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Nando de Freitas | Researcher at Deepind |
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Nige Willson | Speaker |
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Ria Pratyusha Kalluri | Researcher, MIT |
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Ifeoma Ozoma | Director, Earthseed |
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Will Knight | Journalist, Wired |
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Les derniers messages de l'Expert:
2025-02-09 15:13:42 I, and every scientist I've talked to, believe the end result of this devastating cut will be that Universities will simply pass on the buck to investigators. Many of us fervently agree that university administrations &
2025-01-23 22:23:19 @ev_fedorenko Congrats, Ev!!! So happy to see this!
2025-01-10 04:48:31 @AnimaAnandkumar @Caltech Relieved to hear this!
2025-01-10 04:33:00 @ZernickaGoetz Thinking of you, glad to hear you and your home remain safe.
2024-12-21 13:54:20 @KordingLab I often think about this question, in the context of: can we ever discover sth without even some kind of idea beforehand of what we are looking for? I come down on the side that at least in terms of broad frameworks of thinking, the answer is no. For those who argue yes, what is… https://t.co/Ji4pgAUrBn
2024-12-18 15:33:58 @ItzhakFried Einstein had all the puzzle pieces he needed--Michaelson Morley + Maxwell, both showing invariance of speed of light to reference frame. A better analogy may be to Aristotle...smart guy, but didn't have all the puzzle pieces.
2024-12-17 21:14:42 @NicoleCRust @_TheTransmitter An even bigger ratio: the ratio between the number of all possible 512 x 512 RGB images = 256^(3x512x512) = 10^1,893,914 GB, and the size of Stable diffusion model that can generate any image you can imagine = 4.2 GB. I think the ratios are related. The actual world &
2024-12-17 14:46:54 100% agree with @DavidAMarkowitz 's vision. But I would be much more specific in the lesson learned from the fly connectome revolution: we need to generate a *dense axonal projectome of the primate brain* NOW. This will give us the key sine qua non puzzle pieces to figure out… https://t.co/gN36sMPe5C https://t.co/l6FqVXeWGD
2024-12-13 19:53:17 Thank you @NicoleCRust for giving such a beautiful, inspiring talk and leading the discussion afterwards that made us all think outside our comfort zone. Really looking forward to continuing this conversation! https://t.co/bnDcdUIrl2
2024-11-23 06:14:39 RT @CoryMillerMarmo: The BRAIN Initiative has been an engine of innovation but is now fighting for its survival. Here we discuss why BRAIN…
2024-11-19 06:50:11 @pdhsu Yes, absolutely, I don't think how we learn, and why we desire to learn, is a random phenomenon, and I agree that it needs to be approached scientifically. It is perhaps the most important problem there is, since it determines what the next generation will be and therefore… https://t.co/WxaDG4fmPO
2024-11-18 14:49:58 @pdhsu Wow. What a different worldview on how to get children to learn. I'm thinking "mortal fear, sense of beauty, impossible dreams" and you're thinking "gamifying" and "modern social." I would love to have a salon on this topic!
2024-11-18 13:49:09 @pdhsu The most important question is how to make a child want to learn. I'm pretty sure this isn't it: "To keep the student on the rails without having to sit down next to them all the time, the adult needs to set up an incentive structure. Even little things go a long way, like "if… https://t.co/wHh6kKvpch
2024-11-17 00:25:43 RT @DavidAMarkowitz: The $3B Human Genome Project was started under a Republican administration and later acknowledged by the Obama admin t…
2024-11-16 14:58:32 Does anyone have any recommendations for where I can find a really talented blender scripter? Please email me dortsao@berkeley.edu
2024-11-09 22:06:51 @NicoleCRust @seeingwithsound @SimonsFdn @yael_niv Astonished by your meta-morphosis &
2024-11-01 22:15:22 @DulacLab @MCB_Harvard What wonderful news! Congratulations, Catherine!
2024-10-24 14:03:03 RT @Pieters_Tweet: This new paper spearheaded by Matt Self shows the link between border-ownership tuning in area V4 of the visual cortex a…
2024-10-22 12:56:02 RT @NINDSdirector: NIMH Director search is now open. Country is looking for someone totally devoted to focusing NIH resources on the resea…
2024-10-20 16:03:30 @LilaDavachi @gershbrain @martisamuser @rungtalab Fully agree that fmri gives incredibly valuable whole brain insights!!! None of our work on face patches would have been possible without fmri. Not sure what you mean by "single unit approach had worn out its utility." I think there may be confusion about what's meant by "single… https://t.co/N5WiphPAH6
2024-10-20 15:27:07 @LilaDavachi @gershbrain @martisamuser @rungtalab I would argue that all of these phenomena ultimately arise from firing of many single neurons, so ultimately we need to record from many single neurons. Even if behavior X correlated perfectly with fmri activity in area Y and the latter was furthermore necessary for behavior X,… https://t.co/CEgqmUNTwh
2024-10-20 14:09:50 @LilaDavachi @gershbrain @martisamuser @rungtalab Hmmm? Are you saying the jury is still out on whether perception and behavior arises from electrical activity of neurons?
2024-10-19 14:06:56 @gershbrain @VincentCostaPhd Does this issue really exist? I haven't noticed it. The systems neuroscientists I talk to who care about perception and cognition--which obviously can't be understood by only studying neurons in a single mm of cortex--are aware of and deeply interested in human neuroimaging… https://t.co/G18xNuN6lU
2024-10-18 17:15:08 @gershbrain @martisamuser Hmmm...but the relationship could be *extremely* indirect. Had an interesting discussion with @rungtalab recently, who mentioned that neuromodulators like acetylcholine and noradrenaline can have direct effects on blood vessels. So the ultimate neural cause of a BOLD signal in V1… https://t.co/cAxAervDsQ
2024-10-18 00:02:24 RT @UeliRutishauser: Super excited about our new result. Thanks to both @WadiaVarun and @doristsao for making this incredible collaboration…
2024-10-17 01:20:18 Super excited about @WadiaVarun ’s new preprint providing what I think is the most compelling single-neuron evidence for the existence of a generative model in the human brain. Varun first showed that human VTC uses the exact same single-cell coding principles as macaque IT… https://t.co/xLVtP97MXK https://t.co/dEOoHOrWPV
2024-10-16 02:20:28 RT @nanoassembly: Deadline Nov 1 https://t.co/RI8JOOkll1 https://t.co/fzOtuRlmoS
2024-10-08 15:07:25 @SebastianSeung Wow, I didn't know that! I loved Longuet-Higgins' book 'Mental Processes,' I can see how he must have been an inspiring advisor.
2024-10-08 14:14:52 https://t.co/FvTacysIjo
2024-10-08 13:15:17 RT @Yoshua_Bengio: @HopfieldJohn and @geoffreyhinton, along with collaborators, have created a beautiful and insightful bridge between phys…
2024-10-08 12:04:31 Omg!!! I did a double take when I saw 'Nobel Prize,' and figured @NicoleCRust was making a very cool joke, because John Hopfield certainly deserves the Nobel Prize. Then I heard the news. What a right and perfect and monumentally inspired choice, celebrating the boundary… https://t.co/jy1HCEOgwM https://t.co/BavTTWVmzk
2024-10-07 11:23:00 This (Tuesday) afternoon at #sfn2024 ! Come check out @HesseJanis talk about his work on conscious perception in MCP Room S106!4:00 PM - 4:15 PM. NANO32.13 - Dynamics of representations of conscious perception and physical stimulus across inferotemporal, parietal and prefrontal… https://t.co/5RKbe8h4pE
2024-09-19 15:18:10 So valuable! Embarrassing how many times we have had to"rediscover" this https://t.co/3rC2zTMvoG
2024-09-17 22:06:31 @neuralink Congratulations Dan and team!!! This is incredible news.
2024-09-13 17:31:40 RT @tylerraye: do large-scale vision models represent the 3D structure of objects? excited to share our benchmark: multiview object consis…
2024-09-11 04:51:29 RT @BrainsExplained: Remember how many of us were super upset about NIH's proposal to limit K99 eligibility to 2 years? If you never manag…
2024-09-11 01:04:07 @djfreedman David! Wow, congrats!! Very exciting for UChicago
2024-09-10 13:35:20 @ElShamayleh Yes, absolutely!
2024-09-10 13:11:02 Great job opportunity to start a neuroscience lab at the best public university in the world https://t.co/yfurEnOkGF
2024-09-07 21:44:19 This past week in Norway for Kavli Prize Week felt like a lucid dream—a transformative experience of cultural discovery, scientific camaraderie, and moments of deep personal reflection. From arriving in Oslo and being whisked away to the historic Grand Hotel, to the awe-inspiring… https://t.co/cNg2uVspSt https://t.co/w6aZkC1TKA
2024-08-22 18:34:52 @SergeyStavisky Thank you, Sergey! I suspect in the not far future the worlds of vision &
2024-08-21 00:25:23 RT @patrickmineault: I'll be speaking at the NIH neuroethics working group this Wednesday, 12:30 EST on foundation models for neuroscience,…
2024-08-15 14:42:02 @madsarv @ardemp @WiringTheBrain @NicoleCRust @seanmcarroll @alvanoe Wonderful! Yes, I am super excited he will be coming to the meeting!
2024-08-15 14:09:18 RT @doristsao: @ardemp @WiringTheBrain @NicoleCRust @seanmcarroll Yes! One of my favorite books about consciousness, "Action in Perception"…
2024-08-15 14:07:27 @ardemp @WiringTheBrain @NicoleCRust @seanmcarroll Yes! One of my favorite books about consciousness, "Action in Perception" by @alvanoe, argues that the process of piecing together the shape of an object from a sequence of touches, via a *skillful sensorimotor loop* is the essence of consciousness. "On the enactive view, all… https://t.co/Moz7eqG1xu https://t.co/wL0CV4CWlP
2024-08-15 13:36:39 @DrDavidBrandman @NS_Card Congratulations, incredible!
2024-08-15 13:13:13 @NicoleCRust @jmacshine I think of voluntary control of behavior and in particular, the preSMA, sandwiched between prefrontal cortex and M1. Stimulation of preSMA produces an urge to move, and lesions can cause uncontrolled actions. https://t.co/chUeRCZpGB https://t.co/6OIhfpSAIg
2024-08-14 05:04:30 @NicoleCRust Thank you, this means so much coming from you! I do believe all of us studying the brain are contributing to understanding consciousness. The feedback circuits that you highlighted in your talk (which is still buzzing in my head...so lucid &
2024-08-08 02:52:33 Wow. This was awe-inspiring--both on a personal level, seeing an example of a scientist refusing to simply respond to the day-to-day &
2024-08-07 01:00:05 Can't wait to see what this amazing team develops! https://t.co/XEP3AGolxE
2024-08-06 20:57:57 What a beautiful, truly visionary talk by @MatthiasBethge! Resonate so much with the idea that knowing how to parse incoming information so that we update our world model appropriately (#1-3 below) is a key missing piece in our current understanding of the brain.… https://t.co/HT3MmA2d1l https://t.co/pFekVhlIpz
2024-08-05 14:05:29 An exciting opportunity https://t.co/LV2bdbePMw
2024-08-04 14:19:32 @BlumLenore Thank you Lenore! I wish I could join your walk in person
2024-07-31 16:52:04 RT @ardemp: I’ve been lately listening to podcasts during my early morning runs. Today was so good, I ended up walking just to finish it. T…
2024-07-29 23:12:05 https://t.co/t53pgnD4NP
2024-07-29 13:01:44 It was an honor and joy to chat with Sean Carroll. We talked about vision, consciousness, the bridge between sensory and symbolic processing, and a few other little things in this preposterous universe... https://t.co/YGERThBMf2
2024-07-28 02:43:37 RT @MichaelLinLab: There's already too much tunnel vision in our funding systems, and forcing postdocs to apply to K99s within their first…
2024-07-23 14:04:09 Congratulations to the incredible new group of HHMI Investigators! Take us to the stars! https://t.co/7k4jzjvVLE
2024-07-17 00:56:59 RT @thefrankslab: Please RT. The Franks Lab at Duke U. is hiring a neuroscience tech! We study perception, learning &
2024-07-16 16:14:39 RT @DrAnneCarpenter: US citizens or permanent residents from an under-represented group! You can contact any NIH-funded researcher you adm…
2024-07-13 19:06:54 @smfleming Strongly agree that theory needs to be pursued hand-in-glove with experiment. Consciousness science needs its version of black body radiation, 2-slit experiment, etc--bona fide empirical mysteries concerning the concrete workings of conscious systems. IMHO, the consistency of… https://t.co/b8QX8oH8jM
2024-07-13 16:23:08 @ma_fakharian @reziliusReza @JDoostmohammadi Thank you both for clarifying!
2024-07-12 16:04:47 @gershbrain Love this question. This also bothers me a lot and I would love to read a lucid treatment. To me, it's related to the question of whether there is a unique, correct computational interpretation of a physical system, going beyond simplicity. I think the fact that consciousness… https://t.co/FoqbLmgdbR
2024-07-11 01:27:29 As our country debates the capabilities of a particular neural network, the importance of fundamental research in neuroscience is clearer than ever. https://t.co/0apwcjngrK
2024-07-08 18:56:39 Incredibly impressive and exciting development for NHP neuroscience! https://t.co/99ILbFmuKy
2024-07-07 01:44:59 @BlumLenore @cstheory @MIT What an extraordinary picture (whose meaning I could only begin to understand after hearing your and Manuel's recent talks at Simons).
2024-07-05 22:29:55 We are searching for a new lab manager. Great opportunity to learn about visual neuroscience, NHP research, and cutting-edge techniques in electrophysiology, fMRI, and data analysis. Excellent springboard to grad/med school. Email me if you are interested.
2024-07-02 14:04:40 If you are working in neuroAI (or simply curious about it) you should come. This meeting is going to be amazing, check out the speakers https://t.co/ZGF6Gczi6s
2024-06-26 17:49:53 Congratulations to my amazing, endlessly creative, and fearless colleague Yang Dan! https://t.co/czRSJ38pQh
2024-06-25 12:17:13 RT @neurovium: The neuron as a direct data-driven controller Mitya's @chklovskii paper out in @PNASNews https://t.co/jMczN8xsBN
2024-06-24 17:21:06 @YiMaTweets Your energy and care for teaching young people is so inspiring! Wish you can come back to Berkeley!
2024-06-22 14:06:06 RT @doristsao: @ylecun @Meta Very interesting! One argument I find compelling for why the brain *does* have a generative model that fills i…
2024-03-01 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2024-03-11 00:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-19 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-05-21 19:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-21 00:00:01 CAFIAC FIX
2023-04-07 04:07:08 @lisa_giocomo Congratulations, Lisa!!!
2023-04-04 03:12:22 @TheBrunoCortex @Ryohei_Neuro @mattlark @FritjofHelmchen
2023-03-24 17:51:57 RT @NatureNeuro: A remembrance of Krishna Shenoy from @MarkChurchland and Paul Nuyujukian https://t.co/fYnlWci1PM
2023-03-24 17:49:32 @NatureNeuro @MarkChurchland This was so beautiful and thought provoking. The challenge of dealing with your own ego is probably one of the hardest aspects of being a scientist, and it is so incredibly inspiring how Krishna took a complete left turn where everyone else goes right.
2023-03-23 19:18:06 @pfau or, you're secretly afraid that intelligence is not that complicated
2023-03-23 19:05:39 @smfleming Thank you! I'm so glad someone has read it...
2023-03-23 19:02:34 @drkjjeffery @WiringTheBrain @FENSorg as it implies a mental 'I' that is distinct from both the brain and the body but that can nevertheless trigger brain events and, thus, bodily movement."
2023-03-23 19:02:21 @drkjjeffery @WiringTheBrain @FENSorg From Haggard NRN 2008: "A dualistic view of endogenous causation is engrained in our normal language. Everyday language suggests that 'I' consciously choose to perform actions and that 'my' choice somehow causes the action to occur. This language is dualistic, ...
2023-03-23 18:47:27 @WiringTheBrain @FENSorg Was revelation to me that the very use of the pronoun "I" betrays a naive dualist view.
2023-03-23 18:47:00 @WiringTheBrain @FENSorg Why not the mind body problem, which would cover all of these topics? In teaching neuroscience, philosophy &
2023-03-20 16:29:53 Inspiring story and a model we clearly should try to rekindle here at Berkeley. Love the emphasis on preparing students for high achievement and not just passing. https://t.co/vckPQVzwKo
2023-03-14 17:05:01 @AndrewHires @USC Yay Andrew!!!
2023-03-09 23:13:36 RT @SuryaGanguli: A remarkable ability of #ChatGPT to solve a simple geometric reasoning problem, reveal hidden assumptions when asked, and…
2023-03-09 08:06:22 @platobooktour The point that humans learn much more efficiently is important and inarguable. But I think what we all wanted to know was, "Isn't Chomsky amazed by LLMs?" And his answer suggesting he hadn't even played with them was heartbreaking...in a child-realizing- dad-is-only-human way.
2023-03-07 18:48:11 @GaryMarcus If true conscious bladerunner-level AGI emerges, I think having our jobs taken away doesn't rank in the top 5 of problems we will need to face
2023-03-05 10:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-03-02 22:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-27 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-02-10 16:46:39 @MelMitchell1 To be clear: you mean no one has figured out if dalle, chatgpt etc have figured this out? Or no one has figured out how to do this, period?
2023-02-10 16:38:49 @MelMitchell1 The part I liked best was when he explained that best way to compress a list of additions is to figure out the algorithm for addition and write code to do that. Rules of addition for generative models = compositional structure of images, language. Q: have they figured this out?
2023-02-08 23:23:10 @Plinz Are you building one?! Can I join? ...I don't know about name, but the front gate should be inscribed with Roy's monologue
2023-02-08 17:41:39 @NeuroPolarbear @BCMNeurosurgery @SameerShethMD @KBijanki @AndrewJWatrous @SRHeilbronner How exciting (for you, for Baylor, and for human neuroscience)! Congratulations!
2023-02-08 16:38:53 @reziliusReza @ma_fakharian @just_alden Beautiful! Was the cell actually tuned to the direction of movement, or did it simply respond every time there was an eye movement?
2023-02-08 15:49:22 @Nancy_Kanwisher It's interesting that you put V1 in the non specialized category but the various IT regions in the specialized category. To me, they are actually very similar, with V1 representing a map of retinitopic space and IT a map of object space.
2023-02-07 16:28:09 RT @xsteenbrugge: "Voyage through Time" is my first artpiece using #stablediffusion and I am blown away with the possibilities... We're cr…
2023-02-06 22:13:13 @HesseJanis and Frank Lanfranchi in our lab, together with Daniel Wagenaar at Caltech, moved mountains to figure out a reliable way to insert these probes deep into the temporal lobe (e.g., face patch AM) without breaking them. https://t.co/648FoimvcE
2023-02-06 22:02:26 These hierarchical maps are the basis for decomposing the structure of the world. But I agree 100% there is a huge piece missing in our understanding, of how the elements are then recomposed, to build a complete compositional understanding of the world--a world model.
2023-02-06 22:01:47 Re the last: evolution figured out to have 5 senses, that capture independent aspects of the world (taste and smell sense chemical structure, vision senses spatial organization of matter). And deeper in the brain, evolution figured out how to build maps and maps atop maps.
2023-02-06 22:01:05 I once heard @ylecun give a talk where he said 'either god exists or the world is compositional.' I love this so much--it explains everything from the reductionist basis for science to the reason why generative models of reality can exist to why the brain is modular. https://t.co/Pi14K5xRr4
2023-02-06 21:18:09 Very grateful to have been part of this collaboration, and happy this is out! My lab essentially doesn't do single tungsten electrode recordings anymore, except for initially verifying targeting. The Neuropixel 1.0-NHP probe really is a game changer https://t.co/NgU4hhxYNg
2023-02-06 15:27:24 @PhilCorlett1 Come hang out with us at Berkeley! https://t.co/Z4PVIPg8Nt
2023-02-02 04:25:36 @PhilCorlett1 Congratulations Phil!
2023-01-30 01:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2023-01-12 23:52:52 RT @Li_Zhaoping: our brand new summer school on "Systems Vision Science", see https://t.co/KbVq3I1Ogc please RT, https://t.co/jTg90PbkGp
2022-12-31 23:27:59 Are there any cool New Year's Eve parties happening tonight in the Bay Area? Asking for a friend
2022-12-21 17:29:17 @davidchalmers42 spaceship
2022-12-20 19:32:58 RT @TonyZador: Here is the obituary i wrote about my postdoc advisor Chuck Stevens who died in October at the age of 88. He was a brillia…
2022-12-17 01:13:52 A beautiful day at Cambridge celebrating the intellectual legacy of Horace Barlow, starting with a sublime tribute from @mameister4. He showed # citations of 1961 paper = ReLU(year-1961-30). That is the rarest kind of scientific greatness.
2022-12-09 19:01:00 @Chan_Rec_Transp @emily_liman Congratulations Emily!!!
2022-12-08 14:50:16 @pfau Which is the more "powerful" part of a computer, the power supply or the processor?
2022-12-08 13:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-12-07 08:00:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-11-04 15:20:50 @ScienceMagazine @Antihebbiann Yay!!! Congratulations Ann!
2022-11-01 18:18:13 @hans_opdebeeck Indeed! What remains an open question for me is whether the axis for coding specific face identity is the same as that discoverable with responses to nonface objects, or whether there is specialization for coding face identity in face patches.
2022-11-01 16:55:29 @hans_opdebeeck PS Here is one key figure from Bao et al. (ED 10) showing that object space projection better explains activity than semantic label as body. Group 2 and Group 3 objects had similar projection onto the "body" quadrant, and they also evoked similar fmri &
2022-11-01 16:32:51 @hans_opdebeeck The reason Hubel &
2022-11-01 16:25:02 @hans_opdebeeck We called the axes 'stubby-spiky' and 'animate-inanimate' because it seemed useful to have a term besides PC1 and PC2
2022-11-01 16:22:27 @hans_opdebeeck What we did propose is that it is organized according two first two axes of object space that can be discovered by a DNN, and that responses of cells in the macaque body patch are better explained by projection onto the 'body' quadrant of this space than by category label
2022-11-01 16:21:22 @hans_opdebeeck Hi Hans, looking forward to reading your paper in detail! I just want to clarify that I have never proposed that IT cortex is organized according to animacy x aspect ratio.
2022-10-31 20:28:21 RT @dileeplearning: it is perception that needs the breakthrough, not the other things. If perception was solved all other things would bec…
2022-10-29 14:57:06 @gordonneuro @ndosenbach @DrDamienFair @GrattonCaterina @DeannaJGreene @smarek0502 @RoselyneChauvin @BarchDbarch @ChadMSylvester @DrAshRajesh @dillannewbold Very interesting, congratulations! Underscores the dire need for full human and macaque projectomes--will unleash so many discoveries.
2022-10-27 15:53:48 RT @Nancy_Kanwisher: Marge's work is hugely important scientifically and clinically, answering fundamental questions about brain developmen…
2022-10-27 15:50:39 I have seen how deeply and personally Marge cares for the animals in her lab, she is truly the last person who should be targeted. https://t.co/LgivwWDFTE
2022-10-26 19:02:31 On cloud 9 after reading this beautiful, brilliant perspective by Qasim Zaidi on 3d vision. An homage to Poincare’s insight that the origin of 3d vision is the isomorphism between the groupoid of transformations between perspectives &
2022-10-25 19:14:21 @tyrell_turing @NSERC_CRSNG Congrats Blake!!!
2022-10-21 23:17:53 https://t.co/DbWFqFnPR4 https://t.co/5597bH5ojO
2022-10-11 16:35:58 Very excited about this symposium in Cambridge to celebrate Horace Barlow https://t.co/MoGOotKCY3
2022-10-06 19:53:29 I am so happy to finally see this in print: https://t.co/DN9C1Nbvx1 Next step: to see this in the brain https://t.co/tKzPKkdDSB
2022-10-03 19:44:00 @AdrienDoerig Thank you for clarifying!
2022-09-27 11:44:37 @AdrienDoerig Maybe I should phrase it differently: what is your prediction wrt coding of in single cells in IT, in, say a face patch and a spiky patch?
2022-09-27 11:36:42 @AdrienDoerig good model of the general rule in VTC. And I thought your paper is arguing that the representation in VTC is not of individual objects but also of context in which objects are placed.
2022-09-27 11:34:38 @AdrienDoerig I would think we are constantly segmenting any object that we are looking at, as well as nearby ones, and processing each individually. At the same time, we are also processing semantic relationships between them. So it seems what happens in a face patch wrt context should be
2022-09-27 05:17:29 @AdrienDoerig I was thinking of the former...add a person (with a frontal face in fovea) to scenes from your database without any people. Is it your prediction that face cells should care a lot about background content, and moreover variance should be explained by a semantic model?
2022-09-27 04:56:25 @AdrienDoerig Very interesting! So, if we took all your images without faces, and inserted the same person with a face in them, would you predict that we should explain a lot of variance in face cell responses using your semantic embedding? I am somehow skeptical but would be amazed if true
2022-09-24 03:05:30 RT @nanoassembly: #Reviewer2
2022-09-21 13:49:32 @flodlan @m_heilb @YiMaTweets *need not be
2022-09-21 13:45:16 @flodlan @m_heilb @YiMaTweets Btw, Yi's argument (https://t.co/X2kEem5ftB) is that if the forward path f is expansive then you can detect difference at the end. And measuring difference at the end makes sense because the difference will be meaningful ... eg tiny shift in position will be ignored
2022-09-21 13:30:48 @flodlan @m_heilb Fully agree that error need to be measured at each stage by explicit prediction error neurons (and indeed it may make more sense to measure at the end, after internal model is built, as @YiMaTweets argues) But some kind of error needs to be measured, at some stage, no?
2022-09-21 13:27:22 @flodlan @m_heilb "Also, researchers studying predictive processing often assume the existence of two types of neurons, prediction and prediction error neurons...However, predictive processing models without explicit error representation have also been defined"
2022-09-14 15:38:41 RT @NatRevNeurosci: The neural bases for timing of durations – a Review by Albert Tsao, S. Aryana Yousefzadeh, Warren Meck, May-Britt Moser…
2022-09-14 11:17:48 @davidchalmers42 Possibly none. @YiMaTweets explains, in a GUT of ML, how just two (very old) ideas, parsimony and self consistency, can explain almost all the networks du jour mentioned here, including transformers, contrastive learning, GANs... https://t.co/X2kEem5ftB
2022-09-09 05:25:01 Thank you @UeliRutishauser for taking us along your journey to understand memory, your talk was truly extraordinary. It was great to hang out again! https://t.co/9rGduZEHs5
2022-08-28 15:48:20 @mikhailshapiro Had to search for more than a minute through the crowd, but so good to see that smile again! :)
2022-08-28 14:49:02 RT @davidchalmers42: the #ASSC26 keynote speakers are super+:YOSHUA BENGIO (deep learning/ consciousness)JOE LEDOUX (@theamygdaloid, fe…
2022-08-18 19:58:47 RT @dyamins: 1/ Excited to announce EISEN, our new work on self-supervised, category-agnostic instance segmentation: EISEN learns to segmen…
2022-08-07 01:38:47 @2ittingMammad @WiringTheBrain Planning in progress, very grateful for this thread!
2022-08-06 17:27:42 @WiringTheBrain Wow, thank you! Some of my favorites: Land of Silence and Darkness (the space of brains), Rashomon (the nature of certainty), Florence Foster Jenkins (free will versus genetic determination)
2022-08-06 15:32:02 @WiringTheBrain I'm teaching a new class in the spring on neuroscience, film, and philosophy, where we watch movies, talk about brains, and speculate about philosophical conundrums. Thank you for writing this great course syllabus! :)
2022-07-22 08:02:50 RT @neuroamyo: I've noticed my tweets about my dog often get more traction than those about my science. So, here's my dog. Also, we're hiri…
2022-07-16 15:51:45 @MelMitchell1 @AlisonGopnik When Helen Keller described her epiphany as 'I suddenly saw everything with the strange, new sight that had come to me,' was she simply completing narratives generated by sighted people a la lambda, or did she suddenly gain power to control her internal generative model?
2022-07-16 00:02:07 @_Chen_Ran_ @SCglobalbrain Congratulations Chen!
2022-07-15 23:10:32 Congratulations to the new fellows!!! Am I allowed to brag that I was turned down by *two* of this distinguished group for postdocs? :) https://t.co/iFAa5LylQb
2022-07-15 21:41:11 @JeremiahYCohen Congrats Jeremiah, glad to have you on west coast!
2022-07-15 15:11:16 @dacolon @Neuro_CF How wonderful! I had similar experience years ago in Shanghai, was rummaging in violin shops and stumbled into ION. I ventured in and found myself in a lab with a printout of David Hubel taped to the door.
2022-07-14 20:44:53 @AdamHantman Interesting! I would guess there is a loop between proprioceptive signals and internal state that is purely perceptual, and it's not all RL, and so the insights would generalize. What the structured internal representation should be, I don't know
2022-07-12 15:54:42 @MolemanPeter @YiMaTweets @harryshum Indeed! There may be more than one loop (e.g., dorsal &
2022-07-12 05:13:44 I love systems of thought and works of art that feel inevitable. (17/n)
2022-07-12 05:13:16 And I haven’t even mentioned the engineering feats that Yi and his students have already accomplished with this new scheme, including solving the problem of catastrophic forgetting https://t.co/7mUTzJ7aI3 (16/n)
2022-07-12 05:12:55 Moreover, it points to many exciting new directions, particularly in applying this approach to achieve 3D vision and intuitive physics, where the low-dimensional constraints are likely stronger than the soft statistical correlations among static images. (15/n)
2022-07-12 05:12:36 What’s beautiful is how it weaves all these puzzle pieces together starting from first principles and shows how everything can be made computationally tractable (Yi calls the measurement of rate reduction “bean counting”). It’s an amazing jigsaw puzzle. (14/n)
2022-07-12 05:12:19 The framework has resonances to many previous ideas including sparse coding, redundancy reduction, disentangling, predictive coding, generative models, feedback, Bayesian inference, free energy, wake-sleep algorithm, contrastive learning, transformers… (13/n)
2022-07-12 05:11:46 It also implies (harder to see) that the interaction between f and g should be through a pursuit-evasion game in which they play opposite sides of a joint objective function, rather than an autoencoder (for a simple linear algebra reason explained in paper). (12/n)
2022-07-12 05:11:25 If true, this implies that visual information should make three passes through each area during learning! (11/n)
2022-07-12 05:11:05 The paper argues that in this loop, error should be measured in the internal space, between z = f(x) and ẑ= f(g(f(x))). After all, the whole job of the feedforward path f is to build a meaningful measure of difference. (10/n)
2022-07-12 05:10:36 Thus we arrive at the following general architecture for perception/intelligence: a closed loop between a compressor f and a generator g. (9/n) https://t.co/MP90E6Q9Sd
2022-07-12 05:09:58 How can we ensure that our compressed representation completely and faithfully represents the original data? For this we need a second principle, the Principle of Self-Consistency, motivated by the general notion of error correction through feedback. (8/n) https://t.co/cqXScbHAg0
2022-07-12 05:09:36 Surprising result: this general definition of parsimony through rate reduction precisely specifies the optimal internal representation. Indeed, one can build a “white box” feedforward network that unrolls to maximize rate reduction w/o needing any back prop! (7/n) https://t.co/EPm9Ibhut4
2022-07-12 05:08:15 This naturally suggests a simple geometric formula for measuring parsimony, rate reduction. The picture below shows data embedded in two linear subspaces S1, S2 within the latent space. Rate reduction = log (ratio of the # (blue + green) to # green spheres). (6/n) https://t.co/nyTiD2HI4g
2022-07-12 05:07:51 But how can we achieve a parsimonious representation? Should it be the one with minimum description length (as in Hinton 1995)? No! We should choose a measure that captures the form of parsimony we care about, structured low-dimensional representations (cf Brette 2019). (5/n)
2022-07-12 05:07:25 The paper begins by asking, what is the basis for intelligence? Answer: Low-dimensional structure in the environment. This is what enables prediction and generalization. Ergo the Principle of Parsimony (4/n) https://t.co/pipzrhDpII
2022-07-12 05:06:55 I think one must read the paper to grasp its impact. Here are some of the highlights of the paper for me. (3/n)
2022-07-12 05:06:39 Indeed, it sheds light on almost every question I’ve ever been interested in. Yi asked me for comments. This resulted in multiple all-day conversations where he patiently explained each part that was unclear to me. For this, I was rewarded with a co-authorship! (2/n)
2022-07-12 05:05:56 A month ago, an amazing gift fell in my lap. @YiMaTweets sent me his manuscript with @harryshum on the two principles underlying Intelligence. This is a monumental paper, clarifying the puzzle of how intelligence arises through a beautiful series of deductions. (1/n) https://t.co/oRs2PIOICx
2022-06-19 22:36:04 RT @nanoassembly: As an undergrad I wanted to work on my ideas but had to instead work in potato fields to help my single mom raise me and…
2022-06-15 00:01:18 @PhilCorlett1 @stevewcchang His remarks were sublime. I remember a magical feeling of communion among all of us after he spoke...am so grateful for that dinner, though the memory will now always be tinged with sadness
2022-06-10 18:18:28 @MrJeffKarp Jeff, sorry to hear you're going through this, take care and hope you recover fully soon!
2022-06-10 03:29:36 I am heartbroken to hear about Gordon Shepherd's passing. He just emailed me two days ago with ideas about the commonalities between olfaction and vision, and sent a picture from my recent visit to Yale. A towering scientist and human being. https://t.co/DuunFOEZR8 https://t.co/FtCben99QU
2022-06-06 19:57:28 So proud of my dear, amazing friend @ClaireWyart whose creativity knows no end! https://t.co/rIylIPc3vm
2022-05-28 02:55:19 RT @Plinz: Most underappreciated avenue to practical life extension?
2022-05-27 19:32:23 @tyrell_turing who will take signed reviews personally, who are inept at generating social media interest, etc. While the current system has many faults, I like that the reviewing system insulates us as much as possible from social contact. I for one would like to keep it that way.
2022-05-27 19:32:04 @tyrell_turing I agree. Also, I feel like a lot of these discussions about changing publishing (ppr, open review) are driven by folks with zero social fear. The proposed changes may not work well for those of us on the other end of the spectrum,
2022-05-27 12:25:25 For young scientists who dream of doing the best science in the world while also changing how science is done for the better: https://t.co/CUBNxW7EHA
2022-05-26 21:44:22 @neurograce @constan_lab @nyuniversity @NYUPsych @NYUDataScience Congratulations, Grace and NYC neuro! So happy to hear this!
2022-05-20 08:11:00 CAFIAC FIX
2022-10-27 15:53:48 RT @Nancy_Kanwisher: Marge's work is hugely important scientifically and clinically, answering fundamental questions about brain developmen…
2022-10-27 15:50:39 I have seen how deeply and personally Marge cares for the animals in her lab, she is truly the last person who should be targeted. https://t.co/LgivwWDFTE
2022-10-26 19:02:31 On cloud 9 after reading this beautiful, brilliant perspective by Qasim Zaidi on 3d vision. An homage to Poincare’s insight that the origin of 3d vision is the isomorphism between the groupoid of transformations between perspectives &
2022-10-25 19:14:21 @tyrell_turing @NSERC_CRSNG Congrats Blake!!!
2022-10-21 23:17:53 https://t.co/DbWFqFnPR4 https://t.co/5597bH5ojO
2022-10-29 14:57:06 @gordonneuro @ndosenbach @DrDamienFair @GrattonCaterina @DeannaJGreene @smarek0502 @RoselyneChauvin @BarchDbarch @ChadMSylvester @DrAshRajesh @dillannewbold Very interesting, congratulations! Underscores the dire need for full human and macaque projectomes--will unleash so many discoveries.
2022-10-27 15:53:48 RT @Nancy_Kanwisher: Marge's work is hugely important scientifically and clinically, answering fundamental questions about brain developmen…
2022-10-27 15:50:39 I have seen how deeply and personally Marge cares for the animals in her lab, she is truly the last person who should be targeted. https://t.co/LgivwWDFTE
2022-10-26 19:02:31 On cloud 9 after reading this beautiful, brilliant perspective by Qasim Zaidi on 3d vision. An homage to Poincare’s insight that the origin of 3d vision is the isomorphism between the groupoid of transformations between perspectives &
2022-10-25 19:14:21 @tyrell_turing @NSERC_CRSNG Congrats Blake!!!
2022-10-21 23:17:53 https://t.co/DbWFqFnPR4 https://t.co/5597bH5ojO
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-11-18 04:17:13 @UrnovFyodor Fyodor, I am so touched!
2022-11-17 21:00:21 Interested in helping run a lab to understand visual perception in primates? Tsao lab @UCBerkeley is looking for a new lab manager. Perfect for highly motivated candidates who want to gain deep research experience before grad school. Experience with NHPs is a plus. Please RT
2022-11-16 15:13:54 @ChrizKlink @paolo_papale @KohitijKar Thank you so much, Chris, this means a lot coming from you!
2022-11-16 15:13:07 @SaberaTalukder @SfNtweets Thank you so much, Sabera!
2022-12-08 14:50:16 @pfau Which is the more "powerful" part of a computer, the power supply or the processor?
2022-12-08 14:50:16 @pfau Which is the more "powerful" part of a computer, the power supply or the processor?
2022-12-08 14:50:16 @pfau Which is the more "powerful" part of a computer, the power supply or the processor?