Thomas G. Dietterich

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AI Speciality: 
Machine Learning
AI Ethic
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Researcher, Université d' Oregon
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Thomas is a computer scientist and is also one of the pioneers in the field of machine learning. He has made many contributions to the advancement of artificial intelligence. He thinks that the biggest dangers facing us from AI are simply the mistakes machines make, and he is making this known on social media in discussions with the AI ​​community.

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2025-02-09 09:44:18 @IamIronLAN How many of these are name changes due to marriage?

2025-02-08 22:15:39 @mattyglesias If you can charge at home and stay within a reasonable radius of home, EVs are fantastic. The battery is full every morning. When EV battery range exceeds 4 hours worth, you can charge while you eat lunch. They also fun!

2025-02-08 22:07:15 @AndrewCritchPhD Every species goes extinct wp 1. EL occurred at least 200,000 years ago

2025-02-08 19:27:50 @Noahpinion Yes if we could anticipate 9/11 and avoid the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Preventing the 2008 GFC would prevent the collapse of faith in institutions. What a terrible decade it was!!

2025-02-08 12:46:57 @JimPethokoukis Indeed, technology advances tend to travel back and forth from academia to industry over 10 to 20 years before they have a revolutionary impact

2025-02-05 20:44:38 @matloff Which I suppose is ok when it is only investors' money at stake. But a nation-state needs to operate robustly 24/7

2025-02-05 16:04:26 @pmarca Harms (eg death, serious injury) are the focus of safety engineering. You want safe cars, planes, and trains.

2025-02-05 15:02:16 Trump == Chaos This should be the bumper sticker of the loyal opposition

2025-02-05 11:33:24 RT @Brian_Riedl: “Why aren’t you cheering Trump &

2025-02-05 10:35:04 @jeremyphoward Why xenophobic? I think it is fair to be concerned about a country that is conducting a huge military buildup. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the data was also read by the NSA and who knows what other governments. I look forward to being able to do everything locally

2025-02-02 05:39:15 @admercs @Afinetheorem Not only does it look bad, it is downright stupid. But you don't negotiate with Mr. Trump by folding.

2025-02-02 05:38:06 @admercs @Afinetheorem Harming other nations is a really bad look

2025-02-02 04:07:23 RT @ScottGottliebMD: Gift link

2025-02-02 04:03:48 @ArmandDoma Particularly when it isn't even clear what Trump wants to achieve

2025-02-02 04:02:01 @MarkMKara @Afinetheorem How does holding dollars act as a tariff? When the Fed increases the money supply, those dollars lose value. Raising tariffs usually acts to increase the value of the dollar

2025-01-31 23:19:27 @HrishbhDalal @AlexGDimakis I'd rather use this behavior to have the model admit that it is on the wrong path. It should backtrack

2025-01-31 06:41:59 RT @deliprao: For everyone making similar tweets and running to conclude “zomg! Copycat”, I wish I could hand them a copy of this paper: ht…

2025-01-31 06:41:14 @TobyWalsh The priority now should be to disrupt the deep local optimum that the big AI companies occupy. Lower the barriers to entry and encourage lots of new ideas. The CERN proposal assumes we know the right experiment to do. We do not!

2025-01-30 06:14:57 RT @tqbf: You’re an attacker talking to a closed-source LLM over an API. You’d like to extract (some of) the secret model weights. You can…

2025-01-30 02:56:17 @yoavgo I think it depends on your assessment of how quickly advances in LLMs are translated into advances in offensive cyber attacks and defenses

2025-01-21 20:26:01 @Noahpinion @ArmandDoma Evidence? I'm not saying staffers have no power, but every politician has their ear to the ground (or at least to the donors). One exception might be committee staffers

2025-01-21 20:23:18 RT @tdietterich: @yoavgo Another case of "Nature syndrome". It's why I'm very skeptical of everything that appears in Nature. There are exc…

2025-01-21 20:23:12 @yoavgo Another case of "Nature syndrome". It's why I'm very skeptical of everything that appears in Nature. There are exceptions (many great papers from @GoogleDeepMind), but in areas where I have expertise, Nature papers usually underwhelm

2025-01-21 20:18:18 @Noahpinion @ArmandDoma Is @noahpinion joining the deep state conspiracy people? The elected congressmen and senators are responsible. In my experience, they take extreme care with every public action of their offices.

2025-01-21 20:15:51 @yudapearl Why is MSF in this list?

2025-01-19 23:39:02 @lgrahamfangirl @LindseyGrahamSC Translation: I can't support you, Senator, unless you also let me support the CCP

2025-01-19 21:39:04 RT @rao2z: On the seedy optics of "Building an AGI Moat by Corralling Benchmark Creators" #SundayHarangue One of the big reasons for the…

2025-01-19 21:37:16 @AndrewCritchPhD @tony_ohagan @DaveShapi Thanks Andrew. If we want systems to work in safety-critical applications, they will need to be grounded in reality. But in design and creativity applications, hallucination/confabulation is a feature. Make it switchable.

2025-01-19 17:21:13 @tony_ohagan @DaveShapi @AndrewCritchPhD Is there reason to think these advances will solve the hallucination problem? The lack of systematic generalization seems also to be a deep problem with statistical learning. Do you have a solution?

2025-01-18 23:56:26 @matloff Another interpretation is that Biden is speaking from personal experience, much as Eisenhower had experience with the military-industrial complex.

2025-01-18 00:12:50 @noamscheiber True, but just as the appearance of conflict of interest is bad, the appearance of not working is definitely bad.

2025-01-18 00:08:15 @therealrthorat @BallouxFrancois It is also clear that targeting rules for the Lavender system were relaxed under the demand from commanders up the chain. This is a systematic moral failing, not a problem of rogue soldiers.

2025-01-18 00:05:13 @therealrthorat @BallouxFrancois Yes, whenever an army is sent to battle, some fraction of soldiers will violate the laws of war. The question is whether they will be prosecuted (as required by the Geneva Conventions). My country (US) definitely has a mixed record on this.

2025-01-17 23:52:47 @therealrthorat @BallouxFrancois The IDF lost it in my eyes. I had much higher expectations for ethical behavior. The quantity of war crime selfies was horrifying. Moreover, it seems that there was top-down permission via loose rules of engagement. Reminds me of the US body count KPI during the Vietnam war

2025-01-17 20:59:29 RT @RealAAAI: The AAAI Fellows Selections Committee is happy to announce the list of newly elected AAAI Fellows for 2025: Maria-Florina (…

2025-01-15 23:29:37 gift link:

2025-01-15 23:29:36 David Brooks (with whom I rarely agree) has a good column today about the urgency of asking the right questions to the Sec of Defense nominee.

2025-01-15 20:55:36 RT @Noahpinion: Most Americans don't realize how much China's government is doing to make America poorer, less secure, and more divided.…

2025-01-15 20:53:53 @geoffreylitt @inkandswitch Thank you for the pointer. Very thought-provoking.

2025-01-15 19:35:39 @HusseinAboubak Why did it fail so badly?

2025-01-12 05:53:45 @NoppadonKoo @dwarkesh_sp @tylercowen So now you are talking about drilling a million simultaneous geothermal wells, each one testing different drill head and methods. Or you are launching a million rockets, etc. etc. The limits of the physical world and the cost of all of this will be a major bottleneck end/

2025-01-12 05:51:43 @NoppadonKoo @dwarkesh_sp @tylercowen You might say, fine, I'll create a giant experimental engineering factor with a million experimenting robots. And that would accelerate things, but it is a big capital expense. And many inventions must be tested at scale 2/

2025-01-12 05:50:27 @NoppadonKoo @dwarkesh_sp @tylercowen If you could create reliable inventions by pure thought, this would work. But our experience has been that you need to do a lot of experimentation in the physical (and social) world, find out where your knowledge was wrong, and iterate. 1/

2025-01-11 18:24:36 @pmarca We all share some responsibility

2025-01-11 18:19:33 RT @weiss_hadas: you merely explain, i explicate, we are not the same

2025-01-06 06:17:45 @matloff @CitizenState1 Yes, I was replying to @CitizenState1. I'd love to see a big push to fund (a) excellence in mathematics K-12, (b) incentives to study all branches of engineering (with money to fund those programs). After Sputnik, we did a lot of things right. Now? Not so much...

2025-01-06 04:06:17 @matloff @CitizenState1 We need to also account for the new jobs that a worker might create (eg, when they start a company). The set of jobs is not fixed. This is also why green cards are more important than H1B’s (which should be truly temporary)

2025-01-06 03:05:54 RT @mattyglesias: This is also why carbon pricing, another technocratically sound policy, deserves to make a comeback now that we're back i…

2025-01-06 03:04:37 RT @deAdder: All the President's men Support for Ann Telnaes By @deAdder Substack: http…

2025-01-06 02:57:18 @docmilanfar @sarahookr @openreviewnet We need to get our data collection and reporting processes lined up so that evidence is irrefutable. But we also need to dump paper bidding, as it is a weak attack surface

2024-12-31 20:58:55 RT @arxiv: Wishing everyone a happy and healthy arXiv2501 . . . So thankful for everyone around the world who uses arXiv to share and…

2024-12-31 03:31:30 @yoavgo

2024-12-31 03:28:46 @yoavgo Some folks would assert that any learning for sequential decision making is RL by definition. But I would reserve RL for learning from bandit feedback

2024-12-31 03:27:23 @yoavgo In the CALO project at SRI, we built several agents that learned by demonstration (combined with narration in James Allen’s system). This could be described as learning through human-computer interaction

2024-12-31 03:16:41 RT @haroldpollack: @itaisher Von Neumann was merely pre-plagiarizing my works on this subject. Sadly, I am now having difficulty publishing…

2024-12-30 03:06:12 @warrbo @NielsHoven My children were in an advanced course where some part of their grade depended on how the other students in their "table group" (a set of students seated at the same table) did. end/

2024-12-30 03:04:10 @warrbo @NielsHoven That is a separate problem. I don't see how abolishing talented and gifted programs teaches the smart students to lift the whole community. They just become lazy and egotistical. Within a TAG program, you can teach them to do this, though. 1/

2024-12-30 03:01:19 @modelsarereal Russell argues that we do not want to give them a survival instinct. We want them to shut themselves down under appropriate conditions. I think this is an engineering goal that is easily achieved.

2024-12-30 02:20:53 @modelsarereal So you are agreeing that they will not automatically develop a survival instinct that cannot be controlled?

2024-12-30 02:19:42 @warrbo @NielsHoven Segregating them and working them hard is a way of demonstrating to them that they aren't so super smart after all. It keeps them from becoming lazy. (I received this treatment and benefited immensely.)

2024-12-26 00:08:44 @ChombaBupe A corollary is that the existence of intelligent humans who learn quickly from small amounts of data is not evidence that a general purpose learning mechanism can do the same. end/

2024-12-26 00:07:35 @ChombaBupe Roughly speaking, we are trying to achieve the results of millions of years of evolution by training LLM data sponges on vast amounts of data. It seems inefficient to us, but perhaps (because it is designed, as you say), it is more efficient than evolution 2/

2024-12-26 00:06:24 @ChombaBupe This is true, and yet evolution has shaped our developmental pathways and our brains. We can view it as defining a prior that allows us to learn rapidly in the environment controlled by our parents. 1/

2024-12-25 23:57:47 @fliprepeat @elonmusk @iamyesyouareno @MarioNawfal What fraction of those degrees were to international students and what fraction to US citizens? Now compare with India and China both on an absolute basis and on a % of population

2024-12-25 05:59:59 @IamIronLAN Play an instrument

2024-12-23 22:49:24 @deanwball @RogerGrosse See also

2024-12-23 22:48:29 @deanwball @RogerGrosse Training Data Attribution via Approximate Unrolling Juhan Bae, Wu Lin, Jonathan Lorraine, Roger Baker Grosse

2024-12-23 22:44:27 @deanwball There is good research on both of these problems. I particularly liked @RogerGrosse's NeurIPS paper and talk on unrolled SGD for computing influence functions. We are also making progress on uncertainty quantification. I'm hopeful that we can address these technical problems.end/

2024-12-23 22:42:43 @deanwball Another is attribution. Virtually all machine learning systems (except nearest neighbor and kernel methods) lack reliable ways of attributing their conclusions to the relevant training examples. 5/

2024-12-23 22:41:46 @deanwball There are problems shared between narrow and broad AI systems. One is uncertainty quantification: the system should quantify its uncertainty and either alert the user or refuse to answer questions (or take actions) when it is uncertain 4/

2024-12-22 00:02:59 @txnftxnf @fchollet @NielsRogge Creating novelty benchmarks is a challenge, as they can only be used once.

2024-12-22 00:02:17 @txnftxnf @fchollet @NielsRogge It’s true that every ARC problem is new, but ARC problems have a general style and a set of affordances that allow the LLM or a human engineer to do feature engineering and define priors.

2024-12-21 23:59:43 @nufhilkmvtw @fchollet @NielsRogge Even if the system was not trained on the training set, the researchers are

2024-12-21 20:42:57 @AvivTamar1 @menhguin Yes, but that wouldn’t necessarily improve performance on new problems, whereas my impression is that O3 does improve more generally

2024-12-21 19:59:38 @DaniloJRezende *Breiman

2024-12-19 01:19:01 @dbreunig Obviously it is also important to examine what data we choose to generate. What prompts do we give? How does this relate to traditional active learning methods that focus on uncertainty

2024-12-19 01:17:57 @dbreunig I'd love a discussion of "pure" synthetic data (e.g., just running an LLM or a diffusion model forward) versus "filtered" or "ranked" synthetic data, in which some form of ranking or filtering (e.g., by humans, by the LLM, etc.) is applied. Compare the benefit of these two forms

2024-12-18 23:28:47 @davidmanheim It doesn't look like they have shown this on a real robot. I think you need more than waypoints to make a real robot interact with real surfaces.

2024-12-18 03:08:21 @andrewgwils IIRC, Geoff Hinton once jokingly described it as “our deepest discovery as a field was to use the chain rule”. Perhaps the fact that it works so well DOES count as a deep discovery

2024-12-18 03:01:37 @SebastienBubeck Yes! Now we need to incorporate the other components of cognitive architecture: meta-cognition, episodic memory, specialized reasoning systems for planning and inference. I’m pleased with the change in trajectory.

2024-12-18 01:26:53 @menhguin Critics are just pointing out that in addition to its good aspects, utilitarianism has its limits and must be coupled with additional ethical principles

2024-12-16 23:12:44 RT @Miles_Brundage: The AI industry has totally failed to explain how their tech works to users + safeguard against harms from hallucinatio…

2024-12-16 21:37:24 @ikristoph @_jasonwei A superior system is one that behaves correctly. Safety is part of the definition of correct

2024-12-16 15:14:27 @kimmonismus We do not have this tech today. Nowhere close to “basically”

2024-12-16 15:10:28 RT @ndif_team: More big news! Applications are open for the NDIF Summer Engineering Fellowship—an opportunity to work on cutting-edge AI re…

2024-12-15 07:10:56 @wendyweeww @rao2z @NewYorker Sci-fi writers are very popular with AI people

2024-12-13 03:10:34 @pmarca A harmful conversation is one that engages in for which they are sued and need to pay out. As an investor, aren't you concerned?

2024-12-11 06:09:12 RT @fuxinli2: We will present this work tomorrow 11AM-2PM at East Exhibit Hall 4207 at #NeurIPS2024

2024-12-11 05:27:19 @DavidSKrueger It is interesting to contrast two slogans. From @davidwoods "No automated system has ever been able to deal with novelty"

2024-12-11 04:54:46 @StevenGlinert Seems like rather high means testing. How about lowering it to one million?

2024-12-11 04:43:59 @mattyglesias Who is "they"?

2024-12-10 19:39:45 @jeremyphoward Is anyone working on something similar for the Windows knowledge worker?

2024-12-09 23:48:15 @djmccl @jeremyphoward @sebkrier I doubt that current LLMs can solve the truthfulness problem without analyzing their data sources and constructing arguments for and against various beliefs. The "knowledge" in the LLM weights is a messy superposition of multiple sources. 2/end

2024-12-09 23:45:47 @djmccl @jeremyphoward @sebkrier I would love to see an effort that tried to use LLM-style methods to construct a "universal" knowledge base (e.g., as a knowledge graph). It would require reasoning about data sources and their credibility and understanding which questions have multiple possible answers, etc. 1/

2024-12-09 16:19:32 RT @CRAtweets: Considering a PhD in computing? Join the NSF CSGrad4US Webinar on Dec. 18 at 3 PM ET to learn how mentorship + 3 years of…

2024-12-09 16:17:58 @djmccl @jeremyphoward @sebkrier Making facts fuzzy when a db could do the job better seems like a mistake. Look how hard it is to delete or update a fact in an LLM. A db also has perfect uncertainty quantification: a tuple is either present or absent. I'm hoping to see LLMs that read and write to a db

2024-12-09 07:09:17 @dlacalle_IA The export profile of Argentina is primarily food and natural resources. It needs to produce higher value products

2024-12-07 23:30:47 @DavidSKrueger I thought that was a violation of the rules (at least for sponsors)

2024-12-07 22:26:00 @jeremyphoward @sebkrier This is absolutely essential for automated cars, for example.

2024-12-07 22:25:15 @jeremyphoward @sebkrier I think it is technically possible in many cases to combine error reduction with uncertainty quantification so that the system can guarantee the correct answer with very high probability or else indicate that it is too uncertain to do this.

2024-12-07 22:15:05 RT @erikbryn:

2024-12-07 18:55:17 @Meaningness @ByrneHobart Of course other forms of “AI”, such as computer vision and anomaly detection, can also be very beneficial for science. But I gather the question at hand is about automated hypothesis generation and testing

2024-12-06 01:48:04 RT @RachelTobac: No timestamp anymore? No marker to indicate a tweet has been edited? Sounds like a misinformation engine firing up to the…

2024-12-06 01:44:18 @mattyglesias I wonder if we had approached this under the banner of "bathroom privacy" and "bathroom equity" there would have been no drama. Every stall would be child-safe! Women and men would have the same waiting time.

2024-12-05 04:40:36 @taaltree You do know that United Healthcare now owns the Corvallis Clinic (via Optum), right? UH is not a force for good. I oppose murder of any kind, by an assassin or by a health care insurer/provider.

2024-12-05 04:34:53 RT @Noahpinion: China is using excess manufacturing capacity to forcibly deindustrialize America and its allies. And neither Trump nor the…

2024-12-05 01:13:18 RT @PaulReynoldsSD: @NateSilver538 This image really tells it all. Having full-time ST or full-time DT are both worse, across all the majo…

2024-12-02 23:48:57 @MazMHussain It is hard not to despair

2024-12-02 23:45:52 @MazMHussain Given the refugee pressures, Europe has a much greater interest in regime change than the US does. If they had acted at the start, they might have avoided the refugee crisis. But with their colonial history, the odds are low that it would have ended well

2024-12-02 22:03:52 @hannawallach @NeurIPSConf I'll be there and would love to chat

2024-12-02 19:52:40 @ChinpoKoumori @mer__edith @sarahbmyers @davidthewid I don't think "just" is correct. As the article states, there continue to be many benefits of open-weights models. But we need more fully-open systems (open data, open code, open weights, open evaluations) to get the full benefit of openness.

2024-12-02 19:40:44 @shaunrein Virtually all Chinese people I meet in the US are students or immigrants seeking graduate degrees. I've never heard any of them called migrant workers.

2024-12-01 00:19:51 @CaitlinLong_ @JimmyPatronis @mercola A state-owned bank sounds like a terrible solution -- even more vulnerable to politicization. Private enterprise is essential to liberty

2024-12-01 00:14:43 @JohnArnoldFndtn In this, and many other industries, there should be a functional customer service/appeals process. When you are a small customer dealing with a big organization, the loss of your business is tiny compared to the cost of customer service. What is the solution? Insurance?

2024-11-30 23:12:51 @LoosJonas @_jasonwei A more nuanced view might form a combination of the physician and the AI system that was superior to either one alone. The physician is unlikely to make stupid errors, for example.

2024-11-30 23:11:47 @LoosJonas @_jasonwei My metric would be more complex than error rate (e.g., I'd include differential costs of errors, effects of therapies, etc.), but I agree with your general point

2024-11-30 22:29:12 @deannpg85 @LukeYoungblood @davidmarcus @pmarca @joerogan @coinbase @Meta Shame on you

2024-11-28 22:03:17 @kalomaze @jeremyphoward People want purpose-based control of how their data are used. I think we all would prefer, for example, that our data not be used to train models specifically for phishing. @arxiv supports multiple licenses

2024-11-28 18:11:36 @Miles_Brundage @navtechai Strong agree. These are measures we should be taking even in the absence of AI

2024-11-27 18:42:46 @bilalmahmood Is it bureaucracy, or bad software design? Or did budgeting and procurement incentivize incremental purchases rather than an integrated system?

2024-11-27 01:15:23 RT @rao2z: As broken as the reviewing may seem at #AI mega conferences, it is worth counting our blessings-- we have @arxiv, our conference…

2024-11-27 01:03:18 @yoavgo I'm interested in the answer, too.

2024-11-26 18:53:34 @Miles_Brundage I agree China has fewer high-end GPUs. But that doesn't seem to be holding them back very much. I don't think there is much innovation in the scaling

2024-11-26 18:23:24 @Miles_Brundage Chinese model development seems to be only 2-3 months behind US development. That doesn't seem large enough to be strategically significant. Isn't this evidence that the export controls have failed to achieve their goal?

2024-11-26 18:07:35 RT @tdietterich: @tomfriedman Mr. Friedman, you need to talk to a broader range of AI researchers. Many of us strongly disagree with the c…

2024-11-23 15:41:48 @balazskegl Sounds like you need to unfollow some folks

2024-11-23 15:39:28 @mattyglesias Vets are some of the most idealistic and patriotic people I know

2024-11-22 19:58:28 @kareem_carr Some such inferences could be viewed as predictions (eg when they are about the future).

2024-11-22 19:57:07 @kareem_carr AI people typically use “inference” to mean logical inference. More generally, it involves combining existing knowledge to derive its consequences. This includes probabilistic inference.

2024-11-22 05:23:36 @pmarca It's a free market. Competitors are encouraged! Wikipedia is certainly much faster at moderating this kind of junk than X is.

2024-11-21 04:20:01 @TrodRoughshod @paulg @jeremyphoward There is no censoring on Bluesky

2024-11-21 04:10:15 @MazMHussain Two ways the US system is more stable: It requires parties to negotiate a coalition BEFORE the election

2024-11-21 04:08:22 @MazMHussain As a percentage of the US population, today is not particularly unusual (orange line below). Was the two-party system unstable from 1880-1910?

2024-11-20 19:42:55 @surmenok @ClausWilke @jeremyphoward What features of X make it superior? What do you like?

2024-11-20 19:42:02 @surmenok @ClausWilke @jeremyphoward There is no ranking algorithm (but as Wilke indicates below, you can have independent feeds).

2024-11-18 00:28:01 @agraybee @IDoTheThinking It shouldn’t have been close

2024-11-18 00:23:45 RT @kurteichenwald: I've been on Bluesky (X alternative by Jack Dorsey, founder of twitter) and it's great. Lots of folks there, like this…

2024-11-18 00:16:12 @Miles_Brundage I agree. Both sides have an interest in keeping AI safe, particularly at the strategic level. We should definitely open source everything we learn about AI safety

2024-11-17 03:58:36 @RevShark @Jabaluck I wonder if there is any evidence to support that

2024-11-17 03:44:27 @nathanbenaich @usmananwar391 To avoid hitting a wall, you need to turn in another direction. They have turned

2024-11-15 22:16:49 @usmananwar391 @nathanbenaich True, but it is a different kind of train-time compute. You can't just lump all train-time compute together into a single bin and pretend this was the same kind of scaling as before

2024-11-15 20:45:11 RT @peter_tulip: It seems timely to repost one of my favourite tables:

2024-11-15 20:42:35 @nathanbenaich Doesn't o1 reflect a change in direction? Maybe it wasn't a wall, but scaling data + compute seems to have reached a point of very expensive diminishing returns

2024-11-15 20:36:24 @MaziyarPanahi @huggingface What benchmark is this?

2024-11-15 20:06:52 @vardi What a bunch of nonsense. Nuclear is 24/7/365, solar is not. Investments in both make sense within a portfolio dominated by solar and wind. How will additional nuclear power in the US lead to weapons proliferation? The article is evidence-free

2024-11-14 02:07:46 Something to celebrate!

2024-11-14 02:03:37 @Miles_Brundage I certainly agree. And it opens a new direction for scaling. But it is the new direction, not the scaling, that is the key innovation. I view it as a step toward a full cognitive architecture. Next, we should add metacognition

2024-11-13 22:34:55 @Miles_Brundage O1 is a different form of scaling than Chinchilla scaling. How is your statement different from saying “don’t bet against clever engineers adding new functionality”?

2024-11-13 12:12:34 @balazskegl This will be easy to replicate on other platforms. Lots of great science communities have formed up on bluesky.

2024-11-12 02:47:14 @VC31415 @newstart_2024 Slightly related: I worked in a pharma startup in the 1990s. There was a bias to work on acute diseases because you can demonstrate effectiveness quickly. "Slow" diseases like heart disease and type II diabetes are not studied by VC-funded companies.

2024-11-11 16:27:33 @newstart_2024 @VC31415 Vaccines are tested carefully. He is full of nonsense

2024-11-10 20:19:41 @ellisk_kellis @arcprize @xu3kev @HuLillian39250 @ZennaTavares @evanthebouncy @BasisOrg Also at

2024-11-10 20:13:52 @RishiBommasani @polynoamial @Noahpinion Would it be accurate to describe this as first steps along the path toward cognitive architectures such as

2024-11-10 16:45:36 @francoisfleuret Yes

2024-11-10 16:44:01 @francoisfleuret Agreed. But people are social animals. We like to be part of something bigger. Society doesn’t start with atomic utilities and solve a big game theory problem. We join groups and, to some extent, adopt their goals. (This has been easily abused, of course.)

2024-11-09 21:14:18 @jackclarkSF I believe you. I suspect o1 would get it right, too. Clearly the LLM knows right answer, and plugging in and plotting an example would quickly show which answer is correct, if a VLM can interpret the plot.

2024-11-09 21:11:27 @drivelinekyle I've been carrying one when traveling. During boarding, I've seen it hit 2500. Maybe this explains I always fall asleep during the initial takeoff?

2024-11-09 21:08:51 @jackclarkSF Bing Copilot gives the right answer if you tell it this one is wrong.

2024-11-09 21:08:07 @jackclarkSF The lesson I take away is that you need more careful curation of training data (and perhaps additional problem-solving components or procedures)

2024-11-09 21:07:06 @jackclarkSF This wrong answer was presumably more common in the training data because it is the most common mistake that students make.

2024-11-07 19:37:52 @ArmandDoma I'm with the bats on this one.

2024-11-07 19:35:05 @MicahCarroll @daidailoh @norabelrose Isn't this just a badly-designed reward? It fails to elicit the desired behavior. The only "intent" of the learning algorithm is to maximize reward. The system doesn't even know there is a person "out there"

2024-11-07 19:19:20 @daidailoh @norabelrose With deception, it is important to ask "Who is the agent?" Usually it is the human (e.g., in the prompt). Some papers basically call any error a deception if the user doesn't notice it. But IMO deception requires intent.

2024-11-07 06:48:26 @HusseinAboubak Isn’t he just claiming that Jews are afraid of Trump’s mobilization of anti-Semitic extremists. Like everyone, they are voting their fears. Anti-semitism has nothing to do with religion or liberalism, and neither does this vote.

2024-11-07 06:06:48 @SBakerMD That has never happened in my 70 years.

2024-11-05 00:27:24 @pmarca This works for a monopoly as well, but the global optimum requires healthy competition. And that sometimes requires intervention

2024-11-04 05:59:26 As someone who lives in higher latitudes, I love standard time. I like daylight time in the summers. I would not like permanent daylight time -- the mornings would be too dark. It's a depressing way to start the day

2024-11-04 05:15:52 RT @emilymbender: As OpenAI and Meta introduce LLM-driven searchbots, I'd like to once again remind people that neither LLMs nor chatbots a…

2024-11-04 05:15:33 @emilymbender @premrajnarkhede Yes, and studies have found that the “summary” often contains other material learned during pre training that is not in the cited sources

2024-11-02 21:11:48 @SmutClyde I was becoming hopeful that animal-inspired algorithms would stop being invented once we exhausted all species. But I neglected to consider species interactions.

2024-11-02 15:43:01 @DavidSKrueger The paper

2024-11-01 19:36:12 @DavidSKrueger I think this is deeply misguided. Let's understand the moral consequences of the design and application of AI systems -- that's important. But any agent needs to earn entry to society before being treated as a moral agent (cf. Strawson: Freedom and Resentment)

2024-11-01 06:04:45 RT @weiss_hadas: with luck, any evidence of my 5-year research plan

2024-11-01 02:35:41 @matloff @vshih2 True, but the paper still shows the economic cost of persecution.

2024-10-31 22:26:08 @mgubrud Agreed. But check out the Transluce demo.

2024-10-31 22:24:48 @usebland Creepy

2024-10-31 22:16:53 @mgubrud Any fully-connected layer can be viewed as computing cosine similarity between its input and each of the hidden units, right? And units can be associated with topics ( I'm just asking whether this is a fruitful way of looking at what's going on

2024-10-31 20:26:48 @mgubrud I think a successful prompt is sufficient to demonstrate that the LLM knows F. But agree that the goal is to have the LLM retrieve and use F in all appropriate contexts

2024-10-31 20:25:35 @johnsontoddr4 @rkarmani Indeed. I wonder if the o1 systems from OpenAI are using token confidence somewhat like an impasse to force forward search.

2024-10-29 22:06:06 @SashaMTL There is a difference between avoiding messy terms and saying that knowing or understanding is impossible. You end up denying that people know and understand, too. The functional approach invites us to quantify the amount and systematicity of knowing/understanding

2024-10-29 19:57:46 @SashaMTL As you probably know, I adopt a purely functional definition of terms like "know", "understand", etc. along the lines of Dan Dennett and Alan Newell. That's because I could never find a way to defend a realist or essentialist approach

2024-10-29 18:53:59 @SashaMTL LLMs can understand complex questions in natural language and answer a large percentage of them correctly. I would say they are "broadly knowledgeable" and avoid the I-word.

2024-10-29 18:38:22 @engelnyst Yes! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you

2024-10-29 16:40:52 RT @mer__edith: This is NOT me on Signal, this is a tedious imposter. If someone reaches out to you cold, they are not me. I would never…

2024-10-27 23:25:01 @yudapearl @AndrewLampinen Our system will need to treat the authors' claims as indirect evidence rather than as constraints. Any causal model would need to be conditioned on those claims. I think we would need external reasoning (e.g., from argumentation theory) to find consistent sets of beliefs

2024-10-27 19:22:20 @yudapearl @AndrewLampinen If we are fusing the authors' causal beliefs with data, how can we assess the results? Perhaps we should first formalize the authors' beliefs and then consider the data? That would let us check for properties such as identifiability

2024-10-27 19:20:27 @yudapearl When we seek to learn/test causal models, our goal is to build an accurate model of reality. But it would seem that in the setting @AndrewLampinen describes, the goal is to accurately summarize the understanding of the authors. To what extent can we trust those authors?

2024-10-27 05:38:12 RT @patrickshafto: DARPA Young Faculty Awards submission executive summaries are due Nov 18. Let me know if you are thinking about submitti…

2024-10-27 05:09:04 @matloff @fchollet Do you believe him?

2024-10-25 19:52:17 @Noahpinion They also (a) help smart kids realize they still know nothing and have lots to learn and (b) force smart kids to work hard and not just coast.

2024-10-25 19:50:31 @MattBruenig @Noahpinion Lots of reasons: jealousy, frustration, easy target. I was bullied and reasonably smart. And probably also a bit obnoxious about it

2024-10-25 03:33:34 Wild thread about the many names we have for certain sequential learning problems!

2024-10-25 03:31:19 @RolandMemisevic @srush_nlp With the Markov assumption, no recurrence is needed. But with partial observability, optimal policies usually must have internal state (e.g., belief states, state estimators, etc.) Value functions are just one data structure for solving RL problems.

2024-10-25 03:26:59 RT @kubertai: @srush_nlp Haha, let’s try, “When an LLM writes lines by the ton, And you pick out the best, one by one, If humans select, It…

2024-10-23 21:36:48 @ShaneLegg @DKokotajlo67142 Perhaps this is partly because, at least for me, my first exposure to these arguments was Bostrom. That was completely unconvincing. That set my priors low, thus raising the bar for future evidence

2024-10-23 21:28:48 @simonw I guess so. When the data is at rest, they probably do a good job. But I want to have the whole data flow auditable

2024-10-23 20:02:44 @simonw At least once a week, I'm notified of a data breach. And that's just for financial information. I want a way to trust but verify. I want total transparency on data pathways, encryption, storage, data lifetimes, employee access, etc. etc. So far, no one is trustworthy

2024-10-23 15:50:42 @StephenLCasper What are the most important papers to read on Technical Alignment?

2024-10-23 00:13:35 @TaliaRinger I don't remember

2024-10-21 18:15:53 @Noahpinion @ylecun How is that different from broken AGI?

2024-10-21 18:11:07 Are other folks finding that web sites are often broken but phone apps work? @Hertz is my most recent example. The experience is much better on the app. Is "mobile-first" turning into "mobile-only"?

2024-10-21 15:40:57 @bushonomics @mattyglesias Long overdue.

2024-10-21 14:20:15 @nanjiang_cs Surely the Deepmind folks have explored this.

2024-10-20 23:20:38 @0xSamHogan Presumably the long post last week was also part of the announcement

2024-10-19 23:02:19 @fchollet I wonder if LLMs believe this?

2024-10-19 15:50:29 RT @chrischirp: In fact, pregnant women can protect their newborns against all sorts of nasty respiratory viruses by being vaccinated in pr…

2024-10-19 04:49:18 @qwweryo No.

2024-10-18 20:38:10 @somakaditya Reviewers don't catch this either. We need better tools!

2024-10-18 16:51:37 Yes Yes Yes!

2024-10-17 21:57:24 @AdamThierer Information scarcity was about information monopoly and perhaps top-down intervention was needed. Information overload is about the cognitive capacity of the information consumer. Seems like bottom-up tools for information management can empower each citizen to address that

2024-10-17 21:51:19 @unsorsodicorda I think if you look back at the US in the late 1930s, you will find a similar schism. Consumers in the US will have many brands of EVs to choose from.

2024-10-17 19:17:28 @scifwd Not the same of course. But he clearly admires those guys and "loves" Kim. He does claim he is going to destroy the civil service and use the Justice Department to go after his enemies. That's UnAmerican

2024-10-17 18:33:27 @scifwd Henry Ford supported an anti-semitic newspaper. Mr. Musk is disseminating right wing extremist takes on a more modern medium. He is also spending big $ to elect an unapologetic authoritarian.

2024-10-17 18:16:14 @Noahpinion Would be nice to see the actual data points instead of fitted splines. Poor data science practice

2024-10-15 20:55:13 @HeidyKhlaaf Thank you very much!

2024-10-15 20:47:06 @davidmanheim @eggsyntax Yes. We would want to explore/vary the similarity between C and F to understand whether the system is instantiating a general pattern versus combining existing knowledge to arrive at a *new* conclusion.

2024-10-15 19:49:37 @elizlaraki On an outrageousness scale of 1-10 this is an 11

2024-10-15 19:48:24 @eggsyntax @davidmanheim I think you need access to the training data to know whether a system is reasoning vs retrieving. Reasoning test: training data contains A and B from which is possible to infer C, C is not present in the training data, but the system can correctly answer questions about C.

2024-10-15 19:46:51 @eggsyntax @davidmanheim This seems closely related to the ARC challenge in its goals.

2024-10-13 05:05:31 @snobfox Yes, for linguistic variability, I was thinking that we might generate multiple rephrasings and score all of them. I’m not sure how to score semantic epistemic uncertainty

2024-10-13 05:01:13 @yoavgo Thank you for this!

2024-10-12 00:08:05 @miguelalonsojr My proposal would be to use a true language model (i.e., before instruction tuning or RLHF has turned it into a QA system). We would evaluate P(query) and if it is <

2024-10-12 00:01:00 @glupyan @AndrewLampinen But they can reason very well with pencil and paper (not to mention a theorem prover or Mathematica).

2024-10-11 22:23:14 Forgot to tag: @RTomMcCoy

2024-10-11 22:20:48 One likely cause of LLM errors is when the user asks a question for which there was little or no training data. Does anyone know of work that uses a language model to evaluate the probability of the question/prompt and refuse to answer if it is too low? #LLM #ML

2024-10-08 19:01:50 @DerekPrijatelj When we adopt a loss function such as cross-entropy, we are adopting a noise model that says our training data has Bernoulli (or multinomial) label noise. This is the wrong loss for noise-free applications. We should be using 0/1 loss, but it is computationally inconvenient

2024-10-08 19:00:07 @DerekPrijatelj This doesn't seem right. I can learn the variance in traffic delays and use that for planning. In what sense are the delays deterministic? I can learn the probability disease X causes symptom Y and make a treatment decision.

2024-10-08 17:30:21 In other words, let's celebrate this interdisciplinary success and hope that it encourages more great work!

2024-10-08 16:54:52 One aspect of the ML community that I have always treasured is our openness to borrowing ideas from other fields. It's great that the physicists are happy with this, too!

2024-10-08 16:52:49 @ZopfMarkus When the question is ambiguous, the system could ask the user to refine it. When the answer is ambiguous, the system could collect more sense data from the world. Does this get at the distinction, or do you think the distinction is fundamentally broken?

2024-10-01 15:56:29 @binarybits @KevinBankston We’ve already seen people harming themselves following bad answers, reputational threats, financial damages (Air Canada), misinformation, and so on. Companies are rightly nervous about customer-facing deployments.

2024-10-01 14:19:50 @KevinBankston @binarybits I agree, BUT a chatbot is an application, not a model. The chat application raises a large set of potential threats and is extremely hard to test or certify

2024-10-01 14:17:30 @davidmanheim @HaydnBelfield We have long understood the technical basis of search in AI systems. We also know its limitations. I know of zero technical basis for an intelligence explosion. Absolutely none. I J Good presented none. He was simply wrong

2024-09-30 20:06:58 @davidmanheim @HaydnBelfield Every time someone shows how to use an LLM to improve some aspect of an LLM or the underlying hardware, all of the intelligence explosion people declare it a step towards the apocalypse rather than incremental engineering progress

2024-09-30 20:04:30 @davidmanheim @HaydnBelfield A lot of the frontier model speculation is motivated by I. J. Good-style intelligence explosion stories. Whereas the biggest risk I see is models small enough to be malware payloads

2024-09-30 17:25:04 @HaydnBelfield The idea that "frontier AI" is the most dangerous is fundamentally misguided. We need science-based risk management.

2024-09-30 15:39:31 RT @akapoor_av8r: 7 lessons from AirSim: I ran the autonomous systems and robotics research effort at Microsoft for nearly a decade and her…

2024-09-30 01:58:55 RT @earnmyturns: @Grady_Booch @fchollet Where are those easy-to-find "people who can describe to a computer precisely what they want it to…

2024-09-29 17:55:35 @ylecun @GavinNewsom I disagree. It is a poorly justified argument that mostly ignores the content of the bill

2024-09-29 17:54:36 @psychosort @GavinNewsom @SpeakerPelosi @housescience Can you argue more on the merits of the bill? The fact that various authorities have signed letters or that EA folks funded it is not a valid argument.

2024-09-29 17:52:46 @AndrewYNg @psychosort No. It is mostly an argument from authority. Needs to say more about the specific issues. E.g., how do these liability rules compare with those in other fields?

2024-09-29 17:50:31 @Yippiekiyay6 @Chesschick01 Isn’t it an issue of available bandwidth? When few people are using it, the speed is fine, but as more folks get on, it drops badly. Several complaints on here.

2024-09-29 05:36:09 @LouisAnslow There are limits. Free association to do organized crime isn't legal. The real question here is whether OpenAI is organizing for criminal purposes. That seems unlikely to me.

2024-09-25 18:27:50 @mattsiegel @mer__edith @GaelVaroquaux @SashaMTL Yes, it is amazing that they have convinced big companies to support what is basically a large-scale scientific/engineering experiment.

2024-09-25 16:25:58 @mlittmancs Wasn't that G. Washington?

2024-09-25 16:25:32 @mer__edith @GaelVaroquaux @SashaMTL One reason that people continue to build big models is to understand what is possible rather than what is practical. It's the difference between the Large Hadron Collider and synchrotrons for medical applications

2024-09-25 03:50:57 @ESYudkowsky @fchollet Yes, I have in mind the setting where reality is smooth and my only concern is that the fitted function might not be smooth. For example, zooming in/out on an object shouldn't change the object's identity or category. If reality is fractal, this approach would be worthless

2024-09-25 00:24:22 @m2saxon Looks very interesting, thanks!

2024-09-24 05:05:03 @fchollet I agree. Do you have any ideas about how to achieve distribution-independent generalization guarantees? I'm thinking that if we have enough data in a region of the input space and the fitted function is sufficiently smooth, it might be possible to prove something.

2024-09-24 04:31:06 @robbensinger How are they going to get someone to pay for all of the LLM tokens?

2024-09-24 04:18:05 @MazMHussain In his first term, Trump surrendered to the Taliban and to Assad. In his second, he will surrender to Russia and China. The US will be much weaker at the end of a Trump second term.

2024-09-24 00:23:36 @jeffbigham Thanks!

2024-09-23 22:29:19 Is anyone working on combining gaze tracking with hearing aids? My hearing-aid-wearing friends say that in crowded settings, they have no way of focusing on what a particular person is saying. It occurred to me that gaze tracking + source separation might solve that problem

2024-09-22 04:50:08 @DanielSMatthews @pmarca There are many results in game theory showing cases where the strategy that maximizes social welfare (global optimum) is not a Nash equilibrium. Stability of the global optimum must be maintained by some other mechanism

2024-09-22 04:30:01 @DanielSMatthews @pmarca Yes, ecosystems are very different from human societies. Human civilization is a new kind of organization. I don’t know the answer to your question. Perhaps research on the computational complexity of distributed computation could provide some insights?

2024-09-22 03:38:56 @DanielSMatthews @pmarca Setting up these complex systems requires central leadership. The coordination problems are otherwise very difficult to solve. Operating them works best with central leadership but delegated autonomy and global communication

2024-09-22 02:29:42 @DanielSMatthews @pmarca And then there is National defense, National laws for financial crime, National standards for infrastructure (airports, rail, power grid, etc.)

2024-09-21 23:36:51 @DanielSMatthews @pmarca When collective action requires the consent of the governed, only the government can take that action. Do you consider ALL government action socialism?

2024-09-19 04:16:43 @deliprao @arxiv I might be able to help. DM me with specific questions

2024-09-19 04:15:38 @TaliaRinger Across my many covid vaccinations, there has been a high variance in the reactions. Sometimes 2 days of flu-like symptoms

2024-09-19 02:06:14 @PeterDiamandis P.S. IQ numbers are total BS, especially for software systems like LLMs.

2024-09-19 02:04:39 @PeterDiamandis Wrong question. The right questions center around specific applications. I expect there will be many successful applications in medicine. Only some of them will use LLM-based technology. There will remain many tasks in medicine out of reach of AI technology.

2024-09-18 22:50:28 @BallouxFrancois Can the explosives be detected by some scanning technology? I had my laptop swabbed twice in the past two weeks. The swabbing technique looked pretty lame -- rather more security theater than security reality

2024-09-16 20:39:47 @davidmanheim First that I’ve heard of this. I can’t be the only ”renown” researcher in this position. I’m not saying I disagree necessarily, but I need to study it first.

2024-09-16 11:04:49 @mattyglesias It would be interesting to know how big the subsidy is to US airlines of the buy American provisions of US grants and contracts. Many times I could have bought the same flight as an international code share much cheaper than from the US carrier

2024-09-16 08:57:01 @modelsarereal @Grady_Booch @fchollet @mathepi I mean we ML researchers can build better models that don't exhibit these kinds of spotty behavior. E.g., look at the work on symbolic regression. It finds equations to explain the behavior of systems. Analogy: Given sine curve data, fit sin(x) rather than a bunch of splines.

2024-09-16 08:13:45 @modelsarereal @Grady_Booch @fchollet @mathepi But there are many LLM errors that are ones people would never make. And those errors often reveal extremely shallow understanding of the relevant knowledge or context. We can do better!

2024-09-16 06:43:37 RT @lateinteraction: Not sure if this is just me, but honestly nothing beats text for most communication. Most meetings could be slack asyn…

2024-09-14 21:50:21 @NoClosedForm @martin_casado @GaryMarcus Everyone has a role to play. It is useful to have some folks reading tons of papers and thinking about the big picture. But without implementation and experimentation, I agree we wouldn’t have anything

2024-09-14 21:47:53 @martin_casado @GaryMarcus That’s not what Tyler said. He was just plain rude. Gary has taken a lot of flak —seems like the ideas were not universally popular.

2024-09-14 21:25:30 @AdrienCorenflos @thegautamkamath The coauthors should write their reviews as a team. Otherwise, they can’t be held jointly responsible, right? Is there software support for this (including conflict of interest)?

2024-09-14 21:18:53 @martin_casado Seems to me @GaryMarcus has been right about almost everything related to the limits of LLMs. We are now seeing systems with search, which is something all of us old timers have been waiting for the LLM/AGI crowd to rediscover. Maybe symbolic abstraction is next?

2024-09-14 12:44:00 @hypersoren I don't know about NYC, but perhaps Miami prices are accounting for added risk?

2024-09-11 22:23:26 @andrewgwils @francoisfleuret Ockham’s razor: regularize the professoriate!

2024-09-11 14:43:19 @yoavgo I find myself avoiding words like “delve” and “meticulous”.

2024-09-11 13:50:59 @shaunmmaguire Splitting hairs—why?

2024-09-11 09:46:29 @ccanonne_ @FranceAustralia Would love to see them in the US

2024-09-11 05:52:19 @deanwball What would you want them to say? Maybe something about privacy?

2024-09-10 13:30:53 RT @iaprtc2: Tuesday's keynote: Integrating machine learning into safety-critical systems, by Prof. Dietterich

2024-09-10 09:56:53 @MazMHussain The Israelis will claim there were Hamas fighters hiding behind human shields. Will any evidence be forthcoming to confirm or deny this?

2024-09-10 06:24:12 @francoisfleuret Yes

2024-08-24 04:11:10 @matloff @maddenifico I was suspicious when he started with 1989. Always ask where the axis begins :-)

2024-08-24 04:08:03 @EugeneVinitsky Does any of the interpretability work attack networks where the answers are known (but hidden)? Designing such a control to have the same statistics as a trained network would be challenging but maybe very informative.

2024-08-24 04:06:00 @MrZachG I think there were also "blob points" for groups of tables (maybe only 3 blobs in the whole classroom?)

2024-08-24 04:05:19 @MrZachG If I recall correctly, all exams were individual, but I think kids worked together on quiz material. end/

2024-08-24 04:04:36 @MrZachG My kids had an amazing physics teacher in high school. The students sat in "table groups" (4 desks in a square). You earned individual points for your work, but also group points if the others in the group did well. The idea was to teach each other. 1/

2024-08-22 20:30:30 @simonkalouche So why didn’t the customer install that instead?

2024-08-22 20:28:09 @CroziusArtifact @simonkalouche It is much more than a software problem. Hardware and software need to be tightly coupled. If you have the wrong hardware, there is no software that can make it work

2024-08-22 20:25:59 @simonkalouche @Grady_Booch I believe @agilityrobotics has robots working in a warehouse every day for a paying customer

2024-08-22 06:12:53 @matloff If you put political pressure on the government when it revises the estimates, you will encourage them to never update their numbers, which will damage the work of economists across the economy both in government and in companies.

2024-08-22 06:00:01 @matloff Harris and Biden did not "inflate" the job numbers. The numbers are estimates every month subject to a number of adjustments. As more data comes in, the estimates are improved. Sometimes the estimate is high

2024-08-19 17:21:05 @samcharrington And use it as a basis for purchasing price parity

2024-08-18 03:03:59 @psyv282j9d US law doesn’t exclude speech, but it gives it great respect. Making false claims is illegal in many cases.

2024-08-17 23:31:52 @docmilanfar @mariotelfig A colleague of mine resigned after being placed under such supervision.

2024-08-17 23:31:05 @AISafetyMemes This style of "mashup creativity" is exactly what LLMs are good at. They are combinations of known concepts but with some linguistic manipulations as well (e.g., change verbs to nouns).

2024-08-17 23:29:46 @AISafetyMemes Memetic immunization serum: Temporal echo chamber: Mashup of and Qualia quantifier: 2/

2024-08-17 23:29:28 @AISafetyMemes Some of these have appeared on the web in various guises: Chronon harvester: Probability manipulator: 1/

2024-08-17 21:37:57 @mgubrud @bradpwyble @asishbhattarai @GaryMarcus Some products may do this. The uncertainty quantification methods often make multiple queries, but I haven’t read of any that combine the answers. It should be easy to do. But it requires adding code outside the LLM. Maybe other folks know?

2024-08-15 21:08:52 @MelMitchell1 Very nice essay.

2024-08-15 18:57:28 @ylecun @Michael_J_Black My impression was that over-claiming by Meta is what triggered the backlash from the research community. A more cautious rollout would probably have met with a completely different reaction.

2024-08-15 16:42:59 @tfburns It is easy to maximize your r-index

2024-08-15 03:14:37 @roydanroy Other fields do this better. Posters should be up for many hours with specific time slots for the authors to be present. Posters should be grouped by topic. AGU has more posters and works better

2024-08-15 03:09:10 @musashimi2045 @Noahpinion International students subsidize domestic students in the US too.

2024-08-14 04:29:49 @deliprao @francoisfleuret @pirpirikos I suspect that forming new abstractions would be very useful, too.

2024-08-14 01:22:00 @ArmandDoma @LooseIdentity Thanks. These transparency rules seem obviously good assuming the cost of compliance is not too high. I don't see why they shouldn't apply to all of higher ed.

2024-08-14 00:33:23 @ArmandDoma @LooseIdentity I don’t know about the gainful employment rules. Can you point me to a good source to read?

2024-08-13 23:58:31 @LooseIdentity @ArmandDoma Fair point. The overhead rates (indirect costs) have been growing over time, and I do wonder if they have contributed to administrative bloat. It is also true that proposing and operating a grant continues to grow in complexity, which requires more support staff.

2024-08-13 21:50:48 @ArmandDoma Public universities used to be the "public option" with very low tuition. As states stopped funding universities, tuition rapidly increased. To drive down tuition, re-create the public option.

2024-08-11 22:27:04 @paulg @martin_casado It just shows how inefficient and brute force the first round of LLM systems were.

2024-08-11 20:18:00 @davidmanheim @Noahpinion It usually takes 10 years for a new technology to transition to a winning product. So I'd say overrated for the next 5 years, then underrated

2024-08-11 02:22:49 @rao2z You missed us / we missed you

2024-08-10 23:03:46 @abeirami @deliprao @RLConference In the early years of ICML, every other year, the "conference" was actually just a set of parallel 3-day workshops. In a particularly memorable early RL workshop, Chris Atkeson demonstrated infinite-dimensional dynamical systems with a bull whip.

2024-08-10 20:26:04 @francoisfleuret What if morality is a Nash equilibrium for society? Then pragmatism == morality.

2024-08-10 05:59:32 @erikbryn Thanks!

2024-08-10 04:23:48 @erikbryn Do we know what the main applications will be? Would love to see a study in that direction

2024-08-09 11:45:51 @NickKroeger1 Now we need XXAI: Explaining XAI to researchers

2024-08-09 10:54:37 @KordingLab @andrewgwils @paulbuerkner Sorry to hear that.

2024-08-09 07:24:28 @michaelharriot His crowds definitely hold the record for doing the most damage to the US Capitol building

2024-08-04 09:43:06 @MelMitchell1 @ShannonVallor We do need to draw a bright line between machine capabilities and human ones. I agree that we should focus on how to empower people to be more human. Part of the answer is to make our economy more efficient so that everyone can enjoy the surplus.

2024-08-04 09:41:00 @MelMitchell1 @ShannonVallor Seems too broad to me. We do talk about airplanes having a superhuman flying ability or hydraulic lifts having superhuman strength. It is absurd (and perhaps that’s the point) to define “superhuman” as the superset of every human characteristic.

2024-08-03 16:27:30 @GaryMarcus @guardian @ObserverUK “The irony is that the biggest threat to AI today may be the AI companies themselves

2024-08-03 05:51:38 @benlandautaylor @Meaningness It is a huge amount of work to assemble evidence with proper provenance. Volunteer academic organizations (conference committees, journals) lack the time and expertise to do this well. So many cases just get dropped

2024-08-03 05:11:51 @benlandautaylor @Meaningness A big factor is the fear of being sued. I know of multiple cases of unethical behavior that were kept private because of this fear. Universities should have a confidential process for filing a complaint against a researcher.

2024-08-02 18:20:09 @lazowska @geekwire Wow! Big loss for UW/AI2. A big gain for whoever gets to work with her in her next position

2024-08-02 05:27:02 @Patapom2 @fchollet Do you use a search engine ever?

2024-08-02 05:26:31 @Patapom2 @fchollet I would also be happy to have a provider extract claims and supporting evidence for those claims, especially if there are conflicting claims about, say, the effectiveness of a drug.

2024-07-24 20:54:41 @sperformance @GaryMarcus Or another way of saying this: the representations are the problem.

2024-07-24 13:25:27 @thegautamkamath @florian_tramer Very nice work!

2024-07-23 17:05:23 @savvyRL Indeed, she brings depth and wisdom to everything.

2024-07-23 14:02:28 @MattBruenig I'm confused. Does operate

2024-07-23 05:15:42 Is anyone else finding that they are accidentally clicking more ads in the X iPhone app? Have the triggering conditions changed?

2024-07-21 18:49:38 @steve_vladeck The Biden we witnessed at the debate was freezing up under stress. That worries me *now*. It will be interesting to see what we will learn from insiders after his term is over.

2024-07-21 18:03:39 RT @PassTheTorch24: #THANKYOUJOE

2024-07-21 13:08:44 RT @tdietterich: @soumithchintala If you are dedicated to open science (and have >

2024-07-21 13:08:34 @soumithchintala If you are dedicated to open science (and have >

2024-07-21 08:24:00 @yudapearl I don't know about Africa, but coercion was employed in North America. Remember children were taken from families and raised in religious schools

2024-07-19 18:25:46 @deliprao Which monopoly? I suspect Microsoft has a better release process than Cloudstrike.

2024-07-19 18:22:23 @FrankPasquale @mikarv The alternative is what? Writing your own OS?

2024-07-19 18:17:24 @sachdh @Teknium1 @RichardSSutton RLHF is a reward assigned to the entire generation, isn’t it? That’s why they use PPO rather than a bandit algorithm

2024-07-19 17:46:58 @erikbryn @karpathy It will be interesting to hear about budget cuts, staff turnover, failures in training, etc. that led to this failure.

2024-07-19 17:45:35 @erikbryn @karpathy This means they are likely to be operating near the edge of the feasibility region wrt to unknown failure modes. As Leveson has shown, under optimization pressure, systems migrate to regions of increasing risk 2/

2024-07-12 11:36:15 RT @IIIACSIC: This Monday, we've a date with Machine Learning. Don't miss out our seminar, where Thomas G. Dietterich (@tdietterich) will…

2024-07-11 18:11:10 @Noahpinion Reminds me of the Allee Effect in ecology. But instead of better mate finding in larger populations, it could be easier victim finding?

2024-07-10 22:49:03 @phillip_isola @waabi If you just generate data from G, you will be interpolating the original P(X) according to G's model. That will introduce some form of smoothing on your new model

2024-07-10 22:48:05 @phillip_isola @waabi The simulator, which is also trained on X, "completes" the scenario in a causally sensible way. Hence, it is imposing additional (learned) constraints on the generated data. AFAIK, everyone working in safety-critical systems uses simulators this way.

2024-07-10 22:46:17 @phillip_isola I think there is a lot of room in between these extremes. The folks at @waabi select a scenario from X, but then tweak it to optimize an adversarial risk. Then use a high-fidelity simulator to predict how their robot car will behave.

2024-07-10 21:03:21 @karpathy Even worse with #ifdef

2024-07-07 05:44:16 @Grady_Booch I thought people used other models for coding, not ChatGPT

2024-07-06 21:57:41

2024-07-06 17:40:44 @martin_casado @liron @labenz Games are relatively low-dimensional (despite their huge number of states) compared to the real world. I suspect they actually have a higher density of interactions because of this. The real world is an open world -- novelty is unbounded.

2024-07-06 17:10:40 @liron @labenz @martin_casado But later, humans were able to find new states where they could defeat the self-play-trained systems. end/

2024-07-06 17:10:06 @liron @labenz @martin_casado Chess might be heavy-tailed

2024-07-04 22:48:29 @bdambrosio @rao2z SAT solvers are pretty good these days. Yes, SAT is NP-Complete, but it seems most instances of application interest are easy. Yes, LLMs are approximate knowledge bases that talk a good game

2024-07-04 22:42:51 @ArmandDoma And COVID. But in the UK many government services have declined

2024-07-04 20:50:15 @bdambrosio @rao2z All interesting points. I was coming at this from the engineering standpoint. I'm glad we have SAT solvers and LP solvers, and I use them even if (or perhaps precisely because) they are different in kind from biological systems. Claims that LLMs can replicate them are wrong.

2024-07-04 18:48:32 @rohanpaul_ai The computational speedups that we are seeing are wonderful. But if these models still make errors and generate hallucinations, they won't produce an "unprecedented historical shift" for most use cases.

2024-07-04 18:22:34 RT @NIFC_Fire: We wish you a wonderful #IndependenceDay! Here are some of our favorite shots of the red, white, and blue. Enjoy your day w…

2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-22 23:26:19 @ChiefScientist @yoavgo Or at least have cross-disciplinary teams addressing these questions

2023-05-22 22:34:37 @yoavgo Then there is all of the work on natural language interfaces to systems, which falls clearly under HCI. It all sounds like CS to me

2023-05-22 22:33:01 @yoavgo Probing and explanation are debugging tools for engineering these models and understanding what they’ve learned. AFAICT, prompting is just hacking and shows that we need better models.

2023-05-22 22:26:33 @yoavgo Why?

2023-05-22 15:15:45 @ArmandDoma I’m a 95% PowerPoint user

2023-05-22 14:12:56 RT @emilymbender: So the problem I see with the "FDA for AI" model of regulation is that it posits that AI needs to be regulated *separatel…

2023-05-22 05:14:51 RT @Miles_Brundage: The cluster of issues around: - Use of AI in influence operations + scams - Watermarking/provenance for AI outputs - O…

2023-05-22 05:14:45 @LeonDerczynski @Miles_Brundage I'd love to hear some details about what has already been implemented and what peoples' experience has been.

2023-05-22 02:12:30 This was the paper I was trying to find last week related to the question of whether the RLHF training data collected by companies gave them a moat. Looks like the answer is probably no.

2023-05-22 00:47:56 @vardi and anonymized it!

2023-05-21 18:07:46 @mustafasuleymn You might also consider Beijing and Moscow. They aren't tech visions, but they are proposing to change the world.

2023-05-20 15:50:21 RT @ben_golub: *Laughs in Foster and Vohra*

2023-05-20 06:00:46 @TaliaRinger My Italian friends have an espresso before bed for this purpose

2023-05-19 22:20:44 @mrgemy95 Thanks!

2023-05-19 22:19:19 @TobyWalsh Well, $600 to fine tune an open weights LLM, not to train from zero.

2023-05-19 22:10:22 RT @rharang: So let's talk about prompt injection in large language models: the interesting, the dangerous, and the silly. 1/

2023-05-19 22:03:51 @AlvinGrissomII That looks very interesting, thanks!

2023-05-19 22:01:08 @mrgemy95 Yes, this is the canonical reference. Do you know of work that replicates their results or explains why ResNets exhibit poor calibration?

2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX

2023-04-14 20:44:21 @cafharvard What an amazing photograph.

2023-04-14 16:38:10 @balazskegl @GaryMarcus In other words, if I create an AI system and program it at the level of goals, it has some agency in the sense that it’s behavior is causally related to its goals and can be predicted in terms of them.

2023-04-14 16:34:36 @balazskegl @GaryMarcus All code has bugs

2023-04-14 04:19:16 @GaryMarcus In other words, much ado about nothing.

2023-04-14 00:07:56 @GaryMarcus The other thing generative AI systems offer is improved persuasiveness for highly selective highly effective spearphishing. If only a few people are attacked, detection probability goes way down. end/

2023-04-14 00:05:46 @GaryMarcus Phishing (e.g., for ransomware) faces a similar detection risk. My understanding is that one effective strategy is to make the phish so obvious that 99% of people just ignore it. And a single person falling for it is sufficient. 2/

2023-04-14 00:03:38 @GaryMarcus People can already do all of these things (or write code to do them). The main thing that AI systems offer is scale. But a large scale attack of these kinds is also much more likely to be detected. 1/

2023-04-14 00:00:06 @corecursion @tlbtlbtlb @JeffLadish Any appeal to an unlimitedly-smart mind is not a serious argument.

2023-04-13 20:32:27 @tech_queen Math is important for algorithm design and XAI, but there are parts of ML that are less math-intensive such as MLOps, an area that needs a lot more skilled people. This mixes distributed systems, software engineering, and ML.

2023-04-13 19:08:22 @norabelrose @sindero Could this also be used to delete individual facts? Eg for compliance with GDPR right to be forgotten? @yoavgo . Pointers to other relevant work?

2023-04-13 17:38:05 RT @ddwoods2: w/ explosion of unexpected effects from deployed AI, time to remind all of (Robin) Murphy's Law: Any deployment of AI systems…

2023-04-13 01:00:18 @marek_rosa At least anyone paying for LLM queries via an API will be strongly incentivized to control their agents! That won't stop a nation state actor, however.

2023-04-13 00:58:50 Deterrence is one approach: Robert Morris was convicted of a felony for releasing the Morris Worm.

2023-04-12 21:52:59 @shortstein Back when many citations were to books, the page number was very important. Back when physical journals were bound into hardcover volumes, the page number of important to know which volume to pull off the shelf. Still need them to request inter-library loan

2023-04-12 20:42:58 @daniel_kraft What safety measures are you taking to prevent abuse of these capabilities? Seems like this could take DDoS attacks to a new, semantically-powerful level.

2023-04-11 22:00:51 @mattturck How well do prompts for GPT-2 work for GPT-3? How well do prompts for GPT-3 work for GPT-4? Is there any concern that prompting skills will need constant revision or do they generalize well?

2023-04-11 12:15:28 RT @aihuborg: Forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: April 2023 edition -

2023-04-11 12:06:02 RT @mcxfrank: What does it mean for a large language model (LLM) to "have" a particular ability? Developmental psychologists argue about th…

2023-04-10 20:40:32 @ziv_ravid Well, it knows the appropriate words to output. As it has never had children or gone on spring break, it has only a limited understanding of what they mean.

2023-04-10 15:11:30 @rao2z But of course they should instead be expressed in a formal language. Anyone working on that?

2023-04-10 15:02:02 @andyroyle_pwrc Hang in there

2023-04-10 01:09:43 @ShannonVallor A revealing example of how anything unusual will tend to disappear when LLMs are used. Machine learning is good at the common case and bad in the low probability tails of the distribution.

2023-04-10 01:05:38 @mishadavinci I would say 0% understand ChatGPT deeply. I also don’t see how this recital of AI history helps us understand ChatGPT. It is nice though.

2023-04-09 21:07:04 @davidmanheim @ylecun This workshop is a reasonable starting point for folks who are interested: Also check out Zico Kolter's work @zicokolter

2023-04-09 21:02:31 @davidmanheim @ylecun But for LLMs, we don't have a good definition of correct performance, so that makes them impossible to validate *in general*. I think it is feasible (but challenging) to study specific criteria such detecting (and censoring) porn, racism, etc.

2023-04-09 21:00:36 @davidmanheim @ylecun There is a community of researchers looking at verification and validation of ML-based systems in safety-critical applications. But those systems are not based on LLMs. It would be great to see more people working on problems such as confirming *systematic* behavior

2023-04-09 19:19:11 @davidmanheim @ylecun *end user

2023-04-09 19:06:35 @davidmanheim @ylecun The analogy seems a bit broken. We require certification of aircraft (including software) before it can fly. But running simulations during the design process is not regulated. Is the end used analogous to the pilot or to the passenger?

2023-04-09 15:45:07 @MoarPart @dvassallo Yes. And if you look at the GPT-4 report, you will see that those probabilities are well calibrated prior to RLHF fine tuning. But the fine tuning damages that, and the model becomes quite overconfident. This can probably be fixed, at least in targeted applications

2023-04-08 23:29:32 @dvassallo The key difference is that a database query will return the empty set if there are no matching records. The LLM will generate plausible tuples instead. It’s a probabilistic model of a database rather than a database itself.

2023-04-08 23:25:35 @ajcwebdev @dvassallo How will it get these reasoning capabilities?

2023-04-08 22:24:35 @GaryMarcus @zakkohane “Judgment”: yet another inappropriate anthropomorphism! Yikes

2023-04-08 15:20:30 @rasbt @EMostaque Hmm, arxiv has plenty of junk food, including quite a few papers on AI.

2023-04-08 03:42:27 RT @suchisaria: I’ve worked in AI for 20+ yrs &

2023-04-07 20:53:05 @IDoTheThinking Depends on how much they charge. It needs to be much cheaper than a blue check!

2023-04-07 20:33:00 @fchollet Do you consider in-context learning to be an example of rapid skill acquisition?

2023-04-07 15:42:58 RT @ichbinilya: This is hilarious. Elon comes in trumpeting "free speech." Thousands of his biggest fans have been parroting that rhetoric…

2023-04-07 03:46:43 @karpathy I suppose retrieval-augmented models can then be viewed as having external read-only-memory from which they can retrieve. This allows the "GPT CPU" to be 10x smaller (e.g., in RETRO

2023-04-06 19:35:03 @BallouxFrancois Isn't the question at hand whether Pfizer would have submitted their EUA application earlier if Topol had not intervened? And hence, the EUAs might have been granted a month earlier?

2023-04-06 19:08:35 @BallouxFrancois This article doesn't claim that Topol actually was successful in slowing EUA, only that he tried very hard. Is there any analysis of the decision making process inside Pfizer? It would be very interesting to know if they took a political decision

2023-04-06 19:03:08 @BallouxFrancois Especially as none of them were actual lockdowns as they were in the UK, Spain, etc.

2023-04-06 06:15:14 @TobyWalsh I had in mind certificates that also handled image manipulations. I think there are some efforts in this direction for scientific imagery. The camera signs the image, then each tool documents the changes and signs the result, etc.

2023-04-06 05:48:52 It is such a pleasure to read papers from Girshick's team (@inkynumbers). The Segment Anything paper is wonderful.

2023-04-06 05:05:02 @TobyWalsh Toby, do you know of any efforts to develop digital certificates of authenticity for real photos, videos, and documents? If these were widely available, we could assume everything else should not be trusted.

2023-04-06 03:58:01 @hamishmckenzie Who are the writers and creators? If I post, does that make me one of them?

2023-04-05 20:46:07 AAAI presidents seek to create a community focused on beneficial AI. We call on researchers, governments, corporations, and the public to join this effort.

2023-04-05 15:56:33 @bitcloud @random_walker Can you point me to that work? I’m mostly seeing work like that mixes retrieved passages into the context buffer

2023-04-05 14:28:12 @random_walker It has to be one of the oldest design flaws in communications engineering: mixing commands and data in the same stream like the old long distance telephone network did.

2023-04-04 22:32:59 @erichorvitz @WHOSTP Thank you for your service to the AI community and the country

2023-04-04 20:58:03 @bleepbeepbzzz @compthink I am aware of that. What do you think is the best work in this direction?

2023-04-04 20:26:31 @katecrawford @mjnblack Or, tbh, maybe the h-index was always a bit of a hallucination...

2023-04-04 20:26:02 @katecrawford @mjnblack Gives a whole new meaning to the "h-index" based on hallucitation counts

2023-04-04 20:23:47 @katecrawford @mjnblack This is the word we've been needing

2023-04-04 18:25:32 @compthink LLMs have short-term memory in the context buffer, and the buffers are getting quite large, so one must be cautious with this argument. It is still basically correct, but we may be surprised how much useful memory can fit in the context buffer

2023-04-04 18:23:21 RT @mcxfrank: People are testing large language models (LLMs) on their "cognitive" abilities - theory of mind, causality, syllogistic reaso…

2023-04-04 18:22:04 @ylecun Everyone is a stakeholder, so everyone has a legitimate role to play in determining policy. We have an obligation to educate the public in the clearest and most unbiased way we can. I don't think this diagram is helpful in that regard. @savvyRL

2023-04-04 18:17:35 @BallouxFrancois @spinfocl Is there a benefit to having Covid sweep rapidly through the population? India seems to have had very low numbers after their horrible wave, and maybe China is benefiting similarly?

2023-04-04 05:43:14 @alexolshevsky1 @aryehazan I agree that these models understand sometimes. But the understanding has a point-wise character. It is fragile. Hence, we can't rely on them. We say a person understands something when they understand it systematically and robustly. Then we can trust them.

2023-04-03 20:55:26 @annajobin @ovoss @TspBackgroundDi @random_w @sayashk I thought this article captured the various points of view very well.

2023-04-03 19:22:15 @GaryMarcus Has anyone confirmed that GPT-5 is being trained?

2023-04-02 23:32:50 I like this insight from @sarahookr

2023-04-02 04:50:06 @GaryMarcus @a11enhw I agree that it is good practice to adopt a charitable interpretation of things our colleagues post. I extend that to @ylecun's posts too.

2023-04-02 04:23:52 @GaryMarcus @a11enhw This seems very different from concerns about, say, autonomous weapons or political destabilization

2023-04-02 04:22:03 @GaryMarcus @a11enhw But the letter you signed tried to link legitimate concerns about safety and trust with weird statements about being replaced by AIs or having our culture destroyed.

2023-04-01 22:50:05 @dingywhiskers @ylecun @erikbryn We could ask the LLM whether its proposed output would violate a rule. There are lots of things to try (and maybe some of them have already been tried and didn't work). Much more research is needed.

2023-04-01 22:41:28 @dingywhiskers @ylecun @erikbryn It doesn't work very well. We can do better, for example, by actually reasoning about the generated output and societal norms rather than just biasing the weights. We know RLHF damages calibration, and it is entirely opaque.

2023-04-01 22:33:33 @GaryMarcus One minute Gary is writing a book about how to improve AI and the next he is signing a letter that warns "we risk loss of control of our civilization". I'm puzzled...

2023-04-01 21:23:31 @mark_riedl It would be nice to have a trainable agent that could serve as my "personal recommender".

2023-04-01 21:22:02 @ylecun @erikbryn I like to say, only partially in jest, that our systems need a superego

2023-04-01 21:21:15 @ylecun @erikbryn We are already incorporating guardrails of various kinds. Building a meta-cognitive layer that can modulate system outputs based on societal norms and organizational rules should be a high priority. It is clearly not straightforward, but I think it is doable.

2023-04-01 20:18:58 @erikbryn I think there is broad agreement that safety is essential. The disagreement is about the nature of the danger. Application of deep fakes in fraud and defamation are the dangers to focus on.

2023-04-01 20:13:53 @wellingmax @ylecun I was particularly puzzled by what "we risk loss of control of our civilization" could mean.

2023-04-01 20:13:20 @wellingmax @ylecun But I wonder if they were signing because "we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us" or "we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth". I suspect it was much more the latter than the former

2023-04-01 17:14:18 It is notable that while we are willing to use an opaque language model to generate text, we are not happy with an opaque mechanism for preventing the model from violating social and ethical norms. We want the self-censorship to be interpretable to ensure fairness

2023-04-01 17:07:34 @geomblog @sharongoldman I think it is also important to analyze the rhetoric. The FLI letter uses "control" in ways that can have multiple interpretations. Technically, OpenAI has trouble controlling ChatGPT's output, but that is different from AI being out of control &

2023-04-01 15:52:18 @davisblalock @PierreAlquier Bias in the training data is likely as well, of course.

2023-04-01 15:51:02 @davisblalock @PierreAlquier I wonder if this results from spotty and inconsistent generalization of RLHF. It would seem difficult to inspect the learned reward function of RLHF as well as to understand what gets changed inside the LLM when trained. A more transparent technique is needed.

2023-04-01 04:17:59 @roydanroy Certainly not me

2023-03-31 22:12:33 I also support their call for standards and regulations that reduce the risk that users will be deceived by an AI system. Interaction design should discourage anthropomorphization, clearly identify non-human systems, and communicate the limitations of these systems.

2023-03-31 21:56:46 This paper presents an interesting perspective. Nearly everything missing from current generative AI models corresponds to functions in the pre-frontal cortex including self-regulation. "Deep Learning Needs a Pre-Frontal Cortex".

2023-03-31 21:56:45 Many good points in this statement. On the technical side, we need much more research on how to constrain the output of generative AI to comply with societal norms. On the corporate side, companies need to adopt and enforce safe and fair employment practices.

2023-03-31 18:55:15 @Sandcommando201 Which country is yours?

2023-03-31 05:33:12 @GaryMarcus @bleepbeepbzzz @Noahpinion @OpenAI Thank you

2023-03-31 05:26:07 @bleepbeepbzzz @GaryMarcus @Noahpinion Is there evidence that GPT-4 is more dangerous than GPT-3 or ChatGPT? It seems more truthful, which should make it less dangerous. []

2023-03-31 03:08:19 @GaryMarcus They will also be more accurate, interpretable, and robust. In short, achieving the goals laid out in the letter requires continued model development

2023-03-31 03:06:35 @GaryMarcus Those will be "more powerful than GPT-4" if you and I are right about hybrid systems.

2023-03-31 03:06:15 @GaryMarcus Yes, and I'm seeing lots of work on hybrid systems. But some of those systems--if they are to successfully separate, say, factual knowledge from linguistic knowledge, will need to train new generations of LLMs in concert with knowledge bases and reasoning engines.

2023-03-31 03:00:22 @GaryMarcus And who is to say how long such a moratorium would actually last? Will fear mongering end up where it did with GMOs, nuclear power, and vaccines?

2023-03-31 02:57:55 @GaryMarcus If you read the newspaper coverage, you will see that this is not what people (or congresspeople) are hearing. Furthermore, addressing many of the shortcomings of current models will require training new ones. Not allowed by the moratorium.

2023-03-30 22:38:03 @bleepbeepbzzz @Noahpinion Fixing these would make it easier to attain the benefits without a lot of ad hoc prompt engineering and guardrails. end/

2023-03-30 22:37:14 @bleepbeepbzzz @Noahpinion Our current models have many shortcomings--ones that I don't think will be fixed by scaling but that might fall under the proposed moratorium. Examples: hallucination, poor ability to plan and reason, inability to construct situation models (for dialogue/narrative), etc. 1/

2023-03-30 18:09:03 @ArmandDoma The key word is “it”. There is no one home. The system, as far as we know, has no privileged access to its own internals, so it is just making up answers about itself based upon what it has read.

2023-03-30 16:40:34 @ArmandDoma The whole premise that you can interview a system is out-of-control anthropomorphism

2023-03-30 05:34:54 A couple of notes: 1. This project is led by the Indian government. I believe Microsoft worked on parts of the software stack. 2. The demo only shows Hindi. I couldn't find a demo in a regional language, but I believe the goal is to support all 22 constitutional languages

2023-03-30 05:12:25 @shettyprajwal_ @insign02 @AndrewYNg That's not clear. On most web sites, I don't even try to get any customer service. It is the one thing that currently doesn't scale to millions and billions of customers. I think there is huge unserved demand

2023-03-30 05:07:49 @shettyprajwal_ @insign02 @AndrewYNg I agree that call center jobs will change. But we know that existing customer service does not come close to scaling with demand. If each call center worker can supervise dozens of chatbots, each worker will become more valuable to their employer.

2023-03-30 05:03:49 @nutanc Yes, I should have been more precise. It is a collaboration led by MeitY. My understanding is that Microsoft has contributed to the design of the software stack. But you are totally correct.

2023-03-30 05:00:21 @insign02 @shettyprajwal_ @AndrewYNg I recommend you read this post for some economic thinking about jobs and AI.

2023-03-30 04:58:07 @insign02 @shettyprajwal_ @AndrewYNg What is an example of a job that you think will be lost? I'd be very interested in specific examples. Maybe the typists who fill out forms for low-literate folks? Other ideas?

2023-03-30 04:12:04 This app combines speech recognition in local language, translation to Hindi, ChatGPT interaction with govt documents to get answers in Hindi, translation back to the local language, and speech synthesis.

2023-03-30 04:12:03 Important post from @Noahpinion. LLM-based tools have the potential to make all of us more efficient. Don't let the fearmongers rob us of the benefits of good AI tools.

2023-03-30 00:00:58 @shettyprajwal_ @AndrewYNg What are the threats that you see? I don't see how better writing tools, for example, are going to lead to mass unemployment in India. But maybe this is just a failure of imagination on my part. I'd love to know more.

2023-03-29 19:25:37 @yoavgo @boazbaraktcs Everyone will end up on street corners

2023-03-29 17:00:28 @DrJimFan (including my tweets, I'm afraid)

2023-03-29 16:58:40 @DrJimFan I suspect the humility is hard-coded. Difficult to believe it could be acquired from reading the internet

2023-03-29 16:54:46 @RishiBommasani This is great! Thank you

2023-03-29 16:51:15 @MelMitchell1 I also did not sign. The letter is such a mess of scary rhetoric and ineffective/non-existent policy prescriptions. There are important technical and policy issues, and many of us are working on them.

2023-03-29 16:02:16 RT @random_walker: This open letter — ironically but unsurprisingly — further fuels AI hype and makes it harder to tackle real, already occ…

2023-03-29 15:48:15 @MLJ_Social On the other hand, if we knew who you were, the opinions might carry some weight.

2023-03-29 14:50:26 @MLJ_Social It is odd for a journal social account to express opinions about papers. I’d prefer that you just post the titles and links.

2023-03-29 06:00:11 @BenFMaier @BauwensRobin I do find that ChatGPT can improve paragraphs, particularly by writers who are not very fluent in English. I haven't tried using it to make something more concise though.

2023-03-29 02:41:39 RT @boazbaraktcs: I think it’s more important for safety and understanding of AI that a model matching GPT4 is trained in the academic doma…

2023-03-28 23:47:46 @TDeryugina You qualify to write promotion and tenure letters for a wider range of people. This is both a cost but also an increase in power to help good people advance.

2023-03-28 22:24:00 @squidjerk Thank you!

2023-03-28 21:59:57 Your front page currently plays 4 videos simultaneously. My computer is overheating.

2023-03-28 21:55:20 @nytimes How do I disable video autoplay in Firefox? It is ironic that you have published multiple how-to articles on disabling autoplay but then you force it on your paying customers anyway.

2023-03-28 20:04:02 RT @melgirm: “We have not loved children enough in this country to change our relationships to violence.” - @KieseLaymon…

2023-03-28 14:24:39 @MLJ_Social Who is writing these tweets?

2023-03-28 05:27:21 RT @thegautamkamath: TMLR (@TmlrOrg) just put out a report on their first (almost) year of operations. Here's a with some of the highligh…

2023-03-28 04:42:16 @LeonDerczynski Thanks! I can imagine a system that looks not only at the content of a message but also at the broader situation. For example, my university recently rolled out the Microsoft email quarantine system. After a week, I got a phishing email designed to imitate it.

2023-03-28 04:04:14 @emilymbender @TonyHoWasHere I'm skeptical of the sentiment machines as well

2023-03-28 03:41:49 The main short-term risks of LLMs is that they will improve the effectiveness of phishing, cyber attacks, and disinformation. But LLM-enabled systems have the potential to help defend against these as well. A priority should be to invest in such defensive systems. 1/

2023-03-28 03:36:06 @timpplex @Noahpinion When I was growing up, all my nerdy friends wanted to work either for NASA or for Bell Labs. As @Noahpinion has written, the place was incredibly well-managed to promote great work. You don't need to offer big salaries to get top people if you make everything else easy.

2023-03-28 03:17:10 @Noahpinion One might ask why our existing national labs fail to be as effective as Bell Labs. end/

2023-03-28 03:16:38 @Noahpinion My understanding was that it was the loss of the telephone monopoly that led to the loss in surplus available for research. Bell Labs was essentially a national lab supported by that surplus. The USG could create another lab using tax dollars if they wanted to. 1/

2023-03-27 19:10:49 @shortstein @arxiv Maybe it doesn't, but the variety of latex packages and different layouts suggests to me that what would be hard to code with a parser would be trivial with an LLM.

2023-03-27 18:47:58 A potential LLM application: Extract all of the metadata required by @arxiv from the latex or pdf file. As a moderator, I see so many copy/paste errors that result from a tedious and error-prone task

2023-03-27 16:42:29 RT @mcxfrank: How do we compare the scale of language learning input for large language models vs. humans? I've been trying to come to grip…

2023-03-27 16:37:49 @ChrisMurphyCT @rao2z “It” didn’t “decide” anything. Programmers fit the model to many many chemistry papers.

2023-03-27 05:57:37 @AlexHBruns @Noahpinion As an AI researcher, I agree it is possible, but only up to a point. To the extent that the requirements gathering is a political process that gains legitimacy from the process itself, we will insist on people leading it.

2023-03-27 01:39:09 @Noahpinion I know @google is reporting big productivity improvements with their in-house system similar to Copilot.

2023-03-27 01:27:36 Machine tools didn't eliminate mechanical engineers. I think the same will apply to software engineering.

2023-03-27 01:26:37 @Noahpinion There is also going to be a huge effort to apply LLM-based methods to understand and replace legacy systems. Maybe they can help us retire decades of technical debt?

2023-03-27 01:25:13 @Noahpinion The second most important software engineering problem is keeping the software running as the requirements and the surrounding environment change. Perhaps LLMs will have their biggest impact here?

2023-03-27 01:24:08 @Noahpinion The central problem in software engineering is to figure out what the software is supposed to do and then express that precisely. How much of this can be easily and accurately expressed in natural language?

2023-03-26 22:54:06 @mapto @emilymbender True enough, but I do have a tendency to think out loud. I apologize to my followers (and @emilymbender's) for adding noise to their feeds.

2023-03-26 21:50:15 @raphaelmilliere Please thank the sound and camera people. The live stream was great!

2023-03-26 04:38:28 @ccanonne_ Brilliant!

2023-03-25 20:10:48 @emilymbender Indeed. Thank you for explaining twitter to me.

2023-03-25 20:01:34 @emilymbender Sorry

2023-03-25 20:00:42 RT @emilymbender: Carl Bergstrom has a banger thread over on Mastodon about some serious #privacy problems with #Bing #GPT. You can find th…

2023-03-25 20:00:28 @emilymbender Of course, this is exactly the point you made in your paper. I just had not fully appreciated the consequences.

2023-03-25 19:59:40 @emilymbender Excellent example of the failure of these systems as dialogue agents. A dialogue is more than a Markov chain of alternating utterances. I suspect this problem will be hard to solve without much more work

2023-03-25 19:35:03 @katebevan Google: "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" Us: We didn't mean *that* accessible!

2023-03-25 18:57:10 RT @ProfNoahGian: I found the recent @nytimes opinion piece on AI by @harari_yuval @tristanharris @aza very interesting and I agree with so…

2023-03-25 17:20:49 @GaryMarcus @miguelisolano If you want deterministic results, set temperature to zero. If you want to replicate stochastic results, you will need a large sample size.

2023-03-25 17:16:15 RT @ruchowdh: I kinda hate that responsible AI has come full circle to the uneducated yet highly opinionated pontificating on topics they k…

2023-03-25 17:13:46 I'm really enjoying this symposium on Deep Learning and Philosophy. Thank you to the organizers for the live stream!

2023-03-25 16:28:50 @GaryMarcus @miguelisolano He is using non-zero temperature. Doesn't that guarantee a high probability that answers will not replicate?

2023-03-25 16:26:59 @AndrewLampinen Yes. Smarter systems that can marshal multiple software tools to carry out tasks must necessarily have access to our private information in those tools. Privacy needs to be designed in from the very start.

2023-03-25 16:21:12 @random_walker @ccanonne_ In a separate thread, the discussion has focused on the aspects of latex (programmability) that make it difficult to automatically remove comments with 100% success. @arxiv has good reasons to collect and distribute the latex source code, but these introduce risks as well.

2023-03-25 16:14:50 RT @random_walker: The YOLO attitude to security is baffling. I see a pattern: OpenAI overplays hypothetical risks arising from the models…

2023-03-25 03:47:48 @shortstein @ccanonne_ @arxiv Yes. In fact, in the paper I just uploaded this week (, I forgot to delete a big section that had been commented out using \begin{comment}\end{comment}. I had only searched for %. (sigh)

2023-03-25 00:52:06 @solvay_1927 @dustinvtran Given that I don't think AGI is a well-defined thing, I predict progress will look a lot like Moore's law--a staircase of sigmoids each reflecting a new advance. The LLM sigmoid is a big step in generality, but there is lots of head room to go beyond LLMs.

2023-03-24 23:42:37 @ccanonne_ @arxiv Good point

2023-03-24 23:33:25 @ccanonne_ @arxiv I think it would be nice for @arxiv to offer to automatically delete comments from the source files. This is a common error.

2023-03-24 22:16:05 @eclecticleaps @MelMitchell1 @info_sprinkles @erikbryn I recommend @ylecun's paper for a thorough review of non-linguistic knowledge.

2023-03-24 19:14:34 @rasbt Aren't you a big fan of tree boosting? I am, and I use the R implementation. In fact, I do most of my ML research in R except for deep learning work

2023-03-24 19:12:15 @conways_law @Grady_Booch @davetroy

2023-03-24 16:08:31 @peteratmsr Pursuing the analogy, will most of these pre-Cambrian organisms rapidly go extinct?

2023-03-24 05:38:30

2023-03-24 04:39:17 @dustinvtran We certainly have a lot of new capabilities to understand. But if the history of tech is any guide, this wave will have a sigmoidal shape. In any case, the second derivative sure feels positive right now.

2023-03-24 04:37:06 @eclecticleaps @MelMitchell1 @info_sprinkles @erikbryn How about all of physical interaction? How about the smell of rotten food? The sound of a bearing about to fail? The feeling in your hand when you realize you are going to drop a knife and you can't prevent it from hitting your toe?

2023-03-24 01:23:52 @Dilip_Arumugam It might be a limiting case of RDT where the conditional mutual information is driven to zero. Interesting...

2023-03-24 00:56:22 This plot shows our methods (GRDS, SRAS) match the oracle (purple) and do much better than the PPO baseline that uses the original reward function. 6/

2023-03-24 00:56:21 If the reward decomposes additively as R_exo(X) + R_end(X,R,A), then the MDP can be decomposed into a Markov Reward Process that involves only R_exo and an MDP that only maximizes R_end (the endogenous reward). 3/

2023-03-24 00:56:20 George Trimponias and I are pleased to announce our paper on Exogenous State Variables and Rewards in reinforcement learning. The paper develops a mathematical theory of exogenous state variables based on Pearl's causality theory. 1/

2023-03-23 23:50:52 @ben_levinstein "intelligence" is not a boolean but a relative measure. GPT-4 is more intelligent than many previous AI systems and its breadth of knowledge is probably wider than any previous AI system

2023-03-23 20:04:29 @rasbt Of course like all quizzes the results cut both ways. Maybe the reviewers couldn't understand the paper (or the quiz) because it was poorly written

2023-03-23 19:06:15 Nice blog post by the always-insightful @AaronHertzmann

2023-03-23 17:30:59 @MelMitchell1 @info_sprinkles @erikbryn Huge amounts are missing, and current large models don't capture things correctly, either (as you have pointed out). But for people worrying about intelligence explosions, encoding humanity's existing knowledge isn't going to cause one.

2023-03-23 17:20:48 @info_sprinkles @erikbryn Of course #2 could also lead to a huge expansion in our understanding of the world. So much knowledge is siloed, and LLMs++ can span all silos and uncover surprising connections. That could be a one-time "explosion", but not a "chain reaction".

2023-03-23 17:17:51 RT @tdietterich: @info_sprinkles @erikbryn It might be useful to view our progress in AI in three main phases: 1. Encoding existing humanit…

2023-03-23 17:16:37 @info_sprinkles @erikbryn It might be useful to view our progress in AI in three main phases: 1. Encoding existing humanity's knowledge 2. Working out the consequences of that knowledge 3. Adding new knowledge by making new discoveries #3 might lead to an explosion. We are working on #2 right now

2023-03-23 16:12:19 @erikbryn But passing the Turing Test turns out to just be a parlor trick (with lots of downsides). It doesn't lead to a singularity

2023-03-23 04:52:12 @GaryMarcus @TobyWalsh I must have replied to the wrong thread. Sorry

2023-03-23 04:17:24 @rasbt Yes. Furthermore all prior versions of the paper are available. The arXiv paper can also point to the published paper (which is highly encouraged and presumably helps @SemanticScholar and @Google scholar detect duplicates).

2023-03-22 22:38:38 @GaryMarcus @TobyWalsh Here

2023-03-22 19:47:31 @erikbryn @McKinsey_MGI What explains Miami, Las Vegas, and Orlando? Wasn't Miami supposed to be the Next Great Place? The data end in 2019

2023-03-20 23:02:00 @thegautamkamath When AI conferences first considered giving awards the goal was to boost people applying for jobs, for tenure, etc. Other fields were giving awards, and this led to an "arms race".

2023-03-20 22:00:46 @yoavgo In particular, while it is reasonable to expect people who do well on these exams would also do well across the domain, we lack any basis for such an expectation with LLMs

2023-03-20 20:53:26 @amcafee @matt_levine I’d delete the comma instead

2023-03-20 18:41:44 @MazMHussain IMO The strategic error was to invade Iraq at all. It had little strategic value for the US. And it led to multiple strategic setbacks for the US.

2023-03-20 05:28:50 @rao2z @SCAI_ASU @ASUEngineering @iiit_hyderabad Is this like in Spain, where "profesor" means teacher, and "real" professors are called "catedratico" (i.e., they have a chair)?

2023-03-20 03:13:12 @BobMcIntyre53 Carlin is only right if the median and the mean coincide. Seems plausible...

2023-03-19 23:54:28 @MuzafferKal_ Exactly! I didn't mean to give the impression I was defending him. I think it is a disingenuous statement, and he has been incredibly irresponsible testing his software on the general public.

2023-03-19 23:08:22 Notice how carefully @elonmusk worded his claim: "we’ll have over a million Tesla cars on the road with full self-driving hardware". He's said the same thing since 2015. No mention of software.

2023-03-19 22:19:08 RT @AndrewLampinen: The recent discussions of what language models can and can't accomplish highlight some important issues in how cognitiv…

2023-03-19 20:22:02 @Pajuhaan @davidchalmers42 I don't think McCarthy ever understood machine learning or its potential. He occasionally used the word "learn", but it usually mean "acquire a logical formula from a programmer".

2023-03-19 17:06:55 @cloudquistador @Abebab @Grady_Booch @OpenAI My point is that it is the task that is the problem, not the wages. You could pay $1000 an hour and it would still be unethical

2023-03-19 17:03:49 @cloudquistador @Abebab @Grady_Booch @OpenAI Agreed

2023-03-19 16:58:05 @cloudquistador @Abebab @Grady_Booch @OpenAI No, but @abebab said "uncompensated". Perhaps she meant "undercompensated"? My view is that some of these labeling tasks are unethical regardless of the pay rate. For some tasks, supervised learning is impossible because obtaining the labels is unethical.

2023-03-19 16:09:26 @yoavgo The basic use case for citation is when you use a technique or result without providing all of the details. Your want to point the reader to the best place to get those details. I agree this could be a handbook or subsequent paper rather than the original

2023-03-19 16:05:23 @Abebab @Grady_Booch Are you saying @OpenAI doesn’t pay their crowd workers?

2023-03-19 05:22:10 @stephxsher @taylorswift13 @karpathy Swift clearly has a larger out-degree in the influence graph, but the edge from Karpathy to me has much higher weight than the edge from Swift to me.

2023-03-19 05:19:10 @mgruchy @DrJimFan @GaryMarcus @random_walker I'd be curious to see if you provided not only the standard chess move notation but also the board positions (as images). Properly generalized, this would give the LM the correct model of the world and its dynamics.

2023-03-18 20:10:41 @rao2z Some representation probing experiments might falsify this claim.

2023-03-17 20:46:34 @danbri @iruletheworldmo @GaryMarcus @ESYudkowsky @sama "pretend" implies that the system is aware that it is not sentient, which is almost an impossibility

2023-03-17 18:09:58 @fadeyifemi @iruletheworldmo @GaryMarcus @ESYudkowsky @sama But many such humans will be imprisoned and held responsible for the damage they cause.

2023-03-17 18:08:01 @iruletheworldmo @GaryMarcus @ESYudkowsky @sama Please don't repeat the mistakes of the past. Morris also just wanted to see if it could be done.

2023-03-17 17:49:35 @iruletheworldmo @GaryMarcus @ESYudkowsky @sama If I had to guess, I'd bet you are enforcing a narrow scope of potential actions the agent can perform. But I'd love to learn more and understand what is easy/hard to achieve.

2023-03-17 17:45:13 @RamaswmySridhar @vivek7ue @OpenAI @verge The research community needs full access to at least some models (including the largest ones) so that we can study why they work, how to improve them, etc. But a few well-documented, well-supported ones is more important than many, poorly-supported ones

2023-03-17 17:42:06 @iruletheworldmo @GaryMarcus @ESYudkowsky @sama What steps are you taking to prevent your agent from causing damage?

2023-03-17 15:05:35 @GaryMarcus @ESYudkowsky @sama Converting an LLM into an agent with unrestricted access to the internet (or even to the local shell) is asking for trouble.

2023-03-16 21:40:49 @taexalon @AlbertoCairo tbh That is the first thing everyone should try

2023-03-16 18:46:04 @LeonDerczynski @fchollet Nicer fonts, though

2023-03-16 16:52:08 RT @geomblog: Roko's* five stages of AI grief: 1. Denial: "there is no bias in AI systems. Math is not racist." I feel like we have lar…

2023-03-16 15:19:46 @beenwrekt Yes. Making it easier to generate "communication" does nothing to increase the supply of human attention. Seems like this will favor the creation of bots communicating on our behalf. This might work for some routine things, but I think it will quickly lead to trouble.

2023-03-16 15:10:53 Bulleted lists in gmail when received by Outlook are rendered with lots of extra bullets. Does anyone know why? @gmail @outlook

2023-03-16 04:48:02 @fchollet Evidence in favor: the popularity of powerpoint Evidence against: powerpoint presentations

2023-03-16 03:28:46 @IDoTheThinking Also the pizza places near college campuses (which is consistent with your foot traffic point)

2023-03-15 20:57:16 Great story in @nytimes on technological risks. Sobering reading for all of us.

2023-03-15 18:48:24 RT @etzioni: Commentary: OpenAI’s GPT-4 has some limitations that are fixable — and some that are not via @GeekWire

2023-03-15 18:36:57 RT @GWilliamThomas: @NateSilver538 "American AI Strategy" (2019) "National AI Initiative" (2020)…

2023-03-15 18:29:30 @Noahpinion Should they have bought a mix of maturities, or would that expose them to other risks?

2023-03-15 15:30:06 @DhruvBatraDB @soumithchintala @OpenAI @MetaAI @Stanford @StabilityAI @huggingface Yes, which makes this a meta signaling tweet, I guess. I ll see myself out now…

2023-03-15 15:28:35 @soumithchintala @OpenAI @MetaAI @Stanford @StabilityAI @huggingface When OpenAI was created it was clear that to the extent they succeeded, their work would create risks of misuse that would undermine the name “Open”. I completely understand their reasons for being careful.

2023-03-15 15:09:41 @soumithchintala @OpenAI @MetaAI @Stanford @StabilityAI @huggingface I don’t think people are “mad”. It’s the hypocrisy of calling yourself “open” that has us choking on our drinks

2023-03-15 03:24:27 @ProfLHunter Yes

2023-03-15 02:17:58 @vardi If we asked GPT-4 to improve it, I wonder what it would do

2023-03-14 21:37:07 @geoffreyhinton Or maybe GPT-4 is the soup of nutrients, but more training is required to make a butterfly that can actually fly

2023-03-14 21:29:17 If the #1 merit of your paper is that it is the first to do X, maybe you should make sure it does X well. In other words, delete "first to show" and see if your paper is still any good. [arXiv subtweet]

2023-03-14 21:16:29 RT @boazbaraktcs: The new scaling laws

2023-03-14 16:39:17 @emilymbender @SemanticScholar They have been generating these since 2020 ( I agree they should be clearly marked.

2023-03-14 14:20:39 @Arfness @iamharaldur @sindero I was viewing them abstractly. They are both mechanisms for spreading risk. But are they really different? Federal disaster funds are precisely a form of taxpayer-paid insurance. The key difference is that taxes are involuntary, private insurance is voluntary.

2023-03-14 13:57:50 @Arfness @iamharaldur @sindero The "other party" in insurance is the other people who pay premiums to the insurance company. This spreads the risk. Otherwise, you could just put your premiums in a bank account and withdraw them when you experienced a loss.

2023-03-14 04:07:08 @grbradsk @NickKristof Ah the joys (and sorrows) of security theater

2023-03-14 03:32:46 @NickKristof But you do need to know the rules: take every last bit of electronics out of your bags. And even a scissor with rounded edges will be confiscated. Nail clippers will usually cause your bag to be pulled for a double-check.

2023-03-14 02:52:58 @KiltedRef @MichaelDAmbro17 @zeynep The risk to me, as a 68 year old male, is very high. And there is hard data (not "lies") behind that risk assessment. That's why I continue to mask carefully.

2023-03-14 02:50:20 @ArmandDoma Diversity in bond maturity dates would have helped...

2023-03-14 02:47:52 @KiltedRef @MichaelDAmbro17 @zeynep I am glad you are doing well. As I like to say, "Life is an uncontrolled experiment."

2023-03-14 00:51:19 "Mr. Becker of S.V.B. took home $9.9 million in compensation last year, including a $1.5 million bonus [...]. Joseph DePaolo of Signature got $8.6 million. We should claw all of that back, along with bonuses for other executives at these banks. "

2023-03-14 00:05:55 @MichaelDAmbro17 @zeynep We've seen mask mandates fail. I've been traveling extensively world-wide wearing well-fitting N95s, and I have never gotten Covid19. So that's one anecdotal data point in favor of masking. Have you gotten it?

2023-03-13 23:24:35 @GaryMarcus @KatjaGrace @primalpoly The biggest risk I see is millions of chatGPT-enabled bots bringing down the internet by conducting random experiments on every web site. People, please don't give your learning agent unrestricted internet access!

2023-03-13 23:21:27 @GaryMarcus @KatjaGrace @primalpoly The kinds of risks I worry about were not well-captured in the survey questions. Perhaps other folks had the same reaction?

2023-03-13 21:44:12 @emollick If may approximate a short-term theory of mind, but it obviously will fail when the relevant tokens fall off the end of the context buffer. Without durable episodic memory, one can easily construct ToM tests that it will fail.

2023-03-13 15:24:04 @PGewgle @iamharaldur @sindero But no taxpayer dollars are being spent in the case of SVB. The bank's owners and shareholders are taking huge financial losses. But viewed abstractly, both bailouts and insurance are cases where one person's loss is covered by another group of people (i.e., socialized).

2023-03-13 05:39:28 Here's hoping the libertarians in the valley will listen.

2023-03-13 05:35:03 @JeffDean @Khipu_AI Likewise! I hope to make the next one.

2023-03-13 04:45:36 @rndmcnlly @docmilanfar @kchonyc See @HastieTrevor et al: As soon as you introduce regularization (or Bayesian priors "with teeth"), you start to move away from a purely parametric model. This can make it hard to interpret the fitted parameters

2023-03-13 04:38:57 @rndmcnlly @docmilanfar @kchonyc Not necessarily. DNNs are non-parametric, but they don't store the training data. Instead, they have many more weights than strictly needed ("over-parameterized"), and we combine stochastic gradient descent + regularization to use only some of that representational capacity

2023-03-13 04:14:16 @andrewgwils @kchonyc To (approximately) quote Larry Wasserman: Bayesian questions require Bayesian answers

2023-03-13 04:05:22 @docmilanfar @kchonyc While this gives an example of a good nonparametric method, it doesn’t explain what we mean by nonparametric. The key, in my view, is that the model does not have a fixed number of degrees of freedom. Do you agree?

2023-03-13 01:50:05 @PGewgle @iamharaldur @sindero As I replied elsewhere in this tree, I was using "socialize" in the sense of spreading the risk among multiple people (not necessarily just government). Premiums and tax dollars are both paid in advance, and insurance payouts and govt disaster aid are paid later.

2023-03-13 00:25:45 @yudapearl My pet hypothesis is that when we deliberate, we experience this as an intervention in our own thought processes, and we view our decisions as being caused by those deliberations. We can perform experiments on this to confirm. "Look before you leap", "Think before you act".

2023-03-12 22:51:25 @chrislintott That's what @Katiebouman_AN did in her black hole visualizations.

2023-03-12 22:47:46 @chrislintott Ideally we should treat super-resolution as Bayesian inference based on a prior distribution over the "hidden" content. Then we could clarify our assumptions and quantify our uncertainty.

2023-03-12 22:39:47 @bleepbeepbzzz @iamharaldur @sindero I do agree there can be bad incentives. People should not be able to rebuild houses on flood plains or fire-prone landscapes after being bailed out by the govt. But one of the points of insurance is to enable people to take risks, e.g., on starting a business.

2023-03-12 22:37:32 @bleepbeepbzzz @iamharaldur @sindero I am using "socialize" in the sense of spreading risk across multiple people, "society" in general. Private insurance does this, and so do our tax dollars that we spend on disaster assistance, public health, etc. Both are paid in advance (mostly).

2023-03-12 15:24:11 @Grady_Booch One of the benefits of living in the tropics

2023-03-12 15:19:02 RT @TobyWalsh:

2023-03-12 15:02:01 RT @suchisaria: Friends, I’m putting together an invited year in review for conference on health, inference &

2023-03-12 05:02:14 @beenwrekt @drvictoriafox Would you really walk into a Covid-19 ward in a hospital without a well-fitting N95?

2023-03-11 21:12:38 RT @AlanPaulFern1: I've very excited that we will be getting a Digit humanoid robot in our lab any day now. So I'm combing over all the wor…

2023-03-11 20:44:54 ⁦@qatarairways⁩ being super weird!

2023-03-11 20:43:01 @flypdx this bathroom design violates the principle that the user should be able to see the things they are trying to use. Totally unusable!

2023-03-11 20:20:46 @matloff @iamharaldur @sindero Yes, but there are limits to this individualistic view. When an event threatens the wider society, government needs to step in. There is a moral hazard, and perhaps these owners should be banned from banking. Same with people who rebuild on a floodplain post flood.

2023-03-11 18:59:02 @rasbt @iamharaldur @sindero The big losers here will be the bank’s shareholders. That presumably includes the bank’s managers, who are exactly the people who should be held responsible. There is no bailout afaik

2023-03-11 18:24:55 @GaryMarcus Still waiting for a transcript

2023-03-11 18:23:55 @blu_dechkin @fchollet They can find a buyer who can afford to hold those treasuries to maturity.

2023-03-11 16:54:31 @cdp_physics @iamharaldur @sindero We do this for natural disasters. But I suppose you can consider some part of your taxes as insurance premiums. In any case, it looks like no tax dollars will go into SVB

2023-03-11 16:11:06 @iamharaldur @sindero I get your point. But… Privatizing profit and socializing losses is called “insurance”. Everyone of us who buys insurance does this.

2023-03-11 15:52:48 Another black eye for @Airbnb

2023-03-11 03:01:06 @Noahpinion Great post!

2023-03-10 23:59:31 @MazMHussain Of course, it would have been even better if the US had not invaded Iraq. That was a violation of the rules-based order that we have tried to hard to create and uphold. Maybe the Syrian disaster would have been averted entirely?

2023-03-10 23:55:48 @MazMHussain The world is interconnected. Suppose the US and Europe had intervened in Syria. This could have prevented the huge inflow of refugees to Europe. That would have resulted in a much weaker Far Right. It might also have discouraged Russian from invading Ukraine.

2023-03-10 18:56:57 @SashaMTL If our goal is to decarbonize AI, then we should be asking questions both about the generic energy cost (regardless of energy source) and strategies for acquiring that energy from low-carbon sources. Looking back historically doesn't directly address either of these questions.

2023-03-10 14:53:04 @oyvinht @Noahpinion Yes, I expect we will see orders of magnitude reductions in energy and data requirements over the next 6-10 years

2023-03-10 04:50:40 @srchvrs @YejinChoinka The Constitutional Learning mechanism (@anthropicAI) imposes a constraint that the outputs of the model should be consistent with the model's own assessment of consistency with its "constitution". end/

2023-03-10 04:48:06 @srchvrs I wonder if you can get better results by imposing a consistency requirement? @YejinChoinka does this for extracting common sense by asking a set of related queries and applying a MAX SAT solver to find the best-supported answer. 1/

2023-03-10 00:53:00 @deliprao You can’t even get a list of the performers or composers on @SpotifyUSA

2023-03-09 23:42:23 @deliprao The listening experience could be so much richer if they integrated music history, analysis, comparison of different performances, etc etc. with the listening experience. Would work for other genres as well, e.g., jazz, flamenco, Indian classical music, Chinese classical, etc.

2023-03-09 22:36:13 @yaroslavvb Safari in Tanzania or Kenya. I loved this place near Mt. Kilimanjaro:

2023-03-09 19:01:41 @conor_muldoon @ylecun What I was trying to say is that by giving the bot a name and a persona, we are creating the expectation that the user is engaged in a conversation with a socially-competent agent.

2023-03-09 18:03:07 @Grady_Booch I think he will regret this thread. People are coming up with thousands of creative ways of using LLMs. I share his skepticism that search is one of them, though.

2023-03-09 15:26:34 @TDeryugina Ah, I see your point. I hate that kind of spin!

2023-03-09 14:56:58 @TDeryugina It seems tautological. If you communicate poorly, you communicate poorly

2023-03-09 14:52:48 @chelseabfinn @hseas @boazbaraktcs @ShamKakade6 Thank you for the very nice talk, and thank you @hseas for sharing it

2023-03-09 04:54:03 @MakingSenseHQ It there a transcript? I started listening, but the data rate in podcasts is too low

2023-03-09 04:39:49 @olcan @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes @yudapearl I'm not familiar with the task. Pointers?

2023-03-09 03:46:11 @QRDL @yudapearl @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes Indeed, we often learn a trick (e.g., how to open a jar) before we understand the causal model behind it. But the great thing about causal models is that we can bring them to bear to reason about situations we have never seen "during training". end/

2023-03-09 03:44:36 @QRDL @yudapearl @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes Of course we also memorize the consequences of causal reasoning to create the automatic routines and inference paths that underlie our subconscious, automatic performance in both the physical and social worlds. 3/

2023-03-09 03:43:01 @QRDL @yudapearl @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes During university, we are taught causal models in virtually all branches of knowledge, especially science and social science. Causal reasoning draws on this causal knowledge to explain, predict, and control the world around us. 2/

2023-03-09 03:40:59 @QRDL @yudapearl @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes We usually draw a distinction between causal discovery and causal reasoning. Infants do quite a lot of causal discovery about the physical world

2023-03-09 01:09:37 Nice discussion in this article. The whole concept of a chat bot seems broken. We expect a "bot" to be an agent with the kinds of social intelligence described in this article. This is very different from how we treat, e.g., google translate or google search.

2023-03-08 21:35:41 @LoneDruid_1 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes @yudapearl Interesting. Moral intelligence could also include persuading people to behave well, building consensus and coalitions. So I think it can be creative too. I agree with Chomsky that a chatbot needs social intelligence (including moral thinking)

2023-03-08 20:42:16 @LoneDruid_1 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes @yudapearl My understanding is that they were very concerned about the moral implications (quite appropriately). Note that they used computers to help with the design, but those computers did not need to do moral reasoning.

2023-03-08 20:15:22 @Noahpinion AI won't be economically practical without an energy revolution

2023-03-08 20:11:59 RT @kaggle: New ML competition is up! The 3rd annual BirdClef competition w/ @CornellBirds, @Google, &

2023-03-08 20:11:09 RT @tdietterich: @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes Nice to see such dispassionate writing from Chomsky. AI systems and "their ilk", "lumberin…

2023-03-08 20:10:53 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes @yudapearl Hence, I agree with Chomsky that current LLMs lack this component of social intelligence. But I think that "True intelligence is also capable of moral thinking" is an overstatement. end/

2023-03-08 20:08:57 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes @yudapearl However, a system that interacts with people in ways that concern their role as members of society cannot be considered socially intelligent unless it can reason about the moral dimension of its actions. 4/

2023-03-08 20:06:58 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes @yudapearl But I don't see why a system cannot be "intelligent" without being able to perform moral thinking. One form of intelligence is to prove theorems from a set of assumptions, and that does not involve moral thinking. Mastering Go did not require moral thinking. 3/

2023-03-08 20:05:25 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes I only see two substantive arguments: lack of causal reasoning and lack of moral thinking. The first is correct: @yudapearl has proved that statistical ML without causal assumptions cannot draw causal inferences. 2/

2023-03-08 20:01:46 @sinanaral @GaryMarcus @nytimes Nice to see such dispassionate writing from Chomsky. AI systems and "their ilk", "lumbering", "conventional", "mere probabilities" whereas grammar "almost mathematical elegance". What are the core arguments when you strip away the rhetoric? 1/

2023-03-08 15:20:28 @emilymbender I wonder if that same doctor types queries about his own medical symptoms into a search engine (without first using a VPN + incognito browsing)? We've made it so easy to leak information

2023-03-08 04:35:45 RT @KieranSnyder: There may be nothing I’ve seen wreck the careers of high-performing, hardworking people more commonly than stepping into…

2023-03-08 04:26:26 @monsoon0 SYD?

2023-03-07 22:45:36 @MiTiBennett Thanks

2023-03-07 20:32:04 RT @AaronHertzmann: Spoiler: the real problem is unregulated Profit Maximizers, which have been around for a few decades at least

2023-03-07 19:14:12 @J_K_Chesterton @jlindy77 @wanyeburkett Fascinating

2023-03-07 06:00:53 @zacharylipton @Uber @lyft It must vary hugely depending on the city. Pittsburgh?

2023-03-07 05:13:20 @GaryMarcus @JSEllenberg Gary, what is your operational definition of a representation? PaLM-E sure behaves as if it has an internal world model

2023-03-06 20:16:09 @VeronicaSaron @Neeva I don't want search, I want assistance completing desktop workflows. Every time I search and every time I do copy/paste, this reveals a failure of the UI to understand what I'm doing and give me a one-click way to do it. I'd love to see an AI-powered workflow assistant

2023-03-06 04:38:57 @kchonyc What airline?

2023-03-06 01:46:48 @kchonyc Also on the subway in DC. Maybe their earbuds need recharging?

2023-03-05 23:55:09 @amcafee @superwuster *dime, but maybe nickel-and-time is accurate too :-)

2023-03-05 23:54:20 @amcafee @superwuster The latter model has much less transaction overhead and results in a much more pleasant user experience. The former leads to nickel-and-time (or, today, $5-$10 charges) for everything.

2023-03-05 23:52:49 @amcafee @superwuster One view of services is that each service should be supported only by the individuals it benefits. The other is that we consider the services jointly so that every individual benefits from the same fraction of such services and we fund them jointly. 1/

2023-03-05 22:24:35 @davidmanheim @GaryMarcus @jacyanthis @rgblong @lukeprog @yudapearl We model ourselves as agents who choose actions determined by our knowledge, goals, and beliefs. Our belief in free will is based on a causal model of our own behavior. end/

2023-03-05 22:22:36 @davidmanheim @GaryMarcus @jacyanthis @rgblong @lukeprog @yudapearl My naive understanding of "theory of mind" in dialogue is that we maintain a mental model of the knowledge, goals, and beliefs of our dialogue counterparts. These account for their utterances as actions taken by agents to achieve goals. 1/

2023-03-05 20:33:44 @sir_deenicus @sarahookr I agree that regulating uses is much better than regulating technology. The challenge is to discover and limit the bad uses while advancing the technology and making it accessible to everyone for good uses. What are your thoughts about how to achieve that? @sir_deenicus?

2023-03-05 19:20:22 @jacyanthis @rgblong @lukeprog @davidmanheim @GaryMarcus For applications where we can live with a noisy approximation, statistical learning methods suffice. But the word "solve" would seem to require extreme reliability, which I do not believe statistical learning alone can achieve.

2023-03-05 19:16:39 @sarahookr @sir_deenicus I think we need to develop and adopt such guidelines promptly. We don't want our field to contribute another notorious incident to future classes on the Responsible Conduct of Research.

2023-03-05 19:12:39 RT @sarahookr: We need more nuanced discussions around the risk of open sourcing models. Open source brings valuable access, but it is ab…

2023-03-05 18:21:15 @burkov Is it really a killer app for search? Im not convinced yet

2023-03-05 18:07:31 @rgblong @lukeprog @davidmanheim We have methods that can do all of these things, but they are fragile and unpredictable. They demonstrate a lack of systematic understanding. I suspect this is because statistics alone can’t give us causal understanding

2023-03-05 18:04:11 @amcafee @superwuster How individualistic! Isn’t there some social value in welcoming international visitors to the US with generosity?

2023-03-05 16:22:50 @lukeprog @davidmanheim Still not solved

2023-03-05 16:20:29 @amcafee @superwuster Even if it is, it is really rude to arriving passengers. I’d rather include the cost in the facilities fees, like we do with the toilets, floors, walls, and roof

2023-03-05 15:59:34 @MatthewJBar Do you think LLMs can also help formulate interesting conjectures?

2023-03-05 15:58:50 @MatthewJBar I think it was R W Hamming who said “Our theorems are correct but the proofs are wrong”. But the reality is that we must debug theorems and proofs against each other. LLM-based tools will really help with this.

2023-03-05 15:49:12 @unsorsodicorda @giffmana @roydanroy I had in mind, as Dan Roy was suggesting, creating an ensemble instead of selecting one model. Obviously not always computationally feasible…

2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-02-20 15:18:45 @GaryMarcus Check out Cohen &

2023-02-20 15:17:08 @GaryMarcus The fundamental difficulty of ToM is that *we* researchers need to find a good representation for encoding the beliefs of the system about the beliefs of other agents. I haven't seen any evidence that such representations are learned by LLMs.

2023-02-20 04:23:53 @fixedpointfae Basic, Fortran, Assembly, COBOL, Pascal, C, Lisp, Prolog, BCPL, S/R, C++, Python, Pytorch. I’m probably forgetting something…

2023-02-20 02:37:15 @hackylawyER @ledell I don’t see email as very promising, however. Maybe saves a few keystrokes, but I don’t have to Google the pytorch documentation to answer routine email (unlike coding, where I probably do one search per line of code).

2023-02-20 02:34:36 @hackylawyER @ledell Programming tools like github copilot have produced substantial productivity improvements. I’m sure there will be other successes (and failures).

2023-02-19 21:49:51 I am very grateful to FAIR for leading the way and supporting the world-wide deep learning research community.

2023-02-19 20:38:58 RT @zicokolter: Generative models and P vs. NP: A clickbaity thread An important point that seems missing (as far as I've seen) in the d…

2023-02-18 16:09:20 @sirkodnap @Grady_Booch A repeated lesson in security is that you need to develop methods that are (a) secure and (b) highly usable and then you need to mandate their use. I know I hate to be told what to do, but this is a case where I need the push

2023-02-18 16:07:13 @sirkodnap @Grady_Booch Fair enough

2023-02-18 15:28:14 @JohnHMcWhorter I would like to learn more about what restorative policies have been tried and how well they succeeded. A good class topic would ask how to measure the success of such policies. How to define restorative justice?

2023-02-18 08:47:10 @lacisoft @Grady_Booch But why defend SMS 2FA when it is no longer the best technology for anyone with a smartphone?

2023-02-18 08:46:11 @lacisoft @Grady_Booch Yes, roaming in EU is wonderful. Would love to see similar agreements worldwide.

2023-02-18 07:24:26 @Grady_Booch So you are saying that companies should ignore the needs of a subset of their customers? Furthermore, SMS 2FA has vulnerabilities:

2023-02-18 06:45:07 RT @etzioni: Well, at least your acquisition of Twitter is going as planned.

2023-02-18 06:43:15 @mosheroperandi @Grady_Booch Verizon’s international plans are a total ripoff. I buy a local SIM card instead.

2023-02-18 06:22:38 @mosheroperandi @Grady_Booch Yes, I noticed that for Twitter when I read their announcement. But a large number of companies only support SMS.

2023-02-18 03:33:20 @Grady_Booch SMS 2FA should be deprecated. It doesn't work when you are traveling internationally unless you also have an (expensive) international roaming plan for your phone. At a minimum, they should support WhatsApp, but I believe authentication apps are better.

2023-02-17 09:30:01 @rgblong Maybe step-by-step reasoning gone bad?

2023-02-16 04:23:12 @erichorvitz @yudapearl @aperianez Yes. In the original tweet, they wrote “foundational”, and that made me flinch.

2023-02-16 04:20:44 RT @ESYudkowsky: The thing about the Future is that it's made up of the same people and same sort of people who are implementing the presen…

2023-02-16 04:16:43 @fchollet A tool should show its capabilities through interpretable affordances.

2023-02-16 04:06:38 @yudapearl @aperianez @erichorvitz Agreed. The term “model” has always bothered me. It would be nice to have a shorter term than “fitted function”.

2023-02-16 04:02:26 RT @Noahpinion: Good (long) post about the cultural problems within Google:

2023-02-16 03:19:29 @aperianez @erichorvitz “Foundation”. There is nothing foundational about these models. In fact, we should probably call them “marginal models”, because they just give the marginal distribution of language after integrating out meaning, intent, etc.

2023-02-15 04:14:32 @rasbt @KyleCranmer Or any optimizer. Optimal solutions can be weird!

2023-02-14 17:17:50 @ross_mc_donnell @BallouxFrancois The (male) public was highly resistant to using seatbelts. Making seatbelts a legal requirement made a big difference in compliance. Same with motorcycle helmets. The objection to vax requirements (e.g., in military) is the same old story, but now it risks troop readiness.

2023-02-13 09:31:26 An excellent discussion of the economics of improving worker productivity with AI by analogy with machine tools. I always learn a lot from @Noahpinion's economics posts

2023-02-13 09:29:33 @Bee_Y_s @Noahpinion @ElijahRavitz @Google The answers are currently unreliable, and it seems very challenging to fix this. Perhaps the way forward is to use interactive chat to refine the query but then traditional retrieval to produce reliable answers? Meanwhile, I expect major errors from rushed deployments

2023-02-13 08:07:13 “I’m not even 30, and I’ve already done the most significant thing I’ll ever do.”

2023-02-13 05:34:26 @Noahpinion @ElijahRavitz If (when?) chat-based search turns out to be a bust, @google may turn out to be the winner

2023-02-12 16:10:57 RT @tdietterich: @beenwrekt @zacharylipton That’s a great article! When I read Superintelligence, I had a similar reaction. The book made p…

2023-02-12 16:10:52 @beenwrekt @zacharylipton That’s a great article! When I read Superintelligence, I had a similar reaction. The book made perfect sense if you replaced the word “superintelligence” by the word “capitalism”. But I love how Chiang depicts this as a self-model of the tech industry! Thanks for posting it

2023-02-12 00:41:44 @jackclarkSF These are all ways of computing the transitive closure of existing knowledge as opposed to acquiring new knowledge. How much can be gained by combining what we already know?

2023-02-10 10:38:07 Congratulations to my colleague and collaborator, Kiri Wagstaff, for this recognition of her contributions to ML research, applications (esp in space exploration), and to AI education.

2023-02-10 08:12:43 RT @Noahpinion: Wow, an essay about "neoliberalism" that is actually interesting, novel, and useful! It must be American, not British. ht…

2023-02-08 05:13:04 RT @SarahKachovich: This is how the global ocean should be seen, with #Antarctic &

2023-02-07 03:59:13 @Noahpinion very good + very bad = neutral

2023-02-07 03:58:11 @rgblong ChatGPT’s answer would not be based on self knowledge (as I understand it)

2023-02-06 13:31:08 @americakaran Which states do you think will be most/least successful?

2023-02-05 12:15:49 @roydanroy The ML conferences have been using the Toronto paper matching system and I believe it has many shortcomings. But can we use the latest LLMs to build better expertise models? @andrewmccallum ?

2023-02-05 08:24:17 @roydanroy I agree. With our own tech, we should be able to assign reviewers automatically

2023-02-04 15:50:29 @RyanMcbeth @PhillipsPOBrien I am wrong

2023-02-04 13:36:39 @RyanMcbeth @PhillipsPOBrien Maybe this was just an editing error?

2023-02-04 13:16:02 @RyanMcbeth @PhillipsPOBrien This seemed pretty nonsensical. Spy satellites are not geosynchronous but low earth orbit.

2023-02-02 15:34:19 RT @aihuborg: Science communication for AI researchers: our tutorial at #AAAI2023 -

2023-02-02 13:38:04 @HaydnBelfield This assumes that we continue down the brute force trajectory. I predict that within a decade, we will have figured out how to replace LLMs with a constellation of well-understood, efficient, engineered components.

2023-02-02 01:30:45 @BallouxFrancois Block and ignore

2023-02-01 10:24:02 @ridelfin @cloudquistador @Grady_Booch Yes, and there will be a need to train/fine-tune/augment large pretrained models with private data. Those models will need to be run on-premises (or in private clouds) to avoid leaking information.

2023-02-01 10:10:41 @ridelfin @cloudquistador @Grady_Booch Yes: search engines and social media. I'm not sure about ecommerce sites like Amazon or paid services like Office 365.

2023-02-01 09:53:37 @ridelfin @cloudquistador @Grady_Booch There are several costs: capital expense, operating expense of the data centers, and latency cost to the user. My understanding is that for most applications these costs are too expensive for ad-supported products

2023-02-01 09:16:07 @cloudquistador @Grady_Booch They won't deploy these models unless it makes business sense. My impression is that the models are too expensive today, but people are optimistic that huge cost reductions are possible.

2023-02-01 09:09:53 @Grady_Booch But will end users be able to meet their end-user software engineering needs without writing in DSLs like Excel? LLMs might help the computer understand the user's context and goals better and prevent many end-user programming errors

2023-02-01 07:01:48 @LauraALibby @daniela_witten Citation needed.

2023-01-31 12:04:41 RT @togelius: Saying "an AI" is definitely a red flag, but an even bigger red flag these days is arguably talking as if ChatGPT was all of…

2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-01-17 00:59:59 RT @vardi:

2023-01-16 22:59:54 @rcalo Why should I bother to tweet anything when @rcalo has already tweeted it?

2023-01-16 22:50:59 I'm excited to see this new book. I was just rereading @martypute's wonderful 1994 book. It has long been an RL Bible

2023-01-16 21:52:34 @paul_scharre @jackclarkSF @nmaslej @Miles_Brundage @jjding99 @mattsheehan88 @ylecun @indexingai @etzioni @CSETGeorgetown @DataInnovation @Noahpinion Did the report discuss papers with both Chinese and non-Chinese authors? These defy the US-vs-China narrative. It seems that there is still a healthy exchange of ideas across the global research community. That said, at least on the corporate side, secrecy seems to be growing

2023-01-15 21:55:55 @LechMazur @mezaoptimizer Yes, and now it has become a marketing term itself. I guess this was inevitable.

2023-01-15 19:47:05 @grbradsk @mezaoptimizer Yes. If I understand correctly, causality theory shows that, while you can learn a lot from observational data + causal assumptions, you can learn even more from interventional data @yudapearl @eliasbareinboim

2023-01-15 19:41:24 @PaulTopping @mezaoptimizer Very true

2023-01-15 08:54:10 @mezaoptimizer If it turns out to be easy, the joke will be on us.

2023-01-15 08:53:26 @mezaoptimizer Old time AI people like me have always been working on AGI. We just called it AI. To me AGI is just a marketing term. We old timers think we know how hard the problem is, and we are lolling as the younger generation discovers this

2023-01-15 08:48:25 @Noahpinion It is still a good place to post something where other people can find it. But it could be so much better

2023-01-15 01:33:36 @mark_riedl No, and not for any of these reasons but because it is not a moral agent who can be held accountable for errors in the paper.

2023-01-14 20:33:14 @rasbt @ljbuturovic @MuhammadAnas707 This same reasoning may apply to XGBoost, gbm, and so on. I haven't looked to see what their margin distributions are like. See also "Large Margin Deep Networks for Classification"

2023-01-14 20:30:27 @rasbt @ljbuturovic @MuhammadAnas707 In the soft margin case, you only get guarantees on the points that are outside the margin region. That said, I can imagine a system that says "Here is the predicted class, but it is not a robust answer" for points that don't have the desired margin.

2023-01-14 19:52:00 @rasbt @ljbuturovic @MuhammadAnas707 I think it depends on your evaluation criteria. For in-distribution accuracy, I suspect you are correct in general Sebastian. But for various forms of out-of-distribution performance, I think the max margin and margin distribution ideas have much to teach us about robustness.

2023-01-14 06:20:07 @RWerpachowski It seems to have worked (inadvertently) with abortion, but of course that didn't trash the economy or abandon Ukraine and Taiwan.

2023-01-14 06:05:00 Should the Democrats go ahead and cut everything the Republicans want to cut but make sure the cuts go into effect immediately? Then use the resulting outrage to soundly defeat the Republicans in the next election.

2023-01-14 05:45:13 House Republicans prepare their Thelma and Louise plan to drive the US off a cliff. Why do they want to damage America so much?

2023-01-14 04:58:48 @mark_riedl Chronological has now disappeared from my web client. I only have a choice of "Following" or "For You".

2023-01-14 04:49:45 @rao2z @edward_the6 I'm often perplexed by your sentences

2023-01-14 03:57:51 @paul_rietschka @rasbt @MuhammadAnas707 I'd be interested in citations to robustness guarantees for XGBoost.

2023-01-14 03:57:10 @rasbt @MuhammadAnas707 I know that Adaboost tends to produce a large margin classifier. Does gradient boosting do this? The SVM solution may not perform as well in-distribution, but it is guaranteed to be robust to changes in features and in class frequencies.

2023-01-14 02:41:27 @deliprao @SashaMTL Computer vision challenge: measure petal and stamen lengths so we can use Fisher’s linear discriminant for classification. Reduce to a previously solved problem:-)

2023-01-14 02:37:51 @rasbt @MuhammadAnas707 SVMs find very robust solutions. I wouldn’t say they are outdated at all.

2023-01-14 01:53:13 @Noahpinion Wow, you are really trolling us today, Noah. Reagan permitted laissez faire capitalism to run rampant, and that eventually damaged the fabric of society

2023-01-13 03:53:11 @mark_riedl The browser version HTML title is now "Following", so that's consistent

2023-01-13 03:42:51 @mark_riedl Chronological is still working for me in the browser

2023-01-12 02:05:09 @Poyonoz @zdeborova I’m not sure we need gatekeepers. In my experience, peer review improves my papers but my rejected papers did not contain errors and could have been safely published

2023-01-11 22:34:38 @Noahpinion *mRNA vaccines

2023-01-11 22:20:41 @Noahpinion I don't think web surveillance contributed to the development of mRNA viruses or solar power or battery tech, @Noahpinion, which is what you've mentioned in the past when talking about tech saving the world.

2023-01-11 19:30:01 RT @VC31415: @tdietterich @AOC Before I say anything silly, I wanted to mention that @ProfEmilyOster has a nice write up on the issue. htt…

2023-01-11 19:29:21 @VC31415 @AOC @ProfEmilyOster This is very helpful, thank you!

2023-01-11 18:21:49 @VC31415 @AOC So you think reduced cognitive performance causes people to buy gas stoves? Or that there is a confounder?

2023-01-11 05:15:07 @miguelisolano No. Solve factuality and you solve factuality. Why would you believe this is the only remaining roadblock?

2023-01-10 22:54:11 @rasbt Can hardly wait to have an LLM system that can do this

2023-01-10 21:57:49 @roxannedarling @DavidDeutschOxf As an example: The author suggests that we stop learning when we perform a task automatically. But a famous study of cigar rollers in Cuba showed that workers continue to improve even after decades of practice. In short: There is evidence that bears on this discussion!

2023-01-10 21:17:00 @DavidDeutschOxf I didn't see a single reference to relevant research on these questions. This is just an exercise in good old introspection--a notoriously unreliable source of evidence.

2023-01-10 19:59:05 @zdeborova Absolutely ridiculous. This should not be permitted. Let's stop thinking that acceptance at a "top" ML conference means anything about the quality of the work.

2023-01-10 19:48:23 @y0b1byte @shimon8282 I learned a lot from your dissertation

2023-01-10 16:20:58 RT @zeynep: It’s true Scott is on Pfizer’s board and ex head of FDA. I was *very* wary. I didn’t expect to find him to be so informative a…

2023-01-10 16:13:44 @BenKobren @MaxWinebach @Neeva @Google In my queries, I wasn't satisfied with the non-AI results. The queries were about taxi services in India

2023-01-10 04:16:27 @rao2z Maybe you can get the classroom declared to be a SCIF (Secure Facility).

2023-01-10 03:12:51 @omarsar0 Very nice

2023-01-10 01:46:02 @matloff @kareem_carr Love the Y axis position of the feet

2023-01-10 01:13:27 @jwoodgett @mattsclancy I deeply and sincerely agree!!

2023-01-10 01:12:49 @jwoodgett @mattsclancy But papers are not sampled iid but are written relative to a set of competitors. In my experience, when the field is small, all 100 papers are mediocre and would not rank in the above 10% after the field has grown.

2023-01-10 01:02:38 @jwoodgett @mattsclancy It depends on your model of competition. When a field has 100 people in it, you only need to write a paper better than 99 other papers. When it has 10,000 people in it, you have to write a paper better than 9,900 other papers (for a top 1% paper)

2023-01-09 22:19:04 @Raamana_ @GaryMarcus Additional progress: * ML theory to understand double descent * self-supervised learning (which enabled LLMs) Biggest challenges * continual learning (esp for LLMs) * representation learning that can generalize out-of-distribution

2023-01-09 22:16:17 @Raamana_ @GaryMarcus In #MachineLearning, * improvements in uncertainty quantification using conformal prediction * deeper understanding of out-of-distribution detection * methods for responding to distribution shifts * progress in causal ML

2023-01-09 22:12:36 Is anyone developing multi-modal LLMs that model and manipulate user interfaces of existing systems? Example: MS Word, MS Excel, Photoshop, etc. Seems like this would require understanding language, UI actions (clicks, typing), and screen contents.

2023-01-09 21:02:22 @MaxWinebach @Neeva I tried it for some tourism queries and it was a total fail. I suspect it is indexing less than @google.

2023-01-09 19:48:16 @mattsclancy Another hypothesis is that the internet has increased connectivity among researchers and this leads to less diversity in the problems being attacked (everyone works on the most popular/fashionable problems) which leads to overall less exploration of the innovation space

2023-01-09 19:45:44 @mattsclancy The increase in the size of a field seems like it would explain a lot of these metrics. E.g., it is obvious that with more people in a field, it would be harder to write a top 0.1% paper. More people would work on the same problems, so diversity of words drops. etc.

2023-01-09 16:38:23 @YiMaTweets I don’t allow my students to submit a paper unless I believe it is ready for publication. Otherwise you are wasting reviewer’s time

2023-01-09 01:18:05 @GaryMarcus ChatGPT seems to adopt the presuppositions of the prompt and tries to find an answer consistent with them. I would have expected the training data to contain arguments where the presuppositions were challenged. Another example of the difficulty of negation/contradiction?

2023-01-09 01:14:30 @adawan919 @NikkeiAsia 1. What determines the risk of long covid? 2. Are there medications (yet to be discovered) that can prevent long covid? 3. Do we have therapies for recovery from long covid?

2023-01-09 00:52:34 @NikkeiAsia That won't happen for many of us until long covid is understood and the risk reduced

2023-01-08 23:05:19 @adawan919 @ylecun I'm not arguing that teaching grammar rules is a good way to learn second languages. It is just a method that I personally find useful. I know nothing about the pedagogy of language learning. I just wanted an example of skill learning that involved pure practice.

2023-01-08 22:41:38 @adawan919 @ylecun You are arguing against a position that I do not hold.

2023-01-08 21:14:10 @adawan919 @ylecun I don't view this as an 'ethical' question

2023-01-08 21:12:41 @adawan919 @ylecun Yes, but they present a unified theory of chunking as a form of knowledge compilation that applies to any skill learning task.

2023-01-08 21:11:52 @adawan919 @ylecun I do a lot of language learning (as an adult, learning second languages). I realize this is different from child language acquisition!! As an adult, it is helpful to learn the conjugation rules (e.g., in Spanish, Hindi, etc.) and then practice speaking until you can forget them.

2023-01-08 19:21:49 @RitaKonaev Best tweet of 2023 so far

2023-01-08 18:40:27 @loretoparisi What do you mean by “already incorporated”?

2023-01-08 18:35:34 @pwlot @davidmanheim Strongly disagree. Successful prediction is one outcome of a intelligence, but other forms include rapid learning by asking the right questions

2023-01-08 18:31:56 @davidmanheim We may not need necessary and sufficient conditions for AGI, but we do need measurement methodologies and metrics.

2023-01-08 07:11:04 @Noahpinion I'm still seeing good stuff on Ukraine and COVID + your posts. Fewer posts from journalists, I think.

2023-01-07 19:46:33 @ylecun I agree. But practice can serve a knowledge compilation function that does not involve acquiring new knowledge. Example: By practicing conjugating verbs, I convert the conjugation rule into "muscle memory". Rosenbloom&

2023-01-07 07:21:49 Interesting insights into the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants (and a lesson for ML folks)

2023-01-07 06:58:43 RT @pierre_azoulay: OK. I have spent much of the week finally sinking my teeth into this paper. It's really well written and convincing. Bu…

2023-01-07 06:54:23 RT @luisceze: It is funny to see people on one end using ChatGPT to expand bullets into longer text prose to then send it to other people,…

2023-01-07 01:40:21 @ylecun Thank you CIFAR for placing a bet on this area!!

2023-01-07 01:38:52 @Noahpinion I'm not saying you have to plot zero, but just pointing out that for all of these questions, more than half of the 12th graders have answered YES. So a majority are still taking risks.

2023-01-07 01:24:50 @Noahpinion Check out where 0 is on the vertical axis. These charts exaggerate the effect, real as it may be

2023-01-06 20:04:54 @EvelinaLeivada @analisereal @GaryMarcus Then we need to know how these scores would compare to the scores assigned to " 'Colorless green ideas sleep furiously' is not grammatical " and to other sentences like "Colorless ideas green sleep furiously", etc. Interesting questions... end/

2023-01-06 20:01:36 @EvelinaLeivada @analisereal @GaryMarcus I'm not sure this addresses my concern. ChatGPT will assign one internal score to the sentence " 'Colorless green ideas sleep furiously' is grammatical " and another score to the sentence "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously". 1/

2023-01-06 18:37:13 @EvelinaLeivada @analisereal @GaryMarcus When you ask ChatCPT whether it thinks a sentence is grammatical, the answer it gives is its summary of what the utterances in the training corpus would say about the sentence. This is one-step removed from its internal assessment. Like its other answers, it can be a fabrication

2023-01-06 18:35:18 @EvelinaLeivada @analisereal @GaryMarcus As I understand LLMs, they are sampling from a distribution over continuations of the prompt much like n-gram models. The product of these one-step probabilities would give a score for the probability of a sentence.

2023-01-06 18:33:03 @emilymbender @mmitchell_ai @IrisVanRooij If ChatGPT is automated plagiarism, then so is human language learning. I'm currently studying Hindi, and this involves exact memorization of phrases. There is a difference in scale, obviously.

2023-01-06 18:02:54 RT @betanalpha: Anyways, to end on a more productive note let me mention my personal strategy for prior modeling of one-dimensional paramet…

2023-01-06 17:48:35 @EvelinaLeivada @analisereal @GaryMarcus Are you measuring its internal scores on sentences? I would never trust its natural language statements

2023-01-06 05:34:41 @sir_deenicus @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada And maybe this is enough for natural languages? What’s known about this?

2023-01-06 05:33:09 @sir_deenicus @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada Yes, I was being sloppy when I said “context sensitive”. It is of course impossible to generate all context free and context sensitive languages without a stack. But in an informal sense, attention over the huge input buffer lets transformers consider huge context

2023-01-06 04:06:07 @analisereal @GaryMarcus It can tell us about the grammar it read about, but that is not the “grammar” that produces its performance, of course

2023-01-06 00:56:53 @Noahpinion Marie Curie

2023-01-06 00:19:12 @GaryMarcus @s_r_constantin As the AI field attempts to build integrated systems, it is natural that it will spread into terrain that was previously explored by other fields. When Machine Learning discovered Statistics (around 1985?), we had to go educate ourselves. Time to (re)read these classics!

2023-01-06 00:16:24 @j_q_balter @GaryMarcus There was the small matter of massive statistical learning involved...I don't know about you, but I couldn't hand code these billions of weights

2023-01-05 23:29:43 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada Yes, this is an interesting line of research to explore.

2023-01-05 23:28:32 @mazuretsky @IDoTheThinking Depends on how you measure "land". If you measure soil, we are in trouble.

2023-01-05 22:19:00 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada Obviously it is "cheating" in some way, and that might be interesting.

2023-01-05 22:18:15 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada For me as a computer scientist, it is interesting that it can produce context-sensitive language without a pushdown stack. Chomsky showed us that there are important relationships between the implementation and the grammar.

2023-01-05 22:16:20 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada The question at hand is whether LLMs give us a new framework that might give us additional insights beyond those of Dr. Chomsky. I don't think the answer is clearly YES or NO. I do think it is worth studying.

2023-01-05 22:13:35 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada How do you know? It will take some time for the research community to develop the tools for understanding these models. This is an active area of research. I like your idea of looking at LLMs for formal languages, because we know their grammars.

2023-01-05 22:09:53 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada If people could explain how we understand language, there would be no mysteries for linguists to study. At least with an LLM, we can examine the weights and activations and their patterns. We can intervene and ablate, etc. to gain a causal understanding of the LLM.

2023-01-05 21:30:03 @csabaveres @rgblong @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada What is the point of this line of argument? Python is much simpler than human natural language. That said, like natural language, there are long-distance dependencies in Python, and I'm impressed that these models can handle them well.

2023-01-05 19:03:42 @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada As for semantics, I think LLMs show that distributional semantics is broken. That's a negative finding, but I think it is pretty interesting.

2023-01-05 19:02:02 @GaryMarcus @EvelinaLeivada Of course I agree that there are many more questions about language than just fluent production. But if we want to study fluent production (something of interest to Dr. Chomsky in the past), then I think we might learn a thing or two from studying LLMs.

2023-01-05 18:56:58 @EvelinaLeivada @GaryMarcus I conjecture that we can prune or distill transformer models to make them much more compact than the extremely high-order Markov models of equal performance.

2023-01-05 18:54:44 @EvelinaLeivada @GaryMarcus Obviously they learn language -- they are constructed by learning. They can generate novel sentences combinatorially at least as well as any human-written grammar (and certainly better than a voice recorder). I would bet they can assess grammaticality better too.

2023-01-05 18:39:39 @GaryMarcus They tell us that fluent language can be generated by models like these. Hence, these models are worth studying to understand how they do this. I wouldn’t expect anyone to have deep answers yet.

2023-01-05 02:17:33 I like this clarification. @icmlconf

2023-01-04 22:58:08 @emilymbender If we hold constant the capabilities of the human organism, then we can replace "evolution" with "optimization" to side-step the issues of teleology in evolution. This concludes my interpretation of @ylecun's tweet.

2023-01-04 22:56:37 @emilymbender Similar considerations should apply to the meanings of words. These should be well-separated in some conceptual space so that language is interpreted reliably. This of course reflects an information-theoretic view of language, which is impoverished, but perhaps still useful.

2023-01-04 22:54:04 @emilymbender Signal detection theory suggests that different signals need to be reliably distinguished by the sensor. So I interpret this as suggesting that phonemes should be reliably distinguished by the human auditory system.

2023-01-04 21:32:53 @Noahpinion Important application for AR glasses: round all prices up to the next dollar value :-)

2023-01-04 21:26:53 @ToddTheLinguist @mmitchell_ai You can't get anything interesting out of an LLM without giving it a rich input prompt such as a list of points to include in the abstract, etc. The LLM could also be applied to write short summaries of previous work. But of course ALL generated text will need checking

2023-01-04 20:14:07 @mmitchell_ai Formally, it seems the same in the sense that even for simple autocorrect, I need to check the correctness of the result. However, with LLMs, that checking process is much more difficult, and I think we need additional tools to help. Does this match your thinking @mmitchell_ai?

2023-01-03 23:08:28 @stolyassa @ylecun @Raamana_ This is why it would be so important for future LLMs to be able to cite their sources. But it also suggests that we could use LLMs to summarize previously published work in ways that could permit detection of "semantic plagiarism" and not just literal text copying.

2023-01-03 23:06:56 @stolyassa @ylecun @Raamana_ If ChatGPT just regurgitates someone else's work, that would be plagiarism. So the big risk to an author using ChatGPT is to ensure that ChatGPT isn't plagiarizing. That will require searching the prior work. Maybe a plagiarism detector can help?

2023-01-03 23:04:59 @stolyassa @ylecun @Raamana_ The paper will need to make a research contribution. That could result either from ChatGPT combining existing work in a novel way (by drawing inferences) or from the human authors including novelty in the prompt and asking ChatGPT to write it out fluently 1/

2023-01-03 21:40:25 @Raamana_ @ylecun Why are you so eager to relinquish your humanity to an algorithm? You do realize that this leads to treating people as "just algorithms", right? That doesn't strike me as a good basis for a thriving society.

2023-01-03 21:37:48 @Raamana_ @ylecun Well, those criteria are designed for humans. Humans are moral agents who can be held accountable for their mistakes. How will you hold ChatGPT accountable for its mistakes?

2023-01-03 20:33:06 @Raamana_ @ylecun When we use automl, pytorch, and compilers, they don't get acknowledged as co-authors. The people are the authors, and they are assisted by good tools.

2023-01-03 20:13:07 @ylecun Odd decision, especially for an AI conference. We should welcome papers that make a technical/scientific contribution regardless of whether they are AI-assisted. (Rejecting, of course, plagiarism and other unethical practices.)

2023-01-03 18:54:16 @peterbhase Yes, this is important work by my colleagues at @OregonState

2023-01-03 18:42:46 It was fun to hear @mkearnsupenn on @twimlai

2023-01-03 06:15:17 RT @tdietterich: @yoavgo Great writeup on the power and (current) limitations of large language models.

2023-01-03 06:15:13 @yoavgo Great writeup on the power and (current) limitations of large language models.

2023-01-03 05:46:04 Shame on @airbnb. Time for a rethink of your systems!

2023-01-03 05:19:48 RT @Grady_Booch: Forrest is the Tom Lehrer of tech. @forrestbrazeal

2023-01-02 00:15:32 What’s with the promoted requests to follow? Is this a new blue feature? Makes me want to block instead

2023-01-01 20:12:12 @plain_simon @AndrewKemendo @EzraJNewman Yes, I agree with these, @plainsimon

2023-01-01 20:00:23 RT @rodneyabrooks: Posted my fifth annual review of my dated predictions from Jan 1, 2018, about self driving cars, AI/ML &

2023-01-01 19:23:56 @plain_simon @AndrewKemendo @EzraJNewman Global coherence is probably not necessary, but local coherence is essential. Example: code won’t work if it makes contradictory assumptions about its input or environment

2023-01-01 17:49:33 @plain_simon @AndrewKemendo @EzraJNewman In my view, it is you who is shifting the goal posts toward what DL can do today. But there is plenty of scope for people to disagree about research goals. Maybe we should rephrase the OP as “What should we work on next after ChatGPT?”

2023-01-01 06:05:10 @IDoTheThinking However, I view them as a form of gentrification. Outsiders with more money occupy housing and displace the locals without contributing socially to the neighborhood. I think they should be tightly regulated.

2023-01-01 06:03:24 @IDoTheThinking I like Airbnbs for the same reason that I don't live in a hotel room. Space, kitchen, laundry, free parking. Apartments and houses are nicer than hotel rooms

2023-01-01 06:01:14 @tinaintheburbs @IDoTheThinking In Spain and Australia, I have stayed in "apartment hotels". Some of these are in buildings that mix long-term residents with transients like me

2023-01-01 01:46:36 @mbrasneves @EzraJNewman But all of this might not be enough

2023-01-01 01:44:51 @mbrasneves @EzraJNewman I don't think we know. We aren't sure what AGI means, and we aren't sure what else might be missing. I think we want a system that combines massive knowledge with inference and consistency maintenance. ChatGPT seems to have massive knowledge, but lacks reasoning and consistency

2023-01-01 01:38:59 RT @paul_scharre: 1/ This new article by @sarahbauerle &

2023-01-01 01:37:25 @yudapearl Thank you for gently correcting our errors and helping us deepen our understanding of causality!

2022-12-31 23:56:29 @AndrewKemendo @EzraJNewman So what? I don't think the goal of AI is to replicate a human. It is to empower humans (and society) so that they can be more productive and happy

2022-12-31 22:24:24 @EzraJNewman “Seems”, but it has no memory once the tokens fall off the end of the input buffer. It lacks coherent beliefs and will emit direct contradictions in succession

2022-12-31 21:40:21 RT @tdietterich: @EzraJNewman 1. A model of the world, both the current state (the things it believes are true) and the dynamics (the thing…

2022-12-31 21:40:06 @EzraJNewman 6. In general, any AI system exists within a complex web of organizations. Most thinking in AI has been about an AI "individual", which perhaps reflects our individualistic society. I suggest we devote some attention to intelligent institutions and societies

2022-12-31 21:37:48 @EzraJNewman 5. A purpose/mission/set of goals. How is it supposed to behave? I like Stuart Russell's approach that the system has the goal of helping its user achieve the user's goals, which means it also seeks to understand what those goals might be and how they might change. 5/

2022-12-31 21:35:40 @EzraJNewman 4. An ability to reason and plan (a) to change the state of the world (including other peoples' beliefs), (b) to gather information to improve its own beliefs 4/

2022-12-31 21:34:40 @EzraJNewman 3. A model of larger entities (corporations, clubs, institutions, countries) and their beliefs, interests, and dynamics. 3/

2022-12-31 21:33:48 @EzraJNewman 2. A model of itself and of other individual people (theory of mind). What they believe right now

2022-12-31 21:32:40 @EzraJNewman 1. A model of the world, both the current state (the things it believes are true) and the dynamics (the things it believes will be true in the future, conditioned on its actions, the actions of other agents, and existing active processes) 1/

2022-12-31 16:51:53 @Noahpinion If you are investing in Riverside, make sure to use a different map

2022-12-31 16:37:25 RT @Aaroth: A good fairness question: Should we include population base rates when making inferences for decisions…

2022-12-31 05:25:53 @matloff @rajiinio Time for me to go read the papers on causal notions of fairness.

2022-12-31 05:25:21 @matloff @rajiinio I think that is the causal argument. If the causality is x->

2022-12-31 04:36:17 @matloff @rajiinio I guess I'm making a causal argument rather than a probability argument.

2022-12-31 04:35:12 @matloff @rajiinio To me, it feels like "guilt by association". Suppose I apply for a loan in january and again in june

2022-12-31 04:32:00 @CsabaSzepesvari @rajiinio Another example might be loan defaults. My individual risk of default depends on my individual features, but in a down economy (which shifts p(y)) there may be unobserved factors that increase the risk of default. These might be reflected in p(y). end/

2022-12-31 04:30:33 @CsabaSzepesvari @rajiinio On the other hand, if the disease is an infectious one, then there is a causal link between the population p(y) and my personal p(y). In short, there may be a shared, unobserved confounder, and p(y) tells us something about it. 2/

2022-12-31 04:28:08 @CsabaSzepesvari @rajiinio I think the situation can be very complicated. If p(y) is computed on a whole population, why should the population prevalence affect my individual beliefs? I should be estimating my own p(y=0) for me. It is an instance of the reference class problem, I think. 1/

2022-12-31 01:30:24 @Aaroth Cool

2022-12-31 00:38:18 (I'm leaving out the normalizing terms, of course) end/

2022-12-31 00:38:17 Fairness question: When we apply a classifier, we combine P(x|y) and P(y) to get P(y|x). Why do we include the P(y) term? 1/

2022-12-30 23:57:46 @Grady_Booch Exams designed for people are rarely good tests for software systems. It is interesting to ask how we would want to test a software system for a legal application.

2022-12-30 19:55:03 @indoriitweeter @RickABright I’m just pointing out that there are some hygiene practices that I have always done and now will always do. No big deal

2022-12-30 19:04:07 @indoriitweeter @RickABright So what? I’m also stuck on washing hands

2022-12-30 03:36:55 @erikbryn @DigEconLab If we aren’t careful, the current batch of flawed methods will poison the well for a long time. I hope people are careful to focus on error-tolerant applications.

2022-12-30 02:41:55 @deliprao Differential privacy?

2022-12-30 02:38:46 @soboleffspaces @GaryMarcus @sethlazar That’s because we knew that Newton’s laws extended far beyond the moon, based on data that was gathered at long distances by astronomers

2022-12-30 01:50:59 @soboleffspaces @GaryMarcus @sethlazar I was focusing on ethical disagreements. While evidence from the world is important in ethical discussions, some disagreements (e.g., between utilitarian and duty-based frameworks) cannot be resolved via standard notions of evidence.

2022-12-29 20:50:25 @npparikh @yoavgo Understanding can always go deeper, it seems.

2022-12-29 16:56:57 @yoavgo There is a sub field of symbolic regression that tries to learn models like these.

2022-12-28 17:48:48 @tunguz Keep in mind that @ylecun is leading an industrial lab and working to keep it at the cutting edge. This lab has not indulged in least-publishable units

2022-12-28 07:25:21 @a_m_mastroianni I guess so. I’m excited about @TmlrOrg , which reviews for correctness but not for significance (similar to PLOS One)

2022-12-28 02:16:48 @a_m_mastroianni I have found anonymous peer reviews of my papers to be very helpful in improving them. The gate keeping function is not useful, however.

2022-12-27 21:13:36 @athundt They have a limited context buffer

2022-12-27 21:11:44 @vardi He was such a kind person

2022-12-27 20:18:47 @EpiEllie I always mask in indoor public spaces (e.g., supermarkets, theaters). But with people who know me, my masking (or lack thereof) can be correctly interpreted as a signal of my self-assessment of risk of infecting them.

2022-12-27 19:19:58 @yuvalpi Great Quantiles was kind of ok

2022-12-27 19:17:22 @EpiEllie Surely this policy can vary depending on your recent exposure risk. If I have been working from home all week, that’s different than if I just spent a week traveling internationally. I mask much more in the latter case.

2022-12-27 18:52:18 @crazyredranting I see a wide range of estimates online from 42% to 70% but nothing near 97%

2022-12-27 06:44:05 @aryehazan Robustness: max margin solves a robust optimization problem when your features are potentially noisy. It also improves robustness to class probability shift.

2022-12-27 06:02:36 @rao2z @francoisfleuret My mistake. I thought everything was accessible through the API, but I guess that is only true if you can guess the URI of each tweet. My original question still hasn't been answered: Just because someone "had access" doesn't mean they actually accessed and trained on the data

2022-12-27 02:11:46 @hartliss_chris @averylargebear @MazMHussain + the army and the church, esp Opus Dei, which provided technocrats

2022-12-27 00:27:46 @beenwrekt I guess it is a form of AI boosterism

2022-12-27 00:26:22 @beenwrekt Yes, we want to avert our eyes from the human labor behind this.

2022-12-27 00:18:11 @beenwrekt I agree with you there!

2022-12-27 00:17:40 @beenwrekt One would expect that the optimal combination would use ML for the easy cases and reserve human review for the more challenging ones. Escalation of the most difficult cases to the policymakers themselves. (Of course this requires good uncertainty quantification for the ML.)

2022-12-27 00:15:26 @beenwrekt From reading that thread, it looks like it is a combination of ML and people executing a decision tree. So there is *some* automation, yes?

2022-12-26 21:32:56 @FroudeNum @dogsnotbarking I'm not an expert on uncertainty quantification for language models, but in computer vision we have a toolbox of methods including post-hoc calibration, ensembles (including Bayesian posteriors), anomaly detection, and conformal prediction.

2022-12-26 21:15:47 @davidmanheim @TylerAlterman Judaism emphasizes the fate of the collective rather than the individual. Perhaps due to its pastoralist origins? Individuals can be ostracized, but God smites the community when it forgets the path of righteousness

2022-12-26 19:11:56 @kchonyc What exactly is your null? If these are two Bernoulli's with parameters theta1 and theta2 and you want to test H0: theta1 = theta2, you will need a lot more than 4 trials of each.

2022-12-26 17:23:27 RT @NickKristof: This is one of the great failings in Portland and up and down the West Coast: the impediments to home construction, raisin…

2022-12-26 06:55:12 @francoisfleuret Does “have access” mean “included in the training data”? Don’t we all have access to all public tweets?

2022-12-26 06:49:07 @yoavgo @Google Yes, but not at inference time, and that’s the problem, imo

2022-12-26 06:40:33 @zacharylipton Discovery seems best on Twitter

2022-12-26 02:40:38 @yoavgo Yes, I don't know anything about how search autocomplete works. But search results clearly benefit from human-curated knowledge. This has always been at the heart of @Google, starting with PageRank.

2022-12-26 01:08:58 @yoavgo Don’t they also make heavy use of knowledge graphs? How are google info boxes generated? Don’t the engines also know about events (sports, elections, movie premiers)?

2022-12-25 20:57:09 @danielleboccell @harryeskin Uncover important ideas that risk being lost. Embody critical expertise and teach it to others?

2022-12-25 20:54:11 @Joshua_B_Smith @dogsnotbarking It would be great for language translation as well

2022-12-25 19:22:57 What an excellent essay! Christmas gift to me: having time to catch up on articles like this

2022-12-25 19:07:01 RT @tdietterich: @dogsnotbarking I wonder if we could modulate fluency in generated language and speech to signal the level of confidence o…

2022-12-25 19:06:56 @dogsnotbarking I wonder if we could modulate fluency in generated language and speech to signal the level of confidence of the model? I assume this has been studied. Pointers?

2022-12-25 02:03:25 @rajivpant @OpenAI @YouSearchEngine Neither answer is correct.

2022-12-24 19:21:49 RT @ylecun: @egrefen Second-hand Dunning?

2022-12-24 17:22:56 RT @sh_reya: IMO the chatgpt discourse exposed just about how many people believe writing and communication is only about adhering to some…

2022-12-24 17:20:21 @AndrewKemendo @pfau Specifying what we want is the hard part. This is why we have languages with precise semantics—programming languages.

2022-12-24 02:52:40 @DavidDeutschOxf Let’s hope our AGI systems can learn from near misses rather than mistakes

2022-12-23 18:34:07 @faoliehoek @CharlotteHase The central problem in software engineering is to figure out what system we are trying to build. Coding is the easy part. It will be great to have LLMs helping with coding. Maybe they can also help us reduce specification and design error too?

2022-12-23 17:04:02 @soumithchintala @typedfemale Well-informed heuristic search is better than illl-informed. But the greedy algorithm fails when the heuristic is buggy

2022-12-23 17:01:31 @roydanroy @DamienQuerlioz @NatureElectron @C2N_com @INSIS_CNRS @UnivParisSaclay It’s a popular topic under on arxiv

2022-12-23 06:07:35 @RichardMCNgo @amt_shrma @ChenhaoTan I think LLMs need to be coupled with reasoning systems that can check the truth of LLM guesses against external resources such as knowledge graphs, data bases, simulators, causal models, and physical/social interaction with the world.

2022-12-23 06:03:13 @deliprao It’s not very different from building a company but success is measured in impact (intellectual, social, organizational, financial) rather than only financial

2022-12-23 05:58:44 @deliprao Success in academia requires combining long term focus with entrepreneurship. The people who are named to the National Academy are people who did something substantial through sustained focus rather than chasing conference deadlines. It usually requires building a great team

2022-12-23 05:54:47 @thanhnguyentang @JmlrOrg is better than the general ML conferences. +1 for COLT

2022-12-23 05:52:41 @ylecun @tobias_rees Successful technology disappears behind functionality. Failed technology shows through.

2022-12-22 16:36:57 @fchollet Extraordinary replies. I stand with you @fchollet and the Ukrainian people, and with everyone worldwide who is suffering and sacrificing to oppose Russian aggression.

2022-12-22 16:32:15 @aryehazan @pfau @roydanroy @aryehazan I think there are cases where actual harm is avoided. Example: A paper that will reveal a new security vulnerability in a deployed system without following responsible disclosure procedures is a clear case where ethics review is appropriate.

2022-12-22 07:21:13 @debarghya_das Google is essentially continually cleaning its web corpus (scraping and evaluating pages). A replacement will have to duplicate all of that and then figure out how to update the LLM.

2022-12-22 06:06:30 @matloff @vardi I have never heard of this. Citation?

2022-12-22 00:47:17 @ylecun I like to joke that the PHD is for people who love ideas more than money. Otherwise, an MS is much faster and usually leads to higher lifetime earnings. Of course either way, you need to keep learning new stuff all the time.

2022-12-22 00:43:51 @jimm_y_oung @ylecun And having both would be very strong

2022-12-21 21:21:34 @davidbau How much of this would be covered by the #NAIRR? I've lost track of its status.

2022-12-21 21:21:04 @davidbau I strongly support a public National Deep Inference service. It needs to be designed with flexibility in mind, as we will want to supports many different things: fine tuning, access to the training data, access to external resources (for LLMs that query them), etc.

2022-12-21 03:46:28 @amt_shrma @ChenhaoTan I would say that it can reproduce learned causal links and hypothesize new links. That is a kind of inference. However, it has no way to confirm whether those hypothesized links are real. These models generate, but they don't test.

2022-12-20 21:10:07 @DeepIndaba Congratulations on your huge impact!

2022-12-20 17:19:25 RT @geomblog: But this isn't about surveillance. It's about the weaponization of tech by those in power. It keeps happening and will keep h…

2022-12-20 02:40:40 RT @mmitchell_ai: In order to understand why ChatGPT can't replace Google Search, it's useful to understand the early days of web search an…

2022-12-19 21:41:45 @Noahpinion I do worry that the rabbit lobby, with its consistent delivery of happiness, is influencing your work

2022-12-19 21:37:15 @TobyWalsh @physorg_com Is it actually hard to design toxic chemicals? If compounds designed to have therapeutic value still have a high probability of being toxic, how much more likely is it for random compounds to be toxic? Or do molecules with therapeutic value usually have toxic neighbors?

2022-12-19 07:45:07 @docmilanfar Number of citations depends on the number of papers written in a field. Many more papers have been written in ML than in information retrieval

2022-12-19 07:42:55 @sdbaral But you know that, of course. I don’t see what the problem is. I need yellow fever vax to travel to places with yellow fever.

2022-12-19 07:41:03 @sdbaral Given the low vax rates in the US, it is very wise to get vaxxed before coming here.

2022-12-19 06:50:40 @peterwildeford Which one involves people? That's the hard one

2022-12-19 05:56:50 Let's give this lots of likes!

2022-12-19 05:22:31 RT @glupyan: @FelixHill84 @spiantado @IbanDlank @tmalsburg @AndrewLampinen As a cognitive scientist (trained in the connectionism), I find…

2022-12-19 04:13:32 @erikbryn @DigEconLab A lot of Google’s service is to filter out spam websites, seo junk, etc. This is an adversarial game. How will the LLMs play it?

2022-12-19 01:50:21 RT @Bob_Wachter: Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 1006 (!) There’s an awful lot of Covid confusion &

2022-12-19 01:25:25 @matloff @overleaf There should be a little script you can run to fix the environment/registry after you were forced to restore files from backups after a disk crash.

2022-12-19 01:22:33 @matloff @overleaf I'm tired of reinstalling latex. On windows, the installation procedure is quite sensitive. I can have copied all of the files from another machine and updated all of the registry and path variables I can find, and yet it still won't run. My time is not free

2022-12-19 00:52:40 @matloff Ah, but using @overleaf you can (a) easily collaborate across multiple authors and (b) avoid having to install anything on your local machine. Overleaf is always up to date, and my impression is that they've worked hard on error message analysis as well.

2022-12-19 00:37:50 @schmangee Apparently there are still many millions of people in the US who have not had covid, but determining the exact percentage is very difficult.

2022-12-19 00:29:42 @schmangee As with every disease, some of us will die first of something else.

2022-12-19 00:09:28 @yudapearl You chant so beautifully. May we all be blessed by his memory

2022-12-18 23:03:10 @schmangee It can be a reminder that this virus is extremely contagious and very easy to catch. I think it helps remind folks to redouble their efforts. But I guess it could also lead to despair

2022-12-18 21:42:05 @tejuafonja This sounds like an appropriate use of a statistical test (== p-values)

2022-12-18 16:36:31 @yudapearl @DanielGordis @isaacdecastrog The dynamics of politics on both sides has favored the hardliners and rejectionists. Progress will require courage, but all I see is cowardice. It is heartbreaking

2022-12-18 16:33:08 @tejuafonja Is there a reason that you need to make a yes/no decision about independence? Or can you carry the uncertainty forward in your reasoning? If you need to make a decision, you will have to set a threshold

2022-12-18 01:24:19 @tejuafonja Confidence intervals, on the other hand, are very useful. The key question should be: What are the sources of variation, and am I quantifying them and understanding their impact on my inferences?

2022-12-17 19:52:39 @beenwrekt @RWerpachowski @rajiinio We used our physics-based mechanistic models to design safety mechanisms with huge margins. We also understood the threats to safety and were able to test against them.

2022-12-17 19:01:34 @beenwrekt @rajiinio Yes! And I don't see how statistical methods alone can model the tails of the distribution with sufficient accuracy to get five 9s. I think we need mechanistic models to achieve this. Is there any alternative?

2022-12-17 18:35:08 @predict_addict At a deep level, it is related to Vovk's conformal predictive distributions &

2022-12-17 18:33:46 @predict_addict This gives the same coverages as CQR but is easier to extend to multi-variate conformal prediction and conformal bounds on RL trajectories. So it offers an improvement over our previous work:

2022-12-17 18:31:46 @predict_addict Thanks! We kind of buried the lede in this paper. The key idea is to fit conditional CDFs rather than quantile regressions as in Conformalized Quantile Regression ( Then we can conformalize in "probability space" without having to compute residuals. 1/

2022-12-17 18:25:31 @fchollet Do the ISPs have some responsibility? Perhaps blocking them will encourage them to know their customers better. Probably even more relevant to domain registrars who are willing to register all of these fly-by-night domains

2022-12-17 17:42:14 @rao2z @washingtonpost It’s like most political work: no fingerprints

2022-12-16 03:20:02 Time to quiet quit. I’ll check back in a few days after they’ve been restored

2022-12-16 03:13:54 @KLdivergence Multi-talented!!

2022-12-16 03:06:20 @unsorsodicorda @roydanroy @erikphoel Isn’t it just that statistical models are best at modeling the dense regions. So when sampling, we will mostly get draws from the typical set? ML optimizes for boring!

2022-12-16 02:51:53 RT @AlexGDimakis: After fine-tuning (Dreambooth) Stable diffusion with my face, I become everyone and get multiple copies even when I try t…

2022-12-16 02:50:42 @maosbot Wow!

2022-12-15 06:37:23 @vitavonni @shortstein I totally agree about the benchmark chase. It rarely leads to any insight.

2022-12-15 06:29:09 @vitavonni @shortstein You will need theory to understand why the scaling laws exist. My bet is that we will need a theory of the scale of different patterns that are being learned. Larger patterns require larger architectures, more data, and longer training. Why are you so negative about theory?

2022-12-15 05:42:40 @gchrupala @FelixHill84 I watch the wild turkeys in my neighborhood form leks of typically 3-4 males. Only one of those males will mate successfully, it seems. The others assist and "succeed" through kin selection.

2022-12-15 05:41:04 @gchrupala @FelixHill84 Evolution selects for reproductive success, but that doesn't mean that every individual maximizes the number of descendants. Check out for some weird examples.

2022-12-15 04:51:50 @FelixHill84 Keep in mind that there is a fundamental difference between knowledgeable performance and intelligence. Performance exploits learned patterns, intelligence adapts to novel challenges. They are distinct, but they require each other.

2022-12-15 04:49:54 @FelixHill84 Biological intelligence is likely to be much more complex, much less elegant, and much more robust. Focus on finding a theory underlying intelligence

2022-12-14 21:57:04 @vitavonni @shortstein The theory community is hard at work understanding SGD, double descent, benign overfitting, and so on. Important work on privacy and its relationship to generalization.

2022-12-14 20:33:39 RT @outland_art: | From the desk of #OutlandGuestEditor @thesarahshow~ @NeuralBricolage’s work is best understood…

2022-12-14 20:10:38 @vitavonni @shortstein It's true that ML is currently in a phase where heuristics dominate, but that has not always been true. ML theory will rise again!! I'm not sure what you mean by "brute force all that seems reasonable"

2022-12-14 19:29:59 @boazbaraktcs @emilymbender @Azure In the medium term, I'm optimistic the carbon cost of ML will go to zero through a combination of carbon-free energy production, better computer architecture, and better algorithms. Many people are working on this. Carbon is the least of the problems of LLMs.

2022-12-14 19:22:15 @boazbaraktcs @emilymbender @Azure Or multiple queries could be batched

2022-12-14 19:21:49 @boazbaraktcs @emilymbender @Azure But if there is a security benefit, it is not pointless.

2022-12-14 19:17:38 @boazbaraktcs @emilymbender @Azure I do this! One advantage is the added security of knowing that google will correct my typos instead of sending me to a bogus site trying to mimic a legit site by having domain name substitutions (zero for `o').

2022-12-14 19:13:58 @vitavonni @shortstein I had in mind a more positive outcome. If an AI system can write a paper that adds to the knowledge of the field, then it should be accepted.

2022-12-14 19:12:22 @emilymbender @Azure If machines are powered down, then total demand has dropped. This REQUIRES some generation to decrease or some additional storage to increase (pumped water storage

2022-12-14 19:09:31 @SashaMTL @emilymbender @Azure Yes, they will continue using offsets until 2025, evidently. They plan to continue purchasing offsets beyond 2025, because they want to remove CO2 equivalent to all of their historical emissions since the company was founded.

2022-12-14 18:49:53 @emilymbender @Azure I don't agree. Cloud resources are powered down if there is no demand.

2022-12-14 18:32:32 @shortstein Your paper must include machine-checkable proofs and automatically reproducible experiments. These checks are performed prior to human review.

2022-12-14 18:30:16 @emilymbender ChatGPT is presumably running on @Azure which claims to have been carbon neutral since 2012 and plans to be operating on 100% renewable energy by 2025.

2022-12-14 18:20:35 Looking forward to this panel Friday. Do robustness and fairness trade off against each other?

2022-12-14 04:31:35 Painful article in El Pais on the failed auto-golpe in Peru. “Nations don’t fall down like buildings. They simply pretend to exist.”

2022-12-14 03:20:24 @doyouknowchamp So the system just makes up an image of a robot in a Tesla factory? It's all fake

2022-12-13 21:53:49 @Sergei_Imaging @zga_aaa @arxiv My reading of these rules is that you are not allowed to register a computer program as an author on the @arxiv site. Hence, it cannot be a coauthor on an arXiv submission. Journals and conferences may have other rules, I suppose.

2022-12-13 20:57:15 @Sergei_Imaging @zga_aaa @arxiv Misrepresentation of identity or affiliation, for any reason, is possible grounds for immediate and permanent suspension. 2/

2022-12-13 20:57:05 @Sergei_Imaging @zga_aaa @arxiv rules: "It is a violation of our policies to misrepresent your identity or organizational affiliation. Claimed affiliation should be current in the conventional sense: e.g., physical presence, funding, e-mail address, etc. 1/

2022-12-13 20:49:35 @Sergei_Imaging @zga_aaa Sure, but not as coauthor.

2022-12-13 20:45:01 @roydanroy Yes, if we get hit with a large number of bogus submissions, either we will need to start checking them in much more detail or arXiv will become much less useful.

2022-12-13 20:24:21 @roydanroy I believe we released a paper yesterday that, while it did not list ChatGPT as a coauthor, did claim that an LLM had written large parts of the paper. It is under review at some venue, presumably. It should be judged on whether its content is accurate and scientifically valuable

2022-12-13 20:21:41 @Sergei_Imaging Not being a moral agent, an AI system cannot be a coauthor because it cannot take responsibility for the content of the paper. Do you acknowledge spellcheck and grammarcheck as coauthors already?

2022-12-13 19:03:10 @Noahpinion Similarly, having a single platform for customer service requests that is public has been great for forcing companies to be more responsive when things go wrong. (But it has been weird seeing customer service complaints mixed in with technical and political discussions.)

2022-12-13 19:01:49 @Noahpinion It would be good to have one place where government agencies and companies can make announcements. On twitter, I can subscribe to my power company, local government, weather service, etc. and get alerts from all of them.

2022-12-13 16:46:42 @emilymbender This will be the longest ever tweet thread. Judging from my spam invitations, I’m an expert in materials science…

2022-12-13 02:45:16 @dan_s_becker My colleagues Alan Fern and Jonathan Hurst are having success with sim2real transfer teaching Cassie to walk and run. The key is high fidelity simulation and domain randomization. Sims are improving, and this will unlock RL applications

2022-12-13 00:45:43 RT @Bob_Wachter: Current case rate in CA is 29/100K/d, 3-4x early November. SF's rate is 27. Asymptomatic test + rate @UCSFHospitals is 5%.…

2022-12-13 00:03:58 @jbseltzer @Plinz @ezraklein I thought google+ worked pretty well, and it allowed longer posts. But I'd also like some way to have structured discussions, not just chains of replies. And easy ways to add links/citations. Maybe overlay highlighting on news articles and papers, etc.

2022-12-12 23:52:27 RT @bigmlcom: Google finally launched a #MachineLearning add-on for #GoogleSheets this month. OTOH BigML's Add-on for Google Sheets keeps b…

2022-12-12 23:19:51 @Plinz @ezraklein @ezraklein's point is that the low cost of responding leads to thought-free, emotional reply-tweets. These in turn are attacks on our attention. Shortness in itself is not the issue except as it encourages poorly-thought-out responses.

2022-12-12 21:31:07 @rao2z Writing is a tool for reasoning--for checking the coherence of one's arguments and beliefs. This is totally different from being a "computer" who just executes specified calculations. (But I assume you aren't responding seriously, yes?)

2022-12-12 21:08:28 RT @yangyang_cheng: For @ChinaFile, I write about the recent protests in China and solidarity rallies overseas, including the one I attende…

2022-12-12 20:58:13 "Twitter’s value is how easy it makes it to talk. Its cost is how hard it makes it to listen." Brilliant essay by @ezraklein

2022-12-12 20:30:13 @rao2z Human computers didn't decide what to compute

2022-12-11 23:06:40 @paul_scharre Thanks

2022-12-11 21:27:15 @paul_scharre I haven't had a chance to read your book yet, but I wonder how the numbers of changed in the last 3 years. Anecdotally, I would suspect they have crashed.

2022-12-11 17:40:11 RT @a_derfelGazette: 1) Hi, everyone. I wanted to share with you the scary recent experience I had with my original Twitter account, @Aaron…

2022-12-11 17:35:18 @ntoxeg @GaryMarcus @Noahpinion I don’t know. There are published papers about SQL. Is autocorrect in Google docs, gmail, and Outlook based on LLMs? The others are speculations on my part

2022-12-11 05:50:57 @Noahpinion And Google @deepmind

2022-12-11 05:49:31 @GaryMarcus @Noahpinion Pay attention to my last condition: Anything that can be validated. Obviously the LLM can't be trusted on its own. But there are plenty of settings where plans can be checked for correctness against a model (e.g., in PDDL+). I agree household robot plans are NOT such a setting

2022-12-11 03:35:34 RT @tdietterich: @GaryMarcus Auto-complete for everything. See @Noahpinion's recent substack. Mapping English specifications into first dr…

2022-12-11 03:35:24 @GaryMarcus Auto-complete for everything. See @Noahpinion's recent substack. Mapping English specifications into first draft designs: English->

2022-12-11 01:08:56 @IDoTheThinking @johnwhitehead81 In my psychology methods course, they said if R^2 >

2022-12-10 23:50:10 RT @BDehbozorgi83: Spot on @GaryMarcus!

2022-12-10 19:46:34 @Hello_World @SashaMTL We will make progress in ML much faster if we have high quality open LLMs to study. That said, @OpenAI has no obligation to open their particular model.

2022-12-10 18:41:07 @j_foerst How about MLDR (machine learning done right)…. (ducks)

2022-12-10 15:53:24 @Hello_World @SashaMTL She is doing exactly this: she determines that this is problematic. There is no fear involved. The goal is to advance scientific understanding

2022-12-10 05:09:37 @jefrankle @gkdziugaite @roydanroy @MITIBMLab @GoogleAI Congratulations! Looking forward to the revised LTH paper

2022-12-10 04:38:40 RT @WildInsights: Protecting biodiversity is essential to address climate change, but we need reliable data. The #WildlifeInsights communit…

2022-12-09 17:49:14 @rasbt @pfau But for most purposes the final fold is the key, yes?

2022-12-09 00:19:25 @rasbt @pfau People are doing de novo design, so it is not just refinement. It is an amazing success!

2022-12-08 21:45:21 @ai__pub It was not the only reason for renaming to NeurIPS, but it was a contributing factor. The name was a source of discontent in prior years.

2022-12-08 14:08:19 @adjiboussodieng I agree, this requires some care to design it well and to establish the validity of the methodology. Even the simplest ideas turn into research projects

2022-12-08 13:34:14 @adjiboussodieng Maybe we could write descriptions of three students and then ask volunteers from different countries to write letters? I could do US letters, maybe as a seed example. Anyone out there interested in giving this a try? Or maybe there is a better approach using example phrases?

2022-12-08 13:02:15 @adjiboussodieng Yes! It would be great to have some examples of "the same" letter as it might be written by people from different cultures as a reference for those of us reading these letters. Maybe also at 3 levels of excitement?

2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-11-13 15:52:25 @micahgoldblum Isn’t it a simple corollary of information theory that I need more bits from the data to discriminate among more models? You are controlling the model class via the prior. This hinges on what is meant by “can represent”

2022-11-13 06:21:00 @timnitGebru Relationships with funders require care. Tom Mitchell likes to say "Never let your funding interfere with your research". Easy to say, but it can be hard to achieve

2022-11-13 06:18:16 @timnitGebru What a researcher does with the money is at least as important as the source. Am I "complicit" with the US Government when I accept funds from NSF? What about from the Ford Foundation? Google? It's a complex issue

2022-11-12 23:30:20 @jdcmedlock Furthermore, in the long run, CTC might reduce gun violence as a side effect.

2022-11-12 21:15:53 @GaryMarcus @ylecun Yes, there is no disagreement here. That ibex has very little data available, so it needs super-strong priors. A lyrebird can learn an immense range of songs from data, so must have weaker priors. It takes them a fair amount of data to learn those songs.

2022-11-12 20:42:14 @IBJIYONGI @FractalEcho What I was trying to say is that people in the majority (i.e., white) don't encounter racism on Mastodon, so they are not aware that the host matters. Call it the "ignorance of the majority".

2022-11-12 06:52:33 @arayavalani @SarahCBlunt @katiedimartin I don’t believe that could possibly be true. How many applications do they get?

2022-11-12 05:24:15 RT @tdietterich: @twimlai @bohannon_bot @etzioni @allen_ai I greatly enjoyed this episode. I always learn a lot listening to @etzioni

2022-11-12 05:24:11 @twimlai @bohannon_bot @etzioni @allen_ai I greatly enjoyed this episode. I always learn a lot listening to @etzioni

2022-11-12 05:15:00 @sgourley What do you imagine the user experience to be? How would the AI know what I wanted to say? I usually figure that out as a write and revise.

2022-11-12 00:28:52 "There are some things it might be a mistake to grow out of."

2022-11-11 04:07:04 @karpathy I've often wondered if taxation can be usefully viewed as regularization of the economy

2022-11-10 23:53:39 RT @rao2z: Soon the only reliable indicator that a twitter account is real may be that it is *NOT* a verified account..(just like the onl…

2022-11-10 23:53:09 @Sim_Startup_ @FelixHill84 @ai__pub I worry that the word "emergence" is encouraging us to think of this as some magical phenomenon. I look forward to additional research that demystifies these behaviors by showing that they result from discovering abstract patterns that are present in the training data.

2022-11-10 23:50:55 @ai__pub @FelixHill84 Maybe other folks can provide more insight?

2022-11-10 23:50:08 @ai__pub @FelixHill84 According to this hypothesis, the discovery of these abstract patterns emerges with sufficient data and sufficient training. Which is why I would call it "emergent". Does that make sense? end/

2022-11-10 23:48:43 @ai__pub @FelixHill84 The main example given in the Foundation Models papers is in-context few-shot learning. My hypothesis is that this capability results from discovering abstract patterns in the training data that can then be instantiated in the prompt and extended by the LLM. 2/

2022-11-10 23:47:29 @ai__pub @FelixHill84 The example they give is in-context few-shot learning, which I suspect is quite different than writing poetry or doing arithmetic. My guess is that poetry and arithmetic are the result of training on poetry and arithmetic, and the model is just generalizing from its training. 1/

2022-11-10 20:16:35 @ai__pub Is this definition of "emergence" generally accepted? By this definition, all forms of self-supervised learning on "pre-text" tasks exhibit emergence. I thought emergence is the phenomenon that qualitatively different things are learned as training continues

2022-11-10 05:10:00 @ccanonne_ I should have thought of this!

2022-11-10 00:55:00 @Noahpinion Tigray estimated at half a million or more.

2022-11-09 23:59:54 Oregon State EECS is recruiting (including in AI/ML). We will soon have the most powerful academic computing facility in the US thanks to a gift from Jen-Hsun and Lori Huang.

2022-11-09 23:51:21 RT @ipfo: **NEW** eBird Trend maps for N. America - Thanks to >

2022-11-09 23:48:00 RT @TorstenVolk: @bigmlcom definitely deserves a big shoutout for what these guys have achieved with just $4.4M in venture funding. 16 pate…

2022-11-09 23:07:31 RT @noUpside: Gonna be evergreen content for a while

2022-11-09 18:40:02 I can never remember what "shambolic" means. It is neither a sham nor related to symbolic. How did we get such a confusing word? Maybe from "shambles"?

2022-11-09 06:17:57 @utopiah @erikbryn They can be relied upon to operate for thousands of hours autonomously. All autonomy is limited. I myself am likely to fail completely in the next 30 years. In contrast, existing LLM tools can't operate autonomously for more than a few seconds.

2022-11-08 20:53:35 @utopiah @erikbryn The operating system on my PC is highly autonomous. Same with the ABS braking system in my car.

2022-11-08 20:11:54 @erikbryn Are any of these systems fully autonomous? Is it more accurate to say that a person + an AI tool co-create a chart-topping song?

2022-11-08 19:47:44 "a well funded problem": what a great line!

2022-11-08 19:31:27 @NWSPortland Why so much warmer in Portland? Usually, being near the Gorge makes Portland colder

2022-11-08 06:01:39 I would love to see these reforms adopted:

2022-11-08 02:52:12 @FractalEcho @IBJIYONGI Well, I guess we disagree. That’s fine. Cheers

2022-11-08 02:26:54 @FractalEcho @IBJIYONGI I’d guess ignorance rather than conceit

2022-11-07 20:26:03 @mapto @boazbaraktcs @AvivTamar1 @MannorShie Right

2022-11-07 19:59:14 RT @aihuborg: Free seminars and talks available in November!There are over 30 seminars and talks across the globe this month, here are…

2022-11-07 04:21:45 @boazbaraktcs I believe Stuart Russell has been looking at uncertain rewards. @AvivTamar1 @MannorShie

2022-11-07 04:20:09 @boazbaraktcs What is known formally about whether backing off from the optimum brings us closer to our true objective? Chow, et al. showed that in RL optimizing CVaR == robust optimization against uncertain dynamics, but they say nothing about uncertain reward

2022-11-06 19:32:51 @RunPolisRun The protests in Portland contained a nihilistic element that was purely destructive. And they succeeded in destroying a lot of business activity. I wish I understood why the police were unable to stop them.

2022-11-06 00:23:56 @jdcmedlock Easily confused in my experience

2022-11-05 18:56:58 @MazMHussain @JohnHMcWhorter Beautiful sentence: "People succeed or fail based on a mixture of circumstance, character, and fortune. "

2022-11-05 16:54:19 @shai_s_shwartz @boazbaraktcs Very nice. The keys are how Y is represented and what loss we use

2022-11-05 01:18:25 @MazMHussain I've always wanted to learn Persian

2022-11-05 01:12:11 @MazMHussain How many languages do you speak?

2022-11-05 01:01:09 @MFordFuture @vardi Done a long time ago for dish washing and espresso making, not to mention mixing, blending, and kneading. The trend continues!

2022-11-04 23:13:42 @roydanroy anonymity leak

2022-11-04 18:06:46 The best thing Elon could do for Twitter is to get off twitter

2022-11-04 04:15:18 @mark_riedl I agree. @realaaai now that we have moved to electronic proceedings, can we lift the limit on the bibliography?

2022-11-04 02:47:02 @roydanroy @colinraffel @NeurIPSConf @kchonyc I know I’m deeply confused about it!

2022-11-04 02:08:05 @GeorgeMonbiot Isn’t most maize grown without irrigation? Can you show the numbers for pesticides?

2022-11-02 21:06:07 @MazMHussain I'd pay for a site without disinformation and twitter mobs. Can @elonmusk provide a Quality of Service guarantee?

2022-11-02 21:01:59 @CACMmag @vardi @chloexiang @motherboard Actually, what is increasing is our ability to understand how DL works and why it has the outputs it has. We are making progress on this problem.

2022-11-02 05:01:43 @__SimonCoste__ Wonderful! And it gives me much better intuition about what's going on.

2022-11-02 04:56:54 @DavidBrin Very common practice in Australia

2022-11-02 03:42:18 @noctusacinonyx @bennpeifert I think you have overfit on series that are too simple. There is no reason to believe that all stationary time series problems can be solved with traditional techniques. Certainly they are the first thing to try, though.

2022-11-01 19:49:38 @Rosejackson3 @geomblog @united Yes, I want to know how my biometrics are transmitted, verified, and whether they are stored and retained.

2022-11-01 04:39:32 @Rosejackson3 @geomblog @united When I recently asked to be checked by an agent instead, the United agent complied immediately.

2022-11-01 04:30:49 @dvassallo @Kal2Karthik It is a form of smoothing. It makes the UX more consistent

2022-11-01 04:28:37 Wise words from @Bob_Wachter

2022-11-01 04:10:14 @LordOfTheAlts @scienceisstrat1 @Noahpinion @ylecun @erikbryn @nfergus There’s a huge amount of talent being wasted in China by the CCPs policies. Wouldn’t it be nice to free that talent to benefit the world?

2022-10-31 04:51:47 @matloff @JennyChachan How does someone attempting to murder you increase your empathy with the poor?

2022-10-31 04:39:40 @matloff @JennyChachan What evidence do you have that Paul Pelosi lacks empathy for ordinary folks?’ And somehow needs this lesson. Your tweet came across as nasty, and I think your pre-apology shows that you knew it was in poor taste

2022-10-30 17:18:41 RT @chowleen: Praise the mutilated world,and the gray feather a thrush lost,and the gentle light that strays and vanishesand returns.-…

2022-10-30 16:31:16 @scottastevenson I also think chess is not a good case to think about. If we look at protein folding, for example, we can check the energy of the folded protein to understand it. The explanation is not in terms of network weights but in terms of the properties of the solution

2022-10-30 14:25:39 @scottastevenson Why can’t AI systems also become better at explaining themselves?

2022-10-30 14:24:21 @scottastevenson Isn’t most illegibility in society the result of adversaries deliberately increasing noise and distractions?

2022-10-30 05:27:59 @Miles_Brundage @Lee_Morgan7 In a previous Twitter discussion, someone suggested "Large Corpus Models"

2022-10-29 22:32:04 @adawan919 @ylecun Evolution has no goal. It is stochastic forward search followed by natural selection (eg reproductive success or failure).

2022-10-29 22:30:42 @adawan919 @ylecun “Planning”, as we use it in AI, involves assembling a sequence of actions to achieve a goal. Efficient planning algorithms incorporate the goal into the search.

2022-10-29 16:15:21 @adawan919 @ylecun Natural selection does not plan

2022-10-29 15:48:28 @rao2z @SheilaMcIlraith That paper shows how to automatically extend the state space to convert non-Markovian reward specifications into Markovian reward functions

2022-10-29 15:47:38 @rao2z Yes, when teaching MDPs, I tend to focus too much on the Markovian transitions and not enough on the Markovian rewards. I love @SheilaMcIlraith's work on more expressive languages for expressing reward functions:

2022-10-29 05:45:04 @matloff Yeah

2022-10-29 05:37:23 @ylecun Is there any evidence that this is more than a preprogrammed procedure?

2022-10-29 05:34:08 @boazbaraktcs Academic Twitter includes Academic #metoo (as it should). Then come the trolls. But presumably the trolls will come to mastodon too.

2022-10-29 05:30:09 @DKThomp @Noahpinion We always want to find a scapegoat. That’s why my prior is for a wild origin. The evidence continues to be ambiguous

2022-10-29 05:23:11 @deliprao This is why I liked teaching intro algorithms. You can teach TRUTH (eg sorting).

2022-10-29 05:05:04 Great thread by my colleague @taaltree on why being a professor is a great job

2022-10-28 04:56:24 I am now Will cross-tweet for now

2022-10-27 23:06:50 @aaronharris @Noahpinion I guess the courts will decide that question:

2022-10-27 21:34:36 @aaronharris @Noahpinion Monopoly over the Apple App store and all financial transactions that go through it.

2022-10-27 16:09:35 RT @predict_addict: The long (17 years!) wait is over.The second edition of the ALRW book (Conformal Prediction Bible) written by the c…

2022-10-27 05:40:36 @roydanroy @KevinKaichuang Me too. Entrapment effort?

2022-10-27 04:59:32 @Noahpinion The harms caused by Apple are the standard harms of a monopoly. The harms of Facebook (and social media in general) threaten societies around the world through the toxic behavior that they enable. I agree that anti-trust is more relevant to the former.

2022-10-27 02:13:32 @Abebab Just being true to its history…

2022-10-26 03:05:48 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng I think the two generations are very different. The first was triumphal, but today we are all extremely mindful of the fragility of freedom, health, and peace. end/

2022-10-26 03:03:52 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng She writes "The new cold warriors are not so different from their counterparts a generation ago, who preached that marketisation and free trade would usher in political liberalisation. Both narratives stem from an unabashed belief in the supremacy of their own system..." 2/

2022-10-26 03:03:27 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng I am always moved by @yangyang_cheng's writing, and this piece is no exception. For a whole host of reasons, we have all entered a state of perpetual mourning. But I disagree with one statement. 1/

2022-10-25 15:27:22 @Raza_Habib496 @yoavgo Interesting, thanks.

2022-10-25 00:11:52 @yoavgo I'm not sure what it would mean to be "about language", but existing models are certainly not "about communication" because an LLM is not an agent and has no communicative goals

2022-10-25 00:08:41 @schwellenbach But it isn't exactly a surprise is it? Anyone paying attention knows that Eric Schmidt has been devoting a lot of his time to AI. (I have no special insight

2022-10-24 17:33:48 RT @GaelVaroquaux: #NeurIPS2022 paper: easily reusable benchmark that shows that deep learning underperforms…

2022-10-24 15:52:43 @MelMitchell1 @arxiv You might consider withdrawing and resubmitting the paper with the correct categories. Long delays are usu caused by discussions among moderators about the best category. These can get stalled because the discussion UI is clunky.

2022-10-24 15:49:40 @tinaeliassi @davecliff @MelMitchell1 @arxiv We clear the cs.LG category every day. (If we didn't, we would drown in submissions and never recover.) That should never be the category that is holding up a release.

2022-10-24 04:17:28 Interesting housing story in the @latimes. I knew the racist history of Los Angeles was bad, but it was much worse than I had realized.

2022-10-24 01:27:17 @cjmaddison I would rephrase this as" It is by the grace of God AND the measures you are taking (vaccination, masking)". Those measures are not useless, but they provide no guarantees

2022-10-24 01:23:40 @rasbt I'd like to see metrics for ease of tuning or insensitivity to hyperparameters. More radical: It is not an algorithm until all tuning is automated. I guess that would be required for third-party evaluation.

2022-10-23 22:02:41 @cloudquistador @emilymbender Excellent point! Thanks for clarifying

2022-10-23 21:25:39 @AnthroPunk @emilymbender Yes, and I take very seriously the idea that human intelligence may have evolved primarily to support social interaction. I think that is why so many of our AI benchmarks seem to be mis-targeted.

2022-10-23 21:23:10 @cloudquistador @emilymbender Yes. I'm not sure what you mean by "aiming in error". Are we focusing on the wrong target behaviors?

2022-10-23 20:17:48 @cloudquistador @emilymbender The achievement of aerodynamics is that we (mostly) understand what material properties are required to mimic birds. It would be wonderful to have similar insights into the computational/biological substrates required to mimic human cognition in detail.

2022-10-23 19:50:25 @emilymbender At some level of detail, they fly for the same reasons.

2022-10-23 19:49:38 @emilymbender They fly.

2022-10-23 19:44:17 @emilymbender But I agree it is difficult to define the "functional behavior" of cognition, and that seems to be a major stumbling block in these discussions

2022-10-23 19:43:22 @emilymbender Hmm. If airplanes are not models of avian flight behavior, comparisons to avian flight behavior are only marketing/hype? I think there can be global functional comparisons without any claim that the underlying detailed structure is a "model"

2022-10-23 04:19:29 @deliprao I do love the feeling that the computer is going to work all night while I get to sleep.

2022-10-23 03:08:42 @deliprao This is an opportunity to get in touch with the early years of computing. In every generation, our ambitions outstrip the hardware and we must wait for computations to finish.

2022-10-22 22:47:02 @earnmyturns @Noahpinion And Spain was having enough trouble holding on to Catalonia, which continues to this day.

2022-10-22 21:21:07 @GaryMarcus I don't know how to quantify progress, so I don't know if it is exponential. But we have been making progress on dealing with change/novelty. e.g., Bryan Loyall at CRA leads an exciting project:

2022-10-22 21:15:51 @tejuafonja Instead, it is the one that is most clearly written and that clarifies the fundamentals. The paper that explains what is happening and why.

2022-10-22 21:14:53 @tejuafonja A reason not to wait is if you are in a race with some other research groups. But it is easy to worry too much about this. Good, mature work is a more valuable contribution than rushed, immature work. Usually the most cited/appreciated work is not the very first paper on a topic

2022-10-22 21:13:12 @tejuafonja One reason to wait is that if you publicize the unimproved version of your paper, that is the version people will read. And they may dismiss it or misunderstand it. After improvement via peer review, they will hopefully understand and appreciate it much more

2022-10-22 21:11:47 @tejuafonja It depends on how confident they are that the work is ready for public examination. I usually prefer to have a round of peer review before going public with my work. That can be internal peer review if you are part of a large enough organization.

2022-10-22 19:29:36 RT @tdietterich: @denny_zhou Nonsense. Each deployed app is a choice. I hope this attitude is not representative of Google brain as an orga…

2022-10-22 19:29:24 @denny_zhou Nonsense. Each deployed app is a choice. I hope this attitude is not representative of Google brain as an organization

2022-10-21 23:23:23 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen *Most of the areas within these fields

2022-10-21 23:21:26 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen But most of these fields don't need gate keeping.

2022-10-21 23:20:42 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen The physicists have to deal with variations on perpetual motion and theories of everything.

2022-10-21 23:20:17 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen In computer science, the sensitive areas are (a) proofs that P=NP, (b) papers claiming to diagnose COVID using chest x-rays and deep learning, (c) papers claiming to forecast COVID using fancy time series analysis.

2022-10-21 19:47:20 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen Most areas of science and engineering don’t draw the attention of the media or the trolls. But I agree that there are some areas that require careful filtering

2022-10-21 00:15:06 @scottjshapiro I assume this particular tweet was aimed at philosophers, but it certainly applies generally. Technologists need to have a basic understanding of political theory, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and economics to analyze the broader context of their work.

2022-10-21 00:13:00 @scottjshapiro Whenever you cross disciplinary borders, it is best to have someone from that discipline as an escort. Interdisciplinary work requires a big investment to understand the concerns and conceptual structures of each discipline.

2022-10-20 20:33:05 @randall_balestr @sindero Tree ensembles create empty partitions, too, by intersecting no empty partitions. It is not obvious that this is a good thing

2022-10-20 16:59:00 @rasbt There is usually one spiking net paper per day on ArXiv

2022-10-20 14:53:59 @MazMHussain I always figured South Asian was adopted to remind people in the West that there are lots more Asians than just Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans.

2022-10-20 00:39:13 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai The DL frameworks make neural net assignments more reliable, but tuning is still a black hole for students. end/

2022-10-20 00:37:22 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai Back in the 90s, a colleague of mine said "If I give a neural network assignment, only 10% of the students can get it to work. If I assign an SVM, 90% get it to work, and they all get the same answer." 2/

2022-10-20 00:35:48 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai Even in the 1990s, shallow neural networks could beat SVMs in the right hands. But they were much more difficult to tune and slower to train. The big advantage of SVMs was that the optimization problem was convex and they are very insensitive to the margin parameter C. 1/

2022-10-19 22:43:20 @davidthewid And one junior faculty member stepped up and did a lot of informal advising too

2022-10-19 22:42:19 @davidthewid In countries such as Canada, where funding goes directly to students, the power issues are reduced. But that still doesn’t fix the single advisor problem. My fellow students in grad school ended up advising each other during the 1980s AI boom

2022-10-19 19:10:33 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai What has increased monotonically is the amount of data available for training

2022-10-19 19:10:02 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai This is a simplification. There were intermediate points along the way where compute loads decreased. For example, when we switched to SVMs from 1980s neural networks.

2022-10-19 16:54:03 @davidmanheim @Noahpinion As long as the US continues to send $3B per year in military aid to Israel, can't it expect cooperation in military affairs?

2022-10-18 22:36:32 @robert_k_walter @JordanJacobs10 @geoffreyhinton Routine design problems will be much easier to automate than novel systems. But I do believe there is plenty of scope to create better tools for novel systems as well. Just don't expect full automation

2022-10-18 22:35:39 @robert_k_walter @JordanJacobs10 @geoffreyhinton The core problem in software engineering is figuring out what system we wish to build -- getting the requirements and specifications correct, even when everyone involved has excellent NLP skills.

2022-10-18 08:35:44 @nickchk Yes! Being an outlier is just a statistical indicator. You need to ask what underlying process generated that outlier and whether you want to include that process in your model.

2022-10-18 05:55:21 @robert_k_walter @JordanJacobs10 @geoffreyhinton It certainly helps with programming in the small. But it isn't going to design software architectures or manage CI/CD and MLOps. It gives programmers a power tool, but we need much more to achieve a revolution in software systems.

2022-10-18 05:07:37 @TheRealAdamG @JordanJacobs10 @geoffreyhinton Yes, there are exciting directions to pursue!

2022-10-18 01:05:10 @JordanJacobs10 @geoffreyhinton A word of caution. Machine learning introduces software change, not always improvement. That creates risk and requires careful testing. AI is not eating software engineering, at least not yet.

2022-10-18 00:26:47 @ylecun @Grady_Booch @synoptase If you can directly ask the learned model to successfully reproduce a particular artwork, then this is image retrieval, and copyright law should apply, yes?

2022-10-18 00:25:29 @ylecun @Grady_Booch @synoptase It is one thing to copy a single work by an artist (e.g., in order to learn). There is a long tradition of this in art. But to copy the entire lifetime of work is no longer fair use in my non-legal opinion.

2022-10-17 23:47:05 @ylecun @Grady_Booch @synoptase Yes, because digital copying is so much more accurate.

2022-10-17 21:01:04 @davidmanheim @Noahpinion We need to drive all of those curves to zero. Any country that doesn't will "make the difference"

2022-10-17 06:47:42 @balajis To which textbooks are you referring? Citations and quotes please.

2022-10-16 21:05:16 @geomblog I was wondering about this as a US Global Entry station scanned my face recently. Do you know how that is implemented?

2022-10-15 22:57:18 @leonpalafox @totlmstr But his companies build rockets and cars. True, they contain code, but if anything, the software in a Tesla is one of its weaker points

2022-10-15 20:09:24 @totlmstr Yes, I don't say this as a criticism. He is an excellent entrepreneur.

2022-10-15 20:08:32 @rao2z Newell &

2022-10-15 20:07:08 @rao2z Simulator-based #RL is also just inference by a different name. But sometimes it is easier to do inference by sampling than by intensional reasoning.

2022-10-15 19:59:42 @totlmstr Is Mr. Musk an inventor? I thought he was an entrepreneur and marketer

2022-10-14 12:40:02 @EigenGender One thing about software is that you can run it and obtain its operational semantics. So one can imagine reinforcement learning combined with domain adaptation to transfer from one programming language to another

2022-10-14 07:26:05 @nebul19926248 @AriDavidPaul @Austen As soon as the customer clicks, they can link and deanonymize the random id, right? Amounts to the same thing

2022-10-12 19:51:26 @kchonyc What is the geographic distribution of these mistakes?

2022-10-12 08:11:42 @IDoTheThinking It does mean that they have been to a place where they are surrounded by people who don't speak the same language and who have different customs. This is both humbling and enlightening

2022-10-10 05:08:14 @minimeadow @Noahpinion Don't you think there will be millions of climate migrants over the next 20 years? I think countries in temperate and subpolar regions need to develop a coordinated plan for assimilating the coming flood.

2022-10-08 00:41:33 @NLPnorth We don’t care about your paper count. Tell us some interesting content, some reason to read the papers

2022-10-07 21:47:29 @Grady_Booch We need to test the whole pipeline, because so many bugs enter during data preparation. We need to test the optimizer. We need to test the gradient computations. @karpathy had a nice post awhile back, IIRC

2022-10-07 21:45:20 @Grady_Booch I agree that ML needs good software engineering practice, but I think we need to DISCOVER those practices. ML does plenty of random testing on separate test data, for example, which is basically unit testing, but that is not at all sufficient.

2022-10-07 16:16:06 @unsorsodicorda @USGS_Quakes Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed I didn't feel it.

2022-10-07 13:32:42 @andrewgwils @tetraduzione @nsaphra If I'm training with a proper loss function, won't my model be calibrated in the large sample limit? If I've made poor modeling choices, accuracy may be terrible, of course. Are there other conditions that must be satisfied?

2022-10-07 13:27:51 @USGS_Quakes Didn't feel anything in Corvallis. I was awake and sitting in a chair

2022-10-06 14:01:06 @deliprao Keeping up with the literature? Speaking for myself, it is more like barely hanging on and faking the rest

2022-10-06 12:56:24 Inferring lava channel depth from standing waves in lava. My daughter Hannah Dietterich's latest paper.

2022-10-06 03:03:59 @rctatman The “safety” term covers a diverse range of research including safe exploration and execution in reinforcement learning, robustness to violations of assumptions (iid assumption, Markov assumption), uncertainty quantification, etc. It’s not all AGI stuff

2022-10-06 00:20:50 @_ashawndabney Me

2022-10-05 21:32:46 @emilymbender For me, it depends on the content. If I’m just giving an academic talk on my research, I wouldn’t expect an honorarium. But if I’m giving a longer tutorial, I charge my consulting rate plus travel expenses

2022-10-05 01:14:54 @ShriramKMurthi Does this reduce endogamy or increase it?

2022-10-05 01:08:50 @Alber_RomGar The field is mining a couple of ideas here, and because there are so many researchers, results flow quickly. Hard to know when this vein will play out. There is still a lot to do building on top of the large corpus models and diffusion.

2022-10-04 20:38:17 @SashaMTL @StephanieBrandl DM me the submission ID and I can look it up

2022-10-04 15:26:30 @kwekubediako_ @ghdatascience Love this photo!

2022-10-04 12:55:45 RT @geomblog: I'm very proud to see the release of the AI Bill of Rights (BoR) today. It all started with a vision articulated by @AlondraN…

2022-10-04 10:27:46 @acherm @ChristophMolnar Learning against an adversary is hard because of nonstationarity. It has been studied in the context of cyber security and email spam. @dlowd has great work in this area

2022-10-04 09:59:13 @yudapearl @Grady_Booch @ylecun @AlexTensor @pmddomingos @KordingLab @GaryMarcus Yes, these accounts are mutually compatible. The desire for explanation and control of danger at the individual level can be combined to build cohesive communities and institutions

2022-10-04 09:40:03 @acherm @ChristophMolnar But there are some applications, such as Google flu trends, which are obviously not going to work. The signal (symptom searches) is weakly correlated with the disease. It is based on human behavior that can rapidly change. It is confounded with advertising.

2022-10-04 09:37:56 @acherm @ChristophMolnar Yes, but not relevant to these cases. In many of these cases, an ML/statistical approach might make sense, but data need to be collected carefully to capture or control potential confounders and ensure validity.

2022-10-04 09:35:16 @ChristophMolnar @arxiv There are careful studies of ML in medicine. See, for example, is not an RCT, but of course there are many medical questions that cannot be answered via RCTs. @suchisaria

2022-10-04 09:33:47 @ChristophMolnar @arxiv Absolutely!

2022-10-04 09:28:41 @ChristophMolnar I certainly agree with you there. ML and statistical tools in the hands of poorly-trained researchers lead to useless/dangerous publications. I moderate on @arxiv, and we tried to identify and reject as many of these ridiculous COVID CX papers as we could

2022-10-04 09:15:38 @yudapearl @Grady_Booch @ylecun @AlexTensor @pmddomingos @KordingLab @GaryMarcus I believe the current theory about the origin of organized religion is that it arose at the same time as larger human settlements arose. So it may play a role in building and maintaining social cohesion

2022-10-04 09:10:48 @ChristophMolnar Interesting for a statistician to make a claim based on anecdote. These are high profile failures, but I can match your anecdata with successes too. Let’s start with Google translate, an application no statistician would ever have contemplated

2022-10-03 17:56:03 @tejuafonja That is the iron test. Wonderful! (And best wishes for your defense!)

2022-10-01 07:14:31 RT @PangWeiKoh: Reminder: Submissions to the NeurIPS DistShift workshop are due next Monday (Oct 3), AoE!

2022-09-30 21:26:10 @scottbudman Is this caused by the annual switch to winter fuel blend in California?

2022-09-30 21:23:51 @thegautamkamath In fact, I usually read the reviews first to decide whether the paper is worth my time

2022-09-30 16:10:15 @etzioni @allen_ai Congratulations on building such an amazing research organization!

2022-09-30 16:05:26 @GaryMarcus @vyodaiken @swarat @ylecun @wellingmax I'm a big fan of @swarat's work.

2022-09-30 13:16:52 @SemiCynic @svpino It would still be useful to write out the software contract. What size of errors are you willing to accept? Do you prefer overestimates to underestimates?

2022-09-30 12:11:15 @svpino The algorithm should implement a contract with the user that can be fully understood. (And that raises a huge challenge for ML.)

2022-09-30 07:15:53 @Carnage4Life I pack this way. Main benefit is shirt’s don’t get wrinkled. But both packing time and unpacking time increase.

2022-09-29 20:33:54 @masonfidino Also check the clock time on your camera

2022-09-29 16:48:57 @jackclarkSF I'd love to read a transcript of your testimony. Will you post it?

2022-09-29 16:18:01 @etzioni @jackhidary Yes, the full implications of this take a while to comprehend. Frightening!

2022-09-29 09:36:28 @Plinz @pwlot @fchollet This is a great idea @Plinz. Someone could analyze Cyc (at least the OpenCyc knowledge base) and assemble a corpus of interesting abstractions. Then researchers could probe some large corpus models to assess how well they have learned those abstractions.

2022-09-28 21:16:58 @pwlot @fchollet Maybe, but I would bet it represented thousands of regularities that no deep net can ever learn from language corpora

2022-09-28 21:13:35 @roydanroy MWWA: Make Workshops Workshops Again

2022-09-28 16:00:53 @RWJE_BA @eliasbareinboim @ylecun @GaryMarcus @yudapearl @TiernanRayTech Well, it may be philosophical, but it is backed by theorems. And those theorems tell us what inferences we can draw from the forms of evidence that you list.

2022-09-28 15:21:11 RT @aihuborg: We have too many highlights from September: Interviews with @lilyxu0 and @PaulaHarder8Papers and invited talks from @IJC…

2022-09-28 14:27:19 @boazbaraktcs @GaryMarcus @davidchalmers42 @ylecun Instead of debates, let's do research on these questions.

2022-09-28 14:25:57 @JulianLBaasch @GaryMarcus @davidchalmers42 @ylecun Judging by the "likes", many people. I care deeply about the science, and I look forward to seeing strong progress in both connectionist and hybrid systems. But much of the current discussion is a meta conversation that doesn't advance the science IMO

2022-09-28 14:23:45 @thegautamkamath I love papers that list the contributions of each author. Can we move to this as a default?

2022-09-28 13:39:13 @news4wombats @cassidycody @JohnHolbein1 I don't think I've ever written "as such" in a paper myself. So maybe I do just hate it full stop.

2022-09-28 13:17:47 @GaryMarcus @davidchalmers42 @ylecun We just don’t care.

2022-09-28 13:17:14 @JohnHolbein1 “Use” and its variants. A wimpy boring word that says nothing.

2022-09-28 13:15:23 @cassidycody @JohnHolbein1 strong agree! I hate it because it is hardly ever used correctly

2022-09-28 08:49:55 @shiwalimohan @ylecun @GaryMarcus @yudapearl @TiernanRayTech ML-based (including DL-based) next-state prediction can learn from interacting with the physical world too, not just a sim. But yes, large samples are usually required. This allows them to learn from interventions, which takes us to Rung 2 of the Ladder of Causality.

2022-09-28 08:45:34 RT @rao2z: My take on the religious wars of #DL vs. #symbolic #AI--that repeatedly get fought from the same polarized positions: IMHO, they…

2022-09-27 18:03:31 @GaryMarcus @Zergylord @ylecun @rao2z @MITCoCoSci @guyvdb @HenaffMikael @alfcnz @anirudhg9119 To what extent do you think @yudapearl 's causality theory is the solution? This is certainly where Yoshua Bengio is placing his bets.

2022-09-27 16:33:29 @hectorpal @vardi It might feel more Popperian in the online setting where the linear extrapolation leads to making a new measurement, but it is true even in the batch setting. 2/

2022-09-27 16:32:43 @hectorpal @vardi Can't you view gradient descent as a process of falsifying theories? Each gradient step is a linear extrapolation from the current theory, and each computation of the loss is identifying and responding to errors in that prediction (aka falsifications). 1/

2022-09-27 16:08:49 @TDeryugina When do you need the money?

2022-09-27 15:41:20 @heatherknight Is this because of the computational cost of reproducing other peoples' work?

2022-09-27 14:17:43 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @yudapearl @TiernanRayTech But maybe I don't understand the full scope of your approach.

2022-09-27 14:17:17 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @yudapearl @TiernanRayTech The third rung allows you to reason about a specific observed trajectory and predict what would have happened if different actions had been taken---based on what is learned (e.g., random events such as dice rolls) from that specific trajectory. 2/

2022-09-25 16:13:15 @DanHendrycks @DavidSKrueger Well, there does need to be an underlying theoretical basis for believing that there are risks, just as we have strong biological theory about viruses. There is no evidence for zombies, for example, but no reason to expect they exist either.

2022-09-25 15:28:50 @rgblong @DavidSKrueger A conceptual problem is that, unlike integrated circuits, it is unclear how we should be measuring intelligence.

2022-09-25 15:26:14 @rgblong @DavidSKrueger Good point, "rapid growth" need not be exponential. As most technologies exhibit saturating growth, the question is "Where are we located on the sigmoidal curve?". Perhaps "AI" will be a whole sequence of smaller sigmoids just like Moore's Law?

2022-09-25 15:21:34 @NickKristof @nytimes Maybe the Oregon Public Employees Benefit Board #PEBB should drop Providence from its network?

2022-09-25 13:58:04 @DavidSKrueger For the founders and the X-risk folks, there is an assumption that just beyond human-level intelligence, we will observe an exponential intelligence chain reaction. But there is no evidence for this. Meanwhile, near term risks need urgent attention.

2022-09-25 10:47:57 @UofTCompSci So sorry to learn of this. As so many have said, Fahiem Bacchus was a wonderful human being and a brilliant teacher and researcher

2022-09-25 09:05:19 @memotv @AaronHertzmann Yes, but when people use "An AI", it seems that they want to talk about an "entity" not a "stuff".

2022-09-25 08:02:44 @memotv @AaronHertzmann But you can’t say “I built a software to translate languages”. Wrong kind of noun.

2022-09-25 07:42:27 @AaronHertzmann We need a short, snappy word for “computer program”. 5 syllables is evidently too many

2022-09-24 21:30:56 @ttzteei @fchollet I believe the alternative phrase was “Complex information processing”

2022-09-24 20:37:28 @unsorsodicorda So the question is not “Is the brain a computer?” But rather “How are the brain’s computations organized?”

2022-09-24 20:36:09 @unsorsodicorda Yes. But I agree with his point that we do not store eidetic memories but rather construct memories generatively. His knowledge of AI seems seriously out of date. He needs to play with stable diffusion!

2022-09-24 12:34:41 @unsorsodicorda He claims we will need to understand the detailed chemistry of every cell. But surely there are more abstract levels of description that will provide better insights

2022-09-24 12:32:48 @unsorsodicorda One of his arguments is that the brain is a reinforcement learning system. And of course that is a kind of computer. He is mostly arguing against naive application of the von Neumann architecture. ML has also moved beyond von Neumann

2022-09-24 08:13:17 RT @tdietterich: @JulienMouchnino @rasbt There are many advantages to working with calibrated classifiers. First, suppose you are going to…

2022-09-24 08:13:01 @JulienMouchnino @rasbt and make the minimum cost decision y'.This carries over to any downstream probabilistic inference where the classifier is part of a larger system and the probabilities assigned by the classifier will be combined with other probabilities to drive system behavior. 4/

2022-09-24 08:12:31 @JulienMouchnino @rasbt The second advantage of calibrated classifiers is for cost-sensitive classification. Using calibrated probabilities P(y|x) and a cost matrix C(y,y') (cost of predicting y' when the true answer is y), I can compute the expected cost of predicting y' = sum_y P(y|x) C(y,y') 3/

2022-09-24 08:12:03 @JulienMouchnino @rasbt For any fixed threshold, We could get the same information using a validation set. Calibration analyzes the validation set and gives us this for all possible thresholds. 2/

2022-09-24 08:11:54 @JulienMouchnino @rasbt There are many advantages to working with calibrated classifiers. First, suppose you are going to make decisions by taking the output confidence of the classifier and comparing against a threshold. If the classifier is calibrated, then the threshold == prob of being correct 1/

2022-09-23 18:58:36 RT @JaneLubchenco46: DYK: If shipping were a ‘country’ it would be the 8th largest emitter? That’s why green shipping is a priority for @PO…

2022-09-23 16:40:18 @emilymbender Yes, CHR have always made me a bit uncomfortable, and I think you've put your finger on the reasons why.

2022-09-23 16:39:01 @emilymbender Maybe we should develop different rules for such cases? For example, I've been in meetings where you are not permitted to talk about anything person X presents without first getting permission from person X.

2022-09-23 16:33:39 @emilymbender This conflicts with the goal of getting intellectual credit for your ideas. The expectation in DC seems to be that getting credit is impossible. Maybe if you want credit, you should only talk about ideas you have already published?

2022-09-23 16:30:50 @emilymbender You raise interesting questions. When I took the CRA's policy course, they emphasized that in Washington DC, there is a "no fingerprints" phenomenon: So many people contribute to a policy outcome that you will not be able to tell whether your input had any effect. 1/

2022-09-23 16:27:10 @Julie188 I think it depends on the circumstances. My undergraduate college invested in me through financial aid. Sending money to them is a way of paying that forward.

2022-09-23 05:14:20 @simonw Load it into @bigmlcom

2022-09-23 05:06:21 @davidthewid And email me the table so I can visualize it in various ways

2022-09-22 13:18:01 @pfau Hierarchical paper structure is good. Progressive refinement: abstract, intro, body, appendix tell the same story at different levels of detail

2022-09-22 12:57:15 @Abel_TorresM @davidchalmers42 @ylecun This goes beyond statistical regularities

2022-09-22 12:55:42 @Abel_TorresM @davidchalmers42 @ylecun A good world model captures modular invariants. The interaction of two gears should only depend on their contact, not their names, etc.

2022-09-21 18:49:34 @AymericPM @neurips Ban that one too. If you don't think your work is novel, you shouldn't be writing a paper. Exceptions of course for work that replicates, critiques, or synthesizes existing work.

2022-09-21 18:38:56 Let's ban "for the first time" from @NeurIPS paper abstracts. Given the explosion in the literature, no one can be sure they are doing something "for the first time".

2022-09-21 15:01:19 RT @aihuborg: A huge thank you to @lilyxu0 for the great chat and sharing your inspiring work in using AI for conservation in the latest ep…

2022-09-21 11:31:44 @aryehazan Because of power asymmetry. Because of life long psychological damage.

2022-09-20 08:18:55 @aidybarnett @PLOSONE How much of this is the result of underpowered studies that tell us nothing?

2022-09-20 06:53:46 @SebastienBubeck Debugging an adaptive system will always be hard. While SGD raises specific challenges, all systems based on ML or optimization present versions of this problem.

2022-09-19 19:34:02 @ishaantharoor @MazMHussain the fastest way to fix the problem is to end poverty. Ending racism would help in the long run, but I despair of ever abolishing it.

2022-09-19 19:32:28 @ishaantharoor @MazMHussain I see a lot of news stories where poverty is the underlying cause of a problem, but instead of mentioning this, the problem is cast in terms of race. Now obviously poverty is often a result of racism, but the stories should at least mention poverty, because ...

2022-09-18 17:35:05 @deliprao Yes. If I recall correctly, the final version was a complete rewrite from the earlier one that did showed promise in the CASP competition. Diffusion methods have been through a similar amount of iterative improvement. Both transitioned much faster than the usual 20 years!

2022-09-18 17:28:50 @deliprao AlphaFold was very quick as well, and much more useful and trustworthy

2022-09-18 15:16:34 @rasbt @roydanroy @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf Make poster sessions much longer. Arrange them spatially by topic. Specify times when the poster is manned but keep them up much longer.

2022-09-18 15:14:19 @rasbt @roydanroy @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf Whats wrong with having thousands of attendees and talks? AGU makes it work every year.

2022-09-18 13:32:16 @abhas_rewcie @RWerpachowski @roydanroy @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf Both are possible. One use case: everyone is listening to an invited speaker who mentions an arxiv paper. All 5000 people try to download it simultaneously. Both the network and arxiv crash.

2022-09-18 12:12:55 @RWerpachowski @abhas_rewcie @roydanroy @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf When 5000 people simultaneously tey to use this phonesin and conference, what do you this will happen?

2022-09-18 00:39:32 @AvivTamar1 @roeiherzig There has been quite a lot f progress in offline RL. Distributional RL is also a nice advance

2022-09-17 22:00:01 @etzioni Of course, performance on downstream tasks suggests that these models are learning interesting abstractions for some things, but apparently not for arithmetic.

2022-09-17 21:58:25 @etzioni Without the capability to show me what training data are contributing to the output, I can't tell whether GPT-3 has learned any generalizations or just memorized facts. At least a rote memory database can answer provenance questions!

2022-09-17 21:47:17 @etzioni I don't understand why this is tantalizing? Even a 175B parameter lookup table can't master a task that should be possible with a 1M-element table.

2022-09-17 21:21:47 @RWJE_BA @smueller @yudapearl @stevekrouse @trunghlt @YiMaTweets But you must make assumptions to draw generalizations from data even in non-causal statistical reasoning. Even RCTs require some assumptions (that Pearl's work elucidates).

2022-09-17 16:39:36 @rasbt @matloff @marktenenholtz When I see "design matrix", I think about fractional factorial designs, split-plot designs, etc.

2022-09-17 14:34:33 @leonpalafox @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf I agree!!

2022-09-17 14:14:24 @rasbt @matloff @marktenenholtz It isn't usually "designed" (at least in observational data)

2022-09-17 14:13:27 @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf One thing that would help enormously would be to encourage employers to sponsor the conferences. Sponsorships translate directly into lower prices and travel grants for attendees.

2022-09-17 14:12:16 @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf You know that all of the people expenses at conference venues have greatly increased post-pandemic just like all service-industry salaries. The added uncertainty in number of attendees means registration costs must be higher to hedge against worst-case outcomes

2022-09-17 14:10:32 @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf I don't know the details for NeurIPS, but ICML lost a lot of money on the Baltimore conference. It turns out a hybrid conference has huge internet costs plus stuff like slideslive. I think the online registration fees are not covering expenses at all.

2022-09-17 14:09:49 @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf Emergency funds make sense for emergencies, but if the new normal is to lose money on every meeting, organizations like NeurIPS and ICML won't be functioning very long

2022-09-17 13:57:19 @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf Attendance is down and expenses are up. Therefore, prices must increase.

2022-09-17 02:52:32 @guicho271828 @YiMaTweets @yudapearl As with other forms of machine learning and reasoning, the implementation of causal reasoning may be approximate and automatic as well as exact and explicit

2022-09-17 02:51:14 @guicho271828 @YiMaTweets @yudapearl I view the existence of superstitions and conspiracy theories as extremely strong evidence that people are constantly looking for causes.

2022-09-16 17:36:18 @NateAFischer @myth_pilot In Europe, you can have bars and restaurants surrounding an area where children can play. In the US, we keep playgrounds and bars far apart. (Our Puritan legacy?)

2022-09-16 17:30:37 RT @amaldorai: I'm not surprised that Adobe is acquiring Figma for $20B, nor that Wall Street doesn't understand it and $ADBE stock is down…

2022-09-15 23:58:01 @adjiboussodieng Autodiff at scale is having an impact across many fields, not just ML. I'm so grateful to the developers who have built these amazing tools (and the mathematics underlying them)

2022-09-15 23:56:06 @adjiboussodieng I agree the frameworks are wonderful! But Chalmers is a scientist rather than an engineer, so I assumed he was asking about scientific rather than engineering breakthroughs.

2022-09-15 23:22:20 RT @tdietterich: @KenGardner11 I just gave to mvcommunityservices. You can too:

2022-09-13 03:56:38 @zxul767 @isbellHFh @irinarish I have subjective opinions, but I suspect this has been studied rigorously. Morphine stops pain (in certain ways) by binding to certain receptors. Does it work on both kinds of pain?

2022-09-13 01:25:51 @Sheikheddy @DrMJoyner @DavidEpstein @nxthompson @GaryMarcus @cragcrest @geoffreyhinton @ACasadevall1 I do report missed spam using the Outlook reporting feature. I'll try to report false spam too. Thanks for your efforts!

2022-09-13 01:24:23 @Sheikheddy @DrMJoyner @DavidEpstein @nxthompson @GaryMarcus @cragcrest @geoffreyhinton @ACasadevall1 My group has been running an email classifier as an Outlook addin for more than a decade. We classify mail into user-defined categories. It is fully based on ML and still makes lots of mistakes. I agree that speed and memory footprint are serious engineering challenges.

2022-09-13 01:09:05 @andyroyle_pwrc So pretty!

2022-09-13 00:37:01 RT @nikitabier: Putin is a few days away from a Medium post about his team's amazing journey.

2022-09-13 00:35:24 @deliprao How about "progressively"?

2022-09-13 00:33:16 @noUpside @Noahpinion Same here, but I'm about to do a whole month of travel, so we'll see if I can dodge the virions successfully. Got my bivalent booster today. In the family, 2/4 have had it

2022-09-13 00:23:09 @isbellHFh @irinarish Yes, I suppose it is. But it is a different kind of suffering than physical pain, hunger, cold, etc.

2022-09-12 19:18:48 @geomblog “The size of Wales” is another standard unit of this type

2022-09-12 19:16:36 @irinarish I think social approval might be more powerful

2022-09-11 20:29:49 @marcinpaprzycki @zacharylipton @AnimaAnandkumar There are pros and cons to both.

2022-09-11 19:37:47 @marcinpaprzycki @zacharylipton @AnimaAnandkumar Way

2022-09-11 17:10:47 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender @ml_angelopoulos Agreed. I have a paper on CP for MDP trajectories, but we only handle a scalar value at each step along the trajectory. But maybe CP can be applied in the embedding space?

2022-09-11 04:06:34 @jdcmedlock Is this really true? Certainly as I get older, I take fewer physical risks, because I'm physically less reliable (balance, strength, etc.). But a standard trope is the old guy who sacrifices his life to save the village, because his life is almost over anyway

2022-09-10 23:44:58 @DrMJoyner @DavidEpstein @nxthompson @GaryMarcus @cragcrest @geoffreyhinton @ACasadevall1 This does seem doable. What mail system does the best job? In my experience, definitely not Microsoft 365

2022-09-10 21:57:11 @oren_sa As others have pointed out, need to take into consideration taking of political prisoners, hostages for exchange purposes, rights for women, LGBT, etc. as well

2022-09-10 21:55:30 @oren_sa Of course, Iran might decide you can't return home after the conference.

2022-09-10 19:13:55 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender Conformal prediction could be applied to either of these two tasks: sequence extension or supervised probability prediction. end/

2022-09-10 19:12:33 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender Unsurprisingly, when evaluated on the accuracy of the content, its probabilities are the most poorly calibrated. 7/

2022-09-10 19:11:37 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender The authors also compare against the normalized log probability that the non-fine-tuned GPT-3 assigns to its output token sequence. This is an uncalibrated assessment of the original sequence extension task and has not been trained on the propositional content. 6/

2022-09-10 19:07:02 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender The claim is that the fine-tuned GPT-3 makes accurate uncertainty statements for other tasks that were not in the calibration set. These other tasks also involve arithmetic, so one can imagine that this could work, and they show experimental evidence that it does. 5/

2022-09-10 19:04:59 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender For this special case, therefore, GPT-3 does have a (statistical) basis for estimating the accuracy of the propositional content of these 1-token sequences. 4/

2022-09-10 19:03:32 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender In this paper, they created a supervised calibration set of true propositions and measured GPT-3's accuracy. They then fine-tuned GPT-3 to output an uncertainty assessment (in five levels) of its accuracy. 3/

2022-09-10 19:01:08 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender This is very different from the task of judging whether the propositions appearing in the token sequence are true in the world. GPT-3 has no way of knowing which token sequences contain true vs false propositions. 2/

2022-09-10 19:00:08 @unsorsodicorda @ian_soboroff @emilymbender The task of GPT-3 is to find a high-probability sequence of tokens to extend a prompt. Speaking informally, a well-calibrated GPT-3 would output the probability that the token sequence would be generated by a human drawn from the same set of humans that generated the corpus. 1/

2022-09-10 02:59:21 @sarahookr Do you think hardware designers should be exploring other architectures? Do you have any suggestions about architectural directions?

2022-09-09 17:44:59 @AlecStapp Perhaps it would be easier to pass a temporary emergency moratorium so that we don't have a huge battle about the long term?

2022-09-09 06:29:02 RT @mbeisen: King Charles III is an inspiration for postdocs everywhere

2022-09-08 23:50:09 RT @MazMHussain: … so naturally the tour dealt heavily with the crushing oppression of the Spanish, including mass enslavement and murder o…

2022-09-08 23:19:45 @XAI_Research @caro__lawrence @umangsbhatt @NickKroeger1 I think that is a very important use case! I also think that when CS people design explanation facilities, we implicitly design them for ourselves. But I know some groups start with end-user engagement to design their explanation facilities.

2022-09-08 23:17:52 @XAI_Research @caro__lawrence @umangsbhatt @NickKroeger1 That is consistent with our experience back in the expert system era (1980s). The explanation facilities in those systems were primarily used as a debugging tool similar to a stack backtrace.

2022-09-08 22:19:58 RT @paul_scharre: How might artificial intelligence change warfare? @jordanschnyc and I discuss on ChinaTalk [THREAD]…

2022-09-08 22:18:25 @caro__lawrence This is nice. Is there a similar analysis of the kinds of queries that users of explanations have? In applications, I prefer to start with the user. For example, if the user is an ML engineer, what questions do they have about a model, an example, or the fitting process?

2022-09-08 03:03:40 RT @erichorvitz: On readying for new forms of #AI-powered manipulation &

2022-09-08 03:02:45 "the whole point of art is to make human interventions in the world for humans. I can imagine that robot generated art might be great for robots, but not for us. "

2022-09-08 03:02:44 Loved this about AI art from Ernest Edmonds (@eaedmonds) quoted in @benbendc's latest email: "It is...very possible to imitate a style using an AI program. But such imitation is exactly what a student artist does BEFORE they develop. Exactly what the human artist would discard."

2022-09-08 02:15:44 @PacificPower_OR This is a useless tweet, and it links to a useless page, and your corporate web page says nothing about this.

2022-09-07 21:58:33 @RanthonyEdmonds Oregon State offers a PhD in math (or CS) with a minor in Ecosystem Informatics. We have world-class programs in ecology, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, and environmental engineering.

2022-09-07 21:22:05 @ian_soboroff @emilymbender The problem in this paper is the authors are confusing UQ on their downstream supervised task with both UQ of the language model and UQ of the propositional content (right word?) of the sentences.

2022-09-07 21:20:24 @ian_soboroff @emilymbender As long as you give me a separate validation data set, I can get black box prediction intervals using, for example, conformal prediction. Introspection is not required for in-distribution uncertainty quantification.

2022-09-07 20:27:31 @emilymbender The authors claim that this downstream confidence model also gives reasonable confidences for other, closely-related tasks. I don't see any theoretical justification for such a claim although it may be true for the tasks they have tested.

2022-09-07 20:26:04 @emilymbender Yes, the uncertainty that they are quantifying is the uncertainty of a second (supervised) model trained on data for which ground truth is known but using features from GPT-3. This is a down-stream task, not the "language modeling" task.

2022-09-07 20:05:43 @ian_soboroff @emilymbender Isn't it a question of what uncertainties are being quantified? With regression I can make a point prediction or predict a distribution or an interval. I might also assess the probability that the test data is from the same distribution as the training data, etc.

2022-09-07 03:15:48 RT @mauromycota: Have you ever wondered if the dried porcini products you are buying at the supermarket are truly what it says in the label…

2022-09-06 23:36:04 @TobyWalsh [To be precise, it doesn't contain any images labeled as people. There are people in some images, and they are sometimes very prominent, but they have not been labeled.]

2022-09-06 23:34:24 @TobyWalsh ImageNet-1K doesn't even contain any people. Does that invalidate what we've learned about ML and CV from training on ImageNet?

2022-09-06 23:31:18 @TobyWalsh In short, NO ONE CLAIMED THAT IMAGENET REPRESENTED BIODIVERSITY ACCURATELY, so this paper is attacking a claim that no one ever made.

2022-09-06 23:30:22 @TobyWalsh ImageNet has served quite well for this purpose, and the methods that work well on ImageNet also work well when trained on higher-quality data sets either de novo or by fine tuning or other transfer methods. 4/

2022-09-06 23:29:17 @TobyWalsh Instead, the goal was to develop better computer vision ML methods and learned representations. Ideally, methods that do not require 100% correctly-labeled data, as such data is rarely available in large volumes. 3/

2022-09-06 23:28:14 @TobyWalsh So the goal is not to be 100% correct on the categories

2022-09-06 23:27:26 @TobyWalsh I didn't mean to be dismissive. It depends on the purpose of creating and training in ImageNet. ImageNet doesn't correspond to any specific object recognition goal. The categories are at many different levels of specificity. 1/

2022-09-06 23:05:25 @TobyWalsh This is why most ImageNet evaluations measure top-5 accuracy. We know the labels are wrong and incomplete.

2022-09-06 23:02:29 @deliprao But what seems to be missing is the beliefs and goals of the speaker (i.e., the causal latent variables) that produced this behavior. If we could identify those, we could do much more. Do any latent variables in current LLMs correspond to these?

2022-09-06 23:01:03 @deliprao To the extent that sentences are records of human behavior, an LLM is a compact description of a giant corpus of human behavior. Given a "behavior prefix", we can predict the "behavior suffix" (and vice versa). 1/

2022-09-05 20:04:00 @mark_riedl Looking at this (esp. in peripheral vision), does anyone else experience the heart "pulsating" with each visual saccade?

2022-09-05 18:50:56 I retweeted this whole thread, but I wanted to call attention to this absolutely critical point. Our hardest societal problems (including, but not just, #natsec) require strong social science + humanities expertise coupled with technical expertise.

2022-09-05 17:50:56 RT @nadyabliss: Interesting analysis.TL/DR more humanities than #STEM majors regret their choices of major.STEM allows for effectively…

2022-09-05 17:28:08 @gileshooker @predict_addict @roydanroy @gilesh To me, what “hurts” are the missed/delayed opportunities. We need to ask ourselves what interesting research area is being ignored today

2022-09-05 17:10:26 @predict_addict @gileshooker @roydanroy @gilesh It is interesting that the early IJCAI conferences (late 1960s

2022-09-05 15:48:45 @predict_addict @roydanroy @gileshooker @gilesh Which Vapnik papers? Who is "They"? I haven't heard this history

2022-09-05 00:35:39 @roydanroy @gileshooker @gilesh What do you mean?

2022-09-05 00:22:54 @natfriedman This is just speech transcription. Dialogue involves much much more.

2022-09-04 22:09:16 @jjhikes @StevenGlinert @thebadfeeling_ Mechanics doesn't suffice. AlphaFold makes critical use of phylogenetic variation to infer candidate contact points

2022-09-04 21:30:40 @gileshooker Statisticians invented all of these terms: Jackknife, Bootstrap, Bagging, Lasso, Garrote. Although I'm happy to claim the Stanford and Berkeley stat departments as part of ML if @GilesH agrees

2022-09-04 21:27:28 @MoralOutrage1 @websterkaroon @MazMHussain It is automated, right?

2022-09-04 21:20:25 @jjhikes @thebadfeeling_ @StevenGlinert I love this use case. I think it is achievable, but it will require much deeper scene understanding than current models attain

2022-09-04 17:13:29 @mark_riedl Now do one for connectivity out of the Perceptrons book.

2022-09-04 17:11:16 @MazMHussain Yes, it was astonishing. This from March 2003 (start of war)

2022-09-04 05:31:05 @shortstein We’ve all been there! Good luck

2022-09-04 05:24:14 @feelsdesperate Wow. I thought DEI was about behaving like grownups and treating everyone with kindness.

2022-09-04 03:21:08 @TaliaRinger You are absolutely correct that I didn't stray from the traditional path. But I think what you are doing is much more significant.

2022-09-04 03:19:00 @TaliaRinger One way to say "no" would be something like "I'm sorry, but all of my service time is currently devoted to running the Computing Connections Fellowship and the SIGPLAN mentoring program. This leaves me no time to serve on X." This also reminds colleagues about your service work.

2022-09-04 03:15:39 @TaliaRinger Wow! Running an international mentoring program sounds much more impactful than conference/journal service! I hope your department takes this view. 1/

2022-09-03 20:11:31 @TaliaRinger Even those of us with long track records of service need to say no frequently. Also, tenure evaluation includes a service component, yes?

2022-09-03 03:09:27 @Grady_Booch or .fraud

2022-09-02 22:36:49 RT @oneunderscore__: I've been covering bad parts of the internet for long time now.For years, there was one site extremist researchers w…

2022-09-02 18:50:24 RT @geomblog: 3. Relying on the law is a little backwards in emerging areas. We have to figure out collectively what we believe is importan…

2022-09-02 17:07:17 @Patronsaintofd1 @Noahpinion This will greatly accelerate our understanding of disease processes and how those processes can be disrupted by novel drugs. It is revolutionary. Determining a rough protein structure used to take months-to-years, now it takes minutes.

2022-09-02 05:40:57 @sethlazar “Precipitates of the past”. Wow, this guy could write!

2022-09-02 03:54:50 @catherineols @kenarchersf @rao2z Check out the work by Helena Sarin @NeuralBricolage. She realizes some of her computer-generated art as ceramics.

2022-09-02 00:38:57 @GaryMarcus Question for everyone: What work trying to build dialogue systems on top of LLMs? (or is dialogue research pursuing other directions instead?). Not chatbots, but extended task-oriented dialogue

2022-09-02 00:34:19 @rao2z @kenarchersf Yesss!

2022-09-01 23:57:45 @kenarchersf @rao2z For example, inspired by Warhol, an artist could create a huge array of synthetic images as a commentary on the manipulation of modern society by bots or the "advances" of AI. Hmm, maybe I should give it a try?

2022-09-01 23:55:51 @kenarchersf @rao2z I think because the human artist controls and manipulates the AI image synthesis, it will be the human artist who uses the new medium to express their inner life and place their work within the context of all previous art

2022-09-01 21:04:21 @rao2z Yes, for formal portraits (although not completely

2022-09-01 20:52:13 @rao2z I wonder if AI-assisted art will follow the same path as photography. Rather than replacing painting, it became its own genre, and painting was indirectly changed as a result. The medium is (part of) the message

2022-09-01 18:03:15 RT @aihuborg: Get the highlights from @MihaelaVDS's talk at @IJCAIconf on her work in collaboration with clinicians to improve explainabili…

2022-09-01 15:44:47 @deliprao @ylecun ICLR was open from the start. It has been several years since NeurIPS and ICML became open. Of course, citation counts reflect the size of the field, and ML has become a big field.

2022-09-01 15:36:16 RT @tdietterich: @NickKristof I'd love to see the White House launch a "National Educational Catch Up" project. Let's create summer schools…

2022-09-01 15:36:12 @NickKristof I'd love to see the White House launch a "National Educational Catch Up" project. Let's create summer schools, after-school programs, etc. to get this generation of students back on track!

2022-09-01 15:34:04 @tasinger0001 @andreavhowe @NickKristof Yes. Teachers are essential workers, and just like the folks in health care and food production, some lives would have been lost in order that our children would thrive.

2022-09-01 15:29:26 @ChadNotChud Shouldn't there be two periods: the one you are quoting and the one ending your own sentence? As in: Nixon was lying when he said "I am not a crook.".

2022-09-01 15:18:54 @rudzinskimaciej @GaryMarcus I think the creation of "high art" will always be a human-centered process (with AI tools, of course). But I agree that the hotel rooms of the future will be decorated with machine-made art (if they aren't already)

2022-09-01 05:17:23 @GaryMarcus It is easy for a computer to create something novel. But hard to create something that is good art. The best art resonates with culture, history, and the human predicament.

2022-08-31 22:20:09 @adjiboussodieng Because my parents were educated, I didn't have to go through that mental revolution.

2022-08-31 22:19:28 @adjiboussodieng Oregon State has scholarships for first-generation-to-college students, but we need to do more on the mentoring side (and on many other aspects). It takes a huge mental revolution to think of yourself as an intellectual leader when your siblings are struggling every day.

2022-08-31 22:07:57 @adjiboussodieng I went to school on scholarships because my dad didn't make much money. But as a boy, I watched him struggle to finish his PhD, so I knew what it was like. (Of course, as a white male, no one was actively pushing me down either. Mentoring is not enough!)

2022-08-31 21:57:38 @adjiboussodieng I think it is also about the cultural insights that PhD-holding parents give to their PhD-seeking children. The children are "joining the family business". We need to mentor "outside the family" to reach everyone!

2022-08-31 17:53:16 @unsorsodicorda @rasbt That doesn't sound idiomatic to me. A company can be a "startup", but it is "founded" or "launched" or "spun up". Don't ask me why, I'm only a native speaker, so I have no idea why.

2022-08-31 17:42:40 RT @aihuborg: August has flown by! Here's everything we've covered: Dimitri Coelho Mollo is the latest in #NewVoicesInAI Awards galo…

2022-08-30 20:35:58 @zacharylipton @rasbt

2022-08-30 20:35:22 @zacharylipton @rasbt

2022-08-30 19:39:38 @xfinity seems to have such a large outage that their status center web site isn't working. Anyone have any insight?

2022-08-30 19:00:26 @zeynep We listen to you!

2022-08-30 18:57:07 @rasbt @zacharylipton Just to clarify: The idea of an old-vs-new classifier is not mine. I don't know where I first heard about it, but similar ideas have been floating around for decades in the applied stats world

2022-08-30 18:25:38 @predict_addict @seanmylaw @rasbt @zacharylipton Thank you for this pointer!

2022-08-30 03:09:47 @tetraduzione @NeurIPSConf In the early days, there were tons of easy problems. Now we are making progress on the hard problems, but they are ... harder.

2022-08-30 02:37:53 @geomblog @boazbaraktcs @deliprao @ccanonne_ The answer should be "no". The law should ensure that the use of the data falls within the purposes for which data access was granted. It should impose a purpose-defined information bottleneck

2022-08-29 21:18:57 @ccanonne_ @boazbaraktcs I see your point, and I agree. The providers of LLMs must either provide a legal compliance guarantee or provide end users with meaningful tools for ensuring they are in compliance with the source data license terms.

2022-08-29 21:13:05 @ccanonne_ @boazbaraktcs The original motivation to allow Google to index your page was because it would help people find your page. Now Google has moved to synthesizing an answer to your query, but at least it gives you a link to the source. With LLMs, can it also link to the source?

2022-08-29 21:11:21 @ccanonne_ @boazbaraktcs Yet another reason that we need to solve the "attribution" problem: "Which training examples influenced this output?".

2022-08-29 19:53:42 @SeeBenjiRun @Noahpinion @PhilWMagness Time to invest in a second 220 outlet. I think you can get the IRA to pay part of the cost.

2022-08-29 19:47:27 @n_srishankar In other words, treat the outputs of the old classifier (preferably predicted probabilities rather than predicted class labels) as additional input features when training the new classifier. end/

2022-08-29 19:44:46 @n_srishankar If not, I think you would want to study methods for domain adaptation that do not require access to the training data. The first thing I would try is to "stack" a new classifier on top of the existing one. 2/

2022-08-29 19:43:02 @n_srishankar So your goal is to create a new (or updated) classifier that will perform well on future new data? First, I would run the old classifier on your new data and see if its accuracy is sufficiently high. If it is, you can just use it. 1/

2022-08-29 04:20:36 @krikamol @berkustun I came here to point to the same paper.

2022-08-28 23:01:22 @n_srishankar Let me understand your problem better. Do you still have the trained classifier? Do you have new labeled data available or any old unlabeled data?

2022-08-28 22:25:04 @rasbt I like to use boosted trees with a logit link for this purpose

2022-08-28 17:48:41 @yudapearl @khademinori @ChrSzegedy Am I right that the key capability is to contrast two models: The original (opponent-independent) model and the revised model (updated to reflect the specific opponent and its weakness W)? 3/end

2022-08-28 17:46:12 @yudapearl @khademinori @ChrSzegedy But now suppose that Alphazero was trained against this particular opponent (e.g., by playing 100s of games against it). Now it has learned a model of how to play well against the opponent exploiting weakness W. IIUC @yudapearl, this doesn't qualify as counterfactual either 2/

2022-08-28 17:43:08 @yudapearl @khademinori @ChrSzegedy So my initial statement needs some refinement. If we are just looking at alphazero playing a game with learning "turned off", then it has no way of discovering weakness W in the opponent, and it can't answer counterfactual queries in @yudapearl's sense. 1/

2022-08-28 17:04:00 @VivaLaPanda_ @Noahpinion I think the issue is WHERE the water falls, not the total amount

2022-08-28 16:12:57 RT @zittrain: This @newsbeagle and @meharris piece describes a retinal implant used by hundreds of people to gain sight -- one that has bee…

2022-08-28 02:55:58 @ben_golub Agreed. So many important ideas, such as cross-validation, conformal prediction, and finite-sample concentration bounds, have been discovered in my lifetime.

2022-08-27 22:20:10 @yudapearl @khademinori @ChrSzegedy After the game ends, it can determine whether by making a different move, the game would have had a different outcome. @yudapearl, your examples usually involve latent randomness that is revealed by the factual experience. Does that extend to decisionmaking by the opponent?

2022-08-27 16:59:13 @wzuidema @chrmanning @soumithchintala @roydanroy @karpathy @ylecun @percyliang @RishiBommasani That suggests we are in for a rough ride.

2022-08-27 15:58:48 @khademinori @ChrSzegedy @yudapearl In my view, AlphaZero fits a causal model to its observations, so yes, it can answer counterfactual queries. It assumes a causal structure to the game and uses this structure when answering queries using MCTS

2022-08-27 15:22:06 @ChrSzegedy I used to subscribe to this view, but @yudapearl’s work suggests that we need to do more than compression to predict the effects of interventions and answer counterfactual queries

2022-08-27 03:39:10 @gideonmann Can it make and keep promises? Enter into contracts? Make new friends? Nah

2022-08-27 03:10:56 @deliprao I keep hearing good things about Rust. I plan to check it out

2022-08-27 03:10:10 @deliprao To be honest, it probably shortens my life span! But I suppose by reducing my productivity, it also reduces the amount of CPU time my programs consume :-)

2022-08-27 03:05:24 @deliprao I think they also need to consider the carbon footprint of the programmer. If it takes me 10x as long to write a program in C than in Lisp, I will have consumed 10x the calories and coffee :-).

2022-08-27 03:01:00 @rao2z @vardi @JmlrOrg @IEEE @Nature @ICAPSConference @demishassabis @jair @jmlr @nature isn't really a journal, it is a PR firm.

2022-08-26 21:24:26 @vardi @jmlrorg and @ieee PAMI are quite selective

2022-08-26 19:28:54 @gluonspring @IDoTheThinking I know retired scientists and engineers from industry who feel the same way.

2022-08-26 19:27:43 @gluonspring @IDoTheThinking There are even retired professors who would come back to teach, but the pay is so low that it is shocking

2022-08-26 19:23:14 @gluonspring @IDoTheThinking Yes!

2022-08-26 18:59:56 @gluonspring @IDoTheThinking For research faculty positions, this is true. But for instructor positions, the focus is on teaching experience. I think the main issue is low pay for lecturers.

2022-08-26 15:46:56 @jdcmedlock What we need is a "public option" for higher education. ... Oh wait

2022-08-26 05:15:19 @DavidAFrench This is an investment in a generation. It will result in folks starting new businesses and taking bigger risks. We all will benefit

2022-08-26 04:04:13 @BaldingsWorld What were once "state-funded public universities" have become "state-located universities" whose primary source of funding is tuition. I wouldn't say "extraordinarily", because most state universities have a huge deferred maintenance backlog. But our football stadiums look great!

2022-08-26 03:49:59 @matloff @BaldingsWorld Well, named professorships seem to be a thing at some schools. In the end, I'll be the X professor, in the Y hall, using the Z restroom in the W building in the V college.

2022-08-26 03:43:43 @matloff @BaldingsWorld Alumni and donors will pay for buildings but not salaries or even building maintenance

2022-08-25 20:57:15 Wonderful!!!

2022-08-25 20:55:14 @unsorsodicorda @dpkingma OCR and XCON are good examples. I don't think current spam filters match human performance yet. Targeted advertising is a nice example, but it also illustrates how AI go far beyond the original task to transform the entire approach.

2022-08-25 18:04:21 RT @tdietterich: @dpkingma Aside from game-like worlds (Go, Chess, etc.), are there ANY tasks that AI systems accomplish better and more ch…

2022-08-25 18:04:17 @dpkingma Aside from game-like worlds (Go, Chess, etc.), are there ANY tasks that AI systems accomplish better and more cheaply than human workers? To qualify, the human workers must no longer play any role the system. Please respond with pointers. Thanks

2022-08-25 00:20:57 With California banning new gasoline cars but not used ones, I wonder if a reasonable CO2 offset would be to buy used gasoline cars and destroy them. How would it compare to tree-based offsets?

2022-08-24 22:21:57 RT @FeiziSoheil: Adversarial examples, originally observed ~2014, were fascinating cases showing deep nets can be super sensitive to small…

2022-08-24 19:29:06 @wooldridgemike @terrible_archer @fchollet Another shortcoming of the "alignment" discourse is that it presumes that "alignment" is possible. Good engineering practice is to assume that we NEVER get the specs right, and we must consider how the overall social-technical system can compensate for this.

2022-08-24 19:26:25 @wooldridgemike @terrible_archer @fchollet Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. We have given AI systems control over social media, and this is raising serious planet-wide risks.

2022-08-24 19:23:27 @wooldridgemike @terrible_archer @fchollet I generally agree with Michael (as usual), but I think there could be x-risks if the AI system is given control over risky systems (e.g., nuclear weapons, biological weapons, etc.) But we should not give AI systems such access!

2022-08-24 19:07:13 @fchollet In particular, we seek a specification process that can tolerate/recover from specification errors. I am a big fan of the work that Stuart Russell has been doing on this. I would prefer to call it "agent-level specification analysis", but "alignment" is shorter. 2/2

2022-08-24 19:02:41 @fchollet When building some forms of AI software (e.g., RL and planning), we express the specifications in terms of goals and values. In such cases, the old problem of correctly specifying the function of a computer system becomes the problem of specifying goals and values. 1/

2022-08-24 14:30:57 @roydanroy @random_walker Nah, Geoff was overstating his case as he tends to do.

2022-08-24 04:50:58 @ScottTipple Well, every time you put on your mask, you have to check that it is sealing well. So it requires discipline and attention. What % of 5-year-olds can master it? As a former 5-year-old boy myself, I'm sure some could, but not many

2022-08-24 04:27:02 @taaltree Can you share a pointer to a good offset project?

2022-08-24 04:24:56 @kelley14419438 @HeyMmeG @Bob_Wachter @DrLeanaWen I am always wearing an N95 mask, and I haven't caught COVID yet. But most children I see are wearing cloth masks. And the studies I've read show that those are useless against Omicron. Of course I see a lot of noses and mask lifting/touching, too.

2022-08-20 01:15:05 @nerodenc @zeynep What monthly fee would you pay for such a service?

2022-08-19 22:35:16 @ryandcotterell @RishiBommasani @elgreco_winter Pardon my ignorance, but what is ARR?

2022-08-19 18:50:41 @ryandcotterell @elgreco_winter Leadership may be privileged or not, but either way, let’s be kind to each other

2022-08-19 15:56:45 @ShamezLadhani Might there be a dose-response phenomenon? If the long covid in parents led to greater doses in children, this might lead to more severe disease and sequelae. How much of the negative cohort were false negatives or failure to detect (because of test timing)?

2022-08-19 00:55:46 @adjiboussodieng A lobster roll is also not a sandwich

2022-08-19 00:27:59 @adjiboussodieng That does seem like a sandwich to me. As I said, I really have no idea.

2022-08-19 00:18:02 @adjiboussodieng As a “native eater”, I have no idea. But I agree that topology might be the reason. In a sandwich, the two pieces of bread are separated. In a taco and a hot dog, they are not. But I wonder if they arrived into English at different times so one meaning was established first

2022-08-18 05:03:54 @shmueli @ylecun @percyliang I think there have been some attempts to use "Ultra Large Scale Integration". But I don't think they have ever caught on.

2022-08-18 04:27:05 @csabaveres @karpathy @stanfordnlp @soumithchintala @chrmanning @roydanroy @ylecun @percyliang Combining this idea with @apoorvkh's suggestion, we could call them "Large-Scale Corpus Models" (LSCMs) and drop the self-supervised method bit.

2022-08-18 04:23:46 @DavidZipper @NHTSAgov In my experience, high speed, reckless driving has increased during the pandemic. I recently drove up I5 in Oregon at 8am on a Sunday morning, and there were multiple crazy drivers on the road. Would dashcams help?

2022-08-18 02:36:41 RT @tdietterich: @NeelNanda5 @OpenAI Excellent analysis! It would be lovely to see more research of this quality

2022-08-18 02:36:37 @NeelNanda5 @OpenAI Excellent analysis! It would be lovely to see more research of this quality

2022-08-18 02:21:54 @cthorrez @ylecun @percyliang More than 2 hidden layers IMO

2022-08-18 01:52:57 @soumithchintala @chrmanning @roydanroy @karpathy @ylecun @percyliang @RishiBommasani Check out the etymology of jazz: meant "lively, energetic." Certainly less problematic than "foundation"

2022-08-18 01:10:38 @csabaveres @soumithchintala @roydanroy @karpathy @chrmanning @ylecun @percyliang Each new modality adds constraints. There are plenty of sentences that are ambiguous without an associated image.

2022-08-18 01:05:14 @markoff Fantastic to reread this!

2022-08-18 00:39:09 @soumithchintala @roydanroy @karpathy @chrmanning @ylecun @percyliang I didn’t want to engage without having a counter proposal

2022-08-18 00:38:05 @soumithchintala @roydanroy @karpathy @chrmanning @ylecun @percyliang That’s why I want to stay away from “foundation”. I worry that it is a foundation of sand. But I’m excited to see what we can build with these models. I’m especially interested in whether joint models of video, physical interaction, and language can get the causality right

2022-08-18 00:32:41 @soumithchintala @roydanroy @karpathy @chrmanning @ylecun @percyliang That’s not my view. I don’t have any flag to plant. My worry is that LSSMs are models of the shadows in Plato’s cave. While we can build lots of great stuff using them, they are likely to fail often because they don’t model the underlying causality

2022-08-16 21:28:56 @erikbryn I think Open Table might be using CF

2022-08-16 21:27:57 @zacharylipton Yes, and several other banned sounds. e.g., Barking dogs

2022-08-16 04:18:09 @BallouxFrancois @Jusrangers Prof. Balloux, I follow you to get a refreshingly different view on both the factual and policy questions surrounding the epidemic(s). Thanks!

2022-08-15 23:57:23 @BallouxFrancois @Jusrangers Twitter would be more effective if policy discussions focus on policy tweets and fact checking focuses on factual tweets. Personal attacks don’t persuade anyone

2022-08-15 23:52:14 @BallouxFrancois @Jusrangers I didn’t see any policy recommendation in that tweet. Isn’t ring vaccination the favored policy right now?

2022-08-15 23:41:18 @Jusrangers @BallouxFrancois Are saying that this statement is false? He may deserve your scorn, but not for this statement. Your tweet reveals more about you than about him

2022-08-15 23:03:16 @giffmana @francoisfleuret @ggdupont @percyliang My impression was that self-supervised is competitive with supervised in computer vision. Is this wrong? In particular, doesn't self-supervised permit training on much more data?

2022-08-15 21:13:31 @ISusmelj @TobyWalsh The fact that the model is making low-confidence, unstable predictions should enable a supervisory system to detect the problem

2022-08-15 17:52:38 @rao2z I am seeing some very cool art made by combining GANs or DALLE-type models with human creativity. For example, @neurobricolage (Helena Sarin). She designs digitally and then renders in ceramics.

2022-08-15 06:23:49 @unsorsodicorda @roydanroy @Sriraam_UTD @MaartenvSmeden I was thinking differently. Holding the network size fixed, the number of effective degrees of freedom increases with dataset size and complexity. In a sense, we overprovision network capacity and then only use as much as needed

2022-08-15 06:05:17 @Noahpinion I think Nuscale's first modular plant is supposed to cost only $3B. So that's 10x cheaper. But it suggests that your point stands.

2022-08-15 06:03:05 @unsorsodicorda @roydanroy @Sriraam_UTD @MaartenvSmeden How is this different? I think the key idea is that the number of degrees of freedom of a non-parametric model are chosen as part of the fitting process rather than determined beforehand.

2022-08-15 04:03:21 @LeeAdamWilshier @therealrukshan @asmithie90 Is there any evidence that this is happening? The cell is full of enzymes that degrade RNA, too.

2022-08-14 22:20:57 @unsorsodicorda @roydanroy @Sriraam_UTD @MaartenvSmeden I think this perspective ("NN as non-parametric models") is widely shared and very accurate.

2022-08-14 22:18:26 @sudhirPyadav @chrmanning @RishiBommasani @percyliang A language model is a probability distribution over the strings in a language. It is a well-defined technical concept. It explicitly about probabilities, so it is less likely to be mistaken for a deep knowledge base. "Foundation" invites that misunderstanding

2022-08-14 17:35:04 @sebjwallace @klausbrave Identifying to species level is hard unless you have lots of pixels on the bird. But video of the flight movements is probably also very informative

2022-08-14 17:30:41 @sebjwallace @klausbrave Yes. In fact Rich Caruana has worked on this, but I don’t know of anyone putting this into production.

2022-08-14 17:29:28 @chrmanning @roydanroy @ylecun @percyliang I didn’t know that “jazz” was marketing speak. Maybe it was?

2022-08-14 17:28:15 @chrmanning @ylecun @percyliang Isn’t “large” an adjective whose meaning shifts with time? Same with “big data” and “supercomputer”

2022-08-14 17:26:40 @rasbt @VictorButoi @percyliang I suppose it depends on the context. If you want to highlight the architecture, ViT is a great term.

2022-08-14 14:33:49 @csabaveres @percyliang or Large Corpus Model, LCM? That emphasizes the size of the corpus, which I think is the key

2022-08-14 05:20:26 @rishmishra I don't think that was a good thing for science and engineering. Only for lazy science writers.

2022-08-13 23:38:48 RT @sethlazar: 1. I think philosophers (and others) shouldn’t prioritise working on existential AGI risk. This is partly because I reject l…

2022-08-13 21:10:54 @ylecun @percyliang This is a revolutionary idea that overturns the standard practice of training only on data for a specific task, which has been the focus of ML and data analysis since the dawn of statistical modeling.

2022-08-13 21:09:35 @ylecun @percyliang The intent behind these system is to train them on a substantial fraction of the entire universe of available data so that they acquire knowledge of the full breadth of human activity. New software and hardware may empower academic labs to train them too.

2022-08-13 19:12:22 @zehavoc @percyliang This is another interesting proposal. An issue might be that in some systems, the core is actually a large database or corpus and the network is a summary and generalization of that corpus.

2022-08-13 19:10:30 @seth_stafford @percyliang I like "platform", another possibility is "substrate"

2022-08-13 06:19:34 @RishiBommasani @sudhirPyadav @percyliang The problem is hype, not comprehension

2022-08-13 05:55:33 @sudhirPyadav @RishiBommasani @percyliang Yes, that is exactly what I'm trying to do. The word "foundation" is too grandiose and smacks of the hype that infects too much of AI R&

2022-08-13 05:20:46 @percyliang Yes, but as you know, "Foundation" is too close to "Foundational", and many of us find that troubling. That is why I'm proposing a more neutral term. For use, maybe we could just call them "Upstream models".

2022-08-13 03:15:48 @joshua_saxe @percyliang Yes. But my guess is that self-supervision is the only way to scale to these immense data sets, so I think it is a safe term going forward.

2022-08-13 03:14:01 @RishiBommasani @percyliang In my view, "large" refers both to the model size and data size. But this is left to the interpretation of the user and reader. I'm sure you are familiar with the critiques of "foundation". I think we need a name that is descriptive and makes no claims about utility

2022-08-13 02:20:12 @frossi_t @percyliang Agreed. I wanted a term that could encompass models trained on multiple modalities: language + video + physical manipulation, etc.

2022-08-13 02:18:15 @rasbt @percyliang Don’t you think there will be improvements beyond transformers? I prefer a purely functional description

2022-08-13 01:17:35 @Noahpinion Do you know of any estimates of the current economic impact of lost time due to COVID illness? Are there statistics on hours worked per employee? How much of the worker shortage is due to COVID-reduced workforce?

2022-08-13 00:58:44 I propose that we adopt the term "Large Self-Supervised Models (LSSMs)" as a replacement for "Foundation Models" and "LLMs". "LLMs" don't capture non-linguistic data and "Foundation Models" is too grandiose. Thoughts? @percyliang

2022-08-13 00:16:53 RT @AdrianRaftery1: Our article, "Long‑term probabilistic temperature projections for all locations," w Xin Chen, David Battisti, @peiran_l…

2022-08-12 21:35:05 @narphorium @deliprao @github I was just trying to find some practical application for all of the academic papers on adversarial attacks on large models. :-)

2022-08-12 20:05:28 @deliprao @dsivakumar @iamtrask I remember feeling an immense sense of power when I realized I could add ANY two numbers of arbitrary first glimpse of the power of algorithms.

2022-08-12 20:04:17 @daniela_witten @Lizstuartdc @raziehnabi @nataliexdean @BetsyOgburn @johnleibniz @analisereal @yayyyates Once you have flown with your own kids, other peoples' kids never bother you.

2022-08-12 16:59:54 @iamtrask @deliprao @github Yes, but the calculators are much more reliable than copilot as of today.

2022-08-12 03:49:29 @deliprao @github I see your point. I guess it depends on how reliable copilot-style systems are. Today, students need to learn how to check the correctness of the generated code.

2022-08-12 02:40:23 @deliprao @github Can we convince the copilot people to insert some backdoors so that copilot generates code with a specific flaw when given specific assignments? [Or, better yet, just rejects the request]

2022-08-12 00:18:21 RT @tommmitchell: Pleased to announce that my Machine Learning textbook is now a free download -- enjoy!

2022-08-11 23:42:43 @Noahpinion My favorite line: "But why report any numbers at all if you don’t expect people to know what they mean?"

2022-08-11 22:13:27 @IDoTheThinking Rich people and business execs have a whole security team that manages their transport. It must be a strange and sad bubble to live in.

2022-08-11 20:51:09 @percyliang What is a chatbot and how is it different from a dialogue-based user interface? I'm interested in goal-oriented dialogue rather than natural-language entertainment.

2022-08-11 20:25:47 @KLdivergence @Dulles_Airport Do you find the map hard to interpret or find the airport layout hard to believe?

2022-08-10 21:37:37 RT @sethlazar: These days, there's a lot (too much) attention on philosophers highlighting 'longtermist' 'existential risks' supposedly pos…

2022-08-10 21:14:19 RT @paul_scharre: We're hiring! @CNASdc is growing our work on artificial intelligence safety and stability. We have 6 new positions open…

2022-08-10 17:48:12 Very interesting application of machine learning. It helps human video analysts focus their attention

2022-08-10 00:14:24 RT @JAIR_Editor: Congrats to Nan Ye, Adhiraj Somani, David Hsu and Wee Sun Lee who have been awarded the 2022 IJCAI-JAIR best paper prize f…

2022-08-09 19:14:07 @rajiinio …which is not enough to cover the full PhD duration. It is frustrating.

2022-08-09 19:13:02 @BeltwayMap @Mathbarra @TheSotaSwede @stefista @_sadwaffle In my state, heavy trucks do the most damage followed by cars with studded tires. Weather causes all road surfaces to age. There are some paved bike paths around here that are quite hazardous as a result.

2022-08-09 17:34:53 @rajiinio Yes, that is an especially difficult situation for funding. As a professor, I’m always chasing funding. Federal grants are mostly not restricted to citizens or PRs, and they usually last 3 years

2022-08-09 16:12:08 @rajiinio There is no long term funding for research.

2022-08-08 22:23:27 @wilgieseler @TheSotaSwede @stefista @_sadwaffle What about Federal taxes? The Tax Foundation has a mixed record according to Politifact

2022-08-08 21:10:55 @TheSotaSwede @stefista @_sadwaffle Drivers do pay through gas taxes. And bicyclists need good streets too. (Ideally, safe, car-free streets!)

2022-08-08 20:50:23 @ylecun @JefferyAGoldst1 @GaryMarcus @miguelisolano Another factor to consider: dimensions of variability in the input. Learning is more successful when there is more variability along many dimensions. Playing with other people and interacting with the world gives more useful variability than passive observation.

2022-08-08 18:41:43 @RitaKonaev How much is due to insufficient supply of air traffic controllers?

2022-08-06 21:03:05 @BallouxFrancois It means schools open but either (a) unstaffed or (b) parents too afraid to send their kids to school. But you knew that. (And I agree with your position on school closings.)

2022-08-05 18:27:47 @balajis The US Ambassador to China R. Nicholas Burns doesn't speak Mandarin (according to his wikipedia page)

2022-08-05 16:22:51 @deliprao The success of automated translation is a dream come true! That UX is super cool and is a great learning tool, too.

2022-08-05 16:20:49 RT @markdalgleish: Being a self taught developer is pretty exciting because you're always being told that the code you wrote is actually us…

2022-08-05 03:24:59 @winequant @Noahpinion I think in this arrangement the sitter is still an independent contractor ( If there are parts of the tax code that are unclear, Congress should clarify them.

2022-08-05 03:20:03 @mlittmancs @rao2z As @Bob_Wachter says, it has never been easier to catch COVID than it is right now.

2022-08-04 16:04:07 @jdcmedlock I stand with law enforcement!

2022-08-04 05:16:49 @francoisfleuret @j2bryson @blaiseaguera @marian_croak @dpetrou @AlisonLentz @bratton @jakesoll I agree with Joanna that much of our evolutionary ethical inheritance is in the "hardware".

2022-08-04 05:15:43 @francoisfleuret @j2bryson @blaiseaguera @marian_croak @dpetrou @AlisonLentz @bratton @jakesoll My hypothesis is that social interaction is necessary. Evolution has tuned us to make ethical decisions because they were successful in the long run. Maybe multi-agent game theory can help machines attain similar behavior?

2022-08-04 04:05:48 @blaiseaguera @marian_croak @dpetrou @AlisonLentz @j2bryson @bratton @jakesoll People are not able to articulate (linguistically) their values. Philosophers have been trying to do this for >

2022-07-27 03:23:06 @Grady_Booch Primrose managed to get and hold a security clearance for many years

2022-07-26 22:33:20 @johncarlosbaez @KyleCranmer @Twitter I believe you can do this by creating a List of the people you want to read.

2022-07-26 22:09:39 @ccanonne_ @roydanroy His papers are definitely important to read.

2022-07-26 20:04:17 @deliprao Reading the bios of people nominated for AAAI Fellow gives me “career envy”

2022-07-26 04:59:54 @trevor_strohman @cheer_wine @jdcmedlock Ouch!

2022-07-26 03:36:44 @Noahpinion I think it is a nonstationary, but memoryless, process.

2022-07-24 14:52:27 @negrosubversive There is another option: the free standing small town. Housing (and car use, alas) is like the burbs, but people know each other. Shopping for food can take a long time, because you stop to chat with everyone you know.

2022-07-24 14:37:23 @rao2z Yes! The real issues are about the correctness of the knowledge and the cost of maintaining correctness over time. Both approaches have weaknesses, but they are often complementary, and so benefit from hybridization

2022-07-24 14:12:55 @zittrain @KalieWertz Do we need a “right to disconnect”?

2022-07-23 15:32:17 @zicokolter Maybe causal modeling can give us a formal understanding of this. But it might work even in non-causal settings.

2022-07-23 15:30:58 @zicokolter It makes sense that if your original model was confident on the training data and the distribution shift is not too large, then you want to find the nearest model (in some magical sense) to your original model that is confident on the test data. "magical" = conjugate

2022-07-23 15:24:00 @zicokolter Very interesting. Did you do experiments with noise in the features of the test distribution? Could you force TENT to overfit in such cases? Maybe we can detect this case via other mechanisms?

2022-07-22 13:52:47 RT @aihuborg: Our Managing Editor Lucy Smith will be attending @IJCAIconf. Get in touch if you'd like to meet to share your research or fin…

2022-07-22 13:52:07 RT @Noahpinion: An intrepid team of researchers has been studying why the U.S. has such trouble building trains.@ericgoldwyn, one of the…

2022-07-22 13:46:07 @rajiinio @AndrewYNg 20+ years ago, according to Piero Bonissone, GE was already using neural networks for loan risk assessment. The training data was controlled by a committee that voted whether to include each data point to ensure legal compliance.

2022-07-22 13:43:45 @rajiinio Is this what Andrew Ng @AndrewYNg means by data-centric AI? The data in ML provide most of the problem specification, so careful managemt of the data is required to ensure the correct specification.

2022-07-21 14:03:55 RT @trvrb: There seems to be a worry that telling people we've exited the "pandemic phase" will lead to further reduced precautions. As alw…

2022-07-20 23:34:48 @MazMHussain I suspect that the collapse of the twin towers was more astonishing than the death toll. Two iconic and very solid things disappeared.

2022-07-20 15:39:06 @siminyu_kat Fascinating!

2022-07-20 13:07:19 RT @bschoelkopf: Our 2012 paper ‘On causal and anticausal learning’ just received a Test of Time Honorable Mention at @icmlconf #ICML2022:…

2022-07-19 19:28:30 @Eli_Schwartz @agrover112 @thegautamkamath They didn't compare against max logit or Open Hybrid. Our group has never gotten good results with knn in the open category setting. Reviewers need to insist on better experiments.

2022-07-18 19:31:43 @kphextwin @Noahpinion And Oregon, thank goodness!

2022-07-18 15:27:20 Is it possible that @RichardSSutton and Jack Dongarra are the same person? I've never seen them in the same room together. Hmmm...

2022-07-18 15:25:07 @zendaimyo @MazMHussain You also have media companies whose business model requires distortion of the news. Even the best companies engage in click bait advertising, which erodes trust.

2022-07-18 15:20:08 @rryakitimbo1 @dsa_org @mozilla Wish I could be there!

2022-07-18 13:23:59 RT @aihuborg: We'll be (virtually) at #ICML2022 next week. If you are attending the conference and would like to write a blog post about yo…

2022-07-17 23:00:42 @JGatsby1923 @ryxcommar If they observed 0 bots in a random sample of 100, a 95% confidence interval on the true proportion of bots would be [0,0.036] (Clopper-Pearson "exact" test). As others point out, they will have a sample of more than 2000 within a month.

2022-07-17 16:29:00 @joao_semnome9 @random_walker It doesn't tell you anything about the labels, but the test set will no longer give you an accurate estimate of performance. If you use the test set for PCA, binning, or normalizing, your "test set" performance will be biased compared to fresh data

2022-07-17 14:36:52 @rasbt Does anyone apply differential privacy methods to obtain re-usable validation sets as in

2022-07-17 14:34:30 @rasbt Agreed. On problems with scarce data, it is best to build a data simulator and make design choices on simulated data.

2022-07-17 14:31:33 @joao_semnome9 @random_walker I strongly disagree. Every ML/statistical procedure (whether supervised or unsupervised) is vulnerable to underestimating variability in the inputs. If you keep the test set separate, you obtain an independent estimate of the effect of variability.

2022-07-17 03:38:51 @davidminpdx Time to brand them for what they are: Extremists without compassion.

2022-07-17 00:31:50 @rasbt @AlexGDimakis I tell my students that the goal of research experiments is to minimize the time required to get an answer we can trust. This is not usu the goal of software engineering, but it involves many of the same practices

2022-07-16 21:14:49 @Noahpinion Love the joke, but there is also an amazingly vital literature in Spanish, only a small fraction of which is translated into English. (Oh, and Brazil would definitely be a member of the Telenovela Empire.)

2022-07-15 23:12:32 @RMac18 @yangyang_cheng What’s weird is that the Apple person looks like they are photographing us. They may be hidden, but we are captured

2022-07-15 07:51:33 After experiencing long security delays at AMS, I think we Americans should pause for a moment and congratulate @TSA on making it through the pandemic without huge security problems.

2022-07-15 07:24:33 @BallouxFrancois @zeynep @RidleyDM This is anecdote, not evidence. In any case, if we are going to be fighting these airborne infections for a long time, we need to consider how we can improve our infrastructure and our social norms. Repeated infection is a drag on the economy AND the society

2022-07-15 07:21:27 RT @EricTopol: The BA.5 variant and what we should do about it. My @latimes oped today

2022-07-15 07:10:29 @boulderfish @SonnyCrockett04 @BallouxFrancois @zeynep My experience is merely an anecdote and proves nothing. We know from health care workers that even careful masking with high quality masks is not a perfect defense. But it is not useless either. We must live with courage.

2022-07-14 21:27:06 @SonnyCrockett04 @BallouxFrancois @zeynep And if you aren't going to enforce a mandate, you are damaging your credibility for future cases where public health mandates might be essential.

2022-07-14 21:25:28 @SonnyCrockett04 @BallouxFrancois @zeynep On the other hand, I just got off a Lufthansa flight that MANDATES N95 level masks

2022-07-14 21:23:51 @SonnyCrockett04 @BallouxFrancois @zeynep I'm just wrapping up a 2 week trip to Europe from the US. I've been wearing N95 masks. I have been in the presence of two people who were likely contagious at the time. Both tested positive within 48 hours after our meeting. I have not gotten it (yet). Survivor bias? Maybe

2022-07-14 15:13:49 @zeynep It would be great if some neutral organization could audit such claims and provide a seal of approval.

2022-07-14 15:12:50 @zeynep I think we will be battling this virus family for a long time. I will be watching for restaurants and theaters that provide a ventilation guarantee before I patronize them.

2022-07-14 15:08:56 RT @magi_jay: My initial reaction to this piece was that it was "ok" to fact-check the story, but that the article was poorly executed, par…

2022-07-12 21:18:21 RT @etzioni: Please RT: Hundreds of tech, business and nonprofit leaders urge states to boost computer science education…

2022-07-12 20:41:24 @KLdivergence @matloff I was replying to Norm, but messed up the threading, sorry

2022-07-12 20:40:33 @KLdivergence @matloff

2022-07-12 20:39:20 @KLdivergence I think this applies to all applications. If you see a shift in subgroup accuracy, you will want to understand what’s happening

2022-07-12 20:38:22 @KLdivergence Checking accuracy on subgroups is a basic diagnostic, just like plotting your regression residuals and checking for patterns. Very important to automate this and recheck after every model update (for models in production)

2022-07-11 17:58:41 RT @fchollet: This is a joke, but it's also not. You know there *will* be benchmarks for joke understanding, and LLMs *will* get superhuman…

2022-07-11 09:46:33 @realeigenvalues @InCogni87402288 @IDoTheThinking Certainly intuition can come first, but I have lots of "insights" that turn out to be bogus when I check the math.

2022-07-11 09:45:16 @BallouxFrancois I must have chosen a bad reference. I only mean to say that public health messaging is complex

2022-07-11 08:46:43 @wellingmax Exactly! This kind of scare talk is absurd. Without physical constraints, ML will smooth and extrapolate badly.

2022-07-11 08:44:50 @BallouxFrancois At least 2 M women contracted AIDS.

2022-07-11 08:12:03 @InCogni87402288 @IDoTheThinking You need both inductive and deductive reasoning in science.

2022-07-11 08:09:16 @JosephKahn @Noahpinion This is wonderful. However, with so much absenteeism due to COVID, what is the effective reduction in the size of the workforce? Is it an important contributor to inflation?

2022-07-11 08:06:39 RT @rao2z: There seems to be an almost willful confusion about the need and role for explainability of #AI systems on #AI twitter. Contr…

2022-07-10 20:26:06 @DrAEHernandez @fernandaedi @EricTopol @phylogenomics @SarahNev @jburnmurdoch @MetroCDMX I'm in Spain right now. Masking is required on public transport, taxis, airports. However, I would estimate no more than 20% are wearing good N95/KN95 masks. Lots of noses visible among the surgical mask/cloth mask wearers.

2022-07-10 18:30:29 @NickKristof Of course, life began when life began (about 3.7 billion years ago). Every one of us traces our ancestry back to that beginning. Reproduction and development are complex

2022-07-10 18:11:27 @vardi COBOL was my third language, after Fortran and Sigma 9 Assembly. "picture" statements and "move corresponding" are some of my favorites. I had fun trying to make the code read like English. Similar to the challenge of making prolog read like logical inference!

2022-07-10 15:23:42 @Ar_Douillard That is bad editor behavior. At some point, the editor needs to read the paper and make a decision. When I was a young editor, a senior reviewer (the wise John Holland) gave me some good advice about this.

2022-07-10 10:11:45 @roydanroy @Meaningness @Ar_Douillard I think we want to create agents that engage in a dialogue to achieve goals, not just prompt-answering machines. Search engines can answer prompts, and they are more reliable than LLMs, because they don't make stuff up.

2022-07-10 09:21:59 @Meaningness @Ar_Douillard Agreed. But what is missing from both accounts is a description of the underlying communicative goals and how those connect to the assembly of fluent utterances. Today, we have the fluency, but it is goal free.

2022-07-10 09:01:12 Question of the day: Which will arrive first: AGI or @microsoft Outlook correctly remembering the user's customizations of the ribbon? @Office

2022-07-10 08:40:12 @TobyWalsh Basically, the article confirms that the iPhone hardware is much more capable that the Apollo Guidance Computer. The software, on the other hand, is bloated and unreliable

2022-07-09 16:53:18 @lazowska Yes, spin off college sports as commercial companies! They warp the academic enterprise and, from time-to-time, require big injections of cash from the state.

2022-07-09 16:49:37 @gdb *it. I'm using a different phone today and it has terrible autocorrect.

2022-07-09 15:35:47 @matloff @daniela_witten I guess that's why I'm always getting tripped up by the differences in indexing and accessors. I keep trying to use "." in my python variable names too :-)

2022-07-09 15:35:01 @matloff @daniela_witten I agree. I train my deep nets in python, then export the data and analyze it in R.

2022-07-09 15:34:06 RT @tdietterich: @MaxCRoser Regarding limits, the big open question in my mind is to what extent does understanding culture, history, langu…

2022-07-09 15:33:51 @MaxCRoser I prefer not to think in terms of specific "tasks". Indeed, I think the AI research community has over-valued "matching human performance on tasks" rather than understanding the basis of intelligent behavior. end/

2022-07-09 15:32:41 @MaxCRoser But if such understanding through self-projection is not required, then it should be possible to program computers to read/watch/listen to all of the products of human culture and understand them, to observe social interactions and participate in them, etc. 3/

2022-07-09 15:30:12 @MaxCRoser If this relies critically on our internal experiences and our projection of those to reason about other people, then digital computers may be at a disadvantage. We will need to program good simulations of these experiences, which is difficult, as they are unobservable. 2/

2022-07-09 15:29:04 @MaxCRoser Regarding limits, the big open question in my mind is to what extent does understanding culture, history, language, emotion, and social interaction rely on the physical and psychological experience of being human?

2022-07-09 08:11:28 @dustinvtran @zacharylipton Very common: UCSD, UCSC, UCI, UCB, UCLA, ...

2022-07-09 08:10:12 @matloff @daniela_witten I was thinking more of notations like [,1] and [:,1] not to mention the variety of accessors in R: $, @, [], [[]]. I guess each of them made sense at the time...

2022-07-09 06:33:12 @matloff @daniela_witten And you will curse the designers of both for their indexing design choices

2022-07-08 16:05:49 @Usman_skhan @jmhernandez233 @roydanroy @RealAAAI No journal that I've been involved with (Machine Learning, JMLR) has had this problem, to my knowledge.

2022-07-08 10:30:13 @gdb What program will is want to write? Programming, like writing, is in part a process of figuring out what we want the program to do.

2022-07-08 10:27:08 Data point for travelers: Wait today at Schipol terminal 1 was 80 minutes. My guess is 2/3 of the scanning stations were operating

2022-07-08 10:22:48 @jmhernandez233 @roydanroy @RealAAAI locked down authorship several years ago to address this.

2022-07-08 05:56:13 @LeonDerczynski I thought author changes are not permitted after submission

2022-07-07 16:53:13 @LukasGalke @ICBINBWorkshop Yes, the recording will be posted to Youtube

2022-07-07 06:16:59 @DavidZipper Does lane-keeping assistance reduce accidents? I have always found it very annoying and disabled it. But I'm curious about any careful studies of effectiveness.

2022-07-06 21:20:46 I’m looking forward to presenting our work on deep anomaly detection. We recently posted a substantial revision of the paper on arxiv

2022-07-05 19:00:32 @SergeBelongie It's so wonderful when you are in a new place and it starts listing off species you've never heard before. It makes learning the birdsongs easy

2022-07-05 15:51:43 @Abebab @emilymbender Maybe we could form a team of people and take turns engaging with reporters? I agree it is exhausting

2022-07-04 21:22:50 @roydanroy @natefoster Cdr and car?

2022-07-04 21:22:11 @mraginsky The big theater is where the lamp post is located

2022-07-04 21:20:28 @emjotde It’s true. Many of us do

2022-07-04 11:35:17 @roydanroy I flew SFO to AMS yesterday on United without problems.

2022-07-04 10:11:06 RT @bigmlcom: Happening now at the #DutchMLSchool: #LessonsLearned Applying #AnomalyDetection at Scale, by @AlvaroClementeV, #MLengineer at…

2022-07-04 08:38:33 Beautiful work from @MercedesBenz in collaboration with @bigmlcom to empower production engineers to develop their own ML applications. Huge application of anomaly detection to detect and correct welding problems. Led by Abdelghani Khaldi

2022-07-04 04:20:40 @sarahookr When we were building the CALO "AI Assistant" back in 2006, we were saving all interactions (email, speech, desktop activity). Our system would exhaust memory in 4 days. Knowing what to ignore is the key to "sustainability" of AI systems

2022-07-03 10:55:32 @Sobheomiid @fchollet Never. Use a validation set instead.

2022-07-03 10:53:17 @unixpickle I agree that RL is smoothed out search. And search is a form of reasoning when it uses a model. What else could it be? Obviously the problem space matters, as any AI textbook will tell you

2022-07-02 22:50:10 @rao2z Maybe

2022-07-02 20:34:44 I think it is time to rethink in person conferences

2022-07-02 20:14:54 @DavidSKrueger Maybe it is inductive skepticism. During my whole time as an AI researcher, there have been advances described breathlessly as breakthroughs that turned out to be only incremental advances. The little AI Hype boy has cried wolf too many times.

2022-07-01 23:33:11 @erikbryn @percyliang @ilyasut @GaryMarcus @fchollet @JeffDean @DigEconLab This reminds me of a statement Stuart Russell once made. "A computer that simulates playing chess is actually playing chess". That applies here as well. But this is true only of formal, symbol-manipulation tasks, ironically.

2022-07-01 18:47:13 @IDoTheThinking Do you know how many people need to be within walking distance of a small grocery to make it financially viable?

2022-07-01 18:24:58 @MFordFuture @vardi Complete nonsense.

2022-07-01 17:00:14 @morris_frank_ @deliprao I still need to be convinced that these models are not just bad search engines that produce fluent sentences. Google can retrieve the wikipedia page for "overfitting", but that doesn't mean it understands the concept.

2022-07-01 16:09:24 @morris_frank_ @deliprao It can produce the right words. But how could it turn those words into actions? Let’s ask it what parts of its knowledge are the result of overfitting

2022-07-01 16:06:26 @IJCAIconf @rao2z But I agree with Rao here. Her intellectual contributions are not in deep learning. Aren’t they important? (And to whom am I speaking?)

2022-07-01 15:59:06 @replyallguy @Noahpinion Because traffic is a flow in a network , adding lanes can change which roads people choose to drive on. And traffic on some roads can increase even if no cars are added to the system.

2022-07-01 15:55:01 @deliprao More like just quoting the Bible. Does the system even know what overfitting is? No, it just knows the textual contexts in which the word is used

2022-07-01 15:53:14 @giffmana This is the same reason not to trust the original code either. Two independent implementations debugged against each other ftw.

2022-07-01 04:10:28 @3rdonthematch @ClaudeMotley @michaelharriot I agree she hasn't redeemed herself yet. But I hope she is on a path that leads there.

2022-07-01 00:32:00 @olcan @percyliang @RishiBommasani Isn't it surprising how confusing those two words are? Almost like it was a poor choice for that very reason...

2022-07-01 00:01:11 @percyliang @RishiBommasani Many of us think the reason it is still controversial is that you are still calling them "foundation" models. :-)

2022-07-01 00:00:10 @AiSimonThompson @deliprao That is obviously circular reasoning, but I wanted to move a step beyond Blum &

2022-06-30 23:58:48 @AiSimonThompson @deliprao Suppose the meta-level is a system for causal discovery and causal reasoning. It would naturally try to perform interventions on itself. Of course the conclusion (that it has free will) is presupposed by its ability to treat its experiments as interventions. 1/

2022-06-30 23:57:17 RT @brandonsilverm: I've been offline for most of the last week but thought I'd jump in with a few thoughts about the article below. belo…

2022-06-30 19:18:22 RT @maosbot: What is Probabilistic Numerics (PN)? To illustrate, take one core use case of PN— computing integrals. Most integrals are intr…

2022-06-30 19:12:59 @predict_addict @unsorsodicorda @Nils_Rethmeier @Aaroth @rohitrango @uai Thanks

2022-06-30 05:32:01 @michaelharriot Maybe not "hero". But it took and will continue to take a lot of courage to face down the journalists and the MAGA mob. Don't any of you believe in redemption? Or do you just want to pile on too?

2022-06-30 05:25:20 @adad8m @thomasahle @thegautamkamath Interestingness of the research, easy of entry to the field, ease of doing publishable research, job market after getting your degree, salaries of those jobs

2022-06-30 03:39:37 RT @tdietterich: @deliprao Very nice paper. I would add that a CTM that also observes and reasons about itself can conduct experiments to t…

2022-06-28 02:43:58 @Aaroth @rohitrango Exactly. Calibrated probabilities, prediction intervals, OOD detection, abstention, etc.

2022-06-27 22:09:39 @EthanJPerez Even curves like the one of the left should be ok IF the amount of data needs to scale exponentially. Perhaps limit the data scaling somehow?

2022-06-27 19:29:43 @Noahpinion What is the carbon footprint of building the runway capable of supporting takeoff and landing?

2022-06-27 19:08:43 Interesting @bing behavior. Is this wise, @microsoft?

2022-06-27 18:59:15 @POETSorg "eyes closed when they should have been openeyes open when they should have been closed"

2022-06-27 05:41:38 @butts_4_jesus I’d love to have this kind of info for flu and cold viruses too. Maybe we’ll have it in a few years

2022-06-27 05:39:29 @butts_4_jesus Well, suppose I m traveling internationally and want to estimate my risk of getting sick and stuck. Knowing the prevalence of different strains in different places can help.

2022-06-26 16:24:23 @florian_tramer @thegautamkamath @rasbt AI2 @allen_ai is an endowed research organization isn’t it?

2022-06-26 16:14:43 @rasbt @thegautamkamath I don’t think so. With a profile, you can clean up all of the mistakes: merge publications, delete ones that you didn’t write, etc.

2022-06-26 16:11:09 @Ar_Douillard Yes!

2022-06-26 16:02:13 @florian_tramer @thegautamkamath @rasbt @SemanticScholar

2022-06-26 16:00:05 @florian_tramer @thegautamkamath @rasbt “Pet project”?

2022-06-26 15:59:37 @florian_tramer @thegautamkamath @rasbt When I chaired the AAAI Fellows committee, we carefully normalized. 1000 citations in computer vision is roughly 500 in machine learning and 30 in AI planning, IIRC

2022-06-26 15:56:43 @florian_tramer @thegautamkamath @rasbt I like the metrics. Like all metrics, they must be interpreted with care. It would be nice to normalize by the size of the scientific community in which each paper appears.

2022-06-26 15:54:07 @jacyanthis @russelljkaplan The LLMs show much more evidence of memorized associations than of causal understanding. I am eager to see more analysis of the learned representations

2022-06-26 14:42:31 @thegautamkamath @rasbt Dblp + semanticscholar ftw

2022-06-26 14:27:32 @russelljkaplan I agree that more data would help, but we need better representations. Representations of the causal structure that produces the data. Transformers are not discovering them.

2022-06-26 03:32:22 @andyroyle_pwrc As someone who works at another OSU, I think Ohio State should be required to change their domain name to and relinquish

2022-06-25 20:30:12 @brewster_kahle Because babies smell wonderful

2022-06-25 18:28:12 @kchonyc and I would like to live in a country governed by the principle of one person-one vote

2022-06-25 01:29:16 @rajiinio @arxiv uses iThenticate too, I believe. So does AAAI, IIRC

2022-06-24 23:57:04 @TobyWalsh @BBC_Future Aha! That must be the secret to your productivity!

2022-06-24 20:01:46 From @zeynep. "I am not a technophobe. [...] I’m often an early adopter of tech, and get enthusiastic for its many potential uses. But I’m also a sociologist studying authoritarianism, and our digital infrastructure has become the infrastructure of authoritarianism."

2022-06-24 05:38:27 @thegautamkamath @CVPR I don't know the answer, but you can certainly report it to arXiv

2022-06-24 00:17:56 RT @sethmoulton: Just so everyone knows, these are the states - including Massachusetts - that had one of their gun laws overturned today.…

2022-06-23 21:50:09 @richardtomsett @histoftech DARPA has funded several relevant programs (Assured Autonomy, SAIL-ON, CAML, etc.). Several million dollars have been invested. Maybe the issue is one of tech transfer, of getting this stuff into production? @bigml is working in this space.

2022-06-23 16:15:22 @histoftech Workshop at last year's ICML:

2022-06-23 16:14:46 @histoftech Upcoming KDD workshop:

2022-06-23 16:14:03 @histoftech There is a very active research community on uncertainty quantification and out-of-distribution detection in machine learning. ICML workshop:

2022-06-23 16:08:51 @rao2z @roydanroy @_onionesque My advisor told me to only put into the future work section the work that aspects I did not intend to work on. Certainly don't make any promises!

2022-06-23 15:48:38 RT @roydanroy: @_onionesque Future work statements are best avoided in my opinion.

2022-06-23 03:28:57 @ChillAnonDragon @JesseDodge This is entirely irrelevant. The deep learning frameworks compile to cuda.

2022-06-22 16:37:04 @roydanroy @thegautamkamath @dustinvtran @ledell That's why I focused on how the information is used rather than permission to read it. But the ability to do probabilistic inference at scale may change society's view of this and lead to disallowing certain inferences (e.g., about diseases, pregnancies, etc.).

2022-06-22 16:33:03 @roydanroy @thegautamkamath @dustinvtran @ledell If you read a web site and then uses the information so-acquired to perform an illegal action, that is bad, right?

2022-06-22 16:24:21 The only thing more annoying that constant software updates is constant updates to the legal terms and conditions. @paypal just updated for, what, the third time this year? Frequent updates = dark pattern to discourage careful checking of the terms.

2022-06-22 16:22:17 @roydanroy @thegautamkamath @dustinvtran @ledell I think we, as a society, are still trying to understand what the terms of use should be for web sites. The acceptability of scraping to fit a model must depend on how that model will be used. Some uses are already illegal

2022-06-22 16:04:50 @ecsquendor @dustinvtran @ledell Society has long recognized the need for laws and norms, and the right for all members of society to participate in creating and enforcing them.

2022-06-22 05:21:55 @dustinvtran @ledell This letter is aimed at the entire R&

2022-06-22 04:18:04 @AlexGDimakis @tallinzen Yes, it means you were lucky and had a positive outcome. Also implies that you were not expecting it.

2022-06-22 04:16:53 @AlexGDimakis @tallinzen I still remember when I moved to New Jersey as a 12 year old and heard people using “lucked out”. I had no idea what it meant. So much for compositional semantics!

2022-06-22 02:47:23 @tejuafonja I looked at the Federal Register for this, since I had never heard of it. It seems that the intent is to reduce the brain drain from developing countries toward the US. I can see why some people would regard this as an anti-colonial rule. I don't know what to think...

2022-06-21 18:00:45 RT @percyliang: There are legitimate and scientifically valuable reasons to train a language model on toxic text, but the deployment of GPT…

2022-06-21 03:02:19 @roydanroy If Deep Learning didn't work so well, we would definitely not use it.

2022-06-21 03:01:46 @roydanroy Did we really say non-convex was wrong? It was just awkward and inconvenient. It still is.

2022-06-20 22:22:48 @AnikaFreeindeed Yes! Our challenge is to find a way to govern ourselves with kindness and respect

2022-06-20 21:03:32 @AmandaAskell I put a lot of weight on their learning ability rather than their knowledge or skill. They are already learning in utero.

2022-06-20 19:32:10 @Noahpinion How many times have you had it, @Noahpinion? It is easy to catch in SFO these days.

2022-06-20 19:04:29 RT @benbendc: Guidelines for journalists and editors about reporting on robots, AI, and computers @hcil_umd @umdcs…

2022-06-19 21:47:00 @ducha_aiki @arxiv @CVPR I just sent an email to the arXiv folks. Monday is a holiday, so I think their help desk is not operating tomorrow. Hopefully someone will see my emails.

2022-06-19 20:51:22 @dwf Yes, but I'll bet she isn't trying to show a powerpoint presentation with presenter mode on her screen and regular projection on the zoom screen and an in-room projector.

2022-06-19 18:58:23 It's interesting to watch industry folks (who use their own corporate telecon systems) struggle with Zoom. I'm sure I'd struggle when learning to use their systems too. It's just evidence of subcultures in tech.

2022-06-19 18:07:46 @IDoTheThinking This isn't strictly true. There is mandatory retesting in several states once you get old. But I agree that you should have to recertify just like pilots do. It would cost a lot to scale up testing capacity. Would the insurance companies pay for it?

2022-06-19 05:27:57 @Noahpinion Google is fighting a continual battle against spammers and vice versa. What is the equilibrium? Does web search become unusable or does spam have to start producing useful information?

2022-06-18 16:56:26 @rgblong Excellent thread

2022-06-18 05:52:05 @rao2z @GaryMarcus The LLM should be able to score the probability of the prompt. So maybe it will be easy to check for weird prompts?

2022-06-17 04:17:32 @GaryMarcus This incoherent prompt is presumably "out of distribution" for the training data, and in such cases, statistical learning shows its weaknesses! I wonder if anyone is working on OOD detection for LLMs.

2022-06-17 03:39:26 @DuncanARiach @TheSeaMouse @yaroslavvb I agree that we should strive to fix bugs. But these large models run in parallel on multiple processors, so they are stochastic and it can be very hard to replicate bugs

2022-06-16 23:31:28 Hey @nytimes. As a subscriber, I click on Twitter links to get to your stories and then click on the “read in app” link. Your new popup covers that link, which makes it useless. Please fix!

2022-06-16 20:02:54 RT @themarkup: NEW: Some of the country’s top hospitals have been sending sensitive patient information to Facebook.These hospitals may h…

2022-06-16 17:05:18 @roydanroy @otis_reid It has an asymptote at 1, so it can’t be sqrt

2022-06-16 15:20:51 @axelsoiv @jdcmedlock @mattyglesias And flat vs hilly (looking at biking in the Netherlands and Denmark)

2022-06-16 04:57:31 RT @seanmcgregor: "The Cavalcade of Unimagined AI Consequences"I am slotted to present 20 slides where each slide advances automatically…

2022-06-16 04:04:56 @chipro Congratulations!

2022-06-16 03:35:14 @demishassabis @geoffreyhinton @ylecun @DeepMind @fpa Congratulations!

2022-06-16 03:33:27 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @FelixHill84 @emilymbender Or better example: That's why we teach the heat equation.

2022-06-16 03:33:10 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @FelixHill84 @emilymbender That is why we teach Newton's physics in high school rather than having students memorize tables of the return times of comets.

2022-06-16 03:32:23 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @FelixHill84 @emilymbender But if there are systematic regularities concerning a concept such as "heat", and if I can reason with those, I can make actionable predictions in a much wider range of situations.

2022-06-16 03:31:11 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @FelixHill84 @emilymbender But I understand hot surfaces in many other ways if I can predict how long they take to heat up and cool off

2022-06-16 03:29:08 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @FelixHill84 @emilymbender As I've argued elsewhere, "understanding" is a matter of degree (or variety). Some understanding can just be a reflex and doesn't require simulation. My body understands extremely hot surfaces and retracts automatically when I touch one.

2022-06-16 02:48:14 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @FelixHill84 @emilymbender If you compute 5*7 by table lookup, have you done multiplication?

2022-06-16 01:42:38 @BallouxFrancois @seventiessally This will come in handy during fire season this summer…

2022-06-15 19:57:06 @fchollet The rest of us are the takers of posts

2022-06-15 19:45:01 @etzioni @geekwire Oren @etzioni, you have done such a fantastic job at AI2! Congratulations

2022-06-15 17:58:24 @peabody124 @dileeplearning @AndrewLampinen @spiantado @GaryMarcus @FelixHill84 @emilymbender I didn't say there is no meaning captured by LLMs. But it only relates one linguistic utterance to another without any grounding in non-linguistic action. That may be sufficient for some applications, but most applications will require connection to other effectors.

2022-06-15 16:49:44 @AndrewLampinen @dileeplearning @peabody124 @spiantado @GaryMarcus @FelixHill84 @emilymbender Yes, because in the robot case, the robot is doing the mapping. In the language case, WE are doing the mapping, not the LLM. Turning linguistic output into action requires language understanding

2022-06-15 16:19:58 @GaryMarcus @Tesla @elonmusk Everyone I know has purchased a Tesla because it is a great car and fun to drive. I don't see why FSD is important for Tesla's future as long as they continue to produce great cars.

2022-06-15 16:02:19 @willknight If glowing eyes are a requirement for sentience, we humans are in trouble...

2022-06-15 01:51:46 @Bobpi11Bobpi @capnsnarky For example, I could program my iphone to monitor the accelerometer signals and if I dropped it, the phone could play an audio clip of a scream. But I don't think it is feeling any pain.

2022-06-15 01:50:19 @Bobpi11Bobpi @capnsnarky The only known sentient systems (in the sense of having feelings) are biological. As a materialist, I don't rule out other possibilities. My only point is that I could create a digital mimic that was clearly not experiencing pain. 1/

2022-06-14 19:40:45 @emilymbender Excellent essay. I know these take a long time to write well

2022-06-14 19:40:03 RT @emilymbender: I think the main lesson from this week's AI sentience debate is the urgent need for transparency around so-called AI syst…

2022-06-14 16:00:41 @LucaAmb I thought this was a joke. Is there actually a paper?

2022-06-14 15:58:18 @minsukkahng @GoogleAI @OregonState We will miss you @OregonState Minsuk! Best wishes in your new position

2022-06-14 05:31:15 @ledell @Bob_Wachter It occurs to me that the age profile of the car accident deaths might be very different (younger) from the COVID deaths (older). So these may not be meaningful things to compare.

2022-06-13 23:11:29 RT @jeffrsebo: Today at the UK border:Border Guard: "Business or pleasure?"Me: "Business."BG: "What kind of business?"Me: "Academic ph…

2022-06-13 22:47:55 @bertmorrien about whether it is achieving the task, and if it is failing, it takes an additional action--alerting the home owner (or the pilot in the case of an autopilot).

2022-06-13 22:47:06 @bertmorrien I chose this example as an instance of the simplest possible form of self-awareness. In addition to performing the basic task (turning heat on/off based on the difference between target temperature and set point), the thermostat reasons at a "meta level" 1/

2022-06-13 22:03:47 @bertmorrien A standard thermostat doesn’t know when it is failing. If you leave the house windows open, it will waste huge amounts of energy trying in vain to heat the house

2022-06-13 22:01:02 @hobbesdream @LibertyDevin Indeed, there is a viral thread you may have seen today from a patient in extreme pain who was dismissed by hospital staff at NYU who didn’t believe him.

2022-06-13 21:53:11 @kareem_carr Sure would be nice to know

2022-06-13 19:15:42 @LibertyDevin I don't think we can let ourselves off the hook so easily. Our attitude toward, say, torture would be very different if we thought prisoners were just faking pain convincingly versus actually experiencing it.

2022-06-13 19:11:23 @unsorsodicorda @ml_angelopoulos @stats_stephen Sure

2022-06-13 19:03:38 @LibertyDevin The Turing Test is a test of convincing fakery. So while we are close to passing the test, it doesn't give us very useful capabilities (except perhaps for phishing attacks). It is not an important milestone.

2022-06-13 16:14:40 @unsorsodicorda @ml_angelopoulos @stats_stephen Yes, I’m cleaning up the code for release. Yes, this all presumes that the policy (and the world) is not changing its behavior

2022-06-13 03:48:13 @Noahpinion Caution: This is about "Large Scale AI Results". By definition, these require the large scale compute of the big internet companies. But this is a tiny fraction of "important AI research results".

2022-06-13 03:37:13 @__picaro8 I will be speaking about this at TU Delft on July 7, but I don't know whether that presentation will be recorded.

2022-06-13 01:06:38 Here are three prediction intervals (black lines) for three different starting states in an invasive species management problem. 18 was an easy starting state

2022-06-13 01:06:37 We build on beautiful work by Lei, et al (JASA 2018), Romano et al (, and Diquigiovanni, et al (

2022-06-13 01:06:36 We provide lower and upper prediction intervals lo(1),...,lo(H) and hi(1),...,hi(H) such that with probability 1 - delta, lo(t) <

2022-06-13 00:48:23 Before you press GO, you would like to have confidence that your robot will succeed at this task. Let b(1), ..., b(H) be real values that quantify the performance of the robot along the H-step trajectory of states, actions, and rewards. 4/

2022-06-12 04:30:14 @GaryMarcus Evergreen tweet! @MFordFuture please please read the critiques of the Turing Test.

2022-06-12 02:56:54 @sdbaral Thank you

2022-06-11 23:45:26 @sdbaral I can imagine some cases where testing *might* make sense depending on the accuracy of the test and prevalence of the disease: visiting people in hospital or nursing homes

2022-06-11 23:25:55 @sdbaral Those of us who like collecting data on ourselves (fitbit and Apple Watch owners) will provide a market for more and better testing. So the industry will survive and improve over time.

2022-06-11 03:54:49 @jaschasd @ethansdyer Cool! I was just submitting a paper to JMLR, and you have to click to add each new author.

2022-06-11 02:15:33 @mark_riedl @isbellHFh Kind of like the Canadian system

2022-06-10 19:05:51 @emilymbender @rajiinio @timnitGebru Yes. I should have said "additional" rather than "alternative". I agree they are all operating together

2022-06-10 18:54:39 @emilymbender @rajiinio @timnitGebru Two other hypotheses: (i) western civilization has a long and deep obsession with creating a human-like being, and AI is a continuation of this fascination. (ii) human-assistive systems are much harder to build and evaluate.

2022-06-10 18:26:15 @jaschasd I can imagine it took a long time to fill out the arxiv submission form! Scaling breaks a lot of things :-)

2022-06-10 17:41:35 @beenwrekt @ajlamesa @Bob_Wachter I don't find this argument convincing at all. Everyone will die eventually, too.

2022-06-10 17:41:10 @ajlamesa @beenwrekt @Bob_Wachter OK, what is the relative risk of long flu vs long COVID?

2022-06-10 17:39:16 @beenwrekt @ajlamesa @Bob_Wachter AFAIK, the seasonal flu doesn't give you long COVID.

2022-06-10 15:45:12 @beenwrekt @ajlamesa What would be the best metrics to publish for those of us trying to avoid catching COVID? I like @Bob_Wachter’s test positivity of non-COVID hospital admits at UCSF. I wish it were available everywhere

2022-06-10 14:40:41 RT @MarkHertling: Normally I have no problem sleeping. But after watching the first Congressional 1/6 report, I needed to write some thing…

2022-06-10 06:07:27 RT @togelius: To people who complain about moving goalposts for AI: this is how it has always been, since the inception of the field. This…

2022-06-10 02:25:07 @Noahpinion Nice line: "for a great-power conflict to be prosecuted so cheaply is unprecedented in our history". I keep thinking the Russians forgot that proxy wars should be fought by proxies.

2022-06-10 01:59:02 @BallouxFrancois So I think it is primarily regional variations.

2022-06-10 01:58:30 @BallouxFrancois I took a 2-hour flight yesterday from Los Angeles to Eugene Oregon. I estimate 80% of passengers were masked on board. However, multiple pilots and flight attendants in LAX were unmasked

2022-06-10 00:14:59 @gideonmann To be more precise, I'd like to see which training sentences are responsible for this generalization. This is a form of "explanation by attribution". Some classifiers, such as k-nearest neighbors, can easily provide this. Is anyone looking at this for transformer networks?

2022-06-09 23:31:15 @gideonmann I’m really interested in questions like this—where we try to understand the statistical basis for an observed generalization. Who is studying this?

2022-06-09 21:26:09 @PartnershipAI @cao_xuenan @1optimizer @mtlaiethics Yes

2022-06-09 18:44:05 (Joking / Not Joking)

2022-06-09 18:42:57 I propose that we call large pretrained language models Sorry Models. They are trained on a sorry excuse for language use, and when they are applied to subsequent tasks, we keep having to say "I'm sorry" when they make stupid and/or dangerous mistakes.

2022-06-09 04:43:07 @roydanroy @AlexGDimakis @pfau @raphaelmilliere @ylecun Also linear predictive coding

2022-06-09 04:14:30 @compthink @fchollet Another version of this was "if an AI can perform Y using mechanism X, then X must be a lower bound on the (complexity of the) mechanism that humans use." As a grad student, I believed this until my psych professor showed me how misframed the whole line of reasoning is.

2022-06-09 04:11:56 @yudapearl Congratulations!

2022-06-09 00:01:31 @MelMitchell1 by @hannawallach @az_jacobs

2022-06-08 23:58:59 @MelMitchell1 But it is worth asking, "Suppose we took these constructions seriously as models, how would we evaluate them?" What phenomena are they modeling? How should we measure the correctness of the models. That leads us measurement theory (e.g.,

2022-06-08 23:54:10 @MelMitchell1 We could decide to banish the word "model" from our vocabulary and just call these things "systems" or "constructions". 3/

2022-06-08 23:52:28 @MelMitchell1 Statisticians call their fitted equations "models" meaning statistical models. ML people borrowed the term from both of these traditions. 2/

2022-06-08 23:51:34 @MelMitchell1 In the early days of AI, "models" usually meant models of human performance (cognitive models), although they rarely deserved the name. Only a few of them were actually compared against observational data. 1/

2022-06-08 23:02:01 @cgarciae88 It seems to me that we need better infrastructure for key management. Students make mistakes like this all the time

2022-06-08 22:02:48 @avehtari Cool ideas

2022-06-08 22:01:55 @dustinvtran @avehtari It is fine to update an arxiv submission to fix typos. But your first version should be finished and ready for people to read (ie not just a first draft). Please add a comment summarizing the changes

2022-06-08 21:20:37 @igrgavilan @GaryMarcus I've also seen product-oriented corporate groups that publish their results on public benchmarks because their in-house data is proprietary. This can appear to outsiders as benchmark chasing.

2022-06-08 21:08:44 @igrgavilan @GaryMarcus Surely companies pursue products rather than either benchmarks or foundational ideas. But I agree that many research groups design and pursue benchmarks. Gary himself has proposed some benchmarks as part of his bet with Elon Musk

2022-06-08 20:54:35 @boazbaraktcs Centuries of technology and experiments.

2022-06-08 18:16:04 @TheSeaMouse @yaroslavvb We can do better

2022-06-07 23:28:56 @JHWeissmann There is also the question of how many kids to have. I chose to stop at 2 for ecological reasons. That was 35 years ago, when climate was just one of many ecological considerations

2022-06-07 21:49:52 @blairasaservice @SkotBotCambo Obviously both the technology and the organizations need to change. As a technologist, I will focus on the tech and collaborate with people who are experts in organizations. Please read beyond the headlines.

2022-06-07 04:23:17 @fchollet The agent perspective is fine as long as the operations are at a sufficiently high level. Looping over the elements of an array is difficult for students to wrap their minds around and teaches them bad habits. I love vector and matrix commands as single instructions!

2022-06-07 04:20:37 @fchollet Programs in prolog have both a declarative and an imperative reading. To know how to use "cut", you need to understand the imperative reading. The really cool idea is parameter passing by unification (bi-directional matching).

2022-06-07 04:11:45 @roydanroy @edwardhkennedy Twitter need a *groan* button

2022-06-06 05:59:35 RT @mariashriver: On this day in 1968, before many of you might even have been born, my uncle, Robert F. Kennedy was gunned down while runn…

2022-06-06 05:24:28 @AlexGDimakis @MikePFrank This is an area where I hope the cognitive scientists can help us. Maybe they can tell us how the brain decides what to save and what to discard. Maybe this can also be formulated as an RL problem?

2022-06-05 21:31:03 @MikePFrank @AlexGDimakis Many of us think this is the purpose of episodic memory. Our brains learn what is worth remembering and index it for later retrieval. This scales better than a naive implementation of attention.

2022-06-05 19:38:46 @fchollet I suspect that on the academic side, this reflects the fact that the research is being done by graduate students who are just learning how to do research. The PhD is primarily a training process. The 3-year scope of grant funding may play a big role too

2022-06-05 05:42:55 @TheSeaMouse @yaroslavvb But we should not be satisfied with such solutions. Our goal should be fully automated ML.

2022-06-05 05:12:34 @tejuafonja @black_in_ai @CarnegieMellon @datascifellows How exciting! Looking forward to learning about your project

2022-06-05 01:00:01 @matloff @banburismus_ Yes, the RKHS Representer Theorem is definitely a thing of beauty!

2022-06-04 22:03:58 @matloff @banburismus_ For me, elegance means we understand why it works and when it fails, and the explanations are simple.

2022-06-04 22:03:12 @matloff @banburismus_ Not closed form, but it IS convex. I mentioned it because theory more or less preceded experiment (or emerged simultaneously). And the main design decisions were driven by theoretical understanding. But I guess we have different definitions of elegance

2022-06-04 19:05:20 @matloff @banburismus_ I think the thread listed lots of elegance. But elegance usually lags behind experimental engineering. Two exceptions: boosting and SVMs

2022-06-04 16:06:29 @jason_pontin Yes, all of these "are indicative of" academic writing disease

2022-06-03 22:52:57 @ShannonSkalos Agreed! R doesn’t wiggle and actively oppose me

2022-06-03 17:50:21 @GaryMarcus If we focus on the right goal, then implementation issues (such as vigilance) will get the right attention that they need :-)

2022-06-03 17:23:12 @GaryMarcus As many others have pointed out, the goal (and metric) should be the safety and efficiency of the combined human+car system. The focus on 100% automation distracts from this goal

2022-06-03 05:40:44 @sethlazar @FAccTConference It is so exciting to see this field grow and mature! Thank you to everyone

2022-06-02 19:32:46 @Miles_Brundage Such fun!

2022-06-02 03:44:03 @plevy But of course the learning agent has given up the ability to learn or to detect that the environment has changed. So under the definition of intelligence as "flexible ability to solve new problems", it has ceased to be intelligent @GaryMarcus

2022-06-02 03:41:36 @plevy You can argue that in the closed world of ALE, this is optimal intelligent behavior. It achieves the task with minimum energy expenditure.

2022-06-02 03:40:31 @plevy Correction: This was for Pong and a couple of other Atari Learning Environment games. Read more here:

2022-06-02 03:33:07 @plevy Alan Fern has an interesting finding about DQN and Breakout. It turns out that in the ALE setup, Breakout is completely deterministic. Once DQN learns a policy, it then learns to ignore its percepts and play open loop. It is basically a sea squirt. 1/

2022-06-01 21:44:15 I recall seeing some work (from Berkeley)? Where the supervision at the image level just listed the set of object classes present, they were able to learn to recognize the objects (in new images).

2022-06-01 21:26:40 Computer vision twitter: I'm trying to find the earliest work where researchers matched captions to detections to learn to classify people. I'm also interested in the earliest work for learning to classify objects from image-level weak supervision. References?

2022-06-01 21:05:34 @GaryMarcus It is certainly a measure of people. Each paper has 3-4 authors. It is also a measure of the mind share of the research community as distinct from the twitter community

2022-06-01 19:54:43 @GaryMarcus Every day, cs.LG on arXiv releases around 100 papers in machine learning. I would guess only 2-3 per day relate to LLMs. The most popular category is federated learning. Physics-informed ML and ML-informed physics is also bigger than LLMs on ML arXiv.

2022-06-01 19:24:03 @GaryMarcus Is that true? Even inside Google, what fraction of the budget goes to LLMs? Prominence on Twitter can be misleading

2022-06-01 18:53:04 @GaryMarcus The first four apply to all AI research, don't they Gary? CYC was never published

2022-06-01 04:55:45 @Plinz @rao2z @giannis_daras So if asked to give subtitles, it will potentially generate different letters each time? Will they also project to the same place? Maybe not...

2022-06-01 04:28:53 @rao2z @Plinz @giannis_daras Is the text idempotent? If not, can we iterate to find the attractors?

2022-06-01 00:04:00 @mark_riedl Your shibboleth is an absence

2022-05-31 19:29:26 @DrTrapezio @FryRsquared She is such an amazing human being and so good at explaining things--even such personal things.

2022-05-31 19:25:14 @mark_riedl We've certainly observed before that cluster centers (found by clustering algorithms) may not correspond to realizable data. Is this a technique for finding those centers? Can this work for non-text too?

2022-05-31 17:50:38 RT @giannis_daras: DALLE-2 has a secret language. "Apoploe vesrreaitais" means birds. "Contarra ccetnxniams luryca tanniounons" means bug…

2022-05-31 17:50:35 @giannis_daras This is wild!

2022-05-31 16:05:26 @beenwrekt @ducha_aiki @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt I trust Bob Wachter, who they quote.

2022-05-31 15:33:21 @beenwrekt @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt Well, I'll keep reading your excellent papers despite our disagreement about masks :-)

2022-05-31 15:32:23 @beenwrekt @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt The Cochrane article mostly concludes that existing studies are too flawed to provide much evidence. That's disappointing

2022-05-31 15:26:49 @beenwrekt @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt I'll take a look. I thought the @nytimes had a good article today:

2022-05-31 15:26:18 @beenwrekt @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt Uh, this is not a valid argument

2022-05-31 15:19:32 @beenwrekt @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt This needs to be qualified, yes? Are you specifically talking about masks in lower grades in schools? There seem to be many studies showing effectiveness in general.

2022-05-31 15:13:07 @deliprao I don't think you have been imprisoned. That would limit many other freedoms in addition to free speech. There is nothing stopping you from publishing a newspaper, starting a blog, etc. You just can't demand that, say, the New York Times publishes your writing.

2022-05-31 15:10:55 @deliprao It doesn't limit your reach to your own followers.

2022-05-31 14:15:33 @deliprao Free speech doesn’t mean you are guaranteed an audience.

2022-05-31 14:14:24 @beenwrekt @drlucymcbride @ShiraDoronMD @TuftsMedicalCtr @DLeonhardt All our lives have been disrupted. But by the virus, not the masks. For me, the question is whether masks can help us return to normal

2022-05-30 21:40:59 @taaltree Principal component regression combines both the rotation of the coordinate axes and the selection of variables. Maybe worth considering

2022-05-30 16:56:27 @_onionesque This is an all-star team. I love their work and their writing

2022-05-30 03:19:28 @hangingnoodles @GaryMarcus It is a safe bet that current transformer models can't adequately represent this knowledge. But they capture SOME of it through its connection to prior and subsequent utterances in the training data.

2022-05-30 03:17:51 @hangingnoodles @GaryMarcus Alas, we can't easily access "what we know about their referents". It manifests in hundreds of (often small) changes in behavior (including subsequent utterances). It is not at all obvious how to represent this knowledge.

2022-05-30 01:42:35 @flipphillips @seeingwithsound @rasbt @LucaAmb But of course that wasn’t the point of the experiment. Sheesh

2022-05-29 20:42:48 @nelslindahl @GaryMarcus I share your concern. At the undergraduate level, I advise most research-oriented students to major in math or physics rather than CS. Does anyone have pointers to an undergraduate ML/data science program that matches the rigor of the best EE or MechE programs?

2022-05-29 20:31:13 @nelslindahl @GaryMarcus Meanwhile, there is excellent research in applying ML in engineering problems in materials science, mechanical design, VLSI layout, and so on.

2022-05-29 20:30:37 @nelslindahl @GaryMarcus I don't know about schools in India, but in my experience in the US, there are some engineering faculty who just surf one fad after another. "Crowding out" doesn't seem to be an apt description of that behavior.

2022-05-29 20:13:27 @nelslindahl @GaryMarcus I see a lot of these papers submitted to @arxiv. We try to reject simple data analysis exercises that lack a research contribution either to ML or to the application field.

2022-05-29 20:12:05 @nelslindahl @GaryMarcus Every field that builds easy-to-use tools risks creating a broad user community that doesn't understand the underlying techniques and assumptions. But this posting isn't about that. It is about doing superficial applied ML to exploit what we could call the "network fad effect"

2022-05-29 17:27:43 @GaryMarcus @rogerkmoore I remember when I first studied formal language theory that viewing a language as a set of strings seems like such an impoverished view. But over time we become accustomed to our definitions and forget their unnaturalness.

2022-05-29 17:03:21 @GaryMarcus @rogerkmoore The Chomsky hierarchy describes formal languages. Perhaps this is where the error began? Or was the error to confuse formal languages with natural languages?

2022-05-29 16:48:56 @TaliaRinger Interesting! Can you point us to something that explains non-discrete logics?

2022-05-29 16:02:28 @rasbt @professorwcohen I’m not going to read either one on my phone. Just bookmark for later.

2022-05-29 15:53:36 @MatthewJBar Separately, are some non consequentialist rules stable equilibria for multiparty decision making?

2022-05-29 15:51:42 @MatthewJBar Aren’t there computational limits to computing the consequences of actions? Having simpler rules for decision making avoids this problem.

2022-05-29 02:13:46 @sarahookr @_joaogui1 I think we are moving into a period of hardware/software co-design. We can’t design them separately anymore and expect good results

2022-05-28 19:29:16 @RichardSSutton This definition doesn't appear to encompass learning. It could describe a system that is just applying an innate skill.

2022-05-28 02:00:24 @kchonyc An attempt by non authors to muscle their way onto a paper?

2022-05-27 23:37:00 @Noahpinion The Left has been out of power so long they have forgotten what winning looks like.

2022-05-27 21:02:08 RT @tdietterich: @rao2z Drew McDermott was a giant of AI. He inspired and challenged the whole AI research community

2022-05-27 21:01:59 @rao2z Drew McDermott was a giant of AI. He inspired and challenged the whole AI research community

2022-05-27 04:32:04 @chris_j_paxton Maybe legged instead of wheeled?

2022-05-26 19:37:44 RT @AaronHertzmann: Here are some impressions from using DALL-E 2 to make art, and what it tells us about computational creativity and the…

2022-05-26 18:32:02 @NandoDF @roydanroy @JayAlammar Thank you for correcting me. I read the paper last week and I'm already confusing some of the details. Sorry

2022-05-26 17:52:41 @MWCvitkovic One can argue that as a scientist you shouldn't run a safety trial on human volunteers unless you have first run it on yourself. I know of at least one pharma researcher with this attitude

2022-05-26 15:50:46 RT @arxiv: We're hiring! The arXiv Technical Director will lead the effort to update arXiv’s technical design and implementation, in order…

2022-05-26 15:18:55 @roydanroy @JayAlammar @NandoDF

2022-05-26 15:17:44 @roydanroy @JayAlammar AI researchers have long wondered about the degree of overlap between different tasks or bodies of knowledge. Perhaps analysis of GATO can tell us something about that

2022-05-26 15:15:58 @roydanroy @JayAlammar Yes, this is joint distillation of multiple previously-learned teacher models into a single student model. So the interesting question to me is how much structure it is able to share across the tasks

2022-05-26 15:05:09 @emilymbender Wow. Just wow.

2022-05-26 04:52:45 @emilymbender A good option is to reply to the thread (by replying to the first tweet) and then retweet your reply if you want your followers to contribute to the original conversation. A quote tweet creates a separate conversation and invites chaos

2022-05-26 00:26:53 @_julesh_ Leo Breiman used to call these “comfort theorems”. Any model family that does not have such a theorem is limited.

2022-05-25 23:32:39 @NandoDF @JayAlammar [Obviously this requires more thought than fits into a tweet. I don't think I have any particularly insightful experiments to propose.]

2022-05-25 23:31:05 @NandoDF @JayAlammar I read that part, and it is interesting, but I was wondering if there is a way to analyze shared activations or other forms of explanation across the training tasks. Maybe ablating some network regions would leave some tasks intact but destroy others?

2022-05-25 22:59:09 @JayAlammar Is there any evidence that GATO is anything more than a big switch? Are there interesting nuggets of shareable knowledge identified across tasks? It certainly seems like GATO is using a lot fewer parameters than the teacher networks from which it was trained

2022-05-25 22:54:53 @Noahpinion In hard times, every incumbent is unpopular. We have a huge "hope deficit" about the economy, COVID, crime, climate change, etc. Time for a new hope candidate!

2022-05-25 18:03:56 @haldaume3 We were fortunate to have Priscilla's help in several ICML meetings as well. Thank you!

2022-05-25 18:03:07 @jbensnyder My daughter does field work in bear country, and she can use a revolver or shotgun for bear defense.

2022-05-25 02:48:07 @joeyliaw Both systems create amazing images. Very nice!

2022-05-25 02:12:36 @rogtron Exactly! The murderers are people who own guns or who have stolen guns from their owners. Can we think creatively about how to achieve a huge reduction in gun crime?

2022-05-25 00:15:21 The onus is on gun owners to develop an effective proposal for ending gun violence. If they can't, then gun ownership must end.

2022-05-24 23:57:45 @gluonspring @Noahpinion Yes, and the most innovative engineers operate at the frontier of what is possible. They confront immense uncertainty AND risks to human lives and well being.

2022-05-24 23:18:35 @gluonspring @Noahpinion I don't know, but engineers generally don't need to grapple with the same levels of extreme uncertainty as scientists do.

2022-05-24 23:01:49 @Noahpinion Engineers as a group are politically more conservative than scientists in my experience. (Although this may be changing with more women engineering faculty members.)

2022-05-24 16:31:01 @gautamcgoel It depends on the system under control. RL for Go or theorem proving doesn’t raise any of these issues. But real-time physical interaction is a “different game”

2022-05-24 15:51:19 @AlexGDimakis Is there an LLM that solves reasoning puzzles? I.e., as opposed to replaying a solution discovered by some other mechanism like Gato?

2022-05-24 06:03:52 @roydanroy @Uber Uber offers full recording via the app in some countries, why not all?

2022-05-23 21:57:35 @MaximZiatdinov @GaryMarcus @kristintynski @ylecun @JefferyAGoldst1 @miguelisolano @peterfoldiak Are there any papers where people have applied GAN or VAE-type models to learn novel augmentations?

2022-05-22 23:46:13 @miguelisolano @GaryMarcus What is the best statement of the scaling hypothesis?

2022-05-22 15:55:04 @TDeryugina @RicciMilstein I want the right to be able to use my laptop. If the seats are spaced sufficiently far apart, they can recline and I can still use my laptop.

2022-05-21 20:56:16 @laurajfagan Yes

2022-05-21 20:51:43 Very disappointed in this @united

2022-05-21 16:24:29 RT @dribnet: Homage to the Pixel: a generative study of computational color perception. Often I manipulate shapes and colors using machine…

2022-05-21 15:21:06 @mlittmancs How wonderful! Thank you for taking on this service to the country and the research community

2022-05-21 14:34:34 @sarameghanbeery Congratulations!

2022-05-20 22:25:33 RT @TobyWalsh:

2022-05-20 14:50:32 @wooldridgemike Congratulations!

2022-05-20 14:41:18 @pfau Two data points should be enough to define a trend

2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-10-29 05:45:04 @matloff Yeah

2022-10-29 05:37:23 @ylecun Is there any evidence that this is more than a preprogrammed procedure?

2022-10-29 05:34:08 @boazbaraktcs Academic Twitter includes Academic #metoo (as it should). Then come the trolls. But presumably the trolls will come to mastodon too.

2022-10-29 05:30:09 @DKThomp @Noahpinion We always want to find a scapegoat. That’s why my prior is for a wild origin. The evidence continues to be ambiguous

2022-10-29 05:23:11 @deliprao This is why I liked teaching intro algorithms. You can teach TRUTH (eg sorting).

2022-10-29 05:05:04 Great thread by my colleague @taaltree on why being a professor is a great job

2022-10-28 04:56:24 I am now Will cross-tweet for now

2022-10-27 23:06:50 @aaronharris @Noahpinion I guess the courts will decide that question:

2022-10-27 21:34:36 @aaronharris @Noahpinion Monopoly over the Apple App store and all financial transactions that go through it.

2022-10-27 16:09:35 RT @predict_addict: The long (17 years!) wait is over.The second edition of the ALRW book (Conformal Prediction Bible) written by the c…

2022-10-27 05:40:36 @roydanroy @KevinKaichuang Me too. Entrapment effort?

2022-10-27 04:59:32 @Noahpinion The harms caused by Apple are the standard harms of a monopoly. The harms of Facebook (and social media in general) threaten societies around the world through the toxic behavior that they enable. I agree that anti-trust is more relevant to the former.

2022-10-27 02:13:32 @Abebab Just being true to its history…

2022-10-26 03:05:48 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng I think the two generations are very different. The first was triumphal, but today we are all extremely mindful of the fragility of freedom, health, and peace. end/

2022-10-26 03:03:52 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng She writes "The new cold warriors are not so different from their counterparts a generation ago, who preached that marketisation and free trade would usher in political liberalisation. Both narratives stem from an unabashed belief in the supremacy of their own system..." 2/

2022-10-26 03:03:27 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng I am always moved by @yangyang_cheng's writing, and this piece is no exception. For a whole host of reasons, we have all entered a state of perpetual mourning. But I disagree with one statement. 1/

2022-10-25 15:27:22 @Raza_Habib496 @yoavgo Interesting, thanks.

2022-10-25 00:11:52 @yoavgo I'm not sure what it would mean to be "about language", but existing models are certainly not "about communication" because an LLM is not an agent and has no communicative goals

2022-10-25 00:08:41 @schwellenbach But it isn't exactly a surprise is it? Anyone paying attention knows that Eric Schmidt has been devoting a lot of his time to AI. (I have no special insight

2022-10-24 17:33:48 RT @GaelVaroquaux: #NeurIPS2022 paper: easily reusable benchmark that shows that deep learning underperforms…

2022-10-24 15:52:43 @MelMitchell1 @arxiv You might consider withdrawing and resubmitting the paper with the correct categories. Long delays are usu caused by discussions among moderators about the best category. These can get stalled because the discussion UI is clunky.

2022-10-24 15:49:40 @tinaeliassi @davecliff @MelMitchell1 @arxiv We clear the cs.LG category every day. (If we didn't, we would drown in submissions and never recover.) That should never be the category that is holding up a release.

2022-10-24 04:17:28 Interesting housing story in the @latimes. I knew the racist history of Los Angeles was bad, but it was much worse than I had realized.

2022-10-24 01:27:17 @cjmaddison I would rephrase this as" It is by the grace of God AND the measures you are taking (vaccination, masking)". Those measures are not useless, but they provide no guarantees

2022-10-24 01:23:40 @rasbt I'd like to see metrics for ease of tuning or insensitivity to hyperparameters. More radical: It is not an algorithm until all tuning is automated. I guess that would be required for third-party evaluation.

2022-10-23 22:02:41 @cloudquistador @emilymbender Excellent point! Thanks for clarifying

2022-10-23 21:25:39 @AnthroPunk @emilymbender Yes, and I take very seriously the idea that human intelligence may have evolved primarily to support social interaction. I think that is why so many of our AI benchmarks seem to be mis-targeted.

2022-10-23 21:23:10 @cloudquistador @emilymbender Yes. I'm not sure what you mean by "aiming in error". Are we focusing on the wrong target behaviors?

2022-10-23 20:17:48 @cloudquistador @emilymbender The achievement of aerodynamics is that we (mostly) understand what material properties are required to mimic birds. It would be wonderful to have similar insights into the computational/biological substrates required to mimic human cognition in detail.

2022-10-23 19:50:25 @emilymbender At some level of detail, they fly for the same reasons.

2022-10-23 19:49:38 @emilymbender They fly.

2022-10-23 19:44:17 @emilymbender But I agree it is difficult to define the "functional behavior" of cognition, and that seems to be a major stumbling block in these discussions

2022-10-23 19:43:22 @emilymbender Hmm. If airplanes are not models of avian flight behavior, comparisons to avian flight behavior are only marketing/hype? I think there can be global functional comparisons without any claim that the underlying detailed structure is a "model"

2022-10-23 04:19:29 @deliprao I do love the feeling that the computer is going to work all night while I get to sleep.

2022-10-23 03:08:42 @deliprao This is an opportunity to get in touch with the early years of computing. In every generation, our ambitions outstrip the hardware and we must wait for computations to finish.

2022-10-22 22:47:02 @earnmyturns @Noahpinion And Spain was having enough trouble holding on to Catalonia, which continues to this day.

2022-10-22 21:21:07 @GaryMarcus I don't know how to quantify progress, so I don't know if it is exponential. But we have been making progress on dealing with change/novelty. e.g., Bryan Loyall at CRA leads an exciting project:

2022-10-22 21:15:51 @tejuafonja Instead, it is the one that is most clearly written and that clarifies the fundamentals. The paper that explains what is happening and why.

2022-10-22 21:14:53 @tejuafonja A reason not to wait is if you are in a race with some other research groups. But it is easy to worry too much about this. Good, mature work is a more valuable contribution than rushed, immature work. Usually the most cited/appreciated work is not the very first paper on a topic

2022-10-22 21:13:12 @tejuafonja One reason to wait is that if you publicize the unimproved version of your paper, that is the version people will read. And they may dismiss it or misunderstand it. After improvement via peer review, they will hopefully understand and appreciate it much more

2022-10-22 21:11:47 @tejuafonja It depends on how confident they are that the work is ready for public examination. I usually prefer to have a round of peer review before going public with my work. That can be internal peer review if you are part of a large enough organization.

2022-10-22 19:29:36 RT @tdietterich: @denny_zhou Nonsense. Each deployed app is a choice. I hope this attitude is not representative of Google brain as an orga…

2022-10-22 19:29:24 @denny_zhou Nonsense. Each deployed app is a choice. I hope this attitude is not representative of Google brain as an organization

2022-10-21 23:23:23 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen *Most of the areas within these fields

2022-10-21 23:21:26 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen But most of these fields don't need gate keeping.

2022-10-21 23:20:42 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen The physicists have to deal with variations on perpetual motion and theories of everything.

2022-10-21 23:20:17 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen In computer science, the sensitive areas are (a) proofs that P=NP, (b) papers claiming to diagnose COVID using chest x-rays and deep learning, (c) papers claiming to forecast COVID using fancy time series analysis.

2022-10-21 19:47:20 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen Most areas of science and engineering don’t draw the attention of the media or the trolls. But I agree that there are some areas that require careful filtering

2022-10-21 00:15:06 @scottjshapiro I assume this particular tweet was aimed at philosophers, but it certainly applies generally. Technologists need to have a basic understanding of political theory, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and economics to analyze the broader context of their work.

2022-10-21 00:13:00 @scottjshapiro Whenever you cross disciplinary borders, it is best to have someone from that discipline as an escort. Interdisciplinary work requires a big investment to understand the concerns and conceptual structures of each discipline.

2022-10-20 20:33:05 @randall_balestr @sindero Tree ensembles create empty partitions, too, by intersecting no empty partitions. It is not obvious that this is a good thing

2022-10-20 16:59:00 @rasbt There is usually one spiking net paper per day on ArXiv

2022-10-20 14:53:59 @MazMHussain I always figured South Asian was adopted to remind people in the West that there are lots more Asians than just Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans.

2022-10-20 00:39:13 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai The DL frameworks make neural net assignments more reliable, but tuning is still a black hole for students. end/

2022-10-20 00:37:22 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai Back in the 90s, a colleague of mine said "If I give a neural network assignment, only 10% of the students can get it to work. If I assign an SVM, 90% get it to work, and they all get the same answer." 2/

2022-10-20 00:35:48 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai Even in the 1990s, shallow neural networks could beat SVMs in the right hands. But they were much more difficult to tune and slower to train. The big advantage of SVMs was that the optimization problem was convex and they are very insensitive to the margin parameter C. 1/

2022-10-19 22:43:20 @davidthewid And one junior faculty member stepped up and did a lot of informal advising too

2022-10-19 22:42:19 @davidthewid In countries such as Canada, where funding goes directly to students, the power issues are reduced. But that still doesn’t fix the single advisor problem. My fellow students in grad school ended up advising each other during the 1980s AI boom

2022-10-19 19:10:33 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai What has increased monotonically is the amount of data available for training

2022-10-19 19:10:02 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai This is a simplification. There were intermediate points along the way where compute loads decreased. For example, when we switched to SVMs from 1980s neural networks.

2022-10-19 16:54:03 @davidmanheim @Noahpinion As long as the US continues to send $3B per year in military aid to Israel, can't it expect cooperation in military affairs?

2022-10-30 05:27:59 @Miles_Brundage @Lee_Morgan7 In a previous Twitter discussion, someone suggested "Large Corpus Models"

2022-10-29 22:32:04 @adawan919 @ylecun Evolution has no goal. It is stochastic forward search followed by natural selection (eg reproductive success or failure).

2022-10-29 22:30:42 @adawan919 @ylecun “Planning”, as we use it in AI, involves assembling a sequence of actions to achieve a goal. Efficient planning algorithms incorporate the goal into the search.

2022-10-29 16:15:21 @adawan919 @ylecun Natural selection does not plan

2022-10-29 15:48:28 @rao2z @SheilaMcIlraith That paper shows how to automatically extend the state space to convert non-Markovian reward specifications into Markovian reward functions

2022-10-29 15:47:38 @rao2z Yes, when teaching MDPs, I tend to focus too much on the Markovian transitions and not enough on the Markovian rewards. I love @SheilaMcIlraith's work on more expressive languages for expressing reward functions:

2022-10-29 05:45:04 @matloff Yeah

2022-10-29 05:37:23 @ylecun Is there any evidence that this is more than a preprogrammed procedure?

2022-10-29 05:34:08 @boazbaraktcs Academic Twitter includes Academic #metoo (as it should). Then come the trolls. But presumably the trolls will come to mastodon too.

2022-10-29 05:30:09 @DKThomp @Noahpinion We always want to find a scapegoat. That’s why my prior is for a wild origin. The evidence continues to be ambiguous

2022-10-29 05:23:11 @deliprao This is why I liked teaching intro algorithms. You can teach TRUTH (eg sorting).

2022-10-29 05:05:04 Great thread by my colleague @taaltree on why being a professor is a great job

2022-10-28 04:56:24 I am now Will cross-tweet for now

2022-10-27 23:06:50 @aaronharris @Noahpinion I guess the courts will decide that question:

2022-10-27 21:34:36 @aaronharris @Noahpinion Monopoly over the Apple App store and all financial transactions that go through it.

2022-10-27 16:09:35 RT @predict_addict: The long (17 years!) wait is over.The second edition of the ALRW book (Conformal Prediction Bible) written by the c…

2022-10-27 05:40:36 @roydanroy @KevinKaichuang Me too. Entrapment effort?

2022-10-27 04:59:32 @Noahpinion The harms caused by Apple are the standard harms of a monopoly. The harms of Facebook (and social media in general) threaten societies around the world through the toxic behavior that they enable. I agree that anti-trust is more relevant to the former.

2022-10-27 02:13:32 @Abebab Just being true to its history…

2022-10-26 03:05:48 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng I think the two generations are very different. The first was triumphal, but today we are all extremely mindful of the fragility of freedom, health, and peace. end/

2022-10-26 03:03:52 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng She writes "The new cold warriors are not so different from their counterparts a generation ago, who preached that marketisation and free trade would usher in political liberalisation. Both narratives stem from an unabashed belief in the supremacy of their own system..." 2/

2022-10-26 03:03:27 @mhar4 @yangyang_cheng I am always moved by @yangyang_cheng's writing, and this piece is no exception. For a whole host of reasons, we have all entered a state of perpetual mourning. But I disagree with one statement. 1/

2022-10-25 15:27:22 @Raza_Habib496 @yoavgo Interesting, thanks.

2022-10-25 00:11:52 @yoavgo I'm not sure what it would mean to be "about language", but existing models are certainly not "about communication" because an LLM is not an agent and has no communicative goals

2022-10-25 00:08:41 @schwellenbach But it isn't exactly a surprise is it? Anyone paying attention knows that Eric Schmidt has been devoting a lot of his time to AI. (I have no special insight

2022-10-24 17:33:48 RT @GaelVaroquaux: #NeurIPS2022 paper: easily reusable benchmark that shows that deep learning underperforms…

2022-10-24 15:52:43 @MelMitchell1 @arxiv You might consider withdrawing and resubmitting the paper with the correct categories. Long delays are usu caused by discussions among moderators about the best category. These can get stalled because the discussion UI is clunky.

2022-10-24 15:49:40 @tinaeliassi @davecliff @MelMitchell1 @arxiv We clear the cs.LG category every day. (If we didn't, we would drown in submissions and never recover.) That should never be the category that is holding up a release.

2022-10-24 04:17:28 Interesting housing story in the @latimes. I knew the racist history of Los Angeles was bad, but it was much worse than I had realized.

2022-10-24 01:27:17 @cjmaddison I would rephrase this as" It is by the grace of God AND the measures you are taking (vaccination, masking)". Those measures are not useless, but they provide no guarantees

2022-10-24 01:23:40 @rasbt I'd like to see metrics for ease of tuning or insensitivity to hyperparameters. More radical: It is not an algorithm until all tuning is automated. I guess that would be required for third-party evaluation.

2022-10-23 22:02:41 @cloudquistador @emilymbender Excellent point! Thanks for clarifying

2022-10-23 21:25:39 @AnthroPunk @emilymbender Yes, and I take very seriously the idea that human intelligence may have evolved primarily to support social interaction. I think that is why so many of our AI benchmarks seem to be mis-targeted.

2022-10-23 21:23:10 @cloudquistador @emilymbender Yes. I'm not sure what you mean by "aiming in error". Are we focusing on the wrong target behaviors?

2022-10-23 20:17:48 @cloudquistador @emilymbender The achievement of aerodynamics is that we (mostly) understand what material properties are required to mimic birds. It would be wonderful to have similar insights into the computational/biological substrates required to mimic human cognition in detail.

2022-10-23 19:50:25 @emilymbender At some level of detail, they fly for the same reasons.

2022-10-23 19:49:38 @emilymbender They fly.

2022-10-23 19:44:17 @emilymbender But I agree it is difficult to define the "functional behavior" of cognition, and that seems to be a major stumbling block in these discussions

2022-10-23 19:43:22 @emilymbender Hmm. If airplanes are not models of avian flight behavior, comparisons to avian flight behavior are only marketing/hype? I think there can be global functional comparisons without any claim that the underlying detailed structure is a "model"

2022-10-23 04:19:29 @deliprao I do love the feeling that the computer is going to work all night while I get to sleep.

2022-10-23 03:08:42 @deliprao This is an opportunity to get in touch with the early years of computing. In every generation, our ambitions outstrip the hardware and we must wait for computations to finish.

2022-10-22 22:47:02 @earnmyturns @Noahpinion And Spain was having enough trouble holding on to Catalonia, which continues to this day.

2022-10-22 21:21:07 @GaryMarcus I don't know how to quantify progress, so I don't know if it is exponential. But we have been making progress on dealing with change/novelty. e.g., Bryan Loyall at CRA leads an exciting project:

2022-10-22 21:15:51 @tejuafonja Instead, it is the one that is most clearly written and that clarifies the fundamentals. The paper that explains what is happening and why.

2022-10-22 21:14:53 @tejuafonja A reason not to wait is if you are in a race with some other research groups. But it is easy to worry too much about this. Good, mature work is a more valuable contribution than rushed, immature work. Usually the most cited/appreciated work is not the very first paper on a topic

2022-10-22 21:13:12 @tejuafonja One reason to wait is that if you publicize the unimproved version of your paper, that is the version people will read. And they may dismiss it or misunderstand it. After improvement via peer review, they will hopefully understand and appreciate it much more

2022-10-22 21:11:47 @tejuafonja It depends on how confident they are that the work is ready for public examination. I usually prefer to have a round of peer review before going public with my work. That can be internal peer review if you are part of a large enough organization.

2022-10-22 19:29:36 RT @tdietterich: @denny_zhou Nonsense. Each deployed app is a choice. I hope this attitude is not representative of Google brain as an orga…

2022-10-22 19:29:24 @denny_zhou Nonsense. Each deployed app is a choice. I hope this attitude is not representative of Google brain as an organization

2022-10-21 23:23:23 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen *Most of the areas within these fields

2022-10-21 23:21:26 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen But most of these fields don't need gate keeping.

2022-10-21 23:20:42 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen The physicists have to deal with variations on perpetual motion and theories of everything.

2022-10-21 23:20:17 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen In computer science, the sensitive areas are (a) proofs that P=NP, (b) papers claiming to diagnose COVID using chest x-rays and deep learning, (c) papers claiming to forecast COVID using fancy time series analysis.

2022-10-21 19:47:20 @RRamirezMorales @mbeisen Most areas of science and engineering don’t draw the attention of the media or the trolls. But I agree that there are some areas that require careful filtering

2022-10-21 00:15:06 @scottjshapiro I assume this particular tweet was aimed at philosophers, but it certainly applies generally. Technologists need to have a basic understanding of political theory, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and economics to analyze the broader context of their work.

2022-10-21 00:13:00 @scottjshapiro Whenever you cross disciplinary borders, it is best to have someone from that discipline as an escort. Interdisciplinary work requires a big investment to understand the concerns and conceptual structures of each discipline.

2022-10-20 20:33:05 @randall_balestr @sindero Tree ensembles create empty partitions, too, by intersecting no empty partitions. It is not obvious that this is a good thing

2022-10-20 16:59:00 @rasbt There is usually one spiking net paper per day on ArXiv

2022-10-20 14:53:59 @MazMHussain I always figured South Asian was adopted to remind people in the West that there are lots more Asians than just Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans.

2022-10-20 00:39:13 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai The DL frameworks make neural net assignments more reliable, but tuning is still a black hole for students. end/

2022-10-20 00:37:22 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai Back in the 90s, a colleague of mine said "If I give a neural network assignment, only 10% of the students can get it to work. If I assign an SVM, 90% get it to work, and they all get the same answer." 2/

2022-10-20 00:35:48 @_joaogui1 @FelixHill84 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai Even in the 1990s, shallow neural networks could beat SVMs in the right hands. But they were much more difficult to tune and slower to train. The big advantage of SVMs was that the optimization problem was convex and they are very insensitive to the margin parameter C. 1/

2022-10-19 22:43:20 @davidthewid And one junior faculty member stepped up and did a lot of informal advising too

2022-10-19 22:42:19 @davidthewid In countries such as Canada, where funding goes directly to students, the power issues are reduced. But that still doesn’t fix the single advisor problem. My fellow students in grad school ended up advising each other during the 1980s AI boom

2022-10-19 19:10:33 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai What has increased monotonically is the amount of data available for training

2022-10-19 19:10:02 @erikbryn @gdb @OpenAI @scaleai This is a simplification. There were intermediate points along the way where compute loads decreased. For example, when we switched to SVMs from 1980s neural networks.

2022-10-19 16:54:03 @davidmanheim @Noahpinion As long as the US continues to send $3B per year in military aid to Israel, can't it expect cooperation in military affairs?

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-20 03:59:54 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I agree it would be great for the research community to have access to these models. I'm not sure that full open source would be wise. The trolls and nation state actors would then also have access to refine their methods.

2022-11-20 03:49:16 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 This will still make it easy to generate fluent misinformation: Just build a collection of documents full of conspiracy theories, racism, etc.

2022-11-20 03:46:47 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 LLMs can generate lots of plausible hypotheses, but these need to be checked against reliable knowledge sources.

2022-11-20 03:45:57 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I think LLMs will be replaced with models that make heavy use of external resources (document stores, databases, theorem provers, simulators, etc.). LLMs as we know them today are best viewed as pattern matching heuristics, not knowledge bases

2022-11-20 03:28:10 @deliprao @ben_golub If a grammar rule is consistent, it is quite easy for the net to learn to follow the rule without ever learning an explicit rule.

2022-11-20 03:21:05 @CharlestonCWKC @blekhman Yes, they all do.

2022-11-20 03:19:25 @aaronsibarium Rankings are a racket to sell magazines. The lower-ranked schools don’t dare challenge the rankings, so it is wonderful to see the top schools demolishing the BS-driven enterprise

2022-11-20 00:24:13 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @mrgreene1977 The last chapter of deep fakes hasn’t been written yet.

2022-11-19 21:05:30 @vgcerf He gave an inspiring series of lectures at UIUC when I was a grad student there. I particularly liked his advice about moving back to academia: He said if that was your plan, you should always live as if you were being paid an academic salary.

2022-11-19 20:58:00 @PalliThordarson These are also more likely to be the people who will be recruited to move to a top-ranked institution. And sure enough, with access to more resources, they will become more productive. end/

2022-11-19 20:56:25 @PalliThordarson If you are a student or a faculty member at a lower-ranked institution, you need to remind yourself to "work as if I was at Stanford"--that is, work on the most important problems you can. People who do world class research at such institutions have to work harder. 4/

2022-11-19 20:52:20 @PalliThordarson I think faculty and students lower-ranked institutions can suffer from the "tyranny of low expectations". This combines with less access to strong students and facilities can easily lead to less significant research outcomes. 3/

2022-11-19 20:50:13 @PalliThordarson They think "I'm at Harvard, I need to do `Harvard-level' work." Of course, if such work requires more resources and stronger students and postdocs, they have those too. So there is potential confounding. At lower-ranked institutions, do faculty feel less of this pressure? 2/

2022-11-19 20:48:13 @PalliThordarson Note that they did not analyze whether people at elite institutions studied more interesting/fundamental research questions. It's a difficult question to study, but my pet hypothesis is that faculty at elite institutions feel pressure to work on those fundamental questions 1/

2022-11-19 20:22:19 @B1ar2n3a Crazy. People should have the freedom to have kids whenever they think it best. I’ve suggested the PostDoc years as the time that is least stressful and hours are most flexible. But I didn’t do a PostDoc myself, so we had our kids while we were assistant profs

2022-11-19 04:17:49 @rlucas @netcapgirl TCP/IP routes around problems

2022-11-19 04:09:53 @paulnovosad Would you like to make a wager?

2022-11-19 04:08:53 @deliprao Same here. I asked a question for which wanted the answer. The result was partly useful and partly nonsense. Is it a symptom of bad benchmarks that Meta thought this was ready to release? Or maybe an excess of transparency?

2022-11-19 04:04:33 @RiverTamYDN Everyone wants to be treated with dignity

2022-11-19 03:09:01 @moyix Is there a betting market? I’d be curious to see the odds

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-20 20:22:48 RT @gradydoctor: 1/ I reached into the console and fished around for my badge. It wasn’t there. My brow furrowed. Me: “Badge, we are not d…

2022-11-20 20:19:12 RT @hholdenthorp: People are rightly focused on how the grad students at UC will get what they deserve for carrying most of the load of the…

2022-11-20 17:04:59 @McknightLaura Yes. Funding agencies need to increase award amounts to compensate

2022-11-20 17:02:55 @deliprao The student is “getting” 80K that they would otherwise have to raise from other sources. That said, I’m all in favor of increasing student salaries

2022-11-20 16:42:10 @deliprao “Stipend” is a misnomer. We pay a salary for the work the student does teaching or doing research. “Tuition” is what the student pays for getting an education (classroom and mentoring). Grants cover both of these (in US)

2022-11-20 03:59:54 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I agree it would be great for the research community to have access to these models. I'm not sure that full open source would be wise. The trolls and nation state actors would then also have access to refine their methods.

2022-11-20 03:49:16 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 This will still make it easy to generate fluent misinformation: Just build a collection of documents full of conspiracy theories, racism, etc.

2022-11-20 03:46:47 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 LLMs can generate lots of plausible hypotheses, but these need to be checked against reliable knowledge sources.

2022-11-20 03:45:57 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I think LLMs will be replaced with models that make heavy use of external resources (document stores, databases, theorem provers, simulators, etc.). LLMs as we know them today are best viewed as pattern matching heuristics, not knowledge bases

2022-11-20 03:28:10 @deliprao @ben_golub If a grammar rule is consistent, it is quite easy for the net to learn to follow the rule without ever learning an explicit rule.

2022-11-20 03:21:05 @CharlestonCWKC @blekhman Yes, they all do.

2022-11-20 03:19:25 @aaronsibarium Rankings are a racket to sell magazines. The lower-ranked schools don’t dare challenge the rankings, so it is wonderful to see the top schools demolishing the BS-driven enterprise

2022-11-20 00:24:13 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @mrgreene1977 The last chapter of deep fakes hasn’t been written yet.

2022-11-19 21:05:30 @vgcerf He gave an inspiring series of lectures at UIUC when I was a grad student there. I particularly liked his advice about moving back to academia: He said if that was your plan, you should always live as if you were being paid an academic salary.

2022-11-19 20:58:00 @PalliThordarson These are also more likely to be the people who will be recruited to move to a top-ranked institution. And sure enough, with access to more resources, they will become more productive. end/

2022-11-19 20:56:25 @PalliThordarson If you are a student or a faculty member at a lower-ranked institution, you need to remind yourself to "work as if I was at Stanford"--that is, work on the most important problems you can. People who do world class research at such institutions have to work harder. 4/

2022-11-19 20:52:20 @PalliThordarson I think faculty and students lower-ranked institutions can suffer from the "tyranny of low expectations". This combines with less access to strong students and facilities can easily lead to less significant research outcomes. 3/

2022-11-19 20:50:13 @PalliThordarson They think "I'm at Harvard, I need to do `Harvard-level' work." Of course, if such work requires more resources and stronger students and postdocs, they have those too. So there is potential confounding. At lower-ranked institutions, do faculty feel less of this pressure? 2/

2022-11-19 20:48:13 @PalliThordarson Note that they did not analyze whether people at elite institutions studied more interesting/fundamental research questions. It's a difficult question to study, but my pet hypothesis is that faculty at elite institutions feel pressure to work on those fundamental questions 1/

2022-11-19 20:22:19 @B1ar2n3a Crazy. People should have the freedom to have kids whenever they think it best. I’ve suggested the PostDoc years as the time that is least stressful and hours are most flexible. But I didn’t do a PostDoc myself, so we had our kids while we were assistant profs

2022-11-19 04:17:49 @rlucas @netcapgirl TCP/IP routes around problems

2022-11-19 04:09:53 @paulnovosad Would you like to make a wager?

2022-11-19 04:08:53 @deliprao Same here. I asked a question for which wanted the answer. The result was partly useful and partly nonsense. Is it a symptom of bad benchmarks that Meta thought this was ready to release? Or maybe an excess of transparency?

2022-11-19 04:04:33 @RiverTamYDN Everyone wants to be treated with dignity

2022-11-19 03:09:01 @moyix Is there a betting market? I’d be curious to see the odds

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-22 03:02:20 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun What was the first good LLM whose weights were released?

2022-11-22 02:46:31 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But I should have included entrepreneurs who want to build on top of these models, not just researchers

2022-11-22 02:45:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Same rules for them, IMO.

2022-11-22 00:23:57 @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Don't you think there are risks that the model could be deployed for disinformation campaigns, phishing, and so on? How do you enforce the license without some lock and key?

2022-11-22 00:01:43 @TheRandomMtrix @ChristophMolnar I think this is incorrect. There are many ML models that do not support statistical inferences, and some statistical models that are poor predictive models but do support inference.

2022-11-21 05:23:55 @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI I think you should put it behind a security wall but give access to authenticated researchers with tight license conditions.

2022-11-20 20:22:48 RT @gradydoctor: 1/ I reached into the console and fished around for my badge. It wasn’t there. My brow furrowed. Me: “Badge, we are not d…

2022-11-20 20:19:12 RT @hholdenthorp: People are rightly focused on how the grad students at UC will get what they deserve for carrying most of the load of the…

2022-11-20 17:04:59 @McknightLaura Yes. Funding agencies need to increase award amounts to compensate

2022-11-20 17:02:55 @deliprao The student is “getting” 80K that they would otherwise have to raise from other sources. That said, I’m all in favor of increasing student salaries

2022-11-20 16:42:10 @deliprao “Stipend” is a misnomer. We pay a salary for the work the student does teaching or doing research. “Tuition” is what the student pays for getting an education (classroom and mentoring). Grants cover both of these (in US)

2022-11-20 03:59:54 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I agree it would be great for the research community to have access to these models. I'm not sure that full open source would be wise. The trolls and nation state actors would then also have access to refine their methods.

2022-11-20 03:49:16 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 This will still make it easy to generate fluent misinformation: Just build a collection of documents full of conspiracy theories, racism, etc.

2022-11-20 03:46:47 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 LLMs can generate lots of plausible hypotheses, but these need to be checked against reliable knowledge sources.

2022-11-20 03:45:57 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I think LLMs will be replaced with models that make heavy use of external resources (document stores, databases, theorem provers, simulators, etc.). LLMs as we know them today are best viewed as pattern matching heuristics, not knowledge bases

2022-11-20 03:28:10 @deliprao @ben_golub If a grammar rule is consistent, it is quite easy for the net to learn to follow the rule without ever learning an explicit rule.

2022-11-20 03:21:05 @CharlestonCWKC @blekhman Yes, they all do.

2022-11-20 03:19:25 @aaronsibarium Rankings are a racket to sell magazines. The lower-ranked schools don’t dare challenge the rankings, so it is wonderful to see the top schools demolishing the BS-driven enterprise

2022-11-20 00:24:13 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @mrgreene1977 The last chapter of deep fakes hasn’t been written yet.

2022-11-19 21:05:30 @vgcerf He gave an inspiring series of lectures at UIUC when I was a grad student there. I particularly liked his advice about moving back to academia: He said if that was your plan, you should always live as if you were being paid an academic salary.

2022-11-19 20:58:00 @PalliThordarson These are also more likely to be the people who will be recruited to move to a top-ranked institution. And sure enough, with access to more resources, they will become more productive. end/

2022-11-19 20:56:25 @PalliThordarson If you are a student or a faculty member at a lower-ranked institution, you need to remind yourself to "work as if I was at Stanford"--that is, work on the most important problems you can. People who do world class research at such institutions have to work harder. 4/

2022-11-19 20:52:20 @PalliThordarson I think faculty and students lower-ranked institutions can suffer from the "tyranny of low expectations". This combines with less access to strong students and facilities can easily lead to less significant research outcomes. 3/

2022-11-19 20:50:13 @PalliThordarson They think "I'm at Harvard, I need to do `Harvard-level' work." Of course, if such work requires more resources and stronger students and postdocs, they have those too. So there is potential confounding. At lower-ranked institutions, do faculty feel less of this pressure? 2/

2022-11-19 20:48:13 @PalliThordarson Note that they did not analyze whether people at elite institutions studied more interesting/fundamental research questions. It's a difficult question to study, but my pet hypothesis is that faculty at elite institutions feel pressure to work on those fundamental questions 1/

2022-11-19 20:22:19 @B1ar2n3a Crazy. People should have the freedom to have kids whenever they think it best. I’ve suggested the PostDoc years as the time that is least stressful and hours are most flexible. But I didn’t do a PostDoc myself, so we had our kids while we were assistant profs

2022-11-19 04:17:49 @rlucas @netcapgirl TCP/IP routes around problems

2022-11-19 04:09:53 @paulnovosad Would you like to make a wager?

2022-11-19 04:08:53 @deliprao Same here. I asked a question for which wanted the answer. The result was partly useful and partly nonsense. Is it a symptom of bad benchmarks that Meta thought this was ready to release? Or maybe an excess of transparency?

2022-11-19 04:04:33 @RiverTamYDN Everyone wants to be treated with dignity

2022-11-19 03:09:01 @moyix Is there a betting market? I’d be curious to see the odds

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-22 23:35:17 @ylecun @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But as @Michael_J_Black points out, Galactica may open the door to a new set of fake science "attacks" on the publication system. I think it might also support a great semantic auto-correct for authors (esp ones with less skill in English)

2022-11-22 22:44:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun Oh, and GPT-NeoX was released in April of 2022, I believe (20B parameters). It isn't obvious that Galactica is dangerously more powerful than these existing open models.

2022-11-22 22:42:12 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun I did a bit of searching. XLNet was released in 2019, I believe. The weights for RoBERTa, DeBERTa, and XLM-RoBERTa are available I think. I'm not sure about OPT-175B. The fact that these are all available changes my position regarding Galactica. 1/

2022-11-22 22:00:18 @GaryMarcus @___merc___ Another hypothesis is that Amazon never figured out how to make a business out of it.

2022-11-22 20:48:37 @eugediana @MetaAI I think we can learn a lot by studying network internals and activations and their relationship to the training data. For this, we ideally have access to the network weights and training data.

2022-11-22 20:11:39 @MetaAI I'm looking forward to studying this system in detail.

2022-11-22 17:46:53 "They would ache with misplaced vigilance, they would lash out in anger, never be able to scratch the itch of fear, be torn by the longing to forget and the urge to always remember." Amazing writing by Dave Philips

2022-11-22 03:02:20 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun What was the first good LLM whose weights were released?

2022-11-22 02:46:31 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But I should have included entrepreneurs who want to build on top of these models, not just researchers

2022-11-22 02:45:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Same rules for them, IMO.

2022-11-22 00:23:57 @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Don't you think there are risks that the model could be deployed for disinformation campaigns, phishing, and so on? How do you enforce the license without some lock and key?

2022-11-22 00:01:43 @TheRandomMtrix @ChristophMolnar I think this is incorrect. There are many ML models that do not support statistical inferences, and some statistical models that are poor predictive models but do support inference.

2022-11-21 05:23:55 @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI I think you should put it behind a security wall but give access to authenticated researchers with tight license conditions.

2022-11-20 20:22:48 RT @gradydoctor: 1/ I reached into the console and fished around for my badge. It wasn’t there. My brow furrowed. Me: “Badge, we are not d…

2022-11-20 20:19:12 RT @hholdenthorp: People are rightly focused on how the grad students at UC will get what they deserve for carrying most of the load of the…

2022-11-20 17:04:59 @McknightLaura Yes. Funding agencies need to increase award amounts to compensate

2022-11-20 17:02:55 @deliprao The student is “getting” 80K that they would otherwise have to raise from other sources. That said, I’m all in favor of increasing student salaries

2022-11-20 16:42:10 @deliprao “Stipend” is a misnomer. We pay a salary for the work the student does teaching or doing research. “Tuition” is what the student pays for getting an education (classroom and mentoring). Grants cover both of these (in US)

2022-11-20 03:59:54 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I agree it would be great for the research community to have access to these models. I'm not sure that full open source would be wise. The trolls and nation state actors would then also have access to refine their methods.

2022-11-20 03:49:16 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 This will still make it easy to generate fluent misinformation: Just build a collection of documents full of conspiracy theories, racism, etc.

2022-11-20 03:46:47 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 LLMs can generate lots of plausible hypotheses, but these need to be checked against reliable knowledge sources.

2022-11-20 03:45:57 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I think LLMs will be replaced with models that make heavy use of external resources (document stores, databases, theorem provers, simulators, etc.). LLMs as we know them today are best viewed as pattern matching heuristics, not knowledge bases

2022-11-20 03:28:10 @deliprao @ben_golub If a grammar rule is consistent, it is quite easy for the net to learn to follow the rule without ever learning an explicit rule.

2022-11-20 03:21:05 @CharlestonCWKC @blekhman Yes, they all do.

2022-11-20 03:19:25 @aaronsibarium Rankings are a racket to sell magazines. The lower-ranked schools don’t dare challenge the rankings, so it is wonderful to see the top schools demolishing the BS-driven enterprise

2022-11-20 00:24:13 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @mrgreene1977 The last chapter of deep fakes hasn’t been written yet.

2022-11-19 21:05:30 @vgcerf He gave an inspiring series of lectures at UIUC when I was a grad student there. I particularly liked his advice about moving back to academia: He said if that was your plan, you should always live as if you were being paid an academic salary.

2022-11-19 20:58:00 @PalliThordarson These are also more likely to be the people who will be recruited to move to a top-ranked institution. And sure enough, with access to more resources, they will become more productive. end/

2022-11-19 20:56:25 @PalliThordarson If you are a student or a faculty member at a lower-ranked institution, you need to remind yourself to "work as if I was at Stanford"--that is, work on the most important problems you can. People who do world class research at such institutions have to work harder. 4/

2022-11-19 20:52:20 @PalliThordarson I think faculty and students lower-ranked institutions can suffer from the "tyranny of low expectations". This combines with less access to strong students and facilities can easily lead to less significant research outcomes. 3/

2022-11-19 20:50:13 @PalliThordarson They think "I'm at Harvard, I need to do `Harvard-level' work." Of course, if such work requires more resources and stronger students and postdocs, they have those too. So there is potential confounding. At lower-ranked institutions, do faculty feel less of this pressure? 2/

2022-11-19 20:48:13 @PalliThordarson Note that they did not analyze whether people at elite institutions studied more interesting/fundamental research questions. It's a difficult question to study, but my pet hypothesis is that faculty at elite institutions feel pressure to work on those fundamental questions 1/

2022-11-19 20:22:19 @B1ar2n3a Crazy. People should have the freedom to have kids whenever they think it best. I’ve suggested the PostDoc years as the time that is least stressful and hours are most flexible. But I didn’t do a PostDoc myself, so we had our kids while we were assistant profs

2022-11-19 04:17:49 @rlucas @netcapgirl TCP/IP routes around problems

2022-11-19 04:09:53 @paulnovosad Would you like to make a wager?

2022-11-19 04:08:53 @deliprao Same here. I asked a question for which wanted the answer. The result was partly useful and partly nonsense. Is it a symptom of bad benchmarks that Meta thought this was ready to release? Or maybe an excess of transparency?

2022-11-19 04:04:33 @RiverTamYDN Everyone wants to be treated with dignity

2022-11-19 03:09:01 @moyix Is there a betting market? I’d be curious to see the odds

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-25 02:17:39 @KolotaTyler @Noahpinion I think education is a practice in many cultures. Jews have learned to read in order to study Torah and Talmud. Chinese studied for the national exam.

2022-11-24 08:04:09 @houmanhemmati The rules you list absolutely do apply to clinical trials but not absolutely to public health.

2022-11-24 08:02:52 @houmanhemmati These rules are not absolute. Extreme case: If a person is infectious and would infect 100s of other people with a lethal disease if not quarantined, the autonomy of those 100 people outweighs the individual. It would be unethical not to confine him.

2022-11-23 22:03:09 @EMostaque @rasbt @ylecun @leonpalafox @wightmanr @paperswithcode @MetaAI @Michael_J_Black Suppose 10% of future papers are synthesized fakes. All of us will need to review 10% more papers. We are already straining under the current reviewing load. "Things like peer review and curation" are not free. To be continued after I process today's 201 cs.LG submissions

2022-11-23 19:48:49 @rao2z @AIESConf No, I would definitely consider that deception. But, at least according to Dennett, "wrong belief" would also be attributed by an observer (along with "cause"). I haven't read Bratman

2022-11-23 19:28:37 @rao2z @AIESConf I'm with Dennett here: Intention is attributed, not necessarily captured in an explicit knowledge structure

2022-11-23 19:20:08 @rao2z @AIESConf Even without an explicit theory-of-mind, game-playing agents can deceive. We've had this capability since at least the invention of the AO* algorithm (Martelli &

2022-11-23 19:15:41 @IDoTheThinking I think you are mistaken. There are many couples choosing not to have children because of concerns about the impact of large human populations.

2022-11-22 23:35:17 @ylecun @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But as @Michael_J_Black points out, Galactica may open the door to a new set of fake science "attacks" on the publication system. I think it might also support a great semantic auto-correct for authors (esp ones with less skill in English)

2022-11-22 22:44:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun Oh, and GPT-NeoX was released in April of 2022, I believe (20B parameters). It isn't obvious that Galactica is dangerously more powerful than these existing open models.

2022-11-22 22:42:12 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun I did a bit of searching. XLNet was released in 2019, I believe. The weights for RoBERTa, DeBERTa, and XLM-RoBERTa are available I think. I'm not sure about OPT-175B. The fact that these are all available changes my position regarding Galactica. 1/

2022-11-22 22:00:18 @GaryMarcus @___merc___ Another hypothesis is that Amazon never figured out how to make a business out of it.

2022-11-22 20:48:37 @eugediana @MetaAI I think we can learn a lot by studying network internals and activations and their relationship to the training data. For this, we ideally have access to the network weights and training data.

2022-11-22 20:11:39 @MetaAI I'm looking forward to studying this system in detail.

2022-11-22 17:46:53 "They would ache with misplaced vigilance, they would lash out in anger, never be able to scratch the itch of fear, be torn by the longing to forget and the urge to always remember." Amazing writing by Dave Philips

2022-11-22 03:02:20 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun What was the first good LLM whose weights were released?

2022-11-22 02:46:31 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But I should have included entrepreneurs who want to build on top of these models, not just researchers

2022-11-22 02:45:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Same rules for them, IMO.

2022-11-22 00:23:57 @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Don't you think there are risks that the model could be deployed for disinformation campaigns, phishing, and so on? How do you enforce the license without some lock and key?

2022-11-22 00:01:43 @TheRandomMtrix @ChristophMolnar I think this is incorrect. There are many ML models that do not support statistical inferences, and some statistical models that are poor predictive models but do support inference.

2022-11-21 05:23:55 @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI I think you should put it behind a security wall but give access to authenticated researchers with tight license conditions.

2022-11-20 20:22:48 RT @gradydoctor: 1/ I reached into the console and fished around for my badge. It wasn’t there. My brow furrowed. Me: “Badge, we are not d…

2022-11-20 20:19:12 RT @hholdenthorp: People are rightly focused on how the grad students at UC will get what they deserve for carrying most of the load of the…

2022-11-20 17:04:59 @McknightLaura Yes. Funding agencies need to increase award amounts to compensate

2022-11-20 17:02:55 @deliprao The student is “getting” 80K that they would otherwise have to raise from other sources. That said, I’m all in favor of increasing student salaries

2022-11-20 16:42:10 @deliprao “Stipend” is a misnomer. We pay a salary for the work the student does teaching or doing research. “Tuition” is what the student pays for getting an education (classroom and mentoring). Grants cover both of these (in US)

2022-11-20 03:59:54 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I agree it would be great for the research community to have access to these models. I'm not sure that full open source would be wise. The trolls and nation state actors would then also have access to refine their methods.

2022-11-20 03:49:16 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 This will still make it easy to generate fluent misinformation: Just build a collection of documents full of conspiracy theories, racism, etc.

2022-11-20 03:46:47 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 LLMs can generate lots of plausible hypotheses, but these need to be checked against reliable knowledge sources.

2022-11-20 03:45:57 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I think LLMs will be replaced with models that make heavy use of external resources (document stores, databases, theorem provers, simulators, etc.). LLMs as we know them today are best viewed as pattern matching heuristics, not knowledge bases

2022-11-20 03:28:10 @deliprao @ben_golub If a grammar rule is consistent, it is quite easy for the net to learn to follow the rule without ever learning an explicit rule.

2022-11-20 03:21:05 @CharlestonCWKC @blekhman Yes, they all do.

2022-11-20 03:19:25 @aaronsibarium Rankings are a racket to sell magazines. The lower-ranked schools don’t dare challenge the rankings, so it is wonderful to see the top schools demolishing the BS-driven enterprise

2022-11-20 00:24:13 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @mrgreene1977 The last chapter of deep fakes hasn’t been written yet.

2022-11-19 21:05:30 @vgcerf He gave an inspiring series of lectures at UIUC when I was a grad student there. I particularly liked his advice about moving back to academia: He said if that was your plan, you should always live as if you were being paid an academic salary.

2022-11-19 20:58:00 @PalliThordarson These are also more likely to be the people who will be recruited to move to a top-ranked institution. And sure enough, with access to more resources, they will become more productive. end/

2022-11-19 20:56:25 @PalliThordarson If you are a student or a faculty member at a lower-ranked institution, you need to remind yourself to "work as if I was at Stanford"--that is, work on the most important problems you can. People who do world class research at such institutions have to work harder. 4/

2022-11-19 20:52:20 @PalliThordarson I think faculty and students lower-ranked institutions can suffer from the "tyranny of low expectations". This combines with less access to strong students and facilities can easily lead to less significant research outcomes. 3/

2022-11-19 20:50:13 @PalliThordarson They think "I'm at Harvard, I need to do `Harvard-level' work." Of course, if such work requires more resources and stronger students and postdocs, they have those too. So there is potential confounding. At lower-ranked institutions, do faculty feel less of this pressure? 2/

2022-11-19 20:48:13 @PalliThordarson Note that they did not analyze whether people at elite institutions studied more interesting/fundamental research questions. It's a difficult question to study, but my pet hypothesis is that faculty at elite institutions feel pressure to work on those fundamental questions 1/

2022-11-19 20:22:19 @B1ar2n3a Crazy. People should have the freedom to have kids whenever they think it best. I’ve suggested the PostDoc years as the time that is least stressful and hours are most flexible. But I didn’t do a PostDoc myself, so we had our kids while we were assistant profs

2022-11-19 04:17:49 @rlucas @netcapgirl TCP/IP routes around problems

2022-11-19 04:09:53 @paulnovosad Would you like to make a wager?

2022-11-19 04:08:53 @deliprao Same here. I asked a question for which wanted the answer. The result was partly useful and partly nonsense. Is it a symptom of bad benchmarks that Meta thought this was ready to release? Or maybe an excess of transparency?

2022-11-19 04:04:33 @RiverTamYDN Everyone wants to be treated with dignity

2022-11-19 03:09:01 @moyix Is there a betting market? I’d be curious to see the odds

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-11-29 04:24:55 @pbreit @Plinz Maybe it is the result of an interaction between my network latency and various microservice timeouts? I did not experience these problems prior to the ownership change. I see them in both the iPhone app and in Firefox

2022-11-29 03:11:57 @Plinz I am experiencing lots of problems with Twitter. Expanding a tweet to see replies is often slow or fails with “something went wrong, try again”. Tweets fail to send or send but still give errors. I hope it keeps running!

2022-11-29 02:38:49 @gchrupala Ah, I misread the poll question. Thanks!

2022-11-29 01:45:42 @gchrupala Can anyone confirm that those predictive typing systems are based on LLMs?

2022-11-29 00:55:11 @gchrupala What models have actually been deployed?

2022-11-28 23:31:51 @emilymbender @fchollet I agree with @fchollet on many points, and I like his 3-way categorization. However, all three forms of AI have a shared set of requirements of which a large knowledge base is one. And I don't think it is correct to view emerging LLM capabilities as betters clocks and ladders.

2022-11-28 19:59:32 @emilymbender @fchollet The refrain in the 1980s was "In the knowledge lies the power", i.e., AI performance requires large amounts of world knowledge. LLMs fit to curated data sets and coupled with curated external resources bring us closer to meeting this requirement. They are not just ladder rungs

2022-11-28 16:13:53 @SeanMcCarthyAZ @mfl_normal @MsMelChen I take the learning loss very seriously. I’ve been advocating for a nationwide summer school to help kids catch up. I believe the lost ground can be regained, but we need federal funds to make it happen

2022-11-28 05:07:18 @mfl_normal @MsMelChen Your children missed school. But they were not killed by the police. You were not locked into your house or threatened with prison. Try to get some sense of proportion. We have all suffered in one way or another

2022-11-28 05:05:07 @mfl_normal @MsMelChen Some of these people protesting will get Covid

2022-11-27 23:29:43 @Grady_Booch @_ashawndabney me, so far

2022-11-27 21:08:35 @andrewgwils At least YOU have a stopping rule. I'm still trying to find one for myself

2022-11-27 06:56:34 @mattyglesias The real test will come when they start pushing changes to the system. But they might just succeed. I wish them well!

2022-11-27 06:55:02 @mattyglesias Opening a tweet to see the replies has been consistently failing for me on both iPhone and web browser.

2022-11-27 00:16:25 @jerrellahaynes @TheRealAdamG @JordanJacobs10 @geoffreyhinton The central challenge of software engineering is to specify the desired behavior of the system. AI can't do it alone unless it can infer the desired behavior somehow. But I agree in the near future LLMs will allow us to raise the level of abstraction of programming

2022-11-26 15:59:30 @martinmbauer For me personally, I use OneNote for note taking, so I prefer to have my laptop in class and seminars.

2022-11-26 04:22:41 @martinmbauer During tenure mentoring, I sat in on a colleague’s class. Some students were watching videos instead of the lecture. We ban electronics in our seminars and many of our classes

2022-11-26 04:17:24 @ljbuturovic @wightmanr @ylecun @EMostaque @rasbt @leonpalafox @paperswithcode @MetaAI @Michael_J_Black One word: Hydroxychloroquine

2022-11-26 02:35:09 @andrewgwils Beethoven died age 57. And of course Mozart and Schubert both died very young. Short summary of research:

2022-11-26 00:51:26 @tsungxu I see. So is the lesson that future big wins will come from combining software with some other enabling technology (e.g., advanced materials, synthetic biology, etc.)?

2022-11-25 23:49:46 @tsungxu Most companies rely on multiple technologies, including software, and this has been true for some time. Examples: jet engines, aircraft, automobile manufacturing, etc. What is different?

2022-11-25 21:46:31 What is the "Asia-pacific Artificial Intelligence Association" and why are so many non-Asians on its Executive Committee?

2022-11-25 18:17:33 @wightmanr @ylecun @EMostaque @rasbt @leonpalafox @paperswithcode @MetaAI @Michael_J_Black Fake science is dangerous and wasteful. Danger: wrong therapies kill people

2022-11-25 06:14:29 @ylecun @EMostaque @rasbt @leonpalafox @wightmanr @paperswithcode @MetaAI @Michael_J_Black This clarifies for me that the main risk is undetected fake papers (I.e. faked results).

2022-11-25 05:48:08 @roydanroy @xwang_lk @RealAAAI Lots of good work is appearing at AAAI, the AAAI deadline comes soon after NEURIPS decisions. Many strong papers from Chinese groups

2022-11-25 02:17:39 @KolotaTyler @Noahpinion I think education is a practice in many cultures. Jews have learned to read in order to study Torah and Talmud. Chinese studied for the national exam.

2022-11-24 08:04:09 @houmanhemmati The rules you list absolutely do apply to clinical trials but not absolutely to public health.

2022-11-24 08:02:52 @houmanhemmati These rules are not absolute. Extreme case: If a person is infectious and would infect 100s of other people with a lethal disease if not quarantined, the autonomy of those 100 people outweighs the individual. It would be unethical not to confine him.

2022-11-23 22:03:09 @EMostaque @rasbt @ylecun @leonpalafox @wightmanr @paperswithcode @MetaAI @Michael_J_Black Suppose 10% of future papers are synthesized fakes. All of us will need to review 10% more papers. We are already straining under the current reviewing load. "Things like peer review and curation" are not free. To be continued after I process today's 201 cs.LG submissions

2022-11-23 19:48:49 @rao2z @AIESConf No, I would definitely consider that deception. But, at least according to Dennett, "wrong belief" would also be attributed by an observer (along with "cause"). I haven't read Bratman

2022-11-23 19:28:37 @rao2z @AIESConf I'm with Dennett here: Intention is attributed, not necessarily captured in an explicit knowledge structure

2022-11-23 19:20:08 @rao2z @AIESConf Even without an explicit theory-of-mind, game-playing agents can deceive. We've had this capability since at least the invention of the AO* algorithm (Martelli &

2022-11-23 19:15:41 @IDoTheThinking I think you are mistaken. There are many couples choosing not to have children because of concerns about the impact of large human populations.

2022-11-22 23:35:17 @ylecun @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But as @Michael_J_Black points out, Galactica may open the door to a new set of fake science "attacks" on the publication system. I think it might also support a great semantic auto-correct for authors (esp ones with less skill in English)

2022-11-22 22:44:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun Oh, and GPT-NeoX was released in April of 2022, I believe (20B parameters). It isn't obvious that Galactica is dangerously more powerful than these existing open models.

2022-11-22 22:42:12 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun I did a bit of searching. XLNet was released in 2019, I believe. The weights for RoBERTa, DeBERTa, and XLM-RoBERTa are available I think. I'm not sure about OPT-175B. The fact that these are all available changes my position regarding Galactica. 1/

2022-11-22 22:00:18 @GaryMarcus @___merc___ Another hypothesis is that Amazon never figured out how to make a business out of it.

2022-11-22 20:48:37 @eugediana @MetaAI I think we can learn a lot by studying network internals and activations and their relationship to the training data. For this, we ideally have access to the network weights and training data.

2022-11-22 20:11:39 @MetaAI I'm looking forward to studying this system in detail.

2022-11-22 17:46:53 "They would ache with misplaced vigilance, they would lash out in anger, never be able to scratch the itch of fear, be torn by the longing to forget and the urge to always remember." Amazing writing by Dave Philips

2022-11-22 03:02:20 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI @ylecun What was the first good LLM whose weights were released?

2022-11-22 02:46:31 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI But I should have included entrepreneurs who want to build on top of these models, not just researchers

2022-11-22 02:45:16 @leonpalafox @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Same rules for them, IMO.

2022-11-22 00:23:57 @wightmanr @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI Don't you think there are risks that the model could be deployed for disinformation campaigns, phishing, and so on? How do you enforce the license without some lock and key?

2022-11-22 00:01:43 @TheRandomMtrix @ChristophMolnar I think this is incorrect. There are many ML models that do not support statistical inferences, and some statistical models that are poor predictive models but do support inference.

2022-11-21 05:23:55 @EMostaque @paperswithcode @MetaAI I think you should put it behind a security wall but give access to authenticated researchers with tight license conditions.

2022-11-20 20:22:48 RT @gradydoctor: 1/ I reached into the console and fished around for my badge. It wasn’t there. My brow furrowed. Me: “Badge, we are not d…

2022-11-20 20:19:12 RT @hholdenthorp: People are rightly focused on how the grad students at UC will get what they deserve for carrying most of the load of the…

2022-11-20 17:04:59 @McknightLaura Yes. Funding agencies need to increase award amounts to compensate

2022-11-20 17:02:55 @deliprao The student is “getting” 80K that they would otherwise have to raise from other sources. That said, I’m all in favor of increasing student salaries

2022-11-20 16:42:10 @deliprao “Stipend” is a misnomer. We pay a salary for the work the student does teaching or doing research. “Tuition” is what the student pays for getting an education (classroom and mentoring). Grants cover both of these (in US)

2022-11-20 03:59:54 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I agree it would be great for the research community to have access to these models. I'm not sure that full open source would be wise. The trolls and nation state actors would then also have access to refine their methods.

2022-11-20 03:49:16 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 This will still make it easy to generate fluent misinformation: Just build a collection of documents full of conspiracy theories, racism, etc.

2022-11-20 03:46:47 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 LLMs can generate lots of plausible hypotheses, but these need to be checked against reliable knowledge sources.

2022-11-20 03:45:57 @joshua_saxe @GaryMarcus @ylecun @mrgreene1977 I think LLMs will be replaced with models that make heavy use of external resources (document stores, databases, theorem provers, simulators, etc.). LLMs as we know them today are best viewed as pattern matching heuristics, not knowledge bases

2022-11-20 03:28:10 @deliprao @ben_golub If a grammar rule is consistent, it is quite easy for the net to learn to follow the rule without ever learning an explicit rule.

2022-11-20 03:21:05 @CharlestonCWKC @blekhman Yes, they all do.

2022-11-20 03:19:25 @aaronsibarium Rankings are a racket to sell magazines. The lower-ranked schools don’t dare challenge the rankings, so it is wonderful to see the top schools demolishing the BS-driven enterprise

2022-11-20 00:24:13 @ylecun @GaryMarcus @mrgreene1977 The last chapter of deep fakes hasn’t been written yet.

2022-11-19 21:05:30 @vgcerf He gave an inspiring series of lectures at UIUC when I was a grad student there. I particularly liked his advice about moving back to academia: He said if that was your plan, you should always live as if you were being paid an academic salary.

2022-11-19 20:58:00 @PalliThordarson These are also more likely to be the people who will be recruited to move to a top-ranked institution. And sure enough, with access to more resources, they will become more productive. end/

2022-11-19 20:56:25 @PalliThordarson If you are a student or a faculty member at a lower-ranked institution, you need to remind yourself to "work as if I was at Stanford"--that is, work on the most important problems you can. People who do world class research at such institutions have to work harder. 4/

2022-11-19 20:52:20 @PalliThordarson I think faculty and students lower-ranked institutions can suffer from the "tyranny of low expectations". This combines with less access to strong students and facilities can easily lead to less significant research outcomes. 3/

2022-11-19 20:50:13 @PalliThordarson They think "I'm at Harvard, I need to do `Harvard-level' work." Of course, if such work requires more resources and stronger students and postdocs, they have those too. So there is potential confounding. At lower-ranked institutions, do faculty feel less of this pressure? 2/

2022-11-19 20:48:13 @PalliThordarson Note that they did not analyze whether people at elite institutions studied more interesting/fundamental research questions. It's a difficult question to study, but my pet hypothesis is that faculty at elite institutions feel pressure to work on those fundamental questions 1/

2022-11-19 20:22:19 @B1ar2n3a Crazy. People should have the freedom to have kids whenever they think it best. I’ve suggested the PostDoc years as the time that is least stressful and hours are most flexible. But I didn’t do a PostDoc myself, so we had our kids while we were assistant profs

2022-11-19 04:17:49 @rlucas @netcapgirl TCP/IP routes around problems

2022-11-19 04:09:53 @paulnovosad Would you like to make a wager?

2022-11-19 04:08:53 @deliprao Same here. I asked a question for which wanted the answer. The result was partly useful and partly nonsense. Is it a symptom of bad benchmarks that Meta thought this was ready to release? Or maybe an excess of transparency?

2022-11-19 04:04:33 @RiverTamYDN Everyone wants to be treated with dignity

2022-11-19 03:09:01 @moyix Is there a betting market? I’d be curious to see the odds

2022-11-18 22:29:56 @taaltree But lots of former Twitter engineers are posting on this and other sites, and I believe them.

2022-11-17 16:59:52 @lilkuo "surrealism is the rational response to dictatorship" -- Carles Sierra

2022-11-17 04:17:32 @CT_Bergstrom Is this because it is trained on a lot of papers written by white men?

2022-11-17 04:17:03 @dcbaok @CT_Bergstrom Same with papers in Science and Nature (with some exceptions such as the DeepMind papers)

2022-11-16 22:42:42 @GaryMarcus On the other hand, after playing with it, I think most of its hypotheses are false

2022-11-16 22:40:27 @MattNiessner Just like startups, a lot of cutting edge tech fails to meet a real need. So I think people rationally adopt a negatively-biased prior

2022-11-16 16:58:53 @deliprao More than 11 people have died because of rumors and misinformation spread on social networks

2022-11-16 05:55:24

2022-11-16 05:54:57 Giving Galactica a try. This mainly tells me that the face recognition community use this term differently than I do. For me, open category == open set.

2022-11-16 03:45:41 @GaryMarcus But the great thing about proofs is that they can be checked. Think of it has an hypothesis generator, not a source of truth. Same applies to generating code.

2022-11-15 22:12:55 RT @MattBetts11: Excited for this week’s EECB talk from @karst_justine !

2022-11-15 21:43:17 @noop_noob @rao2z Yes, some theories of consciousness would consider that a consciousness mechanism.

2022-11-15 20:43:53 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Current SOTA according to is 96.81, and it appears to be asymptoting.

2022-11-15 20:42:44 @AmanBitz @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy But suppose you could raise CIFAR100 accuracy to 97%, I wouldn't be interested unless the same techniques worked on ImageNet and COCO and were practical at scale. Working well on CIFAR100 alone doesn't tell us much.

2022-11-15 18:37:29 @ylecun @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy Well, it depends on what the paper is about. A accuracy-oriented computer vision paper evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 is no longer interesting. But, a paper studying the open category problem using these data sets is interesting (IMO:

2022-11-15 18:15:14 @INSMI_CNRS @BachFrancis @giry_claire @sup_recherche @ENS_ULM @INS2I_CNRS Congratulations!

2022-11-15 16:40:40 @falsalem76 @_jasonwei Not unless it is something that can be learned from data, which I doubt. It is an architectural property.

2022-11-15 15:54:24 @mhudack @AutismCapital No, it’s anarchist

2022-11-15 04:42:08 @DebasmitDas1 @roydanroy That’ll be obsolete tomorrow

2022-11-15 04:39:36 @andyroyle_pwrc Much cheaper in Spain. Maybe subsidized there?

2022-11-15 04:39:00 @MarkSorel8 @andyroyle_pwrc My pharmacist did the paperwork for me. Thanks @FredMeyerInc

2022-11-15 00:33:11 @rao2z I agree that an agent that can detect that the anticipated effects of actions were not observed would be more robust (and could detect novelty). But is this capability required for a system to be treated as an "agent"?

2022-11-14 23:59:23 @rao2z Similar models can be trained to predict the next action in a policy. So they could *execute* a policy, but not create one. If we take the "agent stance", we can predict their behavior by attributing goals to them. Are you wanting an agent to do more?

2022-11-14 16:20:50 @jacobpattywagon The later shots are indoors. Outdoors there would be hats (but different ones)

2022-11-14 06:32:09 @Raza_Habib496 If we can predict the actions of a system by attributing to it goals and beliefs, then it is useful to treat it as an agent. What are the goals, beliefs, and actions of an LLM?

2022-12-07 17:51:00 @rasbt @kchonyc I have found that people give more useful answers when asked to quantify than when asked to give a written assessment

2022-12-07 17:47:43 @gentschev @divergiment @michael_nielsen If I want to give it a try, obviously I’m going to ask it about something I know rather than something where I don’t the answer. Why should I trust it, especially given the failures of previous models?

2022-12-07 17:38:03 @jlopez_dl @percyliang Why are humans the measuring stick? We ask jets and photocopiers to do things that people can’t do, and yet we need a definition of correctness in those cases

2022-12-07 13:04:55 @julianharris What a nightmare that would be!

2022-12-07 12:57:11 How do you convince @amazon that they have slapped an incorrect UPC sticker on an item? They keep sending us the wrong thing and we keep returning it.

2022-12-07 17:51:00 @rasbt @kchonyc I have found that people give more useful answers when asked to quantify than when asked to give a written assessment

2022-12-07 17:47:43 @gentschev @divergiment @michael_nielsen If I want to give it a try, obviously I’m going to ask it about something I know rather than something where I don’t the answer. Why should I trust it, especially given the failures of previous models?

2022-12-07 17:38:03 @jlopez_dl @percyliang Why are humans the measuring stick? We ask jets and photocopiers to do things that people can’t do, and yet we need a definition of correctness in those cases

2022-12-07 13:04:55 @julianharris What a nightmare that would be!

2022-12-07 12:57:11 How do you convince @amazon that they have slapped an incorrect UPC sticker on an item? They keep sending us the wrong thing and we keep returning it.

2022-12-08 21:45:21 @ai__pub It was not the only reason for renaming to NeurIPS, but it was a contributing factor. The name was a source of discontent in prior years.

2022-12-08 14:08:19 @adjiboussodieng I agree, this requires some care to design it well and to establish the validity of the methodology. Even the simplest ideas turn into research projects

2022-12-08 13:34:14 @adjiboussodieng Maybe we could write descriptions of three students and then ask volunteers from different countries to write letters? I could do US letters, maybe as a seed example. Anyone out there interested in giving this a try? Or maybe there is a better approach using example phrases?

2022-12-08 13:02:15 @adjiboussodieng Yes! It would be great to have some examples of "the same" letter as it might be written by people from different cultures as a reference for those of us reading these letters. Maybe also at 3 levels of excitement?

2022-12-08 03:05:25 @deliprao The LLM can't determine what content to communicate

2022-12-07 17:51:00 @rasbt @kchonyc I have found that people give more useful answers when asked to quantify than when asked to give a written assessment

2022-12-07 17:47:43 @gentschev @divergiment @michael_nielsen If I want to give it a try, obviously I’m going to ask it about something I know rather than something where I don’t the answer. Why should I trust it, especially given the failures of previous models?

2022-12-07 17:38:03 @jlopez_dl @percyliang Why are humans the measuring stick? We ask jets and photocopiers to do things that people can’t do, and yet we need a definition of correctness in those cases

2022-12-07 13:04:55 @julianharris What a nightmare that would be!

2022-12-07 12:57:11 How do you convince @amazon that they have slapped an incorrect UPC sticker on an item? They keep sending us the wrong thing and we keep returning it.

2022-12-09 00:19:25 @rasbt @pfau People are doing de novo design, so it is not just refinement. It is an amazing success!

2022-12-08 21:45:21 @ai__pub It was not the only reason for renaming to NeurIPS, but it was a contributing factor. The name was a source of discontent in prior years.

2022-12-08 14:08:19 @adjiboussodieng I agree, this requires some care to design it well and to establish the validity of the methodology. Even the simplest ideas turn into research projects

2022-12-08 13:34:14 @adjiboussodieng Maybe we could write descriptions of three students and then ask volunteers from different countries to write letters? I could do US letters, maybe as a seed example. Anyone out there interested in giving this a try? Or maybe there is a better approach using example phrases?

2022-12-08 13:02:15 @adjiboussodieng Yes! It would be great to have some examples of "the same" letter as it might be written by people from different cultures as a reference for those of us reading these letters. Maybe also at 3 levels of excitement?

2022-12-08 03:05:25 @deliprao The LLM can't determine what content to communicate

2022-12-07 17:51:00 @rasbt @kchonyc I have found that people give more useful answers when asked to quantify than when asked to give a written assessment

2022-12-07 17:47:43 @gentschev @divergiment @michael_nielsen If I want to give it a try, obviously I’m going to ask it about something I know rather than something where I don’t the answer. Why should I trust it, especially given the failures of previous models?

2022-12-07 17:38:03 @jlopez_dl @percyliang Why are humans the measuring stick? We ask jets and photocopiers to do things that people can’t do, and yet we need a definition of correctness in those cases

2022-12-07 13:04:55 @julianharris What a nightmare that would be!

2022-12-07 12:57:11 How do you convince @amazon that they have slapped an incorrect UPC sticker on an item? They keep sending us the wrong thing and we keep returning it.

2022-12-09 00:19:25 @rasbt @pfau People are doing de novo design, so it is not just refinement. It is an amazing success!

2022-12-08 21:45:21 @ai__pub It was not the only reason for renaming to NeurIPS, but it was a contributing factor. The name was a source of discontent in prior years.

2022-12-08 14:08:19 @adjiboussodieng I agree, this requires some care to design it well and to establish the validity of the methodology. Even the simplest ideas turn into research projects

2022-12-08 13:34:14 @adjiboussodieng Maybe we could write descriptions of three students and then ask volunteers from different countries to write letters? I could do US letters, maybe as a seed example. Anyone out there interested in giving this a try? Or maybe there is a better approach using example phrases?

2022-12-08 13:02:15 @adjiboussodieng Yes! It would be great to have some examples of "the same" letter as it might be written by people from different cultures as a reference for those of us reading these letters. Maybe also at 3 levels of excitement?

2022-03-16 05:43:56 @un1crom @Plinz @GaryMarcus What does it mean for a cat to be "in a symbol"? 2022-03-16 05:33:48 @un1crom @Plinz @GaryMarcus It is true that all systems built using deep learning contain many symbolic aspects. But the heart of the system employs only connectionist representations. e.g., there are no symbols in the CNN representation of a cat except the "cat" output unit. 2022-03-16 03:19:17 @GaryMarcus I'm finding it hard to distinguish trolling from genuine scientific concern. Sarcasm doesn't transmit well on Twitter, I guess. 2022-03-15 18:52:15 @AvilaGarcez @terrible_archer @GaryMarcus @plevy @luislamb And I’ve engaged in that debate. 2022-03-15 18:49:42 RT @marktenenholtz: 1. EDA The best way to start any ML problem. Here are some things to look at in time series data: • Seasonality (mon… 2022-03-15 04:41:49 @Plinz @rao2z I don't think we can just hope that all of this will emerge from a big deep net. On the other hand, combinations of our existing ideas seem fairly promising IMO. 2022-03-15 04:39:57 @Plinz @rao2z One concern is that planning in a fully-articulated model would be combinatorially intractible. GOFAI has studied methods for defining problem-specific abstractions (projections) to create tractable models for planning 2022-03-15 04:38:23 @Plinz @rao2z At the same time, we need to learn the effects of our actions on this world model. These occur at multiple temporal and spatial scales which suggests to me that we need flexible, sparse multiscale models. A combination of LSTMs + Transformers? 2022-03-15 04:36:50 @Plinz @rao2z I think they require a specific architecture. We need a disentangled model of the world (e.g., in terms of objects, relationships, agents, ongoing processes, organizations, institutions, etc.) My impression is that there has been some progress on disentangled representations 2022-03-15 02:42:58 @rao2z @Plinz Certainly we believe human planning abilities evolved through "organisms" interacting with the environment. I would love to understand the minimum requirements for the evolution of planning and agency. I bet they involve more than stateless functions. 2022-03-15 01:58:40 @Plinz @rao2z These are not sufficient, @Plinz. You need to support planning, and that requires models of dynamics. They can be deep or shallow, connectionist or symbolic, but they must model dynamics in composable ways. 2022-03-15 00:05:48 @MelMitchell1 Thank you for this pointer. The 180 flip reflects the fact that the vision of AI is a functional vision and doesn't commit us to any particular implementation. Newell was devoted to symbols, of course. I wonder if other AI founders, such as Minsky, were quite so certain. 2022-03-14 20:53:02 @daniela_witten What a creep! 2022-03-14 20:46:56 @terrible_archer @GaryMarcus We don't disagree. But this is an old criticism. Meanwhile, we would rather make progress on the problems than take time debating @GaryMarcus yet again 2022-03-14 20:39:23 @Noahpinion Does this create an opportunity for the US to improve our relationship with China? Offer vaccines? Trade something in exchange for concessions on Xinjiang or Taiwan? (how enforced??) 2022-03-14 15:57:30 @Plinz Reminder that the benefits of DST increase with latitude, while the costs are incurred everywhere. 2022-03-14 07:46:14 @kncukier Thanks. But I disagree. I see no reason why “algorithms” can’t frame or reframe problems. Rudimentary versions of this already exist (but not as deep nets) 2022-03-14 00:09:53 @kncukier This folk needs no convincing about mental models. How do they relate to the limits of AI? 2022-03-13 23:00:48 @Kiernan_Mathews @coacheproject It can be helpful to write a formal proposal for what you will do with the startup funding. Set targets, e.g. for grants submitted, that you can control. Your goal is to convince them to invest in you. 2022-03-13 22:56:03 @GaryMarcus @weidingerlaura @DeepMind The field of AI safety is rapidly expanding because AI is being deployed at scale. This includes tons of non-language and non-DL models. COMPASS isn’t a neural network, for example 2022-03-13 21:15:17 @irinarish @GaryMarcus @NautilusMag I realize these are not the core problems of cognition, but they may have a huge impact nonetheless 2022-03-13 21:14:17 @irinarish @GaryMarcus @NautilusMag I am excited by progress in understanding learning in the overparameterized setting. Progress using deep learning to solve difficult ODEs and PDEs is amazing. Design of drugs and novel materials is accelerating. 2022-03-13 20:38:04 @matloff @troy_phd Or maybe people just like to complain. It is a safe prediction that if we adopt permanent daylight time, many people will complain in 5-10 years. Maybe we should switch the policy every 10 years? 2022-03-13 14:38:50 @GaryMarcus @ylecun @Twitter I didn't see anything new in your article. My nerves have not been touched 2022-03-13 14:09:24 @Fra_Pochetti How long will the model be valid (how fast is the underlying function changing)? Where will we obtain the data/feedback needed to keep the model up to date? Will the deployed model lead to changes in user behavior that invalidate the model or lead to other problems? 2022-03-13 14:03:08 @MarcoWirthlin @Sergei_Imaging @yudapearl @wellingmax "bias" lumps together a whole spectrum. At one end, I can provide a structural causal model as the "bias" and just learn its parameters. At the DL end, I provide only a giant class of smooth functions. All can be successful, depending on the setting 2022-03-13 13:58:24 @Abel_TorresM @AndrewLampinen @GaryMarcus @yudapearl @rosemary_ke @DaniloJRezende The ability to respond quickly to change requires few-shot learning, and this seems to need disentangled representations and modular generative models. I don't know if it requires reasoning chains 2022-03-13 13:51:13 @GaryMarcus @AndrewLampinen "full data set"? Didn't Chomsky point out that there is no such thing in language? 2022-03-13 02:27:04 @MichaelD1729 This is a beautiful dream, but how would this be feasible for experiments that take longer to run than the conference review period? 2022-03-13 02:13:18 @rao2z It works both ways: Computer scientists who want to do ethics but don't know any of the established ethical frameworks. But of course that is how all cross-disciplines begin. 2022-03-12 22:52:12 @_arohan_ I should add tree search, especially MCTS 2022-03-12 22:04:12 @_arohan_ There are many successes in symbolic systems. SMT solvers, Coq and other theorem provers, planning and scheduling, decision tree learning, Bayesian network learning, etc. Graph neural networks have a symbolic component as well. 2022-03-12 21:55:42 @vardi I have posted a comment (awaiting moderation). I think "controls" is a vast overstatement. The conferences I've been involved with have been careful to ensure that industry funding only covers 'extras' rather than core functions. 2022-03-12 20:17:29 @vineettiruvadi I agree. When it first came online, I just liked the collaboration support (I started with ShareLatex). But it keeps getting better. Love the instant error checking, citation matching, figure file name match, and most of all, I don’t need to install and configure! 2022-03-12 14:18:22 @Sergei_Imaging @yudapearl @wellingmax "Knowledge" is too content-oriented a word for typical inductive biases such as assuming a linear function or k-DNF logical form 2022-03-12 13:47:42 @roydanroy Read Newell and Simon’s Turing award paper on Physical Symbol Systems 2022-03-12 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-21 04:31:26 @sarahookr Knowing your personality, this makes total sense! I'm more in your husband's camp myself 2022-01-21 00:27:06 @MichaelSmith2nd @EricTopol @UKHSA Can you explain what you mean by "coin toss"? I thought 50% effective was still a positive effect. 2022-01-20 22:21:36 @KyleCranmer Does anyone have a system that translates your facial expression into an emoji? 2022-01-20 21:30:34 @greg_ip Does Murdoch own a newspaper or cable network in Canada? 2022-01-20 21:08:49 @sindero Good point @sindero: I hadn't thought about this change in incentives until now: Under anonymous review, it is essential to cite yourself. That used to be considered somewhat uncouth. 2022-01-20 21:05:37 @deliprao In such cases, I just need to cite one particularly clear description of each previous problem, and not the whole literature. 2022-01-20 21:04:37 @deliprao I tend to work on novel problems, so citations need to situate the new PROBLEM relative to what has gone before. Conference reviewers, pressed for time, tend to read fast and fail to understand the new problem, think it is an old problem, and reject because I didn't compare 2022-01-20 21:01:00 @richardtomsett @AlexVasilescu @RandomlyWalking @isbellHFh @SergeyI49013776 And maybe you get feedback from readers that help you improve the final version of your paper prior to the conference. 2022-01-20 17:40:55 @danwwang All construction takes longer in the US. Why should we view this has a loss of knowledge vs other well-known construction and permitting issues? 2022-01-20 05:56:08 @EricTopol @maxdkozlov Omicron spreads much faster in vaccinated populations than the wild type did in the original naive population, right? Estimates of R0 are much higher. So it can't just be immune escape. 2022-01-20 04:50:32 @vicentes @rcalo Don't you worry that the backlash against beta testing on the general public will set back autonomous driving even more? Maybe even permanently, like GMO crops in Europe? 2022-01-19 05:57:44 @xyzdkfe @zacharylipton @DjokerNole Yeah. Owens couldn't change his skin, but @DjokerNole could have at least told the truth to people and, even better, gotten vaxxed. 2022-01-18 23:12:13 @BallouxFrancois Unfortunately, it is not our choice Londoners half way through the blitz: "I'm tired of the blitz, I just want to live a normal life." We can live life with courage, but it still won't be normal 2022-01-18 21:34:57 @Ashlmnd @cheer_wine @jdcmedlock Some universities have a rule that professors cannot require their own textbooks. Some have an exception if the students are given very inexpensive access. I think these are excellent policies 2022-01-18 14:41:01 RT @RebeccaMVarney: When I was 4, I wrote a letter to the Entomology department at UCB. "My name is Rebecca and I have a bug collection. I… 2022-01-18 06:32:15 @cheer_wine @jdcmedlock I think a lot of faculty members were appalled by the prices and started producing their own textbooks and notes. Many make them freely accessible. 2022-01-18 06:08:53 @shortstein Need to refine this idea to handle papers with multiple authors. I guess the author team needs to collectively come up with enough points to submit and then produce enough reviews. But incentives could be weird. Need a #mechanismdesign person to work on this! 2022-01-18 03:52:22 @FloorAstro @LeoBurtscher I hope the organizers will write up and share their lessons learned. I think many organizations are struggling with this. 2022-01-17 20:15:02 @shortstein There should be a way for reviewers to report paper assignments that are outside their area of expertise. It is hard to produce a good review for a topic you don't know. Reviewers would be incentivized to immediately check their assignments. end/ 2022-01-17 20:13:49 @shortstein Interesting idea. It seems like first-time authors should get a few free submissions, and then the cost of submitting a paper should equal the points for 3 high quality reviews. 1/ 2022-01-17 19:41:17 @thomasahle Isn't the randomness more a function of batch size than it is of the random shuffle. Still, why not randomly shuffle prior to each epoch? This is done automatically in most dataloaders, isn't it? 2022-01-17 19:18:06 @mariekekleemans We can't be expected to get much done. The whole economy is going to slow down for a couple of months as Omicron sweeps through, right? We need to be patient with each other and support each other and lower our expectations for what work is going to happen. 2022-01-17 19:11:40 RT @IDoTheThinking: Yes, American metros should have platform barriers like Japan has for anti-suicide and platform crowding reasons. But a… 2022-01-17 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-11 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-06 06:45:02 A crisp call to action. I recommend @julieletchner's essays too, which you can read here: 2022-01-06 02:51:05 @Noahpinion Strong agree. You can fix the problem unhoused by sticking them in a house. But to address homelessness, you need to find each person a home. 2022-01-06 02:16:54 @IDoTheThinking There are strong arguments for differential privacy. First, it protects privacy (which previous methods did not always do). Second, it prevents overfitting to small numbers in the data. If your analysis depended on small numbers, was it valid? 2022-01-06 01:51:47 @maxhodak_ And as a web page, it probably would have done less surveillance 2022-01-05 18:53:45 @Mauriciogs99 @roydanroy @yudapearl Same in medicine: administering novel treatment B changes the outcomes that would have been obtained if the standard treatment A had been applied. Both treatment effects would normally be stationary 2022-01-05 18:52:37 @Mauriciogs99 @roydanroy @yudapearl Suppose that one of my actions is "no action" (this comes up a lot in work on invasive species). Taking action in the world definitely changes the distribution of outcomes. Same in medicine. An important motivation in causal inference is that causal relationships are stationary 2022-01-05 18:50:28 @isbellHFh Yeah, I have to admit you GATech folks do great stuff! I just like to question metrics... 2022-01-05 17:35:50 @isbellHFh Why is bigness good? Shouldn't teaching and research productivity be measured in terms of outcome / $ spent? If bigness is all we want, then we could just merge all universities into one giant organization and we could all be #1 2022-01-05 05:44:50 @BomNaKub @roydanroy @yudapearl I don't get it 2022-01-05 05:42:49 @yudapearl @BomNaKub @roydanroy @yudapearl, you might be interested in the work on "off-line" RL which involves computing a policy from observed trajectories. In some settings, we are in the observational case because the actions that were taken are not observed. Here's a tutorial: 2022-01-05 05:39:22 @yudapearl @BomNaKub @roydanroy You can certainly write it as P(s_{t+1}|do(a_t = 1), s_t), where a_t is the action variable, and 1 indexes the action to be taken. I don't see why I need to specify actions in terms of their effects. Modeling the effects is what P is doing in this expression, right? 2022-01-05 05:28:25 @vkoganpolisci Same with my OSU: @OregonState 2022-01-05 04:04:42 RT @fuxinli2: The code for our CVPR 21 paper Discriminative Appearance Modeling with Multi-track Pooling for Real-time Multi-object Trackin… 2022-01-05 04:03:31 @yudapearl @roydanroy As you know, I think there are many opportunities to improve RL by incorporating your theory of causality. One example is @eliasbareinboim’s work on causal RL. He gave a great tutorial at ICML this year 2022-01-05 02:22:11 @roydanroy @yudapearl The ultimate goal of RL is to learn to behave optimally. Learning dynamical models and value functions is an intermediate step. And of course RL systems need to decide what data to observe, so experiment planning (aka "exploration") is critical to success. end/ 2022-01-05 02:19:25 @roydanroy @yudapearl Modern algorithms often learn both a value function and a policy, and model-based methods learn a model of the world dynamics as well. 4/ 2022-01-05 02:18:28 @roydanroy @yudapearl But this has been extended to fit dynamical models involving latent state variables. In some cases, people use SCMs to represent this. 3/ 2022-01-05 02:17:13 @roydanroy @yudapearl Deep RL learns to transform raw observations into a lower-dimensional latent representation under the assumption that the raw observations capture all relevant state. 2/ 2022-01-05 02:15:52 @roydanroy @yudapearl The standard formulation of reinforcement learning involves learning from interventional data under the assumption that the only agent in the world is the learning agent and all state variables are observed. 1/ 2022-01-04 17:11:59 Excellent thread on Omicron in UK and worldwide 2022-01-04 17:05:26 @skoularidou @pmddomingos He's just a troll. Ignore him and don't @ him. 2022-01-04 16:54:51 @rao2z @ylecun Exactly! And I think we are making progress on explanations in ML. For example, the work on IGOS++ by my colleague, @fuxinli2 is very nice. 2022-01-04 03:59:55 @ctava1 @ylecun Even so-called interpretable representations need to be validated through human-subjects experiments, because a human being is doing the interpreting. Both "interpretation" and "explanation" imply processing beyond the raw system itself. The key: are they fit for purpose? 2022-01-04 02:02:07 @SashaMTL Me too, but it's because it died and I'm waiting for a replacement. Enjoy! 2022-01-04 00:38:58 @ylecun But I expect you agree that with more research we will be able to understand how deep learning works, both in general and in specific instances. And this will be very useful in applications. end/ 2022-01-04 00:37:57 @ylecun There is a corner of the DL community that finds the incomprehensibility of deep nets attractive and that draws the faulty inference that because they share this property with biological neural networks, we must be on the right track. 1/ 2022-01-04 00:34:12 @ylecun Explanation mechanisms must undergo human subjects validation to confirm that they are correctly understood and support appropriate decision making. But that is true for any information system and UI. 2022-01-03 23:50:30 @ylecun But explanation can be an important tool for building trust. Perhaps it is even more important for debugging and improving our learning systems. I don't know of anyone claiming that it is necessary and sufficient, only that it is useful. 2022-01-03 23:31:51 Wow 2022-01-03 22:37:42 @Noahpinion After your supply chain post, this makes me want to see you publish a whole series analyzing the inefficiencies and coordination failures of various industries. Are there analysts (e.g., in Dept of Commerce) who do this full time? 2022-01-03 22:02:38 @erikbryn At what point do investors in index funds have too much exposure to Apple's stock price? 2022-01-03 21:00:17 @deliprao For theoreticians, mastering mathematical tools is the rough equivalent of mastering engineering tools. The exercise of re-proving known results is exactly analogous to re-implementing existing systems. 2022-01-03 20:58:13 @deliprao DL theory folks build mathematical models of deep learning and then study their properties. A big challenge is to know what is essential vs what can be abstracted away. 2022-01-03 20:56:29 @deliprao Well, I think there is room for different levels of DL engineering skill within a research team. But I certainly agree that every team needs deep engineering expertise for both scientific (designing novel methods) and practical (rapid experimental turnaround) reasons. 2022-01-03 20:29:04 @deliprao This is where learning to be a great DL engineer differs from learning to be a great ML researcher. Engineers need to master what works 2022-01-03 20:01:12 @rbergin @Sean_H_Glass @meelar @mnolangray Most OR wine industry is west of the mountains. 2022-01-03 18:09:38 @YueLabCaltech Murphy: Machine Learning: A probabilistic perspective 2022-01-03 18:07:38 @deliprao Blocking has helped a lot. 2022-01-03 04:56:23 @rajiinio Thank you for your work on this!! 2022-01-03 04:56:05 @rajiinio As you point out, today's algorithms are much more complex, but our evaluation methods haven't changed. 2022-01-03 04:55:03 @rajiinio The independent test set methodology was developed at a time when learning algorithms were fast, deterministic, and had only a few hyperparameters (e.g., k in k-nearest neighbors) easily set via cross-validation 1/ 2022-01-03 04:40:27 @rajiinio Evaluation on independent test data was a big advance when it was introduced in the late 1980s. Goodhart's Law always gets us in the end! 2022-01-03 03:58:58 RT @DBertsekas: #ReinforcementLearning @DBertsekas @beenwrekt @tdietterich My videolecture "Lessons from AlphaZero for Optimal, Model Predi… 2022-01-03 03:54:38 @Noahpinion First half is extremely informative. Digital transformation and coordination of the whole industry is a beautiful vision. Second half is a sales pitch. 2022-01-02 21:53:10 @thegautamkamath For me, it has been a great privilege to be part of the team! 2022-01-02 21:48:42 @thegautamkamath This is a semi-biological view. Each generation of researchers must master and internalize what has gone before and then build upon it. The "relay team" grows with each generation, and individual contributions proportionally shrink over time. It is enough that the relay continues 2022-01-02 21:44:49 @thegautamkamath I like to think about research as a relay race. Each paper (and its authors) seeks to hand off something useful to the next paper (and its authors). The total progress achieved is the sum of these individual contributions even if some turn out to be wrong/irrelevant 2022-01-02 03:52:31 @Noahpinion I guess it depends on who you count as a founding father. John Rutledge (SC) was a notorious advocate for slavery at the Constitutional Convention. But I wonder if Thomas Jefferson would be gratified to see how successful his anti-Haiti policies turned out to be 2022-01-02 02:24:14 @Noahpinion Several would be appalled by the abolition of slavery. OK, maybe not appalled, but deeply disappointed. 2022-01-01 00:44:18 @blaiseaguera You can read my essay from 2019 here: 2022-01-01 00:42:42 @srchvrs @blaiseaguera I think we are making substantial progress on understanding why deep nets work. I admit that it is not clear whether this understanding will enable us to simplify them to make them more transparent. 2022-01-01 00:41:23 @srchvrs @blaiseaguera My point is that we can conduct experiments on our nets that would be impossible on human brains. We can trace the impact of a single training example on the output of a network, for example. There is no need to accept that nets will always remain black boxes to us. 2021-12-31 20:55:27 Notes on @blaiseaguera's Medium essay on understanding 2021-12-31 20:54:17 @blaiseaguera And I was astonished that the essay wandered into issues of legal/moral personhood. That is an entirely separate discussion. end/ 2021-12-31 20:53:17 @blaiseaguera We shouldn't trust these systems unless the causal account demonstrates systematic generalization rather than ad hoc memorization. 3/ 2021-12-31 20:51:44 @blaiseaguera In the past, I have argued for a functionalist definition. But I'm becoming convinced that we need a causal account that explains how functional competence (answering questions, taking actions) is achieved. Neuroscientists seek the same for humans. 2/ 2021-12-31 20:49:52 @blaiseaguera Disappointed in this essay. It didn't answer the question in the title. It kind of argues for a functional answer, but only weakly. It excuses attempts to define "understanding" by appeal to the human black box. But the beauty of AI systems is that we can open them up. 1/ 2021-12-31 06:46:05 @michaelharriot 123 votes opposed, in the year 2021! 2021-12-31 04:25:41 @discoball2000 Yes! The number one cause of Covid infections is the SARS-COV-2 virus. It is not politicians or people. The virus has attacked all over the planet. We should marshal a unified response with all of our tools: vaccines, masking, ventilation, isolation, etc. 2021-12-31 04:03:28 America: Love it and help make it a better place! 2021-12-31 01:55:00 @windx0303 @IJCAIconf That was the first @IJCAIconf that I attended. First visit to lovely Vancouver BC and UBC campus 2021-12-30 19:37:03 @vardi Missed Rome, NY 2021-12-30 19:26:50 @carlesgelada What I wish we could say is "Here are the training examples that influenced this output". I want a causal account. If the number is 1000s, that would be cool 2021-12-30 18:22:41 @AngryCardio I'd keep schools open 2021-12-30 18:22:04 @AngryCardio Endgame: Return to normalcy by end of March after Pfizer drug is widely available. In the meantime, saving lives by flattening hospital admissions. 2021-12-30 15:50:16 @lillianmli I wonder how this acts as an incentive. The virtual employee doesn’t care. How do the human employees feel? 2021-12-29 22:18:14 RT @Bob_Wachter: My latest tweets have mostly been bad news, which saddens me, particularly during holiday season. Today I’ll take you to… 2021-12-29 21:15:48 @haldaume3 "Missouri roll" is the same as "california roll", except that there is no sushi named after it 2021-12-29 20:09:54 @im_thatoneguy @inthecloudnj @EricTopol @chrislhayes Ah, thank you for the explanation! 2021-12-29 19:18:17 @Aaron_Horowitz CJ = ? 2021-12-29 19:06:17 @ecologyofgavin Seems ok for copyediting (typos, etc.). Not a good idea for higher-level, conceptual issues. 2021-12-29 18:02:03 RT @vardi: 2021-12-29 16:46:21 @inthecloudnj @EricTopol @chrislhayes 0.54 means greater than 50% chance of a boosted person catching it from a boosted family member, if I’m reading this correctly 2021-12-29 07:08:02 @ronnyk I'm still seeing papers with accuracy and AUC numbers to 6 digits when there are < 2021-12-29 06:15:36 Reminder that most research universities in the US have agreed that April 15 is the date to decide which PhD offer you are accepting. It seems some folks need to be reminded of this based on this thread: 2021-12-29 02:20:16 @Bob_Wachter I think we are all looking for a roadmap out of the pandemic. The shift to "vaxxed + endemic + mild cases" is such a roadmap. It doesn't change what we should be doing now (esp for hospitals). But it would give people hope and a way of coping with the challenges of Omicron. 2021-12-29 01:33:39 @roydanroy 72 pages and then another 64 pages of proofs. Looks amazing! 2021-12-29 01:16:20 @ellendymit He pees on it at the end, right? 2021-12-29 00:07:19 Such incompetence ad @CDCgov erodes support for government institutions (and institutions in general). 2021-12-28 22:56:08 @mattblaze @rcalo Like capitalism in general, it is an optimization process that finds and exploits human weaknesses 2021-12-28 21:54:41 P.S. Some web sites don't ever confirm the donation, possibly because they haven't been tested with uBlock Origin enabled 2021-12-28 21:53:20 Instead, the popup disappears and I have to enter my name and address in the org's web page and then click on another Make Payment button to actually make the donation. I predict there will be a lot of failed donations this year! @AskPayPal should fix this 2021-12-28 21:53:19 The @PayPal workflow for donations is confusing. I'm on an organization's web page and they ask me to choose payment method. I click on PayPal and a PayPal popup confirms my identity and then says "Pay Now". I click. But that doesn't complete the payment! 2021-12-28 20:29:12 @michelletandler Mass death and hospital overwhelm causing additional deaths due to deferred/failed treatment. [rank 1 because irreversible]. Disruption to education [rank 2. seems to also have some irreversible effects] Disruption to economy [rank 3. mostly just defers economic activity] 2021-12-28 02:24:56 @RichardHanania @RichardMCNgo My state of Oregon, with its "lockdowns", did much better than states without "lockdowns" measured by cases, deaths, or excess deaths. I use quotes, because in the US we haven't had any true lockdowns, just restrictions. 2021-12-27 21:57:56 @AFCAMDEN @BruceDickenson1 @BallouxFrancois S. Florida looks pretty bad right now. But it still has ICU capacity (at least as of Dec 10). 2021-12-27 21:11:22 @AFCAMDEN @BallouxFrancois Agreed. The delay is the whole point. 2021-12-27 20:58:28 @AFCAMDEN @BallouxFrancois We can do more than be triple-vaxxed. I'm planning to stay home as much as possible (and mask up when not at home) until the Omicron wave has passed. 2021-12-27 20:45:31 @BallouxFrancois Let's do everything we can to flatten the current exponential curves around the world. That will prevent excess deaths due to facility overload. When I get COVID, I want there to be lots of ICU beds available. 2021-12-27 18:51:28 @fchollet That said, mastery of great tools is essential! 2021-12-27 18:36:16 @fchollet Research is a search process. We know momentum can be useful in search to match scales. So I think it is important to pursue an idea until you understand why it is broken rather than discarding it at the first sign of failure 2021-12-27 08:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-12-21 06:18:33 @Noahpinion The first time I visited Bangkok and saw all the street vendors, the first thought I had was "THIS is capitalism! THIS is free markets!" Given how pro-capitalism the US generally is, it it surprising how anti-capitalist we are about street vendors. 2021-12-20 21:47:22 @fchollet If companies had to service what they sell at no cost, we'd probably see rapid drops in unnecessary complexity. 2021-12-20 21:03:30 @fchollet Maybe we need a tax on complexity that could serve as a regularizer? 2021-12-20 19:17:02 @deliprao @ryan_p_adams @roydanroy The reality is somewhat circular. Researchers help set the agenda both in companies and in funding agencies. If we don’t like the priorities, let’s do a better job with R& 2021-12-20 05:57:47 @TobyWalsh @BanKillerRobots Certainly not "hand this all" to algorithms! But there is a role for computational tools to reduce mistakes. We need to address the entire pipeline as well as the final decision. These failures all show that it is not sufficient to just have human hands on the trigger. 2021-12-20 05:49:29 @Noahpinion "It's the pandemic (stupid)". It is hard to find a popular leader anywhere. Hope that the pandemic will end has been dashed repeatedly. I think this bleeds over into everything, and certainly into questionnaire responses. 2021-12-19 21:14:34 @GaryMarcus You may be right. But many more people are working on this now than 5 years ago. I'd offer good odds on 10 years 2021-12-19 21:09:51 @jjhikes @Noahpinion It would be nice if states could share software systems and best practices. Quality varies hugely from state to state. 2021-12-19 21:08:39 @GaryMarcus Yes, and I predict such structures will be learned by improved methods within 5 years. 2021-12-19 21:04:04 @EmilyETillett @ashishkjha In every previous wave, the fall was slower than the rise. The last number I saw out of SA was a halving time of 11 days (compared to a doubling time of 2-3 days). 2021-12-19 21:01:30 @Noahpinion The failure probably extends to my own pharmacy. After I got my booster, I kept getting texts telling me to come in for my second shot. 2021-12-19 19:52:24 @examachine1 @GaryMarcus I agree. But the representations learned by current LLMs are clearly inadequate for many tasks requiring deeper understanding. That's no surprise, because they haven't seen data for those tasks. Oh, and humans don't acquire these reps by reading billions of sentences 2021-12-19 19:21:18 @GaryMarcus So I agree with @GaryMarcus that @sqcai is asking the wrong question here 2021-12-19 19:19:42 @GaryMarcus But we shouldn’t expect that additional scaling of current models will lead to some magic threshold of understanding. 2021-12-19 19:18:01 @GaryMarcus We don’t need to wean ourselves from scaling. We need to scale correctly. LLMs give us a proxy for what it would be like to have a large common sense knowledge base. Let’s study them to understand their strengths and weaknesses. 2021-12-18 22:59:17 RT @AlexGDimakis: Its amazing what they had to do back then to get some Mixed Multiply Units. Today, with 7nm fabs we can get 32 prefabulat… 2021-12-18 22:58:57 @docmilanfar I haven't laughed so hard in years. Do you suppose this is in the training data for GPT3? 2021-12-18 20:58:12 @Grady_Booch I think the Pfizer oral antiviral will effectively end the pandemic in the rich world (hugely reduce hospitalizations, lift much of the load on the health care system, etc.). Now if only we could vaccinate the rest of the world! 2021-12-18 18:07:24 @andyroyle_pwrc The discussion on this thread would make a great class unit on understanding potential selection biases in data. So many factors to consider! 2021-12-18 06:48:50 @Noahpinion I wish @Noahpinion had titled this “Leave it and love it (when you return)”. The US is a unique experiment in self-governance. Maybe that is why we talk politics so much? 2021-12-18 06:45:39 @Noahpinion Totally agree. I traveled abroad starting in my early 20s, but I didn’t live abroad until my mid-40s. Such a revelation! I wish I had done it when I was younger. So happy that my kids had the experience 2021-12-18 01:25:29 @ReichartsRant @Nils_Reimers @roydanroy I’d like to see results from people over 70. As my fingers dry out with age, I can no longer get fingerprint readers to authenticate me (eg. on my laptop). The NIST study is based on frequent travelers. (Of course the original post was about travel, so maybe this is ok.) 2021-12-18 00:30:15 @ReichartsRant @Nils_Reimers @roydanroy Do you trust all of the governments in foreign countries with your biometrics? Some percentage of people do not make usable fingerprints. Offering ALT = creating a vulnerability. These are hard problems 2021-12-18 00:11:00 @ReichartsRant @roydanroy A lot of us do not want to give unchangeable biological data to organizations. Don't the cryptographers have a solution to this? (and I don't mean blockchain) 2021-12-17 20:22:46 @maurice_weiler @ICBINBWorkshop @AaronSchein @franciscuto @_hylandSL @in4dmatics @wellingmax @ta_broderick link? 2021-12-16 20:32:20 @demishassabis @ScienceMagazine This is such a great outcome for the machine learning research community. Thank you, @demishassabis for your leadership! 2021-12-15 23:13:18 @mark_riedl How did they taste? 2021-12-15 18:27:05 @MosaicML @SebastienBubeck @geoishard They also show that adversarial examples are unavoidable, which is very worrying. 2021-12-15 17:08:09 @zeynep How can we flatten this curve? Stay home and not interact with family? 2021-12-15 05:23:50 @rishmishra @Noahpinion Reflecting on this more, my experience is probably biased by being involved primarily in startups led by professors. 2021-12-15 05:19:08 @rishmishra @Noahpinion Some lose interest and want to start another company with another vision. But others (e.g., Bezos) are laser-focused and are able to achieve amazing scale. 2021-12-15 05:17:50 @rishmishra @Noahpinion The skills of a founder--creating a vision, raising money, selling the vision to early customers--are not the same skills needed to scale a company to 1000s of customers and employees. Some people can do it, some can delegate, but many can't. 2021-12-15 05:15:36 @Noahpinion But founders are often charismatic and egotistical, and many have trouble scaling up their activity as the company grows. 2021-12-15 05:14:07 @Noahpinion "the founder still plays a significant role as CEO, chairman, board member, or owner or adviser." I agree, except for "CEO". The founder should step out of the CEO role but stay involved as an advisor or board member. Other configurations are possible (e.g., excellent COO) 2021-12-15 04:42:44 @Noahpinion Founders are good at founding 2021-12-14 21:57:20 @nadyabliss @AAASmeetings @asu_gsi Mine is a bit more eclectic I guess 2021-12-14 15:39:41 @drlorileeoates @andyroyle_pwrc What is a lifestyle emission? Is it different from all emissions? 2021-12-14 07:18:23 @Noahpinion @StevenGlinert Even as it succeeds wildly, machine learning is entering a period of Kuhnian crisis as it discovers the limits of statistical learning. @yudapearl's causality theory is challenging the purely statistical paradigm. 2021-12-14 07:06:21 I spoke at ICMLA-2021 ( and laid out my current thoughts about anomaly detection for OOD and Open Set detection. Slides for this and other recent talks are available here: 2021-12-14 05:10:40 @boazbaraktcs I wonder if part of the drop reflects a professionalization of many fields (e.g., finance) that used to hire a lot of English majors and now hire a lot of math/physics/stat/CS majors instead. Digital transformation meets the white collar job 2021-12-14 03:20:03 RT @Carthica: I welcome PhD applications from students interested in working with me on topics at the intersection of Artificial Intelligen… 2021-12-13 15:21:12 @JackATaylor2 It was slow last night, but now it seems to be completely dead. 2021-12-13 15:11:07 Anybody else having trouble connecting to the NeurIPS web site today? #NeurIPS2021 2021-12-13 00:04:00 @roydanroy @francoisfleuret @shortstein @arxiv I do think that publicly-available papers should not remain anonymous beyond a fixed time period. People must take responsibility for their work or else retract it. 2021-12-13 00:02:55 @roydanroy @francoisfleuret @shortstein @arxiv As long as papers are archived somewhere, I don't think it matters where. What does matter is that these organizations make a long-term commitment to archiving. It is also fine to archive in both places. 2021-12-13 00:00:14 RT @IJCAIconf: IJCAI-ECAI 2022 CALLS Watch the short video for a brief overview of #IJCAI2022 timeline Thanks for spreading the word… 2021-12-12 22:29:22 @francoisfleuret @shortstein @roydanroy @arxiv I don't know the history, but I suspect it is because @arxiv thinks of itself as an archive. In contrast, OpenReview thinks of itself as supporting a reviewing process. These have different requirements and intellectual histories. 2021-12-12 21:52:58 @shortstein @roydanroy @arxiv Yes, they are not permitted. 2021-12-12 21:51:35 @Nils_Reimers @TheAndyCamps @fchollet I agree. If the test data are sequestered and the number of runs is recorded, then we have good methods for estimating the over-fitting risk. It is still worth asking how our methods would change if we were only allowed one run. Hint: look at industry practice 2021-12-12 21:49:23 @roydanroy @shortstein @arxiv @arxiv rules prohibit anonymous submissions. 2021-12-12 21:45:10 @_asubbaswamy @roydanroy I'm looking forward to being able to iterate with the reviewers to improve the paper rather than submitting to yet another conference deadline 2021-12-12 21:40:12 @NickKristof @Oregonian Our state government has a long track record of incompetence when it comes to IT. I wonder what states are leaders in digital government? Surely we can learn from them. 2021-12-12 19:31:35 @Nils_Reimers @TheAndyCamps @fchollet If your "One run" fails, that reveals a weakness in our methodology. It signals that a real deployment would also have failed. How can we prevent that failure? More sensitivity analysis? More synthetic data studies? These are the questions we should be exploring 2021-12-12 18:46:33 @TheAndyCamps @fchollet Another way to make this vivid. At the start, set aside your own test set. Do all of your development as usual without looking at the test set. Only use the test set for your final figures. You get ONE run! What methods will increase the odds that that run will be good? 2021-12-12 18:42:04 @fchollet Agree. Another way to say this: tuning is part of the algorithm. You need to publish the whole algorithm. 2021-12-12 18:22:45 Super important development in the machine learning publishing landscape! A big thank you to everyone who is making this happen! 2021-12-12 16:07:42 RT @zeynep: Fundamentals of any data analysis. The first question to ask isn't what is this dataset telling us. It is, always, what exactly… 2021-12-12 07:01:44 The loss of life from yesterday's tornadoes is heart breaking, with 100+ deaths likely. Yesterday 2,087 people died in the US from COVID-19. 2021-12-11 20:09:11 RT @m0nica10: Researchers at Oregon State University say they have developed a breakthrough that could make hydrogen energy more affordable… 2021-12-11 06:24:03 @deliprao That's hilarious. It was a great talk, though! 2021-12-11 02:05:31 @mark_riedl I mean j = sqrt(-1), at least if you are a EE. But I messed up my own joke. 2021-12-11 00:25:57 @mark_riedl That j is the sqrt(2), so this is an imaginary base 2021-12-10 21:32:24 @yudapearl I guess he is claiming Moses smashed the first set of tablets as part of an RCT? 2021-12-10 20:52:42 @rao2z @geoffreyhinton @sejnowski Orals were definitely selected based on quality, but there were other considerations such as topic coverage and broad interest, same as now 2021-12-10 20:36:14 @rao2z In the single-oral-track days of NeurIPS, you basically could only have one oral per career. There was an informal exception for @geoffreyhinton. Whenever an invited speaker cancelled, @sejnowski would ask Geoff to tell us something cool 2021-12-09 23:48:37 @SoloRayForce @nosretep @Noahpinion Similar to the rules in the EU. 2021-12-09 22:21:02 RT @TobyWalsh: @AvilaGarcez AI journal is always free to access. If your institution doesn't provide you access, you can get it at no cos… 2021-12-09 05:16:18 @ccanonne_ Long chain starch interpolation 2021-12-09 03:45:54 @kchonyc We have rediscovered this phenomenon recently. Even if your problem only involves K classes, find as much additional training data for M > 2021-12-08 21:03:58 @robotsmarts @newsbeagle One big error in this paper. Expert systems didn’t require specialized hardware. Although many were built using Lisp machines, CommonLisp ran on generic hardware, often faster than on Lisp machines. Expert systems failed because of high software maintenance costs 2021-12-07 19:40:05 @_asubbaswamy @roydanroy Speaking of poor performance, loading the web page for each poster session takes many minutes to finish 2021-12-07 19:00:29 @roydanroy I find navigation is tedious. Is there a better way to move around than the arrow keys? For the poster session, I need to have one window reminding me that I want A4 and the other window with Gather. Then navigate to A4 using arrow keys. And I have to reenter many times. 2021-12-07 16:34:45 @IDoTheThinking In Barcelona, every neighborhood “supermarket” has these gates. Many also have shopping cart parking with free coin return locks so that you can lock up your hand cart. 2021-12-07 16:26:04 Looking forward to participating in this mini-workshop! 2021-12-07 06:55:28 @michaelharriot When I read this, I thought he was talking about all the rich folks who want their state-and-local-tax breaks restored. I guess that reveals something about each of us. 2021-12-07 06:51:34 @Grant_Van_Horn @MacaulayLibrary @FastCompany @MerlinBirdID @CornellBirds Love @MerlinBirdID and proud to have been a part of the team in the earliest days. Congratulations!! 2021-12-07 03:53:22 @Jezzbolla @EmeraldCityML @MPhillipsWSJ @WSJ 10,000km from DC 2021-12-07 03:44:59 @adjiboussodieng Can you say more about this? My colleagues at @TAHMO_World describe our goal as deploying and operating an automated weather station network across all of sub-Saharan Africa. Would you suggest that we use some other description? 2021-12-06 16:27:25 @thegautamkamath One paper with fundamental insights is worth more than dozens of incremental contributions 2021-12-05 23:48:12 @MPhillipsWSJ @WSJ “Opposite the US East Coast”? 2021-12-05 21:12:50 @pcastr @kchonyc @_joaogui1 @neu_rips @CsabaSzepesvari You could also be operating in an environment where the inflation rate is changing at each time step. 2021-12-05 20:18:21 @kchonyc Of course we often trade fidelity (of the objective) for computational or analytical benefits. But I prefer to define an MDP as anything with Markovian transitions and rewards and a non-diverging objective. 2021-12-05 20:15:50 @kchonyc When defining a problem, you should start by specifying the objective you want to optimize. Cumulative discounted reward is just one of many objectives. It makes sense in many problems with economic objectives. 2021-12-05 17:16:16 @bschoelkopf Thank you so much for your dedication to the research community! 2021-12-05 17:15:28 RT @bschoelkopf: Thanks to all those who helped make JMLR what it is today. 2021-12-04 22:34:39 @Noahpinion In my experience, the boundary is very fuzzy. I’ve worked on applied projects whose main outcome was basic and vice versa. 2021-12-04 18:00:57 @avt_im @matloff @jeanqasaur The internships I was talking about are paid. I totally agree that an unfunded MS program should be avoided. 2021-12-04 17:28:27 @avt_im @matloff @jeanqasaur Some departments are offering research internships (eg for a year). Our program at Oregon state is informal. I think GATech has a more formal one. It is a recruiting tool for us, but it can be a stepping stone for students 2021-12-04 17:22:40 RT @rajiinio: AI hype is not just about caricature or a joke - unchecked it leads to premature, shoddy deployments, and causes real harm to… 2021-12-04 00:32:29 Interesting new conference starting up in AutoML 2021-12-03 20:01:24 @joftius @avt_im @thegautamkamath @daniela_witten Yes. I think of an inference procedure as an algorithm, and the error probabilities (type I,II) as defining the correctness of the algorithm. We need to specify those at the time we design the algorithm (not after seeing the input). 2021-12-03 16:59:11 @RajiOye @louissmit @SpanbergErik @thegautamkamath Making inferences about the influence of a variable in a tegularized regression (lasso or ridge) is exactly the problem I was referring to. It can be done, with care. 2021-12-03 05:00:24 @davekarpf It is true that AI hype always greatly exceeds current reality. On the other hand, there HAVE been major breakthroughs. Look at @deepmind's work on protein folding 2021-12-02 22:56:42 RT @BDilkina: Applying for Postdoc or PhD in AI and passionate about #sustainability? Come work with me on #AI for #conservation at USC wit… 2021-12-02 19:37:50 @avt_im @thegautamkamath @daniela_witten But it is hard to do this right. 2021-12-02 19:36:41 @avt_im @thegautamkamath There is work on statistical inference with biased estimators. I can't find specific references quickly, but I believe Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani have studied things like estimating variable importance and causal effects with regularized models. Maybe @daniela_witten knows? 2021-12-02 19:28:53 @avt_im @thegautamkamath I agree that we should understand our errors and a high-variance unbiased estimator is useless. So the real issue is that if I'm going to introduce bias to stabilize my estimator, do I understand its effect? 1/ 2021-12-02 19:02:21 @thegautamkamath Scientists who apply statistics are interested in the truth (statistical inference), not prediction. For them, a biased estimator is giving a wrong answer. Whereas in prediction, a biased prediction is usually optimal 2021-12-02 03:59:54 @Azumanga @TobyWalsh More journals 2021-12-01 19:10:50 @repblumenauer @RepPeterDeFazio @RepPeterDeFazio has been my representative for many years. He has understood the many different needs of his district extremely well. I hope his replacements show the same dedication to serving all of the district. Thank you for your service! 2021-12-01 15:37:25 @mark_riedl I think it is hard for AI researchers to swallow too. We want to believe we can use our computing skills to "solve" these problems. It is frustrating to realize that our skills are such a tiny part of the solution 2021-12-01 05:16:15 @peteratmsr @lazowska And of course Ed's contributions go beyond UW and Seattle. He has played a huge role in advocating for computer science research at the national level as well. If you have spent time at a US research university, you have benefited from Ed @lazowska's efforts! 2021-12-01 01:01:23 Hey @NeurIPSConf, in the paper visualization, I see blue dots, gray dots, and circled green dots (my bookmarks). What are the gray dots? 2021-12-01 00:59:17 @tegmark It is hard to target bioweapons (but, alas, someone is probably working on it) 2021-11-30 22:09:29 @david__simon @rcalo @Hertz I saw a similar story on flyertalk by a different customer. It is clear that reserving with @hertz is high-risk 2021-11-30 18:40:36 Interesting statistics on (declared) drone strikes for Biden vs previous administrations 2021-11-29 16:47:10 RT @ddwoods2: Claims that AI will become autonomous and independent are wrong technically 2021-11-29 16:11:46 RT @Einstein_Berlin: Paul Ginsparg, founder of the first open access preprint server, receives the €200,000 Individ… 2021-11-28 21:56:23 @stevemushero @RealBenisons @zeynep @nytopinion What about the legality of placing people in required quarantine upon arrival? 2021-11-28 05:01:21 @R_H_Ebright @GiancarloSopo @ScottGottliebMD We could test every arriving person and put them in quarantine hotels. The current travel bans only apply to non-US persons, so they won’t do much to prevent spread. Why shouldn’t a vaccinated and tested S African be able to fly to the US? 2021-11-28 02:54:27 @taaltree My larger point is that these “bans” are not bans. A serious approach would include testing, quarantine, and retesting. 2021-11-28 02:52:25 @taaltree Ok, let’s say that the current restrictions reduce the number of imported cases by 50%. That replaces b by 0.5b. What matters is R once N> 2021-11-28 02:14:31 @taaltree The “travel bans” for the US only ban non-US persons. So they are completely ineffective. There is no requirement for testing upon arrival nor testing after quarantine. It’s all just political theater. Same as Trump’s “bans” on travel from China 2021-11-27 18:39:56 RT @smdiehl: Ever notice how there's a huge disconnect between how the VC thought leader class talks about NFTs and crypto coins, and how y… 2021-11-27 17:00:19 @AbraarKaran @adjiboussodieng In the US at least, it isn’t even a border closure. US citizens can still travel to the US. Do the authorities think Omicron only infects non-US citizens? Utter nonsense! 2021-11-27 06:58:38 @daniela_witten I, on the other hand, would like to petition the Greek government to add more letters to the Greek alphabet. I'm always wishing for more (but not more variants, please) 2021-11-27 05:03:48 @Noahpinion Of course, we do require mandatory testing less than 72 hours before boarding a plane to the US. I suspect that is quite effective. 2021-11-27 05:01:52 @Noahpinion The current travel ban is pure theater. If we really wanted to stop the virus from entering the US (assuming it has not already done so), we would ban ALL people from entering the US. The current ban doesn't apply to US persons, which is half of the travelers flying to the US. 2021-11-27 05:00:08 @Noahpinion There are policy options we have not tried. We have not instituted mandatory testing and quarantine for people entering the US. 2021-11-26 21:28:11 @BobbiKennedy63 @ashishkjha Why should I be troubled by this? I’m happy they are checking and preparing at the same time 2021-11-26 20:22:20 @ilhamabuljadaye @ScottGottliebMD Everyone flying to the US must be tested within 72 hours of departure. Do you think we ALSO need to do lateral flow testing upon arrival? IF people are positive, do you think we should have government provided quarantine? 2021-11-26 18:57:52 @jbarro Everybody boarding a flight to the US must have a negative PCR test within the last 48 hours. The risk is therefore very low. If you want to act now, require lateral flow tests immediately before boarding + a test 48 hours after arrival with mandatory quarantine 2021-11-25 16:34:57 @roydanroy At the same time, experiments are often poorly designed and over-interpreted. I agree that we should do better 2021-11-24 19:34:25 @ezraklein Does anyone know of a browser plugin that selectively disables javascript? It would be great to kill these popups at the user end. 2021-11-24 19:28:00 I love these ideas 2021-11-24 19:10:13 @NateMJensen GDP doesn't capture all value 2021-11-24 15:47:49 @rosstaylor90 @boazbaraktcs Unfortunately, we are discovering that noise wants to be free, too. 2021-11-24 15:46:47 @rosstaylor90 @boazbaraktcs But is that information signal or noise? That seems to be the concern of some folks 2021-11-24 15:37:07 @aprilkhademi @jasmith_yorku @CSProfKGD Summer salaries remain the same even if they are charged to grants. Generally, only 2 months of summer salaries can be charged to grants by Federal rules 2021-11-23 20:45:12 RT @aihuborg: Can you spot AI hype? Previously on #TutorialTuesday we’ve talked about how to avoid making #hype, but it’s equally import… 2021-11-23 20:43:30 @Navdeep_Gill_ In other words, give up on social science? Of course we must build models, including algorithmic and mathematical models. But we must be very humble about how much they can tell us. 2021-11-23 18:01:30 @nadyabliss @d_w_bliss I guess you have to publish a paper and cite him to communicate 2021-11-23 16:09:29 @FLIxrisk Another cost is that any application of force introduces instabilities into society. The effects are extremely hard to predict, and this uncertainty is another factor that discourages escalation. 2021-11-23 02:29:53 @rzioni Do you have a link to the original source? I can't find it 2021-11-22 18:16:36 @Delmarkva @MaxGhenis Even earlier, I'm sure. Prices were posted back in the early sixties when I first purchased gasoline for a lawnmower at the age of 12. 2021-11-22 01:55:39 @Noahpinion The only weird jumps are bunnies 2021-11-22 00:16:39 @KyleCranmer @kchonyc @docmilanfar No wonder I've been confused all these years. 2021-11-21 07:07:03 I enjoyed this article, especially the profiles of various cities. I'm curious what my African colleagues think of it. 2021-11-20 18:46:45 RT @CadeMetz: Jay Last, One of the Rebels Who Founded Silicon Valley, Dies at 92 2021-11-20 05:58:17 @JKleenankandy @fchollet Some languages also have fewer phonemes. This typically requires them to have more syllables per word. My favorite example is "I" (English) and "watashi" (Japanese). Hawaiian has very few phonemes, so words get very long 2021-11-20 05:55:47 @JKleenankandy @fchollet It isn't a question of expressive power. You can say almost everything in every modern language. But some languages require more words to say the same thing. Translators can usually predict how much a text will expand or contract when going from one language to another. 2021-11-20 05:52:01 @willigula @fchollet Creoles are usually simpler than the languages from which they are derived. English doesn't have much grammar 2021-11-19 22:25:54 @GaryMarcus @MelMitchell1 We can attribute priors to humans, but this won’t explain how they arose nor necessarily how to build AI systems with the right properties. However, it is certainly a reasonable research strategy to pursue. Just not the only one 2021-11-19 20:17:23 @GaryMarcus @MelMitchell1 We got from molecules to humans without priors. "Innateness" draws a line someplace during reproduction (at conception? at birth?) that is artificial. The biology is a continuous process. Taking human learning as a model is misleading 2021-11-19 14:55:23 @lawrennd Bibtex expertise will never become obsolete 2021-11-18 22:36:20 RT @GaelVaroquaux: I am of course flattered (vanity?) and hope that this will help me in my endeavors. However, le… 2021-11-18 19:46:54 RT @IChotiner: This is amazing. 2021-11-18 00:14:01 RT @Grady_Booch: On the nuances of blockchain. As a data structure, I am enamored with blockchain: it's elegant, it's clever, it's simple.… 2021-11-17 22:20:48 @haldaume3 The whole field of HCI has had to battle the "not technical enough" label from the start. But, at least from my outsider view, it doesn't seem to have affected the gender composition of the field. It did cause the field to go overboard on methodological rigor IMO. 2021-11-17 19:56:03 @erikbryn I was misled by this article. If you look at the paper, you see that the vast majority of the people in the study had been hospitalized (> 2021-11-16 18:05:24 @IDoTheThinking @save1921walnut On the other hand, UC independence means that they don't need to deal with politicians trying to prevent professors from testifying on public policy questions. Compare with Georgia 2021-11-16 14:56:16 @david_lagnado @hal_ashton @Jackstilgoe But now we know how to automate causal reasoning. AI is much more than statistical learning 2021-11-16 05:57:52 Is long COVID holding the economy back @Noahpinion? 2021-11-16 05:42:36 @Noahpinion Cheap shot Noah: They can keep their shoes on because they did not attract the attention of a certain Mr. Bin Laden. 2021-11-15 01:28:47 @geomblog OK, that fixes the numerator, but how do you figure out what the derivative is taken with respect to? 2021-11-14 15:27:44 Why has the iPhone @Twitter app become so hard to read? I can’t tell where one tweet ends and the next one begins 2021-11-13 17:38:42 @Noahpinion @cblatts It’s a lot harder to claim the moral high ground when opposing immigration 2021-11-13 17:29:46 @Noahpinion @cblatts Does this chart include student visas, H1b visas? 2021-11-13 16:35:21 @rao2z I thought civilization advanced by increasing the number of people who can jointly collaborate to their mutual benefit. 2021-11-13 01:29:50 @roydanroy Seems like something @arxiv needs to do to support the research community. Definitely some issues to work out about the duration and other conditions under which the anonymity should expire. Should anonymous papers be citable? 2021-11-12 19:30:14 @KLdivergence Same with editorial manager 2021-11-11 18:04:07 RT @ASlavitt: COVID Update: One too many smart people has told me or said on TV this week that the pandemic is over. I offer this thread… 2021-11-11 00:53:27 @Albanese_ca @matloff @Freakonomics @joboaler Is knowing the user interface of a calculator “math skill”? 2021-11-10 22:23:45 @zacharylipton @dustinvtran @yoavgo I know NeurIPS calibrates. 2021-11-10 20:40:34 Interesting piece by @DrDaronAcemoglu, Jordan, and Weyl on "complementary AI" 2021-11-10 18:08:35 Seems like the government should set minimum standards for customer support response times. As a customer, my impression is that a lot of companies have scaled everything except customer support. (Oh, and content screening, of course.) "..." for at least 10 minutes 2021-11-09 21:53:40 @rcalo Happened here in Corvallis too. 2021-11-09 05:10:13 @yoavgo @etzioni Hasn’t sentiment classification been roundly criticized as well? At least I can see how it will be applied. How will Delphi be applied? 2021-11-08 15:13:45 @mdurazob @yudapearl The goal is to model the underlying invariant causal processes so that retraining is not necessary. 2021-11-08 04:01:16 @yudapearl All true. I suspect future systems will be a hybrid of causal and statistical. Much of what people are yearning for with neuro-symbolic models is to connect abstract causal models to fine-grained statistical procedures. There is so much to be done here! 2021-11-08 03:56:59 @mdurazob @yudapearl Because when you deploy it, the real world is different from the test set. With a causal model, you can generalize beyond the training/test set. 2021-11-07 22:40:09 @Noahpinion I'm still seeing it. I need to click on the tweet that I want to translate, and then it appears 2021-11-07 20:07:27 I, for one, am glad to see cathode ray tubes banned from our schools 2021-11-07 19:39:32 @Grady_Booch This could have been a much shorter piece. Was he being paid by the word? 2021-11-07 18:37:30 @jdcmedlock It's amazing that he is supporting the central financing mechanism of cyberattacks and illegal drugs. Isn't he supposed to be in favor of law enforcement? 2021-11-07 06:43:55 @davidmanheim @aa_marsh During preparation, probably one day per grant. In addition, the university now has a whole office of people to help with grant preparation (and of course, accounting and reporting after the grant is awarded). 2021-11-06 23:45:25 @IDoTheThinking It is a measure of the richness of social interaction in the town, or at least it was at one time. Rotarians also need to attend every week, so this is useful info for them 2021-11-06 23:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-01 19:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-08-23 15:43:58 @emilymbender @FrankPasquale @AlexBaria @doctabarz Yes! Other misleading metaphors: an AI is human-like, an AI is an agent, an AI is a teammate. Each of these can be useful in some situations, but they all wrong at a fundamental level. 2021-08-22 16:00:43 @NandoDF But “foundation “ is an unfortunate name. These empirical “models” are a shaky foundation for building robust systems. 2021-08-22 01:46:07 @andyroyle_pwrc @RileyFBernard @MaerzLab I’m jealous! Someday it will rain again in the west, and we’ll see mushrooms again 2021-08-21 23:50:55 @andyroyle_pwrc The only id app I've used is Merlin, and I like how the acoustic and visual id parts link back to photos, recordings, and some text. I'd still like to have more differential characters to distinguish similar species. I'll check those apps out, thanks 2021-08-21 23:44:43 @andyroyle_pwrc what app are you using? 2021-08-21 18:44:59 What a beautifully-written article by @wyatt_williams about poor coffee farmers operating illegally in a national park in Sumatra. 2021-08-21 17:17:39 RT @peter_richtarik: Message to all #NeurIPS2021 Area Chairs: Please request reviewers to engage with the authors. Simply reading the rebut… 2021-08-21 15:55:02 RT @DBertsekas: #ReinforcementLearning An early draft of my forthcoming (2022) research monograph was posted on-line: "Lessons from AlphaZe… 2021-08-21 15:54:52 @bhagirathl @DBertsekas Works for me… 2021-08-21 15:50:20 RT @paul_scharre: A must read on Afghanistan 2021-08-21 15:47:04 Wisdom from @paul_scharre 2021-08-20 23:50:33 @andyroyle_pwrc The case for masks everywhere: my local ICU is at 100% occupancy. When the delta wave is over and everyone is either recovering or vaccinated, then (hopefully) we can relax. Let's control this invasive species! 2021-08-20 05:58:33 @timjburrows @mmcgowan1 @JHWeissmann @mattyglesias We spent a whole lot more on Afghanistan, that’s for sure 2021-08-20 05:41:01 @PopforLife3 @peterlombard @EricTopol IF you are vaccinated and you get COVID-19, it is less deadly than if you got the original strain and you were NOT vaccinated. Not a surprise 2021-08-20 04:10:01 @rao2z But this time we are doing it "at scale" 2021-08-20 03:02:14 @timjburrows @mmcgowan1 @JHWeissmann @mattyglesias See "The United States transferred over $13 billion (equivalent of about $114 billion[1] in 2020[2]) in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after the end of World War II" 2021-08-20 01:55:30 @jathansadowski @TobyWalsh @GoogleAI Yes, absolutely correct 2021-08-20 01:43:47 @jathansadowski @TobyWalsh @GoogleAI In short, I agree with @TobyWalsh that the serious long terms issues are data quality and the challenge of preventing errors (including bias, unfairness, etc.) when using these models 2021-08-20 01:41:53 @jathansadowski @TobyWalsh @GoogleAI Many people are working on the problem. I expect that there are several orders of magnitude reduction that can be made by combining specialized hardware and improved algorithms. In addition, the cost of these large models can be amortized over the many downstream applications 2021-08-18 04:07:57 @moreisdifferent @xriskology Yes. I am speciesist. I evolved to be a member of a human community, and I value that community. 2021-08-18 01:41:48 @rao2z @roydanroy @arxiv Compared to some of those physics and astronomy papers, this was a short list 2021-08-17 23:46:42 RT @jbakcoleman: Did the world just get Simpson's Paradoxed into purchasing third doses? Elegant analysis by @jsm2334… 2021-08-17 23:37:47 @moreisdifferent @xriskology I value human life vastly more than future "AI" life. To do otherwise is literally inhuman 2021-08-17 22:26:33 @frossi_t @vj_chidambaram @ldklinux @jsysresearch And JAIR was the inspiration for JMLR (and the initial software base!) 2021-08-17 22:25:08 @UrbanAchievr Is Federalism not our strength? 2021-08-17 22:19:09 @Grady_Booch Many of these are violations of meta-level expectations (e.g., for stability, consistency, etc.) How do we know when the list is complete? 2021-08-16 21:14:42 @deliprao @lreyzin I certainly agree. Let's reserve TAG programs for the poor. 2021-08-16 18:03:53 @taitamdo But I object to this defn of existential risk. It is existential for 50% of humanity. 2021-08-16 13:37:12 @xp__22 @lreyzin @deliprao Fair questions. I don’t know the details of this particular lottery. My only point was that the stakes are often lower than they seem. Like NeuriIPS reviews, I think the optimal policy is a mix of ranking and randomization 2021-08-16 04:33:29 @lreyzin @deliprao Won't some of them win the lottery? 2021-08-16 03:58:09 @PMinervini @unsorsodicorda It means that their activation vectors have smaller norm and are more similar to each other than to the labeled points. Tack et al. show that thresholding the norm is a decent anomaly detection method. 2021-08-16 03:44:25 This article explains the unease I've always felt in conversations with the Existential Risk crowd. My question to them: What if the person who will save those future beings is alive today but will die from climate change effects? 2021-08-16 03:39:09 @lreyzin @deliprao Well, she retains her brilliance and will take it with her wherever she goes. When the method for predicting who benefits from enhanced educational experiences is poor, allocating those experiences by lottery is fair. Same advice I give to students rejected from MIT, etc. 2021-08-16 00:11:11 @WiringTheBrain @Miles_Brundage We do the science that is doable. And if it’s doable for us, it’s doable for others 2021-08-15 15:36:33 RT @ASlavitt: COVID Update: I’ve had dozens of people ask me with Delta here, what is the COVID end game. Because I don’t know, I intervie… 2021-08-15 15:30:20 @unsorsodicorda I don’t see why your impossibility theorem is relevant. In my example, the OOD images are very different from in-distribution ones. The failure here is in representation learning 2021-08-15 05:06:35 @ZaleskiLuke @Grady_Booch You left out Afghan’s corruption 2021-08-14 22:33:59 @SColesPorter Wildfires are a natural response to climate change. Forest species must shift pole-ward unless climate change is halted. Fix climate change and fires will subside. 2021-08-14 21:20:26 @yudapearl Perhaps the leaders of Afghanistan should have considered this instead of corruptly pocketing US money. Wasn't 20 years of support enough? Pakistan seems to have gotten more effective results for their investment. 2021-08-14 20:21:39 @ryandcotterell @omerNLP @rtsarfaty Link to abstract: 2021-08-13 21:35:33 @Noahpinion That's what a machine learning system would predict 2021-08-13 15:16:33 RT @wbialek: It is hard to speak of friends in the past tense. This week we lost Naftali Tishby. Tali was a remarkable person in so many… 2021-08-12 16:56:20 The @nytimes doesn’t seem to know the difference between breaking news and scheduled alerts. Just got an alert on my phone for their story on hydrogen fuels labeled as “breaking news”. 2021-08-12 02:03:22 @twitter your new font is really terrible. I'm reading devastating stories and the font is almost comic sans. Give us back some dignity! 2021-08-11 14:55:45 We have lost Prof. Naftali Tishby, one of the deep thinkers in machine learning (and information theory, and many other areas). Co-inventor of the Information Bottleneck method. 2021-08-11 04:34:26 RT @OHSUNews: Unless Oregonians take immediate action, there will not be an available hospital bed for many patients who need it for #COVID… 2021-08-11 03:01:01 @taaltree Evidently there is no other revenue source... More seriously: As water shortages worsen, we might indeed need to cut down some trees so that there is enough water for the remaining ones. I wonder what Oregon's forested landscape will look like in 2060 2021-08-09 15:56:52 This looks very interesting for research in nonstationary ML 2021-08-09 04:51:38 @fchollet Bring it on! 2021-08-08 21:34:42 @rouli @roydanroy t-SNE and UMAP were invented precisely because of the shortcomings of PCA. But all of these tools are useful for getting a rough idea of what is going on. Confirmation requires quantitative measurements (in progress) 2021-08-08 19:06:50 @Noahpinion Taxis are great at places like airports, hotels, etc. No agreeing on a pickup spot, no waiting. 2021-08-08 19:00:14 I'm excited to participate, too. I welcome questions and suggestions about what to discuss (reply or DM me) 2021-08-08 17:11:38 @roydanroy You are correct. In the CSI paper, they find that the norm is a decent anomaly score. But it can be improved substantially. My guess is that the fitted surface is too flexible to generalize very far beyond the training data 2021-08-08 16:43:16 RT @RickyPo: Paul Ginsparg: Lessons from arXiv’s 30 years of information sharing 2021-08-08 04:07:49 @TobyWalsh It’s not decompression! ML can do that easily. NL utterances are not encoded thoughts. They are conventional gestures that give evidence of the beliefs, desires, and intentions (and other attitudes) of the speaker 2021-08-08 04:04:28 @TobyWalsh While I agree with the general conclusions, the model of communication and understanding given in this article would get a failing grade in the NLU class I took from Terry Winograd. 2021-08-08 03:02:22 @roydanroy My student Alex Guyer produced this. 2021-08-08 03:00:45 @roydanroy Here is a similar visualization of the results of SimCLR from Red points are OOD 2021-08-08 02:59:13 @roydanroy Here is a UMAP visualization of held out data from a ResNet trained on 6 inlier classes from CIFAR-10 (various shades of green) with 4 outlier classes (lightest green). The light green points are mostly in the middle 2021-08-08 02:56:50 @roydanroy In deep learning, we find that the learned representations only give reliable distances among the images that were seen during training. OOD images tend to fall in the "center" of the space. 2021-08-08 02:55:24 @roydanroy The fundamental challenge (esp. with deep learning) is to develop a representation in which distances are useful. With hand-engineered features, we can do this. Distance in raw images are rarely useful except for highly-structured settings (x-ray, industrial inspection) 2021-08-08 02:51:29 @ericjang11 @roydanroy I am a big fan of this work. is an important paper 2021-08-08 02:49:27 @roydanroy However, we didn't address the question of detecting anomalous parts/regions of images or time series. There is work in medical images, industrial inspection, and time series anomaly detection that tries to do this. 2021-08-08 02:47:20 @roydanroy Lukas Ruff led a team (including me) that produced this review article: 2021-08-07 21:02:18 Beautiful writing 2021-08-07 19:09:00 @risi_kondor @roydanroy What brand do you have? 2021-08-07 18:06:38 @CsabaSzepesvari @roydanroy @openreviewnet @tetraduzione @arnosolin @sleepinyourhat @UncertaintyInAI @uai2018 @iclr_conf Is the concern that during the bidding process, all titles and abstracts are available? Even without bidding, your reviewers will see your ideas and could exploit them, but that does enlarge the set. What’s the connection to flag planting? 2021-08-07 16:54:59 @barttels2 @learnfromerror @eliaseythorsson @ChristosArgyrop @fitterhappierAJ @ZiikZiiii It’s math. When Rt< 2021-08-07 16:49:12 @barttels2 @learnfromerror @eliaseythorsson @ChristosArgyrop @fitterhappierAJ @ZiikZiiii Don’t you just need to drive Rt below 1? 2021-08-07 01:01:39 @markoff They work, but I’d prefer that Apple not track me when I click on links in Twitter 2021-08-06 16:22:15 @deliprao Another methodology is to create pseudo data and do our algorithm development on that. We can generate unbounded amounts of pseudo data. But we still need to test on the real thing periodically 2021-08-06 16:20:22 @deliprao Which is mostly a side effect of working with a fixed data set. One could imagine breaking a dataset into, say, 20 subsets, and releasing them over a 24-month period. People could develop new ideas and then test them fairly 2021-08-06 15:36:00 @KLdivergence Student reviewers? Or bad assignments? 2021-08-06 14:26:33 RT @taaltree: A nice contribution to an ongoing discussion about the tension between animal welfare and wildlife conservation. 2021-08-05 16:22:27 @kchonyc The correct training procedure should be 1. pick a data set 2. split into train/validate/test 3. train (+ tune hyperparameters) to maximize validation metrics 4. measure on test to get an unbiased estimate of performance Agree that we need to teach MLOps as well 2021-08-05 01:40:06 @EricTopol @Bob_Wachter @OurWorldInData Is it possible that delta is infecting a large portion of the population, but that only a small fraction show symptoms? Is anyone collecting relevant data? That would explain the rapid declines. Maybe delta stays upper respiratory for most people? 2021-08-04 23:36:18 Could laptop and phone operating systems support always-on VPNs. If they did, would that fix this challenge? I turn my VPN on, but only after negotiating the initial connection, which is presumably the moment of greatest vulnerability 2021-08-04 23:13:37 @ccanonne_ 11? Wow! 2021-08-04 20:59:42 @NatBullard Does this include the cost of the software? 2021-08-04 03:38:42 Sobering thread from my favorite source for COVID information 2021-08-04 02:40:31 @snurb_dot_info @sethlazar @nyuniversity What’s the next step? 2021-08-03 19:39:37 @lf9bbody @michaelharriot True. But THOSE speaking fees (esp from THOSE companies) were clearly questionable. Both Bill and Hillary showed exceedingly poor judgment in accepting them. I've turned down MUCH smaller fees for ethical reasons. B& 2021-08-03 16:22:25 @united 2021-08-03 16:21:26 @UnitedAirlines Your crew on UA181 8/2 had trouble wearing their masks properly. Maybe part of the problem is that these loose surgical masks easily fall down. Give them N95s! I was wearing this, which works well. 2021-08-03 16:13:25 @michaelharriot I still wonder if Hillary would have won if she and her husband hadn't become such grifters after Bill's time in office. So very sad to see Obama on the same trajectory... 2021-08-03 05:09:32 @Noahpinion Needs prediction intervals 2021-08-03 01:27:30 RT @AndyJBoyce: #ornithology dream job is up! Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center @SMBC is hiring a Research Ecologist (GS 12-13). 2 week app… 2021-08-02 21:51:12 Excellent tutorial on prescribed burns. The best thing I’ve read for the general public 2021-08-02 16:55:32 @ThibautJacques @DrLukeOR Very puzzling. I'd be curious to see the results of applying a method such as Edwards & 2021-08-01 19:26:23 @stevenstrogatz @FryRsquared My test is to replace every occurrence of "AI" with "software". If the resulting sentence makes sense, then its just good engineering. 2021-08-01 14:30:15 RT @mark_riedl: In about 3 weeks universities will be in session again. Many universities (like my own) want to pretend that things will be… 2021-07-31 15:54:11 @marty__weissman Also: Someone should work "P-town p-value" into an article :-) 2021-07-31 15:51:40 @marty__weissman I'd like to see Prob(exposed) in there somewhere, as in Prob(infected | exposed & 2021-07-30 20:04:45 @prof_mirya Can you stream the meeting? I think we would all like to watch this!! 2021-07-29 06:11:11 @AntiNewDems I see you are a kind and empathetic person. That must be why @matloff follows you 2021-07-29 06:09:38 It is eye-opening to connect to US web sites from within the EU. Here is the START of the nytimes tracker list 2021-07-29 06:09:37 I'm visiting Spain this week. Vax rates are similar to US. Masking is virtually universal, even outdoors. Cases leveling off 2021-07-29 06:03:24 @AntiNewDems Imagine you are the "black man" with the knee on your back. Imagine you are the slave that was whipped by that monument man. Competitive suffering will not solve our problems 2021-07-27 17:22:56 @projectn95 @ScottGottliebMD @FaceTheNation Does the higher level of contagiousness also mean that outdoors is not safe either? Does the 6' / 2m rule need to be revised? 2021-07-27 15:20:18 @margrethmpossi @paulg @nntaleb Engineers, when they lack scientific fundamentals, are prone to be superstitious. “We do it this way because it has always worked in the past.” Result: inefficiency. Science & 2021-07-27 13:15:04 @JABell27 I found the second shot was mild, at least by comparison 2021-07-27 09:11:01 US AI researchers, @NSF and @WHOSTP45 are seeking input on the Implementation Plan for National AI Research Infrastructure. Check out the document and provide formal comments! 2021-07-27 07:40:06 @math_rachel Obviously this tactic could be abused to SWAT someone. Yikes! 2021-07-27 07:24:46 @math_rachel Could this system be probed by a third party by playing gunshot recordings at various times and places in a city? While discharging firearms is illegal, playing a recording probably isn't. 2021-07-26 20:38:22 @mdekstrand @mark_riedl Total failure to quantify and communicate uncertainty in their “detections” 2021-07-25 08:59:25 @Noahpinion @Google @Facebook @Microsoft @GoogleAI @DeepMind @facebookai @MSFTResearch While your jab about diverting the best minds to deliver ads has some truth, these labs are the primary drivers of advances in deep learning, Example: @deepmind's Alpha Fold announcement this week. @facebookai's PyTorch and @GoogleAI's TensorFlow. end/ 2021-07-25 08:57:50 @Noahpinion @google, @Facebook, and @microsoft enjoy dominant market positions, and each has amazing basic AI research labs (@GoogleAI, @DeepMind, @facebookai, and @MSFTResearch). 2/ 2021-07-25 08:54:47 @Noahpinion Interesting post. In the US, from time to time we have essentially funded national interest basic tech research using a monopoly in the consumer sector. Bell Labs was essentially a national lab, but funded in large part by the telephone monopoly. 1/ 2021-07-25 08:51:43 @tetraduzione Yes, I'll post them. But they will be out of date in a few months (sigh) 2021-07-25 08:20:02 Looking forward to lecturing on rejection, calibration, and anomaly detection/OOD/open category detection at #DeepLearn2021 this week. (Trying to update my slides to reflect #ICML2021 2021-07-25 08:18:21 @TAP_Portugal Please do a better job of posting your gate assignments at ORD. In T1, your flight showed as departing from T1, not T5. Thanks 2021-07-24 15:34:29 @klass1klass2 @luislamb @GaryMarcus @AvilaGarcez @pascalhitzler As engineers, we often employ words like "know" and "understand" in rather metaphorical and imprecise ways. Perhaps we should not treat this as making a claim about intelligence? Or maybe we should: 2021-07-24 12:37:55 @mlittmancs @ShriramKMurthi Absolutely ok. 2021-07-23 18:09:20 @zacharylipton It’s true that with deep learning we don’t know the prior. But Bayesian theory can still tell us whether our quantified uncertainty is evolving properly as we see more data. 2021-07-23 12:49:51 @albyva @SquawkCNBC @ScottGottliebMD These 20% of our own athletes could get sick during the games and not be able to compete. If we want to compete and win, we need to be vaccinated. 2021-07-23 12:29:29 RT @jbhuang0604: How to do research with my mentors effectively? I get this question frequently in my open office hours. I am still learn… 2021-07-22 23:44:43 @deliprao I saw several papers at @icmlconf this week that are seeking insights rather than novelty. It's a healthy trend! 2021-07-22 23:41:50 @PiotrZelasko @stanfordnlp @icmlconf On the other hand, AI-based entertainment is stronger than ever! 2021-07-22 20:13:22 @careersingov @cityofcorvallis @NSPE @SHPE @nbse Wow, those stock photos really sell the job 2021-07-22 17:31:44 @demishassabis @EricTopol @DeepMind It is a monumental accomplishment! Congratulations to the team and to @DeepMind 2021-07-22 17:31:04 @demishassabis @EricTopol My only point is that we could already search the DNA sequence, but we couldn't search 3D structure ("Latin" in my example). Thanks to @deepmind, now we can, but with a small risk of error because Alpha Fold is not perfect (and neither are X-ray derived structures) 2021-07-22 16:42:53 @EricTopol @demishassabis Kind of. It is more as if Google translated every page into a slightly incorrect version of Latin and then indexed it 2021-07-22 03:54:41 @icmlconf "decoder" is consistently rendered as "Dakota" and the "vocal tract" came out as "vocal Trump" 2021-07-22 03:46:09 It's a lot of fun watching the automated transcription of these @icmlconf talks. My favorite one: "Mushroom learning community" 2021-07-21 22:10:46 RT @balajiln: 1/n Attending #ICML2021? Join us for our workshop on "Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning" @icmlconf this Friday (J… 2021-07-21 20:09:04 @rodneyabrooks Or maybe it is just that there is no "path to AGI" narrative? 2021-07-21 17:27:36 RT @NickKristof: The huge Bootleg Fire in Oregon, the biggest in the country this year, is a reminder of the risks of climate change. But i… 2021-07-21 00:42:47 @EBKania Yes, totally normal. The joke in my program was that Year 3 could last for several years... 2021-07-20 23:15:56 @Noahpinion Exactly. Trujillo is partly to blame for preventing Haiti from developing. Not just through this, but through many other policies. 2021-07-20 21:03:04 @Noahpinion Trujillo certainly played a role. 2021-07-20 17:12:58 @asayeed Fundamentally, the standard ML approach assumes that annotation is reliable. But I agree that for many NLP tasks, annotation is not reliable. If we only focus on problems with high inter-annotator agreement, we won't solve many NLP problems. We need a different approach 2021-07-20 14:39:43 Interesting work by newly-minted PhD Neale Ratzlaff and my colleagues at @OregonState 2021-07-20 14:36:30 @rajiinio I agree 2021-07-20 14:33:17 RT @lizadixon: “It’s a very Silicon Valley ethos to get your software 80 percent of the way there and then release it and then let your use… 2021-07-20 14:28:29 @wellingmax Quite the coup for Microsoft and MSR. Congratulations! 2021-07-20 05:37:00 @zoeith @Noahpinion Interesting! Note that there are people, like me, who are retired (Emeritus) but still writing grant proposals 2021-07-20 04:42:47 @omgjjd @Noahpinion There was also a big increase in "translational" (i.e., applied) research, and this favored big research medical schools 2021-07-20 04:42:02 @Noahpinion You're right. The ramp up happened from 1999-2003. But there was a gradual and then large increase in the number of investigators. 2021-07-20 04:20:25 @Noahpinion The replies are full of nonsense. NIH budget was greatly increased and universities decided they could grow, grow, grow on soft money. Success rates headed to zero. 2021-07-19 04:44:46 @roydanroy @ccanonne_ @shortstein It would be lovely to have semantic markup for math notation. Then the reader could bind their preferred symbols. More importantly, we could search formulas across the literature! 2021-07-18 21:49:42 @delong Is that true? I thought existing evidence is that if you are vaxxed, you have a very low probability of infecting someone else even if you get the disease. See 2021-07-18 21:32:14 RT @noUpside: The last 48 hours on here have been all about The Vaccine Discourse. Is FB killing people? Is the govt passing the buck? Who… 2021-07-18 19:05:41 @soodoku @arxiv We have several trained classifiers in production already 2021-07-18 18:20:10 @ATornede @arxiv Our goal is to have a total of 6 moderators, which should bring the weekly time commitment down to 1-1.5 hours. 2021-07-18 16:58:08 We are recruiting new people to help moderate the cs.LG (machine learning) section of @arxiv. If you are interested, please DM me. Reasons to be a moderator: 1. Help promote open science and rapid communication of new results in machine learning 1/ 2021-07-18 16:20:31 @davidmanheim @TomPMarshall @MaartenvSmeden Ah yes. I’ve seen some of those in ArXiv. But that’s quite different from winning an NSF or NIH grant with machine learning marketing 2021-07-18 15:30:23 @davidmanheim @TomPMarshall @MaartenvSmeden That’s not what I’m seeing in my neck of the woods 2021-07-18 00:55:40 @jenneraub Absolutely, but there have been lots of stories of how you need 1-2 days to recover from the shot. Many poor folks can't afford to be off work for that amount of time. Many work 7 days a week... 2021-07-18 00:36:21 @jenneraub I guess some of us have pity on those 70yo folks who haven't been vaccinated yet. It's not fair and perhaps they don't deserve it, but we are trying to be compassionate 2021-07-18 00:28:02 @jenneraub True. I don't know the context of your complaint. Masks aren't required for vaccinated people in most of the US. Are you in LA? 2021-07-18 00:26:54 @jenneraub I've had the vaccine. But I need to travel internationally, which means I can't afford to get the virus even if I'm asymptomatic and can't transmit it to other people. 2021-07-18 00:24:20 @jenneraub You must not be a 70 year old male for whom the probability of dying from COVID (if infected, without vaccination) is about 1/20. Would you accept those odds? 2021-07-17 20:07:09 @sir_deenicus @HolgerHoos @GaryMarcus Oh yes, reasoning is very powerful. The success of planning, scheduling, formal verification, optimization, and so on is wonderful. But it requires well-formulated problems. We are still struggling to figure out how reasoning can help in vision and language understanding 2021-07-17 19:25:08 @HolgerHoos @GaryMarcus Totally agree about hype. Reasoning methods were heavily hyped in the 60s and 80s 2021-07-17 19:24:19 @HolgerHoos @GaryMarcus Well, reasoning is dangerous too, as it propagates errors quickly. And every knowledge base contains errors. These are hard problems. 2021-07-17 04:42:11 RT @girlonetrack: Sad to hear that David Randall of the IoS passed away. He offered me great writing advice back in 2005 that I follow to t… 2021-07-16 14:51:11 @TomPMarshall @davidmanheim @MaartenvSmeden That isn’t the social construction of Science. 2021-07-16 14:48:47 @TomPMarshall @davidmanheim @MaartenvSmeden Uh, there is also an emerging technology (deep learning) that is giving us powerful new capabilities. That’s why there is funding. 2021-07-16 02:08:51 @Vijay_Ramjattan Language and culture are deeply entwined. Is there ANY language that is free of stereotypes and prejudice? None of the dozen that I've studied would qualify. 2021-07-15 19:47:00 @ylecun @adjiboussodieng @tetraduzione UL has no supervision about "the task". Information about what is relevant vs irrelevant must be communicated to the system via other means than class labels. There is no such thing as "unsupervised", ultimately 2021-07-15 15:28:31 @proof_by_pecan @ylecun Not 2021-07-15 04:22:50 @Philip_DT @Noahpinion If we are going to use paper, why not use the international WHO vaccination certificates that are already used for yellow fever? I already carry that one, and governments world wide recognize it. 2021-07-15 04:21:22 The US currently requires returning US citizens to show a negative COVID test even if they are fully vaccinated. When will the Department of State @USDOS get on the same page as the CDC @CDCgov and the medical evidence? 2021-07-15 04:19:09 @Noahpinion For travel purposes, it would be nice to have something better than my paper vaccination card. Something that could be verified when crossing borders as the EU is doing. 2021-07-14 22:52:59 @IAmDylanLewis I spent a lot of time preparing my syllabus. Your failure to read it carefully is disrespecting my time. Of course this was before syllabi became crammed with disclaimers and other mandated crap. 2021-07-14 14:31:28 RT @TAHMO_World: Update!!!! Data from our stations around the world are now available on our website. HOW TO ACCESS THESE DATA It’s pr… 2021-07-13 16:27:45 @TDeryugina Yes, because retweets propagate (mis)information. 2021-07-11 02:34:12 @zacharylipton In cybersecurity, people develop formal threat models. Can we do something similar for categories and domains? Alternatively, maybe we should be focusing on rapid adaptation/tracking rather than on robustness? 2021-07-11 02:25:33 @ben_mathes @chr1sa @kittyhawkcorp Stuff discovered by researchers outside your field that you are not aware of. 2021-07-08 02:20:22 @Noahpinion How about framing this as Law and Order for All and coupling street crime with white collar crime and corruption? 2021-05-21 18:40:08 @ylecun And now I see it clearly shows this in the account name :-) 2021-05-21 18:26:31 For the technical story: 2021-05-21 18:25:45 Cool work by my colleagues in CoRIS: 2021-05-21 17:59:37 @africaiknow What is the date? 2021-05-21 17:28:18 @yoavgo One thing that has always surprised me is that asymptotic results in reinforcement learning have often been more useful than finite sample results in supervised learning. Maybe because an algorithm without good asymptotic behavior is simply broken? 2021-05-21 16:05:25 @lawrennd It acts as a deterrent against hiring your own graduates and other insiders. Same as having external readers on dissertation exams helps calibrate and maintain standards 2021-05-21 16:00:46 Words of wisdom! 2021-05-21 02:45:27 @matloff @AprilBurrage Also, support for math in Google docs and slides is not very good. 2021-05-20 21:08:26 @francoisfleuret @Lucky_7_Sampson @jengolbeck The whole point of tenure is to prevent abusive practices. The tenure review process is thorough, but it is not abusive. In the departments I'm familiar with, there is mentoring throughout the entire process from hiring to tenure. Maybe your experience was different? 2021-05-20 19:08:54 @Lucky_7_Sampson @jengolbeck Are you advocating the end of tenure? 2021-05-20 14:36:22 @j2bryson @francoisfleuret @EUdigitalsme Yes: always replace “AI” with “software” when thinking about policy 2021-05-20 01:39:55 @chrislhayes My iPhone gives much better call quality than my landline ever did (I.e., back when all phones were owned by the Bell System) 2021-05-19 19:16:32 RT @arxiv: Job alert! Do you have a passion for solving problems at the intersection of science and computation? This computational scienti… 2021-05-19 18:11:03 @garrytan Maybe the "former guy" in the US government is also somewhat to blame?? 2021-05-19 16:50:14 RT @mark_riedl: Taking a break to eat a sandwich. But now that I am getting the hang of things, I realize that the first step in making a s… 2021-05-19 15:54:29 @vi_kaushal @JeffreyWhitlock @Altimor Agree. The browser experience is better 2021-05-19 15:33:47 @SashoSavkov @najoungkim Because readers want you to be concise. 2021-05-19 04:03:06 @mark_riedl I was thinking that might be an option to consider...I remember being amazed by it when it first came out. 2021-05-19 03:55:06 @mark_riedl I guess I'll stick with simple HTML. In any case, my contract is pre-WWW... 2021-05-18 04:03:12 @ImaginingIndigo @jasonkest @Bob_Wachter @UCSF Depends on where you are. Give people the information they need to make their decisions. See how @Bob_Wachter computes his risk: (a) is he vaccinated?, (b) what is the rate in general population, (c) is he indoors with non-vaccinated people? (b) and (c) are problems in Oregon 2021-05-18 02:39:07 @ImaginingIndigo @jasonkest @Bob_Wachter @UCSF But their choice isn't just their choice but the choice for all of the people that come in contact with. As long at infection rate is high, risk of transmission is high. And while vaccination reduces my risk by 20x, that is still not zero. 2021-05-18 01:51:03 @jasonkest @Bob_Wachter @UCSF The concern is for the unvaccinated people who come into contact with the unmasked unvaccinated people. No man is an island. 2021-05-18 01:49:35 RT @Bob_Wachter: 25/ CDC's been great in '21, but on this one they declared victory too early. For now, whether you live in CA or not, I'd… 2021-05-17 21:15:29 This looks interesting to people like me who complain about the contamination of Google search results with advertisements... 2021-05-17 19:26:09 @Noahpinion Is there an organization with a plan for recruiting good candidates and organizing the vote? I've just been getting the same old tired requests for money from the DNC, "questionaires", and other boring marketing. 2021-05-17 17:21:34 RT @ClareAngelyn: And NO ONE has done more to highlight the racial bias of #FaceRecognition than @jovialjoy, w/ @timnitgebru, @rajiinio & 2021-05-17 15:11:54 @geomblog @WHOSTP @AlondraNelson46 @BrownUniversity @BrownCSDept @Brown_DSI @senykam @UtahSoC Congratulations! And thank you in advance for your government service! 2021-05-17 03:14:09 Reading the latest @Comcast Services Agreement, and this condition is overly broad. I would like to have an explanation of each such access and the ability to accept or reject it. 2021-05-16 17:40:11 @DavidSKrueger What is the difference between AI Alignment and requirements analysis in standard software engineering? 2021-05-16 00:47:08 @erikbryn @elonmusk My electric car definitely drives on roads and doesn’t pay gas tax. I want those roads to be good and safe. I’m sure we will be paying a mileage-based tax in Oregon soon. 2021-05-15 18:31:28 @cloudquistador @dbessner You may know about the Doodah parade ( Back during the Reagan years (IIRC), there was a group marching with the slogan "US Out of El Segundo" 2021-05-15 18:14:22 @cloudquistador @dbessner I know that the very establishment of LA was an act of imperial Spain. And US defense investment in the area was in support of US force projection worldwide. But is there a more direct connection between, say, US "activities" in Latin America and the rise of LA? 2021-05-15 18:08:20 @cloudquistador @dbessner Genuine inquiry 2021-05-15 17:45:01 @cloudquistador @dbessner Tell me more about the role of the US empire in building LA's industrial base. 2021-05-15 17:33:36 @Noahpinion It should depend on the person. The leadership should be excluded, for example. 2021-05-15 17:31:19 @dbessner At the time LA was building out, it was a major oil producer. It did not rely on an empire to supply oil. 2021-05-15 03:25:48 @jasondeanlee I can read it, and I don’t subscribe. 2021-05-14 16:36:23 @TDeryugina @Jason__Cook Sounds good. My worry is that if I send children to school, they can spread to other children who are not so careful about who they contact. We have active spread in several schools where I live. 2021-05-14 13:41:44 @TDeryugina @Jason__Cook How would you feel if they transmitted it to someone else? Don’t we all have an obligation to be the last link in the chain of transmission? 2021-05-13 23:33:43 @fchollet You might want to talk to some economists and philosophers... 2021-05-13 21:21:35 @deliprao I thought it traced back to Herb Simon's findings on chess (50,000 "friends", i.e., patterns). But maybe that's a different line? 2021-05-13 19:24:52 @roydanroy What's your argument? 2021-05-13 15:38:20 @MattBetts11 @AmOrnith Beautiful! 2021-05-13 15:32:13 RT @arxiv: arXiv authors can now link their papers to datasets! @paperswithcode 2021-05-13 05:31:06 @jasinskm @TobyWalsh The US is committed to many international laws of war. It has already adopted some limits on AI. I think there is concern about whether its adversaries will adopt those same (or similar) limits. How to build and maintain trust? 2021-05-13 05:00:12 @rao2z But it is easy to become discouraged when we see that the after effects of the Native American genocide and African slavery are still causing so much suffering today and every day in the US. 2/2 2021-05-13 04:57:00 @rao2z The economic transformation of China (and to some extent, India and SE Asia) suggests that we can make immense changes in the distribution of wealth. So there is basis for hope. 1/2 2021-05-13 02:52:18 @srchvrs @Perperuna2 It's one reason I think we should require an author contribution footnote (or section) where the contribution of each author to the paper is described. Hopefully that will embarrass some "authors" into keeping their names of the author list. 2021-05-13 01:01:21 @thesasho @rpeng233 This joint problem solving works for everything, not just theory. But once pieces of work are identified, people can work concurrently and then come back together, yes? 2021-05-13 00:01:50 @rpeng233 @thesasho You mean this can work without Erdos in the room? :-) 2021-05-12 17:45:06 @cjmaddison @thesasho So we should only have one scientist in all of humanity? 2021-05-12 17:34:29 Is there a @twitter setting to turn off topic recommendations? 2021-05-12 17:33:40 @Perperuna2 That is unethical behavior on the part of those coauthors. 2021-05-12 17:29:42 @thesasho Why not? Experiments in most fields can be divided into parts that can be run concurrently. Indeed, every discipline consists of multiple research teams operating in parallel. (Sometimes they must share instruments, as in the LHC.) 2021-05-12 16:30:46 RT @paul_scharre: @ICRC calls for banning some forms of autonomous weapons and regulating others 2021-05-12 01:03:07 @ChadScherrer Or, depending on how long you keep quiet, weekly informative? 2021-05-12 00:28:08 @ChadScherrer So right now it’s just an uninformative prior? 2021-05-12 00:26:03 I agree that a good paper is a person-year. Many ML teams are large, so they can exploit concurrency 2021-05-12 00:23:23 @SreepathiPai @TaliaRinger But the important work does not follow the standard workflow. 2021-05-12 00:21:47 @zschutzy @TaliaRinger This seems to be changing. We now commonly see the 8 page paper with 25 pages of supplemental material. I love this format. It forces us to be concise but also provides space for the details! 2021-05-10 15:52:52 @taaltree We need more evidence bearing on all of the hypotheses. Spatial proximity is evidence, but rather weak evidence. We need the lab to reveal more of its internal research 2021-05-10 15:49:59 @LucaAmb Bayesian methods are exactly accounting methods for epistemic uncertainty. Perfect for guiding information acquisition. But not for controlling error probabilities 2021-05-10 02:19:30 @beenwrekt @Pinboard The article cites lots of misdirected expenditures of time and money. We should have invested in ventilation instead of plexiglass in schools 2021-05-09 23:52:51 @_arohan_ Negative control! 2021-05-09 21:47:30 @Noahpinion Why government? Xerox had the same problem, but other companies (e.g., Sun, Apple, Cisco) captured the benefits. 2021-05-09 17:03:39 @Noahpinion Yes: if it was a lab escape, that will bolster the case for discontinuing gain of function research. But we don’t need to wait for a definitive case. Let’s ban GOF research now! 2021-05-09 06:08:05 US Govt incompetence. 2021-05-09 02:01:00 RT @rcalo: It's been decades, but it's time to revisit space law's accounting of the public interest. This company and others are putting h… 2021-05-08 23:14:25 @zacharylipton I feel like you didn't give enough context 2021-05-08 19:39:53 @david_sontag @ReyhaneAskari @khimya @JmlrOrg It would be nice to see some of the quantiles... 2021-05-08 17:27:00 @omgjjd @blaineharden The annihilation of the native population is an unquestionable evil, but the Columbia river dams have benefits as well as costs. A more just sharing of costs and benefits was (and still is) possible. 2021-05-08 17:23:50 @omgjjd @blaineharden The revision of the Whitman myth is extremely important. Using a disparaging phrase like “mud puddle” to describe a large reservoir undercuts the message. 2021-05-08 17:05:04 @blaineharden "The encounter with Louie that spawned “Murder at the Mission” came in the course of working on “A River Lost,” a book on the dams that turned the once-mighty Columbia into a series of mud puddles." I hope "mud puddles" isn't your phrase 2021-05-08 16:56:21 @david_sontag @ReyhaneAskari @khimya @JmlrOrg 2021-05-08 16:54:57 @david_sontag @ReyhaneAskari @khimya The time-to-decision at @JmlrOrg is shorter than for most conferences: 2021-05-08 16:18:41 @MenshevikM The reason is that we have labs in the US doing similar things, and we need to learn from others’ mistakes. It isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s just a hypothesis to be tested 2021-05-08 16:05:46 @david_sontag @ReyhaneAskari @khimya When we started JMLR, we committed to prompt reviewing. Let’s renew that commitment. 2021-05-08 05:21:44 @Noahpinion [I realize we are paying via taxes for the vaccines, but the public isn't thinking about it that way.] 2021-05-08 05:21:10 @Noahpinion If they priced their other medications at $0, they would become even more popular... 2021-05-08 03:04:46 @sedielem @ArashVahdat I agree, but how do you evaluate the learned representation? 2021-05-07 20:53:13 Uh, for this to work, I need to block 2021-05-07 18:46:54 The @TheEconomist doesn't seem to provide a method for unsubscribing from their event emails. Easy fix: block domain 2021-05-06 22:58:22 @math_rachel Hidden heterogeneity hides harms. 2021-05-06 15:56:29 So it seems that every iPhone user is acting as a spy for @Apple Air Tags. Do we become accessories to an Air Tag-assisted crime? Shouldn't we be asked to Opt In to providing this spy service? @rcalo 2021-05-06 05:17:17 Just when you thought the iPhone podcast app couldn’t get worse, it did. @apple do you do ANY usability testing on this? 2021-05-06 05:08:12 @abiylfoyp This is where ML wins: predict A from B (and please don’t ask us to make any inferences!). :-) 2021-05-05 20:57:44 @matloff @isbellHFh I also like reading the reviews before I read the paper to give me an idea of what the reviewers thought were the important contributions 2021-05-05 17:03:44 @matloff @isbellHFh The structure can be totally obvious (first year undergrad) in the source field but totally unknown in CS. Important cases in ML: importing convex optimization from OR, variational methods from statistical physics, game theory results from economics. 2021-05-05 17:02:01 @matloff @isbellHFh It is a tricky issue. To create a fast algorithm, you typically must exploit some mathematical structure of the problem. People in CS get "points" for importing such structure from other fields (math, statistics, physics, etc.). It is cross-disciplinary work. 2021-05-05 16:57:53 @matloff @isbellHFh Yes, exactly. I think it is also a much more efficient use of reviewer and author time. For conferences, authors polish as much as possible and then hope the reviewers understand. Much higher risk of failure and precludes this anonymous collaboration between reviewers and authors 2021-05-05 15:57:03 @matloff That said, I think conferences are broken and maybe journals too. Another @larrywasserman post was about a future without pre-publication peer review. Thought-provoking. 2021-05-05 15:49:15 @matloff @isbellHFh Larry Wasserman once speculated in his blog that it was enabling CS PhDs to out-compete Stats PhDs for faculty positions. 2021-05-05 15:31:49 @matloff @isbellHFh Well, just as in other academic fields, the federally-funded researchers tend to work on the more fundamental questions and new approaches. Industry focuses on applying ML to real problems. You've surely seen the "tire tracks" diagram showing University-Industry interplay 2021-05-04 19:38:37 @_jgyou @Samujjwal_Sam @arxiv From the web site: "100% of your contribution will fund improvements and new initiatives that will benefit arXiv's global scientific community." So I guess the answer is no. But the payment service (credit card) takes a cut. 2021-05-04 19:25:18 @Samujjwal_Sam @arxiv Why? Patreon, for example, takes a cut, doesn't it? 2021-05-04 18:46:05 RT @arxiv: arXiv is free to use, but not free to operate. If everyone who visits arXiv this month gives just one dollar, we would meet our… 2021-05-04 05:09:58 @mark_riedl @fchollet That's a very narrow definition. I think of it more as "How can I get answers out of this device that I can trust?" 2021-05-04 02:30:05 @mark_riedl @fchollet Most of CS is about designing languages, methodologies, and underlying algorithms and architectures to empower users to specify and perform computations. What do you have in mind @mark_riedl ? 2021-05-04 02:00:06 @fchollet People have been saying this sort of thing for decades. ML and computation will enable all of these sciences, but the scientific questions are not and will not be computer science questions 2021-05-04 01:29:25 @FrankPasquale @brocansky @Microsoft It would be great to see some studies. My subjective impression is that the eye-contact problem is reduced, but the "body language" problem is still there, because we are still torsos. 2021-05-04 00:17:50 @brocansky @FrankPasquale This has been a feature of @microsoft teams for several months. It is great! It feels like everyone can make eye contact with everyone else. Don't dump on it until you've tried it. 2021-05-04 00:13:29 @yaroslavvb @murtazamoin @RichardSocher @Google But measured on a longer time scale, it risks the "quality search" brand. 2021-05-03 14:18:39 @TDeryugina Would love to see much more of this! 2021-05-03 14:13:03 @ylecun @murtazamoin @RichardSocher @Google But this is a classic dark pattern. It is unethical user interface design. The older design, with ads clearly marked, was much better. 2021-05-03 06:02:00 @michaelbd In Oregon, our case rates are up, indoor dining is closed in the affected counties. No signaling, just trying to dampen exponential growth while we convince people to get vaccinated. Outdoors not an issue... 2021-05-03 05:55:56 @pschulam The support might be unbounded, but at such low density that it is meaningless in practice. It would be great to tighten up our definitions and methodology in this area. 2021-05-03 04:31:56 @monaeltahawy The night sky -- minus the satellites -- is one of the few experiences we can share with all human beings who have ever lived on this planet. It is sacred. 2021-05-03 02:33:45 @murtazamoin @RichardSocher @Google They seem to have forgotten that their most valuable product is trustworthy search results. If all they serve is advertising, people will go elsewhere 2021-05-02 20:56:23 Google has lost its way. @google 2021-05-02 18:40:41 @arxiv is mostly run by volunteers, but we do need money for staff and computing resources. If you benefit from arXiv, please consider donating. 2021-05-02 01:35:32 @savvyRL Physical meetings are constrained by many things: space, duration, cost, and policies such as having everyone speak. Space x time = registration cost 2021-05-01 17:36:30 RT @doctorow: The nonconsensually compiled dossiers of personal information that @experian_us assembled on the entire population of the USA… 2021-05-01 17:07:30 @icmlconf has mobilized thousands of reviewers and then when they say a paper is acceptable, the conference ignores their conclusions. This is such a waste of resources! 2021-05-01 17:02:39 I've learned so much from @robtibshirani's papers and books. Congratulations! 2021-04-30 21:20:33 An extensive collection of evidence on racism in America from @michaelharriot. Delivered with his characteristic biting humor 2021-04-30 17:13:14 @Noahpinion My ancestors were a mix of religious fanatics, economic migrants, and smugglers. I've left them all behind (??) by joining the Shouting Class. 2021-04-30 16:57:34 @rao2z @IJCAIconf @RealAAAI Furthermore, we are mis-allocating researcher resources into polishing perfectly acceptable papers rather than doing research. 2021-04-30 16:09:34 RT @ryan_p_adams: This is devastatingly wrong @icmlconf. There are no resource constraints in an online conference. 2021-04-30 05:54:34 Great story on (fellow @oberlincollege graduate) Joanne Chory's efforts to design a plant for carbon sequestration. 2021-04-30 04:17:30 @suguna_misra I agree completely. But a white person at google could also have been deeply affected by the pandemic. One person close to me died and two others are seriously debilitated by long term symptoms. People can behave badly under stress. Let's be gentle with each other 2021-04-30 03:59:31 @suguna_misra You are making a lot of assumptions. Many many people are going through terrible times. 2021-04-30 03:17:40 @suguna_misra I support flexibility and extending deadlines. That said, it sounds like the AC has been under extreme pressure for the same reason as the author and therefore deserves our sympathy too, rather than being labeled as a terrible person. I hope the AC will apologize. 2021-04-30 00:28:22 @AlexHSullivan @Illustrious_Cee Yes, thanks! 2021-04-30 00:23:54 RT @thrasherxy: I am not cut out for this modern world, especially one where touchscreens have replaced the reliable technology of a “handl… 2021-04-29 20:54:04 RT @natashajaques: I couldn't resist. With contributions from @maxhkw 2021-04-29 20:00:59 @amcafee I think the natural beauty and the weather have been very powerful attractors to California. Perhaps also easy access to immigration from Asia and Latin America has pumped the economy. If the weather continues to worsen because of climate change, could that kill it? 2021-04-29 18:58:39 @amcafee I first moved to California in 1979. Every year there were news stories predicting its demise. They have never been correct. 2021-04-29 17:57:56 @FrankPasquale And what explains the sudden increase in meat consumption in China? Answer: people had money to spend and they love to eat meat. 2021-04-29 14:45:14 @KyleCranmer The equation editor in PowerPoint is also very nice. It understands formula structure better than LaTeX 2021-04-28 20:44:34 @zeynep Indoor? 2021-04-28 04:36:48 @yudapearl I agree. Argument 2 is purely computational and Argument 1 is purely engineering. They are both reasons to study why deep learning works as well as it does. 2021-04-28 04:03:07 @EliSennesh @yudapearl Yes. But only a few groups could get them to work 2021-04-28 03:52:53 @EliSennesh @yudapearl The MLPs of the 1990s were already overparameterized, but now our nets are over-overparameterized :-) 2021-04-28 03:52:07 @EliSennesh @yudapearl The evidence is that the boom required both GPU-enabled computation and new design patterns for networks (ReLU, Batchnorm 2021-04-28 03:23:51 @yudapearl I agree that we want AI systems that exhibit deep understanding and current deep learning approaches don't achieve that. So your question is a very important one. We need to do both. 2021-04-28 03:21:20 @yudapearl Argument 2: The principles that underlie deep learning may be applicable to many other learning and optimization problems. We need to understand the strengths and limits of this novel modeling and optimization tool. 2021-04-28 03:19:47 @yudapearl Argument 1: From an engineering point of view, we would like to know why they work, why they don't overfit, and what they are learning (or not learning). For many tasks, they are by far the best technology we have. To apply it wisely, we need to understand it 2021-04-28 03:17:20 @zxul767 @yudapearl But I agree with @yudapearl that most ML systems achieve only shallow understanding and we need to dig much deeper. 2021-04-28 03:16:22 @zxul767 @yudapearl I wrote a short essay on the topic. You'll see that I recommend dropping the "truly". 2021-04-27 18:50:14 @Noahpinion I support law and order. More funds for law enforcement! 2021-04-26 15:30:23 @lawrennd Yet another case where replacing “AI” with “software “ is the right thing to do 2021-04-26 05:58:51 @teemu_roos @TobyWalsh @icmlconf Yes they are. All I can report is that we made each decision amongst the people who had reviewed the paper (in person! in a hotel conference room!) and then totaled up the number of accepted papers. No area chairs, no SPCs, no targets. Lots of randomness unfortunately 2021-04-26 05:45:28 @TobyWalsh @icmlconf I agree @TobyWalsh. I'm sure you recall that in the old days, we would accept all papers that were interesting. This usually worked out to about 30%, but sometimes it was higher and sometimes lower. 2021-04-26 04:37:22 @Noahpinion Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the combination of the vaccine and other non-medical interventions (masking, avoiding indoor crowds) is producing these outcomes? 2021-04-26 04:13:07 @fmbutt @Noahpinion Prized by whom? Our ME program has been much more popular with undergrads than our CS or EE/ECE programs. 2021-04-26 00:23:28 @Eli_Krumova @GaryMarcus @drfeifei @luislamb @Montreal_AI Plus a bit of NLP (GPT-3, for example) 2021-04-26 00:23:10 @Eli_Krumova @GaryMarcus @drfeifei @luislamb @Montreal_AI By AI, you mean Computer Vision (as it clearly states on your github repo) 2021-04-25 23:41:50 @nadyabliss This story was much more upbeat: 2021-04-25 14:27:01 @JunaidEsse @Plinz Define your terms. I favor Daniel Dennett’s analysis in his book “Elbow Room”. Which is basically what you say: an agent has free will if it’s deliberations over its own actions are causally connected to those actions 2021-04-24 22:03:41 @nawshadfarruque @Plinz Even reinforcement learning systems that lack a meta-reasoning capability can measure partial success and learn from it. But calling that a "sense of accomplishment" is projecting our feelings onto a machine 2021-04-24 16:32:20 RT @NickKristof: Oregon has always had great hiking trails such as the old Timberline, Eagle Creek and Skyline/PCT, and they're now supplem… 2021-04-24 15:48:22 @Plinz It can even test this experimentally by varying the reasoning and observing the results. 2021-04-24 15:35:33 @Plinz Yes. Connsider a system that makes decisions by reasoning about how its actions will achieve its goals. If it can reflect on this, it will conclude that its reasoning matters—I.e. that it has free will 2021-04-24 03:32:52 @marcgbellemare @MichaelHBowling @friendly_aixi Thank you for this contribution to the research community! 2021-04-23 20:07:13 @OregonGovBrown @NickKristof What does contact tracing tell us about how COVID 19 is spreading in Oregon? What is the relative role of public indoor activities (restaurants, gyms, churches) vs workplaces vs school vs informal get togethers? 2021-04-23 00:17:15 @ccanonne_ I volunteer to label data 2021-04-23 00:16:57 @ccanonne_ What are your classes? 2021-04-22 23:04:14 RT @BelongieLab: "The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset" w/@CatherineWah, Steve Branson, @npew, and Pietro Perona @fgvcworkshop 2011 #tbt… 2021-04-22 17:25:55 @databoydg @mmitchell_ai @tejuafonja Yes, I'm having trouble being precise today. The carbon footprint part of the article was a review of other work. The language modeling part made many more original contributions and was very thought-provoking for me. 2021-04-22 14:24:53 @databoydg @mmitchell_ai @tejuafonja What I'm trying to say is that the parrots paper was primarily a review article. It is fine to cite review articles--they provide valuable context. I just want to advocate for citing the original references too. (One of my most cited papers is a review.) 2021-04-22 05:18:43 @mmitchell_ai @tejuafonja Is that fair? Erasure would be failing to cite the authors of the work cited by Bender et al. In my reading, the stochastic parrots paper made no original contribution to the climate question. Too often famous authors get cited for work done by others... 2021-04-21 17:17:03 "I feel at home anywhere in a country I feel inspired to improve. The ideal America...doesn’t exist anywhere but in my mind. It’s my home because of my commitment to the ideals that we have never fully lived up to but will always strive for." 2021-04-21 14:35:26 RT @adrian_weller: Opportunity to collaborate with outstanding researchers on the important problem of long Covid 2021-04-21 14:26:51 Looking forward to talking about prospective guarantees on system performance and on novelty detection during system operation 2021-04-20 20:43:43 RT @CsabaSzepesvari: All/y learning theorists, ally! @let4all 2021-04-20 20:42:41 Wow, great work and great fun! 2021-04-20 17:56:03 Would be interested to know if the decrease in usability of (Free) Google Groups moderation is designed to coerce people to purchase the service. We apologize to readers of if we release duplicates. The new UI makes it hard to detect them. 2021-04-20 05:48:02 @Noahpinion We should expect it to slow down. It’s easy to get lots of folks in cities, but we will need mobile units to reach folks in rural areas, undocumented, immobile, etc. with more eligible today, there will be another flush before it slows down for good. 2021-04-20 02:58:17 @rao2z I think @AndrewYNg talked about "overpopulation" on Mars. 2021-04-20 00:13:13 RT @michaelharriot: Actually, they are. But I'm willing to believe you are right if you can disprove all of the facts.… 2021-04-18 23:24:36 @ccanonne_ @guardian Well, it's nice to know that we all labor in obscurity 2021-04-18 23:23:21 @_Kitty_Wampus_ @TshepoLethea @jasonintrator Sprinkler systems are a hard decision for libraries. They fail surprisingly often and soak the books. This can destroy them almost as easily as fire. 2021-04-18 21:59:56 @erikbryn My underwear mostly sits in my chest of drawers. I could rent it out, I suppose, but I don't. A car is a personal space. What fraction of Uber drivers acquired the car just for Uber as opposed to "sharing" an existing vehicle? 2021-04-18 19:58:07 @yoavgo @rao2z @ylecun @mustafasuleymn @greg_corrado @demishassabis @erichorvitz Even universities are warped by financial and reputational motives. Look at the extent to which "college" sports have corrupted US universities. Each of us must continually assess our ability to do good and improve our institutions against the evils those institutions propagate. 2021-04-18 19:06:08 @mlittmancs Maybe a good teaching example? 2021-04-18 18:46:39 @mlittmancs They need to clarify whether they want a marginal or a conditional 2021-04-18 15:53:38 RT @earlbellinger: @superpaddy1 @littmath The only way out is to stop thinking we understand things well! "The best that most of us can hop… 2021-04-18 05:35:37 @Kumar_EconIneq @EricTopol I read that things are bad in Ontario, right across the river. 2021-04-18 00:13:23 The @Office Word grammar checker is nice, but fails on technical uses of ordinary words (e.g., "basis functions"). Does anyone know if you can add words to its dictionary (or modify their attributes) to allow new usages? 2021-04-17 19:50:59 @wouter_ensink @Grady_Booch I'm trying to build AI systems that can adapt, but don't know how to do that. Studying how software systems adapt might be very informative 2021-04-17 19:50:08 @wouter_ensink @Grady_Booch I have the same question. Are there studies that try to answer it? I wonder if one factor is the tendency to think of the world/application/task as unchanging. "If we could just get the design right, it wouldn't need to be updated." 2021-04-17 13:55:54 RT @lakens: There is a lot of talk about people early in the history of statistics having problematic views on eugenics and race. As a grea… 2021-04-16 23:50:43 @beautifulrobot @majorityvoter5 @aaronmfparr @IolaElla I agree with all of these items you've posted. The criminal justice system is a nightmare and must be changed. We need a revolution in our entire approach--one that focuses on well-being, safety, housing, opportunity, education. 2021-04-16 00:16:14 @Adam235711 Yes. Optimization is at the core of so many problems. The space that includes OR, CS, Statistics, control, and signal processing is a great place for people with strong math training who seek research careers in applied mathematics 2021-04-15 19:35:15 @beautifulrobot @majorityvoter5 @aaronmfparr @IolaElla Yes, let's redesign the system to think beyond "law enforcement" to "safe and healthy societies", ideally bringing more money to the table. Also let's try lots of things, study what works, and adopt the best practices. 2021-04-15 16:58:50 @Noahpinion "right" can be interpreted as "wise" or as "legally justified". It was certainly legally justified, but I'm not sure it was wise. What would have happened if we had not intervened? 2021-04-15 13:58:24 @WRGerman @rrr00bb @mattblaze Say more? Full self driving is exceedingly difficult, and needs to achieve a very high level of performance just to be safe. But providing improved vision is something that can be done incrementally just as cochlear implants have improved gradually over time. 2021-04-15 01:43:50 @rrr00bb @mattblaze Vision support will be a reality long before self-driving cars 2021-04-15 00:32:44 @IolaElla What you don't know is how many wins we could have had with a better slogan. How many battles were lost because "defund" scared people that they would be unprotected from violent crime? 2021-04-14 21:35:03 @rao2z @alirahimi0 @RealAAAI Indeed, as an author, I have no evidence that the reviewers are qualified and quite a lot of evidence that they are not 2021-04-14 20:20:18 Interesting questions from @alirahimi0 2021-04-14 04:18:40 @matloff @PhDemetri Ah yes. To resolve this, let's say that statistics is part of applied math. 2021-04-14 02:59:26 @matloff @PhDemetri I think it is because statistics seeks to make inferences about the world. Math just reasons about itself 2021-04-13 17:31:01 @fchollet Yes, exactly right. We do hope to learn things about artificial minds as we build "smarter" software, but working on concrete problems has usually been important to anchor theory to reality 2021-04-13 16:01:30 Anyone else having problems logging in to @aistats_conf ?? 2021-04-13 05:39:00 @yudapearl Yes. I like the distinction between the fitting algorithm and the claims about the world. 2021-04-13 05:36:29 Great analysis by @Noahpinion 2021-04-12 21:08:32 @mark_riedl Let's build an AI system called "Mr. Rogers". "This AI system tells you that you are fine just the way you are." 2021-04-12 19:20:12 RT @trustworthy_ml: 1/ We are delighted to have Suresh Venkatasubramanian @geomblog with us for the next TrustML seminar on Thursday, April… 2021-04-12 00:52:03 @PhDemetri How about starting with the joint distribution P(x,y) first? Then move to the conditional. The joint is the fundamental object, and it lets you talk about sampling bias and censoring too. 2021-04-11 23:47:39 RT @Grady_Booch: “Elon Musk, is a liar, huckster, and moron, who regularly says things so ignorant that I cannot understand how they can co… 2021-04-11 22:50:08 @tobias_rees Is this what has happened at @google? 2021-04-11 22:00:50 @JamesTh66036018 @LHSummers @BrianDeeseNEC @JoeBiden We should definitely monitor carefully (e.g., with public audits). But they say the goal is to target rich people whose income is not from wages. 2021-04-11 19:36:10 @Tiggersdad2 @zeynep So to take the extreme case. If I was in a challenge trial, my probability would go from 100% to 10%? There is also the issue of the endpoint that is measured (detectable infection vs symptoms vs hospitalization vs death), right? 2021-04-11 16:15:44 @mmitchell_ai How about @chelseabfinn 2021-04-11 16:15:05 @alienelf @mmitchell_ai Yes. So much of DL is done by big teams. Let’s also consider scientists who make contributions steadily over time, not just future national academy members 2021-04-11 15:25:28 @peter_richtarik But authors should respect the good work of reviewers (when it IS good) and not resubmit an unchanged manuscript hoping that the randomness will come out differently. 2021-04-11 15:22:59 @peter_richtarik Agreed. This all hinges on “substantial”. If conferences could guarantee that there was no randomness in the review process, they would be in a stronger position to insist on no resubmissions. 2021-04-11 15:02:53 @zeynep I’m still confused about what it means. I don’t find your wall analogy useful. Can you explain further? 2021-04-11 03:37:59 @Adam235711 @red_abebe @stevenstrogatz Definitely recommend Ethiopian coffee 2021-04-11 03:37:18 @Adam235711 Did you improve the paper in response to reviews? Or do you think it was just a matter of rolling the dice enough times? 2021-04-10 16:57:57 @heyelbs @limufar Totally agree! 2021-04-10 16:38:02 @heyelbs @limufar Unfortunately, the ability to bring in grant money is a huge factor. 2021-04-10 15:38:54 @peter_richtarik What you say only makes sense if you think previous reviewers said nothing useful. Even a bad review can help us see where the paper was unclear. Every paper can be improved! 2021-04-09 03:17:06 RT @moorehn: For anyone who wants to encourage Twitter Inc to finally do something about online safety -- especially for women, who are par… 2021-04-08 20:15:29 @adjiboussodieng Instead of dumping on ML folk, why not celebrate this as a victory for better methodology? 2021-04-08 19:55:06 @mulegirl @davidmanheim Even more important: Read up on what's known about its internal and external validity. A useful tool (linear regression) can arise from a troubling context. But most tools don't measure what they claim to measure... 2021-04-08 17:25:59 RT @balajiln: Excited to announce that we'll be organizing a workshop on "Uncertainty & 2021-04-08 03:52:55 @roydanroy My impression reading rebuttals on openreview is that we don’t need length limits. In fact, they lead to confusion because people have to be too terse 2021-04-06 22:57:13 @KLdivergence Use is boring, and we are overwhelmed with “users”. Explore and exploit are consonant. Keep it. English lacks a good word. In Spanish we could say “aprovechar” 2021-04-06 15:46:13 @paul_scharre @CNASdc Congratulations 2021-04-05 18:10:22 @SergeyI49013776 Why paywall? 2021-04-05 18:04:09 @roydanroy Workshops have morphed into invited conference sessions. These are common in other sciences, but my understanding is that in those a person can only speak at most twice (once as an invited speaker and once as a presenting author) 2021-04-03 16:51:30 @TLoveSpeaksss I must read dozens of articles a week, so I want them to get to the point quickly. But reading such compressed writing is like reading a foreign language. 2021-04-03 16:49:23 @TLoveSpeaksss Length limits plus precise technical words => 2021-04-03 16:45:13 @synopsi @narayanarjun Dark pattern? 2021-04-03 00:38:50 @ptcherneva @POTUS How many of the monthly jobs created are living wage jobs? 2021-04-02 16:33:32 @MelMitchell1 There's a lesson there for ML 2021-04-02 05:29:59 @robtibshirani Thanks for posting 2021-04-02 01:41:52 @glouppe Of course CLIP has only ever seen pictures of things. It is unaware that there is a distinction between the picture and the thing itself. Hence, it can’t get the joke 2021-04-02 01:39:07 @Miles_Brundage Yes. A well-designed DARPA program can do great things. And a poorly designed one can waste everybody’s time. I think this one was pretty good. 2021-04-01 16:35:11 @PogrebnyakE @Perperuna2 @yudapearl @masud99r Sure, but WHEN is the correlation stable? How will you know whether it is stable in a new target domain? 2021-04-01 15:35:33 @thrasherxy The two are compatible. Countries like Nigeria that require Yellow Fever passports are trying to protect themselves, not promote vacation travel. As long as there is uncontrolled spread, e.g., in the US, other countries will want to protect themselves 2021-04-01 06:10:29 @masud99r @PogrebnyakE @yudapearl @eliasbareinboim I think it is better to say that it is stating beliefs about the world. If something is invariant, it is invariant across all contexts, including the target 2021-04-01 05:43:49 @mark_riedl Were you required to do some reviews also? 2021-04-01 05:32:45 @masud99r @PogrebnyakE @yudapearl There are also some recent papers showing breakdowns in IRM, but I haven't had a chance to study them. See 2021-04-01 05:31:11 @masud99r @PogrebnyakE @yudapearl There are methods, such as Invariant Risk Minimization, that attempt to learn invariants from training data. But they require data from multiple sources, and they assume that those sources exercise all directions that are not invariant. That's a pretty big assumption. 2021-04-01 05:29:08 @masud99r @PogrebnyakE @yudapearl The assumption is that the causal model and the selection diagram are correct. The model does not represent the "difference between source and target" but rather what is invariant in general. No information is assumed about the target. 2021-04-01 01:46:01 @AstroKatie The issue I think is this: Who has the right to request your vaccination status? I’d like an app where I first can confirm that the requester is legit before it verifies my status. It is a health record, after all, so it is protected 2021-03-31 23:51:46 @nueva_estocolmo @viktoriaserdult Or any other time, because of patient privacy laws. 2021-03-31 16:22:19 @flourneuro @davidmanheim I’m confused. Is X your data or your parameter? 2021-03-31 15:55:54 @intrinsic_motiv @yudapearl @roydanroy Claims supported, no doubt, by extensive anecdotes. 2021-03-31 02:58:56 @allergyPhD Agree this is very weird. 2021-03-31 02:18:14 @hypervisible @hannawallach Yes. But sometimes we build new software and don’t know how people will use it. No one knew that TCP-IP would lead to the web, then to Web 2.0, and then to Facebook and Twitter. 2021-03-30 20:49:13 @roydanroy @yudapearl I'm thinking of the kind of fine-grained information that is available in a selection diagram (@eliasbareinboim) or the extensions of this by Adarsh Subbaswamy and @suchisaria. 2021-03-30 20:43:47 @PogrebnyakE @yudapearl If I have data from Texas, then I can just retrain on it. Transportability is an issue when I don't have data from the target context but I want to have guarantees on accuracy. Train in NJ, test in TX. 2021-03-30 19:58:47 @roydanroy @yudapearl This limitation is shared with non-causal accounts. At least with causal accounts, we make our assumptions more explicit and express them with much more detail 2021-03-30 19:42:10 @PogrebnyakE @yudapearl Example: suppose I train a medical diagnostic system using data from hospitals in New Jersey and now want to use it in Texas. That is a change of context, and I'd like it to work. Same domain, but differences in population, disease prevalence, and many other things 2021-03-30 18:39:04 @yudapearl Yes! I think another entry point for causality into data science is transportability (aka domain invariance). Causal analysis can guarantee that our fitted models will transport to new contexts. 2021-03-30 18:35:07 @andyroyle_pwrc @justinamash I carry a WHO yellow card along with my passport to prove my Yellow fever vaccination status. This is exactly what epidemiologists are referring to when they talk about an immunity passport. 2021-03-30 17:58:17 @andyroyle_pwrc @taaltree @justinamash Yes, the government role in my proposal would be to establish standards (for the protocol) and rules for acceptable use. The word "passport" is not well-chosen, as it only refers to crossing international borders. 2021-03-30 17:04:09 @FLIxrisk @BrookingsInst @darrwest Another case in which replacing "artificial intelligence" with "software" is informative and highlights the difficulties with the framing. 2021-03-30 16:55:06 @taaltree @andyroyle_pwrc @justinamash A well-designed certificate app could require two steps. First, scan a QR code from the organization proving that they have the right to ask about your vaccine status. Then scan a QR code on the phone verifying your status. 2021-03-30 15:49:12 @taaltree @andyroyle_pwrc @justinamash Right, so the question for society is to establish situations in which vaccines can be required and situations in which they cannot. For the former, it will be important to have verifiable vaccine certificates 2021-03-30 03:47:55 @andyroyle_pwrc Why do you retweet this? Hasn't @justinamash ever traveled to a place that requires a yellow fever vaccine? Brazil (parts), Nigeria, Tanzania? 2021-03-29 15:44:28 @risi1979 The original RL algorithms, such as TD(lambda) and Q learning, are fully online. But it is hard to control their behavior. To obtain predictable behavior, offline is much more practical. 2021-03-29 06:01:05 @learnfromerror So the EverGiven was just allowing the Hebrews enough time to cross the canal? 2021-03-28 22:06:35 @boazbaraktcs @whybansal Sure, but the self-supervised method doesn't know which bits of the input carry information about the labels, so it needs to preserve the relevant information. Relevance is defined by the input transformations, yes? 2021-03-28 20:20:25 Gut punching story: 2021-03-28 17:27:27 @geomblog @boazbaraktcs @ylecun @kareem_carr @s010n @mrtz @random_walker @kdphd @scheidegger Abstract summary of this faulty argument: "We can fix bugs of type X by better training data. Therefore, better training data will fix all bugs." 2021-03-28 17:21:59 @alirahimi0 Does abstruse mean poorly written so that it can't be understood? Or does it mean "mathematically advanced"? If it is poorly written, it should be rejected. If mathematically advanced, it should provide intuitions and pictures too 2021-03-28 16:31:12 @boazbaraktcs @whybansal Does it just come down to this: The supervised methods use the (noisy) labels during representation learning whereas the self-supervised methods do not. The linear probe is not very expressive, and it is not reusing the labels => 2021-03-28 05:38:17 "I’d realized that maybe my citizenship represented...a commitment to myself to try to do what’s within my control to heal this country — my country — not only at the polls but every day." Me too. 2021-03-28 03:13:35 @rajiinio Yet again, @rajiinio is so articulate and clear. Wow 2021-03-27 23:08:43 @geomblog @boazbaraktcs @ylecun @kareem_carr @s010n @mrtz @random_walker @kdphd @scheidegger Exactly! We are still uncovering new interactions and dependencies. So rather than making categorical statements, we should be creating better processes and tools for analyzing these situations and training engineers to use them 2021-03-27 23:05:51 @roydanroy @CsabaSzepesvari @peter_richtarik In the CS.LG category, we detect 2-3 every day. 2021-03-27 21:40:17 @roydanroy @CsabaSzepesvari @peter_richtarik That is forbidden. Paul Ginsparg has a pretty good detector of these 2021-03-27 20:43:43 @roydanroy @CsabaSzepesvari @peter_richtarik All *accepted* papers please. 2021-03-27 20:42:01 @roydanroy @CsabaSzepesvari @peter_richtarik Or just have all papers posted to arXiv. 2021-03-27 20:38:53 @apsarathchandar @thegautamkamath I agree. Each AC should need to examine the paper and indicate whether there is at least one assigned reviewer who has the expertise to review it. If not, invite one. I didn't do this as AC and I deeply regretted it later 2021-03-27 20:35:56 RT @michaelharriot: I don’t quite know how to describe it, but I wrote a promise: 2021-03-27 19:02:03 @paul_scharre In short, more nuance is needed, but I agree that we must be very careful 2021-03-27 19:00:27 @paul_scharre Obviously, having a routine relationship with a military university is very different. But even there, one can imagine a relationship that focused on the laws of war and autonomous weapons could be very important to both sides. 2021-03-27 18:58:46 @paul_scharre In 2018, I made a 4-week Fulbright visit to Tsinghua University to lecture on AI safety. That was a collaboration with a Chinese university. But I think it is in the interest of both countries that our AI systems are safe. 2021-03-27 18:56:48 @paul_scharre I was also reacting to the implication that any research dealing with simulation or social media influence or drones has military application. 2021-03-27 18:55:31 @paul_scharre I take that back. They quote a professor as saying "I think we are kidding ourselves if we assume that cooperation with non-military universities is less risky. In collaborations with any Chinese university, knowledge flows to the army. ” 2021-03-27 18:46:30 @paul_scharre My mistake then. 2021-03-27 18:24:46 @paul_scharre And my understanding is that they go through a very detailed visa review 2021-03-27 18:23:16 @paul_scharre Prospective students need to be examined on a case-by-case basis. 2021-03-27 17:23:47 @paul_scharre Maybe I need to rephrase what I wrote 2021-03-27 00:45:10 @quantum_jake @MartijnRasser @EBKania In my group, I would not characterize it as "vast". Research is becoming steadily more open, and people blog about the tricks and heuristics that they use. If you want to keep research a secret, don't do it on a university campus. 2021-03-27 00:22:36 @MartijnRasser @EBKania Was this research published in the open literature? If so, then it is going to all military organizations worldwide. Focusing on people may be irrelevant 2021-03-26 19:24:48 @EBKania I've been studying Mandarin since 2009, and at this point, I'm just trying to not lose words. TBH I'm also trying to keep my English words too. I'm still learning things about English... 2021-03-26 15:21:55 @rguha @geomblog @comathematician “Creepfakes”: too creepy for me 2021-03-26 15:17:40 @cfiesler Like you @cfiesler, we tried to give it to everyone else too. Hooray for “first PhDs in the family” 2021-03-26 15:16:05 @cfiesler No surprise. Being an academic is like any other business: it’s easier to enter if your family is already in the business. My wife and I were professors, and at every step (college applications through choosing PhD advisors) we could give good advice. 2021-03-25 17:08:54 @kchonyc Great slides 2021-03-25 16:34:58 @dstieglitz @josephdviviano @Love2Code @GaryMarcus In speech-to-speech translation, the system could hesitate or use intonation. Does anyone know of a system that does this? 2021-03-25 16:34:12 @dstieglitz @josephdviviano @Love2Code @GaryMarcus The model should know that it is uncertain and should have ways to communicate that uncertainty to the user. The best way to do that will depend on the specific context. "They" works here, but there is not always a one-word fix. 1/ 2021-03-25 04:15:23 @Noahpinion I'm astonished at the number of health care workers that chose not to get vaccinated early on. 2021-03-25 04:10:26 @Noahpinion Looks great! But in Oregon, at least one fully-vaccinated person in a senior care setting died from the virus, and the full vaccination rate in those settings is at least 50% 2021-03-25 03:40:01 @Noahpinion "Goes away" is misleading. That positivity rate is still significant. Maybe it is more accurate to say that serious illness is decreasing dramatically (ICU and Hospital numbers) 2021-03-25 03:38:05 @Noahpinion @aupercat That positivity rate suggests that COVID has not gone away. It is just not creating so many seriously ill people. 2021-03-24 19:29:43 @timajwilliams @zeynep @Bob_Wachter I worry that "immunized" might lead people to believe they are totally immune to the disease. 2021-03-24 15:43:11 The word "vaccinated" seems to be causing confusion. People say "I got vaccinated today" to mean that they received an injection of the vaccine today. Other people say "I'm vaccinated" meaning that they are two weeks past the final injection. 1/ 2021-03-24 05:26:55 @srchvrs @harvineet_singh @emilymbender @balajivasan What do you mean by "feature generators"? I share @yoavgo's concern about applying learned representations in downstream tasks without having some way of conditioning those representations on personas and other design goals. This seems more challenging that controlling style 2021-03-24 04:51:14 Thank you every one for the thoughtful responses and pointers! 2021-03-24 01:58:45 @michaelharriot I was born in 1954, and my earliest memory is hearing about the filibusters of the late 50s and early 60s. My mom would listen to the radio during breakfast, and it seemed that every day there was a threat of filibuster. She did not like Mr. Thurmond. 2021-03-23 21:27:38 How can I tell Word's grammar checker that a specific sentence is ok? "Ignore once" only seems to last a few minutes, whereas it should be permanent for this document. @Office 2021-03-23 21:16:59 @andrewthesmart @GaryMarcus @VentureBeat Yes, it is amateur data analysis (or a failure of training in data analysis). After all, anyone can submit to arXiv. But maybe some blame belongs with people who made small, biased datasets available without sufficient guidance. 2021-03-23 21:03:32 @GaryMarcus @VentureBeat During the pandemic, arXiv has received many many papers claiming to do COVID-19 diagnosis from chest x-rays. Most have lacked statistical tests, so we've rejected them because of the small sample sizes and requested good uncertainty assessment. Many selection biases as well. 2021-03-23 20:52:17 @missy_cummings My guess is that the best use of RL in this setting today would be to discover new tactics. Applying it to fly the plane requires much more work on assurance 2021-03-23 16:18:34 Thoughtful and articulate discussion by @emilymbender 2021-03-23 06:03:55 A company offering language services could then decide which personas they were willing to support and in what situations. How far are we from being able to do this? @emilymbender @timnitGebru @yoavgo 2021-03-23 06:03:54 When translating my speech during a visit to another country, I want it to be polite and not profane or insulting. I might also want to use such a model to check my writing--to find aspects that might offend others. 2/ 2021-03-23 00:29:52 Regardless of the origins of #SARSCoV2, we need to improve our safety procedures in US research labs. This story mentions several failures of situational awareness & 2021-03-22 22:05:45 @ACMEAAMO @MD4SG How does this relate to ACM FACCT? What kind of work is more appropriate for EAAMO vs. FACCT? Less ML and more mechanism design/optimization? 2021-03-22 21:34:02 @KyleCranmer But if the building was stationary while the planet moved under it, then it would be ok, I think. 2021-03-22 21:33:09 Of course, it could be that I was in treatment B of an A/B test. I figure with so much A/B testing happening, I must be in some test arm every day 2021-03-22 21:02:59 Anyone else finding that @Google search isn't working as well recently? I tried searching for a US patent by number, and it didn't work. @bing handled it just fine. 2021-03-22 20:24:04 "all in my lifetime, and I think how language is fragile, how a breath could leave a sentence and not return," 2021-03-22 20:13:20 @AlanMackworth Yes, not only was the prediction wrong, it wasn't even about the right question: How can we best improve medical outcomes? 2021-03-22 20:11:45 @Gormogons We need to make these decisions as a society, because our actions affect each other. My decision to stay home affects businesses and your decision to eat out may spread disease. We want to prevent spread and revive our economy. That's not easy, but we are learning more every day 2021-03-22 19:57:20 @Gormogons Meanwhile, I'm supporting my local restaurants via takeout orders, and I think front line workers such as restaurant staff and food workers should get vaccination priority. 2021-03-22 19:54:20 @Gormogons I'm not going to risk my life and that of my family based on anecdotal evidence. But I am eager to see studies (controlled or uncontrolled) with large sample sizes that provide a basis for an honest assessment of risks. 2021-03-22 16:49:21 @annastansbury @Noahpinion Interesting idea to consider in CS. Many folks are already posting their slide decks, which is wonderful. Adding class materials to GitHub is the next step 2021-03-22 15:55:16 @Noahpinion Are they using the same endpoints? 2021-03-22 03:09:01 @Gormogons Thank you for your comprehensive study. That should settle the question 2021-03-21 22:30:02 @Miles_Brundage Otherwise, we're all going to be wearing burka-like garments to hide our gait, face, etc. 2021-03-21 20:02:49 And of course that goes hand-in-hand with health infrastructure, something we haven't achieved in the US 2021-03-21 20:01:15 I think we should think of this as building a durable international vaccination infrastructure rather than as a series of separate efforts 2021-03-21 20:00:21 RT @maiamajumder: Booster shots to counteract new #SARSCoV2 variants may very well be commonplace in the not-so-distant future. Let’s *also… 2021-03-21 17:33:11 @Manning4USCong @mims @EricRWeinstein What evidence supports this claim? Unmasked people in rooms with poor ventilation sounds bad to me. I won’t eat indoors until prevalence is very low 2021-03-21 03:58:21 RT @page_eco: Everybody should know about Berkson’s paradox. When two positive traits are (spuriously) negatively correlated, in a popu… 2021-03-21 03:52:03 @rao2z I think AI still hasn’t isolated the phenomena it seeks to explain. We are still pre-theoretical 2021-03-20 17:06:11 @mlittmancs Ah, i get it. Great example. Sounds like they are using machine learning... 2021-03-20 01:15:32 @JaneLubchenco @WHOSTP @eric_lander @sociallifeofdna @Keiindc @POTUS Thank you for serving for all of us 2021-03-19 22:55:51 @mlittmancs I would use "affects" in the sentence "Subject affects model results". Maybe I'm misparsing? 2021-03-19 19:14:43 Delighted to see the appointment of my colleague @JaneLubchenco to lead OSTP work on climate 2021-03-19 05:18:52 @matloff @deconstructized @kaymwilliamson That's my recollection too. < 2021-03-19 04:43:24 @kaymwilliamson @matloff Showing my age, I was a user of S+. R was a big improvement. 2021-03-19 04:18:57 RT @sammyjcomedian: Trust me, I’m an ally. 2021-03-19 04:14:31 One more wonderful outcome from the pandemic is that I discovered @zeynep. Thank you for your insightful reporting!! 2021-03-19 04:11:52 " We should embrace the extraordinary and robust process of open science and more peer review, as well as its dynamism, even as we establish new guardrails to contain its energy." yes, Yes, YES! 2021-03-19 04:06:54 " In a world divided by visas, income inequalities, time constraints, and opportunity, why didn’t we just incorporate videoconferencing into more of our events before? Why didn’t we take questions from the audience not in the room? " 2021-03-19 02:46:22 @Bob_Wachter @UCSF Thank you 2021-03-18 22:41:25 @clarewenham At least one ML conference (was it NeurIPS?) banned reference to native speakers/mother tongue in reviews. But I don't know how they enforce it. Yet another content moderation task 2021-03-18 15:59:02 @adjiboussodieng “Only” people making under $75,000 (single) or $150,000 (couples) 2021-03-18 14:28:28 RT @littmath: i used to think the intermediate value theorem was overrated 2021-03-18 06:25:59 @besanushi My whole feed tonight has been full of outrage based on little data and much emotion. Attacks on Asians are terrible and must be stopped. But we have due process precisely to calm the emotion and gather the hard evidence needed to convict. 2021-03-18 06:23:53 @besanushi Isn't this phrase "bad day" a kind of a cliche understatement? "He's having a bad day" as in "he's going to spend the rest of his life behind bars"? Isn't this a standard movie/TV joke? 2021-03-18 00:07:35 ML Twitter: Can anyone point me to work on collective classification that doesn't assume a graph but combines classifier scores with clustering on the test set? 2021-03-17 03:29:19 Interesting points by the always-insightful @rajiinio 2021-03-17 01:51:15 RT @BDilkina: #COMPASS21 is a great place to submit cross-domain work on #Tech and/or #AI approaches to #sustainability and societal challe… 2021-03-17 00:32:35 @neilturkewitz @FrankPasquale @JessicaFjeld @aparrish @californiamag It might be useful to run your writing through it to get a typicality score to each phrase. Then rewrite those phrases? 2021-03-16 18:25:44 @Noahpinion The issue is human perception of risk. The principle is simply risk-averse decision making. But we perceive some risks as much more salient than others (for no good reason that I know, but maybe something buried in our evolutionary past) 2021-03-15 21:53:35 @deliprao How are NLP folks approaching the performative aspects of language? I guess you could collect training data by generating scenarios are asking people to score the appropriateness of various utterances? 2021-03-15 21:50:28 @deliprao The whole idea of proposing an auto-response in such a setting is appalling... 2021-03-15 05:00:51 @Noahpinion We started staying home on March 10. On March 9, I put together a big shopping list. My wife told me to buy extra toilet paper. I was surprised, but did as she suggested. My wife is wise. (We still haven't used the powdered milk...) 2021-03-15 03:49:58 @JMcDaid7 @Noahpinion What level of detail would you like to see? We know the mRNA is taken up by our cells and the cells make the antigen and express it on their cell exterior. The mRNA degrades in a few weeks. From my limited reading, we don't know exactly which body cells do this. 2021-03-15 01:24:42 @stammertescu @roydanroy The whole edifice would need regular refactoring as our conceptual structures and notation change. 2021-03-15 01:24:13 @roydanroy Indeed. Imagine that all of those boilerplates and all previous papers are organized in a wiki. Your paper just adds an entry to a wiki page and links to the supporting proofs/experiments! 2021-03-14 23:10:27 @matloff I can't answer that counterfactual. The experience certainly boosted my self-confidence and helped me start to think independently. It also improved my writing. Life is an uncontrolled experiment. 2021-03-14 20:53:08 @matloff I benefited from increased expectations and increased opportunities in high school, but the teachers modulated things so that it wasn't "pressure". Perhaps the key was a very collaborative "team" culture. So sad to see such unhappiness 2021-03-14 20:49:04 @jitumaximus @elangelou No. "machines" will have their blindnesses too. 2021-03-14 05:46:57 @KyleCranmer @yangyang_cheng I’m blushing. Sometimes Twitter actually provides a place for thoughtful interactions. I learn so much from both of you. 2021-03-14 03:27:22 Post script: While I support IP rights, I would love to see some deal for licensing all of the COVID-19 vaccines at ultra-low prices for worldwide production. It would be great to see the rich countries/companies compete to vaccinate the most people worldwide 2021-03-13 22:58:46 @ylecun @KyleCranmer @kchonyc The great chain of being/biology 2021-03-13 21:53:02 @ztsamudzi @PanasheChig I also thought that Caste was not persuasive. The only part that impressed me was Wilkerson's observation that the mechanisms for enforcing white supremacy were very similar in Germany, the US, and India 2021-03-13 21:34:18 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree Those Livesey papers are impressive pieces of scholarship. Thank you for the link 2021-03-13 21:16:53 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree Livezey argues that human activity both impeded and then enabled the expansion of the species. Native Americans maintained the prairie and European arrivals shrank it. There was always connected forest in Canada, so it seems the Barred Owl would have reached the west in any case 2021-03-13 19:59:54 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree Thanks! 2021-03-13 19:50:09 @yangyang_cheng I'm unhappy with the phrase "great power competition" 2021-03-13 19:47:34 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree *owl 2021-03-13 19:47:16 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree RE: Barred own range, that's interesting. I'd like to learn more. Pointers? Certainly we have contributed to spotted owl declines, but the declines have continued even after strong conservation efforts. 2021-03-13 19:41:36 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree Barred owls are more successful even in the pristine habitat of the spotted owl. I don't know that humans have played a role in this at all. end/ 2021-03-13 19:40:42 @Nv_pyromelana @taaltree I agree that special training should be required before you can get a "barred owl tag". Actually, I'm not convinced this whole effort makes biological or ethical sense. Most species will go extinct at some point 2021-03-13 19:35:36 I've worked hard to promote open science and the free sharing of research results. These days, I'm especially passionate about sharing research on how to create AI systems that are safe and reliable. 9/ 2021-03-13 19:35:35 But just like research labs and corporations, the government also needs to keep militarily-relevant applied research secret. The advantages that it provides the US and its allies has been important in the past and will likely be important in the future. 8/ 2021-03-13 18:02:26 @taaltree It doesn’t take much training to tell the difference. There are differences in size, pattern, and behavior. 2021-03-12 06:45:11 @taoleighgoffe @yangyang_cheng You are right, of course. But also President Biden is trying to convince us to make Anti-Asian hate un-American. We want the future to be better than the past. 2021-03-12 04:47:50 @Noahpinion I was shocked to be served an EpochTimes add on youtube two weeks ago. I reported it, and it stopped, at least for that night. Bizarre 2021-03-11 23:59:53 Presumably, this is why you need a second dose to make sure you've made enough antigen 2021-03-11 23:57:49 Here is an answer to a question I had: How long does the mRNA (from Pfizer or Moderna) vaccine survive in the body? Probably only a few weeks. More at 2021-03-11 23:51:08 @kchonyc @roydanroy @shortstein I'm always motivated, but the deadline motivates my calendar priorities 2021-03-11 21:19:44 @yeewhye @roydanroy @pfau I love those movies! 2021-03-11 21:19:10 @ccanonne_ Good point. Our academic calendar is almost perfectly aligned with the DST change points, so I'm having to reschedule anyway. I'm blinded by my local context! 2021-03-11 21:15:21 @ccanonne_ But to argue against myself, if we had had computers back before 1800, we probably wouldn't even have time zones. Each location would just have its own local time. Not good! 2021-03-11 21:14:24 @ccanonne_ It is crazy. The tools I have in mind are things like that have time zone support built in. Outlook calendar also knows all the time zones and DST transition times 2021-03-11 21:04:41 @dlowd @ccanonne_ Depends on how easy it is to get your kids up and out the door when there are still 2 hours of darkness. 2021-03-11 20:56:57 @ccanonne_ Can't this be addressed with good tools? Furthermore, if you live within 40 degrees of the equator, your experience is very different from those of us who live at higher latitudes... 2021-03-11 20:11:36 @Grady_Booch Let's put a carbon tax on these guys! 2021-03-11 02:19:00 Excellent essay by @rodneyabrooks 2021-03-10 16:52:15 @titudeadjust @JimDMiller @davidiach @GaryMarcus I only know about computers and ML. @GaryMarcus knows more about humans and brains! 2021-03-10 02:59:28 @Aaron_Horowitz @rajiinio @ziebrah @david_madras @geomblog @ACLU Sure, but I was agreeing with you that recourse is more important than explanation for the ordinary citizen. 2021-03-10 01:09:52 @Aaron_Horowitz @rajiinio @ziebrah @david_madras @geomblog As a citizen dealing with the legal system, I want to know whether the law is unfair (in which case I should call the @aclu) or whether there is standard recourse I can take (appeal, provide more documents). I guess I don't want an explanation in terms of legal theories 2021-03-10 01:04:02 @Aaron_Horowitz @rajiinio @ziebrah @david_madras @geomblog For giving an explanation to a physician, perhaps we need both. It is important to distinguish between them! 2021-03-10 01:03:18 @Aaron_Horowitz @rajiinio @ziebrah @david_madras @geomblog For giving an explanation to a patient, we usually want an explanation in terms of the biological causality of the disease process or the proposed therapy. Sometimes about the error properties of diagnostic tests. 2/ 2021-03-10 01:01:51 @Aaron_Horowitz @rajiinio @ziebrah @david_madras @geomblog Maybe there are two kinds of causality to consider. If the purpose of explanation is to support an ML engineer who is debugging the system, then the causal structure of the fitted model is important 1/ 2021-03-09 22:46:07 @GalinCali @Bob_Wachter @ArthurCaplan @inthebubblepod And I should not be forced to share space with people who refuse to be vaccinated. Shall we create two separate countries? If we all get vaccinated, we can live together 2021-03-09 22:44:41 @FisherStudio @KrisDisharoon @Bob_Wachter @ArthurCaplan @inthebubblepod You are giving the other people peace of mind that they are unlikely to spread the virus to you. Esp relevant right now when service workers may not be vaccinated. You are also less likely to spread the disease based on current, fragmentary evidence 2021-03-09 22:43:28 @MikeStraka2 @Bob_Wachter @ArthurCaplan @inthebubblepod Seems like the same rules would apply as for existing Yellow Fever certificates. I have to carry a physical card to enter some countries (e.g. Nigeria) but would much prefer this to be linked to my passport. 2021-03-09 22:41:50 @BTdocs @Rob_Tarzwell @Bob_Wachter @ArthurCaplan @inthebubblepod Blockchain is expensive overkill. Link the certificate to an encrypted database as in Israel. 2021-03-09 03:28:43 @bub_zombie @Noahpinion Yes 2021-03-08 21:25:51 @KLdivergence Agreed. Presumably it was "fair" for gambling or stochastic decision making. But the word "bias" is becoming so over-used that it is starting to lose all meaning. IMO p should be called the Bernoulli parameter of the coin. 2021-03-08 20:58:33 @KLdivergence That's what statisticians called a non-fair coin back before I was born...Not an ML coinage (so to speak) 2021-03-08 06:06:57 @zacharylipton Ok, Ok. Go ahead and reject my facebook friend request :-) 2021-03-07 22:14:29 @srvmshr @ylecun @lawrennd @driainmurray One workaround: posting your ICLR papers to arXiv. (But I like having the reviews available on OpenReview!) 2021-03-07 22:08:09 @jadelgador @arxiv @TechRxiv_org I'm amazed (and embarrassed) that I had not heard of @TechRxiv_org . Thanks! 2021-03-07 20:52:19 @ccanonne_ Ah yes, makes total sense. Looking forward to your exposition as always 2021-03-07 20:39:11 @ccanonne_ We studied it in my undergrad statistics class around 1975. 2021-03-07 20:38:32 @ccanonne_ This technique has been applied for decades when surveying people about things like sex and drug use. Do you really need a biased Bernoulli? 2021-03-07 20:36:22 @_dval_ @arxiv A proposal would need to be approved by the arXiv management, and so on. I think it would be wonderful to have. 2021-03-07 20:35:43 @_dval_ @arxiv I don't understand your question. Each submission to arXiv must be assigned a primary category, and can have multiple secondary categories. However, there are no engineering categories. To create them, a group would need to assemble a team of moderators, etc. 2021-03-07 20:20:16 Has anyone considered creating an Engineering area within @arxiv? Within the CS categories, we get a lot of ill-fitting submissions that are directed at problems in engineering, ranging from aero-astro to civil to power to materials to manufacturing to transportation. 2021-03-07 18:44:52 @iampatgrady @MissAmyTobey @venikunche Is that what you intended, @MissAmyTobey? 2021-03-07 05:42:05 @roydanroy @graduatedescent We all thought that in the age of globalization, we could rely on international supply chains. But under pandemic stress, globalization broke 2021-03-07 05:39:48 @ShlomoArgamon @ShannonVallor @AlanMackworth @RichardDawkins Yes! And misunderstandings in public health. Reality doesn’t change, but scientists change our minds frequently. Our hope is that science is a reliable process for approaching reality. “Trust the science” is a confusing slogan 2021-03-07 05:35:39 @roydanroy @graduatedescent Does Canada have a pharmaceutical industry? 2021-03-07 05:13:01 @ShlomoArgamon @ShannonVallor @AlanMackworth @RichardDawkins I think @RichardDawkins would agree wholeheartedly with your point. I certainly do. 2021-03-07 04:53:04 @roydanroy Didn't Canada buy more doses than it can use? 2021-03-07 04:51:30 @ShannonVallor @AlanMackworth Isn't @RichardDawkins just using "Science" as a synonym for "reality"? If so, you are mostly agreeing with each other 2021-03-07 04:13:00 @mark_riedl @choongng Maybe cars in self-driving mode should have flashing warning lights. I suppose people would get fake ones so that other drivers would get out of their way... 2021-03-07 04:10:28 @kwangsungjun @MissAmyTobey @venikunche We should still ask: "Who gets to specify the reward function?", and my student @seanmcgregor studied ways to engage multiple stakeholders in that process. 2021-03-07 04:09:31 @kwangsungjun @MissAmyTobey @venikunche In these problems, the main challenge is to correctly specify the reward function, and that is the place where bugs tend to get introduced. But the solutions that RL finds are not based on human behavior and so don't replicate human biases 2021-03-07 04:06:05 @kwangsungjun @MissAmyTobey @venikunche Yes, it is an extreme case. But there are many applications of reinforcement learning that are solving optimization problems rather than learning functions from data. Example: Simulator-driven RL for ecosystem management 2021-03-06 21:29:29 @Noahpinion @tancopsey Our county has been doing well, but they have a call out for more volunteers to help with vaccination. Currently doing mass vaccinations 2 days per week, so plenty of room to expand--if they have the personnel 2021-03-06 21:10:00 @vineettiruvadi @MissAmyTobey @venikunche I disagree. If we let the term "bias" become too broad, it will lose its utility for capturing the issues we care about. One could argue that "bias" in the sense of ML bias defined by Tom Mitchell already started us down that road. 2021-03-06 21:07:35 @vineettiruvadi @MissAmyTobey @venikunche It would be good to have a word for "the decision to build and deploy an AI system". By consuming resources and attention, does AlphaGo divert them from more important activities or create other adverse effects? 2021-03-06 21:05:10 @vineettiruvadi @MissAmyTobey @venikunche "Bias" implies a difference between the system and reality. Games like Go--being synthetic--don't have an independent reality. So I think it doesn't make sense to talk about bias (of the AI system) in such cases. 2021-03-06 20:09:19 @vineettiruvadi @MissAmyTobey @venikunche Why is that a "bias"? "Go" is the task, and importantly, AlphaGo finds ways to play Go that are very different from the ways humans play Go. Our concern with GPT-3 et al. is of course replicating racial, sexist, religious biases, etc. But not all ML is based on human data 2021-03-06 19:51:25 @MissAmyTobey @venikunche And curating data is no guarantee. Models need to be fenced and audited. 2021-03-06 19:50:32 @MissAmyTobey @venikunche Rather a broad brush. When AlphaGo learned to play Go, it was not replicating any human bias. Machine Learning covers a lot of different things. I totally agree for GPT-3-type models. Data must be carefully curated, because it is the "specification" in ML-based software 2021-03-06 06:25:26 @yudapearl I think your ideas are penetrating ML. It takes a field a while to understand and incorporate a fundamentally different way of thinking. To our credit, we are doing it without funerals :-) 2021-03-06 05:28:34 @ScottVMeyers @jwgain01 @collinparsons22 @DrTomFrieden I agree. On long flights, I will be wearing a mask during flu season. 2021-03-06 02:46:35 @collinparsons22 @DrTomFrieden Here’s a proposal: when your chance of being exposed is less than 1 in 10,000 instead of 1 in 10? With vaccines, we can get there 2021-03-06 00:34:29 @roydanroy @BostonReview @yangyang_cheng @lorgia_pena @CornelWest This is from But it looks like things are better now, so maybe I need to revise my position on Harvard. I still feel there is a contradiction between their attitude that they are the best and their request for outside opinions. 2021-03-06 00:31:59 @roydanroy @BostonReview @yangyang_cheng @lorgia_pena @CornelWest "Before 2003, Harvard did not have a defined tenure track. Assistant professors were hired with no promise of tenure review, much less promotion, and most often did not receive either. In some departments, decades passed between internal promotions." 1/ 2021-03-05 20:24:30 @sd_marlow @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender What do you mean by “observation is not participation”? That’s certainly true, but how does it bear on safety and performance? 2021-03-05 20:00:25 @sd_marlow @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender DL computer vision systems can segment objects out of images, identify them, infer their position in 3D space, and predict their future positions. That is a step toward safely avoiding obstacles (but obviously not sufficient). 2021-03-05 19:47:03 @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender It is important to note that in computer vision we can take advantage of the semantics of 3D geometry, physics etc. which is not available in language models like GPT-3, so we are on a much firmer foundation semantically. Vision models can be much more than "parrots" end/ 2021-03-05 19:45:33 @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender This allows them to take advantage of the strengths of DL without needing DL to be 100% accurate and trustworthy. 4/ 2021-03-05 19:44:30 @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender I'm excited about the work that Vikash Mansingkha & 2021-03-05 19:40:53 @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender We are improving our ability to give honest probability estimates and uncertainty quantification. There is also great work on integrating DL with physical/causal models. 2/ 2021-03-05 19:39:33 @missy_cummings @timnitGebru @emilymbender Let's not argue about "intelligence" but rather about whether the resulting system is performant, safe, robust, etc. I'm the first to agree that DL technology is not mature and that we can't yet give safety guarantees. But we are making progress. 1/ 2021-03-05 17:45:09 @lawrennd @ylecun @defcon_5 @jeremyakahn And there are many startups working on hardware. But historically half of the gain in efficiency of scientific computing has come from algorithmic improvements 2021-03-05 16:23:53 @ylecun @lawrennd @defcon_5 @jeremyakahn If past experience in computer science is a guide, we will see orders of magnitude improvements in the efficiency of our algorithms and (specialized) hardware over the next decade. Solving efficiency problems is our forte. That’s why I don’t worry 2021-03-05 16:14:42 @missy_cummings Why do you say this? We humans need to specify the desired behavior of our systems. Labeling is one way to do this. I certainly got lots of instruction from my mother! 2021-03-05 06:43:52 Sometimes a blog post should just be a tweet or a thread. I'm suffering from consuming substack verbosity 2021-03-04 20:44:37 @deliprao No it didn't. But it did stimulate lots of good research in interruption 2021-03-04 07:16:16 I'm late to discover @michaelharriot, but I really like his tweets. 2021-03-04 00:21:52 @vardi @ZDNet @SecurityCharlie I read this as Google was actively exploiting Chrome browser zero-day using patches. Ah headlines! 2021-03-03 21:26:53 @BostonReview @yangyang_cheng @lorgia_pena @CornelWest I think the academic community should stop participating in Harvard's unique, and exploitative, tenure system. Unlike most other US higher ed institutions, Harvard does not force itself to make an up-or-out decision after 6 years. Result: Less academic freedom at Harvard 2021-03-03 21:04:08 @geomblog @ccanonne_ The quality of ML jokes on Twitter has really improved lately. 2021-03-03 03:46:30 @70sBachchan @FrankPasquale @policytensor @jwdwerner @BrankoMilan Why are percentage increases the right measure? 2021-03-02 17:46:26 Nice argument by Jeff Hawkins. I'm looking forward to reading the book [@twitter: the web app claimed I hadn't read the article before retweeting: I think you have a bug somewhere] 2021-03-02 07:08:58 @RBot0 @jbraz5iu @antoniogm New medicines need careful testing. There is a long and sad history of people taking medications that were worthless or harmful. And data provided by drug companies needs careful review. There have been errors and abuses in the past. 2021-03-01 05:52:40 RT @json_dirs: This is the promise of open source medical devices: four months after we posted the people's vent paper, @HazanPrinceton 's… 2021-02-28 18:42:55 @wsisaac @sindero Uh, we're still debating the impact of highways and automobiles 100 years after their introduction. Why would we expect otherwise? 2021-02-28 04:42:50 @geomblog @zkproofs @aaronclauset @JAldrichPL But I hope these venues adopt open reviews soon. 2021-02-27 22:20:16 @geomblog What should be avoided: Close contact, Crowds, Closed spaces. My last indoor dining was March 8, 2020 2021-02-27 06:53:15 @SubutaiAhmad Yes, that’s the main point of the article. But they also discuss interest rates as a secondary factor 2021-02-27 01:38:39 Interesting observation that low interest rates may contribute to the housing shortage. "When my mortgage rate is 2.7 percent, why not have two of them?” said Michael Simonsen, the C.E.O. of Altos Research" 2021-02-27 00:38:44 @zeynep writes so clearly and directly about the pandemic. 2021-02-26 17:57:28 @Mohamed23203253 @eade_bengard We treat all of our grad students equally at OSU EECS. Say more about your experience 2021-02-26 15:58:07 I’m enjoying this thread and would love to see an article about this history 2021-02-25 23:04:59 @HunterFelt @mark_riedl That’s a serious discount factor 2021-02-25 15:55:32 @KuperSimon @deliprao Aren’t you over generalizing from one data point? I don’t see anything like this from @nytimes or @guardian. @NatGeo has been in the travel business for decades 2021-02-25 05:36:43 @JohnHMcWhorter Wow. I think any group that brings weapons to a demonstration is dangerous. 2021-02-25 05:11:46 @pablogerbas @JohnAnibalGomeV @yudapearl In an application, it seems to me (a naive ML person) that I would want to know the joint causal effects P(y|do(x),do(z)) so that I would understand what will happen when z changes. But that is asking a different question. 2021-02-24 20:45:26 RT @chenchenzh: In June 2019, a PhD student killed himself after his supervisor had forced him to fake data for a paper to be published at… 2021-02-24 19:13:59 @mlittmancs Ooo. Best technical joke of the week! 2021-02-24 19:11:05 @roydanroy @ylecun Research is generally easier in the early phases of a field. Many famous contributions are the result of being there first rather than of incredible brilliance. 2021-02-24 16:08:48 @RonWechsler @DKThomp Given that we are mostly vaccinating older people who have few contacts and medical people who take strong precautions, I wouldn’t expect much impact yet 2021-02-24 03:28:14 @guillermokrh @timnitGebru @Jersey_Hair @kate_saenko_ @mer__edith @mmitchell_ai I fear the company has lost its way and its mission. Fortunately there is still an institution devoted to organizing the world’s knowledge and teaching it to the next generation: Universities! (And their libraries) 2021-02-24 03:24:52 @Noahpinion I love them for eating salads. Rice, on the other hand is hard for both forks and chopsticks. 2021-02-22 19:01:01 @fchollet The Left in Germany and the US have strongly opposed nuclear power. In the US, this opposition has increased the economic costs (through challenges during the approval process). So economic and political costs aren't separable in US context 2021-02-22 16:45:09 @vaishakbelle @rao2z The cache perspective gives a different justification for explicit knowledge: it is where you go when you have a cache miss. 2021-02-22 16:43:29 @vaishakbelle @rao2z It depends on the distribution of queries. You can view the enumerated representation as a cache. Stuart’s argument assumes a uniform distribution of queries. 1/ 2021-02-22 01:31:47 @AfricaFactsZone @adjiboussodieng An incredibly beautiful place! 2021-02-22 00:24:12 Reading back issues of @StatModeling blog. Here is a gem on the importance of ethnographic methods in understanding the context in which data is collected. 2021-02-21 20:38:36 @MelMitchell1 I like the work on learning invariant representations. Examples: Invariant risk minimization (, Domain-adversarial ML ( These have flaws, but point in interesting directions 2021-02-20 20:26:03 @cfiesler Note to self: always read the article first 2021-02-20 20:21:32 @cfiesler I'd prefer a "no questions asked" program 2021-02-20 20:20:25 @cfiesler P.S. I don't mean to defend bad advisors and agree they should be fired. I'm just arguing that the situation can be complex. 2021-02-20 20:14:46 @cfiesler Neither one of us "created an unhealthy relationship", but we were clearly incompatible. And we were both relieved when the switch was made! end/ 2021-02-20 20:13:21 @cfiesler One of my grad students and I butted heads from day one. After a year of unhappiness, the student switched to another advisor and thrived, graduated, got a faculty position, etc. Students should be empowered to switch advisors with no questions asked. 1/ 2021-02-20 16:44:16 @maosbot @roydanroy Best wishes Michael. I’ve been seeing papers coming out of your lab and hoping you were doing better. So sorry to hear it is still such a struggle 2021-02-19 22:21:42 @vardi Yes 2021-02-19 20:53:42 @deliprao @yaroslavvb Yes! Superhuman memory. Of course, these are all more-or-less point solutions, and AI research seeks generality. 2021-02-19 19:50:19 @deliprao @yaroslavvb No, just capability. The search engines are all super-human, for example. CPLEX is super-human. The SMT solvers are superhuman. 2021-02-19 19:44:29 @deliprao @yaroslavvb And they already transcend us in many ways. 2021-02-19 18:47:29 @CorpsChef @timnitGebru @clairewaves Same for the top 5 CS departments. 2021-02-19 15:26:31 @SkinnerPm @EBKania And you can’t be bothered to get your facts straight before tweeting. (Not a quad copter) 2021-02-19 00:24:07 @DavidDuvenaud Thanks. That makes sense. To be honest, I hadn't thought through the question of enforcement. 2021-02-18 23:58:07 @DavidDuvenaud How would they enforce the rule themselves? Not sure what you mean 2021-02-18 15:23:40 @boazbaraktcs @ccanonne_ @nattyover @BachFrancis I think the effectiveness of double blind reviewing is decreasing over time. I favor posting on ArXiv and developing other mechanisms for countering the “famous researcher” effect. 2021-02-18 15:11:55 @PVanHentenryck @rao2z Thank you for the pointers @PVanHentenryck 2021-02-18 05:54:27 @rao2z RE: Robustness not being sexy. Yes, and it is also hard to test. How do you uncover the hidden dependencies in complex systems without taking them down? Maybe our colleagues on Twitter know of relevant work? 2021-02-18 05:51:58 @rao2z It does seem that TX made some poor decisions that may be unique to them. But I haven't seen anyone talking about the weaknesses of the two national grids. 2021-02-18 05:50:19 @rao2z Being outside the national grids confers one form of resilience: a blackout in those national grids cannot propagate into Texas. One argument for more local grids is precisely to increase this form of resilience. 2021-02-18 02:51:23 Consistently excellent writing from @zeynep 2021-02-18 02:41:34 @geomblog @MelMitchell1 @washingtonpost I think this move to high speed is extremely dangerous and unwise. 2021-02-18 01:55:30 Long periods with small failures lead to disinvestment. This in turn eventually causes a large failure that leads to investment again. Can we create a funding mechanism that provides steady investment without catastrophes? end/ 2021-02-18 01:55:29 The problems with the Texas grid are not unique to Texas. In 2009, I heard a great talk by Prof. Ian Dobson (Iowa State) about how our power infrastructure is a complex dynamical system. Historically, large grid failures lead to large investment. 1/ 2021-02-17 23:54:27 @ccanonne_ @boazbaraktcs @nattyover @BachFrancis As I've argued before, a conference should either fully embargo (like this) or give up on anonymous submission and find other ways to promote the work of un-famous researchers and institutions. 2021-02-17 22:06:30 @mark_riedl The user experience will probably improve! 2021-02-17 22:01:58 @BaldingsWorld @matloff Can you give us pointers to which US universities did this? I haven't been following this story. Thanks 2021-02-17 17:53:09 @angie_rasmussen I love this analogy to selling lottery tickets! 2021-02-17 17:23:23 RT @katecrawford: • This AI does not "read children's emotions" • There are not seven universal emotions • Facial muscle data does not co… 2021-02-17 17:19:10 @deliprao I don’t see Twitter hiring reporters and paying salaries. Why so much NYTimes hate on Twitter? Besides, Friedman isn’t a reporter. Without the press (flawed as it may be), I doubt democracy can survive 2021-02-16 23:29:27 @Grady_Booch @ComputerHistory s/AI/software/ clarifies the question. We should fear bad software. We should also fear organizations that deploy software in bad ways 2021-02-16 01:19:11 RT @karenyuan_: something important about the attacks on elderly asian americans: the scale and details of violence could be greater and ug… 2021-02-16 01:15:19 @TobyWalsh Fortunately, there is a growing research community looking at ways to vastly reduce the cost of training these models. I predict brute force will give way to much more efficient algorithms, implementations, and hardware in the next few years. 2021-02-15 23:18:28 @zeynep Thank you. This has NOT been clear in discussions in the general media. This has led some people to want to get an antibody test after vaccination to see if it "took". Esp in older people whose immune systems are not as strong. 2021-02-15 18:04:19 RT @sarahookr: Yesterday, I ended up in a debate where the position was "algorithmic bias is a data problem". I thought this had already b… 2021-02-14 06:49:35 @xamat @netflix The customer is always right. I am an expert on me. But I'm probably not the only person who feels this way. Certainly in some contexts (binging a whole series), the default makes a lot of sense. 2021-02-14 06:48:21 @kuchhal_dhruv They could easily analyze who has turned the feature off and build a model from that. 2021-02-14 06:44:51 @xamat @netflix Does that make it good? A little market segmentation would uncover subgroups (including me) and contexts (emotional dramas) where it would test negative 2021-02-14 06:41:54 Every once in a while, something amazing comes out on @arxiv. Check out this cool new ML book by @mrtz and @beenwrekt . 2021-02-14 06:21:26 @netflix, why do you implement the dark pattern of truncating the credits to show the next thing? Sure you can change the defaults, but you are cramming content into my eyeballs, and I don't like it. 1/ 2021-02-13 21:42:46 Makes me wonder why neither side is noted for kindness, empathy, charity, and humility. 2021-02-13 21:42:45 I agree that this is a much better analysis. 2021-02-13 19:39:58 @deliprao @matloff It seems to me that just as with software, you can't test in quality. The primary responsibility falls on the journalist. But it is reassuring when I get a follow-up call from the fact checking team. 2021-02-13 19:14:11 @matloff @deliprao In my experience, journalists sort into two groups. One group is trying to get a story out in the next 12 hours. Rarely worth engaging with them. The other group is devoting weeks or months to a story. Always worthwhile to engage with them. 2021-02-13 18:39:09 @deliprao How so? In my experience, reporters in the MSM think much more carefully about process and ethics than the non-MSM. 2021-02-12 20:12:26 @boazbaraktcs @srush_nlp @davidweichiang I shudder when reading pytorch code to see integers for axes. We should at least use named constants, but even better would be names that are checked by the interpreter 2021-02-12 03:32:32 I learned at lot from this post. Now I understand why people call bitcoin a "digital collectable". I hope mining goes all-solar soon 2021-02-11 05:07:50 @whatthecarp @Noahpinion @AndrewYang @18F @USDS @whatthecarp I would love to hear your views on what the country should do. Year after year we have failures in basic functionality of IT systems in Oregon. And of course failures in cybersecurity. 2021-02-11 04:23:47 @whatthecarp @Noahpinion @AndrewYang @18F @USDS My understanding is that @18F and @USDS only operate at the Federal level. We need something to help the states too. 2021-02-10 20:50:48 @roydanroy @ccanonne_ @Aaroth Yes! 2021-02-10 20:49:49 @ccanonne_ @Aaroth I favor this idea too. Design a single annual conference to focus on the social and community-building aspects. Everything else can be remote and focused on sharing and publishing papers 2021-02-10 17:13:17 @Noahpinion The IT fiascos at both state and federal levels have been ridiculous. I wonder if (say, as part of national service), we could create an "IT Force" to create and maintain these systems. It would be great preparation for jobs after leaving national service 2021-02-10 06:37:11 @deliprao I wonder if Google does this themselves as a bug detection tool? They must have a huge set of test queries (with answers) to run. 2021-02-10 06:12:56 @deliprao Is there a "google observatory" that tries to detect A/B tests, changes in the search system, etc.? Presumably the search-engine optimization people do this. 2021-02-10 05:31:49 @OregonGovBrown: We should NOT be relaxing the rules. Please don't allow restaurants and bars to reopen. Don't give the UK variant a chance to multiply. This is the most important decision you will make in your term. 2021-02-10 04:33:45 @uzvib @yudapearl Time to teach it right and do it right! 2021-02-09 18:41:05 @boazbaraktcs @roydanroy I prefer the "alchemy" accusation. It is not immediately falsifiable. We want to transition from alchemy to chemistry, not from cargo cult to disbelief. 2021-02-09 18:07:26 @boazbaraktcs @roydanroy Answer: No. It is not a cargo cult. 2021-02-09 05:50:43 @VirajSinha @JoeDesbonnet @rustlezephyr @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk From Mark Harmon: 3 to 50 decades (30 to 500 years) 2021-02-09 05:45:10 @VirajSinha @JoeDesbonnet @rustlezephyr @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk Quite a lot of the tree (leaves, branches) is left in the forest and/or burned in the forest. A substantial amount is also waste in timber mills (or burned to power the mills) 2021-02-09 05:43:54 @VirajSinha @JoeDesbonnet @rustlezephyr @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk When the tree is harvested, carbon is released at roughly the same rate as if the tree was left to rot in the forest. Decay time varies from 20-500 years depending on species and conditions IIRC. 2021-02-09 05:37:26 @VirajSinha @JoeDesbonnet @rustlezephyr @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk One twist is that older living trees capture more carbon than young ones. So it is better to leave living trees standing in the forest. But when they die (e.g., after a fire), converting them to houses would be roughly C neutral, I believe 2021-02-09 03:33:20 @JoeDesbonnet @rustlezephyr @VirajSinha @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk Yes. It turns out that commercial use of harvested trees returns CO2 to the atmosphere at about the same rate as allowing the trees to die and decay in the forest (c.f., Mark Harmon) 2021-02-09 01:28:07 @rustlezephyr @VirajSinha @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk 95% of houses are already built with wood, so there isn't much non-wood to displace. Engineered wood might replace more, but it also requires more energy inputs. 2021-02-09 01:27:12 @VirajSinha @rustlezephyr @Grady_Booch @PeterDiamandis @xprize @elonmusk Building houses only sequesters about 60% of the carbon in a tree. There are losses all through the production process, additional energy inputs, and root systems etc. left behind. (see Mark Harmon 2021-02-08 03:17:38 “Knowledge is its own fierce joy” 2021-02-08 01:27:31 @VogonPoet 2021-02-08 00:27:13 @geomblog @Aaroth But I do learn so much by making an in-person visit to a department, so I'd be happy to do a few of those each year. end/ 2021-02-08 00:26:14 @geomblog @Aaroth For academic seminars, I love the proliferation of open, international seminars, and there is no reason to travel to do those. 3/ 2021-02-08 00:25:19 @geomblog @Aaroth I love being able to watch a 3-5minute short talk about each poster at NeurIPS and ICML. A new publication model should include the video as well as the paper and the Jupyter notebook (and maybe a machine-checkable proof?) 2/ 2021-02-08 00:23:27 @geomblog @Aaroth I think we need physical conferences to build and maintain the social structure of scientific fields. But maybe we can design them to optimize for that rather than for also being refereed publications. 1/ 2021-02-07 22:57:10 @heartsalve @OregonGovBrown 2021-02-07 22:56:21 @heartsalve @OregonGovBrown From 2021-02-07 22:55:00 @heartsalve @OregonGovBrown The R_t trend has been upward for several days. I'll wait several more days to see what the 7-day moving average shows. The UK variant is powerful, but I don't see that reflected in public health countermeasures in OR (or anywhere else in US) 2021-02-07 21:49:18 Measures that worked in the past won't be sufficient now. Is Oregon ready? Today we are the only US state where infections are increasing. @OregonGovBrown 2021-02-07 21:47:34 @keitharmitage @Atul_Gawande Another endpoint that really matters is "long COVID". Obviously it takes a long time to measure 2021-02-07 19:20:28 @polotek @venikunche Will they have a similar option to opt out of white history? Come to think of it, public school history doesn't cover white history very accurately either. (Genocide? What Genocide?) 2021-02-07 06:04:24 @DavidFeng @matloff @bjprc @BaldingsWorld @danharris I just looked online, and both airports look busy. Definitely most international flights are arriving at PEK. There are lots of cancellations both places today 2021-02-07 05:49:23 @DavidFeng @matloff @bjprc @BaldingsWorld @danharris Aren’t most flights going to PKX nowadays? 2021-02-07 03:44:22 @roydanroy My opinion: get rid of the voting machines. Use paper optical-mark ballots and invest in high-throughput high-quality scanners. This is what Oregon has done with their all-mail voting system 2021-02-06 22:44:03 @ccanonne_ @geomblog solves this and many other problems 2021-02-06 18:03:31 @ksmeel @vardi Wise advice. But reviewers should also read carefully. In an 8-page paper, I don’t have space to give tutorials. Math notation is precise, and reviewers should study it. 2021-02-05 20:38:22 I think @rao2z has this exactly right. Symbols are great for communication (h/t Claude Shannon), including "communication with ourselves" (aka self awareness, explanation, prediction) 2021-02-05 07:12:31 @yudapearl @Carthica We are very excited to have @Carthica join @OregonState! 2021-02-04 01:47:50 @anoushnajarian @timnitGebru I got one too. I'm assuming a very wide distribution... 2021-02-03 05:08:10 @learnfromerror This is normal for vaccines that require multiple doses such as the shingles vaccine. 2021-02-03 00:52:53 @learnfromerror No data doesn't tell us whether it is safe or unsafe. Doesn't immunology theory and experience suggest that it could be just fine and possibly even desirable? 2021-02-02 23:42:09 @cfiesler And I didn't get any frequently flier miles. Maybe Zoom would like to start giving zoom miles? On second thought, they would probably only be redeemable for more zoom meetings... 2021-02-02 23:41:06 @cfiesler Yes. I was "in" Bristol UK yesterday morning and ended the day "in" Bengaluru 15 hours later 2021-02-02 20:26:09 @yudapearl I don't know about his 2013 book ("Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking"). I was referring to his old book from 1984. 2021-02-02 17:13:32 I highly recommend his book "Elbow Room" for a very AI-compatible account of free will. 2021-02-02 17:12:50 "The history of philosophy is the history of very tempting mistakes made by very smart people, and if you don't learn that history you'll make those mistakes again and again and again." I'm a big admirer of Daniel Dennett 2021-02-02 06:12:20 @SilveryCurls @Noahpinion An abbreviation for VAPID? 2021-02-01 15:46:51 @_brohrer_ @SOdaibo @E2eMl Regarding the runtime cost of nearest neighbor methods, there has been extensive research on making nnbr queries fast. See, for example, 2021-02-01 15:39:46 @_brohrer_ @SOdaibo @E2eMl Think carefully about your distance metric. Distances in high dimension often start to perform poorly, but sometimes they work surprisingly well. 2021-02-01 05:16:38 @siminyu_kat So very very true :-) 2021-02-01 05:16:10 @yudapearl @jdforward Heart breaking 2021-02-01 01:48:29 @roydanroy It reminds me a bit of variational methods, although the goal is tractable approximation rather than exact solution. 2021-02-01 01:10:35 @roydanroy Are you asking for a similar case in which hearing the rumor that X was true allowed the researcher to immediately prove it? 2021-02-01 01:09:08 @geomblog Because they are PR machines, not guarantors of quality 2021-02-01 01:08:08 @al_dente_123 @NickKristof They have an island prepared for her. 2021-02-01 01:07:15 @rao2z And we often find agent-based explanations are useful. "The virus is trying to evade the antibodies." Even for our engineered artifacts: "At line 10, the program knows the file is empty." c.f. The Knowledge Level by Alan Newell 2021-01-30 19:40:21 @roydanroy Alas, even Alberta is not cold enough 2021-01-30 16:13:44 RT @USEmbassyKabul: We’re still recruiting applicants for the 2022 Fulbright Student program and there are only 2 weeks left. Learn more a… 2021-01-29 23:11:26 Another wrenching essay from @yangyang_cheng. "By seeking domination over the natural world, we’ve lost the coordinates for our moral compass." 2021-01-29 06:30:26 RT @ThomsonFiji: Excellent presentation by Jane Lubchenco at today's #IOG Workshop. These five priority opportunities for creation of post-… 2021-01-28 19:21:03 RT @DanHendrycks: Our benchmark spanning 57 tasks will be at #ICLR. We added human evaluations, polished the data, and found small models l… 2021-01-28 05:32:59 @zacharylipton Ad hoc self supervision today 2021-01-27 17:14:57 @KLdivergence @geomblog Or stick with quality and forget about these conference deadlines! (OK, I'm being unrealistic...) 2021-01-27 16:38:21 @CACMmag @vardi @usnews @MIT @CarnegieMellon @Stanford @UCBerkeley @Caltech @Cornell @GeorgiaTech @Princeton @Illinois_Alma @UW Sure would be nice to replace "rank" with "evaluate"! 2021-01-27 16:01:49 @KLdivergence Fascinating. Perhaps this is the difference between conference and journal? I find stats papers to do better scholarship both in terms of references and in terms of summarizing prior work. 2021-01-27 06:57:27 @JohnHMcWhorter I'd love a LexiconValley on agency in language. Why does "allows __ to" require an agent in English but not in FR/ES/IT? How do languages vary with respect to passive constructions (se me olvidó in Spanish), etc. 2021-01-26 15:46:59 @mlittmancs Yes yes yes! 2021-01-25 17:14:39 @gshotwell @davidmanheim @ATabarrok @tylercowen @NateSilver538 Folks should also study risk-averse measures such as Conditional Value at Risk. Most medical decision making is risk-sensitive 2021-01-25 06:08:44 Why Vaccines Alone Will Not End the Pandemic This plot shows that the headline is wrong. Bad editing, @nytimes! Notice that both lines reach zero. Better headline: "Wearing masks and social distancing will end the pandemic sooner" 2021-01-25 00:46:32 @jadimas @NickHanauer Yes, but so would the Republicans, the next time they are in the majority. 2021-01-24 20:03:35 @EthicalSkeptic IF Congress passes relief to keep businesses alive, that will help with the economic costs that lead to post-pandemic deaths. Contact your senators! 2021-01-24 19:59:55 @leskyd1 @EricTopol @mathisonian @DeniseDSLu @jamesglanz @simonelandon @trvrb Read the scientific paper 2021-01-23 19:24:42 @geomblog @yoavgo But the alternative is to try to capture more of the context. With context, we can apply causal inference tools to (try to) correct for confounders, introduce better latent variables, and so on. Pointers? end/ 2021-01-23 19:23:12 @geomblog @yoavgo I'm looking for pointers to work on how data collection and interpretation seeks to extract measurements from their context. When collecting data, we try to standardize the process in the hopes that we can apply a uniform interpretation 1/ 2021-01-22 22:49:50 @ylecun What do you think are the origins of this conservatism? Is it a long-term reaction to the chaos that followed the French Revolution? Or a frank assessment (so to speak) of the downsides of the AngloSaxon economic model? 2021-01-22 20:46:35 RT @SergeBelongie: The Cornell Lab of O @CornellBirds has an opening for a CTO-like position to lead their technology initiatives https://t… 2021-01-22 15:26:26 @robotsmarts @isbellHFh @mark_riedl Our goal should be to improve our own research every day. Lots of people at great labs do mediocre research 2021-01-22 05:34:40 @TobyWalsh Call their bluff! 2021-01-21 04:37:32 RT @bigmlcom: Here's a rundown of our experiences and lessons learned from BigML's first decade as the pioneering enterprise #MachineLearni… 2021-01-20 19:27:00 RT @USDS: We are a startup at the White House working to deliver better government services to the American people through technology and d… 2021-01-20 16:18:17 @Plinz @giteshnandre @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate And US costs are much higher than elsewhere in the world 2021-01-20 06:59:36 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate Wow! 2021-01-20 06:59:25 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate The solution is to build a lot more housing. Those prices are ridiculous, but as @Noahpinion points out, it is the NIMBYs who have created this problem. Fairness must be addressed as well, but that can be done over a longer time horizon. 2021-01-20 06:27:04 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate Are the budgets juicy? I thought Prop 13 deprived most CA cities and counties of revenue. Prop 13 certainly is unfair to younger/newer home owners. 2021-01-20 05:53:40 @Plinz @TobyWalsh @Slate Automatic warnings are super dangerous, because many will be erroneous. There is no time for careful human verification during a conflict situation. Lives will be lost because of false alarms. We already see this without automation! 2021-01-20 05:27:52 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate SFO needs housing, health care, psychological interventions, and people need to build functioning neighborhoods where folks know each other. It needs more police too, obviously, but they can only manage--not solve--the problems. 2021-01-20 05:18:05 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate But surveillance doesn't solve the underlying problems. 2021-01-20 05:15:57 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate For archival purposes perhaps, but not real time analysis. A neighborhood is not a law enforcement context unless there has been a crime committed, and then only temporarily. False alarms, faulty identifications, a nightmare. 2021-01-20 05:12:53 @Plinz @LissackMichael @TobyWalsh @Slate They are fine for archiving the imagery, but I oppose real-time face recognition for these, because of the high probability of false alarms and the lethal consequences. 2021-01-20 04:31:32 @LissackMichael @Plinz @TobyWalsh @Slate But 24/7 analysis of faces in home security cannot be done without false alarms, and I don't see how a reliable human organization can be created and maintained to handle those (scaling). Same problem with dash cameras and body cameras. 2021-01-20 04:27:37 @Plinz @TobyWalsh @Slate That is as far as my thinking goes 2021-01-20 04:27:15 @Plinz @TobyWalsh @Slate One could imagine temporary context changes (e.g., when a riot occurs, the city street becomes a law enforcement context). One could also imagine that video could be captured in non-law-enforcement contexts, but would require a warrant to search for specific people. 2/ 2021-01-20 04:25:42 @Plinz @TobyWalsh @Slate One possible distinction is between what I would call "Law enforcement contexts", such as borders, airports, government buildings, and "other contexts", such as city streets, parks, etc. Routine surveillance should only be applied in the former IMO. 1/ 2021-01-20 02:09:39 @cfiesler But first networking, then personal computing, and now phones, IoT, wearables, robots, etc. are transforming the field. Computing is now intertwined with so many aspects of society that social and ethical requirements have become central concerns. 2021-01-20 02:07:15 @cfiesler When I started in CS in the 1970s, the field was seeking to define itself by looking inward: algorithms, computer architecture, operating systems, programming languages. 1/ 2021-01-20 00:55:00 @omgjjd @TobyWalsh @Slate Will prosecutors and judges know the weaknesses of the tools well enough to question this behavior? We have a terrible track record in the US. end/ 2021-01-20 00:54:02 @omgjjd @TobyWalsh @Slate I have not thought as much about selection bias when applying the tools. If police deliberately apply a biased tool on Black suspects because it has higher false identifications on Black people, the technology is providing an excuse for illegal and unethical behavior. 2/ 2021-01-20 00:50:30 @omgjjd @TobyWalsh @Slate In my article, I was primarily concerned with higher false alarm rates on under-represented subgroups and envisioned a procedure in which all alarms are manually verified (especially for those subgroups). Tool users must know the limits of their tools. 1/ 2021-01-19 23:20:14 @Plinz @TobyWalsh @Slate Yes, the context is essential. I expect law enforcement at passport control but not at Starbucks. 2021-01-19 23:17:58 @omgjjd @TobyWalsh @Slate I've written a bit about this based on the experience of high-reliability organizations in medicine, aircraft, and nuclear power plants. 2021-01-19 22:36:54 @NickKristof @MariaBartiromo There were some left-wing photographers who posed as MAGA supporters and entered the capitol building. But they weren't intending to kidnap and assassinate anyone 2021-01-19 22:33:07 @TobyWalsh @Slate Even pedophiles and human traffickers? I disagree. Face recognition can be applied safely IF it is deployed by a high-reliability organization with proper procedures for handling errors and minimizing harms. We must certify and audit such organizations 2021-01-19 20:49:16 Here is an interesting postdoc funding opportunity. 2021-01-19 18:29:20 @davidmanheim @overleaf Hey @overleaf, I can recompile, but it took me 3 tries to download the pdf. (I'm getting 500 Gateway errors) 2021-01-19 17:39:01 @davidmanheim @overleaf works for me 2021-01-19 05:12:27 @Bob_Wachter What do we know about the effectiveness of the vaccine in older people? After I get the vaccine, is there a way to measure my immune response to see if it "took"? 2021-01-19 01:06:38 @nithinharidas @kallumadi @AnimaAnandkumar It's true. It certainly wasn't covered in my formal education. I only learned about the devastation in India from @AnuvabPal 2021-01-18 19:54:46 @amcafee Also note that in games you have a perfect statement of the goal. But who has the perfect formalization of justice? 2021-01-18 19:03:27 @amcafee If you have a perfect simulator, then search can find perfect solutions (eventually). But who has the perfect simulator for humanity? 2021-01-18 17:24:45 @amcafee It certainly can be better to do this. After all, this is what laws do. But like laws, we need legitimacy and contestability. @DMulliganUCB 2021-01-18 17:22:35 @amcafee That is the wrong framing. Algorithmic decision making really means shifting the decision to the authors of the algorithm (& 2021-01-18 01:28:15 @BoseShamik @SMukherjee89 He's a troll 2021-01-17 21:50:02 I love graph transformer nets! Happy to see them getting attention again! 2021-01-17 21:31:13 @FrankPasquale I thought it notable how isolated she is. Maybe post-pandemic socializing will help? Crazy idea: a national choral singing competition or some other shared non-political cultural experience? 2021-01-16 23:20:48 Many excellent observations by Dr. Sahm on diversity and inclusion and elitism. Founded on so much pain (read her blog). Every field (not just Econ) has work to do 2021-01-16 22:51:58 RT @voxdotcom: The new, more contagious, virus variants are making it clear that if we want the pandemic to end as fast as possible, we nee… 2021-01-15 18:00:11 Another @aihuborg resource: A list of AI seminar series around the world. Most of them you can register for regular announcements/participation 2021-01-15 17:53:04 Here is a treat: Dmitri Bertsekas is teaching RL at ASU and posting the lectures on youtube. A great way to prep for doing reinforcement learning research! 2021-01-15 17:28:00 The folks at @aihuborg are curating a great list of AI seminars worldwide. The coronavirus is opening up the world of academic communications 2021-01-15 17:21:53 @Noahpinion We all remember the debacle, and Oregon has a long history of software engineering failures. We need more expertise inside government 2021-01-15 17:20:34 @Noahpinion I wonder how much of this is an information technology failure. We are accustomed to amazing IT functions from Big Tech, but the government repeatedly stumbles. Oregon is having a hard time tracking doses as they are administered. We rely on manual entry by healthcare folks 2021-01-15 17:13:08 @matloff I thought his humility was effective--better than almost every Obama speech. He did not once denigrate the opposition 2021-01-15 06:20:53 If you need a dose of hope, listen to Biden's speech today. 2021-01-15 05:18:49 @rao2z He is also the co-author (with his wife) of Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum: Inductive Inference: A Recursion Theoretic Approach. SWAT (FOCS) 1973: 200-208. But arguably that is his second most important contribution to ML (after Avrim) 2021-01-13 19:09:16 @Julie188 @meliarobin Why should I care (aside from raw exercise of power) what VCs think? Do they have a history of strong ethical leadership? 2021-01-13 18:48:08 @erniechiara @chenchenwrites @yangyang_cheng I was thinking of whites in the US, but I would expect this would hold for other societies where there is a dominant group (e.g., Han Chinese in China) 2021-01-13 07:09:17 @geomblog @ccanonne_ @Marco_Piani If I understood that correctly, the advantage of \emph is proper handling of italic correction. (I learned TeX before LaTeX, so still have some bad habits.) thanks! 2021-01-13 05:30:12 @ccanonne_ @Marco_Piani Why does it matter? Aren't they the same? 2021-01-13 01:28:49 @chenchenwrites @yangyang_cheng The majority is invisible to itself. It thinks of itself as the default and everything else as an exception 2021-01-13 01:10:42 @ShashankaMadhu @InfoEcon If you are honest, then you just need to get an "honesty loan" from a bonding agent, because you are at very low risk for being judged dishonest. So the question is how a newcomer can get that starter loan. 2021-01-13 00:32:28 @InfoEcon @ShashankaMadhu Very interesting and promising idea. I can see how this works for ads. But how would it work for ordinary people contributing to social media? I also don't see how it would deal with media outlets that broadcast lies for profit. 2021-01-13 00:07:12 @mark_riedl Or a Gaussian MRF? 2021-01-13 00:06:21 @ShashankaMadhu For a network like Twitter, which functions as more of a broadcast medium, it seems like you need a strong editorial hand. So that suggests a limit on number of posts per day or some form of content review. 2021-01-13 00:03:42 @ShashankaMadhu E.G., for Facebook, if the goal is to support networks of friends, then strong rate limits or propagation limits could prevent the creation of stars with large reaches/followers 2021-01-13 00:02:03 @ShashankaMadhu Yes, he didn't explain how this would scale. But some forms of friction could be applied uniformly. For example, place a limit on the rate that ANY post can spread via retweets etc. Need to rethink the virtue of rapid spread and the type of community we want to have. 2021-01-12 22:59:04 I agree that friction is a promising direction to explore 2021-01-12 20:01:06 @rcalo It would be great to keep the same folks. It’s a strong team 2021-01-12 17:14:11 @davidmanheim @richardtomsett @PeerJCompSci Yes, sorry for wrong url 2021-01-12 16:26:25 @davidmanheim @richardtomsett @PeerJCompSci Have you seen All reviews are open, and the general public can contribute (non-anonymous) reviews. I love being able to read the reviews on papers! 2021-01-12 04:16:27 @mikeoes @jfcpni @EatReadProvoke @mugecevik @DavidZodda Employers should be giving them to all of their customer-facing employees 2021-01-12 03:19:29 @Noahpinion How much is this because every health care worker is dealing with the huge crush of COVID-19 patients? 2021-01-12 03:13:56 @jfcpni @EatReadProvoke @mugecevik @DavidZodda Doesn’t a KN95 mask have more than a “minor” effect and zero harm? 2021-01-11 23:50:07 @deliprao Or a 'round trip' view ("here is what X sees") that also includes a sound indicator. 2021-01-11 18:53:24 @soumithchintala And let's once again thank all of the people who developed and maintain these wonderful tools! 2021-01-11 18:50:15 [I didn't realize this would be seen by everyone 2021-01-11 18:20:19 @walmart I purchased a NETGEAR Orbi AC3000 RBK50-100NAS on October 3 2020. It was sold via a Marketplace seller: "New Day Distributors". However, they sent me a refurbished unit (RBR50). This is fraud. 1/ 2021-01-11 03:34:20 Interesting history and reflections on AI and privacy 2021-01-11 00:18:50 @ScottGottliebMD I worry that institutions will naturally tend to stockpile second doses at all levels: the individual hospital, the state, and the Federal level. The result would be that only 1 in 8 doses makes into arms. Maybe only the "edges" should stockpile? 2021-01-10 22:02:59 @adjiboussodieng I can scarcely imagine the added load and layers of stress that race imposes on Black Women in the university! 2021-01-10 22:01:35 @adjiboussodieng I have also seen strong white female leaders by attacked and side-lined or fired for being "too ambitious" when they are successful. 2021-01-10 22:00:05 @adjiboussodieng They are often expected to help serve as mediators (i.e., to help manage misbehaving men). This makes it hard to simultaneously be strong advocates for change. 2021-01-10 21:58:36 @adjiboussodieng The white women I know are my wife and her friends who are all professional women juggling work, family, and usually some volunteer activity as well. As professors, they pay a diversity tax (SOOO many committees 2021-01-10 21:34:30 @adjiboussodieng What comes to my mind is "Tired", "Exhausted" 2021-01-10 17:20:55 @markcannon5 @s_dohare @DorotheaBaur @yudapearl @FrankPasquale Say more about what you mean by “present”. Isn’t it rather contingent on future events, co-evolution, meteorites, etc? 2021-01-10 17:09:33 @markcannon5 @s_dohare @DorotheaBaur @yudapearl @FrankPasquale Evolution is an empirical process constrained by physics and chemistry. No causal models or variables at the outset. 2021-01-10 16:19:24 @markcannon5 @s_dohare @DorotheaBaur @yudapearl @FrankPasquale And where does THAT come from? Engineered prior knowledge is fine for engineering, but not for a theory of the origins of intelligence 2021-01-10 16:16:49 RT @GYamey: I’m seeing a LOT of commentary saying “there’s nothing the US can do other than wait for vaccine roll-out.” I profoundly disag… 2021-01-09 18:35:58 @shibl @ylecun @RichardDawkins I disagree with "only". That is like saying we should attack COVID-19 only by reducing diseases in bats. We should address both the origin and transmission of dangerous memes. 2021-01-09 18:20:20 @ylecun @RichardDawkins But Facebook and Twitter accelerate the spread. You deploy algorithms that optimize for spread! 2021-01-09 03:03:49 RT @awhawth: A refreshingly different take on how this week's horrible events in Washington look to people around the world: America’s les… 2021-01-09 01:38:48 Hear hear! 2021-01-08 20:29:40 @deliprao All the time! 2021-01-08 20:11:57 @DrTomFrieden @Bob_Wachter Has any state tested procedures for mass drive-through vaccinations? If so, it would be great to share their experience with other states. 2021-01-08 15:52:39 RT @tcwittes: This is superb. Statement by U.S. Ambassador Natalie E. Brown on the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol Building and the… 2021-01-07 06:38:21 Insights from @Noahpinion 2021-01-07 05:40:44 @RepBentz Absolutely shameful 2021-01-07 02:16:08 @ScottHech @EBKania I assume the capitol building has lots of surveillance cameras, so it should be possible to collect lots of evidence! 2021-01-06 21:55:54 @RepBentz As an Oregonian, I was deeply disappointed to see that you were planning to side with the insurgents in attacking our democracy. I hope you have had a change of heart now that you have seen what such grandstanding leads to 2021-01-06 21:22:09 The president should resign or be impeached 2021-01-06 18:45:41 Someone must be selling phishing services based on @google docs. I'm getting multiple phishing requests each day, and they all look the same. 2021-01-06 16:25:56 RT @egrossmandc: How we choose--or when we allow others to choose--to deploy algorithms IS policy & 2021-01-06 00:18:36 Excellent column by @zeynep (as always) 2021-01-05 22:07:43 @OregonGovBrown 2021-01-05 17:53:56 @rajiinio A good example of the following rule: Replace "AI" by "software" and see if the statement still makes sense. 2021-01-05 17:52:36 RT @karger: My rebuttal to @pmddomingos rebuttal to my post opposing his open letter on conduct of science. 2021-01-05 01:24:25 @Noahpinion @benrollert @erikbryn Needless to say, even a single PhD doesn't know very much... 2021-01-05 01:23:08 @erikbryn @benrollert @Noahpinion There is not an infinitude of areas of knowledge because there have not been infinitely many scholars in the past. The key is to retain the knowledge that society has painstakingly acquired and ensure that it is embodied in human minds. 2021-01-05 01:14:30 @Noahpinion @benrollert @erikbryn Why a PhD? I think you want scholars with deep expertise in the history and culture of a country. Look at all of the Americans who know nothing about our history! 2021-01-05 01:13:42 @Noahpinion @benrollert @erikbryn From a defense perspective, I think we need US-located expertise and people who are trusted by the government so that when their expertise is needed, it will be heeded. Ideally (in this case) a mix of immigrants with first-hand knowledge and other folks with an outsider view. 2021-01-04 22:59:08 @Julie188 @businessinsider Sand in keyboards, I guess 2021-01-04 20:10:29 @erikbryn @Noahpinion It's also hard to know what PhDs we need. In 2000, who would have suspected that we needed more experts in Pashtun language and culture? We need a critical mass across every branch of knowledge 2021-01-04 16:17:29 @zacharylipton Conferences should write these out in temporal logic! We need to up our game... 2021-01-04 06:10:39 @andrewgwils @_joaogui1 @remilouf @EmtiyazKhan I'm glad you joined the conversation, Andrew! Other folks should know that @andrewgwils knows much more about this than I do. Read his papers! 2021-01-04 01:04:34 @_joaogui1 @remilouf There is good followup work that is making progress understanding the cold posterior phenomenon, so please check the papers citing that one. I'm optimistic that we can develop effective Bayesian nnets 2021-01-04 01:02:14 @_joaogui1 @remilouf "....we demonstrate that predictive performance is improved significantly through the use of a "cold posterior" that overcounts evidence. Such cold posteriors sharply deviate from the Bayesian paradigm but are commonly used..." 2021-01-04 00:33:02 @remilouf OK, I'll grant you that both are complicated 2021-01-03 00:22:43 RT @karger: My argument against signing the "free speech in science" petition currently being circualted. 2021-01-03 00:13:41 @gileshooker @matloff Coincidentally, I've just been reading about minimum volume sets and quantiles. I'm working on some multidimensional CIs, but in general to make them understandable, they tend to be loose. 2021-01-02 22:42:59 @matloff The confidence interval view tells us that the procedure we followed (data collection+analysis) produces an interval that captures (wp 1 - p) the true value of the parameter. That gives us an entire interval of hypotheses that are indistinguishable, not a point null 2021-01-02 22:20:15 I like this methodological approach to p values! 2021-01-02 18:03:51 @mark_riedl Define "truly". I'm not sure people understand it! :-) 2021-01-02 15:49:23 @deliprao The relationship is purely transactional. 2021-01-02 15:47:59 @deliprao People naturally dislike people who have power over them. 2021-01-02 04:40:01 RT @russellwald: The Senate just overrode the veto on #NDAA putting in place numerous federal #AI provisions. The impact on AI going forwar… 2021-01-01 16:37:23 @yudapearl The answer is “Because it created huge advances in vision, speech, and natural language processing “. Success attracts investment. Historians will not be puzzled. But further success requires better representations: causal ones 2021-01-01 06:56:23 RT @chowleen: “Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night Ring out wi… 2020-12-31 04:10:07 @AlanMackworth @tegmark And the MPC architecture of these robots looks like it would be very compatible with such an architecture. Time to add more layers on top! 2020-12-31 04:08:58 @AlanMackworth @tegmark The mere act of remaining standing requires more intelligence than I've seen in any HTN planner. But I consider them both AI, because they are critical to intelligent behavior. A reasonable candidate for a general physical agent architecture is a hierarchy of MPCs. 2020-12-31 03:22:41 @AlanMackworth @tegmark Every footfall is an interaction with the world. Watch the NeurIPS presentation... 2020-12-31 02:00:37 @AlanMackworth @tegmark Models, planning, data assimilation, and execution are designed to be robust to mismatches between models and the world. In sum, this is definitely AI Video here: 2020-12-31 01:57:28 @AlanMackworth @tegmark Perception employs a depth camera to segment the world into locally planar regions (boxes, pedestals, etc.). A planner chooses places where hands and feet can apply forces. 4/ 2020-12-31 01:56:37 @AlanMackworth @tegmark Trajectories are then optimized against models of momentum dynamics and kinematics. Execution is high speed nonlinear model-predictive control. 3/ 2020-12-31 01:55:47 @AlanMackworth @tegmark Raibert calls it "Athletic Intelligence". Individual strikes, jumps, rolls, etc are selected from a library, adjusted to assimilate sensor data and navigation targets. 2/ 2020-12-31 01:54:13 @AlanMackworth @tegmark Marc Raibert made a great presentation at the #Neurips2020 workshop on Challenges of Real World RL (still behind the registration paywall). There is a lot of sophisticated real-time sensing and planning. 1/ 2020-12-31 00:35:07 @SenSaraGelser For the first two weeks of the rollout, every vaccine dose should go into someone's arm. We are in a race, especially against the "UK" strain. More doses are coming, so no need to warehouse them! 2020-12-31 00:29:39 @OregonGovBrown 2020-12-31 00:29:05 @cfiesler Try it sometime 2020-12-30 19:12:45 In the first two weeks of vaccine availability, every dose should go into someone's arm without reserving second doses. More doses are coming, and the second doses can be given starting in week 3-4. @OregonGovBrown 2020-12-30 18:24:37 @cfiesler At Oregon State, PhD students are funded either as TAs (covers tuition + stipend) or RAs (from grant funds). Some first year PhD students get a first year fellowship instead. Grants are mix of NSF, DARPA, ONR, industry, etc. DARPA involves some work on demos and evaluations. 2020-12-30 01:55:03 @gileshooker @zacharylipton @StatModeling Maybe team teaching would work? 2020-12-29 23:52:40 @jonathanstray @zacharylipton @StatModeling Looks interesting! Thanks for the pointer 2020-12-29 23:35:30 @zacharylipton @StatModeling Would love to see such a course 2020-12-29 23:35:03 @zacharylipton Much discussion of the "problem of induction" oversimplifies reality. I like @StatModeling's seat-of-the-pants view that inquiry is adaptive and pragmatic. Neither the Bayesian nor the Frequentist methods are realizable in practice. I'm still not sure how science succeeds 2020-12-29 21:56:13 @willknight @mark_riedl And very appropriately, it rhymes with "frolics" 2020-12-29 21:55:42 @zehavoc @kchonyc "the vaccine" => 2020-12-29 21:54:16 @zehavoc @kchonyc My understanding is that there isn't much evidence one way or the other. Based on other diseases, the vaccine should greatly reduce viral load and therefore transmission, yes? 2020-12-29 21:42:55 @kchonyc Yes, as long as all of the people at the grocery store are vaccinated. Esp. the cashiers. 2020-12-29 17:49:59 @rasbt @KyleCranmer Looks like an interesting list, but it only covers part of AI (mostly computer vision and image synthesis). Maybe we can help build it out to get broader coverage 2020-12-29 04:45:29 @oneconnelly1 @rstackjr @PeterHotez @AliVelshi @VelshiMSNBC I don't think the military has the contact and demographic information for every citizen. That's what determines their vaccination priority. 2020-12-28 19:59:10 @DavidBrin Maybe we should call such acts "notoriety suicides". 2020-12-28 16:47:41 @martingoodson @tomaspueyo Thank you 2020-12-28 07:15:36 @martingoodson @tomaspueyo Is the statement about R0 correct? 2020-12-27 18:10:34 Signal boost 2020-12-26 17:46:11 @Noahpinion Minimum possible president 2020-12-26 17:40:42 I agree with @vardi 2020-12-25 16:59:58 @kat_heller @roydanroy Merry Christmas! 2020-12-24 23:44:38 @LarrySchweikart @AlecStapp The pace of publication is drastically different from the old days when one might wait months or years for peer review. Of course YMMV in industrial research, where publication is delayed until patents are filed (or kept as trade secrets) 2020-12-24 23:43:00 @LarrySchweikart @AlecStapp I can speak with authority that this is false. Papers are posted on (or or within a few days after the research is complete. Often, the goal is to get feedback to revise the paper before publication. 2020-12-24 23:01:36 @LarrySchweikart @AlecStapp At universities, we publish our research in the open literature. People don't need to come to the US to get our ideas. 2020-12-24 22:17:38 @CoronavirusCoom @AlecStapp Without the billions they bring, universities will shrink and we will all be poorer. 2020-12-24 22:16:29 @LarrySchweikart @AlecStapp Uh, the idea is to recruit talent AWAY from our competitors and enemies and have it join US. Bringing the best and brightest to America makes us strong and wealthy 2020-12-24 20:23:13 @Grady_Booch @DeepMind I'd like it to say "Hang on, did you change the rules from the last time we played?" 2020-12-24 03:35:37 When @celestekidd speaks, it is important to listen! 2020-12-24 03:33:08 Just listened to the latest @twimlai. Much wisdom and many insights from @isbellHFh, and a few laughs too, naturally. Highly recommended discussion following on his #Neurips2020 invited presentation. 2020-12-24 00:42:17 @rao2z @ShannonVallor @yoavgo @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google And of course many folks will say "But academics do this all the time", to which I respond: "Exactly! And it is an ethical failure." We must be honest about the limitations of our methods. end/ 2020-12-24 00:41:14 @rao2z @ShannonVallor @yoavgo @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google For example, suppose someone at a company performs a comparison of multiple commercial products (but suppresses or spins bad results for their own product while focusing on the failures of their competitors). This belongs in a press release, not a scientific paper IMO. 2/ 2020-12-24 00:39:39 @rao2z @ShannonVallor @yoavgo @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google Not publishing anything is fine. And obviously publishing something that meets high standards of scientific integrity (and is unrelated to core business areas) is not a problem. The issue is those in-between papers. 1/ 2020-12-23 21:08:30 @yoavgo @ShannonVallor @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google Ethical review is part of the review process for ICLR 2020-12-23 21:00:19 @ShannonVallor @yoavgo @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google In particular, if an algorithm paper (for example) declares no broader impact in its ethics statement, can I trust that statement if it is from @google? Censorship poisons everything 2020-12-23 20:40:33 @zacharylipton Download statistics would be much more useful 2020-12-23 20:08:35 @yoavgo @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google Yes, agreed. 2020-12-23 18:49:10 @geomblog @vj_chidambaram @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google If the papers are press releases with footnotes, then they belong in a “press release” track 2020-12-23 18:27:55 @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google Yes, double-blind has its advantages, but I think they are eroding with time. And it allows people to hide behind the anonymity. This latest revelation means I will now be trying to guess if anonymous authors are Googlers who've been censored. 2020-12-23 18:26:00 RT @math_rachel: Interested in improving diversity in AI, or in tech in general? I have done a bunch of research on this and have some advi… 2020-12-23 18:22:43 @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google RE: double-blind review. As I've noted before, double-blind is leaky and slows down the dissemination of results on arXiv. I think we need affirmative (rather than preventative) methods for promoting research from non-elite authors 2020-12-23 18:20:35 @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google How about strengthening the various Codes of Conduct to require authors to certify the scientific integrity of the research? If they can't do that, the papers can't be accepted. 2020-12-23 18:11:01 @emilymbender @timnitGebru @Google When we peer-review papers, we are now going to need to read between the lines to look for signs of censorship. Time to remove double-blind reviewing? 2020-12-23 05:32:00 The @oregonstate School of #EECS invites applications for several full-time, nine-month, tenure-track faculty positions. Areas: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Systems and Theoretical Computer Science. 2020-12-23 01:31:31 @HMRoff Regarding Trump's pardons. Does this place these cases within the purview of the International Court? I know if a country doesn't prosecute war crimes, then the ICC can 2020-12-22 20:36:47 RT @natefoster: @red_abebe This CRA memo is good: TL 2020-12-22 17:10:55 @KLdivergence True, but I greatly respect your views and wanted to understand the underlying reasons. Thanks for explaining. 2020-12-22 15:47:37 @KLdivergence It is certainly better than sampling from a multivariate Gaussian (although that has its place too). End/ 2020-12-22 15:46:26 @KLdivergence I would agree if the claim was “my new method is more accurate on Adult”. But I think repurposing existing datasets to ask different questions is very useful. Examples include anomaly detection and sampling bias. 1/ 2020-12-22 15:39:07 @KLdivergence Why not? 2020-12-22 15:18:39 @KLdivergence Seems to me that it depends on the purpose to which the dataset is used. For example, I’ve been using Adult to simulate sampling biases. Is that wrong? 2020-12-22 05:28:07 @csdoctorsister Yes! And the same is true for the brand name of your university where you studied. 2020-12-22 05:26:08 @ZoeMcLaren @Noahpinion And of course geographic distance is a proxy for social interaction distance, which is the real causal mechanism. If we could map those interactions, we could build better barriers. (e.g., nursing home employees) 2020-12-22 05:24:42 @ZoeMcLaren @Noahpinion If you had a zip code with no spread, vaccination is much less urgent. The opposite extreme is possible, I guess. A zip code where virtually everyone is infected should be quarantined and the surrounding zip codes vaccinated instead. 2020-12-22 05:22:46 @ZoeMcLaren @Noahpinion Agreed, but zip codes tell a causal story. To prevent spread, you want to build a barrier of immunized people around the people who are currently contagious to try to block the spread. Same logic as vaccinating frontline healthcare workers, yes? 2020-12-22 01:26:46 @MelMitchell1 Publishing in NMI is just buying a PR firm to flog your paper. 2020-12-22 01:23:23 @Noahpinion I think people would want to have a causal hypothesis at least. I don't think a statistical correlation would satisfy peoples' sense of fairness. But this is a very active research area and I'm not an expert, e.g.: 2020-12-22 00:46:18 @Noahpinion But a statistical correlation without a causal link shouldn't be used to determine vaccination policy. 2020-12-22 00:45:45 @Noahpinion Race isn't a biological category, so is unlikely to have a direct causal connection. But indirect effects of discrimination (poverty, stress) probably DO have causal links. 2020-12-22 00:43:44 @Noahpinion One important way to assess policies is via causal analysis. There are (apparently) causal connections between age, sex, pre-existing conditions and mortality as well as causal connections between a person's number of daily contacts and spread risk. 2020-12-21 17:44:13 @yudapearl @quantadan @VC31415 @economeager Coming up with a better methodology is a central challenge for machine learning and AI for the 2020s. end/ 2020-12-21 17:43:39 @yudapearl @quantadan @VC31415 @economeager I suggest we set aside this rhetorical dispute. You and I fundamentally and enthusiastically agree that current deep nets and the associated empirical methodology cannot solve levels 2 and 3 of the Pearl Causal Hierarchy. 4/ 2020-12-21 17:41:05 @yudapearl @quantadan @VC31415 @economeager So if you want to call it "curve fitting", please use its full name "carefully-engineered complex curve fitting". 3/ 2020-12-21 17:40:06 @yudapearl @quantadan @VC31415 @economeager The answer is that those families of curves lacked the structure and expressive power of deep nets. It took the research community many years to develop these families of curves. 2/ 2020-12-21 17:38:34 @yudapearl @quantadan @VC31415 @economeager If some authors want to call it that, they can. But if deep learning is just "curve fitting", then why didn't basis function methods (splines, kernels) give us good results in computer vision, speech recognition, and language translation? 2020-12-21 17:32:30 @clombion That's a lot of combinations to check, and the Stanford experience showed that some combinations were not checked and were clearly wrong. end/ 2020-12-21 17:31:43 @clombion The problem with trying to directly program a point-based function is that it creates a huge set of "bins" (depending on the cross product of each of the factors), and to check whether it implements our preferences, we need to compare each pair of bins. 6/ 2020-12-21 17:30:29 @clombion In the end, this might turn out to be quite similar to a point-based method, but we would be sure that the vaccination strategy was implementing our preferences. 5/ 2020-12-21 17:29:42 @clombion Of course, we would need to do sensitivity analysis to check how much the outcome would change for each of our estimated factors (age, exposure risk, etc.) by running a variety of scenarios in simulation 4/ 2020-12-21 17:28:30 @clombion For any vaccination strategy, this would give us an estimate (ideally, with uncertainty) of the number of deaths. Now we can optimize the strategy to minimize the number of expected deaths. 3/ 2020-12-21 17:27:38 @clombion Then consider the risk of non-COVID deaths due to lack of staff (e.g., in the Emergency Department). Finally, consider probability, if infected, of spreading the virus to patients, family members, etc. 2/ 2020-12-21 17:25:20 @clombion The main problem is the lack of a specification of the overall goal. I'm guessing the goal is to minimize the number of deaths (non-COVID and COVID?). Next we can consider risk of direct infection to staff and risk of staff deaths. 1/ 2020-12-21 17:14:22 @roydanroy A soldering iron and a circuit kit? My kids loved building a motion detector to “guard” their bedroom 2020-12-21 17:01:41 @rajiinio @KLdivergence @ruchowdh @Aaron_Horowitz @AlexCEngler In my experience, these kinds of point-based scoring functions are terrible. A bad programming language for expressing preferences. No explicit statement of the objectives to be optimized. 2020-12-20 21:57:38 @marchofnines @GaryMarcus @elonmusk @karpathy Nice case where contextual reasoning would have helped. Knowing there is fresh snow elsewhere in the image, the system should be much more cautious about interpreting the traffic lights. 2020-12-20 19:05:10 @Noahpinion @WellYeahitsOkay I wonder if data from Seattle might be informative? Downtown buses share light rail stations, so waiting is quite pleasant (and they are electric, so no fumes) 2020-12-19 23:40:36 @CsabaSzepesvari @mlittmancs Agreed. When I subscribe to a newspaper, I'm purchasing editorial judgment. I want that for facebook and twitter too. (I wonder if newspapers have ever been sued for publishing advertisements for scams?) 2020-12-19 23:04:24 RT @NandoDF: Can AI researchers please tweet: I am against racism, sexism, bullying and cancelling, and I believe in improving diversity, e… 2020-12-19 20:42:40 @vgill @EricTopol @FrankPasquale @TheLancet 660 per one million people 2020-12-19 17:46:03 @mark_riedl @ylecun Furthermore, I wonder if they did any testing in simulation and had an open process where all stakeholders could critique and provide feedback. End/ 2020-12-19 17:44:44 @mark_riedl @ylecun One would hope that the process of writing down the criteria would have facilitated a more transparent debate about the vaccination criteria. But this must have failed. 3/ 2020-12-19 17:43:30 @mark_riedl @ylecun Sure the algorithm executes objectively, but that doesn’t make the criteria objective or fair. 2/ 2020-12-19 17:42:38 @mark_riedl @ylecun Indeed! I suspect we all flinch when we read that they wanted to use an algorithm to make it “objective”. This confuses objective execution with objective criteria. 2020-12-19 17:14:07 @ylecun @mark_riedl It would be nice to know the details. 2020-12-19 17:10:35 @yudapearl @VC31415 @economeager I put "successful" in quotes because they are generally only partially successful. Worse yet, the partial success is not due merely to high variation in the fitted posterior (which a declarative model would also exhibit), but from uncontrolled representational failures as well 3/ 2020-12-19 17:08:12 @yudapearl @VC31415 @economeager Calling them "curve fitting" is both accurate and inaccurate. It is accurate in the sense that there is no declarative model underlying the fitted "differentiable foam". But inaccurate in that the notion of "fit" isn't even well-defined. 2/ 2020-12-19 17:05:50 @yudapearl @VC31415 @economeager "What is it?" is certainly one of the central questions in machine learning research right now. Deep nets provide us with a "differentiable memory foam mattress", but we can't very well control their behavior. If they weren't so "successful", we wouldn't use them 1/ 2020-12-19 16:22:43 Good reporting by @NPR 2020-12-19 16:10:16 @yudapearl @VC31415 @economeager Kind of like those folks who dismiss DAGs as “little drawings” 2020-12-19 16:05:18 @yudapearl @VC31415 @economeager Why? It is a put down 2020-12-19 04:37:00 @Bob_Wachter @UCSF Thank you so much for these great threads 2020-12-18 18:25:35 @SangerNYT Have the computer manufacturers been compromised too? If so, then building new computing infrastructure to recover from the attack might fail. 2020-12-18 15:53:49 You know all of these open seminars in AI/ML that have popped up? @aihub has collected them in one place! Let us know if there are others that should be included 2020-12-18 06:05:12 @rcalo Does twitter have a bad pun blocking option? :-) 2020-12-18 02:35:38 @Noahpinion And yet these activists devote a lot of effort to trying to make America a better place. If they really wanted to leave, they could just go! I believe their feet more than their questionnaire answers 2020-12-18 00:48:31 @neuro_nasko @dipamc77 @Abebab @timnitGebru I called out Google because I had higher expectations for them based on their track record. I also have higher expectations for the US than for other countries because of our ideals! I'm not boycotting either one but instead hoping to help them both improve! 2020-12-18 00:24:02 @maxhostile @mattyglesias Right. I hate the lack of transparency. 2020-12-18 00:16:28 @maxhostile @mattyglesias Isn't it more accurate to say that most seniors get 1/3 of their care from private plans precisely because medicare doesn't cover everything. The plans are just different bundles... 2020-12-17 23:35:20 #releasethevaccine 2020-12-17 16:41:16 @_joaogui1 @NandoDF I had higher expectations for Google, so I'm more disappointed by their recent actions. I hope they can reclaim a leadership role going forward. But I fear they have lost their way... 2020-12-17 05:25:24 @alirahimi0 They may be the only people who can actually get answers out of Google. And I'm not optimistic that even THEY can do it. 2020-12-17 04:39:57 RT @zacharylipton: Importantly, @twitter needs to disempower burner accounts. While they're powerless if ignored, they have limitless power… 2020-12-17 04:29:09 Love the software quality at @NETGEAR 2020-12-17 03:49:49 If you are an ML practitioner, these folks are eager for you to participate in a research survey on ML engineering practices. They also have a great reading list... 2001-01-01 01:01:01

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