 using @OwlLabs @meetingowl videoconference devi…
2022-06-02 20:07:21 @alexhanna i keep saying tech researchers cracking up about the tech and future depicted in star trek episodes would be funny to a very narrow but very dedicated audience
2022-06-02 19:45:11 >
2022-06-02 19:22:11 @boztank @ArlanWasHere @Backstage_Cap @sama @satyanadella lol wtf
2022-06-02 00:40:49 RT @VICENews: BREAKING: After a jury heard a string of texts from Johnny Depp saying he wanted to “burn” Amber Heard and that he would “fuc…
2022-06-01 17:48:44 this isn't a subtle dig at JR it's literally about white noise
2022-06-01 17:45:04 i don't have what it takes to work at the gate counter for an airline. it's not even close. i just don't have it in me
2022-06-01 17:40:49 @sullydish @BGrueskin the core point of what lol the source you tweeted was made up bullshitthe core point of your limitlessly motivated reasoning? your gullibility?
2022-06-01 17:04:48 @mcwm @Twitter if we stay perfectly still they might not notice we're here...
2022-06-01 16:24:59 @mcwm @Twitter wait sorry i misread. i didn't even realize you could access tweetdeck from anything other than lolis the subdomain still going to be available?
2022-06-01 16:23:16 @mcwm @Twitter NONO NO NO
2022-05-31 22:52:03 weirdest thing i've seen today. almost like we're peering into the language of the algorithmic model - in the kind of way that you might learn the arcane names of forms you need to get what you need from a bureaucracy, we learn to say "vicootes" to get the AI to return vegetables
2022-05-31 22:43:04 my undergrad university has a "taco bell endowed professor of information and computer science" and i have been thinking about it on and off for the 8 years it's been since i graduated from there.
2022-05-31 22:33:02 ibuprofen doesn't need electricity. no power outage can stop it from helping me with my headache
2022-05-31 22:30:09 RT @joeyfox85: Most buildings are old. The ventilation systems aren't "okay", they're awful.Facility operators know little about ventilat…
2022-05-31 22:08:12 biggest brain thing you can do to save power is turn everything off immediately for an indeterminate amount of time
2022-05-31 22:05:46 my power went out approximately exactly 15 minutes after this tweet was posted... give or take some time coincidence? you decide.
2022-05-31 20:40:37 i feel like my window of feelings for installing a thermostat would span the range from "that was such a fucking pain in the ass" to "okay that went fine".do you have an edible before installing a home appliance? should i be doing that? is that the key?
2022-05-31 20:35:35 he talks about why this company included a screwdriver and he seems to think that people would see the screwdriver in their drawer and remember that they "had a great time" installing a thermostat..?i know i deal w/depression but what the fuck kind of cartoon planet are you on?
2022-05-31 20:35:34 i'm listening to this podcast with a marketing guy and every other minute i'm doing a double take because what he said is just breathtaking
2022-05-31 18:32:18 @ranjodhd life pro tip: if you can somehow defer existing for a year or two, the market will really reward you
2022-05-31 18:31:22 @ranjodhd it's almost "bad time to be alive"
2022-05-31 18:30:49 @ranjodhd looking at rental rates for the last few weeks sometimes wonder if it's less "this is a bad time to buy a house" and more "this is a bad time to not already own a house"
2022-05-31 15:37:09 i went down a rabbit hole googling knife collection photos because i thought maybe people just generally present their weapons in such a way that it would kill them if they tripped and fell, but no, as far as i can tell knife collectors like the pointy ends facing away from them.
2022-05-31 15:31:13 *cut to an external shot. a hundred million cubic tons of CO2 trails behind the enterprise*
2022-05-31 15:18:30 "computer, right click Earl Grey, copy, paste. Earl Grey (1), hot."
2022-05-31 15:08:56 RT @davidthewid: Ever had ethical concerns about software you were asked to work on?We're studying what makes it easier or harder for sof…
2022-05-31 15:07:01 will i stop at 4? hopefullyi don't begrudge or w/e for collaborating with these kinds of groups
2022-05-31 03:52:08 @crystaljjlee @ranjodhd for some reason i expected twitter to truncate it, i'm so sorry everybody
2022-05-31 03:51:42 @crystaljjlee @ranjodhd "no" at hyperspeed"no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no""no"
2022-05-31 03:44:49 i had like 3 days of korean fried chicken and thought i wouldn't want fried chicken for like a week and i finished the last of it this morning and tbh i wouldn't turn down popeye's...
2022-05-31 03:42:53 i don't need this temptation in my life right now
2022-05-31 03:42:32 i'm making dinner don't make popeye's trending ffs
2022-05-31 03:28:54 RT @TaylorLorenz: This is what dangerous health writing looks like. This study was widely criticized/discredited, it didn’t test for ANY ma…
2022-05-30 21:23:05 @maria_antoniak "and my axe" must come up a lot
2022-05-30 18:35:51 RT @shannonmattern: “Unlike its domestic cousin cling film (“Saran Wrap”), which serves to seal in moisture + keep out air, stretch wrap wa…
2022-05-30 16:22:29 it feels so much less toxic when everyone on twitter becomes an expert on the mona lisa instead of epidemiology or something
2022-05-30 16:19:03 @vinn_ayy "i think she smiled at me bro""no she didn't""nah dude she did i'm gonna go talk to her"
2022-05-30 00:04:03
2022-05-29 20:03:17 @ubiquity75 @shannonmattern twitter removed one of the URLs to make a preview card &
2022-05-29 19:25:05 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 (nb for anyone reading - lecturer in the UK doesn't mean the same thing as in the US)
2022-05-29 19:24:10 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 he fundamentally isn't treating other reviewers as peers
2022-05-29 19:22:10 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 lol that's all fair but it's not what's funnymy understanding is "peer" means people who submit may be called upon to review. we could argue semantics but PR is essentially, eventually, reciprocal work, right?how is he different from asking freelance editors to work for free?
2022-05-29 15:21:41 @FractalEcho i ask as someone who lives a block away from a fire station ha ha ha ha ha ah
2022-05-29 15:20:08 @FractalEcho i totally appreciate that there's something special about watching the talk in realtime. is it AS SPECIAL if you're watching it at 2am and the speaker is apologizing for a fire truck passing by their apartment?
2022-05-29 15:18:53 @FractalEcho YES! i also think there's so much opportunity in letting people upload videos in their own time, edited so they feel comfortable with their presentation, letting people watch the video in advance, etc.synchronous sessions can focus on stuff that actually benefit from sync
2022-05-29 15:13:30 @FractalEcho conferences going to 8-hour daily sessions for a week make me feel like the conf is every new twitch streamer who wants to be hasan piker when they SHOULD take the advice every early streamer gets to try to do 2-5 hour streams more consistently rather than ridiculous marathons
2022-05-29 15:11:01 @FractalEcho also, many shorter sessions means you could shift that block around by an hour or two each day and eventually hit an optimal time for every timezone (you don't have to do this if you're worried it'll confuse people, but the point is you have more instruments to play with here)
2022-05-29 15:00:46 i know this might sound extreme and maybe what i'm about to suggest is, but just to illustrate @FractalEcho's point by drawing a sharp contrast:CHI is 4 days, ~8 hours of sessions/day, yeah?you could spread this out as much as over the span of a *month* with ~2-hour sessions>
2022-05-29 14:55:48 RT @FractalEcho: An accessible virtual conference would massively decrease the number of sessions per day while extending the number of days
2022-05-29 14:49:57 holy shit, within 5 minutes of this tweet there was a new post on patreon about the video being copyright claimed
2022-05-29 14:40:24 i know that my curse is such that i will say the bad thing and then the universe will manifest it, but i'm bracing myself for The Statistician to try to argue that men threatening women on the internet is actually very common/therefore not a reliable predictor of future violence
2022-05-29 14:24:58 i was watching this EIGHT-HOUR video in bits &
2022-05-29 05:32:25 anyway i'm gonna keep using my trusty "hunter2" password. it's served me on every website so far.
2022-05-29 05:30:28 like it's ok to admit the technical steps are confusing if you're still confident it'll work seamlessly in practice. but telling people they're stupid for not understanding an abstract description without concrete examples is weak ass shit
2022-05-29 05:29:07 also the comments that are like "i don't see what's so difficult to understand!" and then proceed to write a comment that's almost as long as the article, complete with glossary of technical terms that most people have never had experience with before
2022-05-29 05:26:31 idk why but i get strong "3D movies" energy from this article. like mmmm ok you say this is the next big thing. ok. we'll see. best of luck with that"
2022-05-29 05:08:36 the replies to this are great:
2022-05-29 05:04:33 i think it's really funny that the article is like>
2022-05-29 05:01:58 >
2022-05-29 00:26:29 RT @NovelSci: 2/
2022-05-29 00:23:36 >
2022-05-29 00:20:30 statute mile is fucking wrecking my brain right now
2022-05-29 00:19:37 lmao welcome back to this bullshit
2022-05-28 19:44:40 RT @ubiquity75: Hey, remember earlier this week when @elonmusk and @jack, a couple of regular online dudes who want more free speech online…
2022-05-28 19:29:02 RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Girls reported the shooter’s death and rape threats prior to the massacre and nobody did anything about it, in case you…
2022-05-28 19:27:52 in some of the comments people are saying that *market forces* are supposedly keeping us safe by making more destructive devices too expensive, and uh1. jfc2. as illustrated, capitalism will always find a way
2022-05-28 17:04:36 when you intuitively know someone's advice is pointless, it's worth introspecting - why suggest it at all. why tell you that the only avenue of appropriate political activity is voting when they know what is common knowledge about voter suppression &
2022-05-28 16:56:00 "vote""just call the police""be patient""don't protest this way""your impoliteness is what made me not support your demands for basic human rights"
2022-05-28 16:55:59 voting laws that prevent people with any past conviction or any incongruous paperwork from voting, every day-to-day aspect of voting made as difficult as possible for POC, all to vote to elect representatives for districts carefully and explicitly designed to minimize your power,
2022-05-28 06:49:15 it's just "wheeewwww we beat the last benchmark! no idea how or what the implication is structuring data or scaffolding machine learning means in any deeply meaningful way - it's just scoring better, isn't that weird? anyway fuck off"
2022-05-27 07:09:18 @Grady_Booch "the politics of bitcoin: software as right wing extremism" by @dgolumbia is a really good read if you're looking for something on that topic
2022-05-27 06:01:40 @shoppingtheatre @JoelChan86 that thread is *rich*. i literally laughed out loud when i got to the part about continuing to submit to journals
2022-05-27 05:57:32 peer review is toxic, extractive, and probably not even effective. a LITTLE rich for a prof to come to this conclusion now that service work doesn't personally benefit, but sure ok happy to have you herebut continuing to burden the system to drive ECRs into a crisis is sadistic
2022-05-27 05:47:02 this thread is so wild i don't even - so you say that now that you've got a highly coveted professorship you feel this system is unfair, and you're not going to participate. except you are, because you're creating a burden for the people trying to keep the system functioning
2022-05-27 05:35:29 i saw a thread where this prof was like "hey! peer review is Bad! i'm not going to participate in it anymore because #principles :)" and then like 20 tweets into his thread he was like "btw i will be continuing to burden the system :) #principles" and i literally laughed out loud
2022-05-27 03:10:27 lmao zip2
2022-05-27 00:40:50 RT @karenkho: It is literally the job of journalists to figure out what actually happened, explain to the public why the details changed, w…
2022-05-27 00:37:35 airports, famously reasonable places to walk in and out of without being harassed relentlessly
2022-05-27 00:36:33 "/limited sites of access" is doing so much heavy lifting here it's going to need to see a chiropractor
2022-05-27 00:30:55 fun fact
2022-05-27 00:10:53 i should say that elon musk probably isn't full of money.
2022-05-27 00:10:15 gosh, if you whacked him and money started pouring out in stacks of $100 bills at like 5 stacks per second, he'd be going for more than a month and a half
2022-05-26 23:52:10 he's right
2022-05-26 23:43:38 just... what the fucking fuck
2022-05-26 22:10:15 @miriamkp whenever i hear someone say that i'm tempted to make them walk me through the undergrad curriculum at their university to see where they expect their own undergrads to develop that skill
2022-05-26 21:37:57 RT @erinmdouglas23: Today in the Starbucks drive-thru in Uvalde, the barista asked if I was taking time to take care of myself. I told her…
2022-05-26 21:06:48 RT @LeslieMac: Again - the police will continue to change their story until they find the one white people will accept. Don't fall for it.…
2022-05-26 21:05:05 it's exhausting and demoralizing like we have to sit here and keep listening as these people workshop their excuses for why all these children are dead. that's literally what our life is now
2022-05-26 21:03:48 @onekade
2022-05-26 21:01:12 RT @edyong209: When I say long-haulers are *the* experts on long COVID, I don't just mean "cos they have it." I mean stuff like this. Of…
2022-05-26 20:55:41 the police are still figuring out their story. two days later, they're still working on an internally consistent lie. i almost wish they were faster at this so they could arrive at whatever bullshit narrative they want us to believe so they'll finally just stop talking.
2022-05-26 20:44:29 @ranjodhd "academic career advice" version please
2022-05-26 20:29:42 we just don't pay heroes to murder innocent people enough these days so the hero market is through the floor and that's making people not want to take up a career of heroically murdering women in their beds and crushing the windpipes of men on the street.
2022-05-26 20:20:51 >
2022-05-26 20:19:55 hey AI researchers are you listening?
2022-05-26 18:31:10 RT @WesleyLowery: i’m a broken record on this but: just because the police say something that does not mean that it is true
2022-05-26 16:23:33 @RcvGenderfucked maybe. i think functionally the conclusion is the same
2022-05-26 16:14:55 i'm just venting at this point so whatever i'll stop
2022-05-26 16:14:54 it feels like we could elect democrats to offices of increasingly proximal power and they'd always look back to us hoping for one last affirmation encouraging the thing we asked them to do ages ago. like they just want to make sure one last time that what they're doing is popular
2022-05-26 16:14:53 this reply also really illustrates a deep, fundamental difference in how democrats seem to perceive these offices vs how republicans do. maybe republicans don't respect big government, but they have a functionally (albeit cynically) very acute understanding of what the levers do>
2022-05-26 03:17:16 RT @KarlTheFog: Heat wave over
2022-05-26 02:59:58 RT @KillerMartinis: Hi, folks in minneapolis who are building things!Maybe it’s mutual aid, maybe it’s a small business, maybe it’s art…
2022-05-26 02:25:45 i mean, i have a normal relationship with email
2022-05-26 02:25:26 sometimes the tab just gets lost and then it closes or the computer crashes or something and then it goes into a place where if i looked in there i would have to face a mountain of failures to respond to people, glaring at me like angry spirits with unfinished business
2022-05-26 02:22:54 i've got drafts that have been around longer than COVID. you don't know what a mess i am
2022-05-25 23:41:58 @timnitGebru sometimes i wonder if they're making it up on the spot. they know i can't catch them in a lie if i can't remember their answers...
2022-05-25 23:39:57 once a postdoc said (something like) "these systems are so brittle, and they're always designed to break toward us, so the broken glass always falls on us" and that felt really aptyou might say it was a SHARP analysis! huh? get it?or it was a ... ok i'm done sorry
2022-05-25 23:33:16 anyway- i wasn't very upfront with people in grad school about my family's financial stuff because it was complicated and... idk
2022-05-25 23:24:00 i dunno why that always makes me laugh a little. somewhere in my brain is a 10-page CHI paper about the stress of being poor in an environment where professors make 100x what you make thanks to consulting gigs, and where many peers don't even agree that you all are workers
2022-05-25 23:18:06 i eventually talked with people in positions of power about it, and they fought back against that policy to keep it from happening, so that was nice.i dunno how much time i spent worrying about money over the years i was there, but it was more than i spent on any single paper.
2022-05-25 23:15:46 (as an aside, i'll never forget the students who said they didn't care and then they had to pay $$$$$$ to expedite travel documents for a conference, and then suddenly they DID care. true class acts, now in some cases professors themselves lol)
2022-05-25 23:13:56 once, people above me said they'd be introducing a $2k cap on conference reimbursements, which...- airbnb- airfare- registrationkicks you over that limit real quick. forget about paying for food!i immediately disengaged from research and started interviewing at companies
2022-05-25 23:06:38 i was reluctant to gesture to the magnitude when i first saw this tweet because i don't want anyone thinking that there's a threshold below which you're not justified to be stressed out, or to complain. but i also realize that being quiet &
2022-05-25 22:59:54 in grad school at one point i was owed five figures - that was one of the more concrete, tangible reasons that i left. i grew up with my electricity getting cut off and parents' car getting repossessed and being on the edge like this was causing me more stress than i could handle
2022-05-25 21:11:59 RT @emilymbender: Working out systems of governance, appropriate regulations &
2022-05-25 20:42:15 My consent-based product shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.
2022-05-25 19:16:18 they're gonna call for surveillance of private massages and i'm gonna trust you all to knock that dystopian shit down please
2022-05-25 16:00:59 at this point it feels like someone complaining that they don't want to build a house with this lumber because any wood that's weak enough to be cut by a saw could just be taken apart by someone later. make him go sleep in the rain, then.
2022-05-25 06:27:13 it's been a long day. an exhausting day. i hope tomorrow is better.
2022-05-25 06:26:13 whenever an elected leader calls on others for action, i find myself wondering if we deserve better. my tendency toward depression is so well-practiced that this impulse toward depression makes quick work of any aspiration for anything better, tilling the earth for hopelessness.
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:44:38 @hondanhon
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-27 03:12:50
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:17:56 proof of (mi)stake
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 22:24:23 prelude to a guy getting blocked
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:44:38 @hondanhon
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-27 03:12:50
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:17:56 proof of (mi)stake
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 22:24:23 prelude to a guy getting blocked
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-10-30 03:35:28 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf sorry i mean this is obvious but maybe it's not to someone who thought it wouldn't be transparent that making employees print 50+ pages of code to walk through it like it's the 1970s is just a dumb scheme to try to get people to quit and forfeit compensation
2022-10-30 03:32:35 @MikeIsaac @kateconger @RMac18 @sheeraf there's no way elmo thought this was a good way to quietly get rid of them, is there? like there's no way any of them would walk away from >
2022-10-28 18:27:59 @tinysubversions eeeeee
2022-10-28 18:21:44 @tinysubversions what, i thought we were leaving twitter
2022-10-28 03:55:03 @LibyaLiberty let's just say it's gonna stink around here pretty soon
2022-10-28 02:33:05 @davekarpf @verified just doesn't seem worth trying to get anymore tbh :(
2022-10-28 02:24:51 @SoulofDemocracy @sassycrass @duty2warn wow, in such a short time i almost forgot how much of a fucking dirtbag he is. all came rushing back.
2022-10-27 21:05:18 @broderick "what if no legs?" notwithstanding lol
2022-10-27 21:04:43 @broderick does the metaverse express any strong opinions that make it an interesting experiment of VR? it's surprisingly timid in experiential, user-facing features. but one has to imagine that a data architecture to capture every atom in this nascent universe must be an engineering feat
2022-10-27 20:58:17 @broderick i've been trying to workshop this way of thinking about the metaverse and i think my take is more cynical, but "the same universe, except with tracking instruments built into every atom of that copycat universe" keeps feeling sticky to me
2022-10-27 20:44:38 @hondanhon
2022-10-27 20:20:06 @tante @foldingchable (according to google, operating all the disney parks globally costs ~$14B annually, by the way. but that's more like a silly coincidence - i still don't love the analogy lol)
2022-10-27 20:16:50 @tante @foldingchable it's a baffling waste of resources, and i'd have thought they'd *incidentally* build something that wasn't offensive to look at, but it's an order of magnitude less crazy that they spent $15B to build a panopticon (just that what they've done is several orders of magnitude crazy)
2022-10-27 20:13:17 @tante @foldingchable i don't love this analogy, but i sometimes think about it less as building GTA V and more as building a version of disneyland that instruments every food-wrapper, bench, article of clothing, etc... as tracking devices, and the backend architecture all that data necessitates
2022-10-27 19:53:33 @foldingchable @tante but identifying and communicating a reason for wanting to explore the metaverse has never seemed like a high priority, has it?
2022-10-27 19:52:33 @foldingchable @tante confidence in their ability to make the metaverse a place people *have* to be (eg for work) might be playing a role here. or they might hilariously think that they played a significant role in people using platforms they bought, like instagram and whatsapp lol
2022-10-27 17:12:30 @anthropologydp well, he is a rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone
2022-10-27 14:14:46 @tante judging the metaverse primarily as an environment people might enjoy spending time in is probably wrong, regardless of how it's marketedthink of it as a project to build a universe with tracking and advertising built into every atom, and the visual cheapness makes sense
2022-10-27 03:12:50
2022-10-26 20:52:12 RT @timnitGebru: Happening in 2 minutes. Join us.
2022-10-26 03:48:54 in the future, we'll all be inundated by cheap-looking ads for cheap-looking games that belie their highly refined inner workings, carefully designed to get you to buy loot boxes or play tokens or whatever, via gimmicks made to distance you from the revelation that this is a scam
2022-10-26 03:38:14 when the app store launched in 2008 steve jobs said they took 30% because that was the bare minimum to keep the lights on, reviewing app submissionsthat was a long time ago
2022-10-26 03:30:58 @Def64Gamer @simonbs either the ads are ineffective or they're effective. in either case, for independent reasons, they should be removed.
2022-10-26 01:13:41 @anildash @tressiemcphd they should find a way to count "make available offline"
2022-10-24 03:57:31 never register with your edu account. no matter how sure you are you'll remember to move it. never.
2022-10-24 03:55:56 the replies to a lot of tweets doing big numbers these days increasingly look like the comments section of youtube videos or the answers from yahoo answers and that more than almost anything else makes me want to recover access to my mastodon account
2022-10-24 00:17:26 @MarzGurl lol imagine him just going for L after L in civil trials because his fans convince him each time he's got a chance
2022-10-23 01:25:14 @rinewithoutacat i was scrolling through the replies and people were making up complete nonsense and replying contemptuously to that nonsense. it was the goofiest and most embarrassing shit i've seen in a while
2022-10-23 00:10:53 if you follow academic twitter from outside of the field you might get the impression that we're fucking stupid based on the bad faith misreadings of totally mundane comments other academics will make about lending books to students ha ha wait what?
2022-10-22 17:17:56 proof of (mi)stake
2022-10-22 17:10:23 those first 35 built the foundation, so they didn't need to operate at the level of those next 15and once they built that foundation, there was no additional work to be done.that's called scalability please don't ask me about murders spurred by viral whatsapp messages
2022-10-22 17:04:48 based on this math those 15 additional engineers brought in 450 million users so uh...i guess you need to hire 15 more engineers just 17 or 18 times and you'll have the entire world :)
2022-10-22 17:02:33 comparing the needs of two different platforms on the basis of registered users and not actual usage, types of media and content, content moderation needs, etc... is actually hilarious.
2022-10-22 16:52:05 (it's not as though all these ideas sprang forth from nothing, shoulders of giants, etc... but you have to admit there's been a massive flourishing of work)
2022-10-22 16:50:20 the oldest book here is from like 2009, and i know many of these authors had been publishing bits and pieces in journals and stuff, but it's surreal to pause and think about how much the landscape of our discourse has changed and matured in like... literally less than 5-10 years
2022-10-22 16:32:12 @FominayaC @ewrigleyfield @PamOliver1180 yeah but you have to earn trust to get people to come right out and say they found something impenetrable. like what if they were the only one who struggled? or if a friend of yours wrote it and you take it badly that they couldn't understand it? lots of risk for them to shoulder
2022-10-22 16:24:40 @hondanhon cats are jerks, i'm sorry :(
2022-10-22 05:47:22 @atpfm i'm sorry for being creepy but it you google the address of the business that scammed @caseyliss (listed on the profile, anyway), the first result is this it's not just lots of bad amazon reviews, but rises to the level of local news coverage
2022-10-22 05:38:08 @shengokai i swear i didn't make this, i just found it
2022-10-22 05:25:00 @shengokai jeff goldblum, on the proposal to clone and ultimately maintain yet more academic deadlines
2022-10-22 03:35:08 RT @Alacranita: This hire at Brown when I was a grad student was incredibly painful &
2022-10-22 02:54:49 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-22 01:35:19 RT @timnitGebru: Playdoh Flamingos needed majority vote from @uwcse for emeritus status. So its them we need to worry about not one person.…
2022-10-21 22:25:18 try not to be remembered for "some conversation where you were stupid back then as well"
2022-10-21 22:24:23 prelude to a guy getting blocked
2022-10-21 21:55:26 @npparikh if you don't understand the context of the conversation you're totally allowed to not comment dude lol
2022-10-21 21:03:33 @joeybean @crystaljjlee what makes me so sad is that if you told me ~15 years ago that i would be able to use "IRC with a GIF library" i would've thought that was so fucking cool. it still sounds awesome. so why is it not clicking for me??? maybe the pseudonymous part was crucial :(
2022-10-21 20:41:17 still thinking about UW giving that bigot a stage in front of a bunch of phd students. i heard from an alum that i should be less hard on the department because people might be quietly working behind the scenes. that was almost a year ago. glad i told him i didn't need his input.
2022-10-21 20:37:52 RT @levinishere: Sharing that room w/ former students &
2022-10-21 17:06:28 lmao i looked at the actual local timezones and i think i'm gonna turn into an owl for a week over here
2022-10-21 17:05:00 also very pleased that CSCW is going to be in a timezone that allows me to be comfy (anywhere on earth, via zoom)
2022-10-21 17:03:56 the CSCW 2022 program is live but as far as i can tell papers aren't available yet (some shared sporadically)i'm debating a partial rundown of the papers i'm interested in seeing talks for vs waiting till after the conference to link the ones i went to/liked (like i did here)
2022-10-21 16:46:53 RT @mer__edith: You can start by learning that "AI" is first &
2022-10-21 16:41:27 it wasn't something i would forget about by this morning
2022-10-21 16:36:02 if you don't know anything about AI, you can still bring your experiences &
2022-10-21 16:36:01 here's why i'm making this point:a *worryingly* large group of AI researchers have no training, nor any inclination to learn, how to structure any thoughts about administrative power - how it marginalizes people, as in CREATES marginalization. not even talking about other harms
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 23:37:03
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-27 07:12:01 business school students see this nonsense and think they're being clever as shit
2022-11-27 07:11:08 these x axes are suspicious as fuck
2022-11-27 03:03:23 @cwarzel his usual attention to detail at the scale of smartphones... can't wait!
2022-11-27 03:00:35 RT @Grady_Booch: The new owner of @Twitter is a white supremacist and Nazi supporter.
2022-11-27 02:39:35
2022-11-27 02:37:49 sometimes i check and i'm like "wait, you still follow me??? even after all that??" and i get scared i'm gonna say something stupid and stop posting for a few days
2022-11-27 02:36:27 the worst thing about this hellhole is that some people i look up to follow me here, and leaving this piece of shit app run by an emerald mine heir with no sense of humor means losing those totally incredible connections that feel so improbable that i will never get that again :(
2022-11-27 02:32:17 @abelinasabrina @FoodNetwork i wasn't prepared for this juxtaposition but ... we stan a smol queen?
2022-11-27 02:25:18 RT @GAFollowers: BREAKING: There’s been a shooting at Atlantic Station on 17th street. Reports coming in say several people have been shot.…
2022-11-27 01:34:48 not all heroes wear capes, but if this one did it would be billowing
2022-11-27 01:23:22 RT @timnitGebru: Everyone in Georgia please vote.
2022-11-27 00:44:33 @MikeIsaac *trying to think which place that is* is it on the north side in berkeley?
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 23:37:03
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-28 22:57:52 on a related note: my DMs are a garbage fire now. i've given up on dealing with spam messages, which have seemingly gotten dramatically worse. if you're in there, sorry
2022-11-28 22:56:26 love it. love. it.
2022-11-28 22:54:41 i was going to say maybe they left their AWS API credentials exposed somewhere and some crypto scammer found it and started using it, but i guess they got ahead of me on that
2022-11-28 22:51:30 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac tried to find a gif of that scene with the rollerbladers from better call saul but i gave up, imagine it here [insurance_scam.gif]
2022-11-28 22:50:28 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac guy buys a whole birdapp and then turns its entire monetization scheme on its head within a month for the sole apparent purpose of getting into a legal fight w/apple (one that... resembles the epic fight?). seems a little like he's throwing himself in front of a car for a $$ scam
2022-11-28 22:42:00 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac thanks - i only saw the one where he @'d tim cook, which seemed to be him whining about advertising i wonder if this is going to force more discovery around elmo's purchase of twitter and lead to more texts. seems kinda relevant that he'd have known about the 30% thing going in.
2022-11-28 22:21:47 @MikeIsaac ... is space karen seriously asking to speak to the manager after apple stopped running ads on twitter?
2022-11-28 21:55:37 RT @alexnpress: incredible to see the rail carriers say they’re “very focused on taking every step necessary to avoid a work stoppage” when…
2022-11-28 19:25:00 still slightly laughing at the guy who got real funding from real idiots with real money who went out like "hey, here's a super principled position i'm going to announce despite a gun not being held to my head: i'm deprioritizing accessibility" like who are you saying that for?
2022-11-28 19:21:55 meanwhile there's studies showing that dudes with covid running around outside demonstrably passed covid to folks, like it's that transmissible now (hey, yes, that was evident in like... june, but who's counting)
2022-11-28 19:18:32 why is the white house doing this get boosters as often as is appropriate given your medical situation and especially given any variants that have AND WILL emerge over time.
2022-11-28 16:44:04 @its_a_me_lucy holy shit thank you. i couldn't bring myself to look very closely because it just made me super uncomfortable and sad for him
2022-11-28 16:40:40 i'm just gonna say i hope he doesn't blow his fucking brains out
2022-11-28 02:59:34 @CutForTime if apple didn't want me to sweep that notification away defiantly, they shouldn't have made it so satisfying to do.
2022-11-27 23:46:39 the people behind post looked at mastodon with its bullshit about civility and making white people feel comfortable and somehow decided they could innovate and BY GOD THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST
2022-11-27 23:34:39 "blockheads get it through their heads that accessibility is neither a flourish nor a charity - but directly on the critical path of development" challenge (impossible)
2022-11-27 23:30:21 >
2022-11-27 19:16:05 @Christophers91A @IBJIYONGI "... and then, about 9 hours later or whenever, i'll SPRING THE TRAP and ask people to consider buying my book" you figured it out. the most cunning advertising campaign, hinging on a tweet that could, almost, arguably be misconstrued as a passing thought someone actually had
2022-11-27 18:54:48 RT @MoreAndAgain: Imagine thinking a slave owner had to be recruited into white supremacy. White people are collectively unequipped to acc…
2022-11-27 18:45:06 @IBJIYONGI i'm sure a lot of people think they're real sleuths for seeing through your cynical ruse to earn goodwill by talking about bright car headlights and then segueing that into advertising a book you wrote years ago
2022-11-27 18:33:27 "i can't believe i'm defending a strip mall," you think to yourself, "but at least it was a place to go... in the 90s, i guess..."
2022-11-27 18:32:18 loser buys a strip mall, talks about making it better than ever with laser tag across all the stores, and every time you check in there's just more pests and grifters, and all the stores are ending leases, which is usually bad. he keeps saying there's never been more foot traffic
2022-11-27 18:22:52 people commenting "i still see you here" like we all walk by a building that got condemned and not wanna poke our heads in every time to see how its desolation is proceeding
2022-11-27 07:12:01 business school students see this nonsense and think they're being clever as shit
2022-11-27 07:11:08 these x axes are suspicious as fuck
2022-11-27 03:03:23 @cwarzel his usual attention to detail at the scale of smartphones... can't wait!
2022-11-27 03:00:35 RT @Grady_Booch: The new owner of @Twitter is a white supremacist and Nazi supporter.
2022-11-27 02:39:35
2022-11-27 02:37:49 sometimes i check and i'm like "wait, you still follow me??? even after all that??" and i get scared i'm gonna say something stupid and stop posting for a few days
2022-11-27 02:36:27 the worst thing about this hellhole is that some people i look up to follow me here, and leaving this piece of shit app run by an emerald mine heir with no sense of humor means losing those totally incredible connections that feel so improbable that i will never get that again :(
2022-11-27 02:32:17 @abelinasabrina @FoodNetwork i wasn't prepared for this juxtaposition but ... we stan a smol queen?
2022-11-27 02:25:18 RT @GAFollowers: BREAKING: There’s been a shooting at Atlantic Station on 17th street. Reports coming in say several people have been shot.…
2022-11-27 01:34:48 not all heroes wear capes, but if this one did it would be billowing
2022-11-27 01:23:22 RT @timnitGebru: Everyone in Georgia please vote.
2022-11-27 00:44:33 @MikeIsaac *trying to think which place that is* is it on the north side in berkeley?
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 23:37:03
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-11-29 07:21:02 @mattbc it's a real doozy
2022-11-29 07:18:38 the p-hacking crisis has progressed faster than i expected
2022-11-28 22:57:52 on a related note: my DMs are a garbage fire now. i've given up on dealing with spam messages, which have seemingly gotten dramatically worse. if you're in there, sorry
2022-11-28 22:56:26 love it. love. it.
2022-11-28 22:54:41 i was going to say maybe they left their AWS API credentials exposed somewhere and some crypto scammer found it and started using it, but i guess they got ahead of me on that
2022-11-28 22:51:30 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac tried to find a gif of that scene with the rollerbladers from better call saul but i gave up, imagine it here [insurance_scam.gif]
2022-11-28 22:50:28 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac guy buys a whole birdapp and then turns its entire monetization scheme on its head within a month for the sole apparent purpose of getting into a legal fight w/apple (one that... resembles the epic fight?). seems a little like he's throwing himself in front of a car for a $$ scam
2022-11-28 22:42:00 @shinrowse @MikeIsaac thanks - i only saw the one where he @'d tim cook, which seemed to be him whining about advertising i wonder if this is going to force more discovery around elmo's purchase of twitter and lead to more texts. seems kinda relevant that he'd have known about the 30% thing going in.
2022-11-28 22:21:47 @MikeIsaac ... is space karen seriously asking to speak to the manager after apple stopped running ads on twitter?
2022-11-28 21:55:37 RT @alexnpress: incredible to see the rail carriers say they’re “very focused on taking every step necessary to avoid a work stoppage” when…
2022-11-28 19:25:00 still slightly laughing at the guy who got real funding from real idiots with real money who went out like "hey, here's a super principled position i'm going to announce despite a gun not being held to my head: i'm deprioritizing accessibility" like who are you saying that for?
2022-11-28 19:21:55 meanwhile there's studies showing that dudes with covid running around outside demonstrably passed covid to folks, like it's that transmissible now (hey, yes, that was evident in like... june, but who's counting)
2022-11-28 19:18:32 why is the white house doing this get boosters as often as is appropriate given your medical situation and especially given any variants that have AND WILL emerge over time.
2022-11-28 16:44:04 @its_a_me_lucy holy shit thank you. i couldn't bring myself to look very closely because it just made me super uncomfortable and sad for him
2022-11-28 16:40:40 i'm just gonna say i hope he doesn't blow his fucking brains out
2022-11-28 02:59:34 @CutForTime if apple didn't want me to sweep that notification away defiantly, they shouldn't have made it so satisfying to do.
2022-11-27 23:46:39 the people behind post looked at mastodon with its bullshit about civility and making white people feel comfortable and somehow decided they could innovate and BY GOD THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST
2022-11-27 23:34:39 "blockheads get it through their heads that accessibility is neither a flourish nor a charity - but directly on the critical path of development" challenge (impossible)
2022-11-27 23:30:21 >
2022-11-27 19:16:05 @Christophers91A @IBJIYONGI "... and then, about 9 hours later or whenever, i'll SPRING THE TRAP and ask people to consider buying my book" you figured it out. the most cunning advertising campaign, hinging on a tweet that could, almost, arguably be misconstrued as a passing thought someone actually had
2022-11-27 18:54:48 RT @MoreAndAgain: Imagine thinking a slave owner had to be recruited into white supremacy. White people are collectively unequipped to acc…
2022-11-27 18:45:06 @IBJIYONGI i'm sure a lot of people think they're real sleuths for seeing through your cynical ruse to earn goodwill by talking about bright car headlights and then segueing that into advertising a book you wrote years ago
2022-11-27 18:33:27 "i can't believe i'm defending a strip mall," you think to yourself, "but at least it was a place to go... in the 90s, i guess..."
2022-11-27 18:32:18 loser buys a strip mall, talks about making it better than ever with laser tag across all the stores, and every time you check in there's just more pests and grifters, and all the stores are ending leases, which is usually bad. he keeps saying there's never been more foot traffic
2022-11-27 18:22:52 people commenting "i still see you here" like we all walk by a building that got condemned and not wanna poke our heads in every time to see how its desolation is proceeding
2022-11-27 07:12:01 business school students see this nonsense and think they're being clever as shit
2022-11-27 07:11:08 these x axes are suspicious as fuck
2022-11-27 03:03:23 @cwarzel his usual attention to detail at the scale of smartphones... can't wait!
2022-11-27 03:00:35 RT @Grady_Booch: The new owner of @Twitter is a white supremacist and Nazi supporter.
2022-11-27 02:39:35
2022-11-27 02:37:49 sometimes i check and i'm like "wait, you still follow me??? even after all that??" and i get scared i'm gonna say something stupid and stop posting for a few days
2022-11-27 02:36:27 the worst thing about this hellhole is that some people i look up to follow me here, and leaving this piece of shit app run by an emerald mine heir with no sense of humor means losing those totally incredible connections that feel so improbable that i will never get that again :(
2022-11-27 02:32:17 @abelinasabrina @FoodNetwork i wasn't prepared for this juxtaposition but ... we stan a smol queen?
2022-11-27 02:25:18 RT @GAFollowers: BREAKING: There’s been a shooting at Atlantic Station on 17th street. Reports coming in say several people have been shot.…
2022-11-27 01:34:48 not all heroes wear capes, but if this one did it would be billowing
2022-11-27 01:23:22 RT @timnitGebru: Everyone in Georgia please vote.
2022-11-27 00:44:33 @MikeIsaac *trying to think which place that is* is it on the north side in berkeley?
2022-11-25 23:40:09 idk man, you might wanna stick to working at physical scales you already don't do very well
2022-11-25 23:37:03
2022-11-25 05:28:36 @MikeIsaac you're so close to 3.14 pies at that point, i mean-
2022-11-24 16:45:54 from what i've been hearing, a lot of the people who signed on for more of this by clicking "yes" are here on visas, which means they'd have 60 days to find another job if they left mocking these people for signing on for more of this bullshit would not be a good look right now
2022-11-24 16:29:34 @unangbangkay @mikepuchol @doctorow @YouTube it's remarkable how confident they can be. nothing coded into their script to bail out if the user uses words like "scam" or "scammer". it's fine to have this run right into the spotlight and be seen by everyone, because they know there's no meaningful enforcement to worry about.
2022-11-24 16:20:46 not sure if arxiv has a lot of papers about twitter because there's a lot of interest or because everyone doing research involving twitter data is trying to get their papers out before reviewers start commenting that the data you've been collecting over the past few weeks is sus.
2022-11-24 03:23:12 FYI bonafide masks is doing a black friday sale (30% off) if you're looking to stock up on masks THX30 (been hearing boat style masks are good, so i'm gonna try them out )
2022-11-23 23:52:04 sounds like i can still get it, still get long covid, and still get other people sick or is that just noise?
2022-11-23 20:04:53 hey dril if you wanna co-author a paper, uh... lmk
2022-11-23 20:03:51 this comment on sentiment analysis in @TaylorLorenz's interview with @dril is... surprisingly apt for a conversation where dril later begs to be elno's disgusting dog.
2022-11-23 19:40:57 @abelinasabrina :( hope things are okay
2022-11-22 14:52:01 @Blackamazon i'm a little amazed at some of the hagiography tbh
2022-11-22 14:38:24 RT @CantonWiner: UCI’s grad student government has been trying to email grad students FOR WEEKS about their right to strike. Admin blocked…
2022-11-22 14:04:43 @jilliancyork he supposedly replied to someone asking about it, saying it's his "#1 priority", but i only saw a screenshot and haven't gone looking for it. even if it's real, it's more talk informed and backed up by nothing. so ... ???
2022-11-22 13:51:49 safety concerns? in the middle of cap hill?? the place right next to dick's???? safety concerns???????
2022-11-22 13:43:40 @Dieter75 @MarlowNYC @so_treu don't make me tap the sign
2022-11-22 05:04:00 like this before i delete it lol
2022-11-22 05:03:43 hahaha it is so funny i worked really hard despite a fucked up home life and here i am renting for the rest of my life ha ha ha
2022-11-22 05:03:06 i can't stop laughing at what a fucking boomer elno is in the same way that i can't stop laughing at how the boomers in my hometown in are the reason i will never be able to buy a home or make any meaningful plans for my future
2022-11-22 03:14:12 RT @CinKneph: And this doesn’t even get into the idea that having individuals send out of context snippets of what they’re working on will…
2022-11-22 01:10:15 RT @karamcnair: @_alialkhatib At least one of those emails is going to accidentally contain a secret because everyone leaks secrets eventua…
2022-11-22 01:06:11 paper printouts were legitimately probably less stupid
2022-11-22 01:05:34 hey besties, i don't know who needs to hear this, hopefully not the 20 or so engineers remaining at twitter, but email is not a secure messaging format and you shouldn't send sensitive material on it if you have a secure alternative like... uh... robust version control systems
2022-11-22 01:00:22 any interpersonal advice the nyt posts is probably more anthropologically interesting than actionably useful.
2022-11-22 00:58:37 every NYT article about how to act at a dinner party should come with a disclaimer that this advice is not suitable with POC hosts and you should seriously just do what you should always do which is ask before you start pulling some "Chaotic Good" shit
2022-11-22 00:40:43 >
2022-11-22 00:39:25 im imagining someone doing this to one of my aunts or uncles and i'm honestly legitimately scared
2022-11-22 00:34:46 >
2022-11-22 00:30:02 bahaahhahahaha
2022-11-21 19:35:01 @TheStalwart other than your ability to competently address the growing scale of content moderation?
2022-11-21 17:32:47 people shouldn't have to attend every single town hall meeting and be an active mod on every single community they're a part of and become a leader in every single space they want to exist MERELY to ensure that these spaces don't become oppressive. think about what you're asking.
2022-11-21 17:27:36 you're telling people to take on 100x work to build their own solution that's not racist whenever they encounter racism. what if they deal with racism 24 hours a day?
2022-11-21 17:26:39 i have my own instance and it's fine. i can have a doggo account
2022-11-21 17:22:47 i see people commenting to join better instances, or even to make your own 1. the amount of work you're telling people constantly harassed and abused like this to take on, simply to exist, is egregious 2. why wouldn't these admins block any instance that supports black people?
2022-11-20 23:22:10 @npseaver people say they prefer the supposed "no aslanrithm" timeline but studies show that doesn't improve engagement
2022-11-20 21:37:54 RT @niloufar_s: Towards the end of my PhD I was trying to figure out what next. I started to ask a range of people what they wanted from t…
2022-11-20 18:54:50 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain ... then that would be the same on mastodon. and basically everywhere. we're talking about if you get suspended and the suspension is never lifted.
2022-11-20 17:53:30 this is THE thing for me. social media has a particular kind of conversational property to it. of course there are other kinds of discourse that videos and movies are engaging in, but it's different from something like twitter or mastodon (or even blog posts (maybe a hot take))
2022-11-20 17:07:38 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain like in theory an admin could delete an account, right? if that's what banning someone does - and that deletes all the data - that's pretty harsh. but it sounds like whatever the process, Parker was able to migrate stuff, so that's... hopefully good?
2022-11-20 17:04:56 @ispeakspider @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain i admittedly totally don't know what happens when someone gets banned on mastodon - is it informally agreed that an admin will give you a few days to export/migrate, or does a ban mean "your account is frozen
2022-11-20 16:27:01 @tante his neediness is the backdrop of every single social and cultural endeavor he pursues. i'm not even going to link to an SNL skit because it makes me cringe
2022-11-20 15:34:25 @MarlowNYC @so_treu elmo fans are like "man, it's so great that tesla takes such good care of us" as federally required recall notices land in their inboxes
2022-11-20 15:32:03 @DigiAtlas @xanatax_ @JenYetAgain that makes no sense lol. if we were talking about a user being suspended from twitter, we wouldn't be able to follow Parker at all. and we would still be stuck with the transphobic journalist community. mastodon has neither problem now.
2022-11-20 15:24:08 a pachyderm never fucking forgets, huh
2022-11-20 06:56:07 RT @traceyh415: My friend gave birth in prison while shackled to the gurney. They let her hold the baby for 45 mins then took her newborn a…
2022-11-20 06:48:16 what's your favorite 2-minute segment of the movie "Hackers"? let me know in the replies
2022-11-20 03:58:46 @Wolven i considered getting an inhaler the next day. i laughed so hard at some of the tweets i saw i got worried i would wake up the neighbors. i guess i'm saying i still don't have an inhaler and my body is not ready
2022-11-20 03:56:09 @Wolven do you remember twitter the night the news came out that he had covid?
2022-11-20 03:51:44 @histoftech uh. UH.
2022-11-19 23:28:54 i wanna say to everyone who held the line and never posted Black Panther spoilers: you're all excellent people and to the rest of you: turns out i'm so out of touch with everything that i didn't see your spoilers anyway, so who's the loser now?
2022-11-19 23:15:15 also taking advice from calacanis should immediately get your keys taken away from you all of your keys. car keys, house keys, mailbox keys. every key.
2022-11-19 23:14:26 dunno how i feel about jack spending every other day publicly, desperately trying to convince elmo not to fundamentally break twitter while elmo wakes up every day and decimates whatever platform and team is left from the previous day's decimation.
2022-11-19 16:20:49 @CubicleApril @IBJIYONGI @elonmusk he's going to say he doesn't see gender or something incredibly stupid. i just need to put that down here
2022-11-19 14:38:43 it's a lot of neat boxes and lines, but does it look like the product of a detailed conversation in the weeds of fixing a service that's gone sideways? i mean, i don't want to dwell on the tea leaves
2022-11-19 14:36:14 can't help thinking about the conversations/arrangements that go into photos sometimes how did elmo's whiteboard pic happen? it's so lacking in detail in any single topic that it's functionally useless. it's what you sketch for someone who asks why all the teams at twitter exist
2022-11-19 14:08:49 @sassycrass i think @anildash said in a podcast conversation with @gruber that he has a boomer's sense of humor. he's the guy from the comic with no self-awareness or irony whenever i look down the well of how pathetic he is, i only see where light fades off. if it's not endless, it's close
2022-11-19 14:01:30 @IfeomaOzoma @Blackamazon i wasn't prepared for where that sentence went right from the start
2022-11-18 18:56:57 RT @MistressSnowPhD: this is how it’s worked, like, forever. jackass. also shadowbanning ≠ content moderation. I assure you that simply “d…
2022-11-18 18:51:34 forgot who said it but someone predicted that elon would just converge on the exact same policy twitter had before he acquired it, in an ongoing state of "oh, so that's why they had that policy..." and uh
2022-11-18 18:31:07 @lolkat i literally laughed out loud at the reference in the latest hbomberguy video btw
2022-11-18 18:29:02 @ylecun @Abebab not a lot of people know this Yann but "demo" is etymologically related to the word "demonstration"
2022-11-18 18:26:07 by the way, don't go to the 10th floor to meet a megalomaniacal billionaire in a moment of crisis. you're gonna get thrown out a window. demand he meet you on the ground floor, or at least in a windowless room.
2022-11-18 18:24:35 @lepcyrus i bet he eats lunch there every day because he loves being called "boss" without having to ask
2022-11-18 18:21:43 all the nav systems in the Teslas in SF are being sent an override command to make them all converge on elon's location. there's gotta be an engineer in some of those cars
2022-11-18 18:19:44 elon is running from one person to another all the way down market street grabbing people by the shoulders and screaming "CAN YOU HACK? CAN YOU HELP ME OPEN THE BUILDING DOOR?" through people's headphones.
2022-11-18 18:16:37 @veenadubal i feel like stanford's "when" is well-documented through the general use permit negotiations (GUP), although stanford is weird for a million reasons. would love to know how the landscape of this process looked/looks across the country
2022-11-18 18:14:54 @veenadubal the "why" would be a very short paper unfortunately :/
2022-11-18 18:11:46 i wish i could just observe this person through the course of their day.
2022-11-18 18:10:21 i would really like to speak to any tweeps heading to an airport right now. i have... just... SO MANY questions.
2022-11-18 07:41:01 send both of them to mars, jfc
2022-11-18 07:22:35 @sd_marlow @timnitGebru reminds me of david graeber's writing about how people w/power approach bureaucracies as a kind of game because they ultimately have control over it and can walk away when they want. most of us can't, so it's not "having fun". the bureaucracy-AI link keeps feeling compelling :/
2022-11-18 07:09:50 @skinnylatte a bunch of elon fans are going to converge on twitter hq like zombies, murmuring "epic" and "to the moon" monotonously under their breaths. none of them will have brought computers
2022-11-18 06:05:22 serious question: without twitter, how am i going to find out when/if i can order free covid tests and shit like that via the USPS site? like do i just check the USPS site for new deals every few days now?
2022-11-18 05:54:15 ok i'll try the algorithmic timeline just for tonight. since i know this app loves that shit
2022-11-18 05:48:40 @jowens510 @swodinsky i keep thinking about what could right this ship, and... "elon unwinds his decisions and promises to never meddle in twitter anymore"? maybe? but he's already decimated the company. entire teams were laid off long enough ago that they're moving on. that damage can't be unwound.
2022-11-18 05:42:34 @jowens510 @swodinsky sense i've been getting is that people are leaving to get away from elon, who.. doesn't seem like a competent boss. i'm not sure what stock options elon could offer that would help. feels a little like a cruise line offering vouchers for a future vacation as you board a life raft
2022-11-18 05:34:19 it might be a good idea to share some backup channels and secure your account, whether you're leaving or not. email mastodon instagram signal [reach out] if all else fails stay safe, everyone.
2022-11-17 20:10:20 @atpfm @marcoarment @siracusa PS: made a @linode account this week (thanks for the referral link btw lol) to spin up my own mastodon instance. it was genuinely surprisingly straightforward with Cloudron, and while i agree most people won't want to do this, it was one click once i entered login/API token info
2022-11-17 20:03:22 @atpfm i think @marcoarment is also 100% right about mastodon being so similar to twitter that it misleads users. in particular, mastodon should rename "DMs" because it's functionally inconsistent with the shared definition most platforms implicitly agree upon (as @siracusa described)
2022-11-17 19:59:04 @atpfm i really liked your mastodon discussion. it sounded like you were all saying there are no iOS apps besides the official one, but there are a few: Metatext (free) &
2022-11-17 17:47:01 RT @_alialkhatib: @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 17:45:00 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom oh my god i'm gonna die laughing
2022-11-17 12:40:02 @Melnyiam_ @LisaBloom lmaooooooooo
2022-11-17 02:55:13 RT @dowellml: I’d happily join a professional organization that never holds F2F conferences. Seems like the first step toward inclusion. Th…
2022-11-17 02:54:22 @miriamkp makes me so happy that he spent like $100m to be a loser. don't love how close it got
2022-11-17 02:50:16 i had fucking thought caruso won so i had been going around all sad for like a week. this is awesome
2022-11-17 02:49:28 !!!!
2022-11-16 17:50:55 i learned in grad school that an excellent way to get people to come together is to provide free food and i get that but this entire overarching circular system where you don't pay people enough to make ends meet and then they show up because that's dinner for them is just fucked
2022-11-16 17:50:54 i'm still figuring out how to filter emails but i got this listserv email from my old grad program and i was immediately reminded that most grad students genuinely have to budget around the hope of occasional free food, and how fucked up and toxic this entire system is
2022-11-16 17:43:15 @WillOremus "planned to sleep on the floor at Twitter until the organization was fixed" hot take/theory: elon just wants to have a sleepover since nobody wanted to hang with him at his emerald mine as a kid, and thinks it's just barely bearably pathetic to coerce employees to sleep at work
2022-11-16 17:22:35 @leahculver i mean
2022-11-16 17:18:14 you know the saying, right #tweeps? the best time to form a union was 16 years ago. second best time is now.
2022-11-16 17:14:03 @Grady_Booch @taylorswift13
2022-11-16 17:11:44 @sharonodea 3/2 you either have those discussions privately, publicly, or not at all. evidently he's not okay with public discussions as recent firings revealed
2022-11-16 17:08:30 @sharonodea maybe to put it a way elmo might (pretend to) understand: when you're working on a nebulous or complicated coding task, sometimes you need to put code on the screen that you know is garbage so that you can iterate on, closing in on the right design/approach 2/2
2022-11-16 17:07:27 @sharonodea not an internal comms person but when an org is doing something ill-advised or just wrong, but the issue with that strategy is difficult to crystallize, people need to be able to discuss it to pinpoint the boundaries of the critique. outlining a problem with precision is hard /2
2022-11-16 16:59:12 reminds me a bit too much of those thin client PCs i used in school. like... aesthetically it kinda looks like a desktop interface, but nothing looks, feels, or clicks quite right...
2022-11-16 16:52:51 he's like 2 late night 4chan browsing sessions away from getting pulled over and arrested on the side of a highway as he yells that he's a sovereign citizen
2022-11-16 16:43:04 @so_treu in 30 rock @AndyRichter played a guy who never retained memories after some skiing accident in 1985, stuck emotionally and culturally in the 1980s at age 15 or something i can't help wondering if elmo ever went skiing in the mid-2000s and his brain got stuck in an edgelord phase
2022-11-16 16:33:31 he's probably going to claim that more tweets are "reviewed" now than before he showed up, by flagging more tweets algorithmically and claiming the algo is doing the reviewing. or maybe claiming the user is the reviewer. either of which would be utterly delusional
2022-11-16 16:31:32 i've been getting more of these lately. used to not see them at all lol did he decimate the content moderation team thinking this would be as good??
2022-11-16 16:29:31 @gaywonk he wants "exceptional performance" except nobody can contradict or otherwise disagree with him in public while he tweets factually incorrect bullshit about their work. exceptional sycophancy
2022-11-16 16:24:30 @mcwm >
2022-11-16 16:09:48 RT @_alialkhatib: @mattbc in a few months virtually everyone with a checkmark is going to be a desperate grifter with crypto nonsense in th…
2022-11-16 16:09:42 @mattbc WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!‽????? omgggg how did that happen???
2022-11-16 16:06:38 @tante is that ... a single seat?? has the design team spoken to anyone who knows laws related to trucking in the US or EU...?
2022-11-16 16:01:12 "Twitter is a software and servers company" jeff bezos woke up last night briefly thinking he got bit by a mosquito
2022-11-16 01:03:08 this is why you all gotta unionize also, lmao.
2022-12-08 00:51:18 "looks like a hotel room" sounds like a cry for help feels like a labor violation smells like elon's musk
2022-12-08 00:47:56 this is your reminder that most experts agree you should be changing your sheets every week, 2 at at a stretch. and also, not living in a commercial building.
2022-12-08 00:51:18 "looks like a hotel room" sounds like a cry for help feels like a labor violation smells like elon's musk
2022-12-08 00:47:56 this is your reminder that most experts agree you should be changing your sheets every week, 2 at at a stretch. and also, not living in a commercial building.
2022-12-08 22:40:05 RT @AAUPTNS: The students are now occupying University Center at the New School
2022-12-08 00:51:18 "looks like a hotel room" sounds like a cry for help feels like a labor violation smells like elon's musk
2022-12-08 00:47:56 this is your reminder that most experts agree you should be changing your sheets every week, 2 at at a stretch. and also, not living in a commercial building.
2022-12-09 05:43:01 RT @karen_ec_levy:
2022-12-09 05:33:04 RT @BamaParrott: Friends, spread the word: We have 2 tenure-track assistant professor positions opening at Alabama for Fall 2023. Details s…
2022-12-09 04:32:46 a month ago i felt like this was a "substantial amount of account access" i no longer feel like it's an extraordinary amount more access than elon seems to be willing to give people otherwise unaffiliated with twitter and with a documented history of harassment
2022-12-09 04:32:45 i'm avoiding starting private conversations on twitter now except to immediately trade signal contact info to let me switch to that. if there's even a tiny chance that deleting my DMs actually means deleting them still, then there are tools.
2022-12-09 04:32:44 this is a good question. both i don't trust that twitter is deleting things i ask them to delete. i believe they're removing them from view, but i expect any of elon's friends who get access over the years will probably have access to anything that ever touched twitter's servers
2022-12-09 04:22:28 love the spam on this platform. it makes spending less time here easier
2022-12-09 04:20:11 i check and sometimes post here every so often, but i've moved a lot of my time over to mastodon. you can follow me there if you wanna see photos of my dog and also commentary on things. sorry things are so shit :(
2022-12-09 04:20:10 for what it's worth: i use signal. i trust signal emphatically, probably more than i trust any other service or system out there i donate to signal. oh right, donate to signal if you can: (reach out privately somehow if you want to contact me via signal)
2022-12-09 04:20:09 i know i have followers who don't live in tech. i have no idea why. it baffles me. is it my dog? here's a pic of him anyway, if you haven't been keeping up with twitter management drama, the tldr is i wouldn't trust any data stored on twitter. get your convo's off this platform
2022-12-09 03:44:49 >
2022-12-08 22:40:05 RT @AAUPTNS: The students are now occupying University Center at the New School