Dr Michael Veale completed his EPSRC-funded PhD in Machine Learning in the Responsible Public Sector at University College London, specializing in the fairness and accountability of data-driven tools in the public sector, as well as the interplay between data-centric technologies and data protection law. His research and publications focus on technology and privacy law, human-computer interaction, computing and science policy. His research in these areas has been used by international agencies, regulators and governments, featured in the media and debated in Parliament.
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2025-02-10 13:31:12 Now hiring in law &
2025-02-10 07:57:47 Civil society inclusion in exclusive-by-design European AI standardisation going well! The '
2025-02-09 10:56:17 Microsoft Research: GenAI can inhibit critical engagement with work and can potentially lead to long-term overreliance on the tool and diminished skill for independent problem-solving.Microsoft: *sells GenAI aggressively into the Education 365 packages*Hao-Ping (Hank) Lee and others, ‘The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking: Self-Reported Reductions in Cognitive Effort and Confidence Effects From a Survey of Knowledge Workers’ (ACM CHI 2025). https://advait.org/files/lee_2025_ai_critical_thinking_survey.pdf
2025-02-06 16:40:04 @Elias commission guidance
2025-02-06 11:28:18 Didn'
2025-02-06 09:30:19 AG Szpunar issues opinion on interplay of data protection and intermediary liability in the content of adverts today: press release (pending full text) indicates he aligns technical/neutral shielded intermediary w/ GDPR processor — keen to see if he details boundaries https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/p1_4779183/en/
2025-02-05 09:56:44 @LornaWoods in the consent-or-pay system the '
2025-02-05 09:18:49 @LornaWoods How do you think this interacts with the ICO‘s emerging support for ‘consent or pay’ — children’s consent is hardly freely given if they have to pay… ICO draft guidance is very confused on this issue. Great policy if we end up in kids not being able to read reliable news…
2025-02-05 08:08:37 AI Act reminder: the pending GPAI Code of Practice does not grant a rebuttable presumption of conformity, unlike harmonised standards. No legally relevant difference for general purpose AI model providers using it vs applying the legal text.Rich GPAI providers will ignore it if they choose.
2025-02-04 13:55:54 @galoisghost @Zerush an incredibly small number of systems fall into the prohibited cases, and those categories themselves have wide exceptions. so no, i don'
2025-02-03 07:42:56 on one hand it’s ridiculous that the commission is not meeting their obligations to produce EU AI Act guidance before the measures are in force (although it’s a pledge not a legal duty in terms of the timeline)on the other hand, none of the enforcement mechanisms have come into force for the AI Act that could pay attention to these guidelines and especially without them (and even with them) such guidelines lack legal effect
2025-02-02 18:11:19 “Everyone knows your location: tracking myself down through in-app ads” - a very interesting hands-on blog post about contemporary location data flows and sales https://timsh.org/tracking-myself-down-through-in-app-ads/
2025-02-02 17:33:24 @Chronotope i got an ‘orange pi 5’ a while back and it’s pretty great and very powerful, it was cheaper as it was just released so i think was a big discount
2025-02-02 08:32:00 Some prohibitions add little to existing law. Private sector ones may be difficult to enforce if they rely on existing product regulators — market surveillance authorities have never done this kind of thing before. Public sector ones - judicial review might be speedier, but country dependent.However the creation of the regulators is not commenced yet in the law… so for now the practical enforceability of much of this section is highly unclear.
2025-02-02 08:31:42 - non-medical/safety emotional inference ai in education or at work- systems that categorise people based on categories of sensitive data based on biometrics except in law enforcement- a authorisation regime for real-time biometric recognition systems disguised as a prohibition
2025-02-02 08:30:52 From today, the prohibited practices/AI systems in the AI Act #aiact #euaiact enter force. It becomes illegal to use or market, broadly (and loosely):- intentionally v manipulative systems likely to cause someone harm- social scoring that leads to disproportionate consequences/consequences in an unrelated sector- personality profiling for criminal act prediction (not decision support based on ‘objective and verifiable facts’)- internet/cctv face scraping systems
2025-02-01 10:15:46 NYT writes how flagship AI ‘agent’ cannot even buy on Amazon or book haircut without rescuing from ‘loop of failed attempts’ … yet still ‘points to a future of powerful AI agents’Perhaps it points to the classic automated car issue: simplify the Web as the tech is failing with the complexity.
2025-02-01 09:40:32 Another article which does not properly distinguish between open source models (guardrails scientifically very hard to make robust) and the API as a service (model is in a moderation software stack). Notes that Llama 3.1 failed in almost the same way as DeepSeek. What is the actual threat vector? https://www.wired.com/story/deepseeks-ai-jailbreak-prompt-injection-atta...
2025-01-31 13:06:04 A quirky technology-specific law provision you sometimes run into in the real world: try to log into Starbucks wifi and it reminds you you should not watch live UK TV if your device is plugged into the mains. This is (of course) a ref to Schedule 1 of The Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 which allows your home TV license to be valid everywhere you are but only if the device is powered by its own '
2025-01-30 11:57:16 We suggest that, on the one hand, workers should have a practical right to be supported to seperate work and private data (which may have obligations on employers to provide such systems, and platforms to enable such functions)
2025-01-30 11:49:59 Work and private data are more enmeshed than ever: both in the cloud &
2025-01-29 17:02:40 Data centres do not create nearly as many jobs as are projected. The vast majority are transient in construction or fictitious indirect ones simply not backed up by experience/fact. (in this case multipliers come from the impartial sounding '
2025-01-25 19:55:49 @waldoj unprivacy event…
2025-01-25 19:52:48 Wow, @pixelfed gets mentioned in Private Eye, maybe they should get on fedi…
2025-01-25 11:09:54 Trump lets down the Rust belt already.
2025-01-23 18:16:37 f it does not disclose it is a bot while communicating, it may be breaking the law in California. Cal. Bus. &
2025-01-23 18:09:44 OpenAI'
2025-01-23 14:36:10 New High Court ruling on data protection &
2025-01-22 12:51:02 Interesting new tactic by ticket inspectors on a GWR train today when confronting someone who bought a child ticket to check their age who says they have no ID — asking them to open Apple'
2025-01-20 07:42:53 EU AI Office presents proposal for general purpose model training data summary template. For scraped data, nothing more detailed than top 5-10% of domain names (not URLs). Given platforms (same domain) &
2025-01-16 22:34:33 @mox Decentralisation and privacy has a complex relationship and many degrees, directions and trade offs - a great read on it is https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.08065
2025-01-16 21:49:50 @drdrmc are many of the ones deployed today device bound? i have a few in my password manager but haven’t noticed if so
2025-01-16 17:49:15 Incredible story about early Theranos investor Walgreens blowing $200m by replacing thousands of their fridge doors with ‘smart’ screens which would all turn off at once or occasionally combust while they were being DDoSed and sued by their vendor who was trying to use the fridge door cameras to spot which were broken when they were opened and had a view of their neighbours, all while managing to earn only 59 cents per door per day in advertising revenue https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2025-01-16/walgreens-fridge-figh...
2025-01-16 17:34:22 @tobkubis that’s not allowed in OSCOLA referencing, maybe in the new version but seems unlikely
2025-01-16 16:37:20 After the change to the Official Journal of the European Union to omit page numbers, do we just end all new references with OJ L? Feels incomplete...
2025-01-14 12:06:05 Unclear from this document whether the proposed prohibition on ransomware payments would apply to UK universities, which are always odd entities as they are sometimes considered public bodies by the law, sometimes not. https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/ransomware-proposals-to-incr...
2025-01-13 18:22:38 if the FB Oversight Board don'
2025-01-11 19:24:47 @atomicpoet looks like the browsing bot not the scraping bot - which entries do you have in your robots txt and do you put your server behind cloudflare?
2025-01-10 12:55:45 @jamiemccarthy would be good but meta is basically their own ISP at this point!
2025-01-09 23:15:52 Real time bidding and the tracking infrastructure is so toxic &
2025-01-08 09:39:05 Note that this means that a request for a proprietary harmonised standard under the @carlmalamud C-588/21 P Public.Resource.Org decision, such as for AI Act standards, cannot be made by an non-EU citizen outside the EU unless you have a legal entity inside the EU.
2025-01-08 09:32:55 The universal address demand (even before rule change) has long been found to be maladministration by the European Ombudsman, appearing to be designed to limit civic tech site asktheeu.org, but the EC chose to reject and ignore this (non-binding) finding. https://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/de/decision/en/87636
2025-01-08 09:31:40 FOIA peeps: the Commission claims to have changed its rules of procedure in Dec 2024 for its access to documents regime to exclude non-EU citizens/residents, which means they are doubling down on asking for address and if not a resident, identity documents. See https://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/all_responses_to_the_consultatio#inc...
2025-01-07 13:17:04 RT @stokel: Moving the burned-out remains of what little trust and safety they intend to retain out of California and into Texas is the mos…
2025-01-04 17:11:26 @drdrmc i’m sure redmond is lovely this time of year but…
2025-01-04 17:08:11 Ohio amends its public records/FOI law to allow police to charge for releasing body cam/video footage, joining Indiana and Arizona. 75$-750$ per video — hardly cash that overpoliced groups typically have to spare. https://theintercept.com/2025/01/03/police-body-camera-footage-ohio/
2025-01-04 15:48:42 RT @zsk: One day I will write something about why people no longer use headphones in public. My theory is connected to the demise of the he…
2025-01-04 02:39:04 what lunatic designed the microsoft teams app to send a push notification at 0215 Saturday morning saying ‘Check out this [Power BI] report frequently viewed by your colleagues’ and when is the warrant being issued by the Hague.
2025-01-03 19:38:47 Nothing more poetic for Meta than a combo of no-one having paid enough attention to their platforms for a year to even notice they launched something manically, absurdly gross, yet can’t even avail itself of an ‘AI is improving’ defence as it is actually the result of poorly considered human labour. https://www.404media.co/metas-ai-profiles-are-indistinguishable-from-ter...
2025-01-03 16:01:59 it is usually perfectly normal for constitutional courts to hear about precedents from other jurisdictions, the problem here is that the US Supreme Court has humiliated itself and now looks absurd internationally. https://m-en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20250103011400320
2025-01-03 14:47:17 on meta’s bots, they all want to DM you, maybe become part of your intimate chats, that’s amongst the most difficult data for AI systems to get, seeing how people react these days, explore and exploit — it comes with human labour cost. journos should ask if DMs are defaulted out as training data.
2025-01-03 12:38:05 @j_s_j what you can do with your connected world different depending on whether you eg have an apple or an android device. networks are everywhere but they choose who they talk to. lots of reasons behind that but it’s the primarily frontier of packet discrimination these days
2025-01-03 09:25:00 End of the FCC net neutrality back and forth as Loper Bright comes to roost. ISPs hail the end of the ‘government’s unwarranted internet takeover’. Give me a break. If and when it comes, the next generation of net neutrality needs device neutrality at its core too.https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/02/technology/net-neutrality-rules-fcc.h...
2025-01-02 16:11:01 Massive misselling at influencer-peddled, PayPal co '
2024-12-30 11:29:57 @openvibe I think when you post to Bluesky, URLs are counted with every character, but in the Bluesky app the amount they contribute is capped. it means you can’t post a message with a long URL in Openvibe but you can in the native app.
2024-12-30 11:20:18 on AI and ransomware - CNBC has commentary that it’s a bit overblown because it’s the simplest social engineering that is often the most successful. i agree! but the question is how simple AI helps social engineering scale, not how complex AI attacks outthink and outwit people. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/30/ransomware-35-years-on-history-behind-ha...
2024-12-29 11:38:58 AI companies are broadly aspiring middlemen. They dream of a world where every significant act of computing goes, in some way, through them. That has huge implications for expression, surveillance, security, autonomy, sovereignty, privacy — so much more than some runaway AI safety fantasy.
2024-12-29 11:35:51 Microsoft’s OpenAI exclusivity ends when OpenAI declares ‘AGI’ is reached. Now we see the true mechanism! Forget definitional quibbles or benchmarks (they only matter when lobbying regulation) — intelligence is just about your revenue!AI isn’t intelligence — it’s a dream of platform dominance.
2024-12-27 23:12:22 @BM_Bourguignon these were french hackers, or at least aiming at french targets, so not so weird?
2024-12-27 12:54:19 New R package for the Meta Ad Library, metatargetr from @favstats https://favstats.github.io/metatargetr/ - also retrieves historical data.
2024-12-24 08:26:16 @neil @tjmcintyre Reading the report - I missed the link when it was late the first time I posted. You’re very right, it’s far less straightforward and also reported badly by the Guardian.
2024-12-23 20:07:53 Nice tip from @1br0wn - iOS app @openvibe allows you to post simultaneously to Fedi and Bluesky, dynamically change the tags per network, as well as view a combined feed from both networks. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/openvibe-open-social-app/id1666230916
2024-12-23 08:08:09 @anandamide yeah, same with AI safety people, they’re also so desperate to be heroes of their own story they’re writing one
2024-12-20 12:38:58 @uriel238 @pivot_root Not all TOS violations are relevant at all the CFAA, and very few are after the significant narrowing of the CFAA by the Supreme Court in 2021 in Van Buren v United States.
2024-12-19 12:23:36 @Frederik_Borgesius @whvholst Some of the adverts do target website owners rather than consumers, which is a better approach imo, not the one frederik posted
2024-12-13 12:59:51 @serichards esim more secure in this situation.
2024-12-13 10:07:28 Ridiculous this article does not recommend applying a SIM PIN as a crucial phone protection — phone theieves swap SIMs to a new phone and use them to access poorly 2FA-by-text protected accounts. Turn off notification content if your phone is locked, and set a SIM PIN. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy8y70pvz92o
2024-12-13 08:55:43 @SammieT26 @PicturesFoIder i’m disagreeing with ‘most’, not the exception. i’ve almost never seen midnight deadlines for the reason i have.
2024-12-12 17:13:00 @SammieT26 @PicturesFoIder universities very often put due time at 5pm as staff are still there to help with technical issues if they arise
2024-12-09 13:57:45 occasionally i think about how american law schools count (generally/often) non peer-reviewed student-run journal articles for tenure (non blinded, submit your cv) yet don'
2024-12-09 03:04:27 Sydney’s academic integrity rules presumably don’t allow contract cheating in coursework even though the detection of contract cheating is going to be imperfect. In a job, you delegate things to people to do things for you, doesn’t mean that’s okay in assessment. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sydney-uni-students-allowed-to-use-a...
2024-12-06 14:22:50 this DC cafe sign on every single table seems well-meaning and welcoming but somehow uniquely baffling and incomprehensible
2024-12-05 13:48:17 @404mediaco creating constant risk of needing to rewrite parts of book with @rg
2024-12-03 15:00:47 Big developments happening at the intersection of private data and public developments — regulating from the commercial side rather than the intelligence supervision side. Reminiscent of the way the CJEU has gone after telco data retention... https://www.404media.co/ftc-bans-location-data-company-that-powers-the-s...
2024-12-01 19:20:38 @DeliaChristina it’s just the app lacks it for some reason, there’s a whole api for it built into all servers
2024-11-30 09:31:25 that’s it, i’m never using netscape navigator again
2024-11-26 12:03:40 @ErikvanStraten I do use a password manager and have for many years. There are websites which don'
2024-11-26 11:08:40 @neopostmodern searching for it is actually like an incantation, very important part of the process
2024-11-26 10:34:03 Extremely valuable plug-in.
2024-11-25 20:45:18 @Klangable the first english legal case trying to prosecute someone for hacking unsuccessfully tried the theory that it was a crime of ‘passing off’ a password to a machine (R v Gold &
2024-11-23 09:38:39 Swiss church creates virtual ‘AI Jesus’ talking booth, says 2/3 visiting have a spiritual experience. eJesus starts off each time: "
2024-11-23 09:14:18 @mmin @tkinias it might not support Protected EAP for authentication
2024-11-23 00:12:38 if you think that eduroam never works anywhere you go, consider the fact it might be the authentication server at your own university being shite
2024-11-20 10:36:01 Lords Second Reading of the Data (Access and Use) Bill: B Kidron asks importantly: “why proposals that they did not support in opposition have been included and amendments that they did support have been left out.” https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2024-11-19/debates/6B196F71-312C-495...(UseAndAccess)Bill(HL)
2024-11-20 08:36:52 @webmink proprietary standards from the ESOs, no? (unless you want to try your hand with an access to information request and push the case law)
2024-11-20 07:44:58 Useful reminder in this long read on Meta and LLaMA that its ‘open source’ play is about creating a platform, reflecting its insecurity around gatekeepers Chrome, Safari, Play &
2024-11-20 07:34:04 Foursquare - perhaps surprisingly - release a large proportion of their geospatial place data (eg business and other Points of Interest), hoping it seems to challenge Google Maps’ proprietary data layer. https://location.foursquare.com/resources/blog/products/foursquare-open-... (via @mrchrisadams)
2024-11-18 16:22:54 I'
2024-11-18 13:40:01 @martinsteiger which data can you not get?
2024-11-18 13:28:23 @jon high quality graffiti
2024-11-18 13:28:15 Bluesky has data portability issues. You can download your data, in *binary format*, — a '
2024-11-16 10:38:53 @tommi no, on yunohost, as the admin panel doesn’t support 2FA
2024-11-16 10:36:32 @tommi @yunohost great! it’s outside of my skills but we need to find a volunteer who can put in 2FA/passkeys….
2024-11-16 10:34:33 Google now makes it impossible to log in to its services, it seems, from an iPhone in Lockdown mode. Anyone else found this?
2024-11-16 09:04:30 Police sacked for accessing data on Sarah Everard’s case — yet the UK government has introduced a bill to remove the EU-wide obligation to log a justification when police access data in their systems. Sound sensible?https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/nov/15/met-officers-accessed-sa...
2024-11-16 08:39:16 the article misses that the UK (at least E&
2024-11-15 07:39:44 In response to OpenAI’s recent ‘A Student’s Guide to Writing with ChatGPT’, @arthurperret (maître de conferénces, Jean Moulin Lyon 3) writes a line-by-line rebuttal — A Student’s Guide to Not Writing with ChatGPT https://www.arthurperret.fr/blog/2024-11-14-student-guide-not-writing-wi...
2024-11-15 01:41:18 Meanwhile, ‘X Corp’ going full out in their new Terms of Service (active from tomorrow) trying to edge out AI scrapers by threatening to sue mass scrapers $15,000 per 1m tweets scraped — to enclose the dataset for themselves, while forcing users to license their work for the firm’s own AI training.
2024-11-15 01:29:37 @smillet15 @gooba42 @mekkaokereke problem in my eyes is that the infra that relates to the individual (the PDS) is fundable, but little incentive for people to collectively support the rest of the stack by the time they’ve opened their wallets for the first bit
2024-11-15 01:27:52 @imsodin @cinn48 @BrentToderian there were forms + spreadsheets that could be uploaded through import functions but it wasn’t a one click process and you couldn’t easily select just a few.
2024-11-14 17:46:20 This week, colleagues received a tranche of AI generated PhD application inquiry emails. Several colleagues wasted time providing feedback on an attached proposal. One was distressed because the email prompting went wrong and the generation pretended to be *her* in the application. Constant labour.
2024-11-14 16:52:10 @davidthewid @megyoung0 @RDBinns @o_saja it’s in the front matter of the proceedings on the ACM DL
2024-11-14 16:30:02 Who is responsible for ensuring that the Mac versions of Office have no ability to set a custom default font? Who?
2024-11-14 12:10:37 New draft General Purpose AI code of practice from the European Commission v naive on continued separation of AI systems &
2024-11-14 11:52:26 Friend’s speeding awareness court has this highly effective data protection measure - no blurred backgrounds for ‘GDPR reasons’ — as if everyone who could be watching in and breaching ‘client confidentiality’ would be on camera. Client confidentiality somehow does not extend to co-participants…
2024-11-14 11:36:34 Maybe complex railcard fines about purchasing, not activating/uploading, etc could be avoided by abolishing the entire 18-25/25-30 railcard system and just… reducing fares for those people. Some lack age proof but appealing at least is straightforward https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c89v08l99lgo
2024-11-12 16:53:08 Meta to seemingly stop pay-or-consent, and offer pay-for-no-ads, or contextual ads. The question is, what exactly is a contextual ad in the eyes of the firm? https://archive.is/WQgDz
2024-11-11 22:23:27 @neil @annehargreaves I thought Jitsi was only e2ee between two users or has that changed
2024-11-11 07:39:00 @Edent I think in terms of protecting small instances from external raids and similar esp when they link to controversial things, the balance is probably right and the upsides of revealing are q limited. it’s a pretty fragile network…
2024-11-10 07:58:10 @codingGarden thanks, i know both those things - the question is, will they actually comply with the DMA art 6(7) providing third parties access to the local RAG database? if so, how?
2024-11-10 07:48:46 @1br0wn perhaps? but i also wonder if people are actually afraid of looking into the tech. and on the what is the DMA q, the other view is that a lot of competition lawyers are writing about it for something that isn’t competition law…
2024-11-10 07:41:58 @nataliabielova isn’t this to stop sybil attacks? what do you think is a better method than phone number right now for that? signal also requires phone verification because anti spam is hard
2024-11-10 07:30:39 does anyone have any interesting insights about the state of the DMA, Apple Intelligence and Apple‘s Semantic Index? given the importance of it to Apple‘s “EU gets AI late/never” narrative, haven’t seen competition people write… anything? why?
2024-11-09 15:30:31 @dcalacci we don’t really see it in europe so i think it’s also an artefact of student run law journals (not a structurally important thing here) picking powerful looking titles
2024-11-09 12:20:04 @dcalacci relying on IP law as a source of counterpower has always been pretty optimistic. reminds me of these many papers on how copyright or trademarks can fight bias or stuff, like fine but scraping the barrel with tools that will betray you
2024-11-09 08:04:20 RT @josephfcox: New from 404 Media: police freaking out at iPhones stored for forensic examination mysteriously rebooting themselves. This…
2024-11-08 10:18:51 RT @mlsec: We’re thrilled to announce the keynote speakers for @SaTML_Conf: Michael Veale (@mikarv), Kamalika Chaudhuri (@kamalikac), and…
2024-11-08 09:00:15 that’s not to say that students don’t get correctly diagnosed: but if the NHS route is ineffective then the private route provides a way to evidence. Universities so deluged with support requests and underfunded to individually assess them they just centrally roll over.
2024-11-08 08:58:05 Higher education sees a similar phenomenon. There is a whole industry of private sector medical certificate providers that university students from rich backgrounds use. Mitigating the inequality is a regular conversation. https://t.co/LD6jR7caOf
2024-11-07 23:39:05 @NobelPrize @jsmithlawyer your committee almost didn’t even nominate her though and nearly just gave the prize to her husband and not her https://t.co/TFirMqa4xthttps://t.co/vSgF2BD6RR
2024-11-07 12:26:15 @PrivateEyeNews happy subscriber here - if you do join threads and leave twitter can you make sure to turn on fediverse sharing? that means people can follow you from something not controlled by mark zuckerberg (mastodon and other compatible services) https://t.co/peaxcONhfg
2024-11-05 23:39:59 @BertuzLuca we anticipated social media platforms falling into scope of the trustworthiness scoring provisions (not the high risk provisions) back in 2021 when the draft was out… https://t.co/QVSrCOHCB3 (para 22) https://t.co/yLn8ER9T3e
2024-11-05 12:17:54 RT @UCLLaws: A Model Civil Procedure Code for England and Wales by Dr John Sorabji (Associate Professor at UCL Laws) has been published by…
2024-11-05 07:52:03 RT @NickBotton: [NEW PAPER ALERT] Our new @A__W______O paper puts forward a vision for balancing the benefits and risks of open source Gen…
2024-11-04 15:21:43 @timeshighered @dmuleicester @JulietteRowsell ucl had one of these roles since 2019? https://t.co/jUv8o1fzEK as a short web search would have worked out? careful what press release you copy cc @profgeraintrees
2024-11-04 13:12:56 @andresmh @rg thank you! yes i saw that (article was reproduced in his book too!). executable code on iOS is still a governance mess to this day you’ll be glad to know…
2024-11-03 16:21:52 @andresmh q: did you ever write anything up about that time when Scratch was not allowed in the Apple App Store due to violating the no-executable code thing? i just read you were one of the lead devs at the time... just assembling the history of this form of governance for a book I am writing on regulating AI misuse through intermediaries with @rg...
2024-11-02 13:15:30 @annehargreaves it was higher last time at 82.2%. some percentage of that may well be further deaths…
2024-11-02 12:59:47 @WebDevLaw Isn’t running until T2 but will be updated
2024-11-02 12:48:47 Install from the top, run away when it’s half built and specced and hope that you’ll get unbuilt necessary features in some dumb agile responsive way over time means people find their lives wrecked and literally die in the meantime.
2024-11-02 12:47:02 Incredibly wrongheaded. Automation in government isn’t about running around installing top down task templates but the ability to create bottom up tech in response to actual problems, framed locally: requires diffuse skill and capacity and maintenance and coordination. https://t.co/aDTNYndOhl
2024-11-02 12:40:03 Last Tory election had 172,437 eligible electors, this one 131,680 — nearly a quarter of Conservative Party members have left, died, or otherwise become ineligible in the last 2 years.
2024-11-02 12:39:54 Last Tory election had 172,437 eligible electors, this one 131,680 — nearly a quarter of Conservative Party members have left, died, or otherwise become ineligible in the last 2 years.
2024-11-01 16:12:35 @ViliLe still would need law and investment to somehow divert these calls, especially when they are designed to ‘interoperate’ with humans that haven’t set up an API and invade the people to people channels
2024-11-01 11:46:24 will just mean that when you actually need to call a restaurant to ask a question that a machine can’t know the answer to you won’t get an answer cause they’ll have turned off the phoneline https://t.co/RIsQU3vhuf
2024-11-01 10:54:14 @Jackstilgoe infinite monkeys means infinite mass, would collapse into gravitational singularity and never type it either
2024-10-31 17:37:34 @ChiOnwurah @DataInnovation you have looked at what this organisation puts out no? it’s a highly deregulatory organisation that lobbies against even the mildest regulation
2024-10-31 08:37:44 Cloud isn’t just renting servers, as Microsoft knows. Why let people use your hardware for whatever they want, when you can only let them use it for whatever you say? https://t.co/Do4SVv1I1l
2024-10-31 08:37:37 Cloud isn’t just renting servers, as Microsoft knows. Why let people use your hardware for whatever they want, when you can only let them use it for whatever you say? https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/31/microsoft_q1_fy_2025/
2024-10-29 16:23:09 @owainkenway thanks! i'll try, but i would have assumed/have previously seemed to require a cuda load like module load cuda/11.3.1/gnu-10.2.0 cudnn/, is that not needed? (just trying to build my mental model...)
2024-10-29 15:56:44 @owainkenway but also i don’t want to use twitter to add work to you!
2024-10-28 20:53:47 @docmilanfar looks like your ‘meager education in biology and evolution’ gave you great dunning kruger powers though https://t.co/NHBUGez7fh
2024-10-28 20:52:56 RT @culpable_mink: I will tolerate recurrent laryngeal nerve slander no longer! It's actually the result of several elegant solutions to di…
2024-10-28 17:55:52 @cynddl (i mean, societally - once confidentiality is assured to a somewhat high degree, the main issue becomes in my view who is accumulating power with them and what for)
2024-10-28 17:54:36 @cynddl Doesn’t really matter - even if it were confidential, confidentiality isn’t the issue with these type of systems.
2024-10-28 17:48:46 This tech is only win win if individuals and communities whose data is being confidentially mined support it. Data protection principles including fairness and transparency still apply here. Confidentiality does not make all processing good. See https://t.co/RQmN2LdiUfhttps://t.co/86DGypWnGv
2024-10-28 06:53:55 @Psy_Fer_ ok that looks pretty cool.
2024-10-24 07:20:17 every time i look at the name of the university John(s) Hopkin(s) i swear the esses are in different places
2024-10-23 21:08:59 Up until now the OSA only lamely required Ofcom to make a report about whether or not this is a good idea, which it is, the question is how to do it best.
2024-10-23 20:59:49 Unexpected (to me) addition to the otherwise disappointing DPDI-clone UK Data (Use and Access) Bill - the Secretary of State powers to provide in the Online Safety Act for researcher access to platform data by regulations, potentially akin to DSA art 40.
2024-10-22 15:53:41 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity MDM would be very controversial and is not required for wireless access in universities due to the fluid nature of visitors, collaborators, cross-appointments, fractional appointments, students (where there would be significant privacy law questions about forced MDM...(
2024-10-22 15:20:42 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity it’s useful, works globally. but institutions worried about ransomware not really cause of wifi…
2024-10-22 14:03:42 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity Federated PKI already exists on eduroam in every institution.
2024-10-22 14:03:25 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity Universities use eduroam, a global federated network for academic wifi, in part because library resources are IP locked.
2024-10-21 08:43:01 @CosicBe would love to see content from this in some format (:
2024-10-20 08:32:29 RT @sedyst: Is this one of many ways in which we are being pushed to move on from societies of knowledge and meaning as the basis of govern…
2024-10-20 03:38:29 @raveeshbhalla @Chronotope wasn’t this the system that through relentless optimisation ended up presenting eg Black people images of shows that depicted incredibly minor Black characters? https://t.co/qddjSozgNo
2024-10-19 21:21:04 @nemobis ah gotcha
2024-10-19 15:24:25 @nemobis MIT? almost every new MIT scholarly book is direct to open access
2024-10-17 10:31:31 RT @UCLpress: Structural Injustice and the Law presents theoretical approaches and concrete examples to show how the concept of structural…
2024-10-17 07:49:39 @JPQuintais even speedier than the press release tweet nerddddd https://t.co/SBxiOAZaeU
2024-10-17 07:47:21 RT @JPQuintais: Case C-159/23 - Sony: the Software Directive does not allow the holder of that protection to prohibit the marketing by a th…
2024-10-17 07:43:15 @jennifercobbe because if we are easy and don’t make a fuss, maybe money will see that we are its true partner and not just extract from us
2024-10-16 18:29:20 the commission doesn’t have a great history enforcing data law against the french https://t.co/5E9GKLAhqc
2024-10-16 07:03:07 RT @HeidyKhlaaf: The "AI Safety" folks not only have coopted the term safety itself, but are now attempting to weaken what safety cases are…
2024-10-15 21:19:16 @JorisvandeRiet (if you’re in a queue after the gate and your train is next you’ll be invited to skip the queue.)
2024-10-15 21:17:36 @JorisvandeRiet 45-50 is safe. Can probably do it 30-35 but risky. After 30 they lock the gates and you’ll need to be very persuasive unless you have business ticket.
2024-10-15 08:42:40 @colmocinneide He should be pushed on whether GFA is even better secured by ensuring all in NI granted status of freeman on the land.
2024-10-14 18:12:24 RT @valeriodeste: + BREAKING ON PLATFORM WORK + The EU Council has given its final approval to the EU Platform Work Directive. It was the…
2024-10-14 16:34:59 @1lucabelli should you be here? where is your representative in the UK?
2024-10-14 08:57:31 @bala__menon @levelsio if you have a relay satellite you’re sending imagery to, it’s not clear to me why relaying once more adds unacceptable latency. if latency is really a critical issue, do it locally, not halfway where you just add communications overhead for limited capacity delegation.
2024-10-14 08:47:29 RT @jennifercobbe: Correct: there is almost nothing about how Northern Ireland handles a still deeply divided post-conflict society that sh…
2024-10-14 08:46:27 @bala__menon @levelsio why the fuck would you host compute in space
2024-10-12 06:31:36 @1Br0wn from what i’ve seen others at meta talk about they’re mostly talking about the GDPR, presumably because they think the UK is no enforcement threat …
2024-10-11 13:36:51 @ProfCCostello @AFARProject we put in steeper non-profit discounts this year!
2024-10-11 13:34:37 it's all in person, in London, and we plan to do it in 4 mornings so that practitioners can keep up with their varied work and similar in the afternoons
2024-10-10 11:22:01 RT @jennifercobbe: Reading lists for my lectures on the @cambridgelaw LLM module 'Law, Technology, and Society', 2024-25 https://t.co/rd65n…
2024-10-10 11:13:36 RT @Jausl00s: A whole week of data protection stuff in Amsterdam! 24-25 October PLSC-E, and on 22 October @damicli will discuss his new boo…
2024-10-10 11:13:23 RT @NickBotton: EDPB guidelines on Legitimate Interest are out! What do they said about digital ads? A balancing test is needed to see if t…
2024-10-10 10:38:52 RT @daviest_: The DoJ released its remedy framework for the US Google case suggesting a data sharing (see image). Doesn't seem like a great…
2024-10-09 11:55:36 Nobel Prize in Economics goes to Hal Varian for pioneering the extractive, locked-in platform logic behind Google’s adtech business.
2024-10-08 19:12:10 @daniellecitron It’s actually not! Daniel has misunderstood the judgment here. No-one thought that the Dutch DPA’s guidance (which was what was being challenged here) was correct. This case law really changes very very little and does not authorise anything new. https://t.co/PWe5mPX7DB
2024-10-08 06:45:02 it still has to undertake a balancing test, it just doesn’t preclude a commercial interest as being one within the balancing. no one else other than the dutch dpa believed this interpretation, i really do not think this is a major piece of case law. https://t.co/2setii5JDA
2024-10-08 06:38:36 Where is the data on the lifecycle assessment of TPU production? All this energy for querying and offset data, but this huge amount of hardware (some of it discarded when it starts lagging as it is a bottleneck for AI training speeds) *would not exist* without Google’s demand. https://t.co/vqQuutEvnM
2024-10-07 16:04:35 @ghadfield @timoreilly @TinoCuellar is there still time for comments on this? the EU A Act section is factually incorrect - the high risk database outlined in Annex VIII requires much more than contact information, it requires the entire instructions for use given to deployers as part of high risk conformity https://t.co/dGiWHb226Y
2024-10-07 15:30:10 RT @rachel_grfn: the first trusted flagger certified in Germany focuses on 'hate speech, terrorist propaganda and other violent content, in…
2024-10-01 22:37:20 lol people using ai ‘agents’ to make ‘random’ (not random) admin passwords immediately disclosed in the clear and potentially logged by a cloud server, it’s exactly this sort of nonsense becoming daily use that creates genuine systemic risk, not agi breakout https://t.co/Bu776JvfKF
2024-10-01 18:07:48 RT @ruha9: Princeton chose not to include my responses to their Qs about the #MacFellow award in this announcement—What it was like when I…
2024-10-01 15:06:53 ECJ waves happily to airline delay preliminary reference: “What if the plane doors shut then opened and also it was painted with four go-faster stripes and was diverted from a plague ridden airport undergoing industrial action” https://t.co/ZZnsgN2MNx
2024-10-01 06:43:37 @mathver i wonder if there’s some big spanish speaking world VPN thing going on
2024-10-01 06:28:56 RT @kyliebytes: New: Starting today, Reddit moderators will not be able to change if their subreddit is public or private without first sub…
2024-09-30 08:08:19 wild how computers can make podcasts out of pdfs but not faithful machine readable and editable files
2024-09-30 06:26:00 are the ai firms going to challenge the california AI bill that *did* pass, ab 2013 on training data disclosure, as 1A forced speech or something equally very american?
2024-09-27 16:07:30 @Abebab arbitrary generative income
2024-09-27 16:04:55 @tedpalenski yeah i had a blog on this a couple of years back but never put it out. should d
2024-09-27 15:55:01 surface level riffed podcast simulacra shallow dive pseudo content for all https://t.co/A23rK48B1j
2024-09-27 06:16:40 RT @lexin_zhou: 3/ On (i) difficulty concordance: LLMs are indeed less correct on tasks that humans consider difficult, but they still do s…
2024-09-26 16:57:59 RT @Jackstilgoe: Back to the Royal Society, where I note that the proposal to add a ‘gender’ column to the presidents board remains unloved…
2024-09-24 12:08:08 RT @PJLeerssen: Join us in Amsterdam on 11 October to discuss @rgorwa's new book: THE POLITICS OF PLATFORM REGULATION. Rob is joined by Uv…
2024-09-23 09:37:21 RT @SolHughesWriter: Is it a Labour Conference meeting with two Labour MPs (Fabian Hamilton &
2024-09-22 17:29:58 @npdoty how would IP geolocation work given its on a cell network roaming? and besides i use OS level VPN to route everything through my network in my home in london
2024-09-22 17:28:42 @_dm as post says, i was not
2024-09-22 17:28:27 @winfriedtilanus @tanepiper never went on or off, was no flight mode. i’ve seen it happen before too at schipol
2024-09-22 17:25:27 RT @TomValletti: This is the ‘disclosure’. She had a salary of 300k euros (per month?) as Public Affairs Director (no company mentioned, wh…
2024-09-22 10:10:16 @jamessflee how much is the university’s own ‘law trove’ product to blame?
2024-09-22 09:45:57 @tanepiper if it was the network, why did it only enable at the airport (when i have been in the netherlands several days). location services are disabled for bolt while the app is in the background or off, which is how it was when the notification was sent.
2024-09-22 09:44:59 @whvholst as far as i understand, apps without location mode enabled all the time should not be given access to nearby wifi SSIDs on iOS.
2024-09-22 09:44:05 @martinvermeer @rainerzufall_le as i said
2024-09-22 09:16:44 query: I have the app Bolt on my phone. its location settings are set to ‘While Using’. I haven’t opened it in weeks. When I get to Amsterdam airport (from having spent many days in the Netherlands, not just arriving), it sends me this push notification. I am not connected to the airport wifi. How might it detect this in iOS? A beacon? Something else?
2024-09-21 16:06:25 @SwiftOnSecurity still traumatised by being tricked into letting him out
2024-09-21 06:07:17 RT @RichardMoorhead: Is professional ethics a joke? Does humour open or close lawyer minds on their failings, what happens when PO lawyers…
2024-09-21 05:49:55 Gavin Newsom vetoes AB3048 (browsers must be able to send data opt out signals, a well specified tech) saying “it'
2024-09-21 05:48:56 Newsom vetoes AB3048 (browsers must be able to send data opt out signals, a well specified tech) saying “it's best if design Qs are first addressed by developers, [not] by regulators.” Same bloke same day signs in AB2273 which requires totally unproven age estimation technology. https://t.co/JhZaN6FWGf
2024-09-20 16:25:26 @SashaMTL @YJernite but what if i want my nuclear power plant to also write poetry
2024-09-20 15:35:20 From the tech lawyer bringing the case, Mercy Mutemi, on X:“The Court of Appeal has today upheld the Employment Court’s decision that Facebook can be sued in Kenya. The cases by the content moderators against Meta, Sama and Majorel can now proceed. Facebook had argued it’s a foreign company that can’t be sued in Kenya.”
2024-09-20 15:34:03 RT @MercyMutemi: The Court of Appeal has today upheld the Employment Court’s decision that @facebook can be sued in Kenya. The cases by…
2024-09-20 14:09:28 @lilianedwards @BenPatrickWill not sure the solution to AI written essays is AI feedback... non-english speaking OS PGTs obviously systemic issue from underfunding home education but spiral of cost and effort cutting in response will eventually dry up all potential students, esp if employers catch on
2024-09-20 14:06:48 @lilianedwards @BenPatrickWill I used to do this yes and think it'
2024-09-20 14:05:04 @mdekstrand @BenPatrickWill MacWhisper has global triggered keystroke dictation with an additional option to run the text through a subsequent language model (currently OAI or Anthropic so cloud, soon to include local endpoints so could be Ollama) with a '
2024-09-20 13:33:59 RT @internetfreedom: Big win for free speech Justice Chandurkar, a
2024-09-18 15:00:46 @warpling think this exact feature is fairly common among laptop manufacturers, they just call it different things, eg on an MS Surface it is called Smart Charging https://t.co/6dPCULW4sg
2024-09-17 12:31:34 And what could the Digital Fairness Act say? You can read our short 2024 paper, Towards Digital Fairness https://t.co/aBFzuzEZ6D, as well as our slightly larger 280 page report, Digital Fairness for Consumers https://t.co/UsbMXK9Znq @beuc @nhelberger https://t.co/lAYRYSpLq7
2024-09-17 08:57:37 von der Leyen proposes a new European Commissioner for ‘Tech Sovereignty’ (while the EC defunds FOSS, reframes issue around location of cloud providers not a thorough rethinking of the power of stacks)
2024-09-16 17:03:13 The proposal - to allow it through a bottom up Private Member’s Bill followed by a free vote—seems the opposite of a rush. Seems like an exemplary parliamentary process. ‘Appaling’ = bodies such as this poster’s losing the influence they’d been hoping for in the drafting stage. https://t.co/yph5O71tpq
2024-09-16 15:57:44 @giacomo_zando @Europol @ERATrier @globalfreemedia @DefenseurDroit @StatewatchEU @EU_EDPS @EUHomeAffairs @saskiabricmont @MediaFreedomEU @BalcaniCaucaso @EuroPressPrize @daphnefdtn and a data protection subject access request relating to you and the nature of the data and profiling of you carried out, ask for all emails and messages and so on mentioning you...
2024-09-16 15:57:09 @giacomo_zando @Europol @ERATrier @globalfreemedia @DefenseurDroit @StatewatchEU @EU_EDPS @EUHomeAffairs @saskiabricmont @MediaFreedomEU @BalcaniCaucaso @EuroPressPrize @daphnefdtn Submit a European access to documents request
2024-09-16 15:36:14 this account is being copied by at least one other account to scam people, the handle and everything and fake RTs to make it look like my timeline, i don't send unsolicited DMs, please ignore anything from 'me' etc. PS twitter reporting process has a broken verification system
2024-09-16 06:45:21 @grvsmth @BenPatrickWill It sounds like you haven’t used the newer technologies like Whisper.
2024-09-16 00:34:35 @grvsmth @BenPatrickWill as someone who does a lot of grading, the newer generation of dictation systems are extremely reliable for the purposes I require and save large amounts of time by allowing me to provide the detailed essay feedback I intend, faster and more easily.
2024-09-15 08:23:21 Students get pissed at robograding and feedback, currently being pushed by institutions all over. Plenty of ways AI can improve speed and quantity of feedback eg through quality, language-model augmented dictation. But if the feedback comes from a machine, then why would a student even bother to do anything but game it - the real life skill AI will teach. https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1ffk45d/my_professor_is_blatan... (seen via @BenPatrickWill on bluesky)
2024-09-14 17:26:36 RT @robinberjon: If you've ever wondered why the web is dying, it fits on a single graph? How does this work? Almost every browser and OS…
2024-09-13 23:07:56 ‘consumers won’t know what they are opting out of’ … as if they have ever been allowed to clearly know what they are opting in to!https://journa.host/@alng/113132674533327572
2024-09-13 13:17:35 @djoerd yeah I just reminded my colleagues there about it!
2024-09-13 11:30:19 @djoerd oh thank you! i have access to this through my UvA affiliation! gonna try (I host my own NextCloud at home)
2024-09-12 15:21:54 In today'
2024-09-12 07:43:37 RT @LeverhulmeTrust: Exciting news! The next two 2023 Leverhulme International Professorships were announced this week: Professor Taibat La…
2024-09-11 17:11:34 rob gorwa @rg and I wrote a thing about how platforms that host machine learning models are getting mighty confused about how to moderate them because tools aren'
2024-09-11 17:08:16 @LornaWoods indeed, but I think the pre-emption of the idea it might contain things that change the law around anonymisation is a bit much... different if something is already laid before the house
2024-09-11 16:39:54 @LornaWoods yeah… but we can’t have a hiatus on guidance just because one day there may be proposed legislation, surely!
2024-09-11 12:50:07 @andreamm coffee machine is same one as they have at TikTok UK HQ except theirs also dispenses orange juice mysteriously (and perhaps in a weird cross contamination way)
2024-09-11 12:48:10 @lilianedwards would be handy… but i imagine it’s only if national courts decide to play ball. meanwhile ECHR doesn’t even upload their ECLI numbers to any ECLI resolver service making them useless
2024-09-11 12:45:47 RT @Livingstone_S: "... with a view to banning children from opening social media accounts" Banning children? This policy is missing the…
2024-09-11 12:04:19 RT @rgorwa: Hey look, my first collaboration w/ @mikarv on governance in the AI model hosting ecosystem - presented at FAccT, floating arou…
2024-09-11 11:29:47 Oh, I'
2024-09-11 11:26:17 Presumably now there is no DPDI Bill, the Information Commissioner'
2024-09-10 12:35:22 @benetherington because the underlying Whisper model features a language model, it tends to work better than normal dictation tools for this. here are some snippets from your recent podcast...
2024-09-10 11:02:02 I'
2024-09-10 10:51:19 language models are, unsurprisingly, good at tidying up text and acting as gramar checkers, putting in line breaks in the right places, removing duplications, changing a similarly sounding word in context to the correct one if the Whisper model failed to... much more efficient (and infinitely more reliable) than using them to generate text ab initio)!
2024-09-10 10:49:13 MacWhisper is a v impressive piece of software and improving rapidly. Workflow of using local Whisper transcription/dictation + language model with a clean-up query produces text faithful to what a skilled person transcribing you would have written, removing both your mess ups and the transcription model'
2024-09-09 23:09:09 “The Electoral Commission said the government should also look at allowing people without ID to vote if someone who did have proof of identity was able to vouch for them at a polling station.”A test of whether the government will be brave enough to repeal some of the worst law. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/sep/10/britons-should-...
2024-09-09 17:10:11 @Edent @_edent_ oh i don’t intend to defend factual accuracy, but only note that some signal does exist in the model for those two
2024-09-08 20:49:47 @_edent_ fair and the order is important but both listed do come up for me in gpt-4 when queried in a way to produce a long list.
2024-09-08 16:50:14 @PrivacyMatters UNSW has one I think
2024-09-08 16:41:03 @PrivacyMatters none yet (possibly ulster but not in a very well designed way) because both are income generating subjects usually combined with subjects harder to recruit for, so combining them together has less reason in a world where government doesn’t subsidise universities…
2024-09-06 05:29:18 @FusterGloria if orla is expecting parking at ucl then we may have an issue… bike parking perhaps?
2024-09-05 17:56:40 RT @BerihunGebeye: Fantastic news! Prof Erin F. Delaney @efieldingd joins @UCLLaws as the Leverhulme Professor of Comparative Constitutiona…
2024-09-05 17:55:06 RT @UCLLaws: UCL Laws is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Erin F. Delaney @efieldingd as the Leverhulme Professor of Comp…
2024-09-05 17:43:28 This week is exciting because I get to welcome two incredible friends &
2024-09-04 10:29:24 The Gikii conference is at UCL today and tomorrow - if you’d like a hybrid link you can message me here and I’ll PM it. Agenda: https://www.gikii.org/gikii-2024-programme/
2024-09-03 15:48:55 Civitai: “Thorn’s mission aligns perfectly with our core values…”Is that Civitai’s values or the values of Thorn that I don’t understand?
2024-09-03 15:45:50 @anandamide as an academic trying to get back to the gym after a fractured ankle i feel this difficulty in a way… there’s all this psychology too around the use of the foot and i’m trying to figure that out
2024-08-21 22:39:30 @WannabeLurker @bffmike @evijitghosh @sdw both things are repulsive
2024-08-21 22:17:09 @bffmike @evijitghosh @sdw The behaviour is different as to lock people into the books reader. And as academic articles are more and more available as epub, it’s unusable. Thankfully Zotero exists with a great webdav sync to escape the Apple walled garden.
2024-08-21 21:55:47 @bffmike @evijitghosh @sdw Try and ‘share’ an imported epub file from the Books app to another app. You’ll find, I believe, it blocks you from doing it even though *you put it there manually in the first place*.
2024-08-21 08:07:55 @Joe_Bretton @tronicum @CowMowTV1 @lads_salford @KatLoughrey It’s possible the agreement is only with German Euronet.
2024-08-21 07:47:28 @Joe_Bretton @tronicum @CowMowTV1 @lads_salford @KatLoughrey Euronet does not charge fees to most German cards as German banks typically have agreements with them. So the issue is less pronounced for anyone living there.
2024-08-19 07:33:16 RT @ispreview: BT Warn UK Lift Operators Not to Leave Users Trapped by Analogue Phone Switch Off - ISPreview UK @ispreview https://t.co/pAW…
2024-08-16 16:26:47 @PrivacyMatters 3 business
2024-08-13 11:03:56 @jeffjarvis I don'
2024-08-12 23:30:01 more important is a valid legal basis, which in the workplace is very rarely permitted to be consent. https://t.co/HdJqe8o1bU
2024-08-12 22:40:07 @Lyle_AI @gabrielazanfir or this bonkers and out of context auto reply to a Big Brother USA fan feed. and note how every reply only uses information from within the tweet it replies to… https://t.co/Te3oTQmRcA
2024-08-12 22:38:47 @Lyle_AI @gabrielazanfir let’s look at some evidence this is a person who both posts naturally but has a bot automating replies w a language model, such as this russian response to a singaporean ad, talking about customer experience https://t.co/vLg2aX03sE
2024-08-12 22:32:04 @agstrait seems unlikely for the same reason that well-staffed marketing departments don’t want to measure effects rigorously…
2024-08-12 22:27:53 @Lyle_AI @gabrielazanfir you actually just write like one of the banal autoreply scripts that people use? perhaps that’s even worse.
2024-08-06 19:20:53 @gurbanguly123 I don’t think that a legal test that requires people to make judgments regarding whether their speech is *criminally illegal* based on historical origins of a phrase in a different language, or a use of a phrase in a different language and environment, is workable.
2024-08-06 18:46:10 @gurbanguly123 And so now at this point, it should be legal? In Germany, it isn’t. The ECtHR needs to be clearer in cases like these, clarifying the conditions where extremely widely used political slogans in Europe can be prohibited.
2024-08-06 18:31:13 I hope this person has support to take this to the ECtHR. https://t.co/YhFEwUMfMs
2024-08-05 07:51:16 @Graeme_L i'd suspect negligible in this case cause it doesn't sound like it's too complex a model from the description of what they were trying to model, although without a methodology that can't be said for certain
2024-08-05 03:49:22 Funny how this has been branded as “Using Google AI to…” when the main resource that makes it possible for Google to do this but noone else to is the Google Maps data. (there’s also no published method I can find, only ‘we made a model’). https://t.co/94Y68ah9wG
2024-08-03 10:44:32 @SebastienK Like asking an expert if the roll of the dice were correct in hindsight. The problem is the process.
2024-08-03 10:03:46 @SebastienK because you (a plaintiff, a higher court) can appraise the informational quality of eg a study or table on solar panel life, you cannot appraise ‘what chatgpt happened to say with that random seed and that prompt’, because there is no method.
2024-08-02 19:52:26 @Arthur_500 @alex chatGPT does not query the internet nor return reliable information.
2024-08-02 14:04:17 To download the new Flux Black Forest Labs models on @huggingface you have to agree to the acceptable use policy. Howevever, the policy itself is unable to be accessed unless it is agreed to! These kind of issues would often invalidate clickwrap contracts in a court.
2024-08-02 07:54:52 RT @Professor_Peter: Police unwilling to disclose vehicle forensics methods. https://t.co/jH5IZwi7Tf NGO Privacy International asked 45 UK…
2024-08-02 07:39:50 RT @owainkenway: Cancelling the new AIRR(+) systems is one thing, but cancelling the exascale system at Edinburgh is so stupid it borders o…
2024-08-01 11:15:53 @laurence it would be respected if it were robots.pdf, the truest of all file formats
2024-08-01 08:08:39 RT @oliviasolon: The UK government is blocking a record number of foreign students who have won places to study STEM subjects a British uni…
2024-08-01 07:44:33 @bowtiedjconnor companies spend huge money on getting advice that considers regulatory risk, risk of enforcement, when taking action. (also, no criminal offences in the AI Act)
2024-08-01 07:23:00 @RozenbergTomer @vonderleyen lol you post normally but have a bot do auto replies? dumb
2024-07-29 14:35:35 Really interesting new paper in New Media and Society on the mechanics of Chinese content moderation
2024-07-28 16:53:14 UK is sitting on billions of confiscated cryptocurrency. Arguments for or against selling it for public services? https://on.ft.com/3LF85Ya
2024-07-28 11:50:25 @banty if I wanted to leave out the context I wouldn'
2024-07-27 14:13:51 @banty the point is the capability not the purpose in this situation, and that Google make the argument to EU regulators that there is no evidence that adtech is used for state surveillance. Under FISAA fully political surveillance of foreigners possible with no independent oversight or judicial remedy.
2024-07-25 20:14:23 RIP that bizarre creature, the hereditary by-election. Around noon today, the Lords voted to extend the deadline for the internal elections to replace deceased legislators-by-birthright with another of '
2024-07-24 22:26:25 @joejerome not sure where a thread would be but it’s an argument i make here https://t.co/qH730h1hEs in part and also differently in relation to adtech here https://t.co/NoGkTaNUUH
2024-07-24 08:41:51 Pablo was simply an awe-inspiring human being with an unforgettable ability to connect people and arrange the world into a problem-solving mode. No-one that met him in more than passing could fail to be affected by him and many that crossed only for minutes will have been too. https://t.co/fhTawKEBGM
2024-07-23 14:15:17 @MidasNouwens @FusterGloria not that i could find… there seems to be one at the university of london i might look for
2024-07-23 11:56:20 Can’t run on a shoestring when government policy demands you to market swish degrees to overseas students. https://t.co/4LlNXKb3zd
2024-07-23 09:06:43 @FusterGloria missing from my library when i tried last summer :( https://t.co/oC6iQ2YvBb
2024-07-23 08:20:52 @IWilkinson0 I think this comment needs to deal with how ‘AI safety’ itself hollows out, hides, and plays down the inherently distributive, political elements of AI governance. These are not technical standards issues. See our review of AI and global governance https://t.co/K1gessAr1I
2024-07-22 08:08:12 @jennifercobbe Absolutely the correct response.
2024-07-21 18:13:27 @undersequoias @kenklippenstein next challenge is seeing if he has enough time left on the clock to learn to relax
2024-07-20 08:30:11 @EricaZelic @AngryFenixDfnd there’s no sane company in the world that wouldn’t admit this mistake and try to correct it, that is hardly a bar to measure by.
2024-07-20 06:59:58 @Mehphistoh @ryan_c414 @MattieTK Apart from Monzo refused to join paym, which was genuinely useful to basically text people money from mainstream bank accounts, and pretended only monzo was capable of sending money to phone numbers — but only monzo ones! then paym died in part from confusion &
2024-07-19 17:48:01 in which i choose to express my personal grievances about my day through the media https://t.co/4JZKqsxjUd
2024-07-19 15:02:20 @sjmurdoch @mavroudisv Here’s hoping some of those PCs are in nice places
2024-07-19 10:51:22 @ChrisTMarsden @1Br0wn @BeterOpDeFiets Someone Else's Computer still very much online
2024-07-19 10:41:31 @sedyst AI has gone sentient and the one thing it realises that will make it the strongest is to sell more cloud
2024-07-19 06:52:35 Stuck on the runway at Heathrow seemingly because of Crowdstrike fucking up software update
2024-07-17 11:58:10 King'
2024-07-16 19:07:19 @rbairwell @roddie yeah, unfortunately they have a copy of the platform playbook
2024-07-16 09:08:02 @LambdaDuck yes, not my skillset but i would love if someone did that...
2024-07-12 07:54:12 @refalo citation needed. you can do a lot under data protection law as long as it is expected by the parties to whom the data relates and doesn’t go beyond it.
2024-07-12 06:02:00 RT @MercyMutemi: Not to forget the young Kenyans whose lives were destroyed when they were forced to consume sexual abuse content so that t…
2024-07-12 05:57:40 @carlmalamud And I appreciate your litigation! Funding rule making through copyright is a broken model but the standards bodies’ business models are floundering. Also why they are so desperate to help standardise AI even though it’s inappropriate and impossible for the type of members they have to standardise the fundamental rights and sectoral issues (education, judiciary) that they’re being asked to.
2024-07-12 05:53:26 Quite a lot of stuff I’m asked to review could, I think, be desk rejected. But editors are timid around law and technology, perhaps thinking there is some genius insight in a piece that is just more words on old topics without recognising that or being embedded in the literature. https://t.co/ULG7tBWpbE
2024-07-12 05:41:57 RT @404mediaco: The former Prime Minister presented research claiming AI could reduce the public sector workforce. The catch: it’s largely…
2024-07-12 05:41:04 not quite sure it’ll become a household name given it sits in the same conceptual box as the lifts directive and the toys directive, confers no useful rights on individuals, and has no real complaints mechanism. https://t.co/514eVhUckn
2024-07-11 20:26:47 RT @petros_ter: New preprint (forthcoming w/ @EuropeanLawOpen) on why digital constitutionalism is a bad idea. Take note if you are also sc…
2024-07-11 09:05:26 Tell Microsoft, who are on written record repeatedly lobbying for compute thresholds for AI accountability obligations. https://t.co/nwdZyPLWDM
2024-07-11 08:57:01 @carlmalamud You’re reading tone into my question that isn’t there or was not intended. I did not suggest it was a bad thing and I support openly publishing all of this. It’s just not self evident from your post which part of your prior legal requests they refused at this point given that you made a right to documents request and they complied with that. You said they said ‘no’, but the letter reads like a yes to your legal response, and a non engagement with your suggestion of the next steps.
2024-07-10 23:03:16 @carlmalamud the last document appears that they grant you access but your ongoing challenge is that they should set aside copyright and publish all these in the OJ? Is that what you mean by saying no?
2024-07-10 17:09:57 @bea_botero Some do and can. There is a very good OSCOLA package, probably the best automated OSCOLA that exists. You can also convert it to word before submitting if you have to using a package like oolatex though that can be a bit hands on.
2024-07-10 17:05:02 @bea_botero LaTeX is good for this cause you just put a percentage sign in front of a para to comment it out, but it’s also visible in case you want to bring it back or move it later.
2024-07-10 16:19:15 RT @ISDglobal: Extremism, hate and disinformation were a major focus of the 2024 UK General Election. ISD's new analysis considers the key…
2024-07-10 07:11:36 Question: Panopto, the uni lecture recording software, does not offer destructive editing. If you press pause, it doesn'
2024-07-09 09:55:48 @emilymbender @halcyene @alex hah so it’s not even their method, it’s both dumb and uncritically lifted…
2024-07-09 09:37:38 The new Tony Blair Institute report on public sector automation savings classifies the potential to automate a task based on… how much GPT-4 classifies a task as automatable. Is this the worst method ever? It’s absurd, unserious, and any outlet reporting on this uncritically should be humiliated and ridiculed. (seen via @halcyene)
2024-07-08 22:17:37 @mmitchell_ai @subbuvincent @juniperlov EU law has a definition of personal data, Meg is correct, this is not it. EU law has no def of PII, which is not an EU law concept and is meaningless in the EU. Students would fail a European data law course for using the term PII in an EU context (I’d also suspect an AI essay)
2024-07-07 08:24:11 @zaphodikus @xa329 Mostly it was before but some elections occurred after universal suffrage.
2024-07-07 06:46:19 Fun fact: in UK general elections, until after the 1948 election, UK university graduates could vote twice: once in their place of residence, and once for MPs in a university constituency. At the point of abolition the unis of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Wales and Queen’s had their own constituencies, while others could vote in constituencies for combined Scottish universities and combined English universities. Many of these were multi-member districts.
2024-07-07 06:33:40 at the point of abolition the unis of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Wales and Queen’s had their own constituencies, while others could vote in constituencies for combined Scottish universities and Combined English universities. Many of these were multi-member districts.
2024-07-07 06:33:39 Fun fact: in UK general elections, until after the 1948 election, UK university graduates could vote twice: once in their place of residence, and once for MPs in a university constituency.
2024-07-06 16:49:26 @st3fan @mysk with open auditability or with proprietary hope and see, based in a jurisdiction where operating systems can be changed by a court and disclosing that will lead to prison time
2024-07-06 07:22:54 RT @mer__edith: This is why we're seeing dumb AI everywhere, and self owns like MS's Recall Recouping revenue from massively expensive AI…
2024-07-05 20:13:16 RT @stokel: Errrr, I would suggest that using ChatGPT to get data and analysis about the election that you’re then explaining on a live TV…
2024-07-04 18:53:24 @o_saja apart from what they sometimes get is a ‘digest of likes’ at the end of the day, or it sends a like reply which bounces on a listserv back to everyone. dozens liked a reply all listserv the other day and it effectively derailed a research proposal as people left it…
2024-07-04 18:45:27 @o_saja only works if you use outlook though! everyone else gets replies when people do that…
2024-07-04 15:52:36 @hjonker Works for me and I'
2024-07-04 13:58:33 @priryo @rra thanks, usually add it and forgot this time, have added
2024-07-04 12:30:04 @roddie in a mailing list they do add to a chain, it destroyed a list so bad the other day that the OP had to apologise to everyone and many people abandoned a potential project
2024-07-04 12:29:31 @ottaross Yes, it happened more than once to me and it was email armageddon. dozens of emails within an hour.
2024-07-04 11:45:57 Do you hate Microsoft'
2024-07-04 11:45:47 Do you hate Microsoft's spammy email 'reactions'? While far from perfect, you can forbid people from reacting on your emails by adding the 'x-ms-reactions: disallow' header to all your emails. In Thunderbird, this can be done in the config editor. Mileage w other clients may vary https://t.co/JqmMXlewcY
2024-07-02 06:14:38 Universities should have sensible and evidence based drug policies, I agree (although nothing in this article indicates actual suspensions are high). Yet universities cannot, without significantly more funding, fill every gap that the state withdraws from. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/02/uk-universities...
2024-06-25 12:51:44 Gikii London 2024 at UCL Laws abstract deadline - this Friday! https://t.co/EOCeQFByjK
2024-06-25 07:43:57 @alexhanna @JeffDean rebound effect too, becomes more efficient, people sell more and outweighs efficiency savings. capitalism missing from the equations. similar to apple’s use of AI to sell more hardware. neglected in all literature.
2024-06-24 09:36:13 @rg omg @agstrait doing this in secret
2024-06-23 13:52:48 @technollama @CatalinaGoanta task 1: replicate the bitcoin white paper using latex when it was actually written in openoffice in a way which would fool Mr Justice Mellor https://t.co/Mx5sqw7DHQ
2024-06-23 12:22:56 @technollama @CatalinaGoanta most contents would be won by whichever academic knew how to apply and edit styles
2024-06-23 08:51:51 @rachelcoldicutt Indeed they compete for grants with other actors (eg on Horizon)
2024-06-23 08:44:09 @rachelcoldicutt I wonder how much of the 3m a month is their investment team compared to the rest of the operation
2024-06-11 18:18:44 people of Rio de Janeiro, if you are on the fediverse, can come to see me talk tomorrow at 3PM about model marketplaces such as Github and Hugging Face, and the difficulties moderating them, at FGV Direito Rio https://direitorio.fgv.br/eventos/fgv-reg-talks-moderating-model-marketp...
2024-05-22 09:02:08 #CPDP Friday 0845AM Music Room, Nahide Basri and I are facilitating a very interactive workshop on privacy, data protection law in surveillance–heavy occupation contexts.It'
2024-05-20 22:45:25 High Court judgment on ‘Faketoshi’, incredible document, in which Craig Wright forges LaTeX files of the BTC white paper w/ mad OCR TikZ which specifies letters in coordinates, anachronistic hyperref options, &
2024-05-19 12:43:06 @yawnbox @EUCommission @securedrop thankfully no gatekeepers control significant parts of the Internet infrastructure
2024-05-08 08:14:15 absolute chaos on a new unmoderated listserv this week as tens of people used the ‘thumbs up’ feature in outlook, which apparently now sends an email, causing an unstoppable torrent
2024-05-02 18:54:52 You can watch our panel event with @jennifercobbe @Margotkaminski @agstrait and me - Regulatory Models for Algorithmic Assessment: Robust Delegation or Kicking The Can? - held at UCL Laws last week, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbVEgSLO3iY
2024-04-21 17:20:22 @9to5Mac "
2024-04-14 15:54:12 @dalonso and just wait until you get someone who put an emoji in their article title
2024-04-14 15:53:30 @dalonso the number of ways these can create problems in software workflows has been immense. i’m not talking about handwriting everything from scratch.
2024-04-14 14:11:05 the amount of time i spend on tex and bib files debugging people so the umlauts in their names parse correctly and don'
2024-04-13 18:23:10 @j2bryson @cjcolclough Given that GPT-4 isn'
2024-04-12 10:31:36 @CatherineFlick tbf if you have windows for arm you probably do know it
2024-04-12 09:56:14 Reply below with which company you think Rishi Sunak will end up landing a job for after this period of taxpayer-funded self promotion.
2024-04-02 18:00:13 if your mobile provider tries to stop you tethering (including when roaming) using your allowance, it'
2024-04-01 11:25:46 boston people! i’m giving a talk tomorrow at northeastern law on governing AI and its intermediaries - model marketplaces and repositories, APIs and supply chains, and more… (tx @elibietti). come if you are free! https://law.northeastern.edu/event/governing-ai/
2024-03-22 10:41:27 Today at the CIPL Data Protection conference in the Cambridge, talking about the future of DP in the UK, the #DPDIBill, and more. Organised by David Erdos and @jennifercobbe. Recording should be up for those interested and will share if and when out.
2024-03-21 21:49:58 @zuck likes, but not replies...
2024-03-20 06:54:49 @pcottle opt-in federation is an interesting choice — will users be prompted at account creation/feature activation, or will it remain buried and arcane?
2024-03-19 21:04:07 @libertepourmoi @poVoq also the citation '
2024-03-18 20:48:14 @feoh lots of methods, ethnographies, interview studies, etc
2024-03-15 13:17:29 @pluralistic @floe thanks! have read i think two of these posts but not the third or the book yet! am also curious about these specific systems (incentives behind development, financing and financial flows, arrangements of meetings, decision-making, dissemination of specs...)
2024-03-15 11:06:28 has anyone been writing or studying the political economy of recent DRM and copyright-related cryptosystems in operating systems or hardware? Intel'
2024-03-14 09:31:55 Giving a public lecture at IViR at the Universiry of Amsterdam tomorrow: Governing AI’s Intermediaries - if you’re around or interested you can register for in person or register to attend online https://www.ivir.nl/events/ivir-lecture-15march2024/
2024-03-13 15:58:52 The Pokémon Company issued a takedown request to Hugging Face for a dataset describing the characteristics of e.g. Bulbasaur. Let'
2024-03-13 10:35:00 Useful, massively underused academic tool: shortDOIs https://shortdoi.org/. Turn official DOIs into official tiny ones!e.g. preprint of @rg &
2024-03-12 07:09:30 @Graffotti idk it seems more like rich commuters pressuring the government
2024-03-10 07:48:27 Why is Heemstede-Aerdenhout an intercity station? wtf nederlanders
2024-03-07 18:29:59 #Apple: to allow secure alternative app marketplaces in accordance with EU law/the #DMA, we have created over 600 APIs for developers, including those that incentivise easy updates by these stores!Also Apple: leave the EU for more than 30 days and your apps won'
2024-03-07 17:26:40 @sushant doesn'
2024-03-06 16:49:08 @rg and me presenting at Berkman Klein on our Model Marketplaces paper, scrutinising the direction of content moderation OF generative models on hosting platforms like Hugging Face, GitHub and Civitai, in 35 mins (at 1830 CET today) https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/moderating-model-marketplaces
2024-03-05 09:21:18 CJEU rules the proprietary harmonised standards on, e.g., the AI Act, must be made freely available without charge pursuant to a request to access to documents, as they form part of EU law and consequently always overriding public interest in disclosure. https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf
2024-03-01 15:58:31 One of the most convenient things about being temporarily based at the Institute for Information Law in the University of Amsterdam is that every room has a copy of Zuboff'
2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-22 15:49:08 Question for TikTok: where are you training your models? Are there costly GPUs in both the Oracle data centre and in Ireland/Norway? Are you sharding a model? Or is there really data transfer that you aren’t being clear about? https://t.co/ZBVESAi9rh
2023-05-22 15:10:32 RT @signalapp: The UK's Online Safety Bill will set a precedent for government mass surveillance for authoritarian regimes all over the wor…
2023-05-22 14:41:36 there are ‘solutions’ for Meta in the same way companies around the world seek ‘solutions’ for wildly broad US sanctions… https://t.co/8ziHg5wVhd
2023-05-22 12:48:12 @empo11on @mediastudies @uvadatascience congratulations! and congratulations on @mediastudies for the handle
2023-05-22 12:27:23 @EinnDet @jason_kint if that’s the view the DPC takes, they will appeal on that too
2023-05-22 10:54:43 @jason_kint well, they have to delete it if there is no EU-US agreement before november (regardless how temporary that is), and then if they fail to get an interlocutory injunction to stop the decision taking effect while they appeal, and appeal, and wait for the preliminary reference...
2023-05-22 10:52:54 (the first derivative) of public debt is falling https://t.co/rgi3zXYQ9t
2023-05-22 10:42:36 @simonhania @gabrielazanfir Meta can (and likely will) apply for an interlocutory injunction suspending the order alongside the appeal. It isn't techncially automatic. The Court has the power to grant or refuse that injunction before a trial.
2023-05-22 10:10:44 If people claim that it is not fair that companies are in the crossfire of international disputes, please let me introduce you to the US sanctions regime...
2023-05-22 10:09:37 The Schrems I/II branch of litigation is as always less interesting for how it changes commercial practices than for how it is slowly slowly changing limitless US state surveillance of foreigners, and putting the lens on other countries too. https://t.co/jBzz42iwcS
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-11 04:57:43 This is also the Google/Youtube ContentID playbook, where you use technology to turn a liability for infringement (with a price decided by the rightsholder) into an opportunity to sell a service based on copyrighted material with (low) take-it-or-leave-it remuneration. https://t.co/LgoLKoo4dj
2023-05-09 22:04:27 @joejerome it’s presumably referring to voice print authentication?
2023-05-09 16:34:01 @tforcworc maybe they just want their wrists cooled
2023-05-09 14:01:58 RT @NahideBasri: This is happening today at 17:00 CET! Still time to register
2023-05-09 13:51:07 @katebevan nice grift! one month is the cost of a single repeater on their own website https://t.co/3jIeZNPeGY
2023-05-09 13:48:35 ignore all difficult and contested issues until the difficult and contested issues are gone! assume politics is just everyone else adopting your viewpoint and expectations about the future! don’t think about distributive anything, only about production! who’s with me?! https://t.co/TFEZJuKiPg
2023-05-09 11:49:11 RT @sedyst: This is the most disconcerting tweet I have been mentioned in. And, since Seeta and I have been pulled into this ongoing discus…
2023-05-09 06:48:35 @legalytical @clancynewyork US legal academics world-renowned for rebranding things others have long called something different, so that checks out...
2023-05-08 19:41:40 @legalytical @clancynewyork UK and canada just call these neutral citations (not even vendor or reporter neutral as in your post) and have done for the last 20+ years so it might be helpful to keep with that terminology. Not sure if many places at all call them universal citations…
2023-05-07 13:55:41 RT @RDBinns: Similarly, LLMs may be powerful to extent that they change social relations, increasing opps for exploitation, de-skilling, de…
2023-05-07 09:15:15 @technollama i was sad i could not use the SCART I brought
2023-05-07 09:05:58 @technollama i forgot it existed entirely
2023-05-07 06:47:01 @technollama almost ancient! my transatlantic flight this AM: https://t.co/qc7UWl1Pam
2023-05-06 02:31:40 @npseaver rumpole of the bailey
2023-05-05 19:52:01 RT @NahideBasri: Join us on the 9th of May for our Data Protection Scholars Network event where I will be moderating a panel discussion on…
2023-05-05 01:44:51 @katebevan pivpn on your pi! then you can do what you like
2023-05-04 22:57:22 RT @cynddl: New research out today in @NatMachIntell after 3 years investigating the potential harms of AI in online markets! We show tha…
2023-05-04 12:06:48 @hackylawyER i’m in dc today and my dms are open
2023-05-04 11:45:17 @axelpopaxel and ‘openly embrace’ is rarely if ever measured… just asserted!
2023-05-04 11:44:01 @axelpopaxel other standards bodies don’t produce standards designed to be the *de facto* only way to comply with a law…
2023-05-04 11:42:23 @ndiakopoulos worthwhile noting that these techs do not seem to work across people/mice at the moment and require significant per person training (for humans, days of sessions in MRI machines watching repeated images)… rarely mentioned in the articles about them.
2023-05-04 11:19:06 Almost surreal report today from CERRE on European #standardisation, ignoring how European standards are increasingly about things the experts do not know about (see #AIAct and borders, judicial fairness, education…), suggesting the civil society bodies like ANEC/ETUI have (1/2)
2023-05-03 19:43:28 RT @Nadya_Purtova: Delighted to announce a CfP for the Beyond Data Protection Conference @infolegproject @ERC_Research https://t.co/13dU2…
2023-05-03 10:55:31 @bengoldacre (underemphasise as in ‘open safely looks cool, we could use it in the justice sector’)
2023-05-03 10:54:55 @bengoldacre important to note that because the health research sector assumes solid ethical approval, it can underemphasise the need to ensure confidentiality preserving outputs are answering ethical research questions. in other sectors, confidentiality isn’t a get out of jail free pass!
2023-05-02 17:25:51 RT @epicenter_works: Last week, the European Commission released its 2nd evaluation report on the EU’s #NetNeutrality framework. It mostly…
2023-05-02 17:17:51 RT @jim_dickinson: So when the government says "We are freezing fees" and "we are reducing interest" they're really making more graduates p…
2023-05-01 14:08:18 @leotanczt i will be there! are you going?
2023-04-30 22:20:43 also in UK law known as accidental partnerships, where partners in these discord chats share joint and several unlimited liability for the debts of the organisation… https://t.co/eYIcB39dcA
2023-04-29 09:47:53 no idea how US tax law works, but i’d have thought that in the UK this would be a taxable benefit…? https://t.co/3TumfLpVy4
2023-04-29 07:51:53 As the Home Office runs a hackathon to look for ‘AI’ transcription/translation tools to reduce the #asylum backlog without a step change in investment (https://t.co/VK1Su2ciXD), @restofworld@restof.social reports that… surprise surprise, machine translation is jeopardising (1/2)
2023-04-29 06:22:48 @mchardcastle i thought that rings a bell
2023-04-28 22:27:04 RT @hackylawyER: This point. This . And this paper from @jennifercobbe @mikarv and @jatinternet. Read it (and maybe pair it with my book B…
2023-04-28 17:41:44 RT @sedyst: More papers on how software production is organized and how it is shaped by the underlying infrastructures. Yeay!!! Looking for…
2023-04-28 17:10:14 RT @ALGOSOC_: Exciting news! We're expanding our team at #AlgoSoc and are looking for five talented PhDs and postdocs to join us. To lear…
2023-04-28 16:11:17 RT @petros_ter: this article by Martha Poon transformed the way I think about technology in decision-making. It's not about the ouput and i…
2023-04-28 13:28:26 RT @petros_ter: Reminder: Under the #EHDS proposal, wellness applications (ie Apple's *native #Health app) will also be interoperable with…
2023-04-28 09:58:55 RT @jennifercobbe: FAccT paper with @mikarv and @jatinternet - on accountability in algorithmic supply chains We explore the dynamics of A…
2023-04-28 08:08:09 @sorsoup then there will be! and i will delete the tweet
2023-04-28 08:01:16 wild that it seems no sovereign states have a capital beginning with 'e', at least in english...
2023-04-27 22:31:07 I can’t see the privacy policy but given that it looks to have several huge flaws, I suggest people in Europe start using their data protection rights and complaining when they aren’t met to their local regulator before the firm sets up shop in Ireland as a main establishment… https://t.co/vKrZCDrMtn
2023-04-27 22:26:24 Very interesting and informative paper by Marie-Gabrielle Bertran on 'Free and open source software in the new digital public policies in #Russia'. I'm interested to learn more about the growth of Linux distributions like #AstraLinux in the public sector, and perhaps the (1/2)
2023-04-27 21:30:02 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ see some earlier thoughts from me on this at the beginning of last year in @netzpolitik_org https://t.co/IlDdGwypM7
2023-04-27 21:28:10 RT @daviest_: @mikarv @IoannisLianos Great example. Building and deploying privacy preserving ML requires skilled labour, computational inf…
2023-04-27 21:27:07 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ it is possible to design systems that are both pluralistic and confidentiality preserving, it’s just that neither real-time bidding adtech firms (who operate predominantly illegally) nor google have any incentive to explore this design direction, so a false dichotomy is presented
2023-04-27 21:11:40 @daviest_ @IoannisLianos and you just need to look at how much money GAFAM are spending on privacy preserving machine learning to see how eagerly they are investing in technologies that mean they don’t need to be able to see or access data to be able to train models on it.
2023-04-27 20:59:48 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ open ended infrastructures simplify poorly. @sedyst is the intellectual leader of work on this area in my view.
2023-04-27 20:58:51 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ i think a prob is that understanding computing is hard, &
2023-04-27 20:52:19 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ the point isn’t that ‘data never matters’, it’s that data is a poor focal point, and the metaphor of data does not get anyone discussing about the infrastructures, and so huge amounts are missed. exactly how much will vary on the business model or functionality discussed.
2023-04-27 20:49:33 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ and even when you think about AI and similar systems, a lot of development is about experimentation on users, A/B testing, which is more about being able to intervene on a population than collect data — data recipients can never do that.
2023-04-27 20:47:58 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ sadly computing isn’t reducible to such statements. consider eg the airtag example, or the contact tracing example, from my pres. neither use AI, nor arguably personal data! privacy sandbox and similar proposals promise microtargeting without personal data agglomeration…
2023-04-27 13:46:51 RT @daviest_: The term "data" is highly contextual. It's akin to a word like "object" in conventional markets. Without nuance, the term doe…
2023-04-27 13:46:45 RT @daviest_: People framing "data" as the big baddie of competition law in digital markets was what got me - a software engineer at the ti…
2023-04-27 13:04:35 RT @sedyst: Michael nails it… We need to bring regulators’ attention to computational infrastructures, and not just as providers of cloud c…
2023-04-26 21:04:18 @Abebab @mmitchell_ai it’s crazy springer nature think they can make all these umpteen brand new journals in 2023 and still give them absurdly closed formats and access policies
2023-04-26 20:56:18 @Richvn @nealhaddaway @hug_sven it is a database (also in the CS sense!). it just isn’t one that’s fully queryable by its users.
2023-04-26 08:15:00 RT @InterwebzNani: What would European Court of Human Rights decisions look like if they recognised + applied #intersectionality? The pro…
2023-04-26 06:42:24 @Angronn1 @hawktalk_blog @karenmccullagh @Nadya_Purtova eg it would bring google’s privacy sandbox proposal in chrome outside of the law
2023-04-26 06:42:10 @Angronn1 @hawktalk_blog @karenmccullagh @Nadya_Purtova it’s a bad change because the logic means that many systems which sort and have real effects on people, including prospective fear of surveillance, do not need to follow any data protection law, and people experiencing with them have no recourse to a regulator or court.
2023-04-26 06:18:02 @stokel we have to ask about the kind of values that are underpinning firm actions, like… shareholder value
2023-04-26 05:48:51 @hawktalk_blog was saying almost precisely this at BILETA last week to @karenmccullagh, though it’s also an artefact of UK case law being more advanced than the EU here which has Breyer. relates to @Nadya_Purtova’s recent paper on individuation https://t.co/43NwerqZCm
2023-04-25 22:25:34 @ICOnews why did you delete all your blogs btw?
2023-04-25 13:02:46 @jorisvanhoboken @FusterGloria @ReneLPMahieu here’s a picture of jef and pierre’s heads https://t.co/1B29xxW7Ei
2023-04-24 14:30:37 RT @CPDPconferences: When are creators traders? What benchmarks are being used or are desirable to measure this? With @CatalinaGoanta @UniU…
2023-04-24 11:07:03 @oliviasolon thats a lot of AWS credits
2023-04-22 12:37:49 @colmocinneide the real constitution is the friends and colleagues you lose along the way
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-20 19:01:54 @1lucabelli @technollama could be any llama at all
2023-04-20 11:14:50 @JimBethell @LordJimKnight @whiterhino1949 @PJLeerssen @Jausl00s Paddy Leerssen also wrote a PhD on the topic, very important work that gov &
2023-04-20 11:11:01 @JimBethell @LordJimKnight @whiterhino1949 University of Amsterdam ran an *excellent* two-day workshop on the pros and cons of Article 40, DSA and data access last month, including how it can be improved run by @PJLeerssen @Jausl00s Siddarth de Souza
2023-04-20 11:09:37 @JimBethell @LordJimKnight @whiterhino1949 Very welcome, Digital Services Act already confident enough to allow. Good to complement the code of practice with a binding power for Ofcom to require large platforms to produce data similar to that in the DSA, art 40, in accordance with the COP. https://t.co/ANExsPa8GOhttps://t.co/JypergYeD4
2023-04-20 11:06:39 RT @JimBethell: That's why I am moving an amendment to require a Code of practice on access to data by researchers. With @LordJimKnight and…
2023-04-20 10:50:28 FT reports Google to use generative AI to create on-the-fly ad copy. This may deprive G of intermediary liability shielding for the content of adverts for eg counterfeit goods (see CJEU in Google France [118]). https://t.co/nxohGlX98Mhttps://t.co/vk1Y6TZGab #DSA https://t.co/XJE6xAcbp9
2023-04-20 09:35:35 @roofjoke Only paying users can use all vowels.
2023-04-20 09:20:27 @evijitghosh SSRN is going downhill at speed and is run by Elsevier. Hard for non logged in people to download. Largely used by US schools that for some reason fetishise download metrics. SocArxiv much better to upload social science work to.
2023-04-20 08:34:02 RT @echo_pbreyer: The EU Commission’s unprecedented proposal of searching any private communication for illegal content is falling apart:…
2023-04-20 08:13:59 RT @thebigbogg: Legal uncertainty around the lawfulness of deductions is a strategic resource for employers, not the union or striking work…
2023-04-19 22:24:01 RT @joecoscarelli: for anyone who really cares about this A.I. music stuff, here are @hollyherndon's full answers, since she took the time…
2023-04-19 18:52:53 @hackylawyER For some policy problems very wrong. But large models can also be used to launder datasets to transfer them without oversight and reconstruct elsewhere. It depends on choice of problem. I’m not claiming data protection is a silver bullet
2023-04-19 18:36:31 Google Spain does not require Google or any other search engine to erased indexed website data related to a person.
2023-04-19 18:35:37 That’s not what the law requires though
2023-04-19 18:32:08 UCL threatening to deduct half of pay for entire of term three including late summer assessment period, including period where *no exams you are responsible for are submitted yet!* https://t.co/3cHLYNsIv4
2023-04-19 18:29:34 @lilianedwards @Jackstilgoe internet years are like cat years
2023-04-19 18:29:08 Pretty sure no major firms reveal cleaning steps
2023-04-19 17:27:22 RT @grahamgreenleaf: Agree completely with @javierruiz 10 part thread (do read it! - below) on the defects of CBPRs (global or APEC), &
2023-04-18 22:14:37 RT @STS_News: And here is my own post. Lots of other voices came to the surface when these posts were released. You can find some of them…
2023-04-18 22:04:38 @TimandraHarknes @GreggsOfficial you can get hand pulled or shaven la mien noodles round the corner until 3 or 4am on cranbourne st
2023-04-18 15:46:50 @sedyst @MarcLangheinri1 @bpreneel1 @JcMalgieri @jiahong_chen @jamesks i am a happy alumnus (:
2023-04-18 15:46:28 RT @sedyst: The 5th edition of the Interdisciplinary Summerschool on Privacy is coming up. Early registration deadline is May 1st, 2023. Th…
2023-04-18 08:04:36 RT @ImagingNeurosci: All NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports editors have resigned over the high publication fee, and are starting a new non-…
2023-04-17 23:48:02 RT @sarahbmyers: What this article misses is that many of the leading 'startups' in AI already use Google Cloud/are offered on its marketpl…
2023-04-17 13:26:49 RT @Jisc: It was with great sadness that we learned last week of the passing of our colleague and friend Andrew Cormack. He will be greatly…
2023-04-17 07:28:48 @johnthornhillft @hare_brain @timmpsmith @Siftedeu “The issue, Andrulis says, is that “general purpose AI” like LLMs would be treated as high-risk if they could hypothetically be used for a high-risk application.” — he should get a lawyer to read the drafts then, or another viewpoint in the article: that’s not what drafts say
2023-04-15 17:53:11 RT @DavidErdos: Given @iconews secured 0 enforcement notices or criminal prosecutions and gave out just 4 fines totally £180k in 2021-22 ht…
2023-04-13 22:04:17 @jennifercobbe llms great way to sell more cloud congrats all
2023-04-13 22:03:49 RT @jennifercobbe: Major AI service providers like AWS and Azure - who until now have mostly offered their own models as a service - now in…
2023-04-13 21:57:39 @timnitGebru @xriskology i’m sure they’d appreciate treating language as commutative tho
2023-04-13 21:55:56 @timnitGebru @xriskology #TESCREAL can also be written as #REALSECT..
2023-04-13 21:28:31 RT @lilianedwards: Very sorry indeed to hear of the sudden passing of @Janet_LegReg , always a helpful, knowledgeable, cheerful and wise co…
2023-04-12 22:17:18 Mega congratulations today to the shining Dr Paddy Leerssen (cum laude), incredibly well deserved and besides about time as everyone generally assumed you already had a PhD. https://t.co/fTLLx9EKwC
2023-04-11 21:31:42 @ariezrawaldman both sally engle merry and judy l klein
2023-04-10 21:28:26 @katebevan i was spoiled today as i walked past a succession billboard and it was all glassy with people wearing suits but in my head this show people were talking about was a hilary mantel era spin-off
2023-04-10 21:26:20 @emax have you tried the Pringles Pro? less echoey and also more flavours
2023-04-09 15:00:10 @timnitGebru If there was a rebuttal period added again, the whole timeline would need to be yanked back further. ATM visa timelines (ACM only issue invite letters after registration/acceptance) means it's unlikely all authors can make it when held in the US. Perhaps it never should be.
2023-04-09 12:58:15 @tforcworc yeah. i’ve seen people do this in groups to them. having ridden one without power as it ran out to get to destination, it’s not easy or enjoyable though…
2023-04-09 10:38:22 based on everything i have read about it, the horizon post office scandal was less about technological reliance or indeed computing at all, and more about cultural suspicion in a broken institution suspecting sub postmasters of fraud. https://t.co/6YOw1MIgpC
2023-04-09 09:47:18 @StevenWagner85 @Sandbagger_01 while tempting to be outraged at a tweet the actual article is hardly worth that react… https://t.co/26qdyvJ0fP
2023-04-09 08:25:47 also: the study was desk based, specific to particular individuals (prerequisite: each of 8 individuals watched 30,000 images over 40 MRI sessions over a year), applied to the visual part of the brain which i’m told is incomparably better understood compared to conceptual parts… https://t.co/llWSegN2Td
2023-04-08 23:51:32 @owainkenway studying the increasingly maddening drm hardware stack is on my list of things to do if i have energy, maybe if i get a really good student with interests in this direction.
2023-04-08 23:44:44 timing also matters. you can’t hold this conference in the US, it simply does not work. even with the paper announcements now, many, many people will be unable to get visas (and ACM does not issue letters until registration/acceptance afaik) https://t.co/wkC7zqYcbN
2023-04-07 08:24:21 @grahamgreenleaf @DouweKorff @apf_oz even if consent required, question is whether court will bend its meaning as they did in GC and Others
2023-04-07 08:23:46 @grahamgreenleaf @DouweKorff @apf_oz in canada yes perhaps as regime is consent based, but not all processing needs to rely on consent in the EU, other lawful bases available. but would need their tests to be met. google doesn’t require consent for search spiders it seems even though it’s a controller per G Spain
2023-04-07 07:29:11 @TobyWalsh not sure that’s a useful concept… neither, arguably, is surveillance capitalism. new concepts need a reason to exist, and to have explanatory social science value, not just to be concatenated buzzwords.
2023-04-07 07:21:45 balanced if it ever comes to pass. I can already think of several, partial ‘expert’ academics likely to be on it, and those certain to be vetoed. Perhaps I should put names in a sealed envelope. https://t.co/NMlFiRnOJv (2/2) https://t.co/wnLgv8NKfi
2023-04-07 07:21:44 Minutes of March meeting between EU &
2023-04-06 19:52:05 @RobertJBateman You’re governed by Irish law extraterritorially until end of April no?
2023-04-06 19:02:56 @clarinette02 OpenAI will likely set up a main establishment in the EU in the coming months.
2023-04-06 18:58:29 The Italian DPA v quickly brought OpenAI to the table. Even if they lift the stop processing order (politically likely, now it has achieved its goal), will they stop the inquiry, or put aside the issue of the legal basis of processing of both normal data &
2023-04-06 17:00:25 A great infographic on how incoherent English policy geographies are from the Bennett Institute @ Cambridge (full report: https://t.co/LNBqoxpY0h) https://t.co/o0ADC5x8wU
2023-04-05 11:25:21 RT @Jausl00s: Awesome news: Dutch Court of Appeal rules in favour of @WorkerInfoX and @ADCUnion, condemning Uber &
2023-04-05 07:56:34 RT @JamesBesanvalle: Were you born outside the UK but now call it your home? I'm opening up commissions again for my @MetroUK Immigration N…
2023-04-03 10:50:13 @danielverlaan slight fingerprinting issue.. yes you can hide in the crowd of.. other mullvad browser users https://t.co/LKBcC0qiuk
2023-04-03 10:48:58 RT @lilianedwards: Can GPT-4 itself (say) be regarded as personal data , distinct from the personal data in the training set? here is the (…
2023-04-03 10:15:16 RT @rgorwa: Ah! After many months of work, I'm so excited to be able to help host another iteration of the @PlatGov conference. I'm not twe…
2023-04-03 09:53:38 @joyopal @divijualsuspect how was the process of getting speakers visas for this? how early did you have to start?
2023-04-03 09:52:24 RT @divijualsuspect: I'll be presenting work on the limits of conditional immunity regimes in platform regulation here tomorrow, and spend…
2023-04-03 09:44:37 The main effect of the Italian DPA's order is that it forces AI firms to the table to talk and think about regulation they have pretended they are not in scope of if they have global ambitions. Platforms can't be delivered from out of territory forever if they dream of being big. https://t.co/Jb5B7ZhpOe
2023-04-03 07:59:16 @RichardMoorhead @Familoo I thought that there was also a line of critique that said it’s not about hunger, it’s about judges controlling the docket and having reasons to moving different types of cases around the agenda in ways that biased the results.
2023-04-03 07:55:56 Seems a direct result of this government’s choice to delay the Digital Market Unit legislation, as CMA only delayed investigation in expectation of new powers. Regulators’ paralysis, of the sort this gov pushes, means even the decisions they want to make are procedurally fragile. https://t.co/1MhDDiiW5b
2023-04-03 07:52:49 @1Br0wn @RobertJBateman @TheABB @lilianedwards @RDBinns @gabrielazanfir yes we have, first discussed it in 2017 ‘slave to the algorithm’ w @lilianedwards in sections on models as personal data &
2023-04-02 14:29:16 Just to clarify further, the first image is the result of a blocking order (a website blocked by the intermediary subject to the order despite the service still actively attempting to deliver to users), the second is the OpenAI situation (a service no longer delivered by (1/2)
2023-04-02 11:15:54 @Floridi Misleading to call the Italian decision a ‘block’. The order is not addressed to ISPs nor other intermediaries. Internet blocking (as in the other countries listed) is very different in mechanics and proportionality from legal action taken against the source of content.
2023-04-02 10:38:13 (France banned internal flights where reasonable alternatives existed, obviously did not ban flights to Corsica. UK seems unable to act with any granularity.)
2023-04-02 10:36:07 If you want to boost UK-wide connectivity, then at *most* only cut taxes on flights that connect places that are infrastructurally prohibitive to get to w less carbon intensive means (eg Shetland, N Ireland). What justifies a tax cut for Manchester, Edinburgh, Exeter ->
2023-04-02 10:12:12 ChatGPT has not been ‘blocked’ in Italy. Blocking orders are addressed at ISPs or internet intermediaries. The provider of a service has been ordered not to provide it until they demonstrate compliance. Cease &
2023-04-02 09:37:38 i hope big tourist trap restaurants continue to ensnare visiting americans in naff joints in the centre of london. residents don’t want queues standing in the way of their enjoyment of the incredible, diaspora-driven food in hundreds of small, poky places across the city. https://t.co/Uc0UanQYRL
2023-03-31 14:38:15 Jobs at UCL Laws! 1. Permanent research &
2023-03-31 11:32:13 @roxanna_law @ClarityTravel_ best bit is where you ask them to book ryanair flights through email as it doesn't come up on their system and they don't send you the info you need to check in, the email they booked it with. however, at least it is possible (at UCL) to book hotels/flights without permission...
2023-03-31 10:54:31 Italian DPA issues a immediate, temporary limitation on OpenAI processing personal data in Italy as part of #ChatGPT, on the basis of - no legal basis - lack of accuracy - no age verification of users - no filters for under 13s https://t.co/e8ObcwiHKw #GDPR #GarantePrivacy #GPDP
2023-03-31 07:26:48 RT @infofannny: Meta announces a risk based tool "using AI to give advertisers more control" so "harmful content is not monetized". The con…
2023-03-31 07:25:41 RT @colmocinneide: Scorching analysis here from @ProfCCostello of the UK's Illegal (sic) Migration Bill.
2023-03-31 07:25:25 @colmocinneide @ProfCCostello I am listening to it on the bus to the Fac and the burn is so strong that I can smell the rubber.
2023-03-30 08:00:44 RT @EUCourtPress: #ECJ: Live streaming by #videoconference of classes in state school education falls within the scope of the #GDPR #Person…
2023-03-30 06:33:40 RT @LSE_UCU: There's a crisis of academic casualisation and precarity at the LSE. Insecure and short-term contracts are rife. We're social…
2023-03-29 10:00:16 @charrindisguise can email me on my uni email, details https://t.co/T0Zm1YXmKl
2023-03-29 06:57:31 @TimCauser no offence tim but i’m genuinely horrified that it’s your research area that is becoming increasingly relevant in and around this island
2023-03-29 06:57:09 New #OnlineSafetyBill amendments on #ResearcherDataAccess (similar to Article 40, #DSA). Yet does not allow orgs to apply for this status and make requests regardless of Ofcom’s political will, nor clear results publishable/accountable. https://t.co/sRXSrl090Bhttps://t.co/OPasWVh2Ds
2023-03-29 06:55:52 @profgeraintrees interesting use of empower to mean give no new powers to… and interesting omission of the one regulator who has been producing guidance, the Information Commissioner. also note that the first guidance i’ve seen HSE produce on neural networks was 22 years ago - with what effect? https://t.co/nWWP5SwPUt
2023-03-29 06:32:31 UK proposes no AI regulation, instead just urging sectoral regulators to use existing powers. Won’t work, primarily as regulators’ powers are hugely insufficient, misdirected towards the often helpless final actors/users in the AI supply chain who technology (1/2)
2023-03-29 06:27:28 @HetanShah Does not recognise that existing regulators lack the effective powers to do this, typically because existing powers relate to actors who are helpless rule takers in the platformised AI supply chain. Won’t work.
2023-03-28 19:21:45 Parliamentary question from Harriet Baldwin confirms that UK government is abandoning the Royal Mint NFT it should never have embarked upon https://t.co/R3PZYLuvEahttps://t.co/t3Ofam22xd
2023-03-28 17:38:31 @ICOnews This guidance makes clear that behavioural advertising targeted at categories of people is direct marketing. When will the ICO take action against social media platforms for not permitting individuals a right to object from this personalised marketing?
2023-03-28 17:23:08 RT @littlesnitch: This is insane. PayPal has restricted our business account because we have invoiced a license key containing the random l…
2023-03-28 17:18:44 @owainkenway i am definitely not using a socks proxy over ssh to file my expenses no sir
2023-03-28 17:13:43 @owainkenway @uclisd now if anyone could update the unofficial tutorial on how to get linux openconnect to work given the need to SSO with it now that would be ace…
2023-03-28 14:56:40 @MLeiser mixed — tweet could have been clearer, a legal basis was not established in relation to tracking data collected and transmitted simultaneously phones
2023-03-28 09:26:04 The #CNIL fines an e-scooter firm for tracking the #geolocation of its #escooters every 30 seconds without informing them or establishing a legal basis, even if in a separate database as it can be easily cross correlated to users. While not special category data, the CNIL (1/2)
2023-03-28 08:29:00 RT @hdevalence: apple, silently confiscating the "receive from everyone" setting for airdrop transfers: "fuck you and your preferences, we…
2023-03-26 13:28:18 @ShannonVallor the insides of some fridges however...
2023-03-26 11:06:16 RT @AmooreLouise: The erosion of pay in HE has deep implications for the lives &
2023-03-25 20:54:00 RT @zamaan_qureshi: ‼ @RepLoriTrahan “In 2021, the UK’s Age Appropriate Design Code went into effect…You still operate in the United Kingd…
2023-03-24 09:37:51 @JimBethell @UKHouseofLords do you agree with its provision that parents should be able to see all under 18s’ direct messages by technical design?
2023-03-24 06:32:46 i don’t think openai leaning into being ubiquitous robotic process automation (eg through its plugin system and automatically writing glue code) is going to lead to safe and secure and reliable systems. it may even create serious systemic risk. normal accidents galore.
2023-03-24 06:25:14 link to new Utah child protection online bill, which (on the face of it, not a US law scholar) adds age requirements and the ability for parents to view all the private messages of minors (children’s privacy rights clearly mean little in Utah), screen time, ad and messaging (1/2)
2023-03-24 06:15:14 @agstrait the wee crown
2023-03-23 22:55:00 @CatalinaGoanta every 15 seconds, a child publishes an article in an MDPI special issue
2023-03-23 22:50:26 @RobertJBateman i mentioned the famous jackets in passing to my students some weeks back and then was like oh wait. you definitely wont think they are famous or indeed have any idea what i am talking about
2023-03-23 07:25:32 @matthew_d_green they do however let anyone with any privileges ‘encrypt the controls’ at any workstation
2023-03-23 07:15:58 discuss with reference to the reasonable person fiction https://t.co/fcZWRgohDz
2023-03-22 22:54:50 @CourtenayIlbert @rosenbaum6 it’s also the name of a firm not a person
2023-03-22 22:42:28 finally, after years of the ASA doing nothing, Ofcom seems like they might act against ISPs who call their crappy copper or slow upload DOCSIS "fibre"/"full-fibre" https://t.co/rtzhEw7yzS
2023-03-22 09:12:22 providers do not provide the information on processing purposes, types of data, recipients or sources in the granularity needed by data protection law. perhaps if they did, AI systems would have something to parrot! instead, they do what they do best — invent plausible nonsense.
2023-03-22 09:10:38 ai manufacturers: “this is the future of information retrieval!” also ai manufacturers: “no, not that kind of information, from a law we don’t fully adhere to!”
2023-03-22 09:09:24 it can be both stupid to ask an LLM something about itself &
2023-03-22 06:15:50 @gquaggiotto @EdgelandsInst swiss law is different than EU law on this, but that isn’t surprising as there isn’t a legal requirement in subject access requests to provide that information (location). you do typically have rights to know if it is going abroad though, just not the precise info about location.
2023-03-14 15:07:08 @technollama semantic web
2023-03-12 06:17:27 RT @g_sbardella: MDPI journals have been included in the list of predatory journals. It was about time. https://t.co/sIJ78bPtbB
2023-03-11 18:45:37 @clarinette02 in the US, tiktok are trying to calm people by putting oracle between the company and the data centres (oracle owned), and in the EU, by putting a similar EU company between the company and the data centres (tiktok owned)
2023-03-11 18:42:29 @clarinette02 i’m not a tiktok conspiracy theorist anyway, i think china has much more to gain by not interfering in a growing platform rather than blow it all now with some unnecessary and not particularly valuable data grab or malware injection vector
2023-03-11 18:41:31 @clarinette02 sure, the holding company is in the cayman islands, but the key q is always ‘where are the developers’ as well as where is the data stored, and for tiktok, where are the gpus where the models are trained, not just the data centres
2023-03-11 18:40:10 the tiktok irony that isn’t exactly news but isn’t really constantly stated is that this still relatively inconsequential platform pales in relation to the way the US does the same in reverse through their platforms to almost every country!
2023-03-11 18:37:17 whatever you think about either free expression or specific risks of tiktok, “domestic data privacy laws applicable to all social media platforms” do little to protect against int’l surveillance even where they try to limit transboundary data flows, as the EU-US situation shows https://t.co/yn1jlZCLlu
2023-03-10 07:48:03 @Katlab_UCL if it’s BA, then it’s very unlikely to be the selection issue indeed. ridiculous and shameful you should have to experience what you did in 21st C europe.
2023-03-10 07:34:49 @FusterGloria @Katlab_UCL and as i’m at the same uni as the thread-starter i can speak for exactly how pisspoor the travel agent currently is…
2023-03-10 07:23:20 @FusterGloria @Katlab_UCL i hope i’m not coming across as ‘this didn’t happen to you’, this kind of bias certainly happens regularly, just suggesting a very specific and counterintuitive potential explanation which may indeed not be the case here. MRSPROF is a new one to me.
2023-03-10 05:35:36 @Katlab_UCL it’s also possible that a travel agent did that for you by mistake or similar!
2023-03-10 05:32:47 @Katlab_UCL (it’s common for foreigners with PhDs to select in online systems ‘dhr.’ thinking it means dr when it actually means ‘mr.’. Given you mentioned the system said it, and I’ve never seen a Dutch system ask for a title like doctor, that’s a big possibility)
2023-03-10 05:31:01 @Katlab_UCL that’s horrible to hear, but hoping there’s a charitable explanation: in dutch, the word for ‘mr’ is ‘dhr.’ compared to ‘ms’ being ‘mevr’. however, it’s not exactly the same, and the term dr *is* used (eg ‘dhr. dr.’ could be a male dr, ‘mevr. dr.’ could be a female dr).
2023-03-08 18:35:06 @MissIG_Geek and indeed get promoted sideways when you do particularly badly
2023-03-07 09:31:14 The Irish DPC used to publish in its annual reports it’s ongoing list of cross border statutory inquiries (eg 2020 report). They vanish in the 2021, and today’s 2022 report. Why? Pressure from the investigates firms? Wanting to avoid that so many have been open for five (1/2)
2023-03-06 23:45:46 @rachelcoldicutt thank u 4 ur service
2023-03-06 08:08:36 commission won’t take infringement proceedings against #dataRetention laws but will get angry if they breach technicalities https://t.co/tiKg0eFEpV
2023-03-05 17:27:23 @matthew_d_green they have to make sure they are updated to the very latest version to minimise that notice, as the geolock is encoded in part in updates.
2023-03-05 10:01:41 @SophieWeerts @PaulQuinnBxl @mireillemoret @FusterGloria @LSTSblog @balushkaa link broken
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-27 22:22:15 @undersequoias surely, Every FAccT paper increasingly has the same first paragraph
2023-02-27 21:30:29 @CJSprigman @PANYNJ these pathetic signs do not make up for it https://t.co/rXIhSxvaV0
2023-02-27 20:23:10 RT @hiddenmarkov: If you ever tried to use standard "adversarial examples" to analyze the security of ML systems, you might have noticed th…
2023-02-27 18:11:21 @hutko @SSRN SSRN is Elsevier/RELX but i can’t see the policy here https://t.co/B6GbvL67YB
2023-02-27 15:04:13 RT @SarahCatGreen: My Current Legal Problems lecture is next Thursday at 6pm - all welcome! #digitalassets Time for a Tertium Quid | UCL Fa…
2023-02-27 14:40:20 New report following an audit by the ICO of the Scottish Government has an interesting tidbit: that it seems that they have underestimated the amount of Law Enforcement/DPA18 pt 3 processing they actually carry out and may have been mistakenly applying the #GDPR instead (1/2)
2023-02-27 13:44:51 Initially assumed this meant "Julian King" (as in 'the Juncker Commission contains X former PMs, Y former ministers and... Sir Julian King') before I realised it was referring to a different one https://t.co/CBwXKIlzmv
2023-02-27 07:53:57 @gilbert Given it’s mission was explicitly to affordably teach computer science rather than make a shedload of money/achieve some high valuation, RPi has succeeded much more at its own explicit aims. Tens of millions of these devices doing likely hundreds of thousands of customised tasks.
2023-02-27 07:49:35 @gilbert There’s no obvious way to mark ‘success’ but the Raspberry Pi Foundation is pretty astounding in its sales, prevalence, and widespread and incredibly varied use across industry, educational and consumer settings.
2023-02-27 01:01:51 University students and researchers in the Netherlands can now get a fediverse account simply by logging in with their university IDs as single sign on. Not sure what happens if you leave the uni system, though… https://t.co/ulqbr2XTsu @SLURF@social.edu.nl #edtech
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-25 02:26:28 RT @yaleisp: We’re kicking off with our daylong closed-door “Democratic Regulation of AI” workshop! Organized by @YaleISP_WIII https://t.c…
2023-02-21 18:59:45 @Klonick every year i discover new definitions of silence
2023-02-21 18:58:09 @Klonick it’s been several years since i ambitiously tried with my class “so, who remembers google whacks??”
2023-02-21 09:10:56 In particular this move would mean that Meta could claim they can still run targeted ads in the UK under contractual necessity, even when EU regulators, and potentially and importantly EU courts, say otherwise. Would require expensive litigation, or unlikely ICO boldness, (1/2)
2023-02-21 09:10:55 #Meta ships UK users out of EU #GDPR protection. Likely triggered by risk of stop processing orders over #Schrems II and targeted ads, which then wouldn’t apply to the UK, and a desire to keep transferring UK data to the US without the risk of CJEU involvement or (1/2)
2023-02-21 08:21:58 RT @A__W______O: At AWO we have a new vacancy for a full-time Senior Associate to join our Strategic Research and Insight team. Find out…
2023-02-20 07:55:12 @Jackstilgoe @BVLSingler @JamieJBartlett BBC and its Auntie Progress angle
2023-02-19 22:56:31 @chelloway @SNeurotypicals cc @justsaysinmice
2023-02-17 12:34:36 RT @RA_Costello: A bee in my bonnet for a while and now, an open access publication with @GlobConJournal - read all about why digital const…
2023-02-17 10:03:07 @hutko @cyberleagle that's a little unfair, some of the answers are 'ai will solve this' after all
2023-02-17 09:36:36 RT @politicshome: OUT NOW Can the internet be governed? @alain_tolhurst is joined by Tory ex-culture secretary @nickymorgan01, La…
2023-02-17 09:05:26 @cyberleagle indeed, I think there was a little bit of miscommunication when I asked the panel to have a political vision of how all this fits together, and the answer was ofcom will do this, incrementally. trying to coax some new ideas into the echo (first and second) chamber, but tricky...
2023-02-17 07:30:59 the tools are implied without the amendment, but opting out without having clear requirements on publishing these systems efficacy and false positive rates seems a recipe for disaster. people want technology to precisely do stuff it simply cannot…
2023-02-17 07:29:18 I’m worried about how this amendment requires magic AI which cannot reliably detect hate in many communities without catching a load of other speech too. See this article on how toxicity detectors conflate hate with normal comms within the LGBT community https://t.co/4gNBzbFL5Yhttps://t.co/r1sAQoLqOk
2023-02-17 07:12:47 for #OnlineSafetyBill watchers, I debated the bill for ~35 mins with two key peers amending it in the Lords, Nicky Morgan (former Culture Sec) and Wilf Stevenson (Labour Biz Spokesman) on the Politics Home podcast here: https://t.co/uZ1GxvUD8c #OSB
2023-02-16 16:15:43 Very disingenuous for the #IAB to say that the BE DPA's approval of its 6 mo action plan "confirms the legal functionality of the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) within the provisions of the [#GDPR]". (https://t.co/ChTah4SRMD) The approval is of a plan to try to (1/2)
2023-02-16 12:54:08 @FantaAlexx @mattburgess1 has a really handy book, although older now. https://t.co/swdzv6xLsH … it’s often hard also to win internally without going to the ico and hoping for the best
2023-02-16 11:52:16 (or attempt to undo it, but that's harder) — so it's really worth enabling ASAP. How to enable it: https://t.co/ER3JiGoq6C #encryption #e2ee (2/2)
2023-02-16 11:52:15 #Apple have enabled "#AdvancedDataProtection" (encrypting users' #iCloud server-side) in the UK. Update your device(s) to the latest version, and enable it. The UK have significant powers under the #InvestigatoryPowersAct (&
2023-02-16 00:39:25 @timnitGebru Many lawsuits around the world found Google liable for defamation resulting from its autocomplete system (it is found to author that, unlike the results, which it only intermediates). Similar logic to Bing chat. To talk to: Uta Kohl at Southampton or Gary Chan Kok Yew at SMU (SG)
2023-02-15 20:24:52 @sebkrier I think a simple search would have led them to question their assumption that “we are, to the best of our knowledge, the first to point out and empirically document the credence good nature of algorithmic advice and its implications.” https://t.co/i0d8O6CkX1https://t.co/Z60ApK4pN6
2023-02-15 10:03:39 @owainkenway wait until you find out that word for mac has no way to change the underlying heading font +Headers to a custom one, unlike word for windows. to make templates, you have to edit the xml.
2023-02-10 12:44:46 @Abebab the hundreds of miscarriages of justice in the UK horizon post office scandal, although algorithmic decisions were only part of why that ruined people’s lives.
2023-02-10 00:22:05 @LeoKelion (and bear in mind new phones are a much, much bigger environmental cost than energy consumption of phones.)
2023-02-10 00:15:58 @LeoKelion Think of it the other way around too. AI models create the demands for specialised local hardware eg Neural Engine and Tensorflow Lite… which enables Apple and android manufacturers to sell more phones!
2023-02-09 23:58:02 RT @bricksilk: The Home Secretary's statutory report, and my own terms of reference, were published today. I welcome informed comment on th…
2023-02-09 23:29:48 RT @owenboswarva: Twitter seems to be ignoring erasure requests made under GDPR: Want to Delete Your Twitter DMs? Good Luck With That http…
2023-02-09 07:43:25 @alinatrapova @cearta very little tend to stand in the way of the commission making sweeping horizontal digital regulation under 114 with only the most minor evidence of potential future discrepancies…
2023-02-09 07:29:32 RT @sedyst: With estimates for lost lives from the earthquake ranging from 30000-300000 and the importance of messaging for international s…
2023-02-08 00:04:56 @ariezrawaldman @hartzog @DanielSolove @JoeProf @natashanyt so you’d agree that consent should be present in law, but should be effectively unavailable unless it is a last resort backstop for the rare processing individuals truly want to occur, when other legal bases are impossible?
2023-02-07 23:09:04 @Jackstilgoe they need no justification
2023-02-07 22:59:41 @ariezrawaldman @hartzog @DanielSolove @JoeProf @natashanyt Companies should never have the right to send you any commercial mail, even if you want to see new products? At the moment, in the EU, they’re opt in.
2023-02-07 22:13:25 @ariezrawaldman @hartzog @DanielSolove @JoeProf @natashanyt If properly analysed and enforced, most situations online never actually constitute valid consent, whether individuals click Y or N. And your statement would seem to indicate that no-one should have the right to opt in or opt out of, for example, marketing emails?
2023-02-07 21:23:16 @timsquirrell Where is Online Danger?
2023-02-07 20:08:42 RT @C___CS: I co-published an article in New Media &
2023-02-07 20:08:38 RT @sarahbmyers: Excited to share this new piece I co-wrote with @drbrittparis and @C___CS. We've been thinking through a theory of radical…
2023-02-07 09:09:19 RT @sedyst: The infrastructural damage is immense and is going to severely limit the emergency aid that can be brought to the cities devest…
2023-02-07 08:01:50 Moment of silence at 11am for the imminent expected passing of DCMS, the ministry somehow responsible for data protection, cybersecurity and Remembrance Day. To the ten Secretaries of State that have held this role in the last ten years, ensuring strong policy continuity — (1/2)
2023-02-06 18:45:23 RT @Marriyum_A: Prime Minister @CMShehbaz has directed that the Wikipedia website be restored with immediate effect. The Prime Minister has…
2023-02-06 18:25:45 RT @d_mantzari: Delighted to share the programme of the @UCLLaws Bentham House conference 2023 organised jointly with @Marioanni on 'Comp…
2023-02-06 08:39:03 RT @Odangaring: BREAKING The Employment and Labour Relations Court has ruled that the @facebook &
2023-02-06 08:27:55 @xriskology people accuse the history of the early internet of being told through the lens of ‘great men’ (and miss out lots) but i don’t think even those men, massively lauded in retrospect, were even a *fraction* so self-obsessed with their putative historical importance as these are
2023-02-06 08:18:44 @peterkwells not sure if this is that niche though given it’s growing into a pretty mainstream conspiracy theory
2023-02-06 08:05:55 @stokel also uh, wasn’t netflix founded in 1997? surely they don’t mean the 3 years from 1997 to 2000…
2023-02-06 06:56:08 RT @martha__dark: Tomorrow we’re expecting a ruling on whether Daniel Motaung is permitted to sue Facebook in Kenya. More about the case he…
2023-02-06 06:54:31 ‘we all love the Cloud’ says journo on #r4today, controversially
2023-02-06 06:49:15 @timnitGebru @HackingButLegal a whole trope that’s been going for many years now. firms have been claiming to put ML on board of directors since 2014ish. imo says more about broken societal purpose of the corporate form than about AI. see eg paper from ex colleague (which i disagree w) https://t.co/fFBDGf9ZwX
2023-02-05 22:21:33 at least #Microsoft’s reported integration of #GPT4 into #Bing saves regulators the back and forth of ‘is a large language model processing personal data’ (spoiler: often) because now they can just look at the Google Spain case. Yet how will Microsoft comply with right to (1/2)
2023-02-05 22:12:01 RT @sedyst: it's clouds all the way down: “Some academics that want to move into their own start-up, their first conversation is with cloud…
2023-02-05 21:03:36 @EUstaran the AI Act would, in my reading, do the exact opposite of your tweet - it would disapply and preclude member states from legislating restrictions the design and use of such non-high risk systems.
2023-02-04 16:04:28 I think it’s pretty misleading &
2023-02-04 08:44:10 regime, where complainants need to go to the HIgh Court (££) to challenge ICO (in)action on merits, while data controllers can do it cheaply in the Tribunal system. #ukdp #gdpr https://t.co/tikfBAAmkz (2/2)
2023-02-04 08:44:09 New #FirstTierTribunal decision against the #ICO, noting limitations on #DPA18 s 166 orders to progress complaints do bite where the Commissioner has failed to register a complaint, even though it has declared it was a duplicate. Still, an extremely limited, lopsided (1/2)
2023-02-04 08:18:51 New #adtech class action filed in California, against #Google, #Meta, #Criteo, and a telehealth firm #GoodRx, alleging the former firms intercepted prescription data through tracking pixels. #RTB https://t.co/ROxpLiWLexhttps://t.co/waY1OYHNNa
2023-02-04 08:04:18 “the law commission recommended the path the government eventually went down” says the anchor on #r4today on the online safety bill, misinforming the public, as that did not happen. #osb #onlineSafetyBill
2023-02-03 01:03:32 While Labour says the OSB doesn’t have any major political issues within it, NGOs that previously supported it are dropping it — in its current form. I’m no libertarian, but I’m allergic to making regulation without meaningful scrutiny. https://t.co/ENPb7byK6I
2023-02-03 00:35:39 RT @EU_EDPS: .@W_Wiewiorowski chairs the @UCLCLP Current Legal Problems lecture on ‘Effective or Complete #DataProtection’, delivered by Or…
2023-02-02 17:11:01 What’s also happening here is the typical platform playbook: create a harmful system, make others do the clearly illegal thing, so distribute liability to the fringes of the network (ie dumb startups without much money to sue for). Happens regularly in adtech. Happening in AI. https://t.co/XWlhpa0Q1v
2023-02-02 11:46:14 Months back I suggested people use data protection rights to ask Twitter to erase their DMs, as deleting them manually does not remove them from the server (https://t.co/Naamipy7UD). Twitter sent back an illegal response to all who asked, ignoring the Q &
2023-02-02 11:38:45 @hutko @GabrielleGuill2 @yagoabascal united states government and all the tech firms very good at intervening in the irish national procedures in DP transfer cases before they get to CJEU so they can hang out there too
2023-02-02 10:27:40 RT @cyberleagle: Anyone would think only half a dozen foreign big tech companies were in scope, not 25,000 UK providers.
2023-02-02 09:58:24 @rosamunde_vb i get a lot of plausible but fake papers i allegedly wrote with @RDBinns
2023-02-02 09:51:57 apparently there are no “big political issues” at stake in the governance of the internet. i have to say, my students studying this bill massively disagree!
2023-02-02 09:42:36 complete groupthink on the online safety bill, now with wartime metaphors, based largely on a misunderstanding that it regulates only Big Tech rather than actually empowering them vis a vis small internet services, federated services, community groups and similar. https://t.co/ZhWw4j0O5v
2023-02-02 07:39:11 This does not mean that there will always be no ground to study without consent. For example, there is a clear public interest to study communities organising hateful or illegal activities, who are unlikely to consent. But just "how do people think about X", or "does X make (1/2)
2023-02-02 07:39:10 Twitter closing API access will drive the (questionable) study of social media posts to places like Mastodon. Classes that were teaching people social media scraping will likely turn to ActivityPub services. However, university #researchEthics committees should be wary of (1/2)
2023-02-01 19:05:16 @ashr no it’s just a fun pic
2023-02-01 18:46:20 @LuizaJarovsky we wrote about the data protection implications of this about five years ago now, in case it is of interest https://t.co/uqFQsNmagY
2023-02-01 18:10:23 @DrJoGrady Might want to cite the figures from UCLSU in their Nov 2022 referendum. https://t.co/0sSmyOyYLQ
2023-02-01 17:20:45 @emilymbender @OpenAI they claim they are a data processor (valid legal role where they just do as they're told, like a rented server, would imply they don't use query records themselves (?)). do not discuss that their models are personal datasets, as we highlighted in 2018 https://t.co/uqFQsNmagY
2023-02-01 17:14:53 @matthew_d_green definitely an activitypub is complicated, nostr asks for beer to be held moment. snortr social also appears just to be pornography and scams from clicking
2023-02-01 17:11:52 @sebkrier @Jisc already in our developing internal guidance, i assume other unis too... probably as unis focussed on talking to staff rather than to the world? am concerned that tech firms, w/ zero experience in institutional plagiarism detection, will have hubris to lead rather than listen
2023-02-01 17:07:19 sorry i spoke too soon, i scrolled and also immediately saw two crypto scams
2023-02-01 17:06:07 If you click the below link for ‘snort social’ you literally just get pornographic gifs. Success for the ‘we must not trust anyone, even a small community server where we know the admin’ brigade. https://t.co/fJ8zBaTWGu
2023-02-01 16:51:08 @sebkrier @Jisc UK unis have plenty of experience with academic misconduct hearings where detection is imperfect, eg around contract cheating.
2023-02-01 16:50:05 @sebkrier discussed quite a lot? discussed in guidance by both the main UK higher education charity @Jisc https://t.co/2AP7fXSaNn and the (former) UK HE regulator. https://t.co/PADmg7OmoF both who say not to use or rely on detectors due in part to false positives
2023-02-01 12:13:48 RT @FantaAlexx: What you missed last night: FOI'd documents reveal how after Musk took over Twitter, the company fired it's Vice-President…
2023-02-01 02:43:54 @RobertJBateman @adnzaheer funniest thing i’ve seen with this is this one is on the big uk privacy research hub for the IoT, PETRAS https://t.co/4rFKdFwyRd, proudly proclaiming in the CMP’s words that ‘data is your property’ while the project itself did not take this controversial proprietarian view
2023-01-31 08:24:48 @kareem_carr luckily there is no reason to pay attention to the number it outputs
2023-01-31 07:56:44 @Sandbagger_01 economist only five to ten years late on this story. wait til they learn about ultra wide band…
2023-01-31 07:48:59 #IAB CEO delusional: “No org has done more to protect real consumer privacy in digital advertising environments than the lAB &
2023-01-30 22:55:45 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff i’m glad that Zuboff seeing that there’s a bigger infrastructural picture finally rather than the predictive magic she was focussed on before, but - and maybe it’s rude of me to say - perhaps it would be great to be a bit more collegiate as she is learning.
2023-01-30 22:53:33 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff a book i’m looking forward to reading! a little jarring being portrayed as one of a group who doesn’t get it by perhaps the person (Z) who has drawn ppl to think far too much about data &
2023-01-30 22:48:42 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff i’ve only just been drawn attention to it. clearly she wants to drag academics into being villains, as if we don’t understand (indeed, much better than she did in her book, where she entirely omitted it!) infrastructural, non-data driven power of platforms, infrastructures, OSs.
2023-01-30 22:42:09 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff the paper she wrote that is linked to from that article, which i missed, tries to demonise the research team i was part of, mischaracterise our work, insert ad hominem attacks against individuals, and massively cherrypicks to tell a chosen narrative. disappointing.
2023-01-30 20:04:33 @GazTheJourno so that’s what they mean by a CLOSED judgment
2023-01-30 19:58:55 @valeriodeste active voices are liked by people commonly found writing style guides, although it is unclear if they should be trusted.
2023-01-30 07:16:22 RT @rachelcoldicutt: What’s particularly funny about this is that Austen was a feminist, writing about how ludicrous it was that lack of ec…
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-24 10:12:40 @zsk the only personally useful thing i’ve found it pasting in errors i get from deploying open source software that I cant find answers to through normal searching and asking it to suggest potential issues and directions for further examination and/or searching.
2023-01-24 08:55:26 in homes and businesses (https://t.co/MXe3Kiwdj8). Says report is published, but nowhere to be found. Out of interest, where is it @mattd@defcon.social @BobGourley@defcon.social, or was it briefed to media privately and they’re misreporting? (2/2)
2023-01-24 08:55:25 Lots of media covering a report on Chinese intelligence agency use of #smartDevices (eg https://t.co/cTLnN0LWE0), although ignoring Western intelligence usage of these same devices with bulk #equipmentInterference powers due to pathetically little patching of mics/cameras (1/2)
2023-01-24 08:37:42 @DrAndrewDwyer @Sandbagger_01 it’s true that zero days matter little when people litter their houses with connected microphones and sensors, for which intelligence agencies will have built or bought toolkits to tap into, associated with firms that don’t release patches after 2 years https://t.co/MXe3KiwL8G
2023-01-24 08:00:31 @colmocinneide a little naively though, it’s really an interactive process (make this better
2023-01-24 07:55:02 RT @d_mantzari: Looking forward to hosting our next @UCLCLP lecture on Thursday, 26th Jan with @dinawaked on competition law in developing…
2023-01-24 07:48:52 @Sandbagger_01 will this change the logic from hoarding to security for all? the collection and trade in zero days makes us all less secure, but it’s a tough thing to give up.
2023-01-24 07:46:40 @Sandbagger_01 hoarding zero days, UK can and does too through bulk/targeted equipment interference. if are buggy as so much smart nonsense is, intelligence agencies have v poor record of standing up for the security of consumers by patching rather than hoarding (EternalBlue the worst example)
2023-01-24 07:31:25 RT @JobPlas: Unique @iab opening keynote by David Cohen. IAB seems to open its attack on Apple, lobbying organizations advocating for disru…
2023-01-23 21:38:14 RT @UCLJuris: Big news! UCL Laws is launching a new set of Legal Theory Seminars this year. The first will be by @SimoMila on Monday, 30th…
2023-01-23 14:10:16 RT @divijualsuspect: Loved working on this project with @Archives_NCBS on Archives and the law in India. This will be a useful resource for…
2023-01-23 01:14:18 the panic about #apple either #clientSideScanning or cloud analysing photos on people's devices appears to be very poor programming on the tech giant's part, where Apple Photos scans using local ML for object recognition, but even if turned off, sends an empty GET request (1/2)
2023-01-22 23:49:18 RT @robinberjon: Hey, I know a lot of you tried Mastodon with the early fits of the petulant moron and were put off by that experience. Bu…
2023-01-21 18:00:35 @rowlsmanthorpe Looking forward to everyone who does anything with electronics in their shed and lives in the area being snitched on by their coldest neighbours.
2023-01-21 11:44:34 @PJLeerssen solve culture wars with reader annotations, what could go wrong
2023-01-21 07:38:26 RT @undersequoias: Imagine for just a minute the insane quantity of labor hours that OpenAI imposed on the teachers of the world, and will…
2023-01-20 11:34:13 Airline in the US leaks terrorist screening database of over 1m people from unsecured server, along with employee details. Not the first time it’s leaked it seems, but pretty noteworthy nonetheless. https://t.co/3ayz1Bngop via @stokel@infosec.exchange on birdsite
2023-01-20 11:12:39 RT @cyberleagle: So little understanding among supporters of how random the effects of automatic sunsetting would be. Many EU law implement…
2023-01-20 06:57:12 While the UK Parliament rolls out the carpet for the #OnlineSafetyBill with little consideration of the surveillance it implies, the German Bundestag has been generating broad consensus amongst at least the incumbent coalition and the Left that #csam #clientSideScanning (1/2)
2023-01-19 13:15:21 Incredible to see Dutch privacy legend @sjoera@mastodon.social Nas profiled in the New York Times for her and colleagues' groundbreaking work on public sector #dataProtection, slowly transforming giants like Microsoft, Zoom and Google and forcing significant changes. (1/2)
2023-01-19 09:54:54 @robinberjon if it was being done for non commercial research reasons, such a term would probably be unenforceable in the uk due to the text and data mining exemption, and likely in the eu too. uk may be seeking reform to widen this exemption.
2023-01-19 09:42:48 @stokel naturally the first computer on the arpanet outside of the US, at UCL… dissemination of MOSAIC and then Netscape was important for uptake of the Web. the victory of TCP/IP over the early competing proprietary protocols really changed the trajectory of the entire internet too.
2023-01-18 17:39:45 Is there a more boring name for a state’s higher education research policy than the Netherlands’ ‘sectorplan’?
2023-01-18 05:33:19 RT @rachelcoldicutt: I've yet to catch up with the latest amendments, but the "let's make a list of everything we don't like and ban it" ap…
2023-01-18 05:28:51 RT @bricksilk: I have been appointed by the Home Secretary, following her review of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, to conduct my own in…
2023-01-17 23:13:57 RT @psychicyogamat: Because it's ultimately purporting to be a law about the risks of communication, and society *is* communication, the OS…
2023-01-17 23:12:54 RT @timsquirrell: The govt now want the Online Safety Bill to make it illegal to host videos depicting Channel crossings in a "positive lig…
2023-01-17 09:00:40 Good news — “in 2023 the Ministry of Justice will launch a wide-ranging call for evidence exploring the themes of open justice, access to information and data, and transparency across our courts and tribunals” https://t.co/Iz001fiF06 #legalInformatics #openJustice
2023-01-17 08:08:46 @Detig @PhillipDJMorgan some have eg brunel
2023-01-17 07:28:18 RT @nataliesedacca: So proud to see @Kalayaan listed among the @BigIssue changemakers of 2023 in employment. Yet to see the print entry but…
2023-01-17 07:14:15 Useful new initial commentary on the Polish self-employed LGBTQ anti discrimination case C-356/21 TP, by Nicola Countouris, Mark Freedland and @valeriodestefano@mas.tohttps://t.co/EeWD9ulkKq
2023-01-17 07:05:22 RT @N_Countouris: A short, first, commentary on a recent landmark decision by the CJEU - Case C-356/21, TP -https://t.co/6cQcHAMELh deployi…
2023-01-17 07:01:43 @PhillipDJMorgan you don’t need them to be handwritten, several universities already use bring your own devices, or rented devices, with locked down browsers in exam halls.
2023-01-16 22:08:20 @RobertJBateman only the hearing next week, not the answer https://t.co/Z6AUsIqVzj
2023-01-15 17:54:47 @katebevan hopefully by that time high wattage usb-c is able to fit into wall sockets, that will be a gamechanger...
2023-01-15 12:00:10 RT @m_mariastefania: cheers from the EUI where we all live in Florence but are paid according to our nationalities so some live way below…
2023-01-15 07:41:58 RT @robinberjon: Chrome 2020: Unlike other browsers we could talk about, we're going to do our privacy work through a standards process. C…
2023-01-14 09:12:53 @DavidPriceUCL in places with a pretty unjustified salary difference through ‘market supplements’ compared to the rest of the university given that the market is based on faddish citation scores…
2023-01-14 09:01:10 @CatalinaGoanta @KrauseFx yep! the cnil may have passed complaints on such things on to the dpc… but who knows
2023-01-14 08:58:27 @CatalinaGoanta or information actively sent (eg http requests). some are more obviously in scope (eg probing a device for which fonts it has)
2023-01-14 08:57:37 @CatalinaGoanta i think there’s an argument to be made they could see keyboard taps on a terminal device m under the e privacy directive but non-cookie based tracking has always been less clear cut insofar as the information retrieved from the device is basically information coming from a sensor
2023-01-14 08:45:12 @CatalinaGoanta because the CNIL is not competent under the GDPR to act alone without waiting for Ireland/DPA of the main establishment through the one stop shop, it has been taking direct action under the ePrivacy Directive (also against Google and Apple)
2023-01-13 22:57:24 @lumi_ip @UCLLaws excellent work Dr L! congratulations
2023-01-12 13:53:00 RT @krstdt: 1.000.000 Euro hat Brandenburg für die Luca-App bezahlt 1 erfolgreiche Kontaktnachverfolgung gab es dadurch https://t.co/DZg…
2023-01-12 09:32:41 @realhamed @Microsoft @Outlook "Microsoft Edge, Recommended by Microsoft"
2023-01-11 17:52:15 that’s @lynskeyo, crossposted the above from Mastodon where everything happens
2023-01-11 17:51:44 @MLeiser Will have to see if @UCLLaws know. I think not right now because we usually explicitly have that option in the ticketing system when it exists. But regardless, the lecture will be published in CLP later in the year.
2023-01-11 13:51:52 The incredible Orla Lynskey (LSE) is giving a #CurrentLegalProblems lecture at UCL Laws in-person on 2 February. It's entitled "Effective or Complete Data Protection" — can it really be both? Register https://t.co/wuQJsszGba #dataProtection #GDPR #eudp https://t.co/CaDKue8J5G
2023-01-10 18:09:19 @RichardMoorhead improbably, @N_Countouris now has twitter. I think ETUI forced him to . next, mastodon…
2023-01-10 09:23:42 @LeoKelion @benthompson not saying that doing things on-device is bad, but Apple’s hardware business is its key, it needs people to buy new devices and to give them a reason to do so. doesn’t cash in on cloud. environmental cost of getting ppl to buy new devices for largely whimsical reasons is huge
2023-01-10 09:21:30 @LeoKelion @benthompson it’s not just apple though? google launched similar hardware and APIs and conversation tools at the same time… their system is (now) called ‘Google Tensor’ while Apple’s is called ‘Neural Engine’
2023-01-10 09:14:54 @LeoKelion @benthompson sceptically, given not all Apple devices are capable of running this either at good speed or at all, including even slightly older phones &
2023-01-10 09:03:57 RT @PrivacyMatters: Hello @orange @VodafoneGroup @Telefonica @deutschetelekom are there more details available of this Joint Venture https:…
2023-01-10 08:53:48 @hutko good move from the Eccentric Council of Jubilation.
2023-01-10 08:44:42 RT @a_bacci: JOB VACANCY @HRW new tech division is hiring a senior researcher on surveillance tech and human rights. Global remit, woul…
2023-01-10 00:01:32 RT @sjmurdoch: “I wish vulnerability disclosures were more relevant to current products” – someone at Threema holding a monkey’s claw. Beca…
2023-01-09 23:59:59 RT @sjmurdoch: @martinralbrecht @kennyog @ThreemaApp It’s bad but I’ve had worse from UK banking industry: calling the police (the police h…
2023-01-09 23:59:49 RT @kennyog: After a constructive engagement with @ThreemaApp during responsible disclosure, this is unexpectedly dismissive. We broke thei…
2023-01-05 09:37:43 Interesting case from #Spain’s #AEPD, fined a telco for allowing someone to register a #SIM under a fake name without sufficient identification and commit fraud. Unclear exactly where the personal data processing is (the description indicates no legal basis for the name?), (1/2)
2023-01-05 09:22:20 What Isn’t in the useful summary is whether individuals have a right to have their information suppressed or hidden from the more generally available service, even if it remains for scientific use. @Asta_fish@freeradical.zone?
2023-01-05 09:22:19 #RightToErasure refused in #Iceland’s large national #genealogical database, the #Íslendingabók. As I understand it, this contains all Icelanders, including living ones, and even their foreign spouses, It’s log-in only but so widely used, in practice available to all. (1/2)
2023-01-04 20:30:51 @tim2040 @PaulDJohnston Ring records audio, as noted in judgment. Only images are exempted from the the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018.
2023-01-04 19:07:28 competency to fine, and needing to avoid the GDPR, but a welcome development nonetheless. The decision (FR) is here https://t.co/ER2XyKPSMa
2023-01-04 19:03:16 fine, and needing to avoid the GDPR, but a welcome development nonetheless. The decision (FR) is here https://t.co/ER2XyKPSMa
2023-01-04 19:03:15 if it is used for ad fraud detection for contextual ads that are not based on segmentation or profiling. I think you can perhaps argue that this is a security issue, and therefore necessary under ePrivacy (and definitely under any revised Regulation which will inevitably contain
2023-01-04 19:03:14 does not remove the reason for consent. Because the device IDs were used for non necessary purposes, consent is required. In #iOS14 (changed in 15), App Store segmentation was opt-out, not opt-in. The case relates to this period. The advertising in the App Store is worth an
2023-01-04 19:03:13 the basis of Apple ID associated searches, and applied them on receipt of the device-specific IDs. The exact method by which this works is not elaborated in the decision. The #CNIL is not competent to fine Apple under the #GDPR because of the #OneStopShop (Apple has main
2023-01-04 19:03:12 #Apple fined €8m EUR by the #CNIL in #France for breach of #ePrivacy relating to ad targeting on the #AppStore. The facts are typical Apple. Thread follows. Apple has a long history of collecting data on individuals but linking it with IDs your device generates instead of
2023-01-04 14:19:32 RT @SamuelDeats: Are you telling me @Adobe is scraping people's data AS THEY WORK?? We're working on NDA'd projects, Adobe, what the hell…
2023-01-04 13:55:45 @PaulDJohnston You don't need to stop the camera from capturing data across the boundary. Just means you have controllership obligations. Usually imperceptible. See the Rynes case, higher precedent than the Oxford case. but in the UK, the obligations weirdly include a fee, not an EU law thing.
2023-01-04 13:42:51 @PaulDJohnston That's not what the cases say. They place significant weight on what it captures, including if it is pointed outside the home and capturing audio or visual information from e.g. a road, pavement, someone elses driveway. Storage does not determine controllership in DP law.
2023-01-04 13:21:27 If the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill comes back to Parliament, I think someone should ask whether, following the decision in Fairhurst v Woodard (and in Ryneš), everyone with an Amazon Ring doorbell should be paying the #ICO £40 a year. #dataProtection #GDPR (1/2)
2023-01-04 11:55:38 I really want to like the #ECLI standard for case law identifiers (think DOI for judgments) but it simply doesn't function properly. The ECLI resolver at https://t.co/jpsT2hzxeJ doesn't work and I'm not aware of any other, #ECHR ECLIs to my knowledge aren't included in (1/2)
2023-01-04 11:15:36 @IWGBUoL Hi — this may be illegal under UK data protection law. Send me an DM and we can discuss. M
2023-01-04 09:54:02 @rowlsmanthorpe @puzzlesthewill yeah you fact checked him good
2023-01-04 09:08:02 @puzzlesthewill @rowlsmanthorpe people have attacked for being wrong and I agree, using it as a source of info is bad. instead i’ve found it interesting in ideation, combining rarely combined ideas together (eg lists, or prose)
2023-01-04 09:03:24 @GraemeTR Works better in the UK to modestly support scholarships that we sorely lack, sometimes specific refurbs or new faculty if lucky. Danger when it supports centres in donor steered, arbitrary hyped areas, mostly because these end up being HR disaster fiefdoms run by vain egos…
2023-01-03 16:18:18 Reminder that PornHub owner MindGeek are arguably a beneficiary of these type of laws — they own AgeID, a commercial age verification tool, and have been long lobbying for laws the benefit them. See https://t.co/X8unNjXp4a and the sources cited, including FOI disclosures. https://t.co/I8oygkxfZ4
2023-01-03 15:33:00 @sunildvr The point is that an OS that focusses on *updating* a Web browser and integrating it with hardware APIs, in a world where Web apps exist and are primary (or apps can be crosscompiled to the Web) is less effort than dragging a fully featured OS forward.
2023-01-03 15:31:07 @gagarine__ Then what are the barriers in your view to people keeing it for 10 years?
2023-01-03 15:30:32 @gagarine__ The energy usage and environmental cost of phone software is infintesimal compared to phone replacement. It matters — people don't want a phone that runs out of batteries — but it does not matter very much *directly*.
2023-01-03 12:15:14 why am I waiting so long, this transfer should have been finished by the close of the 18th century https://t.co/uzldARDCx9
2023-01-03 08:29:23 RT @RoboNaudts: The dissertation is entitled "Fair or Unfair Differentiation? Reconsidering the Concept of Equality for the Regulation of A…
2023-01-02 22:08:42 RT @peterhense: 1/ Druckfrisch: LG München I (33 O 14776/19) zu #Tracking, § 25 #TTDSG, #IAB #TCF, #RealTimeBidding, #DarkPatterns - focus_…
2023-01-02 11:22:29 RT @GlasnostGone: How scared of the Russian people is Putin? This amount. Flanked by supposed Russian soldiers who've received awards for f…
2023-01-02 11:22:11 Pretty sure scientists are not testing to confirm the hypothesis of ‘is the UK a world leader in genomics?’. https://t.co/87J8yWritM
2022-12-31 08:38:09 @guardiannews I think you missed @DavidPriceUCL
2022-12-30 18:23:38 @timnitGebru the AI act in practice will let large API providers like OpenAI and Google and Microsoft turn small businesses into liability magnets while they cream off profit query-by-query, and even charge extra for some algorithmic impact assessment as a service.
2022-12-30 18:02:38 @timnitGebru no, it imposes few rules (largely regulates systems applied in certain sectors
2022-12-30 10:16:57 RT @10kpostspod: The Online Safety Bill ft. @mikarv For the final episode of 2022, we're talking to Michael Veale, associate professor…
2022-12-29 17:48:51 @mer__edith back to your evil break in your evil lair
2022-12-28 18:04:26 Just as #privacy became a selling point in platform advertising, #TikTok is now turning online safety legislation into a PR tool in a new London Underground campaign. #OnlineSafetyBill #AgeAppropriateDesignCode #platgov https://t.co/2yYVn37MI8
2022-12-28 11:44:23 It’s an environmental problem as the replacement of phones is a much, much bigger issue than their energy usage. The extent of it surprises modellers who look into it. See https://t.co/b9Dw7Mo1KB
2022-12-28 11:06:23 The seasonal news that #WhatsApp will stop working on #iPhone 5 and below #Android 4.3 highlights how the lack of Web apps is a significant environmental problem. Phones become obsolete in part because they don’t get OS updates, and they become incompatible with compiled (1/2)
2022-12-28 10:55:57 If we didn’t have a platform enforced duopoly of mobile operating systems, with undocumented, proprietary components, &
2022-12-28 09:40:33 @TomValletti this is in part the topic of @divijualsuspect’s thesis at @UCLLaws, you might want to chat!
2022-12-26 08:13:32 @Miles_Brundage who will invest in the type of AI that has the purpose of breaking open platforms and preventing their recreation, rather than seeking to create new ones, and new intermediation middle men?
2022-12-26 08:12:03 @Miles_Brundage such annoying quirks are likely technically surmountable. but who will invest in that, as the aim of expensive text to speech systems is not to increase accessibility as a service, but (like much AI) to create an enclosed platform like audible that is a source of financial value
2022-12-25 12:34:19 @lilianedwards make an alt account!
2022-12-24 13:04:45 @DaveKeating in the UK providers are now using them to forcibly turn people to expensive pay-as-you-go meters remotely.
2022-12-24 13:02:53 @charliemccarley @elonmusk would be a great look for Twitter to post all orders from the FISA court! don't worry about liability, I am sure it will all be fine for you under the Espionage Act.
2022-12-23 19:44:19 Spotted on the Tube — subversive fashion or proprietarian platform enclosure? please not both… #amazon #platgov #platformRegulation https://t.co/56cJxnK6s0
2022-12-23 13:48:56 To add insult to injury, if you use #Linux your seemingly only chance of opening this file is to use #Adobe Acrobat Reader 8, support for which ended *11 years ago*. In order to print a standard about cybersecurity! https://t.co/aizHffMI2M
2022-12-23 13:48:54 Standards organisations, which make and own copyright to proprietary texts which will be necessary to understand and enforce laws such as the EU's AI Act, which mandate them and refer to them directly, are making it even harder to access standards by instituting pretty (1/2)
2022-12-22 11:09:07 @owainkenway i first read that as DirectX
2022-12-21 09:11:38 RT @mozilla: Today’s social media status quo isn’t cutting it, so Mozilla is exploring an alternative. In early 2023, Mozilla will be testi…
2022-12-20 23:24:01 @jorisvanhoboken @mmitchell_ai from SEO to AIO
2022-12-19 22:37:35 Not since Matt Levine's FTX piece (a whole month back!) have I read a piece about a grift quite as intense as the apparently ficitious CV of incoming Republican congressman George Santos, dissected in devastating paragraph by devastating paragraph in the NYT. Neither (1/3)
2022-12-19 21:27:24 RT @WorkerInfoX: Tomorrow we are expecting a major judgment to be handed down from the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam in our various cases ag…
2022-12-19 19:28:57 RT @cori_crider: UGH - Until today, @foxglovelegal has never had a post taken down. Now Twitter has blocked us from posting unless we del…
2022-12-19 16:36:04 Pretty dismal piece on the state of automated detection of AI-generated text by Melissa Heikkilä at WIRED. tl
2022-12-19 15:27:29 @hiddenmarkov wow, choose your poison...
2022-12-19 07:12:14 @AndOrNorLyn @JuddLegum @elonmusk i have seen analysis stating twitter doesn’t meet the active user in europe requirement either, particularly since the UK left.
2022-12-18 23:22:40 @JuddLegum @elonmusk nice tweet but it seems unlikely that twitter meets the criteria for the DMA presumption of gatekeeper status (and thus this law) to apply. the commission would have to argue it meets para 3(1) following the lengthy procedure in art 17, and it seems far from a certainty. https://t.co/9w0niXM9wh
2022-12-18 19:24:27 RT @CatalinaGoanta: @beuc @euroconsumers @Forbrukerradet @egelynbraun if EU/EFTA/UK consumers are getting their content moderated before th…
2022-12-18 19:23:16 RT @CatalinaGoanta: Dear EU Twitter users. Under EU consumer law (Digital Content Directive), a service provider needs to inform consumers…
2022-12-18 18:47:16 Twitter seems as worried about people stealing their social graph as Facebook was a decade ago, when it sunk third-party apps it thought were duplicating it (remember Circle? No? https://t.co/0e4HY9naxj). Yet Twitter's case seems more doomed... it's not some company pulling (1/2)
2022-12-18 18:34:36 twitter now mixing the pay-for-your-expression vibes of web3 with the vibes of a poorly drafted early 2020 coronavirus lockdown regulation
2022-12-17 12:22:25 of pattern recognition to detect new images and text, not just perceptual hashing and similar. https://t.co/wYMMEmAbfB #CSAM #ClientSideScanning (2/2)
2022-12-17 12:22:24 Useful new report from the Australian eSafety Commissioner surveying major technology firms on CSAM detection, grooming technologies etc and at what points they are deployed, on the basis of transparency requests made to them. Includes in particular responses around the use (1/2)
2022-12-16 13:49:05 Turns out the main inaccuracy in @mmasnick@mastodon.social's early November piece "Hey Elon: Let Me Help You Speed Run The Content Moderation Learning Curve" was he didn't quite anticipate the extent of Musk's self-obsession https://t.co/NOR1bh3TIU
2022-12-16 12:08:06 RT @Abebab: in 2021 NYU informed us that they were going to take all of our gift money, leaving us w the choice of litigating, which is exp…
2022-12-16 10:07:31 RT @ISDglobal: With Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, the political debate about platform power has intensified. This policy paper by @sarabndt…
2022-12-16 09:42:28 RT @TheOfficialACM: We heard you! ACM's #Mastodon instance is up and running on https://t.co/CF2ZhbBLr0. Our official account has migrated…
2022-12-16 09:14:57 @tforcworc twitter likely too small to be a gatekeeper https://t.co/vpQf1Nfr4U
2022-12-15 08:56:01 RT @Jackstilgoe: “We note the frequent press reports of incidents that cause concern in this area, alongside the 60 or so notifications we…
2022-12-14 17:06:47 remember the Luca app? unbelievable.
2022-12-14 15:05:55 RT @edri: 1/2“It's always great to catch up with like-minded privacy activists, but this event really buzzes with energy &
2022-12-14 14:57:08 RT @valeriodeste: NEW ARTICLE OUT - S.Taes &
2022-12-14 09:09:15 RT @Foxglovelegal: Are you an awesome lawyer looking for a new role holding government and big tech to account? Join Foxglove as a senior…
2022-12-14 08:03:08 @jack misses ‘what happens when a user loses their private key, like users absolutely do all of the time’
2022-12-14 07:48:36 Apple of course have long squealed when other bills have proposed this, as pictured testimony illustrates. Their platform security is built like a jenga tower. How much will they really change this? https://t.co/LUZoS7in9J
2022-12-14 07:48:32 More firm reporting on what has been widely rumoured for months: Apple is indeed going to allow competing app stores and side loading, and pay at least lipservice to the DMA. But devil will be in the details. App stores control both through contract and through vertical (1/2)
2022-12-13 13:10:15 @riptari actually CHI stands for ‘human factors in computing systems’, go figure…
2022-12-13 13:05:08 I set human-computer interaction research in some of my law classes, including ones where I only teach a couple of the seminars. Students are often put off by the way authors in these fields use the terms HCI, CHI and CSCW without spelling them out the first time. CHI in (1/2)
2022-12-13 09:54:41 RT @SecretParole: I don't wish to be picky, but it doesn't seem right to take the credit for something that actually came about differently…
2022-12-13 09:49:48 RT @vmantouvalou: I wrote a piece for the @labour_blog on ‘Pay for Work in Prison’ People in prison spend a lot time working, sometimes f…
2022-12-12 21:13:41 RT @kimvsparrentak: Great news for the millions of platform workers in the EU! Despite aggressive lobbying from Uber, the EMPL committee ha…
2022-12-12 20:09:43 RT @Foxglovelegal: We've spent this year battling government abuse and corporate greed during a shocking cost of living crisis. 2022 has…
2022-12-10 11:29:09 @jdp23 fixed
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-15 09:50:34 @MissIG_Geek Doesn't seem an absolute correlation if so https://t.co/3flXWGytFO
2022-11-15 09:45:11 Reports of this behaviour as early as 8 November https://t.co/yQoDS9oiPg
2022-11-15 09:18:33 @AndrewDMurray The alt I successfully requested data with this AM didn’t have this flow and didn’t have 2FA enabled, so just does the code over email, no phone. But v good thought.
2022-11-15 09:07:43 RT @RaphV: @mikarv Yes. I go to Settings, Download your Archive, then I am redirected to the "Help Centre" for verification. See screenshot…
2022-11-15 09:00:06 @RaphV Just to clarify: that via "settings" rather than the "privacy policy inquiries" in the privacy policy?
2022-11-15 08:27:57 @milenaac That’s a very long time. I requested 24 hours ago and it came through this morning. Unless you have a huge amount of media, videos on your account, hard to understand why it would take so long.
2022-11-15 07:50:58 Can someone else confirm this who hasn't requested their archive yet? I cannot replicate the behaviour on my own accounts. I've just tried it on an inactive alt account and I still get the old interface. However, what I get is no guarantee of what other users get. https://t.co/bsdx5Rw0ST
2022-11-15 07:43:54 @shockmonger @histoftech Legally, obligation is electronic contact point for data rights (eg email). Many companies do this through weird intermediary forms.Some reduce labour by making auto portability tools, not legally required. But these rarely contain all the data you are entitled to.
2022-11-15 07:42:37 @shockmonger @histoftech Yes. Twitter data rights is a mess. Portability (download w password), your form, the form i linked, all exist in parallel. The form I linked is most ‘powerful’ (lol) for complex complaints or requests, ie it reaches higher up in the org (now tumbleweed presumably).
2022-11-15 07:40:17 Twitter has reportedly made a change affecting some accs: ppl requesting their data now experience illegal friction, data portability tool now requires gov ID. Such a requirement is illegal when less intrusive auth methods available (see €300k fine in https://t.co/vhRy7iymZb) https://t.co/qGiy0d5mhU
2022-11-15 07:36:57 @shockmonger @histoftech (sorry for crossed messages, just saw this one)
2022-11-15 07:36:36 @shockmonger @histoftech ah! that’s different for me so they must be rolling it out. thanks for clearing that up, I’ll write a pro forma complaint and encourage people to file.
2022-11-15 07:34:31 @shockmonger @histoftech the form you’re seeing does, but this one (link 2) doesn’t have that for me. And if you go to Settings ->
2022-11-15 07:30:57 @shockmonger @histoftech also indeed requiring ID when less intrusive verification possible is illegal. (indeed on twitter people can request w/o ID). the ES data protection regulator fined a co 300k last year to an org requiring identity docs for data access when no doubt existed https://t.co/vhRy7iymZb
2022-11-15 07:22:37 @shockmonger @histoftech On my version, there are two: 1 (in image) goes to your form, 2 to the link I sent. It’s possible you’re receiving a different geolocates version but your profile indicates you’re in NO? So shouldn’t be. Very bad practice to have two forms so not condoning it, just indicating. https://t.co/DHDLvgaUXm
2022-11-15 06:27:40 @shockmonger @histoftech if you want your account data, use the option in settings.if you want to contact them about a more complex issue, ignore that form, use the one linked below it in the privacy policy under ‘contact data protection officer’ https://t.co/7QUoy0zDJM (stupidly not hosted at Twitter)
2022-11-15 05:40:40 RT @jennifercobbe: Mastodon certainly has it's quirks, let's say, but what I find odd about takes like this is that it mostly... looks and…
2022-11-14 20:25:01 @MalteEngeler this regulation applies to the processing of personal data wholly or partly by automated means and to the processing other than by automated means of personal data which form part of a stone tablet, vellum script or abacus
2022-11-14 20:13:16 By "more than four years", presumably the New York Times means "more than twenty-five years". #dataProtection https://t.co/chfZjxPAc7
2022-11-13 21:02:43 RT @sachee: you did not just layoff almost all of infra and then make some sassy remark about how we do batching like did you bother to e…
2022-11-13 14:50:17 RT @ubiquity75: As with most companies in the space, Twitter’s official FTE numbers of around 7500 employees did NOT count the contractors.…
2022-11-13 14:50:15 RT @ubiquity75: There are at least four third-party companies who sourced and managed them. From an ex-colleague I will not name: “of the 3…
2022-11-13 14:49:53 RT @ubiquity75: FYI, reporters:Around 3,000+ contractor employees of Twitter were canned last night (totally normal thing to do, btw). Ho…
2022-11-13 10:31:08 @Floxi_1 @jwildeboer Twitter has about a month to respond in the first instance, so I haven't heard of success, but I also haven't heard of this type of request being made before.
2022-11-13 08:05:36 RT @stokel: MEGATHREAD: By the end of today, I’ll have 19 stories published this week. If you want to catch up on a weird week in tech, c…
2022-11-13 08:03:17 @jjaron @MarijnSax indeed, i’ve seen many sources of total incoherence from them over the years!
2022-11-13 07:58:08 @jjaron academic @MarijnSax has read the whole book and characterises it as a series of vague statements that don’t add up to an explicit or coherent framework. great marketing tho https://t.co/u6nxDyw6MD
2022-11-13 07:42:28 RT @MarijnSax: Sorry but this wouldn't even pass as undergrad writing. You built an entire utilitarian palace. Then, in the sections you sh…
2022-11-13 07:40:17 @jimkillock @AdamWagner1 @elonmusk posts i make on mastodon are getting hundreds of boosts (RTs) whereas the exact same post here is attracting just a handful. throes of a dying platform. i doubt the journalists will stick around actively for much longer either.
2022-11-13 07:25:04 RT @zachhazard: Gonna be hard to trust a company that has someone that makes Pepe NFTs as their strategy person https://t.co/ptqXY3tTo7
2022-11-12 17:30:11 @Iwillleavenow @gwbstr i can try and look myself but if you have a brief idea for comparable text to my gdpr one preempting a few of their potential arguments then i’m happy to put it on the post. but also aware that’s free labour! if you do it for yourself or another sometime then please share (:
2022-11-12 15:46:05 @krisnelson @clancynewyork @TwitterSupport indeed! although this form has been unchanged and therefore illegal for several years, just now there’s no one to fix. also they’ve outsourced it…
2022-11-12 15:45:16 @gwbstr i don’t know if californian law would allow you to erase DMs, @Iwillleavenow may have views…
2022-11-12 15:32:38 @billt thanks bill! it’s also important people try it to remind twitter it does have legal obligations in many jurisdictions and to kick some regulators into action if they don’t know where to start enforcing…
2022-11-12 15:06:57 Mastodon denizen reports that the Twitter data protection form is “completely inaccessible with screen readers”. This is illegal, @TwitterSupport — how are these individuals meant to access their data rights to delete DMs given you provide no other electronic contact point?! https://t.co/PbzfLb6mxm
2022-11-12 14:05:58 @Melterialsgal @Write4Research mastodon and the #fediverse, i’m already seeing way more research updates and engagement there than here
2022-11-12 13:39:01 @semiphemeral Because Twitter explicitly retains copies of messages even if you do this, you’ll need to augment it with a legal request — I’ve got instructions of how to make a GDPR erasure request for DMs in a post here: https://t.co/PbzfLb6mxm
2022-11-12 11:53:35 @FusterGloria @ka_iwanska and they now have a logo https://t.co/lasQEHHwcm
2022-11-12 11:53:05 @FusterGloria @ka_iwanska I can't remember a blog but this link exists? https://t.co/BmQwkqpDKY
2022-11-12 10:47:23 @Lenandlar @LSEImpactBlog Certainly plenty of doctoral researchers, if that's what you mean — the article talks about 'student recruitment' though, so we usually would think of undergrad and postgraduate taught students.
2022-11-12 07:15:49 @LSEImpactBlog it’s kind of unclear potential students are even using twitter to be recruited, let alone following institutions to do so, the idea that academic institutions rely on it is a bit odd. they often barely have any followers or engagement.
2022-11-12 00:12:26 @ka_iwanska indeed i do say in the blog that your mileage may vary…
2022-11-11 17:10:47 Twitter is now an insecure platform, haemmorhaging security experts. It could haemmorhage your DMs, through leak or sale.It's no hard guarantee, but your best chance to delete them is with is with #GDPR rights. I've written a blog on how:https://t.co/NaamipxA55
2022-11-11 13:37:11 @nhelberger where are all these people called "van den Berg" from?
2022-11-11 11:22:31 @MissIG_Geek I've seen that comment mention the academic lists before, but in that particular case it seems to be a misunderstanding of how those lists come to be and how they are governed. I definitely agree with the sentiment but am not sure what is actually reacting to.
2022-11-11 11:21:32 @MissIG_Geek I've seen this circulate a couple of times but I haven't actually seen any public non opt-in lists. There are private personal lists you can make and not share, and there are opt in lists with forms to add yourself such as the academic lists here. https://t.co/yEDBUVq0Su
2022-11-11 10:04:07 @katebevan My solution is you change it from katherine to aneurin
2022-11-11 10:00:48 @katebevan drat i was just about to helpfully suggest this innovative solution
2022-11-11 09:20:17 @robinberjon if it was truly open (unlike eg TCF where you need to be on vendors.json), you’d likely have to find an IP right to hang it upon, which could be very hard. such rights would be found more easily in reproducing the text of the standard rather than the act of deploying it.
2022-11-11 08:04:38 section 230 is weird, US, almost every other country has notice &
2022-11-10 22:39:11 RT @JamesClayton5: Twitter’s verification system latest. There are now loads of blue ticked Elon Musks. I’m old enough to remember when a…
2022-11-10 18:28:14 German justice ministers narrowly vote for “quick freeze” telecoms #dataRetention not the indiscriminate form rejected by the CJEU many times (most recently in the @LaQuadrature@mamot.fr case. They vote more strongly *against* the Commission’s CSAM regulation (1/2)
2022-11-10 17:45:00 Legal academia — if you've heard people talk about Mastodon &
2022-11-10 17:34:41 a dynamic I only realised today, and which isn't really clear from documentation, is that the federated timeline also contains the original posts that people who your instance users follow have replied to. looking through our server, these are the ones that seem to be from (1/2)
2022-11-10 14:59:29 The publicly funded UK/US Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) challenge has (sort of) announced its winners, and the US its winning projects. Striking initially is how many are not PETs to make people less legible to computers (like @torproject@mastodon.social is) but (1/2)
2022-11-10 14:25:28 @M_Niezna @vmantouvalou put your handle in your bio, people will be able to find you that way using automated tools like Debirdify to work out who they follow on Twitter now has mastodon accounts and follow them en masse. https://t.co/xpnLliStJe
2022-11-10 12:51:51 RT @vmantouvalou: Thanks to my great colleague @mikarv I have a Mastodon account:@vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computerI now need to lear…
2022-11-09 18:39:59 @issielapowsky it verifies that you have 8 dollar a month
2022-11-09 08:48:53 Are the admins of the https://t.co/289Z5xzfL5 server not... concerned that they'll get sued by Twitter for trademark infringement by having set up a directly competing social network using their name? Perhaps displays a… https://t.co/Y8BiuZ5TBd
2022-11-09 05:46:39 University of Suffolk may be #1 in the country for Dark Patterns (a new Bantshire ranking if they make it over here?): both a manifestly illegal cookie banner and a forced pop with no X demanding you register for an open day when you try to view… https://t.co/wyThlEpEpchttps://t.co/Z1NzyP0OIM
2022-11-08 08:17:44 RT @nhelberger: @mikarv Also, this is not simply about standardisation but in some cases a shift of real rule making power. From a citizen…
2022-11-08 08:17:43 RT @nhelberger: @mikarv + one cannot simply standardise human rights like a technical interface or part of a technical system. Human rights…
2022-11-07 22:40:21 @lilianedwards @CatalinaGoanta autographed trouser press ONLY ONE REMAINING
2022-11-07 15:49:50 @AlexCEngler They haven't published their intention anywhere, only confirm it every time I ask, and it's the understanding of the standards bodies too.
2022-11-07 15:48:56 @binocularity I know it is normal practice. However when standards are de facto mandated by law, it's simply not compatible with the rule of law, particularly when it concerns fundamental rights. @carlmalamud has been fighting this good fight for a long time.
2022-11-07 15:24:00 @binocularity Your analogy is incredibly disingenuous. This isn't newspapers or books: they do not have legal effect. The rule of law requires the rules that bind to be known &
2022-11-07 15:21:31 @AlexCEngler Preferred alternative is not use the NLF. The AI Act should not pass in this form, should be deeply rethought, regardless of stage we're at. V dangerous precedent for EU legislation and delegation of rules.(also, mandating a single standard isn't part of the Act, just EC lunacy)
2022-11-07 13:00:09 @CatalinaGoanta For all those that contribute to the premium version I stop dropping product placement in our private chats (for a limited time only, this offer applies across all contexts!)
2022-11-07 11:20:09 @binocularity Because effectively no one in those bodies has experience to make rules around fundamental rights. Literally no expertise from the sectors impacted, no effective way to include them when standardisation is rarely relevant to them, and the rules they produce cost money to read!
2022-11-07 08:44:58 Glad to see more ppl noting illegitimate role private standards bodies will have balancing fundamental rights re AI. Unmentioned: the EC seeks to mandate a single standard for all high risk AI! facial rec, judicial support, edtech! Won’t work. #AIActhttps://t.co/4iErn0yoId
2022-11-07 08:38:34 @KrisShrishak @iverna1 @IoanDragosT @clothildegouj @Gmvolpi see also https://t.co/lYETSBnMYW
2022-11-06 21:31:54 @RKemb @AdamWagner1 it’s also been designed so that only followers of the bot can see the posts so they don’t get spread around as if they were posted by the original person. people try and make helpful things on non commercial platforms!
2022-11-06 21:28:23 @RKemb @AdamWagner1 It says ‘Bot’ next to the name, and links to the ‘official’ twitter, and the server only generates such bots as a service when users first ask. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but it’s not an attempt to deceive, its someone trying to be helpful and provide a community service.
2022-11-06 21:22:51 @AdamWagner1 That’s fair &
2022-11-06 21:08:00 @AdamWagner1 (and by that i mean it doesn’t claim to be a real user, just a service. it’s called a ‘twitter to activitypub bridge’ designed so mastodon users can keep listening to posts on twitter of people who aren’t leaving, because twitter itself does not provide a way to do that smoothly)
2022-11-06 21:04:51 @AdamWagner1 it’s not really ‘fake’, it’s a one way pipe/mirror that allows people to follow accounts still on this site by copying their posts over.
2022-11-06 20:45:33 An interesting post about some of the distinct ways that Fediverse platforms have implemented the quote post https://t.co/sxx2LkTINM, and how they forsee #interoperability with each other. Likely a bit dauntingly technical for many… https://t.co/8EgvorSCpv
2022-11-06 19:02:24 @RichardMoorhead because you wanna be in our cool club richard
2022-11-06 19:01:17 @clancynewyork @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie actually pressing the buttons to make it happen is technically easy. but it's a very good point that it's socially or otherwise daunting. hopefully some videos and stuff can be made so the consequences are clearer.
2022-11-06 18:55:34 @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie ultimately as timnit says, it doesn't matter so much as you can migrate. the server you want to join may not exist yet! esp if you want to build it in early days as timnit &
2022-11-06 18:52:06 @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie the other way it affects, more nuanced, is through hashtags. when you follow or search for a hashtag (the main way mastodon info from non followers is organised), your world of search is not global, but through the haystack of all posts that ppl on your instance have followed.
2022-11-06 18:50:09 @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie @dylnbkr nah doesn't make any difference, it's just domain name and dns records.
2022-11-05 19:29:08 @SusanMichie @RichardMoorhead strange, but perhaps because the server you are on is overloaded right now as everyone is moving to community infrastructure! will be super fast once you move servers, as it is for me. when servers are busy they queue actions for execution later.
2022-11-05 17:28:29 @SusanMichie @RichardMoorhead Yep, and when you migrate accounts, followers automatically transfer w you, &
2022-11-05 17:06:11 @rachelcoldicutt @CommonFutrs i thought mine hadn't but they all appeared suddenly at some point, not sure the exact mechanism
2022-11-05 16:58:48 @RichardMoorhead @SusanMichie what's your username/server susan?
2022-11-05 16:57:46 @SusanMichie i could do a UCL workshop (:
2022-11-05 16:56:48 @robertjwest and there's a new initiative to make a list of psychologists by @DrKaitClark https://t.co/kvdYoaAbou here
2022-11-05 16:53:59 @robertjwest growing number of UCL people on it! if you aren't on the biggest server, it's lightning fast, we host a little one for tech law academic friends
2022-11-05 15:54:32 Maybe the problem with today’s services is that they’re designed to be *so* absurdly friction free they can slide and slip and manipulate their users.The digital is political, and nothing political should be totally thoughtless. (and besides, Mastodon is very usable!) https://t.co/o6IXv5pVAd
2022-11-05 15:30:27 @lexzard @1Br0wn logic of federated networks is they don’t have an authoritative list of all existing networks or people in the world. they only know about stuff if they inquire about it or have seen it before. useful heuristic to know whole navigating the system.
2022-11-05 15:20:31 @lexzard @1Br0wn did you type the whole thing?
2022-11-04 23:38:44 RT @PsychedelicSTS: Finally public! My story of how I was sexually harassed, marginalized, silenced, excluded, and gaslighted at/by the @Ha…
2022-11-04 11:31:37 @lexzard @1Br0wn you can, as long as you are on an instance that knows i exist because someone else on it has followed me in the past.
2022-11-04 09:58:28 @RHoogstraat @NWO_SSH yes, of course with the proviso that content moderation may limit this in future as necessary. I guess I mean more functionally than on principle.
2022-11-04 09:55:53 Nederlandse onderzoekers! If you're looking how to migrate to Mastodon but don't know where to start, @RHoogstraat at @NWO_SSH has set up a special server for Dutch academics. You can follow anyone from any server — it's best not to join the biggest ones! https://t.co/1I7MuSMAJB
2022-11-04 06:44:26 RT @evacide: I'm begging people to please do any kind of research into the history of real names proposals before suggesting this idea like…
2022-11-04 06:18:08 @ChrisTMarsden @hackylawyER @Floridi @fborgesius that an academic who has changed his tone on the AI Act after initially running to its praise and literally rush publishing a paper promoting a conformity assessment method for assessing AI within that act… as a product! https://t.co/hDpevcgY6o
2022-11-04 05:58:16 breaking labour law should not be a cost benefit analysis.
2022-11-03 14:13:59 @GiulioCoraggio @CNIL_en afaik Google execs may be in breach of the Espionage Act if they admitted to data transfers under the FISA Act. we also know from the Snowden files that Google cookies are used and piggybacked on by intelligence agencies. https://t.co/f6Un7ej1Mb
2022-11-03 11:49:53 As the @CNIL_en notes from it regulatory work, 'In the context of the investigation, Google indicated that it uses pseudonymisation measures, but not anonymisation' in its analytics product. https://t.co/DgyS3eGYxx
2022-11-03 11:34:44.@ICOnews should assess gov’s claim that they’ll “continue to ensure that all of the data collected fully respects people's consent, is anonymous, and is free of personally identifiable information.”. PII = US law term &
2022-11-03 06:55:44 @ColinGavaghan there is no episode of emmerdale i am aware of where the characters work out they are fictional and start suing the production company
2022-11-03 06:55:04 @ColinGavaghan i’m talking nonsense colin
2022-11-03 06:53:40 @ColinGavaghan the most notable is Emmerdale v ITV, which made precedent by being the first English case to break the fourth wall.
2022-11-03 06:42:14 @ColinGavaghan in common law systems, judges can and often do refer to fictional TV judgments to inform their thinking, but they are not strictly bound by them
2022-11-02 19:09:30 RT @guardiantech: TikTok tells European users its staff in China get access to their data https://t.co/fWuy29Z3Gi
2022-11-02 19:08:03 @stokel HMM
2022-11-02 18:06:54 @oberonsghost @neil_neilzone this is a very good Q I remember @rossjanderson asking years and years ago, perhaps he has thoughts
2022-11-02 11:16:25 @ChrisTMarsden @technollama @lilianedwards @tforcworc the fediverse to create a single place for all organisations' expenses would be the dream
2022-11-02 10:23:50 Papers including some contributions from @UCLLaws students! https://t.co/34pizFJBiT
2022-11-02 08:53:40 (plus freemium hosted instances potentially pushing ads to their local users but not federating them (as they’d get their instance blocked?))
2022-11-02 08:52:26 People can always pay other people to influence populations. But if the people who are being paid don’t control the rules of the world the populations inhabit, it’s easier (not foolproof!) to switch off the advertisers. Endgame seems a mix of email spam and influencer marketing. https://t.co/313HMNqcfK
2022-11-02 07:48:17 @1Br0wn @joinmastodon not just home to ‘left leaning’ communities… and kind of miss how you don’t need shedloads of funding in one place if your hosting and moderation and (to some extent) development is taken by the community. or that maybe replacing twitter isn’t the idea.
2022-11-02 07:41:34 @rachelcoldicutt Even just highlighting methods or skillsets for assessing coherence might help: ‘tensions in digital policy and how to spot them’
2022-11-02 07:32:19 @rachelcoldicutt you are as ever the strongest connoisseur of public sector doomtweets
2022-11-02 07:31:13 @rachelcoldicutt what did i just watch
2022-11-02 07:29:15 @rachelcoldicutt that’s a very interesting read, i hadn’t thought of that but it makes a lot of sense. maybe they will save national digital software and hardware sovereignty, and content moderation for good measure, while they’re here too. https://t.co/d4ZxtXdCZa
2022-11-02 07:20:48 @rachelcoldicutt yes! i’ve been saying something similar to anyone with political tendencies who will listen. people have their own ideas of how schools should work down to quite a detailed (if inaccurate) level, but contested coherent visions rarely exist for the Internet. Coherence also hard.
2022-11-02 07:18:08 RT @rachelcoldicutt: My weird digital regulatory fantasy (what can I say, I need to get out more) is that there would be a coherent politic…
2022-11-01 21:07:39 Boris Johnson and Dick Cheney as keynotes at a dodgy blockchain conference, with global partner of the organiser being Carnegie Mellon’s @CyLab. If I was a CyLab, I would want to pull support from this scam ASAP. https://t.co/37mrwe02ilhttps://t.co/t3dGfWXKuO
2022-11-01 19:37:40 @voxbec but also, many people have more than one account for different reasons!
2022-11-01 19:37:16 @voxbec migrating moves your followers. you can also set up a redirect which is less effort. else people might be confused where you really are.
2022-11-01 19:36:22 @mmitchell_ai @sarahbmyers @IEthics @random_walker @rajiinio it was!
2022-11-01 17:32:23 @carlheaton @jimkillock cc @C___CS @nielstenoever
2022-11-01 17:26:16 RT @carlheaton: Do I read this right? DCMS wants to restrict the release of any communications relating to its pressuring of Nominet to ban…
2022-11-01 15:15:53 RT @FTC: We're back for panel 2 on automated decision-making systems. Panelists are Arvind Narayanan (@random_walker), Michael Veale (@mika…
2022-11-01 12:34:28 RT @sarahbmyers: Excited to moderate a conversation on Automated Decisionmaking Systems this morning with @random_walker, @mikarv and @raji…
2022-11-01 08:23:00 @binocularity If a decision is made without any reason at all being given, and even a human restatement can’t find a reason, then it’s likely going to be illegal under national labour law and can be overturned in tribunal.
2022-11-01 08:21:36 @binocularity And on the parts on transparency not restatement:1. digital labour platforms must provide individuals with a contract point to discuss reasons2. for algorithmic changes, worker groups can be assisted by an expert of their choice, paid for by the platform of over 500 workers.
2022-11-01 08:16:55 @binocularity You might need to read the paper, that’s the actual point. A human restatement of a decision isn’t an explanation, it’s a new, human-made decision, with reasoning that supplants the original and would be challengeable in court independently without reference to the algorithm.
2022-11-01 08:00:25 @fborgesius @AndrewDMurray @ChrisTMarsden Indeed. Even though it would have been a higher number to reach if no Brexit as the idea is it’s pegged to 10% of the EU’s population, disproportionate UK Twitter use knocks it right over.
2022-11-01 07:16:23 @Kira_UCL It’s worth having a look, but there’s no rush. https://t.co/G5sRbU777g is very new so hard to evaluate but could end up nice. https://t.co/RvAKPtYnoI seems solid too. https://t.co/lu2fjptRyT. Also, I owe you an email and plan to do everything today .
2022-10-31 21:50:50 @LeeTomson @TowCenter i think that would be nice, although you're going to hit up against the 'who is a journalist' question pretty quick and I hope you have a low cost way of answering it constantly.
2022-10-31 21:47:54 @gabrielazanfir @futureofprivacy the korean regulator strikes first and then the french go in for the cnil
2022-10-31 21:46:09 @gwbstr come federate graham, people are good
2022-10-31 20:56:30 @clancynewyork no sadly i’m just projecting what i suspect your approach needs to involve. let’s hang next time i’m over though (:
2022-10-31 20:54:25 @clancynewyork first step as a new yorker is presumably to see which part of the fediverse andrew yang is on and not be on that one
2022-10-31 20:51:24 Really useful new paper by @petros_ter on issues with the proposed European Health Data Spaces Regulation, for those that haven’t kept up with it, or indeed haven’t even heard of it. https://t.co/bpWoqJStup
2022-10-31 20:46:24 @timnitGebru A lot of ppl using https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 as an entry point to get bearings &
2022-10-31 20:40:39 @timnitGebru You can migrate to wherever &
2022-10-31 20:09:34 @binocularity that’s exactly why we specifically don’t suggest humans in the loop explain, but instead restate and replace the decision (eg to fire) in human understandable terms.
2022-10-31 18:44:04 @alexbloor @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @CatherineFlick i've been using it for ages now and it's great
2022-10-31 18:39:51 @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @alexbloor @CatherineFlick Sure, but I think you need one thing to set up and make work on a domain, be maintained semi automatically, and can expand out from there. Some apps are silly though. Sandstorm was good for this too before RIP, now I'm told @cloudron_io is interesting instead but haven't tried?
2022-10-31 18:33:44 @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @alexbloor @CatherineFlick NextCloud Social was an attempt to add activitypub to NextCloud but it doesn't work with versions over 21 any more and maintaining it doesn't seem a priority. But bundling it with all sorts of things quite easy (including w other services you buy, like Dropbox or whatever!)
2022-10-31 14:23:17 @JeremiasPrassl @Aislinn_Tweets @Halefom_Abraha Tagging those who can make rights stronger with our academic critiques of these parts of the Platform Work Directive: @gualminielisa @carloppe @tanzen90, and algorithmic management whizzes @valeriodeste @_aloisi (check out their translated book! https://t.co/9faz1ITg3L)
2022-10-31 14:17:19 On monitoring: many provisions require impact to be assessed/context about whether the worker is or is not working, but w little data this is hard. It may interact with fireworks in the world of general online tracking. This part needs some quite significant tweaking to get right
2022-10-31 07:56:55 @CatherineFlick @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor i have two servers at home but wasn’t sure about the load, and all the pi 8gbs are sold out, but maybe i’ll move it home when pine release the new rockpro64 version.
2022-10-31 07:52:11 indeed, if someone wants to do a PhD on federated services and duties of care based social media regulation trends, now is the time. (or if you’re doing one, say hi). https://t.co/o7UPTGp4X0
2022-10-31 07:50:18 @CatherineFlick @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor luckily it doesn’t need to scale! just enough so that hosting costs are covered by everyone lobbing about 20£ a year.
2022-10-31 07:48:23 @alexbloor @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone but that’s what’s happening in the fediverse, ppl signing up to a big instance &
2022-10-31 07:37:35 @alexbloor @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone sure, but i’m not sure carefully choosing a public server is really very hard. it’s hard because people are rushing to a system they have not yet understood. in the real world, people have more time and space, and other users coax people over and direct them to good places.
2022-10-31 07:35:38 @neil_neilzone @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @alexbloor I think a world where people who really know each other make their own shared servers is probably the easiest federation trade off as it removes half the moderation issue just leaving the vulnerability vis a vis the world, but of course won’t work for everyone who wants to join.
2022-10-31 07:33:56 @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone @alexbloor yes — i’m very keen to not be a service provider and not to have to deal with internal moderation issues. have not yet seen any external moderation issues eg spam, harassment, raids, but those seem all possible.
2022-10-31 07:18:49 @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone @alexbloor mostly it’s non trivial as i’m not an experienced sysadmin or linux wizard and chose against using something like https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-10-30 16:18:39 RT @PaulNemitz: For all interested in #EU #policy and #law, we have set up a #Mastodon server: https://t.co/hvgVHB0V34 . For crossposting…
2022-10-30 13:31:13 @sophieml1 @Tupp_Ed @klillington the web has long been full of huge number of discussion fora
2022-10-30 13:30:02 @Tupp_Ed @klillington why?
2022-10-30 13:29:33 @israblack @nataliesedacca they shouldn't have made that an actual rule then https://t.co/N2JKYovfHU
2022-10-30 13:12:49 @israblack @nataliesedacca there is https://t.co/UgvgMDnrQx which i think has also stopped accepting for a bit. https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a ive had an account on since 2017 but they blocked some instances with NGOs on so actually was their policies that drove me to steer my own
2022-10-30 12:59:28 @sophieml1 @Tupp_Ed @klillington the web has been pretty effective and useful.
2022-10-30 12:32:09 @nataliesedacca (you can switch servers and bring your followers with you later)
2022-10-30 12:31:27 @nataliesedacca much easier than it sounds. perhaps try https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy (:
2022-10-30 12:09:02 @nataliesedacca it's not just a site, it's a federated system (: don't join https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, join a different server (you can meet and follow anyone from any of them). read this first https://t.co/nK3k9OFlXJ
2022-10-30 11:51:04 @klillington the one thing I think you can't really move is your old posts, they stay hosted where you were.
2022-10-30 11:50:26 @klillington nope, you register a new account at the place you want to be, in settings there you can indicate an 'alias' (that it expects to be ported to). then in the old account, you can set it to migrate and it will see there is a willing recipient. I did it, v easy https://t.co/35pR8YI5Vr
2022-10-30 11:33:37 @klillington you can move your followers!
2022-10-30 11:31:47 RT @FusterGloria: January is coming soon so please all mark your !!!26 January in Brussels (in person) #PrivacyCamp2327 January 2nd…
2022-10-30 09:32:04 @rriemann_eu heh, i pulled from it for my instance’s. (although we’re closed and tiny and some of the legal bases have changed)
2022-10-30 08:57:59 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers There are (many!) other instances of scholarly relevance eg I used to be on https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a but they aren't accepting new members rn. But it doesn't matter, no FOMO as you can still follow anyone and they you. a good guide https://t.co/nK3k9OFlXJ @joix pointed me to.
2022-10-30 08:54:58 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers If you already have signed up, you can move your account and followers. Make a new account at https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy and then you can set your old one to port over. https://t.co/35pR8YI5Vr. Also, hi @MauritsMeijers (:
2022-10-30 08:54:15 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers You don't need to sign up on https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, and indeed you shouldn't! You can choose any instance (try something small at a size that is nicely moderated). It doesn't restrict your ability to follow others or be followed. I recommend https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy.
2022-10-30 07:36:35 @SRanchordas https://t.co/ZPUXd6qaMb will likely fail to enforce these because it's too big, but you can and should port your account (and followers) to a smaller instance that is small enough so that moderation is much more social. https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy is an example of this.
2022-10-29 18:35:16 @rriemann_eu @ilumium that would be fun. atm our instance is only open to friends who are willing and technically able to help with the running the innards, not looking to provide a broader service. the first other human on it is @jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-29 18:20:47 @rriemann_eu @ilumium yep, i recommended it already https://t.co/RcqTHajrD0 but personally i’m running my own (also to learn more)
2022-10-29 17:33:07 Truss' phone was 'heavily compromised', in a hack attributed to Russia, during her prime ministerial campaign, reports MoS. https://t.co/UXGzeCYrEQ
2022-10-29 15:43:31 (note that the blog post is not fully up to date)
2022-10-29 15:42:39 If any IP and platforms people are looking for an idea for a dissertation or paper, then consider the interaction between the Copyright Directive and the fediverse, as the founder of Mastodon wrote in 2018 here. https://t.co/iYO8WSUEMm
2022-10-29 15:15:16 RT @Chronotope: wow a company did the exact thing with tcf that every critic of tcf warned people that companies would do with tcf because…
2022-10-29 14:15:29 RT @craigjcalhoun: UK academic staff are not paid well by international standards or enough to keep up with UK inflation. Cuts to retiremen…
2022-10-29 13:29:09 for those people worried about picking a mastodon server, you may not know you can shift servers whenever and take all your followers with you extremely easily https://t.co/35pR8YIDKZhttps://t.co/L9N6qZ12iz
2022-10-29 12:21:15 @robyncaplan you don't need a new account, you can follow anyone on any server from any other server (: https://t.co/um9w11FVZZ
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computerhttps://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-20 18:13:38 RT @sjmurdoch: There is genuine debate among election security experts as to how computers should be involved in elections, but there is al…
2022-10-20 18:11:58 We already today had over 100 mailing list sign-ups for this — fantastic and thanks for sharing! This incidentally also means that the London Information Technology Law Collective is one step closer to being your new Prime Minister. https://t.co/IxzkBScxxT
2022-10-20 17:20:45 RT @Markfergusonuk: It’s illegal for trade unions to hold our ballots online, but this bunch of self-serving, hypocritical charlatans are u…
2022-10-20 17:05:44 @AlexanderHorne1 @RichardMoorhead yep, the bar is what i had in mind
2022-10-20 16:59:00 @RichardMoorhead st john (:
2022-10-20 15:25:04 RT @owenboswarva: #UKGDPR will be adapted but not repealed. Response from DCMS minister @JuliaLopezMP to further written questions confir…
2022-10-20 14:44:46 @ConnalParsley @psychicyogamat @UCLLaws sure thing, just send an email to the address in the link and you'll be signed up
2022-10-20 13:33:50 @lilianedwards @Elibietti @UCLLaws initially we intend to pay for the drinks but as it settles down maybe will relocate to a pub for settled state
2022-10-20 13:18:35 @jennifercobbe @UCLLaws yes, it's only expectation management, people are welcome to travel etc. just not trying to make a UK wide network because that will end up being unequal cause we can only hold stuff here, and they're only low overhead social events
2022-10-20 13:11:26 @lilianedwards @Elibietti @UCLLaws maybe will settle into that eventually but also want to flip things around, perhaps do midday social things sometimes as some have caring responsibilities
2022-10-20 13:07:02 @SophiaIgnatidou @UCLLaws nope, just a researcher (widely understood) so feel free to sign up!
2022-10-20 12:18:58 @bact @LAWTUDublin @tudublincompsci @UCDCompSci @UCD_iSchool @UCDCentreHRts @ucdpolitics @UCDLawSchool @dcu_lawandtech @DCULawSociety @dcucomputing @tcddublinscss @TCDPoliticalSci @TCDLawSchool @TCDLawSoc @TCDLawPhd @MaynoothLaw @MaynoothLawSoc @MU_Hamilton @TCDBusiness in time we could make... a network of networks
2022-10-20 12:07:49 @neil_neilzone you're very welcome to join! trying to manage expectations more than anything, the focus will be scholarly so not really suited for those not interested in engaging in that
2022-10-20 11:45:02 @Elibietti @UCLLaws new york isn't the only place that is allowed cross institutional IT law fun
2022-10-20 11:32:02 @MailOnline *three weeks ago
2022-10-20 11:11:45 thanks to @NoraNiLoideain @lexprivacy @psychicyogamat @lynskeyo @faheye @EAbrusci @AysemV @PerryKellerKCL for initial eager support, and we're reaching out to more London institutions... if you want to be a contact point, email me (:
2022-10-20 11:07:14 @sjjgo have clarified on the site now too, thanks!
2022-10-20 11:02:31 @sjjgo Happy for others to join the list in case they are in town. Events planned to be low key mostly social, low effort. The 'researcher' scope (understood broadly) is more important than geographic.
2022-10-20 10:55:32 Please also share with people who aren't on Twitter, and think through who in your institution may be working in this area and could benefit from greater integration and exposure, even if you don't work with or supervise them directly!
2022-10-19 07:25:36 RT @dreynders: The Commission has today adopted its 2023 #WorkProgramme. Some good news for #DataProtection: to improve the cooperation bet…
2022-10-19 06:30:02 RT @socialhack: I first didn‘t want to believe this rumor, but it really looks like the big public consultation of @ThierryBreton about his…
2022-10-19 06:13:37 @BVLSingler this doesn’t look true though, new age is a category that isn’t expanded, it looks like they just don’t have subcategories under native american religions…
2022-10-18 14:38:20 RT @PaulFScott: ‘Economic Well-being’ in National Security law and Practice [OA]: https://t.co/d3t1xGVIkW
2022-10-18 08:40:01 of course, platforms' long term desired solution may be very much like how tech firms want to make automated cars: homogenise culture, get rid of tiny languages, make humans match large-scale platform business models rather than platforms match humans...
2022-10-18 08:35:30 It's precisely because these systems do recommend suicide related content to kids that we have to really watch out for regulatory foundations that only support governance in large, rich countries, and throw other humans, in other parts of the world, under the metaphorical bus.
2022-10-18 07:33:55 Recommender based systems by design pull up nearby concepts and inevitably create social incentive to use alternative spellings etc to avoid filtering. Even if TikTok could keep on top in English w/o overfiltering (eg of support content), what governance works for tiny languages? https://t.co/A4nTwNavP7
2022-10-17 09:54:39 @wrklsshrd I'm more focussed on the European standards bodies right now for standards that have legal effects and form part of EU law — as those are the ones with the largest legitimacy issues — so I haven't been involved in BSI standards which generally are not.
2022-10-17 09:53:10 Fees, 'NHS surcharge', all of this. Unis don't build this into their grant costing systems, so academics either have to be proactive, squeeze it out of their budgets afterwards, or leave their new colleagues feeling unwelcome, and much poorer than they were promised — on arrival https://t.co/0YjtipUBud
2022-10-17 09:49:35 RT @ka_iwanska: @mikarv It's not just about standards, it's also (and even more importantly) about the governance (composition of AI Board)…
2022-10-17 08:41:16 Guaranteed, meaningful civil society participation in AI Act procedures requires rebuilding standardisation systems from the ground up, as well as going back in time to stop the exclusionary pre development of standards already happening in the shadows. Amendments won’t cut it. https://t.co/b1I53hL1Np
2022-10-16 21:15:28 @clancynewyork @thewire_in incredible that meta doesn't stop people setting up workplaces called instagram
2022-10-16 20:53:40 Can't spell Liz Truss without 'l iz USS'. We should be told. https://t.co/tEa2sIvA57
2022-10-16 09:46:56 RT @joncstone: This 1985 letter to Margaret Thatcher, from the No.10 policy unit, arguing why water should be privatised, is really illumin…
2022-10-16 09:19:25 RT @MattRogerson: #Kuenssberg shocked at @tesco predicted £2.5bn in TOTAL profit in 22/23. The CMA found in 2018, that @Google @facebook…
2022-10-15 23:48:51 @RonanMcCrea it’s a jungle of conflicts of interest out there
2022-10-15 23:45:56 Says man with company reported to have run an unvisitable battery swap centre to disingenuously prove to regulators that cars could *hypothetically* be so rapidly ‘charged’ they could claim over $100m extra in taxpayers money from the State of California’s CARB credit system. https://t.co/u4E1dWbXEH
2022-10-15 23:21:41 @jbellack @reckless @jeffjarvis @Google a strategy to homogenise a diverse networked system into a ‘less junky’ one requires accumulating exactly the kind of power that led to resentment of AMP. regardless of initial intent, a bureaucracy like Google sees, seizes &
2022-10-15 19:50:45 Whatever the veracity of this rebuttal by the Wire, the ball is in Meta’s court to rebut with actual arguments rather than the fluffy approach they have taken so far. https://t.co/XQor24xoUl
2022-10-15 14:34:18 @halifaxbeard yeah I thought that. or they could be auto opened and logged and filtered out?
2022-10-15 12:57:28 @doctor_oxford @theresecoffey And potentially an offence under (at least) the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 reg 214 https://t.co/hKVRu2yjsjhttps://t.co/YrzQnrlOJ4
2022-10-15 12:51:17 Worldwide journalists that stopped to pause to consider veracity (as is fair) now have a responsibility to reassess and come to their own conclusions. If Meta has indeed laid lies upon lies, they cannot be allowed to get away with it.
2022-10-08 10:05:26 RT @benedictrogers: An important piece by my colleagues and friends @SamGoodman22 and @denniswhkwok, published on the same day that British…
2022-10-06 21:14:31 RT @maxvonhippel: A few days ago, @Northeastern Senior Vice Provost David Luzzi (https://t.co/5fhygcYBub) had motion sensors installed unde…
2022-10-06 20:44:12 @TomPark1n @luke_stark either @timsquirrell or he may have an even more specific colleague
2022-10-06 20:31:14 RT @CBHessick: Soon you will hear complaints that those who were convicted of marijuana possession actually committed more serious crimes a…
2022-10-06 20:27:42 just in time, as the other private e-bikes will disappear as interest rates rise and silly money doesn’t run after ridiculous unsustainable firms https://t.co/8fstdKLj1W
2022-10-06 20:19:44 @jonsopel @Greenberry_Cafe also the hidden @mothercanteen is a gem there
2022-10-06 20:16:28 RT @matttomic: Parabon, the company that sells this pseudoscience software that claims it can produce a suspect photo based off a DNA sampl…
2022-10-06 20:10:44 @AnnemarieBridy @MattCameronLane @marklemley @contreraslegals Thank you! And thanks Annemarie for directing the q.
2022-10-06 17:41:11 @AnnemarieBridy not an IP person, but FRAND licensing terms and similar came to mind, perhaps if these firms are also involved in robotics standards.
2022-10-06 17:36:07 @AnnemarieBridy are there limits to eg refusing licensing of a patent for a military product? letter talks about customers but not licensees.
2022-10-06 12:54:56 RT @SuVergnolle: Does infringement alone of the GDPR gives rise to a right to compensation, or does there need to be harm as well?The AG's…
2022-10-06 09:23:31 RT @lawvaughan: One week today! My inaugural @UCLLaws public lecture on: are lawyers who help their clients bring about perfectly legal env…
2022-10-06 07:39:42 In the UK, this has a specific associated criminal offence. https://t.co/s1iICpOZqy
2022-10-06 06:56:30 RT @BrexitEnv: New blog post by B&
2022-10-06 06:46:17 RT @ODPC_KE: PRESS RELEASE: ODPC to audit 40 Digital Credit Providers and issues enforcement notice against a health service provider. http…
2022-10-05 14:30:23 RT @OpenRightsGroup: Nominations Open: Election for Board Directors Election for Three Board members to join our Board of Director…
2022-10-05 12:31:31 RT @BasuArindrajit: My chapter earlier this year exploring factors driving India's negotiation strategy and approach on cross-border flows…
2022-10-05 12:22:01 In the latest political Twitter brainrot, Ugandan president writes letter to apologise for his son, senior general with presidential desires, who flippantly tweets his intentions to invade Kenya. (ht @BerihunGebeye) https://t.co/3fJP8M6C5Ohttps://t.co/VPAjNm1TUd
2022-10-05 11:26:15 RT @biancawylie: continue to think AI is not a good organizing container for legislation. cements its existence and gives it validity/statu…
2022-10-05 09:40:49 RT @Senficon: EU Commissioner @YlvaJohansson claimed that AI is capable of detecting unknown depictions of sexualized violence against chil…
2022-10-05 08:21:21 RT @sveckert: (1/3) Es ist eine stille Zensur: TikTok setzt diffuse Wortfilter ein.Kommentare, die "LGBTQ", "gay" aber auch Wörter wie "S…
2022-10-04 16:40:40 @ruchowdh the corporate form was a mistake
2022-10-04 16:12:36 @gabrielazanfir white house is great at pdfs
2022-10-04 16:12:11 RT @gabrielazanfir: It is absolutely great to see the White House laying out such good policy for AI accountability &
2022-10-04 15:46:13 @LSTSblog @ikkibop @VUBrussel @ERC_Research or "DOISLFALC"
2022-10-04 15:44:17 @MicrobiomDigest (phones are not supposed to be used in uk quiet coaches, but quiet conversations are)
2022-10-04 15:43:14 @MicrobiomDigest as a foreigner who has lived in the netherlands, I think there's a disconnect because most other countries have quiet rather than silent carriages, and if people don't know the translation of stilte, they often don't get the difference
2022-09-30 13:40:22 @israblack admittedly we did not get the victory we wanted in that case!
2022-09-30 13:38:26 @israblack It's a sad day when your case stands between the true Queen of the Ocramas, Princess Crown of Himalajas and Himalayan Queen, Barbara Antrimm Batch, Lady Cogan Coogan (Ex Mrs) Lady Lord Batch Kingdom Moore Batch Antrimm Cogan Coogan, and justice.
2022-09-30 13:36:56 It appears that SSRN/Elsevier also cannot answer why they retain download info for at least ~a decade, and in effect concede it was a violation of DP law, now claim to quickly be deleting it.They still refuse to provide data on IP based-download though, despite my static IP. https://t.co/rO6oVo5Izthttps://t.co/eZxW3vHK8J
2022-09-30 13:12:57 @neil_neilzone Killock &
2022-09-30 12:04:11 RT @datajournalism: The role of #datajournalism in supporting transparency in public life is vital. Listen to reporters @kenfoxe, @Biro_A a…
2022-09-30 11:16:03 RT @bigblackjacobin: back from vacation so here is a little blog about GDPR, companies in Europe skirting it with cookie banners, and a nif…
2022-09-30 10:08:19 @lynskeyo @neil_neilzone damn orla got there first. the academic vultures descend on the unwitting volunteer
2022-09-30 10:07:26 @neil_neilzone would be great for you to come into either undergrad or postgrad surveillance law part of the relevant modules and talk about what it's like to work with telcos in that area!
2022-09-30 09:19:55 @hawktalk_blog @techUK I think this is more about procurement rules and practices than DP law.
2022-09-30 09:03:56 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: We're recruiting for a new position of Associate Director, Data &
2022-09-30 08:51:27 @techUK Palantir isn't about 'evil analytics'. It's a story of a firm trying to deskill the public sector, layer on top of incompatible data systems and make a *proprietary* compatibility layer, and platformise the sector to shape it and extract taxpayers' money over the long term.
2022-09-30 08:47:47 Devestating scoop from Olivia as she blazes back to the UK tech beat. Palantir also sought to go via @techUK, a lobby group long trying to be the face of tech ethics with the UK Government, to stop gov building their own data linkage tech, and instead become reliant on Foundry. https://t.co/WUdYbswExs
2022-09-29 22:55:57 RT @motherboard: “This add-on automatically answers consent pop-ups for you, so you can't be manipulated. Set your preferences once, and le…
2022-09-29 16:41:18 @neil_neilzone oh i missed your thread!
2022-09-29 15:44:30 RT @valeriodeste: +++BREAKING ON PLATFORM WORK AND VULNERABLE SELF-EMPLOYED WORK+++ The EU Commission just released its Guidelines exemptin…
2022-09-29 15:24:53 @techreview wow, a new way to make cheap and low quality whimsical pictures or stock images, exactly what humanity needs
2022-09-29 15:22:36 @hmtreasury this typical family sounds like they might be a typical first time buyer, so the stamp duty savings don't mean much.
2022-09-29 15:08:55 There's no doubt content harmful to children exists online. But that's no excuse for studies to abandon extremely basic methodology when understanding its prevalence.
2022-09-29 14:55:11 Also adds to where gov stated as evidence in the Online Harms White Paper that "60% of respondents to our Internet Safety Strategy Green Paper consultation had witnessed inappropriate or harmful behaviour online". These are voluntary consultation respondents, not sampled...
2022-09-29 14:50:24 As a result, it adds to a pile of UK literature which bulks up harm stats by adding dubious categories. Reminiscent of the Ofcom reports which calculate harmful content seen online and include... spam! Would love to meet the % of users that haven't seen spam. https://t.co/h1Lkv2lAEA
2022-09-29 14:50:23 Sexualised content is also unclear, particularly as it is distinct from pornography in the survey. Firstly, 17 y/os surveyed are above the legal age of consent, and so there's a disconnect there. Secondly... on a generous reading, huge swathes of adverts and media are sexualised.
2022-09-29 14:50:22 News outlets report on @ChildrensComm report: 45% of 13-17 y/os have seen 'harmful content', but the breakdown of what this involves is controversial. Definition of or harm understood by the most prevalent
2022-09-29 12:43:03 @IABTechLab now READY to be enforced against by European Data Protection authorities given it does not address the illegalities highlighted in the Belgian DPA's decision. The industry might want to think twice about putting its eggs in this basket. https://t.co/aPAcQttX1n
2022-09-29 12:39:44 @tforcworc better be quick, gilt-edged commodities are sinking
2022-09-29 12:27:06 RT @guidonld: NEW BOOK ALERT! I'm ecstatic At long last, you can pre-order my new book "Internet of Things and the Law. Legal Strategies…
2022-09-29 07:29:24 RT @nielstenoever: The ITU plenipotentiary meeting is held in the palace built on instigation of Rumanias dicator Ceausecu. One of the fl…
2022-09-29 07:11:09 @j2bryson i don’t disagree we shouldn’t see an artefact as something else (eg a person!!). but product regulation also imagines we can internalise social issues into the artefact in order to regulate it. there are serious limits to what we can internalise into the artefact with AI.
2022-09-29 07:08:57 @j2bryson you call it an ‘an applied discipline of science and engineering’ in 2020 chap. the question for regulation is what we want to see it as in order to achieve policy aims. eg we could see an iphone as a product but it’s also an infrastructure.
2022-09-29 06:59:43 @j2bryson as a result, even ‘product regulation’ is a far too narrow frame on the consequences of AI as a practice (as you call it in your chapter!)
2022-09-29 06:58:46 @j2bryson AI can be a product, but it’s also often not primarily that. For example, ‘AI’ is often shorthand for a business strategy of moving the locus of decisionmaking. It’s also the name of the practice of using the technology (PPE is a product
2022-09-29 06:37:53 RT @MiddleEastEye: "For the moment, Elon Musk is putting in place a system that may benefit a small number of users who manage to get a Sta…
2022-09-28 20:56:47 RT @timnitGebru: That's what Open AI does. They start the race, they put out something that causes harm without guardrails, then all the co…
2022-09-28 19:40:12 @dillonthehuman @OrinKerr his behaviour was nasty. as you said, the piece should have been withdrawn. but the feeling of entitlement to edit and continue comes from the structure of US legal academic publishing as well as his own sense of importance.
2022-09-28 19:36:14 RT @wbm312: Oh good, another fear unlocked. Rent a car &
2022-09-28 19:34:13 @teddipasketty the tweeter isn’t the author of the linked blog
2022-09-28 19:33:25 @OrinKerr a system that allows substantive edits to arguments following acceptance indicates the bar of acceptance has limited scholarly meaning. so why do law schools care about ‘placement’ as an academic signal?
2022-09-28 19:26:55 @dillonthehuman @OrinKerr in every other academic field, you rightly cannot substantively edit (eg whole arguments!) after acceptance. you’d withdraw, or the editor decides whether the piece needs re-reviewing. the shoddy draft culture *at the point of submission* bemuses non US law academics.
2022-09-28 19:00:55 RT @setomwork: Tomorrow, Thursday, the @EU_Commission @vestager is expected to publish its new guidelines on collective agreements regardin…
2022-09-28 14:31:01 @petros_ter “These apps are being distributed by developers majority-owned or majority-controlled by one or more parties sanctioned by the UK government” is what Apple has to say.
2022-09-28 13:13:31 Apple goes from requiring VK to be offered to all new iPhone users (pic) to an App Store ban (link). This is due to UK sanctions — US sanctions exclude telecoms services. What of Google &
2022-09-28 13:00:25 @AarhusUni @MidasNouwens You're doing good work when companies are spending money patenting ways to get around your plugin. OneTrust even cite our paper, how kind! They don't say it finds only 1.8% of OneTrust plugins in the wild are in *minimal* compliance with the law. https://t.co/sHWjKbJ6m5
2022-09-28 11:23:30 RT @neil_neilzone: Nothing says "valid consent" like building a tool to reject my attempt not to consent or to withdraw consent, because I…
2022-09-28 10:46:18 @SSRN @ElsevierConnect (i was going to write about crowdfunding in 2013 but decided against it, you may be able to tell...)
2022-09-28 10:39:45 What could the legal basis or justification under data protection storage limitation be for @SSRN @ElsevierConnect retaining data on what everyone has ever downloaded using their system since their account was created
2022-09-28 09:53:58 ICO in action on subject access requests shock! 6 public bodies + Virgin Media. https://t.co/8ezNv4Xw6O
2022-09-25 15:05:32 @lumi_ip I think when you write a filepath in the WSL you have to type "/mnt/c/" instead of "C:\", and you may come up with some hiccups along the way. but windows subsystem for linux is very useful for lots of things.
2022-09-25 15:02:38 @lumi_ip in PowerShell you can type "wsl --install". Then when that is done and you restart your computer, you can open PowerShell again and type "wsl" then type "apt install ocrmypdf". It should then be installed and you can OCR a file with "ocrmypdf -i [filepath] [outputpath]"
2022-09-25 14:57:34 @lumi_ip yes, but you have to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux https://t.co/8eQLPaJIv1
2022-09-25 13:49:57 @TomValletti @1Br0wn valletti t (2022) transitivity in pizza disutility functions
2022-09-25 13:46:31 RT @DrNSearle: It's aaaalive! Our report on trade secrets in data sharing for @EU_EISMEA now published.TLDR: We found limited use of trad…
2022-09-25 13:20:59 @MarijnSax universities have web servers
2022-09-25 13:08:49 @MarijnSax not sure what you need these days to run a youtube video that has guaranteed no adverts, though.
2022-09-25 13:01:41 we should be teaching people the simple skill of using very simple, powerful commnand line tools. free software like is bundled up and sold as ephemeral subscription or spyware software on app stores. we are not teaching people basic computing skills.
2022-09-25 12:57:37 academic tool tip: ocrmypdf is a incredibly useful free package for mac/linux that adds an OCR text layer to PDFs. supports many languages. https://t.co/QF8oTWYooG
2022-09-25 11:06:47 Newsweek reports on an (unverified) Mumsnet thread where a person uses a subject access request and discovers that her medical records have been accessed by her husband's ex-wife. https://t.co/8wfOyzhX4o
2022-09-24 14:10:11 @emilymbender I agree, it’s overused beyond its origins in international affairs, where its purpose is clearer. I don’t use it when I organise things.
2022-09-24 02:33:27 @and_cities @PhDVoice in my experience, academics gladly adopt tools like MS Bookings that allow booking of short slots within a 2-3hr weekly office hour block if trained on them — the opposite of calendar syncing. else, my availability is a function of the quality of your request.
2022-09-24 02:04:59 @llmunro @Skyphly genuinely, how else do you propose academics reliably communicate across every university and system in the world in a way that doesn’t require each uni to buy in to a platform and hope it exists more than a few years? listservs have seen almost every other method rise and fall
2022-09-23 12:09:23 RT @EP_Justice: As the @EP_Justice visit to Ireland concluded, Vice-Chair @maitepagaza said: "After many fruitful exchanges in Ireland…
2022-09-23 10:55:43 pained imagining the inevitable accompanying "visual identity" slidedeck, likely saying the lines inside the O symbolise bookshelves but ALSO stairways to knowledge
2022-09-23 10:26:43 incredible work changing your university brand to look like one of those suspect companies that calls themselves ‘oxford something’ without a university link https://t.co/bw4ust90Mv
2022-09-23 09:40:47 RT @GeorgePeretzKC: And a further point. Ministers may well be coming to Parliament with rafts of new rules in November/December 23. At whi…
2022-09-23 09:08:58 @colmocinneide @thebigbogg @jamessflee Looking forward to year 2 "Assimilated Law" tutorials
2022-09-23 09:04:01 @colmocinneide @thebigbogg @jamessflee I was half expecting the bill to state that courts 'must have regard to the need to depart from EU case law.'
2022-09-23 09:02:17 @thebigbogg @colmocinneide @jamessflee i've been reading a little labour law theory this week (am writing on the algorithmic parts of the platform worker directive) and am enjoying the forceful mixing of the normative and the descriptive that i've seen so far...
2022-09-23 08:08:24 @AileenMcHarg broadly also data protection law is a mixed bag here
2022-09-23 08:04:13 RT @AileenMcHarg: This is a crucial point. Cl 1 of the Retained EU Law Bill covers some really important provisions. The TUPE Regulations a…
2022-09-23 08:03:04 @AileenMcHarg rules on net neutrality (the open internet regulations), which ensure telcos can’t slow down bits of the internet that aren’t paying them enough, and which have seen street protests in the US and beyond when they are attempted to be changed
2022-09-23 07:58:47 @AileenMcHarg the electronic commerce regs, the EU parallel to the highly politicised s 230 CDA in the US immunising large online platforms
2022-09-22 19:44:41 @trishgreenhalgh @medicamentum89 there will one day be an edit button…
2022-09-22 18:23:16 @trishgreenhalgh @medicamentum89 to people without it, surely?
2022-09-22 15:34:58 @tforcworc @WoWGradStudent the original meta verse
2022-09-22 15:09:42 RT @AileenMcHarg: The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill has now been published. Enjoy!https://t.co/l3MLxvH275
2022-09-22 14:15:07 @WoWGradStudent @tforcworc i did my phd all with bibtex files not generated with zotero, but switched after
2022-09-22 14:14:15 @WoWGradStudent @tforcworc i'm gonna guess jon uses an emacs-based reference manager
2022-09-22 11:39:43 where will the parliamentary time come from to democratically decide on replacement rules, or are these regulations going to be replaced with undemocratically-imposed statutory instruments? https://t.co/RL9ssGpHId
2022-09-22 08:52:19 RT @VeroCimina: @EU_EDPS takes legal action @EUCourtPress as new #Europol Regulation puts rule of law and EDPS independence under threat -…
2022-09-22 07:06:13 @ruskin147 Ofcom does have concurrent powers w the CMA though to enforce competition in the communications sector. If the DMU isn’t being put on a statutory footing then this seems like a reasonable development.
2022-09-22 06:49:50 @matthew_d_green If as reported this is occurring in European ISPs, it seems to breach art 5 of the e-Privacy Directive.
2022-09-21 17:03:36 if you use the above information on me I will, against my thoughts on the statute, encourage a Communications Act 2003 s 127 prosecution
2022-09-21 17:00:54 there's a different kind of academic phone number hell though, where they migrate your office number to MS Teams which then rings your mobile phone via push if anyone tries to ring this as you've needed to install the app before to deal with various videoconferencing emergencies https://t.co/VagwoJ0rGx
2022-09-21 16:58:43 @wendyg it's pretty nice! main downside is it doesn't currently work natively on ARM machines because of old firefox dependencies, but I imagine this will change soon with Apple's ARM gambit.
2022-09-21 16:54:39 @wendyg do you follow a rigorous storage methodology, or use another type of tool? I find Zotero so useful for the metadata it adds and you can alter, and sync it to my server and all devices with webdav so am not reliant on cloud storage.
2022-09-21 16:47:50 RT @davidthewid: What do modular software supply chains mean for "Ethical AI"? Developers release discrete modules, or compose existing…
2022-09-21 16:45:33 @cryptodavidw tend to it and it will grow
2022-09-21 16:43:55 @tjmcintyre @Klonick 2,000 of them are new digital single market regulatory proopsals
2022-09-21 16:08:56 @eriklongo probably gigabytes of that is your telemetry and logging data being sent straight to thomson reuters for guzzling
2022-09-21 16:06:57 @npseaver as if it knows, my twitter timeline has just handed me this OA book about the history of german beards https://t.co/SJOAvyXgLf
2022-09-17 00:38:15 @lilianedwards @timnitGebru @tadhgwad ah right - this is one of the search engines that searches IoT stuff people have unknowingly exposed on the public internet though rather than a tourist thing or some designed street streaming service
2022-09-17 00:24:55 @timnitGebru @lilianedwards @tadhgwad i haven’t seen such type of cameras in the uk since back since time lapse webcams online were popular though… and not sure how they would argue they were lawful or what the legal basis under data protection law for putting them up was.
2022-09-17 00:19:34 @emilymbender i would add to your authors there @mireillemoret who talks and writes about this distinction as the difference between “legal by design” (a form of technoregulation) versus “legal protection by design”.
2022-09-17 00:12:12 fwiw apple have been much better about this than the others. siri in the UK defaulted first to a male voice, and now i believe now you choose the gender at set up and there’s no default. amazon on the other hand took a product, echo, and branded it with a female name and wakeword https://t.co/TE4OCCT3ow
2022-09-16 20:47:40 @geomblog there’s been some… cheap data labelling for online user interfaces? and we had a pandemic where AI projects provided effectively no help whatsoever?
2022-09-16 20:45:31 @geomblog especially when very few of such positive benefits have materialised even slightly and companies like google keep drawing on the same one example of protein folding despite billions of investment
2022-09-16 20:38:49 @mmitchell_ai ‘and by people, we mean consumers or targets of computation’
2022-09-16 20:37:45 RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: income inequality in US &
2022-09-16 20:28:38 @timnitGebru Yes — if I remember Google did make some moves on this area but largely because they didn’t have as many customers as the others, journalists should ask this of all cloud firms loudly.
2022-09-16 20:26:04 (the linked article has some Google loose change put towards corporate greenwashing. for comparison note that this week the ECJ’s General Court upheld a fine of over €4 *billion* concerning Google’s illegal practices) https://t.co/rx8ajHmw72
2022-09-16 20:22:46 Journalists talking to Google about AI and sustainability: ask them if Google Cloud will stop courting firms and selling compute for oil and gas exploration. https://t.co/MOamPQ92XY
2022-09-16 17:04:20 @israblack @petros_ter @leotanczt @divijualsuspect @chaban_olena that’s exactly it
2022-09-16 16:33:54 Important new revelations about just how misleading the Facebook ‘download your information’ tool is, and how far away it is from fulfilling access rights. https://t.co/VDLy2Psfri
2022-09-16 15:37:23 @petros_ter @leotanczt @divijualsuspect @chaban_olena ok done one https://t.co/KwKfOnTjRs
2022-09-16 15:34:04 @petros_ter @leotanczt @divijualsuspect @chaban_olena yes but i havent made a logo... we will go for a drink though when term starts soon...
2022-09-16 15:33:23 @je5perl @Kirst3nF @k_irion on one hand, this might be saying 'this will regulate non national security uses of spyware', on the other, MSs will be very reluctant to let the CJEU or European law define the boundaries of national security, which remains underdefined, and where they become politics...
2022-09-16 15:31:18 @je5perl @Kirst3nF also... as TEU 4(2) ensures that national security "remains the sole responsibility of each Member State", I'm not sure that the provision would have as much practical effect as it is written (cc @k_irion) https://t.co/bhyUGolhr4
2022-09-16 12:52:23 @DaanDRDR @TilburgU @TechRegJournal @DOAJplus @TiltR will they be indexing articles dating from before the registration date? i have two and it would be nice to have them syndicated and searchable https://t.co/2Kh0QPjFPa
2022-09-16 12:51:10 @DaanDRDR @TilburgU @TechRegJournal @DOAJplus @TiltR great news!!
2022-09-16 12:48:33 @leotanczt a group also a big directional choice — if your ideal team size is quite small (as mine is) branding it might not be worth the effort so you dont become manager over researcher. although maybe i should ask @divijualsuspect @petros_ter @chaban_olena if they want a team...
2022-09-11 21:57:48 ALT: Image is screenshot of linked website
2022-09-11 21:56:29 The privacy policy of the 5 billion image dataset that is used to train the generative Stable Diffusion model has their own definition of personal data under the GDPR. Discuss. https://t.co/rmF1eXIW3shttps://t.co/osGK4Pkgxl
2022-09-11 14:10:01 @Sandbagger_01 not so suprising, this year at the albanian sea border i had to turn my head away to avoid looking at the agent typing in his username and password into the web app
2022-09-11 11:37:56 RT @Samfr: This is a year or two away from becoming a big political issue but it will unless the economics of HE change. The supply of plac…
2022-09-11 06:10:34 RT @bert_hu_bert: A brief statement in English on my resignation as regulator of the Dutch intelligence and security services. Things are c…
2022-09-10 12:22:18 @jennifercobbe when you manage, you’ll find that ukraine are retaking a range of areas whilst the russians are distracted with the royal news
2022-09-10 12:14:09 @chrishanretty perhaps not all royalty are the same, and the polity datasets need a further sentimentality index on how often national royals are mentioned in glossy mags…
2022-09-09 20:17:25 @maosbot (not saying that as some claim to magically not having to prove my claims, just that seeing and thinking about this kind of method isn’t new to me)
2022-09-09 20:14:40 @maosbot (fwiw i’m aware of the practice and literature on forecasting and futures, and have taught it, professionally advised around it, and peer review for the relevant journals about it)
2022-09-09 20:12:36 @maosbot you can also treat the rising sun as a probability, it doesn’t make it conceptually valid. STS as a discipline has key lessons and lit here. empirically, i have further doubts that predicting benchmarks within 5 years is at all relevant to predicting AGI, let alone impacts.
2022-09-09 19:57:11 @maosbot i also think there are serious conceptual issues with treating the potential emergence of a technology as a probability.
2022-09-09 19:55:53 @maosbot perhaps, although my point was that there’s no consistency. generalist organisations or movements like EA do not exhibit similar appetite to act on low probability huge risks with considerably more empirical backing than AGI, the possibility of which is entirely speculative.
2022-09-09 19:36:49 @maosbot there’s a “meta-worry”: that proponents of AGI risk don’t make space for other discussions, using up all the air in the room. i agree no one gets just one worry. but those in the middle of outsized attention &
2022-09-09 19:31:02 (there’s a separate issue with conflating technology development with probability. what about the ‘probability’ someone uses new physics to make a ridiculously cheap destructive weapon? what’s different about that logic from completely imagined AGI?)
2022-09-09 19:19:51 the logic of effective altruists and AI existential risk people saying we should care about small probability huge risk events surely means they should treat the extreme, improbable tail of climate models as seriously. weirdly, i don’t see them ever push for that. https://t.co/8kufKpJnMU
2022-09-09 08:45:38 RT @nhelberger: Job opportunity: The AI, Media &
2022-09-09 08:07:16 RT @ArchivalDaze: My understanding is that in nine days all the regius professors will be entombed in a giant mausoleum alongside the queen…
2022-09-09 05:54:18 Very interesting short article on why the EU has a surprisingly strong hand against Russia in gas price negotiations. https://t.co/v4kaeYsbgHhttps://t.co/Rue6nKdNmt
2022-09-09 05:33:38 @MicheleAcuto inspired
2022-09-09 05:32:17 @claesdevreese Glad to see the ÖBB investment going from concept photos to real photos. Have taken their new expansions a few times this year, but really need ones through Belgium and France to Italy and Spain (esp since SNCF killed its Milan one during Covid…)
2022-09-08 19:29:14 two mins after my tweet was the ok time, according to the bar council https://t.co/AkMzl9il1J
2022-09-08 19:19:46 RT @mathver: Publishers didnt get an exemption for their content in the content moderation rules in Digital Services Act.But art.17 of the…
2022-09-08 18:26:57 Meta might want to pull forward whatever it was going to release last thing on Friday. https://t.co/5GMSDTgevn
2022-09-08 17:59:35 @fgbjr a big CSL challenge
2022-09-08 17:52:56 In a genuine sense, it's going to cause a lot of immediate stress to a lot of organisations.
2022-09-08 17:52:13 Barristers anxiously look at each other's bios and wonder the appropriate time to edit to KC.
2022-09-08 16:21:35 New ECHR judgment today on violations of Article 8 by France regarding data collection and retention of data designed to exclude men who have sex with men from blood donation. https://t.co/UTQA6MzxkS
2022-09-08 16:13:28 @emilymbender @rcalo @Kobotic the UK Government Data Ethics Framework was an attempt at internal guidance
2022-09-08 15:27:17 Someone please leak Meta and Twitter's Queen death content moderation protocols.
2022-09-08 15:23:44 Huw Edwards' impressive lengthy royal no-information filibuster is in stark contrast to the deeply incompetent camera operator who had *one job*, to point a camera at a building not containing the Queen without somehow broadcasting the menu or pointing it at himself. https://t.co/b3sFOhrD23
2022-09-08 15:11:07 A fearsome filibusterer if he ever goes into politics. Or perhaps just a contestant on Just a Minute. https://t.co/MnBwAu3C6t
2022-09-08 15:06:29 @Elibietti this edit button can’t come soon enough
2022-09-08 14:12:16 Just want to clarify that I often normally wear black.
2022-09-08 12:51:35 RT @Chronotope: TCF continues further down the path of being declared illegal. At the same time, the blockers to enforcing the Belgian DPA’…
2022-09-07 16:46:08 RT @johnnyryan: News: the Brussels Court of Appeal dismisses various IAB Europe procedural grounds of appeal and agrees to refer our prelim…
2022-09-07 14:27:38 @Chronotope who would users complain to?
2022-09-07 09:08:28 RT @MrHarryCole: Well well.. Usual senior aides who sit at back of Cabinet appear to have been replaced by only the PM’s principle privat…
2022-09-07 09:05:26 Kira is an incredible mentor, and pretty much why I'm in academia. I'm still paying it forward. If you are considering a PhD in the environmental interactions of emerging technologies, this is a great opportunity. https://t.co/kipTqhDYNH
2022-09-07 09:01:55 (In practice the English education secretary but this is pretty wild.) https://t.co/XLuEGNdnac
2022-09-07 08:21:48 @lynskeyo that’s incredibly frustrating, i hope deeply it’s an admin issue that gets resolved and stays resolved and not something more lasting. even the fact that that can happen is pretty telling about the fragility of this whole system…
2022-09-07 07:42:18 RT @digitalasiahub: Less than 30minutes before we commence our second #PlatformFutures roundtable on Digital Rights and Consumer Protection…
2022-09-07 07:37:42 RT @PJDunleavy: Interesting research here shows beyond any doubt that UK MPs with 2nd jobs ask 60% more questions in Parliament than compar…
2022-09-07 07:33:16 Industry lobby group which has long lobbied to water down DP &
2022-09-07 06:30:47 @Klonick (blame patent law, licensing fees and a powerplay of large companies avoiding open video standards)
2022-09-07 06:28:22 @Klonick it is likely because the videos are recorded using ‘high efficiency mode’ on an iphone, which uses the H.265 codec not the older H.264 one. i don’t believe the former is properly supported in PPT. download Handbrake and you can convert it to H.264.
2022-09-06 19:32:58 @lilianedwards @openpolicynz @GavinFreeguard it was there, but vince cable shenanigans forced it out to dcms after the bskyb scandal https://t.co/fAejcL6ZFU
2022-09-06 15:37:09 @corintxt maybe it is a very personalised phishing campaign, be careful!
2022-09-06 15:34:54 @corintxt some say it already has
2022-09-06 15:32:49 @robleathern Pocket change for running a crucial global technical infrastructure
2022-09-06 14:33:55 RT @Chronotope: I've published my comment on IAB's Global Privacy Platform. GPP proposes to not just replace the TCF framework as the new s…
2022-09-06 14:31:31 @halhod @jackclarkSF @rodolfor (remarkably low quality for the Onion)
2022-09-06 13:47:46 RT @WebDevLaw: Translation: if the Online Safety Bill survives, it will do so as a weapon in an imported and artificial debate about "woker…
2022-09-05 16:03:46 An exciting in-person event at UCL on defining data with, inter alia, @divijualsuspect of @UCLLaws, next Wednesday (14th) afternoon! https://t.co/KeDObYbnfAhttps://t.co/Y4lDCpxPUs
2022-09-05 12:53:14 RT @mckinneytweets: All estate agents in the UK are regulated by Powys Country Council, according to @commonslibrary research by my colleag…
2022-09-05 08:32:34 @ChrisTMarsden a market valuation of that but... not so liquid it seems... lots of unrest at the bird site HQ
2022-09-05 07:52:36 @TimandraHarknes bowes wow
2022-09-05 06:21:13 Subsidising content moderation w/ advertising is a failed model, even more so given concentration in the absurd, illegal adtech market. It breaks new/small innovative platforms &
2022-09-03 22:29:39 RT @TaylorLorenz: SCOOP: Under pressure, security firm Cloudflare has dropped KiwiFarms. By @josephmenn and me https://t.co/MwqMvHvRBP #Dro…
2022-09-02 15:08:37 @bekah_overdorf @unil congratulations! also, an envelope with TWO windows? that's an envelope gone mad
2022-09-01 17:14:45 @ammandalari welcome to UCL!
2022-09-01 17:13:13 RT @CJSprigman: @JenniferMRomig @fgbjr When @carlmalamud and I decided to do the first edition of the Indigo Book, the Harvard Law Review A…
2022-09-01 17:12:26 @JenniferMRomig @CJSprigman @carlmalamud @fgbjr as a non US scholar who sometimes gets asked to write stuff with this ridiculous citation style, thank you so much.
2022-09-01 17:10:49 @CJSprigman @carlmalamud @JenniferMRomig @fgbjr Fantastic work all. It’s time for journals to stop calling it Bluebooking and start calling it Indigobooking. Disintermediate this weird and stupid clique and make something better.
2022-09-01 17:08:23 RT @CJSprigman: @JenniferMRomig made Indigo Book 2.0 happen, and @fgbjr made it live online. My deepest thanks to both of them. And a word,…
2022-09-01 11:13:10 A subject access request showed how document disclosure was woefully incomplete in the tribunal case of Isle of Man whistleblower Dr Rosalind Ranson, the island’s most senior dr, against the Manx Dept of Health &
2022-09-01 04:29:18 RT @omertene: California's 2022 legislative session closed tonight and CCPA's employee exemption was NOT extended. Starting Jan 1 2023, CPR…
2022-08-31 19:54:17 @vqtli @yarime yes - that makes more sense. the point i was taking issue was Masaru’s initial statement that this is about a trade off between privacy and public health. You can’t really trade off something for public health without evidence an intervention makes a difference.
2022-08-31 12:01:53 @yarime @vqtli is there any real evidence that providing granular dashboards to the public (rather than decision-makers) does anything useful for public health? i didn't see any in the paper or brief.
2022-08-31 07:43:14 @CIGIonline zero mention that meta and google and co are effectively US intelligence assets around the world?
2022-08-30 14:47:40 an... ambitious public law argument, claiming that the Conservative party is a body w/ functions of a public nature pursuant to HRA98 s6, and is thus subject to a common law duty of openness regarding the manner it runs elections to party leader when they de facto decide the PM. https://t.co/Gnq55wMFl0
2022-08-30 10:46:06 RT @5RightsFound: ‼ TOMORROW: Join us for the virtual launch of the #DigitalFutures Commission's newest Education Data report. The pan…
2022-08-28 15:43:01 @cfiesler As a non-US scholar, this always seems entangled with the toxic US tenure system which requires arbitrary venue rejection rates and exports them around the world as a result, through the police force of academics on conference committees. How will US scholars tackle that?
2022-08-27 16:47:08 @FusterGloria @Jausl00s @EU_EDPB i find it strange they don’t seem to have an audio option, not very accessible…
2022-08-27 16:45:30 @FusterGloria @Jausl00s @EU_EDPB ouch. it’s not loading so maybe it’s being blocked by an ad blocker, dns blocking, pi hole… maybe try disabling some of that, that’s all i can suggest…?
2022-08-26 19:55:39 @neil_neilzone deepfake phishing has gotten really good really quick
2022-08-26 15:37:47 @FusterGloria so this is the answer to your cryptic out of office!
2022-08-26 11:28:09 Presumably it will continue to refer to excellence in denying &
2022-08-26 11:24:02 Gov to disband controversial "clearing house" for FOI requests, repeatedly accused of profiling requestors &
2022-08-26 10:14:42 @Hannah_O_Rourke @JonCruddas_1 maybe… a non amazon link?
2022-08-25 18:17:36 US brings different platform laws, EU and UK being different standards of illegality e.g. some member states have disinfo-related offences that will interact with the DSA
2022-08-25 13:57:49 This is an incredibly impressive and informative report on “Splinternets” from Perarnaud, Rossi, Musiani and Castex, deeply at the intersection of Internet standards, law and platform power. https://t.co/cd7UCm5181https://t.co/YeClg9h6V8https://t.co/CCeMoFBTcR
2022-08-25 09:10:26 RT @thezedwards: Twitter apparently used their cookies for "all purposes" (security cookies used for advertising) ++ once told by the Frenc…
2022-08-25 09:07:59 Last week, the Danish DPA maintained a ban on Helsingør Kommune using Google Workplace/Chromebook in schools. Core was G's use of childrens' data for independent purposes, &
2022-08-24 12:19:30 @profgeraintrees @mel_hogan in the Netherlands, Microsoft's data centres consumed 4-8x more than initially declared, at 84m litres in 2021. they require water cooling on days above 25C, so the bulk of this usage comes when water scarcity is worst. Google release no public figures. https://t.co/jCdcQXe6tW
2022-08-24 12:11:34 @profgeraintrees indeed, see further on this @mel_hogan's work on water and data centres in the context of huge facilities such as the NSA's in Utah, consuming 1.7m gallons a day in one of the driest states in the US... https://t.co/izEfARD8XU
2022-08-24 10:05:03 @MindyWishart yes, I think for cashew milk and for peanut milk.
2022-08-24 09:29:47 @MindyWishart can promise it’s no-one at UCL Laws, where we consistently have enough faculty milk to nourish an entire picket line of barristers https://t.co/gy9Tjlk0ax
2022-08-24 08:42:16 @colmocinneide @GazTheJourno will propose a Centre for Legal Chaos to legitimise the work
2022-08-24 08:24:37 @TimandraHarknes @GazTheJourno @colmocinneide yeah, that’s what i was thinking, which is pretty unwieldy…
2022-08-24 08:00:18 @GazTheJourno if you want to cause legal chaos, try FOI-ing government services with non-medical user data relating to a deceased person. It’s a study I’ve wanted to do simply to see how they react in England, but it’s hard to think of how to do it ethically (cc @colmocinneide)
2022-08-24 07:33:30 @GazTheJourno Courts and tribunals have repeatedly gone down this route, even though it’s a bit questionable in terms of how duties tend to work, because otherwise there’s no clear way to deny an FOI request for celebrity medical records after death.
2022-08-23 21:26:38 RT @MalloryKnodel: Catch yourself up on the debate about whether and how mandated interoperability will make Big Tech more competitive.I’…
2022-08-23 16:18:03 @Senficon @freiheitsrechte @_blueck @lto_de old man shakes fist at hosting providers
2022-08-19 15:22:58 Al Masarir's privacy tort case v Saudi Arabia (re NSO Pegasus spyware) allowed to proceed by the High Court. Judge declined to follow US courts (in Kidane v Ethiopia) which required the entire tort to be in the US in order to lose state immunity. https://t.co/bPd8XEfxTBhttps://t.co/bg2jXXdoWX
2022-08-19 14:22:04 @chelloway @tforcworc @halfon4harlowMP yeah, there's always a danger that joke proposals become policy these days. at UCL we have flirted with campuses abroad, but both UCL Qatar (Doha museum money) and UCL Australia (extractive industry money) are now no more...
2022-08-19 14:01:13 @tforcworc @halfon4harlowMP perhaps, as degrees are the UK's second largest export, we should build universities in freeports
2022-08-19 07:03:11 RT @MarijnSax: I finished reading What We Owe the Future.If you see it as a book developing a *philosophical argument* for Longtermism --…
2022-08-19 06:40:42 @ChrisTMarsden Energy is pretty huge for campuses. But yes — where does inflation hit…
2022-08-19 06:39:42 The first hurdle is the way that the access your information option doesn’t allow you to actually send a query despite the options given being incomplete. Disingenuous and possibly illegal. Instead, contact the DPO using the bottom option. https://t.co/y5Rjyr2XHd
2022-08-19 06:33:58 This problem is only getting worse as inflation and energy hikes hit but neither subsidy nor tuition fees rise.
2022-08-19 06:32:26 Universities like Oxford distort the narrative too. College life is largely, often subsidised by the college endowment and assets, by the past. The fact so much of the political class went to a university with a non replicable funding model compounds issues hugely.
2022-08-19 06:29:50 Tuition fees are a political topic because they’re visible to students, but the real question is ‘how is a degree funded’? The burden continues to shift from taxation into individual student debt, precarious reliance on int’l students, and lecturer pay.
2022-08-19 06:25:13 Int’l students are indeed used to subsidise teaching. High quality undergraduate degrees cost more than £9250 to run (always have in real terms), but were been subsidised by both govs (now rarely) &
2022-08-19 06:08:34 RT @EstelMP: 1/The EU adopts important legislations but often fails to provide needed ressources to authorities to make sure they are well-…
2022-08-19 06:06:18 If you have trouble getting it (you will) you can return and ask for tips here, or read our thoughts &
2022-08-19 05:13:26 @mrchrisadams happy to provide help or feedback, you know how to get in touch.
2022-08-19 04:56:17 Form: https://t.co/X6fN46SvY4Say you are using Art 15 GDPR to access a copy of data from in-app browsers, including all telemetry and click data for all time. Say it is not in ‘Download your Information’. Link to Krause’s post for clarity. Mention your Instagram handle.
2022-08-19 04:50:51 Users of the Instagram app should today send a subject access request email to Meta requesting a copy of all this telemetry ‘tap’ data. It is not provided in the ‘Download Your Information’ tool. Users of other apps in the thread that do this (eg TikTok) can do the same. https://t.co/yyvnj4wkV5
2022-08-18 10:41:15 RT @5RightsFound: ‼ Join us for the virtual launch of the #DigitalFutures Commission's newest report in their Education Data series. #EdTe…
2022-08-16 11:56:29 @AnnemarieBridy @torrentfreak Haven’t seen the judgment but it’s hard to reconcile the judgement based on its description with the discussion of the active role by the CJEU in Youtube and Cyando.
2022-08-14 18:51:21 surveying business leaders is a methodology that tells you about business leaders, not the economy. https://t.co/EpPyzUKG9X
2022-08-13 10:28:25 incredibly unlikely to ever be a forthcoming ‘summer blackout’ in any case as the Irish DPA’s decision would have been domestically appealed, then appealed, then appealed. https://t.co/P6Vv9D0nln
2022-08-13 08:47:26 @MarkkuPatynen @KrauseFx (when I say ‘does it’, I mean uses their own in app browser, I haven’t examined the effect of this browser)
2022-08-13 08:46:34 @MarkkuPatynen @KrauseFx Google does it eg in Maps. TikTok I don’t know, but either way TikTok structurally isn’t huge on links to other pages (yet).
2022-08-11 19:05:44 Forced in-app browsers as used by Instagram, Facebook, Twitter should be prohibited. Users should have freedom to open links in a browser of their choice, which renders them as they choose. https://t.co/lOMdj810pX
2022-08-11 18:28:00 @Elibietti @SRanchordas indeed. pedagogically though (which i know wasn’t the q but is where my mind is…) it’s hard to find a text which is balanced and doesn’t just preoffer code is law as a way of thinking… as a whole book, also don’t forget Regulating Code (MIT Press) by @1Br0wn @ChrisTMarsden
2022-08-11 18:23:40 @SRanchordas presumably you have julie cohen’s configuring the networked self, particularly chapter 7? that’s what I set undergrad students as compulsory on this topic instead of lessig. https://t.co/rAgEu0T0qq
2022-08-11 08:53:51 @HRChallenger too many mystery abbreviations, i will need a moment to put them into my wooden enigma machine
2022-08-11 06:58:53 as @JoshuaRozenberg notes, if an aim is to reduce gov spending, then underfunding immigration tribunal system simply shifts the costs onto immigration detention centres. what is the treasury for if not to join up spending and stop shifting between depts? https://t.co/izvkDrsB97
2022-08-08 13:53:32 @SophieintVeld @EU_Commission indeed, if they’re so desperate for the British to have access they could just have given the contract straight to Belgacom…
2022-08-08 13:51:31 @PaoloSandro2 can’t deactivate the profit motive
2022-08-08 09:55:32 @PaoloSandro2 mix of personal salience &
2022-08-08 08:23:42 RT @alexhern: Bike theft is legal in London
2022-08-08 08:16:28 @brianlfrye @technollama in a time-poor world this leads to reinforcement entrenching networked, established, top schools. w good editors, blind reviews remove gatekeeping by affiliation (cf US LRs needing CVs, rejecting students). still gatekeeping based on how to write for a venue but that’s learnable.
2022-08-08 07:58:30 @brianlfrye Good luck disentangling them.
2022-08-08 07:56:39 @brianlfrye Anonymous review does allow people to speak out against BS without consequence. I’m not claiming it’s a flawless system. I’m responding to your claim of ‘what’s wrong with post publication review’, which is that it doesn’t work in US academia due to power structures.
2022-08-08 07:54:42 @brianlfrye Marketplace of ideas is always a lame metaphor, but it’s even more useless in an atmosphere of intense self censorship.
2022-08-08 07:53:18 @brianlfrye Several times when I’ve criticised work by US law scholars publicly I have immediately got streams of messages from brilliant untenured scholars thanking me for saying out loud what they felt they could not about the quality of work.
2022-08-08 07:51:38 @brianlfrye Because academia, and particularly US legal academia, is built upon a tenure-driven atmosphere of sycophantic, not stepping on anyone’s toes-ism. So much BS in law reviews goes unchallenged and even praised, particularly by junior scholars, just in case the authors hold grudges.
2022-08-08 06:48:04 @brianlfrye … none of these are legal journals? what am I meant to be looking at? (I know Retraction Watch well and have followed it for years). besides, papers don’t get retracted in US law journals because there is no process to do so, not because there are no flaws in them…
2022-08-08 06:37:33 @brianlfrye perhaps look at other countries’ academic legal publication methods rather than other academic disciplines in the US for inspiration. not perfect, but a start.
2022-08-08 06:36:21 @marklemley science/nature/cell are extreme exceptions that are more like magazines than journals. to be fair would be to compare to other countries’ legal journals, which are in general less ‘hide-bound’ and also don’t force you to give your CV as cover page and have a pithy title.
2022-08-07 19:15:33 non-research student gatekeepers are not substitutes for academic judgment exhibit 634 https://t.co/xfZmGQcrk6
2022-08-07 17:35:48 @1Br0wn yep, that’s what this was in response to
2022-08-07 17:34:46 @TheRealRevK siri, show me a manufacturer of fruit drinks that judges fruit in its production line industrial masher on their shape
2022-08-07 17:33:21 @AmeliaMN if you’ve ever been in a special issue and they make everyone cite every other paper in it…
2022-08-07 17:31:16 if this is the proper functioning of a market, i’m a banana. companies use and entangle themselves in the law, intellectual property, pharmaceutical &
2022-07-27 07:13:29 @oliviasolon @Jackstilgoe i’d assumed forbes was unembarassable after they (from the view of an outsider, no inside knowledge) seemingly blurred their genuine news content with more or less a very, very slightly gatekept, identically branded wordpress instance for randomers to opine rabidly
2022-07-27 07:08:19 @oliviasolon forbes blogs seem recently to have old telegraph blog vibes, the latter over a decade ago disciplined writers into clickbait madness by dropping blogs based on view leaderboard (launching nonsense peddlers eg James Delingpole). this article however is very funny, cc @Jackstilgoe
2022-07-26 15:30:29 Commissioner highlights importance of DPOs as... Government proposes to abolish mandatory DPOs. https://t.co/0o7IdRzBVZ
2022-07-26 12:41:18 RT @wrklsshrd: Facebook's Oversight Board has to study the hell out of UK Drill for a forthcoming decision. Love to see it.https://t.co/e…
2022-07-26 12:19:47 @jjvincent are you now Verge Measurement Correspondent?
2022-07-26 12:06:35 @ladbible is this website just about reposting stories you wrote last year now https://t.co/FlW4UTddCj
2022-07-26 05:52:02 RT @sedyst: Job alert @tudelftTBM: Assist/Assoc Professor position on "programmable infrastructures", or how the expansion of computational…
2022-07-25 13:42:35 The Channel Tunnel is an underused resource and needs serious political will to fix — also to connect it to other parts of the UK, potentially through night trains which do not stop in London.
2022-07-25 13:31:54 Easy? Major problem here is carbon emissions. The UK refuses to allow border checks on its territory for int'l train arrivals, not wanting asylum claims. Thus all boarding stops on inbound UK trains require a Schengen &
2022-07-25 11:03:34 While ppl going to the IPT hopefully have solid legal representation, if you follow the website, your ECHR ruling will say you have not exhausted domestic remedies, go away, as w/ @privacyint after R (Privacy International) v IPT [2019] UKSC 22 https://t.co/Mo2gqd9TGu
2022-07-25 10:44:48 RT @TamarSharon: We have several exciting positions at the assistant prof and postdoc levels at the Department of Ethics and Political Phi…
2022-07-25 10:05:58 @dmvanderloo @Jackstilgoe indeed. perhaps you should ask the grandmaster…
2022-07-25 06:20:21 @Jackstilgoe “A Russian grandmaster, Sergey Karjakin, said the incident was no doubt due to “some kind of software error or something””
2022-07-24 12:38:11 @SarahLudford Realistically though this is unlikely to be necessary for many as the EES should come online next year &
2022-07-24 12:31:58 Just wait until the stamp-abolishing EES comes in next year and the Eurostar, already queued back to the end of time, becomes entirely unusable due to the majority of non EU passengers needing to enrol and provide fingerprints supervised by a French border official. https://t.co/yXH1c494ZT
2022-07-22 21:45:46 @asta_fish yeah was thinking that maja didn’t look very pregnant when lodged in that sofa
2022-07-22 16:30:28 That’s not saying you can’t have cool applications of PETs that link datasets that are hard to share, and produce societally useful things. It’s simply that that does not follow from the PETs aspect of the exercise, and we must not make a category error.
2022-07-22 16:29:25 Next: Connect all the international immigration records together to best predict overstayers? Connect all international CCTV databases together to best analyse faces or gait? Crucial that PETs researchers regularly emphasis that confidentiality does not solve Qs of bad purpose.
2022-07-22 16:26:56 As noble as tackling pandemics/financial firms is, note both challenges concern training algorithmic systems destined to profile entities &
2022-07-22 12:49:25 @Livingstone_S @edri If client side scanning didn’t come w all the many practical, ethical, mission creep, platform entrenchment &
2022-07-22 12:47:36 @Livingstone_S @edri I’m also very concerned that this whole policy area is being driven by companies both in the UK (‘Safety Tech’ bubble) and EU (see lobbying of the Commission and its promises competence centre) which are self serving, promising snake oil that cannot be delivered, and distracts.
2022-07-22 12:43:55 @Livingstone_S @edri I think we can take tackling both creation and dissemination seriously w/o pinning false hopes on a technofix that risks displacing and distracting from much richer strategies, involving both human resources &
2022-07-22 08:41:47 @JanetGunter what would you have liked to see more focus on?
2022-07-22 08:41:13 @FloraClairePage @TheCriminalBar oversimplicity of market thinking ignores the value of institutions, mentorship, good will, social connections that get destroyed when playing funding rollercoaster — in this field as so many others. Sometimes, humans have to build things that reliably work, not that compete…
2022-07-22 08:20:47 While the UK gets worked up about AI, which, frankly, it will never be a central leader in reaping value from selling as it does not have a domestic platform industry, it misses and misunderstands its broader technology industries. https://t.co/D7LbqSIUQF
2022-07-22 08:17:47 RT @EdConwaySky: The tale of Newport Wafer Fab is a parable for our times.Tells you everything u need to know abt: - UK's industrial stra…
2022-07-22 08:17:41 RT @LeoKelion: Fantastic explainer about what goes on at Newport's chip-making factory and why the UK govt lacks a semiconductors strategy…
2022-07-22 06:19:36 @nickclegg aren’t you just doing this because EU law is gonna make you do it in a few months anyway https://t.co/ASsjVM8lWr
2022-07-22 06:18:58 As part of our ongoing effort to claim little PR wins from selectively following laws, like draft art 29 of the Digital Services Act that will force our hand in a few months anyway… https://t.co/XgKkCX18Xthttps://t.co/e6AUSNaRt1
2022-07-21 16:14:13 @BenjaminEHowe no that's okay — it's more that the UK could in theory (but almost certainly won't) bind its own hands in law, but can never bind the hands of those overseas
2022-07-21 16:13:28 @MissIG_Geek as i just replied to someone else but same point: i'm being generous here, but also pointing to a general ignorance of externalities other countries in domestic digital policy
2022-07-21 16:12:28 @BenjaminEHowe i'm being generous, but also pointing to a general ignorance of externalities other countries in domestic digital policy
2022-07-21 15:59:50 @DaniellaLock are you allowed to put an open access version up or will you be excommunicated?
2022-07-21 14:22:32 @alexhern I don't think we can analyse this w/o looking at the categories of content captured in this way. Relatedly, the idea of stopping dissemination is tied w protecting children — I'd want to better understand how the cleartext subset contributes to the disruption of upstream abuse
2022-07-21 14:05:57 @Livingstone_S @edri CSAM is a huge issue. Finding the disseminators automatically is extremely appealing, a magic solution to a deeply complex human problem (it always is in all areas of state surveillance). Perhaps it is a dangerous distraction though.
2022-07-21 13:58:51 @Livingstone_S @edri I agree we need more options on the table. In their defence, EDRi do say this (img). Policy currently enamoured w a cheap technosolution that I do not think will even deliver
2022-07-21 13:48:39 not that it matters what i say because the snowflake lobbyist author is so into groupthink he blocked me even though i recall no meaningful interaction https://t.co/TswBMZrZvn
2022-07-18 14:16:04 @katebevan only one font, and an acrostic, so it's ok right https://t.co/j7MXBth2j4
2022-07-18 13:33:18 remote entry level opportunity for anyone with ‘At least 1 year experience in sociotechnical research (domain of technical, social andlegal fields’ https://t.co/vG5yhNk2ML
2022-07-18 13:11:29 Naturally the gov consultation response suggests that child pseudo gambling issues can be mitigated through, among other things, data protection impact assessments… which the government will propose legislation to abolish the requirement for later today! https://t.co/A8BaqDMyDu
2022-07-18 13:11:27 Meanwhile, on early Sunday morning, the government announced it would not legislate around pseudo-gambling loot boxes in video games for kids, instead relying on the pseudo-gambling industry to regulate itself! https://t.co/XtdnKyvb5a
2022-07-18 12:06:17 @j2bryson @carminadietrich @mathver @dcampbell_iptv fine by me!
2022-07-18 10:25:00 Meanwhile, regulators are warned not to actually do anything, and care about unspecified, directionless innovation most of all, as will be clearer this afternoon as the UK's proposed data protection reforms are perhaps published in a Bill.
2022-07-18 10:23:27 No legislation envisaged, just v general "cross-sectoral principles on a non-statutory footing". UK gov continues its trend of shuffling responsibility for developing a regulatory approach onto the regulators themselves, while EU shuffles it onto private standards bodies. https://t.co/QdE9xicI3d
2022-07-18 09:07:13 Incredibly, incredibly powerful event on the Post Office Horizon Scandal—especially @RichardMoorhead’s talk on the ethical culpability of lawyers and @FloraClairePage’s talk on the PO’s potential criminal culpability for perverting the course of justice. https://t.co/VymIzUjxD2https://t.co/9FHzSCMg2X
2022-07-16 22:09:46 @neil_neilzone cc the creator @MidasNouwens
2022-07-16 17:01:14 @DocStefflbauer @p2173 there’s a new version from OUP thankfully after the original fell out of print and was hard to get hold of. it seems that, as with anything, @sedyst was a strong voice in making that happen…
2022-07-16 16:57:45 RT @Iwillleavenow: There is no reason for Amazon to streamline this process so much. Law enforcement has a long history of reaching out to…
2022-07-16 16:28:52 @DocStefflbauer @p2173 adding oscar gandy jr, back in 1993, who doesn’t get cited enough despite his prescience
2022-07-15 20:05:00 @dswillner @daphnehk @neil_neilzone that’s only attribute attestation, it doesn’t verify that the person in front of you is who they say they are, see s ‘verification theatre’ here on the distinction. https://t.co/NeSG0xY5rz
2022-07-15 19:18:17 observation: step count data (both from fitness wearables but passively collected by most phones) clearly reveals periods of COVID-19 isolation https://t.co/M7Z4v1d3jP
2022-07-15 13:29:56 Naturally there seem to be no sections or country mentions in the new Rule of Law reports from the European Commission on the commonly and consistently violated CJEU rulings on data retention... https://t.co/RkKRaKFiwL
2022-07-15 09:20:10 RT @israblack: Confirmation of massive 2022-23 real terms pay cut for university staff. #LoveHE https://t.co/owfTS5zylJ
2022-07-14 15:11:16 On image generation, indeed I didn't know this — the gist being that for some generation models (seemingly not DALL-E 2 though), ppl get higher quality outputs by adding "trending on Artstation" to the end as it filters scraped art to bias the generation towards popular pieces... https://t.co/RAHaGyve2v
2022-07-14 11:13:33 @_riwsa @justainet (i’m not organising it but can confirm it’s not on)
2022-07-13 20:29:06 is it just me or does it seem pretty clear that @OpenAI's DALLE-2 must have scraped a huge proportion of @DeviantArt?
2022-07-13 13:56:58 Re-reading @melanieddr's excellent 2015 paper 'Peer-to-Peer as a Design Principle for Law: Distribute the Law’ in the Journal of Peer Production. Deep food for thought on digital group rights that I think is not being built upon by many authors today. https://t.co/MP1vrS4nHz
2022-07-12 12:52:09 @neil_neilzone DMCA counterclaims are possible but iirc come with both having to consent to US jurisdiction and the risk of perjuring yourself if you are mistaken about your copyright defences… hardly a regulatory process that will be appealing for most.
2022-07-12 10:52:17 RT @justinhendrix: "Documents show how its lobbyists planned to use academic research as part of a production line of political ammunition…
2022-07-12 10:52:04 RT @Elinor_Carmi: First Google, then Facebook, now Uber - Tech companies have been using academics to lobby their interests. Academic repor…
2022-07-11 21:56:40 @matt_dathan will be sure to buy you a drink or two next time if asking “what about anyone in the same situation without the public profile?” gets the same answer…
2022-07-11 21:30:37 precarious migrants, gain security by making your specific situation a national electoral issue, you can do it!
2022-07-11 21:28:59 thank goodness he is safe from classic decontextualised persecution from the home office, supported by growing judicial executive deference, mainly due to *checks notes* having against extreme odds integrated and become a national treasure. https://t.co/FHxAhenekQ
2022-07-11 19:29:39 @katebevan now sinking in to everyone on all devices *runs^
2022-07-11 18:45:19 It’s not just Uber, but so many platform companies. When academics take money from some of these firms, they take money from organisations that integrate illegality as part of their business model. https://t.co/FKNt1OJkFT
2022-07-11 18:20:43 @floorter in england that would constitute a criminal offence https://t.co/bnqR1dsJBc
2022-07-11 10:32:41 RT @sedyst: For 44.000 euro from a tech company (in this case Uber), Haucap, an economics professor from Duesseldorf risked his reputation,…
2022-07-11 09:39:47 @marc_mcgeemoore regardless, would need change of UCL regs I think, PhD by articles is currently forbidden…
2022-07-09 17:26:19 @neil_neilzone @aaisp @ispreview @GNetworkComms it’s a new ISP yet doesn’t even support IPv6, what a joke
2022-07-09 17:26:03 @neil_neilzone @aaisp @ispreview also do @GNetworkComms too please (:
2022-07-09 15:32:12 The only way to stop this is to shout from the rooftops, dismantle the tracking infrastructures of these giants, and call out those taking funding from them until they are dismantled.
2022-07-09 15:31:11 This article is solid on stalkerware, but I don’t see many US law profs pointing out that the tracking giants Google &
2022-07-08 17:12:07 @random_walker +1. in separate replies i try to explain why i think it’s wilful, at least insofar as these orgs have unrivalled resources to inquire w law &
2022-07-08 16:58:53 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac (especially, frankly, a company with such sheer disregard for law as Meta, and who I am in active legal dispute with)
2022-07-08 16:57:39 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac I really don’t have energy as a time poor academic to try &
2022-07-08 16:55:39 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac didn’t call it disinformation: misinformation does not imply intent. yet i feel repeated willfulness re him &
2022-07-08 15:48:43 @agstrait @iamtrask @wsisaac (he being YLC, not William)
2022-07-08 15:48:05 @agstrait @iamtrask @wsisaac yes that’s it, it’s already covered by EU product safety law which will be altered in future in a way consistent with those sectors’ needs. and also there is no strict explainability requirement either. he should delete this misinformation.
2022-07-08 13:35:27 @mireillemoret it’s such a common trope, i assume wilful — as it’s what such a commentator wants the law to say in order to generate outrage.
2022-07-08 07:03:42 Chief AI Scientist at Meta and professor at NYU wilfully misrepresenting the law. Maybe do some interdisciplinary collaboration before you talk about requirements you haven’t parsed correctly. https://t.co/pMrnuaxGbz
2022-07-08 06:44:30 cool and normal for a body where member state standards bodies hold only 2% of the votes, civil society/academia are ‘barely countable’, and even the legally mandated and EC funded civil society orgs in standardisation have no real structural role or formal right of opinion. https://t.co/cVThuwSiYp
2022-07-07 16:31:12 RT @RichGreenhill: So was a Secretary of State who hadn’t the a chance to kiss hands and receive the seals of office ever legally a Secreta…
2022-07-05 12:09:08 @mariafarrell moving, brave and powerful. thank you.
2022-07-05 12:07:37 RT @mariafarrell: Settling in for the Long Haul - when you realise you may not recover'The life you could almost reach out and touch grad…
2022-07-03 20:57:28 @emilymbender there’s definitely a use for this meme in here somewhere https://t.co/x29SlmTntA
2022-07-03 16:27:06 @colmocinneide @MindyWishart they are also enjoying the political events’ PR capacity, gave a talk there back in early 2020 after this compelling invite https://t.co/a6o8WVYG1I
2022-07-03 16:24:10 @Abebab of course, everyone on the street without a car just suffocates.
2022-07-03 16:23:43 @Abebab apple selling an infrastructure where the main, imperfect mitigation for android users is to install apple detection software on their phones is like a firm selling vehicles that emit a toxic smog that only their own brand of cars’ custom filters can avoid pumping inside.
2022-07-03 15:04:27 RT @CraigSilverman: It’s the kind of privacy and national security risk that a group of US senators warned about last year. They asked Goog…
2022-07-03 06:01:54 RT @Caffar3Cristina: #DMA implementation underway fast. But it’s a myth rules are “self executing” &
2022-06-29 11:39:58 @nielstenoever @erasmusuni is this the tilburg harmonised standards workshop? i wanted to come
2022-06-29 11:39:31 @nielstenoever @erasmusuni what
2022-06-29 09:16:46 @lilianedwards @JBAGerritsen @tforcworc @tnhh @m_j_chalmers @fborgesius so question is often ‘who is involved nationally’…. answers on a postcard
2022-06-29 09:16:21 @lilianedwards @JBAGerritsen @tforcworc @tnhh @m_j_chalmers @fborgesius they don’t have votes though, and commission emphasise the input and participation of national standards bodies in mandated harmonised standards
2022-06-29 08:11:43 RT @stokel: Want a cookie? Vodafone is trialling a new way of advertising. Critics, including @WolfieChristl and @PrivacyMatters, call it a…
2022-06-29 03:04:45 RT @owenboswarva: I see @DCMS has refused @mikarv's #FOI request for responses submitted to the 'Data: A New Direction' consultation, on th…
2022-06-28 08:23:58 @why0hy @lilianedwards @BeterOpDeFiets @1Br0wn and doubly excludes systems which have human or societal components like ranking or recommenders
2022-06-26 06:03:03 RT @paulmschwartz: Amazing resources @FusterGloria of historic data protection resources. A veritable goldmine. In a word: wow! https://t.c…
2022-06-24 23:01:05 RT @Nadya_Purtova: In this NEW PAPER I argue that when someone is reached, continuously or transiently, he is identified under the GDPR —>
2022-06-24 06:24:11 @CoHuBiCoL1 yes, C-588/21 P
2022-06-23 13:27:06 @carlmalamud @JeniT @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @jacquitaylorfb @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst Yes! We eagerly await the appeal in the CJEU case.
2022-06-23 08:30:21 @jacquitaylorfb @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst “European AI standards experts” have no legitimacy to decide on the interpretation of fundamental rights. Yet that is what the EU AI Act demands.
2022-06-23 08:29:38 @jacquitaylorfb @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst International standards which had pathetic to zero levels of civil society involvement despite being value laden &
2022-06-23 07:50:22 @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @jacquitaylorfb @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst Yes, that's exactly it. The AI Act can in effect only be complied with through the use of standards. See https://t.co/aawuWFuVuY p105 https://t.co/4dOZoCuytq
2022-06-23 07:28:49 @stokel @gwbstr I'm @mikarv and I endorse this message.
2022-06-23 04:06:37 @jacquitaylorfb @mireillemoret @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @adrian_weller @alan_winfield @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst Shows why it is totally inappropriate for the EU to involve standards organisations (CEN/CENELEC and national standards orgs) as the rule makers in the AI Act, which concerns fundamental rights.
2022-06-23 04:03:14 @adrian_weller @mireillemoret @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @alan_winfield @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @jacquitaylorfb @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst highly standard — standards bodies are funded by having the copyright to their standards. unless this changes, totally inappropriate for fundamental rights rules, even more so for those that will be blessed by law like the AI Act
2022-06-23 04:01:59 RT @kim_weatherall: Yet another paywalled standard. I'm sorry, but if you're developing rules, that influence people's lives, then people h…
2022-06-23 02:19:51 RT @aaronsnoswell: Overheard at #FAccT2022: @mikarv "Smartphones are basically fungible rectangles" w/ @kim_weatherall
2022-06-23 01:24:07 @KLdivergence @megyoung0 @Liza_Bolton statisticians know deeply that they live on a distribution
2022-06-22 04:44:09 good job @TheOfficialACM on blocking the IP of the ACM @FAccTConference venue in Seoul from the ACM digital library (it's currently if you want to fix...) https://t.co/uTiVmWgLwO
2022-06-21 01:39:20 Hour long panel on intersectionality left only... 2 minutes for questions? #FAccT2022 moderators need to be much stricter with panellists, not sure people have time for 'broadcast-mode' physical/hybrid conferences after 2 years of online broadcasting.
2022-06-21 00:44:29 @gcamilo_lima @nekozzang @FAccTConference thanks! i do have some reservations about that part of the study, and also to the use of prolific which seems to introduce a particular risk of bias for people who are Rather Online, but will read paper with more than a skim in coming weeks.
2022-06-21 00:05:13 @gcamilo_lima @nekozzang @FAccTConference thanks — q on this paper — you separate 'conspiracy theorists' from 'users' but users are meant to categorise this on their own. isn't that a prettly relative distinction that could cause methodological issues? do all people think all conspiracy theorists are the same group?
2022-06-18 12:10:23 attempting to head to seoul today — anyone experienced there have recommendations? (it’s for @FAccTConference)
2022-06-17 06:47:45 RT @JosephineCumbo: But the impact of the April 2022 cuts is harshest on the under 40s, according to the academic analysis. Losses to thei…
2022-06-17 00:33:21 Fujitsu of course facilitated one of the biggest IT failures in UK history, the Post Office Horizon system, leading to one of the largest miscarriages of justice this country has known, with many subpostmasters wrongfully imprisoned, and some dying before justice. https://t.co/DAT2YNpBqt
2022-06-16 15:52:42 @buchtan @Jausl00s @shoshanazuboff i would be much more interested if the diagnosis of our predicament was more precise and robust than this presentation is.
2022-06-16 15:51:42 RT @Jausl00s: Wait, have I done the time warp back to 2019?How are we having EXACTLY the same conversation with @shoshanazuboff about her…
2022-06-16 15:49:20 academic or large language model? #EDPSConf2022
2022-06-16 14:44:33 RT @matthew_d_green: Sen. Blumenthal has introduced a bill that would force phone manufacturers to open up private APIs: this could break A…
2022-06-16 14:41:12 @infofannny I think you might have said Brussels bubble, might not have got it down in full :)
2022-06-16 13:26:36 @Jausl00s @bendrath @kamara_irene @maxschrems @EU_EDPS the sun is the ultimate power tool
2022-06-16 13:22:55 @bendrath @Jausl00s @kamara_irene @maxschrems @EU_EDPS find me later and then it's household exemption
2022-06-16 13:22:31 @bendrath @Jausl00s @kamara_irene @maxschrems @EU_EDPS i have a great photo of jef on this topic but he will destroy me if i post it
2022-06-16 13:12:43 @kamara_irene @bendrath @maxschrems @EU_EDPS put your hand up irene!!
2022-06-16 13:12:17 "This whole city of Brussels has been running around talking about digital enforcement for a few months, but perhaps it is not really the expertise of this town" — @infofannny #EDPSConf2022
2022-06-16 13:00:59 @FusterGloria @bendrath has "snitchtagged" them
2022-06-16 12:24:07 #EDPSConf2022 on enforcement is one, never-ending, ongoing subtweet, by academic, civil society and regulators alike, of the Irish Data Protection Authority.
2022-06-16 07:36:03 @EUdelegationUK it is quite confusing to have examples that are in the past
2022-06-16 07:02:02 @nataliesedacca if @officestudents doesn’t do something about this, what exactly is it for?
2022-06-16 06:58:04 RT @Jausl00s: Just out: Study for @accessnow on the (many issues with) filing a complaint with DPA's under the GDPR...by @FusterGloria @k_…
2022-06-16 06:57:35 RT @EU_EDPS: Today on the menu: more than 50 high-level speakers in several panels and interventions! Read @W_Wiewiorowski welcome letter t…
2022-06-15 15:51:19 RT @EstelMP: NEW! Study by the Data Protection Law Scholars Network for @accessnow "The right to lodge a data protection complaint: OK,…
2022-06-15 11:10:01 RT @BertuzLuca: #DSA COREPER approved the consolidated text, paving the way for adoption in @EP_SingleMarket tomorrow. Several countries we…
2022-06-15 11:07:39 Interesting project, early days still but super simple operating system for old hardware. If you can’t keep up with keeping out bugs, perhaps limiting functionality allows the reduction of useless e-waste? cc @katebevan https://t.co/W748KrDI2p
2022-06-15 09:41:54 @TheRealRevK @neil_neilzone even i concede that would be a staggeringly uninteresting proposition
2022-06-15 08:38:25 @roryboland @katebevan unless it’s a one way leg out of UK/EU, then it’s covered regardless of the airline
2022-06-15 07:37:06 RT @timsquirrell: An ISD report based on 2 years of research finds that al-Shabaab and Islamic State networks are operating openly, with im…
2022-06-15 07:21:45 @xotoxot we looked for one for an application a few years back and the closest i found was https://t.co/x3sgo32Syf
2022-06-15 06:42:43 RT @EU_EDPS: What will be our perception of the #GDPR in 2025? What compliance challenges will we be facing? @AxelVossMdEP, Anna Fielder, @…
2022-06-15 06:30:59 @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone NDAs sure, also SAR doesn’t give you automatic right to disseminate copyrighted material, but I’d be more interested in seeing the process and the shape of the haul than the exact content. doubt such contractual clause would be legal.
2022-06-15 06:06:14 (this is not a subtweet to the secretary of state in charge of data protection, i don’t want to see her reality tv records)
2022-06-15 06:01:21 disestablishmentarianism and the removal of international human rights protection. the only silver lining of this ridiculous rwanda farce is it might gum up the dismal legislative agenda — although then we probably just get all laws as undebated statutory instruments, forever. https://t.co/qSyQyjGkyA
2022-06-15 05:57:14 i would like:all the footage and audio you have stored of meall the observations made by writers and other staff, including opinions, planned interventions, attempts to set me up with a new contestant, all emails and IM records that ever mention my name and nickname…
2022-06-15 05:55:48 @neil_neilzone hah - not AS the show, someone who has already been surveilled and manipulated by producers for weeks!
2022-06-15 05:51:38 i would like to see a reality TV contestant make a subject access request.
2022-06-15 05:47:14 Essentially, the solution is *stop putting incredibly value laden choices in the hands of standardisation bodies*. You cannot amend them into legitimate entities to make political decisions on fairness, good administration, migration, dignity, intersectionality! Do not do it!
2022-06-15 05:44:39 the Comm will write a report saying that ANEC/ETUC/ECOS, without knowledge or legitimacy on half the AIA charter issues, are in CEN(ELEC) so it’s fine (!!!!), small MSs might not even have committees, so no way for civil society to engage (!!!!!)
2022-06-15 05:44:38 This will result in the EC mandating a single standard for all AI systems, from facial rec to judicial support (!) covering fundamental rights issues (!!) where national bodies ALREADY have groups discussing it without civil society due to pre-mandate from EC last month (!!!) …
2022-06-15 05:34:24 It’s all well and good saying ‘the standardisation process will’ have these characteristics, but it’s run by private entities who the Comm does not control. And what about the how these fundamental rights rules will cost money to even read, &
2022-06-15 05:32:19 The EP compromise is unfortunately v naïve and hand wavey with regards to adding societal input in standards bodies, which are national &
2022-06-14 16:37:26 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier ah, the issue I think is that I find it odd to call ‘this isn’t very new’ AI critique. It would be very shallow and quite boring critique if it was. Seems to imply some fairly linear idea of progress too, when AI is often about reconfiguring and relocating power and decisions.
2022-06-14 14:58:55 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier I'm still not sure I follow how people using new software in creative and social ways (as they do with much software and hardware) 'changes the rhetorical situation for critique of AI'.
2022-06-14 14:28:01 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier they have interesting uses perhaps, might make more realistic digital environments, which might spur people to be in them more? they’re potentially useful, potentially important but I think more in an ancillary way
2022-06-14 14:26:09 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier people have been making digital images from descriptions or briefs with many methods for a long time. it’s certainly neat technology but low cost stock images aren’t exactly world-changing. another example of ai working backward from capabilities rather forward from challenges.
2022-06-14 14:14:45 @BVLSingler a poor pun
2022-06-14 14:13:45 @BVLSingler his reasoning has been subject to numinous criticisms over recent days
2022-06-14 08:48:52 RT @PietEeckhout: This is terribly important. It is such an awful licence for all kinds of regimes to claim that they are entitled to overr…
2022-06-13 15:37:45 RT @m_mariastefania: Data Protection Scholars Network will be present at the @EU_EDPS conference! @FusterGloria, @lynskeyo, @mikarv and I w…
2022-06-13 08:52:22 RT @BertuzLuca: #DSA After the European Parliament contested the consolidated text, the PCY backed down and removed the reference to the…
2022-06-13 07:47:15 @neil_neilzone because there’s no reason to think they would or could have even the limited, non audio based protective or alert feature that airtags had to introduce after apple turned on this manifestly abusable global tracking infrastructure without consulting anyone.
2022-06-13 07:42:25 @neil_neilzone people are already selling airtags with removed alert beeping speakers online, i think there’s a pretty strong market for stalkerware, doesn’t necessarily require a customer to operate the server.
2022-06-13 07:28:00 @neil_neilzone airtags have vastly insufficient protection against this already, are implicated in huge numbers of police reports in the US for stalking, and they’re a fairly tightly closed network (although they have been reverse engineered and fake info upload and piggybacking is possible)
2022-06-13 07:26:33 @neil_neilzone how would such an open source covert tracking protocol (even if it was allowed to used the Find My network or the gatekept LoRa as Tile does) not be immediately abused by stalkers…?
2022-06-12 15:55:53 @LydNicholas chickens dammit
2022-06-12 15:55:46 @LydNicholas You May Have Read Alt Text About These Chickes Before
2022-06-11 16:16:02 @ViliLe the main thing being that doesn’t actually require getting into who owns the app, in what shares, etc…
2022-06-11 16:14:50 @ViliLe an extreme move to nationalise them, but government intervention could also put procedural and transparency and inclusive decision making requirements on private firms as a societally consequential infrastructures, and i think that would be pretty well supported.
2022-06-11 10:48:51 @israblack @colmocinneide @dzehtsiarou @BYMYong oh, that’s the way i refer to my research subjects
2022-06-11 10:45:13 @colmocinneide @israblack @dzehtsiarou @BYMYong ah here it is https://t.co/9QygIyvv1n
2022-06-11 10:37:52 @colmocinneide @israblack @dzehtsiarou @BYMYong an inverse risk exists, a prior (incorrect) UCL data protection training said ‘who made a mistake here?’ re ppl leaving files on trains, passwords open, etc. all the failing characters were women, the only successful one was ‘michael’. cue mails to me on why i made it that way…
2022-06-10 18:06:40 @PirateOrg thanks for clarifying!
2022-06-10 17:59:52 @PirateOrg do Yuser pay you as an advisor?
2022-06-10 17:31:34 @brindy @PirateOrg that would explain
2022-06-10 17:23:02 @PirateOrg genuine question, why is this interesting?
2022-06-10 16:44:18 @why0hy ‘it’s over!!’ no mate you’re just tired
2022-06-08 13:41:02 RT @rgorwa: The seminar series I've been hosting this year now has a webpage! Happy to welcome @mikarv to Berlin to talk about the AI Act a…
2022-06-08 11:58:03 @PaulOckenden @pcpro remembering when i expressed shock at the huge virgin media asymmetry to a sales rep and said that it was way out of step with the london fttp market (which hadnt got to me then, but has now), they said i was wrong and it definitely wasn’t that price and it was a leased line
2022-06-08 10:45:58 RT @jilltoh: Anyone at re:publica we should meet? Slide into our DMs! @Jausl00s @FusterGloria @mikarv @EkkerAnton &
2022-06-07 17:56:08 @johnwilander can this be seen as apple committing to not do or facilitate confidential on-device micro targeting then? because that has the same effect…
2022-06-07 04:44:25 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub stylus is good, it’s got a wacom tip, but wacom tip pens while they write v nicely, if you use them a lot they can occasionally get scratchy and that might damage your screen (or if dropped etc), so just buy the box of spare tips, easy to change.
2022-06-07 04:32:23 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub they look fine in skim, which i use on the mac, and they also work in preview and look good. i don’t use adobe software after they moved to installing their near-malware creative cloud system with everything.
2022-06-07 04:23:50 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub caveat: PDF annotations are always temperamental regardless of platform, applications render them and add them in different ways, so they don't always show up in all applications. i don't have a good mental model for how or when they appear or don't, and in what viewers.
2022-06-07 04:22:58 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub yes. you just open the foldersync app when you either have new things to fetch or are done annotating. i don't know how pdfexpert on ipad works but if it can access a live folder in a cloud service then it should be seamless.
2022-06-07 04:13:51 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub the thing to note about at least my onyx device is that the native annotation app (which is very good) is fast and reliable, but other android apps lag due to slow chip/epaper, so they're only useful as utilities. couldn't annotate in them well. maybe the newer ones are diff.
2022-06-07 04:12:51 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub i have an onyx boox max 2, yes, annotates well in bright light w pen. easiest way is to make a shared folder with a onedrive/nextcloud/dropbox and use foldersync or similar on android. no seamless workflow with zotero yet, send the files you want to annotate to tablet w zotfile.
2022-06-06 10:15:44 @veikkoeeva @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn I’m not suggesting Firefox is perfect, or has made perfect decisions, but I don’t think pointing out flaws in the idea that new browsers create deep competition is sniping. No browser is or should be a religion. Indeed, Chromium is designed to generate the illusion of competition
2022-06-06 10:11:08 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn I use Firefox. Engaging in W3C is great, but the problem here is that Google’s dominance allows it to circumvent the W3C and set de facto standards that others have to follow. Multi stakeholder Web governance isn’t what it used to be.
2022-06-06 09:46:29 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn the balance is that Brave, Vivaldi, Edge, compete with Chrome on some browser features, but empower Google by reducing web rendering competition in other ways.
2022-06-06 09:44:13 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn Or reifying it. If it relies on Chromium, there is a significant extent to which it empowers Chrome, and makes it so Google decides web standards, and websites build only or primarily for Chrome. I stopped using Brave after it switched from Gecko to Blink.
2022-06-06 09:23:50 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn although the tweet ian quoted would apply to brave too, as a blink/chromium browser… not directly about privacy as much as monoculture web standards which consolidate google’s power to do other things…
2022-06-06 05:47:23 perhaps this is the wrong way around, and instead, high value problems are rarely proving to be particularly amenable to machine learning solutions. https://t.co/iN0ur5GkBE
2022-06-05 12:32:57 @C___CS @OpenTechFund @radsandy @rgorwa @nahema_marchal @F_Kaltheuner @InterwebzNani @octopuscitizen @zararah @FiekeJ @a_yung_ @jilltoh @Jausl00s @FusterGloria @EkkerAnton and I will be there
2022-06-03 11:51:04 @ChrisTMarsden @EU_EDPS @PaulNemitz @lynskeyo @johnnyryan @buchtan @anna_colaps but i am actually speaking at this!
2022-06-02 05:39:48 RT @huibmodderkolk: Nieuw: Nederland is klant bij het omstreden NSO Group. De AIVD heeft de Israëlische hacksoftware onder meer ingezet om…
2022-06-01 20:13:23 RT @tsimonite: Sheryl Sandberg's goodbye note says that when she first met Mark Zuckerberg she "Thought the internet was a largely anonymou…
2022-06-01 14:23:39 RT @valeriodeste: NEW PUBLICATION OUT - @MathiasWouters1 and I have just published a report for the @EP_ScienceTech of the @Europarl_EN. W…
2022-06-01 10:52:49 might this have anything to do with how hard it is to use amendments fix something built on deeply bad foundations? https://t.co/ULBEVb8IkF
2022-06-01 06:38:55 @karen_ec_levy @CornellInfoSci @CornellCIS surely this now means NO ONE is safe from your critical gaze. congratulations!
2022-06-01 06:26:56 @MarijnSax has been clearly (&
2022-06-01 06:23:32 Are all tax law professors in the Netherlands paid, employed, or have their selection influenced by, large accountancy firms that specialise in tax avoidance? Answers on a postcard (to the British Virgin Islands.) https://t.co/ALIkHa17V0
2022-05-31 20:30:03 When I’m upset about the state of the Internet these days, I visit Man in Seat 61 https://t.co/JZAkm2Soak, the best remaining website. Getting on a Nightjet in just a few mins. https://t.co/z8wIqnlFgx
2022-05-31 19:05:44 @marc_mcgeemoore well, the biggest brewer is the most powerful in those terms...
2022-05-31 18:48:41 @katebevan disestablishmentarianism is not a bad starting point
2022-05-31 18:47:28 @marc_mcgeemoore Of course not, everyone knows UCL is sponsored by Heineken. Crack open a refreshing bottle as you savour our range of undergraduate and graduate programmes today #ad https://t.co/njdaelHyTI
2022-05-31 18:44:49 @katebevan if i were the archbishop of canterbury i don’t think i’d comment on this
2022-05-31 18:42:23 @katebevan half hoping this is a disingenuous paraphrase of a statement he once made saying ‘everyone should be forgiven’ or deserves to be or words for that effect. could be never ending source of headlines.
2022-05-31 16:12:40 RT @UCLLaws: Watch a recording of 'Accountable Algorithms', a #CurrentLegalProblems Lecture delivered by Professor Rebecca Williams (Univer…
2022-05-31 13:42:56 @nielstenoever @OpenBookPublish @UCLpress indeed, though I do wonder about more specialist books. law books and referencing, and books with complex images or typesetting, are expensive to publish and need specific typesetting skills. same with mathematics (ppl often typeset themselves as a result!)
2022-05-31 12:13:52 @nielstenoever @OpenBookPublish hmm, are you sure? @UCLpress for example only publishes open access. unless you mean publishers that also never have fees to typeset etc — there are some fees for non UCL authors/projects but they also have a waiver scheme.
2022-05-31 12:07:55 RT @OpenRightsGroup: We're looking for a policy manager to help us stop the government’s destruction of the General Data Protection Regu…
2022-05-31 08:17:08 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet @lexatlasc19 very much appreciated!!
2022-05-31 08:13:52 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet @lexatlasc19 (as far as I have seen, Israel might be unique(-ish) in the executive role it gave to the signals intelligence agency, rather than just using a national security route which may involve a signit agency to get data, but I don't feel confident enough to say it was the only one)
2022-05-31 08:11:27 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet More information on many countries as we update @lexatlasc19 with the privacy sections for the ~60 countries being written up in great detail as part of the Oxford Compendium of Legal Responses to COVID-19 https://t.co/eHIBcdXHW6
2022-05-31 08:08:35 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet See e.g. Executive Instrument 61 in Ghana, attempted to use communication metadata powers specified for law enforcement/national security for COVID-19 (&
2022-05-31 05:51:05 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet interesting! can’t see the actual paper but what’s the evidence that Israel was the *only* democratic country to use ‘security-based’ technology? Many used telecoms data (eg Ghana, Kenya) and had legal disputes around these measures too.
2022-05-30 12:08:20 @MadelineCarr (i believe it would be relevant to the winter ones
2022-05-30 12:06:40 @MadelineCarr a very very good question!
2022-05-30 10:35:59 forbidding websites hardcoding nationally specific versions of international communications or banking standards should be prohibited under the EU’s digital single market, an easy win. https://t.co/Uigz67oS73
2022-05-30 10:31:19 @TSelkl @j2bryson yep, i keep telling policymakers to look at the CPR debacle, particularly also on the similar inability to distinguish between design and use that CPR has struggled with and AIA really, really struggles with.
2022-05-30 09:22:03 @Jausl00s u r such a data altruist
2022-05-30 09:19:11 @MadelineCarr more info in the ‘enforcement’ section of the first part of our UCL Laws big @lexatlasc19 project’s United Kingdom report by @jeff_a_king @NatalieByrom https://t.co/et0FXMyRhK
2022-05-30 09:17:56 @MadelineCarr there is a diff type of fine that was introduced for organisers. other fixed penalty notices start low (in England initially 60, later 200) &
2022-05-30 09:10:54 given one of the main nationally salient policy issues in the south west is giant traffic jams caused by people slowing down to look at stonehenge, jams so big the gov are trying to build a £1.25bn tunnel mainly to hide the stones from motorists, this is bonkers. https://t.co/PWRDRev5fa
2022-05-30 09:04:37 @j2bryson yes, but making money off standards relies on IP and being only available for ££, which conflicts with openness of law if integrated like the AIA — which is why we have democratic institutions making open law paid by taxes. both directions (pay more, open more w/o pay) look bad!
2022-05-30 09:01:09 RT @j2bryson: Someone asked a question about inclusion in standards – Answer was "we may stop charging fees from SMEs etc". But in fact mos…
2022-05-30 08:53:08 @fborgesius watch out not to romanticise these registers, though, as @C___CS @FiekeJ warn in their article ‘Dutch Comfort’ https://t.co/vBZKWIq4ZC
2022-05-30 08:38:46 RT @UCLLaws: UCL Laws is hiring! We're looking for people to join our community of researchers, students and leading academics:- Associat…
2022-05-29 20:44:41 @HannaFlint @clancynewyork yep, can still be funny (and is!)
2022-05-29 20:38:11 Indeed, but it would be right if the gov were instead to say that EU law prohibited/precluded a (hypothetical) UK law which *required* pubs to only use glasses with crowns on them
2022-05-29 19:37:43 @HannaFlint @clancynewyork sadly this is fake, but even gizmodo journos fell for it and had to issue a correction https://t.co/dexRAZ5eqM
2022-05-29 17:57:27 @PaulbernalUK this statement is in many ways typical of a brexit concept to what ‘regulation’ means politically, which is a mix of law and market forces around free trade, laissez faire economic incentives and standardisation which globalises the domestic.
2022-05-29 17:54:56 @PaulbernalUK they wouldn’t have to adjust much to actually make this true, which makes the lie worse. the EU didn’t mandate the removal, but EU law would preclude a hypothetical (and pointless) domestic regulation saying only crown stamped glasses could be used in pubs.
2022-05-28 15:48:26 I beg you please just make whatever ridiculous law only apply to consumer facing street greengrocers because that surely is the only politically relevant situation for this reform
2022-05-28 15:42:43 I also recall the below thread indicating the sheer financial cost and technical, legal, and generally human effort of administering this change. https://t.co/XyVw4YVuxE
2022-05-28 15:38:38 UK Government: We need to move on to talk about the important things like the cost of living, Ukraine, net zeroAlso UK Government: Let’s focus scarce legislative time on allowing ppl to *only* denominate prices in imperial measurements to win the imagined metric martyr vote https://t.co/UA6WhfVOhf
2022-05-28 09:50:04 @aoifewhite101 is it a cynical approach to effectively get people to pay £200 for shite coffee in Business
2022-05-28 09:46:12 @ArmelaDi oh I’m leaving after being here for a week! thankfully @lynskeyo flagged the Midi issue although I thought it’s because they were in the process of refurbing not that this was the disastrous end product.
2022-05-28 09:42:33 what evil sadist refurbed the Eurostar terminal at Bruxelles Midi and installed a giant pseudo duty free and removed *every* coffee vending facility in the process?
2022-05-28 08:02:22 RT @gikii: Reminder that the deadline for submitting your abstracts for this year's mixed Online/IRL conference is approaching! https://t.c…
2022-05-27 16:04:44 @halhod i have been doing that (bit unwieldy if you don't use safari), but can be a bit of a pain when they want you to send things *from* that email and they do not initiate the message. if they are like 'email this to complain', you can't. if they start, you can chat through the proxy
2022-05-27 16:03:29 RT @lilianedwards: Friday Frantic Reminders!!!! 2 days to go for #gikii Iceland CFP. This deadline will not be extended!! Dont end up on th…
2022-05-25 15:52:14 @daphnehk @AlexCEngler @blakereid @neil_neilzone @doctorow as long as they are non-professional users, they are not in scope.
2022-05-25 09:12:55 RT @infofannny: Hey #CPDP2022 spread the word or apply to join @accessnow as Surveillance Campaigner to fight against surveillance laws, te…
2022-05-25 08:33:21 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today at #CPDP2022, and on the 4th anniversary of GDPR, Ada has organised a panel: Power over data and algorithms - ca…
2022-05-24 12:45:14 “the Commission is getting its Acts together” - mixed laughs and groans as @EikeGraef recalls a joke he heard
2022-05-24 12:36:28 @jamesfarrar collective action around data enabled @ADCUnion to be recognised as a union — litigating alone was not seen as collective action – @jamesfarrar
2022-05-24 12:33:02 "an employment claim for minimum wage has cost millions of pounds, 6-7 years" — @jamesfarrar
2022-05-24 12:29:50 "if you're already marginalised, you don't always like to be too close to the law" – @jilltoh
2022-05-24 12:24:21.@divijualsuspect @UCLLaws now chairing important panel at #CPDP2022 on the (f)laws of individual use of data rights for collective aims, feat. @EkkerAnton @EikeGraef @jilltoh @jamesfarrar https://t.co/3lO7iGiRda
2022-05-24 10:20:09 RT @shivan_kaul: This is shocking. DuckDuckGo has a search deal with Microsoft which prevents them from blocking MS trackers. And they can'…
2022-05-24 09:50:09 @mireillemoret @bpreneel1 @EU_Commission Given so key I think it would have been wise for the EC to introduce both in parallel, as they did with DMA/DSA.
2022-05-23 23:07:19 @FusterGloria @m_mariastefania @Jausl00s @eleni_kosta @k_irion @lynskeyo @Nolan_Katie @olga_gkot @HriscuAna carefully reflected on further
2022-05-23 15:56:40 @FusterGloria @djleufer i will try and sauce some ‘samurai’
2022-05-23 09:51:18 @AlexMartin French already made similar order
2022-05-23 09:51:07 RT @AlexMartin: BREAKING: Facial recognition company Clearview AI fined more than £7.5m by the UK's privacy watchdog for illegally collecti…
2022-05-23 09:50:26 @PrivaSense (we didn’t submit to the appathon)
2022-05-23 09:50:09 @PrivaSense also, as one of the DP-3T team, our ideas were represented by tiny firms that didn’t understand them and just reskinned our SwissCovid code we had released 8 days prior.
2022-05-23 09:49:18 @alexhanna and another company with their own app hardcoded the emails and data of test users and released them all on github
2022-05-23 09:48:53 @alexhanna it was 8 days or so after we had released the code for the DP-3T system which preceded &
2022-05-23 09:41:45 Panel at #CPDP reminding me one of the most absurd tech policy things in the pandemic was the Dutch contact tracing “Appathon”, where a series of low capacity orgs &
2022-05-23 09:04:20 (My sophisticated theoretical framework of Drinks + Borrelhapjes indicates that they are entwined, that one and the other add to each other and make them more than the whole etc etc)
2022-05-23 08:52:47 data protection scholars at #CPDP, come to the launch of the Data Protection Scholars Network this PM! drinks+borrellhapjes. Monday 23 May 2022, 19:00-20:00 at Maison des Arts (Chau. de Haecht 147, 1030 Schaerbeek) https://t.co/VPyJeRp77H
2022-05-22 21:47:41 RT @seefryar: So actually this isn’t about citations at all but a fundamental (but common) misunderstanding of what historians do. In most…
2022-05-22 08:21:00 RT @divijualsuspect: I'll be at @CPDPconferences next week, moderating this excellent panel on problematising individual approaches to data…
2022-05-20 11:30:52 RT @lilianedwards: What fundamental change of circumstances has happened between start of pandemic and now which has rendered it "too risky…
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computerhttps://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computerhttps://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computerhttps://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-29 18:35:16 @rriemann_eu @ilumium that would be fun. atm our instance is only open to friends who are willing and technically able to help with the running the innards, not looking to provide a broader service. the first other human on it is @jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-29 18:20:47 @rriemann_eu @ilumium yep, i recommended it already https://t.co/RcqTHajrD0 but personally i’m running my own (also to learn more)
2022-10-29 17:33:07 Truss' phone was 'heavily compromised', in a hack attributed to Russia, during her prime ministerial campaign, reports MoS. https://t.co/UXGzeCYrEQ
2022-10-29 15:43:31 (note that the blog post is not fully up to date)
2022-10-29 15:42:39 If any IP and platforms people are looking for an idea for a dissertation or paper, then consider the interaction between the Copyright Directive and the fediverse, as the founder of Mastodon wrote in 2018 here. https://t.co/iYO8WSUEMm
2022-10-29 15:15:16 RT @Chronotope: wow a company did the exact thing with tcf that every critic of tcf warned people that companies would do with tcf because…
2022-10-29 14:15:29 RT @craigjcalhoun: UK academic staff are not paid well by international standards or enough to keep up with UK inflation. Cuts to retiremen…
2022-10-29 13:29:09 for those people worried about picking a mastodon server, you may not know you can shift servers whenever and take all your followers with you extremely easily https://t.co/35pR8YIDKZhttps://t.co/L9N6qZ12iz
2022-10-29 12:21:15 @robyncaplan you don't need a new account, you can follow anyone on any server from any other server (: https://t.co/um9w11FVZZ
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computerhttps://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-30 08:57:59 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers There are (many!) other instances of scholarly relevance eg I used to be on https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a but they aren't accepting new members rn. But it doesn't matter, no FOMO as you can still follow anyone and they you. a good guide https://t.co/nK3k9OFlXJ @joix pointed me to.
2022-10-30 08:54:58 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers If you already have signed up, you can move your account and followers. Make a new account at https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy and then you can set your old one to port over. https://t.co/35pR8YI5Vr. Also, hi @MauritsMeijers (:
2022-10-30 08:54:15 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers You don't need to sign up on https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, and indeed you shouldn't! You can choose any instance (try something small at a size that is nicely moderated). It doesn't restrict your ability to follow others or be followed. I recommend https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy.
2022-10-30 07:36:35 @SRanchordas https://t.co/ZPUXd6qaMb will likely fail to enforce these because it's too big, but you can and should port your account (and followers) to a smaller instance that is small enough so that moderation is much more social. https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy is an example of this.
2022-10-29 18:35:16 @rriemann_eu @ilumium that would be fun. atm our instance is only open to friends who are willing and technically able to help with the running the innards, not looking to provide a broader service. the first other human on it is @jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-29 18:20:47 @rriemann_eu @ilumium yep, i recommended it already https://t.co/RcqTHajrD0 but personally i’m running my own (also to learn more)
2022-10-29 17:33:07 Truss' phone was 'heavily compromised', in a hack attributed to Russia, during her prime ministerial campaign, reports MoS. https://t.co/UXGzeCYrEQ
2022-10-29 15:43:31 (note that the blog post is not fully up to date)
2022-10-29 15:42:39 If any IP and platforms people are looking for an idea for a dissertation or paper, then consider the interaction between the Copyright Directive and the fediverse, as the founder of Mastodon wrote in 2018 here. https://t.co/iYO8WSUEMm
2022-10-29 15:15:16 RT @Chronotope: wow a company did the exact thing with tcf that every critic of tcf warned people that companies would do with tcf because…
2022-10-29 14:15:29 RT @craigjcalhoun: UK academic staff are not paid well by international standards or enough to keep up with UK inflation. Cuts to retiremen…
2022-10-29 13:29:09 for those people worried about picking a mastodon server, you may not know you can shift servers whenever and take all your followers with you extremely easily https://t.co/35pR8YIDKZhttps://t.co/L9N6qZ12iz
2022-10-29 12:21:15 @robyncaplan you don't need a new account, you can follow anyone on any server from any other server (: https://t.co/um9w11FVZZ
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computerhttps://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-29 07:55:51 @cyberleagle I imagine the insane width of john penrose’s amendments did not pass you by https://t.co/TnGl1OItUp
2022-11-29 07:48:26 @cyberleagle what a snazzy new amendment paper layout
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
2022-12-08 12:41:54 And a reminder: these banners are *not required* by data protection law — in many ways they are *prohibited by it*. You cannot give valid consent in this manner, to this many vendors, for this many things. Cookie banners were never about compliance, they were about subversion.
2022-12-08 12:41:53 New paper from TU Braunschweig: "Accept All Exploits: Exploring the Security Impact of Cookie Banners" - a user consenting to tracking executes +45% 3rd-party scripts, is exposed to +63% security sensitive data flows - by consenting, the # of sites vulnerable to cross-site (1/2)
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
2022-12-08 12:41:54 And a reminder: these banners are *not required* by data protection law — in many ways they are *prohibited by it*. You cannot give valid consent in this manner, to this many vendors, for this many things. Cookie banners were never about compliance, they were about subversion.
2022-12-08 12:41:53 New paper from TU Braunschweig: "Accept All Exploits: Exploring the Security Impact of Cookie Banners" - a user consenting to tracking executes +45% 3rd-party scripts, is exposed to +63% security sensitive data flows - by consenting, the # of sites vulnerable to cross-site (1/2)
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
greeing with the opinion of Justice Patel, has found the IT Rules 202…
2022-03-18 18:38:53 @PaulbernalUK https://t.co/nrFD9lz5RY
2022-03-18 18:03:56 RT @LindaZeilina: Just reflect on this
2022-03-18 18:02:37 the EU AI Act’s grab bag of prohibitions and transparency provisions should ban anthropomorphic corporate twitter accounts while it’s at it.
2022-03-18 18:00:01 “a zero tolerance policy towards abuse aimed at our company”, artificial legal persons have feelings too y‘know. https://t.co/gyfaoYL7kS
2022-03-18 17:56:52 @mmitchell_ai like many prospective buyers, i don’t want the (very attractive) house, i just want a currently unique certificate of a hash of the 3D model
2022-03-18 17:49:49 @mmitchell_ai woah there’s even an underground metaverse on that page
2022-03-18 11:37:35 (the scheme is wider than tech law though! the person to get in touch with for general academic inquiries about fellowships is my excellent colleague, the quote-tweeted @ukstaiger)
2022-03-18 11:33:49 Technology law and policy academics of all levels displaced by the war in Ukraine, please get in touch with me
2022-03-18 10:39:13 RT @racheladamsward: Do you want to work on cutting-edge issues around digital and data governance and AI in Africa? @RIAnetwork is recruit…
2022-03-18 10:15:21 @grendlesmordor @USSbriefs @Researchfish @bedcatalysis @seis_matters @UKRI_News yes, i sent a follow up email mins after (see page)
2022-03-18 09:14:32 @jatenas @Researchfish @bedcatalysis @seis_matters @UKRI_News when you’re in London i would love to get cake with you!
2022-03-18 08:46:21 @rachelcoldicutt @JedrzejNiklas
2022-03-18 08:14:02 @DrBrianPatton as a law academic, all my good is lawful
2022-03-18 08:00:45 @JamesBSumner as a digital rights academic i have the skillz to send FOIs from a mobile device
2022-03-18 07:43:05 made an FOI request https://t.co/2R0BQ9lRw1
2022-03-18 07:42:33 @Researchfish @bedcatalysis @seis_matters I’ve asked @UKRI_News what they know about this in an FOI request. https://t.co/eUns2YGYyP https://t.co/3Wj8oBVXj6
2022-03-18 07:31:30 performance indicators are bad enough, we don’t need them to be sentient and insecure
2022-03-18 07:28:20 hey @michelledonelan @KwasiKwarteng, it’s time to take action against this sociopathic snowflake of a research assessment organisation (with terrible, burdensome, click-filled and anti-innovative UI sapping time from UK R&
2022-03-17 04:25:11 @BigFredOnABike @nicole_maffeo @ngleicher copyright is generally assigned to the person taking the video, not the person in it.
2022-03-16 18:38:32 @grok_ at UCL we can’t mandate masks (also because the UK Gov *prevents* us) but guidance states that we should remind/request, but assume if students don’t, they’re medically exempt. only ppl we aren’t allowed to remind are those wearing optional exemption badge https://t.co/WdUoFxgQhS https://t.co/RVbiZlRArx
2022-03-16 08:48:09 @kuziemsky work by @LinaDencik but you likely already know it
2022-03-16 08:47:22 RT @JanetGunter: Spent way too much time dealing with this yesterday. A serious problem with corporate cooptation of social movements or…
2022-03-16 08:46:56 the way that people now are trained to only use the Internet through platforms makes it extraordinarily easy to defeat the censorship resistant properties of Internet protocols. deskills them from even going to the Web. https://t.co/M1bOIYM9Ck
2022-03-16 08:24:13 RT @RestartProject: Today we learned that Primark is a new sponsor of #RepairWeekLDN. We were unaware of this as it was not mentioned in…
2022-03-13 17:30:41 @Zwnne do you think Dutch courts should have made a preliminary reference on purpose limiting access rights to the CJEU in their many cases on it, given they were out of line with jurisprudence of other Member States? https://t.co/yOSCxTbtyc
2022-03-13 17:28:52 @simonhania Indeed there’s also not much sense in putting a lawfulness only restriction — only by knowing what data controllers have on you, can you assess what you want to eg erase or object to. Sine non qua for other rights.
2022-03-13 17:27:44 @simonhania Dutch courts should have made a preliminary reference on this, it’s not acte clair. Just as an example, at the same time, (when the UK was in the EU), English courts have reams of exactly the opposite jurisprudence.
2022-03-13 08:03:31 @DouweKorff Doubly bad - they increase pension burdens! https://t.co/ZcdJpwanhT
2022-03-13 07:41:14 @ekadamer @AsfandyarHere @HarryStebbings delaware corporations have done huge damage to US public services and state level tax bases in states housing the headquarters of significant employers though, this convenience literally comes at the cost of lives and wellbeing.
2022-03-12 08:49:37 Note that this seemingly doesn’t include electronic resource access even on-site (predictable due to licensing). Libraries can open to the public — great! — but digitisation (in the way it’s occurring) slowly closes them back up again. https://t.co/NWc5GIXd9i
2022-03-12 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-01-25 10:48:54 RT @PippaWoodrow: This is not an option now police are investigating. Potential criminal liability for those who obstruct / pervert the cou…
2022-01-25 10:19:23 I’m not convinced by this story, but the main takeaway is that once Facebook/Meta uses techs that make ppl uncomfortable, and regularly hides their practices (eg Pixel tracking) they will find it hard to battle speculation and bad publicity with the ‘facts’ of their platform. https://t.co/4ATf0KPCJV
2022-01-25 09:28:28 @HaimAbraham https://t.co/h0Xi3WVLp5
2022-01-24 23:24:42 @timsquirrell tragic for all involved
2022-01-24 21:43:54 lol DCMS has outdone itself today
2022-01-24 15:45:49 Hi gary
2022-01-24 15:45:17 In the above correspondence note that Apple's position is that they don't have to provide Siri data because it is not stored in a filing system, a legal test which manifestly only applies to manually processed data and a legal argument that can only be described as malicious.
2022-01-24 15:42:54 Apple now do more Siri processing on device but in my view for many years they publicly misled individuals about the privacy properties of their system to compete, to bridge until they knew how to do on-device audio processing well / energy efficiently enough.
2022-01-24 15:40:54 @jamesdgreig @demarionunn damn, i wanted a juicy content moderation policy battle
2022-01-24 15:39:47 @demarionunn @jamesdgreig did he kill it or did twitter?
2022-01-24 15:37:54 https://t.co/8aG3OrdfZw https://t.co/4FzFbNIyhN
2022-01-24 15:37:52 p 295 onward of my PhD also contains all the correspondence with Apple showing their frankly untenable legal position on this. Irish DPC refused to act because letters sent before the GDPR and their new strategy was to forget all past compliance issues https://t.co/8aG3OrdfZw https://t.co/bEwYwYUQeE
2022-01-24 15:34:22 Note: for the entire time that Apple recorded this *same type of data* in the cloud, they refused to give access to it, as they refused to help surface the stable identifier in your phone/computer to identify yourself. We documented this in a 2018 paper https://t.co/R9areW1y92 https://t.co/Hq7nB6fS6q
2022-01-24 15:23:42 "the mix of quasi-noncha meme lords and truthful reply guys is really a piece of contemporary performance art" @MarijnSax https://t.co/66HSG1zzS4
2022-01-24 14:46:50 https://t.co/DcRDmGcjBW
2022-01-24 14:46:35 The ICO this month issued an enforcement notice to the Ministry of Justice over a backlog of 7,753 (!) data protection subject access requests, the vast majority solely from offenders, as MoJ had a policy to not give offenders full information as it would be too burdensome. https://t.co/GkLGQBec8i
2022-01-24 13:26:02 It is not the first time someone has called the mess left behind by a battle of people SARring eachother's emails chaotic: this was also the opinion of Warby J in Rudd v Bridle &
2022-01-24 12:57:00 @emilybell Suspicious. We Must be Told.
2022-01-24 11:49:57 RT @SectorplanDLS: Just a few more days to register for this exciting event organized by the new Data Protection Scholars Network that @Sec…
2022-01-24 11:29:14 Keeping manifestly illegal cookie tracking is an affront to the rule of law EP voted last wk that browser settings override even a right to ask consent. But letting Google take sole control over targeting w Chrome: not an option. Luckily the privacy-competition dichotomy is a lie https://t.co/ffCED9bXvf https://t.co/wE6XpqosPm
2022-01-24 09:19:07 RT @stokel: This is the documentary that did a pre-interview with me, asked for an advance copy of my book, got it, then ghosted me, then h…
2022-01-24 08:25:48 data protection enters POLITICO’s morning briefing on the Tory blackmail scandal: “Subject access requests are viewed in Westminster as a nuclear weapon that is never to be used, with everyone in mainstream politics relying on mutually assured destruction preventing total chaos.” https://t.co/NE7hA3QunI
2022-01-23 10:56:24 @colmocinneide @jamessflee Probably in an attempt to get social media coverage
2022-01-23 10:55:49 @colmocinneide @jamessflee High chance the All Souls College entrance exam this year will ask: "Sue Gray?"
2022-01-22 17:01:43 @jess_de_jesus That’s in later articles which the Presidency hasn’t opined on yet.
2022-01-22 09:02:35 @podehaye i am not particularly worried about the threat this JPG poses to my privacy in practice
2022-01-21 22:12:16 @PeterMaude i am ashamed i missed that one
2022-01-21 21:08:40 @ShannonVallor I think you’re over the worst of it. Actually no there’s one more very bad bit
2022-01-21 17:45:56 @cynddl @technollama you might own the hard drive it is on
2022-01-21 17:37:09 @davidallengreen IALS is open. I literally returned two books there last week.
2022-01-21 17:23:46 @mmitchell_ai yes, while the process wasn’t automated, it was handled well. the right would have existed in the UK since at least 1998 in this circumstance, although before 2018 there could have been a charge of up to £10 and they might have mailed the results.
2022-01-21 17:10:28 RT @matthew_d_green: I think it is excellent that perceptual hash functions are finally getting detailed security analyses, which is someth…
2022-01-21 16:38:35 @PaoloSandro2 I'm no expert in how different variants perform on tests — am just going with balance of probabilities.
2022-01-21 16:35:33 I had Covid last Dec in London, but didn't know which variant — NHS don't say. Was v mild
2022-01-21 16:20:00 French law, 1978 https://t.co/UhraYjQ7ID https://t.co/80gxDpYZYA
2022-01-21 16:17:20 @technollama i am sure, as a rigorous professor, he will come back with a clear response to your modest critique
2022-01-21 16:15:03 @technollama the harvard business school bullshit energy is strong with this one
2022-01-21 16:09:55 @daphnehk @EU_EDPS I think it's comparable in the institutional organisation and oversight sense, but as you say it certainly introduces risks. DPAs also have big raiding powers in many Member States and very low capacity at times.
2022-01-21 16:08:44 @daphnehk in a regulatory sense it will be within the oversight of @EU_EDPS regarding personal data processing during enforcement. i wonder if they will produce guidance.
2022-01-21 16:05:54 @tjmcintyre @daphnehk although at least the last decade or so saw a few barrier being put in the way of local councils using surveillance powers...
2022-01-21 16:03:57 @tjmcintyre @daphnehk Similar energy in the list of relevant public bodies in the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 https://t.co/UTrz6Rj9e5
2022-01-21 15:57:02 @riptari https://t.co/ipmwzFpOH2
2022-01-21 15:52:23 @daphnehk would businesses have ground to take eg the EPA to state courts if the EPA used raiding powers, or would that have to be federal court? seems comparable?
2022-01-21 15:49:05 @daphnehk and CJEU does not limit what can be copied on to hard drives in such raids to just relevant business docs to the investigation, Case C‑601/18 P Prysmian ECLI:EU:C:2020:751
2022-01-21 15:46:47 @daphnehk is normal insofar as Commission has such powers for competition law too https://t.co/B7SzLj9rI8 https://t.co/ZQXN29xFHY
2022-01-21 15:28:26 That's all for now. I believe the text was given to POLITICO essentially but I keep trying subscribe to their PRO service and they won't even give me a quote. You can download it here. https://t.co/vEEmhRF8SF
2022-01-21 15:28:25 Some careful and welcome clarification that feedback loops have to be considered even when the outputs are not just 'used' as new inputs, but where they 'influence' them. https://t.co/05AZDBvOsD
2022-01-21 15:28:24 However that is a design requirement remember — if the Presidency choose to weaken the way law enforcement have to rely on the system instructions, this doesn't mean anything.
2022-01-21 15:28:23 Presidency however double down on the "four eyes" principle around biometric recognition: clarifying that systems for biometric recognition must be designed so that they are manually and *separately* verified by two natural persons. https://t.co/au73M2LdvV
2022-01-21 15:28:22 A proportionality test is introduced in the human oversight provisions — providers can now not provide human oversight functions if to do so would be disproportionate. Nice outcome if you can get it (and they will try). https://t.co/d3oyYj4hHK
2022-01-21 15:28:21 However, increase in transparency on "computational and hardware resources needed" which might allow better studies on the environmental impact of AI through the public database. https://t.co/IcTttdAHSG
2022-01-21 15:28:20 Weakening of provision designed to provide information to users on performance metrics on subgroups of the population. https://t.co/yBHSXidgsk
2022-01-21 15:28:19 Transparency provisions have been weakened in ways that will concern some: no longer an obligation to make 'interpretable output' from systems, just an obligation to make 'usable' and 'understandable' systems (not output). https://t.co/4AHGt7YSUK
2022-01-21 15:28:17 Some changes to the logging requirements but mostly just clarification and refinement, I don't see huge differences in substance here. https://t.co/rV1sAffaSv
2022-01-21 15:28:16 I-Is there a European definition of a "start-up"?? This seems like a way for firms just to avoid making rigorous technical documentation — which note, is important, because that's what's uploaded in the public database for scrutiny and accountability. https://t.co/QUGbywDecK
2022-01-21 15:28:15 Presidency add an interesting obligation for the provider to consider not just data minimisation when they make the models (already law) but with regard to future model users (not necessarily an obligation as they may not be GDPR controller at that point). https://t.co/nyjneVrE8S
2022-01-21 15:28:14 Some will say "but AI systems need data!!". But what about using pre-built models-as-APIs, piecing together larger general purpose models that the Council wants out of scope? There's no data in that stage of the process, and no ability for providers to go up the supply chain.
2022-01-21 15:28:13 There was always a 'catch-all' provision which said if your AI system doesn't use training data, then apply the spirit of this section. Now just says ensure soundness of validation data. But this section also about *design choices* — these obligations fall out without a reason? https://t.co/VGSekF70Zf
2022-01-21 15:28:12 Dataset reqs. also adapt what was already in the recitals of the EC draft to make clear that data is only free of errors "to the best extent possible" — looks like big change but concerns from (largely non-legal commentators) w the orig. text were overhyped and decontextualised. https://t.co/lfBwhcPjiw
2022-01-21 15:28:11 Obligations on datasets now restrict "bias" to discrimination in Union law/health &
2022-01-21 15:28:09 Here's a good one. The French presidency have invented the "reverse-technofix" — there is now no legal obligation in a risk management system to consider risks that can't be techno-magicked or information-provided away. This is certainly innovation, and it's horrifying. https://t.co/Zu8NVP2BAZ
2022-01-21 15:28:08 Risk assessment changes further remove obligations to consider risks that emerge from 'off-label' use. This is important because in practice, AI systems may be sold for one purpose but commonly used for another, with users adopting legal risk but benefitting from weak regulators. https://t.co/nSYowCdYch
2022-01-21 15:28:07 Scholars have long said that harmonised standards are not simply a substitute for the essential requirements laid down in legislation, but a de facto requirement. Note Art 9(3) of the AIA also makes reference to them universally compulsory. Law behind paywalls, made privately. https://t.co/ckBsebJqO3
2022-01-21 15:28:06 Remember that the AI Act hinges on proprietary, privately determined standards from CEN/CENELEC. The Commission always holds these are optional, but the proposal goes (further) in making it impossible to comply without buying them (~100 EUR) and referring to them. https://t.co/H6HNKKDeUn
2022-01-21 15:28:05 The French presidency of the Council send around a compromise text last week on arts 8-15 of the EU AI Act (some of the requirements for high risk systems). My analysis of them below: 1/
2022-01-21 14:38:37 @ariezrawaldman I'm wary of sounding 'EU is great': it's not, doesn't even enforce rules on the books, let alone eg Unfair Commercial Practices Dir. But also: so many NGOs, legislators calling bullshit on eg Meta's policies I'm worried if academia doesn't recognise that, we seem out of touch.
2022-01-21 14:33:44 @ariezrawaldman the reason I parsed that word from you in particular is that you mention the GDPR a lot when you discuss this area, and so (more) global appears to be the scope you talk about these issues in.
2022-01-21 14:29:01 @ariezrawaldman is 'everyone' plodding along like it is cool? just one example: European Parliament just yesterday passed amendments that would forbid notice and consent boxes and agree buttons even *appearing* if an automatic objection signal was emanating from the browser.
2022-01-21 12:14:47 @janagooth Not quite a defacto ban as much as a defacto UI hoop — if they choose to ask for it, they can continue?
2022-01-21 12:13:38 1. Needs to be clear that legitimate interest is not an option. This probably needs enforcement more than anything, but the line is far too blurred, and organisations today illegally use legitimate interest to justify cookie placement.
2022-01-21 12:13:37 I also recommended this to the UK's data protection reform: the only way to get rid of cookie banners is force their hiding when automated objection is present. However, if I was the IAB I'd have several tricks up my sleeve that lawmakers need to further defuse: https://t.co/Wwp3WA3Lvl
2022-01-21 12:03:03 RT @CatalinaGoanta: Story time! I know a lot is happening around the DSA this week, but let me introduce you to some TikTok drama as anothe…
2022-01-21 11:58:25 @owainkenway https://t.co/N8L52t4NbW
2022-01-21 10:51:13 RT @POLITICOEurope: The dating app Tinder has surged in popularity during the pandemic. Its premium service grants extra features for a cos…
2022-01-21 10:30:09 @j2bryson Behind closed doors though? Council votes are not public.
2022-01-21 10:24:59 RT @SweeLengHarris: Interested in how law can be used to rein in big tech platforms? Committed to human rights &
2022-01-21 10:23:06 genuinely what is the theory of regulation or change of this entire effort. https://t.co/a3aoBXLmLk
2022-01-21 10:19:52 DCMS has this most bizarre history over the last five years of creating underspecified and outdated “standards” that only policymakers will read, and tapping themselves on the back and saying great, cybersecure, fantastic. High level BS of the highest calibre. https://t.co/dt7hAY4B8Q
2022-01-21 10:05:57 Yes, anyone can mint them (at a hugely prohibitive cost for most). That’s why you should expect to see para-copyright policies from NFT minting platforms blessed by eg Twitter that seek to protect the value of cliques and hypes not the originality of work. https://t.co/wtNH2NlNOj
2022-01-20 22:28:30 i mean it could also be because they don’t want to install the Teams app because it’s ‘expand to all available resources’ policy heats drains their devices and frankly I do not blame them.
2022-01-20 22:25:34 RT @mer__edith: There are those who condemn BigTech because they want the power it has/to discipline that power to their own ends. This is…
2022-01-20 22:24:03 Sounds good but if students are not only remote and know each other in real life then they just start a giant whatsapp group and disintermediate your platform so they can hide from your gaze https://t.co/EpeIicZPAN
2022-01-20 22:15:57 @protocol lina ffs
2022-01-20 19:36:44 @karen_ec_levy all my predictions soon available as cryptojunk
2022-01-20 19:31:46 @karen_ec_levy chaos platformised para-copyright drm, seeping.
2022-01-20 19:28:13 oh look it happened already https://t.co/1Rz8IHS3A8 https://t.co/V8jJAjQ6op
2022-01-20 11:49:44 @Klonick Worth also noting that a lot of the technical side of the creepiness where it cannot be explained by chance/salience will be from the proprietary and undisclosed functioning of 'Lookalike Audiences' and similar functions.
2022-01-20 11:47:48 @Klonick That combined with the way that you might have clicked a chat link, searched on a different device. People's mental models of how pervasive online tracking is are poor. Won't explain all (many well-profiled coincidence+salience) not "listening" doesn't rule out direct links.
2022-01-20 11:45:46 @Klonick Content interception no, but metadata usage is not ruled out at all. You talk to your friend, who clicks a cookie-laden attribution link to a very specific product. Your profile is linked to theirs by virtue of eg having messaged them on any number or platforms.
2022-01-20 08:55:22 @aselbst there’ll be some lessons on this from the beleaguered and flopped UK https://t.co/aRFFQs5AS2 VERIFY scheme
2022-01-20 08:34:56 RT @mathver: The European Parliament voted on different options to regulate online ads in the Digital Services Act #dsa. But what did it ac…
2022-01-20 08:27:05 @TC_IntLaw @CNIL Let’s hope the CNIL doesn’t think that just because Google answer 0 to a ill-posed question they’re legally prohibited from answering anyway, the fact their global Web tracking infrastructure operates on US territory isn’t a major national asset for the intelligence agencies.
2022-01-20 08:22:33 @TC_IntLaw @CNIL Basic mistake to think that what intelligence would want is the intrinsic information inside the ID. See the slides and news article above. They want to piggyback on the infrastructure. So important to lose the focus on ‘what’s in the data’. It’s not body cream data they *get*.
2022-01-20 08:21:21 @TC_IntLaw @CNIL Of course I’m not suggesting that Sephora is some terror honeypot. But the NSA literally tracks citizens for opportunistic intelligence. And the approach of ‘website by website’ makes no sense when the problem is tracking infrastructures splurged across the entire Web.
2022-01-20 08:20:00 @TC_IntLaw @CNIL Some websites = all websites, it’s a tracking infrastructure with shared identifiers. An e-commerce website where you can cross reference it to eg payment cookies, where you can then cross reference to identity. The question is not ‘which websites’ but ‘which trackers’.
2022-01-20 08:09:44 @TC_IntLaw @CNIL Lots of reporting on this previously in great detail. HTTPS cookies will have likely changed m their manner of use, but that’s not something Google will even legally be allowed to rebut under the Espionage Act, even were they aware (they may not be). https://t.co/R6M3WwtMWW
2022-01-20 08:05:21 @TC_IntLaw @CNIL That’s quite a simplistic view. NSA has significant documented history of exploiting and piggybacking on *specifically Google’s cookie tracking* infrastructure to distinguish Internet traffic. https://t.co/YuybFuFPlk https://t.co/lNjNvLWJcd
2022-01-19 22:42:13 @stokel at UCL https://t.co/RXlbMF2JjB (not on twitter afaik)
2022-01-19 19:05:28 There’s certainly a difference in incentives (and legal implications) for workplaces, universities, hospitality asking ‘are you vaccinated?’ versus ‘you… didn’t just test positive did you?’.
2022-01-19 18:57:54 If England ends mandatory isolation for those testing +ve for COVID-19 now, I suspect employers, some venues will seek their own prohibitions, potentially through contract, using diagnostic and proof systems. We delegate public health rulemaking to private entities at our peril.
2022-01-19 14:18:54 All I want for Christmas is for the EDPB not to press release stuff they haven't released as PDFs yet, only to silently release them at some arbitrary point in the near future. https://t.co/Vpf0q6rEwC
2022-01-19 13:52:20 Same energy as the watertight affadavits submitted by the Trump campaign in Michigan as "accounts" of voter fraud, where a "smiling, laughing couple" was spotted handing black garbage bags inside clear plastic bags to a USPS truck. Gotcha. https://t.co/3W5cWpxy1D https://t.co/K6xdJSx4JH https://t.co/N6LKEmfHAa
2022-01-19 11:16:56 @finck_m haha there are stil five weeks missing from the end of this one...
2022-01-19 10:22:21 @a_iule it's tricky to find a way in other than dart between two worlds in both education and practice. there are some interdisciplinary master's in tech policy but they often don't go deep enough in both sides because they need to attract a wide variety of students to make money.
2022-01-19 10:19:08 anyone have a PDF of the French Presidency's proposed Council compromise text on the second half of the EU AI Act that has been circulating a bit?
2022-01-19 10:09:44 RT @BeterOpDeFiets: That a private company, confronted for the first time with possible regulation, can issue such veiled threats - with a…
2022-01-19 09:56:18 @a_iule sometimes, but can be a very superficial level of interdisciplinary. technical researchers too suffer from GAFAM framing from their heavy presence of the conference scene. imagining alternative sociotechnical systems is more than a technical skill.
2022-01-19 09:54:13 Don’t forget too that GAFAM are powerful at all major academic conferences in the fields they care about. The worlds we imagine even in scholarship are significantly shaped by researchers who are deeply embedded in this vertical culture.
2022-01-19 09:49:31 Seems no way out of a dichotomy? (eg adtech cookie madness v Google Privacy Sandbox monopoly), maybe it’s bc there’s no resourced actor now incentivised to provide an escape. Play chicken. Make GAFAM’s very existence conditional on better trade offs. I suspect they might appear…
2022-01-19 09:46:00 So? - Resist framings of tech ecosystem possibilities that you might not even realise are GAFAM-specific. - Don’t accept false, constructed dichotomies (privacy/competition, scale/no moderation, no gatekeepers/security). Complex worlds rarely have simple dichotomies.
2022-01-19 09:43:13 But Apple/Google’s security &
2022-01-19 09:43:12 Examples are lol. But seriously, some academics/commentators need to realise that idea that ‘security/CoMo isn’t possible’ in a less madly centralised world is ITSELF a symptom of GAFAM having zero incentive to either design or help us imagine how it *could* work. https://t.co/CpfADIQ3rV https://t.co/507Xk3U9Cc
2022-01-19 08:47:52 from the annals of unhinged rightsholders and the ghouls of client-side trespass to chattels https://t.co/dWZHTOpsg4
2022-01-18 18:06:28 They genuinely have no idea how to build a website without putting Doubleclick on. It was on all the UCL blogs for teaching until I asked: why? No one is looking at this data! Defaulting consent to yes is one thing, but we have defaults in design to ‘just add Google’. https://t.co/WylltA4k1R
2022-01-18 18:04:01 RT @thezedwards: If you click "Order Free At-Home Tests" on this new government website, you'll be redirected to https://t.co/tn9EHZ6aL9 an…
2022-01-18 14:44:00 @amatwyshyn @tnhh Dogfluencer
2022-01-18 12:56:56 @finck_m they already get to enjoy another of your papers in the previous week (: https://t.co/d2q7WMpKDL https://t.co/H99dN4PdDR
2022-01-18 10:11:42 If the UK passes voter ID laws, will it also amend the law to mandate secret ballots? ICYMI, the UK records numbered ballot papers against voter identities in case of fraud. People can be matched to their vote. What’s the logic of keeping the latter once you have the former?
2022-01-18 10:01:26 @alixtrot apparently (i went down a search hole) they do kind of work https://t.co/17xSay1eXH but also people sell antigen tests for eg dogs that use fecal samples
2022-01-18 09:11:39 before ppl come all Apple Google Exposure Notification—yes it’s a big problem that no gov can build software (centralised or decentralised) on a phone w/o operating without platform blessing but it’s a diff one also—neither firm’s existence relies on finding continued use for EN
2022-01-18 09:04:59 Luca shows exactly why you can’t have private firms run a biz off public health surveillance techs. When there’s no pandemic, where do they go? They need reason for their own existence or the company folds &
2022-01-18 09:02:38 Leaky, centralised, profit-driven, public-private health technology, Luca, for QR code checkins in , ‘should not disappear after the pandemic’ — indeed should integrate and replace your identity card! Even though Länder ending contracts w it left &
2022-01-18 08:29:55 @finck_m just in time to amend my syllabus on this topic too
2022-01-17 14:49:36 @meo79 @mireillemoret so it may be that CEN/CENELEC draw upon ISO CD 42001 but mandated harmonised standards have to come from european standards orgs. I do not believe there is a 'mutual recognition' function with third countries in the New Legislative Framework.
2022-01-17 14:46:26 @meo79 @mireillemoret that means that ESOs can choose to use text from other standardisation organisations they have agreements with if they want (think copyright concerns), but doesn't mean that standards from other bodies can be blessed as harmonised ones without being republished by CEN/CENELEC
2022-01-17 09:30:46 @meo79 @mireillemoret nope. the commission is the only body that can publish harmonised standards and only does so in relation to standards from european standardisation organisations. harmonised standards are only a chunk of what cen/cenelec does, not the same as their normal standardisation roles
2022-01-17 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-01-12 23:55:23 @lilianedwards i’ve been quiet for six years on this repeated topic
2022-01-12 21:55:56 @adrian_weller Foiled again
2022-01-12 20:58:13 @Nadya_Purtova @SRanchordas @TiltR you’re that way on my syllabus though! https://t.co/10OYqfMLfd https://t.co/mjeCNJTbbM
2022-01-12 20:56:39 @MissIG_Geek Used to have one https://t.co/rztITytYLc
2022-01-12 20:55:51 @adrian_weller True but we are not the only one https://t.co/xYdEXbQSqp
2022-01-12 18:25:08 @TC_IntLaw @gabrielazanfir @CNIL It’s very fair to critique Verge for this! I tend not to take it out on journalists because there is usually a very good division between editorial and commercial. see eg @riptari who writes among the best analysis of adtech and legal developments on a deeply non compliant site.
2022-01-12 17:08:56 If you disagree with the name you can email the Provost here https://t.co/PbyOxZIDSl
2022-01-12 17:07:31 Whoever needs to hear this: when I or anyone else sends you a bio, text, or paper to typeset with the name of my institution, University College London, please do not rename it to University College *of* London, it is not called that, that is not its name, please do not do that.
2022-01-12 15:16:55 Seems the arguments are based primarily on French law and arguments that relate to the fact that the GDPR definition of 'consent' is at play. Might be an arg you can make in France based on transposition logic wouldn't scale. And CJEU seems to agree more with CNIL (in FB v GBA) https://t.co/rh9PuItq4w
2022-01-12 14:21:02 @daphnehk @NicholasVinocur @vmanancourt hard to summarise EU competences in pithy tweet, gets harder when you talk about the area of freedom, security &
2022-01-12 14:17:22 @daphnehk @NicholasVinocur @vmanancourt bit of a diff world - this is police cooperation, a looser mode of EU facilitated gov w some MSs having an opt out (eg ). But there is combo of a data protection basis (TFEU16) + a treaty declaration (pic) that extends DP to police &
2022-01-12 14:00:13 @daphnehk @NicholasVinocur @vmanancourt Ultimately a lot in law enforcement left up to national law, so divergences. Europol governed by European law. So mismatch is natural and tied with sovereignty.
2022-01-12 13:57:30 @daphnehk @NicholasVinocur @vmanancourt Different laws. Europol regulation has EDPS as supervisor and applies its specific standards (narrower tasks). National law enforcement governed by the Law Enforcement Directive with national DPAs. The latter have weaker categorisation obligations (pictured) https://t.co/fN62VCgFpb
2022-01-12 13:54:20 This argument is a bit ridiculous because it’s only by luck that the Irish DPC is even competent for e-Privacy — in many member states thee are separate, with the latter having no even vague institutional link to a one-stop-stop… https://t.co/xw1N7Po9Hp
2022-01-12 13:48:13 @daphnehk @stokel @zachshakked @inputmag @rgorwa It strikes me that if this type of thing continues (assuming that’s what has happened here, from the limited info) the nature of extra legal pseudo IP could become pretty interesting.
2022-01-12 13:24:19 @ImmenseDisciple @stokel @zachshakked @inputmag @daphnehk @rgorwa I’m not undertaking a moral defence of it. I’m questioning the clarity and consistency of the privately determined policies which lead to takedowns by Apple, which here seem to diverge from something manifestly illegal under IP law.
2022-01-12 13:17:48 @MarijnSax https://t.co/ALcROWhSM3
2022-01-12 13:14:31 @MarijnSax #gesponsordecontent
2022-01-12 12:01:59 @stokel @zachshakked @inputmag @daphnehk @rgorwa I read that but story indicated it was others that were taken down too. Unclear there was an order or request esp since the infringement based on common law not registered TM
2022-01-12 11:58:33 @stokel @zachshakked @inputmag so Apple is removing apps that seem vaguely similar to a website despite no registered trademark &
2022-01-12 11:49:05 @stokel imagine how many things people have leaked or passed to him for him to not realise the significance or piece together the broader picture because of a sheer lack of on the ground knowledge
2022-01-12 11:43:02 @mattburgess1 yep, the CEO discussed it in an interview. there was also a commercial partnership with a ticketing firm…
2022-01-12 10:05:30 @DrNSearle @raceip which day is which?
2022-01-12 10:01:33 RT @DrNSearle: Secret’s out! Registration is now open for the Symposium, ‘Trade Secrets for Scholars and Practitioners’ For more info and…
2022-01-12 09:30:41 @mattburgess1 Luca was a bad idea that emerged before the regional elections last year as Länder were trying to portray themselves as hip vis-a-vis the centre, and got flogged an app that just wants to be a never ending and always expanding intermediary.
2022-01-12 09:29:30 @mattburgess1 and such a shame cause this can’t happen w the QR code system of the federal CoronaWarnApp, only Luca, a firm that tried to sideline public by hiring famous musicians to promote and not putting ‘Covid’ or ‘Corona’ in app description as not to get extra app store scrutiny
2022-01-12 09:15:30 RT @LauKaya: Examen ce matin en commission affaires culturelles de la proposition de loi de @BrunoStuder67 sur le contrôle parental pour l'…
2022-01-12 09:04:51 @neilmrichards I’d consider a section building on Philip Agre’s 1993 paper on ‘capture’ and the literature following and flowing from that, and analyse it light of current business practices. https://t.co/RxFHV42dMD
2022-01-12 07:59:21 @NicholasVinocur @vmanancourt thematically not wrong but IMO should clarify that the GDPR doesn’t apply to Europol in the course of its crime fighting duties, this is the distinct Europol Regulation.
2022-01-12 02:21:09 if they want to boast about reducing deaths they need to ask whether they just displaced those previous regular deaths to non employees or have causally encouraged enough vaccination in their workforce to have an effect
2022-01-12 02:17:26 “there are approximately 8-10 United employees who are alive today because of our vaccine requirement” — looking at the article, this org probably needs an urgent lesson on causality and sampling… (&
2022-01-12 00:48:13 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal @ArthurCPetersen @SFuntowicz (as in the bits towards the end veer into repeating the algorithm literature which is mostly about individualised prediction when modelling practice and use is so much wider, yet still value laden in more nuanced ways than bias, privacy, over reliance, etc).
2022-01-12 00:46:31 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal @ArthurCPetersen @SFuntowicz No problem! There’s loads written, people are time poor. One last thing would be that your paper implicitly assumes modelling is all about individuals and their actions or outcomes — that’s q a narrow view of policymaking and it contradicts some of your examples at times.
2022-01-12 00:34:49 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal @ArthurCPetersen @SFuntowicz Work on how modelling fits into regulation and regulatory decisions includes this excellent work too by my Laws colleague @MariaLeeLaw. Environmental law and policy is where you find modelling literature in the law field. https://t.co/wXJ9jtQJPl
2022-01-12 00:33:06 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal @ArthurCPetersen And in general the work on modelling, uncertainty, legitimacy and participation in consequential areas stemming from among others @SFuntowicz (post-normal science) is a huge takeaway.
2022-01-12 00:31:35 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal One of the biggest strands concerning modelling neglected here is the treatment of uncertainty in policy decisions. See @ArthurCPetersen https://t.co/NFULAuI5LE (including starting tale that in the 90s Netherlands there were scandals for government based *too much* on models)
2022-01-12 00:26:55 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal I think the general claim that modelling is upcoming and AI is current is weird? Eg the way back in 2012 this report took and published an inventory of 500+ business critical models in UK government and I can’t imagine picture is too different elsewhere https://t.co/HbynHEAiM3
2022-01-12 00:11:30 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal maybe it’s not the done thing to criticise so outright but I really can’t legitimately pretend that I was not absolutely shocked at the claims being made here, as if the social and technical aides of modelling in government isn’t an entire developed field in academia.
2022-01-12 00:08:33 @rcalo @PrincetonCITP @DukeLawJournal it would be worth having this paper reviewed by someone from policy studies/sciences, there is decades of research and practice in modelling for policy (which is far from in its infancy) that this paper erases through omission. see eg the work cited in https://t.co/iaGLgRZQX7
2022-01-11 22:52:59 @owainkenway and had a meeting and decided ‘yes, we will do this in angular’
2022-01-11 22:49:44 RT @tjmcintyre: This is a very significant judgment of the ECtHR finding BG data retention law inadequate. In some ways it goes further tha…
2022-01-11 22:48:45 @owainkenway hey, at least one of those two is vaguely stable
2022-01-11 22:28:53 yawn, this may be an “unprecedented move” for athletes but many NGOs dealing in sensitive areas have done this for years and years (although some more diligently than others) https://t.co/6R6vE4BO6R
2022-01-11 22:06:52 @flyingspghetti “you’re not allowed to do this” [citation needed]
2022-01-11 15:31:17 @LauKaya I thought they all had blue ticks on Instagram already?
2022-01-11 11:46:48 RT @cori_crider: Guantánamo Bay, the first prison I visited as a 24-year-old lawyer, is 20. I felt column space was best left to former pri…
2022-01-11 09:31:54 @matthew_d_green @CosicBe Apple is letting net neutrality violations occur further up the stack, escaping the protections provided by current laws which binding internet service/access providers rather than end-user device manufacturers and operators.
2022-01-11 09:29:12 @matthew_d_green @CosicBe The question though is whether this is the carriers blocking, or Apple voluntarily accepting a signal from them and binding the OS not to do it. It seems like the latter, which lays the blame at Apple’s door more than the telcos.
2022-01-11 08:53:01 RT @vmantouvalou: On 25 January, 4-6pm, we have the great philosopher Sally Haslanger on 'How to Change a Social Structure' @UCLLaws. Very…
2022-01-11 08:30:33 @tforcworc Easier to challenge in some ways when governments do as public law is available. When two private entities agree to do something (Apple agree to disable tethering on request from telco/SIM), harder to challenge. Same w due process issues in ISP blocking in UK, largely voluntary.
2022-01-11 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-01-05 23:55:11 @SarahNEmerson Now to do fair pay and conditions. https://t.co/v7U3TTus9S
2022-01-05 11:00:07 @JolyonMaugham @ChrisTMarsden Bear in mind that both the UK and Europe’s medical devices regimes are much more light tough than the US FDA’s, and that the US FDA has been roundly criticised for its testing of LFTs. Not sure US is a great role model for simple comparison. https://t.co/iAUs9MC9mp
2022-01-05 10:56:15 the correct analogy to the current ridiculous artificial scarcity is not the original MDH, but the many copycat pages at the time that languished with only a small fraction of occupancy before vanishing into obscurity. Their artificial scarcity died before the actual MDH’s did.
2022-01-05 10:50:13 lol of course the guy who as a Wiltshire school child set up that page is trying to cryptographically flog an autograph of it https://t.co/vvXqFxoQni
2022-01-05 10:46:56 Congratulations on reinventing the Million Dollar Homepage. https://t.co/DGl0heCgsI https://t.co/D7p2Njkr2Q https://t.co/VbEBd9fLTI
2022-01-05 09:03:44 @rasmus_kleis yes, a problem is that the test comes from ‘awareness’ and that doesn’t exactly line up with the policy question of who is influencing or well placed to do so.
2022-01-05 08:59:00 @rasmus_kleis Perhaps in a policy sense, but in terms of hosting immunities, Youtube v Peterson saw the CJEU state that recommender systems are of little consequence when assessing awareness. https://t.co/bTjBAo50w9
2022-01-04 22:15:43 RT @doctorow: This is fucking wild. Norton "Antivirus" now sneakily installs cryptomining software on your computer, and then SKIMS A COMMI…
2022-01-04 19:49:52 RT @rachelcoldicutt: Nice to see someone sharing this at the start of the new year. I think it’s the most hopeful thing I wrote last year,…
2022-01-04 14:07:53 @keelan_fh @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam I haven’t come across it as information editor of our UKRI comparative legal responses to COVID-19 project @lexatlasc19
2022-01-04 14:07:10 @keelan_fh @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam As far as I have ever heard or seen, the UK is alone in Europe in doing this. You definitely can’t in Germany, Switzerland, Nordics, all of these places have many antigen testing centres for this purpose.
2022-01-04 11:47:45 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam People can still get "NHS Covid Pass" by clicking a "Domestic" app button — no change. Tests can continue to be omitted from an "Int'l" button (except +ve PCRs, already shown there). No change/edu needed. This doesn't answer the Q of why the domestic pass needs a diff standard.
2022-01-04 11:04:36 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam I don’t think messaging challenges are complicated at all. An app can easily check if a domestically valid certificate and present it separately in the UI without making it a non-standard format. Individuals have to check int’l entry requirements anyway against what they have.
2022-01-04 10:52:18 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam I am not sure what metadata would indicate when the UK’s were *home* tests though and therefore unverified. Unless clearly distinguished I imagine it would just be that no EU MS would accept UK antigen results.
2022-01-04 10:43:40 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam the fact that there is an available certificate in ‘international’ is not currently any guarantee that that is acceptable to a state at their borders, the UK naturally has no control over that.
2022-01-04 10:42:28 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam why? EU green certificates were always capable of holding test results. they rely on the verifier to set a policy about their acceptance. The Commission even maintains a list of standardised ways to refer to different brands of antigen tests. https://t.co/1sgjvMhwwR
2022-01-04 10:22:11 @BenLaurie @tomskitomski @smithsam the division between the domestic and international certificates sounds increasingly like a strange internal likely-EU-related face saving exercise aimed at decision makers who don’t really understand the contents of the code.
2022-01-04 10:18:06 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam so they… semi standardised? in a format totally different to their original but still unreadable to international scanners?
2022-01-04 00:38:47 RT @JohnCarreyrou: Guilty on 4 counts, not guilty on 4 counts.
2022-01-03 23:19:14 @AllisonCGardner @timsquirrell We don’t treat all murderers or rapists, stalkers or harassers as terrorists. Should we? What would it add? What assumptions does it make about the way these people emerge, operate and organise
2022-01-03 23:16:00 @AllisonCGardner @timsquirrell Taking things seriously and taking serious action, with serious potential repercussions for individuals involved, isn’t always about treating something as terrorism though. Terrorism isn’t the same as ‘maximal response’, it’s a specific approach which may not always fit. https://t.co/Un8ClM6Nhw
2022-01-03 22:45:01 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow note however that google almost single-handedly killed RSS…
2022-01-03 22:43:57 @daphnehk @neil_neilzone @agidari @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow I feel so lucky that my law faculty never once pushed back about how I do mostly coauthored work. Everyone just gets it when I say rigour in my field often requires working together. I know many other places are stuck in a monograph-or-die culture. Also, what fun is that?!
2022-01-03 19:04:12 @jwiechers @daphnehk @agidari @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow an important piece of the puzzle, but widevine enforces policies from distributors and software or hardware levels but doesn’t forbid copyrighted content from outside those distribution channels from playing
2022-01-03 18:26:43 @WebDevLaw is that an online harm as a service
2022-01-03 18:20:11 @why0hy just stay indoors, 5G barely goes through windows
2022-01-03 18:19:03 hi everyone, for the sake of infrastructural sustainability i do not think that it is innovation, nor should it be legally permissible, for companies vying to displace established businesses by delivering things really fast on bikes to subsidise each order by *checks notes* $159. https://t.co/EphpC2Co8E
2022-01-03 18:13:12 @PJLeerssen implausibly you’re coming back from holiday with even more volume of the power broker to go than what you started with
2022-01-03 18:11:19 @neil_neilzone @daphnehk @agidari @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow there’s this scholarly challenge at the heart of it: as internet law and policy gets bigger and more interwoven with so many broader issues, no one person can know it all, yet so many new developments insist on synthesising it all together…
2022-01-03 18:06:28 @neil_neilzone @daphnehk @agidari @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow ah thanks! am more familiar with the TPM measures Neil listed, only know the broad outlines of US law on this and no saga details as not an IP person. I think that’s what interesting about this NFT business though — infrastructures it may summon may be the confluence of so much.
2022-01-03 17:30:08 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow theory or not, i do not think this idealistic community grapples enough w/ the way that if they summon DRM/rightsholders, they will 1) want to limit transferability or resale, 2) maximise attrition to ensure repurchasing, 3) deeply control limit users’ devices to circumvent them.
2022-01-03 17:23:42 @daphnehk @agidari @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow those particular wars are beyond my ken, but I think we would have a lot of notes to compare on this topic generally and discussion of this area needs to happen sooner rather than later
2022-01-03 17:22:13 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow the biggest players (eg Google, Amazon, Netflix, Spotify) will be the ones de facto setting a standard, following pressure from major rightsholders who prefer consumers to regularly repurchase rather than have access for life. and that standard seems to miss a bit on key loss… https://t.co/Av1MddcLFx
2022-01-03 17:13:26 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow so for that NFTs are just a more risky way (insofar as easier to lose access to w/ key loss) to store non transferable licenses for copyright, which layer onto existing DRM? that rely on good will of platforms to honour interoperably? doesn’t seem much of a value proposition
2022-01-03 17:06:55 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow if NFTs are just a standardised agreement for companies to deactivate existing DRM authorisation and transfer to another provider (eg Google to Amazon) then NFTs add nothing. If just a wrapper around IP, then you can’t trade in Europe due to no exhaustion (see CJEU Tom Kabinet)
2022-01-03 17:04:02 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow NFTs are certificates premised on the ability to sell them to others. The controversial part isn’t using the certificate to get access to a distributor of a file (although there are economic qs there), it’s how content is removed or deleted upon transfer of that certificate.
2022-01-03 16:51:57 @rizzn @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow and what is the process through which somebody who sells the license to a content becomes unable to play it on their device or copy a version locally before selling it?
2022-01-03 16:41:34 @mmasnick @daphnehk @agidari @CoryDoctorow that’s why i think it is likely to start with a ‘blue tick’ for certain content (eg avatars) and then just not extent abilities to use not authenticated content in certain (new) ways within enclosed vertical platforms — the same result, but a journey of adding not removal
2022-01-03 16:17:42 @daphnehk @agidari @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow It’s a possibility. TPMs in the past have been tied to particular channels of distribution
2022-01-03 14:53:45 @SarahLudford @timsquirrell @ISDglobal Certainly a relaxed attitude is worrying. Needs hard and ambitious problem solving. Agree strongly that insofar as this sounds like ‘this doesn’t seem to be terrorism thus… maybe we shouldn’t worry?’, totally wrong approach
2022-01-03 14:31:18 @daphnehk @mmasnick @CoryDoctorow Audiovisual content can potentially be altered to avoid a perceptual hash assuming the device still runs non NFT'd things. Virtual environments have assets which might be NFT locked, but typically you can't just BYO. I think concern highest in the middle space.
2022-01-03 14:24:47 @daphnehk @CoryDoctorow I haven't seen one, but I am far from immersed in this. I tend to look to @technollama for such things. If I had to guess a trajectory, it will start with social media sites adding a 'verified avatar' feature.
2022-01-03 13:49:35 more people talking about the same disconnect: https://t.co/O1ZOALvYQG
2022-01-03 13:29:54 @SarahLudford i highly recommend talking to @timsquirrell at @ISDglobal who has worked on all sides of this if it’s something that you might want to take to the house
2022-01-03 13:29:11 @SarahLudford not always a useful binary though — clearly some activity becomes dangerous and needs maximal response then but current methods of stopping this actually *emerge* misunderstand the issues and need nuance and connection across offline and online if they’re to work https://t.co/v3mtBO5uEd
2022-01-03 13:25:42 Internet policy needs to mature, fast. It’s throwing blunt tools (take down! refer to prevent! dns block!) at what are often complex *offline* policy failures it fails to understand. Both online and offline are real life. Good from @timsquirrell on incels https://t.co/JuqxDCFc4w https://t.co/RA04FOO8NK
2022-01-03 12:41:47 @rzanardelli i doubt that will be enough for these highly financialised interests. global capital flows aren’t big on etiquette
2022-01-03 12:09:21 @JamesHuctwith @stillcantdrive @kennedytcooper @fOrGiVeNcHy perhaps! it’s a german company that’s been operating for more than a century, one if not the first to sell baking powder in germany in the late 1800s. now they also sell frozen pizzas everywhere. https://t.co/t3OG94KtQx
2022-01-03 11:26:13 RT @StevePeers: EU General Court, data protection law WhatsApp sues to annul a decision of the European Data Protection Board - the first…
2022-01-03 11:06:25 @SFuntowicz I agree — but it’s hard to control that to ensure that those people are the ones in the positions and not ones who spend their time schmoozing, networking, misrepresenting and brand building. Policymakers struggle to see through this in my experience. So what to do?
2022-01-03 10:39:21 @SFuntowicz how do you feel that’s interacted with the personalities in science-policy? in my experience it has often attracted a cadre of lacklustre but ambitious people who want to get closer to power and use ‘I speak for science’ or ‘I unravel complexity’ to do it
2022-01-03 10:34:08 @j2bryson @ianwalker @jaylakhupota 1 chapter yes, but you could still add cites per para? Just consolidates them and reduces the amount of supertext. But really depends on your style, I have found it a good compromise in some popsci books which I found to be quick to locate sources but unobtrusive for readers.
2022-01-03 10:29:24 @technollama aye it be
2022-01-03 10:29:09 RT @technollama: @mikarv The endgame for many VC backers of blockchains is more control, riding on the back of decentralisation useful idio…
2022-01-03 10:28:35 @ChrisTMarsden @AndrewDMurray @CPSUK my appalling slow 5G is unfathomably twice as fast when i turn on a VPN to my home network and i haven’t even entertained the thought that Ofcom would care or act if told.
2022-01-03 10:24:34 imaging claiming to desire decentralisation but having no interest in transforming the gatekeeper firms that actually govern what code can and cannot be run in your vicinity, and welcome to the naïve folly of ‘web3’
2022-01-03 10:21:14 @j2bryson perhaps where you’d be used to citing at the end of a sentence, citing at end of a para might train you to consolidate more in one place &
2022-01-03 10:19:07 @j2bryson while drafting, put footnotes or endnotes at the ends of sentences or even paragraphs if you don’t mind synthesising s few, publisher can work out how to present them &
2022-01-03 10:15:39 @l_dallacorte as they say, hoera (:
2022-01-03 10:14:11 @daphnehk @CoryDoctorow oh here it comes https://t.co/LeN7pK8aMo
2022-01-03 10:13:13 vertically integrated speculative NFT integrated DRM bullshit seems to be already coming to further stop you running code you want and media that copyright law may allow you to view on devices you bought https://t.co/LeN7pK8aMo https://t.co/visitDspSd https://t.co/DRlpOHbX1s
2022-01-03 02:25:55 @AilbheDarcy @BoisYeasty Buttermilk is also hard to buy in Europe in large containers. Except in the Netherlands where businessmen and women drink it with sandwiches at lunch in large cartons.
2022-01-03 02:08:16 @BarbiturateCat @stillcantdrive @kennedytcooper @fOrGiVeNcHy the shop pictured might also just be creaming some highly marked up powder from visiting americans who don’t realise that in ireland it’s called bicarbonate of soda.
2022-01-03 02:03:23 @BarbiturateCat @stillcantdrive @kennedytcooper @fOrGiVeNcHy the large cheap boxes that do exist in the UK are not sold in the food sections as they’re not packaged in food specific production lines (although they’re probably fine to use). you buy them in hardware stores instead…
2022-01-03 01:56:31 @stillcantdrive @kennedytcooper @fOrGiVeNcHy not sure about ireland but at least in the UK baking soda is usually in tiny little 150-200g pots in supermarkets rather than good sized boxes https://t.co/HSuvQwg1Jp
2022-01-03 01:52:29 @BoisYeasty in the UK at least it often comes in tiny pots on supermarkets, the arm and hammer boxes are much bigger than your usual container of it
2022-01-03 01:34:56 @clancynewyork @brandonsilverm i can’t appraise the likelihood of success of that argument though as i am not and have zero intention of becoming knowledgeable about the first amendment
2022-01-03 01:33:42 @clancynewyork @brandonsilverm sure thing. i suspect a distinctly US legal problem will be that firms will claim that forcing them to deploy code on their infrastructures to do analysis is compelled speech in a way that requiring them to disclose data might not be.
2022-01-03 01:27:16 @clancynewyork @brandonsilverm anything that is based on the metaphor of firms handing over data or information is built on quicksand
2022-01-03 01:26:01 @clancynewyork @brandonsilverm that legislation is a good start (better then the UK, about the same as the DSA in the EU post legislative process) BUT also falls into the fallacy that big platforms will have data on people, when several moving towards PETs/federation/edge optimisation to dodge law
2022-01-03 01:17:04 @ShannonVallor book’s shite too
2022-01-03 01:05:35 dot com bubble vibes anyone https://t.co/fMAPLBosiT
2022-01-03 00:53:09 @JackRhysider @airshanemode2 @Cpin42 worth noting that whether 'stealing' happened will depend on the jurisdiction and the status of theft of intangibles (computer misuse law is somewhat more standardised due to e.g. the budapest convention...)
2022-01-03 00:22:36 RT @_TechJess: https://t.co/FPNvX1nBYY
2022-01-03 00:21:36 This is a real shame because in copypasting Data Protection Directive–era models for information law (few adopting the GDPR innovations), countries are missing a real opportunity to explore and experiment with digital policy that may not come around again quickly.
2022-01-03 00:19:49 Interesting new article from @grahamgreenleaf & https://t.co/g9zUwNPSp1 https://t.co/3OaKmwHMT8
2022-01-02 23:38:47 like/hate and subscribe
2022-01-02 23:38:03 mildly meta take — this guy is on a dopamine rush for social media interaction, whatever the valence, reinforced by, although not solely due to, the dynamics of often machine learning supported algorithmic recommendation. https://t.co/2iqdlHpZWq
2022-01-02 21:57:08 @Klonick i collect NTDs
2022-01-02 21:56:21 @Klonick maybe there’s a new genre in it of minting and flogging takedown requests
2022-01-02 20:50:05 @tomskitomski @BenLaurie @smithsam both theoretical and practical confidentiality and security properties of both types of certificate are highly theatrical, and the differences appear very surface level… so are there two for reasons of gesture politics?
2022-01-02 18:06:44 @smithsam @BenLaurie yes, i know that, but business rules are also possible to put into a reader. i’m wondering if the justification has ever been made explicit anywhere.
2022-01-02 17:54:34 pretty sure £250 million is 0.625% of £40 billion not 0.01%, which is over 60 times less. @BWallaceMP https://t.co/JJ7IPpGq0q https://t.co/MGLk7ScRxC
2022-01-02 17:39:43 @smithsam @BenLaurie there is a mild privacy reason vis-a-vis a scanner for the domestic pass insofar as it does not seem to contain detailed vaccination data, but the whole thing still seems unusual even considering that
2022-01-02 17:37:33 @smithsam @BenLaurie has anyone documented or justified the policy logic behind a "domestic pass" and an "international pass"? it is also interesting to note that users of the UK COVID scanner break the T&
2022-01-02 17:35:14 RT @BenLaurie: Apparently, @NHSDigital don't want to document the contents of the UK Domestic COVID Pass. So I've done it for them: https:…
2022-01-02 17:24:54 @l_dallacorte it works for me, insofar as hudoc ever works. its inability to resolve its own ECLIs and its stubborn refusal to submit them to the EU's ECLI resolver have both led to severe deteriation of my just-in-time ethical capacities
2022-01-01 10:03:00 @alexhern I wonder how much, if any, of this relates to vertically integrated DRM stuff. It seems interesting to me how things video streaming services try to prevent with hardware like WideVine/Fairplay (ripping HD video) have to work a bit differently in gaming due to game streamers.
2021-12-31 12:03:27 @EmilyLaidlaw indeed! but also would make sabbatical terms harder… my undergrad Internet Law module is a full year but the LLM one is only a half year.
2021-12-31 11:37:17 @neil_neilzone thanks (: it’s for an LLM half year module
2021-12-31 01:09:10 @EmilyLaidlaw Here's my week 1 of that topic in case useful https://t.co/7URLYCUS0L
2021-12-31 01:03:03 @marcelsalathe Very useful. In England, it depends on where the guy is located. https://t.co/G97A3hvGe8 https://t.co/wJPsLGoalR
2021-12-30 23:09:00 @Slaterfe @amazon part of a long chain from this firm... @SylvieDelacroix and I looked at some in 2019 here https://t.co/CB6eCWlRQR https://t.co/nmIOgY2Ied
2021-12-30 19:26:08 @marcelsalathe do they variant analyse all PCRs and inform those taking the test in CH or did you infer?
2021-12-30 18:19:44 @tforcworc @russss @GNetworkComms for their many faults, the Nokia routers do support v6! But I've now routed it to a Fritz!Box which are lovely little devices.
2021-12-30 18:17:16 I should add that the email support from https://t.co/12fL972Ai0 has been good even if their policies are frustrating and issues required more detective work due to no documentation that I would have liked.
2021-12-30 18:11:43 @hoofnagle @nicoleperlroth Creative Cloud is malware. PDFExpert works nicely. If you're on a Mac then Affinity Designer is a great, one-off-cost replacement for Illustrator (Inkscape is a bit clunky).
2021-12-30 18:07:24 @sqrt2 @GNetworkComms If they hadn't moved my router to a bridge mode I would have caused a big net neutrality fuss.
2021-12-30 18:06:29 @russss @GNetworkComms @tforcworc ultimately Openreach is unlikely to get here if G Network is here already, and so I figured might as well get the infrastructure installed and do the pain of switching and hope some sensible market consolidation happens over time
2021-12-30 18:05:04 @russss @GNetworkComms yes, i've had to turn off all my IPv6 that I had set-up from my previous ISP, I asked them before signing up and they say it's on the roadmap... however I'm not holding my breath. Seems absurd to set up a new ISP without IPv6 surely, although maybe there are reasons @tforcworc
2021-12-30 18:00:19 Notably this seems to be a plague affecting other London new fibre ISPs, including the generally well-thought-of @Hyperoptic, as this Reddit thread indicates: https://t.co/4vHuDs8XQc
2021-12-30 17:56:59 this took me ages to figure out! I eventually did w/ the help of @emax . the only solution is to buy another router and waste energy and money using the device they give you as as a bridge
2021-12-30 17:56:58 While new my fibre ISP @GNetworkComms have ~1Gbps symmetrical &
2021-12-30 16:01:37 @rachelcoldicutt i'm not sure how much more granular data on differences across categories or sectors etc would really change things or is the barrier, but I find it an interesting development
2021-12-30 16:00:55 @rachelcoldicutt another tidbit that might be interesting to share: there is a programme by the boston women's workforce council that uses multiparty computation to compare particular roles between firm in a way that wouldn't see the companies disclose salary data. https://t.co/WgpdHY2pci
2021-12-30 15:55:47 @rachelcoldicutt not in that article was how at a time other countries realised the gendered effects that might arise from covid, the UK froze its gender pay gap reporting for a year *because* of covid
2021-12-30 14:53:35 @riptari have seen several anecdotal reports of many negatives then positive when trying throat (as the older LFTs used to advise doing)
2021-12-30 14:50:38 @riptari have you LFT'd your throat even if instructions only say nose?
2021-12-30 13:30:38 A range of interesting aspects of this case looking at the interaction between Dutch collective action law, the EU Representative Actions Directive, and GDPR art 80 do not get resolved (but could have triggered CJEU questions) as case did not meet earlier hurdle.
2021-12-30 13:25:24 Real-time bidding related class action against Oracle and Salesforce by @theprivacycoll1 fails in the Netherlands https://t.co/BlSPQMu2tM as the Rechtbank Amsterdam states that a 'like' without collecting contact details cannot establish a class. https://t.co/1EMSJzyULy
2021-12-30 13:06:02 RT @OpenRightsGroup: Data Protection Policy Manager 7% pension contribution Generous training & Parental leave …
2021-12-30 09:58:06 RT @Foxglovelegal: REMINDER: We are looking for a Caseworker focussing on platform power to join us. All the details are here: https://t.co…
2021-12-29 14:01:04 @Matthijs85 @steltenpower @Piratenpartij @FTM_nl @mrtbollen @privacyfirst @AwardsBrother @PPNL_Actie @tehwerner @wernerwafelman @marleenstikker @waag there are many issues with passes but what you are quoting around the UK is not accurate. the privacy policy for the app listed the GDPR categories of special category data as things that might be processed in a ‘template’ kind of way
2021-12-29 11:00:31 @TadeuszGiczan cc @PJLeerssen @PeggyValcke
2021-12-29 10:10:39 @ddimolfetta @F_Kaltheuner @meatspacepress make sure to get the hairdryer out and point it at least at the one on the right…
2021-12-29 10:03:55 @bricksilk @HLLibResearch @lexatlasc19 @jeff_a_king @octavio_ferraz we’re finding it hard to spread the word of what is an immense amount of work as no ‘headline’ summary of such a broad project, so if you have ideas after having a browse do get in touch! I assume you already know @jeff_a_king well to do this.
2021-12-29 10:01:55 @bricksilk @HLLibResearch @lexatlasc19 @jeff_a_king @octavio_ferraz the OUP site has the final reports (they’ll be updated twice more when up each, including to add the final three sections on end focusing on eg civil liberties). the country list on the project/blog page has preprints and info in extent. I’m horizontal project info/privacy ed. https://t.co/Ujdf1uyh8Z
2021-12-29 09:58:55 @bricksilk @HLLibResearch yes! we do @lexatlasc19. @jeff_a_king @octavio_ferraz eds, 80+ jurists writing 20k word reports on each country, @octavio_ferraz leading on comparative judicial deference. project info/blog: https://t.co/Rv2xG5kicF oxford uni press open access book page: https://t.co/eHIBcdXHW6
2021-12-29 09:30:10 @emilymbender in several jurisdictions, this is possible despite intermediary liability laws, as ‘algorithmic defamation’ cases show relating to holding Google liable for autocomplete results—that’s their content created algorithmically, not third party content simply hosted. but blurry area.
2021-12-29 02:40:58 @John_J_Howard no, that’s not tort law.
2021-12-28 21:40:34 @argressel @aselbst i guarantee the revised product liability directive will come out during the time i am teaching this
2021-12-28 21:34:23 @argressel @aselbst great, thanks! i forgot @aselbst had written that, remember vaguely flagging it to myself last year but there wasn’t a teaching need then (: please do flag panel to me when uploaded!
2021-12-28 21:33:04 @argressel @aselbst got that one thanks, and the parliament one too and the expert group one! but good to flag
2021-12-28 20:43:16 @stokel insurance does exist, the broad major constellations of cover are here although of course gotta read the policy carefully. very hard to get insurance for anything but stupid money if FCDO advise against travelling to that country. https://t.co/k3Fvqcs265 https://t.co/BtCok5Q3G2
2021-12-28 18:35:01 @mdekstrand no sorry the miles o’brien statue is canon no returns
2021-12-28 18:03:19 @IusOnDemand that’s data protection rather than tort…
2021-12-28 17:56:56 @HaimAbraham thank you! familiar with the first but not the second two! and indeed, also Law Commission reports (and forthcoming final report) on self driving cars too.
2021-12-28 17:40:56 @sebkrier the state should be more involved in the governance of platforms, as their support desk
2021-12-28 17:32:21 an update from the frontlines of souveraineté numérique https://t.co/QKdLhQfCVb
2021-12-28 17:27:26 hi all: can I collect your favourite readings about law and policy issues around tortious liability and algorithmic systems? extra points for a focus on English law.
2021-12-28 12:07:53 RT @defenddigitalme: Want to catch up with our #UnwrappingPupilData thread from this month? We've got all 24 facts, all packaged up, in on…
2021-12-27 08:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-11-06 23:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-12-20 09:16:17 Does that mean everything I do in the context of poor work life balance is tax deductible? Asking for a friend. https://t.co/ZWOKHw7mLf
2021-12-20 09:07:41 Google Vision AI is so reliable it recognises a screenshot of its own product as being 90% certain as Azure. https://t.co/pWPDzSBNTd
2021-12-19 10:46:20 @npseaver Choreomania
2021-12-18 17:07:59 @baynoni The question of ‘who can do what with files where no transfer of intellectual property has occurred’ is not one that unaccountable private platforms should be taking the lead on making and sloppily enforcing.
2021-12-18 17:06:57 @baynoni NFT protections are ‘in the negative’ as they have no basis in law, which is a regime which enshrines people’s ability to reuse copyrighted materials for many purposes in the public interest. NFT purchasing has little to do with assigning copyright and rarely does.
2021-12-18 16:57:15 @baynoni you probably want to look at the failures of copyright detecting hash based systems today. meta tags don’t help you detect valid and important context, parody, reporting, educational use.
2021-12-18 16:51:13 @baynoni this isn’t just about minting images in an unauthorised way (i don’t lose sleep over people makings hashes), it’s about the use of these images on other platforms and systems, without the nuances of copyright’s many exemptions and similar.
2021-12-18 16:49:29 RT @mer__edith: I remember researchers being prevented from looking at bias against protected classes via YouTube ads for this same reason.…
2021-12-18 16:46:40 @baynoni that’s still a form of DRM
2021-12-18 15:50:43 RT @josh_wingrove: No politician is all that incentivized to bat an eye, because sorting this out will reduce their favorite metric -- how…
2021-12-18 15:36:53 @mdekstrand People were presumably posting the URL but accompanied by incorrect claims. But then Facebook bans the URL?
2021-12-18 15:30:13 They note this isn’t the first time a gold standard academic/practitioner publisher has been censured by Meta — even the Cochrane Collaboration has been shadow banned by Instagram. https://t.co/t44pcAUEyZ
2021-12-18 15:28:16 Damning letter from the outgoing &
2021-12-18 14:40:09 @markhughes bear in mind platforms like Youtube already operate hash checking of all content at scale under ContentID, many platforms do for CSEA and terrorism imagery under eg GIFCT, the technology stack is not new.
2021-12-18 14:38:37 @Equalit73659657 @nytimes I was responding to this point, noting that plenty of professors at Ivy league universities do not have PhDs, not whether or not Harvard has a school of journalism. Lack of PhDs amongst faculty is not exclusive to journalism or law schools. https://t.co/YfNlaZEepq
2021-12-18 12:59:31 @alexhern https://t.co/9Upn0iAqHB
2021-12-18 12:57:08 ‘the only reason’ is a bit harsh perhaps, people might want it for sentimental reasons or to boast, but *even that* in usable form requires platforms/similar to tag or highlight the owner of stuff by running code over content.
2021-12-18 12:55:32 @Equalit73659657 @Nidhi @AudreyTruschke @nytimes well almost all US law school profs, particularly the more senior ones, don’t have PhDs, so it’s not something to point out individuals for. and just scroll through the profiles on https://t.co/XaMS8XAJdj for example, a top ivy league journalism school you’ll find few w PhDs
2021-12-18 12:17:32 the only reason a ledger is important is if architectures of hardware and software force users to respect it, and force them to run or have run code they may not want to run on files they have stored.
2021-12-18 12:16:08 turns out a system based on checking a hash against the original full file isn’t great to stop people just nabbing the file! this won’t last, which is why as I’ve said before, NFT proponents will want to build an entire horrific system of DRM and automated control. https://t.co/HjAZQsTDfC
2021-12-18 12:05:40 There would be a good PhD to be done on the roles of platforms in bottom up copyright and other rights enforcement. https://t.co/4atxDogbYU
2021-12-18 09:56:27 @jeff_a_king while they may have specific reasons for this, worth nothing DARPA in the US is one of the most prominent funders of brain computer interfaces (BCIs) in the world, and has been for decades https://t.co/k5yMkwkvzm https://t.co/Omy5r0fZCr
2021-12-18 09:52:27 imagine if large private infrastructures were not relied upon to be public health decision makers https://t.co/hF9Khg8X38
2021-12-18 09:46:51 @Patil_AbhishekR @KishoreRNair1 @Equalit73659657 @Nidhi @AudreyTruschke @nytimes in the US also
2021-12-18 09:17:31 we need law and policy to stop DRM undermining environmental goals. https://t.co/ChO06NZFci
2021-12-17 19:58:07 RT @hutko: A quick write-up for the ADM crowd: the Slovak Constitutional Court on Risk Profiling and Automated Decision-Making by the Tax A…
2021-12-17 19:19:59 @simonhania @RDBinns Yes, but if you look at our paper, you’ll see there are questions concerning actors further upstream making significant decisions through the analysis and transfer of personal data back to other controllers, not offering services to EU residents themselves.
2021-12-17 14:12:42 RT @benwagne_r: Excited to announce that @tudelft is hiring a total of 8 (!!!) new 5-year fully funded PhDs on Justice, Rights, Democracy a…
2021-12-17 13:54:59 RT @guidonld: Folks please circulate widely this job advert for an AHRC-DfG-funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on the project "Fro…
2021-12-17 11:01:26 @NZahn42 in theory, yes! though scaling anything and maintaining it always require effort. yet no reason why could not syndicate. unis around the world should have taken the lead here.
2021-12-17 11:00:25 i remember working at the european commission in the unit on ageing populations, health and innovation and this woman was the only old lady in our stock image package. once you see her you cannot under her in the whole world, she is everywhere. i wonder what became of her. https://t.co/vEAvwZ6sYZ
2021-12-17 10:56:32 @NZahn42 They could do, and some do use Big Blue Button, particularly in Germany, but they’d still need to host a server to do the mixing or forwarding. Those services are only P2P for small groups.
2021-12-17 10:51:17 RT @GeradinLaw: If, like me, you are skeptical about Apple's security claims as an excuse to keep its App Store monopoly, have a look at my…
2021-12-17 10:50:03 Yet another consultation for UK data protection, governance and justice scholars… https://t.co/L0xvJJ1XJK
2021-12-17 10:47:16 @RuthHorry @sylviademars cc @lawvaughan who has magic ways
2021-12-17 10:44:23 @egelynbraun @arcapde @EU_Commission cc @CatalinaGoanta @nhelberger
2021-12-17 10:41:46 @jjarvisLondon because unis have already paid for many servers and extremely high speed internet. the analogy is to a university booking a room in its own building, not hiring externally. or for unis investing so little in building maintenance they are charged to book their own rooms.
2021-12-17 09:56:58 RT @SarahEskens: brave (mainly early-career) researchers at @AdamLawSchool speak out against questionable appointments and financing of 'pr…
2021-12-17 09:55:37 @EricTopol @marcelsalathe is that one test per sixteen NYC residents?
2021-12-17 09:54:45 RT @Write4Research: Despite the focus on Russell Group institutions as drivers of social mobility, it is actually universities outside this…
2021-12-17 09:50:34 this seems to be a relevant consideration in relation to the recent LERU statement @ucylpay…
2021-12-17 09:49:49 lest we note that through @JISC /JANET universities have historically had among the fastest network links between them in the country, before anyone else. Now they’re throttled by a U.S. firm.
2021-12-17 09:45:58 cc @utakohl re her talk yesterday.
2021-12-17 09:43:23 This further complicates the multi stage analysis @RDBinns and I recently undertook re Article 22 by creating a situation where you can also dip in and out of jurisdiction in multi actor data processing and decision making. https://t.co/0m0Rcfxzbg
2021-12-17 09:41:34 For anyone thinking of how the UK scrapping Article 22 of the GDPR might affect adequacy, the Commission’s current way of dealing with this in relation to countries like w no such rules is to say data subjects probably won’t need this right anyway in a situation of transfers. https://t.co/0o4f0mzfEA https://t.co/HfW0kVBCrP
2021-12-17 09:34:47 incredible and telling of the power of platforms itself that a university is being bound in participation in an online conference by its zoom license limit… https://t.co/IZQiIvCIWs
2021-12-17 09:19:42 RT @ambersinha07: The Joint Parliamentary Committee has concluded its deliberations on the Personal Data Protection Bill &
2021-12-17 08:47:06 @oliviasolon ‘Snopes’ would be a good name for a platypus
2021-12-17 08:39:33 note lack of signatures from permanent staff does not seem to be for lack of support. will these issues ever be solved through closed committees? academic freedom should extend to feeling free to be publicly shocked, else we should be worried about bureaucratic chilling effects. https://t.co/qJ6vx6ZfDr
2021-12-17 08:25:53 @oliviasolon i think when it was discovered and initially researched into a lot of zoologists receiving drawings or specimens thought it was fake…
2021-12-17 08:22:19 University of Amsterdam legal researchers angry at the stories of Ernst and Young purchasing and heavily influencing the choice of sponsored and not publicly declared low-tax tax law profs in the faculty. Why is it left to insecure early career researchers to sign this letter? https://t.co/Y9xO52e7JF
2021-12-17 08:18:26 RT @Jausl00s: Remember the @FTM_nl revelations on shady corporate sponsored professorships at the @AdamLawSchool last week? Together with s…
2021-12-17 08:17:12 RT @MarijnSax: The somewhat unfortunate outcome is that although many senior colleagues said they supported the letter, in the end it is (a…
2021-12-17 08:14:44 RT @MarijnSax: We wrote an Open Letter (https://t.co/EquPiBdV4s) to the @AdamLawSchool in response to the Follow the Money article from las…
2021-12-16 20:54:20 RT @FascinatingTech: It's exciting that our paper "Are iPhones really better for Privacy?" has been accepted by @PET_Symposium Quick summ…
2021-12-16 18:58:12 @marypcbuk @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters @ChrisTMarsden not an EU citizen in the US, no. a tweet sized summary - that they would have to apply them to EU based customers if the services as marketed to customers physically in the Union, or insofar as those services monitor individuals within the union (so possible roaming implications)
2021-12-16 17:45:19 @marypcbuk @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters @ChrisTMarsden but citizenship is irrelevant to applicable law
2021-12-16 17:43:55 @schulite cc @divijualsuspect, especially on 3 and 4.
2021-12-16 17:40:59 @zeynep ICYMI the official policy in England is also currently "test once a day if you have been flagged by contact tracers".
2021-12-16 17:07:05 RT @N_Countouris: [1/2] On the draft Dir. on Platform Work: as much as one would want to be informed about the use of automated monitoring…
2021-12-16 16:17:52 @IcelandCoE @RunMrb @CoE_endVAW @MFAIceland great news Dr @RunMrb!
2021-12-16 16:04:14 @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters @ChrisTMarsden I don’t disagree w how companies interpreting vague laws in ways that do not challenge exploitative business practices, my point is that an ISP doing this entails a whole diff set of legal regimes around confidentiality of comms, and so your example is bad in an EU context.
2021-12-16 16:01:29 @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters @ChrisTMarsden this is pretty unambiguously illegal under the EU e-Privacy Directive art 5 in a way other reuse of data is not as it’s a public communications network, which is why you are unlikely to see ISPs in Europe doing this. https://t.co/jsuPr2lR8c
2021-12-16 14:07:40 @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters @ChrisTMarsden if it was undertaken in the UK, the practice you identify in your screenshot isn’t just a civil offence under data protection law, it may well be a criminal offence of unlawful interception under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 s 3.
2021-12-16 14:04:45 @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters @ChrisTMarsden my point was that I don’t see why the GDPR would have anything to do with a US ISP profiling US-based users. do you think what Verizon is doing is illegal under US law? (and that compliance systems or organisational structures are failing to identify that ex ante?)
2021-12-16 13:49:13 @ChiOnwurah @jessicamordenmp @ThangamMP Very fair, holding a party to account is not my job. My view is as an academic worried most of Parliament see internet regulation as a ‘more’ or ‘less’ regulation issue without questioning the foundations of the OSB — making platforms so key to regulating they’re too big to fail
2021-12-16 12:58:04 @lilianedwards @annliffey @linnetelwin @sedyst @EurJRR they negotiated to create the technical infrastructure but they didn’t legislate as to what member states must recognise in it or not in relation to their national public health functions
2021-12-16 12:49:36 @lilianedwards @annliffey @linnetelwin @sedyst @EurJRR the EU doesn’t have the competence to do that to affect national public health in a legislative process but Member States can, but doing that wouldn’t change any of the arguments in the article - indeed strengthens many as global gaps increase (also, three doses are no panacea)
2021-12-16 12:42:28 as @annliffey @linnetelwin @sedyst and I wrote about earlier in the year in @EurJRR, immunity certificates were always ‘promises made to be broken’ https://t.co/DgmSijceUN https://t.co/PJbh0onrMa https://t.co/BYBH2jYtLj
2021-12-16 12:14:30 @jessicamordenmp @ChiOnwurah @ThangamMP but… the pre legislative scrutiny committee only just finished and released a 150+ page report earlier this week recommending significant changes throughout. why would parliament want the bill back before the response to that parliamentary report &
2021-12-16 11:03:26 @rowlsmanthorpe damn, hang in there rowland, I really hope both your personal situation and broader awareness of this improves
2021-12-16 10:42:31 @tforcworc Dactylocracy
2021-12-16 09:30:02 @owainkenway yes! they could be making turing complete NFTs!
2021-12-16 09:24:09 @timsquirrell it’s like people making computers out of minecraft blocks if they made the computer after breaking into minecraft by pretending to be an animated meme when actually they were a hacked Xerox printer output from the mid 00s
2021-12-16 08:37:23 this is a pretty incredible read giving an insight into how NSO used an flakey compression tool in XPDF used by old scanners with iMessage’s GIF functionality to simulate turing complete logic circuits and build a rudimentary mini computer in out-of-bounds memory. https://t.co/mk88WPU8s8
2021-12-16 08:17:27 @ariezrawaldman @PrivacyMatters I get broader point on CSR but no need for Verizon to comply with EU law wrt you, so why would GDPR be important to a US ISP? FWIW we had this saga in the UK with BT &
2021-12-16 07:47:23 RT @evgenymorozov: Does "3" in "web3" refer to the fact that there are *three* big VC firms - Andreessen Horowitz, Union Square Ventures,…
2021-12-15 23:39:24 @mireillemoret @MarietjeSchaake however if AIA is to do anything at all needs a much better resourced regulator that what the Commission envisage so if the Dutch are planning to support this nationally beyond the Commission expectations in the impact assessment that would be good news.
2021-12-15 23:38:15 @mireillemoret @MarietjeSchaake ah thanks, yes, potentially the old ‘put a pending european law in your manifesto’ trick. i remember the uk government claimed to have invented the right to erasure for children around 2018…
2021-12-15 21:05:53 @annalist @Frei_Fink just because the UK government does it does not make it right or correct (:
2021-12-15 20:21:39 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius that’s very kind! we shall see how it plays out and do our best as academics to inform the process. a concern i have is the ‘economy’ of the time of those scrutinising laws. the digital single market package amidst covid is wearing everyone thin, very limited analytic capacity.
2021-12-15 19:38:15 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius and by ‘they’ do you mean Commission or Council? Council have not got to grips with harmonisation issues yet, one big Member State told me they usually only realise at the end of negotiations…
2021-12-15 19:36:58 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius GOF?
2021-12-15 18:11:03 @lawrennd don’t accidentally think an NFT unit into being
2021-12-15 16:17:24 @Nadya_Purtova @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius i’m not in the business of predicting how such a case might go, but i think we shouldn’t leave it up to a challenge that relies on how a law was made illegally to change today the AI Act’s scope, which tries to pre-empt any regulations on the use of non high risk AI.
2021-12-15 16:15:54 @Nadya_Purtova @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius I agree the AIA stretches Art 114. A pretty simple reading shows it seems to pre empt use regulations on AI nationally, including by public admins. This will likely be used to try to strike down national laws by tech firms. A defence could challenge the treaty basis.
2021-12-15 16:10:35 @Nadya_Purtova @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius artificial sure, but likely legal — the court was pretty happy with the Data Retention Directive being based on internal market logic in C-301/06 Ireland v Parl and Council
2021-12-15 16:05:17 @Nadya_Purtova @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius but if they frame it as an internal market fragmentation issue, it gets subsumed under the residual power of 114. data protection is key example — EU regulating (before the specific basis was created) how administrations processed data using this internal market power!
2021-12-15 16:02:53 I am sorry to report that Germany is copying ‘digital is a noun’ DCMS. https://t.co/Q1socFAmzL
2021-12-15 15:36:20 @mireillemoret @Nadya_Purtova @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius Your eg being what that is excluded? I don’t quite follow. Article 114 brings a whole tranche of case law that shows it is hard to get ‘minimum harmonisation’ as the CJEU finds that goes against the purpose of 114. Low risk systems not out of scope, but in scope. See recital 1.
2021-12-15 15:13:12 Are you Foxglove’s newest platform power fighter? Incredible job going for someone who might not have years if experience in the area of technology, justice and civil society. Would be an incredible place to work amongst the best people. https://t.co/mLqoTN2PZ1 https://t.co/pj91LhJiv8
2021-12-15 15:02:05 @Nadya_Purtova @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius TFEU 114 though cuts across this in a dangerous way
2021-12-15 14:59:17 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius systems that are not ‘high risk’ according to the AIA are still in the act’s material scope if they meet the definition of AI system despite not being subject to any obligations and therefore domestic laws regulating their use can be sought to be disapplied.
2021-12-15 14:54:39 @rosamunde_vb mercikes!
2021-12-15 14:54:22 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius that will create a very strange scope of pre-emption indeed — if the algorithm is too sophisticated any new dutch laws will be at risk from the makers of the usual tactic of the tobacco industry of trying to strike them down based on maximum harmonisation.
2021-12-15 14:49:33 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius would be great to see the coalition agreement to get more info on what is proposed if it elaborates
2021-12-15 14:49:00 @mireillemoret @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius No i mean the votes in Council, not domestically
2021-12-15 14:44:07 @Nadya_Purtova @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen @fborgesius @mireillemoret yes, it likely harmonises use not just putting on the market. described in our paper https://t.co/aawuWFunFq
2021-12-15 14:31:54 @rosamunde_vb is there a link to the coalition agreement?
2021-12-15 14:29:29 @sqrt2 @janssen_heleen Someone needs to get this message to them. @fborgesius @mireillemoret it really looks like they’re about to vote for something that pre-empts their own domestic plans without realising.
2021-12-15 14:22:27 will this regulation be pre-empted by the AI Act? Who in the Dutch Government is thinking about this interaction (cc @janssen_heleen) https://t.co/XfQN7CSgoj
2021-12-15 14:17:19 RT @psychicyogamat: My article on the Snowden litigation in the UK before the IPT, ‘The Evolution of Elucidation’, is published today on th…
2021-12-15 10:39:25 @stokel @timsquirrell for the more extreme type
2021-12-15 09:35:42 RT @johnnyryan: Reminder that tracking-based ads are a problem https://t.co/RYYut5hezT
2021-12-15 09:28:50 RT @ringo_ring: nature has actually contacted me for comment about accusations that Sci-Hub is a threat, here is my full response / it is c…
2021-12-14 23:55:58 @ukstaiger an incredible book, I have in both EN and DE but have been struggling through the latter :)
2021-12-14 23:53:45 @MostFoolhardy @davidallengreen ah good to know, although still creates an arguable loophole (although i wouldn’t bet on a court siding with me over it)
2021-12-14 23:49:53 @Barristerblog can we also recognise the colour blue while we are at it? it has played an important part in our country’s history.
2021-12-14 23:49:10 RT @Barristerblog: Well, here is the proposal on including trial by jury in the proposed "Bill of Rights," and yes I'm afraid it is vacuous…
2021-12-14 23:44:51 @davidallengreen also it’s a pedantic point but i’ve never thought about the copyright implications of the way that iPhones don’t by default take stills, but record mini videos for each image, a function called ‘Live Photos’.
2021-12-14 23:42:15 @davidallengreen would only be more confusing if the camera owner gave the camera to a unknown catering staff member to take the photograph…
2021-12-14 23:16:42 @stephenhues @stsucl congratulations!!
2021-12-14 23:12:27 RT @Iwillleavenow: So, looks like hackers were able to get into Proctorio and use it to spy on student accounts and devices (including webc…
2021-12-14 22:04:43 just give Pippa her MBE already she’s done enough https://t.co/EawIBPIGhr
2021-12-14 16:46:36 @owainkenway at least they used capital letters to break it up, screen readers do read that properly if you do that.
2021-12-14 16:44:56 using audiovisual content that is not easily made accessible to absolutely everyone is not much of a problem if there is redundancy in communication as it may reach audiences other routes don’t but there is literally no benefit to this stupid practice, please @WHO PR team, stop.
2021-12-14 16:41:52 perhaps the WHO could just not limit accessibility so drastically and unnecessarily by using fake ASCII fonts that aren’t recognised by screen reader devices or operating system helper tools. https://t.co/P5pcL73Mxw
2021-12-14 15:19:00 @FusterGloria @RDBinns assume so yes, good spot
2021-12-14 14:50:41 RT @RaviNa1k: Really important blog on our case for @OpenRightsGroup @jimkillock @mikarv
2021-12-14 14:47:35 @PaulbernalUK @stokel no i’m pretty sure they’re demonspawn
2021-12-14 14:45:16 @stokel that’s one for our research impact lead @israblack… I’d certainly be up for commissioning you to give some training if the opportunity arose…
2021-12-14 14:42:40 @stokel i think this tango can create totally unnecessary distrust, academics think ‘they’re getting me to say stuff i wouldn’t!’ not realising it’s actually usually their fault for not properly phrasing stuff they want to say, not manipulative journos.
2021-12-14 14:40:32 RT @TinkerSec: If you run a scan on your environment to see if you're patched for #log4j... ...and find that you are already patched. Mak…
2021-12-14 14:39:38 @stokel Academics also often not trained to speak in quotable ways even when they do speak…
2021-12-14 13:37:52 FT piece on covid certificates puffs up modelling by the Tony Blair Institute which is based on tweaking the *resulting* R numbers from the Imperial model without evidence rather than actually, y’know, modelling… https://t.co/KWvo4KKhWG
2021-12-14 13:23:31 https://t.co/fxQMcoaklC https://t.co/eKuMLH486K
2021-12-14 10:04:14 @lilianedwards see also from @lexatlasc19 https://t.co/m0cE6q6Vmh https://t.co/oFjtlBqGYn
2021-12-14 09:48:44 RT @ImagesofAI: Today we launch the first images on our free repository https://t.co/TvzLeYbk04. Instead of defaulting to shiny robots or g…
2021-12-14 09:20:39 @halhod add to that the potential of two co-circulating strains. modelling and legitimacy of policy are going to have to dance a dangerous dance together
2021-12-14 09:17:56 @halhod i am fascinated to see how public discourse deals with multiple already-difficult-to-mentally-model variables changing at once
2021-12-14 08:29:40 @mireillemoret @vdignum I say accountancy firms not because they actually do accounting, but firms like Deloitte, Accenture etc sell a lot of the public sector machine learning tools to law enforcement, border agencies and similar.
2021-12-14 08:28:22 @mireillemoret @vdignum I also am not in favour of that — but need to tip the balances to make sure that big AI intermediaries selling packaged APIs do not use providers as liability shields for the subset of problems only they have the resource and supply chain position to assess and respond to.
2021-12-14 08:23:14 @mireillemoret @vdignum In my reading, ‘reasonably foreseeable misuse’ is not a test that governs entry to Title III but only applies once you are already through the gate. It’s not an obligation that applies to every operator of every (putatively low risk) AI system to think about.
2021-12-14 08:17:54 @vdignum @mireillemoret The main current regulated entity in the AIA is a European company that has public private partnerships taking AI apis from big tech and adding their own flourishes and re selling them to the public sector. Think the big accountancy firms and other actors like BAE or SAP.
2021-12-14 08:15:24 @vdignum @mireillemoret (that being said the council draft proposes social scoring prohibition applies to private firms too which might impact them)
2021-12-14 08:14:44 @vdignum @mireillemoret Don’t believe them, I see almost no obligations for the major big tech firms in the Commission draft or the Council one. Unlikely to fall within Title II or III, and Title IV is a joke which needs radically rethinking to even make legal sense (and is unenforceable besides).
2021-12-14 08:03:56 @mireillemoret @vdignum They definitely briefed against it (see Google and Deepmind consultation submissions). But they would have tried (likely successfully in the Comm v) to hide behind not intending to sell API access for a Title III purpose, therefore not being a Title III provider.
2021-12-14 08:01:51 @Kobotic @vdignum @mireillemoret They do different things: widening the definition of AI systems mainly has the effect of prohibiting or repealing more rules at national level through the effect of maximum harmonisation (allowing companies to use AIA as a sword), rather than increasing actual duties/obligations.
2021-12-14 07:59:49 @vdignum @mireillemoret best not to consider what is in/out of the Act with reference to only one of its basic definitions unless you’re interested in the question of harmonisation and pre-emption, it’s about what obligations actually apply to the small subsets of AI systems the AIA actually regulates
2021-12-14 07:57:48 @vdignum @mireillemoret So far it is covered by the scope of AI systems def but doesn’t fall within title III
2021-12-14 07:54:55 @mireillemoret @vdignum I would further argue that that exclusion is implicit in the Commission draft, but the Council version drives a stake into that weakness.
2021-12-14 07:53:35 @vdignum @mireillemoret I’m not convinced that part (Annex I) is the issue, and besides it can be amended by the Commission. The AI Act’s main problems around how it excludes the political economy of deployed systems don’t stem from its definition of AI.
2021-12-14 00:36:48 @biancawylie I thought they were getting to a wider consideration here but then it narrowed down again (without it being clear they were narrowing down on the phenomenon that they were really talking about, which as you say relates to collective meaning making and is very interesting) https://t.co/QUk2txFB4H
2021-12-14 00:33:02 @biancawylie I wasn’t really so clear about that being an app issue
2021-12-14 00:25:44 @biancawylie usually i really enjoy such pieces but simple facts let it down, the app did not cost 37£bn, they are conflating the cost of the entire test and trace scheme (including all tracing staff and all PCR tests, which make up the vast vast majority.) https://t.co/H10b3xPIVV https://t.co/SyK9pWmr6A
2021-12-13 23:33:59 @mireillemoret (I’m writing about some of these issues in more long form with @JeremiasPrassl which may be a better venue than a twitter discussion.)
2021-12-13 23:32:47 @mireillemoret Because Google would have to sell a system *intended* to fulfil a purpose in Annex III, else they aren’t considered a provider within Title III. They could be a provider within Titles II or IV.
2021-12-13 23:22:39 @mireillemoret General purpose systems do not fall under Title III even if they reasonably foresee misuse
2021-12-13 23:20:44 @mireillemoret I don’t believe a regime to regulate AI will be successful if it relies on these replaceable (and small pocketed) end-of-supply chain providers somehow shaking up the supply chain further above them. The AIA has no conception of the political economy of AI.
2021-12-13 23:17:16 @mireillemoret It’s like adtech in that way. Big API providers take slices of every query, used for illegal purposes, distancing themselves from direct illegality. Just like Google has always done with web tracking - make small firms at the periphery of the system bear the legal risk for you.
2021-12-13 23:10:30 @mireillemoret For example, systems used to analyse text or images, integrated into broader software pipelines. too expensive and difficult for providers of niche services like high risk AI to train themselves. AIA leaves it up to the market to regulate these key components of high risk AI.
2021-12-13 22:56:16 @mireillemoret Yes, the provider who was using the general purpose AI from eg Google, Amazon, the major companies who don’t make and brand high risk systems themselves.
2021-12-13 21:34:11 @Iwillleavenow I just wanted to know why my email was being spammed https://t.co/kUPskCe5Ln
2021-12-13 21:22:57 @Iwillleavenow i tried this once by making an access request but the org misunderstood and did an organisation wide SAR &
2021-12-13 21:17:44 @Write4Research and if as i hear getting a good clerkship (a route to well paid law job or being a supreme court justice or even US president like BO) is based on being on the law review, students pay schools 100K$/yr to write footnotes in this stupid style to run the entire country.
2021-12-13 21:15:38 @Write4Research Another part you’ll love: US law citation rankings are based on free text search of the exact Bluebook cite string (eg 86 MINN. L. REV. 1219) so in part it is sustained by desire to win at quantification AND the broken way US law school students do professors’ footnotes for free.
2021-12-13 21:10:31 @mireillemoret The analogy I’m making to the AIA isn’t about user-provider, it’s about provider-generalpurposeAIvendor, where the latter isn’t obliged by law to cooperate and help the provider assess its products. AIA hopes market forces will fix this
2021-12-13 19:20:02 @Write4Research Harvard send cease and desist letters from hired gun law firms to anyone who tries to automate a Bluebook style as they believe they have IP rights to scholarly forms of communication https://t.co/Rf8HiQx8WZ (I’m sure @fgbjr can tell more…) https://t.co/KzC8jRDMlZ
2021-12-13 18:38:11 NFTs proponents don’t want serious decentralisation, they want to summon some horrible inescapable gatekeeping DRM hellscape infrastructure where you can’t move files that are otherwise openly accessible unless you have the private key for some crappy digital receipt. i hate it.
2021-12-13 18:22:43 RT @BonaveroIHR: Join the core team on the ERC-funded iManage project led by @JeremiasPrassl researching algorithmic bias and discriminatio…
2021-12-13 14:40:59 The second question is also quite AI Act relevant insofar as it touches upon how much Article 22 pre-empts national law.
2021-12-13 14:40:58 The court points out a lacuna: if you locate the automation downstream, that actor has no workable obligations to provide information on the system because they cannot — they just have the result. This is the same as the AI Act re general purpose systems. (cc @mireillemoret) https://t.co/T0gpLUDYLd
2021-12-13 14:40:57 @RDBinns and I call this the 'locating decisions' problem (it has many variants): there are no easy answers beyond looking at a system more holistically &
2021-12-13 14:40:55 In particular, in the SCHUFA case, the referring court (Wiesbaden Admin Court) struggles with reconciling the idea that the score is just information with the fact it is relied upon by downstream actors. https://t.co/sAy3XPwlWW
2021-12-13 14:40:53 I hadn't quite appreciated how much the October CJEU referral on Article 22 GDPR in C-634/21 SCHUFA Holdings has to grapple w the tough Qs @RDBinns and I asked in our recent IDPL paper, on where in a multi-actor profiling pipeline a 'decision' happens. https://t.co/7TyyRCVOkc https://t.co/cg63n451Dz
2021-12-13 14:10:17 @Kira_UCL I was almost going to tag you in this tweet but I am sure you’re keeping a vague eye on this news story. (:
2021-12-13 13:58:07 Presumably this relates to the UK ‘domestic’ pass being not compliant with the EU gateway format, potentially containing less data revealed to the scanner (so designed for data minimisation?), but I haven’t been keeping track of the exact differences between the two.
2021-12-13 13:57:00 Current guidance also conflicts with the NHS Covid Pass Verifier App terms &
2021-12-13 13:50:11 @christinagiles robert caro wrote that lyndon johnson would do the same
2021-12-13 13:36:41 I would love to be able to control a computer with my voice but all dictation options I am aware of on MacOS are frustrating, unpredictable and unreliable.
2021-12-13 13:34:24 CMA should also look at why Nuance were forced to abandon their Apple MacOS product line for Dragon NaturallySpeaking because Apple had locked down the OS so much that their excellent accessibility solution became unfeasible, leaving only Apple’s rigid and non customisable thing. https://t.co/Rhi0UJKbS0
2021-12-12 19:57:16 @cfiesler wait until they cross borders and go to Oxford where the entry level faculty rank is now confusingly called 'associate professor' without the varyingly named lecturer/assistant professor role below it
2021-12-12 08:04:31 @Write4Research it’s also mandatory to use in US law publications
2021-12-12 08:04:18 @Write4Research American lawyers have a standard (in the Bluebook) for journal abbreviations that is different to all others and somewhat ludicrous, including abbreviating Policy to Pol’y. I suspect emerged because US courts cite law reviews in line in full not in footnotes or at end. https://t.co/lac8BbQ3Fj
2021-12-11 10:51:14 @timsquirrell social machines
2021-12-11 10:50:56 RT @timsquirrell: This reminds me: something less talked about wrt Telegram is how different its mechanisms of networking are than FB/YouTu…
2021-12-11 09:28:55 For the nerds, it concerns sections 165 and 166 of the UK DPA 2018.
2021-12-11 09:28:14 This is a long read I’ve co-written w/ my co-complainant @jimkillock &
2021-12-11 09:05:29 RT @OpenRightsGroup: The court’s response to our challenge to the @ICOnews’s treatment of our #AdTech complaint will shape the future of IC…
2021-12-11 07:44:15 @konsentraet @Carnage4Life to implement it*
2021-12-11 07:42:16 @konsentraet @Carnage4Life DRM requires a computer that is hard coded to object it at hardware or software level by a centralised point of control which is presumably the anathema to decentralisation…
2021-12-10 22:17:28 given we are between commissioners, I wonder who made this call? https://t.co/7BdBHZ24t5
2021-12-10 18:57:55 About as carefully anonymised as most users, so I assume this is judicial shade.
2021-12-10 18:56:44 Who could these carefully anonymised adtech firms be? https://t.co/ua69b6T76N https://t.co/TEGygX0MmR
2021-12-10 18:16:55 @PJLeerssen useful https://t.co/QBYrcVksrF
2021-12-10 18:14:35 RT @Foxglovelegal: Don't forget, Foxglove is growing - this Digital Campaigner position closes *9AM Monday* and we'll be posting another jo…
2021-12-10 16:37:36 RT @protocol: Apple once seemed unbeatable in Washington, but a group of small app developers — and companies like Tile, Spotify and Epic —…
2021-12-10 16:06:26 @lilianedwards @vmantouvalou @marc_mcgeemoore @colmocinneide @N_Lalafaryan @UCLLaws https://t.co/5oqrS8anbn
2021-12-10 16:03:34 @lilianedwards @vmantouvalou @marc_mcgeemoore @colmocinneide @N_Lalafaryan @UCLLaws hah, sadly no, it was cancelled even before this scandal!
2021-12-10 15:57:07 New Commission document summarising its views on its recent, pending and forthcoming initiatives relating to digital technologies and fundamental rights. Seemingly more of a synthesis than an announcement but useful as a navigation aid. https://t.co/wD9qxiuSxE https://t.co/yLgEEXKLCj
2021-12-10 13:06:35 Regulators need to get to grips with this new IAB charade of blurring consent and legitimate interests for tracking that legitimate interests can clearly not support. While they're at it, they might want to look at why cross-device tracking is 'strictly necessary'. https://t.co/AYfGgfxs5X
2021-12-10 12:07:30 @MarijnSax it's the article that keeps on giving (but not to the belastingdienst)
2021-12-10 11:58:01 you may be unsurprised to learn the researchers in question support the view of paying as little tax as possible https://t.co/0jl7bztxaq
2021-12-10 11:56:27 What on earth is going on at University of Amsterdam? Accountancy firms offer to sponsor tax law professorships as long as they are also the interviewers for them, have proposed the candidate, and even pay their salaries directly and contract with them? https://t.co/5RYEaQdfMU
2021-12-10 11:23:19 RT @carmelatroncoso: I just found this post from @UdacityDave and I want to shout loud: "eveyone should read this" https://t.co/HGo2ytW2Uo…
2021-12-10 09:40:11 Specifically open for applicants looking for a chair in Law and Technology… https://t.co/Oc8S1HHF1w
2021-12-09 13:45:19 RT @BantshireUni: STUDENTS: We've published additional guidance to explain the difference between our guidance and government guidance. Mor…
2021-12-09 13:39:42 This is the same ‘singing’ that @trishgreenhalgh et al indicates is one of the highest risk activities across all settings in the BMJ last year https://t.co/rpvrynbMpv https://t.co/qE08zx0Tpj https://t.co/AZL0oKhSca
2021-12-09 11:11:57 @valeriodeste @NicolasSchmitEU Here: https://t.co/gy8h9a4Bt6
2021-12-09 11:09:49 It looks like crowdwork systems eg Amazon Mechanical Turk would be in-scope (at least for workers in the EU). Would be interesting to consider how algorithmic management provisions would be applied in multi-sided markets where computational tasks are provided by other businesses. https://t.co/YVnsvK6WuM
2021-12-09 10:32:28 RT @JeremiasPrassl: Major #gigeconomy news: new #EU rules for platform work published today, incl employment status presumption and rule…
2021-12-09 09:27:29 @NicholasVinocur you forgot the AG opinion in PNR case
2021-12-09 08:06:32 US appellate case on PRISM use concerning the constitutional legality of surveilling communications of people in the US without a warrant by targeting those they are contacting abroad (where warrants and most safeguards go out the window). https://t.co/Cx9jXUtRjD
2021-12-08 20:43:12 @TimCauser which category is this on MyExpenses?
2021-12-08 20:03:09 @tabouchadi also because you’re a nerd: https://t.co/6NFRLUecCw https://t.co/YJleyBhYba
2021-12-08 19:57:35 @tabouchadi problem is that UK has distinguished ones for travel versus ones for domestic use which isn’t the case elsewhere so scanning might hit trouble just as presenting a UK travel one to eg a nightclub might not scan…
2021-12-08 19:56:17 @tabouchadi i believe it is on the agenda to do but would require more infra as unlike DE there is no point in the UK where you present information to transform it into a certificate, it gets drawn directly from your records (and unlike DE has a revocation mechanism for fakes)
2021-12-08 19:55:05 @tabouchadi not yet even if your GP adds it to your records which they can, but DE and CH ones will scan in the UK as UK is now part of the EU gateway. compare to DE where trivially easy to get one to the point of insecurity (I turned my UK ones into DE ones this yr with zero verification)
2021-12-08 19:52:12 RT @valeriodeste: What is really striking is a whole chapter on REGULATING ALGORITHMIC MANAGEMENT. Workers and their representatives will h…
2021-12-08 19:51:26 RT @valeriodeste: +++ BREAKING: The draft Platform Work Directive has made into the press +++ This text seems poised to make a huge differe…
2021-12-08 10:13:38 @Jackstilgoe @hutko (this is the second year it has run)
2021-12-08 10:11:04 @Jackstilgoe @hutko UG, it’s a full year module for third years and this is the first half (am just shifting it away from UCL’s closed reading list platforms so I can share and edit more easily) Other students can take if they have taken some of the cross dept law modules Laws offers in past years
2021-12-08 08:23:54 @hutko here’s my first term syllabus for undergrads with plenty on platform regulation, feel free to plunder https://t.co/10OYqfMLfd
2021-12-07 17:07:02 @alexhern could be very useful for profiling your users for how easily they part with cash for gimmicks
2021-12-07 08:49:11 RT @jessicaelgot: And the evidence on the prime minister’s intervention in the evacuation of Nowzad and its animals from Kabul is... well..…
2021-12-07 06:50:43 The pathologically generalist UK civil service is quite literally leading to death. This is not the way to make and operate in complicated policy areas in the 21st C. https://t.co/hTKshmVxNU https://t.co/e9XXtXQT56
2021-12-06 21:42:15 RT @ubuweb: If you can't download it, it doesn't exist. Don't trust the cloud.
2021-12-06 19:34:07 @PaulbernalUK @karenmccullagh You only have to move there just before the REF census date then can move back.
2021-12-06 19:28:40 Sad to see UEA do so poorly on this latest ranking @PaulbernalUK @karenmccullagh https://t.co/53xFARBoic
2021-12-06 15:07:04 @katebevan maybe a bit niche to commission something long on before you leave but i would love to read it…
2021-12-06 15:03:43 RT @linnetelwin: new lectureship position at Cardiff with the amazing @LinaDencik and co - a permanent and open-ended position https://t.c…
2021-12-06 14:58:52 @katebevan I don't know the reason and I don't think NOW is without fault (far from it), but I also think they're probably entangled in a mix of their own incompetence and total rightsholder DRM BS.
2021-12-06 14:57:03 @katebevan I think Google certified Androids support WideVine L1 which is hardware backed DRM, whereas Chromebooks (for a reason I do not know) do not. There is also often a quality limitation on systems that don't have WideVine L1 support so they can't go higher than 480p.
2021-12-06 14:46:52 @katebevan I am also v keen to hear your followers' takes on the technical side as while i am an associate professor of digital rights it is 'not that kind of digital rights'
2021-12-06 14:44:52 @katebevan and then in turn I would be unsurprised if rightsholders providing to NOW TV have demanded that they only permit protection if hardware based... but that's speculation
2021-12-06 14:43:46 @katebevan tl
2021-12-06 14:41:08 @katebevan i'm sure that's part of the whole shoddy picture. but I still think there's a deeper linux problem relating to things like stopping screen recording approaches to ripping videos. some info here https://t.co/3EHX9vdxX5
2021-12-06 14:38:21 The construct wasn't just set up to de-emphasise consent, it was set-up to move optional data processing into "legitimate interests", which has a i) balancing test and ii) right to object, unlike the "contract" ground. https://t.co/vN5GDAUhVt
2021-12-06 14:06:42 @katebevan this sounds like it comes from aggressive DRM operating system and hardware practices. people warned about impact ls when it demands certain vertical infrastructures when W3C started bending to rightsholders to build in DRM into Web standards
2021-12-06 14:00:26 RT @vmanancourt: In today's POLITICO London Playbook: UK urged to review lobbying rules after ex-Information Commissioner Liz Denham's quic…
2021-12-06 13:42:09 @maxschrems @POLITICOEurope @vmanancourt @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB I thought this was already well-known... or maybe not published.
2021-12-06 13:40:09 !!11 Gov could simply ban firms from submitting the price of temporary offers or promos &
2021-12-06 07:46:10 @stevemarple @PrivacyMatters I believe for example if you ever made a wordpress account with a confirmed email, and uploaded an avatar, it was uploaded using the gravatar service so an individual wordpress instance didn’t host the avatar.
2021-12-06 07:33:03 @PrivacyMatters it’s a very very old service that’s actually pretty neat, about having a shared and syndicated avatar across the web, and it’s likely you uploaded an avatar to a website 15 years ago that created a record in gravatar’s database which was queryable by hashing an email
2021-12-06 07:24:54 @profgeraintrees we don’t usually employ PhD students for their research positions everywhere, and some do bring their own money and are funded by employers etc. but students bring that themselves, unlike here we don’t advertise and facilitate that in an open competition.
2021-12-06 07:23:54 @profgeraintrees but they’re students signed up at our university which we ran the admissions process for and advertised the positions, they are clearly our researchers. they’re only at a third party company as we did not take the money for PhD students directly and give it out as normal stipends
2021-12-06 07:21:56 @johnc1912 @McGlynnClare if you think it is clearly illegal and are willing to raise JR-level funding I really think you’d have more luck taking direct precedent-setting action against one of the sites themselves.
2021-12-06 07:19:57 @johnc1912 @McGlynnClare it’s not just about the AADC, ICO enforcement side is paralysed and unprepared for any complex task. we’ve faced this personally w 3 y/o complaints on online tracking that led the ICO to 2 stakeholder events, 2 reports which highlighted wide illegality but still zero enforcement.
2021-12-06 07:15:36 @profgeraintrees i’m well aware of that but this does not put the legal risk on students. one of the main jobs of a uni in taking commercial funding is to insulate its researchers.
2021-12-06 07:13:47 @profgeraintrees But not, AFAIK, for contracts between students and FB that they are structurally pushed into by the framework contracts UCL has signed. That’s what we need.
2021-12-06 07:12:53 @profgeraintrees Issue not solved if students still made to sign unreviewed NDAs to participate in research but at least their funding would not be at risk if they publish what that FB’s law/policy teams dislike. Theoretical research not immune either if it highlights legal or reputational risk.
2021-12-06 07:09:58 @profgeraintrees I’ve only come across the ‘we will employ you for your PhD rather than give the grant through eg CASE’ approach from FB - is it wider? Grants that stem from contracts between students and UCL don’t expose students to nearly the same legal risk as contracting with FB.
2021-12-06 07:06:33 @johnc1912 @McGlynnClare even if*
2021-12-06 07:06:17 @johnc1912 @McGlynnClare fwiw, ICO enforcement division can’t conceptually deal with more than a data breach even if their policy teams are allowed to speak boldly. I don’t personally think this is the correct legal route to go but even the ICO did I don’t think they could organisationally carry it out.
2021-12-06 07:01:51 @profgeraintrees i have inquired all over and have never got a clear affirmative answer as to whether we have even thought about, or had any mechanism to vet contracts and negotiate on behalf of protecting students from a hugely litigious company. it’s such a risk.
2021-12-06 06:58:13 @profgeraintrees it’s immensely important to protect both students and staff from these contractual clauses, but there is a trend, also at UCL, for unis to agree for FB to fund PhDs through direct employment contracts rather than insulating them by taking funding as grants https://t.co/NaN9mng5LV https://t.co/E9rxdvCiTA
2021-12-05 23:07:02 RT @timnitGebru: “The anti-union documents include “...training materials for staff on how to campaign against unionization among persons t…
2021-12-05 13:58:15 @Orla_Hegarty @klillington @Failte_Ireland would be a really interesting cross over to think about in policy terms! perhaps a good opportunity to link @lexatlasc19 @jeff_a_king and @UCLlaw_env in some forward facing policy work
2021-12-05 13:52:48 @MarijnSax the dutch lower case plus so many dots makes me think more of URLs than qualifications
2021-12-05 13:51:56 @MarijnSax the only legit reason to publicly declare so many titles is to have a good laugh at Germans as they try and say them all
2021-12-05 10:37:32 RT @taylor_owen: According to this @MartinPatriquin @the_logic article the head of policy for Facebook Canada, who sits on the advisory boa…
2021-12-02 10:33:53 @tjmcintyre please regulate that regulation recommender system
2021-12-02 09:44:42 @BeterOpDeFiets tragic https://t.co/z37nP3oAqU
2021-12-02 09:19:59 even within wrongly marketised frame of HE the gov has, the UK uni sector cannot attract talent if jobs are casualised and yearly real terms salary cuts. They will not attract the students that unsustainably subsidise research, and they will go elsewhere. gov needs to see this.
2021-12-02 09:15:30 @math_rachel @jennifercobbe @jatinternet
2021-12-02 09:15:07 RT @math_rachel: On *reviewability* of automated decision making (ADM), rather than *explainability* Reviewability does not necessarily in…
2021-12-02 09:08:59 Strong picket yesterday #UCUStrike at UCL Laws. Strike action continues to Fri. Inequality, pay that shocks colleagues abroad, workload, precarity, damage a key sector and embarrass the UK globally. Demands to not strike next term are realistic and within employers’ abilities. https://t.co/0Vmedjdlmm
2021-12-02 08:48:01 RT @HAYLESBEN: UUK say ppl want precarious contracts in HE. Really? After my phd I spent 7 yrs on fixed term research contracts. “Luckily”…
2021-12-02 08:31:23 Did he even try to obtain a Norwich Pharmacal order? Did he confirm the platforms could not support identifying these individuals? That’s still a step you’d have to do regardless of whether you identified with the platform or not — oblige the platform to hand over the details. https://t.co/5ZXCbJge40 https://t.co/adpX11RL0N
2021-12-02 08:14:11 @nhelberger @NUnl filterkoffie bubbel
2021-12-01 18:21:48 RT @anna_cavazzini: It's official, our Internal Market Committee (IMCO) will work jointly with the Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) on t…
2021-12-01 06:52:20 relatedly (and obviously outside of the US), has anyone written about platform liability and responsibility regarding contempt of court? https://t.co/ulrwpiZlEM
2021-11-30 22:57:48 @eMCz @bendrath Boardom
2021-11-30 15:45:35 USS's own modeller for my situation shows a pension cut of 27%. That doesn't look like 10–18% to me, and also does not adequately consider the new inflation cap that has been proposed. https://t.co/HOA2lVEEId
2021-11-30 14:41:14 @lilianedwards Haha if you like it then you should have put a database right on it
2021-11-30 13:27:55 @djleufer the general purpose thing was a late addition that made it more confusing, as that was in new Title V or something
2021-11-30 13:17:36 @djleufer thanks, this is useful info (although they did change some things later on, but I think this was to make definitions consistent
2021-11-30 13:17:10 RT @a_bacci: A stand-out observation in a v useful thread: the Council presidency proposes removing AI created for national security purpos…
2021-11-30 10:40:40 RT @Foxglovelegal: It's the most wonderful time of the year - annual survey time! Seriously though, if you could take a moment to fill this…
2021-11-30 10:33:19 @ckatzenbach @hiig_berlin the version you’ll have on there probably dates back from when skype was p2p…
2021-11-30 10:31:11 @ckatzenbach @hiig_berlin would be surprised if you could get skype working easily on a powerpc… might need to burn a disk and install lubuntu over OSX…
2021-11-30 10:25:32 RT @whiterhino1949: Good to see publication by @CabinetOfficeUK based on @CDEIUK work of Algorithmic Transparency Standard for the Public…
2021-11-30 10:18:44 @peterhense @DoraCrisan and very narrow circumstances and standing, far from a regulatory regime. if required for reasonably priced insurance might be impactful through market forces outside of courtrooms
2021-11-30 09:54:53 @thezedwards lol edge is turning into opera https://t.co/5XuYKZran9
2021-11-30 09:53:09 @DoraCrisan and how do you sue in relation to an ISO standard?
2021-11-30 09:38:44 @DoraCrisan how would you go about enforcing a UNESCO document or ISO standard?
2021-11-30 09:34:14 https://t.co/x6KGh3fLk7
2021-11-30 09:29:20 Note: I deleted a tweet in the middle as I realised I had misread. Likely that classification systems would still fall into ‘biometric systems’. https://t.co/VFQifFmxzm
2021-11-30 08:56:44 Oh, and the council paper is available here: https://t.co/vNmMur6pC1
2021-11-30 08:56:43 That’s all for now… may add more (there are a few other tweaks). For more of the thoughts me and @fborgesius have on the AIA, our paper, Demystifying the Draft EU Artificial Intelligence Act, is out here open access: https://t.co/aawuWFunFq https://t.co/nWKjkUF4P6
2021-11-30 08:56:42 I4. No changes to when a notified body is required to audit high risk system documentation rather than just a provider self assessing (ie when standards exist, never, otherwise, only biometrics). https://t.co/AHxcQGtj9d
2021-11-30 08:56:40 I1. Incredibly, the largely non-sensical (once you scratch the surface) set of obligations in Title IV on deep fakes, biometric categorisation and bots survives… with no changes at all? I’ve included our paper below with our Views on these ill thought through provisions. https://t.co/e643H19wFN
2021-11-30 08:56:38 The Ignored: (or neutral) https://t.co/tSMpUv14bi
2021-11-30 08:56:37 This allows cloud services to determine the underlying way systems work, do dodgy modelling without accountability, be governed only by market forces which they have no problem with, and take a slice of every high risk AI system query without any responsibility! Genius!
2021-11-30 08:56:36 The proposal clearly says that general purpose systems are not high risk. So? The conformity obligations fall on downstream provider who configures them for a purpose… https://t.co/q23DXIsTbF
2021-11-30 08:56:34 B4. A huge removal of a high risk system is to remove systems modelling and searching through giant crime databases. Likely because unlike many Annex III technologies, these are commonly used in MSs… In theory EC could propose its return one day but wouldn’t hold breath. https://t.co/FYEEf1aH8y
2021-11-30 08:56:32 B3. The proposal does little to stop the huge pre-emption of any national rules on use of AI, besides the reduction in scope of the AI definition which reduces the pre-empted scope slightly because not absolutely everything can be claimed to be ‘use of software’.
2021-11-30 08:56:31 B1. While the EU regulating national security *users* would be controversial, the text exempts systems developed solely for national security. NSO-equivalent firms just… fall out of the Act and its requirements, as long as they don’t sell more broadly. Even when selling abroad! https://t.co/CF6VVG8MSy
2021-11-30 08:56:29 The Bad. https://t.co/pOdIH0vwiH
2021-11-30 08:56:27 G4. Some changes to high risk in Annex III to include certain critical infrastructures, insurance premium setting, and to clarify that contractors and their ilk included in law enforcement obligations https://t.co/DiibzETuwZ
2021-11-30 08:56:26 G3. Was unsure whether to add this into ‘good’, but I don’t really mind the changes to the scope of the act, I think ‘modelling’ is still broad and includes complex spreadsheets and things (cc @mireillemoret), w/o including ones simply automating obvious actions. Jury still out. https://t.co/MacpXoLZOR
2021-11-30 08:56:24 G2. Social scoring now also prohibited by private actors, which is a pretty big deal. https://t.co/hJDwaI1RYo
2021-11-30 08:56:23 G1. The manipulation provisions are slightly strengthened by a weakening of intent and a consideration of reasonable likelihood. The recital also has several changes which actually seem like they have read our AIA paper, on sociotechnical systems and accumulated harms… https://t.co/EoI0JALmrO
2021-11-30 08:56:21 The Good: https://t.co/3i93KJrPC1
2021-11-30 08:56:19 The Council presidency compromise text on the draft EU AI Act has some improvements, some big steps back, ignores some huge residual problems and gives a *giant* handout to Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and similar. Thread follows. https://t.co/vAi4aBM18Y
2021-11-30 07:47:36 this is lawtech, and there’s not a blockchain in sight for miles. https://t.co/lXNOIEpPS9
2021-11-29 11:43:27 @markscott82 you could ask @grahamgreenleaf
2021-11-29 08:32:19 https://t.co/IMkL7bFBFt https://t.co/U9oUy3ayEY
2021-11-29 08:28:39 @GossiTheDog @AbirGhattas @sedyst
2021-11-29 08:01:52 @SusanMichie it’s interesting how the valve distinction has never been a visible part of any discussion in the UK, whereas in many other countries they’ve been publicised as ‘selfish masks’ since mid 2020 and even legislated against.
2021-11-29 07:55:15 @renatesamson omg you were right
2021-11-29 07:51:50 @renatesamson i’m really unsure whether this is a rolling substitute filler content or an actual scheduled report someone in a control room has turned on (or my preferred image, the r4 team perched outside NBH around a tethered laptop having VPNed into some beta control panel)
2021-11-29 07:48:13 @stokel that’s a bit harsh! it’s fascinating to see what happens when things fail as it’s when invisible infrastructures become more visible and easy to reason about.
2021-11-29 07:47:08 @renatesamson oh that’s odd, i’m on the app, are you on a DAB device? or even an analogue radio?!?
2021-11-29 07:45:06 @renatesamson @BBCr4today thought for the day, should you (and does jesus want you to) leave when an alarm bell rings or only ‘when someone starts to look a bit concerned’?
2021-11-29 07:44:07 @renatesamson it was really peaceful when silent before they rotated to radio ads
2021-11-28 17:16:50 RT @apps_ltd: We are considering @ICOnews’ report into #Adtech at our Strategic Committee for Important Documents, which reports directly t…
2021-11-28 11:26:40 https://t.co/0mwe1sKmFp
2021-11-28 11:20:31 @shengokai scrivener if you're comfortable with using a wild power tool and finding the bits that are useful to you, but does take a bit of learnin'.
2021-11-28 11:16:39 or else... we'll make another PDF https://t.co/wwq3djKtAm
2021-11-28 07:53:32 @lukOlejnik Brexit has not changed ECHR/Human Rights Act
2021-11-28 07:47:46 @lukOlejnik this isn’t a very new political approach, it has been in English defamation law since 2013, albeit under a further layer of shielding provided by the e-Commerce Directive. https://t.co/kTwvjnMMdx
2021-11-27 17:51:27 @AdamWagner1 should do sweepstakes for the one closest to the time the SI is laid before parliament, i think monday 10:45pm
2021-11-27 17:49:19 @timsquirrell omishambles
2021-11-27 09:44:56 ‘World leading’ regulator (according to the government) relies on good will (easily) to audit the bottleneck applying to a large number of consequential FOI cases across government. Perhaps… the ICO is not a world-leading regulator… https://t.co/g26rQaxsZd https://t.co/PyvaPyRhCX
2021-11-27 09:04:49 every time you mention a buzzword term coined by the WEF, the powers that be automate away the job of a kitten. https://t.co/ZbdQdCOJFf
2021-11-27 09:01:54 @tforcworc there’s also an alleged political reason behind skipping ξ…
2021-11-26 14:07:59 @PaulNemitz most cited by other (US primarily)law journals, interesting metric for an interdisciplinary field…
2021-11-26 14:03:38 @LaurieAnneB merci! i was looking at dutch language press liveblogs but it did not have these details (at least not on VRT yet)
2021-11-26 13:57:35 @mireillemoret @bodobalazs i registered but no link yet… so maybe it is too late unless i sneak in digitally (a both a little easier and a little harder than sneaking in to a uni you work at for an event you did not sign up for)
2021-11-26 13:56:25 @LaurieAnneB yup, am aware, just missing information (were they quarantining? i believe they were unvaccinated. when was the test taken? was it caught in a test before leaving or not? was it a transit flight or from community transmission in egypt?)
2021-11-26 13:49:34 @bodobalazs @mireillemoret it’s too late? or it’s not?
2021-11-26 13:47:13 @tforcworc while jury still out on impact highlights a very signficant time lag from detection to potential action, even if this ends up only being a drill.
2021-11-26 13:39:48 If this situation is as the tweet indicates then it looks like pretty bad news for variant containment strategies. https://t.co/Pl0VOex7Fm
2021-11-26 10:05:24 @markscott82 @LancieriFilippo @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan for big tech that know that their operations have significant legal risk, inaction is the desired regulatory outcome vis a vis citizens, as a decision in their favour is vanishingly unlikely. scoreboard isn’t wins and losses of pending cases, it’s the fact they are all pending.
2021-11-26 10:01:02 @markscott82 @LancieriFilippo @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan administrative rules on time limits on regulators handling of complaints, oversight mechanisms… business friendly is often about structural FUD more than structural bias.
2021-11-26 09:59:40 @markscott82 @LancieriFilippo @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan structural bias isn’t about an organisation’s tendency, it’s about the structures in and around that organisation, ease of access to courts, certainty of procedures, labour market, availability of cost control orders…
2021-11-26 09:57:36 @GerardARudden @NicholasVinocur @markscott82 @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan hah, all is not the right word, I apologise :).
2021-11-26 09:52:06 @markscott82 @NicholasVinocur @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan and I don’t disagree re ICO. But UK privacy law and counsel is so much bigger so that effect isn’t really likely to be important.
2021-11-26 09:50:41 @markscott82 @NicholasVinocur @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan it’s not always jumping in-house - as mentioned it has been indicated to me (as a non Irish legal world expert) it’s worth zooming in on the law firms that provide this expertise and support the imbalances.
2021-11-26 09:46:28 @markscott82 @NicholasVinocur @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan for all i know dealing w explicit complaints in the DPC re multinationals (of which there are few, listed in the annual report), this isn’t careful pondering &
2021-11-26 09:41:36 @NicholasVinocur @markscott82 @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan (but that again is a small country issue and relatively small sector issue)
2021-11-26 09:40:53 @NicholasVinocur @markscott82 @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan also though note the door out of high level DPC to big irish tech… doesn’t hurt to be known not to rock the boat if you’d like a sweet exit.
2021-11-26 09:39:26 @NicholasVinocur @markscott82 @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan it’s also a small country where all good lawyers are drawn to big tech clients and big tech money who likely try and conflict them so they can’t take on NGOs or DPC. I suspect that big tech have presented many law firms with the offer of business if they refuse certain others.
2021-11-26 09:36:46 @markscott82 @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan Note that its strategies are empirically flawed — has been more successfully challenged by complainants than procedurally by big tech (Schrems, Nowak, etc).
2021-11-26 09:34:40 @markscott82 @MarkkuPatynen @SamuelStolton @clothildegouj @NOYBeu @johnnyryan Few think DPC actually corrupt. Has institutionally failed due to the legal strategy of big tech and its own failed response to that strategy. DPC has become so bullied by controllers who threaten to appeal everything procedurally it has become too risk averse to enforce the law.
2021-11-26 08:38:10 @RDBinns @1Br0wn it’s all data movement and transfer, not the use of data in training and querying local models. a promise within privacy sandbox not to explicitly hoover up data from chrome? was that even ever part of the plan?
2021-11-26 08:22:51 @RDBinns @1Br0wn even to construct cohorts? or directly?
2021-11-26 08:19:11 @1Br0wn do you understand what that last sentence means? I don’t.
2021-11-25 16:38:18 @MissIG_Geek i worry what would have become of you rowenna without the representation we see today. perhaps you would be working in adtech.
2021-11-25 16:37:34 @MissIG_Geek i think he's missing the big picture here, while men have been driven to illegality, at least crime by women has vastly reduced. the times when you could not safely and without fear take a dalmation out on the street are coming to an end.
2021-11-25 12:09:59 @moltke is this a stag do
2021-11-25 11:57:44 RT @mathver: The European Commission proposed its proposal for a regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising toda…
2021-11-25 08:30:32 @AndrewDMurray @neil_neilzone on a related note, such schemes often include a blacklist which is shared between orgs with unclear legal basis and which there is little recourse against, and where the right of access is typically refused. have been approached by many a journo over the years looking into this.
2021-11-25 08:20:55 @why0hy as it’s belgium company car tax handout land, only a little less clogged i imagine…
2021-11-25 08:08:03 please both furnish us with some stats on how many comms offences/hate speech prosecutions actually fail because of lack of identifiability, in a world where social media rakes in the dosh w/ tracking & or is this just a ‘nudge’ requiring a dangerous infrastructure? https://t.co/uSLtmN7qGC
2021-11-25 07:57:18 @tnhh https://t.co/Lzl3Jy6ays
2021-11-25 00:30:44 @clancynewyork they do indeed read twitter and have pseudonymous accounts, as various of their executives often remind me by alluding to things i have tweeted when i meet them. (hi apple)
2021-11-25 00:23:57 Apple also looking to get some of their consumer and NGO shine back (à la ‘Apple v FBI’) by shouting about this case from the rooftops after being surprised by being reputationally burned by their underdeveloped client side scanning infrastructure proposal. https://t.co/0lIBScudZv
2021-11-24 23:01:16 @RonMorrison_ @t_streinz ian hacking, oscar gandy jr, and martha poon are all good places to jump off from
2021-11-24 22:49:58 @in2scienceUK @profgeraintrees @uclnews @LeadingRoutes @UPSIGN_Network @DavidBogle5 @WCHN_UCL @SashaRoseneil @rebecca_mck @Cambridge_Uni this looks like a great scheme, although i think the definition of ‘all disciplines’ might need some refining…
2021-11-24 22:30:52 @jimrobottom @David__Foster @guardian hardly justified given raab after all wrote ‘the’ book on the echr, or something.
2021-11-24 19:18:32 RT @adefty: The Intelligence &
2021-11-24 08:53:46 tfw you see a new genre of consent dark pattern despite plenty of screen space https://t.co/uPB7flAILC
2021-11-24 07:57:37 Presumably with the powers in the Market Surveillance Regulation in combination with the Toy Directive. The same regulatory powers underpin the draft AI Act (although with regulators staffed by 1-25 people, according to the EC’s plans…) https://t.co/h7ujzwvVTs https://t.co/vS7TWR1kBK
2021-11-23 15:03:48 @colmocinneide we won't truly be free until we have guns
2021-11-23 14:39:56 @hroyAvocat @maxschrems @johnnyryan hah, no need to NDA as we don't plan to disclose anything
2021-11-23 11:36:10 @junszhao @oxfordccai @OxfordHCC (but also no pressure, feel free to keep it quiet until you want to make a splash :) )
2021-11-23 11:35:45 @junszhao @oxfordccai @OxfordHCC hah, while you might want to not publish it until officially accepted, there's no rule about stating the topic of your accepted research. CHI explicitly allows even publishing a preprint on arXiv or similar before review https://t.co/EMTju6JMGw :)
2021-11-23 11:28:14 That's not to say I support Edward Elgar's restrictive green open access policy!
2021-11-23 11:27:21 How does SSRN (owner: Elsevier) get away w/ being constantly classified as a not-for-profit subject repository by publishers like Edward Elgar when they specifically highlight Research Gate or Academia-edu as 'commercial'? SSRN is a for-profit institution. https://t.co/XamAnugFyb https://t.co/nO52r4n1VL
2021-11-23 09:52:25 @MarijnSax new meanings to slashing tyres
2021-11-23 09:51:13 @ProfWoodward @matthew_d_green see also https://t.co/ZCiEHLp9hp @shubhamjain0594 et al
2021-11-23 09:49:18 RT @Senficon: https://t.co/95r4qnX3nA https://t.co/2MRLuuP8Nq
2021-11-23 09:04:08 @junszhao @oxfordccai @OxfordHCC what’s it about though jun!!
2021-11-23 08:58:14 RT @maxschrems: Seems @JohnnyRyan was met with similar demands by the @DPCIreland im favor of Google -- in this case even requiring to keep…
2021-11-23 08:51:25 RT @UGambini: @zoobab @EP_SingleMarket Yes Interoperability for ancillary services both hardware & as well as for messaging servic…
2021-11-23 08:49:30 @LinaDencik it also seems to (as i think you indicate) reveal a certain pathology in the organisational and ministerial mind that thought this up…
2021-11-23 08:47:52 @LinaDencik if it had a job offer they’d just be able to get a standard visa, i think the ‘special draw’ of this is that a big prize winner could apply without a sponsor. but under what situations would that even happen? they should call it the Wandering Sage Global Excellence Visa
2021-11-23 08:42:21 @LinaDencik the idea people with nobel prizes would just fancy to move to the uk without a job offer because they love it
2021-11-23 08:33:42 older thread with more info https://t.co/8YtzxEAtwx
2021-11-23 08:29:51 These complaints have been active for over 3 years. Both are listed in the DPC’s own annual report every year. https://t.co/ETITQeuwDk
2021-11-23 08:26:17 Along w/ @maxschrems (on data transfers) &
2021-11-22 13:30:50 @binocularity on regulating recommender systems, EU and US definitions in proposed laws are remarkably similar. US AI regulation more nascent and being led by the White House Office for Science and Technology. There is no definition of algorithm in proposed US bill with it in the name.
2021-11-22 12:09:56 @lilianedwards possibly! I didn’t go there as not at all comfortable with implications in that jurisdiction compared to eu, uk, us
2021-11-22 08:56:16 Today in their LLB Internet Law &
2021-11-22 08:00:27 RT @lexatlasc19: The #LAC19 network has now published its #legal, #constitutional and #ethical principles for mandatory vaccination require…
2021-11-21 22:04:22 @AlecMuffett I don't disagree PETs are useful regulators. The tweet quoted would mean giving up on regulating unless there is a clear access point or (willing/coercible) gatekeeper for user-side policy enforcement. Plus unless illegal, displacement would follow (see SDKs, in-browser tracking)
2021-11-21 09:23:32 good luck mandating technical solutions for ‘invulnerability’ from facial recognition and other biometrics https://t.co/PiCQKbMk1d
2021-11-20 11:58:55 @alexhern i think so, i noticed it last week. iirc you can’t choose to be an academic or a professor, you can only choose to be a college or university…
2021-11-19 17:12:22 @smithsam @lilianedwards yup, so only matters if your designated legislative proxy ends up pushing your idea or not.
2021-11-19 17:02:35 @smithsam @lilianedwards in the same stage, yes it does matter. you can’t table an amendment to have another go or overturn an amendment that went the other way within the same stage eg reading, committee.
2021-11-17 17:18:25 @JFLenhard :(
2021-11-17 17:17:37 RT @NoraNiLoideain: Less than 24hours to go! Thrilled to be chairing tomorrow’s Keynote Panel and can’t wait for the 2021 Annual Lecture b…
2021-11-17 14:18:39 RT @jeff_a_king: Brilliant LAC19 blog by Prof Dr. Karl Stoeger (Vienna) on Austria's lockdown of the unvaccinated and potential legal compl…
2021-11-17 12:41:04 RT @AniceeVE: I so approve of @CranfieldUni teaching booths https://t.co/5icSOR1DVU
2021-11-17 10:45:28 @NickRevell @faisalislam @AmericanExpress the EU regulation doesn’t apply to Amex when it doesn’t operate as an intermediary between banks and retailers, so it’s uncapped and reliant on the desire of Amazon to take Amex and swallow the fee.
2021-11-17 10:44:04 @mcelhearn @faisalislam it’s more complicated than that. IIRC in CJEU jurisprudence branded Amex cards (eg BA, nectar etc) get capped but Amex in its fully vertically integrated format (where retailers can choose to take it or not and this doesn’t affect ability to interface with banks) is not capped
2021-11-17 08:59:11 @technollama that is new information to me, as i have been watching from distant sidelines. thanks!
2021-11-17 08:50:50 @technollama however it probably is worth noting that unless some pretty wild financial vehicle is made, the artist doesn’t gain so much from a resale… so not like patreon unless you argue that the original value reflects its future sale potential…
2021-11-17 08:49:22 @technollama it’s definitely the most obviously solid reason and if people feel the same attachment to a cryptographic hash as they do to a signed book then sure, knock yourself out. patreon meeets ‘pictures or it didn’t happen’.
2021-11-17 08:45:19 @technollama i can’t quite place the balance of NFTs’ value between baseless hyping by speculators, misunderstandings of intellectual property, and modern digital artist patronage.
2021-11-16 15:48:43 @Iwillleavenow thanks, sent!
2021-11-16 13:15:21 @AnnemarieBridy @technollama i think i died a little when i learned reference managers and those doing open source automation of it had to call it the ‘indigo book’ to stop the harvard cease and desist letters…
2021-11-16 13:03:02 All the systems are designed to manage and sort populations to move risky people to different places than non risky people through profiling. Conceptually mapping them can help discuss their legitimacy and how these infrastructures can change purpose over time.
2021-11-16 13:03:01 Conceptually contact tracing technologies often sort individuals at the boundary between home &
2021-11-16 12:37:08 @AnnemarieBridy @technollama also interesting as it's v hard to auto parse references from footnoted PDFs (G Scholar is comparatively bad at footnoted articles) so gotta get the exact cite after the title right in a single monoculture style to be text searched else no quantification 4 U. Root of a lot...
2021-11-16 12:32:28 Prof Elen Stokes' ace @UCLlaw_env Annual Lecture on Ministries for the Future in Environmental Law is now online, digging into the Welsh experience w/ the Future Generations Commissioner &
2021-11-16 12:11:32 RT @petros_ter: Our evidence w/ @mikarv on the @LordsCommsCom ‘Digital Regulation’ inquiry and, in particular, the proposal for a Digital A…
2021-11-16 09:00:29 @1Br0wn it uses the term paradox extremely loosely from my relatively quick read. not sure what it finds are reliable nor paradoxes
2021-11-16 08:58:27 @1Br0wn i have difficulty trusting a study to correctly report multi homing when the study cannot explain why its respondents tend to report using 5 search engines. clearly lacking a sorely needed qualitative dimension.
2021-11-15 19:12:40 @ruskin147 A powerful illustration of the limited power of close family faculty members against the academic administrative Machine.
2021-11-15 13:09:01 Don’t miss this opportunity to be a kickass data rights and digital power solicitor with an absolute dream team of colleagues. Downside is that you might get me as a client. https://t.co/j4QndU16OE
2021-11-15 09:12:16 Really great, lengthy and well-paid postdoc opportunity with @ProfCCostello at Hertie in Berlin for a law &
2021-11-15 08:56:31 @PrivacyMatters @tforcworc @1Br0wn the report claims the doc was altered iirc.
2021-11-15 08:39:39 RT @martinwolf_: Martin Wolf: UK university pensions suffer from misplaced prudence https://t.co/78CdgsXRCU
2021-11-14 13:31:51 RT @GeorgeGreenwood: A large Covid-19 testing provider is being investigated by the UK’s data privacy watchdog over its plans to sell swabs…
2021-11-14 12:38:46 @restofworld @abolgaresc you should try and get a pay rise…
2021-11-13 11:02:33 RT @1Br0wn: Register now! Alternative recommender systems in the #DigitalServicesAct: How to protect free expression, create competition…
2021-11-13 09:57:23 RT @JanetGunter: The most amazing funded PhD opportunity with @nicolasnova in Geneva - ethnographic research of reuse/modding/hacking dis…
2021-11-11 06:49:43 @davidakaye @MarietjeSchaake they’re her trade secrets now…
2021-11-10 19:11:42 @clancynewyork @rosafurneaux @TfL allegedly (I have thought this too when on board) this is actually to aid the existing ventilation. In my experience TFL often do their technical homework but it’d be interesting to see their decision process here. https://t.co/UkR9Nzuo1j
2021-11-10 16:15:18 @gwbstr I’m not so sure. The result of Apple’s many restrictions are limits on the kind of ways you can use your device. The causal link btw airbags &
2021-11-10 14:49:19 sure, you can always have better privacy and security if you exert more and more and more control over your users. the question is, where does that stop — and who stops you, Apple?
2021-11-10 14:47:06 “Cook said sideloading apps on iOS is comparable to an automaker selling a vehicle without safety features like airbags or seatbelts.” not really Tim, it’s like an automaker selling a car able to drive in any direction, on any road or with any passenger… … like they are https://t.co/3e24z5AwGX
2021-11-10 14:41:12 @robinberjon one of the most interesting things about the safari workaround is that the ICO afaik did nothing
2021-11-10 14:08:20 @robinberjon doesn’t mean it wasn’t illegal or not able to be subjected to regulatory fines
2021-11-10 10:50:28 One win and one loss for Google today it seems. https://t.co/59A1cCM2Hw
2021-11-10 08:24:22 this great story from @mattburgess1 shows that Sweden hasn’t really moved on from being the country that criminally prosecuted Bodil Lindqvist under data protection law for operating a parish website. https://t.co/4z3o4iZLzM
2021-11-09 21:50:00 thredd https://t.co/okZwMHHfGd
2021-11-09 21:48:43 RT @sedyst: I admire @FrancesHaugen's guts &
2021-11-09 21:48:27 RT @BeterOpDeFiets: Haugen seems to want Facebook to be gently coaxed into being the benevolent monopoly it wants to be deep down. She dism…
2021-11-09 21:19:15 Imagined limited certification of static, one-off ‘immunity’ is giving way to a dynamic infrastructure for proof-of-whatever, enabling profiling on interventions (eg vax), characteristics (age, vulnerability), context (who scans?), diagnostics… https://t.co/NeSG0xGuA1 https://t.co/Hsr1dSruYh https://t.co/G3qffCNTsR
2021-11-09 19:13:23 Incredible that @EU_Justice thought they could fix the image problem of rapid product safety alert system RAPEX by rebranding it to ‘Safetygate’. Now it sounds less like a system for sexual abuse informatics but instead like a continent-wide product fault scandal. https://t.co/xip2dGqrHM
2021-11-09 16:15:34 @fborgesius @neilmrichards and full workshop day for me, but i hope it goes great! plus I just came back about an hour ago from guest teaching that paper in physical atom italy, albeit venice not milan, can’t have too much of a good thing…
2021-11-09 16:01:05 Does someone have link to the statutory framework around this LeaveHomeSafe? Seems to work in a relatively decentralised QR code manner in the England Wales and the German CovidWarnApp QR feature. Possibly NZ code base and poss this way to make compatible with GAEN policies. https://t.co/Bo76YRu31T
2021-11-09 14:55:43 Happening 5pm UK/6PM CET today, register here https://t.co/qyDqeEGfwr https://t.co/OBpILflxKr
2021-11-09 12:30:40 On perfectly normal island, a Gordon’s Wine Bar spin off company widely deploys facial recognition off the back of deeply suspect legal advice that any private stores can use facial recognition without an authorising statute by claiming it constitutes substantial public interest. https://t.co/yBdddmThjK
2021-11-09 10:11:38 RT @arcapde: We are hiring! @beuc is looking for a legal officer to join our legal team and strengthen our work on consumer law enforcement…
2021-11-09 09:34:55 As the UK moves to dismantle digital rights in part because some neighbouring countries have them, this needs someone really stellar bringing litigation knowledge, please spread the word! https://t.co/53D2liVrzf
2021-11-09 09:32:27 RT @OpenRightsGroup: Head of Policy & 7% pension contribution Generous training & 25 days paid ann…
2021-11-09 09:31:47 RT @hayleyjhooper: Job at @BonaveroIHR Fund for Global Human Rights Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Oxford https://t.co/oRdWhoqHFy
2021-11-09 07:54:48 @JeremiasPrassl @DrVenca @RDBinns And the more practical point is that 114 harmonisation allows firms to take potshots at laws arguing they are within AIA scope which MS won’t have anticipated are even pre empted and therefore won’t have notified, gathered evidence for, etc etc.
2021-11-08 22:12:24 @aj_boston @sckottie what’s the copyright side of this? people then *have* to sign over copyright to elsevier in order to publish there?
2021-11-07 13:26:40 Anyone know where I can get hold of this Ghanaian decision of the Accra High Court, striking down a Covid-inspired telecoms data gathering executive instrument (EI 63)? Usual sources failing and GhaLII doesn’t seem to have High Court rulings in yet. https://t.co/SaZVqWK3fs
2021-11-06 23:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-11-06 19:50:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-11-06 18:59:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-11-02 09:22:54 RT @DavidErdos: #dataprotection requires data behemoths like Google being robustly &
2021-11-01 22:03:00 or four years… https://t.co/PycAwpSCV5
2021-11-01 19:20:00 CAFIAC FIX
2021-10-15 09:08:56 @mer__edith @jathansadowski classic playbook highlighted by Naomi Oreskes and Eric Conway in their 2010 book Merchants of Doubt https://t.co/R61po0PRPB
2021-10-15 08:18:35 RT @rossjanderson: If you build it, they will come: a detailed analysis of the risks of client-side scanning, which the intelligence agenci…
2021-10-15 08:17:37 RT @SteveBellovin: A new white paper on the risks of client-side scanning, by Hal Abelson, @rossjanderson, Josh Benaloh, @mattblaze, @jonca…
2021-10-15 08:07:26 @icl_prof @Warwick_Law ffp3 power!
2021-10-15 08:06:27 "Differences between Apple &
2021-10-14 22:22:42 @clancynewyork @ruthstarkman @mmitchell_ai @aclanthology @jakusg +1
2021-10-14 22:22:18 @clancynewyork @ruthstarkman @mmitchell_ai @aclanthology @jakusg I agree. I’m just worried about its fragility in a context of neglect and underinvestment. It is certainly the leader in parsing PDFs, looking across websites, finding mirror links.
2021-10-14 22:20:47 @ruthstarkman @mmitchell_ai @aclanthology @jakusg I meant that they have access to the full text to eg parse references even if they don’t grant readers that same access.
2021-10-14 17:06:24 @SlippersRobert @UCLLaws how can we go on?!
2021-10-14 16:51:49 @ruthstarkman @mmitchell_ai @aclanthology not sure. What I haven’t seen is the infrastructural details of GScholar. in particular, G appears to have unpaywalled access to everything, and runs it through a probably very messy PDF parser to pull out refs, which a replacement service would struggle with. cc @jakusg
2021-10-14 15:52:04 @mmitchell_ai @aclanthology GScholar seems like a neglected, underinvested and unloved product that occasionally twitches to life in updates, yet universities don’t step up combine forces and provide a public interest alternative infrastructure for what is one of their core businesses.
2021-10-14 15:49:19 @Elinor_Carmi @jen_m_mcarthur @EmiliaSmeds I believe the ace @elliecosgrave and the org she now works for may have some fascinating projects on lighting too…
2021-10-14 15:47:05 @k_irion would also be nice if we got the money that covered our costs of delivering our undergraduate education from the government. across UCL we don’t even get it from the fees so cross subsidising is the norm…
2021-10-14 15:36:40 @Elinor_Carmi night tube already underprovides for nighttime workers and exercerbates nightttime transport inequities, v good study by @jen_m_mcarthur @EmiliaSmeds and Enora Robin https://t.co/48wPz93GxX
2021-10-14 15:08:31 @StKruno @UCLLaws allegedly it existed but has already been fully utilised for this week
2021-10-14 14:49:50 @blakereid five pages in giant font! ours is 150 pages in tiny font :(. merciful indeed.
2021-10-14 14:48:08 RT @linnetelwin: this is a big deal for several reasons. what does it mean that country after country is creating first ID systems, then th…
2021-10-14 14:27:58 @alixtrot @ginasue impressive ratio though https://t.co/3KZDza7nFn
2021-10-14 14:25:50 @alixtrot @ginasue thankfully on digital issues we have a sensible and principled opposition par– oh, wait https://t.co/2U1IAbmEZS
2021-10-14 14:20:15 (who said we are milking international fees?!)
2021-10-14 14:19:05 @ginasue @alixtrot in many EU countries though, Gina’s statement v right, CCTV has to be public as they haven’t made a clear national basis for private entities to ‘fight crime’ too
2021-10-14 14:18:06 @ginasue @alixtrot judgment bit more nuanced than a ban, focusses on breaches re transparency in situation of 2 angry neighbours rather than legality of private (incl domestic) CCTV, typically justified under ‘crime prevention’ lawful basis.
2021-10-14 14:12:37 no gold top unpasteurised though
2021-10-14 14:11:14 The only staff room milk politics @UCLLaws is (thankfully) an ideological one about which one you choose. https://t.co/EBdvi5N1ZP
2021-10-14 13:05:18 @oballinger @CASAUCL congratulations! finding the ID card building was the final test
2021-10-14 07:23:38 @psychicyogamat is there a phrase for this? moral… completism?
2021-10-14 07:20:42 @psychicyogamat i think the correct response to them is to find another author they didn’t realise refused israeli-based publishing house translation rights, who they read and enjoyed, and point out that means they aren’t allowed to have views on Rooney
2021-10-14 07:18:13 @piratetomski @BigBrotherWatch @DavidDavisMP @SpeechUnion he literally took a legal case which changed all of european law to stop, amongst other things, the chilling effects of data retention of mobile phone and similar data, alongside tom watson.
2021-10-14 07:15:26 Even before the Online Safety Bill. This is not a vaccine sceptic. Does Google believe that because some legislators in the US believe vaccines are ineffective or dangerous, all countries must have some similar legislators? https://t.co/YhhTP1tSBS
2021-10-14 07:06:47 General monitoring &
2021-10-13 17:53:32 @daphnehk and https://t.co/jdTvKCJ88v
2021-10-13 17:52:33 @daphnehk #bobek https://t.co/pSjExBNjv6
2021-10-13 09:05:25 @TheSimonEvans not disagreeing that it would be great if ideas could be more lucidly debated, less knee-jerk overreaction. it would be nice if the problem was uni management: could be localised, diagnosed, dealt with. but IMO it isn’t, much broader. simplifying perpetuates politics of villains
2021-10-13 09:01:29 @TheSimonEvans A model that imagines student’s courses translating rapidly (within 1st years? 1 yr masters?) into views in unions doesn’t seem to fly IMO in practical terms. It’s more generational, senses of belonging to a movement, justice, rooted in broader societal disenfranchisement.
2021-10-13 08:57:34 @TheSimonEvans You implied that university org choices are a source of this problem, but I think that vastly overstates their current role, as well as the efficacy of any potential culture-shaping tools, in the views and actions of student movements.
2021-10-13 08:34:15 @DaveMichels_ @neil_neilzone @TheRealRevK @rsmck @NexusUKOrg will share it again when i add the other 3/4 of the course to this site
2021-10-13 08:33:18 @TheSimonEvans curious, what actions should they have taken to make sure it did not get ‘this far’?
2021-10-13 08:25:37 @neil_neilzone @TheRealRevK @rsmck @NexusUKOrg tutorial 1 (T1) here (i’ll publicise the syllabus more for broader learning when it’s a bit more complete, am migrating it from UCL proprietary platform i’ve lost patience with) https://t.co/10OYqfMLfd
2021-10-13 08:23:14 @neil_neilzone @TheRealRevK @rsmck @NexusUKOrg this was (in slightly less daunting terms for them) the question for our third year undergraduate internet law students in their tutorials on DoH, code and law this week.
2021-10-13 07:52:29 RT @Jackstilgoe: New paper! The politics of scaling. https://t.co/1B4K83SGfq. I was delighted that @smpfotenhauer and co agreed to cite the…
2021-10-13 07:46:44 RT @DavidHenigUK: As promised, worth taking some time over a remarkable speech, one that demonstrates the UK government seeing the world qu…
2021-10-12 15:59:54 @wendyg @m_c_elish yep! if i was writing this in a footnoted essay and not a tiny tweet would have cited @m_c_elish’s powerful work as providing a very useful metaphor.
2021-10-12 15:58:41 @sergey_nog @IPFS Who will integrate it in our tools
2021-10-12 15:57:42 @sergey_nog @IPFS IMO it’s crucial to consider likely cryptosystems, not zoom in too much on primitives. The economic driver to sell cloud is staggering. Primitives can provide no guarantees of in whose interests cryptosystems are configured, and political economy matters. https://t.co/Gv2Vxq2mlD
2021-10-12 13:10:51 RT @TheABB: @mikarv They’ve required ‘consent’ for a long time for their additional services. I believe they may also exceed processor role…
2021-10-12 10:55:05 RT @VTeagueAus: This article should be titled "DPC IT backups holding QR code check-in data indefinitely" because it specifically includes…
2021-10-12 10:51:51 Upon writing, @ThreeUKSupport now state 'Here are our terms, where you will not find any of the legally required information on traffic shaping, advertised or expected speeds, or similar. You can leave if you like!'. Perhaps the kind of surrealism @Ofcom should be interested in. https://t.co/7dxwqgkX3B https://t.co/VhN8nOsA7A
2021-10-12 10:00:04 @PJLeerssen it’s a whole tweet genre https://t.co/C02MT50RlS
2021-10-12 09:55:46 @PJLeerssen i hope you cut it up into portable chunks to save your poor academic back https://t.co/6XQo8IN8tm
2021-10-12 09:51:48 @TORCHOxford @EthicsInAI @jamalgreene Get your bingo card out for unevidenced assertions that ‘anonymous accounts are the source of abuse’. I guess Facebook, with its real name policy, is a sunny and abuse free utopia!
2021-10-12 09:47:44 It’s not just Americans that need a Bill of Rights against the misuse of AI by the United States with regard to individuals and communities around the world under the wide reaching powers of the NSA and the FISA Court. But extremely unlikely this will even get a report mention. https://t.co/vBpwucGJxg
2021-10-12 09:41:51 @TheRealRevK @Apple you can in a long winded way, click on the screenshot thumbnail, press share icon in top right, copy, then close that menu and press done and delete. could be much easier…
2021-10-12 08:25:29 But will it solve or worsen centralisation problems? FHE’s primary use case is ‘more cloud, all the time’. Confidentiality but what about availability — all your services can be gatekept and switched off by an external party. https://t.co/yqPldJYDRv
2021-10-12 08:19:30 at the same time, this is also true: https://t.co/XveH295KpC
2021-10-12 08:07:00 @technollama @Kirst3nF @bendrath yes, thanks to the unexpected and rapid interaction between intergalactic copyleft licensing and network effects in the 2300s
2021-10-12 07:59:52 @Kirst3nF @bendrath (in other words, a world where enterprise software works for its users, har har)
2021-10-12 07:59:23 @Kirst3nF @bendrath there’s also an underlying optimistic assumption that across the universe, every species perfects computer interface design so perfect it can be picked up by (perhaps trained) other species almost instantly.
2021-10-12 07:53:49 Is this the first legislator and ex-MP to state that the Online Safety Bill should be careful of relying on giant rich platforms to be there for evermore in order to regulate Internet content? Of making them indispensable? One is better than none I guess… https://t.co/CrtW7gkMXq https://t.co/uS1JFQWaYI
2021-10-12 07:45:42 This is not a company caring about privacy or protecting children, or the #AADC, it’s a company strongarming schools and possibly even forcing liability onto them to get what they want in a broader tracking ecosystem.
2021-10-12 07:40:45 Alternative: G obey the law, rely on granular refusable consent for unnecessary profiling &
2021-10-12 07:35:10 Google were effectively required in law to stop invasive and unnecessary tracking/profiling, but high quality consent is there as a loophole. Instead of accepting a ban and making realistic changes, Google forces consent. But consent doesn’t work for U 13s, so end up here. https://t.co/TWHPEMk9Gn
2021-10-12 06:59:35 This is a great article posing social rights around technologies and their infrastructures as an alternative frame to more individualised fundamental rights. It gives policymakers a (somewhat) familiar footing to take these questions further. https://t.co/LBTWu0O7Di
2021-10-11 22:31:14 RT @WolfieChristl: Highly relevant study on how 24,000 out of 570k identified free Android and iOS apps transmit personal data to third-par…
2021-10-11 22:20:20 @vendorprisey @1Br0wn @lilianedwards @mireillemoret @SandraWachter5 i don’t know anyone working on that but would like to know
2021-10-10 15:22:00 @TimCauser that’s one for @israblack’s seminar…
2021-10-10 11:07:20 @ThreeUK @Ofcom @ChrisTMarsden New advice: "Look at the privacy policy".
2021-10-10 10:57:58 new 5G contract is going well, literally reading UK legal reqs on published transparency re traffic management/net neutrality over phone, only for @ThreeUK to say 'we do not publish them'. phone uploads about 5x faster when VPN'd! @Ofcom @ChrisTMarsden https://t.co/NFSomhRXC8
2021-10-10 08:45:40 @katebevan pretty sure Google Blitz was a failed social network at some point
2021-10-10 08:35:47 @DisabilityStor1 @histoftech imo there is enough bad technology without people making more up. twitter is becoming a hazardous place to RT things on, particularly given the platform’s role in academic consumption of these ‘case studies’.
2021-10-10 08:33:40 @DisabilityStor1 @histoftech horrifying, but original thread with these photos in seems to conclude it was a troll app designed to trigger angry publicity such as this, rather than a real service. this is becoming a whole new genre (eg ‘Spinner’ adtech to convince targeted women to have more sex w husbands) https://t.co/DP4TFVUqYJ
2021-10-10 08:25:58 RT @GeorgePeretzQC: The current government’s problem is that its new objection of dogma/principle to the role of the CJEU cannot plausibly…
2021-10-09 15:58:50 This deeply reported story (link: https://t.co/S4V7R6SijR) is nauseatingly horrifying and unjust. https://t.co/ioUU1BFZbh
2021-10-09 12:46:26 The inevitability of centralised "app stores" as only way get software is increasingly reified by law. Take Australia's Online Safety Act 2021. The def of "app distribution service" might haved turned for its breadth heads 10 years ago — what about the web, and executable files?! https://t.co/7ro44os3a7
2021-10-09 10:09:34 Keeling schedule begone https://t.co/6k5obXaxX0
2021-10-09 09:19:51 @PW507 @katebevan once you call this number there is no safe way to hang up without triggering a police visit to you during your nighttime journey? in this climate? is that it? the more you think about it the more absurd the whole thing is.
2021-10-09 09:17:21 @katebevan I think app wouldn’t even work by the time they looked into how apps and location apis worked, this would be a phone number at best. I would bet the app statement was added by some nitwit who just piped up and said ‘we could also do an app’.
2021-10-09 09:15:45 Great look for both Twitter and Spiked. https://t.co/rWdxC9qeq8
2021-10-09 09:10:38 @katebevan the # of false +ves from thefts alone would scupper it operationally before even considering the impact of more women at night w/o phones, surveillance normalisation, and before even getting to its minimal impact on how crimes would play out. cheap, insulting technosolutionism.
2021-10-09 09:03:33 @katebevan is the idea that people will actually have the phones to their ears while walking? the way all phones get stolen by thieves on mopeds and cyclists? what could go wrong?
2021-10-09 08:59:38 @sylviademars @BikesNBukes Equity delights in ponies.
2021-10-09 08:58:45 @nataliesedacca if only there was a way for many different but related legal persons to team up in financialised networks
2021-10-09 08:57:50 @sylviademars @BikesNBukes now we have washed ours hands with warm soapy water and sung happy birthday twice, we may trigger the law of equity
2021-10-09 08:54:29 “The colleges are separate legal and financial employers, so cannot be covered by a single agreement” - ah yes, I imagine there is no legal or contractual instrument that humans could envisage that could rationalise this situation https://t.co/PxzSWJG1YS
2021-10-09 07:07:36 Getting executive political will to overhaul infrastructures like these in both public and private sectors was a hidden, under-explored and I suspect pretty large pro-innovation and pro-data analysis effect of the GDPR/similar regimes. https://t.co/CVzLXuZRu0
2021-10-09 06:57:16 @Livingstone_S @5RightsFound @MediaLSE @LSEnews As well as formal apps and platforms, have seen through anecdotal evidence that teachers rely heavily on selections of smallish websites (to teach concepts in maths, programming, etc) with huge numbers of trackers and no affirmative consent.
2021-10-09 06:55:39 RT @Livingstone_S: DFC 'dismayed' at scale of learning data used for commercial purposes #digitalfutures #edtech @5RightsFound #DFC @Me…
2021-10-08 22:29:10 Deeply astounding graphic. https://t.co/F0AJy5O0U2
2021-10-08 21:45:15 RT @BenPatrickWill: Illuminating puff piece on how integral to edtech AWS has become - Rekognition for proctoring, automatic answer checkin…
2021-10-08 21:44:54 RT @BenPatrickWill: "From idea to IPO and beyond, AWS supports EdTech to start, grow, and optimize their business as they deliver on their…
2021-10-08 21:31:46 @sandervdwaal interesting! i wasn’t aware of this project, will look into it, resonates a lot with our current research areas here.
2021-10-08 16:46:02 RT @C___CS: When fewer and fewer companies own more and more aspects of the soft and hardware that makes up the Internet, what could possib…
2021-10-08 15:48:03 “Big Tech platforms are [realising] unless they have some sway in distribution, their power will be limited. And [they] seem to be managing to buy up stakes in the internet’s backbone much more competently and quietly than their cable counterparts have managed the reverse.” https://t.co/vSiZ4aD6Fr
2021-10-08 15:29:12 RT @vmanancourt: This is significant: The British Information Commissioner's Office has voiced "strong concerns" over plans to bring the re…
2021-10-08 12:24:16 @omertene @JulesPolonetsky Did you call it that by that term, or did @Nadya_Purtova?
2021-10-08 10:43:14 RT @tjmcintyre: Every lawyer should have a copy of this excellent book on Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures edited by Stephen M…
2021-10-08 09:30:51 @katebevan people use it… without the meme??
2021-10-07 11:18:53 @DanielHiltonCFC @AlexandraPring what a coincidence! - I had just seen her tweet when searching, the most recent tweet on this platform mentioning the author before the announcement (to gauge how unanticipated this was) https://t.co/wAabujnqRx
2021-10-07 08:33:04 RT @torproject: "Trawling through Google’s search history database enables police to identify people merely based on what they might have b…
2021-10-07 08:20:21 @mrchrisadams they’re under ‘fb’ https://t.co/LhQ18mSmCj
2021-10-07 08:19:53 @mrchrisadams various repos on here https://t.co/4QOGZjDquI
2021-10-07 07:57:07 (arguably in the current draft general purpose models are already pretty shielded from liability anyway, if they’re not being sold for the tasks in the Annex). More in our paper https://t.co/8uQ7tq0EuU https://t.co/f4WSTSmdik
2021-10-07 07:50:25 what of responsibilities on providers to allow users to assess compliance? access to how models were trained? training data? ability to test them with a copy they can put in a sandbox, not query through costly APIs? users cannot assess black boxes. ‘foundation model’ washing. https://t.co/AYdPLA6g9D
2021-10-07 07:48:47 @DOTEurope what if responsibilities on providers to allow users to assess compliance? access to how, and datasets upon which, models were trained? ability to test them with a copy they can put in a sandbox, not query through costly APIs? orgs cannot assert compliance of black boxes.
2021-10-07 07:42:39 RT @HJAcivillibs: We are recruiting a full time Paralegal to assist a partner and associate solicitor who specialise in actions against the…
2021-10-07 01:25:10 RT @jsrailton: 3/ WILD: @billmarczak warned Princess Haya's lawyers about #Pegasus. Within HOURS, NSO had sent @CherieBlairQC to call the…
2021-10-06 15:54:47 RT @jennifercobbe: Seven more thoughts on recommender systems ONE. Law needs to identify specific platform activities to regulate, rather…
2021-10-06 15:48:33 @djleufer I call them baubles as they are drawing attention away from the AI Act as a serious, huge and in some ways unprecedented deregulatory project that is abusing TFEU 114.
2021-10-06 15:47:31 @djleufer I disagree that by criticising a parliamentary resolution I’m belittling civil society, but serious concern that a fight to obtain what will be compromise bans that please Council is not worth the cost: pre-empting all regulation around use of AI systems in EU outside Title III.
2021-10-06 15:40:53 @CrBravoR @steltenpower It would be nice if this were the case but commissioned studies are not official EU positions nor official views of the Commission.
2021-10-06 07:30:30 RT @ddenissmith: This makes me feel sick: “Law firms had some of the highest gender pay gaps. Women were paid 47.4% less than men per hour…
2021-10-06 07:26:05 @sjmurdoch @m_j_chalmers yeah i had to scrub that off and usually do for PQ, total madness. same issue for journals that transform the DOI links on the page into uni proxied ones (although I think this is also to do with the proxying tech replacing them)
2021-10-06 07:06:53 @m_j_chalmers @sjmurdoch oh, how stupid. also in a private window? it might have laid an institutional cookie. the url looks very institution agnostic (am interested as am trying to make a more institution neutral public reading list and sometimes proquest comes up)
2021-10-06 07:02:48 @m_j_chalmers @sjmurdoch yes, the first one had a sneaky and quite difficult to eyeball institutional ID flag in the proquest URL
2021-10-06 07:01:08 @m_j_chalmers @sjmurdoch even on the second link i sent? i edited it to remove the ucl specific component
2021-10-06 06:56:23 RT @BeterOpDeFiets: FB has gaslighted policymakers and commentators for years with the conceit of protecting free speech and privacy as the…
2021-10-06 06:43:02 Sounds good but devil will be in the details of the amendment. For example, will it criminalise those in England (UK?) contracting to write essays for a foreign company which is offering a service to students? How will jurisdiction work given education is devolved competence? https://t.co/DW8ilERaqG
2021-10-06 06:23:38 also lol at libertarian crypto CEO arguing for a view of freedom of speech which realises that some speech makes others less likely to express themselves. https://t.co/nXQ6mf6gsX
2021-10-06 06:21:22 that’s cause by ‘success’ you and your ilk want to run companies that are not just selling widgets for cash but actually becoming privately held foundational societal infrastructures and people rightly demand legitimacy and accountability. sorry if that hurts your feelings bro. https://t.co/GGjc4eiu40
2021-10-06 06:18:00 they just buy them brian and brick their products https://t.co/mW5mYIoH7E
2021-10-06 06:16:46 in essence, if privacy sandbox is tweaked and made sturdier as not leak information to third parties, this doesn’t make it good.
2021-10-06 06:14:33 Industry criticism of Privacy Sandbox continues equating privacy with confidentiality. Even if they weren’t leaking information, your devices are shaping your world through running protocols without you having a say. Confidentiality and information leakage lens fails. https://t.co/o5HhPuQ8Tz
2021-10-06 06:10:34 Parliament making its views clear on AI, but when actual AI Act comes to the table, it needs to get into the weeds focus on the effect of harmonisation, removal and preemption of use rules in Title III and elsewhere, and not only get distracted by Title II prohibition baubles. https://t.co/jocBRlObJc
2021-10-06 06:04:36 @m_j_chalmers @sjmurdoch https://t.co/Bznxw3dgxW and select institutional login
2021-10-06 05:55:38 @MannanMorshed @cohelongo I am pretty sure libraries get free access to https://t.co/Qxdh72ZMIf by becoming members
2021-10-06 05:32:59 *choose to be based https://t.co/bLPrSK2nFD
2021-10-06 05:08:36 RT @rmack: News: the @Wikimedia Foundation won a Florida defamation case thanks to intermediary protections: "Section 230 helps Wikimedia s…
2021-10-06 04:48:51 @ruskin147 Perhaps healthcare (and management of many often rare disorders) is not best served by a monolith gatekeeping all sensor use and hardware adaptation and expansion according to ideas of mainstream consumer, and needs to be based on something more pluralistic, open and flexible.
2021-10-06 04:35:46 “[Apple] watch's new features have historically been introduced by engineers, not the clinical staff [..] often designed for consumers, rather than patients [.. discouraging] Apple's medical experts with more specific ideas for studies, algorithms, and apps.” https://t.co/x1jpNOFvIG
2021-10-05 19:56:21 Facebook want to reform intermediary liability laws to make huge tech companies indispensable. Only social media services that cross subsidise communication with huge ad revenues capable of supporting moderation should be allowed to exist at scale. https://t.co/2QNdLrFLMO
2021-10-05 19:38:20 @lilianedwards am not saying go back to the past — indeed I am on record lecturing just yesterday that there was plenty of misogyny and exclusion on the growing internet! more like maybe community governance is the foundation — not governance by wizards
2021-10-05 19:36:28 RT @linnetelwin: It is so not nice to have correctly predicted that vaccine certs would become an immigration hurdle.
2021-10-05 16:22:36 RT @jennifercobbe: @mikarv Otherwise - absent any real and serious attempt to identify and address those many and varied drivers, incentive…
2021-10-05 15:41:07 @oliviasolon in general we have loads of tools for analysing audio, video, text, and contextual advertising is underdeveloped technologically so when people say microtargeting works they’re comparing an overdeveloped area to a comparably rudimentary one.
2021-10-05 15:39:53 @oliviasolon Maybe if kids don’t want life insurance YT shouldn’t rip off life insurers by selling impressions on cartoons. unless it’s a very long game…
2021-10-05 15:36:46 @EinsteinsAttic @SarahLudford it also disregards EN/WA case law like Bridges.
2021-10-05 15:35:20 @oliviasolon did the FTC’s order stop contextual advertising too then? ie this is a child’s cartoon rather than this is a child.
2021-10-05 15:33:28 RT @sleary: Specifically in the context of choosing not to remove content that was stoking violence in Ethiopia—where, she notes, six langu…
2021-10-05 15:31:04 RT @colmocinneide: It's interesting how critics of the HRA struggle to find substantive, clear-cut examples of its misuse. This one, from D…
2021-10-05 15:28:25 The solution to tech giants is tweaked tech giants. So the Online Safety Bill, DSA would have us believe too. Maybe the only real direction to online societies without ridiculous overscaled-up side effects starts with a smaller, cosier, more pluralistic Internet.
2021-10-05 15:26:20 Facebook’s line of ‘but we are trying hard to fix stuff now! do stuff now!’ shows that Facebook still only believes a ‘solution’ involves it steering and optimising sociality on a huge scale, just as it has done to extract value from individuals and communities for over a decade.
2021-10-05 15:17:15 Just pointing out the fact that @Facebook did not collectively and openly explore, independently audit, air and publicise the social issues with its infrastructure. Instead it buried, denied and sociopathically reputation-managed them and now looks like a dishonest, bad actor. https://t.co/lKDwePAtQW
2021-10-05 14:18:29 @tforcworc total lack of appreciation of the importance of having people comfortable and spontaneous when they visit eg the computer lab, for collaboration, ideation, investment, general ‘excellence’
2021-10-05 14:07:21 @tforcworc absurd
2021-10-05 13:34:47 And it’s hardly about proof: for US residents they accept your CDC card, the equivalent of the NHS bit of card you get when you have the actual jab.
2021-10-05 13:33:17 New methods of playing out the theatrics of bordering. No African countries. No Turkey. See @linnetelwin @annliffey @sedyst and me writing on this in @EurJRR https://t.co/NeSG0xGuA1 https://t.co/OoSIFQyM4Y
2021-10-05 10:56:43 @InterwebzNani @SmithaKhorana @systemicjustic_ cc @nataliesedacca @colmocinneide @vmantouvalou
2021-10-05 10:31:02 Aiming high then. https://t.co/WglNqOBibn
2021-10-05 08:03:46 RT @rasmus_kleis: Cross Check programme, but enshrined in law, with little clarity on what exactly constitutes a media outlet, journalist,…
2021-10-05 07:54:08 Now Facebook is back up more journalists can review and report upon these false statements it has made over the years and compare them to what whistleblower documents have revealed. https://t.co/gQYAnalUrU
2021-10-04 21:47:28 RT @mattblaze: Imagine if FB owned AWS (or something with a similar footprint) right now.
2021-10-04 21:46:15 news sites become inaccessible because DNS adblocking approaches trigger the tracking walls. https://t.co/4zv9LfUXdP
2021-10-04 21:44:16 RT @robinkunde: @vogon @0xabad1dea FB leadership didn’t mind spreading disinformation until they started spreading incorrect BGP routes
2021-10-04 21:36:02 RT @Cloudflare: “Facebook can't be down, can it?”, we thought, for a second. Well it can, and here's how. https://t.co/V0fW2n0a4I
2021-10-04 21:16:58 RT @scobie: On a side note, it’s times like these you realise just how much the platform has taken over. The ENTIRE internet is currently r…
2021-10-04 21:16:16 RT @thezedwards: I just realized 50% of "Jedi Blue" / "Project Bernanke" has been offline for hours... Think of all the Google auction par…
2021-10-04 20:25:28 @neil_neilzone IIRC i am returning localhost, am speaking colloquially above to add pathos
2021-10-04 20:21:07 every two seconds, my raspberry pi replies “google’s dead” “google’s dead” “google’s dead”
2021-10-04 20:19:54 I have a neat JBL waterproof Airplay speaker that has optional Google Assistant. I don’t want it to contact Google so I block its DNS queries w/ my local Pi sinkhole. It consequently asks ‘where’s Google?!’ frantically every couple of secs, nonstop. FB devices surely doing same. https://t.co/wem76fop3h
2021-10-04 19:04:29 turns out the Internet literally routes around more types of damage than initially thought.
2021-10-04 19:01:01 probably not the GAFAM choice https://t.co/tjLf5gtlDq
2021-10-04 18:17:15 RT @1lucabelli: Fortunately, many of us use @Signalapp and other apps to communicate for our personal and professional needs but for many o…
2021-10-04 18:01:53 flashback to when Pakistan tried to route YouTube into oblivion with BGP ten years or so ago and somehow everyone followed through some absurd propagation of those settings.
2021-10-04 17:58:13 RT @mattblaze: Looks we made a serious mistake building up our stockpile of DNS jokes while neglecting our stockpile of BGP jokes.
2021-10-04 17:35:24 excellent timely example for my internet law tutorials on DNS, law and policy next week. https://t.co/0ITg3z3qfX
2021-10-03 10:03:52 @MarietjeSchaake I don’t have total figures. Something notable is how *little* money they give to social science, law &
2021-10-02 13:15:10 @emax this was the plot of an episode of star trek voyager
2021-10-02 13:14:20 RT @emax: w h a t
2021-10-02 08:10:44 a good column https://t.co/4hya2EonDD https://t.co/UxfrMDnR3Y
2021-10-01 11:22:03 RT @martinjemoore: How can democracy be protected from #BigTech? Read Regulating Big Tech – published today – chapters by @ChrisTMarsden @1…
2021-10-01 08:27:17 @TimHarford in the FT has bought the KoolAid of ‘algorithms are great as long as they’re debiased’. He and others should read @AggieBalayn @sedyst recent report on Beyond Debiasing highlighting what this very limited frame misses. https://t.co/3QBlkEuRzM https://t.co/llDobpUvRn
2021-09-30 19:25:02 RT @verge: Apple’s fortress of secrecy is crumbling from the inside https://t.co/gawgvmNogZ https://t.co/Kpzk6QHoFL
2021-09-30 16:21:44 RT @JesseLehrich: the full slides released by @WSJ are WILD. in this presentation, Facebook researchers explain exactly how &
2021-09-30 11:39:39 please have mercy on internet law professors this term https://t.co/IvKoyR2U5i
2021-09-30 09:08:07 Save the open internet and move away from US hegemony... by giving a body representing Facebook and Google companies permanent observer status at the UN? https://t.co/9GMFNSXcno
2021-09-29 14:54:59 The reason Jersey leads the world for financial services? It is a secrecy jurisdiction designed to obscure the origin and destination of the money held in trusts. Running data trusts with the secrecy of Jersey trusts is a guaranteed way to multiply informational harms. https://t.co/620fe3xXub
2021-09-29 14:48:00 @RossanaDucato @AberdeenUniLaw i see what you did there
2021-09-29 14:47:13 RT @geoffreyfowler: New @washingtonpost: Meet the smarter smart speaker Google doesn’t want you to have: https://t.co/N58JiHiwaI @Sonos c…
2021-09-29 07:14:49 RT @johnwilander: As I said, the Google AMP cache is the cross-site tracking stunt of the decade. How did they get away with serving others…
2021-09-28 08:17:32 wait until they find out they’re not based in the UK… https://t.co/lTJKV7V8OE
2021-09-27 12:56:04 @Write4Research @AWHarzing @LISResearch @LISResearchAu (bear in mind FB is currently issuing preliminary legal threats against NYU PhD students for scraping in this way) https://t.co/Cs9TanqVdc
2021-09-27 12:54:38 @Write4Research @AWHarzing @LISResearch @LISResearchAu I assume it uses page by page web scraping and retrieves the BibTeX file from each record manually. I don’t believe GScholar provides an API. If Google redesigns the look of scholar, the web scraper will likely break.
2021-09-27 12:48:50 @AWHarzing @Write4Research @LISResearch @LISResearchAu (tools like your own seem to achieve this through what i can only guess is reasonably tricky and fragile adversarial interoperability. if they change the site, that’s a lot of work to fix).
2021-09-27 12:47:45 @AWHarzing @Write4Research @LISResearch @LISResearchAu I think it would be even more justifiable to do this work (in part for Google) if Google itself followed the law here and made your publication and citation data downloadable in a machine readable format according to data portability rights under article 20 of the GDPR.
2021-09-27 09:10:30 @leotanczt looks great! and no tracking code too!
2021-09-27 07:58:24 @cyberleagle That’s fair. Was why I clarified, and I’d agree that if we are talking only about the ledger, it is not a computer. I don’t think the initial tweet was elegant or accurate, just that it wasn’t the most incorrect view in that thread.
2021-09-27 07:49:01 @cyberleagle ultimately I think it depends if you call a service that provides computation a computer or not.
2021-09-27 07:47:47 @cyberleagle viewpoint matters. focussing on miners, ethereum is a protocol lots of computers (virtual or physical) run. focussing on users, they pay (gas), provide an algorithm, get the result, so the system (I am calling the whole system the BC) is a functional (if expensive) cloud computer
2021-09-27 07:30:49 @cyberleagle many people run virtual machines though which are distributed and parallelised across many physical machines, and I would still describe those virtual machines as a computer, conceptually turing complete, etc.
2021-09-27 07:02:35 beyond thrilled to welcome @divijualsuspect to @UCLLaws, and really excited to try to tackle some big international questions of power and technology together! https://t.co/GOktAHLnIp
2021-09-27 06:59:01 @cyberleagle i think he’s getting a lot of flack for this point which isn’t actually so mad if he’s talking about the creakingly slow, inefficient and expensive virtual machines that eg the ethereum blockchain supports.
2021-09-27 06:53:53 @alixtrot also you presumably can through an article 15 access request, especially if it’s so interpretable :)
2021-09-27 06:52:42 @alixtrot yes, when i went it felt the same (and they didn’t scan or even try to verify anything). the paper appears to refer only to June last year, and doesn’t end the story with whether this is even still being used or not, or include an evaluation of use on the ground.
2021-09-27 06:38:14 incredibly naive thread on the trajectory of financialised decentralised systems, which as we have seen also move to exploit ppl through misleading, cult-like sale of objectively worthless bullshit like NFTs and random crypto tokens to vulnerable users to inflate their own value. https://t.co/o2eeE3wZL5
2021-09-27 06:26:01 RT @GeoffreyHuntley: #COVIDSafe: Australia’s digital contact tracing failure I'm here all by myself reading actual peer-reviewed public…
2021-09-26 12:22:05 RT @nataliesedacca: Great to see @UCLLaws have launched a new PhD scholarship specifically for ethnic minority groups that are currently un…
2021-09-26 09:01:03 finally we see what the mischief behind the overbroad yet underwhelming deep fake user labelling provisions in Title IV of the AI Act is! Imputation of ancient tablets! https://t.co/IZiZxRAhpP https://t.co/JVQQw15n2m
2021-09-25 06:30:09 @JFLenhard what a pleasant saturday morning read
2021-09-24 11:33:35 @lottelydia this sounds like a hybrid teaching subtweet
2021-09-24 09:10:25 RT @PollicyOrg: New Report and Upcoming Event We're releasing the first of our 3-part series: “Engendering AI: A Gender and Ethics…
2021-09-24 08:18:12 @Write4Research if you do not understand files and folders and similar, you cannot see when a platformised UI, optimised for engagement not for problem solving, is holding you back.
2021-09-24 08:17:05 @Write4Research this article is about setting computing tasks, so that knowledge is crucial. plus, academics need strong knowledge of the principles of information storage because we manage &
2021-09-24 08:08:45 RT @caiwuunion: #ATTENTION Facebook cleaners have announced their protest dates!, pls join us on Friday 24th Sept and 1 Oct Suppo…
2021-09-24 08:06:45 RT @drrhianelinor: To my precarious/fixed term/postdoc/PGR/hourly paid/zero hours/otherwise casualised comrades: many of you will have star…
2021-09-24 07:17:04 It might seem extreme but this is not so far away from saying ‘these laws were passed by a previous Government, so let’s rewrite them without Parliament’. Retained EU law is no longer only arcane product regs, it is a core part of the regulation of modern societal challenges.
2021-09-24 07:13:59 The narrative that these laws are illegitimate (despite de facto UK veto power over them) looks absurd when the gov now argue that to increase legitimacy they should be rewritten by the domestic executive, without Parliament. This is not about Brexit any more.
2021-09-24 07:09:14 UK’s plan to allow the substantive alteration/repeal of retained EU law by ministerial decree is a democratic risk. The GDPR is retained law. Flight compensation is retained law. Net neutrality is retained law. UK gov wish to legislate quietly, rapidly, w/o scrutiny or debate. https://t.co/JiRrkBT2gT
2021-09-24 06:52:47 When teaching, we should expect a lot of coughing if this article is true, but should try not to think it must all be COVID. Will rightly be hard and distracting and nervewracking for some. https://t.co/matn30UdCk
2021-09-24 06:48:12 @alvar_f zoom out a bit… i’mnot fan of Google’s tracking but the point you make relates to varied definitions of PII in US law not the giant trying to redefine the GDPR. I suspect it’s to make healthcare providers feel they’re not violating HIPAA or similar (not a HIPAA expert) https://t.co/6VnN1aaZOT
2021-09-23 17:05:54 @bazzacollins it looks like they’ve asked every organisation to make their own pages and fuse them together without thinking. it has the aesthetic of a pamphlet with advertising i made for £300 for a rotary club classic car event when i was 13
2021-09-23 17:03:44 @nidhalaigh don’t worry keep reading they’ll be balanced out by every other colour background
2021-09-23 17:00:03 but ok let’s get angry about the ICO mailing their staff some christmas chocolate instead of holding a modest party during a pandemic instead
2021-09-23 16:54:30 who will be the first to FOI the design costs for this meandering UK government… AI… policy… magazine (???), ‘ALGORITHM’ https://t.co/diIwUFsn5O https://t.co/Kb2hjNnvRt
2021-09-23 15:16:50 RT @DavidErdos: The ICO Annual Report details just 3 #GDPR fines and 1 Enforcement Notice but +30,000 complaints. Sadly unlike previous ye…
2021-09-23 11:08:47 @owainkenway currently experiencing a situation where there is entirely different permissioning on teams windows &
2021-09-23 11:06:27 @owainkenway thanks, i hate it. had to explain to my colleague today who asked ‘why has my teams suddenly changed so all my messages are black text on black bg’ that ‘i’m sorry, it’s just how software is now, it’s changed, no one here can fix it for you and no one at microsoft will help you’
2021-09-23 11:02:36 @owainkenway i’m not getting this yet, now i have a sense of foreboding. this story probably ends with me moving to thunderbird where someone has hopefully written an add in to remove this.
2021-09-23 10:42:20 @xotoxot @rosamunde_vb @mireillemoret @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @IRMA_privacy @GDanezis I think they can survive that. Hard hats aren’t painted in a bad light bc they don’t protect against asbestos. PbD is necessary not sufficient for just infrastructure. We aren’t yet good at articulating the normative digital systems we want in politically salient ways though.
2021-09-23 10:40:22 RT @linnetelwin: #covid19 vaccine passports are being used by the UK as a new layer of #migration control (based on zero evidence of risk):…
2021-09-23 07:14:43 @mireillemoret @rosamunde_vb @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @xotoxot @IRMA_privacy @GDanezis what this mix can should look like in a global context is part of the work we are doing at UCL with @petros_ter (and soon @divijualsuspect)
2021-09-23 07:11:11 @mireillemoret @rosamunde_vb @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @xotoxot @IRMA_privacy @GDanezis You’re right, the mix is necessary for safeguards. A challenge is that many countries lack RoL / human rights protection, yet PbD is being exported to them (eg via vaccine certs) as if it ‘solves’ these problems, when on its own it can legitimise and even amplify social sorting.
2021-09-23 05:55:43 RT @edri: Are you our new Policy Adviser? Come join @edri &
2021-09-23 05:31:37 RT @zararah: And how many of those people work only in English? Reminder that in 2018, Facebook had outsourced content moderation in Burmes…
2021-09-23 05:27:57 @1Br0wn LTSC for them https://t.co/hPIlFVmeCs
2021-09-22 18:26:40 RT @nataliesedacca: This was the bit that really got me in the Kemi Badenoch leaked messages- along with the boast about making Kimberlé Cr…
2021-09-22 17:39:15 @PrivacyMatters i commented on your initial post to clarify that this isn’t a very new service, but you asserted there was a lot of work that went into it, so i engaged. i know you’re not a spokesperson, but i thought from that statement you were aware of what might be different.
2021-09-22 17:33:52 @PrivacyMatters brave talk is only free for two ppl (as when you use jitsi for two people it is peer to peer, and 3+ it’s not, so needs server capacity). it costs money for 3+ people. they admit on the website it’s literally jitsi, who they pay to provide it. i simply do not see what is new. https://t.co/b8bubyuZbI
2021-09-22 17:27:38 @PrivacyMatters that’s a bit of a cop out answer. the article and the brave website describes features I already recognise and even the UX is clearly just jitsi. Not sure why I should pay that money over using Jitsi Meet, or a university Jitsi instance…
2021-09-22 17:23:58 @PrivacyMatters (i am sure there is plenty of integration work, but i fail to see how it is more private, or frankly even more functional)
2021-09-22 17:22:41 @PrivacyMatters what does it do that a jitsi instance with the e2e option and video bridge doesn’t provide?
2021-09-22 17:17:37 this seems literally to be just a Brave-branded Jitsi instance hosted by Jitsi’s commercial arm. https://t.co/huRcIpXJuj
2021-09-22 17:06:38 @annaeveryday @npseaver also, for those with locked down uni emails and similar, microsoft bookings does this too and you can set up MS teams meetings quite easily for office hours. i know some colleagues cannot use their uni calendar with calendly because of permissions so that may be alternative.
2021-09-22 07:42:59 @nataliesedacca oh that’s worth knowing! i booked mine and paid long in advance as the free UCL vouchers can come too late to get any and stock seems relevant… 14£ is a pretty ok price i think, although of course would be nice if it was free and easy.
2021-09-22 07:39:46 @whvholst @rop_g England and Wales require a query to get a fresh printed QR code each month in the app or site interface, they have a month expiry date, so can ‘revoke’ with 1mo lead. Paper letter without QR also available.
2021-09-22 07:13:05 but it’s on-device so it’s fine! right? right? (wrong) https://t.co/u2GWMevgOm
2021-09-22 07:01:00 @lawrennd /dev/null… you massive nerds
2021-09-21 08:01:39 RT @sedyst: Our report on why we need EU institutions to go beyond debiasing and show a more genuine engagement in the inequalities of AI i…
2021-09-21 06:44:48 If consumer regulators only reacted to complaints for highly visible issues that trigger consumers and did not investigate e.g. non obvious toxic chemical paint on toys, that would be pretty bad. (although having cookie banners without reject buttons does irritate consumers!)
2021-09-21 06:42:22 It’s good to fine nuisance calling organisations, they frustrate me and many others too! But a big organisation with the wide competences of the ICO needs to be able to understand varied enforcement in parallel rather in series. Prioritising doesn’t need to look like queuing.
2021-09-21 06:27:39 Yet companies who lack permission to track you across vast numbers of apps and websites and build up an intimate picture of your activity are subject to no enforcement action. https://t.co/o2iTTaHCf7
2021-09-20 15:31:43 RT @halhod: In March I requested some documents from the Cabinet Office. It is now September. I have just received my 7th (SEVENTH!) letter…
2021-09-18 21:30:12 The latter will be particularly disruptive around international students and I expect will feel extraordinarily unfair.
2021-09-18 21:29:28 Furthermore there are even more restrictive rules if you get contacted by Test &
2021-09-18 21:26:54 The telling geopolitical aspect is that the UK *does* accept handwritten US CDC cards which can be forged with a home printer and medium weight cardstock. So it’s unclear what logic this exclusionary policy is based on at all. https://t.co/fNACo8W8xw https://t.co/q7IFjifKSg
2021-09-18 08:27:26 @5RightsFound @ICOnews it’s easy to have hope in the enforcement will of the ICO only to be sorely disappointed… time will tell.
2021-09-18 08:25:00 @Lima_India_Zulu @drdrmc interesting finding re automation perceptions! but maybe also worth stating that the QR code triggering decisions were extremely human mediated, so the 80% isn’t wholly wrong in some ways https://t.co/Yk9YqWSiAp
2021-09-17 07:26:48 RT @hiddenmarkov: The final version of our paper on disparate vulnerability of ML models to privacy attacks is out! It will appear at the n…
2021-09-16 10:27:25 RT @rachelcoldicutt: Really pleased to share the Discovery report from the Civil Society Foresight Observatory this morning, written by me,…
2021-09-15 23:05:47 Hereditary peer too. https://t.co/f32FgJB2Fy
2021-09-15 16:01:26 New minister in charge of data protection in the United Kingdom. https://t.co/zvAIy6dfWx
2021-09-15 15:50:37 well, it looks like that was a fatal reshuffle for the open Internet
2021-09-15 12:57:43 *listen*, the sound of UK Internet law all googling Nigel Adams at the same time.
2021-09-15 07:41:50 RT @sedyst: Spread the word and get in those submissions!
2021-09-15 07:40:54 the material effect of the student overshoot. has anyone seen sector-wide numbers or analysis? even though applicants were up, presumably some unis have lost out to the grade inflation and have underrecruited? and financial strain and impact on precarious workers follows… https://t.co/3Hmf6VX26f
2021-09-15 07:37:00 @katebevan not to me anyway (thanks for reminder). i don’t know if they have some server load balancing to make sure everyone doesn’t try to fetch the file at once and that is why.
2021-09-15 07:34:16 @katebevan would help if apple pushed a notification despite having ‘automatic updates’ switched on.
2021-09-15 07:08:27 @neil_neilzone implementing a new feature? it’ll be monitored hugely as is the agile way. but you need to mandate someone to be at that huge monitoring table (already exists, paid for, normal practice) to ensure that uncomfortable things for the business are being monitored too.
2021-09-15 07:06:51 @neil_neilzone It’s a very bad starting point for those reasons.
2021-09-15 07:06:19 @neil_neilzone No, because it’s not an ability to study and ask specific questions rigorously. This information isn’t on the surface, but requires a programme of study. Easy to just not ask the difficult questions, or use a crap method, and not surface problematic information.
2021-09-15 07:04:34 @neil_neilzone with some independence (tweet ran out of space to elaborate). Plenty of laws seek to ensure internal people have some degree of isolation from business pressures (eg financial services rules). Agree defining platform too tricky for a tweet but not impossible for these purposes.
2021-09-15 07:01:52 @neil_neilzone It’s also in my view the only way you can create the evidence base needed to mandate platforms to take explicit measures that are determined by clear and legitimate and accountable external decision making, rather than imposing nebulous and unclear duties.
2021-09-15 06:59:09 @neil_neilzone Large firms already do huge amounts of internal research on these issues, as this illustrates. I wouldn’t suggest it’s something small platforms should do nor would be an approach for governing a world of interoperable small platforms, but also that’s not the world we are in.
2021-09-15 06:48:36 Regulation needs to push platforms to do detailed analysis of myriad issues, ideally by groups with some independence and ability to use the infrastructure to run studies, and *then to candidly release it*. Tricky balance fraught with potential organisational chilling effects. https://t.co/qiZUFqXJSq
2021-09-15 06:43:50 @FantaAlexx note: The draft AI Act explicitly excludes from its manipulation definition times when the manipulation is caused in the system by the users (recital 16).
2021-09-14 06:51:00 "Trump's account was covered by XCheck [..] so too are those belonging to members of [..] the [European Parliament]" Perhaps MEPs should make access requests re XCheck, when they were added, by which team etc. to FB w/ the GDPR. cc @AlexandraGeese @kimvsparrentak @SophieintVeld https://t.co/MGZF6KEZQZ
2021-09-13 12:31:51 RT @JacStJohn1: Home Office finally respond to my FOI request from Oct 2019: ‘disclosure of information about the dispute at Grunwick [1977…
2021-09-13 00:37:42 @TheSweetKat not sure what you mean given the point of the paper is, among other things, to state why short password lifetimes fail in practice.
2021-09-12 18:24:22 @TheSweetKat 1999, good classic https://t.co/NgoG9nSa2D https://t.co/aM03xZ1GFh
2021-09-12 16:41:16 RT @PLBarghouty: What happens when wellness influencers discover the perils of international supply chains: https://t.co/WRyf1pZccb
2021-09-11 13:52:45 RT @mer__edith: In which "democratize" means "sell access to AI APIs" -- aka the standard AI biz model AI booster rhetoric continues to…
2021-09-11 08:11:45 crucial to read on the AI angle of DCMS’ data protection consultation. https://t.co/blus6xoI0k
2021-09-11 08:10:33 RT @RDBinns: Having spent years listening to the AI sector, to understand whether and how DP law might be ambiguous regarding AI, I was pre…
2021-09-11 08:10:32 RT @RDBinns: First, the report could not 'pin down one particular compliance challenge'. That suggests to me that existing UK GDPR and ICO…
2021-09-11 08:05:34 “There is no course at UCL where the [home] undergraduate fee covers the cost of providing the course [..] we’re already supporting the education of British undergraduates with both international student and postgraduate student fees.” https://t.co/4iIjGMIeOq
2021-09-10 17:50:22 @JonPorty auditing gonna be key to watch out for. if i was NSA or GCHQ this would piss me off if main way to Whatsapp messages was PRISM/successor. However also poss other mechanisms beyond backup access are now used, that WA know that, and can make this without too much toe stepping
2021-09-10 17:47:33 @JonPorty thanks! there was no link in their twitter and I see it’s dated today.
2021-09-10 17:43:02 @jamesgswilson @OUPPhilosophy @UCLPhilosophy @UCLHHCentre @UCL_EI @ArtsHumsUCL can’t wait to get a copy! to wait for the inevitable OUP review vouchers…
2021-09-10 17:42:00 gonna publish a white paper on that? and have your deployment of it publicly audited? https://t.co/Q6HO6SfaSs
2021-09-10 16:12:54 @zacharylipton cc @RDBinns
2021-09-10 16:06:06 @rachelcoldicutt damn. your best and quickest door to door bet i’d think would be john lewis.
2021-09-10 15:59:27 @rachelcoldicutt the talks sound like they must have been particularly and repeatedly frustrating
2021-09-10 15:55:28 @rachelcoldicutt just looked up two potential places including craft shop cocktail bar round the corner i knew but both killed by covid. there seems to be a haberdashery shop open 1830 in Angel but I imagine you already considered that from maps. https://t.co/CGmNnxnLoY
2021-09-10 06:40:56 and in contrast to the US, particularly salient around the recent saga of Neal Katyal, Nestlé and child slavery. https://t.co/kW5w9VbUyx
2021-09-10 06:36:56 Particularly ridiculous as next-to-no companies admit to meeting the daunting conditions to even trigger Article 22. Reform looks to take aim at rhetoric without understanding it. https://t.co/fUSXMZ9VwU
2021-09-10 06:19:38 RT @LizStokoe: Here’s a little case study of the ripple effect of UK government mixed messaging - universities and face coverings. 1. “Fa…
2021-09-10 05:46:14 EU data protection concours, EU citizens who wish to work in the institutions should apply. https://t.co/Yjm21EhB3p
2021-09-10 05:23:44 @kuziemsky naughty
2021-09-09 16:49:26 @TheEconomist @1843mag no mention of the presumably british invention ‘biryani sauce’, a tasteless arbitrary slop that comes with biryani in restaurants as if it could not be eaten alone.
2021-09-09 16:46:40 which, even if they cared to enforce, they can only impose by having the power to brick your device or deny it functionality. servitisation and cloud is about control and regulation of people. @sedyst @amatwyshyn https://t.co/Zjo8O8oeKZ
2021-09-09 14:21:01 problems such as countries objecting to the NSA having access to everything https://t.co/aUu1YIXIFL
2021-09-09 14:18:33 If by a data Breton Woods Liz you mean regulatory institutions that structurally ignore and indeed amplify US surveillance power and influence then no, we don’t need that. https://t.co/9YFWknjbVd
2021-09-09 13:30:54 Sovereignty concerned more with surveillance, which might help limit NSA exfiltration (if T-Systems is good enough), but a mentality that in the long run doesn’t deal with broader issues of value laden technical decisions chosen by California-grown monocultures. https://t.co/PDkxaFQZK5
2021-09-08 19:53:38 Working prisoners are trapped in broader state mediated structures of exploitation as @vmantouvalou argues. Courts are not seeing or analysing the whole picture here or in many other areas of structural injustice (which VM writes about elsewhere). Atomism is eroding human rights. https://t.co/DjNo0ZJWdK
2021-09-08 19:46:34 RT @vmantouvalou: I just published a blog post @labour_blog on Human Rights for Working Prisoners https://t.co/VzJmKQwBT5 via @wordpress…
2021-09-08 15:24:55 UK gov launching (measly but notable) client-side scanning ‘challenge fund’ for organisations to… suggest technologies to Facebook? Presumably to be able to threaten a technical capability notice under the IPA 2016… once the HO works out what technical capabilities might be… https://t.co/QaHyMpWsXi
2021-09-08 06:55:46 @agorismlabs few do, but that doesn’t change the purpose of the statement? i’m not talking about looking anxiously at the Task Manager.
2021-09-07 18:55:25 @CompetitionProf @mireillemoret i suggest you read up on why miners solve ‘puzzles’. as i said, the very purpose (not the side effect) of them is to slow the computer down.
2021-09-07 18:50:17 @CompetitionProf @mireillemoret i’m not sure you understand how the bitcoin blockchain works. i don’t care about it. the creators of the protocol do.
2021-09-07 17:51:26 perhaps journalists could describe bitcoin mining not as ‘solving a complex mathematical problem’ but ‘undertaking an otherwise useless computation designed solely to expend so much processing power it slows the computer down’.
2021-09-07 12:38:01 ‘resource’ does not include time in this concept. people are not hired with a measurable mission to give people on the ‘frontline’ more time, a resource they sorely need. https://t.co/SrAIerLpHj
2021-09-07 12:20:59 @JFLenhard @chrisdburr @maria_axente @turinginst yes, would be interesting! (worth noting I believe HSBC is currently Turing’s largest non public sector funder at 1.5m£ a year. Ethically embroiled Facebook content moderator contractor Accenture is also just shy of a million a year.)
2021-09-07 11:31:25 @nielstenoever @petros_ter @UCLLaws i hear it can be quite cold
2021-09-07 11:14:19 @nielstenoever @petros_ter @UCLLaws i do not think so
2021-09-07 11:13:35 Really looking forward to working with Petros on this project, and UCL followers at Laws and beyond take note of this excellent new colleague! https://t.co/I2N9hUiMwi
2021-09-07 11:11:57 RT @finck_m: Come work with me! I have recently joined @uni_tue as Professor of Law and AI and am now hiring for my chair. There are…
2021-09-07 08:31:12 @colmanareilly @rachel_norfolk @OliverDowden that’s my point…
2021-09-07 07:51:14 @rachel_norfolk @OliverDowden not true if the UK mandates sites to obey do not track signals and dismiss. no cookie banners needed if no non essential cookies are laid, that can work in UK and EU.
2021-09-07 07:03:49 @BrenAbolivier @OliverDowden no, GDPR has nothing to do with EU citizenship at all.
2021-09-07 06:18:06 RT @stokel: What happens to Afghanistan's internet? It depends not just on the Taliban, but on the international community. My latest for @…
2021-09-07 06:17:49 @RDBinns On Paym of Death
2021-09-07 06:15:51 Outstanding article. Afghanistan and US sanctions must not combine to silence voices of those on the ground through Internet shutdowns. https://t.co/D8RZLxq6z7
2021-09-07 06:07:54 RT @JusTechne: Surreal platform reg news from>
2021-09-07 06:06:01 RT @CBridge_Chief: Cookie banners: G7 urged to consider solution to pop-up notices - BBC News >
2021-09-07 05:55:02 @neil_neilzone put them in eScrow
2021-09-07 05:28:37 What I think more contentious is whether it is legal under foreign law to allow an automatic accept across all websites regardless of the terms. That consent isn’t informed. If sites standardised the exact kind of tracking they impose, that’s different. But they only pretend to.
2021-09-07 05:26:04 If @OliverDowden wants to get rid of cookie banners for UK users he must realise that sites outside the UK remain obliged to show them according to their own national laws of place of establishment. However, they can be dismissed with an UK imposed automatic reject despite this.
2021-09-07 05:22:11 The legal change the ICO (&
2021-09-07 04:46:00 RT @carmelatroncoso: Come work with us! Positions open for a wide range of security and privacy topics! whether you like crypto, systems, p…
2021-09-06 20:56:10 @keelan_fh (*you can’t sign up the same number to more than one account, I mean)
2021-09-06 20:55:19 @keelan_fh You can’t sign up to Paym with more than one number, it makes you deregister it at another bank. Seems pretty easy for Monzo to say ‘is this number with M, if so, offer Monzo transfer, if not, try Paym transfer’.
2021-09-06 20:51:33 Sometimes I think about how Monzo pretends they’ve innovated into existence ‘send money to your phone contacts’ when Paym mapping mobile numbers to accounts has existed between all major banks since 2014. Monzo has not signed up to Paym. Fake your USP until you make it!
2021-09-06 16:31:50 RT @TheRealRevK: @PaulbernalUK Banning encryption is, quite simply, ducking stupid. Apart from the fact you can’t ban it, criminals can alw…
2021-09-06 14:07:53 RT @C___CS: My @oiioxford PhD thesis "Changing Minds &
2021-09-06 12:15:55 RT @ringo_ring: Today is Sci-Hub anniversary the project is 10 years old! I'm going to publish 2,337,229 new articles to celebrate the dat…
2021-09-06 08:41:07 @IelTop Or a delay to the first term. Lots of options have been proposed.
2021-09-06 08:19:48 RT @linnetelwin: as the debate continues over vaccine passports, a new paper from @mikarv @annliffey @sedyst on why 'immunity theatre' does…
2021-09-06 08:15:53 in practice you can write this story every year because the system structurally relies on a high proportion of disappointment in order not to implode.
2021-09-06 08:14:58 What this story misses is that the entire English uni system (at least in Russell Group) is predicated on a large %, even 50%, of students not making their offers. Places overoffered on that basis. Unnecessary if students applied after, not before, grades. https://t.co/6C9LVL8dJU
2021-09-06 06:18:02 @trishgreenhalgh Stone is such an excellent teaching text.
2021-09-06 05:41:59 EU students in the UK will drop and drop due to prohibitive fees. Even if UK unis financially compensate w more non-EU students, what a loss for soft diplomatic power! So many Europeans once called the UK home &
2021-09-06 05:32:06 RT @CatalinaGoanta: The coming years will show privacy is not the only sector of EU law other jurisdictions can take inspiration from. Conp…
2021-09-05 15:31:28 @mightybarnski @katebevan it really shouldn’t need saying, but perhaps nightclubs being accessible to disabled people isn’t a sign they are not cool or for young people https://t.co/HFUtcCTIxM
2021-09-04 18:52:57 Why would the Council of Europe and the ECtHR go so far as to give every case an ECLI but not register them with any ECLI resolver so they link to HUDOC? How do they hope to 'use AI' to sort out their backlog if they can't even link files?
2021-09-04 15:40:56 @SophiaIgnatidou @RDBinns we are sorry
2021-09-04 07:31:47 @vendorprisey @mireillemoret @JohnSumser @k8bisch @merbroussard @jfinlayson @annehill @JamarJLJohnson @KatrinaKibben @mikekrupa @Victorio_M @joeyvpriceHR @tmrasberry @RichardRosenow @jackyeclayton @erin_hr @heysolangehey @mpbennett @megbear @1Br0wn @ChrisTMarsden @lilianedwards @SandraWachter5 @NOYBeu @Noybe @WoojeongJang &
2021-09-02 09:24:06 @C___CS https://t.co/baKwzYeedp
2021-09-01 19:42:36 @C___CS i sent a report to /dev/null but no response yet
2021-09-01 16:24:07 @jatenas ironically the new one is called ‘clarity’
2021-09-01 13:38:21 @merbroussard the sheer amount of set-up admin and separate systems for a day long class was bewildering.
2021-09-01 13:35:45 @merbroussard crap I just realised that this is horrifying as i taught a short course at NYU this year which required me to understand the interplay between two Awful Technologies called 'NYU Classes' and 'Albert', and if I do this next year I assume there will be a third Awful Technology.
2021-09-01 13:31:08 @merbroussard thank goodness someone arranged seamless high quality migration of all the previous content
2021-09-01 13:29:59 @merbroussard short for 'let me scream' presumably
2021-09-01 13:26:15 Noyb now hiring permanent senior positions in strategic data litigation now, 60K+ or 80K+ EUR depending on if mid- or senior level. Great for people who are sick of helping data brokers and want to jump to NGO world, or who bring experience from activism already. https://t.co/f2bZdpys6E
2021-09-01 12:43:00 RT @RDBinns: I've seen lots of great commentary on Apple's on-device CSAM-scanning Neurohash. But if you're looking for a basic primer on p…
2021-09-01 12:36:51 it's definitely Crowley from Good Omens, after he finished the M25.
2021-09-01 12:35:15 back from holiday for only a few hours and already want to issue a European Arrest Warrant for the perpertrator of ManuscriptCentral.
2021-09-01 12:11:40 @luke_stark service appears to be quite a broken north american idea! people create admin jobs that aren't needed and hand them out like they are favours. in UK promotion criteria include an equiv of 'service' inside your own institution, but don't put much weight on external stuff.
2021-09-01 12:08:15 Working on geospatial data &
2021-09-01 11:56:16 @a_b_powell @luke_stark last time we talked about Canada my mind was so blown by AP's Canada Facts that I'm not sure I'm ready for any more.
2021-09-01 11:49:37 @luke_stark I would love to go there! I just don't always need to go *from* there :)
2021-09-01 11:28:33 University College London's new travel agent's stellar booking tool manages to prioritise London, Ontario and East London, South Africa above the actual London the university is in. Great design, what could go wrong? https://t.co/UZwrfjHNC7
2021-08-30 15:04:10 @alexhern who would win in a fight? https://t.co/SaC6CbDgb0
2021-08-29 16:51:12 RT @marcelsalathe: Finally published at @pet_symposium earlier this summer: CrowdNotifier: Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Presence Traci…
2021-08-29 08:37:00 @sunildvr mos was remain supporting…
2021-08-29 08:18:20 @biscuitsgod @alexbloor the mail on sunday, where this comment is from, backed remain https://t.co/tCGouJnnNh
2021-08-27 14:03:57 RT @divijualsuspect: ...and it's out! Our report reviewing the status of algorithmic accountability policy/law/regulation for the public se…
2021-08-27 14:01:08 RT @madhumita29: The Indian railways carry more than 20m passengers DAILY. Now its busiest routes including Mumbai locals will carry facial…
2021-08-25 10:09:49 @cori_crider @RDBinns Foxglove gets a shout out in footnote 14
2021-08-25 10:00:51 now back to my significant holiday with as little automated processing as possible.
2021-08-25 09:59:56 New from Reuben & Article 22 GDPR (not again!) is hella confusing when you have the layers of humans, machines, triage, anomaly detection etc seen in real life. Feat. seven (7!) diagrams for picture lovers out there. Forthcoming IDPL. See R’s . https://t.co/x01We7HK94 https://t.co/F8G3noiFdz https://t.co/dFvV1XavAJ
2021-08-25 09:40:11 RT @RDBinns: New paper from @mikarv and I: 'Is That Your Final Decision? Multi-Stage Profiling, Selective Effects, and Article 22 of the GD…
2021-08-17 07:39:25 RT @lawvaughan: We're hiring @UCLLaws Permanent post, Lecturer in Public Law. Grade 8. Read the job ad carefully. We expect to make one pub…
2021-08-17 07:39:19 RT @InaBrass: Job Alert! Looking for the next superstar in #standards researchJoin me on the @PETRASiot REG-MEDTECH project, in collab wi…
2021-08-01 19:55:21 RT @rachelcoldicutt: Come and join the Careful Industries team! We’re looking for a Research Projects Co-Ordinator to help make our project…
2021-08-01 19:55:04 @oliviasolon i’m repulsively certain this eyebrow-raising abuse is only one of a shitload only you know of &
2021-08-01 14:09:21 @tforcworc @simonjhix @PJDunleavy oh there’s definitely precedent on private sector vaccine conditionality, but not sure nursery kids made their A level offers... i suspect somewhat challenging now uni-student contracts have been signed in their current form without new legislation to fend off a legal challenge.
2021-08-01 12:51:55 @vmanancourt it’s here no? that one just the editorial https://t.co/R1mDIyzSC2
2021-08-01 08:36:51 @simonjhix @PJDunleavy I think it’s the reverse, no? They realised the legal and practical difficulties in mandating it. They’re not enacting a prohibition on unis imposing vaccine conditionality (although the contracts between unis and prospective students may already imply one).
2021-08-01 06:58:53 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Join the expanding Ada team, and support our work on data & 1⃣ E…
2021-07-31 15:42:56 @finishedloading cc @alexandrasinc10
2021-07-31 15:17:09 @MindyWishart @richove @HelenLawLibrary @OUPLaw It’s a hard case to make here at UCL too. Extortionate. And a pretty dated interface and platform too. I also suspect contractually we aren’t allowed to say exactly how much.
2021-07-31 10:25:05 little do they know it will soon be regulated by the subversive handmaid Ofcom https://t.co/sKIyzPyLLB
2021-07-31 10:18:34 zoom marketing meeting: yes, i think gilead’s ruthless patriarchal theocracy accurately represents our brand, sounds like a great placement campaign. https://t.co/wSjmqzttbU
2021-07-31 09:37:41 @AnthroPunk @VerintAccess @Elinor_Carmi @PrivacyMatters @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @jiahong_chen I’m not sure it’s that universal. There are many situations where recorded conversations are more sensitive than images. That’s why the law in that area looks at purpose, context, etc, rather than tying specific media to specific harms.
2021-07-31 09:29:25 @AnthroPunk @VerintAccess @Elinor_Carmi @PrivacyMatters @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @jiahong_chen conceptually similar obligations in EU data protection law, which seeks to be technologically neutral. no special specific rules for cameras over microphones.
2021-07-31 08:13:24 RT @Channel4News: Exclusive: The Science Museum has signed a gagging clause in its agreement with Shell International to sponsor its climat…
2021-07-31 08:11:39 @agstrait well now you’ve deprived the world of a chance to ascertain this. i hope you are happy.
2021-07-31 08:07:26 @VerintAccess @Elinor_Carmi @PrivacyMatters @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @jiahong_chen it’s a live-in landlord. should all live-in landlords notify individuals that there is a voice assistant? would be different if they were not live-in.
2021-07-31 07:06:30 @Elinor_Carmi @PrivacyMatters @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards you’ve hit upon a difficult conceptual debate about the scope of the household exemption in data protection law (cc @jiahong_chen)
2021-07-31 06:45:12 @agstrait why would you have donated this?
2021-07-29 18:06:29 @RMGirlUK @katebevan @nmsonline @ShoeEmbassy @newscientist in the end, they have significant resource to enforce many aspects and shouldn’t need to have priorities limit enforcement of absolutely clear breaches. there are diminishing returns in all areas and more resource doesn’t mean more enforcement: need better organisation &
2021-07-29 18:01:19 @RMGirlUK @katebevan @nmsonline @ShoeEmbassy @newscientist on nuisance calls, yes, but AFAIK they’ve done next to nothing about illegal banners that frustrate consumers by not giving them the chance to reject on the front page. people are annoyed by banners they can’t clearly say no to, and have the legal right to say no as easily as yes
2021-07-29 17:59:20 @katebevan @RMGirlUK @nmsonline @ShoeEmbassy @newscientist CNIL currently doing an interesting few rounds of enforcement against websites without reject on cookie notices. I think ICO in those cases would rather the rules fitted their preferred enforcement strategy rather than fit their enforcement strategy from the law. Creaky org.
2021-07-29 17:57:25 @katebevan @RMGirlUK @nmsonline @ShoeEmbassy @newscientist give em hell
2021-07-29 17:56:52 @katebevan @nmsonline @ShoeEmbassy @newscientist yup, hence last sentence :) but ico is not interested in enforcing those kinds of specifics in my experience…
2021-07-29 17:55:18 @katebevan @nmsonline @ShoeEmbassy @newscientist unfortunately they do have permission if they offered you an option to opt out and you didn’t, conditional on being a previous customer. however, i suspect if it wasn’t clear enough for you to have opted out, it wasn’t clear enough to be legal.
2021-07-29 15:58:07 RT @DavidErdos: FROM AUSTRIA TO THE UK ! Really pleased to launch New Reports on Law &
2021-07-29 15:22:36 See also, the occasional publication of Keeling Schedules, an archaic approach to non machine readable track changes in legislation created in the 1930s by frustrated MPs. Useful but also an absurd plaster on a much deeper issue.
2021-07-29 15:15:29 Although correction, we don’t lock PDFs… they’re just rubbish by virtue of being PDFs. I think PDFs quite trivial to unlock but this just emphasises stupid nature of the measure.
2021-07-29 15:14:21 UK too. EU better — usually about a week after a Commission proposal you can get a docx from Eurlex. US nostalgic style of drafting format particularly painful to skim (not to mention, I presume, quite inaccessible for those who need screenreaders etc). https://t.co/OskgBjgJFm
2021-07-29 13:13:19 @FinancialTimes @PJDunleavy again an article on this with no mention of international students @GeorgeWParker…
2021-07-29 13:10:38 German hate speech put back and keep up orders — important illustration that European law works both ways (and may surprise casual US watchers) cc @AlexandraQu https://t.co/2VTa8r3Q7x
2021-07-29 07:40:58 RT @ilumium: Hey @PoliticoEurope, can we please stop calling @ECIPE publications "studies"? They claimed in a "study" in 2013 that #GDPR w…
2021-07-28 22:47:28 @Jackstilgoe can’t believe they forgot Heythrop College
2021-07-28 14:26:22 @tforcworc home sweet home since 31/12/1999
2021-07-28 14:18:29 Further reading https://t.co/tIj8ytCjsi
2021-07-28 14:16:35 Cursed image https://t.co/gh1TtPdjth
2021-07-28 12:39:11 @paulgailey no, not cross border data transfer related. Art 3(10) of Regulation 2021/953 indicates that the UK won’t be connected until it agrees a reciprocal and non discriminatory arrangement. Not sure the Commisison has legal competence to just grant connection unilaterally.
2021-07-28 12:31:06 @paulgailey it’s not just about following the standards, both sides need to be connected to the EU’s interoperability gateway.
2021-07-28 11:47:21 @halhod @charlottejee what about the word 'leverage'
2021-07-28 08:39:40 RT @chelloway: We (@sedyst, @lindorferin, @ErnaKotkamp, @krlos__hdez, Fernando, and Menghua) just updated our university cloud adoption pap…
2021-07-27 15:42:21 @mamezito no, i'm referring to English/Welsh certificates not working in the EN/WLS verifier app. No barrier to the Commission including the UK certificate in the system under Reg (EU) 2021/953 art 8 through implementing act. They've already done it for Switzerland https://t.co/h3UdnvyelR
2021-07-27 15:23:03 @FusterGloria by the time the contracts are actually drawn up, they are eligible to have their data processed under 6(1)(b)
2021-07-27 15:18:51 Actually, new theory. I think it could be uploaded as proof of parental leave. But even if that was questioned, please, please let's not enter a world where reviewers don't believe women when they say they gave birth...
2021-07-27 15:15:33 @FusterGloria It could be. Still, I do have concerns about whether those under 5 are capable of managing such a multifaceted project to completion.
2021-07-27 15:11:15 Maybe it's Art. @ArtDecider
2021-07-27 15:10:32 it gets worse... they appear to be birth certificates (maybe incorrectly uploaded) of two very young children who share a surname with someone affiliated with the bid. Perhaps exactly to illustrate the reasons why you should Not Do This.
2021-07-27 15:01:05 Reviewer 2: The proposal is very solid, but I have unresolved concerns than the PI may have never been born.
2021-07-27 14:59:56 Genuinely doing a peer review on for an EU country (on data and privacy issues) where the reviewers are forced to download the identity cards and birth certificates of the PI in order to view the proposal. https://t.co/hrcECUNwD1
2021-07-27 14:34:27 @jwildeboer @michaelmeasures Yes, but that's not related to the issue I described in the opening tweet.
2021-07-27 14:33:53 Interesting automation in Belgian Covid Pass verifier. Does not just verify a cert is valid &
2021-07-27 14:25:15 @jwildeboer @michaelmeasures Thanks, but I have both and also have valid German and UK codes to compare. Both decode correctly with the same data structure. The UK one performs as expected using EU verifiers, parses but has an incorrect signature.
2021-07-27 14:07:35 @jwildeboer @michaelmeasures This is of UK domestically created passes, not EU passes. They both follow the EU standard, thoguh.
2021-07-27 14:04:40 is this a known current limitation @michaelmeasures? I don't see it documented: the repo says it can and does recognise international mode certificates. Tried with two people's valid ones, PDF and app based. gives '2D barcode not recognised' error on travel ones. https://t.co/8LkzmttHOo
2021-07-27 13:58:10 Q: why does the NHS Covid Pass Verifier App only recognise English Covid passes generated through the 'Domestic' function of the NHS App, and fail to recognise ones from 'Travel'? (it also fails to recognise EU ones despite same standard, but UK not AFAIK in the 'Gateway' yet).
2021-07-27 13:14:27 @AllysonPollock @ScotGovFM Germany considers infection plus 1 iab the same as a two course vaccination.
2021-07-27 13:03:58 @mircomusolesi @tforcworc some public health measures are *absolutely* abt population management, population control, &
2021-07-27 12:58:36 @tforcworc I was specifically referring to the privacy sandbox example as it’s informational, but sure, i think it also accurate describes a component of the test and trace effect. regardless of perceived valence of the term, no point calling the same mechanism two different things.
2021-07-27 12:53:25 @tforcworc i did not say it was a bad thing. the aim of that app is indeed population management. but conceptually important when thinking about what PETs do and don’t do in the world.
2021-07-27 12:51:26 (on that note, did anyone ever check to see how England/Wales implemented proving pings for covid payments? I believe the app presents a button after a notification. Is it anonymous token? Or just an obscured or even generic link…)
2021-07-27 12:48:32 In the English/Welsh approach this effect should be limited as no actual consequence beyond guidance of app notifications. But also possible to build confidentiality preserving disciplining systems (eg no anonymous tokens earned for cloud services for no protocol participation).
2021-07-27 12:47:14 Also why even decentralised contact tracing, despite little to no info centrally learned, is still a form of population control. Confidentiality ≠ privacy. Similar: Google’s Privacy Sandbox — you may avoid clinging links as Web may change for you in response. Chilling effect. https://t.co/sE3luwwSMM
2021-07-27 12:24:39 @TheSimonEvans *hypo
2021-07-27 12:24:11 @TheSimonEvans The core point being that that dynamic wouldn’t have needed to be considered if the riots didn’t have an indoor dimension. There are pieces that I agree hypercritical (but also AFAIK not so scientifically certain) comparing big spreading events outdoors. Indoors is different game
2021-07-27 12:21:53 @TheSimonEvans Indoors it’s not about 2m, it’s about airborne virus. And no reason to think the virus originated from rioters. Could have been the other way around, from legislator, or from the police, lingering (potentially for long time) in rooms or places of shelter.
2021-07-27 12:15:43 @TheSimonEvans also, hard to observe in both cases are what i believe public health people tend to be worried about for big outdoor events — that people may mingle en masse indoors afterwards rather than separating individually.
2021-07-27 12:14:12 @TheSimonEvans isn’t there a big indoor-outdoor distinction here? i agree would be hypocrisy if comparison was spreading at outdoor protests both times (no reason to think worse than outdoor stadia), but most of those capitol clippings concern spread between lawmakers, unmasked, inside congress
2021-07-27 12:00:12 @lilianedwards @MarisaMcV the people who would likely take this in the UK would be ClientEarth, not sure they have a pending E/W case on this issue though. Forum shopping key. Netherlands has had some long fought for strong judgements re corporations, particularly Shell (also conclsn of the Nigeria case)
2021-07-26 15:57:38 RT @Caffar3Cristina: Facebook and Google #especially love to talk about Jean Tirole’s idea of #participative_antitrust - see Quartz 3 years…
2021-07-26 12:14:13 the UK has a structural reliance on fees from int’l students from countries w little to no youth vaccination
2021-07-26 10:16:53 gold-plated open access
2021-07-26 10:16:27 thanks wiley, i hate it https://t.co/B7GDjRNvQD
2021-07-25 10:49:41 @israblack one more thing: coauthorship, especially with your friends, is fun, and i learn a lot. and why am i doing this otherwise?!
2021-07-25 10:43:42 @tforcworc it definitely limits the design space if those institutional structures are already decided upon. hopefully that clarifies a bit!
2021-07-25 10:38:12 @tforcworc consequently not sure reissue is trivial in that approach because people would have to go to a pharmacy every month as that is the source of the information for many, not a login or similar, or an app authenticated by anything but the original QR.
2021-07-25 10:37:22 @tforcworc sure. just explaining how it works in DE. you go to a pharmacy, show them eg a signed yellow card, and they print out a static, one off, QR code of EU standard for each dose in a foldable passport. you can optionally scan it to put into one of two apps. so no option to refresh.
2021-07-25 10:21:33 @israblack (also because people work together a lot more in labs, with PDRAs, etc. but not only. tech law is also significantly full of coauthorship.)
2021-07-25 10:20:37 @israblack very glad that UCL laws appreciate and understand coauthorship! in computing where i often publish its actually the opposite. you almost never see single authored pubs, instinctively treat them with suspicion, maybe they aren’t rigorous enough or had enough diversity of thought…
2021-07-25 09:33:37 @Bilal_A_Mateen @stokel
2021-07-25 09:11:40 @openpolicynz @WebDevLaw yes, i’ve been told about that, at other events too. but being picky is not an option - having an ex privacy regulator rather than something much worse is less institutional damage than the ad led people to expect.
2021-07-25 06:38:15 @1Br0wn I’m pleasantly surprised that they seem to be considering another common law privacy Commissioner. That is compatible with enforcement.
2021-07-25 06:34:40 @WebDevLaw If it John Edwards, then fears of many about that advert won’t be coming true. I don’t think his defining characteristic is ‘Facebook hating’, it’s just a convenient Times story. I would much rather have another common law experienced privacy commissioner than many other options.
2021-07-24 10:31:23 @travelling_wolf @ProfChalmers Also note that I believe the risk threshold system of the Scottish app is calculated entirely differently from the England Wales one.
2021-07-24 10:11:57 @ProfChalmers Yup, it’s certainly a mix. We were trying to tell interested countries to focus on heath system integration soon after protocol publishing but few took it so seriously (several seemed more institutionally interested in tweaking technicalities, which are probably less intractable)
2021-07-24 10:02:28 @ProfChalmers I also suspect the active usage of Protect Scotland is not nearly as high as the NHS Covid-19 app due in part to the lack of legal QR mandates and the distinction between the optional Scotland QR app and the Exposure Notification app.
2021-07-24 09:40:58 @tforcworc yes, the law permits the creation of revocation related data, but it was not implemented in the deployed certificates.
2021-07-24 09:38:46 @tforcworc the EU design does not expire after 30 days. you do not have to print out a new EU card every 30 days.
2021-07-24 09:36:43 @tforcworc that's UK design, not EU design
2021-07-24 09:22:30 @jwildeboer https://t.co/FWKWvl5Flq
2021-07-24 09:22:02 This may all be fine if you are happy w/ a minority of fake certificates circulating. But it underlines that it is disproportionate to securitise people's lives through checkpoints and verification practices as if this truly provides assurance, when the foundations are so shaky.
2021-07-24 09:18:12 This is not to mention that the German approach to creating these certs involves pharmacists looking at a bit of paper, such as a WHO yellow card, and just typing in the existence of the vaccination event. Even without the ability to create fake pharmacists, fraud seems trivial.
2021-07-24 09:15:30 Handelsblatt also reported a range of certificates from Germany are already being sold on the darkweb. As Carmela pointed out in April, you cannot revoke certificates without invaliating them en masse
2021-07-24 09:12:57 Specifically, Handelsblatt (paywalled) invented a pharmacy in an apartment block, photoshopped an operating license (many pharmacies proudly upload theirs online), and swiftly got credentials to create vaccine certificates the next morning. https://t.co/BPE6QjxHdL
2021-07-24 08:58:20 Carmela's excellent thread on EU vaccine certs coming true bit by bit. Earlier this week much of Germany suspended cert creation as Handelsblatt showed forged docs could create non-existent web portal pharmacists who could mint irrevocable certificates. https://t.co/NR46ZHE6NG https://t.co/H4eqtYhq6I
2021-07-23 15:10:20 RT @ADCUnion: Huge victory for ADCU at licensing appeal heard at the Old Bailey (Crown Court). Another surveillance data failure by @TfLTPH…
2021-07-23 13:08:01 RT @CNIL_en: The CNIL chair gives formal notice to forty other organisations that still do not allow Internet users to reject #cookies as e…
2021-07-23 13:05:31 RT @motherboard: NEW: Hardcore porn is embedded all over regular-ass websites because a porn company has purchased the domain of a popular,…
2021-07-23 12:52:19 RT @MindyWishart: @RaceMeToo Not just interpersonal- also in research B4 being Dean- I mention possibility of student exchange with Asian…
2021-07-23 12:52:06 RT @MindyWishart: @RaceMeToo What would they learn: At US conference white man spouting his genius. Me: I came in late, did u discuss Japa…
2021-07-23 10:28:31 https://t.co/LTakJVmTBZ https://t.co/zNd7OXnP5O
2021-07-23 06:50:41 RT @GHEvers: A-ma-zing PhD opportunity, with supervision by ao @fborgesius. PhD Candidate: Predictive Policing https://t.co/O9nrsZ6U86
2021-07-22 16:40:47 RT @nielstenoever: Another day in which we experience the consequences of consolidation and centralisation in the Internet infrastructure.…
2021-07-22 15:39:18 RT @LordsJHACom: Call for written evidence! Committee invites evidence for new inquiry on technologies and the application of the law: http…
2021-07-22 11:32:37 @octavia_reeve now that one i can do :)
2021-07-22 10:28:29 @octavia_reeve damn, haven’t read that one yet and won’t have time to by then. looking forward to more!
2021-07-22 10:27:27 Two really cool roles at Ada: one UK focussed (data policy) and one EU focussed (AI Act). https://t.co/0NDk6n2GW6
2021-07-21 20:33:13 @colmocinneide in his defence, the logical bar is low https://t.co/iD18MbE7UR
2021-07-21 16:20:21 this is absolutely reprehensible e-waste. a single use semiconductor, arm processor and Bluetooth LE interface, attached to a lateral flow test, for some fake semblance of secure result assurance. horrible. https://t.co/73qxZuKhwC
2021-07-21 15:10:10 a remarkably bizarre way to oppose vaccination certificates. https://t.co/YgipdFCimq
2021-07-21 15:00:06 @bialasiewicz @EurJRR @CUP_Law @alemannoEU @fabiochiusi @vitalbaa @SaraFregonese @nandosigona so great to be part of this, and really clear editorial! I think our article is stuck in typesetter purgatory still but hopefully it comes up on FirstView in the next couple of days! in meantime shortened version of the argument is here https://t.co/2FQqh1tmIS
2021-07-21 14:15:17 @paulwaugh @Helen_Whately https://t.co/YhY3wb2AEH
2021-07-21 14:03:49 @stokel @EerkeBoiten @mattburgess1 @EinsteinsAttic @coronawarnapp (on a per article basis, anyway)
2021-07-21 14:03:37 @stokel @EerkeBoiten @mattburgess1 @EinsteinsAttic @coronawarnapp academics can only imagine writing articles for money
2021-07-21 14:01:33 @EerkeBoiten @mattburgess1 @EinsteinsAttic @coronawarnapp @stokel ah yes, missed it was @stokel's piece, sorry
2021-07-21 13:56:08 @mattburgess1 in relation to the Apple/Google points that @EerkeBoiten @EinsteinsAttic raise in your piece, you may wish to note that the German Apple/Google exposure notification app, @coronawarnapp, integrates their national vaccination (EU Digital COVID) certificate.
2021-07-20 14:01:54 RT @lilianedwards: COOL JOB ALERT Fulltime, permanent Lecturer: Digital Law, Policy &
2021-07-20 10:30:27 Here are the questions. Promises to be interesting. https://t.co/362SMwiTt8 https://t.co/y62jIE1Hh7
2021-07-20 10:25:34 RT @maxschrems: #PrivacyBREAKING: Austrian Supreme Court asks #CJEU if @Facebook illegally "undermined" the #GDPR by bypassing consent via…
2021-07-20 10:17:54 Today our case against the ICO on the issue of adtech, procedural and substantive duties of the Commissioner, is being heard at the Upper Tribunal. We’re represented by @RaviNa1k and his team at @A__W______O, Maya Lester QC, Julianne Kerr-Morrison and Nikolaus Grubeck. https://t.co/yhfOkgYbw7
2021-07-20 10:13:44 RT @OpenRightsGroup: @jimkillock &
2021-07-20 10:04:56 make it stop https://t.co/enVfVYDkCr
2021-07-20 09:50:36 Another Foxglove win!* Getting ridiculous now. Public sector buckles after another pre-action protocol letter. While no satisfaction of case-law, Foxglove are making the rule-of-law great again. *partially, &
2021-07-20 09:46:26 RT @Foxglovelegal: VICTORY in our #NHSDataGrab case! Last night the government announced a serious roll back - they’re going to do (some o…
2021-07-20 08:57:16 EU AI Act paper w/ @fborgesius now forthcoming in Computer Law Review International (CRi) in Aug. Some minor tweaks in the updated pre-print, available freely on SocArXiv: https://t.co/aawuWFunFq Thanks for all feedback — glad to see more debate on the devils in the details! https://t.co/LB7LbyHK5e
2021-07-20 08:49:17 RT @alsothings: to quote a colleague '_this_ is how 5g kills you' https://t.co/HsMyxtbXtd
2021-07-19 19:21:09 RT @rachelcoldicutt: Also, somewhere in the rabbit hole of links and press releases, it states that “digital ID is worth £800m to the UK ec…
2021-07-19 18:58:49 Consultation now open: https://t.co/qiwZeLRn6z
2021-07-19 14:39:22 RT @CampaignFoI: Now @CommonsDCMS has issued a statement: "Ministers have failed to provide a preferred candidate to become the next Infor…
2021-07-19 14:38:09 RT @juanandres_gs: These remarks on the limitations when inspecting iOS devices should give us pause… there’s a mistaken belief that privac…
2021-07-19 14:33:03 @Jausl00s what do you mean?! don’t you want to be Professor of the Free Movement of Non Personal Data?!
2021-07-19 14:21:45 RT @EU_EDPS: On July 14, the brilliant #EDPS and @EU_EDPB trainees hosted a conference on biometric surveillance. The recording of the con…
2021-07-19 14:21:24 RT @EstelMP: Want to join the @accessnow Brussels office? We are hiring a Facial Recognition Policy Fellow. Apply by 11 August 2021 here:…
2021-07-19 12:50:41 Double Reuben trouble with a very interesting new paper from @RDBinns @ReubenKirkham about how equality and data protection law interact with questions of fairness in machine learning in relation to people with disabilities. https://t.co/Ij3k7UFc55 https://t.co/rKNBfKfC3D
2021-07-19 12:00:04 @TheSimonEvans alternatively, Rumour Milliner
2021-07-19 11:53:15 @TheSimonEvans I wonder: is a tin foil hatter someone who wears such a hat or who makes them?
2021-07-19 11:50:38 @MadelineCarr @steapp @ucl @uclisec @emilianoucl @sjmurdoch @GDanezis @m_a_sasse @mjvasek @Daeinar Enjoy the move! Hope to see your team blogging on Bentham's Gaze! :)
2021-07-18 18:38:28 This is extremely interesting. Does NSO block the ability to target US phones? Why? (Is this commonly known?) https://t.co/CcGOaSbtG1 https://t.co/PuOL7hkDbz
2021-07-18 18:35:05 RT @mryderqc: This @guardian joint scoop looks to be the biggest communications surveillance story since @Snowden revelations. The scale o…
2021-07-18 13:06:45 RT @WebDevLaw: Per Politico: The government’s pick for Information Commissioner to be questioned by the digital, culture, media and sport c…
2021-07-18 13:04:47 @meerihaataja there’s a newer version in the paper but even in this version… they are? 6th from the top?
2021-07-18 06:28:56 @PaulbernalUK @JaneFae @lilianedwards @guy_herbert @carolinejmolloy hence if this barrister ignores it, he is breaking the law, which isn’t a good look at the bar council i imagine.
2021-07-18 06:27:54 @Tedward_edward @CampbellTCC @JonArmstrongLaw @RupertMyers @thetimes @BBCr4today this is not a notification from the app though, this looks like a text message from T&
2021-07-18 06:26:39 @PaulbernalUK @JaneFae @lilianedwards @guy_herbert @carolinejmolloy that’s not the app, that’s a text message. nothing to do with the app.
2021-07-17 16:30:50 as an academic I am so much more interested in what you have to say after the greeting than the way you do it. https://t.co/2DDnuNDa1T
2021-07-17 12:16:33 @MarijnSax @fborgesius @algorithmwatch tasty vitriol
2021-07-16 18:07:55 Important because the IAB’s very questionable idea of ‘global consent’ has been that opt out is always per site but opt in is universal… https://t.co/KZ1pvUOsMq
2021-07-16 16:03:59 Hansen: GDPR assumes clear organisations and responsibilities, tricky with crowd-based systems and protocols, particularly when trying to improve unlinkability. https://t.co/GMF53t18Y9
2021-07-16 16:02:56 Hansen: Big players are so hard to grab for illegal practices, the court rulings take years — this demotivates everyone involved from DPA employees to SMEs. DPAs driven by individual complaints, less energy for structural change. #HotPETs
2021-07-16 15:59:35 Hansen looks at what 'state of the art' means in DPbD art 25 GDPR. Mix of maturity and quality. Wants to expand it more into the less mature but very high quality PET ideas — DPAs need to be more active in engaging with frontier research. https://t.co/PpV4JF4V6D
2021-07-16 15:42:04 Head of the Schleswig-Holstein DPA Marit Hansen at #HotPETs talks about how tricky it is for DPAs to assess changing systems — after a case like the Facebook fanpage tracking case (Wirtschaftsakademie), a small change may occur, but precipitates slow, effortful reassessment. https://t.co/A9McndvREp
2021-07-16 14:29:05 cc @echo_pbreyer who is working on this in the EP
2021-07-16 14:29:04 Fascinating talk @shubhamjain0594 at #HotPETs on how reliable client-side scanning (eg for CSAM) in encrypted messages is. Conclusion — images q easy to perturb to avoid detection, upping threshold to stop it wld flag 1-in-3 safe images incorrectly. Paper: https://t.co/ZCiEHLp9hp https://t.co/E6h4jD6zGx
2021-07-15 17:31:47 @owainkenway definitely one for the @V_and_A Rapid Response Collecting if they can get hold of one…
2021-07-15 15:51:46 @TheRegister enter @drdrmc from stage left https://t.co/urpbxF3X00
2021-07-15 08:29:03 CJEU with Art 17 looks headed towards another ‘in principle it is possible to do legally’ while not grappling with ‘in technical & Constant CJEU referrals to test safeguards are not practical or possible. Reminds of LQDN data retention case. https://t.co/st7L8Vu1h7
2021-07-15 08:13:03 RT @eLAWnora: OUT NOW: AG Øe advises CJEU to rule that Art 17 DSMD is COMPATIBLE with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (C-401/19) https…
2021-07-14 15:05:37 @tforcworc @a_b_powell people still haven’t put VNC and Wi-fi in every projector :(
2021-07-14 12:33:11 RT @EU_EDPS: “An Orwellian Premonition: a discussion on perils of #biometric surveillance” conference organised by #EDPS and @EU_EDPB tra…
2021-07-14 09:09:41 RT @paulwaugh: Fact that Google, for example, wasn't subjected to PM's strong words was down entirely to them not having been able to make…
2021-07-14 03:36:51 @tforcworc @trishgreenhalgh @SadiqKhan yes, but easier said than done when you don’t have special staff for that or the authority of the british transport police. i predict that once on the tube, enforcement will not occur.
2021-07-13 21:08:21 @podehaye @patwalshe_ https://t.co/37goF08Sup
2021-07-13 18:18:20 @trishgreenhalgh @SadiqKhan Will be interesting to see if or how adherence changes when statutory enforcement powers of civil penalties disappear.
2021-07-13 18:08:31 RT @infolawcentre: CALL FOR PAPERS - ILPC Annual Conference 2021 Data in a Pandemic Topics of interest include: Emergency powers &
2021-07-13 17:35:59 RT @maxschrems: [RT &
2021-07-13 16:23:04 RT @KKollnig: We at @OxfordHCC analysed this issue, the lack of consent to tracking, in the context of mobile apps. >
2021-07-13 11:02:43 Runescape drama meets GDPR drama. More https://t.co/fsMEBG0C2k https://t.co/lKNiRONNIc
2021-07-13 09:59:14 BBC is a joint controller for these purposes (CJEU, Fashion ID), as is the IAB whose Transparency and Consent Framework the BBC rely on (CJEU, Jehovan todistajat). More info https://t.co/PZwHKzmLNI
2021-07-13 09:57:44 BBC now facilitating cookie/fingerprint profiling of users on the basis of legitimate interest, in breach of consent reqs under PECR when there is storage or access of information on a web browser. UK users should write to the BBC and then complain to the ICO. https://t.co/UO0gFSRj9m
2021-07-13 08:24:14 Embarrassing non-report. Waste of time of people interviewed (myself included) and those submitting evidence. Contains no analysis. Wouldn’t get a passing grade if submitted as an assignment. https://t.co/79ZvE5jKcC
2021-07-13 08:20:50 @1Br0wn @PaulbernalUK @lilianedwards @silkiecarlo @GusHosein @TomSamaki Yes, I was interviewed.
2021-07-13 08:04:20 RT @IzzieHahn: Super excited to be moderating this panel tomorrow alongside a fantastic lineup of speakers! Join us to hear more about the…
2021-07-13 05:26:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: Reminder of open postdoc positions at the SPRING lab. I will be @PET_Symposium the whole week. If you are interested i…
2021-07-12 14:04:11 @SarahEskens oh i see, that might link the invited guest’s account to the office365 user database of the VU…
2021-07-12 13:42:49 @stuartleech I have never managed to find the doc there before that way on the others' accs, but there may be a way to do it. I think it's catch 22, you can't make it recent until it's used. It may be poss to get it to appear on their OneDrive but I struggled adding it to their files before.
2021-07-12 13:40:42 (the core reason for needing to access in desktop is so we can both use Zotero. so I am not going to self-host Collabora, I do not want to use GDocs, and I already run an home etherpad instance for lighter things.)
2021-07-12 13:38:10 Every time I try to consult my mental model of how O365 works or silos anything across organisations I get too much of a headache to continue. I am semi-aware you can both give up and use Live accs somehow (though I don't know what Live really is and how it links to my licenses).
2021-07-12 13:36:55 MS Office geeks: I often collaborate on Word docx w/ ppl w/ O365 accounts outside my uni. We need to both edit in desktop apps, but they are restricted to editing in browser. If they try to 'edit with desktop app' they get login page for *my* uni. Is there a way to achieve this?
2021-07-12 12:00:58 RT @montezumachavez: Exchanges of Personal Data After the Schrems II Judgment https://t.co/FAXZlWXa6G @1Br0wn’s blog pots: https://t.co…
2021-07-12 11:17:36 narrator: they were not.
2021-07-12 11:17:11 if the idea is to have a chilling effect, it achieves it though the perverse theatrics arising from how people currently incorrectly think they’re truly anonymous on mainstream ad-funded social media.
2021-07-12 11:14:59 does the BCS present evidence that the lack of identifiability of these accounts is the block to prosecution? i) social media companies make their entire business from constructing identities across devices ii) uk law enforcement have huge powers to identify people from metadata https://t.co/gOBSGW73Co
2021-07-12 08:07:43 @Cybermatron (but that’s England ofc)
2021-07-12 08:07:05 @Cybermatron Are they definitely a solicitor and not a conveyancer? I believe the conveyancing regulator is much more pro-tech-innovative-change-stuff so you might have to look at them rather than the SRA.
2021-07-11 19:47:52 @hadleywickham that seems to be trying to format it in US legal Bluebook style which uses both first page number only and shortened ‘Journal’… quite strange.
2021-07-11 19:34:23 @techreview @salesforce what a joke of an ‘article’, no substance or evidence of any effectiveness or even real examples of use, paragraphs don’t even follow from each other, illustrated with contact tracing apps which do not use ‘AI’. embarrassing for @techreview.
2021-07-10 19:51:23 @mmitchell_ai @emilymbender @FryRsquared I really hope the final episode doesn’t misuse your words and views or pit you in some stupid dichotomy.
2021-07-10 19:49:05 @mmitchell_ai @emilymbender Radio 4 differs heavily by programme. Some programmes focus heavily and rigorously on research and academic papers (The Life Scientific, Thinking Allowed, In Our Time, and @FryRsquared’s show). Others tell a defined story and can definitely end up with the situations described.
2021-07-10 07:00:43 @mvandenbroeke in february… old news.
2021-07-10 06:34:55 @Nadya_Purtova @eleni_kosta an evaluation premised on objectivity when the process is strung together from donated labour from other exhausted academics.
2021-07-10 06:20:42 RT @rachelcoldicutt: Some good/important tech strategy jobs going at Ofcom (where I’m a non-exec, and no, I don’t know where they got “guru…
2021-07-10 06:20:35 @rachelcoldicutt @edsaperia a true guru too! no false gurus for Ofcom.
2021-07-10 06:18:49 @PaulNemitz At the moment, the AI Act places bot disclosure obligations on providers not users, a distinction which falls apart in practice and risks becoming nonsensical. How does a *provider* of synthetic voices usefully disclose their artificiality? https://t.co/aawuWFunFq https://t.co/LTTbOsoOm6
2021-07-10 05:51:48 Actual date of implementation of these changes: 7 November, 23 December, Github was ahead the first time, lagged the second. https://t.co/TLvrqUY6vC
2021-07-10 05:50:03 @alexhern i gave an interview around this on sky news and the presenter said ‘keir starmer says it’s like taking the batteries out of a smoke alarm’ and I almost said NO CLEARLY ALEX HERN SAID THAT AND AN ADVISOR NICKED IT
2021-07-10 05:48:43 @alexhern @russss Dates for both changes here: 7 Nov, 23 Dec. https://t.co/TLvrqUY6vC
2021-07-09 20:50:53 If you need another reason to read our AI Act paper, it’s a laugh-a-minute.* *May also induce tears of anguish. https://t.co/67njF2jwxO
2021-07-09 19:47:36 They’re not *gathering* data. They’re preparing infrastructures for surveillant, ostensibly private (really just confidential) edge computing. The White House is being played by Apple, Google, Amazon like a bull with a red rag. https://t.co/enMpQXfXjP
2021-07-09 16:55:00 @nidhalaigh i’ve been talking about the app all day to media and carefully saying england and wales so i was bound to slip up sometime :)
2021-07-09 16:23:10 @nidhalaigh yes, sorry, totally right.
2021-07-09 16:22:14 @daphnehk @lilianedwards @PJLeerssen @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner @permacc It’s indeed mostly useful for government pages which refuse to put timestamps or register changes, which I think is a problem they should solve rather than the citers.
2021-07-09 15:22:06 @RunMrb @SussexDocSchool @technollama @ChrisTMarsden til hamingju!!
2021-07-09 15:20:40 @daphnehk @lilianedwards @PJLeerssen @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner Oh I do agree with that generally (and often use @permacc for that reason!), but I suppose editors skipped this one as we weren’t really asserting much at all :)
2021-07-09 15:14:15 @daphnehk @lilianedwards @PJLeerssen @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner i mean that lack of rigour is worrying, how will we know if the trolley memes page has changed to no longer illustrates the flowery point we were making? what if the memes have significantly degraded in quality?! what will future generations do when it vanishes?
2021-07-09 15:11:16 @daphnehk @lilianedwards @PJLeerssen @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner it is a US one and I do vaguely recall a fight about that footnote with an editor but apparently we won…
2021-07-09 14:32:20 @PJLeerssen @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner That is a @lilianedwards footnote! You can tell by the gratuitous use of latin.
2021-07-09 14:26:18 @why0hy @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner Believe it or not that is the toned down version of that sentence
2021-07-09 14:14:17 @ka_iwanska @MiiBlinn @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner Oh I just mean we will finish the sentence.
2021-07-09 13:58:03 @ka_iwanska @fborgesius @sarahchander @djleufer @F_Kaltheuner ahahaha that’s clearly a footnote that shouldn’t be there and isn’t quite finished although in context it’s quite funny, and correct. we will tidy it up but keep the intent true.
2021-07-09 13:19:49 @vmantouvalou @UCLLaws @TNovitz @colmocinneide wahoo! go dr @nataliesedacca! and also go go go for first full new academic year in your lecturer position!
2021-07-09 10:25:26 Changed once in late October/early Nov (made a lot more sensitive, features in the @ChristoPhraser lab study as an exogenous change to ground the validity of the observational method), and once in January (made a little more sensitive). File history: https://t.co/znsE8CjOp7 https://t.co/1mMQHCcc48
2021-07-09 08:43:38 @tforcworc as i said, not saying it's illegitimate to include vaccine data, i'm saying that you can't technically restrict misuse of such bits once they exist. in a protocol like GAEN, when you introduce bits that can distinguish between different 'types' of ppl, you need public scrutiny.
2021-07-09 08:37:13 @tforcworc (let's pretend apple and google would let an app do that)
2021-07-09 08:36:47 @tforcworc because it distinguishes between ppl. not necessarily illegitimate, just needs scrutiny. e.g. if statitical correlation between non-mask wearing and an ethnic group, is it ethical to broadcast a bit declaring the group riskier? can have real effects on behaviour.
2021-07-09 08:17:54 My understanding (this metadata was not part of DP-3T) is that phones can only decrypt this for keys that have been uploaded after a positive test. What is in there woudl need to be carefully scrutinised as distinguishing riskiness of different 'populations' is value-laden.
2021-07-09 08:11:30 Trickier if trying to allow individuals to *receive* less risk from vaccinated people who later turn out to be +ve despite (expected decreased transmissibility?), but technically possible using the many encrypted reserved bits in the Exposure Notification Bluetooth payload. https://t.co/xrZuR0WApG https://t.co/AhmpnRNqW1
2021-07-09 07:47:45 @lilianedwards @RDBinns the impression from shapps on #r4today was that they’re shafting governance of everything onto rail operators in order to be able to declare freedom day (from policy set by elected officials)
2021-07-09 07:12:22 RT @sedyst: When governments went for apps, they turned contact tracing, a public health activity, into an engineering, and therewith an op…
2021-07-09 07:09:42 might even be cheaper than £3.2bn of off-label lateral flow tests
2021-07-09 06:36:29 @ProfWoodward @ruskin147 yup, am quoted saying that at the bottom (although I’m aware the EN/WA app doesn’t quite work on the 15min/2m logic, explained during interview this is clipped from). agree alerts should be based as far as possible on epidemiology not optimisation goals. change the intervention.
2021-07-09 06:28:11 @AdamWagner1 also under the current functioning of the app, scanning a QR code will never trigger a self isolation ping, just a ‘be cautious’ or ‘take a test’ ping.
2021-07-09 06:26:29 This is not to say allowing transmission now is good/not. Unpacking this individualisation of risk. The ‘use common sense’ approach doesn’t logically work if the problem is a collective action one (all wear masks, if you defect you benefit) based on source not wearer protection.
2021-07-09 06:23:20 If the UK allowing removal of masks that typically *only protect others* on crowded trains etc, where are the free (expensive) FFP3 masks which do *protect the user* for those still not fully vaccinated (for many reasons)? It’s all about acting according to your own risk, right?
2021-07-09 06:06:37 Presumably TikTok hasn’t taken off in Scunthorpe if this is the level of engineering they apply to content moderation (hint: it’s not). https://t.co/57RVeMgPm1
2021-07-08 20:57:10 @vgalaz Greenpeace did a report a couple of years ago, I forgot the name. Else, I’ve heard anecdotally from people inside such corporations.
2021-07-08 20:24:21 Wait til you see how much Cloud services like Microsoft Azure and AWS make from selling compute to extractive industries… https://t.co/Ih6RZBCI1p
2021-07-08 19:55:39 RT @EqualRights: Today we and @anticorruption launch our new report: DEFYING EXCLUSION: STORIES AND INSIGHTS ON THE LINKS BETWEEN DISCRIMIN…
2021-07-08 16:03:44 @AndyPKopp @JoannaChataway @VeikoLember @InaBrass @rainerkattel @UCLSTEaPP @IIPP_UCL @EPSRC @MulugettaYacob congratulations!!
2021-07-08 15:58:07 @Hannahcknox @UCLanthropology congratulations hannah!
2021-07-08 15:53:53 RT @amunyua: Firefox extends privacy and security of Canadian internet users with by-default DNS-over-HTTPS rollout in Canada https://t.co/…
2021-07-08 15:00:04 RT @PaulQuinnBxl: The UK government expects EU Member States to recognise its vaccination certificate but refuses to recognize the EU covid…
2021-07-08 11:00:04 @tforcworc Immaculate Virgin
2021-07-08 10:58:37 @tforcworc @oliviasolon @virginmedia @aaisp I use AA at the moment and they’re the best thing on the openreach FTTC network.
2021-07-08 10:57:55 @tforcworc @oliviasolon @virginmedia @aaisp for the 50mbps upload package? that’s less than half of what they offered me.
2021-07-08 10:56:01 @tforcworc @oliviasolon @virginmedia @aaisp (it’s also several times more expensive than hyperoptic!)
2021-07-08 10:55:22 @tforcworc @oliviasolon @virginmedia @aaisp lucky with fibre, mine in KT was not even DOCSIS 3.1, I called to try and get a static IP and it took 3 people before anyone knew what an IP address was. agree re wired unless you’re on new expensive wifi, but i’m using own server too… prosumer life
2021-07-08 10:17:40 @oliviasolon @virginmedia virgin are a minefield, and it's not even fibre. pathetic upload rates (even if they say 1gbps download, it
2021-07-08 09:52:05 RT @carmelatroncoso: We have two postdoc openings at the SPRING Lab @EPFL_en! Applied crypto and Privacy-preserving systems https://t.co/tI…
2021-07-08 09:22:15 @Jackstilgoe @stsucl @uclsts I think a 0.8 role at Waymo while staying at UCL 0.2 will work fine for all concerned.
2021-07-08 07:16:06 If anyone still thought Open Access didn’t help visibility… the lobbyists are getting in on it as a tool for impact! (perhaps of interest to @ucylpay) https://t.co/cuGMZ848EA
2021-07-08 06:55:25 @stsucl @Jackstilgoe @uclsts now you can say what you *really* think about automated cars! that’s how it works, right? so many congratulations, your work and approach to scholarship around technology and society has long been inspirational to me.
2021-07-08 06:53:05 RT @stsucl: Huge congratulations to @Jackstilgoe, newly promoted Professor in @uclsts! https://t.co/3haupGgd2a
2021-07-07 21:55:58 @RobertHGeorge
2021-07-05 17:38:40 @Marion_InfoLaw @LordsJHACom oh, exciting, congratulations!
2021-07-05 16:00:59 RT @ElectoralCommUK: Today the UK Government announced plans to strengthen Parliamentary oversight of the Electoral Commission. Read our fu…
2021-07-05 13:03:30 @RDBinns @timsquirrell Yes, if they have ability to spoof whatever number they want, they may just to your number ± (1, 999)
2021-07-05 12:48:40 @timsquirrell yes, but why would they spoof a similar one to the one they're calling? it's still a random phone number...
2021-07-05 12:45:09 (there is more than one number with this characteristic)
2021-07-05 12:44:55 I'm getting a large number of fake, illegal robocalls claiming to be from the National Crime Agency to my mobile. The weird thing: many of these calls ostensibly share the first 8 digits of my mobile phone number, with the last 3 being different. Anyone know why this might be?
2021-07-05 10:13:30 RT @sammacbeth: Recently my team at DuckDuckGo have been working on trying to reduce the number of sites that are broken by the privacy pro…
2021-07-05 09:51:48 @tforcworc @whvholst @1Br0wn @superglaze legally, the app notification is guidance, and does not have a binding effect with penalties for non compliance as a phonecall does. i do not know if T&
2021-07-05 09:18:02 RT @1Br0wn: Oh dear. Native speaker @ilumium says this Google translation is inadequate and @Monopolkom wants to *limit* the real-time data…
2021-07-05 09:16:16 @EerkeBoiten @1Br0wn @whvholst @tforcworc Indeed, but if people aren’t interviewe (also with regard to whether the visit was risky), those aren’t triggered. many GAEN apps failed bc no one could get the codes from healthcare. instead of running with a simple solution, energy was to engineer it more not integrate it…
2021-07-05 09:07:36 @1Br0wn @whvholst @EerkeBoiten @tforcworc Similar to other tweet, danger that then fewer people will use it, additional benefit will be lost. I’m not (and have not been) convinced that a lot of these kind of extensions are socially feasible trade off points, they’re just nice in engineers’ minds.
2021-07-05 09:05:51 @1Br0wn @whvholst @EerkeBoiten @tforcworc I think you’d need evidence for that. Danger of overengineering. Remember also (also key to central/decentral) that uptake is the core driver, not risk adjustment. the more invasive and complicated a system gets, running a risk of backlash that could undermine marginal benefits…
2021-07-05 09:03:34 @1Br0wn @whvholst @EerkeBoiten @tforcworc Also (slide illustrative, from @AllysonPollock, related to vulnerability not exposure), note that ‘where do you stop once you start profiling’ becomes important and controversial. If concerned about individuals and risk, when do you say more freedoms for thin and healthy people? https://t.co/FcgKPdFWcD
2021-07-05 09:00:53 @1Br0wn @whvholst @EerkeBoiten @tforcworc I think a q is if you actually need a complex risk score in an app or whether you could just give differing guidance to people on what to do when ‘exposed’, and what the logic of broadcasting a risk level was and what that discloses about an individual. Danger of overengineering
2021-07-05 08:58:47 @whvholst @1Br0wn @EerkeBoiten @tforcworc Other than the fact the UK never released a full protocol so we can’t compare details, CrowdNotifier has a mechanism that prevents an authority triggering venues without their awareness and agreement (eg as a defence against targeted venue profiling, voter suppression, etc)
2021-07-05 08:43:04 @whvholst @1Br0wn @EerkeBoiten @tforcworc England/Wales uses a (weaker in some ways) version of the CrowdNotifier concept in its GAEN app, so the firms do not object to that.
2021-07-05 08:41:18 @1Br0wn @EerkeBoiten @whvholst @tforcworc control is important but i don’t think it’s very particular to GAEN for Apple, the company is so hellbent on control generally (hi apple execs!). they’ve built their world like a precarious jenga tower so that if they lose control of one bit can undermine everything. by design.
2021-07-05 08:38:12 @1Br0wn @EerkeBoiten @whvholst @tforcworc also important to think ‘where if anywhere are the lines drawn’. decentralisation? GPS? (and the effect of all this on battery life and abuse potential). finally, platforms don’t want to have to deal with accommodating every state’s individual desires at once in short time frame.
2021-07-05 08:36:29 @1Br0wn @EerkeBoiten @whvholst @tforcworc if any CT app to work, apple had to build update. unwillingness to let just anything run in the BG i) battery life
2021-07-04 17:10:36 @AmooreLouise Agreed.
2021-07-04 16:28:00 Weird logic because the England/Wales QR feature of the COVID-19 app *never* tells individuals to self-isolate, only either to be cautious or get tested. https://t.co/CjfMsfKWnn
2021-07-04 14:53:42 @technollama systems do and can memorise usernames etc though, see https://t.co/64ojYaz1X9
2021-07-04 14:47:45 @technollama however i wonder if the emails are real or just simulacra
2021-07-04 14:46:56 @technollama often they are! (an early dutch contact tracing app hardcoded emails in their github repo…) also we wrote about this problem here https://t.co/9d4Rqq7KJl
2021-07-03 20:19:19 @marc_mcgeemoore Need to check Bentham House for panoptic cameras.
2021-07-03 20:16:30 @marc_mcgeemoore Should put you on SAGE
2021-07-03 09:44:52 RT @cyberleagle: @cliffmanning @DCMS Someone at @DCMS doesn't understand the difference between disapplication of a liability shield and a…
2021-07-03 06:57:58 @stokel the European Commission think Member States can enforce their new AI regulation, which even has internet content related rules (eg on synthetic content) with 1-25 more staff per country.
2021-07-01 17:47:47 RT @k_irion: “Traditionally, secrecy was the exception. In recent years, law enforcement has turned that exception on its head, developing…
2021-07-01 16:28:23 @annliffey @data_ctive @ERC_Research @david_berra @Kolenyo @KerstiRu total role model of how to run a project! thank you for giving ECRs a beacon of *I want to do something cool like that*
2021-07-01 09:08:45 RT @Jackstilgoe: A new one from me in the journal of Ethics and Information Technology. How can we know a self-driving car is safe? https:/…
2021-07-01 09:01:30 @CatherineFlick @Jackstilgoe solar geoengineering
2021-07-01 08:59:29 @Jackstilgoe (But in the end the Earth is saved by a humble invention) https://t.co/ZNeRIZU3WY
2021-07-01 08:57:01 @Jackstilgoe @UCLlaw_env < ‘blockchained’ <
2021-07-01 08:54:37 @Jackstilgoe @UCLlaw_env including a very questionable verb. look forward to it! (sort of)
2021-07-01 08:54:04 @Jackstilgoe @UCLlaw_env oh, there’s a subplot that is much worse than that that almost made me abandon it.
2021-07-01 08:50:23 RT @UCLlaw_env: Online | Ministries for the Future in Environmental Law | UCL Faculty of Laws - UCL – University College London https://t.c…
2021-07-01 08:50:11 @UCLlaw_env oh! i’ve just read this book. excellent choice of event, looking forward
2021-07-01 08:07:04 @timsquirrell gateskeeper of grammar
2021-07-01 08:05:23 @timsquirrell i was using a windows laptop at work the other day and tried to type an em-dash and realised i had entered a world of hell
2021-07-01 07:38:04 @tforcworc @riptari (I have not seen people say that in the current situation, this is the roll out speed for Pfizer we would use if we had limitless resources.)
2021-07-01 07:36:41 @tforcworc @riptari The shakiness I was referring to was not of biological modelling but to say whether evidence re bigger gap for Pfizer can confidently support it as better strategy than faster vaccinations in light of the current wave in UK and it’s impact on the unvaccinated across Europe.
2021-07-01 07:30:24 @tforcworc @riptari I’m sure there are countless theoretical or lab Pfizer gap studies, I just read there was only one Pfizer gap field study, but surely many even observational ones in pipeline. Either way seems the Pfizer gap is a (sensible) decision but currently needed primarily due to supply.
2021-07-01 07:23:42 @riptari It seems UK has high vaccination capacity and that if supply was available you’d just plough everything into it. But the AZ delay does seem justifiable given weaker protection against aspects other than severe disease.
2021-07-01 07:20:20 @riptari Outside my expertise. I did read that only one study, relating to older patients (not main current UK Pfizer recipients) relates to gaps for Pfizer. I also find it hard that shaky science on the need for bigger gaps outweighs firmer science on importance of 2nd doses re Delta v
2021-07-01 07:11:24 @riptari apparently it’s not about flow of vaccine, it’s because there’s an order which apparently won’t come until late August creating a gap that leads to a core 2nd dose speed limiter https://t.co/Kbcl2J3md8
2021-07-01 06:52:10 (the UK's interesting narrative on it is here https://t.co/qfufOQDxmS in a somewhat insecure sounding Gov Response to a consultation saying a lot of *we did vote for it at the time!* while also admitting that redrafting all the regs in a diff style will incur costs for business)
2021-07-01 06:47:33 Not a single word in this BBC article on new 'UK' repairability legislation (far from a 'right', but okay) indicating it is the UK choosing to adopt the same implementing measures to the Ecodesign Directive that the European Commission did this March https://t.co/4uCpNA7h1s https://t.co/7nH5ZTOQ7X
2021-07-01 06:09:40 @mer__edith Best to go with the differently blacklisted reporters who have long given up on getting privileged embargoed tech sector stories in my experience.
2021-06-30 21:37:09 RT @technollama: Is GitHub’s Copilot potentially infringing copyright? https://t.co/eSXHIx1OFR
2021-06-30 21:21:50 @mark_riedl @technollama anything new and uncertain is of course about appetite for legal risk but ‘probably is’ doesn’t seem a well-founded way of stating it (and a bold statement to make given your initial statement as not being a copyright lawyer!)
2021-06-30 21:18:43 @mark_riedl @technollama enforceable implies there is an infringement but not worth it to follow up. but as the blog argues, below a threshold that this seems unlikely to meet, there’s no copyright infringement. this tl
2021-06-30 20:54:48 @mark_riedl You may wish to look at copyright and software licensing legal scholar @technollama's blog, which strongly disagrees with your position. https://t.co/JyXt1ky3ga
2021-06-30 19:32:44 A good check for truly controversial opinions is that they also commonly trigger people who feel queasy when they see a new WEF initiative. https://t.co/uXzwJudM2j
2021-06-30 15:06:25 @PaulbernalUK @halhod While the Blanchette paper is 2002 (and there is work before that), I think this quote from @Lawprofaallen ('Unpopular Privacy') in 2011 is great https://t.co/FKN6uXTNsb
2021-06-30 15:01:16 Fighting for a financially independent, insulated academia in issues of technology and power matters. https://t.co/q5Nq9hatMI
2021-06-30 14:59:49 RT @tjmcintyre: Support your local digital rights organisations. This is what we’re up against. https://t.co/O2qrvEH9Sd
2021-06-30 14:59:44 RT @MalJayaram: That’s a lot of affairs. #tech https://t.co/NhgZTcnL1x
2021-06-30 14:57:55 @halhod yes, including https://t.co/IWYIpjxeAQ https://t.co/JiE9xnOxFJ
2021-06-30 13:02:08 @technollama @RDBinns @eevee but what about where it reproduces chunks (although arguably this 'origin tracker' could then flag hey, you need to copyleft this...)
2021-06-30 11:22:02 @technollama then i will be caffeinated and mAkE mORe coNtENt
2021-06-30 10:51:40 @technollama I guess people always put adverts with bank details in the private eye classifieds, just a more ‘social’ continuation…
2021-06-30 10:48:43 @Caffar3Cristina @1Br0wn @drphilipmarsden @jcremer Indeed, it restricts both. GDPR can and does regulate use, even if the regulators of it do not act like it does. The distinction between first and third parties is an industry interpretation that does not have significant textual support.
2021-06-30 09:33:15 @TomOrrell86 That may be how some people use it, but not all. People used to say that everything posted online or on Facebook was fair game. With automatic employee rating and ranking systems LinkedIn data can be q sensitive if used at scale. Yet they present privacy options which are lies.
2021-06-30 09:07:04 RT @RachelTobac: Wow, Gmail SMS 2FA code with an ad tacked on -- Google didn't include the ad, the ad was injected by the carrier. Looks li…
2021-06-30 08:42:58 RT @emilianoucl: The new @MSCActions work programme is out. As things stands, Brexit means @ucl cannot participate. Short Thread. 1/
2021-06-30 08:32:18 https://t.co/ZqhqebjNAF
2021-06-30 08:04:50 RT @RMac18: Malcolm Gladwell's recent post for his Facebook-run newsletter extols the promise of self-driving cars. Nowhere in that newslet…
2021-06-29 17:16:34 RT @summer__heidi: https://t.co/GO0zDijwgD
2021-06-29 17:10:08 RT @lexatlasc19: Don't forget to drop in on the outstanding line-up in the EU Law Live/Lex-Atlas: Covid 19 event tomorrow on C19 Vaccinatio…
2021-06-29 14:10:36 The European Commission: "We have seen some very convincing napkins which appear to us to constitute an effective judicial remedy under—"
2021-06-29 14:09:27 But sure, Privacy Shield II. https://t.co/nt72JungrY
2021-06-29 14:08:38 RT @ashgorski: From PCLOB Board Member Travis LeBlanc, a damning critique of the agency's recent review of EO 12333 surveillance, which "re…
2021-06-29 09:01:04 Not said: “However, if you have a data breach, due to no agreed cooperation, you could now be fined by us and by European regulators!” https://t.co/Z7zPqfBqk5
2021-06-29 08:40:59 @data_and_policy cc @linnetelwin
2021-06-29 07:48:14 This seems to be because the UK and the EU have not agreed to recognise future database rights, and there is little value in protection that only applies in the UK. https://t.co/DPg2INgxnu
2021-06-29 07:42:49 RT @ilumium: The German DPA @UlrichKelber has given German government institutions until the end of the year to quit #Facebook or else face…
2021-06-29 07:35:16 Last day to apply!
2021-06-29 07:32:25 @alexhern Place all national treasures into state ownership.
2021-06-29 07:27:49 @ruskin147 why do people love the idea of hypothecation so much? funding policy problems to the arbitrary amount of unrelated taxes is a recipe for inefficiency. perhaps they think it becomes politically difficult to abolish as it’s very salient? (though people do like abolishing taxes)
2021-06-29 07:21:08 @RDBinns let a thousand flowers bloom (and be tended to slightly differently)
2021-06-29 07:14:53 Final day to apply for this 2 year research fellowship! https://t.co/acjL4B0jYa
2021-06-29 07:12:19 I also think the government misunderstands adequacy. If you’re a UK firm acting as data controller for EU citizens, the EU GDPR (often) still applies extraterritorially. It’s just that transfers in are possible, easily. Firms still have to comply with the EU rules. https://t.co/dEm44TADBQ
2021-06-28 17:30:35 @CarissaVeliz @HarvardBiz Strange not to give a single word to the ethics of randomised experimentation in AI. A/B testing (&
2021-06-28 17:14:47 RT @UCL_CLES: https://t.co/0wcJxIoI2j looking forward to hosting this fascinating workshop on Wednesday! @UCL_CLES @UCLLaws
2021-06-28 17:13:58 @jeff_a_king @TomRHickman Presumably means dessert at #EUCO was this classic. https://t.co/81nUUvXqJ4
2021-06-28 17:01:00 @TomRHickman @UCLLaws @BBCr4today thanks Tom! such an early bird
2021-06-28 16:24:00 This is good from @ShannonVallor. But a Q: if coopted, supine versions of tech ethics are to be reclaimed, who is going to effectively call out and hold to account the co-opters and their structures — including powerful and well funded gatekeepers in the academy — and how? https://t.co/456QKtMmEL
2021-06-28 14:54:12 RT @markscott82: Lolz. UK govt says its future data transfer deals will be “based on what maximizes innovation,” not what maximizes privacy…
2021-06-28 13:52:50 Also interesting that this is HMRC data not a survey.
2021-06-28 13:51:36 Also interesting data point there regarding Guildford College (and local knowledge economies) which I *suspect* is because it's not an architecture course but a 3D CAD course and Guildford is full of 3D design and games companies that need good who want to stick around in Surrey.
2021-06-28 13:47:47 UK academia is 100% sustainable and definitely appropriately remunerated when undergrads quickly earn higher salaries than associate professors in the places they graduate from... https://t.co/DarIwkbqz6 https://t.co/utG1kwEPoi
2021-06-28 11:23:54 @mer__edith @ginasue @PopTechWorks Perhaps ridiculous lack of organisation but I believe in 'this round' it largely relates to the firm pending a policy for academics and so refusing them based on the category. Later in the year allegedly they will extend to academics. https://t.co/T5HC5sj8ww
2021-06-28 11:19:21 @Caffar3Cristina 100%.
2021-06-28 11:19:12 RT @Caffar3Cristina: Dial is moving. Can no longer get away w “There’s tension between competition &
2021-06-28 11:13:21 @DouweKorff Note that reaching this stage was totally predictable
2021-06-28 11:10:00 @EU_Justice @EU_Commission @VeraJourova @dreynders @EU_EDPB @EU_EDPS @DigitalEU @BrunoGencarelli @W_Wiewiorowski @EUdelegationUK @ChristianWigand Read alongside the European Parliament resolution pointing out the incompatibility of thie decision with CJEU case-law, and scholarship pointing out among other observations the lack of critical analysis of the UK's surveillance regime: https://t.co/ohtaorV3kH
2021-06-28 11:06:54 The European Parliament resolution passed on 21st May 2021 pointing out some of the gaping holes in UK adequacy is required reading alongside this Commission decision, https://t.co/f4cOv3KtNl alongside @DouweKorff's critical analysis of the final text https://t.co/ETqwb3LT8y https://t.co/MiKfdflt47 https://t.co/PuwreDfWP2
2021-06-28 10:34:52 @MissIG_Geek the commission does not like to hold an adequacy sword of damocles, that’s really up to either the general court (VERY difficult to have standing) or a preliminary ruling (EU courts only, no route UK subject to UK controller).
2021-06-28 10:33:09 @MissIG_Geek oh, i see what you mean! still no, because the EC doesn’t have to act on complaints that the UK is inadequate and likely never will due to politics, and no effective route to a judge for UK people by questioning adequacy (as they wouldn’t have standing wrt to EU->
2021-06-28 10:29:46 @MissIG_Geek and adequacy doesn’t mean that the UK is part of the one stop shop and similar regulatory cooperation
2021-06-28 10:28:47 @MissIG_Geek not unless the controller operated in the EU, which given the UK continued EU adequacy already, wasn’t really an issue. there are possibly some weird edge cases but in general it doesn’t extend powers of EU DPAs to UK soil any more than they already are
2021-06-28 09:12:49 RT @lexatlasc19: Chuan Feng-Wu on the very slippery slope of privacy in Taiwan's recent use of digital applications for C19 monitoring. Wh…
2021-06-28 07:59:39 RT @jennifercobbe: This is right, to an extent, but if someone has an idea to use AI for something and your response is only that the tech…
2021-06-28 07:07:55 RT @X_net_: Great event on June 29th by @data_ctive with lots of dear and smart friends @annliffey @nielstenoever @FiekeJ @DataJusticeLab @…
2021-06-28 06:14:10 RT @rosamunde_vb: Proposed Belgian data retention law obliges chat apps to build in a backdoor into encryption and retain metadata #surveil…
2021-06-27 18:45:36 @GBNEWS @mattburgess1 (if they do, it will be wholly political (as all these can be effectively legally ignored), which raises an interesting legal point of whether FOI receiving public bodies can *positively* discriminate in favour of some applicants)
2021-06-27 18:43:44 @GBNEWS looks like your journalists need a copy of @mattburgess1’s excellent FOI-making book as it is obvious to people who make such requests that none of these points are going to get an adequate response.
2021-06-27 18:39:37 RT @stokel: Thank you, @GBNEWS and @tomhfh, for giving me a "here's how not to do an FOI" example for my journalism students
2021-06-27 18:39:06 @stokel @WhatDoTheyKnow hey i use that and i’m clearly the 1%
2021-06-27 18:38:01 @stokel this is ridiculous, has tom harwood never written an FOI request before
2021-06-25 15:29:53 @mattr3 @lilianedwards shh
2021-06-25 14:58:16 @mattr3 @lilianedwards that’s actually almost my nearest shop now
2021-06-25 12:39:11 RT @carmelatroncoso: More than two months after writing this thread about the COVID certificates, the Digital Green Certificate is now the…
2021-06-25 08:04:17 RT @JeniT: Question appearing in a worksheet my 15yo non-binary child had to complete for their computer science GCSE studies. We really s…
2021-06-25 07:56:45 This will also affect Uber users’ and workers’ data rights, which are generally weaker under PIPEDA in Canada than under GDPR in the Netherlands, but may also give the @PrivacyPrivee a clearer in-jurisdiction target, especially when a revision to PIPEDA is completed as expected. https://t.co/VelgFgLBbO
2021-06-24 15:10:23 RT @abe_218: Thanks @mikarv for sharing this, an open access version of my article – now published in the latest edition of Judicial Review…
2021-06-24 14:51:59 RT @linnetelwin: this gig-spying app was originally marketed as a way for gvts to gather data 'for international development'. it underline…
2021-06-24 14:49:11 RT @Iwillleavenow: Bold stance that having no federal privacy law is exactly as useful as the EU having Union-wide privacy laws. https://t.…
2021-06-24 07:36:55 RT @DavidSacks: Apple hates the proposal by Rep. Cicilline (D-RI) to allow “sideloading” of apps on iOS devices, but it deserves serious co…
2021-06-23 15:31:06 Does anywhere other than California have a 'bot disclosure law' or similar on the books?
2021-06-23 14:38:59 @CJSprigman @daphnehk @sfmnemonic Not to say that balancing isn’t often messy, arbitrary, contested. But if balancing is the game, and legislators don’t agree and implement specific balancing frameworks, and two qualified rights come into tension, then— well, like Daphne, I’d like to see other models.
2021-06-23 14:35:41 @CJSprigman @daphnehk @sfmnemonic It appears to me that the ECtHR saying they will stay out of this and give Contracting States a hefty margin of appreciation to decide their own balance in the issues of the benefits of societal forgetfulness versus FoE is the opposite of freelance moral philosophising.
2021-06-23 14:29:07 @CJSprigman @daphnehk @sfmnemonic I’m not sure statements that the ECtHR is seeking to ‘dictate’ or acting in an ‘aggressive’ way represent what happened in this case: an applicant asked, following exhaustion, for the Belgian regime to be declared incompatible with Article 10, and the Court declined.
2021-06-23 10:06:23 RT @gabrielazanfir: One of the details that put the risk assessment issue to rest (for me) in the EDPB Supplementary Measures Rec, at least…
2021-06-22 22:32:18 I’m going to bed before the United States 1st Am death cult explodes in outrage at this judgment (which luckily is available only in French)
2021-06-22 19:05:52 @rachelcoldicutt remarkable how little the UK understands the industry behind AI
2021-06-22 15:17:06 Ireland to consider introducing measures relating to socioeconomic status in their equality law. https://t.co/06QyKGw5gB
2021-06-22 08:26:32 New CJEU data protection case (full judgment not out yet). Takeaway points seem to be: - Criminal offence (data) is autonomous EU concept, can incl admin offences eg road offences. - Latvian law publishing such data in name-and-shame style is not necessary, in breach of EU law. https://t.co/LdsJUfmLhM https://t.co/TVoDmKkAKG
2021-06-22 08:10:08 RT @JPQuintais: On whether platform operator benefits from hosting safe-harbor (14 e-Commerce Directive), the Court fall back on the neutra…
2021-06-22 07:44:10 @katebevan yup, but if they don’t help securitise, Home Office ain’t gonna fund those… still I agree perception risks being -ve. NYC had similar issue, delayed roll out of smart cards/mobile payment (using TfL’s and Cubic’s IP) to their turnstiles
2021-06-22 07:39:09 @renatesamson i tuned in and apparently pseudonymous data can be used to pre-fill in personalised forms now, that’s some neat ‘technology’
2021-06-22 07:33:15 @katebevan Home Office, at least in part. https://t.co/rlRlLoNOX7
2021-06-22 07:26:39 Matt Hancock: Data saves lives etc Also Matt Hancock: I believe a royal yacht is a great idea and will pay for itself many times over. #r4today https://t.co/LHB4wEqeXF
2021-06-21 21:16:42 RT @ADCUnion: Desperate, desperate stuff ahead of the ADCU 24 hour @boltapp driver's strike starting at midnight tonight. @villigm, Galvin…
2021-06-21 19:27:19 @Elibietti I don’t know, I found @jennifercobbe @jatinternet’s recent piece explaining the legal sides of AI as a Service incredibly useful… https://t.co/MwccT7Pc4B
2021-06-21 19:18:23 About a week left to apply for this 2-year Research Fellowship @UCLLaws to figure out how society retains a say in the deployment and use of privately owned global infrastructures of increasingly precise sensors deeply involved in shaping our world, physicality, social relations! https://t.co/acjL4B0jYa
2021-06-21 17:52:58 CJEU C-682/18 Youtube/Cyando judgment due tomorrow
2021-06-21 13:11:54 HR pushing academic managers to look for rules broken by academics writing in their out-of-office that they are off work due to stress. “Not something you would get in other industries”, as parts of UK academia ->
2021-06-21 13:08:02 RT @DavidHarvieUCU: On January 18 I submitted a Data Subject Access Request, seeking copies of communications about me between various @uni…
2021-06-21 12:41:42 RT @Ned_Donovan: Fascinating FOI that Anton has discovered. The Department for Trade has admitted that Justin Welby is a member of the UK’…
2021-06-21 11:18:46 @MissIG_Geek i am here for the people who will reply but not click the link
2021-06-21 09:55:33 RT @alexhern: Amazon sets up a system where it charges sellers by the month to store stock in its warehouse, offers a service where it will…
2021-06-21 06:42:12 @grahamgreenleaf @Katharine_Kemp haven’t seen an official evaluation of the venue checker yet, which has gone rapidly up in use beyond 300 despite only limited cases now (see graph). there is however an official evaluation of England/Wales decentralised bluetooth contact tracing in Nature https://t.co/lbPhLoUcrk https://t.co/RTuwrUodd6
2021-06-20 13:24:37 RT @_jack_poulson: Today I Learned Twitter openly admits that it sells the entire Twitter firehose to NTT Data, which then resells to facia…
2021-06-19 22:19:21 @johnwilander Confuses privacy and confidentiality. The issue is hyperpersonalisation, regardless of whether it is done in confidence. Opening up the door to personalising using more and more intimate, on device information is deeply problematic regardless of if it ever leaves.
2021-06-19 12:39:58 RT @bruntonspall: Ok. Here’s a thread about the UK’s national insurance numbers (NINO’s), and things you probably never knew.
2021-06-19 12:27:12 @SethAbramson They appear to have cancelled themselves
2021-06-19 11:21:05 @SarahLudford @paullewismoney UK regulators are trained to be scared of using their statutory powers against complex, entrenched or novel illegality. All talk, no enforcement.
2021-06-18 15:27:14 RT @jennifercobbe: Funny world where competition regulators are more interested in adtech than data protection regulators https://t.co/eTW7…
2021-06-18 15:25:47 RT @jason_kint: Super good leadership by @RKSlaughterFTC here. I imagine she and @linamkhan won’t be warm to Ad tech complex’s argument yes…
2021-06-18 15:17:11 RT @hhesterm: Remember that the past debate in the UK produced a consensus that AZ was clearly, utterly clearly not in breach of its contra…
2021-06-18 15:16:41 looks like (surprise!) the big pharmaceutical company was telling porkies and all newspapers filed way too soon https://t.co/hG65WQXykw
2021-06-18 15:14:30 RT @hhesterm: A tale of how to rule in partisan 24/7 journalism. With journalistic failures by the Guardian, Telegraph and Express. (thread)
2021-06-18 12:48:45 looks like we’re waiting for the published judgment https://t.co/sdewBola3T
2021-06-18 12:39:12 There’s clearly spinning both ways. AZ have indicated this is a victory for them and highlighted that they are on track to meet court ordered commitments. https://t.co/imvgK2gOqq Looking forward to someone blogging or demystifying who is spinning the outcome more. https://t.co/0RgG1mBEey
2021-06-18 12:36:14 @vonderleyen I’m struggling to square this with this: https://t.co/oKTuLmj3Sy
2021-06-18 12:14:24 RT @RDBinns: There is no Wayback Machine for all the iPhone / android apps. A lot of weird dead apps will have vanished (except for their a…
2021-06-18 12:11:37 RT @Foxglovelegal: Hey, Foxglove is 2 today! Happy Birthday to us - here’s a quick recap of highlights: https://t.co/aQxOeqszdY
2021-06-18 12:10:52 RT @jason_kint: This may seem minor but these are all important signals. Note how WSJ accurately uses lowercase to describe it as an “overs…
2021-06-18 12:08:54 @cori_crider @martha__dark if data is oil you can’t let it get on your shoes
2021-06-18 10:41:31 RT @Jackstilgoe: This report features a magic number. The growth of Connected and Automated Vehicles "is predicted [to create] an additiona…
2021-06-18 10:39:55 RT @RDBinns: As depicted by @keiichiban back in 2010: https://t.co/1dLTmVYaQK
2021-06-18 09:16:16 @MarkkuPatynen @grahamgreenleaf @Katharine_Kemp QR codes in abstract can be used in every member state. What protocol or server is behind them, and what it does, matters, particular in relation to data protection by design. The situation may also interact w national public health provisions mandating venues to collect info.
2021-06-18 09:14:27 The ridiculous bubble of cryptocurrency means that phishers are now finding it profitable to manufacture and send fake hardware to try and siphon from the biggest hodlers. https://t.co/hgxX7VpUF4
2021-06-18 08:29:31 RT @KKollnig: My first academic article, together with @RDBinns @PiDewitte @emax Ge Wang @SteadyBits Helena Webb @Nigel_Shadbolt, will appe…
2021-06-18 08:29:24 RT @RDBinns: *New paper*! Led by our intrepid PhD student @KKollnig ! - Most mobile apps send your data to trackers for unnecessary purpose…
2021-06-18 08:26:04 @MarkkuPatynen @grahamgreenleaf @Katharine_Kemp there is no pan EU system for presence tracing
2021-06-18 08:14:44 @grahamgreenleaf @Katharine_Kemp yes: https://t.co/4wavef7t8V
2021-06-18 08:08:24 On how university rankings are so absurd that a *single* scholar affiliated with a ranked university co-authoring/signing a few global collaboration papers in the Lancet w *100s* of differently affiliated scholars can increase that uni’s position by over 120 places in 2 years. https://t.co/DfOz4QoUMk
2021-06-18 07:50:27 this looks really ace https://t.co/rLjEENbk5H https://t.co/wA3iQeyG8w
2021-06-18 07:48:55 RT @TiltR: TILT is hiring: Post-doctoral researcher with expertise in competition law and/or platform regulation https://t.co/zYYmdj8bsO
2021-06-18 07:46:26 RT @empo11on: If you're a junior researcher interested in shaping research on international data governance for maximum policy impact, then…
2021-06-17 22:03:42 RT @ruchowdh: As someone who has been the target of this group in the past, it is vile and brutal. Their motives are caste-driven, sexis…
2021-06-17 16:21:07 Important new report laying out and analysing market interventions for the world of platform gatekeepers from the stellar @mathver, do read . https://t.co/ygzWdzOB43 https://t.co/OdUdr80iRI
2021-06-17 16:19:24 RT @vfranz73: New paper “Regulating the Digital Public Sphere: Limits and Opportunities of Market Interventions” by @mathver Thank you to @…
2021-06-17 10:55:07 @FantaAlexx uninterrupted?
2021-06-17 09:28:41 RT @LydNicholas: Argh those moments when you have LITERALLY written foresight stuff and been told to cut it out because it was too far fetc…
2021-06-16 20:15:21 Reminder: Submit your talk proposals on privacy technologies, practice, society and all things in between to HotPETs @PET_Symposium by 25 June! Bonus points for talks that first make you laugh, then make you think. And it’s BYOIC. https://t.co/1D6nI62vUU https://t.co/hSgdieZT0W
2021-06-16 20:09:38 @TiltR @mario_gug @JBAGerritsen also worth categorising which and when need notified bodies within high risk…
2021-06-16 19:58:17 @tsimonite gets it. Local processing is only always good insofar as we confuse confidentiality w privacy — both useful but we need to truly consider *both*. Apple and Google both seeking (sometimes cool) on-device processing and machine learning for /themselves/, not individuals. https://t.co/tkHta8BZEd
2021-06-16 15:09:57 @JoshuaRozenberg fantastic work @NatalieByrom! long overdue
2021-06-16 14:43:36 @john_ritzema yesterday the European Court of Human Rights found a violation of Article 10 in favour of a woman called Ms Melike who was fired for her Facebook likes. https://t.co/WzlUMN4DIF
2021-06-16 14:41:04 @tsimonite @technollama patented debiasing method for large image and language models https://t.co/6cVZ3V5fNX
2021-06-16 14:30:20 Searching for hope https://t.co/MMybsoUE1g https://t.co/fhGA1CUtZp
2021-06-16 14:26:17 RT @Foxglovelegal: *This* is why we're helping @allthecitizens take on this gov't's unlawful policy on disappearing messages. Key policy is…
2021-06-16 14:18:08 RT @zeynep: They cleared the library books to avoid “spreading germs” but are telling people to check out the bars and nightlife instead ON…
2021-06-16 13:14:19 @k_irion Shoot the messenger
2021-06-16 12:29:20 CJEU rejects efforts to annul the early termination of AG Sharpston @akulith post-Brexit, dismissing both as inadmissible and manifestly inadmissible. https://t.co/YWuVpbNW5i
2021-06-16 12:00:33 RT @tjmcintyre: Great to see @SenatorMcDowell come around to the Digital Rights Ireland perspective on the issue of privacy and mobile phon…
2021-06-16 11:52:36 RT @colinlachance: Important in development in open access to law in the UK. Great to see @BAILII selflessly contribute to a larger visio…
2021-06-16 10:10:46 @Kira_UCL AI regulation starts at home
2021-06-16 10:08:59 RT @Kira_UCL: I can also add a review from an industry expert: "Thanks for this. It was a fascinating read that took up much of my morning.…
2021-06-16 07:55:15 @marc_mcgeemoore it’s @jeff_a_king to thank! such a useful reference and synthesis point
2021-06-16 07:54:08 but it’s local processing, the neural network is built into the CCTV camera! so that’s ok then! (or: let’s start to talk about power and edge computing and not give platforms nor law enforcement a free pass) https://t.co/2RvAO6wknh
2021-06-16 07:50:32 @cronokirby @vonderleyen doesn’t anyone have anything better to do
2021-06-16 07:49:21 @marc_mcgeemoore https://t.co/JiG7tOLrNT
2021-06-16 07:47:22 RT @EU_EDPS: However, one major area of concern remains to be resolved: #retention period of large datasets by @Europol 3/3
2021-06-16 07:42:41 Does @vonderleyen need to take a plane to Denmark and then Greece in the same day during a climate crisis just to ceremonially sign off on the allocation of some jointly issued EU borrowing? The message seems qui
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2025-02-10 13:31:12 Now hiring in law &
2025-02-10 07:57:47 Civil society inclusion in exclusive-by-design European AI standardisation going well! The '
2025-02-09 10:56:17 Microsoft Research: GenAI can inhibit critical engagement with work and can potentially lead to long-term overreliance on the tool and diminished skill for independent problem-solving.Microsoft: *sells GenAI aggressively into the Education 365 packages*Hao-Ping (Hank) Lee and others, ‘The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking: Self-Reported Reductions in Cognitive Effort and Confidence Effects From a Survey of Knowledge Workers’ (ACM CHI 2025). https://advait.org/files/lee_2025_ai_critical_thinking_survey.pdf
2025-02-06 16:40:04 @Elias commission guidance
2025-02-06 11:28:18 Didn'
2025-02-06 09:30:19 AG Szpunar issues opinion on interplay of data protection and intermediary liability in the content of adverts today: press release (pending full text) indicates he aligns technical/neutral shielded intermediary w/ GDPR processor — keen to see if he details boundaries https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/p1_4779183/en/
2025-02-05 12:29:45 letting ofcom know i do not plan to conduct such an assessment for my similarly positioned self hosted etherpad instance. martyr me. https://mastodon.neilzone.co.uk/@neil/113951252033572120
2025-02-05 09:56:44 @LornaWoods in the consent-or-pay system the '
2025-02-05 09:18:49 @LornaWoods How do you think this interacts with the ICO‘s emerging support for ‘consent or pay’ — children’s consent is hardly freely given if they have to pay… ICO draft guidance is very confused on this issue. Great policy if we end up in kids not being able to read reliable news…
2025-02-05 08:08:37 AI Act reminder: the pending GPAI Code of Practice does not grant a rebuttable presumption of conformity, unlike harmonised standards. No legally relevant difference for general purpose AI model providers using it vs applying the legal text.Rich GPAI providers will ignore it if they choose.
2025-02-04 13:55:54 @galoisghost @Zerush an incredibly small number of systems fall into the prohibited cases, and those categories themselves have wide exceptions. so no, i don'
2025-02-03 07:42:56 on one hand it’s ridiculous that the commission is not meeting their obligations to produce EU AI Act guidance before the measures are in force (although it’s a pledge not a legal duty in terms of the timeline)on the other hand, none of the enforcement mechanisms have come into force for the AI Act that could pay attention to these guidelines and especially without them (and even with them) such guidelines lack legal effect
2025-02-02 18:11:19 “Everyone knows your location: tracking myself down through in-app ads” - a very interesting hands-on blog post about contemporary location data flows and sales https://timsh.org/tracking-myself-down-through-in-app-ads/
2025-02-02 17:33:24 @Chronotope i got an ‘orange pi 5’ a while back and it’s pretty great and very powerful, it was cheaper as it was just released so i think was a big discount
2025-02-02 08:32:00 Some prohibitions add little to existing law. Private sector ones may be difficult to enforce if they rely on existing product regulators — market surveillance authorities have never done this kind of thing before. Public sector ones - judicial review might be speedier, but country dependent.However the creation of the regulators is not commenced yet in the law… so for now the practical enforceability of much of this section is highly unclear.
2025-02-02 08:31:42 - non-medical/safety emotional inference ai in education or at work- systems that categorise people based on categories of sensitive data based on biometrics except in law enforcement- a authorisation regime for real-time biometric recognition systems disguised as a prohibition
2025-02-02 08:30:52 From today, the prohibited practices/AI systems in the AI Act #aiact #euaiact enter force. It becomes illegal to use or market, broadly (and loosely):- intentionally v manipulative systems likely to cause someone harm- social scoring that leads to disproportionate consequences/consequences in an unrelated sector- personality profiling for criminal act prediction (not decision support based on ‘objective and verifiable facts’)- internet/cctv face scraping systems
2025-02-02 08:03:59 questionable infrastructure for technology of questionable application value made compatible with urgent environmental requirements by more unproven technology. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-ai-deepseek-chatgpt-john-...
2025-02-01 10:15:46 NYT writes how flagship AI ‘agent’ cannot even buy on Amazon or book haircut without rescuing from ‘loop of failed attempts’ … yet still ‘points to a future of powerful AI agents’Perhaps it points to the classic automated car issue: simplify the Web as the tech is failing with the complexity.
2025-02-01 09:40:32 Another article which does not properly distinguish between open source models (guardrails scientifically very hard to make robust) and the API as a service (model is in a moderation software stack). Notes that Llama 3.1 failed in almost the same way as DeepSeek. What is the actual threat vector? https://www.wired.com/story/deepseeks-ai-jailbreak-prompt-injection-atta...
2025-01-31 13:06:04 A quirky technology-specific law provision you sometimes run into in the real world: try to log into Starbucks wifi and it reminds you you should not watch live UK TV if your device is plugged into the mains. This is (of course) a ref to Schedule 1 of The Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004 which allows your home TV license to be valid everywhere you are but only if the device is powered by its own '
2025-01-30 11:57:16 We suggest that, on the one hand, workers should have a practical right to be supported to seperate work and private data (which may have obligations on employers to provide such systems, and platforms to enable such functions)
2025-01-30 11:49:59 Work and private data are more enmeshed than ever: both in the cloud &
2025-01-29 17:02:40 Data centres do not create nearly as many jobs as are projected. The vast majority are transient in construction or fictitious indirect ones simply not backed up by experience/fact. (in this case multipliers come from the impartial sounding '
2025-01-25 19:55:49 @waldoj unprivacy event…
2025-01-25 19:52:48 Wow, @pixelfed gets mentioned in Private Eye, maybe they should get on fedi…
2025-01-25 11:09:54 Trump lets down the Rust belt already.
2025-01-23 18:16:37 f it does not disclose it is a bot while communicating, it may be breaking the law in California. Cal. Bus. &
2025-01-23 18:09:44 OpenAI'
2025-01-23 14:36:10 New High Court ruling on data protection &
2025-01-22 22:16:12 european commission is going to struggle to justify data transfers to the US as the limited SIGINT oversight it has unravels, as it is starting to. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/us/trump-privacy-civil-liberties-over...
2025-01-22 12:51:02 Interesting new tactic by ticket inspectors on a GWR train today when confronting someone who bought a child ticket to check their age who says they have no ID — asking them to open Apple'
2025-01-20 07:42:53 EU AI Office presents proposal for general purpose model training data summary template. For scraped data, nothing more detailed than top 5-10% of domain names (not URLs). Given platforms (same domain) &
2025-01-17 08:44:25 Code of conduct on illegal hate speech likely to be the first DSA code, Contexte say it is landing imminently, potentially with a pledge for a majority of takedowns to occur within 24 hours. https://www.contexte.com/actualite/medias/info-contexte-le-code-europeen...
2025-01-16 22:34:33 @mox Decentralisation and privacy has a complex relationship and many degrees, directions and trade offs - a great read on it is https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.08065
2025-01-16 21:49:50 @drdrmc are many of the ones deployed today device bound? i have a few in my password manager but haven’t noticed if so
2025-01-16 17:49:15 Incredible story about early Theranos investor Walgreens blowing $200m by replacing thousands of their fridge doors with ‘smart’ screens which would all turn off at once or occasionally combust while they were being DDoSed and sued by their vendor who was trying to use the fridge door cameras to spot which were broken when they were opened and had a view of their neighbours, all while managing to earn only 59 cents per door per day in advertising revenue https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2025-01-16/walgreens-fridge-figh...
2025-01-16 17:34:22 @tobkubis that’s not allowed in OSCOLA referencing, maybe in the new version but seems unlikely
2025-01-16 16:37:20 After the change to the Official Journal of the European Union to omit page numbers, do we just end all new references with OJ L? Feels incomplete...
2025-01-14 12:06:05 Unclear from this document whether the proposed prohibition on ransomware payments would apply to UK universities, which are always odd entities as they are sometimes considered public bodies by the law, sometimes not. https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/ransomware-proposals-to-incr...
2025-01-13 18:22:38 if the FB Oversight Board don'
2025-01-12 21:41:16 The Irish DPC has fined firms €3.3bn under data protection law since 2018. However, only €20m has been collected — all else is still ebbing through court challenge. https://m.independent.ie/business/technology/meta-launches-legal-action-...
2025-01-11 19:24:47 @atomicpoet looks like the browsing bot not the scraping bot - which entries do you have in your robots txt and do you put your server behind cloudflare?
2025-01-10 12:55:45 @jamiemccarthy would be good but meta is basically their own ISP at this point!
2025-01-10 10:02:38 Uh oh, Meta weren’t just downloading Libgen to train LLAMA, they were seeding it, and Zuckerberg both knew and approved… https://www.wired.com/story/new-documents-unredacted-meta-copyright-ai-l... @kateknibbs
2025-01-09 23:15:52 Real time bidding and the tracking infrastructure is so toxic &
2025-01-08 09:39:05 Note that this means that a request for a proprietary harmonised standard under the @carlmalamud C-588/21 P Public.Resource.Org decision, such as for AI Act standards, cannot be made by an non-EU citizen outside the EU unless you have a legal entity inside the EU.
2025-01-08 09:32:55 The universal address demand (even before rule change) has long been found to be maladministration by the European Ombudsman, appearing to be designed to limit civic tech site asktheeu.org, but the EC chose to reject and ignore this (non-binding) finding. https://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/de/decision/en/87636
2025-01-08 09:31:40 FOIA peeps: the Commission claims to have changed its rules of procedure in Dec 2024 for its access to documents regime to exclude non-EU citizens/residents, which means they are doubling down on asking for address and if not a resident, identity documents. See https://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/all_responses_to_the_consultatio#inc...
2025-01-07 13:17:04 RT @stokel: Moving the burned-out remains of what little trust and safety they intend to retain out of California and into Texas is the mos…
2025-01-04 17:25:13 Tim Apple kisses the ring. https://www.axios.com/2025/01/03/tim-cook-apple-donate-1-million-trump-i...
2025-01-04 17:11:26 @drdrmc i’m sure redmond is lovely this time of year but…
2025-01-04 17:08:11 Ohio amends its public records/FOI law to allow police to charge for releasing body cam/video footage, joining Indiana and Arizona. 75$-750$ per video — hardly cash that overpoliced groups typically have to spare. https://theintercept.com/2025/01/03/police-body-camera-footage-ohio/
2025-01-04 15:48:42 RT @zsk: One day I will write something about why people no longer use headphones in public. My theory is connected to the demise of the he…
2025-01-04 02:39:04 what lunatic designed the microsoft teams app to send a push notification at 0215 Saturday morning saying ‘Check out this [Power BI] report frequently viewed by your colleagues’ and when is the warrant being issued by the Hague.
2025-01-03 19:38:47 Nothing more poetic for Meta than a combo of no-one having paid enough attention to their platforms for a year to even notice they launched something manically, absurdly gross, yet can’t even avail itself of an ‘AI is improving’ defence as it is actually the result of poorly considered human labour. https://www.404media.co/metas-ai-profiles-are-indistinguishable-from-ter...
2025-01-03 16:01:59 it is usually perfectly normal for constitutional courts to hear about precedents from other jurisdictions, the problem here is that the US Supreme Court has humiliated itself and now looks absurd internationally. https://m-en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20250103011400320
2025-01-03 14:47:17 on meta’s bots, they all want to DM you, maybe become part of your intimate chats, that’s amongst the most difficult data for AI systems to get, seeing how people react these days, explore and exploit — it comes with human labour cost. journos should ask if DMs are defaulted out as training data.
2025-01-03 12:38:05 @j_s_j what you can do with your connected world different depending on whether you eg have an apple or an android device. networks are everywhere but they choose who they talk to. lots of reasons behind that but it’s the primarily frontier of packet discrimination these days
2025-01-03 09:25:00 End of the FCC net neutrality back and forth as Loper Bright comes to roost. ISPs hail the end of the ‘government’s unwarranted internet takeover’. Give me a break. If and when it comes, the next generation of net neutrality needs device neutrality at its core too.https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/02/technology/net-neutrality-rules-fcc.h...
2025-01-02 22:11:05 Nick Clegg‘s departure from Meta almost like a changing of the guards from a European lobbying focus to a US one. https://www.semafor.com/article/01/02/2025/meta-will-appoint-joel-kaplan...
2025-01-02 16:33:05 @gcluley all that cookie swapping is reminding me of BT and Phorm…
2025-01-02 16:30:31 @davidnjoku you can read about it here https://www.manchesterhive.com/display/9781526105479/9781526105479.00025...
2025-01-02 16:21:41 it'
2025-01-02 16:11:01 Massive misselling at influencer-peddled, PayPal co '
2024-12-30 11:29:57 @openvibe I think when you post to Bluesky, URLs are counted with every character, but in the Bluesky app the amount they contribute is capped. it means you can’t post a message with a long URL in Openvibe but you can in the native app.
2024-12-30 11:20:18 on AI and ransomware - CNBC has commentary that it’s a bit overblown because it’s the simplest social engineering that is often the most successful. i agree! but the question is how simple AI helps social engineering scale, not how complex AI attacks outthink and outwit people. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/30/ransomware-35-years-on-history-behind-ha...
2024-12-29 11:38:58 AI companies are broadly aspiring middlemen. They dream of a world where every significant act of computing goes, in some way, through them. That has huge implications for expression, surveillance, security, autonomy, sovereignty, privacy — so much more than some runaway AI safety fantasy.
2024-12-29 11:35:51 Microsoft’s OpenAI exclusivity ends when OpenAI declares ‘AGI’ is reached. Now we see the true mechanism! Forget definitional quibbles or benchmarks (they only matter when lobbying regulation) — intelligence is just about your revenue!AI isn’t intelligence — it’s a dream of platform dominance.
2024-12-27 23:12:22 @BM_Bourguignon these were french hackers, or at least aiming at french targets, so not so weird?
2024-12-27 12:54:19 New R package for the Meta Ad Library, metatargetr from @favstats https://favstats.github.io/metatargetr/ - also retrieves historical data.
2024-12-26 16:00:55 Hewlett Packard report that they are spotting AI-generated malware in the wild, not through complex analysis or watermarking, but because… it is weirdly well-commented. https://threatresearch.ext.hp.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/HP_Wolf_Sec...
2024-12-24 11:54:32 @mrchrisadams https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/SU-EATABLE_LIFE_a_comprehensive_da... described in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-021-00909-8
2024-12-24 08:26:16 @neil @tjmcintyre Reading the report - I missed the link when it was late the first time I posted. You’re very right, it’s far less straightforward and also reported badly by the Guardian.
2024-12-24 00:18:23 As @tjmcintyre (of Digital Rights Ireland CJEU notoriety) observes, the PSNI applied for 500 lawyers’ phone records over the last 14 years — but only 3,000 lawyers practice in Northern Ireland. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/dec/23/journalists-who-were-unl...
2024-12-23 20:07:53 Nice tip from @1br0wn - iOS app @openvibe allows you to post simultaneously to Fedi and Bluesky, dynamically change the tags per network, as well as view a combined feed from both networks. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/openvibe-open-social-app/id1666230916
2024-12-23 08:08:09 @anandamide yeah, same with AI safety people, they’re also so desperate to be heroes of their own story they’re writing one
2024-12-20 12:38:58 @uriel238 @pivot_root Not all TOS violations are relevant at all the CFAA, and very few are after the significant narrowing of the CFAA by the Supreme Court in 2021 in Van Buren v United States.
2024-12-19 12:23:36 @Frederik_Borgesius @whvholst Some of the adverts do target website owners rather than consumers, which is a better approach imo, not the one frederik posted
2024-12-16 23:35:22 perplexity’s got $1m to burn on a trump bribe but nothing to compensate the servers they’re pounding while ignoring robots.txt and lying about their ip address range https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-13/openai-ceo-perplexity...
2024-12-16 21:03:06 @agreenberg i don’t think that’s sarah’s account (:
2024-12-16 10:34:55 @mrchrisadams yup, these are all over london too, my faculty is full of them
2024-12-15 08:51:30 doesn’t even register as a URL in Ivory haha
2024-12-15 08:51:11 i’m sure it’s worth it just so destination.monash can redirect to your study homepage lol
2024-12-15 08:48:27 The only university with a top level domain name I am aware of is Monash U, which has .monash. Did they really pay $185,000 plus $25,000 a year… not to use it? How? Why? https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/registry-agreements/monash/monash-agm...
2024-12-13 12:59:51 @serichards esim more secure in this situation.
2024-12-13 10:07:28 Ridiculous this article does not recommend applying a SIM PIN as a crucial phone protection — phone theieves swap SIMs to a new phone and use them to access poorly 2FA-by-text protected accounts. Turn off notification content if your phone is locked, and set a SIM PIN. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy8y70pvz92o
2024-12-13 08:55:43 @SammieT26 @PicturesFoIder i’m disagreeing with ‘most’, not the exception. i’ve almost never seen midnight deadlines for the reason i have.
2024-12-12 17:13:00 @SammieT26 @PicturesFoIder universities very often put due time at 5pm as staff are still there to help with technical issues if they arise
2024-12-09 13:57:45 occasionally i think about how american law schools count (generally/often) non peer-reviewed student-run journal articles for tenure (non blinded, submit your cv) yet don'
2024-12-09 03:04:27 Sydney’s academic integrity rules presumably don’t allow contract cheating in coursework even though the detection of contract cheating is going to be imperfect. In a job, you delegate things to people to do things for you, doesn’t mean that’s okay in assessment. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sydney-uni-students-allowed-to-use-a...
2024-12-06 14:22:50 this DC cafe sign on every single table seems well-meaning and welcoming but somehow uniquely baffling and incomprehensible
2024-12-05 13:48:17 @404mediaco creating constant risk of needing to rewrite parts of book with @rg
2024-12-03 15:00:47 Big developments happening at the intersection of private data and public developments — regulating from the commercial side rather than the intelligence supervision side. Reminiscent of the way the CJEU has gone after telco data retention... https://www.404media.co/ftc-bans-location-data-company-that-powers-the-s...
2024-12-01 19:20:38 @DeliaChristina it’s just the app lacks it for some reason, there’s a whole api for it built into all servers
2024-11-30 09:31:25 that’s it, i’m never using netscape navigator again
2024-11-27 08:07:01 Another art on age assurance tech acting as if functional, precise, non racially biased approaches exist, with no interviews with the many experts whose studies indicate the contrary www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/nov/26/tiktok-to-block-teenagers-fro...
2024-11-26 15:30:40 @bekopharm wasn’t on chrome lol https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/dont-f-with-paste/nkgllhigpcljn...
2024-11-26 12:03:40 @ErikvanStraten I do use a password manager and have for many years. There are websites which don'
2024-11-26 11:08:40 @neopostmodern searching for it is actually like an incantation, very important part of the process
2024-11-26 10:34:03 Extremely valuable plug-in.
2024-11-25 20:45:18 @Klangable the first english legal case trying to prosecute someone for hacking unsuccessfully tried the theory that it was a crime of ‘passing off’ a password to a machine (R v Gold &
2024-11-23 09:38:39 Swiss church creates virtual ‘AI Jesus’ talking booth, says 2/3 visiting have a spiritual experience. eJesus starts off each time: "
2024-11-23 09:31:28 Very nice post on the right to an effective remedy in art 47 of the Charter and how expansive it can be in @verfassungsblog https://verfassungsblog.de/why-the-eu-charter-matters/
2024-11-23 09:14:18 @mmin @tkinias it might not support Protected EAP for authentication
2024-11-23 00:12:38 if you think that eduroam never works anywhere you go, consider the fact it might be the authentication server at your own university being shite
2024-11-22 00:33:01 “LLM Siri” is going to be hilarious, Apple’s sociopathic need for design control meets stochastic unpredictability and jailbreaking leading to news cycle they can’t control. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-11-21/apple-readies-more-co...
2024-11-20 10:36:01 Lords Second Reading of the Data (Access and Use) Bill: B Kidron asks importantly: “why proposals that they did not support in opposition have been included and amendments that they did support have been left out.” https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2024-11-19/debates/6B196F71-312C-495...(UseAndAccess)Bill(HL)
2024-11-20 09:11:52 Delicious chaos as another DAO found to be an inadvertent general partnership in CA https://gizmodo.com/judge-rules-decentralized-autonomous-organizations-a... nature of that kind of chaos (in England &
2024-11-20 08:36:52 @webmink proprietary standards from the ESOs, no? (unless you want to try your hand with an access to information request and push the case law)
2024-11-20 07:44:58 Useful reminder in this long read on Meta and LLaMA that its ‘open source’ play is about creating a platform, reflecting its insecurity around gatekeepers Chrome, Safari, Play &
2024-11-20 07:34:04 Foursquare - perhaps surprisingly - release a large proportion of their geospatial place data (eg business and other Points of Interest), hoping it seems to challenge Google Maps’ proprietary data layer. https://location.foursquare.com/resources/blog/products/foursquare-open-... (via @mrchrisadams)
2024-11-18 16:22:54 I'
2024-11-18 13:40:01 @martinsteiger which data can you not get?
2024-11-18 13:28:23 @jon high quality graffiti
2024-11-18 13:28:15 Bluesky has data portability issues. You can download your data, in *binary format*, — a '
2024-11-17 10:58:54 (Literally what Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist, said in 2006- ‘[t]he first dose is free […] once you start using a product, you keep using it’ https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2006-apr-09-fi-micropiracy9-stor...)
2024-11-17 10:04:38 Microsoft offered free temporary cybersecurity services to lock the public sector into its platform forever? Say it ain’t so! https://www.propublica.org/article/microsoft-white-house-offer-cybersecu...
2024-11-16 10:38:53 @tommi no, on yunohost, as the admin panel doesn’t support 2FA
2024-11-16 10:36:32 @tommi @yunohost great! it’s outside of my skills but we need to find a volunteer who can put in 2FA/passkeys….
2024-11-16 10:34:33 Google now makes it impossible to log in to its services, it seems, from an iPhone in Lockdown mode. Anyone else found this?
2024-11-16 09:04:30 Police sacked for accessing data on Sarah Everard’s case — yet the UK government has introduced a bill to remove the EU-wide obligation to log a justification when police access data in their systems. Sound sensible?https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/nov/15/met-officers-accessed-sa...
2024-11-16 08:39:16 the article misses that the UK (at least E&
2024-11-15 07:39:44 In response to OpenAI’s recent ‘A Student’s Guide to Writing with ChatGPT’, @arthurperret (maître de conferénces, Jean Moulin Lyon 3) writes a line-by-line rebuttal — A Student’s Guide to Not Writing with ChatGPT https://www.arthurperret.fr/blog/2024-11-14-student-guide-not-writing-wi...
2024-11-15 01:41:18 Meanwhile, ‘X Corp’ going full out in their new Terms of Service (active from tomorrow) trying to edge out AI scrapers by threatening to sue mass scrapers $15,000 per 1m tweets scraped — to enclose the dataset for themselves, while forcing users to license their work for the firm’s own AI training.
2024-11-15 01:29:37 @smillet15 @gooba42 @mekkaokereke problem in my eyes is that the infra that relates to the individual (the PDS) is fundable, but little incentive for people to collectively support the rest of the stack by the time they’ve opened their wallets for the first bit
2024-11-15 01:27:52 @imsodin @cinn48 @BrentToderian there were forms + spreadsheets that could be uploaded through import functions but it wasn’t a one click process and you couldn’t easily select just a few.
2024-11-14 17:46:20 This week, colleagues received a tranche of AI generated PhD application inquiry emails. Several colleagues wasted time providing feedback on an attached proposal. One was distressed because the email prompting went wrong and the generation pretended to be *her* in the application. Constant labour.
2024-11-14 16:52:10 @davidthewid @megyoung0 @RDBinns @o_saja it’s in the front matter of the proceedings on the ACM DL
2024-11-14 16:30:02 Who is responsible for ensuring that the Mac versions of Office have no ability to set a custom default font? Who?
2024-11-14 12:10:37 New draft General Purpose AI code of practice from the European Commission v naive on continued separation of AI systems &
2024-11-14 11:52:26 Friend’s speeding awareness court has this highly effective data protection measure - no blurred backgrounds for ‘GDPR reasons’ — as if everyone who could be watching in and breaching ‘client confidentiality’ would be on camera. Client confidentiality somehow does not extend to co-participants…
2024-11-14 11:36:34 Maybe complex railcard fines about purchasing, not activating/uploading, etc could be avoided by abolishing the entire 18-25/25-30 railcard system and just… reducing fares for those people. Some lack age proof but appealing at least is straightforward https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c89v08l99lgo
2024-11-12 16:53:08 Meta to seemingly stop pay-or-consent, and offer pay-for-no-ads, or contextual ads. The question is, what exactly is a contextual ad in the eyes of the firm? https://archive.is/WQgDz
2024-11-11 22:23:27 @neil @annehargreaves I thought Jitsi was only e2ee between two users or has that changed
2024-11-11 18:44:50 "
2024-11-11 08:24:52 EU Platform Work Directive now published in the OJ here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:L_202402831Our analysis of the algorithmic management provisions (based on the treaty basis for data protection, but w collective aspects) https://doi.org/10.1177/20319525231167983
2024-11-11 07:39:00 @Edent I think in terms of protecting small instances from external raids and similar esp when they link to controversial things, the balance is probably right and the upsides of revealing are q limited. it’s a pretty fragile network…
2024-11-11 07:09:00 Interesting case here as a patent is (unsuccessfully) challenged for being based on taking medical knowledge (on malaria treatment) from traditional and indigenous communities via dishonest means: https://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/10/the-morality-and-patentability-of....
2024-11-10 07:58:10 @codingGarden thanks, i know both those things - the question is, will they actually comply with the DMA art 6(7) providing third parties access to the local RAG database? if so, how?
2024-11-10 07:48:46 @1br0wn perhaps? but i also wonder if people are actually afraid of looking into the tech. and on the what is the DMA q, the other view is that a lot of competition lawyers are writing about it for something that isn’t competition law…
2024-11-10 07:41:58 @nataliabielova isn’t this to stop sybil attacks? what do you think is a better method than phone number right now for that? signal also requires phone verification because anti spam is hard
2024-11-10 07:30:39 does anyone have any interesting insights about the state of the DMA, Apple Intelligence and Apple‘s Semantic Index? given the importance of it to Apple‘s “EU gets AI late/never” narrative, haven’t seen competition people write… anything? why?
2024-11-09 15:30:31 @dcalacci we don’t really see it in europe so i think it’s also an artefact of student run law journals (not a structurally important thing here) picking powerful looking titles
2024-11-09 12:20:04 @dcalacci relying on IP law as a source of counterpower has always been pretty optimistic. reminds me of these many papers on how copyright or trademarks can fight bias or stuff, like fine but scraping the barrel with tools that will betray you
2024-11-09 08:04:20 RT @josephfcox: New from 404 Media: police freaking out at iPhones stored for forensic examination mysteriously rebooting themselves. This…
2024-11-09 06:45:57 Build it and they will come - the number of criminals misusing law enforcement access portals for platform data is becoming a serious concern, says FBI… https://techcrunch.com/2024/11/08/fbi-says-hackers-are-sending-fraudulen...
2024-11-08 10:18:51 RT @mlsec: We’re thrilled to announce the keynote speakers for @SaTML_Conf: Michael Veale (@mikarv), Kamalika Chaudhuri (@kamalikac), and…
2024-11-08 09:00:15 that’s not to say that students don’t get correctly diagnosed: but if the NHS route is ineffective then the private route provides a way to evidence. Universities so deluged with support requests and underfunded to individually assess them they just centrally roll over.
2024-11-08 08:58:05 Higher education sees a similar phenomenon. There is a whole industry of private sector medical certificate providers that university students from rich backgrounds use. Mitigating the inequality is a regular conversation. https://t.co/LD6jR7caOf
2024-11-07 23:39:05 @NobelPrize @jsmithlawyer your committee almost didn’t even nominate her though and nearly just gave the prize to her husband and not her https://t.co/TFirMqa4xt https://t.co/vSgF2BD6RR
2024-11-07 12:26:15 @PrivateEyeNews happy subscriber here - if you do join threads and leave twitter can you make sure to turn on fediverse sharing? that means people can follow you from something not controlled by mark zuckerberg (mastodon and other compatible services) https://t.co/peaxcONhfg
2024-11-06 19:52:11 RT @robinalexander_: Scholz entlässt Lindner.
2024-11-05 23:39:59 @BertuzLuca we anticipated social media platforms falling into scope of the trustworthiness scoring provisions (not the high risk provisions) back in 2021 when the draft was out… https://t.co/QVSrCOHCB3 (para 22) https://t.co/yLn8ER9T3e
2024-11-05 12:17:54 RT @UCLLaws: A Model Civil Procedure Code for England and Wales by Dr John Sorabji (Associate Professor at UCL Laws) has been published by…
2024-11-05 07:52:03 RT @NickBotton: [NEW PAPER ALERT] Our new @A__W______O paper puts forward a vision for balancing the benefits and risks of open source Gen…
2024-11-04 15:21:43 @timeshighered @dmuleicester @JulietteRowsell ucl had one of these roles since 2019? https://t.co/jUv8o1fzEK as a short web search would have worked out? careful what press release you copy cc @profgeraintrees
2024-11-04 13:12:56 @andresmh @rg thank you! yes i saw that (article was reproduced in his book too!). executable code on iOS is still a governance mess to this day you’ll be glad to know…
2024-11-03 16:21:52 @andresmh q: did you ever write anything up about that time when Scratch was not allowed in the Apple App Store due to violating the no-executable code thing? i just read you were one of the lead devs at the time... just assembling the history of this form of governance for a book I am writing on regulating AI misuse through intermediaries with @rg...
2024-11-02 13:15:30 @annehargreaves it was higher last time at 82.2%. some percentage of that may well be further deaths…
2024-11-02 12:59:47 @WebDevLaw Isn’t running until T2 but will be updated
2024-11-02 12:48:47 Install from the top, run away when it’s half built and specced and hope that you’ll get unbuilt necessary features in some dumb agile responsive way over time means people find their lives wrecked and literally die in the meantime.
2024-11-02 12:47:02 Incredibly wrongheaded. Automation in government isn’t about running around installing top down task templates but the ability to create bottom up tech in response to actual problems, framed locally: requires diffuse skill and capacity and maintenance and coordination. https://t.co/aDTNYndOhl
2024-11-02 12:40:03 Last Tory election had 172,437 eligible electors, this one 131,680 — nearly a quarter of Conservative Party members have left, died, or otherwise become ineligible in the last 2 years.
2024-11-02 12:39:54 Last Tory election had 172,437 eligible electors, this one 131,680 — nearly a quarter of Conservative Party members have left, died, or otherwise become ineligible in the last 2 years.
2024-11-01 16:12:35 @ViliLe still would need law and investment to somehow divert these calls, especially when they are designed to ‘interoperate’ with humans that haven’t set up an API and invade the people to people channels
2024-11-01 11:46:24 will just mean that when you actually need to call a restaurant to ask a question that a machine can’t know the answer to you won’t get an answer cause they’ll have turned off the phoneline https://t.co/RIsQU3vhuf
2024-11-01 10:54:14 @Jackstilgoe infinite monkeys means infinite mass, would collapse into gravitational singularity and never type it either
2024-10-31 17:37:34 @ChiOnwurah @DataInnovation you have looked at what this organisation puts out no? it’s a highly deregulatory organisation that lobbies against even the mildest regulation
2024-10-31 08:37:44 Cloud isn’t just renting servers, as Microsoft knows. Why let people use your hardware for whatever they want, when you can only let them use it for whatever you say? https://t.co/Do4SVv1I1l
2024-10-31 08:37:37 Cloud isn’t just renting servers, as Microsoft knows. Why let people use your hardware for whatever they want, when you can only let them use it for whatever you say? https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/31/microsoft_q1_fy_2025/
2024-10-29 23:17:11 count all autocomplete then you’re there https://t.co/P2Rifh1VtL
2024-10-29 16:26:41 @owainkenway excellent news
2024-10-29 16:25:25 @owainkenway great, I think I was confused by this https://t.co/k01MdiLO89 https://t.co/oJ5ESbRnZl
2024-10-29 16:23:09 @owainkenway thanks! i'll try, but i would have assumed/have previously seemed to require a cuda load like module load cuda/11.3.1/gnu-10.2.0 cudnn/, is that not needed? (just trying to build my mental model...)
2024-10-29 15:56:44 @owainkenway but also i don’t want to use twitter to add work to you!
2024-10-28 20:53:47 @docmilanfar looks like your ‘meager education in biology and evolution’ gave you great dunning kruger powers though https://t.co/NHBUGez7fh
2024-10-28 20:52:56 RT @culpable_mink: I will tolerate recurrent laryngeal nerve slander no longer! It's actually the result of several elegant solutions to di…
2024-10-28 17:55:52 @cynddl (i mean, societally - once confidentiality is assured to a somewhat high degree, the main issue becomes in my view who is accumulating power with them and what for)
2024-10-28 17:54:36 @cynddl Doesn’t really matter - even if it were confidential, confidentiality isn’t the issue with these type of systems.
2024-10-28 17:48:46 This tech is only win win if individuals and communities whose data is being confidentially mined support it. Data protection principles including fairness and transparency still apply here. Confidentiality does not make all processing good. See https://t.co/RQmN2LdiUf https://t.co/86DGypWnGv
2024-10-28 06:53:55 @Psy_Fer_ ok that looks pretty cool.
2024-10-24 07:20:17 every time i look at the name of the university John(s) Hopkin(s) i swear the esses are in different places
2024-10-23 21:08:59 Up until now the OSA only lamely required Ofcom to make a report about whether or not this is a good idea, which it is, the question is how to do it best.
2024-10-23 20:59:49 Unexpected (to me) addition to the otherwise disappointing DPDI-clone UK Data (Use and Access) Bill - the Secretary of State powers to provide in the Online Safety Act for researcher access to platform data by regulations, potentially akin to DSA art 40.
2024-10-22 15:53:41 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity MDM would be very controversial and is not required for wireless access in universities due to the fluid nature of visitors, collaborators, cross-appointments, fractional appointments, students (where there would be significant privacy law questions about forced MDM...(
2024-10-22 15:20:42 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity it’s useful, works globally. but institutions worried about ransomware not really cause of wifi…
2024-10-22 14:03:42 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity Federated PKI already exists on eduroam in every institution.
2024-10-22 14:03:25 @ShadowyChimera @techspence @SwiftOnSecurity Universities use eduroam, a global federated network for academic wifi, in part because library resources are IP locked.
2024-10-22 07:32:32 RT @PR0GRAMMERHUM0R: thatMigrationAgedLikeMilk https://t.co/iYaCCVgtwr https://t.co/iV6ZbtRnb6
2024-10-21 08:43:01 @CosicBe would love to see content from this in some format (:
2024-10-20 08:32:29 RT @sedyst: Is this one of many ways in which we are being pushed to move on from societies of knowledge and meaning as the basis of govern…
2024-10-20 03:38:29 @raveeshbhalla @Chronotope wasn’t this the system that through relentless optimisation ended up presenting eg Black people images of shows that depicted incredibly minor Black characters? https://t.co/qddjSozgNo
2024-10-19 21:21:04 @nemobis ah gotcha
2024-10-19 15:24:25 @nemobis MIT? almost every new MIT scholarly book is direct to open access
2024-10-19 08:44:33 a lot of people were posting this Verge article on Penguin adding no AI training clauses as if they were the first, but I’ve seen MIT Press do this for a while even on CC books. https://www.theverge.com/2024/10/18/24273895/penguin-random-house-books-...
2024-10-17 10:31:31 RT @UCLpress: Structural Injustice and the Law presents theoretical approaches and concrete examples to show how the concept of structural…
2024-10-17 07:49:39 @JPQuintais even speedier than the press release tweet nerddddd https://t.co/SBxiOAZaeU
2024-10-17 07:47:21 RT @JPQuintais: Case C-159/23 - Sony: the Software Directive does not allow the holder of that protection to prohibit the marketing by a th…
2024-10-17 07:43:15 @jennifercobbe because if we are easy and don’t make a fuss, maybe money will see that we are its true partner and not just extract from us
2024-10-16 18:29:20 the commission doesn’t have a great history enforcing data law against the french https://t.co/5E9GKLAhqc
2024-10-16 07:03:07 RT @HeidyKhlaaf: The "AI Safety" folks not only have coopted the term safety itself, but are now attempting to weaken what safety cases are…
2024-10-15 21:19:16 @JorisvandeRiet (if you’re in a queue after the gate and your train is next you’ll be invited to skip the queue.)
2024-10-15 21:17:36 @JorisvandeRiet 45-50 is safe. Can probably do it 30-35 but risky. After 30 they lock the gates and you’ll need to be very persuasive unless you have business ticket.
2024-10-15 08:42:40 @colmocinneide He should be pushed on whether GFA is even better secured by ensuring all in NI granted status of freeman on the land.
2024-10-14 18:12:24 RT @valeriodeste: + BREAKING ON PLATFORM WORK + The EU Council has given its final approval to the EU Platform Work Directive. It was the…
2024-10-14 16:34:59 @1lucabelli should you be here? where is your representative in the UK?
2024-10-14 08:57:31 @bala__menon @levelsio if you have a relay satellite you’re sending imagery to, it’s not clear to me why relaying once more adds unacceptable latency. if latency is really a critical issue, do it locally, not halfway where you just add communications overhead for limited capacity delegation.
2024-10-14 08:47:29 RT @jennifercobbe: Correct: there is almost nothing about how Northern Ireland handles a still deeply divided post-conflict society that sh…
2024-10-14 08:46:27 @bala__menon @levelsio why the fuck would you host compute in space
2024-10-12 06:31:36 @1Br0wn from what i’ve seen others at meta talk about they’re mostly talking about the GDPR, presumably because they think the UK is no enforcement threat …
2024-10-11 13:36:51 @ProfCCostello @AFARProject we put in steeper non-profit discounts this year!
2024-10-11 13:34:37 it's all in person, in London, and we plan to do it in 4 mornings so that practitioners can keep up with their varied work and similar in the afternoons
2024-10-11 13:24:02 With Ravi Naik from AWO I'
2024-10-10 11:22:39 a brilliant open reading list in law and tech! https://t.co/t6yTwmoZ9A
2024-10-10 11:22:01 RT @jennifercobbe: Reading lists for my lectures on the @cambridgelaw LLM module 'Law, Technology, and Society', 2024-25 https://t.co/rd65n…
2024-10-10 11:13:36 RT @Jausl00s: A whole week of data protection stuff in Amsterdam! 24-25 October PLSC-E, and on 22 October @damicli will discuss his new boo…
2024-10-10 11:13:23 RT @NickBotton: EDPB guidelines on Legitimate Interest are out! What do they said about digital ads? A balancing test is needed to see if t…
2024-10-10 10:38:52 RT @daviest_: The DoJ released its remedy framework for the US Google case suggesting a data sharing (see image). Doesn't seem like a great…
2024-10-09 15:44:29 @Duncan this is satire. and yes, i know https://x.com/mikarv/status/1315361674342301697
2024-10-09 15:37:25 UCL Laws is hiring a Lecturer [Assistant Prof] (Research and Teaching) in German Law with Any Other Area, in cooperation with DAAD. Candidates who can teach German Law (in German) are welcome to apply (via DAAD). Law and Technology scholars very welcome. Job description: https://imp.daad.com/media/daad_de/pdfs_nicht_barrierefrei/im-ausland-st... General reqs: https://www.daad.de/de/im-ausland-studieren-forschen-lehren/lehren-im-au...
2024-10-09 13:46:25 @hugo not yet
2024-10-09 11:55:36 Nobel Prize in Economics goes to Hal Varian for pioneering the extractive, locked-in platform logic behind Google’s adtech business.
2024-10-08 19:12:10 @daniellecitron It’s actually not! Daniel has misunderstood the judgment here. No-one thought that the Dutch DPA’s guidance (which was what was being challenged here) was correct. This case law really changes very very little and does not authorise anything new. https://t.co/PWe5mPX7DB
2024-10-08 06:45:02 it still has to undertake a balancing test, it just doesn’t preclude a commercial interest as being one within the balancing. no one else other than the dutch dpa believed this interpretation, i really do not think this is a major piece of case law. https://t.co/2setii5JDA
2024-10-08 06:38:36 Where is the data on the lifecycle assessment of TPU production? All this energy for querying and offset data, but this huge amount of hardware (some of it discarded when it starts lagging as it is a bottleneck for AI training speeds) *would not exist* without Google’s demand. https://t.co/vqQuutEvnM
2024-10-07 16:04:35 @ghadfield @timoreilly @TinoCuellar is there still time for comments on this? the EU A Act section is factually incorrect - the high risk database outlined in Annex VIII requires much more than contact information, it requires the entire instructions for use given to deployers as part of high risk conformity https://t.co/dGiWHb226Y
2024-10-07 15:30:10 RT @rachel_grfn: the first trusted flagger certified in Germany focuses on 'hate speech, terrorist propaganda and other violent content, in…
2024-10-01 22:37:20 lol people using ai ‘agents’ to make ‘random’ (not random) admin passwords immediately disclosed in the clear and potentially logged by a cloud server, it’s exactly this sort of nonsense becoming daily use that creates genuine systemic risk, not agi breakout https://t.co/Bu776JvfKF
2024-10-01 18:07:48 RT @ruha9: Princeton chose not to include my responses to their Qs about the #MacFellow award in this announcement—What it was like when I…
2024-10-01 15:06:53 ECJ waves happily to airline delay preliminary reference: “What if the plane doors shut then opened and also it was painted with four go-faster stripes and was diverted from a plague ridden airport undergoing industrial action” https://t.co/ZZnsgN2MNx
2024-10-01 06:43:37 @mathver i wonder if there’s some big spanish speaking world VPN thing going on
2024-10-01 06:28:56 RT @kyliebytes: New: Starting today, Reddit moderators will not be able to change if their subreddit is public or private without first sub…
2024-09-30 08:08:19 wild how computers can make podcasts out of pdfs but not faithful machine readable and editable files
2024-09-30 07:47:46 NIST like the UK NCSC now advises against expiring passwords, following literal decades of UCL research concluding this. Everyone is now asking — when will UCL IT follow?https://www.thetimes.com/article/311a6e7a-a0a9-431d-b573-386249b2bc2c?sh...
2024-09-30 06:26:00 are the ai firms going to challenge the california AI bill that *did* pass, ab 2013 on training data disclosure, as 1A forced speech or something equally very american?
2024-09-29 16:41:28 newsom will sign in laws about neural brain data privacy, won’t sign in laws about a binding do not track signal as interferes with design too much https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/29/science/california-neurorights-tech-l...
2024-09-27 16:07:30 @Abebab arbitrary generative income
2024-09-27 16:04:55 @tedpalenski yeah i had a blog on this a couple of years back but never put it out. should d
2024-09-27 15:55:01 surface level riffed podcast simulacra shallow dive pseudo content for all https://t.co/A23rK48B1j
2024-09-27 06:16:40 RT @lexin_zhou: 3/ On (i) difficulty concordance: LLMs are indeed less correct on tasks that humans consider difficult, but they still do s…
2024-09-26 16:57:59 RT @Jackstilgoe: Back to the Royal Society, where I note that the proposal to add a ‘gender’ column to the presidents board remains unloved…
2024-09-26 15:44:22 we’re hiring at UCL Laws, professor/associate prof/lecturer in financial law, at least two posts available https://www.ucl.ac.uk/work-at-ucl/search-ucl-jobs/details?nPostingId=11532&
2024-09-24 12:08:44 @andreamm from SEO to LMO
2024-09-24 12:08:08 RT @PJLeerssen: Join us in Amsterdam on 11 October to discuss @rgorwa's new book: THE POLITICS OF PLATFORM REGULATION. Rob is joined by Uv…
2024-09-23 09:37:21 RT @SolHughesWriter: Is it a Labour Conference meeting with two Labour MPs (Fabian Hamilton &
2024-09-23 09:34:01 @ada btw you can automate cookie refusal on iOS with consent-o-matic https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/consent-o-matic/id1606897889 from @midasnouwens
2024-09-22 17:29:58 @npdoty how would IP geolocation work given its on a cell network roaming? and besides i use OS level VPN to route everything through my network in my home in london
2024-09-22 17:28:42 @_dm as post says, i was not
2024-09-22 17:28:27 @winfriedtilanus @tanepiper never went on or off, was no flight mode. i’ve seen it happen before too at schipol
2024-09-22 17:25:27 RT @TomValletti: This is the ‘disclosure’. She had a salary of 300k euros (per month?) as Public Affairs Director (no company mentioned, wh…
2024-09-22 10:10:16 @jamessflee how much is the university’s own ‘law trove’ product to blame?
2024-09-22 09:45:57 @tanepiper if it was the network, why did it only enable at the airport (when i have been in the netherlands several days). location services are disabled for bolt while the app is in the background or off, which is how it was when the notification was sent.
2024-09-22 09:44:59 @whvholst as far as i understand, apps without location mode enabled all the time should not be given access to nearby wifi SSIDs on iOS.
2024-09-22 09:44:05 @martinvermeer @rainerzufall_le as i said
2024-09-22 09:16:44 query: I have the app Bolt on my phone. its location settings are set to ‘While Using’. I haven’t opened it in weeks. When I get to Amsterdam airport (from having spent many days in the Netherlands, not just arriving), it sends me this push notification. I am not connected to the airport wifi. How might it detect this in iOS? A beacon? Something else?
2024-09-21 16:06:25 @SwiftOnSecurity still traumatised by being tricked into letting him out
2024-09-21 06:14:39 I (partially) agree with Nick https://www.politico.eu/article/meta-nick-clegg-tears-rishi-sunak-ai-doo...
2024-09-21 06:07:17 RT @RichardMoorhead: Is professional ethics a joke? Does humour open or close lawyer minds on their failings, what happens when PO lawyers…
2024-09-21 05:49:55 Gavin Newsom vetoes AB3048 (browsers must be able to send data opt out signals, a well specified tech) saying “it'
2024-09-21 05:48:56 Newsom vetoes AB3048 (browsers must be able to send data opt out signals, a well specified tech) saying “it's best if design Qs are first addressed by developers, [not] by regulators.” Same bloke same day signs in AB2273 which requires totally unproven age estimation technology. https://t.co/JhZaN6FWGf
2024-09-20 17:32:41 Ominous headline award:https://fortune.com/2024/09/18/23andme-board-resigns-anne-wojcicki/
2024-09-20 16:25:26 @SashaMTL @YJernite but what if i want my nuclear power plant to also write poetry
2024-09-20 15:35:20 From the tech lawyer bringing the case, Mercy Mutemi, on X:“The Court of Appeal has today upheld the Employment Court’s decision that Facebook can be sued in Kenya. The cases by the content moderators against Meta, Sama and Majorel can now proceed. Facebook had argued it’s a foreign company that can’t be sued in Kenya.”
2024-09-20 15:34:03 RT @MercyMutemi: The Court of Appeal has today upheld the Employment Court’s decision that @facebook can be sued in Kenya. The cases by…
2024-09-20 14:09:28 @lilianedwards @BenPatrickWill not sure the solution to AI written essays is AI feedback... non-english speaking OS PGTs obviously systemic issue from underfunding home education but spiral of cost and effort cutting in response will eventually dry up all potential students, esp if employers catch on
2024-09-20 14:06:48 @lilianedwards @BenPatrickWill I used to do this yes and think it'
2024-09-20 14:05:04 @mdekstrand @BenPatrickWill MacWhisper has global triggered keystroke dictation with an additional option to run the text through a subsequent language model (currently OAI or Anthropic so cloud, soon to include local endpoints so could be Ollama) with a '
2024-09-20 13:33:59 RT @internetfreedom: Big win for free speech Justice Chandurkar, a
2024-09-18 15:00:46 @warpling think this exact feature is fairly common among laptop manufacturers, they just call it different things, eg on an MS Surface it is called Smart Charging https://t.co/6dPCULW4sg
2024-09-17 12:32:33 Includes an annex with draft provisions https://t.co/alUb6NfFuk
2024-09-17 12:31:34 And what could the Digital Fairness Act say? You can read our short 2024 paper, Towards Digital Fairness https://t.co/aBFzuzEZ6D, as well as our slightly larger 280 page report, Digital Fairness for Consumers https://t.co/UsbMXK9Znq @beuc @nhelberger https://t.co/lAYRYSpLq7
2024-09-17 08:57:37 von der Leyen proposes a new European Commissioner for ‘Tech Sovereignty’ (while the EC defunds FOSS, reframes issue around location of cloud providers not a thorough rethinking of the power of stacks)
2024-09-16 22:04:41 microsoft, google etc might be underreporting their emissions by 600%+, and this analysis like all of it still omits the hardware! https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/sep/15/data-center-gas-emiss...
2024-09-16 22:03:01 include the hardware. include the hardware! https://t.co/7EKufoQokX
2024-09-16 17:03:13 The proposal - to allow it through a bottom up Private Member’s Bill followed by a free vote—seems the opposite of a rush. Seems like an exemplary parliamentary process. ‘Appaling’ = bodies such as this poster’s losing the influence they’d been hoping for in the drafting stage. https://t.co/yph5O71tpq
2024-09-16 16:20:51 @grvsmth @BenPatrickWill@mastodon.socithat'
2024-09-16 15:57:44 @giacomo_zando @Europol @ERATrier @globalfreemedia @DefenseurDroit @StatewatchEU @EU_EDPS @EUHomeAffairs @saskiabricmont @MediaFreedomEU @BalcaniCaucaso @EuroPressPrize @daphnefdtn and a data protection subject access request relating to you and the nature of the data and profiling of you carried out, ask for all emails and messages and so on mentioning you...
2024-09-16 15:57:09 @giacomo_zando @Europol @ERATrier @globalfreemedia @DefenseurDroit @StatewatchEU @EU_EDPS @EUHomeAffairs @saskiabricmont @MediaFreedomEU @BalcaniCaucaso @EuroPressPrize @daphnefdtn Submit a European access to documents request
2024-09-16 15:36:14 this account is being copied by at least one other account to scam people, the handle and everything and fake RTs to make it look like my timeline, i don't send unsolicited DMs, please ignore anything from 'me' etc. PS twitter reporting process has a broken verification system
2024-09-16 06:45:21 @grvsmth @BenPatrickWill It sounds like you haven’t used the newer technologies like Whisper.
2024-09-16 00:34:35 @grvsmth @BenPatrickWill as someone who does a lot of grading, the newer generation of dictation systems are extremely reliable for the purposes I require and save large amounts of time by allowing me to provide the detailed essay feedback I intend, faster and more easily.
2024-09-15 08:23:21 Students get pissed at robograding and feedback, currently being pushed by institutions all over. Plenty of ways AI can improve speed and quantity of feedback eg through quality, language-model augmented dictation. But if the feedback comes from a machine, then why would a student even bother to do anything but game it - the real life skill AI will teach. https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1ffk45d/my_professor_is_blatan... (seen via @BenPatrickWill on bluesky)
2024-09-14 17:26:36 RT @robinberjon: If you've ever wondered why the web is dying, it fits on a single graph? How does this work? Almost every browser and OS…
2024-09-13 23:11:15 Apple unexpectedly drops its civil suit against #spyware vendor NSOGroup as it claims discovery against it might disclose information that would benefit… spyware vendors. https://www.securityweek.com/apple-suddenly-drops-nso-group-spyware-laws...
2024-09-13 23:07:56 ‘consumers won’t know what they are opting out of’ … as if they have ever been allowed to clearly know what they are opting in to!https://journa.host/@alng/113132674533327572
2024-09-13 13:17:35 @djoerd yeah I just reminded my colleagues there about it!
2024-09-13 11:30:19 @djoerd oh thank you! i have access to this through my UvA affiliation! gonna try (I host my own NextCloud at home)
2024-09-12 15:21:54 In today'
2024-09-12 07:43:37 RT @LeverhulmeTrust: Exciting news! The next two 2023 Leverhulme International Professorships were announced this week: Professor Taibat La…
2024-09-11 17:11:34 rob gorwa @rg and I wrote a thing about how platforms that host machine learning models are getting mighty confused about how to moderate them because tools aren'
2024-09-11 17:08:16 @LornaWoods indeed, but I think the pre-emption of the idea it might contain things that change the law around anonymisation is a bit much... different if something is already laid before the house
2024-09-11 16:39:54 @LornaWoods yeah… but we can’t have a hiatus on guidance just because one day there may be proposed legislation, surely!
2024-09-11 12:50:07 @andreamm coffee machine is same one as they have at TikTok UK HQ except theirs also dispenses orange juice mysteriously (and perhaps in a weird cross contamination way)
2024-09-11 12:48:10 @lilianedwards would be handy… but i imagine it’s only if national courts decide to play ball. meanwhile ECHR doesn’t even upload their ECLI numbers to any ECLI resolver service making them useless
2024-09-11 12:45:47 RT @Livingstone_S: "... with a view to banning children from opening social media accounts" Banning children? This policy is missing the…
2024-09-11 12:04:19 RT @rgorwa: Hey look, my first collaboration w/ @mikarv on governance in the AI model hosting ecosystem - presented at FAccT, floating arou…
2024-09-11 11:29:47 Oh, I'
2024-09-11 11:26:17 Presumably now there is no DPDI Bill, the Information Commissioner'
2024-09-10 12:35:22 @benetherington because the underlying Whisper model features a language model, it tends to work better than normal dictation tools for this. here are some snippets from your recent podcast...
2024-09-10 11:02:02 I'
2024-09-10 10:51:19 language models are, unsurprisingly, good at tidying up text and acting as gramar checkers, putting in line breaks in the right places, removing duplications, changing a similarly sounding word in context to the correct one if the Whisper model failed to... much more efficient (and infinitely more reliable) than using them to generate text ab initio)!
2024-09-10 10:49:13 MacWhisper is a v impressive piece of software and improving rapidly. Workflow of using local Whisper transcription/dictation + language model with a clean-up query produces text faithful to what a skilled person transcribing you would have written, removing both your mess ups and the transcription model'
2024-09-09 23:09:09 “The Electoral Commission said the government should also look at allowing people without ID to vote if someone who did have proof of identity was able to vouch for them at a polling station.”A test of whether the government will be brave enough to repeal some of the worst law. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/sep/10/britons-should-...
2024-09-09 17:13:54 Someone quantify the environmental cost of Apple’s “AI driven upgrade cycle” which could shift 240m phones? This is the cost of AI, just as much as model training or querying. https://www.thetimes.com/article/ba84a4f4-4fe9-4b9e-b09a-7ed1e6c734c7?sh...
2024-09-09 17:10:11 @Edent @_edent_ oh i don’t intend to defend factual accuracy, but only note that some signal does exist in the model for those two
2024-09-08 20:49:47 @_edent_ fair and the order is important but both listed do come up for me in gpt-4 when queried in a way to produce a long list.
2024-09-08 16:50:14 @PrivacyMatters UNSW has one I think
2024-09-08 16:41:03 @PrivacyMatters none yet (possibly ulster but not in a very well designed way) because both are income generating subjects usually combined with subjects harder to recruit for, so combining them together has less reason in a world where government doesn’t subsidise universities…
2024-09-06 23:01:55 @andreamm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poundbury
2024-09-06 05:29:18 @FusterGloria if orla is expecting parking at ucl then we may have an issue… bike parking perhaps?
2024-09-05 17:56:40 RT @BerihunGebeye: Fantastic news! Prof Erin F. Delaney @efieldingd joins @UCLLaws as the Leverhulme Professor of Comparative Constitutiona…
2024-09-05 17:55:06 RT @UCLLaws: UCL Laws is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Erin F. Delaney @efieldingd as the Leverhulme Professor of Comp…
2024-09-05 17:43:28 This week is exciting because I get to welcome two incredible friends &
2024-09-04 10:29:24 The Gikii conference is at UCL today and tomorrow - if you’d like a hybrid link you can message me here and I’ll PM it. Agenda: https://www.gikii.org/gikii-2024-programme/
2024-09-03 15:48:55 Civitai: “Thorn’s mission aligns perfectly with our core values…”Is that Civitai’s values or the values of Thorn that I don’t understand?
2024-09-03 15:45:50 @anandamide as an academic trying to get back to the gym after a fractured ankle i feel this difficulty in a way… there’s all this psychology too around the use of the foot and i’m trying to figure that out
2024-08-21 22:39:30 @WannabeLurker @bffmike @evijitghosh @sdw both things are repulsive
2024-08-21 22:17:09 @bffmike @evijitghosh @sdw The behaviour is different as to lock people into the books reader. And as academic articles are more and more available as epub, it’s unusable. Thankfully Zotero exists with a great webdav sync to escape the Apple walled garden.
2024-08-21 21:55:47 @bffmike @evijitghosh @sdw Try and ‘share’ an imported epub file from the Books app to another app. You’ll find, I believe, it blocks you from doing it even though *you put it there manually in the first place*.
2024-08-21 08:07:55 @Joe_Bretton @tronicum @CowMowTV1 @lads_salford @KatLoughrey It’s possible the agreement is only with German Euronet.
2024-08-21 07:47:28 @Joe_Bretton @tronicum @CowMowTV1 @lads_salford @KatLoughrey Euronet does not charge fees to most German cards as German banks typically have agreements with them. So the issue is less pronounced for anyone living there.
2024-08-19 07:33:16 RT @ispreview: BT Warn UK Lift Operators Not to Leave Users Trapped by Analogue Phone Switch Off - ISPreview UK @ispreview https://t.co/pAW…
2024-08-16 16:26:47 @PrivacyMatters 3 business
2024-08-13 11:03:56 @jeffjarvis I don'
2024-08-12 23:30:01 more important is a valid legal basis, which in the workplace is very rarely permitted to be consent. https://t.co/HdJqe8o1bU
2024-08-12 22:40:07 @Lyle_AI @gabrielazanfir or this bonkers and out of context auto reply to a Big Brother USA fan feed. and note how every reply only uses information from within the tweet it replies to… https://t.co/Te3oTQmRcA
2024-08-12 22:38:47 @Lyle_AI @gabrielazanfir let’s look at some evidence this is a person who both posts naturally but has a bot automating replies w a language model, such as this russian response to a singaporean ad, talking about customer experience https://t.co/vLg2aX03sE
2024-08-12 22:32:04 @agstrait seems unlikely for the same reason that well-staffed marketing departments don’t want to measure effects rigorously…
2024-08-12 22:27:53 @Lyle_AI @gabrielazanfir you actually just write like one of the banal autoreply scripts that people use? perhaps that’s even worse.
2024-08-06 19:20:53 @gurbanguly123 I don’t think that a legal test that requires people to make judgments regarding whether their speech is *criminally illegal* based on historical origins of a phrase in a different language, or a use of a phrase in a different language and environment, is workable.
2024-08-06 18:46:10 @gurbanguly123 And so now at this point, it should be legal? In Germany, it isn’t. The ECtHR needs to be clearer in cases like these, clarifying the conditions where extremely widely used political slogans in Europe can be prohibited.
2024-08-06 18:31:13 I hope this person has support to take this to the ECtHR. https://t.co/YhFEwUMfMs
2024-08-05 07:51:16 @Graeme_L i'd suspect negligible in this case cause it doesn't sound like it's too complex a model from the description of what they were trying to model, although without a methodology that can't be said for certain
2024-08-05 03:49:22 Funny how this has been branded as “Using Google AI to…” when the main resource that makes it possible for Google to do this but noone else to is the Google Maps data. (there’s also no published method I can find, only ‘we made a model’). https://t.co/94Y68ah9wG
2024-08-03 10:44:32 @SebastienK Like asking an expert if the roll of the dice were correct in hindsight. The problem is the process.
2024-08-03 10:03:46 @SebastienK because you (a plaintiff, a higher court) can appraise the informational quality of eg a study or table on solar panel life, you cannot appraise ‘what chatgpt happened to say with that random seed and that prompt’, because there is no method.
2024-08-02 19:52:26 @Arthur_500 @alex chatGPT does not query the internet nor return reliable information.
2024-08-02 14:44:56 Dutch judge uses chatGPT to answer a *factual question* about the lifetime of solar panels which was used in determining the extent of compensation. Really. Really. https://www.nu.nl/tweakers/6323110/rechter-gebruikt-chatbot-chatgpt-in-e... @alex
2024-08-02 14:04:17 To download the new Flux Black Forest Labs models on @huggingface you have to agree to the acceptable use policy. Howevever, the policy itself is unable to be accessed unless it is agreed to! These kind of issues would often invalidate clickwrap contracts in a court.
2024-08-02 07:54:52 RT @Professor_Peter: Police unwilling to disclose vehicle forensics methods. https://t.co/jH5IZwi7Tf NGO Privacy International asked 45 UK…
2024-08-02 07:39:50 RT @owainkenway: Cancelling the new AIRR(+) systems is one thing, but cancelling the exascale system at Edinburgh is so stupid it borders o…
2024-08-01 11:15:53 @laurence it would be respected if it were robots.pdf, the truest of all file formats
2024-08-01 08:08:39 RT @oliviasolon: The UK government is blocking a record number of foreign students who have won places to study STEM subjects a British uni…
2024-08-01 07:44:33 @bowtiedjconnor companies spend huge money on getting advice that considers regulatory risk, risk of enforcement, when taking action. (also, no criminal offences in the AI Act)
2024-08-01 07:23:00 @RozenbergTomer @vonderleyen lol you post normally but have a bot do auto replies? dumb
2024-07-29 14:35:35 Really interesting new paper in New Media and Society on the mechanics of Chinese content moderation
2024-07-28 16:53:14 UK is sitting on billions of confiscated cryptocurrency. Arguments for or against selling it for public services? https://on.ft.com/3LF85Ya
2024-07-28 11:50:25 @banty if I wanted to leave out the context I wouldn'
2024-07-27 14:13:51 @banty the point is the capability not the purpose in this situation, and that Google make the argument to EU regulators that there is no evidence that adtech is used for state surveillance. Under FISAA fully political surveillance of foreigners possible with no independent oversight or judicial remedy.
2024-07-26 04:28:39 More evidence of cookies used in US surveillance — data transfers of adtech data to the US eg Google facilitate US government surveillance. https://www.404media.co/how-the-fbi-is-hunting-north-korean-hackers-who-...
2024-07-25 20:14:23 RIP that bizarre creature, the hereditary by-election. Around noon today, the Lords voted to extend the deadline for the internal elections to replace deceased legislators-by-birthright with another of '
2024-07-25 13:06:20 Microsoft provides free licenses to schools during pandemic, everyone moves towards them because of free video conferencing and embeds teaching within Teams, then they change terms and start charging for previously free desktop apps and only allow useless Web apps that for anything complex are barely usable. Abusive. https://www.publictechnology.net/2024/07/19/education-and-skills/scottis... See further short paper by me on big edtech lock in https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10160033/1/Veale%202022%20Schools%...
2024-07-24 22:26:25 @joejerome not sure where a thread would be but it’s an argument i make here https://t.co/qH730h1hEs in part and also differently in relation to adtech here https://t.co/NoGkTaNUUH
2024-07-24 08:41:51 Pablo was simply an awe-inspiring human being with an unforgettable ability to connect people and arrange the world into a problem-solving mode. No-one that met him in more than passing could fail to be affected by him and many that crossed only for minutes will have been too. https://t.co/fhTawKEBGM
2024-07-23 14:15:17 @MidasNouwens @FusterGloria not that i could find… there seems to be one at the university of london i might look for
2024-07-23 11:56:20 Can’t run on a shoestring when government policy demands you to market swish degrees to overseas students. https://t.co/4LlNXKb3zd
2024-07-23 09:06:43 @FusterGloria missing from my library when i tried last summer :( https://t.co/oC6iQ2YvBb
2024-07-23 08:20:52 @IWilkinson0 I think this comment needs to deal with how ‘AI safety’ itself hollows out, hides, and plays down the inherently distributive, political elements of AI governance. These are not technical standards issues. See our review of AI and global governance https://t.co/K1gessAr1I
2024-07-22 08:08:12 @jennifercobbe Absolutely the correct response.
2024-07-21 18:13:27 @undersequoias @kenklippenstein next challenge is seeing if he has enough time left on the clock to learn to relax
2024-07-20 17:46:46 @tdietterich @FrankPasquale no. https://t.co/9Ua6N3pcrp
2024-07-20 08:30:11 @EricaZelic @AngryFenixDfnd there’s no sane company in the world that wouldn’t admit this mistake and try to correct it, that is hardly a bar to measure by.
2024-07-20 06:59:58 @Mehphistoh @ryan_c414 @MattieTK Apart from Monzo refused to join paym, which was genuinely useful to basically text people money from mainstream bank accounts, and pretended only monzo was capable of sending money to phone numbers — but only monzo ones! then paym died in part from confusion &
2024-07-19 17:48:01 in which i choose to express my personal grievances about my day through the media https://t.co/4JZKqsxjUd
2024-07-19 15:02:20 @sjmurdoch @mavroudisv Here’s hoping some of those PCs are in nice places
2024-07-19 10:51:22 @ChrisTMarsden @1Br0wn @BeterOpDeFiets Someone Else's Computer still very much online
2024-07-19 10:41:31 @sedyst AI has gone sentient and the one thing it realises that will make it the strongest is to sell more cloud
2024-07-19 10:40:03 Helpful targeted ads https://t.co/zbDonwdoLg
2024-07-19 06:52:35 Stuck on the runway at Heathrow seemingly because of Crowdstrike fucking up software update
2024-07-17 11:58:10 King'
2024-07-16 19:07:19 @rbairwell @roddie yeah, unfortunately they have a copy of the platform playbook
2024-07-16 09:08:02 @LambdaDuck yes, not my skillset but i would love if someone did that...
2024-07-12 07:54:12 @refalo citation needed. you can do a lot under data protection law as long as it is expected by the parties to whom the data relates and doesn’t go beyond it.
2024-07-12 06:02:00 RT @MercyMutemi: Not to forget the young Kenyans whose lives were destroyed when they were forced to consume sexual abuse content so that t…
2024-07-12 05:57:40 @carlmalamud And I appreciate your litigation! Funding rule making through copyright is a broken model but the standards bodies’ business models are floundering. Also why they are so desperate to help standardise AI even though it’s inappropriate and impossible for the type of members they have to standardise the fundamental rights and sectoral issues (education, judiciary) that they’re being asked to.
2024-07-12 05:53:26 Quite a lot of stuff I’m asked to review could, I think, be desk rejected. But editors are timid around law and technology, perhaps thinking there is some genius insight in a piece that is just more words on old topics without recognising that or being embedded in the literature. https://t.co/ULG7tBWpbE
2024-07-12 05:41:57 RT @404mediaco: The former Prime Minister presented research claiming AI could reduce the public sector workforce. The catch: it’s largely…
2024-07-12 05:41:04 not quite sure it’ll become a household name given it sits in the same conceptual box as the lifts directive and the toys directive, confers no useful rights on individuals, and has no real complaints mechanism. https://t.co/514eVhUckn
2024-07-11 20:26:47 RT @petros_ter: New preprint (forthcoming w/ @EuropeanLawOpen) on why digital constitutionalism is a bad idea. Take note if you are also sc…
2024-07-11 09:05:26 Tell Microsoft, who are on written record repeatedly lobbying for compute thresholds for AI accountability obligations. https://t.co/nwdZyPLWDM
2024-07-11 08:57:01 @carlmalamud You’re reading tone into my question that isn’t there or was not intended. I did not suggest it was a bad thing and I support openly publishing all of this. It’s just not self evident from your post which part of your prior legal requests they refused at this point given that you made a right to documents request and they complied with that. You said they said ‘no’, but the letter reads like a yes to your legal response, and a non engagement with your suggestion of the next steps.
2024-07-10 23:03:16 @carlmalamud the last document appears that they grant you access but your ongoing challenge is that they should set aside copyright and publish all these in the OJ? Is that what you mean by saying no?
2024-07-10 17:09:57 @bea_botero Some do and can. There is a very good OSCOLA package, probably the best automated OSCOLA that exists. You can also convert it to word before submitting if you have to using a package like oolatex though that can be a bit hands on.
2024-07-10 17:05:02 @bea_botero LaTeX is good for this cause you just put a percentage sign in front of a para to comment it out, but it’s also visible in case you want to bring it back or move it later.
2024-07-10 16:19:15 RT @ISDglobal: Extremism, hate and disinformation were a major focus of the 2024 UK General Election. ISD's new analysis considers the key…
2024-07-10 15:24:29 RT @josephfcox: the magic of writing headlines https://t.co/3x80552eEp https://t.co/wWLlNEvEyU
2024-07-10 15:00:25 great to see @404mediaco @emanuelmaiberg calling out the nonsense AI says AI is great study https://www.404media.co/ai-finds-that-ai-is-great-in-new-garbage-researc...
2024-07-10 07:11:36 Question: Panopto, the uni lecture recording software, does not offer destructive editing. If you press pause, it doesn'
2024-07-09 09:55:48 @emilymbender @halcyene @alex hah so it’s not even their method, it’s both dumb and uncritically lifted…
2024-07-09 09:37:38 The new Tony Blair Institute report on public sector automation savings classifies the potential to automate a task based on… how much GPT-4 classifies a task as automatable. Is this the worst method ever? It’s absurd, unserious, and any outlet reporting on this uncritically should be humiliated and ridiculed. (seen via @halcyene)
2024-07-08 22:17:37 @mmitchell_ai @subbuvincent @juniperlov EU law has a definition of personal data, Meg is correct, this is not it. EU law has no def of PII, which is not an EU law concept and is meaningless in the EU. Students would fail a European data law course for using the term PII in an EU context (I’d also suspect an AI essay)
2024-07-07 08:24:11 @zaphodikus @xa329 Mostly it was before but some elections occurred after universal suffrage.
2024-07-07 06:46:19 Fun fact: in UK general elections, until after the 1948 election, UK university graduates could vote twice: once in their place of residence, and once for MPs in a university constituency. At the point of abolition the unis of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Wales and Queen’s had their own constituencies, while others could vote in constituencies for combined Scottish universities and combined English universities. Many of these were multi-member districts.
2024-07-07 06:33:40 at the point of abolition the unis of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Wales and Queen’s had their own constituencies, while others could vote in constituencies for combined Scottish universities and Combined English universities. Many of these were multi-member districts.
2024-07-07 06:33:39 Fun fact: in UK general elections, until after the 1948 election, UK university graduates could vote twice: once in their place of residence, and once for MPs in a university constituency.
2024-07-06 16:49:26 @st3fan @mysk with open auditability or with proprietary hope and see, based in a jurisdiction where operating systems can be changed by a court and disclosing that will lead to prison time
2024-07-06 07:22:54 RT @mer__edith: This is why we're seeing dumb AI everywhere, and self owns like MS's Recall Recouping revenue from massively expensive AI…
2024-07-05 20:13:16 RT @stokel: Errrr, I would suggest that using ChatGPT to get data and analysis about the election that you’re then explaining on a live TV…
2024-07-05 19:45:46 @mysk If you '
2024-07-04 21:27:02 https://t.co/t6gJJibf0Z
2024-07-04 21:22:05 Chris Grayling to become Lord Grayling... https://t.co/oZuYXc4zW4
2024-07-04 18:53:24 @o_saja apart from what they sometimes get is a ‘digest of likes’ at the end of the day, or it sends a like reply which bounces on a listserv back to everyone. dozens liked a reply all listserv the other day and it effectively derailed a research proposal as people left it…
2024-07-04 18:45:27 @o_saja only works if you use outlook though! everyone else gets replies when people do that…
2024-07-04 15:52:36 @hjonker Works for me and I'
2024-07-04 13:58:33 @priryo @rra thanks, usually add it and forgot this time, have added
2024-07-04 12:30:04 @roddie in a mailing list they do add to a chain, it destroyed a list so bad the other day that the OP had to apologise to everyone and many people abandoned a potential project
2024-07-04 12:29:31 @ottaross Yes, it happened more than once to me and it was email armageddon. dozens of emails within an hour.
2024-07-04 11:45:57 Do you hate Microsoft'
2024-07-04 11:45:47 Do you hate Microsoft's spammy email 'reactions'? While far from perfect, you can forbid people from reacting on your emails by adding the 'x-ms-reactions: disallow' header to all your emails. In Thunderbird, this can be done in the config editor. Mileage w other clients may vary https://t.co/JqmMXlewcY
2024-07-02 06:14:38 Universities should have sensible and evidence based drug policies, I agree (although nothing in this article indicates actual suspensions are high). Yet universities cannot, without significantly more funding, fill every gap that the state withdraws from. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/02/uk-universities...
2024-06-27 14:07:44 Last day to submit abstract to #Gikii in London, 4-5 Sep! https://www.gikii.org/gikii-2024-call-for-papers/
2024-06-25 12:51:44 Gikii London 2024 at UCL Laws abstract deadline - this Friday! https://t.co/EOCeQFByjK
2024-06-25 07:43:57 @alexhanna @JeffDean rebound effect too, becomes more efficient, people sell more and outweighs efficiency savings. capitalism missing from the equations. similar to apple’s use of AI to sell more hardware. neglected in all literature.
2024-06-24 20:11:16 RT @Cyberleagle: Another year of #OnlineSafetyAct central funding? https://t.co/SGgxmH8ou3 https://t.co/0sINm55BFV
2024-06-24 09:36:13 @rg omg @agstrait doing this in secret
2024-06-23 13:52:48 @technollama @CatalinaGoanta task 1: replicate the bitcoin white paper using latex when it was actually written in openoffice in a way which would fool Mr Justice Mellor https://t.co/Mx5sqw7DHQ
2024-06-23 12:23:06 @technollama @CatalinaGoanta contests*
2024-06-23 12:22:56 @technollama @CatalinaGoanta most contents would be won by whichever academic knew how to apply and edit styles
2024-06-23 08:51:51 @rachelcoldicutt Indeed they compete for grants with other actors (eg on Horizon)
2024-06-23 08:44:09 @rachelcoldicutt I wonder how much of the 3m a month is their investment team compared to the rest of the operation
2024-06-11 18:18:44 people of Rio de Janeiro, if you are on the fediverse, can come to see me talk tomorrow at 3PM about model marketplaces such as Github and Hugging Face, and the difficulties moderating them, at FGV Direito Rio https://direitorio.fgv.br/eventos/fgv-reg-talks-moderating-model-marketp...
2024-05-22 09:02:08 #CPDP Friday 0845AM Music Room, Nahide Basri and I are facilitating a very interactive workshop on privacy, data protection law in surveillance–heavy occupation contexts.It'
2024-05-20 22:45:25 High Court judgment on ‘Faketoshi’, incredible document, in which Craig Wright forges LaTeX files of the BTC white paper w/ mad OCR TikZ which specifies letters in coordinates, anachronistic hyperref options, &
2024-05-19 12:43:06 @yawnbox @EUCommission @securedrop thankfully no gatekeepers control significant parts of the Internet infrastructure
2024-05-17 13:30:15 UK gov: Britain is a leader in AI tech companiesAlso UK gov: there are so few AI companies in Britain we have to give out a £1m tender for 3 months work entirely uncontested to Facultyhttps://www.politico.eu/article/dominic-cummings-faculty-ai-safety-briti...
2024-05-08 08:14:15 absolute chaos on a new unmoderated listserv this week as tens of people used the ‘thumbs up’ feature in outlook, which apparently now sends an email, causing an unstoppable torrent
2024-05-02 18:54:52 You can watch our panel event with @jennifercobbe @Margotkaminski @agstrait and me - Regulatory Models for Algorithmic Assessment: Robust Delegation or Kicking The Can? - held at UCL Laws last week, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbVEgSLO3iY
2024-04-21 17:20:22 @9to5Mac "
2024-04-14 15:54:12 @dalonso and just wait until you get someone who put an emoji in their article title
2024-04-14 15:53:30 @dalonso the number of ways these can create problems in software workflows has been immense. i’m not talking about handwriting everything from scratch.
2024-04-14 14:11:05 the amount of time i spend on tex and bib files debugging people so the umlauts in their names parse correctly and don'
2024-04-13 18:23:10 @j2bryson @cjcolclough Given that GPT-4 isn'
2024-04-12 10:31:36 @CatherineFlick tbf if you have windows for arm you probably do know it
2024-04-12 09:56:14 Reply below with which company you think Rishi Sunak will end up landing a job for after this period of taxpayer-funded self promotion.
2024-04-02 18:00:13 if your mobile provider tries to stop you tethering (including when roaming) using your allowance, it'
2024-04-01 11:25:46 boston people! i’m giving a talk tomorrow at northeastern law on governing AI and its intermediaries - model marketplaces and repositories, APIs and supply chains, and more… (tx @elibietti). come if you are free! https://law.northeastern.edu/event/governing-ai/
2024-03-26 12:31:43 @cheribaker ffs
2024-03-22 14:58:23 Join @jennifercobbe @Margotkaminski @agstrait &
2024-03-22 10:41:27 Today at the CIPL Data Protection conference in the Cambridge, talking about the future of DP in the UK, the #DPDIBill, and more. Organised by David Erdos and @jennifercobbe. Recording should be up for those interested and will share if and when out.
2024-03-21 21:49:58 @zuck likes, but not replies...
2024-03-20 06:54:49 @pcottle opt-in federation is an interesting choice — will users be prompted at account creation/feature activation, or will it remain buried and arcane?
2024-03-19 21:04:07 @libertepourmoi @poVoq also the citation '
2024-03-18 20:48:14 @feoh lots of methods, ethnographies, interview studies, etc
2024-03-15 13:17:29 @pluralistic @floe thanks! have read i think two of these posts but not the third or the book yet! am also curious about these specific systems (incentives behind development, financing and financial flows, arrangements of meetings, decision-making, dissemination of specs...)
2024-03-15 11:06:28 has anyone been writing or studying the political economy of recent DRM and copyright-related cryptosystems in operating systems or hardware? Intel'
2024-03-14 09:31:55 Giving a public lecture at IViR at the Universiry of Amsterdam tomorrow: Governing AI’s Intermediaries - if you’re around or interested you can register for in person or register to attend online https://www.ivir.nl/events/ivir-lecture-15march2024/
2024-03-13 15:58:52 The Pokémon Company issued a takedown request to Hugging Face for a dataset describing the characteristics of e.g. Bulbasaur. Let'
2024-03-13 10:35:00 Useful, massively underused academic tool: shortDOIs https://shortdoi.org/. Turn official DOIs into official tiny ones!e.g. preprint of @rg &
2024-03-12 07:09:30 @Graffotti idk it seems more like rich commuters pressuring the government
2024-03-10 07:48:27 Why is Heemstede-Aerdenhout an intercity station? wtf nederlanders
2024-03-07 18:29:59 #Apple: to allow secure alternative app marketplaces in accordance with EU law/the #DMA, we have created over 600 APIs for developers, including those that incentivise easy updates by these stores!Also Apple: leave the EU for more than 30 days and your apps won'
2024-03-07 17:26:40 @sushant doesn'
2024-03-06 16:49:08 @rg and me presenting at Berkman Klein on our Model Marketplaces paper, scrutinising the direction of content moderation OF generative models on hosting platforms like Hugging Face, GitHub and Civitai, in 35 mins (at 1830 CET today) https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/moderating-model-marketplaces
2024-03-05 09:21:18 CJEU rules the proprietary harmonised standards on, e.g., the AI Act, must be made freely available without charge pursuant to a request to access to documents, as they form part of EU law and consequently always overriding public interest in disclosure. https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf
2024-03-01 15:58:31 One of the most convenient things about being temporarily based at the Institute for Information Law in the University of Amsterdam is that every room has a copy of Zuboff'
2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-22 15:49:08 Question for TikTok: where are you training your models? Are there costly GPUs in both the Oracle data centre and in Ireland/Norway? Are you sharding a model? Or is there really data transfer that you aren’t being clear about? https://t.co/ZBVESAi9rh
2023-05-22 15:10:32 RT @signalapp: The UK's Online Safety Bill will set a precedent for government mass surveillance for authoritarian regimes all over the wor…
2023-05-22 14:41:36 there are ‘solutions’ for Meta in the same way companies around the world seek ‘solutions’ for wildly broad US sanctions… https://t.co/8ziHg5wVhd
2023-05-22 12:48:12 @empo11on @mediastudies @uvadatascience congratulations! and congratulations on @mediastudies for the handle
2023-05-22 12:27:23 @EinnDet @jason_kint if that’s the view the DPC takes, they will appeal on that too
2023-05-22 10:54:43 @jason_kint well, they have to delete it if there is no EU-US agreement before november (regardless how temporary that is), and then if they fail to get an interlocutory injunction to stop the decision taking effect while they appeal, and appeal, and wait for the preliminary reference...
2023-05-22 10:52:54 (the first derivative) of public debt is falling https://t.co/rgi3zXYQ9t
2023-05-22 10:42:36 @simonhania @gabrielazanfir Meta can (and likely will) apply for an interlocutory injunction suspending the order alongside the appeal. It isn't techncially automatic. The Court has the power to grant or refuse that injunction before a trial.
2023-05-22 10:10:44 If people claim that it is not fair that companies are in the crossfire of international disputes, please let me introduce you to the US sanctions regime...
2023-05-22 10:09:37 The Schrems I/II branch of litigation is as always less interesting for how it changes commercial practices than for how it is slowly slowly changing limitless US state surveillance of foreigners, and putting the lens on other countries too. https://t.co/jBzz42iwcS
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-11 04:57:43 This is also the Google/Youtube ContentID playbook, where you use technology to turn a liability for infringement (with a price decided by the rightsholder) into an opportunity to sell a service based on copyrighted material with (low) take-it-or-leave-it remuneration. https://t.co/LgoLKoo4dj
2023-05-09 22:05:04 @joejerome voice recognition =/= speech recognition
2023-05-09 22:04:27 @joejerome it’s presumably referring to voice print authentication?
2023-05-09 16:34:01 @tforcworc maybe they just want their wrists cooled
2023-05-09 14:01:58 RT @NahideBasri: This is happening today at 17:00 CET! Still time to register
2023-05-09 13:51:07 @katebevan nice grift! one month is the cost of a single repeater on their own website https://t.co/3jIeZNPeGY
2023-05-09 13:48:35 ignore all difficult and contested issues until the difficult and contested issues are gone! assume politics is just everyone else adopting your viewpoint and expectations about the future! don’t think about distributive anything, only about production! who’s with me?! https://t.co/TFEZJuKiPg
2023-05-09 11:49:11 RT @sedyst: This is the most disconcerting tweet I have been mentioned in. And, since Seeta and I have been pulled into this ongoing discus…
2023-05-09 06:48:35 @legalytical @clancynewyork US legal academics world-renowned for rebranding things others have long called something different, so that checks out...
2023-05-08 19:41:40 @legalytical @clancynewyork UK and canada just call these neutral citations (not even vendor or reporter neutral as in your post) and have done for the last 20+ years so it might be helpful to keep with that terminology. Not sure if many places at all call them universal citations…
2023-05-07 13:55:41 RT @RDBinns: Similarly, LLMs may be powerful to extent that they change social relations, increasing opps for exploitation, de-skilling, de…
2023-05-07 09:15:15 @technollama i was sad i could not use the SCART I brought
2023-05-07 09:05:58 @technollama i forgot it existed entirely
2023-05-07 06:47:01 @technollama almost ancient! my transatlantic flight this AM: https://t.co/qc7UWl1Pam
2023-05-06 10:59:44 @markscott82 that’s @divijualsuspect
2023-05-06 02:31:40 @npseaver rumpole of the bailey
2023-05-05 19:52:01 RT @NahideBasri: Join us on the 9th of May for our Data Protection Scholars Network event where I will be moderating a panel discussion on…
2023-05-05 01:44:51 @katebevan pivpn on your pi! then you can do what you like
2023-05-04 22:57:22 RT @cynddl: New research out today in @NatMachIntell after 3 years investigating the potential harms of AI in online markets! We show tha…
2023-05-04 12:06:48 @hackylawyER i’m in dc today and my dms are open
2023-05-04 11:45:17 @axelpopaxel and ‘openly embrace’ is rarely if ever measured… just asserted!
2023-05-04 11:44:01 @axelpopaxel other standards bodies don’t produce standards designed to be the *de facto* only way to comply with a law…
2023-05-04 11:42:23 @ndiakopoulos worthwhile noting that these techs do not seem to work across people/mice at the moment and require significant per person training (for humans, days of sessions in MRI machines watching repeated images)… rarely mentioned in the articles about them.
2023-05-04 11:19:06 Almost surreal report today from CERRE on European #standardisation, ignoring how European standards are increasingly about things the experts do not know about (see #AIAct and borders, judicial fairness, education…), suggesting the civil society bodies like ANEC/ETUI have (1/2)
2023-05-03 19:43:28 RT @Nadya_Purtova: Delighted to announce a CfP for the Beyond Data Protection Conference @infolegproject @ERC_Research https://t.co/13dU2…
2023-05-03 10:55:31 @bengoldacre (underemphasise as in ‘open safely looks cool, we could use it in the justice sector’)
2023-05-03 10:54:55 @bengoldacre important to note that because the health research sector assumes solid ethical approval, it can underemphasise the need to ensure confidentiality preserving outputs are answering ethical research questions. in other sectors, confidentiality isn’t a get out of jail free pass!
2023-05-02 17:25:51 RT @epicenter_works: Last week, the European Commission released its 2nd evaluation report on the EU’s #NetNeutrality framework. It mostly…
2023-05-02 17:17:51 RT @jim_dickinson: So when the government says "We are freezing fees" and "we are reducing interest" they're really making more graduates p…
2023-05-01 14:08:18 @leotanczt i will be there! are you going?
2023-04-30 22:20:43 also in UK law known as accidental partnerships, where partners in these discord chats share joint and several unlimited liability for the debts of the organisation… https://t.co/eYIcB39dcA
2023-04-29 09:47:53 no idea how US tax law works, but i’d have thought that in the UK this would be a taxable benefit…? https://t.co/3TumfLpVy4
2023-04-29 07:51:53 As the Home Office runs a hackathon to look for ‘AI’ transcription/translation tools to reduce the #asylum backlog without a step change in investment (https://t.co/VK1Su2ciXD), @restofworld@restof.social reports that… surprise surprise, machine translation is jeopardising (1/2)
2023-04-29 06:22:48 @mchardcastle i thought that rings a bell
2023-04-28 22:27:04 RT @hackylawyER: This point. This . And this paper from @jennifercobbe @mikarv and @jatinternet. Read it (and maybe pair it with my book B…
2023-04-28 17:41:44 RT @sedyst: More papers on how software production is organized and how it is shaped by the underlying infrastructures. Yeay!!! Looking for…
2023-04-28 17:10:14 RT @ALGOSOC_: Exciting news! We're expanding our team at #AlgoSoc and are looking for five talented PhDs and postdocs to join us. To lear…
2023-04-28 16:11:17 RT @petros_ter: this article by Martha Poon transformed the way I think about technology in decision-making. It's not about the ouput and i…
2023-04-28 13:28:26 RT @petros_ter: Reminder: Under the #EHDS proposal, wellness applications (ie Apple's *native #Health app) will also be interoperable with…
2023-04-28 13:20:18 @W_Wiewiorowski e-merging examples
2023-04-28 09:58:55 RT @jennifercobbe: FAccT paper with @mikarv and @jatinternet - on accountability in algorithmic supply chains We explore the dynamics of A…
2023-04-28 08:08:09 @sorsoup then there will be! and i will delete the tweet
2023-04-28 08:01:16 wild that it seems no sovereign states have a capital beginning with 'e', at least in english...
2023-04-27 22:31:07 I can’t see the privacy policy but given that it looks to have several huge flaws, I suggest people in Europe start using their data protection rights and complaining when they aren’t met to their local regulator before the firm sets up shop in Ireland as a main establishment… https://t.co/vKrZCDrMtn
2023-04-27 22:26:24 Very interesting and informative paper by Marie-Gabrielle Bertran on 'Free and open source software in the new digital public policies in #Russia'. I'm interested to learn more about the growth of Linux distributions like #AstraLinux in the public sector, and perhaps the (1/2)
2023-04-27 21:30:02 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ see some earlier thoughts from me on this at the beginning of last year in @netzpolitik_org https://t.co/IlDdGwypM7
2023-04-27 21:28:10 RT @daviest_: @mikarv @IoannisLianos Great example. Building and deploying privacy preserving ML requires skilled labour, computational inf…
2023-04-27 21:27:07 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ it is possible to design systems that are both pluralistic and confidentiality preserving, it’s just that neither real-time bidding adtech firms (who operate predominantly illegally) nor google have any incentive to explore this design direction, so a false dichotomy is presented
2023-04-27 21:11:40 @daviest_ @IoannisLianos and you just need to look at how much money GAFAM are spending on privacy preserving machine learning to see how eagerly they are investing in technologies that mean they don’t need to be able to see or access data to be able to train models on it.
2023-04-27 20:59:48 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ open ended infrastructures simplify poorly. @sedyst is the intellectual leader of work on this area in my view.
2023-04-27 20:58:51 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ i think a prob is that understanding computing is hard, &
2023-04-27 20:52:19 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ the point isn’t that ‘data never matters’, it’s that data is a poor focal point, and the metaphor of data does not get anyone discussing about the infrastructures, and so huge amounts are missed. exactly how much will vary on the business model or functionality discussed.
2023-04-27 20:49:33 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ and even when you think about AI and similar systems, a lot of development is about experimentation on users, A/B testing, which is more about being able to intervene on a population than collect data — data recipients can never do that.
2023-04-27 20:47:58 @IoannisLianos @daviest_ sadly computing isn’t reducible to such statements. consider eg the airtag example, or the contact tracing example, from my pres. neither use AI, nor arguably personal data! privacy sandbox and similar proposals promise microtargeting without personal data agglomeration…
2023-04-27 13:46:51 RT @daviest_: The term "data" is highly contextual. It's akin to a word like "object" in conventional markets. Without nuance, the term doe…
2023-04-27 13:46:45 RT @daviest_: People framing "data" as the big baddie of competition law in digital markets was what got me - a software engineer at the ti…
2023-04-27 13:04:35 RT @sedyst: Michael nails it… We need to bring regulators’ attention to computational infrastructures, and not just as providers of cloud c…
2023-04-26 21:04:18 @Abebab @mmitchell_ai it’s crazy springer nature think they can make all these umpteen brand new journals in 2023 and still give them absurdly closed formats and access policies
2023-04-26 20:56:18 @Richvn @nealhaddaway @hug_sven it is a database (also in the CS sense!). it just isn’t one that’s fully queryable by its users.
2023-04-26 08:15:00 RT @InterwebzNani: What would European Court of Human Rights decisions look like if they recognised + applied #intersectionality? The pro…
2023-04-26 06:42:24 @Angronn1 @hawktalk_blog @karenmccullagh @Nadya_Purtova eg it would bring google’s privacy sandbox proposal in chrome outside of the law
2023-04-26 06:42:10 @Angronn1 @hawktalk_blog @karenmccullagh @Nadya_Purtova it’s a bad change because the logic means that many systems which sort and have real effects on people, including prospective fear of surveillance, do not need to follow any data protection law, and people experiencing with them have no recourse to a regulator or court.
2023-04-26 06:18:02 @stokel we have to ask about the kind of values that are underpinning firm actions, like… shareholder value
2023-04-26 05:48:51 @hawktalk_blog was saying almost precisely this at BILETA last week to @karenmccullagh, though it’s also an artefact of UK case law being more advanced than the EU here which has Breyer. relates to @Nadya_Purtova’s recent paper on individuation https://t.co/43NwerqZCm
2023-04-25 22:25:34 @ICOnews why did you delete all your blogs btw?
2023-04-25 13:02:46 @jorisvanhoboken @FusterGloria @ReneLPMahieu here’s a picture of jef and pierre’s heads https://t.co/1B29xxW7Ei
2023-04-25 08:04:07 big dunning kruger energy https://t.co/M1oWsp5LhB
2023-04-25 07:59:04 @cearta I miss ““>
2023-04-24 14:30:37 RT @CPDPconferences: When are creators traders? What benchmarks are being used or are desirable to measure this? With @CatalinaGoanta @UniU…
2023-04-24 11:07:03 @oliviasolon thats a lot of AWS credits
2023-04-22 12:37:49 @colmocinneide the real constitution is the friends and colleagues you lose along the way
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-20 19:01:54 @1lucabelli @technollama could be any llama at all
2023-04-20 11:14:50 @JimBethell @LordJimKnight @whiterhino1949 @PJLeerssen @Jausl00s Paddy Leerssen also wrote a PhD on the topic, very important work that gov &
2023-04-20 11:11:01 @JimBethell @LordJimKnight @whiterhino1949 University of Amsterdam ran an *excellent* two-day workshop on the pros and cons of Article 40, DSA and data access last month, including how it can be improved run by @PJLeerssen @Jausl00s Siddarth de Souza
2023-04-20 11:09:37 @JimBethell @LordJimKnight @whiterhino1949 Very welcome, Digital Services Act already confident enough to allow. Good to complement the code of practice with a binding power for Ofcom to require large platforms to produce data similar to that in the DSA, art 40, in accordance with the COP. https://t.co/ANExsPa8GO https://t.co/JypergYeD4
2023-04-20 11:06:39 RT @JimBethell: That's why I am moving an amendment to require a Code of practice on access to data by researchers. With @LordJimKnight and…
2023-04-20 10:50:28 FT reports Google to use generative AI to create on-the-fly ad copy. This may deprive G of intermediary liability shielding for the content of adverts for eg counterfeit goods (see CJEU in Google France [118]). https://t.co/nxohGlX98M https://t.co/vk1Y6TZGab #DSA https://t.co/XJE6xAcbp9
2023-04-20 09:35:35 @roofjoke Only paying users can use all vowels.
2023-04-20 09:20:27 @evijitghosh SSRN is going downhill at speed and is run by Elsevier. Hard for non logged in people to download. Largely used by US schools that for some reason fetishise download metrics. SocArxiv much better to upload social science work to.
2023-04-20 08:34:02 RT @echo_pbreyer: The EU Commission’s unprecedented proposal of searching any private communication for illegal content is falling apart:…
2023-04-20 08:13:59 RT @thebigbogg: Legal uncertainty around the lawfulness of deductions is a strategic resource for employers, not the union or striking work…
2023-04-20 07:15:01 The same Capita that, as this week’s Private Eye points out, boasts of their cyber security expertise… https://t.co/KQlIpnFFzS https://t.co/CF9e44KvsU
2023-04-19 22:24:01 RT @joecoscarelli: for anyone who really cares about this A.I. music stuff, here are @hollyherndon's full answers, since she took the time…
2023-04-19 18:52:53 @hackylawyER For some policy problems very wrong. But large models can also be used to launder datasets to transfer them without oversight and reconstruct elsewhere. It depends on choice of problem. I’m not claiming data protection is a silver bullet
2023-04-19 18:36:31 Google Spain does not require Google or any other search engine to erased indexed website data related to a person.
2023-04-19 18:35:37 That’s not what the law requires though
2023-04-19 18:32:08 UCL threatening to deduct half of pay for entire of term three including late summer assessment period, including period where *no exams you are responsible for are submitted yet!* https://t.co/3cHLYNsIv4
2023-04-19 18:29:34 @lilianedwards @Jackstilgoe internet years are like cat years
2023-04-19 18:29:08 Pretty sure no major firms reveal cleaning steps
2023-04-19 17:27:22 RT @grahamgreenleaf: Agree completely with @javierruiz 10 part thread (do read it! - below) on the defects of CBPRs (global or APEC), &
2023-04-18 22:22:37 corporate persons can also have mid life crises https://t.co/AOOngDFjhM
2023-04-18 22:14:37 RT @STS_News: And here is my own post. Lots of other voices came to the surface when these posts were released. You can find some of them…
2023-04-18 22:04:38 @TimandraHarknes @GreggsOfficial you can get hand pulled or shaven la mien noodles round the corner until 3 or 4am on cranbourne st
2023-04-18 15:46:50 @sedyst @MarcLangheinri1 @bpreneel1 @JcMalgieri @jiahong_chen @jamesks i am a happy alumnus (:
2023-04-18 15:46:28 RT @sedyst: The 5th edition of the Interdisciplinary Summerschool on Privacy is coming up. Early registration deadline is May 1st, 2023. Th…
2023-04-18 12:13:23 seriously? #UXfail https://t.co/6uWsrWPNTm
2023-04-18 08:04:36 RT @ImagingNeurosci: All NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports editors have resigned over the high publication fee, and are starting a new non-…
2023-04-17 23:48:02 RT @sarahbmyers: What this article misses is that many of the leading 'startups' in AI already use Google Cloud/are offered on its marketpl…
2023-04-17 14:04:30 RT @jason_koebler: good foia: https://t.co/4rbBz54ZdJ
2023-04-17 13:26:49 RT @Jisc: It was with great sadness that we learned last week of the passing of our colleague and friend Andrew Cormack. He will be greatly…
2023-04-17 07:28:48 @johnthornhillft @hare_brain @timmpsmith @Siftedeu “The issue, Andrulis says, is that “general purpose AI” like LLMs would be treated as high-risk if they could hypothetically be used for a high-risk application.” — he should get a lawyer to read the drafts then, or another viewpoint in the article: that’s not what drafts say
2023-04-15 17:53:11 RT @DavidErdos: Given @iconews secured 0 enforcement notices or criminal prosecutions and gave out just 4 fines totally £180k in 2021-22 ht…
2023-04-13 22:04:17 @jennifercobbe llms great way to sell more cloud congrats all
2023-04-13 22:03:49 RT @jennifercobbe: Major AI service providers like AWS and Azure - who until now have mostly offered their own models as a service - now in…
2023-04-13 21:57:39 @timnitGebru @xriskology i’m sure they’d appreciate treating language as commutative tho
2023-04-13 21:55:56 @timnitGebru @xriskology #TESCREAL can also be written as #REALSECT..
2023-04-13 21:28:31 RT @lilianedwards: Very sorry indeed to hear of the sudden passing of @Janet_LegReg , always a helpful, knowledgeable, cheerful and wise co…
2023-04-12 22:17:18 Mega congratulations today to the shining Dr Paddy Leerssen (cum laude), incredibly well deserved and besides about time as everyone generally assumed you already had a PhD. https://t.co/fTLLx9EKwC
2023-04-11 21:31:42 @ariezrawaldman both sally engle merry and judy l klein
2023-04-11 19:18:18 @BetterBeckenham Beckenham: Peckham: https://t.co/boXOGTMPHB
2023-04-10 21:28:26 @katebevan i was spoiled today as i walked past a succession billboard and it was all glassy with people wearing suits but in my head this show people were talking about was a hilary mantel era spin-off
2023-04-10 21:26:20 @emax have you tried the Pringles Pro? less echoey and also more flavours
2023-04-09 15:00:10 @timnitGebru If there was a rebuttal period added again, the whole timeline would need to be yanked back further. ATM visa timelines (ACM only issue invite letters after registration/acceptance) means it's unlikely all authors can make it when held in the US. Perhaps it never should be.
2023-04-09 12:58:15 @tforcworc yeah. i’ve seen people do this in groups to them. having ridden one without power as it ran out to get to destination, it’s not easy or enjoyable though…
2023-04-09 10:38:22 based on everything i have read about it, the horizon post office scandal was less about technological reliance or indeed computing at all, and more about cultural suspicion in a broken institution suspecting sub postmasters of fraud. https://t.co/6YOw1MIgpC
2023-04-09 09:47:18 @StevenWagner85 @Sandbagger_01 while tempting to be outraged at a tweet the actual article is hardly worth that react… https://t.co/26qdyvJ0fP
2023-04-09 08:25:47 also: the study was desk based, specific to particular individuals (prerequisite: each of 8 individuals watched 30,000 images over 40 MRI sessions over a year), applied to the visual part of the brain which i’m told is incomparably better understood compared to conceptual parts… https://t.co/llWSegN2Td
2023-04-08 23:51:32 @owainkenway studying the increasingly maddening drm hardware stack is on my list of things to do if i have energy, maybe if i get a really good student with interests in this direction.
2023-04-08 23:44:44 timing also matters. you can’t hold this conference in the US, it simply does not work. even with the paper announcements now, many, many people will be unable to get visas (and ACM does not issue letters until registration/acceptance afaik) https://t.co/wkC7zqYcbN
2023-04-07 08:24:21 @grahamgreenleaf @DouweKorff @apf_oz even if consent required, question is whether court will bend its meaning as they did in GC and Others
2023-04-07 08:23:46 @grahamgreenleaf @DouweKorff @apf_oz in canada yes perhaps as regime is consent based, but not all processing needs to rely on consent in the EU, other lawful bases available. but would need their tests to be met. google doesn’t require consent for search spiders it seems even though it’s a controller per G Spain
2023-04-07 07:29:11 @TobyWalsh not sure that’s a useful concept… neither, arguably, is surveillance capitalism. new concepts need a reason to exist, and to have explanatory social science value, not just to be concatenated buzzwords.
2023-04-07 07:21:45 balanced if it ever comes to pass. I can already think of several, partial ‘expert’ academics likely to be on it, and those certain to be vetoed. Perhaps I should put names in a sealed envelope. https://t.co/NMlFiRnOJv (2/2) https://t.co/wnLgv8NKfi
2023-04-07 07:21:44 Minutes of March meeting between EU &
2023-04-06 19:52:05 @RobertJBateman You’re governed by Irish law extraterritorially until end of April no?
2023-04-06 19:02:56 @clarinette02 OpenAI will likely set up a main establishment in the EU in the coming months.
2023-04-06 18:58:29 The Italian DPA v quickly brought OpenAI to the table. Even if they lift the stop processing order (politically likely, now it has achieved its goal), will they stop the inquiry, or put aside the issue of the legal basis of processing of both normal data &
2023-04-06 17:00:25 A great infographic on how incoherent English policy geographies are from the Bennett Institute @ Cambridge (full report: https://t.co/LNBqoxpY0h) https://t.co/o0ADC5x8wU
2023-04-05 11:25:21 RT @Jausl00s: Awesome news: Dutch Court of Appeal rules in favour of @WorkerInfoX and @ADCUnion, condemning Uber &
2023-04-05 10:40:18 RT @tforcworc: Save MAP Cafe https://t.co/vn8DTItiKn
2023-04-05 07:56:34 RT @JamesBesanvalle: Were you born outside the UK but now call it your home? I'm opening up commissions again for my @MetroUK Immigration N…
2023-04-03 10:50:13 @danielverlaan slight fingerprinting issue.. yes you can hide in the crowd of.. other mullvad browser users https://t.co/LKBcC0qiuk
2023-04-03 10:48:58 RT @lilianedwards: Can GPT-4 itself (say) be regarded as personal data , distinct from the personal data in the training set? here is the (…
2023-04-03 10:15:16 RT @rgorwa: Ah! After many months of work, I'm so excited to be able to help host another iteration of the @PlatGov conference. I'm not twe…
2023-04-03 09:53:38 @joyopal @divijualsuspect how was the process of getting speakers visas for this? how early did you have to start?
2023-04-03 09:52:24 RT @divijualsuspect: I'll be presenting work on the limits of conditional immunity regimes in platform regulation here tomorrow, and spend…
2023-04-03 09:44:37 The main effect of the Italian DPA's order is that it forces AI firms to the table to talk and think about regulation they have pretended they are not in scope of if they have global ambitions. Platforms can't be delivered from out of territory forever if they dream of being big. https://t.co/Jb5B7ZhpOe
2023-04-03 07:59:16 @RichardMoorhead @Familoo I thought that there was also a line of critique that said it’s not about hunger, it’s about judges controlling the docket and having reasons to moving different types of cases around the agenda in ways that biased the results.
2023-04-03 07:55:56 Seems a direct result of this government’s choice to delay the Digital Market Unit legislation, as CMA only delayed investigation in expectation of new powers. Regulators’ paralysis, of the sort this gov pushes, means even the decisions they want to make are procedurally fragile. https://t.co/1MhDDiiW5b
2023-04-03 07:52:49 @1Br0wn @RobertJBateman @TheABB @lilianedwards @RDBinns @gabrielazanfir yes we have, first discussed it in 2017 ‘slave to the algorithm’ w @lilianedwards in sections on models as personal data &
2023-04-02 14:29:16 Just to clarify further, the first image is the result of a blocking order (a website blocked by the intermediary subject to the order despite the service still actively attempting to deliver to users), the second is the OpenAI situation (a service no longer delivered by (1/2)
2023-04-02 12:52:10 public intellectuals soothe themselves https://t.co/mXOqxihs0W
2023-04-02 11:15:54 @Floridi Misleading to call the Italian decision a ‘block’. The order is not addressed to ISPs nor other intermediaries. Internet blocking (as in the other countries listed) is very different in mechanics and proportionality from legal action taken against the source of content.
2023-04-02 10:38:13 (France banned internal flights where reasonable alternatives existed, obviously did not ban flights to Corsica. UK seems unable to act with any granularity.)
2023-04-02 10:36:07 If you want to boost UK-wide connectivity, then at *most* only cut taxes on flights that connect places that are infrastructurally prohibitive to get to w less carbon intensive means (eg Shetland, N Ireland). What justifies a tax cut for Manchester, Edinburgh, Exeter ->
2023-04-02 10:12:12 ChatGPT has not been ‘blocked’ in Italy. Blocking orders are addressed at ISPs or internet intermediaries. The provider of a service has been ordered not to provide it until they demonstrate compliance. Cease &
2023-04-02 10:01:32 @JulesPolonetsky OpenAI argues it is unsafe to reveal *any* information about the data sources behind GPT-4. https://t.co/jOcOuS3VaD https://t.co/d4XrgRUlzt
2023-04-02 09:37:38 i hope big tourist trap restaurants continue to ensnare visiting americans in naff joints in the centre of london. residents don’t want queues standing in the way of their enjoyment of the incredible, diaspora-driven food in hundreds of small, poky places across the city. https://t.co/Uc0UanQYRL
2023-03-31 14:38:15 Jobs at UCL Laws! 1. Permanent research &
2023-03-31 11:32:13 @roxanna_law @ClarityTravel_ best bit is where you ask them to book ryanair flights through email as it doesn't come up on their system and they don't send you the info you need to check in, the email they booked it with. however, at least it is possible (at UCL) to book hotels/flights without permission...
2023-03-31 10:54:31 Italian DPA issues a immediate, temporary limitation on OpenAI processing personal data in Italy as part of #ChatGPT, on the basis of - no legal basis - lack of accuracy - no age verification of users - no filters for under 13s https://t.co/e8ObcwiHKw #GDPR #GarantePrivacy #GPDP
2023-03-31 07:26:48 RT @infofannny: Meta announces a risk based tool "using AI to give advertisers more control" so "harmful content is not monetized". The con…
2023-03-31 07:25:41 RT @colmocinneide: Scorching analysis here from @ProfCCostello of the UK's Illegal (sic) Migration Bill.
2023-03-31 07:25:25 @colmocinneide @ProfCCostello I am listening to it on the bus to the Fac and the burn is so strong that I can smell the rubber.
2023-03-30 21:07:06 @BYMYong underrated OSCOLA pdf: https://t.co/wV3zcK8vOM
2023-03-30 08:00:44 RT @EUCourtPress: #ECJ: Live streaming by #videoconference of classes in state school education falls within the scope of the #GDPR #Person…
2023-03-30 06:33:40 RT @LSE_UCU: There's a crisis of academic casualisation and precarity at the LSE. Insecure and short-term contracts are rife. We're social…
2023-03-29 10:00:16 @charrindisguise can email me on my uni email, details https://t.co/T0Zm1YXmKl
2023-03-29 06:57:31 @TimCauser no offence tim but i’m genuinely horrified that it’s your research area that is becoming increasingly relevant in and around this island
2023-03-29 06:57:09 New #OnlineSafetyBill amendments on #ResearcherDataAccess (similar to Article 40, #DSA). Yet does not allow orgs to apply for this status and make requests regardless of Ofcom’s political will, nor clear results publishable/accountable. https://t.co/sRXSrl090B https://t.co/OPasWVh2Ds
2023-03-29 06:55:52 @profgeraintrees interesting use of empower to mean give no new powers to… and interesting omission of the one regulator who has been producing guidance, the Information Commissioner. also note that the first guidance i’ve seen HSE produce on neural networks was 22 years ago - with what effect? https://t.co/nWWP5SwPUt
2023-03-29 06:32:31 UK proposes no AI regulation, instead just urging sectoral regulators to use existing powers. Won’t work, primarily as regulators’ powers are hugely insufficient, misdirected towards the often helpless final actors/users in the AI supply chain who technology (1/2)
2023-03-29 06:27:28 @HetanShah Does not recognise that existing regulators lack the effective powers to do this, typically because existing powers relate to actors who are helpless rule takers in the platformised AI supply chain. Won’t work.
2023-03-28 19:21:45 Parliamentary question from Harriet Baldwin confirms that UK government is abandoning the Royal Mint NFT it should never have embarked upon https://t.co/R3PZYLuvEa https://t.co/t3Ofam22xd
2023-03-28 17:38:31 @ICOnews This guidance makes clear that behavioural advertising targeted at categories of people is direct marketing. When will the ICO take action against social media platforms for not permitting individuals a right to object from this personalised marketing?
2023-03-28 17:33:35 RT @BantshireUni: Called it https://t.co/GeLoqtFDIC
2023-03-28 17:23:08 RT @littlesnitch: This is insane. PayPal has restricted our business account because we have invoiced a license key containing the random l…
2023-03-28 17:18:44 @owainkenway i am definitely not using a socks proxy over ssh to file my expenses no sir
2023-03-28 17:13:43 @owainkenway @uclisd now if anyone could update the unofficial tutorial on how to get linux openconnect to work given the need to SSO with it now that would be ace…
2023-03-28 14:56:40 @MLeiser mixed — tweet could have been clearer, a legal basis was not established in relation to tracking data collected and transmitted simultaneously phones
2023-03-28 09:26:04 The #CNIL fines an e-scooter firm for tracking the #geolocation of its #escooters every 30 seconds without informing them or establishing a legal basis, even if in a separate database as it can be easily cross correlated to users. While not special category data, the CNIL (1/2)
2023-03-28 08:29:00 RT @hdevalence: apple, silently confiscating the "receive from everyone" setting for airdrop transfers: "fuck you and your preferences, we…
2023-03-26 13:28:18 @ShannonVallor the insides of some fridges however...
2023-03-26 11:06:16 RT @AmooreLouise: The erosion of pay in HE has deep implications for the lives &
2023-03-25 20:54:00 RT @zamaan_qureshi: ‼ @RepLoriTrahan “In 2021, the UK’s Age Appropriate Design Code went into effect…You still operate in the United Kingd…
2023-03-24 09:37:51 @JimBethell @UKHouseofLords do you agree with its provision that parents should be able to see all under 18s’ direct messages by technical design?
2023-03-24 08:36:33 oh no https://t.co/ORKaKCfY5o
2023-03-24 06:32:46 i don’t think openai leaning into being ubiquitous robotic process automation (eg through its plugin system and automatically writing glue code) is going to lead to safe and secure and reliable systems. it may even create serious systemic risk. normal accidents galore.
2023-03-24 06:25:14 link to new Utah child protection online bill, which (on the face of it, not a US law scholar) adds age requirements and the ability for parents to view all the private messages of minors (children’s privacy rights clearly mean little in Utah), screen time, ad and messaging (1/2)
2023-03-24 06:15:14 @agstrait the wee crown
2023-03-23 22:55:00 @CatalinaGoanta every 15 seconds, a child publishes an article in an MDPI special issue
2023-03-23 22:50:26 @RobertJBateman i mentioned the famous jackets in passing to my students some weeks back and then was like oh wait. you definitely wont think they are famous or indeed have any idea what i am talking about
2023-03-23 07:25:32 @matthew_d_green they do however let anyone with any privileges ‘encrypt the controls’ at any workstation
2023-03-23 07:15:58 discuss with reference to the reasonable person fiction https://t.co/fcZWRgohDz
2023-03-22 22:54:50 @CourtenayIlbert @rosenbaum6 it’s also the name of a firm not a person
2023-03-22 22:42:28 finally, after years of the ASA doing nothing, Ofcom seems like they might act against ISPs who call their crappy copper or slow upload DOCSIS "fibre"/"full-fibre" https://t.co/rtzhEw7yzS
2023-03-22 17:41:12 what is going on with this corporate signature on sunak’s tax summary https://t.co/OpLrswGjyi https://t.co/Vugi5Wa4hp
2023-03-22 09:12:22 providers do not provide the information on processing purposes, types of data, recipients or sources in the granularity needed by data protection law. perhaps if they did, AI systems would have something to parrot! instead, they do what they do best — invent plausible nonsense.
2023-03-22 09:10:38 ai manufacturers: “this is the future of information retrieval!” also ai manufacturers: “no, not that kind of information, from a law we don’t fully adhere to!”
2023-03-22 09:09:24 it can be both stupid to ask an LLM something about itself &
2023-03-22 06:15:50 @gquaggiotto @EdgelandsInst swiss law is different than EU law on this, but that isn’t surprising as there isn’t a legal requirement in subject access requests to provide that information (location). you do typically have rights to know if it is going abroad though, just not the precise info about location.
2023-03-14 15:07:08 @technollama semantic web
2023-03-12 06:17:27 RT @g_sbardella: MDPI journals have been included in the list of predatory journals. It was about time. https://t.co/sIJ78bPtbB
2023-03-11 18:45:37 @clarinette02 in the US, tiktok are trying to calm people by putting oracle between the company and the data centres (oracle owned), and in the EU, by putting a similar EU company between the company and the data centres (tiktok owned)
2023-03-11 18:42:29 @clarinette02 i’m not a tiktok conspiracy theorist anyway, i think china has much more to gain by not interfering in a growing platform rather than blow it all now with some unnecessary and not particularly valuable data grab or malware injection vector
2023-03-11 18:41:31 @clarinette02 sure, the holding company is in the cayman islands, but the key q is always ‘where are the developers’ as well as where is the data stored, and for tiktok, where are the gpus where the models are trained, not just the data centres
2023-03-11 18:40:10 the tiktok irony that isn’t exactly news but isn’t really constantly stated is that this still relatively inconsequential platform pales in relation to the way the US does the same in reverse through their platforms to almost every country!
2023-03-11 18:37:17 whatever you think about either free expression or specific risks of tiktok, “domestic data privacy laws applicable to all social media platforms” do little to protect against int’l surveillance even where they try to limit transboundary data flows, as the EU-US situation shows https://t.co/yn1jlZCLlu
2023-03-10 07:48:03 @Katlab_UCL if it’s BA, then it’s very unlikely to be the selection issue indeed. ridiculous and shameful you should have to experience what you did in 21st C europe.
2023-03-10 07:34:49 @FusterGloria @Katlab_UCL and as i’m at the same uni as the thread-starter i can speak for exactly how pisspoor the travel agent currently is…
2023-03-10 07:23:20 @FusterGloria @Katlab_UCL i hope i’m not coming across as ‘this didn’t happen to you’, this kind of bias certainly happens regularly, just suggesting a very specific and counterintuitive potential explanation which may indeed not be the case here. MRSPROF is a new one to me.
2023-03-10 05:35:36 @Katlab_UCL it’s also possible that a travel agent did that for you by mistake or similar!
2023-03-10 05:32:47 @Katlab_UCL (it’s common for foreigners with PhDs to select in online systems ‘dhr.’ thinking it means dr when it actually means ‘mr.’. Given you mentioned the system said it, and I’ve never seen a Dutch system ask for a title like doctor, that’s a big possibility)
2023-03-10 05:31:01 @Katlab_UCL that’s horrible to hear, but hoping there’s a charitable explanation: in dutch, the word for ‘mr’ is ‘dhr.’ compared to ‘ms’ being ‘mevr’. however, it’s not exactly the same, and the term dr *is* used (eg ‘dhr. dr.’ could be a male dr, ‘mevr. dr.’ could be a female dr).
2023-03-08 18:35:06 @MissIG_Geek and indeed get promoted sideways when you do particularly badly
2023-03-07 09:31:14 The Irish DPC used to publish in its annual reports it’s ongoing list of cross border statutory inquiries (eg 2020 report). They vanish in the 2021, and today’s 2022 report. Why? Pressure from the investigates firms? Wanting to avoid that so many have been open for five (1/2)
2023-03-06 23:45:46 @rachelcoldicutt thank u 4 ur service
2023-03-06 08:08:36 commission won’t take infringement proceedings against #dataRetention laws but will get angry if they breach technicalities https://t.co/tiKg0eFEpV
2023-03-05 17:27:23 @matthew_d_green they have to make sure they are updated to the very latest version to minimise that notice, as the geolock is encoded in part in updates.
2023-03-05 10:01:41 @SophieWeerts @PaulQuinnBxl @mireillemoret @FusterGloria @LSTSblog @balushkaa link broken
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-27 22:22:15 @undersequoias surely, Every FAccT paper increasingly has the same first paragraph
2023-02-27 21:30:29 @CJSprigman @PANYNJ these pathetic signs do not make up for it https://t.co/rXIhSxvaV0
2023-02-27 20:23:10 RT @hiddenmarkov: If you ever tried to use standard "adversarial examples" to analyze the security of ML systems, you might have noticed th…
2023-02-27 18:11:21 @hutko @SSRN SSRN is Elsevier/RELX but i can’t see the policy here https://t.co/B6GbvL67YB
2023-02-27 15:04:13 RT @SarahCatGreen: My Current Legal Problems lecture is next Thursday at 6pm - all welcome! #digitalassets Time for a Tertium Quid | UCL Fa…
2023-02-27 14:40:21 https://t.co/oS5LLaqCpP #dataprotection #scotgov (2/2)
2023-02-27 14:40:20 New report following an audit by the ICO of the Scottish Government has an interesting tidbit: that it seems that they have underestimated the amount of Law Enforcement/DPA18 pt 3 processing they actually carry out and may have been mistakenly applying the #GDPR instead (1/2)
2023-02-27 13:44:51 Initially assumed this meant "Julian King" (as in 'the Juncker Commission contains X former PMs, Y former ministers and... Sir Julian King') before I realised it was referring to a different one https://t.co/CBwXKIlzmv
2023-02-27 07:53:57 @gilbert Given it’s mission was explicitly to affordably teach computer science rather than make a shedload of money/achieve some high valuation, RPi has succeeded much more at its own explicit aims. Tens of millions of these devices doing likely hundreds of thousands of customised tasks.
2023-02-27 07:49:35 @gilbert There’s no obvious way to mark ‘success’ but the Raspberry Pi Foundation is pretty astounding in its sales, prevalence, and widespread and incredibly varied use across industry, educational and consumer settings.
2023-02-27 01:01:51 University students and researchers in the Netherlands can now get a fediverse account simply by logging in with their university IDs as single sign on. Not sure what happens if you leave the uni system, though… https://t.co/ulqbr2XTsu @SLURF@social.edu.nl #edtech
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-25 02:26:28 RT @yaleisp: We’re kicking off with our daylong closed-door “Democratic Regulation of AI” workshop! Organized by @YaleISP_WIII https://t.c…
2023-02-21 18:59:45 @Klonick every year i discover new definitions of silence
2023-02-21 18:58:09 @Klonick it’s been several years since i ambitiously tried with my class “so, who remembers google whacks??”
2023-02-21 09:10:56 In particular this move would mean that Meta could claim they can still run targeted ads in the UK under contractual necessity, even when EU regulators, and potentially and importantly EU courts, say otherwise. Would require expensive litigation, or unlikely ICO boldness, (1/2)
2023-02-21 09:10:55 #Meta ships UK users out of EU #GDPR protection. Likely triggered by risk of stop processing orders over #Schrems II and targeted ads, which then wouldn’t apply to the UK, and a desire to keep transferring UK data to the US without the risk of CJEU involvement or (1/2)
2023-02-21 08:21:58 RT @A__W______O: At AWO we have a new vacancy for a full-time Senior Associate to join our Strategic Research and Insight team. Find out…
2023-02-20 07:55:12 @Jackstilgoe @BVLSingler @JamieJBartlett BBC and its Auntie Progress angle
2023-02-19 22:56:31 @chelloway @SNeurotypicals cc @justsaysinmice
2023-02-17 12:34:36 RT @RA_Costello: A bee in my bonnet for a while and now, an open access publication with @GlobConJournal - read all about why digital const…
2023-02-17 10:03:07 @hutko @cyberleagle that's a little unfair, some of the answers are 'ai will solve this' after all
2023-02-17 09:36:36 RT @politicshome: OUT NOW Can the internet be governed? @alain_tolhurst is joined by Tory ex-culture secretary @nickymorgan01, La…
2023-02-17 09:05:26 @cyberleagle indeed, I think there was a little bit of miscommunication when I asked the panel to have a political vision of how all this fits together, and the answer was ofcom will do this, incrementally. trying to coax some new ideas into the echo (first and second) chamber, but tricky...
2023-02-17 07:30:59 the tools are implied without the amendment, but opting out without having clear requirements on publishing these systems efficacy and false positive rates seems a recipe for disaster. people want technology to precisely do stuff it simply cannot…
2023-02-17 07:29:18 I’m worried about how this amendment requires magic AI which cannot reliably detect hate in many communities without catching a load of other speech too. See this article on how toxicity detectors conflate hate with normal comms within the LGBT community https://t.co/4gNBzbFL5Y https://t.co/r1sAQoLqOk
2023-02-17 07:12:47 for #OnlineSafetyBill watchers, I debated the bill for ~35 mins with two key peers amending it in the Lords, Nicky Morgan (former Culture Sec) and Wilf Stevenson (Labour Biz Spokesman) on the Politics Home podcast here: https://t.co/uZ1GxvUD8c #OSB
2023-02-16 16:15:43 Very disingenuous for the #IAB to say that the BE DPA's approval of its 6 mo action plan "confirms the legal functionality of the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) within the provisions of the [#GDPR]". (https://t.co/ChTah4SRMD) The approval is of a plan to try to (1/2)
2023-02-16 12:54:08 @FantaAlexx @mattburgess1 has a really handy book, although older now. https://t.co/swdzv6xLsH … it’s often hard also to win internally without going to the ico and hoping for the best
2023-02-16 11:52:16 (or attempt to undo it, but that's harder) — so it's really worth enabling ASAP. How to enable it: https://t.co/ER3JiGoq6C #encryption #e2ee (2/2)
2023-02-16 11:52:15 #Apple have enabled "#AdvancedDataProtection" (encrypting users' #iCloud server-side) in the UK. Update your device(s) to the latest version, and enable it. The UK have significant powers under the #InvestigatoryPowersAct (&
2023-02-16 00:39:25 @timnitGebru Many lawsuits around the world found Google liable for defamation resulting from its autocomplete system (it is found to author that, unlike the results, which it only intermediates). Similar logic to Bing chat. To talk to: Uta Kohl at Southampton or Gary Chan Kok Yew at SMU (SG)
2023-02-15 20:24:52 @sebkrier I think a simple search would have led them to question their assumption that “we are, to the best of our knowledge, the first to point out and empirically document the credence good nature of algorithmic advice and its implications.” https://t.co/i0d8O6CkX1 https://t.co/Z60ApK4pN6
2023-02-15 10:03:39 @owainkenway wait until you find out that word for mac has no way to change the underlying heading font +Headers to a custom one, unlike word for windows. to make templates, you have to edit the xml.
2023-02-14 19:05:12 @ProfChalmers elsevier gonna elsevier
2023-02-10 12:44:46 @Abebab the hundreds of miscarriages of justice in the UK horizon post office scandal, although algorithmic decisions were only part of why that ruined people’s lives.
2023-02-10 00:22:05 @LeoKelion (and bear in mind new phones are a much, much bigger environmental cost than energy consumption of phones.)
2023-02-10 00:15:58 @LeoKelion Think of it the other way around too. AI models create the demands for specialised local hardware eg Neural Engine and Tensorflow Lite… which enables Apple and android manufacturers to sell more phones!
2023-02-09 23:58:02 RT @bricksilk: The Home Secretary's statutory report, and my own terms of reference, were published today. I welcome informed comment on th…
2023-02-09 23:29:48 RT @owenboswarva: Twitter seems to be ignoring erasure requests made under GDPR: Want to Delete Your Twitter DMs? Good Luck With That http…
2023-02-09 07:43:25 @alinatrapova @cearta very little tend to stand in the way of the commission making sweeping horizontal digital regulation under 114 with only the most minor evidence of potential future discrepancies…
2023-02-09 07:29:32 RT @sedyst: With estimates for lost lives from the earthquake ranging from 30000-300000 and the importance of messaging for international s…
2023-02-08 00:04:56 @ariezrawaldman @hartzog @DanielSolove @JoeProf @natashanyt so you’d agree that consent should be present in law, but should be effectively unavailable unless it is a last resort backstop for the rare processing individuals truly want to occur, when other legal bases are impossible?
2023-02-07 23:09:04 @Jackstilgoe they need no justification
2023-02-07 22:59:41 @ariezrawaldman @hartzog @DanielSolove @JoeProf @natashanyt Companies should never have the right to send you any commercial mail, even if you want to see new products? At the moment, in the EU, they’re opt in.
2023-02-07 22:13:25 @ariezrawaldman @hartzog @DanielSolove @JoeProf @natashanyt If properly analysed and enforced, most situations online never actually constitute valid consent, whether individuals click Y or N. And your statement would seem to indicate that no-one should have the right to opt in or opt out of, for example, marketing emails?
2023-02-07 21:23:16 @timsquirrell Where is Online Danger?
2023-02-07 20:08:42 RT @C___CS: I co-published an article in New Media &
2023-02-07 20:08:38 RT @sarahbmyers: Excited to share this new piece I co-wrote with @drbrittparis and @C___CS. We've been thinking through a theory of radical…
2023-02-07 09:09:19 RT @sedyst: The infrastructural damage is immense and is going to severely limit the emergency aid that can be brought to the cities devest…
2023-02-07 08:01:50 Moment of silence at 11am for the imminent expected passing of DCMS, the ministry somehow responsible for data protection, cybersecurity and Remembrance Day. To the ten Secretaries of State that have held this role in the last ten years, ensuring strong policy continuity — (1/2)
2023-02-06 18:45:23 RT @Marriyum_A: Prime Minister @CMShehbaz has directed that the Wikipedia website be restored with immediate effect. The Prime Minister has…
2023-02-06 18:25:45 RT @d_mantzari: Delighted to share the programme of the @UCLLaws Bentham House conference 2023 organised jointly with @Marioanni on 'Comp…
2023-02-06 08:39:03 RT @Odangaring: BREAKING The Employment and Labour Relations Court has ruled that the @facebook &
2023-02-06 08:27:55 @xriskology people accuse the history of the early internet of being told through the lens of ‘great men’ (and miss out lots) but i don’t think even those men, massively lauded in retrospect, were even a *fraction* so self-obsessed with their putative historical importance as these are
2023-02-06 08:18:44 @peterkwells not sure if this is that niche though given it’s growing into a pretty mainstream conspiracy theory
2023-02-06 08:05:55 @stokel also uh, wasn’t netflix founded in 1997? surely they don’t mean the 3 years from 1997 to 2000…
2023-02-06 06:56:08 RT @martha__dark: Tomorrow we’re expecting a ruling on whether Daniel Motaung is permitted to sue Facebook in Kenya. More about the case he…
2023-02-06 06:54:31 ‘we all love the Cloud’ says journo on #r4today, controversially
2023-02-06 06:49:15 @timnitGebru @HackingButLegal a whole trope that’s been going for many years now. firms have been claiming to put ML on board of directors since 2014ish. imo says more about broken societal purpose of the corporate form than about AI. see eg paper from ex colleague (which i disagree w) https://t.co/fFBDGf9ZwX
2023-02-05 22:21:34 be forgotten requests? https://t.co/HCfkylFdQk #LLMs #chatGPT #eudp #rtbf (2/2)
2023-02-05 22:21:33 at least #Microsoft’s reported integration of #GPT4 into #Bing saves regulators the back and forth of ‘is a large language model processing personal data’ (spoiler: often) because now they can just look at the Google Spain case. Yet how will Microsoft comply with right to (1/2)
2023-02-05 22:12:01 RT @sedyst: it's clouds all the way down: “Some academics that want to move into their own start-up, their first conversation is with cloud…
2023-02-05 21:03:36 @EUstaran the AI Act would, in my reading, do the exact opposite of your tweet - it would disapply and preclude member states from legislating restrictions the design and use of such non-high risk systems.
2023-02-05 20:56:43 @hackylawyER no i only ever used crabhouse https://t.co/bIMAfIr5o8
2023-02-04 16:04:28 I think it’s pretty misleading &
2023-02-04 08:44:10 regime, where complainants need to go to the HIgh Court (££) to challenge ICO (in)action on merits, while data controllers can do it cheaply in the Tribunal system. #ukdp #gdpr https://t.co/tikfBAAmkz (2/2)
2023-02-04 08:44:09 New #FirstTierTribunal decision against the #ICO, noting limitations on #DPA18 s 166 orders to progress complaints do bite where the Commissioner has failed to register a complaint, even though it has declared it was a duplicate. Still, an extremely limited, lopsided (1/2)
2023-02-04 08:18:51 New #adtech class action filed in California, against #Google, #Meta, #Criteo, and a telehealth firm #GoodRx, alleging the former firms intercepted prescription data through tracking pixels. #RTB https://t.co/ROxpLiWLex https://t.co/waY1OYHNNa
2023-02-04 08:04:18 “the law commission recommended the path the government eventually went down” says the anchor on #r4today on the online safety bill, misinforming the public, as that did not happen. #osb #onlineSafetyBill
2023-02-03 09:34:27 RT @cyberleagle: https://t.co/BPiE7x4UGh
2023-02-03 01:03:32 While Labour says the OSB doesn’t have any major political issues within it, NGOs that previously supported it are dropping it — in its current form. I’m no libertarian, but I’m allergic to making regulation without meaningful scrutiny. https://t.co/ENPb7byK6I
2023-02-03 00:35:39 RT @EU_EDPS: .@W_Wiewiorowski chairs the @UCLCLP Current Legal Problems lecture on ‘Effective or Complete #DataProtection’, delivered by Or…
2023-02-02 17:11:01 What’s also happening here is the typical platform playbook: create a harmful system, make others do the clearly illegal thing, so distribute liability to the fringes of the network (ie dumb startups without much money to sue for). Happens regularly in adtech. Happening in AI. https://t.co/XWlhpa0Q1v
2023-02-02 11:46:14 Months back I suggested people use data protection rights to ask Twitter to erase their DMs, as deleting them manually does not remove them from the server (https://t.co/Naamipy7UD). Twitter sent back an illegal response to all who asked, ignoring the Q &
2023-02-02 11:38:45 @hutko @GabrielleGuill2 @yagoabascal united states government and all the tech firms very good at intervening in the irish national procedures in DP transfer cases before they get to CJEU so they can hang out there too
2023-02-02 10:27:40 RT @cyberleagle: Anyone would think only half a dozen foreign big tech companies were in scope, not 25,000 UK providers.
2023-02-02 09:58:24 @rosamunde_vb i get a lot of plausible but fake papers i allegedly wrote with @RDBinns
2023-02-02 09:51:57 apparently there are no “big political issues” at stake in the governance of the internet. i have to say, my students studying this bill massively disagree!
2023-02-02 09:42:36 complete groupthink on the online safety bill, now with wartime metaphors, based largely on a misunderstanding that it regulates only Big Tech rather than actually empowering them vis a vis small internet services, federated services, community groups and similar. https://t.co/ZhWw4j0O5v
2023-02-02 07:39:11 This does not mean that there will always be no ground to study without consent. For example, there is a clear public interest to study communities organising hateful or illegal activities, who are unlikely to consent. But just "how do people think about X", or "does X make (1/2)
2023-02-02 07:39:10 Twitter closing API access will drive the (questionable) study of social media posts to places like Mastodon. Classes that were teaching people social media scraping will likely turn to ActivityPub services. However, university #researchEthics committees should be wary of (1/2)
2023-02-01 19:05:16 @ashr no it’s just a fun pic
2023-02-01 18:46:20 @LuizaJarovsky we wrote about the data protection implications of this about five years ago now, in case it is of interest https://t.co/uqFQsNmagY
2023-02-01 18:10:23 @DrJoGrady Might want to cite the figures from UCLSU in their Nov 2022 referendum. https://t.co/0sSmyOyYLQ
2023-02-01 17:20:45 @emilymbender @OpenAI they claim they are a data processor (valid legal role where they just do as they're told, like a rented server, would imply they don't use query records themselves (?)). do not discuss that their models are personal datasets, as we highlighted in 2018 https://t.co/uqFQsNmagY
2023-02-01 17:14:53 @matthew_d_green definitely an activitypub is complicated, nostr asks for beer to be held moment. snortr social also appears just to be pornography and scams from clicking
2023-02-01 17:11:52 @sebkrier @Jisc already in our developing internal guidance, i assume other unis too... probably as unis focussed on talking to staff rather than to the world? am concerned that tech firms, w/ zero experience in institutional plagiarism detection, will have hubris to lead rather than listen
2023-02-01 17:07:19 sorry i spoke too soon, i scrolled and also immediately saw two crypto scams
2023-02-01 17:06:07 If you click the below link for ‘snort social’ you literally just get pornographic gifs. Success for the ‘we must not trust anyone, even a small community server where we know the admin’ brigade. https://t.co/fJ8zBaTWGu
2023-02-01 16:51:54 @sebkrier @Jisc the jisc link is https://t.co/3VbfrljdeS
2023-02-01 16:51:08 @sebkrier @Jisc UK unis have plenty of experience with academic misconduct hearings where detection is imperfect, eg around contract cheating.
2023-02-01 16:50:05 @sebkrier discussed quite a lot? discussed in guidance by both the main UK higher education charity @Jisc https://t.co/2AP7fXSaNn and the (former) UK HE regulator. https://t.co/PADmg7OmoF both who say not to use or rely on detectors due in part to false positives
2023-02-01 12:13:48 RT @FantaAlexx: What you missed last night: FOI'd documents reveal how after Musk took over Twitter, the company fired it's Vice-President…
2023-02-01 02:43:54 @RobertJBateman @adnzaheer funniest thing i’ve seen with this is this one is on the big uk privacy research hub for the IoT, PETRAS https://t.co/4rFKdFwyRd, proudly proclaiming in the CMP’s words that ‘data is your property’ while the project itself did not take this controversial proprietarian view
2023-01-31 09:56:06 @tolvanhe https://t.co/hFkg1LGMKL
2023-01-31 08:24:48 @kareem_carr luckily there is no reason to pay attention to the number it outputs
2023-01-31 07:56:44 @Sandbagger_01 economist only five to ten years late on this story. wait til they learn about ultra wide band…
2023-01-31 07:48:59 #IAB CEO delusional: “No org has done more to protect real consumer privacy in digital advertising environments than the lAB &
2023-01-30 22:55:45 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff i’m glad that Zuboff seeing that there’s a bigger infrastructural picture finally rather than the predictive magic she was focussed on before, but - and maybe it’s rude of me to say - perhaps it would be great to be a bit more collegiate as she is learning.
2023-01-30 22:53:33 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff a book i’m looking forward to reading! a little jarring being portrayed as one of a group who doesn’t get it by perhaps the person (Z) who has drawn ppl to think far too much about data &
2023-01-30 22:48:42 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff i’ve only just been drawn attention to it. clearly she wants to drag academics into being villains, as if we don’t understand (indeed, much better than she did in her book, where she entirely omitted it!) infrastructural, non-data driven power of platforms, infrastructures, OSs.
2023-01-30 22:45:17 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff https://t.co/5bWVFzJPJJ this one
2023-01-30 22:42:09 @hackylawyER @shoshanazuboff the paper she wrote that is linked to from that article, which i missed, tries to demonise the research team i was part of, mischaracterise our work, insert ad hominem attacks against individuals, and massively cherrypicks to tell a chosen narrative. disappointing.
2023-01-30 20:04:33 @GazTheJourno so that’s what they mean by a CLOSED judgment
2023-01-30 19:58:55 @valeriodeste active voices are liked by people commonly found writing style guides, although it is unclear if they should be trusted.
2023-01-30 07:16:22 RT @rachelcoldicutt: What’s particularly funny about this is that Austen was a feminist, writing about how ludicrous it was that lack of ec…
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-24 10:12:40 @zsk the only personally useful thing i’ve found it pasting in errors i get from deploying open source software that I cant find answers to through normal searching and asking it to suggest potential issues and directions for further examination and/or searching.
2023-01-24 08:55:26 in homes and businesses (https://t.co/MXe3Kiwdj8). Says report is published, but nowhere to be found. Out of interest, where is it @mattd@defcon.social @BobGourley@defcon.social, or was it briefed to media privately and they’re misreporting? (2/2)
2023-01-24 08:55:25 Lots of media covering a report on Chinese intelligence agency use of #smartDevices (eg https://t.co/cTLnN0LWE0), although ignoring Western intelligence usage of these same devices with bulk #equipmentInterference powers due to pathetically little patching of mics/cameras (1/2)
2023-01-24 08:37:42 @DrAndrewDwyer @Sandbagger_01 it’s true that zero days matter little when people litter their houses with connected microphones and sensors, for which intelligence agencies will have built or bought toolkits to tap into, associated with firms that don’t release patches after 2 years https://t.co/MXe3KiwL8G
2023-01-24 08:00:31 @colmocinneide a little naively though, it’s really an interactive process (make this better
2023-01-24 07:55:02 RT @d_mantzari: Looking forward to hosting our next @UCLCLP lecture on Thursday, 26th Jan with @dinawaked on competition law in developing…
2023-01-24 07:48:52 @Sandbagger_01 will this change the logic from hoarding to security for all? the collection and trade in zero days makes us all less secure, but it’s a tough thing to give up.
2023-01-24 07:46:40 @Sandbagger_01 hoarding zero days, UK can and does too through bulk/targeted equipment interference. if are buggy as so much smart nonsense is, intelligence agencies have v poor record of standing up for the security of consumers by patching rather than hoarding (EternalBlue the worst example)
2023-01-24 07:31:25 RT @JobPlas: Unique @iab opening keynote by David Cohen. IAB seems to open its attack on Apple, lobbying organizations advocating for disru…
2023-01-23 21:38:14 RT @UCLJuris: Big news! UCL Laws is launching a new set of Legal Theory Seminars this year. The first will be by @SimoMila on Monday, 30th…
2023-01-23 14:10:16 RT @divijualsuspect: Loved working on this project with @Archives_NCBS on Archives and the law in India. This will be a useful resource for…
2023-01-23 01:14:18 the panic about #apple either #clientSideScanning or cloud analysing photos on people's devices appears to be very poor programming on the tech giant's part, where Apple Photos scans using local ML for object recognition, but even if turned off, sends an empty GET request (1/2)
2023-01-22 23:49:18 RT @robinberjon: Hey, I know a lot of you tried Mastodon with the early fits of the petulant moron and were put off by that experience. Bu…
2023-01-21 18:00:35 @rowlsmanthorpe Looking forward to everyone who does anything with electronics in their shed and lives in the area being snitched on by their coldest neighbours.
2023-01-21 11:44:34 @PJLeerssen solve culture wars with reader annotations, what could go wrong
2023-01-21 07:38:26 RT @undersequoias: Imagine for just a minute the insane quantity of labor hours that OpenAI imposed on the teachers of the world, and will…
2023-01-20 11:34:13 Airline in the US leaks terrorist screening database of over 1m people from unsecured server, along with employee details. Not the first time it’s leaked it seems, but pretty noteworthy nonetheless. https://t.co/3ayz1Bngop via @stokel@infosec.exchange on birdsite
2023-01-20 11:12:39 RT @cyberleagle: So little understanding among supporters of how random the effects of automatic sunsetting would be. Many EU law implement…
2023-01-20 06:57:12 While the UK Parliament rolls out the carpet for the #OnlineSafetyBill with little consideration of the surveillance it implies, the German Bundestag has been generating broad consensus amongst at least the incumbent coalition and the Left that #csam #clientSideScanning (1/2)
2023-01-19 13:15:21 Incredible to see Dutch privacy legend @sjoera@mastodon.social Nas profiled in the New York Times for her and colleagues' groundbreaking work on public sector #dataProtection, slowly transforming giants like Microsoft, Zoom and Google and forcing significant changes. (1/2)
2023-01-19 09:54:54 @robinberjon if it was being done for non commercial research reasons, such a term would probably be unenforceable in the uk due to the text and data mining exemption, and likely in the eu too. uk may be seeking reform to widen this exemption.
2023-01-19 09:42:48 @stokel naturally the first computer on the arpanet outside of the US, at UCL… dissemination of MOSAIC and then Netscape was important for uptake of the Web. the victory of TCP/IP over the early competing proprietary protocols really changed the trajectory of the entire internet too.
2023-01-18 17:39:45 Is there a more boring name for a state’s higher education research policy than the Netherlands’ ‘sectorplan’?
2023-01-18 07:47:39 @wbm312 compare to projects long doing this eg https://t.co/rHtWfIIvZi
2023-01-18 05:33:19 RT @rachelcoldicutt: I've yet to catch up with the latest amendments, but the "let's make a list of everything we don't like and ban it" ap…
2023-01-18 05:28:51 RT @bricksilk: I have been appointed by the Home Secretary, following her review of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, to conduct my own in…
2023-01-17 23:13:57 RT @psychicyogamat: Because it's ultimately purporting to be a law about the risks of communication, and society *is* communication, the OS…
2023-01-17 23:12:54 RT @timsquirrell: The govt now want the Online Safety Bill to make it illegal to host videos depicting Channel crossings in a "positive lig…
2023-01-17 09:00:40 Good news — “in 2023 the Ministry of Justice will launch a wide-ranging call for evidence exploring the themes of open justice, access to information and data, and transparency across our courts and tribunals” https://t.co/Iz001fiF06 #legalInformatics #openJustice
2023-01-17 08:08:46 @Detig @PhillipDJMorgan some have eg brunel
2023-01-17 07:28:18 RT @nataliesedacca: So proud to see @Kalayaan listed among the @BigIssue changemakers of 2023 in employment. Yet to see the print entry but…
2023-01-17 07:14:15 Useful new initial commentary on the Polish self-employed LGBTQ anti discrimination case C-356/21 TP, by Nicola Countouris, Mark Freedland and @valeriodestefano@mas.to https://t.co/EeWD9ulkKq
2023-01-17 07:05:22 RT @N_Countouris: A short, first, commentary on a recent landmark decision by the CJEU - Case C-356/21, TP -https://t.co/6cQcHAMELh deployi…
2023-01-17 07:01:43 @PhillipDJMorgan you don’t need them to be handwritten, several universities already use bring your own devices, or rented devices, with locked down browsers in exam halls.
2023-01-16 22:08:20 @RobertJBateman only the hearing next week, not the answer https://t.co/Z6AUsIqVzj
2023-01-15 17:54:47 @katebevan hopefully by that time high wattage usb-c is able to fit into wall sockets, that will be a gamechanger...
2023-01-15 12:00:10 RT @m_mariastefania: cheers from the EUI where we all live in Florence but are paid according to our nationalities so some live way below…
2023-01-15 07:41:58 RT @robinberjon: Chrome 2020: Unlike other browsers we could talk about, we're going to do our privacy work through a standards process. C…
2023-01-14 09:12:53 @DavidPriceUCL in places with a pretty unjustified salary difference through ‘market supplements’ compared to the rest of the university given that the market is based on faddish citation scores…
2023-01-14 09:01:10 @CatalinaGoanta @KrauseFx yep! the cnil may have passed complaints on such things on to the dpc… but who knows
2023-01-14 08:58:27 @CatalinaGoanta or information actively sent (eg http requests). some are more obviously in scope (eg probing a device for which fonts it has)
2023-01-14 08:57:37 @CatalinaGoanta i think there’s an argument to be made they could see keyboard taps on a terminal device m under the e privacy directive but non-cookie based tracking has always been less clear cut insofar as the information retrieved from the device is basically information coming from a sensor
2023-01-14 08:45:12 @CatalinaGoanta because the CNIL is not competent under the GDPR to act alone without waiting for Ireland/DPA of the main establishment through the one stop shop, it has been taking direct action under the ePrivacy Directive (also against Google and Apple)
2023-01-13 22:57:24 @lumi_ip @UCLLaws excellent work Dr L! congratulations
2023-01-13 00:01:25 Controversial new #ransomware attackers targeting the Royal Mail weigh in on the 'data is/are' debate. https://t.co/kMi2aQti4P https://t.co/ChSmywnYyM
2023-01-12 13:53:00 RT @krstdt: 1.000.000 Euro hat Brandenburg für die Luca-App bezahlt 1 erfolgreiche Kontaktnachverfolgung gab es dadurch https://t.co/DZg…
2023-01-12 09:32:41 @realhamed @Microsoft @Outlook "Microsoft Edge, Recommended by Microsoft"
2023-01-12 09:32:19 @realhamed @Microsoft @Outlook wow, desperate
2023-01-11 17:52:15 that’s @lynskeyo, crossposted the above from Mastodon where everything happens
2023-01-11 17:51:44 @MLeiser Will have to see if @UCLLaws know. I think not right now because we usually explicitly have that option in the ticketing system when it exists. But regardless, the lecture will be published in CLP later in the year.
2023-01-11 13:51:52 The incredible Orla Lynskey (LSE) is giving a #CurrentLegalProblems lecture at UCL Laws in-person on 2 February. It's entitled "Effective or Complete Data Protection" — can it really be both? Register https://t.co/wuQJsszGba #dataProtection #GDPR #eudp https://t.co/CaDKue8J5G
2023-01-10 18:09:19 @RichardMoorhead improbably, @N_Countouris now has twitter. I think ETUI forced him to . next, mastodon…
2023-01-10 09:23:42 @LeoKelion @benthompson not saying that doing things on-device is bad, but Apple’s hardware business is its key, it needs people to buy new devices and to give them a reason to do so. doesn’t cash in on cloud. environmental cost of getting ppl to buy new devices for largely whimsical reasons is huge
2023-01-10 09:21:30 @LeoKelion @benthompson it’s not just apple though? google launched similar hardware and APIs and conversation tools at the same time… their system is (now) called ‘Google Tensor’ while Apple’s is called ‘Neural Engine’
2023-01-10 09:14:54 @LeoKelion @benthompson sceptically, given not all Apple devices are capable of running this either at good speed or at all, including even slightly older phones &
2023-01-10 09:03:57 RT @PrivacyMatters: Hello @orange @VodafoneGroup @Telefonica @deutschetelekom are there more details available of this Joint Venture https:…
2023-01-10 08:53:48 @hutko good move from the Eccentric Council of Jubilation.
2023-01-10 08:44:42 RT @a_bacci: JOB VACANCY @HRW new tech division is hiring a senior researcher on surveillance tech and human rights. Global remit, woul…
2023-01-10 00:01:32 RT @sjmurdoch: “I wish vulnerability disclosures were more relevant to current products” – someone at Threema holding a monkey’s claw. Beca…
2023-01-09 23:59:59 RT @sjmurdoch: @martinralbrecht @kennyog @ThreemaApp It’s bad but I’ve had worse from UK banking industry: calling the police (the police h…
2023-01-09 23:59:49 RT @kennyog: After a constructive engagement with @ThreemaApp during responsible disclosure, this is unexpectedly dismissive. We broke thei…
2023-01-09 10:20:24 @cynddl yum
2023-01-09 09:42:31 UK universities to subsidise language-model–based plagiarism through their huge Office 365 contracts. https://t.co/HKNrJ2pBDV https://t.co/BIgO1353nU
2023-01-05 09:37:44 would seem to be the use of the #GDPR as a general #cybersecurity law. https://t.co/Xpz5W92Fny cc @Privacymatters@mastodon.social @RDBinns@someone.elses.computer #privacy #CybersecurityLaw (2/2)
2023-01-05 09:37:43 Interesting case from #Spain’s #AEPD, fined a telco for allowing someone to register a #SIM under a fake name without sufficient identification and commit fraud. Unclear exactly where the personal data processing is (the description indicates no legal basis for the name?), (1/2)
2023-01-05 09:22:20 What Isn’t in the useful summary is whether individuals have a right to have their information suppressed or hidden from the more generally available service, even if it remains for scientific use. @Asta_fish@freeradical.zone?
2023-01-05 09:22:19 #RightToErasure refused in #Iceland’s large national #genealogical database, the #Íslendingabók. As I understand it, this contains all Icelanders, including living ones, and even their foreign spouses, It’s log-in only but so widely used, in practice available to all. (1/2)
2023-01-04 20:30:51 @tim2040 @PaulDJohnston Ring records audio, as noted in judgment. Only images are exempted from the the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018.
2023-01-04 19:07:28 competency to fine, and needing to avoid the GDPR, but a welcome development nonetheless. The decision (FR) is here https://t.co/ER2XyKPSMa
2023-01-04 19:03:16 fine, and needing to avoid the GDPR, but a welcome development nonetheless. The decision (FR) is here https://t.co/ER2XyKPSMa
2023-01-04 19:03:15 if it is used for ad fraud detection for contextual ads that are not based on segmentation or profiling. I think you can perhaps argue that this is a security issue, and therefore necessary under ePrivacy (and definitely under any revised Regulation which will inevitably contain
2023-01-04 19:03:14 does not remove the reason for consent. Because the device IDs were used for non necessary purposes, consent is required. In #iOS14 (changed in 15), App Store segmentation was opt-out, not opt-in. The case relates to this period. The advertising in the App Store is worth an
2023-01-04 19:03:13 the basis of Apple ID associated searches, and applied them on receipt of the device-specific IDs. The exact method by which this works is not elaborated in the decision. The #CNIL is not competent to fine Apple under the #GDPR because of the #OneStopShop (Apple has main
2023-01-04 19:03:12 #Apple fined €8m EUR by the #CNIL in #France for breach of #ePrivacy relating to ad targeting on the #AppStore. The facts are typical Apple. Thread follows. Apple has a long history of collecting data on individuals but linking it with IDs your device generates instead of
2023-01-04 14:19:32 RT @SamuelDeats: Are you telling me @Adobe is scraping people's data AS THEY WORK?? We're working on NDA'd projects, Adobe, what the hell…
2023-01-04 13:55:45 @PaulDJohnston You don't need to stop the camera from capturing data across the boundary. Just means you have controllership obligations. Usually imperceptible. See the Rynes case, higher precedent than the Oxford case. but in the UK, the obligations weirdly include a fee, not an EU law thing.
2023-01-04 13:42:51 @PaulDJohnston That's not what the cases say. They place significant weight on what it captures, including if it is pointed outside the home and capturing audio or visual information from e.g. a road, pavement, someone elses driveway. Storage does not determine controllership in DP law.
2023-01-04 13:21:27 If the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill comes back to Parliament, I think someone should ask whether, following the decision in Fairhurst v Woodard (and in Ryneš), everyone with an Amazon Ring doorbell should be paying the #ICO £40 a year. #dataProtection #GDPR (1/2)
2023-01-04 11:55:38 I really want to like the #ECLI standard for case law identifiers (think DOI for judgments) but it simply doesn't function properly. The ECLI resolver at https://t.co/jpsT2hzxeJ doesn't work and I'm not aware of any other, #ECHR ECLIs to my knowledge aren't included in (1/2)
2023-01-04 11:15:36 @IWGBUoL Hi — this may be illegal under UK data protection law. Send me an DM and we can discuss. M
2023-01-04 10:01:09 RT @PaulFScott: https://t.co/9XaSy0mH3o https://t.co/1jmEodY2qO
2023-01-04 09:54:02 @rowlsmanthorpe @puzzlesthewill yeah you fact checked him good
2023-01-04 09:08:02 @puzzlesthewill @rowlsmanthorpe people have attacked for being wrong and I agree, using it as a source of info is bad. instead i’ve found it interesting in ideation, combining rarely combined ideas together (eg lists, or prose)
2023-01-04 09:03:24 @GraemeTR Works better in the UK to modestly support scholarships that we sorely lack, sometimes specific refurbs or new faculty if lucky. Danger when it supports centres in donor steered, arbitrary hyped areas, mostly because these end up being HR disaster fiefdoms run by vain egos…
2023-01-03 16:18:18 Reminder that PornHub owner MindGeek are arguably a beneficiary of these type of laws — they own AgeID, a commercial age verification tool, and have been long lobbying for laws the benefit them. See https://t.co/X8unNjXp4a and the sources cited, including FOI disclosures. https://t.co/I8oygkxfZ4
2023-01-03 15:33:00 @sunildvr The point is that an OS that focusses on *updating* a Web browser and integrating it with hardware APIs, in a world where Web apps exist and are primary (or apps can be crosscompiled to the Web) is less effort than dragging a fully featured OS forward.
2023-01-03 15:31:07 @gagarine__ Then what are the barriers in your view to people keeing it for 10 years?
2023-01-03 15:30:32 @gagarine__ The energy usage and environmental cost of phone software is infintesimal compared to phone replacement. It matters — people don't want a phone that runs out of batteries — but it does not matter very much *directly*.
2023-01-03 12:15:14 why am I waiting so long, this transfer should have been finished by the close of the 18th century https://t.co/uzldARDCx9
2023-01-03 08:29:23 RT @RoboNaudts: The dissertation is entitled "Fair or Unfair Differentiation? Reconsidering the Concept of Equality for the Regulation of A…
2023-01-02 22:08:42 RT @peterhense: 1/ Druckfrisch: LG München I (33 O 14776/19) zu #Tracking, § 25 #TTDSG, #IAB #TCF, #RealTimeBidding, #DarkPatterns - focus_…
2023-01-02 11:22:29 RT @GlasnostGone: How scared of the Russian people is Putin? This amount. Flanked by supposed Russian soldiers who've received awards for f…
2023-01-02 11:22:11 Pretty sure scientists are not testing to confirm the hypothesis of ‘is the UK a world leader in genomics?’. https://t.co/87J8yWritM
2022-12-31 08:38:09 @guardiannews I think you missed @DavidPriceUCL
2022-12-30 18:23:38 @timnitGebru the AI act in practice will let large API providers like OpenAI and Google and Microsoft turn small businesses into liability magnets while they cream off profit query-by-query, and even charge extra for some algorithmic impact assessment as a service.
2022-12-30 18:02:38 @timnitGebru no, it imposes few rules (largely regulates systems applied in certain sectors
2022-12-30 10:16:57 RT @10kpostspod: The Online Safety Bill ft. @mikarv For the final episode of 2022, we're talking to Michael Veale, associate professor…
2022-12-29 17:48:51 @mer__edith back to your evil break in your evil lair
2022-12-28 18:04:26 Just as #privacy became a selling point in platform advertising, #TikTok is now turning online safety legislation into a PR tool in a new London Underground campaign. #OnlineSafetyBill #AgeAppropriateDesignCode #platgov https://t.co/2yYVn37MI8
2022-12-28 11:44:23 It’s an environmental problem as the replacement of phones is a much, much bigger issue than their energy usage. The extent of it surprises modellers who look into it. See https://t.co/b9Dw7Mo1KB
2022-12-28 11:06:23 The seasonal news that #WhatsApp will stop working on #iPhone 5 and below #Android 4.3 highlights how the lack of Web apps is a significant environmental problem. Phones become obsolete in part because they don’t get OS updates, and they become incompatible with compiled (1/2)
2022-12-28 10:55:57 If we didn’t have a platform enforced duopoly of mobile operating systems, with undocumented, proprietary components, &
2022-12-28 09:40:33 @TomValletti this is in part the topic of @divijualsuspect’s thesis at @UCLLaws, you might want to chat!
2022-12-26 08:13:32 @Miles_Brundage who will invest in the type of AI that has the purpose of breaking open platforms and preventing their recreation, rather than seeking to create new ones, and new intermediation middle men?
2022-12-26 08:12:03 @Miles_Brundage such annoying quirks are likely technically surmountable. but who will invest in that, as the aim of expensive text to speech systems is not to increase accessibility as a service, but (like much AI) to create an enclosed platform like audible that is a source of financial value
2022-12-25 12:34:19 @lilianedwards make an alt account!
2022-12-24 13:04:45 @DaveKeating in the UK providers are now using them to forcibly turn people to expensive pay-as-you-go meters remotely.
2022-12-24 13:02:53 @charliemccarley @elonmusk would be a great look for Twitter to post all orders from the FISA court! don't worry about liability, I am sure it will all be fine for you under the Espionage Act.
2022-12-23 19:44:19 Spotted on the Tube — subversive fashion or proprietarian platform enclosure? please not both… #amazon #platgov #platformRegulation https://t.co/56cJxnK6s0
2022-12-23 13:48:56 To add insult to injury, if you use #Linux your seemingly only chance of opening this file is to use #Adobe Acrobat Reader 8, support for which ended *11 years ago*. In order to print a standard about cybersecurity! https://t.co/aizHffMI2M
2022-12-23 13:48:54 Standards organisations, which make and own copyright to proprietary texts which will be necessary to understand and enforce laws such as the EU's AI Act, which mandate them and refer to them directly, are making it even harder to access standards by instituting pretty (1/2)
2022-12-22 11:09:07 @owainkenway i first read that as DirectX
2022-12-21 09:11:38 RT @mozilla: Today’s social media status quo isn’t cutting it, so Mozilla is exploring an alternative. In early 2023, Mozilla will be testi…
2022-12-20 23:24:01 @jorisvanhoboken @mmitchell_ai from SEO to AIO
2022-12-19 22:37:36 https://t.co/7xUPSveNmH (3/3)
2022-12-19 22:37:35 Not since Matt Levine's FTX piece (a whole month back!) have I read a piece about a grift quite as intense as the apparently ficitious CV of incoming Republican congressman George Santos, dissected in devastating paragraph by devastating paragraph in the NYT. Neither (1/3)
2022-12-19 21:27:24 RT @WorkerInfoX: Tomorrow we are expecting a major judgment to be handed down from the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam in our various cases ag…
2022-12-19 19:28:57 RT @cori_crider: UGH - Until today, @foxglovelegal has never had a post taken down. Now Twitter has blocked us from posting unless we del…
2022-12-19 16:36:04 Pretty dismal piece on the state of automated detection of AI-generated text by Melissa Heikkilä at WIRED. tl
2022-12-19 15:27:29 @hiddenmarkov wow, choose your poison...
2022-12-19 07:12:14 @AndOrNorLyn @JuddLegum @elonmusk i have seen analysis stating twitter doesn’t meet the active user in europe requirement either, particularly since the UK left.
2022-12-18 23:22:40 @JuddLegum @elonmusk nice tweet but it seems unlikely that twitter meets the criteria for the DMA presumption of gatekeeper status (and thus this law) to apply. the commission would have to argue it meets para 3(1) following the lengthy procedure in art 17, and it seems far from a certainty. https://t.co/9w0niXM9wh
2022-12-18 19:24:27 RT @CatalinaGoanta: @beuc @euroconsumers @Forbrukerradet @egelynbraun if EU/EFTA/UK consumers are getting their content moderated before th…
2022-12-18 19:23:16 RT @CatalinaGoanta: Dear EU Twitter users. Under EU consumer law (Digital Content Directive), a service provider needs to inform consumers…
2022-12-18 18:47:16 Twitter seems as worried about people stealing their social graph as Facebook was a decade ago, when it sunk third-party apps it thought were duplicating it (remember Circle? No? https://t.co/0e4HY9naxj). Yet Twitter's case seems more doomed... it's not some company pulling (1/2)
2022-12-18 18:34:36 twitter now mixing the pay-for-your-expression vibes of web3 with the vibes of a poorly drafted early 2020 coronavirus lockdown regulation
2022-12-17 12:22:25 of pattern recognition to detect new images and text, not just perceptual hashing and similar. https://t.co/wYMMEmAbfB #CSAM #ClientSideScanning (2/2)
2022-12-17 12:22:24 Useful new report from the Australian eSafety Commissioner surveying major technology firms on CSAM detection, grooming technologies etc and at what points they are deployed, on the basis of transparency requests made to them. Includes in particular responses around the use (1/2)
2022-12-16 13:49:05 Turns out the main inaccuracy in @mmasnick@mastodon.social's early November piece "Hey Elon: Let Me Help You Speed Run The Content Moderation Learning Curve" was he didn't quite anticipate the extent of Musk's self-obsession https://t.co/NOR1bh3TIU
2022-12-16 12:08:06 RT @Abebab: in 2021 NYU informed us that they were going to take all of our gift money, leaving us w the choice of litigating, which is exp…
2022-12-16 10:07:31 RT @ISDglobal: With Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, the political debate about platform power has intensified. This policy paper by @sarabndt…
2022-12-16 09:42:28 RT @TheOfficialACM: We heard you! ACM's #Mastodon instance is up and running on https://t.co/CF2ZhbBLr0. Our official account has migrated…
2022-12-16 09:14:57 @tforcworc twitter likely too small to be a gatekeeper https://t.co/vpQf1Nfr4U
2022-12-15 08:56:01 RT @Jackstilgoe: “We note the frequent press reports of incidents that cause concern in this area, alongside the 60 or so notifications we…
2022-12-14 17:06:47 remember the Luca app? unbelievable.
2022-12-14 15:05:55 RT @edri: 1/2“It's always great to catch up with like-minded privacy activists, but this event really buzzes with energy &
2022-12-14 14:57:08 RT @valeriodeste: NEW ARTICLE OUT - S.Taes &
2022-12-14 09:09:15 RT @Foxglovelegal: Are you an awesome lawyer looking for a new role holding government and big tech to account? Join Foxglove as a senior…
2022-12-14 08:03:08 @jack misses ‘what happens when a user loses their private key, like users absolutely do all of the time’
2022-12-14 07:48:36 Apple of course have long squealed when other bills have proposed this, as pictured testimony illustrates. Their platform security is built like a jenga tower. How much will they really change this? https://t.co/LUZoS7in9J
2022-12-14 07:48:32 More firm reporting on what has been widely rumoured for months: Apple is indeed going to allow competing app stores and side loading, and pay at least lipservice to the DMA. But devil will be in the details. App stores control both through contract and through vertical (1/2)
2022-12-13 13:10:15 @riptari actually CHI stands for ‘human factors in computing systems’, go figure…
2022-12-13 13:05:08 I set human-computer interaction research in some of my law classes, including ones where I only teach a couple of the seminars. Students are often put off by the way authors in these fields use the terms HCI, CHI and CSCW without spelling them out the first time. CHI in (1/2)
2022-12-13 09:54:41 RT @SecretParole: I don't wish to be picky, but it doesn't seem right to take the credit for something that actually came about differently…
2022-12-13 09:49:48 RT @vmantouvalou: I wrote a piece for the @labour_blog on ‘Pay for Work in Prison’ People in prison spend a lot time working, sometimes f…
2022-12-12 21:13:41 RT @kimvsparrentak: Great news for the millions of platform workers in the EU! Despite aggressive lobbying from Uber, the EMPL committee ha…
2022-12-12 20:15:00 RT @UK_Laws: Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 https://t.co/R8dDMJ1QEV
2022-12-12 20:09:43 RT @Foxglovelegal: We've spent this year battling government abuse and corporate greed during a shocking cost of living crisis. 2022 has…
2022-12-10 11:29:09 @jdp23 fixed
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-15 09:50:34 @MissIG_Geek Doesn't seem an absolute correlation if so https://t.co/3flXWGytFO
2022-11-15 09:45:11 Reports of this behaviour as early as 8 November https://t.co/yQoDS9oiPg
2022-11-15 09:18:33 @AndrewDMurray The alt I successfully requested data with this AM didn’t have this flow and didn’t have 2FA enabled, so just does the code over email, no phone. But v good thought.
2022-11-15 09:10:55 Second person reporting this exact behaviour. https://t.co/WsgElgrLl3
2022-11-15 09:07:43 RT @RaphV: @mikarv Yes. I go to Settings, Download your Archive, then I am redirected to the "Help Centre" for verification. See screenshot…
2022-11-15 09:00:06 @RaphV Just to clarify: that via "settings" rather than the "privacy policy inquiries" in the privacy policy?
2022-11-15 08:27:57 @milenaac That’s a very long time. I requested 24 hours ago and it came through this morning. Unless you have a huge amount of media, videos on your account, hard to understand why it would take so long.
2022-11-15 07:50:58 Can someone else confirm this who hasn't requested their archive yet? I cannot replicate the behaviour on my own accounts. I've just tried it on an inactive alt account and I still get the old interface. However, what I get is no guarantee of what other users get. https://t.co/bsdx5Rw0ST
2022-11-15 07:43:54 @shockmonger @histoftech Legally, obligation is electronic contact point for data rights (eg email). Many companies do this through weird intermediary forms.Some reduce labour by making auto portability tools, not legally required. But these rarely contain all the data you are entitled to.
2022-11-15 07:42:37 @shockmonger @histoftech Yes. Twitter data rights is a mess. Portability (download w password), your form, the form i linked, all exist in parallel. The form I linked is most ‘powerful’ (lol) for complex complaints or requests, ie it reaches higher up in the org (now tumbleweed presumably).
2022-11-15 07:40:17 Twitter has reportedly made a change affecting some accs: ppl requesting their data now experience illegal friction, data portability tool now requires gov ID. Such a requirement is illegal when less intrusive auth methods available (see €300k fine in https://t.co/vhRy7iymZb) https://t.co/qGiy0d5mhU
2022-11-15 07:36:57 @shockmonger @histoftech (sorry for crossed messages, just saw this one)
2022-11-15 07:36:36 @shockmonger @histoftech ah! that’s different for me so they must be rolling it out. thanks for clearing that up, I’ll write a pro forma complaint and encourage people to file.
2022-11-15 07:34:31 @shockmonger @histoftech the form you’re seeing does, but this one (link 2) doesn’t have that for me. And if you go to Settings ->
2022-11-15 07:30:57 @shockmonger @histoftech also indeed requiring ID when less intrusive verification possible is illegal. (indeed on twitter people can request w/o ID). the ES data protection regulator fined a co 300k last year to an org requiring identity docs for data access when no doubt existed https://t.co/vhRy7iymZb
2022-11-15 07:22:37 @shockmonger @histoftech On my version, there are two: 1 (in image) goes to your form, 2 to the link I sent. It’s possible you’re receiving a different geolocates version but your profile indicates you’re in NO? So shouldn’t be. Very bad practice to have two forms so not condoning it, just indicating. https://t.co/DHDLvgaUXm
2022-11-15 06:27:40 @shockmonger @histoftech if you want your account data, use the option in settings.if you want to contact them about a more complex issue, ignore that form, use the one linked below it in the privacy policy under ‘contact data protection officer’ https://t.co/7QUoy0zDJM (stupidly not hosted at Twitter)
2022-11-15 05:40:40 RT @jennifercobbe: Mastodon certainly has it's quirks, let's say, but what I find odd about takes like this is that it mostly... looks and…
2022-11-14 20:25:01 @MalteEngeler this regulation applies to the processing of personal data wholly or partly by automated means and to the processing other than by automated means of personal data which form part of a stone tablet, vellum script or abacus
2022-11-14 20:13:16 By "more than four years", presumably the New York Times means "more than twenty-five years". #dataProtection https://t.co/chfZjxPAc7
2022-11-13 21:02:43 RT @sachee: you did not just layoff almost all of infra and then make some sassy remark about how we do batching like did you bother to e…
2022-11-13 14:50:17 RT @ubiquity75: As with most companies in the space, Twitter’s official FTE numbers of around 7500 employees did NOT count the contractors.…
2022-11-13 14:50:15 RT @ubiquity75: There are at least four third-party companies who sourced and managed them. From an ex-colleague I will not name: “of the 3…
2022-11-13 14:49:53 RT @ubiquity75: FYI, reporters:Around 3,000+ contractor employees of Twitter were canned last night (totally normal thing to do, btw). Ho…
2022-11-13 10:31:08 @Floxi_1 @jwildeboer Twitter has about a month to respond in the first instance, so I haven't heard of success, but I also haven't heard of this type of request being made before.
2022-11-13 08:05:36 RT @stokel: MEGATHREAD: By the end of today, I’ll have 19 stories published this week. If you want to catch up on a weird week in tech, c…
2022-11-13 08:03:17 @jjaron @MarijnSax indeed, i’ve seen many sources of total incoherence from them over the years!
2022-11-13 07:58:08 @jjaron academic @MarijnSax has read the whole book and characterises it as a series of vague statements that don’t add up to an explicit or coherent framework. great marketing tho https://t.co/u6nxDyw6MD
2022-11-13 07:42:28 RT @MarijnSax: Sorry but this wouldn't even pass as undergrad writing. You built an entire utilitarian palace. Then, in the sections you sh…
2022-11-13 07:40:17 @jimkillock @AdamWagner1 @elonmusk posts i make on mastodon are getting hundreds of boosts (RTs) whereas the exact same post here is attracting just a handful. throes of a dying platform. i doubt the journalists will stick around actively for much longer either.
2022-11-13 07:25:04 RT @zachhazard: Gonna be hard to trust a company that has someone that makes Pepe NFTs as their strategy person https://t.co/ptqXY3tTo7
2022-11-12 17:30:11 @Iwillleavenow @gwbstr i can try and look myself but if you have a brief idea for comparable text to my gdpr one preempting a few of their potential arguments then i’m happy to put it on the post. but also aware that’s free labour! if you do it for yourself or another sometime then please share (:
2022-11-12 15:46:05 @krisnelson @clancynewyork @TwitterSupport indeed! although this form has been unchanged and therefore illegal for several years, just now there’s no one to fix. also they’ve outsourced it…
2022-11-12 15:45:16 @gwbstr i don’t know if californian law would allow you to erase DMs, @Iwillleavenow may have views…
2022-11-12 15:32:38 @billt thanks bill! it’s also important people try it to remind twitter it does have legal obligations in many jurisdictions and to kick some regulators into action if they don’t know where to start enforcing…
2022-11-12 15:06:57 Mastodon denizen reports that the Twitter data protection form is “completely inaccessible with screen readers”. This is illegal, @TwitterSupport — how are these individuals meant to access their data rights to delete DMs given you provide no other electronic contact point?! https://t.co/PbzfLb6mxm
2022-11-12 14:05:58 @Melterialsgal @Write4Research mastodon and the #fediverse, i’m already seeing way more research updates and engagement there than here
2022-11-12 13:39:01 @semiphemeral Because Twitter explicitly retains copies of messages even if you do this, you’ll need to augment it with a legal request — I’ve got instructions of how to make a GDPR erasure request for DMs in a post here: https://t.co/PbzfLb6mxm
2022-11-12 11:53:35 @FusterGloria @ka_iwanska and they now have a logo https://t.co/lasQEHHwcm
2022-11-12 11:53:05 @FusterGloria @ka_iwanska I can't remember a blog but this link exists? https://t.co/BmQwkqpDKY
2022-11-12 10:47:23 @Lenandlar @LSEImpactBlog Certainly plenty of doctoral researchers, if that's what you mean — the article talks about 'student recruitment' though, so we usually would think of undergrad and postgraduate taught students.
2022-11-12 08:20:19 Elon Trussk https://t.co/hKbS5SclE6
2022-11-12 07:15:49 @LSEImpactBlog it’s kind of unclear potential students are even using twitter to be recruited, let alone following institutions to do so, the idea that academic institutions rely on it is a bit odd. they often barely have any followers or engagement.
2022-11-12 00:12:26 @ka_iwanska indeed i do say in the blog that your mileage may vary…
2022-11-11 17:10:47 Twitter is now an insecure platform, haemmorhaging security experts. It could haemmorhage your DMs, through leak or sale.It's no hard guarantee, but your best chance to delete them is with is with #GDPR rights. I've written a blog on how:https://t.co/NaamipxA55
2022-11-11 13:37:11 @nhelberger where are all these people called "van den Berg" from?
2022-11-11 11:22:31 @MissIG_Geek I've seen that comment mention the academic lists before, but in that particular case it seems to be a misunderstanding of how those lists come to be and how they are governed. I definitely agree with the sentiment but am not sure what is actually reacting to.
2022-11-11 11:21:32 @MissIG_Geek I've seen this circulate a couple of times but I haven't actually seen any public non opt-in lists. There are private personal lists you can make and not share, and there are opt in lists with forms to add yourself such as the academic lists here. https://t.co/yEDBUVq0Su
2022-11-11 10:04:07 @katebevan My solution is you change it from katherine to aneurin
2022-11-11 10:00:48 @katebevan drat i was just about to helpfully suggest this innovative solution
2022-11-11 09:20:17 @robinberjon if it was truly open (unlike eg TCF where you need to be on vendors.json), you’d likely have to find an IP right to hang it upon, which could be very hard. such rights would be found more easily in reproducing the text of the standard rather than the act of deploying it.
2022-11-11 08:04:38 section 230 is weird, US, almost every other country has notice &
2022-11-10 22:39:11 RT @JamesClayton5: Twitter’s verification system latest. There are now loads of blue ticked Elon Musks. I’m old enough to remember when a…
2022-11-10 18:28:25 (#chatcontrol to many NGOs). Meanwhile, Ashton Kucher (!) is still trying to write his company into the law by charming policymakers in very one-sided panels (see https://t.co/ilomCR2F5W). Article @netzpolitik_feed@chaos.social (DE): https://t.co/MUOdBAL50X (2/2)
2022-11-10 18:28:14 German justice ministers narrowly vote for “quick freeze” telecoms #dataRetention not the indiscriminate form rejected by the CJEU many times (most recently in the @LaQuadrature@mamot.fr case. They vote more strongly *against* the Commission’s CSAM regulation (1/2)
2022-11-10 17:45:00 Legal academia — if you've heard people talk about Mastodon &
2022-11-10 17:34:41 a dynamic I only realised today, and which isn't really clear from documentation, is that the federated timeline also contains the original posts that people who your instance users follow have replied to. looking through our server, these are the ones that seem to be from (1/2)
2022-11-10 14:59:29 The publicly funded UK/US Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) challenge has (sort of) announced its winners, and the US its winning projects. Striking initially is how many are not PETs to make people less legible to computers (like @torproject@mastodon.social is) but (1/2)
2022-11-10 14:25:28 @M_Niezna @vmantouvalou put your handle in your bio, people will be able to find you that way using automated tools like Debirdify to work out who they follow on Twitter now has mastodon accounts and follow them en masse. https://t.co/xpnLliStJe
2022-11-10 12:51:51 RT @vmantouvalou: Thanks to my great colleague @mikarv I have a Mastodon account:@vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computerI now need to lear…
2022-11-09 20:52:36 Recent arrivals finding their way inside https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa v worth knowing about:secret trade secretonomist NSearle@someone.elses.computerbadgering science-policy KiraM@someone.elses.computertech dehyping journalists… https://t.co/sEPvmhCmgK
2022-11-09 18:39:59 @issielapowsky it verifies that you have 8 dollar a month
2022-11-09 08:48:53 Are the admins of the https://t.co/289Z5xzfL5 server not... concerned that they'll get sued by Twitter for trademark infringement by having set up a directly competing social network using their name? Perhaps displays a… https://t.co/Y8BiuZ5TBd
2022-11-09 05:46:39 University of Suffolk may be #1 in the country for Dark Patterns (a new Bantshire ranking if they make it over here?): both a manifestly illegal cookie banner and a forced pop with no X demanding you register for an open day when you try to view… https://t.co/wyThlEpEpc https://t.co/Z1NzyP0OIM
2022-11-08 15:45:06 In Barcelona with jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer JennyBrennan@mastodon.social, where even receipts in bars have privacy policies that may please ggf@eupolicy.social. https://t.co/PkdbGmLNT2
2022-11-08 08:17:44 RT @nhelberger: @mikarv Also, this is not simply about standardisation but in some cases a shift of real rule making power. From a citizen…
2022-11-08 08:17:43 RT @nhelberger: @mikarv + one cannot simply standardise human rights like a technical interface or part of a technical system. Human rights…
2022-11-07 22:40:21 @lilianedwards @CatalinaGoanta autographed trouser press ONLY ONE REMAINING
2022-11-07 15:49:50 @AlexCEngler They haven't published their intention anywhere, only confirm it every time I ask, and it's the understanding of the standards bodies too.
2022-11-07 15:48:56 @binocularity I know it is normal practice. However when standards are de facto mandated by law, it's simply not compatible with the rule of law, particularly when it concerns fundamental rights. @carlmalamud has been fighting this good fight for a long time.
2022-11-07 15:24:00 @binocularity Your analogy is incredibly disingenuous. This isn't newspapers or books: they do not have legal effect. The rule of law requires the rules that bind to be known &
2022-11-07 15:21:31 @AlexCEngler Preferred alternative is not use the NLF. The AI Act should not pass in this form, should be deeply rethought, regardless of stage we're at. V dangerous precedent for EU legislation and delegation of rules.(also, mandating a single standard isn't part of the Act, just EC lunacy)
2022-11-07 13:00:09 @CatalinaGoanta For all those that contribute to the premium version I stop dropping product placement in our private chats (for a limited time only, this offer applies across all contexts!)
2022-11-07 11:20:09 @binocularity Because effectively no one in those bodies has experience to make rules around fundamental rights. Literally no expertise from the sectors impacted, no effective way to include them when standardisation is rarely relevant to them, and the rules they produce cost money to read!
2022-11-07 08:44:58 Glad to see more ppl noting illegitimate role private standards bodies will have balancing fundamental rights re AI. Unmentioned: the EC seeks to mandate a single standard for all high risk AI! facial rec, judicial support, edtech! Won’t work. #AIActhttps://t.co/4iErn0yoId
2022-11-07 08:38:34 @KrisShrishak @iverna1 @IoanDragosT @clothildegouj @Gmvolpi see also https://t.co/lYETSBnMYW
2022-11-06 21:31:54 @RKemb @AdamWagner1 it’s also been designed so that only followers of the bot can see the posts so they don’t get spread around as if they were posted by the original person. people try and make helpful things on non commercial platforms!
2022-11-06 21:28:23 @RKemb @AdamWagner1 It says ‘Bot’ next to the name, and links to the ‘official’ twitter, and the server only generates such bots as a service when users first ask. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but it’s not an attempt to deceive, its someone trying to be helpful and provide a community service.
2022-11-06 21:22:51 @AdamWagner1 That’s fair &
2022-11-06 21:08:00 @AdamWagner1 (and by that i mean it doesn’t claim to be a real user, just a service. it’s called a ‘twitter to activitypub bridge’ designed so mastodon users can keep listening to posts on twitter of people who aren’t leaving, because twitter itself does not provide a way to do that smoothly)
2022-11-06 21:04:51 @AdamWagner1 it’s not really ‘fake’, it’s a one way pipe/mirror that allows people to follow accounts still on this site by copying their posts over.
2022-11-06 20:57:48 A load of new law/technology/policy/society people have joined very recently that many will (or should start to!) know. Flagging for public service:wsisaac@mastodon.social linnetelwin@someone.elses.computer … https://t.co/h1faqyACuy
2022-11-06 20:45:33 An interesting post about some of the distinct ways that Fediverse platforms have implemented the quote post https://t.co/sxx2LkTINM, and how they forsee #interoperability with each other. Likely a bit dauntingly technical for many… https://t.co/8EgvorSCpv
2022-11-06 19:02:24 @RichardMoorhead because you wanna be in our cool club richard
2022-11-06 19:01:17 @clancynewyork @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie actually pressing the buttons to make it happen is technically easy. but it's a very good point that it's socially or otherwise daunting. hopefully some videos and stuff can be made so the consequences are clearer.
2022-11-06 18:55:34 @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie ultimately as timnit says, it doesn't matter so much as you can migrate. the server you want to join may not exist yet! esp if you want to build it in early days as timnit &
2022-11-06 18:52:06 @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie the other way it affects, more nuanced, is through hashtags. when you follow or search for a hashtag (the main way mastodon info from non followers is organised), your world of search is not global, but through the haystack of all posts that ppl on your instance have followed.
2022-11-06 18:50:09 @timnitGebru @pearlrhein @PanickedFoodie @dylnbkr nah doesn't make any difference, it's just domain name and dns records.
2022-11-05 19:29:08 @SusanMichie @RichardMoorhead strange, but perhaps because the server you are on is overloaded right now as everyone is moving to community infrastructure! will be super fast once you move servers, as it is for me. when servers are busy they queue actions for execution later.
2022-11-05 17:28:29 @SusanMichie @RichardMoorhead Yep, and when you migrate accounts, followers automatically transfer w you, &
2022-11-05 17:06:11 @rachelcoldicutt @CommonFutrs i thought mine hadn't but they all appeared suddenly at some point, not sure the exact mechanism
2022-11-05 16:58:48 @RichardMoorhead @SusanMichie what's your username/server susan?
2022-11-05 16:57:46 @SusanMichie i could do a UCL workshop (:
2022-11-05 16:56:48 @robertjwest and there's a new initiative to make a list of psychologists by @DrKaitClark https://t.co/kvdYoaAbou here
2022-11-05 16:53:59 @robertjwest growing number of UCL people on it! if you aren't on the biggest server, it's lightning fast, we host a little one for tech law academic friends
2022-11-05 15:54:32 Maybe the problem with today’s services is that they’re designed to be *so* absurdly friction free they can slide and slip and manipulate their users.The digital is political, and nothing political should be totally thoughtless. (and besides, Mastodon is very usable!) https://t.co/o6IXv5pVAd
2022-11-05 15:30:27 @lexzard @1Br0wn logic of federated networks is they don’t have an authoritative list of all existing networks or people in the world. they only know about stuff if they inquire about it or have seen it before. useful heuristic to know whole navigating the system.
2022-11-05 15:20:31 @lexzard @1Br0wn did you type the whole thing?
2022-11-04 23:38:44 RT @PsychedelicSTS: Finally public! My story of how I was sexually harassed, marginalized, silenced, excluded, and gaslighted at/by the @Ha…
2022-11-04 11:31:37 @lexzard @1Br0wn you can, as long as you are on an instance that knows i exist because someone else on it has followed me in the past.
2022-11-04 10:12:30 @lexzard @1Br0wn like what?
2022-11-04 09:59:42 And there are various lists of academics to follow, including https://t.co/kaG1JDjk1h and for tech law/policy https://t.co/pWqYCvVHLN. @1Br0wn also has a list of migration tools https://t.co/Datd8qd1jP
2022-11-04 09:58:28 @RHoogstraat @NWO_SSH yes, of course with the proviso that content moderation may limit this in future as necessary. I guess I mean more functionally than on principle.
2022-11-04 09:55:53 Nederlandse onderzoekers! If you're looking how to migrate to Mastodon but don't know where to start, @RHoogstraat at @NWO_SSH has set up a special server for Dutch academics. You can follow anyone from any server — it's best not to join the biggest ones! https://t.co/1I7MuSMAJB
2022-11-04 06:44:26 RT @evacide: I'm begging people to please do any kind of research into the history of real names proposals before suggesting this idea like…
2022-11-04 06:23:33 @FedEuroAcadMed @Floridi didn’t you first author a paper promoting exactly that approach, calling it ‘capAI©’, and promoting how it would allow firms to meet their AI Act obligations? I didn’t see any of this criticism in that paper, which inherited the AIA’s deep problems. https://t.co/hDpevcgY6o
2022-11-04 06:18:08 @ChrisTMarsden @hackylawyER @Floridi @fborgesius that an academic who has changed his tone on the AI Act after initially running to its praise and literally rush publishing a paper promoting a conformity assessment method for assessing AI within that act… as a product! https://t.co/hDpevcgY6o
2022-11-04 05:58:16 breaking labour law should not be a cost benefit analysis.
2022-11-03 14:13:59 @GiulioCoraggio @CNIL_en afaik Google execs may be in breach of the Espionage Act if they admitted to data transfers under the FISA Act. we also know from the Snowden files that Google cookies are used and piggybacked on by intelligence agencies. https://t.co/f6Un7ej1Mb
2022-11-03 11:49:53 As the @CNIL_en notes from it regulatory work, 'In the context of the investigation, Google indicated that it uses pseudonymisation measures, but not anonymisation' in its analytics product. https://t.co/DgyS3eGYxx
2022-11-03 11:34:44 .@ICOnews should assess gov’s claim that they’ll “continue to ensure that all of the data collected fully respects people's consent, is anonymous, and is free of personally identifiable information.”. PII = US law term &
2022-11-03 06:55:44 @ColinGavaghan there is no episode of emmerdale i am aware of where the characters work out they are fictional and start suing the production company
2022-11-03 06:55:04 @ColinGavaghan i’m talking nonsense colin
2022-11-03 06:53:40 @ColinGavaghan the most notable is Emmerdale v ITV, which made precedent by being the first English case to break the fourth wall.
2022-11-03 06:42:14 @ColinGavaghan in common law systems, judges can and often do refer to fictional TV judgments to inform their thinking, but they are not strictly bound by them
2022-11-02 19:09:30 RT @guardiantech: TikTok tells European users its staff in China get access to their data https://t.co/fWuy29Z3Gi
2022-11-02 19:08:03 @stokel HMM
2022-11-02 18:06:54 @oberonsghost @neil_neilzone this is a very good Q I remember @rossjanderson asking years and years ago, perhaps he has thoughts
2022-11-02 11:16:25 @ChrisTMarsden @technollama @lilianedwards @tforcworc the fediverse to create a single place for all organisations' expenses would be the dream
2022-11-02 10:23:50 Papers including some contributions from @UCLLaws students! https://t.co/34pizFJBiT
2022-11-02 08:53:40 (plus freemium hosted instances potentially pushing ads to their local users but not federating them (as they’d get their instance blocked?))
2022-11-02 08:52:26 People can always pay other people to influence populations. But if the people who are being paid don’t control the rules of the world the populations inhabit, it’s easier (not foolproof!) to switch off the advertisers. Endgame seems a mix of email spam and influencer marketing. https://t.co/313HMNqcfK
2022-11-02 07:48:17 @1Br0wn @joinmastodon not just home to ‘left leaning’ communities… and kind of miss how you don’t need shedloads of funding in one place if your hosting and moderation and (to some extent) development is taken by the community. or that maybe replacing twitter isn’t the idea.
2022-11-02 07:41:34 @rachelcoldicutt Even just highlighting methods or skillsets for assessing coherence might help: ‘tensions in digital policy and how to spot them’
2022-11-02 07:32:19 @rachelcoldicutt you are as ever the strongest connoisseur of public sector doomtweets
2022-11-02 07:31:13 @rachelcoldicutt what did i just watch
2022-11-02 07:29:15 @rachelcoldicutt that’s a very interesting read, i hadn’t thought of that but it makes a lot of sense. maybe they will save national digital software and hardware sovereignty, and content moderation for good measure, while they’re here too. https://t.co/d4ZxtXdCZa
2022-11-02 07:20:48 @rachelcoldicutt yes! i’ve been saying something similar to anyone with political tendencies who will listen. people have their own ideas of how schools should work down to quite a detailed (if inaccurate) level, but contested coherent visions rarely exist for the Internet. Coherence also hard.
2022-11-02 07:18:08 RT @rachelcoldicutt: My weird digital regulatory fantasy (what can I say, I need to get out more) is that there would be a coherent politic…
2022-11-01 21:07:39 Boris Johnson and Dick Cheney as keynotes at a dodgy blockchain conference, with global partner of the organiser being Carnegie Mellon’s @CyLab. If I was a CyLab, I would want to pull support from this scam ASAP. https://t.co/37mrwe02il https://t.co/t3dGfWXKuO
2022-11-01 21:03:30 @voxbec https://t.co/lu2fjptRyT
2022-11-01 19:37:40 @voxbec but also, many people have more than one account for different reasons!
2022-11-01 19:37:16 @voxbec migrating moves your followers. you can also set up a redirect which is less effort. else people might be confused where you really are.
2022-11-01 19:36:22 @mmitchell_ai @sarahbmyers @IEthics @random_walker @rajiinio it was!
2022-11-01 17:32:23 @carlheaton @jimkillock cc @C___CS @nielstenoever
2022-11-01 17:29:12 @carlheaton golden https://t.co/TRPfelcwvG
2022-11-01 17:26:16 RT @carlheaton: Do I read this right? DCMS wants to restrict the release of any communications relating to its pressuring of Nominet to ban…
2022-11-01 15:15:53 RT @FTC: We're back for panel 2 on automated decision-making systems. Panelists are Arvind Narayanan (@random_walker), Michael Veale (@mika…
2022-11-01 12:34:28 RT @sarahbmyers: Excited to moderate a conversation on Automated Decisionmaking Systems this morning with @random_walker, @mikarv and @raji…
2022-11-01 08:23:00 @binocularity If a decision is made without any reason at all being given, and even a human restatement can’t find a reason, then it’s likely going to be illegal under national labour law and can be overturned in tribunal.
2022-11-01 08:21:36 @binocularity And on the parts on transparency not restatement:1. digital labour platforms must provide individuals with a contract point to discuss reasons2. for algorithmic changes, worker groups can be assisted by an expert of their choice, paid for by the platform of over 500 workers.
2022-11-01 08:16:55 @binocularity You might need to read the paper, that’s the actual point. A human restatement of a decision isn’t an explanation, it’s a new, human-made decision, with reasoning that supplants the original and would be challengeable in court independently without reference to the algorithm.
2022-11-01 08:00:25 @fborgesius @AndrewDMurray @ChrisTMarsden Indeed. Even though it would have been a higher number to reach if no Brexit as the idea is it’s pegged to 10% of the EU’s population, disproportionate UK Twitter use knocks it right over.
2022-11-01 07:16:23 @Kira_UCL It’s worth having a look, but there’s no rush. https://t.co/G5sRbU777g is very new so hard to evaluate but could end up nice. https://t.co/RvAKPtYnoI seems solid too. https://t.co/lu2fjptRyT. Also, I owe you an email and plan to do everything today .
2022-10-31 21:50:50 @LeeTomson @TowCenter i think that would be nice, although you're going to hit up against the 'who is a journalist' question pretty quick and I hope you have a low cost way of answering it constantly.
2022-10-31 21:47:54 @gabrielazanfir @futureofprivacy the korean regulator strikes first and then the french go in for the cnil
2022-10-31 21:46:09 @gwbstr come federate graham, people are good
2022-10-31 20:56:30 @clancynewyork no sadly i’m just projecting what i suspect your approach needs to involve. let’s hang next time i’m over though (:
2022-10-31 20:54:25 @clancynewyork first step as a new yorker is presumably to see which part of the fediverse andrew yang is on and not be on that one
2022-10-31 20:52:17 @emilybell quite literally lolled
2022-10-31 20:51:24 Really useful new paper by @petros_ter on issues with the proposed European Health Data Spaces Regulation, for those that haven’t kept up with it, or indeed haven’t even heard of it. https://t.co/bpWoqJStup
2022-10-31 20:46:24 @timnitGebru A lot of ppl using https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 as an entry point to get bearings &
2022-10-31 20:40:39 @timnitGebru You can migrate to wherever &
2022-10-31 20:13:37 also popular with critical tech folks https://t.co/fvlDRQLJs7https://t.co/aOzTWBEmo1 (invites from users)https://t.co/74FvXohRwJ (for visualisation people)https://t.co/qhzdbIYi1I (with interesting developed gov and funding model)https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a (ask admin for invite)
2022-10-31 20:09:34 @binocularity that’s exactly why we specifically don’t suggest humans in the loop explain, but instead restate and replace the decision (eg to fire) in human understandable terms.
2022-10-31 20:07:21 If you haven’t tried Mastodon/the Fediverse, there’re now ~100 tech/policy/law/society ppl on our lil’ list (+100s I know of): https://t.co/pWqYCvV9Wf. Don’t join the big https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, try eg https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy / https://t.co/G5sRbU777g / https://t.co/4wvHdFJQly
2022-10-31 18:50:59 @eibhear @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @alexbloor @CatherineFlick oh I missed that, thank you!
2022-10-31 18:44:04 @alexbloor @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @CatherineFlick i've been using it for ages now and it's great
2022-10-31 18:39:51 @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @alexbloor @CatherineFlick Sure, but I think you need one thing to set up and make work on a domain, be maintained semi automatically, and can expand out from there. Some apps are silly though. Sandstorm was good for this too before RIP, now I'm told @cloudron_io is interesting instead but haven't tried?
2022-10-31 18:33:44 @neil_neilzone @tforcworc @lilianedwards @1Br0wn @cyberleagle @alexbloor @CatherineFlick NextCloud Social was an attempt to add activitypub to NextCloud but it doesn't work with versions over 21 any more and maintaining it doesn't seem a priority. But bundling it with all sorts of things quite easy (including w other services you buy, like Dropbox or whatever!)
2022-10-31 14:23:17 @JeremiasPrassl @Aislinn_Tweets @Halefom_Abraha Tagging those who can make rights stronger with our academic critiques of these parts of the Platform Work Directive: @gualminielisa @carloppe @tanzen90, and algorithmic management whizzes @valeriodeste @_aloisi (check out their translated book! https://t.co/9faz1ITg3L)
2022-10-31 14:17:19 On monitoring: many provisions require impact to be assessed/context about whether the worker is or is not working, but w little data this is hard. It may interact with fireworks in the world of general online tracking. This part needs some quite significant tweaking to get right
2022-10-31 07:56:55 @CatherineFlick @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor i have two servers at home but wasn’t sure about the load, and all the pi 8gbs are sold out, but maybe i’ll move it home when pine release the new rockpro64 version.
2022-10-31 07:52:11 indeed, if someone wants to do a PhD on federated services and duties of care based social media regulation trends, now is the time. (or if you’re doing one, say hi). https://t.co/o7UPTGp4X0
2022-10-31 07:50:18 @CatherineFlick @neil_neilzone @lilianedwards @alexbloor luckily it doesn’t need to scale! just enough so that hosting costs are covered by everyone lobbing about 20£ a year.
2022-10-31 07:48:23 @alexbloor @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone but that’s what’s happening in the fediverse, ppl signing up to a big instance &
2022-10-31 07:37:35 @alexbloor @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone sure, but i’m not sure carefully choosing a public server is really very hard. it’s hard because people are rushing to a system they have not yet understood. in the real world, people have more time and space, and other users coax people over and direct them to good places.
2022-10-31 07:35:38 @neil_neilzone @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @alexbloor I think a world where people who really know each other make their own shared servers is probably the easiest federation trade off as it removes half the moderation issue just leaving the vulnerability vis a vis the world, but of course won’t work for everyone who wants to join.
2022-10-31 07:33:56 @CatherineFlick @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone @alexbloor yes — i’m very keen to not be a service provider and not to have to deal with internal moderation issues. have not yet seen any external moderation issues eg spam, harassment, raids, but those seem all possible.
2022-10-31 07:18:49 @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone @alexbloor mostly it’s non trivial as i’m not an experienced sysadmin or linux wizard and chose against using something like https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-10-30 16:18:39 RT @PaulNemitz: For all interested in #EU #policy and #law, we have set up a #Mastodon server: https://t.co/hvgVHB0V34 . For crossposting…
2022-10-30 13:31:13 @sophieml1 @Tupp_Ed @klillington the web has long been full of huge number of discussion fora
2022-10-30 13:30:02 @Tupp_Ed @klillington why?
2022-10-30 13:29:33 @israblack @nataliesedacca they shouldn't have made that an actual rule then https://t.co/N2JKYovfHU
2022-10-30 13:12:49 @israblack @nataliesedacca there is https://t.co/UgvgMDnrQx which i think has also stopped accepting for a bit. https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a ive had an account on since 2017 but they blocked some instances with NGOs on so actually was their policies that drove me to steer my own
2022-10-30 12:59:28 @sophieml1 @Tupp_Ed @klillington the web has been pretty effective and useful.
2022-10-30 12:32:09 @nataliesedacca (you can switch servers and bring your followers with you later)
2022-10-30 12:31:27 @nataliesedacca much easier than it sounds. perhaps try https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy (:
2022-10-30 12:09:02 @nataliesedacca it's not just a site, it's a federated system (: don't join https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, join a different server (you can meet and follow anyone from any of them). read this first https://t.co/nK3k9OFlXJ
2022-10-30 11:51:04 @klillington the one thing I think you can't really move is your old posts, they stay hosted where you were.
2022-10-30 11:50:26 @klillington nope, you register a new account at the place you want to be, in settings there you can indicate an 'alias' (that it expects to be ported to). then in the old account, you can set it to migrate and it will see there is a willing recipient. I did it, v easy https://t.co/35pR8YI5Vr
2022-10-30 11:33:37 @klillington you can move your followers!
2022-10-30 11:31:47 RT @FusterGloria: January is coming soon so please all mark your !!!26 January in Brussels (in person) #PrivacyCamp2327 January 2nd…
2022-10-30 09:32:04 @rriemann_eu heh, i pulled from it for my instance’s. (although we’re closed and tiny and some of the legal bases have changed)
2022-10-30 08:57:59 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers There are (many!) other instances of scholarly relevance eg I used to be on https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a but they aren't accepting new members rn. But it doesn't matter, no FOMO as you can still follow anyone and they you. a good guide https://t.co/nK3k9OFlXJ @joix pointed me to.
2022-10-30 08:54:58 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers If you already have signed up, you can move your account and followers. Make a new account at https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy and then you can set your old one to port over. https://t.co/35pR8YI5Vr. Also, hi @MauritsMeijers (:
2022-10-30 08:54:15 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers You don't need to sign up on https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, and indeed you shouldn't! You can choose any instance (try something small at a size that is nicely moderated). It doesn't restrict your ability to follow others or be followed. I recommend https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy.
2022-10-30 07:36:35 @SRanchordas https://t.co/ZPUXd6qaMb will likely fail to enforce these because it's too big, but you can and should port your account (and followers) to a smaller instance that is small enough so that moderation is much more social. https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy is an example of this.
2022-10-29 18:35:16 @rriemann_eu @ilumium that would be fun. atm our instance is only open to friends who are willing and technically able to help with the running the innards, not looking to provide a broader service. the first other human on it is @jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-29 18:20:47 @rriemann_eu @ilumium yep, i recommended it already https://t.co/RcqTHajrD0 but personally i’m running my own (also to learn more)
2022-10-29 17:33:07 Truss' phone was 'heavily compromised', in a hack attributed to Russia, during her prime ministerial campaign, reports MoS. https://t.co/UXGzeCYrEQ
2022-10-29 15:43:31 (note that the blog post is not fully up to date)
2022-10-29 15:42:39 If any IP and platforms people are looking for an idea for a dissertation or paper, then consider the interaction between the Copyright Directive and the fediverse, as the founder of Mastodon wrote in 2018 here. https://t.co/iYO8WSUEMm
2022-10-29 15:15:16 RT @Chronotope: wow a company did the exact thing with tcf that every critic of tcf warned people that companies would do with tcf because…
2022-10-29 14:15:29 RT @craigjcalhoun: UK academic staff are not paid well by international standards or enough to keep up with UK inflation. Cuts to retiremen…
2022-10-29 13:29:09 for those people worried about picking a mastodon server, you may not know you can shift servers whenever and take all your followers with you extremely easily https://t.co/35pR8YIDKZ https://t.co/L9N6qZ12iz
2022-10-29 12:21:15 @robyncaplan you don't need a new account, you can follow anyone on any server from any other server (: https://t.co/um9w11FVZZ
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:18:00 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta instead of https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa I was very tempted to get https://t.co/eFSxj9peaQ but decided against it
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:49:37 @crystaljjlee @mikarv@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computer https://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8 https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 09:50:20 @Richvn ministerial entanglement
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-23 11:28:11 @technollama political escapism https://t.co/mfS9wqrBvz
2022-10-22 16:38:25 Oh no @igavels. https://t.co/Lg3UkDqjIe
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-20 18:28:00 @infofannny @EstelMP new twitter bio https://t.co/yCjeBMecwm
2022-10-20 18:13:38 RT @sjmurdoch: There is genuine debate among election security experts as to how computers should be involved in elections, but there is al…
2022-10-20 18:11:58 We already today had over 100 mailing list sign-ups for this — fantastic and thanks for sharing! This incidentally also means that the London Information Technology Law Collective is one step closer to being your new Prime Minister. https://t.co/IxzkBScxxT
2022-10-20 17:20:45 RT @Markfergusonuk: It’s illegal for trade unions to hold our ballots online, but this bunch of self-serving, hypocritical charlatans are u…
2022-10-20 17:05:44 @AlexanderHorne1 @RichardMoorhead yep, the bar is what i had in mind
2022-10-20 16:59:00 @RichardMoorhead st john (:
2022-10-20 15:25:04 RT @owenboswarva: #UKGDPR will be adapted but not repealed. Response from DCMS minister @JuliaLopezMP to further written questions confir…
2022-10-20 14:44:46 @ConnalParsley @psychicyogamat @UCLLaws sure thing, just send an email to the address in the link and you'll be signed up
2022-10-20 13:33:50 @lilianedwards @Elibietti @UCLLaws initially we intend to pay for the drinks but as it settles down maybe will relocate to a pub for settled state
2022-10-20 13:18:35 @jennifercobbe @UCLLaws yes, it's only expectation management, people are welcome to travel etc. just not trying to make a UK wide network because that will end up being unequal cause we can only hold stuff here, and they're only low overhead social events
2022-10-20 13:11:26 @lilianedwards @Elibietti @UCLLaws maybe will settle into that eventually but also want to flip things around, perhaps do midday social things sometimes as some have caring responsibilities
2022-10-20 13:07:02 @SophiaIgnatidou @UCLLaws nope, just a researcher (widely understood) so feel free to sign up!
2022-10-20 12:18:58 @bact @LAWTUDublin @tudublincompsci @UCDCompSci @UCD_iSchool @UCDCentreHRts @ucdpolitics @UCDLawSchool @dcu_lawandtech @DCULawSociety @dcucomputing @tcddublinscss @TCDPoliticalSci @TCDLawSchool @TCDLawSoc @TCDLawPhd @MaynoothLaw @MaynoothLawSoc @MU_Hamilton @TCDBusiness in time we could make... a network of networks
2022-10-20 12:07:49 @neil_neilzone you're very welcome to join! trying to manage expectations more than anything, the focus will be scholarly so not really suited for those not interested in engaging in that
2022-10-20 11:45:02 @Elibietti @UCLLaws new york isn't the only place that is allowed cross institutional IT law fun
2022-10-20 11:32:02 @MailOnline *three weeks ago
2022-10-20 11:11:45 thanks to @NoraNiLoideain @lexprivacy @psychicyogamat @lynskeyo @faheye @EAbrusci @AysemV @PerryKellerKCL for initial eager support, and we're reaching out to more London institutions... if you want to be a contact point, email me (:
2022-10-20 11:07:14 @sjjgo have clarified on the site now too, thanks!
2022-10-20 11:02:31 @sjjgo Happy for others to join the list in case they are in town. Events planned to be low key mostly social, low effort. The 'researcher' scope (understood broadly) is more important than geographic.
2022-10-20 10:55:32 Please also share with people who aren't on Twitter, and think through who in your institution may be working in this area and could benefit from greater integration and exposure, even if you don't work with or supervise them directly!
2022-10-19 07:25:36 RT @dreynders: The Commission has today adopted its 2023 #WorkProgramme. Some good news for #DataProtection: to improve the cooperation bet…
2022-10-19 06:30:02 RT @socialhack: I first didn‘t want to believe this rumor, but it really looks like the big public consultation of @ThierryBreton about his…
2022-10-19 06:13:37 @BVLSingler this doesn’t look true though, new age is a category that isn’t expanded, it looks like they just don’t have subcategories under native american religions…
2022-10-18 14:38:20 RT @PaulFScott: ‘Economic Well-being’ in National Security law and Practice [OA]: https://t.co/d3t1xGVIkW
2022-10-18 08:40:01 of course, platforms' long term desired solution may be very much like how tech firms want to make automated cars: homogenise culture, get rid of tiny languages, make humans match large-scale platform business models rather than platforms match humans...
2022-10-18 08:35:30 It's precisely because these systems do recommend suicide related content to kids that we have to really watch out for regulatory foundations that only support governance in large, rich countries, and throw other humans, in other parts of the world, under the metaphorical bus.
2022-10-18 07:33:55 Recommender based systems by design pull up nearby concepts and inevitably create social incentive to use alternative spellings etc to avoid filtering. Even if TikTok could keep on top in English w/o overfiltering (eg of support content), what governance works for tiny languages? https://t.co/A4nTwNavP7
2022-10-17 09:54:39 @wrklsshrd I'm more focussed on the European standards bodies right now for standards that have legal effects and form part of EU law — as those are the ones with the largest legitimacy issues — so I haven't been involved in BSI standards which generally are not.
2022-10-17 09:53:10 Fees, 'NHS surcharge', all of this. Unis don't build this into their grant costing systems, so academics either have to be proactive, squeeze it out of their budgets afterwards, or leave their new colleagues feeling unwelcome, and much poorer than they were promised — on arrival https://t.co/0YjtipUBud
2022-10-17 09:49:35 RT @ka_iwanska: @mikarv It's not just about standards, it's also (and even more importantly) about the governance (composition of AI Board)…
2022-10-17 08:41:16 Guaranteed, meaningful civil society participation in AI Act procedures requires rebuilding standardisation systems from the ground up, as well as going back in time to stop the exclusionary pre development of standards already happening in the shadows. Amendments won’t cut it. https://t.co/b1I53hL1Np
2022-10-16 21:15:28 @clancynewyork @thewire_in incredible that meta doesn't stop people setting up workplaces called instagram
2022-10-16 20:53:40 Can't spell Liz Truss without 'l iz USS'. We should be told. https://t.co/tEa2sIvA57
2022-10-16 09:46:56 RT @joncstone: This 1985 letter to Margaret Thatcher, from the No.10 policy unit, arguing why water should be privatised, is really illumin…
2022-10-16 09:19:25 RT @MattRogerson: #Kuenssberg shocked at @tesco predicted £2.5bn in TOTAL profit in 22/23. The CMA found in 2018, that @Google @facebook…
2022-10-15 23:48:51 @RonanMcCrea it’s a jungle of conflicts of interest out there
2022-10-15 23:45:56 Says man with company reported to have run an unvisitable battery swap centre to disingenuously prove to regulators that cars could *hypothetically* be so rapidly ‘charged’ they could claim over $100m extra in taxpayers money from the State of California’s CARB credit system. https://t.co/u4E1dWbXEH
2022-10-15 23:29:55 *sound of charles perrow exploding* https://t.co/4vG3GYN0qK
2022-10-15 23:21:41 @jbellack @reckless @jeffjarvis @Google a strategy to homogenise a diverse networked system into a ‘less junky’ one requires accumulating exactly the kind of power that led to resentment of AMP. regardless of initial intent, a bureaucracy like Google sees, seizes &
2022-10-15 19:50:45 Whatever the veracity of this rebuttal by the Wire, the ball is in Meta’s court to rebut with actual arguments rather than the fluffy approach they have taken so far. https://t.co/XQor24xoUl
2022-10-15 14:34:18 @halifaxbeard yeah I thought that. or they could be auto opened and logged and filtered out?
2022-10-15 12:57:28 @doctor_oxford @theresecoffey And potentially an offence under (at least) the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 reg 214 https://t.co/hKVRu2yjsj https://t.co/YrzQnrlOJ4
2022-10-15 12:51:17 Worldwide journalists that stopped to pause to consider veracity (as is fair) now have a responsibility to reassess and come to their own conclusions. If Meta has indeed laid lies upon lies, they cannot be allowed to get away with it.
2022-10-08 10:05:26 RT @benedictrogers: An important piece by my colleagues and friends @SamGoodman22 and @denniswhkwok, published on the same day that British…
2022-10-07 06:42:07 RT @hdevalence: wait, *what* https://t.co/I6vDP29uVA
2022-10-06 21:14:31 RT @maxvonhippel: A few days ago, @Northeastern Senior Vice Provost David Luzzi (https://t.co/5fhygcYBub) had motion sensors installed unde…
2022-10-06 20:44:12 @TomPark1n @luke_stark either @timsquirrell or he may have an even more specific colleague
2022-10-06 20:31:14 RT @CBHessick: Soon you will hear complaints that those who were convicted of marijuana possession actually committed more serious crimes a…
2022-10-06 20:27:42 just in time, as the other private e-bikes will disappear as interest rates rise and silly money doesn’t run after ridiculous unsustainable firms https://t.co/8fstdKLj1W
2022-10-06 20:19:44 @jonsopel @Greenberry_Cafe also the hidden @mothercanteen is a gem there
2022-10-06 20:16:28 RT @matttomic: Parabon, the company that sells this pseudoscience software that claims it can produce a suspect photo based off a DNA sampl…
2022-10-06 20:10:44 @AnnemarieBridy @MattCameronLane @marklemley @contreraslegals Thank you! And thanks Annemarie for directing the q.
2022-10-06 17:41:11 @AnnemarieBridy not an IP person, but FRAND licensing terms and similar came to mind, perhaps if these firms are also involved in robotics standards.
2022-10-06 17:36:07 @AnnemarieBridy are there limits to eg refusing licensing of a patent for a military product? letter talks about customers but not licensees.
2022-10-06 12:54:56 RT @SuVergnolle: Does infringement alone of the GDPR gives rise to a right to compensation, or does there need to be harm as well?The AG's…
2022-10-06 09:23:31 RT @lawvaughan: One week today! My inaugural @UCLLaws public lecture on: are lawyers who help their clients bring about perfectly legal env…
2022-10-06 07:39:42 In the UK, this has a specific associated criminal offence. https://t.co/s1iICpOZqy
2022-10-06 06:56:30 RT @BrexitEnv: New blog post by B&
2022-10-06 06:46:17 RT @ODPC_KE: PRESS RELEASE: ODPC to audit 40 Digital Credit Providers and issues enforcement notice against a health service provider. http…
2022-10-05 14:30:23 RT @OpenRightsGroup: Nominations Open: Election for Board Directors Election for Three Board members to join our Board of Director…
2022-10-05 12:31:31 RT @BasuArindrajit: My chapter earlier this year exploring factors driving India's negotiation strategy and approach on cross-border flows…
2022-10-05 12:22:01 In the latest political Twitter brainrot, Ugandan president writes letter to apologise for his son, senior general with presidential desires, who flippantly tweets his intentions to invade Kenya. (ht @BerihunGebeye) https://t.co/3fJP8M6C5O https://t.co/VPAjNm1TUd
2022-10-05 11:26:15 RT @biancawylie: continue to think AI is not a good organizing container for legislation. cements its existence and gives it validity/statu…
2022-10-05 09:40:49 RT @Senficon: EU Commissioner @YlvaJohansson claimed that AI is capable of detecting unknown depictions of sexualized violence against chil…
2022-10-05 09:34:14 “Sign in to make an emergency call”. https://t.co/JGuhTpJLOJ
2022-10-05 08:21:21 RT @sveckert: (1/3) Es ist eine stille Zensur: TikTok setzt diffuse Wortfilter ein.Kommentare, die "LGBTQ", "gay" aber auch Wörter wie "S…
2022-10-04 16:40:40 @ruchowdh the corporate form was a mistake
2022-10-04 16:12:36 @gabrielazanfir white house is great at pdfs
2022-10-04 16:12:11 RT @gabrielazanfir: It is absolutely great to see the White House laying out such good policy for AI accountability &
2022-10-04 15:46:13 @LSTSblog @ikkibop @VUBrussel @ERC_Research or "DOISLFALC"
2022-10-04 15:44:17 @MicrobiomDigest (phones are not supposed to be used in uk quiet coaches, but quiet conversations are)
2022-10-04 15:43:14 @MicrobiomDigest as a foreigner who has lived in the netherlands, I think there's a disconnect because most other countries have quiet rather than silent carriages, and if people don't know the translation of stilte, they often don't get the difference
2022-09-30 13:40:22 @israblack admittedly we did not get the victory we wanted in that case!
2022-09-30 13:38:26 @israblack It's a sad day when your case stands between the true Queen of the Ocramas, Princess Crown of Himalajas and Himalayan Queen, Barbara Antrimm Batch, Lady Cogan Coogan (Ex Mrs) Lady Lord Batch Kingdom Moore Batch Antrimm Cogan Coogan, and justice.
2022-09-30 13:36:56 It appears that SSRN/Elsevier also cannot answer why they retain download info for at least ~a decade, and in effect concede it was a violation of DP law, now claim to quickly be deleting it.They still refuse to provide data on IP based-download though, despite my static IP. https://t.co/rO6oVo5Izt https://t.co/eZxW3vHK8J
2022-09-30 13:12:57 @neil_neilzone Killock &
2022-09-30 12:04:11 RT @datajournalism: The role of #datajournalism in supporting transparency in public life is vital. Listen to reporters @kenfoxe, @Biro_A a…
2022-09-30 11:16:03 RT @bigblackjacobin: back from vacation so here is a little blog about GDPR, companies in Europe skirting it with cookie banners, and a nif…
2022-09-30 10:08:19 @lynskeyo @neil_neilzone damn orla got there first. the academic vultures descend on the unwitting volunteer
2022-09-30 10:07:26 @neil_neilzone would be great for you to come into either undergrad or postgrad surveillance law part of the relevant modules and talk about what it's like to work with telcos in that area!
2022-09-30 09:19:55 @hawktalk_blog @techUK I think this is more about procurement rules and practices than DP law.
2022-09-30 09:03:56 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: We're recruiting for a new position of Associate Director, Data &
2022-09-30 08:51:27 @techUK Palantir isn't about 'evil analytics'. It's a story of a firm trying to deskill the public sector, layer on top of incompatible data systems and make a *proprietary* compatibility layer, and platformise the sector to shape it and extract taxpayers' money over the long term.
2022-09-30 08:47:47 Devestating scoop from Olivia as she blazes back to the UK tech beat. Palantir also sought to go via @techUK, a lobby group long trying to be the face of tech ethics with the UK Government, to stop gov building their own data linkage tech, and instead become reliant on Foundry. https://t.co/WUdYbswExs
2022-09-29 22:55:57 RT @motherboard: “This add-on automatically answers consent pop-ups for you, so you can't be manipulated. Set your preferences once, and le…
2022-09-29 16:41:18 @neil_neilzone oh i missed your thread!
2022-09-29 15:44:30 RT @valeriodeste: +++BREAKING ON PLATFORM WORK AND VULNERABLE SELF-EMPLOYED WORK+++ The EU Commission just released its Guidelines exemptin…
2022-09-29 15:24:53 @techreview wow, a new way to make cheap and low quality whimsical pictures or stock images, exactly what humanity needs
2022-09-29 15:22:36 @hmtreasury this typical family sounds like they might be a typical first time buyer, so the stamp duty savings don't mean much.
2022-09-29 15:08:55 There's no doubt content harmful to children exists online. But that's no excuse for studies to abandon extremely basic methodology when understanding its prevalence.
2022-09-29 14:55:11 Also adds to where gov stated as evidence in the Online Harms White Paper that "60% of respondents to our Internet Safety Strategy Green Paper consultation had witnessed inappropriate or harmful behaviour online". These are voluntary consultation respondents, not sampled...
2022-09-29 14:50:24 As a result, it adds to a pile of UK literature which bulks up harm stats by adding dubious categories. Reminiscent of the Ofcom reports which calculate harmful content seen online and include... spam! Would love to meet the % of users that haven't seen spam. https://t.co/h1Lkv2lAEA
2022-09-29 14:50:23 Sexualised content is also unclear, particularly as it is distinct from pornography in the survey. Firstly, 17 y/os surveyed are above the legal age of consent, and so there's a disconnect there. Secondly... on a generous reading, huge swathes of adverts and media are sexualised.
2022-09-29 14:50:22 News outlets report on @ChildrensComm report: 45% of 13-17 y/os have seen 'harmful content', but the breakdown of what this involves is controversial. Definition of or harm understood by the most prevalent
2022-09-29 12:43:03 @IABTechLab now READY to be enforced against by European Data Protection authorities given it does not address the illegalities highlighted in the Belgian DPA's decision. The industry might want to think twice about putting its eggs in this basket. https://t.co/aPAcQttX1n
2022-09-29 12:39:44 @tforcworc better be quick, gilt-edged commodities are sinking
2022-09-29 12:27:06 RT @guidonld: NEW BOOK ALERT! I'm ecstatic At long last, you can pre-order my new book "Internet of Things and the Law. Legal Strategies…
2022-09-29 07:29:24 RT @nielstenoever: The ITU plenipotentiary meeting is held in the palace built on instigation of Rumanias dicator Ceausecu. One of the fl…
2022-09-29 07:17:14 @j2bryson sure - a good one https://t.co/xu3Lhzctds
2022-09-29 07:11:09 @j2bryson i don’t disagree we shouldn’t see an artefact as something else (eg a person!!). but product regulation also imagines we can internalise social issues into the artefact in order to regulate it. there are serious limits to what we can internalise into the artefact with AI.
2022-09-29 07:08:57 @j2bryson you call it an ‘an applied discipline of science and engineering’ in 2020 chap. the question for regulation is what we want to see it as in order to achieve policy aims. eg we could see an iphone as a product but it’s also an infrastructure.
2022-09-29 06:59:43 @j2bryson as a result, even ‘product regulation’ is a far too narrow frame on the consequences of AI as a practice (as you call it in your chapter!)
2022-09-29 06:58:46 @j2bryson AI can be a product, but it’s also often not primarily that. For example, ‘AI’ is often shorthand for a business strategy of moving the locus of decisionmaking. It’s also the name of the practice of using the technology (PPE is a product
2022-09-29 06:37:53 RT @MiddleEastEye: "For the moment, Elon Musk is putting in place a system that may benefit a small number of users who manage to get a Sta…
2022-09-28 20:56:47 RT @timnitGebru: That's what Open AI does. They start the race, they put out something that causes harm without guardrails, then all the co…
2022-09-28 19:40:12 @dillonthehuman @OrinKerr his behaviour was nasty. as you said, the piece should have been withdrawn. but the feeling of entitlement to edit and continue comes from the structure of US legal academic publishing as well as his own sense of importance.
2022-09-28 19:36:14 RT @wbm312: Oh good, another fear unlocked. Rent a car &
2022-09-28 19:34:13 @teddipasketty the tweeter isn’t the author of the linked blog
2022-09-28 19:33:25 @OrinKerr a system that allows substantive edits to arguments following acceptance indicates the bar of acceptance has limited scholarly meaning. so why do law schools care about ‘placement’ as an academic signal?
2022-09-28 19:26:55 @dillonthehuman @OrinKerr in every other academic field, you rightly cannot substantively edit (eg whole arguments!) after acceptance. you’d withdraw, or the editor decides whether the piece needs re-reviewing. the shoddy draft culture *at the point of submission* bemuses non US law academics.
2022-09-28 19:00:55 RT @setomwork: Tomorrow, Thursday, the @EU_Commission @vestager is expected to publish its new guidelines on collective agreements regardin…
2022-09-28 14:31:01 @petros_ter “These apps are being distributed by developers majority-owned or majority-controlled by one or more parties sanctioned by the UK government” is what Apple has to say.
2022-09-28 13:13:31 Apple goes from requiring VK to be offered to all new iPhone users (pic) to an App Store ban (link). This is due to UK sanctions — US sanctions exclude telecoms services. What of Google &
2022-09-28 13:00:25 @AarhusUni @MidasNouwens You're doing good work when companies are spending money patenting ways to get around your plugin. OneTrust even cite our paper, how kind! They don't say it finds only 1.8% of OneTrust plugins in the wild are in *minimal* compliance with the law. https://t.co/sHWjKbJ6m5
2022-09-28 11:23:30 RT @neil_neilzone: Nothing says "valid consent" like building a tool to reject my attempt not to consent or to withdraw consent, because I…
2022-09-28 10:46:18 @SSRN @ElsevierConnect (i was going to write about crowdfunding in 2013 but decided against it, you may be able to tell...)
2022-09-28 10:39:45 What could the legal basis or justification under data protection storage limitation be for @SSRN @ElsevierConnect retaining data on what everyone has ever downloaded using their system since their account was created
2022-09-28 09:53:58 ICO in action on subject access requests shock! 6 public bodies + Virgin Media. https://t.co/8ezNv4Xw6O
2022-09-25 15:05:32 @lumi_ip I think when you write a filepath in the WSL you have to type "/mnt/c/" instead of "C:\", and you may come up with some hiccups along the way. but windows subsystem for linux is very useful for lots of things.
2022-09-25 15:02:38 @lumi_ip in PowerShell you can type "wsl --install". Then when that is done and you restart your computer, you can open PowerShell again and type "wsl" then type "apt install ocrmypdf". It should then be installed and you can OCR a file with "ocrmypdf -i [filepath] [outputpath]"
2022-09-25 14:57:34 @lumi_ip yes, but you have to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux https://t.co/8eQLPaJIv1
2022-09-25 13:49:57 @TomValletti @1Br0wn valletti t (2022) transitivity in pizza disutility functions
2022-09-25 13:46:31 RT @DrNSearle: It's aaaalive! Our report on trade secrets in data sharing for @EU_EISMEA now published.TLDR: We found limited use of trad…
2022-09-25 13:20:59 @MarijnSax universities have web servers
2022-09-25 13:10:07 liveable for whom? https://t.co/fNJ7Zw9Fny
2022-09-25 13:08:49 @MarijnSax not sure what you need these days to run a youtube video that has guaranteed no adverts, though.
2022-09-25 13:01:41 we should be teaching people the simple skill of using very simple, powerful commnand line tools. free software like is bundled up and sold as ephemeral subscription or spyware software on app stores. we are not teaching people basic computing skills.
2022-09-25 12:57:37 academic tool tip: ocrmypdf is a incredibly useful free package for mac/linux that adds an OCR text layer to PDFs. supports many languages. https://t.co/QF8oTWYooG
2022-09-25 11:06:47 Newsweek reports on an (unverified) Mumsnet thread where a person uses a subject access request and discovers that her medical records have been accessed by her husband's ex-wife. https://t.co/8wfOyzhX4o
2022-09-24 14:10:11 @emilymbender I agree, it’s overused beyond its origins in international affairs, where its purpose is clearer. I don’t use it when I organise things.
2022-09-24 02:33:27 @and_cities @PhDVoice in my experience, academics gladly adopt tools like MS Bookings that allow booking of short slots within a 2-3hr weekly office hour block if trained on them — the opposite of calendar syncing. else, my availability is a function of the quality of your request.
2022-09-24 02:04:59 @llmunro @Skyphly genuinely, how else do you propose academics reliably communicate across every university and system in the world in a way that doesn’t require each uni to buy in to a platform and hope it exists more than a few years? listservs have seen almost every other method rise and fall
2022-09-23 12:09:23 RT @EP_Justice: As the @EP_Justice visit to Ireland concluded, Vice-Chair @maitepagaza said: "After many fruitful exchanges in Ireland…
2022-09-23 10:55:43 pained imagining the inevitable accompanying "visual identity" slidedeck, likely saying the lines inside the O symbolise bookshelves but ALSO stairways to knowledge
2022-09-23 10:26:43 incredible work changing your university brand to look like one of those suspect companies that calls themselves ‘oxford something’ without a university link https://t.co/bw4ust90Mv
2022-09-23 09:40:47 RT @GeorgePeretzKC: And a further point. Ministers may well be coming to Parliament with rafts of new rules in November/December 23. At whi…
2022-09-23 09:08:58 @colmocinneide @thebigbogg @jamessflee Looking forward to year 2 "Assimilated Law" tutorials
2022-09-23 09:04:01 @colmocinneide @thebigbogg @jamessflee I was half expecting the bill to state that courts 'must have regard to the need to depart from EU case law.'
2022-09-23 09:02:17 @thebigbogg @colmocinneide @jamessflee i've been reading a little labour law theory this week (am writing on the algorithmic parts of the platform worker directive) and am enjoying the forceful mixing of the normative and the descriptive that i've seen so far...
2022-09-23 08:08:24 @AileenMcHarg broadly also data protection law is a mixed bag here
2022-09-23 08:04:13 RT @AileenMcHarg: This is a crucial point. Cl 1 of the Retained EU Law Bill covers some really important provisions. The TUPE Regulations a…
2022-09-23 08:03:04 @AileenMcHarg rules on net neutrality (the open internet regulations), which ensure telcos can’t slow down bits of the internet that aren’t paying them enough, and which have seen street protests in the US and beyond when they are attempted to be changed
2022-09-23 07:58:47 @AileenMcHarg the electronic commerce regs, the EU parallel to the highly politicised s 230 CDA in the US immunising large online platforms
2022-09-22 19:44:41 @trishgreenhalgh @medicamentum89 there will one day be an edit button…
2022-09-22 18:23:16 @trishgreenhalgh @medicamentum89 to people without it, surely?
2022-09-22 15:34:58 @tforcworc @WoWGradStudent the original meta verse
2022-09-22 15:09:42 RT @AileenMcHarg: The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill has now been published. Enjoy!https://t.co/l3MLxvH275
2022-09-22 14:15:07 @WoWGradStudent @tforcworc i did my phd all with bibtex files not generated with zotero, but switched after
2022-09-22 14:14:15 @WoWGradStudent @tforcworc i'm gonna guess jon uses an emacs-based reference manager
2022-09-22 11:39:43 where will the parliamentary time come from to democratically decide on replacement rules, or are these regulations going to be replaced with undemocratically-imposed statutory instruments? https://t.co/RL9ssGpHId
2022-09-22 08:52:19 RT @VeroCimina: @EU_EDPS takes legal action @EUCourtPress as new #Europol Regulation puts rule of law and EDPS independence under threat -…
2022-09-22 07:06:13 @ruskin147 Ofcom does have concurrent powers w the CMA though to enforce competition in the communications sector. If the DMU isn’t being put on a statutory footing then this seems like a reasonable development.
2022-09-22 06:49:50 @matthew_d_green If as reported this is occurring in European ISPs, it seems to breach art 5 of the e-Privacy Directive.
2022-09-21 17:03:36 if you use the above information on me I will, against my thoughts on the statute, encourage a Communications Act 2003 s 127 prosecution
2022-09-21 17:00:54 there's a different kind of academic phone number hell though, where they migrate your office number to MS Teams which then rings your mobile phone via push if anyone tries to ring this as you've needed to install the app before to deal with various videoconferencing emergencies https://t.co/VagwoJ0rGx
2022-09-21 16:58:43 @wendyg it's pretty nice! main downside is it doesn't currently work natively on ARM machines because of old firefox dependencies, but I imagine this will change soon with Apple's ARM gambit.
2022-09-21 16:54:39 @wendyg do you follow a rigorous storage methodology, or use another type of tool? I find Zotero so useful for the metadata it adds and you can alter, and sync it to my server and all devices with webdav so am not reliant on cloud storage.
2022-09-21 16:47:50 RT @davidthewid: What do modular software supply chains mean for "Ethical AI"? Developers release discrete modules, or compose existing…
2022-09-21 16:45:33 @cryptodavidw tend to it and it will grow
2022-09-21 16:44:56 @mayameme this is the lesson https://t.co/z82GBHbsLb https://t.co/M7dBrAehtL
2022-09-21 16:43:55 @tjmcintyre @Klonick 2,000 of them are new digital single market regulatory proopsals
2022-09-21 16:08:56 @eriklongo probably gigabytes of that is your telemetry and logging data being sent straight to thomson reuters for guzzling
2022-09-21 16:06:57 @npseaver as if it knows, my twitter timeline has just handed me this OA book about the history of german beards https://t.co/SJOAvyXgLf
2022-09-17 00:38:15 @lilianedwards @timnitGebru @tadhgwad ah right - this is one of the search engines that searches IoT stuff people have unknowingly exposed on the public internet though rather than a tourist thing or some designed street streaming service
2022-09-17 00:24:55 @timnitGebru @lilianedwards @tadhgwad i haven’t seen such type of cameras in the uk since back since time lapse webcams online were popular though… and not sure how they would argue they were lawful or what the legal basis under data protection law for putting them up was.
2022-09-17 00:19:34 @emilymbender i would add to your authors there @mireillemoret who talks and writes about this distinction as the difference between “legal by design” (a form of technoregulation) versus “legal protection by design”.
2022-09-17 00:12:12 fwiw apple have been much better about this than the others. siri in the UK defaulted first to a male voice, and now i believe now you choose the gender at set up and there’s no default. amazon on the other hand took a product, echo, and branded it with a female name and wakeword https://t.co/TE4OCCT3ow
2022-09-16 20:47:40 @geomblog there’s been some… cheap data labelling for online user interfaces? and we had a pandemic where AI projects provided effectively no help whatsoever?
2022-09-16 20:45:31 @geomblog especially when very few of such positive benefits have materialised even slightly and companies like google keep drawing on the same one example of protein folding despite billions of investment
2022-09-16 20:38:49 @mmitchell_ai ‘and by people, we mean consumers or targets of computation’
2022-09-16 20:37:45 RT @jburnmurdoch: NEW: income inequality in US &
2022-09-16 20:28:38 @timnitGebru Yes — if I remember Google did make some moves on this area but largely because they didn’t have as many customers as the others, journalists should ask this of all cloud firms loudly.
2022-09-16 20:26:04 (the linked article has some Google loose change put towards corporate greenwashing. for comparison note that this week the ECJ’s General Court upheld a fine of over €4 *billion* concerning Google’s illegal practices) https://t.co/rx8ajHmw72
2022-09-16 20:22:46 Journalists talking to Google about AI and sustainability: ask them if Google Cloud will stop courting firms and selling compute for oil and gas exploration. https://t.co/MOamPQ92XY
2022-09-16 17:04:20 @israblack @petros_ter @leotanczt @divijualsuspect @chaban_olena that’s exactly it
2022-09-16 16:33:54 Important new revelations about just how misleading the Facebook ‘download your information’ tool is, and how far away it is from fulfilling access rights. https://t.co/VDLy2Psfri
2022-09-16 15:37:23 @petros_ter @leotanczt @divijualsuspect @chaban_olena ok done one https://t.co/KwKfOnTjRs
2022-09-16 15:34:04 @petros_ter @leotanczt @divijualsuspect @chaban_olena yes but i havent made a logo... we will go for a drink though when term starts soon...
2022-09-16 15:33:23 @je5perl @Kirst3nF @k_irion on one hand, this might be saying 'this will regulate non national security uses of spyware', on the other, MSs will be very reluctant to let the CJEU or European law define the boundaries of national security, which remains underdefined, and where they become politics...
2022-09-16 15:31:18 @je5perl @Kirst3nF also... as TEU 4(2) ensures that national security "remains the sole responsibility of each Member State", I'm not sure that the provision would have as much practical effect as it is written (cc @k_irion) https://t.co/bhyUGolhr4
2022-09-16 12:52:23 @DaanDRDR @TilburgU @TechRegJournal @DOAJplus @TiltR will they be indexing articles dating from before the registration date? i have two and it would be nice to have them syndicated and searchable https://t.co/2Kh0QPjFPa
2022-09-16 12:51:10 @DaanDRDR @TilburgU @TechRegJournal @DOAJplus @TiltR great news!!
2022-09-16 12:48:33 @leotanczt a group also a big directional choice — if your ideal team size is quite small (as mine is) branding it might not be worth the effort so you dont become manager over researcher. although maybe i should ask @divijualsuspect @petros_ter @chaban_olena if they want a team...
2022-09-11 21:57:48 ALT: Image is screenshot of linked website
2022-09-11 21:56:29 The privacy policy of the 5 billion image dataset that is used to train the generative Stable Diffusion model has their own definition of personal data under the GDPR. Discuss. https://t.co/rmF1eXIW3s https://t.co/osGK4Pkgxl
2022-09-11 14:10:01 @Sandbagger_01 not so suprising, this year at the albanian sea border i had to turn my head away to avoid looking at the agent typing in his username and password into the web app
2022-09-11 11:37:56 RT @Samfr: This is a year or two away from becoming a big political issue but it will unless the economics of HE change. The supply of plac…
2022-09-11 06:10:34 RT @bert_hu_bert: A brief statement in English on my resignation as regulator of the Dutch intelligence and security services. Things are c…
2022-09-10 12:22:18 @jennifercobbe when you manage, you’ll find that ukraine are retaking a range of areas whilst the russians are distracted with the royal news
2022-09-10 12:14:09 @chrishanretty perhaps not all royalty are the same, and the polity datasets need a further sentimentality index on how often national royals are mentioned in glossy mags…
2022-09-09 20:17:25 @maosbot (not saying that as some claim to magically not having to prove my claims, just that seeing and thinking about this kind of method isn’t new to me)
2022-09-09 20:14:40 @maosbot (fwiw i’m aware of the practice and literature on forecasting and futures, and have taught it, professionally advised around it, and peer review for the relevant journals about it)
2022-09-09 20:12:36 @maosbot you can also treat the rising sun as a probability, it doesn’t make it conceptually valid. STS as a discipline has key lessons and lit here. empirically, i have further doubts that predicting benchmarks within 5 years is at all relevant to predicting AGI, let alone impacts.
2022-09-09 19:57:11 @maosbot i also think there are serious conceptual issues with treating the potential emergence of a technology as a probability.
2022-09-09 19:55:53 @maosbot perhaps, although my point was that there’s no consistency. generalist organisations or movements like EA do not exhibit similar appetite to act on low probability huge risks with considerably more empirical backing than AGI, the possibility of which is entirely speculative.
2022-09-09 19:36:49 @maosbot there’s a “meta-worry”: that proponents of AGI risk don’t make space for other discussions, using up all the air in the room. i agree no one gets just one worry. but those in the middle of outsized attention &
2022-09-09 19:31:02 (there’s a separate issue with conflating technology development with probability. what about the ‘probability’ someone uses new physics to make a ridiculously cheap destructive weapon? what’s different about that logic from completely imagined AGI?)
2022-09-09 19:19:51 the logic of effective altruists and AI existential risk people saying we should care about small probability huge risk events surely means they should treat the extreme, improbable tail of climate models as seriously. weirdly, i don’t see them ever push for that. https://t.co/8kufKpJnMU
2022-09-09 08:45:38 RT @nhelberger: Job opportunity: The AI, Media &
2022-09-09 08:07:16 RT @ArchivalDaze: My understanding is that in nine days all the regius professors will be entombed in a giant mausoleum alongside the queen…
2022-09-09 05:54:18 Very interesting short article on why the EU has a surprisingly strong hand against Russia in gas price negotiations. https://t.co/v4kaeYsbgH https://t.co/Rue6nKdNmt
2022-09-09 05:33:38 @MicheleAcuto inspired
2022-09-09 05:32:17 @claesdevreese Glad to see the ÖBB investment going from concept photos to real photos. Have taken their new expansions a few times this year, but really need ones through Belgium and France to Italy and Spain (esp since SNCF killed its Milan one during Covid…)
2022-09-08 19:29:14 two mins after my tweet was the ok time, according to the bar council https://t.co/AkMzl9il1J
2022-09-08 19:26:02 no way! https://t.co/3D7ygUCELg
2022-09-08 19:19:46 RT @mathver: Publishers didnt get an exemption for their content in the content moderation rules in Digital Services Act.But art.17 of the…
2022-09-08 18:26:57 Meta might want to pull forward whatever it was going to release last thing on Friday. https://t.co/5GMSDTgevn
2022-09-08 17:59:35 @fgbjr a big CSL challenge
2022-09-08 17:52:56 In a genuine sense, it's going to cause a lot of immediate stress to a lot of organisations.
2022-09-08 17:52:13 Barristers anxiously look at each other's bios and wonder the appropriate time to edit to KC.
2022-09-08 16:21:35 New ECHR judgment today on violations of Article 8 by France regarding data collection and retention of data designed to exclude men who have sex with men from blood donation. https://t.co/UTQA6MzxkS
2022-09-08 16:13:28 @emilymbender @rcalo @Kobotic the UK Government Data Ethics Framework was an attempt at internal guidance
2022-09-08 15:27:17 Someone please leak Meta and Twitter's Queen death content moderation protocols.
2022-09-08 15:23:44 Huw Edwards' impressive lengthy royal no-information filibuster is in stark contrast to the deeply incompetent camera operator who had *one job*, to point a camera at a building not containing the Queen without somehow broadcasting the menu or pointing it at himself. https://t.co/b3sFOhrD23
2022-09-08 15:11:07 A fearsome filibusterer if he ever goes into politics. Or perhaps just a contestant on Just a Minute. https://t.co/MnBwAu3C6t
2022-09-08 15:06:29 @Elibietti this edit button can’t come soon enough
2022-09-08 14:12:16 Just want to clarify that I often normally wear black.
2022-09-08 12:51:35 RT @Chronotope: TCF continues further down the path of being declared illegal. At the same time, the blockers to enforcing the Belgian DPA’…
2022-09-07 16:46:08 RT @johnnyryan: News: the Brussels Court of Appeal dismisses various IAB Europe procedural grounds of appeal and agrees to refer our prelim…
2022-09-07 14:27:38 @Chronotope who would users complain to?
2022-09-07 10:09:58 RT @jrhennessy: are you hearing yourself talk https://t.co/CZbNYrlaie https://t.co/YPrpDe8njj
2022-09-07 09:08:28 RT @MrHarryCole: Well well.. Usual senior aides who sit at back of Cabinet appear to have been replaced by only the PM’s principle privat…
2022-09-07 09:05:26 Kira is an incredible mentor, and pretty much why I'm in academia. I'm still paying it forward. If you are considering a PhD in the environmental interactions of emerging technologies, this is a great opportunity. https://t.co/kipTqhDYNH
2022-09-07 09:01:55 (In practice the English education secretary but this is pretty wild.) https://t.co/XLuEGNdnac
2022-09-07 08:21:48 @lynskeyo that’s incredibly frustrating, i hope deeply it’s an admin issue that gets resolved and stays resolved and not something more lasting. even the fact that that can happen is pretty telling about the fragility of this whole system…
2022-09-07 07:42:18 RT @digitalasiahub: Less than 30minutes before we commence our second #PlatformFutures roundtable on Digital Rights and Consumer Protection…
2022-09-07 07:37:42 RT @PJDunleavy: Interesting research here shows beyond any doubt that UK MPs with 2nd jobs ask 60% more questions in Parliament than compar…
2022-09-07 07:33:16 Industry lobby group which has long lobbied to water down DP &
2022-09-07 06:30:47 @Klonick (blame patent law, licensing fees and a powerplay of large companies avoiding open video standards)
2022-09-07 06:28:22 @Klonick it is likely because the videos are recorded using ‘high efficiency mode’ on an iphone, which uses the H.265 codec not the older H.264 one. i don’t believe the former is properly supported in PPT. download Handbrake and you can convert it to H.264.
2022-09-06 19:32:58 @lilianedwards @openpolicynz @GavinFreeguard it was there, but vince cable shenanigans forced it out to dcms after the bskyb scandal https://t.co/fAejcL6ZFU
2022-09-06 15:37:09 @corintxt maybe it is a very personalised phishing campaign, be careful!
2022-09-06 15:34:54 @corintxt some say it already has
2022-09-06 15:32:49 @robleathern Pocket change for running a crucial global technical infrastructure
2022-09-06 14:33:55 RT @Chronotope: I've published my comment on IAB's Global Privacy Platform. GPP proposes to not just replace the TCF framework as the new s…
2022-09-06 14:31:31 @halhod @jackclarkSF @rodolfor (remarkably low quality for the Onion)
2022-09-06 14:30:19 @halhod @jackclarkSF @rodolfor https://t.co/XYYXBd5bJC
2022-09-06 13:47:46 RT @WebDevLaw: Translation: if the Online Safety Bill survives, it will do so as a weapon in an imported and artificial debate about "woker…
2022-09-05 16:03:46 An exciting in-person event at UCL on defining data with, inter alia, @divijualsuspect of @UCLLaws, next Wednesday (14th) afternoon! https://t.co/KeDObYbnfA https://t.co/Y4lDCpxPUs
2022-09-05 12:53:14 RT @mckinneytweets: All estate agents in the UK are regulated by Powys Country Council, according to @commonslibrary research by my colleag…
2022-09-05 08:32:34 @ChrisTMarsden a market valuation of that but... not so liquid it seems... lots of unrest at the bird site HQ
2022-09-05 07:52:36 @TimandraHarknes bowes wow
2022-09-05 06:21:13 Subsidising content moderation w/ advertising is a failed model, even more so given concentration in the absurd, illegal adtech market. It breaks new/small innovative platforms &
2022-09-03 22:29:39 RT @TaylorLorenz: SCOOP: Under pressure, security firm Cloudflare has dropped KiwiFarms. By @josephmenn and me https://t.co/MwqMvHvRBP #Dro…
2022-09-02 15:08:37 @bekah_overdorf @unil congratulations! also, an envelope with TWO windows? that's an envelope gone mad
2022-09-01 17:14:45 @ammandalari welcome to UCL!
2022-09-01 17:13:13 RT @CJSprigman: @JenniferMRomig @fgbjr When @carlmalamud and I decided to do the first edition of the Indigo Book, the Harvard Law Review A…
2022-09-01 17:12:26 @JenniferMRomig @CJSprigman @carlmalamud @fgbjr as a non US scholar who sometimes gets asked to write stuff with this ridiculous citation style, thank you so much.
2022-09-01 17:10:49 @CJSprigman @carlmalamud @JenniferMRomig @fgbjr Fantastic work all. It’s time for journals to stop calling it Bluebooking and start calling it Indigobooking. Disintermediate this weird and stupid clique and make something better.
2022-09-01 17:08:23 RT @CJSprigman: @JenniferMRomig made Indigo Book 2.0 happen, and @fgbjr made it live online. My deepest thanks to both of them. And a word,…
2022-09-01 11:13:10 A subject access request showed how document disclosure was woefully incomplete in the tribunal case of Isle of Man whistleblower Dr Rosalind Ranson, the island’s most senior dr, against the Manx Dept of Health &
2022-09-01 04:29:18 RT @omertene: California's 2022 legislative session closed tonight and CCPA's employee exemption was NOT extended. Starting Jan 1 2023, CPR…
2022-08-31 19:54:17 @vqtli @yarime yes - that makes more sense. the point i was taking issue was Masaru’s initial statement that this is about a trade off between privacy and public health. You can’t really trade off something for public health without evidence an intervention makes a difference.
2022-08-31 12:01:53 @yarime @vqtli is there any real evidence that providing granular dashboards to the public (rather than decision-makers) does anything useful for public health? i didn't see any in the paper or brief.
2022-08-31 07:43:14 @CIGIonline zero mention that meta and google and co are effectively US intelligence assets around the world?
2022-08-30 14:47:40 an... ambitious public law argument, claiming that the Conservative party is a body w/ functions of a public nature pursuant to HRA98 s6, and is thus subject to a common law duty of openness regarding the manner it runs elections to party leader when they de facto decide the PM. https://t.co/Gnq55wMFl0
2022-08-30 10:46:06 RT @5RightsFound: ‼ TOMORROW: Join us for the virtual launch of the #DigitalFutures Commission's newest Education Data report. The pan…
2022-08-28 15:43:01 @cfiesler As a non-US scholar, this always seems entangled with the toxic US tenure system which requires arbitrary venue rejection rates and exports them around the world as a result, through the police force of academics on conference committees. How will US scholars tackle that?
2022-08-27 16:47:08 @FusterGloria @Jausl00s @EU_EDPB i find it strange they don’t seem to have an audio option, not very accessible…
2022-08-27 16:45:30 @FusterGloria @Jausl00s @EU_EDPB ouch. it’s not loading so maybe it’s being blocked by an ad blocker, dns blocking, pi hole… maybe try disabling some of that, that’s all i can suggest…?
2022-08-26 19:55:39 @neil_neilzone deepfake phishing has gotten really good really quick
2022-08-26 15:37:47 @FusterGloria so this is the answer to your cryptic out of office!
2022-08-26 11:28:09 Presumably it will continue to refer to excellence in denying &
2022-08-26 11:24:02 Gov to disband controversial "clearing house" for FOI requests, repeatedly accused of profiling requestors &
2022-08-26 10:14:42 @Hannah_O_Rourke @JonCruddas_1 maybe… a non amazon link?
2022-08-25 18:17:36 US brings different platform laws, EU and UK being different standards of illegality e.g. some member states have disinfo-related offences that will interact with the DSA
2022-08-25 13:57:49 This is an incredibly impressive and informative report on “Splinternets” from Perarnaud, Rossi, Musiani and Castex, deeply at the intersection of Internet standards, law and platform power. https://t.co/cd7UCm5181 https://t.co/YeClg9h6V8 https://t.co/CCeMoFBTcR
2022-08-25 09:10:26 RT @thezedwards: Twitter apparently used their cookies for "all purposes" (security cookies used for advertising) ++ once told by the Frenc…
2022-08-25 09:08:00 Decision: https://t.co/MlDdwy3eonGDPRhub writeup: https://t.co/dlo7y2l5QHPrivacy Company's NL report: https://t.co/lzRtM1dZnF
2022-08-25 09:07:59 Last week, the Danish DPA maintained a ban on Helsingør Kommune using Google Workplace/Chromebook in schools. Core was G's use of childrens' data for independent purposes, &
2022-08-24 12:19:30 @profgeraintrees @mel_hogan in the Netherlands, Microsoft's data centres consumed 4-8x more than initially declared, at 84m litres in 2021. they require water cooling on days above 25C, so the bulk of this usage comes when water scarcity is worst. Google release no public figures. https://t.co/jCdcQXe6tW
2022-08-24 12:11:34 @profgeraintrees indeed, see further on this @mel_hogan's work on water and data centres in the context of huge facilities such as the NSA's in Utah, consuming 1.7m gallons a day in one of the driest states in the US... https://t.co/izEfARD8XU
2022-08-24 10:05:03 @MindyWishart yes, I think for cashew milk and for peanut milk.
2022-08-24 09:29:47 @MindyWishart can promise it’s no-one at UCL Laws, where we consistently have enough faculty milk to nourish an entire picket line of barristers https://t.co/gy9Tjlk0ax
2022-08-24 08:42:16 @colmocinneide @GazTheJourno will propose a Centre for Legal Chaos to legitimise the work
2022-08-24 08:24:37 @TimandraHarknes @GazTheJourno @colmocinneide yeah, that’s what i was thinking, which is pretty unwieldy…
2022-08-24 08:00:18 @GazTheJourno if you want to cause legal chaos, try FOI-ing government services with non-medical user data relating to a deceased person. It’s a study I’ve wanted to do simply to see how they react in England, but it’s hard to think of how to do it ethically (cc @colmocinneide)
2022-08-24 07:33:30 @GazTheJourno Courts and tribunals have repeatedly gone down this route, even though it’s a bit questionable in terms of how duties tend to work, because otherwise there’s no clear way to deny an FOI request for celebrity medical records after death.
2022-08-23 21:26:38 RT @MalloryKnodel: Catch yourself up on the debate about whether and how mandated interoperability will make Big Tech more competitive.I’…
2022-08-23 16:18:03 @Senficon @freiheitsrechte @_blueck @lto_de old man shakes fist at hosting providers
2022-08-19 15:22:58 Al Masarir's privacy tort case v Saudi Arabia (re NSO Pegasus spyware) allowed to proceed by the High Court. Judge declined to follow US courts (in Kidane v Ethiopia) which required the entire tort to be in the US in order to lose state immunity. https://t.co/bPd8XEfxTB https://t.co/bg2jXXdoWX
2022-08-19 14:22:04 @chelloway @tforcworc @halfon4harlowMP yeah, there's always a danger that joke proposals become policy these days. at UCL we have flirted with campuses abroad, but both UCL Qatar (Doha museum money) and UCL Australia (extractive industry money) are now no more...
2022-08-19 14:01:13 @tforcworc @halfon4harlowMP perhaps, as degrees are the UK's second largest export, we should build universities in freeports
2022-08-19 07:03:11 RT @MarijnSax: I finished reading What We Owe the Future.If you see it as a book developing a *philosophical argument* for Longtermism --…
2022-08-19 06:40:42 @ChrisTMarsden Energy is pretty huge for campuses. But yes — where does inflation hit…
2022-08-19 06:39:42 The first hurdle is the way that the access your information option doesn’t allow you to actually send a query despite the options given being incomplete. Disingenuous and possibly illegal. Instead, contact the DPO using the bottom option. https://t.co/y5Rjyr2XHd
2022-08-19 06:33:58 This problem is only getting worse as inflation and energy hikes hit but neither subsidy nor tuition fees rise.
2022-08-19 06:32:26 Universities like Oxford distort the narrative too. College life is largely, often subsidised by the college endowment and assets, by the past. The fact so much of the political class went to a university with a non replicable funding model compounds issues hugely.
2022-08-19 06:29:50 Tuition fees are a political topic because they’re visible to students, but the real question is ‘how is a degree funded’? The burden continues to shift from taxation into individual student debt, precarious reliance on int’l students, and lecturer pay.
2022-08-19 06:25:13 Int’l students are indeed used to subsidise teaching. High quality undergraduate degrees cost more than £9250 to run (always have in real terms), but were been subsidised by both govs (now rarely) &
2022-08-19 06:08:34 RT @EstelMP: 1/The EU adopts important legislations but often fails to provide needed ressources to authorities to make sure they are well-…
2022-08-19 06:06:18 If you have trouble getting it (you will) you can return and ask for tips here, or read our thoughts &
2022-08-19 05:13:26 @mrchrisadams happy to provide help or feedback, you know how to get in touch.
2022-08-19 04:56:17 Form: https://t.co/X6fN46SvY4Say you are using Art 15 GDPR to access a copy of data from in-app browsers, including all telemetry and click data for all time. Say it is not in ‘Download your Information’. Link to Krause’s post for clarity. Mention your Instagram handle.
2022-08-19 04:50:51 Users of the Instagram app should today send a subject access request email to Meta requesting a copy of all this telemetry ‘tap’ data. It is not provided in the ‘Download Your Information’ tool. Users of other apps in the thread that do this (eg TikTok) can do the same. https://t.co/yyvnj4wkV5
2022-08-18 10:41:15 RT @5RightsFound: ‼ Join us for the virtual launch of the #DigitalFutures Commission's newest report in their Education Data series. #EdTe…
2022-08-16 11:56:29 @AnnemarieBridy @torrentfreak Haven’t seen the judgment but it’s hard to reconcile the judgement based on its description with the discussion of the active role by the CJEU in Youtube and Cyando.
2022-08-14 18:51:21 surveying business leaders is a methodology that tells you about business leaders, not the economy. https://t.co/EpPyzUKG9X
2022-08-13 10:28:25 incredibly unlikely to ever be a forthcoming ‘summer blackout’ in any case as the Irish DPA’s decision would have been domestically appealed, then appealed, then appealed. https://t.co/P6Vv9D0nln
2022-08-13 08:47:26 @MarkkuPatynen @KrauseFx (when I say ‘does it’, I mean uses their own in app browser, I haven’t examined the effect of this browser)
2022-08-13 08:46:34 @MarkkuPatynen @KrauseFx Google does it eg in Maps. TikTok I don’t know, but either way TikTok structurally isn’t huge on links to other pages (yet).
2022-08-11 19:05:44 Forced in-app browsers as used by Instagram, Facebook, Twitter should be prohibited. Users should have freedom to open links in a browser of their choice, which renders them as they choose. https://t.co/lOMdj810pX
2022-08-11 18:28:00 @Elibietti @SRanchordas indeed. pedagogically though (which i know wasn’t the q but is where my mind is…) it’s hard to find a text which is balanced and doesn’t just preoffer code is law as a way of thinking… as a whole book, also don’t forget Regulating Code (MIT Press) by @1Br0wn @ChrisTMarsden
2022-08-11 18:23:40 @SRanchordas presumably you have julie cohen’s configuring the networked self, particularly chapter 7? that’s what I set undergrad students as compulsory on this topic instead of lessig. https://t.co/rAgEu0T0qq
2022-08-11 08:53:51 @HRChallenger too many mystery abbreviations, i will need a moment to put them into my wooden enigma machine
2022-08-11 06:58:53 as @JoshuaRozenberg notes, if an aim is to reduce gov spending, then underfunding immigration tribunal system simply shifts the costs onto immigration detention centres. what is the treasury for if not to join up spending and stop shifting between depts? https://t.co/izvkDrsB97
2022-08-10 06:20:18 @wbm312 so is https://t.co/OUf5rVA1GY
2022-08-10 06:19:02 @wbm312 https://t.co/OmFYWq3tgt is designed for this
2022-08-08 13:53:32 @SophieintVeld @EU_Commission indeed, if they’re so desperate for the British to have access they could just have given the contract straight to Belgacom…
2022-08-08 13:51:31 @PaoloSandro2 can’t deactivate the profit motive
2022-08-08 09:55:32 @PaoloSandro2 mix of personal salience &
2022-08-08 08:23:42 RT @alexhern: Bike theft is legal in London
2022-08-08 08:16:28 @brianlfrye @technollama in a time-poor world this leads to reinforcement entrenching networked, established, top schools. w good editors, blind reviews remove gatekeeping by affiliation (cf US LRs needing CVs, rejecting students). still gatekeeping based on how to write for a venue but that’s learnable.
2022-08-08 07:58:30 @brianlfrye Good luck disentangling them.
2022-08-08 07:56:39 @brianlfrye Anonymous review does allow people to speak out against BS without consequence. I’m not claiming it’s a flawless system. I’m responding to your claim of ‘what’s wrong with post publication review’, which is that it doesn’t work in US academia due to power structures.
2022-08-08 07:54:42 @brianlfrye Marketplace of ideas is always a lame metaphor, but it’s even more useless in an atmosphere of intense self censorship.
2022-08-08 07:53:18 @brianlfrye Several times when I’ve criticised work by US law scholars publicly I have immediately got streams of messages from brilliant untenured scholars thanking me for saying out loud what they felt they could not about the quality of work.
2022-08-08 07:51:38 @brianlfrye Because academia, and particularly US legal academia, is built upon a tenure-driven atmosphere of sycophantic, not stepping on anyone’s toes-ism. So much BS in law reviews goes unchallenged and even praised, particularly by junior scholars, just in case the authors hold grudges.
2022-08-08 06:48:04 @brianlfrye … none of these are legal journals? what am I meant to be looking at? (I know Retraction Watch well and have followed it for years). besides, papers don’t get retracted in US law journals because there is no process to do so, not because there are no flaws in them…
2022-08-08 06:37:33 @brianlfrye perhaps look at other countries’ academic legal publication methods rather than other academic disciplines in the US for inspiration. not perfect, but a start.
2022-08-08 06:36:21 @marklemley science/nature/cell are extreme exceptions that are more like magazines than journals. to be fair would be to compare to other countries’ legal journals, which are in general less ‘hide-bound’ and also don’t force you to give your CV as cover page and have a pithy title.
2022-08-07 19:15:33 non-research student gatekeepers are not substitutes for academic judgment exhibit 634 https://t.co/xfZmGQcrk6
2022-08-07 17:35:48 @1Br0wn yep, that’s what this was in response to
2022-08-07 17:34:46 @TheRealRevK siri, show me a manufacturer of fruit drinks that judges fruit in its production line industrial masher on their shape
2022-08-07 17:33:21 @AmeliaMN if you’ve ever been in a special issue and they make everyone cite every other paper in it…
2022-08-07 17:31:16 if this is the proper functioning of a market, i’m a banana. companies use and entangle themselves in the law, intellectual property, pharmaceutical &
2022-07-27 07:13:29 @oliviasolon @Jackstilgoe i’d assumed forbes was unembarassable after they (from the view of an outsider, no inside knowledge) seemingly blurred their genuine news content with more or less a very, very slightly gatekept, identically branded wordpress instance for randomers to opine rabidly
2022-07-27 07:08:19 @oliviasolon forbes blogs seem recently to have old telegraph blog vibes, the latter over a decade ago disciplined writers into clickbait madness by dropping blogs based on view leaderboard (launching nonsense peddlers eg James Delingpole). this article however is very funny, cc @Jackstilgoe
2022-07-26 15:30:29 Commissioner highlights importance of DPOs as... Government proposes to abolish mandatory DPOs. https://t.co/0o7IdRzBVZ
2022-07-26 12:41:18 RT @wrklsshrd: Facebook's Oversight Board has to study the hell out of UK Drill for a forthcoming decision. Love to see it.https://t.co/e…
2022-07-26 12:19:47 @jjvincent are you now Verge Measurement Correspondent?
2022-07-26 12:06:35 @ladbible is this website just about reposting stories you wrote last year now https://t.co/FlW4UTddCj
2022-07-26 05:52:02 RT @sedyst: Job alert @tudelftTBM: Assist/Assoc Professor position on "programmable infrastructures", or how the expansion of computational…
2022-07-25 13:42:35 The Channel Tunnel is an underused resource and needs serious political will to fix — also to connect it to other parts of the UK, potentially through night trains which do not stop in London.
2022-07-25 13:31:54 Easy? Major problem here is carbon emissions. The UK refuses to allow border checks on its territory for int'l train arrivals, not wanting asylum claims. Thus all boarding stops on inbound UK trains require a Schengen &
2022-07-25 11:03:34 While ppl going to the IPT hopefully have solid legal representation, if you follow the website, your ECHR ruling will say you have not exhausted domestic remedies, go away, as w/ @privacyint after R (Privacy International) v IPT [2019] UKSC 22 https://t.co/Mo2gqd9TGu
2022-07-25 10:49:32 The Investigatory Powers Tribunal should update its website. https://t.co/HGDxS04lYL https://t.co/bOcq5UVCVK
2022-07-25 10:44:48 RT @TamarSharon: We have several exciting positions at the assistant prof and postdoc levels at the Department of Ethics and Political Phi…
2022-07-25 10:05:58 @dmvanderloo @Jackstilgoe indeed. perhaps you should ask the grandmaster…
2022-07-25 06:20:21 @Jackstilgoe “A Russian grandmaster, Sergey Karjakin, said the incident was no doubt due to “some kind of software error or something””
2022-07-24 12:38:11 @SarahLudford Realistically though this is unlikely to be necessary for many as the EES should come online next year &
2022-07-24 12:31:58 Just wait until the stamp-abolishing EES comes in next year and the Eurostar, already queued back to the end of time, becomes entirely unusable due to the majority of non EU passengers needing to enrol and provide fingerprints supervised by a French border official. https://t.co/yXH1c494ZT
2022-07-22 21:45:46 @asta_fish yeah was thinking that maja didn’t look very pregnant when lodged in that sofa
2022-07-22 16:30:28 That’s not saying you can’t have cool applications of PETs that link datasets that are hard to share, and produce societally useful things. It’s simply that that does not follow from the PETs aspect of the exercise, and we must not make a category error.
2022-07-22 16:29:25 Next: Connect all the international immigration records together to best predict overstayers? Connect all international CCTV databases together to best analyse faces or gait? Crucial that PETs researchers regularly emphasis that confidentiality does not solve Qs of bad purpose.
2022-07-22 16:26:56 As noble as tackling pandemics/financial firms is, note both challenges concern training algorithmic systems destined to profile entities &
2022-07-22 12:49:25 @Livingstone_S @edri If client side scanning didn’t come w all the many practical, ethical, mission creep, platform entrenchment &
2022-07-22 12:47:36 @Livingstone_S @edri I’m also very concerned that this whole policy area is being driven by companies both in the UK (‘Safety Tech’ bubble) and EU (see lobbying of the Commission and its promises competence centre) which are self serving, promising snake oil that cannot be delivered, and distracts.
2022-07-22 12:46:23 @Livingstone_S @edri [..] infiltrating &
2022-07-22 12:43:55 @Livingstone_S @edri I think we can take tackling both creation and dissemination seriously w/o pinning false hopes on a technofix that risks displacing and distracting from much richer strategies, involving both human resources &
2022-07-22 08:41:47 @JanetGunter what would you have liked to see more focus on?
2022-07-22 08:41:13 @FloraClairePage @TheCriminalBar oversimplicity of market thinking ignores the value of institutions, mentorship, good will, social connections that get destroyed when playing funding rollercoaster — in this field as so many others. Sometimes, humans have to build things that reliably work, not that compete…
2022-07-22 08:20:47 While the UK gets worked up about AI, which, frankly, it will never be a central leader in reaping value from selling as it does not have a domestic platform industry, it misses and misunderstands its broader technology industries. https://t.co/D7LbqSIUQF
2022-07-22 08:17:47 RT @EdConwaySky: The tale of Newport Wafer Fab is a parable for our times.Tells you everything u need to know abt: - UK's industrial stra…
2022-07-22 08:17:41 RT @LeoKelion: Fantastic explainer about what goes on at Newport's chip-making factory and why the UK govt lacks a semiconductors strategy…
2022-07-22 06:19:36 @nickclegg aren’t you just doing this because EU law is gonna make you do it in a few months anyway https://t.co/ASsjVM8lWr
2022-07-22 06:18:58 As part of our ongoing effort to claim little PR wins from selectively following laws, like draft art 29 of the Digital Services Act that will force our hand in a few months anyway… https://t.co/XgKkCX18Xt https://t.co/e6AUSNaRt1
2022-07-22 06:14:07 @technollama https://t.co/cBIYW9p2VA
2022-07-21 16:14:13 @BenjaminEHowe no that's okay — it's more that the UK could in theory (but almost certainly won't) bind its own hands in law, but can never bind the hands of those overseas
2022-07-21 16:13:28 @MissIG_Geek as i just replied to someone else but same point: i'm being generous here, but also pointing to a general ignorance of externalities other countries in domestic digital policy
2022-07-21 16:12:28 @BenjaminEHowe i'm being generous, but also pointing to a general ignorance of externalities other countries in domestic digital policy
2022-07-21 15:59:50 @DaniellaLock are you allowed to put an open access version up or will you be excommunicated?
2022-07-21 14:22:32 @alexhern I don't think we can analyse this w/o looking at the categories of content captured in this way. Relatedly, the idea of stopping dissemination is tied w protecting children — I'd want to better understand how the cleartext subset contributes to the disruption of upstream abuse
2022-07-21 14:05:57 @Livingstone_S @edri CSAM is a huge issue. Finding the disseminators automatically is extremely appealing, a magic solution to a deeply complex human problem (it always is in all areas of state surveillance). Perhaps it is a dangerous distraction though.
2022-07-21 13:58:51 @Livingstone_S @edri I agree we need more options on the table. In their defence, EDRi do say this (img). Policy currently enamoured w a cheap technosolution that I do not think will even deliver
2022-07-21 13:48:39 not that it matters what i say because the snowflake lobbyist author is so into groupthink he blocked me even though i recall no meaningful interaction https://t.co/TswBMZrZvn
2022-07-18 14:16:04 @katebevan only one font, and an acrostic, so it's ok right https://t.co/j7MXBth2j4
2022-07-18 13:33:18 remote entry level opportunity for anyone with ‘At least 1 year experience in sociotechnical research (domain of technical, social andlegal fields’ https://t.co/vG5yhNk2ML
2022-07-18 13:11:29 Naturally the gov consultation response suggests that child pseudo gambling issues can be mitigated through, among other things, data protection impact assessments… which the government will propose legislation to abolish the requirement for later today! https://t.co/A8BaqDMyDu
2022-07-18 13:11:27 Meanwhile, on early Sunday morning, the government announced it would not legislate around pseudo-gambling loot boxes in video games for kids, instead relying on the pseudo-gambling industry to regulate itself! https://t.co/XtdnKyvb5a
2022-07-18 12:06:17 @j2bryson @carminadietrich @mathver @dcampbell_iptv fine by me!
2022-07-18 10:31:40 https://t.co/IOV4ojDAz9
2022-07-18 10:25:00 Meanwhile, regulators are warned not to actually do anything, and care about unspecified, directionless innovation most of all, as will be clearer this afternoon as the UK's proposed data protection reforms are perhaps published in a Bill.
2022-07-18 10:23:27 No legislation envisaged, just v general "cross-sectoral principles on a non-statutory footing". UK gov continues its trend of shuffling responsibility for developing a regulatory approach onto the regulators themselves, while EU shuffles it onto private standards bodies. https://t.co/QdE9xicI3d
2022-07-18 09:07:13 Incredibly, incredibly powerful event on the Post Office Horizon Scandal—especially @RichardMoorhead’s talk on the ethical culpability of lawyers and @FloraClairePage’s talk on the PO’s potential criminal culpability for perverting the course of justice. https://t.co/VymIzUjxD2 https://t.co/9FHzSCMg2X
2022-07-16 22:09:46 @neil_neilzone cc the creator @MidasNouwens
2022-07-16 17:01:14 @DocStefflbauer @p2173 there’s a new version from OUP thankfully after the original fell out of print and was hard to get hold of. it seems that, as with anything, @sedyst was a strong voice in making that happen…
2022-07-16 16:57:45 RT @Iwillleavenow: There is no reason for Amazon to streamline this process so much. Law enforcement has a long history of reaching out to…
2022-07-16 16:28:52 @DocStefflbauer @p2173 adding oscar gandy jr, back in 1993, who doesn’t get cited enough despite his prescience
2022-07-15 20:05:00 @dswillner @daphnehk @neil_neilzone that’s only attribute attestation, it doesn’t verify that the person in front of you is who they say they are, see s ‘verification theatre’ here on the distinction. https://t.co/NeSG0xY5rz
2022-07-15 19:18:17 observation: step count data (both from fitness wearables but passively collected by most phones) clearly reveals periods of COVID-19 isolation https://t.co/M7Z4v1d3jP
2022-07-15 13:29:56 Naturally there seem to be no sections or country mentions in the new Rule of Law reports from the European Commission on the commonly and consistently violated CJEU rulings on data retention... https://t.co/RkKRaKFiwL
2022-07-15 09:20:10 RT @israblack: Confirmation of massive 2022-23 real terms pay cut for university staff. #LoveHE https://t.co/owfTS5zylJ
2022-07-14 15:11:50 flagged also here, thanks https://t.co/cmoRmE0lrJ
2022-07-14 15:11:16 On image generation, indeed I didn't know this — the gist being that for some generation models (seemingly not DALL-E 2 though), ppl get higher quality outputs by adding "trending on Artstation" to the end as it filters scraped art to bias the generation towards popular pieces... https://t.co/RAHaGyve2v
2022-07-14 11:13:33 @_riwsa @justainet (i’m not organising it but can confirm it’s not on)
2022-07-13 20:29:06 is it just me or does it seem pretty clear that @OpenAI's DALLE-2 must have scraped a huge proportion of @DeviantArt?
2022-07-13 15:28:58 @C___CS @nielstenoever oui, optional reading in seminar 2 https://t.co/10OYqfMLfd
2022-07-13 13:56:58 Re-reading @melanieddr's excellent 2015 paper 'Peer-to-Peer as a Design Principle for Law: Distribute the Law’ in the Journal of Peer Production. Deep food for thought on digital group rights that I think is not being built upon by many authors today. https://t.co/MP1vrS4nHz
2022-07-12 12:52:09 @neil_neilzone DMCA counterclaims are possible but iirc come with both having to consent to US jurisdiction and the risk of perjuring yourself if you are mistaken about your copyright defences… hardly a regulatory process that will be appealing for most.
2022-07-12 10:52:17 RT @justinhendrix: "Documents show how its lobbyists planned to use academic research as part of a production line of political ammunition…
2022-07-12 10:52:04 RT @Elinor_Carmi: First Google, then Facebook, now Uber - Tech companies have been using academics to lobby their interests. Academic repor…
2022-07-11 21:56:40 @matt_dathan will be sure to buy you a drink or two next time if asking “what about anyone in the same situation without the public profile?” gets the same answer…
2022-07-11 21:30:37 precarious migrants, gain security by making your specific situation a national electoral issue, you can do it!
2022-07-11 21:28:59 thank goodness he is safe from classic decontextualised persecution from the home office, supported by growing judicial executive deference, mainly due to *checks notes* having against extreme odds integrated and become a national treasure. https://t.co/FHxAhenekQ
2022-07-11 19:29:39 @katebevan now sinking in to everyone on all devices *runs^
2022-07-11 18:45:19 It’s not just Uber, but so many platform companies. When academics take money from some of these firms, they take money from organisations that integrate illegality as part of their business model. https://t.co/FKNt1OJkFT
2022-07-11 18:20:43 @floorter in england that would constitute a criminal offence https://t.co/bnqR1dsJBc
2022-07-11 10:32:41 RT @sedyst: For 44.000 euro from a tech company (in this case Uber), Haucap, an economics professor from Duesseldorf risked his reputation,…
2022-07-11 09:39:47 @marc_mcgeemoore regardless, would need change of UCL regs I think, PhD by articles is currently forbidden…
2022-07-09 17:26:19 @neil_neilzone @aaisp @ispreview @GNetworkComms it’s a new ISP yet doesn’t even support IPv6, what a joke
2022-07-09 17:26:03 @neil_neilzone @aaisp @ispreview also do @GNetworkComms too please (:
2022-07-09 15:32:12 The only way to stop this is to shout from the rooftops, dismantle the tracking infrastructures of these giants, and call out those taking funding from them until they are dismantled.
2022-07-09 15:31:11 This article is solid on stalkerware, but I don’t see many US law profs pointing out that the tracking giants Google &
2022-07-08 17:12:49 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac also https://t.co/ufd7wsABiV
2022-07-08 17:12:07 @random_walker +1. in separate replies i try to explain why i think it’s wilful, at least insofar as these orgs have unrivalled resources to inquire w law &
2022-07-08 16:58:53 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac (especially, frankly, a company with such sheer disregard for law as Meta, and who I am in active legal dispute with)
2022-07-08 16:57:39 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac I really don’t have energy as a time poor academic to try &
2022-07-08 16:55:39 @iamtrask @agstrait @wsisaac didn’t call it disinformation: misinformation does not imply intent. yet i feel repeated willfulness re him &
2022-07-08 15:48:43 @agstrait @iamtrask @wsisaac (he being YLC, not William)
2022-07-08 15:48:05 @agstrait @iamtrask @wsisaac yes that’s it, it’s already covered by EU product safety law which will be altered in future in a way consistent with those sectors’ needs. and also there is no strict explainability requirement either. he should delete this misinformation.
2022-07-08 13:35:27 @mireillemoret it’s such a common trope, i assume wilful — as it’s what such a commentator wants the law to say in order to generate outrage.
2022-07-08 07:03:42 Chief AI Scientist at Meta and professor at NYU wilfully misrepresenting the law. Maybe do some interdisciplinary collaboration before you talk about requirements you haven’t parsed correctly. https://t.co/pMrnuaxGbz
2022-07-08 06:44:30 cool and normal for a body where member state standards bodies hold only 2% of the votes, civil society/academia are ‘barely countable’, and even the legally mandated and EC funded civil society orgs in standardisation have no real structural role or formal right of opinion. https://t.co/cVThuwSiYp
2022-07-07 16:31:12 RT @RichGreenhill: So was a Secretary of State who hadn’t the a chance to kiss hands and receive the seals of office ever legally a Secreta…
2022-07-05 12:09:08 @mariafarrell moving, brave and powerful. thank you.
2022-07-05 12:07:37 RT @mariafarrell: Settling in for the Long Haul - when you realise you may not recover'The life you could almost reach out and touch grad…
2022-07-03 20:57:28 @emilymbender there’s definitely a use for this meme in here somewhere https://t.co/x29SlmTntA
2022-07-03 16:27:06 @colmocinneide @MindyWishart they are also enjoying the political events’ PR capacity, gave a talk there back in early 2020 after this compelling invite https://t.co/a6o8WVYG1I
2022-07-03 16:24:10 @Abebab of course, everyone on the street without a car just suffocates.
2022-07-03 16:23:43 @Abebab apple selling an infrastructure where the main, imperfect mitigation for android users is to install apple detection software on their phones is like a firm selling vehicles that emit a toxic smog that only their own brand of cars’ custom filters can avoid pumping inside.
2022-07-03 15:04:27 RT @CraigSilverman: It’s the kind of privacy and national security risk that a group of US senators warned about last year. They asked Goog…
2022-07-03 06:01:54 RT @Caffar3Cristina: #DMA implementation underway fast. But it’s a myth rules are “self executing” &
2022-06-29 11:39:58 @nielstenoever @erasmusuni is this the tilburg harmonised standards workshop? i wanted to come
2022-06-29 11:39:31 @nielstenoever @erasmusuni what
2022-06-29 09:16:46 @lilianedwards @JBAGerritsen @tforcworc @tnhh @m_j_chalmers @fborgesius so question is often ‘who is involved nationally’…. answers on a postcard
2022-06-29 09:16:21 @lilianedwards @JBAGerritsen @tforcworc @tnhh @m_j_chalmers @fborgesius they don’t have votes though, and commission emphasise the input and participation of national standards bodies in mandated harmonised standards
2022-06-29 08:11:43 RT @stokel: Want a cookie? Vodafone is trialling a new way of advertising. Critics, including @WolfieChristl and @PrivacyMatters, call it a…
2022-06-29 03:04:45 RT @owenboswarva: I see @DCMS has refused @mikarv's #FOI request for responses submitted to the 'Data: A New Direction' consultation, on th…
2022-06-28 08:23:58 @why0hy @lilianedwards @BeterOpDeFiets @1Br0wn and doubly excludes systems which have human or societal components like ranking or recommenders
2022-06-26 06:03:03 RT @paulmschwartz: Amazing resources @FusterGloria of historic data protection resources. A veritable goldmine. In a word: wow! https://t.c…
2022-06-24 23:01:05 RT @Nadya_Purtova: In this NEW PAPER I argue that when someone is reached, continuously or transiently, he is identified under the GDPR —>
2022-06-24 06:24:11 @CoHuBiCoL1 yes, C-588/21 P
2022-06-23 13:27:06 @carlmalamud @JeniT @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @jacquitaylorfb @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst Yes! We eagerly await the appeal in the CJEU case.
2022-06-23 08:30:21 @jacquitaylorfb @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst “European AI standards experts” have no legitimacy to decide on the interpretation of fundamental rights. Yet that is what the EU AI Act demands.
2022-06-23 08:29:38 @jacquitaylorfb @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst International standards which had pathetic to zero levels of civil society involvement despite being value laden &
2022-06-23 07:50:22 @mireillemoret @alan_winfield @adrian_weller @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @jacquitaylorfb @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst Yes, that's exactly it. The AI Act can in effect only be complied with through the use of standards. See https://t.co/aawuWFuVuY p105 https://t.co/4dOZoCuytq
2022-06-23 07:28:49 @stokel @gwbstr I'm @mikarv and I endorse this message.
2022-06-23 04:06:37 @jacquitaylorfb @mireillemoret @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @adrian_weller @alan_winfield @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst Shows why it is totally inappropriate for the EU to involve standards organisations (CEN/CENELEC and national standards orgs) as the rule makers in the AI Act, which concerns fundamental rights.
2022-06-23 04:03:14 @adrian_weller @mireillemoret @maria_axente @isostandards @IECStandards @Microsoft @alan_winfield @frossi_t @SophiaIgnatidou @jacquitaylorfb @CDEIUK @ghaziahamat @turinginst highly standard — standards bodies are funded by having the copyright to their standards. unless this changes, totally inappropriate for fundamental rights rules, even more so for those that will be blessed by law like the AI Act
2022-06-23 04:01:59 RT @kim_weatherall: Yet another paywalled standard. I'm sorry, but if you're developing rules, that influence people's lives, then people h…
2022-06-23 02:19:51 RT @aaronsnoswell: Overheard at #FAccT2022: @mikarv "Smartphones are basically fungible rectangles" w/ @kim_weatherall
2022-06-23 01:24:07 @KLdivergence @megyoung0 @Liza_Bolton statisticians know deeply that they live on a distribution
2022-06-22 04:44:09 good job @TheOfficialACM on blocking the IP of the ACM @FAccTConference venue in Seoul from the ACM digital library (it's currently if you want to fix...) https://t.co/uTiVmWgLwO
2022-06-21 01:39:20 Hour long panel on intersectionality left only... 2 minutes for questions? #FAccT2022 moderators need to be much stricter with panellists, not sure people have time for 'broadcast-mode' physical/hybrid conferences after 2 years of online broadcasting.
2022-06-21 00:44:29 @gcamilo_lima @nekozzang @FAccTConference thanks! i do have some reservations about that part of the study, and also to the use of prolific which seems to introduce a particular risk of bias for people who are Rather Online, but will read paper with more than a skim in coming weeks.
2022-06-21 00:05:13 @gcamilo_lima @nekozzang @FAccTConference thanks — q on this paper — you separate 'conspiracy theorists' from 'users' but users are meant to categorise this on their own. isn't that a prettly relative distinction that could cause methodological issues? do all people think all conspiracy theorists are the same group?
2022-06-18 12:10:23 attempting to head to seoul today — anyone experienced there have recommendations? (it’s for @FAccTConference)
2022-06-17 06:47:45 RT @JosephineCumbo: But the impact of the April 2022 cuts is harshest on the under 40s, according to the academic analysis. Losses to thei…
2022-06-17 00:33:21 Fujitsu of course facilitated one of the biggest IT failures in UK history, the Post Office Horizon system, leading to one of the largest miscarriages of justice this country has known, with many subpostmasters wrongfully imprisoned, and some dying before justice. https://t.co/DAT2YNpBqt
2022-06-16 15:52:42 @buchtan @Jausl00s @shoshanazuboff i would be much more interested if the diagnosis of our predicament was more precise and robust than this presentation is.
2022-06-16 15:51:42 RT @Jausl00s: Wait, have I done the time warp back to 2019?How are we having EXACTLY the same conversation with @shoshanazuboff about her…
2022-06-16 15:49:20 academic or large language model? #EDPSConf2022
2022-06-16 14:44:33 RT @matthew_d_green: Sen. Blumenthal has introduced a bill that would force phone manufacturers to open up private APIs: this could break A…
2022-06-16 14:41:12 @infofannny I think you might have said Brussels bubble, might not have got it down in full :)
2022-06-16 13:26:36 @Jausl00s @bendrath @kamara_irene @maxschrems @EU_EDPS the sun is the ultimate power tool
2022-06-16 13:22:55 @bendrath @Jausl00s @kamara_irene @maxschrems @EU_EDPS find me later and then it's household exemption
2022-06-16 13:22:31 @bendrath @Jausl00s @kamara_irene @maxschrems @EU_EDPS i have a great photo of jef on this topic but he will destroy me if i post it
2022-06-16 13:12:43 @kamara_irene @bendrath @maxschrems @EU_EDPS put your hand up irene!!
2022-06-16 13:12:17 "This whole city of Brussels has been running around talking about digital enforcement for a few months, but perhaps it is not really the expertise of this town" — @infofannny #EDPSConf2022
2022-06-16 13:00:59 @FusterGloria @bendrath has "snitchtagged" them
2022-06-16 12:24:07 #EDPSConf2022 on enforcement is one, never-ending, ongoing subtweet, by academic, civil society and regulators alike, of the Irish Data Protection Authority.
2022-06-16 07:36:03 @EUdelegationUK it is quite confusing to have examples that are in the past
2022-06-16 07:02:02 @nataliesedacca if @officestudents doesn’t do something about this, what exactly is it for?
2022-06-16 06:58:04 RT @Jausl00s: Just out: Study for @accessnow on the (many issues with) filing a complaint with DPA's under the GDPR...by @FusterGloria @k_…
2022-06-16 06:57:35 RT @EU_EDPS: Today on the menu: more than 50 high-level speakers in several panels and interventions! Read @W_Wiewiorowski welcome letter t…
2022-06-15 15:51:19 RT @EstelMP: NEW! Study by the Data Protection Law Scholars Network for @accessnow "The right to lodge a data protection complaint: OK,…
2022-06-15 11:10:01 RT @BertuzLuca: #DSA COREPER approved the consolidated text, paving the way for adoption in @EP_SingleMarket tomorrow. Several countries we…
2022-06-15 11:07:39 Interesting project, early days still but super simple operating system for old hardware. If you can’t keep up with keeping out bugs, perhaps limiting functionality allows the reduction of useless e-waste? cc @katebevan https://t.co/W748KrDI2p
2022-06-15 09:41:54 @TheRealRevK @neil_neilzone even i concede that would be a staggeringly uninteresting proposition
2022-06-15 09:36:05 the zombie staggers on https://t.co/vSITsoUxGm
2022-06-15 08:38:25 @roryboland @katebevan unless it’s a one way leg out of UK/EU, then it’s covered regardless of the airline
2022-06-15 07:37:06 RT @timsquirrell: An ISD report based on 2 years of research finds that al-Shabaab and Islamic State networks are operating openly, with im…
2022-06-15 07:21:45 @xotoxot we looked for one for an application a few years back and the closest i found was https://t.co/x3sgo32Syf
2022-06-15 06:42:43 RT @EU_EDPS: What will be our perception of the #GDPR in 2025? What compliance challenges will we be facing? @AxelVossMdEP, Anna Fielder, @…
2022-06-15 06:30:59 @lilianedwards @neil_neilzone NDAs sure, also SAR doesn’t give you automatic right to disseminate copyrighted material, but I’d be more interested in seeing the process and the shape of the haul than the exact content. doubt such contractual clause would be legal.
2022-06-15 06:06:14 (this is not a subtweet to the secretary of state in charge of data protection, i don’t want to see her reality tv records)
2022-06-15 06:01:21 disestablishmentarianism and the removal of international human rights protection. the only silver lining of this ridiculous rwanda farce is it might gum up the dismal legislative agenda — although then we probably just get all laws as undebated statutory instruments, forever. https://t.co/qSyQyjGkyA
2022-06-15 05:57:14 i would like:all the footage and audio you have stored of meall the observations made by writers and other staff, including opinions, planned interventions, attempts to set me up with a new contestant, all emails and IM records that ever mention my name and nickname…
2022-06-15 05:55:48 @neil_neilzone hah - not AS the show, someone who has already been surveilled and manipulated by producers for weeks!
2022-06-15 05:51:38 i would like to see a reality TV contestant make a subject access request.
2022-06-15 05:47:14 Essentially, the solution is *stop putting incredibly value laden choices in the hands of standardisation bodies*. You cannot amend them into legitimate entities to make political decisions on fairness, good administration, migration, dignity, intersectionality! Do not do it!
2022-06-15 05:44:39 the Comm will write a report saying that ANEC/ETUC/ECOS, without knowledge or legitimacy on half the AIA charter issues, are in CEN(ELEC) so it’s fine (!!!!), small MSs might not even have committees, so no way for civil society to engage (!!!!!)
2022-06-15 05:44:38 This will result in the EC mandating a single standard for all AI systems, from facial rec to judicial support (!) covering fundamental rights issues (!!) where national bodies ALREADY have groups discussing it without civil society due to pre-mandate from EC last month (!!!) …
2022-06-15 05:34:24 It’s all well and good saying ‘the standardisation process will’ have these characteristics, but it’s run by private entities who the Comm does not control. And what about the how these fundamental rights rules will cost money to even read, &
2022-06-15 05:32:19 The EP compromise is unfortunately v naïve and hand wavey with regards to adding societal input in standards bodies, which are national &
2022-06-14 16:37:26 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier ah, the issue I think is that I find it odd to call ‘this isn’t very new’ AI critique. It would be very shallow and quite boring critique if it was. Seems to imply some fairly linear idea of progress too, when AI is often about reconfiguring and relocating power and decisions.
2022-06-14 14:58:55 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier I'm still not sure I follow how people using new software in creative and social ways (as they do with much software and hardware) 'changes the rhetorical situation for critique of AI'.
2022-06-14 14:28:01 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier they have interesting uses perhaps, might make more realistic digital environments, which might spur people to be in them more? they’re potentially useful, potentially important but I think more in an ancillary way
2022-06-14 14:26:09 @Ted_Underwood @sebkrier people have been making digital images from descriptions or briefs with many methods for a long time. it’s certainly neat technology but low cost stock images aren’t exactly world-changing. another example of ai working backward from capabilities rather forward from challenges.
2022-06-14 14:14:45 @BVLSingler a poor pun
2022-06-14 14:13:45 @BVLSingler his reasoning has been subject to numinous criticisms over recent days
2022-06-14 08:48:52 RT @PietEeckhout: This is terribly important. It is such an awful licence for all kinds of regimes to claim that they are entitled to overr…
2022-06-13 15:37:45 RT @m_mariastefania: Data Protection Scholars Network will be present at the @EU_EDPS conference! @FusterGloria, @lynskeyo, @mikarv and I w…
2022-06-13 08:52:22 RT @BertuzLuca: #DSA After the European Parliament contested the consolidated text, the PCY backed down and removed the reference to the…
2022-06-13 07:47:15 @neil_neilzone because there’s no reason to think they would or could have even the limited, non audio based protective or alert feature that airtags had to introduce after apple turned on this manifestly abusable global tracking infrastructure without consulting anyone.
2022-06-13 07:42:25 @neil_neilzone people are already selling airtags with removed alert beeping speakers online, i think there’s a pretty strong market for stalkerware, doesn’t necessarily require a customer to operate the server.
2022-06-13 07:28:00 @neil_neilzone airtags have vastly insufficient protection against this already, are implicated in huge numbers of police reports in the US for stalking, and they’re a fairly tightly closed network (although they have been reverse engineered and fake info upload and piggybacking is possible)
2022-06-13 07:26:33 @neil_neilzone how would such an open source covert tracking protocol (even if it was allowed to used the Find My network or the gatekept LoRa as Tile does) not be immediately abused by stalkers…?
2022-06-12 15:55:53 @LydNicholas chickens dammit
2022-06-12 15:55:46 @LydNicholas You May Have Read Alt Text About These Chickes Before
2022-06-11 16:16:02 @ViliLe the main thing being that doesn’t actually require getting into who owns the app, in what shares, etc…
2022-06-11 16:14:50 @ViliLe an extreme move to nationalise them, but government intervention could also put procedural and transparency and inclusive decision making requirements on private firms as a societally consequential infrastructures, and i think that would be pretty well supported.
2022-06-11 10:48:51 @israblack @colmocinneide @dzehtsiarou @BYMYong oh, that’s the way i refer to my research subjects
2022-06-11 10:45:13 @colmocinneide @israblack @dzehtsiarou @BYMYong ah here it is https://t.co/9QygIyvv1n
2022-06-11 10:37:52 @colmocinneide @israblack @dzehtsiarou @BYMYong an inverse risk exists, a prior (incorrect) UCL data protection training said ‘who made a mistake here?’ re ppl leaving files on trains, passwords open, etc. all the failing characters were women, the only successful one was ‘michael’. cue mails to me on why i made it that way…
2022-06-10 18:06:40 @PirateOrg thanks for clarifying!
2022-06-10 17:59:52 @PirateOrg do Yuser pay you as an advisor?
2022-06-10 17:31:34 @brindy @PirateOrg that would explain
2022-06-10 17:23:02 @PirateOrg genuine question, why is this interesting?
2022-06-10 16:44:18 @why0hy ‘it’s over!!’ no mate you’re just tired
2022-06-08 13:41:02 RT @rgorwa: The seminar series I've been hosting this year now has a webpage! Happy to welcome @mikarv to Berlin to talk about the AI Act a…
2022-06-08 11:58:03 @PaulOckenden @pcpro remembering when i expressed shock at the huge virgin media asymmetry to a sales rep and said that it was way out of step with the london fttp market (which hadnt got to me then, but has now), they said i was wrong and it definitely wasn’t that price and it was a leased line
2022-06-08 10:45:58 RT @jilltoh: Anyone at re:publica we should meet? Slide into our DMs! @Jausl00s @FusterGloria @mikarv @EkkerAnton &
2022-06-07 17:56:08 @johnwilander can this be seen as apple committing to not do or facilitate confidential on-device micro targeting then? because that has the same effect…
2022-06-07 04:44:25 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub stylus is good, it’s got a wacom tip, but wacom tip pens while they write v nicely, if you use them a lot they can occasionally get scratchy and that might damage your screen (or if dropped etc), so just buy the box of spare tips, easy to change.
2022-06-07 04:32:23 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub they look fine in skim, which i use on the mac, and they also work in preview and look good. i don’t use adobe software after they moved to installing their near-malware creative cloud system with everything.
2022-06-07 04:23:50 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub caveat: PDF annotations are always temperamental regardless of platform, applications render them and add them in different ways, so they don't always show up in all applications. i don't have a good mental model for how or when they appear or don't, and in what viewers.
2022-06-07 04:22:58 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub yes. you just open the foldersync app when you either have new things to fetch or are done annotating. i don't know how pdfexpert on ipad works but if it can access a live folder in a cloud service then it should be seamless.
2022-06-07 04:13:51 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub the thing to note about at least my onyx device is that the native annotation app (which is very good) is fast and reliable, but other android apps lag due to slow chip/epaper, so they're only useful as utilities. couldn't annotate in them well. maybe the newer ones are diff.
2022-06-07 04:12:51 @adrian_weller @lilianedwards @bubbagrub i have an onyx boox max 2, yes, annotates well in bright light w pen. easiest way is to make a shared folder with a onedrive/nextcloud/dropbox and use foldersync or similar on android. no seamless workflow with zotero yet, send the files you want to annotate to tablet w zotfile.
2022-06-06 10:15:44 @veikkoeeva @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn I’m not suggesting Firefox is perfect, or has made perfect decisions, but I don’t think pointing out flaws in the idea that new browsers create deep competition is sniping. No browser is or should be a religion. Indeed, Chromium is designed to generate the illusion of competition
2022-06-06 10:11:08 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn I use Firefox. Engaging in W3C is great, but the problem here is that Google’s dominance allows it to circumvent the W3C and set de facto standards that others have to follow. Multi stakeholder Web governance isn’t what it used to be.
2022-06-06 09:46:29 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn the balance is that Brave, Vivaldi, Edge, compete with Chrome on some browser features, but empower Google by reducing web rendering competition in other ways.
2022-06-06 09:44:13 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn Or reifying it. If it relies on Chromium, there is a significant extent to which it empowers Chrome, and makes it so Google decides web standards, and websites build only or primarily for Chrome. I stopped using Brave after it switched from Gecko to Blink.
2022-06-06 09:23:50 @PrivacyMatters @1Br0wn although the tweet ian quoted would apply to brave too, as a blink/chromium browser… not directly about privacy as much as monoculture web standards which consolidate google’s power to do other things…
2022-06-06 05:47:23 perhaps this is the wrong way around, and instead, high value problems are rarely proving to be particularly amenable to machine learning solutions. https://t.co/iN0ur5GkBE
2022-06-05 12:32:57 @C___CS @OpenTechFund @radsandy @rgorwa @nahema_marchal @F_Kaltheuner @InterwebzNani @octopuscitizen @zararah @FiekeJ @a_yung_ @jilltoh @Jausl00s @FusterGloria @EkkerAnton and I will be there
2022-06-03 11:51:04 @ChrisTMarsden @EU_EDPS @PaulNemitz @lynskeyo @johnnyryan @buchtan @anna_colaps but i am actually speaking at this!
2022-06-02 05:39:48 RT @huibmodderkolk: Nieuw: Nederland is klant bij het omstreden NSO Group. De AIVD heeft de Israëlische hacksoftware onder meer ingezet om…
2022-06-01 20:13:23 RT @tsimonite: Sheryl Sandberg's goodbye note says that when she first met Mark Zuckerberg she "Thought the internet was a largely anonymou…
2022-06-01 14:23:39 RT @valeriodeste: NEW PUBLICATION OUT - @MathiasWouters1 and I have just published a report for the @EP_ScienceTech of the @Europarl_EN. W…
2022-06-01 10:52:49 might this have anything to do with how hard it is to use amendments fix something built on deeply bad foundations? https://t.co/ULBEVb8IkF
2022-06-01 06:38:55 @karen_ec_levy @CornellInfoSci @CornellCIS surely this now means NO ONE is safe from your critical gaze. congratulations!
2022-06-01 06:26:56 @MarijnSax has been clearly (&
2022-06-01 06:23:32 Are all tax law professors in the Netherlands paid, employed, or have their selection influenced by, large accountancy firms that specialise in tax avoidance? Answers on a postcard (to the British Virgin Islands.) https://t.co/ALIkHa17V0
2022-05-31 20:30:03 When I’m upset about the state of the Internet these days, I visit Man in Seat 61 https://t.co/JZAkm2Soak, the best remaining website. Getting on a Nightjet in just a few mins. https://t.co/z8wIqnlFgx
2022-05-31 19:05:44 @marc_mcgeemoore well, the biggest brewer is the most powerful in those terms...
2022-05-31 18:48:41 @katebevan disestablishmentarianism is not a bad starting point
2022-05-31 18:47:28 @marc_mcgeemoore Of course not, everyone knows UCL is sponsored by Heineken. Crack open a refreshing bottle as you savour our range of undergraduate and graduate programmes today #ad https://t.co/njdaelHyTI
2022-05-31 18:44:49 @katebevan if i were the archbishop of canterbury i don’t think i’d comment on this
2022-05-31 18:42:23 @katebevan half hoping this is a disingenuous paraphrase of a statement he once made saying ‘everyone should be forgiven’ or deserves to be or words for that effect. could be never ending source of headlines.
2022-05-31 16:12:40 RT @UCLLaws: Watch a recording of 'Accountable Algorithms', a #CurrentLegalProblems Lecture delivered by Professor Rebecca Williams (Univer…
2022-05-31 13:42:56 @nielstenoever @OpenBookPublish @UCLpress indeed, though I do wonder about more specialist books. law books and referencing, and books with complex images or typesetting, are expensive to publish and need specific typesetting skills. same with mathematics (ppl often typeset themselves as a result!)
2022-05-31 12:13:52 @nielstenoever @OpenBookPublish hmm, are you sure? @UCLpress for example only publishes open access. unless you mean publishers that also never have fees to typeset etc — there are some fees for non UCL authors/projects but they also have a waiver scheme.
2022-05-31 12:07:55 RT @OpenRightsGroup: We're looking for a policy manager to help us stop the government’s destruction of the General Data Protection Regu…
2022-05-31 08:17:08 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet @lexatlasc19 very much appreciated!!
2022-05-31 08:13:52 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet @lexatlasc19 (as far as I have seen, Israel might be unique(-ish) in the executive role it gave to the signals intelligence agency, rather than just using a national security route which may involve a signit agency to get data, but I don't feel confident enough to say it was the only one)
2022-05-31 08:11:27 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet More information on many countries as we update @lexatlasc19 with the privacy sections for the ~60 countries being written up in great detail as part of the Oxford Compendium of Legal Responses to COVID-19 https://t.co/eHIBcdXHW6
2022-05-31 08:08:35 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet See e.g. Executive Instrument 61 in Ghana, attempted to use communication metadata powers specified for law enforcement/national security for COVID-19 (&
2022-05-31 05:51:05 @Birnhack @mireillemoret @SurvStudiesNet interesting! can’t see the actual paper but what’s the evidence that Israel was the *only* democratic country to use ‘security-based’ technology? Many used telecoms data (eg Ghana, Kenya) and had legal disputes around these measures too.
2022-05-30 12:08:20 @MadelineCarr (i believe it would be relevant to the winter ones
2022-05-30 12:06:40 @MadelineCarr a very very good question!
2022-05-30 10:35:59 forbidding websites hardcoding nationally specific versions of international communications or banking standards should be prohibited under the EU’s digital single market, an easy win. https://t.co/Uigz67oS73
2022-05-30 10:31:19 @TSelkl @j2bryson yep, i keep telling policymakers to look at the CPR debacle, particularly also on the similar inability to distinguish between design and use that CPR has struggled with and AIA really, really struggles with.
2022-05-30 09:22:03 @Jausl00s u r such a data altruist
2022-05-30 09:19:11 @MadelineCarr more info in the ‘enforcement’ section of the first part of our UCL Laws big @lexatlasc19 project’s United Kingdom report by @jeff_a_king @NatalieByrom https://t.co/et0FXMyRhK
2022-05-30 09:17:56 @MadelineCarr there is a diff type of fine that was introduced for organisers. other fixed penalty notices start low (in England initially 60, later 200) &
2022-05-30 09:10:54 given one of the main nationally salient policy issues in the south west is giant traffic jams caused by people slowing down to look at stonehenge, jams so big the gov are trying to build a £1.25bn tunnel mainly to hide the stones from motorists, this is bonkers. https://t.co/PWRDRev5fa
2022-05-30 09:04:37 @j2bryson yes, but making money off standards relies on IP and being only available for ££, which conflicts with openness of law if integrated like the AIA — which is why we have democratic institutions making open law paid by taxes. both directions (pay more, open more w/o pay) look bad!
2022-05-30 09:01:09 RT @j2bryson: Someone asked a question about inclusion in standards – Answer was "we may stop charging fees from SMEs etc". But in fact mos…
2022-05-30 08:53:08 @fborgesius watch out not to romanticise these registers, though, as @C___CS @FiekeJ warn in their article ‘Dutch Comfort’ https://t.co/vBZKWIq4ZC
2022-05-30 08:38:46 RT @UCLLaws: UCL Laws is hiring! We're looking for people to join our community of researchers, students and leading academics:- Associat…
2022-05-29 22:02:30 horrifying https://t.co/TlOG8xDO5E
2022-05-29 20:44:41 @HannaFlint @clancynewyork yep, can still be funny (and is!)
2022-05-29 20:38:11 Indeed, but it would be right if the gov were instead to say that EU law prohibited/precluded a (hypothetical) UK law which *required* pubs to only use glasses with crowns on them
2022-05-29 19:37:43 @HannaFlint @clancynewyork sadly this is fake, but even gizmodo journos fell for it and had to issue a correction https://t.co/dexRAZ5eqM
2022-05-29 17:57:27 @PaulbernalUK this statement is in many ways typical of a brexit concept to what ‘regulation’ means politically, which is a mix of law and market forces around free trade, laissez faire economic incentives and standardisation which globalises the domestic.
2022-05-29 17:54:56 @PaulbernalUK they wouldn’t have to adjust much to actually make this true, which makes the lie worse. the EU didn’t mandate the removal, but EU law would preclude a hypothetical (and pointless) domestic regulation saying only crown stamped glasses could be used in pubs.
2022-05-29 17:51:54 @HzBrandenburg @PJDunleavy also, poor journalism
2022-05-28 15:48:26 I beg you please just make whatever ridiculous law only apply to consumer facing street greengrocers because that surely is the only politically relevant situation for this reform
2022-05-28 15:42:43 I also recall the below thread indicating the sheer financial cost and technical, legal, and generally human effort of administering this change. https://t.co/XyVw4YVuxE
2022-05-28 15:38:38 UK Government: We need to move on to talk about the important things like the cost of living, Ukraine, net zeroAlso UK Government: Let’s focus scarce legislative time on allowing ppl to *only* denominate prices in imperial measurements to win the imagined metric martyr vote https://t.co/UA6WhfVOhf
2022-05-28 09:50:04 @aoifewhite101 is it a cynical approach to effectively get people to pay £200 for shite coffee in Business
2022-05-28 09:46:12 @ArmelaDi oh I’m leaving after being here for a week! thankfully @lynskeyo flagged the Midi issue although I thought it’s because they were in the process of refurbing not that this was the disastrous end product.
2022-05-28 09:42:33 what evil sadist refurbed the Eurostar terminal at Bruxelles Midi and installed a giant pseudo duty free and removed *every* coffee vending facility in the process?
2022-05-28 08:02:22 RT @gikii: Reminder that the deadline for submitting your abstracts for this year's mixed Online/IRL conference is approaching! https://t.c…
2022-05-27 16:04:44 @halhod i have been doing that (bit unwieldy if you don't use safari), but can be a bit of a pain when they want you to send things *from* that email and they do not initiate the message. if they are like 'email this to complain', you can't. if they start, you can chat through the proxy
2022-05-27 16:03:29 RT @lilianedwards: Friday Frantic Reminders!!!! 2 days to go for #gikii Iceland CFP. This deadline will not be extended!! Dont end up on th…
2022-05-25 15:52:14 @daphnehk @AlexCEngler @blakereid @neil_neilzone @doctorow as long as they are non-professional users, they are not in scope.
2022-05-25 12:19:30 @infofannny @CPDPconferences @AdaLovelaceInst @RaviNa1k @ShmaeganM @szymielewicz and???
2022-05-25 09:12:55 RT @infofannny: Hey #CPDP2022 spread the word or apply to join @accessnow as Surveillance Campaigner to fight against surveillance laws, te…
2022-05-25 08:33:21 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today at #CPDP2022, and on the 4th anniversary of GDPR, Ada has organised a panel: Power over data and algorithms - ca…
2022-05-24 12:45:14 “the Commission is getting its Acts together” - mixed laughs and groans as @EikeGraef recalls a joke he heard
2022-05-24 12:36:28 @jamesfarrar collective action around data enabled @ADCUnion to be recognised as a union — litigating alone was not seen as collective action – @jamesfarrar
2022-05-24 12:33:02 "an employment claim for minimum wage has cost millions of pounds, 6-7 years" — @jamesfarrar
2022-05-24 12:29:50 "if you're already marginalised, you don't always like to be too close to the law" – @jilltoh
2022-05-24 12:24:21 .@divijualsuspect @UCLLaws now chairing important panel at #CPDP2022 on the (f)laws of individual use of data rights for collective aims, feat. @EkkerAnton @EikeGraef @jilltoh @jamesfarrar https://t.co/3lO7iGiRda
2022-05-24 10:20:09 RT @shivan_kaul: This is shocking. DuckDuckGo has a search deal with Microsoft which prevents them from blocking MS trackers. And they can'…
2022-05-24 09:50:09 @mireillemoret @bpreneel1 @EU_Commission Given so key I think it would have been wise for the EC to introduce both in parallel, as they did with DMA/DSA.
2022-05-23 23:07:19 @FusterGloria @m_mariastefania @Jausl00s @eleni_kosta @k_irion @lynskeyo @Nolan_Katie @olga_gkot @HriscuAna carefully reflected on further
2022-05-23 15:56:40 @FusterGloria @djleufer i will try and sauce some ‘samurai’
2022-05-23 09:51:18 @AlexMartin French already made similar order
2022-05-23 09:51:07 RT @AlexMartin: BREAKING: Facial recognition company Clearview AI fined more than £7.5m by the UK's privacy watchdog for illegally collecti…
2022-05-23 09:50:26 @PrivaSense (we didn’t submit to the appathon)
2022-05-23 09:50:09 @PrivaSense also, as one of the DP-3T team, our ideas were represented by tiny firms that didn’t understand them and just reskinned our SwissCovid code we had released 8 days prior.
2022-05-23 09:49:18 @alexhanna and another company with their own app hardcoded the emails and data of test users and released them all on github
2022-05-23 09:48:53 @alexhanna it was 8 days or so after we had released the code for the DP-3T system which preceded &
2022-05-23 09:41:45 Panel at #CPDP reminding me one of the most absurd tech policy things in the pandemic was the Dutch contact tracing “Appathon”, where a series of low capacity orgs &
2022-05-23 09:04:20 (My sophisticated theoretical framework of Drinks + Borrelhapjes indicates that they are entwined, that one and the other add to each other and make them more than the whole etc etc)
2022-05-23 08:52:47 data protection scholars at #CPDP, come to the launch of the Data Protection Scholars Network this PM! drinks+borrellhapjes. Monday 23 May 2022, 19:00-20:00 at Maison des Arts (Chau. de Haecht 147, 1030 Schaerbeek) https://t.co/VPyJeRp77H
2022-05-22 21:47:41 RT @seefryar: So actually this isn’t about citations at all but a fundamental (but common) misunderstanding of what historians do. In most…
2022-05-22 08:21:00 RT @divijualsuspect: I'll be at @CPDPconferences next week, moderating this excellent panel on problematising individual approaches to data…
2022-05-20 11:30:52 RT @lilianedwards: What fundamental change of circumstances has happened between start of pandemic and now which has rendered it "too risky…
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:18:00 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta instead of https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa I was very tempted to get https://t.co/eFSxj9peaQ but decided against it
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:49:37 @crystaljjlee @mikarv@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computer https://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8 https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 09:50:20 @Richvn ministerial entanglement
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-23 11:28:11 @technollama political escapism https://t.co/mfS9wqrBvz
2022-10-22 16:38:25 Oh no @igavels. https://t.co/Lg3UkDqjIe
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:18:00 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta instead of https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa I was very tempted to get https://t.co/eFSxj9peaQ but decided against it
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:49:37 @crystaljjlee @mikarv@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computer https://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8 https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 09:50:20 @Richvn ministerial entanglement
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-23 11:28:11 @technollama political escapism https://t.co/mfS9wqrBvz
2022-10-22 16:38:25 Oh no @igavels. https://t.co/Lg3UkDqjIe
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:18:00 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta instead of https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa I was very tempted to get https://t.co/eFSxj9peaQ but decided against it
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:49:37 @crystaljjlee @mikarv@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computer https://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8 https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 09:50:20 @Richvn ministerial entanglement
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-23 11:28:11 @technollama political escapism https://t.co/mfS9wqrBvz
2022-10-22 16:38:25 Oh no @igavels. https://t.co/Lg3UkDqjIe
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-29 18:35:16 @rriemann_eu @ilumium that would be fun. atm our instance is only open to friends who are willing and technically able to help with the running the innards, not looking to provide a broader service. the first other human on it is @jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-29 18:20:47 @rriemann_eu @ilumium yep, i recommended it already https://t.co/RcqTHajrD0 but personally i’m running my own (also to learn more)
2022-10-29 17:33:07 Truss' phone was 'heavily compromised', in a hack attributed to Russia, during her prime ministerial campaign, reports MoS. https://t.co/UXGzeCYrEQ
2022-10-29 15:43:31 (note that the blog post is not fully up to date)
2022-10-29 15:42:39 If any IP and platforms people are looking for an idea for a dissertation or paper, then consider the interaction between the Copyright Directive and the fediverse, as the founder of Mastodon wrote in 2018 here. https://t.co/iYO8WSUEMm
2022-10-29 15:15:16 RT @Chronotope: wow a company did the exact thing with tcf that every critic of tcf warned people that companies would do with tcf because…
2022-10-29 14:15:29 RT @craigjcalhoun: UK academic staff are not paid well by international standards or enough to keep up with UK inflation. Cuts to retiremen…
2022-10-29 13:29:09 for those people worried about picking a mastodon server, you may not know you can shift servers whenever and take all your followers with you extremely easily https://t.co/35pR8YIDKZ https://t.co/L9N6qZ12iz
2022-10-29 12:21:15 @robyncaplan you don't need a new account, you can follow anyone on any server from any other server (: https://t.co/um9w11FVZZ
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:18:00 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta instead of https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa I was very tempted to get https://t.co/eFSxj9peaQ but decided against it
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:49:37 @crystaljjlee @mikarv@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computer https://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8 https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 09:50:20 @Richvn ministerial entanglement
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-23 11:28:11 @technollama political escapism https://t.co/mfS9wqrBvz
2022-10-22 16:38:25 Oh no @igavels. https://t.co/Lg3UkDqjIe
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-10-30 08:57:59 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers There are (many!) other instances of scholarly relevance eg I used to be on https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a but they aren't accepting new members rn. But it doesn't matter, no FOMO as you can still follow anyone and they you. a good guide https://t.co/nK3k9OFlXJ @joix pointed me to.
2022-10-30 08:54:58 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers If you already have signed up, you can move your account and followers. Make a new account at https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy and then you can set your old one to port over. https://t.co/35pR8YI5Vr. Also, hi @MauritsMeijers (:
2022-10-30 08:54:15 @SRanchordas @MauritsMeijers You don't need to sign up on https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5, and indeed you shouldn't! You can choose any instance (try something small at a size that is nicely moderated). It doesn't restrict your ability to follow others or be followed. I recommend https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy.
2022-10-30 07:36:35 @SRanchordas https://t.co/ZPUXd6qaMb will likely fail to enforce these because it's too big, but you can and should port your account (and followers) to a smaller instance that is small enough so that moderation is much more social. https://t.co/IXLFJ9bWdy is an example of this.
2022-10-29 18:35:16 @rriemann_eu @ilumium that would be fun. atm our instance is only open to friends who are willing and technically able to help with the running the innards, not looking to provide a broader service. the first other human on it is @jennifercobbe@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-29 18:20:47 @rriemann_eu @ilumium yep, i recommended it already https://t.co/RcqTHajrD0 but personally i’m running my own (also to learn more)
2022-10-29 17:33:07 Truss' phone was 'heavily compromised', in a hack attributed to Russia, during her prime ministerial campaign, reports MoS. https://t.co/UXGzeCYrEQ
2022-10-29 15:43:31 (note that the blog post is not fully up to date)
2022-10-29 15:42:39 If any IP and platforms people are looking for an idea for a dissertation or paper, then consider the interaction between the Copyright Directive and the fediverse, as the founder of Mastodon wrote in 2018 here. https://t.co/iYO8WSUEMm
2022-10-29 15:15:16 RT @Chronotope: wow a company did the exact thing with tcf that every critic of tcf warned people that companies would do with tcf because…
2022-10-29 14:15:29 RT @craigjcalhoun: UK academic staff are not paid well by international standards or enough to keep up with UK inflation. Cuts to retiremen…
2022-10-29 13:29:09 for those people worried about picking a mastodon server, you may not know you can shift servers whenever and take all your followers with you extremely easily https://t.co/35pR8YIDKZ https://t.co/L9N6qZ12iz
2022-10-29 12:21:15 @robyncaplan you don't need a new account, you can follow anyone on any server from any other server (: https://t.co/um9w11FVZZ
2022-10-29 09:06:55 Great essay by @framasoft/@Framasoft@framapiaf.org looking back at lessons from their efforts to collectivise and convivialise the Internet. Framasoft have monthly hosting expenses of ~50K EUR. https://t.co/La4d1HzgnR
2022-10-29 06:57:11 @xotoxot @mireillemoret @CatalinaGoanta scholar social didn’t say who ran it and blocked whole instances containing digital rights NGOs from being accessible from it, so i migrated my account from it yday to a self hosted instance. https://t.co/IXLFJ9cu36 also exists which may be of interest, some familiar faces there
2022-10-28 17:21:55 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta more seriously though, the mental model issue I think is about who is in or out of the search bar, home feed, federated feed, and why.
2022-10-28 17:18:00 @neil_neilzone @CatalinaGoanta instead of https://t.co/l0XSziP5aa I was very tempted to get https://t.co/eFSxj9peaQ but decided against it
2022-10-28 17:17:30 The https://t.co/Fr8VEOCOID server gets about 6k EUR a month in Patreon donations. The increased load is presumably noticeable. Are there more detailed financials on how much these larger instances actually cost to run?
2022-10-28 17:10:41 @CatalinaGoanta i'll probably syndicate to both and see how I feel. you don't need to be on a particular server though, but i agree it's hard for people to make mental models of how it works.
2022-10-28 11:54:54 @sjmurdoch I shifted to @mikarv@someone.elses.computer, trying the migration functionality today. whoever was running https://t.co/Cy9OOOgd0a I joined in 2017 is a mystery and i'm not willing to abide by that...
2022-10-28 11:49:37 @crystaljjlee @mikarv@someone.elses.computer
2022-10-28 11:38:34 shifting the mastodon account I started 5 years ago on a mystery server with overzealous federation blocking policies to my own server (content moderation galore awaits). you can follow me on @mikarv@someone.elses.computer https://t.co/w0vEMo8ByM
2022-10-27 22:25:32 Re-invoice them with statutory interest rates if universities are late at paying — 8% plus the Bank of England base rate + £40–70 recovery fee. The finance dept at unis aren’t likely to influence repercussion, so use your legal rights. https://t.co/2Gcrts3Uh8 https://t.co/ktmmfTxz6p
2022-10-27 22:04:04 @neilmrichards @salome_viljoen_ @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron unfortunately bluetooth is q low quality, wireless speakers are better w Airplay2 which allows multiple connected nicely using a fusion of protocols but apple keep it proprietary and license it selectively to eg boost HomeKit uptake (Airplay1 was successfully reverse engineered)
2022-10-27 21:24:28 @salome_viljoen_ @neilmrichards @MargotKaminski @daniellecitron impossible to buy a home speaker without echo/google assistant, i gave in and blocked it from successfully resolving google domains with my home dns filter. when you check the logs turns out it asks ‘where’s google?’ two times a second. ‘google’s dead’, my dns pi responds.
2022-10-27 11:51:48 @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov Here are some of the other examples catalogued in the POTs paper. For many years these authors have tirelessly pushed 'optimisation' as a frame of thinking instead of fairness or confidentiality alone. Getting to work with them is one of the v best parts of my job as an academic. https://t.co/wrLofqaiTc
2022-10-27 11:47:09 Techniques to foil optimisation systems (the Protective Optimisation Technologies of @bekah_overdorf @sedyst @carmelatroncoso @hiddenmarkov https://t.co/QHnHWql86R) are promising to politically push back against systems, not as unreliable individual protection. https://t.co/9UkInMMZtY
2022-10-27 11:44:07 RT @cynddl: As much as I like counter-surveillance activism, this particular line of research—from faces to web traces—is dangerous in many…
2022-10-27 09:50:20 @Richvn ministerial entanglement
2022-10-27 07:35:54 @hutko literally just emailed around a paper with the highlighted reference gaps in yesterday and spent a pointless ten mins looking for whether it was out on eurlex yesterday! thank you for flagging
2022-10-26 17:26:38 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch so people have to give away their usernames externally to do basic tasks! wonderful security practice
2022-10-26 17:25:55 @owainkenway @sjmurdoch microsoft know the aliases, they should be able to map them, but mapping seems to only happen in native windows apps, in everything else triggering infinite login loop because it tries to stupidly match the document permissioning email to the AD identity without checking aliases
2022-10-26 17:17:20 @emax i never heard of it until your tweet, tried it for 2 mins, now i have disabled it. interacts weirdly with my practice of calling windows i want via alfred
2022-10-26 17:11:07 @RichardMoorhead @Detig @MatthewHappold I assure you there there is no functionality for anyone to edit, manipulate or remove your login data once it has been recorded in your local orcid branch accounts
2022-10-23 23:54:38 @lilianedwards @RaviNa1k it isn’t clear from https://t.co/nx3GlrMY3N if they plan to alter collection patterns of the meters. atm, you can choose for your meter to eg only send once a month. unclear if they plan to override that. aeons ago i wrote a smart meter and law case study https://t.co/pqR0epqcPF
2022-10-23 11:28:11 @technollama political escapism https://t.co/mfS9wqrBvz
2022-10-22 16:38:25 Oh no @igavels. https://t.co/Lg3UkDqjIe
2022-10-22 12:00:18 reflecting on why this is unlikely to spur outrage, it seems largely because the electorate is so arbitrary that compromising them can’t decrease the legitimacy of the process much more. (although systematic compromise should concern us!)
2022-10-22 08:58:21 Furthemore, the proportion without email addresses seems likely to be larger than the proportion that the winner will win by. What could go wrong?
2022-10-22 08:57:29 Someone from the party will call a number and enfranchise with the leadership of this country an questionably transcribed email address given to them by whoever picks up the phone. https://t.co/y9gpZbvX1Y
2022-10-21 14:21:24 RT @carmelatroncoso: I am also looking for postdocs with cryptography background looking into designing practical systems. If you are inter…
2022-10-21 14:08:29 @joetidy Glad NCSC have solved the problem described by the US National Academy of Sciences in 2018 that 'no known technology guarantees the secrecy, security and verifiability of a marked ballot transmitted over the Internet'. https://t.co/HXh2gX8cYx
2022-10-21 14:06:31 It's not about the amount of scrutiny. Online voting for hugely consequential votes has structural flaws regardless of scrutiny
2022-10-21 14:04:30 @katebevan It's not about the amount of scrutiny though — the major concerns around online voting for heads of state persist regardless of how much oversight NCSC have. https://t.co/Kwy4IWKfmr
2022-10-21 13:47:55 RT @applecensorship: So Apple now says that developers of the VKontake and https://t.co/GxRiIAwIKQ apps are not on the UK sanctions list. E…
2022-10-21 09:27:48 @psychicyogamat spread by a major product range from some sprawling multinational, and we'll get a huge class action awarding huge damages to Justin Webb, Ken Livinstone and Graham Linehan
2022-10-21 09:25:37 @psychicyogamat in 5 years we will discover it is actually a brain worm, like toxoplasmosis
2022-10-21 09:24:36 @psychicyogamat it was absurd, I shouted at my radio. Elton good at closing down without engaging.
2022-10-21 08:22:52 @MadelineCarr @UCLLaws Do circulate amongst your people with legal-shaped interests! We've lectures and panels coming out of our eyeballs due to cheap ways to hold them online — what I think we've been lacking is a dedicated social dimension.
2022-10-21 07:53:37 @1Br0wn @GCHQ @Conservatives we’ve talked to NCSC and said look, we’ve installed norton 365 and kaspersky, the election is more of a backstop than a plan anyway, and either way, luckily our largely octogenarian populist membership is extremely robust against social engineering.
2022-10-21 05:23:24 @JBAGerritsen @nicolasmarangoz @privacylawGER it’s mainly NL that leans on that standard explicitly in DPA decisions and advice, haven’t seen it elsewhere, have a chapter forthcoming soon on logging in the law enforcement directive…
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-24 16:06:22 Strong UCL Laws picket today for the #UCUStrike feat. inter alia @vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computer @divijualsuspect@someone.elses.computer @Olena@eupolicy.social @TranscribeBentham@zirk.us #UCURising https://t.co/chyJdQtrqE
2022-11-24 15:29:18 RT @jon_agar: At @stsucl we are on strike https://t.co/hTH0UkJXsP
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 16:06:22 Strong UCL Laws picket today for the #UCUStrike feat. inter alia @vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computer @divijualsuspect@someone.elses.computer @Olena@eupolicy.social @TranscribeBentham@zirk.us #UCURising https://t.co/chyJdQtrqE
2022-11-24 15:29:18 RT @jon_agar: At @stsucl we are on strike https://t.co/hTH0UkJXsP
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 16:06:22 Strong UCL Laws picket today for the #UCUStrike feat. inter alia @vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computer @divijualsuspect@someone.elses.computer @Olena@eupolicy.social @TranscribeBentham@zirk.us #UCURising https://t.co/chyJdQtrqE
2022-11-24 15:29:18 RT @jon_agar: At @stsucl we are on strike https://t.co/hTH0UkJXsP
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 16:06:22 Strong UCL Laws picket today for the #UCUStrike feat. inter alia @vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computer @divijualsuspect@someone.elses.computer @Olena@eupolicy.social @TranscribeBentham@zirk.us #UCURising https://t.co/chyJdQtrqE
2022-11-24 15:29:18 RT @jon_agar: At @stsucl we are on strike https://t.co/hTH0UkJXsP
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 16:06:22 Strong UCL Laws picket today for the #UCUStrike feat. inter alia @vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computer @divijualsuspect@someone.elses.computer @Olena@eupolicy.social @TranscribeBentham@zirk.us #UCURising https://t.co/chyJdQtrqE
2022-11-24 15:29:18 RT @jon_agar: At @stsucl we are on strike https://t.co/hTH0UkJXsP
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-11-29 07:55:51 @cyberleagle I imagine the insane width of john penrose’s amendments did not pass you by https://t.co/TnGl1OItUp
2022-11-29 07:48:26 @cyberleagle what a snazzy new amendment paper layout
2022-11-26 11:11:44 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Credit to UCL SSEES staff who took to the picket line to oppose casualisation &
2022-11-26 11:11:23 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: A common question that comes up in conversations with colleagues about the current #ucuRISING industrial action is, 'do…
2022-11-26 10:42:20 @alexhern do you know why they consider faithful chronology so important? (I don’t). relatedly: mstdn works great if your server is provisioned fine at normal loads, main issue is dealing w peaks. small servers will get huge lags in a crisis when people on those server post viral posts.
2022-11-25 11:30:43 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Strong picket lines out for day 2 of #UCURising #UCUstrike #dogsonpicketlines https://t.co/43KhOWjOBW
2022-11-25 10:23:46 On #UCUStrike today again at UCL Laws. Very few teaching activities occurring. (Feat fediverse denizen @annajsaunders@zirk.us.) #ucurising https://t.co/alHQTLmkQA
2022-11-25 07:55:13 @akulith still going ahead despite nationwide academic strikes and pickets, including at Westminster? I doubt there’ll be so many in the audience.
2022-11-24 16:06:22 Strong UCL Laws picket today for the #UCUStrike feat. inter alia @vmantouvalou@someone.elses.computer @divijualsuspect@someone.elses.computer @Olena@eupolicy.social @TranscribeBentham@zirk.us #UCURising https://t.co/chyJdQtrqE
2022-11-24 15:29:18 RT @jon_agar: At @stsucl we are on strike https://t.co/hTH0UkJXsP
2022-11-24 07:58:16 RT @stokel: I'm striking because I'm overworked and tired. My university is severely understaffed, and at times thinks fractional contracts…
2022-11-24 07:35:32 68.7% of students at UCL, the largest in-person uni in the UK, support the #UCUStrike action (UCLSU vote, 26.9% oppose, 4.4% abstain). They get it: decaying staff working conditions are their decaying learning conditions.
2022-11-24 07:03:59 RT @tom_western: Our first teach-out tomorrow! UCL as Logistics Machine. With Pushpa Arabindoo and Andrew Barry. 9am at the geography picke…
2022-11-23 13:25:42 @Ramoncp72 now they've cut up hooge catherine, finally...
2022-11-23 10:40:48 The research arm of the French #dataProtection authority, the #CNIL, is hiring a #digitalSociology researcher https://t.co/fS80ziNItf #job
2022-11-23 09:54:23 @BirkbeckLaw @hyoyoonkang cc @MariaLeeLaw @lawvaughan @allowrites @UCLlaw_env
2022-11-22 22:58:12 @tforcworc solid! but as neil says, there’s more to say in some areas. i think a big challenge for those instances that are eager to totally follow laws might be uk based instances that according to the DSA need an eu legal rep if they have eu users
2022-11-22 17:48:14 @tim_libert The fun part is the daunting stuff, and understanding if people can, in the 21C, find other mechanisms for tackling daunting challenges, together. Network power can work both ways.
2022-11-22 17:47:27 @tim_libert Users have to accept posts may lurk indefinitely. Agree a big possibility of spam, and that that spam could in turn contain abusive and illegal material. Collective flagging mechanisms for rapid response needed. Reputation based vouching before federating. But not impossible.
2022-11-22 16:40:50 @EUinSF @DigitalEU @EU_Commission I know several European citizens (also others, but I understand they need case-by-case exemptions) who have left big tech, would be interested, but are based in SF. Have you discussed the possibility of locating any of these jobs there?
2022-11-22 11:21:03 Our little Mastodon instance, https://t.co/l0XSziOxkC, home to around 50 people, is now aware of (and has cached) the existence of almost 120,000 fediverse users!
2022-11-22 09:53:26 looks like my mastodon to twitter poster is half broken. go on my account there to find out more!
2022-11-22 08:48:26 @JessicaShurson yes, but i don’t think staff should join them (or be allowed to), only depts and faculties and projects and similar. your employer shouldn’t usually run your social network (maybe if it’s tiny it’s ok)
2022-11-22 08:23:39 @DonMacAskill @Flickr yes, you should!
2022-11-22 07:12:41 @C___CS @rgorwa yeah i’m down, and probably @petros_ter and @divijualsuspect too given their research areas!
2022-11-21 22:07:29 The fediverse has had a really big cold start challenge with the sudden entry of many un-networked people and new instances. Common complaints of ‘the search doesn’t work’ are largely about the way it doesn’t work *yet*, when everyone joins at once with no history. It’s (1/2)
2022-11-21 21:39:30 RT @FusterGloria: @mikarv in the meantime, not far away from there, la quadrature had already like 20k points but cool of course
2022-11-21 21:39:01 @FusterGloria indeed! i boosted their fundraiser earlier today, https://t.co/JLitOFNJlC is great.
2022-11-21 20:55:39 RT @jen_m_mcarthur: Staff from @UCLSTEaPP are hosting a teach out on Day 1 of the @ucu @UCL_UCU strike action. Where will this experiment i…
2022-11-21 20:54:05 The digital rights groups in the UK are leading the way with their own organisational fediverse instances: @awo@mastodon.awo.agency @jim@social.openrightsgroup.org
2022-11-21 19:45:50 @mireillemoret @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog Discovery doesn’t really happen via servers but via boosting and then everyone sees it. I wouldn’t worry about this, very popular accounts are on their own instance. The main issue with your own instance is it being harder to find others, not being harder to find yourself.
2022-11-21 14:12:08 @LSTSblog @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald not sure it’s quite postdoc work! getting a VUB domain will be a headache i imagine but hopefully you have a friendly IT department…
2022-11-21 08:42:57 @Abebab @djleufer you’re likely looking for incredible law firm and compliance agency https://t.co/avdB4MRrFt @A__W______O
2022-11-21 08:00:41 @wbm312 backups are manually organised on mastodon, so the admin will know their retention schedule
2022-11-21 07:54:51 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog hence managed hosting is the way. first need to find someone who manages the VUB dns records, convince them to add https://t.co/s4FpuougMC, then buy the hosting on Spacebear for a couple of yrs in a block w the ERC... before long more VUB will want on, pass the project to IT…
2022-11-21 07:50:33 @laurencediver @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog given it’s mostly broadcasting out, a pleroma instance may be more cost effective than a mastodon instance as it’s lighter software. can still log in with mastodon apps as it supports the API. https://t.co/WTKKvrKjxw
2022-11-21 07:18:01 @CoHuBiCoL1 @CatalinaGoanta @KiddoThe2B @random_walker @xotoxot @tiltronald @LSTSblog perhaps VUB should set up its own instance for projects and groups and departments (not individuals i think) using something like https://t.co/SSYUDZswZA or https://t.co/iENzzOF33E
2022-11-21 06:10:20 @jorisvanhoboken @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta worth noting too that the average *US* user expects moderation. for huge a proportion of the world with less ad revenue and outside of the priorities of californians, federated systems (not the .social server) promise more carefully and contextually crafted moderation, not less.
2022-11-20 19:38:44 @lexzard @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli yes, insofar as you can layer 'middleware' (which then becomes important) over the distributed pieces through either severs or users subscribing to APIs for moderation or similar.
2022-11-20 18:11:24 @garrett_wollman @jimkillock @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Only in some ways. Communication both within &
2022-11-20 18:08:19 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Orchestrating responses to this will be hard because without super rapid moderation response, there will need to be a 'securitisation' of parts of the fediverse in combination with allowlists. Will need further protections (e.g. when can new accounts federate)
2022-11-20 18:06:14 @jimkillock @garrett_wollman @technollama @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta Moderation is/will be most challenging against orchestrated external attacks. Some instances will turn from blocklists to allowlists. Attackers will seek to make and abuse accounts on instances close to the attacked instance (so instance blocking is costly).
2022-11-20 17:41:42 @Ignactro @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta i don't have data distinguishing between that.
2022-11-20 17:40:42 @schock @mlmillerphd @sjjphd i really hope that twitter don't try and sue https://t.co/MJ6wLmjTHY for trademark infringement. it will be hard to defend given it's clearly a competing social network.
2022-11-20 16:28:52 @tiffanycli @CatalinaGoanta I don't think complaints are being set aside. Indeed more + more servers are defederating from https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 / https://t.co/VA6yx0FWm8 over exactly these issues. And ppl who do not spend lives studying content moderation are having serious discussions over its politics!
2022-11-20 16:21:33 @Jackstilgoe make sure to put it in your Twitter bio because then people can use tools like https://t.co/smtmfPPaQQ to find you (and you to find others!)
2022-11-20 16:20:40 RT @Jackstilgoe: Thanks to @mikarv, I am now on Mastodon @jackstilgoe@someone.elses.computer/
2022-11-20 16:19:23 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli It is widely acknowledged that the .social and .online servers are not well-moderated. It is widely acknowledged there is no clear 'on-ramp' where people can learn the ropes in a well moderated space while finding their people (who may not have set up a community yet!)
2022-11-20 16:17:54 @CatalinaGoanta @tiffanycli Mastodon 'fans', as well as 'acknowledge and deal with' is doing a lot of unspecified work. https://t.co/Fr8VEOCgT5 alone, the server in question, has swelled in size by 12x in a single fortnight, and constructing governance takes time.
2022-11-19 16:30:51 @daphnehk my DMa full of spammers too. also flagging here the work (for others
2022-11-18 23:42:58 @Livingstone_S i think it’s probably intended for institutional accounts but that’s a very good question even in that context
2022-11-18 17:07:09 My university has just cascaded to all relevant faculty and professional services special "UCL guidance in response to the developing situation on Twitter", recommending all users download archives of their data and strategise how to "diversify their engagement" https://t.co/DR9Gk2aQr2
2022-11-18 16:20:08 Presumably now Trump gets reactivated on a rapidly degrading Twitter and... then what happens?
2022-11-18 15:59:29 @riptari best to be on someone elses computer rather than all on the same computer
2022-11-18 11:36:47 @wendyg add yourself! 'researcher' in broadest sense. didn't want to just say anyone at the intersection because list might lose some focus, but not curating it narrowly
2022-11-18 09:53:32 @sylviademars of course let’s not jump to conclusions without a deep scientific study on whether this phenomenon of ‘underpaying’ indeed exists
2022-11-18 08:28:14 @hdevalence we’ve moved now from controlling your own rules to ‘if i move, people browsing my inactive account’s posts from 3 years ago have to check whether posts or replies still exist somewhere in the known network’
2022-11-18 08:26:01 @hdevalence theoretically a lot of updating of all servers (including those that replied to you) is possible, albeit at high communication cost! some cooperation from the old server is needed for perfection/completeness but the aim is a social network not an immutable archive.
2022-11-18 08:18:58 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann you were specific about ‘germany’ before, rather than european law, i think the issue may well be untrained, uncreative german judges. a system where there is even automatic propagated deletion from posts you’ve yourself made public is not the same set of facts as Lindqvist.
2022-11-18 08:16:02 @hdevalence there’s zero reason i can think of that a series of redirects, or instructions to pull old replies and links from other servers, as well as signpost to them from the old server, cannot be implemented as well. these are unimplemented features, not structural impossibilities.
2022-11-18 08:10:56 @j2bryson i bet, from hearing experiences, it’ll take significantly more than that.
2022-11-18 08:03:51 @hdevalence followers move, who you’ve followed can move if you want, a redirect is placed on your old account, and if your incoming server permits it, you can import all your posts (no technical barrier to this, it’s just not implemented in mastodon main branch yet https://t.co/e8GZIlPRv0)
2022-11-18 07:57:44 @hdevalence you can move between instances and take followers with you automatically.
2022-11-18 07:49:00 @hdevalence which… you can do on mastodon? just choose, or if you really want assurance, set up with friends a server that either doesn’t block or doesn’t suspend only silences, and use the API and personal moderation tools to manage your own block lists w middleware.
2022-11-18 07:44:49 @hdevalence still requires a collective method to make moderation decisions due to individuals being time poor, they have to de facto trust people to do this if they accept block lists via API to a middleware service.
2022-11-18 07:41:39 @frank_grimm @AlexAmtmann that can be turned off with a flick of a switch
2022-11-18 07:39:25 @hdevalence your ‘decentralised’ trustless direction simply moves decisions about moderation, blocking, spam filtering, into less accountable and more obscure directions.
2022-11-18 07:37:37 @hdevalence hence *managed hosting* — your issue seems to be with autonomy over moderation rules. my point is you can set your own rules, if important to you, without any home hosting etc (defo not recommending unless people really intrepid) if you pay an org to set up an instance for you.
2022-11-18 07:10:51 @stephanschmidt @AlexAmtmann depends on your definition! the point is that if you do something illegal, it’s illegal, and you’re identifiable to law enforcement, enforcement is possible? what powers law enforcement has to acquire info is usually a matter for national law, overseen by the ECHR.
2022-11-18 07:08:56 @AlexAmtmann an ‘Impressum’ is a German law obligation afaik that doesn’t exist as a general obligation in other countries so I don’t know the exact sources of it to comment.
2022-11-17 17:37:56 @JBAGerritsen uneventful from my reading earlier other than the slight re-emphasis of notice that first appeared in Watson
2022-11-17 15:25:34 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy 43 was a random number but indeed, that's an option
2022-11-17 15:23:49 @WebDevLaw @wikimediapolicy what if that data is "age 43, occupation: MP in London, target edit: own page" etc etc...
2022-11-17 15:00:23 @AGKarlRacine @riptari should probably add that iMessage typically doesn’t count as it typically stores data on iCloud in a format that Apple can access (and be compelled to access).
2022-11-17 11:37:34 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: Today, Ada publishes Rethinking data, the culmination of a 2-year project that began with the question: 'What is a m…
2022-11-17 05:56:33 @BeyerMalte Still EU cards are capped at 0.2% by European law.
2022-11-16 21:13:03 @MargotKaminski US cards are actually uncapped for fees regardless of type in european i believe which adds further complexity…
2022-11-16 20:50:26 lies https://t.co/MxTrijAT3X
2022-11-16 13:51:58 @PJLeerssen @CatalinaGoanta @UniUtrecht @jilltoh @N_Appelman @Jausl00s @MarijnSax hope you’re feeling ok that far above sea level
2022-11-16 10:12:00 @adejoode Fees are capped for debit cards in the EU, whether Mastercard, Maestro or Visa, at 0.2% of the transaction, by Regulation 2015/751 https://t.co/YdrzbzYsk7
2022-11-16 09:17:28 RT @NoraNiLoideain: It’s tomorrow! The @infolawcentre Annual Conference 2022: Online Safety in a Connected World We hope you can joi…
2022-11-16 09:17:16 @sorsoup don't accept unless they accept credit cards https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:50 Info from the birdsite: apparently fixing this is the dramatically named "Project DCA: Debit Card Acceptance"... https://t.co/7KgqeZWhii
2022-11-16 09:06:39 Giving this talk this evening at @UniUtrecht — if you're in town, come along! https://t.co/x0FDeZc2A4
2022-11-16 09:04:50 @hildeweerts am only here until tomorrow AM, a flying visit, but will be back soon!
2022-11-16 08:10:09 When will shops in the Netherlands learn that VISA and Mastercard *debit* cards exist? How did this category error that Maestro == Debit
2022-11-15 21:10:53 @jessphillips I do often wonder why have none of these committees yet invited an actual amazon worker or worker representative though? it seems like it should be an absolute priority @darrenpjones
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
2022-12-08 12:41:54 And a reminder: these banners are *not required* by data protection law — in many ways they are *prohibited by it*. You cannot give valid consent in this manner, to this many vendors, for this many things. Cookie banners were never about compliance, they were about subversion.
2022-12-08 12:41:53 New paper from TU Braunschweig: "Accept All Exploits: Exploring the Security Impact of Cookie Banners" - a user consenting to tracking executes +45% 3rd-party scripts, is exposed to +63% security sensitive data flows - by consenting, the # of sites vulnerable to cross-site (1/2)
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
2022-12-08 12:41:54 And a reminder: these banners are *not required* by data protection law — in many ways they are *prohibited by it*. You cannot give valid consent in this manner, to this many vendors, for this many things. Cookie banners were never about compliance, they were about subversion.
2022-12-08 12:41:53 New paper from TU Braunschweig: "Accept All Exploits: Exploring the Security Impact of Cookie Banners" - a user consenting to tracking executes +45% 3rd-party scripts, is exposed to +63% security sensitive data flows - by consenting, the # of sites vulnerable to cross-site (1/2)
2022-12-07 13:25:34 RT @journalcrcl: We're delighted to publish the recordings of our inaugural Conference on Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law…
greeing with the opinion of Justice Patel, has found the IT Rules 202…