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Nando de Freitas | Researcher at Deepind |
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Nige Willson | Speaker |
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Ria Pratyusha Kalluri | Researcher, MIT |
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Ifeoma Ozoma | Director, Earthseed |
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Will Knight | Journalist, Wired |
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Les derniers messages de l'Expert:
2024-11-30 00:46:52 RT @RyanRozbiani: She is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT Why do we wait for a genocide to end then act KEEP TALKING ABOUT PALESTINE DONT LOSE FOCUS…
2024-11-27 14:24:44 RT @eji_org: On this day in 1995, an article published by a Princeton University professor entitled "The Coming of the Super-Predators" wro…
2024-11-20 02:57:59 Your homework. https://inthesetimes.com/article/toni-morrison-peril-racism-fascism-libe...
2024-11-15 18:27:19 “Amid the genocide, the image of displaced people in Gaza City seeking books speaks volumes. An undefeated people—knowledge seekers, even as they face the risk of being killed or shattered into pieces while reading, or simply while choosing the book they want to read. Photo by journalist Amal Habib.”
2024-11-14 21:34:34 RT @SpiritofLenin: A copy of Treaty Principles Bill is ripped up here. If passed, it aims to remove a set of principles that have flowed fr…
2024-11-14 21:34:06 RT @DrKarimWafa: The moment that gives all Indigenous people chills. Power to our Māori brothers and sisters of Aotearoa always. https:…
2024-11-14 21:32:13 RT @terisasiagatonu: How it feels to be in Mā’ohi Nui, watching the hīkoi and every video of Māori resistance right now https://t.co/1…
2024-11-13 22:15:10 RT @Workshops4Gaza: we'd love to invite some more participants into this wonderful workshop with the legendary scholar and thinker Ruha Ben…
2024-11-13 05:00:52 RT @Alonso_GD: In celebration of @FranceskAlbs recent standing ovations at both LSE and SOAS, let me highlight the main contributions her R…
2024-11-13 01:39:33 RT @SaulWilliams: To be clear, the US is bombing anyone who attempts to stop the genocide, while Israel targets journalists, medics, hospit…
2024-11-13 01:39:22 RT @MahaGaza: If you no longer see reports about Israeli massacres in northern Gaza, it’s not because they have stopped, but because the Is…
2024-11-11 15:09:06 PERIOD. https://t.co/utLFB77Lb5
2024-11-10 13:35:46 RT @abierkhatib: My friend Thomas lives in Netherlands And he telling you, the corporate media is lying to you.. Brilliant analysis W…
2024-11-09 15:27:11 Alt text: A flyer reads “Symposium + VR Exhibit, Princeton University, Dec 5-6th 2024” in white text against a red, textured background. A blue dome is below the text serving as the backdrop of a collaged image of a women in a tatreez dress facing to the right of the flyer with dilapidated buildings, white doves, images of women and children blooming from around her. Above the woman’s head, black text reads “The Phoenix of Gaza: From Freedom Dreams to Falasteen Futures” below an orange phoenix.
2024-11-09 15:25:31 Alt text: A flyer reads “Symposium + VR Exhibit, Princeton University, Dec 5-6th 2024” in white text against a red, textured background. A blue dome is below the text serving as the backdrop of a collaged image of a women in a tatreez dress facing to the right of the flyer… 1/
2024-11-08 23:22:12 RT @Workshops4Gaza: This is huge news!! Congratulations to all the writers at @WeAreNotNumbers this will be a groundbreaking book
2024-11-08 08:20:35 @SistaDrTabatha In person only, but we’ll record and make it available afterward
2024-11-07 16:35:36 Hi friends, please join us for Phoenix of Gaza: From Freedom Dreams to Falasteen Futures Dec 5-6, 2024: bit.ly/PhoenixOfGaza.*Art by Imad Abu Shtayyah + Delali Agawu
2024-11-06 21:19:47 RT @tristang300: https://t.co/MfYRNYQ9O7
2024-11-06 18:50:14 RT @Workshops4Gaza: Lots of sign-ups today for @williamcson 's workshop, "State of Disarray: Proactive Self-Organizing, Crisis, and Surviva…
2024-11-06 16:06:34 RT @HossamShabat: While people are watching the U.S. elections, we in North Gaza can hear heavy shelling and U.S.-sponsored bombs being dr…
2024-11-06 06:28:58 RT @abierkhatib: That yummy mocking chuckle when she was asked about Canada’s position on ICJ .. https://t.co/Zp3go7l4IR
2024-11-05 18:04:15 RT @PtonDivestNow: Hearing Update Judge John McCarthy III has once again refused the plea agreement (agreed upon by the state and our a…
2024-11-03 21:38:34 RT @hebagowayed: When I feel down, particularly in this gaslighting electoral season, I remember how many decent people, globally, are fore…
2024-11-03 10:06:34 RT @Workshops4Gaza: ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the catastrophic shortage of e-sims in GZ right now, we are donating all proceeds from our booksto…
2024-10-31 20:58:06 RT @datasociety: "The future imagined by AI evangelists is meant only for a small sliver of humanity," @ruha9 writes. "If we listen careful…
2024-10-31 16:32:24 RT @Workshops4Gaza: WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS IN NOVEMBER sign up, share, donate, join us for one or several https://t.co/hTxWdnz8oi
2024-10-31 12:34:30 RT @williamcson: People in the US debate whether other populations should live or die as a necessary consequence of their electoral choices…
2024-10-30 21:45:52 RT @abierkhatib: Francesca is phenomenal never backs down… breathtaking woman https://t.co/Gcm1bVwAIT
2024-10-30 19:07:06 RT @ScienceMagazine: Who imagined the technologies, policies, and social constructs that define the world today and who should we trust to…
2024-10-28 08:34:41 RT @ClimateDefiance: There is no easy way to talk about this. This week the UN announced we are on track to reach up to 3.1° Celsius of war…
2024-10-27 17:21:53 RT @timnitGebru: The tech industry’s commitment to genocide “Microsoft has fired two employees who organized an unauthorized vigil at t…
2024-10-25 20:38:22 RT @a_abdulruhman: Every morning, before I start my work as a journalist, I conduct support sessions for children. I like to begin with a b…
2024-10-25 07:19:13 RT @djolder: Thank you for this. Meanwhile @PENamerica, the PEN of the country funding the genocide and this ongoing massacre of journalist…
2024-10-24 20:41:56 RT @OmarHamadD: I write my will to you from the torn chambers of my heart. I don’t think death will spare me this time. I live moment by mo…
2024-10-24 14:18:43 @kanarinka @AmerBookFest YES!!!
2024-10-24 11:48:09 RT @hebagowayed: 11m people are displaced inside Sudan—the most of any country. I argue this horrific accolade &
2024-10-23 19:50:01 RT @thrasherxy: I am BEGGING US journalists, journalism schools and newspaper editorial boards to listen 21-year-old @HossamShabat and to h…
2024-10-23 19:46:07 RT @samaakhullar: Hossam is only 21 and has a target on his back for reporting the truth about Israeli war crimes. And the journalism indus…
2024-10-22 12:38:52 TUNE-IN: “How have the political and popular cultures of late US empire relied on the incorporation of Black women as symbols of progress and triumph?” https://t.co/8dcJ7SB6oQ
2024-10-22 11:35:08 RT @Prof_WCByrd: ‘Ultimately, it’s not enough to refute eugenic ideologies. Eugenic infrastructures—systems designed to sacrifice the lives…
2024-10-21 12:55:33 RT @IBJIYONGI: “At Apple's secretive Global Police Summit at its Cupertino headquarters, cops from seven countries learned how to use a hos…
2024-10-21 07:25:03 RT @4noura: Universities are suspending their students for protesting this. #Gaza #Genocide #Nakba
2024-10-21 06:47:04 RT @Workshops4Gaza: Did you know that you can purchase @ruha9's amazing book, "Imagination: A Manifesto" from our bookstore site? All proce…
2024-10-20 10:23:32 RT @LalehKhalili: This extraordinary article connects the weapons supply chains all the way from DR Congo to Gaza and Iraq that destroy peo…
2024-10-19 20:27:25 RT @Workshops4Gaza: Please consider donating to the Sameer Project's Refaat Alareer camp. Can we get them to $60K by the end of the weekend…
2024-10-19 20:26:23 RT @nikhil_palsingh: Daniel Levy said something chilling recently: that one of the purposes of this war is to field test technology, weapon…
2024-10-19 14:31:39 RT @anabrandusescu: "Behind this duplicity lies a familiar calculus: if AI evangelists can convince us that AGI is possible, imminent, and…
2024-10-19 14:31:35 RT @dem8z: “We would do well to remember that IQ is, above all, a eugenic concept, concocted to sort winners from losers and to justify the…
2024-10-18 16:44:09 My latest on “The New Artificial Intelligentsia,” part of the Legacies of Eugenics series in the Los Angeles Review of Books. Thanks to all who read + share! https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-new-artificial-intelligentsia
2024-10-18 16:27:26 RT @charleswlogan: Turn this up: "It is not enough to refute the legacies of eugenics animating the faux futures of the artificial intellig…
2024-10-18 15:53:54 My latest on “The New Artificial Intelligentsia,” part of the Legacies of Eugenics series @LAReviewofBooks. Thanks to all who read + share! https://t.co/RuerjSU951
2024-10-18 13:30:31 RT @abierkhatib: Palestinian nurse, Rajaa musleh “ I will never forget the dogs were eating the dead bodies inside Al shifaa hospital”…
2024-10-17 18:40:00 Extreme weather threatens the South’s digital infrastructure – “All of our infrastructure is interconnected… If we don't adapt the internet to the reality [of climate change], we'll be sunk long before sea levels get us." https://t.co/sEkgZofCt0
2024-10-17 18:30:47 RT @byPlestia: The only reason u see less news coming out of Gaza is because Palestinian journalists are either killed, injured or censored.
2024-10-16 17:01:03 “Conru’s contribution to HDF has only emerged thanks to the recordings… ‘In response to the information you’ve provided, he has cut ties with the Human Diversity Foundation, ceased his funding, and ordered an immediate review…’”
2024-10-16 16:51:29 Andrew Conru’s “foundation has given millions to a wide and sometimes contrasting range of causes… an anti-immigration group called the Center for Immigration Studies, and Turning Point USA, which runs a watchlist of university professors it claims advance leftist propaganda.”
2024-10-16 16:49:43 The Human Diversity Foundation “is part of a movement to rehabilitate so-called race science as a topic of open debate. Labelled scientific racism by mainstream academics, it seeks to prove biological diffs between races such as higher average IQ or a tendency to commit crime.”
2024-10-16 16:48:12 The Human Diversity Foundation “received more than $1m from Andrew Conru, a Seattle businessman who made his fortune from dating websites, the recordings reveal.”
2024-10-16 16:47:19 TechEugenics: Human Diversity Foundation, “an international network of ‘race science’ activists seeking to influence public debate w/ discredited ideas on race &
2024-10-16 11:10:04 “In my two decades of working at this institution, I have never seen so many different people afraid to speak… you can see the whole suite of repressive tactics that are making people expressing support for Palestinians scared to speak up.”https://open.substack.com/pub/rupamarya/p/to-voice-the-unspeakable?r=3lznt&
2024-10-14 13:02:58 “Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature… But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what?” https://t.co/yMnodFNtPm
2024-10-14 01:33:21 RT @madhoun95: The occupation knows how to hurt us, targeting everything we love—people and places alike. Today, we lost Hamza, the talente…
2024-10-14 01:21:45 RT @ZareenaGrewal: I really try not to share such images but tonight as the US media pretends people arent burning alive in their hospital…
2024-10-14 01:21:12 RT @ZeeshanJaanam: Where they burn books and schools and hospitals and libraries and ancient places of worship and homes, they will also bu…
2024-10-13 21:36:54 RT @joemayall: I can’t believe food did that.
2024-10-12 21:16:02 @its_Serrano Messed w/the wrong #CrenshawScholar! https://t.co/YtFXzGo9Sk
2024-10-12 20:42:54 PLEASE consider signing in support of our colleagues whose jobs &
2024-10-12 17:52:19 RT @stschrader1: Thrilled to share my new article “Cop Cities Mock Cities,” published today in @LAReviewofBooks. I examine history of the…
2024-10-12 17:10:01 RT @llchristyll: “Cop City is fantasy. Cop City is speculation. Cop City is control. Cop City is investment. Cop City is a speculative inve…
2024-10-12 17:05:47 RT @AssalRad: What are we doing anymore? If you’re asking them to stop shooting at UN peacekeepers, you’re admitting they’re committing wa…
2024-10-10 15:07:17 RT @scalawagmag: Cop City or Beloved Community? Meet the interfaith organizers and Forest Defenders mobilizing their congregations in the t…
2024-10-10 15:02:32 RT @micahinATL: some good news!!
2024-10-10 15:01:29 RT @Prof_FSultana: Please join us at the Book Launch! “Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice” Tue…
2024-10-08 15:23:14 RT @FrancisLCollins: 2nd Call for Papers: Working to End Racial Oppression International Conference. https://t.co/wiEDCDp2gs 9-12 Feb 2025…
2024-10-06 14:30:50 RT @blkwomenradical: Happy Birthday, Fannie Lou Hamer (October 6, 1917 – March 14, 1977)! : Art by @SedrickMiles https://t.co/JsOMjBYzux
2024-10-06 14:30:41 RT @hebagowayed: The anniversary of genocide is another day of genocide. I cannot believe this has gone on for a year. I cannot believe it…
2024-10-06 01:00:27 RT @warghetti: “I don’t know what language it’s possible to use with people who will never see you as human. Who will always hear an animal…
2024-10-05 19:35:22 RT @wawog_now: HAPPENING NOW: the New Yorker and Condé Nast unions have just issued a joint statement condemning “the killing of journalis…
2024-10-01 22:44:20 @SpelSocAnthro @SpelmanCollege @macfound https://t.co/efzgmc7OuW
2024-10-01 16:45:38 @ntammerman Beaming you love &
2024-10-01 16:37:56 … https://t.co/x8Y4wGFzdj
2024-10-01 16:30:54 https://t.co/fFWfUjZuET
2024-10-01 16:28:50 3. cont… https://t.co/SNyKhXnuMW
2024-09-29 16:41:25 RT @equalityAlec: Whether talking about police violence, climate change, homelessness, or genocide, a key form of propaganda is that the mo…
2024-09-29 15:27:30 RT @antiracistsouth: A THREAD of Mutual Aid groups &
2024-09-29 15:24:11 RT @ClimateDefiance: Tell us how we are “too disruptive.” Tell us how we “cause too much chaos.” Tell us. Tell us. TELL US!!!! https:/…
2024-09-29 15:23:14 RT @queersocialism: nothing demonstrates just how little regard the state has for its citizens like hurricane season. every year the policy…
2024-09-27 16:05:51 RT @mayamikdashi: The Palestine exception will kill American higher education &
2024-09-26 15:28:44 RT @ZeeshanJaanam: “I realized that regardless of the tragedy, regardless of the grief, regardless of the monstrous challenge, some of us h…
2024-09-24 23:36:51 RT @lilkelis_: This shouldn’t be reality, but America has no problem lynching innocent Black men. May he be protected and may his spirit be…
2024-09-24 22:09:32 RT @MomodouTaal: Please consider signing and sharing https://t.co/EAm3cIuD9c
2024-09-24 22:05:39 RT @innocence: With so little time until #MarcellusWilliams is set to be executed tomorrow, Sept. 24th at 6 p.m., our best tool is our voic…
2024-09-24 21:53:41 RT @MsKellyMHayes: I'm thinking about Marcellus Williams and how this system prioritizes the finality of its edicts above all else. The mur…
2024-09-19 20:30:26 RT @nkalamb: "We call on Northwestern to reject this new McCarthyism and to reinstate without condition our colleague, Dr. Steven Thrasher.…
2024-09-18 05:04:00 RT @maitelsadany: There is no world in which the explosion of hundreds, if not thousands, of pagers is not an indiscriminate attack prohibi…
2024-09-16 18:55:56 RT @hebagowayed: there are absolutely costs to speaking out, and dear friends have endured them both in prisons in Cairo and in academia in…
2024-09-16 14:47:56 RT @JoshuaPHilll: This is a critical moment for understanding the NYPD. Cops shot 3 people over a $3 subway fare. We need to know this isn’…
2024-09-16 14:01:57 RT @4noura: Ahmed Kouta insisting that Palestinians in Gaza are just human even as they exceed us all. Here a remarkable testimony of a rem…
2024-09-15 14:22:31 RT @sharifkouddous: The Ministry of Health in Gaza has just published a 649-page document with the the name, age, gender, ID number of ever…
2024-09-14 11:36:38 RT @itslaylas: this is major. Lockheed Martin makes the F-16 and F-35 fighter jets that are used to bomb Palestinians in Gaza. They make He…
2024-09-14 02:17:04 RT @bertrhude: With all the lies being spread about Haitians, I want to share some books for those genuinely searching to understand our pa…
2024-09-14 00:39:55 RT @ajplus: Activists are pushing for an iPhone 16 boycott over allegations Apple uses “blood minerals” from DR Congo to make its products.…
2024-09-13 14:19:48 RT @alondra: Shame on Columbia. These policies are antithetical to the very mission of higher ed and these institutions. The suppression of…
2024-09-13 14:01:43 RT @PtonDivestNow: In this first drop, read about labs incubating genocidal technology, university abolition, the diction and style of libe…
2024-09-13 13:58:29 @Princeton’s Genocide Incubator—https://t.co/QAAUeTEjvS https://t.co/42GBm8fjWD
2024-09-10 17:16:47 TODAY 2:30pm EDT. https://t.co/7CJHbBLeuW
2024-09-10 12:58:57 RT @ProfSunnySingh: It’s not complicated. And there is only one side. It’s the side that cannot and does not accept that there can be any…
2024-09-10 12:55:04 RT @ZeeshanJaanam: We are living in the time of a holocaust and people are pretending that they haven't heard about or even seen footage of…
2024-09-10 12:54:49 RT @fatimazsaid: I’m terrified. I’m terrified of this world that indulges in violence, that savours brutality. I’m terrified of this world…
2024-09-10 12:54:35 RT @safieddine00: There is nothing left to say. We are witnessing total annihilation happening before our eyes. Whole families and circles…
2024-09-09 14:29:09 RT @wizardbisan: In a normal world, today 630,000 students from Gaza are supposed to start their educational year, but in the genocide era,…
2024-09-08 17:03:07 RT @AShihipar: so many comments leveled towards students that are “why don’t you go there”. well she did and was killed by Israel. what a b…
2024-09-07 00:12:59 RT @GuyOron: This is Ayşenur’s last post on Instagram, in which she wrote “Long live international solidarity.” It really shows her deep co…
2024-09-06 17:49:20 RT @PtonDivestNow: On Tuesday, 9/10, 15 Princeton students will head to court on charges of trespass related to April's pitching of tents…
2024-09-06 17:00:59 RT @mayamikdashi: reminder, everything you see &
2024-08-22 02:05:32 RT @abierkhatib: “ I can’t save lives, if you continue sending weapons” Doctors who served in Gaza hospitals. https://t.co/pwXO3oAIy8
2024-08-17 01:00:14 RT @blackleftaf: Che Fidel Mao Ambedker Ben Barka Chavez Uncle Ho Yuri Grace Katayama To name ten.
2024-08-16 22:56:16 RT @abierkhatib: Time and again, Palestinian children teach us life… https://t.co/2JsuQkL4D8
2024-08-16 22:54:00 https://t.co/aapt34MumV
2024-08-16 17:40:27 “Innovation.” https://t.co/4IBQ3JrS9m
2024-08-15 16:11:22 RT @SpiritofLenin: James Baldwin: "We have yet to understand that if I am starving, you are in danger. If people think that my danger makes…
2024-08-15 16:11:01 RT @BreeNewsome: I fear the point is still being lost— the genocide against Palestinians isn’t a separate issue from police killing Black p…
2024-08-14 20:02:22 RT @savannahshange: stop what you are doing &
2024-08-14 19:31:36 Finally, here’s a DISCUSSION GUIDE on the @wwnorton book page that includes further reading suggestions, supplementary media links, and discussion questions: https://t.co/Qw9uMU4OXY https://t.co/wTPkejHqLa
2024-08-14 19:27:44 If you are teaching with IMAGINATION: A MANIFESTO you might also like to use this short talk to kickstart discussion: https://t.co/VRzBHWr9Hq https://t.co/FPvcROQ3Ix
2024-08-14 19:24:44 Please share! The IMAGINATION PLAYBOOK is a free resource developed by @baldbeauty22 that brings Imagination: A Manifesto to life. Games for all ages that channel the power of play Exercises that develop our ability to envision beyond the status quo. https://t.co/So1tOeIKC4 https://t.co/PftxPilXVm
2024-08-13 23:18:34 RT @dereckapurnell: i am also very grateful to everyone who has disrupted a speech, a conversation, a classroom, a highway, and much more t…
2024-08-08 21:12:42 RT @tariqhabash_: Everyone focused on protestors and not what they’re protesting.
2024-08-08 20:17:34 *politicians &
2024-08-08 19:44:17 RT @emanabdelhadi: Stop arming genocide is not a radical demand. It’s the bare minimum.
2024-08-06 21:56:17 RT @taraghuveer: The rent is too damn high, and the stakes are even higher. Today 370+ tenant union leaders, rank and file workers, local…
2024-08-06 21:55:57 RT @TenantFed: NOW INTRODUCING THE TENANT UNION FEDERATION The Tenant Union Federation is a union of unions, organizing tenants as a polit…
2024-08-02 18:59:50 RT @mariresisting: Mahmoud Darwish https://t.co/zwFR7L6aRa
2024-08-02 18:36:41 RT @AssalRad: 300 days of this… https://t.co/IheukOSebc
2024-08-02 16:10:24 RT @dereckapurnell: "And in any case, what really exercises my mind is not this hypothetical day on which some other Negro “first” will bec…
2024-08-02 00:01:08 *translated from the Arabic by Khaled Mattawa in: “Poems for the Millennium. Book of North African Literature”, edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour
2024-08-02 00:00:54 WAIT do not leave yet. Let me rearrange the world for you. - Faraj Bou al-Isha https://t.co/LfYERGIaKl
2024-07-30 05:36:35 RT @SometimesPooh: I once wanted to kill my children because they were starving and we ran out of food.
2024-07-26 16:57:38 @DionneGrayman Ohmy, thanku so much for digging in!
2024-07-25 17:46:49 @RavynnKaMia It’s flyyyy
2024-07-21 16:51:06 RT @LailaAlarian: Palestinians will be in grief for a long time https://t.co/FaWZSVx3tp
2024-07-20 21:20:48 RT @minlayla77: “The General Union of Palestinian Women Tours Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan in 1977.” Our solidarity spans generations. https…
2024-07-20 20:03:28 RT @emanabdelhadi: It’s finally here!! Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune 2052-2072 is officially an audiob…
2024-07-20 18:22:15 RT @lynellgeorge: We just crossed the threshold into Octavia E. Butler's future. July 20, 2024. Time has caught up with her vision. Early…
2024-07-20 16:52:36 RT @divafeminist: I have nothing incisive or insightful to say about the murder of Sonya Massey. Even after researching &
2024-07-20 16:51:58 RT @politico: These trauma surgeons thought they’d seen the worst of the worst. But nothing they’d experienced prepared them for the horror…
2024-07-19 16:07:49 RT @ZaneGTCooper: The fact that a single company’s software update can bring the global economy to a screeching halt should act as a dire w…
2024-07-18 15:43:28 RT @SaulWilliams: https://t.co/GAteEovMKb
2024-07-18 15:18:54 RT @profgabrielle: Sweet Honey in the Rock was the soundtrack to Black feminism’s growth, the sonic equivalent of bell hooks, Alice Walker…
2024-07-18 03:37:52 RT @ZinnEdProject: Bernice Johnson Reagon (Oct. 4, 1942 – July 17, 2024) ¡Presente! Read SNCC Digital Gateway profile below, with primary…
2024-07-18 02:51:43 RT @jhereia: This fantastic virtual conference is happening tomorrow. "Rethinking the Inevitability of AI" is free and open to the public.…
2024-07-08 19:37:19 RT @Librarians2Pal: How do we archive Palestine with care? Check out our latest zine to learn more about digital activism and archival ethi…
2024-07-08 19:06:03 @tanyaboza
2024-07-07 21:59:12 RT @jasonhickel: BREAKING: The Lancet has just published this article "conservatively" estimating that the death toll in the Gaza genocide…
2024-07-03 13:20:23 Every little bit counts! A list of resources to support communities across the Caribbean impacted by #HurricaneBeryl. https://t.co/NCIwJSSnju https://t.co/FfG0qeDPZs
2024-07-03 13:15:46 @junejordanbot @tenilleclarke1 @alexispauline WILL DO!
2024-07-02 15:29:56 Indeed, part of our work as people who dare to believe we can save the world is to prepare our wills to withstand some losing, so that we may lose and still set out again, anyhow. —Aguon
2024-07-02 15:29:55 Our next lesson is that any people who profess to love freedom permit others room. Room to grow, to change their minds, to mess up, to leave, to come back in. —Aguon
2024-03-06 18:38:46 For those who missed the conversation at New York Public Library, here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/live/PUsHPZpdz4E?feature=shared
2024-03-06 18:36:58 “THE REALITY ON THE GROUND IS INFINITELY WORSE THAN THE WORST VIDEOS AND PHOTOS WE’RE SEEING IN THE WEST.” https://www.democracynow.org/2024/3/6/gaza_update
2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-22 17:56:52 RT @CCrawfordTech: Join @CSforAllNYC for @ruha9 Benjamin's keynote TOMORROW for educators, admin &
2023-05-22 17:06:29 RT @Equinoxrji: "NGOs have tamed a generation of activists. They’ve given up grand visions of social change &
2023-05-22 13:48:30 @balagonline Beaming you grace &
2023-05-22 13:24:11 @martysav82 Thank you for reading!
2023-05-22 13:23:37 @KenBDavis24 Thank you for reading!
2023-05-21 15:47:49 RT @ParissAthena: “My little brother has never been to a Black game night before.” https://t.co/clS0rEbbk0
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-04 22:51:55 RT @RaulPerezSoc: Just found out that my book “The Souls of White Jokes” @stanfordpress is a finalist for the SSSP’s C. Wright Mills Book A…
2023-05-04 22:51:51 @RaulPerezSoc @stanfordpress @DorothyERoberts @MLWalker1906 One for all! https://t.co/Zyzb4ZHK0Q
2023-05-04 20:07:01 RT @uche_blackstock: Jordan Neely’s public murder reminded me of the oft-cited 2016 U of Va study that showed white laypersons (even and me…
2023-05-04 20:06:48 RT @tressiemcphd: People leave subway cars all the time. I cannot get over this. I cannot get over any of this. I just want to flee.
2023-05-04 17:42:02 RT @DorothyERoberts: Thank you for humanely memorializing Jordan Neely and calling out the inhuman politics that led to his murder &
2023-05-04 14:40:04 @Prof_NataliaM @USCRossier Can’t wait!
2023-05-04 14:39:58 RT @Prof_NataliaM: @USCRossier for selecting two commencement speakers who focus on racial equity. It's an honor to be in this lin…
2023-05-04 02:02:24 RT @matthieuchapman: One of the worst parts of being the only black professor in my department at a PWI is the way the others just chip awa…
2023-05-03 21:50:04 RT @GigWorkersRise: @Uber &
2023-05-03 17:55:55 Finally, always worth reminding that Toni Morrison was forced to leave @HowardU due to the “7-year cap.” https://t.co/AiBVEXOYzn
2023-05-03 17:50:22 Please follow @hufaculty and call on @HowardU admin to put their policies &
2023-05-03 17:46:35 This is someone who stays up until 1:00am working with a group of students on difficult architectural programs… who aren’t even in his class!? Students are standing with contingent faculty to demand an end to this 7yr policy @HowardU that undermines their education.
2023-05-03 17:36:04 I say all this as an aunty to @HowardU students who are now losing another beloved professor who has gone ABOVE &
2023-05-03 17:35:19 I hope that @HowardU’s incoming president Ben Vinson III will move beyond lip service to “valuing education” so common across academia, to actually VALUING EDUCATORS… in deed not word. https://t.co/fYMWrEXH0g
2023-05-03 17:33:25 Students @HowardU understand the basic fact that “teachers working conditions ARE students learning conditions.” A beloved professor who has poured hours into their learning is unceremoniously dismissed. Why? “Because 7 years.”
2023-05-03 17:17:35 Join me in standing with @hufaculty who, like many across academia, face atrocious working conditions! Today I learned of yet another beloved lecturer who hit the mystical 7 year limit for teaching @HowardU despite his incredible track record. Students in tears as they organize. https://t.co/4deSIRAvvj
2023-05-03 13:49:46 RT @tamaranopper: I’ve been quietly and diligently developing, for me, a new research focus on wellness politics. My first publication on…
2023-05-02 22:54:26 @stschrader1 @JHUArtsSciences Bravo!!!
2023-05-02 19:57:23 RT @veenadubal: Here's a slight reframing: we do have AI regulation right now. That regulation allocates all power to firms to do whatever…
2023-05-02 12:02:47 RT @Maladroithe: Miss New York has this really funny TikTok series of heavens’ front desk receptionist and sometimes she breaks format and…
2023-05-01 18:37:00 RT @micahinATL: I wrote for @scalawagmag about three questions: Why is Atlanta leadership so intent on building Cop City? Why here, on su…
2023-04-30 21:56:06 RT @redemmas: Followed by a beautiful conversation between @ruha9 and @AlanahEnnDavis https://t.co/GDeqIpMYey
2023-04-30 21:55:49 @byDVNLLN @baynardwoods @dwatkinsworld @redemmas Really loved listening to your session, Devin!
2023-04-30 21:53:13 RT @byDVNLLN: You love to see it! @baynardwoods @dwatkinsworld @ruha9 at @redemmas https://t.co/uj8Fn5wIRQ
2023-04-30 12:54:27 @neuro_data Just in &
2023-04-30 02:35:17 See you tmrw Baltimore! @redemmas RSVP. https://t.co/L3tLX64LAz #viraljustice @PrincetonUPress https://t.co/1RYVp05p7W
2023-04-29 20:34:37 RT @balagonline: one of the demands in the revolutionary laws of the zapatista women (1996) was the “right to rest”.
2023-04-29 20:31:44 RT @ProfNoahGian: If you’re not using ChatGPT for every aspect of your life you’re falling behind. I spent 20mins using ChatGPT to do som…
2023-04-28 16:59:12 We’ll hear from community leaders, scholars, activists from the tech, environmental +repair sectors, those on the front lines of e-waste &
2023-04-28 16:57:37 The advocates face multiple obstacles. Among them, a lack of access to proprietary parts, shoddy manufacturing, and pushback from tech companies who argue that the repair of old cell phones, TVs and other tech creates security risks for consumers.
2023-04-28 16:57:21 The Right to Repair is a movement of technologists and climate activists calling for a new tech circular economy that prioritizes the collection and recycling of consumer electronics to prevent environmental degradation.
2023-04-28 16:56:58 Electronic waste, or e-waste, is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States. But there is a way to curb the spread — allowing consumers to repair and repurpose used devices. This solution is the driver behind the Right to Repair.
2023-04-28 16:55:32 “Critical Technology Ecologies and the Future of Repair” May 16 @ 4:30pm ET organized by the incredible @kenia_hale, cosponsored by Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab + @PrincetonCITP. RSVP Zoom: https://t.co/3EpKH1Z2ji #IdaLab https://t.co/sgtZU7binM
2023-04-28 00:54:41 RT @USCRossier: We are thrilled to announce our keynote speakers for USC Rossier Commencement 2023! Natalia Molina will deliver remarks at…
2023-04-28 00:30:15 @USCRossier Looking forward to it!
2023-04-26 12:56:27 Note 175: “Tenderness might just be a gesture, it might just be a look, a Black look, some regard, relayed between people in peril.” https://t.co/oO8xe39X5s
2023-04-26 12:29:24 RT @adamjohnsonCHI: the NYPD is on pace to blow past its allotted overtime budget for FY2023 by ~$366 million which is 16X what it would co…
2023-04-25 13:29:01 RT @IBJIYONGI: This is a great piece about the racism and colonialism baked into AI https://t.co/VnnXbVvjC8
2023-04-24 23:04:38 @profsassy
2023-04-24 17:59:03 RT @MichaelRMuniz: Excited to end my undergrad course on "politics and social change" with @ruha9's clarion call, Viral Justice!
2023-04-24 17:57:13 @MichaelRMuniz Honored!
2023-04-24 17:54:47 RT @micahinATL: Today, there are protests happening across college campuses in Atlanta against Cop City. Students are rising up and demand…
2023-04-24 16:33:14 @JulioAliceaPhD Thanku for coming to our panel Julio!
2023-04-23 20:51:13 RT @LuizaJarovsky: Today is #WorldBookDay: are you looking for critical perspectives on privacy, AI, and tech? These fantastic women can h…
2023-04-23 20:50:54 @mandyvandeven @baratunde Thank you for listening, Mandy
2023-04-23 20:50:16 RT @mandyvandeven: "We have to be careful with each other so that we can be dangerous together. We prefigure the world we want in how we tr…
2023-04-22 22:33:26 Thanks to @latimesfob for bringing together this energizing panel on Memoir: Inside the Healthcare System w/ new friends @riconuila @CQ__MD @nicolesjchung @AlpertReyes! #BookFest #LatimesFoB https://t.co/uhz2hYH7Z7
2023-04-21 15:39:00 RT @kamaufranklin: The Atlanta mayor came w/ the respectability politics yesterday. Bringing out the mostly male Black elite to support Cop…
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-16 23:47:54 RT @NSBEPros: Join the NSBE CREATE book club on Monday, April 17th at 7:30 PM ET where Region III NSBE advisor, Dr. Lauren Thomas-Quigley,…
2023-04-16 23:47:26 @tdouble_u Thank you for reading!
2023-04-16 23:46:04 RT @tdouble_u: “What if our everyday lives didn’t require an escape?” - Ruha Benjamin, in her chapter on racial capitalism.
2023-04-16 22:17:04 RT @nicolesjchung: Who else is going to the @latimesfob? I'll be on this terrific panel (1013) on Sat. 4/22 @ 1pm with @AlpertReyes @CQ__MD…
2023-04-14 21:28:03 RT @Christine_ScD: "We should ask ourselves whether research is serving as a stall tactic so we never collectively act on what we already k…
2023-04-14 17:12:48 @ADBPhD @OctaviasBkshelf Yay!!!
2023-04-14 16:09:39 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: If you want to understand why workers at Rutgers are on strike and why it matters to all of us, listen to this intervi…
2023-04-14 15:46:10 Thurs May 11 @ 6pm VIRAL JUSTICE at @OctaviasBkshelf in Pasadena limited seating, RSVP here: https://t.co/N6hZ6mrFGo https://t.co/IYbANE6xVj
2023-04-13 21:42:29 RT @ruaaup: President Holloway has been sending a lot of emails lately. Let's read between the lines. #RUOnStrike https://t.co/naQTRHlUvX
2023-04-13 21:40:21 RT @equalityAlec: This is an important article. It highlights core police propaganda: contrary to what SF elites say, most violent crime i…
2023-04-13 21:36:51 “The mathematics of Indigenizing research-ethics processes is not simply one of addition — adding inclusive policies and diverse perspectives. It must include subtraction: it means giving up control.” https://t.co/67TTstl7Mr
2023-04-11 21:08:09 RT @PublicBooks: Matthew Clair (@mathuclair) sits down with @Princeton African American Studies Professor Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) to talk ab…
2023-04-11 21:07:58 @mathuclair Thank you so much for taking the time to sit down with me Matthew, over winter break no less!
2023-04-11 16:47:23 Happy Pub Day @professahKwate! https://t.co/2lOUA3pXj8
2023-04-11 15:03:52 Happy Pub Day #RethinkingIntelligence! order here: https://t.co/h88Ya9I395 https://t.co/XlXFEHdJQq
2023-04-10 22:56:46 RT @emilymbender: Ever found the discourse around "intelligence" in "A(G)I" squicky or heard folks pointing out the connection w/eugenics &
2023-04-10 03:13:14 RT @seminewblack: Rutgers University’s coalition of Unions are on strike. This is not a drill. We are standing in solidarity—grad students,…
2023-04-10 02:15:35 RT @ruaaup: For the first time in the history of Rutgers University, all three faculty, grad, EOF, and postdoc unions have voted to go on s…
2023-04-09 14:35:35 @williamrfrey @CourtneyCogburn @NkemkaA @robeschmann @JessieNYC @natematias Wonderful news!!
2023-04-08 19:37:23 RT @redemmas: SO you may have heard we are helping organize the Waverly Book Festival at the end of April—here's a of all the author talk…
2023-04-08 19:36:59 RT @redemmas: 3PM on 4/30: @ruha9 is in conversation with Alanah Nichole Davis on the viral processes behind radical world-making https:/…
2023-04-06 14:58:23 @professahKwate @NewberryLibrary
2023-04-06 14:57:24 “To be sure, it’s an epic question. Epic in the truest sense of the word, meaning it asks the court to bring the entirety of international law to bear on the conduct that has driven our planet to the brink of catastrophe.” https://t.co/hFRfqjxyDd
2023-04-06 14:34:45 @alwaystheself Noooo
2023-04-06 14:04:01 @taoleighgoffe @Princeton @LaboratoryDark It was a highlight of the semester!
2023-04-06 02:03:27 RT @tingo_taught_me: Thrilled to invite you to this day-long symposium on Caribbean resistance to ecocide &
2023-04-05 21:47:29 RT @ruaaup: Must-read: A @starledger editorial telling it like it is about “part-time and untenured teachers who labor for low wages…
2023-04-05 13:55:56 RT @ruaaup: Amazing how much of student tuitions university admins are willing to spend on union-busting lawyers over actually paying emplo…
2023-04-05 13:55:16 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: The unbelievable racism and brutality unleashed against Palestinians while the world casually looks the other way...
2023-04-04 23:06:02 @Dr_ChadWilliams @fsgbooks @McKinnonLit @CoriolisCo WOW!! What incredible work, Chad!
2023-04-04 23:04:41 RT @Dr_ChadWilliams: PUBLICATION DAY for my new book The Wounded World: W. E. B. Du Bois and the First World War! Many thanks to everyon…
2023-04-04 22:23:44 RT @alexispauline: Y’all this only happens if people say good things about you behind your back. Love to each of you who carry my name in…
2023-04-02 02:41:21 RT @stewartdantec: Reading this essay by @maggiesmithpoet has reminded me why is so, so important that we love our spouses and partners f…
2023-04-01 15:35:30 RT @DigBlk: The Black Women’s Organizing Archive (BWOA) brings together the scattered archives of 19th and early 20th century Black women i…
2023-04-01 15:33:56 RT @mildredboveda: Racism by Another Name came out during the lockdown. Its promotion has been completely virtual. See it featured in IAPs…
2023-04-01 15:26:45 “The intellectual's spirit as an amateur can enter and transform the merely professional routine most of us go through into something much more lively and radical
2023-04-01 15:03:25 “The intellectual today ought to be an amateur… entitled to raise moral issues at the heart of even the most technical and professionalized activity as it involves one's country, its power, its mode of interacting with its citizens as well as with other societies.“ —Said
2023-04-01 14:55:59 I kicked off my first talk as Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of African American studies reflecting on Edward Said’s 1993 essay “Professionals &
2023-03-31 21:16:32 @christiehenry @Princeton @PrincetonGrad Thank you Christie!
2023-03-30 22:42:37 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: Please take two minutes to read this open letter to Rutgers President &
2023-03-29 02:01:07 @tdouble_u Thank you sooo much for reading
2023-03-29 02:00:46 RT @tdouble_u: I’m now reading Viral Justice by @ruha9 and this beautiful quote stopped me in my tracks this morning. Yes. Yes 1000x. https…
2023-03-27 15:16:09 RT @ProfAlang: How are folks supporting Rolling Fork, MS? Any trustworthy organizations, websites etc? I can’t find any except one for a sp…
2023-03-26 21:38:08 @pablxaguilera
2023-03-26 17:02:58 @AlpertReyes @nicolesjchung @latimesfob @CQ__MD @riconuila Can’t wait! See y’all soon
2023-03-26 17:02:42 @GabrielaBrown28 Yay happy reading!
2023-03-26 16:40:03 RT @veenadubal: That there is investment in caretaking robots, when the “innovative solution” is clearly state investment in caretaking PEO…
2023-03-24 20:49:53 RT @PplsCityCouncil: “This tweet has been deleted” https://t.co/YgUuqcxul3
2023-03-24 19:25:43 RT @RebeccaSolnit: They pretend that they are somehow still looking for a good solution and once they find it they will be very happy to us…
2023-03-24 17:32:01 @marimachaspeaks I’m quoting the nap ministry here!
2023-03-24 17:30:54 @IBJIYONGI @alondra @djspooky @NMAAHC I immediately put in a request to the dept for a course field trip https://t.co/7Ly1Hy3hog
2023-03-24 17:28:59 RT @schizoreads: If you need a book club book, you should definitely consider Viral Justice by @ruha9 @PrincetonUPress It’s on a short li…
2023-03-24 13:59:41 @alondra @djspooky @NMAAHC Ohhh I cannot wait to go!
2023-03-24 13:59:17 RT @alondra: In 1998 I started Afrofuturism, a listserv of writers, artists + technologists. Guest moderators incl @DJSpooky + Nalo Hopkins…
2023-03-24 05:13:39 @harriettsbooks @Princeton Next level!
2023-03-23 17:43:27 The #HowToCitizen podcast with @baratunde is back for Season 4 and my episode is LIVE today. Listen herehttps://t.co/fIexk1pZ3r https://t.co/IULdY6Chiv
2023-03-23 17:12:49 @anthonyocampo we ALL need encouragement! it is a practice and an art that your post invites us to cultivate. thank you
2023-03-23 16:48:29 RT @UNCG_CAS: THIS Thursday: One of @UNCG's oldest lecture series returns with a keynote address by Princeton professor and award-winning a…
2023-03-23 02:29:04 RT @Phil_Lewis_: This is my favorite video on the internet https://t.co/T7pDKkIPK7
2023-03-23 01:09:52 RT @LaneyHawes: Hey book loving Twitter, buckle up for a wild ride, I’m about to share with you some of the challenges &
2023-03-21 22:00:59 RT @ShobitaP: It's now conventional wisdom that the pulse oximeter is racially biased. How did that happen? This month on The Received Wisd…
2023-03-21 04:09:35 @nedasoc Happy Nowruz, Neda jan!
2023-03-21 04:07:24 As a recent graduate in @PrincetonAAS, Brooke Johnson, put it: “It has to be bad first.” https://t.co/xZeWF3Ndoi
2023-03-21 04:05:37 From “The Site of Memory” pg. 102 https://t.co/x5sgZSf7Zm
2023-03-21 04:03:52 The best part of it all, the absolutely most delicious part, is finishing it and then doing it over… I rewrite a lot, over and over again, so that it looks like I never did. I try to make it look like I never touched it, and that takes a lot of time and a lot of sweat. —Morrison
2023-03-20 22:08:05 RT @PrabhaOwner: I started a local book club. Our first book was Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 , a memoir/manifesto about small, in…
2023-03-20 22:08:03 @PrabhaOwner Eeeek, beautiful sight to behold!
2023-03-19 19:43:26 RT @allisonlcurry: This book right here is a must read for the world!!! Thank you @ruha9 for laboring to birth this much needed scholarshi…
2023-03-19 19:43:18 @allisonlcurry Thank you so much for reading, Allison!
2023-03-18 01:05:38 RT @NCStateAEC: March 27th | 5:30PM - Join the Parks Schlolars for a lecture by Dr. Ruha Benjamin on using data for social justice in the I…
2023-03-18 01:05:35 RT @sskaratasli: Save the date! Harriet Elliott Keynote address: "Viral Justice", Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University. March 23, 2023 at 5:…
2023-03-16 18:48:20 RT @nicolesjchung: thrilled to be returning to the @latimesfob and really looking forward to this great memoir panel with @ruha9 @CQ__MD @r…
2023-03-15 12:39:53 San Diego area friends hope to see you tmrw at SD City College! Great program today too: https://t.co/bvmrvROHJt https://t.co/MC2xxPI8c6
2023-03-15 12:29:09 Soooo many people to thank for such an incredible visit to @UMich @umichsph @umsi + all the organizers &
2023-03-15 12:22:28 What a gift to be in conversation with @leseliey! Please learn about &
2023-03-15 12:11:37 @FDuBoisBowman It was sooo great to connect, Dean Bowman!
2023-03-15 12:10:00 @TrinaShanks1 Thank you for tuning in, Trina!
2023-03-15 12:09:21 @jessharada @UMich Thank you for tuning in, Jessica!
2023-03-14 23:02:47 @ChidimmaOzor @UMich @umichsph So great to connect today!
2023-03-14 15:47:11 RT @MelissaSCreary: TODAY so excited to help welcome @ruha9 to @umichsph for an amazing event and in conversation with triple alum @lesel…
2023-03-13 19:19:26 RT @triketora: excuse me what the FUCK
2023-03-13 17:38:13 @matthew_bui Reunion! Can’t wait
2023-03-12 21:32:54 @happy_stomach
2023-03-12 00:49:20 RT @jsrailton: Silicon valley libertarians up through yesterday: Gov stifles innovation, keep them away. This morning: we need immediate,…
2023-03-11 20:49:10 RT @_Rawilcox: If you’re in Brooklyn 3/19, I’ll be in conversation with Joy James regarding the release of her new book, “In Pursuit of Rev…
2023-03-11 16:34:54 @DrSamiSchalk Seriously!??
2023-03-11 16:32:47 @1618O3 Oh I see, you didn’t read the article
2023-03-11 16:05:44 RT @equalityAlec: This has got to be one of the great headlines of our time. It so perfectly describes the collective fantasy world of pund…
2023-03-11 15:54:54 @1618O3 “Mixed mating can also improve a hive’s health and vitality, Dr. Traynor added. “Studies show that when you have genetically diverse drones that the queen mates with, the colony is actually more resistant against diseases,” she said.
2023-03-11 15:54:27 @1618O3 Did you read the article? “Indeed, color alone is not a foolproof way to identify a Carniolan, according to scientists. “It’s difficult to try &
2023-03-11 15:43:05 @ztsamudzi
2023-03-11 15:39:50 @ztsamudzi I need to read that!
2023-03-11 15:27:52 WOW. “My bees were too dark,” Mr. Huter recalled. “Leather brown-orange,” the inspector wrote in the state’s report. To conform with the law, Mr. Huter would have to replace his dark queens with light-gray ones. “It’s racial fanaticism,” he said. https://t.co/36S4gxwIaN
2023-03-11 14:26:02 RT @ruaaup: BREAKING: 94% of members of the full-time unit &
2023-03-11 14:24:03 RT @micahinATL: This is absolutely heartbreaking. An independent autopsy shows that Tortugita was murdered while sitting cross-legged, with…
2023-03-11 01:40:50 If you don’t know about The National Council for Incarcerated &
2023-03-10 21:00:18 RT @MsKellyMHayes: Grateful to everyone who has preordered Let This Radicalize You. Please keep spreading the word. Preorders make a huge d…
2023-03-10 20:58:49 RT @motorresx: The good news here: universities have poured millions into anti-union marketing research and the best talking point they cou…
2023-03-10 20:54:04 @DrTanksley @NYPLEducators Ooo! Such an impt conversation
2023-03-10 20:52:37 See you Monday! https://t.co/IAaPGZsbPk
2023-03-10 14:07:15 RT @emilymbender: Since we published Stochastic Parrots two years ago, the issues discussed in it have only become more urgent and salient.…
2023-03-10 01:39:44 @ChidimmaOzor See you soon!
2023-03-10 00:41:31 @AB_Wesner Ashton!! Thank you for your front row energy
2023-03-10 00:40:19 RT @JessKolopenuk: @QAmity taught me a long time ago that we can have different yet shared experiences as Indg and Black women. I feel that…
2023-03-10 00:40:15 @JessKolopenuk @QAmity
2023-03-09 20:36:18 @farah_qureshi The pleasure was all mine!
2023-03-09 16:34:34 @ChidimmaOzor Thank you for reading!
2023-03-07 23:28:29 @Tenisha_mc
2023-03-06 16:09:18 @motorresx
2023-03-06 15:49:00 RT @CAHColby: Join us this week for a lecture given by Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9), Professor of African American Studies at Princeton Universit…
2023-03-06 14:54:44 @IBJIYONGI Purposeful confusion on the part of DuBois/Du Bois so that we might learn to live in the uncertainty of knowing! #SociologyHesistant
2023-03-06 12:42:31 RT @ShanaVWhite: So glad they got @timnitGebru for this segment. Please listen when Timnit speaks.
2023-03-06 12:03:19 “[T]o live life with enough personal risk to grow the circle of who I might stand up for, and to bring the next generation (and the next) into that commitment.” https://t.co/lJx5Q56JNl
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-27 16:25:15 RT @DavarianBaldwin: Really need to see this...Black folks putting they flavor on everything...Happy Monday
2023-02-27 16:25:13 @DavarianBaldwin peep the little ones doing a double take like “daddy you see that!”
2023-02-27 12:51:29 RT @OneAjeetSingh: How have our histories of systemic racism informed our practices and technologies in healthcare? As more attention has c…
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-25 03:27:21 @lorgia_pena @riverarc @Columbia INCREDIBLE!
2023-02-25 03:14:37 @lorgia_pena @ayOmbe Eyyyyy!
2023-02-25 02:25:46 @stewartdantec @Princeton
2023-02-25 00:03:53 Thank you @HBStoweCenter! What makes it extra special is the company of past awardees: Clint Smith ‘22, Eddie Glaude ‘21, Albert Woodfox ‘20, Matthew Desmond ‘18, Bryan Stevenson ‘17, Ta-Nehisi Coates ‘15, Michelle Alexander ‘13… all friends of my mind. https://t.co/1H0TfKDH7W
2023-02-25 00:01:01 Ahhhh pinch me!!! Viral Justice was just awarded the 2023 Stowe Prize! The prize recognizes a distinguished book of general adult fiction or non-fiction that illuminates a critical social justice issue in contemporary society. https://t.co/ykNq8UZUVp #ViralJustice https://t.co/6diy4MVHix
2023-02-24 22:46:11 RT @David_J_Burden: Imagine tech was like a new restaurant that accidentally poisons a bunch of people. You can’t just reopen the next day…
2023-02-24 14:21:13 RT @jdmortenson: I tend to take claims like these with a grain of salt. But I just went line-by-line through the DeSantis education bill.…
2023-02-23 18:14:04 RT @AlanDettlaff: Thank you @TexasObserver for inviting me to share the story of my removal as Dean of @UH_SocialWork, and to share my thou…
2023-02-23 17:19:13 RT @TRyanGregory: If you're in a public building, you're very likely to: * Not breathe asbestos * Drink clean water * Benefit from sewage…
2023-02-23 16:31:22 RT @adrian_mims: Recently, The Calculus Project Inc. and Milton Public Schools have been under attack by an organization called Parents Def…
2023-02-23 00:11:41 @Prof_WCByrd @UMich I can’t wait!
2023-02-22 16:58:00 RT @rkgwork: "Faculty on temporary contracts are effectively muzzled. They fear losing their jobs if they speak up. When the people doing t…
2023-02-22 14:48:57 RT @LiTTGamingLab: The LiTT Lab has been reading @ruha9’s work the past few weeks to help us understand how to re-imagine a city that has f…
2023-02-22 14:48:44 @DrSmarturo @LiTTGamingLab @PrincetonAAS Amazing work!!
2023-02-22 14:47:48 RT @AMReese07: what's cooler than reading Viral Justice? Getting the audiobook and listening to @ruha9 narrate it herself!
2023-02-22 14:47:44 @AMReese07 https://t.co/mPzUeiDW4U
2023-02-22 13:11:31 RT @hcarolineking: I went to a gynecologist office run by Black women and gosh what a difference. -cloth robes in extended sizing -saw my…
2023-02-20 17:52:36 RT @KhaledBeydoun: Imagine rebuilding and another earthquake shattering what you’ve rebuilt. A second, 6.4M earthquake hit Turkiye tod…
2023-02-20 13:54:10 RT @PrincetonAudio: Have you given the Viral Justice #audiobook a listen yet? Read by Dr. Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) herself with a bonus Q&
2023-02-19 01:44:03 @dr_nickiw
2023-02-18 20:10:44 RT @gabrielazanfir: The German Constitutional Court delivered today a groundbreaking decision: legal acts authorizing the use of predictive…
2023-02-18 20:08:50 For anyone else thinking about teaching #ViralJustice, feel free to adapt this discussion guide w/ slides + notes for each chapter coming soon.https://t.co/4iECidUncM https://t.co/R2ibHJkT0J
2023-02-18 15:04:09 The best part of booktok is learning what ideas most resonate w/readers https://t.co/4bu0E60unJ
2023-02-18 14:57:57 Those library copies of #ViralJustice have a special place in my heart! https://t.co/ibkHQwkxzs
2023-02-18 14:50:28 @Dome_Woo
2023-02-18 14:48:28 When readers cross reference! @CGAPeterson with the Viral Justice x Race After Technology hyperlinks. https://t.co/J5mwOJtQsu
2023-02-18 14:44:10 #ViralJustice review by @chiefbookman! https://t.co/U0IsIhTeGN
2023-02-18 14:42:11 When readers fact-check! https://t.co/Gn0WlpZGN9
2023-02-18 14:40:16 #ViralJustice review by @carterkalchik! https://t.co/WSzJ0MReyZ
2023-02-18 14:36:03 #ViralJustice review by @ayandastood! pt.2 https://t.co/rQ3Gd6E0WO
2023-02-18 14:35:22 #ViralJustice review by @ayandastood! pt.1 https://t.co/iwnRTjt1p2
2023-02-18 14:33:20 Appreciation thread for all the #ViralJustice reviews on BookTok! https://t.co/X3vjLqRP2g
2023-02-18 13:36:36 RT @heymrsbond: Black children do not need to be ‘excellent’ to be treated like children. They do not need to be ‘excellent’ to be treated…
2023-02-17 16:44:54 RT @harriettsbooks: Only one book sold today at Harrietts. Shop online https://t.co/PD8a5BlYkl
2023-02-17 16:37:49 @fujitivity @balagonline @PrincetonAAS Unfortunately it won’t be recorded
2023-02-17 15:23:45 RT @MPerrySCS: Can't wait to dig into this book by @ruha9 Was so grateful to hear her speak at our @girlsschools Educating Girls Symposium…
2023-02-16 02:07:39 RT @LeslyeJoyAllen: PROUD of students at @ClarkAtlanta U, @Morehouse, @SpelmanCollege, @EmoryUniversity, @GeorgiaStateU, @GeorgiaTech for f…
2023-02-16 02:06:32 RT @tblankets79: "For a dead movement, it should be noted, abolition takes up quite a bit of space in the commentariat’s minds—at what poin…
2023-02-16 02:06:06 RT @micahinATL: I read Tommie Shelby's new (not good) abolition book. My take: "Shelby provides excellent evidence not for his claims but…
2023-02-16 02:05:37 RT @interruptcrim: Thursday, Feb. 23 at 6:30 PM ET: Join us &
2023-02-16 01:46:08 RT @Princeton: @ruha9 PODCASTS @ruha9 will join @baratunde on Season 4 of the #HowToCitizen podcast to talk about her new book “Viral J…
2023-02-15 20:57:58 RT @HammerandHope: Our first issue is live! https://t.co/Lrgo51h8jE
2023-02-15 20:57:42 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: After the uprisings @JenParker393 &
2023-02-12 16:02:56 RT @Phil_Lewis_: 200 students walked out of class at an Alabama high school after they were reportedly told their student-led Black History…
2023-02-12 15:36:06 *Neale
2023-02-12 14:57:31 RT @MorePerfectUS: On February 3, a horrifying railroad accident took place. A Norfolk Southern freight train derailed in East Palestine, O…
2023-02-12 02:55:52 Then go get her debut album, SOME OF US ARE BRAVE. That title track will bring you back to life! https://t.co/fuLnvVN1E4 @danielleponder1 https://t.co/XH6xH3SJEE
2023-02-12 02:48:12 And if you haven’t watched Zora Neal Hurston: Claiming a Space on @PBS yet, ummm, what are you waiting for!? https://t.co/3aSNHBAgWc
2023-02-12 02:45:08 Griotte’s Beat is a brand new podcast hosted by @KayturaF and featuring Black women from many corners of the African diaspora discussing how we tackle injustice in our everyday lives. Listen to the trailer + subscribe: https://t.co/y1drSYA88Q
2023-02-12 02:39:40 The #HowToCitizen podcast with @baratunde is back for Season 4 and I join him to talk about #ViralJustice. First two episodes drop Thurs February 16th. Click to subscribe: https://t.co/IW08eid1rA
2023-02-12 02:37:24 If no one has put you on to the INCOMPARABLE @danielleponder1 yet, you can thank me later! https://t.co/2YofaZ7q7q
2023-02-12 02:32:15 My recommendations for books, podcasts, music, films &
2023-02-11 15:06:52 RT @umsi: Students, faculty &
2023-02-11 03:53:01 BHM is a time for us to recommit to truth telling, not just about Black people, but about this nation and cast a light on the lies that are told year round… otherwise it becomes this feel good exercise that hides the persistence of suffering &
2023-02-10 22:01:03 RT @KayturaF: We all say it takes a village to raise a child. What do we see tho when we look at children? A canvas for projection &
2023-02-10 21:51:21 RT @Rare_Capricorn1: This gave me chills. Shout out to @rolandsmartin always speaking facts. https://t.co/vnzumePAeb
2023-02-10 19:29:00 @mkgerchick @cafeconlibrosbk Thanks sooo much for getting it!
2023-02-10 13:15:42 RT @noor_halabi: 21,000 people have died due to earthquake in and Syria, and this is just the official toll. I’m deeply concerned and di…
2023-02-10 01:00:29 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. The book IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black is one of the best and most important books I've ever read. Everyo…
2023-02-09 22:21:29 @gomehead2000
2023-02-09 03:52:32 RT @balagonline: princeton folks, mark your calendars! i’ll be giving some excerpts from the book and trying out some new stuff too. come s…
2023-02-09 03:41:15 RT @_Eric_Reinhart: This proposal for a national decarceration program enabled by a US community health and justice worker corps is the mos…
2023-02-09 00:27:17 *gnaw
2023-02-08 21:35:57 Every year it’s the same. Week 2 and it feels like Week 72. I’m never sure if I should “hold on tight” or naw through the rope with my teeth. (those waiting on me to email back, see status above)
2023-02-08 21:33:31 Me: getting all my ducks in a row Spring semester: f#%k your ducks! https://t.co/qoqk0N1MCw
2023-02-08 01:25:45 @_jessicastovall multiple exposures! may you have a full recovery
2023-02-07 19:26:38 What does it mean to be a legend to all and a friend to none? —June Jordan
2023-02-07 03:32:28 RT @tracyrenee70: My school district plans to spend $270K for a climate &
2023-02-06 21:39:56 RT @Ryan_Ken_Acts: Many of these “historic first” awards are seen as accomplishments for the winners rather than a reflection of historic f…
2023-02-06 04:48:56 RT @CalebDawson: I’m late to the party but enjoying The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. And I spy another @ruha9 book! Maya (voiced by @K…
2023-02-06 01:14:50 “We are witnessing the slow death of American medical ideology… Little of this is new, but doctors’ sense of our complicity in putting profits over people has grown more difficult to ignore.” —@_Eric_Reinhart https://t.co/9ECmGDr97X
2023-02-06 00:57:19 RT @theintercept: The Stop Cop City movement should be seen as an example of rare staying power, thoughtful strategizing, and the crucial a…
2023-02-06 00:57:02 RT @micahinATL: Stop Cop City action toolkit with basic background, ways to take action, more resources, and FAQ - one of many such resourc…
2023-02-06 00:56:54 RT @kamaufranklin: Radicalized students at Morehouse, Spelman Georgia State, and Georgia Tech are giving new life to the #StopCopCity movem…
2023-02-05 04:42:10 @DrKevD thank you for reading &
2023-02-05 01:41:00 @IPProfEvans Yikes, almost like FTX hired Olivia Pope to write the copy
2023-02-05 01:31:57 RT @JuliaAngwin: On my departure, I thought I would reflect on the ten lessons I learned leading these investigations. /4 https://t.co/XXzO…
2023-02-05 01:26:56 @Tenisha_mc my face the entire time https://t.co/8XNctxD78W
2023-02-05 01:20:27 @DrKevD *protagonists (p.106)
2023-02-05 01:17:14 RT @DrKevD: @ruha9 - Viral Justice https://t.co/c74gS4fMQN
2023-02-04 00:42:07 @maddyyypryor Thank you for having me!
2023-02-03 23:36:39 RT @oni_blackstock: For tweeps out there who are medical students, I’m curious - are medical schools teaching required courses on medical r…
2023-02-03 23:36:22 RT @KayturaF: Introducing @Griottesbeat my new podcast. This week, Dr. Layli Maparyan, scholar of race and gender, &
2023-02-03 22:24:27 The Meaning of African American Studies: “Black studies is supposed to be an epistemological break, and that’s why it’s dangerous—because it actually wants to try to figure out a way to make this country not racist.” https://t.co/KJep28wVYO
2023-02-03 12:44:36 RT @NYBATs: Since @CollegeBoard is in the news, a reminder they make $100 million per year selling personal student data + they are lobbyin…
2023-02-02 00:50:24 RT @MsKellyMHayes: A Victory for Abolitionists: ICE-Run Immigration Prison Shuts Down Today https://t.co/cCJo7snxI8
2023-02-01 23:58:08 RT @VersoBooks: As we continue fighting for a more just world, we've decided to make Alex Vitale's End of Policing available for free downl…
2023-02-01 23:57:56 RT @haymarketbooks: @KeeangaYamahtta The racist governor of Florida and the complicit College Board have given us no choice. FREE Ebook: B…
2023-02-01 22:00:26 RT @dereckapurnell: I don't want to read any more stories about teachers who have to change their Black Studies class. I want stories about…
2023-02-01 12:30:26 @lifewithBianca Thank you for reading!
2023-02-01 02:55:46 RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: So - we’re in our third century of bad apples infecting police departments. Is that the argument?
2023-02-01 02:42:16 RT @KhalilGMuhammad: “The contention that an AP curriculum in African American Studies ‘lacks educational value’ is a proposition supported…
2023-01-31 22:27:16 RT @TheReclaimed: A third of the books in my daughter’s collection have been banned or challenged in school around our country, including a…
2023-01-31 22:26:58 RT @micahinATL: “COP CITY WILL NEVER BE BUILT” - chants from inside city hall where the public has been shut out of the press conference #S…
2023-01-31 22:25:09 RT @EliseJoshi: BREAKING: Mayor of Atlanta and Dekalb County CEO just announced that that Cop City is moving forward. People across the c…
2023-01-31 14:28:48 RT @twittlesis: Excellent summary of the fight against Cop City - the urban warfare training facility planned for Atlanta’s Welaunee Fores…
2023-01-31 14:28:34 RT @_AshDashLee_: When @dereckapurnell writes, you should read. Check it out and share it, y’all. https://t.co/jBDpnTqeWP
2023-01-31 01:26:56 RT @IrisVanRooij: "Here I collect a selected set of critical lenses on so-called ‘AI’, including the recently hyped #ChatGPT. I hope these…
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-24 04:21:38 @dean_equity Thank you for reading!
2023-01-24 03:16:54 RT @mapmakerdavid: And even if you put knowledge in commons, it does not necessarily mean it's an anticolonial project. A lot of extraction…
2023-01-23 20:59:00 RT @msolurin: WHAT IS COP CITY? Atlanta police are trying to tear down forest land to take 350 ACRES of land to build a mock city of Atlant…
2023-01-23 04:25:09 RT @samswey: Police in Georgia killed more people last year than any other year in the past decade, with Atlanta police reporting some of t…
2023-01-23 02:56:13 RT @melissagira: “…simply just a place to be, somewhere that's air conditioned in the summer, heated in the winter, with free restrooms and…
2023-01-22 22:38:50 RT @beyonkz: I need everyone reporting on the devastating #lunarnewyear shooting to know a few things about #montereypark (thread)
2023-01-21 23:59:30 RT @JoshuaPHilll: I'm not sure people know just how bad the "cop city" project in Atlanta would be. They want a whole mock city to practice…
2023-01-21 20:20:02 Tucson friends! https://t.co/oVzM2J2y1d
2023-01-21 19:41:41 RT @MsKellyMHayes: "We call on all people of good conscience to stand in solidarity with the movement to stop Cop City and defend the Weela…
2023-01-21 16:35:14 @followlori @yannieh_ I will be there Oct 2023! I’ll updated schedule here, https://t.co/wL73job8NA
2023-01-21 00:03:13 RT @goingtomarsfilm: Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project. Coming soon #blackfilm #BlackLivesMatter #TellBlackStories https://t.co/oC…
2023-01-20 17:17:27 RT @PrincetonAudio: Did you know that our audiobooks are available on Libby? If you like to discover #audio titles through your #LocalLibra…
2023-01-20 17:04:44 RT @kashanacauley: Nothing says land of freedom like putting librarians in jail.
2023-01-20 13:19:24 Especially geared toward understanding the contemporary evolution of Black Studies in the neoliberal university, Of Black Study allows us to consider the stakes of intellectual freedom and the path toward a new world.
2023-01-20 13:19:08 Of Black Study explores how the ideas of Black intellectuals created different ways of thinking and knowing in their pursuit of conceptual and epistemological freedom.
2023-01-20 13:08:41 This that coworker energy I’m bringing into 2023: https://t.co/p3CwHC7PX6
2023-01-20 13:07:20 HAPPY PUB DATE to Joshua Myers! I can’t wait to teach Of Black Study this spring.https://t.co/XHOZNOapRA @PlutoPress @HowardU https://t.co/D8vfFc6uGt
2023-01-20 04:29:18 @SicksentZ @ohnahji Thank you for reading!
2023-01-20 04:28:35 RT @SicksentZ: The FIRST meeting of the @ohnahji Book Club is this Sunday We’re kicking things off with the intro chapter of “Race Afte…
2023-01-19 22:58:53 @yannieh_ Thank you for sharing! It’s from pg. 35 of Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want
2023-01-19 22:57:19 RT @yannieh_: A powerful quote was shared in class today: “We should ask ourselves whether research is serving as a stall tactic so we neve…
2023-01-19 21:07:13 RT @techwontsaveus: This week @timnitGebru joins @parismarx to discuss why we shouldn’t get distracted by all the hype around AI tools like…
2023-01-19 21:02:23 RT @AfWrldNwPrj: Jan. 21 1PM (EST) @SankofaDC presents Of Black Study: Josh Myers in Conversation with Dr. Bedour Alagraa. Register here:…
2023-01-19 01:03:41 RT @interruptcrim: A reminder to journalists and everyone else that police lie, all the time. Repeating or parroting police narratives is d…
2023-01-18 21:43:39 @hueydynamite @WhytManga Thank you for reading!
2023-01-18 20:29:06 The Disordered Cosmos by @IBJIYONGI Friday Jan 20 @4pm at Princeton, RSVP: https://t.co/aCuZ8zDjHs https://t.co/EKcG6FZhW6
2023-01-18 17:57:07 @Molly_Mollica The honor was ALL mine!!
2023-01-18 17:56:51 RT @Molly_Mollica: Prof. Ruha Benjamin gave a truly exceptional talk in Seattle last week. For folks unable to make it, it’s available onli…
2023-01-18 03:50:48 Please read @traumaofcaste by @dalitdiva https://t.co/8XOLVdXuyq https://t.co/uPXF2qOQym https://t.co/haOZjH6Qk2
2023-01-18 03:32:56 “The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust.” https://t.co/2mS6XN7N9x
2023-01-18 03:28:35 Just started watching… https://t.co/AhenM1909z
2023-01-17 16:50:35 RT @ERSjournal: In many ways, @ruha9 is making the case for looking forward, for creating emancipatory futures, but also inviting us to…
2023-01-17 14:35:55 @ERSjournal Thank you @roswillz for taking time to craft this incisive review!
2023-01-17 00:17:48 @dallasprogress Yessss @CorbettTenants did it!!
2023-01-16 21:09:42 Chiiiile https://t.co/Jgc6ktHMAx
2023-01-16 18:12:33 RT @susanrensing: @WalkingNPR @ruha9 Viral Justice is told through memoir/narrative, but deeply researched
2023-01-16 18:12:09 RT @ariellevking: “For those who want to construct a different social reality, one grounded in justice &
2023-01-16 18:11:59 RT @PaulinaBustosA: “Our collective imaginations tend to shrink when confronted with entrenched inequality and injustice when what we need…
2023-01-16 18:11:41 RT @HoldSher: Happy this book was in this store, in my tiny worlds-collide way. https://t.co/pZ0MwIQF4g
2023-01-16 18:11:39 @HoldSher
2023-01-16 15:06:10 RT @marclamonthill: Today, let us remember Martin Luther King as he was: A Black radical anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, revolutionary C…
2023-01-16 14:56:45 RT @NabsIMA: The Davos festival of wealth is back. Buckle up. New @Oxfam inequality data out now. Headline: our decade's began with the 1…
2023-01-15 14:50:22 RT @CorbettTenants: (1) WE GOT ALL 4 BUILDINGS! Thank you to everyone who shared our posts, wrote emails, made calls, who called out BU! T…
2023-01-15 02:59:50 RT @MelaninMvskoke: Toni Morrison warns us about how language, especially oppressive language: “Whether it is obscuring state language or…
2023-01-15 02:51:25 @DrTanksley Wowowow!!!
2023-01-15 02:51:03 RT @DrTanksley: So excited that my research on racial trauma &
2023-01-14 19:22:09 RT @CoCoSouthLA: SATURDAY, 1/14/23 @ 5PM on Lincoln &
2023-01-14 19:20:44 RT @IBJIYONGI: In the coming days people are going to emphasize that #KeenanAnderson was a teacher. They are going to focus on how he didn'…
2023-01-14 19:19:54 RT @QasimRashid: Keenan Anderson—a 31-year-old high school teacher &
2023-01-14 19:17:31 RT @BreeNewsome: I don’t know what “police accountability” means when the problem is the institution itself. Policing itself is the source…
2023-01-14 19:16:07 RSVP HERE for the Vigil on Jan 18 to #BringEyvinHome: https://t.co/wcEncZqqEM
2023-01-14 19:13:31 According to @latimes, for almost 9 months 44yr old Eyvin has been held at a “maximum-security military prison in Venezuela and has been charged with criminal association and conspiracy, which can result in up to 16 years in prison.” https://t.co/2AS65lbpBq
2023-01-14 19:09:27 Eyvin is an LA public defender who was vacationing in Colombia and escorted a friend to the border so that she could get her passport stamped. Eyvin was kidnapped off the border and accused of being a spy. #BringEyvinHome https://t.co/oIgc7WuuMN
2023-01-14 19:07:35 Please help me spread the word about the case of #EyvinHernandez, friend &
2023-01-14 16:08:22 RT @UArizonaArts: Dr. Ruha Benjamin, professor in #AfricanAmerican studies at @Princeton, will give the Black Faculty Speaker Series keynot…
2023-01-12 21:45:32 RT @ajplus: LAPD officers tased and tackled a Black English teacher after a car crash, causing him to suffer fatal cardiac arrest, family s…
2023-01-12 05:38:43 RT @amazonlabor: HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT The ALU is officially a certified UNION! This is a HUGE moment for the labor moment! Solidarity everyo…
2023-01-11 20:16:33 RT @_PMolnar: #ArtificialBorders has a home with @thenewpress! A real dream come true and a reflection of the work of so many people C…
2023-01-11 20:16:01 @_PMolnar @thenewpress @kenyajade @TransLitAgency @BKCHarvard @RefugeeLawLab @benglishhh @oczoroadnama @YorkUniversity Can’t wait!!!
2023-01-11 19:36:31 RT @DataFemNetwork: Do you want to join fellow feminists for a #bookclub? We will be discussing Race After Technology by @ruha9! The book…
2023-01-11 19:26:33 RT @letsgetlitabc: “Born of a stubborn hopefulness, Viral Justice offers a passionate, inspiring, and practical vision of how small changes…
2023-01-11 17:11:37 RT @JudyMKiyama: Don't miss this incredible opportunity to hear Dr. Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 speak at @uarizona! The keynote address is open to…
2023-01-11 17:11:12 @Markie_Jay06 @MichaelWMosesII Thank you sooo much for reading, DeMarcus!
2023-01-11 17:09:33 RT @Markie_Jay06: #WritingBlackness Day 11: I’m reading one chapter a day of @ruha9’s newest book &
2023-01-11 08:09:30 RT @jelaniwrites: Feeling very encouraged and full after hearing Prof. @ruha9 forward micro theory of social change rooted in creativity, i…
2023-01-11 07:20:14 @StarburnsAudio @adamconover Always love talking to you @adamconover! For those who want to learn more about Viral Justice, visit: https://t.co/yPROyVe6mj
2023-01-11 07:17:40 RT @StarburnsAudio: .@adamconover talks to @ruha9 about alternatives to punishing late students, her book "Viral Justice", and how small ac…
2023-01-11 07:16:32 I… https://t.co/7yC19lvCYe
2023-01-11 06:30:25 RT @iamcardib: PSA!!!! https://t.co/YpJmHmuT2D
2023-01-11 05:45:58 @matt_behm @adamconover Thank you sooo much for tuning in, Matthew!
2023-01-11 05:43:37 @jelaniwrites It was sooo great to meet you, Jelani!
2023-01-10 21:36:21 “So what would it look like for university faculty to link arms with those in overshadowed neighborhoods who are demanding that the university’s policies and its purse get in line with its platitudes?” —Viral Justice, p.160 https://t.co/UwAxDMHg1D https://t.co/QJeo3Ip7dx
2023-01-10 20:41:38 RT @AJLUnited: @WriterCPA We recommend reading @ruha9's book @NewJimCode. Questions about technological benevolence and "fixing" diversity…
2023-01-10 20:21:57 RT @talilalewis: In this interview I trace a line from plantations, residential “schools”, poorhouses &
2023-01-10 19:44:29 Thanks to each &
2023-01-10 19:38:38 “We hope that this victory sets a precedent for our city, and for the country, so that every person has a stable, livable, affordable home.” —@CorbettTenants https://t.co/b7xVcj9Afy
2023-01-10 19:35:47 The @CorbettTenants did not settle &
2023-01-10 19:01:16 RT @CorbettTenants: We recently posted our situation update. TENANTS ARE STILL IN DANGER. This is unacceptable. This is my 94 year-old fath…
2023-01-10 19:00:42 RT @kt10386: As of today, 840 letters have been sent to @BU_Tweets urging them to sell ALL of the properties to @CorbettTenants. Let's get…
2023-01-10 18:59:33 RT @f_bott: “Look at them today swaying between atomic and spiritual disintegration…” Frantz Fanon
2023-01-10 18:21:15 @iajunwa
2023-01-10 18:21:04 RT @iajunwa: Launching the book cover for The Quantified Worker! The concept was my idea but I'm truly grateful to the many others that hel…
2023-01-10 18:19:53 Rsvp: https://t.co/OLL8K46G9j
2023-01-10 18:19:29 Seattle tonite! @uwpubliclecture https://t.co/vugcsEIlMk
2023-01-10 17:20:53 RT @YehCathery: Morning start #ViralJustice @ruha9 https://t.co/vDVAvM9UHg
2023-01-10 17:20:51 @YehCathery Thank you so much for reading, Cathery!
2023-01-10 03:31:06 @UWCCDE See you soon!
2023-01-10 03:30:28 Write girl. —Octavia E. Butler, Jan 21, 1968
2023-01-10 00:18:54 AND the woman who took the photo bought a copy without even knowing what it’s about… now that’s hometown love!
2023-01-10 00:10:01 LAX sighting! #ViralJustice https://t.co/5C4Q5ZuRyi
2023-01-09 21:50:50 @byeliseam @PrincetonHist
2023-01-07 17:55:44 “We are not finished. Our mission is that no tenant be left behind,” Lopez said. “I believe that much more can &
2023-01-07 17:53:53 NO TENANT LEFT BEHIND. BU has “agreed in principle” to accept tenants’ offer to purchase three of the buildings. But that still leaves a 4th bldg w/ 12 families—over 40pp incl. children &
2023-01-07 17:42:50 “There are still nearly 40 people who are in danger of losing their homes. We are not finished. Our mission is that no tenant be left behind,” Lopez said. https://t.co/MupsCtTkRJ
2023-01-07 17:42:05 @JosephHarrisBU @BU_Tweets @Cati_Connell @LorettaCLees @BUPardeeSchool @BUPardeeCenter Not quite! “There are still nearly 40 people who are in danger of losing their homes. We are not finished. Our mission is that no tenant be left behind,” Lopez said.
2023-01-07 16:49:09 RT @datasociety: Tech companies are increasingly selling “smart home” and facial recognition solutions to landlords, explicitly to spy on t…
2023-01-07 16:27:49 RT @Hananmajeedch: "To accept and exploit your vulnerabilities without exposing yourself" Thank you @reparationsclub and @ruha9 for the t…
2023-01-06 20:56:13 Or: making ones controversial views so well-known beforehand that one is never “pushed up” in the first place? https://t.co/oM0Se2ICHd
2023-01-06 20:46:54 New career goal! https://t.co/Wm7iVEtUzn
2023-01-06 20:40:07 COVID REQUIREMENTS: Proof of vaccination and face covering while indoors is required to attend in-person. No exceptions.
2023-01-06 20:29:44 Select “virtual + ticket only” for free zoom admission, otherwise admission comes with signed copy of the book
2023-01-06 20:27:30 TONITE, in-person + virtual https://t.co/M0D3QWPaFC
2023-01-06 20:11:11 RT @rkgwork: Very kind of the NYT to write this article which is either a parody or a plea for people to read @DavarianBaldwin's book. http…
2023-01-06 19:59:52 RT @Niko_E_B: Yesterday Cambridge police shot and killed a 20 year old struggling with what appeared to be a severe mental health crisis. O…
2023-01-06 18:23:51 RT @DorothyERoberts: Durham CPS punished Kelli Smith and her children with a no-contact order when she spoke out against family policing. T…
2023-01-06 02:40:22 https://t.co/TU3RayUuaZ
2023-01-05 23:33:39 RT @xrphilly: Similar to the situation that’s been unfolding @Penn, universities like @BU_Tweets have a responsibility to the communities w…
2023-01-05 22:54:32 RT @neverbeenshy: *passes out Dr. Ruha Benjamin’s Race After Technology*
2023-01-05 22:54:15 RT @Miss_Toppin: Need to put Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 on my reading list. @allblackculture #Technology https://t.co/lZ…
2023-01-05 22:53:50 RT @IBJIYONGI: Not back but this is an important story — please circulate and let @BU_Tweets know they have to do the right thing
2023-01-05 20:08:29 Join us virtually if you’re not in LA tmrw! Click *Virtual Ticket Only* for free admission: https://t.co/ulsiJcntLI https://t.co/M0D3QWPaFC
2023-01-05 19:54:48 LISTEN HEREto the tenants of the Baldwin Hills apartment complex that Boston University now owns: https://t.co/R7AT4WUP3o @BU_Tweets @bualumni https://t.co/sNhw5Vi3tv
2023-01-05 16:53:32 RT @exodusbagels: As a LA native and a Boston University alumni I am saddened and frustrated by this story. Another heartbreaking story of…
2023-01-05 05:44:25 RT @meredithdclark: @BU_Tweets, this is a prime opportunity to put in work on those 2020 pledges.
2023-01-05 03:27:40 As @DavarianBaldwin asks in In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower, “what are the costs when colleges &
2023-01-05 02:58:41 YouTube link: https://t.co/RPSCwLpn8a
2023-01-05 02:37:04 RT @CorbettTenants: 40 families in Los Angeles in danger of becoming evicted if Boston University sells our apartment buildings to for-prof…
2023-01-05 02:26:49 When the problems facing us are so massive and systemic, how can we ever hope to address them as individuals? To hear @adamconover &
2023-01-05 02:18:16 RT @MC_NASE: @ruha9 @BU_Tweets @bostonradio This story about BU needs some amplification in Boston.
2023-01-05 02:03:15 RT @Cati_Connell: BU fam, this story developed over the holidays so it wasn't as on our radar as it should have been. Let's talk about how…
2023-01-05 02:03:11 RT @kt10386: BU faculty, staff, and students, the time is now to tell @BU_Tweets that selling this property to for-profit developers is an…
2023-01-05 02:03:00 RT @SusieusMaximus: This is shameful. Nothing more, nothing less. @BU_Tweets, an institution supposedly devoted to the public good, is usin…
2023-01-05 02:02:54 RT @DrTanksley: This is inhumane and unacceptable!! The price of living in CA is outrageous, and continuing to displace vulnerable communit…
2023-01-05 02:02:44 RT @JeannineHillFle: Community Land Trusts put ownership back in the hands of the community! Boston University @BU_Tweets has a clear opp…
2023-01-05 02:01:00 RT @ntammerman: Please, @BU_Tweets set an example by accepting the offer from Liberty Community Land Trust to keep this community in their…
2023-01-05 00:55:35 RT @gomehead2000: Perhaps @KarenBassLA can also exert some advocacy for LA residents and contact @BU_Tweets
2023-01-05 00:33:47 RT @adamconover: This week on Factually, the wonderful @ruha9 RETURNS to explain her theory of viral justice, and about how small actions f…
2023-01-04 18:04:42 You can write @BU_Tweets Pres. Brown+ urging the university to accept tenants’ offer to purchase the property gifted by a wealthy donor rather than face eviction: President@bu.edu Dsears@bu.edu, chief of staff Dhowe@bu.edu, VP of operations MDifabio@bu.edu, VP for real estate https://t.co/sNhw5Vi3tv https://t.co/f1JVa0j3CY
2023-01-04 15:41:53 RT @JosephHarrisBU: A great opportunity here to model social justice in urban spaces nationally and the ideals that led to the donation in…
2023-01-04 15:41:45 RT @dr_katon: As a @BU_Tweets alumni I call on BU to accept the price being offered by the tenants through a community land trust. Housing…
2023-01-04 15:41:32 RT @aswepr0ceed: @BU_Tweets how does selling the properties the university received for free to gentrifying developers honor Pardee's legac…
2023-01-04 15:41:15 RT @MC_NASE: @BU_Tweets , do the right thing!
2023-01-04 15:41:05 RT @meghanetinsley: BU loves to throw around the name of its most famous alum, but it conveniently forgets that #MLK fought for fair housin…
2023-01-04 02:49:53 @JosephHarrisBU Thank you Joseph!
2023-01-04 02:33:35 RT @DavarianBaldwin: This @BU_Tweets land deal is straight from what I call the #UniverCities play book. Its schools that sit at the center…
2023-01-04 02:31:45 RT @SamTLevin: New California data on police stops: •Black youth ages 15-17 searched at six times the rate of white teenagers •Black you…
2023-01-04 02:30:45 RT @LikeButta3: How to handle the Police when you want accountability. #CommunityActivist #PoliceReform #CommunityPolicing https://t.co/2w…
2023-01-04 02:26:06 @Hananmajeedch Yes! Any and everything by this group of people: https://t.co/wT1wRljqWb
2023-01-04 02:07:11 @Hananmajeedch Thank you for your interest Hanan! This particular conversation is not about race &
2023-01-04 01:35:50 *Follow @KnockDotLA and @CorbettTenants for updates
2023-01-04 00:48:08 The @BU_Tweets alumnus who donated the property—the late Frederick S. Pardee—also donated $50M for the @BUPardeeSchool of Global Studies, “dedicated to improving the human condition.” Does this include the condition of tenants threatened w/eviction if BU sells to developers? https://t.co/sNhw5Vi3tv
2023-01-03 23:44:20 For more info: https://t.co/Kne1nZqGYU
2023-01-03 23:43:42 As a former @BU_Tweets professor and former resident of this LA neighborhood, I stand with the 130 residents and 40 families who will face eviction if BU sells donated apartments to for-profit buyers. You can help by boosting this story,or emailing BU admin to voice support! https://t.co/sNhw5Vi3tv https://t.co/Fi07T2pziw
2023-01-03 18:35:20 RT @PrincetonUPress: Please join @reparationsclub for an in-person and virtual event with author and Princeton professor, @ruha9, and film…
2023-01-03 18:08:28 @Cati_Connell Thank you Cati!!
2023-01-03 17:59:56 For context: “The UN’s housing advisor has accused private equity firms and one of the world’s largest corporate residential landlords, Blackstone Group, of exploiting tenants, “wreaking havoc” in communities and helping to fuel a global housing crisis.” https://t.co/BUlY3Ep4BW
2023-01-03 17:58:54 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: @DavarianBaldwin has written extensively, passionately on the destructive role of universities in communities they cla…
2023-01-03 17:58:38 WHAT!?? https://t.co/B1uQPUoMQE
2023-01-03 17:39:15 For more info: https://t.co/7rysfgSFQ5
2023-01-03 17:38:42 Please join me in calling on Boston University to accept the fair price of tenants seeking control over their homes through a Black-led community land trust instead of @BU_Tweets selling the LA property to developers who would evict over 100pp! https://t.co/hDl2rzQE3m
2023-01-03 04:45:50 RT @paulisci: A List of Predictions Made in 1923 About 2023
2023-01-03 04:36:06 RT @garrett_felber: I touched on it a bit in this Boston Review article from a few years ago, but I think it's so important that many of th…
2023-01-03 00:51:55 RT @lopez4schools: Starting the year with intensive and intentional reading. Finished #BraidingSweetgrass and onto @ruha9 #ViralJustice. No…
2023-01-02 07:27:30 @markcmarino frommmm
2023-01-02 04:05:27 @Markie_Jay06 @CalebDawson
2023-01-01 20:41:46 In 2023 someone should make a karaoke-themed escape room
2023-01-01 19:58:29 RT @CalebDawson: I’m glad to see @ruha9’s Viral Justice featured prominently at SeaTac airport It might be the next book I get for my g…
2023-01-01 19:58:26 @CalebDawson Ohhhsweet thanku for sharing!
2023-01-01 19:18:23 @anthonyocampo GLORIOUS
2023-01-01 18:11:49 RT @KaranjaKeita: #OTD in 2009 #OscarGrant was a victim of state violence at the hands of BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle at Fruitval…
2023-01-01 16:43:33 RT @MayaSchenwar: Happy New Year! I wrote this piece in which I asked a bunch of incredible organizers what's bringing them hope for decarc…
2022-12-31 23:22:52 @gofetchgretch *me signing up for your author event waitlist* https://t.co/SbpsORpujC
2022-12-31 21:43:42 RT @democracynow: More than 30 people have died in Buffalo, New York, after a historic winter storm devastated the city. Community activist…
2022-12-31 06:24:47 RT @MissyElliott: HipHop during this era a lot of emcees was story tellers… They painted pictures with their rhymes these women deserve t…
2022-12-30 23:47:53 …after saying a week earlier that cops *could* use killer robots #protestworks https://t.co/jWkVQjya9n
2022-12-30 23:47:08 Meanwhile this happened in The Year of Our Lord 2022—SF says cops *cannot* use killer robots https://t.co/Bj9fLDU7ch
2022-12-30 23:39:42 bc I cannot not footnote my tweets https://t.co/xzFc8vZnIx
2022-12-30 23:38:33 its like some of u learned nothing from watching the Jetsons https://t.co/ZULbeETELD
2022-12-30 23:35:32 RT @JColey716: Many people have asked how they can help in the aftermath of the Buffalo Blizzard. Please check out this of people, famili…
2022-12-30 23:34:58 RT @karenkho: it's weird to see prominent white people in society push personal responsibility for issues like health and safety and then a…
2022-12-30 16:18:01 RT @GretaThunberg: this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes
2022-12-30 16:15:25 RT @hahnscratch: I once had an illicit vegetable garden in prison. We smuggled fresh veggies into the cell blocks. A thread...
2022-12-29 17:08:23 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: They don’t have a “feed the hungry” unit or a “heat the cold” unit, or a “house the homeless” unit, but of course they…
2022-12-28 21:13:09 RT @DrFrankRoberts: The abolitionist Baldwin. https://t.co/8WxCR9kZgx
2022-12-28 19:10:10 RT @kinohin: My @Princeton colleague @amariewomack has not only curated a remarkable exhibition of the Toni Morrison Papers but also coordi…
2022-12-28 19:10:05 @kinohin @f_bott @Princeton @amariewomack It’s REMARKABLE!
2022-12-27 22:45:07 RT @UWSoN: The ARCH Center is proud to co-sponsor a talk with Dr. Ruha Benjamin on Tues. 1/10/23 through @uwpubliclecture. #HuskyNurse Dr.…
2022-12-27 18:14:05 MUST LISTEN! https://t.co/wEC2Z8dthA
2022-12-27 16:04:13 READ THIS: “If decolonization typically pits native against settler in a struggle for the land, Indigenous resurgence focuses on how to belong most ethically in relationship to one another and to the land.” —@4noura https://t.co/iD5R31dqQM
2022-12-26 15:32:23 RT @Reighangillam: "The main thing is that you have to trust your voice. Once you trust your own voice, then you’re going to write well. A…
2022-12-26 01:35:27 @nylefort By any means! Free Semaj
2022-12-25 20:23:53 @AlKaWilliamson
2022-12-23 19:56:49 @Timamusson @aconcisehistory
2022-12-23 19:53:45 RT @freezydorito: the fully automated mcdonald’s simply having a conveyor belt from the kitchen where humans are very much cooking the burg…
2022-12-23 19:52:11 RT @DrFrankRoberts: “The point is to get your work done, and your work is to change the world.” -James Baldwin https://t.co/jRDgvdwWmc
2022-12-23 03:23:18 RT @ColumbiaEthics: Watch the recording of our Ethics Grand Rounds event with @ruha9, entitled "Viral Justice: Pandemics, Policing, and Pub…
2022-12-23 03:23:14 RT @LSE_US: As we approach the end of the year, catch up on some of our forward looking event podcasts from 2022! Viral Justice https:/…
2022-12-22 02:09:05 RT @thearchcenter: The ARCH Center is proud to co-sponsor Dr. Ruha Benjamin's talk on Tuesday January 10th, 2023 at 7:30 pm through UW's Of…
2022-12-21 22:28:53 @Beth_Meyerson You made my day! And huge thanks to your son
2022-12-21 19:09:16 *Hybrid/remote option available.
2022-12-21 17:58:53 RT @PepePierce: So you want to decolonize your syllabus, a thread: 1. Start by understanding what decolonization means, and that it is not…
2022-12-21 17:19:20 More about Reparations Club here, https://t.co/tbU6VVLYNY https://t.co/958x3Wh6yK
2022-12-21 17:14:48 LOS ANGELES JAN 6: The first #ViralJustice conversation of 2023 is at the one &
2022-12-21 07:55:33 RT @saribethrose: Just jumping in here to remind everyone that as we end the year, in school districts like Dallas ISD teachers are not all…
2022-12-21 06:17:20 RT @oliviasolon: Google funded a lawsuit (now dropped) to prevent journalists from finding out that the company uses 29% of an Oregon city'…
2022-12-20 23:28:47 RT @BlackIranians: Karaj is never stopping گوهردشت کرج amplify Iranians’ fight for freedom, tell the world it’s until freedom‼ #Ir…
2022-12-20 18:10:39 RT @stschrader1: New study shows 43 of the 50 most populous cities in the US spend more on police, jails, courts, etc than on health &
2022-12-20 00:53:23 RT @JudyMKiyama: Join us for the Black Faculty Speakers Series featuring Dr. Ruha Benjamin on 1/25 &
2022-12-20 00:51:38 @zra_research @Sakiera_Hudson
2022-12-20 00:50:58 @DeVaneyGoBlue @FlemingPaulJ Heyyy, thanks both of you!
2022-12-20 00:49:51 RT @ariana_ltl: Thank you Dr. Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 for writing Viral Justice. What a beautiful book for ending 2022. Highly recommend to al…
2022-12-20 00:49:48 @ariana_ltl Thank you sooo much for reading &
2022-12-19 02:09:59 @afua_bruce Ha! Sneaky! Tell dad I hope he enjoys the rest
2022-12-18 22:38:22 @hebagowayed A magician!
2022-12-18 22:35:06 @rahallclifford EXACTLY
2022-12-18 22:34:49 @KevinMKruse “And here are the eucalyptus cooling sheets!”
2022-12-18 22:33:30 RT @szhang_ds: It's still permitted to link to https://t.co/5bOlRBkoBn, as that's not a Mastodon instance. If you're considering moving pl…
2022-12-18 21:38:16 If “its the not the destination, its the journey” were a person https://t.co/2av6TCYx43
2022-12-18 15:49:39 RT @JoshuaPHilll: Thirteen million dollars is less than what the NYPD gets every 12 hours.
2022-12-18 15:42:00 RT @AndrewArruda: we're stuck in 2022 while this man is living in 2075 https://t.co/SwXlvWc9Yp
2022-12-18 15:28:28 RT @PrincetonAudio: The much-anticipated #audiobook for Viral Justice by Dr. Ruha Benjamin is here! Narrated by the author herself and incl…
2022-12-18 02:02:49 RT @ashoncrawley: a long time coming, almost here, february 2023–Spirituality and Abolition, edited by myself and Roberto Sirvent for Aboli…
2022-12-18 02:01:53 RT @DrBlackDeer: Don't wanna watch the colonial glorifying blue people movie? Check out these sci-fi films by actual Indigenous people tell…
2022-12-18 00:55:00 RT @ProfessaJay: The turf wars in academia can be petty, but as someone who has worked lots of other jobs, I always remind myself that most…
2022-12-18 00:48:15 RT @Princeton: .@PrincetonAAS professor @ruha9 joined @TPRNews' "The Source" podcast to discuss the changes society can make to combat syst…
2022-12-17 20:19:59 @DeVaneyGoBlue Thank you for reading!
2022-12-17 03:18:06 “In its richly multidisciplinary approach, Feelin calls for the development of research methods that acknowledge creative and emotionally rigorous work as productive by incorporating visual art, narrative, and poetry.”
2022-12-17 03:17:30 This book makes a “bold and vital intervention in critical theory’s trend toward disembodying feeling as knowledge.” It considers “how discourses on emotion as they are explored by Black women artists offer alternatives to the concept of the human.”
2022-12-17 03:14:57 Join me in wishing my Spelman sis @bettinajudd HAPPY PUB DAY! https://t.co/57F2fIDzLw
2022-12-17 03:12:34 RT @DrRinaBliss: Do you have your gift copies of #ViralJustice yet? I couldn’t resist grabbing every last one! If you’re looking for some…
2022-12-17 03:12:29 @DrRinaBliss
2022-12-16 02:22:41 RT @L10nLab: We book clubs! Here’s a great study guide to Prof. @ruha9’s Race After Technology, sign up below to join the book club meet…
2022-12-16 02:22:12 RT @DataFemNetwork: Take a look at our FREE Study Guide for Race After Technology by @ruha9! The book cuts through tech-industry hype to u…
2022-12-15 18:11:26 RT @kim_jmartin: “For those who really care about health equity,the first step is to stop producing fuzzy X-rays of reality.Racism,not race…
2022-12-15 03:15:05 RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: “Hi, Professor. I know this semester isn’t actually over yet, but I was wondering if you had the syllabus ready for yo…
2022-12-15 02:58:06 RT @sfpc: Artists, makers and teachers within the SFPC community have donated a wealth of objects, prints, ephemera, gadgets, office hours,…
2022-12-13 21:45:54 @micahinATL Is this an excerpt from an unpublished Octavia Butler novel?
2022-12-12 23:16:35 “To be Farah’s student was not to be part of a clique staking out and defending a particular intellectual posture…or a clone projecting an expression of her brilliance. Farah doesnt take credit for her students’ accomplishments bc she approaches learning as an act of mutuality.”
2022-12-12 23:14:50 “In this period of increasing polarization exacerbated by a toxic and profoundly unequal academic star system, Farah models a different way of thinking and listening, a different vision of pedagogy, a different university, a different universe.” https://t.co/HvazlUlhOd
2022-12-12 04:04:55 @uche_blackstock Surrounding you sis (((O)))
2022-12-11 18:56:15 For those of you on TikTok, I’m giving it a try, come find me! @ruhabenjamin https://t.co/pjeC8m1XYF
2022-12-11 16:08:51 @redrocketpanda Thank you sooo much for reading &
2022-12-11 13:50:22 RT @UAW7902: You heard it here first: We have countersigned a tentative agreement and the strike is ending. Stay tuned for the official j…
2022-12-11 02:53:47 RT @DyjuanTatro: Poison an entire city &
2022-12-10 22:49:08 RT @KhaledBeydoun: "I am not here to be a politician. We want to fly Africa's flag high just like Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon. We are here to…
2022-12-10 14:08:08 RT @BlackIranians: Tehran, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran university, as an act of protest for the execution of #MohsenShekari, women…
2022-12-10 02:58:50 @ColleenJSuljic @PrincetonUPress @TheBookTableOP
2022-12-10 02:47:30 RT @rajiinio: Me &
2022-12-09 14:28:04 Who could’ve predicted? https://t.co/MRmhRJwI57
2022-12-09 05:01:01 Shout out to @Kenia_Hale for bringing her vision &
2022-12-09 02:55:14 RT @jsench: There's always in these messages the idea that nothing educational happens during a strike - that solidarity is not learning, t…
2022-12-09 01:48:37 What a beautiful sight to behold! @PaytonCroskey + Kenia Hale from the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab in Cholula, Mexico presenting on “Liberatory Technology &
2022-12-08 18:23:53 RT @louise_seamster: If you're looking for an explanation for the institutional isomorphism that produces such consistently brutal admin re…
2022-12-08 18:18:44 RT @micahinATL: per @prisonculture's new books tweet yesterday, did a little re-vamp of this tally of forthcoming abolitionist books, feel…
2022-12-08 16:58:02 @gradworkersofBU @richardshiggins
2022-12-08 16:50:19 THIS. https://t.co/W24LBkowDa
2022-12-08 15:56:26 RT @jaybeware: Glad to hear that Brittney Griner is headed home. Important to remember that the US incarcerates more Black women and at a h…
2022-12-08 15:23:20 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: For any of you that thought the academy was some sacrosanct space to idle about &
2022-12-08 15:18:05 EYYYY, join me in celebrating new @PrincetonAAS colleague @lorgia_pena! OVER-Overjoyed! https://t.co/OGnZOPfVQW
2022-12-08 14:23:15 RT @_Nataleah: may Britney Griner return home safely to be enveloped in warmth, care and privacy
2022-12-08 14:22:32 RT @VWilliams_TV: As I walked out of my apartment building to take my trash out around noon, I noticed three @ChicagoCAPS24 squad cars in m…
2022-12-08 14:09:17 RT @agordonreed: Excellent!!! Whew! Brittney Griner released by Russia in 1-for-1 prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout, U.S. official…
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-15 19:16:47 RT @MichaelTheStdnt: Day 1 of the strike. UCLA people in solidarity. Undergrads, do not go to class. Grad students in the school of educati…
2022-11-15 18:38:58 TONITE! https://t.co/3BM7wCtGrk
2022-11-15 18:26:08 @DrYoFiggy EYYYY!!
2022-11-15 17:44:15 RT @equalityAlec: BREAKING news: We have just filed a landmark civil rights lawsuit challenging the cash bail system in Los Angeles, home…
2022-11-15 14:14:40 RT @imaniperry: Just babies... Beautiful precious young men.
2022-11-14 19:09:24 RT @nyupublichealth: Are Robots Racist? Rethinking Automation &
2022-11-14 19:00:51 @nyu_journalism @PrincetonUPress Day after tmrw! Nov 16.
2022-11-14 18:50:43 RT @FacultyBerkeley: Faculty have a legally protected to support the strike by withdrawing their academic labor - including teaching #FairU…
2022-11-14 18:50:37 RT @IBJIYONGI: I just signed a @CaliforniaLabor petition. Show your support for academic workers at University of California fighting for a…
2022-11-14 18:40:53 RT @TobiasHigbie: Monday morning at 8 am, 48,000 UC academic workers hit the picket lines in the largest higher education strike in US hist…
2022-11-14 18:39:49 Join me in contributing to the strike fund for @UAW 5810/2865/SRU! https://t.co/TLZWz0Z4YA #FairUCNow https://t.co/Uq09yEWTxc
2022-11-13 22:00:54 @anthrotech_ana Thank you so much for reading, Ana!
2022-11-13 21:57:00 RT @nyupublichealth: Are Robots Racist? Rethinking Automation &
2022-11-13 21:56:01 RT @PrincetonUPress: Please join @nyu_journalism for a lecture by award-winning author Dr. @ruha9, Nov. 16, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EST. Her newe…
2022-11-13 21:55:42 @callmevrana https://t.co/ih1gVq3dN4
2022-11-13 21:53:16 RT @callmevrana: I chose this lovely Sunday to start reading @ruha9's new Viral Justice - *&
2022-11-12 21:28:16 RT @UjuAnya: A 9yo Black child clearly into science identified a problem harming her neighborhood, researched, found a safe solution, and w…
2022-11-12 11:12:54 RT @micahinATL: “Organized abandonment means that financially strapped cities rely on policing to contain austerity’s carnage” —Naomi Murak…
2022-11-12 11:12:44 RT @MsKellyMHayes: I talked to one of the folks behind Project Mushroom today. I liked what I heard. If you're on here for activist/organiz…
2022-11-12 06:34:33 RT @NicolRHoward: Close to completing my read of @ruha9’s #ViralJustice. So much truth and a work of art. #IYKYKI’ll be back with more th…
2022-11-11 21:01:01 RT @FugitiveImages: The Alchemy Lecture “Borders, Human Itineraries and All Our Relation,” is incredible in all ways. A thinking I want to…
2022-11-11 19:32:18 @STS_News @alexandratscott @dr_halpern @merbroussard @safiyanoble @PopTechWorks this! https://t.co/0t8QB0mmUu
2022-11-11 19:19:05 @bdzomba @nyuniversity Thank you so much for listening, Bari!
2022-11-11 19:16:24 RT @RodantevdWaal: Last week @ruha9 gave a brilliant lecture @cambridgeuniversity. Reading her book now, I can’t believe my luck that a WHO…
2022-11-11 19:15:55 @mjcraw @LyzBurden @EmilyLiebtag @LASTNAMELIPSET @SunannaC @justmikeyates @husslington @punitadani @MurrayLWoodard @AKASMOM @MarcusLStrother Thank you so much for reading &
2022-11-11 19:15:30 RT @mjcraw: @ruha9 https://t.co/rWMyWoZSa8
2022-11-11 19:14:28 @tamaranopper OhhhhSNAAAP!
2022-11-11 12:31:06 RT @ProfSrilaRoy: Still thinking of this beautiful poem that @ruha9 read at the launch of her book, Viral Justice, here in Johannesburg las…
2022-11-10 20:32:13 RT @Abolition_Jess: Ever consider being a pen pal to an incarcerated person? Reentry work begins before one is released. Visit https://t.co…
2022-11-10 20:31:57 RT @thePhDandMe: Over this year I have been working with @kateetthompson on translating my research on #racialcapitalism &
2022-11-10 20:13:58 Aaaand its almost a wrap! Last stop for the Viral Justice launch, I’d love to see you on Wed Nov 16 @ 6pm, 20 Cooper Sq @NYUniversity, Spread the word—>
2022-11-10 15:26:05 @ProfeMauMagana Yup…wait til you get to that part of the chapter on LIES :-(
2022-11-10 15:24:59 RT @AfreGlobal: This Thursday, join AFRE at Toasted in Johannesburg for a conversation with brilliant scholar @Ruha9 about her new book, Vi…
2022-11-10 15:24:33 RT @ctfoa: I’ve just finished listening to this #podcast by one of my favourite writers on #race -@ruha9 focuses on #racism #Blackness, #…
2022-11-10 15:24:28 @ctfoa @PrincetonUPress Thank you so much for listening!
2022-11-10 15:19:09 @ProfeMauMagana Ahhh, thank you for reading! Next goal, banned book list.
2022-11-10 15:11:49 RT @ProfeMauMagana: You know you’re big time when they sell your university press published book at the airport!Excited to get into @…
2022-11-10 15:11:34 @ProfeMauMagana But wait! What airport??
2022-11-10 15:09:36 RT @gomehead2000: @DrThembot @DrTanksley @ruha9 Favorite annotation today (so far), “To engender trustworthiness, as a first step, we have…
2022-11-10 15:09:29 RT @DrThembot: Who’s stoked for next week’s Book Club, cohosted with my sister @DrTanksley? Show me your pics of how you are annotating @ru…
2022-11-09 18:04:09 @KlaasEller @UvA_IAS @antievictionmap Thank you for your generative question, Klaas!
2022-11-09 17:26:31 @Brooklyne https://t.co/AaKlZdOZNo
2022-11-09 15:43:02 RT @taraghuveer: VICTORY. Today 70% of Kansas City voted to approve a $50 million bond for housing with rents between $550-750, at or below…
2022-11-09 15:09:14 “The Black Digital South residency programme…seeks to shift the geography of the conversation, creating hospitable spaces and platforms for artists, scholars and activists to address the digital turn from Global South locations, perspectives and experiences.”
2022-11-09 15:08:08 BLACK DIGITAL SOUTH: “From the southern hemisphere, and Africa in particular which holds almost 30% of the mineral deposits essential to the global digital economy, what modes of analysis, critique, imagination and care are needed…?” Learn more: https://t.co/VO6Rrs6CaH
2022-11-09 09:16:01 Joburg friends, please join us! https://t.co/d2UGCzxNko
2022-11-06 22:38:14 RT @mat_johnson: We still have this legacy dynamic, but Twitter truly altered it for the better. It allowed BIPOC authors to get around the…
2022-11-06 22:32:07 “UAW members' working conditions are our learning conditions…A university which is invested in providing a high quality education to its students is a university that pays its workers well and supports them professionally.” https://t.co/O27M0XpOx0
2022-11-06 22:30:37 RT @EliseJoshi: My graduate teacher at UC Berkeley told our class that UCB offered wage increases to non-union workers to prevent the strik…
2022-11-06 21:44:05 RT @AlexandraErin: So a thing I'm noticing is people replying to tweets about if Twitter stops working or if Twitter goes away by talking a…
2022-11-06 21:33:45 RT @mguariglia: It was obvious this is what Chad Wolf was up to and activists have been warning that this is how the DHS was being used for…
2022-11-06 19:51:07 RT @CivicsOfTech: New Blog: November Book Club, Viral Justice by @ruha9 Join hosts @DrTanksley &
2022-11-06 19:50:56 RT @AMReese07: TLDR: you can access “Where the Money Resides: Demystifying Academic Job Negotiations” for free here: https://t.co/99iTXsQeg…
2022-11-06 19:50:38 RT @DrSamiSchalk: @Imani_Barbarin Just so folks know: #BlackDisabilityPolitics is #OpenAcess! Anyone with the internet can download and rea…
2022-11-06 11:04:38 RT @WalterDGreason: It took me a few days to realize it, but what we are seeing on Twitter is an example of 'counter-convergence'. It is ha…
2022-11-05 23:12:12 RT @PrincetonUPress: Listen in to chapter 1 of Ruha Benjamin's Viral Justice, featuring a bonus Q&
2022-11-05 15:25:21 RT @timnitGebru: When a billionaire’s whim, just like that, erases what these women have worked on while fighting an uphill battle so that…
2022-11-05 15:21:20 RT @safiyanoble: Worth the time to read @meredithdclark ‘s new piece if you love #BlackTwitter: This just might be the end of an era. “Elon…
2022-11-05 14:33:45 RT @HuuDijstelbloem: We are incredibly proud to host a conversation with @ruha9 and students about her new book Viral Justice at @UvA_IAS o…
2022-11-05 14:30:23 @FennaImara Thank you sooo much for coming Fenna!
2022-11-05 09:12:22 RT @KeishaBlain: ”Part memoir, part manifesto, Viral Justice is a sweeping and deeply personal exploration of how we can transform society…
2022-11-03 17:15:15 RT @bniyoush: floored by Professor Ruha Benjamin’s (@ruha9) beautiful talk, her emphasis on the potentials of (small-scale!) resistance, an…
2022-11-03 17:14:15 RT @LSE_US: Join us online at 6.30pm this evening for our event with @ruha9! We'll be discussing her new book, Viral Justice, which is a de…
2022-11-03 17:13:49 RT @RSAEvents: Don't forget that you can get a 20% discount on @ruha9's latest book when you purchase it from Foyles with the code FOYLESRS…
2022-11-03 17:13:01 RT @CambridgeUCU: In her new book, @ruha9 writes that viral justice "is anticipatory and inventive - asking what if? - while stubbornly inv…
2022-11-03 14:20:45 @NasheedQFaruqi @ManduReid @WEP_UK @theRSAorg Thank you for your question!
2022-11-02 20:18:23 RT @ManduReid: Tomorrow I have the honour of conversing with my old school friend Professor Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) about her extraordinary…
2022-11-02 20:18:14 RT @RSAEvents: Tomorrow is your chance to hear @ManduReid in conversation with the captivating writer @ruha9. But don't take our word for i…
2022-11-02 20:17:11 @bniyoush @CambridgeUCU I talk about what inspires me!
2022-11-02 03:18:31 @amizota @pbaJackson Thank you both sooo much for tuning in n soaking it up! It’s the +energy I needed as I board this redeye
2022-11-02 03:13:02 The Power of One (and his students) https://t.co/cCUQaanVQg
2022-11-02 00:58:42 RT @CoreyMiles__: Just because your work doesn’t easily translate to policy recommendations does not mean it is not extremely needed at thi…
2022-11-01 23:48:41 @sandrasoojinlee @ColumbiaEthics The pleasure was all mine! What amazing questions, I’ll be mulling for days.
2022-11-01 23:48:08 “But the new movements, like the old, must at all cost occupy the terrain of fundamental needs, not of short-term political ‘realism.’” https://t.co/dxk8Pu04EW
2022-11-01 20:23:47 @Udadisi @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-01 20:12:32 Happening now. https://t.co/6VjfFkelao
2022-11-01 15:28:14 RT @BhmUK: Latest Event in Cambridge on Wednesday 2th November: @EqualityCam invite you to the @Cambridge_Uni Annual Race Lecture to be del…
2022-11-01 02:44:21 RT @DyjuanTatro: Today, Rikers island claimed its 18th victim this year. The death toll in NYC jails is at its highest since 2013.People…
2022-11-01 01:37:45 RT @equalityAlec: Important to remember: human societies in many contexts have shown that, under appropriate conditions, they are capable o…
2022-10-31 18:56:50 RT @KateAronoff: Historic day for the fitness influencer community https://t.co/tt2EHYurc5
2022-10-31 18:55:40 RT @CoreyMiles__: Y’all be praising black excellence but I support black aight-ness. We don’t need to be excellent to be loved, celebrated,…
2022-10-31 17:23:20 agnotology (n.)
2022-10-31 16:25:54 RT @JuliaCarmel__: We routinely ask constituents in Bushwick and Cypress Hills/East New York: What makes you feel safe? What makes a neighb…
2022-10-31 16:25:40 RT @CJSprigman: When you look not just at murders, but also at car crashes--a very large cause of death in America--NYC's relative safety b…
2022-10-31 16:24:36 @DenaSimmons @ValeriaBrownEdu @LiberatED_SEL @ShaunaTominey @miriam_e_miller
2022-10-31 15:15:21 RT @alexispauline: I was going to say because the ink is dry &
2022-10-31 13:03:33 RT @sandrasoojinlee: Looking forward to moderating @ColumbiaEthics #Ethics Grand Rounds TOMORROW w/ @PrincetonAAS's RUHA BENJAMIN @ruha9 s…
2022-10-31 12:25:30 @speckadust https://t.co/rum4KNo7MB
2022-10-31 01:41:29 @queendurag @CivicsOfTech @DrTanksley @DrThembot
2022-10-31 01:02:48 @queendurag @CivicsOfTech @DrTanksley @DrThembot Thank you sooo much for offering this!
2022-10-31 01:01:41 RT @queendurag: I'll be joining in on @CivicsOfTech bookclub in November reading @ruha9 Viral Justice! It is being co-lead by @DrTanksley a…
2022-10-30 20:34:51 Here’s my handle, post yours below: ruha9@mastodon.social https://t.co/XeD9UcHRIC
2022-10-30 20:31:56 @Euthydemu5 @Powells @mollycrabapple @DanushaLameris
2022-10-30 19:55:59 @JonTheGeek @jim_gruman
2022-10-30 19:54:50 @tararobertson @vcastillo630
2022-10-30 17:24:57 @Prof_WCByrd @nicolasbooks Woohoo!
2022-10-30 16:53:35 @BernardHarcourt @DorothyERoberts @corinneblalock @duendeaude @cruisingatopia @SamuelRGalloway @dereckapurnell @jasonintrator @FinchelsteinF @avitale @GillesGressani @ocsalevj Hi Bernard! Most ppl I know that are leaving are migrating to @joinmastodon https://t.co/ajz1vO06MB
2022-10-30 15:39:14 “The question both higher education institutions and research funders have to ask themselves is if this drive towards mosaic or portfolio careers is a productive, fair, efficient and effective use of public resources and of higher education workers.”
2022-10-30 15:38:56 “Although I did not ask about health and wellbeing, work-work balance issues may be one reason why the highest sickness absence rates in the Nordic countries, and particularly in Norway, Sweden and Finland, are in the ‘public administration, education, and health’ sector.”
2022-10-30 15:37:59 Re, work-work balance: “It is an issue that remains largely unaddressed in contemporary higher education research but which deserves our attention as we face mounting and diverse work pressures that threaten academics’ ability to work in a sustainable manner.”
2022-10-30 15:17:10 @saigrundy No, literally, my edges THINNED
2022-10-30 15:16:10 “Work-work balance” AKA imbalance AKA 3 jobs for the price of one AKA when our edges are no longer thriving https://t.co/k5EqHnb68d
2022-10-30 15:09:22 @saigrundy Hot off the presses https://t.co/k5EqHnb68d
2022-10-30 15:07:55 RT @surlybassey: “Greenidge paints an unsparing portrait of the Black elite as an anxious and aloof vanguard whose well-intended brand of r…
2022-10-30 13:15:10 RT @Esqueer_: Elon musk is engaging in pizza gate level disinformation about Paul Pelosi. Absolutely disgusting. This place is already a ce…
2022-10-30 02:05:27 PART 2: If you’re in Cambridge, London, Amsterdam, Joburg, or NYC, I’d love to see half your face! *plus all the UK events have livestream options, https://t.co/w96HWGmsnr https://t.co/zeHTYSx4QN
2022-10-30 00:12:46 PART 2: Are you in Cambridge, London, Amsterdam, Joburg, or NYC? I’d love to see half of your face! *Plus all the UK events have livestream options. https://t.co/w96HWGmsnr https://t.co/zeHTYSx4QN https://t.co/xSS7Hp29QE
2022-10-29 23:36:57 RT @reneeisto: “The doula effect is a model for all of health care, showing us what it looks like to accompany people when they are at thei…
2022-10-29 23:36:46 RT @RSAEvents: Feeling overwhelmed about the scale of our challenges? Maybe it's time to focus on the practical changes we can enact on…
2022-10-29 23:36:40 RT @LSEDataScience: Join Prof Ruha Benjamin at the next Phelan United States Centre event Ruha is the founding director of the Ida B. We…
2022-10-29 23:36:26 RT @CHCInetwork: The Division of Ethics @Columbia, invites you to the online series Ethics Ground Rounds with @ruha9, moderated by @sandras…
2022-10-29 23:34:50 RT @HuuDijstelbloem: Next week @ruha9 will honor the Netherlands with a visit to speak about her new book Viral Justice. We are incredibly…
2022-10-29 20:11:48 @LashNolen It was soooo lovely to connect today LaShyra!
2022-10-29 20:11:08 RT @LashNolen: “I wanted to metabolize my anger to create something that was nourishing to me and hopefully to others too.” -@ruha9 on her…
2022-10-29 19:56:04 @DeAnnaYSmith
2022-10-29 19:21:49 RT @_Eric_Reinhart: First, what does jailing not do? No good evidence supports claims that it prevents violence, but abundant evidence show…
2022-10-29 19:12:55 RT @roneglash: For some backstory on @ruha9's Viral Justice try dropping in on her Office Hour, courtesy of @MegLevinsonhttps://t.co/xsRF…
2022-10-29 19:01:43 @Reighangillam Long overdue, soooo good to finally meet, Reighan!
2022-10-29 19:00:04 @msfcurry So wonderful to meet you Milton!
2022-10-29 15:45:40 Boston friends, hope to see you today 1:15pm @ Old South Church @bostonbookfest https://t.co/aILOIrejEo https://t.co/zvtCHd5zHK
2022-10-29 14:51:52 RT @Reprieve: Thank you to everyone who helped campaign for Saifullah’s release.He once described life at Guantánamo as “being alive in y…
2022-10-29 13:04:19 Btw, this quote “teachers working conditions…” is attributed to Diane Ravitch, former US assistant secretary of education: https://t.co/5xMrkFTQxh
2022-10-29 05:20:03 RT @colbiechristian: Little thread: I had a patient today who was a little elderly black woman. She was telling me that she really didn’t w…
2022-10-29 02:02:30 RT @michaelharriot: I managed to get a copy of Twitter's new policies. Here are the top ten biggest changes:A thread.
2022-10-29 01:51:45 How it started How it’s going: the person who taught me how to read helping me edit #ViralJustice, beseeching me to remove all the profanity! You have her to thank for the fact that there are only seven f*cks instead of 27. I had soooo many more f*cks to give. https://t.co/4ieJuFpOGS
2022-10-29 01:37:32 @ddhewty Explains the near empty auditorium
2022-10-29 01:33:46 @ddhewty I don’t think it was widely publicized beyond the first yrs and most of them weren’t really feelin a Friday eve lecture and I don’t blame em!
2022-10-29 01:20:25 In my talk at @HowardU tonite I drew upon a chapter titled “Grind” in Viral Justice, where I discuss the gig economy keeping academia float, incl the fight of @LecturersHU. I’m happy to see it’s already outdated! as they’ve won a first contract and will negotiate again in 2yrs. https://t.co/ddRp7RmQXl
2022-10-29 01:08:18 @LecturersHU won their 1st contract last spring but the struggle continues! They still face payment delays, now they reapply every other yr not every yr, they’re still barred from applying for TT jobs AND they’re arbitrarily terminated after 7yrs *even w/an exceptional record. https://t.co/xBuUh01DBs
2022-10-29 01:00:55 What an honor to speak w/ first years @HowardU today, where I connected labor struggles at @amazonlabor to those in academia including the ongoing fight of @LecturersHU who won their first contact last spring! “Teachers WORKING conditions are students LEARNING conditions.” https://t.co/REqpJWO4BY
2022-10-29 00:53:18 @roneglash @MegLevinson different Meagan Levinsonwho isn’t on Twitter
2022-10-29 00:52:30 @FREEwrites_
2022-10-28 21:13:48 RT @miamingus: "The time has come for us to reimagine everything. We have to reimagine work and go away from labor. We have to reimagine re…
2022-10-28 21:13:22 RT @anildash: Every abuse report I made to Twitter under its new leadership yesterday was rejected, saying that the accounts are not violat…
2022-10-28 19:20:09 RT @SIfill_: Imagine you're one of the Black employees who were brave enough to speak out abt racial discrimination at Tesla &
2022-10-28 18:03:21 RT @jersiegel: BOSTON: The @bostonbookfest is here! Join me Saturday when I host a panel discussion on making change through protest, activ…
2022-10-28 17:45:29 RT @safiyanoble: Important report released from @MCTDCambridge on why we must ban #facialrecognition tech. More evidence on how it consiste…
2022-10-28 17:44:56 RT @huahsu: a modest contribution … my @NewYorker postscript for mike davis, who was about hope and new worlds, not doom, and who was right…
2022-10-28 15:54:49 I was trying to send someone an “aunty hug” gif and this was the first option https://t.co/nF7HPbkx9M
2022-10-28 14:49:42 RT @fazlalizadeh: Flight, a new mural series on Black folks ability to fly. The first mural unveils tomorrow in Philly at 13th and Spruce S…
2022-10-28 02:34:57 @dividednolonger Thank you sooo much for coming Karen!
2022-10-28 01:15:04 HUUUGE shout out to @PrincetonUPress for their incredible stewardship of this project! Especially Meagan Levinson, @lessonsofwon @christiehenry &
2022-10-27 22:24:13 @BUsociologydept @saigrundy @ucpress @insidehighered @BU_Tweets @BU_AFAM @BU_CAS
2022-10-27 21:27:17 @riverarc @ekaputrat Ohhh feel better Bobby!
2022-10-27 20:17:37 RT @geoplace: The Fairwork project worked with a local municipality in Bogotá to commission some street art about platform work. Here’s the…
2022-10-27 19:33:40 Livestreamed TONITE 7pm ET for those unable to attend in personhttps://t.co/NzeJAQOYMx https://t.co/Sx0LghBZEU
2022-10-27 18:10:19 RT @ashtonpittman: THREAD: On August 30th, Deshundra Tate, 31, and her 5-year-old daughter, Kendra, died in their apartment at Sunset Villa…
2022-10-27 18:07:28 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. This is a thread about a "crime wave" that you barely hear about in the daily national news or on local tv every…
2022-10-27 18:06:05 @anthonyocampo Say it again
2022-10-27 17:46:52 RT @hebagowayed: Sobbing watching this — so powerful.
2022-10-27 15:10:40 RT @dreanyc123: For the love of all things if you listen to ANYfuckingthing in this moment listen to @MovementMemos w/ @MsKellyMHayes &
2022-10-27 12:35:56 @iMajorWish @southerncenter Thank you for reading!
2022-10-27 12:27:10 RT @JD_Dantzler: @ruha9 really gave us a book, discussion guide, ANDDDDD a #ViralJustice Mixtape - sharing this work with my cohort and stu…
2022-10-27 12:26:45 @iretiolua @sepehrvakil It was sooo lovely to meet you!
2022-10-27 02:58:36 RT @HarshaWalia: "Questions are for walking, not just for sitting around, doing nothing” - Zapatistas"Utopia is on the horizon: when I wa…
2022-10-27 01:57:01 @ubiquity75 Your work is absolutely ESSENTIAL.
2022-10-24 02:30:52 RT @bostonbookfest: Clue: The author of this memoir-manifesto is also a Professor of African American studies at Princeton and was once a F…
2022-10-23 21:18:59 DC was all love. https://t.co/hcgeLxfIbu
2022-10-23 21:17:53 Atlanta homecoming https://t.co/4n6lobca34
2022-10-23 21:13:04 San Francisco came out https://t.co/8Rf0UhrpF8
2022-10-23 21:11:46 https://t.co/K4ns4dQBYR
2022-10-23 21:10:55 Now to Seattle. https://t.co/lpdF3XMPf8
2022-10-23 21:10:08 More from LA. https://t.co/QAp65yDavA
2022-10-23 21:09:26 https://t.co/axPseH8Fyb
2022-10-23 21:08:30 A few more snaps—it feels like one long reunion with beloved friends, colleagues, comrades and kin, new &
2022-10-23 21:04:48 This was another sweet moment, when Jazmyn Scott of ArtNoir in Seattle read her fav passage. #ViralJustice https://t.co/cGoYYaJehX
2022-10-23 21:01:54 Somebody get this guy an agent. Hearing Rainn read a passage from #ViralJustice makes me think he should really give acting n voice over a shot https://t.co/FePQmVep70
2022-10-23 01:03:53 We interrupt your regularly scheduled Viral Justice programming to bring u a talk on #RaceAfterTechnology—selected as the Common Text for @HowardU first years! Friday Oct 28 @ 5pm Blackburn University Center, open to the public. https://t.co/luatNkxhR1
2022-10-22 21:27:50 RT @DrLisaBThompson: Next week in Austin I’ll be in dialogue with @ruha9 @BookPeople where we will discuss her beautiful and inspiring new…
2022-10-22 05:53:34 RT @anthonyocampo: in a chapter of life that’s been so dismal, @ruha9 new book ‘viral justice’ and its message are a lifeline. https://t.co…
2022-10-22 05:50:42 @anthonyocampo It was sooooo good to see you in the flesh! And the fact that you coordinated with the cover
2022-10-21 23:07:37 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena
2022-10-21 22:39:13 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena WOWA, I love this talk title!
2022-10-21 19:14:50 RT @equalityAlec: Please take a moment this weekend to think about how the U.S. puts Black people in cages 6 times the rate of South Africa…
2022-10-21 19:07:06 RT @WWConverge: A gathering of great minds took place on Monday as @ruha9, and Jazmyn Scott and Vivian Phillips of @ArteNoir, hosted a gath…
2022-10-21 17:12:13 Full flight erupts in applause to celebrate the 92nd bday of a fellow passenger! Six ppl are masked… https://t.co/LFhZXZAFVo
2022-10-21 16:55:55 @magalintzin @pitzercollege Thank you so much for assigning RaT!
2022-10-21 16:53:57 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-21 16:53:10 @David_Gunkel @MiaD @dmonett @teemu_roos @politybooks
2022-10-21 15:59:57 RT @uche_blackstock: A study out earlier this year suggested that Medicaid expansions led to reduced police arrests, particularly drug-rela…
2022-10-21 15:54:08 Setting dreamy boundaries after Day 7 of the book tour
2022-10-21 15:49:24 Person in my dream last night asked a question that required an involved response. I took a deep breath n replied, “I can’t right now, don’t you see that I’m dreaming?”
2022-10-21 07:38:03 RT @TanaDJoseph: @fatimazsaid Here in Africa, we can only watch as tensions rise and political unrest grows. As winter approaches in the UK…
2022-10-21 04:53:12 @Joshparker777 Thank you for reading, Josh!
2022-10-21 04:20:58 @jonneke The pleasure was all mine!
2022-10-21 03:40:24 RT @nettieb: Good night https://t.co/cmqye8AFVB
2022-10-21 02:09:42 RT @miamingus: “Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how…
2022-10-21 01:24:50 RT @LissomeLight: Before the pandemic, I had a wild idea: a resource for journalists to learn from restorative justice practitioners how to…
2022-10-21 01:20:44 RT @JoshuaPotash: Paying a cop $100,000 a year to go around ticketing the homeless. I wonder how we could do this differently
2022-10-20 23:25:37 RT @drmonicahuerta: if you can, please send some love over to jersey and to misrach's loved ones, this news is beyond awful, and has everyo…
2022-10-20 23:22:37 RT @timnitGebru: I have my PhD in "AI" &
2022-10-20 23:21:40 RT @LeonYin: NEW: @ASankin and I collected +850K internet plans across 38 major US cities and found widespread disparities between where fa…
2022-10-20 18:22:22 Special guest tonite—Anis @Mojgani, Poet Laureate of Oregon! Can’t wait for this reunion. Still a few tix left: https://t.co/BqSZfAQ8kk #ViralJustice https://t.co/52DU1QkCNb
2022-10-20 18:04:36 “To transform the society, it was necessary to understand it. Study was essential to the Black-freedom movement…Black-freedom dreams were pursued in significant part through serious academic inquiry.” Read @imaniperry’s latest: https://t.co/qghAJz4JhR #UnsettledTerritory
2022-10-20 17:43:18 RT @southerncenter: Saturday in Savannah, join local and statewide community organizations in for Vote in My Honor, a day in the park &
2022-10-20 17:28:52 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-20 17:19:22 @desenoz Me quoting Seattle Solidarity Budget!
2022-10-20 17:16:11 @HJCommons Thank you for sharing, HJC fam! It was sooo great to see so many friends last nite!
2022-10-20 17:14:52 @XavierADurham It was sooo great to see you, Xavier!
2022-10-20 17:14:08 @vanessamason Thank you so much for coming, Vanessa!
2022-10-20 17:13:43 @OneAjeetSingh Thank you so much for coming, Ajeet!
2022-10-20 17:11:15 RT @cripjustice: "The concept of 'viral justice' offers a way of looking at (or looking again) at all the ways people are working, little b…
2022-10-20 15:51:44 Available here: https://t.co/4DuyYwUE6x
2022-10-20 15:51:27 Yall please join me in wishing @AlisonMDesir a HAPPY PUB WEEK! “Runners know that running brings us to ourselves. But for Black people, the simple act of running has never been so simple...”#RunningWhileBlack https://t.co/Fkq2WsbYbK
2022-10-20 15:08:03 RT @DigitalHistory_: Misrach left Terrace "eating club" on campus &
2022-10-20 05:53:50 https://t.co/Ev9qJhe5lI
2022-10-20 05:30:23 RT @amberwaves: Such a great piece from @ruha9 on the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth, and what happened to all the Black midwiv…
2022-10-20 00:58:01 RT @SFdirewolf: It arrived! @DrSamiSchalk’s BLACK DISABILITY POLITICS from @DukePress! Order now and request it at your library: https://…
2022-10-20 00:14:29 RT @AngelSDiaz_: LA friends: @ruha9's coming to town on Friday! Don't miss it, I'll see you there.https://t.co/6LM3RPZ5Nl
2022-10-20 00:04:50 @AngelSDiaz_ See you soon Angel!
2022-10-20 00:00:02 RT @esglaude: I have to keep reminding myself that “hope is invented everyday.”
2022-10-19 23:57:02 @TheNapMinistry
2022-10-19 06:02:09 @DrSaarunya Thank you sooo much for your question, Geetha!
2022-10-19 04:36:46 And can’t wait to join you in SF tmrw eve! https://t.co/WgYonYDZ8D https://t.co/MTT8Vu4iRj
2022-10-19 04:34:21 @SFPublicLibrary https://t.co/LdE9BtLrcg
2022-10-19 04:00:04 RT @usfca: Dr. Shabnam Koirala-Azad, dean of @USFCA_SOE, will be in conversation this Wednesday with Princeton scholar Ruha Benjamin at the…
2022-10-19 03:45:47 @aguirre_elotote It was soooo great to finally meet, Eloisa!
2022-10-19 03:43:24 @mildredkcho Thank you so much for coming, Mildred!
2022-10-19 03:42:30 @BuslonNataly @HumanAtStanford Thank you so much for coming, Nataly!
2022-10-19 03:16:55 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-19 03:16:07 @ktreit Peer pressure for the win!
2022-10-19 03:12:45 @pronovost Thank you for listening, Robert! Multitasking for the win
2022-10-19 03:11:55 @DrBishopDigital Reunited!
2022-10-18 19:45:03 @random_walker I was sooo bummed to be traveling at the time of the lecture! I really appreciate this incredible recap, Arvind.
2022-10-18 19:40:02 RT @random_walker: I was invited to give this year’s James Baldwin lecture at Princeton. My message: quantitative methods have become tools…
2022-10-18 19:06:36 RT @BernardHarcourt: Headed out from death row at Holman Prison in Atmore, Alabama, through more cotton fields and red clay, after a long l…
2022-10-18 18:54:47 RT @victorerikray: "The difference between a smartwatch and an ankle monitor is, in many ways, a matter of context: Who wears one for purpo…
2022-10-18 18:24:05 Letter of recommendation season giving zero f*cks about this book tour schedule: https://t.co/27N7Te3pVY
2022-10-18 17:26:12 RT @SirJoshBennett: …the advice that I would give myself would be something like ‘don’t despair.’ Don’t despair.—Saidiya Hartman https://…
2022-10-18 16:37:10 @WHOSTP @geomblog @AlondraNelson46
2022-10-18 16:28:54 RT @HumanAtStanford: Happening today! We're at capacity, but you can still join Dr. Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) online at 4:00PM PDT. https:…
2022-10-18 16:15:52 For those still waiting on your copy, an excerpt of Viral Justice in @TIME! https://t.co/JZrIE2Jq6J https://t.co/DfkH8ISeMV https://t.co/cJnD1MZlB7
2022-10-07 23:32:21 RT @nettieb: Good evening https://t.co/XcBz2rJrKm
2022-10-07 23:12:41 *November dates in London, Amsterdam, Joburg, NYC not shown
2022-10-07 23:01:14 All the event links here: https://t.co/vd2bOzMBJr
2022-10-07 22:59:47 Ready! Quadruple vaxxed, double-masked n ready to give yall all the air hugs. https://t.co/w96HWGE3eZ #ViralJustice https://t.co/vhAYQRDXEF https://t.co/diDVtfxL4h
2022-10-07 18:32:18 LOS ANGELES friends, help me spread the word! Oct 21 @ 7:00pm, I’ll be in conversation with @rainnwilson about Viral Justice, register here:https://t.co/R6pFfCRLTp https://t.co/vd2bOzMBJr
2022-10-07 14:51:04 RT @equalityAlec: This survey is a bombshell. 75.3% of people who have a cop in their household support "reallocating parts of LAPD’s budge…
2022-10-07 14:38:27 RT @ProfKori: Worth remembering https://t.co/Tm1kZzosvi
2022-10-07 14:37:58 @lauren_marietta Yay!!
2022-10-07 14:32:15 @ddt Ah, the book is mostly not about tech!
2022-10-07 14:12:39 RT @nayna_gupta: This morn I received 3 emails &
2022-10-07 14:12:12 @ddt Thank you so much Dan!
2022-10-07 14:07:57 @micheleleej @KounselorEd NOPE
2022-10-07 14:07:38 BAY AREA peeps, can you help me get the word out? I’ll be at @cwclub talking about Viral Justice on Oct 19. See you soon! Register here: https://t.co/WgYonYVAxd https://t.co/Asij8VeK1X
2022-10-07 02:19:50 RT @OlufemiOTaiwo: "Sealing in communities, reducing and flattening their identities into silos can be perilous and precludes solidarity. I…
2022-10-07 00:00:56 Source: https://t.co/VJAI8lnUum
2022-10-07 00:00:37 “Only 92 people were sentenced on federal marijuana possession charges in 2017, out of nearly 20,000 drug convictions… This is an important political statement, it’s an important values statement, it’s progress, but this is a drop in the ocean of injustice.” —@udiofer_ https://t.co/N3TNLE44vA
2022-10-06 23:51:06 RT @nickpwing: An NYPD cop accurately reported wrongdoing by his supervisors, so they raided his home, hauled him to the hospital in cuffs,…
2022-10-06 23:38:01 @alexhanna @shengokai Verrrry specific
2022-10-06 23:07:44 @alim1213 Can’t wait to meet you Ali!
2022-10-06 22:44:12 @KeeangaYamahtta Black Faces in HBCU Places
2022-10-06 17:37:18 RT @cassius_a: Um, wow, anyone teaching media should probably know about this: https://t.co/8Adfe4zKnx
2022-10-06 17:29:37 @BrendaDardenW @yesladypheOnix @JoannaPopper @Gr8WallofChyna @ju_niyah Stunning
2022-10-06 15:58:52 RT @Princeton: "Knowledge about childbirth is undisciplined. It is embodied, experiential, and felt."@PrincetonAAS professor @ruha9 write…
2022-10-06 14:15:49 RT @KamalMunir5: Looking forward to @Cambridge_Uni Annual Race Lecture to be delivered in person by Prof Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 from @Princet…
2022-10-06 01:04:52 @JaninedeNovais The movement is MOVING!
2022-10-06 00:28:09 Happening now https://t.co/fD8mwEiugV
2022-10-05 23:57:07 RT @tararobertson: Look what I got at @MassyBooks @ruha9’S new book! https://t.co/XLqlhqCsyD
2022-10-05 23:56:54 @tararobertson @MassyBooks Eeek! Thank you for posting with that lush backdrop
2022-10-05 23:52:14 RT @equalityAlec: According to FBI crime estimates released today, "violent crime" decreased 1% in 2021 and "property crime" decreased 3.8%…
2022-10-05 22:06:50 RT @PrincetonUPress: Don't miss Office hours with Ruha Benjamin as she shares inspiring career moments, offers advice for early-career scho…
2022-10-05 20:48:44 @DrThembot @CivicsOfTech @DrTanksley Let me add 5 more signed copies in the mix. Thank you both for hosting!
2022-10-05 20:47:54 RT @DrThembot: Do you still need a copy of @ruha9's highly-anticipated new book before the @CivicsOfTech Book Club @DrTanksley and I are ho…
2022-10-05 18:42:12 RT @ztsamudzi: The pediatrician in the video, Dr. Ismail, said that Rayan effectively died of a panic attack: that his little heart and bod…
2022-10-05 18:39:31 RT @equalityAlec: One of the great truths of the legal system is that people in power choose to prosecute only some people for some crimes…
2022-10-05 18:10:45 RT @MsKellyMHayes: Doing what is "good and right within our own reach" will always matter. Even in the direst and most desperate of times,…
2022-10-05 17:58:12 RT @ssrc_just_tech: In “Disrupting the Gospel of Tech Solutionism to Build Tech Justice,” @ruha9 and @gretabyrum give us hope for how the J…
2022-10-05 15:58:25 RT @rainnwilson: Pre order now! @ruha9 https://t.co/Pel5H8OJUu
2022-10-05 15:51:27 RT @gerry_cadava: It was an honor to review @klytlehernandez's excellent new book, Bad Mexicans, for The @NewYorker. Buy it, read it, diges…
2022-10-05 15:50:31 RT @KianSharifi: A girls' school in Iran brought a member of the IRGC-run Basij paramilitary to speak to students. The girls welcomed the s…
2022-10-05 15:49:32 RT @williamcson: What happens in prisons does not stay in prisons. For @prismreports, I wrote about how much of what indicates the descent…
2022-10-01 03:06:05 @UpFromTheCracks @DocDre @dancharnas @netabomani @RonMorrison_ I teach this class
2022-10-01 01:35:09 RT @nettieb: Good night https://t.co/Rt9dL6qFm4
2022-10-01 00:28:07 https://t.co/cw00MZTx9h
2022-09-30 23:58:58 Viral Justice book trailer https://t.co/Blf4xOAizh
2022-09-30 23:57:33 @anthonyocampo https://t.co/5KBA97KdGe
2022-09-30 21:52:30 RT @charleswlogan: Going into the weekend with this wisdom and energy from Dr. Benjamin: "Little by little, day by day, starting in our own…
2022-09-30 21:51:29 RT @EthanZ: Great talk from @natematias introducing the Coalition for Independent Tech Research to the community at #trustandsociety22. The…
2022-09-30 21:06:47 @haymarketbooks Rehearsals for Living by @policingblack &
2022-09-30 19:00:42 RT @timnitGebru: From a dear friend: "We are just numbers, not even properly counted numbers". Truly. Our people are certainly not consid…
2022-09-30 18:39:32 @jazzyjtyler @McCourtSchool @esglaude
2022-09-30 15:55:01 RT @truthtold8: What a powerful article. I have always been interested in that ways in which our community can care for itself — and the ha…
2022-09-30 15:54:46 @truthtold8 Thank you for reading!
2022-09-29 18:27:07 RT @TrevonDLogan: I wonder what it is about these flagship public universities founded before Emancipation and their severe under enrollmen…
2022-09-29 18:22:50 RT @edyong209: I want to share some thoughts about reporting on long COVID and other complex chronic illnesses. (e.g. below)This is a thr…
2022-09-29 14:43:02 Come thru LONDON x2! Nov 3 @ 6:30pm @LSE_US with @ptrubowitz, details here: https://t.co/BkyZU052ei
2022-09-29 14:34:00 Come thru LONDON! Nov 3 @ 1pm @theRSAorg in conversation with @ManduReid, RSVP HERE:https://t.co/tXwrqec7Do #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 14:24:40 Come thru BOSTON! Oct 29 @ 1:15pm @bostonbookfest, more details coming soon: https://t.co/w96HWGn0cZ #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 14:24:39 Come thru PRINCETON! Oct 27 @ 7pm @PrincetonPL with @NicoleFleetwoo2, RSVP here:https://t.co/NzeJAQOYMx #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 14:24:38 Come thru AUSTIN! Oct 25 @ 7pm @BookPeople with @DrLisaBThompson, RSVP here: https://t.co/MCX6I3dgiI #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 14:24:37 Come thru SAN FRAN! Oct 19 @ 6:30pm @cwclub with @usfca’s Shabnam Koirala-Azad, RSVP here (students use promo code JUSTICE):https://t.co/WgYonYW8mL #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 14:24:36 Come thru SEATTLE! Oct 17 @ 7:30p @THSEA with @ArteNoir’s Jazymn Scott &
2022-09-29 14:24:35 Come thru DC! Oct 12 @ 7pm @PoliticsProse in conversation with @ClintSmithIII, RSVP here:https://t.co/VsKqfH4opm #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 14:24:34 Come thru Philly! Oct 11 @ 7:30pm @FreeLibrary in conversation with @marclamonthill, RSVP here: https://t.co/H21rAB7Vrg #ViralJustice
2022-09-29 11:50:48 RT @JoshuaPotash: There's a lot of talk about how abolition is impractical, abolitionists don't have ideas for what to do about crime right…
2022-09-29 00:46:27 @louise_seamster @zbaalbaki
2022-09-28 23:15:08 @TNelsonCollier @WIRED Also checkout https://t.co/eM2KJUs3mn
2022-09-28 23:14:49 @TNelsonCollier @WIRED https://t.co/PrgtLRQlBI
2022-09-28 22:33:35 @AJLUnited @TelevisionAcad @IndependentLens GEY IT GET IT
2022-09-28 22:10:56 RT @ProfKori: Librarians, archivists, and public historians will always blow your mind if you pause long enough to pay attention. #grateful
2022-09-28 21:36:42 @ekp @IfeomaOzoma @TIME
2022-09-28 21:36:32 RT @ekp: I was asked to describe @IfeomaOzoma for the TIME100 Next list, and my words don't even come close to reflecting how much I admire…
2022-09-28 19:23:01 RT @PrincetonAudio: The Viral Justice #audiobook with an exclusive conversation by authors Dr. Ruha Benjamin and Dr. Ibram X. Kendi is avai…
2022-09-28 18:46:27 RT @victorerikray: I went to pick up some books I ordered from @Prairie_Lights and was happy to see @ruha9’s new book (which I bought) next…
2022-09-28 18:46:21 @victorerikray @Prairie_Lights Book siblings, Biblings!
2022-09-28 16:03:08 RT @BookPeople: Join @ruha9 Oct. 25!Part memoir, part manifesto, Viral Justice is a sweeping and deeply personal exploration of how we ca…
2022-09-28 16:01:36 RT @DemocracyM: Check out "Viral justice – the big impact of small change" @RSAEvents 1-2pm 3 Nov online (or live in London): How can we tr…
2022-09-28 16:01:14 RT @haymarketbooks: Chicago!Viral JusticeJoin @ruha9 at @haymarkethouse for a book launch and conversation with Sepehr Vakil about grow…
2022-09-28 15:25:33 ATLANTA friends, trying to determine if we’ll need a larger venue for the Viral Justice launch on Thurs Oct 13 when I’ll be in conversation with The @fptheshit! If you plan to join us please register ASAP so we can get an accurate headcount: https://t.co/rvoHVZudul
2022-09-28 15:02:54 First #ViralJustice class visit https://t.co/mPXGt3AZPJ
2022-09-28 15:02:22 Slowing down to win https://t.co/zX0eNzz31l
2022-09-28 12:55:18 RT @blackleftaf: https://t.co/VfgcfGomiLOne of my favorite scholar-organizers @KeeangaYamahtta talking about the book of another of my f…
2022-09-28 12:52:04 RT @msnyamburah: This is one of the best things I’ve ever read about the intersections of reproductive justice -race, class, law, histories…
2022-09-28 12:52:02 @msnyamburah Thank you for reading &
2022-09-28 02:12:25 RT @interruptcrim: We are so excited about this forthcoming book from longtime organizer &
2022-09-25 11:09:26 @nettieb Happy Bday wonderful Nettrice!!
2022-09-24 23:43:13 RT @LukeMessac: A nonprofit hospital chain paid McKinsey $45 million to help them prevent low-income patients from learning about charity c…
2022-09-24 15:31:57 Streaming: https://t.co/b0CVUogdcS
2022-09-24 15:28:56 Happening now. https://t.co/WpAvpLcHpM
2022-09-24 14:41:39 https://t.co/GIkIFkulCJ
2022-09-24 14:40:45 Hi friends, did you know there’s a free #ViralJustice discussion guide you can use in classes, book clubs, community groups here? https://t.co/uWbav6GVkM https://t.co/Brb38gKw21
2022-09-24 14:36:48 RT @uxforthewin: Look what came in the mail today!“Viral Justice: How we grow the world we want” by @ruha9 https://t.co/eskQVWzBpA
2022-09-24 13:34:30 @the_Coach_C And the auntie love was right on time!
2022-09-24 13:33:15 @wjmaggos @elipariser Context is everything. I started by saying, “When I’m feeling cynical I think ‘democracy’ is a story we tell ourselves. I don’t think we have ever” yadda yadda. The point was to push through the cynicism…
2022-09-24 02:57:39 @byUnfinished Correction, @merbroussard’s words
2022-09-23 22:35:55 RT @Imani_Barbarin: I saw the first episode of this season’s #AbbottElementary and I was crying bc I had a Ms. Howard too. When I was in…
2022-09-23 22:34:16 @telisayancy @psettel @PrincetonAid Awww thanku wonderful @telisayancy, one to keep, one to gift
2022-09-23 22:18:04 @telisayancy @psettel All the preorders seem to be mailing early! so you can get from your favorite vendor or purchase a signed copy from the link below and a portion of sales will go to @PrincetonAid https://t.co/2OT8GFfT5g
2022-09-23 21:21:01 RT @lorgia_pena: I just ordered this beauty @ruha9 and I cannot wait to read it https://t.co/1Xem2b9uwR
2022-09-23 20:56:51 RT @Combsthepoet: My copy of @ruha9's new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want came today and I'm beside myself. Can't wait to…
2022-09-23 20:51:29 @essaysmythe @lorgia_pena @TuftsRCD @DukePress WHAT A TRIO! “Friends of my mind”
2022-09-23 20:48:54 @DavidMarcovitz YAY, perfect wall backdrop!
2022-09-23 20:10:15 RT @DrRinaBliss: The latest brainchild from my Ride or Die, @ruha9! I’m the proudest Tante in the world! #newbook #bff #authors https://t.c…
2022-09-23 20:09:54 RT @LaboratoryDark: Tune in #DarkLab Advisory Board member @ruha9 talks w @baratunde #unfinishedlive in NYC about incubating imagination as…
2022-09-23 17:35:21 RT @byUnfinished: And now we present the #UnfinishedLive Avengers of Algorithmic Justice - @ruha9 @jelani9 @safiyanoble @merbroussard.Sho…
2022-09-23 12:41:49 RT @BayStateBirth: “Why do we assume that a medicalized approach is the best way to care for people through pregnancy and childbirth? How d…
2022-09-23 12:01:17 RT @UjuAnya: This is the story behind our pain. Many people who survived the (1967-1970) holocaust against Igbo people—paid for by the Bri…
2022-09-23 12:00:42 RT @andreagonram: I know this story is meant to be empowering but it truly isn't. Why are we celebrating Puerto Ricans' "resilience" instea…
2022-09-23 11:42:33 RT @hypervisible: “Among the terms WebMD shared with advertising companies along with user identifiers were ‘addiction’ and ‘depression,’ a…
2022-09-23 01:22:22 @DrT_theScholar @WIRED https://t.co/nWnHw6QrvW
2022-09-22 19:09:03 Overflowing thanks to @chameauleon for guiding this piece to publication!
2022-09-22 17:49:24 @syardi Ohhh thank you for sharing!
2022-09-22 17:48:20 RT @PrincetonAudio: Have you pre-ordered your copy of Viral Justice by @ruha9 yet? If you can't wait, @WIRED featured an incredible and gu…
2022-09-22 17:44:10 RT @kenyonfarrow: We’ve only just begun to examine the racial disparities of long covid https://t.co/Ku0FNAse8l
2022-09-22 16:12:01 RT @SisterLoveInc: The Reproductive Freedom Act is a piece of progressive legislation to be introduced into the Georgia legislature. We wan…
2022-09-22 15:43:45 RT @PrincetonUPress: Have you ordered your copy of Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want by @ruha9 yet? You can read an exclusive pr…
2022-09-22 15:43:40 RT @natdelucca: I am so HYPED to recieve this signed copy of @ruha9's new book! I would love to have a reading group/be in a reading group…
2022-09-22 15:36:52 RT @lorgia_pena: I am so honored and excited to have my book which, is officially out today, be welcomed into the world this way. Come by…
2022-09-22 15:31:30 Re, my last panel at #GHC22, there *are* alternatives to platform capitalism! Checkout the work of @PriyaChatwani @rewiredcoop, also @platformcoop, and more! Drop other links below. https://t.co/vM6Tidmgjg
2022-09-22 12:38:13 As a young Black woman, I saw my pregnancy treated like a problem. So I ditched the docs for home delivery n found an alternative model for health care. TMI ALERTmissed periods, leaky breasts n public vomiting—my insides are all over this.https://t.co/J4k5ElktEu via @wired
2022-09-22 11:38:08 @jenniferabowd Yes last resort!
2022-09-22 11:37:17 *tome/tomb
2022-09-22 04:23:56 @jenniferabowd @AnitaB_org Yup I will probably have to but I barely have a free moment before jumping on the plane tmrw
2022-09-22 01:32:22 RT @uxforthewin: Look what came in the mail today!“Viral Justice: How we grow the world we want” by @ruha9 https://t.co/eskQVWzBpA
2022-09-22 01:32:12 RT @dbthiel: @ruha9’s new book arrived! The gorgeous cover stopped my 10 year old in her tracks “wow!” I agree. Maybe we’ll read it togethe…
2022-09-22 01:31:43 @dbthiel 10yr olds for the win!
2022-09-21 23:51:48 RT @LastMileFund: "Last Mile is disrupting the traditional model of scholarships by investing in striving low-income students not based on…
2022-09-21 22:46:44 Weird request: If you’re a Princeton student at @AnitaB_org Grace Hopper Celebration AND you have room in your luggage for a 10-15lb book, please DM me. Someone gifted me a tomb and my bags are already busting at the seams. #GHC22
2022-09-21 21:58:07 RT @DrThembot: Ahead of my and @DrTanksley Book Club event, get your very own signed copy of Viral Justice by @ruha9 here:https://t.co/OkE1…
2022-09-17 21:06:55 @IBJIYONGI @PrincetonUPress Yay!
2022-09-17 21:06:47 RT @IBJIYONGI: Look what came in the mail today!! Excited for this new @PrincetonUPress book from @ruha9 https://t.co/bws7wRuDQZ https:…
2022-09-17 20:55:48 RT @AchmatX: Did you know that @Columbia has a policy class in which students are partnering with @NYCMayorsOffice to “redesign” Harlem.
2022-09-17 03:27:14 RT @CourtWatchSMC: At sentencing, City says a woman has been "very impactful on our downtown Target." Defense attorney notes she stole abo…
2022-09-16 22:22:12 @savannahshange
2022-09-16 22:19:57 And to clarify, I’m not teaching this semester, so by students I mean research advisees
2022-09-16 18:12:39 @flowerqueers I’m on teaching leave, but I still advise student research in my dept and lab, in person mtgs are every few wks
2022-09-16 17:03:06 This is a good time to say that in my off time, I will be introverting HARD, so sadly I won’t be able to connect with friends &
2022-09-16 16:58:59 Which reminds me! Everyone needs to pre-order REST IS RESISTANCE by @TheNapMinistry https://t.co/JxjGkbLi05
2022-09-16 16:57:48 When my students find out I won’t be on campus much this semester bc of the book tour, the first Q they ask is how I’m planning to rest, recuperate, or enjoy the trip. The grind is no longer glorified, and I love them for that.
2022-09-16 02:43:46 RT @bigblackjacobin: Wrote about urban crime outrage cycles sparked by elites—specifically landlords, financiers, and tech executives. Thes…
2022-09-16 00:55:52 RT @wviechtb: What if all those PhDs stop just defending and actually start attacking?!?
2022-09-16 00:43:08 RT @dyllyp: I need the person who made this to come forward https://t.co/pneKN4XHV0
2022-09-15 22:50:00 @sivavaid @safiyanoble @pandelectures Except me! I’m repped by @outspokenagency
2022-09-15 18:24:12 RT @celesteford: Top takeaway from scholars on managing dark side of tech/algorithms/the cacophony from Ruha Benjamin @ruha9: people (mostl…
2022-09-15 18:23:54 RT @sivavaid: Had a great conversation with @ezraklein, @ruha9, and @safiyanoble! https://t.co/hScxShzusw
2022-09-14 14:17:20 RT @rosiesrambles: If you love a book, especially a book by a marginalized author, be sure to leave a review because the people who hate us…
2022-09-14 14:16:00 RT @HannahDrake628: This was a LAW. “According to Dr. Ronald L. F. Davis ofCalifornia State University, Jim Crow laws provided “racial et…
2022-09-14 00:47:12 @camillahawth
2022-09-13 19:50:42 RT @dreanyc123: The bridge to the future we want lies in where we invest resources now, not in continuing to shackle our imaginations to th…
2022-09-13 00:54:41 RT @interruptcrim: Chicago friends! Please join @wcfbook at @haymarkethouse this Friday, Sept. 16 at 7 PM CT, for a reading, conversation a…
2022-09-12 18:43:25 RT @edyong209: I hope this piece makes those of you who have experienced brain fog feel seen. I hope it shows everyone else what it really…
2022-09-12 18:39:19 You can get a signed pre-release copy of #ViralJustice from @labyrinth_books NOW—in person or online—and a portion of the sales will be donated to @PrincetonAid.https://t.co/2OT8GFflfI https://t.co/pHCJER47as
2022-09-12 18:04:55 RT @policylink: Thanks to @CierraRobson and @ruha9 at @PrincetonAAS for making the case that current laws against well-known anticompetitiv…
2022-09-12 15:32:59 SHAMEFUL on the part of HarperCollins and even more reason to support @hcpunion https://t.co/CtuVorsR1K
2022-09-11 20:56:38 RT @UncleBobbies: JUST LOOK AT THIS LINEUP!!! Register here: https://t.co/okqz6wDrc1 https://t.co/CwYzWmMsLR
2022-09-09 21:56:21 @TENDEMANDS You got it!
2022-09-09 19:42:15 @Combsthepoet Ase-o
2022-09-09 18:05:58 RT @StrikeDebt: A university named after two robber barons would like you to know that their values are aligned with Jeff Bezos and colonia…
2022-09-09 18:04:28 RT @jfeldman_epi: A well-regarded university swiftly condemning the words of a Black woman scholar at the behest of a donor who happens to…
2022-09-09 18:04:19 RT @jbouie: reminded of that eric williams observation: “The British historians wrote almost as if Britain had introduced Negro slavery sol…
2022-09-09 17:56:04 @karenraycosta Thank you in advance for reading and sharing, Karen!
2022-09-09 17:54:14 @JonathanOsler Thank you in advance for reading and sharing!
2022-09-09 17:52:30 RT @karenraycosta: Thank you @PrincetonUPress for this copy of @ruha9's #ViralJustice, out 10/11. I think a lot of my fellow #EmergentStrat…
2022-09-09 17:52:13 RT @SSIReview: “While structural change, steeped in bureaucracy and political processes, is inherently slow, ‘Viral Justice’ does not succu…
2022-09-07 21:31:37 RT @JasonRileyWDRB: NEW: Louisville police included multiple lies in request for Breonna Taylor search warrant, former detective admitshtt…
2022-09-07 21:31:29 RT @dreanyc123: Appreciating this thread of heartbreaking &
2022-09-07 21:30:23 RT @DeeshaPhilyaw: To show our support for new voices in literature, @KieseLaymon, Robert Jones Jr., and I came together to create #LIT16,…
2022-09-07 12:16:51 RT @NYMag: Legal scholar and sociologist @DorothyERoberts wrote about the criminalization of pregnancy 25 years ago. Why didn’t more of us…
2022-09-07 12:12:59 RT @interruptcrim: Are you an abolitionist social service provider? Or are you working in a supervisory position within a nonprofit system…
2022-09-07 11:39:14 @thinkingaudio It was sooo wonderful working with you @thinkingaudio!
2022-09-06 21:07:51 RT @PrincetonAudio: We are thrilled to announce that the Viral Justice #audiobook will feature an exclusive conversation btwn @ruha9 &
2022-09-06 00:17:12 RT @dr_chairbreaker: Bored by critiquing non-fat actors playing fat characters in degrading ways. Here's a thread of fat media that depicts…
2022-09-04 16:55:14 @gayatrisethi
2022-09-04 13:57:07 RT @Vinncent: The opening sentences of the Washington Post editorial opposing Chile's new constitution ↘ https://t.co/VYUsSkWHcn
2022-09-04 12:15:50 RT @indehisce: 1/ A fresh, running thread on COVID’s well-documented cardiovascular harms for anyone who needs links when discussing the ri…
2022-09-01 21:22:44 RT @gayatrisethi: Charity is not the same as solidarity.Sahaara is rooted in mutuality &
2022-09-01 20:24:10 Eyyy, thank you @NYMag and @vulture for selecting Viral Justice as one of your Fall picks! Sooo many must reads on this list: https://t.co/0WHosGEhxhPre-order here: https://t.co/8W25U4DpUT https://t.co/prPsbbi7YB
2022-09-01 20:13:52 @tamaranopper Thank you wonderful, Tamara!
2022-09-01 01:44:23 @lorgia_pena YESSSSSS!!!!! https://t.co/I5TyQcOxMK
2022-09-01 00:04:08 RT @mysdick: Abstractions and Embodiments is now available to order!! Happy pub day to the incredible cohort of scholars whose work is gath…
2022-08-31 21:02:42 RT @isthatbritt: No running water in Jackson. The heat index is 102 degrees. Schools and universities are closed. No way to cook, clean, ba…
2022-08-31 21:01:24 Please join me in supporting @lumumbasvision &
2022-08-31 13:33:19 RT @DrSubini: Last night, our neighbor was arrested, and we stayed up to make sure he was not murdered in handcuffs. Here’s some things we…
2022-08-29 15:22:35 RT @hypervisible: “We hope schools will recognize, in part thanks to this decision, that this element of remote proctoring is both unnecess…
2022-08-29 15:22:20 @AlondraNelson46 @victorerikray @NASAKennedy @EUzoOkoro46 What a trio!!
2022-08-29 14:20:29 RT @DrSubini: Foreword-This Bridge Called My Back "Too many of us still equate tone with substance...it takes more than pique to unite our…
2022-08-28 16:27:41 RT @paidmarian: For the Guardian, I interviewed @DorothyERoberts. 20 years after the publication of Killing the Black Body, her words ring…
2022-08-28 16:26:00 RT @JTRoane: so very excited to see this collection of brilliant essays in the world in the special issue on Global Black Ecologies of Envi…
2022-08-28 16:07:05 RT @equalityAlec: Do you know how many illegal evictions there are in your city? The local news doesn't report on it every time a family is…
2022-08-28 02:58:29 RT @thellpsx: Hi sports fans,The Future Is Disabled comes out in six weeks. Community-based coverage is the best way for me to get the word…
2022-08-28 02:14:21 RT @zeynep: A gift link to my NYT essay on the state of Long Covid research, and why we should do a lot more to support current sufferers a…
2022-08-27 19:16:49 RT @DrDevikaB: I'm CA's Acting Surgeon General. Today, I'd like to publicly share my journey with bipolar disorder.Stigma festers in the…
2022-08-27 18:22:42 RT @MehrTarar: Needed some diversion.Utterly delighted to see in @SSIReview my review of @ruha9’s brilliant book Viral Justice. My recomm…
2022-08-27 17:05:51 RT @MorePerfectUS: NEW: When Amazon workers in California met with their manager to demand a raise, they couldn't believe his response.He…
2022-08-27 00:39:20 RT @LeslieStreeter: Black Americans paid taxes during segregation for pools they weren't allowed to swim in, fountains they couldn't drink…
2022-08-26 18:46:07 @mccormick_ted Never too late! Thank you for reading
2022-08-26 18:44:44 RT @mccormick_ted: I’m slightly late to it but I highly recommend this on the embedment of racism in ostensibly neutral technology https://…
2022-08-25 21:46:13 RT @AlondraNelson46: Today, we are moving to make America's federally funded research freely accessible to the American public without dela…
2022-08-25 12:35:00 @ak93700527 Unfortunately yes
2022-08-25 02:16:12 RT @lorgia_pena: This beautiful child of mine is in stock and shipping BEFORE the release date for those who buy on @DukePress site. Wait…
2022-08-25 01:21:28 RT @DrYasmiyn: A list of required/recommended* readings on race/ism and white supremacy from my courses, as promised. Feel free to add more…
2022-08-24 20:38:19 RT @astradisastra: My reaction to today's long-awaited news. This is a stepping stone, not the destination. A President who wanted to do…
2022-08-24 17:47:42 RT @victorerikray: Putting a Safety Rail Around Our Zoo’s Tiger Pit Would Be a Slap In the Face to All the People Who Previously Fell Into…
2022-08-24 14:48:57 RT @BKLYNjustice: Events: IN-PERSON - Ruha Benjamin | Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want https://t.co/ivhte7baMO
2022-08-24 14:07:04 RT @erin_eife: I'm so excited! The Free Library of Philly has a bunch of amazing free events coming up with @rwgilmoregirls @ruha9 and @Kee…
2022-08-24 03:17:32 RT @YoungInvincible: If @POTUS wants to deliver on his promise for permanent relief, debt cancellation measures must exclude means testing.…
2022-08-24 03:16:18 RT @StrikeDebt: Cancelling student debt is about freedomIt is about allowing humans to flourish
2022-08-24 03:15:09 RT @itsafronomics: #CancelStudentDebt begins and ends with Black women, which is why critiques against cancellation that hyper focus on cla…
2022-08-24 03:14:29 RT @TakirraWD: Black women are most impacted by the student debt crisis. Y’all expect us to show up and out to save you but never, ever sho…
2022-08-24 03:13:19 @ddbelsky https://t.co/OCT7dR0QSj
2022-08-22 12:10:40 @GrprtBedi Yes exactly!
2022-08-22 12:09:01 @LaultyFogic Thank you for reading Arjun!
2022-08-21 19:12:22 Maybe fewer professional societies, and more amateurish ones?
2022-08-21 17:32:11 RT @IllumiNative: ‘Indigenous Futures’ features many powerful Native artists envisioning what the next 100 yrs can look like to build power…
2022-08-20 17:39:00 @anthonyocampo We’re twins
2022-08-20 14:19:31 @Ore_Nicole Thank you for reading Ore!
2022-08-19 23:36:10 RT @TCIAMN: There's still time to get our panel in the doors of #SXSW 2023 to advance #PublicInterestTech! Community voting is open through…
2022-08-19 23:12:57 RT @saaaauuull: Chile’s proposed constitution, written by a representative democratic convention, is up for a vote on 9/4. If passed, it’ll…
2022-08-19 19:05:48 RT @WordInBlack: #BlackSummerReadingClub - @ruha9 book “Race After Technology" explores how new technologies are framed as “benign and pure…
2022-08-19 18:25:53 RT @cfchyba: Congratulations to Leyatt Betre, who defended her Princeton SPIA PhD, "The Production of Arms and Influence: Weapons, Diplomac…
2022-08-19 18:15:09 RT @DoctaGrip: Y’all!!! We are so excited to host the next cohort for the Earthseed Skillshare! Last year, we built a beautiful community w…
2022-08-19 17:02:12 @cfchyba
2022-08-19 16:42:06 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. This thread is about how the news media covers the cash bail system. It is a story of profound professional and…
2022-08-19 01:24:07 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: This is kind of the important point for me in this conversation. We are not imposing our contemporary views on the pas…
2022-08-19 01:23:40 RT @NishaWaller4: I’ve been interviewing young black men and teens convicted of murder under ‘joint enterprise’. They didn’t kill anyone. O…
2022-08-18 23:38:19 RT @VeslaWeaver: Scrambling to finish your syllabus?Your readings on American democracy and racial inequality disconnected from the peopl…
2022-08-18 18:54:07 “If we can create enough students to do that, we are creating a new generation with a new awareness so that people are thinking twice about the technologies that they deploy and the data that they use in every area.” —@CierraRobson #IdaLab https://t.co/WYYJawejEl
2022-08-18 02:32:12 RT @I_am_Just_Blunt: I took out $52k in student loans. To date, I've paid roughly $54k. I still owe $30k. I've never missed a payment and I…
2022-08-18 02:29:47 RT @StrikeDebt: Just cancel all student debt.
2022-08-18 02:15:28 https://t.co/y6jL9BqPcB https://t.co/6MCpFnJdoq
2022-08-17 02:22:26 RT @pcallowv: I just pre-ordered my copy! Get yours at the link below
2022-08-16 21:15:38 RT @APSWJournal: Announcing a new, open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to abolitionist perspectives in social work research, educa…
2022-08-16 13:37:57 RT @EliseJoshi: Dear @amazon, We are #PeopleOverPrime: 70+ creators with 51 MILLION+ collective followers refusing to monetize our accoun…
2022-08-16 02:46:57 RT @jodikantor: New: Meet Rev. Richardson, a hospice chaplain who had to rack up “productivity points” as she tended to the dying.Her sto…
2022-08-15 23:05:32 RT @SNCC60th: Did You Know? Before Uber or Lyft, SNCC developed a system of shared rides for organizers in the South called the Sojourner M…
2022-08-15 13:46:20 RT @STOPSpyingNY: Since #Roe's repeal, many tech companies have SAID they support #reproductiverights, yet taken little action to protect t…
2022-08-14 21:07:51 RT @PhenomenalTiana: It's been three months since the devastating Buffalo mass shooting. Since then, a small collective of Black scholars…
2022-08-13 18:46:31 RT @danbouk: "It turns out before there was Big Data there was old-fashioned big data, no less political and consequential eighty years ago…
2022-08-12 06:10:32 RT @VeslaWeaver: We are building our team over here at the American Prison Writing Archive (@PrisonWitness), thanks to support from @Mellon…
2022-08-12 03:57:01 RT @CivicsOfTech: BOOK CLUB UPDATE: José Ramón Lizárraga &
2022-08-12 03:56:32 @charismt @RadioRodriguez And @DrRinaBliss’ RACE DECODED
2022-08-12 03:55:38 @DrThembot @DrTanksley YOU TWO ARE THE BEST!
2022-08-12 03:45:32 RT @chy_bellamy: Abstracts due August 15th! Yale RebPsych conference: https://t.co/NmNE6fEF0p Theme: Mental Health, Captivity, &
2022-08-09 17:00:09 @zakiyaluna
2022-08-09 16:59:44 @LaurelWestbr00k @SSSP1org @ucpress
2022-08-09 02:48:41 @hebagowayed @PrincetonUPress
2022-08-09 02:47:16 @PrincetonUPress @MichaelRMuniz @ASAnews @APSAtweets
2022-08-08 17:38:27 RT @HJCommons: Congratulations to our beloved comrade @ruha9! We can't wait to read Viral Justice.
2022-08-08 17:38:13 @HJCommons
2022-08-06 17:57:54 RT @Nicole_Lee_Sch: If you're thinking about classroom policies and accommodations as you draft your syllabus, here are some things to keep…
2022-08-06 14:22:43 @mmvty @Delta @PeteButtigieg Whaaaat?! Atrocious.
2022-08-05 19:01:21 The incredible @sepehrvakil’s keynote starting now https://t.co/QupRt78Quc
2022-08-05 17:55:06 RT @jsparkblog: I saw a patient described as “combative.” I got there &
2022-08-05 17:38:22 @Combsthepoet But u see how they are surfing the ripples you’ve long been creating!
2022-08-05 17:11:57 @dontworryteach Thanks for asking! No newsletter or socials yet, just the website https://t.co/T80AsG5AQA
2022-08-05 16:37:46 @DrThembot I really appreciate your feedback for the RAs in the chat!
2022-08-05 15:04:11 Join us today to hear RAs in the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab talk about their work in our Tech Freedom School!#IdaLab https://t.co/QupRt78Quc
2022-08-04 19:56:55 RT @CivicsOfTech: ICYMI: @ruha9 shared this Afrorithms storytelling game in the chat of our opening session: https://t.co/r5CAdRhVMfSeems…
2022-08-04 19:56:24 RT @charleswlogan: In the opening of her keynote at #CivicsOfTech22, @ruha9 channels Mariame Kaba and asks, "What else can we grow besides…
2022-08-04 18:15:16 RT @CivicsOfTech: SESSIONS STARTING IN 10 MINUTES@ruha9's Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab students at Princeton University@lancemason22 @MM…
2022-08-03 23:27:20 August edition of Seeding the Future just hit inboxes#bloomscrolling Subscribe here: https://t.co/l21BjSFpjo *Mural at Detroit’s Eastern Market by Brandan Bmike Odums + Rick Williams https://t.co/iLuehQlhVf https://t.co/aEoGGN00ck
2022-08-03 21:39:46 RT @dankrutka: I can't believe our @CivicsOfTech conference is actually happening starting on Thursday. It's the conference I'd always want…
2022-08-02 15:09:00 RT @jamiaw: Happy pub day to @victorerikray &
2022-07-23 04:13:39 RT @equalityAlec: We just opened the applications for our 2022-2023 Poet in Residence @CivRightsCorps. If you are a poet or know a poet wi…
2022-07-23 04:10:32 RT @tundeolaniran: the layers of late stage capitalism this captures. labor rights, climate change, suburban sprawl, surveillance culture..…
2022-07-23 01:55:29 RT @TansuYegen: Love is all we need https://t.co/FoDNYdRYRI
2022-07-23 01:52:58 RT @interruptcrim: Thank you to everyone pre-ordering #NoMorePolice by @prisonculture &
2022-07-23 01:52:17 RT @neilturkewitz: @libshipwreck @ruha9 @histoftech @ColdWarScience @safiyanoble Ruha posted a collection of materials that’s both amazing…
2022-07-23 01:41:00 RT @design__justice: SG/HK Nodes' next book club session is on July 28th (Thurs) at 7:30pm GMT+8. Join us for the discussion of Chapter 2 o…
2022-07-22 21:49:14 @DrTanksley @safiyanoble @UrbanEdJournal Sharing!
2022-07-22 21:48:46 RT @DrTanksley: If you're interested in #technology &
2022-07-21 21:01:23 RT @SilvanaRam: It’s almost like the funding should be going to covid prevention and not cops
2022-07-20 23:14:25 RT @MichelleSPhelps: In the words of the great Saida Grundy: This is what @ASAnews’s first time authors of color are up to. Congrats @sai…
2022-07-19 16:16:15 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: Demita Frazier is one of the original authors of the Combahee River Collective statement. There are no pensions for re…
2022-07-19 16:14:44 What are you packing this summer!? #RaceAfterTechnologyBookclub https://t.co/9h6eSVDWKi
2022-07-19 00:49:42 RT @DorothyERoberts: How close to death do patients experiencing pregnancy complications have to come before doctors in forced pregnancy s…
2022-07-19 00:44:32 RT @moyazb: So excited to be a part of the Dream Team that is making this happen! Shout out to @ruha9 @TheBarbaraSmith @DemitaFrazier @Keea…
2022-07-16 00:48:21 @TheJLV @Columbia @TeachersCollege Beautiful!
2022-07-16 00:26:50 @bettinajudd @hystericalblkns https://t.co/p6VvfT4Krt
2022-07-16 00:16:41 RT @bettinajudd: Ooh Look! @hystericalblkns's book is available for pre-order now! https://t.co/ztLycy9hwt
2022-07-15 16:01:48 @prisonculture Stunning! If Billy is taking orders ask them to dm or email me
2022-07-15 13:54:47 RT @brazil_lab: Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 and Conceição Evaristo on women, race, and technology. Watch at https://t.co/YO2FGPe7TO@ieausp @Princ…
2022-07-13 23:40:25 @anthonyocampo For me it helps that most of my close friends are not in academia, they encourage me to rest, celebrate n enjoy other interests. They make me feel like this https://t.co/xesqYODk6W
2022-07-13 19:10:33 RT @marko_sarah: Interesting study looking at public health textbooks. They primarily focus on individual behaviours. When social and ecolo…
2022-07-13 19:09:01 @anthonyocampo I’ll take Grad School Socialization for $300, Alex
2022-07-13 19:01:55 *While I’m not directly involved, I support this initiative and always look fwd to popping in to meet the wonderful participants whenever I can.
2022-07-13 19:00:55 Interested in how racial bias shapes tech &
2022-07-13 04:07:35 @DrTanksley
2022-07-13 01:56:17 RT @folha: tecnologia: Inovação tecnológica não é sinônimo de progresso social, diz socióloga Ruha Benjamin https://t.co/0KMZ26mFBZ
2022-07-12 23:12:38 The incomparable Khiara Bridges (my Spelman sis!) is handing out free lessons https://t.co/CKFGRlKXqU
2022-07-12 23:01:50 RT @minasprogramam: minas, hoje rolou uma conversa super interessante entre a escritora Conceição Evaristo e a professora @ruha9 sobre "…
2022-07-12 21:13:39 RT @MsKellyMHayes: I expect a lot of instability. Globally. A lot of collapse. The goal is to be builders in an era of collapse.
2022-07-12 20:55:10 @ninadhora Thank you for ALL you do, @ninadhora! I can’t wait for your book
2022-07-12 17:36:24 RT @equalityAlec: Today in the U.S., corporations will steal $137 million in wages, rich people will steal $2.75 billion in taxes, and 1,30…
2022-07-12 14:56:56 RT @DrSamiSchalk: My second book #BlackDisabilityPolitics is now available for pre-order on @DukePress’s site. Use code E22SCHLK to get 30…
2022-07-11 15:43:13 @dankrutka thank you for reading!
2022-07-10 20:31:32 RT @CivicsOfTech: NEW BLOG: Previewing the 1st Annual (free) Civics of Technology Conference: https://t.co/G1zYSIr8xcLearn about our Th…
2022-07-10 12:30:06 RT @williamrfrey: just pre-ordered this beautiful book by @ruha9. really excited to read it this fall.
2022-07-10 12:28:56 RT @AgenciaFAPESP: Instituto de Estudos Avançados @ieausp recebe, em 12 de julho, a escritora Conceição Evaristo e a professora Ruha Benjam…
2022-07-10 03:10:54 RT @Category_Fury: Obsessed with introverted dog meet up https://t.co/MT9zaNb9SZ
2022-07-10 02:37:25 @williamrfrey Thank you so much!
2022-07-10 00:13:10 RT @Jseckan: So delighted by @ruha9 “seeding the future” newsletter. Do yourself a favor and subscribe. Here’s to #bloomscrolling https://t…
2022-07-10 00:13:03 RT @uxforthewin: Just pre-ordered my copy of Viral Justice by @ruha9I loved Race After Technology, so I’m looking forward to this! https:…
2022-07-10 00:12:59 @uxforthewin Thank you so much!
2022-07-09 21:25:12 My ultimate goal in life is to be a sponsored influencer for @gtslivingfoods. In the meantime, I will continue to write &
2022-07-08 18:23:08 RT @ssrc_org: "What if new technologies sold to solve social problems are simply ill-suited to the complexity of the environments where the…
2022-07-08 00:19:07 RT @lisabannon: Read my latest story, which I worked on with ace WSJ reporter Rebecca Smith, on how universities are turning over a great d…
2022-07-08 00:04:51 Our goal has always been to expand the learning hive. Visit @ bee.earthseed on IG for more footage of harvesting with the youth. #earthseed https://t.co/HOFw0kRp6W
2022-07-06 15:13:37 RT @MichaelTheStdnt: #FreethemAll #Abolishprisons Hi kids! Welcome to pt. 7 of our history of black education series. This week we do a q…
2022-07-06 15:02:58 RT @jmjafrx: There is something so important about Anna Julia Cooper's doctoral dissertation being about the Haitian Revolution, specifical…
2022-07-06 15:02:04 RT @PrincetonAudio: Our incredible author, @ruha9 is now recording Viral Justice! Part memoir, part manifesto, Viral Justice is a sweeping…
2022-07-06 02:33:51 RT @BensonErykah: @likaluca Finally getting into Octavia Butler (which has served me well in helping to frame my research questions this su…
2022-07-06 02:32:51 RT @mona_sloane: Ruha Benjamin’s @ruha9 “Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want”, an inspiring vision of how we can build a more just…
2022-07-05 10:46:53 RT @lizar_tistry: I’m on the road but wanted to get this thread out as the creep of fascism feels larger and closer. Another resource list,…
2022-07-04 18:00:39 RT @JeanneTheoharis: To read Rosa Parks' full statement against the confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court (issued before Ani…
2022-07-04 11:33:47 RT @thinkingaudio: Our small choices can make a difference. Ruha Benjamin is #nowrecording the #audiobook of Viral Justice, her deeply pers…
2022-07-03 19:16:32 RT @BreeNewsome: Y’all they keep showing us videos of the government killing us &
2022-07-03 02:09:52 RT @interruptcrim: NEW RESOURCE: We are thrilled to share this resource collection to aid in evaluation and reflection, "So is this Actual…
2022-07-02 15:15:32 @jamileufba @virgilioalmeida muito obrigado!
2022-07-01 12:29:34 July 12 in São Paulo (and virtual) with the incomparable Conceição Evaristo! Register below. https://t.co/eYOVcVs44R https://t.co/nw4AH58eVM
2022-06-30 21:18:51 I can’t wait to connect with @mer__edith @yesladypheOnix @Breonnasgarden_ at Grace Hopper ‘22. Join us there! https://t.co/zMEk8q2FiA
2022-06-30 15:58:24 RT @orangebegum: make no mistake, apart from announcing their targets -- Black and brown people, women, the planet -- and their allies -- t…
2022-06-29 18:47:53 @jmjafrx We celebrate you!!!
2022-06-29 18:03:10 RT @MichaelRMuniz: Forgive the self-promotion. You can purchase "Figures of the Future: Latino Civil Rights and the Politics of Demographic…
2022-06-29 18:02:59 RT @rebeccanagle: If you want to understand how the Supreme Court rules on politics rather than the law look no further than the arena of F…
2022-06-29 18:02:45 RT @yunpovi: This #SCOTUS opinion in #CastroHuerta is an act of conquest. Full stop. The right and power of tribes to rule themselves is…
2022-06-29 16:04:36 RT @grosmorne29: By the time that court did away with abortion, it issued a series of rulings that should really cause absolute outrage. He…
2022-06-28 23:33:46 RT @Princeton: Kenia Hale and Payton Croskey, members of #PrincetonU's Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, led by @PrincetonAAS prof. @ruha9, sat d…
2022-06-28 18:13:11 RT @ConMijente: TODAY We're calling on all our librarian allies: Sign our petition, demand LexisNexis cut its contract w/ICE, &
2022-06-28 16:24:24 @anthonyocampo
2022-06-28 13:06:34 RT @nikobowie: This past week has seen a repudiation of the court-based theory of change that has defined legal liberalism for several deca…
2022-06-28 11:07:20 @KeeangaYamahtta Home sweet home!!! https://t.co/abiQgOb1b8
2022-06-26 22:20:51 @BlackDigitalHum @amariewomack AGREED!!
2022-06-26 00:29:03 @sepehrvakil Can’t wait!
2022-06-25 23:36:06 RT @jbrownedianis: If you learned anything from the Supreme Court’s attacks on our rights this week, you should have learned that lawyers n…
2022-06-25 19:54:40 RT @ConMijente: It's us We're at the ALA conference today, the world's biggest library event, w/@LibraryFreedom &
2022-06-25 13:08:21 RT @shengokai: Roe is a massive disability rights/disability justice issue. Not simply because disabled persons have sex, vigorously, enthu…
2022-06-24 20:36:39 RT @Artie_Thinks: @prisonculture I hate that law school teaches that "the law" is some neutral thing that's guided by pure logic while simu…
2022-06-24 20:35:13 RT @prisonculture: Questions I regularly ask myself when I'm outraged about injustice:1. What resources exist so I can better educate myse…
2022-06-24 18:01:56 RT @michaelluo: .@jiatolentino "We have entered an era not of unsafe abortion but of widespread state surveillance and criminalization—of p…
2022-06-24 18:00:08 RT @drashleyfarmer: Let @KeeangaYamahtta help us remember that these institutions weren't designed for &
2022-06-24 17:06:24 RT @CivicsOfTech: ANNOUNCEMENT: We are excited to share that @ruha9 &
2022-06-24 16:58:43 RT @CivicsOfTech: Three steps to understanding the #NewJimCode:1. Read #RaceAfterTech2. Review this thread of #RaceAfterTech resources3.…
2022-06-24 16:58:17 RT @LorettaJRoss: In response to the #roeoverturned, we will continue to do what we always have done: Center the most vulnerable people in…
2022-06-24 16:57:53 RT @orangebegum: more guns in public, fewer abortions -- this is not about life in general, but who gets to live and how, and who decides.
2022-06-24 16:57:33 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: Many have rightfully pointed out that poor and working class women of color and trans people who can become pregnant w…
2022-06-24 16:53:09 @shelbyekf Thank you Shelby!
2022-06-24 16:51:14 And as a reminder, you can download the free DISCUSSION GUIDE for Race After Technology here—adapt as you see fit! https://t.co/zqh3XrRx4O https://t.co/7JtnbjlIiD
2022-06-24 16:46:22 Or, if you want to assign a podcast interview, rather than watching a video in class, here’s a good one with @adamconover https://t.co/PasKeogvhX https://t.co/WhdHfMJArk
2022-06-24 16:45:03 The most entertaining option is this well-produced @voxdotcom episode, “Are we automating racism?” with almost 4M views https://t.co/rI89pkG1dL https://t.co/VQvEEgu8aT
2022-06-24 16:42:49 Here’s a 20min in-person talk that gets to the point @datasociety, https://t.co/HCvxAjyWgS https://t.co/g40dfCJMF0
2022-06-24 16:41:30 Heres in-person talk w/ more of an international focus, *first 50min followed by brilliant panelists https://t.co/IJFBDZAuV6 https://t.co/IO7elzgkXp
2022-06-24 16:40:00 Here’s a Zoom talk that is closest in style and format to a virtual class visit: https://t.co/8t2AnqBAgA https://t.co/svwtCO1Wqy
2022-06-24 16:39:58 With Viral Justice coming out this fall, sadly I have to pull back on Race After Tech talks &
2022-06-24 15:58:36 RT @dereckapurnell: If this was about babies, there would be universal healthcare. Free education. Free daycare. Southern states would be d…
2022-06-23 01:55:41 RT @schock: ABSOLUTELY MUST READ for the whole #FAccT2022 community: "Confronting Power and Corporate Capture at the FAccT Conference"By…
2022-06-22 22:02:55 @btabarsimd My initial translation was missing a phrase, so I reposted
2022-06-22 22:01:50 “Thank you for sowing the seed of hope. After 200 years we have achieved a government of the people. The government of the ‘nobodies’ of Colombia. Let’s live with dignity in a delicious way.”—@FranciaMarquezM, newly elected VP of Colombia https://t.co/5cbPFnIW6z
2022-06-22 21:31:43 RT @UjuAnya: My favorite part of how Black people welcomed Colombia’s vice president-elect Francia Márquez are tweets saying she look like…
2022-06-22 21:14:00 @micahinATL the disinterested view from nowhere, the god trick
2022-06-22 20:44:02 @thePhDandMe HEYYYY!!!
2022-06-22 12:45:27 RT @lolaolufemi_: The thing about a strike that upsets a specific kind of English sensibility is that people want others to be miserable an…
2022-06-22 12:45:16 RT @JoshuaPotash: For those who don't know, 40,000 railroad workers are on strike in the UK today, shutting down 80% of passenger trains. T…
2022-06-22 12:45:13 RT @emmaggarland: how are people not understanding that the entire point of a strike is to be extremely inconvenient so as to make the valu…
2022-06-20 13:33:13 “The invocation of pseudoscience in reports about the Buffalo shooting serves mainly to distance science from this horrific massacre, producing the false impression that “real” science can’t be racist.But real science can be racist.” https://t.co/hpGhk3xUsY
2022-06-19 23:33:11 RT @Deoliver47: She is Black in a nation where Afro-Colombians are regularly subject to racism and must contend with structural barriers...…
2022-06-19 23:30:15 RT @Ring_Sheryl: This is the origin of the "no duty to protect you" doctrine. Police, according to SCOTUS, have complete and unfettered dis…
2022-06-19 23:26:09 RT @minh81: A good piece on why "hate" is the wrong framework for understanding and resisting anti-Asian violence. https://t.co/T8sjGckWsJ
2022-06-19 14:26:41 @CliftonB The news still hasn’t sunk in
2022-06-19 14:25:18 RT @CliftonB: Eso Won Books will be closing by the end of the year, so today's a really good day to support them, as well as a Black author…
2022-06-19 13:31:36 RT @liztheo: We are the 140 million poor and low-wealth people, standing together to declare we won’t be silent anymore. Poverty is a polic…
2022-06-19 13:31:05 RT @RevDrBarber: Like our fore parents who gathered in Freedmen’s Assemblies after #Juneteenth, Americans of every race, faith, &
2022-06-19 13:29:07 RT @safiyanoble: Stop scrolling and read this very important op-ed by @timnitGebru and @mmitchell_ai about the dangers of Google’s latest p…
2022-06-18 01:29:07 RT @histoftech: As part of the effort to combat the narrowness of context of this issue &
2022-06-17 22:30:59 @victoriadreyes @ASAnews
2022-06-17 00:53:32 RT @DrSubini: In our abolition lab with formerly incarcerated young people, I asked what they dreamed of. Here's a few responses to remind…
2022-06-16 23:28:52 @safiyanoble YES!!!
2022-06-16 22:28:53 I recovered from Covid just in time to start recording #ViralJusticeMy voice is still a tad raspy but I figure Rona wanted to make its presence felt on this album.Get your copy here: https://t.co/8W25U4DpUT https://t.co/d0hJEQOsTn
2022-06-16 22:27:28 @TimoPG Oh I see what happened, I’ll repost
2022-06-16 22:27:01 @TimoPG Strange… anyone else?
2022-06-16 22:25:28 @gretabyrum @SSIReview
2022-06-16 22:25:16 RT @gretabyrum: Tech’s harms won’t be fixed by more tech. For a different outcome, we need to to radically reimagine who gets to dream, d…
2022-06-15 16:46:58 @BlackDigitalHum @ssrc_org @ssrc_just_tech YES!!! Huge congrats Kim!
2022-06-14 19:58:50 @Ore_Nicole Thank you for the Q, Ore!
2022-06-13 21:50:10 RT @lorgia_pena: @ruha9 and I will be chatting about #communityasrebellion this coming Wednesday in my hometown, Trenton, NJ. It’s my first…
2022-06-13 20:42:38 RT @dreamstatesmeta: Read this then go see #NeptuneFrost
2022-06-13 20:42:19 WhatchyutalkinboutSaul? I was FIRST in line~”Fire in the sky, fire in the sky, fire in the sky”Go see it yall! https://t.co/FpuH4G5RwL
2022-06-13 00:52:23 RT @DarrickHamilton: Job opening friends We are recruiting a Head of Executive Strategy &
2022-06-11 16:27:09 RT @ReeceJonesUH: You may have seen this map of the 100-mile border zone making the rounds recently. Did you ever wonder why they chose 100…
2022-06-09 18:55:34 @MichaelRMuniz Wowowow!!!
2022-06-09 16:19:59 @mlmillerphd @BostonJoan So far!
2022-06-09 13:20:40 @BostonJoan Just minutes after my +Covid test I was supposed to be speaking in person around the corner, so was racing to find a place to zoom in isolation. I owe you a Covid-free hug next time we rendezvous, wonderful Joan!
2022-06-07 20:09:44 @PrincetonAAS
2022-06-07 17:28:41 RT @Princeton: At the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, created and led by @PrincetonAAS professor @ruha9, are focusing on the challenges that ma…
2022-06-07 17:27:48 RT @danbouk: So you just got an email from your university bkstore &
2022-06-06 21:12:42 RT @wilfredchan: A story you might've missed this week: the US is quietly ending universal free school lunches and cutting back the summer…
2022-06-06 20:46:35 RT @dreanyc123: Deeply humbled &
2022-06-05 12:39:55 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. Today, the New York Times published one of its most dishonest, biased, and dangerous pro-police articles that I h…
2022-06-04 20:25:56 Communing &
2022-06-03 15:02:26 RT @oni_blackstock: My heart is heavy thinking abt Dr. Preston Phillips who was murdered in the recent Tulsa mass shooting. Fewer than 2%…
2022-06-03 00:56:51 @JTRoane such great advice! https://t.co/1UIutWGNvo
2022-06-02 22:26:56 @de_nichols
2022-06-02 21:53:23 RT @hypervisible: Everything about this is suspect. Everything. ht/@twocatsand_docs
2022-06-02 21:19:24 RT @brown_mike_: @ruha9 is going to be at #ASHE2022. Everyone should read Race After Technology so we can have a giant book club discussio…
2022-06-02 17:25:38 So excited to see brilliant researchers in the #IdaLab profiled in “How a New Generation Is Combatting Digital Surveillance” @BostonReview https://t.co/cKFYsRNh6H
2022-06-02 03:40:44 RT @TerenceKeel: "Natural Causes?" 59 Autopsies Prove Otherwise https://t.co/Jzl8VJgjXa
2022-06-02 03:39:20 “The cause of death for increasing numbers of otherwise healthy Black and Latino men in Los Angeles County jails is being deliberately misclassified as natural or undetermined, usually to hide beatings administered by guards.” FULL REPORT—https://t.co/FedaKBf8rH https://t.co/HeFHSPLmlO
2022-06-02 03:28:57 Last summer, 4.5 miles from my childhood home: https://t.co/gROibItjnw
2022-06-02 01:28:57 @joannardugan @HomeFront The honor was all mine!
2022-06-01 12:59:30 RT @lorgia_pena: June 15th. Speaking at Trenton free library with @ruha9. A huge deal for this Trentonian this homecoming. https://t.co…
2022-05-31 21:32:17 RT @taylorfor20th: I first applied for an affordable housing voucher in 1993.I finally got a call back in 2004 to tell me my son who just…
2022-05-31 21:00:05 @danbouk Thank you for reading Dan!
2022-05-31 14:45:40 @jerelleaj @Princeton Welcome to campus!!
2022-05-31 12:59:57 The June edition ofSeeding the Futurewill hit your inboxes later today! Subscribe for some bee-girl bloomscrolling about life’s sweetness &
2022-05-29 12:37:33 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD: As cops try to spin Uvalde as one bad choice by a bad police commander from a brand new small “cowardly” police d…
2022-05-29 12:33:55 black digital practice:“…the practice of creating constellations of being that surface histories of terror at the heart of the machine of the New World and map new routes to galaxies beyond black death.” —@jmjafrx in Ideas in Unexpected Places, p278 https://t.co/4mSRaHRIJ2
2022-05-27 22:55:36 RT @samswey: Legislators responded to the 2018 Parkland school shooting by hiring police officers in every elementary, middle and high scho…
2022-05-27 21:38:17 RT @DarrinEvans: A lot of people, not in the know, are about to learn how difficult it is to hold cops accountable, and how that difficulty…
2022-05-27 15:09:41 RT @JoshuaPotash: I’m thinking about how a mom ran in and got her own kid, even after being handcuffed. I’m thinking about how the subway s…
2022-05-27 15:08:05 RT @Lazymommoment: @linnen_renee @jbrous41 Then this. TRIGGER WARNING!!!That’s not the wind you hear… Also, lots of parents being mistre…
2022-05-27 14:07:55 RT @theraglandpage: The more I hear about the #Texas shooting, the more I’m convinced that #abolishthepolice is the only sane option - they…
2022-05-27 14:07:22 RT @ndelriego: This thread will be dedicated to the victims of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. As a parent, my heart is broken seeing…
2022-05-27 03:35:39 Me hanging out with some of the wonderful pieces in the exhibit at Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan, MI. Look at these beauties! You can learn more about the artists here: https://t.co/TyGU1vf0qy https://t.co/kwozVmlyp0
2022-05-27 03:27:21 Yup, instead of citing twitter you can find it in the Intro of Captivating Technology (p14), available free online @DukePresshttps://t.co/PK3NeyNUYN https://t.co/MP6RSZlZDC
2022-05-27 03:25:38 Careful what you post! This 2017 tweet has made the rounds, even inspiring an art exhibit titled IN THE ADJACENT POSSIBLE that I got to visit last week.https://t.co/TyGU1vf0qy https://t.co/PA9TDOQJye
2022-05-27 03:16:41 @FemalistPapers Yes! Intro to Captivating Technology, p.14, thx for asking:https://t.co/PK3NeyNUYN
2022-05-27 03:14:06 @dektwit
2022-05-27 03:10:56 @ResearchLion @ackocher Awwthanku!!
2022-05-27 03:00:51 RT @kamaufranklin: Breaking News: Sundiata Acoli, 85, veteran of the Black Panther Party, comrade of Assata Shakur was released yesterday a…
2022-05-27 03:00:10 RT @laurachowfun: If you're feeling more and more aligned with abolition these days, but aren't sure what to do next, the folks at @project…
2022-05-27 02:59:52 RT @CraigOGilmore: Police failure to protect people in Uvalde is going to result in more funding for the police. Unless you help #DefundThe…
2022-05-27 02:59:37 RT @meganmmenchaca: A mom of two children at Uvalde was put in handcuffs after urging police and law enforcement to enter the school.Once…
2022-05-27 01:38:42 RT @georgeara_: People that don't live in cities that are 100-miles to the border don't understand how heavily policed and militarized this…
2022-05-26 20:01:35 RT @spladayum: BLACK PEOPLE DONE BEEN TELLING YOU. WHY. DON'T. YOU. LISTEN.
2022-05-25 23:38:26 RT @sfpc: Join teachers @mossportals @AshleyJaneLewis and participants this Sunday 5/29 at 12pm EST for a livestream of the Reading into th…
2022-05-25 23:36:39 @dr_nickiw There’s a special kind of fury reserved for LIARS. I’m here for you.
2022-05-25 23:34:36 RT @CivicsOfTech: REMINDER: WE ARE ALMOST 24 HOURS AWAY FROM OUR FIRST CIVICS OF TECHNOLOGY BOOK CLUB! @Prof_Ayyye will lead us in a disc…
2022-05-25 16:44:57 RT @ShanePaulNeil: My town has announced that in light of yesterday's tragedy there will be an increased police presence at the schools.…
2022-05-25 15:43:34 RT @DorothyERoberts: In the US, “child protection” means taking children away from struggling families, not ensuring housing, food &
2022-05-25 00:11:00 RT @Danez_Smif: If someone told me “Danez, no more poetry because poetry keeps killing children” I would burn every poem. If your love or f…
2022-05-24 22:16:07 @nylefort @Princeton @Columbia You make us all soooo proud!
2022-05-24 15:52:47 RT @lorgia_pena: This beautiful thing is happening tomorrow and I am so humbled and excited. Register and join us if you can. https://t.co/…
2022-05-24 00:39:46 @RavenclawSoc23 https://t.co/bQdTKEqGvQ
2022-05-23 20:44:18 @timnitGebru @safiyanoble
2022-05-23 20:43:58 RT @safiyanoble: Thank you Time magazine for recognizing the amazing @timnitGebru this year, and for giving me an opportunity to say what s…
2022-05-23 19:14:03 RT @JustFuturesLaw: NEW: We joined @CommJusticeExch @ConMijente to publish a new report highlighting the excruciating toll of ICE electron…
2022-05-22 21:08:25 @Caroljmoeller Thank you Carol!
2022-05-22 12:59:51 RT @mariamdurrani: 1. As one of the 9 profs resigning from Hamilton, I’ve been very public about my departure after years of institutional…
2022-05-21 20:37:24 RT @StrikeDebt: NEW: We just purchased $1.7M of unpaid tuition bills that Black women previously owed to Bennett College — and canceled it…
2022-05-21 20:15:09 RT @victorerikray: “When you are scammed by a friend, it is a shame. When your country scams you, it is a fraud.” @tressiemcphd And featu…
2022-05-21 14:07:55 RT @KCorinealdi: Lucille Clifton knew what she was talking about -why some people be mad at me sometimes (1988)they ask me to remember…
2022-05-20 22:20:33 RT @wlao_1919: Join us June 23 for our next WLAO Book Club, "Race After Technology". We are delighted to be joined by the author, Ruha Benj…
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-29 05:20:03 RT @colbiechristian: Little thread: I had a patient today who was a little elderly black woman. She was telling me that she really didn’t w…
2022-10-29 02:02:30 RT @michaelharriot: I managed to get a copy of Twitter's new policies. Here are the top ten biggest changes:A thread.
2022-10-29 01:51:45 How it started How it’s going: the person who taught me how to read helping me edit #ViralJustice, beseeching me to remove all the profanity! You have her to thank for the fact that there are only seven f*cks instead of 27. I had soooo many more f*cks to give. https://t.co/4ieJuFpOGS
2022-10-29 01:37:32 @ddhewty Explains the near empty auditorium
2022-10-29 01:33:46 @ddhewty I don’t think it was widely publicized beyond the first yrs and most of them weren’t really feelin a Friday eve lecture and I don’t blame em!
2022-10-29 01:20:25 In my talk at @HowardU tonite I drew upon a chapter titled “Grind” in Viral Justice, where I discuss the gig economy keeping academia float, incl the fight of @LecturersHU. I’m happy to see it’s already outdated! as they’ve won a first contract and will negotiate again in 2yrs. https://t.co/ddRp7RmQXl
2022-10-29 01:08:18 @LecturersHU won their 1st contract last spring but the struggle continues! They still face payment delays, now they reapply every other yr not every yr, they’re still barred from applying for TT jobs AND they’re arbitrarily terminated after 7yrs *even w/an exceptional record. https://t.co/xBuUh01DBs
2022-10-29 01:00:55 What an honor to speak w/ first years @HowardU today, where I connected labor struggles at @amazonlabor to those in academia including the ongoing fight of @LecturersHU who won their first contact last spring! “Teachers WORKING conditions are students LEARNING conditions.” https://t.co/REqpJWO4BY
2022-10-29 00:53:18 @roneglash @MegLevinson different Meagan Levinsonwho isn’t on Twitter
2022-10-29 00:52:30 @FREEwrites_
2022-10-28 21:13:48 RT @miamingus: "The time has come for us to reimagine everything. We have to reimagine work and go away from labor. We have to reimagine re…
2022-10-28 21:13:22 RT @anildash: Every abuse report I made to Twitter under its new leadership yesterday was rejected, saying that the accounts are not violat…
2022-10-28 19:20:09 RT @SIfill_: Imagine you're one of the Black employees who were brave enough to speak out abt racial discrimination at Tesla &
2022-10-28 18:03:21 RT @jersiegel: BOSTON: The @bostonbookfest is here! Join me Saturday when I host a panel discussion on making change through protest, activ…
2022-10-28 17:45:29 RT @safiyanoble: Important report released from @MCTDCambridge on why we must ban #facialrecognition tech. More evidence on how it consiste…
2022-10-28 17:44:56 RT @huahsu: a modest contribution … my @NewYorker postscript for mike davis, who was about hope and new worlds, not doom, and who was right…
2022-10-28 15:54:49 I was trying to send someone an “aunty hug” gif and this was the first option https://t.co/nF7HPbkx9M
2022-10-28 14:49:42 RT @fazlalizadeh: Flight, a new mural series on Black folks ability to fly. The first mural unveils tomorrow in Philly at 13th and Spruce S…
2022-10-28 02:34:57 @dividednolonger Thank you sooo much for coming Karen!
2022-10-28 01:15:04 HUUUGE shout out to @PrincetonUPress for their incredible stewardship of this project! Especially Meagan Levinson, @lessonsofwon @christiehenry &
2022-10-27 22:24:13 @BUsociologydept @saigrundy @ucpress @insidehighered @BU_Tweets @BU_AFAM @BU_CAS
2022-10-27 21:27:17 @riverarc @ekaputrat Ohhh feel better Bobby!
2022-10-27 20:17:37 RT @geoplace: The Fairwork project worked with a local municipality in Bogotá to commission some street art about platform work. Here’s the…
2022-10-27 19:33:40 Livestreamed TONITE 7pm ET for those unable to attend in personhttps://t.co/NzeJAQOYMx https://t.co/Sx0LghBZEU
2022-10-27 18:10:19 RT @ashtonpittman: THREAD: On August 30th, Deshundra Tate, 31, and her 5-year-old daughter, Kendra, died in their apartment at Sunset Villa…
2022-10-27 18:07:28 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. This is a thread about a "crime wave" that you barely hear about in the daily national news or on local tv every…
2022-10-27 18:06:05 @anthonyocampo Say it again
2022-10-27 17:46:52 RT @hebagowayed: Sobbing watching this — so powerful.
2022-10-27 15:10:40 RT @dreanyc123: For the love of all things if you listen to ANYfuckingthing in this moment listen to @MovementMemos w/ @MsKellyMHayes &
2022-10-27 12:35:56 @iMajorWish @southerncenter Thank you for reading!
2022-10-27 12:27:10 RT @JD_Dantzler: @ruha9 really gave us a book, discussion guide, ANDDDDD a #ViralJustice Mixtape - sharing this work with my cohort and stu…
2022-10-27 12:26:45 @iretiolua @sepehrvakil It was sooo lovely to meet you!
2022-10-27 02:58:36 RT @HarshaWalia: "Questions are for walking, not just for sitting around, doing nothing” - Zapatistas"Utopia is on the horizon: when I wa…
2022-10-27 01:57:01 @ubiquity75 Your work is absolutely ESSENTIAL.
2022-10-24 02:30:52 RT @bostonbookfest: Clue: The author of this memoir-manifesto is also a Professor of African American studies at Princeton and was once a F…
2022-10-23 21:18:59 DC was all love. https://t.co/hcgeLxfIbu
2022-10-23 21:17:53 Atlanta homecoming https://t.co/4n6lobca34
2022-10-23 21:13:04 San Francisco came out https://t.co/8Rf0UhrpF8
2022-10-23 21:11:46 https://t.co/K4ns4dQBYR
2022-10-23 21:10:55 Now to Seattle. https://t.co/lpdF3XMPf8
2022-10-23 21:10:08 More from LA. https://t.co/QAp65yDavA
2022-10-23 21:09:26 https://t.co/axPseH8Fyb
2022-10-23 21:08:30 A few more snaps—it feels like one long reunion with beloved friends, colleagues, comrades and kin, new &
2022-10-23 21:04:48 This was another sweet moment, when Jazmyn Scott of ArtNoir in Seattle read her fav passage. #ViralJustice https://t.co/cGoYYaJehX
2022-10-23 21:01:54 Somebody get this guy an agent. Hearing Rainn read a passage from #ViralJustice makes me think he should really give acting n voice over a shot https://t.co/FePQmVep70
2022-10-23 01:03:53 We interrupt your regularly scheduled Viral Justice programming to bring u a talk on #RaceAfterTechnology—selected as the Common Text for @HowardU first years! Friday Oct 28 @ 5pm Blackburn University Center, open to the public. https://t.co/luatNkxhR1
2022-10-22 21:27:50 RT @DrLisaBThompson: Next week in Austin I’ll be in dialogue with @ruha9 @BookPeople where we will discuss her beautiful and inspiring new…
2022-10-22 05:53:34 RT @anthonyocampo: in a chapter of life that’s been so dismal, @ruha9 new book ‘viral justice’ and its message are a lifeline. https://t.co…
2022-10-22 05:50:42 @anthonyocampo It was sooooo good to see you in the flesh! And the fact that you coordinated with the cover
2022-10-21 23:07:37 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena
2022-10-21 22:39:13 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena WOWA, I love this talk title!
2022-10-21 19:14:50 RT @equalityAlec: Please take a moment this weekend to think about how the U.S. puts Black people in cages 6 times the rate of South Africa…
2022-10-21 19:07:06 RT @WWConverge: A gathering of great minds took place on Monday as @ruha9, and Jazmyn Scott and Vivian Phillips of @ArteNoir, hosted a gath…
2022-10-21 17:12:13 Full flight erupts in applause to celebrate the 92nd bday of a fellow passenger! Six ppl are masked… https://t.co/LFhZXZAFVo
2022-10-21 16:55:55 @magalintzin @pitzercollege Thank you so much for assigning RaT!
2022-10-21 16:53:57 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-21 16:53:10 @David_Gunkel @MiaD @dmonett @teemu_roos @politybooks
2022-10-21 15:59:57 RT @uche_blackstock: A study out earlier this year suggested that Medicaid expansions led to reduced police arrests, particularly drug-rela…
2022-10-21 15:54:08 Setting dreamy boundaries after Day 7 of the book tour
2022-10-21 15:49:24 Person in my dream last night asked a question that required an involved response. I took a deep breath n replied, “I can’t right now, don’t you see that I’m dreaming?”
2022-10-21 07:38:03 RT @TanaDJoseph: @fatimazsaid Here in Africa, we can only watch as tensions rise and political unrest grows. As winter approaches in the UK…
2022-10-21 04:53:12 @Joshparker777 Thank you for reading, Josh!
2022-10-21 04:20:58 @jonneke The pleasure was all mine!
2022-10-21 03:40:24 RT @nettieb: Good night https://t.co/cmqye8AFVB
2022-10-21 02:09:42 RT @miamingus: “Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how…
2022-10-21 01:24:50 RT @LissomeLight: Before the pandemic, I had a wild idea: a resource for journalists to learn from restorative justice practitioners how to…
2022-10-21 01:20:44 RT @JoshuaPotash: Paying a cop $100,000 a year to go around ticketing the homeless. I wonder how we could do this differently
2022-10-20 23:25:37 RT @drmonicahuerta: if you can, please send some love over to jersey and to misrach's loved ones, this news is beyond awful, and has everyo…
2022-10-20 23:22:37 RT @timnitGebru: I have my PhD in "AI" &
2022-10-20 23:21:40 RT @LeonYin: NEW: @ASankin and I collected +850K internet plans across 38 major US cities and found widespread disparities between where fa…
2022-10-20 18:22:22 Special guest tonite—Anis @Mojgani, Poet Laureate of Oregon! Can’t wait for this reunion. Still a few tix left: https://t.co/BqSZfAQ8kk #ViralJustice https://t.co/52DU1QkCNb
2022-10-20 18:04:36 “To transform the society, it was necessary to understand it. Study was essential to the Black-freedom movement…Black-freedom dreams were pursued in significant part through serious academic inquiry.” Read @imaniperry’s latest: https://t.co/qghAJz4JhR #UnsettledTerritory
2022-10-20 17:43:18 RT @southerncenter: Saturday in Savannah, join local and statewide community organizations in for Vote in My Honor, a day in the park &
2022-10-20 17:28:52 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-20 17:19:22 @desenoz Me quoting Seattle Solidarity Budget!
2022-10-20 17:16:11 @HJCommons Thank you for sharing, HJC fam! It was sooo great to see so many friends last nite!
2022-10-20 17:14:52 @XavierADurham It was sooo great to see you, Xavier!
2022-10-20 17:14:08 @vanessamason Thank you so much for coming, Vanessa!
2022-10-20 17:13:43 @OneAjeetSingh Thank you so much for coming, Ajeet!
2022-10-20 17:11:15 RT @cripjustice: "The concept of 'viral justice' offers a way of looking at (or looking again) at all the ways people are working, little b…
2022-10-20 15:51:44 Available here: https://t.co/4DuyYwUE6x
2022-10-20 15:51:27 Yall please join me in wishing @AlisonMDesir a HAPPY PUB WEEK! “Runners know that running brings us to ourselves. But for Black people, the simple act of running has never been so simple...”#RunningWhileBlack https://t.co/Fkq2WsbYbK
2022-10-20 15:08:03 RT @DigitalHistory_: Misrach left Terrace "eating club" on campus &
2022-10-20 05:53:50 https://t.co/Ev9qJhe5lI
2022-10-20 05:30:23 RT @amberwaves: Such a great piece from @ruha9 on the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth, and what happened to all the Black midwiv…
2022-10-20 00:58:01 RT @SFdirewolf: It arrived! @DrSamiSchalk’s BLACK DISABILITY POLITICS from @DukePress! Order now and request it at your library: https://…
2022-10-20 00:14:29 RT @AngelSDiaz_: LA friends: @ruha9's coming to town on Friday! Don't miss it, I'll see you there.https://t.co/6LM3RPZ5Nl
2022-10-20 00:04:50 @AngelSDiaz_ See you soon Angel!
2022-10-20 00:00:02 RT @esglaude: I have to keep reminding myself that “hope is invented everyday.”
2022-10-19 23:57:02 @TheNapMinistry
2022-10-19 06:02:09 @DrSaarunya Thank you sooo much for your question, Geetha!
2022-10-19 04:36:46 And can’t wait to join you in SF tmrw eve! https://t.co/WgYonYDZ8D https://t.co/MTT8Vu4iRj
2022-10-19 04:34:21 @SFPublicLibrary https://t.co/LdE9BtLrcg
2022-10-19 04:00:04 RT @usfca: Dr. Shabnam Koirala-Azad, dean of @USFCA_SOE, will be in conversation this Wednesday with Princeton scholar Ruha Benjamin at the…
2022-10-19 03:45:47 @aguirre_elotote It was soooo great to finally meet, Eloisa!
2022-10-19 03:43:24 @mildredkcho Thank you so much for coming, Mildred!
2022-10-19 03:42:30 @BuslonNataly @HumanAtStanford Thank you so much for coming, Nataly!
2022-10-19 03:16:55 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-19 03:16:07 @ktreit Peer pressure for the win!
2022-10-19 03:12:45 @pronovost Thank you for listening, Robert! Multitasking for the win
2022-10-19 03:11:55 @DrBishopDigital Reunited!
2022-10-18 19:45:03 @random_walker I was sooo bummed to be traveling at the time of the lecture! I really appreciate this incredible recap, Arvind.
2022-10-18 19:40:02 RT @random_walker: I was invited to give this year’s James Baldwin lecture at Princeton. My message: quantitative methods have become tools…
2022-10-18 19:06:36 RT @BernardHarcourt: Headed out from death row at Holman Prison in Atmore, Alabama, through more cotton fields and red clay, after a long l…
2022-10-18 18:54:47 RT @victorerikray: "The difference between a smartwatch and an ankle monitor is, in many ways, a matter of context: Who wears one for purpo…
2022-10-18 18:24:05 Letter of recommendation season giving zero f*cks about this book tour schedule: https://t.co/27N7Te3pVY
2022-10-18 17:26:12 RT @SirJoshBennett: …the advice that I would give myself would be something like ‘don’t despair.’ Don’t despair.—Saidiya Hartman https://…
2022-10-18 16:37:10 @WHOSTP @geomblog @AlondraNelson46
2022-10-18 16:28:54 RT @HumanAtStanford: Happening today! We're at capacity, but you can still join Dr. Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) online at 4:00PM PDT. https:…
2022-10-18 16:15:52 For those still waiting on your copy, an excerpt of Viral Justice in @TIME! https://t.co/JZrIE2Jq6J https://t.co/DfkH8ISeMV https://t.co/cJnD1MZlB7
2022-10-30 00:12:46 PART 2: Are you in Cambridge, London, Amsterdam, Joburg, or NYC? I’d love to see half of your face! *Plus all the UK events have livestream options. https://t.co/w96HWGmsnr https://t.co/zeHTYSx4QN https://t.co/xSS7Hp29QE
2022-10-29 23:36:57 RT @reneeisto: “The doula effect is a model for all of health care, showing us what it looks like to accompany people when they are at thei…
2022-10-29 23:36:46 RT @RSAEvents: Feeling overwhelmed about the scale of our challenges? Maybe it's time to focus on the practical changes we can enact on…
2022-10-29 23:36:40 RT @LSEDataScience: Join Prof Ruha Benjamin at the next Phelan United States Centre event Ruha is the founding director of the Ida B. We…
2022-10-29 23:36:26 RT @CHCInetwork: The Division of Ethics @Columbia, invites you to the online series Ethics Ground Rounds with @ruha9, moderated by @sandras…
2022-10-29 23:34:50 RT @HuuDijstelbloem: Next week @ruha9 will honor the Netherlands with a visit to speak about her new book Viral Justice. We are incredibly…
2022-10-29 20:11:48 @LashNolen It was soooo lovely to connect today LaShyra!
2022-10-29 20:11:08 RT @LashNolen: “I wanted to metabolize my anger to create something that was nourishing to me and hopefully to others too.” -@ruha9 on her…
2022-10-29 19:56:04 @DeAnnaYSmith
2022-10-29 19:21:49 RT @_Eric_Reinhart: First, what does jailing not do? No good evidence supports claims that it prevents violence, but abundant evidence show…
2022-10-29 19:12:55 RT @roneglash: For some backstory on @ruha9's Viral Justice try dropping in on her Office Hour, courtesy of @MegLevinsonhttps://t.co/xsRF…
2022-10-29 19:01:43 @Reighangillam Long overdue, soooo good to finally meet, Reighan!
2022-10-29 19:00:04 @msfcurry So wonderful to meet you Milton!
2022-10-29 15:45:40 Boston friends, hope to see you today 1:15pm @ Old South Church @bostonbookfest https://t.co/aILOIrejEo https://t.co/zvtCHd5zHK
2022-10-29 14:51:52 RT @Reprieve: Thank you to everyone who helped campaign for Saifullah’s release.He once described life at Guantánamo as “being alive in y…
2022-10-29 13:04:19 Btw, this quote “teachers working conditions…” is attributed to Diane Ravitch, former US assistant secretary of education: https://t.co/5xMrkFTQxh
2022-10-29 05:20:03 RT @colbiechristian: Little thread: I had a patient today who was a little elderly black woman. She was telling me that she really didn’t w…
2022-10-29 02:02:30 RT @michaelharriot: I managed to get a copy of Twitter's new policies. Here are the top ten biggest changes:A thread.
2022-10-29 01:51:45 How it started How it’s going: the person who taught me how to read helping me edit #ViralJustice, beseeching me to remove all the profanity! You have her to thank for the fact that there are only seven f*cks instead of 27. I had soooo many more f*cks to give. https://t.co/4ieJuFpOGS
2022-10-29 01:37:32 @ddhewty Explains the near empty auditorium
2022-10-29 01:33:46 @ddhewty I don’t think it was widely publicized beyond the first yrs and most of them weren’t really feelin a Friday eve lecture and I don’t blame em!
2022-10-29 01:20:25 In my talk at @HowardU tonite I drew upon a chapter titled “Grind” in Viral Justice, where I discuss the gig economy keeping academia float, incl the fight of @LecturersHU. I’m happy to see it’s already outdated! as they’ve won a first contract and will negotiate again in 2yrs. https://t.co/ddRp7RmQXl
2022-10-29 01:08:18 @LecturersHU won their 1st contract last spring but the struggle continues! They still face payment delays, now they reapply every other yr not every yr, they’re still barred from applying for TT jobs AND they’re arbitrarily terminated after 7yrs *even w/an exceptional record. https://t.co/xBuUh01DBs
2022-10-29 01:00:55 What an honor to speak w/ first years @HowardU today, where I connected labor struggles at @amazonlabor to those in academia including the ongoing fight of @LecturersHU who won their first contact last spring! “Teachers WORKING conditions are students LEARNING conditions.” https://t.co/REqpJWO4BY
2022-10-29 00:53:18 @roneglash @MegLevinson different Meagan Levinsonwho isn’t on Twitter
2022-10-29 00:52:30 @FREEwrites_
2022-10-28 21:13:48 RT @miamingus: "The time has come for us to reimagine everything. We have to reimagine work and go away from labor. We have to reimagine re…
2022-10-28 21:13:22 RT @anildash: Every abuse report I made to Twitter under its new leadership yesterday was rejected, saying that the accounts are not violat…
2022-10-28 19:20:09 RT @SIfill_: Imagine you're one of the Black employees who were brave enough to speak out abt racial discrimination at Tesla &
2022-10-28 18:03:21 RT @jersiegel: BOSTON: The @bostonbookfest is here! Join me Saturday when I host a panel discussion on making change through protest, activ…
2022-10-28 17:45:29 RT @safiyanoble: Important report released from @MCTDCambridge on why we must ban #facialrecognition tech. More evidence on how it consiste…
2022-10-28 17:44:56 RT @huahsu: a modest contribution … my @NewYorker postscript for mike davis, who was about hope and new worlds, not doom, and who was right…
2022-10-28 15:54:49 I was trying to send someone an “aunty hug” gif and this was the first option https://t.co/nF7HPbkx9M
2022-10-28 14:49:42 RT @fazlalizadeh: Flight, a new mural series on Black folks ability to fly. The first mural unveils tomorrow in Philly at 13th and Spruce S…
2022-10-28 02:34:57 @dividednolonger Thank you sooo much for coming Karen!
2022-10-28 01:15:04 HUUUGE shout out to @PrincetonUPress for their incredible stewardship of this project! Especially Meagan Levinson, @lessonsofwon @christiehenry &
2022-10-27 22:24:13 @BUsociologydept @saigrundy @ucpress @insidehighered @BU_Tweets @BU_AFAM @BU_CAS
2022-10-27 21:27:17 @riverarc @ekaputrat Ohhh feel better Bobby!
2022-10-27 20:17:37 RT @geoplace: The Fairwork project worked with a local municipality in Bogotá to commission some street art about platform work. Here’s the…
2022-10-27 19:33:40 Livestreamed TONITE 7pm ET for those unable to attend in personhttps://t.co/NzeJAQOYMx https://t.co/Sx0LghBZEU
2022-10-27 18:10:19 RT @ashtonpittman: THREAD: On August 30th, Deshundra Tate, 31, and her 5-year-old daughter, Kendra, died in their apartment at Sunset Villa…
2022-10-27 18:07:28 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. This is a thread about a "crime wave" that you barely hear about in the daily national news or on local tv every…
2022-10-27 18:06:05 @anthonyocampo Say it again
2022-10-27 17:46:52 RT @hebagowayed: Sobbing watching this — so powerful.
2022-10-27 15:10:40 RT @dreanyc123: For the love of all things if you listen to ANYfuckingthing in this moment listen to @MovementMemos w/ @MsKellyMHayes &
2022-10-27 12:35:56 @iMajorWish @southerncenter Thank you for reading!
2022-10-27 12:27:10 RT @JD_Dantzler: @ruha9 really gave us a book, discussion guide, ANDDDDD a #ViralJustice Mixtape - sharing this work with my cohort and stu…
2022-10-27 12:26:45 @iretiolua @sepehrvakil It was sooo lovely to meet you!
2022-10-27 02:58:36 RT @HarshaWalia: "Questions are for walking, not just for sitting around, doing nothing” - Zapatistas"Utopia is on the horizon: when I wa…
2022-10-27 01:57:01 @ubiquity75 Your work is absolutely ESSENTIAL.
2022-10-24 02:30:52 RT @bostonbookfest: Clue: The author of this memoir-manifesto is also a Professor of African American studies at Princeton and was once a F…
2022-10-23 21:18:59 DC was all love. https://t.co/hcgeLxfIbu
2022-10-23 21:17:53 Atlanta homecoming https://t.co/4n6lobca34
2022-10-23 21:13:04 San Francisco came out https://t.co/8Rf0UhrpF8
2022-10-23 21:11:46 https://t.co/K4ns4dQBYR
2022-10-23 21:10:55 Now to Seattle. https://t.co/lpdF3XMPf8
2022-10-23 21:10:08 More from LA. https://t.co/QAp65yDavA
2022-10-23 21:09:26 https://t.co/axPseH8Fyb
2022-10-23 21:08:30 A few more snaps—it feels like one long reunion with beloved friends, colleagues, comrades and kin, new &
2022-10-23 21:04:48 This was another sweet moment, when Jazmyn Scott of ArtNoir in Seattle read her fav passage. #ViralJustice https://t.co/cGoYYaJehX
2022-10-23 21:01:54 Somebody get this guy an agent. Hearing Rainn read a passage from #ViralJustice makes me think he should really give acting n voice over a shot https://t.co/FePQmVep70
2022-10-23 01:03:53 We interrupt your regularly scheduled Viral Justice programming to bring u a talk on #RaceAfterTechnology—selected as the Common Text for @HowardU first years! Friday Oct 28 @ 5pm Blackburn University Center, open to the public. https://t.co/luatNkxhR1
2022-10-22 21:27:50 RT @DrLisaBThompson: Next week in Austin I’ll be in dialogue with @ruha9 @BookPeople where we will discuss her beautiful and inspiring new…
2022-10-22 05:53:34 RT @anthonyocampo: in a chapter of life that’s been so dismal, @ruha9 new book ‘viral justice’ and its message are a lifeline. https://t.co…
2022-10-22 05:50:42 @anthonyocampo It was sooooo good to see you in the flesh! And the fact that you coordinated with the cover
2022-10-21 23:07:37 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena
2022-10-21 22:39:13 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena WOWA, I love this talk title!
2022-10-21 19:14:50 RT @equalityAlec: Please take a moment this weekend to think about how the U.S. puts Black people in cages 6 times the rate of South Africa…
2022-10-21 19:07:06 RT @WWConverge: A gathering of great minds took place on Monday as @ruha9, and Jazmyn Scott and Vivian Phillips of @ArteNoir, hosted a gath…
2022-10-21 17:12:13 Full flight erupts in applause to celebrate the 92nd bday of a fellow passenger! Six ppl are masked… https://t.co/LFhZXZAFVo
2022-10-21 16:55:55 @magalintzin @pitzercollege Thank you so much for assigning RaT!
2022-10-21 16:53:57 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-21 16:53:10 @David_Gunkel @MiaD @dmonett @teemu_roos @politybooks
2022-10-21 15:59:57 RT @uche_blackstock: A study out earlier this year suggested that Medicaid expansions led to reduced police arrests, particularly drug-rela…
2022-10-21 15:54:08 Setting dreamy boundaries after Day 7 of the book tour
2022-10-21 15:49:24 Person in my dream last night asked a question that required an involved response. I took a deep breath n replied, “I can’t right now, don’t you see that I’m dreaming?”
2022-10-21 07:38:03 RT @TanaDJoseph: @fatimazsaid Here in Africa, we can only watch as tensions rise and political unrest grows. As winter approaches in the UK…
2022-10-21 04:53:12 @Joshparker777 Thank you for reading, Josh!
2022-10-21 04:20:58 @jonneke The pleasure was all mine!
2022-10-21 03:40:24 RT @nettieb: Good night https://t.co/cmqye8AFVB
2022-10-21 02:09:42 RT @miamingus: “Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how…
2022-10-21 01:24:50 RT @LissomeLight: Before the pandemic, I had a wild idea: a resource for journalists to learn from restorative justice practitioners how to…
2022-10-21 01:20:44 RT @JoshuaPotash: Paying a cop $100,000 a year to go around ticketing the homeless. I wonder how we could do this differently
2022-10-20 23:25:37 RT @drmonicahuerta: if you can, please send some love over to jersey and to misrach's loved ones, this news is beyond awful, and has everyo…
2022-10-20 23:22:37 RT @timnitGebru: I have my PhD in "AI" &
2022-10-20 23:21:40 RT @LeonYin: NEW: @ASankin and I collected +850K internet plans across 38 major US cities and found widespread disparities between where fa…
2022-10-20 18:22:22 Special guest tonite—Anis @Mojgani, Poet Laureate of Oregon! Can’t wait for this reunion. Still a few tix left: https://t.co/BqSZfAQ8kk #ViralJustice https://t.co/52DU1QkCNb
2022-10-20 18:04:36 “To transform the society, it was necessary to understand it. Study was essential to the Black-freedom movement…Black-freedom dreams were pursued in significant part through serious academic inquiry.” Read @imaniperry’s latest: https://t.co/qghAJz4JhR #UnsettledTerritory
2022-10-20 17:43:18 RT @southerncenter: Saturday in Savannah, join local and statewide community organizations in for Vote in My Honor, a day in the park &
2022-10-20 17:28:52 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-20 17:19:22 @desenoz Me quoting Seattle Solidarity Budget!
2022-10-20 17:16:11 @HJCommons Thank you for sharing, HJC fam! It was sooo great to see so many friends last nite!
2022-10-20 17:14:52 @XavierADurham It was sooo great to see you, Xavier!
2022-10-20 17:14:08 @vanessamason Thank you so much for coming, Vanessa!
2022-10-20 17:13:43 @OneAjeetSingh Thank you so much for coming, Ajeet!
2022-10-20 17:11:15 RT @cripjustice: "The concept of 'viral justice' offers a way of looking at (or looking again) at all the ways people are working, little b…
2022-10-20 15:51:44 Available here: https://t.co/4DuyYwUE6x
2022-10-20 15:51:27 Yall please join me in wishing @AlisonMDesir a HAPPY PUB WEEK! “Runners know that running brings us to ourselves. But for Black people, the simple act of running has never been so simple...”#RunningWhileBlack https://t.co/Fkq2WsbYbK
2022-10-20 15:08:03 RT @DigitalHistory_: Misrach left Terrace "eating club" on campus &
2022-10-20 05:53:50 https://t.co/Ev9qJhe5lI
2022-10-20 05:30:23 RT @amberwaves: Such a great piece from @ruha9 on the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth, and what happened to all the Black midwiv…
2022-10-20 00:58:01 RT @SFdirewolf: It arrived! @DrSamiSchalk’s BLACK DISABILITY POLITICS from @DukePress! Order now and request it at your library: https://…
2022-10-20 00:14:29 RT @AngelSDiaz_: LA friends: @ruha9's coming to town on Friday! Don't miss it, I'll see you there.https://t.co/6LM3RPZ5Nl
2022-10-20 00:04:50 @AngelSDiaz_ See you soon Angel!
2022-10-20 00:00:02 RT @esglaude: I have to keep reminding myself that “hope is invented everyday.”
2022-10-19 23:57:02 @TheNapMinistry
2022-10-19 06:02:09 @DrSaarunya Thank you sooo much for your question, Geetha!
2022-10-19 04:36:46 And can’t wait to join you in SF tmrw eve! https://t.co/WgYonYDZ8D https://t.co/MTT8Vu4iRj
2022-10-19 04:34:21 @SFPublicLibrary https://t.co/LdE9BtLrcg
2022-10-19 04:00:04 RT @usfca: Dr. Shabnam Koirala-Azad, dean of @USFCA_SOE, will be in conversation this Wednesday with Princeton scholar Ruha Benjamin at the…
2022-10-19 03:45:47 @aguirre_elotote It was soooo great to finally meet, Eloisa!
2022-10-19 03:43:24 @mildredkcho Thank you so much for coming, Mildred!
2022-10-19 03:42:30 @BuslonNataly @HumanAtStanford Thank you so much for coming, Nataly!
2022-10-19 03:16:55 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-19 03:16:07 @ktreit Peer pressure for the win!
2022-10-19 03:12:45 @pronovost Thank you for listening, Robert! Multitasking for the win
2022-10-19 03:11:55 @DrBishopDigital Reunited!
2022-10-18 19:45:03 @random_walker I was sooo bummed to be traveling at the time of the lecture! I really appreciate this incredible recap, Arvind.
2022-10-18 19:40:02 RT @random_walker: I was invited to give this year’s James Baldwin lecture at Princeton. My message: quantitative methods have become tools…
2022-10-18 19:06:36 RT @BernardHarcourt: Headed out from death row at Holman Prison in Atmore, Alabama, through more cotton fields and red clay, after a long l…
2022-10-18 18:54:47 RT @victorerikray: "The difference between a smartwatch and an ankle monitor is, in many ways, a matter of context: Who wears one for purpo…
2022-10-18 18:24:05 Letter of recommendation season giving zero f*cks about this book tour schedule: https://t.co/27N7Te3pVY
2022-10-18 17:26:12 RT @SirJoshBennett: …the advice that I would give myself would be something like ‘don’t despair.’ Don’t despair.—Saidiya Hartman https://…
2022-10-18 16:37:10 @WHOSTP @geomblog @AlondraNelson46
2022-10-18 16:28:54 RT @HumanAtStanford: Happening today! We're at capacity, but you can still join Dr. Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) online at 4:00PM PDT. https:…
2022-10-18 16:15:52 For those still waiting on your copy, an excerpt of Viral Justice in @TIME! https://t.co/JZrIE2Jq6J https://t.co/DfkH8ISeMV https://t.co/cJnD1MZlB7
2022-10-30 02:05:27 PART 2: If you’re in Cambridge, London, Amsterdam, Joburg, or NYC, I’d love to see half your face! *plus all the UK events have livestream options, https://t.co/w96HWGmsnr https://t.co/zeHTYSx4QN
2022-10-30 00:12:46 PART 2: Are you in Cambridge, London, Amsterdam, Joburg, or NYC? I’d love to see half of your face! *Plus all the UK events have livestream options. https://t.co/w96HWGmsnr https://t.co/zeHTYSx4QN https://t.co/xSS7Hp29QE
2022-10-29 23:36:57 RT @reneeisto: “The doula effect is a model for all of health care, showing us what it looks like to accompany people when they are at thei…
2022-10-29 23:36:46 RT @RSAEvents: Feeling overwhelmed about the scale of our challenges? Maybe it's time to focus on the practical changes we can enact on…
2022-10-29 23:36:40 RT @LSEDataScience: Join Prof Ruha Benjamin at the next Phelan United States Centre event Ruha is the founding director of the Ida B. We…
2022-10-29 23:36:26 RT @CHCInetwork: The Division of Ethics @Columbia, invites you to the online series Ethics Ground Rounds with @ruha9, moderated by @sandras…
2022-10-29 23:34:50 RT @HuuDijstelbloem: Next week @ruha9 will honor the Netherlands with a visit to speak about her new book Viral Justice. We are incredibly…
2022-10-29 20:11:48 @LashNolen It was soooo lovely to connect today LaShyra!
2022-10-29 20:11:08 RT @LashNolen: “I wanted to metabolize my anger to create something that was nourishing to me and hopefully to others too.” -@ruha9 on her…
2022-10-29 19:56:04 @DeAnnaYSmith
2022-10-29 19:21:49 RT @_Eric_Reinhart: First, what does jailing not do? No good evidence supports claims that it prevents violence, but abundant evidence show…
2022-10-29 19:12:55 RT @roneglash: For some backstory on @ruha9's Viral Justice try dropping in on her Office Hour, courtesy of @MegLevinsonhttps://t.co/xsRF…
2022-10-29 19:01:43 @Reighangillam Long overdue, soooo good to finally meet, Reighan!
2022-10-29 19:00:04 @msfcurry So wonderful to meet you Milton!
2022-10-29 15:45:40 Boston friends, hope to see you today 1:15pm @ Old South Church @bostonbookfest https://t.co/aILOIrejEo https://t.co/zvtCHd5zHK
2022-10-29 14:51:52 RT @Reprieve: Thank you to everyone who helped campaign for Saifullah’s release.He once described life at Guantánamo as “being alive in y…
2022-10-29 13:04:19 Btw, this quote “teachers working conditions…” is attributed to Diane Ravitch, former US assistant secretary of education: https://t.co/5xMrkFTQxh
2022-10-29 05:20:03 RT @colbiechristian: Little thread: I had a patient today who was a little elderly black woman. She was telling me that she really didn’t w…
2022-10-29 02:02:30 RT @michaelharriot: I managed to get a copy of Twitter's new policies. Here are the top ten biggest changes:A thread.
2022-10-29 01:51:45 How it started How it’s going: the person who taught me how to read helping me edit #ViralJustice, beseeching me to remove all the profanity! You have her to thank for the fact that there are only seven f*cks instead of 27. I had soooo many more f*cks to give. https://t.co/4ieJuFpOGS
2022-10-29 01:37:32 @ddhewty Explains the near empty auditorium
2022-10-29 01:33:46 @ddhewty I don’t think it was widely publicized beyond the first yrs and most of them weren’t really feelin a Friday eve lecture and I don’t blame em!
2022-10-29 01:20:25 In my talk at @HowardU tonite I drew upon a chapter titled “Grind” in Viral Justice, where I discuss the gig economy keeping academia float, incl the fight of @LecturersHU. I’m happy to see it’s already outdated! as they’ve won a first contract and will negotiate again in 2yrs. https://t.co/ddRp7RmQXl
2022-10-29 01:08:18 @LecturersHU won their 1st contract last spring but the struggle continues! They still face payment delays, now they reapply every other yr not every yr, they’re still barred from applying for TT jobs AND they’re arbitrarily terminated after 7yrs *even w/an exceptional record. https://t.co/xBuUh01DBs
2022-10-29 01:00:55 What an honor to speak w/ first years @HowardU today, where I connected labor struggles at @amazonlabor to those in academia including the ongoing fight of @LecturersHU who won their first contact last spring! “Teachers WORKING conditions are students LEARNING conditions.” https://t.co/REqpJWO4BY
2022-10-29 00:53:18 @roneglash @MegLevinson different Meagan Levinsonwho isn’t on Twitter
2022-10-29 00:52:30 @FREEwrites_
2022-10-28 21:13:48 RT @miamingus: "The time has come for us to reimagine everything. We have to reimagine work and go away from labor. We have to reimagine re…
2022-10-28 21:13:22 RT @anildash: Every abuse report I made to Twitter under its new leadership yesterday was rejected, saying that the accounts are not violat…
2022-10-28 19:20:09 RT @SIfill_: Imagine you're one of the Black employees who were brave enough to speak out abt racial discrimination at Tesla &
2022-10-28 18:03:21 RT @jersiegel: BOSTON: The @bostonbookfest is here! Join me Saturday when I host a panel discussion on making change through protest, activ…
2022-10-28 17:45:29 RT @safiyanoble: Important report released from @MCTDCambridge on why we must ban #facialrecognition tech. More evidence on how it consiste…
2022-10-28 17:44:56 RT @huahsu: a modest contribution … my @NewYorker postscript for mike davis, who was about hope and new worlds, not doom, and who was right…
2022-10-28 15:54:49 I was trying to send someone an “aunty hug” gif and this was the first option https://t.co/nF7HPbkx9M
2022-10-28 14:49:42 RT @fazlalizadeh: Flight, a new mural series on Black folks ability to fly. The first mural unveils tomorrow in Philly at 13th and Spruce S…
2022-10-28 02:34:57 @dividednolonger Thank you sooo much for coming Karen!
2022-10-28 01:15:04 HUUUGE shout out to @PrincetonUPress for their incredible stewardship of this project! Especially Meagan Levinson, @lessonsofwon @christiehenry &
2022-10-27 22:24:13 @BUsociologydept @saigrundy @ucpress @insidehighered @BU_Tweets @BU_AFAM @BU_CAS
2022-10-27 21:27:17 @riverarc @ekaputrat Ohhh feel better Bobby!
2022-10-27 20:17:37 RT @geoplace: The Fairwork project worked with a local municipality in Bogotá to commission some street art about platform work. Here’s the…
2022-10-27 19:33:40 Livestreamed TONITE 7pm ET for those unable to attend in personhttps://t.co/NzeJAQOYMx https://t.co/Sx0LghBZEU
2022-10-27 18:10:19 RT @ashtonpittman: THREAD: On August 30th, Deshundra Tate, 31, and her 5-year-old daughter, Kendra, died in their apartment at Sunset Villa…
2022-10-27 18:07:28 RT @equalityAlec: THREAD. This is a thread about a "crime wave" that you barely hear about in the daily national news or on local tv every…
2022-10-27 18:06:05 @anthonyocampo Say it again
2022-10-27 17:46:52 RT @hebagowayed: Sobbing watching this — so powerful.
2022-10-27 15:10:40 RT @dreanyc123: For the love of all things if you listen to ANYfuckingthing in this moment listen to @MovementMemos w/ @MsKellyMHayes &
2022-10-27 12:35:56 @iMajorWish @southerncenter Thank you for reading!
2022-10-27 12:27:10 RT @JD_Dantzler: @ruha9 really gave us a book, discussion guide, ANDDDDD a #ViralJustice Mixtape - sharing this work with my cohort and stu…
2022-10-27 12:26:45 @iretiolua @sepehrvakil It was sooo lovely to meet you!
2022-10-27 02:58:36 RT @HarshaWalia: "Questions are for walking, not just for sitting around, doing nothing” - Zapatistas"Utopia is on the horizon: when I wa…
2022-10-27 01:57:01 @ubiquity75 Your work is absolutely ESSENTIAL.
2022-10-24 02:30:52 RT @bostonbookfest: Clue: The author of this memoir-manifesto is also a Professor of African American studies at Princeton and was once a F…
2022-10-23 21:18:59 DC was all love. https://t.co/hcgeLxfIbu
2022-10-23 21:17:53 Atlanta homecoming https://t.co/4n6lobca34
2022-10-23 21:13:04 San Francisco came out https://t.co/8Rf0UhrpF8
2022-10-23 21:11:46 https://t.co/K4ns4dQBYR
2022-10-23 21:10:55 Now to Seattle. https://t.co/lpdF3XMPf8
2022-10-23 21:10:08 More from LA. https://t.co/QAp65yDavA
2022-10-23 21:09:26 https://t.co/axPseH8Fyb
2022-10-23 21:08:30 A few more snaps—it feels like one long reunion with beloved friends, colleagues, comrades and kin, new &
2022-10-23 21:04:48 This was another sweet moment, when Jazmyn Scott of ArtNoir in Seattle read her fav passage. #ViralJustice https://t.co/cGoYYaJehX
2022-10-23 21:01:54 Somebody get this guy an agent. Hearing Rainn read a passage from #ViralJustice makes me think he should really give acting n voice over a shot https://t.co/FePQmVep70
2022-10-23 01:03:53 We interrupt your regularly scheduled Viral Justice programming to bring u a talk on #RaceAfterTechnology—selected as the Common Text for @HowardU first years! Friday Oct 28 @ 5pm Blackburn University Center, open to the public. https://t.co/luatNkxhR1
2022-10-22 21:27:50 RT @DrLisaBThompson: Next week in Austin I’ll be in dialogue with @ruha9 @BookPeople where we will discuss her beautiful and inspiring new…
2022-10-22 05:53:34 RT @anthonyocampo: in a chapter of life that’s been so dismal, @ruha9 new book ‘viral justice’ and its message are a lifeline. https://t.co…
2022-10-22 05:50:42 @anthonyocampo It was sooooo good to see you in the flesh! And the fact that you coordinated with the cover
2022-10-21 23:07:37 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena
2022-10-21 22:39:13 @mialva11 @lorgia_pena WOWA, I love this talk title!
2022-10-21 19:14:50 RT @equalityAlec: Please take a moment this weekend to think about how the U.S. puts Black people in cages 6 times the rate of South Africa…
2022-10-21 19:07:06 RT @WWConverge: A gathering of great minds took place on Monday as @ruha9, and Jazmyn Scott and Vivian Phillips of @ArteNoir, hosted a gath…
2022-10-21 17:12:13 Full flight erupts in applause to celebrate the 92nd bday of a fellow passenger! Six ppl are masked… https://t.co/LFhZXZAFVo
2022-10-21 16:55:55 @magalintzin @pitzercollege Thank you so much for assigning RaT!
2022-10-21 16:53:57 RT @MiaD: Here are 18 books that will radically change the way you think about AI, algorithms, and technologyBuy one for yourself and gi…
2022-10-21 16:53:10 @David_Gunkel @MiaD @dmonett @teemu_roos @politybooks
2022-10-21 15:59:57 RT @uche_blackstock: A study out earlier this year suggested that Medicaid expansions led to reduced police arrests, particularly drug-rela…
2022-10-21 15:54:08 Setting dreamy boundaries after Day 7 of the book tour
2022-10-21 15:49:24 Person in my dream last night asked a question that required an involved response. I took a deep breath n replied, “I can’t right now, don’t you see that I’m dreaming?”
2022-10-21 07:38:03 RT @TanaDJoseph: @fatimazsaid Here in Africa, we can only watch as tensions rise and political unrest grows. As winter approaches in the UK…
2022-10-21 04:53:12 @Joshparker777 Thank you for reading, Josh!
2022-10-21 04:20:58 @jonneke The pleasure was all mine!
2022-10-21 03:40:24 RT @nettieb: Good night https://t.co/cmqye8AFVB
2022-10-21 02:09:42 RT @miamingus: “Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how…
2022-10-21 01:24:50 RT @LissomeLight: Before the pandemic, I had a wild idea: a resource for journalists to learn from restorative justice practitioners how to…
2022-10-21 01:20:44 RT @JoshuaPotash: Paying a cop $100,000 a year to go around ticketing the homeless. I wonder how we could do this differently
2022-10-20 23:25:37 RT @drmonicahuerta: if you can, please send some love over to jersey and to misrach's loved ones, this news is beyond awful, and has everyo…
2022-10-20 23:22:37 RT @timnitGebru: I have my PhD in "AI" &
2022-10-20 23:21:40 RT @LeonYin: NEW: @ASankin and I collected +850K internet plans across 38 major US cities and found widespread disparities between where fa…
2022-10-20 18:22:22 Special guest tonite—Anis @Mojgani, Poet Laureate of Oregon! Can’t wait for this reunion. Still a few tix left: https://t.co/BqSZfAQ8kk #ViralJustice https://t.co/52DU1QkCNb
2022-10-20 18:04:36 “To transform the society, it was necessary to understand it. Study was essential to the Black-freedom movement…Black-freedom dreams were pursued in significant part through serious academic inquiry.” Read @imaniperry’s latest: https://t.co/qghAJz4JhR #UnsettledTerritory
2022-10-20 17:43:18 RT @southerncenter: Saturday in Savannah, join local and statewide community organizations in for Vote in My Honor, a day in the park &
2022-10-20 17:28:52 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-20 17:19:22 @desenoz Me quoting Seattle Solidarity Budget!
2022-10-20 17:16:11 @HJCommons Thank you for sharing, HJC fam! It was sooo great to see so many friends last nite!
2022-10-20 17:14:52 @XavierADurham It was sooo great to see you, Xavier!
2022-10-20 17:14:08 @vanessamason Thank you so much for coming, Vanessa!
2022-10-20 17:13:43 @OneAjeetSingh Thank you so much for coming, Ajeet!
2022-10-20 17:11:15 RT @cripjustice: "The concept of 'viral justice' offers a way of looking at (or looking again) at all the ways people are working, little b…
2022-10-20 15:51:44 Available here: https://t.co/4DuyYwUE6x
2022-10-20 15:51:27 Yall please join me in wishing @AlisonMDesir a HAPPY PUB WEEK! “Runners know that running brings us to ourselves. But for Black people, the simple act of running has never been so simple...”#RunningWhileBlack https://t.co/Fkq2WsbYbK
2022-10-20 15:08:03 RT @DigitalHistory_: Misrach left Terrace "eating club" on campus &
2022-10-20 05:53:50 https://t.co/Ev9qJhe5lI
2022-10-20 05:30:23 RT @amberwaves: Such a great piece from @ruha9 on the medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth, and what happened to all the Black midwiv…
2022-10-20 00:58:01 RT @SFdirewolf: It arrived! @DrSamiSchalk’s BLACK DISABILITY POLITICS from @DukePress! Order now and request it at your library: https://…
2022-10-20 00:14:29 RT @AngelSDiaz_: LA friends: @ruha9's coming to town on Friday! Don't miss it, I'll see you there.https://t.co/6LM3RPZ5Nl
2022-10-20 00:04:50 @AngelSDiaz_ See you soon Angel!
2022-10-20 00:00:02 RT @esglaude: I have to keep reminding myself that “hope is invented everyday.”
2022-10-19 23:57:02 @TheNapMinistry
2022-10-19 06:02:09 @DrSaarunya Thank you sooo much for your question, Geetha!
2022-10-19 04:36:46 And can’t wait to join you in SF tmrw eve! https://t.co/WgYonYDZ8D https://t.co/MTT8Vu4iRj
2022-10-19 04:34:21 @SFPublicLibrary https://t.co/LdE9BtLrcg
2022-10-19 04:00:04 RT @usfca: Dr. Shabnam Koirala-Azad, dean of @USFCA_SOE, will be in conversation this Wednesday with Princeton scholar Ruha Benjamin at the…
2022-10-19 03:45:47 @aguirre_elotote It was soooo great to finally meet, Eloisa!
2022-10-19 03:43:24 @mildredkcho Thank you so much for coming, Mildred!
2022-10-19 03:42:30 @BuslonNataly @HumanAtStanford Thank you so much for coming, Nataly!
2022-10-19 03:16:55 RT @TIME: "#FreeHer reminds us that the work of crafting more caring social relations isn’t charity work or work to be done on behalf of ot…
2022-10-19 03:16:07 @ktreit Peer pressure for the win!
2022-10-19 03:12:45 @pronovost Thank you for listening, Robert! Multitasking for the win
2022-10-19 03:11:55 @DrBishopDigital Reunited!
2022-10-18 19:45:03 @random_walker I was sooo bummed to be traveling at the time of the lecture! I really appreciate this incredible recap, Arvind.
2022-10-18 19:40:02 RT @random_walker: I was invited to give this year’s James Baldwin lecture at Princeton. My message: quantitative methods have become tools…
2022-10-18 19:06:36 RT @BernardHarcourt: Headed out from death row at Holman Prison in Atmore, Alabama, through more cotton fields and red clay, after a long l…
2022-10-18 18:54:47 RT @victorerikray: "The difference between a smartwatch and an ankle monitor is, in many ways, a matter of context: Who wears one for purpo…
2022-10-18 18:24:05 Letter of recommendation season giving zero f*cks about this book tour schedule: https://t.co/27N7Te3pVY
2022-10-18 17:26:12 RT @SirJoshBennett: …the advice that I would give myself would be something like ‘don’t despair.’ Don’t despair.—Saidiya Hartman https://…
2022-10-18 16:37:10 @WHOSTP @geomblog @AlondraNelson46
2022-10-18 16:28:54 RT @HumanAtStanford: Happening today! We're at capacity, but you can still join Dr. Ruha Benjamin (@ruha9) online at 4:00PM PDT. https:…
2022-10-18 16:15:52 For those still waiting on your copy, an excerpt of Viral Justice in @TIME! https://t.co/JZrIE2Jq6J https://t.co/DfkH8ISeMV https://t.co/cJnD1MZlB7
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-22 22:28:44 @fredlewisappel @TatteredCover @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-22 22:28:37 How We Grow the Mustache We Want https://t.co/kn3u9Vxqjm
2022-11-22 21:48:21 RT @LeighGoodmark: People ask me all the time what a non-carceral response to intimate partner violence could look like. The @APTPaction l…
2022-11-22 21:43:26 RT @anildash: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs and VCs are being radicalized by living within their own bubble. The…
2022-11-22 16:23:46 RT @Phil_Lewis_: Statement from the NAACP, calling on all advertisers to pause all advertising on Twitter after Trump’s reinstatement on th…
2022-11-22 16:21:27 @perezfelkner Thank you so much, Lara!
2022-11-22 15:21:57 RT @PrincetonUPress: Looking to give a powerful gift this holiday season? Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin empowers readers to make changes i…
2022-11-22 15:03:46 RT @UFWupdates: As you shop and prepare your #Thanksgiving meals, we'd like you to know a little more about the work behind the ingredients…
2022-11-22 13:52:54 @ManduReid No words
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-24 18:58:07 @Katy_Woods Sweeeeet
2022-11-24 13:36:45 RT @ucu: Today, 70,000 UCU members begin historic strike action at every university in the UK They are fighting to save higher education…
2022-11-24 01:36:03 RT @WIRED: As a young Black woman, @ruha9 saw her pregnancy treated like a problem. So she ditched the doctors for home delivery and found…
2022-11-24 01:32:44 RT @DorothyERoberts: Some revealing quotes from the report on racism in NY’s child welfare agency (ACS), which ACS never publicly released,…
2022-11-23 21:41:28 RT @BrookeEdu: i've been conducting my dissertation interviews with black girls in middle school. one question i ask is where do they feel…
2022-11-23 21:40:49 @bettinajudd @saigrundy We learned from the best
2022-11-23 20:05:24 RT @camillahawth: Faculty are withdrawing instructional labor, joining the strike's commitment to withhold grades until the strike ends, re…
2022-11-23 17:31:59 @marclamonthill Soooo necessary!
2022-11-23 03:16:54 @DrTee_3 @JoyGayles Free discussion guide here https://t.co/uWbav6GVkM
2022-11-23 03:16:07 @DrTee_3 The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-23 02:04:21 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-23 01:42:01 @saigrundy OHHHSHNAAAP, twinsies!
2022-11-22 22:28:44 @fredlewisappel @TatteredCover @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-22 22:28:37 How We Grow the Mustache We Want https://t.co/kn3u9Vxqjm
2022-11-22 21:48:21 RT @LeighGoodmark: People ask me all the time what a non-carceral response to intimate partner violence could look like. The @APTPaction l…
2022-11-22 21:43:26 RT @anildash: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs and VCs are being radicalized by living within their own bubble. The…
2022-11-22 16:23:46 RT @Phil_Lewis_: Statement from the NAACP, calling on all advertisers to pause all advertising on Twitter after Trump’s reinstatement on th…
2022-11-22 16:21:27 @perezfelkner Thank you so much, Lara!
2022-11-22 15:21:57 RT @PrincetonUPress: Looking to give a powerful gift this holiday season? Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin empowers readers to make changes i…
2022-11-22 15:03:46 RT @UFWupdates: As you shop and prepare your #Thanksgiving meals, we'd like you to know a little more about the work behind the ingredients…
2022-11-22 13:52:54 @ManduReid No words
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-25 23:44:53 RT @interruptcrim: And we're SO excited about this new book from @prisonculture and @MsKellyMHayes, Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and…
2022-11-25 23:14:55 … https://t.co/0ujlJh63Ns
2022-11-25 23:05:22 Books gone wild… a friend just sent this shot of #ViralJustice at LAX—these sightings are my new love language https://t.co/Lc6hM4Ky4S
2022-11-24 18:58:07 @Katy_Woods Sweeeeet
2022-11-24 13:36:45 RT @ucu: Today, 70,000 UCU members begin historic strike action at every university in the UK They are fighting to save higher education…
2022-11-24 01:36:03 RT @WIRED: As a young Black woman, @ruha9 saw her pregnancy treated like a problem. So she ditched the doctors for home delivery and found…
2022-11-24 01:32:44 RT @DorothyERoberts: Some revealing quotes from the report on racism in NY’s child welfare agency (ACS), which ACS never publicly released,…
2022-11-23 21:41:28 RT @BrookeEdu: i've been conducting my dissertation interviews with black girls in middle school. one question i ask is where do they feel…
2022-11-23 21:40:49 @bettinajudd @saigrundy We learned from the best
2022-11-23 20:05:24 RT @camillahawth: Faculty are withdrawing instructional labor, joining the strike's commitment to withhold grades until the strike ends, re…
2022-11-23 17:31:59 @marclamonthill Soooo necessary!
2022-11-23 03:16:54 @DrTee_3 @JoyGayles Free discussion guide here https://t.co/uWbav6GVkM
2022-11-23 03:16:07 @DrTee_3 The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-23 02:04:21 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-23 01:42:01 @saigrundy OHHHSHNAAAP, twinsies!
2022-11-22 22:28:44 @fredlewisappel @TatteredCover @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-22 22:28:37 How We Grow the Mustache We Want https://t.co/kn3u9Vxqjm
2022-11-22 21:48:21 RT @LeighGoodmark: People ask me all the time what a non-carceral response to intimate partner violence could look like. The @APTPaction l…
2022-11-22 21:43:26 RT @anildash: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs and VCs are being radicalized by living within their own bubble. The…
2022-11-22 16:23:46 RT @Phil_Lewis_: Statement from the NAACP, calling on all advertisers to pause all advertising on Twitter after Trump’s reinstatement on th…
2022-11-22 16:21:27 @perezfelkner Thank you so much, Lara!
2022-11-22 15:21:57 RT @PrincetonUPress: Looking to give a powerful gift this holiday season? Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin empowers readers to make changes i…
2022-11-22 15:03:46 RT @UFWupdates: As you shop and prepare your #Thanksgiving meals, we'd like you to know a little more about the work behind the ingredients…
2022-11-22 13:52:54 @ManduReid No words
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-25 23:44:53 RT @interruptcrim: And we're SO excited about this new book from @prisonculture and @MsKellyMHayes, Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and…
2022-11-25 23:14:55 … https://t.co/0ujlJh63Ns
2022-11-25 23:05:22 Books gone wild… a friend just sent this shot of #ViralJustice at LAX—these sightings are my new love language https://t.co/Lc6hM4Ky4S
2022-11-24 18:58:07 @Katy_Woods Sweeeeet
2022-11-24 13:36:45 RT @ucu: Today, 70,000 UCU members begin historic strike action at every university in the UK They are fighting to save higher education…
2022-11-24 01:36:03 RT @WIRED: As a young Black woman, @ruha9 saw her pregnancy treated like a problem. So she ditched the doctors for home delivery and found…
2022-11-24 01:32:44 RT @DorothyERoberts: Some revealing quotes from the report on racism in NY’s child welfare agency (ACS), which ACS never publicly released,…
2022-11-23 21:41:28 RT @BrookeEdu: i've been conducting my dissertation interviews with black girls in middle school. one question i ask is where do they feel…
2022-11-23 21:40:49 @bettinajudd @saigrundy We learned from the best
2022-11-23 20:05:24 RT @camillahawth: Faculty are withdrawing instructional labor, joining the strike's commitment to withhold grades until the strike ends, re…
2022-11-23 17:31:59 @marclamonthill Soooo necessary!
2022-11-23 03:16:54 @DrTee_3 @JoyGayles Free discussion guide here https://t.co/uWbav6GVkM
2022-11-23 03:16:07 @DrTee_3 The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-23 02:04:21 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-23 01:42:01 @saigrundy OHHHSHNAAAP, twinsies!
2022-11-22 22:28:44 @fredlewisappel @TatteredCover @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-22 22:28:37 How We Grow the Mustache We Want https://t.co/kn3u9Vxqjm
2022-11-22 21:48:21 RT @LeighGoodmark: People ask me all the time what a non-carceral response to intimate partner violence could look like. The @APTPaction l…
2022-11-22 21:43:26 RT @anildash: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs and VCs are being radicalized by living within their own bubble. The…
2022-11-22 16:23:46 RT @Phil_Lewis_: Statement from the NAACP, calling on all advertisers to pause all advertising on Twitter after Trump’s reinstatement on th…
2022-11-22 16:21:27 @perezfelkner Thank you so much, Lara!
2022-11-22 15:21:57 RT @PrincetonUPress: Looking to give a powerful gift this holiday season? Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin empowers readers to make changes i…
2022-11-22 15:03:46 RT @UFWupdates: As you shop and prepare your #Thanksgiving meals, we'd like you to know a little more about the work behind the ingredients…
2022-11-22 13:52:54 @ManduReid No words
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-28 23:39:19 @Atabaik I first years!
2022-11-28 15:40:31 “It is a vote for the idea that academic work can attune us to the world around us rather than separating us from it.”
2022-11-28 15:40:10 “In this sense, a vote for Local 33 is not only a vote for graduate workers to have a say in their terms and conditions of their work, although this is of course critical. It is also a vote for the idea that university justice must extend to all members.”
2022-11-28 15:39:31 “Solidarity does not require that people be identical. If it did, it would not be solidarity but sameness. Rather, solidarity is something you choose, not something that exists already in advance for you.” https://t.co/hrXi4cWrd1
2022-11-28 00:15:53 AGREED. Season 1 streaming on Hulu. #AlaskaDaily https://t.co/LK0TvPsuDW
2022-11-25 23:44:53 RT @interruptcrim: And we're SO excited about this new book from @prisonculture and @MsKellyMHayes, Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and…
2022-11-25 23:14:55 … https://t.co/0ujlJh63Ns
2022-11-25 23:05:22 Books gone wild… a friend just sent this shot of #ViralJustice at LAX—these sightings are my new love language https://t.co/Lc6hM4Ky4S
2022-11-24 18:58:07 @Katy_Woods Sweeeeet
2022-11-24 13:36:45 RT @ucu: Today, 70,000 UCU members begin historic strike action at every university in the UK They are fighting to save higher education…
2022-11-24 01:36:03 RT @WIRED: As a young Black woman, @ruha9 saw her pregnancy treated like a problem. So she ditched the doctors for home delivery and found…
2022-11-24 01:32:44 RT @DorothyERoberts: Some revealing quotes from the report on racism in NY’s child welfare agency (ACS), which ACS never publicly released,…
2022-11-23 21:41:28 RT @BrookeEdu: i've been conducting my dissertation interviews with black girls in middle school. one question i ask is where do they feel…
2022-11-23 21:40:49 @bettinajudd @saigrundy We learned from the best
2022-11-23 20:05:24 RT @camillahawth: Faculty are withdrawing instructional labor, joining the strike's commitment to withhold grades until the strike ends, re…
2022-11-23 17:31:59 @marclamonthill Soooo necessary!
2022-11-23 03:16:54 @DrTee_3 @JoyGayles Free discussion guide here https://t.co/uWbav6GVkM
2022-11-23 03:16:07 @DrTee_3 The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-23 02:04:21 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-23 01:42:01 @saigrundy OHHHSHNAAAP, twinsies!
2022-11-22 22:28:44 @fredlewisappel @TatteredCover @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-22 22:28:37 How We Grow the Mustache We Want https://t.co/kn3u9Vxqjm
2022-11-22 21:48:21 RT @LeighGoodmark: People ask me all the time what a non-carceral response to intimate partner violence could look like. The @APTPaction l…
2022-11-22 21:43:26 RT @anildash: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs and VCs are being radicalized by living within their own bubble. The…
2022-11-22 16:23:46 RT @Phil_Lewis_: Statement from the NAACP, calling on all advertisers to pause all advertising on Twitter after Trump’s reinstatement on th…
2022-11-22 16:21:27 @perezfelkner Thank you so much, Lara!
2022-11-22 15:21:57 RT @PrincetonUPress: Looking to give a powerful gift this holiday season? Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin empowers readers to make changes i…
2022-11-22 15:03:46 RT @UFWupdates: As you shop and prepare your #Thanksgiving meals, we'd like you to know a little more about the work behind the ingredients…
2022-11-22 13:52:54 @ManduReid No words
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-11-29 04:11:09 RT @interruptcrim: Are you or your group working on a project or community-wide intervention to end violence without using the police, and…
2022-11-29 02:36:34 Calo raises one more question: “We have to ask ourselves do we want to be in a society where police kill people with robots?” —>
2022-11-29 02:22:29 @JessieNYC Ughhh, I wish I could share this thread!
2022-11-29 02:18:18 RT @BlackDigitalHum: Come &
2022-11-29 01:25:18 RT @MorePerfectUS: BREAKING: Hundreds of faculty members at the University of California are withholding their labor in solidarity with the…
2022-11-28 23:39:19 @Atabaik I first years!
2022-11-28 15:40:31 “It is a vote for the idea that academic work can attune us to the world around us rather than separating us from it.”
2022-11-28 15:40:10 “In this sense, a vote for Local 33 is not only a vote for graduate workers to have a say in their terms and conditions of their work, although this is of course critical. It is also a vote for the idea that university justice must extend to all members.”
2022-11-28 15:39:31 “Solidarity does not require that people be identical. If it did, it would not be solidarity but sameness. Rather, solidarity is something you choose, not something that exists already in advance for you.” https://t.co/hrXi4cWrd1
2022-11-28 00:15:53 AGREED. Season 1 streaming on Hulu. #AlaskaDaily https://t.co/LK0TvPsuDW
2022-11-25 23:44:53 RT @interruptcrim: And we're SO excited about this new book from @prisonculture and @MsKellyMHayes, Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and…
2022-11-25 23:14:55 … https://t.co/0ujlJh63Ns
2022-11-25 23:05:22 Books gone wild… a friend just sent this shot of #ViralJustice at LAX—these sightings are my new love language https://t.co/Lc6hM4Ky4S
2022-11-24 18:58:07 @Katy_Woods Sweeeeet
2022-11-24 13:36:45 RT @ucu: Today, 70,000 UCU members begin historic strike action at every university in the UK They are fighting to save higher education…
2022-11-24 01:36:03 RT @WIRED: As a young Black woman, @ruha9 saw her pregnancy treated like a problem. So she ditched the doctors for home delivery and found…
2022-11-24 01:32:44 RT @DorothyERoberts: Some revealing quotes from the report on racism in NY’s child welfare agency (ACS), which ACS never publicly released,…
2022-11-23 21:41:28 RT @BrookeEdu: i've been conducting my dissertation interviews with black girls in middle school. one question i ask is where do they feel…
2022-11-23 21:40:49 @bettinajudd @saigrundy We learned from the best
2022-11-23 20:05:24 RT @camillahawth: Faculty are withdrawing instructional labor, joining the strike's commitment to withhold grades until the strike ends, re…
2022-11-23 17:31:59 @marclamonthill Soooo necessary!
2022-11-23 03:16:54 @DrTee_3 @JoyGayles Free discussion guide here https://t.co/uWbav6GVkM
2022-11-23 03:16:07 @DrTee_3 The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-23 02:04:21 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-23 01:42:01 @saigrundy OHHHSHNAAAP, twinsies!
2022-11-22 22:28:44 @fredlewisappel @TatteredCover @PrincetonUPress
2022-11-22 22:28:37 How We Grow the Mustache We Want https://t.co/kn3u9Vxqjm
2022-11-22 21:48:21 RT @LeighGoodmark: People ask me all the time what a non-carceral response to intimate partner violence could look like. The @APTPaction l…
2022-11-22 21:43:26 RT @anildash: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs and VCs are being radicalized by living within their own bubble. The…
2022-11-22 16:23:46 RT @Phil_Lewis_: Statement from the NAACP, calling on all advertisers to pause all advertising on Twitter after Trump’s reinstatement on th…
2022-11-22 16:21:27 @perezfelkner Thank you so much, Lara!
2022-11-22 15:21:57 RT @PrincetonUPress: Looking to give a powerful gift this holiday season? Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin empowers readers to make changes i…
2022-11-22 15:03:46 RT @UFWupdates: As you shop and prepare your #Thanksgiving meals, we'd like you to know a little more about the work behind the ingredients…
2022-11-22 13:52:54 @ManduReid No words
2022-11-22 03:05:56 RT @stoplapdspying: BREAKING: LAPD just released its annual demand for a bigger budget, calling for a $119 MILLION budget increase. LAPD…
2022-11-21 20:32:06 RT @PrincetonAudio: “…this book is an incredible act of viral justice….” – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Now available wherever you #listen: Viral Ju…
2022-11-21 19:40:33 RT @themarkup: Our team poses lots of questions before jumping on to any social platform. Mastodon was no outlier. https://t.co/HCvK2QJIn4
2022-11-21 19:40:22 Join us today @PrincetonAAS to hear from Prof. Shaun Ossei-Owusu! https://t.co/Gy5QeYdWnK
2022-11-21 14:54:38 @postdiscipline Agreed, and I think the point is that whether or not it’s realistic, the pursuit alone is wreaking havoc
2022-11-21 14:46:57 @postdiscipline This is how he answers that Q here, https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs https://t.co/gBqbX2kxi2
2022-11-21 14:24:39 https://t.co/U15CI6qz4t
2022-11-21 14:24:23 Further reading: https://t.co/o0a67GnKcs
2022-11-21 14:20:47 “But to Musk, Putin, n their free-market absolutist collaborators, that’s exactly what they intend to effect. If we arent aligned with these potential changes, now is the time to stop laughing at their presumed incompetence n instead deeply understand what they are really up to.”
2022-11-21 14:19:10 “None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards at the world as we have known it. But if we look forward to the world as it might be, it’s possible to glimpse the reasoning: these information channels can actually help usher in a different world.”
2022-11-21 14:18:21 “Instead of looking at Musk as a ‘businessman’ who’s trying to make money in the old system of fiat currency, advertising, and revenues, perhaps he’s actually an ideologue looking to drag the whole world through a transition into a new economy.” https://t.co/Z5dSTlUuGQ
2022-11-21 14:15:05 RT @vijayiyer: ‘Many are laughing now at Musk, suggesting that he’s “mismanaging” Twitter and that it will end up being taught in business…
2022-11-21 00:57:13 “…in which humanity creates astronomical amounts of value by colonizing space and simulating vast numbers of digital people, with a broadly utilitarian mode of moral reasoning.” 2/2
2022-11-21 00:56:49 “If taken literally by those in power, radical longtermism could be profoundly dangerous. The reason — and this is something that every politician and journalist needs to understand — is that it combines what can only be described as a techno-utopian vision of the future…” 1/2
2022-11-21 00:52:15 What the Sam Bankman-Fried debacle can teach us about "longtermism": “It is of paramount importance that journalists, politicians, policymakers, businesspeople and the voting public understand this worldview.” —@xriskology https://t.co/N25jOPaoJl
2022-11-20 18:08:28 RT @njnic23: You call us soft for wanting and needing safe spaces when the world has no room for us. And then you terrorize those very spac…
2022-11-20 18:07:47 RT @chadloder: - White male - under 25 - known to law enforcement - previous history of terror threats - obtains an AR-15 Again and again…
2022-11-20 18:05:08 RT @mattmfm: “This was our only safe space in Colorado Springs. Where are we going to go?” Take two minutes and watch this. https://t.co/…
2022-11-20 17:29:45 RT @RhythmKeene: I followed @imaniperry’s South to America with @ruha9’s Viral Justice, and the pairing was beautiful. https://t.co/cVUw3x4…
2022-11-20 17:29:38 @RhythmKeene @imaniperry https://t.co/caKgSC7Okq
2022-11-20 02:33:49 RT @rafaeldjaime: The Stanford band spelling out UAW at the Stanford vs Cal football game. #UAWonStrike https://t.co/KxFGtPwTc1
2022-11-19 18:34:07 @DrTanksley @CivicsOfTech @ASHEoffice Tiera!! The honor was ALL mine!
2022-11-19 15:26:25 @ndashiwa @Newtoro1 Thank you for reading!
2022-11-18 21:21:35 RT @rokwon: oh while the lights are still on: y'all independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving &
2022-11-18 19:44:20 RT @sarahmaclean: Ok. Real talk. If (when?) this ship goes down, discoverability for new books is going to tank, too -- especially during a…
2022-11-18 15:35:54 RT @RaiseUptheSouth: BREAKING: The Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW) is founded! USSW is a union built by low wage workers in the…
2022-11-18 14:39:31 RT @sarahkendzior: This is a catch and kill of history, meant to alter the present in order to control the future. Hang on to the archives.…
2022-11-18 14:38:58 RT @ruthbenghiat: I study chaos agents: from Mussolini on mantra is blow it all up to create the new. Musk's exchanges w/far right propagan…
2022-11-18 13:41:21 RT @BrooklynBoyB: Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving https://t.co/aVOn6ZhA5d
2022-11-18 13:40:01 RT @_alexxaye: On a serious note, my heart goes out to people who use this site as a lifeline. So many people have been saved bc of the mut…
2022-11-18 13:38:33 RT @HammerandHope: Hi everyone! We’re excited to introduce Hammer &
2022-11-18 13:37:21 RT @HSGlobalHistory: Remember what Elon Musk has done to twitter the next time a billionaire suggests they know what to do with public educ…
2022-11-18 13:36:03 RT @alamanecer: ATTN: This is a test of the Black Twitter Alert System. IYKY know what to do https://t.co/UAFEB8tY2e
2022-11-18 02:28:58 RT @zparks: @mo87mo87 This is the infrastructure of a global town square. It’s hosted revolutions and resistance movements. The worlds larg…
2022-11-18 02:28:55 RT @mo87mo87: Pretty wild something that is clearly a public utility can be single handedly destroyed by a bored unfunny emerald mine heir…
2022-11-18 02:21:42 RT @theferocity: Colonizers ruin everything.
2022-11-18 01:58:02 Stay in touch here + IG @ruha9 https://t.co/iLuehQCTjP
2022-11-18 01:52:14 RT @public_archive: Do not go gentle into that good night. Tweet, tweet against the dying of the light.
2022-11-18 01:48:58 RT @anothercohen: I was laid off from Twitter this afternoon. I was in charge of managing badge access to Twitter offices. Elon just call…
2022-11-18 01:22:22 RT @alexeheath: Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely r…
2022-11-18 01:18:24 #bloomscrolling https://t.co/YgYgwIaYhR
2022-11-17 16:40:10 RT @DrThembot: TONIGHT! We're gonna be "zoomblooming" with @ruha9's beautiful book. Join us! https://t.co/iRXUwZCvV0 https://t.co/wmZyJHpxvs
2022-11-17 14:56:15 RT @lithub: "We may write in solitude but we labor in solidarity." –Imani Perry, in something like a sermon on the power of words. Beautifu…
2022-11-17 13:06:48 RT @UAW7902: Students picketing along with part-time faculty outside The New School. Part-time faculty working conditions are their learni…
2022-11-17 13:06:24 RT @DrSubini: Every week, I practice hope by talking to someone who is fighting for incarcerated youth. This op-ed is one way we fight for…
2022-11-17 13:05:54 RT @macfathom: You hear a lot about the gigification and proletarianization of the academy but I did not know that part-time faculty at the…
2022-11-17 12:46:47 @imaniperry That speech tho!
2022-11-17 12:35:58 RT @nytimesbooks: Imani Perry has won the 2022 National Book Award for Nonfiction for “South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to…
2022-11-17 04:41:49 RT @FacultyBerkeley: We hear that @ucalifornia President Drake - who earns $1m and lives in a house worth $6.5m - will announce that those…
2022-11-17 04:41:33 RT @HarshaWalia: I am often asked 'what exactly do you mean by no borders" So I wrote on what borders are, why we need to abolish borders,…
2022-11-16 21:48:37 RT @JoshuaPHilll: The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but…
2022-11-16 20:55:39 Tonite. https://t.co/fV7hEGx4CT
2022-11-16 20:18:00 RT @HJCommons: Justice should be shared! We are honored to offer free copies of the new book Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want b…
2022-11-16 19:54:56 RT @JillFishPhD: Wow. I can’t say enough how unbelievably cool this is — the Collaborative Indigenous Research Digital Garden (https://t.co…
2022-11-16 14:10:32 RT @blackpotmojo: Happy book birthday! AFRICA RISEN: A New Era of Speculative Fiction is available online &
2022-11-16 01:10:42 RT @nyu_journalism: Join WEDNESDAY at 6pm ET for this @ruha9 Book Launch event! https://t.co/HM0jkb47AJ #justice
2022-11-16 01:06:11 @robinrdillard Robin!! Thank you sooo much for coming!
2022-11-15 22:32:03 @uche_blackstock @SFdirewolf Beautiful beautiful
2022-12-07 18:47:02 RT @EconomicPolicy: “The costliest crime in the U.S. is actually being committed by corporations,” says @Trevornoah, citing EPI research on…
2022-12-07 15:05:48 @himmoderator Thank you so much for reading, Jamie!
2022-12-07 15:05:25 RT @himmoderator: 'Viral Justice' by Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 is a remarkably readable and perhaps lifechanging book for those who are as yet u…
2022-12-07 15:02:06 “We have been cowering so much from recent political turmoil that we have neglected to generate a positive vision for a better future… It will be necessary to survive this century, not only as Americans, but as humans.” https://t.co/xlc4FRlPFX
2022-12-07 14:58:44 RT @adamjohnsonNYC: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN continue to ignore the largest academic strike in US history, with only 100 secs of coverage in 3 we…
2022-12-08 00:57:33 @Afromanticist @Ebonyteach YESSSS!!!
2022-12-07 18:47:02 RT @EconomicPolicy: “The costliest crime in the U.S. is actually being committed by corporations,” says @Trevornoah, citing EPI research on…
2022-12-07 15:05:48 @himmoderator Thank you so much for reading, Jamie!
2022-12-07 15:05:25 RT @himmoderator: 'Viral Justice' by Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 is a remarkably readable and perhaps lifechanging book for those who are as yet u…
2022-12-07 15:02:06 “We have been cowering so much from recent political turmoil that we have neglected to generate a positive vision for a better future… It will be necessary to survive this century, not only as Americans, but as humans.” https://t.co/xlc4FRlPFX
2022-12-07 14:58:44 RT @adamjohnsonNYC: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN continue to ignore the largest academic strike in US history, with only 100 secs of coverage in 3 we…
2022-12-08 18:23:53 RT @louise_seamster: If you're looking for an explanation for the institutional isomorphism that produces such consistently brutal admin re…
2022-12-08 18:18:44 RT @micahinATL: per @prisonculture's new books tweet yesterday, did a little re-vamp of this tally of forthcoming abolitionist books, feel…
2022-12-08 16:58:02 @gradworkersofBU @richardshiggins
2022-12-08 16:50:19 THIS. https://t.co/W24LBkowDa
2022-12-08 15:56:26 RT @jaybeware: Glad to hear that Brittney Griner is headed home. Important to remember that the US incarcerates more Black women and at a h…
2022-12-08 15:23:20 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: For any of you that thought the academy was some sacrosanct space to idle about &
2022-12-08 15:18:05 EYYYY, join me in celebrating new @PrincetonAAS colleague @lorgia_pena! OVER-Overjoyed! https://t.co/OGnZOPfVQW
2022-12-08 14:23:15 RT @_Nataleah: may Britney Griner return home safely to be enveloped in warmth, care and privacy
2022-12-08 14:22:32 RT @VWilliams_TV: As I walked out of my apartment building to take my trash out around noon, I noticed three @ChicagoCAPS24 squad cars in m…
2022-12-08 14:09:17 RT @agordonreed: Excellent!!! Whew! Brittney Griner released by Russia in 1-for-1 prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout, U.S. official…
2022-12-08 00:57:33 @Afromanticist @Ebonyteach YESSSS!!!
2022-12-07 18:47:02 RT @EconomicPolicy: “The costliest crime in the U.S. is actually being committed by corporations,” says @Trevornoah, citing EPI research on…
2022-12-07 15:05:48 @himmoderator Thank you so much for reading, Jamie!
2022-12-07 15:05:25 RT @himmoderator: 'Viral Justice' by Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 is a remarkably readable and perhaps lifechanging book for those who are as yet u…
2022-12-07 15:02:06 “We have been cowering so much from recent political turmoil that we have neglected to generate a positive vision for a better future… It will be necessary to survive this century, not only as Americans, but as humans.” https://t.co/xlc4FRlPFX
2022-12-07 14:58:44 RT @adamjohnsonNYC: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN continue to ignore the largest academic strike in US history, with only 100 secs of coverage in 3 we…
2022-12-08 18:23:53 RT @louise_seamster: If you're looking for an explanation for the institutional isomorphism that produces such consistently brutal admin re…
2022-12-08 18:18:44 RT @micahinATL: per @prisonculture's new books tweet yesterday, did a little re-vamp of this tally of forthcoming abolitionist books, feel…
2022-12-08 16:58:02 @gradworkersofBU @richardshiggins
2022-12-08 16:50:19 THIS. https://t.co/W24LBkowDa
2022-12-08 15:56:26 RT @jaybeware: Glad to hear that Brittney Griner is headed home. Important to remember that the US incarcerates more Black women and at a h…
2022-12-08 15:23:20 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: For any of you that thought the academy was some sacrosanct space to idle about &
2022-12-08 15:18:05 EYYYY, join me in celebrating new @PrincetonAAS colleague @lorgia_pena! OVER-Overjoyed! https://t.co/OGnZOPfVQW
2022-12-08 14:23:15 RT @_Nataleah: may Britney Griner return home safely to be enveloped in warmth, care and privacy
2022-12-08 14:22:32 RT @VWilliams_TV: As I walked out of my apartment building to take my trash out around noon, I noticed three @ChicagoCAPS24 squad cars in m…
2022-12-08 14:09:17 RT @agordonreed: Excellent!!! Whew! Brittney Griner released by Russia in 1-for-1 prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout, U.S. official…
2022-12-08 00:57:33 @Afromanticist @Ebonyteach YESSSS!!!
2022-12-07 18:47:02 RT @EconomicPolicy: “The costliest crime in the U.S. is actually being committed by corporations,” says @Trevornoah, citing EPI research on…
2022-12-07 15:05:48 @himmoderator Thank you so much for reading, Jamie!
2022-12-07 15:05:25 RT @himmoderator: 'Viral Justice' by Ruha Benjamin @ruha9 is a remarkably readable and perhaps lifechanging book for those who are as yet u…
2022-12-07 15:02:06 “We have been cowering so much from recent political turmoil that we have neglected to generate a positive vision for a better future… It will be necessary to survive this century, not only as Americans, but as humans.” https://t.co/xlc4FRlPFX
2022-12-07 14:58:44 RT @adamjohnsonNYC: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN continue to ignore the largest academic strike in US history, with only 100 secs of coverage in 3 we…
2022-12-09 05:01:01 Shout out to @Kenia_Hale for bringing her vision &
2022-12-09 02:55:14 RT @jsench: There's always in these messages the idea that nothing educational happens during a strike - that solidarity is not learning, t…
2022-12-09 01:48:37 What a beautiful sight to behold! @PaytonCroskey + Kenia Hale from the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab in Cholula, Mexico presenting on “Liberatory Technology &
2022-12-08 18:23:53 RT @louise_seamster: If you're looking for an explanation for the institutional isomorphism that produces such consistently brutal admin re…
2022-12-08 18:18:44 RT @micahinATL: per @prisonculture's new books tweet yesterday, did a little re-vamp of this tally of forthcoming abolitionist books, feel…
2022-12-08 16:58:02 @gradworkersofBU @richardshiggins
2022-12-08 16:50:19 THIS. https://t.co/W24LBkowDa
2022-12-08 15:56:26 RT @jaybeware: Glad to hear that Brittney Griner is headed home. Important to remember that the US incarcerates more Black women and at a h…
2022-12-08 15:23:20 RT @KeeangaYamahtta: For any of you that thought the academy was some sacrosanct space to idle about &
2022-12-08 15:18:05 EYYYY, join me in celebrating new @PrincetonAAS colleague @lorgia_pena! OVER-Overjoyed! https://t.co/OGnZOPfVQW
2022-12-08 14:23:15 RT @_Nataleah: may Britney Griner return home safely to be enveloped in warmth, care and privacy
2022-12-08 14:22:32 RT @VWilliams_TV: As I walked out of my apartment building to take my trash out around noon, I noticed three @ChicagoCAPS24 squad cars in m…
2022-12-08 14:09:17 RT @agordonreed: Excellent!!! Whew! Brittney Griner released by Russia in 1-for-1 prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout, U.S. official…