Gideon Lichfield

Profil AI Expert

AI Speciality: 
AI Ethic
Current occupation: 
Editorial Director, Wired
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Gideon believes Facebook works by fueling people's addiction to provocative content. And that for years, Facebook has courted certain journalists to tell how much it tries to fight against the worst on their platform. Gideon had worked since 2017 as Editor-in-Chief of MIT Technology Review, where he oversees editorial content, including newsletters, a print magazine and live events. Previously, Gideon worked at Quartz, a global business news site started by The Atlantic, of which he was a founding editor. He previously spent 16 years at The Economist.

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Les derniers messages de l'Expert:

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2025-02-07 13:50:08 In which I wrestle with the problem of how to explain "public AI" to the public and decide that the best metaphor might be... supermarkets?

2025-02-05 21:51:08 But this is a classic example of Trump supporters taking him “seriously but not literally”

2025-02-05 21:44:42 And the award for most garbled nonsense of the day goes to @SenatorRounds

2025-01-21 05:38:07 If I’m reading this right, the headline everyone should be writing but nobody has is: “Trump Decrees That There Are No Transgender People Any More”

2025-01-21 01:11:43 RT @marcidale: SO good from @glichfield covering “The HOW we need now” report from @pahlkadot &

2025-01-17 19:10:39 With Trump's inauguration just days away, I took a look at something the incoming administration ought to love: a report from the Niskanen Center on how to make the US government less bureaucratic, slow-moving, crufty, and generally incapable.

2024-12-13 19:29:10 RT @jonathanstray: Newsrooms could regain conservative audiences in 2025. There are things they could try, and publications doing this succ…

2024-12-13 19:28:59 I wrote about how "mainstream" media has made a similar mistake in covering the UnitedHealthcare CEO murder as in covering Trump, which is part of the reason it's becoming less mainstream to a lot of America

2024-12-13 19:26:41 RT @DevadasRajaram: “We cannot be neutral about this, by definition. A free press that doesn’t agitate for democracy is an oxymoron.” - @gl…

2024-11-11 15:26:14 @dkeaneactual And I’m not advocating banning bikes from the roads. I’m saying that could happen if autonomous cars become much more widespread.

2024-11-11 15:25:13 @dkeaneactual I don’t think access to credit is the reason. As the piece says, off-road bike sales have surged. Also, though it isn’t in the piece, truck sales have also exploded over that period. People have money. They just aren’t choosing to spend it on (street) bikes.

2024-11-10 18:42:31 I wrote a thing about motorcycling across the U.S., and motorcyclists hate it

2024-11-09 08:19:26 @AnandWrites Read @TaylorLorenz on why this is difficult: among other reasons, positions of progressive influencers are at odds with the people who would fund them

2024-11-08 14:36:05 This is an excellent analysis. And if you wrote it at 1am even more so

2024-11-06 13:50:43 Call or message your trans friends today. They are more scared than just about anybody.

2024-10-25 13:42:45 The polls are still neck-and-neck, but if you're starting to feel dread at the possibility that Trump may win, here are some aspects of democracy that I think will flourish even under his presidency.

2024-10-13 17:52:36 RT @mitpress: Cambridge Forum continues its series AI: Servant or Master with @gregmepstein exploring the global worship of technology and…

2024-10-04 18:29:37 RT @glenweyl: Congratulations to @glichfield on the first English language piece on the most exciting thing I think happened this year in g…

2024-10-04 16:54:01 What if each voter could talk directly to an AI version of a candidate for office, grill them about their policy platform, and make suggestions for improving it? That's what a young political outsider tried in Tokyo's gubernatorial election this summer.

2024-10-02 18:42:19 Yesterday’s VP debate was a lot more policy-focused than the Trump-Harris faceoff. All the more reason, I’d argue, to use real-time AI-enabled fact-checking to pick out candidates’ lies and exaggerations.

2024-09-27 14:57:31 Big Tech has huge power over government, since it provides much of government's critical infrastructure. In this week's FUTUREPOLIS I talk to Marietje Schaake, author of the new book "The Tech Coup," about what governments can do to seize back control.

2024-09-24 18:56:11 I'm speaking at @thesfcommons on Oct. 14 about AI &

2024-09-20 21:00:27 RT @pulitzercenter: A special thank you to @macfound for organizing this engaging #ONA24 session on elevating AI accountability coverage in…

2024-09-20 21:00:03 RT @pulitzercenter: If you are an editor increasingly tasked with commissioning &

2024-09-20 19:04:03 My newest issue of FUTUREPOLIS looks at an experiment in how to talk about the most polarizing topic in America: guns. Eleven strangers ranging from a firearms instructor to a schoolteacher who has buried nine of her students came together.

2024-09-13 15:24:39 Last week I launched FUTUREPOLIS, a newsletter on reinventing democracy for the 21st century. For today's issue, I wondered: What if ABC had used AI to fact-check the presidential debate in real-time? So I ran an experiment to find out.

2024-09-11 01:21:48 RT @MarinaWalkerG: Attention editors increasingly tasked with helping shape coverage of AI technologies, we have you covered The AI Spotl…

2024-08-20 16:34:54 I'm excited to be one of @UCBerkeley's #TechPolicy Fellows for 2024-25!

2024-08-08 16:23:06 @halophoenix @WIRED @PCMag Congrats, Alan! Enjoy the new gig.

2024-07-18 22:39:05 Nothing says “Millennial VP candidate” more than this

2024-07-08 16:31:39 And does the city have a plan for disposing of the millions of non-wheelie bins that New Yorkers currently put trash into?

2024-06-28 02:01:46 Watching this debate I have to keep reminding myself that the whole reason I became a U.S. citizen was in case Trump wins.

2024-06-28 01:58:07 @ftrain @sally_j I hope you’re doing your breathing exercises right now

2024-06-19 00:55:36 @SarahScire @BusinessInsider @OpenAI @decka227 @InsiderUnion Do an interview with an expert on LLMs on this. My guess is the answer would be that it’s impossible to prevent hallucinations but might be possible to bolt on some external software for finding URLs that match the content of the LLM’s answers - basically a search plugin for LLMs

2024-05-27 11:58:50 It’s a serious flaw in the ride-hailing model that as a rider you can penalize the driver but not the platform (for eg consistently underestimating wait times). Total lack of accountability and not enough competition to make switching a meaningful option.

2024-05-04 13:45:37 RT @MarinaWalkerG: Thank you @decka227 @NiemanLab for featuring the AI Spotlight Series &

2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-22 19:33:27 RT @KimZetter: Australian guy plagiarized SolarWinds story I wrote for @WIRED by creating ad-supported @Youtube vid in which audio is just…

2023-05-22 16:14:00 @jonathanstray @metaphdor I'm about 25% into and enjoying Stephen Markley's "The Deluge" but it's possibly too close to reality to be called sci-fi

2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-05-03 19:54:10 @LaurenGoode @LidianeJones That was actually me in the giant cat costume

2023-05-03 15:50:52 RT @LaurenGoode: We sat down with @LidianeJones, Slack’s new CEO, to talk about the future of hybrid work, automation, and whether tech can…

2023-05-02 16:41:11 Two years after the biggest ever supply-chain attack came to light, there are still unanswered questions about how it was launched and how deep it went. @KimZetter tells the blow-by-blow of how the SolarWinds hack was discovered and what we know so far.

2023-05-01 21:14:50 Just in case we never get logged back in again I’m glichfield at bsky, T2 and on mastodon dot world

2023-05-01 17:18:38 What's in Elon's mystery magnet? by @GregoryJBarber

2023-04-26 14:59:59 “Studying these extremely long-lived people is like studying Usain Bolt when it comes to running and saying, ‘Yeah, we can all run that fast,’” @sjayolshansky tells @mattsreynolds1 in the first in our @WIRED series on life extension.

2023-04-26 14:02:42 Did I mention that @LaurenGoode and I have a new podcast? This week @nraford explains why he spotted Covid early and why you should prepare your kids to become climate refugees

2023-04-21 06:36:41 @runasand @InfoSecErnest @stevanzetti @WIRED @MattWalshBlog @JoeUchill Once again - Twitter’s policy does not ban soliciting hacked materials, only making them public. And that screenshot had already been published by Walsh himself when Dell posted it. Countless others are now spreading it, and not having their accounts suspended.

2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX

2023-04-12 14:21:17 RT @LaurenGoode: Our brand new @WIRED podcast ~Have a Nice Future~ has launched! And in our first episode, @glichfield and I took a trip to…

2023-04-06 16:35:09 @charlesarthur @jason_pontin That works too

2023-04-06 06:05:07 @charlesarthur @jason_pontin If a single word distracts you that much may I suggest meditation techniques

2023-04-05 14:21:30 RT @epsneider: “Platform.” “Database.” “Swipe.” How did these words get lodged in our collective vocabulary, and what do they conjure? 1/3

2023-04-05 14:19:36 @katecrawford @lexfridman @_KarenHao I had a similar experience when I tried using it for story ideas. Every single URL here is made up. It's hard to get people to grasp that these models don't encode information about the world, only information about the words that people use about the world

2023-04-05 14:13:27 A little news... @LaurenGoode and I are launching a podcast! HAVE A NICE FUTURE will be a weekly chat with someone shaping the weird, exhilarating, scary future we're racing into, asking: is this the future we want? And if not, how do we get a better one?

2023-04-05 00:42:32 @charlesarthur @jason_pontin Nobody said this was the ~primary~ meaning. And thank you, I know how to use “disinterested” to mean “unbiased” and I’m sure Justin Smith does too. I don’t think anybody could mistake his intention in the way he used it.

2023-04-04 21:48:57 @jason_pontin But also, from the OED:

2023-04-04 21:15:25 Requirements for Amazon drone delivery: - no overhanging trees or power lines - 10-foot radius of clear ground - stay out of the backyard during delivery window - only Monday thru Thursday - no rain or strong wind - Amazon observers within line of sight

2023-04-04 19:14:53 @jason_pontin Just you try arguing with a philosopher about the meaning of words

2023-04-03 18:26:00 "I called a few people... to learn more about their positions—and ended up on the phone for hours, feeling for all the world like a kid listening to her beloved but divorcing parents bitterly complaining." @Knibbs on the internet archive lawsuit

2023-03-24 16:51:46 @Kantrowitz In the future everyone will have a podcast for 15 minutes

2023-03-24 16:49:40 @andyparsons @stevenerat @CNN @ContentAuth @C2PA_org Thanks for the correction. Am I right in thinking that the only way to create CAI metadata right now is with Adobe products, or are there other platforms that already enable this?

2023-03-24 15:05:21 @acroll Generative Adversarial Generative ARtificial Intelligence Networks (GAGARINs)

2023-03-24 04:02:39 @stevenerat @CNN @ContentAuth Content Authorization is a good idea but depends on all creators using Adobe products and also on platforms that publish content using the same system to preemptively check and flag content that may be faked. Otherwise, you only find out it’s fake if you go digging.

2023-03-24 02:41:12 Going on @CNN at 11pm ET to talk AI/Trump deepfakes, TikTok hearings, and more

2023-03-23 23:23:08 Not having a blue checkmark is going to be the new blue checkmark

2023-03-20 17:31:05 RT @WIRED: Join us tomorrow at #WIREDHealth to explore and map the future of health. The event gathers medical practitioners, health techno…

2023-03-20 17:30:52 RT @GregWilliams718: So excited that @WIRED Health is returning next week, with a stellar line-up including: @FryRsquared @anilkseth @nicol…

2023-03-20 13:53:27 @ftrain I'm so sorry for your loss, Paul. James Baldwin's collection "Jimmy's Blues" has a lot of wry humor, including my current favorite, "Inventory/On Being 52"

2023-03-20 13:37:37 Una gran pena recibir la noticia de la muerte de Jean-François Fogel, maestro y mentor para generaciones de periodistas de varios países, incluyéndome a mí.

2023-03-11 23:37:17 If you're at #SXSW2023 and you're affected by the #SiliconValleyBank collapse, DM me or come find me. I want to hear your story.

2023-03-11 23:35:38 @steampunk_explr @SarahScire @WIRED I had not seen your policy, but yes, the thinking is very similar!

2023-03-11 01:24:47 RT @DrawAndCode: Tomorrow at #SXSW2023, our creative extraordinaire @Coopalskii will take the #UKHouse stage with @itsyush @dimensionstudio…

2023-03-10 21:31:31 "It's multimodal" is going to be the new "it's got electrolytes"

2023-03-09 22:55:46 Our second @SABEW winner was @laurensmiley's deeply nuanced profile of Rafaela Vasquez, the operator of the first self-driving car to kill a pedestrian—a landmark case study in a question for the ages, of how to assess liability for autonomous systems

2023-03-09 22:51:09 (That story is from Andy's book TRACERS IN THE DARK, which from which we also excerpted the account of the takedown of AlphaBay, an even bigger drug and crime website than the notorious Silk Road

2023-03-09 22:47:54 One is @a_greenberg's nail-biting account of how an international coalition of law enforcement cracked and took down the world's biggest child sexual abuse site by tracing its users' supposedly anonymous cryptocurrency payments

2023-03-09 22:43:15 Two wins for @WIRED in the @SABEW Best in Business Awards ...

2023-03-09 00:12:05 "Q. Do you still feel connected to the work you wrote decades ago? A. As when I was writing it? Of course not. Q. Do you even feel like the same person? A. No. I got older. It would be bizarre if I was the same person. I’d be a vampire." Pure Atwood

2023-03-08 23:34:22

2023-03-08 23:33:55

2023-03-08 23:32:48 @WIRED @mattsreynolds1

2023-03-08 23:32:23 Congrats to @WIRED's @mattsreynolds1 for being named the UK Press Awards' science &

2023-03-07 19:32:06 Here's part 2...

2023-03-07 19:31:03 ... and for support from @pulitzercenter, @eyebeamnyc's Center for the Future of Journalism, and our expert reviewers @mmitchell_ai @achould @informusiccs @jannspiess Chris Snijders @nicolaskb @ndiakopoulos and Nripsuta Saxena

2023-03-07 19:29:45 @LHreports @gabriels_geiger @EvaConstantaras @jus_braun @HtetAung04 @EvalineSchot @soizicpenicaud @pjarandia ... and from @WIRED: @dmehro, Kyle Thomas, Alyssa Walker, @katherinlamart, Raagul Nagendran, Hari Moorthy, Ishita Tiwari, @DanieC @lilyelle @AndrewCouts @jtemperton @tsimonite ...

2023-03-07 19:21:22 Many thanks to the people who put so much time in from @LHreports: @gabriels_geiger @evaconstantaras @jus_braun @HtetAung04 @EvalineSchot @soizicpenicaud @pjarandia ...

2023-03-07 19:18:03 @LHreports @WIRED And if you're a journalist and want to know how to do this kind of thing in your own newsroom, join a free webinar hosted by @LHreports and @WIRED on March 9 at 4pm CET/3pm GMT/10am EST/7am PST

2023-03-07 19:15:16 This series was a months-long collaboration between @LHreports and @WIRED. You can read more on the methodology here

2023-03-07 19:12:44 Read the entire series and try our simplified model of one such risk-scoring algorithm out for yourself here

2023-03-07 19:05:37 As a result, when the algorithm's dragnet snares innocent people, it can be next to impossible to understand why they were flagged, who to appeal to, or how to improve the system to reduce false positives in future. People can fight for years to clear their names and their debt.

2023-03-07 19:02:49 These firms, such as Accenture, Deloitte, Capgemini, and PwC, are not made accountable for the final results. They build black-box systems that the officials who operate them often poorly understand. And intellectual property agreements shield the systems from public scrutiny.

2023-03-07 18:57:21 The final story in the series takes a broader look at the algorithmic fraud-detection industry and shows the flaw at its heart: Lacking the expertise to build these systems in-house, governments typically subcontract them to consulting firms.

2023-03-07 18:52:40 One Danish fraud investigator we interviewed says that the algorithmic system has not been more reliable than old-school methods like tips from schools and social workers. But many investigators rely on it more, and may come to trust it more because it's supposedly objective.

2023-03-07 18:48:34 The documents we obtained suggest Denmark's system uses variables that could be equated with ethnic profiling, which would likely make it fall foul of the EU's proposed AI act.

2023-03-07 18:46:21 In the first of them, we look at how conservative politicians' obsession with supposedly rampant benefits fraud led Denmark to adopt an intrusive algorithmic surveillance system, though only 8% of the cases it flagged have led to punishment

2023-03-07 18:41:41 Today @WIRED runs the final two instalments in "Suspicion Machine," our joint investigation with @LHreports into how algorithms designed to detect welfare fraud end up snaring innocent people and perpetuating gender and racial bias.

2023-03-07 18:37:26 Congratulations to @amitkatwala for his new book on the flawed origins of the lie detector, of which you can also read an excerpt in @WIRED (see his next tweet)

2023-03-06 18:03:41 RT @SarahScire: Readers deserve better than "plausible-looking." Talked to @glichfield about @WIRED's new generative AI policy, the first I…

2023-03-06 18:01:57 More stories coming this week in this investigative series, "The Suspicion Machine," from @WIRED and @LHreports - stay tuned.

2023-03-06 18:00:35 The investigations can be incredibly stressful for people already in precarious circumstances. Some of them told us of losing benefits over minor mistakes, fighting years-long court battles to have benefits restored, and being driven to consider suicide.

2023-03-06 17:55:27 Human investigators decide whether or not to pursue each case the algorithm flags. But we've seen in countless settings that over time, humans can come to trust a flawed algorithmic system and exercise less judgment of their own.

2023-03-06 17:51:53 Another odd feature of the algorithm was that it asked different questions about men and women—number of kids or recent addresses for women, for example, vs language proficiency or financial standing for men—making it hard to tell if it was assessing people fairly.

2023-03-06 17:43:50 The @LHreports / @WIRED investigation found that the system in Rotterdam was so blunt that if a caseworker made ANY notes in the file about someone's appearance, motivation etc, these had the same effect on the risk score whether the comments were positive or negative.

2023-03-06 17:40:40 (Twitter doesn't seem to be loading images rn, but you can see the interactive that shows how the risk scores are assessed at

2023-03-06 17:38:48 For example, if a caseworker observes that a welfare recipient is not dressed for job interviews, seems dispirited, or struggles to deal with setbacks, that increases their risk score and makes them more likely to be flagged as a potential fraudster.

2023-03-06 17:25:04 @rachelmetz @technology Congratulations!

2023-03-06 17:24:10 Around the world cities have been building suspicion machines: Algorithms that flag potential welfare fraud. An investigation by @WIRED and @LHreports took one of these systems apart and showed how both algorithmic and human bias can skew its results.

2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-02-28 01:56:29 “Because everyone in the funeral industry is so invested in existing technologies, you need outsiders to help with thinking outside the box—no pun intended.”

2023-02-28 01:54:23 Por si fuera poco la contaminación común y corriente en CDMX, ahora los microplásticos… por @annielagos

2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-02-24 18:42:12 The @WIRED Headline Of The Week award goes to ⁦@dmehro⁩: “Amazon Has a Donkey Meat Problem”

2023-02-23 20:30:12 @GiladEdelman Just wait, the next phase is wanting to write history books.

2023-02-23 20:27:43 RT @ASME1963: ASME Awards 2023: @WIRED wins Best Profile Photograph category for a photograph by @choutoo from “The Multifarious Multiplexi…

2023-02-21 18:14:56 RT @GregWilliams718: We're back on March 21st for our 11th @WIRED Health event in London with another stellar line-up covering reproductive…

2023-02-21 18:12:40 RT @epsneider: Hi! As of this month I’m editing for @wired Ideas, which means I want you to pitch me! Send your grand designs, hot takes, a…

2023-02-20 15:15:16 RT @1a: We're live, kicking off a new series with our friends over at @WIRED all about artificial intelligence. @glichfield, @SDobrin, and…

2023-02-20 14:59:53 About to go on @1a from @wamu885 and @NPR to talk about AI with @IreneSolaiman and @SDobrin - tune from 10-11am EST at

2023-02-14 22:59:15 And of course...

2023-02-14 22:58:47

2023-02-14 22:58:30

2023-02-14 22:58:15

2023-02-14 22:57:54

2023-02-14 22:57:32 Technology, sex and love? Hell yes! A thread of Valentine's Day-related stories

2023-02-13 17:45:18 @bupbin @techreview I'm glad to see people at @techreview are still reading my style guide :)

2023-02-10 18:50:05 Even if you're a Hogwarts Legacy fan, read @goodjaina's review and try to hear what it's saying. This gets deep inside some of the paradoxes of JK Rowling fandom, as well as making a key point about how much the games industry depends on queer creators.

2023-02-09 18:20:45 @jeffjarvis I wasn't gonna say anything, Jeff, but...

2023-02-09 16:18:19 @jjaron @jamesrbuk Sorry to quibble but neither Bard nor FT claimed JWST *discovered* a planet by imaging, only that it took the first image of one All of which just further demonstrates that AI is going to struggle to make sense of info online when we humans are so bad at doing it ourselves

2023-02-08 04:41:31 @superwuster @ChaldeanQueer Not an expert but I think you can’t accurately fly a balloon towards another balloon and there are no aircraft that can fly at 60k feet slowly enough to capture a slow-moving object like that

2023-02-07 21:35:38 Today feels like the day the generative AI arms race began, w/ Microsoft and Google both incorporating it into search and the latter adding chatGPT to its Edge browser, massively increasing adoption—by @AarianMarshall &

2023-02-07 02:28:02 @pwhall Previously in my career: cloud everything, mobile everything, apps for everything, HTML5 everything, social-media everything, AI everything, Uber-for-everything. The everything is everything. All else is transience.

2023-02-07 02:23:56 A story of how Russia became one of the most surveilled countries in the world, with an estimated 21 million surveillance cameras and virtually no legal constraints on the use of data for face recognition, by @MashaBorak

2023-02-05 16:55:18 So maybe a 3-4x death rate among Chinese 90-somethings does indeed portend a much more severe surge? But there are so many other factors that could skew the numbers. I’d be curious what an epidemiologist makes of them.

2023-02-05 16:53:04 One interesting stat: in the first six months of the pandemic in the US, without vaccines, over-85s were dying at a 14.7% higher rate than pre-pandemic. That’s much lower than I thought.

2023-02-05 16:49:26 The article also doesn’t explicitly acknowledge what’s in the data it draws from: almost those obituaries are of people well over 90. So on the face of it, a 3-4x jump in their death rates during a Covid surge might not seem surprising. But how big has it been elsewhere?

2023-02-05 16:45:52 This story suggests that excess deaths among Chinese academicians point to a big undercount of Covid deaths by the Chinese govt. But it doesn’t address the most obvious question: how high an excess death rate would one *expect*?

2023-02-03 20:05:33 @rachelmetz Have you tried IMWT?

2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2023-01-23 22:19:35 In which ⁦@doctorow⁩ explains his grand theory of why big tech platforms all get worse over time: their market logic means they inevitably end up abusing first the users and then the business customers on whom they relied for their success.

2023-01-22 21:04:42 RT @Kevin_Ashton: Are you on the For you tab right now when you don't want to be? If so, please consider retweeting this PSA to help a Twit…

2023-01-19 18:31:51 RT @a_greenberg: Pigs in the US are increasingly slaughtered with CO2 gas chamber systems that can asphyxiate as many as 1,600 pigs an hour…

2023-01-19 18:18:09 This is when you know you’ve lost the narrative

2023-01-19 11:42:16 This discussion with the director of the FBI, the CEO of @Cloudflare, the first deputy PM of Ukraine, the CEO of @geckorobotics and me touched on an incredible array of topics under the umbrella of technology and its role in national security.

2023-01-18 13:10:53 RT @PeterGuest: Now is as good at time as any to say I'm working @WIRED in London for a while, commissioning and editing some non-US storie…

2023-01-17 13:45:24 @jonathanstray ... and can do so because they have a following. i.e. maybe opinion change happens for tribal/loyalist reasons, and new information in media reporting is a necessary but not sufficient condition for that to happen.

2023-01-17 13:42:07 @jonathanstray Are these studies measuring direct causal impact? I'd hypothesize that in very rare cases a story changes opinion/behavior directly, but more often, it acts as ammunition/fodder for actors who want to influence opinion (e.g. politicians, celebs)...

2023-01-13 03:08:57 In which ⁦@amandahoovernj⁩ finds a silver lining in the gas stove culture wars: “More people are learning how their powerful gas stoves, perfect for searing steaks and heating up cast iron cookware, could adversely affect their health.”

2023-01-12 23:39:05 This is going to be me in 20 years

2023-01-12 23:30:02 RT @epsneider: Hi! As of this month, I'm writing @WIRED Classics, a weekly newsletter highlighting stories from the archive each Saturday.…

2023-01-10 21:02:55 A belated welcome to @dellcam and @peard33, who started at @WIRED this week!

2023-01-09 19:33:15 "I’m a lubricant. I want people to feel comfortable. I don’t know how to function at the expense of anyone’s comfort level. I’m a people pleaser." Pedro Pascal explains to @hemjhaveri how he's completely unlike many of the people he plays on screen

2023-01-06 18:43:21 "In the 2020s the big shift is toward building with generative AI. This year thousands of startups will emerge with business plans based on tapping into the APIs of those systems." @StevenLevy on the next big tech gold rush.

2023-01-05 13:57:34 A compelling case for a controversial idea: a regulated market for the sale of human organs, from @dylancwalsh

2023-01-03 22:44:55 RT @roseveleth: If last week you saw me Tweeting about the @flashforwardpod finale and were like "that seems cool but I don't want to liste…

2023-01-03 22:43:44 RT @emilylmullin: I'm looking to tell more stories about synthetic biology in 2023. Feel free to get in touch with pitches: emily_mullin@wi

2023-01-03 19:14:21 Just as regulators used the threat of terrorism to try to argue for encryption backdoors, they're now using the threat of CSAM, @ProtonPrivacy's @andyyen tells @MORGANMEAKER

2023-01-03 17:28:22 @Solivagant @Vincenzo_Natali @lisajoynolan @GreatDismal @ThePeripheralPV It wasn't sadly

2022-12-31 22:13:18 @gideonw They needed redundancy. In case one gets wiped out. Especially since we’re both bikers

2022-12-24 15:17:16 RT @marynmck: New at @WIRED, from @glichfield and me: Mpox is now just a trickle of cases in the US, and that looks like a public health su…

2022-12-21 15:54:00 @miblogestublog Hahaha…. Sorry, jajaja

2022-12-20 22:58:26 Hey media, can we please have a rule to never publish a story about a company being fined without including its annual revenue, profit or other measure of how much pain the fine will cause

2022-12-20 17:31:05 TIL that Twitter is no longer blocking Mastodon links, thank you Will

2022-12-20 16:55:33 The story of what may be the first ever lawsuit based on the harm of fossil fuels to future generations. That's some #KimStanleyRobinson #MinistryForTheFuture shit right there.

2022-12-19 17:34:28 I recommend spending several minutes staring at the gif and then trying to read the story—"Physicists Rewrite a Quantum Rule That Clashes With Our Universe"

2022-12-17 17:34:01 @Ananyo That’s kinda what I’m saying. Some on the left assume Twitter will become all Nazis. But once there are no liberals left on Twitter to attack, the Nazis will get bored. I’m suggesting the core will still be right-leaning but not so extreme

2022-12-17 15:45:44 @Digidave @NiemanLab An actually interesting use case. How good would you say the summaries are?

2022-12-17 15:42:26 (Correction: can’t run for president, not born here)

2022-12-17 15:42:02 @HugoPrevost Good point, thank you

2022-12-17 15:39:13 It becomes the place you have to be to influence conservative conversation. (Again, watch out, Fox News!) Makes Musk the chief power player in conservative politics. (Watch out, Peter Thiel!) Maybe runs for president, maybe content to just run the president.

2022-12-17 15:35:22 Advertisers drift back. It becomes an OK business, not great, not justifying the $44 bn purchase price, but that doesn’t matter to Musk. He’s still ultra rich, has other companies, and has a platform he controls. Like a robber baron owning newspapers.

2022-12-17 15:32:02 My current #boringprediction for Twitter: as more liberals leave, the conflicts subside and it settles down into a fairly broad right-leaning platform - not Parler or Gab, more like the social media version of Fox News. (Watch out, Fox News!)

2022-12-17 14:41:16 @cwarzel Try turning it off and then on again

2022-12-16 14:17:47 Meanwhile in the forgotten corners of the world that are not Twitter

2022-12-16 14:12:39

2022-12-16 14:08:04 I’m fascinated by the sub-genre of tweets that find ways to rationalize Elon’s behavior as perfectly normal, nothing to see here

2022-12-16 13:47:58 Hot take: Elon’s only reason for doing ever more outrageous things is to keep Twitter numbers high. This can’t go on indefinitely though.

2022-12-16 13:39:18 @NateSilver538 I mean he didn’t do almost any of the things you’d expect a president to do when being president so

2022-12-16 13:37:25 @levie The new mission of Twitter is to be about Twitter

2022-12-16 05:17:21 @katienotopoulos It was @doomscroll_bot telling us we all need to get some sleep

2022-12-16 04:54:02 Thread of all the journalists that free-speech-loving Elon Musk who said he hoped his worst critics remain on Twitter has banned from Twitter today

2022-12-16 04:50:24 TFW you find all your friends having the same bad late-night screen time habits as you

2022-12-14 21:28:48 In which, inspired by Richard Powers' "Orfeo", I offer some year-end reflections on the state of tech couched in musical terms.

2022-12-13 20:32:52 And with that said, if you ARE leaving Twitter:

2022-12-13 20:30:51 @ceonyc We got you

2022-12-13 20:29:08 In which @GregoryJBarber pours cold water on hot fusion

2022-12-13 18:27:29 Today we launched @wiredenespanol, the first-ever Spanish-language edition of @WIRED, with @urbano_hidalgo leading a small but mighty team of editors to cover the world's biggest challenges and the role of technology in tackling them

2022-12-13 18:23:49 Hoy lanzamos @wiredenespanol, la primera edición hispanófona de @WIRED, bajo la dirección de @urbano_hidalgo y con un pequeño pero formidable equipo de editores, para cubrir los retos más urgentes del mundo y el papel de la tecnología en solucionarlos

2022-12-13 17:22:43 I'm not leaving Twitter for now. I respect everyone for whom Musk's antics (attacks on Fauci and Yoel Roth) have crossed a line, but if we all abandon this platform it becomes what Parler or Gab only dreamed of being, and I don't want to see that in the world.

2022-12-13 13:11:50 @qntm I needed to hear it, because I hadn’t seen the collection and I loved Antimemetics Division, so thank you

2022-12-13 13:05:19 I should have added that theories about Musk having some sort of genius hidden agenda that we’re all failing to notice fall into the same category of getting misled by one’s obsession with a success-or-failure narrative

2022-12-13 12:52:07 I’m having strong deja vu about both Musk’s ever more extremist shitposting and everyone’s reactions to it

2022-12-09 20:33:18 EXACTLY @amitkatwala

2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-11-15 01:13:34 It will turn out that the time intervals between each tweet in minutes converted to hex and combined into one string correspond to the private key for a wallet with all the money stolen from FTX

2022-11-14 16:31:28 Q: "What did you make of Elon Musk poking fun of Mastodon in a recent tweet?"A: "Honestly, it was really a good thing for us. It's free advertising, and he's just making a fool of himself."Mastodon's founder on two crazy weeks

2022-11-14 05:48:34 @karenkho I feel so seen

2022-11-14 05:41:32 Shhh, he’s just playing Wordle

2022-11-14 05:21:49 RT @a_greenberg: An entire industry of cryptocurrency-tracing firms now regularly tracks the loot from crypto heists and IDs culprits. Now…

2022-11-13 17:47:36 aaaaand scene

2022-11-13 05:12:09 @olivia_p_walker @WIRED I like numbers too! I can't personally vouch for this report's methodology, but in its sample of sites across a range of industries, Twitter is 10% of social traffic and social is 6.4% of all traffic. So Twitter is less than 1% of all traffic.

2022-11-13 05:02:31 And @ParselySupport @parsely back me up here. Your network referrer dashboard seems to be down (tried multiple browsers and devices)

2022-11-13 05:00:39 @olivia_p_walker @WIRED How about we have a convo about the literal meaning of the words “biggest click driver on the internet by far”

2022-11-13 04:35:29 Hahahahahahahaha no. Less than 2% of @WIRED traffic

2022-11-12 21:04:31 Listening to all these people debating whether a police car outside a building means SBF has been arrested and tbh I’m glad they’re learning that citizen journalism is hard

2022-11-11 23:14:02 Ok now I know that all I need to do to get my team working harder is to repeat the words “maniacal sense of urgency” at them several times in quick succession. Like casting a spell.

2022-11-11 17:02:57 @alexhern

2022-11-11 16:48:07 Get ready for the Great Reinvention

2022-11-11 04:23:17 So is Official now back Officially? I can’t keep up.

2022-11-10 21:14:20 Meta's massive layoffs weren't just the result of bulking up too quickly to build the metaverse, but 5-10 years of failed bets, a recent employee tells @stokel

2022-11-09 18:38:00 Musk on the new verification criteria for the blue checkmark: "Someone has to have a phone, a credit card, and $8 a month. That's bar. However, we will actively suspend accounts that engage in deception or trickery."

2022-11-08 02:01:53 By this point I'll wager they have also discussed charging people to tweet but not to read, putting blue checkmarks on the blockchain, selling it to Meta, and selling it to the Russians

2022-11-08 01:47:07 This is like all those people who used to say Trump just needed some adults in the room

2022-11-01 17:48:27 I'm on the fence about whether I'd pay for Twitter verification (and at what price) but posting this as insurance

2022-11-01 15:01:31 @ftrain And they're released in stages - 5,000 the first year, 2,500 the second, 1,250 the third...

2022-10-27 21:55:54 @AndrewCouts gruey

2022-10-27 20:16:42 Someone please remind me what web4 was, I must have blinked and missed it

2022-10-27 20:12:28

2022-10-27 20:12:09 @bellye66

2022-10-27 20:11:45 @DigitalJonathan more a case of where ARE the conversations

2022-10-27 20:10:24 @fxshaw Discord, Slack, Reddit, Telegram, WhatsApp &

2022-10-27 19:59:09 RT @emilylmullin: Happy publication day to my colleague @mrMattSimon, whose book on how microplastics have infiltrated our bodies and the p…

2022-10-27 19:56:33 My Twitter prediction, fwiw: not much change. Trump et al will come back, trolling will increase somewhat, rest of us will block and mute more and engage less but still use it for publishing—more web 1.0, less 2.0. Real conversation is already happening elsewhere.

2022-10-27 19:51:18 Tech industry earnings got you down? Worry not: @WIRED is hiring! Check out our three newly posted jobs: service editor, deputy ideas editor, and executive editor, news more:

2022-10-25 20:44:18 @AndrewCouts @WIRED

2022-10-25 18:45:41 @CaseyNewton 21st century global queer subcultures, ranked in order of preciousness

2022-10-25 18:38:18 @WIRED @a_greenberg (If you can't quite face reading 40,000 words on crypto by @matt_levine, I can thoroughly recommend 30,000 words on crypto crime by @a_greenberg)

2022-10-25 18:37:00 Today @WIRED launches the first in a six-part series: the epic story of the takedown of AlphaBay, the dark web's largest ever criminal marketplace, by @a_greenberg (from his upcoming book, TRACERS IN THE DARK). Hi-tech detective non-fiction at its finest.

2022-10-20 14:29:03 @karenkho Are you roomscrolling

2022-10-20 13:08:04 At this rate King Charles is going to get through more prime ministers in his life than his mother did

2022-10-20 13:06:33 Trusst fall

2022-10-18 21:07:24 The clocks on the website are the id of @semafor. DC, Brussels, Lagos, Beijing, Singapore

2022-10-17 16:49:43 "Few things can turn around a boring winter afternoon like receiving a billion dollars. The amount is there, in its 10-figure glory, glaring from my phone screen in white characters against a charcoal background: $1,112,172,834."@Gmvolpi's last @WIRED

2022-10-16 21:35:28 All photos by @joepugliese for @WIRED, dogs (mostly) via @Muttville #SeniorDogRescue

2022-10-16 21:31:48 Uncle Grady, 13, HavaneseLifespan: 14–16He has a strong preference for people food.

2022-10-16 21:31:02 Bumper, 8, American Staffordshire terrierLifespan: 13–15Recently adopted, Bumper has a tail that wags a mile a minute.

2022-10-16 21:30:12 Trout, age 4, a 21-breed “supermutt” Lifespan: 12+Hailing from the streets of San Francisco's Mission District, he apparently walked himself to a shelter.

2022-10-16 21:29:05 Corky, 11, PugLifespan: 13–15If she thinks you're not paying enough attention to her, Corky will tap you with her paw and sneeze on you.

2022-10-16 21:28:11 Peanut, 7, Mini-poodle/Chihuahua/Pomeranian mixLifespan: UnclearWhenever her dog friends visit her home, she brings out all her toys and piles them up for her buddies to see.

2022-10-16 21:27:08 Luna, 10, French bulldogLifespan: 10–12Despite being blind, she always finds a perch on the highest available pillow.

2022-10-16 21:26:26 Odin, 4, Great DaneLifespan: 7–10His favorite toy is Harry Elephante, a stuffed elephant with crinkly ears.

2022-10-16 21:25:28 Smitty &

2022-10-16 21:22:59 Name: Penny. Age: 14. Breed: Greyhound. Lifespan: 10–13 years. Trained as a professional racer, she competed in five races and never left the gate, so she was fired and picked up by a rescue organization.

2022-10-16 21:22:02 Here is a story about how life-extension treatments for dogs are on the way, and how this might lead to similar treatments for people. Also, it has lots of delightful portraits of dogs.

2022-10-16 20:33:51 In which I test-ride the latest electric Harley and am left wanting more

2022-10-15 16:53:15 Achievement unlocked

2022-10-14 19:31:23 A sci-fi alternative history in which the entire US government had been legally forbidden from using computers since the 1980s

2022-10-13 21:59:58 One study, two stories

2022-10-06 19:56:01 Gonna say it again: I think this kind of AI-generated video is going to open up an entire new field of possibility in journalism, where you report stories and then "write" them in video form

2022-10-04 20:05:29 Yeah, so how come @cwarzel uses AI-generated art once and has to make a groveling apology to the internet, but @CaseyNewton uses it for months and nobody complains? Not a criticism of you, Casey, rather of Twitter's double standards

2022-10-04 18:30:16 Congrats to @GregoryJBarber for winning @theAGU's Walter Sullivan award - read his winning story here

2022-10-04 13:29:13 Welcome to @WIRED, @JKFruit!

2022-10-03 13:27:17 "In all, finding Twitter’s secretive bot squad takes me two months and dozens of interviews with people living in six countries across three different continents..." @morganmeaker goes on an odyssey

2022-10-03 12:54:57 In which @LaurenGoode tries to separate the bots from the boys

2022-10-02 16:52:50 @liron Just to be clear, this is not like that time you started making pro-web3 arguments as an ideological Turing test, right? You actually believe this?

2022-09-30 00:57:23 RT @LaurenGoode: What comes after The Merge? How should crypto be regulated? And what would have to happen for @VitalikButerin to conclude…

2022-09-29 15:59:15 Of course, hugely problematic because creating artificial video creates details of a scene that were never in the information you reported. How is the viewer to tell what’s actual info and what’s interpolation? But I suspect conventions will emerge.

2022-09-29 15:56:14 @stokel Welcome to the rest of your life

2022-09-29 15:54:33 Yup. It was only a matter of time before this happened. I’ve been saying for a while that this could revolutionize journalism. What if instead of writing a story you’ve reported, you “write” video of it instead? What new audiences might you reach?

2022-09-29 15:41:33 @EvanSelinger That “democratizing” a technology is a way to reduce power imbalances or inequities (as opposed to just recreating them in another setting)

2022-09-28 17:27:39 At #REWIREDGreen @kenlacovara kicks it off with a riveting reminder of what’s at stake: a species probably went extinct while he was speaking

2022-09-24 17:48:28 Lisa has been trying to get a response from Twitter with no luck, so if @TwitterSupport is reading this, please reach out to me. And if you see offers of NFTs or anything else on @lisang, don’t click on them - you’ll be scammed. See previous similar cases

2022-09-24 17:45:59 According to Lisa, who I’m in touch with, “I got a message at 9.30 am that a user in Moscow had tried to access my account. I logged in right away but it was too late … Also got a message that the hacker had switched off two-factor authentication, which I find incredible”

2022-09-24 17:44:13 This “Ethereum” account is actually a verified account belonging to the journalist Lisa Goldman (@lisang). This morning it was hacked and taken over. It’s been retweeting a stream of crypto content to hide its origins. You can see in the second screenshot when it switched over

2022-09-22 15:29:55 Over the past year or so I've noticed that most PR emails I get no longer have an unsubscribe link. Can anyone in the PR industry tell me why this is? (FWIW, the only effect this is having is that I'm now blacklisting email addresses instead of clicking unsubscribe.)

2022-09-22 15:17:19 Ayer el #WIREDSummit en la Ciudad de México fue todo un éxito, con tres escenarios, decenas de ponentes y unos 1,500 visitantes -- uno de los eventos más ambiciosos que @WIRED jamás ha montado en cualquier país. Ojalá sea solo el primero de muchos!

2022-09-22 15:10:58 RT @PublimetroMX: #PublimetroMX tuvo una entrevista exclusiva con Gideon Lichfield, director Editorial Global de Wired, para hablar de la i…

2022-09-15 15:39:33 RT @AndyFidel_: Are you based in Mexico City (#CDMX)? Join @CathyHackl at #WIREDSummit next week where she will be doing a keynote followed…

2022-09-12 21:28:12 One of my earliest stories as a science reporter 25 years ago was about exoplanets, which were just starting to show up as minute shifts in stars' emission spectra or brightness. That we can now actually take a picture of one is mind-boggling.

2022-09-12 21:23:31 I used to think I might be immune to Covid. I'd been going out and traveling and attending conferences and never gotten sick... until I did. But there's now a big enough sample of people with possible natural immunity to do some science. By @gracefbrowne

2022-09-09 02:04:12 FFS ⁦@BBC⁩, can’t you get punctuation right just this one time

2022-09-08 18:45:05 @natashaloder @stokel @munkeatlooi Oh, he's fast. I think of Chris as running a kind of overclocked model of reality in his head so he can figure out what the story is going to be about an hour before it happens

2022-09-08 18:28:13 On the queen as internet phenomenon. "You can kind of read into her whatever you want to read..." "The queen is a vehicle for adding memetic subjectivity..." "Memes thrive because of communal experience—something we can all share and relate to." by @stokel

2022-09-07 18:35:23 @stokel +1 on @BostonJoan

2022-09-02 02:39:51 eyerolls

2022-09-01 20:26:37 When US forces left Afghanistan one year ago, tens of thousands of Afghans who had worked for them were left in limbo and in danger. This is the extraordinary story of the volunteers who pulled together to get them out

2022-08-31 00:20:38 @codybrown @matthewroche Can recommend another Richard Powers: Orfeo, which I feel also intersects philosophically and spiritually with those three you listed

2022-08-25 22:16:31 RT @thu: huge wondrous wild honor to talk to @sayakamurata about the struggles of having a uterus and being a profile is on @WIR…

2022-08-23 23:20:10 @karenkho I entered my 40s, realized life was only half over and breathed a sigh of relief because there was so damn much I still hadn’t done

2022-08-22 15:33:01 "'When you see trees growing, you know that the climate has really shifted,' says Dial. 'It's not like five years of weather, or 10 years of weather. It's 30 years of climate that's established new trees in new places.'"@mrMattSimon on Arctic greening

2022-08-18 16:48:15 The Merge is finally happening

2022-08-17 11:39:27 A history of “authenticity”, how every single social media app has tried and failed to conjure it, and why BeReal—whose entire identity rests on the concept—will be no exception, because “authenticity” was a marketing tool from the very beginning

2022-08-15 03:52:13 @lanegreene @zseward And it took @TheEconomist only 10 years to catch up. What heady times we live in.

2022-08-10 21:03:01 @evacide And what are you, the person assembling the team?

2022-08-10 20:57:34 How will monkeypox play out? Having declared it a public-health emergency, the US (and the world) is now at an inflection point. @marynmck looks at the scenarios

2022-08-08 21:23:58 @zakjason What kind of behavior do you model in the Jason household

2022-08-08 19:29:53 "To understand the fight over regulating crypto, it helps to start with the orange business." @GiladEdelman on the coming shootout between the US government and the crypto industry

2022-08-08 15:37:18 Why are there 16m doses of monkeypox vaccine in the world, more than enough to contain the outbreak, and yet people can't get shots? "What Covid—and now monkeypox—reveals is that tackling outbreaks as a domestic problem simply does not work." @gracefbrowne

2022-08-08 15:22:29 I mean, if you're really going to follow the PR strategy of spamming journalists with automated emails at least learn to use your spam software correctly

2022-08-04 14:19:18 Where did covid come from? A scientific detective story, by @amitkatwala

2022-08-04 14:07:53 actually forgot the other koan

2022-08-04 14:06:42 My Twitter feed today is koans

2022-08-03 21:20:53 @CyrilPedia @adamdavidson Oh man. Where to begin. The launch costs. The targeting systems. The kashrut certification.

2022-08-03 21:20:02 @gmochkofsky You haven't aged a bit

2022-08-03 21:16:11 You see, when you stop treating it as a conspiracy theory and instead discuss it as a logistical problem, it becomes waaaay easier to dismiss

2022-08-03 21:13:52 Just got out of a planning meeting for RE:WIRED Green, our event on sustainability &

2022-08-03 11:10:20 RT @JayDProsser: 'It was possibly the worst drag performance I had ever seen, but it didn’t matter. It was also an act of sheer, joyous def…

2022-08-03 11:09:25 I met @gmochkofsky 17 years ago. We visited the West Bank together to meet the unlikeliest of all Israeli settlers, a community of converts from the mountains of Peru. Now her book on their strange origin story is finally out in English

2022-08-01 15:49:45 RT @snackfight: WIRED is hiring! Come work with me and the dynamic, award-winning team of journalists here. We're looking to fill multiple…

2022-07-24 16:25:50 @liron As @moxie said, people don’t want to run servers. They’ll rely on centralized exchanges, hosting services for dApps and NFTs, etc to talk to any blockchain. So the supposed benefits of decentralization will never actually apply for most people.

2022-07-22 03:29:26 @thegarance Yep, I was one of those holdouts until a week ago

2022-07-22 02:39:16 The fires sweeping Europe aren’t just a result of climate change but a complex set of factors including migration, fire management policies, and demographics, as @mrMattSimon explains

2022-07-21 21:29:52 Didn't expect to get sucked in to a move-by-move breakdown of a NASCAR pit stop but this is nerd heaven. Every tenth of a second is choreographed. Everything from the position of a crew member's hands on a wheel to the angle of their hips is pre-planned.

2022-07-21 21:17:26 @LaurenGoode My hypothesis is that PR folks got beta access to GPT-3 and have just been using it ever since to write press releases without telling their bosses, since they know the response rate is going to be next to zero anyway

2022-07-21 12:32:51 @niubi idk, if I were paying a service exposing people who are full of shit only to find it caused them to gain even more support, I’d probably ask for my money back

2022-07-20 20:17:27 @Knibbs you have to have the salt flakes or it doesn't work

2022-07-20 16:50:03 The story behind the MoonSwatch and its "Bioceramic" body, which is neither biodegradable nor a ceramic

2022-07-20 14:54:05 @elipariser I think this is like "hearts and minds" or "thoughts and prayers." Basically, things sound more meaningful in pairs, so you find a pair of things for which it would seem strange to want one without the other

2022-07-20 14:08:15 “You’re mad! That’s the maddest thing I’ve seen all day!”If you're a #Brompton fan (and also if you're not) you'll love @miss_eleneous's hilarious account of her attempt to ride the titanium-framed, £4k/$5k T-line through 70 miles of mud and gravel.

2022-07-19 22:32:19 I was wondering this just a couple of days ago, and boom, here it is as @emilylmullin's first story as a @WIRED staff writer. Editing by telepathy has been achieved

2022-07-18 23:45:19 @evelyndouek Congratulations!

2022-07-13 13:08:46 @ebottcher @CMChiOsse @DMCarr The problem isn't that the portal crashed. It's that the portal is the only way to get appts, so only people like me with desk jobs can grab one. Use your hearing to make @NYCHealthCommr explain why his dept's approach to public health is so inequitable.

2022-07-13 13:08:14 @NYCHealthCommr How many doses have you made available via community-based organizations, vs through the @nycHealthy online portal?

2022-07-12 20:57:02 Building a stable appointment infrastructure will merely make it quicker for the very few people who can get an appointment to get one. It won't solve the problem of who these appointments are going to and how to have the best public-health outcome

2022-07-12 20:54:00 No, it is not just further proof that demand is very high. It is further proof that this is not the right way to distribute something when demand outstrips supply by one or two orders of magnitude.

2022-07-12 17:45:53 RT @TanmoyDasLala: @nycHealthy how is this an equitable approach? what about our folks who are in jobs, with clients, who can't refresh all…

2022-07-12 17:31:37 The problem is not that the site can't handle the traffic, the problem is this should never have been the method of distributing appointments in the first place

2022-07-12 17:30:19 If @nycHealthy had even a shred of common sense it would have figured out the sensible and equitable way to distribute limited vaccine supplies to those most in need and whose vaccination would be most likely to slow the outbreak, rather than those with the most privilege

2022-07-12 17:26:43 This. It was entirely predictable that in a city with 100,000s of gay men, releasing 1,250 monkeypox vaccine appointments at a pre-announced time would crash the servers. It's also grossly inequitable, favoring ppl like me who can sit at a desk during the workday hitting refresh

2022-07-08 19:41:33 RT @brbarrett: Cruise runs a fleet of robotaxis in SF and has lost comms with them multiple times, resulting in chaooosssssssss as they get…

2022-07-07 10:46:49 @jetjocko That one’s for when she fired Prince Andrew

2022-07-07 10:41:21 The Economist goes to press late Thursday morning, around exactly the time Johnson quit. So yes, this timing is incredible. Was that the cover already or did they scramble to do a new one, @tom_nuttall ?

2022-07-07 10:27:38 RT @KarlreMarks: It's great that the British are discovering how difficult it is to get rid of British rule

2022-07-07 02:09:41 @jetjocko Actually it’s the theme music from Chariots of Fire but that’s OK, we can do Highlander on the dubbed-for-Americans version

2022-07-06 23:00:03 A clusterfuck in six tweets

2022-07-06 14:30:15 RT @GregWilliams718: Yup, definitely ignore the 'clever people' responsible for a global programme that successfully eradicated smallpox. D…

2022-07-06 14:11:57 It's a moral dilemma. "We can’t go around crying all the time. And yet I hope these parents and their children still find people to bear witness. There must be a solution beyond pretending tragedy can be disappeared by fiddling with algorithms."

2022-07-06 14:09:20 "If I could hit one button to hide all content relating to ill or dead children, I would," writes @Knibbs. "But there’s also something uncomfortable about the idea that the way to fix this is to hide things that grieving, scared parents are trying to share about their families."

2022-07-06 14:08:02 It's a familiar story by now—the algorithmic cruelty of social media, flooding people with content that traumatizes or re-traumatizes them because it matches things they've viewed before. (See @LaurenGoode's unforgettable story about her wedding

2022-07-06 14:05:49 Since giving birth to her son, @Knibbs's social media feeds have filled up with posts "about babies and children who are ill, dying, or dead."

2022-07-06 00:23:56 @karenkho Somehow I never see your viral tweets but always your tweets about going viral

2022-07-05 22:33:34 All this

2022-07-05 16:42:11 RT @evacide: The difference between now and the last time that abortion was illegal in the United States is that we live in an era of unpre…

2022-07-05 16:40:50 Welcome to the team, @emilylmullin! Looking forward to your explorations of the wild frontiers of biotech for @WIRED.

2022-07-05 16:39:01 If you've been struggling (like me) to make sense of, uh, ~what the hell is happening~ in US and EU crypto regulation, here's @Gmvolpi with a great overview of the securities v. commodities debate, the likely fate of stablecoins and exchanges, and more

2022-06-30 15:36:39 This seems to be a logic common to both the Dobbs ruling and today's EPA ruling: to force Congress to stop delegating (to courts in the first instance, and agencies in the second), and "do its job". Hard to see how this does anything but totally break the US government.

2022-06-28 15:30:15 Just nine years after moving to the US from Argentina, @gmochkofsky has already founded a journalism program, become a @NewYorker columnist, published a book in English, and now been appointed dean of @newmarkjschool at @CUNY. Do not underestimate her. ¡Felicidades Graciela!

2022-06-27 20:55:55 As the world moves towards EVs, China is poised to dominate the industry the way it has dominated electronics manufacturing. From @willknight, the first in a series

2022-06-27 20:53:06 @jtemple but you had the presence of mind to take an awesome selfie which is how we know you're doing just fine

2022-06-24 14:53:48 With Roe v Wade overturned, it's time for people in states that will ban abortion to start thinking about what to do in the event that they ever need one

2022-06-24 14:51:33 One of the overlooked issues in forcing unwanted pregnancies is that pregnancy itself can be medically risky, and banning abortion will cause more mothers to die, including some time ~after~ their children have been born

2022-06-24 14:41:54 A look back at what Roe v Wade changed for women, and what will change now that it's been overturned, by @marynmck

2022-06-24 14:30:38 To be clear, Clarence Thomas is suggesting the Supreme Court should relitigate the right to contraception, private consensual sexual acts, and same-sex marriage.

2022-06-23 20:05:44 @justinhendrix @JeffHorwitz @mims @BritishTim And to @jonathanstray

2022-06-23 17:49:22 "This is roughly the point in the worst-case scenario when the meltdowns at nuclear power plants begin."Read @MatthewSRibel's sobering account of what it will be like to live through The Next Big One... from the Sun.

2022-06-23 17:47:47 "Heavy medical hardware—dialysis machines, imaging devices, ventilators—will cease to function, and hospital wards will resemble field clinics. With death tolls mounting and morgues losing refrigeration, municipalities will face grave decisions about how to safely handle bodies."

2022-06-23 17:47:31 "As the outage goes on, health care facilities will grow overwhelmed. Sterile supplies will run low, and caseloads will soar. When backup batteries and generators fail or run out of power, perishable medications like insulin will spoil."

2022-06-23 17:46:57 "Homes and offices will lose heating and cooling

2022-06-23 17:46:17 The largest transformers...are firmly anchored into the ground, using Earth’s crust as a sink for excess voltage. But during a geomagnetic storm, that sink becomes a source... Storm-induced direct current can cause them to overheat, melt, and even ignite."

2022-06-23 17:44:12 "Through a weird... property of electromagnetism, the electricity coursing through the atmosphere will begin to induce currents at Earth’s surface. As those currents race through the crust, they will seek the path of least resistance... upward, through the electrical grid."

2022-06-23 17:42:58 "When navigation... systems fail, the commercial airline fleet—about 10,000 planes in the sky at any given time—will attempt a simultaneous grounding. Pilots will eyeball themselves into a flight pattern while air traffic controllers use light signals to guide the planes in."

2022-06-23 17:41:29 "As the atmosphere heats up, it will swell, and satellites will drag, veer off course, and risk collision with each other and space debris. Some will fall out of orbit entirely."

2022-06-23 17:40:55 "The plasma will... flood Earth’s ionosphere, and the electron bombardment will cause high-frequency radio to go dark. GPS signals, which are transmitted via radio waves, will fade with it. Cell phone reception zones will shrink

2022-06-23 17:40:07 "When the next solar storm approaches Earth... alarms will sound on crewed spacecraft. Astronauts will proceed to cramped modules lined with hydrogen-rich materials like polyethylene... They may float inside for hours or days."

2022-06-23 15:48:35 ...but that led to a glut of supply, now made worse by inflation and supply chain bottlenecks, and since then freight rates have come down by a third. "I've never seen rates falling in June."

2022-06-23 15:46:46 Fascinating insight into cyclicality of trucking from @daniellewis at #Collision2022: N Am truck freight rates roughly doubled in the 18 months to last December. Many truckers left large firms to start their own: up to 10,000 new trucking companies being registered every week...

2022-06-21 19:06:13 @MalwareTechBlog @klrgrz Did the same to me the first time around. Seriously unpleasant. Was quite helpful the second time. But I had a specific anxiety the first time that I didn’t the second, so I concluded it just exacerbated that. Also, you might habituate to it after a couple of days.

2022-06-20 22:23:03 In 40 minutes I’ll be interviewing @MargaretAtwood and @YungWu on stage at @CollisionHQ #Collision2022 about climate change, the influence of art on tech, and reasons for optimism - live stream at

2022-06-20 14:05:35 RT @CollisionHQ: Who’s ready to kick off #CollisionConf 2022!? We’ll be joined by a lineup of incredible speakers for Opening Night incl…

2022-06-18 09:43:09 You should read this ⁦⁦@StevenLevy⁩ interview with the Google engineer who believes an AI is sentient, because (a) it’s fascinating and (b) it’s a model of how to interview someone critically yet non-judgmentally, which few people know how to do

2022-06-17 11:41:45 @BDUTT @lokkalyandas @pinarayivijayan Congratulations Barkha, and "Czarina of the Digital Days" is an excellent title

2022-06-17 07:51:10 I’m on the @mediamasters_fm podcast talking about the future of @WIRED and the media in general

2022-06-15 22:08:30 RT @mrMattSimon: Microplastics have infested every corner of Earth, from the highest mountains to the deepest seas. They’re in our food, wa…

2022-06-15 22:08:17 @jonathanstray Aren’t I objectively not allowed to have a favorite?

2022-06-15 08:53:39 @MedinaMora Yo que sí, tan solo porque @zeynep es antropóloga y eso le ha dado una perspectiva única en otros campos desde la epidemiología hasta el análisis del poder tecnológico

2022-06-14 16:16:15 @Chanders @jbenton Josh showed you his so I'll show you mine

2022-06-14 16:11:52 For Pride month, I'm proud to present @marynmck's story on how the LGBTQ community in Provincetown helped turn last summer's Covid outbreak into a model for how public health emergencies should be handled

2022-06-13 13:03:37 @Chanders Please have them analyze Barlow's Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace

2022-06-13 13:01:22 A wonderful story of Soviet-era steganographic spying from @lilyhnewman

2022-06-08 19:20:42 OK, world: what is the single most important story @WIRED should report on next year?

2022-06-06 16:58:13 RT @a_greenberg: When AlphaBay, the dark web market for drugs and fraud, suddenly reappeared last August—four years after it was torn offli…

2022-06-03 20:56:58 Aaand the $1m linchpin sponsor of a system for detecting giant asteroids before they hit Earth is… @TitosVodka. I guess there wouldn’t be many drinkers left if an asteroid wipes us out (by @raminskibba)

2022-06-02 20:51:41 RT @WIRED: In this WIRED exclusive, the president of Ukraine @ZelenskyyUa discusses what Big Tech can do to open the flow of information in…

2022-06-01 18:27:41 @pardesoteric Please post the most cravenly opportunistic ones here

2022-06-01 18:25:06 @MadelineAshby @mitpress That anthology came about because in the dark days of April 2020 I thought the world needed some hopeful fiction about what society might have learned from the pandemic. Interesting to hear from @sim_kern that other places were trying to avoid the subject

2022-06-01 16:36:54 Congratulations to @Megan_Nicolett on the first of many...

2022-05-27 17:20:50 Power of the gun lobby in one crazy chart (from 2017)

2022-05-27 17:12:53 @LaurenGoode Please explain how you do this

2022-05-27 17:11:23 4chan is often home to screeds by American mass murderers. But who owns it? A @Justin_Ling investigation for @WIRED reveals a close relationship with a Japanese toy firm that does deals with some of the world’s biggest entertainment companies

2022-05-27 00:49:15 This is horrible, but TIL that you can literally die of a broken heart: grief can release stress hormones that stop the heart from functioning

2022-05-25 22:38:56 @amywebb Good if you are looking for a polemic, by Yanis Varoufakis

2022-05-23 22:52:49 Welcome to @WIRED, @Megan_Nicolett! Can't wait to see what you produce. (And no, that isn't a coded way of saying your first deadline is tomorrow morning. You've got at least until the afternoon.)

2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX

2022-10-27 21:55:54 @AndrewCouts gruey

2022-10-27 20:16:42 Someone please remind me what web4 was, I must have blinked and missed it

2022-10-27 20:12:28

2022-10-27 20:12:09 @bellye66

2022-10-27 20:11:45 @DigitalJonathan more a case of where ARE the conversations

2022-10-27 20:10:24 @fxshaw Discord, Slack, Reddit, Telegram, WhatsApp &

2022-10-27 19:59:09 RT @emilylmullin: Happy publication day to my colleague @mrMattSimon, whose book on how microplastics have infiltrated our bodies and the p…

2022-10-27 19:56:33 My Twitter prediction, fwiw: not much change. Trump et al will come back, trolling will increase somewhat, rest of us will block and mute more and engage less but still use it for publishing—more web 1.0, less 2.0. Real conversation is already happening elsewhere.

2022-10-27 19:51:18 Tech industry earnings got you down? Worry not: @WIRED is hiring! Check out our three newly posted jobs: service editor, deputy ideas editor, and executive editor, news more:

2022-10-25 20:44:18 @AndrewCouts @WIRED

2022-10-25 18:45:41 @CaseyNewton 21st century global queer subcultures, ranked in order of preciousness

2022-10-25 18:38:18 @WIRED @a_greenberg (If you can't quite face reading 40,000 words on crypto by @matt_levine, I can thoroughly recommend 30,000 words on crypto crime by @a_greenberg)

2022-10-25 18:37:00 Today @WIRED launches the first in a six-part series: the epic story of the takedown of AlphaBay, the dark web's largest ever criminal marketplace, by @a_greenberg (from his upcoming book, TRACERS IN THE DARK). Hi-tech detective non-fiction at its finest.

2022-10-27 21:55:54 @AndrewCouts gruey

2022-10-27 20:16:42 Someone please remind me what web4 was, I must have blinked and missed it

2022-10-27 20:12:28

2022-10-27 20:12:09 @bellye66

2022-10-27 20:11:45 @DigitalJonathan more a case of where ARE the conversations

2022-10-27 20:10:24 @fxshaw Discord, Slack, Reddit, Telegram, WhatsApp &

2022-10-27 19:59:09 RT @emilylmullin: Happy publication day to my colleague @mrMattSimon, whose book on how microplastics have infiltrated our bodies and the p…

2022-10-27 19:56:33 My Twitter prediction, fwiw: not much change. Trump et al will come back, trolling will increase somewhat, rest of us will block and mute more and engage less but still use it for publishing—more web 1.0, less 2.0. Real conversation is already happening elsewhere.

2022-10-27 19:51:18 Tech industry earnings got you down? Worry not: @WIRED is hiring! Check out our three newly posted jobs: service editor, deputy ideas editor, and executive editor, news more:

2022-10-25 20:44:18 @AndrewCouts @WIRED

2022-10-25 18:45:41 @CaseyNewton 21st century global queer subcultures, ranked in order of preciousness

2022-10-25 18:38:18 @WIRED @a_greenberg (If you can't quite face reading 40,000 words on crypto by @matt_levine, I can thoroughly recommend 30,000 words on crypto crime by @a_greenberg)

2022-10-25 18:37:00 Today @WIRED launches the first in a six-part series: the epic story of the takedown of AlphaBay, the dark web's largest ever criminal marketplace, by @a_greenberg (from his upcoming book, TRACERS IN THE DARK). Hi-tech detective non-fiction at its finest.

2022-10-27 21:55:54 @AndrewCouts gruey

2022-10-27 20:16:42 Someone please remind me what web4 was, I must have blinked and missed it

2022-10-27 20:12:28

2022-10-27 20:12:09 @bellye66

2022-10-27 20:11:45 @DigitalJonathan more a case of where ARE the conversations

2022-10-27 20:10:24 @fxshaw Discord, Slack, Reddit, Telegram, WhatsApp &

2022-10-27 19:59:09 RT @emilylmullin: Happy publication day to my colleague @mrMattSimon, whose book on how microplastics have infiltrated our bodies and the p…

2022-10-27 19:56:33 My Twitter prediction, fwiw: not much change. Trump et al will come back, trolling will increase somewhat, rest of us will block and mute more and engage less but still use it for publishing—more web 1.0, less 2.0. Real conversation is already happening elsewhere.

2022-10-27 19:51:18 Tech industry earnings got you down? Worry not: @WIRED is hiring! Check out our three newly posted jobs: service editor, deputy ideas editor, and executive editor, news more:

2022-10-25 20:44:18 @AndrewCouts @WIRED

2022-10-25 18:45:41 @CaseyNewton 21st century global queer subcultures, ranked in order of preciousness

2022-10-25 18:38:18 @WIRED @a_greenberg (If you can't quite face reading 40,000 words on crypto by @matt_levine, I can thoroughly recommend 30,000 words on crypto crime by @a_greenberg)

2022-10-25 18:37:00 Today @WIRED launches the first in a six-part series: the epic story of the takedown of AlphaBay, the dark web's largest ever criminal marketplace, by @a_greenberg (from his upcoming book, TRACERS IN THE DARK). Hi-tech detective non-fiction at its finest.

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-22 16:43:49 This is touching (if overwrought), but it bothers me how it unintentionally valorizes an increasingly martial culture in the US, a belief that the right response to gun violence is for citizens to be armed and/or have military training

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-22 16:43:49 This is touching (if overwrought), but it bothers me how it unintentionally valorizes an increasingly martial culture in the US, a belief that the right response to gun violence is for citizens to be armed and/or have military training

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-22 16:43:49 This is touching (if overwrought), but it bothers me how it unintentionally valorizes an increasingly martial culture in the US, a belief that the right response to gun violence is for citizens to be armed and/or have military training

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-22 16:43:49 This is touching (if overwrought), but it bothers me how it unintentionally valorizes an increasingly martial culture in the US, a belief that the right response to gun violence is for citizens to be armed and/or have military training

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-22 16:43:49 This is touching (if overwrought), but it bothers me how it unintentionally valorizes an increasingly martial culture in the US, a belief that the right response to gun violence is for citizens to be armed and/or have military training

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-11-22 16:43:49 This is touching (if overwrought), but it bothers me how it unintentionally valorizes an increasingly martial culture in the US, a belief that the right response to gun violence is for citizens to be armed and/or have military training

2022-11-20 02:29:26 You know you’re in a San Francisco thrift store when

2022-11-18 16:34:13 I’m not saying Elon will succeed, but it certainly seems to be the approach he’s trying.

2022-11-18 16:32:40 So the story of Gideon in the Bible is of a visionary leader who took a large army, whittled it down to a tiny fraction through tests that weeded out all but the fanatically loyal, and led it to victory using completely unorthodox tactics designed to sow confusion in the enemy.

2022-11-18 06:26:27 @KarenAttiah Maybe the plan was to turn it into a dating site all along. $8 a month is cheaper than Tinder Gold and there's none of that annoying swiping

2022-11-18 06:23:05 @swodinsky WE did it. It's the glorious Twitter collective, the brave heroes of the socialmediaist international

2022-11-18 06:20:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And that’s why I think that, as immoral as it may seem to use an AI to use an artist’s creative labor for free and without consent, that is not the same as the question of how to protect an artist’s livelihood—which is the question that matters more. /

2022-11-18 06:19:28 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So what would the law look like if instead of restricting access to people’s data or IP, it focused on protecting people from the harms that can result from such access? Isn’t that the ultimate goal anyway? I’m curious how privacy and copyright experts are thinking about this.

2022-11-18 06:19:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam To me this makes the AI art question a subset of a broader question about the nature of our laws on data. Right now these laws are mostly designed around restricting ~access~ to data or IP. And they often fail to achieve even that.

2022-11-18 06:18:32 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But if he’s wrong, and AI art does take work away from artists, then excluding your art from the training data won’t shield you from that consequence. Protecting the creative labor from exploitation won’t protect its creators from losing work.

2022-11-18 06:16:21 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam And so the bigger question is whether gen-AI will rob artists of work, regardless of what data it’s trained on. Kevin’s piece is an argument that it won’t, and I think it’s an argument worth considering, which is why I published it.

2022-11-18 06:16:02 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam But let’s say any artist who wanted to could use such an amended copyright law to exclude their art from AI training data. There would still be a lot of imagery online to work from. Enough, I suspect, that gen-AI art would still be useful at least for many purposes.

2022-11-18 06:15:08 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam So perhaps we could amend copyright law such that AI art models can’t be trained on art unless it's public domain or has the right CC license. I’m sure you know more than me about how that could work.

2022-11-18 06:14:20 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam I think the real discomfort with genAI art though is that it’s a use of your creative labor you didn’t authorize. We’d need copyright law to recognize that someone might be using the fruits of your creative work even when they’re not directly reproducing the work.

2022-11-18 06:13:55 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam At one level, yes, using gen-AI art as training data is the same kind of immoral as ClearviewAI scraping your social media pictures or people analyzing trends using your public Venmo payments or Strava routes—it’s a use of your data you didn’t envisage.

2022-11-18 06:13:40 @FlyingTrilobite @neilturkewitz @kevin2kelly @WIRED @sciam Thanks for your patience. OK, here goes, while this site still exists....

2022-11-18 06:01:53 yay it worked

2022-11-18 06:00:33 I'm But also, @elonmusk loves this site too much for it to disappear, he'll be at his laptop fixing bugs himself if that's what it takes to keep 116 million followers. So see you tomorrow


2022-11-18 05:05:29 "I find it a good philosophical exercise to imagine the last tweet." Maybe not so philosophical soon, @ftrain?

2022-11-18 05:00:54 @GiladEdelman If newsroom productivity is having 27 mastodon instances open in tabs and trying to scan them all simultaneously then sure

2022-11-18 02:36:53 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED I have thoughts on this but they’re a little complex so bear with me while I find the time to turn them into tweets

2022-11-17 22:39:04 @neilturkewitz @FlyingTrilobite @kevin2kelly @WIRED This isn't saying artists are irrelevant. Without human art there'd be no AI-made art—obviously. All this says is that if an AI is trained on lots of art, then removing ~one~ artist's work from the training set won't make a big difference to what the AI produces.

2022-11-17 22:24:45 @GiladEdelman tried to warn you

2022-11-17 01:05:04 @quinnnorton He forgot to include lettuce

2022-11-16 23:51:01 RT @a_greenberg: My new book TRACERS IN THE DARK is currently the #1 True Crime audiobook on Amazon right now. Thank you to everyone for li…

2022-11-16 23:50:26 I can't tell if Jack's comment on this is a renunciation of responsibility, a shrug of despair, or a kind of Zen chant of acceptance I do know that you can't use bitcoin or any other crypto without trusting that a whole bunch of developers did their job right

2022-11-16 23:35:39 It traces back to the insistence of Joel Kaplan, Facebook/Meta's policy chief, that conservative and liberal content be flagged to an equal degree, even if one side actually produced more misinformation than the other, as @BenWoffordDC reported for @WIRED.

2022-11-16 23:34:52 Meta's policy of not fact-checking Trump as a presidential candidate (or any other politician) is indeed "long-standing," as a Meta spokesperson says here (1/2)

2022-11-16 18:50:50 RT @stokel: Folks who have just 'd out of Twitter today: I want to talk to you. You lasted longer than others. You know more. Please email…

2022-11-16 18:50:31 @DKThomp @teddyschleifer @hunterwalk what'd i miss

2022-11-16 18:47:04 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos And of course there ~are~ serious technical challenges too, but they have to do with delivering the service at scale, which Twitter was basically doing fine

2022-11-16 18:45:30 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless @Chiquita @dominos Also, distinguish authentication from moderation. Authenticating or verifying who an account belongs to is a human task but a one-time thing. Moderating content is an ongoing problem and the tricky issues are policy/social, not technical—what is harassment, what is parody, etc.

2022-11-16 18:44:01 @6_Figure_Invest @reckless I think you're being overoptimistic about the sophisticated AI. A lot of corporate brands use social media very predictably, but look at, for instance, @Chiquita or @dominos. Quirky and unconventional approaches to social media are on the rise as brands try to stand out.

2022-11-16 17:52:59 Another example of thinking of Twitter as a technical engineering problem. It's not. It's a social-engineering problem (or as @reckless puts it, a content moderation service)

2022-03-16 22:18:56 There's been a lot of silver-lining talk about how the Ukraine war and Russian sanctions will force us to move to renewables and EVs faster. Here's a dose of realism from @AarianMarshall and @mrMattSimon 2022-03-16 17:16:46 Giving birth without emergency medical supplies, then taking a newborn home to an air-raid shelter—the dire situation pregnant women face when a war breaks out, by @laxmevy 2022-03-15 22:31:51 @jonathanstray @Vortex_Egg @justinhendrix Sorry, shorthanding. I meant minimize the range of time spent with each source - i.e. it's not good if they click on 50 things but only read a handful in any depth 2022-03-15 22:21:43 @MarietjeSchaake Welcome to town! 2022-03-15 22:18:42 @jonathanstray @Vortex_Egg @justinhendrix Maybe you want the analyst to be interested in as many things as possible, though, if you think that taking in a wider array of information results in better analysis. If so, optimize for engagement with the greatest number of sources and for smallest spread of time per source? 2022-03-13 17:36:47 “A Russian defeat will make possible a ‘new birth of freedom,’ and get us out of our funk about the declining state of global democracy. The spirit of 1989 will live on” - Pls remind me to check how this aged ⁦@FukuyamaFrancis⁩ 2022-03-12 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-24 22:56:12 @jtemple We'll make an editor of you yet. 2022-01-20 22:20:11 "If everything is made to be made into something else, nothing can excel at being itself—the story of our times." @jkehe 2022-01-20 22:18:52 @hondanhon Morcheeba, "The Sea" 2022-01-19 18:12:24 @raushenbush See my Twitter bio. 2022-01-18 01:54:00 @Gmvolpi Pandexit 2022-01-17 16:22:26 2022-01-17 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-12 16:55:25 An internet shutdown in Kazakstan temporarily cut the $BTC hashrate by 12%. @Gmvolpi on the unexpected intersection of geopolitics and crypto mining 2022-01-11 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX 2022-01-05 20:02:47 @DrTechlash @WIRED I hadn't read the book, but that's strikingly similar 2022-01-05 16:49:04 @BGrueskin @sarafischer I read this as “The FT, but natively digital” meets “The Economist, but more straight reporting and less analysis” meets “, but less wonky and more global” 2022-01-04 22:12:30 Further insight from an ER doctor on how this wave of hospitalizations is affecting healthcare workers—and why, even though the covid symptoms themselves are usually less severe, it's wreaking havoc on people with other underlying conditions 2022-01-04 18:29:08 @bramsonboudreau My tweets are like covid, they come in waves 2022-01-04 17:47:57 @emilybell Presumably they will smash the competition to Smithereens 2022-01-04 16:35:16 I particularly like this point: "[T]he trouble with predictions is their proximity to power... Those who can influence what people think will be the future are often the same people able to command considerable resources in the present, which in turn help determine the future." 2022-01-04 16:34:13 The @WIRED ideas section has been on a kick recently: "The Future of Futures", a series of pieces about prediction and its pitfalls. Starting with @amandarees9 on the history of prediction, from divination and necromancy to war games and AI models. 2022-01-04 02:22:02 @blakehounshell Blake, are you surprised they’re obsessed, or just curious about different reasons people give? 2022-01-04 02:07:15 @gadyepstein This too is rather lovely - a 1,000-year-long algorithmic music piece for singing bowls that you can play on an app 2022-01-04 00:15:50 So, even if you don't care about getting sick yourself, care about the people you're likely to infect, the extra cases that will lead to, and the healthcare workers who will have to—once again—pay the price for everyone else's God-given right to do whatever the hell they want. 2022-01-04 00:13:35 This is only one data point, but from a friend whose partner is a NYC ER doctor: "____ says the hospital system is totally collapsing. Last shift he had 3 nurses all shift for a min of 50 patients when it was the lowest patient load." 2022-01-04 00:11:48 Given that case counts are still shooting up and hospitalizations lag several days behind infections, they're surely going to surpass the peak soon. And there's also a new factor: because Omicron is so contagious, lots of healthcare workers have it, leaving wards short-staffed. 2022-01-04 00:07:21 Though hospitalization rates with Omicron are far lower than for previous strains, cases are spiking so wildly that in NYC, with one of the highest rates of vaccination in the country, hospitalization is now approaching last winter's peak. (via @nytimes) 2022-01-04 00:04:15 Most people I know, myself included, are now at the "fuck it" point with covid: we expect to get it, we expect a mild case, and we're willing to run the very small risk that we might be hospitalized. But that personal calculus ignores the impact on healthcare workers. (Thread.) 2022-01-03 23:49:13 TIL that in Kassel, Germany, there is a Museum for Sepulchral Culture. H/T @chengela via @christineNYT 2022-01-03 23:35:14 @gadyepstein You should do that and try to keep the exchange going for as long as possible, like an email version of John Cage's ASLSP 2022-01-03 22:52:07 @jtemple Sorry, too busy transcribing interview recordings 2022-01-03 22:51:19 @MalteEngeler And finally: I agree with you that technology can level out class and power differences—but it can also exacerbate them, especially later in its adoption. As @zeynep writes here, "Power always learns, and powerful tools always fall into its hands." 2022-01-03 22:48:25 @MalteEngeler Thank you. So, yes, I do think individual action can make a difference—sometimes—and that it's important to tell those stories. But also, I agree with you that power structures constrain what individual action can achieve, and it's important to explain how that happens. 2022-01-03 20:12:43 And one more thing: I owe a big debt of gratitude to @tomcoates. Back when I was still applying for the job, he was pivotal in helping me think about the history of @WIRED and see the opportunity for the role it can play today. 2022-01-03 18:14:07 @MalteEngeler I’m interested in knowing what issues we shy away from and that you’d like to see covered? 2022-01-03 14:58:19 @kerrymflynn @axios @CNN Congrats on the new job Kerry, and thank you! 2022-01-03 14:56:04 @jeffjarvis Yeah, I think we're agreeing. 1517 was just the challenge to the system (papal authority). It took another couple of centuries to invent solutions, in the form of modern notions of government and statehood. 2022-01-03 14:48:06 @michaelzimmer Well... I did say attitudes have become ~more~ negative, not negative outright! I could have instead said they've become "ambivalent," but ambivalence always exists, so I don't think that would have captured the shift in perception that's happened. 2022-01-03 14:44:41 @jeffjarvis Right. So when you say change is too slow, you mean that institutions are responding too slowly to these new voices and ideas? That's certainly true. But I do think the pace of new ideas and innovations—the challenges institutions are failing to respond to—is very rapid. 2022-01-03 14:40:45 @michaelzimmer I think you're assuming that by "attitudes to tech" I'm referring to your profession. I'm not. I mean, literally, attitudes to tech: what people, on the whole, think about it. 2022-01-03 14:35:50 @jeffjarvis Interesting. With all the usual caveats about the limits of historical parallels, I'd argue we're already in more like 1517, when Luther lit the spark for the Reformation. Arguably, our Luther hasn't emerged yet 2022-01-03 14:02:33 And we do that by telling stories about the world’s biggest problems, the role tech plays in them—whether for good or bad—and the people who are trying to solve them. 2022-01-03 14:01:52 At its core, though, I say @WIRED isn't about tech: it's about the world's biggest challenges and how to solve them. "Fundamentally, WIRED has always been about a question: What would it take to build a better future? We exist to inspire people who want to build that future." 2022-01-03 13:55:52 My answer begins by rejecting the "good/bad" binary that frames the discussion about so much of technology (and many other issues). It isn't helpful for understanding where we are and where we're going, and it overlooks the role that people play in the outcome. 2022-01-03 13:50:48 Today we publish my manifesto for @WIRED, an attempt to answer the question: what should a publication born as the bible of techno-optimism do in an age when attitudes to tech have become a lot more negative? 2022-01-02 04:39:47 Vaccines work, in two charts (data for New York City, March 2020 through December 2021, via @nytimes) 2021-12-31 12:24:44 Now that you’ve canceled your New Year’s Eve party plans because of Omicron—you HAVE canceled them, right?—here is some high quality reading to get you through the next couple of days, hand-picked by @WIRED’s sommelier of longform journalism, @markrobsf 2021-12-30 14:48:30 @htmlenergy @WIRED Oh cute but I thought you were all about making things in HTML. This looks like it was made in Photoshop. Surely that’s bad HTML energy? 2021-12-28 21:43:50 @ghoshworld I vote for 2022 to be the Year of the Negroni. There must be at least as many Negroni variants as Covid variants. We could just give them all Greek letters. I like Kappa and Lambda. 2021-12-28 21:32:31 Umm, no, we need some really fucking stiff drinks 2021-12-27 16:09:47 Sorry, forgot to add link to easy. 2021-12-27 16:08:24 …that it was spreading faster. We worried and still do that it could overwhelm hospitals again. (Again, collective vs individual impacts.) And we have no guarantee there won’t be more contagious, more deadly strains on its heels that are more resistant to current vaccines. 2021-12-27 16:05:44 Where I disagree with Shadi (or at least think he’s missing something) is on this essay, which wonders what the case is for panicking about omicron. It seems pretty clear: we didn’t know until just recently that it would be milder, at least to vaccinated people. We did know… 2021-12-27 15:16:04 A real debate would be if the question were not “what are the facts about Covid?” but “how should we choose to behave in response to those facts?” It would be no less divisive but it would be much more honest. 2021-12-27 15:15:46 But it’s at least partly ~because~ the left has equated opposition to public health policies with opposition to “the science” that this has turned into a seeming dispute about facts, which makes it harder to have a debate about the real issues. 2021-12-27 15:15:15 The belief on the right is that people should be free to run a higher personal risk of getting Covid in exchange for living with fewer restrictions. This may be bad public health policy but it’s not anti-science, per se. It’s just anti-collectivist. 2021-12-27 15:14:42 Fundamentally, the right isn’t challenging the truth of the science (though that’s what this has now turned into) but the requirement to follow what science recommends. It wants the freedom to base decisions on individual rather than collective responsibility. 2021-12-27 15:11:34 Like all political divides, this is really a fight over values and identity, not facts. On the right, individual responsibility and not being dictated to are core values. On the left, collective responsibility and trust in experts are core values. 2021-12-27 15:11:08 …this has made it seem like the left/right rift over Covid is about the science and the facts. (Which is why anti-vaxxers and ivermectin ingesters, like climate deniers, will also claim to be backed by science.) It’s really about something deeper. 2021-12-27 15:10:43 In contrast to most of the responses to this, I agree with @shadihamid at least on this point: it’s true that liberals made “the science” an identity marker, even if it was in reaction to conservatives disputing facts about the virus. And I think the problem is that…. 2021-12-27 08:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-12-20 18:02:57 @mcwm I know, such a drag, that paywall 2021-12-20 17:28:10 @mcwm I hereby claim my commission 2021-12-19 22:14:43 @adamdavidson Even better! There could be a “conflict slider” that you adjust according to how feisty you’re feeling :) And since Twitter wants to promote “healthy conversation”, it could color-code tweets from people who’ve marked themselves as looking for a fight that day 2021-12-19 21:07:28 @adamdavidson New Twitter feature request: auto-mute tweets the algorithm knows you’re likely to disagree with from people it knows like to get into arguments 2021-12-17 20:18:34 Species extinction needs to become as urgent a problem as climate change, writes ⁦@mattsreynolds1. And Europe’s efforts at rewilding point to one way it might be tackled. 2021-12-15 14:14:27 Taking a cue from @cecianasta, I asked @craigoodle: Is the "metaverse" just a rebranding of tech that already exists? His answer (9:55): the tech exists, but how people use it will be a transformation that we're only just starting to understand. 2021-12-15 14:10:03 Is the metaverse real, what will it be like, and should you go there? Diving down the rabbit hole with @Roblox's @craigoodle and @CondeNast's Pam Drucker Mann 2021-12-11 18:29:43 @Gmvolpi idk but maybe British accents would have sounded weird since there are scenes when they're actually speaking English? This way, the Italian accent can stand in for both the language and the accent. Real question to you as an Italian: did they sound Italian? 2021-12-11 18:24:55 “It's happened again...” What could be more tragic than having four kids die of a rare, unstudied genetic mutation, and then being jailed for 40 years for their murders? @scarschwartz on the extraordinary tale of a mother fighting to prove her innocence 2021-12-11 00:32:12 @hondanhon If I have to go to CVS for half an hour once a quarter to live an otherwise normal life, I’ll take it 2021-12-10 21:55:06 @emilybell The Tow Center was TOWG Center all along 2021-12-10 12:00:17 @AnthonyGrreen Many congratulations! Also, thank you for causing me to educate myself on what wedding brooms are 2021-12-03 20:42:41 @charlottejee @techreview Congratulations! But will we still have nice things? 2021-12-03 16:02:55 @quinnnorton Would read this novel 2021-12-03 15:56:35 @charlottejee I mean when that's the name of the school it's hardly a stretch 2021-12-03 15:41:20 @robcrilly Notable that Biden Town has a gas station but no bus or train station 2021-12-03 14:54:32 @charlottejee How is there not a Snowplow McSnowface yet 2021-12-03 14:51:53 @jonathanstray “Platform policies disproportionately affect cons,” while strictly accurate, could be read as implying platform bias. “Cons disproportionately violate platform policies (by posting misinformation)” would be a different gloss. 2021-12-03 14:45:37 Congratulations to @caitharr on picking up a big important beat for us at @WIRED 2021-12-01 22:27:09 OK, so if @Square is becoming Block, does that mean @stripe has to become Bar? 2021-12-01 15:32:33 But the synthetic future of reality goes even further than simulated environments or media, and into biology, as @amywebb explains: we'll soon be building synthetic versions of our food and even parts of ourselves. 2021-12-01 15:24:57 And @cecianasta makes a convincing case that the "metaverse" is just fancy marketing for the technology we have already. 2021-12-01 15:23:58 Inevitably, the metaverse makes a couple of appearances. @NianticLabs founder @johnhanke tells @stevenlevy why the metaverse isn't the virtual reality that companies like Meta want you to inhabit, but the world all around you—just with some extras. 2021-12-01 15:20:56 And what would it take to actually fool your brain into thinking it was living in the city of "The Matrix"? @jetjocko sums up the state of the science and art of brain-computer interfaces. 2021-12-01 15:18:00 @WIRED We asked MIT's Head of Architecture, Nicholas de Monchaux, to explore what happens as the physical space and virtual space of cities, which operate with very different norms of privacy, autonomy, and infrastructure, are overlaid on one another 2021-12-01 15:11:43 @WIRED "The Matrix" simply asked: what if you're living in a simulation? We asked: What will happen in the world we're actually heading into, where reality and simulation will overlap so closely that you have trouble telling them apart? 2021-12-01 15:06:18 Out today: our first special issue since I joined @WIRED. Inspired by The Matrix, which calls "reality" into question, we decided to look at how technology since the first Matrix movie has indeed challenged the nature of reality, and where it's going next. 2021-11-27 04:06:23 @StephenMarche @Richard_Florida @iammaxnathan @henryoverman @Fcorowe @rodriguez_pose @jreades @koozarch Bosses want the office to come back more than junior employees 2021-11-26 17:28:59 @Richard_Florida @iammaxnathan @henryoverman @Fcorowe @rodriguez_pose @jreades @koozarch What strikes me about my piece from March 2020 is how ~little~ of it came true, or to be more precise, how piecemeal and chaotic the adoption of those measures has been. I overestimated our capacity for organization. (Also, Henry!) 2021-11-25 18:58:16 @pwhall Tell me who wrote this tweet and I’ll give them a talking-to 2021-11-25 18:56:57 RT @pwhall: To think I just read a tweet about how WIRED doesn't do real journalism anymore since we cover so many products. There's a perv… 2021-11-23 19:40:06 "Good criticism should not cater to our childish fears of spoiled pleasures, with disclaimers and warnings and other acts of silly self-debasement. It should honestly evaluate a work of art in its entirety." @jkehe on why it's time for us to grow up 2021-11-23 18:22:11 Congratulations to @bobbie, who made @techreview so much better in so many ways and is now heading off to launch a highly secret project to save the world by means of an infinite number of gentle nudges 2021-11-23 17:57:54 So happy to see @roseveleth back on the pages of @WIRED with a fascinating and slightly terrifying look at our new mycoid overlords 2021-11-22 22:45:28 @chr1sa @jayrosen_nyu Same 2021-11-18 16:51:47 Today @WIRED and @reveal publish @willCIR's investigation into how Amazon handles your data. It's a damning picture of a company that for years neglected data security, leaving itself potentially vulnerable to a Facebook/Cambridge Analytica-style breach. 2021-11-11 17:36:42 If, like me, you struggle to understand why ppl pay $millions for digital art that can be perfectly copied, @sandraupson's profile of some of the people behind the NFT craze is both a great explainer of the tech and a sensitive look at the human motives. 2021-11-10 22:15:45 icymi: @jetjocko interviews @nealstephenson about geoengineering, world-building, and world-fixing at #REWIRED2021 2021-11-09 17:25:20 Starting in five minutes at #REWIRED2021 : Anna Wintour interviews Jony Ive about life after Apple, sustainability in design, and building a future for one's kids. 2021-11-09 15:42:42 Tomorrow @beeple is speaking at #REWIRED2021. Register for free to hear him talk about his wild success as a digital artist with @GregWilliams718. 2021-11-09 15:35:37 RT @WIRED: An AI takeover? More like a makeover. Join us today at 11 am ET for a conversation about the future of AI with @kaifulee, @yokym… 2021-11-07 16:09:59 And finally: these data are for “adults born in the 1980s and entering the labour market in the 2000s. Few experts… imagine that the trend to lower social mobility will turn out to have reversed for later cohorts. At best it may have plateaued 2021-11-07 16:07:48 And of course there’s racial disparity. “One in five black Americans is from a family which has been mired in the bottom fifth of income distribution for three generations 2021-11-07 16:05:35 Then there’s “hereditary persistence”: “…if an American’s father made twice as much as his neighbour’s father, then he would be expected to make 60% more than his neighbour. That is much higher than if they were French (41%), German (32%) or Danish (15%).” 2021-11-07 16:04:12 In the US, “the chance for a child born to parents in the bottom fifth of the income distribution to make it to the top fifth… is just 7.5%… [It] is badly outpaced by European welfare states such as Britain, France and Sweden (where the chance is above 11%) and also by Canada.” 2021-11-07 16:01:40 “Real wages that have not budged and lower work-force participation have gone hand in hand with ill health, which worsens outcomes further… [T]he life expectancy of Americans without a bachelor’s degree is falling.” 2021-11-07 15:59:58 “Many less-educated men have dropped out of the labour force. In 2016 ‘only one-in-two less-skilled men in rural America worked, which was 15 percentage points lower than in metro areas.’” 2021-11-07 15:59:06 “…workers with college degrees now have real wages 86% higher than those of workers without. What is more, those without a degree have seen little increase in real wages since 1979.” 2021-11-07 15:57:30 Damning stats on the loss of social mobility in the ‘land of opportunity’. “Americans born in the 1940s had a 90% chance of earning more than their parents had earned at the age of 30 2021-11-06 23:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-06 19:50:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-11-01 19:20:00 CAFIAC FIX 2021-10-06 15:00:28 Come and help beef up the new global @WIRED. We're joining forces into a single English-language site with a team spanning the time zones to report on the world's biggest challenges and how humanity tackles them -- wherever those stories are to be found. 2021-10-06 12:01:50 RT @jtemperton: .@WIRED is hiring! We're looking for three brilliant journalists to join our team as we merge our UK and US editions into o… 2021-10-04 15:51:09 educational institutions huh 2021-10-02 11:20:49 @ParkerMolloy You saw they shut down? 2021-09-30 14:08:07 I know "iconic" is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but if any publication deserves it, it's @WIRED. We haven't had a digital design update in a while, so whoever takes this job gets to shape what we look like for the next few years. Come join us! 2021-09-23 19:54:12 @KarimaKhalil @KarlreMarks That's what I keep telling myself 2021-09-22 08:12:07 RT @beatricedicaro: Shaping a Responsible Data Ecosystem at 19:00 CEST with @glichfield (@wired), JoAnn Stonier (@Mastercard), @qpalfrey, E… 2021-09-14 19:26:57 @adriennemso @WIRED "'Man,' I burst out. 'But why? Why do you need a carbon-fiber water bottle cage?' LeMond laughs. 'Because I own a carbon-fiber factory!' he says. 'What else do you need it for? Do you want to sprinkle it on your breakfast cereal?'" 2021-09-14 19:25:16 That's @adriennemso in her first @WIRED feature, a wonderful, lyrical profile of bike legend Greg LeMond and his obsession with producing a made-in-America, all-carbon-fiber, pink e-bike 2021-09-14 19:22:43 "He strives for connection. He’s heartbreakingly honest, even about things that he probably shouldn’t be talking about... But ... he just can’t do the easy, expedient thing... even if it means blowing up his whole life." 2021-09-09 16:45:05 Warning: this account of the parents whose young son went missing and the internet hate wave that has pursued them since will do nothing for your faith in humanity. But the way @klaidlaw tells the story is achingly, heart-rendingly beautiful. 2021-09-09 16:40:11 Newly updated: the @WIRED guide to self-driving cars 2021-09-08 17:01:50 @AmyNordrum Congratulations! 2021-09-01 13:44:07 @mims 20 years ago I sent a postcard from Managua, Nicaragua to a friend in Novosibirsk, Russia whose address I didn't know. All I had was his name, the company he worked for, and the town. It arrived in less than three weeks 2021-08-27 13:01:24 Terrific insight for me into the nature of poetry: "narrative as horizontal and poetry as vertical." 2021-08-24 02:53:25 Short answer: no. You'd need two patients requiring triage, one vaxxed and one not, otherwise alike in all respects, and to know *why* the unvaxxed one was unvaxxed, before vax status could even be *considered* a factor, as @jetjocko explains 2021-08-24 01:48:37 @tiredgenerally All political advertising, incl. issue ads, should be banned. Candidates should get equal airtime on nationally televised broadcasts to state their platforms and face questions. Video available online afterwards but no spending allowed to promote it. No PACS. 2021-08-23 20:45:44 I wish to register my appreciation for the building services worker who takes the time each day to arrange all the creamer packets in perfectly aligned orientation with the names facing up instead of just tossing a bunch into the basket ⁦@CondeNast⁩ #takeprideinsmallthings 2021-08-23 19:14:41 @moiragweigel @NU_CAMD Many congratulations, Moira! 2021-08-21 00:39:21 @GiladEdelman @WIRED Tell my boss 2021-08-20 16:06:48 "5 levels of difficulty" is my favorite @WIRED video series, and the latest instalment featuring @hmason explaining machine learning to everyone from an 8-year-old up to @claudia_perlich is a total delight 2021-08-18 19:51:55 Welcome, @raminskibba! We'll do our best to make all your former editors envious :) 2021-08-18 19:50:32 @GiladEdelman That said, and with all respect to @WIRED's sister publications, I am not convinced that this is the cargo-pant revolution I have been waiting for 2021-08-18 19:46:35 This proviso should be auto-tweeted on everything @GiladEdelman (and anyone else for that matter) writes 2021-08-17 19:48:10 Really excited to be welcoming @chengela to the team! She’ll be helping us explore the ambitious ideas needed to make the world a better place 2021-08-16 02:25:22 @johnxenak @qz Then make an old-fashioned your usual way. Or try a variant like this 2021-08-16 02:23:23 @johnxenak @qz Add about 3oz toasted sesame oil to a bottle of bourbon and steep for 24 hours shaking occasionally. Then put it in the freezer upside down so the oil floats to the base and freezes. Pour out the bourbon through a cheesecloth or coffee filter to catch any last bits of oil. 2021-08-11 16:02:57 An argument by @kwerb in @exponentialview that the recent debates in DC over crypto regulation are actually a good sign that "legislators can come together across party lines to address a highly technical issue related to a fast-developing new industry" 2021-08-10 19:54:14 @emilybell It sort-of is, but I'd argue that's only among a small group of people who think about this. Law and policy are still privacy-centered rather than safety-centered, and consequently not much use. 2021-08-10 00:12:28 @emilybell I think we needed to stop talking about privacy years ago and start talking about whatever you call the ability to be safe from harmful consequences of there not being privacy. “Safety,” or “sovereignty,” or some other word 2021-08-06 14:08:04 @sewellchan @TexasTribune Congratulations Sewell! 2021-08-06 12:45:32 And by “more cautiously” I don’t mean no mass gatherings. I mean: how might Ptown have looked if every venue demanded proof of vaccination to enter, if mobile testing stations had been dotted around town from the start, and there were incentives to take a test? 2021-08-06 12:25:39 When you look at the numbers, the story of Ptown is not how many people got sick 2021-08-06 12:19:54 … because most people were vaccinated. Informal contract tracing, by means of people who got sick posting on social media, may have helped constrain the spread. Rapid , accessible testing. Mask mandates - too late, but still, applied when it became clearly necessary. 2021-08-06 12:17:21 Good take on the Provincetown outbreak not as a covid fail but an example of a lot of things that went right. Tens of thousands of people partying in close quarters for a week would have been a bloodbath a year ago 2021-08-05 20:25:20 "Arguably the most important GDPR decision issued": @mattburgess1 on the €746 million fine the EU slapped on Amazon 2021-08-04 16:01:28 #MeghanMarkle40 #GideonLichfield50 #BarackObama60 jfyi 2021-08-02 17:36:51 So excited to have @marynmck joining the @WIRED team. She's a giant in the field of health reporting. 2021-07-30 16:40:31 "Even the alleged geniuses running big tech companies—at least they’re rewarded like geniuses—seem to suffer from an intentional or self-delusional refusal to face inconvenient truths." @StevenLevy on our worrying collective inability to deal 2021-07-30 12:21:08 Masterful profile by ⁦@robertfworth⁩ of the state of Libya a decade after the Arab Spring 2021-07-30 01:33:40 RT @cecianasta: Take a moment to appreciate this fantastic lede on the beauty of gravity 2021-07-29 16:00:50 @elanazak @politico Congratulations Elana! 2021-07-29 15:59:59 This series rewards reading, and reading slowly, especially if you're not Black. It's one of those things that has helped me understand just how much I can never understand, as a white person, about the experience of being Black in this country. 2021-07-29 15:54:59 As one of Jason's interviewees puts it, "Black Twitter is probably maybe the best piece of media to capture Blackness in its sort of unfiltered and dynamic way ever." Another: "We didn’t know what other [Black] people were thinking before Twitter. It was groundbreaking." 2021-07-29 15:46:50 Final part of @nonlinearnotes' oral history of Black Twitter is out on @WIRED today, and it's beautiful 2021-07-29 14:30:43 "It’s tempting to think that vaccine hesitancy can be overcome simply by taking false information out of circulation. It’s especially tempting to the sorts of highly educated people who make up the national media and political landscapes." 2021-07-29 14:27:10 In which @GiladEdelman offers an important corrective to the bout of vaccine misinformation hysteria, arguing that it's important to distinguish misinformation, misdirection, and misinterpretation 2021-07-28 23:13:51 @ryanavent Do you also get the “wow, this thing I wrote 20 years ago was really good, why can’t I write like that any more”? 2021-07-28 19:48:39 I said it then and I'll say it again 2021-07-23 13:56:52 The very worst-case (but hopefully unlikely) scenario is not just a super-spreader event but “a super-evolutionary event that allows the development of an even more potent form of the virus and then puts it on hundreds of jet planes headed to every corner of the planet.” 2021-07-23 13:53:48 “All those people with differing immune statuses and different exposures to different strains of the virus could create …a free and open exchange of viral ideas on how to be more infectious, maybe even more deadly or more vaccine-evasive. And then it’d travel back … home.” 2021-07-23 13:51:21 “A giant gathering with people from many different populations, almost certainly carrying different versions of the virus, is exactly the kind of place that makes super-spreader events and the exchange of new variants more possible.” ⁦by @jetjocko⁩ 2021-07-19 22:46:57 Terrific news for TR, and I can't wait to watch @mat take it to the next level 2021-07-19 16:30:50 Ah, well that's all right then... I think it was an unwise (i.e. un-nuanced) comment by Biden, and allowed Facebook to play the aggrieved party. Read @justinhendrix on how to properly evaluate what "killing people" would amount to in this context. 2021-07-17 18:08:23 So because I'm the editor of this @WIRED thing, I get to read parts 2 and 3 of @nonlinearnotes's People's History of Black Twitter before you all do. And let me tell you, you're in for a treat. 2021-07-16 21:30:22 Today in junk mail "OR THEATRE LOVER" I do appreciate the choice of UK spelling though, feels almost personalized 2021-07-16 03:44:49 @donohoe Is that right to left or left to right 2021-07-15 21:44:46 Moscow Mule, gin & 2021-07-15 21:23:18 @WIRED @nonlinearnotes Web pages are ephemeral, tweets especially so. And Black Twitter, as Jason writes, serves as a record of "genius that is constantly erased or stolen." This, then, is a memoir of ephemera about ephemera, an effort to pin down that which is always vanishing. 2021-07-15 21:19:18 Really proud that @WIRED is publishing @nonlinearnotes' oral history of Black Twitter—"a kind of record of Blackness—how it moves and thrives online, how it creates, how it communes—told through the eyes of those who lived it." This is part 1 of 3. 2021-07-15 11:57:39 @weischoice @WIRED Usually just full time unless we’re temporarily short handed. You can ask @zakjason about possible opportunities 2021-07-14 20:22:09 @yayitsrob My younger self, my older self, my inner self, my future self 2021-07-13 22:06:27 And a bunch of other @WIRED jobs—space writer, product reviewer and reviews editor, audience development folks, and more... check them out! 2021-07-13 22:03:24 4. A copy-desk editor, who might also produce newsletters, social posts, etc. Preferably US west coast time zone. 2021-07-13 22:01:14 3. A service journalism writer to produce useful, reliable pieces on everything from protecting your personal data to getting the best out of your smart speaker to finding the most low-carbon way to commute. US preferred, but maybe open to other locations. 2021-07-13 21:59:11 2. A couple of research editors to work on our fact-checking team. Again, you can be US or UK-based, and possibly elsewhere—DM me to ask about your country. 2021-07-13 21:56:32 @WIRED In addition, @WIRED is looking for: 1. Features editors, for our famed longform narrative storytelling. You can be based in the US or UK for this (and if you're based elsewhere, DM me and I'll tell you whether we can hire in your country.) 2021-07-13 21:51:50 We're hiring for a new director of product for @WIRED—someone to oversee the next phase of our evolution into a global digital publication. Come work with me! 2021-07-11 03:12:52 Luckily though there are apparently these things called “taxis” that just wait on the street for anyone to pick them up and take you somewhere for a set price per mile. Kinda like a car version of bikesharing, only with a human driver. I got home for less than $25. So cool! 2021-07-11 02:55:01 Haven't seen prices like this in... ever? Normally my ride home from the airport in Boston is $25-30 2021-07-07 23:01:34 "Is that all we are? Grotty, leaky fleshbags, mucking up clean, utopian futures?" @jkehe on the weird obsession with human bodily functions in Amazon\'s science fiction shows, and what that implies about how the company thinks of its customers 2021-07-05 21:59:17 RT @otherlandberlin: "Make Shift: Dispatches from the Post-Pandemic Future" edited by Gideon Lichfield #7 Twelve Tomorrows Series. Inspir… 2021-06-30 21:12:21 @mathewi Many condolences, Mathew, and I hope can you write something for us all someday about what she meant to you. 2021-06-30 21:11:04 Coming next: NFTs of the Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta, and the Bible 2021-06-30 00:02:03 NASA used an orbiting lidar platform to create a relief map of the Earth showing where sea level rise threatens to displace people, and the results are... slightly scary. By @mrMattSimon 2021-06-29 23:57:49 Interesting turn-a-blind-eye policy by Discord: "BetterDiscord... has been installed more than 5.3 million times since 2015, and its developers say they have not seen Discord take action against users for modifying the client." @cecianasta 2021-06-29 23:36:54 @_Durwood @justinhendrix lol who made this? it's brilliant 2021-06-29 22:32:58 a) amazing b) are there any other (known to be) queer people on banknotes anywhere in the world? 2021-06-28 14:26:18 RT @IndrapramitDas: Grateful my copies of @glichfield's MAKE SHIFT: DISPATCHES FROM THE POST-PANDEMIC FUTURE (@mitpress) made it halfway ar… 2021-06-23 22:33:48 So you're a (white, male) manager at a (pretty white, pretty male) company and you really badly want to hire more diverse people but you don't know how? @megreenwell has the answers. Spoiler alert: it's not hard, it just takes *work*. Do the work. 2021-06-23 22:28:43 Everyone says work will never be like it was pre-pandemic. A new spate of startups are banking on exactly that. 2021-06-23 22:27:23 Now that Prime Day is over and done, @LaurenGoode is asking the important question: What would it take to upgrade Amazon's shopping model? 2021-06-22 23:20:31 What's remarkable about this by @laurensmiley is how, in a single driver's story, it traces the arc of the gig economy as a whole, and what the sudden bonanza it provided, and then gradual squeeze, have had on the humans who provide those convenient services we all use. 2021-06-22 22:58:09 @StrongReporter 2021-06-22 22:57:02 Whatever happened to the Ever Given, you wonder? Still stuck in the Suez Canal, not by the sands but by an almighty legal row about who should pay the damages. @alextchristian has the story at @WiredUK 2021-06-21 20:31:13 This was quite the honor: the remarkable @chrismichel took time out from photographing famous scientists in their labs and emperor penguins in Antarctica to take some shots of me in @chr1sa's back yard 2021-06-21 13:45:10 RT @mattburgess1: It's Amazon's Prime Day today. Let's use that as a chance to look at the data Amazon collects about you every time you sh… 2021-06-17 16:24:47 RT @amitkatwala: My book on quantum computing is published today! It's a short @WiredUK guide to quantum, how it works, and the impact it… 2021-06-17 16:14:32 @ChuckinCharly @mims Tabriolet actually was coming here to say tabtop or laplet but tbh flaptop totally wins 2021-06-14 17:42:01 "One of the reasons I think that European companies actually end up paying a lot less [in ransom] is they don’t put this amount of pressure on their technology teams for these tight recovery-time objectives." @billseagull @coveware interview by @KimZetter 2021-06-14 16:44:25 It's a travesty in my view that @COVID19Tracking didn't at least co-win the Public Service Pulitzer with the NYT. It had a huge direct impact on policy and in saving lives during the pandemic. This should have been an absolute no-brainer. 2021-06-14 16:01:29 As @FuchsWriter explains, there's no shortage of sites where Americans can get news that breaks them out of their information silos—if they *want* it. The question is, how do you get people to want it? 2021-06-14 15:49:05 In the most complete account so far of @timnitGebru's ouster from Google, @tsimonite notes that Big Tech is unusual, compared to most industries, in funding in-house ethics research that outside researchers take seriously, and asks: is that era now over? 2021-06-11 15:34:29 "At @WIRED, the space beat begins deep below the Earth’s surface and stretches all the way to the farthest reaches of the cosmos." Come explore the Expanse with us! 2021-06-10 13:06:43 My former colleague @jwestanderson issues a call to arms on what an education desk--no, a learning desk--needs to look like at a US national newspaper post-covid. 2021-06-10 00:46:16 RT @doctorow: Man, it's always exciting when contributors' copies arrive in the post! This one especially. #MakeShift, @MITTechReviewBr @Ma… 2021-06-09 21:00:44 @hondanhon We haven't been on speaking terms since my physics degree 2021-06-09 20:57:07 @hondanhon Lossless losses 2021-06-06 19:22:52 In the last few weeks YouTube has started showing me preroll ads for a clinic in Boston that last more than five minutes. The latest is only two and a half minutes but that's still two minutes too long. I never saw ads this long before. Why does anyone think this is a good idea? 2021-06-06 03:05:10 @ibogost Boaty 2021-06-05 23:13:59 @fernandezpm El cartel de Bariloche 2021-06-05 23:10:59 "Everyone recognized that the situation was simply too much to be borne without occasionally going to pieces. This has, in fact, always been the case 2021-06-05 23:00:51 @migueldobrich @DanielGAlarcon @latmediasummit Gracias! 2021-06-05 19:11:45 Hoy en conversación con uno de los periodistas que más admiro, @DanielGAlarcon sobre un tema muy actual: ¿tiene el periodismo el deber de fomentar un sentido de optimismo en sus audiencias? O por lo menos no fomentar el pesimismo? Escúchennos a las 18:00 hora de NY 2021-06-05 14:25:28 RT @radioambulante: Hoy a las 6 p.m. –hora de Nueva York– se presentarán @DanielGAlarcon y @glichfield en el @latmediasummit. Todas necesit… 2021-06-05 14:11:49 @robcrilly @lisang In fact I'm about to make one of those right now so I will think of you two and your delicate, fragrant Chemex cups that taste like someone left tobacco leaves to steep in a bourbon barrel for three years 2021-06-05 14:09:21 @robcrilly @lisang What Rob said. Personally I like big milky sweet cafe-con-leche style like in some Cuban roadside shack so I burn my coffee all to hell in a moka and enjoy it, yes I do 2021-06-05 14:00:20 RT @gmochkofsky: Es HOY Ahí nos vemos a las 2 pm ET. @latmediasummit #LMS21 2021-05-29 12:46:18 @hannahmreed_ Would you believe it if I told you I still feel this way frequently? What you see on Twitter and how you feel about it is a function of the selection bias in what people post and who you follow, not remotely an objective depiction of how your career is going 2021-05-29 12:25:44 @yaffaesque Поздравляю! 2021-05-28 15:19:20 @LaurenGoode Goode olde Lauren 2021-05-25 21:54:12 @Anthony @weareyourfek New streaming business model: end all series two episodes early, crowdsource the cliffhanger, film it, enjoy blockbuster viewership, head like a rocket into the next season 2021-05-24 15:40:14 Congratulations to Greg on a well-deserved promotion. Looking forward to what we can build together for @WIRED around the world. 2021-05-21 17:44:59 @johnbrownstein @VaccineFinder @ASlavitt Great news. Any plans to add @Grindr, @scruffapp, @ReconNews or any other LGBTQ+ apps? 2021-05-21 16:36:49 RT @LindsayPGorman: To outcompete autocrats, democracies need affirmative strategies & Over the… 2021-05-21 16:19:44 I mocked up what a gender-neutral restroom door in Tennessee will now have to look like, based on the (extremely specific) stipulations in the state's new law on restroom labeling, which besides being anti-trans also just seems... redundant? 2021-05-21 15:45:19 Yes, this. Which is why a permanent increase in remote work is concerning, in that it reduces opportunities for newer journalists to learn just by observing more experienced colleagues in a newsroom. (Also true for other professions.) 2021-05-21 15:38:11 @RMac18 tbf most people on the east coast have probably never seen a Tesla in their lives, yet here we are 2021-05-21 15:04:38 This is the problem Google is ultimately aiming for with large language models like LaMDA. Which is why getting LLMs right matters: they won't just determine what we see in the world, they'll mediate our very understanding of it. 2021-05-21 14:58:18 It's interesting, btw, to read this alongside @StevenLevy's interview with Google's head of search, Prabhakar Raghavan (@WittedNote). Raghavan notes that search is still v. limited: it can find you a pair of hiking boots but not tell you if you need them 2021-05-21 14:26:57 y háganse cuenta de que en el programa de periodismo bilingüe es un requerimiento que todos los tuits sean bilingües 2021-05-21 14:21:29 In which @eniiler films himself walking over a field full of molting cicadas and we keep the sound off so you don't have to hear thousands of little exoskeletons go crunch-crunch-crunch 2021-05-21 12:34:09 “Soon enough, all of our digital interactions—when we email, search, or post on social media—will be filtered through LLMs.” An important piece from @_KarenHao about an increasingly core piece of tech infrastructure 2021-05-21 12:22:48 @AmyNordrum @NYUStern Mazel tov Amy! Media needs managers like you 2021-05-21 12:20:38 @jessamyngrey @LaurenGoode @MikeIsaac @verified Hey um @verified please re-verify Jess, she is verifiably herself, I will vouch for it 2021-05-21 12:15:58 @LaurenGoode @MikeIsaac But be sure to wait two weeks after the verification for it to take full effect. The CDC advises that fully verified adults may be unmasked on the same Twitter thread as long as no other unverified people are on it 2021-05-20 20:25:36 @rachelmetz I did that not long ago and had to take a few moments to remember how you work out the tip. 2021-05-20 20:12:46 @AnshelPfeffer It would be interesting to conduct a comparative Twitter analysis (@camillefrancois? @dkroy?), but even if a new generation of US progressives is more worked up this time, I'd argue the Isr/Pal conflict is now less geopolitically important than at any time since 1956 2021-05-20 19:50:08 The RSA breach was the first really big supply-chain attack—a breach of a technology that thousands of organizations rely on precisely to protect themselves from breaches. It was "the herald of our current era of digital insecurity." 2021-05-20 19:46:31 For a decade, many executives from the security company RSA have kept their silence about one of the most damaging breaches in history. But now their NDAs have lapsed, and @a_greenberg got their stories. 2021-05-20 17:13:44 RT @BelferCenter: Starting now: Tech Spotlight recognizes projects and initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to public purpose in the a… 2021-05-20 15:39:36 @JedKolko @tunkuv Hm, then would proxies for value of leisure time help? Restaurant bookings (ask OpenTable), flight occupancy, Airbnb/hotel occupancy...? 2021-05-20 13:04:49 @JedKolko @tunkuv Could you track labor supply vs vaccination rates by state for a first approximation? 2021-05-20 03:00:20 RT @halophoenix: Come work with me! Happy to talk about the vibe here and whatnot too. Don't hesitate to apply if these gigs look like a… 2021-05-20 02:56:40 @WritersofColor @CondeNast What an excellent idea! Unfortunately @CondeNast policy currently is not to post salary information. I will let you know if that changes 2021-05-19 20:57:04 @cscolari @WIRED @revistatelos @fundacionTef @AndresPerruca (perdón - por qué no *lo* pedís...) 2021-05-19 20:54:43 @cscolari @WIRED @revistatelos @fundacionTef @AndresPerruca ¿Un WIRED en castellano? Pero, che, ¿por qué no no pedís...? 2021-05-19 19:29:12 RT @BelferCenter: Thursday at 1PM ET: Don't miss the second annual Tech Spotlight, w/ Ash Carter, @safiyanoble, and @glichfield. This @TA… 2021-05-19 17:31:47 @chrismalmo @ezraklein @paolobacigalupi Windup Girl world feels slightly less plausible to me, maybe because food is immediate and personal enough to people that there's resistance to a total global takeover by Big Ag? But every time I'm in or read about the Southwest scenes from Water Knife flash before my eyes 2021-05-19 17:28:08 The replies to this thread are a fascinating rabbit hole in themselves: a remembrance of HIV denialists past (and, increasingly, passed) 2021-05-19 15:58:54 RT @ScottThurm: You talking to me … in German? A new deepfake-like tech manipulates actors' faces to match the sounds of dubbed dialog. @wi… 2021-05-19 15:58:09 @AkshatRathi Ouch! But true. How about just calling them "death" 2021-05-19 15:50:03 @AkshatRathi Strategic carbon containment facilities 2021-05-19 15:35:48 RT @StevenLevy: The guy who's been running Google search, ads, commerce, maps and assistant since June hasn't given an interview. Until now… 2021-05-19 15:34:53 @ezraklein The Water Knife by @paolobacigalupi, Ministry for the Future by KSR, as well most of Black Mirror 2021-05-19 15:02:41 From @jessamyngrey a completely gender-inclusive, body-agnostic guide to the best sex toys, a cornucopia of contemporary pleasure 2021-05-19 12:06:14 @Cathi_Bea @pptsapper @WIRED Some are open jobs that were left vacant during the search for a new editor in chief. Others will be new hires. They are being paid the same way as before. The WIRED Union is currently involved in bargaining. 2021-05-18 20:12:01 And bittersweet as it is, congratulations to my old colleagues @StrongReporter and the team at @techreview, runners up in the same category 2021-05-18 20:10:55 Congratulations @LaurenGoode and everyone else who worked on Get WIRED, the People's Voice winner in technology podcasts @TheWebbyAwards 2021-05-18 18:27:36 @editorialiste @s_m_i ditto 2021-05-18 17:36:44 @hondanhon cc @jonathanstray would Overview be/have been any good for this? 2021-05-18 17:32:25 RT @DMOberhaus: Wired's hiring for my old job You get to work the best beat with a phenomenal crew, 10/10 would recommend… 2021-05-18 17:31:34 And keep an eye out for more job postings from @WIRED in the coming weeks. As I said, we're staffing up and we have big plans. 2021-05-18 17:30:14 And a director of audience development for WIRED's global audience 2021-05-18 17:28:15 Also still open is the role of managing editor, the operations head of our growing and globalizing newsroom 2021-05-18 17:27:13 We're still accepting applications for an editor to lead the Ideas section, the home of our most provocative, far-reaching essays... this one! 2021-05-18 17:25:04 On the reviews team we have two openings for product writers/reviewers and one for an associate reviews editor 2021-05-18 17:22:59 ...and another writer on the space beat, which "begins deep below the Earth’s surface and stretches all the way to the farthest reaches of the cosmos." 2021-05-18 17:22:10 We are staffing up at @WIRED! Lots of open roles, with more to come. All of these can be based remotely. First, on our science team we have vacancies for a writer on health... 2021-05-18 03:29:08 RT @a_greenberg: For those following along at home: Kytch has filed its lawsuit against ice cream machine maker Taylor—claiming trade secre… 2021-05-18 03:28:43 RT @amywebb: We're hiring! Help me spread the word? 2021-05-18 03:21:49 I don’t know if “Diego Cervantes, 16” wears blue eyeshadow normally or dressed up for the occasion but either way I applaud this fashion choice 2021-05-18 02:57:19 @mitrakalita Wait Mitra that's my line 2021-05-14 22:44:20 My bedtime reading arrived ⁦@amywebb⁩ ⁦@FTI⁩ 2021-05-14 20:59:02 @RMac18 Oh now that’s just rude 2021-05-14 20:57:40 @RMac18 Maybe they just froze the feature at some point in whatever setting it was in, assuming that if you hadn’t enabled FB friend connections you weren’t going to 2021-05-14 20:54:36 @RMac18 I signed up with my Facebook account and for me the option to *enable* adding friends from Facebook is blocked. 2021-05-14 20:38:39 Cosa que nunca imaginé me pasaría: aparecer en el mismo programa con @rubenblades #LMS21 2021-05-14 20:19:32 And @lilyhnewman again on the dilemmas of whether to pay the ransom 2021-05-14 20:17:47 ...@AarianMarshall on why the pandemic-induced shortage of tanker truck drivers made the effect worse... 2021-05-14 20:16:39 ...@lilyhnewman on the group behind it... 2021-05-14 20:16:03 If you've missed out on the Colonial Pipeline saga this week, here's @a_greenberg on why it takes ransomware attacks that cripple infrastructure to a new level... 2021-05-14 20:11:04 "Here’s a tech firm that avoided practicing surveillance capitalism 2021-05-14 20:08:17 Don't throw away those masks just yet. @jetjocko on what might have become a superspreader event if it weren't for vaccines 2021-05-13 17:37:27 (sorry, correction: particles smaller than 5 microns) 2021-05-13 17:33:54 After that it still took intense lobbying by scientists like @linseymarr, @kprather88 and @jljcolorado to convince authorities the 5-micron figure was wrong. Not until a year into the pandemic did the WHO recommend universal masking indoors when covid is spreading. 2021-05-13 17:23:20 The first proof a human disease, tuberculosis, could be airborne was published back in 1962. The scientist behind it died a year later, and a simple misunderstanding led the CDC to adopt the wrong conclusion from his study: that only particles > 2021-05-13 17:13:51 It's an incredible detective tale: how @katierandall, a graduate student trained in the forensic tracking of academic citations, reached back decades into the past to discover that the 5-micron threshold was spurious, an accident of conflating different experimental observations. 2021-05-13 16:29:37 It would take a team of scientists and historians months of detective work to convince WHO & 2021-05-13 16:26:21 The distinction between droplet and airborne transmission is massive. But where should the divide between droplets and aerosols lie? To @linseymarr, the accepted threshold, 5 microns, had always seemed off. When the pandemic hit, she decided to figure out where it came from. 2021-05-13 16:23:56 Two weeks ago, the WHO updated its web page about coronavirus transmission, formally acknowledging what's been known for months: that the virus can spread via aerosols, not just larger droplets. A week later, the CDC followed suit. Neither change got much attention. 2021-05-13 15:58:14 File under "unintended consequences of tech for good" h/t @hondanhon 2021-05-13 15:45:54 In the age of Twitter tip jars this by @nonlinearnotes seems particularly prescient 2021-05-13 15:35:51 "You are Q." Hard to beat this for a job ad (h/t @GregWilliams718) 2021-05-12 21:21:25 @jburkespraker @karenkho Agree, I would probably pay less attention if I didn’t feel it was Karen’s actual care for people behind the voice. Makes me think about the value of that intangible quality of human care and how economic systems fail to account for it 2021-05-12 21:07:18 @karenkho This feels like the canonical use case for a Twitter tip jar. However also a use case for a Twitter bot, so choose between gig economy and having your job automated 2021-05-12 20:55:21 @karenkho Wait did I miss something? Has slouching become the new doomscrolling? 2021-05-12 19:56:57 "Over time, the system will support itself through service charges, investments, and repackaging and sale of some of the data it produces to emergent carbon auditors, insurance and finance firms, and pharmaceuticals among others." 2021-05-12 19:56:25 "An incentive system drawing on solutions developed for the urban gig economy can favor the under-30-year-olds ... The future of the young might in this way become more intimate with the continued existence of diverse nonhuman species and their prosperity more reliant upon it." 2021-05-12 19:55:25 "Interspecies Money will offer divisible payments for... providing security, building fences, removing waste, planting trees, controlling grazing animals, eliminating invasives... and countless other tasks which together amount to a great regeneration machine." 2021-05-12 19:53:24 Start by providing "a digital identity," a way for algorithms to recognize a particular antelope or tree. Tie it to services rendered: "A giraffe may release a few dollars to a community conservancy for each unique observation (with its markings serving as a unique identifier)." 2021-05-12 19:50:42 A wild and thought-provoking proposal from the ever-interesting Jonathan Ledgard: a way to protect animals by "giving" them money. Or more accurately, creating a digital currency system to reward people for work that protects animals and their habitats 2021-05-12 12:13:00 Rumble's recommendation algorithm churns out a troubling amount of misinformation. If you search “election," you're 2x more likely to be recommended videos with misinformation. For "vaccine," 3x more likely. By @ellielhouse @alicelfwright @ImStanley 2021-05-12 11:37:00 “Let me get this straight. You are telling me that for your big request to make this product successful, instead of it taking 40 years, it will only take us 20?” In an excerpt from his new book, @BradStone tells the story of the birth of Alexa. 2021-05-12 00:43:00 How do humans have conscious experiences? No one really knows. But a new study offers clues by looking at how our brains behave under anesthesia, when we go unconscious and our neurons shut up. @laxmevy 2021-05-12 00:39:16 Dinnertime! “Over 80 percent of the world’s nations eat insects... Why are we missing out?” @Knibbs asking the important questions about Brood X, why bugs could be the next frontier for Americans in sustainable protein—and how to prepare them. 2021-05-11 02:03:55 @HeatherLandy All my drinks are medicine 2021-05-11 01:59:17 Like the vaccine, it slips in sweetly but has a long, slow, bitter finish and knocks you on your back after the second shot 2021-05-11 01:56:23 Very well @ryancbriggs @ScottNover @HellaDislike, I hereby dub this the Vaccine Negroni: equal parts Greylock Gin, Rinomato Bianco and (for Alicia, of course) Cocchi Dopo Teatro. With a blood orange twist if I had a blood orange, but I don't 2021-05-11 01:38:07 who wants a vaccine Negroni 2021-05-10 23:34:58 RT @wroush: The @washingtonpost offers an enthusiastic review of MAKE SHIFT, the post-pandemic science fiction anthology from @techreview a… 2021-05-10 16:44:00 RT @willknight: Like it or not, killer AI weapons are coming. Pentagon experiments show that swarms of drones can help in urban warfare, an… 2021-05-07 19:59:54 @jeffjarvis @mmasnick @WIRED Also reading 2021-05-07 03:10:59 @EthanZ You know, it kinda sounds like being on Twitter, just with longer words 2021-05-06 23:35:00 "IBM says 50 billion of the new transistors...could fit on a chip the size of a fingernail... It says the chip could help a smartphone or laptop run 45 percent faster or consume only one-fourth of the energy of the previous best design." @willknight 2021-05-06 22:45:00 "By not being clear about the different flavors of risk and benefit for different vaccines and different people, public health experts have let doubt and dodgy personal interpretations flourish." @jetjocko 2021-05-06 22:29:21 @CathyGellis You may disagree with his conclusions—in which case, state your reasons. But ad hominem attacks on him for not doing the research, without your even knowing how he did it, don't fly. 2021-05-06 22:28:15 @CathyGellis Third, he has some measure of education in the relevant field himself. 2021-05-06 22:27:27 @CathyGellis Second, there are ways to learn about what someone thinks on a subject other than talking to them. Such as by reading their books. 2021-05-06 22:25:19 @CathyGellis First, Gilad spent months researching and writing this story. He spoke to many experts and read a lot of material. The fact that he did not speak to all the people you think he should have spoken to doesn't mean he didn't educate himself. 2021-05-06 21:27:45 "The activity on these platforms is both heartening evidence of people coming together and a rebuke of the government’s failure to prevent, contain, and address this second Covid-19 wave." @yashjournals on Twitter mutual aid amid India's latest outbreak 2021-05-06 21:13:20 @jeffjarvis Something you can roll up and satisfyingly thwack things with 2021-05-06 21:12:04 @halhod @Eaterofsun That would be some next-level IP-address targeting 2021-05-06 21:10:40 This is really important stuff. And also, how many other industries are there, besides the medical profession, in which management has been slow (or unwilling) to understand the toll that working in a pandemic has taken? 2021-05-06 20:59:33 @nonlinearnotes next Twitter feature: private threads 2021-05-06 20:57:38 @halhod @Eaterofsun Bravo, but it seems this anonymous serf-creator is being punished for his insubordination by having his piece vanished 2021-05-06 19:24:29 Qué emoción participar en el @newmarkjschool @latmediasummit con colegas como @alexismadrigal, @DanielGAlarcon, @mashagessen, @Enrique_Acevedo, @MarinaWalkerG, y más. Regístrate! 2021-05-06 16:47:11 @mmasnick @GiladEdelman I'm not going to get further into this debate with you on Twitter. The piece was written to make a case, just like the things you write. It doesn't claim you're unreasonable, just mistaken. And you're free to write your own rebuttal. Readers can draw their own conclusions. 2021-05-06 16:41:30 @mmasnick @GiladEdelman Nothing has changed under my leadership. This piece was reported and fact-checked the same way WIRED stories have been since time immemorial. And nobody has been misquoted or misrepresented. They're simply unhappy that @GiladEdelman disagrees with them. 2021-05-06 16:33:17 @mmasnick @GiladEdelman Show me the bit where we imply this about you? The piece goes into considerable detail on the case for why S230 reform wouldn't harm sites like yours. You may still disagree! But we're neither misrepresenting your views nor saying they're unhinged. Only that they're wrong. 2021-05-06 16:06:29 @mmasnick @GiladEdelman The only reference to you in the piece is this passage. Here's the corresponding passage from your post on Techdirt. Can you say which bit of this misrepresents what you said? 2021-05-06 15:49:06 RT @daniellecitron: This is the definitive piece on Section 230. @GiladEdelman nailed it. Thanks so much for including me and @ma_franks an… 2021-05-06 14:58:49 In which @GiladEdelman unpacks all the arguments for and against Section 230 and explains how it really works, where it fails, and how to fix it 2021-05-05 14:18:44 Discussion happening now on making sense of the @OversightBoard decision 2021-05-05 14:02:42 A thread from the content director of the Facebook @OversightBoard 2021-05-04 21:03:28 RT @brbarrett: It's a beautiful day for a @pptsapper appreciation thread, starting with this stirring defense of Ewoks military tactics tha… 2021-05-04 21:01:25 People are going to grocery stores much less now, and that means fewer impulse buys. So candy makers are figuring out ways to hack your impulse-buying instinct online instead. @AarianMarshall 2021-05-04 20:59:53 30,000 people told their darkest secrets to psychotherapists—and then hackers put it all on the internet. @RalstonWilliam9 on the story behind the Vastaamo breach 2021-05-04 13:16:38 RT @mitpress: Happy publication day to the latest volume in the #TwelveTomorrows @techreview series, "Make Shift: Dispatches from the Post-… 2021-05-03 17:16:09 RT @AndrewLiptak: Books this month come from @SueBurkeSpain, @JohnGwynne_, @wirewalking, @glichfield, @cyborgyndroid, @k_villoso, @andyweir… 2021-04-30 00:08:00 I never knew these two things went together, but it figures 2021-04-27 21:06:00 "While acting out of best intentions—the need to reduce the spread of a novel, lethal virus—we may have created a worldwide natural experiment in reducing exposure to microbes of all kinds." @marynmck 2021-04-27 21:00:28 Sound advice from @lilyhnewman: "Download iOS 14.5 if you have an iPhone, and get ready to start tapping 'Ask App not to Track' whenever you see it." 2021-04-27 18:17:14 @mathewi and from whose book title we also get "algebra" 2021-04-27 16:13:54 RT @justinhendrix: To me the headline out of the #techhearings today is the various ways the platform execs denied their business model is… 2021-04-27 12:40:55 RT @cecianasta: My impressions of Yasuke, plus interviews with LeSean Thomas and Flying Lotus (the soundtrack is ): 2021-04-27 12:38:54 @CraigSilverman @BuzzFeedNews Congratulations on a great run and a terrific new job! 2021-04-27 12:34:27 A devastating interview about the covid situation in India with the indefatigable @BDUTT, who lost her own father to covid today, just a few hours after the interview was aired. 2021-04-22 17:54:17 “There's a very important message globally that certain applications of AI are not permissible in a society founded on democracy, rule of law, fundamental rights." @djleufer talks to @willknight on the EU's draft rules for the use of AI 2021-04-22 13:21:08 RT @GregWilliams718: And we're live! Behind the scenes the @WiredUK team has been working on a redesign of our site, which means we're now… 2021-04-21 23:57:42 So far the message from authorities has been "get vaccinated, but keep taking precautions until most people has been vaccinated." Should it also be "keep getting tested, even after you've been vaccinated"? It ain't over, even after it's over. 2021-04-21 23:54:21 So with both testing rates and infection rates low, there'll be a lot less data off which to monitor the appearance and spread of new variants. If vaccine-resistant ones appear, they could start to spread under the radar. 2021-04-21 23:50:19 Here's the scenario: 2-3 months from now, people are crowding clubs and bars, celebrating the "end of the pandemic." And they're going for tests far less often, because why bother—they've been vaccinated, right? 2021-04-21 23:46:43 This covid outbreak at a nursing home where almost everyone was vaccinated shows the dangers not just of vaccine hesitancy, but of something we aren't really talking about yet: vaccine complacency, or "now that I'm vaccinated, I don't need to worry." 2021-04-21 22:28:56 “I hear people call it adult Legos. To me it's more like building IKEA furniture.” (Is there something wrong with me that I find IKEA furniture way easier than Lego?) (story by @alexhcranz) 2021-04-21 22:23:49 I realize I've unconsciously been thinking of Clubhouse as clubby—because of the name, the invites policy, and so on. Here's a story about how it makes something (angel investing) *less* clubby, which on reflection is probably true in other areas too 2021-04-21 22:13:29 @adambrowning @yayitsrob When I saw that headline I assumed it meant " cilantro in that it tastes awful to some people and starts to rot almost immediately" 2021-04-21 22:07:57 Or at least, the beginnings of a DNS-Of-Things, because not many people are going to buy $30 discs that need a new battery every year and slap them all over household objects that never move. But the notion of making the "Find My" network into a giant AR platform is intriguing. 2021-04-21 22:03:43 Under this theory, you could think of AirTags as a kind of DNS-Of-Things, in which objects get tagged so they can be incorporated into an AR layer over physical reality. 2021-04-21 22:01:53 If you think Apple's AirTags are just fancy and more expensive Tiles, @LaurenGoode has an intriguing alternative hypothesis: they're a step in a much bigger strategy, which is basically to label the physical world so it can be fused with the digital one. 2021-04-21 20:59:52 @gregsasso @ryancbriggs Hard to get it wrong with 3 ingredients in a 1:1:1 ratio, and Campari's strong taste masks variations in the other two. Manhattan more variable with many choices of all three ingredients. With OF & 2021-04-21 17:01:25 RT @WIRED: The McDonald’s ice cream machine is notoriously fickle. Like an Italian sports car, it’s efficient and powerful, but temperament… 2021-04-21 15:24:33 RT @doctorow: A new feature by @a_greenberg for @wired on the bizarre fight over diagnostic/control tools for McDonald's soft-serve machine… 2021-04-20 13:43:23 @bramsonboudreau @chelseawald If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it 2021-04-20 13:35:03 Some worrying predictions from @schneierblog on what happens when hacking (like everything else) is automated by AIs, and they start to hack humans. "They’ll artificially influence what we think is normal, what we think others think." 2021-04-20 12:58:17 "There’s altogether too much poop around, and it’s creating a public health and environmental hazard—pandemic or not." A @chelseawald State of the Sewage special 2021-04-20 12:38:57 NFTs could be a tempting way for archives and museums to make money by digitizing the works they store. Sounds like a great solution to lack of public funds? Watch out, argues @footage: it could threaten "the survival of human history and culture." 2021-04-19 00:52:30 @Lauraalise_ @WIRED Welcome to the team! 2021-04-18 17:09:52 @kimmaicutler Exactly. The international order that made consequences possible was short-lived. Sadly it also relied on a single country being far more powerful than the rest 2021-04-18 17:05:23 @zacharylipton I'm interested in the slightly more general statement of this problem: how noisy does the literature have to become before it's a serious impediment to advances in the field because it takes too long for researchers to get to and stay at the forefront--and what's the solution? 2021-04-17 23:59:00 @withopal @mims Haha well you have a vested interest in that question :) But I'd argue that any such measure works only if the user truly *wants* it to work. We can always circumvent any control we voluntarily set up 2021-04-17 22:07:23 @mathewi @ibogost Take me through your thinking, Mathew. I'd argue it's been both/and, not either/or. Browsers are still the central app for much of the internet even if the services we use on them are often more closed. Often the distinction between web/not-web is meaningless. 2021-04-17 21:43:02 @mims Simplified proposal: setting in Screen Time on your iPhone that only lets you open selected social network apps for half an hour each week. Oh wait... 2021-04-16 00:19:03 I’m sad that @megreenwell and @ScottRosenfield are leaving @WIRED. They have been fantastic colleagues in our few weeks together and have worked hard to set us (and me) up for success on their way out. Hire them! But not before they take a well deserved break. 2021-04-14 16:10:33 As someone whose knee-jerk impulse was to tweet exactly this hot take, I'm now glad I didn't. 2021-04-13 23:09:55 RT @jetjocko: And then this happened. Box arrived today 2021-04-13 23:07:21 Is Tiktoktivism the new slacktivism? @emmalincolnblog asks us to rethink that assumption. "For the people who actually matter in this situation, the ones who are going to live out the results of our climate action or inaction, TikTok is not separate from the real world." 2021-04-13 23:01:47 RT @KaraPlatoni: For a few months in 2020, nobody went much of anywhere. Did it even put a dent in our global emissions? By Jennifer Clar… 2021-04-13 23:01:09 The wonderful original Devil's Dictionary, for reference 2021-04-13 22:58:26 A Devil's Dictionary of AI ethics, by @_KarenHao "augment (v) - To increase the productivity of white-collar workers. Side effect: automating away blue-collar jobs. Sad but inevitable." 2021-04-13 22:56:11 As @mrMattSimon has written before, "plastic rain is the new acid rain." 2021-04-13 22:54:15 And where are most of these microplastics originating? Remarkably, not from cities, but from the tires of cars on intercity highways. "84 percent of airborne microplastics in the American West actually comes from the roads outside of major cities." 2021-04-13 22:50:54 "New research shows there may now be more microplastic blowing out of the ocean at any given time than there is going into it. Put another way: So much has accumulated in the ocean that the land may now be a net importer of microplastic from the sea." 2021-04-13 22:48:23 "The [drone] images showed Allen lying on his chest, hanging from his ice axe by both arms. A short distance below him, a gaping crevasse cut across the slope at the lip of a horrific 6,000-foot wall of sheer ice cliffs." 2021-04-13 22:47:37 How a 1.5lb recreational drone with hacked software helped rescue a climber who had fallen 1,200 feet down the side of K2. An excerpt from Mark Synnott's new book, "The Third Pole" 2021-04-13 22:41:32 Weird pandemic side-effects, #14,332: auto insurance adjusters are being replaced by AI that analyzes pictures of damage that drivers take with their phones. Insurers love it 2021-04-13 22:35:27 "For better or worse, these devices have code in them that people wrote 20 years ago—with the security mentality of 20 years ago." Ang Cui of @redballoonsec talks to @lilyhnewman about the "zombie code" in IoT devices 2021-04-13 22:22:59 "If the US government is concerned about foreign authoritarian powers building detailed profiles on citizens, or even just on government personnel, then data brokers’ ability to sell, share, or publish intimate data sets on Americans... should be of urgent concern too." 2021-04-13 22:21:44 "Law enforcement already buys up data from brokers... These practices circumvent democratic accountability: Agencies buy the information without warrants, and in doing so may bypass prohibitions on companies handing data directly to law enforcement." 2021-04-13 22:20:54 "Need to run ads targeting poor families in rural areas? Check out one data broker’s 'Rural and Barely Making It' data set. Or how about racially profiling financial vulnerability? Buy another company’s 'Ethnic Second-City Strugglers' data set." 2021-04-13 22:20:26 "Without robust national privacy safeguards, entire databases of citizen information are ready for purchase, whether to predatory loan companies, law enforcement agencies, or even malicious foreign actors." @jshermcyber on the commodification of you 2021-04-13 22:05:25 @justinhendrix My signature is steganographically hidden in the stitching 2021-04-09 22:42:20 "If this asteroid hit in the same spot today, the blast wave would kill you in Texas, deafen you in New York, and blow out window panes in Buenos Aires." And so on and on. Just read and enjoy. 2021-04-09 22:41:12 "a hammer swing delivers approximately 0.0001 kilojoules of energy, the Chicxulub impactor delivers approximately 1,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. The kinetic energy transferred... jiggles the molecules to temperatures that exceed the surface of the sun." 2021-04-09 22:39:48 "The initial wall of earth gouged outward at the moment of impact is more than 20 miles high 2021-04-09 22:38:33 "Before the asteroid even arrives, compressed and superheated air vaporizes much of the shallow sea that covers the Yucatán in the late Cretaceous. Milliseconds later, the rock plunges through what’s left and slams into bedrock at more than 10 miles per second." 2021-04-09 22:38:09 This @CodyCassidy story is like an XKCD comic, only in text form. (And yes, that's actually way better than it sounds.) 2021-04-06 16:40:46 Related: terrific thread by @doctorow on the "algorithmic cruelty" Lauren's piece so perfectly captures, and its benign counterpart, *consensual* browsing through one's social media feeds, & 2021-04-06 15:51:01 "If we already are part cyborg, as some technologists believe, there is a cyborg version of me, a digital ghost, that is still getting married. The real me would really like to move on now." So many lines in this @LaurenGoode story are pure gold 2021-03-31 15:30:56 @n_vpatel Why isn't "established weirdo" already in your Twitter bio 2021-03-29 19:29:29 @RachelFeltman So is this where you're screaming in joy and horror simultaneously 2021-03-28 16:20:00 @mims Ugh why isn't Arriving Today arriving today 2021-03-28 16:07:56 @RachelFeltman It's hard for me to tell how specific this is to the US system and how much to the nature of medical training everywhere, but it seems hard to find doctors who can look at you as a complete system and look for all causes of problems rather than just treat symptoms 2021-03-23 21:15:50 @teffmonster @WIRED Sorry! Getting this out from behind the paywall now 2021-03-23 16:42:06 Come be part of @WIRED for six months! We're looking for people from all backgrounds for the Wired resilience residency, in which we'll pay you to write about how the pandemic or technological change more broadly has changed the industry you work in. 2021-03-17 20:30:02 This is Quartz at its Quartziest 2021-03-16 16:57:53 @joefd @jamescrabtree oh wow you're right, there was a conspiracy to suppress Gordons during Obama's first term. Damn I told the Gideons not to leave any traces 2021-03-16 16:50:56 @gideon_long @fka_tabs @_KarenHao No this is US-only 2021-03-16 14:43:27 @jamescrabtree Haha except this is a US Social Security Administration graph, so why would any American parent care (or even know) about Gordon Brown? Certainly an intriguing dip though, I wonder what the cause could be 2021-03-16 14:42:10 @fka_tabs @_KarenHao Lol it's OK, happens all the time 2021-03-16 14:21:00 Therefore, here's my periodic shoutout to all my tocayos @gideonrachman @GideonGil @GideonResnick @gideonyago @gidlifecrisis Gideon Rose Gideon Lewis-Kraus @gidgreen and any others I've forgotten. World domination is proceeding as planned. 2021-03-16 14:14:39 I get a lot of emails (and now, media mentions, thanks @fka_tabs) to "Gordon", which I always assumed was because Gordon is just much more common than Gideon (and autocorrect sometimes switches them). However, SSA data suggests this is changing! h/t @_KarenHao 2021-03-15 21:50:44 RT @_KarenHao: There have been several false rumors and misleading claims circulating on Twitter that have understandably generated confusi… 2021-03-14 15:06:27 RT @TessaSproule: Let's take a moment and give Karen a moment. Remember... @_KarenHao is one journalist, telling the truth as she's observe… 2021-03-14 15:05:57 RT @_KarenHao: Quite the opposite, I asked multiple times to speak with the head of integrity, Guy Rosen, and *I* was declined. There are… 2021-03-13 21:17:09 @lawrennd @_KarenHao If I condescended to Karen, I apologize to her unreservedly. I’ll let her tell me how she feels rather than having someone else tell me how he thinks she feels, though. 2021-03-13 21:11:26 @vivian Technically not my call any more as my term at @techreview ended yesterday but I’ll suggest it to the new person in charge. (@migueldeicaza you asked for this too) 2021-03-13 19:34:03 The main point here is: after you’ve done months of reporting on something really complicated, telling it to someone who doesn’t understand it can be really clarifying in figuring out what’s important, what isn’t, and what it all adds up to. 2021-03-13 19:31:10 Of course there still followed extensive editing and fact-checking, as well as a “no-surprises” email to Facebook asking it to comment on key claims the piece was making and offering a chance to correct any inaccuracies. 2021-03-13 19:26:53 Once we had hammered that out as the introduction, the rest of the structure pretty much fell into place below it. Some of what Karen had previously written was now irrelevant, but most of it just needed to find its place. 2021-03-13 19:23:46 Once she started telling me the story, it didn’t take us long to figure out the structure. That process made us all realize that the story was, first of all, about the story itself: about Facebook’s own attempt to shape a narrative that would show the company in a good light. 2021-03-13 19:20:24 What “telling it to someone in a bar” does is, it forces you to think about how to keep this person’s attention. And what they need to know first in order to understand what’s coming next. 2021-03-13 19:19:20 And all I did was ask Karen to tell me the story. In her own words. As if she were telling it to someone she’d just met in a bar. 2021-03-13 19:17:29 That’s why you have a second editor look at it. It wasn’t important that I was the editor-in-chief, only that I was a fresh pair of eyes. Anyone else could have done it. 2021-03-13 19:16:21 Facebook had offered so much information on so many things that it was difficult for @_KarenHao and @niallfirth, her editor, to decide what was most important. That’s no criticism of them 2021-03-13 19:14:47 Facebook pitched it to @_KarenHao as a profile of the good work the Responsible AI team was doing, and it was only through extensive reporting that she understood the story was something larger. But after months of redrafting it was hard to crystallize what that was. 2021-03-13 19:10:42 The piece had gone through about five or six drafts before it reached me. This isn’t uncommon for such a large reporting project, but it reflected the difficulties created when a company offers you “access.” 2021-03-13 19:08:41 Since this thread on Facebook’s PR tactics seems to have been useful for a lot of people, I’m also going to offer some observations on how the story was edited that may be helpful if you’re approaching a similar kind of big piece. 2021-03-13 18:56:58 RT @roseveleth: @_KarenHao Also really love seeing @glichfield go to bat for her against the FB PR flood. Hope other editors are paying att… 2021-03-13 18:56:36 RT @timnitGebru: Very informative thread. Like I said before the manner in which the execs and PR ppl responded also undermines the work th… 2021-03-13 18:55:44 RT @mikamckinnon: Recommended reading. Useful for journalists 2021-03-13 17:41:01 RT @ananny: Another reason I like this @glichfield (in addition to is how it lays bare strategies+practices+theat… 2021-03-13 17:40:07 @metaviv I like the idea: what if you added a box near the top of the article a couple of days later with the company's main rebuttals and your rebuttals to them? cc @_KarenHao 2021-03-13 17:38:02 @AkshatRathi @Ostaley @CamSimpsonNews @cam Any other journalists who want to share their experience of PR tactics, let's do a Clubhouse or something 2021-03-13 17:33:02 @AkshatRathi @Ostaley @CamSimpsonNews @cam I would love to do this 2021-03-13 17:31:46 RT @alex_malouf: This thread by @glichfield is worth reading for all interested in media and public relations. 2021-03-13 17:30:33 RT @EKTOutie: This is also extremely reminiscent of how the Tories in the UK do PR 2021-03-13 17:29:39 @metaviv It's possible, yes. OTOH I'd also note that once a piece starts to trend, few people are reading the article "on their own", but in the context of where/how they've seen it recommended. So the narrative *around* the piece rapidly becomes more and more significant. 2021-03-13 17:24:28 RT @notrivia: A really important and fascinating thread that is also advice for editors on how you support reporters when they do work that… 2021-03-13 17:00:31 RT @ClaraJeffery: This piece by (former MoJo fellow) @_KarenHao is outstanding as is this thread by @glichfield. Both add to our understand… 2021-03-13 16:45:57 Follow-up: head of comms at another large tech co. messaged me to say, "I don't think that the way FB PR works is actually indicative of the way all companies engage with journalists." Fair. But I think these tactics are pretty common esp. for crisis PR, and thus worth studying. 2021-03-13 14:43:13 I hope this thread has been helpful. The essence of PR is confusion, and picking apart how it works may also help inoculate against it. 2021-03-13 14:41:04 The final prong of Facebook's PR pushback strategy is an interesting one: change the narrative *again* by claiming the problem you've identified isn't actually a problem, as @RMac18 reports. Wonder how that's going to go for them. 2021-03-13 14:39:23 The takeaway here is, a company may promise you unparalleled access and flood you with information, but in doing so it also gets a lot of influence over *how* you interpret that information and makes it harder for you to step back and see the big picture. 2021-03-13 14:38:12 In the Spaces chat that @CaseyNewton and @_KarenHao held on Thursday, former FB employee @YaelEisenstat said that after 6 months there she still couldn't untangle the complexity of the various teams and who was responsible for what. Imagine a journalist trying to figure it out. 2021-03-13 14:35:49 This kind of flooding-of-the-zone to obscure the central point is also a feature of how Facebook has approached reporters when it's tried to get such stories written in the past, as @Sam_L_Shead observed (and as the company did with Karen too) 2021-03-13 14:30:58 This method has been evident in some of Facebook's public pronouncements and also in the list of objections they sent us—here's a sample. Note how it ignores the claim the piece actually makes and tries to rebut a claim it doesn't make (i.e. that there are no such initiatives). 2021-03-13 14:25:28 Prong 3 is another deflection strategy, which in this case is to point to all the things Facebook *is* doing to combat misinformation. Again, this is an attempt to elide the central point of the story: those attempts don't tackle the problem at its root. 2021-03-13 14:21:43 Probably the best things you can do to counter a company's attempts to twist the narrative are, again, to push back against it, enlist other people who have credibility to push back as well, or expose the workings of the strategy (as I'm doing in this thread). 2021-03-13 14:19:04 This tactic attempts to rewrite the public narrative from what the story actually says ("the company is bad") to something it doesn't say ("these people within the company are bad") and thereby deflect attention by generating sympathy for those people. 2021-03-13 14:15:13 In this case, Facebook wants you to believe that @_KarenHao's story is an attack on one team within Facebook, @jquinonero's Responsible AI team. It isn't. She uses RAI's story to illustrate how Facebook *itself* derails internal efforts to tackle the problem of misinformation. 2021-03-13 14:11:36 Facebook's second prong, and again this is classic PR, is to try to make people believe the story says something it does not, as Facebook CTO @schrep did. 2021-03-13 14:06:50 Take the time to go through those corrections and, if the reporter and editor did their job well in the first place, most will turn out to be hot air. In that case, push back hard, as I did to Facebook 2021-03-13 14:04:49 Companies know that editors hate wading through a long list of corrections, and that reporters are often terrified of what the editor may say. So if you're an editor, you have to be supportive of the reporter when this happens and tell them not to panic, as I did to @_KarenHao. 2021-03-13 14:01:54 Facebook has adopted a multi-pronged approach, which is to be expected. The first prong was to try to overwhelm us with noise. Getting a long list of supposed factual errors after a piece runs inevitably makes reporters and their editors anxious. 2021-03-13 13:57:48 With all the pushback from Facebook against @_KarenHao's recent story, and as one of the editors on the piece, I thought it worth making some observations on the PR strategy Facebook has adopted in response. Other journalists may find this useful. 2021-03-12 18:58:20 And here's my shoutout to all the members of the @techreview edit team, who have been such great colleagues and true humans during this crazy, appalling, and ultimately clarifying past year. 2021-03-12 18:01:46 one of my favorite edits ever 2021-03-12 15:01:13 @jenzhuscott @_KarenHao @techreview we know :) 2021-03-12 13:28:19 It’s cliched, but it’s true: what makes a place great is its people, and @techreview has wonderful people. I’m proud to have been at least partly responsible for hiring most of the current editorial team, but they’re the ones who do the work that wins plaudits like this. 2021-03-12 13:14:00 Today is my last day at @techreview (next stop @wired). I’m sad, but going out on a high note 2021-03-12 05:46:20 RT @kevinroose: There have been a billion "Facebook is bad" stories but this one is nuanced and specific about what the problems are, reall… 2021-03-12 01:33:17 Now happening - @_KarenHao talking to @CaseyNewton about her big piece on why Facebook has failed to put the fight against misinformation at the core of its Responsible AI efforts 2021-03-12 01:25:53 Yes, this. Facebook's response to @_KarenHao's story today has generally been to try to shift focus away from what she actually says: that FB itself disempowers its Responsible AI team from tackling the most damaging consequences of FB's AI algorithms. 2021-03-12 00:32:19 RT @CaseyNewton: Read this very good story from Karen today and then JOIN US on Twitter Spaces tonight at 5:30P PT / 8:30P ET to talk about… 2021-03-11 15:02:58 RT @_KarenHao: This piece was so incredibly painful to write. It's not about corrupt people do corrupt things. That would be simple. It's a… 2021-03-11 15:02:00 RT @podehaye: @glichfield The same can be said regarding YouTube. I gave a talk commenting on their algorithm changes. My talk: https://t.… 2021-03-11 14:32:54 And of course, it's not just Facebook. This contradiction between "responsible AI" and business goals exists at many large AI-driven companies. The question is, can there be a business model where responsible use of AI is baked in at the core, not as a thin crust on the outside? 2021-03-11 14:19:54 In other words, Facebook works by feeding people's addiction to provocative content—but really, it's Facebook itself that is addicted to feeding that addiction. And it can't or won't wean itself off. All it does is try different versions of the same drug. 2021-03-11 13:42:29 Facebook has built content-moderation systems to try to filter out the worst misinformation and hate, but those systems are in a losing battle with the content-recommendation algorithms that promote the stuff that doesn't get caught by the filters. 2021-03-11 13:30:35 But when @jquinonero was instructed to start a team working on responsible uses of AI, he was directed *away* from the problem of misinformation, because of Facebook leadership's fears that this would alienate conservatives. 2021-03-11 13:29:09 And when those machine-learning models are trained with the goal of maximizing engagement, they naturally end up rewarding extremist and inflammatory content—same as now happens on every social media platform based on AI. 2021-03-11 13:27:42 As @_KarenHao reports, @jquinonero laid the basis for Facebook's addictive behavior. He introduced the machine-learning models that the company now uses to identify which kinds of content people are most likely to engage with, and built a system for honing them ever further. 2021-03-11 13:22:59 What's that one change? Basically, to stop treating "engagement" as the be-all and end-all, the one thing that must always be increased for a new algorithm to be deployed in Facebook's content-recommendation systems. 2021-03-11 13:20:52 And the reason Facebook cannot let its good people do the right thing and limit toxic content is that Facebook is addicted to toxic content. And its leadership is unwilling to make the one change that would allow it to kick the habit. 2021-03-11 13:16:58 What @_KarenHao figured out over months of reporting is that this narrative is both true and false. People at Facebook like @jquinonero are indeed brilliant, sensitive, hardworking, and deeply committed to doing the right thing. But Facebook itself cannot let them do it. 2021-03-11 13:14:49 The narrative Facebook has been pushing over these last few years is that limiting misinformation and hate speech for billions of pieces of content posted daily is an incredibly hard technical challenge that its best minds are working tirelessly to solve. 2021-03-11 13:12:45 For years, Facebook has been courting selected journalists to tell the story of how hard it's working to curb the worst excesses on its platform. Last spring, it was @_KarenHao's turn at @techreview. 2021-03-09 04:23:21 @rowanmg I think @AdrienneLaF needs another piece of paper to show that part 2021-03-09 00:57:16 @chr1sa Also "doing writing to avoid reporting" 2021-03-09 00:19:27 Oh good I thought it was just me 2021-03-08 21:56:28 RT @techreview: Reporter @TateRyMo dove into the strange world of beauty scoring algorithms that look at images of your face to tell you ho… 2021-03-05 23:26:57 @bneeditor Aww you're too kind Ben (don't let @edwardlucas hear you) 2021-03-04 15:09:00 @janethaven @techreview @WIRED Thank you, Janet! 2021-03-03 14:00:37 @elipariser @WIRED Thank you, Eli! 2021-03-03 14:00:30 RT @elipariser: Congrats @glichfield -- this is great news for the future of @WIRED 2021-03-03 14:00:19 RT @MadelineAshby: Hey, so if you’d like to learn a bit more about how I do this, and the difference between writing stories for an antholo… 2021-03-03 01:02:21 @feraldata 2021-03-03 01:01:04 @heoj @AkshatRathi @qz Transgenerational trauma is real 2021-03-03 00:59:19 RT @IndraniNY: Congratulations to @glichfield, and to @WIRED for hiring one of the best in the business. 2021-03-03 00:57:34 And in other news, today my first science-fiction anthology (as editor) came out on Kindle—a set of stories imagining a better post-pandemic future from @MadelineAshby @IndrapramitDas @doctorow @adrianhon @kyliu99 and others. Paperback on May 4 @mitpress 2021-03-02 22:52:18 @arctictony @mkarolian @nxthompson new title: Four Years Around Wired on a Triumph 2021-03-02 22:51:15 @garanceburke @techreview @WIRED Thank you! 2021-03-02 22:50:37 @stimply @laurelruma @qz Sounds like what they will play at my funeral as the coffin rises from a hidden cavity in the floor and an honor guard performs a 21-cork salute with bottles of Redemption Rye 2021-03-02 21:54:20 @sheeraf @techreview @WIRED yes! 2021-03-02 21:52:49 @laurelruma I believe @stimply at @qz made a bot with a recording of me yelling it. He might still have it somewhere 2021-03-02 21:50:22 @velvetart @nxthompson I lost count. But let's! 2021-03-02 21:49:36 @n_vpatel Thank you, Neel, it means a lot to hear that 2021-03-02 21:49:27 RT @n_vpatel: I haven't worked with Gideon for too long but I've seen him lead our newsroom with incredible skill and compassion, especiall… 2021-03-02 21:49:07 @AkshatRathi A generation of @qz alumni wakes up in night sweats asking that 2021-03-02 21:47:24 @SamGregory @techreview @WIRED Thanks! 2021-03-02 21:47:13 @justinhendrix @WIRED Thank you, Justin 2021-03-02 21:46:59 @mkarolian @arctictony @nxthompson Might have to put off writing the remake of that book for a few years 2021-03-02 21:45:39 @yayitsrob @techreview @WIRED Thank you Rob! 2021-03-02 21:45:26 @RogerLynch @techreview @WIRED @CondeNast Thanks for having the confidence in me, Roger. Looking forward to starting 2021-03-02 21:01:14 @hannakozlowska @MBennettSmith @WIRED Truth 2021-03-02 21:00:33 @TaniaGlezAZ @techreview @WIRED Chilangos unidos jamás serán vencidos! 2021-03-02 20:58:32 @rakiwane @techreview @WIRED Hi Raki, thank you! 2021-03-02 20:58:05 @MaraHvistendahl @techreview @WIRED Thank you, Mara! 2021-03-02 20:57:24 @a_greenberg @techreview @WIRED Very much looking forward to working with you, Andy 2021-03-02 20:57:10 @annequito 2021-03-02 20:56:34 @cecianasta @techreview @WIRED Many thanks! 2021-03-02 20:55:56 @GiladEdelman @nxthompson @pardesoteric @jkehe Thanks, Gilad! Unlike Nick, I intend not to try to break any speed records. 2021-03-02 20:54:55 @SairaMueller @techreview @WIRED Thank you! 2021-03-02 20:54:41 @velvetart @nxthompson I think that was on mid-life crisis number four. Or maybe five, I forget 2021-03-02 20:54:11 @liorkodner @techreview @WIRED תודה ליאור! 2021-03-02 20:53:04 @mkarolian @nxthompson Triumph Bonneville, as a good Brit must 2021-03-02 20:52:36 @NataliaAlgarinS @techreview @WIRED Muchas gracias, Natalia! 2021-03-02 20:52:19 @burtherman @techreview @WIRED @CondeNast Thanks! 2021-03-02 20:52:04 @RediTlhabi @WIRED Looking forward to it, Redi! I hope both those things happen soon 2021-03-02 20:50:54 @clockwerks @techreview @WIRED Thank you, Trei 2021-03-02 20:50:16 @xanderall @pardesoteric @WIRED @nxthompson Sometimes I think I am some sort of new plastic 2021-03-02 20:49:33 @ChrisFaile @techreview @WIRED Buy your earplugs now, there'll be a shortage 2021-03-02 20:49:17 @SusanneAlthoff @techreview @WIRED Thank you, Susanne! 2021-03-02 20:48:45 @IAmRichBenjamin Thank you, Rich 2021-03-02 20:47:56 @chasepurdy @techreview @WIRED Thank you Chase! 2021-03-02 20:47:43 @zoeschlanger @techreview @WIRED Thank you, Zoë! 2021-03-02 20:47:06 @noneck Thanks Noel! 2021-03-02 20:46:48 @ajzaleski @techreview Thank you, Andrew, and it was a damn good story 2021-03-02 20:46:22 @sewellchan @katie_robertson Thank you Sewell! 2021-03-02 20:46:05 @Anthony Thanks Ant! 2021-03-02 20:45:45 @ananny @techreview @WIRED Thank you! I'm fortunate to get them too 2021-03-02 20:44:48 @GypsyGuillenKai @techreview @WIRED Thanks! 2021-03-02 20:44:35 @jtemple @techreview @WIRED Thank you, James. It's been a privilege. 2021-03-02 20:05:44 @jtemperton @techreview @WIRED Thanks! Looking forward to working together 2021-03-02 20:05:08 @LeonKrauze @nxthompson Gracias, León! 2021-03-02 20:04:49 @rkhamsi @techreview @WIRED Thanks, Roxanne - looking forward to working with you! 2021-03-02 20:04:17 @TheYomiKazeem Thanks Yomi! 2021-03-02 20:01:16 @anelsona TBD... but I expect to be splitting my time between coasts 2021-03-02 20:00:32 @chr1sa @techreview @WIRED Thank you! This from a man who oughta know. 2021-03-02 20:00:10 @gmochkofsky @techreview @WIRED Gracias! 2021-03-02 19:51:07 @vermontgmg @WIRED Thank you, Garrett! 2021-03-02 19:49:49 @petervanham @techreview @WIRED Thanks! 2021-03-02 19:49:36 @niallfirth @techreview @WIRED Anna W. liked it 2021-03-02 19:49:07 @DavidClinchNews @kerrymflynn @brianstelter Thank you! 2021-03-02 19:48:40 @svatikirsten @kerrymflynn @SciFleur Thanks! 2021-03-02 19:47:53 @sona_here Thanks, Sona! 2021-03-02 19:47:39 @mcwm Thanks Mike! 2021-03-02 19:46:46 @jkeefe Thank you John! 2021-03-02 19:46:19 @olifranklin @katie_robertson Thanks! 2021-03-02 19:46:08 @marcbain_ Thank you Marc 2021-03-02 19:45:13 @husca Thank you! I would just rewrite that as cocktails TKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTKTK 2021-03-02 19:44:21 @SarahLizChar Thank you Sarah! Cowboy boots now worn less frequently than motorcycle boots but all boots are welcome here 2021-03-02 19:43:47 @MBennettSmith Thank you! @Wired folks, Meredith will confirm that you can give me a mean side-eye and tell me I'm full of it and I will listen 2021-03-02 19:39:43 @Ostaley Thank you! 2001-01-01 01:01:01

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