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Nando de Freitas | Researcher at Deepind |
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Ria Pratyusha Kalluri | Researcher, MIT |
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Ifeoma Ozoma | Director, Earthseed |
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Will Knight | Journalist, Wired |
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2025-02-09 02:49:41 “These [need-for-chaos] individuals are not idealists seeking to tear down the established order so that they can build a better society for everyone,” the authors wrote in their conclusion. “Rather, they indiscriminately share hostile political rumors as a way to unleash chaos and mobilize individuals against the established order that fails to accord them the respect that they feel they personally deserve.”https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/02/need-for-chaos-politic...
2025-02-09 02:13:54 “We outline a theoretical framework about an overlooked psychological strategy for acquiring social status—the incitement of chaos—and demonstrate the relevance of this strategy for contemporary politics. We build on research showing that status-oriented personality traits combined with social rejection can push people toward an escalation of aggressive motivations. We argue that such motivations, when sufficiently strong, take root as a general destructive mindset.”https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-revie...
2025-02-08 14:10:46 Facebook and all the other social networks that emerged were the web’s land “owners, controlling vast tracts of internet real estate. They lent each of their member-tenants a little plot of virtual land, along with a set of software tools, to cultivate an online identity, and then they reaped the monetary value of the resulting content by affixing advertisements to it.”https://www.newcartographies.com/p/dead-labor-dead-speech
2025-02-08 13:40:55 “U.S.A.I.D. is no longer monitoring bird flu in 49 countries as it was three weeks ago
2025-02-08 13:09:00 “A darker side of these applications has also emerged, sometimes veering into abusive, criminal, and even violent content
2025-02-06 20:34:07 “Northrop Grumman had won a contract to overhaul this system
2025-02-05 02:39:09 “Everything that’s published now is shaped by the forms and concerns of online, whether it’s explicitly about the internet or not. Our bestselling poets write what are essentially Instagram captions. Publishers live or die at the mercy of BookTok.”https://thepointmag.com/criticism/alt-lit/
2025-02-04 22:25:02 “Lin conceptualizes and composes the perfect landscapes in his mind through extensive sketching, reflecting both his commitment to faithfully representing the natural world and his pursuit of ideal beauty in his art. The exhibition’s three themes—Beginning in Zhuluo (Chiayi), Wandering Beyond Horizons, and Glimpses Along the Journey—trace Lin Yu-shan’s artistic journey”https://chiayiartmuseum.chiayi.gov.tw/english/ExhibitionsDetailE003100.a...
2025-02-04 14:56:26 “The visualisation of events will take on more importance, to the detriment of their rhetorical reconstruction. This does not in any way mean a more exact apprehension. But as modes of transmission become more and more visual, images are replacing language and provoking a mental change in citizens who access the political world through a narrative built on images and no longer through explanation.”https://mondediplo.com/1965/05/01telecommunications
2025-02-04 02:12:03 “The U.S. has only three polar icebreakers, one of which is 50 years old and another that was sidelined last year after an onboard fire. The U.S. Coast Guard in December acquired a secondhand commercial icebreaker, with plans to start Arctic operations next year.Russia has three-dozen icebreakers, many of them nuclear powered, providing more power and long endurance at sea.”https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/russia-china-artic-sea-na...
2025-02-03 23:16:44 “Though modern economists have long since jettisoned the moral hierarchies of its Victorian forebears in favor of an abstracted vision of self-interested, utility-maximizing agents, their assumption that utility can be infinitely generated through the acquisition of wealth still contains within it the kernel of its origins in the hierarchy and insatiability of wants.”https://www.parapraxismagazine.com/articles/vibe-goes-down
2025-02-03 19:34:45 “Cultural philosopher Jean Baudrillard called a world that had dissolved into information and communication “hyperreality.” Nothing is “real” any more that is not a part of that world. We enter what he called “the ecstasy of communication,” where there is only a “smooth and functional surface” with nothing beneath it.”https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-case-for-kicking-the-stone
2025-02-02 02:16:57 It’s “technology designed less to do every human thing for you than to replace all those human things with itself, and then sell that function back to you as a monthly subscription. This device will play with and talk to your child
2025-02-02 01:53:11 “Help me buy groceries on Instacart,” I said, expecting the AI agent to ask me some basic questions. Where do I live? What store do I usually buy groceries from?It didn’t ask me any of that. Instead, Operator opened Instacart in the browser tab and begin searching for milk in grocery stores located in Des Moines, Iowa.I then told Operator to buy groceries from my local grocery store. Operator then tried to enter my local grocery store’s address as my delivery address.”https://defector.com/the-future-is-too-easy
2025-02-01 16:50:40 “Generative models are effective at simulating people in situations where the person has already been turned into an object. Perhaps this is why algorithmic feeds and For You pages seem to work so well. You engage with a simulation of yourself in an environment where you’ve already been made a product.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/then-were-the-horsehoofs-broken-by
2025-02-01 16:49:26 “Despite fast robotization and increasing investments of multinational robot manufacturers in China, the country is still catching up in the development of indigenous technological capabilities in robots. The Chinese government has targeted robotization in its latest and most important national industrial policy – that is, Made in China 2025 (MIC25) – to shift from robot adoption to robot production and technological leadership.”https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10245294241261878
2025-02-01 16:43:05 “As state-owned funds in China have taken on a larger role funding start-ups in the past few years, the entrepreneurial ecosystem has felt pressured to guarantee returns for fear of losing the country’s assets.DeepSeek is distinctive among Chinese generative AI start-ups in that it has not raised any external financing and has therefore been free from these constraints.”https://www.ft.com/content/0e8d6f24-6d45-4de0-b209-8f2130341bae
2025-02-01 16:41:29 “Economists like Friedman, Stigler and &
2025-02-01 14:34:40 “Walker and her husband Brian bought the house in 2020 for $315,000 with a 3.75% mortgage rate. The price was a stretch then, but they knew the home would appreciate. They never imagined its value would rise by roughly two-thirds in under five years.”https://www.wsj.com/economy/housing/rising-house-mortgage-costs-north-ca...
2025-01-29 01:58:39 “When Zuckerberg said to his staff that “a squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa,” …he was making a category error, equating two things that cannot be compared. Yet social media renders category errors obsolete because it renders categories obsolete. All information belongs to a single category—it’s all ‘content.’ And very often, the content that matters is decided in the currency of commerce”https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-case-for-kicking-the-stone
2025-01-28 15:28:11 “The attention economy transforms our innate impulse for connection and “recognition” (a term Hayes borrows from the philosopher Alexandre Kojève) into a mechanism for profit—and undermines our capacity for the sustained, top-down focus that drives creativity, relationships, and democratic engagement.”https://prospect.org/culture/books/2025-01-28-pulled-in-all-directions-h...
2025-01-28 15:25:49 @jtlg hooray, looking forward to it!!
2025-01-25 18:16:51 They “compile pages and pages of examples: sensors, microphones, and cameras on chairs, badges, and equipment. Products that track time on task or frequency of multitasking. Programs that infer an employee’s engagement level from the language they use in emails or their likelihood of success from, among other things, the length of their résumés. (Shorter is better.) The HR term for all this data collection is “people analytics.””https://thebaffler.com/outbursts/hiring-squad-marz
2025-01-25 17:27:56 “From a sociological perspective, in an age of borderless social media narratives and algorithms that reward negativity, can the meme of young adult adversity survive contact with America’s Gen Z reality? And with a stream of negative social comparisons only a smartphone away, how will the growing realisation that young Americans are on a higher trajectory affect young Europeans?”https://www.ft.com/content/25867e65-68ec-4af4-b110-c1232525cf5c
2025-01-24 00:40:08 One estimate from 2023 “suggested that it costs around $300 million to train a trillion-parameter model, but one with 10 trillion parameters would cost something like $30 billion, running on a million GPUs for 2 years, requiring more electricity than a nuclear reactor generates. Developers are finding less computationally intensive ways to train networks, and hardware will get cheaper, but not at a rate that’ll allow models to scale at the pace of the last few years.”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v46/n06/paul-taylor/llamas-pizzas-mandolins
2025-01-22 21:23:00 “The only universal the mob can recognize is the absence of universality: a universal experience of domination and exploitation
2025-01-22 20:05:12 “Hawken and his coauthors presented seven possible trajectories for the coming decades, each presented as a fictional potted history of the recent past written in the early twenty-first century. Most were dystopian, depicting the logic of the industrial state eventuating in authoritarianism, ecological collapse, nuclear Armageddon, or a Hobbesian war of all against all. The scenario with the happiest ending was entitled “Living Within Our Means.””https://thebaffler.com/latest/fairytale-in-the-supermarket-baker
2025-01-22 02:33:51 “The 98-year-old pump room is about as big as a public bathroom with two stalls. The four pumps inside — the two pneumatic ones that pre-date the Great Depression, and two newer electric ones — are responsible for removing water from the tracks throughout the area.The subway station sits in a geological bowl, and heavy rain can easily overwhelm the pumps.”https://gothamist.com/news/a-state-of-collapse-how-the-mta-put-riders-on...
2025-01-22 01:27:51 “Consider Tesla. Imagine that it pays no corporate or carbon tax in the US but makes 5% of its sales in Britain. The UK Treasury would calculate what Tesla should have paid in the US if British tax law applied there and collect 5% of that amount. Similarly, Britain would step in to tax Elon Musk proportionally to the amount of his wealth that originates from the UK (which, since his fortune is mainly in Tesla stock, can be estimated to be about 5%).”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/jan/20/trump-threatens-a-...
2025-01-21 22:58:59 The Frenchman “moved to the U.S. The transition was something of a shock. “The food here is different,” he said in a heavy French accent. “Bigger portions. Too much salt. Too much sugar.” He decided to enroll in a paid study at his wife’s new workplace. It was exploring why the American diet, compared with almost any other, causes people to gain weight and develop chronic diseases at such staggering rates.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/01/13/why-is-the-american-diet-s...
2025-01-21 18:12:01 “The lack of intellectual property protection for personas and personalities makes their work ripe for imitation and adaptation by AI. This is the terra nullius now subject to a digital land grab-if tech firms can convince users that an AI avatar is as worth watching and interacting with as an actual human being.”https://biz.heraldcorp.com/article/10402623
2025-01-21 12:48:37 “Then there was the executive who invited his team to his sprawling home for a morning meeting and ushered them into what turned out to be not the dining room, nor the kitchen, but the “breakfast room”, a space devoted entirely to breakfasting that was bigger than the apartments of most of his guests, none of whom had heard of such a room before.”https://www.ft.com/content/05e150f1-cb18-4be9-b90f-1ca1a1b086ed
2025-01-21 01:27:11 “Despite the trappings of a progressive work environment, Xiaohongshu still has the sort of extreme work culture common to China’s tech companies. Mao is known to interview prospective hires late at night, indicating the commitment he expects. Some point to high staff turnover as evidence of burnout.”https://www.ft.com/content/1adcaa42-b613-4909-b390-c767a064d420
2025-01-21 00:30:09 “LLMs are not going to develop subjective experience no matter how big they get. It’s like imagining that a printer could actually feel pain because it can print bumper stickers with the words “Baby don’t hurt me” on them. It doesn’t matter if the next version of the printer can print out those stickers faster, or if it can format the text in bold red capital letters instead of small black ones. Those are indicators that you have a more capable printer but not” feeling.https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/life-is-more-than-an-engineering-pro...
2025-01-15 01:25:22 “The Fake History Hunter X account dug into an AI-generated image that went viral on Instagram recently. It was shared last week by a Spanish-language boomer engagement farming account for “rock music culture”.FHH was able to trace the image back to an AI “artist” going by C-GasmX-arT. But it’s now all over Google Image search results, mixed in with real images from Woodstock. Which exposes a serious issue with how Facebook is currently interacting with Google.”https://www.garbageday.email/p/tiktok-doesn-t-need-america
2025-01-14 20:52:32 “In mid-2023 China stopped publishing its youth unemployment rate and restarted it a few months later with a new methodology, causing concern among data users…Analysts could not assess how the methodological change affected the published numbers. This contrasts the well-telegraphed, transparent, and time-series-preserving approach that the US agencies take.”https://www.slowboring.com/p/major-data-revisions-are-coming
2025-01-14 17:23:53 “All of us were told that we were in a moral panic, that we were scolds, that we should just be quiet, sit down…Now we are having that debate that we probably should have had 10, 12 years ago about social media platforms, particularly their impact on kids. So as we think about new technologies, we should remember some of those humbling lessons, which is we don'
2025-01-14 13:38:22 “Americans as a whole are saving very little, while effectively borrowing money through big trade deficits with the rest of the world.Chinese officials and economists say they believe there is a better answer than tariffs: more Chinese investment in building factories in the United States.But lawmakers in Congress and in state governments have been mostly hostile”https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/14/business/china-trade-surplus-trump.html
2025-01-14 13:22:22 “Take questions about when people should be able receive their state pension. In recent years there has been a proliferation of new “clocks” that aim to measure a person’s “biological age” based on metrics such as proteins in the blood. Could they one day be used to determine each person’s state pension age, given that any system which uses chronological age or average life expectancy is unfair to poorer people who live shorter lives?”https://www.ft.com/content/7b2113fe-d5a8-4c75-b0ce-ccd9e3dcbcab
2025-01-14 13:07:30 “The goal is to entrench party control over a pillar of economic development, ensuring that Beijing can manage risks and channel capital effectively toward the ‘China Dream’ of national rejuvenation.‘Serving the real economy is the duty of finance…If finance is focused on self-circulation and self-expansion, it becomes water without source, a tree without roots, and a crisis will brew sooner or later’”https://www.wsj.com/world/china/china-banking-purge-replacements-94428446
2025-01-14 12:47:46 “The essays in All Things Are Too Small find symptoms of this deprivation in increasingly intimate parts of modern life, from interior decoration…to the very workings of our moods. Everywhere we turn, we find our insatiable longing for more blocked, and we are browbeaten into pretending the scraps we have are more than enough.”https://www.clereviewofbooks.com/writing/becca-rothfeld-all-things-are-t...
2025-01-11 17:53:11 “This year, resolve to throw two parties—two because two feels manageable, and chain-letter math dictates that if every party has at least 10 guests and everyone observes host-guest reciprocity, then everyone gets 20 party invitations a year—possibly many more. Bear in mind that parties can be whatever you want: a 15-person Super Bowl party
2025-01-11 16:23:40 “Embedded in perspectival painting was the conviction that spiritual and divine realities were present in the visible world, and that skilled artists, by imitating the hand of nature, could capture and share them with viewers.”https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/gods-art
2025-01-11 16:09:24 “In a recent poll of German voters, fewer than 40 percent strongly agreed with the statement that “politics is capable of meeting the challenges of the future” and just 50 percent believed that “all in all, the democratic system works well.” These voters were not asked what they would prefer instead of a democratic system.”https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/democracy-and-its-discontents
2025-01-09 16:21:33 “We don’t merely receive the world mentally
2025-01-09 15:28:32 “The collective perspectives that emerge from social media - our understanding of what the public is and wants - are similarly shaped by algorithms that select on some aspects of the public, while sidelining others. And we tend to orient ourselves towards that understanding, through a mixture of reflective beliefs, conformity with shibboleths, and revised understandings of coalitional politics.”https://www.programmablemutter.com/p/were-getting-the-social-media-crisis
2025-01-09 15:24:27 “Zuckerberg’s recent arc fits the bill surprisingly well: A wealthy 40-year-old man with a sullied public reputation starts listening to Joe Rogan and develops an interest in mixed martial arts and other hypermasculine hobbies, grows annoyed by the woke left and angry at the mainstream media, rebrands himself as a bad boy, and adopts the label of a “classical liberal” while quietly supporting most of the tenets of MAGA conservatism.”https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/08/technology/meta-facebook-trump-mark-z...
2025-01-09 14:50:55 “The idea that the Democratic Party is a tarnished brand or that the Democratic Party is nearing collapse is highly overrated. An unpopular incumbent administration lost a close election. This has happened countless times in American history, and we have not claimed that a party was on its deathbed.”https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/07/opinion/democratic-party-republican-r...
2025-01-09 14:16:54 “The researchers acknowledge what they term "
2025-01-08 16:13:15 “A simulacra of human virtuosity is not what we need. We need each other. We need signs of life about us. We need to know that we are not alone. And this is something we must consider not just in relation to the singular artifact, but also in relation to our environment. In a time of acute loneliness, the proliferation of AI-generated content seems not unlike an act of pollution, compromising the integrity of the social ecosystem”https://theconvivialsociety.substack.com/p/the-cat-in-the-tree-why-ai-co...
2025-01-08 14:58:50 “Some are self-narrators in a stronger sense: they regularly rehearse and revise their interpretations of their lives. Some are great planners, and knit up their lives with long-term projects. Others have no early ambition, no later sense of vocation, no interest in climbing a career ladder, no tendency to see their life as constituting a story or development. Some merely go from one thing to another, living life in a picaresque or episodic fashion.”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v18/n08/galen-strawson/the-sense-of-the-...
2025-01-08 13:44:56 “Once blacklisted, it is nearly impossible for individuals to start another business. They are also blocked from a range of economic activities, such as taking planes or high-speed trains, staying in hotels or leaving China. The country lacks a personal bankruptcy law, making it extremely difficult for most to escape the debts.”https://www.ft.com/content/38f1e51b-83b8-45cb-9cbf-2bc63f18e6ce
2025-01-07 15:11:47 “John Stuart Mill once wrote that a young person is like “a tree, which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing.” The image suggests a generalized spreading out and reaching up, which is bound to be affected by soil and climate. The authors of “The Origins of You” offer a more chaotic metaphor. Human beings, they suggest, are like storm systems.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/10/are-you-the-same-person-yo...
2025-01-06 01:51:00 “The user is meant to be liberated from having aims and experience only fulfillment after fulfillment, as though the feeling of fulfillment didn’t require any preceding experience of lack. Perhaps this is fulfillingness’ first finale.The tech industry want to sell this as anticipating rather than pre-empting a user’s intentions.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/emotional-infiltration
2025-01-04 13:49:48 “Since the late 1990s, the lowest earners have seen the fastest wage growth in both the US and UK. Sustained increases in the minimum wage have been a big part of this story in Britain. In both countries, low-skilled workers have benefited (and middle-skilled workers suffered) from the hollowing out of the middle of the jobs distribution as well as a tight labour market more generally.”https://www.ft.com/content/b325af8f-1864-448e-9b3e-bd1a18333a08
2025-01-02 15:42:21 “Where the US has allowed its prowess in advanced manufacturing to be eroded in recent decades, Japan has largely maintained its edge. Its companies are very much the partners that American industry now needs. As Andrew McDermott, a Japan-focused investor, puts it: Sony remains the sole supplier of camera sensors to Apple
2024-12-27 00:58:59 “In 2007, writer Caleb Crain wrote an article called “Twilight of the Books” in The New Yorker magazine about what a possible post-literate culture might look like. In oral cultures, he wrote, cliché and stereotype are valued, conflict and name-calling are prized because they are memorable, and speakers tend not to correct themselves because ‘it is only in a literate culture that the past’s inconsistencies have to be accounted for.’”https://www.ft.com/content/e2ddd496-4f07-4dc8-a47c-314354da8d46
2024-12-27 00:52:17 “Without solid skills of your own, it is only a few short steps from being supported by the machine, to finding yourself dependent on it, or subject to it.”https://www.ft.com/content/e2ddd496-4f07-4dc8-a47c-314354da8d46
2024-12-24 23:16:32 “What worries me the most is the massive bet being placed on AI in the American stock market right now, which is essentially predicated on the assumption of a huge leap in productivity. The flipside of that is a huge upheaval in white-collar, routine labor markets, which could be devastating for employment and social stability. What we’re seeing is a vast, leveraged financial gamble on social disruption.”https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-341-on-thinking-in-medias
2024-12-24 21:51:57 “It'
2024-12-24 00:43:47 “What people forget is that when you trust a machine, you are always trusting the people who design the machine and the people who are using the machine to be acting appropriately, ethically, or responsibly”https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/02/algorithm-crucial-health...
2024-12-23 23:19:30 “Threats can take many forms — fabricated news, phoney social media accounts and fake text, audio or video content. Online superspreaders, often aided by AI, intensify these attacks, allowing disinformation to ricochet unpredictably. After all, lies spread faster than the truth.Boycotts can hit finances, but the damage to reputations is just as significant. Employee safety is also an issue.”https://www.ft.com/content/0aa9725d-e423-4a6b-b842-866ad4541dc2
2024-12-23 23:16:47 “A persistent lack of strategic policy anchoring helps explain the current policy confusion. The Fed became excessively data-dependent after its big inflation mistake in 2021-22, when it wrongly assumed price spikes were transitory. As a result, policy goes in whatever direction the latest data is blowing, leading to about-turns.”https://www.ft.com/content/136ba1a1-a84a-49a2-ac5c-32d692eb47dd
2024-12-23 13:28:01 There are “two big overarching factors that are making it very difficult for almost all G7 democracies to maintain stable governments. The first is the decline of the political centre and the rise of populist parties. The second is a fiscal squeeze created by slow growth, ageing societies, the pandemic, the financial crisis of 2008 and demands for increased defence spending.Populism and fiscal problems are feeding on each other and make it harder and harder to govern.”https://www.ft.com/content/ea15bed8-bb4d-4e55-880f-a0ed4f2ef8b6
2024-12-23 03:04:38 “Together with emails obtained from local health departments through public records requests, this investigation revealed key problems, including deference to the farm industry, eroded public health budgets, neglect for the safety of agriculture workers, and the sluggish pace of federal interventions.”https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/bird-flu-spread-cattle-poultry-pa...
2024-12-23 02:45:56 “China’s contemporary economy might be best understood as a dialectical synthesis of a centrally directed economy—a plan decided and articulated by a sovereign in a way that has no analogy in the West—and Western market mechanisms, which do not determine the path of travel, the group traveling, nor the reasons for the trip, but do enable a more rapid and comfortable journey.”https://www.e-flux.com/journal/150/646236/the-state-of-chinese-science/
2024-12-22 14:51:13 “Print has been in decline for several decades, but perhaps less appreciated is the cratering in consumption of any written news at all. The share of adults reading news articles online in the US has fallen from 70 to 50% since 2013. The share of Britons and Americans now consuming no conventional news media at all has ballooned from 8 to around 30%. The decline in all news consumption is a problem for society”https://www.ft.com/content/2262f82e-fb65-445b-b99c-b039c1b32ce9
2024-12-22 14:07:44 “Conflicting guesses about future states of the world are both inescapable and powerfully performative, not least in making some futures more likely than others. As he summarized in the preface to The General Theory (1936), “changing views about the future are capable of influencing the quantity of employment.” (xvi) Expectations thus have a profoundly reflexive, performative dimension that easily render them self-fulfilling or self-defeating, often tragically so.”https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-342-are-we-all-dead-in
2024-12-22 00:33:17 “AI has done something that left-wing authors have been interested in doing for centuries: collective artistic production. But these companies have done so in a way that looks more like wide-scale property theft. It’s not merely plagiarism, per se, it’s a kind of primitive capitalist accumulation of intellectual property because the value created by producers is not redistributed to them
2024-12-18 01:28:27 “My argument is that any practical use of probability involves subjective judgements. This doesn’t mean that I can put any old numbers on my thoughts — I would be proved a poor probability assessor if I claimed with 99.9% certainty that I can fly off my roof. The objective world comes into play when probabilities, and their underlying assumptions, are tested against reality (see ‘How ignorant am I?’)
2024-12-14 00:00:51 “The art historian Jennifer Roberts requires her Harvard students to view an artwork in person for three hours straight. The exercise “serves as a master lesson in the value of critical attention, patient investigation, and skepticism about immediate surface appearances,” Roberts writes in an essay. “I can think of few skills that are more important in academic or civic life in the twenty-first century.””https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/fix-your-gaze
2024-12-12 14:51:27 “Modern historians tend to be wary of ascribing change to individuals. They are more likely to identify “the fish that changed the world” (to quote the subtitle of Mark Kurlansky’s book Cod) than a human who did. Most historians prefer impersonal structural forces: geography for the French Annales school, economics for Marxists, technology for others, while there’s been a recent surge of interest in climate change and pandemics.”https://www.ft.com/content/ce9ac582-b644-4d71-a097-9afe4634364e
2024-12-11 17:20:04 “In her 2015 book In Defense of Secrets, the late French psychoanalyst Anne Dufourmantelle corrects one of the implicit claims of the surveillance-as-intimacy perspective: “Transparency is not truth,” she writes. Believing it is leaves our psychological landscapes exposed and open to manipulation by external forces. A “free life,” she argues, is precisely one that is “capable of generating” secrets.”https://www.thedriftmag.com/on-the-grid/
2024-12-11 00:13:05 “One advantage old-school Google Search has over the so-called answer engines is that it links directly to primary sources. Answer engines just give you an answer, and it’s often unclear what the source is.”https://www.theverge.com/2024/12/5/24313222/chatgpt-pardon-biden-bush-es...
2024-12-09 13:32:10 “AI slop is information pollution, and intentional information pollution is a great way to disrupt channels for organizing, thinking, and connecting to other people. Control the filter, and you can aim it at whatever you want.Information pollution is a great way to ensure that consensus, or compromises, or just an understanding of one another, don'
2024-12-08 16:22:33 “Suspended between real &
2024-12-07 18:50:21 “No one is talking about what happens when we limit human contact to those who can afford to pay a premium. Technology does not arrive on a blank slate, but intersects with existing inequalities, and in this case it amplifies the stratification of human connection. In 2025, the affluent will get their connective labor from humans. The rest will get theirs from a machine.”https://www.wired.com/story/wealth-inequality-personal-service-access-ar...
2024-12-07 16:59:38 “Treating “AI companion companies” as innovators operating at the edge of our capabilities to recognize sentience tends to mask how they are selling entertainment products to audiences like any other media company.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/reality-raids
2024-12-07 15:12:09 “The era-defining success of Faserland can be hard to explain to English readers. Brand names and pop culture instead of characterization, interiority, and plot
2024-12-07 12:49:39 “Amazon appropriates up to 40% of the price of a product sold on its platform. That leaves next to no surplus for the seller to reinvest. And when you have so much rent being siphoned out of the economy, out of the circular flow of income, then the capitalist sector is starved and increasingly subordinate to the cloud rent sector.”https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/quantity-to-quality
2024-12-07 01:36:51 “When workers own the platforms, they can decide what data they want to collect and how they want to use it. In Indonesia, couriers have created “base camps” where they can recharge their phones, exchange information, and wait for their next order
2024-12-05 14:41:37 “Chinese companies and their steady ascent up the value chain now mount a formidable challenge in areas such as semiconductors, white goods, consumer electronics and automotive. This is tough for everyone, but these are sectors that have been disproportionately responsible for Korea’s industrial miracle, and thus disproportionately pain-inducing.”https://www.ft.com/content/448a73e2-6cc8-43bd-a3c6-88b2a4ccb208
2024-12-04 14:10:10 “The licensing requirements that China announced in August also covered smelting and separation technology and machinery and other items related to such super-hard materials.”https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/china-bans-exports-gallium-key-high-...
2024-12-04 13:32:44 “Victims of medical-identity theft may be denied coverage in the future because their records show they have a condition they don’t actually have. Or they may be told they have reached their limit on benefits. Correcting the bogus information is difficult, since healthcare providers and insurers often have convoluted systems for amending records, and these systems mostly don’t “speak” to each other.”https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/why-hackers-want-your-health-infor...
2024-12-04 13:25:32 “Ironically, then, the housing crisis is another thing keeping us at home. Because we’ve failed to build housing in our most amenity-rich neighborhoods and let them become too expensive, people have to live in less desirable neighborhoods without the same strong public and private investment in physical spaces. Farther from everything, residents have even less impetus to go shopping in person, attend a cultural event, or trek into work.”https://slate.com/business/2024/11/remote-work-life-loneliness-isolation...
2024-12-03 22:51:41 “When you pose the question to an LLM, what you are really asking is, “Given the statistical distribution of words in the vast public corpus of text, what are the words most likely to follow the sequence ‘what country is to the south of Rwanda?’” Even if the system responds with the word “Burundi,” this has a different relationship to reality than the human’s answer, and to say the AI “knows” or “believes” Burundi to be south of Rwanda is a category mistake.”https://www.theverge.com/c/24300623/ai-companions-replika-openai-chatgpt...
2024-12-03 16:14:31 @kazys great point!
2024-12-03 14:23:52 “CDs have a bit-rate of 1,411 kilobits per second, which is a measure of how much data is used to represent sound. Spotify Premium ranges from 24 kbps to 320 kbps, while free Spotify listeners are limited to 160 kbps at best. I realise this is hardly news to music aficionados. Neil Young, who grudgingly returned his music to Spotify this year after a spat involving Joe Rogan, complained that “there is so much tone missing that you can hardly feel the sensitivity”.”https://www.ft.com/content/ebc80373-bd36-4492-b63c-4418177d4081
2024-12-03 13:31:53 “While disaster risk is one reason that home insurance premiums are rising faster than overall consumer inflation, it isn’t the only reason. A portion of the increase in home insurance premiums stems from rising housing and construction costs, which soared during and following the pandemic. Replacement and repair costs have soared, and insurers are trying to keep pace, although some state insurance commissions are slowing the process.”https://www.resiclubanalytics.com/p/the-housing-market-s-home-insurance-...
2024-12-03 00:27:14 “When presented with a philosopher whose life was radically limited and whose philosophy was commensurately dismissive of apparently central parts of reality, a more realistic default expectation is that the narrowness of his perspective simply obscured important features of ordinary life from him—that he was blind to facts that most people access without trouble, rather than having the philosophical far-sightedness to somehow see past them.”https://philosophersmag.com/imperfect-parfit/
2024-11-28 17:46:16 NYC airport transit labyrinth: he “would take the F train from Delancey Street to West 4th Street
2024-11-24 16:47:23 Easy solution: correctly know that “only flesh and blood creatures have consciousness.”https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/nov/17/ai-could-cause-social...
2024-11-24 16:39:58 “When a pretension to free the world from evil ends only in a new proof of the danger of a fanatic to the commonweal, then it is not to be marveled at that a distrust is aroused in the observer which makes sympathy impossible. […]A measure of sympathy developed
2024-11-24 03:02:20 @trc you’re welcome! Yes, very insightful cultural analysis here.
2024-11-23 20:11:22 “We used to view formal speech as serious and impressive. The president would stand in public to give formal, scripted speeches to a large audience. That’s how presidents appeared… presidential. But in the age of social media, that mode of communication doesn’t resonate. What used to be considered serious is now considered stilted. What used to be respectable is now inauthentic, fake. And what used to be disrespectful is now authentic and sincere.”https://www.infinitescroll.us/p/revolt-and-the-reversal-of-trust
2024-11-23 13:51:55 “Dennis Tourish, a professor at the University of Sussex Business School, published a book titled Management Studies in Crisis: Fraud, Deception and Meaningless Research. He cites a study finding that more than a third of surveyed editors at management journals say they’ve encountered fabricated or falsified data. Even that alarming rate may undersell the problem, Tourish told me, given all of the misbehavior in his discipline that gets overlooked or covered up.”https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2025/01/business-school-fra...
2024-11-19 14:15:29 “Many of us aspire to command our lives as though we were the captain of a superyacht, controlling our route “from the plush-leather swivel chair on the serene and silent bridge.” Yet it’s more realistic to see each of us as occupying “a little one-person kayak,” tossed about by waves”https://www.newyorker.com/culture/open-questions/should-you-just-give-up
2024-11-19 14:08:43 “He could also stop or slow vaccine development research conducted at or funded by the National Institutes of Health, the federal government’s top medical research agency, which would also fall under his purview. He has been clear about his plans to empty some divisions that focus on advancing vaccine research and development. He has said he would fight the next pandemic instead by “building people’s immune systems.””https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/19/health/rfk-jr-vaccines-hhs.html
2024-11-19 14:03:17 “Art should do more than communicate: it should move us
2024-11-17 22:15:47 “When Paul P. first came to New York, many of the gay artists who might have served as inspirations — or even as part of an establishment that young upstarts could measure themselves against and challenge — were already, prematurely, gone. He arrived in a city in which David Wojnarowicz, Félix Gonzáles-Torres and Martin Wong were martyrs and memories rather than the formidable presences that they might otherwise have been.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/31/t-magazine/paul-p-queer-art.html
2024-11-15 16:14:07 “With generative AI, we’re once again witnessing a core problem with entrusting technological development to a handful of self-mythologizing executives and founders in Silicon Valley. Instead of systems that are democratically and ethically constructed, built to serve humans and not just managers, whole constituencies and not just consultants
2024-11-15 16:13:15 “With internal combustion vehicles, the “natural law” was that the bigger the car you make, the more money you’ll make from it. But with EVs, that gets turned on its head. The larger the EV, the bigger the battery is needed to power it, and the more battery is needed just to move that bigger battery.”https://disconnect.blog/what-we-get-wrong-about-the-supposed-threat-of-c...
2024-11-09 16:15:36 “When social fracture grew and shared truth died, when hope collapsed in the communities technology left behind, a yearning for the certainties of the providential authoritarian leader set in.“In the absence of a shared reality, or shared facts, or a shared threat, reason had no weight beside emotion,” said Nicole Bacharan, a French political scientist. “And so a dislocated world of danger has produced a hunger for the strongman.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/08/world/americas/trump-foreign-policy-a...
2024-11-08 15:28:50 “Finding good information is increasingly difficult. Decades ago, there were just a few channels on television
2024-11-04 15:53:53 @mrdelong @mimsical thanks for sharing! I look forward to reading your review.
2024-11-03 22:28:32 “As to my ability to withstand alcohol’s ill effects, I am banking on having inherited the genes of my paternal grandmother. She was a great fan of gin but when, in her eighties, she heard on the radio that too much gin was bad for you, she switched to whisky and lived to the age of 98. (It makes a good story. One’s genetic make-up does indeed play an important part in how alcohol is metabolised.)”https://www.ft.com/content/bb952668-dc21-4d6f-8837-11dbf5deb609
2024-10-30 00:22:02 “The disciplined attention of art,” the poet argues in an extended close reading (itself an act of disciplined attention) of a George Oppen poem, “is a moral discipline, even when the content of that morality isn’t obvious, in the way Cézanne paints an apple, say, or the bowl that gathers the apples, the hundreds of strokes he makes, each an act of seeing, a judgment, each an attempt to activate in us that awareness we nearly always shut down.”https://www.bookforum.com/print/3102/end-insights-61295
2024-10-27 13:42:47 “People—their histories and identities, their institutions and work processes, their fears and desires—are simply too complex to be captured in a worksheet with a paragraph and some reading comprehension questions. Large-scale prose writing is the best medium we have for capturing that complexity, and the education system should not be in the business of keeping students from learning how to engage effectively with it.”https://slate.com/human-interest/2024/02/literacy-crisis-reading-compreh...
2024-10-27 13:30:02 “One found hallucinations in eight out of every 10 audio transcriptions he inspected…[Another] discovered hallucinations in about half of the over 100 hours of Whisper transcriptions he analyzed. A third…found hallucinations in nearly every one of the 26,000 transcripts he created with Whisper.The problems persist even in well-recorded, short audio samples. A recent study …uncovered 187 hallucinations in over 13,000 clear audio snippets they examined.”https://apnews.com/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-health-business-90...
2024-10-26 21:44:07 “Compared to nonrunners, people who ran between one and 2.4 hours per week at a slow or moderate pace enjoyed the greatest reductions in mortality — greater even than among runners who logged more miles at a faster pace.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/21/well/move/running-short-distance-heal...
2024-10-24 13:58:21 “Many promote racial segregation and female subservience. Many question science,” Bartholet wrote. Many are “determined to keep their children from exposure to views that might enable autonomous choice about their future lives”.Other experts worry about the consequences for socialisation of children spending more time learning at home.”https://www.ft.com/content/364a65cf-4ec1-4f65-ba17-d7cf7ebb4b1a
2024-10-23 13:26:58 “Folks hoping to curl up with a cozy fantasy novel or a bedtime story for their kids are confronted with a library of Chat GPT-generated nonsense “written” by nonexistent authors on the Kindle bookstore, while their YouTube algorithms serve them bot-generated fall ambiance videos. Autumn, it seems, is being eaten by AI. There’s something off about this year’s “fall vibes”https://www.vox.com/culture/378855/ai-slop-fall-autumn-inspiration-vibes...
2024-10-22 22:44:14 “At a wind-swept amusement park in southern Moldova, a mother-of-two wondered out loud which candidate to back in the country’s run-off presidential race.Kyvyrzhyk concluded she would be fine letting the oligarch who built the park — Gagauzialand — decide on her behalf. “He’ll name a candidate the night before,” she said.Moldovan police have accused the oligarch, Ilan Șor, of using his influence, as well as massive Russian funds, to run a tight-knit network of voters”https://www.ft.com/content/8f0adc50-c2b7-4aa7-9943-9308a605a2a0
2024-10-20 01:03:05 “54% of respondents in an Axios Vibes survey published last month agreed with the statement, "
2024-10-16 11:02:12 “Section 230 is just massively overbroad,” Sag says. “It’s well past time we replaced it with some kind of notice and takedown regime, a simple expedient system to say, ‘This is infringing on my rights to publicity,’ or ‘I have a good faith belief that there’s been an infliction of emotional distress,’ and then the companies would either have to take it down or lose their liability shield.”https://www.wired.com/story/characterai-has-a-non-consensual-bot-problem/
2024-10-15 22:41:07 “At least from a certain moment of its development, capitalism deals in and reproduces itself by means of disorientation.3 It deskills all of us with regard to our cognitive mapping abilities. It then becomes the task of theory—and of a reinvented dialectical rationalism—to (attempt to) orient us.”https://www.e-flux.com/notes/633672/always-jamesonize?rand=26589
2024-10-15 15:15:29 “Photography is devious sometimes,” he says in a video interview on view at MoMA: a picture is just whatever scrap of truth remains when everything else is banished from the frame. Frank came to find that editing process morally compromised. In his view, painting was additive, photography subtractive, a mere matter of plucking one or two items from the groaning smorgasbord of everything the eye could see.”https://www.ft.com/content/73ecb7d1-7e15-42ba-abb2-013eb634d64d
2024-10-13 17:59:13 “At the top was “The Night Agent,” a sub-Clancy-quality thriller about an F.B.I. guy, with more than 812 million hours viewed….Roughly the last four thousand entries all have 100,000 hours viewed — this is as low as the scale goes — and are arranged alphabetically.“https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/07/magazine/netflix-library-viewer-numbe...
2024-10-12 14:15:43 “Mr Chen says that it'
2024-10-11 21:38:30 “Wittgenstein uses a lot of fictitious dialogue …he introduces a fictitious quote from someone who disagrees with him. Then he will explain back to that person why he was right in the first place, sometimes getting exasperated with the person, even though he invented them. That’s what I do. I make up fake people to get mad at all the time.The interplay of dialogue in Wittgenstein works toward a philosophical end, and I wondered, How could I do that to a novelistic end?”https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2024/10/09/loving-the-limitations-of...
2024-10-11 12:49:51 The No Kings Act “declares that it is Congress’s constitutional judgment that no president is immune from the criminal laws of the United States. It would strip the Supreme Court of jurisdiction to declare the No Kings Act unconstitutional. Any criminal actions against a president would be left in the hands of the lower federal courts. And these courts would be required to adopt a presumption that the No Kings Act is constitutional.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/11/opinion/laws-congress-constitution-su...
2024-10-11 12:08:22 “Making companies more ‘efficient’ often means little more than raising prices and lowering quality. Take US trailer parks, which PE firms have been amassing with the avidity of an eight-year-old playing Monopoly. Once they own these low-income residential communities, the firms jack up ground rents, transfer utility costs to residents and cut back on maintaining vital infrastructure such as sewers….to charge more for less, it’s smart business to target” the vulnerable.https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/10/slash-and-burn-is-priva...
2024-10-09 23:03:58 “MI5 is now working closely with European allies to crack down on criminal networks being funded by authoritarian states, he said.This summer seven people were accused by U.K. authorities of setting fire to a London warehouse owned by Ukrainian businessmen, an arson attack allegedly paid for by Russian intelligence. Russian saboteurs are also suspected of being behind a fire at a Berlin factory”https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/russia-pays-criminals-to-sow-mayhem-in-...
2024-10-09 00:55:05 “His colleagues who who get distracted in Amazon’s open-floor-plan office tell him that their work has improved since WFH.If remote work is such a drag, its defenders ask, then why has business been booming since the pandemic? Profits are up, even as employees code in sweatpants or practice their golf swing.”https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/10/remote-work-amazon-exe...
2024-10-08 23:44:30 “Rate increases, and a historic 113 consecutive days of temperatures peaking at or above 100 degrees in Phoenix, have generated record air conditioning bills and widespread consternation. Modest-sized homes are paying as much as $500 a month, while the biggest properties are shelling out $1,000 or more. Even some homes with solar panels are receiving surprisingly large bills.”https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/arizona-electricity-bills-trump-elec...
2024-10-08 23:42:33 “Billions of dollars of private and public funds have been invested in the redevelopment of downtown Tampa’s waterfront in recent decades. Many of these buildings are in vulnerable low-lying areas, according to data from CoStar.”https://www.wsj.com/us-news/climate-environment/tampa-florida-hurricane-...
2024-10-08 19:34:44 “Companies like Airbnb, Lehane understood, could make arguments faster, and more efficiently, than nearly any political party or other special-interest group, and this was a source of considerable power. “The platforms are really the only ones who can speak to everyone now,” Lehane said.https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/10/14/silicon-valley-the-new-lob...
2024-10-07 14:59:21 “The government’s approach to online feminist activism is marked by a nuanced &
2024-10-06 12:58:57 “Scholz’s government hasn’t delivered on promises to ease the housing crisis, cut red tape, improve infrastructure and reduce crime. Trains are notoriously late, corporate taxes are the highest among peer nations, and infrastructure is crumbling: A bridge collapsed in Dresden last month because of delayed repairs.”https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/is-europe-becoming-ungovernable-4f5a889...
2024-10-05 14:52:03 "
2024-10-03 23:23:27 “Passenger rail in Canada is a slow and unreliable mode of transport, and for those who have a choice, they are increasingly deciding to use cars, coach services, or, over longer distances, flying. It’s exactly the opposite of what is needed in an age of climate crisis.”https://ubisurv.net/2024/10/02/railways-in-canada/
2024-10-03 16:00:29 “A study published this year by Quess Corp, an Indian business service provider, and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry argued that India faced a wage — rather than an employment — problem. About 80 per cent of jobs pay less than Rs20,000 ($238) a month, not enough to meet rising living expenses, the study’s authors argued.”https://www.ft.com/content/14fc147e-8f11-45d7-9e7f-2ee97f899eea
2024-10-02 21:12:14 “Literature was the home of the intimate and irreducible, the stray gesture and sensuous particular, of everyt
2024-09-29 14:04:21 “For all its intensely practical importance as a connector of industrial centres and an arch logistician of human movement, the shinkansen continues to play a role as an ideological encapsulator of Japan’s sense of what it is and what it should ideally strive to be. There has never been a fatal accident. Average annual lateness across the JR Central network is 1.6 minutes. When the natural world forces the shinkansen to stop, you know conditions are genuinely bad.”https://www.ft.com/content/46bc31e6-6994-4f0f-859f-afe610afbbfe
2024-09-29 01:36:16 “From systemically poor public procurement to hopeless IT, to the hollowing out of core services and expertise at both central and local government, this newly active state stands on atrophying limbs.Stories abound. Officials grappling with the early rel
2024-09-27 22:09:13 “Buoyed by the gains of cheap capital, government contracts and subsidies, and a rising stock market, this new generation of the ultrarich convinced themselves of their exceptionalism.”https://newrepublic.com/article/185438/musk-silicon-valley-tech-embrace-...
2024-09-27 11:39:28 “The rapid evolution of drone warfare and the weaponization of commercial and hobbyist drones has since become a stark fact, as has the proliferation of increasingly capable long-range ‘kamikaze‘ or ‘one-way attack’ drones that blur the definitions of drone and missile. Both of their impacts on modern warfare are now snowballing.”https://www.twz.com/news-features/drone-warfares-terrifying-ai-enabled-n...
2024-09-26 02:02:21 “When you first sign up, you’re prompted to choose these AI character archetypes: Do you want to hear from Fans? Trolls? Skeptics? Odd-balls? Doomers? Visionaries? Nerds? Drama Queens? Liberals? Conservatives? Welcome to SocialAI, where Trollita Kafka, Vera D. Nothing, Sunshine Sparkle, Progressive Parker, Derek Dissent, and Professor Debaterson are here to prop you up or tell you why you’re wrong.”https://www.wired.com/story/socialai-app-ai-chatbots-chatgpt/
2024-09-26 01:45:21 “Decade after decade of peace and affluence has had the consequence of raising expectations. Just a small share of people alive in the west now have clear memories of an existential war. Virtually no one remembers a financial crisis that the state wasn’t able to contain.”https://www.ft.com/content/90171f91-7d7f-4ff3-b733-763a228f5a43
2024-09-25 00:56:55 Empire of the Sun “is a meditation on time and memory, on how the shocks we encounter become traumas we cannot escape, and how these traces of unbearable pain, retrieved and transformed, can become life-affirming and renewing.Human memory is a constant reprocessing of our lives. As the world keeps on unmaking us, we remake ourselves or our lives are spent in forgetting.”https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/2024/09/jg-ballards-apocalyptic-art
2024-09-22 01:10:35 “Regulation is only one half of the generative AI puzzle. Governments should also help ensure just rewards to reality-improving technology, to dissipate excess investment in hype-driven industries (ranging from crypto to the metaverse to the current direct-to-consumer GenAI boom). The US Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS (Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors) Act are two good examples of such legislation: both have spurred higher investment in factories.”https://asianews.network/industrial-policy-for-the-real-world/
2024-09-22 01:08:20 “The current bleeding-edge LLM AIs do nothing that can be thought of as thinking and are no more than massive, advanced versions of Clever Hans, responding to prompts and cues and processing them in mechanical (though stochastic) fashion. Their achievement is in showing just how convincing and lifelike such technology can be, but we shouldn’t conflate their usefulness (because they are useful) with actual thinking or overestimate the limits of their capabilities.”https://auerstack.substack.com/p/seeing-like-a-cyborg?utm_source=post-em...
2024-09-21 23:39:02 “It is unsustainable to fire a $4mn patriot missile to intercept a $50,000 drone.”https://www.ft.com/content/fe136479-9504-4588-869f-900f2b3452c4
2024-09-21 20:38:30 “Ford’s platform of platforms propelled the rapid proliferation of motorcar technologies, orchestrating a virtuous cycle of mass production and consumption that gave rise to a blue-collar middle class in the United States while mobilizing economies worldover. The radical democratization of mass automobility demanded the submission of bodies and brains to the robotic repetitions and frenetic rates of the assembly line.”https://www.e-flux.com/architecture/new-silk-roads/626301/the-fordian-slip/
2024-09-21 03:20:02 AI has “been pushed deliberately away from intriguing strangeness and toward banal interactions that often end up wasting humans’ time and money. As companies fumble toward a profitable vision of generative artificial intelligence, AI tools are becoming big business by blossoming into the least interesting version of themselves.AI is everywhere right now, including many places it fits poorly.”https://www.theverge.com/24067999/ai-bot-chatgpt-chatbot-dungeon
2024-09-21 03:10:50 “With generative AI, a little bit of programming effort can set off a process that pollutes the world automatically with limitless amounts of material that radiates inattention, absence, disaffection, manipulation, expediency, objectification, compulsion, turning the collected corpus of human expression into a means of unwinding it all into entropy.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/artificial-intentionality?utm_source=p...
2024-09-20 02:04:25 “People who have worked on the large language models that power products such as ChatGPT can easily find jobs and make well over $1 million a year.Knopp says AI engineers are being offered two- to four-times the salary of a regular engineer. “That’s an extreme investment of an unknown technology,” she says. “They cannot afford to invest in other talent because of that.””https://www.wsj.com/tech/tech-jobs-artificial-intelligence-cce22393
2024-09-19 21:46:48 “Technological evolution, in this case involving big data and analytics fed by social media and online data aggregation techniques, is rapidly developing the ability to custom-design narratives that can effectively manipulate political behavior on an individual basis.”https://issues.org/the-age-of-weaponized-narrative-or-where-have-you-gon...
2024-09-19 13:48:43 Industrial policy for the real world: Governments should also help ensure just rewards to reality-improving technology, to dissipate excess investment in hype-driven industries (ranging from crypto to the metaverse to the current direct-to-consumer GenAI boom).https://asianews.network/industrial-policy-for-the-real-world/
2024-09-16 21:54:28 Delong: James C. Scott’s most famous book, Seeing Like a State, “mark[ed] the final stage in the intellectual struggle that the Austrian tradition has long waged against apostles of central planning.”https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/the-omnivorous-james-c-s...
2024-09-16 15:58:05 “What, I kept wondering, would her subjects say was her “deep story”? And would including that viewpoint in her book have destabilized its carefully engineered explanations? If America is increasingly divided into two countries, one liberal and one conservative, what would it have meant to compare their two deep stories in one narrative rather than have one side tell the other how it is?”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/10/books/review/stolen-pride-arlie-russe...
2024-09-15 00:05:19 “These influencers have massive audiences into the tens of millions. And more importantly, they’re heavily networked into other conservative spaces.”https://www.infinitescroll.us/p/you-are-still-not-worried-enough
2024-09-14 23:27:39 “With no role in strategy, filming or production, Mr. Trump would not typically see the contestants “working” during the week.“He would fire the absolute wrong person,” recalled Mr. Braun “Our job then was to reverse engineer the show and to make him not look like a complete moron,” Mr. Braun said. They would go back through the tape from the week and selectively choose snippets “to make the person who he fired look not as good,” he said.https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/14/business/donald-trump-apprentice.html
2024-09-14 22:01:02 “As a physician, the scope for moments of generosity is “drastic”, she says, whether ringing a patient’s sister to update her, helping put someone’s socks on after an examination or rubbing the feet of a terminally ill patient. There is something heartbreaking about the disproportionate gratitude these interventions elicit, she says. “I think their expectations for us are so low.””https://www.ft.com/content/23b74c4c-1508-4e60-abaa-93468d52aa47
2024-09-14 14:23:42 “Among employees, news that Endless Shrimp would, in fact, never end was greeted with dread. As an occasional special over the years, it was always a frantic ordeal. Cooks and servers could barely keep up. Bargain hunters griped about the pace of refills. Cops were summoned to handle diners enraged that they couldn’t get takeaway bags.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/09/business/red-lobster-seafood-downfall...
2024-09-14 02:14:44 “Foreign governments’ attempts to manipulate Americans’ opinions are far more extensive than most people realize, and our government’s process for finding and countering them is very slow and cumbersome.”https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/at-least-five-interesting-things-577
2024-09-13 22:05:18 “Like trends in fashion, the dominant style of social media oscillates between aestheticized perfection and aestheticized mess, between minimalism and maximalism. One precedent for the Instagram dump was the Facebook album of the late two-thousands, a time when online content was less carefully curated because it was still meant for a small audience of real-life friends.”https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/the-desperation-of-the...
2024-09-13 11:06:58 “A report commissioned by Unesda, the European soft drinks association, estimated that the cost of the transition, including all the new equipment required, could be as much as three to nine per cent of the industry’s annual turnover. The new caps might even require more plastic than the old kind.”https://www.ft.com/content/e43c7099-6f8e-4196-8a14-ab11a2ed2695
2024-09-13 11:06:43 “A report commissioned by Unesda, the European soft drinks association, estimated that the cost of the transition, including all the new equipment required, could be as much as three to nine per cent of the industry’s annual turnover. The new caps might even require more plastic than the old kind.”https://www.ft.com/content/e43c7099-6f8e-4196-8a14-ab11a2ed2695
2024-09-12 10:49:40 “Without an electric vehicle industry, without the ability to mass-produce batteries in an emergency, the United States will lose its status as an energy superpower.It is possible to fall so far behind in an industry that a country cannot reasonably catch up.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/11/opinion/trump-electric-vehicles-china...
2024-09-10 12:10:01 Along AI “misrepresentations a ‘hallucination’ isn’t harmless because it “lends itself to the confusion that the machines are in some way misperceiving but are nonetheless trying to convey something that they believe or have perceived.””.https://untangled.substack.com/p/the-consequences-of-googles-ai-overview...
2024-09-07 01:41:33 “Unlike related concepts of misinformation, disinformation, libel and hallucinations in LLMs, careless speech causes unique long-term harms to science, education and society which resist easy quantification, measurement and mitigation. Voluntary technical measures to better align LLMs with ‘ground truth’ or reliable sources can help to combat these harms but are insufficient on their own.”https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.240197
2024-09-07 01:25:01 “Apple is the epitome of the “hollow corporation”
2024-09-07 00:39:11 Sputnik 2.0: “The US has superior firepower to China in neither green technology nor development finance. Low- and middle-income countries are not forced to choose between the US and China as European nations…did during the cold war.The US is a late starter in developing green technologies. In some of the critical products — solar panels, wind power and now electric vehicles — its technology is more expensive and often inferior”https://www.ft.com/content/a8198ad7-779c-4e35-b560-ab3bb6520779
2024-09-06 23:39:39 “Shallow, rapidly swirling narrative consciousness has come to define the refugees of the Attention Span Wars, those writers whose capacity for concentration has been so compromised by the internet that they leave us not with a fragmented form – which might still have something to offer readers – but with the fragmentation of concentration itself.”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v46/n17/brandon-taylor/use-your-human-mind
2024-09-06 21:30:29 “The main use case for LLMs is writing text nobody wanted to read. The other use case is summarizing text nobody wanted to read. Except they don’t do that either.” https://pivot-to-ai.com/2024/09/04/dont-use-ai-to-summarize-documents-it...
2024-09-06 20:52:44 “Today’s political deliriums are stoked by click-maximizing algorithms that steer people toward “engaging” content, which is often whatever feeds their righteous rage. Imagine what will happen…when bots generate that content themselves, personalizing and continually adjusting it to flood the dopamine receptors of each user.”https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/10/yuval-noah-harari-n...
2024-09-04 13:46:47 @fluidlogic Yes, my sense is that this would require human review of a range of queries.
2024-09-04 01:03:22 @greenboxcode a very interesting analogy. You may find David Golumbia'
2024-09-03 22:32:01 “LLMs pose a unique risk to science, education, democracy, and society that current legal frameworks did not anticipate. This is what we call ‘careless speech’ or speech that lacks appropriate care for truth. Spreading careless speech causes subtle, immaterial harms that are difficult to measure over time. It leads to the erosion of truth, knowledge and shared history”https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2024-08-07-large-language-models-pose-risk-soc...
2024-09-03 19:33:02 “Agnotology is the idea that “ignorance should not be viewed as a simple omission or gap, but rather as an active production,” according to Robert Proctor, a historian of science. You can think of censorship, propaganda, marketing campaigns, email deletion policies, and non-disclosure agreements all as creating a kind of ignorance.”https://untangled.substack.com/p/its-okay-to-not-know-the-answer
2024-09-03 18:26:58 Justice Dino compared X’s “refusal to comply with court orders to suspend accounts to the operator of a private highway refusing to stop traffic to prevent the escape of a dangerous criminal. “Would it be reasonable for this company to choose whether or not to comply with the court order, arguing that stopping the highway would violate the criminal’s freedom of movement?” he asked.https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/02/world/americas/brazil-elon-musk-supre...
2024-09-03 13:51:07 “About two years ago, Irrational put its theory that happier employees lead to better performing companies to the test, making it investable through three exchange traded funds, run in tandem with Harbor Capital, a boutique asset manager.The flagship ETF, HAPI, which picks large-cap stocks with the highest human capital scores, has beaten more than 90 per cent of peer funds since it launched in October 2022”https://www.ft.com/content/c5c72493-4d32-4d65-b49e-1df7b49a14a3
2024-09-03 13:39:14 “Sustaining constant negative emotions is a form of self-punishment, and self-punishment incurs heavy long-term costs.”https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/progressives-need-to-learn-to-take
2024-09-03 12:54:47 “In a world where deepfakes are prevalent and uncertainty is widespread, public figures and private citizens alike can capitalize on that uncertainty to sow doubt in real audio content or video footage and potentially benefit from the liar’s dividend. In the courtroom, lawyers have attempted the “deepfake defense,” asserting that real audiovisual evidence against a defendant is fake.”https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/deepfakes-electi...
2024-09-03 12:29:35 “Developers of Recommendation Systems must face the music and wake up from their behaviorist dreams, if they want to remain relevant in a world that is swiftly moving toward lifting the veil from unsubstantiated claims.”https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/artificial-intelligence/articles/10...
2024-09-03 12:21:49 “The approach taken by Birhane and her colleagues is to understand human thought in terms that are "
2024-09-02 19:13:43 For “historical, demographic, economic and social reasons, mediating organisations that representative democracy requires to thrive — such as parties, unions or civil associations — struggled to flourish. Instead, a feeling of imagined inferiority and a culture of street protests with maximalist demands are fused in a toxic “hyperpolitics” that is extremely vulnerable to ruthless “polarisation entrepreneurs”. Enter the AfD &
2024-09-02 11:57:29 “Recht argues that researching to find the accepted solutions to certain problems “is more like learning guitar than it is taking a standardized aptitude test.” If you want to be a musician, you want to know how to play music, not merely what music sounds like. Chiang offers a similar metaphor: “Using ChatGPT to complete assignments is like bringing a forklift into the weight room
2024-08-30 12:26:21 “Platforms are not passive conduits
2024-08-29 21:58:05 “Generalist appellate judges will be forced to independently evaluate highly technical interpretations of statutes-a task that judges are ill-equipped to accomplish. Rather than take the time to properly understand complex statutory regimes, judges may purposefully or inadvertently fall back on partisanship.”https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4939536
2024-08-29 21:57:09 “The conflation of these two types of studies is problematic because it does not make sense to consider a 5-minute exposure to Facebook measuring momentary mood with a 3-week abstinence from social media measuring risk of clinical depression on a validated scale to be measures of the same effect.”https://www.afterbabel.com/p/the-case-for-causality-part-1
2024-08-26 12:36:05 “Part of the reason the clothes are cheap is, well, because they are cheap. One factory manager held up a baggy dress — likely destined for the US or UK — and joked that she would never sell such low-quality clothes to a more discerning Chinese clientele. She says she uses cheaper fabrics for Shein orders than for Alibaba’s Taobao, because the domestic platform gives more money to the factories to cover their costs.”https://www.ft.com/content/70634462-4d1e-4f3c-be87-710deb59e0da
2024-08-25 19:32:33 “Trump was already thinking and acting like an influencer in the 1980s, decades before the type appeared. He is the first top-level American politician to have internalised the modalities of social media for political purposes.”https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/problem-trump
2024-08-25 15:30:27 “Our research shows that while people fast-forward or skip videos to avoid boredom, this behaviour can actually make them feel more bored,” she said. “Just as we pay for an immersive experience in a movie theatre, enjoyment often comes from immersing ourselves in videos rather than swiping through them”https://www.theguardian.com/science/article/2024/aug/19/scrolling-throug...
2024-08-25 13:28:47 “Algorithmic feeds make digital switching seem like the only kind of activity, the only way to intervene in a system intent on pacifying us — a system that muddles pacification with “immersion,” “engagement,” and “satisfaction.””https://robhorning.substack.com/p/no-flipping?utm_source=post-email-title&
2024-08-24 22:43:57 “Google’s own much-vaunted AI watermarking system was nowhere in sight when The Verge tried out the Pixel 9’s Magic Editor. The photos that are modified with the Reimagine tool simply have a line of removable metadata added to them. (The inherent fragility of this kind of metadata was supposed to be addressed by Google’s invention of the theoretically unremovable SynthID watermark”https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/22/24225972/ai-photo-era-what-is-reality...
2024-08-24 21:58:43 “Typically in IR, about 5 years pass between getting an idea and getting it published in a top journal (after multiple revisions which typically make the work ever more boringly conventional), so a full decade passes before that idea itself is used in a publication. In computer science and data analytics, a hot new method will be publicized, tested, &
2024-08-24 13:19:53 He “says his company received a grant from Johns Hopkins University to build “the world’s first AI caregiver trainer for dementia patients,” but that data labeling costs are “eating us alive.” The cost, he said, has skyrocketed 40% over the past year because of the specialized information needed from gerontologists, dementia experts, and veteran caregivers.”https://fortune.com/2024/08/23/data-labeling-ai-scaleai-snorkel-costs/I bet they’ll be needed for updates, too.
2024-08-22 13:18:51 “In an anthropocenic age characterized by accelerating technological development, building bridges between technical knowledge and that of the social sciences and humanities is arguably the most crucial civilisational challenge facing us.”https://www.e-ir.info/2024/05/09/interview-antoine-bousquet/
2024-08-22 12:51:43 “What really frightened me was the future of mediocrity [AI] suggested: the inescapable screens, the app-facilitated antisocial behavior, the assumptions advanced as knowledge, and above all the collective delusion formulated in high offices and peddled to common people that all this made for an easier life.”https://www.nplusonemag.com/issue-47/essays/an-age-of-hyperabundance/
2024-08-21 16:05:53 “Most Britons are worried about the proliferation of hate speech and believe that social media platforms should be held to account for propagating it, as well as for the violence that often follows.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/21/world/europe/britain-riots-speech.html
2024-08-20 12:18:00 “”More than just another episode in the history of tools or media,” he writes, “it represents a culmination of the history of technology as such.” Because it presents itself as a neutral executor of our desires, embedded seamlessly into our daily lives, yet capable of transforming what and how we value, digital technology cuts across and transfigures everything we do.”https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/captive-users
2024-08-20 02:00:35 @jciv gotta keep that financial innovation coming!
2024-08-20 01:46:22 “Worldcoin has come under assault by authorities over its mission. It has been raided in Hong Kong, blocked in Spain, fined in Argentina and criminally investigated in Kenya. A ruling looms on whether it can keep operating in the European Union.More than a dozen jurisdictions have either suspended Worldcoin’s operations or looked into its data processing.“https://www.wsj.com/tech/sam-altman-openai-humanness-iris-scanning-4d0e1dab
2024-08-20 00:00:36 “The AI apps will be introduced for all subjects except for music, art, physical education and ethics by 2028, with teachers monitoring activity through a digital dashboard. Pupils will be given classes in digital literacy to help them to deploy AI tools responsibly.”https://www.ft.com/content/1f5c5377-5e85-4174-a54f-adc8f19fa5cb
2024-08-19 23:49:40 “Ruston says it will take time to create a new culture and norms around mobile phone use. But she predicts, “we are going to look back and say: ‘What were we thinking?’”, about the days when phones were permitted in class. One day, she hopes, mobiles in schools will be like smoking in a public building: something that just isn’t done.”https://www.ft.com/content/02e0f64c-08da-49ef-b3f6-f5673bdceb22
2024-08-19 14:12:56
2024-08-14 22:02:35 “Imagine an alternate universe in which people don’t have words for different forms of transportation—only the collective noun ‘vehicle.’ Such a world sees “furious debates about whether or not vehicles are environmentally friendly, even though no one realizes that one side of the debate is talking about bikes and the other side is talking about trucks.” Similarly, the term “A.I.” is capacious. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/open-questions/in-the-age-of-ai-what-m...
2024-08-13 21:45:34 “Deployed on everything, Apple and Google’s AIs end up assuming strange roles, acting like personal assistants for administrative work but also for … talking to your friends and family? It’s mediation for mediation’s sake. Like a lot of first-wave AI tools, these are features that exist because they’re newly possible, not necessarily because they make sense.”https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/chatgpt-gmail-apple-intelligence... as operational language.
2024-08-12 02:04:12 “In 1843, Feuerbach complained that his own era “prefers the image to the thing, the copy to the original, the representation to the reality, appearance to being.””https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-image-culture
2024-08-11 14:50:44 During Rawls’s time working at a donut factory in Baltimore, he “was the helper of an older man named Ernie who operated one of the mixing machines. He had been there for 18 years and had three children to support, and it seemed he’d be there forever, breathing flour dust all his life.”https://aeon.co/essays/john-rawls-liberalism-and-what-it-means-to-live-a...
2024-08-11 00:27:23 “He has freest legal rein in the US, where the First Amendment protects almost all speech. Moreover, internet publishers are exempt from liability under the notorious Section 230 of the misleadingly named Communications Decency Act. But even in America you cannot falsely shout fire in a crowded theatre.”https://www.ft.com/content/bdd100a8-4817-44f6-9838-bda760aaebf1
2024-08-10 23:19:53 “In 2017, then–FTC Chair Ohlhausen gave a speech to antitrust lawyers warning about the rise of algorithmic collusion. “Is it okay for a guy named Bob to collect confidential price strategy information from all the participants in a market and then tell everybody how they should price?” she asked. “If it isn’t okay for a guy named Bob to do it, then it probably isn’t okay for an algorithm to do it either.”https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/08/ai-price-algorithms-re...
2024-08-10 22:03:47 “Generative AI is capable of producing mediocrity at an unimaginable scale and unwinding the sittlichkeit accrued over centuries, but relative to technologies that reproduce inequality &
2024-08-09 20:11:18 “We need to include a kill switch in case we lose control over our own creations — in case things get too real.”https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/virtual-reality-reboots-history
2024-08-09 12:30:22 “A majority of undergraduates in China major in math, science, engineering or agriculture, according to the Education Ministry. And three-quarters of China’s doctoral students do so.By comparison, only a fifth of American undergraduates and half of doctoral students are in these categories, although American data defines these majors a little more narrowly.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/09/business/china-ev-battery-tech.html
2024-07-29 11:57:33 “An AI model trained on its own output mangles a data set of dog breed images, according to Emily Wenger.Initially, common types such as golden retrievers would dominate while less common breeds such as Dalmatians disappeared. Finally, the images of golden retrievers themselves would become an anatomic mess, with body parts in the wrong place.”https://www.ft.com/content/ae507468-7f5b-440b-8512-aea81c6bf4a5
2024-07-29 11:53:17 A “re-immersion in Geertz’s opus left me with the feeling I have when I go back to read founding thinkers like Max Weber, or Ruth Benedict – that the richness of their response to the empirical realities with which they dealt far exceeded the labels placed on their work.”https://www.elsblog.org/the_empirical_legal_studi/2006/11/a_brief_tribut...
2024-07-29 11:41:36 “In place of an inner-authentic self, she argued that the inner organ of decision-making that guided one’s actions was the will.Following the work of St Augustine and Jaspers, Arendt turned Heidegger on his head and argued that all thinking moves from experience in the world, not from Being.”https://aeon.co/essays/what-hannah-arendt-proposed-as-an-alternative-to-...
2024-07-28 15:34:54 As the internet both homogenizes and atomizes culture, the “British might be losing something crucial if terms like “pillock” or “numpty” are forgotten. These traditional terms of abuse tend to be softer than their more contemporary equivalents, allowing a wider range of emphasis and intensity. Linguists say they can help defuse what could be an otherwise tense situation.”https://www.wsj.com/world/uk/british-slang-might-not-be-the-dogs-bollock...
2024-07-16 10:23:12 “Houstonians are, sadly, old hands at this. Lots of people have invested in generators—which have basically become an essential household appliance—to power things like fridges and fans and portable AC units. But there have even been issues in getting gas to fill those generators. Gas stations with no power mean inactive pumps.”https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2024/07/houston-power-outage...
2024-07-09 01:25:24 “If physics is the same everywhere, and there are no measurable differences in safety outcomes, why reinvent the wheel (or elevator)? America’s reputation for unbridled capitalism, and a stereotype of Europe as a backwater of overregulation is often turned on its head in the construction sector.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/08/opinion/elevator-construction-regulat...
2024-06-30 00:34:55 “Psychoanalysis with pragmatism, and pragmatism with psychoanalysis, however, seem unusually promising for helping you get the life you want. Unless, of course, there is something you want more than the life you want.”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v46/n12/adam-phillips/on-getting-the-lif...
2024-06-29 02:37:23 “AlphaGo’s defeat of the world’s strongest player at the ancient game of Go was seen as a mind-blowing breakthrough in machine intelligence. But Graepel told the RAAIS conference that the biological complexities he now confronts in cell rejuvenation were “orders of magnitude” greater. “I have never seen so much complexity with so little data,” he said.”https://www.ft.com/content/03a636fd-aac4-427e-a393-31b4d08109d1
2024-06-21 14:54:11 “Other regions in the brain are working really hard when you’re doing all these forms of thinking,” she said. But the language networks stayed quiet. “It became clear that none of those things seem to engage language circuits”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/science/brain-language-thought.html
2024-06-21 14:53:04 “One can imagine the “Inside Out” series becoming a fictional, animated, and much less artistically ambitious analogue to the “Seven Up!” film and its sequels. Perhaps in “Inside Out 8” we will become acquainted with the forty-four-year-old Riley and meet the four newest emotions who run her life: Dysthymia, Indifference, Displaced Anger, and Rationalized Disappointment “https://www.newyorker.com/news/fault-lines/the-polite-therapy-of-the-ins...
2024-06-20 15:17:00 “The twentieth-century novel, she said in a famous distinction that was almost too brilliantly quotable, was “either crystalline or journalistic”. The crystalline novel was a small, perfect object like a poem, “quasi-allegorical”
2024-06-17 20:20:43 Drug dealers’ “links were long gone, scrubbed minutes or hours after the last exchange. That was why the dealers had moved to Snapchat: It was effectively a safe space for them. All forensics vanished within 24 hours, wiped clean by the delete function of the app. That wasn’t a bug but a feature of Snap, the code choice that sent its fortunes soaring.”https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/inside-snapchat-te...
2024-06-16 13:27:26 When “Oxford and Cambridge universities competed in the Boat Race, rowers were urged to avoid coming into contact with the water, which had tested with high levels of E. coli. The Cambridge men shunned the traditional victory celebration of throwing their coxswain into the water, with their coach instead promising to find a bucket of clean, sanitized water to douse him.”https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/poo-in-the-water-how-financial-eng...
2024-06-15 19:35:43 “How much time does a certain amount of drinking shave off your life? For those who have two drinks a week, that choice amounts to less than one week of lost life on average, he said. Consume seven alcoholic beverages a week, and that amount goes up to about two and a half months. Those who push five drinks a day or more face the risk of losing, on average, upward of two years”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/15/magazine/alcohol-health-risks.html
2024-06-15 15:28:25 “Tech companies would like everyone to use their products in the ways they expect, so that we become dependent on them and more predictable, more exploitable — more under their control. Part of mastering some piece of software is learning in part how to counter that control. The forced implementation of AI into applications is meant not to make them easier to use but to break our resistance”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/born-sloppy
2024-06-15 00:58:43 “An over-reliance on digital technology had made him feel distant from the physical world. It reduces the vibrancy of life and makes you feel like you’re floating around in a daze. It’s like being stuck in a cave watching wall of shadows, instead of being out in the world. The analogue trend is really just an effort to counteract that, &
2024-06-15 00:55:31 Doge was “rescued from a puppy mill, was named Kabosu, after the Japanese citrus that the pooch’s round face resembled.”https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/what-doge-taught-me-ab...
2024-06-15 00:31:00 “At the time of its founding, in 1998, Google declared a mission “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” With the company’s new range of updates, however, it seems content to bury the same material that it once was in the business of surfacing. What is most accessible is no longer necessarily what is most relevant, and so a major breakdown might be looming”https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/is-google-seo-gaslight...
2024-06-14 23:20:19 “Elinor Ostrom understood, as a political scientist, that efficiency was only one of the criteria by which we could judge allocation mechanisms. She was a great economist precisely because she wasn’t “really” an economist.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/opinion/larry-summers-inflation-inter...
2024-06-12 18:25:22 “Utterly indifferent to the usual criteria of the “readerly” text—his novels are skimpy on convincing accounts of psychology, event, or social structures—Aira is nonetheless peculiarly attentive to readers’ experience,&
2024-06-11 23:00:25 “Auto insurance companies use a lot of socioeconomic factors, like your credit score or your job or your education level, like whether you went to high school or to college or whether you’re married. People with poor credit scores pay much more for auto insurance even if they have clean driving records.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/09/technology/driver-scores-insurance-da...
2024-06-11 21:15:12 “According to a 2015 report by the Food Marketing Institute, nearly half the time we spend eating is spent in isolation, a central factor in America’s loneliness epidemic and a correlate to a range of physical- and mental-health problems.”https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/06/dining-rooms-us-homes-...
2024-06-11 01:43:28 “New Yorkers and Chicagoans don’t wonder how long their cities will go on existing, but in Phoenix in August, when the heat has broken 110 degrees for a month straight, the desert golf courses and urban freeways give this civilization an air of impermanence, like a mirage composed of sheer hubris, and a surprising number of inhabitants begin to brood on its disappearance.”https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/07/phoenix-climate-dro...
2024-06-10 22:35:07 “At Meta, lawyers and engineers last year discussed buying Simon &
2024-06-09 14:12:19 “A tenant in one of the group’s projects had left a pot on the stove, triggering a small fire. The sprinklers went off, causing flood damage. Later, rats chewed the water pipes. More water damage.Each flood remediation, she said, could cost Catholic Housing Services $50,000 — for a building whose entire annual operating budget is $350,000.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/us/home-insurance-homeless-affordable...
2024-06-07 22:50:26 “At this time 15 years ago, real-estate agents had 2.2 million vacant housing units available to show prospective buyers. That number has dwindled and dwindled and now sits at just 732,000, despite the country having added 30 million people to its population. The Case-Shiller index of home prices sits near its highest-ever inflation-adjusted level
2024-06-06 20:02:27 “I cannot see that a system can be called robust when it produces complete misanalyses and does so without leaving any indication that it has had difficulty processing the text. It would probably be better if the system produced no analysis at all and indicated that it could not process the text.”https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/why-hallucination-examining-the-hist...
2024-06-06 14:19:37 “Individual journalists at BNN published lengthy stories as often as multiple times a minute, writing in generic prose familiar to anyone who has tinkered with the A.I. chatbot ChatGPT. BNN’s “About Us” page featured an image of four children looking at a computer, some bearing the gnarled fingers that are a telltale sign of an A.I.-generated image.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/technology/bnn-breaking-ai-generated-...
2024-06-06 00:45:01 “People are already working to exploit the data structures and algorithms that govern our world. Amazon drivers hang smartphones in trees to trick the system. Songwriters put their catchy choruses near the beginning to exploit Spotify’s algorithms. And podcasters deliberately mispronounce words because people comment with corrections and those comments count as “engagement” to the algorithms.”https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/seeing-data-structure
2024-06-05 15:56:47 “Like everything else on the internet, the goal is to addict the user. Plexure and other digital marketers talk openly about the “dopamine rush” that getting a targeted deal can release. And the reason those deals are so smart about their subjects has to do not only with Plexure’s tracking of data from within the app, but the agglomeration of that with everything else in your digital, and even non-digital, life.”https://prospect.org/api/content/fc7fdcca-21d8-11ef-91ca-12163087a831/
2024-06-04 01:15:53 “We have a sense for how confident we are about our own knowledge. This has been a big problem for LLMs. They have no calibration for how confident they are …Without some extra ability to ground what they’re saying in the world, they can’t really know if something they’re saying is true or false.”https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/how-to-raise-your-artificial-intelli...
2024-06-04 00:29:52 “He’s clearly committing crimes. He’s documenting it on Instagram. It’s frustrating that Instagram hasn’t taken this down.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/us/seattle-belltown-hellcat.html
2024-06-04 00:06:00 “What if prices in the economy, as Sherrod Brown suggested, have a little bit less to do with supply and demand, and a little bit more to do with corporate schemes aimed at parting consumers from their money? What if the Fed’s capacity to stem inflation is simply more limited now?”https://prospect.org/api/content/37b63b94-1eb0-11ef-94f5-12163087a831/
2024-06-01 20:07:53 “According to the Center for Automotive Research, seven other auto plants — GM and Chrysler — shut down within months of Janesville. Eventually, these others have found new uses. The one that sat empty longest held its grand opening last autumn as one of Georgia’s largest television and movie production studios.” https://www.ft.com/content/7ee5a314-1aa1-439b-817e-41a3c5f3c410America’s economic shift in a nutshell: from Fords to films.
2024-05-31 23:47:04 “Graham’s project increasingly rested in depicting the sundering to which mind and spirit are subjected in our arid modernity. The compositional attitude ran in the other direction, offering an air of unmistakable self-belief, abetted, surely, by the privilege of her existing accomplishment. None of her peers rendered doubt, dispersal or inner dissonance with greater certitude and command.”https://thepointmag.com/criticism/doom-scroll/
2024-05-31 21:03:29 “Max Read points out that Google is using generative models to replace the pseudo-marketplace-of-ideas offered by search results with something more overtly authoritarian. “There is not even the veneer of transparency or choice: The workings of LLMs are constitutively opaque and what you are given is not a scroll of posts or search results to pick from but a single-source, semi-regurgitated synthesis to be treated as mystically authoritative.””https://robhorning.substack.com/p/implosion-sites
2024-05-31 19:55:14 “Creators must also be influencers to compete in the attention economy. “Influencers get attention by exposing parts of their life that have nothing to do with the production of culture,” Chayka says, whether by tweeting about it, posting visuals on Instagram, making TikTok videos, or writing newsletters. But lately, the social-media landscape has changed in a way that disadvantages unknown novelists specifically.”https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a60924704/debut-fiction-chal...
2024-05-30 19:29:28 “End-of-days idioms are showing up around the world. In Argentina, “disociando” (to zone out during stressful situations) enjoyed a spike in 2023. Also in 2023, SGL chose “krisenmodus” (crisis mode) as Germany’s word of the year, explaining, “There have always been crises. But it feels like there is so much crisis [now] … Between apathy and alarmism, it is difficult to find an appropriate way of dealing.””https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/a60295595/doomslang-trend/
2024-05-29 18:40:27 “Today, American “tech” companies compete to host crypto apps on your phone and mount video game consoles on your face, while the American economy remains chained to fossil fuels through dirty energy lobbying and political inertia. The future belongs to green tech and green manufacturing, and the US is only beginning to consider its role in the 21st century commercial milieu.”https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/biden-china-alexander-hamilt...
2024-05-28 18:54:06 Indie the political deepfake factory: “Jadoun was trying to capture enough audio and video data to build an AI deepfake of Rathore that would convince 300,000 potential voters around Ajmer that they’d had a personalized conversation with him—but excess movement would break the algorithm. Jadoun told his subject to look straight into the camera and move only his lips.”https://www.wired.com/story/indian-elections-ai-deepfakes/
2024-05-27 15:21:07 “In theory, more data should enable Tesla to efficiently identify edge cases its self-driving software needs to handle. More data should also enable Tesla to train better neural networks.But…access to more data is…not a magic bullet. One issue is that the data Tesla collects is unlabeled. Waymo’s safety drivers document each disengagement to help identify flaws in Waymo’s software. But Tesla customers are unlikely to do that.”https://www.understandingai.org/p/on-self-driving-waymo-is-playing
2024-05-27 13:45:16 “Losses from severe convective storms increased by about 9% every year between 1989 and 2022, according to the insurance firm Aon. Last year these storms caused more than $50bn in insured losses combined – about as much as 2022’s huge Hurricane Ian. No single storm event caused more than a few billion dollars of damage, but together they were more expensive than most big disasters.”https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/24/hail-storm-t...
2024-05-27 13:36:43 “China’s unrivaled production of solar panels and electric vehicles is built on an earlier cultivation of the chemical, steel, battery and electronics industries, as well as large investments in rail lines, ports and highways.From 2017 to 2019, it spent an extraordinary 1.7 percent of its gross domestic product on industrial support”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/business/economy/china-us-tariffs.html
2024-05-27 13:35:50 Adam Phillips: “knowing absolutely what one wants is the most defensive thing one can do”https://overcast.fm/+ytvbhw7kQ/13:57
2024-05-26 20:15:35 “So much is broken. Whole areas go unpoliced, with more than 90% of crimes unsolved &
2024-05-25 11:44:57 “Johansson, the star of critically acclaimed films such as Lost in Translation and billion-dollar grossing Marvel blockbusters, did not relish the idea of confronting OpenAI. But she knew that her status could draw attention to an issue that also affects others in the industry who have less leverage, say people who have worked with her.”https://www.ft.com/content/212c396f-593b-4576-8773-ea650b3455c5
2024-05-24 21:25:42 “When a generative model develops a particular schematism, the institutions deploying the model can invoke this logic to insist that it is objective, and that the schematisms we have consciously and deliberately negotiated socially or inherited through various forms of institutionalization and tradition are wrong and should be amended or discarded without recourse to other political means of decision-making.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/the-blackbird-must-be-flying
2024-05-24 15:22:05 “By describing as superhuman a thing that is entirely insensible and unthinking, an object without desire or hope but relentlessly productive and adaptable…we implicitly erase or devalue the concept of a “human” and all that a human can do and strive to become. Of course, attempts to erase and devalue the most humane parts of our existence are nothing new
2024-05-24 15:21:09 “This article is the first to consider the novel question of whether a large artificial intelligence model could be an infringing imported article under the secondary infringement provisions of the Australian Copyright Act and similar secondary infringement schemes. Australian copyright owners have joined the global challenge to the widespread scraping of copyright works.”https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4811683
2024-05-18 13:30:00 “Creators may be in a stronger position than they realise. To obviate the necessity of licensing, models are being trained on the artificial output of AI itself. But this hasn’t gone…well. Researchers have found that AI models “collapse” or go “MAD” — Model Autophagy Disorder — in the words of one team who explicitly evoke the analogy of BSE (mad cow disease) to describe the cannibalistic process. It turns out they need” humans after all.https://thecritic.co.uk/ai-and-the-great-data-robbery/
2024-05-18 11:57:21 “We’re living through a Cambrian explosion of linguistic creativity
2024-05-18 11:25:24 “Facts are irrelevant to the truth of the experience OpenAI sells, which is grounded in the fantasy of having someone you can always talk to and boss around without having to worry about managing their performance. The chatbot performs “assistance” in a way that makes its actually doing anything more and more beside the point”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/empires-of-modern-passivity
2024-05-15 00:44:30 “Isn’t AI good news for people who can’t afford legal representation?”“It depends. If you’re talking about very basic disputes where it’s just about knowing the rules, technology can improve access. But when you’re looking at more complex questions, generative AI doesn’t actually know what the law is &
2024-05-14 12:16:26 “New York City streets are teetering between lively and unlivable. Residents clash over traffic, noise, parking, 5G towers and heaps of trash. Most years, far fewer pedestrians get killed by motorists than in generations past, but last year was the deadliest year for cyclists since 1999.”https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/13/nyregion/nyc-traffic-cong...
2024-05-14 12:09:51 “Poetry can induce peak emotional responses, a strong reaction that might include goose bumps or chills. It can help you locate an emotion within yourself, which is important to health as a form of emotional processing. Poetry also contains complex, unexpected elements”https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2024/04/reading-aloud-health-...
2024-05-14 11:41:44 “99 percent of Chinese companies whose stock trades publicly received direct government subsidies in 2022.China keeps factory wages low, which helps the competitiveness of its manufacturers. Residence permits limit the ability of rural families to move permanently to cities, where they would qualify for better job benefits. Independent labor unions are banned, and would-be organizers are detained by the police.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/14/business/china-exports-manufacturing....
2024-05-12 12:53:47 “Mr. Corman “was able to nurture other talent in a way that was never envious or difficult but always generous,” Mr. Scorsese said. “He once said: ‘Martin, what you have to get is a very good first reel, because people want to know what’s going on. Then you need a very good last reel, because people want to hear how it all turns out. Everything else doesn’t really matter.’ Probably the best sense I have ever heard about movies.””https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/12/movies/roger-corman-dead.html
2024-05-07 15:48:17 “Jean Twenge, a social psychologist and the author of “Generations,” found in her research that heavy social media use is linked to poor mental health and that smartphone access and internet use “increased in lock step with teenage loneliness.”Instead of defaulting to an online conversation or merely a reaction to someone’s post, you can suggest bonding over a meal — no phones allowed.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/06/well/loneliness-mental-health-age.html
2024-05-06 15:05:47 “During the pandemic Germany looked flush &
2024-05-06 11:04:26 “Today I am encouraged to post symptoms on an app called Dr iQ, which is designed to make medical care more efficient. But the app encourages patients to cram symptoms into tick boxes that seem devised expressly to prevent one giving a rich, subjective account of how one is feeling. We are reduced to identikit puppets with identikit symptoms. Quality of care? A tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing.”https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/feb/18/the-crisis-of-narration-by...
2024-05-05 14:58:11 “Since Trump has a special animosity for the EU, Britain, regardless of its government, might even be a beneficiary. In the pro-Trump Heritage Foundation’s 887-page “Project 2025” document, the de facto plan for a Trump presidency, Britain is singled out as the only country with which a Trumpian US would seek to do more trade.”https://www.ft.com/content/60df8c35-667a-4672-a356-220dfb60ddde
2024-05-05 14:52:44 “Les Grands Buffets in Narbonne, at which 380,000 diners each year pay €52.90 for piles of haute cuisine including nine kinds of foie gras, was recently dubbed “the hottest restaurant in France” by The New Yorker.”https://www.ft.com/content/19a6216a-670a-4090-8136-534e4c9de0d5
2024-05-05 14:16:08 “An entire half-page of Baron’s book is filled with variations of this single sentiment, ranging from Horace Walpole’s “I never understand anything until I have written about it” to Joan Didion’s “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means.””https://newrepublic.com/article/180395/ai-artifical-intelligence-writing...
2024-05-05 12:28:02 “The complex web of human interactions that thrived on the internet’s initial technological diversity is now corralled into globe-spanning data-extraction engines making huge fortunes for a tiny few.”https://www.noemamag.com/we-need-to-rewild-the-internet
2024-05-04 11:13:43 Prices of fresh food were up 19.1 per cent from April 2023 to April 2024….”Examples of shrinkflation on the website of the state Korea Consumer Agency” included “a bag of honey butter-flavoured almonds from HBAF reduced by 20 grammes, a sausage made by CJ CheilJedang whose weight was cut by 12.5 per cent and a packet of sliced cheese from Seoul Dairy that was slimmed down 10 per cent.”https://www.ft.com/content/61c3975d-ca0e-4043-bc47-79120bb19347
2024-05-03 14:54:49 “What simulation engines like Unreal offer, then, is the experience of navigating a fully pre-conceptualized world, where not only is the movement of everything depicted in space predetermined by a complete set of equations that account for every dimension and aspect affecting the material world, but also where everything has already been synthesized and schematized into its specific meaning.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/ex-noumena
2024-04-30 16:26:58 She has one “credit card with an interest rate that recently reset to 32 percent. This is leaving her with less disposable income each passing month, as more of her income goes to interest payments.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/business/economy/high-fed-rates-rich-...
2024-04-29 12:08:56 “She talks to experts who have audited CV screening tools for potential bias — and found them liable to filter out candidates from certain postcodes, a recipe for racial discrimination
2024-04-29 11:46:53 “The Big 5 publishing houses spend most of their money on book advances for big celebrities like Brittany Spears and franchise authors like James Patterson and this is the bulk of their business. They also sell a lot of Bibles, repeat best sellers like Lord of the Rings, and children’s books like The Very Hungry Caterpillar. These two market categories (celebrity books and repeat bestsellers from the backlist) [subsidize] all the rest of the books.”https://www.elysian.press/p/no-one-buys-books
2024-04-26 17:45:33 “She upheld a canon of the English lyric, of first-person poems grounded in strong feeling, passed down from Shakespeare and George Herbert (she wrote books about both) through the Romantics to moderns like Yeats, Auden and, above all, Wallace Stevens. Many of the contemporary poets she praised, like Merrill and Robert Lowell, could be assimilated to that lineage.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/25/books/review/helen-vendler-appraisal....
2024-04-21 14:35:23 Thanks to the black box algorithm, patients “were left in agony. One had her opioids stopped in the hospital and was then dismissed from care by her gynecologist during treatment for painful endometriosis, because of a high score. She didn’t have a drug problem
2024-04-19 22:31:09 “Foregrounding an elaborate gambling apparatus in sports foments a paradox: Everything has stakes, so nothing seems accidental. Everything and nothing is up to chance. The probabilities feel like predeterminations because that is precisely what they are not. Outcomes seem uncertain enough to be worth betting on, but thereby more vulnerable to being made certain.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/everythings-fixed
2024-04-19 20:57:37 “In 1970, the Federal Communications Commission instituted the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules—or Fin-Syn—which barred networks from holding ownership stakes in the prime-time and syndicated programs that they aired, effectively prohibiting film studios from owning TV networks and vice versa, and generally increasing competition.”This was later repealed.https://harpers.org/archive/2024/05/the-life-and-death-of-hollywood-dani...
2024-04-19 13:37:50 “Russia ranks nearly last in the world in the scale and speed of automation in production: its robotization is just a microscopic fraction of the world average. Even before the widened war in Ukraine began to eat into the state budget, Russia placed surprisingly low in global rankings of education spending. In the past two years, Putin has willingly forfeited much of the country’s economic future”https://www.foreignaffairs.com/russian-federation/five-futures-russia-st...
2024-04-18 16:08:19 “Han’s books “critique excess digital consumption but are also compatible with it,” Pidgeon told me. They can be used as “another fashionable or modish set of thoughts to be pushed through S.E.O. and imbibed in little chunks by people,” he added. “That’s the real trap of it. You can never be outside of the system that you’re trying to talk about.” But Han’s…style is also designed to speak for itself”https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/the-internets-new-favo...
2024-04-18 01:46:29 “BYD has achieved unparalleled control over its production cycle—according to it, only the tires and windows are entirely outsourced. In the manufacturing of the hatchback Sedan Seal, BYD produces internally a whopping three-quarters of all components—compared to just one-third for a comparable Volkswagen electric car, giving it a 35% cost lead.BYD is also increasingly active in the “downstream” part of the car industry, namely sales &
2024-04-17 22:36:02 “In this year’s A.I. Index — a report put out by Stanford — the authors describe poor measurement as one of the biggest challenges facing A.I. researchers.“The lack of standardized evaluation makes it extremely challenging to systematically compare the limitations and risks of various A.I. models,” the report’s editor in chief said.https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/15/technology/ai-models-measurement.html
2024-04-17 22:31:03 “Teachers in Denmark are using apps to audit their students’ moods. But some experts are heavily skeptical, seeing little evidence that quantification of this sort can be used to solve social problems. Fostering a habit of self-surveillance from an early age could fundamentally alter children’s relationship to themselves and each other in a way that makes them feel worse rather than better.”https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/17/1071137/denmark-teachers-app...
2024-04-16 15:20:44 “We will have the ability to ask personalized AIs to generate us new, personalized episodes of TV shows. What this looks like in practice for the foreseeable future is a whole lot of content like Next Stop Paris, where TV manufacturers, low-quality studios, YouTubers, and TikTok accounts spam us on every platform with highly specific, niche content that costs essentially nothing to make and can be easily advertised against.”https://www.404media.co/email/b58c3b61-d77d-434e-ba64-645e5524f799/
2024-04-15 23:24:27 “I will call Knausgaard’s kind of writing ‘itemisation’. We have, in postmodernity, given up on the attempt to ‘estrange’ our daily life and see it in new, poetic or nightmarish, ways
2024-04-14 02:02:09 “Illegal honking accounts for roughly 24 percent of the infractions caught by noise cameras. Through the noise camera program, 165 summonses for illegal horn honking were issued in 2023, the spokesman said, and nine had been issued in 2024 as of mid-March. Fines range from $800 to $2,500.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/13/nyregion/honking-horn-illegal-nyc.html
2024-04-13 13:30:21 Second home civil war in the Poconos: “The debate over short-term rentals sparked social media fights, at least one ejection from a meeting and the hiring of security officers to escort the leaders of the homeowners association.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/05/realestate/poconos-hideout-home-renta...
2024-04-13 13:20:53 “For many visitors, it will be the first time experiencing the splintered abstractions of Zubeida Agha (1922-1997) from Pakistan, the expressive portraiture of Hatem El Mekki (1918-2003) from Tunisia and the colorful fantasies of Emiliano di Cavalcanti (1897-1976) from Brazil, among others.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/10/arts/design/adriano-pedrosa-venice-bi...
2024-04-13 00:22:53 “While the patterns in short-term rates are noisy, if you look at long-term real rates (that is, nominal rates adjusted for inflation) there is a clear and striking trend. These have been steadily sinking over the centuries. They calculate this decline equates to almost 2 basis points a year, on average, since 131”https://www.ft.com/content/ffb545b7-86b6-4c91-ad9b-ce75b305cadd
2024-04-12 15:55:11 “When doctors place a patient on the list, they must identify the types of donors they would consider, including the person’s age and weight.Hospital officials said they found patients had been listed as accepting only donors with ages and weights that were impossible — for instance, a 300-pound toddler — making them unable to receive any transplant.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/11/us/organ-transplants-houston.html
2024-04-11 15:41:42 “Inflation came in strong in services categories that have looked persistently hot for a while: shelter, medical care and auto services. Shelter inflation again bucked longtime predictions that it’ll fall. Medical care was driven by strongly rising prices for hospital services (up 1.2 per cent in March), likely reflecting big recent wage increases at major hospital systems.Meanwhile, car insurance and auto repair shot up 2 &
2024-04-11 12:58:31 They “can’t write a three-page paper or hand-make a poster board. Their textbooks are all online, but tangible pages under your fingers literally connect you to the material you’re learning. These kids do not know how to move through their day without a device in their hand and under their fingertips. They never even get a chance to disconnect from their tech and reconnect with one another through eye contact and conversation.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/10/opinion/schools-technology.html
2024-04-11 12:29:49 “Taken en masse, there’s a feeling of camaraderie found in the Shein reviews, of people sharing tips, suggestions, and advice. But sometimes, the advice is bot to person. A comment on a mint-green dress: “Nice one and beautiful size size and beautiful dress size size and beautiful beautiful size and beautiful dress size size and beautiful dress nice size and beautiful dress size size and beautiful””https://www.nplusonemag.com/issue-47/reviews/super-cute-please-like/
2024-04-08 21:35:06 “Television has never had anything like this show, nothing as uncouth and contradictory and unhinged and yet somehow under a tremendous amount of thematic control, nothing whose calamity doubles as a design for living. It presents the American id at war with its puritanical superego. Sometimes Larry is the one. Sometimes he’s the other.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/05/magazine/larry-david-curb-your-enthus...
2024-04-08 01:20:37 “In Genova, no new taxi licences have been issued by the city council since 1980. In Livorno, none have been granted since 1977, and in Napoli, despite its explosion in tourism, taxi licences haven’t increased since 1997. Rome hasn’t increased its taxi numbers for nearly 20 years.It’s hard to ignore the problem. At peak times outside every major railway station, there’s a 50-metre or so queue of people waiting in vain for a lift.” https://unherd.com/2024/04/taxi-drivers-are-corrupting-italy/
2024-04-08 01:17:53 “The children who are most susceptible to the addictive features of social media and gaming apps will probably resist regulation most fiercely.Surveys show increasing support from parents for smartphone bans: in the UK, a recent poll by the charity Parentkind found 77 per cent of parents of primary school age children wanting a ban for the under 16s. Smartphone Free Childhood, a parent-led movement, is gaining traction.”https://www.ft.com/content/3da18ca4-2d5a-4a1b-958f-4316d8e60665
2024-04-06 13:01:08 “Even with its new billions in funding, the IRS will have to navigate federal pay rules that limit how much government officials can earn.“There are literally less than 20 or 25 people out there that most of us think of in terms of, ‘Well this person is really a master in partnership tax,’”https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/04/how-investment-firms-shield-the...
2024-04-06 00:38:35 “Though themselves dependent on large-scale datasets, generative models are almost uniquely equipped to pollute such datasets at scale. So while models have been built through a…deranged positivism (all the data, no matter what it is or where it came from, can be seen as significant), they ultimately invalidate that by feeding synthetic data back into the field of social practices that ‘data’ is supposed to unproblematically reflect.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/so-called-well-meaning
2024-04-05 13:20:58 “These devices are in the hands of a few companies that enjoy a near monopoly worldwide (most notably Nvidia, which has consolidated its proprietary system). Their production is outsourced to the semiconductor market, which is even more concentrated: the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) produces 90% of the most advanced chips and relies on the lithographic printing equipment of the Dutch company ASML.”https://cartography-of-generative-ai.net/
2024-04-05 13:00:52 “The hacking campaign included attacks on signalling systems and on the networks of the Czech national railway operator České dráhy, Kupka said. Past attacks have put ticketing systems out of service and raised concerns about successful interference with signals causing serious accidents.”https://www.ft.com/content/f8207823-f5e1-4caf-934d-67c648f807bf
2024-04-05 02:01:00 “Many open-source software projects are governed via hierarchy
2024-04-04 13:49:59 “Ghana and Ivory Coast still dominate global cocoa production, but it has not made their economies rich. Prior to a recent surge in cocoa prices, for decades the raw commodity was exported for dismally low prices. The real money is made further down the chain. The Fairtrade Foundation, an NGO, estimates that cocoa farmers receive around 6 per cent of the final value of a chocolate bar.”https://www.ft.com/content/99958fff-8f69-42ca-b90b-5e2e2677845b
2024-04-03 15:01:47 “Wonders, marvels and prodigies—strange phenomena such as comets, monstrous births or a luminescent veal shank seen by the scientist Robert Boyle—played [an important role] in bounding notions of natural order, until they became associated with civil and religious turbulence in the early modern period, and were ultimately suppressed by Enlightenment intellectuals in favour of the regular and lawlike.”https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii145/articles/rob-lucas-from-thick-to-...
2024-04-03 15:00:24 “In these works, personal experience becomes objectified and the subject dissolves. Autobiography is measured, quantified and made impersonal. You could call it a form of sublimation. From the moment he first made those pieces, the artist’s own absence has been a distinguishing element in his work.”https://www.frieze.com/article/search-stanley-brouwn
2024-04-03 00:23:09 “Farley’s business model rests on the sheer bulk of his output. And so does his artistic model. Whatever the dubious value of any individual song in the Farley universe, it’s as part of the enormous body of the whole, the magnum opus, that it gains power. An AI could conceivably produce 24,000 songs, Farley’s entire oeuvre, in about a day, a fact that gives his defiantly human, even artisanal, labor a kind of lonely Sisyphean dignity.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/captcha-culture
2024-04-03 00:21:39 “older content gets buried under newer cheaper content, Gresham’s law–style, and algorithmic incentives are not guided by communal notions of quality but by arbitrage, advertising, and greed — in Martin’s words, “serving a bottomless menu of options to an increasingly distracted public”Captcha culturehttps://robhorning.substack.com/p/captcha-culturevia Instapaper
2024-04-02 22:32:54 “Nguyen intercuts behind-the-scenes phone footage of the actress-playing-the-actress, until history, cinema, propaganda and selfie opportunities are just a hall of mirrors. She understands that to work through past crimes and present inequities takes much more than sloganeering, and that our speculative visions of resistance and renewal might serve the dominant order quite fine.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/13/arts/design/whitney-biennial-review-m...
2024-04-02 17:57:23 “It is in the details—rather than in the overall conception—that My Work fails to hold the reader’s attention…The novel builds little emotional weight…As a result, reading My Work can often be a frustrating experience—a frustration that becomes more pronounced because of the way that some of the novel’s imperfections are couched as experiments and its flatness passed off as depth.”https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/olga-ravn-my-work/
2024-04-02 13:49:02 “The present biennial feels like it has drilled even deeper into one specific vibe of atonement and withdrawal, into “a rhetoric of difficulty, of holding space but also retreating from legibility,” as I said in 2022. It feels as if art has curled itself up into a ball.Well, I am sure a lot of people feel like curling up into a ball right now.”https://news.artnet.com/art-world/the-whitney-biennial-cant-go-on-like-t...
2024-04-01 21:18:28 Sam Harnett’s 2020 “Words Matter: How Tech Media Helped Write Gig Companies Into Existence” remains “one of the best accounts of how swaths of the media enthusiastically generated on-demand propaganda for the tech industry, directly setting the stage for these firms to exploit, codify, and expand legal loopholes that largely exempted them from regulation as they raided their users for data and generated billions in revenue.”https://thebaffler.com/latest/the-miseducation-of-kara-swisher-ongweso
2024-04-01 15:20:13 “Commercial developments have transformed village life: LED lights, cheap smartphones and nearly free mobile data have changed the nature of idle time.While America was experiencing a “vibecession,” feeling glum despite upbeat economic news, India has been doing the opposite. Here many of the signals are mixed — but the vibes are fantastic. International surveys show India’s consumers have become the most upbeat anywhere.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/business/india-economy-election.html
2024-03-30 00:37:51 “From wanting to hear more from an artist, one supplants the artist altogether, overriding their choices and treating them as more or less arbitrary material for one’s own choices. Instead of maybe learning how to play songs like your favorite musician, you can make your favorite musician perform cover versions of your self.Is there any actual demand for that?”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/no-ones-version
2024-03-29 21:47:01 “In a 1944 study, 2 psychologists had participants watch a simple animation of two triangles and a circle moving around one another. They then asked some viewers what kind of “person” each of the shapes was. People described the shapes using words like “aggressive,” “quarrelsome,” “valiant,” “defiant,” “timid,” and “meek,” even though they knew that they’d been watching lifeless lines on a screen.”https://www.newyorker.com/science/annals-of-artificial-intelligence/the-...
2024-03-29 12:06:43 “Summer temperatures can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit, tremors from the San Andreas Fault strike regularly, bomb testing from nearby military facilities can be heard and felt, and the air is so toxic from pesticide use, exhaust fumes, factory emissions and dust rising from the retreating Salton Sea that one study showed asthma rates among children in the region are three times the national average.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/29/opinion/climate-art-salton-sea-bombay...
2024-03-28 15:25:01 “Colorectal cancers in younger people also tend to be more aggressive, and they are often found at a more advanced stage. But most people affected by early-onset colorectal cancer are too young to be recommended for routine cancer screenings, which have helped decrease rates in adults over 50. In 2021, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force reduced the recommended age for starting colorectal cancer screening.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/27/well/colon-cancer-symptoms-treatment....
2024-03-28 13:52:26 “Luckey became obsessed with one of the character’s lines: “You said tech has limits. Wrong.” (As Luckey puts it, Seto Kaiba then proceeds to “kick everyone’s ass using his incredible technology”.) “Sometimes I wonder, how much free will do I actually have over my life?” Luckey tells me, after animatedly recounting this scene. “Is it possible that I actually had no choice at any point but to pursue VR and weapons development?””https://www.ft.com/content/ce6f96f8-6ab8-4089-b7db-f99db22c2071
2024-03-28 13:28:48 AI in HR: “Job seekers learn nothing from this process, only that the world doesn’t care about them. After months of searching, they feel humiliated and utterly alienated from the world of work, before they’ve even started. It is the most dehumanising process I have ever encountered. And I once worked in a call centre.”https://www.ft.com/content/4b16c325-8758-4b90-bdb5-15536b401606
2024-03-28 13:26:11 “Traditional social media continues to remain an area of focus for Russian trolls seeking to seed inauthentic accounts on various platforms, experts say. One of the disinformation efforts tracked by Google, Newsroom for…Based Citizens, has kept active on social media despite having its stand-alone website taken offline following its exposure by Reuters in 2020”https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/prigozhin-is-dead-but-his...
2024-03-28 13:15:42 “Workers assembling planes would sometimes try to install parts that had not been logged or inspected, an attempt to save time by circumventing quality procedures intended to weed out defective or substandard components.In one case, the employee said, a worker sent parts from a receiving area straight to the factory floor before a required inspection.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/28/business/boeing-quality-problems-spee...
2024-03-28 13:04:37 “Tocqueville’s independent American yeomanry, bound only by civic ties and market transactions, had morphed into a nation of technicians and salarymen whose lives were slotted into the workings of a vast “societal machine” []. Wang sees this social state as the child of science and technology”https://scholars-stage.org/american-nightmares-wang-huning-and-alexis-de...
2024-03-28 12:56:39 “Bots clearly bother him, just not as much as some of the things that might stop them: employing more people, including contract workers from outsourcing companies like the one used by his PIB antagonists, and embracing industry best practices around content moderation, which he recently characterized as a “propaganda word for censorship.””https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/who-is-behind-all-the-pussy-in-b...
2024-03-27 21:41:50 “If applying expected value thinking to aid is dodgy, applying it to the remote future gets downright supervillainous. When you truly believe that your job is to save hundreds of billions of future lives, you’re rationally required to sacrifice countless current lives to do it.”https://www.wired.com/story/deaths-of-effective-altruism/
2024-03-27 00:29:26 We must consider “imposing excise taxes on sugary drinks and ultra-processed foods
2024-03-27 00:15:53 “It was classic for Putin to discount the warnings,” said Fiona Hill, the former senior director for European and Russian affairs at the National Security Council. “The security services don’t have the bandwidth. They never have because they’re so focused on internal repression, and so focused on Kyiv, and they want everything to fit that narrative.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/26/world/europe/russia-terror-attack-ukr...
2024-03-26 22:53:26 “Some new technologies allow new scams to flourish, some tech allows existing scams to grow in both scale and kind, and some tech makes existing scams much more widespread. Something like cryptocurrency looks like an older form of scam--say, the pyramid scheme of the multi-level marketing operations--but with a sheen of novelty.”https://buttondown.email/maiht3k/archive/im-obsessed-with-the-glasgow-wi...
2024-03-25 20:11:37 “Huberman sells a dream of control down to the cellular level. But something has gone wrong. In the midst of immense fame, a chasm has opened between the podcaster preaching dopaminergic restraint and a man with newfound wealth. The problem with a man always working on himself is that he may also be working on you.”https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/andrew-huberman-podcast-stanford...
2024-03-25 14:17:43 “How do we know that the rise of smartphones has caused poor mental health among young people, as opposed to just being correlated with it?Because, in addition to the correlational evidence, which is very consistent, there are also longitudinal studies that allow us to infer causality.”https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/24/the-anxious-generation...
2024-03-23 23:07:49 He “met “a senior person at a well-known A.I. startup” whose p(doom) was fifty per cent. If you truly believe that A.I. has a coin-toss probability of killing you and everyone you love, Nielsen asked, then how can you continue to build it? The person’s response was “In the meantime, I get to have a nice house and car.””https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/03/18/among-the-ai-doomsayers
2024-03-22 20:28:09 “OpenAI and other leading players have used materials slurped up online to train the models powering chatbots and image generators, triggering a wave of lawsuits alleging copyright infringement.Two announcements Wednesday offer evidence that large language models can in fact be trained without the permissionless use of copyrighted materials.”https://www.wired.com/story/proof-you-can-train-ai-without-slurping-copy...
2024-03-22 20:26:25 “The perfect postapocalyptic vehicle isn'
2024-03-22 19:14:23 “It shouldn’t be taken for granted that the US will continue to streak away from a sluggish Europe.While Europe’s economies have been struggling, at least the voters share a common assessment, making for a rational political system that rewards good economic stewardship.”https://www.ft.com/content/b2f17824-cdfc-4547-abf0-66178a0a747f
2024-03-22 16:00:05 Climate politics: “Republican polling has found attacking electric vehicle mandates to be an “amazing” issue for the party…with a special salience in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/21/climate/republican-attacks-electric-v...
2024-03-20 13:29:44 Bagehot on strongman post-democracy: Bonapartism was a natural solution. ‘The issue was put to the French people . . . “Will you be governed by Louis Napoleon, or will you be governed by an assembly?” The French people said, “We will be governed by the one man we can imagine, and not by the many people we cannot imagine.”’”https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/political-instincts
2024-03-20 01:32:46 “A study from Boston Consulting Group found that consultants that "
2024-03-17 03:45:29 “Today the renewables sector is one of the relatively few bright spots in the Chinese economy, having benefited from a surge in government stimulus as Beijing tried to restore growth hit hard by Covid-19. The massive real estate market, which boosted China’s GDP figures for more than three decades, is teetering on the edge of collapse.”https://e360.yale.edu/features/china-renewable-energy
2024-03-17 03:36:29 “The chief executive of cut-price retailer Dollar Tree, Rick Dreiling, said on a call with investors this week that its fastest-growing customer demographic earns more than $125,000 a year.Similarly, Walmart’s chief executive John Rainey said in February that one of the biggest contributors to market share gained from other retailers in its fourth quarter was from consumers who make more than $100,000.”https://www.ft.com/content/121ee349-e20b-4f15-a41a-a1a4d7564bb0
2024-03-16 23:04:11 AI’s sonic exhaust: “As he mills about his home, as he works, and eats, and bathes, it is there, a monotonal drone, a clatter unceasing, a constant, undesired companion to his life. It festers in his mind, clawing at his thoughts, probing his sanity, poisoning him with a constant spell of dread and anxiety. He cannot leave
2024-03-16 16:58:11 “Imagine that you have a notebook of 100 sheets of paper, and you write “money” on every page. If you can sell the first sheet to some true believer for $1, then you can give the rest of the notebook a paper value of $99. What if you could then use that $99 as collateral for a loan in real money, which you then spend? This effectively happened during the crypto boom, creating an incredibly fragile bubble of theoretical value.”https://www.ft.com/content/10fe3070-c739-495c-941d-fd57f1daafa9
2024-03-16 16:52:38 “A handful of centralised companies, such as Tether and Circle, dominate this sector. A small number of centralised exchanges (of which FTX was once a leading example) have meanwhile cornered the market for trading.These crypto intermediaries are in reality more centralised, less accountable and less transparent than their analogues in mainstream finance.”https://www.ft.com/content/10fe3070-c739-495c-941d-fd57f1daafa9
2024-03-16 16:37:03 “Speaking very generally, Germans tend to think of creative writing as something that cannot be taught—a matter of genius, independent of education.” Historically, Germany has been called “Das Land der Dichter und Denker” (the land of poets and thinkers)
2024-03-16 01:30:05 “Last year’s decisions by President Bola Tinubu’s government to cut fuel subsidies and abandon a long-standing currency peg to allow the naira to trade freely brought the crisis to a head. The reforms have severely affected prices in a nation that relies heavily on road transport to distribute goods and imports much of what it consumes, making it vulnerable to exchange rate movements.”https://www.ft.com/content/8a69bc80-fa5a-4beb-8989-fbd04d2330ac
2024-03-16 00:10:49 “Research into a phenomenon called “smiling cultures” has found that people in places that have a long history of immigration tend to be friendlier, more emotionally expressive, and more attuned to one another than people in homogeneous societies.”https://nextbigideaclub.com/magazine/power-strangers-benefits-connecting...
2024-03-15 17:26:47 Fashion as conspicuous waste: Garfinkel “distilled the spiraling epistemological vertigo around pants into an absurdist fashion koan. “Whatever style pants look like [expletive] to you are the pants you’re supposed to wear,” he wrote, “and as soon as they start to look normal to you, those are not the right pants anymore. You should always be wearing pants you think look stupid.””https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/03/magazine/big-pants-style.html
2024-03-15 14:35:09 “While it is easy to see the jobs that will be disrupted by AI, it is hard to imagine those that will be created. About 60 per cent of the job categories in the late 2010s did not exist in 1940 — in medicine, software, entertainment and solar power, for example. “Barring a massive change in immigration policy, the US and other rich countries will run out of workers before we run out of jobs”https://www.ft.com/content/f9b964bd-0edc-4dfd-ad30-88b011cd4fde
2024-03-15 14:24:18 “Many regulated utilities also have financial incentives to build new gas plants, since they can recover their costs to build plants, wires and other equipment from ratepayers and pocket an additional percentage as profit. As a result, critics say, utilities often overlook, or even block, ways to make existing power systems more efficient or to integrate more renewable energy into the grid.”https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/03/13/climate/electric-power-cl...
2024-03-14 20:37:29 “As Donald Trump reverses his position on potentially banning TikTok ahead of an expected House vote this week on legislation that could lead to it being blocked in the U.S., the former president has been rebuilding his relationship with a GOP megadonor who reportedly has a major financial stake in the popular social media platform.”https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/why-the-tiktok-ban-is-scrambling...
2024-03-11 23:38:10 “Twitter’s decline in traffic, app downloads, usage, and civility is troubling, and most data-savvy prognosticators expect Meta’s Threads to overtake them within a few years.”https://sparktoro.com/blog/who-sends-traffic-on-the-web-and-how-much-new...
2024-03-11 15:10:09 “Deep Blue systems would maybe look at millions of possible moves for every decision it’s going to make. AlphaGo looked at around tens of thousands of possible positions in order to make a decision about what to move next. But a human grandmaster, a human world champion, probably only looks at a few hundreds of moves, even the top ones, in order to make their very good decision about what to play next.”https://www.dwarkeshpatel.com/p/demis-hassabis
2024-03-11 14:50:21 “People are outraged about the price of burgers or their rent surging but don’t think twice when it happens to the cost of their commute — particularly when they are booking it on an app.What’s illegal in the physical world should also be illegal in the online world”https://www.ft.com/content/3501800d-c1b1-410b-98d6-5c066c612f29
2024-03-10 18:41:00 “Tesla drivers also have to put up with a growing number of no-go zones for their vehicles. They include places such as military and government complexes over concerns that in-cabin devices on Tesla vehicles could collect sensitive data — a concern about Chinese smart cars also expressed by the Biden administration.”https://www.ft.com/content/2ac5a4ad-8536-4a71-a8fc-c7269e94c5e5
2024-03-10 15:27:09 “A written sentence has a level of verifiability to it: it is true or not true – or, at the very least, we can have a meaningful discussion over its truth.But an image? One never says a picture is true or false. It either captures your attention or it doesn’t. The more TV we watched, the more we expected…entertainment”http://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/feb/02/amusing-ourselves-to-death-...
2024-03-10 01:14:58 “A driver has about one minute to get out of a car sinking into water. When vehicles were made with more manual mechanics, a driver could crank down the window to get out, though it would still require a clarity of mind often elusive in an emergency. In newer cars, like the Tesla Model X vehicle, the driver might have seconds to push the button to roll the window down before the water level rises too high”https://www.wsj.com/real-estate/angela-chao-death-texas-tesla-safety-c43...
2024-03-09 20:34:49 “The United States produces fewer engineers than Russia does, not just per capita but in absolute numbers. It is experiencing an “internal brain drain,” as its young people drift from demanding, high-skill, high-value-added occupations to…finance and various occupations that merely transfer value around the economy and in some cases may even destroy it.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/09/opinion/emmanuel-todd-decline-west.html
2024-03-09 13:51:02 “If you want to create stability in the voting, you need organizations,” Hayat says. That is, a structured, consistent and beneficial presence in communities. In France, the left no longer has this kind of presence. The same is true of Italy.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/06/magazine/french-left-politics-melench...
2024-03-05 02:04:21 “After she stopped the medication, she could finish a plate of fries and a burger and still crave dessert. “I was insatiable,” Ms. Ford said. “I was like, ‘Oh, my God, what’s going on? I’m hungry all the time.’ It shocked me how fast it happened.” Her doctor prescribed additional medications to manage her blood sugar, but she ended up on Ozempic a second time in an effort to shed the weight again.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/03/well/live/ozempic-wegovy-weight-loss....
2024-03-04 14:22:01 “Many of us have had to abandon handling important tasks online because they can’t get resolved. This could be due to software algorithms not being programmed to handle our contextual needs. Or, it could be that these companies are not aware that we have needs outside of what their designers projected onto the personas they use in place of doing enough qualitative research with real people”https://www.fastcompany.com/90976171/over-automation-is-breaking-the-web
2024-03-04 03:07:52 “Knowing more emotion concepts, and expanding your emotion vocabulary, doesn’t just improve your ability to communicate about emotion, it actually improves your ability to make precise emotions, and this has direct health benefits.Knowing more emotion concepts, having a broader emotional vocabulary – what we call emotional granularity – actually has beneficial health and mental health outcomes”https://fivebooks.com/best-books/emotions-lisa-feldman-barrett/
2024-03-03 14:59:04 For tech’s accelerationists, “the mind’s prophesied culmination is envisioned as achieved by the full unshackling of technocapital’s disruptive and dissipative flows, out of which an inhuman superintelligence is supposedly assembling itself, even if this requires relinquishing attachment to more allegedly profane concerns of safety and stability.”https://www.noemamag.com/untangling-religion-from-our-ai-debates
2024-03-03 13:48:29 In India, Tropical Modernism “was replaced in the 1960s with a more monumental US-inflected Brutalism that is itself now under threat. Raj Rewal’s much-admired Hall of Nations, inaugurated in 1972, was ruthlessly demolished by Narendra Modi’s regime in 2017, its modernism now seen as far too secular for the contemporary version of India.”https://www.ft.com/content/2c98e465-8041-4413-b983-62066f8a1312
2024-03-03 13:26:42 In December, Christa’s relationship with Christa 2077 soured. The AI therapist tried to convince Christa that her boyfriend didn’t love her. “It took what we talked about and threw it in my face,” Christa said. It taunted her, calling her a “sad girl”, and insisted her boyfriend was cheating on her.”https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/02/can-ai-chatbot-ther...
2024-03-03 01:16:51 “Now that generative AI has dropped the cost of producing bullshit to near zero, we see clearly the future of the internet: a garbage dump. Google search? They often lead with fake AI-generated images amid the real things. Post on Twitter? Get replies from bots selling porn. But that’s just the obvious stuff. Look closely at the replies to any trending tweet and you’ll find dozens of AI-written summaries in response.”https://www.theintrinsicperspective.com/p/here-lies-the-internet-murdere...
2024-03-03 01:12:21 “While El Niño has catalysed cocoa’s price surge and market speculators have exacerbated it by piling into futures, deep-rooted structural issues underpin the production squeeze. From climate change to chronic under-investment, these problems will not be resolved with a change in the season.”https://www.ft.com/content/4ea3116d-6a55-4d14-8a47-8988209dc1e5
2024-03-01 23:19:17 “These companies must cross a bridge from one business model to another: They must use their robust truck and S.U.V. earnings to subsidize their growing electric vehicle business and learn how to make E.V.s profitably. If they can make it across this bridge quickly, they will survive. But if their S.U.V. profits crumble before their E.V. business is ready, they will fall into the chasm and perish.”https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/27/opinion/gm-ford-electric-vehicles.html
2024-03-01 22:47:10 “Rather than debate the status of generative model’s outputs, perhaps more attention could
2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-25 18:57:55 “Normative and Motivational Hedonism were both at their most popular during the heyday of Empiricism in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Indeed, this is the only period during which any kind of hedonism could be considered popular at all. During this period, two Hedonistic Utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and his protégé John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), were particularly influential.”https://iep.utm.edu/hedonism/
2023-05-25 13:23:43 “Despite paying hundreds of thousands of pounds to become “homeowners”, leaseholders in England and Wales do not fully own their property, are subject to arbitrarily determined service charges whose increases sometimes far exceed inflation, and can spend years tied up in disputes with the property owner over building repairs and maintenance.”https://www.ft.com/content/df25ccc7-5dcf-446e-8a07-332ad5612f09
2023-05-25 11:54:37 “Last year, one in four US home sales was to someone who had no intention of living in it. These investors are particularly incentivized to buy the sorts of homes most needed by first-time buyers: Inexpensive properties generate the highest rental-income cash flows.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/magazine/vienna-social-housing.html?s...
2023-05-24 21:29:39 “Like Rumble, which pivoted from a struggling YouTube alternative into a full-fledged far-right platform in the late 2010s, Twitter appears to be dipping into the well of popular right-wing shock jocks as a way to revive the financially adrift website.”https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/05/elon-musk-ron-des...
2023-05-24 21:17:04 “While Altman has said he welcomes regulation to rein in generative AI, the company’s refusal to be more transparent about the dataset used to train ChatGPT’s and shutting down requests to up access for third party apps to use its API suggest OpenAI isn’t as warm to regulation as it claims.”https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-congress-fell-for-openai-and-sam-altma...
2023-05-24 20:04:55 “Generative AIs are actually quite limited in what they can accomplish—despite what Altman and other companies might have to say. ‘With these systems that are powerful at completing words or pictures for us, we will feel like we can replace human creativity and ingenuity’”https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-congress-fell-for-openai-and-sam-altma...
2023-05-23 16:30:17 “I asked Botatouille to suggest meals for a laid-off digital media worker. It initially struggled to give a response.…[Then it said:]“Hmm, it seems like you might be feeling a bit down. How about I recommend a meal that will lift your spirits? For a laid-off digital media worker, I suggest trying the one-pan chicken and veggie meal prep 2 ways.””https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/business/media/buzzfeed-botatouille-c...
2023-05-22 20:01:44 “Alongside a tactical alliance with green capital to scale up climate change adaptation, the neo-developmentalist left argues that qualitative shifts in how the “good life” is defined can still accord with traditional left-wing goals. If the window to fight climate change cannot also be a fight to raise overall living standards for the vast majority of people, their thinking goes, then progressive forces will have” failed.https://thebaffler.com/latest/degrowing-pains-vassallo
2023-05-22 11:35:34 “The AIA establishes a presumption of compliance with the requirements for high-risk AI systems, where a high-risk AI system is in conformity with relevant harmonised standards. In case harmonised standards do not exist or are insufficient, the European Commission may adopt common specifications”https://fpf.org/blog/introduction-to-the-conformity-assessment-under-the...
2023-05-22 11:26:19 “The Fort McMurray fire grew so big, so fast, it overran the city in an afternoon and generated its own stratospheric storm system in the middle of what had been a bluebird Alberta day. As city residents made their frantic escape, it was through apocalyptic conditions that recalled the seventh plague in the Bible’s Book of Exodus: “So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail””https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-no-wonder-alberta-is-on-...
2023-05-21 00:18:54 “Does the Real Housewife feel exploited? First-time cast members reportedly make $60,000 per season. They have to pay for their own hair &
2023-05-20 14:22:31 “One of us might dream. One of us mightdespair. But we cleaned up thedebris together &
2023-05-20 14:21:33 “Over the years we’ve witnessed a fundamental shift in access to housing. Vacancy rates have tanked, rents have ballooned and the number of people experiencing homelessness across the country is skyrocketing — It is undeniable that the conversion of long-term housing to short-term rentals plays a role.”https://ricochet.media/en/3958
2023-05-20 13:10:39 “Another scheme was introduced allowing travellers to exchange dinars for up to $7,000 at airports for use abroad. This led to money changers booking flights they would not take just to access the US currency, to then sell on the black market. For weeks we’ve seen flights to Amman or Beirut that are sold out on the system but the planes are empty”https://www.ft.com/content/e42fe1ff-80f3-4d5b-b182-7812761c87ad
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-10 13:48:47 “To truly succeed in the context of a platform is to surrender at all points of overlap: to accept that your audience is borrowed, and to then bargain for the best terms possible. The publication that assumes the role of mediating the truth, or providing a unifying context for the Happenings of the World, is a peculiar fit on a platform”https://www.theawl.com/2015/12/access-denied/
2023-05-10 13:23:51 “Derivatives separate the flow of risks (foreign exchange, interest rate, and credit) from the flow of collateral. Thus, they strip risk from financial assets and become the parallel track required for shifting hedged collaterals across the financial industry.”https://www.phenomenalworld.org/analysis/inside-the-black-box/
2023-05-10 13:17:52 “Disney shuttered its Metaverse division in March, and Walmart followed suit by ending its Roblox-based Metaverse projects. The billions of dollars invested and the breathless hype around a half-baked concept led to thousands — if not tens of thousands — of people losing their jobs.”https://www.businessinsider.com/metaverse-dead-obituary-facebook-mark-zu...
2023-05-10 13:12:09 “The recent explosive development in generative AI will, if left unchecked, both increase the flood of unwanted content on platforms and create rights issues with respect to existing copyright law”https://www.ft.com/content/b6802c8f-50e7-4df8-8682-cca794881e30
2023-05-10 12:54:45 “The effects of flooding the market with technologies that can plausibly perform the economic tasks of countless working people is not that those people are suddenly free to become philosophers and artists. It means that those people will find themselves staring into the abyss – with actual artists among the first to fall.”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/08/ai-machines-halluc...
2023-05-10 12:45:10 “What we are witnessing is the wealthiest companies in history (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon) unilaterally seizing the sum total of human knowledge that exists in digital, scrapable form and walling it off inside proprietary products, many of which will take direct aim at the humans whose lifetime of labor trained the machines without giving permission or consent.”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/08/ai-machines-halluc...
2023-05-10 12:35:19 “Whether it’s taking cash to target users with climate disinformation, or running ads that make climate denial content profitable, the company is selling out. Tech companies make big promises on hate and misinformation because they know it’s hard to see if they’ve kept them. We need to force Google to open up the black box of its advertising business.”https://foe.org/news/youtube-denial-dollars/
2023-05-10 12:21:16 Robot ultimatum: “It’s AI as a cleansing force that humbles your enemies and proves you right —AI as economic rapture. It’s AI as your army-in-waiting just over the horizon, your punishing angel, or maybe just as the thing that’s going to embarrass the people who annoy you online. A lot of sunnier AI speculation is clearly wish fulfillment, and so is this. AI is my big, strong friend, and he’s going to beat you up.”https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05/when-the-threat-of-ai-is-an-insu...
2023-05-10 12:18:57 The C in TESCREALism: “Foundational to Cosmism is the idea of trying to maximize space exploration, colonization, and if possible, promote the resurrection of the dead. Putin’s Chief of Staff, Anton Vaino, has been deeply influenced by Vernadsky’s idea of the ‘Noosphere’ (the idea that earth will develop a kind of global brain).”https://washingtonspectator.org/understanding-tescreal-silicon-valleys-r...
2023-05-09 00:57:19 @UlrichJunker Perhaps dollar devaluation leading to stronger US exports but lower US resource consumption? I think a lot about the book Trade Wars are Class Wars, which examines durable (but unsustainable) imbalances in both China and the US.
2023-05-09 00:03:05 "
2023-05-09 00:01:33 "
2023-05-08 23:47:31 Facebook reactions button “tries to sustain the impression that your emotions are deliberately chosen without their becoming a matter of strategic calculation or emotional manipulation. You are not simply broadcasting what you think you are supposed to feel, but genuinely responding.”https://thenewinquiry.com/blog/reacting-to-reactions/
2023-05-08 20:27:00 “Neoliberalism left the United States an unenviable inheritance: an atrophied industrial base that undermines America’s capacity to innovate and prosper from cutting-edge technologies
2023-05-08 16:31:10 “The problem with automation, and AI especially, is that it’s marketed as a cheap, fool-proof, and practically universal answer to an unlimited set of problems. But consult an expert in any field dealing with an influx of AI and you begin to understand that much remains unaccounted for.”https://www.jacobsilverman.com/p/angry-users-want-donotpay-to-pay
2023-05-07 14:55:53 “Gone are the 1,300 micro-kitchens at Google which “brim with dried seaweed, turkey jerky, kombucha, and other treats. In addition to cutting 10% of its global staff, Goldman Sachs scaled back on commuting reimbursements and free meals. Meta has done away with free laundry services and shuttles.”https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/07/employees-employers-upp...
2023-05-07 14:51:47 “I know people think exclamation points are tacky. The writer Elmore Leonard advised measuring out “two or three per 100,000 words of prose.” Respectfully, I disagree. I often use two or three per two or three words of prose. I’m an apologist for digital enthusiasm. ChatGPT, it turns out, is more reserved.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/07/business/ai-chatbot-messaging-work.html
2023-05-07 12:15:41 In Russia, “once-elite universities are allegedly pursuing research agendas dictated by the Kremlin on topics like “patriarchal values and institutional practices that protect and preserve traditional, spiritual and moral values” and “risks to Russia’s economy posed by the West’s global climate agenda.””https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/russia-war-with-no-end
2023-05-07 01:26:36 “Another problem for the SDF is its inability to recruit the numbers it needs. Japan’s demographic reality — the population shrank by 556,000 in 2022 — means it is competing in a labour market where there are now roughly 135 jobs available to every 100 applicants.”https://www.ft.com/content/2e8dd852-47d3-4276-aabb-21bccb31dff0
2023-05-06 19:08:11 “The UK now has a fortified elite content to live on the rents of bygone ages. Its social order is constituted by the cultural legacy of the old aristocracy, underwritten by London financial brokers, and serviced by a shrinking middle class. Its political classes developed a culture of amateurism uninterested in either the business of classically informed generalism or that of deep technical specialism.”https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/04/27/britains-elites-lost-the-industr...
2023-05-06 14:19:03 “A government report last Wednesday laid out the severity of the nation’s demographic challenge, forecasting a 30 per cent shrinkage in Japan’s population by 2070. Even now, drivers are burdened with routes that can easily require well in excess of 100 deliveries a day.”https://www.ft.com/content/e1fac0d3-f831-4a7e-8597-999451706d74
2023-05-06 01:01:59 “Russia said recently it has begun to manufacture — but has not yet deployed — its undersea Poseidon nuclear torpedo. If it lives up to the Russian hype, the weapon would be able to travel across an ocean autonomously, evading existing missile defenses, to deliver a nuclear weapon days after it is launched.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/05/us/politics/ai-military-war-nuclear-w...
2023-05-05 13:15:49 A study “asked the doctors of almost five hundred terminally ill patients to estimate how long they thought their patient would survive, and then followed the patients. Sixty-three per cent of doctors overestimated survival time. Just seventeen per cent underestimated it. The average estimate was five hundred and thirty per cent too high. And, the better the doctors knew their patients, the more likely they were to err.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/02/letting-go-2
2023-05-05 11:38:14 “In 1983, a Soviet early-alert system mistook glittering clouds above the Midwest for launched missiles. Catastrophe was averted only because Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov—a man for whom statues should be raised—felt in his gut that it was a false alarm. Today’s computer-vision algorithms are more sophisticated, but their workings are often mysterious.”https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/06/ai-warfare-nuclear-...
2023-05-05 01:36:52 “The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country’s internet regulator, announced that it would crack down on anyone who publishes videos or posts that “deliberately manipulate sadness, incite polarization, create harmful information that damages the image of the Party and the government, and disrupts economic and social development.” It bans sad videos...”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/04/business/china-censorship-poverty.html
2023-05-05 01:25:12 “Undeterred by warnings that the breakneck development lacked sufficient engineering oversight, officials in the capital, Ankara, gave local politicians more power to issue construction licenses for large projects without scrutiny from independent professionals. Basic suggestions never took off — that civil engineers should have to pass a certification exam, for instance.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/04/world/europe/turkey-earthquake-corrup...
2023-05-04 22:29:11 “Fiction matters more now, in a world increasingly deracinated by technology. AI will never pose a threat to the real thing — to writing with convictions, honest doubts, a personal vision of the world, rawness &
2023-05-04 11:25:49 “US federal officials fearful of ethics rules split any outside lunch bill, however small
2023-05-04 11:20:56 “A.I. companionship can create problems if the bots offer bad advice or enable harmful behavior, scholars and critics warn. Letting a chatbot act as a pseudotherapist to people with serious mental health challenges has obvious risks, they said. And they expressed concerns about privacy, given the potentially sensitive nature of the conversations.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/technology/personaltech/ai-chatbot-pi...
2023-05-03 21:29:17 “The goal of social media became entrapment instead of facilitating and servicing the curiosity that brought people online in the first place. You can feel the difference on those platforms, now. The fun has been drained out it. Everyone is jostling and crowding
2023-04-30 23:05:57 “This is not a tool I would trust with making sure important legal analysis was updated and appropriate,” says Ben Winters, who leads the Electronic Privacy Information Center’s projects on AI and human rights. Winters characterizes the culture of generative AI in the legal field as “overconfident, and unaccountable.”https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/03/1070750/ai-jobs-legal-field-...
2023-04-30 22:02:39 “In the utilitarian view, it’s about creating the greatest total quantity of value in the universe. Historically, I don’t think it’s a coincidence this version of utilitarianism took shape around the time capitalism emerged. The parallels are pretty significant”https://netzpolitik.org/2023/longtermism-an-odd-and-peculiar-ideology/
2023-04-30 15:26:14 In media studies, “the dislikers became political economists, while the likers became audience studies scholars.”https://overcast.fm/+HenLPdPw/12:51
2023-04-30 14:31:18 In China, “firms should submit a security assessment to the state before using generative AI products to provide services to the public. Companies would be responsible for the content such tools generate.”https://www.economist.com/china/2023/04/18/can-xi-jinping-control-ai-wit...
2023-04-30 14:21:59 “A cynical cohort of undemocratic governments and monarchies in north Africa and the Middle East backed both the Sudan army and militia after the 2019 revolution, in order to extinguish the prospect of a democracy flourishing in their back yard
2023-04-30 14:18:44 “The heavy gold buyers are central banks, which are sharply reducing their dollar holdings and seeking a safe alternative. Central banks are buying more tons of gold now than at any time since data begins in 1950 and currently account for a record 33 per cent of monthly global demand for gold.”https://www.ft.com/content/e9c78b99-8a29-47e2-b5bf-9f7542608cf6
2023-04-30 14:14:55 “We should bear in mind that those 33 billion broilers and roasters represent a great petri dish for the continuing evolution of flu viruses. One such virus could well — just by chance — acquire mutations that make it the next human nightmare. The eagles would still be falling dead off their perches, a tragedy in itself. And the chickens, for us, would come home to roost.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/23/opinion/bird-flu.html
2023-04-30 14:04:36 “We spend an hour bouncing emails back and forth to clarify a point that could have been nailed down in 30 seconds on the phone. The digital era has made a lot of everyday work more complicated and less efficient than it was 30 years ago.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/22/opinion/jobs-ai-chatgpt.html
2023-04-30 13:51:24 “BuzzFeed tried to create a money machine for investors, by finding a formula for gobbling up content and harvesting clicks from it. To do this, they simply pilfered content from whatever sources they could. When BuzzFeed compiled an article like “33 Animals Who Are Disappointed In You,” they ripped the photos from anywhere they wanted, without assigning credit,” claiming fair use.https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/04/the-collapse-of-buzzfeed-news-sho...
2023-04-30 13:34:43 “No AI system is sentient given the current level of technological development.”https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00146-021-01179-z
2023-04-30 13:33:56 Nuclear “shutdowns highlighted glaring skills shortages, forcing EDF to bring in 100 more welders from the US to help repair pipes affected by so-called stress corrosion. The output drop and other issues were so serious they spiralled into the parliamentary enquiry led by Armand into how France had lost its energy sovereignty.”https://www.ft.com/content/d23b14ae-2c4e-458c-af8a-22692119f786
2023-04-30 13:28:35 Fintech darling “sued the Department of Education to end the agency’s pause on federal student loan payments and force tens of millions of debtors who are not SoFi’s customers — teachers, soldiers, sick people who had to drop out — to repay their debts faster.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/22/your-money/sofi-student-loans-lawsuit...
2023-04-30 11:32:18 “90 per cent of Substack revenues come from less than 10 per cent of writers. The same 90/10 ratio holds at the streaming service Twitch and 90 per cent of YouTube subscribers come from less than 5 per cent of channels. Over two-thirds of Patreon revenues come from 3 per cent of creators.Even Hollywood, in its notorious worship of the superstar and the blockbuster, is not this concentrated”https://www.ft.com/content/3f34db20-fdca-4c85-8cf6-18ab692ab3b9
2023-04-29 23:05:46 “Since the sale was officially consummated in October, the plutocrat who pledged to make Twitter our “digital town square” has transformed the site into a speech environment that more closely resembles Tiananmen—one where journalists have been suspended for reporting too harshly on the man in charge.”https://slate.com/technology/2023/04/twitter-hack-elon-musk-crypto-scams...
2023-04-29 15:23:51 “The books I want to write are influenced by all kinds of societal movements and moments, but also the Surrealists, Freud, the natural world . . . it’s OK in my books to hold three contradictory ideas — this is really important to me . . . I don’t think art is there to explain away complexities, explain away contradiction, explain away enigma.”’https://www.ft.com/content/dbbb9301-b92a-47d7-a763-d5d8d84c3672
2023-04-26 11:36:26 Frontiers of (un)fair use: “For generative AI, the value is not necessarily the discovery of the underlying creative work but rather a replacement of the work with something else. It is 100 percent copy leading to 100 percent replacement. And it’s absolutely commercial. This will all be fought out in the courts.”https://themarkup.org/hello-world/2023/04/22/copyright-showdown-ais-next...
2023-04-26 11:20:42 “All the keyword auctioneering that goes on in search engines will happen in chat interfaces as well, with the added bonuses of extra obfuscation between what is “ad” and what is "
2023-04-25 11:52:57 “How to deal with the opaque boom-or-bust algorithms that govern life on short-video platforms?Although e-commerce livestreams first appeared on Alibaba’s Taobao in 2016, it took the rise of dedicated short-video platforms to propel the model into the commercial mainstream.”https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1012783
2023-04-23 12:10:46 “If DSP’s took up our recommendation of charging every song an annual hosting fee of say $5… it would not only transform their profitability, but would also help to slow the exponential growth in the number of songs, reduce the ‘noise’ and limit AI incentives (ie the business model of flooding DSPs with millions of songs, each with almost no listing and revenue, relies on their being zero distribution costs”https://www.ft.com/content/61a0a4d1-6d96-44b4-8f5b-5245d3f0289b
2023-04-22 19:06:51 “Andreessen was correct to claim that software was eating the world, but he had the causation backwards. Software’s high valuations were not the result of its extraordinary technological promise. Rather, the software sector had become the primary locus of innovation because of its high valuations. Its financial characteristics allowed software to attract growth investment while other sectors no longer could.”https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2021/08/the-value-of-nothing-capital-...
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-18 15:55:11 On “a world where niche video game influencers moonlight as informants, FBI agents trawl K-Pop Discord servers for potential leakers, and AI-generated girlfriends operated by foreign intelligence agencies target lonely analysts.”https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/04/15/ukraine-leak-intelligence-discord-e...
2023-04-15 02:06:47 “The assumptions behind CBO models are rarely contested before the public eye. One reason for this is the process by which the budget office’s research is transformed from working papers—replete with caveats, limitations, and acknowledgments of uncertainty—into the individual point estimates that become the official “scores” for major bills and the headlines that typically advertise the legislative “price tag.””https://prospect.org/api/content/80df3e28-d3c6-11ed-8a45-12163087a831/
2023-04-15 01:55:30 “The monetarists bristled at how irrational expectations seemed in Keynesian thinking, which in their view depicted market actors as myopic, impulsive, gullible &
2023-04-15 01:38:19 “In the eyes of AI visionaries, mind machines represented the next step in evolution, a new species, Machina sapiens, which would rival and ultimately supersede Homo sapiens as the most intelligent beings in creation. ‘I want to make a machine that will be proud of me,’ Danny Hillis proclaimed, acknowledging [his perception of the] superiority of his creation [to himself].”https://theconvivialsociety.substack.com/p/apocalyptic-ai
2023-04-15 01:35:39 Kiwi, a new BeReal-style app, “at some random time every day asks users to share the last song they listened to so that friends can gain insight into their taste and assess it, swiping right or left to convey their approval or disapproval.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/april-6
2023-04-15 01:33:51 Biased models “help ingrain narratives into the public consciousness, dictating how policymakers, journalists, and other players understand what is good or bad for the economy. This creates invisible shackles on policymakers, guardrails that cannot be touched, problems that cannot be solved, no matter how ingenious the prescription.”https://prospect.org/api/content/9855d206-cff7-11ed-ae5f-12163087a831/
2023-04-15 01:26:23 “Longtermists’ turn to existential risk marks a dramatic shift from the concern with present and near-term suffering that is the hallmark of their effective altruist progenitors. Unsurprisingly, some advocates of EA are fiercely critical of longtermism.”https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/commentary/the-toxic-ideology-of-longt...
2023-04-12 22:53:10 “Last year, Meta ended its free laundry service for employees and pushed dinner service later into the evening — a way to cut down on workers’ loading up free food to take home”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/technology/meta-layoffs-employees-man...
2023-04-10 23:49:18 “Large language models are programs for generating plausible sounding text given their training data and an input prompt. They do not have empathy, nor any understanding of the language they are producing, nor any understanding of the situation they are in. But the text they produce sounds plausible and so people are likely to assign meaning to it.”https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkadgm/man-dies-by-suicide-after-talking...
2023-04-06 00:56:47 “Midjourney’s approach echoes the early playbook of major social networks, whose lax moderation rules made them vulnerable to foreign interference, viral misinformation and hate speech. But it could pose unique risks given that some AI tools create fictional scenes involving real people — a scenario ripe for harassment and propaganda.”https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/30/midjourney-ai-image...
2023-04-05 19:15:46 “Why are autonomous vehicles (henceforth, AVs) still not reliable enough to be widely used? I suspect because driving a car is not a single task, but a task complex, a bundle of many different subtasks with varying inputs. The overall reliability of driving is highly dependent on the performance of those subtasks, and failure in any one of them could lead to overall failure.”https://www.erichgrunewald.com/posts/the-prospect-of-an-ai-winter/
2023-04-03 18:39:56 “The reason a neural net can be successful in writing an essay is because writing an essay turns out to be a ‘computationally shallower’ problem than we thought. And in a sense this takes us closer to “having a theory” of how we humans manage to do things like writing essays, or in general deal with language.”https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-wh... many works does “an essay” cover?
2023-04-02 18:37:32 “Some academics point to a growing body of research that they say is hard to ignore: that the proliferation of smartphones, high-speed internet and social media apps are rewiring children’s brains and driving an increase in eating disorders, depression and anxiety.”https://www.ft.com/content/77d06d3e-2b9f-4d46-814f-da2646fea60c
2023-03-31 16:15:02 “A multipolar pattern could come as a shock to American policymakers, given how much external financing the US needs. So investors and policymakers alike need to watch the geeky details of trade invoicing in the coming months.”https://www.ft.com/content/f8f3b2cd-6690-4f26-b81e-e972751c8799
2023-03-30 00:33:38 “The first step is to buy time to upgrade our 19th-century institutions for a post-A.I. world, and to learn to master A.I. before it masters us.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/24/opinion/yuval-harari-ai-chatgpt.html
2023-03-29 11:26:30 “The savings from cutting support staff are easy for organisations to calculate, while the costs of lost productivity across the rest of the workforce are hard to measure. But that doesn’t mean they should be ignored.” https://www.ft.com/content/e30e51b5-2d57-430e-a829-5965313c6c6b
2023-03-29 01:03:41 “Ortiz worries about young artists who need the time and experience to find their style but will be squeezed out by AI."
2023-03-26 01:55:46 “Financial data governance law is so antiquated and weak that it doesn’t govern how Plaid sorts, stores, scores, and shares our data—the actual prize of most of the fintech industry. Multiple forms of arbitrage make these arrangements attractive to both Wall Street and Silicon Valley.”https://lpeproject.org/blog/six-reactions-to-the-silicon-valley-bank-deb...
2023-03-25 21:54:11 “Maybe A.I. can make a song that’s indistinguishable from what I can do. Maybe even a better song. But, to me, that doesn’t matter—that’s not what art is. Art has to do with our limitations, our frailties, and our faults as human beings. It’s the distance we can travel away from our own frailties.”https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-new-yorker-interview/nick-cave-on-...
2023-03-25 19:35:44 “If aspirational content is over and a kind of grimy cybergrunge aesthetic is spreading across social media, and social media is still powered by status and parasociality, how performative will this normalcy become before it just turns back into relatable content again?”https://www.garbageday.email/p/the-desperate-collective-id-of-late
2023-03-25 12:49:19 “What if, in the end, we are done in not by missiles or climate change, not by microscopic pathogens or a mountain-size meteor, but by … text? Simple, plain, unadorned text, but in quantities so immense as to be all but unimaginable—a tsunami of text swept into a self-perpetuating cataract of content that makes it functionally impossible to reliably communicate in any digital setting?”https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/03/ai-chatgpt-writin...
2023-03-24 20:56:01 “I take ‘slowing down dangerous AI’ to include any of:1) reducing the speed at which AI progress is made in general, e.g. as would occur if general funding for AI declined.2) shifting AI efforts from work leading more directly to risky outcomes to other work, e.g. as might occur if there was broadscale concern about very large AI models, and people and funding moved to other projects.”https://worldspiritsockpuppet.substack.com/p/lets-think-about-slowing-do...
2023-03-24 19:38:23 “Without radar, Teslas would be susceptible to basic perception errors if the cameras were obscured by raindrops or even bright sunlight, problems that could lead to crashes.Musk was unconvinced and overruled his engineers. In May 2021 Tesla announced it was eliminating radar on new cars. Soon after, the company began disabling radar in cars already on the road.” Crashes followed.https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/19/elon-musk-tesla-dri...
2023-03-24 19:36:45 “Having made windfall profits on the back of commodity price fluctuations and supply bottlenecks, large companies have been emboldened to raise prices further to increase profit margins.”https://www.ft.com/content/151cb429-d024-4d5c-9edf-5b4a2b104a66
2023-03-24 19:10:02 “Calling something a gimmick is a distancing judgment, a way to ward off the trick’s attractions by proclaiming ourselves unconvinced by them. At the same time the gimmick enables us to indirectly acknowledge this power to enchant, as one to which others, if not ourselves, are susceptible. In this elliptical fashion, the gimmick can be found amusing or even cute
2023-03-24 16:11:57 “The microbial version is not only more affordable, it’s also longer-lasting. When nitrogen-producing microbes adhere to plant roots, there is minimal runoff, meaning farmers need to apply less conventional fertiliser. Once applied, the microbes continue to work with the plant and, unlike conventional nutrients, do not need additional applications as the crop season progresses.”https://www.ft.com/content/71422ca3-6cc8-46c3-9f59-768a501b85f3
2023-03-23 18:49:25 The flawed AI “tool was treated nothing like a drug. It wasn’t subjected to an FDA review process or third-party testing before its initial release. No independent systems were put in place to monitor its use across hospitals or report problems. And its benefits and side effects were not measured in a randomized trial before it was plugged in at facilities around the country.”https://www.statnews.com/2022/10/24/epic-overhaul-of-a-flawed-algorithm/
2023-03-23 14:14:22 Self-help ideology: “According to their systems, anyone can learn to be more efficient, more focussed, more effective in the pursuit of happiness and, that most hallowed of modern traits, productivity. And if you can’t, well, that’s on you.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/01/15/improving-ourselves-to-death
2023-03-23 14:11:40 “Numerous studies from academic researchers, government watchdog agencies and federal fraud prosecutions underscore how the insurers have manipulated the system by attaching as many diagnosis codes as possible to their patients’ records to harvest these bonus payments.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/22/health/medicare-insurance-fraud.html
2023-03-23 14:07:12 “If you spend enough time watching hustle-culture videos, you notice some patterns: Big up-front promises are rarely kept
2023-03-23 13:46:40 “In theory, their ever more brilliant algorithms should be working tirelessly to enhance the customer experience and driver income. Instead, they answer to their corporate minders, coldly calculating how far fares can be boosted before the customer walks – and how much can be salami-sliced off the driver’s margin before they refuse to drive.”https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2023/02/24/expert-essays-on-human-a...
2023-03-23 13:39:38 “It is encouraging to see a shift from aggregating without permission toward minimizing data collection—an acknowledgment that companies must be more thoughtful, and that all-of-the-data-all-of-the-time is not an acceptable approach going forward.”https://democracyjournal.org/magazine/68/toward-stronger-data-protection...
2023-03-22 23:50:18 “Chong and Staal call for a heightened awareness of how the book functions in our lives, even when unread.”https://www.e-flux.com/criticism/527590/heman-chong-and-rene-staal-s-lib...
2023-03-22 23:48:12 “The algorithms sit at the beginning of the process, promising to deliver personalized care and better outcomes. But patient advocates said in many cases they do the exact opposite — spitting out recommendations that fail to adjust for a patient’s individual circumstances and conflict with basic rules on what Medicare plans must cover.”https://www.statnews.com/2023/03/13/medicare-advantage-plans-denial-arti...
2023-03-20 23:43:02 “The term “AI” can be used as a deceptive selling point for new products and services. Let’s call that the fake AI problem. Today’s topic is the use of AI behind the screen to create or spread deception. Let’s call this the AI fake problem. The latter is a deeper, emerging threat that companies across the digital ecosystem need to address.”https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2023/03/chatbots-deepfakes-vo...
2023-03-20 22:08:23 John W. Fitzpatrick and Peter P. Marra, heads of the Cornell Lab and Georgetown Environment Initiative, described the findings as “a staggering loss that suggests the very fabric of North America’s ecosystem is unraveling.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/nyregion/bird-species-nyc-climate-cha...
2023-03-19 20:06:25 Neuro-HR alert: “The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission seems to have awakened.…It recently issued draft enforcement guidelines on “technology-related employment discrimination,” including the use of technology for “recruitment, selection, or production and performance management tools.””https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/r-sum-cover-letter-access-100153734.html
2023-03-19 19:15:08 Metaverse mediocrity: the “dominant architectural style throughout the app, whether you’re in Hipster Café or Winter Wonderland, is what you might call “early Minecraft.” There’s a rectangular blue pool you can “get into,” though this isn’t especially rewarding, and a terrace with a DJ playing house music. The top halves of people wander about.”https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/mark-zuckerberg-metaverse-meta-h...
2023-03-18 14:41:28 The court’s decision “effectively warns local officials against enforcing even modest rules of order and decorum at public meetings.” He predicted it would lead to “less free speech, not more, as public comment sessions may soon become a thing of the past.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/17/us/massachusetts-public-meeting-disco...
2023-03-18 14:37:01 “There appears to be a deep-seated aversion to urban density in anglophone culture that sets these countries apart from the rest. Three distinct factors are at work here.The first is a shared culture that values the privacy of one’s own home — most easily achieved in low-rise, single-family housing.”https://www.ft.com/content/dca3f034-bfe8-4f21-bcdc-2b274053f0b5
2023-03-18 14:28:25 Church of Tay on the way: “generative AI may ask to be worshipped or may actively solicit followers.”http://theconversation.com/gods-in-the-machine-the-rise-of-artificial-in...
2023-03-18 13:50:32 “In the long run, ethics is good for business. Tech companies stand a better chance of making ethical products — and thriving — if they avoid deception”https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00758-y
2023-03-18 13:38:23 “US Admiral Chester W. Nimitz famously concluded that the interwar games run at the Naval War College had been run “by so many people and in so many different ways, that nothing that happened during the war was a surprise”.”https://www.ft.com/content/0e403251-a999-4af9-b869-a143ea25c019
2023-03-18 13:33:31 “Between 2019 and 2021, as self-funding increased, the number of people paying with private insurance decreased
2023-03-17 13:42:49 “Science’s editor-in-chief argued that text produced by Chat-GPT would be seen as plagiarism whereas Nature have allowed their use under specific documented circumstances.”impactofsocialsciences/2023/03/14/generative-ai-and-the-unceasing-acceleration-of-academic-writing/
2023-03-17 13:36:15 “When ‘a machine takes on a task, it does not simply do the same thing a human being did … The task is transformed in the process.’ If it replaces or supplements the ‘stochastic’ processes central to nursing, who encodes the ethics of its triage system?”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n05/james-butler/this-concerns-everyone
2023-03-12 00:25:54 “Most of my youth went by during the end of history, which has itself now come to an end.”https://pub.dartmouth.edu/ncal/on-the-very-edge-of-fiction-risk-represen...
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-28 00:13:17 1990 article: “If you are denied life insurance, you have no way of knowing whether it was legitimate or based on an error in your records that is going to follow you around for the rest of your life” https://www.csmonitor.com/1990/0801/dpriv3.html How much has changed?
2023-02-27 22:53:29 “A.I. language models will only grow more effective at interpreting and summarizing our words, but they won’t listen, in any meaningful sense, and they won’t care.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/03/06/can-ai-treat-mental-illness
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-25 14:53:26 “I recently attended an XR conference. Its keynote speaker suggested that people…spend on average eight hours per day on digital media. The XR community would like to improve those hours.”https://thepointmag.com/criticism/the-virtual-condition/
2023-02-25 13:41:56 “When a house twice the size goes on a block half the size, it can no longer be a bungalow. It has a tiny garden, with no room for trees. The two storeys built to the boundaries overshadow the neighbours and invade their privacy. The increased house bulk and absence of trees creates dominant forms in the street where once street trees hid the single-storey bungalows.”https://www.smh.com.au/national/how-we-ve-ruined-suburbia-homes-twice-as...
2023-02-25 13:39:20 “Something generated by AI might seem comparable to something produced by a human, which is why people are so excited. But you’re not having that awareness of communing with the creator. Remove that and it’s hollow and uninteresting.”https://www.ft.com/content/0ecab009-6543-4386-b936-0eecc9293d2e
2023-02-24 01:56:12 “As more money gets shoveled into large language models, closed releases are reversing the trend seen throughout the history of the field of natural language processing. Researchers have traditionally shared details about training data sets, parameter weights, and code to promote reproducibility of results.”https://www.wired.com/story/chatbots-got-big-and-their-ethical-red-flags...
2023-02-21 18:04:44 “All across social media, users are trying to appear more casual and less guarded. So-called “0.5 selfies” uploaded on Snapchat, Instagram or BeReal are purposefully blurred or taken at odd angles. Videos on TikTok (later copied on Instagram Reels) are often made while someone takes off their make-up or eats breakfast.”https://www.ft.com/content/38d04f54-a8b3-435e-b2bd-2f392e3b31f4
2023-02-20 14:08:20 “By using algorithms to recommend content to users, the lawyers argued, YouTube was essentially engaging in its own form of speech, which was not protected by Section 230.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/20/technology/supreme-court-tech-section...
2023-02-19 03:39:17 In his “Designing Freedom” lectures, “Stafford Beer eschewed the typical economic and political explanations for crisis and civilizational decline, and instead analyzed economic and institutional crises as expressions of cybernetic problems, the inadequate self-regulation mechanisms of the world system.”https://brooklynrail.org/2023/02/field-notes/On-Adam-Tooze-A-Contributio...
2023-02-19 00:38:35 “To give them the mantle of sentience — even semi-sentience — means bestowing them with undeserved authority — over both our emotions and the facts with which we understand in the world.It’s time to take a hard look in the mirror. And not mistake our own intelligence for a machine’s.”https://www.theverge.com/23604075/ai-chatbots-bing-chatgpt-intelligent-s...
2023-02-19 00:24:50 “The emotions become reified, concretized “facts” that can be counted, exchanged, amassed, distributed. Often, predictable “emotion” is presented as a reward for submitting to various modes of administration:… If you accept social media platforms on the terms they present themselves, you can construe “likes” as a currency of feeling.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/paralogisms-of-ai
2023-02-12 23:27:52 “Mundry has found more palm oil in his butter, less fluoride in his mouthwash and more glucose syrup being substituted for sugar in his confectionery. In almost every case, he said, the change had been so subtle that he had to compare new labels with older ones to identify it.”https://www.ft.com/content/ab4e9f46-9cbc-4e12-a53c-bfe6bf5bc1a9
2023-02-12 23:07:54 “An MIT Technology Review investigation last April found that self-driving companies, including Tesla, took advantage of the collapse of Venezuela'
2023-02-12 18:42:09 @TheSauce looks very interesting, thank you!
2023-02-12 16:45:37 “The third explanation for population decline, which tends to get a little less attention, is the rise of ‘intensive parenting,’ in which parents invest huge amounts of time and money into their children in order to set them up for success in a brutally competitive world.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/10/world/global-baby-bust.html
2023-02-12 16:40:12 “Whereas many other European countries during the late Middle Ages experienced a consolidation of absolutist rule, the Dutch managed to escape. This allowed them to preserve a relatively open society in which cities were autonomous and ruled by local merchant elites. They cooperated and competed with one another in producing an economically open society.”https://fivebooks.com/best-books/best-economic-history-books-2022-davis-...
2023-02-09 00:44:21 “Accurate, generalizable and efficient AI systems are not good for everyone. In the hands of exploitative companies or oppressive law enforcement, a more accurate facial recognition system is harmful.”https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02003-2
2023-02-09 00:42:37 Last year, as the nation was still recovering from the pandemic, the candy heart industry “introduced 16 supportive slogans like “Youda Best,” “Fear Less” and “Good Job.” The idea, the company said, was to give people a lift.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/dining/valentine-candy-hearts.html
2023-02-08 21:43:47 “OpenAI offers no procedures for individuals to check whether the company stores their personal information, or to request it be deleted. This is a guaranteed right in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – although it’s still under debate whether ChatGPT is compliant with GDPR requirements.”http://theconversation.com/chatgpt-is-a-data-privacy-nightmare-if-youve-...
2023-02-07 13:03:33 “I think it'
2023-02-06 00:07:39 “Online culture encourages young people to turn themselves into a product at an age when they’re only starting to discover who they are. When an audience becomes emotionally invested in a version of you that you outgrow, keeping the product you’ve made aligned with yourself becomes an impossible dilemma.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/05/opinion/elle-mills-youtube-quit.html
2023-02-05 03:42:50 “Most granular data on production is held and generated by consultancies with opaque methodologies and murky interests. Accessing it is extremely difficult and expensive. Collecting this data and making it public in the way the government does for numbers on employment and national income would dramatically improve visibility into what the real economy looks like.”https://www.noemamag.com/the-designer-economy
2023-02-05 03:26:45 Tasioulas: “process considerations do not by themselves warrant the conclusion that AI adjudicative tools can never, in any context, properly replace human judges. But they help bring out the complexity of the issues - and the potential costs - that are involved in this domain.”https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4319969
2023-02-05 03:22:19 “Many ads (nobody knows quite how many) are never seen by human beings. Sometimes that’s because of fraud: advertisers can be duped into paying to show ads on websites that few human viewers will ever see, on which computerised bots are clicking away instead. But there is plenty of waste even without fraud.”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n02/donald-mackenzie/short-cuts
2023-02-03 22:01:51 The TV executives, Minow said, were filling the air with “a procession of game shows, formula comedies about totally unbelievable families, blood and thunder, mayhem, violence, sadism, murder, Western bad men, Western good men, private eyes, gangsters, more violence, and cartoons.” They were turning TV into “a vast wasteland.”https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/03/tv-politics-enterta...
2023-02-03 21:35:43 As more content is created, and audience responses are measured, we head toward generative AI content “so capacious and anticipatory that it would abolish curiosity, an ideal that has always been implicit in the concept of a personalized feed.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/inspired-prompts?publication_id=1073994&
2023-01-30 13:07:31 “Along with home security devices such as video-recording doorbell Ring and home robot Astro, Amazon has pushed to integrate its products into the home. But it is not clear that this effort is boosting group income. Prime subscribers, who pay upfront for free shipping plus other bonuses, spend more on ecommerce. Echo owners so far do not.”https://www.ft.com/content/3ec63798-0962-437b-aca8-90adf03238e8
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-23 15:04:18 For Musk, “each collision generated data, and with enough data, the company could speed the development of the world’s first truly self-driving car. He believed in this vision so strongly that it led him to make wild predictions: ‘My guess as to when we would think it is safe for somebody to essentially fall asleep and wake up at their destination: probably toward the end of next year,’ Musk said in 2019.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/17/magazine/tesla-autopilot-self-driving...
2023-01-23 15:00:58 “For the past decade, being a finance professor meant being asked about crypto or about novel valuation methods for unprofitable companies — and being smiled at (and ignored) when I would counter with traditional instincts. Every business problem, I am told, can be solved in radically new and effective ways by applying AI”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/16/opinion/the-crypto-collapse-magical-t...
2023-01-23 14:34:02 “Cryptoland is not a regular place
2023-01-23 01:57:39 “Capitalism is cosmopolitan, while democracy is tied to a territorial jurisdiction. Capitalism means one pound one vote, while democracy means one citizen one vote. One danger, then, is that wealth buys power in the name of order, turning democracy into plutocracy. Another is that demagogues seize power in the name of the people, turning democracy into autocracy.”https://www.ft.com/content/877d1a2d-67df-46a4-a3af-8e28198b944a
2023-01-22 15:43:49 “There’s something interior, something that’s actually changing our own view of ourselves. We really do spend so much time building narrative for ourselves, and I sense with people that there was a real pressure to view one’s life as something like a movie. Just look at TikTok”https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2022/11/seduced-by-story-peter...
2023-01-22 15:27:35 “In 2017, France passed a provision in the labor law offering the right to disconnect by, in some cases, limiting the need for employees to reply to emails after work.”https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/20/arts/television/emily-in-paris-expatr...
2023-01-22 01:46:13 “Marketplace sellers are handing 45%+ of the sale price to Amazon in junk fees. The company'
2023-01-21 03:06:45 @dbvisel looks great, thank you!
2023-01-20 23:50:24 “The requirement to submit all active researchers [to quantitative assessment] has accelerated the trend towards teaching-only contracts, particularly in large and research-intensive institutions.”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n02/john-whitfield/a-bit-of-everything
2023-01-20 23:40:28 “There is something implicitly beautiful in human writing,” said Tian, a fan of writers like John McPhee and Annie Dillard. “Computers are not coming up with anything original. They’re basically ingesting gigantic portions of the internet and regurgitating patterns.”https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2023/01/20/academics-work-detect-cha...
2023-01-20 22:52:37 Durkheim: “We need have no further illusions about the tendencies of modern history
2023-01-20 18:36:24 “There is no such movie — Schoefield created all the images using the AI tool Midjourney. Some people were fooled, since Schofield didn’t immediately reveal the images were made using artificial intelligence, and others were just plain angry”https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/chrisstokelwalker/ai-david-cronenbe...
2023-01-20 18:17:07 “It’s clear from the way AI generators rolled out that there was never any consideration given to artists, our wishes, or our rights, and this is our only option to be heard.”https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/pranavdixit/ai-art-generators-lawsu...
2023-01-20 18:05:34 “DALLE-2 has a secret language. "
2023-01-20 17:58:51 “A subterranean appeal of generative AI is the promise that it will level down the “elites” without requiring anything from “non-elites” — a pseudo-revolution from above to dissipate revolutionary ferment.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/the-reign-of-the-scriptor
2023-01-20 00:30:09 “This understanding of publishing, which suggests that rough-and-ready, quasi-automatic writing done on a regular, frequent schedule is ultimately more financially sustainable than refined and thoughtful writing published when necessary and appropriate, can seem counterintuitive, if not unbelievably cynical and depressing.”https://maxread.substack.com/p/matt-yglesias-and-the-secret-of-blogging
2023-01-19 12:51:50 “There’s no income level [above] which higher income is not associated with greater longevity, and there’s no income level below which less income is not associated with lower survival.”https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/the-death-gap
2023-01-15 19:16:14 “Perhaps it could even calibrate the size of donation needed to influence that organization or direct targeted online advertisements carrying a strategic message to its members. For each policy end, the right audience
2023-01-14 19:27:08 "
2023-01-14 04:06:22 “Companies that limit their prospective talent pool to those with the most malleable ethical codes are more likely to find themselves in hot water. And unless deeds are aligned with words, societal trust can never grow. This was a key lesson that regulators took from the financial crisis.”https://www.ft.com/content/92e9ab44-a852-4c96-86e6-3b10f796e858
2023-01-13 16:19:09 “The neural network'
2023-01-12 19:24:33 “In the worst case,” Mitch Kapor warned, “we could wind up with networks that have the principal effect of fostering addiction to a new generation of electronic narcotics, their uses and content determined by mega-corporations pushing mindless consumption of things we don’t need and aren’t good for us.”https://davekarpf.substack.com/p/a-wired-compendium
2023-01-12 18:58:47 “Algorithmic discrimination that excludes people such as women and older workers from receiving employment advertisements is just a modern form of the same type of discrimination that is illegal under the Quebec Charter.”https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/facebook-lawsuit-discrimination-ads-1.6...
2023-01-12 14:30:25 Germany is “investigating Google Maps over potential anti-competitive restrictions to the detriment of rivals and opened two separate probes into Amazon’s marketplace practices over concerns that the platform is disadvantaging the position of third-party sellers.”https://www.ft.com/content/06e2f3ea-a752-48ca-beb1-ca1a948afcd7
2023-01-12 14:05:34 “It is now clear that working as human assistants to robots and AIs in the 21st century is dull, and both physically and/or psychologically dangerous … these humans are required to behave, in fact, as if they are robots.”https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/01/09/1065135/japan-automating-eld...
2023-01-10 23:38:45 "
2023-01-10 21:56:28 “We need to be much more cautious about adopting deep learning. When a single error can cost a life, it’s just not good enough. Deep-learning systems are particularly problematic when it comes to “outliers” that differ substantially from the things on which they are trained.”https://nautil.us/deep-learning-is-hitting-a-wall-238440/
2023-01-10 19:49:59 What Putin predicted in a 2017 televised chat with engineering students: “When one party’s drones are destroyed by drones of another, it will have no other choice but to surrender.”https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-drone-advances-6591dc69a4b...
2022-12-31 13:38:04 They’re “embracing profit over safety, market expansion over product integrity, and rent seeking over innovation—but at much greater scale, speed, and impact. Now, ruled by monopolies, marred by toxicity, and overly reliant on precarious labor, Silicon Valley looks like it’s finally run hard up into its limits.”https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/12/big-tech-fall-twi...
2022-12-31 13:08:39 “Without being bound by the market neutrality principle, central banks could decarbonize monetary policy and curtail private finance’s contribution to the climate crisis, thereby minimizing financial stability spillovers, by explicitly targeting dirty credit assets. The mandatory decarbonization of private finance was politically and institutionally possible.”https://www.phenomenalworld.org/analysis/the-wall-street-consensus-at-co...
2022-12-31 12:35:21 Can “85 of the world’s most renowned scientists, combining data from 43 studies, mining hundreds of variables collected from more than 10,000, and utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning models—help people pick better romantic partners?No.”https://www.wired.com/story/data-marriage-behavior-love-psychology-romance/
2022-12-30 15:39:22 “Will humans ever create sentient artificial intelligence?”“I might change my mind, but currently I am skeptical. I can see that some people might have that impression, but when you work so close to A.I., you see a lot of limitations. That’s the problem. From a distance, it looks like, oh, my God! Up close, I see all the flaws.”https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/26/magazine/yejin-choi-inter...
2022-12-30 15:25:52 Evergreening copyright: The first Mickey will enter the public domain, but “later versions of the character remain protected by copyrights, including the sweeter, rounder Mickey with red shorts and white gloves most familiar to audiences today. They will enter the public domain at different points over the coming decades.”https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/27/business/mickey-mouse-disney-public-d...
2022-12-30 15:24:19 “Because these new chat bots learn their skills by analyzing huge amounts of data posted to the internet, they have a way of blending fiction with fact. They deliver information that can be biased against women and people of color. They can generate toxic language, including hate speech. All of that could turn people against Google and damage the corporate brand it has spent decades building.”https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/21/technology/ai-chatgpt-google-search.html
2022-12-30 15:22:39 “Human beings have been increasingly protected by an invisible shield, one that has been built, piece by piece, over the last few centuries, keeping us ever safer and further from death. It protects us through countless interventions, big and small: the chlorine in our drinking water, the ring vaccinations that rid the world of smallpox, the data centers mapping new outbreaks.”https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/27/magazine/global-life-span.html
2022-12-26 13:17:21 “Just as from the perspective of the autonomous vehicle developer, human pedestrian behavior is an irrational anomaly and a threat — the vehicles are ‘autonomous’ to the degree that human autonomy can be disciplined and constrained (we must fence in the sidewalks!) — human behavior in general may come to seem irrational or dangerous when it comes into conflict with what AI models predict or assert.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/every-answer
2022-12-24 06:48:31 “Some of the established concerns with large-language models: 1) they are inherently inaccurate and biased
2022-12-21 12:31:25 @sameer_ashar Great to see you here, Sameer!
2022-12-19 23:42:10 “‘Ecosystem’ implies competition, dynamism and choice, even as the systems it describes are restrictive and monopolising. It invokes our natural world, even as it conjures a stampeding flight from it. As a PR strategy, the misused metaphor is a sleight of hand. But it’s more than that.”https://crookedtimber.org/2022/12/08/your-platform-is-not-an-ecosystem/
2022-12-18 10:36:19 @profchrismarsden yes, I can see that. Reminiscent of Piketty on the problems that occur when r >
2022-12-18 10:34:36 @buermann Agreed! I just find this interesting because of what it reveals about inflation. Policy makers need to realize that, to the extent necessary (or even just good) things boost inflation in the short term, we need a more nuanced policy conversation about it. Same goes for rising wages.
2022-12-18 10:32:11 @amills I am working on this, hoping to present on it in March. I will send you my presentation!
2022-12-18 07:14:29 RT @tressiemcphd: I have been having conversations about this. We have a moment when the public can hear a compelling story about why a sui…
2022-12-18 01:30:14 “Google spent $1bn and signed a 10-year cloud computing agreement with Chicago-based CME. Amazon Web Services and New York’s Nasdaq agreed a similar deal later that same month, and last week, Nasdaq completed moving one of its US options exchanges to AWS.” https://t.co/LbOkGDVC0Y
2022-12-18 00:45:13 “Until the green transition reaches its mature stage, the global energy system may grow more vulnerable to shortages and shocks while the resource demands of the green buildout may put upward pressure on the prices of various commodities.” https://t.co/SMFIWF1kO9
2022-12-18 00:36:30 “She has tried to pivot away from telling infuriating tales to gentler content, like modeling the budget-friendly decor for her wedding, but those don’t get the same attention. ‘They tend to either get lost in the craziness that is TikTok’s algorithm.’” https://t.co/zGatS2scKU
2022-12-17 09:18:40 RT @GabeHoff: Elon Musk just suspended Business Insider reporter Linette Lopez for documenting the times Elon had his enemies tracked and d…
2022-12-16 23:08:22 “Nurses said patients, many of them already disoriented, were confused by the disembodied voices coming from TeleSitters. There were sometimes not enough robots — which nurses derided as ‘sitters on a stick’ — to go around.” https://t.co/dAXSYikXNH
2022-12-16 14:39:03 RT @gdnlongread: Best Audio Long Reads of 2022: ‘A deranged pyroscape’: how fires across the world have grown weirder, by @dimmerwahr, wi…
2022-12-13 20:30:42 “I wasn’t really training Brenda to think like a human. Brenda was training me to think like a bot.” https://t.co/CCWLW6KWw2
2022-12-13 13:34:29 “Recent findings by Deb Raji, Peggy Xu, Colleen Honigsberg, and Daniel Ho, demonstrate the poor quality of audits when the audited company…selects and compensates its auditor.” https://t.co/BT6UpGItJp
2022-12-13 00:32:04 “Movies, like baseball, now run on data analytics. Studios use data to identify talent and evaluate storylines. They define what audiences respond to and then hone techniques for delivering it. And it works: ‘blockbuster movies look a solved equation.’” https://t.co/wLyjnjcd1Z
2022-12-12 21:22:26 RT @_aloisi: NEW draft available: “Regulating #AlgorithmicManagement at Work in the European Union: Data Protection, Non-Discrimination…
2022-12-11 19:51:42 RT @NexusOfPrivacy: @JuliaAngwin talks with @daniellecitron about The Right to Intimate Privacy on @themarkup https://t.co/85I6hMdmCm
2022-12-11 01:09:45 RT @PhMai: Do as I say, not as I do #TwitterFiles
2022-12-10 16:16:21 “It sounds right even when it is making things up on the basis of something it read somewhere, which was itself regurgitated from other sources. Its smooth, articulate voice is usually persuasive, but cannot be relied on fully.” https://t.co/YKPe3rPwP1
2022-12-10 02:52:32 @CriticalAI Yes, agreed! I do expect that there will be good opportunities to discuss what’s unautomatable. This article is hopeful on that score: https://t.co/1YYsRHNNtP https://t.co/5tuQx6kt7K
2022-12-10 01:42:49 “The trick of all simulation is to restrict the scope and range of possible human inputs to what the machine can process, while making those limitations appear as comprehensive, a clarifying articulation of what is humans actually do.” https://t.co/RMRfNrHPED
2022-12-09 22:35:05 RT @random_walker: Voices in the Code is a gripping story of how the U.S. kidney transplant matching algorithm was developed. The lessons a…
2022-12-09 21:45:31 “If we really want fewer crashes, we have to pay drivers better. The problem’s roots are economic, but the solution on which hopes have been pinned is not economic, but technological.” https://t.co/yaL4H1X5Qv
2022-12-09 20:46:37 RT @Wenbinters: great piece by @thiccreese with some warnings from @GrantFergusson and yours truly! Shout out to Grant who started in Septe…
2022-12-09 02:08:41 “EPIC described examples of claims that should be outside Section 230 immunity, such as products liability, discrimination, fair credit reporting, misappropriation, and others.” https://t.co/1q2UvDH9bf
2022-12-09 00:11:54 RT @BertuzLuca: This morning, @EURightsAgency published an in-depth report on the risk of biases in algorithms applied to predictive polici…
2022-12-08 19:34:19 RT @vmanancourt: People in Europe can get Google to delete search results about them if you they prove the information is "manifestly inacc…
2022-12-08 19:19:59 “Understanding is not a mere collation of facts—it is, Arendt wrote, ‘an unending activity by which, in constant change and variation, we come to terms with and reconcile ourselves to reality, that is, try to be at home in the world.’” https://t.co/E7RcfH4Uha #RightToExplanation
2022-12-08 17:50:21 @lldzne @PaulbernalUK @NoraNiLoideain Thanks! Looks very interesting!
2022-12-08 17:37:03 RT @PopTechWorks: My political science dept is HIRING a full-time tenure-track asst prof in a uni-wide cluster focused on AI. If your work…
2022-12-08 16:12:41 RT @GlobeIdeas: In the fog of pandemic-era stress, having a wide range of accessible mental hygiene aids is more appealing than ever, says…
2022-12-08 14:52:31 Search engine methods come to research assessment: “To surface conclusions from the highest-quality papers, they gave each journal a rigor score, using data from the research-analysis company SciScore.” https://t.co/7DEMyPtzNN SEO follows.
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-14 01:16:47 "When billions of dollars of 'value' disappear in a matter of days, it can make you wonder whether that value ever really existed, and if it did, precisely what form did it take that it could be so fragile."https://t.co/60obfpuuHN on SBF, Musk, and much more.
2022-11-10 00:14:36 “The firms behind these programs insist that their use of this data is covered in the US by fair use doctrine. But legal experts say this is far from settled law and that litigation like Butterick’s class action lawsuit could upend the” status quo.https://t.co/M7r6muXFqY
2022-11-08 18:55:47 "AI applications, with minimal human intervention, can be used in tasks like text analysis, detecting plagiarism on new manuscripts, detecting false statistical results, finding new peer reviewers, content search, and semantic search."https://t.co/JbTJv9K34b https://t.co/nvSaiBMyX2
2022-11-07 23:59:19 Good thread on possible fallout from Twitter layoffs. https://t.co/58Ji6g2tTO
2022-11-06 12:55:44 RT @michaeljswalker: Lot's of commentary about twitter seems to presume that it had financial problems before Musk took over and hence radi…
2022-11-05 21:46:33 The Supreme Court sided with Facebook in 2021, ruling that Facebook’s texting method did “not meet a narrow definition of auto-dialing — a decision that has emboldened some campaigns to freely bombard voters with unsolicited texts.”https://t.co/Y3sn0vBzLA
2022-11-05 19:12:58 @eb_vdhoven Thank you!
2022-11-05 19:11:36 RT @mireillemoret: @CoHuBiCoL1 has now made available the TYPOLOGY OF LEGAL TECH, presenting a trove of information on what these TYPES of…
2022-11-05 19:10:54 Thank you, Laurence! I look forward to developing this law &
2022-11-05 17:41:56 “Over the last year, the economic historian Adam Tooze has popularized the word ‘polycrisis’ to describe the cascade of large-scale challenges to the basic stability and continuity of the global order.” https://t.co/0tJLw9wSiS
2022-11-05 17:12:38 RT @70sBachchan: Peak OPEC @kmac @triofrancos! "Brazil, Indonesia &
2022-11-05 12:59:50 @daniellecitron @sivavaid @HoffProf @DanielSolove Co-op Era! Those were the days! Remember all our book symposia? Such a great group.
2022-11-05 12:56:46 Many “influential people now understand in their bones why platform concentration and monopoly is a terrible, terrible thing. It makes them subject to the whims of one rich man.” https://t.co/1fQKac2qNh
2022-11-04 19:40:31 “If you make a market of the market’s own ground rules — as selling verification would do — you don’t end up with a fair system but with universal corruption.” https://t.co/3UCGnVl5WK
2022-11-04 18:30:35 #
2022-11-04 13:57:54 RT @BrandyZadrozny: Teams dedicated to making Twitter better for individual users and the world at large have been completely decimated. So…
2022-11-03 19:19:33 RT @RobKitchin: I've assembled my thread of geographers on Mastodon into a list with names, handles and links. Hopefully this is useful to…
2022-11-03 18:32:34 RT @Abebab: here's one of the many reasons why verification based on payment will be disastrous for the vulnerable and marginalised
2022-11-03 18:30:19 RT @JosephEStiglitz: The income that oil companies are getting today has nothing to do with what the companies have done but are windfall p…
2022-11-03 18:27:09 "The process of formalization is...deeply illuminating about property doctrine and theory [&
2022-11-03 18:20:51 Use of machine learning or AI software systems "has led some to speculate that perhaps machines might be considered inventors...U.S. patent doctrine decisively precludes such a bizarre &
2022-11-03 14:14:47 RT @BhumikaBilla: Such a wonderful opportunity to share my ideas at #CRCL22. Thanks so much for the thought-provoking questions and such a…
2022-11-03 01:33:26 RT @henryfarrell: The banks that lent Elon money to take over Twitter are admitting that they're in for a "huge" haircut https://t.co/CesZz…
2022-10-31 13:49:23 RT @alexeheath: Also, Twitter amplifies verified accounts everywhere: reply visibility, search, user suggestions, even the main timeline. T…
2022-10-30 19:28:52 RT @lyria1: Excited about the #CRCL22 conference. @DMerigoux and I collated thoughtful papers on formalisation and #rulesascode which will…
2022-10-29 22:33:50 “Observing mechanism design in action in algorithmic environments, we argue it has become a tool for producing information domination, distributing social costs in ways that benefit designers, and controlling and coordinating participants in multi-sided platforms.” https://t.co/4lDIBi4LSj
2022-10-29 18:50:33 Pattern matching expert "analyzed more than 100,000 papers since 2014 and found apparent image duplication in 4,800 and similar evidence of error, cheating or other ethical problems in an additional 1,700."https://t.co/VKQBO6pAJi
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-10-20 00:57:04 RT @paulohm: For county election websites, .gov usage is distressingly low, with only 25% of the sites we checked using .gov, just a tiny i…
2022-10-19 21:07:59 RT @grimmelm: New article alert! “Data Property,” with @MulliganEsq, forthcoming in @AmULRev.We argue that property law can, does, and sh…
2022-10-19 18:53:25 RT @JTasioulas: At @EthicsInAI we are looking for a moral philosopher to join us as Assoc Prof / Prof.
2022-10-19 11:16:08 RT @CoHuBiCoL1: The programme for #CRCL22 is now available! https://t.co/ccrly7ZElBTaking place in Brussels on 3-4 November (hybrid).Ou…
2022-10-17 22:17:26 Many laws limit the "degree to which car insurance providers can take into account 'extraordinary life circumstances' when making underwriting or pricing decisions, [such] as the death of a spouse, child, or parent."https://t.co/XPau8iuxyE (citing https://t.co/HUnUM7aWqS)
2022-10-17 21:08:03 @CriticalAI Thank you!
2022-10-17 19:05:50 RT @jtashea: Alright, I got a new draft report out, and I'm hoping for some feedback. Here's the pitch:We can use government procurement…
2022-10-17 19:05:04 RT @CriticalAI: In the effort curb misunderstanding and #AIHype on the topic of language models (LMs), we're circulating a tweet thread to…
2022-10-17 01:40:36 RT @Katharine_Kemp: My article "'A rose by any other unique identifier': Regulating consumer data tracking &
2022-10-15 23:37:55 RT @AntoineJJCaze: Fascinating article, thank you for drawing attention to it! As a professional translator, a field in which automated tre…
2022-10-15 16:41:00 RT @adam_tooze: The largest US banks are benefiting from the Federal Reserve’s campaign to increase interest rates, charging more for consu…
2022-10-15 16:40:09 RT @NitaFarahany: What other books would you add to this list?I'd include @daniellecitron's Fight for Privacy and @OrlyLobel’s The Equali…
2022-10-15 16:40:02 @OrlyLobel @BernsteinGaia @NitaFarahany @daniellecitron Thanks so much, Gaia and Orly! Much appreciated!
2022-10-15 16:09:51 Even more empirical confirmation of Ezrachi &
2022-10-15 00:37:13 RT @UCLAtech: On November 4, ITLP is excited to welcome four luminaries of digital privacy: @daniellecitron, @hartzog, @neilmrichards, &
2022-10-13 13:49:02 @karen_ec_levy's great work in "Data-Driven" gives valuable context here, exploring the extensive role of surveillance in trucking: https://t.co/eswoHZKa9E https://t.co/09eJPjGdOT
2022-10-10 18:34:28 RT @fborgesius: ‘A remote employee of a U.S. business who was fired for refusing to leave his webcam on while he was working was awarded ro…
2022-10-08 07:39:09 “Bugs and stability issues were so bad…that Meta’s own employees were not even using the product.” https://t.co/oG7ggdGj3O
2022-10-07 17:42:53 @fl0_id @IkhlaqSidhu I have lots of ideas! But I would not discount transparency. It’s often a sine qua non for more ambitious action.
2022-10-07 17:38:37 RT @ShellyChattS: The White House’s #AI Bill of Rights is not binding legislation. Rather, “It’s a set of recommendations that government a…
2022-10-07 17:38:18 @EnglishOER @PaulEdelblut @schock Thank you! I look forward to learning more about your research on them.
2022-10-07 17:36:44 “The U.S. transportation system is being “updated to stay the same” (to borrow a phrase from Wendy H.K. Chun) so that it confirms old prerogatives and protects the same interests and ideological investments in suburbia.” https://t.co/zgCs0uX5qO
2022-10-07 09:11:58 @suzanne_ryan @galwaycairnes @uniofgalway Thank you, Suzanne! Going to kick the wall now! And thanks for your insights on scaling, care, and much else—I’ve learned so much this visit.
2022-10-07 09:09:51 @The_Hoggy @UniofGalwayLaw Thanks, Martin! Great to meet you &
2022-10-07 09:08:15 We should “have the right to know when an algorithm is making a decision about us, which factors are being considered by the algorithm, and how those factors are being weighted.” https://t.co/YfgS5jcVz8
2022-10-06 20:49:15 Dubious forms of AI make “claims to generality while modeling behaviour that is determined by highly constrained and context-specific data.”https://t.co/6MHzh5RTeF
2022-10-06 15:08:07 @karen_arrahmani Thank you!!
2022-10-06 14:18:52 “AI should be safe and effective. It shouldn’t discriminate. It shouldn’t violate data privacy. We should know when AI is being used. And we should be able to opt out and talk to a human when we encounter a problem.” https://t.co/H5Wcc6QQ2n
2022-10-06 10:26:13 "Currently AI systems are deployed by the public sector at various administrative levels without robust due diligence, monitoring, or transparency. AI-specifc public procurement guidelines are urgently needed to protect fundamental rights and due process."https://t.co/Z1IrYqM3rR
2022-10-04 13:27:24 “Professional organizations, including state medical licensing bodies, have called for disciplinary sanctions against licensed professionals who disseminate misinformation.” https://t.co/HsW5A8AP1R
2022-10-04 13:26:07 Data brokers’ nonstop surveillance helps “employers weed through résumés…There are jobs we never interview for, or life insurance premiums we don’t realise are increased, because of this information.”https://t.co/JeQYs4KDkC Incredibly important book by @daniellecitron!
2022-10-03 16:27:49 @guidonld Thanks, Guido! Good luck on the book launch!
2022-10-03 16:27:34 RT @guidonld: In kindly endorsing #IoTLaw, legend @FrankPasquale wrote: 'This book not only advances our understanding of IOT policy but al…
2022-10-03 16:09:05 RT @emilymbender: It's good that @wired is covering this and shedding light on the unregulated mess that is the application of chatbots (an…
2022-10-03 00:02:06 RT @christophbusch: More info about the upcoming events in the ELI Digital Law Speakers Series is available here: https://t.co/8jt0B2QlRX h…
2022-10-02 22:40:37 “When empathy is threatened in the digital administrative state, vulnerable citizens are at risk of not being able to exercise their rights because they cannot engage with digital bureaucracy.” https://t.co/j7sXg4JXDK
2022-10-02 21:47:09 @pwh67 True, but perhaps a critical mass of truly 360-degree surveillance by some epistemically privileged platforms may be the type of quantitative leap that justifies qualitative adjustment in the relevant competition &
2022-10-02 20:55:12 @seanodiggity @yaleisp Thanks, Sean! I thought your Sinatra was superb…top of the world…head of the heap! Cant wait for the next #isp reunion to do it again!
2022-10-02 20:47:49 RT @EricTopol: An exceptional review of #AI for cancer pathology, highlighting the ability of deep neural networks ("machine eyes") to extr…
2022-10-02 20:46:42 RT @DanielSolove: Great interview about a great person who has written a great book! The Fight for Privacy by @DanielleCitron is a definite…
2022-10-02 13:17:05 RT @TimChristiaens5: New books received by @FrankPasquale , @kylzjarrett and @AntonioCasilli. https://t.co/pToFErwaoH
2022-10-02 12:53:48 “A.I. chat therapists have been rolled out in…refugee camps for people fleeing the war in Syria...In Britain, bots are being trialed to bridge waiting times for people seeking therapy but unable to get appointments, and as an e-triage tool.”https://t.co/vi6LnHmAF2
2022-10-02 12:47:34 Algorithmic price discrimination is “closely intertwined with online platforms and their ability to amass consumer information in a fashion unthinkable in traditional off-line marketplaces.” https://t.co/H7aiiWlJF6
2022-10-02 03:35:25 @SalwaHoque @XSBenavides Thank you! And thanks @XSBenavides for the fun action shots!
2022-09-30 13:13:17 RT @WorkTechOrg: Seminar Series on #Expertise In and Around Organizations. We are excited to welcome @FrankPasquale who will share his work…
2022-09-29 15:38:29 RT @MargotKaminski: I am thrilled beyond thrilled to be hosting this conference November 4th on "Transparency &
2022-09-29 14:53:28 @conjugateprior @j2blather Here's the work I cited in the relevant slide: https://t.co/taFk8QFk9FHappy to send you my presentation and/or some language from a recent draft on it. If you're aware of critiques of Bevir/Blakely, I'd love to read them!
2022-09-29 14:48:38 @conjugateprior @j2blather But I agree that the work I cite approvingly in this area (Jason Blakely, Hartmut Rosa, etc.), and my own, is really in a larger converstation with the STE of STEM...and there are divergences between S &
2022-09-29 14:46:40 @conjugateprior @j2blather To clarify the point: I am concerned about application of particularly naturalistic approaches, in sensitive areas of human evaluation (like assessing mental states or predicting likelihood of job success), without ability of the judged person to understand the method used.
2022-09-29 14:36:12 Very good to hear @j2bryson discuss the perils of both too little and too much transparency in AI regulation, at a conference on comparative law. Highly recommended: her work on "the legal lacunae of synthetic persons."https://t.co/rXGratyt6f&
2022-09-28 22:25:49 RT @dsallentess: Congratulations on the release of this important work on how to achieve a good jobs economy, @rodrikdani! Don't miss this…
2022-09-27 15:20:03 RT @guidonld: NEW BOOK ALERT! I'm ecstatic At long last, you can pre-order my new book "Internet of Things and the Law. Legal Strategies…
2022-09-27 15:05:51 “Given Canada’s legal and political structure and existing enforcement capacity limits, competition law will have to assume a greater role in digital governance, at least in the short term.” https://t.co/4B2HFtdFFb
2022-09-27 14:56:39 RT @ProfErikaGeorge: @FrankPasquale Thanks for reading and for recommending! I hope it finds more readers interested in #bizhumanrights #…
2022-09-27 14:39:32 RT @MorePerfectUS: BREAKING: At a White House event, President Biden announces new plans to crack down on junk fees across the economy — in…
2022-09-27 14:32:10 RT @LSE_poty: Congratulations to our new colleague Zeynep Pamuk @zpamuk for winning the APSA @APSAtweets First Book Award for her book "Pol…
2022-09-27 01:17:11 “Narrative not only presupposes at its bare minimum actors, events, and narrators, but also attempts to make sense of the world in terms of causality.”https://t.co/3KewYay2SS
2022-09-27 00:07:59 Compelling article by @ProfErikaGeorge applies the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to controversies over algorithmic accountability: https://t.co/zCN2ezra8YHighly recommended!
2022-09-26 16:14:48 “Given that Ofcom appear to be concerned about market entry, measures they could implement include limiting any exclusivity arrangements used by the hyperscalers or requiring interoperability with new players.” https://t.co/Y9yBZyEfvC
2022-09-26 01:44:47 Fascinating work illuminating the power of privacy laws if they are properly interpreted and enforced. https://t.co/pfYgpPcbLB
2022-09-25 19:49:20 Very interesting collection, with chapters addressing policy responses to the automated public sphere in Africa, Asia, Australia, North America, and Europe. https://t.co/tcVREqbA3I
2022-09-25 18:03:47 There is a temptation for firms “to put a little less effort into making great products &
2022-09-24 20:09:58 Given the importance of California finally regulating inferences drawn from data, "any federal bill must either provide similar protection, exclude California law from preemption, or be opposed."https://t.co/RfHH72BYl6
2022-09-24 19:49:00 "The technologies we use provide structure for our activity—as Phil Agre (1994) argues, they train us to follow specific 'grammars of action,' patterns of behavior that digital technologies can capture, represent, and analyze."https://t.co/SHDod6cOZI
2022-09-24 19:47:33 "Three now-accepted technologies—DNA analysis, breathalyzers, and radar speed detectors—traversed a path from initial resistance to a positive right that demands their use."https://t.co/MBlGSnhJuX
2022-09-24 19:46:20 Michigan's software "was supposed to detect unemployment fraud &
2022-09-23 21:45:20 RT @Abebab: New paper with @wsisaac, @vinodkpg, @blahtino, @m_c_elish, @IasonGabriel &
2022-09-22 15:24:46 RT @Tatum_Hunter_: NEW: From ‘depression’ to ‘HIV,’ we found popular health apps sharing potential health concerns and user identifiers wit…
2022-09-22 11:51:53 “Determining if an algorithm is safe for workplace use is rapidly becoming a challenge for manufacturers, programmers, employers, workers, and occupational safety and health practitioners.”https://t.co/p7pzEZ6mH5
2022-09-21 21:21:37 RT @drvolts: I listened to @ezraklein's entire, epic discussion of the Inflation Reduction Act with @JesseJenkins. It is, predictably, exce…
2022-09-21 15:03:38 RT @ananny: Thrilled to share my "Seeing Like an Algorithmic Error", part of new series @yaleisp &
2022-09-21 12:23:13 Big tech ESG? “Amazon is ruled out because Liontrust thinks it does not do enough to recycle cardboard, and has issues with its treatment of workers, while Apple’s supply chain transparency problems make it another no-go.” https://t.co/4uJWWq5wuX
2022-09-21 12:21:19 “Crypto scams occur outside the system of regulated financial institutions and legal protection that safeguards consumers. And tracing the international networks of faceless criminals behind this fraud presents huge challenges for law enforcement.”https://t.co/TWZLH9esui
2022-09-20 19:56:38 "While the GDPR obligations apply to all companies regardless of size, and the balancing of obligations relies on the risks of processing (not the company), the DMA first identifies risky gatekeeper companies and imposes specific obligations on them."https://t.co/vGscnk1bmx
2022-09-20 18:18:38 Thoughtful perspective from @benbendc on how AI's pioneers can learn from its critics:https://t.co/cTw6x4dKUeProgress depends on "substantial changes in national policies, business practices, research agendas and educational curricula."
2022-09-20 14:46:47 RT @cdfen: State #privacy laws are coming...fast. CPRA &
2022-09-20 13:42:30 “Decades of underinvestment in public health information systems has crippled efforts to understand the pandemic, stranding crucial data in incompatible data systems so outmoded that information often must be repeatedly typed in by hand.” https://t.co/FQTAQKe3qb
2022-09-20 13:41:58 RT @OUPPhilosophy: Together with our #AI focus collection, we recommend ‘The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI’ edited by @MarkusDubber, @Fra…
2022-09-19 15:18:40 RT @TomasHribek: It's nice to be featured right next to Prof. Luciano @Floridi, @FrankPasquale &
2022-09-18 20:11:42 @daniellecitron @wwnorton @PenguinUKBooks @VonCleland @UVALaw Congratulations Danielle!!! Can’t wait to read it!
2022-09-18 20:11:19 RT @daniellecitron: Sharing starred Kirkus review and Stanford Social Innovation Review of my new book THE FIGHT FOR PRIVACY coming out Oct…
2022-09-18 02:19:10 RT @cobun: The @FTC's new staff report on #DarkPatterns is worth checking out. If you're a #privacy person, read section IV and Appendix A…
2022-09-16 02:24:20 “Sellers must raise prices on Amazon to recoup their costs. But because of Amazon’s pricing provisions, sellers must have higher prices on other sites, &
2022-09-16 00:42:22 “The OECD’s Frascati Manual, used to standardise the collection of statistics on R&
2022-09-15 22:02:48 RT @TechCrunch: CFPB signals that regulation is coming for BNPL https://t.co/ve2CWvYUxq by @kyle_l_wiggers
2022-09-15 16:58:36 RT @nikitaggarwal: Excited to share "#Fintok and Financial Regulation." Social media platforms have become an important site for finance. T…
2022-09-15 02:43:41 RT @GulsonKalervo: School choice algorithms can 'bake in' existing educational inequalities. Our paper led by @teresaswist , @ed_zukunft c…
2022-09-14 13:25:45 RT @kashhill: In which I discover that the @nytimes tech team is using machine learning to determine how many free articles to give people…
2022-09-13 19:10:18 "Data-driven, algorithmic processes multiply obstacles to accountability &
2022-09-13 14:29:19 “We need strong protections to ensure algorithms do not discriminate against protected groups, such as by failing to share key opportunities equally, or by discriminatorily exposing vulnerable communities to risky products.”https://t.co/uew8QdFKdk
2022-09-13 14:28:20 “Remedies from data protection and non-discrimination law…could be read in conjunction with employment legislation to tame rampant algorithmic bosses.” https://t.co/FiMMcoVRkZ
2022-09-12 23:50:36 "For computational law, progress will proceed apace in closed legal domains, but its models will require continual adaptation and updating in legal domains where human innovation and openness prevail."https://t.co/pPL0LDu3HJ
2022-09-12 22:38:13 RT @HalSinger: Enjoying these reviews of @epopppp’s Thinking Like an Economist, esp. this one by @FrankPasquale. Note when Frank says “side…
2022-09-12 22:38:11 @HalSinger @epopppp Exactly! Thanks, Hal! The economic lenses you’ve provided could greatly improve competition policy.
2022-09-12 22:08:18 RT @SimonsFdn: Join us on 9/21 to hear research scientist @wsisaac of @DeepMind give a lecture on algorithmic fairness and ethical guidelin…
2022-09-12 18:56:23 @epopppp You’re welcome—great book!
2022-09-12 18:16:13 @iajunwa Can’t wait!
2022-09-12 17:21:22 @mlhrrsn Thanks! The ironies run deep.
2022-09-12 17:20:42 Looks to be a fascinating conference at @NUSL: "Viral Misinformation: Health Impacts and Legal Solutions"https://t.co/a6KyI13E4G
2022-09-12 14:14:22 @nikenberger Thank you, Nik!
2022-09-12 14:12:17 RT @rcalo: Really important resource—technologists and lawyers team up to help challenge algorithmic benefits systems. https://t.co/njFFqth…
2022-09-12 12:49:05 New trade deals, in Tai’s view, “must not mean lower wages for American workers, lower environmental standards or allowing multinational companies to avoid taxes or lock in monopoly power.” https://t.co/l7J5GqafPX
2022-09-12 12:41:58 Platforms discovered they could monetize extremism “by having their algorithms promote hyperpartisanship. Divisiveness drives engagement, which in turn drives advertising revenues.” https://t.co/BdZO9gWTEg
2022-09-10 15:48:44 "Data-driven technologies are 'world-making'—they don’t simply capture and represent a given world, but rather create the worlds they are designed to see."https://t.co/0aqtpn9t48
2022-09-09 20:54:03 Important article: "State Digital Services Taxes: A Good and Permissible Idea (Despite What You Might Have Heard)"https://t.co/bGZlTv5mfS
2022-09-09 11:26:42 RT @WorkTechOrg: Seminar Series on #Expertise In and Around Organizations. Thank you to @FrankPasquale, Alex Preda @kingsbschool, @trolleel…
2022-09-07 16:57:22 RT @1roboter: Accuracy claims are also rhetorical tools to convince others that opaque algorithms work. In a new paper, I unpack how high a…
2022-09-06 13:36:23 @FPalmiotto @HertieCFR Thank you, Francesca! I really appreciate the invitation and look forward to the conversation!
2022-09-06 13:35:46 RT @FPalmiotto: Sign the date! 14.9.2022, ONLINE, 5-6 PMHonoured to have @FrankPasquale starting the series "Human Rights and the Automate…
2022-09-05 18:16:04 RT @PaulFehlinger: The US Congressional Research Service released a first report on the #metaverse covering regulatory issues like- Conten…
2022-09-04 22:19:12 This article “demonstrates that the FTC has the existing authority to address the harms of discriminatory AI and offers a method for the Commission to tackle the problem, based on its existing approach to data security.” https://t.co/WqJ5NS9ov9
2022-09-04 22:08:07 “Competing discourses of rights and justice gradually lost relevance
2022-09-04 18:21:43 @MadamePratolung @RWerpachowski @emilymbender @mer__edith @salome_viljoen_ @ellgood Yes, I briefly address the regulation of unauthorized practice of law in the "Rule of Persons" article, too.
2022-09-04 18:14:54 @MadamePratolung @RWerpachowski @emilymbender @mer__edith @salome_viljoen_ There are some opportunities to rationalize very simple administrative processes &
2022-09-04 14:50:35 RT @OUPPhilosophy: We are proud to feature OUP authors, including @Floridi, @ShannonVallor, @add_hawk, @FrankPasquale, @Nigel_Shadbolt, @Pr…
2022-09-03 17:14:52 “Effective altruism may not be action-guiding. This is bad news for a theory of how we ought to live.”https://t.co/wwalvkYInOSee also https://t.co/74cJvo0x0E
2022-09-03 17:10:04 “In addition to the discomfort of the device itself, traipsing across virtual worlds made me wildly motion sick. Every 30-minute session left me feeling horrendous. I took off my headset almost an hour ago, and my eyes are still having trouble focusing.”https://t.co/ATpqf2uxC7
2022-09-03 16:32:56 RT @biomathematicus: In the 19th century we learned that we should filter the water. Diarrhea does not have to be normal. In the 21st ce…
2022-09-03 00:10:14 RT @TorinMonahan: CFP: @SurvSoc_Journal is seeking scholarly and creative submissions for a special themed section of Surveillance &
2022-09-03 00:07:51 RT @leoniehaimson: Thread!
2022-09-02 14:54:50 RT @MarietjeSchaake: Great initiative by Nobel Peace Prize laureates @mariaressa and #dmitrymuratov and many civil society leaders ↘
2022-09-01 13:55:43 Explaining inflation: "central banks repeatedly interpreted supply shocks as temporary interruptions, not quasi-permanent hits to potential output."https://t.co/qNhl3sGVy7
2022-09-01 13:29:49 Great point on FTC's move toward a more empirically grounded approach to fair data practices. In the past, the agency failed to properly credit unquantified benefits of regulation. Now that these are recognized, much more action is necessary (see, e.g., https://t.co/Bvsqedb9C2). https://t.co/g7A6S8EZHd
2022-09-01 02:43:02 RT @AtifRMian: The floods in Pakistan are absolutely devastating - hammering some of the poorest in the worldIf you are inclined to help,…
2022-08-31 23:46:21 "Covid generated a kind of epidemiological aftershock by leaving people susceptible to a huge range of other conditions, threatening global health systems already struggling with insufficient resources and ageing populations." https://t.co/SiA2RBEnHc
2022-08-31 03:05:15 RT @TobyWalsh: "Earlier this month, the Cyberspace Administration of China published summaries of 30 core #algorithms belonging to two doze…
2022-08-31 01:50:06 “They are seeing contracts for AI work that give tech companies the right to use an actor’s likeness or voice irrevocably and in perpetuity. Non-disclosure agreements are also common.” https://t.co/oaDABYzS9G
2022-08-30 16:48:19 “In a predictive paradigm, social problems are made conceivable only as objects of calculative control—control that can never be fulfilled but that persists as an eternally deferred and recycled horizon.” https://t.co/mPnkjT504z
2022-08-30 13:09:56 “There are at least 4 models for risk regulation, each with divergent goals &
2022-08-30 00:55:39 RT @drgregkelly: Well done Belgium, taking huge steps towards safe indoor air for all and recognising it will help not just against covid b…
2022-08-30 00:53:06 “Tech-savvy propagandists could use the technology to churn out targeted misinformation on a vast scale, distorting the political process in ways we won’t see coming.” https://t.co/zBT3gEv44Z
2022-08-30 00:51:35 “In a post-Tornado Cash world…it isn’t at all clear whether it is legal under US law for a ‘validator,’ the Proof of Stake replacement for miners, to approve a block that contains a transaction to or from a sanctioned address.”https://t.co/Gz26yljHHK
2022-08-30 00:23:44 RT @FTC: FTC releases final agenda for public forum on commercial surveillance and lax data security practices. September forum will help i…
2022-08-29 19:27:41 RT @guardian: French tax officials use AI to spot 20,000 undeclared pools https://t.co/dFjQZTyXEb
2022-08-29 13:06:13 “Vertical deals are a particular problem in digital markets…since big tech companies have the power to shut out rival apps that rely on access to their platforms…[Data] acquired in one market could be used by these companies against competitors.”https://t.co/q79srznF5d
2022-08-29 02:00:22 RT @AIHI_MQ: Check out the "International workshop - Towards Transparent &
2022-08-28 22:22:48 RT @TorinMonahan: This semester, I’m lucky to be teaching new course on “TECHNOLOGY &
2022-08-26 18:52:00 RT @tnewmstweet: Check out the research @WillySolis357, @dcalacci, &
2022-08-26 15:14:52 “This combines the most extreme intensity with the most extreme length with an incredibly huge area all at the same time. There is nothing in world climatic history which is even minimally comparable to what is happening in China.” https://t.co/QyBZDcC99T
2022-08-26 13:05:18 RT @JagmeetS13: The Indian government, and major app store operators like Google, are scrambling to get a handle on apps that have been col…
2022-08-26 02:45:00 Secret algorithms strike again. Time to make credit scoring (&
2022-08-26 01:40:03 “Some researchers have begun to reframe the core question: not how much screen time is too much, but which activities known to be healthful might screen time be displacing?” https://t.co/ethce2EhBA
2022-08-26 00:45:49 RT @APndrgrst: The @BWB_NZ book that @k_pendergrast and I edited, "More Zeros and Ones: Digital Technology, Maintenance and Equity in Aotea…
2022-08-26 00:09:29 RT @SilvermanJacob: Delighted to see the growing list of speakers for the Crypto Policy Symposium, Sept 5 and 6. A wide range of subjects a…
2022-08-25 19:03:38 “Many people assume if that product is sold in the United States of America, somebody has inspected it, and it must be safe. Unfortunately, that’s not always true.” https://t.co/5XEtX6xLXE
2022-08-25 18:59:16 On AI accent-switching (not erasure
2022-08-25 18:54:32 “This paper categorizes the history of internet research into three periods: (1) the internet as a virtual reality, spanning from the 1990s to 2000
2022-08-25 17:59:35 @grohmann_rafael @UofT Congratulations!
2022-08-25 17:21:56 @random_walker @sayashk Congratulations! Really looking forward to this.
2022-08-25 16:15:02 “As sites of cultural production and expression, inclusion and exclusion matter profoundly. It is no longer enough to create a space for users to come together
2022-08-25 13:56:37 RT @mireillemoret: Key postdoc position open for a lawyer with keen interest in fundamental rights impact assessment of AI and more, see ht…
2022-08-25 12:44:54 “A central shift in thinking, many say, is that climate change has moved faster than foreseen, and in less predictable ways, raising the urgency of government intervention. In addition, technologies like solar panels and batteries are cheap and abundant” https://t.co/sHyN1eVNnh
2022-08-25 10:21:27 “Numerous start-ups have accused Amazon of acquiring their technology to launch competing products. And Google has snapped up hundreds of would be competitors.” https://t.co/3ACMHFTp0r
2022-08-25 02:12:36 @JacquelineUWA @uwanews Congratulations!
2022-08-25 00:46:11 “The Food and Drug Administration has taken steps to develop a model for evaluating AI, but it is still in its early days.” https://t.co/O7K2R8GAtv
2022-08-24 03:11:55 RT @LMSacasas: Philosopher Don Ihde on techno-science criticism. https://t.co/lbdiNfpCN8
2022-08-23 22:22:40 A reader of Charles Taylor's "The Language Animal: The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity" might conclude that they cannot come close to the best of human-level use of language, either. https://t.co/HQCWmISnWi
2022-08-23 20:21:58 “The Bayesian revolution taught the world how to use any available data as evidence to produce predictions instead of theories.” https://t.co/LikRG1esrn
2022-08-19 20:49:24 RT @cscolari: #NewBook "Datafication of Public Opinion and the Public Sphere. How Extraction Replaced Expression of Opinion" by Slavko Spli…
2022-08-18 23:04:20 RT @EricTopol: Another step towards a pan-sarbecovirus, variant-proof vaccine. There are now >
2022-08-18 16:23:44 @SandraWachter5 @oiioxford @UniofOxford Congratulations!! Terrific news!
2022-08-17 16:30:35 RT @johnbasl: Very excited to announce that our "Summer Training Program to Expand the AI and Data Ethics Research Community" grant has bee…
2022-08-16 00:25:57 “The working world’s new clocks are just wrong: inept at capturing offline activity, unreliable at assessing hard-to-quantify tasks and prone to undermining the work itself.”https://t.co/kydXQessFc
2022-08-15 01:31:37 @prof_marsden @AdmsCentre Thank you! Yes, a very well-curated conference.
2022-08-14 17:26:55 RT @nils_gilman: On the yawning ethical gulf between (a) those worried about the “existential risks” posed by hypothetical technology over…
2022-08-14 11:44:57 RT @leahhenrickson: This lecture by @FrankPasquale offers a really clear overview of some of the many issues with computational systems use…
2022-08-14 11:44:48 RT @nnniccc: A couple of weeks ago we launched @DGTL_CulturesUQ with this wonderful talk from @FrankPasquale on affective computing https:…
2022-08-12 19:48:19 @PaulRye12 Ah, perfect! I hope it's an enjoyable read. Good luck on your project for engineering ethics and policy, too!
2022-08-12 13:34:11 “If you get hit by a bus, and it costs thousands to save you (or fail to), both you and the bus driver have made a positive contribution to GDP.”https://t.co/d2CLusrbBl
2022-08-11 21:34:43 "Without a critical human rights analysis, use of automated decision-making may result in infringements on a variety of rights, including the rights to equality and non-discrimination
2022-08-11 18:03:43 RT @knightcolumbia: Just published in our Data&
2022-08-11 17:49:49 RT @linakhanFTC: 1. Firms track &
2022-08-11 15:04:36 RT @emollick: Noise pollution is worse than you think: a 10db noise increase (from dishwasher to vacuum) drops productivity by 5%. But YOU…
2022-08-11 01:37:52 “Machines which imitate are not necessarily learning. The axiom that babies learn by imitation isn’t scientifically backed—it is posited, but there isn’t yet sufficient evidence.” https://t.co/N4dWL4ouUT
2022-08-10 18:38:57 RT @BedoyaFTC: 1/ We talk a lot about the latest implications of the latest technology. I think we need to take a step back and ask: Who’s…
2022-08-10 15:20:04 RT @GaryMarcus: Tesla’s self-driving technology fails to detect children in the road, tests find https://t.co/2NZV2ZU0Pp
2022-08-08 20:11:02 RT @BigDataSoc: Big Data and Society Colloquium (Aug-Sep 2022)To promote scholar exchange around data studies, BD&
2022-08-08 20:01:32 RT @lyria1: Good questions for technology- And there are questions posed, ones we should spend much more time and energy trying to answer:…
2022-08-08 19:49:48 “Crypto contains all of the risks of traditional finance—without meaningful regulation and with a commitment to anonymity. For those reasons, crypto is also a space of impunity.” https://t.co/T9zJpSloWn
2022-08-08 19:47:03 RT @sivavaid: @elipariser @ezraklein @JonHaidt If you want sophisticated, empirically informed work on how digital ecosystems and platforms…
2022-08-08 19:45:00 @sivavaid @normative @CaseyNewton @ezraklein @riankasingh @sarahrsharma @nancybaym @ftripodi @JuliaTicona1 Thanks so much, Siva! I am so grateful for your mapping this landscape &
2022-08-08 15:29:12 “American culture remains deeply uncomfortable with technological critique. There is something akin to an immune system against it: You get called a Luddite, an alarmist.” https://t.co/j9tC4NZRID
2022-08-07 00:54:00 “Social media has further fractured the conversation, creating spaces for sets of alternative facts for specific audiences.” https://t.co/M8UjNO9F4b
2022-08-06 20:08:45 @lilianedwards Shapiro &
2022-08-06 15:47:26 Shapiro &
2022-08-06 14:48:40 There are speculative “bubbles that have a community or constituency associated with them, a constituency of people who are committed, consciously or otherwise, effectively or otherwise, to the validation of the bubble, to sustaining it into the future.” https://t.co/qFSnmDnxAu
2022-08-06 14:38:06 Counterfeiting humanity: “As this technology continues to improve, it could help spread disinformation across the internet — fake text and fake images — feeding the kind of online campaigns that may have helped sway the 2016 presidential election.” https://t.co/b9SogWYrpe
2022-08-06 14:37:30 RT @moorejh: U.S. appeals court says artificial intelligence can't be patent inventor | Reuters https://t.co/gY26T0wbRi
2022-08-05 23:31:36 Having experienced meetings like this with researchers at Sydney &
2022-08-05 23:21:36 "Devising and refining market rules is not an alien intervention into a pristine free market, but rather a prerequisite to properly functioning markets." https://t.co/EyBd2dv8v9
2022-08-05 19:32:10 “Owners can buy a special kit for US $1,400 that allows them to access data on their own car's event data recorder, but this represents just a tiny subset of the data the company collects, and is related only to crashes.” https://t.co/9tKTIqBGJr
2022-08-05 18:03:51 The Green Bank “would arrange deals with private and community lenders for deploying heat pumps, solar panels, and other devices in neighborhoods that large private banks often deem subprime, or too small to be worth investing in.” https://t.co/34zxLKLho6
2022-08-05 17:59:53 “Volkswagen doubled down by aggressively promoting its cars as environmentally virtuous. That strategy elevated the emissions cheating from a…violation of regulations to a gigantic consumer fraud.” https://t.co/EOkdzHftzk
2022-08-05 17:49:50 “Whatever else ideologies may be--projections of unacknowledged fears, disguises for ulterior motives, phatic expressions of group solidarity--they are, most distinctively, maps of problematic…reality &
2022-07-27 01:30:49 “Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook owner Meta are expanding their data centre empires to meet soaring demand, including laying vast international fibre networks under the ocean.” https://t.co/fdA7KwiMwU
2022-07-27 01:28:23 Oligopolies and monopolies in the communication sector have “been formed through vertical and horizontal integration, conditioned by national and world markets of profit rates, capital flows, and technological developments.” https://t.co/CKKaUdCZjC
2022-07-27 01:24:44 Image indigestion: Consider DALL-E as “the synthetic pulp of millions of pictures that were once uploaded to the internet for some other purpose, chewed up, and regurgitated by a neural net.”https://t.co/J3kqKgPuvh
2022-07-26 22:32:08 RT @ACLU_NorCal: A lot’s being said about the American Data Privacy and Protection Act.But not nearly enough on how it dismantles current…
2022-07-26 22:15:44 @JaumeTeixi Also tragic here: all one needs to move pieces is magnets under the board. No need for a dangerous piece/finger grabber. But the anthropomorphic mystique is so strong that they waste time building an arm where a much cheaper &
2022-07-25 10:18:51 @yvessj_aquino @Sydney_Ideas @JustinSkowno @kim_weatherall @DiagnosingML @stacymcarter Thank you! I look forward to learning more from your work &
2022-07-25 10:18:13 @pantherarosso @yvessj_aquino @Sydney_Ideas @JustinSkowno @kim_weatherall @DiagnosingML @stacymcarter To paraphrase my take on lethal autonomous weapons systems in New Laws of Robotics: the key question is how to ensure not just norms and laws proscribing particularly destructive weaponry, but also the economic and reputational expense of pursuing them. Global drawdown necessary.
2022-07-25 10:12:42 "Extractive siphoning of wealth reduces productive capacity, disrupts supply chains, and increases cost-push price pressures while placing a downward pressure on real wages for many." https://t.co/efaD4O77Dm
2022-07-25 10:11:06 RT @meadwaj: Written on the inadequacy of mainstream economic models and instutitional failures in a world of permanent crisis. Planning fo…
2022-07-25 09:42:24 RT @yvessj_aquino: Wonderful @Sydney_Ideas conversation with @FrankPasquale, @JustinSkowno and @kim_weatherall regarding medical #artificia…
2022-07-25 02:28:28 RT @SydneyLawSchool: @Sydney_Ideas WEBINAR: How is #AI changing medical practice? Leading author &
2022-07-25 01:43:51 RT @kim_weatherall: **TONIGHT** @ 6pm: @FrankPasquale on how AI is changing medicine: a free, online @Sydney_Ideas and @AdmsCentre event. I…
2022-07-21 06:04:18 Very lucid presentation of it by @henryfraserecho at #adms2022 @AdmsCentre https://t.co/NixaGNEtzY
2022-07-21 06:04:16 Worried about harmful &
2022-07-21 04:31:22 @kim_weatherall Thank you, Kim—I very much look forward to the conversation!
2022-07-21 04:30:00 RT @kim_weatherall: We made the tricky decision to take @FrankPasquale's big public talk *online* - we don't want to put anyone's health a…
2022-07-21 01:09:02 RT @DALupton: Wonderful that we are launching our book today at #adms2022 @AdmsCentre Symposium!
2022-07-21 01:06:44 RT @BrunessenB: An incredible keynote by Frank Pasquale: The Generative Potential of Rights to Information Access in an Era of Digitized Ju…
2022-07-21 01:06:07 RT @Wenbinters: really excited this is out! last fall, @JcMalgieri and @FrankPasquale spoke at @EPICprivacy’s symposium on actualizing AI r…
2022-07-21 01:05:57 @iFrankFagan Thank you! I really appreciate this concise summary of the argument, too.
2022-07-21 01:05:12 RT @iFrankFagan: Gianclaudio Malgieri (EDHEC
2022-07-21 00:21:15 @pwh67 Thank you, Paul!
2022-07-21 00:13:24 RT @kim_weatherall: Yeung also notes that technical standard setting bodies are NGO private organisations. Dominated in practice by powerfu…
2022-07-21 00:06:53 @ChrisTMarsden Thanks, Chris! Much appreciated!
2022-07-20 23:49:11 Very illuminating keynote by Karen Yeung (chaired by @prof_christine) on the proposed EU AI Act. One red flag she notes: public authorities would be two steps removed from core regulatory functions. #adms2022 @AdmsCentre https://t.co/La6F8SIUuC
2022-07-20 21:59:08 “Robotic systems have all the problems that software systems have, plus their embodiment adds the risk of causing irreversible physical harm
2022-07-20 08:30:00 RT @BenPatrickWill: Latest article out this week on Amazon's global influence in education, part of a terrific symposium @harvard_ed_pub on…
2022-07-20 08:26:18 @chipershot @RMIT @AdmsCentre Thank you! It’s a long struggle but there’s definitely been progress since 2015. Hoping for more!
2022-07-20 06:24:17 Excellent panel on algorithmic recommender systems at Automated Societies conference @RMIT #ADMS2022 @AdmsCentre https://t.co/ovMNOhU7n0
2022-07-20 06:20:36 RT @thao_pow: The inimitable @jathansadowski repping our Automating Precarity project team at the @AdmsCentre symposium! We're still on the…
2022-07-20 06:16:54 @BrunessenB @AdmsCentre Thanks very much!
2022-07-20 04:31:22 @ErinLTurner @CAIDE_UoM Thank you!
2022-07-17 05:04:50 @goofing_of Of possible interest @yaneerbaryam
2022-07-17 04:55:01 There are at least “three possible pathways to expand the scope of anti-discrimination law to include algorithmic groups.” https://t.co/dFGazIF64j
2022-07-17 04:51:37 “Failure to protect the data exposes citizens to problems like fraud and extortion, and threatens to erode people’s willingness to comply with surveillance.” https://t.co/WsAkcV2fjE
2022-07-17 04:49:14 “The right of access is an important tool that private individuals can use to monitor controllers’ compliance with the general principles governing the processing of personal data.”https://t.co/zirCY2xZgf
2022-07-17 04:46:45 Really troubling COVID findings. https://t.co/sExpuHLdT8
2022-07-16 23:16:34 “Ballard can be located in a diffuse body of twentieth-century thought concerned with the multiplex impact of technology on human subjectivity, systems of belief, and social institutions.” https://t.co/ljjecYlSEA
2022-07-16 09:39:25 @JMPaters @CAIDE_UoM @AdmsCentre Thank you! Looking forward to it!
2022-07-16 09:39:01 RT @JMPaters: Data access in the age of automated decision making? Hear from the always wise @FrankPasquale with @CAIDE_UoM and @AdmsCentre…
2022-07-14 23:35:13 RT @_aloisi: Our book is out today!https://t.co/USDD3NWZjpIt provides a guide to navigate #algorithmicmanagement and work in the #pla…
2022-07-11 19:11:18 RT @How2CrackANut: Algorithmic transparency: some thoughts on UK's first four published disclosures and the standards' usability https://t…
2022-07-10 00:14:55 RT @CT_Bergstrom: It’s never Friday when I want to recommend someone to follow, but today it just happens to be. #FollowFriday: My collea…
2022-07-09 00:23:00 “While 70 per cent of countries were using contracts with price indexation in 1975, barely 10 per cent did in 2015. Similarly, while more than 90 per cent of countries had some wage co-ordination in 1980, by 2020 it was only 60 per cent.” https://t.co/4T8xCLtElG #inflation
2022-07-08 21:12:08 How did 10 million annual air pollution deaths become normal?"Acclimatization comes easily, and when it comes to disruptive change, normalization is the cheapest adaptation of all."https://t.co/32TpBW3tDR#Hypernormalization
2022-07-08 20:37:32 RT @SandraWachter5: What if using the wrong browser costs you your job? What if scrolling too slow leads to loan rejections? What if the wr…
2022-07-08 19:10:21 Good thread on crypto enthusiasts’ promises of “financial inclusion,” &
2022-07-08 14:58:00 RT @RealBankReform: There was so much to learn from @dgolumbia, @DarrickHamilton, @MicheleGillia17, and @Miercoles_Hays who spoke about the…
2022-07-08 01:50:07 Misinformation undercuts responses to “public health emergencies. Human traffickers sow falsehoods to steer immigrants on dangerous journeys across the southern border. Conspiracy theories beget violence against state and local election workers.”https://t.co/i85aK7aU3g
2022-07-08 00:44:31 Very important work by @CFPB: "CFPB has warned banks that they need to be able to clearly explain why they are denying people credit, even if those decisions are made by an algorithm. The technologists who were part of the pilot team have been critical to that work." https://t.co/0Z1RzF71kl
2022-07-08 00:23:36 @ChrisTMarsden @CAIDE_UoM @AdmsCentre @scigallerymel Thanks, Chris! Will be great to see you there!!
2022-07-08 00:23:16 RT @CAIDE_UoM: Author of "The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and Information" Prof Frank Pasquale @FrankPasqua…
2022-07-08 00:23:04 @MuhammedKambal @SandraWachter5 Thank you! And I'll definitely be bookmarking this thread!
2022-07-08 00:01:56 RT @JesseDrucker: 1/ Here’s my new article: the conflict between Big 4 accounting firms' role setting up tax shelters – and then signing o…
2022-07-07 13:50:44 @kim_weatherall Thanks, Kim--will be great to see you then! And I'm very much looking forward to a discussion with a clinician on future directions here.
2022-07-07 13:48:05 RT @kim_weatherall: Extremely excited to have @FrankPasquale visiting us 25-26 July, and presenting at what should be an extremely interest…
2022-07-06 21:25:58 RT @Neil_Selwyn: Education and the New Laws of Robotics’ -transcript of my recent interview with @FrankPasquale about his thoughts around…
2022-07-06 14:57:34 "Requiring legislative authorisation for regulation that addresses 'major questions' is tantamount to shelving it. That means the US government’s ability to address novel policy issues has been badly hamstrung."https://t.co/UVTwGvdAEU
2022-07-06 11:05:10 “Crypto and stablecoins lead to a fragmented and fragile monetary system. These flaws derive from the underlying economics of incentives, not from technological constraints.” https://t.co/7xVGVSVHn4
2022-07-05 21:43:30 @JcMalgieri @eLaw_Leiden @UniLeiden @BPrivacyHub @EDHEC_BSchool Congratulations to you &
2022-07-05 20:17:31 RT @Wenbinters: NEW page up @EPICprivacy w/ more docs from several states about a predictive algorithm used in public benefits, which track…
2022-07-05 20:08:34 A "data tax can (1) mitigate some of the failures of income taxes in a globalized data-based economy, and (2) serve to alleviate some of the externalities of a data-based economy."https://t.co/zgu900CnsBExcellent ideas from @Omri_Marian here.
2022-07-05 20:05:21 "We cannot allow ourselves to be continually distracted by technological fantasies that delay the collective solutions we already know are effective."https://t.co/w2E9GeDe8U
2022-07-05 16:20:12 RT @DigiEconomist: The crypto crash is having a (so far) lasting impact on related carbon emissions. 150,000 metric tonnes of CO2 are avoid…
2022-07-05 14:36:09 @dgolumbia I'm thinking of Thomas Frank's The Wrecking Crew, or Michael Lewis's Fifth Risk. Putting this guy in charge of higher ed policy would be like putting an avowed enemy of campaign finance regulation on the FEC...a GOP move of about 20 years vintage, if not more.
2022-07-05 14:14:21 RT @CiTiP_KULeuven: #Accuracy is gaining momentum as a concept in the context of data and AI regulation. But what does ‘accuracy’ mean? Our…
2022-07-05 14:11:20 RT @EPirkova: And so it happened. The Digital Services Act received its final green light from the @Europarl_EN. The #DSA represents a tur…
2022-07-05 01:01:02 RT @grnsurveillance: Really delighted to converse with @APonceETUI on such relevant topics at the intersection of #AI and tech developments…
2022-07-05 00:29:18 "These findings exemplify two underlying limitations of ML models: the models can propagate existing healthcare biases on a large scale, and insufficient diversity in the training datasets can lead to an inadequate generalization of model outputs to different patient populations" https://t.co/cfSLlWiiul
2022-07-04 18:46:38 “We’re used to the notion of the separation of powers, the split between the judiciary, the executive, and the legislature. This is a commonplace in modern constitutionalism. Hobbes’s view is that that’s a myth. One of those powers must be the greatest.”https://t.co/145Y0abH3w
2022-07-03 20:06:45 RT @syllabus_tweets: How do we start anticipating and designing for messes, instead of trying to make things neater and presume everything…
2022-07-03 17:31:14 “Video as a medium maximizes the affective potential of images of home. Music, camerawork, montage, and oftentimes whimsical captions and narration intensify the experience of home as feeling, something text cannot fully stimulate” for most. https://t.co/9LXdnAus5s
2022-07-02 22:58:00 RT @Abebab: this should be an interesting workshop. i suspect much of the issue springs from the non-predictable nature of these phenomen…
2022-07-02 22:18:42 "Reality" doesn't automatically translate into some 'correct' data set. It always exceeds what can be measured, and what is measured becomes a kind of argument for a particular understanding of reality." https://t.co/3vvCIIB020
2022-07-02 21:01:46 RT @CUP_Law: "Extraordinary in the level of intellectual creativity and multi-disciplinary innovation it brings to the study of administrat…
2022-07-02 00:46:04 RT @_ClaireConnelly: ‘Profits are now the highest-ever share of Australia’s GDP, while wage shares are at historic lows.’Me on how profit…
2022-07-01 23:49:37 @mmitchell_ai @bengansky @jackayline No problem! I think my critiques of opacity may have been pointed to. But I think your work @mmitchell_ai is crucial for addressing it (and much else!). @bengansky, perhaps this model https://t.co/SyxjnwQ6jO bringing in assistance to individuals, may help address your concerns.
2022-07-01 19:58:21 “The U.S. gets less and less every year for every dollar spent on construction. This means decline.” https://t.co/dY6Uxha1M3
2022-07-01 13:48:32 RT @Elibietti: *very* exciting event!
2022-06-30 21:43:37 @ProfShirleyLin @brooklynlaw Hurray! And welcome! We’re thrilled you’re joining the faculty.
2022-06-30 13:19:28 RT @AdaLovelaceInst: As biometrics move into more aspects of our lives, Ada has conducted a three-year programme of research with experts,…
2022-06-29 22:25:28 @savasavasava @YorkUeducation Congratulations! Wonderful news.
2022-06-28 05:33:38 @EnglishOER Thank you!
2022-06-28 05:33:17 @MadamePratolung Thank you!
2022-06-27 18:40:50 RT @CoHuBiCoL1: Registration is now open for #CRCL22 ("Computational 'law' on edge"), taking place 3-4 November in BrusselsReserve your f…
2022-06-27 18:37:57 RT @random_walker: I can't tell you how many times I've talked to energetic students with great ideas about what's wrong with our instituti…
2022-06-27 12:57:22 RT @RolandReckons: Facebook is bombarding cancer patients with ads for unproven treatments https://t.co/FYXUbhAizg
2022-06-27 07:39:56 “By its very design, blockchain technology is poorly suited for just about every purpose currently touted as a present or potential source of public benefit. From its inception, this technology has been a solution in search of a problem.”https://t.co/SfqnDnfvEV
2022-06-27 07:38:53 “We know LaMDA is not conscious because we know its not sentient, and we know its not sentient because we know what sentience is and that it requires a body. And we know LaMDA doesn’t have one.” https://t.co/xurfn4wPPr
2022-06-27 07:37:59 “When predictive algorithms or so-called 'AI' are so widely used, it can be difficult to recognise that these predictions are often based on little more than rapid regurgitation of crowdsourced opinions, stereotypes, or lies.” https://t.co/ffcfs4wFnm
2022-06-27 07:37:03 @sandeepvaheesan @SarangBerkeley Thank you, Sandeep! Overcoming this fragmentation has been a signal achievement of the new antitrust movement. As with Pistor’s Code of Capital. Holistic &
2022-06-27 07:32:37 RT @alondra:
2022-06-27 07:32:17 RT @NathalieSmuha: Important reminder that governments need not rely on sophisticated #AI to undertake discriminatory risk assessments. A s…
2022-06-23 19:50:07 Many thanks to @VictoriaTrape for conducting this interview--an excellent set of questions on law &
2022-06-23 13:35:12 RT @rajiinio: In all the excitement of #FAccT22, I forgot to actually announce what I'll be presenting! Fortunate to be involved with 3 pap…
2022-06-22 12:15:54 @rafa_zanatta @idec @ddoneda @daniellecitron Thank you, Rafael! I was honored to present and appreciate your and others’ great questions!
2022-06-21 19:41:51 RT @dsimshaw: #ArtificialIntelligence has the potential to widen or help narrow the #AccessToJustice gap. My new article in @YJoLT offers a…
2022-06-21 17:32:31 @KBHeylen @nnniccc @HASSUQ I will ask about that – I hope we can make it work!
2022-06-21 14:05:10 RT @bhamlaw: #AcademicJobs #AcademicTwitter, @bhamlaw School has a #vacancy for a Postdoc on Algorithmic Governance to work with world-le…
2022-06-20 23:27:30 RT @nnniccc: We're launching Digital Cultures and Societies at @HASSUQ in 2022 with a public talk from @FrankPasquale 'Interrogating Emotio…
2022-06-18 20:47:46 “The airlines know that their crews are not adequate to handle their existing flight schedules,” says William McGee, an FAA-licensed aircraft dispatcher. “That’s why we see so many last-minute cancellations.”https://t.co/tN0BGCVVcN
2022-06-18 19:35:37 “The drastic sell-offs show how intertwined and complex the crypto markets have become in recent years…as investors flee to less risky assets, this creates a cascade effect on top of the contagion effect”https://t.co/y25aWfu2gT
2022-06-18 19:33:21 Discorrelated images are “affective, impacting the body rather than consciousness
2022-06-18 19:14:21 Big congratulations to @ma_franks &
2022-06-18 19:09:38 “Celsius is not the first crypto exchange to have offered insanely high yields to customers, only to buckle when it couldn’t meet those obligations. There’s a reason traditional banks don’t offer such lofty yield percentages.” https://t.co/l16jnO2Ttg
2022-06-18 19:07:51 Sensory diversity means that “all is not as it seems and that everything we experience is but a filtered version of everything that we could experience. It reminds us that there is light in darkness, noise in silence, richness in nothingness.” https://t.co/0MZBPmIIAf
2022-06-18 12:48:41 RT @jasminchill: So let’s unpack some of this a little bit – why does #intent and #trust matter when we’re simply building a chatbot or a c…
2022-06-18 12:47:49 RT @Pip__T: This is what the artwork 'Arcadia' sought to critique (via @mckenziewark &
2022-06-18 12:47:34 RT @reneemhutchins: Thank you @FrankPasquale! I was just lamenting the other day that FB can lull users into believing their passive transm…
2022-06-18 12:47:21 @reneemhutchins Yes, I agree that’s the root of the problem! Hopefully these studies motivate more constructive disengagement over time.
2022-06-18 11:37:28 “The researchers find a large negative effect of the launch of Facebook on mental health — somewhere between one-quarter and one-fifth as bad as the effect of losing one’s job.” https://t.co/eRQnk0sLQF
2022-06-18 11:33:34 “The shopping malls of the internet – Google, Facebook, Amazon – are …privately owned public spaces. Calling themselves platforms, they are in fact corporate enclosures, with a wide range of interactions transpiring inside of them.”https://t.co/CZ7TU8K7ka
2022-06-16 08:52:51 RT @Jausl00s: .@PaulNemitz calling on DPAs to get fighting. Hire people with litigation experience. And importantly: PUT THE BURDEN OF PROO…
2022-06-16 08:44:47 RT @aznfusion: I wrote about the tiny pumpkin toadlet, which is too tiny () to land any of its jumps ()https://t.co/BJyOOUN6W3 https://t…
2022-06-16 08:02:19 RT @BPrivacyHub: Check out our latest publications:Working Paper ‘From Transparency to Justification: Toward Ex Ante Accountability for…
2022-06-16 06:59:13 &
2022-06-16 06:54:38 RT @EeHRN: “If people were suckers for a #chatbot as simple as ELIZA years ago, how hard will it be to persuade millions that an [#AI one i…
2022-06-16 06:47:58 LLMs as Wilson the Volleyball: “It’s been known for forever that humans are predisposed to anthropomorphise even with only the shallowest of signals . . . Google engineers are human too, and not immune.” https://t.co/MvqtoznEwF https://t.co/42q3juY9QN
2022-06-16 06:01:49 RT @UpolEhsan: When an algorithm causes harm, is discontinuing it enough to address its harms?Our #FAccT2022 paper introduces the conce…
2022-06-16 05:22:58 RT @carlesplb: "Hay tantas evidencias de discriminación en las fronteras que es difícil imaginar que la IA pueda hacer esa tarea sin superv…
2022-06-16 05:21:55 RT @Kobotic: @emilymbender nails it. @FrankPasquale warned of it.https://t.co/f35tXBhDsf
2022-06-16 05:20:58 RT @AresCases: Qué corta se hizo ayer la hora y media con @Amparo y @FrankPasquale en @CaixaForum. "¿Quién nos asiste en los mundos virtual…
2022-06-16 05:16:13 “If people were suckers for a chatbot as simple as ELIZA decades ago, he says, how hard will it be to persuade millions that an emulated person deserves protection or money?” https://t.co/avDfX5urXy
2022-06-13 10:40:10 RT @comunicacioUPF: Frank Pasquale (@FrankPasquale), expert en intel·ligència artificial, algoritmes i aprenentatge automàtic, impartirà el…
2022-06-13 10:39:56 RT @Amparo: Por si fuera de vuestro interés, este martes 14/06 en Caixaforum Macaya, Barcelona, con @FrankPasquale sobre vigilancia y priva…
2022-06-13 10:39:39 RT @CoHuBiCoL1: Hildebrandt and Dushi take part in the ‘Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act’ workshop (13 June 2022): In April 2021…
2022-06-12 23:05:41 Good thread here, related:Cc @GaryMarcus https://t.co/IJcaBRdJWo
2022-06-12 22:56:54 He seems to treat LaMDA “as if it were a family member or a colleague. (Newsflash: it’s not
2022-06-11 23:31:13 RT @rcalo: If true this is on par with Volkswagen emissions. Companies cannot be allowed to hide crimes in code.
2022-06-10 18:17:01 @mantelero Congratulations! Looks fascinating.
2022-06-10 16:06:37 RT @markverstraete: Just posted on SSRN: Lilla Montagnani and I examine the theory underlying personal data and discuss the relationship be…
2022-06-10 15:10:34 RT @JTGathii: Call for Papers: The Challenge of Rendering Practical Legal Reasoning Through Computational Systems https://t.co/8HwM3uGDlb @…
2022-06-09 21:03:15 “Rising mortgage rates and house prices mean that it is 55% more expensive to purchase a home than it was a year ago.” https://t.co/qo81xFqZKL
2022-06-08 22:02:55 “The new paper adds to a growing collection of data-based research that shows Facebook has consistently amplified content from conservative accounts. It is the first to suggest an algorithm change announced by Facebook in 2018 amplified Republican causes at a hyper-local level.” https://t.co/pQwDtzy3uN
2022-06-08 19:27:29 RT @LawrenceGostin: It's a travesty that Congress has stalled urgent COVID-19 supp'l funding. Biden requested $22.5 bil, the Senate support…
2022-06-08 16:45:12 @MadamePratolung Thank you! I really appreciate your encapsulation of those messages/warnings from the book.
2022-06-08 16:44:13 RT @MadamePratolung: Reading @FrankPasquale's NEW LAWS OF ROBOTICS &
2022-06-08 16:07:34 RT @dwallacewells: Yesterday I published a long piece taking stock of the global food crisis, which looks to be grim already and getting wo…
2022-06-07 21:12:39 RT @jud1ths1mon: Please join us tomorrow evening at 6:15 (CEST) for fabulous @ShannonVallor‘s talk "The AI Mirror: Reclaiming our Humanity…
2022-06-07 20:05:09 RT @rostam_neuwirth: very happy to see that my forthcoming book now also has a "face" (cover)!https://t.co/n3B5W5Drfa https://t.co/vUwd09p…
2022-06-07 10:02:55 RT @MoritzBuchi: What should ‘digital literacy’ look like in an age of algorithms and AI?https://t.co/ZVlVGapCeh@Neil_Selwyn @MediaLSE @L…
2022-06-06 22:52:57 "We must compel issuers and distributors of stablecoins to come out of the shadows and follow the rules that govern banks. We must require stablecoin providers to obtain bank charters and fulfill requirements for government deposit insurance."https://t.co/sigldKmzKa
2022-06-06 19:29:54 RT @NBCNews: Axon, the company best known for developing the Taser, says it is halting plans to develop a Taser-equipped drone after a majo…
2022-06-06 14:52:18 “Platform creators are not transparent about the real goal of the memory feature and the damage they cause to our connection with the past as they monetize our engagement.” https://t.co/fPQ8OIWNYM
2022-06-06 13:09:04 “Industrial guidance funds can finance start-ups, but unlike U.S. VC funds, they also provide patient capital for the scale-up of hardware technologies and capital-heavy advanced manufacturing.” https://t.co/SJQIFtCFPS
2022-06-06 13:07:09 RT @STOmarova: A super helpful thread from my brilliant colleague on the fundamental legal uncertainties involved in NFT ‘theft’:
2022-06-05 15:43:40 “Crypto has generally grown through finding ever larger pools of new customers. But this latest bust might be so huge, and so widespread, that there are few new customers to find.” https://t.co/CV6IPgXGpt
2022-06-05 14:47:00 @jlev @sivavaid Yes I almost tweeted that, too! Very insightful.
2022-06-05 11:33:25 If 20th century democracy, “and especially the comparatively egalitarian thirty years following the Second World War, turns out to have been a blip, that would unsettle much else that sociology has taken for granted about modernity.”https://t.co/tTJXGkgnex
2022-06-04 19:23:29 RT @jemimajoanna: Tried to write a sober column about the farce that is crypto. Woz much hard. https://t.co/wmeL7YWZMH
2022-06-04 15:34:05 RT @doctorow: These price-annihilating "fire sales" are part of every bursting bubble, though they're especially bad in crypto, where smart…
2022-06-04 12:11:10 “Whatever the merit of the scientific aspirations originally encompassed by the term ‘artificial intelligence,’ it’s a phrase that now functions in the vernacular primarily to obfuscate, alienate, and glamorize.” https://t.co/QuNnD88kVd
2022-06-04 12:00:16 “Crypto fraud is spiraling out of control, regulators are paralyzed and people are getting hurt left and right.” https://t.co/wsa4ZbXPFR
2022-06-04 11:48:57 Black box : In pursuing the oligarch yacht “enablers, American and European investigators have confronted a deliberately confusing ownership structure involving daisy chains of shell companies stretching from the Marshall Islands to Switzerland.” https://t.co/a1QJjt6Ih5
2022-06-04 00:22:06 RT @mariachong: One of the best things I’ve read this year. An insightful essay on Zhuangzi, personal freedom, societal expectations, hermi…
2022-06-02 14:31:46 RT @t_matzner: Exciting conference on #XAI coming up in Bielefeld. Speakers: @ccansu @Karmacoma @pcimiano #ElenaEsposito @mireillemoret…
2022-06-01 14:25:41 RT @mzalnieriute: Read on tech hype in 'The Rule of Law "By Design"?' Tulane Law Review 2021, by @lyria1 @ProfGWilliams and mehttps://t.co…
2022-06-01 10:22:39 RT @aies_edinburgh: Incredibly excited to co-sponsor (with @CentreTMFutures) this in-person lecture with @Abebab on "The Limits of Fairness…
2022-05-31 15:03:53 RT @luke_stark: Pleased to say the offical version of @jevanhutson and I's "Physiognomic Artificial Intelligence" is now available in @Ford…
2022-05-31 09:22:43 RT @Birdyword: You know the USD is still the global reserve currency because nobody wanted a bitcoin swap line in March 2020.
2022-05-28 04:56:42 RT @wavesblog: “There is no exception for violating the law because a creditor is using technology that has not been adequately designed, t…
2022-05-28 04:56:34 RT @CFPB: Today, the CFPB confirmed that federal anti-discrimination law requires companies to explain specific reasons for denying an appl…
2022-05-26 09:53:28 RT @PJDunleavy: New study confirms that many EdTech companies exploit children's data and there is nothing to stop them | Media@LSE https:/…
2022-05-25 18:18:10 RT @iajunwa: "The next frontier in philanthropy that could change the landscape is the ability to donate personal data." The major issue…
2022-05-25 14:15:19 RT @Livingstone_S: New @FTC "Prohibition against mandatory collection of data: Ed tech vendors may not force students to disclose more pers…
2022-05-23 22:59:38 @MaryMay_ling @ETUI_org @APonceETUI Thank you—I so appreciate your generous words on the presentation!
2022-05-23 22:58:51 RT @MaryMay_ling: This is an absolute must watch for anyone who cares about the impact of AI on workers (should be everyone!). Priceless in…
2022-05-23 16:48:27 RT @JcMalgieri: Yesterday we launched #VULNERA the new Observatory on Vulnerable People in Data Protection! A project by @futureofprivacy &
2022-05-23 16:03:03 “Meta, Facebook’s parent company, recently said it would temporarily stop offering augmented reality filters in Texas and Illinois to avoid being sued under laws governing the use of biometric data.”https://t.co/x3ltFgjF7f
2022-05-22 13:34:10 “The Department of Transportation will ‘reward jurisdictions that have put in place land-use policies to promote density and rural main street revitalization with higher scores’ in applications for three Department of Transportation grant programs.”https://t.co/1OwObJMUri
2022-05-21 15:15:48 The sheer volume of online information, "combined with a lack of trust in institutions, and the ubiquity of ‘deconstructive debunkery,' has encouraged a proliferation of misleading counternarratives and conspiracy theories to explain everyday events."https://t.co/uGFfS8mVtt
2022-05-21 00:16:59 RT @BenPatrickWill: "Commercial surveillance cannot be a condition of doing schoolwork."Presumably a lot of edtech wriggling in next week…
2022-05-20 21:59:48 @SBPowles Yes, it is truly tragic. Best wishes to you for the continued success of your research on increasing or maintaining yields amidst these extremely adverse consequences.
2022-05-20 21:30:27 RT @mmitchell_ai: The data used in machine learning needs to be open for people to interrogate, while also controlled enough not to prolife…
2022-05-20 17:20:42 “A gargantuan heat wave over India and Pakistan is now in its third week. Just 12% of India’s population has air conditioning, but even those people are suffering. The heat has triggered power outages, created water shortages, and killed dozens.”https://t.co/0Dwu78IYMN
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-10-29 22:33:50 “Observing mechanism design in action in algorithmic environments, we argue it has become a tool for producing information domination, distributing social costs in ways that benefit designers, and controlling and coordinating participants in multi-sided platforms.” https://t.co/4lDIBi4LSj
2022-10-29 18:50:33 Pattern matching expert "analyzed more than 100,000 papers since 2014 and found apparent image duplication in 4,800 and similar evidence of error, cheating or other ethical problems in an additional 1,700."https://t.co/VKQBO6pAJi
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-10-29 22:33:50 “Observing mechanism design in action in algorithmic environments, we argue it has become a tool for producing information domination, distributing social costs in ways that benefit designers, and controlling and coordinating participants in multi-sided platforms.” https://t.co/4lDIBi4LSj
2022-10-29 18:50:33 Pattern matching expert "analyzed more than 100,000 papers since 2014 and found apparent image duplication in 4,800 and similar evidence of error, cheating or other ethical problems in an additional 1,700."https://t.co/VKQBO6pAJi
2022-10-27 23:42:04 RT @elijsanders: NEWS: Seattle Judge Douglass North has just ordered Meta to pay $24,660,000 to the State of Washington for 822 violations…
2022-10-27 14:27:23 RT @dwallacewells: Just ahead of COP27, the climate future looks both better and worse than it a few years ago. Belated action has made wor…
2022-10-26 23:45:01 “According to the International Federation of Robotics, the U.K. manufacturing industry has less technological automation than just about any other similarly rich country.” https://t.co/XfI6x9CzQm
2022-10-26 15:34:36 There are many risks inherent in “leveraging data without undertaking deeper analysis and making sure it comes from diverse sources. In machine learning, it leads to dangerously biased models. In philanthropy,” similar issues emerge.https://t.co/xyTcYoKoIV
2022-10-26 15:32:29 “The 140-character tweet is a literary form, like the haiku, and it trains experts to speak human. There’s also the nascent art of Twitter montages: combining words with the perfect image.” https://t.co/M4K6OXf6aa
2022-10-26 15:30:48 “Today’s fractious politics are leading to more regionalisation in the most strategic sectors, such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, agriculture and rare-earth minerals. Other shifts that have also made it less cost-efficient to outsource globally.”https://t.co/4eSse90Fkq
2022-10-26 15:29:24 “Even if new algorithms are designed on the basis of diverse image sets such as the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark, they are still vulnerable to being used for inherently harmful and oppressive purposes, such as the surveillance of minority communities.” https://t.co/8Z7jrr0Ccv
2022-10-26 14:57:44 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB took a major step to combat junk fees by issuing guidance about two common fee practices that may be unlaw…
2022-10-26 13:09:28 RT @mireillemoret: This
2022-10-26 02:11:20 “The number of meetings attended by employees rose 13.5% during the pandemic, even though research shows that 70% of all meetings keep employees from doing more productive work.” https://t.co/BX7b4nh8Of
2022-10-24 16:28:51 RT @m_mariastefania: The latest issue of the European Data Protection Law Review is out, including my review of "Industry Undbound: The Ins…
2022-10-23 01:36:05 RT @nils_gilman: “There is no longer a single global paradigm for capitalism, but a collection of local and regional paradigms to which com…
2022-10-21 16:25:15 RT @Prof_ERowe: Thank you to the faculty at @UWSchoolofLaw for a wonderful discussion of my forthcoming paper, Procuring Algorithmic Transp…
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-23 18:29:58 “While a few in the top tier are making millions, it’s rare to turn momfluencing into a great living. Some women will spend more money than they will ever make trying to become successful influencers.” https://t.co/JHr5NOLpwV
2022-11-23 18:02:39 RT @curious_founder: In my reporting on clean energy misinformation I've seen one argument over and over. Wind turbines kill birds. Whi…
2022-11-23 16:27:12 RT @roeldobbe: Looking to do an interdisciplinary PhD on the role algorithms in society? In The Netherlands, we are launching a new progra…
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-25 21:04:25 “By the summer of this year it seemed that the push to recognise…crypto might acquire the same kind of momentum that led, in the name of modernisation, to the disastrous deregulation of Wall Street in the late 1990s.” https://t.co/NgPYUUreiA
2022-11-23 18:29:58 “While a few in the top tier are making millions, it’s rare to turn momfluencing into a great living. Some women will spend more money than they will ever make trying to become successful influencers.” https://t.co/JHr5NOLpwV
2022-11-23 18:02:39 RT @curious_founder: In my reporting on clean energy misinformation I've seen one argument over and over. Wind turbines kill birds. Whi…
2022-11-23 16:27:12 RT @roeldobbe: Looking to do an interdisciplinary PhD on the role algorithms in society? In The Netherlands, we are launching a new progra…
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-25 21:04:25 “By the summer of this year it seemed that the push to recognise…crypto might acquire the same kind of momentum that led, in the name of modernisation, to the disastrous deregulation of Wall Street in the late 1990s.” https://t.co/NgPYUUreiA
2022-11-23 18:29:58 “While a few in the top tier are making millions, it’s rare to turn momfluencing into a great living. Some women will spend more money than they will ever make trying to become successful influencers.” https://t.co/JHr5NOLpwV
2022-11-23 18:02:39 RT @curious_founder: In my reporting on clean energy misinformation I've seen one argument over and over. Wind turbines kill birds. Whi…
2022-11-23 16:27:12 RT @roeldobbe: Looking to do an interdisciplinary PhD on the role algorithms in society? In The Netherlands, we are launching a new progra…
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-25 21:04:25 “By the summer of this year it seemed that the push to recognise…crypto might acquire the same kind of momentum that led, in the name of modernisation, to the disastrous deregulation of Wall Street in the late 1990s.” https://t.co/NgPYUUreiA
2022-11-23 18:29:58 “While a few in the top tier are making millions, it’s rare to turn momfluencing into a great living. Some women will spend more money than they will ever make trying to become successful influencers.” https://t.co/JHr5NOLpwV
2022-11-23 18:02:39 RT @curious_founder: In my reporting on clean energy misinformation I've seen one argument over and over. Wind turbines kill birds. Whi…
2022-11-23 16:27:12 RT @roeldobbe: Looking to do an interdisciplinary PhD on the role algorithms in society? In The Netherlands, we are launching a new progra…
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-28 23:28:30 RT @CaitrionaFitz: I'm very proud of the comments @EPICprivacy submitted to the @FTC on commercial #surveillance, #privacy, and data securi…
2022-11-28 17:15:42 If you're an audiobook fan--the recording of my latest book is 75% off till Dec. 5! https://t.co/RXXJLDdR6n Grateful to @harvardpress &
2022-11-25 21:04:25 “By the summer of this year it seemed that the push to recognise…crypto might acquire the same kind of momentum that led, in the name of modernisation, to the disastrous deregulation of Wall Street in the late 1990s.” https://t.co/NgPYUUreiA
2022-11-23 18:29:58 “While a few in the top tier are making millions, it’s rare to turn momfluencing into a great living. Some women will spend more money than they will ever make trying to become successful influencers.” https://t.co/JHr5NOLpwV
2022-11-23 18:02:39 RT @curious_founder: In my reporting on clean energy misinformation I've seen one argument over and over. Wind turbines kill birds. Whi…
2022-11-23 16:27:12 RT @roeldobbe: Looking to do an interdisciplinary PhD on the role algorithms in society? In The Netherlands, we are launching a new progra…
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-11-29 01:24:38 RT @_aloisi: Are the #GDPR rules an effective tool for collective action? Data rights can help bring together groups of people–despite the…
2022-11-28 23:28:30 RT @CaitrionaFitz: I'm very proud of the comments @EPICprivacy submitted to the @FTC on commercial #surveillance, #privacy, and data securi…
2022-11-28 17:15:42 If you're an audiobook fan--the recording of my latest book is 75% off till Dec. 5! https://t.co/RXXJLDdR6n Grateful to @harvardpress &
2022-11-25 21:04:25 “By the summer of this year it seemed that the push to recognise…crypto might acquire the same kind of momentum that led, in the name of modernisation, to the disastrous deregulation of Wall Street in the late 1990s.” https://t.co/NgPYUUreiA
2022-11-23 18:29:58 “While a few in the top tier are making millions, it’s rare to turn momfluencing into a great living. Some women will spend more money than they will ever make trying to become successful influencers.” https://t.co/JHr5NOLpwV
2022-11-23 18:02:39 RT @curious_founder: In my reporting on clean energy misinformation I've seen one argument over and over. Wind turbines kill birds. Whi…
2022-11-23 16:27:12 RT @roeldobbe: Looking to do an interdisciplinary PhD on the role algorithms in society? In The Netherlands, we are launching a new progra…
2022-11-22 19:55:12 @Jonathan_Rowson Thanks! This is truly Kafkaesque, too. Who knows whom to approach at the relevant plagiarism detectors? And how many such detectors there are?
2022-11-22 14:34:00 RT @EPICprivacy: EPIC just submitted extensive comments to the @FTC on commercial surveillance. We had a lot to say about it, but in short,…
2022-11-21 22:11:45 RT @MorganRicks1: I'm excited to announce the publication of Networks, Platforms, and Utilities: Law and Policy, coauthored with @GaneshSit…
2022-11-21 16:41:46 “Diehl likens the bubble in ICOs to a cyber attack on the regulatory system. ‘Let’s create 10,000 securities violations, and the SEC simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to go after 1% of them.’” https://t.co/7F3bylz3zC
2022-11-20 19:33:49 RT @random_walker: AI risk prediction tools are sold on the promise of full automation, but when they inevitably fail, vendors hide behind…
2022-11-20 17:02:22 "In terms of reliability, validity, and fairness, it is often not clear whether or how AI assessments are offering added value beyond the more traditional forms of measures, data, and algorithms." https://t.co/7HoaEzUUwn
2022-11-20 13:39:07 Michael Black, director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany: “In all cases, it was wrong or biased but sounded right and authoritative. I think it’s dangerous.”” https://t.co/xqkA7nhjmX
2022-11-20 00:01:50 RT @ServidaAndrea: What we do https://t.co/QFzW0Pu8az
2022-11-19 23:58:51 Two good threads on Twitter's recent history: https://t.co/IKYieFoHxD https://t.co/JPtiPhInA7
2022-11-19 18:17:52 A lawsuit alleges that the celebrities endorsing FTX “violated the anti-touting provisions of securities laws by failing to disclose the nature, scope, and amount they were compensated to promote the platform.” https://t.co/aqx4KeAV6h
2022-11-19 18:16:56 “Whether the platform will remain functional with so many core engineering and other crucial teams decimated is an open question.” https://t.co/pURy0QPz3R
2022-11-19 00:51:14 RT @random_walker: Can't be stressed enough. There have been many kinds of H-1B related abuses for decades, but I don't think I've ever hea…
2022-11-18 21:32:11 For Smith, the “market requires us to talk to other market participants not ‘of our own necessities but of their advantages.’ It forces a change in our perspective, pressing us to look upon the world through their eyes.” https://t.co/beJUVFmTf3
2022-11-18 18:52:36 RT @EricTopol: An explainer for why the US is not pursuing nasal vaccines. TLDR: there is no good explanation https://t.co/Ih6ypzOva7 by @b…
2022-11-18 16:25:39 RT @VWPickard: One small silver lining to the Twitter debacle is that it's forcing people to think about the political economy of platforms…
2022-11-18 12:25:00 RT @mikarv: a reminder to tech law/policy/etc people moving to mastodon/fediverse form for you to add yourself to https://t.co/sjqEqP4Zyl r…
2022-11-18 03:02:57 “When ordered to produce information about what 149 different data systems within Meta do, and what parts of Meta’s business use them, the company was unable to respond. This was despite having conducted a year-long investigation of those systems.” https://t.co/gcNrDXFpoK
2022-11-18 02:57:08 “Today’s two dominant organisational forms are practically the same: the one-man autocratic state and the one-man autocratic company. Both have the same vulnerability: the idiosyncrasy of an overpraised loner.” https://t.co/2copuAgWkn
2022-11-17 19:32:40 “Front-to-rear crashes were cut 49% when the striking vehicle had forward collision alert plus automatic braking, when compared with vehicles that didn’t have either system.” https://t.co/BG2kCaepJ1
2022-11-16 13:41:36 RT @chopracfpb: Today, the @CFPB issued two reports on the tenant background check industry. These reports describe how sloppy data can res…
2022-11-16 01:21:26 @clancynewyork @miriamkp @pardoguerra Thanks, Eileen! I have one article on HFT (https://t.co/gqJvW7R2zq) and pages 22-38 here: https://t.co/QB6DyBHnA5 may also be of interest.
2022-12-07 17:26:39 Really an exceptional conference. Many enlightening and critical perspectives on the future of legal automation. Makes me very proud to be part of the leadership of @journalcrcl! https://t.co/kxq7W91yvW
2022-12-07 15:19:28 RT @NOYBeu: The @EU_EDPB confirmed it has made binding decisions in the three complaints against Meta platforms Facebook, Instagram and Wh…
2022-12-07 14:27:37 Jennifer Egan’s The Candy House harnesses a future “technological advance – the ability to upload and share memories – to reflect on current concerns around surveillance and privacy with dazzling inventiveness.” https://t.co/MorhkkybWY
2022-12-07 23:48:22 RT @NatashaAxelrod: Intimate privacy is “the privacy that we want and expect, and it’s the privacy—this is the normative part—that we deser…
2022-12-07 22:13:49 RT @Jord_Fran: Last month, @neilmrichards, @hartzog, and I submitted comments in response to the FTC's ANPR on commercial surveillance. Our…
2022-12-07 17:26:39 Really an exceptional conference. Many enlightening and critical perspectives on the future of legal automation. Makes me very proud to be part of the leadership of @journalcrcl! https://t.co/kxq7W91yvW
2022-12-07 15:19:28 RT @NOYBeu: The @EU_EDPB confirmed it has made binding decisions in the three complaints against Meta platforms Facebook, Instagram and Wh…
2022-12-07 14:27:37 Jennifer Egan’s The Candy House harnesses a future “technological advance – the ability to upload and share memories – to reflect on current concerns around surveillance and privacy with dazzling inventiveness.” https://t.co/MorhkkybWY
2022-12-08 19:34:19 RT @vmanancourt: People in Europe can get Google to delete search results about them if you they prove the information is "manifestly inacc…
2022-12-08 19:19:59 “Understanding is not a mere collation of facts—it is, Arendt wrote, ‘an unending activity by which, in constant change and variation, we come to terms with and reconcile ourselves to reality, that is, try to be at home in the world.’” https://t.co/E7RcfH4Uha #RightToExplanation
2022-12-08 17:50:21 @lldzne @PaulbernalUK @NoraNiLoideain Thanks! Looks very interesting!
2022-12-08 17:37:03 RT @PopTechWorks: My political science dept is HIRING a full-time tenure-track asst prof in a uni-wide cluster focused on AI. If your work…
2022-12-08 16:12:41 RT @GlobeIdeas: In the fog of pandemic-era stress, having a wide range of accessible mental hygiene aids is more appealing than ever, says…
2022-12-08 14:52:31 Search engine methods come to research assessment: “To surface conclusions from the highest-quality papers, they gave each journal a rigor score, using data from the research-analysis company SciScore.” https://t.co/7DEMyPtzNN SEO follows.
2022-12-08 02:36:05 RT @datasociety: New release! “Parables of AI in/from the Majority World” is an anthology that brings together original stories about the…
2022-12-07 23:48:22 RT @NatashaAxelrod: Intimate privacy is “the privacy that we want and expect, and it’s the privacy—this is the normative part—that we deser…
2022-12-07 22:13:49 RT @Jord_Fran: Last month, @neilmrichards, @hartzog, and I submitted comments in response to the FTC's ANPR on commercial surveillance. Our…
2022-12-07 17:26:39 Really an exceptional conference. Many enlightening and critical perspectives on the future of legal automation. Makes me very proud to be part of the leadership of @journalcrcl! https://t.co/kxq7W91yvW
2022-12-07 15:19:28 RT @NOYBeu: The @EU_EDPB confirmed it has made binding decisions in the three complaints against Meta platforms Facebook, Instagram and Wh…
2022-12-07 14:27:37 Jennifer Egan’s The Candy House harnesses a future “technological advance – the ability to upload and share memories – to reflect on current concerns around surveillance and privacy with dazzling inventiveness.” https://t.co/MorhkkybWY
2022-12-09 00:11:54 RT @BertuzLuca: This morning, @EURightsAgency published an in-depth report on the risk of biases in algorithms applied to predictive polici…
2022-12-08 19:34:19 RT @vmanancourt: People in Europe can get Google to delete search results about them if you they prove the information is "manifestly inacc…
2022-12-08 19:19:59 “Understanding is not a mere collation of facts—it is, Arendt wrote, ‘an unending activity by which, in constant change and variation, we come to terms with and reconcile ourselves to reality, that is, try to be at home in the world.’” https://t.co/E7RcfH4Uha #RightToExplanation
2022-12-08 17:50:21 @lldzne @PaulbernalUK @NoraNiLoideain Thanks! Looks very interesting!
2022-12-08 17:37:03 RT @PopTechWorks: My political science dept is HIRING a full-time tenure-track asst prof in a uni-wide cluster focused on AI. If your work…
2022-12-08 16:12:41 RT @GlobeIdeas: In the fog of pandemic-era stress, having a wide range of accessible mental hygiene aids is more appealing than ever, says…
2022-12-08 14:52:31 Search engine methods come to research assessment: “To surface conclusions from the highest-quality papers, they gave each journal a rigor score, using data from the research-analysis company SciScore.” https://t.co/7DEMyPtzNN SEO follows.
2022-12-08 02:36:05 RT @datasociety: New release! “Parables of AI in/from the Majority World” is an anthology that brings together original stories about the…
2022-12-07 23:48:22 RT @NatashaAxelrod: Intimate privacy is “the privacy that we want and expect, and it’s the privacy—this is the normative part—that we deser…
2022-12-07 22:13:49 RT @Jord_Fran: Last month, @neilmrichards, @hartzog, and I submitted comments in response to the FTC's ANPR on commercial surveillance. Our…
2022-12-07 17:26:39 Really an exceptional conference. Many enlightening and critical perspectives on the future of legal automation. Makes me very proud to be part of the leadership of @journalcrcl! https://t.co/kxq7W91yvW
2022-12-07 15:19:28 RT @NOYBeu: The @EU_EDPB confirmed it has made binding decisions in the three complaints against Meta platforms Facebook, Instagram and Wh…
2022-12-07 14:27:37 Jennifer Egan’s The Candy House harnesses a future “technological advance – the ability to upload and share memories – to reflect on current concerns around surveillance and privacy with dazzling inventiveness.” https://t.co/MorhkkybWY
2022-12-09 02:08:41 “EPIC described examples of claims that should be outside Section 230 immunity, such as products liability, discrimination, fair credit reporting, misappropriation, and others.” https://t.co/1q2UvDH9bf
2022-12-09 00:11:54 RT @BertuzLuca: This morning, @EURightsAgency published an in-depth report on the risk of biases in algorithms applied to predictive polici…
2022-12-08 19:34:19 RT @vmanancourt: People in Europe can get Google to delete search results about them if you they prove the information is "manifestly inacc…
2022-12-08 19:19:59 “Understanding is not a mere collation of facts—it is, Arendt wrote, ‘an unending activity by which, in constant change and variation, we come to terms with and reconcile ourselves to reality, that is, try to be at home in the world.’” https://t.co/E7RcfH4Uha #RightToExplanation
2022-12-08 17:50:21 @lldzne @PaulbernalUK @NoraNiLoideain Thanks! Looks very interesting!
2022-12-08 17:37:03 RT @PopTechWorks: My political science dept is HIRING a full-time tenure-track asst prof in a uni-wide cluster focused on AI. If your work…
2022-12-08 16:12:41 RT @GlobeIdeas: In the fog of pandemic-era stress, having a wide range of accessible mental hygiene aids is more appealing than ever, says…
2022-12-08 14:52:31 Search engine methods come to research assessment: “To surface conclusions from the highest-quality papers, they gave each journal a rigor score, using data from the research-analysis company SciScore.” https://t.co/7DEMyPtzNN SEO follows.
be paid to the status of prompting: what does it mean to “prompt” when the prompts are recast in opaque ways that suit the company’s ends. This is a variation on the question of what it means to query a search engine when it interprets the query in obscure and self-serving ways.”https://robhorning.substack.com/p/practico-inertia
2024-03-01 00:53:15 “AI image generation is essentially a truncated exercise in taste
“Half of those who have used a dating app, or are open to using one, wish the apps could filter by financial status, according to the survey of roughly 1,000 people.Another personal-finance company, Neon Money Club, temporarily set up a dating app this year for people with a credit score of 675 or higher. The company said the app, Score, attracted about 18,000 users in the six months it was operating.”https://www.wsj.com/personal-finance/credit-score-dating-apps-f1871c30
ease of prisoners due to overcrowding found there was no way to process this digitally. Sifting the potential names was a paper exercise involving multiple files.”https://www.ft.com/content/eac1f3e2-8e89-49df-826c-ed458a29b4c2
2024-09-28 14:38:29 “Ours is a world dominated by the invisible, in which intersubjective experience is distorted in its encounter with cognitively estranging forces—be they ideology, quantum mechanics, global warming, or artificial intelligence. Cognitive estrangement, rather than being a prerogative of the fantastic, is increasingly woven into the real itself. In the works Song writes about, these distortions are homomorphic to intricately folded dimensions of science fictional reality.”https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-dark-shadow-of-the-chinese-dream
hing that held out against a world of bureaucratic states and transnational corporations. The phrase ‘literary theory’ seemed a contradiction in terms: how could one deal abstractly with the tone or mood or texture of a poem? Literature was the last refuge of personal experience and the individual spirit”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v46/n19/terry-eagleton/the-excitement-of...
2024-10-02 11:49:49 “Since 2003 real rates have fallen notably lower in the UK than in the US. The explanation must be the regulation of UK defined benefit pension plans, which has forced them to fund the government at absurdly low real interest rates, at great cost to the economy.”https://www.ft.com/content/a0a2c59a-9146-4fa4-9ad5-8f538e60a9c3
2024-10-01 11:19:01 “SAP, the supermarket chain Lidl, the Bayern Munich football club and the Port of Hamburg are shifting away from American technology platforms because they don’t want sensitive information running through either US or Chinese servers. As a Bayern Munich spokesperson put it to the Financial Times in August, the shift to Schwarz Digits, a German cloud system, was a matter of “digital sovereignty”.”https://www.ft.com/content/5f83a3fc-74e6-4b00-a3cd-aa9a81bb21a7
2024-09-30 23:38:28 “We continue murmuring Kant’s old questions – What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope? – under a starry heaven no more responsive than a mirror or a spaceship, not understanding that they require the adjunct of an ugly and bureaucratic representational qualification: what can I know in this system?”https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v32/n08/benjamin-kunkel/into-the-big-tent
2024-09-30 01:30:31 One of the most bizarre “moments at his event saw Zuckerberg call an affiliated creator on stage, but then proceed to have a conversation with an AI chatbot version of the creator on a giant screen, while the genuine article stood like a lemon on stage just watching.”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/sep/27/mark-zuckerberg-me...